The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Pat Vellner

Episode Date: October 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Sorry it took me so long. Are you kidding me? It didn't take long at all. Ah, that's so funny.
Starting point is 00:00:39 That's so funny. I knew your boyfriend would come back. Brian got off early and I just said, hey, your boyfriend's on live. He's at a friend's house. He's like trying to draw boundaries with me. He's trying to draw boundaries. Brian's at a friend's house? Yeah, he's at a friend's house. Well, I'm using that term loosely. I don't know. I don't believe he has any real friends. They were making fun of your hair a little bit today on the Bella Complex. Your hair was a – I mean, I couldn't believe that they didn't make fun of it more,
Starting point is 00:01:15 but Chase made some comments, like called it a coif or something. Boy, they're really running out of things to pick on me for, hey? They're really digging deep now. All right. Because you're doing too good. You're doing too good. Chase spends a little too much time on his hair, so I'm not going to take that.
Starting point is 00:01:30 My wife said you support a headband. You know what? I just don't like it. I get claustrophobic in a headband. I don't want to wear it. Oh, wow. Pat, what's your Instagram? I want to put your name in here right. It's just at P. Vellner.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And is it two L's? Yeah. One for every silver medal. I got a question for you. Is there less – so there's arguably better athletes here than at the games, shorter event, less places to hide hide and a shit ton of money but yet you guys might be possibly be having more fun is that true where am i wrong in my thinking or or if i'm right tell me how do you guys do that what were your four things again
Starting point is 00:02:19 um uh shit ton of money right less events better less events um better at but tougher competition less places to hide but possibly possibly more fun you guys are possibly we're arguing and thinking that you guys might be more relaxed yeah it is it's an interesting competition this year because it's so much more money than it has been in the past so it's kind of hard to ignore that but it is a fun event rogue does a great job it's a little more intimate like having only 20 men and 20 women um it kind of is a little easier a little more fun our briefings last like 15 minutes like it's just it's it's quite easy to navigate. They program fun events. They do some cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:12 You think the first event tomorrow morning is going to be fun? I think there's going to be a lot of people who don't get a lot of sleep tonight thinking about that workout all night. It's going to be short. That is the only saving grace. You can white knuckle it for three minutes and you'll be all right. How similar is it to that snatch workout from the games? Wait, refresh me. Is that the... John,
Starting point is 00:03:29 you were just telling me about that? That's echo bike thruster? Yeah. Or thruster. Yeah. Significantly more anaerobic than the snatch bike workout from the games. Some more pain. Yeah yeah it's a lot
Starting point is 00:03:47 more power up but i think you have to push the bike significantly harder and you can't breathe as well in thrusters as you can in a light snatch i mean most people muscle snatch at the game and you breathe quite easily so it's significantly less breathing and a harder effort on the bike that's sustained and not broken up so i mean i would guess the fastest bike athletes i don't know hold i don't know if you do i don't really look at wattage i mostly look at rpms because they hold steadier but i would say people will be aiming at like 90 plus rpms to try to hold throughout the bike the best biking athletes and then like your first 20 thrusters are not really relevant um and then your bike is very relevant particularly the last 20 calories
Starting point is 00:04:33 if you can sustain it and then the last set of thrusters i think everybody just hangs on and you'll probably see a few people collapse and like that's what i said a couple days ago thrusters would be my guess i don't know you have to go for it you have to go for it if you get 16 or 17 and you have to drop it so be it you pick it up after two breaths and do the last three i think i think it's a workout that has such small margins i mean you look at that one today actually that one today was a bit surprising how wide the disparity was but you know you'd have people finishing four minutes apart right not just like you're you're gonna see everybody finish in a 30 second window for sure right um or something similar so it's just times will stack up and seconds will be precious so i
Starting point is 00:05:16 think people just have to really kind of rock and roll like i said you got a white knuckler and just go for it and just trust that you'll be able to kind of hang on at the end when you have to and if you can't you drop it and get back on it fast so are you at a restaurant pat you saw the hotel like in the like in the lobby damn good connection someone is saying the leaderboard is wrong or did you you took a first and an eighth pat that sounds right i would have guessed from the cleaning jerk i probably would have taken around like just inside of them but i don't know what it was i haven't looked but i know the leaderboard somebody told me they had it messed up that i was in second in that first event i don't know i'm sure that they'll figure it out. It looks fixed now.
Starting point is 00:06:11 No, you took first in the first event by a significant margin, 25 seconds. Yeah. I made sure to work pretty hard. I'm like the rope climb is coming back so that I wouldn't have to race anybody at the end. It's just better that way. It's just nice when you can kind of look at the clock and be like, I'll just walk it in. And it's all good. Did Medeiros get a no rep?
Starting point is 00:06:33 I don't think so. Did you hear anyone getting a no rep? I think Jason Smith did. And that's kind of why he got pinned out there. I think if you got one no rep, that was it for you. There wasn't a lot of extra rope punts in the tank for anybody out there. I think if you got one no rep, that was it for you. There wasn't a lot of extra rope climbs in the tank for anybody out there.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Wow. Wow. Okay. That's interesting. That's interesting to know. That makes me feel better. Almost everybody that came across the finish line were like,
Starting point is 00:06:59 those last two rope climbs were an absolute prayer. Would you have... Sent him up and barely held on. Would you have smoked Brent in that one too? Hmm. I think it would work out for Brent. I don't know. Maybe, maybe not.
Starting point is 00:07:16 It doesn't matter. He wasn't there. So yeah, of course it would. Why isn't Brent here? Is he okay? Yeah, I think so. i think he's just doing whatever offseason stuff he wants to do i think he's taking a more relaxed offseason this year than he has in the past and trying to just take care of other things he probably has some other stuff on the go with the professor project various other business ventures he's gotten i don't know i
Starting point is 00:07:41 talked to him now and then but he hasn't uh, uh, I thought he was, I thought he was going to not do this for gold rogue and do Dubai, but I think he's not doing Dubai now, which there's a lot of reasons not to this year, but, uh, I don't know. I'm not sure what his plans are. I think he's doing some sponsor appearances for things like that,
Starting point is 00:07:58 but I don't think he has any plans to compete at anything major. Um, would you let him know that, um, if he's looking, if he has some spare time and he's looking for a job, he can go to You can see the banner
Starting point is 00:08:09 there at the bottom. Pick up some extra work or just whatever. What is that? Just a job board. Barbell jobs. Barbell jobs. it's the world's uh leading uh job board for jobs in the crossfit industry what's going on with dubai why aren't people what what's the uh lack of what what changed over there the prize money
Starting point is 00:08:38 i think it's a bit of a different dynamic this year, just given how much more money there is off the table in North America between Wadapalooza and Rogue. I think traditionally, when you look at the men's fields and the women's field, the men's field has been dominated more by North America and the women's field has been dominated more internationally. So you see a strong women's field show up to Dubai because it's easier to get there than it is from North America. And if you're a North American athlete, why go all the way to Dubai when there's two major events offering even more prize money than Dubai is already in your backyard so I think most athletes from North America are just saying hey like I might as well not I think some that are going are going all in and they're doing the mayhem event and the DCC um and just kind of staying down there in between. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I personally thought about going, but with the five-month-old baby, it's just a lot of travel and a lot of headache. It's a bigger investment on the front end because you've got to get there, adjust to time zones, adjust to the weather. You've probably got to be there a week in advance. And then it's less money than going into Waterpalooza and spending just the weekend and not having to do all that turnaround. So I think there's just a few other factors at play. I think there are a few people. I think that's true for people in a position like you who's a likely podium contender at any of those competitions. But I think for people who can finish 8 you know, eighth to 15th at a, at a
Starting point is 00:10:06 Wadapalooza, and they know that, you know, a handful of guys like you aren't going to make that trip this year, that they might see it as an opportunity to, you know, place higher there and take home more money than they, than they could with a 12th place at Wadapalooza. I hope they do. How are the delays? Some of those guys are from Canada, and they're very strong. They had great lifts this evening.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Jeff? Jeff and Alex, man, and Alexander Caron. Yeah. Is Alex going as well? I didn't know Alex was going. I knew Jeff was going. I'm not sure if he's going. I just know they've gone in the past, but they both lifted great tonight.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I really wish Jeff was able to just snake Guy tonight after Guy passed on his last lift. Did you ask him why he didn't? Why Guy didn't lift? No, no, why Jeff didn't try to match him. I think it's all about risk. I think he wanted to secure a second place, and he just was not concerned about it. You know, I think people are also aware that it's the first day and you don't want to like hurt yourself trying to overreach like that's what he was doing too he's like well
Starting point is 00:11:09 you know why why break my back trying to break the record when i need to compete five more events pat did you go for a 342 because that was justin's second lift yeah i thought i thought he might miss his last attempt, and he almost did. I thought that was perfectly played. What I think John was driving at was that Adler didn't have to lift at all. He had second place secured.
Starting point is 00:11:36 That's true. I think he miscalculated. I talked to him a bit on the way out, and his coach was actually kind of yelling at him about it. She was saying you should have loaded like whatever. But the problem too is they had, he could have lifted 367 to match, but he would have lost the tiebreaker. And then the way they had the fractionals, he would have had to have gone to 370.
Starting point is 00:11:59 And it might have been just too big of a jump. So I don't know. I think he wanted to do another attempt, but not do anything ridiculous. And I think he might have been in second, of a jump. So I don't know. I think he wanted to do another attempt but not do anything ridiculous. And I think he might have been in second with a tie break with somebody, and he wasn't sure if he owned the tie break. Is that not accurate? I'm not 100% sure. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I think he was all alone. Yeah, the next guys were Justin and Travis at 352 and maybe one of them. And Houdet. And Houdet, that's it. How does that happen, Pat? Isn't there like a coach there yelling at him like i don't understand how at this level those things happen is it because it's so intense it's so loud out there you have to figure it out for yourself or you don't have
Starting point is 00:12:35 optics of a leaderboard there's a few different strategies i mean some people don't like to watch everyone else lift because there's something about watching someone miss a lift that makes you a little nervous about your lift and uh so some people like to just stay focused on what they're going to do stick to their plan i think you have to be a bit aware of what's going on so you can place yourself as well as you can but it's hard to hear if your judge is yelling at you from somewhere like good luck you're not going to get much feedback out of that and they did mess up the lifting order for the men um that's what i thought so i think i think jeff was not prepared to being a position to read the field like that because he was supposed to be lifting like first i think and he ended up lifting last yeah so he was like okay just getting ready to make a plan and he
Starting point is 00:13:23 probably just stuck to the plan he had written up because he wasn't aware that he'd be in that position. We talked to the people in the dugout when they had us lined up to take the floor. I asked the head judge there. I'm like, we seem to be in the wrong order based on what the setup is. I said, are you sure about that? He's like, you're marked, like, he's, like, you're going to lift 10 to 1, and I was, like,
Starting point is 00:13:48 that shouldn't be the case, or we should be assigned in different lanes, because I knew that Justin would then have to be 1, and I would have to be 2, and whatever, if we were going to be lifting that order, and he sort of looked at me, he's, like, what do you mean? I, like, explained it to him, like, shit, you're right, and then he he but three people had already taken the field so they uh he kind of made a move up like he might do something and
Starting point is 00:14:11 he looked back down and i said are you gonna fix it he's like no so we just went out and did it and then they fixed it for the women but it did yeah it worked out really well for the women because you know just the fact that laura and tia ended up being the two heaviest lifters right at the end totally as it should be i mean frankly i was kind of like it didn't really matter to me i was standing next to zach and i lined up on the field and we kind of looked at each other and we're like hey i don't mind this because i'm not going to win this event but it means i'm going to lift a little bit earlier when you're the last lifter you're going 20 minutes without touching a barbell, and they weren't allowing you to do any warm-up lifts.
Starting point is 00:14:49 So, you know, the first lift that you made was your tiebreak as well. So lifting a heavier tiebreak was worth something. So if you've been 20, 25 minutes without touching a bar, that's actually quite a significant disadvantage to being the last lifters. So it's a big advantage in the second and third round, but it's actually disadvantage in the first round. So I was not that shook up about it. I didn't need to know everybody's weights going into the last bar
Starting point is 00:15:16 because I know I'm not going to hit 360 anyway. So it was just like it was what it was. So I wasn't too rattled about it, but I thought it was funny. And I'm glad they fixed it for the women tell me about this warm-up you're not allowed to warm you don't touch a bar it's 25 minutes go by before you do your lift and you haven't touched a bar you're out there i'd have to times but like we we got called at whatever 7 26 say i think was the call time they lined us up and we didn't get on the field until 7 40 and then it was a five minute you had a five minute setup time to set
Starting point is 00:15:52 your bars and then it was five minutes to go from lifter 10 to lifter one so if you're lifter one you could be looking at 25 ish minutes before you before you do a lick and they were told us specifically even in the five minute window when you were loading we asked like yo can i do a lift. They were told us specifically, even in the five-minute window when you were loading, we asked, can I do a power clean or something just to stay snappy? They're like, no, you can't lift any barbells at any point unless it's during your lifting window. You just have a lot of time. That's why you see people open a bit conservatively sometimes. It's not because they want to do that or they can't lift more, but it's because sometimes you've to just like get your body back awake because it's been 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:16:28 i i saw the women were putting on jackets in between in between rounds in between lifts but i didn't see the men doing that what was the temperature out on the field i especially saw t particularly specifically i saw tia doing that The second she was done lifting, she put her jacket on. It's a weightlifting thing. I don't know. It wasn't that cold out there. Maybe it's the Canadian in me, but it was fine. What is the temp on the field?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Like 60, 65? Okay. Probably at night. I bet you probably like low 60s. Do you enjoy the dugout more than the corrals? Well, we corral up outside of the stadium before and then we walk down and re-corral in the dugout and then we come out so i don't know it's kind of fun i wish they gave us walkout music like when you go to bat you know let me announce your name if i could just pick like 10 seconds of a song where they could play when i
Starting point is 00:17:23 walk out that'd be pretty cool. What would your song be? You're asking a question. I don't know. I'd have to think of something. Do you have allergies in Canada? Yeah, that or I'd just make everybody else pick music and I would just go no music.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And walk out in silence. Pat, do you have any? I actually have pretty bad allergies in Canada. I get seasonal, like dust and pollen, that kind of stuff. Is there anyone else struggling with it besides you? Yeah, a few athletes. Chandler was really getting the shit kicked out of him today. Damn.
Starting point is 00:17:58 After event one, I went and got on the phone with Curtis Bowler from CrossFit, who does all the drug anti-doping policy stuff. He's our liaison to Drugs for Sport, and I asked him what I could take for any kind of antihistamines and things like that. I bought a couple of things at the CVS, and I just sent him all the labels, and I said, what can I take? And he gave me a list of stuff that was okay and so i kind of just took out stuff and shared a little bit with chandler because it's not gonna help yeah it helped a bit it's still like once you get off the field it's not great so we actually have access to a shower in the locker room so i just like get off the floor and i take a shower right away how are the delays today between events?
Starting point is 00:18:45 As a spectator, we were kind of like chomping at the bit to see more stuff. Do you guys, are you guys happy with the pacing of today? It was a long day. There was a lot of, there was a lot of strongmen in the gaps today. So we watched some of the strongman stuff. Some people just went home and laid down. I stayed around because my folks were there. My wife's here with the baby and we just kind of watched the legend go we watched the strongman go we kind of just kicked it for a bit so it was fine i i mean
Starting point is 00:19:15 i think we there was other stuff going on in bender village and stuff too but we didn't really wander over there because it can take a little while to get out of there but i didn't mind it tomorrow is going it can take a little while to get out of there. But I didn't mind it. Tomorrow is going to be a little more tightly packed, I think. With three events, it's just going to be a little more action. Do you have the killer instinct, Pat? Is this for you to win? Are you in control?
Starting point is 00:19:43 I wouldn't say I'm in control yet that will be i guess that answers the question i did i really liked your talk at the end of event one um i think it showed how confident you were my takeaway is that you were like hey this is this is unfinished business between me and justin i mean that was my mean, I know that's my spin on it. But after you won, you're like, this is – Justin's good. He controls his destiny, though. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I was a little annoyed that BK and Cole went pulling their weight there and finishing ahead of him. So I like it. Sometimes it's like I can do everything I want, but I need the guys to... It was eerily similar to the yoke event at the games.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Do you tell those guys that? Do you tell those... What the fuck are you doing? Why'd you go so slow? I see you walking out there. It's all good. It's been pretty fun. So everybody – and that's the thing about the Rogue Invitational too is people – a lot of the athletes that are here are some of the mainstays
Starting point is 00:20:53 that have been at the games for years, and we've all competed for a long time. And, again, it feels a little more intimate, so we laugh about stuff like that all the time on the field. Patrick, after the Yolk event at the games, Brian and me had a phone call, and he cried at me for about 30 minutes why these people did not finish in front of Dustin. Literally lasted 30 to 50 minutes of just him ranting for you,
Starting point is 00:21:18 and I almost felt bad for you. Nothing you can do, man. It was the same in the deadlift workout. Same in, you know, you do what you can do, and sometimes It was the same in the deadlift workout. You do what you can do. Sometimes you need the gang to, like I said, lace their shoes up tighter and start to play. I didn't help myself up.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I could have maybe lifted 10 more pounds tonight, but I think I did about as much as I could have in the cleaning jerk today. I'm not mad about it. I'll make up for it in the next couple of days. Isn't that how the Tour de France works like you basically go there as a team there's like a like you have your six six guys or whatever on your team and it's basically like okay velner's gonna win the rest of you guys get in between velner and whoever's like your biggest threat yeah and they basically just fuck with the other dude i'll just draft everybody
Starting point is 00:22:02 and then spring out at the end yeah listen support riders i'm gonna give you five percent of my winnings you have no fucking chance just make sure you be justin you knucklehead i don't know about that too everybody's in it everybody's thinking they're in it which is good it's it's a fun like seven events is not a lot like there's not a lot of time to create big separation so it'll. So it'll be a tight event. I think the only real – Did you watch Guy Lift? Yeah, kind of.
Starting point is 00:22:32 What the heck? I watched his first lift. I didn't really watch his second lift. Actually, no, that's not true. I did. His first lift wasn't as good as his second lift. That's like – it's pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy how easy he makes that look
Starting point is 00:22:46 relative to the field yeah i don't know what they feed that kid he was making noise like he was going to open at 365 he may have been able to he moves different than the rest of you guys he moves different than all the females all the women and all the men just in in that particular like lift. He's just, it's, it's like everything's different. 20 year old joints.
Starting point is 00:23:10 The levers are different. The speed, the movement. It's just, it doesn't even lift her for sure. Yeah. It's crazy. I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:16 he lives better than the Olympians. I don't get too carried away, but he's a very good lifter. He's a walking fast twitch muscle. kid for sure so but i'm sure you could sure use some help climbing a rope though oh yeah yeah yeah yeah did you see that so that's what sucks about the coverage like they cover the weight lifting great but when they're covering the the rope thing they're covering you and madaris but like every once in a while we get a shot um of like people to the side of you and gee look like a drunk spider on a web like he looks a lot of people did i felt like that at times he looked
Starting point is 00:23:55 all tangled up in his rope and shit like his feet wouldn't grab it um everybody felt like that i think for a rep or two i would say thing Guy made a mistake on in that workout is he didn't know when the workout ended. When you were doing the wheelbarrow on the way back, you had to stop in the last section and then run into the end zone. And he and Lazar Djokic were in a very tight race, and Guy was pushing his wheelbarrow all the way to the white end zone, and Lazar just got to the last section and dropped his wheelbarrow and just ran into the end zone and passed him.
Starting point is 00:24:30 So Guy was just doing extra work. And he was in the last section before Lazar was. And had he just dropped his sled and ran in, he would have beat him. And if he'd done that, he also would be tied with you right now. Maybe. I don't think so. I think he would have been with the mistake of the leaderboard. I think he would be five points back on the corrected leaderboard. No, he's five back right now.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I think they've updated it. Oh, yeah. I thought that was with the – No, he would be tied. Yeah, either way, that was – Lazar was ahead of him. He passed him, and then you're right. He just didn't understand the finish of the workout. Yeah, we were watching it all.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Two of us at the finish line. As a fan, because of where you put your wheelbarrow down, and then you just nonchalantly just walked in. So as a fan, you can't even tell by watching you, Pat, you can't even tell where the finish line is. You're like, is he done when he puts the wheelbarrow down? This guy's in no fucking hurry. Did it look cool?
Starting point is 00:25:27 It actually looked really cool. It was seamless. As you put the wheelbarrow down, you didn't even stop walking. You just stepped over like that little handle thing and just kept going. Don't look back. Yeah, don't. I think maybe you look to the right or the left. You'd think you looked one way, but that's it.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I was trying to look for the clock as I was moving the sled just to see what, because I knew the time to be was like nine something, early nine minutes. And I saw it was like seven minutes and change or something like that. So I was like, oh, you're good. Shut it down. It's 10 p.m. there now? Yeah. And what time will you go to bed?
Starting point is 00:26:04 Probably soon as. I'm still trying to stomach a little more food and we had to put the baby down and it's just i don't know i feel like when you get yourself all hyped up and lift at like 9 p.m it takes a little bit of time to get your system down anyway so i could lay in bed right now but i'd just lay in bed so i'll be up for a little longer probably did you bring your baby because you don't want to be away from your baby? Um, it's hard to leave a four month old baby to fend for itself. But I mean, your wife, your wife could stay. Yeah, but I want her to come here too. Awesome. We're going to,
Starting point is 00:26:40 we're going to stay for a bit afterwards and hang around Austin and maybe go to San Antonio and chill for a bit. So I figure while she's on mat leave, where our plan is to kind of take advantage of some trips like this and enjoy it, have a little bit of fun. So she's coming everywhere. Baby's coming everywhere.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Make it work. I can't, I can't resist. You mean you're going to spend some time in a free country before you head home? I don't know why people think we're not free up in Canada. I'm curious what people's perception of free is. There's no bagged milk in Texas. There's no what?
Starting point is 00:27:16 There's no bagged milk in Texas. Yeah, you call yourselves free. What's bagged milk? It's milk you get in a bag. I'll let you answer that is it really you guys get milk in a bag there yeah like like like wine in a box like that kind of yeah it's more eco friendly that's awesome patrick thank you i can't believe you did this you're a good dude that's all good i said i was sitting around. I got to call my bank anyways. We got some things to do this evening.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Oh, shit. Your life goes on like that? Well, I didn't really notify anybody that I was coming to the U.S. And my bank hauled in my credit card. So I got to turn that off and tell them that the charges that are coming from Austin are, in fact, me. Sometimes that security bites in the ass. Brian, do you have anything else you want to say to Mr. Vellner? Super fun to watch you today.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Excited to see you day two. What's the event you're most excited to watch tomorrow? Definitely event three. I'm excited to watch tomorrow? Definitely event 3. I'm excited to watch event 3. I'm going to watch the coverage right after it's done. I hope to see a bunch of Bambi legs. I hope it's great. Me too.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I hope it's just an absolute massacre. I think it will be. Event 5 looks pretty damn good too ma'am they did that two years ago okay so here get this i guess the time cap is six minutes on that workout have you guys did the stats on that we did this workout in 2019 i think 52 right something like that 20 men 20 women did it only four athletes finished under six minutes two of them are not here so that is a very aggressive time cap it's the it's the complete opposite of the 30 minute time cap from event one yeah yeah why did they make jason smith suffer so much that poor guy he was a little miffed about that afterwards
Starting point is 00:29:28 he's basically like it's done like i'm not i'm not gonna sit here but it's not that long to work i'm not gonna sit here for 20 minutes and try to do a rope climb like what just call it like blow the whistle it's over so it's pretty funny. I think for the men particularly, it was a very aggressive time cap. A very gracious time cap. I thought the rope climbs might slow the women down a little more, but they did great. Yeah, they really did.
Starting point is 00:29:55 They really did well. I don't know. It was a very outrageously long time cap given what we were working with. The mule is a stupidly short one. very outrageously long time cap given what we were working with. And the, the, yeah, the mule is like a stupidly short one. Um, I think the core setup is a little tighter than it was in 2019,
Starting point is 00:30:11 but that's very fast. Um, you won rogue last year. Pat, you won this event last year. Yeah. When they did it online. And how,
Starting point is 00:30:23 what were the winnings last year? You don't ask a guy how much money you make so long just that one event i can go look go look it up without even asking you could go look it up um have you thought about using a neti pot uh when i was taking a shower there in between events i just sort of like tried to sniff up as much water as i could flush it out i could but i just like don't have access to a neti pot here right now and uh i'm doing my best with what i got god i have your life just romanticized and it's just fucking falling apart man you got to call your bank to unfuck your credit card you fucking got your kid and your wife with you you're fucking blowing your nose eating a bowl of pilaf fucking like you're not all books and glam so no no neti pot i got some athletes got
Starting point is 00:31:15 people carrying their bags around for them i roll in the dirt with the peasants i guess i guess no it's uh it's good, man. Life's still good. Come on. I'm pretty lucky to do what I do. Sevan, more people watching this post day one live than the other one. I don't know what you mean, but... Go, Pat. I'm rooting for you from Jessica Pearson.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Thanks, Jessica. Hey, so what do you guys think about that time cap on the mule? Do you think people are going to be that much faster? No, women were like seven minutes in 2019. And they have the same time cap? That's six? From what I understand, yeah. I almost think they're trying to blow you guys up.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Like make you move faster than you can move. I mean, I think my time was like 5.24 in 2019, so I might still be able to do it. But the difference is we're doing a bunch of weighted GHDs right before. Would a game plan just be the same as it was when you did it before? Like same pace?
Starting point is 00:32:20 As always, man. Go unbroken fast. Go unbroken fast. Same as every workout always. I don't know. I think there's not. People are go unbroken fast. Go unbroken fast. Same as every workout always. I don't know. I think there's not. People are going to go fast. I think probably you can break one round of deadlifts. I think in 2019 I broke one round of deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I think I broke the 21s, and then I did the rest unbroken. But I think the burpee pull-ups are slow. You can't really speed that movement up anyway not without high cost but it's a short workout so how much you willing to burn on those like if you try to just burn it up on those 21 like yeah you might you might gain like three seconds but it'll cost you a lot right so i don't know is your coach there your coach there? No, my wife's got my coach band this weekend. Sorry. Fast. Go fast.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Does something like event three affect the mule? Event three is going to mess people's nervous system up. I think it's going to be the kind of workout that gives everybody for the rest of the day. That's not effective. That's what I'm saying. I think it's going to be the kind of workout that gives everybody frown lung for the rest of the day. Oh, shit. But that's not effective in five, is what I'm saying, as far as pace goes?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Probably. Maybe. Probably. Maybe. It's more quads, less posterior chain. Then five is all posterior chain. So we haven't done much pulling. Tomorrow is going to be like all quads, all midline,
Starting point is 00:33:42 and then all posterior chain in three workouts. probably people will be better than you'd expect depending on how they deadlift if you i'm just going to fucking do straight legged romanian deadlifts and you don't all deadlift like you yeah use those levers whereas if you do the very squatty deadlift setup you're not going to have a good time. Are you seeing the usual suspects in the back, like Ben Bergeron, Facundo, Max, O'Keefe, Frazier? Is there just like a spot where all those dudes, like all the coaches from the games,
Starting point is 00:34:19 like those dudes are all back there? Shane Orr. Well, I'm around. Matt's been hanging. He was in the vendor village today so he wasn't around but I only saw Keith once but mostly all the same coaches are around it's the same crew as in the games
Starting point is 00:34:35 right so I think you kind of get to know everybody it doesn't change much you pick up right where you left off a couple months ago are you being nice to travis mayor nice to everyone travis travis has to be nicer to me tell travis to be nicer to me um vincent gonzaba says he will bring you a neti pot tomorrow hey man that shit better be packaged and sealed tight i We don't want Velner using a used neti pot.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah, I probably won't take too many items from strangers while I'm competing. You snort up your nose. Yeah. And it's not, it's my thing. It's not a Kelly you thing. So you go into that bullpen. They put you in a crowd and then you go into the bullpen and how long are you in the bullpen because to us as the spectators it looks like that is the new corral so i'm trying to figure out like the why would you guys ever even go into
Starting point is 00:35:35 the bullpen i think it's just to make it like a more spectacular walkout because we have to walk from outside of the baseball diamond all the way down to the dugout. So otherwise you'd be like announcing the athletes and we'd be coming out like the foul ball. Ah, yes. And we'd be running all the way across the diamond and it just makes it a little sharper.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Yeah. It's a little sharper. I don't want to run all the way across. We, we had a caller today. Tell us Pat, that they're no longer going to call it a bullpen. Did you know that?
Starting point is 00:36:07 I did not. I don't really. I didn't follow baseball, so I didn't really know they called it a bullpen anyway. It's called a bullpen, I guess. And PETA doesn't like it because it's derogatory towards bulls, so they want to call it an arm pen. I swear to God. An arm pen? An arm pen.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Because that's where they warm up their arms. Yeah, see? Someone even in the comments is like yep yep is that a big deal i don't i mean i don't know it's just weird it's not you don't think that's a true story john i if it is a true story it's not a big deal it's a big deal it's a big deal i deal. It's a big deal. It's a big deal. I could see it being a big deal to some people, but I think that they should work on the things that wind them up. I don't think that that's worth getting too upset about. Like your hair.
Starting point is 00:37:00 My hair is a pretty big deal, though. People can get upset if they want. Why didn't you get a haircut? Why is that thing dangling in front of you when you're, like, bending over to do a clean and shit? I only get a haircut, like, three times a year, so. I don't know. It wasn't time. I probably won't get my haircut until after Christmas. Maybe we'll get one before Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 00:37:20 You know, I'll get one before the games. And then I'll maybe get one in, like. I got it cleaned up a little before the wedding so now it just doesn't matter Veli winning this event creates a great storyline for 2022 games I agree
Starting point is 00:37:35 I agree that Veli wins this well I've got a lot of work to do no BKG and who's the other guy I have a lot of work to do. No, BKG and who's the other guy have a lot of work to do. You're doing your part. Fine. All right, brother. I think it was good. Today was a good day.
Starting point is 00:37:56 It was like the only day I was so much out of strength events. I'm happy that I was good in like a fitness longer event. I think I'm where I need to be. I'm happy because it's been like everybody coming back from their off season. It's kind of hard to know what people have been doing. So, and I know I've, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:13 I got married and did a bunch of other stuff in the off season and I have not exactly been dialing it up. So it's nice to see that things are still falling into place. And I don't know, overall, I'm super happy with today. I think I kind of squeezed as much of it as i could awesome but we're having a blast watching you uh we'll bug you tomorrow tomorrow's gonna be a long day yeah i hope your nose clears up
Starting point is 00:38:35 usually starts okay in the morning and then it'll get probably worse throughout the day i feel like i'll breathe up every particle that's up there when i'm on the bike tomorrow i just hope you get to sleep. Cause if that thing, if that fucker is all clogged up, how are you going to sleep? I'll probably snore. How's my wife going to sleep is the question.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And yeah,

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