The Sevan Podcast - Shut Up & Scribble // Summit Games Day 3 Recap w/ Bryson

Episode Date: October 8, 2024

Taylor Self and J.R. Howell break down Summit Games programming with Bryson Delmonte Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 on Instagram that we're going that we're going live because we went early and I don't think anybody knows that we're going early. That's definitely why we don't have a lot of viewers. Yeah. A hundred percent is the reason we have zero guys sitting here live on shut up and scribble, uh, with Bryson Del Monte. He's not gay contrary to popular belief, but, uh, if you want to think that he is and enjoy watching, I'm check us out live right now on the seven podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Wow. I probably shouldn't post that on the shut up and scribble podcast. It says Jr. Howl and Taylor Self. That's not JR. It's like a Joe Dirt version, I would say. So if you wanna come check us out,
Starting point is 00:00:51 see what we're talking about. See ya. All right. That'll probably drive four viewers this way. Easily. Me, Bryce, and, okay. It's 14 live viewers. Marius shut the hell up. We have to schedule in advance. Well, we did have the schedule. We're just 30 minutes early. We're 30 minutes early. Cause my mom's in town. Bryson's at the strip club. Um, you
Starting point is 00:01:18 can see the backdrop there. So we figured we'd go live right now. Got my strippers. Um, Bryson, did you give all the guys out in Summit a good wiener? Nope. You didn't. A little wiener in, not even a little one. You took a second place in an event. Yeah, Matt, we went early. We went early, buddy. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I'm thinking about shaving my mustache for Crucible. Mmm. That'd be kind of cool. And my eyebrows. That would be sick. Like alopecia? Yeah. Are you serious? Do you actually think that would be sick, bro?
Starting point is 00:01:54 Or do you think people will be like, what the fuck? Would that be worse than Nick Matthew wearing a crop top? You shaving your mustache? And my eyebrows. Eyebrows, I don't know know, might be a little bit much, but I think since you already shave your head, it's, you know, you could pull it. It would look way different, dude. I know. When I shave my mustache, I just look like a little kid,
Starting point is 00:02:17 but you could potentially look like still pretty scary. Oh, is that the look I should go for is a scary look? Yeah, that's the definitely shave the mustache. I look like just a penis head. Like if you were fucking looked at the wrong way, look, it's snap. If you shave your mustache, people would be really scared to be your cellmate if they were in prison with you. If I shave it.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah, they're like, oh shit. That's the guy who's the guy whose pocket you have to fucking you have to get around by his pocket. I had to do that. Okay, nevermind. We'll not talk about that. So Summit Games, bro. Before I forget, I do want to talk about one of the workouts specifically, how we were kind of talking about with JR that a lot of them probably got changed. That three round workout that was 18, 18, 18 from Adrian was supposed to be with a 70 pound D ball. It was going to be goblet squats and ball ground overhead. Oh, that's sick. So cool, dude. Yeah. Damn. So bummed we didn't get to
Starting point is 00:03:28 damn to but here's the thing, dude. Well, it's not here's the thing. I don't know. You know, you give I don't know. I don't know. Adrian, Adrian, I hope you're watching. If anyone could send this to Adrian, we know he's a great programmer. I was just you know, I'm sorely disappointed about all of the equipment restrictions and no one's done a ball, a D ball ground to overhead ball slam since, uh, swim and stuff from the games. And I love doing them. Um, cross time. That is the, what I'm talking about. John Young is talking trash. Taylor, Julian, Ilford, Iford, where, where and when, when isn't he talking trash?
Starting point is 00:04:08 That bug eyed fuck is the biggest trash talker I've ever met. He's got titties. All right. I'm just going to stop that with the ground, the bag ground overhead was originally supposed to be ball ground over it. That's what I'm talking about. And it was supposed to do with the 70 pound ball. And then they changed it to 150 pound bag, which is why we were kind of
Starting point is 00:04:28 shitting on it. But that workout is so sick with goblet squats with a D ball. Yeah, but the way the way you learn how to do the background overhead is cool as fuck. And I want you to teach me how to do it with a go rock bag when you get back. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's easy. Yeah. So, but, but that's what I'm saying. Being able to do it easily with one 50 is sick. Yeah. I guess cool because when they first brought them out there, I, a couple of
Starting point is 00:04:58 people like tried to clean it with the handles and stuff and we were, and like just failing cleans over and over again. And everyone was just like, how are we going to do 18 ground overhead? John John. Holy shit, we got to do that. Julian, John isn't picking you to win. I don't give a fuck what John picks. He's the dumbest mother.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah, it's the first off, it's not talking shit, but it's just, it's emphasizing how dumb he is. He's such an idiot. And when it comes to me, dude, that guy has the most disrespect for my fitness of anyone. I know I just punched my fucking desk. I'm getting so mad right now. Taylor could have been here at the summit games this weekend and John wouldn't have picked him to win. Yeah. I'm done with this. I can't, I can't talk about John Young anymore. I love him to death, but God, that guy makes my blood boil. Uh, it makes my blood boil in like a competitive way. Like he gets my competitive juices flowing like no other.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I have zero hate or disdain for John Young. I just want you guys to be aware. I love John, but I love it. So yeah, but, and John loves it too. Like John likes to go into it. But he's such a good dude. Also speaking of Adrian potentially watching this show, Mike told me that when he finished that event, before we even went live and talked about his no reps, he went straight over to Adrian and Adrian was like, Hey dude, you gotta stand those up or your boy Taylor's gonna go in on you. And I didn't even know that. He did not say that.
Starting point is 00:06:32 That's what Mike told me. Holy shit. That's so funny. This is the dumbest. Shut up, Carl. Are you high right now? What are you smoking, dude? Russian crack?
Starting point is 00:06:45 Chris Ibarra for the win. That guy's a slap dick. He's a mute. He's basically Helen Keller out there. Hmm All right I'm off the tangent. We're on the leaderboard Wow Drake Lewis Weep in the field 60 point dub That's pretty good hunter Hunter LaRue, sixth. Okay. You had no chance in hella winning that trail run. Hunter, you took six that summit games stop. And, and to, to be fair, you took, you didn't even win this all flat repeats. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And you're saying you're going to're gonna wait dude You jumped to 12. Let's fucking go bro 7th you have you have 7th 9th 7th that's three top 10 so far. I don't even want to count the Mount Olympus like that should have been I mean you should have gotten God it wouldn't have even been that much better but you should have gotten, God, it wouldn't have even been that much better, but you should have gotten two 15 for sure. Probably two 25. Um, so it's, I still missed it. So yeah, but if you had gotten 11th in that, you would have been in 11th place just in
Starting point is 00:07:56 that workout alone. Um, then go to click on your name, Bryson Del Monte. Um, what is that total? Oh, points in this competition. Let me click on your name. Bryson Del Monte. What is that total? Oh, points in this competition. My points, I guess. Switch back. Seventh, that's the, that's the shuttle run workout.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Dude. Oh, you got, oh, you got fifth in the final summit? Dude, let's go. And this workout was the- Drake's in, uh, make me feel better about myself. What workout was this? Uh, that was 150 foot sprint, 150 foot burpee broad jump, ah, the lunge. You told me the lunch, but fuck you.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It wasn't even specifically the lunch. It was just like your heart. Yeah. Heart rate, oxygen in your blood. I mean, I know what it feels like to train to work out at altitude. So I definitely played a part for you. Not going to say it didn't. Um, if I was fitter, I still would have done better. Even if that wasn't factor. What do you think? Where do you think your biggest room for improvement fitness wise in this competition is? Well, I would say something I already knew maybe Let me interrupt you the Cowboys fucking suck Brandon
Starting point is 00:09:11 Sorry, dude, and and don't even get Bryson started on football, but the Cowboys suck Yeah, Cowboys suck a lot of stuff a lot of things that they suck but that movie with Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal about Cowboys. Yes. Ah, that's actually about John Young and Tyler. But I will say one thing I already knew I was bad at is like sub six minute, you know, just burn it to the ground stuff. And we did that six times this weekend. So it's a power output. Yeah. That's really interesting. It's the easiest way to describe what's crazy to me is like how strong your squad is. And then like your
Starting point is 00:09:58 power clean, you know what I mean? Yeah. I think for the next few months, like, like if you just focused on your power clean power snatch, like in three months, I think for the next few months, like, like if you just focused on your power, clean power, snatch, like in three months, I think your total clean and total snatch would be way higher. Cause it's not like you can't overhead. It's like you can't overhead squat 315. You just can't get under it. Yeah. Can't pull it high enough. Right. I think the, I mean, I think I need to focus on my power lifts a lot and as in power snatch and power clean. Yeah, not like the power lifter.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Right, but I don't know, also like CrossFitty workout, like sled pushes and sprints and stuff. That's power output. Yeah, and like machines. I feel like I did okay on the eco bike. I think I was like last off in my heat, but I won the heat right well it's just not a Echobike work. I was more to it. Yeah. Um, yeah. Okay. I have some idea. I mean, I have some ideas, but we should definitely be doing It's really weird because that's like while one RM strength is not a strength of mine power output is like relative. Yeah, I feel like I have really good power output and can sustain it for a long time.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So I don't work on it a ton, but we should, we should work on it. Well, and that's, that's a good point too. Just a good point to bring up is because got it on some stuff, you know, our one RM stuff, like we could do the same working sets and be, right. And get like, feel the same from it. But then we do a power output workout or workout with power cleans in it. It's just way different story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Um, so, all right, we'll work on that. Um, I feel like you're long, you're long time domain engine's been really good lately. Yeah, I agree. How's your running Ben running has been feeling pretty good for you, right? My running has been really good recently. Um, none of the shuttle running felt good at all, but dude, what was craziest today when I did those intervals, my running in the bands felt insane. Like my technique felt the best it's felt since I had a running coach, like just because, just
Starting point is 00:11:56 because I'm like with running shoes, you have the curve and the slope and the transfer energy. You can rely on like your legs getting heavy and you just being loose and tired and sloppy and still carrying good energy. But with those shoes, you really have to run with perfect technique. It just felt so good. So I was, yeah. Well, that's, I was talking to a couple of guys about the beep test, which is that that's potentially the longest workout.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It has the longest time cap, 15 minutes. But I was talking to Mike in the warmup area and he was like, I've never done a beep test. What does it feel like? And I was like, imagine warming up for 10 minutes to do a max effort 400. And that's pretty much what it is. Like it's, you know, maybe this is just a cop out for me because I feel like my running's good
Starting point is 00:12:41 and I didn't do well on that. But like, I feel like that's worst case scenario for like a purely running event is just kind of jogging for 10 minutes and then you just gotta like, it's one minute of who can get off the line. Also, how much do you weigh? Like 185. Yeah. We got to get you up 10 pounds.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I know. But that'll probably not even 185 right now. Yeah. You're probably 180 I would say, but you probably could stand to gain at least 10 to 13 pounds. I did PR my max set of muscle ups today. So maybe that's why. Not because you're light, because you've been doing a lot of muscle ups and you learn from the best. True. They were like, dude, you're just like really good at ring muscle ups and legless. And I was like, we just do so many ring muscle up and legless
Starting point is 00:13:28 workouts that are really hard. Cause they have to be really hard for Taylor to like get a workout out of them. That's, that's very true. Like I either the volume either has to be crazy or I have to put that weight vest on. Yeah. Which I do do do sometimes sometimes I don't do it but I want to start using that more and I'm going to start using that vest a ton in prep for kill Taylor and after I'm making this statement now I said it the other day after crash that's gonna be my only focus until the open is making sure that no one fucking beats me and kill Taylor yeah cross fat is Bryson body weight lower than most yes Yes, it is. But also I would say I've any
Starting point is 00:14:08 competition I've been to that I would consider like, an elite competition or just like high level competition. I am the smallest person there. Bryson Twink Monty. Crazy's crazy, dude. Have you ever heard that before? Not Twink Monty, no. That's crazy. Ah, True. Oh, True asked if the Garmin watch was worth it. They have like a hundred different watches, dude. And I'll just say this,
Starting point is 00:14:38 I paid a fucking ridiculous amount of money for this watch and it fucking scratched the face of it. And like the first week was so butthurt and I will say Maybe the base model Phoenix 7 is worth it I would say but any of the upgraded models like for solar like the solar model not worth it. Don't 150 or 200 I paid extra for solar and the sapphire solar like scratch resistant I just don't think that was necessarily worth what there's a base model Maris. What is your model of Garmin? Hers is like the Garmin
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, it's like it's like a 400 or $500 one that I've had before and is all you need and it's still like really nice And I actually ordered one because I had sold my old one and regretted it. So I ordered one and then it was coming in the mail. And then my dad, I was talking to my dad about it and he was like, Oh, I have like a Phoenix six and I just never wear it. Do you want it? And I was like, there's no way. And then he just brought down a Phoenix six and gave it to me.
Starting point is 00:15:37 So, Oh yeah. For runner for runners, like the lower model. I like it. I love this watch for sure. And it does give me a lot of good data. Yeah. The forerunners, what Bryson is talking about. The Phoenix is great too. It's just expensive. And if you get the Phoenix, the base model is great. I'm not sure what the base model Phoenix has over the forerunner. No idea. I have a Phoenix six pro Taylor as a Phoenix seven pro, I think.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yeah. Sapphire solar, whatever. Yeah. And it's so, I like 900 bucks. I love it. And I got a silencer for 900 bucks. So do I think the watch is worth what a silencer is worth? No, I can shoot squirrels in my backyard. Now. I can't do that with a watch. Just kidding. I don't do that. My wife was like, why are you getting silent? Why are you getting a sound for? I was like, so I can target practice in the kitchen. She was like, you're not serious. I'm not serious. Um, hello.
Starting point is 00:16:32 All right. Uh, I mean, dude, that's pretty good. One, two, three, four, five finishes in the top 10. And then your other workouts, you just took last place on all of them. Basically. Yeah. Last on Matterhorn last on survival pack last on back to back and last on Mount Olympus, basically 15th was last, right?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Or 17th 15th was nice. Yeah. So you just have, you know, and, and let's look at those workouts again. Um, dude, it's kind of like a tail. Like that was kind of my wad, of water blues, a tail of the tape. Um, back in 2022, I had like a, a lot of top tens and I had like three finishes that were bottom 30. Um, so this is, Oh, the lift power output back to back, but this is the sled sandbag
Starting point is 00:17:21 carry one power, uh, survival pack. That was the sand. That was the cleaning jerk one with the sandbag. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. It was just again, a big boy workout. Yeah. I mean, that one is probably less power output than the other ones I did really bad on. Um, but even still that like traditionally would not be a great workout for me. And then Matterhorn. Yeah. Which was, fuck, I forgot it again. Oh, the lunge one, right? And the burpee broad jump. Yeah. And you absolutely like spent it on the rings. I'm sure. Wow. What did first place get? Drake got 25. Wow. Drake Lewis got first on that. Yeah. Did he just do 25 unbroken?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Hmm. I don't think so. He can maybe if he's still in the comments, he can let us know, but, uh, that's what I was fucking hand cleans. Was it six Christ almighty. Two 77. I could probably do that at like two 55, maybe two 65. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Charlie got two 50. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Five beat Charlie. Maybe not. Oh, here. Drake did nine eight four four.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Oh, wow. Do you regret? Would you have gone straight? Do you think you could have done? Well, what did he get in the other? Oh, you got third in the other workout, but Drake, if you had gone for like one big set, come down rested like 20 or 30 seconds and then done some change. Do you think you could have gotten more because Bryson did 20, then you came
Starting point is 00:18:52 down and rested and just did four. Like I bet Drake, you could have, I bet you could have come down after like 20 or 21 and then maybe still had six or seven in the next step, I guess. Didn't matter. You just want it. Yeah. I saw that 25 was first place and I was kind of, I was like, man, if I, I should have known, I was just going to do so bad in the second part anyway, I should have just gone all the way through
Starting point is 00:19:11 the two minutes. But then I talked to Drake afterwards and he was like, yeah, I was pretty sure you did 24. So I just did 25. I was like, okay, well if I had done 25, you would have done 26 then. True. Should drag rope double unders be part of weekly, bi-weekly training? I think you could do them every week. I would say they don't have a profound impact on regular double unders. They just feel too different to me. Like I'm not doing sets of drag rub double unders in workouts that will carry over to sets of regular double unders.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Like I did, like that drag rub V-up. That was 180, 60, 40, 20. I would not do sets of a hundred unbroken and like a rounds for time workout typically, like I would also. Yeah. Also like another point to test this is double unders are probably my best movement in CrossFit and I am bad at drag rope double unders. And I'm good at a lot of other jump rope variations, but just drag rope. I just feel like it's so different. Right. It is. It's, it's a lot of muscle endurance
Starting point is 00:20:10 and then, you know, it just goes fast. Like you get slow, really fast. Yep. Um, I would say if you have trouble with regular double unders and it's like a cardio thing, maybe the drag rope would help. Um, I don't know,, but also so we're just like, you know, getting better at sustaining a higher heart rate for a longer period of time. That being said, like for someone like Bryson or me, where it's like, you know, double unders in a workout aren't an issue ever really, the drag rope is great
Starting point is 00:20:37 because it makes double unders like really hard and matter. We actually got the heavy ones from Wadapalooza and have been using those. Those are sick. Yeah, Drake said he could have maybe gotten 30. Yeah, I actually got the heavy ones from water Palooza and have been using those. Those are sick. Yeah. Drake said he could have maybe gotten 30. Yeah. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:20:50 We get it, bro. You're good at muscle. I didn't. One thing I didn't realize until I was talking to like him and Mike and a couple other guys in the warm up area is I guess it's probably a product of just training with you, but doing like three legless in 15 seconds is like kind of hard for people. What is hard for people?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Three legless in 15 seconds. Oh, is that how long it took you? Yeah. It's pretty fast. I did my, I'm not going to say what I did my six in today testing that workout, but it was well, and those ropes were slick too, but I was kind of, I mean, I wasn't like worried about the workout, I guess, but I didn't really think I would do very well in it. I didn't think the ropes would be that big of a factor.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And then I was just talking to Mike and he was asking, you know, they're not, were they 15 feet? They're probably 13 and a half feet. No, they were 15 feet. Really? Yeah. But I also did them faster in training. Just that part.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I did the workout faster today. Um, but yeah, I think just doing them that quick. I passed a lot of people in the road. Drake, I got a question for you. How many people at crucible do you think are doing that legless overhead squat, thick rope climb overhead squat workout all unbroken and of, and of the field 28 people, how many do you think will get time capped by the six minute cap? I just want to get a gauge on how, how difficult you think that workout and that cap is. Um, and also if you're in the comments and you have an opinion on this, tell us what you think
Starting point is 00:22:31 about, uh, geoengineering of hurricane Helene. If you don't know what that means, just ignore, just ignore my question. Um, answer Bryson, what is your strongest movement slash modality? What workout can you see and think? Oh, yeah, I'm gonna do better than most people this based on Sentinel vids. I'd say squatting, but I don't know the double gluck gluck Yeah, Taylor is really good at giving that to me No, I would say Double unders for sure. I mean, I feel like I can't say triple unders because we've
Starting point is 00:23:06 just never seen them actually. Yes, Drake. Just because we've never actually seen them program. But if there were triple unders, I would, I would try to win the world. Dude, how do you get, how do I get him beneath me? There you go. I'm not getting my head covered up by that fucking comment. Squatting. I agree squatting for sure. Especially if there's any weightlifting element, it would be a squatting movement I would be better at. Turtle necking. Strict handstand pushups, legless, ring muscle ups, any high skill gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:23:52 That's probably it. Thrusters. Yeah. Would you, would, would you disagree or? No, I agree. Anything I said? I think thrusters. You're really good at running.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Definitely squatting, most squatting, barbell squatting. I would say any squatting that's like dependent on either your overhead stability like overhead squats, or squat snatches. And then, like actual leg strength, I would say I did the squats, I was one of the worst at the squats in this competition, just because it was holding 150 pound bag in front of you like this, made it not even like legs for me. And it was just very difficult to hold the bag. But like overhead squats really good for me. I think squatting 40% finished the work. I think everyone is going on broken on the first set.
Starting point is 00:24:53 So everyone goes on broken on the 12 overhead squats at two Oh five, but they'll be slow coming off the legless 40% finished the workout. Sheesh. I absolutely destroyed it today. I was a little nervous about that one. Good man. That's fine. I, you know what? This is crazy. I'm glad you did this, Mike, not this comment, but what happened this weekend, because I was doing my set at 185 and I got through four, I was like, ooh, I might be missing hip extension. I really felt myself hump the year on the last eight.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I was like, forcefully tucking my pelvis. Yeah, that was interesting. I gotta upload that video, AirDrop it. Actually, I need to do that now. So that's crazy. I guess we should go over to the women. Let's pretend like they matter. Who is JT Mahan? Man, JT Mahan. Apparently he's like a football player. Football! What position you play boy? You look like a fullback. You look like you run cornerback. You look like you do a strength training, do a five by five.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I didn't even see him once until the last day, but he just started, he came up and started talking to me in the warm up area today. He was really cool, dude, but I didn't talk to him at all for that training. Strength training, WOD Somniac proven fitness competition, NorCal Classic 2023 10th absolutely anally destroyed by the fitness experience qualifier. Battle of the ages. Let's see what else. What is this free?
Starting point is 00:26:38 What do you do? Oh, oof. Um, she's checking them out. Proven fitness competition. What is that? Is that PRV N? Hmm. I don't think so. No.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Rachel. Noel. Who is this? Never heard of her. Is she a semi-final athlete? Will you guys let us know? Um, Brian friend of price actually, you know, if you would just ask if you were to just listen to my interview with her So I don't think any of the females are whoa, is this in the RX division
Starting point is 00:27:16 Because they didn't have an individual. Oh She only had team shoot. No, they had individual they had an individual RX division. I'm pretty sure that's so Cal Yeah, I'm pretty sure I don't so Cal. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. I don't think so. Oh, maybe it was a team iron games. This was the summit games last year. Sammy's last year. Okay. Um, so she didn't make it in 2024. Does that mean, was it like a stamp? Did she get penalized or was she just not fitting enough this year? Drake, if you know, um, pretty, pretty, you know, first, wow. Three years running. She wins this competition.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Drake's two years running. Damn. Drake. Yeah. That's what I thought. They did have India at SoCal for RX. Oh, you guys are wrong. Arn what up?
Starting point is 00:28:00 No, you're wrong. Dip shit. Bryson loves being wrong so much. Um, it was strict handstand push-ups, what do you mean? Oh that probably that kept her out. Oh really? Oh really? She's that's a tough. That's it. I hope she doesn't ever see this Drake. That's mean that's me or anything. I've ever said, bro That's me or anything I've ever said, bro. Uh, that's crazy. Well, I just got to say this. I'm going to make one of my athletes or maybe two of them do this next year. So she can't win four years in a row.
Starting point is 00:28:31 That's that annoys me. I don't like seeing some. I just absolutely, I hate that Tia bullshit, dude. I hate seeing absolute dominance. I don't mind dominance, but I hate dominance because of like, if it's just there, she's just dominating because they don't program strict hands on pushups. What was the programming last year?
Starting point is 00:28:48 I wonder if they had them. That's crazy that our training partners. Yeah. It's crazy that one movement keeps you out. Yeah. Like, like it's annoying when Laura Horvath wins the games and the Hanson pushups were freestanding. Right. Or you just know that if a different variation showed up, she wouldn't have 100%.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. Yeah. You can't say that about any other, like really any other champion. Yeah. I mean, maybe you could say it with James Sprague. Yeah. What? I mean, maybe you could say it with James Sprague. Yeah What like you could say if there was a wonder at max or something You know who follows me on Instagram. Oh my Calvin's dog. Oh
Starting point is 00:29:37 Nice. He's been commenting on all our YouTube videos recently. Yeah, I feel bad trying to get adopted. Yeah Yeah, I feel bad. Trying to get adopted. Yeah. We're almost to the end of the rope here, brother. What are you doing for the night? You guys got anything fun planned? You're going to go binge eat some wiener or ice cream? Sorry?
Starting point is 00:29:56 I was maybe going to go get some ice cream for bears from – there's a Sprouts really close to here. Why don't you just get Haagen-Dazs? It has three ingredients. Egg yolks, the coffee ice cream is insane. Yeah, maybe I'll look at what they have, but honestly I don't feel like I worked out at all. Nothing is sore.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Really? Yeah, so I was planning on being like super smoked and then just not even wanting to work out for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, so we could just move. But I feel like the whole time or maybe I'm gonna be really itching to train. So I'd probably just move everything faster and try to get sweaty. How was the ring dips judging and standards? So I didn't see anyone else in my heat because I'm obviously doing the workout. Someone I
Starting point is 00:30:40 think it was someone that Drake knows came up to when me and Drake were talking. It was like basically saying that, uh, he got no rep to bunch for not going all the way down in the beginning. And he got no rep so much that he was way more tired. And then he wasn't locking out at the end, but he was getting, I don't know his name, but he was getting reps at the end. And he was like, I know I wasn't locking out and I was getting reps. Dude, Justin sun, a hundred percent. reps at the end and he was like, I know I wasn't locking out and I was getting reps. Dude, Justin son, a hundred percent. Haagen-Dazs coffee is the most insane fucking ice cream flavor ever.
Starting point is 00:31:10 There's no better ice cream. It's crazy. I could try anything. I've tried everything at the grocery store. I always will always just get a pint of Haagen-Dazs coffee and smash it. And yes, Zachary cadets daily training tip here in the comments. Um, also a CrossFit level three coach, maybe pursuing his level four. I'm pursuing my level four as well.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Uh, I thought the USA had a 25 ingredient minimum on all fruits. They typically do, but Haagen-Dazs sounds German, so I'm sure it's not even American, but it's literally skim milk, egg yolks, coffee and cane sugar. So not three, it's like four ingredients, but that's crazy. Yeah. Ice cream for bears. I think it's just sweetened with honey, which is the only difference really. Right. But it tastes like Dick compared to Haagen-Dazs.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah, I agree. Sorry. Not as good. I'll close out with this. Speaking of the ring standard, when I finished, some Australian dude that I've never met came up to me before and he was like, he I finished, uh, some Australian dude that I've never met came up to me before and he was like, it's like, Hey, Mike, you might've won that event. If anyone in the second heat, didn't he fucking ring dips? And I was like, I was like, what are you talking about? I thought they looked pretty good on the broadcast.
Starting point is 00:32:15 He was like, not a single one of them locked out any fucking elbows. And I was like, Oh, I was like, okay, well, look down the fucking elbows while you do that accent. Perfect. It makes me want to meet that guy and hear him say that dude. He was like Stereotypical sure and pretty tall dude blonde hair Happy Nick Dundee crocodile Dundee dude. That was my favorite movie growing up fucking right fucking count that guy Right fucking can't it might was Fucking love Australian people like from the bush like or if they have a big bush
Starting point is 00:32:52 Not bring that comment up, bro that guy is I Don't think sorry never mind that never came out did it did did you see his no it didn? Did you see his? No, it didn't. Did you see his argument with CBG online nutrition? On Hiller's feed? Yeah. Oh, it's like on Hiller's Instagram. I crushed CBG on the live stream this morning. I sent like a hundred comments.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Hiller didn't pull up a single fucking one. The guy's a ding dong. Yeah, such an idiot, dude. And he looks like he's going to turn into fucking, uh, what's that like fucking congressman, uh, the fucking congressman from like fucking Philly, I want to say, or Pennsylvania, uh, Roger Federman. Now what's his name? Is that his name? I gotta look this guy up. Somebody in the comments, you know, I'm talking about he's like the annoying person in your level one. When they say, when they do like the
Starting point is 00:33:43 fitness in a hundred words and they say no sugar and they're like, well, you said you can eat fruit fruit has sugar in it. It's like, dude, you know what they're saying. No added sugar. Like, Oh wow. He does look like that guy. John Fetterman is what he's going to end. It's not just the ugly ass face and the bald head.
Starting point is 00:34:01 It's like the whole, the whole, like his neck is this narrow and his shoulders are this wide and he looks like he's extra sloppy. I know exactly. Like seeing this guy respond and like make comments that are so stupid raises my body temperature. Yes. Oh, CBG. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's crazy. Just, ah, fuck. I went, I argued with him in my DMS one time because he was posting about how like Dave should instantly get fired and all this stuff and I was like and he was saying I don't care about the athletes or whatever and I was like I was like so you don't even know if it was Dave's fault or not or anything like that and you don't care about Dave and his family and he just sent me a voice memo. He's like, I don't care. Oh, he was such a dude.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah. It was, it was like the, ah, like he's the kind of guy where like you just meet him and I just want to open palm smack him. There's one other guy like that. His name's David weed. He commented something in that live stream that made me more livid than maybe anything happens ever said to me, um, or done. So just so you know how bad that was, but I was so pissed.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. That accent was crazy. Um, what was I going to say? What were you just saying? I was talking about CBG bad ring dip standards. Oh, right. I commented on the YouTube. I was like, cause what he said on that story was whatever the athlete wants, I'm going to stand behind him. That means Dave getting fired. I a hundred percent support the
Starting point is 00:35:30 athletes. I'm like, Oh, Hey bro. What if the athletes want to demonize sugar? Do you a hundred percent stand behind the athletes? What if the athletes want to follow fitness in a hundred words? Do you a hundred percent stand behind the athletes? Yeah. What if the athletes want to remove a rib and suck their own meat? Do you stand behind the athletes? Yeah. What if the athletes want to remove a rib and suck their own meat? Do you stand behind the athletes? Like what? It was crazy. He, he's such an idiot, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:52 It's like, that's like the kind of brain dead arguing that you can tell they have no idea what they're talking about. It's just not even going in their, their head. So this is the thing, Rambler, sorry, not Rambler, keeping it real. David Weed is not Pat Lange. Pat Lange, even he has a brain big enough to know there's particular lines you don't cross when you're talking shit with someone you've never met, um, or just in general, and I like Pat a lot, even though he's a liberal tard, um, for the
Starting point is 00:36:22 most part, Pat Lange love you. David Weed. Don't even get me started. a liberal tard, um, for the most part, Pat Lange, love you. David weed. Don't even get me started. Hope, hope we never meet for your sake. What else we've been live 36 minutes. We'll give it three more minutes, three minutes to answer any question you've ever had to ask either me or. Oh, Pat Lange is really close to being red pill.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I do it to them all the time. Three, three, uh, let's go three minute hot seat for questions. Probably not going to get a single comment from CBG nutrition. Bryson, will you give me some natural glucose from your spear? Oh, right. He wants beer butter for dinner. Yeah. Some life source.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Spear oil. Dude, that's why he's so like pro sugar. Why? Cause that's zero testosterone. No, cause that's his favorite source. His favorite food is just pure glycogen. The guy is a walking, yeah. Oh, she's a walking, talking ball of estrogen as a male.
Starting point is 00:37:24 He has zero testosterone. He doesn't even look like he works out Like how you gonna? How is this guy gonna lead from the front when he looks like a sad sack of potatoes? Bro, cuz he reposts Daniel Brandon stories when she makes jokes about eating shit because he told her that it was fine. Oh Does she does she make fun of it or she follows? She's like one of his clients and it's like, oh, hormonal wreck. Oh, I wonder why. I wonder why over training and eating garbage process carbohydrates. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Just, oh, one plus one people just don't be an idiot. The guy is a dumb ass. Wasn't Emma Lawson, one of his athletes, probably Mal O'Brien too. I'm actually blaming him for them. Just completely. He's the coach L of the nutrition world. Yeah. Oh, a hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And he, oh, but he charges 10 times more. Oh, Demetri, what are you there? If you travel internationally to compete, I thought about trying to do the Dubai qualifier because it was a lot of money. Um, but I decided I wasn't going to do the Dubai qualifier because it was a lot of money. Um, but I decided I wasn't going to do that. And then like a week later, he ran launched missiles at Israel and now there's a whole war over there and I definitely don't fucking go. I would say I'm not opposed to it.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I'm more, I really just want to do, I want to compete more. I would like to go to Scotland or somewhere in Europe to compete. A hundred percent. Like do rogue. Not even rogue. I don't, you know, yeah, that would be cool, but Ireland, like filthy 150 would even be cool, uh, strength and depth in the UK would be cool. I just want to go to Europe.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I haven't, I haven't been to Northern Europe. Um, it, you know, the only place I've been over there is Italy. I want to say, I think one of the downsides, I make it just fine, bro. I let them, uh, I actually asked them to, uh, you know, probe me. Yeah. He usually gets me to do it before we get to the airport. Um, but I would say one of the downsides and not like doing the Charlotte classic again this year is you
Starting point is 00:39:25 and JR, I really trust your guys' programming. I know you think about it, especially in terms of like time domains and you know what the linchpin in each workout is or whatever. And obviously I'm not going to qualify for crash or I can't qualify for crash right now. So it sucks that I can't do Charlotte Classic again, because I feel like every other competition I do that is like a similar field or level is trying to do too much. And then they have, you know, a bunch of power output workouts, which is a weakness of mine. And it's definitely an important test of test in the test of fitness. But when you only have seven
Starting point is 00:40:04 workouts, like it's like one or two of them should be power up, but not necessarily like all of them. Oh, you guys need to do a random strip search. Yeah, no problem. Taylor just shows up to the airport naked. Do you have any one on one competitive athletes? Good. Hans, I have three, two women, one guy, maybe three women, women one guy me and Bryson both work program for Mary Porter collaboratively And then Bryson you have three in addition to that Four in addition to Mary. Yeah Jacob Taylor Cameron's Cruz. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Right. So we have eight total. Yes. People have been calling Bryce and the team, who Angelo for like two weeks now. Oh, I want to do a show with Angela. It seems like such a good dude. Michelle. I don't.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Michelle has definitely no plans to compete this year. Don't know what her long-term plans are. If there are any, I don't know. Um, she's doing real estate, you know, trying to think, find other streams of income and happiness outside of competing. Um, and then just getting back into enjoying working out again. Her goal was to make it back to the games and it was really cool that she did that.
Starting point is 00:41:27 And I think after doing that, it was a big relief, but also kind of a realization like, holy shit, unless you're a top 10, you're not making any money being an athlete. Not true. The things me and Sevan say on a podcast together, outwork anything. She does not. She really stopped.
Starting point is 00:41:56 God damn it. Look, she's my wife's best friend. You all shut the fuck up. OK. And she's a great person. She is really nice. Yeah. There's nothing Angelo could even think that would be worse than what me and Seb on Santa podcast together. I said Danny, I'm not going to repeat it. Um, that was crazy. The only time I've ever talked to Angela was that crescendo for like five minutes.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And when he was, how do you lick your elbow? Can you, it's impossible. No, I know people who can do it. My biceps are too big. If no, it's if you have like a crazy tongue. Like a Gene Simmons tongue. Gene Simmons tongue? Yeah. Dude, he could probably lick his own butthole standing up. You can't?
Starting point is 00:42:40 I don't have a Gene Simmons tongue, bro. What was I saying right before that? I know we got to go. I think you were talking about me. Oh, Angelo, Angelo, he was broadcasting our crescendo event and he was just commentating. He was like Bryson or Taylor and his teammate on the GHG right now have both shit themselves in a workout in the last five months. Can you guess which one did it more recently?
Starting point is 00:43:02 And then he made everybody wait till the end of the broadcast to answer. It was me Uh, what was my most recent death of pr 505 or 510 or 515 505 really you sure Mm-hmm pretty sure was it? No, you look like eddie when he's taking a shit I remember it bro. I did not look like eddie when I was taking a shit I remember it bro. I did not look like Eddie when I was taking a shit Looks like the hunchback of fucking Notre Dame We take the do the circles for you when he was about when he's about to poop Sometimes he starts spinning and poops already falling out of his butt Painted his own trying to find a video. It's gonna be a fucking back in the woodwork. When was that?
Starting point is 00:43:41 I did lifted for 85 like that same session now. I did 455 that session So it was before January It was yeah, it was probably December because it was right after the classic or so it's late November My Before waterpalooza or after? Before probably. I'm not finding it bro. I was wearing this shirt. Probably deleted it. I don't know. Damn, I had a beard then. Holy shit, I look
Starting point is 00:44:29 ridiculous. Oh, I was checking Sam Kwant's overhead squat depth from the 2020 COVID games around that time. There's some screenshots of him. No reps. Yeah, I am competing at the adaptive games next year. Um, the lower extremity division, I actually broke off the second half of my dick and Taylor's asshole. So I get to go adaptive. You're such a queef. Wow. I bet I can find my deadlift PR, but if you need to end the show, end the show. Yeah, I'm trying to make some berries and cream. Berries and cream. I've got to do the finishing touches on that strict pull-up program.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I did class and warm-ups. Yeah, why are you wearing a fucking hood, you nerd? Where is that too? My old gym. That was 485, bro. That's easier than you've ever seen me do 315 probably. I know. It means your, it means your, uh, CNF was fucking tripping that day. Have you ever shit yourself during a workout?
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yes. I pooped my pants. Well, this wasn't during workout. It was 10 seconds before I started the last open workout. Before? Yeah. 10 seconds started in a little like, like a little Hershey kiss. Wow, Shelby's real interested in your feces.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Uh oh, Hollywood scandal, three A-list celebrities allegedly featured in sex tapes with Diddy. A lot more than three, but- You're not an A-list celebrity, Brad. One of them is fucking, yeah, neither is Hunter McIntyre, dude, but he's definitely been in probably a hundred Diddy videos.
Starting point is 00:46:31 All right, I'm a Liverpool fan. Oh yeah, Bryson likes the fake football. You mean the one where you actually use your feet? Yeah, you use your feet in real football, bro. One guy does. You fucking kick it through the field goal, don't you? Yeah, one fucking your feet in real football, bro. One guy to the field goal. Don't you? Yeah. One fucking random guy whose job is to get in the fucking field every once in a while and kick it through the kickoff road. You fucking punt it on fourth down.
Starting point is 00:46:54 You big nerd. Yes, Shelby. I was live on the podcast so I couldn't just stop and go to the bathroom. I had to go during 24 one. Oh, during 24 one? Yeah, 24 three. Oh, the thruster one? Yeah. Wow, you had shit in your butt on that? Dude, remember that was the whole topic of the following part of the show. Twice a week I take a crap at the gym
Starting point is 00:47:17 and get through our first session. I'm like, I gotta go wipe again. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Holy fuck. All right. We're done here. Yo, yes, Bonnie. James Townsend Tours quad. Really? Dude, but a clean someone in my level two was bragging about how he had taken his level two like the year prior. And when they were doing the touch and go three clean and jerks on the way down, he just obliterated his quad and like completely tore the tendon. And then the brag about, cause he, it was, it's like, kind of like a quirky thing. Like, Oh yeah, it was crazy. Like I was just trying to touch and go this heavy ass weight.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And then we did clean triples, not touch and go. And wow. One of the worst movers I've ever seen in my life. Really? Yeah. It's like, no wonder bro. Shocker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Oh, shocker. You took your call, quad tendon and no offense, but like James Townsend never squat cleans from what I see. It's always power. And in the picture it was like, it looked like a power clean that pushes you into a squat that you shouldn't be squatting. Your feet are too wide and your hips are back and your knees are all conky. I'm like, oh fuck.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Especially if you're him too, like you could build up to a four Oh five power clean and not squatted once that day. And then you get pushed into it by four and five pounds. Yeah. Mike, do you guys do the quad bang technique when second hand planes? I don't. I know a guy towards ACL doing that because of the femur and tibia displacement. I would imagine force hitting the, you know, basically your thighs, your femur goes back and your fucking tibia goes forward. Like if you're leaning back and bending your knees a little bit, I would imagine to accentuate the bounce and the barbell smacks your thigh and pushes your thigh bone backward and you're already leaning forward and pushing pressure forward through your knees and bam, just like that.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So no, I am. My arms are short enough that I can really get it in my hip and make sure. I always make sure, and I always make sure the bar is going straight down, not around and like into my legs like that. But typically in training because I'm good at bouncing and I really suck at hinging, I try not to do the bouncing. I don't ever do it. I just don't like it because it hurts my fucking legs to be honest.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah. It's really not worth it. Honestly. Do you guys use a bidet I use one in Italy and it felt like just like when Bryson spitting on my butt So I just didn't want to do that Yeah, I was turning him on a lot Do you guys have a squatty potty, uh, we have in our our house. I never use it. Usually I use Taylor's mouth He just lays down on the ground my routine rambler
Starting point is 00:50:08 As I wake up in the morning and I start making coffee and before I even before the water is even boiling in our kettle I have to fucking just run to the bathroom. It's just like Taylor poops with his coffee in the bathroom with him. It's crazy From somebody that said bro, I heard that and I'm glad I'm not the only one. That's disgusting. I told that guy, we're a long lost brothers that you're a fucking scared little bitch because you won't drink your coffee in the bathroom while you're taking a shit. Oh, but you'll brush your teeth in there, bro. Yeah, not after I take a shit.
Starting point is 00:50:41 You think the poop particles just fucking go away? Yes. On your your toothbrush you dumb fuck You dumb ass motherfucker They don't settle on mine. They get aggressively put on mine The longest I've ever gone without pooping not long like at all. I can't even go eight hours without pooping I wake up in the morning and it's like Like if I just stood up and like force myself not to go to the bathroom, it would just come out.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Did the first phone when shitting is nasty. What are you do that? That's too far. Yeah. The first trip I ever went on with Taylor where we had to share a bathroom. Walked in there after him. The first trip I ever went on with Taylor where we had to share a bathroom was one of Palooza and I fucking walked in there after him. I've never seen paint like.
Starting point is 00:51:37 He's fucking lying. You've never seen that, dude. Oh, you've never left a skid mark. Maybe at like fucking Bush Gardens. Maybe at like Bush gardens with these fat Hershey Park No, it's not prairie dogging that's when you've got like a solid that's solid mine's more like a volcano beginning to erupt although Taylor did say that he won one time He had like a butt plug piece of poop that once it popped out. It was like water following It was like changing your oil you pull the oil plug out and everything just falls out
Starting point is 00:52:18 Painting the porcelain is what they call it rocket yeah Okay, we're done here. Love you guys. See you guys, uh, tune in tomorrow. Jr seven Tyler. I think some other guys are going to be going over crucible unless they did it this morning, I don't know, but anyways, morning. Yeah, but they're supposed to do something else, but we'll see out out.

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