The Sevan Podcast - SEVAN PODCAST NEWS - Toomey, Hiller, Mertens 2/14/24

Episode Date: February 15, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, welcome to the show. This is the news. news welcome it's been a minute well one day exactly uh headlining the news lauren khalil becomes the first woman to call play-by-play at a major crossfit event this being reported by the morning chalk up who knows if it's true but let's say it is they go on to report while women have been working as sideline reporters and in other areas of media coverage in the sport of fitness the role role of calling play by play has been exclusively male.
Starting point is 00:01:29 A few years ago, I think CrossFit did a piece that was showing that 13 out of 17 of their media staff for the games were female. So it seems like it's dominated by females. This year, CrossFit reporter Lauren Cleo changed that when she became the first woman to call play by play at a major CrossFit competition during Tierwater Palooza this January. Congratulations, Lauren. You deserve it. Great and committed character in the media scene for a long
Starting point is 00:01:56 time, regardless of her genitalia. The role marked a breakthrough, not true, lie, in the sport, not just for Khalil and her career as a sports journalist that part's true but also for all women working in the CrossFit media space not true at all the absolute lie and propaganda um just because Lauren made it through and she's a woman doesn't do anything for other women I do believe unlike the morning chalk up uh the implication here is that the morning chalk up is saying that she got this gig because she's a woman I want to state that she did not get this gig because she's a woman. She got it based on her merit and the implication that she did something for all women by doing this, uh, is the implication,
Starting point is 00:02:32 not implicitly, not even implication. Let's say explicitly is saying that it's some sort of charity for women. It is not. And it's never been like that. We are not like that in the CrossFit space. And, uh, one, this is just And this is just more woke journalism. Congratulations, Lauren. I'm sorry that it's tainted. Your party is tainted by such biased and propagandic reporting. Some of you aren't going to see this. You're not going to think it's a big deal, but it is what has seeped into our culture. Also, because of where we are at in our culture, it begs the question also, did she get the job because she's a woman? Did she get the job because of the, she likes other women, all of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:11 But, but I know Lauren, we all know Lauren, we know she's eminently capable. She did a fantastic job and congratulations to her. Moving down the line of news, speaking of genitalia and who's uh the reasons to do things based on genitalia uh usa weightlifting is committed to providing all members with the security of knowing their demographic information will remain confidential to the best of our abilities all usa weightlifting staff and lwc officers are required to complete the safe sport training which includes education regarding confidentiality and respect the privacy of members. While your membership data will never be shared publicly, the following groups will have access to your membership profile, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Now, here's where it gets crazy. What is your LGBTQI plus selection? Check all that apply. They're asking people who they bang usa weightlifting is asking do you do you bang uh just people of the same sex of both sexes why does usa weightlifting care who you're whose genitalia you want to fondle relative to your own genitalia i'm i i i'm sincerely open to knowing if there's an answer to this does it have to do with the kind of uh singlet you wear or
Starting point is 00:04:32 bizarre bizarro world uh usa weightlifting i i hope that they have some rational explanation to this or they just haven't been, um, overtaken by perverts, pedophiles, and, uh, and deviance. Um, those of you,
Starting point is 00:04:50 uh, social media, uh, obviously the access, when I say social media, I mean, giving your, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:57 the world access to you and you access to the world has been, uh, a topic that has been prevalent in the news everywhere. And CrossFit is not alone in this, but we are starting to have examples where young athletes and old athletes have been overwhelmed by the connection with the outside world. And I thought that this was relevant. This is an Instagram account called Scrolling to Death. Another young teenager to social media harms. Mia Janin was a 14-year-old girl living in northwest London with her family.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Her and her friends found out that more than 60 young boys in their school had created a Snapchat group where they were sending around AI-generated nude images of the young teen girls. The bullying and embarrassment was too much for Mia, and she took her own life. Teenagers used Snapchat to send around inappropriate and harassing messages because the snaps disappear. This feature is causing huge problems for kids and their parents and even law enforcement in tracking down criminals.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Another one of the many reasons to say no to Snapchat. Remember, if you're a parent to a young athlete who's getting a lot of attention or a parent to just any, just a parent, remember when you give a kid a phone, you're giving access, the whole world access to your child and your child access to the entire world. And we have seen examples in the CrossFit community of young people who have been head-fucked by social media. In Super Bowl news, Mr. Fizer bumping into old man Andy Reid, a horrible example of sportsmanship. I wonder, it also looks like Andy might be hiding 150 pounds under that shirt.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That might be a quadruple XL. You can see, this is what it, look, he almost seems feeble when Travis Kelsey bumps him. After the fumble. Inappropriate. Not a way to bump into anyone of that age, your coach. He has to be pulled away by another player. Horrible example. Maybe the booster has damaged his psyche. Rumors, wild rumors are spreading about our very own senior
Starting point is 00:07:14 analyst, John Young. Is John juicing? That is the question. Here, he snatches 305 pounds in the morning and then runs a 10KK He's feeling pretty good about the day Will we see John getting drug tested soon By CrossFit Will we see him in the semi-final soon 305 pounds snatch that's no joke Three beautiful women watch him As he shows off for his gym.
Starting point is 00:07:46 John Young, senior analyst. John Young, we will be talking about John Young again later in the news. Soccer player. An Indonesian soccer player was killed after being struck by lightning during a soccer match Saturday. 35-year-old footballer was walking on the field when a bolt of lightning struck him at 4.20 p.m. It's not the first time a soccer player has been struck down by lightning. I want to say it's the second time in the last four years. There's a video of it.
Starting point is 00:08:20 This is probably going to get me in trouble showing this. Tostada. He died. He did not survive the attack. I don't know what causes lightning to strike people. A tragedy. I'm also surprised that you can be 35 years old and be playing professional soccer. Shows how little I know about the sport.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Finally, Colton Mertens, Justin justin madaris 24.2 the announcement where is it going to take place rumors say it's going to happen in justin's own home gym those rumors are not validated but supposedly there was a story that justin madaris posted where he was getting a lot of new rogue equipment sent to his gym, thus causing the Illuminati to speculate that it was going to happen at his gym. We all know Colton Mertens is going to win. We all know that. Colton shows up for game time.
Starting point is 00:09:19 He's not going to lose to Justin. There are also rumors that there's bad blood between the two. It would be great to get the backstory on that. After Justin puts the, after Colton puts the spanking on Madaris, he will head over to Charlotte where he will face off against Taylor self. Last year's open Jeffrey out of their first place, Tola
Starting point is 00:09:45 Moraquino second place and Colton Merton's third place is Colton even beatable in the Open that is the question that's exciting
Starting point is 00:10:00 24.2 he'll be with Justin Medeiros 24.3 he'll be on the Sevan podcast for the Born Primitive Open against Taylor Self live and I suspect that will be the biggest watched live event
Starting point is 00:10:13 in the CrossFit space for the year an incredible series with so many views I can't even believe it this is yesterday's podcast with Andrew Hiller and Athena can't even believe it. This is yesterday's podcast with Andrew Hiller and Athena, an endearing relationship. It's 3,700 views in this podcast. It looks like it's a weekly thing they're doing. The numbers on it are fantastic. Athena is working with coach Andrew Hiller. We know Hiller as a YouTuber, Andrew Hiller, but here he's working with Athena in a fitness journey. I believe she's going to be, um, the plan is to take a hundred
Starting point is 00:10:54 pounds off of Athena in the next year. As we reported a couple of shows ago, she's already lost like 25 pounds in 30 days. I was listening to the podcast today and this part hit me. This part really resonated with me and it made me understand why there are so many people tuning into this journey. First of all, it's a very. There was a zoo in in Kenya. I don't know if you guys remember, but in India there was a tsunami many years ago, 10 or 15, 20 years ago, and there was a I can't remember if it was the tortoise or the hippo, but there was this giant tortoise or this hippo. I can't remember that in Indonesia and the tsunami, the zoo got destroyed. And so they had to move it somewhere. So they moved it to this Kenyan zoo.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And this hippo and this giant old ass tortoise became friends and they lived in this area together. And that's a kind of reminds me of this relationship, just two people two entities that i would never have imagined a juiced up hiller and um and uh athena um uh of the ceo of scaled nation the scaled nation seminar coming together and it's a it's just such a beautiful relationship but this part really resonated with me here we go uh yeah it was yeah one of the two and you got me a little bit uh caught up in that i was like wait a minute and one of our goals was to make sure that you aren't feeling hungry this and this entire piece is going to lead really well into our longer piece but when you say that you're tell me what that means i'm as hungry as a horse uh like if i don't get food fast i'm
Starting point is 00:12:29 gonna start going for nuts okay that's me that's me nine o'clock at night open up a box and just start eating nuts eat a pound of cashews eat a pound of whatever just nuts just eat nuts nuts and dried fruit nuts and dried fruit athena got the same issue that I got. And I find it fascinating that Andrew says that I thought the goal was so that you wouldn't feel hungry. It's going to be a, these, these podcasts are just gold of examining the weight, the weight loss journey. They are so intimate and so vulnerable. The, the, this is just fantastic stuff. Give it a listen yourself. I find it also fascinating too, that Andrew wants Athena not to be hungry. When just the other day, Taylor was like, Hey, if you want to lose weight, Taylor
Starting point is 00:13:13 self was telling me, if you want to lose weight, you're going to have to be hungry sometimes. And you know, you're gaining weight when you're full all the time. So a great show Hiller fit showing that he's multifaceted and can touch anywhere in the fitness community. Weight loss, steroids, gossip, games, movement standards, fun, competitions. He's done it all, man. He leaves no stone unturned. unturned. And finally, Friday night, the largest expose in the history of the Tia-Laura boom battle that's ensuing, that's coming. Tia put the smackdown on Laura at the 2022 games. Laura wins the 2023 games. They meet at Rogue and Laura puts a smackdown on Tia, but we know Tia wasn't
Starting point is 00:14:03 100%. Now they're going to meet at the games Get with the programming Friday night Let's give this a thumbs up Chase Ingram Bill Grunler Chase the most Probably one of the most decorated If not the most decorated commentator in the history of
Starting point is 00:14:21 CrossFit announcing Bill Grunler One of the longest owner affiliates. And can beat anyone up in the entire media space. Toughest guy in the media space. But they'll be joined by senior. Sevan podcast. Greatest analyst in the sport.
Starting point is 00:14:37 John Young. The funniest pleasant man. And CEO of Heat One App. Tyler Watkins, and the greatest coach in the CrossFit space as crowned by Andrew Hiller himself, J.R. Howell. That will be Friday night.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Great new show. Love you guys. See you soon.

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