The Sevan Podcast - SPECIAL CFG Update | 24.1 Pre-Show

Episode Date: March 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. That thread is just where I steal shit and make my news. Bam, we're live. 9,700 people waiting. 5,000 CrossFitters and 5,000 parents to CrossFitters. No, no, no. 10,000 CrossFitters and 5,000 parents to CrossFitters.
Starting point is 00:00:45 No, no, no. 10,000 CrossFitters, the show will be live in 19 minutes. I believe they are going to do 24.1. No, that is not correct. I believe they're going to do just a workout to compete for a golden barbell, an actual golden barbell. The first workout they did was Nasty Girls. That was fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Andrew Hiller, let's just start with that. When you watch that nasty girls video that CrossFit games got out promptly. And I enjoyed watching. Did you have any concerns with the movement standards? Cause I am not a movement standards person, but I saw some things I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:01:19 Hmm. Swakowski squats looked a bit shallow, but the camera angle was iPhone ask. So you want to give him a pass on that you want to say that you you you can't um there was a there was the granite games maybe it was a year or so back and i had his wall balls from a certain event at granite games said to me like crazy and i go guys he's right below parallel he doesn't have to hit his butthole the floor he's good and if there's someone you're
Starting point is 00:01:46 going to give the benefit of the doubt to it probably be fikowski um uh hillar uh sorry uh grunler how much of an issue is it also because we see him and then do we have a bias because we do see someone like gazan and raptus who are who are squatting way below parallel does that make it even easier to be critical to Fikowski? Yeah, totally. Well, I think that the fact that he's got the longest legs out there, so the gazelle is who you're going to be watching of those four that were racing. And then he was right in the very front of the camera,
Starting point is 00:02:18 so everyone's eyes were on him the whole time. You know what I mean? Oh, we have a timing issue with uh grunler uh hillar um so so that you you with your uh batman s critical eye you do not think that that's video worthy making material um to to poke at uh fukowski's judge what's the purpose of that whole workout first of all well we are aware i here's what I think. Well, JR, you tell us what, what JR, you set the scene for us. What's actually going on with the open this year,
Starting point is 00:02:52 24.1 isn't just one workout in its showcasing. Yeah. So I think Dave alluded to it maybe on a weekend review, but you know, in years past, like I think he alluded back to 2012 when, um, you had Dan and Rich do a 12.2 and they filmed that, but they had done like three or four workouts before they even did that that day. And that was like the last thing they did of the day. So getting people together just for one workout, as opposed to getting together for maybe 24 to 48 hours and having them do several workouts together would be a little bit more worth their time and worth their while.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So that's what they're doing this year. One workout yesterday, two workouts today that we know of. Um, and the ones today we should be spaced apart, you know, no more than 20 or 30 minutes. Okay. So let me pose the question back to you, Hiller. Let me pose the question back to you, Hiller. Uh, even though you asked me the question, let me ask you the question. What is the point of that workout, and why does that matter? The point of the workout is to win the golden barbell and to bring some sort of a sense of history back with what JR said in relation to Rich and Dan doing a handful of workouts.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And tapping into the the the kind of the aura of nasty girls that so many of us probably uh specifically for sure me and grundler one of the workouts that got i mean it got me into crossfit i saw that and i was like fuck i want to try that which they would have fixed the fukowski issue had they just put the wobble down there like they did in the video oh oh sakamoto and all them bill should have put a wall ball down there let's ask bill that bill should they put wall balls underneath the the athletes butts if they were going to do it old school then they absolutely should have they brought low ring so why not copy the exact same scenario so you don't have an issue with the wall ball being under there it's
Starting point is 00:04:38 not like bringing back a bad habit like bring it back i mean yeah it's for these guys 50 air squats is no big deal uh but what it does is it showcases hey look everyone's going down depth there's not even a question everyone's sitting to the ball now granted you have to deal with the are they opening up their hips all the way up at the top that whole thing um but yeah it's like set the stage you had the low ring so why not have the wall balls uh mr howell um – oh, and here we go. You guys are seeing the original Nasty Girls with Eva Twardokin, Annie Sakamoto, and Nicole Carroll.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I still have people do this. Yeah, it's an insane workout. When was the last time you guys had – no, not the workout, the squat to a ball. Totally. Because I say go lower go lower go lower and then all of a sudden you put a ball there and they know what low enough is right it's a yeah i think this is a tactile cue for sure there you go i was gonna say it's like the perfect tactile cue for someone and i don't really think games athletes need tactility while they're doing a
Starting point is 00:05:43 workout like that but i i saw a handful of no reps being given out on air squats and it wasn't for depth it looked like it was for extension which is understandable when you're trying to race and i think all of brent's reps were super legit i think if anyone he knows why would i do more work than i need to i just need to go low enough to try to at least stay close to these people with way smaller limb lengths than i have uh it's interesting my uh tv is saying that the show doesn't start for another 18 minutes but it also says it's at uh 11 15 so the time hasn't changed just maybe my google window um isn't refreshing there's now 13 000 people waiting to to see the workout bill. What's it mean to an affiliate? I think it's CrossFit 580 in Livermore.
Starting point is 00:06:30 What's it mean to them to get the opportunity to host this? Is it a good thing? Sometimes I hear affiliates be like, Oh, I had to close for a week. It's 100%. It's a good thing, but there is a lot of stuff that goes into that.
Starting point is 00:06:41 It's not just cool. Everyone rolls up and we have a workout. You have to pull all your equipment. I talked to some of the people that are up at Pleasanton and they have to pull all the equipment out because they have to get all the lighting in there. They have to get whatever, you know, uh, stands or, or ways that they want people to be able to watch it, um, inspect it, whether they're going to put up like a fence or a gate. Um, they have to have their setup for the broadcast booth and what that's going to look like. So there's a lot of things that goes into just getting it.
Starting point is 00:07:09 But you get that, you know, the worldwide CrossFit community seeing your name as an affiliate. That's awesome. Yeah, that is awesome. I want to talk. There was a spotting at the event of Alessandra Pacelli, who is easily one of the better CrossFits ever to come out of the Bay Area and probably 10, 100 best female CrossFitters of all time. Seven months pregnant. I want to wish her a congratulations. She was not only a games athlete, but she was used by CrossFit endlessly for testing because of her proximity to the ranch.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So congratulations, Alessandra. Also in the news, Emma Carey. I think it's fair to say, without exaggeration, that Emma Carey had promised to be a perennial top three finisher soon. We were probably two or three years away from her reaching her potential, and we were going to see her a warring at the podium with the likes of Mal O'Brien and Emma Lawson as Laura Horvat and Tia Toomey maybe tap out. But unfortunately, today we see this. I mean, as a fan of the sport, it's unfortunate. Emma Carey writes, I do not love the world or the
Starting point is 00:08:30 things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life is not from the Father, but it is from the world. I'm assuming this is something biblical. And the world is passing away along with its desires but whoever does the will of god abides forever so it sounds like she wants to live forever that's a john 215 217 sounds like she's interested in living forever um does she say anything else from any words from her uh mouth oh we lost bill let me see if we can get bill back in here oh i removed him I put him back.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Uh, what does this mean for the 2024 season? She says, um, this, this scripture from the Bible for me, it means taking the season off to place my affections on Jesus Christ, my Lord and savior, the only one whom I, uh, I was created to worship to seek him first, to know him more, to treasure him above everything else. Uh, Hillary, got any thoughts on this? That comment by sienna may
Starting point is 00:09:27 is incredible you're taking the season off for god i don't get it okay is that your is that your stance well all right you do you have you have a quite you have more questions rather than answers i i i would be the first one to admit that I don't understand the extent to which some of these individuals go to their religious beliefs and the different branches of those things. But isn't our good friend John Young quite the believer himself? And if this sort of statement is true, doesn't that mean he should also not compete this year? No, I think. Go ahead. Go ahead, please.
Starting point is 00:10:05 I think. Or should have ahead, JR, please. I think – Or should have thrown it. I apologize. Let me throw this out there before you go, JR. Hold on a second. Jason Kalipa's daughter got sick, and he didn't even make an announcement that he was not participating in the games. He took care of his daughter. No one's questioning it.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And she believes in this entity called God, and she sees it as her father in the way to eternity. And so logically, it makes sense if you accept her proposition. Okay, go ahead, JR. Yeah, I was going to say, you know, it sounds like just from reading that, that CrossFit was being idolized more so than her relationship with Christ. And if your relationship with Christ and knowing God is your number one, then those priorities need to be flipped. And I guess she felt like the only way to truly be able to pursue God in the way that she wants to be able to, the way that she's called to do is to remove competitive CrossFit from the equation. I got a question for you because that was a really eloquent answer.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Doesn't God give you the gifts that you have and you're supposed to use those gifts to showcase your belief in God and how you feel about God and your relationship with God? To glorify him. Correct. Yeah. And without... I was going to say, without speaking to Emma, we only know the depths of what she posted. There's a few slides. Of course,
Starting point is 00:11:36 I would love a deeper explanation, but just from seeing what she posted from the book of John and seeing her explanation for it, I try not to overthink it any more than just that. Hey, I think there was CrossFit and there was relationship with Christ and they were maybe on the same level or CrossFit was even taking,
Starting point is 00:11:57 uh, making her relationship with Jesus a backseat too. So she decided to remove one, which is totally cool. I mean, I think that, and you've said this before, Sevan, that like none of these athletes need to give a reason why they're not, why they are doing or why they're not doing whatever. We don't need to have a big old long soliloquy for every single thing that, all right, guys, today I decided I'm going to take a week off because I'm, I feel that it's in my best interest
Starting point is 00:12:22 to do a juice cleanse and I'm going to do do – I mean, do your thing, man. Do your thing. Like what you said, Jason. He took care of his kid. He just did what he needed to do. But I do like it that she told us because I'm a huge Emma Carey fan. I'm invested. I've had her on the show.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I'm very interested in the fact that she went to Mayhem. I enjoy her story. It's part of the narrative. I'm a huge fan of all those things. So I'm glad she said it. Here's my one little thing. And I want to throw this out there. I hope she's not punishing herself. I hope it's not a place where she could have reconciled and she's not punishing herself so that she didn't maybe feel her faith was strong enough. So because of that, she's, she's somehow punishing herself. I hope it is
Starting point is 00:13:03 a true attempt for some sort of reconciliation, but, and then also on top of that,'s she's um somehow punishing herself i hope it is a true attempt for some sort of reconciliation but and and then also on top of that do you guys agree that she's just fucking world class that she has she's shown some grit and some ability that's like okay there's a gear there that's like she got tia tumi gear tia tumi gears yeah without doubt oh yeah yeah so so so that's why it's a little um so so so obviously fans, I think it's okay to question and mourn her disappearance a little bit. Okay, we have someone on the ground there at the event. I'm going to go ahead and give them a call. I would send them a link, but I don't want to upset CrossFit by showing anything there.
Starting point is 00:13:42 There's probably some sort of rules against that. So let's give a call, get sense of uh the vibe uh that's going uh on at the floor there hello poor boy what's up baby hey what is up uh paint the scene for me uh is it starting to get is it starting to get tense in there there are uh tons of extremely good-looking women, for starters. I like that. Thank you. Vital. Let's start with the most important things first.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Thank you. Okay, hot chicks. Yes, hot chicks here. There are some beautiful men as well, not to be sexist and only point out the women, but there are certainly plenty of good-looking men here. I can tell that they've all pulled out the tightest of their shirts here to really show off the biceps. I'm currently standing next to the owner of Diablo CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:14:32 Craig Howard. And yeah, everyone is just sitting around getting ready. I see nothing on the floor, no rig, nothing, but I've been told that they've done this in the past where they literally build a uh makeshift rig in like a minute um how did you get tickets for this
Starting point is 00:14:51 uh i didn't i actually uh so i'm i'm good i don't want to say i'm good friends but i but i know the owner of crossfit pleasanton zoltan he's a really good dude uh master's athlete real real big stud in the area. And I just posted the announcement location on my story congratulating them, and he reached out to me in the DM. Okay. So I gave the wrong location. They were at CrossFit Livermore or CrossFit, sorry, 580 in Livermore this morning,
Starting point is 00:15:24 and now they're at CrossFit pleasanton yeah was that this morning i thought that was yesterday okay maybe it was yesterday okay so that was workout one they did yesterday and then now they're going to do a second workout and is this workout important are they going to stream this workout we're going to see this and is it what do you think the importance of it is uh to the i have no i i have no idea i don't even know what the fuck workout one was workout one of what i was so confused by what was happening yesterday. So they did Nasty Girls yesterday, and that was one, and then there's going to be a two and a three,
Starting point is 00:15:51 and the winner of that gets a golden barbell from Rogue. Oh, okay. That makes sense. That makes sense. I'm the media. I'm here to explain. Go ahead. Breaking news.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Breaking news. Dave Castro just walked out on the floor. Okay. Is he by himself? And can you see him normally before these events? You'll see him talking to himself and going through the rehearsal before the cameras go live. There are, just so you know, 23,000 people waiting. 23,000.
Starting point is 00:16:19 That's a lot. It looks like he just walked backstage. I think he might have to ass slap a few people around, maybe. But other than that, he looks calm, under control. I was told he requested specifically a chalkboard for the announcement. Okay. How many people in the venue? It's hard to guess. I don't know. Actually, not a lot. A hundred, maybe. A hundred people.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Is there security at the door? Can you just walk in, or do you need a ticket? There is security at the door, but we all just walk in. Gotcha. All right. Thank you very much. If there's anything else you would like to add, feel free to call back. Good hearing from you on the floor, and we'll all be watching the next three minutes. We'll do. Oh, actually, actually, breaking news, breaking news. Yes. There is security at the door. I was told that they're only there to keep Frank out. Wow. OK. Thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome. All right. Cool boy. Mic drop. Love you. Love you're welcome you're welcome all right cool boy mic drop love you love you see ya our
Starting point is 00:17:28 correspondent on the floor uh bill grunler any chance it's going to be seven minutes of burpees with this uh no equipment being seen i effing hope not dude and why is that because i with all the things that have gone on this year and i was was talking to JR about this and Chase a little earlier about this, with all the things that have gone on this year with CrossFit, trying to get everyone back on board. I know it's easy, but that just isn't even like, sweet, this is fun, this will be great. I just think that that would be boring.
Starting point is 00:18:00 JR, 270,000 people already signed up for the Open. What do you think workout one – do you have any thoughts on this particular – sorry, I don't even know what to call this. Do you have any thoughts – let's just go to the workout, the actual Open workout. Do you have any thoughts on what the Open workout will be? Yeah, I think based on what Dave has said, and I think we should take to heart way more what he said versus what he posted, is that it's going to be something you're going to have a large number of people doing at your affiliate it's going to
Starting point is 00:18:31 be something that you could pull someone off the street and in 10 minutes have them ready to go to start 24.1 and that it's a unique format to the open and based on that information i would think it's going to be some kind of intervalized workout, maybe a death, true death by where it's every minute you add a rep of something or a rep of two movements or two reps of something until you fail. Or that if it's a specific time window, like, hey, you have two minutes to row 300 meters and do as many burpees as you can. And every two minutes you have to go back to the rower, and you're going to go until you hit 100 burpees. And that's the workout. Andrew Hiller, 60 seconds left before the CrossFit GameStream goes live.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Thoughts on what 24.1 will be? Eight minutes of burpees. I think if they do seven minutes of burpees, it's going to be here at workout two, not for 24.1. Grundler, how much is this workout that they're going to do, this workout two, with only 15 to 30 minutes of rest going to affect their open workout? For these athletes, I don't think it's going to affect them all that much. I mean, I don't think that they're competing with the same level of intensity that they would if it was like the games.
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's just a training day for them. They're going to push hard, yeah. But those guys can do two events with 25 minutes in between. That's not a problem. Superficially speaking, just talking about bodies, when they walked out on the floor, was there anything that jumped out at you guys when you saw Fikowski, Raptus, uh, Gazan and Adler on the floor? Uh, Bill.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Gazan's shoulders. Uh, Hiller. Adler's hamstrings. Uh, JR. Brent's leanness. Mm.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Mm. Interesting. I thought Brent's arms looked huge. Yeah. I think that what we're seeing with Alex Gazan from interviewing her, she's relatively new to the sport for how fast, um, she's come up and she's very young. And I think what we're seeing is what we've seen in a few athletes but we're really seeing
Starting point is 00:20:32 an athlete come into their own and having massive body composition changes based on this massive volume that she is um adapting to and uh very well and we know that she's a freak athlete because of these weird anomalies she has, like with her bench press. We know that's a correlate that having those sort of like, like a, maybe like a James Townsend, right? Like, Holy shit. Something's like, we're looking at something different. And I think she's going to have a very promising season. Do you think most, okay. So it looks, the stream's live.
Starting point is 00:21:06 The CrossFit game stream is live. They're running some commercials. 45 minutes. I know. What is that clock? So that's waiting for 24.1. Everything before this is just pre-show shit. JR, do you like this three workouts to get to the golden barbell?
Starting point is 00:21:25 How are you taking to it? Is it hyping you up? Is it bumming you out? I like it, but I'm not sure that many people understand it. Okay. I don't understand it. Do you want to try to explain it to me? Yeah. I mean, just if you go watch the nasty girl stream from yesterday, you had a lot, you had most people in the comments wondering if they were doing 24.1 or when that was actually happening or why they're all together now. Like it just, it, it feels like there's so much going on that everyone doesn't know where to look, when to look exactly for the actual workout. Uh, Andrew, what do you think about these, uh, three workouts? They should
Starting point is 00:22:03 have done it every second count style or it was for an accumulated time that is wow and it would eliminate the confusion i think wow wow and and as viewers from home we can't even really get into it because we don't even get to watch them we didn't get to watch it live yeah i i i'm not a fan you're not a fan yeah no because i don't understand like that's not the point the point is to have this i want them to concentrate on the one event that they have not all of these other things i don't mean the athletes i'm talking about crossfit the broadcast the camera people like put it all into your one event and make that one event big because that's what it's about it's not about giving these four athletes a little mini competition to do whatever i just i don't i just think about giving these four athletes a little mini competition to do whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I just think it kind of dilutes what you're trying to do. Hey, Hiller, I got a question for you. If they would have got them all together and just said, hey, we're going to do these three workouts over an hour, so we're going to go with the zero, at the 20, and at the 40. It would have been better already, but what else? Do you think that affiliates, people signed up for the Open,
Starting point is 00:23:08 but they're doing it for fun, they're not doing it to be on the leaderboard, they're just doing it to throw down? Do you think that would encourage affiliates to do a Monster Mash-style workout where the last workout was 24.1? Or do you think that would take away from the, hey, do 24.1 as hard as you possibly can go you don't need to do the other two workouts i mean how many times have we heard that 24.1 doesn't even matter so sure maybe it would have got more people into it and it would
Starting point is 00:23:36 have been cool but i think that changes the message of what the open is supposed to be like you're supposed to test in those three events test your fitness and see where you are and this is your one time of the year that you get to see everything. And if you do all these other things, it's like then you're not really testing yourself. You're just checking boxes again like a regular everyday workout. Yeah, that's why I was curious. Like I feel like from a viewership standpoint and entertainment standpoint, the three workouts in an hour would be awesome. But then what message does that send after that that you know so i don't need to
Starting point is 00:24:06 just do one workout and that's enough do i need to do all three or hey they did three i want to do three or i want to see where i stack up against them when i'm that fatigued versus i want to see where i stack up against them you know what i mean it's it's oh they're doing a montage now of uh dave coming out wow well the first one they showed was the seven minutes of burpees, and I was like, oh, shit. Let me go back to that real quick, the seven minutes of burpees. They really can't do that, right, with only three workouts? Sure they could.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Whatever they want. The year that they did seven minutes of burpees, weren't there five workouts? You're saying they can't do it for 24.1 or they can't do it they can't do it basically if you only have three workouts you can't have seven minutes of burpees be one of the workouts if there was a single modality single movement open workout with only three weeks whether it's weight lifting only with one movement whether it's gymnastics only with one movement, whether it's gymnastics, only with one movement, I would have a really hard time arguing that it's a really good test for the world to do.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Right. It's funny. I thought you were going to say, but if they did have a test that was like that, burpees would be the movement. That's the one I would definitely think they would do, but you still can't, but you still can't justify it.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It would be really difficult uh bill do you agree totally we actually talked about this earlier too um i think it's it's more feasible for crossfitters to see seven minutes of burpees as a not a single modality but it's like it's burpees and that's what we do we do burpees so it seems to make more sense but at the same time it's single it's like a single lift or max handstand push-ups or it with only three events especially that i think that's cutting into what you're trying to do for your test but again this 25 thing is way different than we've had good point i forgot about that uh Andrew, any thoughts on that regarding the burpee? Would you be disappointed, happy, agnostic? It was workout number one of the noping. So I would just try to claim that they stole my idea from last year.
Starting point is 00:26:15 There are very few things that would be better to compare men versus women than doing that. versus women than doing that if they're all four athletes that's uh yeah that's like something that sure you can argue about limb length and you know who's at a disadvantage based on size but that's kind of the whole sport anyway uh that's exactly what i was going to say too the nopen had that element to it where excuse me it was men against women and um and we have here men against women. I think it would be cool, especially if you're talking about a death by format they haven't done. Let's just say they did death by cow row. They just did that starting at five cows. I think it would be really cool for a lot of guys out there
Starting point is 00:27:02 to just come to the realization that Alexis and Alex smashed them on a row workout. And, oh, I think I'm a good rower? Well, dude, you couldn't even get as far as they did. Like, I think that would be a really cool, hey, let's just see where we all stack up. Because for the community, most people are going to get beat by those two.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But as an open test, you still don't like it. With only three workouts. If it was death by on the rower. No, not unless there's something before or after it. I think if you're going to do a single modality with only three weeks, it needs to be part of a part A, part B setup. Bill loves single modality workouts. He does. I like them at times.
Starting point is 00:27:44 It depends what else is around it and how they're scored and where it is in the season and the purpose for it and obviously i i do i did two of them at crucible and how many events were at the crucible seventh and how many events were in the nopen andrew four well three three and a half there's a two score final week okay and you're in your point and you were heavily influenced obviously by the fact that you had men and women competing against each other hey i should also add dave helped me decide the first workout of an open which was the burpees but it played i i pitched it with the question which was which one could be men and women together.
Starting point is 00:28:27 What's the longest open workout we've ever had? Does anyone know? If you 20, 20 minute AMRAP, they're obviously workouts that have taken people longer than 20 minutes. Right. I haven't had a time cap, but yes, 20 minutes is the longest. I like this. And that's what I walked in seven minutes. I like that. Max wall walks in seven minutes. I like that.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Takes us off the street. And what's the shortest workout we've had in the open? I'm not talking about like a max lift, but like, hey, you have to complete this work. What's the fastest time you've seen in the open? Five minutes. Like a four-time or an AMRAP? Four-time. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Like three and a half, wasn't it? Yeah, it's fast. How about the squat, the dumbbell squat and bar-, wasn't it? Yeah, it's fast. How about the squat, the dumbbell squat and bar-facing burpee workout? Yeah. Yes. But then there was also the 5-minute AM rapid clusters, which was what? That's Bill's favorite. I like that one. 11.3, which I think still holds up.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I think they could do that or bring it back. Dang, what's up, dude? That's old school right there. What up, Brandon? That's 2008--9 is that go back that far yeah um what are what okay uh jr could we see a whole new movement we've never seen in the open before in 24.1 i think we could see a movement we've never seen in the open but not a brand new movement to crossfit okay a lot of people thought of the burpee pull-up as a new movement but if you're og you know burpee pull-ups have been around for a long time so for instance if they have sumo deadlift high pulls
Starting point is 00:29:56 if they have back squats from the floor with a lightweight if they have some things that we know aren't they're not new they might just be new to you because you're not doing them then sure i i could see something like that uh bill same question imagine this okay go ahead jiller you're doing the open right you've signed up you're in you told everybody you're doing it it's in 15 episodes of the behind the scenes 14 episodes yeah dave walks out on the floor he's like all right he does this whole thing his whole montage 24.1 is chad no no no i don't do it i don't do it will never do it's the worst event thing ever no no scale of one to ten disappointment how
Starting point is 00:30:43 disappointed would you be to see crossovers after how adamant you were that they will not i won't be i won't i won't be disappointed there's going to be crossovers in the open i won't be disappointed but i will but i will not acquiesce at all that um i'm smarter than anyone over there i don't think they would do that because that doesn't fit your i can take anyone off the street from across the street and teach them that in 10 minutes. Oh, I'm just saying like over the three weeks. I'm not saying this week.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You think they'll be in there? You think crossovers will be in there? I don't think so, no. I say no. Yeah, there's no fucking way. Bill, JR gave us three movements we haven't seen in the Open before, back squat off the ground, jumping, burpee pull-ups. I would be very happy if I saw that. I'd chub up.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Well, we did last year, but yeah. We did have burpee pull-ups last year? Yeah. Is there anything that you think, do you think they'll introduce a new movement, Bill? I think they will. The only thing that I have been waiting for them
Starting point is 00:31:41 to do, and they haven't done it, and I don't know why, is double press. And I feel the same way about sumo deadlift high pull, just because it's one of the foundational movements. What's double press? That's burpees with dumbbells? Double press is burpees with dumbbells? Dumbbells up overhead, yeah. Go ahead, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:31:56 How do they standardize the top of the sumo deadlift high pull? Barbell above the collarbone. Elbows above the bar. Yeah, so you got to not wear a shirt or what? How do they know where everyone's collarbones are? Exactly. Why not do above the nipples, JR, to make it easy? How is that easier?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Like, where are those at? Yeah. What I'm suggesting is that if you give yourself more room between your nipples and your chin, the more room you have, the easier it is to judge. I'm proposing that. To chin my god so you can't do this right i mean that's just dangerous yeah but then you got people doing this yeah i think if you do something like a sumo deadlift high pull it needs to be enough weight to where it really matters and you see people not cycling a 75 or 55 pound barbell 50 times in a row like i think the year they did it at regionals was 135 95 yeah and you saw some people do touch
Starting point is 00:32:53 and go but they were doing like clusters of five they weren't doing like 50 straight i saw a comment in here if crossfit does this i will never say another negative thing about crossfit again no matter what uh where is it it's carolyn's comment um it's so practical and genius um where is it above the nipples everyone has to be yeah yeah here we go uh you marked the nipples on the shirt listen listen listen guys i swear to you i will blow three of the employees there if they do that and i'll post it to porn hub i swear to you look at the time my uh daughter's getting out of kindergarten oh good timing all right uh jr howell thank you uh for being here i really appreciate you buddy yeah i'll see you guys uh evening when we preview Taylor vs. World.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Sounds good. Thanks, buddy. Later, man. And then there were three. Oh, no. Then there were four. Look at that. We always have a backup. Pretend like you don't see Caleb. He's just taking empty space. JR mentioned the rower.
Starting point is 00:34:04 No chance it's rowing, right? That's another thing, right? Because the community somehow gets upset when there's a rower. We don't have that equipment. No, I don't think they do. We're beyond that, though. Yeah. When they first pulled it out, like, way back – what was that, 14, 13?
Starting point is 00:34:21 That was a big deal. But now everybody has rowers. and we're pushing everyone into an affiliate for the most part we're trying to so a rower i think would be fine and you can put anyone that's what it fits that little category you can put anyone on a seat and they can yank the cable so i do think that's possible and they don't have to tape anything right i mean if you want to burpee over something you burpee or step over the the rower so you have that if you need it and it's not like the bike where we have two or three bikes it's not like you know half the gyms have echo half the gyms have assault bikes everyone has
Starting point is 00:34:52 the c2 rower right uh hillary is there any machines that are just a no-no for the open likely every machine outside of the rower so you are you do agree with bill you think the rower is okay if someone asked about a skier that would be madness i don't know most affiliates i would say don't have one let alone enough in a class it's like that scene in wayne's world like i don't need a gun rack i don't have a gun let alone enough to necessitate a rack blown enough and necessitate a rack. So I don't have no idea. No,
Starting point is 00:35:25 I don't. Thank you though. Um, God, what about, um, the fact that we saw in nasty girls, uh, muscles,
Starting point is 00:35:32 muscle ups and, Oh, wow. Look at that. Damn pool boy. Wow. For those of you, I don't know if they,
Starting point is 00:35:43 it's for those of you went to school in the 80s and 90s we're in big trouble i don't know is that always has that been in school ever since then you someone goes like this that was definitely all right yep you punch him in the shoulder yep wow pool boy damn good catch caleb hey there's 73 million people watching the stream at school if pool boy punches you and you watch this show uh remember you you you deserved it you looked at it him and caleb caleb probably can punch you too uh 73,000 people uh watching um the open sean woodland and annie prepping right in between them a pool boy his pants on so tight you can see the outline of his junk i like that look at him
Starting point is 00:36:25 i think that's his girl next to him too they're all bots watching the stream barry god look there's look at all the different languages rolling through there yeah that's because they're bots no oh uh alex gazan alexis raptus um gazan said that it's not the ideal situation when she was on the barbell spin to if you want to win the prize money if you want to win the open if this isn't the kind of uh environment or time or situation that she's been put in to win the workout uh do you agree with that bill or or or is she just making excuses no i i think that that's a put in to win the workout. Do you agree with that, Bill? Or is she just making excuses? No, I think that that's a fair statement. But, you know, I mean, all these athletes are there to compete,
Starting point is 00:37:12 but they all know that it's just a first step. I think they're trying to incentivize them to give them something to get excited about to really push for the crowd. But, I mean, again, it's not the games. They're not primed for the open you know announcement that's that's not what it is so i don't think it's i think it's a fair statement uh hillar air squats muscle ups and hang power cleans we've already seen them we saw them yesterday should that influence our thoughts about what the workout 24.1 is going to be should we or were those just such low numbers
Starting point is 00:37:46 of muscle ups uh too light of hand cleans and uh and the squats are just nothing how do we how do we think about that or do you think crossfit thought about that there was never going to be a muscle up i think i think with what we've heard jr said david spoken on you could pull someone off the street that wasn't really going to happen i think they also got a lot of bad kickback from last year's first workout or first week workout which had muscle ups in it uh air squats that's not going to affect them it was 150 air squats whatever for these guys and then there was never going to be a hang clean considering the movement standards of the elbow across the world that's also kind of why i threw up that spiegel video on my instagram this morning it's like the elbow along with extension at the same time that wouldn't be happening for
Starting point is 00:38:35 probably 80 of the cleans if they did hang cleans at that weight okay so we would have a no rep disaster uh people would be angry and either you'd be angry or the athlete to be angry. And the volume of all of those things, I don't think affect them regardless of the, the movements themselves. Did you think it was kind of cool to see, uh, Jeff failing strict low hang ring muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Did you see that? Like he got on the last set. That's basically why he lost to Gazan, right? Yeah. Cause he was, he failed one. And then the other one, it, I i mean it took like 10 seconds for him to make the turnover which i thought was kind of cool to actually put that high end athlete to a point where it's like
Starting point is 00:39:16 oh wow actually failed that one check that out they fail like we do i'm looking at alexis raptus's coach on the screen and i saw the crowd is on their feet and i saw um gazan do what it looked like a clean with some lightweight maybe 65 or 95 pounds and then the two of them walked off onto the floor maybe they're going to start the workout here any second this is not 24.1 that they're starting. They're starting some other workout. What are we doing? What do we mean?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Does this work out of a name? What do we call it? No, no, no. It says Nasty Girls. Oh, well, I can't hear the audio. I'm guessing that they're talking about what they already did. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Okay. Yeah, that's what they did. They're talking about what happened yesterday. Do you agree, Bill, that the movements so far don't affect the programming at all? It's like, no, we could see them do power cleans or we could see them do some sort of squatting. Like we could see wall balls. Like there's nothing that was done. We could see still pooling.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah, totally. I don't think that either of these, I of these necessarily, other than we're not going to see a bunch of air squats again. I mean, I could still see there being wall balls in there. I don't think that the number of air squats is going to affect that. I don't think that we're going to see ring muscle-ups. I don't think that will be an issue.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah, hang cleans, I don't... If they have regular cleans in there, I don't think that's going to affect that. Or it's not going to affect them, and it's not going to affect what movement we do. Hey, do you guys remember the CrossFit Games update show? Yeah. The one where Sean and Tom were on it. And Miranda.
Starting point is 00:40:53 It would seem like weekly. Yeah. Yeah. I stole the intro to it in my little thing I put up yesterday. Oh, your news was so good, dude. Your news was so good. If they would have had one of those, thank you, by the way. If they would have had one of those,
Starting point is 00:41:06 they would have completely fixed everybody not understanding what's going on because it was in that format where they had that sort of a voice biweekly or whatever. Everyone would have just gotten it. Then even if the people in the comment section didn't get it, other people who had watched it would have explained it to them. In the comment section. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Right. Why are they doing them strict? And the chicks aren't doing them strict. It's like, well, they explained it in the update show. Do you think maybe they just didn't care? They don't have an update show. No, but I mean like they don't, they didn't like, I'm not even, I'm not saying this to be derogatory either.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Maybe they just don't care if the people at home get it or not. It's like the golden barbell. The golden barbell for the community is not really the golden barbell. If you look at the small print, it's a gift certificate, I think, to Rogue or something. It's like they don't care. I don't think it's that they don't care. I just think that they're looking at it in a small team rather than not really looking a bit like what are we actually saying when we do this it's like oh that sounds
Starting point is 00:42:11 good check the box done move on i mean we follow the sport obsessively us four and we have a a a big support team to help us and even we had trouble following it. Right. So I think it, I think it just, the problem is a lot of the, a lot of the, the, the thought processes go like one or two steps deep, which all sound good to the people that are all talking about it.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So if it was just us for talking about it and we only talk to it about all the things to just us for, we'd only know what else for thought about it. Hey, the thing is, let me say this on top of that too, Hiller. They wouldn't even have to, because Anne's still warming up back there. She just did a power clean and jerk.
Starting point is 00:42:55 They don't even need that show, Hiller. They could just ask one of the other shows to do it. So they could ask me to do it. They could ask you to do it. They could ask the Lone Ranger to do it. They could ask Vakey to do it. They could ask you to do it. They could ask the Lone Ranger to do it. They could ask Vicky to do it. They could ask Pedro. There's, there's other people they could ask anyone to do it, to explain it. They could. I really, I like the idea of like you doing it.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Like you'd kill it. Hey, is that a, is that a live stream from their Instagram? Yeah. Live on Instagram as well. Oh, that's really cool. Okay. I'm digging that. Okay. And Adler's been called out now.
Starting point is 00:43:29 He's high-fiving the crowd. I like it. He's got the GORUCK shirt on. Netflix, H-Side profit game. Tom Petter, Brett Zekowski. Excuse me, that's Zekowski. Hey, there's Pool Boy.owski. There's Coolboy. Again?
Starting point is 00:43:48 Coolboy's bringing it. Okay, so it looks like all four athletes will be going simultaneously again. Is that unique for the Open? I guess it's not unique. Sometimes they go, the men go, sometimes the women go. Sometimes they go, the men go, sometimes the women go. Sometimes they go together.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Talk about all four of our competitors. The live stream went to a commercial break. Right in the middle of them doing the mouth. Oh my gosh. And the comments are angry. Do you see it? It's a commercial break and they were in the middle of announcing, oh, alright, they're back. Oh my gosh. And the comments are angry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Why do you see it? It's a commercial break and they were in the middle of announcing. Oh, all right. They're back. But what's crazy is it wasn't even a commercial. I know. It was just a commercial break. It was a whole dad.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Yeah. Wow. The comments are going nuts. Oh, Hey, nice. Uh, 64,000. That's interesting. Uh uh the viewership dropped 10k that's
Starting point is 00:44:48 weird bots oh or do you think that is that they're waiting too long i know in years past they would come live and dave would walk and look right at the camera and be like 24.1 is and then he tells it to you and then he says 3 oh they went to another commercial break oh no okay so they got a little they got some hiccups going on hey guys bats remember the bat emoji bring that bat emoji back i'm going in there are some bats and vindicate says he's 56k now i wonder what's going on so i wonder if bots, dude. They're dropping the comments. Oh, my gosh. Is that what it is? Is that truly what it is, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Yes. Bosman's up. Now it's down to 40,000. Something weird just happened. They lost half their viewers. I told you. What? Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Something weird's going on. They just lost half of them on and the comments are freaking out uh bosman looks good he's got the black shirt on it looks like he's announcing the workout would they say one squat clean and jerk ha Ha! It's my workout. Is it? 11-3. Can you pull up their screen for a second and just pause it so we can see? Oh, boy. Five-minute AMRAP of squat, clean and jerk. Oh, you're not joking.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It really is the workout Grundler loved. What's funny is JR called Grundler's workout. He called the workout that Grundler was going to call. I'm like, what do you think it is? He's always going to be the one Grundler would want. Crazy guys. But that's not the one, though. That's only the second workout.
Starting point is 00:46:35 So they got to do that and then do the next one. Listen, I want to tell you how I picked these guys today to come on the show with me. I picked Hiller because he's the fucking man. He's the fucking influencer. And I picked JR and Grundler for their fucking brains and not that hiller doesn't have a big brain himself but wow and they did grundler and jr did not disappoint neither did hiller caleb uh you're all i got sorry we're like stuck with each other um uh five minute amrap 110 pound no sorry five minute amrap 165 pound squat clean and jerk so it's just as many
Starting point is 00:47:06 of those as you can do in five minutes yeah this sucks dude why this is no no no they work out the workout is hard as hell pity pity these athletes souls they're gonna be how did they they were warming up for it in the back did they know okay yeah so they must have or maybe maybe i don't know um gazan was definitely doing cleaning jerks back there lightweight squawking thrusters to me if i remember seeing uh the views are back up to 88 000 i wonder what happened that was bizarre in the old days they they you got a rep for each piece, too. You got one for the squat clean and then one for the jerk. Oh, they're going. They're off.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Oh, wait a minute. What the hell is this all about? Why are they stopping? The hell? What is going on, guys? Someone explain. tell us what we're seeing down there tell us okay five minutes the last thing you want to do is blow it all out in a minute and 30 seconds and just be smoked for the next three and a half so what they're doing is like one rep every five seconds or every 10 seconds so that they can keep that intensity all the way through to the last
Starting point is 00:48:22 minute until you have whatever you have left and then you open the tank up or open the gas up on that last minute. But it's crazy that they all thought that, though. There's Katie Hogan, world-class trainer, McDonald, Jenny Orr. These are all CrossFit HQ legends. I do want to say this. Look at Kazan's eyes. She's taking orders from, I'm going to guess, Kotler. I think the clock's over there.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Oh, okay. Okay. She's taking orders from the clock. I stand corrected. Okay. And Raptus is looking over too. Hufakowski's doing it like a cluster. Squat clean.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Wow, crazy. As opposed to what as opposed to who wins who wins oh alexis is doing a little bit of a push jerk at the end she's the only one who's doing it that way right doing them hey so could you just do could you it wouldn't be legit just to snatch it you have to have it come to the shoulders yeah because it when if they said ground to overhead you could snatch but this is specific you got to have a squat clean um and then i mean they're saying jerk even though they're doing whatever they want to do to just press it up over top so basically there's probably some sort of rule that once it starts moving up it can't move back down something like that right bill yeah i'll be the first to tell you. I don't really get it.
Starting point is 00:49:45 They're going slow. This is not that quick. What was the winning score? What was the winning score back in 2011? Do we know? I want to say it was like. Caleb, you can pull that one up. That should be pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:49:57 I want to say it was like there was. 100? No. No, it wasn't 100? No. Actually, maybe I think Rich was like 60. And they're two and a half minutes in, and Adler has 20. Are they gaming on it?
Starting point is 00:50:20 Rich Froning had 93. Wow. Maybe I got 60. Maybe that's what it was. Okay, so they're not even going to get close to Froning's score Yeah this is ridiculously slow I don't know why I don't know how they all knew to do it this way That's what
Starting point is 00:50:35 See this so now I'm completely suspect On what's happening because they all knew to do it The exact same time frame That they're doing Are they gaming this because they want because of the next workout also for sure i just i just did this right like i i redid this a couple of times recently yeah i think i used 155 but still i was able to do 30 reps which would be 60 under three minutes that's a commercial commercial break. They just cut to a commercial break.
Starting point is 00:51:07 How are you? But listen, but there's no commercial again. I know. It just says commercial break. All right, bats. Bring the bats back out. Wow. Wow, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Hey, so we're going to miss this workout because this is a five minute workout we're missing yeah we are okay clock do you see a clock anywhere uh 346 we missed a minute 95 000 people watching now uh what what so hillar give me your best uh guess on what they're doing why they're going so slow if froning had 93 and we're not going to see anyone even break 45, what's going on? We have one minute left. We can't see the scores anymore either. It looks like the score table broke. I really think we have to be missing something here. There has to be something that they vocalized on the street,
Starting point is 00:51:59 on the stream that we didn't hear. I wish someone in the comment section could fill us in on that. Interesting. Hector says they made a deal. They lost 30,000 live viewers when that went down again. They did? Oh, yeah. Shit. It went from 95 to 64 again.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah, something weird's going on. This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. What do they do? Shake hands and say, hey, we're going to tie. Jeremy, if they do one rep every five seconds they're only gonna get 60 okay let me let me okay jeremy's schooling us here thank you jeremy we need schooling it's one rep for the squat and one for the shoulder to overhead yeah that means front 24.1. Oh. This is workout two, guys. Right. Yes. And then 24.1 comes after this.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Yes. Are you joking, or you just figured that out? Because then that shows how complicated this is. No, that was the second event. No, I'm dead. That was the second workout of their three. Yeah, but Hiller thought this was 24.1. Yeah, what is 24.1?
Starting point is 00:53:09 And he's been here with this the whole time. They haven't shown it yet. Holy hell. Well, I don't know. They're doing hard on this because they know they have to do another workout. So why are they doing it? For the golden barbell. For the golden barbell.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Okay, so it was apparent then that they knew what that workout was going to be. They all planned that. They all knew exactly what they were going to do. Look at that. They all tied. Yeah, and Gazan said yesterday, wow, then that means this thing's a huge. Oh, and look at their scores are 30. So maybe Jeremy's wrong.
Starting point is 00:53:42 They just slapped CrossFit in the face with that. They totally did. They found the loophole ofFit in the face with that. They totally did. They found the loophole of whatever they were trying to do. They ruined that. Good. I don't know. Oh, man. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:53:57 This is a problem. This is a problem when you program something and you again, you know what you want it to look like. But you're not thinking of all of the things that can happen that go into that. Because this, to me, looked like it was a warm-up. They needed to put $5,000 on the line, dude. Wow. Seriously, they needed to put $5,000 on the line. This is wild.
Starting point is 00:54:16 I didn't like that version of the event. I'll say that. Hey, guys, what's 24.1? We don't know yet. We haven't done it yet. We'll find out shortly. Isn't it 11.3? No. No, that was 11.1. We don't know yet. We haven't done it. We'll find out shortly. Isn't it 11.3? No.
Starting point is 00:54:26 No, that was 11.3. Yeah, but isn't that also 24.1? That was the second event of their three-event little competition. It might be, Hiller. That would be amazing if it was. Hey, so is Jeremy E. World wrong? No, they just said one workout left to go yeah sean woodland just said everyone's a winner so everyone gets to join bella martin in the interview okay so this was supposed to be
Starting point is 00:54:52 showcasing the athletes community i bet you dave is pissed i'm pissed i bet you dave is pissed hey dude we just watched four athletes warm up in the guise of a competition. Right. We got duped. That was a good warm training day for him. Hey, look, she's wearing the CrossFit Open shirt. Harry Potter. I wonder if somebody told her that it looked like the Confederate flag so they hadn't
Starting point is 00:55:20 changed it. The other shirt? Yeah, the other one. Oh, look, someone just wrote in the comments castro better be pissed yeah he better fucking slap someone around for that so the whole point of this they're supposed to do one workout and war two workouts and more and then three workouts and more and then the winner gets a golden barbell basically what the athletes did is they got together and they're like hey do you not want to look like a jackass in front of the entire crossfit community and be completely exhausted for 24.1 they're like yeah this sucks so they're like let's just go light let's go easy we'll just stay together and uh and then we'll go
Starting point is 00:55:56 as hard as we can on 24.1 that's my that's my hypotenuse why do they even do 30 then is by the way i know it's hypothesis no one get crazy i like hypotenuse better Why did they even do 30 then? By the way, I know it's hypothesis. No one get crazy. I like hypotenuse better. Thank you. Hey, Hey, Hey, why,
Starting point is 00:56:09 why would they even, why would they, I should have just done one and then looked at each other. That would have been awesome. I would, I would have paid 500 bucks each for them to do that. Hey, a glee.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I have a feeling this is great. I have a feeling for Fikowski convinced them to do that. Basically using his strategy. I think he's probably a pretty good ringleader for that. Or, or Carolyn Lambre came up with it. Two smartest people in the room. Man.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Oh, man. Listen, listen, everyone's a winner. Now that the special Olympics are over, let us go to the. Unbelievable. Now that the Special Olympics are over, let us go to the unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Who's that deal? Okay, listen. Was that Dave's idea? I don't know whose idea it was to do the three workouts, but someone needed to put – Oh, another commercial. There needed to be something on the line. I'm not blaming the athletes, by the way. Commercial.
Starting point is 00:57:05 So many. I don't understand. athletes, by the way. Commercial. So many. I don't understand. We're at 104,000, 105,000. How could there be a commercial when there's no commercial? Why would you say commercial break but there's no commercial? I don't get it. I don't know. Somebody else telling me.
Starting point is 00:57:21 They're not getting the commercials either. Hey, so as a side note while we're in the commercial break here um taylor versus the world are they going to do all three workouts or just the whatever the actual 24.1 is they're just gonna do 24.1 great question wait golden barbell throw down alex kazan currently in the lead uh say that again I thought we already had a 24.1 announced No we're in the show Of the 24.1 In which we haven't announced 24.1
Starting point is 00:57:50 Hiller is going to understand Lost 33,000 that time Back down to 82,000 Chase What did he say He's just recognizing How much content Hiller is going gonna be able to use out of all this hey you know that scene in harry potter one where where the quiver guy he's like making harry
Starting point is 00:58:19 potter's broom go out of control and he's like freaking him out in the stands. That's what's happening and Eubanks is there. He's just making the stream go down. It's actually trying to save everything. Savan has no idea because he's never seen Harry Potter. I've seen him. I just tune out when that shit comes out. Professor Quirrell.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I just tune out. I'm a religious. Professor Quirrell. I just tune out. I'm a religious man. We're not allowed to watch shit with sorcerers and shit. Here, Hiller, try to say this guy's name. Sirham Kappan Midala. Kanakta Madala. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:59:01 Kanakta Madala. You set me up. You know him. Siriram adds. Canactica Madala You set me up you know him Sareera Sireera Ads Harry Oh Harry Squatter Okay
Starting point is 00:59:12 I like it Okay guys So here's the deal We're going to watch 24.1 The announcement It's funny because I thought the announcement would have been 8 minutes ago I thought that they were have been eight minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:59:27 I thought that they were saying it was going to be 11.45. It is not. This event will go off, and then I'm assuming after that they'll sit down with Dave and do a postgame interview. And then at some point after that, we will go live on this station and watch Bryson give it his all. Bryson's the training partner for Taylor Self self prepping for Taylor self versus the world. So we'll get our first look at the camera setup. We'll be at CrossFit Charlotte and we'll get a test run on that. And then later on in the evening, we'll have our CrossFit games, uh, update show. Uh, that being said, you guys have a serious problem. Who's that? Who's you guys? Everyone in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 01:00:05 At 12 o'clock in six minutes, Pedro from Coffee Pods and Wads will be going live with Tia Clare Tumi Ur. Oh, dude. Fantastic interviewer. Going to be a great guest. The last couple interviews I've seen with Tia, she's a straight chatterbox i think it's gonna be wild um and and pedro is great and they have good they have good uh relationship with each other good back and forth so i don't i don't know what you guys are gonna do i guess you're gonna have to open two windows or something um and then sometime after that we'll go live with our test run uh 1066,000 now. Hey, guys, imagine this.
Starting point is 01:00:45 This is the big issue here. This is the biggest event in CrossFit outside of the CrossFit Games, right? For the most part, $100,000. Apparently, there's $100,000. I'm assuming $30,000 to $50,000 of our computers. You're saying that because of the followers they bought, the subscribers they bought?
Starting point is 01:01:02 I'm saying that because of that and also because when there's these breaks they just go away and come back okay like normal people don't go away and come back okay you don't think it's just you don't think it's just a counting glitch on youtube's part part youtube doesn't have those no okay uh but now imagine there's someone who's never seen cross before they click onto this freaking thing and they like why are they all doing these synchro? Why are they doing, why are they doing a synchro? Cause it's a race,
Starting point is 01:01:28 right? And he even made a joke about that Hiller. I could hear Annie Sakamoto make a joke about it. She's like, Oh, they're doing this. Maybe the event has changed. Maybe it's synchro.
Starting point is 01:01:37 She made that joke. I think it was facetious. Now imagine being someone who's never done cross it. They click out and they're like, all right, so what's the point? Because they don't get the point. I didn't get the point.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I still think that's 24.1. Right. They all tied. They're showing you how little the open matters. They're making a point. It's like when freaking Colin Kaepernick took a knee on the football field. That's what they just did right there. Wow. I see the comparison i think
Starting point is 01:02:08 that i think that they should have done an old school uh what do you think bill i think they should have just come on and you see dave walk towards the camera and he's got too much hair gel on he scratches the shit on the board and they go yeah like hype up the one event all of this other stuff that's what i meant like it diluted everything that we're trying to do should have gone to one event so we all know the one event. That's what I meant. It diluted everything that we're trying to do. Should have gone to one event so we all know the one event we're doing. Still, Hiller still doesn't know what event we're on right now.
Starting point is 01:02:32 He didn't land on the moon. That was fake. It was all fake. By the way, Hiller's joking. He doesn't even think about that kind of stuff, people. The moon? Yeah. Do you? There's something up there. Yeah. All right. kind of stuff people the moon yeah do you there's something up there yeah um all right
Starting point is 01:02:49 i think i think our i think our job is done here exactly like thank you for tuning in bill thanks for being here caleb thank you uh hillar thank you we will see you guys soon. Don't forget about these other outlets that are going to be going hard. When do you guys go next, Bill? When does Get With The Programming? Do you guys have a show this afternoon? Not tonight, no. We'll go next week to do our Inside the Leaderboard next Wednesday, 10-15 Pacific Time,
Starting point is 01:03:21 and look at whatever the clues are and look at the CAP program to see if we can figure out what the event will be. So you go over to get with the programming. Uh, and I think they basically go first. Him and spin usually are the first on it. Uh, Jason, Bill and spin.
Starting point is 01:03:35 And so that's Wednesday night show. And that'll, and that's before the open, that's the place to be before the open to get all. And you guys will be reviewing how they, how people are doing. And like, we're going to have our current new strength of field plan that we'll be setting up for spots in the games
Starting point is 01:03:52 if they were to play that way. And then look at what people did. And then look at Dave's clues to see if we can figure out what the next event's going to be. Look at cap programming. Look to see if it follows any sort of, uh, prediction and then we'll make our predictions and then, uh, wish everyone good luck. So come back on here.
Starting point is 01:04:14 So a thorough, a thorough looking at, uh, where we're at in the week with predictions and looking back forward, backward. Okay. Uh, thanks guys. Mary Mansour, uh, uh, toe spacers, queen of the toe spacer. Hey, don't mess with us. Don't mess with our peanuts. The 24.1 is not 11.3. No chance in hell.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Okay, quick prediction. Now that you saw that, any thoughts on what 24.1 is, Bill? It's going to be stupid burpees. I think it is something pushing off the floor, I'm starting to think. It's going to be 11.3. Devil press, damn it. Devil press, what do you think it's going to be, Hiller? 11.3.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Oh, Nelly. Oh, you want to hang on? It's one more minute. Is that timer going to be right, though? I don't know. I said 45 minutes. 131,000. Hey, I don't want to be a dick, 45 minutes. 131,000.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Hey, I don't want to be a dick, but that go rock shirt is incredibly disgustingly ugly. Oh really? What's wrong with it? I don't mind it. It's just a, like,
Starting point is 01:05:14 you know, when you start sweating in that thing, that that logo is just gonna stick to your chest. Oh, you think it's a big sticky logo? Oh no. Look at the thing, dude. Hey, why are you guys are talking about the shirt there uh oh that's john right there wow look at that ceo sweatshirt
Starting point is 01:05:34 nice good spot every good has one um i gotta go coach okay later bill later guys 30 seconds away from the workout announcement, guys. 133,000 people watching. So you don't have a problem with the logo. You just think that whatever material it is, it's going to be sticky wicky. Probably a little of both. Oh, another commercial break. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:06:02 136. Where are we going? Is someone going to get their ass kicked for that, for not running the commercials? I'm guessing someone paid for the commercials, and they're having issues running them, that they're not really running them, and they think they are. Video will play after this ad. Yeah, that's weird. Mine doesn't say that.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Mine just says, thanks for watching. You're not seeing your ass kicked for that. What did you say, Caleb? You're not seeing any of these ads. It just says ad space for you? Yeah, what's yours? You see ads? Like an actual actual ad like it's a crossfit ad about the open like people lifting like montages and no now now i see one now i see one i haven't the whole time you guys are saying there's ad breaks i haven't gotten a single one so i don't know if that's a selective
Starting point is 01:06:41 thing or what and then and they lost 50 000000 viewers too when it went to the ad break. It went back down to 80,000. Do you have YouTube premium, Caleb? No. That's probably why. I got YouTube premium. I think Savant probably does too. I do.
Starting point is 01:06:58 What doesn't make sense is if you're – I'd rather see an ad than the word ad break. You might as well just show me the ad at that point that's the most 2024 statement I've ever heard the most what 2024 I'd rather see an ad than an ad break I mean it just doesn't make sense drop 30,000
Starting point is 01:07:19 that makes no sense they keep showing this really weird aerial shot of what I think is a ship plant. It's like a water treatment plant that's by – Water treatment, yeah. That's crazy. Hey, isn't this Sousa's stomping grounds? Do you know where that's at?
Starting point is 01:07:38 No, Pleasanton is – It's probably – I'm guessing 30 minutes away. I'm guessing. Okay, here we go. All right, Bernie's confirmed that it's nothing I'm guessing 30 minutes away I'm guessing okay here we go all right Bernie's confirmed that it's nothing to do premium two movements dumbbell snatch
Starting point is 01:07:57 and the burpee is it 27 21 15 9 The burpee. Is it 27, 21, 15, 9? 21, 15, 9. Dave pushing people around. 259 snatches and burpees. 50-pound dumbbell. They've done this workout before. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:09:21 There's a twist. Wow. So twice as many snatches. 21 dumbbell snatches, 15 burpees, 21 dumbbell snatches. Oh my God. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh, this is great. Dave's killing it. Oh, no. Oh, shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:10:18 21 snatches, 21 burpees, 21 snatches, 21 burpees. Using the same arm. Once you choose an arm, you stay with it. And then the second set of snatches done with the other arm. 15 minutes timeout. Four times With a 15 minute time cap 15 minute time cap Okay, 21 snatches 21 all with the same arm
Starting point is 01:11:13 21 burpees 21 snatches with the 21 snatches with the other arm With the arm you didn't use And then back to the 21 burpees, same with 15 and 9. Brutal workout, 15-minute time cap. It sounds like these guys are going to get five minutes to prep here. Hey, man, Ari.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Yeah, I saw that too. That's cool, right? Yeah. Oh, the graphic's wrong. Is it? No, I'm just kidding. Oh. All right, guys. It doesn't sound like you have to start with any particular arm.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You just have to use both arms. Who's going to win this, Hiller, from the men, Fikowski or Adler? Easy, right? Adler's probably going to smoke them, right? Oh, ad break. 163. Where's it going? There were 163,000 before the ad break correct
Starting point is 01:12:07 and then for the women Gazan and Raptus it should be a good race right Gazan takes her butt wow what do you think about the workout in general it works everyone's going to get really fired up like their backs are going to get fired up What do you think about the workout in general? It works. Everyone's going to get really fired up.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Their backs are going to get fired up, but that's kind of standard with dumbbell snatches anyway. But now you're going to have that kind of lateral. People aren't used to doing that. They should have been. They should be. We saw that when they left from break, they had 163,000. When they came back, they had 100,000. I swear I've not been drinking today. Just the hiccups all right guys uh oh let me see um come on that's insane commercial riveting strong
Starting point is 01:12:56 sponsorships who's this guy oh hey remember we saw those, I think David. Oh, and you have to do, sorry, one more thing. You have to do the burpees jumping over the barbell. Okay, sorry, go ahead, Hiller. Hey, that's going to be interesting, people jumping over their dumbbells. Hey, I really like this workout. Everybody can do it. It's great movements.
Starting point is 01:13:23 There's a strength component for a lot of the community, people like me. There's a great metabolic component. It's 15 minutes, so I can get at it. I think it's perfect. I thought Dave's presentation was perfect, too. If they would have just started the show like this, that would have been amazing. He looks great, too. It's the best I've ever seen him look in his life.
Starting point is 01:13:42 I know we're not supposed to talk about the way people look, but I have exemption you want to bang him too that's okay i do i do i put gel in my hair today too i know what dave's doing big day hey i wonder if your feet got to move together over the yeah you see oh i mean forwards backwards and over the i mean two foot takeoff two foot landing but also they're moving together in and out of the burpee. I wonder, see how they're moving together the whole time. That, that will be a huge difference if that's how they make you do them. And also God, people are going to be going around the back of that dumbbell.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Like it's no one's business. I don't ever fall back like that. Did you see how the guy was tired when I'm tired? I don't think I fall back like that. Oh, look, the open is for everybody, turning sevens into tens. That's an incredible picture they chose. RX scale, quick start. Your score will be the total time it takes to complete all the reps
Starting point is 01:14:37 or the number of reps completed within the 15-minute time cap. Gymnastic grips are not allowed during this workout oh wow equipment one dumbbell is that a gymnastic scripts not allowed for dumbbell work what was the question killed let me see the burpee let me see the burpee standard again hold on let me find it they said you can't use gymnastic scripts when you're using the dumbbell is that a new rule not necessarily how many burpees does that end up being uh 42 30 plus 18 wow is that Is that right? Is it 90? Yeah, 90.
Starting point is 01:15:25 90 burpees. 90 of each. That's actually not that bad. 90 snatches. That's not bad at all. Hey, they're going to be hauling ass on this workout. Oh, yeah. Get your pics in on the Heat One app.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Good point. I'm going over there to make sure. Everybody get your pics in on the Heat One app. Yes. Yes. Yes. Good point. I'm going over there to make sure. Everybody get your picks in on the Heat One app.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Okay. So cruise over to the Heat One app. Good job, dude. Heller. Beast. To be fair, I read Travis's comment. Okay. I'm switching to Adler. Sorry. I can't do it, Fikowski. I want to believe in you. I can't. And I'm going with Gazan. Okay. Gazan. I can't. And I'm going Gazan. Okay. Gazan.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Gazan. Hey, look, those numbers should change. Fikowski should go to zero. He's still at 23% of the people have chosen Fikowski. There's no way. Yeah, nobody's. There's no way. At the moment on mine.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Danny Bostwick is the heat one app, a gambling app. If you want, it can be a gambling app. It can be anything you want.lor self is smoking down on this workout oh he is smoking down big time down has zero chance on this oh my god like if i had oh god oh my god i don't want to put any more added pressure on him but i put my freaking house on the taylor someone just wrote and someone just wrote in the locker room chat taylor's about to eat taylor's gonna eat down wow taylor's gonna put up like a top 10 in the world score for sure it's gonna be wicked oh spm i'm sticking with brent seven
Starting point is 01:17:00 all right fine what you got? Oh, look. But for the but Taylor only has 26%. You're saying that those people have all chosen wrong. Who's chosen wrong? And the heat one app. More people pick Dallin instead of Taylor. You're saying that they're just wrong. I'm assuming they haven't
Starting point is 01:17:20 had an opportunity to switch it yet if they were going to. But yes, they're also wrong. Fikowski just dropped 1% on the Heat 1 app. Oh, that's cool that it's updated in real time like that. That's really cool. Bracket matchup. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Jay Crouch. That's an underdog good pick on this one if you ask me. Holy hell. Roman. Ricky. Janikowski. a good pick on this one if you ask me holy hell roman ricky yep ricky yona yona yes uh daniel brandon yep i go emma lawson me too but magawa's gonna murder i bet i go arielewen. Over Gazan. You got Ariel Loewen over Gazan. I do. Wow. And then Tia.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Tia will win this workout worldwide, right? Her burpees are beautiful, dude. She flows like water. Worldwide? She flows like water. I'm telling you. I choose Malabrine. That's worldwide. Oh, Malabrine.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Okay. Yeah. Yeah, and hey, here's another thing, just to throw salt on the wound. Jason Barkamire, Emma Carey will win this. Yeah, Emma would fucking mash this. Jamie Simmons will do good, but I'm telling you. Hey, who wins on this workout? Me or Tyson Paget?
Starting point is 01:18:46 Boy, oh boy. Oh my God, they're re-showing that 11.3. Are they out of their gourd? It was so good. Inspiring. All right, guys. Thank you. Big show just now.
Starting point is 01:19:04 136,000 people watching over at 24.1. I'm going to head over there myself. We'll see you afterwards. Oh, shit. Let's just do a quick check-in on Pedro. Coffee, pods, and wads. Let's see what's going on over there. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Oh, shit. That's a gold are you are you gonna pull it up uh caleb yeah here god my youtube is so screwed up i don't even know what's going on right now i mean are you kidding me? I just learned this memo that the announcement was at 2pm. This is live right now. You know, take it as you will. Some people will hate it. Some people will find it funny. I love it. I do think social media can be
Starting point is 01:19:57 a very dangerous thing. But I also think it can be a very dangerous thing as well. You're better than the announcement. Yeah, I mean, I'll also shoulder some of the blame for the openness and everything because you were like, 2 p.m. on.
Starting point is 01:20:09 See you guys soon. Don't forget, we got two more shows today. Love you guys. Hiller, thank you. Caleb, you're the man. Bye-bye. Oh, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:20:16 For those of you who have not watched, you have to see the Hayley Adams video and you have to see the Tyson Bajan video. Both fantastic. Congratulations on both. Your numbers are absolutely insane. You're the man. Thank you.

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