Episode Date: February 4, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And with the intro, I was like, damn.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Dang. I don't think he's done with the intro. He's done with us fumbling around through the intro, I was like, damn. Dang. I don't think he's done with it. I don't think he's done with the intro. He's done with us fumbling around through the intro. Play it. That was perfect timing. No, we're good, dude. So first big announcement.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I had a New York strip for breakfast. Do you ever cook a steak for breakfast? Almost every day. Really? What kind of steak do you make yourself for breakfast, dude? Typically, I just eat eggs for breakfast, but the first meal of the day is usually a New York strip. Yesterday, I had a strip for lunch and a ribeye for dinner.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I feel like a nice flank could be good for breakfast. Flank steak or sirloin, top sirloin with eggs. It's fast. I've been on the new york strip grind i so i i wasn't gonna do it i stopped at teeter and they had like a three pack of really nice strips for half off i was like i'm copping that that by the way white on my palm is not chalk it's a gold bond body powder wow Wow. Where'd you just put it? Not on my head. The other round thing with like a couple hairs on it, on my body. So.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Your areolas? That's a big word, dude. It sounds like a kind of cereal areola, really. Okay, so for crescendo john young bailed on us no yeah there let's just let me let me just say real quick their excuses and their reasons john had a good reason he did he did wife comes first happy wife happy life and that's a fact i will say this though i'm not mad about our new teammate and i'm gonna throw him out to the
Starting point is 00:02:46 wolves right now so that if he decides to back out come game day all the fans can drop the hammer on him but it's gonna be me in order of fittest to least fit or we'll go in order of least fit to most fit travis brought the canadian you're the least fit because you're canadian then bryson he's at crossfit charlotte with me then uh this dude named jason hopper and then most fit obviously me at the top and they're all just going to be fighting for last place but it's going to be a ton of fun i've not been this excited to work you hate team competitions i've never done one no that's not true the first i hate watching them. I hate watching them for sure, but I can't wait, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:29 The first competition I ever did, I did team, and we did this RX division, got destroyed. Took last place. So I'm coming for redemption. Will, what are the odds that that team does not compete at Crescendo? Zero. That exact team of those four people. And what I'm saying is that either taylor says no i can't do that it's way too close to semis or jason says yeah i'm not doing that it's way too close to 85 failure rate i like what travis i like it i was gonna say 20 there's a 20 there's
Starting point is 00:04:00 a 20 chance that team actually shows up and competes. Dude, shut up. First off, I'm a lock. I'm not competing at semifinals. I'm not even going to qualify, dude. I have no chance. You going on the record right now saying that you're not going to compete at
Starting point is 00:04:17 semifinals. I'll barely make it to quarters, dude. And the thing is, shut up. Me. Dude, I'm not even kidding. If Andrew Hiller got kicked out, there's room for you in quarters.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Oh, sick. Dude, I heard Sevan was potentially on the chopping block. I hope that guy's safe, dude. But he's not on anything. Guys, let him compete. Let the man play. Imagine how hilarious that would be if they came up with an official announcement that they banned Sevan Matosian for steroids.
Starting point is 00:04:48 That's funny. No, dude. We are going to be there. All of us. If somebody does withdraw, it won't be Travis because that man is solid. It won't be Bryson because I'll spank him. That's not true. Bryson actually
Starting point is 00:05:03 honestly has given me so much good feedback over the last couple months, programming, working out, learning a lot in school. But Bryson, congratulations. You're the only one that isn't water on a cotton ball. No, dude. You gave me good feedback all the time. Yeah, but that doesn't mean – it doesn't mean that you take it and you put it somewhere. I do take it and you put it somewhere it means you take it from you i take it like an ungreased thing and uh not gonna go there anyways but um hey normally i wouldn't be super excited to talk about any of the teams that have registered so
Starting point is 00:05:38 far but registration opened up today or you guys aren't registered yet i'm guessing no dude i don't have well listen to that right now okay well there's 42 spots are already taken there's only 60 spots total between among all the divisions so if you guys okay well how many spots are left in mail and then they're now uh like four and hold the spot dude come on listen to one of the co-ed teams that signed up today emily meyer olivia kerstetter nate ackerman and daniel coots wow oh boy they're gonna get clapped youngins i'm super excited about that around bro i hope you guys are listening bro you don't bring that smoke you guys are gonna get clapped
Starting point is 00:06:20 bro i think they'll do well they both uh i mean nate and who's emily meyer she made the games in the teen division uh two years ago no she she trains mostly in columbia at carolina crossfit i think i think she goes to school down there but she she's like uh she's like an extended member at crash like she comes and trains all the time so me and jason could sign sign up for mixed pairs with our wives and clap that team. You hear that, Nate? You hear that, Daniel?
Starting point is 00:06:51 You hear how they disrespect you? No, dude. It's not disrespect. It's just an accurate appraisal of talents, dude. Okay? Anyways. We're going to – I'm'm gonna try to get some teams announced pretty soon to lure some other semifinals games level teams um into the fray so i'm excited about it
Starting point is 00:07:15 you said 42 out of 60 spots yeah i like to say there's only 60 spots, so like 10 heats of six teams among all the divisions. But it'll probably push to 70 before it's all said and done when the heat schedules are made. But I like to kind of keep that 10-heat structure so that the days aren't super long. And your no divisions? So there's same-sex divisions, which are novice, intermediate, and advanced. And then there's only one co-ed division and that's essentially semifinals hopeful teams or established semifinals games teams okay it is okay what are the chances that you think
Starting point is 00:08:00 socal tier water palooza is going to be elite pairs. Zero like male, female. I don't know. Same sex or mixed. Uh, 10% like real less than less than 10%. What's more likely. I feel like they're talking about a format that is not, has not been seen recently in CrossFit is what has been promoted. And to me, that's the only thing that makes sense
Starting point is 00:08:26 well unless they're talking about the format of the actual competition and it's just like individuals but the format the programming is way different i would say that they're talking about format in the light of hey you have this team whether it's four people whether it's three people whether it's six people whether it's eight people, whether it's three people, whether it's six people, whether it's eight people, and all of them never take the floor at the same time. Or some of them take the floor at the same time, and then there might be a workout where only four people take the floor. So you can play specialists, you can sub people out. It can be more like what I think a lot of the fans are screaming is real team sports,
Starting point is 00:09:02 where there's strategy involved, um you're not always as good or bad as your weakest link type type thing because you you have different roles on that team yeah maybe so i mean i i would think that would be the direction someone would go in that wanted to do something new and nuanced okay yeah that's crazy wait adaptive the adaptive crossfit games are the same weekend is that i think that's correct damn mikey swoosh ain't getting any views yeah i think we'll wad um i think we'll wad and and socal are the same week hopefully we're there at socal i feel like that's a positive instead of a negative because i feel like people are already like watching crossfit stuff and i'm like oh i'll pop over and watch the wheelchairs go well see i
Starting point is 00:09:50 like that because if you if you have a break in the action like you're saying and you're watching through youtube you go to your home screen you're probably going to get recommended that yeah which would be which would be kind of cool yeah i don't think it would take anything away um from viewership if anything i think it'll probably help it no sponsors vendors though according to barbell spin i kind of agree with that and also in-person ticket sales oh wrong one i feel like that's probably an unfortunate like i don't feel like there's any gonna be much crossover people that are choosing between going buying a spectator ticket to the adaptive games versus going to SoCal. Right, but I mean...
Starting point is 00:10:33 Because adaptive games are in Texas. I'd be curious to know what Brian thinks is no sponsors or vendors because I went two years ago to Wheelwod when it was in Raleigh and I would say there were 10 vendor tents outside it was a pretty cool atmosphere I was at night I went to watch Noel compete so yeah outside of the like vendors and products specific to adaptive athletes
Starting point is 00:10:59 how many sponsors will will be there it is hard to say so last they were talking about this last night on the barbell spin would you rather see the masters adaptive and teen games before the real crossfit games i don't know if we can call them the real but i'll call them the real or after the crossfit games would it be better if like it goes semis and then it's all three of those during the summer leading up yes or individual and team crossfit games the real crossfit semis and then it's all three of those during the summer leading up yes or individual and team crossfit games the real crossfit games happens and then they happen after that it'd be better if it happened before while the build-up and the anticipation is happening and while none of the athletes are posting anything because they're all scared to share content of them training before the competition i disagree i think it would be better to have it after i think the
Starting point is 00:11:42 likelihood of you getting big sponsors that have athlete appearances that people want to come and meet their favorite athlete, you're not going to get those athletes there before the games because they're training for the games. But if you do it after the games during their off season and during the time that they're doing a lot of those sponsorship appearances like at Wadapalooza, I think you'd be way more likely to get people there just because they want to be able to hang out with Dallin or hang out with Danielle or hang out with Jason. I don't, I personally am of the opinion that the in-person viewership at adaptive masters, teens games is just never going to be what it is for the elite athletes. Your family's going to go and watch you.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Your coaches are going to go and watch you. And people that like you from your affiliate are going to go and watch you. But I don't think anyone's going to watch masters, adaptives or teens that you've never met before from across the country because they know who you are and they like love you as an athlete. And maybe there's 1% of people are doing that. And I don't think any of the elite athletes are needle movers enough for you to buy a plane ticket accommodations and all that just to go meet,
Starting point is 00:12:49 you know, an athlete, so to speak. So I don't know if that's my opinion. They just need to turn. I think they should. Well, you got to give yours.
Starting point is 00:13:00 You got to give yours. Oh, I think before just in general, I think people are excited about the games during that time of year and more likely be like oh i'm really excited about the crossfit games coming up i'll watch some of the masters some of the teens adaptive i i think that there is actually a ton of potential in the teen crossfit games if done well and kind of reformatted with like good media because i i think the demographic that here's well this is a separate conversation but i was thinking about linear television aka espn on tv versus youtube and i think why having the crossfit games on linear television
Starting point is 00:13:40 is a big deal is because the demographic of crossfit is like 35 to 50 your biggest demographic and where i think the most opportunity for crossfit is is in the on digital platforms is teens through college young adult and i think that there's potential for the teen games to actually be a really big deal. If they could get dry in a lot of like their same age demographic to be interested in that, then I think that they could be successful in bringing younger kids and teenagers and college kids into the mix. Thoughts? I think you're just way smarter than us for thinking about stuff like that
Starting point is 00:14:26 what is linear television what is uh what's the opposite horizontal television what about vertical television i don't know why they call it linear but i just know that's what they call it i think teen could have excitement did you say this but just for the fact that it's like oh this is what's to come yeah i didn't say this but just for the fact that it's like oh this is what's to come yeah i didn't say that but yeah for sure but people gonna get excited about that oh in five years this kid's gonna be fucking spanking tia or whatever yeah so let's just say that from from june to august there's that two months of kind of dead period and then from after the first-ish week of August all the way till, I mean, Rogue at the end of October, there's also a big chunk of dead. So unless there's going to be now, I guess we have SoCal, right?
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's there. Does it even make more sense now that that competition is going to be big? It may not be as big as Waterpalooza Miami, but it's going to be huge. going to be big it may not be as big as water palooza miami but it's going to be huge does it just make more sense to slot those other divisions in during that two month dead period between semis in the games and just keep it there keep it there and keep it consistent put one of them in june put one of them in july and just go yeah does norcal classic happen around the SoCal Tierra Waterpalooza? I think it was maybe two or three weeks before Crucible. Crucible is usually the second weekend in October.
Starting point is 00:15:54 So yeah, I think that sounds like it's in September because it's still pretty hot out there when they're doing that. So those events, do you think will have any conflict of interest there? Oh, I don't know. I think Blair and Ben are, have like been doing their own thing for so long now. I don't think they'll even worry about it.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And if, do we know, I mean, if you guys know, and you can't say, say that, do we know if SoCal is only team, if there is individual,
Starting point is 00:16:23 if it's just one or the other, if it's both, I have no idea. And if it's just one or the other, if it's both? I have no idea. And if it's been said anywhere that I would know, I didn't see it. Because I think what would be really smart to get those big-name athletes there would be to make it team only in the elite division because athletes are really, really motivated after watching the games that weren't there competing to compete. So you could have a pretty big turnout for those tier two level athletes,
Starting point is 00:16:52 but people that just competed at the games are not going to want to compete individually a month out, right? Six to the eighth, which is right at about a month after the games. But you may get a book. That's NorCal Classic, not SoCal. Oh, that's NorCal. Okay. Yeah, which is right out about a month after the games, but you may get a book. That's NorCal. That's NorCal classic. Not so. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah. When is the tier, but you may get a lot of people that want to do team at SoCal. So that from a, from a standpoint of how do we still get the big names there without having them compete so seriously individually? I think it's smart. Emily qualified for NorCal.
Starting point is 00:17:29 They had some interesting qualifier workouts. What do you think about broad jumps for distance? So they just had that qualifier, right? Yep. Yep. Did you see that workout? No. What was it?
Starting point is 00:17:38 It was for time, 300 foot broad jump, 20 overhead squat, 10 ring muscle up, 20 overhead squat, 300 foot broad jump, 25 foot increments. up 20 overhead squat 300 foot broad jump 25 foot increments not sure what the standards are for that what they were for that but i'm sure it was just feet must be together and you you know can't move can't walk can't step stutter step did they do that in 25s yeah i think it's fine i think from judging standpoint, unless you do it in person, uh, it makes sense from a subjectivity. Like I think a burpee broad jump, you, you have to have a clear standard and you need that to be done in person. What would be cool is if they did a broad jump in the qualifier and then they did a burpee broad jump at the live competition, it would be a
Starting point is 00:18:19 cool way to kind of build on that movement. I looking up for i'm pulling these workouts up because there was another workout that here we go let me share the screen um this not this workout we talked about this last week a little bit people yeah we're blasting their elbows wide open on that but this didn't make sense to me it was just an ascending imam ladder it's called the aerobic ladder um what is your score scores the total number of reps completed so how many ties were there because emily finished and i think like brandon luckett posted uh uh i don't know if he did it but he posted a story like added three extra minutes for fun. Ha ha. Like, cool dude, we get it. Um,
Starting point is 00:19:07 so your score is just total reps if you finish. So what if 10 people finish 20 people finish? Yeah, that's a good question. But yeah, looking at that last six minute window, it, it looks very finishable,
Starting point is 00:19:19 right? That's what I was thinking. And it just says score. The score is total number of reps completed. Now, is there a tie break? Let's see this burpee over the rower. Nope. Tie break. Nope. Flow. Oh, if an athlete makes the 16 burpees, the total time to complete those 16 burpees will be the tie break. So your last round of 16 burpees is your tiebreak. How do you feel about that? It's fun. I mean, it'll just come down to seconds for only a handful of people.
Starting point is 00:19:55 So yeah, I think that's good. So I didn't mean to turn this into a NorCal programming show. I just wanted to cover that. Some would say that's what we do here. Let's talk about programming but now that we have will on we're going to get to down to the nitty-gritty and that's opinions uh horizontal television exemptions exemption opinions oh will feels very strongly about some of the athletes in question over the last 24 to 48 hours those being what
Starting point is 00:20:27 let's just say ellie catron and roman will what say you on just kind of the whole situation like do you think it's just all of like let's find out how we can make the words line up with our opinions or do you think there's some um there's some hard stances as far as no this gets you an exemption and no and yes this does that kind of thing uh yeah i think well one thing is that there's a lot of words that we're inventing definitions to on both sides so even if i say i have a hard opinion that catrin's exemption totally makes sense that's still an like subjective opinion until we actually know what it means but when people get i personally do not i get what people are saying about catrin leaving for the season and training i do not think or know how that applies or why that's a reason that she can't she wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:21:22 able to provide crossfit with evidence saying hey I've actually been living here for this long time and even when I was training she still has that paperwork to say actually I was maintaining a residence in the United States and her training wherever she's training is irrelevant to that fact of the proof that she's providing the CrossFit. And so I don't, if Katrin can say, Katrin isn't even mentioning, there's no reason for her in her application for an exemption to be like, well, actually I was in Iceland for five months during this year. What they're asking for is, and I believe that's written out, is utility bills, lease agreements, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And if she can provide that saying, Hey, I have this full time maintained in the United States, then I don't understand what the argument is of, Oh, well, she wasn't actually training there. Cause that's not what CrossFit's looking for. Right. And it's, and it to me is near impossible to make that a rule. Cause how do you prove someone is in the United States for a certain amount of time training a certain amount of days at a certain affiliate? It just becomes a gargantuan task for them to try to uphold sorting through any of that proof. They're saying, okay, basically, if you pay taxes or, you know, I mean, it's a standard residency thing for any like state, for example. So I think it's.
Starting point is 00:22:47 for example um so i think it's and i actually like the longer residency rule because i what i well i have some i like the idea of people competing around the world and representing the region that they actually are from and so the idea of like hey just make it wide open wherever you live that's where you compete i don't like that i think it takes away from the idea of the crossfit games being this worldwide hey there's these athletes coming from all over the world to compete in this thing they're representing their region there's some you know regional you know people are supporting from that country because because that's where they live and that's who they're supporting and so i like the longer of like three years you have to be living I like the longer of like three years, you have to be living somewhere,
Starting point is 00:23:26 having maintaining some residence for three years before you're going to be able to switch. That's a, that's a good rule. This MLK, do you have not Martha and Luther King jr. Either? I believe this guy's Michael Lee Kearns.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Do any of you guys actually think CrossFit plays favorites? A few games athletes have alluded to that over the years. Then Alyssa, MLK, I don't. It's crazy to me when people say that. Let me just break the unfortunate news to you. They 100% play favorites. JR, agree, disagree? I think it depends on what it is, and I think it depends what you mean by favoritism. I would say, I think Sevan said this maybe yesterday on the show that they did. There for a while, it felt like they expected more from the people that were the face of the brand. They expected more from the champions. So if someone won the CrossFit Games, be harder on them.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Go test them more often for PEDs. the CrossFit Games, be harder on them. Go test them more often for PEDs. Make sure that their movement quality and competition is higher than everyone else's because they're the pinnacle. They're the ones that are representing what we do. So with that mindset, I'm not sure that they play favorites. However, just like any other sport, favorites. However, just like any other sport, any people that are responsible for pushing the needle, like it's kind of like getting calls in basketball. Like you don't get no reps because, oh, because you're rich. You're not going to get those no reps. It's like, hey, MJ is going to get those calls like at the end of the game. Sorry, he's MJ. That's why he gets those calls. So when you're talking about something like an exemption,
Starting point is 00:25:09 sure. People are going to say, well, you know, Katrin's won the games twice. We know she's been living in the United States several different times for a certain number of years. I mean, why would, why would we question that? I'm talking as a, in a, in a general sense, the company is still small. First off in life, uh, relationships matter and whether or not you're popular and likable matters. And it is a popularity contest. And you love saying this Jr, that a fair is a place where they sell pigs and nothing is fair. And if CrossFit HQ likes you more and you have more friends that work for that company,
Starting point is 00:25:44 you are going to have more favors, whether that's a conscious decision on their part or unconscious just because they like you more, performed on your behalf. That's a fact. And there are a lot of examples of that. Brooke Wells, oh, shows the capacity for the movement. Open video is an example. And then some Joe Schmo, Tom, Dick, and Harry bubble athlete gets clapped for his penalties. That's just a perfect example of that. Um, the, the, the, the notion that they don't play favorites.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'm not saying they purposefully do, but if you like someone, you're going to treat them differently than someone you don't like or someone you don't know. That's correct. I don't even have to ask that they do that. And the examples are everywhere. Look at how, look at Dave's relationship with seven.'t even have to ask that. They do that. And the examples are everywhere. Look at Dave's relationship with Savon, for example. Dave loves Savon. And there's a reason he loves Savon.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Savon's an amazing dude. But Savon, you know, that's... I'm sure Dave works really hard to not show that favoritism. But fuck, they're boys. And if you're boys, boys is what it is. But yeah, I think the question becomes in Brian called in and I think got into this a little bit on the show.
Starting point is 00:26:54 We may have talked about it last night too on his, the issue is when you're going around and just contacting the people that got approved for exemptions last year and say, if nothing's changed, you're going to be approved again this year. Just let us know everything's the same. And you say yes, but there isn't that same, okay, well, if it's different for you and you didn't get an exemption last year, let us know and you'll get it.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Based on everything I know about where Ellie lives, where Ellie trains, she lives here. She trains here. Why would she not be able to compete here? Does she pay taxes here? That's what I think some fucking rules should be. If you don't pay taxes in America, fuck off. Go compete somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Taxes are bullshit. But to Will's point, and it's a really good one because i didn't really ever think about it that way i would i would just think man why are you going to make her do all that traveling spend all that money to go back home to australia just to compete to qualify and then come right back but from a global representation from a standpoint of oh like all the australians are competing in australia that makes sense and the spots that they get to the games are going to be taken by the best Australians in the world. You're not going to have some of the best Australians in the world taking a spot from North America West.
Starting point is 00:28:12 But it's easy for me to sit here and say, when I'm not the one who has to go through all that trouble to get over here, to get moved, to go back, to adjust again, to get into a training environment, just to be able to go and perform, to make back to the games just to come right back and you're also not the tori i mean i would assume people running semi-finals too like torian pro they're like okay so you're just gonna we're just gonna lose all our popular athletes that decided to go live in the united states who aren't going to compete at torian and so i think well i think the system in general has every system't going to compete at Torian. And so I think, well, I think the system in general has, every system is going to have issues. And this one has different issues. Like if in one year, this year we give, let's say Tia and Ellie both competed in Torian last year. This year, they got exemptions competing in the United States. As far as I know, the spot allocation for United States isn't going to change over to where it's like, all right, those two spots. Now we got two
Starting point is 00:29:12 more spots in the US because we have, right. So it's just going to, there's going to create some weird issues like that in this system. And I think some of them you just have to live with. Obviously it sucks for Ellie. We can, we all, it's easy to acknowledge it's like yeah that really does suck traveling to australia is not easy it's expensive and i think and part of it's like this uh exemption the rule has changed shifted and so you could say like oh well she should have known that moving to the united states that this was going to be a thing for three years but she didn't whenever that she first i don't think that that was a rule when she first made that decision. Yeah. Being frustrated with the, with the inconsistency is warranted for sure. Like
Starting point is 00:29:52 we can put that out there because the inconsistency is consistent. Yeah. I think, I think in the same situation, you would be frustrated if it wasn't consistent year to year. i just i agree with savon when he says don't argue with reality and that is you should know when you're dealing with crossfit that they have changed things relatively drastically every single year for almost the past 10 years things are different you also know that the crossfit games are held in the united states so if you don't want to pay for travel you should probably make arrangements to move to the united states and become a resident so that you're safe to compete here um otherwise unfortunately like it's kind of been also her mo to complain about how expensive
Starting point is 00:30:36 it is to go to the crossfit games for like the past three years i remember like two years ago there's a big morning chalk up article oh really yeah it cost ellie turner's entire hat she is big morning chalk up article about she how she spent half of her salary or majority of her yearly salary just to go to the crossfit games i'm like first off just just because you make thirty thousand dollars a year and you got to spend half of it like chill it's expensive for everyone and if you want it to be cheaper move to the united states and she. She just didn't officially do it. I don't know. What does the tax argument even make sense?
Starting point is 00:31:11 Would that make sense if you pay taxes here? If you pay taxes in a place and you compete there, your residency there? I don't know if that makes sense or not. I want it to sound good. I don't know. You just have no idea how that system works. Huh? You just want it to be political in some way.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I do. I really do. And I'll also say this. I have a very personal example of how CrossFit plays favorites. And I'll give you just one last example. On the quarterfinal show from 2021, when they did the same exact, or 2022, we did this show. We came up with alternative quarterfinals workouts, or we examined the programming of quarterfinals workouts. I don't even know, were you on that show. Jr. When I did that on seven,
Starting point is 00:31:46 it was the same workouts in 2022 is 2021. Same movement combinations, same order strength tests, whatever. I had this show. This was like my debut as knowing anything about programming after I fucking blew my knee out. Um, I was all sad. I was sitting at home studying programming cause I couldn't do anything else, but take Oxycontin and complain about my knee basically. Extra, extra curmudgeonly. Sounds like you're living the pretty normal American life these days. So I, I got on the show with Savan and was like, this sucks. It's terrible programming. They did the same exact thing as last year. And someone I know who's on seminar staff comes home from a seminar i had i was a level three at the time and i had like applied for an internship for seminar staff like
Starting point is 00:32:29 twice and they were like sorry we don't have any need in the area so you know we'll reach out when we do um someone came back and was like yeah i was talking to the flow master this weekend and they said you'll never get on seminar staff i was like what are you talking about my heart fucking dropped into my stomach that was like a big goal of mine to to do an internship with seminar staff and so like those words just came out of my mouth i had no idea what they were talking about my heart drops into my stomach and they're like yeah apparently you did a podcast and we're shitting on crossfit and the guy's like yeah he has no fucking chance he'll never get on seminar staff now um and that's a perfect example of me running my mouth and losing
Starting point is 00:33:05 a potential opportunity because i did that but it being based in no way on the merit of my capacity as a trainer or a coach because i know for sure i'm qualified to at least intern um and they want to work with people that they like so they play favorites sad story boom it's definitely a subject change somewhat spin talked about this last night toward the end of their show and i'm i'm really excited if he puts out an article that dives into the um statistical ramifications because it's like way over my head i'm sure helping and those guys could help him do it really easily. If all of the most fit women in Australia decide to sign up for quarterfinals, at least sign up and submit scores, they can probably manufacture another spot
Starting point is 00:33:58 for that semifinal to get to the games, which I think would be an awesome story and something that we could really look to from like, you I think would be an awesome story and something that we could really look to from like, you know, we talk about building community all the time. Look at how this community of elite athletes came together to get another spot for this region that a lot of people have been clamoring for getting an extra spot for years and years and years. So if you have the ones that we know are going team now, Carl Saunders, DeRoy, if we have them still do the individual quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:34:27 and we have Tia and you have Ellie and you have Grace Walton and a lot of the up-and-comers with the high worldwide ranking, that would just be really cool to see if all the best people sign up and they all compete, can they get another spot for Oceania to the games oceania oceania
Starting point is 00:34:49 oceania i don't think it's a hispanic place bro i don't think it's hispanic that came out will's will's facial hair has been making me think essay the whole show he does look like the kids i like it dude leave that alone just like your mustache is now just kind of like i mean that's just you which is i'm cool with but you know you and i i think about jason that will like sometimes have a little bit of facial hair and sometimes he looks ridiculous without facial hair he needs to keep that will keep the facial hair it like faint oh yeah yeah dude you look like you're uh You look like you could be from El Salvador and you're like 13. You just hit puberty earlier than everyone else.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And so you have that middle school facial hair. I love that. I look like I'm 102. LOL. Hey, how old are you, Taylor? Me? Yeah. Take a guess.
Starting point is 00:35:43 28. Okay. So you knew how old I was. is john young older or younger than you are i think he's older than me i'm pretty sure someone someone asked me i no dude i'm kidding someone asked someone asked me how old he was because like i i went looked at his games profile to see just like how long he'd been doing CrossFit or competing or anything. I mean, he's been around, he's been like signed up for the open, I think since like 2015 or 16.
Starting point is 00:36:10 So like he's, I would say he's late twenties, early thirties. There's still time, John. I think he's early thirties. I think he's 30. 30.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah. Right at that three, zero, that dirty 30. We were talking about Oceania getting extra spots. Do we know what the allocation system is going to look like this year? One, that's one question. Question two, on that last CrossFit game show,
Starting point is 00:36:36 they were talking about a strength of basically like a super semi where everyone would go to a semifinal and compete and they would just take the top 40 scores on each side of the games which i think is dumb because people aren't there racing one another the layouts are different the atmosphere is different like you know say you had that south central regional and utah and salt lake and all of the scores are worse because it's at elevation um or like a tori or like a tori in the carpet sled slid a lot easier on that that's a cool idea in concept yes but it wouldn't work so do we know the allocation system though i i don't think they've yeah i don't think they've come out and announced any changes
Starting point is 00:37:17 with like how strength of field and world wide rank is gonna is gonna change in any way who is this guy dehaunt and why are they running into his backside what is it what is it what is he talking about here running back is that an athlete who's running back who who does dehaunt play for um that's a method is this something kyler watkins would know about are you being facetious are you being serious i i know it's some sort of like measure metric of counting so i'm being partially facetious but explain it to me i think he's going back through and and running it based off of those women all competing to see if it would change the spot allocation did they use the method or they use their own type of bullshit they use the hunt okay got it it's something
Starting point is 00:38:13 like they get the minimum spots they run a cat the calculation shoot out a spot to whatever region should get it based on the calculation subtract that person from the pool run the method again shoot out a spot something like that what's this redneck yelling about anyways uh what is do we this is the other question i had how much does it affect i guess the game's leaderboard um that we now have 40 spots at the two north america semifinals are there still going to be two European semifinals? Or was it one last year? It's one.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Oh, my God. And it's only 40? Yeah, so we've lost like a third of the semifinal spots for the three most competitive semifinals i'm pretty sure that's correct i i feel like oh that's crazy and africa and oceania are still 40 people i think it's more for them no i think it's i think every single semi-final has 40 people in it ah that is retarded i hate to use that word but damn give me a better word to explain that. I don't feel super strongly about a lot of the athlete type stuff,
Starting point is 00:39:32 not nearly as much as the programming and stuff like that. But I think when you sign up for the Open, you need to just declare if you're a team, someone with team aspirations or individual aspirations. I told you it was more don't, don't just write me off. Like I know nothing. I didn't write you off. Like you knew nothing, dude. I'm just shocked. Spell D E I. I, I, I think when you sign up for the open, you should just say whether you're a team athlete or individual athlete. And if you are a team athlete, you need to be removed. You need to be removed from the individual leaderboards. What, what do you care? What does it matter?
Starting point is 00:40:07 If you can still say, well, I still would have qualified. So if I wanted to qualify, I could have, I don't, I don't understand that. I don't understand why they, if it's two different things, it's clearly two different ways of training, two different ways to express competitive fitness. Why are we still lumping everybody together? Do you like being able to see all the team athletes on the individual leaderboards knowing, oh, well, they're taking a spot that really doesn't matter? Obviously, it was a lot more serious back when they went from open to regionals, right? And there was no quarterfinal stage. So you could kind of go through and be like, okay, well, the top 30 are going to regionals, but hey, 17, three, 16,
Starting point is 00:40:50 and 29 are all on teams, I think. So they'll probably backfill the four or five. Even then, you kind of wished that people would have just either been on team leaderboards or been on individual leaderboards. Yeah. I don't, uh, again, how it, yes, what you're saying makes sense and that's how they should operate. But does that have any, other than just ease of understanding it and breaking down the leaderboard is that that doesn't make any difference as to what I'm still so emotionally hung up on. And that is America, East, West, and Europe got cut by 20 spots each so they could add 10 spots to Africa and Asia. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I was in Africa last year. Awesome job the Rebel Renegade Games did. But let me tell you, the bottom 10, the bottom 20 in Africa now is going to be a bottom 30 extended further. Wouldn't have a chance of being top 300 in North America. Where are they going with that? That is well, where are they going? I mean, this is this goes down a big rabbit hole, but it's it's worth saying. We saw how many females struggled with the ruck workout. We saw how difficult that was for some people. We saw how difficult it was for people in Europe,
Starting point is 00:42:06 people in North America, people in Africa. If you are now increasing the field in some of those regions that clearly aren't as fit, are you going to keep the difficulty of the program the same? Are you going to make them more accessible? Because with 25% in quarterfinals and based on what Boz has said, and I'm sorry if I misquote him 100%, but if you're going to invite more people to the dance, you need to have some steps that they
Starting point is 00:42:36 can all follow. Meaning, hey, if you're going to invite more people to quarterfinals, it wouldn't make any sense to make the workouts as hard or harder than they've been at quarterfinals. It makes sense to make them more accessible, at least in the beginning where they can at least start the workouts and they don't have to say, okay, well, I can't do that one. I can't do that one. So if we just keep looking down and you keep projecting out, is the open going to be, we already know there's not going to be floor plans for the open. There's only going to be minimum distance requirements away from objects that could cause safety issues. So like, let's say that they do a friendly Fran. There's just going to be,
Starting point is 00:43:12 Hey, you got to have a five foot tape line where your barbell has to be five feet away from your rig, whatever. Okay. That kind of thing. But we know they're doing away with floor plans for the open. So in quarterfinals, I think there'll be less floor plans and less strain of, Hey, you got to have this here. You got to have this here. You got to have this here. No, I'm just really passionate. I'm shaking the table. I'm sorry. Uh, but if you just keep projecting that out, like at a semifinal level, are there going to be workouts where, Hey, it's just a, this is a seconds matter sport. So it's good. They're going to be seconds matter was workouts and some of those athletes that qualify for a semi-final in those less fit regions are not just going to be standing around staring at something that they
Starting point is 00:43:54 can't do i don't know they're going to be standing around staring at something they can't do if they're taking the bottom freaking for taking another 10 bottom to asia and africa i can tell you that maybe it increases i maybe it i think the main the problem i feel like the more problem is reducing the spots in the three big semifinals versus adding to the smaller because adding the smaller is like hey if that brings in an extra hundred people to watch then great like who cares uh but it's at the expense of i don't think it's at the expense i don't think they removed spots in the other semifinals to add them i just don't understand why though they did that yeah i mean maybe you're right i get what you're saying it's not at the expense but But overall, for the games now, it is at their expense
Starting point is 00:44:46 because there are athletes in both regions who finished worse in quarterfinals than the cut line now, and they're not going to make it. Yela Hoste, wasn't he? 47th in quarterfinals or some shit like that? Yeah, I think so. 10th at the fucking games. Yeah, again, they got into it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:45:06 With the programming last night on spin show um and i know john was you know one to voice um concern of hey like the way the heavy workout is expressed usually will make or break some people's chances of even being on the border of whether or not they make a semifinal. So if they go back to, hey, one of the quarterfinals workouts is start a 20 minute clock and do the other total, which they've done before. It will all self-select itself. If you're one of the stronger people, you're going to get a better score. If you're one of the people that are 24th percent, you can still do all those things and say, well, I can do it. Let me just see if I can PR on those three lifts. So that's not something that eliminates them like a 275, 185 pound clean
Starting point is 00:45:56 and jerk workout does at the beginning of a workout. So when we go back to seeing strength tested in an unfatigued setting because it allows for more people to be able to do it? Until Boz was coming along, we didn't see strength like that. At that type of stage, it was for rep max front squat. The age groups had the total one year for their online qualifier. They did the other total the year you competed. So, I mean, what are we going to go back to seeing that? Are we going to still see this idea of, Hey, earn your fitness, earn your right to show that you're strong, um, gated ladder type formats. I, if you see workouts like that for every single workout, it's too predictable.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It's not. It really goes against variation. But if you're saying you're going to try to let everybody play at the beginning, they're either all going to be 15.5 or they're going to be something where you earn the right to show you're more skilled or stronger. they're going to be something where you earn the right to show you're more skilled or stronger. I'm squeezing my wiener because I have to pee so bad, so I'll just be back in a sec. Oh. I should probably wait until Taylor comes back to ask this, but I'm going to go ahead and ask you.
Starting point is 00:47:25 There's two scoring submission windows for quarterfinals, but they say you're going to be given all the workouts as soon as the scoring window opens, you'll have all five. You'll have to submit some from whatever, Thursday to Saturday or Wednesday to Saturday, and then you'll submit the other two from Sunday to Monday. Like how the open used to be when it was five weeks, and we kind of knew that week one and week two, everybody could play.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And then week three, maybe you see the ring muscle-ups come out. They used to come out a lot in week three, or maybe in week four, the things get a little bit heavier, a little bit higher skill. And then by week five, everyone's just going to have to hurt. Do you think it would be smart for them for signups for drama to release three of the workouts, give a three day window to complete them and then release the last two and save the last two for the ones that it was like, okay, now it's time to separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah, I like the second option. I like waiting to release some of them rather than releasing them all for sure. It's not something I've really heard people say. And I know a lot of people push back and say, well, you know, there's logistics. There's going to be some kind of floor plans. You've got to have enough judges in your affiliate for the affiliate owners. They need to know kind of what to expect, but I think
Starting point is 00:48:53 you would get just as many or more signups. If you did it that way, people just kind of knowing, Hey, I'm going to get these three workouts. You, you make them pretty accessible, but then you don't get the last two workouts until at the end of the first submission window. And then everyone still has two more days to do two more workouts. And you have some people maybe at that point say, dang, I'm not going to be able to do the fourth one, or I'm only going to be able to start the fourth workout. And after the a hundred calorie row, I'm not going to be able to do 30 ring muscle ups after that or whatever. So you have week like we used to have week four and week five in the open kind of being no play and doing it in the same way that we do that five day
Starting point is 00:49:39 window for quarterfinals. Do you think the open will follow that same trend that it used to follow week one super accessible week two a little harder week three highest skill no i just think because it's three weeks it's it's it's gonna be um it's gonna be challenging but it's gonna be something that everyone can can at least do or attempt for all three weeks. It kind of was that last year though, wasn't it? Wasn't week one burpee pull-up shuttle run? No, week, week one, week one was the chipper that ended with the ring muscle-ups. Yeah. Which is still super accessible to start. Yeah. Then week two is the burpee pull-up one-arm thruster. Then week three is the snatch handstand push-up wall walk
Starting point is 00:50:21 double under. Yeah. Which I mean, level of mean level of different yeah i mean to your point you know you could do most people could get through at least the row and uh depending on how good good or bad they're at toast to bar they could get to the rings whether or not they got muscle-ups or not so you're still working out for the majority of that clock the second week you know burpee pull-ups are definitely hard for some people but they could still do them at least and then week three i would say was the least accessible because you've got people even from the beginning that are struggling with wall walks and snatches. And the general shoulder fatigue is so high that they really, they can't even show that they can snatch the 135 or whatever, because they're not good at double unders or whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And I think same in 2022 week one, that wall walk double under, or sorry, wall walk dumbbell snatch box jump over super accessible anyone can do those it was such a low volume of wall walks paired with things that weren't interfering with it at least week two was the deadlift burpee which now it's like oh fuck it's 110 deadlifts at 225 that's way harder and then week three was the thruster chest to bar double under bar muscle up little 21 15 9 21 18 15 yeah it was like a it was a small number of double unders every time if that happens this year what was a week three last year was double under snatches yeah who knows do you think we'll see thrusters in the open this year? Yeah. Dumbbell?
Starting point is 00:51:48 No. Really? Barbell? Barbell three years in a row. If it's dumbbell. I think we'll see single dumbbell thrusters. There you go. If it's dumbbell, I think it'll be single arm with a 50.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Really? Yep. I think it'll be in the front rack position. Thruster dumbbells. Goblet. Yeah, bro. Dumbbell thrusters. Goblet.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Why so, JR? Because I think it checks a lot of the boxes of, hey, if you walk into a gym, you're going to pretty much have what you need for the Open. But I think that it makes it accessible enough to where most people, that's even a heavy unilateral movement for a lot of people. And then for the best in the world,
Starting point is 00:52:32 they're going to be able to cycle it and move it fast. What would be really cool, and I think this would kind of require an equipment list, so I don't expect it. But Boz has talked about this on other podcasts that he's done about you know the the tendency that we have to always make things harder based on loading or based on skill versus making it lighter and just making it harder because you have to go faster and you you have to go unbroken like how cool it would be if there was 100 dumbbell thrusters in a workout,
Starting point is 00:53:07 but it was with 35s and 25s. I love that. So you actually make it lighter, but you make it hurt more. And the people who are still the fittest can still show that they're the fittest. So you kind of get everybody out of that. Well, it needs to get heavier as it goes, and it needs to get harder as it goes and it needs to get harder as far as skill as it goes. But instead of doing it that way, you just increase volume
Starting point is 00:53:32 for chin over the bar pull-ups for, um, uh, lighter barbell movements, lighter dumbbell movements, stuff like that. And then you, you, you get, you get a similar outcome, but it just kind of shows people that it doesn't have to be heavier or more difficult to be, to be, to be harder. I think we see a dumbbell box step over for the first time or a dual dumbbell box step up. I mean, the only other time there was a open. I definitely think we could, we definitely in quarterfinals. Yeah. I think in quarterfinals, um, I don't know, man, that even workout a couple of days ago really made me think about
Starting point is 00:54:14 they're being really conscious of what the affiliate owners have said as far as logistics with like 25 foot space and all that kind of stuff. And the idea to me of having some sort of stationary lunge just really keeps coming back to me. Did you see workout that was front rack lunge lunges stationary with AC setups? So I think whether they use a dumbbell, whether they use kettlebells, whether they use dumbbells, but having that, um, having that lunge without having to set up a camera to where you can get that full 25 foot of space. And then it also eliminates a look to an extent, something that I'm really passionate about, which is we shouldn't be lunging for steps. We should be lunging for distance because now you're, you're taking something that gives the longer athlete
Starting point is 00:55:05 a little bit more of an advantage, and you're now just making that a level playing field because no matter how long or short your legs are, you still get credit for doing the same amount of work. So you think that it should be for reps, not for distance? No, it should be for distance. And if I have longer legs maybe i just i just get a one-step advantage every time i agree just like a wall ball target or a fucking
Starting point is 00:55:30 burpee i don't get to just go halfway down for a burpee because i'm taller so not because i think it levels the playing field but because i think it makes the judging easier you're not looking at someone from behind trying to judge hip opening on one trip on the lunge and then when they come back at the camera you're judging hip opening on a lunge from that view so it takes out that part of it that subjectivity where hey if they're just doing step back lunges in place i mean we've seen other competitions do it rogue did it because of the rain with the with the whole cans workout um wadapalooza did it on the the rain with the, with the whole cans workout. Um, yeah. Wadapalooza did it on the barge.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Right. So I think, I mean that movement, I think we see whether we see it in the open or quarterfinals, I think we see it. And I think that's how we get lunges this year. We don't get lunges for distance. No jumping squats in the open.
Starting point is 00:56:21 No. Lunge muscle up workout. The lunge muscle-up workout was 2017 power clean dumbbell power clean lunge chest to bar bar muscle-up that's correct um you know it was one of the i did the dubai crossfit online challenge in 2019 maybe it was do you remember that josh miller did it the 10 minute amrap of single arm devil's presses single arm devil press yep just watching that on my youtube because my dog was a puppy at the time and for the last three minutes she was like like barking around my heels like jumping at me with no music in the gym he's doing this workout yeah um so you think i i don't know i'm i'm just i'm just now trying to predict workouts based on who
Starting point is 00:57:09 i have to fucking do these workouts against for the open week one can i say this gosh i hope you do the ladder against colton if there's a strength ladder what ladder i would i would love if there was some sort of ladder like a snatch ladder ladder, and you did it against Colton. I just would think it would be awesome to do whatever the heavy is. I think it would be awesome if you did it against him. Yeah, unless it's a heavy thruster. No, I want to see that too. Me versus Dallin, me versus Jason, me versus Colton.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I feel like there, if it's me versus Colton, the space in the middle is so much smaller than me versus Jason or me versus Dallin. There's very little middle ground with me and Colton. It's either he's way better at some things or I'm way better at some things. Whereas I would say for me and Jason, it's probably somewhere in the middle and then
Starting point is 00:58:06 me and down it's probably the center the middle ground is probably the largest i don't know maybe you're flattering yourself with your fitness level right now okay okay yeah i probably am probably gonna get butt fucked but i'll tell you what i'm gonna die i'm gonna kill myself there's that no i think i think they'll be really entertaining um bill said that he went and did almost like an experimental like an old school coaches prep course yep uh this past weekend and dave was there and the one thing he said about dave was how like giddy he almost sounded for the open and the workouts. Like he's just super excited about them that they're going to be,
Starting point is 00:58:48 they're going to be good. So I'm looking forward to seeing what they are. Yeah, me too. I think we'll see any high skill or is it just all going to be this? I think the idea that they have forgotten that the open is about testing yourself. It's not supposed to be a training day.
Starting point is 00:59:05 It's supposed to be testing yourself. So I think the idea that people have that there's not going to be anything but burpees and box jumps is silly. I think for sure they're going to test the community, whether it's like, can you get your first bar muscle up? Or it's like, can you get handstand pushups?
Starting point is 00:59:27 A strict handstand pushup. Something like that, I think for sure, is still going to come up. Yeah, I'm stoked. This is going to be so much fun. One, because I like all three of them. Two, because I'll openly talk shit to all three of these little nerds. Three. Two, because I'll openly talk shit to all three of these little nerds.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Three. Three, the picture is going to be the most crisp thing ever because of the guy on the screen and the sexy blue hat. Yeah, it's going to be a crisp stream, and it's going to be I'm going to pin myself to the floor in each one. And week two at Crash, if the picture isn't crisp, then we know 100% that it's because my internet is garbage. Because what you put out at Charlotte for the Waterpalooza workouts was like I was watching it on Espen.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Espen. I love Espen. Espen. I love Espen. Espen. Yeah, I'm doing machine intervals every night so that I can just be ready. That's all I'm doing. Zone 2. Our zone 2.
Starting point is 01:00:33 That's all my training is right now. Zone 2. A couple of push-ups. It was fun. Let's get off. Make sure you guys go to Homegrown Relief. Contact Patrick Mitrovich, State Farm Insurance, 803-818-6980.
Starting point is 01:00:58 That is 803-818-6980. Sponsors of the show wouldn't be here without them. If you guys are interested in sponsoring us, please reach out. We're looking for more. Only if you're rich. We got to make sure Taylor can pay the bills. Funny, guys. See ya.
Starting point is 01:01:18 See ya.

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