The Sevan Podcast - The CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: July 6, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's talk about that. That's fascinating. I can't fucking believe that. That's fucking crazy. Welcome to that link. Welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. The greatest CrossFit Update show ever since the CrossFit Games Update show. And we've surpassed it. In the middle. Tyler Watkins. On the end, J.Y. Barbell. Get your shirt now.
Starting point is 00:00:24 John Young Barbell. Established in 2013. 23. Sorry, 2023. I was 18 in 2013. A brain is 50% of the way to Joe Biden's. Garrett Allen, hey, thank you. Good money. Smart money.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Crybachuk. Crybachuk. Smart i got a um a text message today uh dude i just watched the latest west coast classic behind the scenes i put that up with the behind best behind the scenes you've ever done really really enjoyed just wanted you to know hopefully we'll see you at the games i'm going to the games. In what capacity? TBA. TBD? TBD.
Starting point is 00:01:12 To be announced? TBA. I'm okay. I like TBDs better. You're right. I stand corrected. Maybe we might not announce it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Just show up. Speaking of announced, let me announce the guy who's not on testosterone, but as he gets older, he might be tempted. We were talking behind your back before the show started, Israel. No, you weren't. I was right here listening. Oh. Were you really down there?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Yeah, because when you said you were addicted to working out, I said you're also addicted to nuts. Of the macadamia variety. Hard cheeses. That makes me nervous. And deli meats full of nitrites. Nitrates. I didn't even know you were down there.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Jesus. That makes me nervous. I don't know who's on the back end listening to me i didn't know you were down there i thought this was one of those tests i thought i was just gonna watch i was gonna watch the entire show like this and if you never brought me in you never brought me in it was like all right so i my number wasn't called it's okay i've sat down there before like five minutes into the show and they're like, where the freak is John? I'm like waiting to be put in the show. It's so obvious when someone's down there. So that's why it's so ridiculous when I don't see them. It's like,
Starting point is 00:02:38 so it's just obvious. Okay. Uh, uh, this has nothing to do with the show, but what were you saying? Um, you and Tyler, I was listening to your conversation when I was trying to get some YouTube clips ready for the show. You were saying— That's TBA. TBA. No, no, not that. About Sean Woodland went on a— Oh, WODprep. So if you go on WODprep—
Starting point is 00:03:00 I sent that link in the chat. They're trying to do different types of shows, but one of them is CJ interviewing people. And Sean did a whole podcast. I don't know if it's his first podcast or one of the first since CrossFit stopped talking to him. But he said openly he did not find out that he wasn't doing the games from them. He found out on social media on on instagram and he was like that's not right do you have a time what the way of saying before you go too
Starting point is 00:03:31 far what the fuck is wad prep this this they have 180 000 subscribers this is a crossfit podcast uh brand new brand new if they haven't done youtube they're brand new to youtube but no no no not brand new youtube like uh doing podcasts YouTube. They're brand new to YouTube. I think they get 180,000. No, no, no. No, not brand new to YouTube. Like doing podcasts and stuff. They're brand new to that. They're tips. You know Ben?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Ben, who does this is how 24.1 tips 24.1? No. What's up? All right. Well, a lot of people know that guy, but he's the CEO. How have I never even heard of this do i live under a rock no well i don't know about i don't really cover like the sport until now but they have their own programming and everything that they sell 180 000 i'm gonna go to oldest
Starting point is 00:04:20 how long have these guys been around what do i do i go to videos you're not showing us uh oh i'm not showing you oh no i am uh where do i go how do i see when they're oh oldest nine years wow all right what's up ben but yeah i'm podcasting with these guys now every now and again he does 18 podcasts a day oh okay and and oh this is the one that i was saying you're in big trouble for yes that's the one um where's the uh where's the um overlays what the fuck is going on here who's running the show are there overlays where's my where's my sponsors down at the bottom
Starting point is 00:05:09 with fit but anyway they do a really good podcast not that one oh someone fucking help me. Nope, not that one. Well, well, well. We'll brandstitter when you need them. We'll brandstitter, we'll brandstitter. Okay, when we come back, we'll find out from John Young what exactly happened to Sean Woodland. So so and i want to give you a qr code so you can get 40 off um it was there but i can't i just can't i don't even know rewind the podcast about a minute and a half and it'll be right here can you put the friendly comment up from CrossFat?
Starting point is 00:06:26 No, not yet. But thank you, Taylor. Do you like the Fit Aids with the creatine, the RX ones? Oh, how did you know? I could just see, oh, yeah, I need the RX ones because you got the creatine. As much creatine as there is in an eight-ounce steak. There he is. There he is.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Not Brandstitter, but someone else. Sousa? No, I see the beef down there. He's working. He's at the airport. A 7-0s fit ate some cash back, probably. Is that what you mean? Is that one cross that
Starting point is 00:07:05 cross fat john was that of the almond variety no i don't hold on okay were you trying to show seven up with his chugging and you you you went a little no okay it was a lot less. No, it's just regular milk. Goddamn, meat and fruit. That's a really great intro to something. I did work out today. Oh, you look jacked. Yeah, I just worked out for an hour. It's all that cretin.
Starting point is 00:07:43 On the minute for 60 minutes when I watch Dave Castro videos. And I took a shitload of cretin. I got to get ready because I'm going to the games. 20 step-ups on the minute? I can't do step-ups right now because I think I have plantar fasciitis. I can't even ride the assault bike. It's a fucking nightmare. It's all those shoes you've been wearing.
Starting point is 00:08:01 It's all those shoes you've been wearing, not walking around barefoot enough. Probably. Did you get that playing tennis? I don't know. I don't know what happened, but I'm pissed. You know what? Actually, you know where I got it? I was telling you guys about getting old.
Starting point is 00:08:13 It happened at semifinals. What? You've had it since then? Yeah. But it's mild, and it's not like the one where it feels like a nail in the bottom of your foot. I actually think it might even be like tendinitis. It's in my heel. It's on my heel.
Starting point is 00:08:27 My heel is sore. Father time undefeated. Fuck you, Doug. All right. Okay, so what happened with Sean Woodland? So Sean Woodland went on a podcast, the WOD Prep podcast, the biggest podcast in the CrossFit space
Starting point is 00:08:43 that no one's heard of. Sean Woodland went on a podcast, the WOD Prep podcast, the biggest podcast in the CrossFit space that no one's heard of. He said that he got told over Instagram? No, he didn't get told. He just found out from
Starting point is 00:08:56 other people. They didn't tell him. He didn't believe it until enough people had told him. From CrossFit HQ or the media has not been in contact with him since. They haven't talked to him at all. I'm calling 50% facts on this.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yeah, me too. There's no way. Listen to the podcast. I will. Maybe I'm quoting it wrong, but I swear that's what he said. We're not fighting. Oh, hi, Caleb. Nice to see you.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I can concur. I agree. I can, whatever it is where I agree with what J.Y. said, John Young, I heard the same thing. He was not told why. He was just told by some random person at HQ that has nothing to do with broadcasts, that he wouldn't be doing it. Well, that's different than what John's saying. John's saying he wasn't told at all. He didn't get an email or anything,
Starting point is 00:09:52 and then he just found out on Instagram when somebody said, Sean Woodland's not hired. And then he was like, oh, I really am not hired. It wasn't legitimized until then. He manifested it himself. You and John have different stories. Do you know that? Okay manifested it himself. I heard that... You and John have different stories. Do you know that? Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I agree we have different stories. But from what I understand is he found out from somebody else who works at HQ but not... Oh, not in official capacity. Not in official capacity. Somebody was just like, hey, they an official capacity. He was just like,
Starting point is 00:10:25 Hey, they didn't think you were fucking over there. Told him leak. Right. Right. And they haven't talked to him since at all. He's not hurting. They have no,
Starting point is 00:10:34 no reason for why he's not doing it. Nothing. Let me just find out from some random, let me tell you the problem I have with that story. Just like the, the immediate red flag is because I'm pretty sure. Oh, bye Caleb.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I'm pretty, all I have to do is rub a Fide and Caleb shows up. See? There he is. I feel like that would be a I love his five and a half up there. What does that mean, even? It's how many points
Starting point is 00:10:58 he got from Pedro's show. Oh, nice. Oh, shit. You're right. I couldn't figure out why it said that. Now I'm going to have to go hey hey i won i won i just want to relish that for a little while just let me relish it okay how dare you use the stream yard software with pedro okay um so so um uh charlie doobie the guy who owns hamilton road who i'm pretty sure are the people putting on the broadcast, he's got to be very close with Sean.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I'm sure they go to ball games together and shit, probably. And I have to assume that they told Charlie, and Charlie had to have told him. But that doesn't discredit that he didn't get communication from CrossFit, which on one hand, you could say they don't have to cause he's not an employee, but just out of common courtesy for a guy who's been doing it for fucking 14 years or 15 years or whatever. And he's the voice of CrossFit. You'd think he gets some call at least. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:56 At least from the chief people's person. He didn't hear it from the chieftain. So, okay. Along those lines, I um along those lines i do have a i do have a um uh let me see i do have an interesting clip that actually goes along with that um let me see uh dave uh where is it give me a second attractive women. Oh Sean doing the games 440. Here we go This is from a Weekend review where
Starting point is 00:12:35 From from July 1st just a couple days ago, and this is Dave talking The games correct. He's not commentating at the games this year um there's potentially some other uh engagement we're looking at doing with him at the games i don't know how that's working out at barkley three so he dave suggesting they're going to do something with him so i think dave has no idea yeah that's fair too like because from what it sounded like nobody has told him that they have anything for him at all and so but they probably told dave that there there was something in the works and then it's just you know dave's like okay i don't know if that's how it went down but it sounds like dave
Starting point is 00:13:16 has no idea at all and he's you know what i mean somebody asked him a question he tried to answer the best he could yeah he doesn't know a lot of stuff it's fun watching him interview the athletes he didn't even know who emily rolf was or that she was a good runner or that she had won the go ruck event all sorts of shit 40 off at fit eight tyler could you point to it oh thank you right over there scan the code and if you need a hot drink make sure you go to uh paper street coffee could you point to that uh chair there you go and for vindicate apparel where you can get a jy barbell shirt that is right here right there no no no no no jy barbell shirts just have on podcast shirt we shut that link down
Starting point is 00:14:02 for this show i thought for sure you were going to say something about midwifery and point to the birth fit. Yes, that too. Soon. Very soon. NCA pit times. JR, you guys did Shut Up and Scribble yesterday at 11 a.m. Is that correct? Incorrect. We did it about three hours ago. Okay, that's right. It was a great show.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Great show. People want to hear about everything, Chad. For anyone who thinks that Taylor is not a compassionate, sensitive, onion-like, some might say, go watch the first 15 minutes. He gets emotional. It's awesome. Very like Shrek. So tell me, can you give me a synopsis of what—
Starting point is 00:14:40 Thank you for completing that allusion to where it's not even funny anymore. Hey, everyone. John's seen Shrek and ogres are like onions. Now his face is red. No, my face has been red, man. I got this lamp right here that does it for me. Is it 40% off of 50%? That is accurate.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Okay. JR, can you give me a synopsis of what you guys said on Chad? Did you guys have a take that was in unison regarding the workout? No. Taylor actually started off the conversation by saying that, by scaring me a little bit, by saying he was going to get really uncomfortable. And then he said, I don't know what side I'm on. saying he was going to get really uncomfortable and uh
Starting point is 00:15:25 and then he said i don't know what side i'm on i'm just gonna figure it out along the way and i'm and i'm used to not knowing what taylor's gonna say about anything so that wasn't really um an oddity but he he kind of brought up the point of um heroes being remembered for their service that they've all passed but in this situation it was due to suicide he recounted his father's death and how that made him feel initially and then thought about how it made him feel later on and he posed the question um someone like chad's death tragic yes but heroic question mark leaving your wife and kid behind committing suicide so that it it got pretty it got pretty deep pretty fast and it was a really interesting question i was not expecting that from him and the engagement from the comment section was awesome like uh cave and um jeff baco and i mean all the
Starting point is 00:16:29 usual suspects were ortega they were all weighing in some pretty pretty profound points so yeah that was just that's where he kind of started the conversation then we actually got into the workout and on a superficial level did you guys fall onto a um side of whether it's a good workout or not a good workout for the games? We fell on the side of we are shocked that it was programmed. We fell on the side of it's also the most CrossFit thing that could be done because Taylor made a really good point that people started loving CrossFit because there was this element of, yeah, you don't think we'll do this? Watch, we'll do it. Hey, you don't think people can do this? Watch, we'll show you they can do it.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And this is kind of like along that stream of thought, especially when you think about the quarterfinal step-up debacle. Oh, yeah? You think there was an issue with step-ups at quarters? Watch them do 1,000. issue with step ups at quarters watch them do a thousand so along the lines of like uh just we've become accustomed to a just a giant fuck you from dave and um and we got another one yeah well and to that point taylor was really adamant about the fact that the games are not a place for f us it's a play it's a it's a place for testing fitness and then that alone. Well, if that's the case, then it's not a bad workout.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I think the concern with Chad is about the spectacle, not about the test. Isn't that right? I think there's, I've heard equal amounts of concerns about the wear and tear, especially early in the weekend and what it, uh, what it potentially means for other workouts.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Um, when you think about the certain muscle groups that are taxed at the intensity, they're doing it at, um, obviously if there's a twist that involves them not doing all 1000 reps, some of them doing them, some of them not, then you get into the discussion of what it means over the whole course
Starting point is 00:18:28 of the weekend if you're punished, in quotation marks, by having to do more work. I don't think they will either. That sounds like something I would say, by the way. Do you have all the clips of around Veterans Day, you sayingad's the dumbest workout ever
Starting point is 00:18:47 was that on veterans day i said that that was when everyone was doing chad or within that week so probably yeah i think it's absolutely a horrible workout i've i've heard three versions that i would be okay with at the games. And then if it's any other version, I think there's just too many problems or it's just going to be dumb. Okay, go ahead. Let's hear them. And the first version is something that I just thought of
Starting point is 00:19:21 that I thought would be cool. But I could say JR's one too. I thought JR had a great version too. Which one you want first, Tyler? I just think it's funny that you said I heard a version. And you're like. I don't think any of them is better than the other. I don't think I had a version.
Starting point is 00:19:34 No, no, no. Yeah, you did. I'll get there. But it says 45 pound ruck. So it's probably not this. But if they were to do 100 step ups and start at 10 pounds and then every single hundred, you add 10 pounds to your ruck and the last a hundred is worth a hundred
Starting point is 00:19:52 pounds. I think that would be devastating, but it would be really fun to see that pan out because I think people would make moves at certain weights. Um, I don't think it's just a guarantee who's going to win in what order, like people could make moves at the last weight. weights. I don't think it's just a guarantee who's going to win in what order. People could make moves at the last weight. It's not going to be like the marathon row where everybody just
Starting point is 00:20:09 accepts their place. But it does say 45 pounds, so I doubt it's that, but I just think that would be a fun version to watch. The other one is what JR said, and that's where you run a mile do a thousand step ups and then run a mile or a bike a 10k do a thousand step ups but that's a very that's very long that's even more of a beat down that's even more of a beat yeah exactly and i think the context of this is is very important i was not saying that i thought this would be what they would do or what they should do because i posed the question if you don't do a thousand straight step ups and you do break it up by adding something else does it make it it's not does it make it harder on the body though or does it make it easier on the body if you have some
Starting point is 00:20:54 interference that's the question i asked and the main point i was trying to make is if savon says he's going to do fran he and he has to modify it cool he's still going to do Fran, and he has to modify it, cool. He's still going to do a variation of 21-15 non-thrust and pull-up. If he says, well, I'm going to do Fran, but I'm going to do toes-to-bar instead, he's not doing Fran, period. So, yeah, what I'm saying is any... Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:16 The biggest thing for me is if they are not doing 1,000 step-ups with that load to that height, and it's not done at one time i think saying they're doing chad is uh wrong maybe just a little bit misleading yeah and i agree completely i think i think whatever the twist is it can't the more you twist it the less it's such a mundane workout yeah jeremy world um he he corrected me i said i can't think of a hero workout that's single modality single movement of any other hero workout the only other one that there is is randy so like you can't really mess with it
Starting point is 00:22:01 because it's just one thing okay question is this tia poked fun at dave during his uh interview with her and she said like you know in a joking way she said you know you're testing to see if we can all step up a step really good um is this even fitness i think it's just a grit. Don't pull out the freaking definition on me. I think it's just a grit test. Well, wait a second. Would you say that at the Dubai Championships when they ran up that building, was that fitness?
Starting point is 00:22:41 It's a little more cardio. I would say it is. it's a little more cardio i would say it is and to that point i want to give tyler some credit because the most reasonable guess for the variation that they do thank you it's just the fact that hey they're in a stadium you're gonna do a thousand steps do we know for a fact is the friday night lights work no not at all i'm just saying the fact that you know that there is one there ty Tyler's just straight up, yeah, they're just going to use stairs and it's going to be a thousand stairs. That's it. That's
Starting point is 00:23:09 going to be the workout. Okay. That makes a lot of sense to me. In today's show, I have a lot of clips where Dave does talk about Chad, and I think we're going to get some insights. He has done so many interviews.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I want to say he's approaching 30, which is just absolutely wild. So we'll get to some sound bites. First, I want to start off with Ricky Garrard. Oh, we lost Caleb. Okay, good. That makes me not feel bad for not having the clip ready. Okay, here we go. Here he is with Ricky Garrard. And this is also a theme that he brings up in at least half of these interviews. Dave brings this up.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Are you a good swimmer? I forgot. I've gotten a lot better. I wouldn't say i'm a great swimmer are you like one of those aussies who grew up swimming or no no no i grew up in the in the bush so in the bush we didn't swim much and i was i was always pretty little as a kid so i always felt the cold i hadn't had to go in the water we kind of lived in an area that was pretty cold so i didn't is there a lot of sharks in your area biking swimming biking swimming so much swimming talk i just cannot i i just i don't want to see swimming this year but i'm starting to have to like come out of my denial that i was thinking that we would never i was thinking we wouldn't see swimming and we wouldn't see biking
Starting point is 00:24:43 because it's dumb and we wouldn't be swimming, and we wouldn't see biking. Why? Because it's dumb, and we wouldn't see swimming because it costs too much money to move athletes around. It'll be in a pool. Tyler, are we going to see swimming this year? I want to see the 2013 or 2014. 2013. Yeah, the muscle-ups swim workout. That's my favorite workout of all time.
Starting point is 00:25:04 What was the workout again? 10 laps. 10 laps, 3- three bar muscle ups at the end why don't why don't they just use the the diving block then and just do muscle ups on that that'd be cool why do they need to get out and use a bar if they're gonna do that just use that white because the people who can jump in and are efficient with that makes the swimmers faster oh that's interesting you mean just reach up to the diving block and grab and push yourself up. Wow. John Young, are we going to see swimming this year? I think so.
Starting point is 00:25:32 How confident? I would say 93%. Are you that high too, Tyler? Yeah. JR Howell? Yeah, for sure. Didn't happen last year. I would be
Starting point is 00:25:45 more surprised to see real biking three years in a row. He's talked about cycling a ton. Yeah, he keeps talking about cycling too. I wish he'd stop doing that. Okay, he goes on with the Ricky interview. The chat announcement. I was like, I had to read it a few times.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I was like, is this legit? This is actually what we're doing. I had to read it. I had to read it a few times. I was like, is this legit? Is this actually what we're doing? I had to read it. He had to read it. All individuals will be doing this event. I was like, holy shit. I've never done it before. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Okay. I was Googling how long it takes, and it's like 55 minutes. It's a pretty good time. Two questions here. I'll start with you jr are you surprised that ricky garage never done chad before and what does that say about the workout i'm not surprised at all but i'm also not surprised at all that taylor's done it four times and wow and and those two guys i would say are two of the grittiest, toughest guys I've seen. So I think it's just a personal thing. I think a lot of people see workouts like that, and they like the idea of the challenge of just doing it mentally.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And some people see it and are probably like, hey, I want to do this workout, and their coach is like, I don't think you should do that workout. And so they don't. And then there's probably athletes that see it, and they're like, cool workout, but I know what that's going to do to my body i don't have any interest okay so it is one of those workouts it so so do you think less of any athlete that hasn't done it jr are you like hey you pushed out you worked around it or are you like nope i completely understand i completely understand uh john young where do you fall on that? No, I'm in JR's camp, especially if they're not American.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Like, we do chat on Veterans Day. Why would somebody from Australia, you know what I mean? It's not, or Europe. But I mean just in terms of the stimulus. Do you think it adds, it's worth the stimulus? How many Australian hero workouts have you done? The stimulus you get from it and the adaptation you get from it, do you think it's worth doing it?
Starting point is 00:27:49 No. I mean, just as a body, like a training piece? No. You're doing it in a memorial of Chad. You're not doing it to train as a good training piece. I think Stevan's point is just go hike 20 miles. Yeah. I mean, I'd rather go run.
Starting point is 00:28:05 There's a lot less detrimental pieces you can do than that one. It reminds me. So the two that pop in my mind, Tyler or Miko Salo said he did a thousand burpees once. He said completely stupid. He recommends no one ever does it. He's done a few things, though, that are like, I can do this because nobody else can. And then Rob Orlando back squatted 225 for 100 reps no 200 200 for 100 reps without putting the bar down he said completely stupid no one should ever do it
Starting point is 00:28:31 pointless i will never do chad i think it's ridiculous unless i did it upstairs and then i would do it if i did it up a building i would 100 do it but i'm never doing it up a box but more so you could just point to that building and be like hey i climbed all i climbed that with If I did it up a building, I would 100% do it, but I'm never doing it up a box. But more so you could just point to that building and be like, hey, I climbed all the stairs. I climbed that with a 45-pound pack. Yeah. Yeah. Did they use a pack at the Dubai Championships? I feel like they did.
Starting point is 00:28:57 A vest. A vest. And how heavy was the vest? 20. I think it was standard, yeah, 20 and 14. Yeah. 20? I think it was standard, yeah, 20 and 14.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Hey, I'll tell you what. If they do this workout outside in the heat, I'll like it. We'll never hear the end of it. Someone will go down. We'll see a few Lazar Jukic's. If they do this outside in the heat, yeah, I respect it. Let's do it. If not, boy, there better be a good twist to it. Okay, and a couple more clips from – If not, boy, there better be a good twist to it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And a couple more clips from, oh, along that line, along that line, and I wonder if you guys are going to agree with this. They talk about what the effects of doing Chad are on the athlete. And Dave says something here that kind of caught me off guard. Here we go. You know, it's funny. I've done it a handful of times, obviously much slower than you guys will do it. But every time I've done it,
Starting point is 00:29:50 like it didn't, it doesn't beat me up. Like I'm pretty okay for the days after. So yeah, that's good. That's a good thing with it. It's like, it's hard. What the aftermath of it would be. At least with my times, it's times, I've always been fine. Okay, so this is not what you guys are saying.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You guys are saying that, hey, this could be. He's not doing it at an intensity that they're going to do it at. Intensity is everything as far as how your body feels after something. Have you guys done this workout? I've done this workout twice neither time with the vest and both times i heard clicking in my like in my legs and hips and knees that i've never heard before like i heard some weird clicking felt some it didn't hurt and it went away the next day but both times i was like oh that i have some clicking going on yeah i mean i've done it twice i mean i was, but I was fine.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Tyler? I could work out the next day, but it would probably just be more of a cardio day and not like hard stuff. Tyler, thoughts on what Dave said? I think he's wrong. I think it's going to screw up some athletes. JR? Yeah, I would push back and say that the the race atmosphere was going to be what causes some
Starting point is 00:31:11 more detriment i know he would push back and say the intensity is relative to the fitness of the athlete so you can't say that he doesn't know what it feels like to do an intensity because it might be relative to his fitness level but i would just say i would just say in a racing environment dave's going to go faster just say in a racing environment, Dave's going to go faster. Just like in a racing environment, they'll all go faster. I know we don't know what the workout's going to look like yet, but do you think we'll see a sub-40 time? No.
Starting point is 00:31:34 No, he says on either this interview or another one that he thinks that the game's athletes, I think it's this one, are going to be in the 40s. Any thoughts? this one are going to be in the 40s for any any thoughts um no i'm interested to see what we're going to do friday night at the yeah the track it's gonna be it's gonna be a lot of fun i guarantee you that yeah uh is it more than one event because can you tell i can't give too much yet but uh you should um that's a good i yet, but that's a good, I'll say this. That's a good question. You're asking, you are asking the right questions.
Starting point is 00:32:08 He's asking the right questions. He reads and he asked the right questions. So that is, that is the question. They're going to have everyone come out there to this event. It holds 18,000 people. It's going to be a one-off it's free. It's Friday night. Uh, Jr.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Um, uh, how certain are you? It's going to be a one-off it's free it's friday night uh jr um how certain are you it's going to be more than one event i would say like maybe 50 i think it's a great opportunity to let them do more one of the things he said though on the interview i think with ruan is that knowing our past is a really good place to start this year. So saying that says a lot to me from a programming standpoint, that I think there might be more than one or two occasions where whatever the workout is that they do, it might not be a straight repeat,
Starting point is 00:32:59 but that we're going to see several updated versions of workouts that are going to make a lot of people go, oh, wow, I remember that from 2012 or 2011 or 2010 or 2015 or 2016. I wouldn't go as far as to saying he would do that for every single workout or for most of the workouts, but I think for two or three. He wants that track triplet so bad, Savon. That's Ben that wants that I think if anything they would do pyramid double
Starting point is 00:33:27 Helen to have the one rep max shoulder to overhead what about a combine workout that Gazan proposed to him and he got a big smile on his face that'd be really cool where they did like you know five or six score to 50 point events or something I would love that Tyler is anti
Starting point is 00:33:43 that no I've been saying that yeah can't you see Dave coming out there to 50-point events or something like that. I would love that. Tyler is anti that. No, I've been saying that for years. Yeah, it's been anti that. Can't you see Dave coming out there and being like, in honor of Texas and the rich history of football, we are going to do our version of the CrossFit Combine. Dude, if they did bench press with 225 and 155, I would love to see how many men can't be Alex Kazan's 155 bench press.
Starting point is 00:34:06 255, you mean? I think it would be amazing. No, how many reps she does. How many reps? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Let me ask you this for a little trivia. Which athlete told him that they bench 100 kilos? That's it?
Starting point is 00:34:22 It's a female. I'm going to say, I'm going to. It's a female. Yeah, it's a female for sure. I was stunned. Emmental. Has he done Emmental yet? Has he interviewed her?
Starting point is 00:34:33 Was it Laura? Well, I guess it's not Emmental, if that's your impression. Mr. Howell? No, I think what Sevan's trying to say is it's someone you wouldn't think could binge that much. See, I would what Sevan's trying to say is that someone you wouldn't think could bench that much. See, I would. Kringle? Amy Kringle. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:34:55 That is cool, right? Do you know how many kilos Alex Kazan bench presses? No. Mucho. Mucho. 125. 125 kilos. That's the onlyo. 125. 125 kilos. That's the only difference?
Starting point is 00:35:07 It's 25 kilos, Tyler. Oh, sorry. Okay. I'm going to skip to my favorite piece of any interview. Pat Fields. Sorry. Pat Fields told him that. That'd be hilarious.
Starting point is 00:35:24 This one touched my heart a little bit. This one's really nice. Here we go. It's a long clip. And it's at the end of the interview where Dave says, hey, do you have any comments or questions for me? And this is what Roman says. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I want to do some hard workouts. Meat. In principle, I want to eat meat. Охота каких-то жестких воркаутов, мяса. В принципе, охота мяса, короче. be like 2014-2015, the hardcore castra ways. When you're sitting in the briefing, he doesn't want to hear, oh, we're trying to take care of your health. He wants to hear it's going to be just blood. And so we'll bring back the 2014-2015 and make it hardcore. He wants 15 workouts.
Starting point is 00:36:25 He wants the hardcore 15 workouts. He wants 15 workouts. He wants a hardcore 15 workouts. And then here comes the punchline. Here comes the punchline. I'll keep that in mind. Tell him he should talk to the PFAA. Tell him he should talk to them about... Now, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Now the step back. Two feet in, one foot out. The PFAA. Now to step back. Two feet in, one foot out. It's a joke. Yeah. That's so funny. The games are really, really hard.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Do you really think... Have we reached a point where it's just kind of ridiculous to say that there's some games that are harder than other games? Is it really just they're all just crazy hard? They're all basically bloodbaths? I mean, the last games took Roman out. Well... I mean, how much harder does he want it?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Relative to themselves, there are definitely ones that are harder than the others. I think 2015 was the biggest beatdown there's been. Other than 2009. But that's just because 2009 was such a jump from the previous year. I would say 2015 was the biggest beatdown that the athletes felt. But if you were to, do you think it's just like um uh splicing hairs that they're really just all absolutely brutal i mean yellow yellow hosted this i think that he asked him what's the biggest surprise about the crossfit games or maybe i asked him that or something and
Starting point is 00:37:56 he said it's just so fucking hard it's just but he was a rookie though like i bet if you asked velner like velner would know know some years were harder than others. It's always a beat down for sure, but some years are much harder than others. Much harder. On our show, Jay said- There's usually movements. Go ahead, Tyler. Well, Jay said that he was like, oh, I got halfway through the week last year and was like, oh, I still feel good. Jay Crowder.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah. Yeah. It's very movement specific some years are a lot of pulling and like their bicep tendons are about to fall off and some years are a lot of pushing some years are a lot of squatting it just kind of depends on your basis jr before you go let me say this about jay crouch i don't think last year was easy i think last year if i would correct did last year, if I would correct, did last year they started with a biking event? Yeah, and that crushed everybody.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And I think that crushed everyone, but it didn't crush Jay Crouch because guess what he's really good at? Biking. Go ahead, JR. No, yeah, I was just going to say, and even to Jay's point, a lot of people might just argue that he's a lot more trained, that he was used to doing more volume with proven, that he was used to just training more throughout the year.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And because he was more trained, he felt the effects less. And basically what I'm hearing you say, I'm reading into it a little bit, but what you're saying is, is that proven does a shitload of volume is the word on the street more than ever. I don't know. I actually am in the camp that at the highest level leading up to the games, everyone's doing about the same. I think different times of the year,
Starting point is 00:39:38 some people are a lot more conscious of cycles and more frequent deloads versus less frequent deloads and making athletes a lot more volume tolerant and a lot of other ones having to focus on strength like i think throughout the year there's a lot of differences and and coaches have different philosophies as far as that kind of stuff goes but this time of year i i don't think that anyone's doing a lot more than anyone else. As you watch all of these interviews, you can't help but notice who's comfortable in their skin, who's not comfortable, who's weird around Dave, who doesn't sound like they've ever spoke before, who comes across like a veteran, who comes across as a rookie. There's just a lot of nuances, and maybe they're not even nuances,
Starting point is 00:40:34 but this person gets the crown so far for being the most comfortable, having the most authentic voice, and looking the best on camera. Just superficially talking, this person's interview was absolutely amazing uh and uh she does uh she does karen unbroken with the uh with the men's weight your time oh it was a while ago i'm not gonna know like an actual time, but I don't know. You know, now that you mentioned it, I wouldn't mind doing heavy care. Maybe I'll, maybe I'll do that this week. Yeah. If you do, let me know how you do.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I'd be really interested. Have you ever done the female version on broken? Yes. Oh, wow. I've been the male version on broken. I've done, I've like done. Yeah. Wall balls are like my jam.
Starting point is 00:41:22 So like little squat. The giant caboose workout that's the wall ball, Karen right? yes sir quadzilla can do Karen male weight I'm broken Dave's utterly shocked, should he be JR?
Starting point is 00:41:38 have you ever seen a woman do that? is that news to you that women do male Karen unbroken? no I bet there's a lot of athletes in the games field that can do that. Okay. Wild balls for women, it's a double scale. It's an easier movement for women than it is for men, by a lot. Travis's mayor unbroken Karen with a 30 is far more impressive
Starting point is 00:42:03 than a woman doing unbroken Karen with a 20. Why? Because men throw it higher? Because they throw it higher and it's more weight. It's a double scale. And it's one of the only movements that there's a double scale. But they're taller, and because of that, their arm span is longer. They're not a foot taller.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Danny Spiegel's 5'6", so the equivalent would be 6'6". So Colton Merton's doing Karen Unbroken with the 30-pound ball is fucking... I don't think he can do Karen Unbroken with a 30-pound ball. JR, do you want to weigh in on that? If he would, that'd be very
Starting point is 00:42:41 impressive. Let me ask you this. How hot does Danny Spiegel look in this, John? No, I don't want your opinion on that, John. A thousand step-ups with Chad. With Chad. A thousand step-up Chad versus the stimulus Colton would get from doing Karen unbroken with a 30
Starting point is 00:43:07 pound ball. Apples and oranges. It is. Okay. One, he's got to be able to do it to have that stimulus, but even the, there's a greater value in doing Karen than there is in doing Chad.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yes. 100% still apples and oranges, but yes. Uh, Jr. Yeah. I don't think you can compare the two. You can't. At all.
Starting point is 00:43:30 You can, but I think what would be really, really cool, and we never know. I mean, what would be interesting is looking back on all the workouts, if we can, oh, man, when he asked her about this workout, that's what he was talking about or when he asked this person about um have you ever done nancy that's why they asked him because there's a variation of nancy it'll be really cool to see what if you had um he's a 10 and you just gave him a 30 pound a 20 pound ball and you said three two one. You go. When you drop, that's your score. It's just who can go on broken balls.
Starting point is 00:44:08 That would be really cool. That's a good example of a grit test, but also a physical limitation test. If you pause anywhere, you're out. I would just say
Starting point is 00:44:23 give him the old one two as soon as you as soon as your hands touch the ball you have to be descending in a squat but that's what you're getting at right like you can't just stop and stand there holding it you have to be judging nightmare i don't think so i think i think it'd be i think it'd be a long time to squat. I think those... You do it exclusively? You do it exclusively? Then it's going to hurt more. I think that would be one of the few circumstances where an AMRAP is okay, not as a final workout. Oh, why not? I was thinking you would do it as a final
Starting point is 00:45:00 because it would be so brutal. At 30, no one's going to... I'm just talking about like if there's one person that can only do 80 and there's one person that can do 120 okay cool you did 40 more wall balls it's not going to ruin your right and it's still this it's still somewhat of the same stimulus that person that did 80 is just as fried as the person did 120 it's just ability uh no to answer your question because i think it would be brutal to watch on like like for crucible on a stream oh okay but at the games i think that you think it would be
Starting point is 00:45:33 bad to watch that should come second you would need the rep the rep ticker the rep ticker at the top i mean if i had if i had live scoring it'd be great but not really because you just you just do a still cam and just watch who drops first that i would be stoked by yeah but some people have different squat speeds like part of it too is wanting to know where they are and anticipating the drops coming because you know everyone holds on until a certain number and then once one person drops mentally it just tells you it's okay i can go now too okay you can drop now too i think so many people would drop right at the like around the 120 mark jr they can all have clickers and you could walk by them with the microphone and be like for yet aston hot hatfield
Starting point is 00:46:18 uh 37 reps you know you could be jack rosema. God, the Jack Rosema interview. Oh, sorry, Danny. Jack Rosema actually was even better than Danny. Jack was fucking amazing. Was he cool? Oh, my God. He's so fucking cool. What a stud.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I wanted to make this point before we move too far from it. What you're saying, JR, really matters for Chad. They're going to either kill this or totally screw it up if they don't have like a live rep counter up on the the screen they will with all of the athletes i don't want to just see the top i want to see everybody and i don't know visually how they're going to pull that off but if they do it's a lot more entertaining uh kipping at wheel bruno said he in his interview he did 200 wall balls unbroken damn okay uh back to danny's uh final clip uh
Starting point is 00:47:18 talking about the outdoor event because like that's a lot of people love that at the game so i'm just wondering if it's going to be like purely indoors or. Yes, we're for sure going to have, we're sure, we're sure going to have outdoor events. And as you mentioned, the Farrington field event, that's, that's going to be outdoors. That's going to be Friday night under the lights. And then I think the picture of the complete picture of how many outdoor
Starting point is 00:47:41 events and what that'll look like should be complete within a week or so so you guys will have more information on it all um very soon okay i figured it was coming out soon i thought maybe i'd get the inside scoop but that's not well danny i really appreciate this chat i really appreciate it too danny uh how many outdoor events, Mr. Howell? I'd say three. And so the Farrington Field, even if they have five events there, we're going to count it as one. I just want to say that's 20% to 25%, and he distinctly said it was 5% six months ago. Farrington, whatever, farm, and then the pool event. You think the pool event's outside?
Starting point is 00:48:23 I think so. And then you're thinking one more? Yeah, yeah maybe and two is probably the right number but uh i i hope that there's a way they figure out how to do three give a chance for a cycling event in there somewhere uh oh god why do you hate cycling i know i know jr thinks there's not going to be, but you just don't want it. I think he'd be fine with it. It's because he can't keep up with the athletes the whole time. He's asked about it so much at this point that
Starting point is 00:48:53 he's kind of turned me on to the idea that maybe they will do it. He's got to give misdirection somewhere, though. Sure, sure. Okay. Who do we have next here? Let's see if we can find um alex suzanne oh here we go here's guys here we go alex guzan 215 ready for this this is the chad talk we've all been waiting for.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Here we go. I feel like there could be worse, just like front work workouts. It is going to be long and monotonous and there could be worse. You're absolutely right. I think it's a, it's going to be, yeah, I'm trying not to say too much on all of these. It's going to be, it's going to be, yeah, I'm trying not to say too much on all of these. It's going to be, it's going to be unique. I'll say that much. It's going to be unique.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Oh, like a Chad with a twist. You'll just have to wait and see. So there's not that. All we're saying is you guys are doing a thousand step ups or time. And at this point, that's what you guys, a thousand step ups with the, with the weight. Yeah. 45 for the boys, 35 for the girls.
Starting point is 00:50:14 And so we now know what it is, right? We know it has to be a stadium stairs. We know it has to be stairs. No. Give me one other idea for a twist. What was the thing that they flipped that they came out with i think that is the greatest twist i really think that's cool how would you do how would you love it what do you mean oh so you step up onto a pig the side of the pig is 20 inches
Starting point is 00:50:39 and they and and i'm pretty sure jr was like they can can't do it because they don't have enough pigs. I did not say they can't. I said, I don't think they would do it in heats of more than 10 because I don't see them bringing 40 female pigs and 40 male pigs to do it in big heats. Yeah, I know. And you're probably right. But if they were able to do that and do every two minutes, you have have to flip the pig twice and then it's just a thousand step ups for time but every two minutes on the two minutes you have to flip the pig twice i think that would be awesome has there ever been a workout in the games where they have something where you have to stop and do it at interval times if you're not done with the workout
Starting point is 00:51:21 has that ever been done on this ski they ever been done they had to do the ski cows and then swim in a like a every two minute form yeah but he's like he's asking about if it's straight for time and on the minute you have basically a penalty that's that that yeah the swim one one then ended up being after a certain amount of rounds, it was your total number of, uh, calories on the erg, right?
Starting point is 00:51:51 But what I'm saying, yeah, is what Jr, what Jr, I don't, I don't think there has been one, not on time, but the muscle up biathlon,
Starting point is 00:51:57 they had to do 400 meters every time they broke. That was just an unbroken requirement. That wasn't a time, that wasn't a time, but it's, it's accomplishing the same. Yeah. That, that was interesting too. And no, and no one did those unbroken requirement. That wasn't a time penalty. It's accomplishing the same thing. Yeah, that was interesting too. And no one did those unbroken, right?
Starting point is 00:52:10 Not even Cody or Spieler? Cody did, Spieler did. Ben Smith did. Yeah. Wow. And what makes you think that they would need 40? Because he said they're all going at once. Has he revealed that?
Starting point is 00:52:23 He said a male and female he too he's so 40 men 40 females god whose idea was that that was your idea jr the pig no it was it was a comment it was no no it was a comment he read on the show today holy shit that's brilliant so what would it be like a a 400 pound or 500 pound pig and you flip it what is that that's brilliant so what would it be like a a 400 pound or 500 pound pig and you flip it what is it that's the metal thing where you put the weight on it yeah but it's it's encased it's got like a vinyl cover that's red okay that thing's only 20 inches huh yeah it looks a lot taller than that i agree what's the most of those you've seen at an event uh um jr at the games or you guys what's the most you've ever seen the burden
Starting point is 00:53:05 run what was the no that's not that's not stepping up on that one not that was green pig capital was heat of 20 yeah so 20 but the men and the women went at the same time didn't they so it would have been 40 total pigs the men and women went at this in the same heat on the capital are you talking about they all went at the same time no the men and women went at the same heat on the Capitol? Are you talking about they all went at the same time? No, the men and women went at the same time. 20 men, 20 women. I don't remember seeing women run. Yeah, because Haley and Lazar were stuck together on the stairs. Yeah, the men and women went at the same time.
Starting point is 00:53:38 So they had 40 pigs there? But they're two heats. Yeah, 20 women pigs and 20 men pigs. Oh, my God. That would be brilliant, dude. Two heats. They could do it, bro. Somebody's leaking stuff in our chat.
Starting point is 00:53:51 That's what this is. Hey, let me ask you this. Psyop. What's the most flips a pig's ever been flipped in an event? The Guadalupe one, that Taylor one. So they did it once for distance and that was the very first time right that was in the soccer chipper they did it for distance not for not for reps and then they did it with like can you flip it 10 times are you exhausted
Starting point is 00:54:19 like what was distance also i want to say it was like 20 in that workout. And then the one they did last year with the toes to bar chest to bar and wall ball was probably about that many. So I would say it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 to 20. And no one's ever done it though. Wearing a vest or a rock. I don't think it would mess with you all that much. 45 pound rock. It's going to make it harder regardless yeah yeah but i mean
Starting point is 00:54:46 like how much of the flip sled way at wadapalooza oh my goodness that would be about the same as it was the first year i used it at crucible because i think that was the like straight up volume that would have been the most flips anybody's done with anything let's see fergie brings up a good point the pigs break smaller athletes and so will chad oh so i don't think they're gonna double down so so we would love that if they did that right and then i'm picking hopper all day would you still call it Chad? Would you be okay with them still calling it Chad, John? Just because I like the workout, I'd probably say yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I mean, would I have been defining it? I would say no because I've been defining it. Okay, but my point is this. It's crazy to talk as much shit about this workout before we see it. The fact that the four of us ding dongs can come up with this shit here means that this could still be an amazing, amazing event. Doesn't stop us from talking shit.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Anytime. We only know half the facts any other time. Right. Good point. Would you love that event? Jer? Yeah, it'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:56:02 I think, uh, anything other than standing in one place with a box for a thousand anything but chad no really really really would be would be more fun to watch would be um but i mean you know he's he talked about this on one of the interviews how much and he enjoyed the marathon row like how much he enjoyed watching that. He really thought that was great. And they were sitting on rowers for over an hour, right? Well, the twist in that is it was two scores.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Those were 200 points. No, he's talking about the 2018 row, not the 2013 one. Not the half. Yeah, so there was a half marathon and a full marathon. But both of those I know he really enjoyed watching. So they're sitting in one spot doing one thing. And Taylor made a really, really good point about him being a Buds instructor and how weak and, like, they put people through stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:56:54 and they do enjoy sitting there watching it and watching and seeing who will break and who won't break and who's in control and who's not in control. Another commenter on the show today said something that said it would be like a two score a thousand step ups for time but your first score is 250 to 250 and then you get a score for the full workout so so and i didn't pay attention to 2018 games at all i laid on a couch and cried um as the first year i wasn't allowed to do the behind the scenes what um they did a full marathon that year and it was only one score yeah wow matt fraser got like ninth place and he was really pissed about it wow uh you know it's interesting uh in in the tia interview
Starting point is 00:57:41 i guess he made a hint that some hint and the month before the marathon row she said that shane because of whatever hint dave gave he had her run a marathon and you know what else she said in that interview she said she'd be game to do a marathon at the games well to run i'm sure as one of the events man she must have been so pissed off when he said row then because if she if he said run like she it's the greatest thing ever but then she just ran a marathon for no reason um what i would argue one of the most one of the athletes that we know the least about who who who's been in the game for a long time and who has a tremendous amount of potential,
Starting point is 00:58:28 but we're just not sure. I would throw her as the female Samquant. Yep, I'm going to go with that. Female Samquant. You guys know who I'm talking about? Emma Tall? Nope. Emma Tall. It's just John saying it's her every time. saying you know any other athletes says female samquant
Starting point is 00:58:49 there she is the beautiful stunning bethany florida no couldn't disagree more oh tell me why they're nothing alike uh she has incredible fucking potential i think she's the threat every year to the top five but you just never know because you don't know who's going to show up yeah but sam's realized his potential quite a bit sam has actually made the top five and sam just goes on he just has a roller coaster a good year bad year but sam like he he's not out because of injury every single year yeah except for the respiratory illness that he had one year okay well let me take one let me let me go one step further i think bethany flores is going to finish higher than brooke wells this year and this is why i think well-rounded. I think the thing that's keeping me from being top five, even the podium is the weightlifting, the heavy lifting, but I think it's there. It's just the consistency.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I think it's there too, Bethany. I think it's there too. You're, you're, you're not, you're not Sam Briggs. You're not weak. It's there. You're not Sam Briggs. You're not weak. It's there. See to be able to do it in training because of my back. But I feel for some reason that I'm not close to being done and that I'm going to be able to see that peak performance. It's just a matter of building it back up from the last couple of years.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Let me tell you, Dave, not once at the CrossFit Games, other than 2021, have I competed at the Games healthy with my back. So I really want that experience for myself to see what that potential looks like. Now, hold on, John, before you shit on her. 2021 was the year she won West Coast Classic, right? And then she got to the games and got covid covid uh she she is going to beat brooke wells this year i know i know some of you guys are like brooke's gonna be top five this year i've never said that listen listen i've seen you in
Starting point is 01:00:57 the chat just all on your brooke wells uh train uh uh jr uh you think bethany's gonna have a stellar year if she's healthy i think it could be her highest finish yeah for sure just that's a it's a big if do you hear someone who's confident do you do you think yeah no no based on that she is she she is healthy and because of that is really confident likewise i think we should go down the line i would say the same thing oh no john hold on hold on hold on hold on okay um uh before you do that and ruin my story uh tyler do you hear someone who's confident or do you hear in the nuances that she's already making excuses because it's a fucking fine line there but i i was like what is she doing what is she doing i'm like she's confident i just want to point yourself back at you for a second please because you ask so many athletes what's your goal at the games and when they don't say i'm gonna win the games you repel from them like freaking i just hang up i just hang up on
Starting point is 01:01:57 them yes and what are you doing right here she didn't she sounded more confident in herself but she's still searching a little bit and you're you're full in i think you're you're you're playing games on yourself yeah yeah samuel corn why uh uh fuck with my peanut like that too okay go ahead i think i think we just talked about how physically demanding Chad is going to be on your body or Dave Castro's back, which means it's just going to be death by volume. And it's going to be more about survival than execution the way Boz is. That does not equal Bethany Flores is going to be amazing. Hey, you know who else she's going to be?
Starting point is 01:02:43 You know who else she's going to be? She's going to be Gabby Magawa too. That's who else she is going to be amazing. Hey, you know who else she's going to be? You know who else she's going to be? She's going to be Gabby Magawa, too. That's who else she's going to be. If we made a list of people, who do you think is going to be the best at surviving the beatdown? Just to take the most to their body and then recover and still go. Bethany Flores would not be at the top of the list at all. She wouldn't be in the middle of the list. Well. No no because she
Starting point is 01:03:06 gets hurt that's why that's why it's a risky pick i'm not saying it's not a risky pick and and west coast clout like the year she's talking about she was awesome she really was and it's a tragedy because that was her best shot to podium was that year that she got covid it was real i mean i was on the bethany Flores train. If we go down the line, there's too many women that are just better. Maybe not four years ago, but now there is.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I think Brooke Wells is one of them. I think JR would agree. We can go down the line. If you said her best finish, her best finish. One, let's get rid of podium so you're gonna be you're gonna so tia laura we're all good with them one and two right i don't know i don't know i don't know i just listen i'm suspect or alexis raptus no shot or ariel lowen that's just another one you threw in there we're already or abigail doman i wouldn't put her in there i think but i think bethany is shot to beat abigail but for you no that's we're already at seven
Starting point is 01:04:13 listen i'm telling you she has a strong chance of being top five this year this could be your best year yet top five hey i like it hey let's let's let's bet chad on it okay if she gets top five no i'm not no i don't know top five then you have to do chad no listen i'll buy it i'll buy a pick from your wife i'll buy a pick from your wife i'll give you top eight eight eight would be her best finish he's got the fleshy itis on his foot man she got eighth one year that's her best finish so far as eighth i will give you you eighth place. If she finishes eighth or worse, I'll do Chad. Okay. And I will purchase this from the mustard seed crochet.
Starting point is 01:04:56 No, no, no. I'll purchase a J.Y. Barbell shirt and wear it on air. That would be better. Go buy another 70-inch TV. I'll buy one of each. I'll buy one of each. I'll buy one of each. I really want one of these pigs. I'm just too lazy to message your wife.
Starting point is 01:05:08 All right, bet. So she's got to be better than eighth. Okay, I like it. Thank you, John, for meeting me halfway. Now, what side of that bet, I don't have to be on the bet, would you two be on? What's the bet? I'm looking up top if you had to
Starting point is 01:05:27 put money on it money on one you're the biggest hypocrite ever if you say she's going to beat brooke wells after the conversation that we listen listen no no no no no listen i would listen there's a difference go ahead no you. There's a difference between betting money, and I'm telling you that she has the potential to be top five. I think she's going to be top five. If she's healthy, she'll be top five. I think that she's better than Magawa and Brookwells. I think that's the biggest if the world has ever seen.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I hear it in her voice. If you lean on the side of her potential hey i'll tell you this if john young i was the only person who in this last fucking semi-final fucking ding dong workout everyone's like it's a row workout it's not a handstand workout it's a row workout all you motherfuckers what's cole gray shaver say in the interview it's a handstand workout for For him? He's a good rower. And he won it. He won it. How did Daniel Bannon do?
Starting point is 01:06:29 And he said it's a handstand workout. It's a row workout. That was a terrible example to bring to prove your analytical ability. I know stuff. What were you going to say, JR? I was going to say I would be on John's side of the bet. Thank you, JR. Thanks, Tyler.
Starting point is 01:06:53 You got a way of taking air out of things, JR. Thank you. He appreciates it. Okay, we're not done with Bethany Flores yet. Oh, this is just a little side piece in case Dave's watching. I just wanted to um help dave out here he was struggling i'll ask you guys what the word he's looking for is and then um and then we'll do a little a little game here this is a game so listen closely dave's at a loss for words uh here we go this they're talking about uh ropes Here we go. Games, as far as it being really hard this year,
Starting point is 01:07:25 but fun. Like a good, well-rounded competition. Will we see fat ropes this year? That's a specific question. Good question. Because I like the fat ropes. I remember we did those in
Starting point is 01:07:43 2018 with the obstacle course. Just the extra grip or purchase. What word is Dave looking for there, J.R.? That he can't seem to find. He says the extra grip or purchase. Yeah, she's talking about a fat rope, and he's trying to understand what she means. Fat rope. So remember we did those in 2018 with the obstacle course?
Starting point is 01:08:10 The extra grip or purchase or the extra weight? What do you like about them? There's a word for that, what she's referencing, and he doesn't seem to be able to find it. Do you know the word, John Young? Fatigue? Girth? Thank you. Who said that? JR.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Thank you, JR. Jesus Christ. Fatigue? What the fuck? Are you involved in this show? I'm trying to think of the workout, Sevan. My mind doesn't work the way your mind works. I'm sorry. Thank you. Even Jonathan Ortega knows girth. Thank you, girth. Yes, girth.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Girth, yeah. What's wrong with Dave? He doesn't have... Yeah, girth. Now, do you think that he doesn't want to say it because of the innuendos that could be around girth, or do you think he just doesn't have that in his vocabulary? JR?
Starting point is 01:09:00 I was impressed with his vernacular, the use of the word purchase in that, in that context. God, you're more positive than Cole Sager. Spirit of the game is the word. Does that make sense? I don't quite understand what purchase, what he's saying.
Starting point is 01:09:18 It's a, it's like a, it's like a, a mill thing. It's like more purchase would mean like if something was, what's just a term i know i know more of something but they say stuff like that a lot like purchase would just be like if you got if you grab the guy's lapel and and you only got him with two fingers three fingers would be
Starting point is 01:09:36 more purchase four fingers would be more purchase he's like okay so i've just i've just not heard it then yeah yeah it's it's um aase is when you screw bites into wood. Yeah, that's a good example of it. Yeah, like a screw gets more purchase on the wood. What's that movie where... With deeper grooves. Where Keanu Reeves coaches baseball. Hardball.
Starting point is 01:10:01 What's TDC doing in this? He looks like the pitcher. I love it when you call me.... Why is he moving around a lot? I'm just pulling, I'm just noticing stuff. That's a great movie. I cry at the end every single time. It's,
Starting point is 01:10:14 it's, I can't, I can't not. I took my kids to see a movie today and I cried pretty much the whole movie. Do you watch inside out too? What was it? I've heard that it's very emotional oh my gosh i was sitting there just thinking about the my two girls going through puberty and just being like this is gonna be really rough part of your life and i was thinking about me
Starting point is 01:10:36 going through it and like just being crazy anxious because like anxiety is what the whole movie is basically about and dude it was it was it was rough i left and me and my wife were just like we're exhausted from like just being emotional dude i see stupid movies with my kids and i cry like king kong and godzilla whatever that one was it came out a few months ago in the theater and i was crying like king kong's like just laying there and i'm like what the fuck is going on with me why am I crying dude I gotta pause when King Kong first came out the Jack Black when Jack Black version y'all remember that one yes I remember that's such a good one my dad took me to see that and I did not know what King Kong was I was I was very young and they he's in the skyscraper. And I'm like, why are they shooting him? And then he freaking dies. And I was bawling uncontrollably.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Did your dad smack you? He was trying so hard to make me feel better. It just wasn't working at all. Now look behind John Young. Yeah, look there. He stuck with it. Yeah, it there. It struck. I have a. He stuck with it. Yeah, it's a traumatic memory for me, and now I can't get away from it.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Pay homage to my boy. I bet you really freaked out when Rambe died. Yeah, it was a big deal. It was a big deal. Okay, this is the only athlete I've seen do this. Hey, is she standing over the gates of hell? What's going on here? Red light therapy for her back. All times, 24 hours a day.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I'm sure I have a lot of questions that you will not answer, so I'll just leave it at that. But I just know that I expect nothing less. Having you back on top is going to be challenging. I didn't catch that. That's pretty good. Someone should take that. So having Dave on top is going to be pretty challenging. I'm excited about that. It's going to be fun and challenging. Yes. Well, thank you, Bethany.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I appreciate you taking the time this evening to, to hop on. Yeah. Thank you for having me. Yeah. And I will see you soon. I'm excited about catching up. Yeah. Thank you for doing this for all of us too. Um, it's cool that you're highlighting all the athletes. Yeah. Some people don't,
Starting point is 01:12:51 don't get the recognition that they deserve. So I appreciate you doing that for all of us. Thanks a lot. I'm, I'm really excited about this journey. So class act, but you know why that hit me hard is because she was at the west coast classic and i didn't approach her once for the behind the scenes you got called out well well oh you think
Starting point is 01:13:11 that there's like a she's saying that she okay because she gets a lot of attention normally i think but um i just didn't feel there's some athletes you just don't don't feel want to be approached and i could have read it totally wrong but I didn't approach her at all. I wanted to, but I just didn't. So you'll approach Danielle Brandon mid-freakout, but you won't approach Bethany in a normal setting at West Coast Classic? I get that. I had a rapport. That's a fair question.
Starting point is 01:13:42 I had a rapport with Danielle during that, and I was kind of flexing because all the other camera guys were afraid. So I was like, all right, here's my chance. Can't beat one of these dudes in a workout, but at least I have the balls to approach Danielle. But Bethany and her husband seemed like serious as heart attacks at the West Coast Classic, and I I just didn't feel I don't know but not but I regret it in hindsight I wish it I wish I would have I should have just taken the shot and if she didn't want to talk I should have just like took it like a man but but but but I I I find it interesting that she's the only one I've
Starting point is 01:14:16 seen so far thank Dave for doing these dude I I am really happy that she's going into this year healthy I think she's gonna get a solid ninth place it's gonna be great for her and I think she's going to get a solid ninth place, and it's going to be great for her. And I'll be wearing a J.Y. Barbell shirt. We've got a lot of top five predictions in the group, don't we? I heard this is Dave's last year,
Starting point is 01:14:37 and after the games he'll be pursuing a career in televangelism. Well. I can see it. It's funny you say that. Good a chance to see anybody. Why don't you think more athletes are thanking JR? They just forget? They freeze up? Their parents didn't raise them right?
Starting point is 01:14:53 Why do you think? What's going on? No, I think it's just a 10-minute conversation and there's nothing to be read into that. Okay. She doesn't get a special bonus for doing that? It was super classy of her to do it. There he is, Cole Sager. This one was really interesting.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Anyone who thinks that for some reason Dave isn't evolving, this one had some really... Maybe these aren't going to be as meaningful to you guys but it was different yeah sure this was uh this was a trip uh wait what no that's not cole sega right no cole's chin is much smaller. Oh, there he is. Okay. Here we go. I got a bunch of interesting clips from here. Have you guys seen this one? I haven't.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah, I have. Okay. Here we go. No matter what's going on at the games, whenever I see you, if I'm down or if I'm up or if I'm not, there's a lot of emotions, highs and lows, a lot of stuff going on. You're always like a beacon of light. And you always like, bring a smile to my face. Because I know you're going to be like completely positive and completely like good spirits, no matter what's going on. And whenever I think of you, that's what I think is just like,
Starting point is 01:16:39 dude, and it's something special. Yeah appreciate that i don't think though you're not used to him complimenting people uh not like that that was uh verbose the beacon of light gotcha yeah uh thoughts i i don't want to say Dave has changed, but there's more facets to him for sure now. Have you asked him about it? I'm going to. Okay. Go ahead. What were you going to say? In the behind the scenes. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Or maybe I asked him today if he'd come on the show. Okay. Check this out. I'm not done showing you'd come on the show. Okay, check this out. I'm not done showing you the multiple facets of Dave. Check this one out. What the fuck is going on here? You're doing great. Where's my – I lost him.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I lost Cole. Oh, here we go. He's right in front here. Okay, hold on. Don't fuck with me. Okay, here we go. What am I doing? 7-10, 7-10 for those of you keeping track at home.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Okay, here we go. There's a lot of, you know, I hear both arguments in terms of people at that age should focus on sports rather than CrossFit. But you know what? I think all these kids are chasing their heart and their passion, and if that's the way they want think all these kids are chasing their heart and their passion. And if that's the way they want to be. Kids are chasing their heart and their passion.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I've never heard Dave use the word fucking heart. For such a young age who are making it like they're coming in and they're dominating it. I think it's super cool that so many people have transitioned from the youth division that we've created in the past several years and actually made it to the games. And, you know, there's a lot of, you know, I hear both arguments in terms of people at that age
Starting point is 01:18:13 should focus on sports rather than CrossFit. But you know what? I think all these kids are chasing their heart and their passion. And if that's the way they want to go with boxing. You guys ever heard him talk about someone chasing their heart How old are his kids? Dave's yeah I want to say 14 and 18. Maybe I think that was girls. Yeah
Starting point is 01:18:37 Go ahead. Yeah. What sex are they? They're girls. Yes girls. Yes That might be why he's got a shift in personality just the way JR balled an inside out too like he's experiencing this too like those emotions he's spending a lot of time with him now I look forward to seeing this side of you JR
Starting point is 01:18:57 yeah how is your heart JR is it swelling JR's got a good heart JR when you saw In-N-Out did you is your heart, JR? Is it swelling? JR's got a good heart. JR, when you saw In-N-Out, did you feel your heart swelling? I felt a lot of things. That wasn't one of them. Oh, my goodness. You know what it's going to be?
Starting point is 01:19:19 Dave's getting so soft, it's going to be Chad in the backpack. It's going to be full of fucking cotton balls. But it doesn't end there with Cole Sager. It doesn't end there. I feel like, I mean, I'll say that probably helps with a lot of what I was talking about earlier about you just always having such a good attitude towards things. Those two are clearly an echo of life.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Yeah, I absolutely believe so. And I was asked a handful of years ago ago eight years ago or something like that what my competitive advantage was and i told somebody it's my faith it's like that's my competitive advantage you know it's like when you get through the hardships of a weekend it's like that's i i have something that. John, are you able to use your faith as your competitive advantage? How shitty would you be if you didn't have your faith? God, you'd be horrible. In fitness or just as a person? In fitness.
Starting point is 01:20:18 I think I would be the same in fitness and I would be wildly different as a person. 10, 20. Uh, 10, 20. So, and they, they do some, uh,
Starting point is 01:20:29 he, he tells Cole, he's like, this isn't the time to talk, but we'll have more times to talk at the games about basically the Bible. I'm like, motherfucker, he's not going to have any time to talk about the Bible games.
Starting point is 01:20:38 What are you talking about? But, uh, here we go. It's like, it's like, this is so crazy. We're watching,
Starting point is 01:20:43 uh, Dave become a born again. Okay. Uh, here we go. Oh, do this is so crazy. We're watching Dave become a born again. Okay. Here we go. Do you have any questions for me? Oh, man. How's it feel to be back? You know, I've been wanting to ask you that.
Starting point is 01:20:59 I almost reached out a couple of times. When you came back, I was like, hey, man, it's good to see your face again. How does it feel? How was that process and that journey? And, you know, was it, I don't know, was it kind of like, I know you care or else you wouldn't have come back. So what's this, what's that feel felt like for you? The process and journey clearly has been pretty wild. The whole out and back in journey.
Starting point is 01:21:22 And it's interesting. I was talking to someone about this the other day. I, you know, someone asked, why'd you even come back? And you could have done fine on the outside. You could have done great on the outside. And I'm like, yeah, you're right. I would have been very successful in whatever I decided to do next steps on the outside. And I didn't really need to come back. back but when i started thinking about big picture and and um you know society and impact and being
Starting point is 01:21:47 able to give back being aligned and being with crossfit will enable me and give me an ability to contribute to society in such a larger way and so i'm gonna argue that dave's like switching to like some he's like in his age, whatever he is, 47. He's going into like a service role now. You know what I mean? Like he's shedding the ego and it's like it's not about Dave anymore. It's about service. And I want to tie this to Chad.
Starting point is 01:22:15 We can't think for a second like 10 years ago, Chad may have been just a fuck you. But we can't think for a second That he hasn't figured out a way To make Chad the very best possible Because by no means Not even a tiny bit of him Wants the games to be anything other than A 10 out of 10, right? We would be stupid to think that Chad
Starting point is 01:22:41 He's going to somehow portray Chad poorly When this is the guy we're dealing with now the second fucking coming sorry I know that's blasphemous John but this guy so you almost think that um maybe in years past the programming was more self-serving and now it's not I don't even want to say self-serving but it but but but he may have done something and i'm not saying it was bad but he may have done something just as a fuck you and those of us who like the fuck you component of crossfit would have been like yeah fuck you we like it
Starting point is 01:23:15 that our leaders fuck you but now i can't imagine that chad is just a fuck you i have to imagine it's a fuck you but but there's it he wants to serve he wants it to be the best he wants it to be he wanted to draw more attention to the games he want i mean he took all the air out of the room by programming chad right and i can't imagine when he did that he doesn't already have it figured out that this is going to be an amazing spectacle like the one we were talking about earlier where they flipped the pig i i hope you i just hope you're right. You don't sense? I just showed you three clips where the guys fucking... No, you make a compelling argument.
Starting point is 01:23:50 I hope you're right. Because if you're not right, then it's probably not going to be great. What do you think I'm more right about? This or Bethany Flores? Wait, you're just wrong about Bethany Flores. So it's... This that you're just wrong about bethany flores so it's it's i this i you're at least you know you're friends with dave so you have at least a little bit of insight you
Starting point is 01:24:11 won't even interview bethany flores so i can't take your opinion valid on that i'm um i'm i'm tripping yeah oh yeah i fucked that up with bethanyores. I'm tripping because I know Dave so well that it's taking me watching these videos to actually... I do think there's something going on here. I don't know what, but it does feel fishy. So he did an interview with Tia Toomey. Great interview. She comes across like a complete fucking beast and a stud and a world champion and then this was brought to my attention i believe it's at 454 uh here we go must have missed this okay um let's change subject
Starting point is 01:24:59 so there was a cut and then he says let's change subject let's So there was a cut and then he says, let's change subject. Let's. Tennis. Okay. Let's change subject. I did. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Let's change subject. Tennis. I missed the cut when I was watching this, like at home. And I was like, fuck, that was rude, Dave. Like, I don't give a shit about your athletic history yeah yeah yeah i was listening to it when i was in the garden and i missed it too and i thought the same thing um i feel better now honestly uh what do you what do you uh anything to read into here what do you think happened i mean this must have taken him a lot of work to cut this he doesn't have that expertise i think there's a huge scandal and he told her the chad twist workout and that way she can win it and they want tia to win and it's just going to make more money and
Starting point is 01:25:59 it's this really big scandal like she needs any help winning. I'm just joking. That's fair. What do you guys think? Hey, listen. Here's what makes me think it's something. Ready? Because the Alex Kazan interview is 16 minutes and 42 seconds long and 8 minutes of it is them fucking with his star
Starting point is 01:26:19 link. And he didn't cut any of that out. Do you think Tia asked him to cut it and he didn't cut any of that out do you think tia asked him to cut something like maybe she said something that she thought she was like oh that'll make me sound bad or something not with the way dave responded but let's move on let's change the show let's change the subject yeah why would you cut anything what would what could you talk about that you had to cut i don't let me watch his face one more time let me see so just so you guys know um what tyler's referring to is he asked her what what sports have you played and she starts naming off all
Starting point is 01:26:57 every fucking sport you've ever heard of she even uh mentioned one sport called nipper totally inappropriate but she's just going through all the sports and then at one point all of a sudden you hear him say let's change the subject and that's when tyler and i are like what yeah i was like i was like is it just that he wants to keep these so short that he's like all right we're wasting time we got to move on but then now it makes a lot more sense dude he had a 16-minute video with Alex Kazan that has eight minutes of just nothing in it. He didn't cut any of that out.
Starting point is 01:27:36 I don't know. JR, you think it's something or it's nothing? It's not nothing. Thank you. You don't edit out nothing you should play a bit on uh shut up and scribble and then there's always just one cut of something that taylor said and everybody will be like what did taylor say but like it must have been really bad but you plan but you plan it like obviously it's like you're not actually editing it, and you just do it for the bit.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Maybe around the whiteboard should do a piece on this. What did Dave say? Oh, that would be a great question. Or what did Tia say? What was cut out? Just to hear the stories for Pedro to grade. I just want to see what Pedro can can do instead of his like drunken bits i just want to see him act as dave and tia in that moment what are iterations that they said oh yeah
Starting point is 01:28:33 let me uh let me propose this um they could have made fun of someone who left proven they could have made fun of uh someone who dave works with she was pushing pretty hard in that interview. You mean like fucking him or slapping him around a little bit? Yeah, they were definitely equals in that interview. She didn't care to go after him. Like Amy Kringle, where Amy Kringle was like a deer in headlights?
Starting point is 01:28:57 Yes. I could see her pushing into something that he was like, and he didn't know how to get out of it till it was too late so so so many uh i i mean i don't know i i have i i don't know either i just think that it has to be something or else he would have left it in because of what I saw with Gazan.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Gazan. Gazan. Alex Gazan wore a CEO shirt. And finally, do you guys have five more minutes? Jerry, you have five minutes? I know it's getting late over there on the East Coast. Yep. you have five minutes. I know it's getting late over there on the East Coast.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yep. It's interesting to see which athletes kind of Dave falls in love with. He definitely fell in love with James Sprague. I would rank this as one of the more interesting clips I'm going to show all night that we've seen so far in Dave's interviews. And this one
Starting point is 01:30:04 will definitely influence J.R. and John and Tyler a lot as we move forward. I'm already pretty high on James. Oh, not on James, just on your thinking. No, he's probably talking about Dave saying that he's doing the individual programming and Boz is doing the team. Yeah, this is going to definitely – I mean, this rules out a double under crossover jump over backflips. I have a question for you.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Shoot. Okay. So here's my question. So you obviously being back in the picture and you programming and designing the tests, do you and Boz agree with most things when programming or do you guys butt heads when doing that? We don't butt heads. Yes, they they do i've seen them butt heads many times but maybe dave doesn't think it's butting heads but i've seen crazy shit um we have we have
Starting point is 01:30:59 discussion but this year on the individual side like so the way I program and the way I've programmed for a very long time is, um, like I just get in it and I do it and I'm working on it. And so last two years, so he programmed the games when I was not around last year, he programmed that. Then when I came back in, I,
Starting point is 01:31:20 um, worked with him on it, gave him feedback. We went back and forth on some of the things he was doing and, um, you know, tweak some stuff, I think, to make it to get it to a really good place. But most of last year's programming was his. And then this year, early on, I said, hey, I'm feeling it. I'm excited. I'm like, I got it.
Starting point is 01:31:38 So just like he understood the space I need. I want to hear this one more time. When did he tell push balls Boz to the side? It was his. And then this year, early on, I said, hey, I'm feeling it. I'm excited. I'm like, I got it. So just like, he understood the space I need.
Starting point is 01:31:54 What do you think he means by early on, pre-open? Like after the games last year? Yeah, I would probably say before the open. But didn't Bo boss say he was really he was heavy-handed in semifinals boss programmed quarters and semis yeah boss was quarters and semis and dave is open in the games yeah but dave also says that he didn't start programming till right around semifinals so early on for him means around semi-finals when did he say that at semi-finals oh okay and so he kind of gave me the space and uh for the individual side like i just ran with it and
Starting point is 01:32:35 then i i said hey the best support for this year that you can you can give the team and me is uh focus on the team stuff so he really leaned leaned into the team side and the individual aspect. I'm all in. JR, isn't there supposed to be a continuity between the open and the quarterfinals and the semifinals and the games? Yeah, and I think there will be still. I mean, remember, I think Dave still probably approved
Starting point is 01:33:01 all those stages and all those events. So even though he may not have been the one that programmed them, he probably still gave feedback. And like I told Taylor earlier today, I'm sure that Boz is giving Dave feedback on his workouts for the games. Do you think continuity is the right word or theme is a better word? Yeah, I like cohesion. It's probably a good way to lump everything together.
Starting point is 01:33:26 And Dave has said, I think, previously, previously as in the last two years, that there should be some places where you can see the progression throughout the season. A story. All right. But I will say that like dave has reminded us a lot about not paying attention to
Starting point is 01:33:50 other people and what they program and what different competitions are doing and implements that people are using there's a there's a great chance that you know we see He said in an interview that I listened to today that he really, really liked the pegboard events, and he really, really likes that element. Where did you hear that interview? With one of the athletes? Yeah, with one of the athletes. Someone was asking him, do you have events that you're favorites,
Starting point is 01:34:19 or do you have ones that you really, really liked, that you really enjoyed? But the pegboard didn't come out last year. It took a break after a few years in a row. So him saying that, yeah, a lot of people probably assumed that we're going to see a pegboard again just because we didn't see it last year. But the fact that he said that, okay, cool. Could there be something that like Boz programmed in the last couple of years
Starting point is 01:34:41 that Dave will come back to and everyone will kind of be like, wait a minute, this is really similar to this workout. But Dave will just say, well, yeah, that, that was his workout. This is my workout. It's like, I don't think he really, I don't think he really cares about things that have gone on when he hasn't been the one doing it. That's for sure. He, he, in many interviews, he's like, yeah, I didn't watch that shit. The year wasn't there. By the way,
Starting point is 01:35:04 I did text Dave today. This is a true story. And I said, yeah, I didn't watch that shit. The year wasn't there. By the way, I did text Dave today. This is a true story. And I said, hey, what about starting the games this year with a 3-2-1? And then you pull the sheet off the Hawk Tuohy girl. Like she has like a sheet over. You pull it off and she goes, Hawk Tuohy. And then they start the games. And he just wrote back, cool.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Cool. Cool. Damn. You don't like that, John Young? You don't like the Hak Tui girl? No, I'm not a fan. Surprise, surprise. Okay.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Okay. Any big news you guys want to bring up? Thank you to Barbell Spin for sharing the clip from his Instagram with the Tia Toomey shenanigans on the Dave Castro piece. Thank you, John, for bringing the newest and greatest shirt to the Vindicate collection. Anything else, gentlemen? Anything anyone want to bring up? Anything fascinating this week? Anyone you're disappointed about? Tested positive for drugs? I think we're going to get a couple more coming. Do they have a deadline for when they have to do it? Not that I'm aware of.
Starting point is 01:36:18 They have to give some sort of... There has to be some cutoff date so people can buy their tickets and shit, right? So what happens? You take the test. They tell you who's guilty. then you get a chance to uh uh um they don't tell us they just tell them right those people then get a chance to be like fuck you um i got semen in my mouth from my boyfriend they go through the protest period and then they can stop it or not stop it and during the during the olympic trials they pulled a guy in warm-ups.
Starting point is 01:36:48 He was about to go out. What event? Like in track and field? No, in swimming. Do they have it on video? Like you see them go out there and yank the guy? I haven't seen it. What if they just didn't tell you that you popped until you're on the field of play,
Starting point is 01:36:59 and then they just call you out by name to go to the center field and be like, these people have popped for PEDs. They're out of the competition. And, like, they didn't tell them until right then. I think that'd be awesome, but there is some sort of protest route, right? Yeah, you get to appeal and stuff, but that rarely works. No one knows the deadline? Spin. That's a spin question.
Starting point is 01:37:30 I'm sure there's a deadline for the athletes who earned a spot at the games to be told whether or not they passed or failed their drug test. Athletes that were tested like Taylor who didn't qualify but still got tested, maybe they have longer to give them their results. Tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.
Starting point is 01:37:54 will be the greatest show on the internet, Kill Taylor. It will be announced at 8.30 a.m. At 8.45, we'll find out John's time. I don't know when that became a thing. The comments love you. I don't care for it at all. The show tomorrow will be massive.
Starting point is 01:38:16 The prize money is $2,000. Is this a high? The highest it's been? Julia Cook, Sevan, can I come to your house and bone you right now? Sure. Come on over. Thank you. The thing is, tomorrow's show is going to be fucking crazy. It's our new record. It's two grand. And we're going to look back in a year and be like, two grand is nothing.
Starting point is 01:38:38 We're going to be giving away so much money. But tomorrow's show is going to be wild. Taylor is wound up tight. But tomorrow's show is going to be wild. Taylor is wound up tight. And there are rumors that J.R. and Taylor will be driving from wherever the fuck Podunk Town J.R.'s from, from dirt roads onto concrete and paved roads. Go ahead, J.R.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Could be in a truck. Could be in a U-Haul Jared. Could be in a truck. Could be in a U-Haul van. Could be in anything, but we will be driving. And they will be driving to Texas, to Dickie's. To John's house and then to Dickie's. Oh, are you guys going to John's first? We'll meet you guys so you don't have to drive out of the way. Sometimes. We can't see your TV, dude. What's up? We can't come inside. So you don't have to drive like out of the way. We'll sometimes like,
Starting point is 01:39:25 we can't see your TV, dude. What's what's up. We can't come inside. You're not going to invite us in. I actually think, uh, we're trying to find like,
Starting point is 01:39:33 she wants to come up early now. So if she can get the days off, then we'll come on Tuesday. But I like the idea of, uh, just working out random places with you guys for a couple of days too. And, and,
Starting point is 01:39:44 and there's a good chance that we will coordinate some sort of kill taylor event somewhere on that trip uh at some rando affiliate um so i'm really really pumped uh for the house or at the house like you did in uh knoxville because i'll bring a bunch of gym equipment so we can do both i was thinking we just throw in to kill Taylor, right? Just while you guys are driving. Oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:40:07 sure. You know what I mean? Roadside. Yeah. I'm like five hours out of the way though. Like we'll, we'll meet you guys on the road somewhere to there where it's not that out of the way.
Starting point is 01:40:18 All right. Uh, thank you, uh, Julia, thank you for the kind words. Thank you everyone for the kind words. Judy,
Starting point is 01:40:23 tell your husband not to make fun of me, please. It's the living room table. Oh, John, can you for the kind words. Thank you, everyone, for the kind words. Judy, tell your husband not to make fun of me, please. It's the living room table. Oh, John, can you, yeah. John, can you soon send us a picture of that for next week's show so we can see the, did we ever see a show on the new TV? Yeah. Not up.
Starting point is 01:40:37 You see that box right next to him right there? No, no, no, it's up. TV's up. I'll take a picture of it and put it in the group. Alright, are you going to call in tomorrow for Kill Taylor, John, if you can beat him? If I can beat him, I will. It's two grand.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Yeah, if I can beat... JR, can I beat him? I actually don't know the workout this week. Okay. No, but he told me he wouldn't tell me, then i was like talking on the phone he let it slip that it's two movements so i know that oh and he said colton can't do it well then probably not i have no shot listen he's not physically able to do it this is probably the closest i'm ever gonna i don't think he's gonna do a hand handstand move in two weeks in a row. So I'm going to say that's out.
Starting point is 01:41:29 I liked his box jump workout. The 40 inch box jump workout. That was so hard. That was last week, right? Yeah. 11, that was 11 hours and 48 minutes.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Oh, and maybe I should play another. Um, no, fuck it. Uh, no, fuck it. All right.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Uh, love you guys. Talk to you guys soon. Jr. Thank you, Tyler. He won up. Thank you,
Starting point is 01:41:47 John. Thank you. Bye.

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