The Sevan Podcast - The Morning Show | Live Call In #928

Episode Date: May 30, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
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Starting point is 00:00:59 Other conditions apply. I can't stand the pressure. Bam, we're late. Bam, we're late. Bam, we're late. Oh, I didn't even do rumble. It happens. What am I going to do? It happens.
Starting point is 00:01:11 It happens. When I say that I didn't do rumble, I mean, before every show, I have to do, like, copy and paste, click, click, copy, paste, copy, paste, click, click, do all this stuff so that it streams to rumble simultaneously. The software we use, StreamYard, does it streams to rumble simultaneously the software we use stream yard does it automatically to facebook youtube twitch and two twitter accounts uh the stevon podcast and my personal one but not to rumble so every morning that has to be done if i don't do it to rumble manually it eventually there's something automated in youtube that i set up where it gets sent over there later in the day but that's that's that so i was i was it's funny
Starting point is 00:01:52 the two minutes went by fast i could i sat down here at 659 thinking i would start on time but i didn't so i appreciate you pointing out that i'm late guys Guys, that was – what a wild weekend. What a wild weekend. You know what was wild for me is the fact that CrossFit does a stream for the CrossFit semifinals. And for – I don't know how many hours the streams were in their totality let's say seven hours a day for three days i'm just making that up i have no idea i didn't even look but if it's seven hours a day for three days that's 21 hours and by far no second place
Starting point is 00:02:44 no third place no fifth place the most thing talked about in the chat is this podcast because of you guys so basically you guys do free advertising for this podcast on the crossfit games podcast for 21 hours almost not quite i almost wanted to cry a little bit in the shower this morning thinking about that not wanted to I almost did I was like just tripping I was kind of overwhelmed it's like what I also start then right from there I started thinking hey good morning good morning got on got on senior then I started thinking that um why why uh I wonder why CrossFit doesn't promote stuff in the chat. Like every three minutes do like a link to the affiliate map. They should do that, right?
Starting point is 00:03:34 Melissa Odie, that was the intent, Sebi. I know. It was crazy. You guys are amazing. I'm sure it was the intent. I'm so thankful, I guess is what I'm saying. Good morning, Robbie. Yeah, pre good morning robbie like yeah pre-cry yeah i pre-cry actually that might even be a little exaggerated because now that i think
Starting point is 00:03:52 about it that you say like i didn't feel the tear ducts turn on you know that feeling but i did feel uh whatever's pre pre-cry it was pre pre-cry cry I cry. Oh, it was weird. It's really cool. It's, it's, it's, um, you're supposed to, I'm supposed to say I'm humbled, but it's the opposite for me. I guess I'm broken or something. I'm, I'm proud.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Is that one of the sins? You're not supposed to have pride, right? But I am proud. I'm like, oh, this is so cool to be a part of this i don't even know how this happened um i'm putting on my toe spacers and i put them on i shouldn't show you guys this make someone throw up i hope all of you have uh i hope no one's eating this is my foot right here my toes and it's you would think they're supposed to go on one way, like this. Shit, I can't.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You would think they're supposed to go on like this. Right? But I think they actually go on like this. Anyway, I don't know what I'm trying to do. I don't know what I'm trying to do. Just trying to hurt my back You think that I clip that for Pornhub thanks Dick Butter
Starting point is 00:05:12 Oh that was on accident I But You know what This is kind of weird too but I feel this extra sense of accomplishment at the end of a show because i've worn these for two hours i feel like i'm multitasking and i'm kind of the king of multitasking my own little head so
Starting point is 00:05:36 the show's killing it you guys are awesome uh the representation all the photos people sent me phil kelly sent me all sorts of photos brian sent me all sorts of photos people sending me all sorts of photos of all the seven uh the ceo shirts um you guys meeting each other it was people spotting wad zombie in the crowd and taking pictures and sending them it was really cool it's a really good uh it's a really good feeling of like like accomplishment like kind of on accident too not kind of on accident but accident uh vittori vittorio vittorio uh you and the crew had a great coverage all weekend as usual. Thanks. Yeah. Oh, dude. And what about Tyler Watkins and Spin and Young?
Starting point is 00:06:30 I hope they don't hear this. But they're adorable. They're so fun. I swear it reminded me of being in elementary school and getting to go to school and see my friends. The fact that I got to come on here and see them. And then Grundler joined us. I was kind of sad that Tyler had to go. Not kind of sad, I was sad.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I really have fun with those guys. Shout out to the Sevanistas at Semis West. Chris B. Phillip. Kelly. Jeeze. Jeeze Louise. Gabe.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Wad Zombie. Natalia. Natalie. Marco Calderon. Yeah, dude. So many people. People sent me that group picture of all you guys. I need to post that on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And the fact that Colton, what Colton did for us. How fun, right? All impromptu. We got behind a horse and he took care of us. He gave it his all and uh and then came on the show yeah it's a good it's a good uh it's it's it's it's pretty darn giving it's it's a pretty darn giving um crew, to say the least. Where is John Young this morning? He killed it this weekend. Yeah, he was awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I don't know where he is. Great coverage. Best B team in the game. Yeah, it was nuts. It was nuts. Maybe the new A team. There was something in here. Someone already did Murph. Oh, Jeff. A 15-minute Murph with vest. Crazy. I've never done Murph with a vest um tuning in with uh in in from the jacuzzi that's cool
Starting point is 00:08:11 I am also going to Murph at um 8 8 30 this morning when the show's over but I will not be doing Murph I'll be I'm taking my boys to watch my wife do Murph. Oh, Seve. I don't even want to go do it. I'd rather hang out here with you guys, but my son said they want to go watch their mom, and I think that's pretty cool. Jake Chapman, been to the races with my kids today.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Their first TT, loved it. We climbed through the hedges and sat roadside with the riders doing 170 miles per hour. Crazy. So Jake's on the Isle of Man. Is Jake the one that has a handful of gyms on the Isle of Man? Guess who's coming to stay at my house tonight for like a week, I think. I think Hiller's coming.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It's not a trip. Yeah. Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. The, what you guys did in the chat. It makes me,
Starting point is 00:09:14 I do wonder, I wonder what other people think. I wonder what, I wonder what CrossFit thinks. I wonder about what the person, like they have some guy there, right. Who's obviously manning the chat.
Starting point is 00:09:23 And I wonder what that person thinks. They're probably like, holy shit. and you guys are so funny in there i took pictures of what i thought were funny funny comments and i wanted to do a montage of them for my instagram adam man i had a couple of long travel days this weekend got to introduce my wife to the podcast uh doing doing murph with her this afternoon that's cool adam that's super cool Adam Mann, I had a couple of long travel days this weekend. Got to introduce my wife to the Sevan podcast. Doing Murph with her this afternoon. That's cool, Adam. That's super cool.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Oh, okay. I don't own any gyms at Jake Chapman, but there are five on the island. Okay, five incredible gyms. Oh, that's cool. You like all of them. Yeah, Hiller's going to be at Broken Science. But he was in town for the street parking event, which I didn't make it over to, which is kind of a bummer. Not kind of a bummer.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It is a bummer. I wish I would have gone over there. I just didn't have any time. And then I think he told me today he's taking his wife, girlfriend, fiance, whatever he calls her, over to San Francisco airport to drop her off and then he's coming back and then uh i think he's gonna stay at my house for a few days which is kind of cool i better clean the sheets in the um oh i gotta tell my wife in the kids room i wonder if the phone's working this morning
Starting point is 00:10:38 i used to feel in more of a panic to get the show started faster. You think it's starting too slow these days? Like by now, I haven't played anything yet. Recent. Oh, phone number. You guys should all be so proud of yourselves too. We're a fucking force. It's a...
Starting point is 00:11:08 What a great thing. Oh, this is... Oh, I called myself. I called my wife. I asked Susan to see if he could come on this morning. He said he could come on at 745. I had this idea I wanted to share with you guys, and then I started telling him about it,
Starting point is 00:11:34 and he started saying it better than me. Let's see if my wife answers. I got to have... Hello, this is Kaylee. I gotta have I gotta have the I gotta pull the sheets off the kids bed so Hiller has a place to sleep that's clean oh that's right
Starting point is 00:12:02 that's right Christine oh are you there? God it would have been cool to see you again, too. That's right. He is doing Murph at 11 a.m. He told me that, too, at the ranch. And then he's headed up to the city. There he is. Is that Tyler? I don't know. That's a walk. Everyone reaching for their phones to match the tone.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Can you do that? Cornholio, up to 21,800 subscribers. Can you do that? impressions and what i think that is is you know when you go onto youtube it pops up shit in your algorithm of things that you they think you might be interested in or for whatever reason and previous stuff you've looked at well our impressions were like 400 more than normal meaning more people we were getting in front of more people's eyes than ever the opportunity to watch the show so So that's cool. I'm looking at this comment from YouTube. It says it's from Nick Palfrey. My God, that was an awesome last day. I don't know what was more somber giving an announcement.
Starting point is 00:13:20 The BBC News anchor informing the country the queen had died or Sean Woodland almost in tears telling the viewers telling the viewing viewing, um, telling the viewing masses that Danny Spiegel was missing the games. Was he sad about that? Did he express, um, was he heartbroken? I don't remember hearing that.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yes. Oh, I don't know if my man bun will be a BSI. That is a fucking good question. Yeah. Come on. You can sleep in the half pipe i will be at all the uh vip parties and such so you'll have to sleep outside until i come home and open the door and let you in but uh yeah uh kevin doyle in the the YouTube comments man where is it look at David's daughter this year compared to last year
Starting point is 00:14:10 serious comeback yeah you know what we didn't talk about I guess Fikowski's feet were hitting the ground and the toes to bar we didn't talk about that. At all. For whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:14:30 But I think we should have. I'm not okay with that. I'm not okay with it at all. Okay. Oh I did so many of these already and haven't erased them. Oh, wow. It's always weird when I choose something on Instagram to show you and it says it's not there anymore.
Starting point is 00:15:11 One more weekend. I was asking Mike Halpin this morning. I was on this thread with Mike Halpin and a bunch of other people. I think it was Mike Halpin said it. And I said, hey, I wonder what the schedule is for next week. And he said, just look at this week's schedule and add nine hours. And if that's the truth, that's going to be hard. That means I'm going to be up all night.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I did not enjoy how much I was up this weekend. I did not feel good yesterday. I felt a little dizzy. Eaton Beaver, Sevan, you doing Murph this morning? Kind of. Kind of. I'm going to watch my wife do Murph with the boys. How's that?
Starting point is 00:15:51 Is that, is that, is that close? Close enough? I saw something about Candace Owens is thinking about becoming Catholic. I was like, God, I don't even understand that stuff. I don't even know what that means. Oh, you guys want to start with something just awesome? I could have done this. I guess I could still do this. I'm young. I could have another life. So many of you guys sent me this guy. This must have just started populating the algorithm at Instagram because I got so many people sending me this. And I apologize when you guys send me stuff and I don't acknowledge it. I try to. Sometimes I copy the link and I paste it in a doc. And when I come back to my inbox, you're gone.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And then I can't remember who sent it to me. So I apologize. My inbox is about two months ago. I lost the battle in my inbox. I no longer answer answer all my dms even spending i spend three or four hours a day answering dms and i just i can't get to it but i want you to know i'm trying and it's it's unsettling to me that i can't get to them all in a weird way um not because i care but because maybe it's because i care okay here we go this guy um his name is troy hawk and he's greeting people uh at the entrance to the store called weight rose weight rose and partners i guess this is in the uk dick butter i love when the meme guy and t lander form an alliance in the chat it didn't go well for them oh yeah yeah there there were some funny comments
Starting point is 00:17:24 oh i want to tell you something i want to tell you something i don't know if i should tell you this should i tell you this when those guys act like they don't care they care it's fucking eating away at their souls that they that um it's eating away at them big time muy Muy, muy mas, mas, mas eating away at the soul. They do not like it when you guys say stuff to them like you eat corn dogs the long way. They fucking
Starting point is 00:17:54 hate that. Those guys, they hate that. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I thought you guys were nice too. I didn't think anyone was mean. It was just like a, you guys weren't stoning them, but they were getting – I don't know what the word is. What's crazy – they just can't stay away from the chat.
Starting point is 00:18:18 It's pretty funny to me. Like a moth to light uh make what's great again was the original crossfit troll well now he i guess it's come full circle yeah taylor's savage god i felt fucking almost fell out of my chair one or once or twice yeah the the when those guys when they were leaning into it in a weird way i could tell i was like oh this is eating away at uh they're not liking this tillander and um jonathan uh what's it woolly is it woosley or woolly let's just go with woolly it's easier yeah taylor was pounding that ass yeah but still not being rude right still
Starting point is 00:19:08 not being a dick still not like you know it wasn't like this is gracious ass pounding like like no fighting words, but just... Yeah. They got caught spitting in the gym and... Yeah. Anyway, here we go. This guy's awesome. Welcome to Waitress.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Big shop, little shop, cardboard box. Small trolley. Treat shopping. Welcome to Waitress, sir. I hope we can meet your demands. Thank you. So this guy doesn't work there. He's just saying hi to people as they come in. Like, hey, how you doing? Hello there. How are you? Shoulders back. Have a wonderful time in there. You're doing very well. he told that lady shoulders back that was crazy welcome to hs madam i hope we can meet all your demands hello yes not bad how are you and then this guy's tripping right the guy who works there
Starting point is 00:20:19 for some reason he's not he's i don't know he's he's bugging about it you're not too bad what you up to? Oh, I'm from a greeter's guild. I've been employed by a manager. Oh, he brought a manager and a suit over. Basically to enhance the customer experience. I'm surprised you haven't been told. We've not, let me ask the brand manager.
Starting point is 00:20:37 All right, fair enough. So, so she's like, basically like, who are you? He's saying I'm from a fucking greeter's guild. Then she's going to go get even call someone at even higher management because he's like i've been assigned to work there um it was arranged by a chap called yan mobile just if you drop his name all right thank you fancier for days madam take that to the site they're gonna love you flowers mints take that to the site it took me a while to get that but because she's wearing that yellow jacket like she works at a construction site oh good lord good lord you're a welcome addition to anywhere you have a wonderfully studious air if i could be permitted
Starting point is 00:21:14 to say that he said that that guy's smart you have a studious air air you have a studious air You have a studious air. Look, it looks like Paul Saladino, doesn't it? Paul Saladino works at that place, doesn't it? Look at him on the right. And they brought an Indian guy. Like, how is the Indian guy the enforcer? Look at the Indian guy's body language.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Like, he wants to tussle. Oh, no worries that's not a problem no that that's all right welcome to wait i hope we have everything that you need yes all good yes i'm i'm from a greeter's guild essentially i've been hired from head office i'm surprised imagine this in the united states of america so i remember when i was in college the panhandlers weren't allowed to stand within i don't know 40 feet of the isn't it crazy panhandlers aren't allowed to stand within 40 feet of the entrance of a building smokers aren't allowed to stand within 40 feet of the entrance of a building in california but you can sleep in the doorway and shoot fentanyl
Starting point is 00:22:25 in the doorway and the cops won't do anything that facts spitting facts what's fascinating what is the fascination with danny spiegel um uh What is the fascination with Danny Spiegel? And this guy is a famous guy from TikTok. Famous guy from TikTok? Is that what someone said in the comments? And he's being nice to people, and he's being told to leave. You can sleep in the doorway in California, but this guy's being nice to people.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Actually drawing business probably for these people. It's a great promo. Welcome to Whitechurch, man. Welcome to Whitechurch. He's still doing his shtick while he's being told to leave. Fucking crazy. We live in such an ass backwards world. But here's the deal. Here's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Crazy. We live in such an ass backwards world. But here's the deal. Here's what I was thinking. A little homework assignment I'm going to give myself today. I even give it to you guys too. Fuck it. You guys get a homework assignment too.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Here we go. Here's the homework assignment. Let's listen to this first. He talks about the art of giving compliments. I really like this. Here we go. I adore those trousers. You clearly do some form of yoga. Your posture is marvelous. Go on, smash it. I adore your posture. Those trousers are magnificent. Go on, smash it. Obviously you do yoga. He's like just complimenting the
Starting point is 00:23:56 fuck out of her. I don't know if you know this, but well-delivered compliments is like a drug for both the complimenter and the compliment team you see you give somebody a compliment that you mean right and they feel refreshed by your compliment and you feel good because you've made them feel good um but there is a secret to giving a good compliment uh it has to be honest it has to be bespoke and there has to be no motive behind it now if you can do all of that you can make yourself happy and you can make everyone else around you happy as well. Do you know why people don't do it? Because they're embarrassed and worried that they're deliberate. What does that mean? It has to be bespoken. Like you just have to say it. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Bespoken. What does that mean? The compliment won't be up to standard. So you might look at somebody, Connor, walking down the street. You might think that man has the most wonderful boater hat. And then, you know, another party will think, I should let him know. And then the other party will pop up and say, no, I'm just going to look at the floor and keep this to myself. Thank you for patronising the BBC, sir. I hope you enjoy your music.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Or podcast. Or audio book. Sir, you're a rainbow vision of ecstasy. Cycling ecstasy. You can't hear me, but trust me. Hopefully these words will vibrate into your brain through some form of osmosis.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah, I dig it. Okay, so here's the assignment. We've got to get someone to compliment today. A natural compliment. Ah, here. No, that's even too strong. Bespoke. Yeah, what does that mean? Like you said it i said it i said it it's like chris rock you got to say it bespoke oh unique fuck it don't make me look it up okay fine i'm looking it up bespoke does that mean you spoke it bespoke there was a store here in uh san francisco i went with uh greg one time
Starting point is 00:25:46 bespoke it's a bicycle store spoken bespoke he bought me a bike they're custom made a handcrafted bike a made for a particular customer user oh unique someone wrote that in there i didn't think oh unique thank you shit clive i guess i should read i should trust you unique okay bespoke a unique oh yeah and i said it was a bike store and it was a custom bike i had made there holy shit okay wow oh wow eaton beaver uh he's already like just uh checking off the list he's done with his homeless homework assignment. Okay, no one else can give me any compliments.
Starting point is 00:26:27 This is it. That one was the last one. Sevan, your ability to keep us engaged amongst all the noise in the world is phenomenal. My goodness. My goodness. Jordan Buhat. Buhat. Doesn't this guy look like the Indian version of Mario Lopez? Like if you went to India and you stayed in a hotel,
Starting point is 00:26:46 he'd be the guy telling you like what the movies are about. Doesn't he? He's all like charming and shit. It looks like he boxes on the side so he could fight a little. Stays in shape. Morning, Sevan. Let's go with that randomness. Are we talking about in the morning show?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Yes. Always randomness. I hate the word bespoke. Americans started using it to feel fancy it drives me nuts oh i've never i've never heard anyone come from anyone's lips like that i did i didn't work it took me a second give me a second i can't read all the comments i can't even i can't even read how one tenth of the comments you gotta bear with me some someone some of you have cracked the code on how to get my attention like either i don't know using my name or your profile pictures or something
Starting point is 00:27:39 um but some of you crack crack the code on it. Yeah, we got to do that. I enjoy doing that. I appreciate that art. My sister's a master at that shit. I saw on Instagram a clip of Mike Wallace. Probably a lot of you don't know who Mike Wallace is, but he used to work over at 60 Minutes.
Starting point is 00:28:08 He was even an old guy when I was i mean he's dead now his son's a uh journalist a journalist what the fuck does that mean i should look up the definition of that word and rework that word scumbag uh isn't it funny that people there's things that i just have no respect for. I need more. Like just to tell me you're a doctor or a journalist is a ding. Even though I like a lot of doctors and they're important, I don't know if I like any journalists. That word is just complete garbage. Chris Wallace. Yeah, that's his son, Chris Wallace.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Thank you. Oh, you think he's on Death's Door? You think he's that old too? Anyway, Mike Wallace did an interview with Margaret Sanger. And if for any reason you're like me and you're still pro-choice, or if you're black, or if you're black or Jewish or pro-choice, you have to see this interview. It's so clear.
Starting point is 00:29:01 It's so fucking clear. Or Indian, or anything other than fucking German or Finnish. It's so clear what the goal was for, it has nothing to do with women's rights. It has nothing to do with women's health. It has nothing to do with, I mean, it's obvious if you just think for five fucking seconds about what it means to
Starting point is 00:29:23 take a baby out of a woman's stomach and kill it. But you got to see that fucking interview. That abortion thing was made. Imagine something being made to kill Jews and black kids. And it's still okay today. And it's the darling of the left. Now, maybe they were wrong. Maybe someone made something to do something really bad
Starting point is 00:29:47 and it was good. I'm open to that. We made this thing to kill Jew kids and black kids, but it actually is good. But at least know the origins of that shit. Everyone should know the origins of that shit. I'm not saying that that's a definitive nail in the coffin for it, but boy, oh boy i'll eventually i'll find that i'll get a good clip of that interview and play it on one of the shows it's a it's nuts it is nuts that's not even that long ago that they were
Starting point is 00:30:17 saying that shit on national tv okay here we go any Any of the sugars, right? The pro-inflammatory foods. So white rice. Anytime you have a box food that you need to read a label and there's more than like four ingredients, don't bother, right? Is cereal a no-go? I mean, there's a whole bad history there when it comes to cereal. So we won't get into that.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Tell that story real quick in 90 seconds. You correct me where I'm wrong here, okay? What people don't know about cereal is Mr. Kellogg wanted kids to stop masturbating, and so he created a product that would lower their desire to masturbate by lowering their testosterone, which became Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Am I correct? That is correct, yep. Nothing's changed.
Starting point is 00:31:03 This has been going on forever. I mean, you guys aren't gonna like this that's the origins of circumcision too by the way not to not to lower your testosterone but to desensitize the penis so kids won't masturbate and that is the or the origins of serial kellogg's was to um the cereal was supposed to lower kids testosterone so they didn't masturbate that was by the way some great advice because it is very hard for some people not to eat any processed shit i fully get it like i i eat bars that are i eat bars and not a lot but i have all that shit in my house and but but if you are gonna eat processed shit don't eat shit that has more
Starting point is 00:31:41 than four ingredients i mean everything's processed right? Even like the meat you buy, unless you kill the cow yourself. Well, then you still have to process it. I guess even the apple on my tree, even unless I were to bite it while it was hanging on the tree, the first part of the process would be to pluck it from the tree. But you want to have as minimal processing as possible. So that's good advice. More than four items on the ingredients on the box,
Starting point is 00:32:11 don't even bother. But cereal, man. It's weird. I didn't even know anyone still ate cereal. But I guess they have a whole aisle of it at the store. I'll never forget a couple years ago, Avi's eight. The first time he saw cereal,
Starting point is 00:32:27 I think he was six. And he was tripping. He's like, you just pour food out of a box? He couldn't even believe it. Dick Butter going swimming upstream. I'm circumcised, eat cornflakes, and jerk at least once a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:45 You need hormone blockers, Dick. That's the current cornflakes and circumcision. Yon Clark. I know this is a fascinating story. I got circumcised at 36 years old, and I want to yank it all day. That's awesome. Sevan, are you red pill i am um the only pills i take are um the enormous amounts of uh
Starting point is 00:33:13 um desecrated desecrate not desecrated dead what's the fucking word when dehydrated meat pills that like liver king and paul saladino make desecrated it's not desecrated defecated not dedicated what's the word david david says jerk it once a day keeps the doctor away. Sebon, please don't believe that tripe about it lowering testosterone. It stopped them wanking by loading up their bedsheets and therefore making
Starting point is 00:33:54 it allowed when they moved. It stopped them wanking. Desiccated. Thank you. Desiccated. Dehydrated. Desiccated. Why can't I just say dehydrated, Kenneth? Why do I have to say desiccated thank you desiccated dehydrated desiccated why can't i just say dehydrated kenneth why do i have to say desiccated all right and you can look up that that kellogg shit is everywhere everyone knows that about kellogg's that guy was a that was part of his uh i don't know if the word is religious fanaticism but that that was his he was a doctor that was the that was the order so i do i like the idea of putting in the bed sheets and here move around you guys heard me talk about this i don't know if i played this clip yet um but this is this is a this is a a travesty you know it's the irony of this is i was sitting
Starting point is 00:34:54 on my couch holding my phone in my hand watching this clip right here and my kid came over and within two seconds he's, I've never seen that transformer. I was like, oh, man. I mean the manosphere type stuff. Have you seen the Red Pill content creators at all? I think your show would play well in that space. I don't know that. I don't know that.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I don't know that. Okay, here we go. On to another depressing story. This clip caught our eye i first got it from rachel yesterday uh and it was look at this dude's hair when he turns to the side look how much hair he has in the back you ever seen a car that's like designed like that where it's like the back looks like it should be the front look at how much hair this guy has in the in the back it's made its way around like it should be the front. Look at how much hair this guy has in the back. It's made its way around. You know the cartoon Transformers? The movie Transformers? Like robots that are, what are they, semi-trucks
Starting point is 00:35:51 and then they turn into superheroes? Well, this is the type of program, by the way, that you would have on Netflix kids, right? Where you put in all the content filters so that your kids can only watch stuff that's age appropriate. That right there is a non-binary robot. Elon made a good comment on this.
Starting point is 00:36:11 This is precisely that type of cartoon. It's Transformers Earthspark, season one, episode 17. It's just now coming out. It was on March of 2023. They're not talking about saving the day. They're talking about something else. Watch. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I like your pins. I am Nightshade. My pronouns are they them. Holy shit. The robot just told someone what its pronouns are. the robot just told someone what, what its pronouns are. Well,
Starting point is 00:36:51 Elon said they're, they're, they're robots. They're all binary, literally, but you're right. You're right. How,
Starting point is 00:36:59 how do they even, you're right. How do they like, how, how they don't even fuck. You're right. Like they don't even. Thanks. I'm Sam. right how do they like how they don't even fuck you're right like they don't even thanks i'm sam i'm she they on to another depressing story it's fucking nuts dude why would i want to explain that to my child not not for any like moral or ethical reasons i don't
Starting point is 00:37:24 want to i just don't want to i don't want to i just don't want to i don't want to confuse my kid and take them one fucking step further away from fucking the pursuit of honesty truth and reality what's a they them someone who's in who has a mental illness who's in denial of fucking what's in has a mental illness who's in denial of fucking what's in their pants someone who feigns kindness but is really fucking adds to
Starting point is 00:37:54 the confusion of the world and is a mean person I don't know what the fuck a they them is anyway I'm not I want my kids to have a firm grasp on reality before I start fucking adding but Sevan what about Santa Claus yeah that story is made up
Starting point is 00:38:15 and at the end you tell them it's fucking fake that's the part same with the tooth fairy same with the stork brought at you it's a placeholder before you let them know that I put my penis in your mom and ejaculated seeds into her
Starting point is 00:38:37 it's a placeholder you don't expect them to believe that their whole fucking life and walk around with that delusion yeah bro You don't expect them to believe that their whole fucking life and walk around with that delusion. Yeah, bro, bro, don't ruin my show. Sometimes I think this, Logan. I'm like, fuck, that's the end of my show. Logan, Mar, Sevan, do you ever think we should completely ignore this shit and focus on a five-mile radius?
Starting point is 00:39:02 I know. I tell you, the other day my wife was like, fuck, we were so fucking lucky. We have it so fucking good. Our kids don't, we don't see any of this even though it's everywhere around us. I mean, I live in the hive, but we still don't see any of it, but we hear about other parents who send their kids to like all the indoctrination camps talking about it. Yeah, it's great. You're right. The thing is, is my neighbor, when I talk to my neighbor about this stuff, he doesn't even know.
Starting point is 00:39:31 He doesn't even know. He's completely unaware that fucking 20 CVS is closed in San Francisco, even though it's just like 50 miles up the road from us, 70 miles up the road. Completely unaware of the fucking chaos in the streets. So I guess I kind of justified doing this show, Logan, by letting people know that there's other people who know what's going on. It's amazing how many people still don't know. I guess this is maybe like a refuge for them, but you're right. You're right. Better to do both. better to do both better to do both like talk about it and also um ignore it uh jake chapman so made up stories about
Starting point is 00:40:19 supernatural beings are there to settle the fragile human mind got it no that's not what i'm saying Supernatural beings are there to settle the fragile human mind. Got it. No, that's not what I'm saying. Maybe if you're proposing that the Santa Claus story is a bad one for kids, maybe you're right. I've never given it that much thought. But from the little thought I have given it, I think it's fun. I think it's fun. My kids don't do Santa so much.
Starting point is 00:40:56 They're probably confused about the holidays anyway because we do a thing with the menorah. I forget what that one's called. Hanukkah. Is that Hanukkah? We do the thing with the menorah and we do Christmas and we do the tree. And we do Santa. We do all the shit. menorah and we do Christmas and we do the tree. So they're probably, and we do Santa. We do it all. All the shit is Jacqueline Robinson.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Thank you for the video. By the way, I saw the video you made. That was cool. Uh, so sad. You couldn't make it out to fitness freedom. You were missed, but thanks for all the semifinals coverage and hard work live podcast from the
Starting point is 00:41:18 ranch next year. Oh, you know, the problem is, is the ranch has, the ranch has no wifi, but that would be fucking cool. You know, the problem is the ranch has no Wi-Fi. But that would be fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I'd have to plant that seed somehow into Miranda's head so it's like she offers it but I don't have to ask for it. But I asked for it. Can I do it? I don't know if she wants. Listen, she's trying to run there's probably people over there at street parking who fucking hate my guts right people like who are confused
Starting point is 00:41:50 there's because there's misogynists everywhere who hate the female form and I love the female form and I for example and she's trying to run a business.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And I think one of the cornerstones of this show is just loving the human body, human form. So I don't know if I fit in over there. I mean, to walk around there and say hi is cool and get a workout in. Maybe get something free, eat something. I like, I don't know. That's good.
Starting point is 00:42:32 It's interesting. I want to fuck her shit up. Oh, wait, Jake Chapman. We're having a conversation. Okay, here we go. They serve a very good role, just like the Tooth Fairy and the gods. Are we, am I, now now i think i thought we were fighting and now we're getting along now we're on the same page i'm so confused one more jake
Starting point is 00:42:52 throw me one more bone i'm slow uh turntable street parking is like 70 to 80 percent women would be would be people bitching about you and and they're based in the north i don't i don't know where they're most of their people are but they're based in the north i don't i don't know where they're most of their people are but they're based in the northwest very fucking closed-minded people up there i mean like like nuts like oh okay perfect you want me to show you this is this might be the um this is like i'm sure this is within i bet you this was within 100 miles there's stuff like this happening i bet you within 100 miles of the street parking world headquarters. This isn't a dig at street parking, by the way.
Starting point is 00:43:28 They're smart for being up there. I think she's in a cool town. But this is what's going on up here. Listen to this. I'm about to show you someone who is – many of you would think should be executed. I know that's crazy to say, but I suspect it's true. Many of you will think that the person I'm about to show you should be executed. And instead, they're part of a group that we give taxpayer dollars to to take care of our communities.
Starting point is 00:43:55 So brace yourself. Here we go. In Seattle, their homeless task force nominated a guy named Thomas Whitaker. Homeless task force. There's a homeless task force. Who goes by Raven Crowfoot to join the board. Raven is one of the strongest shatters Frontime has ever seen. He's homeless, gay, an American Indian. There's just one problem. Thomas Whitaker, Raven Crowfoot is a sex offender, a repeat sex offender and i have had bad experience with him so i don't touch you up because we can't disclose people's personal business here right and although that's public disclosure like we have no right to out anybody in this space okay okay i thought so this So this is a meeting where a guy who has raped a 13-year-old girl is being nominated for a position to manage hundreds of millions of dollars to help homeless people.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And someone brought up that he's raped a 13 year old girl and they're being defended by the way my my um i think my my mom and my sister and maybe my wife and i know fucking 20 people who all belong to street parking they love it i don't know if i'm supposed to say this but my mom says it's the best uh it's the best shit ever and then they're as she said they're apps out of this world like completely out of this world which is crazy for someone to say about a fitness app you don't hear that very often my mom said the app street parking app is just brilliant my mom loves that shit my mom's the kind of person who like when she buys a tv set she'll read the fucking instructions on how to
Starting point is 00:45:40 use the remote uh mom what did you do today i get like i call her up at six o'clock in the evening um i just you know uh hung out around the house did some yard work and read the uh instructions on how to use the remote for my tv like oh so and she loves street parking to death a boss loves it too it's odd that boss and tdc promote them i i think it's odd too but i don't know why explain that to me why do you think it's odd too, but I don't know why. Explain that to me. Why do you think it's odd? Because they're like, I guess they're trying to be like not competitors. I think of, to be honest with you, I think of street parking and CrossFit as both just like church, different churches, but both Christian. So like on the outside, like one's Catholic and one's, I don't know what the other one, Episcopalian.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And like, so for people who are in there, they're like, well, you can't talk to God. Well, we can talk to God. And like the nuances are so Jesus died over on this day. No, Jesus died on this day. But from us, from the outside, we're just like, yeah, you're the same thing. But street parking has a better app. Street parking has an app. CrossFit doesn't even have an app.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Anyway, let's go back to this child rapist like that's just not okay at all and i won't stand for that as a co-chair we're not here to discover people's backgrounds and actually i'm glad that if that is the case that he's here because sex offenders are another population that is most vulnerable that don't have housing so sex offenders are a vulnerable population that don't have housing. So sex offenders are a vulnerable population that don't have housing. By the way, I think my wife teaches CrossFit out of our garage. I don't know if I'm allowed to say that.
Starting point is 00:47:14 My wife teaches functional fitness out of our garage. For those of you who don't know, my wife was Greg's personal assistant for nine years. And I think she steals a lot of the street parking workouts. My wife absolutely loves their workouts. Bad analogy. But the thing is, in that case, it's not only an analogy, but it's a reality for me. That's how I think of street parking and CrossFit for me that's how i think of street parking and crossfit and that's how i think of the churches maybe it's bad but it's how i think of it
Starting point is 00:47:52 as opposed to just if it was just a bad analogy okay here we go back to our rapist here sex offenders shatter now this lady's telling the board that Raven Crowfoot is a rapist and they're happy about that. They manage $250 million of mostly taxpayer money. Is Raven qualified for that job? Well, let's look at his resume. In 2010, he was convicted of raping a 13-year-old. In 2012, he was charged with raping a 15-year-old. And then in 2018, cops found him living in a tent with a minor.
Starting point is 00:48:24 The guy should be in prison not running seattle's homeless task force oh and he even molested the board member who called him out watch he had he she has touched me so there's a meeting where he's at you need to take this to the police then christina i have i have this is not the forum christ Christy, stop. As the co-chair, I'm telling you that you cannot talk like that in this meeting. I will not have that here. If anyone wants to talk like that,
Starting point is 00:48:56 you will be muted and removed from this meeting, board member or public or not. This is about equity. And everyone, everyone deserves housing. I don't care if they're a sex offender. I don't care if they're
Starting point is 00:49:11 black. I don't care if they're indigenous. I don't care if they're a criminal. She compared black people to sex offenders? Why did she do that? That's not nice. I don't care if they're coming out of jail, prison. Why did she do that? That's not nice. Hey, I have to ask you guys. Democrat or Republican?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Are any of these people Republican? Are any of these people conservative? By the way, this is the Pacific Northwest. This isn't an isolated thing. This isn't like a rare thing. This is normal. This is what's happening in that corner of the country up there. Kenya Clark, thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:51 God, I was getting confused for a second. I'm a black dude, but I don't touch kids. It's fucking nuts. I don't even know if this lady's black, by the way. Is she black? Deserves housing. And by the the way i don't know if that's a lady there's a lot of things i don't know but this is fucking everyone's equal everyone shatters nothing you do is wrong nothing convicted child rapist violent criminal wanted terrorists we don't discriminate here we all deserve free stuff and it was a normal day in seattle that's the uh seattle is seattle
Starting point is 00:50:28 the capital of washington it's the capital of washington state i used to know that stuff boy boy that's a dude okay so um uh that that was brought up originally by we were talking about whether oh yeah yeah so i don't like that stuff and so i so therefore i may not be welcome at a lot of places you know i'm not i don't think that um i'm not i'm not tolerant of uh uh someone who's charged for raping a 13-year-old. No tolerance, actually. It is a – I lack compassion and empathy in that category. I'm for the Republican Party right now for sure, even though both parties don't seem to have an economic plan.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Sure, even though both parties don't seem to have an economic plan. Yeah. Please don't take it as I'm suggesting that the Republicans are, as a whole, are innocent of everything. I'm just saying that there is a – there becomes a point when, if you're a Democrat, you just can't be one anymore. Like how is it that people i love are because because i think what i just showed you isn't an outlier i think it's indicative of that party with the direction it's going and i and i think it's a manifestation of their ideology it all it starts with just a little bit right just a little bit just a little bit of racism is okay just a little bit just to even the playing field just a little bit of sexism is okay just to even the playing field we'll just
Starting point is 00:52:15 give a couple extra contract and fucking spirals into this as opposed to hey uh why don't we just treat everyone uh as well as we can why don't we just treat everyone as well as we can? Why don't we treat everyone the same? Yeah, this is – Democratic Party pretends this woke shit is good or that it doesn't matter. Yeah, that's a fucking – I would put a question mark after that. I don't know. Here's what I think. The Democrats I know put their – they're in denial of this because they don't report any of this shit on CNN.
Starting point is 00:52:46 This is never reported in their press. They don't even know, the mainstream Democrats don't even know that Joe Biden has lost his shit. They think that that's just propaganda from the right. They think he's still able-bodied. the right. They think he's still able-bodied. Not everyone, Sevan, castrate the sex offenders. And you're a Democrat? That's from a Democrat?
Starting point is 00:53:13 Okay. Fair. Matt Burns, the Republicans are not the solution to all our problems, but the Democrats are the cause of the problems. I like that. I'll start there. I don't know if that's true but i'll start there fanduel casinos exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio,
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Starting point is 00:54:43 Your tax dollars. your tax dollars. And that's why, that's why, but we have to, we have to stop hating on the rich. We have to stop hating on the rich. We have to stop demanding that they pay more taxes.
Starting point is 00:55:05 I wonder if it is. Oh shit. I wonder if, uh, God, there's this topic I want to it is. Oh, shit. I wonder if, God, there's this topic I want to bring up with you guys. I thought Sousa was going to come on at 745. I wonder if he's coming on. Let me call him really quick. It was an observation. I'll tell you the whole story story even though it's a little embarrassing
Starting point is 00:55:27 let's see if I can find let's see if Sousa's coming on for those of you who don't know Sousa's the executive producer of the show he makes everything happen the schedule schedule the sponsors son of a bitch i didn't even get a ring come on dude come on how about a ring oh how about a ring
Starting point is 00:55:57 that's how i call um when i call brian i don't normally have to do that to suza that's how I call when I call Brian. I don't normally have to do that to Susan. That's how I call Brian friend Guy who does the preview shows here and Hiller Hiller fit because they have their phones like on Like private or something so I always call them in ten pairs So I'm reading all the fucking not all the comments but i'm sitting there during the weekend watching the chat right and so when when the ass heats are going i really get into the chat and i'm watching the hat and the chat and i'm seeing all the one-liners this is on the crossfit uh youtube channel crossfit games youtube channel and i'm like wow this is fucking hilarious and then all the love you guys are giving and it's just i'm so proud and i'm just like wow this is fucking incredible the
Starting point is 00:56:47 podcast is really a fucking powerhouse here and um as i'm reading and then finally i see one person say something like sevan's a creep and then i see um what did someone say um someone said the the channel will never grow um if because of the way seven is and it's just so minor it's like one percent of one percent one percent of the comments but it goes in and it starts to fester a little bit i'm like well that's not even true and i start responding i start responding to it in my head and then i come on the show and i say and and i and i get on my high horse and i'm like we have so many fucking sponsors and we're killing it and I'm happy with the growth.
Starting point is 00:57:26 And it's all true. But what I'm doing is idiocy. I'm responding to one fucking negative comment that I don't even know its fucking origin, where it fucking came from, what the guy's motives are. I gave it energy. And it reminded me of when i used to be um i i used
Starting point is 00:57:47 to vote democrat and i would watch the state of the union addresses and i would see fucking obama give a speech or clinton give a speech and they were always after the state of the unions i was george bush senior and junior i would always um feel like oh fuck the country's in trouble every time after the state of the union i oh, fuck, the country's in trouble. Every time after the State of the Union, I'd be like, man, the country's in trouble. It was never like, and then I heard Trump give one. And I was like, holy shit. And people are like, he's lying, he's lying. But after his speeches, I was like, fuck, we're kicking ass.
Starting point is 00:58:23 We're a bunch of badasses. I want to go out and take over the world today. I was so fucking upbeat, even though I didn't vote for him. Couldn't stand him. Every time he gave a State of the Union, I was like, this fucking is cool. This is great. I want to be a part of this team. And every time it was Bill Clinton or Obama was like, we have a problem with AIDS and we're sending millions of dollars to Africa. And I'm like, wait, I'd rather hear about jobs are skyrocketing in Ohio. We're manufacturing is out of control. We're bringing it back home. Like that's what I wanted to hear. home like that that's what i wanted to hear i didn't want to hear bill clinton being like we're we have the greatest needle exchange program the world's ever seen what shut the fuck up like that didn't i don't i'm not proud i'm not i'm not feeling good about that
Starting point is 00:59:20 we've launched a homeless park in Seattle that can house 3 million homeless people we are a country of innovation what? no, I want to hear about Tesla has passed, thanks to our fantastic ability to support corporations
Starting point is 00:59:37 Tesla is now the largest manufacturer of rocket engines on the planet and there are more new jobs in California than anywhere on planet earth that pay over $150,000 a year. That's what I want to hear. I was listening to all the CrossFit messaging on the ads, and I started listening to – I listened to Don Falls' press conference, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. CrossFit is up on its heels. the quietest voice the minority voice in cross in in the world that that don and adrian and and some of that messaging those commercials that i heard during are responding to instead of like fuck you we got the cure to the world's most vexing problem and that test over there the
Starting point is 01:00:39 crossfit games undeniably crowns the fittest human being who's ever walked planet earth. It's well, there's a defensiveness. There's like a, we don't have a big team. We need to make it more accessible to other people. Instead of the greatest fucking military that's ever walked planet Earth uses CrossFit to keep its soldiers in shape. There's not a – it's weak. The messaging is weak. It's the same as the messaging that those presidents gave.
Starting point is 01:01:21 It's weak. There's like a fear component. There's a justification component. Fuck those quiet voice. Fuck's weak. There's like a fear component. There's a justification component. Fuck those quiet voice. Fuck those guys. We know. Are you guys feeling me on this? You guys see this?
Starting point is 01:01:34 If you go back and watch those commercials, those CrossFit commercials. If you watch the press conference. There's a subtle hint of like, we know a lot of people think it's dangerous, but maybe you should come try it. Fuck that. That's like me addressing the fucking one guy who says the station will never grow. What the fuck do I care? Why would I talk?
Starting point is 01:02:10 You guys are out there being so fucking strong. The affiliates out there are being so fucking strong. Why message them about any weak shit? It's not even real. It's the boogeyman. It's fake. That's probably one guy that I probably fired him when he worked at CrossFit and he's mad at me
Starting point is 01:02:34 people who hate CrossFit and say it's dangerous I know what happened your wife went to the fucking gym and she left you and fucked some other guy I'm sorry that doesn't mean the methodology is bad I get it. God, you were very active in the comments today. I don't know I agree with your sentiment,
Starting point is 01:03:01 but I do think CrossFit never reflects. Glassman, initial methodology is still taken at face value as the absolute truth. There's no reason for ankle grabbing most of the time. No. It is a waste of energy to focus on anything other than just the tremendous support, uh, the podcast community gave itself and to me and to each other at the, at the venue, on the internet, on the show. Um, and there's no, and there's no nothing, uh, that the CrossFit Games should be messaging other than the affiliates are fucking amazing. And they're so powerful and they're doing fucking God's work.
Starting point is 01:03:46 That's it. That's it. They don't have to justify the pirouettes. Adrian doesn't need to talk about the programming. I'm just saying in that venue, it should just be fucking – it should be like a military parade. We came, we saw, we conquered, we kicked ass. We're fucking the best there is. We don't have to be better than you, but are the best that is is it yeah there you go olivia and and
Starting point is 01:04:13 and i was sharing this with susan he summed it up like in two lines made me feel like a dipshit but that's why i wanted him here he said some good shit a focus on the power of crossfit not uh catering to the noise yeah it's so little it's so it's so it's so it's so irrelevant it's so it's so irrelevant yeah I'm that was really that was really enlightening for me that's why I don't know if you guys saw but the show last night
Starting point is 01:04:58 when I started it telling that origin story about Greg and about how he didn't have a car living in a one-bedroom house with his son and his wife, and he would ride his bike to that rich guy's house to train, and the guy would, every day, wouldn't come downstairs, and instead of Greg complaining, he wrote journal articles. That was inspired by that.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I had all those thoughts i was like why why why why am i acknowledging the the the haters at all when it's just absurd they don't even know they don't even know there's like there's an insult if the insult has a presupposition then um i have to unfuck their presupposition and then address it. It's – yeah, it's ridiculous. Bernie Gannon. Is that a New York Yankees hat and then a New York bridge behind him? Insecurity is not part of the CrossFit ethos.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Mindset is integrated into methodology as with the country. This is what happens when the current leaders think they are superior to the founding fathers. That's an amazing Greg story. Yeah, and you know what's crazy is I live in this hood where it all happened to. The coffee shop that he used to go to and where he also wrote the majority of the vast majority of the journal articles just down the street. Which I stopped going to because it's covered in BLM shit and pronoun shit and every other social justice shit. Wad Zombie, I'm liking what we heard about Nicole Carroll trying to improve the affiliates. I didn't hear any of that.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Was that in the press conference? I didn't hear that. I thought I was listening pretty intently. didn't hear that i thought i was listening pretty intently seven during the press conference last couple weekends do you feel like the crowd didn't want to ask the tough questions no i didn't think that you know what i think kenneth i think that there is a i think there's a place to ask questions and not a place to ask questions like certain kinds of questions um right so like I'm curious about uh Don Falls kids and does he homeschool and
Starting point is 01:07:34 how much time does he get to spend with them just from father to father but that's not an appropriate place to ask right so I'm just like I'm just like um and an affiliate might be one time i'll give you this example one time we were at a um we were at an affiliate event in new zealand and there were like 500 people in the room and someone raised their hand i don't know if this is a good example someone raised their hand and asked Greg, why isn't the prize money more for the masters athletes? And like, I just, I don't, I don't think that that was an appropriate, I just think that that's just, I don't know. I don't know. I don't think people are afraid. I think it's,
Starting point is 01:08:23 I think it's more that people don't know what they want to ask. I do think that every time I hear Don speak, I feel like I'm in a board meeting. Not that I've ever been in that many board meetings, but it doesn't feel... I mean, we were so spoiled by Greg. I mean, he just fucking, it's crazy. You know, even the people who don't like him had to have been spoiled by the fact that you could just fucking go at it with him in public, that he's willing to just stand toe to toe and have it out with you. There's a level of respect that that brings to both people and to the company that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Man, that 10-year affiliate gathering in Whistler, even though I think that was the stupidest place in the world we could have ever had it, man, Greg got up in front of all the 10-year affiliates and just fucking let them fire questions at him. It was nuts. Yeah, Don's in a tough position. There's no way he could know
Starting point is 01:09:27 the stuff that Greg knows. Not yet. He'd probably... He'd have to live with Greg for I don't know, five or ten years. Think of how... I don't know if this is going to resonate, but think of how much more powerful Jesus was as a spreader of the word of God that he could touch people and heal them or change water to wine.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Did he do that? Or was it wine to water? Whatever. As opposed to someone who couldn't do that. And some of you may think that this is blasphemous, but that's what it's like. You have the, Greg, when you talk to Greg, it's like you're talking to CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:10:19 like CrossFit is a sentient being. Water to wine. Go on. Thank you. a sentient being water to wine go on thank you turntable i'm off to the park with the kids rare day where my wife and i are both off work awesome that stokes me i get to experience what it's like to be seven for a day wish i could keep listening on fire today thanks dude means a lot to me because i know you uh will throw stones at the at the house sometimes. Thank you. Have fun.
Starting point is 01:10:47 It's cool going to the park with your wife. I'm going to go to CrossFit Aptos here in a minute and watch my wife do Murph. I think I am. I wonder. The kids are supposed to do striking for an hour and a half at the house today. And she was trying to get that switched to a different time. Vindicate. Greg didn't give a shit what you thought
Starting point is 01:11:15 is the answer. He was going to give you the real answer and you could deal with it. It was a huge piece of that, right? Hey. Hi. Hey. Hi.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Did the striking and kicking get rescheduled? She said she can't do it later today. And I asked if she had another morning this week, but she hasn't heard. She didn't respond to that yet. But did you cancel it? Am i going with you to murph oh well is it okay to cancel if she can't do another morning yeah yeah yeah we're gonna go yeah we're gonna go with you regardless you should tell her that yeah okay all right okay okay i love you when are we leaving i love you um well i should leave here by 8 40 are we going together yeah let's go
Starting point is 01:12:06 together okay and i'll load the tennis stuff in the car and we could go to breakfast and play tennis after okay sounds good okay bye thank you okay bye all right well there's my morning i'm not doing i'm not doing uh uh matt Burns, what hero are you doing, Seve? Don't be a pussy. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll do something. I'll do something. I'll do something. Seve, Melissa.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Seve, what do you think Don has done for CrossFit? What makes him better than Rose in terms of vision? I think the staff like Don more. I would go as far as to say I know that. Like a lot more. Like not just a little more, like a lot more. This is is gonna be so fucking harsh but when rosa worked there it was like being left it was like if your parents hired a retarded babysitter
Starting point is 01:13:32 imagine being six and your parents hired a retarded babysitter a boy you'd be like what the fuck that's what it was like working there. I bet you when Rosa was there. It was fucked up. Now people like Don. He's not retarded. But he's... He surely hasn't come to what I believe is the conclusion of the way CrossFit needs to be run, but he's capable of it. But he hasn't figured it out yet.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Maybe he's still in denial. Maybe it's because he spent 10 years in tech. But he knows. Don't forget, he was marine recon he knows seven how much of the red flag is it that crossfit could not stream all the semi-final events are tough times coming no they're not coming they're here it's it's bad it's really bad but not worse than and not not worse than anywhere else and that's kind of what he was saying in the meeting too right he's saying like hey dude it's fucked up fucking everywhere um it's just the fact when do you when do you pivot like it's like still it's it's like what we just saw what's
Starting point is 01:15:01 happening in seattle when do you stop voting Democrat? Your tax money is being controlled by people who are convicted child rapists. Is that enough for you? I don't know. So the thing will be Don at one point will have to be like, okay, am I going to save this company or am I going to appeal to the board? That's what I think he'll end up being facing up against. And so at some point he's going to have to be like fuck we're going to have to fucking change the image of this company like at some point you have to if you want to open up commerce you have to get a big tractor and drive it down the street and scoop up all the homeless people some of them are going to
Starting point is 01:15:37 get run over by the wheel some are going to get killed you're going to accidentally pick up a grandma that was there handing out food like some bad shit's going to happen but eventually you're going to have to do that or the whole thing's just going to burn to the ground and so don has to figure out does he let this thing burn to the ground and leave the shit in worst spot when he got it or does he just take a tractor and come down the street and clean out all the shit and some good people are going to get killed along the way but it's just what it is what it is i mean that we're getting to that place in society and i think that the uh i think that uh that crossfit inc is the same way what's interesting though is that you know that contract that they have over at fort stewart i mean that's um that's i mean dude Dude.
Starting point is 01:16:30 He really needs to triple down on appealing to the base. Quadruple down. This isn't a dig at the adaptive class, but if you have to choose between adaptive and the popo, you choose the popo. And, yeah, it's – yeah, I don't think it's a sign of CrossFit per se. I think it's just a sign of the state of the world. I don't know. What do you think? I'd be curious what you think too.
Starting point is 01:17:04 No justification to pay $300,000. What do you mean? Well, the rest – what do you mean? Pay him $300,000. What do you mean? Well, the rest of it. What do you mean? Pay him $300,000? I hope he's making more than $300,000 a year. I did see Mayhem's advertisement. Someone showed it to me.
Starting point is 01:17:15 It came in the mail. The mailer of selling programming. Yeah, that's awesome. David Weed. So he's likable but didn't do shit I mean I can't say that I can say he's likable I don't know what he's done
Starting point is 01:17:35 um um he hired someone he has an HR lady over there that um is a very, very, very, very scary creature. And it looks like that's totally in the wrong direction. You can watch a video of her when she worked at – I forget where she worked. Not Facebook.
Starting point is 01:18:00 She worked at Facebook, and then she switched to another company. And it's a 30-minute interview, and it is some scary shit. CrossFit will not succeed if they go down that route at all. There is no win there. I was thinking about this, too, the other day. It's crazy working for a company like CrossFit. It's kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work for a company where the owner is like Greg, just tells the truth for a living. I didn't realize how – most people will never get that opportunity,
Starting point is 01:18:39 and I had that opportunity, and I took it for granted at the time. But now in hindsight, it's just a trip. It was so fucking refreshing he didn't care about you know the thing with the trannies too if i recall when he's on next time i'll have him someone said oh don't forget greg went woke. And he said he didn't care about if men competed in the women's division. Well, two things. And I'll ask him this. Don't take my word as this as the gospel. But as I recall, he did say that. But the reason why was because he didn't give a fuck about the games in that regard. And he wanted to see it go to the Supreme Court. He kind of wanted to watch it. he wanted a front row seat of it reaching ahead right so he was like fuck let's just do this
Starting point is 01:19:30 let's do this in my house let's see what happens in my house you're not gonna like my answer to this i don't even know if I can tell you guys this. Is there a Republican version of a lib? I can't say that word. Is there a Republican version of a progressive extremist liberal? By that, I mean someone who identifies on the right, thinks he's saying the right thing, but lacks the intelligence to have a nuanced conversation. Yeah. It's called a Christian. Okay, I said it. Sorry. I said it. Uh, Greg is a libertarian. Um, that's worse than woke. Oh, please. I would, I please let, please, please let me like to please. Is that a typo buddy? Please tell me that's a typo. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Don R. Libertarian is such an unserious ideology. I kind of agree. Wow, really? Okay, I'm open to that. Kenneth DeLapp, low blow someone. I know, I know. Sorry, I know.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Sorry. I apologize. The Licks, the woke get it. There's a serious inequality in the world, but they don't understand the solution. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think it works like that. I don't think that there's a serious inequality in the world. Would you rather be
Starting point is 01:21:15 a nomadic farmer in Afghanistan or would you rather be Hunter Biden? Who would you rather be? Oh, that's interesting. I don't know if that's true, but I could see what you're pointing at. That's interesting. Libertarians got us to woke. Wow, that's interesting. I don't know if that's true, but I can see what you're pointing at. That's interesting. Libertarians got us to woke. Wow, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Wow, wow. I totally see what you're pointing at. This made you so free that fucking you think it's okay to call. I see what you're saying. Okay. All right. All right. I think I see what you're saying. Okay. All right. All right. I think I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Wow. Okay. Wow. Good job explaining that to me. Very simply for a tard like me. The right solution equals natural law-based politics. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Nice. I see it. I don't know if I agree with you, but I see it. Your math is working. Libertarians got us the woke because they convinced the American government had no role in the promotion of a healthy society. God, I don't know if that's true, but that's fucking good. Meeper, I love the Christian comment so much. I know.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I don't know if it's fair because I love me a Christian, but boy, some of my Christian friends. We'll be having these great conversations. No. And then they'll just fuck me like, well, it's really Satan's fault. And I'll be like, God damn it. Why? Why too soon? Too soon.
Starting point is 01:22:58 I wasn't ready. I'm not ready. Satan. Please. Bernie Gannon Crossley needs to double down on his true identity it was powerful, values excellence, doing hard things in truth, compromising for social validation is not compelling
Starting point is 01:23:15 yeah you're a good writer dude so many of you are good writers actually Jake Chapman I am often jealous of United States citizens but I do also enjoy being an outsider on the experiment it's like watching the movie but never being able to be a character in it yeah there well there's good spots and there's bad they're right jake
Starting point is 01:23:34 the thing is is i i heard this thing the other day jake where um they were saying that the cities are metropolises were and i'm not suggesting that this is true, but this narrative does work in hindsight. The metropolises are really the slave and the slave plantations where they had the slaves build the plantations, and then they don't want to leave the plantation because they built it basically. And the guy described it better than I'm describing it, but when you're not in one of those metropolises, you see it. You see they built a cage for themselves, and even though there's no doors on it, they won't leave. And so for those of us who aren't, those are tough places in the country where I agree with you. It's kind of interesting to watch, but man, and you kind of want to be in there, but you don't. I mean, now that I have kids, I definitely don't want to be in there.
Starting point is 01:24:21 It's horrible. You could say that guy that we talked about earlier, who's on that board in Seattle, the homeless board. There's this other thing that the left keeps doing too. That's just completely insane. They go, well, it's just mental's just mental illness oh it's mental illness those homeless people have mental illness well that guy has mental illness too that's not a justification for anything they use it as this imaginary uh like stop like it's more it's more political correctness it's more bullying it's more bullying from the left oh but they're mentally ill. So what? I'm not giving someone a pass for raping little girls because they're mentally ill. It does not work that way.
Starting point is 01:25:14 I'm not giving you a pass for stealing my car because you're mentally ill. It does not work that way. I'm not giving you a pass sleeping in front of my business that I need to do so that I can make money because you're mentally ill. It doesn't work that way. It's not a... My house is gone because a flood came. That's real. That's real.
Starting point is 01:25:36 The wave came and washed my house away. Give me this fucking bullshit about mental illness. Uh-oh. Is that the phone? Do you guys hear that? Why? Why? Why does this phone have so much trouble now? Uh-oh. Here we go. go Travis hold on let me see if I can reconnect the phone not yet
Starting point is 01:26:17 hold on god damn it I need to get back on my phase of not saying that phrase either. Okay, hold on. Hold on. I think I'm going to get it. I think I'm going to get it. Are you outside? I'm outside. Search for all audio devices.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Yeah, I hear birds. Isn't it nice that summer's here? Yeah. Lots of birds. That's cool. What do you got? What kind of birds you got? Cardinals are cool. What kind of Cardinals, red Cardinals town. Cardinals are cool. What kind of cardinals? Red cardinals or blue cardinals? Red.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Awesome. Where do you live? You live in St. Louis? Where do you live? Trying to get hummingbirds, but they aren't coming to my feeder. Where do you live? What state do you live in?
Starting point is 01:27:19 I'm in Omaha, Nebraska. God, red cardinals. That is awesome. I have cardinals just about every day. What a great bird. Hanging out on the back porch. Hi, Rosie. Good morning.
Starting point is 01:27:32 What's up, brother? What you got? What's Travis from Vindication? All right. I've been – you're going to love this. I've been in and out of the show, so you might have talked about this or not. CrossFit Games posted the winners for the females. Yeah. about this or not, CrossFit Games posted the winners for the females.
Starting point is 01:27:47 They fucking tagged Sporty Beth instead of Shatner. Oh, is that still up? Yes. Is that on Instagram? It's on Instagram. This came up in the 70s, the side chat.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Where can I find that? I bought chat. Where can I find that? I bought shit. Where can I find that? Go to the CrossFit Games Instagram post. It's a video. There's three on top. Which one? The one with Gazan holding her arms up?
Starting point is 01:28:17 I'm showing all the female winners. I see. Oh, no, they got Bethany in there now. They got Bethany in there now down in the left corner there's a people icon oh see that
Starting point is 01:28:33 oh this a little person icon down on the left do I go to the post with Alex Kazan in it yeah open that post up. Uh-huh. This sucks. People are going to see how...
Starting point is 01:28:49 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I see it. Tag. So click on that and scroll down. It says fucking Sporty Mesh. Oh my goodness. That is awesome. And not Bethany Shatner. Hey, look at... That is awesome. It's been called out in the
Starting point is 01:29:07 comments that is awesome incompetence of the highest level oh how are they this incompetent that is amazing look who had a blue checkmark. This is so good. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. CrossFit Games. Good job, guys. Nice.
Starting point is 01:29:34 There's some nice Danny comments in the chat. Or in their post also, which are quite funny. About people being devastated. This is so good well thank you that's fun yeah yeah that's fun uh so that okay that is the problem that is more of a concern so people were like hey are they not showing um uh are they not showing um events one and three a concern this is more of a concern to me the constant the constant sloppiness on uh on their post i mean that is the concern and the concern that no one has fixed it
Starting point is 01:30:14 and it's been going on for over a year i mean dude dude what if they played an entire super bowl with the wrong fucking ball right what if they played an entire super bowl with the wrong fucking ball. Right? What if they played an entire Super Bowl with the wrong... That's what they did. 23.1. They put the wrong fucking weights. I mean... This is... so bad.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Or called the team by the wrong name. The team that won, they called them the wrong name. Right, right. Over and over. Kept saying the 49ers won. Right. Well, yeah right right over and over kept saying the 49ers one right well yeah right that too yeah they i mean they've done that i just can't believe just the consistency the one thing that's consistent about the media around the games is that it's fucked up that's the one thing that's consistent man what a fucking shit show. That's awesome. I'm going to send that over to Hiller. Oh, he'll love that.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Yeah. With CrossFit talking about all their cuts and everything, how do you feel about Don traveling overseas, like doing all this overseas travel? Where's the cost-benefit in that? I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with that. He needs to be around.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I don't think he's doing it. I don't think Don is a gamesista. I think he does just the right amount of game stuff. I think that he's really, really interested in pushing the L1, even though he doesn't know how to do it. And he's really interested in supporting the affiliates. I don't think he know how to do it. And he's really interested in supporting the affiliates. I don't think he knows how to do that either. But I think his head's in the right place.
Starting point is 01:31:50 He's sniffing up the right trail. And so I don't have a problem with it. I really don't. Okay. Why? What do you think? You think that this trip's going to cost $50,000 and that money should have been used for the stream? Yeah, I mean, if they're talking about all these budget issues – and somebody in the comments – I said it in the comments. Somebody had mentioned that overseas seems to be doing just fine, and the U.S. market is hurting more.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Yeah, he's traveling overseas. Well, maybe because the greatest potential there is overseas also hey i i do think that as much as they they're they they want to celebrate the fact that it's 60 they're claiming 65 of the affiliates are overseas and 40 35 percent are in the united states i don't think that's a good sign that doesn't bode well for uh CrossFit no no no and and they want to celebrate it like it is I think but I think that it's a uh it's not a good sign but hey he he said he's going to Italy and France and Berlin and Italy and France are basically the guy while he's over there if he's going to go to that event anyway in Berlin, he might as well go to Italy and France.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Those are huge hotspots for CrossFit. Italy is an old hotspot that used to have 1,100 affiliates, and France is a new hotspot. He has one of his generals out there, Daniel Chafee. I don't have a problem with it, not at all. I don't have good optics on that. i don't have a problem with it not at all i i don't i don't have a good optics on that i don't think don's wasteful i really like don um i just don't think he knows he's driving a boat yet and he still thinks he's driving a car or whatever metaphor you're going to use i still just don't figure out what the vehicle is he's in but when he figures it out
Starting point is 01:33:42 he's gonna either have to i just want to, he's going to either have to, I just want to see, he's going to have to take risks. I want to see actual action. Everything that everyone did when they worked at this company, all the, all the success that this company had was taking risks,
Starting point is 01:33:54 I feel like. And, right. And that's going to be, he's, yeah. So, yeah,
Starting point is 01:34:00 we'll see. Okay. One more, one more thing on the broad, then I know it's GameStop and you all like GameStop and I'm going to bring it up gonna bring it up anyway on the uh the broadcast i like you though so anything you talk about is fun so there you go oh it's because i send you money there you go um when it comes to broadcasting the events why couldn't they and i don't want to call them ass eats because they're not ass eats
Starting point is 01:34:25 why not broadcast the top three heats from every event on the like the main crossfit feed and do the other heats on the side feeds so you can see all the top heats in every event is that more work than just not showing an event? I didn't understand the question. Why not let the CrossFit podcast do the ass feeds? Yes. And then that way you can see the top heats for every single event on the main CrossFit broadcast. Didn't we see the top heats?
Starting point is 01:35:03 Oh, you mean specifically for events one and three? Yeah. I think that the issue is location. They didn't show some of those. I think the issue is location. I don't know. I don't know. I thought the issue was location,
Starting point is 01:35:18 the fact that they didn't have enough money to have cameras on two different fields of play. Wasn't everything in Pasadadena wasn't everything in the same location it was or it wasn't i thought pasadena was all in the same spot yeah i don't know if it was then i don't know the answer for that they also have all sorts of weird so the camera operators they use there are probably union i'm guessing and they have all sorts of rules of how long that they can be behind a camera. So maybe they didn't have enough money to bring people in to relieve them. I don't
Starting point is 01:35:47 know. By the way, this gold shirt is so awesome. You like it better than the black on black? Yeah, I do. I do like the black on black a lot too. That's good. Yeah. I like them all. Hey, could we do a limited run of kids shirts yeah i just throw them up like i said i can before i can just throw them on the site
Starting point is 01:36:14 we'll see how they do and then if we need to order because the hard part like because i know like your kids want the the american flag ones yeah i just have to make sure and i have a stock of like the regular teas and stuff already so i need to make sure i have enough to get them printed that's the big thing all right it's no big deal because with that being a three color deal it's not so i would like to get them some yeah and by the way i don't mean to put you on the spot like i don't if you can't you can't like i don't i don't um I don't mean to put you on the spot. Like I don't, if you can't, you can't like, I don't, I don't, um, I don't, uh, I don't care. I mean, I do care, but I'm not, I'm not like, I'm not like, um, if we're not there yet, we're not there yet. You know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 01:36:55 if like I'm not tripping. Well, I'll make sure. And people are like, Jesus Christ, stop talking about business. I can put kids' shirts up on the site, and then the next time we do a run of the American flag ones, I'll make sure the boys get some for sure. That's awesome. Hey, and for people who said maybe discuss your T-shirt grifting offline, here's the problem, and I think probably Travis knows this.
Starting point is 01:37:21 This is why he calls me. I become extremely difficult to get a hold of when the show is over. That's why I do all of this why I do like all of this stuff. I do all of this stuff on the show. I talked to my wife about cleaning the sheets, all of that. Cause I just going to vanish into kids land, kids world.
Starting point is 01:37:36 That's right. Yeah. Tell Haley when she, while she's changing the sheets on the bed, make sure she puts them on the half pipe so I can sleep on there. Perfect. Hey, what does that mean by the way? Grift, t-shirt grifting. What's grifting mean? Is that a bad word?
Starting point is 01:37:50 Grifting. Engage in petty small-scale swindling. No, that would be Dave bringing olive oil to the fucking studio. Asshole. Oh, yeah, that was good. That was good.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Dave with his little satchel. All right. Hey, are you doing a Colton Merton shirt? Are you doing an Unbroken or Die shirt? I'm going to talk to Colton this week. God. I don't know what his contract is with Tear So I'm going to kind of watch that
Starting point is 01:38:27 Okay let me know I want to help peddle any of his wares So let me If I can help Colton grift let me know All the grifting Yeah You got to get to Murph Yeah I do
Starting point is 01:38:41 Alright my wife said we're leaving in 30 minutes Bye brother Okay guys I just got a text from Brian you're going to get to Murph. Yeah, I do. All right. My wife said we're leaving in 30 minutes. Bye, brother. Bye. See you. Okay, guys. I just got a text from Brian, and it says, show tomorrow morning,
Starting point is 01:38:52 week three preview. Yes. Okay. So we have a preview tomorrow for the... Okay. Okay. I'm going to check the show. Okay. All right. You guys are awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Thank you. I will see you guys tomorrow morning. Thanks for everything. Good show. Chill show. The show is chill. All right. Bye-bye.

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