The Sevan Podcast - Sunday Service | Republicans Didn't Own Slaves #967

Episode Date: July 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of america express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply your connection to, we're live. Just like that. Barry McOchner, hi. Sarah Cooper, Kenneth DeLapp. Enormous tits.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Mike Coyle, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Barotaran, Barotaran, Barotaran. Did this just get moved this afternoon? Tis not. Does not. No. My screen says 2 p.m. Oh, that's weird. Mad Marv, let's go. I have church in a few. Okay. You know, I've been thinking. It hit me pretty hard when I saw that. The Republicans didn't own a single slave.
Starting point is 00:01:51 It was fascinating to me. Whenever it's taught to us, it's always taught to us like the North and the South. And then I was thinking like I'm not trying to get anyone to be a Republican. I'm not interested in like anyone to become a Republican. I want to just make sure that no one has that misunderstood. What I'm saying is that there's this other party, there's this other group of people, there's this group thing that is just straight scary out there. This whole
Starting point is 00:02:14 thing with the... I love Marv's picture, by the way. Whenever I see it, I want to go there. Vacation advertisement, for sure. Oh, yeah. It is, right? Sandals. Yeah. Clean water. it i want to go there vacation advertisement for sure oh yeah it is right sandals yeah clean water yeah couples weekend yeah oh oh yeah where caleb and savon can patch up their differences it's gonna take a long vacation
Starting point is 00:02:41 um uh it i just it's one thing after another after another after another and at some point you just have to tiptoe tiptoe out of the room but and i don't want to get be an alarmist but i think we've like so a couple years ago it was like or five or ten years ago and i was a democrat it was like hey the democrats are pedophiles and it was like supposed to be conspiracy theory shit and then there was all sorts of weird shit happening and happening happening and then there was the epstein island right that that was weird that's weird i have to lump that up with kind of like the democrats like that's your thing like that's your guy right and but savvy but he hung out with trump yeah i know rich people hang
Starting point is 00:03:34 out together but i'm gonna i'm gonna bear with me here i'm gonna look them up with the democrats and now and now, the center of disease control. Well, first of all, you heard the question I asked the cop we had on yesterday, right, Blade, who everyone adores. Is pedophilia illegal? It's illegal, right? I mean, I guess I've never gone and looked in the in the in the law books but pedophilia is illegal you you you're not supposed you can't have where do you draw the line by the way does anyone know i know it's not a comfortable subject but can
Starting point is 00:04:15 can a 25 year old french kiss a 16 year old no it's getting a little weird nope that's against the law, right? Yeah, I think you got like one year removed from high school in my book. You were a senior. She was a junior. You were dating. I get the age thing, but what do you have to do with them? First base, second base, third base? First base.
Starting point is 00:04:39 First base. Halfway to first base. Halfway to first base, right. So you can't even be taught. I wonder if you can even ask them out. No, no. Okay, good. Well, good.
Starting point is 00:04:49 That makes me seemingly happy. No bases. You can't even go tailgate. So even if you're going to talk to kids about sex, it can be argued that you're beating around the bush to engage in sex with them, even under the guise of sexual education. But I don't want to sway too far off the subject here. The CDC, and I got tons of clips I'm going to show you throughout the show,
Starting point is 00:05:17 is condoning babies being forced. And I say forced in the highest sense because it's for survival, right? If I put a gun to your head and I said, if you don't do jumping jacks, I'm going to kill you, am I forcing you to do jumping jacks? Yeah, for sure. And if I put you in a room and I tell you I'm not going to feed you unless you sing the ABCs, i'm forcing you to sing the abcs right would you say that's fair at that point if it's for food it becomes life or death i'd say it's forced yeah kind of a step beyond coercion how is the cd CDC condoning and encouraging and supporting babies suckling on men's tits, on men's breasts? Under the tax of health equity?
Starting point is 00:06:18 That's straight pedophilia, right? Absolutely. right absolutely and so and here's where it gets it gets kind of like weird listen very carefully by the way if you want to see a congregation of of crossfit's biggest morons go over to andrew hiller's uh video about greg glassman and broken sign oh my gosh in that youtube section in that comment section you will see the largest congregation of morons ever. It explains perfectly why we got this far. It's like Hiller blew a whistle and all the fucking idiots came to the comment section. Dude, Greg Glassman is offering you tools to question science.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And if you're not questioning science, it's not science. And if there's censorship, it's not science. And if it doesn't have predictive questioning science it's not science and if there's censorship it's not science and if it doesn't have predictive value it's not science those are the those are like some of the foundational elements of what makes science science allows you to identify it just like there's things characteristics that a dog has
Starting point is 00:07:16 oh great I'd love that an opportunity to explain why many of the statements by Greg and Briggs are fundamentally flawed yet designed to resonate with people's beliefs holy shit but it's impossible through the comment section if you could hold a live stream or anything where we could have a discussion i could at least attempt to portray a different opinion well at least there's science right at least like i have been a part of peer review process and there you go and there you go there's the crack in the damn peer review process
Starting point is 00:07:47 i've developed models as part of my research and continue to do it daily all all red flags there's there's there it is all massive red flags there's no consensus in science soon as you hear consensus it's it's. That's not a component. For small talk, that's good. Hey, me and Caleb and Matt all agreed that we saw the apple fall out of the tree, and it fell straight down. If I'm never given the opportunity to talk with you, Andrew, here's a summary. All models are wrong. Some are useful. Dude, that is exactly what Briggs and Gregg are saying. That's the irony.
Starting point is 00:08:32 This guy totally misses the fucking point. No one is suggesting that there's truth. There's the pursuit of truth. And when you stop the pursuit of truth, you've lost science. Yep. There's nothing definitive or immutable there's no science in psychiatry we'll get to that in a minute there has never been any science in psychiatry
Starting point is 00:08:57 there is no science it's tinkering at best there's no science there there's nothing offering any any significant uh predictive value holy fuck it it is it is so bad over there it is so bad in that comment section i i i was going to go back in there again this morning and i'm like do not go in there it is fucking moron central this next one's even better this kind of presentation would have impressed me when i was 18 years old with all the jargon
Starting point is 00:09:32 look at and she hasn't said anything you know jargon is jargon right the word jargon is jargon now with a bachelor's degree and master's degree under my belt and understanding of the scientific research process holy fuck do you not realize you just admitted you've been indoctrinated holy fuck do you assume that i didn't say anything why why would you even write that why wouldn't you just point to one thing and be like hey you know predictive value because it was talked about ad nauseum at that event a predictive value is actually is not a foundational element of science um even if something has no predictive value it still is science and then give us two
Starting point is 00:10:19 examples christine i mean god it is a it is a complete congregation of morons. I don't think Christina or Nick or other commenter up there. Do you, are you assumed that they've consumed a lot of Greg Glassman stuff already? Like they've gone to the broken science YouTube and they've watched all the lectures and then they really, or do you think Andrew's video, which doesn't show the lectures, It just kind of calculates how the process was or what was going on the whole day. And these two just take those sound bites and then interject all this. Which is even more proof of how stupid they are. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah. Which is even more stupid. That's my point. Like if she referenced something, she's like, well, this is a little obscure, but it's one at Hillsdale was better. And you're like, oh, OK. She's like she knows she knows the lecture. She knows, she's like, well, this is a little obscure, but it's one at Hillsdale was better. And you're like, oh, OK. She's like she knows she knows the lecture. She knows what she's like. She's like, you know, studied the material a little bit.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That shows none of that. There's no one. There's no one in the there's no one in the scientific journal space who has faith in the journals, by the way. There's no CEO. There's no editor of the journal. They all know you can find it you can start googling it the most famous editors of the most famous journals from the new england journal of medicine to the american journal of medicine to the british
Starting point is 00:11:33 medical journal they all know that more than 50 of what's in the journals is hogwash that it's not science it's actually it's um um there's it's all falsification and corruption and things that don't replicate. These people have all outsourced their own observational skills and discernment. They've fucking outsourced them. It's fucking crazy. Yeah, that's what a master's degree is for many people they've outsourced their discernment and their observation skills it is nuts all greg is doing is giving you the tools so that you don't say stupid stuff like those people are saying in the youtube comments that's all that's all broken science is they're not pointing it like don't get here's the thing if you went to
Starting point is 00:12:30 that lecture and you're like wow these guys are climate deniers you totally missed this the the complete fucking subject they're yeah they're giving you the tools to point at stuff to point back at them that they're full of shit they're giving you the tools to just look at stuff it's um thank you eaton eaton beaver here's my uh tithing for sunday services thank you i appreciate it be blessed child yeah that's why they all do it well said audrey i got my master's degree because i was told i would make more money i fell for it that's why they all do it. Well said, Audrey. I got my master's degree because I was told I would make more money. I fell for it. That's what happens when you're from a college town. Well, the thing is too is a lot of those jobs you can go make more money or get the job, but they'll just be – they won't be fulfilling jobs, and they'll be jobs where you're just towing the line. You're arguing the dumbest shit.
Starting point is 00:13:21 You're arguing the dumbest shit. Okay. And it also scares me because I'm thinking to myself, what have these people been doing for the last two years? And now I know why these people think. They think if the CDC says it's okay for men to breastfeed, that it's not pedophilia. It's those people.
Starting point is 00:13:38 What? I said, look no further. Yeah. CDC said it's good. Yeah. Hey, it's consensus. it's consensus over at the cdc we all agree you think that girl's a pedophile that christine girl no but i think she's confused because it's not algebra right it's not it doesn't work like if you agree with everything yeah only if you could like remove yourself from that crowd and just kind
Starting point is 00:14:03 of sit up on a perch and just observe for a little bit. Just empty your mind of all the shit that's been her masters and her bachelors and all that. Just empty your mind for a minute and just observe. Then I think you might come to a different conclusion. It's kind of weird that dudes are breastfeeding. If you're listening to this and you just think that there's any chance that I'm wrong, I want you to sit down with a couple dudes
Starting point is 00:14:30 and just start asking dudes some really benign questions that you don't think are a big deal. Men don't do things – I would propose to you that a man who has any desire to feed a child through like you know wearing those fake breasts or who wants to bond with a child and wants to feed the child something is wrong with your dude
Starting point is 00:15:14 on any level it's not I would like to know what the thought is that comes before that thought what do you think about the dudes who want to experience childbirth, like where they put the little electrodes on their stomach, and then they experience the pain of childbirth? My immediate thought is, is that something some woman came up with? It's a way of emasculating men, right?
Starting point is 00:15:47 It's like, you have no idea what it's like to be a woman oh wait till we get to tia's post holy shit you could also do that by just having chipotle poor tia along that line along that line yeah yeah yeah there you go well said it's all something's not right guys don't work like that and someone you can't speak for all guys i can i can speak for a lot of us we're pretty simple yeah it's we don. Guys don't work like that. Someone you can't speak for all guys. I can. I can speak for a lot of us. We're pretty simple. Yeah. It's we don't, we don't work like that. We're not we could be curious. You know what I mean? And like, we could be like, I wonder what it's like to like when I was thinking about being in that
Starting point is 00:16:19 submarine, I wanted to throw up. You know what I mean? Like we, we can empathize. Like I started thinking about it so much. I'm like, I better stop thinking about that. I'm going to make myself sick. You know what I mean? Being trapped in the sub and finding out it's not working so good and you're not coming up.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Nope. Don't want to go there. Box sitting next to a bunch of other people. You know, the video that you watched this morning with the train yeah the guy who made that video he was supposed to be in that boat no shit yeah yeah he got offered to go into that shit mr beast yeah that's right dodge that bullet huh massive um i uh let let anyway we're there's gonna be so much – it's really time to not be a Democrat. It really is.
Starting point is 00:17:09 If you have Democrat friends, it's almost time to ask them to explain this. This one's off the fucking reservation. This is – anyway. If there's anything – I want to go through a shitload of these today um yeah do you think um i was looking mr do you think mr beast is a tranny mr beast is a trip there was a guy in that video that looked like a tranny but i don't think it was mr beast something's wrong with me something is wrong with mr beast though have you watched interviews of his yeah i i don't think there's anything wrong with Mr. Beast, though. Have you watched interviews of his?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah. I don't think there's anything wrong with him. You don't? I mean, I think he's really dedicated to his work, like so much so that that could lead to an issue. But I don't think there's – I mean, one of his buddies – You think he's got it under control? It's hard to tell.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Hey, I guess here's the thing, thing too and this is going back to the science thing there's no one who's going to be so successful like that who's going to be normal that just doesn't happen yeah you're probably right about that right lebron's not normal biden's not normal mr beast isn't normal the rock isn't normal like there's no one who's like yeah you start to live in this world where people treat you completely differently so you have like this really like you lose tether to reality a little bit or or you you're just going out on a place that other people don't want to go or afraid to go um einstein um uh darwin like you're not coming up with new good shit or living on the edge of being just a normal joe so of course
Starting point is 00:18:47 there's gonna be ding-dongs like me who are like hey you're not normal well yeah of course not normal that's the largest youtube station there is yeah 165 or 68 million subscribers i think that's the only second time i've ever been to that station was today and the fucking video was mind-boggling yeah probably one of the so fast days yeah it's incredible he like studies that shit it's like a little kid's wet dream that video if we played that even for two seconds does everyone at youtube just love him too i'm sure. Probably. Hey. Oh, hold on. I have the volume turned down.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Call her. Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, how you doing? I'm good. I'm excited. I got an ant farm yesterday, and I built it with my kids. And I know where they're sitting. You got an ant farm?
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah. No way. Like real ants or red ants? Black ants, red ants. We're going to go get red ants today. I'm pretty excited by the tennis courts. Oh, man. Red ants might kill all the other ants.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It happens. It happens. What's up with you? What are you? Where are you? You on a train? You on a subway? No.
Starting point is 00:20:03 No. No. No. No. Okay. I'm at home. I don't know why I called. Oh, that's cool. I don't know why I'm doing this show. I'm fucking on the same page.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I'm watching you guys on the fucking TV and I see Sousa not wearing my sweatshirt. Who is this? What? Who is this? Who is this? What? This is Mike.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Mike who? He's going up to the last name. Mike McCaskey? Is this Mike McCaskey? Yes, Mike McCaskey. It's me. Totally me. No, who the fuck is Mike McCaskey? Buff guy in the comment section. Who is this?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Sandone Oh, Sandone Oh, shit Oh my god, Mike You got swole too You got swole-itis No, not anymore Oh That's an old pic
Starting point is 00:21:00 I did Cindy every day for the last six months I no longer have swole eyes. What do you think about men? Do you think breastfeeding is appropriate? Men should be breastfeeding babies? Forcing babies to suck on their titties? No, man. That's fucking ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:21:20 That's fucking ridiculous. Is your computer on or something? This connection is horrible. Are you sure you're not on the moon? No, I don't have a computer. I'm watching you on TV, but I'm talking to you on the phone. Is the volume turned off on the TV? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:34 No, it wasn't. Liar. I'm not fucking stupid, dude. All right, fine. It's starting to sound like it. You can't fucking breastfeed a baby if you're a dude dude I agree I agree these fucking people are ridiculous
Starting point is 00:21:51 I think it should be illegal I'm fucking tired of this shit it's so fucking dumb alright well thank you for calling that was fun yeah okay bye I should have kept you on longer dude it's so hard to uh anyway let's go to 115 uh this is uh once again this is not a uh uh republican show
Starting point is 00:22:15 this is just an anti-democrat show it's just time it's time for them to just go away it's time it's time to just not go away there may be there there i'm sure there's tons of republican pedophiles i don't know any that are trying to make it legal none there's a paywall on this one oh okay basically that one sorry it's weird it played for me um and i know i didn't pay to get behind the paywall basically i just saw there's all the trump is really laying down trump is so different than the other politicians because he says what he's – he actually says what he's going to do. So he says, hey, I'm going to become president, and I'm going to tell China that if they don't get their spy shit off of Cuba, we're going to put 100% tariffs on everything. I'm like, okay. There's like no – no one else who's running for office actually tells you what they're going to do. No one else who's running for office actually tells you what they're going to do.
Starting point is 00:23:14 He says, hey, I'm going to run for office, and I'm going to go into the higher education system, and I'm going to route out all DEI departments. It's like, okay, cool. I like that. Like I know what you're going to do. Yeah. I don't know. I always have a hard time trusting any of them that say anything it doesn't matter whether you i agree different subject but the other guys don't even say anything well they say they say they say stuff like they say stuff like i'm gonna send a hundred million
Starting point is 00:23:37 dollars or a hundred billion dollars to africa to fight aids holy shit so just like ukraine was money laundering aids to africa was money laundering hunter biden's art is money laundering god i'm fucking so slow to the gun laundering legal it's the only legal way to do it hey i don't need any banning of the 49ers is trump gonna ban the 49ers i don't need i don't want ban I don't want the 49ers to be banned. That would have been an interesting thing. When that came out and if he was president again,
Starting point is 00:24:12 how would that have gone? Well, they did say he wouldn't have forced it. They did say that. It's easy to say it when you're not. You know what I mean? Okay. All right. When you're not at the helm anymore, then I could say whatever. I'd just wait for you to make a move and be like, yep, wouldn't have done that. It's like, well, you're not charged know what i mean okay all right all right when you're not at the helm anymore then i could say whatever i just wait for you to make a move be like yep wouldn't have done
Starting point is 00:24:27 that it's like well you're not charged doesn't matter oh 114 um uh mr beast hey this guy or trump dude say it again are you more like a desantis guy are you more of like a trump guy i don't think i'm either i don't think i'm either i think i'm um just like no you can't have any demo you can't have any democrats in office anywhere i thought you were gonna pull audible and say you were a big guy i do like vivic i like him the most too i do like vivic hey can we scroll down i just want to show you guys this video it is it's kind of uh a million it's kind of like he broke the – oh, it's collecting a million views per hour. Faster than that, 35 million versus 22 hours. It's like he broke the code.
Starting point is 00:25:23 This video has everything it says train versus giant pit but it's a video that's like 10 or 11 minutes long and like he blows up a house he drives a train into a hole he drives he has a tank and
Starting point is 00:25:39 fight two school buses and it's like you can't even believe how much shit is going on yeah it's insane it is truly insane oh he puts out a video once a month oh i mean they take so long to work on them like it's insane that video looked like it cost a lot he said that he's poured almost 100% of all the money he's ever made just back into the next video yeah that video
Starting point is 00:26:14 looks like it cost 10 million dollars to make yeah so he's like if I make 10 million this month will you have a budget for 10 million for our video next month and then if that video makes us 12 million our next budget is 12 million and like he next month. And then if that video makes us 12 million, our next budget is 12 million. And like, he's just been doing that for five years.
Starting point is 00:26:29 In one segment in this, in this video, he fills an entire house up with fireworks just to see what would happen. Yeah. Where did he get a train at? Yeah. There's the house. They fill that house. That tank. Yeah. Where'd he get a train at yeah there's the house they fill that house
Starting point is 00:26:45 dude that tank yeah where'd he get the tank at yeah they put a car there too i was listening to um one of the interviews with him and he was talking about just the storyboarding process of the videos for their ideas is it very extensive and they'll a b test a shitload of uh thumbnails on his other channels just to get the thumbnail right for this channel so it might be like five or six thumbnails where they test different stuff like for this one specifically for this um they i forgot about this they have a jet car that shoots over like, yeah, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:27:25 it's absolutely nuts. It's, it's, it's wild. I can't even believe there's actually a video like this. It's like there used to be these shows called, um, that's incredible when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And it's like the entire five seasons of that's incredible in 11 minutes, the shit they show you each one of these could have been a 30 minute video he could have milked it yeah dude is mr beast burger concept too you know about that no what is in the pandemic he just made an online-only burger restaurant, for lack of better words. And then if you're a restaurant with a kitchen, you can franchise his ingredients, his packaging, and everything.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And then when it shows up on DoorDash, it shows that you're a Mr. Beast restaurant. And there was hundreds of restaurants that came out during the pandemic and said, Mr. Beast Burger saved our restaurant. No shit. And then he has another thing called Feastables, which he's essentially trying to take down Hershey's Chocolate. And then that's not even
Starting point is 00:28:32 including his merch, which is just insane. The or whatever. It's crazy, dude. And then he has I guess he has a Spanish channel or other foreign language channels that are equivalent to his main channel i would say he's worth 10 billion dollars
Starting point is 00:28:51 did someone try to buy him out for a billion yeah yeah dude no way i forget which company but yeah somebody offered him a billion dollars for like his whole package like all the all his stuff his channels his what's crazy is he never pops up and like i've never i never hear about him i know for his whole package, all his stuff, his channels. What's crazy is he never pops up. I never hear about him. I know nothing about him. The only reason why I know this is in our thread, someone sent that video, the train video today.
Starting point is 00:29:20 And maybe that's the second time I've heard of him. The first time I heard of him was a few months ago when he was on Joe Rogan. He knows his audience. Like you said, a 10-year-old boy's what? Dream, right? Yeah, totally. Oh my God. That's his audience, dude. Oh my God. I can't wait to show my boys and see what they think of him. Oh, they'll love it. Yeah. Okay. Anyway, interesting. Mr. Beast. I don't have time for it but i think you would like this
Starting point is 00:29:48 have you seen the early stuff that he did when he committed to counting from one to a hundred thousand live like not live but just film the whole thing and then post it it's a 24 hour long video i think i did see that yeah i think i heard about or i heard about it on road i just saw a bunch of clips when he was on rogan and i was like, oh, this guy's a trip. Yeah, I just figured you would like that type of stuff because he's committing to these ridiculous tasks. He's a big charity guy. He cured like a thousand people of blindness or something, and then people ripped on him for it.
Starting point is 00:30:18 They're like, what the fuck? It was the same crowd that was in Hiller's comment section. Exactly. There were some things that he was saying about charity that were made that made me a little suspect i didn't i didn't hear i like the idea of curing people a thousand people blindness but there were some things uh okay i don't know enough about him i i should i don't know if I have time to dig into him. You learned all that from the Rogan podcast, Sousa, about him?
Starting point is 00:30:51 No, I've watched a couple different interviews with him. I didn't actually watch the Rogan one. Does he have a girlfriend? He did. I don't know if he still does. Some super hot chick from South Africa. Oh, really? Also just a boss, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Owns like some companies and stuff like that. Vivek took grants from George Soros Open Society Foundation, was listed as a member of the WEF Young Leaders for years before he finally sued them during the campaign to take his name off the list. Mad Marv, do people realize hatred of trump is based upon the media and politicians that lied to us about him no that's why those videos are so funny when they ask you why do you hate trump and then people try to explain it it's fucking ridiculous and the way he fought against the machine we once trusted american americans suffer from stockholm syndrome yeah dude it's so fucking
Starting point is 00:31:45 hard to realize imagine realizing it's so hard it's the same thing all those people in the comments and hillar's comments the reason why they're so defensive like that and they don't say anything and they start attacking is because they would have to realize that oh shit there's no one taking care of me if i get sick um uh it's it's it's all on me it's like those people who can't believe they believe that the way to cure type 2 diabetes is to go to the doctor and get on the medication and start dialysis and metformin and all that shit they're the zero accountability zero responsibility people zero they're terror and i i i can totally empathize with it they're terrified that oh my god
Starting point is 00:32:31 it really is all on me it's too much accountability and personal responsibility to fall on them all at once it's like they just have the whole curtain lifted up the whole curtain lifted up. His interview with Andrew Schultz is really good. It's just long as shit. I didn't see that one. Everything I see Andrew Schultz does is pretty... Well, the Liver King one wasn't so good, but a bunch of stuff I've seen of his
Starting point is 00:32:59 is really good. Funny ass dude. Say it again. He's funny. i didn't like the liver king one though either it seemed like that group of kids in high school that just like kind of picked on the one guy yeah they were kind of mean yeah that one wasn't cool i tried watching one of his videos thing is i'm 38 and british and don't have adhd so they just give me a headache yeah i couldn't watch it all the way through either it's not my but but it is amazing you're talking about mr beast it is amazing uh again uh keep fluffing trump and it's gavin newsom in the white house the lengths they went
Starting point is 00:33:38 to get to biden elected you really think it will be different this time? I don't know. Manny, that's the same shit that they're saying that they say about. That the. That they say about Trump, you know what I mean? They say they can't believe the lengths they went to get Trump elected. OK, controlling what you purchase purchase this one's fun does anyone want anything to be controlled does anyone want anyone controlling what they purchase or how they purchase you know this is nuts this is the world economic forum once again anyway here we go
Starting point is 00:34:21 final note i will uh make is that if you think about the benefits of digital money, there are huge potential gains. It's not just about digital forms of physical currency. You can have programmability. You know, units of central bank currency with expiry dates. Pause this. As I argue in my... He said you can have programmability.
Starting point is 00:34:44 That's a fucking lie you will have program ability it's impossible it's a misnomer to say you can have it if it's a built in function in the money you have it they may be saying
Starting point is 00:34:59 you can buy everything but they're saying it that doesn't mean it's not there does everyone does everyone understand that that that's if i give you something and i say you can use this money to buy whatever you want you can't buy whatever you want without me saying that. He's saying that you could program this currency to make it so you could only buy certain shit. And I'm saying, no, not you could.
Starting point is 00:35:31 It's a built-in feature that's always there. It's always there. It's not a could, it is. They are telling you you can buy everything. Or they're telling you you can't buy something. There's no there's no like homeostasis that's not the right word but it kind of
Starting point is 00:35:50 is in the spirit of what I'm saying it's word fuckery it's complete word fuckery it's like putting a leash on your dog and giving it 600 feet and being like you're free no you're not, you're free. No, you're not. No, you're not. It's the diameter of the leash.
Starting point is 00:36:10 No, you're not. You have a leash on. You're not free. You think so. All this, like the currency becomes unstable. A few more banks like collapse and then they create a really big concern about trust in the money system. And then they open up FedNow and they say, trust us. We're backed by the government. Your bank will collapse because because it's fed now and that's how they get the
Starting point is 00:36:29 masses to start rolling over to that the reason why i know what i know about people being afraid of like what what of what greg is saying like giving them the tools to lift up the curtain is because i'm afraid to even think about what you just said i have the same mechanism in my own brain do you know what i'm saying like what you say scares the shit out of me i'm in just complete and total denial that could happen refute it then to actually accept it and start to think about it yeah yeah yeah i'm like it's um it's a it's a simpler life that's's for sure. The thought of them saying you can only buy grown meat and you can't use this currency to buy actually dead animals is – and that's exactly what they're going to do. And there will be all these people who believe in climate change, right? And so they'll have them to support.
Starting point is 00:37:26 right and so they'll have them to support and their whole thing is and by the way anyone so anyone who says you're a climate denier we know that's a derogatory term we know that those that's not science there's no subject that's ever closed in science you don't you don't you don't push away it's It's even the flat earth thing. You're pushing away for a reason, not the reason probably you're telling yourself. Well, it's really weird. And then they hear on the internet that you questioned it. And then they just pull money out of your bank account or deny you access to your own funds.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Or turn your car off. Hey, you know what's crazy? I think cars couldn't exist in this day and age because it's there's too much freedom like if they tried to invent the car right now they would be like oh well guys come on like we need a chip in this there's safety things we need to think about right right up in there and drive wherever you want and buy gas with cash and not have to check in with no no no we need to tether to that the the thing that always trips me out too is the comparison between um tobacco and um porn like if you if you want to
Starting point is 00:38:37 get nicotine to your house you have to upload your driver's license if you go on the internet anywhere and try to buy nicotine you have to upload a picture of your driver's license. If you go on the internet anywhere and try to buy nicotine, you have to upload a picture of your driver's license. Interesting. I could just go onto Google right now and just rage away. And so there isn't really a desire to stop it.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yeah, hey, you can't question the mainstream thinking on Instagram, but if you're a 14 year old boy and you go to that spore page you're gonna have tits just everywhere uh manny spiegel right right as soon as i opened threads it was just boobs hey that's kind of a cool shirt tits everywhere manny spiegel the orange man attacked georgia when the governor dared to open up the state in may of 2020 here we go uh i'm all for it manny let's do it uh nevergel the orange man attacked Georgia when the governor dared to open up the state in May of 2020 here we go I'm all for it Manny let's do it
Starting point is 00:39:28 never forget the orange man brought us the lockdowns he did he did the first two week lockdown yep that was him fuck you Manny which pulled off all the regulations for the vaccine stuff to push that through as fast
Starting point is 00:39:44 as possible. Well, I know what you did. You left your hose on one night and watered your lawn to excess and wasted water, Manny. And I remember one time when you left litter in the bathroom at an Exxon station. Manny Spiegel never forgets. I mean, that's the way the arguments work, right? Like, Manny's just dropping bombs, and someone will be like,
Starting point is 00:40:12 well, well, Greg's not an expert. He needs to ask Dr. Fauci before he weighs in. That's perfect. He's not an expert. That's just the way it is. Well, you don't know that. You're not friends with him, Manny. You don't know that. don't you're not friends with you're not friends with him manny you don't know that i know what you did you call you like biden uh manny spiegel never forget the orange man brought us the lockdowns 49ers he completely abandoned all those involved
Starting point is 00:40:36 with january 6th i don't know about that last one last one's too far for me i don't know about that last one give him a second maybe he'll be president he'll pardon all those fuckers holy shit the january 6th thing is getting really crazy now what's going on with i got a clip man we have so many clips to get through there a guy um we'll get to it we'll get to it here in a second okay uh controlling what you purchase okay so none of us want what we want uh uh controlled no uh last night uh israel adesanya very interesting um wow that little speech at the end very interesting yeah what happened there last night so i did not like the fact that dc dan Cormier, and Joe,
Starting point is 00:41:28 I think that they should have come to Izzy's defense a little bit. So this guy in the middle, this guy in the middle at one point, by the way, the quote here says, if they're going to be pissed about that, just beat it. I don't care about that. Dricus
Starting point is 00:41:44 Duplicis. Basically, this guy said when he takes on the title About that, just beat it. I don't care about that. Drikus Duplissus. Basically, this guy said when he takes on the title at 185 pounds champ, he'll be the first African to ever hold the UFC title. And Izzy took that as a dig because he's African. And Kamaru is African. And Nganou is African. Because he's African, and Kumaro's African, and Ningano's African. I think Kumaro and Ningano are from Nigeria.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Could be wrong. Izzy's from Nigeria. Kumaro's for sure from Nigeria. Ningano's from Cameroon. Am I confusing the island? Is there an island Cameroon, and there's also a country on the continent of Africa called Cameroon. Is that does that work? It's from Canada. And in Ghana is from Cameroon. And that's it. That's a country. What's the island I'm thinking about that's out in the Mediterranean starts with a C. Let me look.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Is there an island out there? someone will say in the comments soon uh francis is from nigeria too oh no no he's from patrick it looks like he's from oh trigger uh he's from patrick he's from uh nigeria too i think or cameroon and and uh kamaro's from nigeria i went to some island that starts with a C. There's a CrossFit gym there. The island's surrounded by blue water and stingrays. Camaro's? Cyprus, no. No. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Oh, no, no. It's off the coast of... It's down there by Cuba somewhere. Starts with a C. Yeah, over there somewhere. It's off the coast of... It's down there by Cuba somewhere. Starts with a C. Yeah, over there somewhere. What islands are there over there? It's not Africa. Maybe it's by Mexico. Maybe a little more.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Why Mexico? Cayman Islands. Oh, Cayman. Cayman. Not Cameroon. Cayman Islands. Motherfucker. Very close.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Sorry. And Cozumel. Yeah, I went to Cozumel too um anyway um so so this so Izzy basically walked up on stage and DC and Job or one of them alludes to the fact that he might be drunk but he just fucking will you scroll over I want to let you hear what Duplissi says first before we hear what Izzy said. Izzy goes off. Maybe go, yeah, play this a little bit. Let's see. It was very interesting to see how people react. I was surprised because, you know, people made, firstly, I think so many people made comments,
Starting point is 00:44:22 Adesanya and at that stage Usman as well, made their statements after that. And it was like two or three weeks after the fact that I said it. So I was really surprised because when I said it, it was never to spark a reaction. It was never, it was purely stating the fact that there's a record book. And if you go on the record books, I will be the first champion to reside in Africa, which is a fact.
Starting point is 00:44:46 And that was why I stayed. Okay, that's it. Okay, now pause that and go over to the other clip. So that really pissed Izzy off when this guy said that. And so yesterday when this guy fucking knocked out Robert Whitaker, which broke my heart. I fucking love Robert Whitaker. Izzy jumps into the stage and um and lets it fly man he fucking let it fly i like israel too but but i will say this i didn't i wasn't a fan of this duplicy guy and
Starting point is 00:45:18 after israel treated him like that i was kind of like okay i'm i could i don't care who wins here we go god is he'szy's huge, huh? Okay, brace yourself. If you have sensitive ears, this isn't going to be for you. Here we go. So he jumps in the ring right after this guy beat Robert Whitaker. And by the way, the guy, for those of you who don't follow fighting, this guy on the right, white guy beat a guy named
Starting point is 00:45:45 robert whittaker who's from australia and this guy robert whittaker would have been the champ for the last 10 years straight undefeated if it wasn't for israel adesanya that's how good this robert whittaker guy is he's so fucking good but he just can't get any respect because of the guy on the left is he the black guy he's he's maybe the best fighter who ever lived okay here we go the black guy he's he's maybe the best fighter who ever lived okay here we go brother right here let's go nigga what's up bitch let's go nigga yeah nigga what's up nigga get this shit up don't do nigga yeah my african brother yeah my african brother what's up nigga i'm african but i ain't no brother of yours son my nigga let's go you my nigga for real i'll show you so what do you say to everybody and brother right here yes so i think what is he's doing my take on it is this is he's doing that to be like i'm go i'm
Starting point is 00:46:30 black i'm clearly from africa you said you're going to be the first african champion so that's why he's fucking slinging those words around like that he's not doing it for any other reason but to emphasize a point like look i can say say those words. He's basically just trying to say, hey, I'm black, and you're not, and so I'm from Africa, and you're not. And it was just a... He could have just been... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Either way, that fight could be in nine weeks. Do you think there was a piece of marketing in this, too, like he knew it was going to catch a ton of attention, or do you think it was all emotional-driven? Like he wasn't even thinking that way he just went up there and like let it fly that was pretty emotional from them i feel like yeah i hate the thought i hate the thought i would be sad by the thought that in this time izzy would use race consciously as a tool to sorry not race would use skin color maybe you could say he's not even using skin color you could say nationality i don't
Starting point is 00:47:34 know i don't know i don't know i'm torn on the whole thing part of me like doesn't care and is excited for the fight part of me i felt sorry for the guy in the right duplicy you know what i mean he just won and he's getting called out by the champ yeah what do you think you think it's just all money all all complete no showmanship oh no i think but i think that i think the fighters do know that you do want to create that that like hype around it and stuff like that so like doing this type of stuff like raging out or like creating a scene or something or using language like he did um will create a ton of media attention behind it i don't know if he did it purposely or not i don't think it doesn't look like he did it wasn't like oh this is going to be a perfect marketing scheme i'm going to go up there and say all this and people are going to talk about it for forever but um no i don't know i think it is emotional yeah i i don't think it's it's interesting the more and
Starting point is 00:48:28 more i think about skin color there's a huge difference between um not wanting your daughter to marry someone because they're white or black versus um owning slaves like there's no there's no even bridge that connects the two in my mind. Like in terms of like the – Jewish families don't want their kids marrying non-Jews. Armenian families don't want – you know what I mean? Like I don't think that that's like a bad thing. I personally don't care, but I don't think it's like – I understand the attachment to it, right? It's like a superstition or something romantic about it.
Starting point is 00:49:09 It's not that Jews don't want their kids marrying non-Jews because they're less. It's because there's like this romanticism of keeping your bloodline the same. Yeah, does it come from like a hateful place is what you're saying? Yeah, it's not a um not a we hate them so you can't yeah more tradition you got to stay within what we've done a thousand years 99 of the people who like have a problem with gay people it's because it's on it's it's unknown to them and it's the same thing with like why maybe a black family wouldn't want their their kids marrying a white girl or vice versa, white family.
Starting point is 00:49:46 It's not that they have a problem with those people per se. It's the unknown to them. It's completely fucking unknown. And there's this – there's just some nuances to it that make it – I bring this back also to going back to the Republican thing and the pedophilia. to the Republican thing and the pedophilia. They're not, there's a difference between, you can say all you want that the church
Starting point is 00:50:12 is full of pedophiles. The church is not trying to openly condone that shit. You can say all you want that Republicans are pedophiles. They're not openly trying, they're not trying to normalize it. It's all just – at the end of the day, it's all just people here.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And for anyone who's going to write in the comments, hey, I don't want to watch a show where someone picks his nose and then fucking leave because I got some boogers just saying dry boogers hanging on the edge. I'm going to wipe them the whole show, so get the fuck out of here. I don't give a fuck. That's just my mom. I don't think she's watched since. Hey, let's just take a moment to realize how funny that is. If it's your first champion who resides in Africa, then it's that dude's picture.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Blade, it's like that everywhere, right? It's probably like that in... It's going to be like that in CrossFit. It's going to be like that in CrossFit. It's going to be like that in the... It's going to be like that in a ton of places just because of South Africa. Yeah, it's weird. Hey, it's like when the person from China
Starting point is 00:51:21 went to the semifinals. It was a former CIA officer. You know what I mean? It's a white guy. Because he lives there. Former. 111, Biden and Hunter. Holy shit, the White House is just completely falling apart.
Starting point is 00:51:38 How about the fact that the White House press secretary said it was irresponsible for the media to ask if that cocaine belonged to the biden family is she fucking retarded does she not know you can just go on the internet and type in hunter crack and 600 pictures pop up of the sun smoking crack sounds like me getting caught with weed when i was younger that's not mine and that's irresponsible for you to accuse me of it dad i'm okay with people changing their minds i'm okay with people shifting um but also is it not crazy to people that this guy was like the biggest proponent for putting away
Starting point is 00:52:12 crackheads in u.s history yep wasn't he one of the ones too that like made that harsher punishment from like the powder to like the crack like cocaine right so it was like all that shit dude he's at the head of all that he ran on being so proud of that fucking crazy he probably doesn't even remember it now so it went it went from the democrats it went from the democrats saying that drug laws um were purposely made to imprison black people to their guy, champion it and their, and them voting and electing him and putting him in office. It doesn't need for him literally saying, if you,
Starting point is 00:52:52 if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Yeah. How does that even work? Wow. And he said it to Charlemagne too. Who's Mr. Call you out.
Starting point is 00:53:03 God. He's like, he said, speaking of crackheads. Never forgive Charlemagne for that. I think Charlemagne's so brave because he's so mentally inequipped to go head-to-head with people, and yet
Starting point is 00:53:15 he does. I would not fucking have Vivek on and go head-to-head with him. Hell no. Dude, you better switch to question time you better just ask questions yeah i'm gonna have fucking larry elder on and start fucking like no one's no one's having larry elder on their show with a dissenting opinion of his he'll fuck you up or thomas so well or vivek ramaswani or or jordan peterson yeah like you switch to question mode you fucking knucklehead oh fuck you up ain't gonna win that battle great have greg glassman on and start
Starting point is 00:53:52 talking about science i'd like to see any of those people in a discussion with greg about science you fucktards we'll tie you in a knot you don't even know what you're talking about never i have a master's degree dude you know that none of those are even real sciences according to your definition sociology psychology psychiatry climatology those aren't even oh my goodness they're in there with astrology and the funniest thing is the clip that hiller left in with him with a greg saying look at what i bought from uh amazon showing the different type of things that you know are ologies but have zero predictive value right yeah when he's like goodbye and the tea leaves make a shape or
Starting point is 00:54:42 this woman watches the bird far away and predicts what's going to happen to you. It's like there's just there's just a certain level of irony there that I think is pretty funny. Thank you, Jeff. Social sciences. Yeah. Those all those just horseshit. Mm hmm. Socialhit social science remember it used to be social studies gender studies and it changed women's studies black studies it changed from social studies and social science so that way they could put stuff in that you can't refute oh really don't you remember it was social studies i
Starting point is 00:55:25 do remember that i didn't know that that's why they did that that's crazy they they own the language they own the words make that simple switch and now if we put in we usher in some sort of policy it's not because it's been studied by the sociology it's because it's been it's science by this by the social science do you remember the other day when i was talking about rfk and i was like hey when he talks about affirmative action he or no sorry when he talks about um vaccines he's so clear he points out all the facts how come this many people died of measles but this many people died from the injection and he starts he's like what the fuck's going on and he pulls out the graphs and then you ask him about affirmative
Starting point is 00:56:01 action he says oh it's a very complex issue he doesn't start pointing to any okay so yesterday i was watching ted cruz interview a woman who's being nominated by the biden administration for a cabinet position i forget what the cabinet position is and he says to her hey is science ever closed, definitive? Is there anything in science that we're, okay, it's like this. This is the definition of gravity. It can never be changed. It's settled. That's the word he uses, settled.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Is science ever settled? And she said, no, that's not the way science works. Science should always be questioned. By the way, that's another thing. Soon as you saw censorship around the 49ers, you should have known it's not science it's gone you can just throw it out the door but she said no she agreed with him she's got her blue glasses on she's fully woke right she fully woke she ended up being the first woman ever to get a phd i think it was at the california Technology. Later on, someone talks about her credentials. Anyway, so she says that. No, it can never be settled. It's never, it's
Starting point is 00:57:11 never, it's always should be questioned. That's part of the foundational elements of science. Everything should be, there should be a continuous sort of inquisition into what is the truth. And then he pivots and he says, OK, well, Rachel Levine. Said the other day. The gender science is now a closed subject, and we've heard that about climate science, climate, global warming, too. It's closed. He said Rachel Levine said the gender affirmation stuff, it's a closed book. Rachel Levine said the gender affirmation stuff, it's a closed book. There's nothing more to debate. It's here and it's real and it needs to be addressed. And he says, is that true? Do you think that the mutilation of kids through surgeries and through medications and irreversible blah, blah, blah, you think that we're done talking about it and that it's a gender's uh affirmation is 100 a a reality and a science that's settled and you know what she says it's a very complex issue and he's like i'm not asking if it's a complex issue i'm asking you yes or no if it's settled and she says i i the next thing she says she she goes, I want to be respectful.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Respectful and complex were her answers to a yes or no question. Just dancing around it. He's like, didn't I just ask you if science can ever be closed? She goes, yeah. And he goes, what about this science? Complex. Complex, and we have to move with respect people's feelings are involved deeply in these issues
Starting point is 00:58:49 oh fucking look I ordered an air fryer rubber tray from AliExpress and it arrives in a week air fryer pay attention I'm saying some important shit. Okay, here we go. 111, Biden and Hunter.
Starting point is 00:59:19 I'm dealing with gun violence. What do you think about Hunter? Because make no mistake. Sit down. You'll hear what I have to say. What do you think about that that guy's armenian for sure no no that's mary mary mary mary you know what i actually smoke crack with mary mary this is hunter Hunter Biden bragging about smoking crack with the mayor of Washington, D.C. For those of you who don't know, Washington, D.C., I don't even know if you call it a territory or what, but it's the capital. It's a city that is the capital of the United States of America.
Starting point is 01:00:01 And the president's son is bragging about smoking crack with that mayor. Now, for those of you who don't know, crack really fucks up your thought process. Like really fucks it up. Is the science settled on that though? It is settled. It feels like it's a complicated issue. It's anecdotal in my book. It is complicated.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I'll tell you this. I know people who've smoked enough crack to where it flipped their gender wow yeah I bet Susan knows some too all of a sudden some weird shit starts happening
Starting point is 01:00:38 okay keep playing this this is just crazy you'd be surprised what I do for some crack I was in Georgetown and he used to go to a place right next to the guards This is just crazy. You'd be surprised what I do for some crack. God. Jesus. I was in Georgetown, and he used to go to a place right next to the guards. And I was a sophomore, I guess. I was a junior when that happened, but he used to come there and drink, like, late, late. And I would be in there.
Starting point is 01:01:01 And he'd go to the bathroom. But anyway. Turntable. barry was arrested for crack during the 80s yeah he was arrested he went to jail and then he ran for mayor again and was really like he can't make this shit up it's fucking nuts okay uh one um uh one one ten i don't know if we want to get into this i'm so tripped out on this i i'm gonna i'm gonna show you something here really quick i'm gonna weigh in slightly feel free to anyone to call in you want to say anything here we go uh this is uh tia to me the crossfit games champion action that's a baby i assume that's a real baby so if you read the comments once again it's fucking complete retardville
Starting point is 01:02:00 no one actually people are like debating stuff on the on in minutia like is she holding so see that right there pull-ups you never do a pull-up with a baby carrier on ever ever ever you don't fucking ever hold dumbbells over a baby's head never just never there's it's not like this isn't like we don't know who tia is this isn't like don't insert you're not a woman you're not a mom we We've all been babies. It's the same thing with sucking on a man's tit.
Starting point is 01:02:29 No baby wants to do that to get milk. No baby, no baby wants a dumbbell held over their head. No baby wants nobody, nobody. No human, no animal, no raton, no cockroach, no Espanola, no Africana. Nobody wants a dumbbell over their head. Nobody, not Tia Toomey, not her baby, not Shane, not Greg Glassman, not Hunter Biden. Even people who smoke crack don't want a don't nobody wants a dumbbell over okay fine i'll leave her alone i like her i fine i'll leave her alone i'll leave
Starting point is 01:03:14 it on fine i'll leave it on okay fine i'm fine i like her i'll leave it on purpose like she knows what it's gonna do it what the thing thing is it's not even excusable. There's no – and you don't do the pull-up. You don't do – like so you don't do any dynamic or explosive movements when there's a baby around. So like let's say she would have accidentally forgotten and done a chest-to-bar and fucking rammed the baby's head into the pull-up bar. Like you just don't – there's a risk-to-benefit ratio. That baby's not getting anything. Someone wrote in the comments it's better than having the stroller off in the corner.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Dude, I used to take Avi to the gym all the time, and we had the stroller off in the corner. And you could either watch or sleep. Yeah. By the way, I think baby carriers are pretty much for losers. Now, my wife will be like, you know, I use the baby carrier a lot. It's like, yeah, well, hold your fucking baby. Give it to Shane. Put your baby down. But what if it's like yeah well like hold your fucking baby give it to shane put your baby down but what if it's a cool tactical one okay fine i mean and i will tell
Starting point is 01:04:12 you this too i think that 90 of the people someone's gonna be like well i had fucking twins and then in the 10 months later i had another baby and i had to go grocery shopping okay you win in that that you win there i have no defense i bow down to you i get it you found a place to use a carrier i'm just saying you don't put on a carrier a baby's never needs to be on your carrier when you're working out it's it's and i grant i understand you just had a baby you can't even fucking think straight I get it but but if you have a husband who's a man like that's his fucking job and don't anyone say you don't know you're not a woman I was inside of a woman for nine months and came out of the pussy
Starting point is 01:05:00 and I was a baby don't fucking tell me I wasn't a woman I was a baby. Don't fucking tell me I wasn't a woman. I was a baby. Hey, what's up, brother? How are you? Oh, are you making bacon? I smell bacon. I'm not. No, I was cooking eggs. Do you have your parenting masters, though, Saban? Got him.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Got him. Got him. What was your thesis on, Sab savannah what's on your parenting thesis he knows it he's backing off now he's not an expert he doesn't have the phd have you have you raised have you raised a child to uh to fruition no I'm totally out of line Mars she can do whatever she wants she's too doomy
Starting point is 01:05:53 I'm sorry and you know what if she does a burpee with the baby on there and the baby gets hurt it's the baby's fault her body her choice with the baby on there and the baby gets hurt, it's the baby's fault. Her body hurt twice. Manny Spiegel, I was inside a woman last night. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Crazy. It's fucking crazy. It's truly... I'm so proud of her too. Tell her I'm proud of her too. Did you know that the, go ahead, you had a word you were going to say. I'm just kind of stunned that
Starting point is 01:06:36 at the level of just mass ignorance, it's almost like you don't love your kid. It's almost it's almost like it's almost there's a component of selfishness there that I just can't kind of wrap my head around. I don't even understand it. Maybe I shouldn't call it selfish. I don't even understand. How do you feel about people in Africa carrying large jugs of water on top of their head while they have a child? hard shoves of water on top of their head while they have a child. Yeah. I think it's a, I think it's a hundred percent. And I've seen that. I think it's a hundred percent necessity. There's that's where the risk assessment comes in place.
Starting point is 01:07:16 It's riskier to leave your baby. That's a great point. That's a great point. That's a great point. If she doesn't work out with her baby, the risk, risk could potentially be a bye cross the game championships not that she needs seven of them or six of them right okay well she could hand it I don't want to fight with you but what about putting the baby on the ground
Starting point is 01:07:40 or handing it to Shane no okay alright this bumps numbers up round or handing it to Shane? No. Okay. All right. All right. This bumps numbers up. Follow up. Money more. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Someone, Dick Butter says she literally is doing it for the gram. I don't think so. I think she's doing it because she's so fucking excited. Like when you have a baby, you're just so fucking excited. so fucking excited. Like when you have a baby, you're just so fucking excited. You just,
Starting point is 01:08:09 you just, you just, she just does. She's just so excited. She wants to do everything with the baby. She wants to put, like she would try the, it's like people who dress their babies up,
Starting point is 01:08:18 right. Or get their baby's ears pierced. It's complete fucking ADC, but they're just so excited. They just can't wait. Or like you get a new dog and you go to the dog store and you drop $500 on dog toys and dog bed. I think it's like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:30 You get the $100 for bag dog food. It was a middle, a meerkat liver. Oh shit. All right. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:40 It was melting down at his house. Oh my goodness. Logan, I love you. Sorry, that got crazy. I would go on these five-mile hikes and I would hold my baby the whole way. And if I couldn't hold the baby anymore,
Starting point is 01:09:00 I would set the baby down. I did it all the time. I said, I'll be down. Yeah, I don't know i i don't i think she's just so excited it's so exciting to have a baby but um i showed that to avi i didn't say anything last night i was we were watching the fights and i go hey avi look at this and he goes this is what he said why is she lifting weights over her the the baby's head that was the first thing my fucking eight-year-old said, I swear to you. And then he said, did you do that with me? With the mean mug.
Starting point is 01:09:35 When you watch it, there's just like a spidey sense that starts tingling. Like it inherently feels like you need to correct the situation, right? Like she goes to do the dumbbell and you're like, oh, hold on. Okay, go ahead. Pat the baby. Imagine a baby being strapped here, and there's a steel ball here, and you pull your chin, and the baby's head is here. Or what if just you have a wardrobe malfunction,
Starting point is 01:09:58 and the carrier falls off because it's not tactical? Because it's not camo. It doesn't have your latest patch on it uh david weed my mom took out took out took me out on her harley davidson when i was two months old that explains it david i saw um uh i saw a lady a pregnant lady riding a bike and crash on a bike once oh that's not good no that is not good why is she on a bike uh excuse me my mom smoked mall burrows during pregnancy now i have a gun in my hand he's tactical look at him uh chad f would any this is an interesting question would any coach allow a member to do what she's doing in their class not at my job it nope we've had wow that's a
Starting point is 01:10:52 fucking great question we've had one accident that was one accident enough i feel like most coaches will just watch the baby themselves or like hold on like i've seen coaches just hold them while they're coaching the class yeah we don't allow that either. Don't fucking hold someone else's kid. Put them in a stroller. Put them far away from what's going on. There's plenty of adults in the room. We can all assess the situation if the baby needs help. Do not put your baby next to you. Do not roll it right up underneath your
Starting point is 01:11:16 pull-up bar and do a kipping pull-up in your band and kick the baby stroller and have it go up over end. And I stand there with my cup of coffee going, oh, just to see your fucking baby flying through the air okay you don't need more than one of those incidents incidents to say fuck that kids in the stroller they go across the other side of the room how was the baby i don't know the motherfucking scoop that shit up and bounce so quick it was like
Starting point is 01:11:41 the whole room was just like like half the room didn't even see it and the other half the room was just in fucking shock like what just happened yes i was holding coffee while coaching it's 5 30 in the morning fucking judgmental bitch how many classes have you coached at 5 30 in the morning oh my god dude better than holding the baby hey dude that that mother's devastated fuck yeah here's the here's the thing too if something did happen tia would fucking you'd have you have to kill yourself that's another reason why you don't do it fuck the baby if you have to kill yourself like if your baby dies on your on your watch or something like gets hurt like you have to i don like you have to – I don't know what you do. I don't know what you do.
Starting point is 01:12:29 You have to – It's not a good time. I'll tell you that. I don't know what you do. For everyone defending Tia, where is the line? The thing is they're not even like defending her they're saying stuff like it's her baby she can do what she wants
Starting point is 01:12:49 they're saying she's the fittest woman in the world you don't know what it's like to be her those types of things I can kind of see while she's pregnant like the working out when she was pregnant but that thing is now i can i can put myself in that baby shoes and be like hey no one would no one wants a dumbbell held over their head not even for a second like just go just go lay down on the ground okay just
Starting point is 01:13:19 go lay down on the ground and have the strongest person you know uh do thrusters while squatting over your face so like they're like if it's your wife she'd thrusters while squatting over your face. So like if it's your wife, she'd be putting her pussy down in your face while she's doing thrusters. Or have her do kettlebell swings over your face. And just tell me how you feel. The chances of it landing on you are very, very slim. Very slim.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Because first of all, the kettlebell, 90% of the time, is going to be going out there. But there is a split second one that's going to be down every time over your face coming down let me know how you feel about what you think like what would i'm telling you there was people and they're like is that too hot for the baby is the baby gonna overheat it's like what the fuck is wrong with people is the baby gonna overheat there's 60 pounds of steel going up and down in a dynamic motion over this baby's fucking head the good thing they got the noise canceling headphones on the baby for when the music's oh they weren't over the baby, Blade says.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Blade, when she drops one and it rolls down her arm like this, or when they slip, or when the one in the top goes that way. Yeah, anything. They were close enough, brother, for me. Probably 70. Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean to disrespect you. A 1% chance of something happening when it could be at zero,
Starting point is 01:14:50 just with a slightly different decision, should always go to zero. Blade Walker, it looks like the movements were calculated to me. I agree. No one ever accidentally did a strict chest of our pull-ups. Okay, fine. But what I'm saying is those arguments don't even – you don't unload a gun and then put the gun in your mouth and be like, dude. Or have it pointed sideways out your cheek like this and be like, hey, it was never pointed at my brain, and there's no bullets in it. Like you just don't – you just don't do it. CK Kevin said he's just mad because it was light for Tia but heavy for him.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Tia but heavy for him some lady with a hippopotamus I could be totally wrong but don't you have to be a little selfish to be the best of the best isn't this just a manifestation of that I don't know interesting did the baby die the one with the gun in its mouth no it lived just put a little hole in its cheek
Starting point is 01:15:46 and blade says and that's why she's gonna win and you all ain't I'm open is that what it takes I'll go find a baby right now strap it to me and start doing some pull ups while chest feeding okay um uh okay i want
Starting point is 01:16:09 you uh 109 this guy is gonna this is fucking this is one of the most brilliant things i've heard uh on race in a long time um but you can substitute the word black community for trans community for any community you want this is a a kind of like a little essay here on a group thing this the real problem facing the black community you could write the real problem facing the trans community you slip in any community you want here don't get stuck on the fact that it's black that's completely irrelevant okay here we go action now i know this video is going to give me a lot of hate, but oh well. But the real problem facing the black community is the idea that there is a black community.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Many people in the black community have accepted the idea that knowledge does not come from the use of reason by an individual, but from the group. This is what I would call the biggest problem facing the black community, and once this is understood, it explains all the other problems. So instead of carefully crafting their own identity, a lot of black people find their identity from the group and so as such they're no longer seen as individuals but as a part of a group and this is actually a lot of the problem with society today that's the whole lgbq tz plus shit they're trying to it's like so obviously fucked up group think and in like one identity that's that can't be one identity it's why it's why the liberals are slowly tiptoeing out of the room with democrats they can't handle the group think anymore
Starting point is 01:17:35 the lesbians don't want to be part with mixed up with the pedophiles or the dudes who are fucking men who are twerking at parades in front of little kids. Yeah. And this guy saying about the black community, like, what? Like, don't do the groupthink thing. OK, go on. People think that knowledge comes from the group instead of trying to find it for themselves. Here's what happens. In short, agree to us versus them mentality.
Starting point is 01:17:59 This is fostered by the idea that black people have their own unique view that white people or anyone else just cannot understand. But this line of thinking means that black person's mind is programmed by factors beyond his control, and that he can't see reality for what it is, but only what it is given his programming. And when a person can't see reality for what it is, of course they'd be mad, of course they'd be angry, of course they'd be upset with the world and how it is. And this explains most of the problems in the black community. Each person watching this video is an individual. Only you are watching this video.
Starting point is 01:18:26 The advice I'm about to give goes for anybody. Stop clinging to people just on the basis of race, okay? It may have worked in the past, but in recent times, it has done more harm than good and is being used against you. By focusing on race in the group, each person will be left behind as a group. The person watching this can either be the architect
Starting point is 01:18:40 of their own demise, or they can take the reins of their mind and do great things. But if you want to know more about this, just click the link in my bio and read my sub stack and read my sub stack uh turntable i don't know what this means exactly what does this mean can someone translate this to me in the valid individuality and black people is not rewarded by any side i don't i don't know what that means but i like from the way i understand it i couldn't disagree more isn't he saying that michael jackson was rewarded greatly what aren't they just isn't
Starting point is 01:19:17 he just saying that they're rewarding the group of black people rather than like individuals like based on merit of an individual one more time what's his let me read it and then you explain to me individual individuality and black people is not rewarded by any side yeah so they're like i would say maybe big corporations or big entities are rewarding the groups of black people like the dei council basically because they're like oh because you're black oh right oh oh oh yes yes yes they're being right okay then I do agree that yeah they're being encouraged to think as group think
Starting point is 01:19:52 right stick together don't swim away from the pack well it's like like Larry Elder did and then they the LA Times says that you're really a white man and blackface that's crazy that is fucking nuts how do you be a democrat after that how do you be a democrat after that how do you be democrat after that you just called a black a black dude a white guy in blackface
Starting point is 01:20:12 when that's your whole we should we should invite somebody who's like a hardcore Democrat on the show and just ask them. Don't be Thomas Sowell. Sowell? Sowell? Yeah, right. 108. 108 more science oh we can do this we can get through 20 of these
Starting point is 01:20:53 one every 30 seconds here we go more science rapid fire oh this one's crazy this one's fucking nuts let me read this real quick let me just read what it says in that thing Dr. Thomas Oh, this one's crazy. This one's fucking nuts. Let me read this real quick. Let me just read what it says in that thing.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Dr. Thomas Schnaz, professor of psychiatry. The actual truth about chemical imbalance is that it's an actual lie. Nobody has yet measured, demonstrated, or created a test to show that somebody has a chemical imbalance in their brain, period. So you have to ask the classic Roman question, legal who benefits the people who make the diagnosis this is a professor of psychiatry that you're about to uh who said that and then okay here we go one case report of one disease validated not one what they do is they meet at the psychiatric association. They meet in the DSM committee, Diagnostic Statistical Manual Committee, and they vote on making new behavioral and emotional disorders. And they vote, and then they start immediately calling them diseases. And they tell people, they tell the public these are diseases.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Total fraud. Total fraud. The actual truth about chemical balance is that it's an actual lie. Nobody has yet measured, demonstrated, or created a test to show that somebody has a chemical imbalance in their brain, period. There is no rational science behind what they think is the cause of these symptoms. The medications that are being given to people are, without exception, introducing chemicals that are altering the brain in ways which can be very damaging. In the absence of a proven chemical imbalance
Starting point is 01:22:46 for which the medications are, quote, rebalancing or fixing, the medications are in fact toxic. So you have to ask the classic Roman question, legal question, cui bono? Who benefits? So this is basically just a lesson in consensus. So here it is. Psychiatry is just all 100% consensus. There's fucking no truth there there's no science there it doesn't work like that it's just voting it's like it's like the people who voted in biden also voted uh what psychiatric issues there are i worked in a home uh for disabled adults for five years i made a movie about it it's on youtube it's called our house and i was young it's embarrassing for me to say this but I used to take them to the doctor who would prescribe them the medications.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And I would go at least once a month. There were nine or ten clients that are adults. And I'd walk them down to their doctor's office. It was about a mile away. And the doctor would change their prescriptions of drugs, lorazepam, and all these interesting psychiatric drugs. And he would change the doses. And I'd be like, like hey how come you how come um like it's always changing how come based on what i'm telling you or based on how they're
Starting point is 01:23:50 behaving how come you don't just say hey this fixes that this gets rid of the voices in your head or this makes it so it fixes your stuttering problem he's like oh no one knows how any of this works i'm like what he's like this is all just testing um and trial by error and i was like holy fuck and there were 100 different meds go ahead caleb and then uh like the military health facilities basically we they would just put somebody on a dose for 90 days and then once they show stability on it, quote unquote stability, if they don't feel like anything's changed, they'll just increase the dose and they just do that every 90 days.
Starting point is 01:24:32 So you have these people who are in the military who are just perpetually changing their doses of whatever mental health medication they're on. And so that they're restricted to do they can't like they can't deploy they can't do it's another it's another thing like the transition therapy where they will just perpetually be like come to work and not be able to do anything but they'll just keep doing that every 90 days they'll have another appointment they'll go to mental health say nothing's changed they'll get another dose of whatever. So eventually they're just railroaded out of the military after having done absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 01:25:07 And ladies and gentlemen, just so you know, these are the tools that broken science gives people. It allows you to say what is the predict... So for all those idiots in Hiller's Thread, all it does is allow you to say what is the predictive value of giving them someone who hears voices in their head and them going away and getting a better life by giving them lorazepam and when the doctor says there actually is no predictive value we don't know then you know that there's no science around
Starting point is 01:25:37 it there hasn't been a science it was voted on it was voted on fucking nuts idiot world okay 107 is this real be so thankful you're not crazy being crazy would suck that's another reason not to do drugs doing drugs will make you crazy
Starting point is 01:25:57 even smoking a shitload of weed will make you crazy I don't know if this is real people this is fucking crazy this is real, people. This is fucking crazy. This is the President of the United States, Joe Biden, supposedly talking to somebody. This is the kind of shit I think could get us kicked off of YouTube. Oh, boy. Here we go. Speaking of pedophiles, here we go.
Starting point is 01:26:30 don't tell mommy what i told you you got it she he thought she was taking a picture and she recorded him saying all that. Don't tell mommy what I told you. Hey, I don't know. There's some sentences that I just can't see coming out of my mouth that's a little weird
Starting point is 01:27:12 and the Secret Service hears all of that 106 what I'm about to show you I should have asked Blade about this what I'm about to show you is completely normal in California I grew up with this 100%. This is everywhere in California. So when someone pops up in the comments here and they're like,
Starting point is 01:27:29 this isn't being forced down on kids, I'm telling you, at 51 years old, my entire life I've seen stuff like this in California. Everywhere. If you live in California and you've ever gone to San Francisco or you've left fucking Atascadero or Pismo Beach or whatever podunk shithole you live in you went to the city if you ever went lived in la or san francisco or um san diego or san jose you saw this shit this is it look at it says pervert sex offender and it's a guy with a fucking trench coat on and then it says pride free expression and it's someone with a trench coat on but they got the rainbow flag up in a dog mask and i'm not trying to be fucking mean like but i'm just pointing out the facts
Starting point is 01:28:11 this is just pointing out the facts i'm not trying to be mean or anything or diss anyone okay here we go an old man in his underwear where he's dangling in his tighty whities And it's not just one or two kids It's a shitload of kids watching him As he does some weird twerking motion He does a hip thrust to simulate Anal sex Because he's gay right It's not vaginal I don't want to be rude
Starting point is 01:28:39 I thought he was just swinging the dong around a little Oh okay maybe he's just swinging his dong around Look at there's a girl making eye contact with him. Someone brought their kid there. He's doing the hug. Make eye contact with him. Look at that, how happy that kid is. That kid's fucked.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Yeah. He has a large package. Holy shit. It's crazy how much shit i saw as a kid that it just seemed normal to me then and you just wait until you like you're 20 and you smoked a bunch of crack by the way i've known totally normal people who smoked a shitload of crack will snort a bunch of meth and then they end up doing stuff like that normal people i mean they were normal like maybe they started out yeah like they were called they were college friends and like you know one minute you're fucking drinking high life with them and playing frisbee at the beach then you don't see him for six months and you're
Starting point is 01:29:37 like what happened to jason and it's like hey he got really into meth and then the next time you see him he's at a fucking bus stop um with fucking lipstick on and he's got all his shit laid out on the seat and like he's trying to solicit people to suck a dick to get some more meth and you're like wow sounds like a chemical imbalance to me yeah that is a chemical actually that is a chemical imbalance jake chapman if you want to see middle- aged men with their shirts off join your local affiliate oh that's hilarious okay 105
Starting point is 01:30:18 I present to you the vice president of the United States of America oh fucking nuts here too. Nutso. Here we go. And I want to make another point. You know, in traveling around the world, I often, in fact, almost every time when I go to a new country,
Starting point is 01:30:39 I'll meet with women to talk with them about how they're doing. That was moving. So touching. Hey, listen, can you define what a woman is for me? Do they have different definition for every country you go to every new country? I bet they do here in America. We don't know how to define a woman. I know it's crazy. Oh goodness. You know, America, you know, have you talked to a lot of women here in America, maybe down at the border? That would be fun. Listen, if you came and talked to me, I would tell you a little bit about my situation. Yeah. Gas is still high groceries. You know, those are really out of control. And then let's talk about the heating bills that you guys said that you would reduce. Yeah. Yeah. Those that never happened.
Starting point is 01:31:25 No, it did not. Hey, listen, I think that if you came and visited with me, we would have a blast. I think we would hit it off. I think we would, we would become besties. Maybe we could switch places every once in a while when you don't want to work. I'll work. So I'll be working all the time. Anyways, we can make some Venn diagrams. Maybe get an electric school bus and go down to the border. That would be fun. We could put border or bust on it. I'm excited already thinking about the possibilities. God, that chick is hot.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Listen to Montel Jordan. This is how we do it. Throw out a cackle. Okay, okay, okay. Does she have a nose piercing? Yes, she does. Makes me hate her. 104.
Starting point is 01:32:09 She's awesome. She's's nice she is nice she's got that combo laugh down she's nice hey that chick that chick fucking wears the pants in her family when you see chick who's got her eyes open you can see the whites of her eye on top of her pupil and below her pupil that bitch is trouble that bitch is trouble. Like her husband. He's got his hands full. Okay. This one's good. Five ways you can support your fat friends. I thought this was really cool.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Here we go. Six, nine girls want to drink wine. Tell the man not to waste you. Number one, call ahead to restaurants to make sure they have fat friendly seating. So if you have a fat friend and you're going to go out to dinner with them make sure you call the restaurant it has this is real don't be close-minded this is totally real call ahead to the restaurant to make sure they have fat friendly seating this is totally real look at the chick's fat and like she's giving you okay here we go keep going oh you need the audio sorry reservation for tonight of course how many people four okay yeah we can do that oh you're coming in
Starting point is 01:33:14 with a big old tubby fatty fat so okay great thank you thanks so much for calling ahead to let us know uh we really appreciate it and i know they would appreciate it as well that people love when their friends have to call places ahead of time to warn about their size yeah yeah they love it um yeah don't worry we'll get the big old fat fatty fat booth ready for you and um don't worry the menu we've removed all of you know mentions of diet no keto no vegetarian no nothing we've actually also removed the calorie counts on the on the menu items we know that could upset the big old porkers you know what i mean not the words of an angry fat person. I know you know. But, yeah, we'll have the booth ready for you for 7.
Starting point is 01:33:47 And don't worry, there's a place for them to park their scooter. I wonder what the other four ways are. That's DEI shit. By the way, that's a really old video. That's Justin Medeiros before he started training. Working at the restaurant there, for those of you who couldn't make the connection. Okay, 103. Biden is a retard.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Retard. Retard. Retard. Is that not nice to say about the commander-in-chief? It's appropriate. Here we go unfortunately you know my dad had an expression he used to say you know your success as a parent when you turn and look as a child and realize they turned out better than you you know my dad had an expression he used to say you know your success as a parent when you turn and look as a child
Starting point is 01:34:45 and realize they turned out better than you wow damn it's not like he said that fucking last month i mean uh uh 10 years ago it's it's like he said that last month like he could completely come out and just say like one of those situations like look we all love hunter he's making a ton of mistakes like we don't agree with any of his mistakes this is something we're dealing with internally as a family we're going to do our best to push this away so it doesn't affect anything with the american people but please just give us the space while we figure this out and we don't condone any of these actions right right they
Starting point is 01:35:22 don't they just double down on like that's a family affair don't question it right i agree with you i agree with you just talk honestly and openly about it yeah make it relatable don't make it like it's just just straight corrupt exactly and then all the parents i mean there's a lot of parents that have dealt with addiction and their kids and stuff i mean and then he could even pivot that and say and the real issue here is the fentanyl crisis. And we're going to do everything in our power to stop this from continuing on to other. This is, this is closer to me than ever before.
Starting point is 01:35:52 And I finally realized I need to close the border. Yeah. We're going to look into these issues and it doesn't just affect our family, but million dollars families. And Susie stopped being level-headed. Just show that picture and it goes right out the window jake chapman seven uh don't do that with your hair it makes me feel movement in my pants i'm gonna cut my hair i'm in a second you guys are gonna see me i'm gonna cut all my hair off
Starting point is 01:36:16 here in a minute like really yeah i'm so tired of my hair are you just going bald are you like no like you i'm gonna i'm gonna look just i'm gonna cut my hair exactly like you go and fall they like no like you i'm gonna i'm gonna look just i'm gonna cut my hair exactly like you that's it okay not isolated what is this what is this let's just go through these not isolated what is this what is this not okay here we go not all four of those oh yeah yeah yeah this is oh yeah this is good this is good this is the whole thing again. The CDC, your government is approving pedophilia now. I think – I need some consensus on this. I need some science on this. If you force a baby – if a baby – if the only way a baby is going to eat is through sucking on a man's breast, I wonder what Tia thinks about that. I'd be so curious. Wouldn't you?
Starting point is 01:37:02 What do Tia and Shane think about drinking milk out of a man's breast? And this is done through drugs, right? It's not like a man wearing a thing. Yeah. It's not like a man using a drug to be able to – By the way, this is a Democrat, which is weird. Michael Schellenberger. I think this guy is a Democrat.
Starting point is 01:37:20 He ran for governor of California. The Center for Disease Control, the people who brought to you the 49ers jab, has issued a new guidance endorsing chest feeding. By trans-identified biological males on Wednesday, the Daily Mail and Fox News reported several pages of the CDC's website now include the term chest feeding. One CDC page about
Starting point is 01:37:37 breast surgery has a section titled, Can Transgender Parents, by the way, Can Men Who Had Their Penises Chopped Off, or maybe not even, and who have kids who've had breast surgery for breastfeeding or chest feed their infants this section asserts that one option for these transgender parents is to take medication to induce lactation so maybe it's both ways it's if you're a woman and you had your titties chopped off or if you're a dude. To mimic lactation, biological males can use a combination of drugs. This combination can include a contraceptive pill to produce estrogen, an anti-nausea medication, a heart medication,
Starting point is 01:38:17 and an antipsychotic, a sedative, and an off-label lactation drug called doperidone. Domperidone. Hey, so that's six drugs right there you have to take if you want to lactate. In 2004, the FDA cautioned biological mothers against taking Domperidone. Domperidone? Domperidone?
Starting point is 01:38:39 Domperidone. In part because the drug is excreted in breast milk that could expose a breastfeeding infant to unknown risks. Holy shit. So before it was said don't take it because your baby could drink it, and now it's supposed to help you make milk for babies. Despite this warning for biological females, the FDA has not issued any warning to trans-identified males
Starting point is 01:39:00 who want to take the drug. Neither the FDA nor the CDC appear to have assessed the safety. The safety? Can't we just say that this is pedophilia? The CDC's chest feeding advice clearly has nothing to do with the well-being of infants. Its endorsement of an off-label hormone cocktail demonstrates once again that the CDC is a captured institution that issued guidance based on a political interest rather than scientific evidence or health. Attorney General. Sign the Attorney General.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Who signed it down below? Let me see. That doesn't say. This is fucking nuts, dude. Sunil Matanwani. Who do you guys like in the GOP primary? This is fucking nuts, dude. Sunil Matanwani. Who do you guys like in the GOP primary? Vivek Ramaswamy.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Okay. So is there a video with that or is that it? That's just that. Oh, you started from the top. Okay, let's go to the next one. Okay, let's go to the next one. So there it is, guys. That's where we're at.
Starting point is 01:40:05 And let's keep going. I'll show you a bunch of weird shit. That's where we're at. And let's keep going. I'll show you a bunch of weird shit. Here we go. Charlie Kirk, obviously he's pissed. This guy's a fucking Jesus lover. They don't like pedophilias. Pedophiles. This is sick.
Starting point is 01:40:19 CDC gives guidance for trans people. Mentally deranged. Chest feeding kids accused of failing to consider possible health risks. According to the Daily Mail, this advice may apply to biological men, sickos, who can produce their own breast milk by taking hormone drugs. The outlet noted that the FDA's warning that one of these drugs, Domperdone, can, quote, pass into breast milk in small amounts. Pause. Yeah, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Domperidone. Sorry, I had to correct him. He said it like how I used to say it 40 minutes ago. No problem, Charlie. There you go. I fixed you. Domperidone. Sorry, I had to correct him. He said it like how I used to say it 40 minutes ago. No problem, Charlie. There you go. I fixed you. Idiot. Sometimes give babies an irregular heartbeat as a result. Yeah, I'm done with this.
Starting point is 01:40:56 Hey, dude, even that picture is fucking creepy. Even that picture feels like it's like Charlie's house should be fucking searched by the FBI because he just posted that. And mine too now that i showed it like i just showed pedophilia on my fucking youtube station it's fucking weird dude go to the next one go to the third one this is fucking nuts dude oh yeah it sounds like dom perignon hold on hold on what is this nonsense richard fits well trump was forced to have a lockdown
Starting point is 01:41:30 fuck that he wasn't forced shit he also said many times we can't shut the economy down he caved to the pressure okay he caved to the pressure but he wasn't forced i want to go with manny spiegel on that one so he either decided or he caved it's still bad still bad yeah i don't want a leader that caves now what richard what you got i if this is pickleball hit the ball back into your court someone's gonna bust an acl okay yeah is that goldberg uh uh trump is a character biden is a veggie. RFK is the people. Vivek is controlled op. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:42:09 Wait, how would you say that about RFK? I know. His statements are big. How does that? Maybe RFK is the people because like he's just, you know, like he's got some of the shit right and some of it wrong. I don't know. Kayla, it's hard for most women to breastfeed. What makes men think they can do it by taking meds?
Starting point is 01:42:32 I don't know. Is it hard for most women? It shouldn't be. I don't think it is. For most? I think some people have difficulty with it. I vindicate. Wait, say it again, Kayla. I said I think some women do have difficulty breastfeeding, vindicate. Wait, say it again, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:42:46 I said I think some women do have difficulty breastfeeding, but I'm not 100% sure as to what it is. Yeah, yeah, some do for sure. Like the ones that are anorexic. Sure. Okay. Okay. Pool boy, politics are gay.
Starting point is 01:43:05 Well, that explains why I like them so much. Sonny K, shit hurts. Oh, breastfeeding? Breastfeeding hurts? Oh, a tanker is by that. I mean, he is the people he shows as a norm. He's still corrupt. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Okay, here we go. One more, and then we get back to the show. Sleeky, breastfeeding is a rough road, even if you have a good supply and are fully equipped. Those first few weeks are fucking brutal. Oh, until, like, your titties get, like, desensitized from someone gnawing on them 24-7? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:43:41 I really enjoyed watching my wife breastfeed. The tits were crazy in the morning. Crazy. And then she had twins, so she produced twice as much milk. It's nuts. Okay. Okay. Everyone should see someone breastfeed.
Starting point is 01:44:00 It changes your whole view on tits. Not in a bad way. A good way. Okay, this first. Oh, this thing that we're oh is this this first is this third one what we're playing now that i that i said this first okay here we go yes this is a doctor this is a doctor this morning i discovered that the cdc listen closely here, the CDC, a formally reputable, trusted institution in this country, is now telling health up, they want to feed their infants from their chemically induced breast tissue. So the CDC is saying, all you providers out there, you have to know how to facilitate this to happen.
Starting point is 01:45:10 And what this means, ladies and gentlemen, what this means is that these— Hold on. Hang on. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on. So I can understand. I'm just a stupid Mick. Is this you're saying that men are breastfeeding children? Is that what you're talking about? A man would breastfeed a child? Is that what this means? That that what you're talking about? A man would breastfeed a child. Is that what this means?
Starting point is 01:45:26 That is what we're talking about, except that it is not at all breastfeeding. What it is, is men who are being given medications that have as an adverse effect of the medication, an adverse effect. effect of the medication, an adverse effect, it causes their breast tissue to create a substance that is then excreted. So this is not breast milk. Okay. How are you still a Democrat? So I just want to drive home one more time. There's not one Republic, just like there were no Republicans that owned slaves. I'm not saying that there weren't racist Republicans. I'm not saying that there weren't Republicans
Starting point is 01:46:12 who thought that they were better than black people. I'm not saying that there were Republicans who... I'm not saying any of that. Just saying there were no Republicans who owned slaves. There's no Republicans, not one, who agrees with this. Not one. This is all...
Starting point is 01:46:24 This is why you have to jump off. If you're a Democrat, you got to tiptoe out of the room now. It's done. I'm not saying that there's no Republican pedophiles or ones that want to do this or that there's no Republican trannies that are dying to breastfeed their kids. They're just not trying to make it okay and legalize it. Can everyone see the distinction here? There's a party in power that our president of the current country, they're trying to normalize pedophilia. This is nuts. I don't understand how this isn't like just everywhere in headline news. Unless I'm totally off, unless this isn't pedophilia someone help me out but i i just
Starting point is 01:47:06 don't trust men at all if you if you're trying to do something to get someone to suck on your nipple you're a um i i know way more um uh i know way more uh democrats i'm gonna shut it mason shut the shut your pie hole okay 100 I don't see any let me address what Mason said here real quick I don't see any Christian's comment
Starting point is 01:47:40 who's Christian yeah he's not joking next the dems will say men can feed babies out of their penises you're not even fucking joking you're not even joking that's you're not even fucking joking the thing is is that there's not one piece of there's no politician who's running on this on on on the right there's no piece of uh legislature that's going through from people on the right they're trying to slow this down i don't need to know a lot of republicans or a lot of democrats i can just go look and be
Starting point is 01:48:16 like okay uh the democrats are saying that if you take pornography out of the elementary school it's banning books and the republicans are saying you shouldn't teach kids pornography. And the media is presenting it to me that the Republicans are trying to do censorship. And then I do the discernment myself. No, it's actually not censorship. It's protecting kids from pornography.
Starting point is 01:48:34 And if I want to read that book on how to groom kids, I can still get it at my local library or purchase it on Amazon. Jake Chapman. Seve, I bought some genuine Armani socks from a market in Turkey for 50 cents. Jackass. They're smaller than the pack says. Do you want them?
Starting point is 01:48:58 Yeah, yeah. Send them to me. They probably have some sort of powder in them that's going to make me sterile. Okay, 100. How does anyone believe January 6th wasn't a stunt? Here we go. This is fucking great, too.
Starting point is 01:49:16 He immediately recoiled when you asked any questions about January 6th. And that was a tip-off to me. I mean, I had no thought. and that was a tip off to me i mean i had no thought in tucker says the chief of the capital police told him that the crowd on january 6th was filled with federal agents he planned on airing that interview but was canceled before he could do so okay here we go interesting my head as i watched this happen on television and in the subsequent weeks that u.s law enforcement or military agencies had anything to do with it that never crossed my mind i never thought there was it was a false flag or anything like that i'm not a conspiracist by temperament i never thought that um and then i interviewed the
Starting point is 01:49:56 chief of the capitol police stephen sund in an interview that was never aired on fox by the way i was fired before it could air. I'm going to interview him again. But Stephen Sund was the totally nonpolitical, worked for Nancy Pelosi. I mean, this was not some right-wing activist. He was the chief of the Capitol Police on January 6th. And he said, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents. What? Yes. Well, he would know, of course, because he was in charge of security at the site.
Starting point is 01:50:25 So the more time has passed now, it's been they immediately recoiled when you asked any questions about January 6th. Yeah, I don't understand. That was a tip off to me. I mean, I had no idea. I don't know the January 6th thing. Once again, I don't know how anyone. At most, you have to be like, OK. At most, you have to be like, okay, we're not hearing the full story. You can't be – and to call an insurrection, you're just a full-blown retard. There's just way too much footage of just people sitting around smoking weed, standing there, talking to cops. There's way too much weird shit of people opening doors, things being passed through windows, audio of the police and video of the police being like,
Starting point is 01:51:08 we were set up. The lack of fire. I mean, dude, did you see what just happened in France? That's a fucking insurrection. Holy shit. Number 99. Let me know if anyone needs help understanding this. I'll try to explain it to them.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Here we go. How are you guys on time? You good on time? Yeah. This is Malcolm X. Malcolm X. I think they called it an autobiography. His autobiography was written, which is kind of weird to say this, by a guy named Alex Haley. It's a great book. Changed my life. Changed the trajectory of my life. Incredible, incredible book. Highly recommend everyone read it. Here we go. Malcolm X. liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way. The liberal is more deceitful,
Starting point is 01:52:13 more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor. And by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game that is constantly raging between the white liberals and the white conservatives. The American Negro is nothing but a political football, and the white liberals control this ball through tricks or tokenism, false promises of integration and civil rights. In this game of deceiving and using the American Negro, the white liberals have complete cooperation of the Negro civil rights leaders who sell our people out for a few crumbs of token recognition. Token gain. Token progress. The white liberal. Listen to it as many times as you can until that shit sinks in.
Starting point is 01:53:18 It's like, it's... This show is basically just about just showing examples of that over and over and over, by the way. That's what this show is basically just about just showing examples of that over and over and over by the way that's what this show has become uh number 96 the hiv restaurant fuck i have an idea for tia and shane maybe they should go eat here at this place this place looks awesome every chef at this place has been diagnosed with hiv just like hold on. They wear rubber gloves. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:53:46 They know what they're... They're chefs. They're chefs. It's a Toronto restaurant. All the chefs here have HIV. Not a problem. Not a problem. A few of them even have like herpes
Starting point is 01:54:00 and athlete's foot. One of them got lice. But you will know consistently across the board all of them have hiv this is here we go worms and here here once again i don't have an issue with every chef they're having hiv i find it completely bizarre that it's the selling point of this restaurant and it would make it so that i wouldn't go there like this should set off a red flag to you this is the epitome of virtue signal. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:54:30 Restaurant is opening in Toronto where all the food is made by chefs who have HIV. On June 14th, Dune's HIV Plus Eatery will host an evening of cocktails and a multi-course dinner prepared by people living with HIV. And in honor of Pride Month, all proceeds will go to Casey House, which is a hospital and center for people with HIV. Restaurant is open. You think that's any different than most restaurants these days? You think most of the chefs at most restaurants have HIV? They've got more than HIV. I guarantee that.
Starting point is 01:54:55 There you go. I guess the most famous bodybuilder, Instagram bodybuilder in the world just died. 30 years old. Like this guy had like 9 million followers. His name was Joe Aesthetics. Joe Aesthetics. He was an entrepreneur. can you say the word entrepreneur for me did I say it right entrepreneur
Starting point is 01:55:31 entrepreneur entrepreneur or preneur entrepreneur that's like an entree that's made of manure they probably sell that at the HIV Plus restaurant. Entreprenuer?
Starting point is 01:55:48 Entreprenuer. Entreprenuer. Entremeneur. So this dude is... 9.4 mil. Oh, is that what it is? So this... There's an interview of him I have somewhere.
Starting point is 01:56:06 The one with Bradley Martin? Oh, is that the guy who's from No. Bradley Martin looks like this dude, super young. I know, but is he part of the Nelk Boys? Yeah. That's what I meant. Isn't part of the Nelk Boys?
Starting point is 01:56:26 No. I am part of the Nelk Boys? No. I am Will. Oh, Will does anything? Steve will do it. Steve will do it. That's a swing and a miss. Good Lord. It's Steve will do it.
Starting point is 01:56:41 What did I say? Will will do it? Yeah, The dude from the Black Eyed Peas? Yeah, that's what I was like. Will will do it versus, what is it? Steve will do it what did i say will i am will we do it yeah we'll do it from the black ips yeah that's what i will do it versus what is it steve will do it yeah we'll do it steve will do it did i ever get it right even close did i ever say will we'll do it no yeah bradley martin you're talking about like when he's talking about his blood work and stuff right
Starting point is 01:57:01 yeah so we got to find that interview somewhere um yeah i think i have it somewhere in here uh oh is that him yeah as a young man wow damn striatation is just crazy i need to fast more homeboy was a quadruple vax and he died at 30 he's also taking a hell of trt he said he tried he said he tried to cycle off of it but then like couldn't produce enough tr like testosterone naturally and like went into a massive depression and then had to start taking it again steve will do it as part of the Nelk Boys. Bradley Martin is not part of the Nelk Boys.
Starting point is 01:57:48 Bradley Martin owns Zoo Culture, Jim and but they're butt buddies. Yeah, but Bradley Martin's on all the Nelk Boy podcast, like the Full Send podcast and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, Burpee, dude. You're making it all confusing and shit. It's just close enough. Yeah, Bradley Martin and Steve will
Starting point is 01:58:04 do it, have been buddies for a long time like making content together and stuff it's like it it's like if a girl told you she was a 38d and then you find out she's a 36d and you call her on it's like dude cool chill let it slide you like saying hillary's not part of the podcast oh the burpee dude just DM'd me the interview. Good dude. Let me see if I can... That good burpy dude. Yeah, I didn't mean... Oh, shit, I just... Yeah, Hunter looks skinny.
Starting point is 01:58:36 Holy shit, Hunter McIntyre looks skinny as shit. Speaking of being off the sauce. Oh, here it is. Should I? I'll text this to you, Caleb. Okay. Hey, you know what's weird? If I text you something and I don't have self-service and Bruce Wayne's on that thread,
Starting point is 01:59:02 does it still go to you two and just not to him? Mm-hmm. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, because every time he sends these green bubbles, you try to bring it up on your computer and it doesn't work. Oh, okay, so I fucked up. Okay, Caleb, let me send it to you directly.
Starting point is 01:59:17 I got it. I just can never bring it up on my... You can bring it up on your computer, that thread? Yeah, I can't either. How'd you do that? I don't know. Okay, so he said, this guy on the right, Bradley Martin, says, did you get vaxxed?
Starting point is 01:59:34 Okay, here we go. Action. I got it. Did you really? Yeah. Even four. Really? Yeah. A peer pressured into the vax?
Starting point is 01:59:44 Yeah. Is that what you're saying? I went to the doctor and I did my blood work again because I take my blood work all the time. And then I showed it to the doctor and we kind of see these particles. And I'm like, what is this? And then they were like,
Starting point is 01:59:57 No way! Shut the fuck up! This is from this. And I'm like, oh my God. This is why people, they die. They have these white blood clots tons of them in their blood everywhere and so they're like this is what you maybe have did you get the vaccine so he got he got in this interview he basically got he admits that he got
Starting point is 02:00:23 the vaccine and three boosters and that his doctor noticed in his blood work something was fucked up. That's a lot of shit to be taken. Yeah. Someone just texted me a crazy picture of Danny Spiegel. Someone just texted me a crazy picture of Danny Spiegel. Oh my goodness. Doing well this off season. Do you guys pin anything to the top of your Instagram accounts?
Starting point is 02:00:59 No. I don't think I did. I wouldn't even know what to pin okay number 98 and it don't stop show it it's on her Instagram she's standing in front of a white couch or something.
Starting point is 02:01:27 This is Matt Boudreaux's Instagram account, owner of a bunch of acting academies. He's been on the podcast at least a couple times. Friends with Tim Kennedy. Pretty solid of a dude as you can get this guy, Matt Boudreaux.
Starting point is 02:01:44 Okay, here we go go i am scared to death right now of what's happening um in in the policy world i used to be able to arrest people thank you it's a federal agent for distributing the very materials that teachers are giving children at third grade there's a movement to sexualize children okay did you hear that there it is again he used to be able to arrest people and now it's in our schools being given to third graders for what he used to be able to arrest people for so like you can't give you can you would you get arrested if you walked if you drove by an elementary school and and started handing out pornography magazines to the kids?
Starting point is 02:02:30 Fuck yeah. That's illegal. Yeah. Yeah. But if you do it under the guise of inclusivity and a certain angle, maybe not so much, huh? Yeah. a certain angle maybe not so much huh yeah uh burnt what do you what are your thoughts on the normalization of marijuana in our society many athletes influence influencers are promoting it now does it does any really good come from it every single person i know who's a stoner
Starting point is 02:02:55 every single one pretty much across the board is just it has components to their personality that are annoying to no end that have been caused from excessive marijuana smoking. And everyone knows it around them and it's just like... Yeah, it's... No, it's fucking horrible. Burning anything and inhaling the fumes into your lungs is straight idiocy. If you want to be an adult and you want to fuck with it a little bit and whatever, I used to smoke a ton of weed.
Starting point is 02:03:22 It's probably one of the only things I regret in my life is burning anything and inhaling into my lungs it's fucking stupid if you want to really fucking do cool shit do cool shit and experiment with your life with like hardcore exercise fasting feats of strength learn how to hold your breath for six minutes learn how to fucking juggle, ride a fucking unicycle, have a threesome with your fucking couple girls, live your fucking life, burning shit and like going chasing after that shit like I used to do, just wake up and smoke weed all fucking day
Starting point is 02:03:59 for six years of my life. Fucking idiocy. So stupid. Nobody looks back and is like god i'm glad i did that unless it's like yep it was good that i went to jail because in jail i invented something and came out and got rich i mean there's like those but um it's uh all of it just fucks with your head it's not um yeah don't don't don't fuck with your brain especially yeah especially when you're young there's some great lessons and maybe opening up and things you can learn you know if you're really uptight and one day you get drunk and fucking decide to
Starting point is 02:04:38 take off all your clothes and run out into the ocean and you're like wow i'd have never done that if i'd gotten drunk and you got a lesson from it and you're like okay i can now try that when i'm sober or if you do mushrooms one time and you're like wow there's a world that i don't know about and you want to try to get to that world through fucking hiking the himalayas with your eyes closed then so be it if it inspires you but this necessity to be on this shit no it's fucking it's complete douchebaggery it's fucking complete douchebaggery. It's weakness. So fucking weak. All the drugs are like that. Sugar, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, fentanyl.
Starting point is 02:05:16 All the shit is stupid. 98% stupid. Chemical imbalance in your brain. Now I sound like an old guy. okay where are we um anyway i got some old weed if someone needs them god it smells so good and it's so fun to fucking um to uh to um so fun to smell, every time I smell it too. Tank Reeves, kind of like taking unproven peptides? Oh, you're asking me?
Starting point is 02:06:00 No, actually nothing like that. That might just be Yeah, thank you. There it is. Anyone who wants to try the peptides I'm taking. I've been shooting BPC-157 into my arm. I'm a study of one. There's a big difference between me doing that and me smoking weed every day.
Starting point is 02:06:22 I think. I mean I'm open. I don't think it's changed my – I think it I think. I mean, I'm open. I don't think it's changed my I think it's just made it so that I'm healing faster here. I'm giving my body a chance to heal faster here. No, no weed. This
Starting point is 02:06:36 is one of the first years where no weed has popped up in the yard. It's kind of weird. Coke is fun. God, Coke is fun. Yeah, no doubt. Holy shit. Until it's not yeah caffeine blade signature same the first time i did a strict muscle up no the first time i did a pull-up i was high on uh ecstasy what yeah first time i ever did a pull-up in my life high as fuck on molly someone showed me how to do it
Starting point is 02:07:10 i was high on molly have you tried the penis shrinking peptides uh okay um number 98 sorry Here we go back on track. Oh, we did. Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh, okay. Like, Oh, can we keep, do we play very much of it? Can we keep playing it? Is there more? Let's go back. Sorry. I distracted myself. Movement I would call the mutilation of young children. The scary part for me is once you start empowering children with the ability to consent to that, there's nothing that you're going to have left.
Starting point is 02:07:57 Once you've taken away all the science and the moral foundations that built this nation and the laws start codifying around this new strange concept, there's nothing that's going to stop you from now saying that a child who's 13 can consent to sex with a 50 year old pedophile. So long as there's demand for this, supply is going to continue. At least if we could reduce the demand side of things, I feel that that is something that needs to be done. It's a multi-pronged approach.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Any way that we can partner on this, whatever this looks like from our standpoint, we are all in. I am scared. That's it. No, there's a movie out. I haven't seen it yet. A Mel Gibson.
Starting point is 02:08:44 Is it a Mel Gibson movie? The movie with the pedophile movie? I haven't seen it yet. A Mel Gibson. Is it a Mel Gibson movie? The movie with the pedophile movie. I haven't seen it yet. The child trafficking movie. Bernie Gannon, thank you for answering my question. I completely agree. Although any pushback on recreational drugs is an unpopular opinion. Yeah, it is. Yeah. I get totally. But I'm just saying the truth.
Starting point is 02:09:04 Like, I'm just saying the truth. I'm just saying the truth I'm not pushing back on it like I'm not pushing back on it like I'm pushing back on pedophilia like like that is like fucking put those people on a rocket ship and launch them out in outer space a bunch of water I'm not I'm not saying that but um but it but it's it's just a
Starting point is 02:09:28 fact that if you do shitload of smoke weed if you become addicted to weed you're fucked up you're not going to be happy you're going to regret it or you're a fucking liar it's just the way it is like no one anything you're attached to takes away from your happiness it's pulling away from your happiness. It's pulling away from you. There's an arguing with reality and what's real, what's really right in front of you. Anytime you're arguing with reality,
Starting point is 02:09:54 unhappiness is starting to settle in. That's where it happens. You don't want to be dependent on that shit. Even every morning, the cup of coffee you have every single fucking morning is heavy. And then the second one, and then the third one. it's just like come on dude really sound of freedom yeah has anyone seen this what's the the irony is it looks like two two gay guys with their son yeah yeah wrong uh other choice there, huh? It's Brokeback Mountain.
Starting point is 02:10:35 Stop drinking. Yeah, there you go. Stop drinking. Oh, this person must be... This person must be this person must be like further back in the show it's called preserving race integrity meaning like if you're
Starting point is 02:10:55 a Jew and you only want to fuck Jews or whatever yeah I agree I would encourage people to stop drinking nobody regrets it 100% I've never woke up in the morning and been like fuck I should have had one more beer before I went to bed never Yeah, I agree. I would encourage people to stop drinking. Nobody regrets it. A hundred percent. I've never woke up in the morning and been like, fuck, I should have had one more beer before I went to bed.
Starting point is 02:11:09 Never. But the other way has happened a million times. I'm like, shit, I shouldn't drink so much. Although not so much anymore. Dana White promoted that movie on his Insta. Oh, that's awesome. Matt Burns. Just getting out of church.
Starting point is 02:11:24 Prayed for you all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That's nice. Jeremy World, I was okay with the anti-weed, anti-alcohol, anti-black man talk, but anti-coffee? No way. That's too far. Here we go weed dependence definitely does not induce lasting real happiness i'd recommend anyone read authentic happiness by martin seligan true joy versus pleasure
Starting point is 02:11:56 okay uh kamala harris back 94 i like the comments 94. I like the comments. Here we go. Okay. Death before decaf. Wow, that's a great shirt. Damn.
Starting point is 02:12:22 I think that's a black rifle shirt already. Oh, is it? Makes sense. That's a good line. I think culture is, it is a reflection of our moment and our time, right? And present culture is the way we express how we're feeling about the moment. And we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment.
Starting point is 02:12:48 That is a reflection of joy because, you know, it comes in the morning. We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too. Well, I think. I didn't understand who was. question yeah I know white guy in the back when you say it comes in the morning what were you referencing the worst fucking thing in the world
Starting point is 02:13:39 that's not true something that's not a big deal but drives me crazy that's not true something that's not a big deal but drives me crazy that's better I know I can hear the roosters in my neighborhood are awake so I know it's almost time for me to wake up and I have to take a piss and I don't want to get up
Starting point is 02:13:57 and disturb like the last 15 minutes of my sleep but I also have to take a piss and it's like this fucking dilemma that happens at least once a week and i and i haven't i haven't solved the problem sometimes i get up and pee but you get up and pee and then you come back and you get back in bed and by the time i readjust the little dying dog that's in my bed and push one of my kids away i finally get snuggled and the second i nod off i hear my alarm go, fuck. But if I don't get up and pee, I just have this fucking raging, fucking massive hard cock, just 10 inches of just iron,
Starting point is 02:14:35 just fucking annoying me for the last 15 minutes of my sleep. What the fuck to do? I don't like it. I'm open. Oh, well, thank you, Caleb. The phrase joy... Caleb Beaver, this is his contribution to the show.
Starting point is 02:15:02 As we get into the second hour and 14 minutes. The phrase joy comes in the morning is found in the Bible and Psalms. Oh, from what she said, it comes in the morning. Okay. Thank you. The phrase joy comes in the morning is found in the Bible and Psalms 30 dash five. It says weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning. This verse is a reminder that our troubles are only temporary and that eventually we will experience joy again. I have no idea if that's what she was trying to say.
Starting point is 02:15:31 I'm not even sure that that makes sense right there, that interpretation of it. I think the Buddha says it better. This shall pass? Yeah. Anicca. Hey, fuck you. Hey, fuck you.
Starting point is 02:15:50 Damn, Captain Rogers is a good-looking man. Subtract six inches for the real number. That's not even his real picture. Catfish. That's a fucking imposter. Yeah, Kevin, peeing comes in the morning. Psalm's wrong. Okay, 92. I don't know what that one is that's just dangling there in the middle.
Starting point is 02:16:21 Oh, okay, yeah, yeah. This is just a meme. You can go to that bottom one first. Democrats devastated as Supreme Court bans racism. Isn't that bizarre? Isn't it? Democrats devastated
Starting point is 02:16:41 as Supreme Court bans racism. DEI councils, it's a euphemism for a portion of your company that enforces racism. Fucking weirdos. Okay. Enough of that nonsense. Well, that's cool. That's kind of fun, right, that they did that? Our Supreme Court banned racism? Good for them.
Starting point is 02:17:09 Step in the right direction. Token black guy. Have we had this guy on the show? Number 92. If not, we should have this guy on the show. I wonder if he's hard to get. What are you talking about? 92?
Starting point is 02:17:29 Oh. 92? It says autism? Oh. And then it says token black guy. Here we go. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 02:17:41 Action. How many children or people are totally unvaccinated? Is that, like, where do you find, is it just the parents that stepped up and said, I would think that's a very small percentage because so many of us blindly followed, you know, the recommendations to vaccinate children. Yeah, it's less than 1% of the public. So the Amish are a perfect example of a large group of people who are largely unvaccinated. And there's no, we can't find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated. It's very, very rare in the
Starting point is 02:18:18 Amish community. Very, very rare. You won't find kids with ADD, with autoimmune disease, with panda pans, with epilepsy. You just don't find any of these chronic diseases in the Amish. And, you know, the U.S. government has been studying the Amish for decades. But there's never been a report out to the public. The reason, of course, is it would show that, oh, if you don't follow our guidelines, you're going to end up healthier. That's why there's no report after decades of studying the Amish. There's no report because the report would be devastating to the narrative. It would show that the CDC has been harming the public for decades and saying nothing and burying all the data.
Starting point is 02:18:56 How many children? Go look it up. Go look it up. It's funny. I did go down that that rabbit hole a little bit about the Amish. And from what I could quickly find, I didn't spend too much time. He's not exactly accurate. They take significantly less injections. But I want to say that the study that I looked at or the report that I looked at is only 13 were completely uninjected i need to keep looking i can't imagine amish people letting their kids get injected with anything to be because because i sure as fuck wouldn't allow it uh this is not true right here
Starting point is 02:19:35 this is not true this is not true have you ever had blue balls uh susan are you familiar with the yeah there's a story you can tell you want to tell the story um not particularly you know caleb have you ever had them uh probably they're crazy people and um suza let me ask you this question without um are you familiar that with once they come you can't just jerk off and ejaculate and they go away it's not like you can release pressure off did you did you are you also aware of that yeah I experienced that as well too. Although it was painful, yeah. Very painful. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:33 This girl, I think I was a sophomore in high school, 15. She came to my house. We were walking home together and she came to my house and she climbed into bed with me and we just hung out in there. And probably like after 40 minutes she left and like we were just laying there you know what I mean like we weren't like doing anything I just took her to my room we climbed into her mic cover and we were just laying there
Starting point is 02:20:57 and dude spinning all the thoughts in your head about like I'm gonna make a move maybe if I slide closer. Oh, did her foot touch mine? Was that a yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:21:08 Closer. Oh, a little closer here. How does she react? Okay. Are you there? I go further. Does she want me to go further?
Starting point is 02:21:17 Oh, she's got to go now. Okay. Oh shit. My foot's not touching her leg. That's just the bedboard. Fuck. Yeah. Holy shit, dude.
Starting point is 02:21:28 Caleb was deployed. He's definitely had blue balls. Jeff, have your wife rub her hand on the back of your penis just like this, like one of these, like graze it every five minutes for like 40 minutes. That's it. That's all the stimulus you get tie your hands behind your back let me know what happened dude what a crazy phenomenon right interesting yeah oh yeah look at here does shit stink yeah women do sometimes have legitimate reasons for thinking men are dumb right they hear you don't disagree there but what a poor design of the scrotum that it can't um yeah and when you look at like the chemical chemical structure i guess the hormone raging
Starting point is 02:22:26 that happens in the adolescence as men reach puberty especially from like that age of like you know 14 15 to like before 25 just under 25 yeah it makes me innately think that like like by our nature we're all just kind of evil like not good naturally because if you just let that shit rage you're gonna be like punching people in the face like groping well just like listen but susan if your primary if your prime if there was not an abundance of food and water and your primary necessity was to get food and water every day that shit would get mitigated but dude you see it all the time even when people are being fired a bunch in companies all of a sudden people who you thought were your best friends are turning around and saying hey you should fire this guy and all no no what i mean is like you would spend your
Starting point is 02:23:12 energy differently what i'm saying is like we have a lot of time you're not gonna be you're not gonna come home from from work at fucking noon um eat lunch and pop up your iphone and watch some porn hub uh if it's 500 years ago yeah that's very true you know what i mean because you're like fuck i only got enough food here winter's coming and i only have enough food stored for a week yeah but what i mean by like innately evil is like all of a sudden that thought creeps in like hey the people in the tent next to me have food oh right that dude's smaller than i am right and guess what i want to bang and he has a wife and i don't okay so now i just go pillage that tribe take all your shit take your women and then transfer all your resources to me that's i mean
Starting point is 02:23:57 that's human that that is the strength for all your resources right your vagina and kill your kids no your kids become slaves and then the other ones become part of your military the boys become part of your military i um i i don't know i've never had my wife when my wife was uh breastfeeding in the morning her boobs would hurt because they'd be so full of milk and that's what kind of what blue balls are it feels like your balls are so full that they're going to pop, but there's nothing you can do. You just kind of have to go to bed. You have to go to sleep.
Starting point is 02:24:34 You have to sleep it off. There's nothing you can do. You got to walk it off. Yeah, you got to try to walk it off. It's crazy. What was Jeff thinking saying those aren't real? Hey, that's probably the smartest guy in the room. That guy probably does science.
Starting point is 02:24:55 Science. How can you have blue balls when you're under the cover with a chick because you're 14 or 15? No, you can't rub one out. There's no, there's no, it's too late. Once they settle in.
Starting point is 02:25:13 You ever wonder, you ever like think of like a poisonous snake, like bit you on like here in the arm. It's probably a question for Caleb. How quickly, like if, like if it bit you here on the wrist, right?
Starting point is 02:25:23 Like how quickly, like if I cut my arm off right away, am I good to go? I mean, yeah, if you did it right away. But it depends on the venom of the snake too. Because the snake is like one of those super poisonous ones that can move very quickly. But if it's just like... Like the poison can move very quickly through your body?
Starting point is 02:25:45 Correct. Conceal all your blood. Chop your arm off and you die. That's like a joke my dad used to tell way back in the day. He would say, oh, these two guys are hiking and one guy stops to take a pee and a snake beat but uh bites
Starting point is 02:26:05 him in the in the dick and he goes oh i just got bit you need to call the doctor so he calls the doctor and the doctor says hey yeah the only thing you do is you got to suck it right out of there quickly to try to reduce the amount of venom and then the guy hangs up the phone he turns to his buddy who got bit and he goes what the doctor's saying he goes uh the doctor said you're gonna die your dad told you that yeah i just like a little joke he didn't use the word dick he'd use the word pecker make it more palatable how how how old were you with the first time you heard that joke i don't know late had you had blue balls yet i don't know i don't remember the chronological order but i'm sure
Starting point is 02:26:44 uh 91 uh freedom jessica valenzuela i love crude humor some people become cops because they want to help people jessica just want to hang out with guys who tell dirty jokes pecker yeah oh what is this epi did him did them all hypertension oh that must be the scientific phrase for blue balls epididymal must be hypertension yeah it is like a hypertension there's some crazy tension proved he's the smartest one in the room again well let me pull up that link oh 91 it won't no i see the tweet but i can't see the video oh oh i got it i got it here you go this one's totally in this is so fucking inappropriate i don't know how to make it get big but this is uh this is a guy pulls up to this woman at a supermarket and is like, this is crazy.
Starting point is 02:27:49 This is in the UK. That is not real. Here we go. Do you know where the chip shops is? What? The chippy. Sorry, go ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 02:28:03 Do you know where where do they do bats is that right is that right there yeah if you see a sign on the sign yeah yeah it's a steady fish bar
Starting point is 02:28:12 do they do chicken breasts I do yeah we're gonna get chicken breasts cheers love bye bye
Starting point is 02:28:19 bye have a good night hey kudos for those guys for bringing her over and talking to her that's that's good thinking by the way that under boob thing is like a trend now a lot a lot of under boob being shown really yeah yeah especially like at those fucking uh drug drug outdoor drug concerts you know like cellos and the fucking whatever. Yeah, we all do drugs in a desert. So many shots I would see.
Starting point is 02:28:51 It's all in your booth. Nice. It's nice. It's nice. It's nice. Perfect. Bernie Gannon, is that Sporty Beth? No.
Starting point is 02:29:04 I think so. she's not english oh is she english yeah she is she's john clark i know that lady he's english right yeah yeah uh caleb couldn't pull that up because his wife has like a like a censorship censorship uh i got my vpn on it this didn't work no no lower tits no lower tit showing on this computer uh number 90 the cult oh we're crushing right now i know this one has to be my last one i gotta get ready for the gym this guy will ruch was on the show and i'm trying to get this guy on the show this is a navy seal he's talking to who went through transition and became kristin
Starting point is 02:29:45 beck and then switched back to to a dude again indian giver yeah basically and and it's it's pretty amazing okay here we go i'm gonna rescue kids right now by saying the transgender cult is a cult it's a religion of transgenderism the overarching religion is transhumanism they want people to think that people can make themselves better. You can't. The perfect being, the perfect human is God made right when you're born. You're corrupted after that. And if you think surgery and you think all this stuff is making you a better human,
Starting point is 02:30:16 you're kidding yourself. You know, it's not an agenda. It's a cult. This is not godly. It's a cult. It's a satanic cult. And I'm going to try to help any kid out there that you're not broken. You're beautiful the way that you were made. The way you were born is beautiful
Starting point is 02:30:31 because you were born that way. You were born in God's image. Don't corrupt God's image. It's the best you could ever do. Surgery ruined me. It messed my face up. It messed this up. It made my life shorter. I'm not going to be on this earth as long as I could have because of the surgeries, because of the pills, because of hormones. Doctors are experimenting on you right now. They tell you they know what they're doing. They're lying. This is all experimentation. Show me the long-term data on puberty blockers. You know where they get the long-term data from? Prisons. Prisoners. Prisons, you know.
Starting point is 02:31:07 It was all castration. Chemical castration. Castration pills and medicine. That's the long-term data. It's from prisoners getting castrated. Pedophiles getting castrated. That's what you're giving your kids right now. If you enjoyed this clip, check out.
Starting point is 02:31:22 Thank you for watching the show. I know it's not the funnest show today But it's It's really tripping to me And I want to make sure at least it's documented here That we're taking our first step from the United States government, the CDC Legalizing pedophilia Not only that but encouraging it
Starting point is 02:31:38 Poolboy will get the final word today In reference to Underboob becoming a trend to show He says why can't there be um uh under dick why can't under dick be a thing and someone else actually said it a little better than him i think jay hardell said it uh oh yeah here we go but why can't we just walk around showing a little dick root i think that means oh no that would for those of you who don't know that would be like where the penis starts to come out of the body
Starting point is 02:32:09 that would be kind of an interesting trend alright love you guys tomorrow the show will be on

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