The Sevan Podcast - The BIGGEST CrossFit Games Update Show Yet w/ Young, Ingraham, Loewen, Gazan & Mertens

Episode Date: August 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like me.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Oh, Caleb. i'm sorry that it's always me boom we live hey i don't think you ever have to stop that applause yeah hey check it out i could do this though yeah and then just lower yeah yeah i think that's more professional professional i think that makes it so, I think that's more professional. Professional. I think that makes it so people then think that it's really a loud audience in the background.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Roger that. If Roman Krennikoff wouldn't have gotten injured, would Jeffrey Adler still have won the CrossFit Games? Mr. Young. Honest opinion? Yeah. Thought. No. Honest opinion? Yeah. Thought. No.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Let's paint the situation. He was winning by two points. He wasn't winning. He was down by two points. Roman was. Adler was winning. No, Adler was winning. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Jeffrey Adler was winning. And Roman, did Roman step on a bag? Yeah. He did. His broken foot was on the ground. He stepped on a bag with his other foot, and he broke his foot. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:01:52 The one that got cranked, he was on the ground. Nope. Nope. Okay, that's your Chase's version. That's your Chase's version. What's your version? He broke his right foot. He came over the top.
Starting point is 00:02:03 His right foot landed on the bag, and then went nose dive into the ground. That is what happened. He broke it before he came over? No, no, no. The ground broke his foot. Okay. But his foot hit the bag. It's on video.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Yeah, watch. Right foot, boom. No, left foot. His left foot hits the bag. Wait, I don't even see it hit a bag that's what i'm saying that foot's on the ground man there's no bag yeah i don't see it hitting the bag all right hold on hold on regardless his foot breaks wait a second i don't see it hitting the bag are you sure that's the jump where it broke? That's the jump where it breaks.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Let me see another angle on that. I sent another angle video to you. Wow, look at this. Look at this name. Holy cow. Oh, my God. That's it. That's it. Where's Jeremy Austin when you need him?
Starting point is 00:03:01 He can get away. Wow. From Haley, I think she's Indian. She's a beautiful Indian lady from the Indian continent, dot not feather. Mahunt Ichi. Welcome. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Thank you for your generous new subscriber. Fantastic. I wish I always wanted a little accent over my name oh shit here we go wow where'd you get this angle chase worry about it bro okay here we go action boom boom bad ground in your face on the ground but it hits the bag first. That's what I said. No, no, I'm agreeing with you. Both his feet land on the bag.
Starting point is 00:03:52 God, he has skinnier calves than Dave Castro. What the hell is that dude's build? So it's his left foot got tweaked? Broken. Well, it looks like his right knee broke, too. It's like landing on someone's foot in a basketball game, basically. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I've rolled my ankle pretty badly. It doesn't break. That's because it was, like, toes down when he broke it. How many workouts were left after this one? Two. Jason, what do you think? I think Jeffrey Adler wins the games if Roman's still in it. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:04:32 I have taken the stance of I'm going to give Jeffrey Adler a full week of being the champ before I say anything of who would have won if whatever happened. Oh, shit. Jason, this is not the podcast to be political. That's your own podcast. Wow. What if I ever do political on my podcast? I'm convinced that nobody listens to my podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Or I probably wouldn't have the job. No, it's aggressive. I like it. Chase, so you think that Roman would have won too? No. Oh, okay. But I'm not going to play the I'm giving Jeff Adler a full week
Starting point is 00:05:07 Before I play the speculation game And Jeff might have done much better So you maybe think You maybe think Sorry Let me get to the bottom of this John real quick Don't let him wiggle away yet We still got him on the hook a little bit
Starting point is 00:05:19 So you sort of think that You may think You may think That Roman would have won. Up to 50% chance. Keep sipping that if that's what I think it is. Okay, fine. We need a couple more of them before he starts talking.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And why, John? What movement? Give me just one movement that you see in there that you're like, dude, sorry. In those two workouts, what's the movement? It's not just one movement. And Jeff might have done much better on the last workout had it been a race. You cannot say that. Maybe he could have went way faster than he did.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And if that's the case, then I think it's a 50-50 shot either way. Jeff Adler was not going as hard as he could on the second last workout but on the last workout on either of them that's fair i have it on good authority roman would have crushed the sled workout i don't think he beats wachowski or belner but i do think he'd be third and adler was seventh in that work It wasn't his best one. Roman would have been ahead of Adler in the last workout. So here's what we need. We need Brian's spin.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Oh, that's the workout. Was that the second to last workout? Second to last. Eight rounds for time. Down and back. P-bar traverse. 30 heavy rope double unders, one section hand over hand sled pull.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Got to look like a fun workout. Hey, so the only place I could imagine Roman's better than Adler is the sled pull because he's more mass. That's what you're saying? I mean, it's a similar way to why Fikowski's better than everybody in that workout. I think Roman's similar i just i i don't think he would have beaten fikowski or velner in that workout but the p bar wasn't a problem the double unders wouldn't have been a problem and i do think he would have pulled the sled faster than everybody except those two oh geez here we go you want to hear from roman's training partner? Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Get this guy in the podcast. It's time. I've strung this guy along long enough. Roman got third in Test 1 in semifinals in the East. You can't use Test 1. Yeah, you can, Chase. You can do whatever you want. Logan Ewing. Roman would dominate the P-bar sled
Starting point is 00:07:42 pull workout, says Logan Ewing of the Mayhem Empire. Very biased. Rogan's training partner and jock carrier. And would have made enough points. Plus, he would have made a run at the final. What does that mean? I don't understand that last sentence.
Starting point is 00:07:56 The last workout, he would have made a run at winning it. I think Roman would have been like 15 points ahead of Adler going into the last workout. And then, from what happens there, I have no idea. I thought it'd be a great ahead of Adler going into the last workout. And then from what happens there, I have no idea. I thought it'd be a great workout for Adler and he coasted it in. So I can't say whether Adler would crush that or Roman would crush that, but Roman would be ahead going to that last one. If he could just stay by him, he wins. If Adler beats him by four spots, Adler wins. I don't know which one would have happened.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Imagine a circle, and inside of that circle is the sport of CrossFit, and inside of it, Mr. Schweitzer from the glorious Clydesdale Media says health and injury, and I'm going to throw in judging and reffing are part of the sport. And so, Jeff, one end of story. I agree with you. I think probably we all agree with you. But here's the thing I'm tripping on
Starting point is 00:08:45 When Brian Spinn sends out The Who's the best in CrossFit List and I'm guessing he's going to do it in a couple days So we all vote basically who's going to win the games In 2024 Assuming that's coming out any day now Start predicting
Starting point is 00:09:02 Is Jeffrey Adler going to be at the top of that list? Are you guys going to put Adler at the top of that list? You want to go first? No, Chase isn't going to turn his in. He's in for two weeks. He's going to turn his in. I'm not going to turn him in. If I go off the test of this year,
Starting point is 00:09:20 I might put Ricky Garrard at the top. Wow. Hot take. If you wanted a hot take i'm gonna bring ricky on the show and provoke the shit out of him i'm gonna ask him i don't think it's gonna be that hard the dude's been doing the games test ever since they came out do you think you would have won workout one i'm just gonna go through every workout one workout too wasn't he doing them in his gym the ones he could do yeah yeah so i'll have some frame of reference i got a wild take on it i think roman's injury was the best thing that could have happened
Starting point is 00:09:50 to him for his long term of his career and his fan base better than winning the games this year i agree with you suza the fuck are you talking about someone explain that to me if you look at you want you to go matt matt i was just gonna put on extra 10 000 instagram followers well no i'm just thinking he won the hearts of everybody inside that Coliseum. That story's massive. We know he's now capable of being on that podium, if not winning the games. And now next year, the hype coming into it as a healthy Roman is going to be insane. And so if he would have won this year, everybody would have, oh, shit, he won.
Starting point is 00:10:19 But this built his story up so much more. This is Rocky upside down. We really do live in a backwards world. I just think every great champion we've had had heartbreak the year before their run, right? Matt Fraser was supposed to win in 2015. Rich was supposed to win in 2010. Tia was supposed to win in 2016.
Starting point is 00:10:43 They didn't, right. And it was heartbreak and it was terrible. And it did a little bit of different circumstances, but that set off the monsters that those people became. And then they were untouchable. Like I would not, it would not surprise me if Roman went off and won three straight and nobody could touch him. And maybe Ricky is his rival in that three years. Maybe Jeff isn't. Maybe they're all close. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I wouldn't surprise me if Roman takes another step forward and everybody else stays the same relative fitness. I also – oh, here we go. Ken Walters, this guy had two last place finishes and still finishes third. Wait, did he take third or second third third oh let's talk about that other room let's talk about a couple other rumors by the way i'm i think adler were the one and not just because he's coming on tomorrow partially because of that but not um what if um what what's this story am i i'm hearing that roman's leaving mayhem and headed off to dubai leaving cookville and anyone can anyone confirm his seminar in dubai he's not leaving leaving i
Starting point is 00:11:52 heard his i heard his wife didn't like cookville left and he's he's on his way to dubai with her i heard that too logan might no and he's taking logan with him well i mean that's logan would know is all i'm saying we don't know what he would know all right she got tired of the guy delivering the newspaper having more missing teeth than uh she could count out there and cook well they got that problem in All right. Let's talk about the other rumor. Fikowski sandbagged. This is just, that's just asinine, right?
Starting point is 00:12:33 I went back and watched that, and there's no way. That dude just got smoked. Yeah. Okay, he's coming back on the 16th to Cookville to pack Logan up and then head off to Dubai. This year will be great for Roman's confidence. He will be thinking all year he would have won, and the opposite for Adler.
Starting point is 00:12:58 He will be questioning his win all year. That's tough. I don't know about that. i think that was great for adler like i don't see any confidence shaking i think it's because when you look at the the path that adler's taken to get where he was in all the weaknesses he's been working on yet still not losing his strengths like that type of confidence in your training exponentially increases your drive to go forward and like continue to pour yourself into those. Because a lot of the times if you're doing all of these, okay, I'm focusing on my weaknesses,
Starting point is 00:13:39 I'm doing the things I hate, am I going too far to the left and maybe I'm losing what I have on the right. And then when it works, it's a total game changer absolute game changer so and you know i'm a fan of what adler's done and the way he's done it like i think it was awesome the way he has climbed the ranks over the last four or five years it's been great and klyzian media scott switzer adler will be number one on my list go ahead john and to your point for him you just keep on keeping on what you're doing is working it's not you have not taken a step back um like you just continue to improve and if it's working you there's no reason he can't just continue to get better because he's gotten better every year, year after year after year. And it wouldn't surprise me if he's fitter and Roman's fitter
Starting point is 00:14:34 and then those two just are, you know, take a jump over everybody. It wouldn't surprise me if Roman comes and dominates. Like, I think there's a whole bunch of different things that could happen next year. But for Adler, he has improved every single year. For him to win, I agree with Chase. You just keep on keeping on doing
Starting point is 00:14:52 rinse, lather, repeat. Programming will be different next year. To champions, programming doesn't matter. Exactly. It matters to second and third place where Roman was. I mean, the last two events could have been any.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, the programming didn't break this flat. Ladies and gentlemen, Daniel Brandon has texted us. Very confidential text. She's had an unexpected situation going. You know what fuck this i'm gonna read you i'm gonna go i'm gonna go against the did the ac go out again i'm gonna go against
Starting point is 00:15:30 the rules rolling blackouts i'm gonna go against the rules if we text real quick can i read your text yeah yeah yeah thank you really meanwhile meanwhile i'm gonna read them uh uh i mean let me read this to you. I really want to read you the text we have going with Jason Hopper. Are you tripping? Me? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Something happened. It's like texting with someone from the Muppets. We got to get to the bottom of it when he comes on. Yeah. I need an 80-degree change. Let me see this uh um uh i hope she pops in for a minute where is this can you explain that or is that under wraps i don't know why what would the jason hopper thing yeah just because we'll give him any time he wants but even that that's not working like, when do you want, like, just throwing out times.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Here's the clock. Just put the hands anywhere you want. We'll do it. You know what I mean? You know what the big hand does, right? You know what the little hand does? Probably think he's just screwing with us. It does seem like he's fucking with us.
Starting point is 00:16:41 But I don't think he is. He's like, yeah, let's do it Saturday. Let me see. He's not busy. He's not training. Oh, that's why I can't figure out the text. Because I texted her without you on it at first. Yeah, that was the first one.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Which left me feeling nervous because there wasn't a lot of back and forth until 10, 16 minutes ago. I said, sorry, Danielle, I'm reading this. Hey, great hanging with you. I want to have you on Friday night for 15 minutes. Low stress if you can't. She says, yes, exclamation point.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Thank you. Then today we get a text. We're like're like hey we're on in 30 minutes well suza text her the night before see you tomorrow courtesy text everyone gets seven podcast and then he texts her 30 minutes ago saying the show's she gets a lot to go on i don't get it he says i'm at a wedding susa says so what come on that we have a podcast let's do it we can all join the wedding so far ariel lohan at the wedding what maybe she didn't know she was gonna go to a wedding here's the thing with her we've come to accept um uh like water it gets things wet if you schedule with daniel brandon you know she's not it's three to four schedules minimum before you get her but but but you know
Starting point is 00:18:12 what the crazy part is it's so cool that she texts you she's not even like she doesn't ghost you she's like hey i'm at a wedding what's your problem i mean totally yeah did you see the text we just got right this second no please tell me please tell me it's from jason hopper oh here we go jesus christ oh you know what send him a link right now no yeah yeah oh yeah yeah send him a link right now send him a link right now okay like you have 10 minutes when ariel comes you're out yeah just be like hey can you come on now for five minutes we have a question for you why the fuck is it so hard scheduling? Bill, Bill Francis.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Thank you all again for amazing coverage. No matter the medium you were on and on God, I love John. On God. Is that like on God? Like on God. That's on guard. yeah thank you that's french the phrase for the show now this is awesome on god on god brother on god i mean we name
Starting point is 00:19:15 the next live call-in shot show yes you have to uh remember partially somewhere in the show to play the new ad sponsor in the middle of it. Oh, that's this show? I mean... Oh, Nelly. Did you watch it? No. Fuck. How long is it?
Starting point is 00:19:35 It's way too long. It's way too long. Can we start it and stop it? Oh, no. When it goes, we disappear? We disappear. Correct. And I apologize to everybody.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I just looked at it. Did you watch it? No, I just saw how long it was. It's for the mattress, right? Yeah, eight sleep. I mean, if you want to do it now. Let me ask one more question. Don't disrupt this rhythm more question. This rhythm,
Starting point is 00:20:05 please. Thank you, Chase. Hey, someone just understands. Chase understands. Okay. The bills are out here.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Were any workouts leaked last year? I heard last year. Chase is like, fuck what? I agree to come on the show. Can we just talk about something simple? You can ask any question you want. I'm a big boy.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Any workouts leaked this year? Last year, I heard rumors. There was the worst leaked year of CrossFit Games workout in the history of the sport. None of the games. No, they weren't. None of the games. Not true. No. The worst program? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:20:38 Last year? I apologize for cryptic talk. Okay, enough with the cryptic talk. Sorry. I apologize for that. i apologize for cryptic talk wait a second okay enough with the cryptic talk sorry i apologize for that i hate that shit uh yeah and did you guys hear of any any camps um getting uh workouts ahead of time oh for instance chase last year the the rope some people showed up with the fucking perfect rope to do double crossovers and some people didn't they're probably sponsored by rx smart gear which is a vendor at the games and he probably ran over and gave them all ropes which is what okay so that's not a leak no because the same people excuse me in the same camps i don't think have the same ropes either
Starting point is 00:21:13 like did every mayhem athlete have a rope i don't know that's a good point so you don't you that's just uh because i do i have a right-wing conspiracy show. The reason why I think that. Not because there's any validity to it. Yeah, well, keep throwing the conspiracy theories out there. Slop, slop. My birthday is on Sunday, and my wife's grandma dropped off a bunch of cannoli. I talked to him a couple weeks ago. What is cannoli?'s like like a cream
Starting point is 00:21:48 filled pastry yeah okay uh yeah leave the guns take the cannolis i've had six since i got off work yesterday that is all oh dude this is like a catholic uh this is like uh what's that call when you're in catholic church when you got to go to the back? Confession. I forgive you, son. Oh. It's like an Italian egg roll. So good. Armenians have a lot of desserts that just aren't worth eating.
Starting point is 00:22:24 They're just all sugar, but they're just not even good i wonder is that is that one of those things like traditional armenian cuisine like there's something called tzatziki or something or something it's like just this round glob of sugar and dough it's like dumb it's like worse than it's like dude americans have donut holes the fuck we got this thing stupid or or it's like scones you know like scones like real scones i'm not talking about like these starbucks scones that taste like sugar i'm talking you know it's scones it's like you bit into a banana peel you're like yeah like that's how armenian desserts are then bite into a like a real scone like it's like a piece of chalk even baklava dude i love pistachios no one wants fucking pistachios on
Starting point is 00:23:07 their dessert and and i don't want the fucking thing like it's just like a flaky mess it's like eating seaweed it's like if you're seeing your kids like eat dry seaweed and shit just everywhere it's not your go-to gelato so how about that video what video hold on i'm not done with controversial don't try to take over the show let there be on oh that thing hold on one more thing this is sponsored my awkward silence. I'm so glad Daniel Brand's not here. Here we go. I'm sweating balls. Before the CrossFit Games, I said that if you're a woman, because of the nature of the women's field, how it unfolded into a... Careful, Seve.
Starting point is 00:24:11 A lot of women stepped out for a variety of uh reasons is that true that uh hayley adams is dating like some uh this is one i was gonna ask but is hayley adams did was she dating like a pro baseball player and now she pivoted to a guy from the movie avatar child what he's blue The new Avatar yeah God I'm stoked for her Holy shit I gotta get her on I didn't know she dated Thank you Mrs. Young
Starting point is 00:24:36 That's the lady I met in the media department? Yes Oh she looked tiny in the media department There she looked yoked. She is tiny. Oh. Oh, yeah, this dude. Congratulations, Haley.
Starting point is 00:24:50 This is awesome. Oh, wow. Is that his real name? No way. He sounds like a boxer. But dating's fun. Do you remember dating? Do any of you guys remember dating?
Starting point is 00:25:01 It looks like he's in a... Yeah. Okay, here we go. Now we got some real... And this is where a ballpark. Okay, here we go. Now we got some real. And this is where I bow out. Okay. But I got Oh, look at some more. Hey, guys. Hi, Ms. Lohan. Oh, shit. She saw
Starting point is 00:25:16 a ghost. Can you hear me? Look at your daughter. Oh, your daughter saw a ghost. She was like She's like stranger danger. Okay, hold on. Nice. Your daughter saw a ghost. She was like, can you turn your phone sideways? Thank you. Nice. Thank you,
Starting point is 00:25:30 Kayla. Okay. One, one quick thing. Hi, Ariel. Hold on. You're interrupting.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Take your time. I said that if you're a woman and you did worse this year than you did last year, you should retire. Saying me or no, no, no should retire. Saying me or a different one? No, no, no, no. I'm asking the voice. But I think Daniel Brandon.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Did Daniel Brandon do worse this year than she did last year? Oh, that sucks. I can't have her retire. I strike that comment from the record. Who are you thinking of? Who do you want to retire? No one. I don't want anyone to.
Starting point is 00:26:04 But I was just kind of like saying that because I thought it was like a slam dunk and no one would have to retire because so many girls were pulling out. I thought the whole field would move up. In a perfect world, we all would. Yeah. What's up, podium? Podium.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I know. I don't know if you can see behind me, but our fireplace has a new belt on it for the moment. Oh, nice. Yeah. We don't know where else to put it. So I was like, you know what? That's a good spot for it until we build something for it.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Ariel, day one, any thoughts on your placement? Day one, before workout one, any thoughts on placement? You know what? What did it start on, a Thursday? Wednesday night, me and Dylan went to dinner, and we were kind of reflecting on last season, how amazing it was. And I was like, man, last season day one was such a good day. How am I going to top this year's day one?
Starting point is 00:27:00 So going into it, I was already like, okay, last last year day one I was in third put your hopes realistic that's not going to happen again so I'll be happy with top 10 at the end of day one but turns out same thing happened and I had a better first day compared to last year and I think I ended in third that day so it was a good good first day and did you think about the at that point did you have any thoughts about the end at any time before the last workout when was the first time you thought of the podium probably um event 11 after i finished the double under one and i had i think a 70 point lead over gazan and I like personally
Starting point is 00:27:45 talked to Gazan backstage before I went on and she was like I'm not even worried about getting third she's like I'm trying to hold on to fourth and not let Alexis beat me and that's when it kind of sunk in like wait people aren't even I mean of course they might still try for it but it wasn't even in her sights to say I need to beat you by X amount of points so I can stand here. And that's kind of when it sunk in like this, this is real. Just don't get last place and you'll be fine. And did you, and did you look at the people to your right and left too? Were you like, okay, I need to stay ahead of Alexis. I need to stay ahead of Gazan. No, I, I didn't, it didn't matter if they beat me. I just couldn't have them beat me and I get last place. So I was just like, you know what? Do what I've done all weekend.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Just keep moving. Get uncomfortable. Push through the pain a bit. And it worked out great. I actually finished the last event. I was super proud of it. I did all the lunges unbroken. And it hurt a little bit, but it was worth it.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah, you're in a strong position. I guess you could say you and Laura Horvat was kind of in a strong position. I guess you could say Laura Horvath was kind of in a world of her own, and then you and Emma Lawson were in a world of your own, and then it kind of went down to Gabrielle McGalva, Alex Kazan, Alexis Raptus. Yeah, it was a great way to end. Like, I didn't have to die in the last event. I could just push hard and have a great weekend a great end to the weekend any any was it to me looking from the outside it was just like a hundred percent you were like yeah i did it was there any part of you that was like fuck i wanted first no no you were
Starting point is 00:29:18 good you were good if i were to go back and reflect i did really bad on the handstand event which should have been a strength if i would have done better there it would have changed the podium but i mean would have could have should have i could have done worse on the five you know it's easy to look back in hindsight and say that but that's the one event where i'm like how the heck did i get 14 like i sucked it up when it should have been a strength by all means it should have been a strength by all means. It should have been a strength. Oh, and then on the other, and then on the other end, you said a PR, right? Out there for the, uh, yeah, for the snatch.
Starting point is 00:29:52 One thing that's interesting on the handstand one. So I'm my own programmer, quote unquote. So even as soon as in the middle of the event, I realized where I had messed up in my programming. I only do freestanding handstand pushups fresh as skill work. So as soon as I finished the pullovers, did my handstand walks, believe it or not, my arms were extremely fatigued. So in that moment, I tried to do strict freestanding handstand pushups and they were not there.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And I was like, okay, now I need to do these under fatigue because I've only ever done them fresh and I'm paying the price for it right now. So it was a, it was a good learning moment. Now I know for the future. Will you write that down? Will you journal that? Yeah, I have a stuff. I have a note section in my phone that has my weaknesses and I need to work on each week. so that just got added to the list uh john go ahead i'm just gonna say come games training i will as far like
Starting point is 00:30:52 practically i don't need those all season round but for the games uh john any uh surprise so you got laura horvat emma lawson ariel lowen what game is this for you ariel three lucky number three uh then gabby magawa laura horvath's training partner and then alex kazan alexis rapp this and katrin david's daughter uh does ariel belong there are you like oh she got lucky or oh she should no i don't know does she belong there in that spot i don't think you can finish a competition with over 10 events and say a person doesn't deserve the spot that they're in um after day one if ariel is third then yeah she could have got lucky with the events but after four days of testing everything under the sun and then getting third not just barely not not like she snuck in third,
Starting point is 00:31:45 but she won by 100 points. I don't know how you can say she wasn't deserving of third. You're just saying that because I'm here, Johnny. That was an easy question I gave him. I'm about to make it really weird for Chase. Hold on. Chase. Can I ask Chase?
Starting point is 00:32:03 Chase, we're usually always on the flight back together what flight did you take this time i was on the 420 on monday okay so you still had some time to chill yeah nice what's wrong with john's audio we've been working on this. What's wrong with it? What are you talking about? Tell us what's wrong. We'll fix it. Chase, she took third place, but her highest finish is third. Two thirds. She got third in the muscle
Starting point is 00:32:40 up... What is that? Muscle up what? Log? Jump? What is that? Muscle up logs? Muscle up. What is that? Muscle up what? Log? Jump? What is that? Muscle up logs? Muscle up logs. And a third in the cross country. That doesn't even count, right? She's a one-trick pony.
Starting point is 00:32:53 But the pig chipper, she gets second. Yes. In the CrossFit workout. Mm-hmm. Crazy surprising. I would not have picked her to do that. Not too bad at 5'3". No shit, Ariel. you're 5'3
Starting point is 00:33:06 Wow Yeah we are we're the same height Oh shut the fuck up How dare you Really I saw you at dinner We had dinner almost every night at least for a few minutes I didn't ever even notice you were that short No we never stood up next to each other
Starting point is 00:33:22 I saw you walk to the table I was ogling you and Dylan I saw you walk to the table. I was ogling you and Dylan. I saw you walk to the table. But you were always so drunk by that point, Savant. Damn. Damn. Each drink you got an inch taller.
Starting point is 00:33:38 That's right. Any concerns, Chase? Third place, but no event wins. Even our boy Cole Merton got an event win. It's called well-roundedness. That's all it is. Justin won the CrossFit Games without winning an event. He won one.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Well, last year. He won one this first year, too. He's won one games, I think, without winning. Is he the only one to have ever done that i don't think so um james oh yeah that's a good point yeah i did feel out of place a little bit they had us corralled before they announced the podium officially where we ran out with our flags and they did the event wins first and then called out the podium and literally everyone velner roman everybody is
Starting point is 00:34:27 walking up to get their trophy back and forth back and forth back and forth and i'm just standing there like well i get a cool medal just as it was odd i didn't really think of it until that moment where everybody else on the podium had won multiple events and i didn't get to come home with that kind of trophy this year but this one's a lot more special and don't you get like three grand for every event you win or something cool like that yeah three grand for first
Starting point is 00:34:56 two grand for second one grand for third so they get on the top so you got a little bit of that yeah i did um ariel you're 25 or 85 85 dude there's just numbers uh i never had more that's not true that was a tongue-in-cheek. Pauly G calling Sevan out. Sevan getting litty-titty at the games.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Not true. No, Sevan was working very hard at the games. Don't let me fool you. She saw me at dinner with maybe a margarita or six, but not drunk. Tell me about the story about how Dylan got that flag. There's a picture of you holding a flag. And I remember one night at dinner, Dylan came with the flag. And he was like, hey, I got this from the Lost and Found.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And I was like, what? Maybe I shouldn't hear this story isn't this wild so day one that we start competing so on thursday i lost my grips so we go to the lost and found to find them and there's an american flag folded up beautifully as it should be like a veteran folder or something and dylan's like look there's an American flag if we need it over the course of this weekend he's like you're going to hold that on the podium and I was like whatever like get out of here dude and so all weekend
Starting point is 00:36:15 the weekend goes great the American flag is still there in the right hand corner in the lost and found and so before event 12 from the expo center we have to walk all the way to the coliseum um by this point we knew i was 70 points up in third like lord willing i'm gonna get third and so he grabs the american flag and that's the one i held on the podium and it's the most beautiful american flag i feel like i've ever seen it was folded meticulously when he showed it to me.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I'm telling you, it was perfectly folded and been in lost and found since day one. Like folded in a triangle? Folded in a triangle. Like perfectly. And I have no idea who would bring American flag, who would forget an American flag. Cause they don't provide American flags at the games if you podium.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So it was just such a God thing that it was there and it was beautiful. Did you take it home? Absolutely. We're going to hang that up. Ladies and gentlemen, if you lost an American flag, you're going to have to take it off the wall. No, this is where I sign out. At the Lowe House. Okay, a couple more quick questions before you sign out.
Starting point is 00:37:26 PR in the snatch. Tell me about it. why did you go for a pr what happened can you tell me like the why you put those weights on can you tell me what happened there yeah i had four weights i want to hit so i wanted to hit 181 191 on snatch on clean and jerk i want to hit one 221 231 um 190 is the number i've always hit when i compete at semifinals or the games. Like I hit 190 at Granite Games. 190 this year at semifinals after the 800-meter run. So 190 is a very comfortable number mentally for me. So Dylan was like, just add one pound.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Then you'll PR by one pound. And at the end of the weekend, that one pound might have put you in third place. So that's where 191 came from. And then 231, I clean and jerk 221. My first attempt, get it. It felt really heavy for some reason. I mean, I know why I'm fatigued. We've done a lot of work, but for some reason, when I was warming up clean and jerk I kept getting super light-headed doing the clean doing the jerk so I was like I'm gonna open safe 221 after I hit 221 it felt really heavy so I look up to Dylan in the crowd and I'm like I'm gonna do 226 and he looked at me and I like start loading the weights because I was scared to look back at him and I just didn't go no 231 and it was like the little push I needed to say like I believe in
Starting point is 00:38:48 you you can do this load up the bar so I loaded up the bar and then that's how 231 happened wow perfect and and at the end here you you you look up are you looking at someone in particular there? Look at that, like that. Dylan was right, like from the front, like right at 2 o'clock in my peripheral. So I hit it, and I just looked up at him, and I was like, this is great. Because that event was so stressful. I went second to last. So for four minutes, I just hear people lifting and making it or missing it behind me. And then you literally only have 20 seconds. You either hit it or you don't. So the whole
Starting point is 00:39:31 four minutes you're sitting there thinking, I really hope I hit this. Okay. I still have three minutes. This girl just missed it. This girl just made it like my mind was just running. So to hit the weight and actually successfully make a lift after thinking about it for what felt like an eternity before. That's why I was like so excited. Cause I was like, phew, I have a number on the board.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I'm still in contention for top 10 or staying in second place. And then this last look up is a look to the heavens, huh? Absolutely. So this is what's funny. I, I wanted to 31, but you can't pray to hit 231 if you don't load up the bar in a 231 so for me it was like a trusting moment of i've got to do my part and
Starting point is 00:40:14 then i can get help from him to do his part dang it's crazy dude i know the whole the whole weekend was just perfect like i have nothing bad to say other than I need to work on handstand pushups. Did you at any time give Justin Medeiros a pep talk? I heard you were trying to give him a pep talk in the back. I don't think I've ever talked to him. Oh, okay. I made that completely up. I just made that up. Nothing more American than claiming something that isn't yours. That's right.
Starting point is 00:40:51 America. Technically, my tax dollars probably paid for it. That's good. Before we run out of time here with you, I just want to take one just crazy gratuitous look at your insane body. It wouldn't be the Savant Podcast without that, so someone can criticize me. Look at your
Starting point is 00:41:12 fucking back. Look at your lats, dude. They're huge, aren't they? I almost didn't post that. You are... I almost didn't post it because I literally showed my friend who was there at the games, and I was like, man, I love shredded. Should I post it? And she's like, yeah, you can post it, but you might get a little bit of backlash of like, oh, you're on steroids or you know like, thank you. I think I look great too. Hey, dude, I want those lats.
Starting point is 00:41:50 What an incredible back you have. Thank you. Thanks for sharing your back. I've worked hard this past year, so I earned those wings, right? Do you want to say hi to Alex Kazan? Is she here? Yeah, let's do it. All right, lucky you. Alex Kazan. Is she here?
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah, let's do it. Lucky you. Ladies and gentlemen, the most improved CrossFit Games athlete, maybe even in the history of the sport, is Alex Kazan. Hey, guys. Hey, friend.
Starting point is 00:42:19 How's it going? Good. How are you? I'm tired. Perfect. Ariel Loewen, it's been wonderful having you on. Thank you. Your daughter is incredibly well-behaved, like usual. She's so cute.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Raise her hand. So cute. Thanks for coming on with us late Friday night. Oh, you're good. Love you guys. Have a good night. Love you. Ciao.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Bye. Hey, thanks for doing this. Of course. Anytime. Sleepy Gazan. Sleepy G. love you bye hey thanks for doing this of course anytime sleepy gazan sleepy g i guess so this week at least uh chase um how fun is it to be a commentator and have someone like gazan out there who just wrecking shop. You never know what she's going to do. She's a new, new to the sport only her second year. Is it just a blast? It is fun. It's fun to watch new athletes enter the fold and then make a name for
Starting point is 00:43:13 themselves. It was also fun watching, even though it probably wasn't fun for you, the end of alpaca. Oh yeah. That's the moment of the weekend. That was so heartbreaking to watch yeah sure so the sled is heavy like so heavy obviously um and i just like i think it's in like the live feed you see me like biff it like my shoe comes off and i just like fall through my sled and my first instinct was like, fuck it. Like I trained barefoot all the time. Like I'm just going to go barefoot.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And so like, I took my other shoe off and then I go to take my socks off and like, right when I get the socks off, uh, Chuck comes over and he's like, no, like you got to put your shoes on. And I just like feel like instant defeat. Cause like my shoes are triple knotted my grip is gone like i can't even like move my fingers let alone untie a triple knotted shoe so i just like sat there for a second and i think i asked my judge like i'm like almost in tears like can you help me and then i was like
Starting point is 00:44:17 i know you can't help me like never mind okay alex hold on one second. So literally the second you got those off, Chuck ran over. Yeah. And what's he say to you? He's like, you got to put your shoes back on. I was like, oh, no. And is that a rule in the rule book? You have to be wearing shoes? I think so.
Starting point is 00:44:38 It's like in one of the fine print things. Crazy. Okay. And then I just – sorry. I just want to slow you down here and kind of uh soak this in and then so immediately you dropped your butt and you're putting your left shoe on i'm trying to but like i couldn't i didn't have my socks on so like my feet are sweaty like i couldn't get them on at all i couldn't untie them like my hands were useless so I sat there for a while pouted and then I was like well just like put my toes in and see if I can push this lead at that
Starting point is 00:45:12 point I was like shoot like I don't everyone's gonna pass me like I don't even know if I'm gonna finish uh but yeah we finished so that was cool hey so that's a wardrobe malfunction. Why take your shoes off even at all? Why did you start taking your shoes off? Because I only had one on, and I knew I would slip in my socks. So I was like, I'll just go barefoot. I figured I could push the sled barefoot. So when this video starts, you already won, basically. So you're basically pushing so hard that even a triple-knotted shoe can't stay on.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I guess so. I'm trying to think who else chase john anyone else come out of their shoes i feel like i saw someone else come out of their shoes in this event yeah so who did we interview who told us that even before i had seen this video someone said hey do you see your hopper? Maybe come out of their shoe. I think it was a guy. I didn't see. I was maybe right across it on here. Hey,
Starting point is 00:46:11 um, Alex, why triple not the shoe? Cause I didn't want him to come off. So you knew in advance that was a, that was like a, I mean, I didn't anticipate them coming off at all, but like,
Starting point is 00:46:24 it's kind of like the rule of thumb before you go on the floor. You don't want your shoes to come untied because I would waste time to tie them. I don't know. I feel like I always triple knot my shoes before I compete. LDY2742, Vitison. So Vitison came out, huh? Oh, there was a guy that lost his shoe too. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Chase, Ingram, have you ever heard of this before in a crossfit event? Someone pushing themselves out of a shoe? Oh, okay. So people know that about the sled. Especially in the sled pushing out. Like Alex is saying, it was so heavy. And the friction on that thing was twice as hard as it was last year. Actually, I had a question.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Were you guys not allowed to wear cleats? I think you were allowed to uh like i'm with anybody i didn't see anyone wearing cleats yeah i wish i would have i mean obviously with reebok like we had a set list of shoes from their lines that we were supposed to wear so i don't know if i would have been able to anyway but cleats would have been very nice brent fikowski sent someone to run and get his turf shoes i think yeah that was a smart move for sure do you have a shoe sponsor uh reebok that that's interesting hey up the game for shoe sponsors man have all that shit just fucking ready like basically did they did they supply you with um cleats uh reebok yeah no so they wanted us to wear they have a new line like the bold line so it's like the bright color shoes and then
Starting point is 00:47:52 they have like a nano adventure which is more tread than like the nano but it's not cleats so they wanted since they just came out with those like they wanted um just those shoes but i think in the future like it's kind of one of those things where it's like hey like do you want me to do well or do you want me to like wear your shoes so i think in the future i'll just kind of send them an email and request to wear cleats or something yeah everything water bring the whole fucking busload of shoes water shoes uh cleats just whatever anything that possibly could could help right it's the same with like ropes right now you know everyone bring a fucking rope yeah well uh what an incredible what an uh incredible event it's a memory i guess you'll never forget do you think you lost any places dealing with that yeah yeah like how many well i i mean emma definitely kind of like hey sorry hold on a second luna no um emma definitely
Starting point is 00:48:44 i think might have just passed me. She was moving the sled really well. But Laura passed me while I was dealing with the shoe to buckle. What did you end up taking in that? I'm trying to look here. Third. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:57 So you were vying for first place. Damn. Were you in first place when that happened? I don't know ifma was there at that point but i got to the sled first like i was like i feel like i had a substantial lead after the rope climb and then i lost it on the sled um are you happy with your fifth place finish yes and no it's like a really weird feeling like if you would have told me i got fifth before the game started i would have been like beyond excuse me uh i would have been like beyond excited and super stoked but then
Starting point is 00:49:30 like you get a taste of like i think i finished day two and third and i was like oh my gosh like this is possible and then i just had some holes that i need to sure up and so i think fifth was appropriate like i think that's the placement I earned. But now I'm like, I want more. Yeah. I mean, you could taste fourth place for sure. I mean, you're two point. You basically, Gabrielle McGaw would damn near tied for.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Actually, Alexis Raptus was all up in your guys' shit too. Yeah. Wow. Did you become close with any of those girls? Did you get a chance to hang with Alexislexis raptor she seems cool as shit i didn't get to talk to her too much but she's awesome yeah we talked like i feel like last year i didn't see her very much but this year we talked a good bit and she's super sweet she was really fun to be around um super class act competitor uh last year you took 24th yeah 24th and john john and chase are so impressed they're like wow thank you he got lucky no no not about not with you with me sorry
Starting point is 00:50:36 they're not impressed with you they're impressed with me that I knew that you took 24. Gotcha, gotcha. Sorry. We are impressed with you, too. You move up 19 spots. John Young, we are going to talk shit for the next year. What are you going to say about Alex Kazan? Are you going to be like, oh, this is just a one-time thing. Hayley and Mal and Tia are going to come back,
Starting point is 00:51:03 and she's not really going to be top 10 you know but we still she's untested adrian's programming was suited her like what kind of shit are we gonna hear or was just a girl the real deal well i don't think i'll ever call her overrated again because i got oh did you say that i just made that up i didn't i said i said y'all were over hyping her that's what i I said. Okay, fair, fair. But I had her 10th. I thought it was appropriate, and I got proven wrong, and that's great. Hey, 10th is appropriate.
Starting point is 00:51:34 10th is appropriate. That would have put her down there below Emma Carey, Daniel Brandon, Katrin's David's daughter, and Alexis Raptus. Would have put her down there with Paige Powers. That's good people. That's what I thought, too. But you were the person I got the most DMs about
Starting point is 00:51:47 from people just giving me so much crap. Which is great. Honestly, you turned me into a big fan of yours. I didn't know a ton about you. I just knew that you were up and coming. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Sevan makes a point. T's gonna be back mal's gonna be back uh if i'm honest right now i think i would place you around fifth again with with all of those girls back and after that the sky's the limit i mean i think that what you would be improving if you got fifth, even if it's the same spot. You know what I mean? I know you're sniffing the podium. Yeah, she is sniffing the podium. That's probably
Starting point is 00:52:35 what I would originally think. Let me ask you this, Chase. For me, Ghazan, because she's so friendly to the show and i'm friends with jake a little bit i got emotional uh kind of like pick in there you know what i mean like i like to say i want to see her do well because i'm like biased you know what i mean like i don't realize how much i like the athletes until i see them like out on
Starting point is 00:52:59 the field together and i see myself like being like oh go alex go alex you know what i mean it feels like i thought it was impartial so i hear that voice man um is she do you do you think alex kazan's a fifth place uh athlete i mean that's high dude yes after this it's like there's only one tier left really well i think what i wanted to see was could your games campaign regardless of finish back up your could your games campaign regardless of finish back up your semifinals and how did you do there how'd she do oh fuck wow good good job and i know she's 24th last year but you don't know she's first and that was that's what i was curious about and when you when you look at your fifth place finish you had four finishes inside the top three, two thirds, two seconds. Two inside the top 10, eight, six, that 11 place one.
Starting point is 00:53:50 But you had five outside the top 16, 16 to 19, five of them. And you still got fifth. So what I see is someone who has put like great home run potential. And in the events you did well, I think are more classic in nature. And the ones you didn't are more single modality tests bike run inverted medley snapped clean yeah all things that i think are way a little bit easier to work on in the off season and sure holes and it's like okay do we need to get top five no but maybe a top 10 yeah and you turn all those bottom 16 to 19s into top 10s now we're talking talking podium. Yeah. I agree with Chase.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I will say, I didn't know you were that strong. That's why the snatches, I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Like, I hate it. Because, like, theoretically, like, I feel like you should be able to snatch, like, the big girls. Like, I feel like I should be able to snatch, like, 200, 220,
Starting point is 00:54:44 like, whatever. But my brain just goes, and then I don't do it. Um, like, cause in training, like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:54:50 like I feel like we hit one 90 after semifinals, like over and over and over. Like I snatched more after semifinals than like I ever have. And it was so snatched one 90 in your life. You think a dozen times you've hit that a dozen times. That might've been exactly. Okay. You think you've hit it six times? Over and over exactly okay six times you think you've hit it six times over six times you think you've hit it six times a lot i didn't okay but we snatched a lot because that's crazy that's fucking nuts so you have
Starting point is 00:55:14 let's start with one you've hit 190 i've hit yes i've hit 190 192 um i've only hit up to 192 but it's like my brain my brain just like fizzles and my body like my upper body tries to take over and it doesn't go very well but we're gonna work on it like justin and i have already like made a plan it's happening hey is there any movement like i know this is a weird place to do some soul searching with three ding-dongs sitting here with you. But is there any movement like running or rowing or snatching or where you're like, fuck, I'm going to need to do some fucking mushrooms and go off and just have a talk with myself? Like, I'm never going to win the CrossFit Games if I don't unfuck this. Like, do you have any rules like that? Yeah, that's like snatch.
Starting point is 00:56:00 That's the one. It's happened so many times. Yeah. I've had one – or sorry. I've had one or sorry i've had two events where it's gone well like in a comp like zelos games like i hit 190 in the comp and i was like sweet like my curse is broken i heard the weights there were off they were all off by six pounds oh well no no i just made that up so i was like oh it's like so much better and i don't know but that's like the thing that i want to fix the most and like running and like the bike like the bike for me is like i feel like
Starting point is 00:56:33 that's like a specialty event like i just need to get comfortable on a bike it's not like a fitness thing um and then the running like also just improving that like i'm not afraid to run a lot and get better there you're not scared you're ready to go we're gonna see better alex kazan yeah hey thanks for staying up late for us thanks yeah thanks for letting thanks for letting me bring the boys on and um you know this all boy uh boys club and joining us and letting us be in your presence. You're amazing. All right. Tell your husband, I said thank you for being such a gentleman and such a
Starting point is 00:57:09 sweetheart of a man. I'm so shocked the comment hasn't popped up yet. What is it? I feel like he always just writes comments. Oh, yeah. I haven't seen it. I haven't looked at the comments because I've been so in... I forgot.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yes. Oh, yeah. Look it. Now you're going to be like, where's my Mertens card? Someone better not touch my Mertens card. That's awesome. Yeah, you got a card. That's awesome. Oh, my gosh. Wait. Did you guys see the Buttery Bros edit of the sled tobacco? Yeah, we played awesome. Oh, my gosh. Wait, did you guys see the Buttery Bros edit of the sled tobacco?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah, we played it. We played it. It was so good. I laughed at it, like, every time. It got funnier and funnier. I wonder if one of my kids took my Immortan's card. Anyway, congratulations on the card. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Oh, thank you. Yeah, beautiful edit by Wadzombie, too. Yeah, he did great. All right, talk to you soon. Thanks for coming on. Bye, guys. Thank you. Bye, cheers. Have a good one, Alex. You, too. Do you kick me out or do I leave? yeah he did great alright talk to you soon thanks for coming on bye guys thank you have a good one Alex
Starting point is 00:58:06 do you kick me out or do I leave I'd love to kick you out what are you doing oh shit I just kicked Chase out no oh shit I kicked John you think that was an accident think again
Starting point is 00:58:24 Mr. Mertens. What's up? What's up? Hey, dude. What's up? Where are you? What are you, in a tractor? No.
Starting point is 00:58:34 The gym that I started CrossFit at, CrossFit Kilo, had their golf outed fundraiser today. And we're all at the restaurant right now, so I'm in the car. Oh, thank you. This will be quick john i'm so sorry i fucking kicked you out dude oh my god i'm so sorry that was a total accident holy shit star of the show it's all good man hey uh colton congrats dude uh what place did you take last year uh 32nd and this year you took 18th. You cut it in half. Making progress. Moving on up. Yeah, I wonder how close you were to most improved.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I think you just had most improved on here, Miss Kazan. Yeah, so that was 14. Is that 14 places? 18 to 32 is 14. And Kazan was 19. 19 places. Okay. Colton, when I spoke to you, I can't know if I spoke to you or if it was in a text thread, but very close to the start of the game, you sent Sousa and I a message.
Starting point is 00:59:41 It must have been a message. Talking about an injury. And I started freaking out and i wanted to ask you about it at the event but you seem to be like you had it under control can you talk to us about that and and and also did you think that it could possibly stop you from going to the games no uh this wasn't gonna stop me um i've overcome a lot of more challenging things um in high school i tore my acl um along some other things my left knee and um it was a lot like that honestly but um you know so i'm not sure going forward what exactly i'll do um just rehabbing it right now i don't know if anything's torn or if it's just
Starting point is 01:00:21 inflammation or whatever um so yeah just rehabbing it and taking it kind of easy right now. Not going to be doing any running or jumping for a little while until this gets healed. But, I mean, it was actually hurt before semifinals. It was probably worse at semis than it was at the start of the games. By the end of the games, it was pretty painful and swollen. But I don't think it really affected me much performance-wise. I was able to squat to depth.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I was able to run well once I got warmed up, all things like that. So, yeah, just kind of taking it one day at a time, getting it rehabbed, getting ready to get back to full training soon, hopefully. Jan Clark, get to the truck duh that's not not bad i like it that's good um hey did you hear any shit talking during any of the events during the run or during the bike or were you any ever anywhere where you're like whoa those guys are getting at it no just a lot of heavy breathing and wheezing um i didn't didn't hear any shit when i was doing it um it was actually uh down pepper right behind me most of the time um on the bike ride or the run
Starting point is 01:01:33 the run you think he beat me on the bike on the run yeah i could hear him that's what i kind of knew like because he was behind me for um maybe he passed me but i could hear the way he was breathing on like the second lap um so i knew kind of where he was probably at gas tank wise and i knew what i had left and i passed him on the last lap i think but um i heard i heard rumors of uh somebody's shit talking on the run i don't know if it's true or not, though. You mean between Adler and Roman? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I can't wait to find out from Adler tomorrow. God, I love that shit. What do you think? Is shit talking okay?
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah, absolutely. Rubbin's racing is what it is. Say that again? Rubbin's racing. I don't get it. Someone help me. Race car terminal. Oh, okay. You can have your tires on the side of their car. Thank you. I don't get it someone help me race car Terminal okay
Starting point is 01:02:25 Oh yeah love your tires on the side of their car Thank you Did you know that John yeah Everybody knows that What type Of trash talk like a mile left Adler goes to Roman are you ready to start Running for real now and then takes off like
Starting point is 01:02:43 What I don't even know what trash Talk say on a run I mean I'm usually and then takes off. I don't even know what trash talk to say on a run. I'm usually behind everybody. I don't really know what trash talk you could say other than just... Your shoe's untied. Hey, what I think it was, what I heard it was is he was basically telling him he needs to run faster.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Hey dude, you need to run faster. Hey dude, you need to run faster. Hey dude, you're not running faster. Yeah. And then there's rumors that they touched. There's rumors also that Adler touched him and then that we'll find out tomorrow when Adler comes on but that Krennikoff I keep want to call him Roman off the Krennikoff freaked out Well, I come the course like that. There's um, it's not super tight, but there's definitely turns and corners, and, like, you have to defend your position.
Starting point is 01:03:28 You don't want to make it easy for someone to pass you. So, you know, there's people cutting people off, and you just have to be smart about that so you don't fall. Like, on the bike, there's obviously tons of corners on that trail that we did, and you just have to be smart about it. Like, don't announce to someone that you're coming up on the left when you're in a race because obviously they're going to cover uh lazar but um you know just things like that oh man you're basically saying the etiquette isn't to
Starting point is 01:03:58 tell it's just move in no like you're not on a sund stroll, you know. So basically like he was going to pass somebody and he says, on your left, like I'm about to pass you. And then they covered and they kind of had a little bobble. Yeah, yeah. I watched that today. I watched that interview today, yeah. Colton is Team Justin and that's a little cute. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Well, like Lazar and i are friendly but i think that um he rode the bike probably how he shouldn't have like i think um he probably cut it too close at times and was probably too willing to get into exchanges on the bike and um like if you have to break or swerve or whatever to avoid a crash it's a lot faster than crashing and having to get back on your bike and go again i think he was maybe i don't know if he's too aggressive or just really unlucky but um it seems like every crash i heard he was uh involved in so i don't know if that's that is true unlucky or i think he had two adjusting and one with luke parker i think he had three crashes yeah damn damn sorry sorry lazar no no he's good he and he comes from one of those um eastern european countries like like he probably trains with cinder blocks and shit they're they're made
Starting point is 01:05:20 different uh good bike ride how was the bike ride since we're talking about i don't think they should ever have a bike ride again like that i don't think they should have i used to love it now i'm like that's pointless it's too it's too it's too risky to change the whole dynamics of the uh event if they're going to ride people on a bike i think it should just be one at a time up a steep hill and do like a time trial um well uh i think the format that we did and it was definitely a lot of fun. Um, there's a ton of strategy involved in an event like that. A ton of strategy. Um, you know, you're kind of gauging how fast you're going for your first lap and you're kind of thinking how many laps is this going to take.
Starting point is 01:05:56 And you're trying to gauge like if you have enough in your tank to go all every lap and, um, like you're trying to be aggressive and pass people but you know it's very costly to crash you have to kind of gauge that as well but um it was definitely a very fun event you had a lot of time to analyze during and um like just watching people ride you actually learn a lot like how they take corners on gravel, like the angles that they take when they're taking the sharp turns. You can hear when they're shifting their gears on the uphill. So I was listening to a lot of that stuff, and I feel like I got a little more efficient as the race went on. Seriously? Seriously, in real time?
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah, because it's pretty quiet unless you're right next to where there's a line of people. And so you can hear when people are shifting their gears. So if you're listening, you're going uphill right behind somebody, you can tell when they shift. And if you're watching closely, you can see like the way that they take the gravel turns. A lot of people do it differently. And you can see the angles that people, some people take the gravel turns a lot of people do it differently and uh you can see the angles that people some people take the angles and the grass really sharp so i'm gonna go really wide um so you can kind of see and see who was the better riders and try and copy them at least
Starting point is 01:07:15 that's kind of what i tried to do but um that was a fun event um i placed a lot better than i did last year and the last year was a bike gymnastics, and this year is a straight-up bike, and I did significantly better. You're good at toes-to-bar too, right, Colton? You're great at toes-to-bar. I thought last year was set up bad for you. No, last year should have been set up much better for me than this year. Considering that it wasn't and I improved, I was really happy with that
Starting point is 01:07:43 because I spent a lot of time on the truck bike for this last year riding to the farm and back and things like that so i was really happy with that event i took 23rd and i think that was also my worst finish that and the 5k took 23rd on both of those so um i felt a lot of improvement on those two events for sure so that was really good feels good going into this season knowing that what i've been doing is working chase ingram uh i had this uh discussion with colton that some people might say oh do i see money from teddy teddy i should be paying you money what is this oh oh here we're behind in some money go colton fuck you uh people will be like hey that's a tall man's workout.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Colton's fucked. And Colton takes a tenth on it. People are like, I guess it wasn't a tall man's workout. I think it speaks to his fitness level. Well, yeah, thank you. Okay, tell me about that. When do we decide that people were wrong, that it's not a tall man's workout, versus, holy shit, Colton can do tall man workouts?
Starting point is 01:08:43 So I would think a good example is test seven at semifinals. That was the sandbag, echo bike, and the... Echo bike, toes to bar, and then the sandbag carry. And the toes to bar was a big part of that. But with the bike and the bag, like, that plays to a bigger athlete. Just, you know, size is more beneficial on machines. They're more beneficial with heavy bags especially getting your arms around it running across it but what Colton is so damn good
Starting point is 01:09:09 at is is speed and gymnastics and his speed in his squats and his Elite Fitness level like he has Elite Fitness level I think the things that Colton does is just as impressive as some things that Brett fukowski does right and they're both outliers in terms of the classic prototypical crossfit size at 5 8 to 5 10 190 to 205. right so yeah there's there there are quote big boy workouts that i think colton did very well in at the games and that's a testament to his competitive character and his fitness level john john play along with me here. Let's go back to day one of the semifinal. No events have started.
Starting point is 01:09:50 We are in the... Where the fuck are we? Were you in East or West, Colton? West. Pasadena. We are in the West and you're in the men's, not the women's competition. Okay. Listen to these fucking savages.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Patrick Vellner, Brent Fikowski, Samuel Kwok, Cole Grayshaber, Justin Medeiros, Chandler Smith, Nick Matthews, Cole Sager, Mitchell Stevenson, Elise Oscar Moore, John Wood, Jack Rosema, Justin Rhodes, Scott Tetlow, a bunch of other dudes. I don't know. Philip Muscarella, Anthony Davis. God, it's like 60 tutor magda you can probably cut the bottom half of those names logan ewing hold on mitch mcclune mitch mcclune guys not nearly as good as colton
Starting point is 01:10:39 hold on hold on bear with me here bear with me, bear with me I haven't even said Colton's name yet, he doesn't deserve to be with these guys yet William Leahy The Jew Roldan Goldbaum From Venezuela or something Leonel Franco These are all names we know Now only
Starting point is 01:10:59 Only Did Mitchell Only nine of those guys got to go, right? Cole Sager was the last one, right? Mm-hmm. Day one, is Colton Mertens going to the CrossFit Games this year? Is he going to make it out of the semifinal? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Oh, you fucking liar. Day one? I don't know. 36th place finish to start the week was probably a little precarious. Is that what he got? Oh my god, you're right, Chase. Holy shit. What was he thinking?
Starting point is 01:11:30 Event one at semifinals was a big boy workout top to bottom. Three machines and freaking heavy ass sled pulls. Right. When you see the people in front of him, though, the people... 36th him though the people 36th he doesn't belong with this group what the fuck all right go okay keep scrolling down keep scrolling
Starting point is 01:11:53 down because the people that were in front of him on day one i knew we knew they were not going to be there later or after event one, you know, and I see what you're saying. You knew Maximilian Krieg wasn't going to fucking hang with Colton. Right. Yeah. And then,
Starting point is 01:12:12 and then after event one, so I was saying immediately after event one or after day one, because I'm just saying before, I'm just saying before day one, first place finish here or second place, whatever, whatever it is, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:24 on then, and then that all balances out he's like 15th after day one and then he got linda coming up and uh only me and him knew that he was gonna break the world record and that's just because he told me you know what i mean like but if you know you got that coming up he's gonna be fine you knew colton was gonna set the world record linda i think you did say that, right? He did. We had messaged before that. That's because he told me.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Oh, he did? Did he tell you? Hey, so you knew he told you and you believed him, John Young? Yeah. Anytime, I will say this, I do not. He's the only person that's like this. Anytime that he thinks he's going to do good on a workout and he openly says it he's the best like it's it's if he thinks he's like he's like i think i'm gonna be pretty good at this workout
Starting point is 01:13:12 i'm gonna pick him to win that event over anybody it doesn't matter what the field is because when he you want to answer that one before we keep going, Colton? Before I answer my question Where's my gun? Slop A merry fuck kill for Mertens Savant Chase John You gotta give him Two bucks to get that answered Thank you, Mr. Mertens
Starting point is 01:13:38 He's not a hoe Okay Let me go back a little bit Let me go back. Chase Ingram, last year Colton Merson makes it to the games. Fluke after the games? That's a fluke. That was weird.
Starting point is 01:13:53 A little outlier shit. Making it a fluke? No. No. How about, so you, okay, did you think this year he's going to make it to the games again with this whole fucking setup? I like the setup with the number of athletes they were taking and then Colton being the West. I mean, no disrespect for the West, but
Starting point is 01:14:07 it was less spots, but not as deep as maybe the East was. Top header. The top was tight. Dude, it's fucking pipe hitters. The way things shook out, the West stood up pretty well, and the East
Starting point is 01:14:23 had two unfortunate things with some of their heavy hitters. One had to withdraw. Two had to withdraw, Saxon and Alexander. That definitely opens the door for some rookies. I know no rookies made it out of the West. It was all vets to come out. Are you a student of the game, Colton? You know all the shit?
Starting point is 01:14:42 You know all the stuff? I know everything, Savant. Yeah. Hey, are most athletes students of the game or no? No, they're a bunch of dummies for the most part. They got their coaches. I wonder if I get along with them. Coaches guiding them around.
Starting point is 01:14:59 They just carry their bag and do what they're told. I got it going on up here. Fikowski said something similar to that uh a couple years ago he said you can tell who comes back the next year and does the same things or they change up this little thing that shaves off five seconds and it's it's certain athletes do that year after year after year and it's transition time. That's just a small thing. And like, or how you wall ball, if you rebound faster now. Like just very little things.
Starting point is 01:15:34 The guys who do it, you can tell who those guys are, and you can tell who those guys aren't. And the guys who do those little things will be there year after year after year. Those are the guys who are going to improve. And I would say Colton has shown that he's one of those guys. Would you agree with that, though? You could tell who those guys are, Colton? Yeah, and you also get a good sense for the people who are just, like,
Starting point is 01:16:00 they feel like they won the lottery at the games and the people who are, like, the job's just beginning. There's a big difference between those two types of athletes. Damn, this is some provocative shit. I'm going to track this up for interview of the year already. Colton was the only one calling dudes bitches. Mike Poolboy, Colton would rather have to talk like today for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Oh, okay, hold on. Colton, would you rather have to talk like today for the rest of your life. Oh, okay. Hold on. Colton, would you rather have to talk like today for the rest of your life? What does that mean? Or breathe like Darth Vader? Yeah, I don't get it either. That doesn't mean it's on a podcast or... I'm not talking any certain way, really. Yeah, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:16:46 Try again. What have you been drinking on the job again? Teddy Williams, Sevan, and Colton, you all hang out after the pig chipper at the ice baths. Tell us about that. Also, lots more Colton content coming. Dude, every time I put the camera in Colton's face, it's gold. Standby for behind the scenes.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Hey, did that bother you, by the way, any of that? I didn't sense it did. You were super accommodating, but I was all up in your shit. No, it didn't bother me at all. How about when – did it bother you when – there was a time when the medical team carried you out of North Park. You were all fucked up. You were like a fucking – like when you flick a spider
Starting point is 01:17:20 and he looks like he's all dead and shit, and then he comes back to life when you leave and runs away. You were like that, and they set you in the ice bath and then when i was done interviewing you you came out like all brand new and shit yeah it was um so that pig chipper the uh game plan going into it was uh just kind of slow and steady on the first 10 pig flips um so i was fine being behind the pack there i think i was one or two big flips away from most of the athletes I knew I'd make it up pretty quick on the chest of bar and toe to bar I could hold my on the wall balls and then the game plan for the second half of the event was to really pace out
Starting point is 01:17:58 the second set of toe to bar chest of bar and then those last 10 pig flips for me were like that's the workout that's where you have to hit it hard um there's going to be people who get there way too fast for their fitness and they're going to be doing those pig flips for five minutes and um so my game plan was to get there a little bit fresher coming off the gymnastics and hit that last set of pig flips hard and then um started to get some quad cramps the first few reps of the pick flips so that kind of went out the window and just kind of trying to survive on it and get it get it down without my leg locking up and um see i got to the finish line and uh yeah my cramp just leg started cramping really bad and had to get carried off over into the ice barrel like carried off like
Starting point is 01:18:44 they had you off the ground. They carried you. Yeah, I wasn't really able to walk or put any weight on that leg or extend it at all. But, yeah, I sat in there for, I don't know, five minutes or so, and I felt like I had a fresh pair of legs when I got out. So it was a little bit sore the next day, but it was good. Your calf looked like a balloon.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Yeah, one of them. I didn't think you were going to recover from that. It was good. Your calf looked like a balloon. Yeah, one of them. I didn't think you were going to recover from that. It was crazy. So that didn't bother you with the camera in your face as you went through that kind of that drama? No, like I knew I'd recover from that pretty well. Like I've done some pretty significant research like on cramping and I've come to the conclusion that like
Starting point is 01:19:25 if you're genetically predisposed to cramping like you're just going to cramp like you can take your electrolytes and all that stuff and it'll put you at baseline but if your baseline is poor like you're genetically predisposed to cramping you're just going to cramp and so that kind of just happens every year usually not that severe but i usually get um some sort of cramping at the games like uh 2021 it was on the first event we had our swim and kayak and then once you got close to the shore you had to jump out of the kayak and finish with a short swim and my legs started cramping on the swim i remember velner was right behind me so i had to try and hurry up and scurry on the shore and stay ahead of him you had to hurry up and Vellner was behind you
Starting point is 01:20:07 scurry yeah that kind of I knew I'd recover well from that Matt Burns $5 story of the game Seve's shorter than Colton awesome job at 18th I don't know what that means 18th but there's no fucking way
Starting point is 01:20:22 do you think you're taller than me? I think the fact that you have to ask that says a lot. Fuck you. Last time on the show. Look at this shit. And I snuck right up on him and shit. Look at me. He doesn't even know. Why does your head look three sizes bigger than mine?
Starting point is 01:20:45 It's just my nose. What's that thing on the bottom of a boat? What's that thing called? Propeller? No. What's that? The mask? What's that thing?
Starting point is 01:20:55 Yeah. It's just my mask makes my head look big. I got chafed at the game, so I rolled in gold bond. Oh, did you put junk on your stuff, on your cock and balls, powder? Mm-hmm. What brand did you do you put junk on your on your stuff on your cotton balls powder what brand yeah yeah uh just whatever i can find at the grocery store when i'm there the handful of chum you show up to check-in this is a four-day event we're doing ice pass you know after all the outdoor events and they give us three pairs of compression shorts to wear for the whole week and you have to wear them whenever you're on campus on like monday for um the athlete dinner for tuesday for orientation all that stuff so you have like six days and plus all this workouts
Starting point is 01:21:39 the athlete dinner so you should don't fall out while you're eating your steak? They want us in noble uniform whenever we're on campus. Okay. So before every event, they're checking to make sure that you have your noble compression shorts on. They give you three pairs for the whole week, and I'm not going to run and spend two hours at the laundromat doing laundry or whatever. They give you three pairs for a four-day competition? Yeah. I went and asked them for more pairs and they said they they wouldn't give me any so i'm like okay um well i have some black tier ones but they don't have like any logos on except for by the waistband i'm like i'm just gonna have to wear those because that's that's all i've got and um right before i go out on the floor we're in the corral getting ready to go in the coliseum and they do a little uniform check and um I had my tear um compression shorts
Starting point is 01:22:32 on like you can only see it up by the waistband so I didn't think it'd be a problem and they're all black the rest of the way through and they wouldn't let me go out with those and then they gave me some more so I had to run to the bathroom right before the event and change oh so that's how you got some extra ones yeah but I asked you guys like two hours ago for some extras and you wouldn't give me any i told you i was gonna wear this and then they made me change so that's hey no wonder in my kit there were only two pair of compression shorts you must have got mine dude those are probably used by someone in one of the earlier heats. Colton straight up killed it at the games.
Starting point is 01:23:10 That can't be said loud enough. And he's fucking killing this interview, too. Okay. Go ahead. Go ahead. Are you averse to celebration when you win events? Because you're the coldest person we see ever after you have won an event you would not you would think you're watching family feud or something like let me let me translate that for you colton are you on the spectrum that's maybe i knew it. I fucking knew it. I'm not 5'4", motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Check my driver's license. Sorry, go ahead. Oh, sorry. Back to your disease. Sorry, Colton. I need to make light of your social disorder. Go on. There's two times that I'll celebrate.
Starting point is 01:24:01 One, when I win the games. When Ali gives it up. One, when I win the games. And Ali gives it up. One, when I win the games. Two, when I beat Brant on a wall ball and rowing workout. Woo! Fair enough. Otto, correct. Would you rather talk like Yoda the rest of your life or breathe like Darth Vader?
Starting point is 01:24:20 Oh, that makes way more sense. I got to say, talk like Yoda. Don't talk all that much. And if I breathe like that, it would make CrossFit a little bit annoying. Tank Reeves, starting late. I'm behind. Enjoy a tank-free night, folks. I ain't missing a minute.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Oh, before I forget, wake up, people. Prepare yourself. Oy, tanky, tanky, tanky. Thank you. Okay. Three questions. Any of the wieners die under your dad's watch?
Starting point is 01:24:53 Anything bad happen when you get home to the wiener dogs? No, they were all good. They were happy to see us. He only forgot to pin them up one night. We booked a little uh bed for him outside in their outdoor pen um typically we take him inside at night and hang out with us when we go to bed but as soon as we weren't there we just had him pinned up outside to
Starting point is 01:25:18 keep him from coyotes and foxes um so we forgot to pin them up one night, and I think he only got peed on one time the first night. So other than that, I think it was good. Did you buy that TDC shirt, or did someone give it to you? No, I bought that. Dang. Dang. You bought that on the internet? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:25:39 I'm having trouble envisioning you going to a website rogue and throwing that in the basket and giving up your hard-earned money for that. That's crazy. I think Allie and I both got one. Jesus. Event win. You have an event win and
Starting point is 01:25:55 you finished 18th. I think the next highest, the person above you who had an event win was in 10th. It was Yellow Hostie. And the guy below you who had an event win was in 10th. It was Yellow Hostie. And the guy below you who had an event win was 27th, Jack Farlow. It's kind of a trip. Does that say anything about – I don't know if that's exactly true, what I just said, by the way, or if it even made sense. But does that tell you anything about him as an athlete, Chase?
Starting point is 01:26:27 Do we have any concerns? Does this go back to the fact, oh i don't know if he belongs at the games he's got that's pretty he's got some outlier shit he finished 18th but he has a first place win i mean the three guys you named are outlier athletes themselves fair enough yellow host is a one of the biggest athletes in the field and has great odd object skills and can run clearly and then you talk about jack farlow who is one of the biggest athletes in the field and has great odd object skills and can run clearly. And then you talk about Jack Farlow, who is one of the strongest athletes himself. So, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:50 everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but it's mitigating the weaknesses, maximizing your strengths. And I think this is the best year Cole has ever done consistently. I mean, your finishes like all weekend were very like within what five spots. Yeah. It was placed was a 23rd
Starting point is 01:27:07 yeah it's like 18 to 23rd then you got a top 10 and then a win like i mean that was i mean the best weekend you've ever had at the games john let me let me up dandy is he going to the games next year yeah yeah yeah i think john was one of the few people who did actually pick me to qualify this year. That's right. I think most were not picking me, but I remember John did pick me, I think. Damn. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Colton, can you hear something funny? After you missed your last clean and jerk on the Olympic total, right? I went to the media room to podcast, and Teddy's there. And he looks at me with a cold face he goes colton's still gonna make it right like just scared oh teddy's such a sweet man too he must have been terrifying right and i was like oh yeah no he's good don't worry about it i mean it might look close but he's good and you should appear in his eyes it was so sweet oh teddy teddy's a good dude um yeah for that event um i hit my first attempt on each lift i knew that would be
Starting point is 01:28:17 plenty to keep me above the cut lines then i i kind of went for it on the second one for each of those and the snatch has made too big of a jump, and the clean and jerk I just off a little bit, but I can hit that. If you had three attempts, would you have hit them? The snatch I probably would have had to go down. Yeah, the jerk I think I would have got if I had another attempt. Final question.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Let's talk about the bags. Did CrossFit do anything wrong, Colton? Um, was this, was this a safe workout? Are you, are you okay with the bags just going over into a pile and then you guys having to jump over? Yeah, so Rashad was actually there this weekend as my coach. He's also my manager. And we talked about before the workout the placement of the bags as you throw them over. Like put them all to like one side. And then so that way when you do your final bag, you can put that off to the other side of your lane and hop over and be clear, not worry about jumping out a bag, not worry about trying to sort your final bag out from the others and things like that. So that's something that we thought of and we're particular about on that
Starting point is 01:29:35 event. So you just get to do your due diligence. I don't think that is in the same lane as what Scott, when Scott Panchy got injured on the rope climb workout. I don't think it's quite the same thing. I think you just had to think it through a little bit and mitigate risk. But you didn't – after you threw that over, you didn't sidestep to the right and jump over. Well, I guess your bag rolled pretty far forward and you saw that like you watch when
Starting point is 01:30:06 you throw the bag here you throw the bag and it actually rolls forward like four or five feet it bounces off some other bags and you jump straight up oh like you don't waste a second yeah there's somebody in another lane down the field um right there with me so I just trying to pass them but um yeah so like I tried to put the bags in um towards like one end of my lane so then on my final back I can put that on the other end and just hop over and not worry about it great I'll be real as you shock the shit out of me how fast you jumped up on that log me too me too yeah yeah well the thing was i was not confident that i was gonna be able to get that bag over that log um so the ones i did i was like okay now i gotta go oh no shit so you had a set you had second thoughts as you how much is that bag it was 125 200 200 oh shit i know you
Starting point is 01:31:03 basically carry you had to jerk that over. Yeah, that's a one-shot deal. You can't fuck that up, right? Yeah. I know I wasn't going to be able to throw it over. I had to do it exactly how I executed it. I threw it so it would kind of be on the corner of the log, and then I had to catch it and finish rolling it over.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Yeah, because I wasn't going to be able to like chuck it over like the other bags i could feel that from the 150s that it was going to be tough did you lose weight by from when you started um because i feel like you showed up there looking like a brick shithouse and you left looking like a fucking abercrombie model like you probably did you lose five or ten pounds i mean you looked amazing there's a shot somewhere with your shirt off. You look amazing. I didn't weigh myself, so I'm not totally sure. My energy
Starting point is 01:31:52 felt good. Day 4, I felt actually a lot better on day 4 than I did on day 3. I think the first two days beat me up pretty good, and then day 3 I started to recover pretty well and felt good going into day 4. God, you look like a pig farmer.
Starting point is 01:32:08 My fucking Lord. Look at you. You look like just a country boy. Like found himself in a stadium. And he went the fittest in the world. Hey, dude. Thanks for letting us just get behind you. You're such a fun,
Starting point is 01:32:25 uh, character, human being generous with your time, uh, your thoughts. It's been great. I really appreciate you letting us get on your train. And one of the loudest cheers of the weekend.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Yeah. Oh yeah. How about fucking that? Good point. Was that the loudest cheer of the weekend? You didn't even, you didn't even win that event. You just won that heat, right?
Starting point is 01:32:48 No, he won ski back. Oh, that was the one you won. Okay, okay. He was not in the last heat, but he had beaten everybody who went in the last heat. Oh, good point, Chase. Yeah, how crazy was that? That cheer, that was nuts. Yeah, that was fun.
Starting point is 01:33:04 Definitely a good last the last year the only time i heard cheers was uh or i guess the one on the main times was when i jumped on the 42 or 43 inch box people were happy that i could do that but um yeah this year it was good to hear some cheers for doing well but i was like a good for him cheer and then the other last week i mean fan favorite dude it was clear it's clear as day yeah you scared me in that workout too you were the third person off of the first ski and and me and my wife i was like no colton no way too fast man i've been living on that ski york for a while now and i think um You're going way too fast. No, you pulled through. I've been living on that ski yerk for a while now,
Starting point is 01:33:51 and I think something I'm pretty good at is pacing workouts. I definitely miss it sometimes, but it's pretty rare that I will overshoot my shot early on in a workout. Not always perfect, but, like, typically if I'm in the front to start a workout, I'm going to do really well. I'm typically going to be starting mid-pack or behind and work my way up through the event. Does that say tiered ducks on? Where?
Starting point is 01:34:17 Tiered ducks? Oh, tiered ducks on. Yeah, that's called ducks wrong? T. Oh. Thank you. Thanks. yeah that's called ducks wrong tea oh oh thank you thanks thank you wait we'll see what the reply is oh yeah i probably had a couple margaritas you oh good okay good she she bought it good thank you
Starting point is 01:34:41 oh that's great i think i did i think i did actually cry a little bit in the uh stadium there don't tell me fuck well chase cried like five times so i did hey did you cry have you cried after the games colton let out a sigh uh no i didn't cry um i was probably closer to trying at semi-finals you did um i would say i was closer to it oh at semis why but um just because going into like the past few months i didn't think that i really had a shot and then after the first event and i didn't think I had a shot, and especially getting second on event two,
Starting point is 01:35:28 which I planned on breaking the world record. Yeah, I'm just not confident going into the rest of those events. But I ended up getting it done. So that was like a huge relief and just kind of surprised myself. Congratulations, Mertens, on a great season what's your favorite games work out of all time holy shit do not start your own podcast hell's bells go ahead mary or murph i like those two murph all right brother thank you you're the best uh talk to you soon thank you and you've climbed just so you know you've climbed in the ranks of becoming one of the best people to podcast with you i mean seriously i'm not even
Starting point is 01:36:09 just saying you went from one of the worst like most terrifying to like i can't wait to have you on again i don't know i didn't know i don't know if i didn't understand what now but no i've been trying to get better um there's one other thing that i do want to talk about please uh quick if I can. You guys saw the Buttery Bros clip after the ski event. So he asked me, he goes, yeah, I think you had an advantage on the squat. Or he said he definitely didn't have an advantage on the ski, but you had an advantage on the squats. And I said, you know, like being 30 pounds lighter than some of these guys, I don't know if I really do when it comes to moving an external load.
Starting point is 01:36:52 You know, because we have every other strength sport on earth. There's weight classes in powerlifting, Olympic lifting, strongman. And it's not because the little guys are outlifting the big guys. And there's no other small guys that lift like i lived in this sport there's no other small guys that did well on that event like i did so i just want to like say like maybe um like if you are 215 pounds and i'm 182 pounds and i can lift more than you maybe you need to start lifting some more. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:27 That's the example, right? Is that the example right there, Chase? That is a big guy workout. It's not an advantage to him because the fucking bag outweighs him. And it was tried to be, it was tried to be passed off because his legs were shorter so it was easier. He turns a disadvantage into an advantage. Right.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Well, there you go. It can seem like it's an advantage for me because if I'm just as strong as you, then I will squat them faster because my legs are shorter. But if you're 25 pounds heavier than me, I should not be as strong as you. It's an advantage if you're doing squats against someone who's 6'2", 25,
Starting point is 01:38:02 versus a 200-pound stand standback squat for 50 reps. 100%. He did ask me something after that that kind of pissed me off. I thought I gave him enough good content for one interview. I just said something kind of boring, whatever.
Starting point is 01:38:21 What I wanted to say, because he asked me, I work on a farm during the day and um he goes do you move stuff around a lot like yeah like pretty much all day like i'm doing manual labor on a farm and he goes uh is that an advantage for you when you're you're doing a lot odd object stuff like a sandbag and i said i don't remember i said but it was i wanted to say like yeah um you know waking up before the sun and going to a pig farm and working all day and then coming home to train in my father's garage by myself is a very big advantage against these guys that are just training recovering training recovering
Starting point is 01:38:57 can you imagine the shit you inhale no pun intended yeah yeah god you're a beast hey dude Imagine the shit you inhale, no pun intended. Yeah. God, you're a beast. Hey, dude. Love you. Thanks for doing that. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for just giving it to us real.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Real, authentic, and articulate as a mofo. You're awesome. Thank you. Good seeing you, Chase and John. You too, man. too man hustle hamster forever all right dude talk to you soon have a good night tell the people you had dinner with thanks for sharing you tonight i know we kept you a long time sure thank you later brother i know what suze is thinking wow whoa hey he's good yeah that's good
Starting point is 01:39:45 he might end up becoming a world class coach too I love his bones to pick yeah you guys got 2 minutes and 45 seconds it's Friday bro my kids are asleep let me show you guys something.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Let me show you how we pay the bills here. Is this your video? Just what a sponsor wants. Play it at the very end. I got to head out. Okay, bye. Where is this video? Is it under brands?
Starting point is 01:40:21 No. CrossFit Games app? Is this it? No, it's under brands. And then it's the last video in the video clips. Peptides? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay. Brace yourself.
Starting point is 01:40:38 Three, two, one, go. My old mattress was f***ing trash. It was so hot. I couldn't control the temperature. My wife, my wife's boyfriend, everybody was pissed about how f***ing hot it was. It was crazy. And you know hot. I couldn't control the temperature. My wife, my wife's boyfriend, everybody was pissed about how hot it was. It was crazy. And you know what? I'm done with the battle. You want different temperatures.
Starting point is 01:40:51 You can make that happen. You can have your temperature. She could have her temperature. The dude next to her could have his temperature. Doesn't matter. It's all good. This episode is brought to you by Eight Sleep. Summer is reaching its apex and there's nothing worse than tossing and turning
Starting point is 01:41:05 and sweating your hog off at night because of the summer heat. The Pod Cover by Eight Sleep will keep you cool all night long, baby. All the way down to 55 degrees. Crazy, right? 55 degrees? Your mattress couldn't even dream of that.
Starting point is 01:41:20 So you wake up fully refreshed. The Pod Cover by Eight Sleep fits on any bed. Like a fitted sheet, slips on nice and easy. The PodCover will improve your sleep by automatically adjusting the temperature on each side of the bed based on your and your partner's individual needs. And it adjusts based on the phases of your sleep in the environment that you are in. Now, I thought I was sleeping good before, but I realized that wasn't until I got the pod cover. I love eight sleep because I can adjust mine down
Starting point is 01:41:49 to a brisk 68 degrees. She has hers set at 70. I don't know why, she's crazy. She likes it hot like a sauna, but it's cool because they both adjust. You can do whatever you want. It's improved my mental health. Why?
Starting point is 01:42:00 Because I actually sleep. And let's just say it might've improved the relationship a little bit too. When you sleep better, you're less stressed. Eight sleep kills it. Okay, it's awesome. Packaging shows up just like any other package would, just like your door dashed food. Just bring it to the living room, open it up, let it fold, let it breathe. The pod cover has other amazing features. For example, thanks to pod sleep and health tracking you can wake up to a personalized sleep report for you each morning that offers insights on how certain behaviors like late night exercise or caffeine impact your sleep and overall health maybe other behaviors too but you know what i'm saying but
Starting point is 01:42:37 we're gonna go there because this is an ad read we're keeping it clean the pod cover by eight sleep truly provides the ultimate sleep experience not Not the s*** I've been doing before. I've never experienced sleep like this. And the Pod's cooling technology has been a lifesaver this summer. Invest in the rest you deserve with the 8sleep Pod. Go to slash 7 and save $150. 150 big ones on the Pod cover. That's slash 7.
Starting point is 01:43:03 Stay cool this summer with 8sleep. Now shipping within the good old US of A, Canada, and the UK. Also, select countries
Starting point is 01:43:11 in the EU and Australia. We shipped to Australia for you. The EU's down under. Go now. Go to backslash S-E-V-A-N.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Tell Matt sent ya. Beast. Dude, that's great. I don't want to do it. Matt, was that the 30 second date? No, that's trying to get through all the shit I have to read on the piece of paper. Do you guys remember Max Headroom
Starting point is 01:43:39 from MTV? Yes, yes. That's what that whole thing reminded me. So, when you read that whole thing because of all the edits, how many cuts did you put in it? When you first read that, was that five minutes? Yeah, six minutes and 40 seconds. And I had to keep chopping it, chopping it, chopping it, chopping
Starting point is 01:43:56 it down. Holy shit. Just trying to get it down. But there's certain stuff inside of it that you have to do. Hey, dude. During that read, there were 105 comments in the chat. Well, they had to do something to entertain themselves. Yeah. Can we start every morning with a super cut of this?
Starting point is 01:44:15 Dude, that's crazy. So that company, 8sleep, they sent me one of those. I haven't set it up yet, but they pay us money, and then you read that, and then if people use the code, they get they get 150 bucks off yeah dude yeah how many of those do we have to start doing a lot of those does that make us like a real podcast now everybody
Starting point is 01:44:35 could relax it's just the requirement right now is just twice a month just twice a month okay and then i think uh after listening to it there might be some things that I could still chop down a little bit, but that was going back and forth, and that got it to where it is now. We need their logo on there or like a QR code that people can like – can we put a QR code and you re-export that? Yeah, I'm sure we could. Or just – Hey, dude, is that just off the cuff, all the hog talk?
Starting point is 01:45:03 And are we going to get in trouble for that? They're going to pay us? No, it already got approved. I already sent it in, and they're like, dude, it's just off the cuff, all the hog talk? And are we going to get in trouble for that? They're going to pay us. No, it already got approved. I already sent it in and they're like, dude, it's hilarious. They love it. Wow. I didn't even know you could do that, dude. In order for somebody to read that, it's going to take a while, right?
Starting point is 01:45:17 And my thought was, is that like, if it's not funny or there's some sort of entertainment to it a little bit, like people are just going to like hit the forward button. So the fact that like I tried to make it somewhat engaging but still hit all the points that we needed to to make it legitimate. And so, and I do apologize. I know it was like two minutes and 40 seconds long. That was fucking brilliant. Hey, someone just text me.
Starting point is 01:45:37 I don't know who it is. And I can just see what it says. Oh shit. Wow. It's from a regular listener. It says Suze is the new Andrew Schultz. Hey dude, I'm available for hire. i literally came in between classes dude remember you called me and i was like hey i'm like recording this and i just want you to listen to the first portion of
Starting point is 01:45:53 it like i walked right in i ate lunch i hit record i went i did it i did a one shot left came back and tried to chop it all down so it was as as quick as possible he goes chase he goes like this jason john he goes hey will you listen to that i'm, Chase, he goes like this, Chase and John, he goes, hey, will you listen to that? I'm like, what for? He's like, so we can put it on the air so we can get the cash. I'm like, dude, he's like, what? I'm like, play it on the air, and if it's horrible,
Starting point is 01:46:14 I'll just rip you to fucking death. I should have listened to you before, so I was a little nervous. I was just like, just play it, and then let the fucking crowd just destroy you. It's fucking horrible. Dude, it's so good. I'm jealous. Wow, I am so jealous. It's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Wow. Come on. Hooberman and Sebon have the same sponsor. That's cool. SEMA Globes. Haven't seen your name in a while. You know what else? Hooberman takes CA peptides.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Well, I don't know if he takes those ones, but he does take peptides. He said he shot them twice into his back and his bulging disc was better. And I take CA peptides well i don't know if he takes those ones but he does take peptides he said he shot them twice into his back and his bulging disc was better and i take ca peptides so there take that first man suza killed it on the eight sleep ad great interviews tonight and buttery bros doc gave someone a nice nod with some good appearances yeah i had a great time with heber i had a great time uh good time with marjan too i didn't seem as much as heber i had a great time. Good time with Margin 2. I didn't see him as much as Heber. I had a great time with the Mayhem Boys. They were great. I wasn't kept in a cage like Chase.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Chase, what did you do? You kept in a cage, right? Yeah. You lost your voice. I did. Is that scary? Can you tell us that story? What happened?
Starting point is 01:47:23 How do you deal with that? I think I got sick on the way into the games so like you know that pre-cold scratchy throat feeling we're like oh shit i'm getting sick you think you had covid there was just like where i came from in california was like massive covid breaks and like all this shit before i left no no um and you wouldn't know because you didn't test yourself. Also true. Or I don't care either way. And so Thursday, by the end of the day, I could tell my voice is pretty scratched up. Like my throat was hurting pretty bad. And then Friday, like it just got progressively worse.
Starting point is 01:48:00 Like by the end. Doesn't Sean Woodland like have like, I've heard him talking to you. He keeps like a special ray like i was taking everything okay everything i possibly could and by like the last word of friday was about the last word i could just push out and then i get back to my hotel and the whole like you know got some tea got some hot salt water and i started gargling salt water and every time I'd spit it out I'd like there'd be some traces of blood with it too wow yeah it was pretty it was it was bad and so I woke up
Starting point is 01:48:32 Saturday I couldn't talk it was I like I could I just sounded what do they call that is there a term for that like strained vocal cords or like what is the vocal cords or like I was worried like if I had gotten some type of like laryngitis or I was looking, it was like two in the morning on Saturday, like before Saturday started, I'm like Googling, you know, web MDing everything is what you people usually do. Yeah. And then I was like, I'm just gonna take myself to the hospital. Like I can't sleep. I can't swallow. My throat hurts like unbelievably black bad. And so we walk into a meeting on Saturday and I sat with the producer, the director.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Well, I sat with Charlie Doobie, Eric Barnhart, Mike Roth. We all sat together. He's like, what do you think we should do? And I just straight up told him, I was like, you need to take me off the show. Like you said that. But yeah, I just, I told him I was going to, I was going to make everything worse.
Starting point is 01:49:21 I was going to make the broadcast works. I was going to, it was just going to be terrible for everyone and just make myself worse so i said in your place no they put conway in my place oh how did he do yeah he did a good job and you're stepping in last minute having no plans to broadcast at all he did a great job and i just went to my hotel room and didn't talk for 24 hours i saw the on and shout out to Katina Thornton and Victoria on the med staff that came out and like, they took care of me. They took me under the stadium. They took like,
Starting point is 01:49:53 like they got me some prescriptions and just like everything. They were freaking awesome. Katina Thornton, by the way, was the Danielle whisperer last year. She was the one that stayed with Danielle the entire event. She was about 800 meters that way. No shit. You live on the same block as her yeah we do that's crazy her husband's a physician too right yeah crazy yeah they got it do you know their kids they got like a shitload of like crazy successful kids right it's like six super kids yes they're all awesome all awesome yeah so anyways i took the day off, came back, and it worked out, thankfully.
Starting point is 01:50:28 So very lucky. So you took a day off, and you came back, and your voice was fine, and no more coughing blood? I didn't know how it was going to happen until the first word of the first event on the Sunday. I hadn't spoken. Okay, it's working. And that's kind of like having a cramp too, right?
Starting point is 01:50:42 Once it happens, you don't know if it's going to come back any minute. Hey, how did Conway – I saw Kalipa. By the way, Conway helped me carry the behind-the-scenes too. Every day I would stop and be like – Yeah, I would get those sound bites from him that I used to get from you guys in the old days. Hey, can you tell me what's going on? He was crazy helpful in that. What about – and his cameraman, Chris, was cool.
Starting point is 01:51:04 Did you meet that dude he had his own uh oh i didn't see chris i didn't see i didn't see adrian because he was usually down yeah he was in the dungeon with me yep what how did adrian and kalipa do i saw kalipa and he was so excited to get a shot at it kalipa was great yeah if like if you know Kalipa, he was- Was it unorthodox? Oh, yeah, 100%. And thank God there's not comments he can read while he's actually on the ESPN broadcast
Starting point is 01:51:33 or he'll have to be fixated on that. Right. But my favorite Kalipa moment is that in broadcasting, you have a producer in your ear and a director in your ear and Sean in your ear and you can hear yourself. There's just a lot of things going on. And so when you're talking, people also talking to you. And if you've never done it before, when someone talks to you, immediately you stop talking. There's also a little button. There's two buttons. There's a button so you can turn your mic off and
Starting point is 01:51:59 like cough or sneeze. And there's a button that goes to the truck okay and so they go to kalipa in the middle of event because he was never hitting talk back and they were trying to talk to him and like jason can you hear us and he goes yes that's live on espn dude he's a beast what a beast yes i can hear you that's the most authentic moment in the history of espn i love it yeah it was great so no he did a good job he was super fun to do on the podcast too i'm very thankful because you know we're also doing a podcast after the end of the day and him tommy osga or sorry jason tommy osga and adrian conway stepped up big because i just i couldn't do it. I could produce it from the hotel room. Hey, Tommy who?
Starting point is 01:52:46 Miasga. He's the seated adaptive. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That guy's cool as shit too. Hey, did that happen to that guy recently? Did that guy get in an accident recently and put him in a wheelchair? Gosh, I don't want to speak for Tom. Tom, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:53:08 It's some type of like, oh, I don't know what it is exactly. Yeah, that's a cool dude. I actually hung with that dude quite a bit too. Me and him were like, I was on top of his shit, like squished in the media pit. And he was like a pleasure to work with. Like he doesn't have control or real function of his lower body.
Starting point is 01:53:22 Like he can get through a little bit, but he looked buff like he looked buff like a crossfitter dude the guy's jacked he qualified for the paralympics in 2008 oh okay in swimming wow yeah and and what's his job is he in front of the camera he was doing interviews oh okay like i'm down there with adrian and some chick yeah okay yeah oh okay yeah he is a savage let me see that again all right oh look he even got a third wheel so his shit don't fall backwards oh he did it's a little wheelie oh shit yeah yep he's going over i get suza spicy margarita freaking great ad read i know that was nuts dude oh chelsea miller laryngitis no no that's not what it was that would have gone away in a day but whatever they gave me worked
Starting point is 01:54:13 so thank you to the whole team there they're very accommodating and they didn't have to be it's like that's for that's for like athletes you know so hey hey john you think we had the athletes on too short today or that was good like just to like no i think that was good i yeah we can get as many as we can you know if you could every single show we have four or five athletes like we can just roll through them right that way we can get the lesser known people to with with the more known people too and i think um like i know adler's coming on tomorrow but like i think people like that would more likely come on. I'm keeping him to myself.
Starting point is 01:54:47 I'm going to try to get, like, all that attention for myself. Like, Valner, though, like, higher-name people, they're more likely to come on for five, ten minutes than longer, right? Yeah. Do you know who I have on after Adler tomorrow? After who? It's a dude who's been on my podcast before ironically he's retired but he did what could be one of the most controversial events at the games this year he picked a girl up by her fucking bra
Starting point is 01:55:18 oh yeah brandon luck it's coming on after and you know i didn't give a shit about that does he live by you too he seems like he lives on your street he's in louisiana oh he's a cool dude yeah how crazy is that i mean in the midst of battle she shouldn't and he shouldn't like you're fine here we go what else is he're fine. Here we go. What else is he going to grab? Yeah. Here we go. Yo, get up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:50 Like it's a bag of groceries and shit. Hey, who is that? Is that like Tori Simpson or something? Is that Tori Dyson? Oh, that chick is cool as shit. That's right. She's smart as shit too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Oh, okay. So she got a little dork in her. I interviewed her for like 15 minutes. I'm like, this chick is fucking rad. It is funny how she accepted it fully. Like, okay, I'll breathe heavy up here. Yeah. Okay. I didn't even, I didn't make the connection that that's her.
Starting point is 01:56:20 Hey, how is she kind of is a big name. What's what was her deal? Was she ever individual or she mayhem chick or what's her deal individual twice yeah he's a misfits i think athlete now she's kind of a nomad team athlete yeah look at this she was an 88 pound girl with an eating disorder we got to get her on the show she is cool you know yeah she'll be good i accidentally interviewed her and it went on for like 15 minutes and it was she was i was just like smitten by her she's cool no no that was in the back room just like i was just like probably just trying to get was probably on day one and i was trying to get the courage to interview someone that i recognized and i just
Starting point is 01:57:04 kind of saw her and started talking to her oh she's a phd in math holy fuck yeah she's freaking smart i wonder how many people are offended for her my favorite question oh you mean just like she got pulled up by her bra yeah like my least my least favorite humans on the planet that get offended for other people sporty beth hey it's an easy mistake. He, he was easy mistake. He was picked up by her. Yikes. How dare him? It's like, you know what? How much she cared this much.
Starting point is 01:57:41 Yeah. She rests on the floor like she didn't try to win. I did that to a guy on my team once at regionals but the opposite like he was trying to get her up and i just grabbed him by a shirt collar and threw him onto the ground because we had like three more burpees over the worm to do get your ass to the ground we've got three more uh julian ifford uh sebi did you get the interaction between tia and emma before the last event were you down there i saw uh mariah filming that um i saw mariah filming that i didn't it was probably like 40 feet or 30 yeah probably 30 or 40 feet behind me to my right i can't remember who i was filming
Starting point is 01:58:25 with then you know who is so cool to me was fikowski like not in a cheesedick way not like hey like he looked like he had a really fun time this year he looked like he was having a really good time competing and being top people yeah i enjoyed his presence he was he was he's he's as dignified as you might think i enjoyed him i think i was filming with him maybe a little bit when i saw that shit go down did the broadcast with uh willow just in the little bjorn the whole time no i didn't even know she did the broadcast yeah she came and did i think it was maybe alpaca i think it was alpaca and she came in and you know willis has passed out and this little baby bjorn she's like is this okay i was like this is the coolest thing you could do right now um this is not a direct thing at tia at all this is not directed to you at all
Starting point is 01:59:22 no one makes this but this is a public service announcement for anyone who's listening i had someone on the podcast who is a uh a professional of the highest order in terms of working with athletes and their movements and of all ages athletes of all ages from children to adult uh seniors now i probably can say his name because we talked about it on the show his name name is Sean Pistuch from Active Life. And he told me that one of his kids didn't crawl. And I said, hey, did you have your kid in one of those Bjorns all the time? And he said, yeah. I'm telling you, the more – the holy grail of fucking fitness is crawling.
Starting point is 02:00:00 Two things. Put your kid down as much as you fucking can, and those fucking baby carriers will inhibit that. And two, never encourage your kid to walk because the second they walk, they're going to walk the rest of their fucking life. And I'm telling you, crawling is magical. That's it. All right. But it's not a diggity. Not at all. There's times, you know, maybe she was in the broadcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:25 Well, yeah, maybe there's maybe she puts her kid down more than anyone who's ever put their kid down i don't know but those bjorns will become a handicap and a lot of people use their kids as an accoutrement an accessory and that is not what your kid is but just know anytime you see a kid that doesn't crawl they do the scooting thing they do a variety of things it's usually the first kid and it's because the parents don't put their kids down enough and doctors tell them done shit dumb shit like don't give your kid tummy time you better give your fucking kid tummy time and let them war with gravity god my son yeah yeah they gotta gotta set the timer and just deal with it let these motherfuckers war with gravity gravity's a son of a bitch
Starting point is 02:01:01 matt day uh what is magic about it? How does that work? I have no idea. Go Crawford, Matt. Isn't there – But there's tons of studies on it. Isn't there something when – So I know when some women give birth, they have abdominal separation.
Starting point is 02:01:19 My wife had that. And I think Annie had that. Yeah. And I think almost all of them go through that. And I believe when babies are born, they also have the same thing. Yeah, something's not connected yet. For babies, it's supposed to happen for sure. There's a part of the act of crawling eventually in tummy time
Starting point is 02:01:34 that actually closes that up. Oh, I think I've heard that too. You're right. I think I've heard that too. But it's also, I think, what the brain does. This shit for the brain is so fucking good, I think, at a young age. You can't see, but my feet and my testicles are doing something right now also. I think that what the brain does this shit for the brain is so fucking good. I think at a young age, they're boring. You can't see,
Starting point is 02:01:48 but my feet and my testicles are doing something right now. I can't see. The weirdest thing about babies is that soft spot on their head. They're like, it's the freakiest thing for me. Don't touch it. I thought if I touch it, like their arm would shoot out to the sign.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Stabilize your muscles, yeah. And Chase said something too. Go ahead and just look it up. But don't – and then if you want, I charge $500 an hour for parenting consulting. And I have no clients, so I'm fucking open for anyone who wants to talk to me. But my kids are complete fucking superstars and savages, and I give you all my secrets or you can get them for free on Instagram. All right. Hey, uh, I'm starting as people chime in about this whole relationship I'm having with
Starting point is 02:02:35 Laura Horvath. People are saying that this is the Hungarian way and that I'm being culturally, um, I'm, it's my cultural ignorance. Like, you know what I mean? You know, like some cultures, it's like, they talk with clicks and pops and shit.
Starting point is 02:02:53 That's language, but okay. But Hungarians have their own, um, uh, there's a, a, a,
Starting point is 02:03:02 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 02:03:03 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 02:03:03 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 02:03:03 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Starting point is 02:03:04 a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, there's a dance of posturing that's different than what I'm used to. You're used to peacocking. You like them?
Starting point is 02:03:10 What'd you say? They just shit on you until they end up liking you? Yeah, I guess. It's to be sure. You can't be sure unless you shit on them for three and a half years. If they stick around, it's worth liking. That's what it's like being in the military. You have a picture of my torn long johns
Starting point is 02:03:30 with my cock and balls front and center. Your name is Seven Glands. And your comment is John Young's beard needs some tummy time. God damn. That's. I don't know what that means. Oh, it means you can't grow one.
Starting point is 02:03:47 No one knows what it means, but it's provocative. That's true. That's true. I can't believe it. That's great. This will be shaven by next week, I promise. That's great. Don't you cave to the people.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Don't negotiate with terrorists, John. Everyone, please like the video, subscribe to the channel, leave a comment, purchase a sleep aid. I hate sleep. Do you ever take pre-workout twice a day? What? I've been taking swolverine twice a day for the last three days. What time? Just all the time.
Starting point is 02:04:25 I wake up, I have it for breakfast. Okay. And then I come home and I have it again before I work out because I go out with the kids. I play tennis with them. 12.30 or 1. And then I have another scoop like at 3 when I'm done working out. 3?
Starting point is 02:04:45 Go big or go home. 1230 or one. And then I have another scoop like at three when I'm done working out. Three? Go big or go home. He snorts it like cocaine. That's a lot. That is quite a bit. It's like 600. I hope it's like stimulant free. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Stole Josh Bridges fucking hair work and he says sebi no one cares fuck you jeffrey it's going the bridges the bridges hey savannah did you get one of these of the games oh those bracelets did did um rosie make that for you? Yeah. Oh, my God. I have one. I actually was wearing it a little bit at home. I wonder where it is. Mine says CEO.
Starting point is 02:05:32 It's me. Oh. Well done. That's a message. What is that? Is that a bullet? Is that a bullet? It's a casing.
Starting point is 02:05:39 It's a casing? Yeah. Who gave you that? Trish gave him that. A friend. Wow. A friend. A friend a friend friend i want to keep it uh hey patrick clark yes chanacho freddie camacho out there in maui oh shit yeah oh no there was a um thing that came out that said he was like all good though yeah i heard they're okay but they don don't have a lot of cell service right now, so there's not a lot of contact coming out for him,
Starting point is 02:06:08 but just that whole island. Thank you, Patrick. Did they lose their shit, all their shit, or lose any of your loved ones? I don't think the last part, I don't know about any damage to their home or their affiliates. I think there's one or two affiliates that might have gotten damage out there.
Starting point is 02:06:30 Damn. Okay. Anyone has any links for any GoFundMe pages or any of that shit? I'll start posting that stuff all week. Follow Katie Hogan or Sousa. Follow the West Coast affiliate page and she'll probably put stuff up on there okay right on west coast uh katie hogan will probably start putting up things and if that does come up uh seven when you when are you going to release the bathroom footage uh you took uh
Starting point is 02:06:58 just so you know that was not me i always take my cameras off before i go to the bathroom and my fanny pack because i don't want splash on them no splash um uh prayers to maui but probably should send some money with like every time you pray he's probably sending some money uh go to freddy's page freddy camacho for those you don't know they're old school as shit freddy's been around since like day two yeah oh geez yeah uh that's i think i probably took my first level one at his gym all right tomorrow morning oh uh hey everyone it's been this is from freddie camacho looks like a um drone picture of hawai Hi, everyone. It's been a crazy three days. China, Kai, and I are okay. Who's Kai? Dog.
Starting point is 02:07:48 Okay. I was watching the fire right when it started, and China had to go had a go-bag pack for us. We bounced when the flames got a few hundred yards away. Miraculously, our home survived. Our building is the gray rooftop building bottom of the picture. As you can see, two buildings in our complex didn't make it. We tried to hike back to
Starting point is 02:08:04 our home late last night, but the fire jumped the highway right in front of us and buildings in that area seemed like they exploded wow that's hot lahaina is basically gone thousands are displaced and now jobless so many of our friends are homeless it's truly devastating it's unbelievable that our home is there i've been back to it several times now it's actually totally fine but not sure if or when it will be livable uh we apologize to everyone who tried to reach out to us we basically had no self-service for three days i would randomly get 20 more texts at a time that i was unable to reply to most of them this island is truly amazing everyone is pulling together to take care of everyone so much aloha today they started allowing people to who
Starting point is 02:08:39 reside in lahaina to come back to the area and go to the other side our plan is to go to the other side tomorrow we will catch up with everyone that reached out to us area and go to the other side. Our plan is to go to the other side tomorrow. We will catch up with everyone that reached out to us then. Thank you to everyone for the outpouring of love, concern. We love you all. Big thank you to Rob and Ami Mason for taking us in. Lifesavers for sure. Where do you think it is, the building?
Starting point is 02:08:58 It's the bottom left. Yeah, bottom. Is it that one or is it bottom right, just right up above that to the uh upper right hand side caleb oh i thought i said gray roof i just assumed i think the one in the left corner is gray roof too yeah it's like very left corner right there that's green and when he says jump the highway people it's not like it's not that he didn't use the word right there's no like a highway there yeah the word right. There's no highway there. Yeah, it looks like a...
Starting point is 02:09:27 It's like this is an island. Wow. Well, I'm glad they're okay. Cool people. Yeah. Holy shit. Ken Walters. Now I know where I got my yuck when I got home.
Starting point is 02:09:40 It was the pic I took with Chase. Hey, speaking of, thank you to everybody that came to that. That was very special for me to be able to show up and see everybody there. So thank you for that. That was cool. That meant a lot. Alright, tomorrow morning, Jeffrey Adler and Mr. Brendan
Starting point is 02:09:59 Luckett, the champion and the man involved in the most contentious moment of the games. We'll see you guys tomorrow. John Young, thanks for coming on. Caleb Souza. Mr. Ingram, thank you. Bye-bye.

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