The Sevan Podcast - The Realest with Bill Grundler #926

Episode Date: May 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Oh, let me, bam, bam, bam, bam, we're live. Okay, so thanks, Bill, for doing this, running this test with us. Yeah. I want to play with you guys.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Dude, I'm excited. I didn't get to last time. Say that again? I didn't get to last weekend. Yeah, what were you doing last weekend? You definitely weren't cutting your hair. I don't my hair well i'm not gonna go man bun like yours i do have to say your kids rock it better than you do they do a good job has been on the none of my friends i use that term loosely have no no friend has come on the show and lasted more
Starting point is 00:01:01 than 30 seconds without fucking taking a shot at the man bun. All of them. It's true. Well, you talked about my hair. I wouldn't have said a word. You opened up the door. You pushed me first, Evie. He threw a rock. So I had to throw a rock. Um,
Starting point is 00:01:15 no, it was my, uh, my, my daughter's birthday yesterday. So we were in my birthday. So we went out to this, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:21 you ever heard of the great wolf lodge? No. Sounds good though. It's a glamping. Is it glamp no sounds good though it's uh is it glamping no it's uh it's a wally world version wally world water world version of like disneyland so it's like this big resort that has and it's a chain of them there's a big hotel and they have an indoor water park and it was up in uh manteca's where the one I went to. Oh, that's cool. The water slides are gone there up there, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Well, it's indoors, so it goes year-round. So we just went up there. It was cool. It was, I mean, you just saw a fucking one. But the water slides are toast, right? Yeah, they all work. Oh, I thought. Yeah, that thing.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Oh. Yeah. So it was literally like. Is it on the property that the Manteca? But there used to be a place called Manteca Water Slides when we were kids. Do you remember that? Oh, I don't know. Dude, I didn't go the Manteca, but there used to be a place called Manteca water slides when we were kids. Do you remember that? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I didn't go to Manteca. Yeah. Okay. Oh yeah. Right. I mean, Southern California or Arizona, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:12 So, but like it was daughter. How old's your daughter? Uh, so both of my daughters turned my oldest turned 22. My youngest turned eight yesterday. Okay. So this is appropriate for the eight year old.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yeah, dude. Totally. Well, I mean, it actually was, I the eight-year-old. Yeah, dude, totally. Well, I mean, it actually was... I could see teenagers there, too. I mean, the slides were fun. They were legit. They had some good ones.
Starting point is 00:02:33 But it was little kid extravaganza, dude. It was nuts. Hey, look how many viewers we have right now. This is like those other shows that go live. No way. I couldn't help it. I couldn't help it. Be nice, Seve.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Bill Grundler. What the fuck is going on here? I'm going to come hard at you. I'm going to come fucking hard at you. You ready? Is this an intervention? You ready? You ready, fucking Bill?
Starting point is 00:03:00 Who, me? Yeah, you ready? You ready for the fucking hard question? Whatever you want to bring, dude. Come on. Here it goes. Sarah Sigmund's daughter. Maybe the first great, great hope CrossFit ever had. I remember when she popped on the scene, I'm like, holy fuck, we have another Rich Froney.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Gets on the podium a couple times. Had some ups and downs. Hugely popular. Fantastic smile. Super charming, beautiful inside and out. Just wants to fucking be healthy enough to fucking compete, right? Shows up at Wadapalooza, just wants to, just like, her perspective is like, fuck if I can just not be injured and get out there on the floor, right?
Starting point is 00:03:45 And now if you see her content, she actually wants to win the games. And on the other hand, right? We have Mal O'Brien who's got everything, the world in her fucking hand. We can't keep her name out of our mouth. Can make it to the games with a fucking thumb in her butt, but she pulls out. And this isn't a dig at her or a dig at Sarah, but it's just fascinating to me.
Starting point is 00:04:16 This morning I was thinking about the perspectives, right? Like you think you might want to win the games, but let me say you get hit by a car and put in a wheelchair and you're fighting for your fucking life. All of a sudden, like you just want to walk. games but let me say you get hit by a car and put in a wheelchair and you're fighting for your fucking life all of a sudden like you're just you just want to walk you know what i'm saying these are just these are just amazing person this is an amazing opportunity for us to see like no matter what you say it just is relative at the end of the day it's almost like we have to get um her and sarah in the car together and let them go like someone's asked me this morning what's the cure for mal she needs to go on a fucking car ride with fucking sarah uh or walk across the fucking desert and just be like
Starting point is 00:04:49 dude just be thankful you can walk be thankful you don't have cancer be thankful you know what i mean okay so where am i oversimplifying uh no but i think you're looking at um and i'm not saying it's not relevant what Mal's going through. She just needs someone to impart wisdom on her. Like, I used to want my kids to do good at jiu-jitsu until Avi got kicked in the stomach and something was wrong with his bladder for eight weeks. And then since that happened a year and a half ago and since then, like, I don't give a fuck. I just need my kids to show up. I dropped the whole desire for them to be good.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Okay. So you have two completely different perspectives with mal even though she's been you know at the game for a while she's still really young right um she came on exploded you know was right up at the top right away same thing with sarah so sarah came in she was second her first year her rookie year second third second i think i think she's been uh third both times she was on the podium third okay that's right. But but but could have won it easy. Could have won it like like there were a lot of opportunities. Yeah, a lot of opportunities for sure. So when you do that, and this is the same thing I think even happened like with Laura Horvath,
Starting point is 00:05:55 is when you hop up to the top in the very beginning, then there is a lot of pressure that comes in, a lot of expectation. And I think what was hard for sarah is she felt all that pressure she what we saw with sarah a lot i mean that's why she jumped from training camp to training camp to training camp to training camp because she was trying to find the spark that would allow her to get where she was and if this didn't work this year then boom she jumped to another camp and all i saw was her really struggling with why like mentally why can't i be strong enough to handle or be where i was when i was on the podium like why can't i get that back so there was that piece as she went through years of that you know it's it gets really frustrating
Starting point is 00:06:38 it grates on you so then when all of a sudden you take that and you add you know the the you know leg issue knee issues and shoulder issues and other injuries here and other injuries there just is what, just what happens when you're in any sport for any long period of time, you're going to get hurt. Like no athlete is out there and not hurt. Everyone's dealing with something, all of them. Um, but that does play, that does play with your head. But that does play with your head. Now, if she would have, let's say she would have taken a year off earlier, she had the physical capabilities to come back because she always kind of keeps coming back.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So she could have come back, and if there was a chance of maybe settling in her head somewhere to get into a better head space to do that, maybe that would have been a better call. I'm not saying yes or no. I'm just saying maybe. Now, with Mal, she's young enough and she's good enough that she can take a year off and be like, hey, I need to chill out. And this is I was going to actually call in on your show. I didn't, but I was going to. When we saw a lot of things with Mal this last year, she didn't do. Didn't do Dubai. There were a couple other ones that she decided to opt out of the, the,
Starting point is 00:07:45 out of the season one. And then it was a lot of the, Hey, you know, she didn't do rogue. Okay. A rogue, which were big decisions with the comment that came out of,
Starting point is 00:07:57 you know, this isn't what's important. I need to make sure that physically I'm ready for the games. Well, let me pause you here. Was that a lie? I can't say if it was a lie or not. I don't think it is a lie.
Starting point is 00:08:10 But what may have happened. We made the assumption that when they said that, we thought they meant physically prepared. Maybe it was physical. But maybe there was some mental stuff being seen that the team was looking at. And it's like, hey, maybe we need to settle you down a little bit. The hard part of that is I watched her at the um when she did the open um announcement i mean she looked like fucking nails against brandon yeah so i mean but it's really it's a it's a trip because like mal's game face you see zero expression so i don't know if we would see frustration, excitement, nervousness, cockiness.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Like she has no expression. God, that's a beautiful picture right there, by the way. Who's the girl on the right? I don't know. Who took that? Does it say who took that? God, that's a good, fast picture. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Okay. Maybe something was going on there you know what i mean and maybe and we assumed it was physical that she was like maybe working on some sort of physical stuff but it could have been mental which yeah why break myself down for rogue that doesn't count okay you know maybe i mean again it's all speculation but uh gosh she's a beast. How the hell are you that young and that beastly? That's insane. God, that's another fucking great picture of her. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:09:33 I wonder if it's out. God, those are good pictures. Eric. Check this out. So check this out. So you look at Laura Horvath, second, her rookie year. this out so check this out so you look at laura horvath second her her rookie year and then she's not in the game nearly as much as she wanted to be or was expected to be kind of is in there out of there gets the handstand push-up and then all of a sudden just gets slapped by that handstand
Starting point is 00:09:57 push-up every single time it comes out you know dubai she's out there just sitting on the sitting down because you can't do it anymore uh rogue, it affected her there too at the first Rogue competition. So, I mean, you saw a lot of those types of things. But what was interesting with Laura is she didn't seem, at least from outside looking in very obviously, didn't seem to affect her as much. She seemed to take it in stride. She to be like well okay it didn't work but that's fine you know i'll just get better for the next one and then you know she didn't right she didn't well she didn't but that did but she didn't stop either right like you can't not you can never take her out that's the thing like with her sarah it's like okay is she gonna be good or
Starting point is 00:10:42 bad who knows what's gonna happen mal it's like we never thought there was gonna be an issue but now all of a sudden okay now there's that possibility laura no one ever took laura out of the picture no one ever like discounted her even though it was like handstands handstands handstands handstands she's still there and depending i mean if they don't have handstands i mean even with you know with tia out mal still in there's still okay well who's the one that's gonna win mal Tia out, Mal still in, there's still, okay, well, who's the one that's going to win? Mal or Laura? You know, there's still that discussion. So it's really interesting watching, I think, a lot of the mental grit on some of these different athletes and what they do to try to stay in the game.
Starting point is 00:11:28 stay in the game because that is um that is a very i think that's honestly i think that's kind of the the last frontier for athletes all the athletes are physically badass i mean well unless there's a particular skill that they that they have an issue with like one particular skill but dude that must be crazy for lord to walk out on the floor knowing, oh, fuck, I can't do this. That must be crazy. But what's crazy when you watch it is like do you see it in her face? No. No. Do you see it on her Instagram?
Starting point is 00:11:53 But I did see it in Haley's face when she couldn't lift the weights that year. 100%. Well, that's what I mean. That's like that difference that I'm talking about. Okay. You know, and why she has that, I'm not really sure. Maybe it was her competitive rock climbing stuff in the past. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:12:09 Seve and AI Seve. I'm the much less gray, much taller, much stronger Seve. All of that is true. What about – this wasn't going to be the point of the show but what about Laura will she go down in history as just never having handstand pushups
Starting point is 00:12:36 or is there still a chance that we could see her fix that or is it that's it that's what we have we have a car with it's always it's like a great quarterback that throws a lot of interceptions or something you know it's like that's just the way it is um the the hard part is that you know she's working on it she said dude you've seen her doing all kinds of crazy stuff yeah um the hard part is is that as she's getting better they keep ramping up the skill that's the
Starting point is 00:13:04 hard part like she's not able to catch up almost yeah so it's like right when she gets okay she'll get decent at deficit handstand push-ups and then all of a sudden it's like okay well now it's wall facing deficit handstand push-ups and then it's parallette deficit handstand push-ups against you know wall face i mean whatever it's like that's it's tough and what's weird is she't – she's not bad at handstand pushups until it gets past the floor. Like her regular handstand pushups she's not bad at. She's not like the best, but she's not bad. No one would be like, uh-oh, she's out.
Starting point is 00:13:35 It's the second it goes to deficit where she has those issues. Hey, go back to that post. Did anyone like my comment? I want to see if anyone – like, no. No. Oh, congratulations. Nice job. Nice job.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Nice job. Golf clap. Every time I comment there, I just pray she sees it. We got a weird relationship. We have a weird relationship because I want to have one and she doesn't. Eaton Beaver, $2. Thank you. Nice, Eaton. No, Mitchell, please. we have a weird relationship because i want to have one and she doesn't uh eaton beaver two dollars thank you nice uh no mitchell uh please yeah you can pipe down uh hey suza chime in buddy don't let these guys bully you shut it mitchell shut up i was like i didn't have my notes for the show i didn't even know i didn't know we were doing a show either hey let's go test it okay cool
Starting point is 00:14:20 bill i got a big question for you right now i'm like fuck hey but but but there is there is that piece right there's if you ask jeffrey bezos right now um hey jeffrey uh i'm sorry i said now we're talking yeah if i ask jeffrey bezos thank you please don't talk again okay uh jeffrey bezos Jeffrey Bezos if Oh I should do this Sorry sorry Jeffrey This is God speaking I'm gonna make you a deal buddy You Jeffrey Will get an additional
Starting point is 00:15:00 70 years of life But You have to give to Bill Grunler. Do you accept the deal, Jeffrey? Absolutely, God. I'll take it. Was that God or was that Satan? That's a done deal.
Starting point is 00:15:19 What I'm expressing here is that Mal O'Brien has just – it's perspective. 100%. Each athlete has that, though. See, and I think that's – But Sarah's willing to go to Wadapalooza and not win and drag all – she has so much fucking attention, right? She's ready to pull it all on the line expose herself cry on the field the one year then come back the next year and and with a smile on her face because to her she has the perspective like dude i've been out of the game because my body stopped working right that that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:15:55 saying and it's fascinating to see both of these at this high level none of the athletes uh from her time frame felt the need that like hey i can't not compete i have to compete i gotta get in there compete i gotta get i gotta compete so that i can get money till i can go here mal's in the new group where it's like she didn't come up with that so it's real easy to be like once you get in hey you know what you got matt fraser telling you hey you don't need to do this competition oh okay cool okay, cool. I don't have to? Sweet. Everyone else, I mean, all the older, and I got to air quote Sarah Sigman's daughter being an older athlete, but like all of the ones that have been there for a handful of years, they were of the camp of, all right, what's the next event that I got to go to to be on there?
Starting point is 00:16:41 And maybe for her, it was even a, I need to make sure mentally I can do this. So I have to get back out there. I was afraid before. I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't know if I was going to be strong enough, tough enough, whatever. I need to hop back down there and prove it to myself that I can do it. I mean, I've seen her in Dubai, not lift as heavy as she needed to, to win an event, but to tie an event. And then you see her in wadapalooza when she doesn't need to lift as heavy and she over lifts what she needs to do and then hurts her knee so it's like a really weird balance i think that she's trying to figure out and i think for each of the each of the individual athletes you can't just put a um this is the pattern you're a good athlete so this is the
Starting point is 00:17:22 the formula this is the pattern everything one of those athletes are coming into it with their own you know wins and losses their own fears and successes their own their their point of view their perspective or whatever it is that they're looking at to try to make it work for them so i i think it's it's not just an easy and do they have the head the headspace or not i think there's a lot of other variables that go into it but that headspace is going to be way different between someone like sarah i think and someone like mal do you think that someone do you think that the people in mal support tried everything like okay uh we'll get you a therapist uh we'll get you a cni dog um we'll um uh we'll give you a two-week break and and do you think that someone also came up to her?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Like, do you think maybe her dad or maybe someone who's expendable is like, yo, are you fucking kidding me? Sack it up, motherfucker. Go out there and win this shit. You're going to look back next year and regret this shit. You think that they tried? Not that any one of them is right.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Well, it does work for some people. I think there are some people that wanted to pull out after four years as champ. Can't blame them. And I think Matt O'Keefe gave him the talk. Like, listen, numbnuts, just fucking go out there and put it to Rich. And I think he did. No, Susan, tell me. No, I just don't think anybody gives Matt the talk.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I think Matt talks. Oh, okay. I think the formula or the headspace or the mentality that works for Matt is not going to work for everybody. Okay. Oh, so look at that by the pressure of her looking up to him and feeling almost like you've given me all this opportunity. Give me all this. I can't let you down builds in the same way resentment would build in when we stop communicating about issues that I'm having with you so if that pressure is mounding the whole time in matt's feedback from her is hey this is working we're we're american as markers you're a champ you're awesome and meanwhile the whole time she's like i can't deal with this pressure at some point that just feels too much
Starting point is 00:19:18 and then she breaks look at i don't blame any of that i don't blame any of that on matt either by the way i think you have to have that if you're going to be a champ. I'm not blaming it on Matt. Look where Matt came from. I mean, his parents were Olympic figure skaters. So he grew up in an Olympic level. Like, that's the mindset all the time. So from a young age, he had that.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Pressure, eating disorders, no money. he's screaming at you and abusing you yeah yeah in that in that world that world is there is no no suck it up pussy i mean you're like you're tired i don't care get out i mean that's so you start with that and i'm not saying his parents did that to him but that's that's the old school way of that bill he started to allude to the fact that his dad put a lot of pressure on him hey his weightlifting coach and then weightlifting same same same thing he was at the olympic training center same deal so when that is your mold like and this is and this is one of the things like and this is no this isn't a cut on Matt at all. I mean, Matt, I mean, not at all. Watching that guy do what he could do as an athlete was amazing. Um, but as a coach, like he kind of came from one mold. So now you have a young athlete and that's not like that mindset is not the same. It is as it was then the way the way the athletes are now they they don't i don't think they respond the same way and that's not a good or a bad i think it's just difference oh it's
Starting point is 00:20:50 bad i'll tell you okay i i don't it's not my it's not my frame but um i think that he didn't have you grew up with wrestling you know what makes tough guys i do you know what nate tate makes tough motherfuckers people need to be slapped around so if you don't get slapped around you're never gonna be tough right oh yeah you got another road to being getting tough i don't think so i think it's a narrow fucking road i think there's multiple ways to slap somebody around though to use your terms okay the delivery matters i think the message could be the same but the delivery matters 100 now when you only come from one mold your entire life, how do you have like a good teacher knows how to teach all these kids at the way that they learn,
Starting point is 00:21:30 not the way that they learn each of the kids learn, not the way that they, the teacher learns individually. So maybe, I mean, maybe I sure I'm sure that everyone in, in miles camp tried all of the things. Okay. If they didn't, if they didn't If they didn't, I would be upset with that camp. If that's the case, then it's time for her to get out. Even if it means losing her, you've got to try everything. You've got to put the effort. Especially if you believe it. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Do you think anyone in Sarah's camp, Sarah has this story that she needs to compete in order to sharpen her sword in the Sarah way. Do you think anyone in Sarah's camp last year at Guadalupe told her not to compete? Do you think she also has people being like, yo, you're not ready. You're fucking not ready. And then she went out there, and remember she pulled – not this last year but the year before, and she pulled out with a potential injury. Yeah. Yeah. Excuse me. pulled out with a potential injury yeah yeah um excuse me uh i think it takes time for a coach or a camp to really learn their athlete and one year is a tough time frame to really learn
Starting point is 00:22:37 that athlete because you might see that the basic okay they're really good at this they're really good at that this is how they warm up this is how they cool down kind of a thing but like where do they really like you have to be able to get deep within that that athlete to really understand them so i hope that they said hey this when you go to wadapalooza it's only for fun like you don't go unless you really need wadapalooza like to to put it all out and risk, like what's your risk ratio on that? Like are you gaining a lot by risking a lot? Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:23:10 So you have someone smart enough to pose you that. What's the risk to reward? Yeah, like what are we getting here? And that weight that she was lifting, that was a pretty heavy weight. It's like did she need to go that heavy? Even for the crowd that she was with. It's not like she was running for first place or anything like that at the time so why take the shot you know maybe it'll be like hey okay we'll go 85 percent and i don't want you going like the
Starting point is 00:23:36 coach i don't want you going any higher than that yeah i know but i want to do i don't think you should no you got to protect your athlete you got to protect your product. From themselves, because if you don't know your athlete, you know that they can't go 85%. They're going to get out to the competition floor and something changes in their head. And that's knowing that athlete. There are athletes that don't give a shit what the stakes are. They're out there on the floor.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It's old school CrossFit. It's like, what are we doing today? We're just training? training i'm gonna fucking break an arm trying to beat you i don't care you know so uh thomas fish uh sarah doesn't have a camp then uh you can substitute the word a circle of support um you know trainers uh snorri um her boyfriend whoever just circle of support I guess yeah I knew what you meant do you have any piercings Bill no have you ever had any piercings no
Starting point is 00:24:31 I like how he leaned in for that one like he was like on the stand your honor I did not see I did not see the saw go down I did not watch and what do you think about it appears I have not confirmed that Danielle Brandon has nipple piercings from her most – from some pictures I saw on her account. Do you find those – this is a little off-topic here, but do you find those attractive at all, or what do you think about people who puncture holes in their nipples?
Starting point is 00:25:04 I don't have a problem with people doing whatever they want to do. See, that was a delivery right there. You kind of skewed the delivery. You did. You did. I fucked it up? Yeah. Maybe like an accessorizing feature. Oh, thank you. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Take two. Oh, maybe here, here. Oh, Bill. Hi. How are you? I was just accessorizing my voice. Bill, what do you think about – I love that orange shirt. God dang.
Starting point is 00:25:29 She is something special. I can't believe she's going to come on the show today. She punctured a hole in both her nipples, it appears. I think it's a little aggressive to say that she punctured a hole in her. It's not like she has gauges in her know people get the gauges in their ears like she has that nipples necessarily have you ever had a girlfriend with uh um uh uh pierce nipples uh no i haven't maybe you and i are too old for that maybe maybe she will show you I love I love what Danielle's done with thank you Barry I love what Danielle's done with her nipples I'm it's absolutely stunning I it's breathtaking and I am anxious because you like
Starting point is 00:26:16 because you like seeing six nipples instead of just two I'm anxious to critique the uh the work I wonder if when they do that if like when the bars are sitting in there if they're if they're um if there's like a straight line between them you know what i mean if they're if they're level to the ground they're parallel to the ground only if they're bad only the magnetic ones what if they one was tweaked like this and one was like this and you had ocd would you be like oh fuck they do it with a label uh uh uh uh a laser a laser thing. They just get the laser level, and they shoot it across, and then they got the markers. It's all good.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I wonder if there's – can you think of any sponsorship deal she could get that would be – maybe on Amazon there's a home piercing kit that could have sponsored her. I don't think that there would be a company big enough to think about that. Would there be companies that would do it? Yeah, but would it be worth her while they do it? Probably not. Hey, you know what? We'll sponsor you with another piercing. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah. I don't know. Yeah, I see what you're saying. There's only so many holes you can put in. Sevan. Sorry. Sevy. A nipple ring talk, while fun to kick around put in. Sevan. Sorry, Sevy. A nipple ring talk, while fun to kick around, is what keeps you at 21,000 subscribers.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Listen, you jerk off. I'm growing at a perfect speed. I am not. You act like there's a connotation like that there's some. I'm growing at an absolutely perfect speed. This is our biggest month ever by subscribers, hours uh hours watched views we're on pace and um uh if it's good enough for daniel brandon it's good enough for me listen so oh nipple spacers i mean i mean yeah right wouldn't that be a wouldn't that be a uh bury my cock in her right between the nipples and that
Starting point is 00:28:05 would it would be uh okay it seems like the system is working no we need someone to call in oh okay uh someone please call in um how excited in in all honesty don't give me any fucking bullshit samurai answer here how excited are the girls that fucking Mal and Tia is gone? Says the guy with the samurai hairdo. Right. How fucking excited. Get your shirts now
Starting point is 00:28:35 at V-N-D-K-A dot com Purchase your CEO shirt now. Travis, hi. There we go. I just had to get my ad read in. Wow. This is incredible.
Starting point is 00:28:50 My shit's working now. I said make sure everything is working. Okay. Nobody else has the balls to call in. How's the video? Video's good? Video quality's good? Yours, since it's smaller, it was hard to tell, but yours is still grainy grainy oh i am grainy how about for sure how about now i'm not at my computer all right i'm actually
Starting point is 00:29:11 going on the walk right now all right what do you mean get him bill bill was bill's being chill i'm pretty chill those aren't beating anyone up okay cool thank you mr i didn't have any no audio issues okay awesome thank you. Okay, awesome. Thank you. Can't have to laugh. Video is better. All right, thank you. There you go. All right. Cool.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Bye. See you later. I had serious issues with the show. I had Dave in studio, and then this morning I was going to do a show with Sarah Sigmund's daughter, and everything fucking came to a crash. Dang. I got to go back and watch yours and Dave's. Oh, yeah, that would be good you don't even have to watch it just hit play and leave the room and let me get the view
Starting point is 00:29:51 i want to i want to watch it though dude i like the i like the glassman one i thought that was a good one too thank you oh i just um i hooked him up with a headset a new headset mic so hopefully the audio will be better because people were complaining about the audio. And he actually said he'd call in this morning, and I waved him off because Sarah was going to be on, and then Sarah didn't come in. Sarah waved me off. Everyone was waving everyone off this morning.
Starting point is 00:30:13 A lot of waving. A lot of waving. Okay. So it looks like the schedule is out for this weekend. The North America West semifinal, and it looks like we'll be going on um what's your availability this weekend um i think i can't do the nine o'clock one tomorrow but i'm i'm up for all the other ones okay that's tomorrow yeah yeah wow right quick wow Wow. Right. Wow. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:48 All right. Thank you. I think that's good. Any subjects you'd like to bring up? I feel pretty good about that test. I feel like I should work out and take a nap and be nice and charged for Miss Branded. Yeah. Do that. Are you going to ask her about the nipple rings?
Starting point is 00:31:03 Oh. DB, in your cool voice you have, do you use a laser level to adjust the bars in your nipples? I want to ask her
Starting point is 00:31:23 about that. I want to ask her about her relationship with Mr. Torres. I want to ask her about that I want to ask her about her relationship with Mr. Torres I want to ask her about her relationship with Emma I want to ask her if she okay we'll answer that question real quick everyone's stoked that Tia and Mal is gone right the women are fucking stoked and they're stoked that fucking Brooke's gone
Starting point is 00:31:42 right I mean not not open yeah not openly, but somewhere deep. Where his voice resides, they're very, very happy. You know what I mean? Like that guy inside of him is like, oh. Yeah, of course. I mean, every athlete wants to know that they won the tough heat. But when it comes down to it,
Starting point is 00:32:05 when you haven't had your chance yet to get up there, all right, yeah, if the big dogs are out, okay, sure. I said it a couple weeks ago. There's not going to be many people that will be like, that sucks. Dang it. Well, they'll say that. They'll say that.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Outwardly. Yeah, outwardly. But I wanted the toughest field inside. They're like, oh, thank God. I got the toughest field at the time. We're good. Right. A couple weeks ago, I said, if Daniel Brandon wins the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:32:36 it'll be the best thing that ever happened for CrossFit, especially the games in the history of the sport. I don't know about the history of the sport, but I think that would be a huge i think that'd be a huge thing no you want to know what i think would be a bigger thing if emma lawson never wins the games if emma lawson wins the games uh she's got she's got a lot of years she can do it too i agree i just think that there is a current appeal that Ms. Brandon brings to the – Okay, and I like Danielle. She's rad.
Starting point is 00:33:13 She's very cool. There's a certain scent about her that I think lets you know that the kitchen is open and it's time to eat. I mean she has – I'm hearing what you're saying. I'm hearing what you're saying, but let me ask you this. I'm trying to be saying I'm trying to stay R I got you
Starting point is 00:33:28 I dig Danielle she's just a super nice person you're a healthy man Bill you're a healthy man do you think she's the affliction shirt of the current CrossFit game status oh no
Starting point is 00:33:44 you don't think so no no no as loud and as brash and as all kinds of crazy things happening in terms of how that's going to go away and she's just going to be she's going to be like we're going to perceive in five years when we look back and think she's a tool well you just said that she has a certain uh flavor that uh CrossFit may be into. Which everyone liked the Affliction shirts too. Everyone was like, yeah, Affliction, skulls, all kinds of crazy stuff. Then it was like,
Starting point is 00:34:14 dude, are you still wearing that loud shirt? Put that thing away. Disaster. Why does your shirt say tap out on it? Here's the thing. Are you a fighter? No, I do CrossFit. I'm a cute.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I think Emma Lawson is the fucking, I don't know what the word is, cats me out. Dude, either of them are badass. No, they're both great. Yeah, she's a porcelain queen. I think she's like perfection. I mean, all of those people have youth going for them, right? Emma Carey, Lawson, Mal O'Brien, all those young girls, Mick Alician. going for them right emma carrie lawson mal o'brien all those young girls mickalician there's something about them that's just like so
Starting point is 00:34:46 like a guy have a geyser of spring water uh but there is a um holy fuck a bit like like you would never think a bad a bad boy could win this sport she's the rock star she's the rock star of the women for 100 that's why it's so hard to pick her because you're looking at her and you get this vibe from her that she stays up too late and she parties too hard. And yet clearly she's not. Yeah. You know what I mean? There's a Dennis Rodman component to her. Which is cool.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Yes, I think that she would be – Sorry, is there someone more modern? I'm sorry to pick Dennis Rodman. No, no, no. Someone else is like, I'm sorry It's like, fuck, that was when there were only three channels on TV I'm sorry Alright, what about a Conor McGregor?
Starting point is 00:35:33 No, no, no, no, no I don't think she's like that You don't think she's loud like that? I just think she's more marketable Flashy like that? To use that term, she's more marketable Conor McGregor is just one-dimensional I feel like Flashy like that? Wow. To use that term, like she's more marketable. Like she'll appeal to a lot of people. Conor McGregor is just one-dimensional, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I think she's marketable how, Matt? Like meaning she's strong. If she would win in this case, she'd obviously be super fit, but she's very feminine looking. But she's kind of got this like unapologetic attitude. So she speaks like with this like authentic tone to her, right? So you feel like she's not bullshitting you,ologetic attitude. So she speaks with this authentic tone to her. So you feel like she's not bullshitting you, which a lot of the times everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:36:09 well, we worked real hard out there and had a great time. And I just hope my competitors did well and everybody went home safe. But Danielle, she's like, fuck yeah, I did it. How do you – Yeah, I completely agree with that, 100%. She has a bunch of those different qualities that allow her to kind of appeal to a broad audience. But do you think that that would be one of the biggest things that could happen
Starting point is 00:36:28 for the CrossFit Games on the women's side? Because when I look at it, it's like, it would be like a flash. It would be a flash, but if you have someone like... If you're trying to appeal to the world, you're always going to have the bad boys in there. Always. i think she's dating
Starting point is 00:36:46 her fucking coach it's inappropriate she has tattoos it's inappropriate she got her nipples pierced it's inappropriate well finish the finish line and gave the bird it's inappropriate and yet she has this fucking work ethic that every fucking parent wishes their kid had and and and and her story is like so compelling and and she's fucking hot as shit but not only to dudes but to girls not only to gay dudes but straight dudes not only the lesbians but straight girls like everyone wants to fucking watch a movie with her on the couch and just have a blanket that's a little too small and uh and so you you she has all that and so i just think when she goes on good morning america every every affiliate picks up two people.
Starting point is 00:37:27 You don't think she would be too over the top where people are like, well, I can't ever achieve that. I'm not going to go to a CrossFit gym because I can't do that. I don't know. You know that answer better than me, but that's why I think she's better than Conor McGregor because Conor McGregor is just like – he's really over the top. He calls people's wives whores and shit right in the brain do you not remember dennis rodman your own example like do you not remember that guy and how he was but he had but he had a little homosexual in him dude he had a little everything in him like what are you talking about like when you have a little homosexual you can get away with murder and still be like you know what i mean like he hung out with Kim Jong-un and fuck Madonna.
Starting point is 00:38:05 But you also know that like he took a few hummers from fucking lucky camera straps. Daniel Brandon's post-win interviews are the best. How will you be training for the game, Daniel? Try to get fitter. Hey, I'll tell you this. I don't like her post-game interviews. Sometimes I see her and I think she's's almost embarrassed or dimming her own light. Like when she takes pictures with people and stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Do you ever see that? Like she smiles too big like she's on mushrooms or something. Like I see her dimmer, and she didn't have to do that. By the way, thank you for that. Well, okay. Then maybe she doesn't know exactly who she is then or what her light is supposed to be. Yeah. I got a lot of marks. I got a lot of tattoos on me look at me i'm doing this thing but
Starting point is 00:38:49 then you what you want that because what you're saying is you want her to have that voice that uh you were saying susan the that offense authenticity and then all of a sudden she's like i'm just trying to get dinner yeah well it's not that you want her to go like, no, I'm going to go. I'm going to go fucking eat a burger tonight. Yeah. And I'm going to prep. I'm prepping to break people like that's what I have. Like with the way that you're talking. And I agree.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Like she's a sweetheart. She's a really nice person. She just dims her own. But it would be cool for her to go. I'm ready to fucking break people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And she will do that sometimes. We see that slip out of her, and it's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Well, that's like the shots of her flipping off the camera. And if you ask her why she did that, she doesn't even know. That's what's so great. I don't know why I did that. That's so great. Someone told me to do it and flip off the camera? No. Do you think that? think it just came sprung
Starting point is 00:39:46 no i don't like this mask thing fuck you guys yeah look at me motherfuckers yeah uh i agree that eaten beaver do you think buttery bros took a dig at brook ends in their last video by calling brook wells their favorite brook and i'd have to i'll have to watch it now i'll have to watch it i never want to watch their stuff but everything i watch of theirs i'm always happy i did so i'll watch it get on the after i kick bill and suza the curb there you go so so you you're you're you're are you are you rooting for someone this year for the games uh no i mean i guess i don't want her to i i want emma i want emma to do well and i think maybe it's because i have i have younger daughters and i i want them to see that it's you can be a feminine girl not like and not that i not that i don't like like danielle's look
Starting point is 00:40:41 i mean i get i i that, and I understand that. As a guy, I can appreciate that for sure. But there are a lot of girls that would be like, ugh, that's a little bit too much for me. Where those girls will always say, even if you have a very, I mean, dude, Emma Lawson's like all-American. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:59 And I think that there's- I'm a huge Emma Lawson fan. I'm a huge Emma Carey fan. I mean, they're great. I love Emma Carey. I'm a huge Emma carry fan. I love Emma carry. I liked her dad. I like her garage at her house. I like everything about her.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yeah. She's dope. Um, yeah, but I mean, I don't, I don't, I don't have a, I,
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm not a fantasy football, fantasy fitness scene. Like I just, I'm not one of those guys. I like to watch people do what they do. And what's more impressive to me is to see an athlete perform when they need to perform.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I like watching that. Can they pull it out? Because there's a lot. I mean, as an athlete, you know what that is. You're not always going to be on. You want to be on, but you're not always going to be on. Are you able to be on? Is it bothering you that Emma Lawson's canadian that's a deal breaker for me i didn't even know i forgot about that thank you mike emma carrie you're up to bat hey uh fuck it this works and i said all american hey you you you know torres is doing you know torres is a fucking magician right are you
Starting point is 00:42:02 impressed with him are you like what the fuck is going on over there no but man he's done a fucking amazing job geez from like cast of characters yeah fucking yeah it's the monsters over there the adams family what a fucking but there's he's put together they're like there's there's something powerful about that when you're kind of not when you're not counted when everyone else is like oh but they're not of not when you're not counted when everyone else is like oh but they're not this team and they're not that team and they're not this team and they're not that team when you get to be the bad news bears there's no pressure on you and you just get to go big because like no one's expecting anything from you so the there's no pressure you just go fucking weirdos look at benji on the right there that's an agent then you got
Starting point is 00:42:43 cooper goofy cooper who the fuck is that guy next to james sprague is that real or is that a uh a marionette then you got james sprague mr fucking happy uh then you got a fisa goffey emma carrie matt torres daniel brandy daniel pepper then you get i don't know who that is and then then who's this fucking Angelo DiCicco guy? Fucking second from the left. This fucking... What the fuck is going on here? Hey, Fisa Goff, he's tripping, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:19 She's just... That's Dallin's wife. I wonder if she's come down... Oh, on the far end, that's Dallin's wife i wonder if she's come down that's oh uh uh oh on the far end that's dylan's wife yeah who's that guy who's the who's the guy who looks like fucking uh angelo de chico got sunburned that's so funny who is that i don't know oh no no not that guy um one more over. Oh, that's the shoemaker guy. That's the guy with the podcast.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I plagiarize his shit once in a while. Yeah, thank you for your podcast. No, who's the other guy? Do you know who I'm talking about? The guy who looks like Angelo DiCicco? Doesn't he look like DiCicco to you? Go back to that group photo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Second from the, oh, did I say second from the left? Sorry. Yeah, second from the left. Didn't the name come up? A. Ferrer. Oh, is that Fee's husband? Oh, yeah. Oh, did I say second from the left? Sorry. Yeah, second from the left. I think that – didn't the name come up? A. Ferrer. Oh, is that Fee's husband? Oh, yeah. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:44:13 That dude moved to Naples for his chick. CPA, MBA. Oh, you can fucking get a job anywhere. Yeah. Handshakes, shit. Is it? can get a job anywhere yeah hand checks you is it what happens what happens uh when you're competing at that level bill do you bone a lot or do you bone way less you just go to sleep do athletes bone a lot or do they yeah they do have you ever heard like at the olympic like the olympics the uh i know they do but i'm just thinking i just imagine like if you're dating one of these girls she just wants to go to bed
Starting point is 00:44:49 every fucking like well maybe well okay so then you got the morning sex you're good all right fair start your day off right all right yeah that is actually that is the best time i think don't you think i think personally anytime's a good time fair i mean i don't know if that's dollar tree version of dichico i wasn't saying that that that i just saying some river that dude just got that happy-go-lucky to chico house he's off limits now he's not an athlete yeah yeah thank you all men think that. Oh, yeah. Well, that's good. All men think what? That morning's a good time. Or what Bill said, anytime's a good time.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Well, I mean, anytime would... I mean, like, it's going to be pretty rare. Oh, my God, the wind has changed directions. Get in the bedroom. It's a good time. It's a good time. So, who do you think is going to win the games? I'll let you change your mind later, but just like right now. I can't even say, but I have a very strong opinion
Starting point is 00:45:58 who I think is going to win the games. Dude, honestly. Does any part of you not want to say because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings that's a lot it has nothing to do with what no the it's hard to say because i don't know what the program's going to look like and i think that that will have you don't know if juggling's in there yet yeah right it may be like adrian adrian be cool yeah so i don't i don't i don't really know um i and i i don't i don't like the fact that it like it depends on what the program could be but it kind of does because when yeah i hate it i hate this is like a lot a lot of the things that we're doing it's like ah that's just that's kind of does because when – Yeah, I hate it. I hate it. This is like a lot of the things that we're doing, it's like, ah, that's just – that's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I don't know. If Laura doesn't win – does Laura win Europe? I think so. I think so. Okay, give me top three who you think is going to win. I think Laura will be in there. I want Danielle Brandon to be in there. Do you think Danielle will be in there?
Starting point is 00:47:12 I think... Fuck, dude. It depends, man. It depends. If she gets the right events and she's in the right headspace, she's going to be really tough to beat. And if she doesn't get knocked, I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:30 like I've seen her, like I've seen her come back where it kind of gets knocked down a little bit and, and has that fight to come back. But I haven't seen it to where it's like, she doesn't get, she's unfazed by a particular event, and it comes in just firing. Well, look at this leaderboard if we just chopped off –
Starting point is 00:47:48 this is last year. It's just chopped off to Mal and Brooke Wells. And Cara, now look. See, there's Emma Lawson. Right. The top three. And Emma Lawson is most improved in that group. And here's one thing to think about.
Starting point is 00:48:04 All these girls that you see on these lists that are going to be competing that walk into the stadium have a whole new swagger because all the girls above them are gone some of these other ones are gone and it's wide open so what that's going to do to their confidence level especially the ones that know that they can make it up at the top even with those other girls in there it's going to skyrocket and so that edge might be the difference between some of these vets that are like coming out going, Hey, this lane, it's mine. How weird is it that now they're not gunning for the same person that they've been gunning
Starting point is 00:48:34 for for years? It's like, wait, I got to think about you. I never had to think about you before. Shit. Now it matters. Damn it. Yeah. That'd be interesting.
Starting point is 00:48:43 But like, I, I like those. But I like those three girls. Where they fall, how they fall. I mean, I want to see some good competitions. And I hope that they have good races to be able to showcase some good competition. Okay, I'm going to ask you this question. How about this? Laura Horvat, Danielle Brandon, Emma Carey, Emma Lawson, and Annie Thor's daughter. Of those five, when I say the word winner, whose name do you think?
Starting point is 00:49:10 Laura. Oh, okay. I think Annie's. Sorry, not winner of the games, but just as a winner mentality. Still Laura? Oh, yeah, yeah. Annie's got some dog in her. I like what you're saying i know 100 and i don't have her in my top four but fucks that bob just dropped her name and i'm like god man she is a problem well she is in what she has is she's got like anger from the whole team thing last year you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:49:42 so there's no i don't know what you mean, but tell me. Well, I mean, I don't think it's a big thing. You think she wasted it? She's feeling like, fuck, I wasted my year with these three chumps? Well, she wasn't the anchor. Which could be good. Like, who cares? What was I thinking? I always knew I was the queen. There were some very
Starting point is 00:50:02 uncharacteristic facial expressions during the games last year of Annie that we just don't see. Anger. Like, drive when it doesn't get to be you on you having to do it. Do I think she'll be in there? Yeah, totally. Do I think she's going to win? I don't think she'll win.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Do I think she'll be in there? Yeah, totally. Do I think she's going to win? I don't think she'll win. But I think that, like, she's going to be a wrench in the mix 100%. And the thing, honestly, I think for Annie, I don't think she has any pressure on her to win, which is a great place for her to be. If she wins or gets podium, it will put her in a category all by herself. Like, there'll be, like, Tia, and then Annie will be down there just like, what like there'll be like tia and then annie
Starting point is 00:50:45 will be down there just like what it'll be one of the greatest things that ever happened that it will be that will be one of the greatest things ever to happen across it especially for fans right yeah absolutely have a baby comeback team fuck you guys get on podium yeah regardless regardless of who's who isn't there the little asterisk that might be That point doesn't matter That's what you're looking at The totality of the whole story You know what I mean Another would be if Katrin did it
Starting point is 00:51:13 If Katrin didn't make it one year Came back and won the games Two years in a row I don't think it'll happen And she didn't make it to the games last year hey dude you know what she she looks lean and mean she looks lean and mean she's probably ecstatic that mal's gone i mean not outwardly yeah but she's gonna have she has got all the coaching staff to herself now she obviously
Starting point is 00:51:43 knows what a monster Mal is. And it's not like those athletes are, like you were saying, excited that that particular person has gone or out. It's just the massive shakeup on the field just creates a ton of new energy and opportunity. I think the opportunity is massive, yeah. Yeah. Has anyone ever interviewed Sam Quant? Has Sam Quant ever done an interview?
Starting point is 00:52:02 Didn't we have him on the show? We did? No. You never have. i don't know why either i thought i love the guy hey if that guy if that guy wins the games i'm not like oh fuck where did he come from not not in the slightest i think he's totally fucking unpredictable and capable of some baddie baddie shit i think what's cool about sam is you've seen you've seen highs and lows you've heard like yes uh like like personal life stuff that you're having to deal with as you're going through all that stuff and it can show just how much it will either propel your uh success that year or slap your success down and go the other way just based on how you handle what's going on around you that's been pretty
Starting point is 00:52:48 crazy to see his ups and downs it's nuts this dude can win an event at the games yeah this dude can go out with the 35th dudes in the world and fucking put it to him so I am trying to get Roman on the show we had him we had
Starting point is 00:53:04 him like a yes and then we were trying to get roman on the show we we had him we had him like a yes and then we were trying to pull him onto the boat and he was nice he said bye as he popped off the hook but we had this motherfucker on we had him damn we had him that's funny but anyway madaris going to win the games anyway. It's not a, there's no, right?
Starting point is 00:53:27 There's no question. Like we're all excited because we saw Adler, but Medeiros is going to show up like 1% better than last year and freak us all out this weekend. Right? He's so fucking good. He's going to freak us out. What about, what about a knifer as a coach?
Starting point is 00:53:42 Adam knifer? Yeah. It would be parallel 10, 10 times to the games on a team. Got Ellie, got that Trista girl, got, um, uh, Mr. Madaris all happy, go lucky and shit. That's what I think is most interesting about him and what he's done with his athletes is that you take that and you compare that to hwpo and matt like it's a completely and this is something that you were
Starting point is 00:54:11 talking about is same story but how do you present it because you don't look at you don't look at justin and even though justin was the wrestler justin doesn't have like you don't see the like the football mentality like the pick it up pussy you know quit being a little bitch and get going i don't see that i see those guys like giggling and laughing and like they're pushing hard they're getting after it but i it's the presentation of how that of what that phrase is whatever that that driving phrase it's different and it works well with his camp. I mean, I think it takes a – and that's what's interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:49 These athletes have to find the right coach that matches up with them, whether the coach is able to give that person a certain thing and they got another person at a camp, give them another type of setup. But, I mean, on the outside, it looks like matt has one particular way that he would coach not you know adam has another way that he he coaches you have um uh you know justin and justin kotler the way he coaches another another sort of way which is more like a father figure sort of uh setup you know so everyone's got their way and the athletes that thrive in those are the ones that they are the
Starting point is 00:55:28 yin to that yang. They need that particular thing for them to thrive. You're right, man. You watch Adam and Justin, you would think big brother, little brother. Not coach and athlete. I wonder how much Ellie complicates
Starting point is 00:55:44 that. That'll be interesting I don't mean that in a bad way But it's not just It's Adam and Justin And then you add Ellie And now it's Adam and Ellie And Adam and Justin
Starting point is 00:55:57 And Justin and Ellie And Ellie, Adam and Justin I mean Percentage wise it got 400 percent more complicated complex oh yeah right and you don't know the sensitivities of someone like you said something to justin then he repeats it to ellie and it's different than what ellie heard that justin told her and the next thing you fucking know like some like a speck of dust got in the fucking crankshaft and the fucking car blew up i don't know cars by the way i don't know if that worked
Starting point is 00:56:22 the crankshaft i don't know if that by the way. I don't know if that worked. The brake shaft. I don't know if that worked. Piston, piston. What are the things? That works. Just go with it. Got a piece of sand? Just keep going.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Just keep moving. Could happen. The car blew up. Got fucked up. Yeah, don't think it. I think that's 300%. Thank you, Heidi. I appreciate you cranking me on the math.
Starting point is 00:56:40 But it's real. But it's fucking real. These are fucking delicate cars it's a formula one race car going down the road is bad as shit until it hits a fucking two inch pothole it's toast so i i would just like if it came down to any of these athletes wondering what they need to do they just need to pull up uh your son uh obby's uh instagram where you're asking him about like so when you're out there are you scared well you know you just gotta do you just gotta get out there and just
Starting point is 00:57:09 he's gonna do it yeah i know but your eyes you were almost here you're almost crying where you what are you feeling about that yeah i mean i was kind of scared but then i wasn't scared but you know you go out you just lose one and you come back you win one if you like it you just keep doing if you don't you just don't do it anymore. Bill, when was the first time you wrestled? I started wrestling when I was five. My first medal was at five years old in the 45-pound weight class. And your dad put you in? Awesome.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Yeah. I remember him asking me if I wanted to wrestle. I remember the conversation, which was crazy. And that was 50 years ago. conversation which is crazy and that was she's 50 years ago do you um uh do you find it fascinating that story madaris told uh of of losing his first 49 of 50 matches or his mom told someone told the story to us did you know that his first 50 matches in high school wrestling he won one that's a lot of matches it's a lot to lose It's a lot to lose. It's a lot to lose but wouldn't give up.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I mean, that's crazy, right? You know, I think that there's something about – I know a lot of kids that wrestle and have zero success in wrestling, but they stay in wrestling just because of what wrestling is. Like even though you are – maybe you're getting beat by everybody, you're still with a bunch of people that are kicking everybody's ass. Right. And every day, like, there's something primal, there's something primal and masculine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:37 You're with the state champ, and it doesn't matter, like, you know, that still everyone in Starbucks, you beat their ass. Totally. Even though you can't beat anyone's ass. I mean, it's, like, you're still, like, there are other people that don't do what you do they're afraid to do what you do there's no way that they would do what you do even though i'm the worst one that does it yeah so there's something there's still there's still uh a a level of pride with that so i i mean i can see that that's a lot man a lot of fucking matches. I don't know. I would have to like, I'd have to look into that one a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:59:08 He calls bullshit on that. Maybe a little. Tales from an average gay CrossFitter, $9.99. They need to just work out and call it a day. Who? I think he's referring to like the Ellie Justin dynamic. Oh, I thought he was referring to us. Like, hey, just stop.
Starting point is 00:59:25 An athlete is all the time. See that they, that pronoun, that throws me off every time, that they. That's the same weight class Sebon rocks now. The 45 pound. All right. You should get all that juice like Hillaryary's man little ca hormones in your life
Starting point is 00:59:49 so on did you see how big did you see how big fucking hillary is did you see his most recent video have you seen freaking jack have you seen it yeah i know it's you see the very end very very very very very end uh no i was listening to it in my car. Just let me see. Pull it up. He makes it so tempting. God. Oh, my God. Every morning I could just put on my toe spacers. There you go.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And put a shot in my ass. Oh, my God. And a nipple ring in your nipple. No. And you're good to go. And it's tattoo. It's just the puncturing a hole in yourself. I don't see how that – I want to know the – hey, the peptides thing that comes, is it a pill?
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yeah, pill. Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no, it's not a pill. Maybe it's both. That's a good question. I don's both. That's a good question. I don't know. That's a great question. Bill, do you take any supplements?
Starting point is 01:00:52 Just like creatine. Every day, religiously? Yeah. Did you take a certain brand or just a – No. No. Nothing special. Any pre-workout?
Starting point is 01:01:03 Any like super crazy caffeine? No. Oh yeah, I did see this. Yes, I did see this. I like it. Hey, he did a podcast with this dude, the Tales from an Average Gay CrossFitter. Yeah, he looks huge in that. He's sitting in his chair and he's just like. Hey, do you know what he's doing here, Bill you haven't seen this video he's basically saying this is what i look like clean on crossfit and this is what i look like juice to the gills now he's
Starting point is 01:01:33 saying compare this to athletes before and after pictures yeah it's kind of a bold statement it's pretty yeah it is i did i i love that he's like honestly i love that he's doing it. You do? Because everything else has always been speculation. And he's the first one to be like, well, alright, here it is. I think it's fucking great. He's a great CrossFitter, right? Yeah, he's a good CrossFitter.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yeah, it's cool. It's a great experiment. Sebon, it's a suppository oh anyhow that's how that video ended all right ladies and gentlemen uh thank you uh to bill grundler for coming on let us run this test uh thank you for everyone for the coming on the middle of the afternoon 202 mr souza thank you We will be back here in three hours and 58 minutes, and sitting where Bill Grundler is sitting will be the great Daniel Brandon. Bye-bye.

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