The Sevan Podcast - SUAS Ep. 60 | What was he thinking? Greg Glassman's Mainsite

Episode Date: July 27, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh What is up everybody what is up let me do something real quick, how's my mic sound sounding good Crisp crisp Where's this audio file deal file. All right, and with that just a quick segment of our new theme song Taylor can you get rid of the Kamala hats that keep popping up? No way. Is that real? I Have not used the cock pump yet Although I'm still trying to figure that thing out. It's like a hydro pump like you have to use it with water
Starting point is 00:01:13 And i'm not entirely sure if that means you have to sit in a bathtub or if you just like pee into it and you And like that's what you use. I don't really know stop trying to not laugh dude Jr is clenching his, trying not to laugh at me talking about peeing into a cock pump. Anyways, that's not why we're here. It's just Friday, dude. It's Friday, it's another day with you. It has nothing to do with trying not to laugh.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So, we're not here talking about that. Instead, we are here talking about Greg Glassman's main site. Instead, we're going to talk about not varied, not random for maybe a lot of the early years. Not varied, not random, where Pukey, the mascot of rhabdomyolysis may have come from. True. Yeah. So, we hope you guys are stoked and we're just going to get right into it.
Starting point is 00:02:05 So I think this, the idea for this episode came months ago. Um, I don't know. I know I saw it on main site. I think Jr had already seen it at some point. Cause when I brought it up, he was like, yeah, I've seen that, but it was a stretch. It was a one week stretch of workouts. I'm going to go ahead and share main site. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I just finished crushing a chicken, chicken salad, not chicken salad, but a chicken salad. It's not typically what I eat. I'm typically a red meat guy, but in a pinch, it's good stuff. So anyways, I brought this up. I was like just perusing old main site and I found this week and I was like, what in the actual buck over and, uh, I sent it to Jr. I was like, dude, have you ever seen this? And he was like, yeah, I've seen this. Uh, and, uh, it's quite crazy and we're about to get right to it. And okay, before we get there, before we get there, Friday going into this next week, I just,
Starting point is 00:03:06 I didn't even, I never even noticed this snatch three reps, snatch 10 reps, clean, jerk three reps, clean, jerk 10 reps note, take as much rest as needed between sex sets, maximize loads at each set. Interesting. So we've got some clean and jerks right here, but the real fun starts. Jay, Sevan told me to literally put this thing in my mouth. So I'm trying to get better at that. The real fun starts on Monday, crazy sick workout, four time, 1000 meter row, seven muscle ups. Can assume they're on the rings. If you can't do a muscle up yet, do 50 pull-ups and 50 dips. Seven 50 and 50.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Um, right. And, uh, then 15 body weight cleaning jerks. This is Monday. Great workout. Seems like a nasty workout. This remember this is way back in 2001, seven muscles. Note, note, note three three record time for comparisons tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday oh boy you guys in for a fucking treat all right
Starting point is 00:04:18 so monday 1k row seven muscle ups at 15 clean jerks, body weight Tuesday, 15 clean and jerks, body weight, one K row, seven muscle ups. Wow. Really getting crazy here. Same workout. Just in different order. Right. Then Wednesday, what do you know?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Seven muscle ups, 15 clean and jerks. I'm imagining that you're supposed to do them at your body weight and a one K row Thursday. Oh, oh 15 clean jerk 7-mile slaps 1k row just a different order Friday yet again another order of that triplet and then Saturday One final order of that triplet Dude what was he thinking? Well, what what was he thinking? Not what was he thinking? What was he thinking?
Starting point is 00:05:08 No, what the fuck was he thinking? like Listen, I'm on record many times of saying that when it comes to Getting fit when it comes to whatever health Greg's never been wrong. Like, I mean, really, he's look at me and you, we've been working out for a long time. We've been experimenting with different training with different diets. And what are we both trying to do right now? Just trying to eat real food and not eat anything processed. Like that's, I mean, he was just something he's
Starting point is 00:05:43 been saying from the beginning like she's just just just eat real food work out hard and Yeah, that's it so Trying to figure out maybe why he did this is difficult But I think we said yesterday when we were on with Seth that a lot of the early years seemed to be just a lot Of experimentation which is cool and probably not a lot of what we do now I know I don't. You I think are better about it programming stuff like cartwheels and things like that
Starting point is 00:06:10 and warmups. Like I have monkey bar should probably use those more for like people to do and warmups and like, um, little agility ladder drills and stuff. I should probably do a lot more stuff like that, but you can just tell in the early years, he was just playing. Do you think if you're somebody who actually was going to do 50 pull ups and 50 dips, do you think you'd get rabdo by the end of the week? No, not from 50 and 50. You. But what about someone else? No. Because these, we talked about this yesterday, because these we talked about this yesterday because these may have been one on one or two or three on one sessions I Bet there was a lot more Modifications involved for his on-site clients were like hey yesterday you did
Starting point is 00:06:56 Use the gravitron machine and you did pull-ups on that with you know, I Don't know push-ups. So today let's try to do bench dips and, uh, there's a set of rings. Let's do ring rows. So I bet there was some, some, uh, some variation there. Would you call this? It's, you know, this is an interesting note. Notice the variation on this theme throughout the week. Thank you, Gus.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Would you, I wouldn't, I mean, this is the early days, but I wouldn't call this variation at all variance. It's definitely not random. I obviously it's varied, not random, but I won't call this variance at all. I mean, there must've been a reason why he's doing this. You would imagine there's a reason why. But it's purposefully not varied. It's purposefully the same workout written in five different orders. I mean, it's literally over 23 years ago, it would be so cool if he remembered this
Starting point is 00:08:01 and said, this is what we did. Like we did this. And then if the last day would have been the first day and they compared times, I wonder like how many people went faster. I wonder if that was just the thing. It was like, hey, by the end of this, on your last day, you're probably still gonna go faster than you did on any other day because you're adapting.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I don't know. I don't know if that was the one. Do you think you would go faster? Do you think you would go faster? I would not go faster after doing the same workout five days in a row. No, there's a clear order where you can go the fastest. Now back in 2001, I bet the seven muscle ups were the, were the whole workout for people. So if they started with muscle ups, maybe that's the way they could go the fastest cause they get done with their
Starting point is 00:08:41 seven and then they grow hard and your fifth. So who, but there, there's probably Seven one one K seven fifteen one K is definitely the faster. That's the fastest way like on paper, but Yeah, it's interesting It definitely stands out, but there are many days in the early years that kind of follow this pattern that we're gonna look at All right next month you want to drop that to me month and date? Yeah. And this is going to be a three week, three day cycle, right? Um, 2000, sorry, year and month.
Starting point is 00:09:12 No, no, no. So this one, this one is, um, this one's five, another five day, which is cool. Oh, okay. So this is, uh, January 14th, 2002. So the next year, almost a year later, like almost exactly a year later, 14th. Yep. That's the Monday. One 15, one 1402. Aha. This is the week of the 20 minute MRAP say, this is the week of the 20 minute MRAP say this is the week of the 20 minute MRAP.
Starting point is 00:09:45 So guys rest day Sunday if you can't see the screen and we're going to go through and read. We should also read these quotes to the side because he has like a quote out beside each. I can zoom this make it a little better when we're user friendly. All right. Here we go. Is that better? Maybe let's do one more. Let's do one more. Because we don't need puking. Okay. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So Sunday rest day, oh, Saturday also a rest day. They were getting you ready for this week. They were like, listen, this week's going to beat you down. It's going to tear you up. It's going to bend you over and spread your wide. So we're going to give you two rest days and we're going to kick off day one with 15 power cleans at your 20 rep max load and a 400 meter run as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. That sounds like a nasty workout.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah. Pretty disgusting I would say. That sounds so, so tough. In quotes, an athlete diminished by excessive aerobic training is slow and weak at CrossFit. We call that state spun down. Yeah, I would I would argue there were some athletes of the games last year that were spun down. I don't know that they were slow and weak, but maybe just
Starting point is 00:11:01 their aerobic training was relative to the field. A lot more than, yeah. But we talked about that a lot. If there was a shift, there had been such a shift in volume. If it was going to come back to a little bit more intensity focus. What's your, what's your 20 RM load? What do you think that is? Definitely one 85 for me. For sure.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I know I could do one 85 and I don't. Yeah. I don't know that I have the bet. I don't know that I could do one 85 for touching a set of 20, probably like one 65. I don't know if I, if you, if I had to do it for like a million dollars, but gun to your head, you could do body. How much do I get to pause at the top? It's a question as much as you want, bro.
Starting point is 00:11:44 It's gone to your head. That's like that to me, this is like one 85. Yeah, I could do 185 and you could do heavier than that I know I think I could do 205 potentially but So, yeah, that's that's also an interesting prescription we talked yesterday with Seth about how there was no there was very little Prescription for loads in the early days. So this is cool All right Day two two, 20 minute AMRAP. Okay. So wait a minute. First of all, before people start ripping us apart. So yeah, every day is 20 minutes long, but the, the modalities are different. So we start off with weightlifting monostructure. Bench press rope climbs, seven body weight bench press press one rope climb. That also looks like a fricking awesome workout.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Hey, I was looking, I was, I was looking through for these and, uh, I took a screenshot of it. Um, there was a rope climb day and we talked yesterday about how, like in the early days, it was just assumed that you were gonna, um, not use your legs. Right. One legless, I think is great here. And there's a workout that, um, is a 30 minute AMRAP of 10 bench press at half body weight, one rope climb. And in parentheses, it says no legs. And in the notes, it says, if you still aren't fit enough to climb the rope without your legs,
Starting point is 00:13:03 figure out why and do something about it. You're fat. You're slow. What a fun down. So, all right, sorry. I derailed, but yeah, I'm in the process. I'm in the process with, uh, Bryson, we're going to write like a get your
Starting point is 00:13:22 first trick pull up program, not like it's anything revolutionary, just somewhere on the program asked about it. And I want people to like be able to get anything they can, they need from us. And, uh, like one, the first thing that comes to mind is, you know, how do you gently tow around the topic of for body weight exercises, your body composition and your diet is so freaking important. Could you imagine what your one rep max, uh, for example, one rep max strict presses now just put 15 extra pounds on the side and you just can't do it. Right. So I mean, think about a pull-up, you take 15 pounds off
Starting point is 00:14:00 and it's like night and day. Um, anyways, we're just thinking about that today. This is a great workout. I mean, both of these really, both of them, I want to try both of them, complete as many rounds as possible. Wednesday, Tabata squats, 50 sit-ups. So in a 20 minute window, you're going to go through 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, air squats for eight rounds. Soon as you're done with that eighth round at the four minute market, you do 50 sit-ups as fast as possible.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Then you're going to start another Tabata of squats and then 50 sit-ups as fast as possible, et cetera. 20 minute market workouts over. That's an inch. That's a very interesting format to bottle within an AMRAP window. Yeah. I mean, I've never seen that before. Complicated maybe.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Yeah. Uh,, I've never seen that before. It's complicated. Maybe. Yeah. Uh, quote from Tuesday, the cost of regular extended aerobic training is decreased speed, power and strength. And then on Wednesday, he continues to, uh, kind of stay on the same topic training for a fight by running 20 minutes every day. It makes perfect sense. If you plan on running away from your opponent and know you'll be getting a 10 minute head start. Thursday, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes. For me to run 10 pull ups, maybe a precursor to Nicole. Yeah, but you know, I will, we'll like within these 20 minute AMRAP s that are all couplets We went what monostructural weightlifting then we went gymnastics gymnastics
Starting point is 00:15:33 Then we went gymnastics gymnastics again. No, we went monostructural weightlifting. Oh Sorry Gymnastics gymnastics monoshock or gymnastics. So we have, let me just do that without the big words. M W W G G G M G then what? So the only other combinations are WWW WWW and M M. So WW on Friday, power clean, push press, complete as many rounds as possible. It's just one power clean, one push press for 20 minutes at your five rep max load. Gosh.
Starting point is 00:16:18 So a five rep max power clean and push press. If you have to just go off the push press, it's like 225 to 245. Maybe Matt 245 would be hard. Probably 225. Good grief. That's a good workout. So, okay. What's the quote here? All right. If you understand the overwhelming importance of anaerobic exercise to general fitness, anaerobic exercise sprints, 10 second window max effort, full recovery. Um, this isn't also an interesting, it's an interesting topic, anaerobic, aerobic glycolytic pathway, phosphaging, creating team pathway, oxidative pathway for someone, a five rep max or doing five clean and jerks as fast as they can, a 10
Starting point is 00:17:07 sick a window might be an anaerobic. It might use like everything's on a spectrum, right? It's like mostly anaerobic, some aerobic, whereas someone who is incredibly strong and 135 pounds irrelevant to them, that's not going to be anaerobic yet. It might even, you know what I mean? Um, so like you hear a lot of coaches talk about taking movements and making them aerobic, like making them so easy for your body to perform that they are no longer requiring that hard, heavy, fast dose energy system.
Starting point is 00:17:36 They're requiring like a more sustainable energy system. Um, so anaerobic exercise may look different from person to person. Um, the effort that elicits that anaerobic pathway. Yeah. And when coaches talk about that, they may just be saying that they want the movement to become limited only by your breathing and never by your muscle fatigue. Muscular fatigue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Stamina, muscle fatigue. Friday. All right., muscle fatigue. Friday. All right, we just went over that. I'm tarted. The quote, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, boxing, and football are each by large preponderance, anaerobic, not aerobic sports. Knowing and understanding this distinction
Starting point is 00:18:17 is the first step to responsible, effective coaching. Saturday, rest day, Sunday, rest day. Oh, a double rest day, Sunday rest day, or a double rest day to finish off the week. We didn't never get our M M. Nope. But I don't know that that's needed. I mean, I don't know. I think that's a really cool week.
Starting point is 00:18:35 You have G G M M and then you have, you know. And maybe it's just one of those things where he's like, Hey guys, next week we're going to do something. I know we always talk about varying time domains, but I'm gonna show you how 20 minute efforts can feel different. And this 20 minute AMRAP is gonna feel completely different than Tuesday, and Tuesday's gonna feel completely different than Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:18:59 Wednesday's gonna feel completely different than Thursday. Like that's pretty cool. Yeah, Augustus, we're for sure gonna do some stuff like this. I, at certain points of the year, I look back a lot for refreshing ideas. So don't you worry. All right, next.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Then we get some like three day, three day on, one day off, where there's a lot of carryover, I guess, day to day. First one in that chunk is Wednesday, and it is June 19th, 2002. Oh, June, June 10th, 2002. Let's see, I gotta search it. Ah, a weightlifting cycle five three three one one one
Starting point is 00:19:53 Not too different than the clean ladders three two one one one very classic crossfit the way Dave wrote that out What do you think about that? What do you think about that? What do you think about that? Um, because I see the now you don't, we know the loads, but either the loads to start are significantly lighter than the ropes, the reps proceeding them that you have to go touch and go, or those chunks at the beginning are just bait to juice your legs and make you do something you don't want to do when you get to one of the later bars. Like seeing just the rep scheme. Do you think the jump is going to be any greater
Starting point is 00:20:33 going from the three to the two or the two to the one or whatever? Or do you think it's just, he wanted to, he wanted to make you stay on one bar before going to the next one? I think he wants to create space for more separation in the bigger field. Okay. Do you know at that point, because at that point they've already cut 10. So they cut 10 the night before and it seems like, um, he wants the first, first workout for the new set of 30 or whatever. And I think it's really important that there are enough repetitions in that
Starting point is 00:21:00 first round so that the people who are clearly stronger and clearly better at that workout are going to win versus kind of more a mistake prone clean ladder. Like just gut instinct, where does the ladder start? What's the, what's that first weight of three? I say it's probably two 75. Yeah, that's what I would think. I would think two 75. Ah, maybe two 80. I would like to see 285. I would like it to be a weird weight that people are a little more uncertain about. Because even that just 10 pounds is like, Hmm, it's not the same. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:34 It does something a little different. It's a little heavier. So I think it would be super cool if it was like a two 85 for three, three Oh five for two. And then it's three singles. So maybe 25, probably 25, 35, 15, 25, 35. That's getting really heavy, really fast. Okay. Next question.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Where does it end? What's the last weight? Because then we can kind of last weight on the last one. What's the last weight on the last ladder, the three, three, I would have to think three 65. Okay. Is that too heavy? I mean, if it's a spa, the tough thing about it is maybe on Sunday in 2009,
Starting point is 00:22:15 when they were on the top, or maybe that was Saturday when they were on the top 10, Matt hit three 80. Is that what he hit? And Tia hit 275? Yeah. When they did one at a time, when they did one at a time. I don't think she hit 275. That was like 260 something. Okay. I'm just trying to think around kind of what that,
Starting point is 00:22:36 that clean ladder they did that was also anyhow, I'm guessing this will be anyhow. And you saw like, even Brent powered maybe all the way to like 325. Wow. A lot of people power clean late. What was, what did that 385? Yeah. That ended at three Augustus. Lanky thinks everyone thinks it's going to be 385. That would shock me because then two guys are going to finish that. That's not, it's not even like, it's a speed ladder too. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:02 So I started as a speed ladder. So yeah, I think, I think, uh, three 65 would be on the upper end. Like that's it. That to me, after I said it out loud, I'm like, that sounds aggressive. I do think two 85, three Oh five, three 15, three 25, three 35 on the first ladder. I think that's great separation. And then maybe on the second one, it's, uh, you know, the same weights just without that first three. And then the third one, it could even be the just the same weights. Um, I mean, I don't know, I don't think it has to continue to increase. Maybe it does. Maybe it goes 315, 25, 35, 45, and maybe the last one is 325 or, or just 35, 45, 55, 335, 345, 355 on the final bars. Yeah. I wonder if they're doing it after Chad too, and a mile run like,
Starting point is 00:23:56 yeah, that's going to be challenging anyways. Okay. So we got deadlift to Tabata squats. If you guys want to get great at the clean ladder, you should just do this workout every day. Five, three, three, three, five, three, three, one, one, one. And then Tabata squats to finish. Interesting format. This is, Hey, Hey, Ackerman. So it's a heavy, heavy set of five to bought a squat rest. No, he said a three to bought a squat rest.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I think so. No, I think it's you do a five. You just go to a heavy single. Then you do Tabata squats and you're done. Yeah, 100%. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right. Cause if you do Tabata squats and you really do it, one is enough.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, and this is one, two, three, four, five, six. That would be 24 minutes of Tabata squats. Well, and then take the rest out. That's murking your butt cheeks. Yeah, but I'm just meaning like total time to complete. But hey, Ackerman, if you're watching, just know that this is two workouts in the day, bro. Whoever did this workout on June 19th in 2002, lost every single business opportunity they've
Starting point is 00:25:00 ever had. They never found a spouse. They were horrible family members. I'm just saying, talking about, is it an inside joke? No, it's not an inside joke, dude. He just made a post about the only, the only three reasons you should work out more than once a day.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And he was like, you're better off, you know, focusing on your business and your spouse and stop wasting time working out. Anyways, next day, Ooh, sheesh. Bench press five, three, one, one, one, and then to bought a dips to finish. That's nasty. Yeah. And we already see now from two days, not even seeing day three that there's. Purposeful redundant interference.
Starting point is 00:25:43 You're going deadlift and then you're squatting after you're doing press in one plane Then you're doing press in another plane for Tabata. So it's like very clearly. Hey today we're doing legs Hey today, we're doing Pressing muscles and I'm guessing the last day will be pulling Are you in the comments are you on your phone? No, Lizzy's dad just sent me this picture Are you in the comments or you on your phone? No, Lizzie's dad just sent me this picture. Um, I'm getting a gun for my anniversary and birthday present. And he sent me this picture of this gold desert Eagle at the gun shop that he's,
Starting point is 00:26:11 he's getting my stuff ordered at this. He's anyways, like what, sorry. 50 caliber anyways. All right. Next workout. Five, three, three, one, one, one power clean and then Tabata pull ups. I like to use assistance of one third body weight so that you can just continue moving for all 20 seconds for all right rounds.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I like that. Uh, I think, I think for people who are strong enough to do strict dips and strict pull ups and a lot of them, the use of a band to increase volume is underrated. I agree. Cool. Um, back to the volume is underrated. I agree. Cool. Um, back to the clean ladder, dude, I don't like it to be honest, to be completely honest. So this is, this was my, these are my thoughts initially seeing that's event
Starting point is 00:26:57 eight, seeing that not everyone gets to, gets to do it. I'm cool with that. It's just boring, dude. Strength strength strength needs to be tested before the boring. So now I'm so if you if you had to take an educated guess we don't know anything with body weight movements. I mean you've talked a lot about bodyweight workouts can test strength too. It's still strength. If you do strict movements, do you think strength will be tested before the cut? And if so, how? Or do you think it's just gonna be, you think just there's gonna be heavy elements in a Metcon in a mixed modal setting? Like whatever the sprint, the sprint carry workout into the mile run.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Like, do you think there's still going to be a one rep max overhead squat? Or do you think if they did heavy Amanda, you know, that would, that would still suffice because I think it would. Right. To this point, there's, you could call Chad is single modality. Essentially you're doing one exercise, uh, the run and the sprint carry. I wouldn't go so far as to say that that's single modality, but you already have running and swimming prior to that.
Starting point is 00:28:12 There needs to be something heavy tested, but I don't think it needs to be one RM or it needs to be on its own. I think as long as you go heavy enough, um, having an out of breath element, I think for the first seven workouts, I don't think any of the first seven workouts shouldn't involve breathing heavy. So I, I like, in fact, if you're going to test anything, single modality before cuts and exclude other things, something monostructural makes the most sense because that's, you know, look, it's, it's the hierarchy of the fitness pyramid. So if people are like, man, if you're going to test monostructural,
Starting point is 00:28:48 you have to test weightlifting and you have to test gymnastics. I don't subscribe to that because it's at the bottom of the pyramid. It's beneath everything else. It's not beneath nutrition, but it is beneath gymnastics and it is beneath weightlifting. And those are more specializations. You should be really conditioned. So I don't know. So I think if they did like a, if they did a heavy snatch legless road climb workout, I think that's fine for something heavy before they make a cut. If they do, you know, heavy deadlifts with some kind of handstand pushup, I think that
Starting point is 00:29:23 would be fine. But my short answer is there doesn't have to be something slow strength, but I'm wondering if it's going to be a rested mats because Dave likes that. Like he's, he has done that many, many, many, many times in the past. So I'm curious if he'll do it this time. But that's why the clean is so fucking boring, dude. It's like, dude, how many clean ladders have you programmed Dave? Seriously? Did you just remember a year where you did that and literally copy and paste? Like, stop that's boring. Hey, I, I was on record as saying, um, you know, there's always something
Starting point is 00:29:56 repeatable that comes up at the games level, at the semifinals level, at the open level, they redid the snatch ladder from 2016, I thought they might re redo this, the squat clean pyramid from 2016 and just keep it the same year and just do the same workout, same weights and just let people compare. So it's not gonna be that, but this is, you know, we've definitely seen speed ladders before.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I do wonder if this one is heavy enough to where it's really not going to be a, a speed situation. And also too, are the, are the, are the strongest guys going to be able to lift the fastest, are they going to have the better batteries? Like, you know, you look at the guys that you think have the heaviest listed cleans, are they going to be the top three guys? Uh, it'll be, that'll be fun to watch and see. Hey, Jonathan, Ortega, this is crazy. You might not know this, but the way you test an athlete's nutrition is actually through
Starting point is 00:30:50 their metabolic conditioning. The athletes with the best metabolic conditioning are inherently going to likely have the best nutrition, because what you eat is actually how your body fuels itself. Um, but instead you're just thinking about putting nitrate loaded processed cocks in your mouth as fast as you can and as many as you can. So I'm really just not surprised. Anyways, let's move on enough. Dick talk, Jonathan enough Dick talk. Next three day cycle. Next three day cycle is June 27th. No June 27th, 2000. 27th to 2002.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Same year. All right. Yes, I actually do prefer whole food wieners whole food unprocessed dick unprocessed milk Anyways back to the show This is this gets tough too like in in 2001 I think in a lot of 2002 and three there were a lot of notes There's a lot of direction. There's a lot of direction There's a lot of explanation and we're going through we're going through a period whether it's not any So it is kind of like we do have to make some educated guesses with what five deadlift really means
Starting point is 00:32:16 I would imagine he wants you to perform the deadlifts as heavy as possible and You're doing a one-minute and wrap of squats right and I would imagine your score is going to be something like your total weight of the deadlift each round multiplied or fucking added to your total number of squats I don't know yeah rest three rounds five deadlift and then a one minute gymnastics amrap next three rounds five pushlift and then a one minute gymnastics amrap next Three rounds five push press one minute of push-ups. Oh So very similar to kind of the Tabata situation that we saw. Yeah before
Starting point is 00:32:56 And what do you know three rounds five hang clean one minute pull-ups, that's cool Yeah So as far as like stimulus goes, I mean Man pull-ups, that's cool Yeah so as far as like stimulus goes, I mean Not gonna be a whole lot of difference like between these three days not like the 20 minute AM wraps, right? Interesting alright next and that's within the same month So that's just like a two weeks later and then we go to July of the same year So that's just like a two weeks later, and then we go to July of the same year Wow right after he's really on a fucking roll here what day
Starting point is 00:33:35 July 24th July 24th wait, yeah, I'm here. Okay. Uh, 25th you mean? Yep. 25th. Sorry. All right. Thursday, July 25th, Tabata squat, one K row 10, 10, 10, 10 hand clean. Holy fuck. Ackerman. What, what are we going to do? Three workouts. It's three. What are we going to do? Three workouts. It's three. And it is interesting, interesting notes here about talking about high intensity and what that means and what it doesn't mean and relative intensity,
Starting point is 00:34:13 put a hundred percent effort into the first exercise. So that's bought a squat, a hundred percent effort, 90% to the row and then 80% into the hang clean. So he's understanding that if you go truly as hard as possible on the squat, you cannot go as hard as possible in the row and you cannot go as hard as possible
Starting point is 00:34:35 on the barbell work. But he acknowledges it and he writes it in the notes, which is cool. Gosh, Ackerman, dude, you must be losing your shit right now. I'm just saying. Bren, and by the way, people people if you think I'm hating all I'm doing is pushing you guys to his fucking channel. So shut up Not that anybody said I was hating holy shit. Gus says I turned to during this week. We are about to show Yeah, I was this was 2002. I was seven
Starting point is 00:35:02 So I was definitely picking my boogers and just discovering that I had a penis for the first time. Geez, I'm old. I was 17. Wow. That's a cool note and a cool workout. The next day, three workouts, and we're just going to do it in the opposite order. Put 100% effort into the hang cleans, 90% into the Tabata, 80% into the the one K and if the next day is what I think
Starting point is 00:35:26 it is, it's going to be by far the worst. Dude, someone's, someone's hamstrings are going to pop off doing these hands, these hand cleans. My goodness. Yeah. Saturday, go ahead. Throw it up there. Oh my God. A hundred percent effort into the one K you're fucked.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Ninety percent effort into the hand cleans five by 10. I mean, this was probably like what 180 I would say probably for a 90% effort. It's like one 95, one 85 after a one K row like that, maybe less. I don't know. Uh, and then to bought a squat, you're just moving for quality at that point. This is heinous. Like this is, this is, if this got programmed at my gym and people really did it, like they wouldn't be able to do anything after the one K row.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Nothing. Jonathan, Jonathan Ortega, Jesus Christ, I was already in maps trying to deploy and lying on my paperwork to get into the army. What were you lying about? Jonathan, were you telling them that you were a male? Is that what you were lying about? Sorry, I'm sorry, dude. Okay. Yeah, yeah, Chris was going to be great. It's gonna be Taylor and Ortega together. He's lying about his age. You're lying about your age, bro. You were lying about your sexuality. That's what you were.
Starting point is 00:36:48 That was when it was like, don't ask, don't tell. Is that what it was back then? Except I think they asked because you had that look about you and you didn't tell. It's all good, bro. All right. Next three day cycle. That was not illegal. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:37:05 God, what a good dude. Next next three day cycle. We got one more. That's it. That's all we got. That's pretty crazy, dude. There's another. That was only in 2000.
Starting point is 00:37:19 That's only in 2002. So I wish I knew where this workout was, man, it's going to take, I'm just going to attempt at finding it. I'm not going to find it, but, um, if you also look through every month, they do like Michael every three months and how, like there's like Michael a lot, a ton. I mean, back extensions are good. I guess they are. They're great. Um, I don't know if I'm ever going to find this. Probably not, but I, I really, really wish I could.
Starting point is 00:37:52 It is basically knees, knees to elbows in 2001 and two are programmed no less than 20 times, 20 or 30 times. It's crazy how often they come up. There's a workout. Um, that's basically hanging squat snatches or squat snatches. L sits and chin over bar hangs. And then the next week, or maybe it was the next day, they basically did the same exact format with I think that was Michael.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Go back up. Do you see it? Hey, again, where no, no, that's like a variation of it. It's a variation of it? 800. Again. Where? No. No. But that's like a variation of it. It's a variation of it for sure. With just 50 less reps total on each. Oh, that's a good workout right there. Get you some of that boy.
Starting point is 00:38:40 That's a good workout. That holds water. Yeah, that still holds up. It was a really good workout. That holds water. Yeah, that still holds up. It was a really good workout for sure. Yeah. I am really interested now that there's been a lot of announcements and nothing skill, nothing skill yet, which there's gonna be something weird,
Starting point is 00:39:04 whether it's like a callback, like triple unders, right? People have been practicing for forever, but they've never actually been programmed with the games. They've been on main site. They're in the what hero workout. Cameron isn't the last movement, like 10 triple unders or something like, are they going to give people heads up to do something like that?
Starting point is 00:39:23 If there's a climbing wall, are they going to show someone testing it? Remember in the early days of the handstand obstacle courses, he would show people at the ranch, like going through the whole course and testing it so people could, uh, you know, I just wonder if Dave is going to give time for people to prepare for those kinds of things, or if those kinds of things are going to be the unknown and unknowable. Yeah, I have no idea dude. I mean to this point the announcements are like, yeah, not super thrilling. I wonder if he'll release the loads before
Starting point is 00:39:59 people try to clean ladder. No way. No, there's another Michael. For the clean ladder? No way. No, there's another Michael. Oh, maybe I was already on on September. Maybe not. Uh, dude, I really want to, I was pretty sure it was 2006. Maybe it's not there's Michael again. It's like every month. It's dude. I promise like every month. It's crazy. Um, do you think Greg is still programming at this point? 2006? Uh, June. Um, do you think Greg is still programming at this point? 2006, uh, June. That'd be a question for seven. I'm sure he, I'm sure he, he was in the mix at that point and probably knew that holds up.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Oh man. That's a, yeah, that's hard. That's hard to do three rounds unbroken. If you're just holds up to, you know, fast and heavy, just with a barbell. 95 thrusters. God's an anniversary. You see that. Do you see that as the anniversary of the first workout?
Starting point is 00:40:51 That's why they programmed it today. It's the fifth anniversary. That's yeah, I think like at least once a month, we need to do a main site show just on, on whatever we can go through just looking at workouts. Um, Dave has, I was about to comment. He goes, Zachary Gadath in the comments, Dave has a go-ret giveaway attached to CleanLadder. I think they'll announce the loads. I maybe, I was going to comment and I was like, this is my loading guess. And I was going to comment a colon, a zero, and then the eggplant emoji. If you can infer what that would
Starting point is 00:41:24 mean. But then I was like, damn, I still haven't gotten press credential confirmation on being denied or approved. So I'm going to hold off on that. Rest assured, we're probably, we're probably in, I would say. Bet you didn't see that coming. What is going on out beside Thursday the 9th? That quote. Don't look at it. Don't even look at it. Come hawk ergo proctor hawk. Come hawk ergo proctor hawk. What is that? Is that Latin? Let's Google it. Assuming causation of the basis of correlation is logistical fallacy that marks much of a bad science in politics Wait a minute keep going here here a handful of links. I'm entertaining some informative
Starting point is 00:42:10 Come hawk fallacy Good grief Correlation implies causation logic fallacy correlation or causation new poll shows correlation is causation Peter Federerer that's a name sevon loves to talk about correlates versus causes yeah i would say uh being a games athlete correlates to you being dumb just kidding just jealous this year.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Look at that. Look at that old school sled. Someone made that's cool. Just a punching bag. Mm. That's what that is. That's just vertical leap. That's a cool workout. Deadlift, handstand, pushup, and a vertical leap.
Starting point is 00:42:56 So you just jump and touch something a foot above your reach. Uh, that was on a very not random podcast of boss talking about, right. Talking about jumping to touch something in a workout for reps. I think so. I want to say last year, maybe on a prediction show, there was a workout with like, I equate it to Tabata rim touches. So you just like, no, it'll be like basketball goal rim touches.
Starting point is 00:43:24 So you would just jump and touch the rim and you do that for 20 seconds. Just bounding rest him. How many can you get? Oh, now dude, not a lot. But if you just did, I mean, I think if you did it to nine feet, which is a little more than like a foot over my reach, that would still be exhausting because that's the 12 inch burpee wall standard that'd be cool if that came back they never did that before yeah i'm actually brady brady liby
Starting point is 00:43:51 come hawk about to become a new phrase taylor throws at people i'm actually going to put it in my instagram bio come hawk there's no chance that if you're getting on the update show tonight that doesn't come up Look at look at that next to the 5k know where you going go back The trapeze bar someone do it about muscle. Oh wow Hey, you know who reached out to me asking about this. I know they were okay. So you so he talked to you Yeah, it was cool. Okay, cool. I told him hated you find the first thing he says what do you think about him I said I think they're fucking retarded don't do him I know two guys you broke their
Starting point is 00:44:31 nose doing him he's like he goes he goes lol I've already been doing and yeah that was a funny conversation I was like yeah you're not gonna get any technique advice for me I've never done them. Not that I couldn't. I a hundred percent could do those. I don't know. Do you think that's something I could pick up easily? You got a good, yeah. You got good body awareness. Jake Marconi, like jumped up and just did a set of five and never done them before. So I just think if you have good body awareness, you're good. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't. So interesting. That's a cool catch there, brother.
Starting point is 00:45:04 I mean, you can see all kinds of stuff like this on old main site. If you are into working out and you don't ever go back and look and just um, where'd all the pictures go? Oh, I guess they started later on. So let's go to Oh, wait. Um, Oh, wow. What is it? What is that?
Starting point is 00:45:20 That looks like a little frisk down there, brother. Ring dips. That's gross Yeah, that seven rounds ten sumo high pull ten ring. That's a it's a nasty combo there James Is that James and Greg? James Fitzgerald that's looks like Hey, they should fucking bleep this guy's face out Frickin nerd. Anyways, I wrote an AMRAP the other week, I believe it was 21 double unders, 15 sumo
Starting point is 00:45:50 deltas, high pulls, and 75 pounds and 9 ring dips, just 10 minutes. Nasty. Disgusting. Let's see. We'll get off here in a minute. Look, I don't like shit like this. Heavy day, rest day, heavy day. Don't like, um, Fran, Randy, Nate.
Starting point is 00:46:09 She's three days in a row. Yeah. Another day. They're really good for like a, from a variance standpoint. I'm not saying they're not. But the thing is, dude, is when you look at the workouts, you get some things so much. Michael, Linda, Cindy, Helen, 5K run, Deadlift 11111. Like workouts like that are like programmed once a month. I, it would take forever to do this.
Starting point is 00:46:39 But what would be cool is to look back and see how long it took not counting a dumbbell. Cause I know it's technically an odd object or a kettlebell, but how long was it, how many years until an, like a strong man element was programmed five, six, seven, eight years, like it's always dumbbell kettlebell or barbell. Yeah. Madison ball. Sure. Oh, that's a nasty little triplet I've seen that before
Starting point is 00:47:12 is that just kidding there's a repeat right there there's a lot of repeats people friends another repeat just a month later but again I think some of the reason for holy fuck that's talking about it that's nah yeah but dude in 2009 double that was 2009 was said this is before the games 2009 was when they had the double under deadlift pistol workout right where a lot of people couldn't do double under as well so I mean back in the, I think that was like reasonable. Kelly was programmed a ton back in the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:52 It's like, dude, it's like every, every week you're going to do a benchmark or he, yeah, every week, this is one of the greatest workouts ever. That is so bad. Yep. I, we programmed this on main site. Uh, sorry, we programmed this on main site. Sorry, we programmed this on Sentinel like a couple of months ago. Bryson did a video of him doing it.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Nasty workout. Hey, how many triple unders can Bryson do on broken? You think as many as he wants? Like 50? Easily, he could easily do a hundred. Maybe not easily, he could definitely do 75 to 100. That's so cool. If something like that comes up,
Starting point is 00:48:24 is he really good at doubling or crossovers either like crazy good or not? Not crazy good at crossover double unders. He's like, he's like good. He's good. Like how people who are good at them are good. He's not like, if one of those comes out, whether it's for team or individual, he should on the channel, he should just do the workout, especially triple unders or whatever it is. Like I think what was it? 21, 18, 15, nine, six, eco bike, eco bike and triple unders. Like if it's something like that, he should do it.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah, he will. We'll make him do it. Um, although I might could beat them in the, in the echo bike version. My triple unders have gotten a lot better. Oh, it's been on it's possibly 15 minutes. Let Desma there's a workout. I haven't seen in a while. I've done that workout a few times.
Starting point is 00:49:13 That's a good 20 minute and wrap right there. I like that. Like I like that Russell and Austin put. Shoulder to parallel five inch deficit. Cause there is no prescription. Shoulder to parallette, five inch deficit, because there is no prescription. Becca Voight did six inch parallette, that's cool. Damn girl, six inches.
Starting point is 00:49:33 What is it, JJ? Is JJ the one you and Jason did? Or was it the other one, squat clean and GHD? You guys didn't do, I wanna say JJ is 10 down to one of parallette and one up to 10 of squat clean and GHD. You guys didn't do, I want to say JJ is 10 down to one of parallel and one up to 10 of squat clean. Maybe we did, we did the one that was 32 GHC 16 squat clean. Right. Right. You did a squat clean. I think the one, the one I'm thinking of is, yeah, ideally one foot above your reach. Yeah. Yeah, ideally one foot above your reach. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Look, this is, this is 2011 people. It's not like these have not been around these bad boys. You're still the first person that ever seen programmed it in the competition. That's crazy. No, no rogue. Rogue. I'm saying, I'm saying a not CrossFit games or like big three, whatever. It's just I haven't seen it just you
Starting point is 00:50:37 All right, let's get out of here guys, thank you for dropping in thanks for showing up to our show show Crash Crucible goes down in October, right? Yep, and If you want a two two week trial of the sickest programming ever, like sick like this type of shit, sick, sentinel training, 14 day free trial, go to our Instagram and you actually get coached by me and Bryson too. So it's pretty crazy. And if you want to ask Jonathan about eating hot dogs, I'm sure he'd love to talk to you about that. And with that, see you guys later.

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