The Sevan Podcast - Russell Allmandinger | Wheel WOD - CrossFit Games Journey

Episode Date: September 3, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey you. Yeah, you. Scrolling TikTok and avoiding your chem homework. Chegg here. Hot take. You've seen enough Bama Rush, ASMR keyboard, and viral dance videos for one day. Let's lock in and start that assignment. If you need a little help, lean on Chegg's expert-supported learning tools. I say this with love. Put on some lo-fi beats and get going with our step-by-step study support. Your weekend will thank you. Small steps today means big wins tomorrow with Chegg.ching, seek clawing suspense. Something's not right with him. I've always wanted to family like yours.
Starting point is 00:00:47 James McAvoy will scare you speechless. No! You're gonna kill us. We're just sad to see you go. Ah! Speak no evil. Only in theaters September 13th. I'm pumped.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Hey, where's that hat from? Oh, it's a Durango exchange. It's like a an outdoor store here in Durango, Colorado. Oh, it's cool. What a cool logos. Thank you, sir. Yeah, you know, it's funny is
Starting point is 00:01:18 uh, people were making fun of me for this hat because it got the rope in the front. Yeah, but I'm a huge fan. I'm digging them. I'm a huge fan. I like a bunch of these newer hats that are coming out. Where do you live? You live in Colorado? Yes, sir. I live in Durango, Colorado. Hey, what's Durango like? Is it is it is it like pickup truck town? No, it's like it's like a bike town bike skiing, rafting. Oh, like bicycle. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Outdoorsy town like Boulder. It's like a yes, sir. People people running around all that stuff. Good healthy vibes. Sir. It's always busy There's a bunch of bikers in town this weekend for the holiday Did you got it? Just a Whole Foods just filled with hot women There is no whole foods no sir no Whole Foods. Okay. All right What's the store there in Durango like the the spot
Starting point is 00:02:24 You know like where people go buy all the healthy stuff like the kale and oh, there's a natural I'll go. What's the store there in Durango? Like the spot, you know, like where people go buy all the healthy stuff, like the kale and the- Oh, there's a natural grocer, natural oasis, the Durango co-op. How big is Durango? So then I just moved up here about two years ago, so it's all kind of new to me,
Starting point is 00:02:43 but I think it's around like 20,000 people. Durango, okay, so 2 years ago. So, it's all kind of new to me but I think it's around like 20, 000 people. Durango. Okay. So, it's small. Why is it famous? Why do I know it? Was there like some gunfight there or something or was it like where is it is it some like have some historical
Starting point is 00:02:57 a small city in southwestern Colorado near the New Mexico border? Oh yeah. There was a kid named I think Seth Coos that uh, he does like the world Viking stuff like the kind of like that tour de france kind of stuff and he won Something in that this last year. He's a local local guy. I don't know much about that that world It says it was a historic mining town. All right, that's probably how I know it I mean just it's like just one of those names. Everyone knows Durango, Colorado But shit with 19,000 people you think no one knows it but everyone knows it
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yes, sir. Where are you from? I'm in California. I'm in Santa Cruz Okay. Yeah, I was born in Oakland and then I've kind of been in this area the whole time I went to. I'm in Santa Boys yeah, two seven and one nine All right Yeah, how about you? Yes, sir. I have two boys. I have a 22 year old son and I have a six year old son Braxton and Quincy wait You have two boys in braxley Yes, sir
Starting point is 00:04:25 Say that again six years old and 21 years old 22. Yes, sir And then my oldest boy is a marine security guard he's done two things or two tours or whatever. Yes, sir at a one in Saudi Arabia at the embassy and one in in Africa Dang and you're so proud, huh? He he's my favorite person in the world. Sorry. He's a pretty cool guy Dude, that's awesome. Um Were you in the military russell?
Starting point is 00:05:00 No, sir. I was born with disabilities. I started having my first surgeries when I was three days old What were you when you say born with disabilities? What do you mean? What were you born with? So then I was born with a real severe case of bilateral club feet And then I have issues pretty much from my chest down I've had over 30 surgeries I've been through the medical system a bunch Dude, that's crazy. I would have never in a million years thought that
Starting point is 00:05:37 Looking at what the physical specimen You've turned yourself into were you mean you are a freak. were you were you oh Caleb hi were you um this is nuts were you uh so as a kid were you all messed up looking yes sir I started out having surgery at three days old I wore like those Forrest Gump shoes I've done all that. I've Yes, sir, so then my legs are real skinny. That's why I rocked that pink flamingo Figured I should pick a bird leg and I picked a pink flamingo one And why were you born like that was it was your mom is it was or is it just something that just happens? It was just something that happened. I mean, you get all kinds of different things in the doctor world and the medical world.
Starting point is 00:06:38 So then I've been told it was genetics. I've been told it was just bad luck. But yeah, I mean, I don't put really too much thought process into that. I just keep moving forward. How is your spine, Russell? It's not good. It's interesting because your spine looks straight as shit, which you would think would be like, like, like, thank God, like that's would be the most important thing. I mean, you look like, I mean, you look like you fell out of Baywatch. I appreciate. Thank you, sir. Appreciate that. Yeah. Yeah. I just uh I've gotten
Starting point is 00:07:10 some more uh news over the last couple of months. Uh I'm just deteriorating pretty bad from my chest down. Is is that part of the condition? Whatever your condition is you're diagnosed with or is it the training? What's going on? I mean, I mean, deteriorating pretty bad from my chest down. Is that part of the condition, whatever your condition is you're diagnosed with or is it the training?
Starting point is 00:07:29 What's going on? It's all of that. So from the time of birth, it's pretty much my whole spine and legs and then as I've gone on and gone to more doctors, it's turned into all kinds of other things. I got complex regional pain syndrome, I got all kinds of stuff with my back. They think maybe right now they're doing more testing and they want to go down the road of maybe thinking that some of this is like an autoimmune issue or something like that. How old are you? Like I said, I'm 39. 39, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:08 So you had your first kid when you were 19? So then my, no, so my oldest boy, my wife's a couple years older than I am. Quincy's from her first marriage. And then I've raised that boy since he was six. We're best friends Damn, dude. What what a cool life and then and then this and then this youngest boy. What's his name? His name is Braxton and he's my biological son, so he's a little bit of a shithead
Starting point is 00:08:44 Well, it seems like you love him to death uh from your instagram for sure And he must be so proud of his dad Yeah, I think they are Yeah, it would be cool to have a dad like you Hey, um You said that you were born you were born with two club feet, but now you're missing a foot, right? You're missing a whole calf? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So it was like nine years ago that we decided that we should amputate both of my legs. We got through the first one and that hasn't really gone the best. I can't really wear a prosthetic the way that I would like to because of my issues and my limb is so bony and then my skin breaks down real bad. I have a tumor in my nub. So once I kind of went down that road, I wasn't real interested anymore in
Starting point is 00:09:39 trying to amputate the other one. I use a wheelchair a bunch to get around and the main reason why I do that is just so I'm Not dead in the water Like when my legs can't get me around or when I can't do the things that I want to I use a wheelchair. Oh Yeah, I saw an Instagram clip where you were pushing blood out of the Tumor yeah, cause you know. Why is there a tumor for the nerve? Is that a botched surgery or? It's called a neuroma and it's like a collection of nerves or whatnot. So then just balled up in the bottom of my nub.
Starting point is 00:10:21 You can get it removed, but there's nothing that says that it won't grow back in the spot where they So they would shorten it they would cut that spot out and raise it up But there's nothing that says that it won't grow back there, and I'm kind of done with all that sir I kind of changed a lot of things over the last couple years It was around three years ago This is the one I started my CrossFit journey. I changed my diet because the prior three years were the worst three years of my life.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I started to, I never really took pain medication for none of my surgeries. And then it was around my 28th surgery, I started taking pain medication. And then I just started letting those doctors give me whatever they wanted to. And for the first year, it worked out okay and everything was good.
Starting point is 00:11:15 But the last two years, like those last two years in coronavirus or whatnot is when I hit like the worst part of my life. I got real suicidal. Everything was pretty bad. And then it was three years ago, I woke up one day and I quit eight medications, cold turkey, and I just got back on track to doing things
Starting point is 00:11:36 the old school way that I was raised and that I used to. So then at that point, three years ago, when I was still dealing with doctors I needed like five more surgeries and I just stopped all of that. So that first year trying to get my life back I would wear my prosthetic leg no matter what and I would open it up and I would get all these sores and I would just lance them and keep it going because I was trying to build back My mental game and I felt like that was important. I Want to go back to the first time so if that was
Starting point is 00:12:16 Did you say that was six years ago that they started putting you on pain meds or three years ago? Yes, sir. So it was about six eight years ago is whenever I find it was around my 28th surgery that I first started to take medications. For all my other surgeries, I never took any type of medication. And what was the first medication they ever gave you? It was a nerve medication, it was a muscle relaxer, and then when they started me out on pain meds, they started me out on 150 milligrams of oxycodone a day. Yeah, that's, I mean, God, that's crazy. That's not even, that's not even like sustainable. That's not even like sustainable That's wild that's wild It's crazy sir, so then uh, you know, I've started a charity I've started a charity for all these types of reasons Well, I think people should Focus in on you know charities in America and why people even have these things and why it should be like maybe a red flag that show
Starting point is 00:13:27 that the medical system doesn't work. We're about to have this CrossFit games for the adaptive athletes. There's a lot of disabled folks and these sort of things. But I just started going down a different road. I tried to start up this charity to give other folks real options because I don't feel like you know through the medical system right now that
Starting point is 00:13:49 They're really doing anything to help anybody like me Hey, and that Caleb just pulled up that thing on Google and it said the dose was on the high end was 15 milligrams every four to six hours So even if you were on the highest dose yeah, I would be 90 milligrams a day 20 if you took it every four hours at 15 milligrams and you're saying you were they started you off on 150 Yes, sir Wow that that that's amazing. Hey, why then why then starts you on why did they wait so long?
Starting point is 00:14:25 Why didn't they just start giving you med medication when you were a kid? I Mean they try to push medication on me my whole life. I just never was interested in it. I never wanted it I heard stories. I didn't want to take a chance None of those other sort of things so then for the majority of my surgeries I would maybe take you know pain meds for a day or two And then I flush them down the toilet, and I just be good It was I racked up like 15 surgeries In like 10 years I quit my job
Starting point is 00:14:58 Like my whole life just changed and I was worn down So then they were trying to push them on me and it was around that 28th surgery that I was like, all right, I'll do this. You know what I mean? I'll listen to y'all. They were telling me that my quality of life would get better. So then I just started listening. They started putting me on three or four different types of medications, muscle relaxer, pain, nerve, and I think like a Valium or something like that, like the
Starting point is 00:15:31 combination of them aren't there, it's as bad as they can get. So then I started out like that and then for the first year I took those medication, I was kind of like hard on myself. I thought that maybe my opinion of those medications because the first year on them My life did get a little bit better and things started, you know moving in a little bit better spot It's just not a long-term thing and and I really have never met anybody that that you know is in pain that takes pain pills That hasn't had an issue or those sort of things. So then when I was on that type of medication, it just started to get worse. Everything just started getting worse, so then they started adding more medication,
Starting point is 00:16:15 my sleeping, my mental game, just all those other sort of things. And then at one point, I was just as suicidal as you can get. I wasn't happy about anything. And then the craziest part about all this as well is whenever I made that decision that I didn't want to do this no more, I didn't want to take medication and I wanted to try more natural things and stuff like that, the doctor that was writing me all those prescriptions didn't even have a route for me. So that was like another lesson That he didn't have an exit strategy for you to get off the mic. Yeah, so that No, sir, so then when it comes to like
Starting point is 00:16:57 rehab or detox facilities and in America like those are usually made for folks that have abused things like there's not Like those are usually made for folks that have abused things like there's not Facilities like that for the disabled if somebody that was disabled wanted to start taking medication And then somewhere down their road they didn't want to take that there's really not nothing set up for us To to go through that process in the right way Hey, were you on any psychiatric meds? Yes, sir. They started loading me up on those too the last year. Do you remember the names of them? Uh, not off the top of my head. I I'm not real smart, sir. And I don't read real well. What do you announce
Starting point is 00:17:43 that? Good? Me neither. Me neither. I don't read so good. Sometimes I get exposed on this show. I try to read something fancy and I get exposed on the show. Um, uh, what a wild journey. I wouldn't even try that. No read, no public reading.
Starting point is 00:18:00 No public reading for you. I shoot from the hip and that's about it. I want to go back to when you're a kid. So you're born and you already have the club feet and you have What did you call a bilateral club feet? Yes, sir. And Do you do you go into the public school system and just do they just try to keep you like a regular kid? Yes, sir, so first start now they try to put me in martial arts when I was like four There wasn't much like therapy for those sort of things. They thought that that would be good. So I started out doing that
Starting point is 00:18:39 I grew up in the state of Texas in Hamilton, Texas I played a bunch of sports there. I played football, basketball, baseball, power lifting. Wow. I did a little track in high school. That's fascinating. So your parents, instead of like, keeping you protecting you from that stuff,
Starting point is 00:19:00 they just put you in the deep end. They're like, nope kid, you're gonna do this. Good on them, what good parents. I mean, I push for it. Yeah, I'm a little wild, sir, and I'm a go-getter. My mom tried to get me to quit sports every year. Yeah, you got a, if I were to judge you, you have a very-
Starting point is 00:19:22 Because I would always get banged out, I was always- Yeah, if I were to judge you you have a very always get banged out always all Yeah, if I were to judge you just by your looks you have that you got a little Conor McGregor in you You got the square jaw and you got the fucking blockhead and you look like like maybe you have an extra X-chromos on you like you look like you're a lot of man to deal with Yeah, you look like you got a little bull rider in you I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead
Starting point is 00:19:52 and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'm going to go ahead and do from where I'm from. You're always jumping on the back of something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Did you ever ride motorcycles? I've ridden some of those. Like, you know, that was always hard. Like my feet have always been fused. There was really no range of motion in my feet. So that was always kind of hard, but yeah, I've ridden motorcycles when I was younger. When you were doing these sports as a kid, Russell, say your last name for me. It's All-Man-Dinger. All-Man-Dinger, yeah, that's a great name. Russell All-Man-Dinger. Russell, when you were a kid and you were playing these sports,
Starting point is 00:20:44 Russell when you were a kid and you were playing these sports did they? Did they baby you at all were they like oh that go easy on him or any of that stuff like in football or baseball or No, sir So you'd hit the ball and you'd run was not my main sport Yeah, I would do all that of the game. I'm like, time out, bro. Like, I gotta quit. Like, I can't even believe that you guys are letting me out on the field with y'all. Like, this isn't pretty. This is embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah. And in your friends, everyone was cool. Everyone accepted you. It was just, that's just the way you are. Like, you couldn't hide it, right? Anytime you walked, someone could see like, hey, something's up with this dude Yes, sir, I walk
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yes, sir, and then in over the last like eight years I've developed balance and brain things and Vertigo, so yeah, I look drunk all the time when I'm walking sir And then and then so finally at some point I think I forget what age you were but you were in your 20s and that's when they say hey you should get on some medication to deal with the pain and and you started this three-year journey of just more and more medication was it always more like each time you went to the doctor for three years, it was just escalating the meds?
Starting point is 00:22:29 It would always add in something else. Like, for instance, like I wasn't, I don't sleep good in general, never have. And during that period, they added a, you know know a sleep medication and I could tell instantly that that was making me like a little bit more suicidal but in the same breath, I hadn't slept in so long and I finally started getting a little bit of rest. So it's yes sir. So then the whole medication that they just kept on trying to add more it was never you know they never ask you questions about what you're really doing your life What's your diets like any of those other sort of things? It's if you have a problem on this medication. There's another medication That we can give you Hey when you said you were getting more suicidal
Starting point is 00:23:21 What does that mean to be suicidal? Like what does that mean? Yes sir. So then I mean I've had issues. I've had some of these thoughts my whole entire life which would make sense I think for a person like me to have thoughts like that. They never were an issue or they never became realistic or things that I ever really thought that I was gonna act on past that. But once I got on those medications and my whole life changed,
Starting point is 00:23:53 I went from having a good job and being able to do a little bit more with my kids and all these other sort of things. And in that 10 year span, and I had like 15 surgeries racked up and everything just changed drastically. So back to your question again, sir. Did you ask? What does that mean if you're suicidal? Like what were the like, what does that look like? Like what were the like what does that look like?
Starting point is 00:24:31 So then at that point it just got to a point to where I was just suffering so bad from pain and then the mental game And then I was spinning my wheels I would try hard every day to try to get out of this boat and it seemed like I would take Steps back. So then it just got a point to me to where I felt like I was a Burden and I didn't feel that way I was I was in a bad situation. I was in a bad spot. I wasn't doing anything good for myself for my wife Or my kids and then that turned and I didn't think that it that I could get better. I thought that at that point When I'd finally started medication, that I was already
Starting point is 00:25:05 hitting the worst spots of my life. So then it was never my goal when I started to take medication to take it long term. But then as I'm starting to get into those bad years, it turned into, I didn't think it was realistic for me to even try to quit medication. I thought that that was going to be the thing that could send me over the edge. So when I'm suicidal, you just you feel as bad as bad, nothing good as anything. All you can think about is ending things and you really don't want to do those things. So it's like it it gets you a little
Starting point is 00:25:45 bit more more sad more stuck in your brain that you're you know thinking this way and and that these things are sounding like a good idea. So then where my turning point was was was after about a year two years of living that way and I and I was already to the point of wanting to kill myself and maybe even thinking of some ways of getting the job done, I finally just said, all right, well, we just need to, we need to start over, we need to quit all these meds, we need to get all this out of our system. If we're already talking about dying,
Starting point is 00:26:19 then we need to try this and we need to go down that road. So then I just woke up one day, I told my wife that I was gonna quit these medications cold turkey That I was done with them. That's when I phoned my doctor And I started asking him for solutions for these problems. He told me he didn't have a solution He asked me how I was gonna go about it. I said I'm just gonna quit these things cold turkey He wasn't too fond of that. He thought you know bad things could happen But in the same breath he was he was okay with me doing it and he wanted to write me more Xanax and zomas for me to detox those other medications and that wasn't the boat that I wanted to be in
Starting point is 00:27:03 So I just woke up one day and I quit them all cold turkey I never Cheated one time since then I'm not interested in never taking meds again And my whole goal now is just trying to help out other folks not end up in some of these same boats It's interesting You said something that I haven't heard before but that resonates with me. You felt like a burden. There's two things. You felt like a burden and then you also felt like there was no way out.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Like, hey, I'm on all these meds, I can't get off and I'm a burden on other people. And I don't think people realize, I think that's why we have so many unhappy people and in the world They don't realize it they think they want to be helped and taken care of by someone But they don't realize the cost of that that as human beings We really are only value here is what we contribute to other men and you weren't you didn't feel like you were contributing anything You were actually felt like you were a burden so like If there's a baseline middle where you're not a bird
Starting point is 00:28:08 Let's say you're just sitting perfectly still under a tree, right? You're at baseline but if someone has to wipe your ass or get you meds or bring you food or pay for you now you've slipped the other way and You know, I've seen a handful of women who marry rich men who lose their value in life. They lose what their purpose is and they don't have goals or direction anymore, and they just fucking go crazy. And they think their life is going to be great because they got rich, but they just fucking lose their shit. And God you just fucking nailed it. When you are, that's, I wish more and more people could realize that taking from other
Starting point is 00:28:55 people you have to sacrifice a piece of your sanity for that when you start slipping in that fucking wrong, in that wrong direction Let me ask you this when you had Braxton where were you on this journey Braxton's your youngest boy six-year-old boy. Where were you in the journey? Yes, sir. That was I was in the start of the of the worst spot of that. So Me and my wife had some issues having kids. And then when Braxton finally popped up, we were kind of in the back end of,
Starting point is 00:29:30 okay, we don't thank God wants us to have kids or whatever. We finally get pregnant with Braxton. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff surgery wise. I'm starting to get bad on the medications to where they're affecting me different and all these other sort of things. And then my wife ended up in the hospital. Braxton was born premature. That was one of the turning points in my life that started making things a little bit more rough. At that point I couldn't even wear a prosthetic leg. I didn't have a wheelchair that was a
Starting point is 00:30:05 lightweight wheelchair. My wife was in the hospital and all this so then I was just running myself ragged trying to make sure I'm getting her fresh juice and I'm making her and flowers and good food and all these other sort of things. Yes sir that's Brax. So then when he's first born, I'm going through it pretty rough. And to be honest with you, for about the first year of his life, I spent the majority of the time with him. And then over the next two years of his life is whenever I got real bad. And I would try to distance myself sometimes from him or my wife, because I didn't want him to get attached to me too much because I didn't think I was going to be around. But you know, all that has changed. That's my wife. All that has changed and everything is really, really good right now.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Hey, so you're still with her? She traveled that journey with you? Oh, yeah, I don't know why but she did yes, sir That's amazing, dude. She must know proud of you Yes, sir, I'm just thankful for her like You know when I am a burden and if I never had the chance or if I didn't have the capabilities to change, then no, that woman didn't deserve all that. But yes, sir, she stuck with me. She stayed strong.
Starting point is 00:31:39 She's awesome. She's as loyal as they come. She's a great, great person. Do you ever... you must also be pretty happy that you turned it around when he was so young, right? I mean, because there would be some real mounting guilt if you're a drug addict. And I use that term I mean, I guess that's what you were right in your own sense pharmaceutical drug addict There would be some real guilt if you were a drug addict through your kids raising period What a fucking that would be hard. That would be a really hard one to get over
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah, that wouldn't be something so then You know back to Being in a burden, you know I think it would be something 100% eliminated myself from the situation. I would not bring down my wife or, you know, I think that's another thing that people lose sight of. If you're not one of these people that can change and you ain't got the power, you know, well maybe you need to go suffer somewhere else by yourself. Because it just wasn't good, you know, so then if I can never make that change I would have
Starting point is 00:33:10 Distance myself from my son and my wife during these three years when you're when you're on all the Hospital meds. Yeah, were you working out at all? Were you doing anything physical? I Would try anything physical? I would try. But but no sir, it was and I just started doing CrossFit in the last like two and a half three years. So prior to that I'm going to like an EOS or you know golds and just trying to hit bicep curls and things like that.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And that day that you woke up and you decided you'd get off the meds, can you tell me what that next month was like when you got off the meds? Was that crazy? Were you just like huddled in bed shivering and just like... Yeah. Yes. It was the worst thing that I've ever gone through. It doesn't seem realistic like when I look back on it and knowing how I felt and being on the other side it just, you know, it seems like a movie. It seems like something that they can't even really happen in real life. But yeah, that was a real hard period for me. So I just wake up one day, I tell my wife I'm going to quit these things cold turkey.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I try to contact my doctor to figure a way to do it in a better way or the right way. He was trying to get me to taper. It was his only option. I was telling him, I can't do it that way. I'm going to rip the bandaid off type of guy. Plus, I'm in a bad spot. I don't want to draw things out. So I just detoxed at my house. It just wasn't like a month It was like a couple months and to be honest with you sir From things that I've researched what that does to your brain and how it changes a chemically That it could take like up to like a year or two years that start getting your frontal lobe back to where you were
Starting point is 00:35:01 So then I felt a lot of those sort of things for a while But but yes, sir and Russell Those are like you're laying in bed and you're like twitching and shit, right? Like your body's moving and twitching and it's it's it's crazy, right? Sweats coming and going all that shit. Yeah, so I have really bad Sweats coming and going all that shit. Yeah, so I have really bad Yeah, so I have really bad nub spasms and my lower half spasms pretty good and in those moments
Starting point is 00:35:36 it's like on a level to where it's like It's it's crazy. It feels like whiplash But yeah, I was spasming on top of spasming and things were pretty bad. Yes, sir. Yeah, that's a case. You didn't have this spasm that we're showing them. Yeah. So this you never had that before you had your leg amputated spasms like that. No, I've always had spasms in my lower half.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Okay. Does that hurt right there? Is that like a electrical storm? I've always had spasms in my lower half. Hmm, okay. Does that hurt right there? Is that like a electrical storm? Yeah, when it starts going, that little nerve tumor in there, it's like whiplash it, and so it can hurt, but I mean, there ain't nothing you're gonna do about it. So you just get tough Hey is that different than like sometimes i'll get that like one of my pecs will it doesn't hurt at all But one of my pecs will just start flexing on and off like as fast as it can
Starting point is 00:36:38 You know for I don't know two minutes. You know what I mean? Is that similar to that or different? Yeah, it's kind of like that. I mean Yeah in my love over half it's uh it's like anytime I'm trying to extend or get straight or And then especially if it's you know workouts make it worse if I you know revoke my nervous system then it starts to go a little worse um so you get so in that so you get off it's it's like a uh two two or three months of just like fucking biting down gritting down and getting through it when did you start when did you find
Starting point is 00:37:23 CrossFit how did that pop into your world? So then I would follow all kinds of like disabled folks on my Instagram. And then I would always see that their gym setting, the background and the layout was just different from the gyms that I was going to. And, you know, I was, you know, I was in in that boat of like I'm trying to get everything back in my life I'm trying to get back the years that I I made mistakes and I'm just trying to
Starting point is 00:37:53 you know rebuild so I would watch those videos and I would I would try to find those gyms I learned that they were called CrossFit gyms and you know I would see other folks in there, some folks way more messed up than me, so there was no excuse that you can't do it or you can't go. At that time, I'm living in Boulder City, Nevada, right outside of Nevada, Las Vegas. And I started going to a local gym there
Starting point is 00:38:24 called Dust Dam CrossFit and I just went there to change my gym environment and then it was like two months into working out there, folks started bringing up the open, hey are you going to do the open? I didn't even know what it was or anything like that. They were talking about adaptive categories so then I tried it my first year. I think I finished like 31st in the world. And then from that point on, I just started getting more out of it, the community,
Starting point is 00:38:55 all of that. I was living in a fifth wheel, so I was like trying to chase doctors a little bit. So I would come up here to Colorado. And then I got hooked into the gym here in Durango, Colorado called Catacombs and then it was that environment that has really taken me to this next level. I have a coach there named Kelsey McDonald. She helps run this charity with me. She's been a
Starting point is 00:39:23 big part in my life and changing it and getting it back on track and reaching these levels and this fitness world and and just all of it. So then once I met that community, I really liked Colorado and I just stayed there. Yes sir, that's her. Oh, I like her hair. Look at that. She's a badass, sir. Yeah, she looks like a badass. She looks like a **** one healthy human being. Hey, I want to go
Starting point is 00:39:54 back to um uh you're living in the fifth wheel. You're with your wife and your kid um and um uh has your son at that point uh gone into the uh is he a Marine you said? Yes sir. Has he gone into the Marines? Yeah, part of our decision. Yes sir.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah, he's in the Marines at that point. Okay, so he's not around when you get off the meds. No, he's not around. So when he comes home that first time, he must have been tripping. He must have been like, holy shit, dad, you did it. Yeah, I mean, he knows what type of guy I am. I'm really hardcore, sir, and I expect certain things and these sort of things. So if there was the craziest part was
Starting point is 00:40:46 just me in those bad years. Uh so then that was kind of new for everybody. They nobody had ever seen that side of me. I never seen that side of of myself. Uh so like when he sees me off of the meds or when I'm getting back to normal, uh
Starting point is 00:41:03 everybody was like used to that side of me of just being gun hoe and hardcore and all of that. And they were, when I was taking those meds, he. Go ahead, sorry, go ahead. What's that sir? You go ahead, sorry, sorry. We have a bad connection. Stop interrupting you, sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:23 No, you're good, you're good. But when I went to his first graduation from San Diego boot camp and I went on base to go watch him do that that was that was about two or three months before I quit that was a big turning point for me that day I felt this that was the day I was pretty I was as bad as you can get sir God look at you and you're barely even get through yeah you look thick there now you look like Brad Pitt you look thick there yeah I normally I've always weighed around 130 pounds uh and then I got up to around 189 pounds, which for me, I've never weighed like that. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:12 It must feel so good to have shed that all day. But on that day, yes sir. And it went quick because I got on that animal-based diet, where you're just eating all this meat and fruit. I was like, why is that?. I quit all these meds. I'm telling myself and I'm talking to myself a little bit different at that time and and I'm going to put some things to bed that maybe were problems in my life like I you know, I'd always tried in the fitness world and I'd always eat these different diets and the biggest reason of why I go down all those roads or whatnot is because I have problems. I'm not a person of the biggest trying to align myself with with things that were good for humans and and all
Starting point is 00:43:25 this other sort of stuff so then once I got on that diet that diet was the thing that has changed and made me feel better the most and then and then it made me learn a lot more about diet in general and and how I got the look that you're you're saying that I look right now like I never looked like that on all these other diets. I can never achieve that look or anything like that. And then all I did on this one was just eat the diet, work out, and it's been the most simplest thing that I've ever done. You're just basically on a steak and apples diet, just to simplify it? I eat steak and fruit, raw dairy, raw honey, raw maple syrup. Dang dude what you do steak every day? Yeah pretty much.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I like steak. So when you go into this gym what did you call it badass CrossFit? Is that what it was? Kick-ass CrossFit, what was the first time that's damn CrossFit as damn CrossFit? What did they say when you walk? best damn CrossFit what what How was the reception there when you walked in tell me about your first day there? What did how was the reception there when you walked in tell me about your first day there? It was all good first day off the top of my head I mean everybody was nice everybody was good. Yes, sir. I started out there There was one connection that I made at that gym that it has turned into a brother of mine
Starting point is 00:45:06 He's been a big success to to me get better. There's a guy that was working out there named Alan Haynes and he just started rallying behind me. He started pushing me all those other kids kind of things. So then I was working out there
Starting point is 00:45:21 and then I come up to Durango. That's where I meet Kelsey. I go back to Las Vegas for some doctors for like six months before I finally make that move to Durango permanently. And when I went back that last time around, I got hooked up with a gym called TrossFit site, Luke Stoker, that gym right there was another one that just played a huge role in to get me where I'm at today sir. Hey, there's this Taoist saying it says, argue your limitations, and they're yours.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Argue your limitations and they're yours. Meaning if you argue your limitations, it's called argue your limitations and they're yours. Meaning if you say stuff that you can't do, then you won't be able to do it. Argue your limitations and they're yours. It's kind of like- 100%. My way of thinking about it in the Christian doctrine
Starting point is 00:46:21 is God gives you everything you want. So if you wanna play weak, he'll make you weak He's there to serve you and so if you say you can't do I will make sure you can't do stuff He's there to serve and fulfill your dreams and wishes you want to play the third? He'll fucking make you the world's best victim Did anyone like part of my message to with the charity it's like the Real quick one more thing and that's why I have a huge problem with people who help other people argue their limitations You know what I mean? So your doctor wanted to argue your limitations for you, and I have a real problem with that
Starting point is 00:47:01 I think it's like the most vile human characteristic you can say to someone like hey You're a you're a you're a woman and so people look down on you Well, if that's what you think then people are going to look down on you because you're a woman You're a black man and people say that people are going to look down on you because you're black You want that god will give that to you. He'll surround you with people who look down on you You're a handicapped dude who fucking got a busted leg and you feel sorry for yourself god's going to give you other people busted leg and you feel sorry for yourself. God's going to give you other people who are going to feel sorry for you. And I, for some
Starting point is 00:47:29 reason, I don't know what the magic is. I don't know. I think that there's any science in it. I don't know if Greg would appreciate this or not, but I think that's how the world fucking works. Yeah, for sure. It's like this competition that we have coming up this month. It's like for all Those people all those people were told don't do none of that You can't don't do it You know all those other sort of things and and with you know the message that I'm trying to get out with it with the house of champions or whatnot
Starting point is 00:47:59 I mean the real only disability that you have is if you have mental You know stuff going on that's where you if you have mental stuff going on. That's where you can't do things for yourself, but anybody else and everybody else, we can get all the jobs done and we can do all the things that just looks different. It might take longer. All those other sort of things. That's always been... I dumb it down. I think if you can wake up in the morning and use the bathroom successfully,
Starting point is 00:48:26 then you can do a lot of different things in the world. You know what I mean? Right, right. I fucking love that. Yeah, if you can go to the bathroom, pull your own dick out, take a shit, wipe your own ass, what a great start. Yeah, that's true. You know, Greg talks about that all the time.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yes sir, exactly. The last thing, the second you can't wipe your own ass, that's when you You know Greg talks about that all the time. Yes sir, exactly. The second you can't wipe your own ass, that's when you go to the nursing home. That's it. He's like, you got to be able to preserve that ability to take a shit and wipe your own ass. You have to at all costs. Yes sir. So like I'm, all of those types of things all the things that comes with with living this lifestyle and even know that you know I'm not on medications now or any of those other sort of things that try not to be a burden on my wife or friends and family You know, you just you just try to go down that road and not let those people get sucked in
Starting point is 00:49:20 And just to be clear there's nothing wrong with asking people for help And just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with asking people for help. The biggest burden that, you know, we put on other people's also are our emotion, our moods, right? Like, fuck, it's horrible when your wife is sad, right? And it's horrible when your kids are sad or crying. Yeah. Hey, I want to go back to that first, Jim, a little bit more. So you, well, sorry, let me go back to this other part. Did you say that, did you just squeeze in there that basically if you go to the adaptive games that are going
Starting point is 00:49:50 to happen in San Antonio from September 19th to the 22nd, the world's fittest adaptive athletes will fucking descend on San Antonio. You guys will compete, crown the fittest human beings in the world. Are you, did you, were you suggesting that every person in that room who's a competitor has had someone in their life basically say, hey, you can't do that? Oh, for sure. I would imagine so. I mean, when you think of the standards that the medical system tells you or what you can,
Starting point is 00:50:18 you can't do, I would imagine almost everybody in that room that day was told somewhere that they weren't going to be doing the things that they're going to be doing that weekend And it doesn't mean that we're not going to get through that weekend And you know the next week's gonna be really hard and life you know all those other sort of things right, but when you have these types of disabilities and stuff like that it It gives you just a sense of like you're living life again, and you're you're Doing things that are fun and stuff like that um, you
Starting point is 00:50:51 When you might live on that it go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead when you live on that what? When you kind of live like on that extreme we doing here? You know what I mean? It's the fact of afterwards. It's everything that it gives me in my brain afterwards. I used to play a lot of Frisbee, like six hours a day, every day for like five years. And I remember at one point it clicked.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Even the passes that you know you can't catch. Someone throws a pass and you're running a pattern and you go to catch it. If you don't try your hardest, you will never make a great catch. Because all the great catches were the catches that no one thought you could make including yourself. But you gave it a hundred percent and fucking every fourth or fifth catch you fucking get it. You run into cars and bushes and other people and weird shit happens But if you don't try things that are impossible that your brain then you're never gonna do anything great That's like like right if Elon doesn't want to go to Mars then it might sound crazy to a bunch of us
Starting point is 00:52:18 But he's got to have the dream, right? Gotta try the impossible. Yep I'm not going to do that. gotta try the impossible. Yup. So, you go to that gym and and they're cool to you. Did they know how to work with you? Did they did they were there people there at at that? I keep wanting
Starting point is 00:52:36 to at best damn CrossFit. Were they or were there people who were scared? Were they like, oh **** I don't know how I'm going to work with this guy or were they're just trainers there were like, give them to me me I fucking got this dude. Oh Yeah, it seems like every place that I've gone
Starting point is 00:52:50 That that's like the CrossFit vibe like nobody's real shy about those sort of things. Everybody's going Oh, everybody wants to jump in Out of all I mean out of all the gyms that I've gone to Like I'll never go to any other type of gym again for the rest of my life. Like CrossFit is a part of my life and lifestyle now. The community, the people, like I, you know, for the competitions I've gone to,
Starting point is 00:53:15 just like everybody seems like really, really good people, sir. And there's no pampering. They'll just walk right up to you and be like, hey, Russell, we're doing box step-ups today. What do you need for me to scale this? Like it's no pampering. They'll just walk right up to you and be like, Hey, Russell, we're doing box step-ups today. What do you need for me to scale this? Like, it's just straight up. Or what do you need so that you can do it? How do you, like, if they don't know, your coach will just ask you or you walk into the gym, Hey, how do you want to do this? Or there's something, you know, there's a back squats today. What, is there anything we need to do for you? Like, they don't
Starting point is 00:53:39 beat around the bush. It's just straight up. Yeah, so then starting out with them I was their first adaptive athlete that they ever had so that all that was kind of new trying to figure out because I compete in the neuromuscular category I don't compete in an amputee category so then we're figuring out all those things so that was all new to them. It was when I get to Durango and I meet Kelsey that she was a high level competitor.
Starting point is 00:54:11 She does all that as well. And then she knew how to start changing these things for me and cause starting out I was just trying to do able body workouts and I would just try to lower the weight or I try to modify it the best that I could. But it wasn't until I met Kelsey to where that world of like adaptive prospects started getting more clear
Starting point is 00:54:39 of how I go about that and what my workouts are and what my weights are and all that Equip products. Thank you guys. I always appreciate your support. These guys are pretty cool This is the first time these guys have popped on my radar was just like Couple months ago, so you know who they are too. Does everyone know who they are and the adaptive divisions Yes, sir, they're like the staple they're are in the adaptive divisions? Yes, sir. They're like the staple, they're like the rogue of the adaptive here.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Yes, sir, they play a huge role. They're always at these events, they're always gun hoes to try to make something work. Like if you were out on the competition floor and you didn't have something, or I've always watched those folks just try to make things happen with whatever they got so those people can compete. competition for you didn't have something or I've always watched those folks just try to make
Starting point is 00:55:28 things happen with whatever they got so those people can compete. Yeah, that's cool. Have you met the owner? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Is it a husband and wife? Yes, sir mark and and I believe Diane My brain sometimes with names that isn't the best I'm sorry, what's your name? That's a joke I believe his name is mark no, I asked you what your name is Bob sir, sorry Bob Bob Bob peanut dinger.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Um, uh, Yeah, Hey, in the heart of America nestled near St. Louis, Missouri, equip products emerged from a profound commitment to inclusivity and empowerment and fitness. God, I hate that word inclusivity triggered. Founded by Mark and Dana Harris, our journey began at the CrossFit Games in 2016, sparked by a conversation with adaptive athletes. This moment ignited a mission that has been since revolutionized adaptive fitness. Are these guys, do these guys, does this, do the owners have any missing limbs or anything?
Starting point is 00:56:38 No. No. I don't know much about them. I've met them a couple of times, but from everything I can tell I think that are just normal good people that care And and just jumped in and started I guess, you know filling a hole that needed to be filled sir Hey, why why are you in?
Starting point is 00:57:01 Neurological and not a leg missing neurological and not leg missing. It's just the combination of all my stuff is that's the category they put me in. I couldn't really compete with those guys and with the legs like me and Kevin have even talked about maybe competing from my wheelchair and after this competition season and some of the Rough stuff that I've had to go through and how some of my stuff is getting worse. I'm I'm maybe thinking about that now Um, I saw you squat I saw you squatting I think are you still squatting I Think I saw you squatting in a video. Are you still squatting? I think I saw you squatting in a video. Do you still do what you squat?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yes, sir, I can do those. Yes, sir. So like in the last competition to get you to the games this year, you had to max out a squat and that's the area where it's really hard for me. Like neurologically just all the shit's not because of the- My whole entire life I could always bench. Because of the neurological issues from birth,
Starting point is 00:58:16 you're just saying- It's just the whole combination. Interesting. Hey, I didn't even know that. Shows how well I did my research. I didn't even know that. I just assumed I saw the limb missing and I just assumed you were in the one leg, the one leg dude category. Yes, sir. You going to Texas? You know, it's crazy is a friend of mine who works for CrossFit said he wants to go and he asked me he asked me last night if I would go with him there and Up until that point like I hate leaving my home, dude. I hate leaving my kids but But this friend invited me to go and now I'm like
Starting point is 00:59:04 He and I really enjoy hanging out with this dude, so maybe I will go. I don't know Yes, sir, we could use all the help like I'm still trying to figure out all of these sort of things like in the CrossFit Like I don't know You know the owners across I don't know these owners across. I don't know these folks names. I don't know who's operating or running what but I just you know, it'd be nice to to see
Starting point is 00:59:33 some of the stuff in the adaptive world get a little bit better and I don't know exactly what that means but I just feel like that you know some of the the top dogs, you know, in that you guys have a fucking fearless leader in them. That's a bad dude. And he's been around forever. Kevin Ogarr, the guy who runs the adaptive games, he's the shit. And his wife's amazing too. I mean, their commitment is second to none.
Starting point is 01:00:20 And you got a bunch of cool characters in In the Who are competing this year that I've got to know For me and I'm not really a huge sports fan But for me like I'm just into people so like I just want I like stories So I think the more stories that get out about those people, you know what I mean? Like I out about those people, you know what I mean? Like, I think the cooler it is, like there's a, you know, like, the UFC fighter who got out of jail, you know what I mean? And turned his life
Starting point is 01:00:51 around is more interesting to me than the guy who's won every single fight or the guy with autism that's winning in the UFC. That's interesting to me, like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm more interested in the, in the stories. I mean, that that's why Colton Mertens is so fucking cool, right? He sees he sells wiener dogs. He works on a pig farm. He fucking learned how to squat on a dirt floor. You know what I mean? Those are the you know, James Sprague, the current champ. He was a fucking kids champ. He's got a cool dad. They found God together. Now he's a god freak. I just love all
Starting point is 01:01:23 that. I just love all that It just like the stories So, you know what? I mean, that's why Froning was such a cool champ, right? He had fucking crazy Yeah, crazy hardship as a kid like two of his best friends and cousins died when he was a kid like, you know in a three-year period and that gave him so much depth and character and You know focus and so like when I hear stories like yours like I think you have a really profound story that's really important for the whole world to hear because you know The biggest outside of food the biggest problem we have in the United States right now is pharmaceutical drug use
Starting point is 01:02:04 It's diet and pharmaceutical drug use and they're fucking intertwined like this I think that's why so many people think the way they do I think like every problem from your fucking sexual shit to your dysmorphia to Everything can be tied back all the crazy shit coming out of certain political parties right now I think it can all be tied back to diet and And going back to what you said People are crazy because they know that they're a burden on society. Those people are crazy because they are a burden on society. And I mean, you summed it up right there when you said that.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I was like, wow, that's like everything to me. So, I don't know. I don't think you need to worry about what's going on in the big picture in CrossFit. I don't think whatever happens to CrossFit, I don't think it affects the CrossFit games or the adapt. I don't think it affects the adaptive division or the Masters or the teens at all. I think you guys are, I think you guys are on crazy solid footing, you know. Even if CrossFit were to go away today, the gyms wouldn't go away. That adaptive community wouldn't go away. I mean you guys are like now you guys have deep roots.
Starting point is 01:03:10 You know deep roots. Yes, sir. Equip products you will find all the stories you can get and we would love to have you there. Well, thank you. I know Lisa and Kevin have been so good to me. I know Lisa and Kevin have been so good to me. I think I can't remember if I got your name, Russell, from Lisa Gall or- Yeah, Kevin. Or Jedidiah.
Starting point is 01:03:32 One of them gave me your name. I can't remember, but that's how I found you. Yes, sir. Yeah, Kevin and Shannon, I enjoy them a lot. I think that they're doing a great job. I appreciate all the things that they're doing as well. And I'm pretty fired up for, I guess, this competition coming up to see just, you know, what would be the landscape of it and all those sort of things. What's the highest you finished in a comp? I finished
Starting point is 01:04:10 in water Palooza last year a second uh and I finished in Will Ward second last year. Is it the same dude who keeps beating you? Uh no, there's a new guy this year that's beaten me fuck that guy what's his name see this guy What's his name? I believe I Don't Dalton's I think his last name is Dalton Jeremy Dalton, maybe I see's Jeremy Dalton
Starting point is 01:05:03 Yeah, so I met a couple of the guys last year for the first time. Daniel and Jeff, those guys are pretty cool, man. So then in my category, it's like a collection. You go ahead. You go ahead. Go ahead. It's a collection of different disabilities. There's a, it's like nobody in my category has like the same set of disabilities. Hey, anyone, anyone in your category who's in a motorcycle accident? I would imagine. Yes, sir. I don't know that off the top of my head, but
Starting point is 01:05:42 I would imagine Yes, sir. I don't know that off the top of my head, but Yeah, there's brain injuries in my category. There's folks to get cerebral palsy or MS later on in life It's those sort of things Hey, you ever trip on the fact that you were born this way but the leading cause of amputation is You were born this way, but the leading cause of amputation is people who eat too much sugar that do it to themselves. You ever trip on that?
Starting point is 01:06:14 I do. Yes. Yes. It's crazy to me to think that there's people that can go that route and need to get a limb amputated instead of just changing their diet. Yes, sir. That's crazy to me You drank so many fucking milkshakes that they had to cut your fucking foot off Yeah, that's a bad problem It's really sad it I mean those are
Starting point is 01:06:45 I mean, that's sad. It's really sad. I mean, those are It's drug addiction, right? I mean, it's gotta be. I mean, I don't I can't think of any other way to like it to people like that because I because I feel strong about all those things I've experienced some of these things of like when like if I break my diet and I eat one processed you know anything is sugar it starts to you know send you off in a different direction it's hitting things in your brain that's different, that are all pleasure and all. Yeah, so then I look at, you know, those processed foods and bad foods,
Starting point is 01:07:34 no different than the medication that I was on or any of those sort of things. You know, sometimes I think that maybe it's better for Uncle Joe to go become a crackhead for two years and getting his shit together instead of maybe just eating a bad diet and maybe somewhere 20 years down the road he's gonna have to go to the hospital or have cancer or whatever these sort of things are.
Starting point is 01:07:59 But yeah, I wish more people would wake up and understand how important your diet is, how important it is to get good quality food. There's all kinds of things that is said in that space. I don't really think that the world of diet is a debatable world. I think that all the answers and facts and all those sort of things are out there
Starting point is 01:08:21 on those sort of things. And it benefits you. We've got to start teaching people more of why you want to do these positive things or why you want to go down these routes. It's because it benefits you. You are the one that starts getting better and those sort of things.
Starting point is 01:08:40 And as somebody who's been through the medical system my whole entire life, you can cut all the corners you like buying all the bad food this week and so on and so forth But those things are gonna catch up and they will bite you in the ass and they will be more Expensive on the back end instead of just handling things the right way, so I just wish we could get to that point more Well said thank you for that hey when you got off these meds um did you go? Did you start having just insane dreams? Did you have like two months of like anytime you slept it was like you were sleeping because the dreams were so vivid you're Like fuck that was exhausting
Starting point is 01:09:25 Yes that happens a lot yes, sir still to this day you'll have you'll have nights I don't know like you slept because your dreams are so gnarly Yeah Yeah, my wife's never been a She'll tell me that but I can remember times in my life when I've quit things and the dreams are nuts the dream you even I took melatonin for a long time like for like six months of and when I got off it my dreams were Fucking nuts. I can only imagine being on all these psychiatric meds and painkillers and getting off the dreams must have been just wild Do you still have dreams? Russell, do you
Starting point is 01:10:07 still have dreams? Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, I still have crazy dreams and and all that but like so there was things with me prior to me starting to take medication that in my brain and that certain things just started to lag or or get a little worse and then when I started taking medication it kept on progressing or whatnot and then I thought that that I blamed all that kind of on the medication. So then it's been a lot of battle in this brain of trying to figure things out of why and what and then a lot of times I just try to get to the point of none of those things matter and I'm just going to worry about today and the things that I'm going to do forward
Starting point is 01:11:00 but I can't tell if there was if there was like some Brain stuff that I had going on And that was always just gonna be a progression Or if that medication really kind of revved it up or if that's still a part of something, you know And you know, I can't really decipher it Yeah, I hear you Let me do you ever do you ever dream that? You're like in your dreams. You're still on the meds and you wake up and you're like, oh fuck. Thank God I'm not you ever dreamed it like in your dreams. You're back to the old you know, I don't
Starting point is 01:11:40 I've never had none of that There was like one time I think it was like two or three weeks ago. My brother was in town And I use other things for for pain now That are natural or whatnot not prescription medication And I was in bad pain that day and for the first time in like three years I was like dude We got to hurry up and get to the house so I could take my pain pills and you know I don't haven't done that in three years so that was kind of weird it was like a loop of something. Oh interesting interesting what do you do you're taking like CBD or marijuana
Starting point is 01:12:19 or something like that? I do those things and that's what helps me. I've never had any bad side effects on any of that. If I don't have those things, then it's not like your pain pills where you start going into a detox and you start... Because that was like the other side of those meds. It's like they're giving them to you. They're scheduled times. The more you take them, the more your body builds up to it to where it would be like,
Starting point is 01:12:53 you know, towards the back end. I would take my medication the way that they're telling me. I take one. I couldn't take another one for four hours later, but I'd start detoxing, you know, two hours into that pill being in my system. So then I'm just trying to find all kinds of more natural things. I do massages and cupping. I do the cold plunges and saunas. My diet and those sort of things is what I'm interested in now. I'm interested in real stuff and things that really work.
Starting point is 01:13:29 When you go to did you go to the CrossFit games last year? Did you compete last year? No, I missed it by one spot, sir. I I put up I finished six. So I think they only took the top five Is there anything specifically movement that you're that you're excited to showcase this year like anything you've been working on all year that you plan On going there and you're like, yeah if this shows up, I'm gonna fucking smash it. I Don't really get the to. So it's kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:14:10 The category that I'm in, uh, you know, it's everything from my chest down. Isn't good. So like I can get my butt kicked sometimes by those guys, uh, running and doing more lower halves stuff but I don't really get to display what I can do with my upper half in that category because some of those other guys deal with other issues that that they don't have on the lower end that they deal with on the top I I guess. Uh, but like I'm really good at, at, uh, like pull ups and bar muscle ups and, and those sorts of things.
Starting point is 01:14:50 And we don't really get to do that in our category because it's pretty dangerous. Uh, um, have you seen the workouts? Uh, I've seen two of the workouts. One was like a row ski and bike and I attempted that workout yesterday and then there's another one that's like carrying like an iron cross and skiing in between. Those are the only two that I've seen there's never been a muscle-up in your division No, they Know we do we try to keep our feet on the ground our balance and I know those things are are
Starting point is 01:15:39 real dangerous Um, do you know that for a fact do they they tell you ahead of time? Do you know? Hey, sometimes when you don't. I just know what like our our standards are. So it's like if we're gonna do ropes, we do like lay to stand ropes, which like rope climbing is something I'm really good at. I do it legless. I don't really have a choice not to do it any other way But during the competitions you do lay to stand ropes Which those are actually harder for me I can actually do Legless rope climbs easier than I can lay to stand rope
Starting point is 01:16:26 legless rope climbs easier than I can lay the stand rope so then we'll have those sort of things we'll have like instead of like say like a ring muscle up you'll do more like ring rows and ring dips type of stuff our pull-ups are more like jumping we're just trying to we're trying to keep a point of contact you know because a lot of our hands aren't the best and our grip. And I got really good grip with my first three fingers. But my outside of my hand. So then there's times that even when I'm doing those and I'm trying to be gun ho, you can get a little dangerous.
Starting point is 01:17:03 you can get a little dangerous. Have you heard of this guy's company, HGRCBD? I wanna make sure I'm on the right Instagram account. Do you see their Instagram account, Caleb? HGRCBD, send us a DM, Russell Almondinger, and we will send you something for free to try. We use organic ingredients. This guy's dead right about what he's saying about pain pills. Oh, here it is.
Starting point is 01:17:33 If you go on your Instagram and you go to Homegrown Relief, this guy, yeah, you could do it now if you want. Yes, sir. This guy says that, you could do it now if you want. Yes, sir. This guy Says that he'll send you I got his I rubbed his lotion into my wife Into her neck the last week her neck was bothering her and you know What's crazy is she went to all sorts of specialists and shit and yesterday She told me her neck's better, which is kind of crazy. But um, it's called homegrown relief And then I got his gummies here, too
Starting point is 01:18:05 And he said he'll send you some stuff to try. And his whole thing, dude, this guy's whole thing is so proud of the ingredients he uses. So feel free to add, he's a total ingredient geek. His name's Carl. And he'll send you- Thank you, Carl.
Starting point is 01:18:23 I appreciate that, sir. Yeah, he'll send you. Thank you, Carl. I appreciate that, sir. Yeah, he'll send you some product you can try out. Total ingredient geek. Every time I talk to him, he wants to tell me, you know what's special
Starting point is 01:18:33 about our stuff is the ingredients. Um uh Olivia uh HDR. Do you have a discount code? Uh oh, here we go. Use uh Taylor Self's code at Olivia. I think it was Taylor for 20% off. All right. There you go. Oh, and here we go. Kenneth DeLappe says that they're having a Labor Day sale tomorrow, 30% off. All right. Look at that. All right, dude. Well, hey great having you on great to meet you If I go I can't wait to meet you in person
Starting point is 01:19:13 good luck, they are streaming it this year and me and a bunch of buddies for sure gonna watch it and On our YouTube channel and party with you guys. Oh, here's the here's the by the way, just so you guys know hdr CBD Labor Day 30 When you go do you go early or do not I really appreciate you go. I've seen what you've been doing over the last month. You've really tried to spotlight all the adaptive athletes. And I know that that community really appreciates that. So thank you, sir. Cool.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And I want to tell you something just for whatever it's worth to get off my chest. I don't do this to support you guys. Do you know what I mean by that? Like I'm not like, oh I'm supporting the adaption. Like if I didn't give a fuck I wouldn't have anyone on the show. Someone in the comments goes, oh you should go and support the event. I'm not gonna go to support the event, I'm gonna go to watch Tater Tot fucking smash Mikey Swoosh.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Like that's what I'm gonna going to go to support the event. I'm going to go to watch tater tot fucking smash Mikey swoosh. Like that's what I'm going to go for. So, um, so just so you know, like, like, like I, I, I, I'm at 10 o'clock at night when I'm going through your Instagram, I'm like yelling at my wife, look at this fucking nutball, look at this guy's fucking doing muscle ups or look at this guy's fucking nub twitch, like I'm, I'm, I'm only do what I want to do. So anyway, I just wanted you to know that. And I don't mind if you see this part and I understand that, but you're supporting me by just as much by coming on my show, on my YouTube channel, letting me pick your brain
Starting point is 01:20:55 and me making a hundred bucks off you. So it's mutual, dude. I just appreciate it. I just want you to know that it's completely mutual. And you taught me something today. If you ever need anything, you have my number now. Okay. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Same thing. Feel free to text me any pictures or anything. You got my number too. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart, but you know, what's cool is you really taught me something today. Burden. That burden thing is I'm going to start using that word burden. Like don't be a burden on other people. Pull your fucking weight. And why? Because you'll you'll be happy you'll be about you'll feel better
Starting point is 01:21:27 About yourself. I mean that's it's for don't be a burden for selfish reasons Fucking it's a great. It's a great paradox. I love it. Yes, sir Yeah, it doesn't mean that we can't be human and make mistakes and things like that, but yeah, it's a lot different It's like, you know if I try to not be a burden then folks want to try to help out and make mistakes and things like that. But yeah, it's a lot different. It's like, you know, if I try to not be a burden, then folks want to try to help out me with my lifestyle. You know, if I go back to those three or four years of just being a burden, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:57 nobody wants to be around me. Nobody wants to give you anything in your worst time ever. And that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, people want to avoid fucking losers You can't blame them for it All right, dude, I love you see you well talk to you soon Maybe I don't go to the games. I'll talk to you and have you on afterwards and we'll see how it went Yes, sir, thank you very much. Yep. All right, dude. Have a good day
Starting point is 01:22:30 Russell all mending or Caleb Beaver You know, your name doesn't really go together No, I don't think so. I Mean, it's a great name. That's what's fucked but it doesn't like a sebon mitosian. You know what I mean? Tyler Watkins Chasing yeah, you're like, you know, I mean Caleb Beaver Yeah It's like a great
Starting point is 01:22:55 What no, no Like see beavers nice Just call me beavers nice see Jake Chapman's nice that's a nice Steven Flores not bad Susie tell I think what back-to-back bees Yeah, Brandon Beaver Caleb Beaver tag either Beaver. Super Beaver. Super Beaver drives an Escalade. Yeah, there's a white one or a black one. Whatever she wants.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Are you a black Escalade mom or a white Escalade mom? Hey dude, it's so, it's so, it's like... I go to the skate park, you know what I mean? And there's all these people getting out of their cars and shit and then an Escalade pulls up and every time, or you know what I mean, a brand new Denali or a fucking like a tricked out Suburban. And it's the mom, and every, I'm just like, boys, they're like, what? I'm like, hot mom alert and fucking 100% of the time a hot mom gets out. It's like yeah. Yeah, that's hot girl shit, man Every time and it's like yeah. Yeah, like you you got a dude. Oh god
Starting point is 01:24:16 Yeah, she got a dude with a lot of money with a good job Super beaver just is Oh kayla beavers Killer beaver kayla beaver just is Just oh Kayla Beavers Killer beaver Kayla beaver see that's better It's because of the last be the first be and the second be don't go together Ryan 133 accurate. Yeah, I mean You don't want to be a white escalate mom though, cuz those are kind of like To prim and proper you want to be a black escalate mom Yeah, just killer beaver
Starting point is 01:24:48 watch out for that killer beaver hey dude that that guy's the poster child for fucking eating meat and fruit yeah he even he even said that's why my head looks this way did you catch that looks this way did you catch that yeah I so want my head to look like that I mean that square jaw and a fucking big old dome dude it's uh it's crazy it's so crazy have you seen that video where it says first it's this guy with the like sharp tooth grill Hold on Support for today's episode comes from one skin. Did you have a little too much fun this summer? You know what? I mean a little too much time in the sun It's no secret that uv rays can take a toll on our skin,
Starting point is 01:25:45 leaving it dry, tired, and less vibrant. If you wanna hit that undo button, on UV induced aging, say hello to OneSkin, your secret weapon against the summer's toll on your skin. OneSkin products are all powered by the revolutionary OS-1 peptide. This proprietary peptide is scientifically proven to reduce dysfunctional cells at the
Starting point is 01:26:07 source of skin aging. Their scientists have shown that it can actually reverse the biological age of the skin by several years in their groundbreaking research. Healthier, more youthful looking skin doesn't just look great, which we all want, obviously, but it's good for your overall health too. As the leaves change color this fall, help your skin undergo its transformation with OneSkin. Their products work tirelessly to repair, rejuvenate, and ease the signs of summer damage, ensuring you step into the new session
Starting point is 01:26:38 with the healthiest skin of your life. Head on over to and explore their products and become your new skins savior. For a limited time, our listeners can get 15% off Oneskin with our code SEBON at Personally, I really like the feel of Oneskin on my skin. Not only is it silky smooth, but absorbs it nice and well. It doesn't leave me feeling all greasy,
Starting point is 01:27:03 but I know I'm getting that sweet, sweet protection that I love, that I deserve, and that the body needs. I love one skin, super easy to put on. Get this, in a third party, 12 week clinical study performed by Contract Research Organization, the OS1 face was clinically proven to strengthen the skin barrier, improve skin health markers,
Starting point is 01:27:30 and diminish visible signs of aging. Wrinkles were diminished in 87% of the users. Those results are insane, y'all. Pick it up right now. You guys think I look so young, healthy, with this silky smooth skin on my own? No, no, no, no, no. It's all about that one skin.
Starting point is 01:27:48 One Skin is the world's first skin longevity company. One Skin addresses skin health at a molecular level, targeting the root causes of aging so the skin behaves, feels, and appears younger. It's time to get started with your new phase, eye and body routine routine at a discounted rate today. Get 15% off with code SEVON at That's 15% off with SEVON as the code. After you purchase, they'll ask you where you heard about him. Tell them
Starting point is 01:28:21 SEVON sent you. tell him Sevan sent ya oh here we go this is kind of what he looks like oh My main goal is to blow up and then act like I don't know nobody oh My god That's kind of the vibe I got from way cooler than that though Oh Jake Chapman noodles was on glinting and Things again last night. I was too busy doing my own show last night. Crazy. So much drama in the LBC. If John Cena and Vanilla Ice had a baby, it'd be Russell. Yeah, I didn't, I thought I was total getting fucking
Starting point is 01:29:27 2024 vanilla ice from him. Yeah, for sure. You know what I mean? You know how cool he's turned out You know what I mean with all them? He's just cool. He's rich He's fucking got real estate and but he's still cool as shit. And yeah Yeah, you know ice turned out good Look at and look suge night didn't turn out so good I don't know who that is. That was you shook night. You know, she's night is not really shook Someone be mean to beaver because he doesn't know she ignited. Come on
Starting point is 01:30:01 That's that's fucking Americana That's fucking Americana. Death Row Records guy? Yeah, ooh, oh, you cheated. Yeah, of course I did, dude, I got Googled. I think I just pulled that off the dome. He was in the car when Tupac got capped. Supposedly, allegedly? Yeah, and the story is that he hung vanilla ice out of a building by his ankles.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Like Michael Jackson did to his baby? Yeah. Suzy Tell, I fuck Suge Knight. No shit. Wow. I don't think there's an H in there, but whatever. Who am I? I'm in no way Suge I'm no way to Caleb's not black like you that's true
Starting point is 01:30:55 He didn't shoot Tupac He didn't know alleged alleged Hey He didn't know. Alleged. Alleged. Hey, um, he's in jail now and it's so crazy. He ran someone over to nightclub and the video footage is crazy. Suge Knight? With his car, yeah. It's so crazy. That's the coolest thing about TMZ. Like, it's like the only real news like everything they say they show you Kim Kardashian's tip calls out at a restaurant. There it is. Should night run someone over there. It is. It's not like I Always like when they would just be have like their round tables and they would just show they're all sitting at their cubicles
Starting point is 01:31:38 and they're all just like got their coffee cups and then They talk about something and then they show the clip and then they'd all kind of talk about it some more and I always found that to be so fun. God. I say hey I wanted to do that show When I ran the media department HQ about CrossFit So I wanted microphones and cameras and everyone's office on that top floor where my podcast room was and I wanted to be able To just tap people in that's where we were going before the podcast got killed Yeah, I so wanted that it would have been so the office but real time that that that
Starting point is 01:32:12 that that that that that that that that Um, but, uh, or, or at least you assumed it was fake. It was all like aliens or, you know, Michael Jackson's really an alien or so-and-so is really a lizard, but then TMZ came around and, and because they
Starting point is 01:32:32 don't want to get sued into oblivion, the gossip shit's just a hundred percent spot on now and they show you it's like, it's a thousand times more accurate than CNN, right. Don't need us as journalists to get their message out. They don't anymore in this ecosystem. The media were preoccupied with like how much access, how
Starting point is 01:32:53 many conversations is she going to have? I don't know how much that matters. There is risk in talking to us. There's no doubt about that. Then you hear the criticism. Oh, she has to do more interviews. She has to talk about policy
Starting point is 01:33:02 insiders you're speaking to. They're sort of like, no, absolutely not. There's a campaign hack. No, I love you all, but I don't want her talking to you all right now. Remember what Elizabeth Warren did when she ran back in 2020. She had a white paper for every policy position
Starting point is 01:33:17 under the sun and what happened? She collapsed in the primary. So it's a belief that perhaps you put more ideas on paper. That's a bad idea. The more details you share, the more your policies are going to get picked apart. Harris has changed this from being a policy election, and more of like a movement, a cultural movement. It's a vibes election. Right.
Starting point is 01:33:34 That's right. Policy vibes. vibes election. It's a vibes election. This vibes election that we're all feeling right now. It already felt like a vibes election before. Most elections are vibes elections. I think every election, frankly, is a vibes election. And I think there are really only two vibes that matter in American politics. One is hope and joy, and the other is fear and anger. Candidates don't need us as journalists
Starting point is 01:34:00 to get their message out. They don't anymore in this ecosystem. In the media It's a vibe selection dude Fuck that's crazy Like I just not giving off a good vibe, dude, you know, I don't really think the vibe that vibes not it I have I I challenge you right now to go find me. I've been looking for two days now non-stop for Kamala's interview On cnn, I can't find it
Starting point is 01:34:42 It's shot they have like 20 different clips chopped up across youtube like you can't watch the whole thing because they just pick and choose She didn't do it. She hasn't done an interview yet. I'm not, I can't give her an interview for that. 18 minutes was the total sit down time. Like where the fuck is the interview? Yeah. Some of the clips that I saw were pretty bad too. Oh my God, they're fucking atrocious. How is your, how do they openly say her campaign strategy is to not talk to the media?
Starting point is 01:35:13 It doesn't make any sense Isn't that how that's that's the campaign? That's how you get people They'll never know who I really am Yeah. Oh, have you I don't know if you get any of these but I get ads for her now. Oh She's all up in my shit, I wonder if she knows I toes down for Kamala Harris and here's why One she is a woman two. She is black Three she's not Donald Trump. And this dude she picked.
Starting point is 01:35:51 The dude, this is the nastiest fucking, this is the dude. Like, I don't know how you could say I hate black people louder than this fucking guy. This guy is the fucking worst fucking human being. This guy fucking let his fucking this guy let the hood fucking burn for four days. Is he out of his fucking mind? Is he from Missouri? I don't even know. I'm not even paying attention to him. This guy's so bad. This guy... This guy gives me full KKK pedo vibes.
Starting point is 01:36:33 It's crazy. It's fucking crazy. Superpower is how normal he is. Is he? I mean, I don't know. I don't know this guy. I mean, is it normal to let your biggest city in your state burn while you're the governor for four days, destroying... Is he? I mean, I don't know. I don't know this guy. I mean, is it normal to let your biggest city in your state burn while you're the governor for four days, destroying thousands of businesses, hundreds of millions of dollars in property? Those businesses were owned by fucking black people. This is CNN tearing them a new one.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Pretty damaged while you do nothing. Is that does that sound normal? Is it normal for your wife to say she opened the window so she could let the smell of tire fires waft in so they could take in the smells of this radical chaos and anarchy? Did you hear Tim Walz's wife say that she left the windows open so she could smell the tires burning? What so she could feel like she was actually deployed unlike her husband?
Starting point is 01:37:29 I'm like, look at this, KKKBDF. Oh shit, I wanna make a Walls shirt that says that. Oh yeah, Walls' daughter tipped off the rioters about the National Guard arriving. Oh. the farts and I didn't even know I was farting. I've like reached that age where I don't even know. Oh no. Yeah, it's crazy. So crazy. That's so bad. The streets of Minneapolis, I don't view any of that as normal. I look at this through the lens of decision making and in two cases they showed us who they are. Kamala Harris absolutely bowed down to the radical left in her party by not picking Shapiro Who is Jewish? There was a nasty campaign run against him. Everybody knows it No one wants to admit it, but everybody knows it and she
Starting point is 01:38:34 and she and she wound up choosing the person who was not Jewish and not as talented and Not from the state that she has to win. He went for walls When he did what he did during the riots, to me, it was him saying, I don't have the strength or the character to stand up to this anarchy. So in two big decision points for this ticket, they've showed us they will always bow down to the radical left. So I think if you want to talk about normal to the normal people in this country, bowing down to the
Starting point is 01:39:06 radical left is not normal. It shouldn't be normal. And it should be a his superpowers. I don't know. Let me let me throw this out there too. I met a lot of white dudes in my life who are just pussies. A lot, including myself. I met a lot of Asian dudes who are pussies. I met fewer fewer Mexican dudes who are pussies. I don't know any black dudes who are pussies. I met fewer fewer Mexican dudes who are pussies I don't know any black dudes who are pussies None, I don't know any
Starting point is 01:39:29 Really? Yeah, I don't know you know some in the military. Yeah, I know a couple you but yeah You're I'm now in this time of my life. I live in fucking Whiteville, but I live like in Crackheadville It's kind of like it's kind of like Trank I never see any black people on Trank like, you know all the pictures of like people like bent over and shit Oh, I got a great one to show you in a second the craziest Trank video ever but Growing up in the Bay Area. There were no black dudes who were pussies. Where does the DNC find these dudes? How come there's not like Who's the black guy who does the deodorant commercial who's just jacked out of his mind and cool as shit? Oh
Starting point is 01:40:06 fuck uh Damnit, what is his name? I? Don't know I don't know any well you're in the you're in the military So maybe like I don't know but like when I lived in the Bay Area Terry crew. Yeah, yes Why are all the black dudes the DNC parades up there like pussies I? Don't know. I never knew any. All the kids I went to school with, all the neighborhoods I lived in ever, all
Starting point is 01:40:31 the black dudes I knew stood up straight, fucking had deep voices, always had fucking tons of girlfriends. They didn't, they were, I didn't know. I never, I, I very, the only like, I guess, I guess in college I had one friend who was black who was on meth and he kinda got effeminate. He was just on crazy meth. But that made all the dudes effeminate. Yeah, it's crazy. I don't know where the DNC parades all these dudes out. I know where you get all the white pussies at. Like, there's tons of them in the Bay Area in California. I don't know where the DNC parades all these dudes out. I know where you get all the white pussies at. Like there's tons of them in the Bay area in California. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:41:10 You ever see any strong, you ever see any strong, I guess you don't even see any strong white men. Did you see any, do you ever see any strong black men at the Democratic National Convention? Probably not. No. Not that I've seen like in the clips from it, no. Like the RNC got fucking Ben Carson. Where's a three-piece suit?
Starting point is 01:41:29 He's a world-class fucking surgeon and he's fucking devout Christian Yeah That's a good representation They got a condoleezza rice Fucking you know soft-spoken crazy intelligent powerful. It's just fucking nuts, dude It's the vibe dude There that's the vibe they're picking dude The I was counting it was like it was like I don't remember what the number is
Starting point is 01:42:00 I'm making it but like 23 of the first 35 speakers at the DNC were obese black women. That's what I'm seeing in the Kamala ads. Yeah. It's like what the fuck is going on, dude. Those people have fucking brain rot and walls. Walls is just the prototypical fucking pedo. It's fucking nuts Speaking of pedos, I don't ever see any black pedos either
Starting point is 01:42:37 That seems to be exclusive to Like if I were to tell you if I were to say white black or other No, white black or other and I told you Story about a pito you just immediately assume white male, right? Yeah, you can just cross women 50% of the population right off the Right off the rip. Yeah, yeah right off the rip. Then you just go straight default white guy. Yeah straight white guy Yeah, why that is? Gay prison sex I go with black guy.
Starting point is 01:43:05 I see it, and the victim is a white guy. Victim, what do you mean? The recipient. The recipient, yeah. Don't be so judgmental. Montana college student offered big cash to endorse nervous, dem Senator John Tester, who back in trans athletes competing against women. So this guy wanted women wanted men to compete against women in college sports and now Montana student athletes were offered thousands of dollars if they publicly endorsed democrat senator John Tester who has advocated for transgender athletes to be allowed to compete in sports against biological women.
Starting point is 01:43:44 University of Montana track and field sprinter Lily Meskers revealed that she had her fellow Grizzlies, her and her fellow Grizzlies received the lucrative offer over the summer as part of the name and image likeness deal. Meskers a junior journalism student at the Missoula campus shared her experience with the Montana talk radio show alleging Tester and his backers are growing increasingly nervous about their prospects of winning the election Because several unpopular stances he has taken during his three terms. Hey, look at this fucking dude. I Hate to judge someone but you're from the party of fucking pitos and trannies and thinking that we're in taking away women's rights Sorry, dude. I'm like I starting, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:44:26 You know, like, you see the two Mexican dudes and two black dudes walk into a liquor store with their fucking pants down, like showing their ass. And you're like, fuck, turn on the cameras. I walk into the fucking elementary school, I'm like, sorry, turn on the cameras. He kind of, that dude cannot be left alone with the fucking kids.
Starting point is 01:44:44 I mean, I'm just saying gross generalizations. You know what I mean? Sure. Stereotyping. You see the snake with the big jaw and you're like, that one's got fangs. Yeah. Don't put your hand in that cage.
Starting point is 01:44:56 One of his stances include voting against protection of women and girls in Sports Act of 2023, a bill aimed at strengthening the law's existing protections for women, ensuring a level playing field for female athletes and protecting the law from Biden administration radical regulatory scheme. Incumbent tester is in a tight race with Republican nominee Tim Sheehy, a Navy SEAL veteran from whom former president Donald Trump has endorsed. Okay, so you want to see this fucking girl? Donald Trump has endorsed. Okay, so you want to see this fucking girl?
Starting point is 01:45:31 Um, uh, I I I need to invite her on the show. I want to hear her story. Look at this fucking chick This is the fucking girl he tried to pay to say it's okay That men compete against her why do you choose? I wish this girl would get in the CrossFit. She would fucking tear shit up. She probably will when she's done competing in division one sports Fucking nuts Like it goats like who's trying to pay her to do something else to America I Don't like those pants but whatever what you like those. Yeah, those are great on her. Those are a mom pants
Starting point is 01:46:24 That's the vibe these days, dude No, they do look good though I do like them oh my god, oh my god, that's like I like I like I like low On the hip. I like sevens Anyway crazy crazy right? Yeah that's weird. Oh this is cool. Who doesn't love a butterfly? Oh that's wild.
Starting point is 01:46:53 I bet you I could paint a butterfly on the side of my nose and someone would think it was a butterfly landed there. Fucking nuts. You're paying hot fucking track athletes to say it's okay that men compete against women? Don't worry. It's an NIL deal. It's a what? It's a name and likeness deal, so it's okay. Listen carefully to this one. Everyone focus for everyone focus for 90 seconds. Just listen carefully to this, please. I know it's preaching to the choir, but just listen to this time magazine. I'm sure by now everyone's seen the time magazine cover where it says ultra processed foods aren't as bad as you think. Right. Or does it say something like are all our ultra processed foods not as bad as you think? Right? Or does it say something like, are ultra processed
Starting point is 01:47:48 foods not as bad as you think? It was on the cover of Time Magazine, LibTard Magazine by the way. Okay, here we go. You might have come across this recent Time Magazine article that says, what if ultra processed foods aren't as bad as you think and maybe gone? Oh, really? Well, I'm about to break it down for you because it's worse than you think. This article cites a dietitian named Jessica Wilson. And this is Jessica Wilson. You can see she's promoting something called hashtag ultra processed fry racism right there under their rules, under their rules, right? You got the black woman Pushing poison onto her community right under their rules
Starting point is 01:48:32 Right. It's okay if they do it. Yeah, it's okay if they do it it is She also makes posts like this playing the race car to basically run cover for big sugar By saying an ad like this which which is warning Latino children that drinking Coke will lead to diabetes and saying this is racist. She's trying to kill black children by feeding them Coke. By the way, for those of you who don't know, in Mexico, 55% of the calories consumed by Mexicans
Starting point is 01:49:03 on average are from soda pop? Salad. Why might she be doing this? Well let me introduce you to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, your trusted source for food and nutrition information. The Academy represents more than a hundred and twelve thousand credential nutrition and dietetics practitioners and the Academy's's quote unquote, healthful eating messaging had reached approximately 25 billion people last year. Except they're really just. That part doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:49:33 There's not even 25 billion people on the planet. The propaganda arm of big food. They take money from the who's who of big food. You got companies like ConAgra, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Hershey's, General Mills, Kellogg's, et cetera, et cetera. The leaders of this academy are also tied to Big Food. Sylvia Rowe, member of the Academy Foundation Board of Directors. She is the former vice president of communications for the Sugar Association.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Mary Lee Chin, she is a member of the Academy Foundation Board of Directors and she is also a former consultant for Monsanto. Hope Warshaw, former chair of the Academy Foundation Board of Directors, and she is also a former consultant for Monsanto. Hope Warshaw, former chair of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation and member of the Academy. You might've come across this recent Time Magazine article. It goes on and on. It's so fucking corrupt.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Imagine, imagine I say, hey, you shouldn't drink Coke. And then because it'll kill you and someone goes, hey, that's racist because Mexicans drink coke Like what? What that's what Floyd 19 was hmm Greg warning the fucking people hey Don't let these fucking idiots who gave us kovat guidelines give us guidelines on how to deal with racism and people were like that's racist
Starting point is 01:50:46 Oh my goodness. Um, uh, I hate big food. Also, my 401k holds equity funds that invest in big food that fund my retirement. Amen, brother. Me too. Me too. Amen. Amen.
Starting point is 01:51:04 Hey, I respect Red Bull so much more. Red Bull tries to get you to drink their shit by just making cool videos of athletes. These fucking people have fucking completely infiltrated the government at the fucking highest level and pharma at the highest level. And culture at the highest highest level like with social engineering No Fucking nuts, right? That's pretty wild This is what this is wild yet no surprise
Starting point is 01:51:39 49ers I heard this was with the 49ers first-round draft pick. I wonder if that's true I heard this was with the 49ers first round draft pick. I wonder if that's true Ricky Persol is shot for his Rolex in crime-ridden San Francisco week before NFL rookies first 49ers game Did you fucking see this? Yeah This I was fucking signing autographs and someone fucking shot him to take his Rolex Couple days ago. Oh yes, he was the first round fucking draft pick. What's crazy is if you just look up his name, nothing comes up about him getting shot. It's just about his contract, his draft, his girlfriend and catch.
Starting point is 01:52:24 That has nothing to do with it. Like the dude just got shot. Holy shit. Like they're trying to cover up the fact that there are shootings going on in San Francisco. God, San Francisco is such a shit hole. What a mess. I said this two weeks ago or last week and here it is.
Starting point is 01:52:48 I just want to get credit for it. I just want credit for it. Kamala wants the mics on during the debate so she can do this 30 times. This is exactly why Kamala wants the mics on. Exactly what I'm about to show you. This is disgusting. So in the last debate with Biden they had the mics turned off so Trump wouldn't interrupt them. But they want the powerful, strong woman to stand up to Trump when he interrupts. And this is exactly why they want the mics on. Are they stupid? Do they not think we know this?
Starting point is 01:53:19 President speaking. I'm speaking. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking. It would be President, I'm speaking. Wait. I'm speaking. It would be important if you said the truth. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I'm speaking. Okay. If you don't mind letting me finish, we can then have a conversation. Okay? Please.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Okay. You know what's crazy is Pence is like the biggest gentleman in the world, dude. Whether you like him or not, he's a fucking class act. Fine answer, you know. The people deserve a straight answer. I will not sit here and be lectured by the vice president. I'm speaking. That's all that's all just cultural.
Starting point is 01:53:58 That's just like women in power. That's just leveraging the stupidity of the fucking women empowerment movement. You will not. A white man will not tell me a black woman to, he will not accidentally interrupt me or interrupt me. Yeah, I'm about to. I will not be lectured by the vice president. Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking. I have fucking it's crazy. It's almost as bad as that one. Those two people that won the debate theme championships or whatever, this is for the state.
Starting point is 01:54:35 Oh, God. They were just like screaming. Oh my God. Yeah, it's like that. I have so many. I sorry you got to bear with me here, I have so many fucking things I've been wanting to share with you guys for the last month, I gotta like, I gotta get through them. This one's great, at least there's some fucking good news.
Starting point is 01:54:59 Hardware giant Lowe's pledges to end diversity policies to avoid public backlash hardware retail chain Lowe's is the latest major brand to announce a retreat from woke policies again driven by pressure from conservative filmmaker Robbie Starbuck That dudes tearing shit up that guy dude. I want to throw my Harley Davidson away You saw them told it no I need to I need to throw it away I need to go it away. I need to go to the Indian dealership and just trade it in. Starpic announced on Monday on X that he had notified Lowe's that he was planning another of his now trademark exposes against the company left-wing corporate policies to which Lowe's responded by announcing multiple changes to those policies. Specifically, the company will stop participating in a corporate equality index social credit system promoted by the LGBTQ plus one z five four pedophile community human rights campaign cease donations to pride and other organizations that want to chop penises off your son and
Starting point is 01:55:54 Replace identity based employee resource groups with one for all employees. It also suggests more reforms would follow. We're now Forcing multi-billion dollar organizations to change their policies. I don't know if forcing is the right word. We are winning and one by one we will bring sanity back to corporate America. In recent years, left-wing activists have used diversity, equity and inclusion dogma and environmental, social and governance standards to encourage major U.S. corporations to take favorable stands on political and cultural issues such as homosexuality, transgenderism, race, relations and the environment. god. How does transgenderism get in there? The transgender people want to work at Lowe's begin with
Starting point is 01:56:44 Unless they're super handy. They're a super handy transgender person. I would help them. I would ask them for help on my plumbing. They just don't need to be fucking mixed with fucking blacks and gays and whatever. They're just like, how did they fucking get in there now where are they gonna let pedophiles in there next oops too late this is certainly not part of larry gessick's retirement plan the 77 year old electrician by trade leaves at 5 30 a.m and heads for his part-time job unloading trailers at a local
Starting point is 01:57:26 supermarket in st petersburg florida for 14.75 an hour his wife joyce 66 prepares for her work day making 14 dollars an hour as a full-time legal administrator it's not really a retirement what is it it's working every day the g Gnissicks came out of retirement, not because they wanted to, but because they had to and are among the 11 million Americans, one in five over 65, who are still working. It's hard. 77 still busted my butt. So I call it the work, retire, repeat syndrome. Labor economist Teresa Giller Ducci says work is the new retirement. More than half of the people who are retired right now do not have enough money to be retired. And granted, this guy watching, this doctor who's watching, he makes $500 hundred thousand a year probably at least But he fucking also went to school for fucking 24 years 12 years of fucking K through 12 and another 12 years of college
Starting point is 01:58:31 Right, and he's saving people's lives and shit Fuck that sucks dude. Who's to blame for all of this? I blame policymakers who? Who's to blame for all of this? I blame policymakers who experimented with our retirement system 40 years ago, and they are not saying the experiment failed. That experiment is what we know today as the 401k, named after a part of a 1978 law that offered companies an alternative to the traditional pension plan. The thought was... This is certainly not part of. Crazy I should follow this guy. Nice jacket. Looks like you got that Conor McGregor's wardrobe. It's like people who retire from the military can't really actually retire. Because of inflation?
Starting point is 01:59:36 Yeah. You just don't make enough money off of your retirement. And also if you actually retire by 38, I don't think you can access your like TSP account right until you're like 50 or something. What's TSP? Like the thrift savings plan. I don't even know what that is. That's not me. Mill guys get. Yeah. But I think I don't think you can access it until you're 55 or 60 Until or be without incurring a penalty or something Debbie sevi, when are we having that old hottie on again the 87 year old?
Starting point is 02:00:22 I don't know. I don't know who the fuck you're talking about Does does and nobody remember her she was a gardener or something? I fucking no idea. Speech is under attack in Brazil and the charge is being led by this man. This is Alexander de Merez, the minister of the Supreme Court of Brazil. And as of today ordered X to be taken down nationwide
Starting point is 02:00:44 within Brazil within 24 hours giving the App Store five days to comply and even threatening to find citizens of Brazil over $8,000 for using a VPN to access X. In typical Elon Musk fashion, he's pushing pretty hard against this saying that he will provide Starlink to users in Brazil for free so they can continue accessing X. It is astounding to see just how afraid these tyrants are of free speech and this news is especially significant given Mark Zuckerberg's statement this week talking about how the current US government pressured meta
Starting point is 02:01:14 into censoring certain speech on their platforms. Whether it's happening in the US or Brazil, all you need to do is look at history to realize that the people who are trying to silence freedom of speech are always on the same side. Free speech is under attack in Brazil and the chart. Is that crazy? It's absurd. How did they do that?
Starting point is 02:01:40 What is great? X X whatever they want to call it. For any of you that have new kids, for any of you that have babies at home, for any of you who are adults, the holy grail of fitness, which is not talked about much at all, is crawling. If your kid does not crawl, your kid is fucked. Sorry, I don't mean to argue your kid's limitations. Crawling is huge. You should never encourage your kid to walk. They should crawl as long as they fucking can. Once they stand on two feet, they probably will never crawl again. Bear walks should be in all of your fucking warm-ups always bear walks bear walks bear walks bear walks
Starting point is 02:02:30 It's okay to do it's okay to set the fucking timer for 20 minutes and do bear walks for 30 seconds on 30 seconds off as a warm-up Planks bear walks anytime you're on all four. It is fucking massive. How do I know that? I don't know. I Don't know do I know that? I don't know. I don't know how I know it. But you have to be crawling. Your kid will walk eventually. There's no issue with crawling. There's no like pride in saying my kid walked at fucking nine months. What you want to say is my kid at 14 months was the fastest crawler I've ever seen. Crawl, crawl, crawl, crawl.
Starting point is 02:03:09 CDC just changed the guidelines for children's developmental milestones. Now, this is a huge problem and here's why. Essentially, what they did was they lowered the bar to normalize the fact that kids are simply developing slower than they ever have before. First, they lowered the language milestones. For example, previously, a child was expected to say their first word by 12 months old. Now that expectation has been pushed to 15 months old. Another thing they changed was at 24 months old, children were supposed to know two to four word sentences. Now they're only expected to know two words. They also completely removed over 200 other milestones. One of the most surprising was the ability for
Starting point is 02:03:43 a child to crawl, a key indicator of cognitive development. They also completely removed the expectation that a three-year-old should be able to use full sentences and conversations. Do you guys see the problem here? Despite all the spending and advances in healthcare, science, and technology, not only are we dying sooner, we're literally developing slower than we ever have. Now, whether this is due to lockdowns, jabs, or the hyper use of devices, these are all things that they either mandated, enforced, or have normalized. The CDC just...
Starting point is 02:04:12 If you had your child around people who were masked, you fucked your kids. And it just is what it is. You got to fucking accept it. Especially if you had a... yeah. There's plenty of studies out there that show that kids don't learn how to speak from listening that more than 50% of their skill comes from reading lips. And if you put your kids around people who were masked, they're fucked, they didn't learn the nuances that were vital to learning about facial expressions, you really fucked your kids. And if you put masks on your kids you doubly
Starting point is 02:04:45 fucked them uh don't do that shit let your kids fucking crawl like fucking crazy don't put fucking shoes on your kids it's not it's not fucking complicated all my i'm just stuff you have oh it's just stuff you don't have to do. It just makes your life easier. Uh, damn dude, we're devolving. I know, it's crazy, right? Maybe eventually we'll just go back to being fish. God, I suck at swimming.
Starting point is 02:05:22 I suck at swimming You guys want to know what it's like to live in California I Want to show you this oh You're gonna fucking love this look at this. This is just fuck. This is oh My god you it sucks out cuz this chick's so fucking hot too. Mid. What's mid mean? Mid hot? Not really that hot. Oh, I think she's hot as fuck.
Starting point is 02:05:57 Might even be a dude. She says ten toes down, I'm gonna fucking lose it. Dude, this is so fucking bad. And then I'm gonna show you something else right after this that's gonna blow your fucking mind. Going into Target and stealing clothes, it's not a crime. Your resource is not a crime? Hell no. Target enslaved my ancestors a year ago. Target?
Starting point is 02:06:17 Target! You're from Oakland? Yeah. I'm black, I'm a woman, a worker, and I'm queer. So I've got four different oppress oppression systems already fighting against me. You are upset a little bit. Help me understand a little bit more. The crime is because people are homeless. We are stealing basic necessities.
Starting point is 02:06:31 People are dipping into cars because they are on the streets. So I wouldn't necessarily consider it to be crime. There is a little bit of that. We can't deny that, right? Personally, I don't look at a crime. If you're going into Target, a multi-billion dollar company and stealing clothes, it's not a crime. That's where we disagree, I think.
Starting point is 02:06:46 I mean, you're white and I'm black. There's a whole nother socioeconomical piece that I have never had access to. Walmart's in Chicago. They're gone. Why are they gone? Who's fault is that? People stealing from Walmart.
Starting point is 02:06:57 Why did Walmart come into an urban city already and displaced thousands of black people in an area where we needed housing first? Once we have housing, you can sustain yourself from there on in. Then all we have are corner stores in Oakland when we run out all these large businesses, right? Our corner stores, our mom and pops own.
Starting point is 02:07:10 They're black and brown owned. We don't steal from our corner stores. That's the crazy part. Security footage shows a man walking into ideal market in Oakland and seconds later ripping out the stores ATM. It happened around 10 PM Thursday night while the store was still open with an employee inside You're going into Target and stealing clothes
Starting point is 02:07:28 She's a worker dude. This is fucking crazy, but this is California There's this is like you can you can throw a fucking dart and hit someone like this when she said she was a worker and that was a that was a What does she say something working against her I fucking die dude I have this friend who's fucking crazy fucking hot with huge D titties right in the amount of famous people she has access to is fucking crazy through Instagram crazy yeah yeah that's it I don't have access to those Crazy. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. I don't have access to those people.
Starting point is 02:08:10 You don't have access to those people. No white man has access to those people. Yeah. None. Zero. She can just reach out to anyone famous and it's fucking on like Donkey Kong. Yeah. The newest person she has access to is fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:08:24 She was showing me that she's chatting with. And you like it. I mean, it's like the most famous. It's like the most famous fucking person I know. Like I've heard of. It's pretty wild. Is it Trump? It's close.
Starting point is 02:08:44 It's close. It's fucking nuts dude. But let me show you. So that, did that woman look strong to you? She looks like a track athlete, yeah. Yeah, she looks strong. She's attractive, big eyes, well spoken. Seemed like she's a fully capable human being, right?
Starting point is 02:09:01 Just got some brain rot. Yeah. Nothing's holding her back if I told you if I told you she was a fucking multi-millionaire billionaire you'd be like okay there's nothing like there's there's you wouldn't be like oh really except for the brain if she didn't talk if she could she could be if she shut the fuck up and paid attention yeah okay uh let me show you Imagine imagine her saying any of that shit to this guy that I'm about to show you I was pretty desperate. But then I just feel it. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:10:07 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. in the same world. That's like the most powerful woman I've ever seen with brain rot and she's complaining when there's a dude like this on fucking planet earth. So if you don't think that there's a mind virus or that's like some sort of gross exaggeration or like the conversation we were having, like that guy can't help but be a burden Yeah, that chick is like eminently capable that chick could fucking run for president United States that chick has there's no Limitations to her not the fact that she eats pussy not the fact that her skin is black not the fact that she's a worker She's a worker
Starting point is 02:11:23 Not the fact that she's a worker. She's a worker. Damn. I can't believe that's a human being. My algorithm fed me those back to back, dude. Are you serious? Yes. Oh my God. They're just like, Hey, check this out. You want to see something even better? Check this one out. Yeah, how the fuck? Oh man, that's wild. Imagine the intellectual journey that woman has to take
Starting point is 02:11:57 to get to like happiness. Well, she's probably just happy right now. She's ignorant to reality. And it's crazy. Imagine how fucking disconnected you are and you're thinking it's like PFAA thinking. They're a billion dollar corporation so you can steal from them. That doesn't work like that. I'm... Yeah. That doesn't work like that.
Starting point is 02:12:26 Yeah. You pay for it. I pay for it. Someone pays for it. It's just people here. There's no corporation here. Who the fuck are you kidding? It's not like the, hey, the corporations live in the city next door. Dude, it's all just fucking people. How about you don't steal from there and you buy your shit from somewhere else? And by the way, blacks and Mexicans don't own those stores, corner stores. How are you doing, my friend? I am from India. I have come to the hood.
Starting point is 02:12:50 I am now selling you tic tacs and Red Bull. And that's brown. Right. Is that long? Is that is that brown people? Oh, man, the mind. I see the guy running out when the ATM was getting ripped out of his store. That he looks very Indian.
Starting point is 02:13:08 The mind virus is real. This is a guy standing outside with a clear bag with a $10,000 of fake cash in it. Have you seen this? Have you seen this? No, people whose job it is to give people like that orgasms. Stop. All right. Anyway, see how deep it is. Oh my god. Anyway
Starting point is 02:14:06 This is a guy a stunt he pulls he's got a bag with $10,000 cash. He's just hanging outside. Disgraceful. I can't believe what I just saw. I just saw the evil racist police of the world, oppressing a black man while he innocently carried $10,000 in a clear backpack. Now it turns out, this is what we've been talking about. This is how racist the police are. You saw that, right? You didn't, you didn't see it? Yeah, no, that wasn't the police. That was a man who was just minding his own business,
Starting point is 02:14:42 granted a clear backpack in the hood, probably not the best move, but the money money was fake but the gun was real. So that guy got killed eventually The guy doing the prank got got himself taken out after a few likes Don't you stage videos I'm pretty sure it was not staged. It was fake money, but the person robbing him was not in on it Pretty sure it was not staged. It was fake money, but the person robbing him was not in on it That's crazy, dude And you know youtubers are doing shit like that too, oh for sure
Starting point is 02:15:16 They're just they're just out there doing chill. That's what I worry about a Tommy G. Oh, yeah like that. Hmm. I Mean he doesn't do that, but he's no he doesn't do that, but he's putting himself in some Catchy spots that stresses me out. I Get concerned when he crosses the border You think this would be enough right here? How about this? Illegal alien group attempts to board school bus in California report. Two separate incidents took place in the same district within 24 hours.
Starting point is 02:15:56 A group of around 20 suspected illegal immigrants attempted to board a school bus picking up elementary students in California on Wednesday. What the fuck Do you know what they're you know what they're doing do you know what the protocol is there to fix this no What is it if the bus driver sees illegal aliens at the bus stop or what they perceive as eagle illegal aliens to keep driving? So just leave the kids there who are waiting for the bus there That makes sense Yeah, leave the kids with the illegal aliens that are Probably not very cool people The incident unfolded just 24 hours after a smaller group of suspected suspected illegal aliens tried to get on another school bus in the
Starting point is 02:16:43 same district. Oh, it's fucking nuts, dude. That's pretty bad. Uh, on Tuesday, a group composed of three suspected illegal alien males, of course, was walking in the middle of the highway and allegedly tried to stop another bus. Please stay vigilant and if the bus drives by, please follow the bus to pick up your child at the next stop. So if there's kids who want to get off the bus, they just take you to the next stop. Oh, so the parents who are in walking distance of the bus need to actually need to go back
Starting point is 02:17:32 to their house, grab their car, follow along the bus until you get to the next stop and then pick them up. I guess the parents are just hanging out at the bus stop with. That's fucking insane. Insane, dude. but What that's fucking insane insane dude this fucking world we fucking live in Here's a good one last week, uh, this is really gonna blow your mind Uh, you're not even gonna believe this what What I was gonna say, uh just going back to the 49ers thing with the
Starting point is 02:18:08 quarter, the quarterback or whoever just got shot in the chest. Yeah, I wonder if that'll give the like if the if the 49ers themselves as an entity will try to do something about that. Because if you just if your first round draft pick is incapable of is incapable of playing in their first year. Yeah, yeah. I'm just like you signed a guy for millions of dollars you paying him millions of dollars. But because of the city's lack of policing or action in any capacity. I wonder if the 49ers will try to
Starting point is 02:18:48 try to do something about that with City if anything will change fucking nuts ok look at this unlikely but your Gawain football player died on the field when? recently?
Starting point is 02:19:04 last week. Normal. Totally normal. Oh, that car is cool. Where the fuck is that car going? Why is it driving around the pitch like that? Probably so it can stage itself right next to the. Yeah. Holy shit, that guy's coming in hot move out of the way fucktards oh even the ambulance drivers look like they're dressed like soccer players
Starting point is 02:19:38 damn having that many people around one guy is not okay. Your grand football player Juan is Kierdo 27 was pronounced dead by his club's national national last night. He collapsed on the pitch due to cardiac arrhythmia. Crazy. Oops. Hate it when that happens. Fucking nuts.
Starting point is 02:20:12 So glad I'm not. You guys heard you guys heard that a couple of weeks ago in a school in Vermont, they gave a kid the COVID vaccine without asking the parents and it went to the Supreme Court and they lost. They said if you send your kid to school, that you're basically accepting anything that they do. Sending your kid to school, the school doesn't even need to send a note. If you send your kid to school, you're giving the school permission to do whatever schools do forget what the word is. That makes sense. Yeah. And so some, some parents sent their kids to school in Vermont and the kid got the
Starting point is 02:20:50 fucking COVID vaccine and they have no fucking recourse. Okay. Now listen to this. I think this is, I think this is why, uh, Fraser is moving out of Vermont. The Vermont department of health, the same people who gave the kid the fucking vaccine, six year old kid vaccine, put out at school without parents consent, put out a post. Oh, it gives you, if you send your kids to school, it's consent. It's just automatic consent.
Starting point is 02:21:14 Vermont Department of Health put out a post informing families that they shouldn't call their child's son or daughter because it isn't inclusive enough. Yes, this is real. The Vermont Department of Health. The language we use matters when talking about family. It's important to use terms that cover the many versions of what family can look like. Sign up for your monthly health equity newsletter for more tips. Use child or kid instead of son or daughter. Say family member rather than household members. I don't even know,
Starting point is 02:21:42 I don't even get that one. family rather than extended family often grandparents and aunts and uncles and what the fuck Is going on that everybody has a family so we need to make sure that we Include everybody who doesn't have a family look at this post you people can't read It doesn't say don't call your children sons or daughters rather kid or child to other homies Sons or daughters rather kid or child to other homies Homes children raised by grandparents or foster a great example of why? Republicans love losing losing your shit over the small stuff and not being smart enough to read beyond the caption Uh use child or kid instead of daughter or son
Starting point is 02:22:22 I hope she gets ass pounded. It absolutely matters. Reading comprehension shouldn't be up for debate. Reading comprehension. Fuck in this world. Imagine the government telling you what to call your kid. How about you go fuck yourself? Yeah. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:22:58 Oh, this one's titled Mitchell Cooper's Perfect World. I wonder what this one is. Oh, yeah. Here we a Mitchell Cooper's perfect world. I wonder what this one is. Oh yeah. Here we go. Here we go. This is so this is Mitchell. Is Mitchell English? Is he from the United Kingdom?
Starting point is 02:23:13 Cooper? Yeah, he's fucking Canadian, dude. Oh, I guess it's all the same thing to me. Okay, here we go. Mitchell Cooper's perfect world. German government is hunting down an anonymous user on social media, not because this user committed a serious crime such as something terrorism related or incitement to murder, but for the crime of calling an MP fat. Andrew Torber, the founder of the social media platform
Starting point is 02:23:43 Gab, shared a letter from the German government requesting data on a particular user, such as account identification, IP address, full name, date of birth, phone numbers, home address, email addresses, and more. Because this user, quote, published two posts that sexualized the German politician Ricarda Lange and denigrated her weight. The letter goes on to say, through sexualized and denigrated representation of Ricarda Lange, the user attacks the honor of the politician and shows his own disrespect. With this insult, the user publicly insults a person in the political life on the grounds of the insulted person's position in public life. So Cooper basically said in his video, John, you can't say that these girls,
Starting point is 02:24:31 that you don't like looking at these girls because they actually are ugly. I mean that, right. That's pretty much what he said. And so this guy calls this chick fat, which I mean, she's beyond fat. She is morbidly obese but because she is actually fat you can't call her fat like if she was skinny it wouldn't it would be fine yeah sure like if you called if you called fucking Danielle Brandon ugly it's like it wouldn't matter
Starting point is 02:25:04 Right. Because then someone else would just call you gay. Which is a reasonable response. I mean, what the fuck is going on here? God, what a... that's fucking hilarious. God, I didn't realize how fat that lady was. She was huge. Did you see her in the chair? Massive, dude. She can't even fit in the chair. Sick. She's a plus size park hopper.
Starting point is 02:25:30 Yeah. Oh, I know just the account for her. Yeah, she probably needs it. Okay, I don't know if this is real. So everyone settle down. I know someone on the YouTube comments be like someone spreading misinformation again, blah, blah, blah, but look at this.
Starting point is 02:25:44 This is, I don't know if this is real. I tried to verify this and I couldn't, but Tucker, thank you for writing me. While we may not agree on every issue, we both know that every person in our nation should have the freedom to live safe from gun violence. The majority of Americans know should have the freedom to live safe from gun violence. The majority of Americans stand with us in support of common sense gun safety legislation. So she doesn't say anything. I don't know if she actually wrote this, but this is the letter. This is the letter that Kamala Harris supposedly posted. If someone could find this on X, I would love it to find out if this is real, but listen, this is fucking awesome.
Starting point is 02:26:23 This is fucking awesome. So Kamala Harris just posted a really heartfelt letter from a child named Tucker that basically goes on to talk about how he's a conservative person, but is really upset about gun violence in this country. And she goes on to talk about how this letter is proof that the majority of Americans stand in support of common sense gun safety legislation. The problem with this is that it's totally fake. A user named AppleLamps went and transcribed the entire letter to a Word document and then put it through an AI detection software website and it hit 100% for being created with AI. So Kamala Harris's staff went and created this sob story on an AI site like ChatGPT,
Starting point is 02:27:15 and then transcribed it with someone that had bad handwriting to emulate a child. They are making up stories from fake children to take away your rights. Wake up America. Wake up. I think that's true. I do think it's true. If I had to bet money, I'd say it's true. Yeah, I found the tweet. Oh, you did? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:44 Oh, it's fucking nuts dude It's also funny that they use the name Tucker as if it's like Tucker Carlson, yeah Fucking nuts in her all her whole shit is fake all her shits fake. It's all a vibe man. So yeah All our shits fake. It's all a vibe man. So yeah Crazy dude, it's fucking so bad. I think there's let me see Oh Carlson responded in kind her titties are fake whose titties Kamala's really she has titties You guys want to see hear a crazy story This guy I think this guy has a podcast I wish I knew
Starting point is 02:28:42 Is there a podcast called mind pump out of San Jose just north of me. I think this guy is from that podcast. I can't believe I remembered that name. Listen to this story. This is kind of long, but this is wild. I really like this. Okay, here we go. People who don't talk to strangers don't talk to angels. It was an atheist hardcore. Okay, this is really interesting. I have a daughter that, my wife had noticed some maybe developmental issues with her movement and stuff. She took my daughter to a neurologist, neurologist in assessment and said, I think she's fine,
Starting point is 02:29:19 however she might have something called spinal tethering. And what happens is, as the baby grows, the spinal stretch and then they'll lose function of the lower half of the body. We can see it through an MRI. If we do identify it through an MRI, oftentimes we can surgically repair it and there's not an issue.
Starting point is 02:29:36 Your one-year-old's gonna have to get an MRI if you wanna know for sure. Well, to do an MRI for a one-year-old, a one-year-old can't sit, you ever have an MRI? A one-year-old's not going to do that. So what do they do? They put him under general anesthesia. I'm like, I don't want to put my one-year-old under general anesthesia. It's not good for their brain.
Starting point is 02:29:54 She's never been under general anesthesia. But then on the flip side, if there is spinal tethering, I want to know so we can maybe fix it. So I, for the first time in my life was praying out loud never done that before So I'm driving to the pediatrician's office and I'm praying out loud and the way I'm praying is like this. I'm like God I don't know if you're real. I need Obvious I need you to show me in obvious ways like so then I go to the studio So I'm like, you know, we're supposed to record a podcast
Starting point is 02:30:24 There's a parking lot that was next to our studio. There's a homeless dude building a fire in the middle of the parking lot. I look at him in the rear view mirror and I'm like, maybe I'll ask the sky to pray for me. Right. But I'm looking in the rear view mirror and this dude, he's building a fire. So I'm walking away. And then I hear, excuse me, excuse me, sir. Excuse me. Excuse me. Turn around. Home is due. So what's up? He goes, have a nice day. So I said, you know what?
Starting point is 02:30:52 I said, can you do something for me? I didn't give him money or anything. I just asked him, can you do something for me? He says, sure. I said, can you pray for me? He says, yeah, yeah, I can pray for you. So what's going on? So I said,
Starting point is 02:31:11 we're taking my daughter to the pediatrician today to get looked at. And then he interrupts me and he goes, is it her spine? Shut the fuck up. I swear to God. Shut up. No, no, no. Listen to me, I swear to God. No. Listen to me, I swear to God. No. I swear on everything. It's hard not to get choked up talking about it. It's true. So it hit me like a brick. He said, it's just something that was fine. So I felt like someone punched me. And he says, I'll pray for you. I'll pray for you. And I said, so after that conversation,
Starting point is 02:31:36 I had money in my wallet. And I thought maybe I'll give him some money. But I didn't give him any money. I said, is there anything I can do for you? And he said, no, he goes, you've done more for me than society's done a long time. Thanks for talking. The day before that, I had just started reading scripture, which I never done before. And one of the first things I read was a story about Jesus and how he told, he said the line, what you do to the least of you, you do to me.
Starting point is 02:32:07 In other words, how you treat the worst in society, you're doing that to me. I remembered that right there, because the guy said, you did more for me than society's done in a long time. That my daughter, she's one, she's shocked. She doesn't want, when we go to the doctor, she's grabbing onto my wife and buries her head and doesn't want to come off and if we peel her off to get weighed Or check she cries. Yeah, my daughter's gonna cry the whole time. She's not gonna do anything because the test involved
Starting point is 02:32:35 Picking this up climb over here reach for this. Can you say this? Can you that right? I'm like what's gonna happen? Well, I get there we bring my daughter in there and All of a sudden my daughter becomes a performer. Everything the pediatrician asks, it's like she was, it was like, oh, what the? She's climbing, she's reaching, she's laughing, she's interacting for the whole thing. Pediatrician looked at her, she goes, for sure she's fine. You don't need to do a test.
Starting point is 02:33:02 And that was it, man. I was like, that's it. I'm a Christian, 100%. Time? I was an atheist, hardcore. Crap. What do you think? It's pretty wild. Yeah, one, uh, Ken Walters. It's amazing to me how many times I hear non-believers call God when things are getting gnarly and rock bottom.
Starting point is 02:33:19 Yeah, fuck yeah. What, I mean, what do you mean? I don't call the fucking fire department when the fucking things are good at the house. You know what I mean? Yeah. You know what I mean, what do you mean? I don't call the fucking fire department when I'm fucking things are good at the house Yeah, that's interesting I remember the first time I prayed to God I said I started it off the same way that did And then you just started praying well I was I've told the story before I do remember I wasn't gonna graduate from fucking high school Remember that story. Yeah, I think so God and he fucking he made it so I'd graduate I don't even remember the deal I made with him I made the deal. I got anything. I don't know if you're real or I don't even know if I believe in you I'll stop jerking off for a week know if you're real or I don't even know if I believe in you.
Starting point is 02:34:03 I'll stop jerking off for a week. The, the, the, the, I'll tell a quick version of it. So the count, I get called into my counselor's office. There's like two months left in my senior year in high school. I get called in there and she's like, Hey, you're not going to graduate. And she's got this fucking Manila envelope. She's like, here's your transcripts. Like what I mean? She's like, you don't have enough credits.
Starting point is 02:34:20 You're only taking two classes. Your senior year I'd been kicked out of fucking everything. credits you're only taking two classes your senior year I'd been kicked out of fucking everything and uh and so she goes do you want me to just for just double check pull out your official transcript and I said sure so I guess that was a different file so when she leaves my eyes start my tear ducts turn on and I'm like oh fuck I'm gonna cry and I start praying to God dear God I don't even fucking believe in you I've never prayed to you but fucking now's the time dude you gotta fucking hook me up and I made some sort of deal with God I don't even fucking believe in you have never prayed to you But fucking now is the time dude, you got to fucking hook me up and I made some sort of deal with God I don't even remember what the deal is
Starting point is 02:34:50 Take the trash out for your mom or something. I Don't know is probably like not shoot windows out with my BB gun in the neighborhood or something Something arbitrary yeah, and she comes back in and she goes, she, she opens up the file and she's like, Oh my God. And I'm like, what? She's like, you do have enough credits to graduate. I'm like, what do you mean? She's like in my freshman year, when one day after school, I was walking by the cafeteria and there were all these hot chicks in there and they were practicing for a school play.
Starting point is 02:35:24 And I was like That's the only way those girls will ever talk to me. So I just my freshman sophomore junior senior year did all the high school plays And I guess I got credit for it and I didn't know it yeah, right Huh and and that was the first time Then what do you think it was a deal with the devil Dear Bernadette and dear God if you let me graduate I'll bring the message of the exerciser to the masses I'll bring the message of the exerciser to the masses. Whatever you do, don't get 40% off of FIDAID by using that QR code. They're not a sponsor anymore.
Starting point is 02:36:12 Whatever you do, do not. How dare you? They're not even paying for this show. Do not get 40% off. That would be so selfish of you. Do not. God, I just say FIDA eight and I start salivating I still have some it's Pavlovian that's right huh yeah theater kid yeah and you know what I would do I would I would I had a Walkman, you know the kind we put cassette tape in
Starting point is 02:36:47 Yeah Everything yeah, and I would always I had all these um like song like I was big into Stevie B. Do you know who Stevie B is? No, let's find out or Whoever I was big into CVB and digital underground. CVB videos, let me see if I, oh yeah. Oh God, this song was one of my favorites. Oh, I know digital underground. I love digital underground.
Starting point is 02:37:16 ["Digital Underground"] Ha ha ha ha. ["Digital Underground"] Oh Holy fucking hair, dude Anyway, so I would have stevie b in like digital underground like sexets. I love that song. And and I would always like be asked the girls if they wanted to listen to it. Like that was like my way of like, hey, you want to listen to my Walkman? You want to go drink a box of wine and listen to my Walkman? Hey, there was this who knows?
Starting point is 02:38:02 Yeah, I was before wine, before I used drugs and alcohol excuse women Okay, okay What was that song? There was a song That was the same beat as I got five on it, but it was a love song Does anyone know what that song was? That was one of my favorites, too Uh, I I want to say it was um It was Humpty Hump who sung I got five on it right was it humpty hump who was it? Luny lunis lunis. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, yeah that that they sung i got five on it
Starting point is 02:38:35 Yeah There was a there was a love song version of that Oh shit. I didn't even know I got five on it has a fucking It has a video God that song was great I'm pretty sure um Humpty Hum's in this Let me see if I can find this Damn I didn't even know there was a video for this Wow there was that there was a love song
Starting point is 02:39:23 No, digity black street, um Yo diggity Damn what was what was uh, god Anyway, I forget my point. Oh I graduated god. Yeah god back to god., I graduated. God. Yeah, God. Back to God. So I graduated. What are you gonna do? It was called Good Looking by Dixon Dallas. How's that? It was the digital underground. I got five on it beat. Let's see. Oh, wow, pool boy. If you got that right, that would be crazy. I don't think this is it.
Starting point is 02:40:13 No, no, this is a country song. He's fucking with it. Nope. God damn it, pool boy. What was that song? Julia, you're too late. Why can't we live together? No. What was that song?
Starting point is 02:40:34 I have a friend here at my house. Who might know? My gay country song. Yeah, that's pretty. It's pretty gay. Oh, boy. Let me see It has that song
Starting point is 02:40:56 Hey, I got a question for you. Do you remember that song? I got five on it by the loonies Yeah, what was the love song version of that? There was that a song that was like a love song with the same beat Do you remember that? A song that was like a love song with the same beat. Do you remember that? Uh let me figure it out you want me to text you? Sure if you find it. It was like it was like a but it was that same beat. They stole the beat from something for that song basically. Yeah I mean I'm sure the Looney stole it too but it was it was kind of like a love song. Well that's what I mean the Looney song. Do you think the love song was before or after? I think it was after I got five on it. Okay. Okay. Let me see if I can figure it out. Did you used to listen to Stevie B? Yeah. Do you remember when I had the 415s in my rabbit and we would drive around with Stevie B just blasting? Yeah. Yeah, it was good old days all right yeah okay all right let's see if i can figure it out
Starting point is 02:41:46 it's from the i got five on a song that i think so that's sound or whatever yeah that's the way i remember it okay okay all right bye all right one of my fact checkers i don't think it was tupac checkers. I don't think it was Tupac. Bra, I had a rabbit. Yeah, a 77 rabbit took out the back seat and put in. Oh, Rat Coolio is great. Anyway, we're off subject. Back to ass pounding, Mike Walls. Tim Walls.
Starting point is 02:42:16 Mike Cooper. Hey, did you see Tim Walls''s getting ready to spill the beans on what a scumbag his brother is? No, but I was when I was Googling, I saw some stuff about that. So let me get this straight, because this is a lot to unpack. Tim Walls wasn't the sergeant that he said he was and never went to combat, but was trying to ban the guns that he said he carried into a combat that he never went to. And then he said he was the head coach of a school that he was never the head coach
Starting point is 02:42:57 of. But in fact, he was the head coach of a different school to which he ended up resigning because he got a DUI and then pretended to be deaf to get out of the DUI is the same guy who set up a COVID hotline system for people to call and rat each other out if they weren't following the rules that he put in place. And this is the guy you picked. Man, his story just keeps getting better and better. I mean, literally you can't make this shit up.
Starting point is 02:43:38 Did you hear also that he said that he got his wife pregnant using IVF and then he got caught lying about that. And so the, the, the media went back and changed all the titles of all the headlines What He's such a fucking scumbag this guy what he did though what he did around the George Floyd thing is just the worst thing Yeah, it's um, I would have done that and in his defense if I got a DUI I'd pretend um, I had a friend who recently I'd do anything I'd fucking suck the fucking officer off.
Starting point is 02:44:20 So I have a friend who recently got pulled over and he drives a, what were those fucking cars called? The Ford, uh, they used to be the cop cars, the really old ones, the Crown Vic. He drives a Crown Vic and it's got like the, the cattle bumper on the front. And it's like, it's got the, it's still, yep. It's got the little little spotlight on the front. And he's got like super blacked out tinted windows, like the whole thing. And he's driving at like 4 30 in the morning and he he's going like 65 and a 35
Starting point is 02:45:00 gets pulled over. The officer comes to the window and he goes oh it looks like we got ourselves a blue on blue today huh he's like trying to like him he's like I drive a fucking crown Vic like I'm a cop too you know kind of thing and then he's like oh you're a cop and he's like hit no he's like hahaha hold on one second on what's the name of the song? Why you treat me so bad? Oh, yes. Yes. Yeah, so you hear the words, you know exactly how it's written.
Starting point is 02:45:33 Yeah, you're a boss. All right. Thank you. We'll go to that in one second. That was a song I used to seduce women too. I mean that never worked by the way the wine was way more effective than headphones Those girls thought I was a joke Kiss one of those girls or I one time I had to kiss one on stage, but that's it. Okay, go ahead Okay, so he your buddy said that Oh look likes we got a blue on blue and the cop said oh, you're a cop Yeah, and he's like, huh? Nah, and then he's like, alright license the the registration and then slapped a $350 fucking or like a $400 ticket on us. Oh for what speeding or speeding? Oh, oh at least he didn't get a DUI or fucking impersonating a cop
Starting point is 02:46:14 Yeah for sure. It was just dude. He's lucky. He pulled out Yeah, I think a cop might be really fucked up. Yeah, it's pretty bad Why you treat God you guys suck in that I've never been so disappointed in the chat that you guys didn't know this Okay, here we go. Oh Yep, this is it God, I love this song This is great. Wow.
Starting point is 02:46:51 He's good. Yeah. He's really good. Yeah. Last night I went to the, he's at my house now and yesterday he's got his kids over here and we went down to the creek and God it was so hard not to fucking drink but I just didn't, I wanted to be completely sober for the first time. I was like, I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 02:46:59 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the yeah, he's at my house now and yesterday he's got his kids over here and we went down to the creek and God, it was so hard not to fucking drink But I just didn't I wanted to be completely sober for the Fikowski show. Yeah Fikowski how you would the my whole motto was just treat people how you want to be treated
Starting point is 02:47:17 Even though it's so fucking hard because he's asking for Dave's job. It just makes me want it like yeah That's tough Do you remember when we were done with the show and we're just chatting in the back and Bill Grundler basically? Fucking hit it out of the park when he said Hey when you ask for a dude's fucking job Like what he's done by making those demands. It's like he's put everything on the line Fikowski's put his job his friends his his everything like job, his friends, his everything. Like it's not just like a...
Starting point is 02:47:48 It's like full nuclear. I wonder if he knows that. Like you went nuclear, dude. I don't think that when people do that, I don't think they understand the consequences of that request. Yeah. I mean, the dude has the dudes. It's his job of 20 years He made the fucking games. He's got fucking kids and a wife and like yeah
Starting point is 02:48:18 Man, dude. Yeah, it's like he's basically just coming full blast at a dude. Yeah, right And And I and you got you got to know it's like flashing someone your piece You know what? It means like the second you flash your piece What if the other dude has a gun and you get in a gunfight? You better be ready. Oh, yeah I mean, that's that's like as soon as you Pull your weapon You should be prepared to be firing it like you're not gonna pull your weapon and just pointed at somebody and be like, hey Don't do what you're doing.
Starting point is 02:48:45 Like by the time you pulled your weapon, you should be prepared to fucking kill the person that's your, your attacker or your assailant. If someone flashed, like if someone flashed it, let's say I'm just, just a generic situation. I'm somewhere with my kids and someone flashed their piece at me. I have two choices to just run full speed the other direction or shoot you because you just showed me that you're an eminent threat to my child's life and death's life.
Starting point is 02:49:08 Even just like lifting your waistband up. I'm like, buh-bye. And so basically, he flashed his piece at Dave and it's fucking crazy. Publicly. Rallying support for other people to fucking get him. I mean that's, or else you wouldn't have done it publicly. That's the only thing I can think of. for Dave. It's only a totally a BB gun Right at the moment
Starting point is 02:49:31 Jake Chapman he brought a sock to a knife fight Yeah You know what else is crazy to someone in the comments wrote you guys are missing the point the whole thing is this is about Lazar's Lazar died no we're not that that's what's so fascinating about it. We guys are missing the point. The whole thing is this is about Lazar's, Lazar died. No, we're not. That's what's so fascinating about it. We're not missing the point. It's fascinating that this is what it's turned into because of what, you have to remember Brent.
Starting point is 02:49:58 Brent's leading the dance. He wants to lead the dance. That's what it's turned into. No one's forgotten that Lazar died. I watched that video two more times yesterday where he fucking stumbles away to get a glass of water. I just cannot stop watching it. That and the John Young video. Those are like the two best videos in the history of CrossFit.Fit I would I think that those are better Who's the chick who who fell over with the weights and almost got killed and it went viral? That was a truly viral video Rory Ro Scott Ro Scott Wow good job
Starting point is 02:50:37 Yeah, these I would put these up there in the row Scott Fucking pantheon of all- best crossfit videos, those three. John Young, Tyler and Spin, and now Fikowski fucking having brain fog for fucking five second brain fog. Mount Rushmore of just video, epic videos. Epic videos, yeah. Oh my god. Oh my god Oh my god
Starting point is 02:51:18 Brooke will snapping your elbow was a good one. Okay. Yeah sure and you hear this That's probably too long it's a lot of white noise. God, that is, I think probably musically it's probably just shitty music. He brought a flaccid dildo to fight a Navy SEAL. Someone said that of Storm. Oh God, geez dude. Someone said that of Storm. Oh god. Jeez, dude. Oh my god. Okay.
Starting point is 02:51:55 Here we go. Seven years ago today, Trump said this, the media spun it and aired it almost every single day for weeks, if not months. Here it is in full context. Once again, look at this guy, Michael. Wow, my mind is blown. I swear American mainstream media is so dangerous. I can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing this. Yeah, it's crazy, right? This is a black dude, right?
Starting point is 02:52:18 This is fucking August 15th. The last four years, he's thought that fucking Trump was a white supremacist because of what the fucking media said and they said it during the entire DNC. Very fine people on both sides and I'm not talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally. And you had some very bad people in that group but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group, excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a
Starting point is 02:52:55 very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down, excuse me, are we going to take down, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now we're going to take down his statue. So you know what? It's fine. You're changing history, you're changing culture, and you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo
Starting point is 02:53:29 Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo Nazis and white nationalists, okay? Very fine people on both sides. And I'm not talking- It's fucking crazy how they've spun it that is interesting Trump has lost weight since then has he look kind of fat to me I wish he'd lose more weight yeah drinks a lot of coke apparently Jeff Baker excuse me I'm speaking where have I heard that before? Oh my god, Jeff. You're just like grasping He's been on one today onesie not on one. Yeah true All right, I feel like I got through a lot today Was this Dana White? Oh, fuck it. One more.
Starting point is 02:54:32 This one's good. This one's always good. I'm sure I've played this before. Might as well. Theo Von Dana White. Here we go. This is the moment when Dana hit Theo's back. Yeah, cause we had Robert Kennedy Jr. on and we had a company call or a couple companies call after that and say, yeah, just stuff about him. We're not advertising on this episode. My advertisers like you guys need to take the episode down. What sponsored dinner? Peloton was the Peloton.
Starting point is 02:54:55 Yeah. Where do they sell fucking bikes? The stationary bikes? Peloton sells stationary bikes and they got a problem with Robert fucking Kennedy. Do we have pelotons in the gym? Are those pelotons? We're getting rid of them. We're getting rid of the pelotons. Pelotons are out of the gym. Whoever uses the most you fucking have at home, but they can't use it here, brother. I'm not bullshitting you. You can film us. My guys are going to take the pelotons out of the gym today. Thanks, dude. It makes you feel empowered, honestly.
Starting point is 02:55:23 This is what I do. This is the moment when Dana had Theo's back. That's pretty cool. I remember seeing that I was kind of tripping about it. Are there any games athletes that just fucking go hard? Not yet. Taylor Self. Yeah, I mean he's the... Yeah, none of the other ones do.
Starting point is 02:55:56 Colton's close. He is. Very close. He talks about shit. James goes pretty hard in the Jesus camp Yeah, that's true I don't think I'm trying to think if there's any None none of the games athletes seem very sexual dude, let me think oh
Starting point is 02:56:32 Yeah, Ricky Mack fucks like a machine dude He Ricky's oozes sex I Really means but yeah sure Let me think of what girls use sex. Ariel's pretty revved up. She's pretty revved up. Yeah, I could see that. She's married, but her and Dylan, like, they don't miss a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:57:03 You think Tia seems sexual? Not so much to me. I mean, I think her fucking body's fucking like one of the best, but she doesn't seem sexual to me. I gotta, um, try to think who. I need to see the list. I almost don't like this game. I'm gonna say something here. I regret I know You think Daniel Brandon is sex I don't know I think Daniel Brandon, I don't know if I'd see her I don't know dude. Oh Yeah, I think Emily Rolfe's pretty probably pretty fired up gets pretty fired up Dbe absolutely you think Well Paige for sure we have some evidence, let me see. Yeah, she's too young though. I can't area student observation
Starting point is 02:58:02 She's too young though, I can't- Various student observations. Paige seems like a girl, like a, like just a kid to me. I'm almost, I'm almost uncomfortable saying she's- Oh, Gracie Walton is fucking, I don't know if she's, she's fucking hot as fuck, I'll tell you that. Kara Saunders, fucking... Poor Matt, he probably can't keep up. Let me see I Don't know I don't really see any on here
Starting point is 02:58:33 Tyler says Angela oozes sex I could agree with that. Oh DeChico yeah for sure. He's probably pretty horny that guy that guy books All right, there's one or two names I'm guy, that guy f**ks. All right. There's one or two names I'm holding back. I just want to be honest with you. Uh, Oh, wow. Yeah. Marshall, a song which itself sampled Club Nouveau's 1987 song,
Starting point is 02:59:02 Why You Treat Me So Bad. Hmm. Self-sampled Club Nouveau's 1987 song, Why You Treat Me So Bad. Oh, did the PFAA make a statement? They sent out an email, I think. Oh, maybe I should read it. Hello, PFAA athletes and supporters. I wasn't really thirsty and needed a cup of water. I actually was just freaking out. Oh shit.
Starting point is 03:00:00 Hello PFA athletes and supporters. I know publicly the discourses around our recent demands. We will continue to clarify those statements with more media in the coming days. If any of you want to reach out to me or any other members of the board, please do so. If you have any questions at all privately. However, as I hope it's been clear in our conversations, there are numerous things in our sport that are long overdue for change. No, it has not been clear in your conversation at all. And you shouldn't hope that it's been clear.
Starting point is 03:00:30 Because no one fucking knows, dude. No one knows. Not one person. I haven't seen anywhere where someone's like, I get what he's saying. All they ever say is, Seve, you're an asshole. There's a lot of that. We are creating working groups to create written solutions. Oh, we are creating working groups to create written solutions. So they're not even at the written solutions part.
Starting point is 03:00:55 They're at the creating the groups for the written solutions. Dude, if you don't have fucking even the groups to write the solutions, how are we supposed to even know what the fuck you've been saying? Then we will find ways to implement them at the competitions that mean the most to athletes. Oh man. By the way, should have had someone proofread this. Safety. A team of safety experts are already creating emergency action plans.
Starting point is 03:01:19 However, as experienced athletes and coaches, we can provide insight into what is required to keep us safe during the more unique aspects of our sport. Creating a handbook of movements with the best possible written standards. Creating a handbook of movements with the best possible written standards anyway maybe I'll do a show tonight and go over this maybe I'm just wasting our time. All right. Love you guys. Talk to you soon. Hi Avi, bye bye. Thanks Caleb.

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