The Sevan Podcast - SEVAN PODCAST NEWS - Rogan, Fraser, Tola Morakinyo - 2/17/24

Episode Date: February 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Welcome to the news. Coming in hot. Looks like Matt Fraser will not, will not be taking no for an answer from the MOB herself. Matt here, flight, out to visit MOB.
Starting point is 00:00:55 He just touched down in Toronto, where he will be having a private meeting with her, hopefully to encourage her to enter the CrossFit Games. You heard it here first hope you guys are having a great weekend big ufc fights tonight also back to back first you got froning then we got froning news rich froning was on the duck soup podcast with the real fluffy duck, Mr. Josh himself, and he brings up the Joe Rogan incident. Here we go. Joe Rogan, does he ever invite you on the podcast? We talked a couple years ago on Twitter and mentioned me coming out there, and then when I said I was coming out there, ghosted me.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So I don't think he wants to talk to me. Yeah, man, that dude's probably busy and gets a million. Oh, you think so? A million DMs, so I'm not worried about it. We've got a couple mutual friends now, so who knows? Okay, nice. Do you think he has a couple mutual friends now? Who knows? God, it'd be great to see Rich on there, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:02:03 And Matt Frazier on, because Frazier's probably the greatest male crossfitter of all time. I guess so. You got to pick one, right? So. Okay, good. I think. Oh, that was uncomfortable, Mr. Joshy. That was uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Fluffy Duck. Great guy. Great guest. Got to have him back on the show. Asking Rich if he's going to make a presence On the Joe Rogan show Also letting Rich know that Josh is the greatest to see how Rich would react You can check out the whole podcast
Starting point is 00:02:31 On the Ducks Hoop podcast Josh has been around a long time Great meme account Good to see him getting at it Furthermore Breaking news in the Sevan podcast space Yes Today Matt Souza announcing.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Which is chaos. On Tuesdays at 11 a.m., I am going to be stepping out on my own and doing a show once a week. So it'll be on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. The idea here is that we'll have some conversations about affiliate stuff tuesdays at 11 a.m did matt say it the matt souza show i look matt's always good telling me when um people give tells like how i just scratched my ear did you see how like when he announced he was uh doing the show. I'm not talking down a roll. It's just chaos. Watch Matt's little tell here. Tuesdays at 11 a.m.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I am going to be. I don't know what the tell is. I don't know what the tell is, but I love it. Whatever it is, I can tell Matt's excited. Hey, I am so pumped. Sousa's going to have his own show Tuesdays, 11 a.m. We've been speaking about it. I've been trying to really pump him up.
Starting point is 00:03:49 You guys love the shows. The schedule is going to be a little wonky for the first couple months, and then it's going to settle in. But this is going to be a great addition to the Sebon Podcast channel, The Sousa Show. Long, long, long overdue. Marston Sawyer from the Buttery Bros. Former colleague of mine.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Now I would consider him a peer. I thought this was a joke at first. I guess he's getting something done to his hair. I saw somewhere, I was like, wow, Marston kind of looks like a black guy. Like his hair had changed. And I was like, oh, I never knew he had kind of like that tight curl tight curl look but then I see this and this kind of explains it all here we go this is something that I've been like thinking about for a while now it's not something that like came easy are you using your hair am I and it's just kind of been something that's been an
Starting point is 00:04:39 insecurity of mine either you're going to try and save the thing while there's something to save or you're just going to watch it all fall out and you're going to be okay with that both are fine options this is gold air right there i saw that that looks like our own very uh it looks like the white version of jeremy world white version of drake doesn't it look at that white version of Drake, doesn't it? Look at that. I'm getting a hair transplant. God, how does that work? I need to see that video just to see how that works. Hair transplant. Crazy. Anyway, Marston's such a cool dude. Look at him just out there, letting it all hang out there. Good for you, Marston. God, I hope you don't have to take any drugs or do something weird to you.
Starting point is 00:05:24 God, I hope you don't have to take any drugs or do something weird to you. Anyway, good on you. Everyone is getting older and hair is falling out. Isn't it weird? Some people hair falls out and some people like me, you just get more hair when you get older. It's weird. And no one's happy. No one seems to be happy.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Everyone wants to go back. Ladies and gentlemen, the king of Annunciation. Our very own. Lone Ranger dropping the bombs. Here we go. This was great here. He's going to tell us how you actually say Tola's name. I had no idea. But if we're going to get schooled by anyone on Annunciation, it's going to come from this man, Mr. Woodland. Here we go. And we have an interview
Starting point is 00:06:10 with the peak team. All four of them showed up. Noah Olson, Tola Maracanio. And yes, that is the right way to say his name. And he confirms it. Leave me alone when I say it that way. I cannot leave you alone, ranger but i do uh Do take your uh you as A very credible source on enunciation Thank you for the schooling Uh tola popularity Is only growing we might as well learn how to say
Starting point is 00:06:35 His name correctly Not finally but second to last Because we got to talk about Mr. Woolley but before we got to talk about Mr. Wooley. But before we get to Mr. Wooley, I wanted to show you something that I remember from back in the day. This is Mr. Andy Hendel. This is Spencer Hendel's dad, former running back of the what I believe were the Los Angeles Rams at the time. Here, there's this video.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I remember when this was made. Ninety ninety five pounds overhead squat for 100 reps. With some douche nozzle walking in front of the camera. This remains quite a feat. We always talk about things that people can do now that they couldn't do back then. This is. This is special. Andy Hendel is the owner of CrossFit Charlotte and CrossFit Charlotte will be home of Taylor versus the world, along with CrossFit Crash, J.R. Howell's gym.
Starting point is 00:08:05 JR Howell's gym. Andy is nice enough to employ our semi-handicapped buddy, Taylor Self, and allowing him to run that event there at CrossFit Charlotte. We're really excited. Andy has been on the level one CrossFit seminar team for years and years and years and years and years. He made the beautiful and very talented son, Spencer Hendel. And uh andy's now letting us do a big event at his uh gym and uh it appeared i hope this guy got kicked out of the gym what a douche nozzle jeez louise get out get out from in front of the camera andy hendel ladies and gentlemen give that one a try 100 overhead squats 95 pounds and then then finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally. What a weird world we live in. Kettlebells and Cocktail host John Woolley with co-host Nikki.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Nikki. We're making a video. And in this video, it's very hard to say actually what exactly John was saying, but a fair interpretation of it would be that he was saying that the CrossFit Games were bullshit in their notion or claim that they're crowning the fittest. Chase Ingram heard that and responded kindly, kindly, like we would all want him to respond and explain to Woolley, no, actually, it is a fact, and this isn't based on emotion or feeling
Starting point is 00:09:18 or any of that woke garbage that revolves around or inside of Woolley's cranium. Based on the definitions, if we can agree on them, it actually does claim the fittest. And he was very gentle, much gentler than I'm being. And for some reason, Woolley's fragile ego, very fragile, very fragile, tinsel even, was offended because Chase corrected him. And Woolley acted out like a three-year-old
Starting point is 00:09:48 worse and tagged chase's boss in a post that he made on the internet i believe in his stories with his 500 000 followers that he can't stop telling us all about his potent or should i say impotent 500 000 followers and he let us let us know that let Don Fall know that Chase course corrected him and that he didn't want to be course corrected by Chase because he pays Chase's salary because Chase is an employee of CrossFit HQ and he's an affiliate owner. And whatever you think about it, Woolly is saying it in the capacity of a of a Internet podcast show. And Chase responded like we would all want him to respond like probably all affiliates would want him to respond all games athletes would want him to respond anyone who believes in the methodology would want him to respond with the truth about what crossfit is and how we've defined it and the great bedrock that we sit on that greg glassman gave us but no but John Woolley had to make a post and tagged on and do that woke shit and try to get
Starting point is 00:10:50 chase fired and try to get chase canceled insanity real tattletale weasel shit well Woolley couldn't stop And he continues And he posts this I believe this is today Maybe instead of attacking me over this No one attacked him Nobody attacked him No one has attacked him
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm not attacking him If telling a story is attacking buddy Man you're in the wrong business Maybe instead of attacking me over this This is the storytelling business buddy This is the reporting business Instead of attacking me over this Because I'm made of balsa wood, use your influence with the company you work for to fix it. Hey, dipshit, why don't you use your influence?
Starting point is 00:11:34 You will brag at every moment you can to say, I spoke with Don here. I spoke with Don here. I spoke with Mickey Mouse. Why don't you do it? You don't think Chase is working seven days a week, 365 days a year trying to work this out? He started the OG culture brand. Movement. I wouldn't even say it's a brand. He's not even hustling it like to make cash. Use your influence with the company you work for to fix it. Fortunately, fitness, which I love. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:12:01 Do you need to run that by Danny or Nikki nikki before you make that proclamation fortunately fitness doesn't show up in any of the marketing or even headers of their socials hey dude you know chase doesn't have that ability this is where you should tag don when you had don on the air why didn't you tell don to quit being a pussy and fucking make the company tough again because it's easier to attack Chase. Anyway, Wooly, stop it.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Stop it. Stop being a tattletale. You're not good for the community. You're not good for the culture when you do this stuff. All right, guys, have a good one. Love you.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Bye.

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