The Sevan Podcast - Samuel Cournoyer | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 15, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you back at Mayhem? No, I'm in my home right now. Oh, I see the piece of plywood. You got a gym there, Samuel? Yeah, it's my own gym. Look. Oh, my God. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:15 This is where I train every day. Wow. Hey, so when you're not there, that thing just sits empty? Hey, so when you're not there, that thing just sits empty? I mean, my wife workouts every day at lunch, and I got a couple of friends who come at night. So most of the time in the day, it's empty if I'm not there. But there's some people at night who come here and drink. What a beautiful place.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Did you build that yourself, Samuel? Yeah, I did that with my dad uh two years ago actually crazy crazy do you own your house yep oh that's nice wow no yeah it's pretty cool i'm happy with it how old are your kids uh liam is the sixth and a half now and uh mila my daughter is a two and a half yeah oh man they're, my daughter, is at two and a half. Oh, man. They're stoked. So they basically are growing up in that gym.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah. Oh, yeah. They're having a blast in here. They love the handstand walk ramp. That's kind of like their thing, you know, like just going on it with the bike and jumping on it and running on it. Hey, did you already get at it this morning? Yeah, I did the early session this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I usually train early on Tuesday and Thursdays because we got baseball tonight with Liam. So it's just easier for me to just train a little earlier on Tuesday morning and get it done by the end of the day so I can go to the baseball with him and stuff like that. Hey, I was thinking, um, uh, someone when, uh, like I'd be in the third grade, right. And I would be in a class and like my best friend would transfer out, right. Or I would transfer out or even on the days if they didn't leave altogether, there'd be days I'd get to school and my best friend was sick right he wouldn't be there and that followed me all the way through life even when i worked all the jobs i had i never looked forward to my job or the activity i always
Starting point is 00:02:16 looked forward to the people i would see there you know like even in college or even when i worked at crossfit i had my friends there that i would go into work and oh those are my friends and I saw it as a place to like see my friends are you are you done with mayhem in that way that like it was that a hard I mean you're in Montreal more I've watched like three interviews with you now and it sounds like you're at home way more are you missing your friends yeah no I mean I do miss them uh for sure it's just you know if I go back in time and like the last couple years uh the kids was actually you know younger so uh it was actually a little easier for me you know to travel and go there back and forth uh be there full-time when i was in team with rich in 2022 but now that you
Starting point is 00:02:57 know like liam is six and a half now and like i mean you know that you've got kids and like you know what i'm telling him like hey i'm taking the plane a couple days and all that, you know that you've got kids and like, you know what I'm telling him, like, hey, I'm taking the plane a couple of days and all that stuff. You know, like he doesn't like it anymore. You know, he understands the whole thing. So it's, you know, it's just a decision that I made this year that, like, you know, at the stage I am right now in my career, the age I have, I'm a dad of two. He's older. And, you know, I was grateful. I'm really grateful for all the time that I had, you know, to just enjoy life and training and all that stuff. But now, like, I feel like I got, you know, more important responsibilities as a dad.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So for me, just being here more often in the year and stuff like that, it's just like it's me trying, you know, to be more present for him and still do CrossFit full time. you know to be more prison for him and still do cross the full time um so that's why i haven't been uh at mayhem lately uh this season so yeah and i guess it now that now that you mention it like that there's no one i'd rather spend time with than my kids they've kind of transcended my friends yeah yeah it's uh it's i mean it sucks you know there's a side of that you know for me it sucks because i made a lot of friendship and friends there at Mayhem.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I miss my people. I miss Tyler. I miss Rich. I miss Luke. I wish I could be there with them and train and hang out sometimes, but my life is here. My family is here. I got friends here too.
Starting point is 00:04:21 So, yeah, I'm trying to focus more to be present here full time but uh i'm still you know i'm still in contact with them and we're still yeah you know facetiming and stuff like that um i know that tyler and bailey are planning maybe to come uh at the end of the year to my house or for a week and just hang out so that'll be fun so um yeah at the at the end of the year won't it be cold it'll be freezing up there at that point won't it yeah i mean i'll try to bring them here before the winter so like maybe something like around i don't know like october or something yeah uh so we'll see but um no i'm not gonna bring them here when it's uh three feet of snow and freaking cold uh cory leonard samuel corn y a
Starting point is 00:05:03 yeah it's pretty good that's not how you spell it though, right? No, it's not how you spell it, but it's pretty good But I think the best way I don't remember if I told you that before But I think the best way would be to say Korn, like you know your Korn Yeah When you say people no
Starting point is 00:05:20 And like yell yay So just put those three words back to back And you'll be fine awesome uh hey um was was moving to mayhem an option like just take the whole family down there you did you how long did you train there six years almost i mean not six years uh almost five um i mean we did think about it but you know like my parents are here my wife's parents are here grandma grandpa they're still alive like we have a lot of family here so it's like i felt like if you know like us moving full-time in cookville would have been like kind of selfish just separate you know the kids from the family and stuff yeah at the time it was just more easier for me to just like go do your thing go train full-time
Starting point is 00:06:09 do your stuff and you know like we'll have a life later uh with everyone so it was just easier for me to travel back and forth hey is there a cultural difference um are you in a small town outside of Montreal or what's the difference is um are you in a similar similar rural area like uh nashville or like sorry cookville uh it doesn't look like cookville but it feels kind of the same you know like where i'm living like 40 to 45 minutes up north from downtown montreal so like it's called a little city called St. Jerome here. It's a small town. People almost know everyone's kind of like Cookeville. So it does feel a little the same. Yeah. Is it, do you, do you have a, is the,
Starting point is 00:06:54 are the culture significantly different? Like, is there some culture shock? I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, I don't feel so, but at the same time I don't go out. I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, I don't feel so, but at the same time, um, I don't go out. Well, I don't go out often. No, I just feel like, uh, I feel like people in Coupeville have more, uh, respect for everyone, like for each other. You know, like if someone by the road have a flat tire or something, like I feel like people in Coupeville will stop and, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:21 ask for help and like give the help if need but um i feel like here in quebec people are maybe a little more selfish so uh if you have a flat tire by the road even if you like you know like try to do something stop someone you might not have you know a good shot but um yeah um has anyone noticed that you've changed from hanging out with those guys, with the country folk? And then you come home and, like, your wife or your parents or anyone's like, wow, you're changing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, I think my wife, my parents can tell, you know, like, this Sam back in 2020 and Sam's now.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm for sure different. You know, I learned a lot from people there in Cookeville, especially, you know, like relations to gods and stuff like that. And that was new for me, but I really liked it and I still learn about it. So it's cool. I did change. Yeah, I did change. Hey, does that freak them out? Do you have any people in your family who are, you know, against religion or don't understand religion or did it freak them out?
Starting point is 00:08:24 You're closer? No, no. I mean, my grandpa passed away last year. uh you know against religion or don't understand religion or did it freak them out you're that you got closer no no i mean my grandpa who passed away last year he was a believer of god you know so it's just like things are different around here like back in the days that we're teaching it like you know the bible stuff and everything but with the modern time now it just kind of like went away so people still know about it but like it's not like, you know, as much as, you know, important, let's say, like people in Cookeville and stuff like that. So people still know what, you know, who God is and Jesus is,
Starting point is 00:08:57 but it's not like there's no church on Sunday here. You know, it's kind of like that time is gone. But like your your family doesn't freak out at all like i remember my sister's like over 20 years sober and she went to aa and and she became a christian and i remember like the first 10 years i was like oh shit what happened to my sister you know like like like i like i was like almost like i was opposed to it you know yeah no i mean i don't we don't talk about it but they know that i've been you know like studying a little bit what the bible is and stuff like that if they ask me questions they love
Starting point is 00:09:34 when i talk about it and like maybe you know like like i said my grandpa was a god believer too so it's uh they're not against it they're just i'm not a guy i'm not i'm not gonna be the guy who forced it to them as and you know i'm not i don't want them to be like hey you don't have to you don't need to do that or stuff like that you know um i feel like we can we have all our life and that if i want to believe in god it's my choice if they don't want their choice you know hey um when you uh when you went team obviously i'm guessing you trained a lot with rich yeah i mean all the time okay and then all of a sudden then you go back to individual and he retires yep was was that was that weird too was that shitty too was it like oh my friend's
Starting point is 00:10:18 not around to train with but yeah or did did luke automatically just fill in the void? No, I mean, it was hard. It was hard, actually. You know, it's like growing up, I played team sports all my life. You know, like I play hockey all my life. But outside of hockey, I did some boxing for training with my dad. But I play basketball. I play flag football. I play baseball with friends for fun.
Starting point is 00:10:41 So I've always been like a team. So when I went back to the team with Rich and the girls, for me it was kind of like, I mean, it's going to sound weird, but like falling in love with sports, like back in the days when I was a kid. So like when Rich retired, came back home and like start training alone by myself again and stuff like that. I was kind of like, oh, shit, I did not miss that. And going back to Mayhem, I mean, yes, I was training with Luke myself again and stuff like that i was kind of like oh shit i did not miss that and um going
Starting point is 00:11:05 back to mayhem i mean yes i was training with luke and tire and stuff but it just it was different with rich you know like i was just like i knew it rich i just had to get the barn at 8 30 in the morning he's got everything figured out just talk and hang out with him train all the time everything was like smooth and easy so uh training was hard, but, like, the whole process was actually, you know, smooth and easy. So it was – I do miss that. I do miss that. Like, even here right now, like, I train, I would say,
Starting point is 00:11:34 50% of the time by myself, and the other 50%, I got some friends coming with me. But, you know, I'm grateful to have those friends, but they're not good enough to keep up with me or like you know push me so it's uh still like it's I'm not alone but it's all me by myself pushing as hard as I can so it's uh it's different I like it but I'm not gonna lie I do miss training with teams hey hey I I watched the interview you did with Scott Schweitzer on the Clydesdale media and you you actually just flat out said you enjoyed team uh what did you say you basically uh you enjoyed team more yeah but you but you but you kind of i forget what the exact words are but you're doing individual because it's i guess
Starting point is 00:12:16 it's there's some goals you want to reach there why not just do team i mean that's that's the plan in the future that's for sure i'm I'm definitely going to go back to team. When, I don't know. If I have a good opportunity next year, let's say I have to have a really, really great team, I'll go back to team. I'm not setting myself to be individual for the rest of my career until I'm done with that and just move team like if if a team approached me next year i'm like hey you know what if i go with that team i can maybe win another title i'll go like i don't care it's just i won't i want to be an individual too just because there's you know those um there's a compliance accomplishment i set myself to when i started
Starting point is 00:13:01 that journey years ago that i feel i didn't feel out yet so I just want to be able to maybe go out there and perform the way I can and I mean the way I know I can and um you know enjoy it actually so it's a end to goal is just like there's something that you're doing it for yourself and like when you're a team like you know there's always like a side of yours doing it for your teammate so uh it's a different game i love i love both but yeah if you have to let's say i have a choice to be a full-time team athlete for the rest of my life or andrew joel i will pick team that's for sure yeah so you you have that you you win and it's you and Taylor and Andrea and Rich. Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Why not – and then Rich retired. Did you ever try to talk Rich into staying? Nah. No. I mean, I never tried, but, I mean, I just knew, like, you know, like being there the whole – the last season, I knew that it was his last time. Not because he's just tired of it. It's just, just you know he's been in the game for so long now that you know I've been I'm going for my sixth CrossFit Games right now and I'm wondering how guys like BKG, Coach Sagers and
Starting point is 00:14:17 guys like that are doing it for 10-11 years now you know um it's just it's a lot it's a long process it's a lot of them you know a lot of pressure and I feel like you know Rich was like at the point where he did so much for the sports and for him and his family that he actually wanted to enjoy all those sacrifices now like he's doing right now with the kids and family and just enjoying time in life so uh he deserved it and uh yeah I never didn't even came to my mind to try to you know like hey like, Hey, let's do it one more time. So did, did you and Andrea and Taylor ever get together and be like, okay, Rich is leaving.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Let's call Scott Panchik or, or, you know what I mean? Let's find another really well-rounded athlete and just do this again. I mean, the girls were, I mean, the girls were supposed to retire. I feel like Taylor did get out of CrossFit, but now Andrea is going back to the games as a master, I think. And she looks incredible, right? I mean, she looks unstoppable. Oh, yeah, she's fit.
Starting point is 00:15:15 She's still super fit. And it's funny because I think a couple months ago, maybe two months ago, I talked with both of them and like, hey, if I'm going back to the team, would you be interested to cut like you know cut back from your retirement and taylor did not say yes but she did not say no she was like i have to think about it so um we'll see it's uh it's been far away but um if the girls if for some reason both of the girls would love to go back to him i'll be i'll be down to go back with them and find a guy who can keep up with us
Starting point is 00:15:47 and try to win another title. That's for sure. Or I don't know how long Ricky's going to go individual, but Ricky could fit in nicely there. Mr. Gerard. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Oh, yeah. Ricky's good right now. I mean, we all know that. When they picked you, Samuel, when they picked you, when that team comes together, is it really casual? Like, how does that happen? Are you just sitting – how does that team come together? Does Rich – you're just doing curls one day in the mirror next to Rich,
Starting point is 00:16:19 and he goes, hey, dude, you want to do a team? And you're like, yeah. He's like, all right, I'll call Andrea and Taylor. Let's do it. Is it super casual or is it it's almost like that i just i remember the first time we talked about it was in 20 2021 games prepped um so i was going into joel they were going team with chase that year and i can't remember exactly what the conversation was but i just remember him saying in the car that yeah
Starting point is 00:16:47 we'll have to find another guy for next year i think chase is not coming back or something like that i can't exactly remember so when i heard that i just like i wasn't back in the car i was like hey if you're really looking for a guy next year let me know like you know i'll be down so he just turned around like you're serious you'll quit angie So you just turn around and like, you're serious? You're quitting Angelo? I'm like, yeah. I mean, for a year, why not? Yeah. So I think after that, back in September or October, he called me. He's like, hey, what you said to Dakar, you want to go team next year?
Starting point is 00:17:16 I'm like, all right, let's do it. For sure. I'm down. So that's kind of like how it happened. That's it. Okay. I want you to be really honest Yep
Starting point is 00:17:25 I know you like team Now that you've done it But before, was any part of you like Fuck, I wish I wouldn't have said that in the car Oh no, no, no No, no Going team was one of the best decisions I've made in my life That year
Starting point is 00:17:41 I mean, let's be honest I agree, I agree It's cool to win it. But how about at the time? Were you kind of bummed? No. Were you like, oh, no, not at all? The only, maybe the only part of me was bummed is, I mean, but I didn't know that until the games.
Starting point is 00:17:56 But when I saw the programming for the end visual that year, I was like, oh, shit, that would have been a great Kings for me. But outside of that, no, I mean, I don't regret anything. You know, I mean, I got the best experience possible going out there with the GOAT, the GOAT, Rich Froning, the best team that ever been put together. We crushed everyone, break records for like seven or eight straight win workouts, win the title. Like, can't really ask for better than that right even like even with a day i would go back team i gotta be okay with like hey it's not even gonna be close to be the same way that it went last time you know like um so um no i mean i don't
Starting point is 00:18:42 regret it that's for sure like it was fun we just had a blast samuel the first time i interviewed you i could not believe how confident you were you were just supremely confident you seem just like incredibly focused is that the same uh samuel you are today i mean you truly believe you could win the crossfit games is that is that are you still the same guy yeah i mean i i believe that my i got everything physically i can win the crossfit games that's for sure um but now it's just like you know compared to a couple years ago i feel like the game is so tight right now like you know you know, like it's just on the, on the men's sides. I feel like the men's side, like the top 10 guy could win the CrossFit games easily. It will depend on like a programming and luck and like,
Starting point is 00:19:33 you know, things that we can't really control. So, uh, I mean, physically, yeah, I can win the CrossFit games,
Starting point is 00:19:38 but like at the same time, if they put five workout of running at the CrossFit games, like it will be hard for me to win, you know? Uh, right. Right. So, Hey, I mean, if they put five workouts of running in the CrossFit Games, it would be hard for me to win, you know? Right, right. So, yeah, I mean… Hey, so you're 5'10", 2'12"? Yeah, 2'12", 2'15", right now.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And generally speaking, a guy who is your size, who is competing at the highest level of CrossFit, the heaviest he would be would be 200 pounds. So, 15 pounds lighter than you is that true is that fair i mean i don't know the average body weight on the men's side but i feel like right now me up to around 2 12 to 15 i'm one of the biggest dudes out there that's for sure like with roman and fikowski and guys like that you know hosting but those guys have you know they're taller than me a little bit so um but yeah like gray shavers gray shavers probably three inches taller than you and he weighs 215 and he looks huge yeah no so those guys have like yeah you know i'm a big i mean'm a big guy, but they're taller than me.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So everything machines, they got some advantage, you know, compared to me where I'm 5'10". But at the same time, I got strong shoulders. Like if there's some push-up workout, I'll crush those guys. So it's fair at the end, you know, like it's a balance. Do you ever consider losing weight? What would happen if you drop 10 pounds what if you got down to 300 i tried actually i think i tried after 2021 games uh kind of like my my off season before going team i did drop to like 210 208 i mean i was
Starting point is 00:21:18 swimming and running way faster like everything felt good but like every like the sandbag was uh the sandbag was like feel like 100 pound more like the barbell still was like so much harder okay my nervous system was just not liking it you know i feel like naturally if i just stop training let's say i stop training for a year and i just move around and like be careful with my food i'll still be 215 or 212 like that's kind of like my normal body weight. Is your dad thick? Is your dad big dude? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:51 My dad is a big dude too. You see, my dad is probably around 205, I think, 205 to 10 maybe, 200, around that weight. So, yeah, he's a big dude too. We have exactly the same shape so like kind of like short arms short legs like big core here um so yeah so there's nothing revolutionary there it's some textbook shit you can lose weight and you'll get better at running or feel better at running and gymnastics but you'll lose strength. Yeah. Yeah, so at this point –
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, it's that simple. So you've got to make a decision about, like, what would be the best case scenario to be – like, what would be your best version of the game? So, like, do you want to be actually lighter? And when that running workout, you might do better. But after that, when the lift comes in, you get crushed. And even if I – let's say I would go to the games at 2.5, 2.10, me being a better runner will not make me winning the workouts, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Like, if we look at Jeff Adler right now, Jeff is a crazy, incredible runner. Like, we don't even understand how he's running that fast right now as a crossfitter. So, like, even if I drop my weight to be a better runner, I would not win the workout. So I feel like it's just, for me, we made a decision like, hey, let's stay that weight and just try to make you a better endurance runner. That's it. And we already know if it's just a pure running workout, like it wasn't a semifinal,inal well it's just like a damage control and like but if uh more let's say crossfit workout comes in where it's like running and squat snatch and mega stroke line like back in 2019 well i'll be fine with that you know it's not too much running so it's uh yeah i mean it's a decision i have to make and just, you know, I feel like being a 2.15, 2.12 is the best decision I can do
Starting point is 00:23:47 to be the overall best athlete possible for the game. When you say we, who else is involved in the decision? I mean, me and Jake, Jake Locker at Mayhem. You know, he's the one who's been helping me for the years, I mean, with Rischu. So that's why, I mean, with wrist juice. So it's, that's why, I mean, when we draw that way,
Starting point is 00:24:07 we saw incredible time in the pool and in the running compared to now. But I'm like, it doesn't matter because I cannot lift 275 right now. Like I'm barely dying with the barbell. So it's not like, it's not worth it at the end. Like I went to the track last week or two weeks ago at 2 15 i ran a mile i didn't have a workout at 5 32 so like it's not jeff at her time but it's not jeff at her time but i know i can
Starting point is 00:24:35 still be a good runner if i want to it will like i said it will just it's going to depend on the programming and stuff like that did that hurt that at the end of a workout to run a 532 mile was that did that really hurt yeah man i mean i mean i i like running i'm just not my my body doesn't like it you know i do love the sport of running it just uh for some reason i mean every time i run it feels like i just did like it's one of my snatch and clean drug and my nervous system is is gone so um yeah hey i'm happy i i heard you on that interview with dave say um you guys were talking about jeff running a sub five minute mile did he post that somewhere i mean we saw a picture of it with chris and shah so like he did like a what was the workout I think he did like some 500 meter repeat
Starting point is 00:25:27 before he finished with a mile but we have no proof of that so I would like Jeff to just show his garment stats or something you know but they took him and Chris and dad but and and then and then and you could actually see a clock that said like 4.59? No, it's just like an Instagram caption. Holy shit, dude. I mean, I believe it's true because I know Jeff's a fan, but it would just be nice to have some proof. Have you ever heard of any CrossFit Games athlete running a sub-five-minute mile while they're a CrossFit Games athlete?
Starting point is 00:25:59 I mean, I'm guessing some have done it prior to the CrossFit Games career, but have you ever heard anyone doing that as an athlete? I mean, I don't think we ever heard of it, but we did. I mean, I did hear some stories. I mean, I can't remember from who and where, but I think Chris actually and Shost said that to Matt. Matt, back in the day, he stated, Fraser. And I believe a guy like Roman and probably Ricky,
Starting point is 00:26:27 Jay Crouch, who are also really, really great runner guys, they could do it too. Really? Even Roman? Roman could do it? Oh, yeah. I mean, Roman's, I mean, that's what's depressing. Roman is a big dude.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's taller, so he's kind of like having like a little advantage of that. But I believe Roman can run a sub five-minute mile. It's just what's crazy about Jeff is like, you know, Jeff is my size, just lighter. But Jeff runs a sub five-minute mile but can also freaking clean under 380 pounds. So that's what it's like. That's impressive. Got to admit. Yeah, God, that's fucking crazy. Hey, Semwo, after your, or any time in your career,
Starting point is 00:27:11 have you ever had a lot of people move around in camps or come and go? Have you ever been offered or tempted to leave Mayhem and try anywhere else? No. I mean, I never really talked, I mean, think or talk about it. Like, it's, I'm happy with Mayhem and I'm so grateful that they've been in my life, you know, like not just as an athlete, but as a friend, like, you know, having Rich as a mentor, Jim Ansell as a mentor, like, oh, I got so much more benefits in my life as a human and as a dad. in my life as a human and as a dad so like you know they did a lot for me in my life as an athlete too but i just no i mean i never thought about it just being with them it's like it feels like a second family and loyalty for me it's a huge values of mine so it's uh i'm loyal to them yeah um even even after you won a team did any any teams try to recruit you that were tempting?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah. Yeah. Every year there's people who are trying to ask me if I want to go team with them and stuff. I said no for now, you know, because like I said,
Starting point is 00:28:16 I want to do those things individually, but the day I go back to my team, let's say, I don't know, let's say Taylor and Andrea wants to do a team under proven's say i don't know let's say taylor and andrea wants to do a team on their proven names well i'll i mean i'll tell ritz but i don't i don't think he will be mad about it you know like if i have an opportunity to go team with someone like with other people that can you know
Starting point is 00:28:38 help me with money and sponsorship and stuff like that and maybe win another title well i'll do it you know it's just a name at the end but my loyalty will always be to Mayhem I would think that anyone who's been on a winning team their stock would go up tremendously
Starting point is 00:28:58 because they have that experience and I think that this isn't like a lightning strikes twice thing people who are winners happen to be winners repeatedly like like even like even what if you went like even going like to the invictus team right so they you know if uh did who ended up being on their team did they keep anyone did they keep anyone they didn't keep anyone the same right they didn't keep that team with jorge and dev Kim. They didn't keep any of those people. They all scattered to the wind.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I think they kept the one guy, Joshua. Oh, El Shama. El Shama, yeah. El Shama, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So he's there with Chandler, his girlfriend, and Lauren Fisher, if I'm right. Lauren Fisher, if I'm right. Okay, so at that point, it's not even close to the same team. But let's say Jorge would have left.
Starting point is 00:29:51 What a great place to plug in Samuel Cornway, right? Yeah. I would have to guess that it's a hot prospect for people to grab him. I mean, let's say that same team would have reached out to me for this season. Yeah. I would have told them, give me a week to think about it. I mean, they were a really great team, and I remember
Starting point is 00:30:12 competing against them in 2022. They were pretty, you know, they were there with us, fighting for, you know, Edwin, so I was not surprised when I saw them win last year. But yeah, if they had reached out to me, I would have said, like, hey, you know what? I might be interested.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Just give me a week and see what I want to do. But, yeah. What do you think about Jorge? No kids, super-duper athletic uh committed um championship pedigree why didn't that transfer over to individual i mean winning the team is hard right i mean yeah yeah team is yeah team is hard like people think like team is all it's actually easier going team like no i mean not anymore those people they're like you know it, does it full time. And like, they can do it also as an individual.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It's just, I feel like, I guess, kind of like, like I said, like the game is so different. And I feel that there's people in life that when you put those people in teams, and that's for every sport. But like, if you put that guy or that guy in the team
Starting point is 00:31:25 they're gonna die for you like they're gonna go to that second gear third gear that they can't really go there as an individual if they train by themselves you know um so that's why that's what makes them great teammates um i mean i don't know enough about her hey but i feel he's got everything physically to go as an individual in the games. I think he's got to figure out a couple of things, maybe on the mental side of the games to go there. Because I know the guy is really strong. But like I said, the level of fitness right now on the men's side is so strong.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And the Northeast region is by far the strongest one he's in the northeast so he's not he doesn't have an easy job to do that's for sure yeah i would not have guessed he uh he was going to take 26th um me either me either but man i mean everything happened in competition you know like there's things you can control and like uh kind of like the same for Jack Follow. Like Jack Follow crushed it last year, was with us in the games, break the record on the snatch, clean and jerk or something. And like now I can't even remember what happened to Jack, but he was in himself that weekend.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Oh, that's right. Jack Follow. Yeah. Oh, that's crazy. Yeah. So, you know, there's a lot of stuff that can happen in competition. Where was he? Was he in the West?
Starting point is 00:32:53 What happened to him? Where did he... Was he... Where was he? No, he was with us in the Northeast. I don't even see his name. Yeah, I mean, he's far bottom. Just didn't have a great weekend.
Starting point is 00:33:06 It should happen, you know. How come I can't even see his name? Am I looking at the right place? Let me see this. Is this the right year? 2024 semifinals. Yeah, we should see him somewhere. I think he's like...
Starting point is 00:33:24 Oh, 17th. Okay, so he had a horrible first day. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Wow, he came on strong at the end. Yeah. No, I mean, that kid's going to... Like, I'm telling you, you'll see that kid at the games again.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's just, you know, like, there's things sometimes that happen in competition that you can't control and should happen, and you know, like, there's things sometimes that happen in competition that you can't control and shit happen, and you're, like, wondering why, why, and just, there's no answer to that, and I feel like
Starting point is 00:33:51 that was one of the weekends for Jack, and I can't really talk about Jorge. I don't know him enough, but, like I said, I believe he will be at the games
Starting point is 00:34:01 as an individual if he keeps training hard and, you know, believe in himself. Jeffrey Adler, winner of the CrossFit Games. Dallin Pepper, the fittest man in America. Third place, Roman Krennikoff, the guy you could argue who would have won the games if he wouldn't have gotten injured. Jason Hopper, freak athlete, changed up his training.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I think a couple years ago won the semifinal, right? Yep. Including beating the champ at the time there, I think, Medeiros. And then there you are, Samuel Cornwallier. Are you happy with that placement? Yeah. I mean, I did a little mistake on the first workout, kind of like went too high for my capacity.
Starting point is 00:34:46 But after that, I think I did pretty good overall, considering that on day two, I was not in the last eight. So people could see my score and like didn't have anyone to push with. So I feel like I did pretty good overall. When you say you push too hard, that was the 10 clean and jerks run? Yes. 800 or 600 or something, right? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I just kind of like went a little too hard on my second and third lap
Starting point is 00:35:16 and kind of like hit the wall after that. Did you know during the workout, Samuel? You're like, uh-oh. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, sometimes you do like, you know, the workout samuel you're like uh-oh yeah yeah i mean you know sometimes you do like you know i just tried um first two last went pretty good and was like you know what i'll try to keep that pace and i did it for the third lap in the middle of the fourth lap i just man i mean i remember hitting the wall and being like oh shit and shit. And look at my garment. Like, my heart rate was like at 192 or something.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I'm like, hey, that is not going well. So it should have happened, you know. When you came out, did you stay with the leaders? I was just, like, behind. Not with Jeff and Roman, but, like, I wasn't far behind. And I just remember also saying, like, I wasn't really, like, me and Jack Rosimo was kind of, like, pushing maybe the pace a little too fast for us and i just remember him also crashing a little in front of me so i'm like all right we did both the same mistake so it is what it is because in the west i think i
Starting point is 00:36:18 think it was in the west it was uh uh fukowski and and um colton i think when they came in in the second round they were in dead last really yeah yeah like they really they really really paced it would you ever do something like that like i mean pace it like i mean it's a long workout it's a long workout when i did it when i did it in practice that's what i did and i felt way more better in practice here at home and when I did it here at home I actually did it my full lap of run was 850 something meters the run was actually longer than when I did a semi-final and I did a better time here in my gym than in competition so yeah I just I mean me starting too fast and hitting the wall I mean when, when you hit that wall, you just survive after that.
Starting point is 00:37:08 You can't do anything about it. So it is what it is. And then you get a second workout in the snatch ladder, second place. Yeah. And then you go into the final workout where anything can happen. That was the bike muscle-up and then the lunges is that correct yep yeah and and how did you do in your heat there i did not did great but um kind of like on purpose so um before uh before the last workout i think me me jeff roman deaden and jason jason all of all of us were were already
Starting point is 00:37:49 qualified for the games no matter what so we call we could all finish last and we will qualify for the game so at this point um i tried to play the game for my friend tyler so he could qualify oh no shit yeah i mean yeah oh that's awesome you're a good dude yeah i mean people just think i suck at biking and like at muscle-ups and lunges but good for them if they think that but uh no it's not what it is did you do that one in practice i didn't i mean i didn't do the full workout in practice i did some some intervals of it. So, like, I do remember doing, like, 20 calves, 10 muscle-ups, and 50 feet of lunge for, like, three rounds with rest between. But I did not do the full one.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I just did those workouts. You can't really practice that, you know? Like, those full-sense sprint workouts, like, you know, no matter what, it's going to suck. It's going to be bad. So I just feel like it's kind of like a game day practice. Like, you know, you can practice some movement if you don't like them in training. But I don't believe that people will go as fast as they went like that game day in the gym.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Do you actually tell Tyler that too? Yeah. in the gym you know do you actually tell tyler that too yeah i mean we i mean i didn't tell him exactly that wasn't i will be that slow but i i do remember talking with jake in the warm-up area being like hey let's try to play the game where like you know i'll try to like tell tyler like just keep up like with the crew like with the people i'll try to stay with you as long as i can and like you know if you finish in front of me well it's it's three or four more points in the bank for you you know like i don't give a shit about finishing five or ten at that point as long as i qualify um so yeah i mean it just because it didn't work it's kind of crazy too because he's been so close right so many times and
Starting point is 00:39:48 and he really i mean he had it in his control right to go to the game yeah yeah yeah i mean it's uh it sucks it's the best story three times for him now that he's being like that that weekend was actually the worst one. He was like, I think seven or eight overall the whole weekend after all the HDF competition. And yeah, I mean, he was,
Starting point is 00:40:14 even if he was not doing super great in the last workout, he got some low reps at the end of the launch. And I think if, if he doesn't have those no reps and finish actually before me um he might have had a shot to qualify so it's uh yeah i mean it sucks but it's in the past luke mayhem athlete seth stovall mayhem tyler christopher mayhem dre strong mayhem is vignot mayhem too yep damn so man there were so many mayhem athletes just fighting for that last spot yeah i know it's crazy the most impressive performance of the weekend i think is dre
Starting point is 00:40:52 dre storm you know like he quit crossfit for like two three years doing other stuff and just came back for this year being like hey you know what i'll try to make it to sevens but the dude was actually almost qualifying for the crossing games Games. So that's impressive. What do you mean he quit? What's that look like? I mean, I remember Dre, like, I think, like, two years ago, he was, like, not doing any fitness anymore, just doing, like, jiu-jitsu. And, like, after that, he was kind of, like, just training for, like, a marathon or something. And, like, you know, like, not doing any CrossFit stuff. And, like, he started training again like back in october now and like
Starting point is 00:41:25 they do almost qualify for the game so it's just he's a genetics free you know they're free you know like that guy is going to be an athlete no matter what so it's crazy it's really nice to see uh annika greer slowed down on the last workout to allow travis mayor to make it nice spencer very nice workout to allow Travis Mayer to make it. Nice, Spencer. Very nice. Semo, is this the first year you're going to travel from home?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Since you've been going to the games where you're with your family most of the time for most of your training? Yep. Sorry, go ahead no no i mean first time it was the first time for semi-final and that was gonna be the first time for the games it's pretty crazy when i when i look at this list because because you have there's a good argument right that adler dallin and roman might be like the three most likely to be on the podium also right you got the fittest guy in America and then the two guys fought for the number one spot.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And then you have Jason Hopper, and it's a bit of an unknown, but he also really changed up his training this year, right? He left Vermont and came back home. Do you go into the games with great confidence knowing, okay, I stayed. These are the best. I mean, outside of Ricky, I mean, you were with the guys. Yeah. I mean, I think we can add on this list, Justin, Pat.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Oh, right. Right. I feel like. Right. What about Bailey Martin? Did Bailey Martin win Oceana? Yeah. I mean. God, I was trying to make you feel good now it's fucked up now that you i mean i love bailey gordon he's a great dude but i feel like i don't feel he's the most well-rounded
Starting point is 00:43:14 athlete out there and to win the crossfit games or like be in the top you gotta be most well-rounded and if i'm being fully honest i'm a pretty well-rounded athlete outside of my running game. So, like, it all depends on the programming. Like, if the run is just put in the right spot for me where I can, you know, like, doesn't get crushed, I might have a shot to be on the podium. But, like, if it's, like, a 10K run, just like 3G1GO, all the guys running at the same time, well, it's a huge damage control I got to do for that if I want a shot to be a podium. But, no, I mean, I feel like, like I said, like the top 10 guy from last year's games, outside of Jason Alpert because he, I mean, he didn't have a great year last year too, but I feel Jason is a really good dude in that.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Like we can, all those dudes have a shot to podium at the games, that's for sure. You know, it's not going to be an easy job for Jeff to win the Games again, especially now that Justin is on the hunt for blood and wants his title back. I feel like Pat, being on the podium for, what, 10 times now but didn't win, I would think that Pat wants to be finished first in his career before you know retire before you retire same for fikowski um ricky ricky gerard is on the hunt like he wasn't at the games last year now he's coming back and he's looking you know freaking strong better than ever um so yeah justin and then justin i i forgot justin madera she can never
Starting point is 00:44:44 count him out. No, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Justin is, I mean, he's there. I feel like the Justin that we saw semifinal was the Justin from back in the days when he was the champs. Last year, the games, I mean, I just feel like he wasn't himself. Like something happened or something. Like I said, anything can happen in competition. And that weekend was just not good for him.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Not because he wasn't fit enough, just maybe because, you know, it happened without any reason. But no, I mean, it's going to be a hell of a fight. That's for sure. It's going to be fun for people to watch. When do you go? When do you go to Dickies? I think I'm going to fly maybe on Sunday, Sunday of the week of the games.
Starting point is 00:45:24 So do you go to Mayhem first for some tuning up or no? No, I'm going to stay here at home this year. Yeah. And then, so the Sunday before, and then, and then have they sent you anything? Is there anything that you know that the athletes are starting to get information? Like, do you know if the first event is on Wednesday or Thursday or Friday? Do you have any idea? We know that competition kickoff on Thursday and the check-in is on Tuesday. That's pretty much it for now.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And so if the competition kicks off on Thursday, it doesn't sound like this will be one of those years where there's a rest day. No, I hope not. I don't like those. You don't like just sitting around? No, I just like to go through four full days of competition and don't know, don't get any rest between and stuff. I just feel like it cut the momentum or something. How about this yellow hosted guy? Yeah. Over in Europe.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I mean, I don't know him enough, but he looks like a cool dude. He looks confident too. I like that. Yeah, very confident, right? Yeah. I like that. Yeah, very confident, right? Yeah. I like that. But he's good. I mean, so far from what we saw from him last year, the game,
Starting point is 00:46:32 semifinal game this year, I mean, the guy is there, like, you know, to surprise people. You did your interview with Dave Castro. Is that the most you've ever spoke with him? Probably, yeah. I mean, I think I met him twice at Mayhem, but I didn't really talk a lot. So that was the first time for me talking with Dave for 11 minutes.
Starting point is 00:46:56 How was it? Did you enjoy it? Yeah. I think it's pretty cool what Dave is trying to do and trying to know any, I mean, try to talk to all the athletes. Davis is trying to do and trying to know any, I mean, try to talk to all the athletes. You know, I think it's a show that they want to
Starting point is 00:47:10 care a little more about the athletes. So, but they still have a lot of job to do. Do you watch any of the interviews he does with other athletes, Semua? I did watch Jeff Paterwan. I did watch... Did I watch Ricky? No, I did not watch Ricky. I think I only watch Jeff Paterwan. I did watch...
Starting point is 00:47:25 Did I watch Ricky? No, I did not watch Ricky. I think I only watched Jeff. So you knew how it was going to go. Did you watch it before you did yours? No, I watched it after, actually. Oh, shit. Okay, so you had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
Starting point is 00:47:41 No, no. I mean, I watchedff because i remember when i clicked to watch mine i thought jeff was you know at the bottom of me so i'm just like i just click on it after that and um but i didn't know any any kind of question he was asking yourself like that but it was a pretty cool conversation for yeah it's yeah it seems smooth hey i don't even understand this but i think it's funny sam looks looks like the Wish version of Ryan Reynolds. You do kind of look like Ryan Reynolds. I wonder what that means, Wish, the Wish version.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Does that mean better or worse? I don't know. I hope it's better, but I'll take it. All right, dude. Hey, thank you so much for giving us so much time this morning. Yeah, man, absolutely. My pleasure. And I'll see you over there on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:48:26 All right. Cool. See you at the games, bro. All right. Have a good one. You too, bro. Take care. Samuel Cornvale.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Oh, no. Really? No. Samuel looks great. Does he pick or cut his toenails at the table? Does Sam pick his toenails at the table does sam pick his toenails at the table oh man no samuel look great i thought he looks like he could i think he looks as good as ryan reynolds or better it's not like um
Starting point is 00:48:58 it's like um uh john young's the good-looking version of that guy from goonies right not that ryan reynolds is bad-looking, but Samuel looks great. All righty. I'm done. No, I'm not done yet. Let's take it just a quick break. I'm Krista Pongor. This is Tobias Pongor. I'm 44, age 7. I'm originally from Hungary,
Starting point is 00:49:29 from Budapest, Hungary, and we go to Salty Head CrossFit. I was previously at a different gym. I was looking for a new place and came here. I came during the day when Kiddo was in school. That changed and he had to come with me. I thought I would have to give it up because I didn't have time. I don't have anywhere else to put him. I'm a single mom. The people here were so amazing in accepting that he was here, hanging out. It just made it easier to continue. The fact that they welcomed him with open arms and just kind of brought him
Starting point is 00:50:06 into the family was huge. I've never felt so accepted by a community in this community. Most places always looked down on me because of my size or lack of capabilities and I never felt that here. Not one judgment. So it was very welcoming and made it very easy to come back. You mean 10? Give that video a 10. Oh, what are the chances CF bans Hiller from attending the games? Zero. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Sevan, did you get a media pass? You know, I didn't get... I haven't received an email. I'll type CrossFit into my search. Nope. No email. nope no email did did um i i did see that andrew didn't get a media pass did anyone else not get a media pass i am yeah this is my floyd 19 shirt i'm sweating like a pig though this thing right right here on here is like not comfortable whatever this this print is this giant black square and so i'm sweat
Starting point is 00:51:35 look at i even have a sweat mark on my stomach already look at and i smell funky I smell funky that video is actually CTP he got it or didn't get it no shit no shit I have to guess that that's a mistake
Starting point is 00:52:07 that has to be a mistake let me see I mean I didn't see his application what's his I'm on his Instagram account I don't see anything about it I'm on his Instagram account. I don't see anything about it.
Starting point is 00:52:30 He posted two days ago. Maybe a story. Hold on. Let me see a story. I can rest easy knowing you got your... Oh, shit. Wow. He didn't get it. I wonder what the deal is there
Starting point is 00:52:46 i don't really know him i don't even think i have that dude's phone number but i respect the fuck out of him like crazy respect the dude and i don't really respect or disrespect anyone damn that's nuts that is nuts uh i asked him not a mistake the email specifically states no one from specific camps will be getting one i i wonder what the um um the um i i i have no i'd have i'd have to uh ask uh jenna or or uh dave over there what's going on or i'd have to like you know i'd have to ask someone but that doesn't make sense to me because
Starting point is 00:53:38 the camps are so invested in media it's almost like you're being punished for having a from just a quick glance like you're almost being punished for having a from just a quick glance like you're almost being punished for having a robust media presence right i mean training think tanks media is wild and so i don't you can't really um you can't really punish them then why would they make media why would a camp decide to invest in media if did you see that anywhere is that even true before i go down the um the the critical thinking path of why that doesn't make sense does it say that somewhere that no camps was that written or is that just rumor
Starting point is 00:54:21 cf doesn't want to be outdone by small teams no i don't think that's it um yes on hiller's post it says it all on hiller's post what what a trip let me see i'll go to andrew hiller did he did he print that out i I wonder what the law – that doesn't even make sense. That means you would be punished for – Let me see. Thank you for your interest in covering the 2024 CrossFit Games. CrossFit is unable to accommodate your press credential request. CrossFit reserves press media credentials for its official partners
Starting point is 00:55:13 and working members of the press and media on assignment from a verified accredited media outlet. Accredited media outlet I wonder what that means accredited media outlet CrossFit reserves press and media credentials for its official partners for its official partner like part like preserve press and media
Starting point is 00:55:50 i guess at that time it wouldn't it's media if it's for your partners and working members of the press media on assignment from a verified accredited media outlet Verified accredited media outlet. I don't know what that means. I don't even. Agents and or individuals representing brands and products do not fall. Agents or individuals representing brands. And products do not fall into the working press media category i guess unless they're partners right
Starting point is 00:56:25 for so official partners transcend if you're an official partner you transcend this this one the paragraph below agents or individuals representing brands or products unless they're official partners i guess that makes makes sense. Like if Toastbacers is sponsoring the games, I don't know if Toastbacers, let me pick someone else. If GORUCK's sponsoring the games, they're not, I guess, accredited media. Maybe they are, I don't know. Is Red Bull considered accredited media?
Starting point is 00:56:58 They're an energy, anyway. Agents or individuals representing brands or products unless they're official partner, which makes total sense, do not fall into the working press or media category. Agents are representing brands and products. I mean, clearly, if GORUCK's giving you money to help run the fucking event, you're not going to fucking let Tear have fucking press people or Born Primitive. So I fully get that. I don't have any issue with that.
Starting point is 00:57:21 I fully get that. I don't have any issue with that. At this time, CrossFit does not grant credential requests for photographers or videographers shooting on behalf of specific individual athletes and or teams. The thing, this time, CrossFit does not grant credential requests for photographers and videographers shooting on behalf. So maybe, is his name CTP or or cpt ctp or cpt whatever his name is maybe he when he filled it out there was a misunderstanding or he was going there just to
Starting point is 00:58:00 cover the thing is is they don't just cover their team they cover like i mean the guy talks about everything they talk about they talk about the entire sport ctp what's that stand for i want it to be cpt because then i want i like i like the thought of that guy being the captain hello captain uh-oh uh-oh uh hold on we're gonna get clarity in a second uh andrew hiller has been summoned i i rubbed a can of fit aid and andrew showed up uh should you choose to attend a general seating spectator please note crossfit is modifies its lens length restrictions for general seating as long as they don't as long as they're not biased about penis length i should be fine i don't i don't know if i'm a verified accredited media outlet I don't know what that means hey what's up dude
Starting point is 00:58:45 hi do you understand this sorry do you understand this yes what's not to be understood like if I were to send you an email let's say I was CrossFit
Starting point is 00:58:59 I'd be like yo dude you fucking beat up on us and we don't like it we don't want you close to us. Love, media team. Like, I understand that. But what part of this is not you? What do you mean? I mean, none of it.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I didn't write any of that. No, but I'm saying what part, like, after reading this, I can't figure out. Like, I don't think that they've told you really why you're not going. Just that I'm not going, right? Well, yeah, because you don't fall under any of these. So you're not with a camp, right? No. And you're not going on behalf of any specific athlete.
Starting point is 00:59:35 You didn't apply. No. And – I applied the same way I did the previous years. And I think you're – I don't know what it means by you're not a verified accredited media outlet. Right? Like what if they would just have been like, Andrew,
Starting point is 00:59:49 you're an asshole. No, you could have been like, okay. I would've been fine. Right? Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:59:53 I don't think you're an asshole, but I would understand their perspective. Right? Andrew, you've caused us trouble and you stress to some of our employees, but we're not letting you come. And you can be like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Okay. But like then, then, but I don't see, I don't see what you're not in this. Do you know what I fuck okay but like i then then but i don't see i don't see what you're not in this do you know what i mean what ortega means by this hiller is not a media or press outlet yeah that's the part i don't understand what do you have to do to become that yeah you got to label yourself the morning chalk up and have a newspaper sort of schtick or what
Starting point is 01:00:20 i mean the new york times could they go and how does the new york times could they go and how does the new york times become accredited press how does anyone become anything like you become a doctor by going through seven years of school how do you become a press i just think the media is so it's so blurred right now i mean look uh two weeks ago um uh cn two for for three years cnn's been telling us joe biden is perfectly okay and that everyone's just lying and now yesterday i listened to him for an hour again now they're like holy fuck joe biden's fucked up he can't run for president i'm like wait they figured it out well i i mean they just i think that they've just been lying for three years right about
Starting point is 01:01:03 about joe b Biden's capability. Yeah, I don't consider them press now. I consider them sort of like satire. It was three years of satire. So like when you go to the grocery store and you look on the side and there's like aliens, we're hanging out with Paris Hilton or something. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Are those press?
Starting point is 01:01:21 Is that press? Yeah. There you go. Or how about those magazines, those free newspapers in San Francisco where it'll like have like some serious topic on top that says suicide rates amongst teens is highest it's been in five years. And then you flip through it and it's like 90 percent ads for dildos, sex and marrow and CBD oils. Sorry, I love CBD. That will be our sponsor for Kill Taylor this week. HGR CBD oil. Yeah, I don't know. It's interesting. I really would have
Starting point is 01:01:53 appreciated if Don would have written you a special handwritten note. Like, hey, fuck you, Hiller. Just like back to you. Fuck you. It would have been awesome if they had sent that clip from the week in review. Here's your response.
Starting point is 01:02:07 You got it weeks ago. Yeah. Oh, what, what do you mean? What we can review? It was a couple of weeks back when he brought up that they, when I wasn't allowed to go to semifinals. Oh, and you know what, for all, I know it's going to be the exact same thing because you read here is that
Starting point is 01:02:23 the, I don't know if it's included, further down you could have a longer lens so you can bring a 70 to 200 and then you can get the exact same crap that you get from semi-finals there was a row difference you saw it right yeah at least at the west i actually on but honestly i didn't pay attention i didn't go over there with the peasant media. Right. You were on the floor. Yeah. I'm like Homelander. I'm special. I'm better.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Have you seen that one yet? Dude, I saw the one yesterday where all the dudes were eating each other's asses. Oh, where he replicates and does that, right. And they all got pink eye. I didn't like that. i didn't like that either i don't like any of it the entire show no oh the i am better scene is is sweet come on hey uh oh yeah you just you mean just like where he's telling like his kids or whenever homelander gets on his horse and he acts like he's the Aryan race like I am I am better yeah that
Starting point is 01:03:28 shit's fucking awesome the chick is trying to do a publicity stunt on the stage and I Ron and I my favorite part is is that it's the uh it's the black chick who's the smartest chick in the world who's just owning them have you gotten to the part yet where they were her and the the mermaid man yes yeah you saw that they put the stick in her eyeball oh maybe you haven't gotten there yet i saw the stick on the table with some goo on it but i didn't know what it was did you like get distracted whose stick was that eyeball in no you, you're probably not there yet. Cause I, he's fucking her on the couch and the camera pans over to a steel rod with
Starting point is 01:04:10 goo on it. And me and my wife go, what's that? They're in order for her to like shut her head off. They have to like Ram. They basically do a, what's that procedure where a lobotomy lobotomy, they lobotomize her through her eyeball
Starting point is 01:04:25 with a stick. He takes a hammer and just... And then it kind of shuts her head off and she turns into mush. And then she's done? Is that the end of her character? No, it regenerates. Her brain regenerates. But she needs to make herself a little dumber
Starting point is 01:04:43 for a second, so she lobotomizes herself holy shit no i haven't got that yet hey um do you want to talk about this before i ask you something else yeah i mean no or i don't care whatever i just kind of just gonna hang out okay my uh 11 o'clock canceled so i'm open oh That's cool. Okay. So you're talking about fun stuff. Okay. So basically you got your meet, your press credential, uh, denied,
Starting point is 01:05:10 but, but we don't really know why. Correct. It's kind of like, it's like you failed a drug test, but you're not sure they didn't tell you which drug yet. The second time that's happened. They didn't test me.
Starting point is 01:05:24 They just said, you can't play. You said so. You said mean things. You're out. Okay. So, so,
Starting point is 01:05:32 but we don't know. Okay. Maybe they'll send you a, cause the, the only thing that I could think of that you didn't, you're not with a camp. And so the only thing, other thing that you would fall under is that you're not a verified or accredited
Starting point is 01:05:46 media outlet that's the only other people well I don't know I haven't got my denial or acceptance letter yet I really don't want to be denied I already got my tickets and shit I bought my
Starting point is 01:06:02 Prius we're just gonna drive down there oh you did get a car? No. I'm still looking at Priuses, though. They're sick. Are you going to the games? Yeah. Do you have your tickets?
Starting point is 01:06:13 No. Do you have your flight? No. Do you have your hotel? No. Oh. But I'm going. But you're going.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's time. I got my flight and uh my hotel you're not staying at house no why not because i want to be closer to wherever dave is right is your buddy buddy like butt to butt you can close and open the door and you're hanging out with dave or no no but i just want it like because i want to i like filming with him at like five in the morning and so i'm just i'm but I don't have confirmation for any of that. But I'm just like...
Starting point is 01:06:51 You know what? You could bug him. No, no, no. Not bother. Oh. Oh. And then you could just stay around corners and shoot videos of him while he's talking into the that'd be awesome spy cam spy cam yeah okay have you have you talked to ctp are you friends with him uh yeah do you have his phone number i think i do have his number yeah should i call him yeah or or yeah ask him if we can find out exactly what's um oh
Starting point is 01:07:25 ask him what's going on ctpttt yeah i asked him did you deny question mark if so comma wtf why yeah i like that very emotional response andrew yeah very hey um were you um were you bummed at all no i didn't expect to get credentials and also if it's anything like semis like i said it won't really do much for me now that's unfortunate because did you watch the dome it thing i put together no not yet not yet. She's coming on, though, in a couple days, and I'll watch it before. The only thing that's a bummer is I used a lot of the stuff from the games last year in this thing I did with her. I was just clicking through the footage that I shot because I had them all on these SD cards.
Starting point is 01:08:19 I'm like, wow, I got a lot of stuff of Domet at the 23 games. If anything like this happens in the future, I probably won't have that same stuff, which it sucks dome it at the 23 games and like if anything like this happens in the future i probably won't have that same stuff which is sucks but it's it is you worked in interviews that you did with her because of your media access last year into the piece there's an interview which i could have gotten either way it just kind of like in between her move in between stations and then uh just like stuff of her on the floor which which I can still get, I suppose. Hey, if you, if you, let's just say you were a CrossFit, you were Jenna, let's say you were Jenna and there was a guy and Jenna was you and she was on the outside making all of your content. How would you deal with you?
Starting point is 01:08:59 First of all, I'd probably speak with me more than ever. So, so, um, uh, west coast and that was cool right you did meet her there yeah she was sitting by dave uh like outside in the venue yeah she was in the crossfit booth and you went into the crossfit booth yeah who invited you in there? Dave. Oh, and he introduced you guys. Yeah. No shit. Did you exchange phone numbers? Jenna and I?
Starting point is 01:09:30 No. No. In hindsight, that would have been smart. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Okay. So the first thing you do is you talk to you more.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Correct. More than never. More than never is how he said it. I think the last time I spoke with her, she did like a 285 deadlift on Instagram for maybe a couple reps, three or five reps. And I said, nice. And she gave me like a thumbs up or a fire emoji back.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Hey, will you try to contact her through Instagram again and be like, yo. Should I do that right now? I think you guys made a mistake i don't know if i mean if you if you want to get access well i also heard there was rumblings of super access going around right there there was an application that we i filled out to uh suza filled out an application for the sevan podcast and then there's a another level of access called enhanced access and i applied for that too. And I'm hoping since I haven't got a rejection letter
Starting point is 01:10:29 that it's still an option. Did anyone else get a rejection letter besides you and CTP? He has not yet responded, by the way. Not that I know of, no. Can you hear those birds? Are they driving you nuts no it's cool i like birds all right it's that time of year do you have any bird nests on the property a dick loaded fuck they're everywhere dude yeah that's awesome i live in a log cabin
Starting point is 01:10:56 with trees everywhere i just spent twenty five hundred dollars to take a tree down the other day the one that landed on my car oh uh hillar why were people thinking dome it was on the juice i oh who thinks she's on the juice was that did someone do a piece on her a piece i did a piece on her i know does it talk about the juice in there she got good really fast i mean if you watch her interview with dave even he goes you've been here for how long and you got the games when? It's just something that people are going to think when you become great quick. Oh, I did hear that.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Okay, so I did hear that she's only been doing CrossFit for four years, and you're saying that because she's – but did anyone ever accuse her of being on the juice? Comment sections and people in her circle as she was coming, coming up. Right. Heidi, she looks juiced.
Starting point is 01:11:51 How does she take that criticism? Like an ebb and flow from what I can tell. Like it used to get to her more than it does presently. She's kind of learned to deal with it. I mean, she got tested twice in a month. Yeah. Which is awesome. That's the coolest thing I heard. Like she got tested and then if you were going to do some stuff,
Starting point is 01:12:11 you would do it as soon as you got tested. Yes. But like you pass both of those and there's no way to say that you're not clean. And, and, um, so I told someone the other day that you can't test for human growth hormone. Is that true? Or was I talking out of my ass? So, no, that's more true unless you're using something they're not testing for. But if you were using…
Starting point is 01:12:30 Does human growth hormone increase your testosterone? No. It does not? It does not. Okay. But it's beneficial in the sport of CrossFit for sure. Okay. So, if you're going to do…
Starting point is 01:12:43 And so, let's say i was on human growth hormone let's say i was even just on cjc 1295 the which will help increase your growth hormone yeah the peptide there's no way let's say i let's say i shot it into my blood and then fucking i hear hello who is it i'm from usada i've come to see your cock and balls they would need to be looking for it oh okay and that's not something they usually run in the test first of all it's water based so even if you used it like that it'd be hard for them to find it even if it was that quick second of all i don't know that they're even trying considering that fact okay and then that panel will really never become available to us like hey what are you
Starting point is 01:13:32 running so so you got you never got your blood work done from uh ca peptides no but every time i get my blood work done it's like a a line item of things that they looked for it's like your free testosterone sh SHBG, uh, all that stuff. And then it also shows you how much it costs to test for those things. Oh, and it's the same thing.
Starting point is 01:13:51 It's like, Hey, if you want to look for GW five, zero one, five, one, six, it's like,
Starting point is 01:13:56 it's going to cost you 20 bucks, 20 bucks. Yeah. So, so there's running a list and who knows what's on that list. They're not looking for growth hormone cause they're not going to find it and it's probably a 200 test per athlete when you come off of human do you have to take you stay once you get on human growth hormone do you have to stay on it like trt when you get off of it you have to stay on it like human no no no usually the way you do that is you have to stay on it? No.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Usually the way you do that is you go five days on, two days off. You take the weekend off and you do that for three months. And then you take three months off. So you're on it for six months out of the year. And then you stop whenever. And then do you keep the benefits if you train hard? Depends. Women usually hold on to those better than men.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Oh, no shit. Yeah. I think you need a post cycle still for HGH. Incorrect. What does that mean, a post cycle? PCT is something you would take if you were to do a hormone. So, so if you were to take testosterone or really any anabolic steroid, you would take something like a Clomid,
Starting point is 01:15:13 which is going to tell your nutsack to start working again. Okay. It's like the homeless people in California. It's like they had no reason to work. Right. Cops are coming like, Hey, wake the hell up,
Starting point is 01:15:23 get to work. And then you start producing testosterone again. Oh, nice. I appreciate the metaphor for me. Very apropos. A reminder that the reminder that the testing is years behind and anyone getting caught is just dumb.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Is that true too? Yeah. Also true. And that's why like no one got caught for GW for the longest time. And then everybody started getting caught for it because they probably became keen to it, started testing everybody for it. Oh, everyone's using it.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I think it was 2019 or 2020 they started finding it in everybody. 2017, Ricky popped for it, though. In that show, The Boys, I was talking to you yesterday about this in that show the boys one of the premises of the show like the weird parts of the show is that the superheroes are obsessed with social media and like the the one of the one of the heroes has 193 million followers and because she has so many followers um the the strongest superhero in the world is a little is afraid of her because of what she can do with her social media
Starting point is 01:16:29 and they're super concerned about like who their likes and all that shit just like to a like to a bizarre level but but actually i say that but yet it feels like that's the way it is in real life for just so many people that we're surrounded by and then the that main character starlight um who has the 193 million followers she was this really cute girl and now season four has started and something happened to her like she got her lift does that her lift does that kind of that weird thing that daniel brandon's lip does. And her nose got weird and her eyes got weird. Well, she got surgery done in real life now. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:09 exactly. So in the off season, she went and had a bunch of plastic surgery. And then Megan Kelly, um, uh, did a interview where she basically slams her. She basically says,
Starting point is 01:17:20 Hey, you were a really fucking cute girl. And have you seen the interview? I haven't. No. She says you were, she has a plastic surgeon on and, and, hey, you were a really fucking cute girl. Have you seen the interview? I haven't, no. She says she has a plastic surgeon on, and she asks, hey, what did that Starlight character have done to her? And he goes through and says all the shit she had done to herself. And she made herself look weird.
Starting point is 01:17:39 She doesn't look as pretty as she used to be. She used to be hot like the girl next door, and now something's like you stare at her like like you walk like you're in beverly hills you're like what the fuck is that what happened to your face you know what i mean yeah like her face is a distraction uh-huh um like joan rivers and and then starlight responded with that character morris what is her name something moriarty she responded with hey i'm getting off of social media because of all the hate it's really rocked my world you don't do you think the irony there is crazy that blows my mind yeah the irony there is crazy that that the characters are are ruled by their social media and their public their love that they the likes they get from the public and now in real life and then i was telling you that and go there's no way that's true.
Starting point is 01:18:25 You think that's just a publicity stunt. Did you tell me that? I did, but. Were you joking? You think it is real? I think it is real. Her in real life getting off social media. Yeah, like I think that she had that plastic surgery done.
Starting point is 01:18:40 She got fucking worked over on social media for it. And then I think she got off of social media i think it fucked her head up in real life i haven't seen the thing you're talking about but it does sound like something that people like that would do to spin a story to make it kind of like we're talking about it at the moment right yeah yeah so so you think that there's a chance to hold like ryan garcia claims i'm starting to think ryan garcia was lying ryan garcia claims that he ryan garcia is a boxer and the six months building up to his fight he started acting crazy on social media and then he fought this guy and he won and he said i told you guys fell for all my stunts i wasn't actually crazy on social media i'm totally normal but then a week later he popped for steroids and uh and uh and
Starting point is 01:19:28 he's a huge fighter he's like the face of boxing right he's like one of the top five most i did not know anything about ryan garcia he's like one of the probably five most popular boxers alive popping for steroids have anything to do with his story being all messed up or no uh just the fact that like and his agent and the promoter of his boxing um you know is is a guy named oscar de la jolla who's who's clearly on a shitload of drugs like cocaine and like all sorts of weird shit like the pictures were released of this guy like doing cocaine and dressing up as a woman and he's something's wrong like his whole team when they get interviewed something's wrong with them like something's really uh really wrong i just kind of
Starting point is 01:20:12 have an issue where i don't believe it when people get to a certain uh people perceive them in a certain way and they never saw it coming so in the case of this chick starlight in real life you had to have seen it coming you're going to get the plastic surgery to make yourself look a certain way you're going to have a whole bunch of people looking at you for this role in this tv show that you signed on to five years ago yeah and now it's going to drive you insane and now you're going to get on social media it's like you're either insane or it's a it's fake. Right. I don't think there's really much in between. She got like...
Starting point is 01:20:50 Moriarty. Oh. If you shaved your head and you came on the show and the comment section was flooded with where'd your hair go and you got upset about it, you'd be like insane to think anything otherwise. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:06 They're saying she got her tits done too i don't think that's true because i've always been kind of crazy um here's this is her instagram so she so she either look look holy shit look at everyone this is two days ago and the entire crew is wearing masks what the fuck is going on hey is this show is the show woke or is it satire i can't figure out what i can't figure out the politics of the show something's definitely going on right i i don't think it's satire. Have you seen the stuff from the director coming out? No. Oh, no. You're going to get so mad when you see that. It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:21:51 There's like... Four days ago. What happened to her getting off social media? Is this even her... I mean... Let's see. Four days ago. There's a bunch of stuff up.
Starting point is 01:22:10 What is this? Daniel Brandon just posted something like this. Yeah, I don't see. Maybe. Okay. Oh, okay. She got off in January. Was that Matt O'Keefe she was hanging out with?
Starting point is 01:22:31 Where? That guy. Oh, no. Good guess, though. Yeah, it kind of looked like Matt O'Keefe. Yeah, she used to look better, but that's what I think dude she looked way better i mean you nailed it with the girl next door comment but that's just i'm sure there's people out there who think she's better looking now she looks fine there
Starting point is 01:22:58 the thing the thing that i see there is I see somebody who you'd say something like, Hey, you want to go get dinner? Yeah, let's go. And then four hours later, she still wasn't ready to go. This is what she looks like.
Starting point is 01:23:15 This is, this is more what she looks like in the show. Right? Like she, like, uh, like there'll be these, um,
Starting point is 01:23:22 specials woman turns herself into cat with plastic surgery. Look at that. Look at that first comment. Uh, she used to be good looking. Oh yeah. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 01:23:35 It's crazy. Her profile. Why did, why are you using she just write you? Man. Well, listen to this true the other reason is that you must be miserable and sad enough to judge someone else's looks i don't think there's any connection between judging someone's looks and um being miserable or sad i would agree with that but then again, I don't know. I don't think that's something that I would say.
Starting point is 01:24:11 You or she used to be good looking, I would say. What happened to your face? Why do you look different? I kind of imagine what would Avi say, right? I was listening to the thing where you said, why do you wipe your penis with toilet paper? Oh, yeah. Thanks for watching. Okay. I was listening to the thing where you said, why do you wipe your penis with toilet paper? Oh yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:31 So here, here's a 16 weeks ago and then here's 10 weeks ago. So there was a six week break between posts. Oh, that's what you were looking for. Oh, and here's another 17 weeks break between posts. Oh, and Wilson. posts. Owen Wilson. Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Woody Harrelson. She was in something else. I don't remember what it was. I wonder where Woody Harrelson draws the line. I was watching this other movie with this big-ass spider in it, and about 20, 30 minutes into it, I realized that the main actor was Homelander. Oh, maybe she did get tits, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:18 You have to scroll back a little bit. Maybe she did get tits. She was so skinny in the first episode she i mean and sometimes she still looks skinny oh there she looks like she's got some muscles what would you rate her on a scale from one to ten her her like attractiveness yeah i mean i i think she's great i think think she's... Wow, she got that... Are those... Is that a shirt with fake tits?
Starting point is 01:25:48 Because I never saw any tits in the show. Oh, wow. I mean, I thought she was a very beautiful young girl, and then she got the plastic surgery, and I think she looks like a freak show now. Do you know what I mean? I just can't believe... believe god so the show really is crazy woke everyone's on the cast wears fucking masks a buddy of mine who lives in the bay area
Starting point is 01:26:11 just told me everyone's wearing masks again are people wearing masks in chicago not that i've seen no why are they doing that i i and i don't know i asked him i said why what's going on and he says he doesn't know. Yeah, so she's had some big breaks in there, but who knows, right? If it's true or not. Ooh, Web Weaver. You haven't gotten to that episode yet. No. I think it's the most recent one.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Yeah, you would be Web Weaver. I hope you remember that when you're watching the show and you get all upset when you meet web Weaver. Is it a soup? Yeah, it is. I, I,
Starting point is 01:26:53 I thought it was really interesting. Um, the episode where, you know, the, the, the girl that they're just trying to superhero, they're trying to paint is like a right wing,
Starting point is 01:27:01 like wackadoodle. She's like, basically like, yeah, don't get the vaccine. And I thought it was amazing. like a right wing like wackadoodle she's like basically like yeah don't get the vaccine and i thought it was amazing that scene where they're like hey when she tells starlight do you remember when you called me a fat bitch that was what's amazing about it that was well i mean it just i
Starting point is 01:27:18 mean i i just can't believe they put that in there that's why when they do stuff like that i can't tell is this satire like who are they making fun of they're making fun of the people who like donald trump just just that then why would they do that that's i mean clearly they're making fun clearly they're making fun of people who like donald trump like non-stop but then when they throw stuff like that in there you're like well you made that character look really bad is it possible that they do both maybe that's what my that's what my wife is suggesting the uh who's who's the director i'm gonna look this up yeah i think i think they're doing a little bit of both
Starting point is 01:27:56 it has a shitload of different directors you know who one of the direct so do you know do you know the story about when i filmed that guy who killed those five people? I don't believe so. Okay. This guy at a party one night, when the streets were full in Isla Vista, a guy drove his car into a group of people, and five of them were killed, and I was there. And he jumped out of the car and screamed, I'm the angel of death. Uh-huh. And I was there, and i filmed it all okay that guy's dad is a famous director and his direct and he directed one of these episodes
Starting point is 01:28:33 no shit yeah small world what happened to the guy who ran the people over um i testified in court at that murder it was a at his murder trial. And I think that he – what's crazy is I think that the footage that the police used in the case that I shot got the guy off. It basically proved that he was insane, and so he only got sent to a wackadoodle house. Come on. Yeah, I think he spent 10 years there and he's out now. You should get him on the show. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:29:12 That'd be awesome. Holy fuck, dude. Hey dude, 10 years ago, I recorded you running these people. Holy here's the footage. Yeah, man,
Starting point is 01:29:22 you got me out of jail. Thanks. Hey dude. And, um, I don't know if you're going to remember remember this but there was a school shooting called columbine and it was like the first like public like big media around school shootings it was like the big one i named my dog columbine yeah is that really the name of your dog yeah a pit bull named columbine yeah jeez louise and then um uh and then this happened after that and so it was a massive media event it was fucking nuts there were just there were like 20 monster fucking
Starting point is 01:29:54 trucks in this small little town with satellites on the roofs and it was nuts the whole thing was nuts what about i mean well what does that have to do with the person, your guy? I don't know. Just that he directed. So, oh, so my point is, oh, shit. Someone just sent me a someone just sent me a naked picture of Starlight.
Starting point is 01:30:20 No shit. Yeah. Is it in the group chat? No. I'll drag it over there. She had tiny little titties. Nice titties. I mean, they're nice. They're really nice. Who's sending you that?
Starting point is 01:30:42 She got perfect titties, but they're small. Oh, wow. they're they're they're they're she got perfect titties but they're small oh wow hey you know what's crazy is you know what's crazy too is i'm um i uh someone in the group chat the other day sent a man giving another man a blow job how did i miss that i don't know but you're so lucky you did i as soon as i saw it i clicked away from it like in one second i went through this like so fast and usually i can tolerate anything but i could not tolerate that it was weird what were you gonna say i went through this stage on snapchat where i would get gay porn and I'd put
Starting point is 01:31:25 all my, so I have this group chat with all my buddies from high school, right? Yeah. And there's like 15 of them in there, dudes and chicks and some of them are married and whatnot. And I would take gay porn and I would superimpose their own faces on it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:31:40 And I would send it in the group chat and I got pretty good at it at the point, like the skin tones would match and the bodies look similar. They hated it, dude. Yeah. So much. Did you get kicked out of that group chat?
Starting point is 01:31:52 No, but I stopped doing it. And then I started making YouTube videos. Yeah. I did not like, I did not like that. There was no warning either. It was like,
Starting point is 01:32:02 Hey, did you see this person got in trouble? Cause the video got released of them online and I clicked on it and I was like, hey, did you see this person got in trouble because a video got released of him online? And I clicked on it. And I'm like, what the fuck? I didn't click on the link. That's why. And someone else in the chat goes, hey, how about a little heads up next time?
Starting point is 01:32:15 You want to know what really bothers me? I wonder if Will Branstadter clicked it. I bet he did. He was probably at work. Fuck. What bothers you? Go ahead. When people send me links to talking elite fitness or dave
Starting point is 01:32:27 because then i click on them and i can't get in there or like i hadn't seen it and i think instagram's not working but in all reality i'm blocked by these people oh right right so i i go through like it doesn't say who posted it it's just a picture of someone's face and it's usually no not either any of the talking with fitness crew or dave and i just think instagram is broken and so when you tag dave is that why you tag his um uh hunts account yeah dude that's amazing because you know what he got a notice from instagram saying like hey we'll no longer promote your you will no longer have your um account be shown to non-followers so maybe it was just a wise ploy on his part to block you from his real account so that you would tag his hunts account are you telling me that the dave castro with a couple hundred thousand followers, is not being shown to other accounts anymore?
Starting point is 01:33:28 No, his Hunts one. A Hunts account, okay. And so then he blocks you on his real account knowing that you'll tag his Hunts account, and therefore that's the only traction you can get. You are a one-man publicity. He's getting free publicity from you. Can I check his social blade and see if he's done anything yet? I gotta check out Dave's social blade on the Hunts account.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Yeah, it's all... He got the nasty note from IG. He's posting like dead animals and stuff, right? They don't like that. They've really upped... The censorship shit is in full effect right now. They're really fucking upping the censorship again. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:34:13 No one's ever looked at Dave's hunt account, so now it's not fresh. Oh. Oh, gotcha. All right. CTP answer? Oh, no, he just said the same message I got. He did answer.
Starting point is 01:34:32 Can you tell him why? Does he know why? Do you know why? Tell him you're asking him for journalistic purposes. As a professional journalist all right i'm asking as a professional journalist like i wonder what um i wonder what uh hey patrick did you get a note a letter did you apply you apply for media credentials, Patrick? Oh, I think Patrick's going to be deployed. So maybe he didn't apply.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Did you get anything from CrossFit yet? Did I? Oh, you're talking to Patrick now. Instagram has been restricting posts from the U.S. Army and other military. Yeah, something weird is going on over there again. They tend to do that regularly, though. Look at this post I'm about to show you.
Starting point is 01:35:39 This is RFK. This dude's uncle and dad, both? I think this dude's uncle and his dad were killed while in office and now he's running for president this is uh robert f kennedy i think his dad uh was a senator and got shot and killed and his uncle was the president united states and got shot and killed and now he was the president of the United States and got shot and killed. And now he's running for office. But look at this. Well, look at this video.
Starting point is 01:36:07 I fucking love this video. You're going to love this too, I think. It looks like he's sitting down doing an interview. Okay, now watch. Hold on, guys. Some lady said, hey, there's a snake in the driveway it's a fucking rattlesnake dude and he just goes out there with the fucking is that a fishing net that the thing you get in a fish tank to get the little fish out yeah or you clean it with yeah like if you have a big
Starting point is 01:36:46 nice, like a 100-gallon tank. This is weird to me. Why is it weird to you? Contrived. I mean, maybe a little bit, but I don't think that snake was just like Why is it out now? What is he doing to that
Starting point is 01:37:06 i don't know what he's doing maybe he's gonna try to catch it what is what is that device i think it's like it's it looks like an ice scraper it looks like he's gonna oh shit is he gonna pick it up hey dave did this the other day yeah with the fucking gopher snake. What's that mean? It's nothing. A gopher snake's nothing. Rattlesnakes are nothing too. Oh, Jesus. Oh, my God. Is this handshaking? You wouldn't do this?
Starting point is 01:37:39 No. There's a fangler in there. I don't want to touch him. No, no, no, no. So now, how does he get rid of it from there? Oh, his wife's had work done on her face. He's on drugs for sure, right? He's on testosterone. Oh, yeah. 100%, right?
Starting point is 01:37:57 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't think that that... What did you say? I think of a couple of things here. Number one, imagine somebody who is a hundred times your size just doing that to you. You're like minding your own business. You're hanging out. Someone grabs you by the face.
Starting point is 01:38:21 I wouldn't like that very much. If someone did that, I would fuck them up. You would buy it? Yeah. I would get them no matter what it took. That's not cool. Then the other thing is when you have it like that. Hey, CrossFit's 100 times bigger than you are and they did that to you.
Starting point is 01:38:44 No media pass uh i wouldn't like that very much you know what i mean so what does he do so if i were the snake then and i was that pissed off how do you go from grabbing it by the face to not getting bit? You got to whip it as fast as you can, hope it doesn't catch you in the process. Well, he threw it in the pillowcase. I mean, that still looks scary, right? Joe Biden could do that. I was doing a workout the other day, and I thought if it was a life or death situation,
Starting point is 01:39:26 this workout would kill Joe Biden. Like it's that embarrassing. Like the leader of the country couldn't do this if his life depended on it. Granted, there's an 80 pound kettlebell involved. Do you have fire alarms at your house? Yeah. And do you know when the battery gets low, they go off? Yes. They go beep
Starting point is 01:39:46 Dude I fucking hate that dude And it's always at 3 in the morning right Every single time It's never like at 4 o'clock in the afternoon Where are you going with this And then you gotta get a Like a bar stool You gotta carry it over to
Starting point is 01:40:03 No You might You haven't seen my house no can you reach you can reach your no oh it's too high you need a ladder like a 16 foot ladder an extension ladder dude you wouldn't fucking believe where my fire alarm is so have you seen this this you seen this thing right here? Yeah. This scar? Yeah, I see it now.
Starting point is 01:40:29 I got it from building this garage. I fell. And ever since, I'm not fond of heights, but I'll do it. Yeah. So the last time my fire alarm went off, my house is a log cabin with a peak here, right? Yeah. It's probably 24 feet tall my house wow and the stairs it's like it's an open thing right and the the fire alarm's right at the peak and underneath the peak is where the
Starting point is 01:40:55 stairs come down so when i'm at the top of the ladder which i have to have right on the corner of the stairs i'll send you a picture later. You'll you'll shit. I'm looking down 25 feet. Wow. And the last time I did it, it was three in the morning. I was butt ass naked on this. Where's the ladder? Is it outside?
Starting point is 01:41:16 Yeah. It's like in this shed thing I have over here. So three in the morning, you got to walk out there. It's snowing. Get the ladder, come back. And the ladder wasn't tall enough. So I'm on like the second to top step like this butt ass naked like trying to detach the
Starting point is 01:41:31 the nine volt battery yeah only to reattach another one so it's three in the morning and you hear that beep how long does it take you before you know it's a fire alarm i immediately say fuck so you know right away yeah okay why what does this have to do with joe biden and the snake and all that oh i'm gonna tell you here in a minute so the other day there was someone telling me that joe biden's fine after the debate that he's totally fine he's Everything's okay. It's just the media getting out of control. Like, okay. Then a week later, I'm talking to this person again. And they're telling me, they're like, you'll never believe what happened last night.
Starting point is 01:42:15 And I'm like, what? And they're like, we heard this beeping sound in the house. Beep. And we didn't know what it was. And it happened like every 30 seconds for 10 minutes. And then I don't know if yours does this but eventually mine will go battery low battery low it doesn't do that okay yeah and i just have one of those shitty little ones but eventually a lady comes on and talks to you battery low that's the joe biden lady smoke alarm battery low no so this person told me that they heard it beeping in their house for 10 minutes and they didn't know what it was until they heard that
Starting point is 01:42:51 battery low and i'm like that's just like i'll never trust that person's assessment or discernment on anything again like that's where you are at in your life that you takes you 10 like i'm in bed and i hear and i'm like you i'm like fuck and i have like eight of those in my house and i'm so and some of them are close to each other so then like i have one in each bedroom and one in the hallway in one area and i have to go there and i have to wait to figure out which one it fucking is because you know when that thing beeps you're gonna hate this i didn't know that i had three in my house I had three and there was one day it was beeping
Starting point is 01:43:28 and because it's all open I'm standing there looking around it would beep and I'd run at it and then it would beep from the other direction and I'd go back and I'm like how the fuck was I supposed to know it was right there and the way the audio works on that beep it's kind of cool because you can't tell where
Starting point is 01:43:45 it's coming from i didn't know yeah it's a trip i did that for probably at least 12 minutes but you did know that it was a smoke detector right away i just didn't know i had more than two this person didn't even know it was a fucking smoke detector until the lady came on are they 80 how old is this person yes yes okay why are you listening to their opinion on the president of the united states because they're related they're going to be on their way out soon enough they should just be chilling on a beach i'm just like um i i just like what the fuck don't tell me it was greg no no he's not 80 called you on the phone seven my house, my house is going to blow up. There's a bomb.
Starting point is 01:44:30 I hear the fastest growing chain in world history. They're on to me. The voltage of the battery decreases as it nears the end of its life, and this is accelerated by low temperatures. But there really aren't any low temperatures on ceilings, right, Ana? I mean, it's always warm at the ceiling level. Not in my basement. Was that person black?
Starting point is 01:44:52 No, they were white. Yeah, it was Greg. We already figured it out. No, it wasn't Greg. Wink. It wasn't Greg. Listen to this shit. You need to replace all the alarm batteries at the same time throughout the house. great so the night that they go off they all go off that is true about car tires though
Starting point is 01:45:13 yeah i'll replace one car tire hey so what's the deal with your car are you still driving with a big old dent in the roof yeah because i don't want to rent one if it works it's just such a pain in the ass and how bad is it will you take a picture and send to me how bad is it do you look ghetto as fuck i feel ghetto as fuck yeah that's my car right you've seen it the windows were tinted when it got stolen and is it is it totaled no um you know what i mean like You're not replacing a roof. I don't know. Yeah, how would you do that? I don't think you can replace a roof.
Starting point is 01:45:50 I think that they have to take off your liner and then just punch out the dents. Hey, when you're inside, can you see the dents? No. No, okay. So it's not like you don't drive like this. No. Not like a nice Ventura. No Metal push down where your head the most incredible thing dude is it's it's got like the double sunroof or it's all glass
Starting point is 01:46:13 And it was fine And that was a big fucking tree branch and it came from the highest tree that I've ever seen right Wow I just don't get it All right, it's still's still all glass, right? And everything still works on it? Like the power windows? Alexis hates that I can do this.
Starting point is 01:46:34 I'll fix something. I'll just let it be. So I'm driving and there's this rattling. There's something in the roof. Something shook loose. And if I reach back and I pound on it, it goes away for like five minutes so i'm driving some of the lexus and i heard to hear the rattling and she goes what's that i just reach back i pound on it and i start driving and she goes how many times have you done that i don't
Starting point is 01:46:57 know a hundred just how long did it take you to figure out to pound on that one spot and i go like twice. What are you going to do when you get a new car? Trade it in? Or sell it? I'm going to keep this stupid car, dude. It was my first brand new car I ever bought and I put a huge amount of money down on it because I didn't want to ever have to
Starting point is 01:47:17 owe money on it. Now I'm even. When I got stolen, they had to re-vin it. When they re-vin the car, it's like completely destroyed as far as resale value. Wait a second. Why do they have to re-vin a car when it's stolen? Well, I guess they don't. But the people who had stolen it changed the VIN number.
Starting point is 01:47:41 And I was thinking about this the other day, right? Like, why can't I just use my old VIN number? Because they do that in case something goes down to the cops they change the van they change the plates and that's essentially a brand new car for those people who had stolen it but i'm like why can't how do they change the vin number they just have uh they rip a whole bunch of jeeps that look similar so they basically have a stable of jeeps uh-huh that look just like mine and they just shift them around wow so when i got it back it was a couple it was like a month extra for the secretary of state to give me a new vin number and they like weld it into the door frame and you have to pay for all that uh the insurance paid for all that right however now if i were to
Starting point is 01:48:27 bring a new car to their ship the second they see it soldered into the door frame they're like this thing's fucking not worth shit and they probably suspect that you stole it maybe yeah that might go through their head but it's worth probably probably a 60, 70% what it would be. So I'm just going to keep it forever and I'll just get another car. Oh, do you own another car? Do you own any other vehicles? I mean,
Starting point is 01:48:55 no, Alexis has her own. So you don't own a motorcycle or a boat or anything. Boats are, I heard never get a boat. Yeah. I heard that too. Or a pool or a woman
Starting point is 01:49:10 what about a motorcycle i haven't heard that okay never get a woman there's things you dump money into pools boats and women hey this is uh this is why i think you should get into politics this video i'm about to show you okay i hope someone's not squatting low enough do adam carolla is yeah he's a comedian yeah and he used to have a show called the man show i yeah i've seen that with the trampoline yeah with the girls bouncing on trampoline so far I can get politics if this is what's on the agenda yeah so he's interviewing the governor of California have you seen this uh-uh and I could so this is exactly 11 years ago pardon me 11 years ago yeah this is exactly and and And recently he's interviewed him again.
Starting point is 01:50:06 So that's why this one's. But but check this out. This is exactly how I would imagine you would interview people, because I know you like to drill down to the facts. OK, here we go. Half of African-Americans in the state of California, roughly half Latino families have no access to a checking account or an ATM. Things we take for granted. They don't have a check. What's wrong with that? And what? Well, because they don't they don't have a check. What's wrong with them? And what, but what, well, because they don't, they don't have the resources to sock those things away.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Why do we have a lot of different reasons, but, but roughly half those families don't. Why do Armenians have that? But where they end up is in check cashing places. But I want to know why those groups, why those two groups don't have that. A lot of it just happens to be that we can talk about.
Starting point is 01:50:44 No, they're hardly flawed they're flawed he just wants to know why and he won't give them a reason he just oh dude it's so crazy but they're struggling genetics are making their genetics are flawed he throws that as an option now listen newsome panics now he's he just him, hey, do blacks and Latinos have flawed genetics? Like, what's the reason they don't have access to checking their ATM? Hardly. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Okay. So, but do Asians have this problem? I mean, a lot of communities have. A lot of whites have these problems. Oh, no, that's not just black and Hispanic. No, but I'm giving you. Why did you bring up black and Hispanic? Because the magnitude is ominous.
Starting point is 01:51:24 But why so many of them? It just happens to be the magnitude. Just the way God planned it? Not at all. Well, what happened to them? There are a lot of issues that communities are struggling. Why are they struggling? A lot of different reasons.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Lack of opportunity. Hispanics have been here. Blacks have been here longer than we've been here. Well, we can surmise- What about Asians? They were put in internment camps. Yeah. In fact, they all initiated out of San Francisco.
Starting point is 01:51:46 All right. The Chinese Exclusion Act came out of progressive San Francisco. Are they the Czech camps? A lot of Asians certainly do. So why don't you conclude them? Because the only reason why is the magnitude of the problem. There's so many more. The magnitude and percentage.
Starting point is 01:52:01 But there's no way to figure out how that happened. We could talk about it. You know what I'm dealing with? Can you see yourself doing that? I could so see you doing that. When I'm talking with somebody, whether it's like either on video or off video, I hate having to go through the process of, all right, I got to let them off. Right, right, right, right right right right there's
Starting point is 01:52:27 always this point where you're like they're not going to tell me and at this point i have to make a decision about if i want to make them look worse because they're trying to hide something right so yeah i i could do that yeah you're so good at that i was talking to susan i'm four years old or five years old i was talking with with Susan the other day about when we have Hunter on and about how, say that again. What about four and five years old? Sorry. Go ahead. Finish that thought. All you have to do is imagine you're five years old and if they can't explain it to you as a five-year-old, then they, they, they, they can't explain it.
Starting point is 01:52:58 They have no reason for saying it in the first place. What, where's Santa Claus come from? Like, well, he comes from, what is it? How does he fly? Yeah well he comes from what is how does he fly yeah that doesn't make sense can you fly who else can fly could his parents fly can you show me someone else who flies like no he's magical well what's that mean yeah you just keep on asking and eventually though you'll find out santa claus is it real if you're if the five-year-old doesn't let off um i, I like it. I was talking to Susie yesterday about when we have Hunter on and you're on and you'll be patient, you'll be patient,
Starting point is 01:53:29 you'll be patient. And then all of a sudden you just like, all right, enough. And you just start fucking with them. I practice that on Alexis all the time. She, she's not fair.
Starting point is 01:53:39 And I always wondered, does Hunter know that he's just getting fucked with right now? Dude, did you watch that video we put out recently? No, I haven't. It's the weirdest thing on his YouTube channel. It's got a bunch of views. I think people love it in the comments, but it's just the weirdest thing. That's not the Hunter I know.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Let me see. Hunter McIntyre. He does look like he's lost a lot of weight. Losing High Rocks Worlds, that one? Yeah, that one. It had like 30,000 when I saw it last. What's it at? So the first thing I realized in this video is
Starting point is 01:54:17 it's titled How I Lost the High Rocks World Championships, but then he immediately starts talking about his media company. And I didn't know he had a media company. I thought he had a salt company. So that was interesting. And then after a little bit, he starts to talk about how he lost. And then I thought about the CrossFit Games people or even Michael Jordan or anybody who's the best of their sport and how you never hear this.
Starting point is 01:54:38 So it's unique and it's somewhat cool, but it's also very interesting. You know, we decided as a team, McIntyre Media Management, you know, I decided to make a media company a couple years ago because I... This is at 1.5, by the way. I'd spent a lot of my career racing under companies, which I was really lucky to race under. And I had done all these amazing races all around the world, but we didn't own any of the content.
Starting point is 01:55:00 A lot of the coolest races I've ever done in my entire life have never been seen before. What got me started in racing, Prefontaine. And there's books written about them. There's content made about them. There's you could see their contents forever. You know, part of my career is that many of the companies I've raced under don't exist anymore. You know, I started my career out doing obstacle course racing and warrior dash was one
Starting point is 01:55:17 of the first race create this. So is, um, is, is he tripping on his legacy? That's what it seems like, yeah. Well, if anything, maybe it was a spark to create this media company that he's talking about. But it's how I lost the High Rocks championships. Here's a media company. And it's a couple minutes of it. I mean, you're two minutes in already.
Starting point is 01:55:39 Say that again? It was weird, right? After five, six, seven minutes, he gets into the high rock stuff. I've been racing, endurance racing, strength training. We made sure that this season specifically, we are going to vlog every piece of it for everybody. Because even if we lost the 2024 season. And my uncle was talking to me about this the other day.
Starting point is 01:56:00 I was just telling him, I was like, damn, I'm pissed about this. I'm not happy. Look at that. Maybe you should start doing CrossFit again again and then you can win high rocks fair enough 100 tom brady in 2007 was undefeated all season brady was gonna lose was no one was betting against him and he lost and the guy couldn't live with himself and he went on to win the super bowl you know this is the start of the comeback story and i want to be fully transparent because i don't want people to fall into the same hole that I got into. Another piece of the story
Starting point is 01:56:28 is I want to be honest with people. You may not understand this, but I've been setting the world records in almost every sport that I've competed in ever since I got started. I'm the person who's at the edge of the frontier. We'll stay where we are right now. You have to take risks to get reward. That's the only reason. If you're willing to go to the casino and put down a penny, you will only get a penny back. 24 world championships. Then I came back. The training, the hours, the food, the things I've ever done for myself mentally.
Starting point is 01:56:52 I don't want to do these anymore. He just seems very sober. It's not the Hunter that I know. Right. Right. He's very, very sober. If you sit down and watch it, it'll freak you out a little bit. He looks so. It freaked me out a little bit.
Starting point is 01:57:10 Yeah, it looks. And then September 1st, I decided I was going to start to bulk up again. I was like, it's time to put back on. I was going to set the Murph World record again. I laughed. And I was like, okay, remember, Hunter, like, you know, Murph, it's just such an incredibly fun, dynamic event. Training.
Starting point is 01:57:21 Like, we were participating. Training. You have to know when to be on and when to be off. Shortly thereafter, doing the doubles, I went to Stockholm. I get to the burpee broad jump and I'm Mr. Burpee broad jump. And I am now literally taking these massive pauses in between my burpees. And I just cannot move. And I'm just like, fuck. And Ron Kimmich is right next to me. Rep, rep, rep, rep. There's no breaking. We both get up and I do a burpee and I cut out just in front of him by three feet that there was no coming back was i
Starting point is 01:57:45 put down the farmer carry like dude bitch i lift over i did lift over 500 pounds for reps i'm a fucking beast and we're doing this farmer carry and i'm ahead of ronkovich and i put the kettlebells down and oh this is kind of cool though this play-by-play he gives right yeah it's cool well the coolest part about it there's this section where he talks about he wants to finish this ski and take off and then he mentions all of his personas you were you had uh what's his face a little red on the other day right yeah yeah he creates this this image of himself that he needs to live up to like a superhero yeah and hunter goes yeah i was trying to be the bulk pony biceps win races and none of those things were there at this point in this race, and he knew he was fucked. So it was cool. And while the whole thing is cool, it's just so different.
Starting point is 01:58:29 It's a weird video, but I watched every second. Hey, there's this fighter named Israel Adesanya, 185-pound guy. Yeah, juiced out of his mind, yeah. He went on a crazy terror of he showed up to to the ufc he had like 170 fights or something under his belt 100 just in kickboxing he had only lost like two or three fights in his life something like that right i don't know if the exact story is true and he had lost him to this guy named alex pahea so so he comes to the ufc and he just fucking destroys everyone and everyone thinks he's just the fucking greatest fighter they've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Then he goes up a weight class and he loses, but it's no big deal because it's a significant jump. It's up 20 pounds, right? So he comes back down and he's just still kicking ass. Then this dude from a previous life of his when he used to fight kickboxing came to the UFC,c alex pahea and he says hey i want to fight israel adesanya and israel had already lost to him twice in kit with kickboxing rules not mma rules where you can fight you know go on the ground and shit so they fight and israel loses then they fight again and israel wins and up until then this guy that beat israel looked completely unbeatable so the other day they were interviewing the guy who's going to fight uh israel adesanya
Starting point is 01:59:53 next and they said hey israel isn't going to win isn't going to beat me and they said why and they said he has no reason to fight the the crowning achievement of his life was beating this guy who beat him in kickboxing and beat him at mma that he finally beat and ever since then he has no reason to fight do you think that that's what's going and that was a long story but do you think that's what's going on with hunter do you think a part of him to win high rocks like there he has no he's done too he's done too there's no um there's no it's it's like um uh matt frazier said his second place medal was his motivation but but that carried him to five wins and then it's like now what's your motivation you think that um uh he's lost his motivation, Hunter?
Starting point is 02:00:47 Because he just won too much? Or do you think that it's – I don't know if this is true. I should look it up first. But I heard this was the first High Rocks they've ever drug tested. High Rocks drug testing. He does look stupid skinny. March 5, 2024. Ith 2024 detailed in that so uh hyrox drug testing anti uh here here we go this is i and we have to have hunter on to ask him but with overwhelming oh here we go uh with overwhelming agreement from the community hopping on i'm like oh yeah
Starting point is 02:01:23 uh with overwhelming agreement from the community. I'm like, oh yeah. With overwhelming agreement from the community, High Rocks finally takes a stance on drugs and their sport. Wouldn't this be a twist? Yeah, drug tested in CrossFit too, I remember. So they have their first drug testing event ever and then he takes a fucking fifth well that guy that guy's very muscular for hyrox dude the guy you had on your show the other day was he on your show james yeah that guy's jacked out of his mind he's shredded but he is skinny doping division plus clean division huh doping division crossfit's drug policy crossfit is the has a more proven track record with drug testing than
Starting point is 02:02:18 high rocks or deca wow you don't hear that often we're at the pinnacle of sport anyway you know that's something that's been thrown out there too but what do you think happened to him that he took a fifth I listened to the whole thing and I don't think that he knows what he wants
Starting point is 02:02:41 I think he thinks he knows what he wants and I think he might have to let go of the competitive stuff so he's lost his fire for it yeah but that that's me really putting an opinion out there on it uh the the last time we were on a show you him and i he talked about that that that camping thing he went on right where he wasn't bringing his phone it was like a spirit journey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Appalachian Trail or something like that.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Remind me what you recall of that. What was he doing? He was basically just trying to get off the grid, have alone time. Going on a long hike. Get his mind straight is what I thought i remember being quite extreme right like it was crazy stuff he was trying to do it but for the purpose of it and then when he talks about it in this video he brushes it off as just like some old camping trip he went on
Starting point is 02:03:37 oh and i'm like why don't you know and everybody no it was definitely uh serious and a vision quest. Like a vision quest. Yeah. It was something crazy. Yeah. And then that's how he was painting it to us. And I thought that,
Starting point is 02:03:54 I mean, there's only one truth, right? You can't have it both ways. So, and even like one of them is a lie. Either it was just a camping trip and he was lying to us or he's lying to the people.
Starting point is 02:04:06 And it was a vision quest. Right. That was part of that. And then everything about it became even odder from that point forward. Does he poo poo the trip in this video? Like it was like he shouldn't have done it. It took him off his training. I'm going to see if I can find the spot in there where he talks about it real quick.
Starting point is 02:04:20 But no, he doesn't poo poo. It's just like he doesn't give it the credit that – or let's see. Patrick Clark, the field got better also. Hunter was obsessed more with breaking records in high rocks while everyone was obsessed with beating him. Well, that's probably true. He brings that up in there a couple of times that he – well, he's going to do it again. He said he's going to do it next year.
Starting point is 02:04:43 That's his goal is to beat – to win. And that he was more concerned with a record than he was with. He didn't even think he could finish second. He had no, no thought in his mind about finishing second, third, fourth. And he ended up getting fifth.
Starting point is 02:04:57 I mean, isn't that wild that he took fifth. Yeah. And he looked like dog shit. I watched it. He looked terrible. Fifth. This is the he looked like dog shit. I watched it. He looked terrible. Fifth. This is the dude who is always winning.
Starting point is 02:05:11 And here's the thing. In CrossFit, you can blame programming. That's true. In baseball, you could blame all sorts of factors. In football. But there's not a lot of variables in high rocks he said he was wicked over trained that's what he said now i've never seen it i've never seen what the textbooks will call over training it's something
Starting point is 02:05:39 that they tried to spook us on in college in the stupid courses i took for exercise science like never let your clients over train it's gonna kill them but then you get into crossfit and you see people doing stuff and i put myself through the ringer quite a bit and you see people like taylor doing the shape they do and i'll be able down at this freaking weekend doing everything she was doing i don't think dome it's over trained she doesn't say i think she's over trained i get concerned about tay over-training. And then when I hear Hunter talk about it, it's like,
Starting point is 02:06:08 how much more could you really be doing that would put you into a state where you're not able to even come close to what you were able to do a minute ago. And then he brings up your point about the drug tests. Like, Hey, he was pretty adamant about it. And some of the most vocal people out there about drugs are the ones using them themselves right miko salo told me that the
Starting point is 02:06:31 people who are the biggest accusers and anti-drugs are the ones taking them it's like the guys who people who hate gay people like next thing you next thing you know they're getting their dick sucked in a bathroom somewhere so someone told me one time that my obsession with hot chicks is my um uh covering up that i'm really gay no you're not gay oh Oh, darn it. No. I think I will. Do you have that naked picture of Starlight opened up on your screen still, speaking of hot chicks? Like, I just left mine open. Yeah, I got it open.
Starting point is 02:07:13 Yeah, it's nice. I glanced over it every once in a while. Right. I mean, her boobs are great. Yeah, they're great. I also like fake ones, though. I know you don't. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:07:27 There's a point of no return, though, right? I don't like the idea of them. There's a point of no return. So I don't want to say I don't like fake boobs. I just don't like the idea of them. I don't like what they represent. Have you ever known anybody that has fake boobs that you couldn't know
Starting point is 02:07:45 whether or not they had fake boobs or like, have you been with somebody who had them and you didn't know until you were like looking at them or you saw the star? No, but, but no touching them. Like,
Starting point is 02:08:00 Oh, these are fake. I had a girlfriend once who had real boobs that were like so firm that you thought they were fake i'm like are you sure these are real yeah hey dude um these i was living in santa barbara and these friends of mine were like hey um we're gonna do a trip to baja california to cabo san lucas do you know where that is that's the very tip of Baja, California. And they said, we're going to drive down there.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Do you want to go? And I said, sure. And they said, we're going in seven cars. And I'm like, okay, cool. So you'd have to drive your own truck. I'm like, cool. And I had this Toyota four by four. And they're like, there's 12 of us on the trip and you'll be number 13.
Starting point is 02:08:44 So you might end up being in a car by yourself. I said, that's fine. They said, okay, we'll meet in San Diego and we'll go. I'm like, okay, no problem. So I'm in Santa Barbara. So I have to drive a couple hours south to San Diego to meet them. And then we're going to start this trip, this two-week camping trip down to Baja, California. And the day before we left, they're like, hey hey we got a 14th person this girl I'm like okay
Starting point is 02:09:09 cool and I get there and it's a chick who just got a brand new set of double d's how do you know they were brand new did she tell you dude she was because she was obsessed with them dude which like you know what i mean like imagine like when you first got your car you wanted to drive like your sister in it you wanted to drive your your dad in it you want to drive your girlfriend in it like you just want to show everyone your brand new car how old were you 25 or 35 i don't know did you test drive them dude it was a crazy trip dude it was were they too big and also if you don't like how were they they were nothing like fake boobs i see on tv like nothing like they were like um uh
Starting point is 02:10:01 like she like they they look they look like you know what I mean like you know like the ones you see on TV are just like perfectly round right these weren't like that these had some hang to them so you were into them I mean yeah they were fucking amazing so all fake boobs are not the same
Starting point is 02:10:18 I guess I mean that I can't think of any other fake boobs I'm from a different era where people didn't really have fake boobs when I was in the game. Would you rather they be fake or really small and real? Yeah. For long-term use, I just prefer real. No matter what?
Starting point is 02:10:47 Pretty much. What if they were huge and real? Hey, yeah, that's awesome. I've only seen one set of fucked up titties in my whole life. And I've seen a lot of titties. And the girl had the biggest tits you've ever fucking seen in your life. And she got a breast reduction and they didn't tighten the skin up and she was and she was still like bigger than a double d
Starting point is 02:11:12 even with a reduction and but there was but it was like a sharp a oh no yeah dude it was if i were her i'd be pissed pissed. And she was pissed. Yeah. They fixed him for her, right? I don't know. Not when I had him out on tour. I took him for a couple. I rolled with him. I had him in my rotation for a couple years.
Starting point is 02:11:37 And it was just, it was a tragedy. It truly was a tragedy. It really was like a mutilation. It was just imagine like a D titty in a bag that, that like the skin on the outside was like for a Z titty. Big girl, big girls over six feet tall, over 200 pounds, big, big girl.
Starting point is 02:11:58 The second you ever told me that you thought sporty Beth had great tits is like, you kind of lost me on a lot of your it's like that person with their fire alarm you don't think sporty beth has great tits no just because listen let me ask you this if someone had really nice wheels and tires on a really shitty car beat up car could you still see the wheels and tires being nice no i couldn't well there you go i would immediately judge the character of the person for what they've done right okay you've seen like that 1999 suburban with the incredible rims on it like they're trying to be an escalade
Starting point is 02:12:36 but they're not quite there hey this is like my this is the only reason why my relationship with my wife has lasted so long i think she does this too so this guy chase probably likes me and so he's just struggling he's like someone doesn't believe that he can't believe that like my like i'll say stuff to my wife and she's like i choose not to believe that that's true what you said right there what do you what do you what does he not believe what does he doesn't he doesn't believe that i think sporty beth has great titties. I think you believe that. Yeah, I believe it. I'm fairly certain. Which is the most unfortunate. I really want to believe it's a bit,
Starting point is 02:13:11 but it's not. Which is the worst part. You're like the fire alarm person to me when it comes to boobs now. You can't believe them when it comes to the president. It's like, oh, your discernment. I don't i don't believe dude joe biden's fucked up yeah but you also think sporty beth has great titties yeah i mean that's that's that's the only counter that 80 year old individual needs it's like have you you think this person's got great boobs you don't even know what a fucking smoke alarm is fuck you well you think sporty beth is great too i don't you've
Starting point is 02:13:45 come full circle on it yeah but but don't you think like that the fact that i've have pinned down that you're on a you you admit that you're unable to separate her tits from her the rest of your judgment about her yeah just like if you were on a dating app which i know you've never done because you're 90 years old but like you look at the person's face and it's like oh and then you meet up with them and they look nothing like that from the neck down and the picture of their face is from 10 years ago and you're like what the fuck it's not 10 it would have been like five years ago but that happened a couple of times you know what you do i felt like i've done this like i was on tinder for a brief period of time and i met up with a couple of chicks there was this one chick and I immediately decided like I'm just gonna have fun with this date because she had fun with my
Starting point is 02:14:28 time right she thought it'd be fun to meet up with me and I she was she was fine but I just I acted like a character I was a character on that date oh wow did she know that um we saw suicide squad the bad one and i was like hey i'm just gonna eat food and i'm gonna see suicide squad of this freaking stranger that lied to me she looked just totally different than her picture yeah oh yeah i was kind of pissed wow but i had fun with it yeah most of it yeah i think she had an okay time. I didn't like try to ruin her life. You ever go on a date and the chick looked better than she did in her picture? Yeah, pretty often.
Starting point is 02:15:15 Oh. I think Alexis looks better in person than she photographs. Oh. uh one uh one time i accidentally got drunk before my date arrived it ended with a hand job oh handshake oh you read that like that right i read because that's what i wanted that's what i wanted it to uh look david weed says never they're never more attractive in person than their picture i'm thinking and i don't think so i told you about the chick that didn't know she was a twin right that was my favorite one from like my dating app. Remind me of that. I don't really remember that.
Starting point is 02:16:08 Super hot. Tiny. Probably like 4'11". And athletic and all that shit. And then I remember, I think I was having my college graduation party. And she came. And she was meeting all my buddies for the first time. And we were sitting in the hot tub.
Starting point is 02:16:24 And my buddies, a couple of single buddies. they were asking if she had like friends or a sister and yeah she had a sister and i knew she wasn't the brightest but i didn't know she was this bad and my buddy goes oh how old is she and she goes oh she's my age like oh are you the younger the older one it's like well i'm like a couple older. And then my buddy goes a couple of minutes. Like, are you guys twins? And she goes, no, we're not twins. And then she shows me a picture and they look exactly the fucking same. And I'm like, you were born.
Starting point is 02:17:01 It's like, you know, there's different types of twins. And then I never talked to her ever again because my buddy's like, you're born. It's like, you know, there's different types of twins. And then I never talked to her ever again because my buddy's like, remember that chick you dated? You didn't know she had a twin sister. She had to be joking. No, absolutely wasn't joking. Hey, that's like a video I played on the show the other day. And some guys like asking girls what three times seven or seven times three or six times eight is. And the girls
Starting point is 02:17:25 couldn't answer and they're like adult women it's just like that right if my buddies weren't at work right now i'd call them up like so i'd say hey dude remember that chick i dated she had a twin they lose it isn't it weird that some people work sometimes yeah all you know what's weird to me is summer vacation yeah i'll be doing like my normal thing and i'll just see people out that aren't like usually kids high school kids i'm like what the fuck are you doing aren't you supposed to be in school but it's july i went to the creek the other day and there were a bunch of parents there and we're all sitting around in our lawn chairs talking and i just I was really like one person, like one was a cop.
Starting point is 02:18:07 One was a, like a senior, like person over at Tesla. The other person, I forget what she did. There's a guy there and they're talking about like life and like their kids and raising their kids and their jobs and shit. And I'm like, I'm so out of touch.
Starting point is 02:18:21 Like, I don't even, I don't even have anything to contribute. Why don't you just have fun with it then? do i do i just listen to them i'm just like holy shit like fuck these these people like have like these really complex lives they're saying that are absurd to you it's not absurd but like they got to get up like at five in the morning if they want to work out and then they got to take their kid here or they're talking about like just like shit like and they got to go to work and they're talking about paul the politics at work and um what are you what are you thinking about all those things nothing nothing bad i'm just like hey i can't even relate like the way i my life is just so different like
Starting point is 02:19:02 they make lunches and they pack and they plan and they like my life's not like that at all my life's just uh it's just not like that at all it's not i don't have any i don't have outside of the podcast um yeah i just i just couldn't relate to just the way they run their lives they have to get dressed like there was one there was section where they were talking about a section there's a part of my life there's a section of the time where they were talking about what they wear to work and then you look down your floyd 19 shirt i'm in my floyd 19 shirt and i'm in long john like i have a flap in the middle you You know what I mean? Like, I'm just like, yeah, my t-shirt guy made me this.
Starting point is 02:19:47 I'm like, I'm thinking to myself, well, I shower and brush my teeth before I come on the podcast. If you had to wake up at five to work out, would you work out? No, I can't.
Starting point is 02:19:58 I can't. I'm like, I'm like stiff. Like the 10 man at five in the morning. So I'm stop arguing your limitations. I mean, I guess I'd have to figure it out. I try to tell people, like, why do you do these things if you don't like it? Like, why don't you do something else?
Starting point is 02:20:16 That's usually where I go with that. Yeah, and I didn't get the impression that anyone was complaining, and I didn't get the impression. Well, that's good i didn't get the but but i just i just couldn't relate like just like they would be talking about like the area where they dropped their kids off or pick them up or just like just stuff they talked about um i remember i was going to a bachelor party once and we're on that we were driving there to tennessee and my buddy brought his brother-in-law with he was standing up in the wedding and we're sitting i'm sitting in the back
Starting point is 02:20:52 of the car with him i'm just trying to talk to him and he would not stop trying to like talk to me about insurance and i go this is what the fuck you're gonna talk about talk about right now it's like like what was exactly was he saying about insurance? Like just talking about the insurance industry. He also sold insurance. So, so what kind of policy you got? And I'm like, the fuck? I'm seven years old.
Starting point is 02:21:12 Why do you want to talk about my insurance policy? It's like, we're, we're, what type of sandwich are you eating? Let's start there. Like, what'd you get on your sandwich?
Starting point is 02:21:21 That's how probably people feel around me too. Cause the only thing I want to talk about is just how fucked up like the society is and then you want to talk about yeah yeah like that's all i but they just they're like they're there like decompressing having a beer watching their kids play just shooting the shit you're leveling it back up and i want to be like hey do you hear about the pedophile they caught down the street from the elementary school shut up yeah hey dude chill i think that's how i felt though i'm i think i'm always decompressed i i live in a state of decompression yeah that's all that's why that's why it's so nice being around you you're decompressed yeah i don't want to level up talking about insurance it's like let's get going about something else it's so nice being around you. You're decompressed. Yeah. I don't want to level up talking about insurance.
Starting point is 02:22:06 It's like, let's get going about something else. It was so weird. Even when I, how old are you? 32. Yeah. So, and so how you get your jobs are you contact, let's say just Abigail Domet, for instance, you see a project, you contact them, you say, Hey, can I do a project with you? They say, yes, you do it. And then you have to try to figure out, okay'm going to allocate you're just passionate so you probably work on
Starting point is 02:22:29 it non-stop and every free second you have that you're not like um you know taking out the trash or changing fire alarm batteries maintaining just like the domestic shit around the house and then you put it on youtube and you hope that it does well and then that's and then the circle continues yeah and so and so you're like basically always just like chasing leads that um uh scratch your an itch for you your own passion yeah and so just do whatever your mind thinks yeah so i used to always like in my 30s i always had an ad on craigslist do you want me to video something for you i would just that's all it said okay and so i was just always like just like that's always what i did
Starting point is 02:23:10 i was always chasing just leads like that how'd it go it was great it was fucking yeah it was awesome it was awesome but i did never did the um like i never got like where you know people like your friends and my friends, they've got jobs. I'm sure you have a friend who's a fireman or a police officer or works at the post office, and they're in year 17, and they have three more years, and then they get to quit. Aren't they like 35-year-old or 35-year-tenures at the post office or something crazy like that? Is that what it is? I think it's long.
Starting point is 02:23:45 I think you might be closer with a fireman. How old? 20 years. Or how many years to retire at post office? How many years? The lady who delivers my mail is old as shit. How many years to retire
Starting point is 02:24:01 at post office? Age 62 with 5 years of credible civilian service. Age 60 with 20 years of credible service, including five years of credible civilian service. So I don't know what the difference is. The minimum retirement age, MRA, with 30 years of credible service, including five years of credit.
Starting point is 02:24:21 Fuck, I don't even know what any of that means. Can you retire from the United States Postal Service after 10 years? This is a provision that allows you to retire with benefits beginning immediately if you have 10 years of service and have reached the minimum retirement age of 55. Oh, however, the annuity is reduced for each month
Starting point is 02:24:38 you are under age 62. Wow, you could retire after 10 years if you wanted. wow you could retire after 10 years if you wanted oh so basically i think if you put in 20 years but you're under 60 they still want you to work until you're 62 i've never liked the idea of having someone decide when and what and how you retire yeah i don't know i'm sure i'm sure you saw those people as well right like you see people's parents and they're gonna retire at some point maybe you ask them a question or two about it and it's like that doesn't seem all that appealing right and then at which rate like
Starting point is 02:25:14 why would i want to go get a job that would put you in position that they're in it's like oh you're a doctor and that's what comes of it it doesn't seem great uh andrew is still a boy that's what comes of it. It doesn't seem great. Andrew is still a boy. That's what they tell me ever since I was 22. I drive for my job and the number of people also on the road in the middle of the day. Like what do these people do for a living? Oh yeah. I wonder that too.
Starting point is 02:25:39 Sometimes I go places. I'm like, what the fuck are all these people doing here? Go get your fucking job. Sounds like a great idea for a YouTube channel. Hey, what are you doing out here right now? Oh, yeah, yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 02:25:50 Hey, have you ever seen that YouTube channel where the guy, or I've seen it on Instagram where the guy is in L.A. and he'll see someone in a nice car and he'll walk up and ask them what they do for a living? That's kind of cool. That is cool. Yeah. And every other time it's an OnlyFans chick and now it's a self-promoting channel it's it's on that way where the only fans chick will bring him out to skip oh really yeah oh i
Starting point is 02:26:14 haven't seen that wow yeah and i don't know how open it is about that but it's very obvious that's what's happening now um have any athletes athletes reached out to you and been like hey will you come do a piece on me um agents oh agents have but not athletes yeah yeah i got a couple uh there was a question here if i'm doing anything before dude that dome it one was killer the video yeah it was like a 60 it probably took me 60 hours to edit it oh killer like that like a lot of work yeah i can't wait to see it i i kind of i'd be i'm curious like the comments seem to like the way that it was edited but tell me it is always interesting when someone like you would watch it. Did, oh, it's doing good too.
Starting point is 02:27:12 Yeah. I always have, I think you know this, I have expectations or ideas about how well it'll do. And I said, if it hit a hundred, that'd be a plus a hundred, a hundred thousand. And then I expected it to do 50. i hope it does 50 at the moment it's like a 30 to 40 certainty but i wanted to do 50 um uh that's our girl much prefer this content than the negative uh crossfit content uh bill grunler another killer video more athletes should let you in like this so good hillar love these oh please add subtitles uh if you wear a band shirt name three song uh second date was out uh
Starting point is 02:28:01 big abigail fan her coach is also the loudest Matt Bryant yeah there was a clip in there I thought that was funny Thanks for helping us get to know these two The best videos We need a Hiller tour Dude the medical field sucks Back in the old Good old CF days
Starting point is 02:28:20 Nice one wow I feel like I'm watching A better version of the old road to the games. This is sick. Wow. That's a hell of a compliment. That's cool. This was great. I loved her. The signature lisp of bill.
Starting point is 02:28:38 There's a couple of comments in there that are, does bill have a lisp? I don't think so. Cause I read that comment and i don't think so i wonder if you'll see it says that's from savon's dog i'm gonna beat my dog bill that is this that is i'm so confused i thought hillary only posted negative things about crossfit glad to see the steak wow another great video watched her eat greens like a raccoon was amazing now in the dome at camp it's been said but i'm gonna say it Hiller has outdone CF media again ice cream cone
Starting point is 02:29:09 This video is amazing. Wow. I'm a bigger fan now after this. I didn't know of her before the video after the video I'll support her and I Was the ones I like to see CrossFit HQ wake up. This is the content you need to be putting out. YouTheManBro, dude, amazing video. Her husband seems like a really sweet guy that gets a lot of ass. All Aboard, the Domet train, awesome video. Andrew, these get better and better. Hiller's crushing it with these.
Starting point is 02:29:34 Ice Cream Cone, heart, smiley face. The way Anton seems to do everything for Abigail so she can focus on training reminds me of Sammy Monez. You should have credentials for the games. Absolute quality, also video, great video. You should have credentials for the games. Absolute quality. Also video. Great video. Like, like, like, like.
Starting point is 02:29:49 Abby's an awesome person. Man, your athlete documentaries are on another level. Putting the CrossFit media team to shame. Love the work Sevan and yourself are doing to get all these athletes. Airtime, I remember back in – okay. Great video. I hope Abby – There's the one.
Starting point is 02:30:07 Does really well at the games. her husband's a great character bill grunler great intro abby's such a cool athlete a jews better steer clear of the dome at house oh wait what oh shit he responded listen why is he muslim there's there's a section in there where i'm in her their library type room and there's she read a a book by adolf hitler called mein kampf and it's like oh yeah you know that book what's that about yeah yeah i think he wrote it yeah and she read it to kind of get insight into him and i think that so did anton and i thought it was funny she goes i don't want to have these books in public because people might infer certain things and it was supposed to be a funny thing and people like i liked it up until the uh hitler
Starting point is 02:30:54 book it's like dude did you get mad in school when you had to talk about german and hitler it's like are you out of your mind you're crazy i hope? You crazy? I hope that's a joke. I hope that's a joke. What? What part? That the Jews better steer clear of the Doman house. I think that this one's a joke, but there's another one in there. Oh.
Starting point is 02:31:18 Oh, hey, man, if you hate Hitler, you should probably read that book. Wow, this is your profession. Please, more of this. Oh, that works with the conversation we just had. This was amazing and the best one ever those two seem so awesome love this woman and her husband I got a good comment from Jeff Baco which is crazy cool
Starting point is 02:31:36 another Hiller fan fucking tastic profile well done I probably won't kill myself for another week now wow you saved his life yeah Jeff Baco thoroughly enjoyed thanks more of these please great job I probably won't kill myself for another week now. Wow. You saved his life. Yeah. Jeff Baker. Uh, thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks.
Starting point is 02:31:46 More of these, please. Great job. Hiller. Dope. Well done, sir. I love what you produce.
Starting point is 02:31:51 Um, but keep the eight off out of it. That struck a chord with me. And, and, and dude, it's just like, it's a joke.
Starting point is 02:32:01 She goes, yeah, I read this. I wanted to see what it was like. And I probably wouldn't want to read it in public you know and all i could think about hey you're in eighth grade and you're covering germany in world war ii and it's like uh yeah i really didn't like talking about hitler in grade school i didn't want to hear about it i didn't want to hear his name i'm trying to think um
Starting point is 02:32:20 I didn't want to hear his name. I'm trying to think. Chase, Brian, didn't her husband say all the top athletes are dopey when she was upset about people claiming she was? Or did I hear that wrong? I think you heard that wrong. Oh. I think you heard that wrong. Oh.
Starting point is 02:32:54 It's wild to me that someone would think that you would, that you would, what'd you say? He sent you a huge text. Can you read it or ask, can you ask him if you can read it or, or decipher it? Another great piece. Abby's the Goat. You eat her, you're gonna beat her. She remembered me. I like that part.
Starting point is 02:33:12 I don't even get that. You eat her, you're gonna beat her. There's something that's in there. It's funny. You'll like it, I think. Ascending calorie ladder on four different machines. Hiller, awesome. I'm not gonna say to you how good this is fucking amazing.
Starting point is 02:33:24 At this point point you're the cf media i found myself taking way more care of the athletes you document oh talking uh than the rest of them uh goddamn ring doorbell dog is going nuts oh i loved it i did see the beginning when you played that that was awesome that my dog this iso. This is awesome. Thank you, Andrew. This stuff is literally inspiring for content creators. Honestly, she sounds like a young Fraser, future champ. The production is so good. Allison and Chain's concert, Team Dome at both of them. Bill nailed it.
Starting point is 02:33:56 Best video CrossFit ever had, crushed it, Hiller. Great production. Best video in a while since the series Road to the Games. Exactly 48 minutes for 48 hours. Knowing Hiller, that wasn't by Games. Exactly 48 minutes for 48 hours. Knowing Hiller, that wasn't by accident. You really are a talented editor. I haven't finished, but stoked by hearing Bill Grundler as the narrator.
Starting point is 02:34:13 I'm so excited to see Abigail crush the games. She's on her period. That's the part that I think you're going to get a kick out of. I like it already. She said something there that's hilarious. Did she do the games on her period? Or she was on her period then? No,
Starting point is 02:34:27 it was like, it had something to do with her eating Anton feeding her and her eating. They should, the girls who are on their period during the game should announce it. They should wear like a, a red scarf or something. Yeah. Oh, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 02:34:43 So, you know, I mean, I, I don't, I've never had a period but i just have to imagine that's like it has to be the absolute worst timing hey dude there was a reddit thread the other day that was there was some chick who was asking about that and they're like hey how do you guys deal with this and i copy and pasted the stacy tovar interview he did and i
Starting point is 02:35:03 gave a time code oh awesome awesome i don't think i told you that i was like here's stacy tovar talking about it on this interview seven got blown up for uh dude that must just fucking suck what like you're going to you've trained all year to go to the fucking crossfit games and your fucking uterus lining decides to, uh, uh, come. Isn't that what happens?
Starting point is 02:35:28 It's basically you're shedding the uterus lining. Something like that. Like basically doesn't your body drop an egg and prepare the uterus lining to hold a baby. And then when there's no sperm in there that fertilize the egg, all the preparation, it's basically like nesting for a baby, right?
Starting point is 02:35:42 I think that's what it is. Heidi says it only sucks if you're a victim so i guess it doesn't suck all right fair enough but still he has spoken but still it's like an extra it's an extra thing that you have to i actually recover a lot faster when i'm on my period leading up to it it is much worse it would just be inconvenient to deal with it while doing all the events yeah that's what i thinking. Just one more thing to prep. Yeah. It's never convenient,
Starting point is 02:36:08 but life goes on. Yes. But it's convenient. Like when you want to get pregnant. Convenient. You say convenient or inconvenient. It's convenient. If you want to have a baby it's
Starting point is 02:36:25 convenient having a period is convenient yeah i mean you need i mean i think that's what it is a period is basically just your body the egg didn't get fertilized and so all the preparation that your body makes during that week to get pregnant it discharges it oh oh do you know what i mean you drop an egg it goes down the fallopian tubes I think the inside of the uterus builds a like a lining to host the egg And the sperm when it gets fertilized so it can attach there. Hey, dude, it's like it's like this. Um It's like I don't know if you've ever done this but you go outside you buy a pot you fill it with soil You put a seed in it and it doesn't sprout And then like a couple years go by and then you see the pot back there and it's just like it's been sitting in your yard forever so you have to dump the soil out
Starting point is 02:37:07 and and it's like you know what i mean you get that was a bad example but anyway no i actually think they did the same thing in health class i still didn't get it yeah so so basically it's gotta like just toss all that stuff up to get ready for the next cycle uh if if you're if you're having a regular cycle which no games athletes are i just made that up it's a good sign that you have a good chance of getting pregnant if you ever if you if you're having oh yeah but you got to be also having sex you know you know what's interesting about that is after having a hunter yeah and he he says that like his entire weekend is all thrown off yeah and he was like pete he was ready to go
Starting point is 02:37:45 perform and then he didn't have it like imagine being someone like a tia or a laura and then you have got your period it's like well are you going to make a 30 minute video about how you weren't ready because something out of your control oh now hunter said he's gonna learn from his thing and he's gonna come back like a man on a mission in 2015 hey dude but listen it would i've never seen this but it would be in a great video if you had like uh uh laura horvat be like hey it's two days before the game and i've started my period and this is how i dealt with it i had to change my tampon like three times on this day. I had this issue. I had cramping.
Starting point is 02:38:28 I actually felt like I healed faster and she did a whole vlog on what it was like competing at the games at the highest level. Yeah. But, but just informational, like the video you did on, um, I drank extra water.
Starting point is 02:38:40 I took this vitamin because I thought that like I was losing iron because of all the blood I shed. You know what I mean know what i mean it would be a fucking monumental fucking contribution to the fucking space that no woman's ever done i don't think any woman's ever done it because it's fucking crazy i mean you think about the olympics they get out there and they'd run their 400 meters and they're done these fucking chicks got to go for fucking four days I put up an Instagram post it's just gonna say any CrossFit Games female who's in the same game on their period during the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 02:39:12 I'd love to follow you around I'd like to document your journey I'd love to document your journey holy shit would that get me in the New York Times dude if you're lucky I just had a baby and haven't had my period a year so i'm scared to get it back again oh yeah i could see that are you
Starting point is 02:39:28 breastfeeding what's weird is sometimes i hear that if you're breastfeeding your period doesn't come back but my wife was breastfeeding and she got pregnant again although it was like you know 14 months later uh okay um uh you're you're keeping crossfit afloat with these mini docs damn you're the best 36 to 38 was unnecessary oh this is gonna be good andrew didn't you know i don't even know what they're talking about but didn't you know better it wasn't necessary trying to win the games naturally really i disagree with that yeah it's idiot talk.
Starting point is 02:40:06 Surely receiving a telephone call to tell you're going to be drug tested is not a random drug test. No, that's it, actually. That's how they do it. What are they supposed to do? Like, fucking accost you in the bathroom at McDonald's? Give me your urine. Who are you people? Dude, Andrew. Huh huh what if you pretended what if you go to a games athlete's house and pretend to be a fucking tester i do think that they might be on to me okay what if you
Starting point is 02:40:40 had someone else do it with a hidden camera just as a joke? I'll give them my meta glasses. That'd be cool. Yeah, wouldn't that be fucking funny? Yeah. I'll have them send an email and everything. Wow. You would have to do... I think that there might be some sort of charge that you'd have.
Starting point is 02:40:59 You can get in trouble for that. Imagine going through the whole process and you get the urine and all that. I think as long as you don't look at the guy's dick, it's fine. You just collect their urine. Hey, dude. Let's find someone to impersonate a drug tester
Starting point is 02:41:16 and test someone and then two weeks later send them an email saying that they popped positive. Oh, man. Let's do it. It's an April Fool's joke. Let's do it to Colton. Okay.
Starting point is 02:41:35 No. Let's do it to Jason Hopper, dude. Oh, that's a good idea. I like Hopper. He loses his mind. He wouldn't be able to deal with it. Holy shit, dude. Hey, dude, there's definitely some numbskulls you could pull this off on.
Starting point is 02:41:52 I think Hopper fits the bill. Oh, my God. Yeah, you couldn't do the watching them pee thing. I think you could get in trouble for that. That's what I was saying. Because you'd use it to peep their dick. You just did it so you could see Hopper's cock Calkins
Starting point is 02:42:07 You haven't seen it? I haven't When he hugged me I felt it But I haven't seen it So funny to see CrossFit CEO Don Fall say that Hiller's content isn't important to the company and community Oh there's a clip of that in there?
Starting point is 02:42:24 I don't think so. No. Oh, just a reference to old stuff? Yeah. So just not to beat a dead horse, but that is the thing. CrossFit, when they see anything that Hiller does that bothers them, all they need to do is use that to light a fire
Starting point is 02:42:44 under their ass to make more media. So they have the power to be louder and take over the space. And that's just what they should do. The, and basically just think what Dave's doing. You can't even like, he's putting out so much content now that even if he were to do something
Starting point is 02:42:57 that we didn't like, it wouldn't matter because we'd be onto the next thing. And Hiller's had videos like that. He's made stuff that has a hundred negative comments attacking him. And three days later, everyone loves him again it's just like hey just make don't worry about what other people are doing or saying uh she's got good genetics and she's putting in a ton of work by the way i i um i heard this the other day and i was like yeah this makes perfect sense to me i think when people say that someone has good genetics or bad genetics
Starting point is 02:43:25 they often are looking at their physique okay and i think that in terms of performance in crossfit that has nothing those types of genetics have nothing to do with nothing nothing to do with anything i think the only genetics that matter in crossfit is your uh capacity uh to use oxygen. That's it. Whatever your baseline is for that, that's it. That's going to determine whether you could ever be a champ or not. Then Hunter could have won. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:55 But he couldn't. He started too late. He started too late. Yeah. But that dude can use oxygen oxygen yeah whoever whoever has the biggest whoever like all things being the same whoever has the biggest engine uh is is the best brandon i stopped doing interviews because i had to edit this video and it was very time consuming what interviews were you doing i put up all those little shorts of Dave. Oh, right.
Starting point is 02:44:27 And I plan on kind of redoing the rest of them and just keeping up with it. But I had to get – I gave myself a deadline. I wanted it done by Monday at 11, so I hit my deadline. Why do people think seed oils are bad for you? They are not at all. I'm ready to go off on this comment. why do people think seed oils are bad for you? They are not at all. I'm ready to go off on this comment. Before someone comments about how bad it is,
Starting point is 02:44:54 find one study that states you should avoid seed oil. Also, sugar isn't bad for you either. It's when you eat in excess of calories when it becomes bad. You should pull this up when Greg's on the the show i mean they're not saying anything like if i take two granules of sugar and put it on my tongue are you saying that's not bad for you i mean it's just completely insignificant completely insignificant did Adler run a sub five minute mile why
Starting point is 02:45:30 that's what Samuel Cornway and Dave said that he did and then I asked Samuel about it and he said yeah he posted that he did it recently like last week I'd be shocked if he couldn't run a sub fiveminute mile. Do you think Roman can do it?
Starting point is 02:45:49 Yeah, I do. Yeah, Sam thought Roman could do it too. She's a little strange, but I like her. She better be strange if she wants to win the games. Another banger. Wow, David Weed. Oh, I got David and Jeff Baco? Yeah, crazy.
Starting point is 02:46:04 Great video, Hiller. The owner of elite CrossFit Jeremy Tucker's an absolute beautiful Human a great husband father and mentor. I've been walk been waiting for this for months Okay, Bill Grundler killed the intro Andrew your videos are so amazing. Keep these videos coming Elite CrossFit is freaking awesome. Oh, it was so good Wow, the sequence is just amazing elite CrossFit in San Antonio is phenomenal gym and community. The book collection sent me rooting for Abby for sure. Oh, shit. Jesus.
Starting point is 02:46:33 Hey, imagine this person took the time to put a time code in for a sequence you made. Yeah, that's cool. It's amazing to find a partner who wants the best for you. Bruce Wayne brings another banger. My not-too-early pick for top 10, you think she's top 10 at the games? I do. She won the West Coast, dude. And she beat Gazan by a pretty good margin.
Starting point is 02:47:00 Gazan. 20, 30 points. And people think Gazan's got top 5 potential, so why wouldn't doman have top 10 potential what do you think about bethany what do you think about bethany flores i think you're out of your goddamn mind for thinking she can would you say podium i think she's gonna yeah no top five you're out of your goddamn mind and and i think she okay do you think she beats made a bet with the John Young top eight?
Starting point is 02:47:26 Hey, I think she's going to be Brooke Wells. What do you think? I don't think so. Um, it was so hard to watch her take a bite out of that sandwich. Miss dome, Mr.
Starting point is 02:47:35 Dome. It does really well to give her that house with those cars. Amigales. Oh, but what city do they live in? San Antonio. Yeah. Listen,
Starting point is 02:47:44 uh, real estate in San Antonio. Yeah, listen. Real estate in San Antonio, man. Dude, it's hot as balls there. I don't know how anyone wants to live anywhere like that. I was looking at homes there. It's crazy what you can get there for a million dollars. Crazy. Waiting for the era of Domet Nation. This was fun to watch.
Starting point is 02:48:05 This was awesome. Intro is everything. Such a good video. Abby Donut, great editing. Bro recycled cooler ice. That intro was sick. Hiller embarrassing CrossFit HQ again. She's not built like a tank.
Starting point is 02:48:18 She is the tank. Woo! Why do best-looking girls always have the most busted husbands? What does that mean? What do you mean busted? Click on the comments. I asked Alexis, it's because I can cook. I was honestly thinking that 7.5 years older,
Starting point is 02:48:38 she rejected him multiple times. The math ain't mathing. I think that they're trying to say Anton isn't good looking. He's very good looking. I thought so. Yeah. Dude, this is so good. Every video Hiller does on an athlete, it makes me want
Starting point is 02:48:56 them to win the games. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen, bitches. All you girls out there. If you're a fucking awesome fucking girl like fucking great like the best of the best and you're so fucking cool
Starting point is 02:49:17 like Sammy Monez then you can probably find a guy your age and be the kind of person that could be the muse and the supporter to watch a man birth into a great human being. But so few of you are like that. So, one, there's so few of you like that, and two, there's so few of you like that and two there's so few men like that
Starting point is 02:49:45 but if you think that you can catch a tyson fucking bajan then then do it if not the rest you fuckers should be dating men who are 10 years older than you end of story that's it you don't if you don't if you're not it takes a very special special woman to get a fucking great man very special and then on top of that there's so few great men out there and other than that abigail that guy's too young for abigail get a man who's 10 years older than you so you can see what he's done already but if you're if you're some fucking super fucking chick who knows how to fucking make hold the space for a guy so he can become great then fucking do it find an 18 year old fucking wonder boy so to summarize that you're saying in general women should be with older men yeah if you want
Starting point is 02:50:47 to find a guy who you can see his 10-year track record and be like okay this guy is is is going to be able to make a uh a nest for me so that i can perform my womanly duties then fucking go yeah pick 10 years ahead because in the end that's what that's the only way any of you guys are going to be happy. Does every woman have womanly duties? Yes. Does every man have manly duties? Yes. Fire alarm goes off at 3 in the fucking morning.
Starting point is 02:51:16 Yeah, I got off that fucking ladder. Yeah. Naked as fuck. Yeah. Naked as fuck. Yeah, that's the manly duty. Now, somebody's going to be like, well, my husband's afraid of heights. Fine. Yeah. Naked as fuck. Yeah. That's the manly duty. Now somebody like, well, my husband's afraid of heights. Fine.
Starting point is 02:51:27 I mean, there's exceptions to everything. Yeah. Set on owns like one saw. They use it for everything. The doorbell is broken. But, but Abigail should have dated a guy
Starting point is 02:51:47 Three years older maybe But she just spotted him They're equally as lucky With one another And that comment About the busted thing It's like stupid talk They have a dining room table
Starting point is 02:52:02 And a cat They have two cats And the cats are fat And she's going to give them good kids They have a dining room table and a cat. Yeah, two cats. Yeah. And the cats are fat. And she's going to give them good kids. Did you ask her if she's going to have kids? I didn't.
Starting point is 02:52:13 Give me a minute. I don't recall. I can't speak to that. Did CTP say we can read his text? Yeah, you want to read it? Oh, yeah. Wait, hold on. Let me get through this. Let me get through this.
Starting point is 02:52:23 You're going to read all these fucking things? There's of them or something yeah it's nice it's like i'm blowing you but it's but it's still straight cameraman just let her run into a dog oh i can't wait to see that scene holy fuck the intro gave me chills another great one dude uh sus i don't know what that means uh concert for a second date lit i don't know what that means. Excellent content from just one dude. That's good at the internet. Imagine a team of 20 or 30, a best one yet. We got the one minute of video per hour.
Starting point is 02:52:52 Solid synergy there. Thanks Hiller. Hope to have you back again soon. Oh shit. From the busted dude. That's him. Like 111 likes. Let's go forced.
Starting point is 02:53:08 Uh, first. Oh, and here's the the okay all right yeah who's sema d1 babies oh was he a fucking d1 athlete? I don't think so. Oh. He played soccer. In college? I don't think so. I don't know how long he's been in the States. I think he was in Mexico for a period of time.
Starting point is 02:53:37 He's Mexican. Oh, is he Mexican? Mm-hmm. Oh, racist. Racist. Who, me? I don't know. Anyone.
Starting point is 02:53:44 Listen, I mean, it's just crazy. He's Mexican and he played soccer. Racist. Who, me? I don't know. Anyone. Listen, I mean, it's just crazy. He's Mexican and he played soccer. No duh. It's a culturally... It's a culturally appropriate sport for Mexicans. We're sitting at the table. This isn't in the video. And he asked me about my perception of Mexico.
Starting point is 02:54:04 And I was like, I don't know there's like Hudson shit right and he goes see I knew you'd say something like that and he goes I'm gonna bring you to Mexico sometimes like you wouldn't believe it but there's people up there down there they look just like you and I go what do I look like he goes like they just look like you know like like not as dark and he goes yeah there's white Mexicans down there And I'm like I've never seen a white Mexican And he goes it's a real thing
Starting point is 02:54:31 Like Shelby Neal's A red headed black girl Right And then I told Alexis about that And she goes yeah What do you mean you don't know that there's white Mexicans I mean it's fucking Native Americans who are really Chinese Mongolians who were raped by Spaniards.
Starting point is 02:54:49 Who's this? This is a Kanoa Alvarez. This is the greatest fighter who's ever lived. Is he Mexican? And he's Mexican. Oh, it's a white guy? Yeah, greatest boxer who ever lived. Crazy, right?
Starting point is 02:55:02 Yeah. I told him that. Redheaded. Doesn't the car know to kill everybody down there and he goes no they protect you guys because you guys spend money down there like oh no shit that sounds good look at him elizabeth the singer i am a white mexican that's good that gorilla in planet of the appes, like the white gorilla. Just like there's green-eyed, blonde-haired Mexicans, Sporty Beth has the greatest tits in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 02:55:36 She doesn't. I knew that was too much. I knew I'd gone overboard. I knew I'd asked too much. No, that would be a crazy video. The top 10 best hits in the CrossFit space. It's just so subjective. I would need to put a poll out,
Starting point is 02:55:58 just like I did with the steroid video. I know who the winner is. Is it Daniel Brandon? I cannot tell you, but no. Hmm. God, I'm curious. You should write in the private chat. His name is...
Starting point is 02:56:16 Hey, Pinheiro hasn't been on Dave yet. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been waiting for that one. Okay, let's go to... The CrossFit Space, Daniel Brandon's mom. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. CTP text? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:41 I asked for permission. He said it was cool. He says, I see. Oh, well, I have no clue why. All inconveniences it causes me aside, I think I prefer it this way. Maybe I'm twisted, but it's more fun being on the outside. I'm not sure I'd know what to do with my hens the day I was invited to the cool kids table. sure I'd know what to do with my hens the day I was invited to the cool kids table.
Starting point is 02:57:10 It's not a loss for folks like me because we're going to make shit happen no matter what, so us doing outsiders will oddly work in our favor for what we do. In fairness to them, they gave us a huge heads up that would be tighter this year. I could make arguments for why they might want to allow more people in, but they made their decision. As for me, I'm a one-man media team. Never try to go where I'm not supposed to go. Don't care to be pampered or get special privileges and largely like to stay to myself and out of the way. So in comparison to some of these other camps rolling deep,
Starting point is 02:57:45 can I just get a tiny corner on the floor? That's all I need. When I applied for the semis media, it was odd. I got two replies, one from HQ saying I was denied, and a day or two later, one from Syndicate saying that I was in. HQ's denial mentioned being an official partner, so I replied back. How does one become an official partner? Question mark. Took a couple nudges to finally get a response back, official partner so i replied back how does one become an official partner question mark
Starting point is 02:58:11 took a couple nudges to finally get a response back but they told me to email the partner division i fired off an email where asking now ttt could become a partner how ttt could become a partner do we pay is there an application is it invite only and i never got a response i have no desire to about whatever the answer to those questions might be. However, I would like to know exactly how one becomes a partner and the entire process to be transparent. But yeah. Welcome to the club, my friend. It's not so bad. I set courtside, lower level, everywhere in the arena. I set courtside, lower level, everywhere in the arena. But when my Memphis Grizzlies make it to the playoffs,
Starting point is 02:58:50 there's nowhere I'd rather be than in the nodes-bleeds with the real ones. Let's fuck shit up. CTP. Didn't CrossFit put something out that there was going to be more restrictions, but they also put something out that there was going to be more media than ever also. Here's the thing, man. Could you imagine if you were running media, not letting CTP there? If I'm running media there, I call that dude.
Starting point is 02:59:24 He's earned that. I would say he deserves it. JR would like that. I mean, he's... They're fucking... Every video, everything that they put out gets, like, fucking 10,000 fucking views or more. Even if it's just fucking Max Elhaj and Ken sitting around the table talking.
Starting point is 02:59:44 I just don't he's been around the space forever like anyone with like institutional knowledge in the company should be like you at least call that guy like he deserves a hey dude we're not letting camps in this is the reason why
Starting point is 02:59:59 do you want to apply with a non-camp I just can't see he's such a positive force in the space he has he has a known following he's been around fucking forever he's been a lot longer than just about everyone at crossfit has at this point yeah i don't i'm not like and i grant it that it might be yeah clock we i just don't i just don't get i just don't get it and maybe he did something to upset someone oh let me read that again uh that line about not being accredited media and cfs denial the
Starting point is 03:00:36 hillar is this day and age where there's hardly any such thing anymore yeah yeah of course is peak post truth line yeah Dale CTP is one of the most welcoming people ever which is very true I remember the first time I ever saw him in person and I knew his voice I don't have I don't I don't have ever had that before holy shit you're the barbell shrug
Starting point is 03:00:58 guy yeah it's not just that he's been around for every I don't know I've never heard anyone say one bad thing about the guy either. Everyone fucking respects the guy. No. And it's not because he's not edgy either. He'll do edgy shit.
Starting point is 03:01:13 He's very creative. It is. It is pretty ridiculous. Yeah. And he's got his own style and he's quirky and he's like, and he's knowledgeable and he's been around the best people in the space from the media to the athletic, to the training. It's just weird. I don't think that if someone there knew,
Starting point is 03:01:33 I don't think someone there knew what they were doing by not letting him come. Like if they, you know what I mean? Like that just doesn't make sense. Like I, like I, if they said, Hey, Sevan, you can't come. I could come up with a dozen reasons why. And everybody for me the same way. Like if you flip the coin, they're like, I get it.
Starting point is 03:01:52 Yeah. Or, or even if you don't get it, they would have reasons. I just can't think of a reason for, for him. Nope. Like I can't even make one up.
Starting point is 03:02:00 Well, this one time. Yeah. Uh, I don't know what it stands for. Chris, the producer. make one up well this one time yeah I don't know what it stands for Chris the producer oh really is it I'm pretty sure oh that's awesome yeah messed up crazy
Starting point is 03:02:19 when Sebon met him at the games he followed up by asking if he could touch his piece I don't know I want to say that's not true but it probably is Devon met him at the games. He followed up by asking if he could touch his piece. I don't know. I want to say that's not true, but it probably is. I want to see who is invited. That's really it, right? Yeah, that's true, too.
Starting point is 03:02:44 And last year, didn't they have something where you could pay to play that. That's kind of what he was alluding to. How do you become a partner? Well, one second there. Um, for fuck's sake, who is CTP?
Starting point is 03:02:52 Yeah. That's the thing too. He's not like a guy who's like, he's never been, uh, interested in being in the spotlight at all. So like probably everyone here has watched his shit and didn't even know you watched his shit.
Starting point is 03:03:04 Like that's how much shit he's made and been involved in. Um, uh, Oh, So probably everyone here has watched his shit and didn't even know you watched his shit. That's how much shit he's made and been involved in. Oh, it's 10,000% true. What is? That I asked to touch his piece, or he asked to touch my piece. I also don't have an issue with if Mayhem is sponsoring the Affiliate Lounge.
Starting point is 03:03:31 Let's say, I'm just making this up. I have no idea. But if Mayhem gives $100,000 or HWPO gives $100,000 for the large, or Rogue, for instance, or anyone if you pay money and there's a certain level of money you pay that you
Starting point is 03:03:48 also get one photographer and one video guy. You know what I mean? That seems absolutely... That's what you're paying for too, right? So last year, Mayhem sponsored the campground and of course they should get media access for that, no? No. And how come? How come? then of course they should get media access for that. No, no.
Starting point is 03:04:08 And how come I would, how come? No. Does the NFL work that way too? I, well, yeah, hold on.
Starting point is 03:04:22 I suspect that if I, and I don't know this for certain, but I suspect if you're prudential and you sponsor the prudential half gate halftime show right oh okay that you you get a booth probably but or at least at for or at least first option to buy a booth or something right and then maybe i don't know but in the contract I wouldn't be surprised if they're like hey We would like to use photos for this game For future promotion of prudential commercials I don't know but it doesn't seem like a stretch
Starting point is 03:04:52 To me You know sports I'm guessing sports illustrated has people On the field But they're not a partner I don't know it's a good question I don't know Yeah it's weird I don't know how they do Like good question. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. It's weird. I don't know how they do it.
Starting point is 03:05:06 Like does M and M's get to send a photographer to the Olympics since they're the official snack for the Olympics or whatever? I don't know. That's a good question. I, I, uh, I just imagined somebody like,
Starting point is 03:05:17 uh, Shelby Neal, right. We'll part, we'll campus. She part of, uh, I don't know the answer to that,
Starting point is 03:05:24 but it's proven. It's not proven. I don't think she's to that but it's proven it's not proven i don't think she's a proven athlete i think she's got her own coach i think she told me who her coach was his name is david but i don't know but anyway you thought her her boyfriend was jack far though i did you took a picture of them that's awesome awesome. No one told me otherwise. And what's even better is he just rolled it. Hey, dude, you just won the clean. That's awesome. No, he didn't. But anyway, they're not paying $100,000 to get content of Shelby.
Starting point is 03:06:02 Say that again. I just got an email from CrossFit. I was looking to see if it's like a denial or approval is it no i don't know what this is is it the workout of the day no it's something from madigan oh is it saying get hillar off your show right now or it's ruining your... Dear Sevan, your affiliation with Ant... No. The ESPN and ESPN2 telecast will feature the day's top heats. I got that too. That's dope. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 03:06:36 As long as it's not just ESPN+. I'm a big ESPN+, guy. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, because it's the only one I watch. No, no, no no That's where fighting is That's where I watch all the fighting And you gotta go to find it Yeah, that's true
Starting point is 03:06:56 I've just become so comfortable with it But you're right You're completely fine with that Yeah, yeah The thing that people are trying to say is Oh, we're on ESPN No, you're on okay go go go uh you're fine with that yeah yeah but um the thing that people are trying to say is like oh we're on espn it's like no you're on espn plus you got to go to find it and you got to pay to find it which you do for fighting which is not what they're saying that they're getting it last year but it looks different this year per this email hey um here's the here's
Starting point is 03:07:21 the thing too like i'll tell you this i you this when I see accredited media I just think that that's bullshit and dishonest and disingenuous because no one knows what accredited media is that just means you're that's like saying they would let fucking The Rock come down there and shoot pictures in a second
Starting point is 03:07:40 because he has 200 million Instagram followers it's just a lie the generic email you got what I mean? I mean, it's just a lie. The email is just a lie, the generic email you got. And I don't think that anyone owes anything to say what's fair or not fair. Do you know what I mean? So I don't like this reasoning. Last year, I can't remember, I wanted to go somewhere, and they said it wouldn't be fair.
Starting point is 03:08:03 It's like, it wouldn't be fair. Fair to who? Like, what, what do you like? We're not, we're not all equal in, in the, in the fucking space. Someone shooting photos doesn't need the same access as someone shooting video. Someone writing doesn't need the same access as someone shooting photos or video. Someone writing might need more access during this time or that time. It's like that fair thing is just, it sounds ridiculous to me. If you, if you were, uh, it just sounds like an excuse to be dishonest about picking and choosing what you really want. Hey, no one has a problem. Hey, just say this. The bloody buttery bros have an incredible track record of making really engaging content that's really well edited with great music that's always a
Starting point is 03:08:50 positive force in the space and their turnaround time is fast and therefore we're going to give them bingo yeah i'm fine with that you made it weis cry for bringing up her own interview, and we don't want you here. Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. And then I would be like, why did she cry about it? Yeah. Well, kudos to her for being honest about her hiring practices.
Starting point is 03:09:18 I don't got a problem with her honesty. Should I respond to Chris Madigan? How do I become accredited media what do i need to do what's the process of becoming accredited media i thought i did that when i filed my business application or or maybe andrew hiller media llc like what the fuck oh yeah mine's called sebon media llc hey maybe but you don't even know that's the that's the problem you can't really protest because you don't know the reason why you'd have to find out the reason why first like what's the like we still don't know why ctp like it didn't actually
Starting point is 03:09:57 we don't really know why they're they're just babies dude well they're gonna say they have limited room right i mean why didn't they say it the first time i mean they've just been saying that all for 10 emails it's like well we have limited room yeah i just i feel like maybe it's because i watch all the dave stuff but i feel like he's been warning us since they announced dickies like hey dude things are going to be different we We have limited room. But I also feel like they've also sent us an email saying they're going to allow more media than ever this year.
Starting point is 03:10:30 Yeah, I've heard both. So. It doesn't sound like he's going to push back at all. Who? CTP. CTP, no. No, no, no. Not at all. um uh ctp no no no no not at all he's just cool and dude really they're allowing they don't allow monopods or tripods which kind of blows because it's hard to shoot from the stands with a long lens without a monopod here here's another reason why it's really important to have good media access because at least for me because the travel time between
Starting point is 03:11:13 spots so if i want to go from point a to point b and you're just a regular fucking joe you might have to go up around and down you know what i Like in a stadium. Where if you have a media pass, there's a more direct route. At least for sure it was like that in Carson and in Madison. Way more direct routes. Way easier. Through tunnels, shit like that. You know what I mean? I really like talking to people
Starting point is 03:11:46 yeah and we would be sitting at the west coast and Alexis who would say something like I want to get a water bottle and I'd go alright here's my wallet like go get a water bottle and she goes I kind of want you to come with me he goes I'm gonna miss the next event because I'll end up talking to people, which I like to do. And that's something that you don't have to do either when you've got media credentials, right?
Starting point is 03:12:16 Yeah. Yeah. Hey, um, that's what, uh, that's what men do. Get water bottles?
Starting point is 03:12:27 No, but like... Talk to people? I automatically say, like, if my wife's going somewhere, I'll be like, do you have cash? Do you have money? Or if we're in line somewhere, even though, like, I don't even know how our money works, she's in charge of it all. Here's the thing, my wife just wouldn't even take my wallet
Starting point is 03:12:44 if she wanted to. She wouldn't take a dollar. But that's just a man thing to do that's another one oh okay okay yeah that's just my way of saying i i'm not going but know that i would i don't care i'd rather yeah yeah stay here and have you buy it but yeah i'll pay for that like men just pay for shit like i just like you like hey babe i don't know if this credit card like probably i don't know 20 years ago i'd be like hey uh here's the 85 cents in my pocket my wife's in charge of my allowance not the other day we went to the grocery store and i don't like going to basically
Starting point is 03:13:24 certain like whole foods type places. And Alexa, you go to one and I go, all right, I'll go, but you're paying. So going where, where were you going?
Starting point is 03:13:33 Like, uh, it's called fresh time. T H Y M E. Oh, all foods. Like, all right,
Starting point is 03:13:38 I'll go, but I'm not paying. I just wait in the car. I wait in the fucking car. Well, why, why? You don't like those voices either. Ever since the car. I wait in the fucking car. Why? You don't like those voices either? Ever since the pandemic, I hate all the people
Starting point is 03:13:52 in my grocery stores. I don't want to be around those fucking idiots. I don't want to be around the coward employees. I don't like going in there and seeing those fucking people. I just don't like those fucking... I don't want to be around those people i just become a judgmental cunt so i just wait in the car if i'm gonna buy food i go to the gas i go to i go to either the gas
Starting point is 03:14:16 station or i go to um like a mom and pop like uh stores like you know where they roll all the carts out with the fruits and vegetables onto the driveway like i like those the most big california thing yeah whole food smells like feet yeah i just know i just know those are just just fucking rotten fucking people in those places see i don't i don't think that i just don't like the idea of spending 25 cents more per dollar on things that you don't need to for the sheer fact that they said organic for no reason um uh oh my uncle lives in socal and feels the same way seven hey i went to um uh is that triplets i went to um i went to safeway the other day. Which is a grocery store. With my boys, yeah.
Starting point is 03:15:06 Ghetto is a fuck grocery store. And I went in there and I bought $400 worth of ribeye. I bought all their ribeyes. Okay. And I came home. I guess they were judgmentally looking at you. Dude, I got just in so much trouble when I got home. Why?
Starting point is 03:15:27 The first rib eye my wife opens, there's fucking mold on it. She's like, where'd you get these? I'm like, Safeway. She's like, don't get any fucking food at Safeway. Don't get meat at Safeway. You are a child. Why? Me? Because you don't know how to shop. I just went there with my boys and i pushed the cart up and
Starting point is 03:15:46 i go get all that meat out of that row and put it in the cart and they got it all and then i went to the front to pay for it and then my wife's like why don't you go to the fucking butcher that's it i was like what's that yeah no i know where the butcher is i don't like going in there either costco savvy i don't know if my wife would let me go to Costco I don't know, well, I mean, she'd let me She's not gonna stop me, but if I bring meat from there I'm afraid she won't cook that either I told you about that ribeye I bought, right? Yeah, that was amazing
Starting point is 03:16:16 That huge ribeye, I sent you the pictures, right? I wonder what my wife thinks about Yeah, yeah, it was crazy Yeah, I ate ribeye for two weeks straight with that thing And it was crazy. Yeah, I ate ribeye for two weeks straight with that thing. It was expensive. It was like $240 for that thing, but it made 16 steaks.
Starting point is 03:16:37 Sorry, where are my boys? 16 freaking steaks. Let me see if I'm allowed to shop at Costco What the fuck is going on here Hey Hi Are there any kids in our house? Mira and Joseph
Starting point is 03:17:04 Who? Mira and Joseph. Who? Mira and Joseph. Oh, okay. Hey, am I allowed to get meat from Costco? If it looks like good quality, yeah. But not Safeway? No.
Starting point is 03:17:24 Okay, thank you. You're welcome. No. Okay. Thank you. You're welcome. Okay. Your mom was going to put us on her Costco membership. Okay. I'm going to send you a video. Paul Saladino endorses Costco, so it must be fine. Hiller, can you send Haley a picture of your meat?
Starting point is 03:17:44 Oh, yeah. That video. Okay. Hiller's going to send you a video of his meet. Oh, I can't wait. Thank you. You're welcome. Bye, Hiller. Okay, bye, babe. Oh,
Starting point is 03:17:53 Taylor might be staying at our house for two weeks. Two weeks? No. Alright, bye. I'm kidding kidding i hope you babysit okay bye okay bye did your safeway steaks look like this no these look great right yeah those look great mine were all mushed and shit and flat and yeah those look great mine were all mushed and shit and flat and can rosemary put the entire chat on her costco membership i do give blood oh do you give blood hillar i was talking to paul last time i was in california west coast
Starting point is 03:18:43 yeah and he said that when he gives blood he feels like it's a full body ejaculation. Wow. The second I got home, I gave blood. And he was right. I kind of felt great. My wife gives blood too. She does it for health reasons. I forget for some reason she said something about too much iron or something.
Starting point is 03:19:06 Chicks usually have the opposite issue. Too little iron. Yeah, I don't know what her deal is. You should just propose it the same way. I don't know what your deal is. Andrew says stop giving blood. I did not say that. I give blood.
Starting point is 03:19:22 But you do it because of the TRT right I'm guessing it has some there's like an abundance of red blood cells the hematocrit yes which also makes it easy to breathe on certain things and harder on others oh but my wife's a world class meat handler
Starting point is 03:19:39 so maybe that's why she's put so much meat in her mouth that she has to give blood. Could that be the reason? Two steaks a day for fucking a year? Yes. Okay. You see what you did there, right?
Starting point is 03:19:55 You know? Yeah. Yeah. Because I got 30 seconds. That's what she said. Yeah. Followed by steaks. Steaks.
Starting point is 03:20:03 Are we going for five hours today? No, I have to pee. I feel like a commercial. How are those going? Dude, so good. I'm so proud. Yeah, Brett killed it. I think the contest is doing well.
Starting point is 03:20:17 We're going to get more people entering than I suspected. And Brett's making five more. I heard that Pedro's entering the contest i pretty much if pedro enters i do i just have to pick him as the winner to give him the 5k or do i have to be on i have to be honest that would be like crossfit giving mayhem credentials for spending money to put a trailer in a boot camp or whatever. Hey, I do think that Rich should get what he wants. Yeah, and so should Matt. So should Tia. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:20:52 That one hurt. When I said yeah? No, it's fine. He's got to get what he wants. What if Tia reached out to you and wanted to do a day in the life with you? Awesome. I'd be there whenever,
Starting point is 03:21:06 whenever, as fast as I could. That goes for just about any of them, right? Andrew, this is a Nick Johnson. I like Nick. Um,
Starting point is 03:21:17 I like you, Nick. Hi. I know this is going to catch you a little, uh, off guard here, but, um,
Starting point is 03:21:23 what do you think about doing 48 hours with Tia? I think you're bullshitting me, Nick. You're right. Fuck you. You didn't get your credentials at the game. That's 100. If I got a phone call from Nick Johnston and called you for your credentials and that's Nick Johnston, I'd call his credentials.
Starting point is 03:21:46 And that's what he said. I would think, you're lying. Whose idea was this, yours or Tia's? Neither. Hello? Oh, no, not that one. Okay, this could be him. Andrew, this is Nick Johnston from Proven.
Starting point is 03:22:03 How are you today? Good as ever. We'd like to give you Tia's coach pass this year so you can do an intimate piece on her from the CrossFit Games. The behind the scenes is just on Tia. We're going to give you her coach's pass. Did she see my Instagram post asking about women on their periods? Tia is actually on her period.
Starting point is 03:22:24 Tia is actually pregnant, and we want to show that she can win the games being two and a half months pregnant. Wow. It's going to be controversial. It's going to be very controversial, Andrew, but we think when it comes to controversy, you can handle it. I don't know. Is CrossFit going to let me post this one?
Starting point is 03:22:40 They might not let me. They might not. Hillary, your last 48 hours was phenomenal. Let's fucking go. Oh, thanks, Anthony. Hey, Bernie, I said that this is my Moby Dick. $48 a Spiegel. I would. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 03:22:59 What was I going to? Hey, are you going to do a Spiegel? I'm not watching that interview because I keep thinking you are. You think that's going to help your chances with? No. Maybe. It's more of like at the moment where I'm at with it, it's more of a Bryce. He's not my kind of person. He's like that dude in the car talking about insurance.
Starting point is 03:23:27 It's like, I don't want to talk to you about insurance. And also when you're talking, stop being all philosophical and just be here, dude. You don't have to like reference Plato every chance you get. Come on. Socrates is dead.
Starting point is 03:23:42 He's a trip. Bryce. Yeah. Yes. I'm going gonna go to NorCal I heard you're going Oh yeah Wait uh Are we all staying together there We got a house there
Starting point is 03:23:57 You got a house I don't think I have anywhere to stay yet CA Peptide's got a house We better figure that out. I think I'm bringing my kids there. That's going to be fucking crazy. Hey, I was thinking about getting a star link.
Starting point is 03:24:10 You should for there so that we can like broadcast shit live from there. How many people do you think you would hook up to that thing at once? I don't know, but we could do, I think we could sit down and do a podcast. Yeah. Yeah. We could have a booth there.
Starting point is 03:24:25 Oh, that would be cool. And just set up. I mean, that sounds like a fucking lot of work. I don't know who's going to do that. Like, you have to get, like, a pop-up tent and shit. Maybe they'll set up a booth for us. Maybe a sponsor. Shit.
Starting point is 03:24:38 What if there's, like, someone there? What if there's a vendor there at NorCal who would let us use their booth? Last year, Wolverine was there. Yeah. I haven't talked to them in a long time. Uh, Bailey Walker,
Starting point is 03:24:55 how much is Starlink? Uh, 150 a month. Yeah. Caleb said, yeah, 500 for the device or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:25:05 Uh, 48 hours with, uh, Danny Spiegel would break the internet. How long does it take you to do 30 muscle-ups? Me? You. I don't know. Want me to try today? Yeah. That was the workout of the day yesterday, I think. I don't know. I'm going to try today. Yeah. What should I, what are the workout of the day
Starting point is 03:25:28 Like yesterday, I think 30 straight, strict muscle. I haven't done 30 muscle ups in 15 years, 10 years, 10 years. Are you going to get hurt? No,
Starting point is 03:25:37 maybe. What do you think I should do for my plan of attack? Two on the minute. Does it take you 15 minutes? You think that fast or slow slow oh i think you probably do like one every 30 seconds i don't kip i have to do them from a seated position yeah that's why i'm asking because the crossfit workout of the day yesterday was 30 straight ring muscle-ups for time and i figured that's how you would do them anyway i think i i used to know my 30 muscle-ups for time
Starting point is 03:26:09 pr and i went to a basketball court at a elementary school and i hung the rings underneath a hoop and i did them all strict and i want to say i was crazy proud of my time, and it was like nine minutes. So you should try to go for ten then. Or was it four? It was either just under five minutes or just under ten minutes. I can't remember. Did you get that joke? Barkley got it.
Starting point is 03:26:37 Hold on. I'm trying to think real quick. I doubt it was under five minutes. What was the joke? I should do what? That's a joke. Went over his head. Oh, what was the joke? Welcome do what that's a joke went over his head oh what was the joke welcome to the world of alexis mr matosian what was what was the joke tell me the joke i want to see if i can get it you said you could go two on the minute and i go no it's going
Starting point is 03:26:55 to be something more like one every 30 seconds oh and i didn't do the math that was just your head was thinking about your personal record. I suck. I suck at interviewing. I need to be more present. It's all right. This is your show. You're not being interviewed. You're I can still fuck it up.
Starting point is 03:27:14 Uh, okay. Uh, I think, I think I would be very proud if I got 50, 15 minutes. Actually, actually,
Starting point is 03:27:22 if I do two on the minute, maybe I could get like 14 minutes and 20 seconds. You know what I mean? Cause on that 14th minute, I would do it. Those first two. Actually, actually, if I do two on the minute, maybe I could get like 14 minutes and 20 seconds. You know what I mean? Cause on that 14th minute, I would do it. Those first two. At some point, wouldn't you just say that you can go sooner?
Starting point is 03:27:32 Yeah. But whenever I do that shit can start getting weird. Do you think people go anymore to look at that stuff? No, no, I don't. I, I,
Starting point is 03:27:44 I find to be completely honest with you i find the website repulsive i agree like i would never i would never go i would never stay on a website that looks like that but i'm old i'm 52 too but i wouldn't know. Is that a CEO shirt? What? No way. Oh, shit. Was that a training think tank shirt right in the beginning? I don't know. Oh, maybe it was an open shirt. I swear I saw a CEO shirt, but it may have been an open.
Starting point is 03:28:16 Is that training think tank? Do you see one? The old lady with the tits bouncing in the beginning? Watch. Right. There. I don't think it was training think tank These stairs right there that's San Diego That's like a seminar
Starting point is 03:28:31 Training camp or something There you go 30 Strict muscle-ups So you would be doing The intermediate option A 15 minute am rep of strict ring muscle-ups, but you might also finish under the...
Starting point is 03:28:47 Hey, I don't even think that anyone does. I bet you not one person besides me actually would do strict muscle-ups. What do you mean? You think they would be doing shit like this, 10 rounds of ring rows and push-ups? No, they'll be kipping. This person seems to have done it. You sick, Kim.
Starting point is 03:29:09 Oh, wait a minute. This guy's a god. This guy used to win China all the time. I'm pulling this video up. Give me a minute. This is fun. What do you think? Are they going to be strict or not?
Starting point is 03:29:25 We're going to see. Nope. I don't know. That's pretty good, though. That little leg pop? Yeah, I just think like... He's just... He's tightening his core.
Starting point is 03:29:39 You know what I mean? Do you know Yusup Kim? That's fucking crazy. So he did... what was his time? Uh, let me see. Six something? 6.22. How fast do you think you could do it?
Starting point is 03:29:53 You think you could do it in under 10? Yeah. Strict? Oh, yeah. Let's see what it looks like towards the back end. I don't know, dude. He's like really chucking his legs into that thing. You think?
Starting point is 03:30:11 Look at that leg chuck. I mean, it's definitely... Is he using a false grip? Yes. Oh, yeah. That's a kip, homie. I don't know. I give it to him.
Starting point is 03:30:22 But I also respect you calling it a kip. That is a kip. Hey, I don't think anyone did it more strict than i but i also respect you calling it a kit that is a kid hey i don't think anyone did it more strict than that let me see if there's any other times all right one second i want to show you this really quick though i can't believe i this name popped out this is this is where i'm this is where i think a lot this is this dude you so kim korea of republic he was the 909th in the world in quarterfinals, and he's workouts. I don't know why. He would always have his score up
Starting point is 03:30:49 first. When they would release workouts on a Thursday, you would always see Yusuke Kim. You have a good memory. There he is. This is back when I was... That was a pretty good score, and it was always Yusuke Kim. Hiller, your strict Fran was less strict than that. Shut your face greg tell me why uh i'm looking for um here i had these up again 11 50
Starting point is 03:31:15 not many of them post videos that might be the only one that posted a video. Do you see any Times Fashion? Let me see Hunter Hoffman. 624, but there's no video. 945 on a bar. That's harder. Wait, what's that chick's name? Annie what? Annie, where the fuck she go?
Starting point is 03:31:44 Hoffman? There's no fucking way where the fuck she go? Hoffman? There's no fucking way. Where'd she go? There's no fucking way some chick did 30 fucking strict muscles. There you go. Annie, what's your last name? B-R. Bridegroom.
Starting point is 03:31:58 B-R-I-D-E-G-R-O-O-M. There's no fucking way. Oh, I, she, I don't see her on, um, Instagram,
Starting point is 03:32:09 Instagram. I found her CrossFit profile. Maybe. Do I see it? Oh, I think maybe I found her. Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 03:32:20 I don't know. I think maybe not crazy shoulders though. Yeah, it is. I don't know, dude. I think maybe not. Crazy shoulders, though. Yeah, there's no way she did... She thinks she did this? Like Yusuk? I mean, on a bar, no way.
Starting point is 03:32:42 Right, yeah, no way. She made it on 30 for time. Yeah. Hotel gym did Fran instead. 10 rounds for time. Wait, let me see that one. This one? No, I thought I saw 516. So people put in their own fucking workouts?
Starting point is 03:33:04 Yeah. Here's what they did instead. 3 TRX row. Oh, but that's kind of like a TRX row to low transition, which is kind of like a muscle-up thing. I would have to be so fucking warm to do that. Just ride the
Starting point is 03:33:22 salt bike? Yeah. I just have to ride the salt bike for 10 minutes i'll try it i'll try two on the minute for uh you record it 15 minutes you think i should yeah man okay and post it all right that'll be good i bet there's not many people your age who can do that good you might be like one of the only ones i'm strict strictly in love with sevan fair enough makes sense more than i'm more than 10 years older than you i fit the mold
Starting point is 03:33:57 yeah if you can't do two on the minute just try one every 30 seconds i don't get it hey no i don't get it. Hey, no, I don't think doing singles is the way. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do two on the minute, and I'm going to start from the bottom, and I'm going to be sitting down. And when I get to the bottom, I'm going to make it so my butt barely touches so I get a little tiny bounce that no one will be able to see when they watch the video.
Starting point is 03:34:27 You know what I mean? I'll see it. And then I'm going to go right back up and I'm going to do two on the minute for 30 minutes. And even if I have to start kipping, I'll kip whatever that looks like from the seated position. Even if I...
Starting point is 03:34:43 You will kip? Yeah, if I have to, if I end up having to skip like i'm gonna get to 30 no matter what i i can't wait to use that sound bite i'll get to 30 no matter what i'll get to 30 no matter what. Ow. Can't hold my camera. You're going to record it? Yes. One hour on the clock. I'll get to 30 no matter what.
Starting point is 03:35:17 Hey, should I take a picture of my setup right now? What setup? This setup. So, look at it. God, I have my text messages open close them all right i feel like you're taking a picture of me i'm taking the pictures of uh um um let's see if there's anything inappropriate out here I feel like you're taking a picture of me. I'm taking a pictures of, uh, um, let's see if there's anything inappropriate out here. Just so,
Starting point is 03:35:52 uh, yeah, it has my, um, Oh yeah. Suze is coming on soon, isn't he? Oh, at 11.
Starting point is 03:36:00 Yeah. What time is it? Uh, whatever the 35 version of 1035. Wow, you could zoom in and even see what I've written on this pad. That's crazy. As long as what I wrote in the private chat to you isn't up. Alexis and I are watching this show called The Bates Motel,
Starting point is 03:36:24 which is a really, it's fine so far, but they've got the iPhone one in it. Whoa, damn. I can think about when he's like, wow, I can zoom all the way in.
Starting point is 03:36:36 And then they got the iPhone one. Wow. I can zoom all the way in. Okay. I'm posting this. Where? To Instagram right now. For what reason?
Starting point is 03:36:50 Because I'm a fucking digital content creator. I'm an influencer. You're an influencer. Oh, wow, they added Shad1000 to the games profile. Are you out of your mind? I podcast they added shad 1000 to the games profile are you out of your mind do you know what's crazy do you know the history of
Starting point is 03:37:14 of okay look at my post you think I'm going to get in trouble for that by Instagram let me see is there a banana in it? No, but I left the nude of Starlight on there. Nice. I cut out the text messages, but I left the nude.
Starting point is 03:37:39 That's awesome. Doesn't that light bug the shit out of you? No, it's not as bright as it seems in the picture. There's a really bright light over here on the other side that you can't see in the photo. Dave's olive oil. I'm looking at all the stuff you've got over there. Oh, back here. I'm starting a FitAid collection.
Starting point is 03:38:06 Here's the chocolate dick you sent me. How's it looking? White? Yeah, it's white. I can't wait until I fucking picture a starlight. The bag's a weed. A paper street coffee bag. This was like a $300, $400 hat.
Starting point is 03:38:37 Maybe $500. I don't know. The best ever. It's a Floyd Mayweather hat. This friend of his who was running this hat, and it's all leather and nice. I want to say this might even be, I don't know, it's probably just plastic. He probably lied to me. He said it was anaconda or some shit.
Starting point is 03:38:54 It's a nice hat. Oh, you still have those in honor of us talking about Hunter earlier. Yeah. We still have those in honor of us talking about Hunter earlier. Yeah. I gave the Molly away. I gave the ecstasy away. I gave it back to the dude who gave it to me.
Starting point is 03:39:17 Oh, oh, Barkley. Nice update. Chad's been in the profile since the pre-2023 games update. Do you know the origin of the of chad like giga chad just that like i think dave just knew that dude and dave just and and that dude's wife is on the seminar staff and he killed himself so dave's like hey i'm doing a workout and it's chad and it wasn't even a hero wad dave just did it on his own you know what i mean like there's a whole process and a line and you have to get validation from families like fuck that that's my fucking one of my staff's homies and husbands and so i'm just making it up and then what's crazy too too, is then after he made it, he basically just did that on his own.
Starting point is 03:40:13 And then CrossFit sort of just – it never even became an official hero workout. Just all of a sudden it was a hero workout. Do you know what I mean? There's a whole process it has to go through. Is there really? Yeah. You have to contact the't like you have to like contact the family you have to make sure that they're okay with it you have to make sure that
Starting point is 03:40:30 the person was a crossfitter they changed the weight uh that's too heavy he wouldn't like that uh you you you run it by the family members to make sure it's movements that they like there's a whole thing to it but chat i don't know what dave did but dave just made it and one day we were just doing it over at hq it's like hey today we're doing chat so then then now it becomes a sufficient workout but what's funny is is like i've seen posts where like they're crediting people for it and like and it's always like jocko or goggins or but and there'll be no mention it'll be like thank you for the blah blah blah for supporting the ch but, and there'll be no mention. It'd be like, thank you for the blah, blah, blah, for supporting the Chad workout. And I'll name off all these people, but not the guy who made the workout and just pushed it through.
Starting point is 03:41:11 It was just, it's just weird. That is weird. I don't like that. If seven died, what would be his wad? What's the least amount of calories you can get while still making the assault like move for one hour um all right have you ever done an hour for calories no i'm sure i've ridden the bike for an hour
Starting point is 03:41:45 I've done it a couple times I know at 40 minutes it gets really like I always go through something Like oh okay I'm done I did the I did a I'm good For the picture thing right
Starting point is 03:42:00 Photography gear stuff I felt like a massive number why I I really thought it wouldn't be a big deal to go 10 calories a minute yeah for the completion of it so an hour 40. yeah and then like right around 800 like everything starts to shut down it was for me it did at least it was weird at 800 calories and then the next 200 took me another hour to do 200 calories which it shouldn't oh an hour to do 200 yeah that's more that should really people do that in 10 minutes dude and and really if you're if you're moving it's like 20 minutes is even kind
Starting point is 03:42:48 of slow still i i want to say i've i've gone over 400 calories a bunch of times i want to say the most i've ever done on the bike was like 462 calories but i've for sure never stayed on it for more than an hour but I also would not hold ten calories a minute well yeah I've done three hundred calories in thirty minutes a shitload of times
Starting point is 03:43:15 the thing is is minute ten through twenty is significantly easier than minute zero through ten and zero twenty to thirty for me what about minutes minute zero through 10 and zero 20 to 30 for me. What about minutes? And then after 40 shit gets kind of weird for me. It's 90 to a hundred.
Starting point is 03:43:33 How's that go? Yeah, I don't know. Fuck. I would want to get off. Did you get pimples on your ass from that? I would get a fucking crazy pimple. Chafing.
Starting point is 03:43:44 Yeah, I don't really get chafing. Have you ever ridden an echo bike? Not for more than 100 calories. Just at CrossFit when we had them. But I avoided it like the plague. Because? Because I like the chain.
Starting point is 03:44:01 Yeah, I want to get rid of my echo bike. I don't like it. You don't? What do you want to get? An assault bike. But their new ones are belt driven too but they still have the older ones oh so you do like a chain too yeah i used to do these workouts all the time with thousands of calories in them and it was actually enjoyable there's nothing enjoy maybe that's probably why it's better for you i want a stair master get one uh all right thank you andrew thank you yeah everybody
Starting point is 03:44:34 thank you i'm gonna go have a fit aid now you too can have a fit aid and get 40% off. Did you get your fit aids? God damn it. No. Uh, go, someone order some fit aid now and see if you can get your fit aid faster than Andrew. Thank you.

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