The Sevan Podcast - Rogue Invitational - Women Event 2

Episode Date: October 30, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I don't know. Bam. We're live.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I understand. I understand the need for the second beat. I really do. But it fucking annoys the shit out of me. Explain. Because they're lifting, and I mean i i feel sorry for them because they're lifting and i feel like it's a distraction i mean what's the need what's the need for it because they well i'm guessing it's a great point i'm making the assumption that that second lift
Starting point is 00:00:57 is uh that second beep is telling them that hey if you haven't picked up the bar by now dipshit your turn's over. Yeah. Do you think that there's a way to, like, turn it off? Don't talk to me like a little child, Brian. Don't patronize me. I'm asking. I'm asking. You tell me. I just ask questions.
Starting point is 00:01:19 You're the one with the brain. Like? Well, you mean, like, once they pick it up, like, be like, okay, like, they got it up. Turn that. Someone pushed a bunch of it a bunch of i mean does it bother you guys does it bother the athletes that's the only that's the only thing in an olympic weightlifting it has a beep when they have 30 seconds left whether they start before or not it goes off every time with 30 seconds left okay and that and that's what they're doing there i'm assuming too right it's the same thing same protocol okay all right but it did look like there were a couple times where one or two athletes were
Starting point is 00:01:52 asking their judge what did i miss it because of the beep or did i miss the time limit i think i saw katrin asking oh she's done she's done she's done i i done. I wanted to see her. I was switching a doter. Uh, I, you, uh, this is hard for me. This is going to be hard. This is hard for me to say because the field is getting too damn strong. You see these people like Haley Adams, man. And like, there's hope, right? Cause she's 20, but these P these women who aren't doing the 230 like you're not in contention anymore you're you're you're chum you're who else who else are they like who are you thinking about i mean really the two big names that i'm seeing is is doter and
Starting point is 00:02:38 she's so far along in her career that if she doesn't like i don't know talk to ricky soon that shit that window's gonna close and uh and but but hayley adams obviously has time and she's working with the best i mean lazar gee and rich and i mean these these guys look like savages out there lazar i mean look lazar looks amazing well i mean it would have been nice for him to hit that last lift i thought he go ahead i felt bad for him having to go after gee because because everybody would get a hyped up and then he would do something amazing and then it was like here's my little old 322 well if you notice they they i think they changed the layout from between the men's the women's. In the men's heat, they had them circle seated so that Vellner and Medeiros and BKG and Saxon were all staggered. Five, six, seven, eight, seven, or eight, four.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And by the women's heat, they changed it so that they were seated. So the people who finished the best at the games, Tia, Laura, Annie, were the last lifters. So it was like 10 down to one. And that was perfect but but like tia and laura got that advantage that pat and justin didn't get of going towards the end of the lineup if it is an advantage someone says on that topic do you think hayley will end up developing enough strength to win the games i mean the way she looked out there today she's 20 years old and like the metric i use is she's about as she's probably like one or two pounds stronger than I was at my peak. It like whatever I started CrossFit at 34, like, I don't know, 39.
Starting point is 00:04:12 One or two pounds. Yeah. I mean, it concerns me. Yeah, I'm guessing. What did she do? She did a 215 pound clean and jerk front squat. I think that's yeah, that's where I was at. Yeah, I think probably maybe you got her by one or two. That's what you're saying. No, no, no, no, no. She got me by one or two. I'm sure. I think I've did too. I think I've, I squat clean two 15 or jerk two 15 and maybe, or maybe I jerk two or five. Anyway, it's two or five and two 15. Those were my impressed you seven.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Who impressed you, Savant? Oh, Horvat. I mean, Horvat was just, she looked unstoppable. Tia looked like she was done at 260. Maybe she got 265 in the tank. Horvat, we don't know. We don't know. So you think if she'd had the opportunity to go after Tia,
Starting point is 00:05:00 she could have won the event? You tell me. I mean, her form looks solid. I some of these women i mean aramo and kristin holta and carolyn prevo these these weaklings no their form is incredible i know i'm just fucking around they're obviously not weak they i mean they throw me over a six-foot fence but their form is incredible i mean aramo's. It's like you don't even see the bar transition from when she grabs it to when it's on her shoulders. That shit is smoking.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I want John to answer your previous question about if Laura had gone, based on how she looked lifting, you're the best lifter amongst us by far. Do you think she could have beat Tia if she'd had a chance to go after her? Well, like if they just kept going and see who could get the order was reversed. If she'd had a chance to go after her well like if they just kept going and see who could get just if the order was reversed if she had got the chance to go last in each heat
Starting point is 00:05:48 around if the word was reversed i think she'd have a shot yeah because she just put on two pounds three pounds more than tf but um uh as far as like who's actually stronger i just think of the cleaner jerk event um where tia got 270 and they went until they missed like tia looks rough but you said she thought she thought she was done at 260 she looks rough and just continues to get it it does not matter it looks the same and even if it looks bad she will still get it like her front squat the second front squat was still very fast and that's by that's how much strength you have left regardless of what your knees look like where laura will look pretty and it looks beautiful until it doesn't like she she will go from amazing and beautiful to five pounds later like like if that's her max, it won't happen. And Tia's,
Starting point is 00:06:46 I mean, Tia's record in a, in a, in live Olympic lifting competitions in the games is, I mean, and just in any CrossFit competition is impeccable. She always does enough. Uh, so that basically answers the question.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I mean, that answers the question. So you think Tia, do we know Tia's, what is Tia's max clean and jerk? I think she did two 70 at the rogue on the rogue online workout and there was this controversy about whether that kate gordon lift was actually the record or not because the the rogue sanction online or the rogue in rotational online technically wasn't a sanctioned event but 270 why what was kate's 257 ah so now now i think maybe 262 i can't remember which one but it wasn't 270 i have a podcast with her i'll ask her
Starting point is 00:07:38 yeah you should sunday six you should go back and check the post she put about it was a really good post afterwards too humble or braggart i'll let you you you know interact with it on your own they each had three attempts t is a savage laura should have taken more if she wanted to beat her if she could have well yes i agree it's kind of a tough spot for for Laura just because she's going before Tia. Like if the role was reversed, I mean, depending what Tia put on, if Laura's good for 265, Laura would win. Did she hit 265 or was it 260 at Rogue? Because she hit one of them and then missed. I think it was 260 and then Tia hit 265 and then did 270 because she didn't know. Right? Is that how it went went i can't remember the details i just know that that tia lifted 27
Starting point is 00:08:30 yeah yeah um they didn't do this so much with the women but with the men and by the way i think the commentators are great i thought i thought sean and chase did an amazing job and the reason why i'm bringing this up is because i see in the comments that they're annoying and they don't annoy me at all like like i like the shit chase is pointing out look at that person's elbow look at their back leg look at like and if i don't care if he's wrong or if he's right he's drawing my attention to things like if he's you know what i mean like and i enjoy that i know it makes me even more obvious to me that when i don't like them it's not their fault it's the camera operators fault or whoever's directing the camera operators obviously because they're pointing the cameras at the wrong thing like the men the events the first event today horrible
Starting point is 00:09:11 when gee's struggling on the rope we need to see that shit go ahead brian sorry yes the first event there was it could have been better the second event i thought was great with the camera coverage they had aerial shots that they could pan to you're still watching the lifter getting ready as the cameraman on the floor is moving to the next lifter and unlike they've done at the game sometimes they circ they snaked it around so after this fifth lifter in the back row they went to this lifter immediately in front of them instead of going in two lines where it makes that transition from the end of one line to the other a lot more difficult good point yeah i i i i i like them but the one thing i didn't like is when the men are going the commentators will say and i and i don't know how much chase and sean said this but i definitely heard the
Starting point is 00:09:56 commentator who is present in the stadium say it he did that with ease it's like fuck you you don't know if he's doing that with ease and like like he's not doing that i feel like it's like disrespectful to the athletes it's like when someone says your kid's a prodigy it's like fuck you you don't know if he's doing that with ease and like like he's not doing that i feel like it's like disrespectful to the athletes it's like when someone says your kid's a prodigy it's like shut up i have him tied in the basement you know what i'm doing math problems 12 hours a day what people are a lot different when they lift some people look easy and it doesn't feel easy and some people look really really rough like chandler smith and they still have more in the tank oh my gosh people calling in here oh hey this is this has never happened in a show i think this is uh just a span let's see hello hello my phone says this is spam hello yeah they hung up i was hoping it was gonna be someone trying to sell me insurance or something
Starting point is 00:10:46 we could just tear them up i like it the chandler's form is so bad chad doesn't chase doesn't say anything critical not critical but he points out that it's a shit show but he also pointed out that it's actually better than it was two years ago or last year i don't know if it was. I think there were some things that were better about it. Maybe not the last. The last jerk was pretty brutal, but I would say he had better lifts early this year than he did last year. This guy, Nate, who said you look homeless,
Starting point is 00:11:21 is asking me if I'm... Sevan, are you drinky? Am I drinky? No no i'm not drinky uh brian's already addressed his beard it's it's it's a part of his halloween costume uh a man amanda barnhart they were saying that um like she's just notorious for not getting the jerk, although she did get her final lift, correct? It was the second one. Yeah. I mean, she doesn't get really low under the bar,
Starting point is 00:11:57 and Chase was saying she needed to, but she didn't in the last one, and she still managed to get it. But she's always lifted like that. If you go watch the clean and jerk speed ladder at the games, all of her lifts are like that when she has to split jerk. I'm going to send Guy a – no. I'm going to send Justin Medeiros a link to the show. He's got a 20-point lead in first.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Who does? I'm not sure the leaderboard's accurate because it says enric apollinan got first place in event one oh yeah you're right so the leaderboard is not not um i don't think it's fully reliable at the moment okay yeah that makes sense thank you for pointing that out i want to ask look at the placements. I was just shocked. Madero said, were you guys, were you guys surprised? I want to be shocked if he has a 20 point lead because he was only five points behind Pat in the first one.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And he got tied for third on the second one. And then there were two other guys at that weight. Someone at two 50. I can't remember how many other guys came between what past probably like 10th, ninth or 10th. Yeah. I'm not, not shocked. Like came between. I was probably like ninth or tenth. I'm not shocked.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Oh, my gosh. I didn't think it was going to be that big of a lead. I don't know. It was just. Yeah, about five places, five points per place over the course of the day. Oh, here we go. Here's the leaderboard. 2021 leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:13:19 We just said this is not accurate. Who did? Ryan. Oh, I know. but what's he know? I mean, he knows a fair amount. Someone in one of your houses is listening to the show. Slap him around. Five minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Three and three, two and eight. Vellner took second and eighth, and Medeiros took third and third. Someone do the math on that. I think Medeiros is third and third. Someone do the math on that. I think Medeiros is winning. Yeah, it's going to be 20 or 25 points. That's fine. That's expected. Pat knew this workout would be the worst workout for him relative to the field.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Do you owe me 25 straight handstand push-ups now, Brian? I did a strict handstand push-up today. It felt really good. I did one strict onestand pushup today. I felt really good. You can handstand pushups. That doesn't count. I did one strict one in the warmup. Jason Hopper took a sixth and a sixth? You were. Yeah, excellent.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Well, no, that's not true. He was fifth and sixth, I think. Sixth or fifth. I want to trust the leaderboard right now. There's some things on there that are inaccurate. Wow, this is going to be interesting. This is going to be interesting. Welcome to America.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Hello, Seven. Hey. I'm watching you right now. Oh, good. Hello. Hey. Hey. Hey. How are watching you right now. Oh, good. Hello. Hey. Hey. Hey. How are you, Mr. Brazil? I'm good.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Call me. Putting on the show. Sure. Okay. What are you going to ask? If I put you on the show, what are you going to ask? If he I don't know. I think he asked if he if he i don't know i think he asked if he could lift more who gee ask if geek and lift more he's telling you to call gee and get him on the show and ask him about the event call gee you want me to call gee and ask him if he'll come on the show. Let's see if we can do that.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Man. Why? Do you think he can lift more? I don't know. I don't think so. Oh, come on. Come on. Well, it's two pounds. I don't know. He can definitely lift more. Where are you calling from? Brazil. But where in Brazil? São Paulo. And do you know Guy personally? He comes to Brazil. You and Brian. Okay, we'll be there.
Starting point is 00:15:56 You'll be here? Yes, we're coming. We're coming. We're going to come tomorrow. As soon as we get our vaccine passports in order. Okay. You guys have COVID over there? You guys took care of that problem? Because I'm not going anywhere where there's COVID. I'm scared.
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's okay, I think. Okay, good. Some states are locked down, too, but okay. Okay, okay. Continue the show. Thank you for calling. I mean, that's obvious he could have lifted more, right? Gentlemen?
Starting point is 00:16:37 Brian? Yeah, you have to think so. I mean, it looked pretty comfortable for him. You're opening at 357. I mean, he was riling up the crowd. Like, that's a routine comfortable for him. You're opening at 357. I mean, he was riling up the crowd. Like, that's a routine lift for him. I think he's got more than 10 pounds in the tank. If he's that confident about 357, he's probably good for 375, 380.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Did Travis Mayer ever make that 400-pound clean and jerk that he was going for? Did he ever? No, he wasn't successful. It was a clean. It waspound clean and jerk that he was going for? Did he ever? No. It was a clean. It was a clean. I think he got 395. Okay. I know he got 395.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I don't know if he's attempted the 400. I feel like he would have posted it if he got it. I talked to him a few minutes ago. He was really happy with that lift today. You called him on the phone? You interrupted him? I just texted him. Just texted him. I texted him a thought you called him on the phone you interrupted just texted him just texted him i texted him a congratulations and a comment on the lift and he said um i went
Starting point is 00:17:32 for and got happy with that i'm gonna switch this filter to the women's how do i how do i switch the leaderboard to women switch divisions i mean do you think that these women so they have tiva claire to me in first place annie thor's daughter in second place, tied with Laura Horvat. Oh, three-way tie. Wow. Annie, Laura, and Gabby all tied for second place. Then Emma Carey, then Mal O'Brien. These look mostly right to me.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You know, there's nothing obviously wrong like there wasn't an event is there anything shocking to you guys yet or is this all going according to plan besides vigno you say vigno you're surprised at vigno's lift i just i'm yeah i mean i'm just a little bit i'm just a little curious if maybe something feels off or started feeling off in the middle of event one because his lifts were light relative to what i thought and he was it looked like he was reaching for his lat i don't know um do you think the athletes are um i think the athletes are stressed out now as they are at the games. Do you think that there's less pressure? Do you think that this event is more fun?
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, I do. We were actually talking about that during Heat, one of the women here, that this is like a good last event for Kerry. It's a lot less. I feel like it's a more fun and relaxed and chilled environment. The athletes are having a good time. They all feel – they're obviously competing, but they're also really enjoying the experience i wonder why that
Starting point is 00:19:10 is it's just as much money on the line um there's um there's nowhere to hide there's fewer events um everyone is it's it's i mean it's arguably a better caliber of athlete at this event. Why is there less stress at this event? I mean, if that is true. I just think it's a different environment. I mean, it's hard to describe the difference, but it's definitely a different feel when you're there. I think you train all year for the CrossFit Games, and there's a process through it and
Starting point is 00:19:45 Rogue is something that you can just do if you want to and there's pressure but it's not way less pressure than what the games is. The games is like this is how fit I am in the world and Rogue is not that way. How do you think
Starting point is 00:20:01 Jason Hopper is going to do tomorrow? Do you think he's building steam i think he's gonna do great all right seven i gotta go wait hold on hold on hold on dan brian would like to he hung up i'm pretty sure patrick velner is gonna come on here brian that's awesome and i think he should be on here to talk to him. I think that's important. You guys at least touch base. I feel, I feel like good about my communication with him today.
Starting point is 00:20:36 So I'm going to go. Okay. Thank you. You going to mail you your shirt? Oh, I can't go. Danielle is calling. That's a good one one nate i wish colton was here you wish he was on the show or you wish he was at the event i think we had a hell of a day um is is there anything john any stone you think we left unturned um no i don't feel good about bkg
Starting point is 00:21:02 making the podium anymore and that's a little upsetting. Because of his placements or because of something else you saw? No, just his placements. Like the events left are all good for him, but they're good for other people too. And he's just 330. He's going to be, you know, I don't know what he's ranked, but it's going to be 15th maybe. And that's a very low placement to still podium.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And the thing about BKG, why we thought he would be good is because he's consistent through every event. He doesn't have bad events. And this clean and jerk event was a bad event. Meaning he should have done better. To stay in the hunt for a podium i think so i mean he can battle back and i just think a podium would be really hard to do right now um what do you think about annie i love how annie's doing i predicted her second so i'm really happy she's doing well she shocked me on the go rug for sure and i will will say, I don't know if you saw this, but it seemed like she took it to Tia. Like it looked like Tia was hurting and she was speeding up on the over under logs, the last one.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And I have not seen that very often. I don't see people take it to Tia very often. Do you think Annie's in Tia's head at all? No, but I think that was impressive, that event. I don't think – I think Tia's pretty comfortable with her fitness. When I see Annie out there, I finally realize I think I understand what it means to be in athletes or not in athletes' heads, like when they're in each other's heads. Because it doesn't look like anyone's in Annie's head. She's just doing her thing, and it does look like the pressure,
Starting point is 00:22:53 like that there is a little pressure on Tia. I mean, are you going to answer that? Sure, let's answer it, and then you can. Taylor Smith, how are you? What's up, Siobhan? Nothing, just chilling. Just trying to hang on long enough that Velner comes on. Hey, okay, so where I'm at, y'all are still talking about Annie and Tia being in Tia's head?
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yes. Do you think that Tia maybe isn't pushing her hardest because she doesn't want to reveal her full capability at a competition? I don't think that. Okay. I think she's like win at any cost. She's just shy of Nancy Kerrigan. I mean, I don't think she's going to take a bat to Annie, but I think that...
Starting point is 00:23:44 I think it's possible that she's not super peaked for this competition because, you know, the games is what matters to her. And I think, you know, it's possible that she's not her peak fitness for the whole entire year, but I agree with Seve on it it's not she's not holding back um do we know if maderos got a no rep on the rope climb or is that just speculation we don't know that's never has not been confirmed uh velder might know because he was right next to him so if he comes on you can ask him um did you guys see any any any any jer, especially the first jerk, that possibly looked iffy, meaning they lowered it before they brought their legs together? There were some that were pretty close. Pretty close, right?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah. Part of me is okay with that. I mean, I know rules are rules, but... Yeah, as long as they get it up there, I mean, it seems like the lockout's pretty close, but their hits are maybe not quite fully open. I didn't see any no reps today.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And I feel like when you watch the CrossFit games, that shit's full of all sorts of no reps. That's a good observation. I'm down. Thanks, guys. Keep up the content all weekend. cool thank you uh what were you gonna say john where would they know rep people oh what do you mean like at the games no like in the two events today i mean they either get the lift or they don't get the lift they could come down early but that happened like a couple times and it was not i mean borderline at best
Starting point is 00:25:22 so if they decide not to call that i feel like that's fine and then go r, I mean, borderline at best. So if they decide not to call that, I feel like that's fine. And then go, Ruck. I mean, the only thing you can no rep people on is the rope. Meaning like you jumped off too early or if you missed the tag at the top. Yeah. Travis Bellinghausen says, yes, there were some iffy reps, not a lot of stability overhead. I mean, that one that Amanda Barnhart dropped, I feel like,
Starting point is 00:25:44 and she didn't get the credit for which i agree she shouldn't have i feel like there were other people who had even less time locked out at the top who did get the credit so on the first one or the second one on the first one where hers was on the second one well i think the second one matters a little bit because it's finishing the complex so you know and i don't know the the what they briefed them on or what they briefed the judges on but it would seem like the second one would be like this is finishing the complex you have to hold it for a second and with the first one's like just jerk it you know we can tell if you have it or you don't uh chandler smith's
Starting point is 00:26:22 were complete shit yet somehow he got them up yeah seven are you happy with travis mayor's performance no i want to see everyone go home crying in his presence uh did anyone else see mallory o'brien pee on her second lift during the front squat i did not notice anyone peeing on squats jerks or rope climbs today i didn't uh so did you want to did you want to talk about that about the pressure on intia versus um annie who you think has more pressure on them and it's and if that's if that's what i'm seeing as opposed to maybe annie being into his head i mean there's probably way more pressure on tia than there is annie you know every single competition tia enters people expect her to win almost every single event.
Starting point is 00:27:06 It's not even just the competition. It's every event almost. There's rarely an event where we're like, Tia's gonna win. There's not many events that are like that. And Annie, everybody loves Annie. Annie just had a baby. How can you not root for her?
Starting point is 00:27:23 And she's just living her best life giving her best effort she's playing with house money there's no pressure on annie at all and so and then she's killing it on top of that which just lends more momentum for her um i don't think the pressure affects tia i guarantee tia is going to come out tomorrow and do really really well um but yeah tia is always going to have more pressure on her i think annie's going to do great tomorrow too i haven't even looked at the workouts but i'm going to um i think she has momentum i do too she looks crazy crazy confident crazy happy i would love for annie to give Tia a run for her money. So the next three events, Sevan?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yes. Are the echo burner with the 15 thrusters, the bike, or 20 thrusters, the bike, and then 20 thrusters. That's a great event for Annie. I could see Annie winning that or being top three. And it's not necessarily a great event for Tia because it's power output that or being top three. And it's not necessarily great event for Tia because it's power output and she's smaller. No matter how strong she is, she's at a disadvantage in that workout. And then you got the concept two, which is a skier
Starting point is 00:28:36 workout and they have to go up the hill. And then there's one other movement. I think it's GHG sit-ups. Tia will do great at that event, but I also think Annie will do good at that event. Then you have the Mule. Annie won that event two years ago. It's the exact same event, and Annie beat everybody. think annie's gonna have an amazing day tomorrow and if tia if tia doesn't win or get second in every event they could be pretty close going into the final day which would be awesome because we haven't seen anybody be close to tia in a very long time that's a really good point um what was the in and i i think annie did great at the workout in the stadium with the wheelbarrow and the bags at the games in Carson, whenever that was. You're right. All of those. How is she on the erg?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Just she's good on machines? I would assume she's good. I mean, she's always been pretty good at machines. It's a ski erg. I haven't seen how she is on a ski erg, but I would assume she's pretty good on all machines because she hasn't never not been taylor said something really good here i doubt other people can put more pressure on to you than she puts on herself that is probably that is a great great great observation as well i mean shane puts immense pressure on himself too as a coach it's just it's just the point that you're bringing up is it adds a new component
Starting point is 00:30:06 she normally is in a safe place and so it's fabricated pressure if she feels it meaning it's coming from the inside right i mean i guess it's always coming from the inside but it's if she does have annie breathing down her throat if she does go into day three um in second place that will be a first for her her. Yeah. Well, and I think it'll be reminiscent of 2019 when Fraser was behind Noah for a little bit. If we're being honest, everybody knows Fraser is fitter than Noah. And if Noah won that CrossFit Games, I think it would be a little bit unfair to him, but people wouldn't say he's the fittest man in the world, even though he beat Frazier. And I think the same thing would happen if this happened in Rogue.
Starting point is 00:30:50 If Annie were to overtake Tia, I think Tia would respond just how Matt did and win the next two events. Or, you know, I don't see Annie beating Tia in all of rope, but I do think she could get ahead of her after day two, which would be fun to see Tia in a pressure situation where she's not winning. What's it say about the entire women's class? Annie took second at the games? Third. Third. Third after Laura.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Man, what would it say about the entire female class of professional crossfitters if Annie climbs back to one or two? I mean, it's got to be demoralizing for the posse. I mean, when Chase was mentioning, oh, this is as good as her 2009 muscle-up, I was like, holy shit. Did he say 2009? And I remember that so clearly standing there and just being like. Well, I think it's funny you see a polar opposite in katrin like you think katrin's done right yeah i mean i don't necessarily think she's done but it's not turning the right way and annie's had this amazing comeback and doing you know the best she's ever done in a while. If she were to get second place at the games,
Starting point is 00:32:05 or even say she won Rogue and then did whatever at the game, but beat Tia at Rogue, or second at Rogue, those accomplishments are arguably better than when she won her two games in 2010 and 2011. You mean if she did beat them? I think her third place is her greatest accomplishment she's ever done last year that's this that just happened because people are so much oh oh sorry i thought you were talking about katrin yeah yeah yeah annie's is crazy
Starting point is 00:32:39 i agree i agree but katrin's going the opposite way. And they're, you know, they work out together. History won't say it that way, but I agree with you. That third place that Annie got is her greatest placement in the history of the CrossFit Games. But, I mean, history will disagree with you, which is fine. I mean, we wouldn't even be talking about her if she didn't have those first two other wins. But you're right. You're right. Sorry, I was behind the curve a little bit on that thought. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah, that's a great point. Any thoughts on the legends event? I didn't watch that. Did you watch any of that? I watched the clean and jerk rope climb event. Rich and Miko were on the same team because they do it in teams and they won. Who chose the teams? Is that Bill and Katie? I'm not sure. I think it's random because i think they i think they get a new partner every event but i don't i don't know um but it was kind
Starting point is 00:33:32 of cool kalipa and bridges were in the lead and then froning started doing touch and go and got back in the lead and ended up winning at the end like froning does i i did walk by the tv and see miko and rich together um like doing like the the after after event interview and that was awesome i was like wow i wonder who's more starstruck miko or rich i mean to see the two of them there together that's some cool shit if uh if anyone wants to see a really interesting old school video there is a um two on the crossfit somewhere on the crossfit uh youtube station there's like a 17 part series or 13 part series that i made in 2010 and it's again faster versus rogue and uh i think rich was on the again faster team and mika was on the rogue team
Starting point is 00:34:19 and they compete in some things against each other it's fucking really really really cool i know rich and graham compete against each other in some overhead squat workout. It's a cool video. Can we have Miko on the podcast? He is. I spoke to him today briefly. He said that when he gets back to Finland, he'll jump on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I think we're good. What time do we start tomorrow morning? yeah i think we're good what time do we start tomorrow morning um the first event is at 12 25 10 25 your time so 10 25 pacific standard time okay and the ufc starts tomorrow at 11 a.m believe it or not which is just crazy so i'll be watching both of those oh so this goes pretty fast tomorrow there's an event at 12 25 405 and then 640 yeah those those four and five are pretty close to each other all right brother is there anything you want to say before we say good night um it's uh it's my parents anniversary today so happy anniversary guys thought out awesome
Starting point is 00:35:34 um other than that um i'm i'm good okay look forward to tomorrow me too

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