The Sevan Podcast - The Morning Show | Live Call In #925

Episode Date: May 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Bam, we're late. All right, fine. So be it.
Starting point is 00:00:38 The beautiful Sarah. No, she canceled. I'm joking. She didn't cancel. Ooh, that's hot coffee. Sarah's's gonna be a few minutes late today she was kind enough to let me know oh let's see she got we got a new uh message from her um uh Uh, we, oh, maybe, maybe we are going to reschedule. Holy shit. Uh, let me see what happens here.
Starting point is 00:01:35 If you are going to be more than 15 minutes late. We should reschedule. I'll send a heart. I don't really see it as a no-show. I understand how many of you guys see it as a no-show. Not in my delusional world. As long as she... To me, a no-show is they didn't even tell me. Oh.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Oh. You're going to be live either way. Yeah, thank you. That's true. You'll see me put on my toe spacers either way. This is my third time putting on the toe... Or third or fourth time. I'm starting to lose count. You know what's crazy is I'm starting
Starting point is 00:02:28 to get kind of addicted to the Toastmasters. Like the sensation, the two hours of it. I don't even actually want to take them off when the show's over. The thing is with the no show too is well, maybe I don't know maybe for some this is a little self-serving but like before it used to freak me out like what am i going to do with the show but
Starting point is 00:02:54 now i'm like always prepared to do something or have someone else on or you guys will call in or god i got so much shit to talk about i'm always preparing i always have one more toe space where i could put on so um i almost i i would almost prefer i almost prefer she doesn't come on than kind of be in limbo like this right because i got to get in a mindset are we going to be talking about chopping off people's body parts and killing babies? Or are we going to have a loving conversation with Miss Sarah Sigmund's daughter? I have to figure my shit out. I have to get in a certain mode, an emotional space.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Corey, what's up, dude? How you doing, buddy? How are you doing? Mike Halpin in the comments uh need a toe spacer uh cam to get the big money oh that's like just down low down there somewhere the crotch shot would be facing towards my crotch or away did you send her the link you my mom. You know, what's funny is, uh, that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Did I send her the link? Oh yeah. You know, what's funny is I, um, uh, let me see. Let me know either way.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Um, what's funny is, uh, I, I never send the link the night before. And I did send it. Last night I sent the link. I sent it to her agent, Snorri, the great Snorri.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I sent it to her email. It has her name, right? Ragonar, Ragonar, Magonar, Sarah Sigmunds, Dottonar. And then I also sent it to her WhatsApp. And I have to really sent it to her WhatsApp. And I have to really like someone to WhatsApp them. Oh, yeah, that could be it. Cock Talk with, oh, thank you, Heidi, for the toe cam.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Kenneth DeLapp wants to do Cock Talk at Home Depot. Johnny, someone, do you think Dave's olive oil company will sponsor the show? Oh, that's interesting. Oh, that's interesting too, Eric. Switch it up and just have Snorri on. Just start by ridiculing that his talent didn't show up. I cannot believe the numbers of how well the show is doing right now
Starting point is 00:05:28 it's like it's as good as it's ever been bigger than it's ever been in terms of minutes watched and just how many people how much traffic the youtube station is getting and then I went over to Hillers and I was like oh shit Hillers having an explosion too. He had two massive videos back-to-back. So then I'm like, huh. Then I went over to Talking Elite Fitness, and they're having an explosion. But you know what it was like? It was like I was – it did take to steal some of my thunder
Starting point is 00:06:06 it's kind of like um some girls attracted to you and then you find out she's sleeping with the whole football team and it's like yeah i guess you know take the good with the bad uh california let's use that much electricity in one California let's use oh you mean to have a good oh shit here we go I saw it come in and it started with I'm so sorry oh shit wow wow
Starting point is 00:06:33 ah ah dear Sarah Sigmund's daughter mirror mirror on the wall who's the most beautiful of them all Dear Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the most beautiful of them all? Okay, so she's getting her hair done, but I'm going to say, oh, fine.
Starting point is 00:06:57 We will reschedule. I prefer you sweaty anyway. Fuck. I don't think she's in Iceland. Let me see. Let me see. I can see the person doing her hair is Asian. So she's probably in China. That would be my guess.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Oh, does she have a... Is that a... Is that a Bible in the... What are those books in the front? Hmm. I will be in Berlin from Monday. Okay, great. Me no care.
Starting point is 00:07:42 She's late, but she'll show. I just spoke with her i'm not even gonna call him snorri anymore he's now mr snorri we're off a friendly basis i i just spoke with her mr snorri uh we will reschedule what's cool is she said she actually sent me a picture of her getting done up she has like a chinese lady doing her hair chinese ladies doing uh hair all around the world lots of eight i don't even know if they're chinese uh lots of asian women in the um what do you call that hygiene beauty upkeep well shit uh let me see uh um uh uh my guest canceled um all right so um or should i say rescheduled
Starting point is 00:08:47 uh i mean i'm i'm even proud to tell you the truth that um i have the ability to pivot like this i didn't even and i never know what's going to happen. Like if I'm going to start sweating or start tripping or, but, but I'm, for some reason I'm not, it's all, it's all good. Okay. And I don't even, to tell you the truth, you know what was fucked up? Did you guys see the show yesterday with, um, uh, Oh, and I'm so fucking prepared for Sarah dude. And I'm so prepared for for sarah dude and i'm so prepared for danielle and and listen ding dongs i know you guys Okay, so something really is wrong with my equipment.
Starting point is 00:10:10 How am I going to know that Travis is calling to tell me shit? How long have I been muted? Oh, and that's fucked up too. Wow, I guess I'm going to have to send this back. Amazing. God damn it. I'm so sorry, guys. Amazing. God damn it. I'm so sorry, guys. I got a new, I got a new Rodecaster. better again and you guys were basically well this is good that she didn't call in i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:10:52 switch this thing out tonight put the old one back in isn't that amazing that thing just mutes by itself okay the phone's back connected i wish how am i gonna know if i mute how am i. How am I going to know if I mute? How am I going to see down in that little corner if I mute myself? You're in the bathtub talking. Audio's jacked. That's not your good mic. It's my good mic. It's my fucked up soundboard. I got a new soundboard. And I don't know if I get... You guys can hear me now though, right? Still, it still sounds like that? Someone call back in and talk to me for a second. So weird.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I guess I could turn off this audio board. Oh, shit. Doesn't even see the soundboard. I'm muted again. Shit. Sorry, Jody. I got Travis on. Can you hear me now? Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Nothing's. Oh, now I can hear you. Yeah. I think everything's working now. But did you see, did you watch yesterday's show with Alex Stein? It was, I almost had to cancel the show. And then for some reason it started, it started working again. working now but but did you see did you watch yesterday's show with alex stein it was i almost had to cancel the show and then for some reason it started it started working again this is not true amateur hour that is not true matt c
Starting point is 00:12:34 did i lose you, Travis? I did. Look it. Everything's been good for 30 seconds. I'm not talking. Jody Lynn. Let's see. Jody, what's up? Hey.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Can you hear me? What's up? Hey, I'm having serious issues. I appreciate you calling, being part of the test. Glad to be part of the test. Do I sound good? Can you hear me okay? You sound good, but it's been hilarious listening for the last few minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I don't know why it's like this. I can hear you fine now. Okay. Let me just say hello to all of my sevenistas in the chat group. Okay. It's Jody Lynn. Jody Lynn, the cabinet gal. I always appreciate your generous donations. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Oh, thank you. You're welcome. Eaton Beaver says, this is a pro. Joe Rogan would never go live. Yeah, there you go. There you go. The glass is half full.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Devon, I just want to tell you. Please. You're always talking about throning being a needle move. Showing up for the regionals. They would sell out in a second. God, that would be awesome. Okay, let's say that is true. Okay. Let's say that is true.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Let's say I could somehow... Well, here's the thing. Okay, let's say that is true. Okay. Let's say that is true. Let's say I could somehow – well, here's the thing. Okay, you want to – Can you hear me? I keep getting muted. Can you hear me? I had Dave on the show, and I told Dave that I could increase L1 sales by 10%, and he didn't even flinch. I had Dave on the show and I told Dave that I could increase L1 sales by 10% and he didn't even flinch. Yeah. And so that means that there is some – they're either in denial.
Starting point is 00:14:52 They think I'm a liar. They don't believe it. Or there are some monster egos in the way that for whatever reason, whatever I represent, isn't worth making money for the company. And I guarantee the owners of the company would disagree with that. Yeah, and imagine this, though. Imagine this, too. So imagine how much tamer I would be to CrossFit HQ if they brought me in. So if they were like, hey, Sevan, every single regional, we're going to fly you in and give you a soundproof booth where you can do the podcast. You think I'd be fucking talking shit?
Starting point is 00:15:34 I bet you it's tame by 50%. I bet you it's tame by 80%. Oh, we can't hear Jody. Oh, you can't hear Jody oh you can't hear Jody now this is fucking crazy uh Mason Mitchell this audio probably never happened on a Jocko podcast yeah cause they've invested
Starting point is 00:15:53 all of their money in audio um instead of getting cameras that can shoot in color yeah Yeah. And then Dave Castro shows up with his rolling suitcase of olive oil on your podcast. Like, what's the difference? That is some funny shit that you just said. I mean, all of a sudden, pulling out, like he's the traveling salesman.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Now he's going to sell his house. Hey, would you blow me? Is this your first podcast? No, my first podcast went much better than this. But thank you for asking. All right. Hey, I got to go because a than this, but thank you for asking. All right. Hey, I got to go because the customer's coming. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Thank you. Sell a cabinet. Take care. Okay. Bye. I'd love to have her over to my house so she can tell me how shitty my kitchen is. My kitchen is disgusting. This audio would never happen if you are on peptides already probably audio is completely
Starting point is 00:17:07 gone now it's completely it's fucked this is fucked oh here we go here we go this is just gonna be a show of just like me just but i've already accepted this i've already accepted it i'm not even stressed hey travis so so we didn't hear half of what Jody said she said you walk with the swagger of a man who has a 10 inch dong damn right chafing too
Starting point is 00:17:34 and she says it's hilarious that I really like this that Jocko comes on to has Dave come on to his podcast to help him sell his shit. But then Dave comes on to your podcast to sell his shit. So who's the real needle mover. And I kind of, that, that made me semi erect. Dave, Dave's duffel bag of goodies was a little odd. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Well, in, in his defense, he had a, he had a loaf of bread in there that his wife had made with some homemade dip she had made i don't know so so castor oil and castor oil needs to happen and i know that he's working with fucking crazy vigor uh to get that shit um labeled and bottled before the street parking event so we can fucking take advantage of Miranda's party and make money
Starting point is 00:18:33 leverage Miranda's street parking crew and sell them olive oil go for it hey if that's his new passion cool I don't blame him I know Daniel Garrity some callers sound like the most amazing audio Go for it. Hey, if that's his new passion, cool. I don't blame him. I know. Daniel Garrity, some callers sound like the most amazing audio ever,
Starting point is 00:18:51 then some are garbled and spotty. That has to be a clue to what's going on. I don't know. So two things are going on in case anyone gives a shit. I'm muting every once in a while. I'm just automatically muting. And I have this device here, this soundboard here. It's called a Rodecaster Pro 2.
Starting point is 00:19:10 And every once in a while, it's just dropping off the network. And so it's turning on the microphones on the computer. And so it's just a joke. It's fucking – I agree. Does the Rodecaster control the video also? No. Because my resolution says 1080 and you're grainy. And some other people were commenting that too. Am I still grainy right now if you look over at your screen?
Starting point is 00:19:34 Yeah. Yeah. It looks like 720 or worse. I'm looking at... I'm looking at... I'm looking at... I'm trying to see if I'm... Because this computer is on Wi-Fi and hardwired. It's hardwired.
Starting point is 00:20:01 What a trip. And it's normally not like that. A healer's therapist says 360 like that God this is a fucking joke well I'm glad Sarah didn't show up when JR was having issues he had better results on his wifi than he did his landline yeah but I live in California
Starting point is 00:20:16 I live in California how dare you that's probably part of the problem he lives in the south california limits your electricity you're probably you're probably cutting your electricity off newt uh sebi takes the piss out of the internet connection in the uk yet here we are good thing sarah didn't show she's too perfect to be green here's what i'm gonna do listen i yeah blow the roadcaster out i'm going uh i'm going to uh switch back i have the old roadcaster i'll switch the old roadcaster back in tonight for daniel brandon and i'll return this one what a shame uh susan doesn't have these problems
Starting point is 00:20:55 and double check the video is there is there a way to do uh the buttons i never push sorry go ahead did you just get attacked yeah is there a way to test is there a way to test this without going live no i mean yes but i but i don't care i'm not these people can say all the shit they want like fuck you like everyone who comes to the show already knows what they're getting Daniel Brandon's not going to put up with this shit
Starting point is 00:21:30 oh yes she will first of all it's going to be fixed by then but she just wants to go anywhere where she can be herself the the only thing I was so Sarah did tell me this morning she said hey I'm going to be 15 minutes late and get my due done I said okay and then I just started thinking all I have to do for 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:21:49 is make sure like I don't want to talk about trannies abortion violence just like anything like to kind of taint the show right um prior to her coming on so that so that it affects people who don't want to hear that shit who want to see her. But instead, I got this perfect gift of just my shit not working. Tell her to wear the orange top. It'll all be good. What a deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Oh, for Danielle? Yeah. I can't believe she got her nipples pierced. I would never have pierced her. If those were my nipples, I would have never pierced them. She's had that forever. She has? has yeah have i ever asked her about it no oh well here we go because you're a gentleman is it normal to do but well
Starting point is 00:22:34 tonight i'm not going to be i want to hear all the details like was a man holding her breast like this and then and then i can you imagine no they use a uh they use like tongs and they clip them shut to hold the nipple it's not a dude just holding it just like i just pictured a dude holding cupping like underneath her breast and then and then just like putting a gun right on her nipple and firing it through it oh god it's also not a gun come on you don't think it's a giant needle yeah but it's a gun with a needle on it no it's a handheld needle oh are you fucking kidding me the guy pushes it through manually so they use it there's like a it all it honestly looks like tongs that have a clip on them. So they squeeze it and they clip it so it stays.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I'm well-traveled. Do you have your nipples pierced? God, no. That's got to hurt so bad. Tommy Rodriguez, 499. Sarah's like the hot girl that pretends she will go out with you and never shows up. I've never had the hot girl uh i haven't had that experience hey hey um don't they don't they use a gun on the ear isn't there uh depends on the part of the ear because the gun can only go through so much
Starting point is 00:24:00 so if you do like your upper ear where it's cartilage, they use a needle. Your nose, they use, I think with a nose, they use a needle. 100% Daniel Brandon doesn't show tonight. Shut it. Shut it, Nate. Audrey, what about the clit? Yeah, Travis, what about the clit? That could be a good t-shirt. What about the clit?
Starting point is 00:24:22 I don't know that one. Oh my goodness. Hey. Audrey, do your research. Well, I want to hear all the details. I want to hear all the details. Someone said the nipple piercing is pretty good. It makes them pretty sensitive.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Who wants their nipples to be more sensitive than they already are? What about the dudes shit piercing piercing places don't use guns anymore only cheap mall places use guns wow okay go ahead sorry travis yeah what about the prince albert oh my god i can't imagine what that feels like. Nor do I want to. You don't think the dude holds your penis? That one I have no idea. I haven't researched that one. I'm not nearly as entertaining as Sarah sorry no no you're doing good
Starting point is 00:25:30 I just wanted to let you know what was going on with the video feed I just asked another guest I asked another guest to come on and they said they will and now I don't want to have this guest on I just said I had equipment failure but show will be
Starting point is 00:25:48 over in five isn't it weird that now it's working everything I was saying everything seems to be working now I haven't seen any complaints I wonder why it's always the first few minutes of the show yeah I'm not I. Yeah, I'm not
Starting point is 00:26:05 being muted automatically anymore, any of that stuff. No, it's just the video. The video still lasts? Yeah, it's just grainy. It's definitely not HD.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Hmm. Okay, I'm going to let you go. I have work to do. Thank you. Get your Vindicate Gator CEO shirt now. Are you still selling CEO shirts? Shit, yeah, dude. Tank tops are doing really well.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Women are loving them. All right, thank you. Oh you oh paper street coffee's right i'm good luck yes oh why oh because everything worked oh dude hillar just donated a thousand dollars to the show thank you shit yeah i'll stay on uh weird shit my resolution says 1080 but it's not that clear video is good on my end yeah and yawns and on that island out there what the hell he's not used to good good video it looks normal to him oh shit look at that chase b My goddammit, my sweaty ass just reported a message. What does that mean? He accidentally pushed a button that reported someone? On accident?
Starting point is 00:27:32 That's awesome. No, not Isle of Man. I agree with the bash. You're a good dude. Yawns in the UK. All right. Get your vindicate. Get your CEO shirt to vindicate.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Thanks, brother. Sure. Bye. I don't know what to do with this with this situation i hate sending stuff back but this thing was a thousand bucks this thing does this thing have to be sent back Nikki Nielsen. Uh-oh. That's not good.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Does my voice sound funny to you guys? What the fuck happened? Hello? Oh, shit. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Oh, shit. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Hello? Hello? Hello? What the fuck happened to my voice? Hello? Hello? Oh, these are just voice effects. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I think I'm on mushrooms how about now now now I'm back to normal Nikki Nielsen DKK200 I always listen on Spotify so this is me paying my monthly subscription holy shit well thank you choice lifestyle and
Starting point is 00:29:02 something else that was cool oh I'm finding all sorts of cool Well, thank you. Choice, lifestyle, and something else. That was cool. Oh, I'm finding all sorts of cool shit about this as I start punching the buttons. Vindicate for that nice ad read. Thank you. Go to Vindicate. V-N-D-K-8 dot com. Get your CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Don't accidentally buy the wrong shirt or else the money will not go to me. I did sound like a smurf. I'm ready for Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Hey, you know what you want to do? You want to know what is cool? If you go to that LSKD website, they have her shit featured. Like she's the big dog there.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Look at that. That's their homepage. Six time CrossFit Games athlete. I didn't know she'd been on the podium twice. Pretty impressive. This is the new this is the new kind of crossfit clothing right it was
Starting point is 00:30:16 who are the other people I always want to call them brute strength but they're not brute strength I have their joggers. Shit, I can't think of it. But I see these shirts everywhere now. LSKD. So she's stoked.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I don't know if it's a rough website picture, but it's not the best. It's not a great picture i thought that was interesting too i wasn't going to say anything but now that you brought it up oh born primitive thank you yeah why do i always what do i keep brute strength born primitive yeah born primitive used to be the guys right they were everywhere now it's these people lskd dude what about poor noble i actually feel bad. They fired 75 people. I hate the thought of people getting fired.
Starting point is 00:31:10 No, not frumpy. Just something's off with the coloring or the like, I don't know. Something's off though. Heidi says it makes your ass look good, Se on an lskd i do i do like the born primitive i went over to the born primitive uh website i like both these people's websites they feel they feel so much more real just like real
Starting point is 00:31:42 people than um than like for instance if you go to the noble one uh cory leonard uh 75 people was like 35 of noble's workforce yeah that's crazy and that's pretty big company basically what it sounds like is they're partially just from the little bit of information that i got they're partially owned by some of the owners of the nfl and that's how noble got that contract with the combine and uh noble is not doing well someone even said that basically all other shoe companies are just testing grounds for nike basically if you do something good nike will just steal it and fucking push you out of the pool. It is interesting. Daniel Brandon is sponsored by Rad. I've never seen their shoes anywhere or or a nutrition bar your goal at the end is to sell this shit to fucking procter and gamble so i wonder if you start a shoe company always the end goal is to sell your shit to adidas yeah i think that happened too i bet noble as fuck from sponsoring the game so it sounded like
Starting point is 00:33:03 the company had to borrow money. I don't know if this is true either, but it sounds like they had to borrow money in order to fulfill the obligations that they had with CrossFit. And so probably CrossFit, CrossFit's probably being really cool and like, hey,
Starting point is 00:33:15 they're probably letting them off of some of their obligations. You know what I mean? Like probably like the, whoever the boss is over at noble called justin i was like hey dude we can't afford this and justin's like okay how about we do this instead or you know what i mean they're like reworking it uh jeffrey uh rad also doesn't remake any shoes one and done oh that's interesting
Starting point is 00:33:39 you want to you have you guys been to sarah's instagram lately she kind of she she looks like sarah of old she she she uh oh shit she looked more fucking impressive than ever i uh i don't know if it's um or diet, but she looks more – I think she looks more impressive than – as impressive as she's ever looked in her life, which is crazy. Oh, here she is with this dude. This dude was supposed to come on the show. I wonder what happened.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I FaceTimed with this guy one time. This is a cool dude, Sonny Webster. show. I wonder what happened. I FaceTimed with this guy one time. This is a cool dude. Sonny Webster. I think he got... I think he's an Olympian or he got busted for juicing or something. Lifting weights. Maybe I'm wrong in saying that. But he's cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And she's working with him. And that's in Dubai. Yeah, man. She looks good one of the things i wanted to ask her is uh sunny is great yeah he's cool his videos are great too um uh one of the things i wanted to ask her is she's basically flourishes under pressure so we have these athletes who are pulling out of competitions well sarah's like she she wants to go to competitions that's where she feels at home that's where she's where she's growing and so isn't isn't that kind of interesting you always wonder you know that thing like be thankful that you have what you have so some of these people are like pulling out of competitions and sarah's probably so fucking thankful that her body's healed and that she could even compete she's probably in a totally different place right a totally different place, right? A totally different place.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Nuts. The world's crazy like that. You could do a three-hour show on, oh, my God, it's so much pressure to compete. It's so much pressure to compete. Oh, my God, I can't believe what they have to deal with. And poor Sarah's like, fuck, I don't give a fuck. What plays I take? Can I just get out on the fucking floor? I can't even believe I can't believe what they have to deal with. And poor Sarah's like, fuck, I don't give a fuck. What place do I take? Can I just get out on the fucking floor?
Starting point is 00:36:07 I can't even believe I can still walk. It's all perspective. God forbid any of these people who pulled out, something happens to them, they get in a car accident, and they can never compete again, and it's like, holy shit, they squandered their opportunity to be out there on the big floor i don't even know what this means every time i hear that word hot takes but sorry muhammad for targeting you i just think the person's a tool i don't even know what that means hot takes maybe it's not hot takes i don't even know what hot Sorry, Muhammad, for targeting you. I just think the person's a tool.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I don't even know what that means. Hot takes. Maybe it's not hot takes. I don't even know what hot takes is. Whenever I hear that, there's these hot takes. It's a hot take. I don't know what the fuck's a hot take. I don't even know what that is. I couldn't identify a hot take.
Starting point is 00:36:58 It seems like it's the same with calling someone a Karen. Anytime I hear any of those things, I just think that dude's a tool. Intellectually incapacitated to actually express what they mean. Lazy. Oh, good. That makes me feel better. You don't know either.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Good. I don't know either. Good. Great. Well, then we're on the same team. I do that sometimes, good. That makes me feel better. You don't know either. Good. I don't know either. Good. Great. Well, then we're on the same team. I do that sometimes, too. Roids in Dubai are like candies. That's why all fitness YouTubers are here.
Starting point is 00:37:36 David Weed. Melissa Spittin Facts. Is now injured if not give up the best odds to make a couple hundred thousand dollars if not to give up the best odds to make it now i think just people everyone's people's minds are different man people's minds are different you know what the craziest thing I ever have done it was when I was a little kid imagine how delusional I was I would be swimming in a swimming pool I'd be the only person in it
Starting point is 00:38:14 and I would start to get scared that there was a shark in there so I'd get out of the pool and walk around the edge of the pool looking in the pool to see if there was a shark in there I've probably done that 50 times in my life and yet some of the shit that these people are going through as adults is it's i think it's tantamount to that i think it's like spot on exactly that look at sleaky yeah same yeah it's fucking complete fucking insanity. Complete insanity. It doesn't make sense at all.
Starting point is 00:38:48 How the fuck would a shark get in there? How would it be swimming in chlorine? How does it even fit in the pool? It's complete. It's just your brain completely. Damn, you ate mushrooms as a kid. No, just like saw TV or something. Saw Jaws.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Oh, Hiller's therapist. Hot take, a quickly produced, strongly worded, and often deliberately provocative or sensational opinion or reaction. Well, I don't like it, Hiller's therapist. I think it has like a derogatory or an implicit connotation. Implicit connotation? I think it's implicit and has connotation that it's not true or that it's less valid. How about that?
Starting point is 00:39:36 Hey, Seve, love from South Africa. Cool. That's awesome. Andre Brits. Andre Brits. If you had an A on the end, would you be a girl? Andrea Brits. With an E at the end, would you be a girl? Andrea Brits. With an E at the end, you have a penis.
Starting point is 00:39:49 A at the end, you have a vagina. I saw Taylor Self sent an email, no, a text to myself and Michelle Bassanet introducing us. Let me see. I haven't opened it yet. Oh. Oh, is that how you introduce people to each other? Isn't that so awkward when you're supposed to connect people? And Taylor just cracked the code on it. He sent me and Michelle Bassanet a text and it says my name and then two hands shaking hands and then Michelle's name written. and I had talked to Michelle briefly, like on FaceTime or something the other day, or somewhere I saw her on video chat or something.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Maybe it was on the show. And I asked her if she'd come on. So I guess that's, that's going to happen soon. That's kind of cool. Oh, sorry. Snorri just sent a text and said,
Starting point is 00:40:41 sorry, it's really not a big deal. Hey, what did I write? Hey, my equipment is all fucked. It worked out perfect. I'm so embarrassed. I invited Greg Glassman on right when Sarah fucked up and he's like yeah
Starting point is 00:41:05 because he just got a new headset that we need to test out to see if his audio is better I'm like dude you can't come on right now my shit's all fucked up Alexander Tranter hi what's up man happy hoes and weed and mushrooms
Starting point is 00:41:24 from the netherlands uh treat your farmers treat your farmers good buddy treat your farmers good you're gonna need your farmers uh gary sanchez great photo by the way from the dominican republic if sarah takes top five or better in european semi you think she's on track for a big comeback at the games? You know what's crazy? She is putting pressure on herself. As I was digging around doing the research, I saw in a video that she wants to win
Starting point is 00:41:53 the games. She's not coming to just show that she can still compete. She's coming to win. I don't know if it's this year or next year, but I suspect she's going to push till the wheels fall off the bus. I don't ever remember being concerned about athletes ever hurting themselves or being injured until when I watch a Brooke out on the – now when I watch Brooke Wells out there or Sarah out there, I have a little anxiety. Did you guys have that now? I've never, I can't remember ever having that about any athletes, even though we had some pretty, you know, crazy injuries, Miko Salo, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:36 busted an eardrum one year, had to pull out. She's my wife's favorite, huge Sarah fan. What do you think it is what do you think is about about sarah that makes her so popular look at how popular she is and look how popular uh danielle brandon is totally different well i guess sarah's been around way longer. But totally different vibes. Her smile, yeah. And her eyes. I like the way she rocks her eyeshadow and her eyelashes and her eyes.
Starting point is 00:43:17 She doesn't wear a lot of other makeup. Crazy thick hair. I bet you she didn't wash her hair. Great personality and hot. Unguarded and authentic yeah you think you think you think men and what's interesting about Daniel Brandon is I think and Sarah both is I think men and women like them like equally you know what i mean so like if you ask a hundred men do you like in a hundred women if you like danielle the same amount like her and if you have the same thing with sarah that they they somehow uh kind of transcend the uh sex
Starting point is 00:44:00 i don't think like a lot of women are into Michael Jordan, right? But all dudes like Michael Jordan. They're like, he's cool. He doesn't, he doesn't, he doesn't. I'm trying to think if I've ever heard a girl say Michael's cool. Michael's the best. But everyone loves Sarah.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Well, not even everyone, but the people that love Sarah, I don't, they, they somehow transcend, uh, what's in people's pants in terms of their, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:34 people liking them. I do. I do think Danielle is one of those girls though. The girls who aren't like lesbians are like, I don't know if sexually attracted to her is the right word, but they're, they want to have a slumber party. You know what I mean, I don't know if sexually attracted to her is the right word, but they're, they want to have a slumber party. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:48 I don't know what girls, like they sleep in the same bed with her. Like maybe with their heads pointed different directions or something. People want to be close to her. Except I really don't, I don't understand the nipple rings. I really don't, I don't understand the nipple rings. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Sevan. Oh, here, let me use one of my voices. Sevan. Sevan. This is your mind. Oh. Hi, mind. What can I do for you I'm thinking about maybe
Starting point is 00:45:28 asking you to put a hole in one of your nipples why would you do that no I don't want a hole in my nipple oh ok sorry
Starting point is 00:45:44 that's it holy fuck i love the voices i know that was a little awkward because it was my first take but uh we're gonna um your your voice sounds hello uh no hello hello hello hello seven hey it's me it's your soul you didn't know i was gay right yeah your soul is gay that's why you're such a fucking weirdo anyway um so thinking about maybe uh jumping on the old daniel brandon uh bandwagon and getting the titties pierced. Are you out of your fucking mind? Get the fuck back down in there and I never want to hear you again. Okay? Shit.
Starting point is 00:46:39 A fucking homosexual chipmunk inside. I had no idea. I hope that doesn't come out again until I die. fucking homosexual chipmunk inside. I had no idea. Oh. I hope that doesn't come out again until I die. Yeah, I don't understand the, um... I don't understand the, uh... Fucking, yeah!
Starting point is 00:46:57 This is what we've become. Yes, Trish, yes. Graham S. Belligerent. Look at you with your fucking pompadoura no definitely i would no i love both uh sarah is uh for sure hotter than daniel brandon I love both. Sarah is for sure hotter than Danielle Brandon. It's different, dude. It's different. It's like – it's like – imagine the best plum you've had it's strictly because of the taste the best apricot i had is not only the taste but in in the way i open it and the seed falls out
Starting point is 00:47:53 it's the whole experience this is it's um uh yeah i just think it's um it's it's like the difference between eating like a a banana that's been in the refrigerator and one that's not. They're both great. Look at Alexandria. Danielle is definitely hotter. Yeah, you can't. It's not.
Starting point is 00:48:17 We'll tell you this. They both make you go home when you're done. They don't let you spend the night maybe maybe that's uh maybe that's their commonality i don't picture sarah even having i don't uh for some reason i don't think sarah guy i would love to know love to be a fly on a wall i don't think I could keep my mouth shut about it, though. I'm just so curious what it's like courting her. Like, how does that work?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Here's the thing. All those people, men and women on both sides, no matter who you date, you're going to let that person down, right? Because they have you built up as this fucking thing. you're going to let that person down right because they have you built up as this fucking thing and then they're going to see you have a hemorrhoid or a fucking herpy on your lip or that um yeah you don't like to have sex or there's gonna be something about you it's gonna be like really holy fuck it's like it's like a ferrari is sitting there and you're fucking looking at it and you think it's the greatest thing ever and you drive away and and something's wrong and you stop and you realize one of the back tires is missing that's human beings you
Starting point is 00:49:35 never get one that has like all four tires and is a perfect car something's gonna be fucked up on it and so the when we accept that with most people but these fucking cats like man people they have nowhere to go but down in people's mind i'm looking at my toe spacers now I'm looking at my toe spacers now. I'm so dreading swapping out the fucking equipment. I'm so fucking dreading it. You know what?
Starting point is 00:50:14 I should write these people a letter and ask them. Seriously, all kidding aside, don't you think it's weird that the equipment doesn't work? That's two shows in a row, right, where the equipment doesn't work for the first 15 minutes and then it settles in. That doesn't even make sense. Here's also why it doesn't make sense. I don turn this shit off like nothing gets turned off ever the the the beauty light that doesn't make me beautiful gets turned off and other than that everything else stays on the computers the soundboard the telephone the cameras everything else stays on doesn't make sense to anyone? And I'm kind of a tech geek. Call tech support.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Fuck you. That's the worst advice I ever heard. Matt C., I don't know. Daniel Brandon isn't the hot alt girl people make her out to be what's that mean all like alternative i i wish she wasn't alternative i just want some i just wish she was less hair dye and take the nipple rings out but here we go she's the one doing what she's the one doing what popular girls do posting thirst pics and bikinis and stuff girls do posting thirst pics in bikinis and stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Whatever she's doing, fine. I think whatever she's doing, it works. I dig her. Seve, you don't need a light to be beautiful. You want to see what happens when I turn off? You just can't see me. The light that was on Dave yesterday or two days ago is so much softer.
Starting point is 00:51:44 He looked great. All these people have all these ideas of how I should they come in here and they're like hey you should set your shit up like this and you should set it up like this and they don't realize that this show is not like it's not pre-recorded it's live I have to have access to stuff I have to have like a monitor here I have to have my text messages I have to see my chat I have to be able to see the person sitting over there it's not as as simple as just like, Hey, we're going to sit down and talk. Dave's like, Hey, why don't, after he left yesterday, he called me and he's like, Hey, why don't you just have a table? And we sit across from each other and talk. And I was like, cause I need my own space. Oh, great. Here we go. Now I regret asking. Thank you, Dennis.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Call Best Buy's geek squad. Great. Oh, this hurts. I'm beautiful on the inside. you, Dennis. Call Best Buy's Geek Squad. Great. Oh, this hurts. I'm beautiful on the inside. Thanks, Matt. I don't even have to post thirst pics. Yeah. That's why I have 7,000 followers on Instagram. That's why I have 7,000 followers on Instagram. Gray goes, Danielle's the one who you think will be a bitch up until when you meet her, then is super genuine and sweet once you met her.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I don't know. Here's what I think. We'll find out. I'll ask her tonight. I think Danielle's the one that you think's a bitch, and then you meet her, and she's really fucking Godzilla. Like, but bitches don't got shit on her. Why don't I like nipple rings?
Starting point is 00:53:17 I don't know if that's, like, a real question. Am I supposed to like nipple rings? Like, what do they do? I can tell you why I like water. I need help with the question. I can't even the question i can't even think i don't even i don't even it i don't even know how i don't i just the thought of when i see them i i see i i guess i see a deformed nipple. I see an injured nipple. It has a hole in it. Yeah, I see it is injured. Nipple rings are pretty. They're hot.
Starting point is 00:53:55 They're hot. They're hot. A bunch of you guys think they're hot? Putting a hole in your nipple? It makes your pee-pee hard? A nipple ring? Hey, are there any girls out there who think it's hot to put a hole
Starting point is 00:54:17 through the helmet of the penis? That's fascinating. Mason Mitchell, I love bolts and screws in their skin that go through their skin i'm old i'm old i'm old oh my goodness uh you know occasionally i'll see girls with earrings and they're like beautiful somehow like
Starting point is 00:54:46 they'll have their hair up and they'll be dressed in i don't know they'll have the big dangling earrings and and they'll be sun-kissed and they'll just be like wow and like i like freckles and like i like certain like kinds of i guess accout. I guess a freckle is kind of natural. Not kind of, it is natural. But I don't understand how you think. I don't know. I don't get it. I don't think big juiced up dudes are attractive at all either.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Like the dudes, like the Mr. Universe dudes. I don't find any of that shit attractive either. Or those women. Not even slightly. Oh my God. How about this? A bull ring. Yeah, I think you made yourself ugly.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Oh, this is a great question seven would you rather lick a public toilet seat or passionately kiss dave on the lips for one minute lick the toilet seat that's not really fair because i love dave i just don't want to i don't want to you know it's not that i don't i just don't want to have to like guard that secret that i kissed a dude for a minute i'd rather just be like yeah i like the toilet seat how long do i have to guard that secret that I kissed a dude for a minute. I'd rather just be like, yeah, lick the toilet seat. How long do I have to lick the toilet seat? Just lick it? Yeah, lick the toilet seat or kiss Dave for a minute?
Starting point is 00:56:19 I'd rather cock swab the fucking toilet water with poop than kiss Dave. Jesus. Sevan, would you rather slam your penis in a door or walk naked onto the stage of the games walk naked onto the stage of the games that's not true that's not true Heidi that is not true how about this
Starting point is 00:56:43 how about this would you rather kiss Dave passionately on the lips or let your significant other kiss dave passionately on the lips if you're a dude how about that totally different i'll do anything for money seven would kiss dave for ten dollars totally. Like a toilet seat for $9. No. I'm good. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Too far, Trish too far too far too far buddy you're right Dave's right I am close minded too far sometimes I think adults watch this show then I'm reminded that they don't.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Bro, that would be amazing. Richie Rich, 2025 American Airlines CrossFit Games. Dude, an airline sponsor would be absolutely sick. And you know what's cool about that is pretty much all the airlines suck. and you know what's cool about that is pretty much all the airlines suck um yeah that would be uh that would be absolutely amazing the most uh audrey the most adult in here is sema that melissa's kind of an adult too. Of course you would rather kiss Dave.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Do you guys want me to do a drawing, a giveaway? Two nights stranded on an island with Dave. Cody lovelace i can't believe yes you can you can believe i can't believe 400 people are hanging out for this we're all idiots and speaking of not believing another thought i was thinking the other day is i think even though i don't believe in god i think i have more faith in god than most people who believe in god get your head fucking wrapped around that because i see how these people who believe in god with all the way they behave and i'm like that is these motherfuckers don't have any faith they've they why don't they have any faith if they believe in god i have so much fucking faith. I don't think that's a compliment.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Heidi Kroom, this show has inspired me to do a podcast. Hey, who do you think that was who called yesterday or a couple days ago? The guy who Tom said I reacted and was was insecure i was thinking about that also that person pretended like they didn't know me or the show and yet they called and they said hey uh hello seven this is eight and they knew there were some nuances they knew so So I'm like, okay, that's a regular listener. Who do you think that was? You do not want to start a podcast. You do not want to start a podcast. I do not encourage anyone to start a podcast.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Yeah, the angry guy. The guy who said the N said J. He said J-O. J-O. J-O. No, he said J-O. J-O. That guy. Who was that? You do not want to start one.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Jeff Baker or 12 Daily Doses. Yeah, probably 20 people DM me and guessed it was 12 daily doses. They said he's just been fucking so desperate in the comments to get my attention and that he cracked. That was the final straw. And I asked this person, I was like, hey, how come no one's interacting with him in the comments? They're like, dude, if you don't interact with him, no one will interact with him. And so he just loses his mind. Sevan,
Starting point is 01:01:09 can I stay with you for BSI Ranch? You mean like at my house? No. No. You can come. We can go to breakfast and dinner or play tennis or I don't know, work out, do burpees.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Jeff flipped out yesterday with Alex on the show. Oh, he did? Bako? I didn't really see too many of the comments. Did I? I can't remember. Alex was in an amazing mood yesterday. I loved seeing him like that.
Starting point is 01:01:40 That was so different. So different. So different. Oh, I got to get Gary on. Shit. I think Susan must be overwhelmed. I didn't talk to Susan once yesterday, which is a trip. I called him probably five or six times. I literally sent Snooze a hundred texts yesterday, I bet,
Starting point is 01:02:02 asking him for different things that I need help with. I think he's, uh, completely overwhelmed. He would just send me like heart emojis and shit. I will do that too. Why don't you, I will do that too. Why don't you bring Daniel Brandon's coach on to ask about it? I will ask that too gotta have matt torres on i started listening to um torres was on spin's podcast yesterday with um john young tyler watkins and brian spin i don't know why i think it's so funny do you want to i just think this is such a fun i don't this just amuses me it's probably not for any good reasons it's probably because i'm uh where's uh spin what barbell spent what's the name of his podcast barbell spin oh my god this is so funny i don't know why i think this uh this image is just hilarious let's see live matt torres yeah look at the picture just seeing these guys all together i feel like i'm in an alternate reality
Starting point is 01:03:15 uh yes there's the show uh you could How many views does this have? This thing was doing well last time I looked. Yeah. Probably on the back end, it has 2,000 views. What's interesting, I think Torres was better on their show than he was on mine Haley will come back and train with hard work pays off should I leave a comment
Starting point is 01:03:57 thanks for warming Torres up anyway I started listening to this yesterday. It's pretty good. That dude, Brian Spinn, knows his shit, man. And the other two have pretty strong opinions, but Spinn knows his shit. You watched it? That was a good show? Jeffrey Birchfield.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Gary's in the corner crying because he's on test and has an erection and nothing to do with it. That's fair enough. I don't know. Seve, is Connor Murphy just a really cool... Is Connor Murphy just as cool and a good dude? The vibe he gives off is like something you can wish people... You wish would be possible.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I mean, you think he... Like he came across as so fucking awesome. You're like, how could someone be that cool? I don't really know him. I don't really know him. He's very thoughtful. It was so weird that he texted me that morning it was um as weird as sarah not showing up in this fucking equipment not working and uh this is just as weird as just everything in my life but i don't know him but i but i enjoyed that podcast a lot that podcast is fucking murdering.
Starting point is 01:05:26 I think we fucking killed it. I think everything in there was really great. Did you guys see after the podcast that I did with Ty Emery? Most of you guys did. Anyone who's in here fucking hanging out with me now has seen that. But at the end of that podcast, I tried to get some closure to some of the shit that i said in that podcast regarding mal and her situation the the the when when when talking to when talking to people there's there's two kinds of people right or more than two kinds of people when you're talking to someone and you're going off on something,
Starting point is 01:06:05 you're like, Hey, um, the reason why that guy got in a car accident is because he was drunk. If you're speaking to someone who's who, and it's probably very few people to be honest, but if you're speaking to someone who is wise, open-minded, deep thinker, has the ability to think.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Most people I talk to don't even have the ability to think. Most people don't even know what that means to have the ability to think. You realize that that person being drunk and getting in an accident, if the car wasn't invented, if that person wasn't born, if this road wasn't here, if whatever was also involved in the accident wasn't here, like you know it's not 100% the reason was is that that person was drunk. It's just – you're just spinning a narrative. that that person was drunk it's it's just you're just spinning a narrative now i'm not saying it's any more right or wrong i'm not suggesting someone's going to be trapped in their head be like is someone defending the fact that people should drink and drive no you're totally missing the point if um if you think i'm saying that i'm not even i'm not even it's not even in the
Starting point is 01:07:16 subject matter but i know some people like who can only think in um binary or with dichotomy that they can only think like that. You just immediately go in your head and you think you know what someone is saying. No, stop. You don't even know. And so when we're in there discussing what's going on with Mao, and I'm suggesting it's because she let someone tell her what her identity is. I guess I'm not going to finish that thought. You have to remember that's just a piece of it. Caller. Hi, please be nice. Please be nice. Please be nice. Caller.
Starting point is 01:07:58 No worries. Um, Hey, I was going to ask, uh, you know, just listen to the NALA episode. Connor was awesome. Thought he had a lot of really content. ask, just listening to the Mal episode, Connor was awesome. I thought he had a lot of really good content. Well, just last week or whenever it was. But I was going to ask, you know, you say put the phone down. That could help. But what do you think her road to healing looks like? Because Connor even said, you know, she can bounce back.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I'm just curious what thoughts you have know how she does that or how Matt helps uh you're breaking up so bad but unfortunately I think it's it's my fault um hey I think it's uh if she doesn't make change, then nothing's going to change, right? So she has to make some really big change. And if my assessment is correct, a huge part of that is going to be to abandon fucking getting her identity from her phone. And some people are going to say, hey, it should be religion. It's kind of like the 12-step program, right? She's having some sort of breakdown like that where she may need to appeal need to appeal to a is that the word appeal to a higher power but but in the biggest picture she's gonna have to make some like some lifestyle changes
Starting point is 01:09:14 and and i and i hope that she can find a way to do that um i'm a big proponent of having to give stuff up i think what she's gonna have to give up is basically whatever's helped whatever's been uh programming her and putting thoughts in her head which i think is her phone she's gonna have to give that shit up what do you think i don't know uh i don't know um I was thinking, though, of the name guy. I think it's at least on their podcast, he went by Silver, but like his actual name is. But he was a mindset guy.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Oh, yeah. Hensel. Hensel. Yeah, yeah. That's right. Do you think, like, him? Yeah, that's right um do you feel like him did uh that's his that dude's whole shtick right to give people an identity outside of their um uh athletic identity but but i but i think that there's a whole generation of people who've been given their identity by what other
Starting point is 01:10:21 people are saying on the phone can you i don't don't know about you, but I, I could, I could never imagine likes being important to me. I can't even, I can't even, I can't even pretend to imagine. I can't even, it's like the same thing. I couldn't even pretend to imagine what it means to be a woman or what it means to be a man. I just can't pretend. I don't have that capability. I don't, I don't, I don't know what it would like to be. I feel like I would know more what it's like to be a dog. And there's actually – I've been in the room with fucking adults, and they're like, oh, my God, this only got 350 likes. And I'm like, what the fuck? And I don't judge them because there's two ways to do it, right? It could be like, oh, they're just wondering why it didn't get more likes.
Starting point is 01:11:06 I've seen stuff and I wonder, hey, why didn't this get more views? Is it because I started with abortions fucked up? Or was this not funny? But these people are affected by it like it's bad on them. They're hurt that it didn't get more likes. And I think there's a whole generation of people like that. And then there's people like David B. who says, dude, you don't know shit.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Come on, man. So maybe I don't know shit. Yeah. I think like a year and a half ago, I've made about 150, like all of my Instagram. It's kind of for that reason. I was, you know, I had some young kids and I was just like, man, this is not good. What sucks for Mal is that like I really well I don't know maybe she can kind of like
Starting point is 01:11:50 disappear off the map but I imagine a lot of them is from sponsors and they've got certain requirements and obligations she's got to fill they have someone else have someone else do it have someone else run your account oh yeah like froning great idea or do you have no who's her whoever her manager is uh james o'keefe matt o'keefe yeah i really want to talk to you you're nice and you have a good voice but our connection is so fucked up like you i don't it could be my fault i'm so sorry no it's probably mine i'll hop off but anyway appreciate the answers thank you
Starting point is 01:12:26 I heard she has great parents I heard she has just absolutely great parents her identity is in Christ not a phone or crossfit I mean so they say so they say don't forget the vast majority at least the people I hear who are into Christ
Starting point is 01:12:43 it's just another form of amusement for them and entertainment for them. That it's fucking not real. It's just another fucking story that their minds told them. Don't forget. I know her identity is in Christ, not a phone in Christ. Okay, but don't forget. I'm telling you. Just listen to the way they talk about God and Christ.
Starting point is 01:13:08 It's just another tool. It's just another piece of amusement. It's no different. They treat the Bible to them as no different than their iPhone. Just another way. They're not cultivating that relationship. They're not cultivating a deeper awareness. I believe in God, and I have a relationship with Christ, and I have three Olympic gold medals.
Starting point is 01:13:31 It's just all just superficial shit. People have turned Christ in church into amusement and entertainment industry. So – but I hope you're right i hope she has something um i hope her she's got birdie miller's life was simpler during the josh matt and seven episodes uh sleaky uh superficial until you have an actual interaction with god uh, sleaky, uh, superficial until you have an actual interaction with God or just how you're using it.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Right? Like there's these people who've been to like, like I think of the people who go to concerts, music concerts. I personally have never been to a music concert. I enjoy never. Oh, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Very few. And then I start looking around. I'm like, wow, these people are going to this music concert so they can say that they went and saw you too at madison square garden or they saw the rolling stones at blah blah blah no i've gone and seen dave matthews 374 times and i have all my tickets laid out and it's like i see a close parallel there with some of the way i suspect people are uh run their church thing i could play this video for you guys if you want. There's this dude.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Let me see if I can find it. There's this guy. He died in 1985. His name is Krishnamurti. He was born in India, and he ended up moving to – I'm trying to find. He ended up moving to Ojai California Ojai California is inland from Santa Barbara California and and uh when I was a young man in my 20s, I probably read like 10 of his books, and they had a hugely profound impact on me, hugely profound impact on me. I present to you this. This is – and when he moved to Ojai, people started coming out and paying homage to him. Everyone came out and visited him from Charlie Chaplin to Bruce Lee to Khalil Gibran. So many people came out to see him. And basically his story is – he has an incredible fucking biography written by a lady named Mary Lutens.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And his story is this. There was a society run by a woman named Madame Blavsky. I'm trying to remember the name of the society. Anyway, they found Krishnamurti as a young boy, and they believed he was the second coming of Christ. And they raised him as the second coming of Christ. This is like, I don't know, the turn of the century, you know, 1920s, maybe. And finally, they said, hey, Christ is going to, this is the second coming of Christ. From a young age, they picked him as a little boy.
Starting point is 01:17:04 And they said, Christ is going to speak through him today. Theosophical Society. Thank you, Charles. Adam Blavsky and the Theosophical Society. Thank you. They got a huge center up in Berkeley. And all these people came from all over the world to hear him speak, which was crazy back then.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Right. Cause travel was so fucking hard, but people came from all over the world to hear him speak. There were thousands of people there and he got up in front of this stage and, and they had said that Jesus was going to speak through him. He was the second coming to Christ. And this was going to be Jesus's like first talk to, to the world and the second coming.
Starting point is 01:17:42 And he basically got up there if I remember correctly. And he said, Hey, uh, I am not Jesus. I am not the second coming and he basically got up there if i remember correctly and he said hey uh i am not jesus i am not the second coming and there's no one who can speak to god for you only you can speak to god i'm paraphrasing don't don't hold anyone uh don't hold anyone up like that any man like that and he fucking fled and he fucking abandoned the theosophical society and came to ohio california and uh i just want to play this for you a remarkable man any of his books are worth um getting and reading and listening to whatever denomination you are okay uh here we go puta is something extraordinary it's going to probably take over our lives. That's probably the new industry.
Starting point is 01:18:25 The computer will shape our lives. It's already doing it quietly, slowly. We're unaware of it. We've talked to a great many of these experts, computer experts, who are building it. They're not concerned with what happens to the human brain. They're concerned with creating it. They're not creating it, building it.
Starting point is 01:18:44 That's a better word. When the computer takes over our lives, what happens to our brains? They are better, far quicker, so rapid. In a second, they'll tell you a thousand memories. When they take over, what's going to happen to our brains? Gradually wither
Starting point is 01:18:59 or be thoroughly employed in amusement, in entertainment. For God's sake, this is happening. Entertainment industry is taking over. And religious entertainment, that has taken over too. So we are being entertained all the time. The computer is something.
Starting point is 01:19:20 So this is that idea that we keep talking about in this show over and over and over. You could think that you don't believe in God. You can say that dumb shit like I do. But every single person has a spot in their brain for God, and you've made something your God. That's basically what he's saying. You have made something your fucking God. And you may not know it, but the scary scary there's people who've made a cnn their god there's people who've made hollywood their god but then there's also people who've made the belief the
Starting point is 01:19:55 they've tricked themselves thinking that they've made god their god but they've really made the belief of God, their God. Yeah, there you go. Exactly. Jake defined God. And so those of us who know, and they got fucking a whole book that they hold up there into the, they've made the belief of God, their God, and they are not connected. And they are not connected. That's my take. Anyway, this is a fascinating guy, Krishnamurti. He even says that a religion is entertainment this is this is a good instagram account i'm going to show it to you guys one more time holy shit this account has 515 000 followers wow it's uh krishnamurti foundation if you just type in K-R-I-S-H.
Starting point is 01:21:07 And so when you think doctors know shit, and you think blue check marks mean something, look at this account. No blue check mark. I bet you this is the best account on fucking Instagram. You'd be blown away. If you don't know this guy, he's worth spending time with. You'd be blown away by him.
Starting point is 01:21:28 He doesn't say, for those of you who have a strong belief in Christianity, he won't say anything to offend you. He won't say anything blasphemous. What's this? That's Madame Blavsky, I think think and that's Krishnamurti as a young boy god he was such a cool looking young boy too they called him Krishna I think I think Krishna
Starting point is 01:21:54 was the seventh born child and so his family when he was born called him Krishnamurti I think because he was the seventh born child and born outside behind the house on a dirt floor. All right. Off to Sunnyvale.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Watch the boys skate. I will talk to you guys soon. Thanks for hanging with me. Interesting morning. We will get Sarah on. I think she already, if I'm watching correctly, she may have been rescheduled for next monday all right bye guys

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