The Sevan Podcast - SHUT UP & SCRIBBLE | Reviewing The Open... do the tests hold up?

Episode Date: February 16, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions we're live fam as seven would say i'm making a commitment to the world and for our lord and savior i'm no longer going to swear train sentinel youtube if you're listening if you're watching go subscribe we just got monetized and hiller was giving me the rundown. And he said, listen, dude, when you say the F word or anything like that, YouTube doesn't give you as many impressions, et cetera, et cetera. So I'm out here trying to do my best.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'm a reformed man. I was actually just watching. We were talking. Me and Hiller were also talking about Bill Leahy. And he directed me to his day in the life of bill video and there's this point and have you watched it yeah there's this point in the video where he's bill's laying on his couch and he goes oh i don't know where he goes oh i gotta go do pull-ups and he gets up and he goes and does pull-ups and hillary's like why are
Starting point is 00:02:04 you doing that he's like i can't say he's like or he's like don't worry about it and he gets up and he goes and does pull-ups and Hiller's like, why are you doing that? And he's like, I can't say he's like, or he's like, don't worry about it. And he's like, well, I'm here to worry about it. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:02:10 I can't say it on camera. And it reminded me of this time. Seven was talking about when he was in college. And every time seven wanted to masturbate, he had a pair of dumbbells under his bed and he would pick them up and he would do bicep blows for 10 minutes. So I'm pretty sure bro, that the reason Bill Leahy holds the world record
Starting point is 00:02:28 of that legless rope climb semifinal workout and is an incredible puller is probably because he jerks his wank every time he sees a pair of boobies or butt on Instagram. So, Bill, if you're listening, which, you know, from that video. It hasn't even been two minutes dude i would say no way that i'd say he's not ever gonna see this because he doesn't even know uh anything about crossfit prior to 2020 but if you ever listen to this i just want to know man do you do strict pull-ups every time you think about touching your wiener and if if that's the case, cool. Um, anyways, just had that thought.
Starting point is 00:03:06 We were also just talking about how hard it is to program around the open. I'm going to be putting out, we're going to be putting out a video for Sentinel detailing how we're going to do it, but essentially it's going to be different than the way we did it last year. The way I'm going to do it, JR, just real quickly is Monday is going to be a full training day. Tuesday and Wednesday are going to have a lifting piece, two workouts, but no like extra fluff accessory. And that second workout will be low impact on the body, easy to recover from, but a good opportunity for you to get intensity if you want it. Thursday, you'll have that conditioning piece with a recommendation or option to full rest. And you'll come in Friday. Friday, you'll hit the open workout
Starting point is 00:03:43 first, then we'll lift. Then we'll have an accessory piece not a second workout you know typically during the open if you're hitting it hard that's a lot of intensity racing your buddies etc saturday will be another full day and then we'll go through the week um i'm going to program monday through wednesday out in advance and then i'm going to have a group of movements that i think it's very very highly unlikely to be touched during the open that I'll have for Saturday. Um, but I think what's, what's different that I'm going to be doing than other programs is we don't have this just like base template. And if the open has these movements, Oh, we'll suck it up. You got to do them again tomorrow. Um, I'm going to be super flexible. And when the workout gets announced Thursday,
Starting point is 00:04:21 we make adjustments, change entire workouts, change the entire training day or whatever is needed to make sure it's effective. That's hard to do. Yeah, for sure. And even for affiliates, you know, because you have a group of people who are really looking to compete during the open, either compete against one another within your gym or like here in South Carolina, you know, they have the fittest of South Carolina. So there'll be using that as a qualification process. So a lot of people take that really seriously. And then you've got a group of people that are just wanting to work out and they don't like it when you make it feel like a different day. So it works out usually with the programming Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at our gym that by Thursday, people need a day like today where you see some machine intervals. And even if they program rowing on Friday's workout, it's not
Starting point is 00:05:10 like if they row on Thursday, it's a big deal. So it usually works out with the way I try to program the week, the three days of pretty hard intensity. And then a fourth day, um, with just a lot of cyclical stuff, whether it's running, biking, skiing, stuff like that. And then like today I told him just to pick a gymnastic skill to work on, but I told them what was going to be programmed on Friday so that they don't do a million toes to bar and then have toes to bargain on Friday. So hopefully that works out and yeah, it'll be here before we know it. Taylor versus the world starting in two weeks. I already got Marty rocking my BP, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:45 We just got the shipment in the mail today. I'm rocking this Born Primitive shirt. I got my bike shorts on. I can see if you guys can probably see a little bit of moose knuckle right there. I got my bike shorts on because right after this – I'll fix that camera. Sorry about that, guys. Just a demo.
Starting point is 00:06:01 The old bulge or maybe the imprint. It's not quite a bulge yet. But anyways, I haven't been scrolling on Instagram long enough. I better go do some pull-ups. I got my bike shorts on because I'm going to go do a – I got this mountain bike loop that's right by my house. It's like three and a half miles, maybe a little longer. Maybe it's four or five miles.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I don't know, dude. It takes like 30 minutes going pretty hard to do the loop once so we'll do the loop on the bike we'll run the loop and we'll do the loop on the bike again um so pretty stoked about that but anyways just to say i got my born primitive gear on i'm gonna be wearing that today, uh, unfortunately I will not be on get with the programming show tomorrow and I, uh, be in Tennessee with the family. So I wanted to represent them today by wearing one of the shirts. Oh, did you have to pull out? I did. It's not, it's, uh, yeah, too much pressure. You got four kids under the age of six in one house and uh trying to sneak away
Starting point is 00:07:05 to do a podcast in a quiet bedroom is probably not going to happen so hopefully i'll still be able to watch i'm looking forward to um john young showing that his crossfit knowledge uh reaches outside the realm of athlete performance i'm curious if he's as good with like workout recall methodology recall all that kind of stuff as he is with the athletes so that's going to be uh i wish i could tussle with him but it'll be him tyler bill and then chase around the show so it's pretty cool this is how many pull-ups augustus already has to do for how many times he's thought about touching his wiener so far during the show so hey we we we are here today to talk about basically an open sussing or busting,
Starting point is 00:07:48 right? We're basically going to go through and we're going to start with 2011 and we're going to go up until, I think we decided to do 2021, which workouts that have been programmed during that time span would still hold up as a really good test today. Before we get started on this, I think we need probably to define what it means to hold up. Me and Taylor haven't talked about this, but what it means to me is that based on the current landscape of not only competitor, but community athlete, would the workout be a viable test for the community to show up in the open to get engagement, bolster signups, get people excited about doing it while also creating enough separation at the
Starting point is 00:08:34 very, very top to where people that are competing for some prize money get a chance to separate themselves. And it's hard to do both, but there's a lot in here that I still think would hold up to this day. All right, let's get it. We're going 2011 through 2020. It's going to do both but there's a lot in here that i still think would hold up to this day all right let's get let's get it we're going 2011 through 2020 it's going to be rapid fire um we're going to go the question will be does it hold up today yes or no yes like he said we'll give a brief description no we're just going to move on or we'll give a brief description of why starting with 11.1 10 minute am rap 30 unders, 15 power snatches, 75 pounds for men, 55 pounds for women. Does it hold up? No. Wow, man. You like this one. Yeah, we're not going to get into it. It's a hard worker. You can make it hurt a lot,
Starting point is 00:09:19 but, but I can see where it doesn't create enough separation at the top. Yeah. That, and while I think it's okay to use the open to try to push athletes and get them to accomplish things for the first time, when you're starting a workout with double unders still, even to this day, I feel like you're going to get a lot of frustrated people. So for that, for that reason,
Starting point is 00:09:37 I would say, no, it is not a viable. I like that take. Okay. Workout to 15 minute AMRAP nine deadllifts 12 push-ups 15 box jumps i love this workout 155 for guys 100 pounds for women i think with the push-ups that makes sense um i didn't even know they had push-ups in an open workout until reading this over the other day i didn't
Starting point is 00:10:01 even think about it i like it i say it holds. If you can hold a standard on the pushup, great workout. Yeah. And this was actually alluded to by Mr. Bridges on the coffee pods and wads debate show. He talked about this workout specifically and was saying, you know, I'd love to see something like this come back. Um, because of the pushups, I say it doesn't hold up because there's so much subjectivity there but i love the workout all right jr's oh for two i'm two for two wow i'm just gonna say every workout holds up because i'm just like these but whatever um complete as many rounds and reps as possible in five minutes another amrap what do you know the programming certainly doesn't hold up uh squat clean and drop 165 for guys 110 for ladies remember we didn't get anything for time
Starting point is 00:10:52 until 14.5 so we're gonna see nothing but amraps so we can go ahead and say that for the first three years you know that's what we're gonna get this this is a yes for me for sure um this holds up more than... Yeah, because I... Are we saying is this hold up as a test of fitness or a viable option to use today? If 24.1 was 11.3, do you think it's an appropriate workout for both the masses and for the elite?
Starting point is 00:11:19 I think it's probably too light, but if you make it heavier, even at 165, it might be too heavy i don't think it holds up because it creates a bottleneck for the elite and like you said it might be too heavy for the masses yeah yeah so now that i talk about it i probably need to need to say no to that all right i'm i'm two for three you're oh for three damn damn brother uh i swore that was the first war word swear word i meant like beaver damn anyways complete as many rounds and reps as possible 11.4 in 10 minutes 60 bar facing burpees 30 overhead squats 120 and 90 10 muscle ups holds up for sure i think so this is one that's really interesting because
Starting point is 00:12:11 although it's only 10 minutes depending on the level of athlete you are it's gonna feel completely different right much like 14.4 that was 23.1, the chipper. That, a lot of people say, is the best open workout ever. For the elites, this is like gas pedal the whole time. When you get to the second set of 60 burpees, can you still move fast? I think if they put this in the open, it would still hold up. It wouldn't be a favorite, but it would still hold up. Yeah, for sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:39 So I'd say that's the first one we're in agreement on. That's the first one. Yeah, yeah. But that one still holds up. I think we're starting to flesh out what we mean by holds up. I'm looking at it. I like looking at it through the lens of viability. I think that needs to play a role.
Starting point is 00:12:51 But I also like predominantly looking at through the lens of, does it still hold up as an adequate test? I think probably one, three, and four don't. But I do think – I like the push-up workout. But you can't put push-ups in there. You can't put push-ups in the open. So you can put V-ups, but you can't put – well, we're going to get off topic. I like push-ups.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Anyways, 11.5, 20-minute AMRAP, five power cleans, 10 toes-to-bar, 15 wall balls. To me, 100% holds up. That's an incredible workout. I wish they would repeat this one. I mean, 13 years later, like just looking at it, around every two minutes, so you get 10 rounds on that, you're super, super fit. You've done 150 wall balls, 100 toes to bar, and five cleans,
Starting point is 00:13:40 and there are guys that can do way more work than two-minute rounds, which is nuts. And there are guys that can do way more work than two-minute rounds, which is nuts. It's been since 18. No, it's been since 20.2 that we've had a true 20-minute AMRAP. I think it would be cool if they brought back a 20-minute AMRAP. What do you think is a winning score on this kind of a workout? Do you think anyone in the world could potentially hold an EMOM?
Starting point is 00:14:06 No, no. I think it would be closer to like minute 20 rounds, minute 15 rounds. Yeah, probably because I think for the best in the world, people that decide to do touch and go in the beginning or whatever, it may become a grip limitation type workout because if you're holding on to the bar, you're're holding onto the wall ball, you're not coming down from the pull-up bar. Um, yeah, I think it would be a great test to redo.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Yep. Oh, complete as many reps as possible in seven minutes. Following the rep scheme below three thoughts, three thrusters, three chest of our six, six, nine, nine, 12, 12, 15, 15, 18, 18, etc. 100-pound thrusters, chest-to-bar pull-ups. This was repeated in 2018, I believe, or 2019, 2018. This was the fan vote that year for the repeat. So it was 2018.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I think it holds up. I don't think there's enough bottleneck in this workout. You don't think there is enough bottleneck? You think it's long enough to where there's not going to be a bottleneck at the top? I think the movements are fast enough and you can get enough of them done that there's not a big enough bottleneck at the top to say it doesn't hold up. Okay. Yeah, I'd agree there. In general, the Thruster chest-to-bar holds up. I will say, though, that the one that Matt and Tia did, I think 19.5.
Starting point is 00:15:38 33, 30, 27. That one, to me, because it's for time and because the volume is already set at whatever it is, 105 and 105. I think that one is a lot better of a test for 2024. But yeah, I mean, I think in general that one holds up pretty good. All right, so on to 2012. Numero uno. Complete as many rounds as possible or as many reps as possible in seven minutes. Burpees.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Two six-inch target. I think there's too much of a bottleneck i don't think it holds up i love the workout i love the workout maybe burpee pull-ups but not just a regular burpee to six inches i don't think yeah you know the video that dave put out back in the day it was like seven minutes of muscle-ups because if you like and a lot of people, are wondering, will he ever come back with a seven-minute AMRAP of some kind of just single modality bodyweight movement, whether it be a burpee pull-up, a burpee box jump over, something like that. For the open, I still think it holds up.
Starting point is 00:16:41 What I wish it would be a part of, though, is if something like like this came out it would be part of a two score test so they would do seven minutes of burpees and then they would follow it with like what 12.2 is some kind of like lifting ladder something like that but on its own you think it still holds up you got to think about it that hard to know yeah that's right okay all right 12.2 this is crazy i also didn't know all these workouts were amraps come on dude hey i know i got a lot of history under my belt brother but i'm also a young gun to a degree all right come on give me some slack at least i'm not like i watched did you you watched the bill a video that joker don't know smack about crossfit dude crazy that's not true he's got a level one and a level two just because he isn't
Starting point is 00:17:30 able to recall old open workouts i don't think means he doesn't know anything proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of 30 snatches at 75 30 at 135 30 at 165 and am rap 210. I think this still holds up. Absolutely not just because of the female loading. So if they're going to change loading, it's not the same workout. If you look at the female loading, it's no. I didn't read the female loading. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And I've never done it at the female load, except for when I was thinking about trying out for the games in the female division. I actually got 100 reps at 120. So it's just entirely too light um for the women for the men it's a great workout i still think it's a good workout for the guys yeah but okay well that's an important distinction for the men it holds up for the women negative 120 that's crazy light and let's talk about okay if we're gonna say it's a repeat and
Starting point is 00:18:21 it's actually a repeat and a lot of people would argue okay, then you can't say 19.2 is a true repeat of 16.2 because it gave you an extra four minute window to work. And the first year it was only a four minute window. I get that. But the rep scheme was the same. The loading was the same. The only thing they changed is that people got to work for a full eight minutes versus four. So in that case, it's still a repeat. If they change the loading to me it's no longer a repeat i agree 12.3 amrap 18 minutes 15 box jumps 12 push presses nine toes to bar what a bloodbath yeah massive bloodbath for sure holds up okay i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna say no on this a lot of people a lot of people will push back the sole purpose. And actually they did this on main site the other day that they stipulated a mandatory step down.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I think if you're going to have regular box jumps, you need to just tell people to step down. And you don't think it holds up if they mandate a step down or are you, I'm saying you don't think it's still a repeat. If they mandate a step down, they change a standard. Uh, I think it just slows everyone down a little bit, but I think it would be a great test if they did a step down? They change the standard? I think it just slows everyone down a little bit, but I think it would be a great test if they did it and said, hey, no bounding. You do have to step down. I think people would still obliterate the 2012 scores.
Starting point is 00:19:33 That's probably true. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's probably true. But I think in general, something with regular box jumps that we don't see often would be cool for them to bring that back, especially like a burpee box jump instead of a burpee box jump over.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Don't be talking about those dude. We don't want to give anybody any tips, but I don't, I don't think for the community, not for the, not for the high end competitor that's used to it. They can make the decision if they want to make the decision, let them do that in a quarter finals or a semifinal setting that for the
Starting point is 00:20:00 community to preserve, especially the older athletes, the older clients, whatever you want to call them, mandating a step down is smart. All right. AMRAP, 12 minutes, 150 wall balls, 90 double unders, 30 muscle ups. So 12.4 is also 13.3. And I think if they did this as a three-peat it would still really hold
Starting point is 00:20:27 up the double unders really wouldn't mean anything right which i hate which i hate i hate which is which which might make you say no but i think any kind of workout that has muscle ups at the end which was for years and years and years the way that we saw it until 2015. I think that that would be really cool because you would still see, okay, when you get to the rings, those of you that are trying to get to your first muscle up, here's your opportunity. At least you're going to do a Karen before those of you that are racing, how can you get through those 30? And then the best in the world, like the best of the best, how many of those wall balls can you get through? How long can you hold on to the ball before you start to break? Yeah, I for sure think it holds up.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I just don't like the workout because the double unders are pointless. And yes, I do mandate step downs at the gym. Well, then for the 2011 workout with the 10 muscle-ups at the end, because there's only 10 of them and there's 60 burpees, why do you not think that holds up then? Because 10 is like not enough to matter. I do think that holds up then i because 10 10 is like not enough to matter i do think that holds up i think in the open it holds up okay i was gonna say so why do you think it holds up so you think for some people 90 double unders what was the other what was the
Starting point is 00:21:34 other what was the other move it was right you have 60 burpees 30 overhead squats 10 muscle ups i think you can get back into i don't know know. I mean, the muscle ups might not matter, but if you also, if you're just better than everyone else at muscle ups and you're fit, you're just going to go way faster because you know, you can rip those on broken without resting beforehand. So why is that any different than ripping through 90 double unders? I don't, I just don't like the workout, bro. I just don't like the way I just don't like 90 double unders. That almost seems so irrelevant compared to the volume of everything else.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yeah. Yeah. And back in, back in 2012, that was something that like, Hey, maybe you can do muscle ups, but you can't get through the double unders.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So you don't even get to show it, which is crazy to think about. Workout five, AMRAP seven minutes repeat. Same as a year before. So we'll just go. Yes. Hold up.
Starting point is 00:22:24 We just talked about this. All as the year before. So we'll just go. Yes, hold up. We just talked about this. All right. Open workouts. I hate how it makes me scroll through all this. All right. Workout one 2013. So 13.1 very first live open announcement ever. I like this workout.
Starting point is 00:22:41 God, I know you're going to say it because of the women's weights. Yeah. So this is one of the women's weights. Yeah. So this, I think favorite open workouts. It was so cool that they did a hybrid of 12, one and 12, two here. They just combined it even with the time domain, right? You had a 10 minute AM wrap of 30 snatches and get a seven minute AM wrap of burpees, put them both together. 17 minute AM wrap. You get through all the burpees. That's a hundred, a hundred was probably a goal for a lot of people on seven minutes of burpees. It's really, really cool how he did that. However, the loading of the female weight is the only reason why I say it's a no. So I would say it's
Starting point is 00:23:16 a no, but with an asterisk for sure. This is a, I liked a lot of people are chiming in about the step down standard from a box jump. I love it. I agree with Mason. I don't think most, I would say there are people who are, they were probably more than 1% of people are fit enough to get an advantage. Say it's just easier on their muscles. Like they, it requires less muscle endurance, muscle stamina, but it's harder on your joints and connective tissue. But I think 99% of people are at a much higher risk than, than the reward for rebounding. So what's the point?
Starting point is 00:23:46 I got people who complain all the time when I tell them they have to step down. Um, and I just tell them to suck it up and play by the rules. All right. Next workout. Oh, dang, dude. Damn. The female loads. That sounds weird.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Female loads load. All right. Amrap 10 minutes, five shoulder overhead shoulder overhead 10 deadlift 15 box jumps again i think a workout like this holds up really well yeah so you're you're you're a lot more in the camp of like yeah it still holds up and i am not like i didn't say this with the 155 uh deadlift earlier with the pushups, but when you're starting to get into anything less than, shoot, to me at this point, anything less than 225 for a ton of reps
Starting point is 00:24:35 when you're doing high rep deadlifts, all it's going to be is just a mockery of full extension of the hip and knee. So I'm very hesitant to say any workout with touch and go light deadlifts holds up. That's just me. That's a fair argument. Hold the standard. I guess it's my argument back is the standards of the standard doesn't – it's regardless of the weight. So in our affiliate – oh, man, dude, the other day I almost made a,
Starting point is 00:25:05 I didn't almost make a member cry. I just like saying that, but I got into an argument with a member in front of the rest of the class about not RXing a workout because five at the, at the whiteboard, we had GHD sit-ups and then someone asked is touching the ground RX. And I was like, yes, you have to touch the ground with both hands. That's RX ladies ladies if you want a two inch riser pad fine otherwise you touching is rx and so four of these ladies bust their butt to touch the ground and do all i don't know what was like uh 48 62 no 72 reps touching the ground and uh this one girl comes up and she goes whatever the rx i was like you didn't touch the ground a single ghd that wasn't r up and she goes, whatever, blah, blah, blah, RX. I was like, you didn't touch the ground on a single GHD. That wasn't RX.
Starting point is 00:25:46 She goes, well, Andy says shoulder below the hip. I was like, one, that's not what they teach in level one. They talk about competition standards. Two, I said at the whiteboard, if you don't touch the ground, it's not RX. She got in this argument with me, dude. It was crazy. She was like, well, I'm just going to mark it as RX. I was like, no, you're not.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Jeez. Does that ever happen with you? Do you ever you ever dude i was holding the line dude no oh i held the line it's crazy all right anyways so this one doesn't hold up according to jr howell's expert analysis let me let me let me ask you a question about this workout okay this work this workout comes out week two and you and jason are racing you're doing push press you're not doing any jerks you are let's say you're you're step you're stepping down and jumping up on the box and you're doing hundreds because that's fat that's a that's faster than emom you're doing hundreds of touch and go deadlifts at 115. And you'd mean to tell me that you and him are both going to fully lock out the knee and pause with shoulder behind the bar every single time.
Starting point is 00:26:52 You don't have to pause. But you do if you actually want to see it, you do. If you actually want to be able to see it. I don't think, I don't want, it's not hundreds of reps. It's a hundred and change. It's like a hundred. It's more than a hundred. Okay. Right. It's more than a hundred percent hundreds. Okay, bro. You make it sound like it's 500 deadlifts. So you think a workout like this means it's going to matter. Anything is going to matter, but the box jumps, I'm looking at a workout and saying,
Starting point is 00:27:19 if there's enough room for separation at the top and you can make it hurt a ton, I think it still holds up. That being said, being said i again did not read the female weights at 75 pounds i wish they would just go 115 slash whatever or start with the female weight so we can read it all in one go at 75 pounds for women it doesn't hold up at all you'll you'll still see 115 75 and i'm not saying sometimes it's not i hate that but it it should be 80 or 85, 85, 100% should be 85. But all I'm saying is looking at the chest of our thruster ladder, you think there's enough separation at the top. Is it just because it's a sending rep scheme? Because I look at this workout and in 10 minutes, I think there's just like, there's only so fast you can go and you're just going to have a ton
Starting point is 00:28:02 of dudes that don't stop for 10 minutes. And, and yes, this isn't an argument. I saw a stupid video of Bailey rail mayhem athlete posted where she's sitting with her butt cheeks, touching her heels on the GHD. And I'm telling you right now, that's not a standard. And I love this idea. We're going to make a new shirt and it's going to say, hold the line. And it's going to have a big fat picture of Hodor from game of Thrones. I like it. Um, I'm going to actually push back on that GHD. So, um, do I think it bastardizes the movement? Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Where I think I'm going to go in my competition programming is one. I'm probably just going to take a year off of GHG sit-ups because they've been in my competitions every year, every year at Crystal. But secondly is I'm just going to start doing them weighted. I'm just going to start doing med ball. And that's really going to remove a lot of that issue. So I wouldn't be mad at the top or like at local competition levels. If they just said, Hey, if you want to take the subjectivity out of, does the hip move past the line that bisects the pad at any point in the rep? And you know, we've talked about that a to B V up thing. What's going on between point A and point B is what you're judging now, instead of just,
Starting point is 00:29:22 do you do the full rep down and come all the way up just give them a weight just make them do it with a med ball and that will take care of itself i'm good with but if i when i see people doing ghgs with their butt with with their turd cutter touching their heels bro i'm telling you right now i freaking hate it nothing gets me going as much as that does in terms of standards and people post in videos of them squatting and it's not like pistol squats in competition i love this i'm great at them um but if you why do you have to why do you have to put in that you're great at them why can't you just say i love pistols i don't know because i feel like that's a that's a when people love a movement it's typical because they're good at it so i'm just gonna say i don't
Starting point is 00:30:03 love it because i think it's a cool movement i like it because i'm good at them and i can actually get my hip crease below the knee and i watch these assholes doing reps and they can't go hip crease below the knee and people are giving them reps and i just want to pull my imaginary hair out uh this workout holds up we just talked about it we got a boogie dude uh workout four oh oh cleaning jerk toe to bar so i say no right i think this bottlenecks too much. So I think back in the day, a towed a bar and a cleaning jerk at 135 may have been comparable. This is the perfect example to me. And the first example of the fact that you do something like this, it needs to be three, six, six, 12, nine, 18, 12, 24. So it needs to be double for the toast bar.
Starting point is 00:30:46 It doesn't hold up. Go. Yeah. Stop reading the comments. Let's go. I can't help myself. I think, yeah, massive bottleneck. The worst repeat they could do ever is this one right here.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Oh, the never-ending workout? You know, I guess a true death by you're not increasing reps but you're just doing it until you can't do it anymore um i i would say this does not hold up because of how fit people are you're going to be doing way too many repetitions on the body like i think you almost need to save the fittest from them from themselves in a workout. Right? Yeah So it potentially holds up you could just go forever and kill yourself Yeah, I don't think I don't think it's well, I don't think it would be wise right, but it you would have to do something like on the fifth if you make it to the So you do three rounds three rounds three rounds three rounds if you make it through the fifth interval
Starting point is 00:31:43 You just do it for time. Something like that. It would have to be something like that. Okay, 10-minute AMRAP. This one doesn't hold up. We already talked about it. Same as 11.1. I disagreed with you. I thought this workout held up.
Starting point is 00:31:54 You don't because it starts with double unders. What else? And more so just because I think the fittest in the world can just move continuously for 10 minutes unbroken, and you're not going to get that separation you want at the top. I think you can, though. You just have to go as fast as you can for 10 minutes unbroken and you're not going to get that separation you want at the top i think you can though you just have to go as fast as you can for 10 minutes so who can get the less the less amount of no reps on a lockout on a power snatch or a muscle snatch is what you're saying yeah it's a no contact muscle snatch for exactly so you're getting you dude it's just like the 115 deadlifts why would you why would you make that be the deciding factor it's not just like it's way clearer than a 115 deadlift and also just hold the standard
Starting point is 00:32:28 nothing but soft elbows is all it was girl okay from zero to three every three minutes as long as possible two rounds 10 overhead squat 10 chest to bar then 12 12 then 14 14 etc etc and the weights are 95 65 i think this holds up i think it holds up for the community i do not think it holds up for the competitor i think three minutes is way too long you oh you have to rest until the three minute mark yeah from this like this wasn't one of those gated ladders where you can bang time this when you actually waited until the start of the next okay huh but i just think three minutes is too long i think two minutes would be more appropriate oh my guess workout this one to me is like dude ascending rep schemes ascending load we never see
Starting point is 00:33:21 that happy star like very few workouts I've ever, ever done that in CrossFit programming, but it's, it's time. A heavy deadlift is well overdue. I mean, does this hold up? Oh, absolutely. I programmed this for Sentinel two, three weeks ago. Maybe someone in the comments can remind me. It would be so cool. Like, let's just say Colton and Justin do this workout week too. It would be so cool to see how many deadlifts they can get. Dude, it would be so cool. Let's just say Colton and Justin do this workout week two. It would be so cool to see how many deadlifts they can get. It would just be so cool to see how many deadlifts they can get at the last bar.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah, I love this workout. Like I said, I programmed it a couple weeks ago because I think, like JR said, ascending weight, ascending reps, heavy deadlift. Dope workout. Okay. Workout four. We just did this one in the previous open. ascending weight, ascending reps, heavy deadlift. Dope workout. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Workout four. We just did this one in the previous open. For sure, holds up. Still holds up. Yeah. A lot of people would say it maybe is the, for what it was made for, the best programmed workout ever in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Kotler would. I wouldn't necessarily say that. 14.5. Holds up without a doubt. Hold holds up. And me and Taylor were talking earlier today and we're not going to get any predictions today for the open, but you think about the times they've had four champions, right? They did it for 14.5 for this one. It was the first, it was the first for time workout in 16.5. They brought all the champions back together. They did this workout at the the ranch i'm not saying there'd be a three p but it would be the most cash flow thing ever if they had all
Starting point is 00:34:49 four of those athletes there week one and they did this workout or something like it everyone's expecting flair everyone's expecting sexy and it's like nope we're just gonna do basic we're just gonna do what crossfit's all he did say unique sure uh so i don't know i don't know we'll see oh wrong one yeah but dude i was doing single leg wall balls i was doing pistol squat wall balls bro so how many how many toe to bar did mason get i still had how many toe to bar in the in the first round i'm not sure probably not all of them oh he didn't get back to toast war i'm kidding um anyways so that just shows you what jr thinks of everyone we're just yeah no all you've all you've ever told me is that mason is a freak fitness wise so he is super fit and i know he's kenro so i was assuming he got back to the sport i was assuming
Starting point is 00:35:42 you got back to the sport workouts. Yeah, not that, not at that point in time, a hole. I was fresh off, uh, getting cut open. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Complete as many rounds and as reps as possible in nine minutes. I have a speech impediment right now. 15 toes to bar 10 deadlifts, five snatches followed by a hundred max cleaning jerk. Jr. Loves this workout. I love the workout holds up. I'm going to completely contradict myself because you got the deadlifts, 5 snatches, followed by 100 max clean and jerk. JR loves this workout. I love the workout. Holds up.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I'm going to completely contradict myself because you got the deadlifts at 115.75. And I know earlier I said in that 10-minute AMRAP that that would just be a, like, judges' nightmare. But in this workout, because of the 15 toes to bar and because of the snatches that most people are probably going to do in quick singles, I think the deadlifts mean a lot less. I think people are not going to be sprinting them to the pace they would in the other workout. I think this one holds up.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I think it would give people an opportunity to still show what they can lift. A gated ladder might not be the best way to do that in the open. I kind of think it's the best way to do it in the quarterfinals stage because a lot of people aren't fit enough to actually get to the later bars and show how much they can lift. 25% move to quarters. Chase hates it. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:36:55 But a one rep max lift in the open probably is the best way to go for a heavy. Workout two, same as the year before, doesn't hold up. This was the every three minutes, two rounds of 10 overhead squats and chest to bar, then three to six, two rounds of 12 to 12, then six to nine, four to 14, et cetera. Okay, 15.3. 14-minute AMRAP 7, muscle-ups, 50 wall balls, 100 double-unders. I think that holds up big time. I do not think you can put muscle up as the first movement in open workout.
Starting point is 00:37:25 You want people not to sign up anymore. Well, this was week three. Yeah. Week three are kind of like back in the day, dude, this was like the tipping point. It's like we're at week three. Suck it up. Yeah. And this was the most lopsided open announcement I think I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And maybe that's ever occurred. If I'm not mistaken, it was Julie Foucher and Lauren Brooks and Julie just destroyed. Like, I want to say she almost lapped her. Like it was, it was ugly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Um, I think maybe if you reverse the order, I'd be, you know, it would suit you really well. A hundred dubs, 50 wall ball, seven muscle up.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Oh, it would be, I think that would for sure hold up if, if, if they did 15-4. Oh, man, I've done this. This is not a workout that I'm super fond of. I've only done it one time. 8-minute AMRAP, 3 handstand pushups, 3 cleans. 6 handstand pushups, 3 cleans. 9 handstand pushups, 3 cleans. Once you get through 3 rounds, you increase the cleans by three reps. The handstand pushups continue to rise by three reps. So 12, six, 15, six, 18, six, 21, nine, 24, nine, 27, nine, et cetera. Ah, I just don't like the workout. Do I think it
Starting point is 00:38:39 holds up as a test? Sure. I think if they use the new standards of the new line and they they didn't use this one i think it would hold up as a good test this is just for to show how pathetic i am and how much stuff i listen to this workout boz was going to do for the repeat but he decided to do 14.4 instead that is this was this was the repeat Boz was going to do? He thought about doing this as the repeat. That's on a podcast. I could find it. But yeah, he almost did this one as the repeat this past year,
Starting point is 00:39:18 but he did 14.4 instead. Interesting. Maybe we'll see this work out. If this is me versus Jason, I'm freaking going to change that boy's oil. You know what I mean, brother? I got you to laugh. Let's go. All right. 15, five. Oh my gosh. So I did this last year for the age group quarters. It was, uh, everyone was asking me, was I going to do it? And I was like, no, I have no interest in doing it. And everyone's like setting up to do it. And I'm like, man, maybe, maybe I should just try it. And I was like, all right, this is what I'm going to do when it starts on Thursday night. I'm going
Starting point is 00:39:53 to do 15.5. I haven't done it since 2015. It's the most I've ever hurt in a workout. I said, I'm just going to do this workout. And if I have any interest in, in hurting, it will show me when I get to like the round of 21. And if I finish the workout and I don't just like completely stop and get soft, I'll finish the weekend. And if I don't, I just won't do the other workouts. And I did it and still got a pretty good time. And I was like, all right, fine. I'll just redo the workouts.
Starting point is 00:40:18 But it was a miserable decision. Why? Because everyone waited to do this workout for Sunday because you knew it would just thrash you. And I did it as the first workout of the weekend. Major mistake. How sore were you? I was sore from this, dude. I was sore.
Starting point is 00:40:33 But this still holds up. I kind of wish they would make everybody do it, but I kind of not because all those age groupers that did it last year are like, oh, dude, we just did it again. Yeah. All right. Next workout. 2016. Again again we got a boogie we're at 39 minutes dude and i got like i got an extra five or ten today okay workout one 2016
Starting point is 00:40:55 oh i like this workout it's it's it doesn't hold up because of the the time the distance requirement and the affiliate uh logistical issues. Overhead barbell walking lunge and a 25 feet. Doesn't hold up, but amazing workout. Great workout. You could argue they'll do it for – they could do something like this for quarters, but not for the open. Next. Workout two.
Starting point is 00:41:23 We know that's a yes. They've already repeated it once. If they'd repeat it again, no one would be mad. We know that's a yes. They've already repeated it once. If they'd repeat it again, no one would be mad. People love that workout. For those of you that don't know, that's the double under toes to bar ascending squat clean ladder. If they repeat this workout this year,
Starting point is 00:41:42 I am getting plowed. I'm not strong at squatting yet. If it were power cleans, I'd kill everyone, but I'm squatting. I'm just not strong there yet, dude. That takes a while to come back, that squat strength. Light squatting, great. All right. AMRAP, seven minutes, 10 power snatches, three bar muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Zero separation at the top. Really? Zero? Okay. Do you think it still holds up? Seven minutes? No yeah yeah i would agree i think it just it would need to be longer or there would need to be more than three muscle ups we did this the other day i think this still holds up yeah so this one's been repeated 16.4 13 minute amrap 55 deadlift 55 wall wall 55 cow row 55 handstand push-up the handstand push-up i'm did they change
Starting point is 00:42:27 it this year from the year before with the line standard did they change it this year to like just the box i can't remember i can't remember for this workout did they go back to just using the 36 by 24 inch box i think they might have i want to remember this they repeated this in 2017 correct and in 2017 i think it was the line and the heel shit because i did so the same that they did the year before with the power cleans that you said right that was my first ever open and i just remember the line like i just got a thousand no reps i was like what are you talking about and i locked out bro um i still think that could do it as it like i think 16 3 and 16 i'm sorry 16 2 and 16 4 would still hold up today as as viable open workouts
Starting point is 00:43:17 thrusters burpees again holds up. Disgusting. Wow. We are on to 2017. My first ever open. And the debut of the dumbbell. Let's go. This workout is a goat. Holds up for sure for me.
Starting point is 00:43:39 That's my best open finish. Still holds up. I think it's my best open workout. Really? I think so. Let's go, baby. What were you? What was your time? I would have to go back and look it was faster in 20 whatever we can look right now 21.2 is that what is that the year they repeated 21.2 so go to 21
Starting point is 00:43:57 let's see, James. Why are we doing this, dude? Why are we doing this? Because we got to know. We have 239 in the world. There, that's it, right? 1013, yeah. 1013.
Starting point is 00:44:20 All right, where's your boy at? Let's see. We were just talking about this workout. I'm guessing you were sub 10. We were talking about this a couple hours ago. 9.27. Yeah. That's your best open finish ever in a workout.
Starting point is 00:44:39 That's my claim to fame. I'm glad that it's a workout like that that is my best finish because it's like it shows capacity and that you we have the balls to hurt you know what i mean yeah um i would be disappointed for something different so i think that still holds up next 17.2 this i think is an awesome twist on that 20 minute am rapP of the barbell lunges. I think this is much easier. I still don't think with the time, the dist or the whatever, the logistical space constraints that it holds up, but maybe they could do steps.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Like maybe if it were 16 alternating steps, 16 toes, a bar, eight power cleans. I think that'd be great. Yeah. That's a, that's a huge prediction of mine for this whole season that whether it's the
Starting point is 00:45:22 open or quarterfinals that they will program lunging but they will not program it over a distance they will program stationary step back so i think if you're not training those you should be with a barbell with dumbbells with kettlebells whatever dope workout three still holds up i was never a huge fan of this workout not because I stuck it, suck it snatching. Cause that is true too. But just because you could do singles on the chest of bar and still finish the workout. I don't think the chest of bars mattered enough, even though the total volume is there. If you make it to the two 65, I don't think that,
Starting point is 00:45:59 yeah. I mean, there were people in my gym getting reps at two 45 doing singles on chest of bar. So I think it just really really skews to the barbell which is okay um but i think if they if they wanted to repeat this i think there would be a way to do it and um wow look at the female weights yeah so this is a good example too of when you have so much upper body dense movements. So you have the stabilization overhead with that chest-to-bar pull-up. We've already seen chest-to-bar pull-up a lot with overhead squats two years in the latter.
Starting point is 00:46:34 A lot of times that will kind of help balance because there's so many chest-to-bar. They made the female weights heavier though. Look at this. One squat snatch 265 female weight 185 that can't be right no that's right that's right because that's the way that's the way a lot of people say it should be at minimum when you have like but yeah 185 when it should have been probably what back then it would have been 275 185 and this was 265 185 okay holds up workout four Back then it would have been 275, 185, and this was 265, 185. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Holds up. Workout four. We just talked about it. Holds up. Workout five. That's the 55 stripper for those of you that can't see it. So this one they did one year for the age group qualifier. I think my first year as a master, they did it at 115 instead of 95 and it was pretty gross um for those of you that can't see it what it's 10 rounds of nine thrusters 35 double unders
Starting point is 00:47:32 nine thrusters 25 i think that would be fine if they did that they did it the games heavy and uh that was cool to watch um 18 one's my favorite open workout of all time it's not a very popular choice, but I just think for base capacity and not being able to stop for 20 minutes, nothing holding you back unless your grip goes, this is like, I just think it's an awesome workout and it still holds up. Um,
Starting point is 00:47:57 what say you? I think it holds up. I, we did this on Sentinel again a couple of weeks ago as well. Um, 20 minute AMRAP, eight toes to bar 10 dumbbell hang clean and jerk and 14 cow row do you remember if they mandated a five plus five or could you it was five plus five okay five right five left cool all right holds up 18 two shoe holds up so that's one up to 10 of dumbbell squats and bar facing burpee the one
Starting point is 00:48:27 thing i remember about this workout is you could not squat clean the first one so you had to power clean it to an extended position then you could start squatting which was kind of kind of weird followed up by a wonder at max clean which a lot of people would like yep oh my gosh i love this workout yeah so seeing uh dakota rager do this was was like that's in my top 10 workouts i've ever seen anybody do when did you where did you see him do that it was on youtube but i just remember how effortless the hundred unbroken double unders were every time and he was one of the few people that actually finished the workout in 14 minutes back there. Josh Bridges finish. I think so. Yeah. This workout is probably one of the most painful. Maybe, I don't know, dude, I, I got, it was not lactic like a thruster row or a
Starting point is 00:49:15 thruster burpee is or a thruster chest to bar, but my heart rate was in a place that it has never been ever before. And ever since this workout workout my heart rate was had to have been like 215 i remember finishing the workout and feeling like my heart was going to explode out of my chest and this was to this point also this might like in 2018 this was my by far my best open finish i got i got into this round of dumbbell snatches away from finishing. So for those of you that don't know what the workout is or can't see it, it's two rounds for time. Each movement is preceded by 100 double unders.
Starting point is 00:49:54 And it's overhead squat, muscle up on the rings, dumbbell snatches, bar muscle up. So you go 120, 112, 120, 112. So you do two rounds of that. And, uh, I just remember people from my gym redoing it and just, you know, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of double unders because for so many people, it was just a double under workout. I don't like the workout that much because I think that it, it stops people in their tracks a little bit too soon on the ring muscle-ups for a 14-minute cap. But I think if you did it, it would still hold up as a really good test for the elite. Workout four. This workout holds up.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yeah, so 18.4 was also 20.4, I believe. So this one was repeated. It was Diane into 21-15-9 deadlifts at three 15 and two Oh five with a 50 foot handstand walk. I think there's not nearly enough handstand walk in this workout. I don't think they're going to do something with 25 feet requirements anymore in the open. So for that reason, I say it doesn't hold up. Um, but if they were to do something like that in a quarterfinal setting, I think it
Starting point is 00:51:03 would still be a good workout. That workout tried to kill me in 2018. I couldn't handstand walk yet. And three 15 was like my max deadlift. 18.5. The only three Pete. Yep. And this one was voted on by the fans.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So seven minute AMRAP of three, six, nine, 12, et cetera. A hundred pounds. All right. 2019. And this one was voted on by the fans. So seven minute AMRAP of three, six, nine, 12, et cetera. Of 100 pounds. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:30 2019, two more years. We're going 19 and 20, 19, one holds up. Wall ball row, 19, 15 minute AMRAP, 19 wall ball, 19 Cal row. That's a yes for me. And just for those of you that don't know where our plan is. So next week we're going to go through and all the ones that we've agreed still hold up we're going to match taylor up against his three foes jason dallin and colton and we're going to kind of go through and say who we would give the edge to he's going to argue for himself on all of them and i'm going to try to instill a little bit of reality into his head. All right. 19-2.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Repeat of 16-2. Holds up. Double under, squat clean, toe-to-bar, ascending weights. 19-3. I like this workout a lot, and I still think it holds up. I agree. Although I think that the only thing that matters in the workout is the 50 strict handstand push-ups for 99% of the people doing the open.
Starting point is 00:52:29 And only that really, really high level person is going to even get to the handstand walks. I think it's a really cool stimulus that a lot of people didn't train back then. I remember watching, I want to say it was the Icelandic people doing it in the announcement. And just watching people the first time they went to kick up on the handstand walk like super elite competitors after the 50 strict I think I would love if they still kept putting strict handstand push-ups in the open last year we saw Boz do it with the wall walk and snatch double under ladder I think it would just be really good to push the community forward if he continued to program things strict. I still think this holds up. Workout four. Yikes almighty holds up.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, this is a great one. So this was for time and this was the first time we saw a mandatory rest as far as a true four time interval back toback. So three rounds of 10 snatches and 12 bar-facing burpees, which will be foreshadowing for 20.1. You rested three minutes and needed three rounds of 10 bar muscle-ups, 12 bar-facing burpees. So 72 bar-facing burpees, 30 snatches at 95.65, and 30 bar muscle-ups. So you think we're going to get a mandatory rest for 20.1 24.1 no 20.1 is basically that first couplet so but it was it's ground to overhead that's the only thing it's not snatched but most people snatched workout 5 2019 holds up for sure obscene amount
Starting point is 00:54:02 of chest to bars and thrusters 33 27, 27, 21, 15, 9. I would say this is the way to do it, not in an AMRAP setting. So if you're going to do this combination again, it needs to be something like this. Nah, I'm good. Okay, 2020. 10 rounds for time. 8 ground to overheads.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Clean and jerk or snatch. Dealer's choice. Sorry, player's choice. And 10 bar-facing burpees. Holds up. Yeah, I remember. This may actually be my best score. I remember doing it sub-10. I still think I could do it. Someone in the
Starting point is 00:54:36 thread asked that the other day. Tyler Watkins, maybe? Can you still do 20.1 EMOM? Remember we were talking about that? I was asking you what i thought a good time or he was asking what he thought a good time would be on that did you program for him for that uh no i didn't give that to him okay why yeah that's the workout though you think you can still do emom on that yeah that wouldn't yeah i for sure can do emom on that
Starting point is 00:55:01 um i absolutely okay i'm not gonna talk about it 20 minute am rap four dumbbell thrusters six toes Yeah, I for sure can do email on that. I absolutely can't. I'm not going to talk about it. 20-minute AMRAP, four dumbbell thrusters, six toes to bar, 24 dubs. Still holds up. This is the last time there was a 20-minute AMRAP in the open. So I think that would be really cool if they – I think they could repeat that, and it would still make people dizzy at the highest level
Starting point is 00:55:19 because you're just moving in circles the whole time. But it would take away that requirement, I think. You might see the mandatory five feet between the rig and the dumbbells because i remember putting my dumbbells right underneath the rig and just like putting them down and jumping right up to the bar repeat of this workout you don't think it holds up distance handstand walk and just space just having that to have that agreed they could make it wall walks oh how shit would that be 21 15 9 deadlifts handstand push-ups 21 15 9 deadlift wall walk one to one do you i think main site posted a am rap that was like one in one or two
Starting point is 00:56:03 and two of those two movements. Do you think, do you think a three 15 deadlift and a wall walk is comparable? I still think it needs to be like a little bit heavier on the deadlift. I think it takes the, I think the time takes way longer, but I think in terms of difficulty of rep for most people, for sure. One-to-one, I think let's just say it's semifinals. They did 21, 15, nine deadlift at three 15, a wall walk. Would you look at that and just be like, okay, so it's just say at semifinals they did 21 15 9 deadlift at 3 15 a wall walk would you look at that and just be like okay so it's just who's the best wall walker right yeah so what do you think that weight needs to be at a semi-final level maybe 335 i was i was thinking it probably needed to be 365 Hmm. Yeah, maybe, maybe to make them even. Okay. Next workout, 20.4,
Starting point is 00:56:49 four time, 30, 15, 30, 15, 30, 10, 30, 10, 35, 35 box, jump, clean and jerk box, jump, clean and jerk box, jump, clean and jerk single leg squat, clean and jerk single leg squat, clean and jerk single leg squat clean and jerk single leg squat clean and jerk single leg squat clean and jerk um i don't think this workout holds up tell me why because they can't hold the line on the standards and if you're going to make that argument for the 115 deadlift i'm going to make that argument the pistol squat it should never be an online competition because 50 of people on earth anthropometrically anthro for blah blah blah politically can't get their hip crease below the knee their ankle flexion is so bad that they come onto their toe and regardless of how deep it looks like they get their hip crease sits above their knee and that's bullcrap.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Got it. If, if pistols at body weight are going to be programmed in any stage of the season games, so they must be in person is your, what you're saying. Do you think they ever need to program pistols unless it's a mandatory five on the right, then five on the left or 10 on the right then 10
Starting point is 00:58:06 on the left and have to balance no i like that i like that stipulation i just don't think you need to test single leg squats in an online competition i agree estimate semifinals i agree i think this was everyone was wondering if pistols would ever come up in the open and yeah it definitely stopped people in their tracks um but i do like a like a push-up i just think there's way too much room for people to say uh does it count like and the other thing is where do you get the video angle right you're gonna just film your good side yeah it's just uh it's yeah i don't know don't like it i did and i did in 2020 in 2021 the rope climb ghd pistol workout masters had to do 150 individuals had to do 180 it shed this angle of china cho that's the angle it said that you need to set your camera at so you can see the rope behind you my right my right ankle is way more
Starting point is 00:59:05 mobile than my left i set the camera i turned that way the entire time they said we can still see the other side and i'm like okay but i mean yeah it's like it just becomes a how high is your camera how low is your camera how far away is it how close is it i don't think they should ever be an online competition oh true they definitely should that would solve everything all right final workout 20.5 40 muscle-ups 80 cow row 120 wall balls partitioned anyway love this workout i still think it holds up in a massive way i still think it holds up and a lot of people don't like the choose your own venture race i think it's really cool for the open.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I think it would really be cool for quarterfinals. And one of the workouts I programmed for a mock quarterfinals had that only because of gamesmanship, because you're wondering, is my strategy the best? Is there, is there another strategy that could be faster? Like, do I do a certain strategy on the first attempt and then change my strategy on the second attempt or do I do the first strategy again and see if I can go faster oh I heard Taylor did all the muscle-ups first then the wall walls then he sprinted the row uh I'm not I I'm thinking I need to do 10 rounds of 4 8 12 like whatever I just think it would add a lot to the fact that
Starting point is 01:00:22 it's an online competition if they brought back something like this all right so we cut we probably got about 20 workouts ish yeah we got to make a list we're going to make our list of what holds up what doesn't and we'll be back next week wow a lot of workouts in the open and a lot of room for creativity for them to be honest i mean there's a lot of trends there are a lot of things they haven't done um so we'll see yeah um 2021 you know that so we basically stopped at the end of the five-year runs right so in 2021 they go to three weeks dave is still involved and then we find out that in 2022, um, they are still Dave's workouts, but they're going to be changed a little bit based on COVID
Starting point is 01:01:11 limitations and all that kind of stuff. So the reason for anyone wondering the reason why we didn't include 21, 22 and 23 is because everything kind of changed and it went to a three week open. All right, guys, this is our episode. it hold up like and subscribe to seven yeah the seven podcast uh go subscribe to train sentinel youtube we're putting out some sick content we got an episode coming up within the next month or two hiller told me i had to do it because i ran the idea by him he loved the idea we're going to come up with a list of like 500 affiliates on the east coast and we're just going to scroll and then we're going to tap one and whichever one we land on, we're going to make a road trip to take a class and we're going to offer a $500 cash prize
Starting point is 01:01:54 to a lucky class goer that attends the same class that we take. That's really cool. And if you're somebody that wants to support ventures like that, shut up and scribble on the road, all that kind of stuff. We need more people like Patrick and like H-E-R-C-B-D that are down at the bottom. Make sure you visit their website, If you're someone who likes to grind, if you're someone that is going to go and put in two to three hours a day of work in the gym, you need to be able to recover just as strong. You need to be able to make other things in your life seem easier. And the only way to really do that is to really push yourself in the gym. So if you're going to do that, make sure you recover, go to their website, 15% off code, recover better, need home, auto, personal business insurance. Make sure you hit up Patrick Mitrovich at State Farm, business insurance. Make sure you hit up Patrick Mitrovich at State Farm, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia. Patrick at, 803-818-6980. That's 803-818-6980.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Yeah. Follow Homegrown Relief on Instagram. Also, what is a sentinel? It's a guardian, bro. It's a protector. It's a watcher a a guardian of the methodology so to speak some might say speaking of guardians of methodology go on over to vindicate check out your sick new shirts because they're pretty cool yeah go go peep some sick shirts you can't actually get those anymore um but you can get our other shirts and then bryson mentioned it that 500 is going to go to whoever can beat me in the class workout of the day so if it's a 1rm anything great odds for you getting 500 bucks cash money um so cool see you guys awesome show adios

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