The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Pre-Game Show

Episode Date: October 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Dude, are you kidding me? Without you, there's no show. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:37 So, Amatocian, you know, people, I'm seeing some funny comments. People are, like, calling you Dan Bailey 2.0. I love budget Dan Bailey. That's my. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That one's good. That one's good. Low budget Dan Bailey.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Wow. Today's the day, huh, John? Yes, sir. Travis Mayer is going to shock the world. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I got my printout here. Individual event number one starts at 1.40 p.m. Central Time.
Starting point is 00:01:14 What is that for me? That's 11.40 Pacific Standard Time. It's the Go Ruck event. Does that one have the hill in it? It does, three times. Okay, tell me, what do you know about this hill? Um, did, did that one have the, does that one have the hill in it? It does three times. Okay. Tell me, what do you know about this hill? Like I saw a picture of it on Katie.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Um, I don't know if her name's Katie Motter, Katie Henninger, but she is the co-owner of Rogue and she posted a picture of it and it looked like just a bunch of solar panels out and out field. And then I saw another picture of it where it's actually looking pretty damn good yeah but i was expecting bigger for some reason but i can't tell am i just i mean perspective so so so weird right now the venue looks insane it looks awesome um no it's a it's a very steep hill but it's not very long that That makes sense. Yep. Yep. Yep. Um, do we know how long it is? I don't know the distance, but I mean, it wouldn't take more than 30 seconds to sprint up of it.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Now, like if you're in a workout and you're running slow, it'd take a lot longer, but like a 30, it just to run up it as fast as you can, it wouldn't take more than 30 seconds, maybe even 20 seconds. And, and, and I want to know if it makes noise and stuff. Is that built like, you know, Rogue doesn't do anything half fast. Their rigs are sturdy as shit. They got the what's it called when you over make something.
Starting point is 00:02:35 They're either echo bike. Everything's over made. Right. They sort of pride themselves on everything being over made. But this thing from this from the few pictures I've seen look like it was just made of like scaffolding. Like it wasn't the actual Rogue metal um that was used to make it now i have no idea if what i'm saying is true but i wonder if that thing like clangs around and bangs and and i know i know they have a lot of good engineers and smart people at rogue but another
Starting point is 00:02:57 thing that concerns me is like are we going to see some sort of like european soccer incident where like the 30 people are going to be on that hill and there's going to be no sheer wall and that thing is gonna uh that thing is going to well here here's one of the guys right here oh he's tested it out already so he would know you have travis you good morning travis what's up man why is it so quiet on my phone that's because i have a very soft and gentle voice and so does uh um john young our low-budget Dan Bailey. Let's pull it on and say it. Dude, look at that hair. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:03:33 What are you saying about this hair? I'm just saying it's looking good. Everyone's got their winter look going. Travis, can you tell us about this? right now i can hear travis do you know john young i do not he is um is he one of the guys that laughed the other day when you said i think travis can win and he just sat there and laughed in my face that guy yes yes um we can't afford the show can't afford brian friend anymore and so we got this. Oh, it's too expensive. So we got John Young, yes.
Starting point is 00:04:08 What's going on, man? How you doing? I'm doing good. How about yourself? Doing well. Where's Brian? Is he too good for us now? Way too good for us.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Brian's life is like prioritized and shit. Like he has like rules and stuff. He's not flexible. You know what I mean? Like he gives me that rhetoric. I really like coaching and I need to put my coaching job first before the show. And, you know, I need to make a living. And it's a sunny day and I want to play Frisbee golf.
Starting point is 00:04:35 He gives me all that shit. Like it's not easy. I mean. Well, I'd say those are all valuable. And I grab my ankles and take it. I grab my ankles and take it. And he brought me. Look, he brought his own replacement. I mean, Brian brought this dude to me, Dan Bailey 2.0.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah, I helped him out with data accumulation from time to time on games athletes. And he just threw seven on me one day. And now I don't have anything else better to do. So now I'm here. So then you're the new Brian. Essentially, if he doesn't want to be on here. I mean, you can only take so much as fun. Six months on, six months off, just rotating in and out.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Travis, the question is, is that hill, what can you tell us about that hill? Have you been on it? Is it built out of cheap scaffolding? Is it steep? Are you nervous that it's going to collapse and there's going to be a European soccer incident? No, I don't think so. I mean, it's a road. Come on.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It's American made. You can trust it. Good point. I mean, it's actually pretty steep relative to what you think. Looking at it straight on, it doesn't look that bad. When you start running on it, it is pretty straight up. But, I mean, it's not very far so it's not like you're running a long distance on it like it's a pretty short turnaround can you run up over the top of it like just no there's a railing yeah they leave
Starting point is 00:05:57 that part off so you can actually just keep going if you wanted to there is no railing at the top yeah there's a railing come on man hey hey hey they should take a railing off and just hang some ropes say that again i said people in the middle of a workout feeling fatigued they'd go straight off that thing um what what does it remember velner falling from the top of a cargo net come on he would have gone straight over good point what's it mean to go to the top of a cargo net? Come on. He would have gone straight over. Good point. What's it mean to go to the top of that thing? Do you have to touch the railing?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Like, have they given you some of the rules? Yeah, there's like a kind of like a dummy at the top that you'll run up and then just go around. That's really all it is. Like on the first workout today, it's you take a sandbag up, drop the sandbag off, and then go back down. And how many people will be doing that simultaneously? Ten. Ten and a half. And there's enough room for all that on that thing? Yeah. It's pretty big.
Starting point is 00:07:01 It's in the middle of a baseball field. It's huge. It's wide. Yeah. I mean, you could probably fit 20 people on it. You mean like exercising, doing what they're asking you to do. You're saying 10 is like, you could even double it. Yeah. There's plenty of space. That's pretty big. And have you done any hill training this year? I mean, our gym is actually on a road that's like a lot of hills like people hate coming
Starting point is 00:07:27 to run there because there is actually a lot of hills so i mean our normal 400 800 run is on hills but i'm definitely not running up a 10 meter platform that's like this so i'm pretty sure no one was doing hill training like that um oh what are you talking about you're now you're just arguing um uh you're just defending your coach's ineptitude of of putting uh hill running into your training max he did he's over here just writing programs right now just being lazy uh can you what's it mean what's it mean like part of me is always like hey man the games are the biggest thing ever none of these other events matter they're just tune-ups for the athletes they don't care and then everyone just keeps reminding me no knucklehead this rogue thing is like real money like these people
Starting point is 00:08:13 yeah i mean you can make more money here than you can at the games almost like the amount of money that's based off if you're looking at first place and then based off of their Bitcoin and other things that they're putting into it. Like potentially you could be walking away with more than what first place did at the games. So, I mean, if you didn't have to qualify for the games to get to this event, it would be smarter to prep for this event than it would be the games. And then it's a three day event and then seven events and you could walk away with more than you did at the games and then less workouts. and you could walk away with more than you did at the games and then less workouts. And you could actually train for this because then everybody else would be fatigued
Starting point is 00:08:47 and run down from the games. But you don't get invites if you don't go to the games. Yeah, that's interesting. But that could change at any time. Yeah, I mean, ultimately Rogue could do whatever they want. Yeah, do you think this year is special? Because there wasn't a qualifier and it was just invite only. Do you think that's how it will be from now on if the prize purse is this big every year? is special because there wasn't there wasn't a qualifier and it was just invite only do you
Starting point is 00:09:05 think that's how it'll be from now on if the prize purse is is this big every year or do you think it's just a special corona like uh i mean i think they just want kind of like the best from the games to give people more of a showcase and maybe over time they would but i doubt it would be very many like one or two people i would assume from a qualifier but then even that like there's so much unknown of like okay did you cheat on the online qualifier did you do this like yeah you can go back to video review but like how do you do an in-person events like i know people that crush online competitions but you put them in in person and things change drastically so i mean from that side of things, I don't think they would.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I think it's cool to be invite only, too. I mean, just shows that you got to be doing well throughout the whole year. Do you like these events, Travis? Yeah, I mean, I think they're cool. It's a different test. It's kind of like the games where it's all the odd object stuff. It's not really just like the traditional muscle-up, squat snatch, kind kind of traditional that way. So I think you get a wide variety of movements and then they're bringing in the wheelbarrow. That's different this year. Jerry cans over under the logs, like stuff that
Starting point is 00:10:15 you don't typically ever do. And I think that is what's more intriguing and what makes it fun than the other ways. We saw the Jerry. I like i like when i like when you yeah i like when you have to test the fitness you know it's not always just like how you do in the gym let's test it outside the gym uh that we've seen the jerry cans before right didn't we see those in the field and carson on that soccer field or something oh yeah they did do that it was like a max carrier or whatever but that was what 2012 11, that's when you were young. You were in your 30s back then. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:10:49 All this gray shows you're getting there. Hey, man, I just had a birthday. Come on. Easy now. Tell me about event number seven. I really like John and Brian's thought on this. They basically were like, hey, it's Rich Froning. They're suspecting some sort of dumbbell snatch isn't it a giant question mark no one knows yeah no
Starting point is 00:11:10 one knows that's what i'm asking you oh you're just asking my prediction yeah because john and brian i like their prediction and i had rich on the show either yesterday or the day before i can't remember and i asked him if it's going to be a dumbbell snatch. And man, that dude had poker face. But I really, I mean, you can see it, right? I would say that or devil's press. Like, so they made us get size. What's devil's press? That's burpee with dumbbells?
Starting point is 00:11:37 Yeah, then you go into pretty much like a full press from the ground or clean and jerk. But it would be cool if they did like a 180 60 40 20 of like double under and then like a 10 8 6 4 2 but then the weight of the double press would go up so it like starts at 50 70 then go 80 then go 90 then go 100 like that would be have you ever done devil's press with hundreds well like clean and jerks i've i've clean i've clean and jerked them yeah and it's sketchy but it can be done but i mean that would definitely be interesting for sure i mean the heaviest i think devil's press was like 85 we did back in dubai a couple years ago hey did you see john when you asked him that what his eyelids did yeah they went up like and he just started like
Starting point is 00:12:23 blinking like crazy you're like have you ever done a hundreds and like you started short circuiting his brain he was like blinking like hundreds hundreds yeah I was like trying to think of like when I actually have tried that but I haven't went to clean the jerks with him I'm having a full devil's press are you here to win this Sousa good morning I just see the producer Matt Sousa just came on you guys can't
Starting point is 00:12:40 see him but I can see him are you here to win this Travis I was like I don't see anybody else on this screen I'll show you real quick. There he is. Oh, hey, man. Hey, there he's gone. Are you here to win this, Travis? Yeah, man. Here to have a good time. That's what you tell yourself to take the pressure off of you. Yeah, I mean, I think I have my own expectations and what I plan to come out here and do. But I mean, I'm just going to go out there and do it and not talk about it because I think I have my own expectations and what I plan to come out here and do, but I mean, I'm just going to go out there and do it and not talk about it.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Cause I feel like that's all everybody does. So I'm just going to kind of do my thing. Try something new. Oh, great guest for the podcast. I'm not going to, we have the dude on the show. That's all about talking.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It doesn't want to talk about it. Excellent choice. I've on good job. Hey man. Good job, man. You did great. Hey,
Starting point is 00:13:22 you chose me. You texted me. Yo bitch. You know who said that? You texted me 30 minutes ago and said, Hey, man. Good job, man. You did great. Hey, you chose me. You texted me. Yo, bitch chose me. You know who said that? Yeah, you texted me 30 minutes ago and said, hey, can you do a podcast? And look, I'm here. Happy to do a podcast. You did the same to me, Travis. Not just 30 minutes ago. But you're not at an event about to compete.
Starting point is 00:13:37 That's very fair. Not only 30 minutes ago, I texted you at 10 o'clock at night Pacific Standard Time with no shits given that it's midnight at your house. Just like whatever. Yeah, my phone's off. I'm not answering that. If he sleeps with his phone next to him, that's his problem. Yeah, that would be my problem, but I don't, so I'm okay. What happened to Noah?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Where's Noah? Man, he's getting skinny. I don't know. No, I'm just kidding. He's doing a bunch of – what's Noah doing? Here, Ausmax. He writes doing a bunch of – what's Noah doing? Here, ask Max. He writes his program. Endurance work.
Starting point is 00:14:09 No, that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking why isn't he there? Is he injured? I'm hearing he's injured. Why is he not here? He's hearing he's injured. You're going to have to talk to Noah about that. Max is so good.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Ask Max if he got my text, if he's going to come on the show in the next couple days. Did you get his text? Are you come on the show in the next couple days Did you get his text? Are you coming on the show in a couple days? Yeah, I'll be on He said on Instagram It's more important to get healthy In this time Than to compete, even though he wanted to
Starting point is 00:14:38 Dude, his body's looking so nice He should just come there and peacock around Yeah, he should just have a little physique competition. Yeah, let me see that one. Yeah, yeah, this dumbbell one. Who takes these pictures? Do you guys have – show me the one where he's holding the dumbbells. Who takes these pictures, Travis?
Starting point is 00:14:55 I don't know. He has a camera guy that does all his stuff, so I don't know. Does he ever peel you off a little, like a few photos from his camera guy? Nope, definitely not. Put a huge watermark across it, and then if you want to use it, you got to pay him some coin. Yeah, I pay him in Bitcoin, actually. This guy, David McFadden, says, I fucking love Travis Mayer, but I'm going to tell you something. I'm pretty sure this same guy said that about Rich or someone else the other day.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Hey, doesn't matter still love me hey travis if you if you don't um win this weekend um you are um you should go to and just look for to pick up any um shifts uh at local i'll be sure to just to make some extra coin. I'm sure you could charge a little extra because of who you are. There it is, the world's number one job board for the CrossFit community. Is that what you're on right now?
Starting point is 00:15:56 I'm just a good dude and I just wanted to share that with you, just so you know. Oh, thanks man, I appreciate it. I'll be looking into this later. There's gotta be one of these events that you're like oh shit this one i'm really chomping at the bit to do this which one is it which one do we have to if we're a travis uh mayor fan which one probably probably the third one that's at 12 25 p.m central standard time on saturday everyone that's 10 25 pacific standard time
Starting point is 00:16:24 and i'm not talking about the one you're just going to wear booty shorts and a uh Central Standard Time on Saturday, everyone. That's 1025 Pacific Standard Time. And I'm not talking about the one you're just going to wear booty shorts and go topless. I'm talking about one you're actually going to perform well in. Man, come on. When do I ever take my shirt off? I like to keep that a mystery. Will there be any shirt off this weekend? Yeah, we'll see.
Starting point is 00:16:43 We'll see. It's actually pretty cold. Like you walk outside and it's actually like super windy and actually really cold. So I had to come back up to my room and grab the jacket. Cause I didn't think it was going to be like this. Who has come from the training think tank with you? I know Max, is there any other athletes?
Starting point is 00:16:58 No, just Maxwell. So you have them all to yourself. That's it. That's how it usually is. And why does he come with you? Is that normal? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Why do your kids go with you? Max is your kid? He's adopted. Dude, listen. Hey, someone wants to know what those straps are in the background. That's when I – do you remember when I used to wear those leather straps? I think I can't even see your screen. Oh, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:17:29 They're those leather straps I used to wear when I used to do the behind the scenes, when I used to hang out with you and Max in person. Oh, yeah, you walk around with your, like, 17 cameras on you to make yourself look cool. Yes. And then they didn't give you access to anything. I really want you to win this weekend. I know you do. Over all the other people, and I like the other people,
Starting point is 00:17:53 but I really just would like to see you at the top and just like, yeah. Yeah, look, Gary. Hey, man. I'm going to do it. We'll see what happens. Is there any way you would approach this event differently than the games? Or is it the same approach? A competition is a competition.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I mean, it has half as many events, right? Yeah, half as many. I mean, we get some pretty large time gaps in between all of these. So you get some pretty big breaks as well. Like even we went in there for a briefing at like 9 o'clock. And then our first event isn't until like 2.40. So you've already been there and come back to your hotel room? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:34 It was kind of a complete waste of time to do that briefing, but that's all right. You can't talk shit about the Rogue event. Don't talk shit about the Rogue event. Everybody was like, this is a – well, usually they're on top of all their stuff like dialed in it was just odd that we would go there at nine o'clock to then come back at two o'clock for a briefing that's happening tomorrow like usually you would brief after all the events of today no it literally took 15 minutes so so so sorry i'm a little slow here so you went there this morning and they walked you through event number one and event number two? No.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Three, four, and five. Uh-oh. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So we did one and two yesterday. Uh-huh. And then this morning we came back and then did three, four, five.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And so then now we'll go back at 2 o'clock this afternoon and do the event 1. That is strange. That is strange. Not until 7, though, so it'd be hard to break after that. Yeah. Well, I mean, everybody would be there. Yeah, but it'd be late. I'm just
Starting point is 00:19:39 making a reasons why. Yeah. Or just call us in early tomorrow. And then make us stay there longer. I mean, or just call us in early tomorrow. And then make us stay there longer. So basically. I mean, it doesn't really matter. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I mean, you're there to kick it. So are you back in your hotel room right now? Sure am. And how far is your hotel from the venue? 15 minutes. And what's the name of your hotel and what's your room number? The Element. And no, I'm not telling you.
Starting point is 00:20:05 I'll only text that to you, Sabat. It's only for you. Thank you. What is John Young's mile time? Come on, guys. We have Travis Mayer on. You got questions for fucking low-budget Dan Bailey? It's not as fast as Travis's, I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:20:22 What's your best mile? That's not good. It's 6'15". I'm a you that. What's your best mile? It's not good. It's six, six, six 15. I'm a strength guy. I give you a run on most lifts. Everything else.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Not, not great at all. What's your mile time, Travis? My best is five. Oh, five. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Wait, let me see that comment again. I hope my wife never meets Travis. Goodness gracious, what a hunk.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Ah, thanks. I'll use the rogue invitation and I'll meet you. Travis, what kind of car do you drive? A Suburban. And what's your way of driving? You got to fit all those kids in there. Yeah. Traverse.
Starting point is 00:21:03 A what? Traverse. Chevy Traverse. Oh, so you're all those kids in there. Yeah. Traverse. A what? Traverse. Chevy Traverse. Oh, so you're all American cars too? Yeah, man. Were you raised? What are you? Is your family raised?
Starting point is 00:21:13 I drive Japanese cars. I'm a Northern California guy. We were raised to hate America. But my next car will be American. But you live in America. What'd you say? But you live in America. I know. I'm telling you. But I live in America. What did you say? But you live in America. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I'm telling you. But I'm coming around. I'm being rehabilitated. It's people like you who are rehabilitating me. Into what? Your minivan? No. You're going to – my next car I'm going to buy, I'm going to buy an American car.
Starting point is 00:21:39 My whole life. I'm serious. Get a Suburban. Get a Suburban. Thing's awesome. I don't know if you can get into it, though. You're pretty small. It's a little rich for my butt.
Starting point is 00:21:48 They make booster seats and shit. Yeah, you can sit on a couple books. It'll put you above the steering wheel. Jiggy Josh, he said his best mile time is 5.05. I'm afraid to ask him when he did that because I think it's probably in the eighth grade, and I just want to think he's amazing, so I'm not going to ask when that's right. I mean, I ran an 18th,
Starting point is 00:22:11 25 K the other day. So, I mean, you can say it's still probably pretty close to that for doing a mile. Wow. Hey, so when you come in and you see that on the board, like you come in and Max is like,
Starting point is 00:22:22 Hey, you're going to run a five K today. Oh, I mean, I get my training for the whole week ahead of time. And then I just see what's coming up. And do you dread that? When you see that? What's the, I think there's no point. Like, I mean, you just got to go do it.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Like, it doesn't matter. 5K's not that bad, Savant. Especially if you're good at running. Dude, it's not that bad so especially if you're good at running dude it's not that bad until you do it in 1820 yeah it's what a 550 pace 545 no no it'd be just yeah close to that to like right at six at the end 555 yeah when is um travis going to release the tyr discount codes what's tyr is that one of your sponsors yeah tier so they were like they're super big into swimming and then now they've got into um crossfit and so then now they're creating a whole line from the clothing to shoes to kind of
Starting point is 00:23:18 everything and we're developing it all right now so it's pretty cool do they are they the ones who make your grips that grip ad that you have on your instagram account no that's victor grips victory gifts okay hey um is there anyone that you've seen did you show up there have you and you saw someone and you're like man this motherfucker looks sloppy like you seen it have you seen any of the men or women you looked at when you showed up at the event you're like you don't have to say the name not yet just tell me yes or no and then we'll get we'll get to part two of the question who is it i would probably say no no one looks sloppy no one looks like you're like oh man so-and-so got in there well i mean you haven't seen anybody do a workout yet like you can probably assess that after people have done a workout more than like the way they
Starting point is 00:23:58 look but like you didn't see tia and she's got like muffin handles on her side and like she's looking at some track marks on her arm and bags under her eyes you're like this bitch got into heroin yeah probably not that much no no no you haven't seen him with that and did you see laura horvat by any chance i did and now did you exchange words with her i did seriously chatty cat Chatty Cathy Laura? What did you say to her? Oh, man, we talked a ton. Talked about how bad you are. No, man, you just see somebody and pass you. Hey, man, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah. She doesn't like you. That's all right. She doesn't like you at all. Not many people like you either, so it's okay. No, no, she doesn't like anyone. She doesn't like anyone. Did you see ben smith yeah come on of course me and ben talk we always talk and uh and how's how's he look does he look old oh he looks great looks
Starting point is 00:24:57 like a spring chicken and he looks thick too i saw some pictures of him. He looks like he's strong. Well, he's always been strong. I know, but stronger. Well, we're going to find out tonight. All right, so event number three, that's tomorrow. And Travis is here to win it, but he can't say that because he's just here to show people, not talk about it. He drives a Suburban. not talk about it. He drives a Suburban.
Starting point is 00:25:27 He saw Laura Horvat. He chatted with Ben Smith because he always does, not because he wanted to. Yep, exactly. Who does Travis think will put up the best numbers for the complex? I know Travis is going to move
Starting point is 00:25:37 some crazy weight. Excited to see that one. I'd probably say close to Adler or Guillermo. Two of me and Brian picked. We both picked one of those guys. Yeah. I mean, they're probably like the two strongest people in the sport or close to it. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:02 You never know. There's always random people that do things because i think it's completely different than just like a one rm like it's actually a complex so that's completely different than it's basically yeah oh this is a good question i was actually wondering this too is travis going to cluster into thruster for event two no not a chance no one is Travis would you mind would you mind talking to
Starting point is 00:26:32 one of our guests would I mind talking to them yeah I mean to one of our listeners sure you can do that on here dude man come on. What's up, Nicholas? You're on with Travis Mayer.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Make it short and sweet. You're speaking to a legend. That means you're old, Travis, when I call you legend. Hey, that's okay. Thank you. I'm not in the legends division. I want to know which event he's most excited for and which one he's most nervous about or not excited for. I mean, I'm probably most excited about three, but I'm also the most nervous about three because I know exactly what it's going to feel like.
Starting point is 00:27:14 So I think three is just going to be an interesting workout for everybody. Have you done it yet? No, but I can tell you exactly what it's going to feel like. Have you done it's going to be like probably no i mean they just announced this the other day i know you know you know some of the people have done some already though 100 100 people have done these for sure and why don't you do them because it was announced two days ago or three days ago. I know, but some people do them. Why not do them? What's the benefit of not doing them versus doing them?
Starting point is 00:27:50 I mean, sometimes I don't feel like you always need to get into it and know what you're going to experience when you can already look at it and kind of tell. And most of these are completely different, right? So like you can set it up in your gym and perfect, like you'd crush the time. But then how do you do it after five events? What's the transition? Where's the setup? What's it actually going to be like all that stuff goes into it. Then just like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:28:11 I beat Travis on this workout or I beat Rich Froning on this workout. I'm like, Oh, okay. You did it in your gym and in your garage and it was all close. Makes sense. Yeah. Got it. Like you didn't have the 200 meters of shuttle sprints in between and then the transition. And then, Oh yeah. That was the fifth event of shuttle sprints in between and then the transition and then oh yeah that was the fifth event of the day not the first one also the assault bike the assault bike would be way different than an echo bike if some people do try event three we were talking it's not even
Starting point is 00:28:36 close and i and i was thinking i was going to try event three but then i was thinking you know an echo bike stops as soon as you stop so you gotta go the whole 40. Sevan asked us if you would coast the last 10 cows and me and Brian both said yes that's what you would do but then i thought about it after the fact i was like you can't do that because then the echo bike will just stop so if you start to coast like that you won't get any calories yeah so it's way more painful to painful than what an assault bike would be. Well, and you can peg an assault bike and get 40 in 20 seconds. You can't peg an echo bike and get that in.
Starting point is 00:29:13 It's almost going to be like triple the time, almost, for some of them. Yeah. Nicholas hung up. Thank you for your question, Nicholas. If Travis wins event three, I'll donate money to the podcast. Just saying. All right right there you go uh i didn't know that about the um echo bike that when you stop pedaling you don't still accumulate calories like the assault bike i mean that's the way the assault bike should be too actually i mean yeah because you're not getting the carryover so i've heard it's easier to hold a pace though like like 70 or 80 rpms
Starting point is 00:29:46 it's smoother than an assault bike is you just can't ramp it up and it doesn't give you run over i mean pretty much i mean you're not you don't the amount of energy you would expend to get those extra calories just isn't really worth it hey now that echo bikes sort of like the official bike of the games do you just not even train on the assault bike anymore travis do you just switch yeah we sold them all out of the gym no shit well and they broke down like i was spending so much money for our general members like we had 13 of them and now i think we have two wow and i bought all bikes, got rid of all the other bikes. Did you have the pro version of the Assault bike? No.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Oh, there you go. Does that change the strategy, Travis, for Event 3? Would you do more of a pace style instead of just all out? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I mean, I'm not going to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:44 What's going to be happening happening that stuff's not going to yeah but yes that would ideally be the smart play go ahead caller hey Travis can you tell me what is the best protocol for recovery that you can recommend for us intermediate crossfitters
Starting point is 00:31:00 don't ever address Travis directly ever again you ask me the question you hear me the question i would say perhaps just always cool down and stretch after the workout immediately i always feel like most people always kind of skip the simple stuff of just taking the time immediately when you're done to like hop on a bike five two minutes and then do some stretching everybody just goes hops in their car sits there drives home and then wonder why their hip and back are always tight. Just kind of that stuff. So simple things would be doing that. And he forgot he, I don't think Travis is being honest.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I think he, as soon as he's done with every workout, he calls his wife reports his time and lets her know that there's still hope he can bring money home with this gig. Yeah. Except my wife's at work. So no, I don't do that. All right, caller. Thank you. Hey, what country are you calling from, caller? Ecuador.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Ecuador. Oh, awesome. You have a nice voice. What's your name? Johan. Johan. Thanks for calling, brother. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Bye-bye. Ciao. Thanks. Very serious. Very serious. Oh, man. Okay, Travis. Thanks. Very serious. Very serious, man. Okay, Travis. We took 31 minutes of your time.
Starting point is 00:32:09 You da man. Thanks for doing this. No problem, man. I'm seriously like 51% of my being is watching this whole event because you're doing it. The other 49% I'll sprinkle amongst the other characters. Good. Love it. That's what I like to hear. And just remember, Colton Merton wants you to win, too. Hey, thanks, Colton.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Appreciate it. Bye. See you guys. All right. Have a good one. He seems calm and collected. It's a good event for him. All the events, none of them really scream a weakness for him
Starting point is 00:32:46 ton of machines god i hope he does well it's all it's it's like i mean i just i'm gonna enjoy it regardless but it's always fun when like your guy like you know what i mean it's like it's like yeah you got favorites yeah it's always good when your guy does good and it's like one because i'll be right and two because i just want to see him be good and it's like one because i'll be right and two because i just want to see him be happy and he's done so much work and he was so fun to work with in the past um are you watching all the events this week john i should be yes um i believe i will i yeah just do you think travis can win event three yeah i mean i think he has a fair shot.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Again, it's whoever's the best on the bike for that event. And he's very, very good on machines. I think people like him and Hopper will be like that type of body type, tall and a little bit leaner. Lends itself to winning that workout for sure. All righty i'm uh i think what i'm playing i in uh 57 minutes i'm gonna have um ufc legend james kraus on at 10 a.m i think he only has like 30 minutes for me and then we'll be off probably around 10 30 unless i can woo him into staying on longer and then i will um get in front of the tv and watch the first rogue individual event at 1140.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And then I'll try to hunt you and Brian down after to discuss. So probably like around noon or noon or one. And that'll be two or three for me. Yeah. You're two hours ahead of me. Yeah. Yeah. So I two o'clock would work better because I coach 315 class.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Just letting you know. Okay. So the earlier, the better. The sooner we do it right after event, the better. Where do you coach? At CrossFit here where I live. What's it called? Well, it's one of the de-affiliated ones.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So Muddy Water Strength and Cond and conditioning is what it's called. No judgment, no judgment. Hey, um, and then, uh, and then, and then the next event after that is at 5 0 5 PM. That's the Bella complex. Will you be watching that? Yep. Okay. And, uh, and then we'll jump on the call after that too, if you are around. Sure. call after that too if you are around sure so guys we'll be back on at least two more uh three more times today one with james kraus the ufc legend and then uh two more times after that to talk about the rogue invitational we'll try to get some athletes on we'll try to get brian friend on um and just remember if shit in your life goes sideways go to
Starting point is 00:35:26 Put your head down and start working. World's number one job board for the CrossFit community.

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