The Sevan Podcast - The REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | 07/08/2024

Episode Date: July 9, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want you to be yourself. I don't want to censor you at all. Don't do anything to jeopardize my access to the CrossFit Games. Me too. Heat One App, baby! We both have skin in the game now, don't we? Oh my god, I love Chad. The Dave Castro Weekend Review with Tyler Watkins, founder of the Heat One App. And he also found sanity. I did.
Starting point is 00:00:30 And we will be reviewing Dave Castro's. God, how do you even find his Week in Review with all these other videos? Dude, he's straight pumping them out. Also, I'm going to talk about this for a second. Okay, okay. We have a news section on the heat one app oh okay and the goal there is to news news news okay we had this before but we got rid of it because we couldn't really manage it okay um i'm looking i'm pulling up my heat one one out but right now we're doubling down for the games we can our goal is that or our thought is that there are so many streams of consciousness about the games games athletes and content different places you have to go youtube instagram blah blah blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:01:19 barbell spin so we wanted to give it to you all in one place well some folks today i posted about this on instagram some folks today thought oh you're stealing dave's views well the freaking links go to his youtube channel still you mean you're promoting we're promoting we're promoting so if you're one of those idiots you can go to hell so so basically um what you're saying is which is smart is you're curating news dude it's so hard to find all the news yeah you're curating it like the way i don't know if it was buzzsprout or there have been some other places that have done that you You're like Apple News. You're curating news. But yeah, someone should have done that a long time ago. Originally, when I created the email of the day at CrossFit, that the whole point was to curate fitness news, not just CrossFit news, but any news in the fitness space.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Someone events a new dumbbell. Someone sets a world record at High Rock. Someone sets a whatever. You know what I mean? Someone dies taking the vaccine. Who's's an athlete it's all in there hey but but um what you just have dave why don't you put barbell spins um we are counting there oh you literally just turned it back on okay yeah i mean i would think um the news yeah just that's a what a great thing just start taking people's twitter accounts and bringing them all to one place yeah that's a what a great thing just start taking people's twitter accounts and
Starting point is 00:02:45 bringing them all to one place yeah that's awesome good job and hey someone like me who doesn't even use twitter i would um i don't either it's great for me yeah okay that's what's gotten crazy about instagram too is like you're pushed so much stuff now you can't even find the stuff you want to find oh on instagram yeah well they have the full censorship machine up just full steam ahead too remember that lady i had on from levi strauss yes um uh her tiktok got uh pulled down i guess uh and she's got all sorts of restrictions on Instagram now, and they don't even do anything controversial. Another guy I follow had his account pulled down because he ate a banana on the air. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I heard that on the show this morning. That's crazy. John Young's screwed. He'd be eating all kinds of stuff. Oh, you're right. You're right. I'm not going to let him eat bananas on the CrossFit Games Update show anymore. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Oh, that is some Southern shit right there. Wow. Please tell me there's sweetened iced tea in there. Just water. All right. Well, I'll join you with a with a fit aid these poor fit aid people they i mean i i'm gonna need cases and cases i'm already fully addicted i'm so stoked for my case to show up i'm i'm stoked to try it like i love blueberry anything
Starting point is 00:04:22 so i'm stoked to try the blueberry version of that one. I think, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I was gonna say, I think this is blueberry. That's apple.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Okay. Uh, 40% off, uh, over there. If you want fit aid, if you want coffee, go down there.
Starting point is 00:04:38 If you want, um, someone to teach you how to have a baby over there. God, I'm all screwed. Or support you. And if you want hormones, if you want to know, uh, how you baby over there god i'm all screwed or support you and if you want hormones if you want to know uh how you can heal your body you want hormones and peptides it's over here over there
Starting point is 00:04:53 andrew hiller made a video by the way a couple weeks ago if anyone hasn't seen it it's like the complete guide to peptides it's pretty fucking awesome uh jim jim jim babroski instagram and the algorithm are weird i used to do ridiculous shit and get 10 000 views meanwhile my wife's page of my six-year-old puts on 300 000 followers in seven hours holy shit crazy i don't know if I follow your seven year old but send me that please in my DMs
Starting point is 00:05:29 301 let me see let me see what kind of athletic stuff Mr. Jim is doing with his kids let me judge him on his parenting okay Dave Castro weekend review Dave is absolutely killing it it is it is It is... It is...
Starting point is 00:05:45 It is... You know what's crazy is not only is he making a lot of videos, but they're getting crazy views. 9,000 with Emma Lawson. 5,000 with Domet. 4,000 with Linda Kiesman. 3,000 with Henrik Kapololino this is all in the last two days mort's fee big four thousand gabriella magawa how many subscribers does he have his
Starting point is 00:06:14 channel i think twenty thousand nineteen thousand something lazar jukic four thousand this is all in the last two days. Enola Kai. Samuel Cornway, 5,000. Samuel will be on tomorrow morning, by the way. Jeffrey Adler, 9,000. Who's this guy, Peter Ellis? Pete? He's the last qualifier out of Australia.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Oh, okay. Hey, someone told me he did Moritz Fiebig. He didn't do Moritz. He did. Oh, he did? Yep. Scroll up. Go to the left. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Oh, okay. Moritz. Oh, yeah. I said it. Hey, did you see the Moritz one? It's getting rave reviews, I hear. Yeah, he's a pretty charismatic guy. Holy cow, what a guy.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So proud of Moritz. Wow, i want to move to germany another another absolute gem of a human whoa blown away what a delight he's so humble what a great guy you need to do a special series about him super cool dude great interview what a good question and combo at the end dude's legit legit. A plus human. Another amazing interview. That's you guys' tits out. Crazy how many people answer Rich Froning as their inspiration. Great interview. What a great story. One of the best. I'm a new Moritz
Starting point is 00:07:35 fan. What a great guy. Go Moritz. This guy's a delight. Great dude. Get Mo on the Sevan podcast finally. Mo. I like that German Oak I think he was in the behind the scenes last year And I think I remember I enjoyed talking to him
Starting point is 00:07:58 Alright, where is this? Where the There it is How come it says it's already been watched? All right. Where is this? Where the? There it is. How come it says it's already been watched? By you? No, I didn't watch it. Sousa.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We can review. Good point. Okay, Dave Castro at 1.25. He won APTA, now offers the daily news in the CrossFit space. How much money are you guys giving away this year at the games? $10,000. One check. One man, one woman.
Starting point is 00:08:35 That's just me clicking. Half of those views came from via the Heat One app. Oh, right. Oh, no, because you direct people. Yeah. Wow. Patrick Clark.urice is an amazing dude he's what every crossfitter should strive to be athlete coach businessman and overall great dude overall dude not great dude just the overall dude jesus jesus jake what's wrong with you we just read 30 positive reviews i tell you, these castro interviews are becoming cringeworthy. They're becoming super awkward now.
Starting point is 00:09:08 What the fuck? Well, just Jake, go in the comments and throw in a sack tap just to get the ratio back. Right? Yeah. Jesus. You are so in the minority.
Starting point is 00:09:17 You could, you could probably net you'll be first in line for the next vaccine. Jake, with that kind of talk, get it. Cause minorities go first. the next vaccine, Jake, with that kind of talk. Get it? Because minorities go first. Mike McCaskey, my game's goal is to hug Sevan and encourage him. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Oh, okay, yeah. Encourage me. Steven Flores. Hey, Vato. I could use that 10K. papa's got bills to pay homes win that's all you gotta do is win okay july 8 2024 the man the myth the legend has the door closed which makes no sense because it's
Starting point is 00:10:02 got to be hot as shit there in Aromas, California. Oh, it's called Athlete Interviews, High Rocks, Fikovsky Comments, a SEAL training versus going to the games. And then there's a comma. There must be more. He's not very good. What I've noted
Starting point is 00:10:19 about taking his posts and put them in the Heat One app is he's not very good with periods. He just leaves them off. Sometimes I'm assuming he's putting this into the descriptions and things like that, that he does his own tweeter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:34 He's not very good with periods. Uh, Barclay. My goal is to be called the more normal helping again. Is that shit? That's doable. That's totally doable. Set the bar low there, Barkley.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. Barkley, you're a boss. Barkley, are you going to the games? Yes. Is he going as media? Yes. Do you know which outfit he's working with? Heat one. Oh, awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:04 All right. Dork one. Oh, awesome. Okay. All right. Dork squad. Geek squad. Yeah, totally. How is Barkley on a podcast? He's good. He's good? Calm down.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Yeah, he's much more of a character than I am. Oh, interesting. Okay. He won't goob it up like I did the first time. Hey, dude, it's only been uphill for you. Hey, set the bar low. Give me a room, Savant. I think the house we got there is packed,
Starting point is 00:11:35 or else you probably would be a really fun addition. I'm sleeping on top of Savant's bag. He's sleeping on top of me. I'm sleeping on top of Savant. Capitalizes Seal, but not Fikovsky. Oh, good point. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:55 The disrespect. View, July 8th, 2024. A couple weeks into the athlete interview series, and I've almost finished 50. So I'm at, I think, 49. I'll do 50 today. I'll probably get two or three in. I have another busy day.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I have a testing athlete in town and other CrossFit work stuff to do. So yesterday I did like seven or eight. The day before, I think I did seven, six or seven. So I'm really happy with how it's going, enjoying talking to all the athletes and getting to know them, their story a little more. It's been a great experience. And I think just going into the games with this perspective of having spoken to everyone and chatted about various things related to them as competitors and individuals is going to be, it's already beneficial to my headspace of coming in there and seeing them all for the first time. Beneficial to his headspace.
Starting point is 00:12:49 So he had 14 years of unbeneficial headspace. 15, 16. I just still can't get over the formula change. Why now? Why change a winning formula this late in the game? Why now? Why change a winning formula this late in the game? Well, he's self-admitted that he's uncomfortable doing them, and he's uncomfortable going on YouTube, and I believe that.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And I know he's not comfortable. He doesn't want to be the center of attention. If you do ever talk to Dave, he'll start asking you questions because he doesn't want anyone asking him questions. ever talk to Dave he'll start asking you questions because he doesn't want anyone asking him questions he's very good about asking like asking questions about the people he's talking to
Starting point is 00:13:32 so much that it's like I'm like why are you asking that oh you're just asking them to continue to get into them like as opposed to whatever it is you want to get into so and i mean would we agree that it needs it needed to be done it i'm not not by him i mean it just needed to be done yes 10 minutes short interviews with athletes fucking like on a rating of 1 to ten it's a ten cheap easy and and enhances everyone's
Starting point is 00:14:07 interest in the games well i think i text you when he first started doing this i was i was not a fan at first i didn't like it because i was like you're not adding to the suspense of the games or anything like that you're just asking them bare minimum questions. And then as the athlete's personality started to unfold, I've totally turned on this. I was so wrong. These are very, very good for the games. They make me care way more. Do you think that it's ruining the mystique that's around Dave,
Starting point is 00:14:37 that we're seeing Dave too much? No. Neither do I. That was always the argument that kind of greg gave greg always liked it that that dave was like a mysterious there's still so much i think i also i i think like the the bit where he cut out some stuff with tia oh yeah yeah like it's still like they're still mystique or else we wouldn't care if he comes on i'm gonna get him on the show i've been i've been bugging him i text him even today i'm like hey come on um i gotta remember to ask what what he cut out at least big picture i've heard some rumors about it you have yeah? Yeah. Quality rumors? Yeah. Like you think you even know what it is?
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah. Can you share? No. Oh. So really happy with this. After this, I'll morph that into something else. These 10 to 15 minute interviews will continue. Thinking doing affiliate owners, even some other HQ staff.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So really excited about where I can take that. One comment. So he's inspired. He did tell me this. I spoke to him, and I don't remember if he asked me or I suggested it, but he got on StreamYard, and then he followed up with me after doing the first 10, and he's like, holy shit, I love this StreamYard software.
Starting point is 00:16:13 So that's kind of cool right well i'll say this like i don't like being in front of the camera either i was terrible on my first podcast and like me doing these like little press release things that i do they get easier each time you start to find your rhythm and so he once i just started doing it i hated it the first time and now i don't mind it so much and so he's probably he's likely going through the same thing where you're like i need to quit hiding from this and then as he does it they get easier and easier i think you see that in his swagger on this now or not on this but the athlete interviews he's much more relaxed he's playing the game i wonder if anyone at hq has asked him hey pivot these over to this crossfit podcast station there's been meetings about this right they've had to have talked about this
Starting point is 00:17:02 what would be the rationale of why they wouldn't put it on their show or on their, on their YouTube? Uh, I, that, that's a great question. Uh,
Starting point is 00:17:11 I just looked up Dana white YouTube. I know Dana does a ton of shit on his Instagram. I don't see a Dana white on YouTube. Well, Dave Portnoy has his own YouTube and it's separate from Barstool but it's usually reserved for his more racy takes I'm looking at his and does it have a big following yes yeah six hundred thousand yeah anytime Dave gets a anytime Dave is on a Barstool video they'll go from like 10,000 to 80 views
Starting point is 00:17:47 oh wow his his last video was 10 days ago then three weeks then one month then one month whereas barstools daily interesting well I like it. I like this. I wanted to clarify. Someone asked me about Navy SEALs in relation to SEAL training to go into the games. And I said going to the games is harder than SEAL training. And I want to clarify what I meant by that. In just a pure numbers perspective, getting to the games, 80 people a year get to the games, is much harder than actually becoming a SEAL because there's hundreds of people every year who become a SEAL.
Starting point is 00:18:44 But when I say that, I want to clarify that doesn't mean that the 80 or the 40 men and 40 women who go to the games um well would easily become seals um i actually think probably less than 10 to 5 percent of them would be able to make it through the seal training so the physicality of getting to the games is um immense and incredibly difficult and overwhelming majority of navy seals could not do that but the mental aspect of training. I don't think you could pluck one Navy SEAL that's alive today, past, present, and then make it to the games. Oh, I don't think that's a, yeah, I agree. And that's not a dig at Navy SEALs. It's just a totally different kind of training.
Starting point is 00:19:21 It's just different. Yeah. I think he's wrong about the percentage of CrossFitters who would make it as in in the seals well none of the women are gonna make it you don't think so i'm not making it okay okay too you're right you're right too gazan gazan's making it for sure even and even through i think gazan is the best mentally fit to get through it of those oh man t is a fucking steel trap though too yeah i think a good portion of the men's field makes it you do i would say over half. Wow. Less than he said. More.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Oh, less than. No faith, Sebon. Julia's making it. God damn. Didn't Pool Boy just visit you? How come I didn't get any video all right here we go that takes um an overwhelming majority of the games athletes could not do that and so um i don't want it to sound like i think being a games or and and here's the thing too i think a ton of semi of semifinals athletes can make it also.
Starting point is 00:20:46 A ton. That the games athlete, that also because I think it's harder to be a games athlete, that I think the games athletes could also easily become SEALs, which I do not think that. Hey, I don't think Daveave was ever close even in his most fittest he's ever been being remotely as fit as the worst semi-final athletes and he became a seal what's that guy who used to run the the like seal prep camp he did seal fit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah kakoro camp it's it's weird that i can remember the name of the camp seal prep camp. He did seal fit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kokoro camp. It's,
Starting point is 00:21:27 it's weird that I can remember the name of the camp, but not the name of the guy. I wonder if you asked him on, on this, he would actually be a good interview years later. How many games and semifinals athletes would make it through seals? Someone will say his name. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Rob Orlando and Jason Kalipa both did this. I pat's pat barber did it um that camp yeah uh sarah cox did it did she yep she made it through excuse me that's one i would i would want to go do anyway Anyway, I'm sorry. You clearly haven't watched this. He's about to cover all this stuff. Seb, I never watch this. I never watch it. Mark Devine! I'm still not even watching it. Still not even watching it. Mark Devine, seal fit.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Mark Devine, yeah. So, that being said, there was one, there is a former games athlete. Within the last several years, he was a games athlete who stopped competing. And he recently went through buds and is now a seal. And we're in contact. I'm not going to say who it is to respect his privacy for that.
Starting point is 00:22:40 You probably figured it out. But to respect his privacy with his new role as a seal, where keeping that stuff kind of staying under the radar matters for that. You probably figured out, but respect his privacy with his new role as a seal where keeping that stuff kind of staying under the radar matters and means something. So I have now seen a games athlete make the transition into going to buds and becoming a seal. And then of course, there was Josh Bridges, who was a seal who became a games athlete. So a lot of crossover of the years. Well, not a lot. A handful of situations of crossover over the years of the two.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Second thing I want to talk about before. I don't think Josh even made the transition. I mean, well, sort of, but he was simultaneously a SEAL and competing at the games. I wonder how many people ever do that ever again. Zero. Yeah, probably zero. Oh but
Starting point is 00:23:28 But Jack Rosamond, although he's not a SEAL Active duty. Yeah, he's an attorney in the army we're getting into comments is some a few people sent me the link of Fikowski saying somewhere that if CrossFit doesn't change some things, High Rocks can take over. And I didn't
Starting point is 00:23:50 see the whole clip, so that's the only context I have. I don't know. Is that true? Did you ever see that clip? What clip again? He said that there was a clip out there that Fikowski said that if CrossFit doesn't change some things, that High Rocks was going to take over. Like what? Like what if CrossFit doesn't change some things that High Rocks was going to take over like what
Starting point is 00:24:06 like what if uh if CrossFit I mean uh we know High Rocks has no standards in the squat we know that their judges are just cheerleaders is that what he wants is that that's I know what he means but it's like what's the dip what's the difference between High Rocks and Spartan Race nothing there was Tough Mudder there and Spartan Race? Nothing. There was Tough Mudder. There's Spartan Race. It's all the same shit, just repackaged. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:34 This is just another thing that lasts four years. Hey, he said his name was Fikowski. He said on this show that that's the correct pronunciation of his name, Fikowski. Yeah, the W is not pronounced the way we pronounce it. Fikowski. Fikowski. They're all fun to say. It's a great name. I think most of the field would finish training.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Games training is hard. They're training way harder than 99% of SEAL candidates. It wouldn't take long for them to figure out how to swim. I don't think that's it. I think there's tons of dudes fit enough. It's that fucking Hell Week thing. Yeah, it's how bad do that's it i think there's tons of dudes fit enough it's that fucking hell week thing yeah it's how how bad do you want it yeah i think there's that hell week thing that's just nasty nasty nasty nasty but like crossfit like you cross it so hard and like taylor could be a seal taylor could be a seal yeah i'd nominate him to go through buds
Starting point is 00:25:25 uh jason hopper could not be a seal no i feel bad saying that but he could it just is the way it is yeah dave's brain is a man dave made it yeah and but dave's mind is a steel trap uh colton could make it yeah he would die out there before he taylor's taylor's mind is not a steel trap but he will do it out of hatred alone yeah uh i think colton's mind is probably a steel trap absolutely he could have like he could be missing half his foot and he'd be like i'm good just keep me in i'm trying to think if there's any women besides tia who i think uh i want to say rolf because she's sponsored by goruck but i don't know if that's true
Starting point is 00:26:17 that she could make it i want to say ariel could do it and i want ariel could do it. I want Ariel could do it. Ariel's brain is a... Ariel could do it. I have no justification besides the fact that she lives with Dylan. Well, and she has a crazy... She's mentally so tough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. Sam Briggs. Mm-hmm. What about I think Shelby Neal could do it. Oh, here's another one. Brandon Luckett. Yeah. Yeah, nobody's a
Starting point is 00:26:55 physicist and then just chooses to be a CrossFitter at the same time. Dude, he was so injured at semifinals. He was so injured. You cannot fucking fathom how bad his back was spasming i i if i remember you texting us that and then like watching him do that snatch event or something and me being like are you sure yeah he said he didn't even feel it dude he was hunched if anyone's ever had a bad back he had the worst bad back ever he could not move in the warm-up area i think he must have been in so much fucking
Starting point is 00:27:30 pain i bet you he took eight fucking advil julia cook could do it i don't know if Laura could do it. I think she could. I don't know. I don't know. She has a problem with authority. That would be her hardest thing to overcome. I don't know. Danielle Brandon could definitely not do it. What about Dallin Pepper?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Dallin could do it. Yeah. Fisa Goffey. She's 50-50 for me. what about down pepper down could do it yeah fisa coffee she's 50 50 for me uh patrick clark laura would not she wouldn't be disciplined enough and deal with people screaming insults in her face that's what i'm saying that's my problem with authority if she would want to take over or not she just wouldn't listen she would want to take over and not, she just wouldn't listen.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Adler could do it if his wife was there. She's the instructor. Oh, shit. Yeah, Roman could do it. All right. I could do this all day, but. I know. We'll come back. You guys keep throwing names out there.
Starting point is 00:28:47 If I see one, I'll be like, fuck yeah. Oh, Taylor Self or Seal Team Dicks. Oh my God. We'll print that shirt up next. Seal Team Dicks. I don't know how he's saying it. I'm going to speak about it, but it might not be exactly what his point was.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And that title could. Oh, he's so Dave's talking about Fikowski. He's talking about Fikowski said that if CrossFit doesn't change its ways, High Rock's going to take it over. Be a clickbait for all I know. If the title is accurate, I imagine the things that Fikowski wants to change are ideas he has, of course.
Starting point is 00:29:31 So I'll start with that. The second piece is I view High Rocks as we are on very two different paths. We do two very different things. So you look at what we do, and we have the CrossFit game. If High Rocks doesn't change its ways, Kill Taylor's going to beat beat out high rocks how about that it's true joking not joking most popular 1v1 uh competition in the world yeah he crowned the fittest alive and we have this process that gets people there and um starts with a tremendous amount of people on an online community event whittles down to really select elite events that then qualify people to this pinnacle event
Starting point is 00:30:12 where very few people go and you just can't you know it takes a tremendous amount of training to get there and we legitimately crown the fittest on earth we We do that. We do this middle section of events and we do this massive online. Yeah. So I want to stop there. CrossFit legitimately crowns the fittest on earth. I'm going to accept that. What does high rocks do? I'm going to wait for a second. Okay. Petition, an online community event. That's the beginning of all of that. I view High Rocks as doing an in-person community event, and they're doing a really good job of it with a fixed format, which is cool, but it's also very different.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Are they doing a really good job of it? At volume, their game is a volume game. One billion hamburgers served or whatever is their game. And I think that they do do a good job of it. I mean, I don't think that they claim to have the best movers in the world. You're paying for this experience. And if you're getting close, you're getting close. I think they do do a good job at it.
Starting point is 00:31:22 The volume of athletes that they have. And what we do. I would say this too. I would love for High Rocks to try to run an event where they're crowning the fittest on earth and try to compete with us for that realm or that title or in that world. And I would also love for them to try to compete with us on the online format, the community building piece we have, and try to get anywhere near 300,000 people. Hey, pause for a second. What I can almost guarantee. This is the first time we've seen another training methodology or whatever you want to call high rocks, I think, be able to say, hey, give us one spot to the games.
Starting point is 00:32:02 hey, give us one spot to the games. That old Greg thing where he would say, if you think you can come, we'll invite you. Hunter, getting to go to the games. They should give an invite to one person from High Rocks if they're willing to take it. I think it would be amazing for both communities. And what I'm hearing you say is that they couldn't. There's no other group that you could even seriously take a challenger from.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Right. Like you couldn't. That's what you're saying. Okay. That's fair enough. Okay. I like that. And hey, I don't know if he's about to say this, but I don't think High Rocks could do what CrossFit does.
Starting point is 00:32:44 don't know if he's about to say this but i don't think high rocks could do what crossfit does but i do think that crossfit could step into the space of one event and take that over from high rocks you know what i mean and i would also love for them to try to compete with us on the online format the community building piece we have and try to get anywhere near 300,000 people. But what I can almost guarantee you is they would not love for us to get into the community in-person competition, mass participation event space. event space. And why I say that, because if we did, we'd crush it. If we were to create something where we had a traveling series of in-person competitive community mass participation events, we would do very well at that. I concur. He has an addition here. And why? Because we have an amazing team who has a lot of... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:33:54 You lost me. Okay, yes, you have an amazing team. But behind the scenes, Sebi, behind the scenes. We have experience running events and understanding of what our community, what the CrossFit community is looking for. And we have a really large community, you know, over 12, 13,000 gyms around the world. So us getting into their space is probably more worrisome for them than them trying to
Starting point is 00:34:18 get into our space. But again, I view it, we're both doing different things. And so we can both exist where we're existing and be happy. I don't think they are at all a threat to the CrossFit game. Let me propose this too. I totally can see someone doing CrossFit, going to High Rocks, and then coming back to CrossFit. I can see someone doing High Rocks and going to CrossFit. I can't see someone doing CrossFit, going to high rocks and not coming back. And I don't see people – if you start off at high rocks and you come to CrossFit, you're probably not going to go back to high rocks.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Agreed. It's just – it has a shelf life. Yep. That's why I brought up the Spartan thing. I will say this. So I think this is really one of Dave's worst takes. Okay. buy tickets to go compete at these events i totally think that they could and should do it i think that they've been missing out for years by not uh once every quarter once every six months saying like hey this this month we're gonna run a 5k we're gonna do something we're gonna do it in i don't know st louis oh hold on one second uh patrick clark said hunter did uh and he isn't
Starting point is 00:35:41 coming back to crossfit he's the exception he'sFit. He's the exception. He's a freak. He's the exception. I'm not talking about the top 100 people in the world at it. I'm just talking about the masses. Yeah, sure. If you think you can be the best in the world at high rocks, yeah, you might stay there and just fucking do the grind. Same with marathon running. But I guarantee you probably the people who do marathon or Ironman
Starting point is 00:36:04 probably come all the time to CrossFit and never go back to that show. Christy Aramos still trains CrossFit even though she competes at a high level in High Rocks. Yeah. But what I was going to say is what I don't like about his take – so we should do this. But what I don't like about his take is that he says we have the community so we have the basically the cash pool to sell to and you have the team that has the expertise to do it and you have a company that needs the money then why have you not done it it's about like john young texting us and saying oh i beat taylor but i didn't film it
Starting point is 00:36:43 and uh you know or I would have done it. You know, all these people who, who buzz into Taylor each, uh, kill Taylor each week and says, well, I would have done it,
Starting point is 00:36:51 but this, this, and this is like, that's a bad take, dude. Don't, don't say we would beat you at it and then not play the game. Do you think maybe they are going to play the game?
Starting point is 00:37:02 I don't think that they're, I, I don't, I do just, I don't think that they have the resources to do it and what you're saying is is like hey you shouldn't have said you went one step too far he should have just said i think crossfit would do very well in the space but not we would absolutely murder you yeah interesting we could do this and it would be fun but don don't ad-lib like that.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I'd kick your ass right now if I wasn't in my church clothes. That's it. Vindicate 100%, Tyler. Yeah, but Fikovsky's comments are talking about semifinal-level athletes, not scrubs like me. What we are doing. And I like what they're doing. I like that they're getting people moving and getting people competing.
Starting point is 00:37:59 So it's all healthy. Let's dive in. We have to say that. I love it45's contribution to the health and fitness space. I love F45's contribution in that they will disappear in five years and we will absorb all of their memories. Yeah. Hyrox equals P90X.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Well, it's a P 90 X. Well, it's a little better P 90 X, I believe in terms of its relationship with CrossFit. Yeah, probably it's a feeder feeder league. Great job, Dave. Push the good stuff forward. This is from at Remy Brie alt four,
Starting point is 00:38:42 five, six, push the good stuff forward. Positive vibes. Um, my guess is Chad, including a movement being done every 100 reps. Either you are evil and program double-unders or go for a more balanced choice of including pull-up, muscle-ups, or handstand walks.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Dave, your – did I sort – That was someone just guessing what Chad was going to be? Yeah. He was just like... Listen, there's no fucking pull-ups going to be added to it, jackass. Bye. Let me just read this one, and then I'll sort it. Dave, your logo has pistons in it.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I remember seeing a video of you and some athletes riding motorcycles. Do you still ride? What kind of motorcycle? So I do still ride. No, you don't. No, you don't. I have a Harley and I have a Triumph. I have a Road Glide. I don't ride those as much, but I also have a KTM Freeride electric dirt bike, which is awesome. I'm going to do a review of it soon. Yeah, he does ride that. He rides a dirt bike a lot now. Probably every day he does not ride his other motorcycles for um getting around on the
Starting point is 00:39:45 ranch so i also have a ranger a polaris ranger and that's great for getting around on the ranch and as you've seen that has four wheels motherfucker he has about a two wheel it's steep but especially once it gets wet it tears up the grass and when the grass gets torn up and i go over the same trail over and over there There's potential for erosion. So I decided to get a dirt bike, electric dirt bike, which is quiet and easy, instant power. You get on and go. So, so yes, to answer your question, I still do ride more dirt bikes now. And I used to ride dirt bikes a lot more several years ago, but more dirt bike now just to get around the ranch than actual street
Starting point is 00:40:23 motorcycles, which I still do own a couple. Do you see him fidgeting in his chair you think his back hurts no he just fizzes dude he fizzes so much it makes me nervous get rid of my uh triumph because i have too many bikes yeah so he's selling his triumph does anyone want to buy a triumph it's really really nice he puts so much fucking money into it it's so fucking tricked out he'd probably sell it for 40 grand hey do you still ride your motorcycle no but it's funny you say that because my nephew came over two days ago and fired up the harley and cleaned it up and got the battery working and it's so nice i was thinking about taking it for a ride i haven't registered it since 2020 that's all right registration is really more of a if you want to what state are you in it's not important uh barclay his back hurts from
Starting point is 00:41:20 carrying the entire media team on his back you won't get on the show like that barkley did you see the um did you see the uh there's the demo team has been released yeah there's got to be some good memes they're like snow white and the seven Dwarfs. So there's got to be something someone's got to do. What a great demo team. Holy shit. Holy shit. Dude, there's no... I want to see Tudor Magda and Colton Mertens have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:41:56 There's no words. That's what I was going to say. They can have lunch and not say one thing to each other or their best friends. Annika's verbal. Yeah. And Tetlo's verbal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 They both talk to Tetlo but don't talk to each other. Dude, what a great team. Man. I like it. It is a good team. There goes Barclays Media Pass. Sorry, Barclays. At 77, do rock, Dave.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Interview Hiller. And then someone said upvote. It's a good idea. At Jen. Yeah, no. So you don't think that was real? It's like when your kid's like, hey, dad, can I have a popsicle? Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But there are no popsicles. Say that again. Say that again. Like when you ask your dad, like growing up, hey, dad, can I have a popsicle? And they're like, sure. But there's no popsicles. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I do that to my kids i know that move it's a great move damn uh i wish awesome hartman i wish i was nsw what's that mean new south wales i wish i was and way fitter so i could get time off work for crossfit north southwest north no not so wide not so white that's it winter i don't know what that is i think he's saying like i would totally like what we're saying about i would have beat you up had it not been in my church clothes. Oh, right. Oh, Navy Special Warfare. Navy Special Warfare. Not so white.
Starting point is 00:43:49 God. Close. Two from Proven on the demo team. I wonder if Tia is getting any intel. Which two? Oh, Sidney and Colton? Colton. Listen, Colton is not. Definitely not.
Starting point is 00:44:07 He's a locked box. Yeah, and colton and colton listen colton he's a locked box yeah and colton do you i don't i don't think i don't think of colton as a proven athlete do you i mean i'm guessing they gave him 60 grand or something in the who's renting who in that situation he's renting them he they're not renting him what do you mean who's paying who the licensing fee in that situation i think they're paying you think he's paying them that's what that no you had it right oh they're paying him yeah colton dude this guy just this guy's about to cross a hundred thousand uh instagram followers and like his instagram followers just imagine the kind of people that follow fucking Colton Mertens. Like they're into fucking Colton Mertens. Like no one's going over there to try to get a fucking,
Starting point is 00:44:51 he's about to pass a hundred. Yeah. Wow. And dude, like that's a, that's an army. Those aren't like that. Those aren't,
Starting point is 00:44:59 um, they're not there. They're not there to see fucking titties and shit. Yeah. He's's he's a savage i swear to god you know nozzles that go on the end of hoses and there's also there's like a thousand of them like online and like 20 at home depot some nozzle company has got to sponsor him and just show him like with his shirt off and a pair of jeans like hosing shit off the wall and a fucking pig pen like you know what i mean like a thousand pigs is that is that a sprinkler company do they make sprinklers but
Starting point is 00:45:29 they could i mean they make tools too so they could just like i would buy any tool colton used i would fucking i would buy any there's any like just like a how about a ladder company are you five five and strong as fuck you need a ladder there's no way colton would accept a cobalt sponsorship he's a milwaukee guy i think fucking can't you see he'd be great with a ladder company oh my god or a stool you know what i mean like one of those schools that also doubles as like a toolbox i would kill to see that one of those fold-out stools or he just like freaking and puts it on the ground oh my goodness he it's just nuts you get him a fucking sponsor a hundred thousand that's crazy yeah and he can train that's what i
Starting point is 00:46:19 mean he can transcend the space because the the the people everyone respects him like there's no one there's no one on there like following him who's like laughing at him yeah you know what i mean i was trying to explain to him sorry i was trying to explain to a foreigner are the american infatuation with with colton and it is difficult if you're not American. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, interesting. But he is the ethos. Oh, my God. Gritty, hardworking, outstanding, integrity. Like, he's not going to sell some shitty sprinkler head.
Starting point is 00:46:56 No. That's why I said he wouldn't be sponsored by Cobalt. They make shitty tools. Oh. What about the tools I get, the cheap ones from Home home depot you already said it what brand is that who makes the green ribo yeah no he's not going with ryobi all the pole stuff a pole i have a ryobi pole saw every time i use it it goes through a fucking whole thing of oil. Look at Rambo. Ryobi's
Starting point is 00:47:28 legit. Colton Merton's Ryobi pole saw. Oh my goodness. I'm going to skip that. Mr. Hugh Hiller. And then someone said upvote. That's a good idea. Jan, pick things up. so i'm gonna skip that
Starting point is 00:47:48 miss why go look at scroll down and see well it would be on his last one okay hold on i'm gonna go look um here here i'll look the dave castro will race okay um seven eight so it's seven one yeah and it was some chick named jen something like that jen something oh i have 627 i don't see 71 damn it you're gonna be this makes for great radio no I am not even to the video yet. Here we go. 7-1. I suck. Jan picks things up. Somehow, Dave Castro is the most potent member of the CrossFit HQ media team,
Starting point is 00:48:39 and he's not even on the media team, dot, dot, dot. Dave doesn't want to lose his media pass either we're gonna skip that oh my goodness that's awesome uh dave it was the first comment oh that's is that weird dave's excuses he hasn't fully Listened he puts him in order for Highest rated I think Okay Okay so he doesn't want to take a dig at the media team Okay fair enough
Starting point is 00:49:12 Mr. I don't know you dig on Mr. Why I vote in You take a dig at Will all the time Mr. Brandstitter Why did CrossFit not choose Why did CrossFit choose not to use Sean Woodland to be the voice of CrossFit to comment on the games? I talked a little bit about that last week.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Talk about it again, Davey. Talk about it again. We don't know why. We still don't know why, right? No one knows why. The guest has said something political, right? We have confirmed that it's not money. Someone said it's definitely not money.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Have we confirmed that? I thought someone had confirmed that. Maybe. Hey, Dave, can we rename this series Dave Responds to Ding Dongs in the comment section? At JoshCarter48, Hey, Dave, next time you're at Fort Liberty, I'd be honored to hang out with you
Starting point is 00:50:07 to see what you're doing with the 18th. Thanks for all you do. Good to know. Keep that in mind. At Wad Zombie, Hi Dave, what is event one? Our own Wad Zombie. I think we can say it's our own Wad Zombie.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Hitachi. Hitachi is good. They make TV sets. But there's no way they make everything they make car parts they make all kinds of stuff anything electronic but is colton going to be sponsored by a japanese company a japanese pig maybe i i heardland on WODprep podcast talking about how hard working the CF media team was no mention of someone here
Starting point is 00:50:50 how hard working the CF media team was oh meaning the team that's there is hard working a few others said that is a great question someone said triathlon. Someone said a thousand box step ups. Listen.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I want to go to the games. I want access. Maybe they are hardworking. Oh, I thought we were going to talk about Chad. But there's an output issue there's a product issue um you know there's just a product issue so they need to reevaluate where that hard work is going if they're hard working odd zombie hi dave what is event one then a few others said that is a great question. Someone said triathlon. Someone said a thousand box step ups.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Event one will be announced shortly. So within this week, we will know what event one is. Do we know? No. And today's Monday? Yes. At Mason in Tucson. We don't even know where event one is, Monday? Yes. At Mason and Tucson. We don't even know where event one is, right?
Starting point is 00:52:08 Right. That's what's been killing me is there's a lot of assumptions Chad is at Farrington Field, and that's totally just conjecture. Yeah, I suspect it's not. I don't think it is either. I think it's at the stadium. The sense of on to the games fund.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Of these interviews, you should do post-game interviews too. You're right. I should. I don't know if I will, but what I am planning on doing during the week, I think I'm going to do nightly recap interviews, or not interviews, nightly recaps of the day. So again, same format, 10 to 15 minutes, probably like this. I'll speak to the camera and I'll just kind of go over the day, today's events. So I say probably,
Starting point is 00:52:57 but whenever I say probably, that definitely means I'm going to do it. So you could expect that. Is he going to do that live from the Sebon podcast? I wonder. Holy fuck. You know, Dave, we'll have a whole setup. Did he come on ever last year on those late night shows we did? God, I can hardly remember no i can't remember because i was like i know ro katie came on i know the year one year dave did come on every night i know adrian came on every night yeah i don't remember dave coming on last year but i don't
Starting point is 00:53:39 know i would remember i would listen to him like at one o'clock in the morning after the fact. I hope he keeps it short. I don't want any competition in that space. I'm planning to film all day at the game. Those shows were massive, dude. They were so much fun to listen to. They were massive. The Sense of Onto were so much fun to listen to. They were massive.
Starting point is 00:54:06 The Sense of Onto the Game is fun. Thank you. Okay. Okay. Okay. At the tone of tone, what did you cut from the Kia interview? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:54:24 If I wanted you to know, I would not have cut it. Are you ready for... For the intel that you have regarding what that is, do you think that it was appropriate to cut it out?
Starting point is 00:54:40 Or do you think he could have left it? He's being too sensitive. That would assume that I know all the factors and I don't. Okay, but for what you do know. I think it was fair to cut it out. Oh, you do? Okay. Yeah. You two rock.
Starting point is 00:54:58 So he's not being a pussy? That's a totally different question. Holy shit. I don't know enough facts she's pregnant who's she Tia no no wow
Starting point is 00:55:16 wow she's fucking pregnant she's gonna win the games pregnant I can hear you whistling Wow, she's fucking pregnant. She's going to win the games pregnant. I can hear you whistling. Sorry, dude. I breathe loud. Wow.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I approve. I'm fine with her doing the games pregnant. How pregnant? What? How pregnant? What? How pregnant? Two months. First trimester. It's a little something or something. Athletes excited to see the affiliate interviews.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Yep, I'm excited to get to that series too. Just need to get through this athlete interview series. And remember too, so when I started this, decided to interview All-80, it was only a few weeks ago. Within a few, Sevan was like, oh, he's not going to get past 10. So very quickly I got past 10. Now I'm at 49. Did you tell him that or did he hear that on the show?
Starting point is 00:56:21 I don't know. Because I was like, are you listening, Dave? No, I don't think he listened was like I don't remember no I don't think he listened so I probably told him I did not think he was going to get past 10 I did not he's going to finish for sure
Starting point is 00:56:37 but that being said I truly think that the StreamYard software is just a game changer for me here's the thing though if he doesn't go live if he doesn't go live if he doesn't go live soon like he's fucking up he's gotta go live
Starting point is 00:56:54 don't you think what do you mean do these fly from his house yeah he just like from right there where he's sitting he should be interviewing the athletes live well he told you to go live so it would only be fair dude his show would be wild if it was live it would be wild i mean if he's already editing stuff out of tia's i would assume and especially because it's like they there seems to be a mismatch on when he thinks stuff's going to come out and then when it actually comes out and so does he want to be the spoiler i would want to
Starting point is 00:57:29 have cut power but i understand the value of what you're saying it would be so fun i think you should do them on instagram live that would be cool he would be energized um he told me that the reason why i should go live Is because it would Just add a level of discipline to the show Because you gotta be careful with what you have to say It would be hard to keep it 10 minutes live Why? What's the difference? Well, he's not editing these
Starting point is 00:57:59 What do you mean? What's the difference? I don't get that Explain that to me. Yeah, I don't know. Do you think he would get distracted by the comments or something? Maybe. He does on your show. Yeah, he could do both. He could figure it out. He's just got to practice.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Yeah, just don't look at the comments all right so i'm really excited about getting them getting through all of them at jb 1108 interview you know how crazy in hindsight now that i think about it that i did i had a show with josh and matt and we did 20 shows i didn't realize how crazy that I didn't realize how crazy kind of the community was and starved for content and just how much they want to hear shit like imagine imagine I'm trying to think imagine if me and Laura and I'm trying to think, and Ariel had a show. Live, once a week. It would be a wild show.
Starting point is 00:59:22 The Sevan, Ariel, and Laura Horvath show. You're trying to re re re up the, the trio shows. What if I could find, what if I could find just two, two cool, I mean, fuck man.
Starting point is 00:59:33 It's so, it's what a bummer that Matt couldn't just fucking hang in there. That show would be fun. That show could be crazy. It was, there was so much cool shit said on those shows. Of course the Joshosh he'll say anything and then matt was a lot more open at that time and matt matt wanted to stay in his lane a little bit
Starting point is 00:59:53 but uh oh here here we go will brandstetter uh the only value live is if you interact with the comments it would be hard to interview an interview for 10 minutes not saying he couldn't would be fun for people just waiting to pump jump on every live yeah but also will like he could be like okay i'm gonna take he could discipline himself to be like i'm only gonna take two questions from the live yeah that would be enough no dallin i don't think i could do dallin and hopper here's the thing it's got to be someone who the only way that show works and it's cool is if it's if there's there's some people got to be you got to be loose a little bit loose all everyone might even be too young to be loose i'm trying to think if there's any like ariel's like fuck it i mean if danielle wasn't such a fucking head case. She would be amazing. There's no way she makes it 20 shows is the problem.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Me and Danielle and... I'm trying to think if there's any really cool guys. Vellner. Sprague. Sprague. Sprague. Sprague's loose. Oh, Vellner would be interesting.
Starting point is 01:01:06 That's because you guys would... Me and Vellner would be interesting That's because you guys would Kind of grind on each other Yeah Me and John every Wednesday Oh, Hattie I could do Hattie Can you She just might not be popular enough It's gotta be like Sprague's the future of the sport.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yeah, Hattie's free. She'll get squirrely. Those shows were the best. You man. Yes. I didn't realize it. When it went away, I didn't realize it. I was just like, okay, on to the next thing. But now in hindsight, when I look back, I'm like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Should have pushed a little more. Yeah. You know what I really wanted to do? What I really, really wanted to do is when Matt pulled out, I just wanted one day to have Rich be in the show. And like not even, so it'd be just Rich, Joss, and Stevon. But never even acknowledge it acknowledge it oh there's hattie hi hey hi hi hey yeah hattie's my vibe totally
Starting point is 01:02:18 if you did that he wouldn't text you he He would be like, dude, what the F? Who, Fraser? Matt, yeah. No, no. Well, I don't know. But he had pulled out, and I just thought it would be so fucking funny. It would be such a big dick move. I think I tried to organize it.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I just couldn't. You couldn't pull it off? No. No, that's when Rich was being a little bit more. I don't know. There was some politics. I don't think it was on Rich. Yeah, it was weird. Oh, Ian Oswald, the superstar, has been series out.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Yeah, Hattie's good. You should try to touch base with like i wonder what grant is graham a good interview the uh holmberg yeah you know what graham is is he can go off subject so quickly so you could oh yeah i wonder what that's like so he can go off subject can't have too many of those you can't have me gary roberts and hunter on the same right like we'll fucking don't want to accomplish anything uh though you hillar and hunter have all done a show together which is like three bouncy balls in a small jar yeah hillar but at least like hillar i feel like when Hiller and I are on with Hunter we let Hunter do his thing
Starting point is 01:03:47 yeah you can kind of watch Hiller taunt Hunter to see what he can get out of him yeah yeah yeah weekend review sorry yeah here we go
Starting point is 01:04:01 we're creating new shows the heat one app presents an activity there another interview series hey dave really enjoying the athlete interview series thanks for taking the time to make them happen jack was emma's great you should all come to fort liberty sometimes at kian 535 hey dave huge fan of yours and the work you do. I thoroughly enjoy your content and it's like immersing myself in all that you do outside of CrossFit. Shooting, making your oils, leathers, goods, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I hope to one day get to meet you and learn some shooting from you or anything tactical related to be honest. Lucky Games athletes have easy access to you that normal people don't. It'd be cool if you host an event, first come first serve that you taught tactical stuff. I'd love to do that and hang on the ranch. I've thought about having some shooting courses. I don't think I'd get into tactics in terms of advanced tactics, but maybe just basic weapons handling and how to shoot safely and how to identify a threat
Starting point is 01:04:59 and know when to use your weapon. But it's as like, it's clear, cause more of my life is out there with what I do. I just have a lot going on. So I don't know if, um, if I'll do that anytime soon, if I were to do it, it'd be in the off season, basically fall, fall or winter. But I have thought about hosting small, uh, uh, camp, not camps, but just uh shooting instruction engagements dude uh you know how chris kyle died he was the uh the shooter guy yeah yeah some marine plugged him yeah at a shooting range oh yeah yeah yeah he was trying to help these guys. And it just makes me think like how wild is it to invite people out to your property and then tell them you're going to rent? Yeah. Will's already with me.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Now, I'm not anything against shooting guns. I mean I've got several myself. My whole family's got them. But like how – I've always thought it was a wild idea to invite people over to shoot and instruct them to shoot. And you have no idea who they are. And then, and then it's just someone who has an ax to grind and they put a plug in Dave.
Starting point is 01:06:14 He just turned and they're, they're in you. All right. I vote against that. Two, three other plans to bring back road to the games love all the athlete interviews um else these oh shit there's goods uh hillar hillar's brought back uh road to the games and know when to use your weapon so off season basically vince at gregory kershabam
Starting point is 01:06:44 hey dave what about highlighting and interviewing some of the seminar staff from around the world? That's a really good idea. I probably will work that into the series too. Those guys have the best stories. The seminar staff? The red shirts have the best stories.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Do you think that, what do you think he's going to do? Do you think he's going to do just like one a week or he's going to just stay on fire like this i would do i would do one a week or i would do maybe one or two a week two a week i think would be a good cadence because you get you get a little hungry for another 10 minute segment but like the a red shirt interview each week would reignite how cool these guys are the popularity and the mystique of the red shirts. They definitely need to... Yeah, that's always been a fucking no-brainer, right?
Starting point is 01:07:34 Bring the red shirts back to the world. Yeah. Coffee pods and wads. What is Pedro doing? He's in... He was like in scotland or something someone said that uh or wales someone said that um he's at some high rock shit are we going live right now like know like is he filming some event no he went over to a gym where in what country he told me i couldn't tell you i feel like it's wales okay here we go from classic decimate he's running two affiliates right now and that's
Starting point is 01:08:24 a story in and of itself, one in Florida and one in Colorado. He's a consistent HQ supporter and hosts level one and level two seminars whenever he can. Okay, I'll try to get him on the list. If Alex is watching this, thank you, Alex, for everything you do. Thanks for being part of the community and contributing to changing uh folks in florida and colorado and uh making a positive impact on your local communities at kipping it real crossfit oh this guy's said some funny the reason i enjoy these athlete interviews is because the game or will be my first ever crossfit even of any kind
Starting point is 01:09:01 live and having a face a voice and a sorry behind the names, sorry behind the names, has me more invested emotionally and will enhance the whole experience. Okay. Yeah, duh, right? I mean, it's a good comment. I'm not making fun of him, but like, yeah, no shit. Like, that's why this fucking needs to be done, what Kibben and Real just said. Introduce people to the fucking athletes and get people fucking interested. Just here for the people's entertainment.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Yeah, that's why there needs to be more media so people can get more invested in the athletes and the event and people will fucking attend. Not that Keeping It Real did this, but when you see your fans in Dave's uh fans in dave's comments and they say some jackass shit are you just kind of like a parent who's like kid screw you fucking dipshit no it's good i'm good no censorship from me let dave have it get him uh he wasn't shot by another. He wasn't shot by another.
Starting point is 01:10:07 He wasn't shot by another military person, by the way. Somebody was. 50% facts. Chris Kyle. One of those guys. I feel like he was. He was shot by a sick man who was bummed. No one was talking to him on the ride to the ranch.
Starting point is 01:10:20 No, I think he got blasted by. I think the guy was a Marine. He was definitely some sort of... Who killed Chris Kyle? Former Marine Eddie Ray Ruth was later convicted of the murder of Kyle and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Family members said Ruth suffered from PTSD
Starting point is 01:10:43 from serving in Iraq and Haiti. Kyle was a U.S. Navy SEAL from 1999 to 2009. Ten years. There you go. Take that, motherfucker. Now what? No, I checked. He wasn't.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Oh, okay. Got you. wasn't oh okay got you uh my dog she's walking after someone so there's cameras up here and i can watch what's going on um at christine young that's not actually accurate there aren't cameras up there there's monitors up there there's monitors up there and the cameras are outside that's what take pictures of your dog that's the kind of shit he would do to me You need to be precise with your language Speaking of three Why do they always have three names
Starting point is 01:11:34 I don't know I just got a drone that has three cameras I got a Mavic Pro Wait you got another drone Yeah I have three drones now. Did we ever use the one at West Coast? No. Damn.
Starting point is 01:11:49 The Mavic Pro is crazy. Mavic 3 Pro, insane. Send me that old one and I'll train on it. So that way I'm useful at the games. Oh, good idea. Oh, you're very useful. You'd be laying on top of me. Loving the athlete series at Alpine CrossFit. Can you interview Boz? It'd be fun to hear the me loving the athlete series um at alpine crossfit can you
Starting point is 01:12:06 interview boz it'd be fun to hear the two of you go back and forth i think um that's a good that's a really good idea i should definitely interview him at one point um over the years we've had some heated debates on movement methodology theory everything because you got to remember, we were... Did you hear what he said? Me and Boz have had some heated debate last week. He's like, oh, me and Boz never butt heads. And then I was like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Like, dude, I've seen some crazy shit. I mean... If you work with Dave, you are going to have some epic stories of fights. And if you think you've worked with him and you haven't had one of those fights, then you haven't worked with him. He's keeping you on the outside. You're not actually in the functional part of the team. I never thought I would yell at somebody like I've yelled at John Young.
Starting point is 01:12:59 And what we are doing is so inconsequential. I cannot imagine being in their seats yeah they both care i mean it's it's it's epic it's it's fun yeah mr difficult i'm putting an x in the corner and you go stand in the corner difficult. I'm putting an X in the corner and you go stand in the corner. Oh, right. Look at a little bit of humility
Starting point is 01:13:29 and then now fuck you. You were right, which is a surprise. The shit sandwich. Yeah, thank you. Okay, here we go. Teaching seminars together in 2007 and 8. I used to put dave on time out how how just just shut him up like just like not like i need a 48 hour break from him my cousin
Starting point is 01:13:55 does that to my uncle he won't text him for weeks yeah i'm just like i can't i just can't i can't handle anymore i'm fucking i, I'm being down. Yeah. I need to lick my, my wounds and shit. He doesn't even, he, the crazy thing is,
Starting point is 01:14:13 is we have a total different idea of what playing fair is. So sometimes we'll be fighting. It's like fighting with your girlfriend and like, you know, never to drop a fucking J damn on her. You're not like, well, you're fat. I hate your mom.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Like they'll throw it right at you. Like, if you say that, like you stick with, like, you park like shit. You better not be telling her you hate her mom or she's fat. You're fucked. B-team stuff. Yeah, but Dave don't give a fuck. Yeah. Oh, no, there are rules.
Starting point is 01:14:41 You can't be throwing that shit at me. I'll point out the fact that you lost the argument when he no longer works there i'll tell you some shit he used to say to me it was crazy i'd be like okay i'm out i'm good yeah i'm good i'm good oh my god it was so fun for years seven eight nine ten and then traveling the world literally together teaching seminars then he was one of our senior seminar staff members um when i stopped traveling but he was one of our senior guys who we would send out so we've been on the road together for a very long time he's talking about boss right and the fact that dave was fired and boss stayed that must have fucking
Starting point is 01:15:21 added a whole nother dynamic. Well, if I were Boz, I would throw that in his face any time we were arguing. Oh, I'm sorry. At least I didn't get fired. And back in the day, like I said, have had some heated discussion on all things theory, movement,
Starting point is 01:15:40 theory related to movement, movement specifically, training. I wish those would have been recorded and and honestly um intellectually it challenged me in that world to become better because boss has no pussy in him like he don't back down he's humble and he can talk but he's not backing down so like if him and dave get at it like he ain't he's not right in there yep he'll just stand right in there and it's fucking gets heated there's a there's a is it fun to watch oh dude it's awesome it's awesome it's like having it's going back to the dad metaphor it's like having a dad that beats all the brothers and part of you
Starting point is 01:16:22 is like party feels bad when your brother's getting beat, but another part of you is like, at least it's not me right now. At least it's not me. There's a Mexican dude there. Really handsome. Real fucking pussy, Megan. I'm trying to remember his name. He's been around forever.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And he, I don't even know if I'm allowed to say this, but he has a book. He's everywhere Boz and Dave are and he has the book I remember asking like and it's like he's always he's so if they're testing he's there He's always right. He writes the workouts down the times who did them. It's like just a fucking diary of Everything like of all game shit, right andave will can you know text him or call him
Starting point is 01:17:06 at any time like what was this dude's time what was this this yeah he's like the court reporter i'm surprised patrick clark hasn't chimed in who it is he's been there forever god and he doesn't talk he's like he's like i'm like i work with him for like 10 years i heard him say like five words. What is that guy? If the guy taking notes, you need him to not use words ever. So he probably has a senior role at the games now. I don't even know what he does. But it's this leather book.
Starting point is 01:17:37 No, it doesn't have the word Jew in it, his name. He's a Mexican. Really fucking handsome. God. Shaved head. name he's a mexican really fucking handsome god uh shaved head what is that guy's name hey i think of him as like one of the survivors like it's crazy that there's people who still work there when i work there how are you missing all the gunshots just like yeah fuck how did you survive um what is this dude's name i know him too like and he still lives in my town like i like mexican shaved have philip kelly no philip kelly's mexican anyway that dude's seen all the epic shit between um dave and boss dave and has notes on it yeah length of argument yeah i used to ask
Starting point is 01:18:33 him like where does that go at night do you put that in a safe he's like no i just said it on my dresser or something like what the fuck it's a leather book that's on the bounds of needing to be burned at the end of every day dude it's crazy i was like wow what if someone stole that thing oz is a is a wizard with uh his knowledge on the movement so yeah that would be fun uh jc yeah that's another thing too what he said boz is a wizard bob mo oh Jamie Esteban Juan Panchito no good fuck close called dude uh kill Taylor's 2,500 bucks next week it's a big deal yeah I wanted to get that five grand so bad. Me too. I hope that's when I'm going to try.
Starting point is 01:19:27 I hope he picks something that has like a, I hope he picks a 5k. He just runs off into the distance. You have to have a cameraman run with you. Bryce and bitches the whole time. Yeah. Hey Dave, did you know that chosen is actually filmed not far outside of Fort Worth?
Starting point is 01:19:45 I knew it was filmed in Texas. I didn't know it was filmed outside of Fort Worth. That's pretty cool. I'd love to... Where did Dave's dog come from? The back door's closed. Oh, it came in the other door. Must have been in there.
Starting point is 01:20:00 No, not Richie Valens. Good guess. Not Hugo. Not Mexican Miguel. God damn it. been in there no not richie valens good guess not hugo not mexican miguel god damn it i can't believe it maybe someone will text me is it like a normal name or is it yeah it's a nice name he has a good name oh did they announce a swimming workout? No. Look at our chat.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Maybe someone just got a leak. No. No, that's not a... No? No. That pool's amazing. Yeah. Is that in Texas?
Starting point is 01:20:45 No. Oh. It's totally amazing. Yeah. Is that in Texas? No. Oh. It's totally unrelated. Oh. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Lucas Zepeda. Lucas. Damn.
Starting point is 01:21:00 Someone just texted it to me. That's awesome. Thank you. L-U-C? L-U-C-A-S. Lucas Zepeda. Yeah. That guy's seen it all. Zepeda. Got it. Hey, that guy's seen more testing than Dave has seen.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Because he's like, I'm sure Boz just kept him when he just has a journal and he's just there. Like, was there a dude doing that around jesus you know what i mean uh turned water into wine walked on water did not bang mary magdalene well maybe a little like a spear to rib bad deal uh second uh second spike in jesus's hand actually uh wasn't in all the way all right thank you fucking great yeah lucas yeah lucas is the man all right here we go see this the mexican that doesn't speak said i just finished season four really good show if you haven't seen it check it out and that is
Starting point is 01:22:06 going to be it for the week in review Mary was his mother you idiot listen you fuck nut there's two Marys he also banged that bitch at Magdalene he's touched two vaginas oh no he was
Starting point is 01:22:24 yeah well allegedly yeah He also banged that bitch at Magdalene. He's touched two vaginas. Oh, no. He was. Yeah. Well, allegedly. Yeah. Motherfucker. Like, I'm schooling motherfuckers today. I know. You're right twice in a row. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:46 Hasn't even been 24 hours. My mom's name is Mary and my dad's name is Joseph. And I have a Jesus complex. You love the Jesus. I love the Jesus. For today. So, um,
Starting point is 01:23:03 as always, if you have any comments, put them in the comment section and next week I will address them. Thanks for watching. We will address you. Check out the rest of the athlete interviews as I knock them out this week. That was a shot
Starting point is 01:23:20 at you. He's such a cunt. That's totally a shot at me. What a douche canoe. He's such a cunt. That's totally a shot at me. What a douche canoe. He looks right at the camera. Just call me Homelander. Homelander.
Starting point is 01:23:38 The Netflix series is good. Oh. No, he didn't bang his mom, dude, but when he was born, he had to rub up against her labias. You touch your mom's vagina too. Sorry. Just saying. All right.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Wow, this was a long show. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, sorry. I think I'm the reason that dragged out. I have a tendency to do that. No, it was good. Wow. show dude this show is he has he i bet you on the back end he has 6 000 views on this and it's only been up six hours his shit's killing right now it needed to happen uh extra slot was a c-section oh what the hell is that i bring that up every time me and my mom
Starting point is 01:24:30 my mom and i argue jesus christ what country are you from who the fuck called his mom they're ginger they're from ireland or scotland oh oh because of the ginger that's code that that's two references well yeah the mom and the ginger yeah Yeah. Ireland or Scotland. That is a funny line, though. Every time you get in a fight with your mom, you're like, I touched your pussy. It's one of those lines you say to just distract them. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Oh, don't say that, Barry McOchner. You're going to give him a complex. Come on. Don't leave Tyler alone. I don't know what he's saying. Don't look. Don't say that, Barry McCockner. You're going to give him a complex. Come on. Leave Tyler alone. I don't know what he's saying. Don't look. Don't read it. It's too late.
Starting point is 01:25:09 You should have brought it up. Oh, my God. I like these headphones. They're great headphones. Thanks. I bought yours, the ones you have, and I hate them. Oh, these Sonys? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Oh. I hate them oh they hurt my head oh i have a huge head though so where does it does it rub somewhere it hurts my around my ears and oh the top too this is oh dude this is padded to the gills those are that's like some cindy loppers 1980s headphones well so these are these are covers. These are like replacement covers. And did you go out of your way to get that pattern? Is that by your choice? If there's a ridiculous, like this is one of those. I never wore pants with that same. Is this straight 1990s?
Starting point is 01:25:59 Like 87 through 93, they had this pattern. Just kill it. Early 90s. Don't give yourself that much credit maybe some 80s in there all right if there's something ridiculous like this on something like as trivial as headphones i'm getting it every single time oh wow will brandstetter a trigger his generation gets triggered easy those headphones piss me off these are freaking amazing headphones these are like like music producer headphones.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Yeah, Will. So piss off all you want. Yeah, Willie. Willie, do we know who the sponsor is for Kill Taylor this week? I understand that. That's a good timing. Do we have the sponsor?
Starting point is 01:26:41 Sponsor. Sponsor. Who makes the headphones sponsor oh you've turned into a real influencer Tyler me yeah I'm big headphone salesman what's tomorrow tomorrow's Tuesday
Starting point is 01:26:59 Tuesday oh Sam McCormick I thought for a second I thought I had Greg on I was like shit okay I'll buy those headphones Oh, Sam McCormick. For a second I thought I had Greg on. I was like, shit. Okay. I'll buy those headphones. Look it. Do you want to buy these? These exact pairs?
Starting point is 01:27:16 Those are like 800. Audio Technica is the name of the headphone company. Ladies and gentlemen, you can win $10,000. All you have to do is go to the Heat One app, download the app, play for free. There's going to be plenty of shows here on the spin that help you use the app, pick the winners. Oh, shit, I don't see the GoWad commercial in my. I'd still need to get that for you.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Oh, but I used to have one. You did. You used to have one. Where the fuck is that? All right. Anyway, while Dave sits around and talks about the affiliate series, I just want you to know that there's an affiliate contest. Affiliate video contest, 5,000 for first, 3,000 for second, 2,000 for first.
Starting point is 01:28:09 So you can go the easy way and play the Heat One app where any jackass can make 10 grand or you can make an affiliate commercial. There's no magic here to getting you out of that mindset of focusing on how you look, but an affiliate is, in my opinion, by far the best place to help you with that shift. Before starting at the gym, I was somebody who just always wanted to be smaller and I always wanted to like look a certain way and I was never never satisfied with my body. All my goals were focused around all of my exercise was like how do I get as small as possible and so I was like super
Starting point is 01:28:59 unhealthy like I wasn't eating and all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately, like when I had gotten really bad, I had Megan had me join here so it was very quickly that I was like, okay, well if I want to like lift with all of these other girls and if I want to like keep up with them and if I want to be strong and All those things like I like that this has this has to switch. It was like within six months I like realized that switch where it was like all of a sudden on my Instagram feed instead of like tiny little people I had like these strong beautiful capable women that could lift hundreds of pounds. So this for me has been a whole mindset shift of like I now appreciate my body for what it can do not what it looks like in here we don't care what you look like as long as you're hitting what you
Starting point is 01:29:52 what you want to achieve

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