The Sevan Podcast - Shut Up and Scribble | The Q & NCC Programming Breakdown

Episode Date: September 8, 2024

Shut Up and Scribble | The Q & NCC Programming Breakdown Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to start taking stuff like that until you're at least in your 40s. Welcome everyone to Shut Up and Scribble. Me and Angelo just discussing his pharmacologic regimen as a ripe what, 25 year old? 25. So continue with what you started taking just so that you can operate and function. Well, I've been taking my loxocam off and on since I was probably 22. Yeah. And I take it religiously throughout the season now. Just because like Advil and Aleve are not hard enough or what? No, I actually think I could be wrong with my thinking,
Starting point is 00:00:41 but I think my loxocam is a little less damaging to your, I think it's your kidney is what it is what it affects yeah yeah um insides non-steroidal anti-inflammatory whatever um like those are renal toxic yeah so kidney and then like Tylenol is not good for the liver so yeah typically, meloxicam is prescribed. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's prescribed. Yeah. So interesting. Yeah, it's it. I think I actually think we looked it up that there's like less junk in it, I guess it's like straight up anti inflammatory than like taking something over the counter. There's like a little bit of junk in it. I gotcha.
Starting point is 00:01:25 But yeah, that keeps me functioning. So, so what, so what are you going to move to when you're 30? Like have you already started with the Voltaren creams and all that stuff? No. You do stuff like that too? No. Well, so the, for my arthritis, he, so he thought maybe
Starting point is 00:01:42 I had gout, but my uric acid levels were like normal and He thinks it's just he just it's just early on early onset arthritis. So I'm supposed to get one of those like wax warmers. You seen those thing that I don't know The um, he just sent to me para he just sent me paraffin wax. Yeah. Paraffin wax. You like dip your hand in paraffin wax
Starting point is 00:02:11 and it keeps your joints warm and it helps ease the pain. So. Yeah dude, you are a hippie for sure. I need to be able to use my hand. My hand feels good. Dildo, Jarrah's just happy he won't get interrupted every 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:02:24 That is not necessarily true. We just wait till this guy starts talking I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead
Starting point is 00:02:32 and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead
Starting point is 00:02:40 and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. I'm just gonna go the comments 100% when I'm on shows. Right now I'm the host of the show because Taylor is busy trying to win that 25k out in California. So my role is kind of switched. I'm going to basically just tell Angelo right now though at any time he wants to click on a comment and address it, he's more than welcome to.
Starting point is 00:03:00 How do I do that if I've ever done that? Can you see the comments? Yeah, I can see them. Can you click on them? No, I can't. OK, well then that's just because I don't know what I'm doing. So just tell me if you see a comment you want to address and we'll do it. OK, do I have to join the chat?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Is that what it is? I don't know. I don't think so. It's probably just some. It's probably some setting I don't have. Do you coach any classes at Mayhem? No, not anymore. I, um. I really want to. I really want to get back into it. When I stopped coaching, honestly, I just stopped coaching because it didn't make sense when I started working at the fire department. I was there, obviously my regular shift, and then
Starting point is 00:03:40 I would get off and I was detailing cars and I was selling real estate at the same time. I was detailing cars more than anything. And that's just time consuming. I was making way more money doing that work for myself. So I gave my classes away and like, I never stopped loving it. It just was, I was working too, I was working too much. So I just had to like figure other stuff out. Um, and it just was, it was working better with my schedule cause just had to like figure other stuff out. And it just was working
Starting point is 00:04:06 better with my schedule because I get to make my own schedule. But no, I told, I think it was either Jake or Josh, I told them that I really want to like get back into coaching classes again. Like even if I'm just a relief coach, like they can call who doesn't really have any classes, but just can coach every now and then. Like I, if I could make a career out of coaching classes, I would rather, like that would be, I would like to do that. Like I enjoy that so much. And when you were coaching, were you level one, level two?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Level one, level one. Gotcha. You know, if you decided to get back into coaching, I think level two course is awesome. Just because it really teaches you how to coach and not just like knowing movement, but actually being able to like cue people and stuff. Yeah. And if you wanted to pursue a level three or even a level four, you should reach out to someone like Pat Barber. The minimal! The knowledge right there in the middle, right there in the middle. He's actually mentoring Taylor the thumb right now in his pursuit for his level four. Recent sponsor of the podcast hit him up coaches coaching coaches
Starting point is 00:05:11 and he's about as OG as you as it gets. So if you're someone that wants to get into that kind of thing, reach out to Pat. Good dude. Whenever I hear Pat, whenever I hear Pat Barber, I think of the Pat Barber rule. You know what I'm talking about? Oh yeah, just gaming it. I'm still waiting for something like that, where there's like a back to back to back finale for like 300 points and they're each scored for 100 points and you could actually see someone, I mean, cause there would be someone probably
Starting point is 00:05:39 on the second one that just like didn't really try. And they have that weird effort rule now and stuff like that. have to they would have to define it somehow for that workout. They have to. You have to. Greg, listen, dude, it's you just have to know your role. Okay. When when when the chef's in the kitchen, you let him cook and the chef is Mr. Self. I'm just the I'm the server, right? He prepares the food. I take it out to the table. It's all good. But right now I'm just trying to make Angela feel good so that he can get really, really emotional here. Yeah, great. That's not what I need. Celebrexan Volterra and cream is where it's at. There you go, dude. You are well on your way to right here. All right. So we are going
Starting point is 00:06:21 to talk about the queue first, Rogue Online Qualifier. Then we're going to talk about the queue first, Rogue Online Qualifier. Then we're going to talk about the North Cal Classic where Taylor is currently asserting his dominance, winning the first workout, which is a 5.5 mile trail run. He asked me this morning, almost in tears, for some advice on how to strategize it. I explained to him almost to the half mile how he should go about it and he wins. So there you go. You're welcome to.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So it's all because of you. If I knew how to do anything on the back end, it would be nice, but I don't. So we're just gonna go through the queue. First off, we know that this gets at least, I think five people to the Rogue Invitational, which will be in Scotland, I believe the eight through the 10th of November.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So really, really prestigious competition. It's a big deal if you go at all ever in your career, if you go multiple times, it's even bigger deal. And they have their own kind of scoring system now where it's like a look back they have their own kind of scoring system now where It's like a look back at previous rogue invitationals quarterfinals performances games performances I think they don't actually take into account semi-finals finishes, which is interesting And I haven't dug into the numbers too too much. Yeah, but
Starting point is 00:07:45 Like last year a rule they do whatever they want right right? There is that rule. There is that rule. That's yeah, at the at the bottom. So at the bottom of their explanation, I think it says we're an invitational and we reserve the right to invite whoever we want, which I kind of wish they would have just stuck with. I know a lot of times people just assumed it was the top 10 from that year's games, which I think is a good thing to go off of. And then for the other 10, we can just pick whoever we want.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I think it's cool to do that. But letting someone earn their way to the competition is also pretty cool. So four workouts this year, I think in the past, maybe they've done five scores. Um, and maybe a two part one, but if you want to go ahead and go through the workouts, we will read them off. Angel, if you haven't pulled them up, you go first. I got them. Yeah, I got them pulled up. That's what I was doing. Workout one, 50-40, 30-20, 10, echo bite calories, 10-20, 30-40, 50, alternating dumbbell snatches, 20-minute time cap, 70 70 pound dumbbell for the men, 50 pound dumbbell for the women.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, I was gonna start off with some aggression. I mean, that's kind of the way I think about it. Like you look at the workout, if they were both descending, it's completely different. If even the calories were ascending, it's still a different approach. But the way I see it, and you can tell me I'm crazy here, I think Seth kind of disagreed with me yesterday.
Starting point is 00:09:13 When you have 50 cows, essentially a 20 second break maybe, and then 40 cows, it's gonna de-incentivize going out hot on the bike at all. Because you're ending with 90 dumbbell, heavy dumbbell snatches with only 10 cows in the middle on the back end. So to me, when I look at the workout, unless you're someone like Jason or Roman or Dallin,
Starting point is 00:09:36 and you're literally one of the best in the world where your recovery pace is most people's like hard pace, you don't do anything aggressive on the bike to start the workout. Yeah. Uh, I mean, I'm horrible at the bike. Like I feel like I'm decent at a alternating dumbbell snatch, but I'm terrible at the bike. So like when I look at it, I'm in my mind, like I'm only biking as hard as I can to be
Starting point is 00:09:59 able to do the dumbbell snatches. I'm broken because, um because like a break there, if for me if I set like if I set down anything that's heavy and I walk away from it like it takes me a little while to get back to it so like you know opposed other than like maybe a single like a workout that you're going to know you're going to be doing singles on so I don't really want to set the dumbbell down at all uh do you think that's a good strategy never said it set it down right? You're trying to cycle the entire time. You can. I think you can but it does raise the question like for 30 or 40 calories what is the difference between 400 and
Starting point is 00:10:38 450 watts? Oh yeah. Like what's the difference? So if you if you break every 10, is that the same amount of time that you would be losing on the bike for just biking a little bit? Yeah, like harder like I will. What will it kind of just wash out is what I'm saying. Like, can you can you bike harder and break the dumbbell? Or can you choose to bike slower and just go and broken on the dumbbell? which one is gonna be easier for you? Yeah, I don't, see, I don't know. Me and Tyler Christofel had this conversation frequently about like, think about what comes to mind really quick is like the open workout this year. Ben Davidson, I wanna say he wrote a 152, maybe 150, and I think I wrote a 146, and he beat me by a good amount. I think he wrote a 142 and he beat me by a good amount. I think he wrote a 152 or 153.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I wrote a 146 or 147, which is aggressive for me. He beat me by a lot because he made it so intentional and transition fast because of how many transitions were in that workout. Now, granted, there's not as many transitions, but I would consider setting a dumbbell down in the middle of a set like a transition. And in that workout, rowing for meters versus calories is very different. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's just almost, almost never is it worth going a little harder and being way more out of breath. Like the difference between a 152 and a 146 on a rower. I know this is a different workout, but like the different, that difference is huge. Like that's a zone two, maybe zone three barely. And then like for sure zone three,
Starting point is 00:12:14 maybe tapping in zone four towards the end on the row for me. So like, I think, I think it depends on the athlete by a lot. Like depending on if I'm gonna push the eco bike or the snatches, for me, like I said, I'm not as good at the bike. I'm gonna try to hang on the dumbbell snatch the best I can, because we did that in quarter finals.
Starting point is 00:12:32 It's a little easier. 50, 30, 20 of dumbbell snatch. And like, I think we, I actually do think we set it down once, it was paired with toes to bar though. So that's way different. Right. Way different. Yeah. But this workout is like really, really, to me, base capacity. I mean, the dumbbell is a moderately light dumbbell
Starting point is 00:12:58 even for a hundred. I would say more. Why do you say moderately light? Well, because would you I said for 150 reps, I would say moderately, why do you say moderately light? Well because, I said for 150 reps, I would say it's moderate. At the heaviest it's moderate for 150. Yeah, yeah, I think it's moderate. Okay, so. I think it's moderate light.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Okay, it's moderate, it's moderate. I'm sorry. It's moderate. It's moderate and excuse to the female, don't at me, but they are doing the same number of calories. Okay, I like that. So when you do look at the female, don't at me, but they are doing the same number of calories. When you do look at the workout for those of you that are trying to like, when you see who's on the leaderboard and be like, who's going to do great for the females, especially look for the best, look for the most powerful athletes on the bike.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Because I do think they can make a move where it's not going to be as beneficial for the males to make a move. Mason Mitchell, this is a good comment. 1700 cals per hour to 1850 is 400 watts to 450. So to me, that's pretty substantial when you're talking about 150 calories in the workout. That's an hour though. Right. What I'm saying is this concept too, like if you were doing 1700 cows.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Whoa, hang on. Is he saying that? He's saying it's like the equivalent to. Okay, okay. He's not saying that like I do 400 watts on the bike, I'm gonna get 1700 calories, 450 watts on the bike. Oh, he is saying that. Or is he saying legitimately, if I do 400 watts on the bike for an hour, I guess 1700 calories. I think he's saying that the difference between 1700 and 1850 is the same difference as 400 to 450. See, that sounds like a huge difference in effort. It does. Yeah. And I mean, if you're going at 400 versus going at 450 for 50 cows,
Starting point is 00:14:47 that's like, you're probably getting off what 10 before. Yeah, like, it's pretty, it's pretty substantial. So anyway, I know we're getting way in the weeds on this workout. It's a, it's a, it's a good workout. It's a cool workout. I thought of 17.1 or what? 20.2, 21.2, whichever were the year they repeated the second year. Because you don't see a lot of ascending high volume reps like that. So being able to hold onto the dumbbell, I still think is the best strategy. Once you stop, you're not going to want to start again. Yeah, I think so too. I think you might get the hardest pace for you that allows you to almost never set the dumbbell down.
Starting point is 00:15:26 The 40 and 50 is gonna be rough. It's gonna be rough. But yeah, that's I think that's the goal even for the best bikers like the best bikers just bike a little bit harder and do that same method. Mason says three to four cows per minute. So that's that's that's doesn't seem like that much of an advantage. No, it's not. I don't think so. But if you're going for 50 cals, then it will add up, right? So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah, okay. Well, 50 cals would take two and a half minutes. At around 400 to 450 would take about two and a half minutes. So, you're looking at a nine, right? Ish, nine, eight, nine calorie. Yeah, I mean that, that is that significant for the first couple sets. And I would still, I would still say that time wise cow on a bike is almost two to one dumbbell snatches, almost two, two. Yeah. So, all right, I'm going to move on to the next workout. You got that first one monostrucial weightlifting. Yeah, I got it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So workout two for time. It's just a chipper, 30 bar muscle ups, 30 overhead squats, 155 and 115. My goodness. That makes me so happy to see if you're listening out there, there's a certain high level individual female that gave me a lot of pushback certain high level individual female that gave me a lot of pushback when she did a workout that was 155, 115. I said, Hey, this is 2024. That's what it should be. And 30 burpees over the bar. So 30, 30, 30, 90 reps total. Where's the separation on this workout when you look at it? Do you think it's just who can get the set of 30 bar muscle ups done the fastest?
Starting point is 00:17:06 Or do you think if you make a mistake on the bar muscle ups, you are not going to be able to do the overhead squats in even two sets, maybe even three? Because to me, 30 unbroken is going to be really tough in that workout. And maybe just be because I'm bad at overhead squats. But I still think a set of 30 after that much hanging is going to be really tough for some people to do.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah, I think this one comes down to who you are as an athlete. If you're going to break the muscle ups and have a faster break in the muscle ups, or if you can break over at squat and have a faster break over at squat, I would almost say, I don't think anybody should do the muscle ups unbroken. I think everyone should break it at least once. 2010 is probably actually a good, would probably be a decent way to break it. I do think I could do 30 unbroken on the overhead squats.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I think maybe for me, I might go 12, 10, eight on the bar muscle up to do the overhead squats unbroken because I know I'll rest more if I drop the overhead squat than if I come down off the bar muscle up. And I think that's probably true for most people because the overhead squats are after the bar muscle up. So if I did 12, 10, eight on the bar muscle up, I really think I crank out 30
Starting point is 00:18:12 overhead squats, I might get slow towards the end, but it would be. Advantages for me to not drop it and do those burpees are going to be really hard. Like whenever I drop an overhead squat at that volume, my elbows are are wrecked like it hurts to get down to the first like five or six maybe that's just your arthritis though you think you think it's just me I don't think it's just me I'm never I never anyone says you know what when I got Dylan does ever had squats dude going into the burpees did you not feel a bunch of elbow pain like it's great no Come on, I can't be just me. Dude, when I get on the ground, it feels like I can't get up.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Time cap is so long in this workout for the elites. I definitely agree there. 15 minutes is extremely accessible. I do think just on paper, this is one of those classic examples of a workout that's going to be underestimated. I think you see workout one, and you really respect it because of the 300 reps because of the ascending rep schemes on the snatches, but you see this workout and it looks kind of innocent. The fact of the matter is when people get into this, like if you're doing this in your class, 15 minutes is like it's probably gonna take some people up to that time. What's gonna be interesting
Starting point is 00:19:22 for me to see is like to me, this is a discipline workout. And what I mean by that is kind of what you were talking about on the brakes. If you choose to take breaks, is that better than breaking because you have to? And the answer is normally yes, you break because you want to not because you have to because when you have to break, the rest is long. Yeah, when you choose to break, the rest is a lot shorter. I think it's going to be the overhead squat. I think at the highest level, regardless of if you do 12, 10, 8, 20 and 10,
Starting point is 00:19:56 30 unbroken, whatever, I don't think there's going to be that much separation there because it's the first movement. So I think it's going to come down to the overhead squat. When we talked about this a little bit yesterday with Seth, not only can you do them unbroken or however many sets, but how fast are you squatting? Are you pausing at the top for two seconds breathing? Or are you like down up, down up, down up? The more I think about it, I think,
Starting point is 00:20:21 I actually think I would probably do 12, 10, eight on the muscle ups and then 20, 10 on the overhead squats. Cause I think I can wrap out would probably do 12 10 8 on the muscle ups and then 20 10 in the overhead squats because I think I can rep out a good set of 20 and Then I would start I know I'll start to slow down if I took a break. I would probably save myself It would probably be about the same amount of time that I would end up spending at the top When I would just like after you know If I spent two seconds for each rep at the top is 20 seconds at the bar overhead. If I just drop and take a 15 second break and I'm way fresher for those, I do
Starting point is 00:20:50 10 and I dropped down and hit the burpees. Uh, so I think, I think actually more breaks could be better if, like you said, I think discipline, I think it's a discipline working. That's good. That's a, that's a, that's a good quote. Yeah. And then you get to the burpees. And at that point, sure, if you can jump your feet
Starting point is 00:21:09 every time and you're not doing a step up, you can get three or four seconds on someone, but I think the real separation happens on the overhead squat. Yeah, for sure. It's a good workout and it's really appropriate for, I think, for the elite levels. Like the weights they picked seem to be right the
Starting point is 00:21:26 Chunks seem to be right like if this was three rounds for time of 10 10 10. It's a completely different workout You know yeah, this is good Workout three I want to see the comparison between the guys and girls on one and two like I think the guys I Do think the guys will still win the dumbbell workout I think the guys, I do think the guys will still win the dumbbell workout. Yeah. Just cause the bike, like the dumbbell is easier for the girls for sure. But it doesn't, you're not going to cycle it much faster necessarily.
Starting point is 00:21:57 And then that one, I think, um, I think it's going to be like pretty fair, like pretty even, uh, Travis B I think a lot of the top guys are doing the overhead squads when broken, especially given it's only burpees after. That'll be interesting if a lot of athletes post whatever feedback, videos, it'll be it'll be cool to see and how fast or slow that set of 30 is comparatively to someone that breaks it 2010 like that cycle rate. I'm always, I'm almost never surprised that the person who goes and broken that wins, like that doesn't happen as, as often.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I feel like as the person who's like, yeah, I broke like every five reps and I beat the guy who went on broken. Like it's great. That's I hear that story more often than, than the, than the adverse, the inverse one, what comes to mind is like the Justin Madero said to get 2020 games. more often than the adverse, the inverse one. Gotcha. What comes to mind is like the Justin Madero said to get 2020 games. We did the handstand walk in five yards at a time and one, right? He won that event or you take second.
Starting point is 00:22:53 He was second. Yeah. Matt was, but I think Matt did Macco totally unbroken beat him by two seconds. I think he might've broke like the last 10 yards. Like the very end. I love that. I love to like see a strategy play out like that. And it's like, he's hurting
Starting point is 00:23:06 so much less by doing it. I am really glad that for the most part, we never allowed to dive in anymore. Like you have to start hands behind the line. So it's a true hundred yards or a true hundred feet or whatever. It's not just, you know, 92 because you jumped four feet forward to finish or whatever, you know, so, um, yeah, Corey Leonard, Frazier book once. Okay. Workout three, you go ahead and take this one. So we got weightlifting in the first two workouts.
Starting point is 00:23:39 We've got, uh, G W G for the second one. So two gymnastics so far, two weightlifting, one monostrutural. 21 deadlifts, 315, 245, 15 cleans, 225, 175, 9 squat snatch, 135, 105, 50 and 40 counter row. Look guys, this, I mean whoever it is, Josh, Chris, Katie, they get it. Look at these weights. Yeah. It's not 315, 225.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Definitely not 205. It's not 225, 155. It's not even 165, it's 175. That's great. It's not 135, 95. Okay. They do 40 cows on the rower to end, which I do like because they did not do a calorie equivalent
Starting point is 00:24:26 for the females on the first workout. But like, this is the one that I want to look at, especially for time, like you were saying. Yeah. Cause I think it will be eye opening either, you know, it'll be really, really close and it'll kind of be like to me, very like very indicative to where I think we are in the sport right now. Yeah. Like you're getting at the highest level you're getting people that have been doing this stuff since they were really young. I mean you're you've been doing it since you were really young. And especially the females just growing up lifting weights and just being that much stronger than people in 2005, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. And yeah, it's just, it's cool to see these loads. And I would love to ask the programmers why they chose them, who tested the workouts. I think knowing who tests workouts is really cool, especially
Starting point is 00:25:17 for something like this high level, because you've got to use people to do it. Yeah, whether it was Josh himself, or, you know, Chris himself, or they had people that aren't competing this season, maybe that are still really fit to do it. So when I see this workout, I think it's awesome. I think it's a really cool idea to do three different barbell movements in a in a strength capacity, let's just call it, like maybe a strength battery setting, because after those deadlifts, the cleans are not gonna be a gimme.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Like the cleans are gonna feel a lot harder, especially if you're ripping a big set, which most of them are gonna do on the deadlifts. I don't even, like I look at this workout and don't even know how to approach it. You look at this workout, you have to do it for a qualifier. How do you approach this workout as far as like strategy goes?
Starting point is 00:26:06 Uh, sorry, one thing I have, I will say this. I think the women's weights may have to do with the fact that it's just 35s on 35s off. You have three 35s on you take them off. I think whatever it is, you take it. Anyone who's either doing this or looked in the standards, I wonder if you can use three bars or if you have to use one. Oh, but I think that also played a factor of the women's weights to make it an easy adjustment, just like the men's. Either way, it's cool. When I'm approaching it,
Starting point is 00:26:40 well, I'm good at deadlifts, bad at cleans, decent at squat snatch, but the weights are so drastically different on the squat snatch. Like nine squats at 135 is by itself, total, super easy. 15 cleans, 225. I think the whole workout in the middle is the 15 cleans, 225. That's where you gain or lose a ton of time.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Like 21 deadlifts, I feel like you're either doing that unbroken or really close to it. The only reason you would break it is like, because it's so quick to break. It's the first thing like you could take quick break and get right back on it. Like you won't be, you won't be taking a break because you have to, you'll just do it because of strategy for the cleans. Then you'll get to the cleans. And I think that's where the bottleneck happens. Like who's going to be close to the bar, who's going to, you you know pretty much let it settle and pick it back up I think singles is the way to go drop it settle it pick it back up and then the nine squat snatch I think you it's it's it's knowing knowing you have the row waiting for you at the end though will inevitably make people go, especially when they get that snatch,
Starting point is 00:27:45 because they know what's coming, like pure pain is coming. So like, they're not gonna really rush to the snatches just to pull a 1200. I think they're gonna go slow and try, like to me, when you get to the calories, let's just call it a two minute on the rower. Like the difference between 1700 and 1400 is massive
Starting point is 00:28:06 on the rower. Like, are you just surviving those calories or are you like building your pace and you're ripping, ripping the cows? When I picture this work out of my mind, I picture Luke doing it because I feel like he would do really well at this. And like, he would probably hit the deadlifts in two sets,
Starting point is 00:28:23 maybe even three. He would, and Sam said there's three bars, so and he's like fast singles on the clean the whole time. Squat snatch, maybe one break, maybe two, but then he's on the roller like it doesn't matter what happened before that he's on the roller, he's pulling like 1500 immediately. 45 calories for someone like him or someone, I guess, like Roman or Dow or Jason, like guys who are good on the road, like they get on and they're immediately 1500 recovering for like 10 calories. And then they're right up to 1800.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And that's why he'll probably be mad at me. Cause he doesn't, you know, we, I, we really, he usually doesn't talk about any workouts that he's done or anything. I think he's needs to just be cool about it. I programmed a workout for Jason right before the games. And to me, like, you know, that's when that's when they're at their fittest. Yeah. It actually wasn't right before the games. It was shortly after semifinals because I really
Starting point is 00:29:17 liked that barbell workout that you guys had. That was like deadlift and shoulder overhead, I think. Yeah. 315 185. Yes. And I wrote a workout for him before the semi-final workouts came out. So this was probably leading up to semis that was 45 Cal row, 2115 nine, 315 deadlift, 185 shoulder overhead, 45 Cal row to finish. It was like if they use this, if they could use a workout like this for a strength type workout and it would separate a lot. And I remember him after the 21-15-9 just staying at 17 or 18 the entire time. And I was like what in the world. And he was, and he was hurting coming off, coming off the 2159. But it's just, it's not how they settled in.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Like even, even myself, like I know in a competition aspect, when you get on there, you only have 45 calories. Like they start taking pretty quick. Like you get up, you get to 10 calories really quick. And by then you're like, it's 35 calories. Like I can pull on this thing. up you get to 10 calories really quick and by then you're like it's 35 calories like I can pull on this thing and um so and that's and I'm not necessarily like I don't consider myself a good rower per se but I feel like I would get on IDF 1500 pretty quick no matter what happened before so like those guys I can only imagine what they're gonna be pulling they're probably they're probably getting on there they're settling in and they're pulling 2000 plus until they're done they're settling in and they're pulling 2000 plus until they're done. Yeah, yes. This is like, I mean, all three of these like ending on a set of 50 dumbbell snatch, ending on a set of 30 bar facing
Starting point is 00:30:52 burpees, ending on a 50 40 cow row. I mean, it's uh, they're gonna earn it for sure. They're gonna earn their spot, the people that make it. Last workout for it is an amrap which we can talk about without going too crazy 45 double unders 9 wall facing handstand push-ups 12 box stepovers holding a 100 and a 70 pound dumbbell and then 15 chest a bar a lot like to me a lot like the second workout This one is not very assuming when you look
Starting point is 00:31:25 at it and but then you realize that okay let's just with a transition to the wall let's just say 30 seconds for dubs, 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds which they're gonna be going faster than two minute rounds so start to add that up. So two minute rounds, that's seven rounds. So that's 105 chest to bar, that's 63. And they're gonna be going way faster than that. So the volume is gonna accumulate here. When I look at the workout, unless you have a midline, like whether it's low back or,
Starting point is 00:32:03 I don't know, unless you're really short which they're going to a 20 inch box which so I don't think the dumbbell is gonna be that crazy like I think it's I think it might come down late to who can do the handstand push-ups unbroken the whole time yeah for sure like I think that's what it comes down to it I think well I think the biggest thing for everyone doing it no matter skill level is the transition on and off of the dumbbell to get all like How where are you gonna put the dumbbell that's comfortable that you can hit those 12 without really thinking about like oh man This thing's crushing my shoulders like you know, whatever you're doing. I saw him have a back rack on the video
Starting point is 00:32:37 Maybe that's the best but it seems slow to get up. There's a hundred pound dumbbell. It's pretty cumbersome but I think- Would you put it like the open workout with the lunges, step up, strict handstand, push up handstand, what would you put it? Like on my shoulder? Or would you put it behind the neck? That would be something that heavy. 100 pounds is so much to have on one side.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. I mean, I feel like maybe the back record- Getting it adjusted and getting it back there though I feel like it sounds slow. It sounds really slow. Are you allowed to leave it on the box or you have to leave it on the floor? I didn't I didn't watch the video but that's why I was joking around. I was saying well all those plow boxes are about to get cracked. So yeah we're like yeah I mean hopefully no one would think about using a soft box. I wouldn't think like if you do use a soft box do I think ruin that this workout it's
Starting point is 00:33:29 like it's flattened out you turn a 24 inch box or 20 inch box or 16 inch box and last year you know they they used sandbags which is the first time I had seen it in a qualifier I know crucible used it in a qualifier last year with handstand walk and I think it's a qualifier last year with handstand walk. And I think it's a lot easier for a smaller scale online competition to do that. But they, I remember weighing it for Jason. It was that chipper with dumbbell stepovers and sandbag cleans. So it's interesting that they didn't use a sandbag here.
Starting point is 00:33:59 I think just handling it would just be a little bit easier for people to get it on and off of their body. Um, but also too, there are a lot of people out there that have done that movement. I don't know of anyone that's done dumbbell step overs with one dumbbell this heavy. No, I think you're right though. I think it, I think even by like rounds two or three, I think you start to notice your shoulders fatigue building. Yes, because of the double unders wall facing everything really I guess, but because of the wall facing in themselves but also because of however you put that dumbbell up is going to tax your shoulders like it doesn't matter where you
Starting point is 00:34:36 put you put on one side or the other and switch sides each round or in your neck or I mean if you want to try to front rack I don't't know like any of that stuff is gonna destroy your shoulders Yeah, I mean it's a It's a it's a cool test It is online qualifier so you can do it in whatever order you want. I think it's a lot Less detrimental because you get the choice and you get multiple days to do it Doing an amrap is fine in a qualifier. It's when it's in an in-person competition and it's not the final event,
Starting point is 00:35:09 or it's not a movement that's like, Hey, you could push this sled a little bit farther or you could carry this yoke a little bit farther and that's why you won. It's like, it's not, Oh, this person did 50 more chest of bar and 50 more thrusters because it was a death by. And so because of that, they're going to do poor on the finale. So while I don't think it's great for in person competition, I think for online qualifier it's fine. You don't think a really heavy deadlift ladder is good for in person competition on the first day. I seriously think no I don't think that I think it's I think that might be the biggest miss that
Starting point is 00:35:46 I'll say it at the crossFit Games ever had I can't believe I can't believe we were gonna do a heavy You know we didn't I'm doing it But I can't believe we were into a heavy deadlift ladder as the second of or yeah a second event of the crossFit Games crazy, yeah, Natalie, I Apologize to begin the show continue to'll continue to apologize. I'm very much a rookie at being a host. We're lucky that we have the sponsors overlays and that me and Angelo aren't just like on one big screen or that you can even see Angelo. I'm sorry. I will get I will get tutelage so that I can share the screen next time. So yeah, I mean, pretty well-rounded.
Starting point is 00:36:25 The fact that there's four and they're qualifying that many people. You've got some gymnastics pressing. You've got gymnastics pulling in two workouts. You've got some hinging. You've got some squatting. Like, you got a good mix, for sure. There's no single modality,
Starting point is 00:36:43 which is probably the way to go if you're going to do a four workout qualifier. So actually a single modality like weightlifting test or even gymnastics test, but anything. It seems like a single modality weightlifting test happens more often in qualifiers than anything else. So I'm glad they didn't do that. All right. So yeah, we got about 30 minutes. Before we get going. Something I thought about when everyone was recommending crotum and a bunch of other holistic remedies for your joint pain. You just hit up ACR CBD athletics. Have you ever tried? Have you ever tried any of the like products like that? Like any kind of salves or anything? Yeah, I have I have and I I have tried
Starting point is 00:37:28 CVD products and I actually do think I saw a decent amount of Change I didn't have these issues though I did see like I was having like tendonitis and stuff my knees and I did see like some change for sure So it wouldn't kill me to try yeah head on over to their site. We'll try to get you some stuff to try out. Really does work well. Taylor's been using it on his knee for freaking months and he's gonna need it when they do that Cal SU workout as the last workout on Sunday. You know, he was he was he was throwing around the idea of doing the road qualifiers on Monday after I heard that. and when everything came out,
Starting point is 00:38:05 he called me last night and said there is no chance that after that after that CalSU workout, I'm going to do any online qualifier on Monday. But we'll shift gears a little bit to North Cal Classic, which is going on right now. Tutor Magna, Colton Mertens, our very own Taylor self in the field. Taylor did win event one, which was a 5.5 mile trail run. I don't know where anyone else finished. I keep refreshing. If you go to competition corner and you're listening and you want to actually look at the workouts as we talk through it, that's probably the best place to go.
Starting point is 00:38:39 It doesn't look like the leaderboard is finalized, but we're going to go through the workouts. There are a lot of them, which is customary for North Carolina Classic. And they are very unique, which is also par for the course with this competition. It's for 25 grand, which makes me very jealous. Any of you Yeti assault,
Starting point is 00:39:00 if you're looking for little people to sponsor for big prize purses, please hit me up. We're always looking for more ways to get more money, honestly. So a lot of the athletes that are here are actually coming to crash, which is cool. So I'll get to see some of them just in another month. I can't get into this. Okay. Or workouts. All right, I got it. So yeah, event one.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And I'm pretty sure that the events here are in order. I talked to Taylor's wife, Liz. She said that the other two scored events that they're doing is the gymnastics complex, which a teaser was posted for, we'll go through that. And then the handstand walk workout, we'll go through that. And there's only like a one or a two minute rest
Starting point is 00:39:49 in between those two. So it's a one minute rest after the bar complex before the handstand walk workout. Yeah, they're gonna need it. That workout's exhausting. If you didn't know, that's sarcasm from Mr. DeChico. So we're gonna see where this takes us. It might be a wild ride everybody. Let's go through the floater. First of all, NTC is not being
Starting point is 00:40:17 streamed as far as I know. I know Sevan's there, Hiller's there. A lot of people are there. They keep saying that there isn't a way to watch but hopefully they'll they'll keep updating us. I'm sure Sevon will be doing live shows with Taylor every night to kind of recap the day. You said Crash will be live streamed right? Natalie, yes, it will be streamed. So you will be able to watch that. All right. We know the trail run. Let's go to the floater, which those of you that don't, there are a lot of people that don't even know what a floater is. And that just shows you how long floaters have been around in the local comp, um, world. A floater is a workout that you do basically whenever you want or that you sign up for some time throughout the course of the day or the weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:58 The floater, there is a floater workout, the NCC, and it is the Shaolin bucket hold. And essentially what this is, is it's two wooden pails that you could imagine maybe carrying water in if you were anyone that's seen the last samurai, think about something like that. It's kind of what it looks like. There's going to be 15 pounds in each bucket. Okay, it's not water in the buckets, right? No, I think it's just weight. It's some kind of weight. And you're going to sit down, crisscross applesauce for any of
Starting point is 00:41:35 the parents out there, which is also really, which is also which is also indie also called Indian style. For some people, you can sit either crisscross applesauce or with your leg straight in front because I watched the briefing last night and you're just going to hold the buckets to the side and you're going to hold them until one of them touches the ground or both touch the ground and that your score is your time. So let's think about Greg Glassman way back in the day right and he's talked about a lot of things like he talks about isometrics being really really important. All right, you have an L-sit hold,
Starting point is 00:42:14 you have a bar hang, maybe chin over the bar hold, you have handstand hold. Tell me, tell me why Angelo that this is not or should not be part of a test of fitness. I don't have a problem with isometrics at all. I really don't. I think it's it's too gimmicky. It's just too gimmicky like you can you can test a nice isometric in a lot of ways. Like you said the L-Sit is great. Uh, even like a chin over bar hold isn't terrible, but like, I don't know. It's maybe it's not as bad as I'm thinking it is, but there's just, it's just so gimmicky, like that's all it's, that's all there is to it. It's just, it's just a gimmick.
Starting point is 00:43:01 It's may, it is cool and maybe interesting for someone to watch, but I mean, I don't know. All right, so here's the thing that we talked about this on like a prediction show one time. At the games, you have all 40 athletes on the floor. They're doing an L-sit hold. They're doing an L-hang hold, whatever. And you put like a PVC pipe on their thigh so that when their legs drop the PVC just falls.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And you're watching it and you're like who's gonna drop first? Who's gonna drop first? Like if you watch, what is it called, Fit 100 or whatever, the show on Netflix, when they have just hanging from a bar however you want to hang from it until everyone falls into the water. And it does get exciting later on when it's down to like one or two or three people. So this is a floater, which leads me to believe that they all had to sign up for a time. No one's going to be going against anyone else. So if they could do this in like a big heat of everybody, I think the crowd would get into it. And it would might sound odd, but it would be fun to watch when you see people start to struggle and you're like,
Starting point is 00:44:07 Ooh, look at him. And you know how it works. It's like one person drops. Then everyone starts dropping. Yeah. Cause you're just waiting on the first person to break. And when the first person breaks, you know, so yeah, I don't know. I know just from talking to people who are really close with Blair and Ben and Ben Alderman, just from talking to people who are really close with Blair and Ben Alderman, that being really like OG grassroots local comp feel is important to them. And it doesn't get much more grassroots than a floater. I think if everyone's not doing the workouts in the same order with about the same
Starting point is 00:44:40 amount of time to rest in between between and it's not kind of arbitrary where you can do a workout on a Friday or you can do it on a Saturday then when you're given 25 grand it's it's a little bit of 25 grand that that that makes it way different that makes my opinion on it way different like it makes it way worse so you think it's you think the the programming should also reflect the prize? I think absolutely yeah I think like absolutely yeah because like the more that's at stake the more important it should be in my mind like there should be more stress on making it and I'm not necessarily even saying that that's not well balanced
Starting point is 00:45:24 the only thing that is a well balance is like you said, you can schedule when to do it. Like I'm going to schedule to do it before the trail run. Like let's say I think I can really, I can really, um, win that one. And I know that after the Hanson walk, like I'm not going to hand still walk. I'm going to be a little shot after that. I'm going to try to do it. I'm going to try to do it first and I'm going to see if I can, uh, hold just, you know, get big biggest hole and then go for the trail run and maybe a few hours later when I do the handstand walk, maybe I don't, I move,
Starting point is 00:45:52 I lose one place on that, but I gained two or three, but then what if I know I can win it and let's say I hold for 10 minutes and the second place holds for four minutes and I had no idea and I'm destroyed Because I did way too much work than I needed to sure and I mean think about doing it right now versus doing it after the handstand walk like You're any kind of shoulder fatigue is gonna compile in the whole competition and yeah Is it gonna be the difference between seconds? Probably.
Starting point is 00:46:26 But I bet the difference between seconds is going to be places. Like there will probably be an outlier that is really bad at it and an outlier that's amazing at it. But chances are there's going to be a huge bottleneck of guys that and girls that are like within 10 seconds of each other. Sure. Think about this.
Starting point is 00:46:44 What if you had to do it after you did eight toes to bar? You may not be able to. That's a great segue into passing the bar, which is the next workout. So those, again, I apologize. We cannot show you this workout. You can go to Instagram if you're not on your phone
Starting point is 00:47:02 right now and watch this complex being done in a teaser video. Every minute on the minute for eight minutes. And I verified this with Taylor last night because I was a little bit confused about the format. That's what I was trying to watch a live stream. Minute one, you do a toes to bar. A one, one toe to bar.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Toes to bar, are you a toe to bar? Are you a toe to bar or toes to bar, guys? I'm toe to bar, I don toad are you a total bar are you a total bar or toes to bar god I'm total bar I know oh my gosh yeah I can't there does total bar and it Oh T bird you're a saint okay so I'm gonna leave this up there yeah for minute one you do one repetition of a toast bar you rest at the start of the next minute you do a pull-up you do a toast bar and then a pull-up yeah rest until the next minute so you're adding a movement each time and then movements go toast bar chin over the bar pull-up chest a bar pull-up bar muscle up bar pullover, back hip circle, front hip circle, and then max consecutive drop
Starting point is 00:48:10 kips for the eighth minute. So that would be same way of saying unbroken. So on the eighth minute everyone just hangs until they can't hang anymore. So it's basically five minutes of nothing, three minutes of decent work or two minutes of decent work, and then one minute of like hanging on the bar for a full minute. I mean I just can't, I can't, I'm sorry, I can't be serious when we have $25,000 in the line. I was talking to my wife today and she doesn't really understand CrossFit all that Well, but she understands one toes to bar is too easy
Starting point is 00:48:50 I go think about these are guys who are better than me and who are competing for $25,000 minute one they're gonna do a toes to bar minute two They're gonna do a toes bar at a pull-up and you know, she doesn't cross you doesn't really other than like you know a work a regular workout of the day she could do up to the bar muscle and she and she like is just like a regular person so like I don't understand yeah the movements do get do get harder as you go and I don't know this for a fact but I imagine they are using something similar for the other community divisions They do get harder for sure
Starting point is 00:49:33 Bar muscle up pullover people have been doing for a couple years now ever since they made a debut at the games But not for the first time chase. I know they were in the first Oh course Don't don't don't if you're in the comments don't even do it the second time they ever programmed the games for bar pullovers back hip circle is definitely harder the front hip circle is what I've seen a lot give a lot of people trouble especially people like John Young giving him trouble to where you might not be able to have a second child if you just stay off that movement. And then the drop kips, the female who's doing them in the video makes them look really easy.
Starting point is 00:50:09 They are not that easy. I've talked to a gymnastics coach, and she said, how good is your L-sit? That's a good predictor of the drop kips, because it's a ton of midline stability. But let's just say they did this in a different way. So let's say that they did whatever, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, I don't know, of reps, whatever. And it was a different format. Do you like or dislike progressing the pull-up bar skill to other things?
Starting point is 00:50:48 Or do you think we have enough and a bar muscle up or a burpee bar muscle up is about all we need to do? Like using these movements like the drop kick, like bringing that into crossfit. I mean, I'm not necessarily saying it's out, just like basically basically flips just call it flips. That's kind of what it is It's like a flip over the bar or flip flip. I don't I don't I actually said this Rose I Anyways, I don't think that with any of this stuff is wrong or bad like I think if you go there's a lot of these things in
Starting point is 00:51:22 Well, I mean you said flip so that's all in the a hundred words, fitness in a hundred words, all that's in there. So I do think it all has a place. I don't think that these have a place within an eight minute window, like we're within the way that they are done. Like even what you said, the eight down to eight down to one or that one's the max reps. And maybe you do a 90 second window and rest three you know 90 second window 90 seconds off you do that three sets and whoever has the most drop tips at the end wins I feel like that could be a decent way to do it it's very similar and you're only doing you're only making the skills the end a little harder like
Starting point is 00:52:01 yeah like you said maybe the back hip circle a front of circle I don't know maybe you do those do you need to be just one of each? I just think the structure of this test is I don't like it. I mean, it can, it can, it's fine, whatever. But for $25,000, I do not like it. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it is very, um, I would call it like a polarizing idea for sure, where like we're trying to add new movements, multiple new movements, three. Yeah. Um, and from a from a from a programming standpoint, we start the competition off with single modality, monostructural single modality, gymnastics, and now after a short rest,
Starting point is 00:52:46 a one minute rest, they're going to do another single modality gymnastics. So that's just something good to do. Single modality isometric, weightlifting, what do you call that weightlifting? For the floater, I guess. Yeah. I mean it's technically on there. So yeah, the first four first four things. I don't know. Do you, you, you call this single modality? Yeah, I think it's single modality, but not single movement because it's only one modality, it's gymnastics. Yeah. Yeah. So it's not everything else.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Like triple threes is still single modality. Yeah. Even though it's three movements. That's kind of how I like it. I put it in that bucket. So handstand medley is the back to back and it is a 10 foot handstand walk forward, 10 foot handstand walk backward, 20, 20 backwards, 30, 30 backwards and then 40 to finish. So in total,
Starting point is 00:53:38 it is 160 feet of handstand walking three minute cap, which is, it sounds aggressive, but like to me guys like Matt Rattay, Tudor, who are just known at being really, really not only good on their hands, but fast on their hands. This is like, I mean, there's going to be guys that probably do this in around a minute, honestly, as crazy as that sounds. I don't know what the, what the brake str strad what the brake requirement is. Are they doing just keep going to a farther tape line kind of like they did at. Semifinals and the distance just gets longer and longer away from the rower.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Is it going to kind of be like that or is it going to be like they're doing everything and 10 foot chunks? Like, I don't know. Like I don't know how it's gonna be laid out. Is it a, I would think it would be a 40 foot floor. You can go 10 down, 10 back, 20 down, 20 back, 30 down, 30 back, 40 down, 40 back, and then finish, and then run down and finish maybe?
Starting point is 00:54:42 There is no backwards 40. So it ends on a front 40. Oh, there isn't, okay. Yeah, it ends on a front 40. Oh, okay. So yeah, then that would still make sense. You would finish and just run across. So yeah, that would. So very execution-based.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yeah. Very speed-based too. And just skill-based, because there are gonna be people that just can't pick up on this that have never done it before and they're just not able to do it. Like fact of the matter, like a drop-kip, like a crossover double under,
Starting point is 00:55:13 if you've never done one and you're just not someone that really adapts and do things well and you need a lot of time to practice things before you can get it, then you're just not gonna succeed. And I mean, jeez, with this, this is another like super tight margins. Like one drop kip is going to be a lot of spots. I wonder on the previous workout, the first part, I guess of this back to back, what's the tie break? Is there a tie break? Because like, I mean, you have, you would have to think they're not going to be too many people that are getting 10 more drop
Starting point is 00:55:46 Kips and everyone else not no way I imagine there's just gonna be a lot of ties Yeah, not in a minute window it like especially with that amount of buy-in like how long is that gonna take? I mean is it is it 30 seconds before you can get to the drop tips or close to it? Maybe I don't know I think but if we if we could pull it up and share the screen we could watch her do it But I want to say she that like 30 seconds or so is how much time you have maybe a little shorter all those movements if you're proficient at them but that girl in the video is really proficient at them right so if you're proficient all that yeah I guess maybe you get like 30 seconds or so and then that means is it am I done when I come off the bar and did you see that part am I done
Starting point is 00:56:24 if I come off the bar for the rest of the minute you see that part? Am I done if I come off the bar or for the rest of the minute, I can help that? I think it does have to be an unbroken complex. Okay, so yeah, you're right. It's gonna be, it's gonna be a bottleneck. Probably at like, I would think, I don't know, seven, eight, like, I don't know, like, I don't think, like you said, I don't know how many people, tons,
Starting point is 00:56:40 a lot of people don't train Elson enough for sure. So then I don't, I would say almost no one, maybe one or two people have even done this movement to add on to an L-sit. So I don't know. I mean, I think there's gonna be a huge bottleneck there. I think the handstand walk has a bottleneck. If you have that skill,
Starting point is 00:56:59 like backwards handstand walk is still one of those things. Like if you have it, you're good. If you don't like you're going to be left in the dust and you're not going to finish in the cap. Like I don't know that I would finish in the cap. Yeah I think it would be tough. What about judging standards in a competition setting? CrossFit Jigsaw asked the standards will be interesting to see if everyone can keep track. For me I think what I think about doing because I know when the judges judge handstand walking at crash, I will tell them you need to either lead the athlete or need to stay behind the athlete,
Starting point is 00:57:31 but you never switch positions. So like if you're trailing them on the way down, just trail them. And then on the way back, you can lead them. You never have to move your orientation, because they're going to have to go back and forth. So like when you're doing a backwards handstand walk though there if someone does it unbroken like being able to see both hands I guess on one side of the line before they switch directions and come back aka doing an unbroken like going down coming back the line not coming
Starting point is 00:57:59 down and right I think that might be where it could get it could get tough to watch and obviously if you're judging someone that handstand walks really fast That's just gonna make it more difficult. Yeah, it's not a ton of handstand walking and the lanes on the live Instagram live yesterday looked pretty wide. So I don't think like I don't think you'll have people running into each other anything like that. I I don't hate this event. I don't hate that handstand walk of it But and they and listen they did it last year. I talked to Taylor last night and he said, you know, I am kind of mad at myself
Starting point is 00:58:30 because typically competitions revisit certain things, especially if they're unique elements. And they did this last year. They did a backwards handstand walk with pullovers, I think in the same workout last year. And he was saying, I should have been practicing this more, Yeah, but I just didn't because I thought I would be fine. And now that I know I have to do it. I
Starting point is 00:58:50 kind of wish I would have just like I did my homework, but I didn't. I didn't. I didn't follow through with it basically. There's another back to back. So now we have lifters who run and runners who lift. So lifters who run is five minute window, 400 meter run, max snatch, as many attempts as you want, power or full. And then right after that is a one minute window, then you have to load your bar to a clean weight
Starting point is 00:59:20 and you do runners who lift, which is 10 squat cleans into a 400 meter run for time. I don't know what the scoring is. I don't know if it's 50-50. I will say that on the bar complex and the handstand walk to me that's appropriate for a 50-50 I do not think it should be a hundred a hundred like a Because it's back-to-back and it's only testing gymnastics skills I think it's really really appropriate to score that like a five point five mile run is I Don't think you should score it as a 200 point back-to-back. What about the bucket then?
Starting point is 01:00:07 To me that's a 50 Yeah, I mean, I think so I mean I think so too but I don't think you're right. So I wonder if all of these workouts, I don't see it here on Competition Corner, I wonder if all of these workouts are 100 point events like all of them. There is a lot of points up for grabs which is cool because I think most athletes would say they want more tests versus less. Yeah especially when you have some of these tests like like the single with athlete tests like yeah you need you still have to you have to have a decent amount of tests following those. 245 165 is the is the squat clean weight. Really? Do you think there will be regardless of what they can snatch, there will be people that game the snatch a little bit to go touch and go on the barbell just to try to win the
Starting point is 01:00:51 second part? Because most people are just going to do singles at 245 and 165. But do you think there's going to be someone that's like, ah, I think I can win this one because everyone's going to try to be maxing their snatch. So I have a minute to recover. So no one's legs are gonna be super fresh. Should I just take a low finish on this one and blow it out of the water on the second one? I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I don't because I think the same athlete can do good on both. Like I feel like you have a decent snatch. Even if you want to say, oh, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna go that hard. Like you know, I'm just gonna snatch whatever that is for that person, like a 225 or 240 or 245, like something like that. Like if a 245 is like your chilling weight, you're gonna get at the 245 squat clean and it's gonna probably be not that hard.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I think, you don't think anyone does any touch and go with the squat cleans? I think some people will, but like, if you're Colton, you're Colton you know you can already cycle faster than anyone so what what what does going touch and go do for you I don't know I don't know I think some people is going unbroken on the squat cleans I hope Colton does that just because he's a showman and I think it would be cool
Starting point is 01:02:05 I think he can I think he can go on broken just fine honestly and run pretty quick It'll be interesting to see how many choose like tutors crazy strong to yeah Will he try to do something like that? So? Yeah, I don't know it is a a semi finals 2023 feel. Yeah. 100 meter run into a max snatch and then 10 snatches into a 800 meter run. It was that workout for a minute until I saw the squat.
Starting point is 01:02:36 And it is, it is cool that they're changing the lift. I think. But again, too, like you use a snatch in this setting. You're probably not going gonna see a snatch again. We will, but it's a kettlebell snatch. So it's a little different, right? That's different for sure. You're using a squat clean only for 10 reps,
Starting point is 01:02:55 so will we see it again? Yep. You're using all the typical gymnastics pulling movements in one EMOM, so will we see them again? Like we won't, right? There are some rope climbs and there are some ring muscle-ups and that's a good thing but it's a choice that you make, right? It's a programming like I would call it a risk and I am all about some risks because I know I've programmed some things that I haven't seen anyone else do and it's pretty nerve-racking that people are just gonna say they hate it
Starting point is 01:03:26 But I mean if it's your creativity, so that's the thing about programming The person who writes it doesn't not think it's cool. Yeah, you're always gonna think what you do is cool You wouldn't do it if you didn't think that so it's super subjective Which is which is fun about it because it is kind of like art. Some people can like a poem, some people can hate it. Some people can like a painting, some people can hate it. That's just the way it goes. So. How many pegboards do we do at Crescendo?
Starting point is 01:03:53 20 or 30? As a team? As a team. Can't remember, was it 20? Oh, it was two sets of 20 is what it was. 20 in the front, 20 in the back, right? And my wrong. Individuals did 16 one year and then with the searcher last year they did like eight
Starting point is 01:04:16 and six. You guys did. Was it not 20? And then it was 20 and 20. So if you split it it each person did 20 Which is not the case because I know there are some guys that did like probably 15 of the 20 is that one of things you're talking about like that's that's a I feel like that's a risk no I Don't think pegboard is a risk because it's been around since 2015. No, I think I mean no, no, no
Starting point is 01:04:42 I think you're right, but I don't think, not anybody, very small group of people train pegboards at that volume. I think a lot of people, those know that at any time they could be at a semi-final because they've been around for so long. Yeah, no. And I would argue that they are a movement that has a ton of carryover and a lot of people push back on me But I think that for midline I think for like for scab Health and just like stability. I think for legless rope. I think they have a lot Actility, I think they they will help people that have upper body pulling deficiencies I don't think it's just a cool thing to see like I know has more transferability they will help people that have upper body pulling deficiencies.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I don't think it's just a cool thing to see. Like I think- You don't have more transferability, the rock wall. I really thought we were gonna get some kind of clon. I really think it's, I think it transfers the most. And I could see Rogue doing it. I mean, you're the one who sent that to me of all those holds being out of stock.
Starting point is 01:05:43 And I, if anyone, I mean, that's one thing I really like about Rogue is that they will, they will try to do some, some cool stuff. Speaking of cool stuff. This is probably going to be our first, first disagreement. Sailor's revenge. The workout is 200 meter swim, 200 meter farmers carry, and then 12 seated pulley hoists. What is that?
Starting point is 01:06:06 So basically if you've ever done a Spartan race, you get to a point where you have a rope and it's attached to a sandbag and you have to sit down and you have to pull the sandbag up all the way to like a scaffolding or something. And when you hit it, you can lower it down to the ground. And that's like a rep. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:23 So it's just like a hand over's like a rep. Okay, so Right, right. It's it's like it I call it a Hercules hoist and I'm gonna be fully transparent here. I Have strongman throw bags already purchased and I have a bunch of nylon ropes Eventually, I was gonna do this movement at crucible where like my 15 foot ropes hang from. And it was gonna be like, thruster, three Hercules hoists. Thruster again, two. Thruster again, one. And you were gonna attach a heavier bag each time
Starting point is 01:06:56 to the thing. It's just like another hand over hand pull variation. And I think aesthetically and like from a spectator standpoint, from an excitement standpoint Like is someone getting all the way to top and fail and their badge is gonna fall like you would get that in the same Way you would get is someone gonna fail a legless rope climb. So I really like this movement I will definitely never do it though because I think they should have their Sean and they should just be able to
Starting point is 01:07:21 But 50 pounds why is it in kilos? I? Don't know but that's a 53 and 35. So, oh, is that is a kettlebell? That might be one. Yeah. And the way that they briefed it is you basically used the kettlebells that you carried. You use one, you use one of those for your hoists. So while I don't think anything that you get
Starting point is 01:07:45 on the ground to do is super aesthetically pleasing, like I think the seated legless rope climbs, some of the reason why people didn't like it is because you're just like rolling around the ground, like sitting there resting. And it just doesn't look super athletic. But it is, it is a lot harder and it is different. So I like this. The only question I have is they picked two grip intensive movements coming out of the water soaking wet. So was that on purpose or was that just like,
Starting point is 01:08:21 eh, it'll be fine. Their hands must be a little bit wet. I'm sure they thought that too, but it is interesting that the farmer's carry is gonna be after a swim. Granted, it's not a super heavy weight. I told Taylor though, you swim as hard as you can swim, because to me, that's the separation in the whole workout.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Yeah, he's a good swimmer too, right? Really good swimmer. A great swimmer, yeah, really good. Yeah, I think yeah, I don't think you save anything in the tank. You think you're you'll be fine for a farmer's carry. Actually, you might be even in better shape than if you were to run because I think like the you'll the swim will allow a lot of blood to the upper body. And it won't really blow you up per se maybe the lats it will blow the lats up a little bit. So when you get to the upper body and it won't really blow you up per se. Maybe the lats, it will blow the lats up a little bit.
Starting point is 01:09:06 So when you get to the seated pole, I think it could be sneaky hard when you get there, but it won't affect the farmer's carry other than the way the hands, in my opinion. And then 200 meters with those weights is nothing. It's a jog, you're jogging. Unless like I'm not picturing them having it being slicker than I think and then I think it it will come down To a race on the hand of the pulley pull the voice. Yeah, you do you did have to
Starting point is 01:09:36 He used the pull-up bar Yeah, and like one rep is up to the pull-up bar and then so you basically go up until a tape line Crosses and then you lower down, but you have to control the descent. So it's like a hand over hand legless rope climb where you have to control the descent. So you shouldn't see any kettlebells crashing in the ground. I'm sure that will happen though,
Starting point is 01:09:57 just because people's grip will go. And I wonder if there'll be a penalty for that, or if they just have to start the whole rep over again. I'm not sure they will. What kind of rope? It looks like the same like white nylon ropes that I have for from Rogue and that's what they look like. Okay. One inch ropes maybe. Next workout T-Bird is on top of it for us thank you very much. We see kettlebells again so you see kettlebells in back-to-back workout. So you have 21-15-9 burpees over the kettlebell, 9-15-21 kettlebell hang snatch. This is with a 70 and a 53. And then 1-2-3 rope climbs.
Starting point is 01:10:39 The amount of kettlebells in these two workouts screams grassroots for sure. Yeah, this is like, this is a lot of hands for sure. Kinda makes sense. This is a lot of hands for sure. There was a lot of hands and a lot of grip in the previous test. Again, I imagine that's purposeful that they wanna test these two things back to back because they know they're gonna interfere.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I wonder how much time is in between the two workouts. When I see the workout, I think it's a cool rep scheme going up on one thing, going down on the other. I think if the kettlebell snatches were dual kettlebell snatches. Oh, it's not dual. Okay. It's it's number now. Then I think if the kettle snatches are dual and even lighter like 53 is in 30 yards Because there's only six leg is rope climbs. I think our six rope climbs. I think it already gets a lot better. I wonder I wonder if they're taking into account how hard maybe the
Starting point is 01:11:44 What is the the sailor pulley thing called? What are they calling that? They're calling it a pulley hoist. I call it a, or yeah, yeah, pulley hoist, whatever. I wonder how much that does affect, like we could have no idea how much that affects this workout. I don't think there's enough rope climbs, no matter what. I think they should have changed one or the other to have more rope climbs in this workout, but yeah. Yeah, and the name of the workout is called burn victim that maybe alluding to
Starting point is 01:12:06 everyone's hands. Sure. Speaking of burns, speaking of fires, you never want to put yourself in a situation where you don't have what insurance, you need an insurance guy called Patrick Mitrovich from State Farm Patrick at F SF Patrick com if you're in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina personal insurance business insurance Patrick's the man triathlon enthusiast CrossFitter super fit guy really really supportive of shut up and scribble first sponsor I believe of shut up andbble, first or second, and also gonna be sponsoring
Starting point is 01:12:47 Crash Crucible, so shout out to him. Yeah. You need all the help you can get. Do what? You need all the help you can get. You're right, I do need all the help I can get. Money for Event wins at Crucible, which is cool it's like Colton comes and sweeps right he can walk away with like 10k. Wow what is it for the event win? 250 for event wins. Nice. Yeah so more earning opportunities more opportunities for someone to not only have a great p-score on a workout by destroying the competition but also walk away with I don't know a few nights of uh their airbnb pay for jr if you had an opportunity to program one event
Starting point is 01:13:32 at the crossfit games what day would you select and what movements would you do i'd probably pick the final day even though that's when everyone's a little bit beat up. And I don't know, I would stay up late at night trying to think about what movements I would do at the games. But I like to think I would try to come up with something that hasn't been done before, just because I think that's cool. But also not weird and too gimmicky, which is tough. What about you, Angelo?
Starting point is 01:14:04 What do you think? Probably Friday night. I would choose working on Friday night because I think Saturday night a lot of the times I like to have a heavy lift and that's not really what I want to do. Friday night I think of oh gosh you're gonna wreck me. It was push-pull Friday night. No it was Saturday night. Push-pull was Saturday night. Yeah because that's how rich finally took the lead and then yeah, you know, that's what I think of the triangle couple in 2015 Is that Friday night? No, that was Saturday night Yeah, that was Saturday night as well. I guess Saturday night it is all the workouts. I like are Saturday night
Starting point is 01:14:42 15 10 6 right? That's that I know that's what move what movement What move what do you mean? What would you program? What movement would you program? Oh? I guess it comes down to the whole test right I mean Just read I have free rain. You don't have like you have a favorite movement though that you would probably bring my slot. Yeah So I'll probably do some kind of something with three muscle up I do wonder if whoever's program in the games will bring Amanda 45 back because we didn't get to see a repeat of it just change it just make it just change it a little bit please Angela's big fan of the core methodology of measurable,
Starting point is 01:15:25 observable, repeatable, big fan of the last point. Uh, Patrick got me 1 million liability and zero deductible for my auto when no one else would insure me after four DUIs. That is a great testimony. Yeah. Are we missing anything else on the workouts or is that? No, no, no, we're missing one more. Yeah. So sailors revenge burn-to-back ropes. Yeah. And back-to-back kettlebell. And then we finish with Norcal Sue, which I think is a cool name. Norcal Classic Cal Sue. Cal Sue is a super famous workout. Those of you that don't know what it is, it's 100 thrusters for time at 135 and 95.
Starting point is 01:16:06 But on the minute you have to do five burpees. So this is a variation of that, where you have to do 100 thrusters for time, but on the minute you have to, I would call it a penalty. You can call it a buy-in if you want, of three muscle-ups for the first three minutes, two muscle-ups for the second three minutes, one muscle-up for a minute seven through 10.
Starting point is 01:16:32 So I guess technically, I think it's a 10-minute cap. There is. So strategy-wise, do you still come out big even though the buy-in is bigger? Because you know you're not going to get any more recovery. You know, your triceps and shoulders are going to get smoked the longer you wait. But do you slow play it to wait until the one muscle up minutes? Because I don't think you really can. I think at that point, if you're placing is wherever you're at like you're not gonna gain a ton of reps on someone
Starting point is 01:17:06 No After you've done 60 thrusters. I don't think I think this workout More than a lot is probably determined Is determined a lot by your thruster capacity, which you can't change the day off. Like thruster capacity, tricep capacity specifically is decided a long time ago. Like, yeah, you can try to push, but like you're not gonna just catch somebody at some point unless they totally blow up.
Starting point is 01:17:37 But almost it helps you avoid that because the muscles go down a little bit. It's where it gives you like a little more time to, I guess guess rest maybe before the before more thrusters but I think yeah I mean I think you come I think you'd come out with a game plan that you can do the best at like you just have to have a game plan in mind whether it wins you the workout or not like you can't really stray much from it unless it's like those last few sets and you're like within the you're past the 65 rep mark and now you
Starting point is 01:18:06 kind of have an idea of where you're at and you need to if you need to push then like 65 or 70 reps is where you kind of like drop the hammer if you can but by then you're trying to destroy it. Yeah and I mean this is like if I'm talking to Taylor and he knows this too he's like how many points can you gain on Colton before the finale? Because no one's beating Colton on this. Nobody.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Maybe nobody in the world, much less anybody at that competition. He will put on a show though, and I hope he just comes out with a massive set in minute one, two and three. How many seconds in a minute? And just deals with it. So I was thinking about it last night,
Starting point is 01:18:48 three ring muscle ups by the time you get to your bar, it's 10 seconds and you start. Is it better to do like six, break four, walk back to the rings or is it better to do 12 or 10 or whatever your goal number is gonna be and then rest a little bit, walk back to the rings and actually treat it as an EMOM where you build some rest in.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Like again, discipline, like everyone wants to say, yeah, I'm gonna go seven five the whole time. Like you say you're gonna go seven five the whole time, but then the seven becomes six and then does five become four and then before you know it, you're gonna go seven five the whole time but then to seven becomes six and then does five become four and then before you know it you're resting so much like it's the last workout of the competition. Do you do a do you just do an unbroken set and then just say I'm resting the rest of the minute or do you break it a lot? I think I think you I think you are absolutely
Starting point is 01:19:39 on the right track. I think it's a I think it's an imam from the beginning. It's just like I I know This could be not true, but I say this a lot every marathon is broken every marathon record is broken with You're still there I lost you you turn into a transformer now you're gone now you're frozen Can anyone see Angelo anymore or hear him All right, I lost you might have to come back in Zach given any thoughts on deficit wall-facing handstand push-ups versus deficit strict handstand push-up in
Starting point is 01:20:25 reference comp programming. I don't really understand what this is asking but my thoughts on deficit wall facing handstand push-ups are if there's a safe way for the athlete to get up on top of whatever they're using for the deficit when they're facing the wall, I think it's fine. I think what you see a lot of times is people kind of cartwheeling on top of plates, which is fine. I think starting in a wall walk, if you have levels to walk up, is okay. Personally, I really don't like deficit wall facing. I think wall facing is fine. I think it puts people in a better position
Starting point is 01:21:10 as far as those that are trying to learn how to do handstand pushups. I think people who are really good at handstand pushups and or have really good shoulder positioning don't find either one of them to be easier or harder. Like the athlete, like when I asked Jason which one's easier, he's like, I think they're the same. So for a deficit, I would, I like to just see old school, like from the regionals workout I posted, um, yesterday, just old school, straight deficit. Yeah, that's that. Angela's calling me right now. Yeah. Okay, that's
Starting point is 01:21:56 cool. No, I didn't end the show. Just tell everyone bye. Hello, how long are you gonna be on? Probably like five minutes. Okay, I'll see if I can come back on for like two seconds. Alright, see ya. Alright, we lost Angelo. He is now taking over for, I don't know, a lot of the legendary bad Wi-Fi people in our space. John Young for a while. Bill is always good for a frozen face every now and then. Yeah, so that's the whole competition. I definitely want to get on with Taylor, maybe Angelo too, and break down the programming after the fact because I think sometimes you can look at it and then you can watch it play out and you can like it a lot more or you can like a lot less. And if Taylor doesn't win, just strap in for a lot of interesting analysis for the workouts. I did talk to him last night though and he really likes the workouts. He thinks
Starting point is 01:22:55 there are a couple things that are kind of weird but I think that also adds to some excitement and some potential for some people maybe that you don't know of to be like close to the top by the end of the weekend. Bailey de Mena, winner of the Crash Crucible 2024 online qualifier. Jared, the yoke picture you posted, the yoke was set pretty low. Was that intentional? The yoke was set where it was supposed to be set. What else? My point made sense. Angela, does your wife work outside the home? What does she do? She's a dental hygienist. Really? Yeah, she's right here so don't say anything bad about her. No, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:23:45 I'm glad you're lucky to have someone that supports you, just like my wife supports me financially. She's a... I know exactly how that is. I was wondering if she owned her own business, because if she did, if you're like me, you're not a business person, but you own your own business. And what you need is you need two things.
Starting point is 01:24:03 You need a way for people to find your business if they want to find it. And that's when you need to reach out to someone like Brooks Manley with Brooks Manley Marketing. He's got a special offer going on right now. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna tell the details of it. You got to go to his website, backslash scribble, backslash. Once again, that's backslash scribble, backslash scribble backslash. Once again, that's backslash scribble backslash. Go to the website. He's got a special offer going on. He specializes in search optimization in web design. So he can hook you up if you run a business, but you don't really know how to bring people to your business, hook him, um, reach out to him. And then also, Cory Pulido, Proven Business Plans, he is someone who will help you get your business either started or restarted. If you're at kind of a stale place, you know that you need to revamp your pricing. You know that you need to revamp your focus. You know that you
Starting point is 01:25:05 need to find a way to reach out to different kinds of clients. That's what Corrie specializes in. Proven Business Plans, also a sponsor for Crash Crucible. Yes, my segues, Travis, are. They're a little bit rough. Some people like them because they're cringe. I honestly think I should just record them and we should just take breaks and play them. So stay in Taylor's ear about that. All in all though, from a programming standpoint, before we jump off, when you look at everything,
Starting point is 01:25:36 is there a glaring hole that you see? Like really simply put. For me, I think I added it up. It's 18 ring muscle ups in that workout. It is eight bar muscle ups, eight repetitions of some other hanging gymnastics movements. There's eight bar muscle ups in that EMOM total. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:26:00 I think it's four. Oh, four, I'm sorry. Four bar muscle ups, thank you. Eight toes to bar. Eight toes to bar. I don't for bar muscle-ups. Thank you. Yeah eight toes to bar eight toes to bar I don't know how many drop kips, you know, who knows how many people will do Six rope climbs for me and I am a little bit biased to gymnastics pulling I am a little bit pole centric I'm trying to get better about that But I think so many things in CrossFit are press
Starting point is 01:26:25 Obviously you have everything inverted you have burpees you have push press you have shoulder like shoulder overhead variations there There there's no loaded pulling in CrossFit unless you're pulling a sled. There's nothing it's not it's just gymnastic So I'm a little bit pull centric because of that because I think you get pressing in a lot of other ways in CrossFit. So for me, I think it's the amount of meaningful pulling volume. You do have the Hercules hoist, right? The pulley hoist. And with the farmer's carry,
Starting point is 01:26:56 maybe that'll prove to be like the linchpin of that workout, not the swim. But that's where I come from. I think it's great that they have some odd objects. I would have liked to have seen some dumbbells. I don't remember seeing a dumbbell. I think they have some lifting under some fatigue, which I like.
Starting point is 01:27:16 I really don't like a rested one rep max, and they have to do something back to back, which is good. Some of the risks, obviously I wouldn't have taken them but I can respect the hustle of trying to do some new things. Where are you? I mean yeah there's it seems like there is a you say risks I'll use the word gimmick there seems like there's a lot of gimmick in it however there is a decent amount of classic tests Ron lift lift run are good the last three by themselves are I think I'm back.
Starting point is 01:27:55 The last three are fine. The I I'm curious how the the seated pulley thing affects the rope climbs and if that's the reason why the rope con volume is so low I don't like them back-to-back anyways But that might or that workout is just supposed to be a sprint Which it starts with the big it starts with a big set of burpees or it finishes with the big set of burpees Starts with 21 right? Yeah, it is gonna be a sprint. Yeah, so like who can hold on for the 21 snatches maybe? I mean, maybe just who can get to the rope first? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Like it probably isn't me. Most of these workouts are fast for sure. And they've usually been fast. There's not a lot of long workouts. But I think that's kind of the identity that they've taken on where there's not to be a ton of long grinders. So yeah, it'll like most competitions, will the fittest still probably win? Yes. Is that, should that, and is that the only goal of a competition?
Starting point is 01:28:57 No, to me. So, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I'm, that, yeah, there's a few question marks that I still have, but I'll watch till the end of the weekend and then I'll probably have more thoughts. And by watch, you mean you'll watch the leaderboard. Yeah, I'll watch the leaderboard and I'll look at Instagram stories. Watch Sevan at night. I'm sure he's going to be doing recaps. Andrew is there
Starting point is 01:29:27 Sevon is there on site obviously Taylor is there Colton is there so I'm sure there's gonna be some many people calm Andrew Probably only me. Yeah No one has any idea like I didn't know you were talking about for five seconds I call I call Pedro Peter too, and I don't really know of anyone that calls him Peter but me. I don't know it's weird. So my given name is James and only one person has ever called me James my whole life. I've been JR since I've been born. So it's really weird that like my name is initials. It's my first and my middle name but it is a nickname. So the fact that like I don't call people sometimes by their nickname is kind of weird. Yeah. Yeah Has anyone ever called you anything other than angelo? Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:30:11 Like low like what ad like what angie? I get angie a decent amount. Uh, my name at work is chico Uh, a lot of people use chico uh Yeah angie and chico probably those are the main two. Yeah, this black stuff is construction adhesive. I'm sorry for JR disrespectful with the names. Respectful, not disrespect. Oh, respectful.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Yeah. You're looking for a fight. That's why I stay out of here, dude. That's why I stay out of here, dude. That's why I stay out of here. I have to tell John all the time his good Christian moral values get tested when he gets into chats. He needs to relax. Kindness. Alright, everybody, thank you for staying with us, for putting up with us. Crash Crucible, October 10th through the 13th, please come watch, it is free for spectators or watch. Online, Sentinel programming, I don't think
Starting point is 01:31:12 Angelo's allowed to endorse anything with mayhem, but Sentinel training is right above his head. Really good stuff, whether you have 60 minutes, 90 minutes. Really good old school crossfit intensity over volume programming. Good luck today with the rest of the weekend and we will see you guys later.

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