The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Event 3

Episode Date: October 31, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam. We are live. Someone call in and talk to me.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Let's discuss. Let's discuss. But first, before you do, I want to tell you guys something. I don't judge you if you are tall. I don't judge you if you are short. I don't judge you if you like penis. I don't judge you if you like vagina. I don't judge you if you like both penis and vagina. skinny. Although if you are very, very skinny, I have concerns that you might be anorexic and I wish you would maybe, you know, get some help or change or see a professional or something. I don't judge though. I'm happy with all of you. I don't care if you have a snake as a pet. I don't care if you have a dog as a pet. I don't care if you're racist. I don't care if you're not racist. Just like I'm not judging you for it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I am judging you if you put masks on your kids. I'm judging the fuck out of you. Someone just sent me a video. Someone just sent me a video of a jujitsu class with 30 kids in it and only one of them is unmasked. The fuck is wrong with you masking your fucking kids fucking nuts you won't stand up for your kids who the fuck will you stand up for you fucking cowards what's up john what's up so glad i'm so glad you gave me a few minutes to throw a little temper tantrum at the beginning of this recap of episode three holy cow that that did not disappoint i was like i was bummed when
Starting point is 00:02:12 the whole when the shit was over i was bummed it was exciting wasn't it oh god and i just like i loved everyone i i loved uh i love i love that little thing that um what's the guy's name hapalan unic what what happened yeah is he the one who got off the bike first in the um in the heat and he kind of wound it down slowly and still got off first who was the guy on the end who got off or was that uh i think are you talking about sager no in the event uh before oh so who was it oldest upanix yeah what was he doing what was he it was crazy it was he looked so calm he i can't believe that No, in the event before. Aldis Upenix. Who was it? Aldis Upenix. Yeah. What was he doing? What was he?
Starting point is 00:02:47 It was crazy. He looked so calm. I can't believe that you can be the first one to get off the bike and just wind it down so slow like that. Yeah, and his thrusters looked great, too. He was the most impressive person in this event. I know we'll talk about other people, but he's foot nine 185 pounds he's one of the smallest men um which means you shouldn't do well in this event and yeah he did he coasted it down and still got off first and then his thrusters were very fast and not very many people had fast thrusters on that second
Starting point is 00:03:22 round what a beast. Yeah. Oh man. Dana White's going live on his Instagram. I'm so excited. The UFC, the main cards going, I'm so fricking excited right now. Um,
Starting point is 00:03:33 I, I want to give the awards for just like, I don't know why I like it so much, but Emma Carey and Cole Sager, just like going until the wheels fall off. They worked out one of them. Going until the wheels fall off the bus is just so dope. It's so dope. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I know people judge Noah in the past for doing that or Kalipa in the past. You know that? Nah, I like it. I find a certain. I mean, I don't like it that they peter out, but you got to be impressed, right? I mean, that's – I think Cole and Emma are smart enough to know, and maybe they're not, and if they're not, that's fine too, to know that they were taking a risk.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And I appreciate it. If you were going to do it on any event, this would be the one to do it. And honestly, it worked out for Emma. She still got sixth or fifth it did not work out for cole cole died hard but but he did go for it yeah i was stoked to see that i've i i wonder about him sometimes like if he's at the end of his um days too but man i was impressed man man man oh the the the three second difference between i know justin took second and hopper took first um but is that three seconds significant
Starting point is 00:04:53 um justin's is that beating him up good is that is that a good win oh yeah it's a good it's a great win uh he got off of the bike way faster than three seconds it might have been 10 seconds that he had him on the bike but justin's thrusters were so much faster than hoppers i thought justin was gonna catch uh hopper the whole time until there was five reps left um and yeah he was able to keep his pace if hopper would have rested one bit at the top of the thruster i think justin would have caught him how are you able to keep his pace. If Hopper would have rested one bit at the top of the thruster, I think Justin would have caught him. How are you able to see that?
Starting point is 00:05:28 Because when I was watching it, Justin was working out next to Vellner, and I made the same observation you did. I noticed that Justin's moving faster than Vellner, but how did you know he was moving faster than Hopper too? They had a side angle where you could see like five of them at the same time. And it's just if Medeiros looks like he's moving quick next to Vellner, it's that much quicker than Hopper because Hopper is six foot two long arms. Even if he's going continuous,
Starting point is 00:05:53 the thruster is still way faster. This is how Mertens wins workouts, Colton Mertens, because his range of motion is so short. His reps are just that much faster, even if they're going at the same pace. Anytime you can add Colton Merton's name into a podcast, right, I appreciate it. And if you can also work in just, you know,, just whenever you can.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Guillermo, any surprise there, or is that right up his valley it's all fast twitch he's good he's got strong legs he's he can move the bike blah blah blah yeah i didn't know how he would do in this event um he is very fast switch so he should be good at it but i thought there was you know he there's also a good chance he might blow up trying to be good at it but no he executed pretty well his thrusters were fast i thought he didn't look blown up on the second set of thrusters and yeah i mean he did well he got sixth in that event i'm pretty sure yeah sixth yep um exactly 10 seconds behind madaris exactly i don't think you could ask for a better result from him um when i was watching the women
Starting point is 00:07:04 i didn't notice with the men. I noticed there were two kind of techniques on the bike. There was Tia, and I'm trying to remember who else. They kind of have a bounce on the seat, like they're an athlete. They're using their body weight to get on the pedals. There's a little bit of a rhythm and a cadence, like a bounce almost. Whereas some of the other girls like i noticed with laura annie and amanda it's almost like they're they've they've clamped their butt onto the seat like to
Starting point is 00:07:32 hold it tight and they're they're levered they're like pushing off the seat kind of do you know what i mean by that they're using the as as like a leverage is that um is that a size thing is there one way that's better than the other no it's probably just a comfortability thing um like when you want to get up and get going like crank it really fast you're going to stand up and it makes the bike go fast just more optimal to go faster that way but whenever you are settling into a pace you want to sit down and settle into that pace so a lot of people will get up and get going and be standing on the bike and then sit in the seat and then hold that pace the whole time. And that's easier.
Starting point is 00:08:09 The bigger you are, that's easier to settle into a pace. Okay. And that is kind of what it looked like, what I saw Tia doing. It's like she's almost standing but not fully standing. And so she's just kind of like hovering on the seat and then just kind of like tapping it. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And no surprise there you um with tia she finished where she needed to that wasn't like that wasn't her her workout um no i mean it's never going to be her workout i'm sure she probably is upset with the finish because i think it was seventh and um right now annie and laura are tied for first and tia is third um but i you kind of expect that after this workout we'll see how it looks out at the end of the day i didn't think she would be seventh i thought she would be more like fifth um which but yeah annie and laura killed it they did what they needed to do and um i i'm sure they are both very happy where it's at right now you you mentioned to brian or brian mentioned i can't remember one of you guys mentioned that
Starting point is 00:09:11 the previous event there was a tiebreaker and the tiebreaker was determined by your opening lift as as the audience are we notified of that and and was there a tiebreaker for this event or doesn't matter because they go to the hundreds of seconds in this one? Like, how do we know? How do we stay abreast of everything as a fan? Yeah, they didn't mention a tiebreaker or even in the rules. Like, you couldn't find it online. They just they did that in the athlete briefing.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I mean, there would be no way of knowing unless we asked one of the athletes. OK. Neither me or Brian was aware of that tie break until Vellner said that. And as far as an event like this, yeah, it's down to the hundreds of the second, so there's really no need for it. It's getting intriguing with Annie in first and Laura in second and Tia in third. They're tied for first. Annie and Laura are tied for first.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Okay. It's interesting. They have them as first and second and then third on the leaderboard. Do they know something about a tiebreaker that we don't know since maybe Annie has a first place finish and Laura doesn't? I think that's how they do it at the games. Yeah. Yeah. That would make sense. Yeah. So if it was over right now, they'd give Annie the win. Annie would win yeah okay uh let me see what else i got here um this is just for my own personal curiosity
Starting point is 00:10:32 when when barnhart was doing am i pronouncing her name right is it barnhart barnhart barnhart yeah okay like two like two words like a barn that, like owls live in and heart like that thing. And behind my rib cage. Yeah, it's a D.T. on the end of her name. But people just say Barnhart. Yeah. OK. I thought I heard Amanda Barnhart tell Kiki I almost went as hard as I could. And then I heard and then I heard Chase say Amanda said, quote, she went as hard as she could. Did you hear? Yeah. Which one is it?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Well, she said she almost went as hard as she could on the bike because she knew the thrusters were going to be there. So in the workout, she probably did go as hard as she could for the whole workout because she sent it on those last thrusters. She made all of her time up on those thrusters and beat everybody. But the bike, she looked like she was holding, you know, 90 percent of her capacity, like going really, really hard. But it's not like an all out pace. Ashley McMains says, I love Amanda Barnhart so much. She's such a power how she looks like a Titan. It when she is on the screen you cannot stop staring i i i don't know exactly what it is about her but yes
Starting point is 00:11:52 um i don't want to sound like a cheese dick but it looks like she she should be wearing a cape uh she's um she's something else yeah it's nuts it nuts. It's everything. It's not just her body. It's her face. It's the texture of her skin. She looks like another level human. um, platform, uh, as she was struggling with the lifts. What ha what do you think happened? John, is it shoulders? Is it quads? Is it glutes? What is it? Wrist pain? What, what, what happens for those of us who don't know? I'm your heart explodes. Like Emma sold on the, uh, assault bike. Like she, she was ahead of everybody by 10 or 15. And, and, and she's not known as a powerhouse type athlete, like a Laura or an Amanda Barnhart. And she beat everybody off of that bike. And I think she just, the wheels started falling off by just, just how you would die in a workout. If you just come out too hot in a workout, very similar feeling. It's not really not really shoulders i mean i'm sure her legs were
Starting point is 00:13:05 burning but her whole system started just falling off okay i didn't even think of that i just because i didn't even think of that so you're thinking you think it was just just metabolic conditioning like just heart rate got too high there wasn't enough oxygen yep uh mike m asked another great question this is one of those things it's so funny and this is a thing that's like a problem with crossfit but it's a problem with every sport um he says why is the finish line unknown in most crossfit events i i agree at the games at the rogue like where the fuck is the finish line like we know it's close but i but like did they step over it is that guy being lazy?
Starting point is 00:13:45 How come some guy's diving over the white, some guy's just jumping off across the line, some guy's just like walks in casually like Vellner, like eat a dick? I mean, where the fuck is the finish line? As soon as the white line starts, that's the finish line. But they have a- Always for all the events? Unless they specify.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Sometimes they have to push like a sled or something all the way into the white. So that's a little different, right? But for these events, for most events, it's as soon as the white line starts, but they have a chip, they have a chip on their ankle. And they, as soon as that chip crosses the white line, that's when they finish. So some people step with the wrong foot and then they are halfway into the line, um, before their timer goes off because they went with the wrong foot and then they are halfway into the line um before their timer goes off because they went with the right foot first instead of the left foot and the chip was on the left foot other people are stretching their left foot across the line for like a that type of a race uh in defense of um chase and uh sean woodland it was both of them today correct
Starting point is 00:14:43 again uh christopher vonhoff says i heard them talk about the tiebreaker during the coverage so they were aware yeah they were okay and that's good that i mean they need to be talking about that i mean they have a ton of shit to talk about but as a fan like you want to know every nuance at least when you do know every nuance you can get more invested right like in the competition and the competition people and i know most you know this but unfortunately it doesn't seem like the directors who are telling the cameras where to go the competition is the narrative it's the story it's the good versus bad it's the small versus tall it's the and like the thicker the narrative
Starting point is 00:15:21 the more we can get excited as fans um are any of the final two events today in tia's wheelhouse or is it pretty much over for her it's never come on john are you are you toying with us go ahead mr young what do you think about that question i bet she wins this next event boom and i wouldn't be shocked if it was convincing. She's probably very pissed off after event three. I'm looking at my notes here and I said, oh, okay. In Heat One of the Women, I missed Heat One of the women full disclosure um it was that a tight competition between um catrin's doter and rolf yeah so uh catrin beat everybody off of the bike
Starting point is 00:16:13 but as soon as she got to the thrusters after five thrusters in she would have to rest um at the top and like take a couple breaths and then go into into each one. And she kept, she kept doing this. I almost just wanted her to put the, put it down and then wait five seconds and then do five really quick. But she spent forever doing those thrusters. And when Emily got there, it was just continuous. And I'm not sure. Does it say in the leaderboard who, who beat who in that?
Starting point is 00:16:42 Ah, see, and that's the point of my question so the concerns from the comments were they made it seem like katrin won and they didn't even talk about um uh emily rolf catching her at the last minute and you're right emily rolf did win yeah she won by um she ready for this she won by three tenths yes yes dude and so that's the fuck up and and and they do the same thing at the games like like i don't remember which event it was but it was scott panchik and travis mayer for five minutes fucking neck and neck so you're saying the problem is we don't know who won no the problem is is that they're not capitalizing on the fact that we have fucking like they're exchanging punches like when something is that close that's the whole reason for sport or why not just take catch it and put her in a garage with some
Starting point is 00:17:29 bright lights and let us watch her work out yeah the whole reason for doing this on the field is because of what happened between emily rolf and katrin's doter and none of us can talk about it because we i mean we have to piece it together just highlight that shit we want the narrative yeah no i agree they were on capturing the whole time they didn't even know emily was even close and if you see emily cranking and catch them struggling there should be two individual cameras on both of them and teddy williams is disputing you he says they totally talked about rolf and catcher and being so close on the broadcast so teddy though not during not during oh yeah yeah who gives a shit after the fact after emily already does it it's easy to say wow she came out of nowhere but nobody knew about it until they
Starting point is 00:18:16 crossed the finish line that's why we watch a lot of watching emily rolf oh teddy's laying it on thick he's got another good point there were multiple slow-mos i give him some credit for that and mike m says after it ended we have to know we have to know as the i the commentator has to be getting into a frenzy i have to stand up off the couch and be like oh shit they could be like here comes emily yes y'all see coming up oh my god yes yes if you're gonna waste your breath and say they did that with ease when it's not with ease at least say holy shit emily rolf is catching up with the great catrin's daughter i mean that's your job as the commentator and once again i can't i i don't know if i can i don't think i can blame chase and um sean because it all depends on where the cameras are pointed teddy williams you're a good dude keeping keeping the conversation alive
Starting point is 00:19:09 oh this one's this one's this is not nice people i don't like you guys to see this side of me if jason smith beats you in a fucking workout is it time to fucking retire the time to go into the legends division talking about ben smith yes sir i am i don't want to do anything that's going to hurt my chances of getting laura horvat on the podcast but i but but i i i and i and i had jason smith on the podcast and he was great i'd love to have ben smith but what i mean come on man jason smith beats ben smith and a thruster bike workout? What the fuck is going on? Don't worry, you don't have to answer that.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Mars will answer that. Mars Logan, look at you. You keep this phone number in your speed dial. Damn right I do. YouTube won't tell me when you go live. Occasionally I'll just go on YouTube and see if you're live. I'll just immediately call you. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Terrible story. My place of work was destroyed in a fire last night. I'm sorry to hear that. I have nowhere to work. No, no. It matters worse. I have a very specific occupation.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I clean barbells. You clean barbells for a living? Absolutely. Clean barbells for a living. And I don't even know where to go. I don't know where to turn. Barbell jobs. Ah, thank you. Jesus, I'm slow. I was going over his head. What is wrong with me? What? Thank you, John. Oh, Mars, is there for you to help you through these tough times of fire, disaster, and turmoil.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Really? There's a place I can go that would have my sort of, you know, place of work listed. And you won't have to compromise your integrity, your morals, or your ethics at most of these jobs. Wow. Okay. Well, what if I, you know, I don't want to, you know, get the poke from the needle. Is that listed on there?
Starting point is 00:21:20 If you don't, I don't know uh, uh, I don't know. I'll look into that. I'm going to look into that for you. That should be that. That's an, that's an important, um, that's an important, uh, element to every job these days. Do you have to, are you forced to take drugs or not? God, we live in a world. Yeah. Well, I'm curious when I don't want to take drugs guys, because you know, you, you want, you want to be a little bit stoned when you're working with the zinc carbide
Starting point is 00:21:48 and cleaning off, you know, the gnarlings of the barbells. So, you know, that's what all these things keep in mind. But I will check that out. I very much appreciate you bringing that message out there. I don't know if this is fantastic. I'm glad I made this call. I am glad. Anytime your heart's
Starting point is 00:22:05 in a tough spot just give me a call awesome all right sounds good well uh just send me a quarter of that uh little payout you know we'll talk about that later yeah yeah not on there please okay bye fuck the show's getting good i like it that you call her Katrin's doter. I like it that I call her Katrin's doter, too. Ben Smith, Jason Smith. I mean, I'm surprised about Ben Smith. I'm not super surprised about it. This is about how he was at the MAC. Until he shows anything different,
Starting point is 00:22:44 I don't see a need to be surprised like at the mac he had some good events and then he had some bad events and there are events that he came like bottom five and this competition is a lot more competitive than the mac um don't know if you've talked about it, but what's on Justin's arm? He got it wrapped up. I didn't notice. Yeah, I'm not sure. It's not anything.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It's not like super wrapped up, but he has something underneath his shirt. It looks like a neoprene sleeve or something like that. I don't know if it's anything. I haven't heard anything. Ryan hasn't said anything either. So I don't know. Maybe he will tell us after the fact but i'm not sure you know who we should get to you know i wonder if we could get emily abbott to replace brian for the times he's not here do you do you know emily abbott are you have you been around long yeah what made me think about is there's this girl who posted in the comments right here, Alyssa McGuire, and I think she has red hair, and that just made me think of Emily Abbott.
Starting point is 00:23:48 That would be so awesome if she was on this show. Is she still banned? I don't know. I think she's just basically moved on. She's doing like a lot of women empowerment thing. I just go to her account to look at the pictures. Let's go back to what's important. Jason Hopper, I know he won.
Starting point is 00:24:22 But like, does that mean anything yeah he's in second place right now i hear you i'm trying to think of exactly how to articulate this i mean he knew this according to chase chase spoke to him beforehand and he knew this event was his right and so it's just just like it's just like like we know gee can win events and so now we know a hopper can win events but that's not how you that's that's not how you win um you're saying this is like the lifting event for guillermo he did what he was supposed to do or or one trick pony shit okay but But Guillermo's more than a one trick pony. He's like a three trick pony.
Starting point is 00:25:06 But like, is how many tricks? And then you have Medeiros is like, you know, he got a bunch of tricks. Sure. Okay. You know, every event Hopper's ever won had a machine in it, which is interesting. The three events he won at the Mac all had machines. One was a skier. The other was a biker. And I forget what the other one one was. It might have been a salt bike.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But yeah, that's kind of interesting. I think he's just you just gave him a new nickname. It's not Jason Flopper anymore. It's Jason. Jason, the machine hopper. You just saved him. Yeah. The machine is the machine hopper anymore it's jason jason the machine hopper you just saved him yeah the machine he's phenomenal on machines uh he answered a question on his instagram one time somebody asked him his 2k road time and it was the fastest 2k road time i had ever heard of it was um you remember you asked me a question when did i feel like like i wasn't like people were different species of the games yeah this made me feel like that because i don't think i'll ever be close to this it was a 608 that's that was hopper's uh 2k record that's a 132 pace for 2000 meters
Starting point is 00:26:18 yeah that's nuts right and i have never heard uh 2K time that fast from anybody. I wonder what Kalipa's is. I think it's 620. Wow. I'm going to look up real quick. World record. I think the world record is like 545, 540 maybe. It's probably a guy who's like 6'6", right? Yeah, 6'6", 210, you know, very skinny. yeah six six two ten you know very skinny yeah he um uh in in denmark the world record is six six oh six in australia it's 535 and you know we then we know they have we have strong rowers in australia yeah okay so so he's he's a few seconds
Starting point is 00:26:59 off some world record times i mean for norway i guess or sweden whatever country he said yeah wow wow wow wow but anyway uh my point is i think on machine if there's a machine in it he's going to be a favorite to win the event and if not win the event he's going to do well in the event because he is significantly and he's tall he's big it makes sense but kowski is like this as well but i think hopper's taking it to another level as far as advantage on machines in workouts um so like i would john sorry there's a chick brick mooney brooke sorry brooke mooney Brooke Mooney out of the USA. 6'21". She's probably 6'2". She's probably Hopper's height. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Okay, sorry. Let me give you some other tests. Don't read off world record times. They don't make you feel bad. The world record for 12 and under is 7'25". For 15 to 16 year olds is 646 um and uh dude there's a world record time for the 95 to 99 age group it's 1423 oh my gosh okay oh those that's women that's women. That's women.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah, for dudes. Oh, there's a dude in the 100-plus 2,000-meter row world record. 1332. You can get it. How is anyone not exercising when there's a guy who's 100-plus from Great Britain? i just threw out a total guess so that makes me feel really good what he said brooke mooney is six foot three oh yeah okay so go ahead so so go so so sorry i derailed you you're on something good you're on a on a on kind of uh exploring this hopper the machine jason the machine hopper it wouldn't surprise me if he does really well the next event either because it's got skier in it
Starting point is 00:29:11 um i don't know if he will win this next event but uh i think he'll do well in it as well didn't we see him implode on something um at the games this is a four round this is four rounds for time could we see hopper have to get carried off the field in this one um no um so the one of the games was four rounds um two rope climbs some skier 15 cal skier maybe and then you had to carry a cheese cheddar piece that was like 150 pounds dude are you kidding me what i just asked you if we have to get carried off the field on this. And you said no. And then and then the workout you tell me got carried off the field on four rounds. Let me explain.
Starting point is 00:29:51 OK, OK. So so kind of similar. The difference is he was in the lead after the first round and the second round. He was still in the lead, but he took that out way too hot. That's not his game he can hold pay if he can hold paces better than everybody else in the whole field he should not come out hot he should well i want to argue with you i want to argue with you here and show you how right you are except you're applying it wrong you're right he can't come out hot but you're wrong that's the only fucking thing he knows how to do and we just saw him do it this motherfucker can't hold pace this dude can't hold
Starting point is 00:30:30 pace until he proves us wrong it's a different guy okay we'll see in a sub three minute event there's no pace to be had hopper's wife's gonna be running out there with the hanky doing this to his face when he's laying on the ground between rounds three and four we'll see matt and and and and matt fraser is going to be like yeah that's why i gave the podium contract to madaris the real now madaris was very impressive in event three i didn't expect him to do as good as he did he got second in that event and in the 21 15 9 event at the games where they sprinted on the bike and then they did power snatches, I think he was like ninth. He was eighth or ninth.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And multiple people were ahead of him. Hopper was ahead of him. Belner was ahead of him. Prakowski was ahead of him. Chandler Smith was ahead of him. A lot of people were better than him at the bike. So he has had to put in a lot of work on power output because that's been one of the only areas where he wasn't top five other than like a max lift and he impressed me a lot i did not expect him to be velner in that
Starting point is 00:31:34 and i thought there would be a couple places in between them and and he he did he was very um Medaris is young right 2020 22 if I told you he was 1% better today everywhere across the board than he was at the CrossFit Games three months ago was that three months ago
Starting point is 00:32:02 is that a gross exaggeration? Is that possible? Is that humanly possible? Could he be 1% better? From August? Yeah, it was three months ago. I don't think he could be 1% better at everything. No.
Starting point is 00:32:19 He could be 1% better total, but I also don't think he is. Basically, just to throw some things out there, like his mile time is 1% faster. His lifts are 1% across the board. His deadlift's gone up 1%. So if it was 300-pound max, it's now 303. You think he's already too far at the top? As far as everything goes, I don't think it's possible to be too far at the top as far as as far as everything goes i don't think i
Starting point is 00:32:46 don't think it's possible to be one percent better at everything and three there's just too many things he's only 22 i don't care there's too many things to be better at his his his scrotum spends it just all day is making testosterone yeah i know yeah and he pushes his and he pushes his body into these places where his body's his balls are probably always like oh i don't want to be caught off guard like i think it's possible like the five places where he and his coach think he's weakest at that he's one percent better at those five places for sure yeah man this kid this kid no i mean i i guess there's a lot of kids out there um you know hopper's young too but man no one better sleep on him if i mean humideros yeah i agree he's no one better sleep on him if he if he if he's getting just a tiny bit better every day it's it's a it's a tsunami
Starting point is 00:33:47 coming and i tell you what if hopper ends up second place and maderos ends up first it'll be a different rivalry we're talking about in the 2022 games it won't be maderos velner i think that'll shock everybody even velner uh what if um what if uh annie wins this does the narrative come oh it's just because uhia wasn't peaking, she's elsewhere? That will probably be the narrative. I feel bad for Annie if it is the narrative, but I still think Tia is the fittest woman in the world. And that's exactly what I would think if Annie were to win. But I wouldn't take that away from Annie. This would still probably be better than her third place at the games
Starting point is 00:34:29 and she deserves it and she'll win $250,000 for it. Right. Yeah. And I'm guessing the reason why you say that about Tia is because just like we have never seen anything like what we saw last year at the games from man or woman, right? Just the sheer dominance um we've seen it from matt um that level really that level of dominance yeah okay i think the last four or excluding 2019 i think every year matt won everybody knew they weren't close and like if you like, listen to Jeff Adler in the 2020 documentary,
Starting point is 00:35:07 or even if you just talk to him and you ask him, how good is Matt Fraser? He will tell you it's, it's a, it's a different thing. Like how I feel about Hopper's 2k time compared to my 2k time is how top tier games level people feel about Matt Fraser. Damn, that's not good. But I'm just saying, I'm saying the dominance thing that Tia has is the same level, same level, but I don't think it's more than Matt.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Travis Bellinghausen, speaking of scrotum, Sevan, go watch Justin's gray sweats on the lifting event. I did notice his lifting pants were really tight. I didn't see a moose knuckle, and I was watching it on a 90-inch TV. go watch Justin's gray sweats on the lifting event. I did notice his lifting pants were really tight. I didn't see a moose knuckle. Um, and I was watching it on a, like a 90 inch TV, but,
Starting point is 00:35:50 um, and I won't go back and look, but, but, but, but I am, um, aware of those things.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Like, like if someone's pants are too tight and they have a bolt, like I, I'm not like constantly trying not to look at his crotch. I'll be like, Oh yeah, look at his outline of his cock and balls. But I didn't notice it, but at his crotch. I'll be like, oh, yeah, look at his outline of his cock and balls. But I didn't notice it.
Starting point is 00:36:05 But those pants were tight. What event was the snatch workout at the Games compared to the third workout of this event? Is that, Eric, meaning – I'm not sure what the implications of that are. Meaning people would be more tired? Does he mean the second event? Because the second event was the lift. Yeah, I don't know. I'm reading the comments backwards.
Starting point is 00:36:27 That's probably not a good idea. How about Mr. Young do 50 burpees if Hopper turns into a flopper on event four? I'll take that one. I tell you what, if he gets top five, I think Mr. Gershwin should do 50 burpees. And if he gets bottom 10, I'll do 50 burpees. Sevan, you watch 42 hours of the bachelor at go back and look at his scrotum uh logan i um to be honest with you i i did watch a little bit of every episode but i scrolled through just to watch the parts with luke parker uh event number
Starting point is 00:37:01 four which is coming up here in, oh shit. Not for another two hours, not for another hour and a half. Great. I need to go inside and watch UFC. Um, four rounds for time. 21 Cal skier, 21 med ball, GHD, um, Hill run. Do you think Hopper will take top five? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, I do. I think he'll be around there. I don't, I don't think he'll win this one, but I think he will be competitive. We talked about Cole Sager and Emma Carey. We talked about Emily Rolfe. We talked about Ben Smith. Talked about Barnhart. It wasn't Mal O'Brien's best event.
Starting point is 00:37:42 No? How'd she do? I think she got 12th. She looks so tiny. You know who she looks like? And I told myself not to say this on the show. I keep seeing, because I'm watching the UFC at the same time, and they keep having commercials for this Addams Family movie, too, that's coming out. Don't say whatever you're going to say.
Starting point is 00:38:05 She doesn't look like that girl. She doesn't look like that girl, but she looks like she could come from that family. You know what I mean? She's got the same hairstyle, the same hair color. She's the athlete of the Adams family family? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:18 She would be the athlete, but I'm getting a little Adams, no, not Haley Adams. I'm getting a little Mal Adams family O'Brien, not hayley adams getting a little mal uh adams family o'brien um you know just like like just effect you know it's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing i'm just saying how dare you talk about a young lady like that eat a dick um so uh hopper looking to his right when he's on the bike i feel that that he's trying to mimic something i i think in between events he um he he climbs into matt frazier's backpack i think matt frazier is like i need i need someone behind the scenes there to tell me what's going on
Starting point is 00:39:04 with him and matt i think matt is like telling okay, you can talk to this person. You can't talk to this person. You can eat this. You can not eat this. I think he's basically runs Hopper's life. You know, do you know Matt Fraser is, is like coaching him for real coaching him? And during the, cause I know he's programming for him, but if he, is he being like Shane? him but if he's he being like shane i'm i'm hearing some rumblings and and and hopper is becoming extremely usually i can just put up the bat signal and he calls me he's being extremely evasive this weekend which is and and i think matt's getting in his ear and um let's work what it's working for him yeah shit whatever works um but i saw jason looking to his right when he was on the bike and that was very um matt fraser-esque you know like to be
Starting point is 00:39:53 looking around at the crowd madaris i did not see looking around head down a lot of people do that though i don't know if we can just say matt fraser does that this was funny this was funny the uh i think it was at rogue during the cyclone event do you remember that when they had to carry the they had to carry an object okay well this is the first year i've watched the rogue invitational all right well 40 cal sprint and then you got to carry an object for 200 yards and then 40 cal sprint okay sager gets to the bike the second time at the end there, he gets to the bike first. And then Fraser got to the bike after him and Fraser looked at Sager's screen and started ramping up, started sprinting. And then 10 seconds later, Cole looks at Matt's screen
Starting point is 00:40:39 and just throttles down. And it was super funny like just i'm defeated that's awesome uh jason watkins your boy the scoring guy here the leaderboard is misleading hopper can overtake madaris uh i i think that's pretty clear on there jason what what don't you think is clear about that uh as far as i him taking overtaking maderos yeah he can he can hopper still in it he's he's 25 points behind yeah no he can i just think event six uh will be will not be great for hopper and maderos will do well in event six it's got 60 handstand strict handstandstand pushups and 30 ring muscle ups. And Hopper is kind of like Laura Horvath in that, in that scenario,
Starting point is 00:41:32 just not as bad as Laura. It's not as bad as of a hindrance, but he will be slower in that workout. And somebody like the Lazar Dukacis of the world will be ahead of Hopper and they won't be ahead of Medeiros they won't be ahead of Medeiros. Or right there with Medeiros. Medeiros will be right at the top and I think Hopper will be more like 10th place in that event. And I just don't see him overtaking Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Even if he wins the next two events and Medeiros gets third and they're tied, event six will be the downfall as far as him winning the event um am i looking at this right even if jason hopper won every event the next four events and madaris took third second in the next four events madaris still wins yep so madaris at this point is in control of his own destiny. 100%. All right, guys. This is what happened to Vellner at the games. Medeiros got a lead, and even though Vellner would beat him in the workouts, Medeiros would be right there, and his lead was enough.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It just didn't matter. Anything else? My coffee machine stopped working. It's one of those fancy ones there's like a 2400 machine you just pour a bag of beans in and then hit the button and then it makes you a cup of coffee it's so cool it's so cool and i've had it for four and a half years and yesterday when i hit the button it dumped the coffee right into the drip tray instead of like it's supposed to come out of a little spout into a cup and my whole cup of coffee is like where the shit goes like the grinds and stuff i'm like oh that's not a good that's not a good sign so i send a text to their customer care or a email but what if they
Starting point is 00:43:18 don't what if i can't fix it and i have to like start drinking i have to go out like to target and buy like a 29 coffee maker like the peasants i'm gonna fucking kill myself uh you're homeless yeah i did a couple years a couple years five six seven two years homeless and then five years living in a car so i think you'll be fine with your coffee maker thank you um they're creepy and they're kooky mysterious and spooky they're all together uki the o'brien family oh man that's so great oh man oh man um one of the hottest women ever on tv was the mom right that elvira i mean so i mean they got good genes hottie hottie genes in the family should sam briggs be joining the legends yeah she should
Starting point is 00:44:05 just walk she should sam briggs should walk right over to fucking ben smith right now and be like hey dude we signed up for the wrong event and just walk over to the legends i also like seeing other women win events other than tia by the way sam briggs's book is great the audio version um i also like seeing other women win events other than tia. I adore Tia, but it's much more fun to watch. Yeah, I agree. I like seeing a race. Does well water destroy your appliances? Oh, Logan, I'm in such denial about that.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I do not want to talk about that because I was actually distilling my water for the last like six months and I stopped and bought a Berkey. And I'm noticing spots on everything now and i do have some concerns that my well water fuck my coffee maker it's like yeah uh guys we are i don't know what happened to brian but john killed it um and we will be watching the event, the next Rogue event at in an hour. What's supposed to be in an hour and 36 minutes. That sounds right. And then we will come back on. I'm hoping we come back on.
Starting point is 00:45:16 John, are you able to come back on between event four and five? Yeah, I'm going to work out as soon as we're done here. And then I should be good to go for the rest of the day. OK, and you should vaccinate your coffee maker. uh, work out as soon as we're done here and then I'll just, should be good to go for the rest of the day. Okay. And, you should vaccinate your coffee maker. Um, and,
Starting point is 00:45:29 uh, I, just so you know, I am reaching out to all the, like not all the athletes, but I got a list of like 10 athletes here that like I'm harassing. I'm even harassing their coaches. I'm harassing Saxon,
Starting point is 00:45:39 Gabriella, Hopper, Velner, uh, Fikowski, Fikowski, I think just ignoring me completely. Uh, um,
Starting point is 00:45:44 Travis mayor, Max, Elhaj,owski, I think, is just ignoring me completely. Travis Mayer, Max Elhaj, Noah, Josh Bridges, Daniel, Brandon, Lazar. I mean, I've sent DMs to all these cats. I'm like trying to ruin their day. Oh, I even sent Emma Carey, too. I sent her a DM. I was like, yo, girl, let's do this. Five minutes. Do you want to talk to Dan Bailey at all?
Starting point is 00:46:01 That way I can look in the mirror, apparently. Nah, Dan Bailey will never be on my show ever, ever, ever, ever. I have moral, I have morals, ethics,
Starting point is 00:46:15 and integrity. Not a lot, but just enough to keep that guy off. All right, guys, I will. Thank you. NK.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I appreciate it. See you later.

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