The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Men Event 1

Episode Date: October 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Oh, we're live. Eight seconds live. I didn't even know it.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Hats on crooked. The boys aren't here. I just sent out the link. This is going to be really dynamic today. We are doing the recap of event one from the Rogue Invitational.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Just the men. The women have not gone yet. We just had both heats of the men go. We're joined by Brian Friend. What's up, Brian? What's up? Can you hear me? Ooh, that's loud. Ooh, that's loud. You're good. That's not usually the problem with you.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Sounding good. What's up, everybody? Is that better? I don't think it's your fault. It's my fault. My computer's full blast. What's up, John? John, is it raining where you're at? I got like... Yeah, I got like 10 minutes okay uh we'll let you go first then what is your first assessment uh let's talk about the event first in its totality not specifically event
Starting point is 00:01:37 number one what did you think about the show the field the athletes the timing etc go ahead john um i wish the the uh leaderboard had like ahead, John. I wish the leaderboard had a running update. It did at the end, which was nice, but it didn't for the first heat. But other than that, I think it looks pretty good. I think it looks better than you think. I think we're spoiled. But yeah, I'm spoiled.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Of course, I would have liked the leaderboard um the the real issue and it's the same problem we have with the games is we don't know what's going on on the side and so um like like by the side i mean the people who aren't necessarily in the lead like it looked like gee was having some serious issues and there could have been a lot of drama there if they would have showed it to us and so that those are the things i'm disappointed about but of course i'm nitpicking how uh the the actual footage looked amazing the field looks amazing um the uh the hill is much better than i ever imagined um in terms of uh a man-made hill it's pretty cool kudos to to Rogue. Brian? What? What did you think? What's the big picture impression of the event?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yeah, I think the layout, the field that they have there looks great. The setup is really cool and unique, but I think in the midst of the competition, like John was saying, we don't get to see all of it play out. I'm not sure what kind of cameras they have set up there that can maybe show the entire field at once if they want to um but it was a lot of you know they they zoomed out to it a couple times towards the end when there were some races done like uh there were a couple close races which is nice you know madero speak kg and cole sega are very close and then gee and lazar were very close um and we were able to see those, so that was nice. But for a majority of the event, yeah, it was the close-ups on Vellner and Medeiros in the middle of the field, out in the lead.
Starting point is 00:03:34 But, I mean, that's basic. Like, if you're watching CrossFit on YouTube, you know, or live broadcast, that's pretty much what you get. Does John get credit for saying that, not seeing the guys on the side, or do I get credit for that? John. Oh, that's weird weird it could be a team effort john i must have not been listening to you john my bad uh john your neck someone says john's neck is thick that's just camera angles buddy he's john is 125 pounds soaking wet um what are you Are you guys, I mean, I think I can answer for you, but I want to hear
Starting point is 00:04:08 you guys say, are you surprised at how the turnout, how people finished this event? John? Mr. Young? Not really the top. I am surprised at how good Hopper did. And why is that?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Where did you think his weakness was going to be? The rope climbs. I know he's tall, but if you go back and watch the rope climb event at the games, he's not the best at climbing ropes. He's kind of awkward. He's not super fast when he climbs ropes. Uh, but he,
Starting point is 00:04:47 uh, paced this perfectly and he came out of those second five in the lead. And I thought he did this event about as good as he could have done it. He froze. He froze. He froze. He froze. This is what happens when you try to do a show from your car.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I think Brian brought John Young on just so Brian's audio would seem good. I had to do something. I was getting just slaughtered in the comments. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. I just getting slaughtered in the comments. Uh-oh. I just got a text. CrossFit Games drug testing policy has been brought to the forefront in recent weeks on the backs of two high-profile cases involving individual athletes' positive tests. What happened?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Is this something new out of the morning chalk-up? What are you looking at? Someone just sent me a comment from the morning chalk- Up that we have two more. Click to read Tommy's deep dive into the complex relationships across the games and drug sanctions. Oh, shit. Is that something new from the Morning Chalk Up, Brian?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Sorry, I know it's off topic a little bit. What is the date of it? It says one day ago. Maybe it's a Tommy Marquez drug testing program. Sorry. I don't mean to derail us. We can circle back after we lose John. After we lose John.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Pat Vellner, you guys aren't surprised at all. No, no, no. I mean, look, first of all, he's, you know, he's like really, really good at pacing workouts. He understands his capacity for things and honestly i thought that was the main difference in this workout between the guys that did well and the guys that didn't do well in both heats the the leaders in the early part of the workout faded hard to the back of the pack and um you know finished last or near last in the event and i i just don't get it anymore. Like we've had
Starting point is 00:06:46 the sports been around long enough. These guys are good enough. I understand that like sometimes you're in the heat of competition and it gets the best of you, but we're talking about like, these are supposed to be the 20 best guys in the world. You know, when I go to do a workout, I know I'm not very good relative to them, but I have a very good understanding of what my capacity is. And if I have 10 rope climbs with the weight vest, I'm not going to burn out in the first five. And that's what we see here is that people are just doing, you know, they're burning out in the first five and they got nothing left on the back half. And I don't, I don't like to me, that's inexcusable for athletes of this caliber. Uh, Holy cow. Brian looks like Forrest Gump when
Starting point is 00:07:22 he ran across the country. Brian, so let's play the other side of it. What excuse would you make for them? Is it nerves? Is it adrenaline? Is it the $1.4 million? What excuse can you make for them? Yeah, I guess in this case, I think it was Henrik Apelainen and then Alex Vigneault who really stood out.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Obviously, Jason Smith and a couple others had some problems with the rope climbs. But those were the guys that took the early lead and finished towards the end of their heats. And maybe it's just one of those things where you want to shoot your shot. You know, I'm going to take a chance. I'm going to go for it. And if it doesn't go well, it doesn't go well. You know, fine. But it's the first event of the competition. And to me, I would want to go out there with my plan and crossfitters talk about this all the time with
Starting point is 00:08:10 my plan execute it well see where i fall feel good about the way i executed it and set myself up for a good competition i wouldn't want to have the opposite i wouldn't want to go out too hot fade and burn and then be left having to deal with that for the remaining six events. Have you ever had your grip go out in a workout where it just won't come back? And was it a barbell or was it a rope? I've had it on barbell cycling where I've just thrown the bar because I couldn't grab it. And I also have had it on high-volume pull-ups where I, you know, just in like the last.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But what happens is it's like the last set, the last couple reps, like I just reduced the singles. I don't know if I've ever had it on a rope climb because I'm afraid to have it happen on a rope climb. I like your justification of why those certain guys went to failure. Like basically, are you saying that you thought that they know that they couldn't win necessarily so they just fucking go for broke? Their only hope is to throw that Hail Mary pass?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Am I understanding that right? It's a calculated risk? Yeah, potentially. I know we're speculating. Yeah, possibly. And I don't know. I mean, it is possible you get caught up in the heat of the moment. I think it's more likely in the case of Henry Kapilainen,
Starting point is 00:09:26 a younger, newer athlete in the sport. Alex Vigneault has been around a while. I'm pretty surprised that that happened to him. So the go-ruck is basically just a… That 30-minute time gap is brutal. That 30-minute time gap is unnecessary. Oh, what do you mean by that? Explain.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I mean, it was just, you know you know that's you got to test a workout like that and understand that like athletes of that caliber should be finishing under 12 minutes so you put a 15 or 16 minute time cap just in case someone blows up and that's plenty if you sit there for three four minutes doing nothing fine if you sit there for 15 16 minutes doing nothing it's it's completely unnecessary, and a waste of everyone's time. What would you guys have made the time cap? 15 minutes. It's humiliating, kind of.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Did anyone go over 15 minutes? Jason Smith didn't finish. He literally had to sit there on the field for like 20 minutes just by himself. Ooh, I saw that. Okay, so that's why that event went so long. Okay. Okay, I didn't realize that they were letting that clock go out man i wonder why they did that who does the programming for rogue do we know
Starting point is 00:10:30 oh yeah spieler and froney rich and chris yeah but that doesn't you know when we we've talked about this i think when they when we say that they're doing the programming we don't it's not guaranteed that they're in charge of every aspect or element of it so they might say yeah here's the workout but they don't make the day's schedule probably and i don't you know i don't know who does that but i thought that that was really strange to have that long of a time cap and i also thought that the amount of time between heat one and heat two was kind of unnecessary like i would understand the gap in time between men's event one and women's event two. They have to change the field and whatever else. It seemed like there was a lot of time, like 15 minutes between events on top of a 30 minute time cap, which
Starting point is 00:11:12 just seems like an unnecessary stringing out of the day. You know, I don't know how many people want to sit here and watch, you know, advertisements scroll on their screen for 30 minutes between events. I feel like you're going to lose a lot of audience that way. Why not condense it? This is the time it's going to start. We've got 15 minutes, three-minute changeover, 15 minutes. Then we've got a 30-minute break to the women. I like it because it gives people like us time to come in and capitalize on it.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Oh, no, no, no, no. We're not going to do that between event heat one and heat two. Correct. I hear you. I'm saying roll out the men's heats and have the break. Right, right, no, no. But we're not going to do that between event heat one and heat two. Correct. I hear you. Roll out the men's heats, then have the break. Right, right. I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:11:50 They called the hill Motter Hill, and that's Katie's maiden name. I wonder if it's named after her, or is it named after Rick Motter, who's her father, her or is it named after rick modder who's her father who i'm pretty sure has a pretty senior position over at rogue um in all the years that i've known them which is since the beginning he's always been around um do you think that who is it named after really modders i know it doesn't but it's still fun to talk about that was a joke do you get it just it? Just like John's internet connection. Hey, John, you know what? I'm going to have to tell you something. You might as well not come on the show anymore and just go to and look for a job, John, because we're done with your shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I noticed, and granted, I know that we cannot see everything that's going on, but I noticed that Jason Hopper was doing a little bit of a jog up the hill and downhill. A jog is a gross exaggeration, but bear with me. He was faster than all of the other guys. And I'm wondering why the guys, at least on the downhill, didn't try to, you know, that could give you six seconds if you were to go down the hill and gain two seconds each time. Did you notice that? I saw some people kind of semi-jogging down the hill, but most of them were just walking with, I would call it a deliberate walk on the way up.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Yeah. I think that hill's a lot steeper than it first looked when the athletes were doing Instagram videos the last two days. Yeah, I agree. It was still nice to see Jason make that extra, um, that extra effort. Uh, if I remember correctly,
Starting point is 00:13:34 Velner finished a minute faster than Hopper. Oh, 108 minute and eight seconds. Yeah. That's a lot, right? Yes. But, um, you know, Hopper's time ends up fifth overall.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So that's, you know, that's a very respectable finish on this workout. And if you look at the guys who finished ahead of him, it's really, you know, it's a very commendable finish. You're talking about Val Nombadero, BKG, and Cole Sager. Cole Sager is, you know, Chase talked about it on the broadcast. You know, he's very good in this style of workout. He's got an incredible track record. Those other three guys are the three guys to beat at this competition. I think everyone kind of knows that.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I wonder if how relevant, and I know this is a common theme for all the broadcasts and competitions. I wonder if Hopper would have been in the second heat if he would have done better. I wonder if Hopper would have been in the second heat if he would have done better. Well, he's 39 seconds behind the fourth place guy, which is sort of a lot. It's hard to say, but there's always the potential that he pushes a little too hard against those guys. So he might have actually benefited from being in the first heat on this one. Will they restructure the heats now? Will Hopper now go into the last heat? Well, I don't know if they've released the format for the Bella Complex tonight.
Starting point is 00:14:51 You know, they had that single platform out there for the Elephant Bar deadlift. If they're using that, then it's possible they'll do like a ladder like they did with the snatches and the cleans at the games the last two years. But man, I feel like that would be a really long ladder and an unnecessary long event. Cause it's not just one. It's not just like you're going up and hitting a snatch.
Starting point is 00:15:12 You got to clean it, jerk it, squad it, jerk it. And how many times are you really wanting to do that? So depending on the format, there might not be a heat is what I'm saying. Like it could just be a running group of guys.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But my guess is if they are running them in heats that the heat, if I'm saying. Like it could just be a running group of guys. Um, but my guess is if they are running them in heats, that the heat, if I was doing this, I would do it in like, you know, um, maybe like four groups of five and have them have an opportunity to each lift in like a circle type, like a, or a, you know, whatever one, two, three, four, five, one, two, three, or five and give them some number of attempts to do. Um, and then I would recede for tomorrow's events. I, um, even if you did that lift in 40 seconds and then you did it, gave a 22nd, 22nd transition, that would take 20 minutes to do one round. They would never do that. And if you had 10 rounds, now we're there for two hours or no 200 minutes worse. Um, so, so there must, it must be more like the way you said,
Starting point is 00:16:05 said they're going to do it like five at a time or something or 10 at a time. Or they could have a fixed amount of time to lift. Like they could set up 10 platforms out there and say, okay, you guys have 10 minutes to establish a max for this lift. Oh, oh, right. God, I kinda, I kinda would like them to narrow it down to five guys and then let them go one at a time. Yeah, I mean, I think that in this, you know, that's the thing that's so weird about the scheduling. Like there isn't that much going on today where they could do that with the number of athletes they have and the number of the events they have. But the way that the schedule is gone, the elephant bar deadlift took forever.
Starting point is 00:16:40 They push this back event an hour. That event originally wasn't started to schedule or to schedule to start until 7 PM central time. How late are you really planning to have this go on Friday night with two more days of competition to come? Um, what I think they could have condensed the schedule, like look at all this dead time and wasted air right now. Like event one, men's and women should have been over by now. 15 minute time caps, three minute transitions. This should have been an hour long and all of event one should have been in the books. They're dragging this out way, in my opinion, way unnecessarily long and preventing themselves from having a showcase event like that in the evening with the, they have plenty of time to do it if they wanted. I think something happened also,
Starting point is 00:17:17 because yesterday when I looked at the schedule, this event was supposed to start at 1140 AM. And then when, I don't know if it was you or John, but someone sent over the schedule to us this morning and it got pushed back 25 minutes. So something happened. It started at 12 Oh five, right? PM Pacific standard time. So basically it got moved from 1 40 PM central time to two Oh five. Oh yeah. Here we go. Is there anything, there's a couple of things I want to talk about, but we could talk about it after the women's event goes here. Any any surprises for the women's event? Who should we be watching?
Starting point is 00:17:54 I mean, based on what we saw from the men and the rope climbs being so significant, I think that Sam Briggs might do pretty well on this. I don't think a lot of people are talking about her. Where do you go? might do pretty well on this. I don't think a lot of people are talking about her. Where'd you go? And, uh, you know, I think,
Starting point is 00:18:06 um, Tia, I think Tia and Laura, Sam Briggs, um, that's, that'd be my pick for the top three. Um,
Starting point is 00:18:16 okay. So, so basically after seeing that you're saying that Sam, um, you, you would move Sam up cause she wasn't originally in that. Yeah. Is that correct?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yeah. I think she should do well on this. Okay. Anything else we want to say before we sign off and check this out? No, I think that's good. And enjoy the women's event. One.

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