The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Event 7

Episode Date: November 2, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. We are, that was quick. Dang, Sousa, you didn't fool around. Oh yeah, because you got access. You got access you got access
Starting point is 00:00:46 oh look at this let me send this uh join us five, two minutes. Oh my goodness. I think we're waiting for Mr. John Young to come on. What an ending, huh? It would have obviously been amazing to see Annie make it to the end there,
Starting point is 00:01:25 but we still got to see T approve why she is man, the best standby. I got to shut this door behind me. First of all, a huge, huge, huge, huge, massive, massive massive massive massive thank you to uh rogue what an amazing event i'm sure i'm going to say some critical things um throughout this podcast because that's
Starting point is 00:01:55 what i do but a rogue was absolutely amazing uh the field was beautiful what's up john we for whatever reason they built that hill behind the mini Zeus, the Zeus light. That was brilliant. The weather was perfect. I mean, it was just I really enjoyed all of the events. There's tons of things I could be critical about, but I would give it as far as a Cross crossfit event i'd give it like a five-star event i thought it was really really really cool uh so let us dig in it's over it's over hey i i can't tell if this is a professional event or not
Starting point is 00:02:40 um the price the uh prize money says professional yes yes yes but how about the babies how about the babies in the annie's baby in the bullpen in the bullpen we okay with that you okay with that yeah before the event's over people like tia are trying to and laura horvath are trying to get their game face on and there's fucking some kid someone in there who can't who shits their pants they can be on the other side of the dugout all right all right all right all righty i mean amanda barnhart's getting interviewed right next to tia and tia hadn't even gone yet right right right right right and i yeah yeah i'm kind of a little more okay with that i get that and and and i saw tia sitting next sitting next to having to deal with the happy-go-lucky Vellner and Justin Medeiros. Their day was over, and Tia. But I sort of see those as part of the ambiance.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Even better. But, I mean, we've heard multiple people say Rogue is way more nonchalant than the games are. So, I mean, it's just part of the vibe. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, they do drug testing at Rogue?
Starting point is 00:04:04 Pretty sure. Didn't Travis Mayer get drug tested before he – That's right. That's right. They had that thing on his arm. We saw that thing on his arm. That thing was pretty cool looking, huh? They just like put it on your arm.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I'm guessing you push the red button. It extracts a few drops of blood, and off they go. Mm-hmm. It would be cool right then and there if uh if you knew that he tested positive like it's like yeah i think i think you're looking in the right place suze i think it's in the um i think it is in the story hey does the rogue does the rogue event have any like affiliate component you know how the games has an affiliate component does the rogue event have any affiliate component? You know how the games has an affiliate component? Does the rogue event...
Starting point is 00:04:46 And I'm not being critical. I'm just asking. How do you mean? Do they have an affiliate lounge? Or do they have some sort of affiliate cup? I don't think the CrossFit Games would be anything without the affiliates. If the affiliates went away, the game's just fucking done. No one gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Or the vast majority. You lose the base of the fan base. Just like... I don't know. I don't know if I want to go there. Anyway, we don't know. There's nothing obviously standing out that the Rogue event is also an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:05:22 There's no affiliate component, right? No, I don't think so so i don't think so either just a thought just a thought by the way i bought a new coffee machine i went to best buy slumming it i know uh is kiki taller Guy? Did you see her interviewing him? I didn't know. Uh, I don't know how tall Kiki is. Does somebody in the comments know? She looked a couple inches taller than him and I was shocked. I know Guillermo was five foot nine.
Starting point is 00:05:59 At least that's what it says on his thing. Okay. So he doesn't he look taller? Like when you, when I think of him, I think of a six foot man. He does he does but i mean we've talked about his body before he's uh very we can't talk about it enough by the way we can't talk about very skinny in the middle and uh but very muscular so i think that makes him look taller than he really is um the leaderboard interesting has the leaderboard been updated yes they updated it quick okay because okay wow okay okay okay okay okay justin medeiros is the champion pat velner second place jeffrey adler third place so so at least velner didn't get his fucking whole day ruined i mean if he
Starting point is 00:06:44 if he would have gotten knocked out of second place that would have been horrible because because that was a pretty serious mishap right yeah i uh yeah i mean he would have been upset for sure i think he was already upset but i mean justin had done so well in that event i don't think he would have beat him anyway so he could kind of take solace in that all right i'm sending that i sent an invite to justin and patrick velner because i saw them sitting next to each other in the dugout patrick said they have to do drug testing and something else and i responded with perfect
Starting point is 00:07:24 that'd be awesome if he had his dick in one hand and holding his iphone in the other we would did a live that would be a first we could make sure that it's an authentic drug test we could like double authenticate it um any any any any disappointments right off the bat are you pretty happy did they crown the fittest people who were at this these events justin madaris and tiaia to me yeah i think so uh i mean so i watched the youtube video about tia the what's happening and it did seem that shane alluded to her doing bobsledding and training for rogue so all of her attention was not on rogue but I think it's kind of hilarious that everybody's upset I mean myself included like in let down that Tia is barely winning first place
Starting point is 00:08:13 like she's still in first place and it's kind of a down performance um as far as let downs go I mean Danielle Brandon kind of underperformed but I mean i think 11th is where i had her in our original rankings so um let's see emma carrie she looked like she was doing great and then kind of fell off other than that um we've alluded to Katrin already. Hey, and if it doesn't work out for any of these people, you know, Check out, Katrin, for a new vocation. What about you, Savon? No, I mean, it's the story.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I actually really like it. I don't know what's going on with Tia. It's interesting to say that she wasn't training for rogue. Does that mean she wasn't training for CrossFit? I doubt Shane was making excuses. I don't think you were saying that. You were just alluding to the fact that she's doing multiple forms of training. Yeah. Um, I, we're, we're, we just saw championship behavior again, though, from her. I mean, like, I'm okay if I'm wrong in saying this but
Starting point is 00:09:27 laura was better at that event and tia won it and why did tia win it championship mindset championship push championship focus championship i mean it's just it's just winner shit so i don't even under i don't even understand it but like i witnessed it i agree i agree with you completely um and same with uh same with uh madaris a special mention to sam quant sam quant came on the scene as a very very young man we know last year uh he got really sick he's actually made it to the crossfit games and although people poo-poo the games that year, and I understand why, it could also be seen as arguably the hardest year ever to make it to the games. It could be seen both ways. It was a really weird year.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And as we get further and further away from it, I think it gives it more validity. At the time, I didn't give it much validity. But I am really impressed that he held his shit together. He looked like Superman. He acted like Superman. And in the most superficial piece I want to throw in there is he took his shirt off at the very end so we could all take a sneak peek. And almost beat Guy. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Had a power event, and that's impressive. That's really impressive on itself. Yeah. There's some um i made sure i wrote that down there's some athletes i obviously like to just fucking fillate and blow just non-stop he is not one of them but he deserves it i mean just awesome seeing him in the final event uh at first like you know i was a little disappointed. But once the event started, I was like super happy to see him. I forgot that it wasn't like, you know.
Starting point is 00:11:10 By me not wanting him in there, I mean, it wasn't it. There wasn't anything on the line right at that point, except just man versus man. And that doesn't normally like that doesn't excite me until I see it going down, because ideally we would have had it Annie and like Tia in the final. But same thing with them, with Laura and Tia. When they went in there, I forgot everything about the whole event and I got really focused or the whole rogue invitation as a whole and just started focusing on the event. And,
Starting point is 00:11:36 and, and they, they gave the crowd what we wanted. And so quant deserves, I mean, he went at it, he deserved it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:43 The bracket style was very fun um when you got down to the top top five and the top two the head-to-head is very it was very fun i really wanted to see justin versky but i think sam did a really good job uh you really wanted to see who say that again justin oh oh oh yeah yeah sam right right right right um if i call him quant you call him sam i'm all confused uh gershwin says oh seven i forgot to say they asked gabby about the hill run with tia she said that when the commentator said t was kicking it in another gear she just kind of fell flat because she tapped out oh shit where so um that's interesting when did they ask her that where did
Starting point is 00:12:25 you see that interview and and that's that's interesting i'd like to hear brian's take on that get uh magawa cannot be getting influenced by what the commentators say no she can't she uh she's at that level now i'm surprised you can even hear the commentators i feel like most of them just tune it out uh Uh, uh, Chris, uh, Corandino. Holy shit. I just realized seven is the Han solo of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:12:50 That's better than, I don't want to tell you what my, what my other nickname was, but thank you. It was an awesome event, but not for a final. Oh, I thought the final was great.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Hector. Wait, I I'm concerned that it was so good that it's going to be hard to ever top and that Dave won't use it because it wasn't his idea. I would love to see that in the CrossFit Games. Oh, shit. Here we go. United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:13:15 You want to hear someone who sounds smart, but that's not? Hello, my English friend. It's only downhill when you have an accent like that. Go ahead. Hey, Devon. Hey. You're an Ireland friend.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Oh, Irish. I apologize. Are you ready for the mumbling and grumbling and groaning from Hopper and probably Belner a little bit as well? I feel that they're going to have something to say about that last event. Let me
Starting point is 00:13:48 translate that for all the listeners from Irish to English. He's saying, are you ready for Jason
Starting point is 00:13:56 Hopper and Patrick Belner to act like bitches because they lost? How dare you? How dare
Starting point is 00:14:02 you say that about our CrossFit superstars? Well, here, let me pull you up on something else. You said earlier, could be not someone who speaks English to explain Event 7. I was actually from England,
Starting point is 00:14:15 so maybe he was the best person to speak your adopted language. I hear you, kind of. It's really not your accent. It's the fucking connection. It's so bad, buddy. They've throttled back everything. I think the people running your phone company
Starting point is 00:14:32 took the vaccine and they're having a stroke right now. And it's just like, it's just all breaking up. It's all breaking up. Apology. I think Felder and Hopper, they both grow on and complain the same amount.
Starting point is 00:14:44 But Hopper doesn't mind looking like a talking kid, whereas Belner, he likes to try and appear like he's not too long to fight it. But he moans and groans and complains just as much, I think. Let me ask you this. Don't they have to do that so that they can come back and fight another day? Don't you have to? Someone should write a flow chart of what losing is like it's like at first you blame everyone else so that you can keep your head in the game and realize that you still have a chance to win
Starting point is 00:15:16 and then eventually you go back to the drawing board and realize that you still need to do something to make yourself better like there's like there's some like um there's some like healthy steps to getting better but that part of it it might be okay to do some like finger pointing as long as you as long as you you stop it at some point i mean especially in the fight game right yeah i think the guys will ultimately get back into the training i'm telling the they have to do and they'll hold themselves back. But I think sometimes it's healthy for your mindset to bend a little and get a bit of your upset out.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Point to someone else as long as you don't get hurt from it. As long as you don't upset anyone too much, I think it's useful for them to get rid of some of that negativity that they might have with the whole experience. Yeah. I would love to keep you on longer, but our connection is so bad that even your brilliant James Bond voice isn't cutting it.
Starting point is 00:16:19 No problem. I appreciate you taking my call. Thanks, Devon. Yep. Later, brother. Thanks for calling. Wow. The show is getting so big that people just have this shit on speed dial or like they haven't memorized.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I hadn't even posted the number yet. You guys do not call that number on the screen. This is not a fucking live call-in show. That's a live call-in number, but it's not a live call-in show. Do you understand? I do wish the last event for the guys was a little bit heavier after watching the women go i don't but i like how you just jumped in there and you you know that if you i'm never gonna let you talk unless you just been there that that was your best pacing so far john just jump in but i don't need it heavier why do you want it heavier what you want to see a couple fails you want to weed out some guys because it's too heavy okay yes because if you watch if you watch the women
Starting point is 00:17:05 they seemed way slower than the guys like just right off the bat took it way slower than the guys and the people who could cycle 145 touch and go three squat snatches shined even more because they were the only ones that could do it and it was about five of them and those were the girls that were sub one minute or the guys i would say 15 out of 20 all could do it sub one minute. And then it's an execution workout. It's not it's not about your fitness. You know, this should show like he was able to shine because he's that much better than everybody else. But the other people who are better at squat snatches touch and go to 25. That's all it would have had to be is just 20 more pounds. And it would have separated people even more. And it would be less of an execution workout on the guy's side. Because if you missed one thing, if you tripped once, you were essentially
Starting point is 00:17:57 done because it's an execution workout and it's less of ability because everybody could do it. I hear you. I'm not opposed to it, but I like the weight. I did not think that until the women went. And like it became abundantly clear until when the women went that the people who could do it shined because not everybody could. Oh, okay. Then let me pose this to you. What about making the women's weight lighter?
Starting point is 00:18:22 Instead of the men's weight heavier um to get both of the stimuluses or to get the competition all on the same page lower the women to 135 i would rather the event be judged on their abilities than execution that's just me uh you velner usually blames the events rather than his performance yeah you know i i just i just can't see that i'm not buying that from a champion i'm guessing that eventually a champion has to go back and be like okay this is what i have to do um john can can you dribble a snatch like you can dribble a deadlift the way can you because gee i would have thought that everyone was cycling that bar fast except for the fact that i saw gee do it and then it like there
Starting point is 00:19:12 was uh so gee was not making contact he just went straight from the ground to overhead and he was fast enough he could get under it he would he didn't make contact with his hips like once oh i see what you're saying you're saying in the pool somewhere between the first and second or third pool most people the bar drags against your body or you do a bump you make hit contact yeah you can get under the bar because you give the bar momentum up he literally just almost high pulled it and and would just as fast enough he'd get under it is that called like something like is that like a squat muscle snatch it's not a muscle snatch because you're squatting muscle snatches your knees aren't bending it's just he just high pulled it right right so so so
Starting point is 00:19:55 it's like a no contact sumo deadlift high high pull but into a snatch no contact No contact snatch. All right. All right. High pull overhead. Snatch needed to be a clean. Hopper is trash. Not cool, Ryan. 20 burpees, buddy. Not on this show. Not on this show. Everybody likes to hate on Hopper.
Starting point is 00:20:16 He got seventh. He did fine. Yeah, Dominic. John, actually, let's let John talk about this because he mentioned this to me in a text during the event. So you would go lower than 70% women versus men here? What does that mean? The women's percentage would be 70% less than 70%? That's how I take it. Didn't you send me something about that? I think people get too hung up on percentages just because the original CrossFit started at 70%. For general population, 70% is
Starting point is 00:20:47 great. Didn't you tell me it was 66 though? The sandbag was. The sandbag was 66%. If you made the weight 66%, then it's across the board and the men would have been slower. But that sandbag for the women was 66% of the men and it still made a difference the women struggled way more than the men did and it's usually not the case it's usually the opposite but for the workout stimulus i want the workout stimulus to be the same is all i'm saying they have people test these workouts i don't care about percentages i want the men and women to be the same stimulus i don't want to make the women's bar lighter make the women's bar lighter um uh yeah i i want um the the women and men um who
Starting point is 00:21:32 apply for jobs at will get the same pay regardless of vagina or penis it's it's not this this board is equality The scrolling comments, I was bitching to you guys. It shows that I'm a 49-year-old jackass. I'm bitching to you guys about the scrolling comments on the side of my 90-inch beautiful TV. Yeah, just full screen it. Yeah, Sousa has to be like, dude, you can turn those off. Man, what a shit show those are.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Let me tell you something. If you're watching those scrolling comments, you're an idiot. Those are like The Bachelor or The Bachelte those that reading those will make you stupid your iq will plummet do not leave those on it's idiot central it's not even fun they're not even good put downs i they were on for like over an hour my house i didn't see one your mama joke it was pathetic uh is that final event uh-oh uh-oh is that final event the best crossfit event we've ever seen in any competition the best event or final event just best event period is that was that the coolest no no i don't think so it tell me one that just pops up in your head right away that was better i mean i thought the fibonacci final was pretty cool. Um, but that was mostly just because of the race at the end. I think workouts like the two, two, two, three intervals. I think
Starting point is 00:22:49 those workouts are really cool. As far as the coolest event go. I mean, I think first cut was the best CrossFit event. And if people go out there and try the first cut, it's extremely hard. It's very hard. What are you talking about? What first cut? In 2019, the very first workout they did. Four rounds, run 400 meters, three legless rope climbs, and then seven snatches with 185, squat snatches. I think workouts that test complete fitness, I think are better events than sprint workouts.
Starting point is 00:23:26 For all of you people who complain that I interrupt too much, and that's 95% of you. If I don't interrupt, we won't know what the fuck anyone's talking about. John's like the Fibonacci, the 2223, the 2019 first event. Like, like someone has to decode the shit that him and Brian says. So the rest of us knuckleheads can enjoy it or else the whole entire show. It's like talking to someone in the military. It's all in acronyms. Understand that he's talks to us in shorthand and I have to, I have to break it down for the knuckleheads. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Also I'll say, I say, but what's that have to do with, isn't that a bias on your part that you like to work out to test the full fitness? Like that was dope. What we just saw. Yeah. 100%. 100% it's a bias and i i think what we just saw was great i thought it was a great event um i do but as far as like best event we've ever seen i mean i get more goosebumps watching fraser clean 380 um when him and pancha go at it or uh i get as far as goosebumps go like what did i just watch? That was awesome. I would say events like that are better than what we just saw.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But as far as what we just saw, I do think it was a fantastic event. I thought it was very cool. And, you know, and I will say this, if Vellner did not miss that snatch and say him and Medeiros were one and two, and we saw a race like our Annie and Tia, that's a better one. Annie and Tia were one and two and whoever saw a race like our annie and tia that's a better one annie and tia were one and two and whoever won won the rogue championship that would have been a cinderella story of of an event it probably would be the best event if that were to happen yes i agree i can't happen unless you have events like this uh from a narrative perspective i absolutely 100 wanted annie to be in the final with tia and to win that would have been because it was funny because my wife walks in the room
Starting point is 00:25:11 and she's like oh um tia's winning by five points i'm like that's what the scoreboard said but that's not the truth she goes what do you mean i go if they go to the finals it's whoever wins wins and that that was some that was fucking awesome um uh jim klisa how does the ceo of crossfit not know the events i only do game shit to make money on youtube off of you guys i am an affiliate loving health conscious mofo the games are a dangerous event that takes a beautiful lifestyle and bastardizes it and turns it into a violent, aggressive, shoulder injuring, young man's, young woman's game of stupidity. That's why I ride the assault bike and do front squats with a 40 pound D ball. I don't do this
Starting point is 00:25:59 shit. John Young does try to figure out how old, how, strong i am i gotta give a shit i got three kids another five years will whoop any of your asses step into my house jim klees i care about the games so it's just money for my kids to take jujitsu and violin lessons um i i the two best um uh uh events of this of the rogue invit invitational was the Bella complex and the final event. What, what, what were your favorites? And not only,
Starting point is 00:26:28 not only, not only the best, but groundbreaking, groundbreaking, the same way the chest of our pull up in 2009 was groundbreaking. I'm on a roll. Huh? Sousa,
Starting point is 00:26:36 the same way the chest of our pull up in 2008 or nine was groundbreaking. That Bella complex was brown groundbreaking. And this, uh, bracket one is, I would say event three, I would say event three in the last one. I enjoyed event three the most. Here we go again, guys.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Fucking decode for us. Decode for us. All right. The 20 thruster, 40 cal bike, 20 thruster workout. Oh, you're so old school. I mean, that's good. That's so good, but that's so just in the stadium in Carson or Madison. I enjoy watching people suffer.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Me too. Okay. I get it. Those are good. I agree. You're right, and neither of the ones I mentioned, there's really any suffering. Yes or no? Disappointed Lord.
Starting point is 00:27:29 No, I mean, it wouldn't mean much if she did like it'd be a wait read the question read the question because a lot of people can't see it yeah disappointed laura didn't slash couldn't beat tia at the end there and so she's talking about the when tia and laura went against each other at the final um if she were to beat Tia, it would have been like 2018. She beat Tia in the final event in 2018. I mean, she's still second place. Tia still beat everybody by a considerable amount, so not really. I'm not – I don't know who I wanted to win. Like, it would have been cool either way.
Starting point is 00:28:03 If it was Annie, I'd be rooting for Annie. I get that. But it's so cool just to see Tia just be like, it's so great seeing Jordan dunk. I mean, and that's what Tia did. Like, she wasn't supposed to win that. Who, Tia? Yeah. I mean, Laura was better at all three of those things.
Starting point is 00:28:22 She was cycling the jump ropes faster. Very close. She was cycling the bar faster, she was picked up the bag easier and basically she just made some tiny little errors she got to the rope slower she got transitioned to the bag a little bit slower and and tia took advantage and it was kind of in the um maybe you could i'd have to go back and look but it was in the transitions you could even say that tia won and then of course the sprint we know tia is faster yeah uh sebon please tell brian and john now all ready to make themselves available for mayhem desert dubai water palooza events so just so you know so brian came on the show as a complete nobody now he's got like 5 000 instagram followers and like he's like se on eat a dick you know john is still
Starting point is 00:29:05 like thinks i'm fucking amazing can't believe i'm including him in the show i think i can milk a couple of these events off of him before he wakes up and or his head gets too big like uh brian's does but we'll see but thank you a couple thousand followers away from uh tell, yeah, exactly. OK, what Adler deserves an award this weekend? The reason why is because I had no interest in ever having him on the show before. And now all of a sudden, why do I? I told you I said Adler was going to be top five and you thought it was a mistake and Brian thought it was a mistake. And I knew Adler was going to thrive in this. Adler is, he's sneaky way fitter than you think.
Starting point is 00:29:50 What award should he get? If we were giving. I would say most underrated or underrated or improved. Okay. Don't put me on blast like that i love it i love it i love it uh i i want to talk about travis mayor but i don't think i'm emotionally ready to he did very good you think he did okay good okay then i am emotionally ready tell me
Starting point is 00:30:25 he got sixth in the whole competition and i'm pretty sure that's better than me or brian had him um but as soon as the events came out i knew he was going to do well um let's see he beat jason hopper jason hopper was seventh uh he would have beaten guillermo if gu Guillermo didn't have a home run event as the last event. So, I mean, as you know, he's fifth through six, five, six. I mean, that's a success for him. He's usually 10th at the games around nine through 11, nine through 12 at the games. So it's a solid improvement from him. People like Chandler Smith, Saxon Panchchick cole sager these these people tend to
Starting point is 00:31:07 beat travis mayer in these type of competitions and they did not this time i thought travis did phenomenal okay so here's my concern i hear you and i want to believe you and i want to be like yeah yeah good job good job travis here's the part that's uh here's the part that's hard for me Here's the part that's hard for me. Vellner, okay, I can tolerate Vellner being ahead of him. Medeiros, okay. Jeffrey Adler, okay. Björgvin, Carl Goodman's in, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:38 But this fucking rookie, one-trick, one-door fucking pony from fucking flew up from the most southern tip of the planet Earth, Guillermo, eat my boy, Travis mayor and Guillermo is supposed to just be a one trick pony and look at him. Look at him. Travis is one of the most well-rounded in the world. Listen, listen,
Starting point is 00:31:52 listen. And that makes me think that Travis is like, Oh shit. I mean, that's got to get in Travis's head. Right. I don't think so. Because there's seven events,
Starting point is 00:31:59 seven events in this competition. And originally this is why I had near most so low. Do you see that 19th place? It's very glaring. Do you see it? Yep. Yep. So he's got a first place and a 19th place.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I expected him to have his home run event and then an event where he's going to be near the bottom or last. And then all the rest of the events, I expected him to do a through 12th, just right in the middle of the pack, because in a seven event contest, he right in the middle of the pack. Because in a seven event contest, he shouldn't have two home run events. It should be one home run event. Instead, he got two. So if you make that first place in the last event, our 10th place, that's a difference
Starting point is 00:32:38 of 45 points. And he would have been right around, he'd be under Jason Hopper. He'd be eighth place, eighth or ninth place, but he got two home run events. He'd be under Jason Hopper. He'd be eighth place, eighth or ninth place. But he got two home run events. So you're saying a little home cooking from Mr. Froning. A little home cooking. Exactly what I'm saying. Rich did this off so he could be high. No, no, that's not what I'm saying. But the last event was a sprint event.
Starting point is 00:33:00 And the second event was a max out event. Typically in six to seven event competitions, you'll have a max out event. Typically, in six to seven event competitions, you'll have one max out event, one long endurance event, and the rest are CrossFit. He got two home run events, and I didn't expect that to happen. That's why I didn't expect that to happen, but he did. He capitalized where he's supposed to, and this is Guillermo's best result, and he killed it.
Starting point is 00:33:24 But if you're Travis, typically in a seven event contest, he's not going to have two home run events. That's a great observation. And it makes me feel better. The reason why you guys listen to this show is because of things that I'm about to tell you. You don't know that's why you listen to it, but I'm about to tell you. Because of things that I'm about to tell you. You don't know that's why you listen to it, but I'm about to tell you. When you have Guy on your podcast, listen up podcast people,
Starting point is 00:33:56 for some reason, all the shows he's on, the clicks get three times the money as anyone else. So all podcasters. So anything that I may have said to offend Guy, I apologize in advance. For some reason, I don't know if it's because Brazilians, but I'm saying something that's true here. If you look at our, when we look at our analytics, Susan and I, there's this, this weird thing. He can have one third the views with one third the time as someone else, but it's the same amount of money. So, uh, any podcasters out there who think twice before you talk shit about Guy, cause you want them on your show. Cause it makes, it makes loot. I think it's just because people want to see stuff that
Starting point is 00:34:28 they haven't seen before no i think it has to do with the fact that he's from brazil it's the clicks coming from brazil oh do you know i mean what i'm saying is this clicks on a okay so sorry let me say it a little more clearly clicks on a g video oh here we go wad zombie it's the brazilian viewers just like the rogue broadcast comments yeah those viewers though are worth more money than north american viewers is what i'm saying so like i was comparing like him and john brzenk and uh when they were on the podcast and their podcasts were tracking basically the same but it was three times the amount of money we were making off of gee off of that video and and and we noticed that first at the game something weird really
Starting point is 00:35:05 weird happened at the games when we had him on so uh geez if he if he fixes his aerobic capacity which is in a great place to do that in mayhem i love it i'm talking about you're so good john get us back on track here get us back on track yes if he fixes his aerobic capacity like i mean he's in a great place to do it with mayhem if he starts getting on the podium because that's his only hole it's a glaring hole and it's huge but if he starts to fix that he's only going to get better and then he's you know he if he starts giving maderos to run for his money and he can get fit enough to be in the top three atmosphere he'll only get more more followers more following um and you know what uh not to discredit and take anything away from rich
Starting point is 00:35:54 because at the top of the pyramid obviously is rich but maybe hayley adams is that piece that he needs maybe she i mean because they're polar opposites. Yeah. God knows she's impressive. Yeah. Uh, yes. So that's funny. You say that Gershwin seven, how about buying John a professional mic and headset? I don't know about the, uh, headset. I have to talk to a money bag Suze over there, but I actually told Suze today, I was like, Hey, I think it's time that we invest. Um, Oh, Hey, Hey, I got a answer to this. So Teddyiams do you know teddy williams look he's already interrupting me definitely he's a mike yes i know teddy williams he is giving me a mic on the house uh that he has laying around he's giving me a blue yeti i think that's what it's called um and my wife is picking it up next friday wow does he live by you he lives in st louis and i live in southeast missouri so it's like two hours away wow um i bet you it's cheaper at the because of the cost of gas
Starting point is 00:36:51 and time to just order one well she's she's working up there so it works out she's gonna go to their gym it's like 10 minutes away um steel city blue city paul k really that that that's a desperate move paul and i and i and i love desperation two dollars paul k rich will do for gee what matt did for madaris i saw that but i don't even know what that means really so i didn't read it but since you paid two bucks i'll read it whore yep that's me um hayley adams will teach g a lot what he needs to get better from capacity standpoint i mean he knows he knows what he needs to get better at it's not that he doesn't know it's just the process of putting in the time and getting better at it uh lesson from mertens mertens whoever wants to put in the time they'll get it done
Starting point is 00:37:41 get him a mic and some milk, Ryan Sansom. Why milk? Kiki is taller than Guy. The most viewers I saw was 55,000, but I didn't check. That was at the end of the woman's event on the YouTube stream. That's pretty impressive. Did anyone see a bigger number than that did anyone uh look while the men were going to see what the some of the biggest numbers were that was the biggest number i'd seen for the whole weekend
Starting point is 00:38:13 also no um uh that rope that heavy rope at one point did i was that the first that that rope has ever been seen i thought i heard the commentators say that it was a new product rogue put out that it's different than the other heavy ropes do we have i'm not sure i know i know the handles are heavy but we've seen heavy handled ropes before right um but yeah i heard them talk about that too and i'm not sure if that's a new rope or not um china cho is also talking about it, saying that people need to buy one. So it wouldn't surprise me if it's a new one. Wow, $129 for a rope.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It's a lot. Yeah, it's pretty. Annie was eliminated. The commentators weren't saying anything about First Place being over treating the audience like children pathetic i'm not sure what you mean by that but what you mean is like they were trying to keep the hope and the tension alive one lamb i saw 7 000 i know but i'm done oh here we go here we go 57 57 000 dina mccarthy okay oh maybe one meant 57 to, he just dropped the five. I feel like Matt is getting more kudos for Adam than Madaris X. I mean, let's just leave Matt out of it.
Starting point is 00:39:31 And you're right. Adam, uh, knifer is, uh, I mean, shit. Is he coming on?
Starting point is 00:39:38 That's his coach. I mean, I've been sending so many people links. Um, and everyone's like got excuses like they're getting drug tested or just whatever whatever uh we talked the pedestals um crazy beautiful looked great on the screen um pretty fantastic design that's that steel plate i'm curious how much that just the pedestal weighed but did you expect that problem that
Starting point is 00:40:12 we saw happen a couple times i don't think i ever saw it happen with the men but with the women we saw like three or four times they would pick up the bag and it would hit underneath the the pedestal the top of the pedestal yeah Yeah, I mean, if you... I'm getting ready to say something sexist. Please tell me you saw some men do it too. I really didn't see any of the men do it. But if you watch Strongman, this is what happens to the Atlas Stones. It's going to get canceled.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Okay, so you've seen men do that? Yeah. Okay, good. All right, then I won't say it. It weighed a little bit more than 250, but yeah, it happens. So the way – I'm sure you noticed it. The way the bags were placed facing the pedestal, there was two methods. Well, everyone picked up the bag I think the exact same way.
Starting point is 00:40:58 They picked it up so that the – I don't know how to explain it, but if you were – let's say the bag was a hot dog. You picked it up facing the long end. But when you approached it, they had it turn so that the skinny end was facing you. And so some people would actually take their hands and spin the bag 90 degrees. But other people, and I think these were the smart ones, picked the bag up from the side. And it was one less movement and then rotated their body once it was up why how is that an easy mistake to make to pick up the bag and hit the bottom of the pedestal or is that i think it depends i think it depends on your body type
Starting point is 00:41:36 because if you can't reach around to grab the whole the whole bag then you need to grab the skinny side and you need to uh kind of sit it on your legs before you can get it up um so colton mertens would have grabbed the skinny side i think so yeah because just because he couldn't hold on to the sides it's not it's just it's simple anatomy and and you're saying when you did that it was more likely to hit the underneath of the table because you had more sticking out um underneath the pedestal no no no it's just it's one movement whenever you do grab it from the sides it's just one movement you don't go to your knees first so the bag is just a little bit more unstable you don't have a hold of it it's good but if you can get in one movement it's faster
Starting point is 00:42:20 but if you have to go to your uh you know legs knees first and then lift it up it's uh safer but it takes more time uh ryan sansom what was the prize money for first place uh 250 000 and what about that bitcoin thing it's it's with it's with that okay hey mad what if they would have bought that that shiba one did you see that one where if you invested a thousand dollars in it you'd be a billionaire have you seen that article going around it's nuts 256 000 okay um gershwin 50 people currently watching the crossfit podcast 294 watching seven uh that's interesting because I think they have like two million subscribers. So that means when they go live, I think it sends out a million emails.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Do you guys get emails when we go live? How do you guys know? How does anyone know that we go live? As far as I know, Justin spent a week with Fraser. Guy is practically living with froning yeah and i think justin also to be to be really fair i think justin and adam also spent a week at mayhem i think that they i think justin's all do we know that i think justin madaris has spent time training he went there for a week but it was like a invite to a lot of people to come and he
Starting point is 00:43:44 just was and he just was one of them it was a i'm pretty sure it was a what invite to a lot of people to come and he just was and he just was one of them it was a i'm pretty sure it was a what's rich doing kind of a camp okay okay um i have a note here about morad jogging across the finish line uh wondering if that was a mistake i don't even really recall why i wrote that uh gee setting his bag on the pedestal i really liked how chase kept pointing that out when people set their bag on the edge of the pedestal that that was yeah i was waiting for one of them to fall off um and none of them did how many people in the stands i don't know they said it sold out so however many tickets were available it didn't it didn't it didn't look sold out no no it didn't there I don't think there were
Starting point is 00:44:37 as many tickets as there were seats in the stadium I don't know why like like the six foot rule that was like well it wasn't even in the stadium. The sections were empty. When the camera would show all the sections, there wasn't a single section that was full. Yeah, I'm not sure. For those of you who have not been to the CrossFit Games, and I have not been to a Rogue Invitational,
Starting point is 00:44:57 when you go inside the venue, it is not only sold out, but it's jam-packed, and it is so loud that you don't feel um uh not not feeling safe is a little bit heavy-handed but it is freaking loud i mean it is so loud it hurts your ears like your ears will ring after going to the final day at the crossfit games if you're inside the stadium and uh i i figured that it was in austin right this rogue invitational i figured it would be jam-packed i wonder if they were unsort of uh on some sort of guidelines austin's a huge town for crossfit i wonder if because of covid there was some sort of like
Starting point is 00:45:36 limit on how many people they could have in there maybe i went in 2019 into uh columbus and it seemed like it seemed like there were more people there than there were at this one. And didn't Rogue build a venue for this event? Yep. Yeah, man. I would love to see that venue. Hey, while you have this up, Matt, pull that back up again. Where is the finish line?
Starting point is 00:46:06 Where is the finish line? Where is the finish line? Do you know, John, for sure? Is it that rubber mat where the coolers are? I think it's where the white starts. Yeah, at times you can actually see where the chip timing thing is, and Belner is good to watch because he usually knows exactly where it is. Same with Hopper when he slid it. Yeah, they'll stick their leg out.
Starting point is 00:46:24 You see, and when they go to Yeah, they'll stick their leg out. And when they go to slide, they slide at the white line. Yeah, so that's where the timing chip ends, and that's most important. That's the technical thing. Okay, that makes sense. That's all I got. I'm not going to lie. It was a long weekend for me.
Starting point is 00:46:43 It was long. I was tired. I'm glad today's over I'm glad it's like Halloween I get to hang out with my kids Friday and Saturday were long were they long for you I was tired yeah it was hard to find time to work out to be honest that was my only problem
Starting point is 00:47:00 you have high expectations for your workouts that's why I guess does anyone know what they did with the t-shirts that all the male athletes signed they were busy with it while they're i think i saw in a wide shot them throwing it into the crowd oh i want to know who got that shirt um the games weren't that loud this year a lot of monster energy dickhead types who don't cheer i got a lot to say on that too um wow old man doesn't have much fitness try some crossfit sevon bam dude it's just it's just i'm not used to watching tv stop laughing suze it's not funny
Starting point is 00:47:39 i don't watch tv so watching all that tv just sat me of my energy, lowered my T count. Anything else we want to leave these guys with? You want to ask them if they have any questions? Do you guys have any questions? None of you guys will see John now for another, I don't know. You might have people come on within within the week oh that's right i forgot look at him look at him see what i did i just threatened him a little bit he's vying for positioning and joe bracamonte hey is that one of your clients uh suza oh that thank you joe that's
Starting point is 00:48:20 an odd that's my favorite number too 27 99 you demand um let me see who we have on this week just real quick tomorrow morning 7 a.m we have jason hopper tuesday we have tuesday i think we have emily abbott i don't see her on the calendar yet but that's good to go right suza yes emily's confirmed i'll put it on there and then and um and my words are sorry her words not mine it's going to be pussy talk the power i think i mean now i'm phrasing but it's the power of the pussy and the power of the um she didn't call it the pussy bowl the pelvic bowl yeah i know i know liz i i i is what i'd probably guess there no no she didn't say pelvic floor it's pelvic bowl i know my wife tried to correct me to eat a dick suza uh um uh yeah i will try to get
Starting point is 00:49:15 emma carry on emily will eat you alive i know i am i i have some personal issues with Emily, like good ones. Like I hope – like what if I – like she comes on the show and I freeze. I have some concerns. I've always been a huge fan. But I'm excited about it. She's doing a workshop on November 5th, and I reached out to her and asked if she'd come on the show and talk about the workshop. So that's pretty cool. Then in the evening on Tuesday, we have the great Kate Gordon and the CrossFit trainer James Hobart. On Wednesday, we have Michael Todd, one of the greatest arm wrestlers to ever live.
Starting point is 00:49:59 He competed against Devin Lorette a couple months ago. He's been around forever. He's got a pretty big following, and he's a really cool dude, charismatic guy, super athlete. Then on the fourth, we have Ian Gary. It says he's not yet confirmed, but he's a UFC fighter who's fighting on the Amazing Card this weekend, which has Gaethje and Chandler fighting,
Starting point is 00:50:28 and Rose Namahunas uh and on friday we have lindsey do you know lindsey's last name is it vasquez valent valent valent no different lindsey from from birth fit oh i don't know, it's one of my favorite subjects is mama talk, babies being born, kids, the whole birthing process, the gestation period. I love all that stuff. It's actually one of the best things about having a kid is watching your wife grow the baby. It's truly fascinating. Is Brian on the one with Hopper tomorrow? I think so. Are you around?
Starting point is 00:51:06 I'm at school. Monday and Tuesday, I can't do anything. Just do that. Just sit in the back and put plugs in. This software is so amazing. You could do this from – you sound like Vellner with your fucking excuses, John. Volkanovski Part 2. God, that would be great. Lauren Fisher would be great. Sarah. So I got great news about Sarah. The good news is, is, um, she gave me her phone number. So we're actually texting back and forth. We're not going through the DMS anymore and we're not going through.
Starting point is 00:51:41 with his agent. Susan and the agent were talking. They couldn't get that shit signed. So I went straight to the source. Straight to the source. Sarah Sigmundsdoter. And she's super busy this next week. I told her that she could tell me with 30 minutes notice that she can come on
Starting point is 00:51:56 and me and John would come on. Unless John's in class, of course, because he's got his priorities. Is your mom's name Rosemary? Careful, buddy. She just his priorities. Hey, Stefan, is your mom's name Rosemary? Careful, buddy. She just followed me. I'm just... 501 followers.
Starting point is 00:52:12 501 followers. Oh, God, you guys, this is so fun. Thanks for doing this. Sorry to be a spoiled brat and complain about being tired. What about trying to chill for the... Oh, dude, I need to get trying on. I'm going to. He did great this weekend.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I trying to look hot. She sounded smart and her hair looked good and her right arm had like a vein on it. And I'm I was like I was digging her. I was really, really, really uh her on the broadcast so uh kudos to freddie good job putting a ring on it and i think we're out liz tuesday no no not liz tuesday night i don't think we have this tuesday night liz no we have emily we have – I am going to get Greg Glassman. He was responding to this comment about the news. That was Liz.
Starting point is 00:53:12 There's too many comments coming in. It short-circuited my brain. Who's this on it? No, no. It's not just because China is hot. That's like just the bonus. It was really – well, she and she sitting next to pat sherwood anyone looks hot but um her voice man she was killing it something about her voice she i mean it was casual and yet professional i dug her brook ends oh yeah shoot i'll reach out to her i'll i should definitely reach out to her and see if she wants to come on. That's an easy show.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I like people like her. She's a chatty Cathy. She talks up a storm and I can just kick it. All right. I have to pee so bad my eyes are turning yellow. All right. Until next time, Siobhan.

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