The Sevan Podcast - The REVIEW of The Dave Castro WIR | April 23rd, 2024

Episode Date: April 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I guess I can start before I get my mic fixed. Bam, we're live. Oh, I'm fixed. Sort of.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Both of you. No, you're still on the computer. Oh, it's weird because I hear audio through this headset, but I can't. Oh, Rodecaster 2. Awesome. Final. Boom. this headset but i can't um oh roadcaster too awesome final boom from the beach from the beach cold shitty day but uh obby was taking a like a swim class oh yeah wow nice hey is dr spade dr pepper yes my favorite by far has been like his his cola his pepsi cola mock um i like the yuzu lime though this is i've never tried i've never tried oh so good i've never tried i was gonna just try on there oops i just shook
Starting point is 00:01:23 that's fine. It's not that carbonated. It's hard to do, ain't it? Oh. Not when you have manly hands like mine. Cheers. Cheers to Spade. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Design flaw number one, right? Listen, design the can so when the outside. Yeah. Yes, because look, I'm drinking it. It's all wrong. And it's showing you the health facts. Zero. Which is good. No caffeine in this.
Starting point is 00:02:04 So we can drink this at 934 my time. Oh, yeah, this is good no caffeine in this so we can drink this at 9 34 my time oh yeah this is good it's good this should be this should be mixed in drinks this needs tequila oh yeah this in a jack and coke perfect so that's the soda one that's not the doctor no this is dr pepper one oh i can't wait to try that dr pepper is the most unrated drink in the world it's really good i when i first started crossfit i was basically only drinking sweet tea and dr pepper sweet tea dude i'm from the south all right you really i know sometimes I find that hard to believe. Someone has to be.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Do you? Hey, is it weird for you that I'm from California? You're like, wow, I have a friend who lives in like, and not only that, but like the Bay Area. No. The heart of where the weird shit is. I've been to four schools in the past four years. Oh, so you know.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I know so many people from California at this point. And you've seen the weird, if you're in academia, you've seen the weirdness, all the weirdness. Yeah. Man. I've been watching some interviews of the lady who's the head of NPR, National Public Radio. What a shit show.
Starting point is 00:03:20 What a shit show. I've only ever listened to... She's hot as fuck, which is kind of weird. She does not look like she fits the mold. I'm going to look her up. But she's a fucking nutter. She runs NPR? Yeah, she runs NPR.
Starting point is 00:03:35 She's the CEO. Basically, she's against the First Amendment, but she can't say that. That's an odd thing for a radio program. Right. That's funded by uh the government oh tube tops you want to talk about tube tops jesus criminy tube tops that's random but all right they'll even they'll even ruin they'll even make a fake pair of tits look saggy
Starting point is 00:03:59 tube tops are a disaster whoever invented those is a ding dongdong. They hate women. I heard they hate women. Yeah, true. Fact. Catherine Mayer. Have you seen the Luis Oscar Mora video that Hiller made? No. I haven't watched that either. You guys were sending that stuff over while I was in the middle of this meeting thing.
Starting point is 00:04:26 What meeting? I was watching several. For work or for the app? No, for work. Oh, fuck it. I don't care. Never mind. I can handle it. Hold on. Oh, my God. His fucking Luis Oscar Ma video is 47 minutes hell yeah that means it's a
Starting point is 00:04:50 good one because you know he hates stretching them that long he like tries not to damn i was hoping we could watch this this by the way this is the dave castro weekend review but let me um day late that's a really good point tyler that you just said that's a really good point yeah when his go up i'm like yep i need to watch this one if they're long i did uh i did a 60 uh i did 60 uh no no i did oh i did 60 cleans today with 95 pounds and then 60 i did 60 power cleans with 95 pounds and then 60, I did 60 power cleans with 95 pounds and then 60 front squats with 95 pounds. I'm trying to like. Change it up.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah. Like try to CrossFit a little bit these days. Are you inspired by Taylor Self? Maybe. I, you know what it really was? I think I was, I was a little embarrassed. Embarrassed isn't the right word. I didn't care.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I wasn't embarrassed, but I was. Peer pressured. No, I was bothered at how uncomfortable... Like, I didn't do the third workout in the open because the thrusters just really were not comfortable for me at 95 pounds. So I'm like, okay, I need to start doing more barbell work. Okay. Let's read some of the comments from Hiller's thing.
Starting point is 00:06:02 In Shane's defense, he's probably counting down the clock since HQ was dumb enough to make it fight gone bad style. That's a dumb comment. It's a great workout. Standard. Let's just watch the beginning of Hiller's video. I don't understand. Let's see just what the premise is.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Let's start a little bit early. This is going to be a video on Luis Asfamora, who has his videos public for the world to see on his youtube channel it's something that i question i i'm questioning a lot of things in this video it comes from a place in which i just spent the weekend with somebody that i made hey did louis can anyone in the comments tell me did louise get um no rent yeah did he get invalidated by hq i'm gonna look it up please hold uh sebi may uh may not even walk out of frame during next open did i walk out of frame in my video or something i would imagine dude i i probably stumbled out. You're looking to see. Similar video in the past, whose name is Bill Leahy the 4.
Starting point is 00:07:10 William Leahy, Will Leahy the 4. Currently sits in 7th at the West Semifinal. His name is Bill Leahy the 4. Oh, wow. That's me. That's echoing. This time. All scores are valid.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Last year, yeah. Oh, all of the scores are valid. All scores are valid. All, yeah Oh, all the scores are valid All scores are valid At the moment So he's just free-balling this video He's found something He's gone hunting and found something I don't think CrossFit watches the videos I feel bad
Starting point is 00:07:39 But it's kind of hard to sympathize When it's the athlete's job to know And meet the movement standards It's not difficult to see the entire body of an athlete when you have a trained eye wow man dude nobody can escape the batman i'm telling you bro this is some amazing depth research into movement standards bro the woman in the back her reps garbage too oh this is all right i'm gonna get back on the assault bike tonight and watch this Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I'm going to get back on the assault bike tonight and watch this. Work. If you ask me, he never achieved a handstand. Inclined shoulder press, agreed. Proven is an embarrassment. Wow. I wonder if you had had a snapshot of proven or whatever video he watches, if it's a proven video or what buttery bros maybe if there were negative comments on it before hiller said anything that's what i always look
Starting point is 00:08:34 like kind of look for well he's made this no rep thing as kind of like a favorite pastime of people now i mean it kind of was before, but now we got a guy. A flag to stand behind. Just a professional no-repper. I didn't know I was getting the call. There you go. This is the big leagues, bro.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Step right up, Chase Singer from Get With The Programming. I wish I knew which one of these was stupid. Step right up, Chase Singer from Get With The Programming. I wish I knew which one of these was. I'm Captain America. You can't do your own sound.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I'm going to have to buy a soundboard. Just to... We were waiting for you, Chase. I thought you were going to tell me. We weren't really waiting for you. At the last minute, yeah. How much are those sound boards? Go ahead, Chase. $400?
Starting point is 00:09:38 I'm going to say $600. $599. You can get bundles on Amazon with mics, too, for $1,000. I need to get one of those. Hey, did we end up with a Heat 1 winner for quarterfinals? So, I thought about talking about this on social media today
Starting point is 00:09:53 is that we're kind of stuck because if the Zach Bunton thing is true, he beats Jeff Adler in the clean workout. And there's a bet for that. Reminding about Zach Buntin. So in workout four,
Starting point is 00:10:12 Zach Buntin supposedly beat Jeff Adler, one more clean, and we had a bet for Jeff on that workout. It was either he set the record for the cleans in that workout or anyone else in the world did. And it looked like Jeff actually did it. And then we get some,
Starting point is 00:10:30 uh, behind the scenes news that actually Zach button did it. He just screwed up on his submission. So you're just waiting for CrossFit to that. You'll give it like another week until CrossFit's validated. Essentially. Yeah. Zach button.
Starting point is 00:10:47 But I mean, I guess I could talk about who the winner could be do we know him do i know him her uh hey them do we know a dusty wyatt is that the guy who was doing my sub clip station for like eight seconds i don't know richard leb could win he's in first right now with 851 points but rami hcp isn't i know i know a dusty i do i know dusty willard dusty willard these people are fake they can't that's not a real name dusty willard it is it's my that's my uh sub clip guy who wants to work really hard who watches the show who watches like 80 of the shows and just know it has a good eye for sub clips and wants to just blow my fucking sub clip station out i don't want to work that hard. I would screw that up so bad. I watch it, but I would screw that up so bad.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I'm going to give you the first $1,500 a month that the station makes. Catch it. No, that's it. And then we renegotiate. It's all you. The harder you work, the greater chances you are. Oh, Dustin Wyatt. Oh, look at.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Oh, shit. Here's the dude. So this dude might be 20. I knew we knew him. Dude, you might make 2,500 bucks, dude. Yeah. He's in the top running right now. Dave Castro, Week in Review.
Starting point is 00:12:23 24 minutes. 1.25 speed. You ready, Tyler? I'm ready. Tyler from the Heat One app. Chase Ingram from Get With The Programming. Here we go. I've done Zone off and on since my level one in 2015.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's great. This is because last week we talked about someone commented saying they didn't know anybody who did the Zone. And I actually said I knew hundreds of people. The truth is I probably know thousands of people. A lot of people have used it and have used it. And I claim he doesn't even know hundreds of people, by the way. Can you turn him up? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:56 There you go. If you want to hear more about that, look back at last week's. At Tom Schwinn 6064 quarterfinals. I've been there, done that, and I do not have a t-shirt. Dave, I wrapped up my quarterfinals workout yesterday and really enjoyed the test. Outstanding job by all involved. However, I ordered my quarter C on 4-7 two plus weeks ago as soon as I received the code and have yet to receive it.
Starting point is 00:13:13 The tracking information provided does not contain a projected delivery date and the link status simply states unknown. I've had friends that have had similar issues with their open t-shirt orders. CrossFit can do better than this. CrossFit is better than this. Keep the weekend reviews coming. I haven't even got my t-shirt yet, so I hear you. CrossFit can do better than this. CrossFit is better than this. Keep the weekend reviews coming. I haven't even got my t-shirt yet, so I hear you. We definitely can do better than this.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It's not like we're fulfilling the t-shirt orders, clearly. We have a third party who's assisting us with this, and we understand and we recognize what's happening. What happened through the open and what's happening now, and we are looking at ways to fix this and make this better so it doesn't happen again. This has always been a problem, even when we had Reebok, right? How many shirts is it?
Starting point is 00:13:49 It's got to be a blue billion. What? I mean, you would just – that must be a Southern term. It is. Blue billion? Blue billion. What's that? It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Julian Niffler, great show, guys. What happened to Tyson Oldroyd? He got fired. Any questions? How do they know that? Mariah made a post. Julian Nifford, great show, guys. What happened to Tyson Oldroyd? He got fired. Any questions? How do they know that? Mariah made a post. Oh, yeah. I don't want to talk about it with Chase on here.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Thank you. Chase has got his hand on the button. He's like, all right. You're welcome. On my podcast, if the guys go off, they just say earmuffs and I disappear until they're done talking. Dreamist 1978.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Hey, Dave, thank you for the time and effort you and HQ put into the quarterfinal workouts. They were actually fun, kind of. Question, sir. Was there any specific reason we didn't see a one rep max or heavy complex this year for either the open or quarterfinals? Or was it just because thanks for the time. It's never just because there's a very deliberate reason you didn't see a one rep max in
Starting point is 00:14:51 the open or the quarterfinals or a heavy complex. I'm getting my thing caught up. Come here on Doug. So here's the deal. If we were to have a one rep max, say clean and jerk in the open, and I won't say we didn't test strength. Don't say we didn't test strength specifically in the quarterfinal. If we would have had a one rep max clean and jerk in the open as one of the three workouts or even added as a part B, it would really skew the results overall. Because you'd have outliers. You'd have people who signed up and who have no work capacity or very low work capacity and are really strong and just put these huge numbers up that, and they are not overall fit. So in the open, it really clutters the data. Even at the quarterfinal level, you'll have a lot of people who, who are fit enough to advance the quarterfinals, but are really
Starting point is 00:15:33 strength athletes and have really strong numbers. And that could knock out the cohort we're looking at have advanced to the semis, which are people who are well-rounded CrossFitters with a high level of work capacity across broad type and modal domains. So if we had just a pure strength element there, it just skews with the data a little. What we tested in the quarterfinals was you have to be really fucking strong to do really well at that workout, well fatigued, and at a high heart rate. So the type of strength we tested in the quarterfinals. Mason Mitchell, what about 18.2? His argument doesn't apply there.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I don't know what 18.2 is, but dude, you can go back and always find something. If you're just going to look at the whole fucking library of workouts, Mason, you're always going to find some inconsistency. I mean, we're moving forward, right? It's about time he said it. Who?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Dave. It's about time they admitted it. Admitted what? You don't do one rep maxes in the open or quarterfinals you just don't do it hey um what it was uh it was 245 um a good weight chase yes the final bar fourth bar 25 for one right but if you look at anybody who finished that, that's going hard, like you cannot be weak and win that workout and you cannot be unfit and win that workout. So you can't just be strong and win it. And you can't just be weak and condition and win it. Like it was just fine for the number. Like everyone had five minutes left and they're basically maxing it out like the last list for everybody you got guys like who can clean and jerk 365 385 split jerking 245 power cleans and like it was great it was just
Starting point is 00:17:13 what they needed to do it was 10 reps with for with uh 135 and then 10 reps with 185 185 and then 10 reps with 225 and then uh max and remaining time yeah with 245 okay and what did you think of the weight tyler you like it uh it's fine i think like if i had to critique it 245 versus 225 is not really a big difference i would have probably rather him just either kept 245 or 225 or bumped it up to 260 or something like that i think 260 would have probably rather him just either kept 245 or 225 or bumped it up to 260 or something like that i think 260 would have been a good jump or 255 255 meet in the middle yeah but like two i was it would have been actually like kind of a more cool test to it just have been at 225 just max out at 225 What about for next year if there are quarterfinals to just raise it to 250?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Yeah. And then the year after that, keep it again and raise it to 255. Keep the same workout? Yeah, just keep adding. Or change the weights and do snatches. There you go. You can do that format, and that's another thing that they did great. This is a retread of the online semifinals in 2021.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And they did the same weights but with snatches. It was the same workout. At the semifinal level. At the semifinal level. And I think it was squat snatches. I believe it had to be squat snatches. So easier movement, little lighter, one step earlier in the competition. 25% everyone gets to play but i
Starting point is 00:18:45 like that format yeah it was right just uh change the weights and change the lifts you do every year snackers one year thrusters one year like it you could do so much with that format squat squat clean would have been really cool also it would have blown the hell out of your legs it would have sucked was more uh was appropriate for the type of strength that we value now once you have all these fit athletes or let's say all these fit athletes this 99 that are advancing to semis or the next stage and then eventually to the games now testing one rep max amongst that really fit and consistently high level of a performing crossfitter then it's a more appropriate there so i think the where you put one rep max
Starting point is 00:19:25 test, um, when doing something like the open quarters, semis and games is really important. And it shouldn't be earlier on. It should be later because earlier on we're, we're testing for overall fitness. If you want to test for strength, go sign up for a fucking powerlifting event or go sign up for a weightlifting, nothing against either of those. But I'm saying at the, at the earlier stages, it's more about work capacity, more about being a good CrossFitter, being fit than it is about strength. Although you need to be
Starting point is 00:19:52 strong to do really well at the stuff in the Open and obviously the stuff in the quarterfinals, specifically the last event in the quarterfinals. Xslop, hey Dave, just want to say the team did a bang up job with the program in quarterfinals. Also was wondering if you took time to watch Taylorlor versus the world it has me more excited than ever for the game season i hope it generally does around quarterfinals or around hq can't
Starting point is 00:20:11 wait for semifinals yet the team did do a great job with programming i'm happy with it i'll talk a little bit later about my poor experience with it but the programming for quarterfinals was really good so uh overall very happy with it i did not watch taylor versus the world but um as i talked to seven, he told me about it and it sounds like a huge success. It's pretty cool what those guys are doing, the way they'll take moments of what we are doing and then make their own little media moments from them and, and highlight athletes and highlight the school,
Starting point is 00:20:37 our own little media moments, little you fucking douche canoe. I mean, thank you, Dave. That's nice. You recognize us. I knew he was going to see like killing it i never saw it he's always gotta throw in like the smallest sack tap like as yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's a brother thing right like right yeah people don't girls or like my wife like if i'm ever around a group of guy friends and if a guy walks there's a certain like perimeter i have and if you get within that i immediately like cover up i don't know if anybody immediately like not even thinking about it like if you get within six inches of my you have ptsd oh for sure i got i mean i grew up with two brothers and a dad that taught us how to do it like that's just Charlie Horses and sack taps.
Starting point is 00:21:28 That's how I feel around Jason and Taylor whenever they're near each other. Jesus Christ. Dave did call me, though, and was asking me on those days what the scores were. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, so he was interested. And when I told him the scores he was blown away he was like holy shit when i told him jason got 260 on that he's like no no dude this workout i'm like yeah 260 dude he's like what the fuck and jason set the world record for that right
Starting point is 00:21:55 yeah i don't like it when you say world record well then don't listen to the show i'll take world record over test record for the rest of my life right yeah like then don't listen i don't think um dave does dave did used to do the thing when i worked at hq um i'm so proud of you but i never but but it wasn't like he was really proud of me it was just like it was like like he was my dad because he had that little like smirk when he said it too yeah i'm so proud of you i'm so proud of you with that stuff sebon and his team with their outside of the box ideas to kind of covering or showing the world some of these things from a different perspective so uh a plus for them on that shit because because they're doing a great job with it can't wait yeah we have some of the
Starting point is 00:22:37 funnels already okay wow okay i'll take it i'll take it plus wow. Dude. It was awesome, dude. You guys, that was so awesome. I can't wait to tell you what we're going to do next. You guys are going to shit yourself. You guys are going to fucking shit yourself. We have a whole new Taylor self versus the world. Scam. Yeah, scam. You guys are going to fucking trip.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I can't wait to tell you. At David Hellman, 4177. Love these videos. I recently quit my career of 18 years to pursue full-time work in CrossFit and athlete-specific sport training. I've never been more excited on taking this step into the unknown and more terrified about what it can do to what it can do financially to me and my wife one day at a time the unknown and unknowable good luck um if you need any help in your journey let me know there's a great community here to support you so communicate here or in any of the other places and forums where there's coaches and trainers speaking uh to help answer all your questions
Starting point is 00:23:41 i didn't hear the question what what i was just was just already, I was in my head, just jerking myself off. Oh, great. I'm new. I'm new to CrossFit. I'm excited. Okay. I think I quit his job of 18 years and got into like sports training with
Starting point is 00:23:54 CrossFit and is just going for it. Yeah. It's David by the way, buddy, if you need any, um, if you want to talk to him directly, it's true.
Starting point is 00:24:05 He loves getting emails. He puts it out there though. Like he's before. So, you know, and if you do email Dave, don't expect a full sentences or an email. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Or a reply. Don't have expectations. I would write him like these three paragraph emails and I get these one word answers back. Uh-huh. Why? Rabbit 09. You see CrossFitters that stay overweight for years because they can't stay off the refined processed starch carbohydrates. You can't out-train a shitty diet. So you can't out-train in quotation the shitty diet. That quote goes to Greg. It's absolutely true. If you are, so at the base of our pyramid is nutrition because we view nutrition as the most important piece in your fitness and health journey. And if you are struggling with your weight and you're doing constantly varied function
Starting point is 00:24:58 movements executed at high intensity, you should probably take a look at what you're eating and how you're eating and what the macronutrient breakdown is of it. And specifically if it's really high in carbohydrate, specifically refined carbohydrate. If it is, you should look at reducing your carb intake. Every individual has a different tolerance for carbs and it affects them differently. So some people are really sensitive to carbohydrate and put on weight easier because of that. So yes, you cannot out-train a shitty diet. And I think also with that, you hear me talk often about this, but some of the highest level athletes
Starting point is 00:25:33 and some of their experiences and some of the way they talk about how they eat and what they promote, I don't think is really good for the average CrossFitter overall. A lot of those guys eat high levels of carbohydrate for their um for their training because they can because they can and then they promote like brook eating donuts or
Starting point is 00:25:50 the buttery bros and their pancakes not their high level athletes but the buttery bros and their pancakes they're good people but they're not high level athletes they are high level athletes though aren't they endurance athletes i think they're pretty fucking fit mars is a good athlete like just period marston and heber's fit as fuck isn't he yeah he's come a long way heber's come a long way the past couple years yeah but i mean in their ability to work like don't underestimate that like they work hard you mean just put out content yeah yeah yeah yeah to put out content and train in as much little modalities as they do for that content is is very impressive and think about what we're
Starting point is 00:26:32 comparing them to okay if i compare them to like semi-final games athletes yeah but like for the rest of the world it's top one percent yeah uh matthew wealthy it's really alcohol for most people and not their food but they don't want to admit it or they don't know what that guy's talking about at all. OK, here we go. Brooke promoting donuts, Tia promoting ever she eats, you know, so and so promoting eating pizza, even froning at his camps promoting how they eat cereal. And so all of that is fine for them for various different reasons, the amount they train, how, again, carbohydrate affects them. But I think sometimes the average CrossFitter or the person maybe struggling with weight sees that and they think it's okay for them to eat the same way where it's possibly not. And again, every specific example, every
Starting point is 00:27:25 specific individual is going to be a little different and require different approaches. But generally speaking, if you're, if you're struggling, losing weight and you're crossfitting, we should definitely take a look at your diet and we should specifically probably take a look at your refined carbohydrate consumption. And that's why the zone is an important mechanism because you can, you can really specifically see how much you're eating and tracking macros, you know, same concept, different, different way of doing it. But taking a look at that stuff is, is important. Hey, I mean, I, I haven't hung out with Rich in 14 years,
Starting point is 00:27:59 but in the two times that are three or four times that I hung out with him for like a week or more, he ate very little at each meal. I mean, like very little. Like he would open a Tupperware container and take two scoops of like salad, chicken salad, and then be done, put it away. He would drink like a cup of milk, chocolate milk, you know, 16 ounces, and that would be his meal i mean so i think a lot of it also is just overeating at one meal yeah i mean he very little well which was pretty notorious for that early on just small meals and i bet you he still doesn't eat a lot he i mean like remember a car backloading? Remember that phase? In CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah. I think I'm still in that phase. It was something that Neil Maddox was doing, and all the guys in my gym, this was like, man, early 2010 to 2013, and carb backloading was the rage because Neil Maddox does it. What he does is he doesn't eat
Starting point is 00:29:06 any carbs all day and then if he like works out at really high intensity he can eat whatever he wants past like late at night it was like 10 p.m or later yeah i think devin lorette was doing that too the thing is like everyone's looking at neil maddox it's like neil maddox can do whatever you want and you look like neil maddox or jason Kleber. And all the guys try to do it at the gym. I even tried it for a little bit. And all we did was get fat and sucked at CrossFit afterwards. And how about when James Townsend's on here and you hear how he eats, you're just like, how can that be?
Starting point is 00:29:35 How does he? He eats freaks, man. I mean, he has no issues, I think, just eating sugar. Yeah. Like, just no issues. And look at him. He's fucking carved of granite if you look at a lot of the um there's a thing about like deon sanders back in the day where
Starting point is 00:29:50 like he would show up to the combine with like a bag of mcdonald's run a 422 4.2240 and then just like leave the stadium like there's just freaks out there and you should not take any nutritional advice from them yeah you're not dave's a huge proponent of different um uh insulin sensitivities he does not think he thinks that there's some people who could just eat fucking sugar all day and be good and there's some people who just like they they you know take one sip off a coke and they got a rubber tire around their waist so dude like if i really want to lose weight, I have to like almost completely cut out carbohydrates. Like to maintain,
Starting point is 00:30:32 like if I want to gain weight, I have to bump up my carbs very little. I'm super sensitive to them. Yeah. I'm like, it took me years to find out that not everybody's playing with the same deck of cards. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Uh, uh, Dave told me, I wish i could remember uh gary uh is it gary fong is that the guy's name hold on let me see gary fong is uh is that the guy's uh no i just brought up a bunch of asians Who's the Fung guy? He has the Charles Fung? Larry Fung? I guess. The guy who spoke at the Health Summit. Jason Fung. Jason Fung. He told me chapter 12 Who are you, Fung? Let me see.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Jason Fung's book. I'll tell you exactly what Dave told me just the other day. Jason Fung books. I should have Jason Fung's book. I'll tell you exactly what Dave told me just the other day. Jason Fung books. I should have Jason Fung on. Maybe it's the obesity code. In chapter 12 of the obesity code.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Oh, he has one called the diabetes code too. Oh, no. Maybe it's the complete guide to fasting. Shit, I don't know. Sorry, guys. I'll ask him. I'll text him right now uh hold on i mean because i want to tell you guys hey bro what's your book he said chapter 12 of that book he's like dude read that memorize that he said that's where it's at uh what was the name of the with your chapter 12 liking.
Starting point is 00:32:07 You'd be like, what? All right. Back to Dave. For meeting your health and fitness and weight goals. At Jenny Vaccaro, 7097. Receive my key chain. Such quick shipping and love the packaging. Next, I need a belt.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Thank you. Okay, so it must have been last week or so because I haven't made the keychains in a while or a couple weeks ago. I put some keychains on I enjoy making this stuff. I spend, you know, a little time half an hour here every couple days.
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's pretty fun. I obviously like being creative with the programming stuff and through making stuff with the leather work. So it's kind of a little creative outlet that gets me away from this space and thinking about other things. Actually, I think there might still be a belt on the store right now. So Jenny,
Starting point is 00:32:52 if you want to get a belt, go check out At Nickel Plate Fitness, has HQ considered age groups and teen comps to be openers for individual comps? I don't know what you mean, but do you mean like having, and I guess it's kind of like how the games have been for years.
Starting point is 00:33:05 We had the age groups and teens compete. Standby. Are we going to go shopping? Nice! I want to get one of those belts. I need a new brown belt. Oh, they're out of stock.
Starting point is 00:33:21 They look smooth, don't they? They look good. So the first ones were black. Now these are tan. Yep. He made another black run recently after the first one he did, and then this new tan one. Dear Dave.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Dear Dave. I need a reversible one. Like a black and a brown one? Yeah. I had one where the belt would lift and rotate. So the keychains are in stock. I got one of those. I got one of the black ones.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I don't have the tan ones. I spent so much money on Dave Castro. On behalf of the TDC. We're sold out. I don't know. A couple months now I've been drinking that thing. We chugged Spade at the beginning of this show. Now we're chugging TDC olive oil.
Starting point is 00:34:15 What's next? I haven't tried Spade yet. Is that like the healthy one? It's good. I don't know. He says it's healthy. I don't know if it is healthy. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:34:23 It says zero sugar. It's got Stevia in it. We need to talk to him about putting allulose in it. Oh, yeah. I'm going to have Richard Johnson on here to talk about allulose. Here we go. For the individuals. Is that what you're saying at the games? And now we've pulled them out to be opener for individual. Or do you mean other individual comps?
Starting point is 00:34:43 Regardless, they're their own thing now. And it's going to be opener for individual or do you mean other individual comps regardless? They're their own thing now. And, um, it's going to, this is going to be the first year we do this model and it's going to be, it's going to be a huge success. And I'm going to, and we're going to be really happy with, with, uh, with the direction that we took it. And I'm the only person in the space promoting it, whatever it was. I don't even know what he said, but there you go. At David Gora, why is there no longer promotion of the garage
Starting point is 00:35:06 gyms i'm looking back at old journal articles i was encouraged if hq wants to see increase in numbers shouldn't that be put back in focus i don't i wouldn't um why is there no longer promotion of the garage gyms i wouldn't say that we are there was just some recent promotion garage gyms and the affiliates but a handful of affiliates lost their fucking mind. Yeah, there's like a mass email about starting a garage gym or something. Yeah. A garage gym bigger than your affiliate. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Savon, would you cry if Taylor made it to the games? No. But I did tell him today that if he made it to the games, I might even start believing in God. But I did tell him today that if he made it to the games, I might even start believing in God. Because it would be so crazy that we started this Taylor self versus the world, and then it would be just crazy. Hold on. Getting caught up again. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Garage gyms, Dave. Garage gyms. Garage gyms. Why is there no longer promotion of the garage gyms Dave Garage gyms Garage gyms Why is there no longer promotion of the garage gyms There's a limited amount of promotion for a lot of the things That we do and a little While you're there could you address why there's no promotion For the adaptive An amount of focus that we need to put In you know this is very
Starting point is 00:36:22 Common knowledge we don't have a massive Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you and Promotions for the semi-finals that are Coming up in a month that we need to put in. This is very common knowledge. We don't have a massive... Oh, sorry. Don't mean to interrupt you. And promotions for the semifinals that are coming up in a month. What's the tier there? Is it garage gyms first, then semifinals,
Starting point is 00:36:35 then adaptive? Or is it adaptive first? The problem is that there's just a bottleneck. You know when you have 20 things that can be dumped out of a bottle but you turn the bottle upside down and none of them can come out because they all hit the fucking opening at the same time that's the problem you got tips slower yeah hq's just so excited about
Starting point is 00:36:55 promoting all of it okay and so with the resources we're working on and all the things we do have to promote the affiliate stuff should i promote should i affiliate my garage yes it's three thousand dollars not off my back i don't care what you do is that how much it costs to affiliate your garage 4,500 it's the same number affiliate my garage and then i could be invited to all the meetings there it is i could bug katie i I get Katie Hogan's phone number. That's right. Speed dial. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:31 The cap stuff. I'm thinking about it. The games, clearly the training. They're in that kind of environment. Yes. Are we doing videos on the garage gym experience currently? No. Have we probably in the last year or two? I would imagine yes. And telling the stories of,
Starting point is 00:37:49 you know, various individuals. I don't know if we have or have not. So someone's going to write a video and saying we have not. But my point being, it's not like there's this conscious directive, don't promote garage gyms or don't talk about garage gyms. Garage gyms and garage athletes are a massive part of CrossFit regardless of making a video about them or doing promotion around them or not. And I mean, hey, look at how I train. I train out of a garage gym. Look at a large number of people. And I don't think we are consciously trying to avoid them or not talk about them. Yeah. You could argue that the garage gym gets the most promotion out of anything because Dave does train in a garage gym.
Starting point is 00:38:29 True. I don't even understand this fucking question. What would CrossFit do? A great journal article is called the garage gym. Yeah. That's where we went when we were no longer welcome in the Globo gym. We went to our garages, and then we had too many friends that loved when we were no longer welcome in the Globo gym.
Starting point is 00:38:49 We went to our garages, and then we had too many friends that loved what we were doing, and then we just opened bigger, shittier garages, and then we just started CrossFit. And it went from there. If you looked at the evolution of the affiliate, it started with the garage. We left the Globo gym, we went to the garage, and then we evolved from there. Dude, I'd say 25% of the affiliates i interview in the affiliate series they started in they say they started in a garage at their garage and then their wife or someone backed up the toilet or something and they had to move i moved mine back to the garage you moved it back to the garage yeah from the garage to the gym to the garage yeah it's no longer cross just oh look here we go justin zazumbo oh shit that's true they did quite a hefty promotion of garage gyms and
Starting point is 00:39:34 street parking in 24.2 salty hive uh salty hive crossfit in utah or Hive with Salt. Justin Zazumbo. He says it's where they did 24.2 in a garage gym. Well, fuck. This question is dumb. Two paths to pursue CrossFit. You do it at home or you go to your local gym and you follow other programming or you go into an affiliate. We really do promote. We'd like to see people go into affiliates to make them.
Starting point is 00:40:03 The problem with YouTube comments is, and I'm being very generous here, 80% of YouTube comments just show that the person who wrote it is a fucking moron, an imbecile. Well, what does that make Dave? He picked the comment. Yeah, but he doesn't spend that much time on them. He just prints them out.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I think he reads these things for the first time. Yeah, what's he going to do? It's like Savant taking a collar. Thank you. And here's the thing, too. Just because they're fucking complete morons doesn't mean that you don't answer their questions, but it's just like...
Starting point is 00:40:34 You should hang up on more people. Just be like, no, I'm not answering that. Dumb question. Next caller. Tyler told me to hang up on you. What if I'm an 80 percent imicel yeah good point yeah then you need your questions answered fair enough all right yeah i don't like to ask who it is i don't like to ask who it is i just need i just need your pronouns and i'm good
Starting point is 00:40:58 successful but that doesn't mean because we're promoting people to go to affiliates to help make that community thrive and to help make the individual journey more guided and with coaching. It doesn't mean we're discouraging people who just want to start on their own and do it in their garage or even at another gym. I think that's lame personally, just because, you know, clearly I worked for CrossFit. If you're going to do it in a gym, I think you should go to an affiliate, but if you're going to do it at home gym, I think you should go to an affiliate. But if you're going to do it at home, yeah, I'm not going to ever discourage anyone from that. And I don't think we would as a...
Starting point is 00:41:30 We would or are... What do you think about this? I think that if you want to go to the games, you have to... What do you think? You should have to do the workout in the affiliate. Not sorry. You have to belong to an affiliate. You don't have to do the workout in the affiliate? Not sorry. You have to belong to an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:41:47 You don't have to do the workout in the affiliate, but you have to belong to an affiliate. And someone might say, well, you're going to narrow the scope of people you can grab. So what? Who cares? Think of it as just like a membership fee. If you're probably like if you're a horse racer, there's some horse club you have to belong to. Or if you like, like I did, like for my kids to play, I have i have to join tennis my kids i have to join the usta something or another and so hey if you want to go to the fucking games you gotta you gotta be a member at a fucking affiliate i think 98 of percent do it
Starting point is 00:42:16 already do oh so it doesn't happen well you can't submit an open score without a video if you don't okay so no reason to stir the pot if it's not okay fine okay strike that you're there but it's not it's not required yeah there's just a you know back door but if it but if it was required like all the pushback and reasons that people would say that it's a bad idea i would be like yeah i agree with you but still so what yeah fine uh seven that's uh sorry uh trish seven that's retarded affiliates love having badass athletes go there the games athletes would just find some gym owner to simp for them well that's fine yeah the gym owner can simp for them that's fine the gym owner can cover their cover their their fees i'm not saying that they couldn't do that
Starting point is 00:43:00 i don't think that makes it a retarded idea. Trish is the hard R today. Yeah. Instead of asking for callers for their pronouns, you should ask them for their gym nouns. So affiliate or garage gym. Oh, wow. I like that.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Wow. Or what affiliate they go to. I'm so sorry, Justin. I referred to you as a garage gym. I know. What's the other one? Garage versus what? Just gym? Affiliate.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Affiliate gym, yeah. Justin, you don't need an official judge. Justin Zimbo. Chase, hi. Hi. I think you just need a registered judge to have a legit score, correct? Don't even need a registered judge this year. I was not ready for that. Just a warm-bodied person mason maybe even not even that mason trish isn't making sense and yesterday your girlfriend said
Starting point is 00:43:53 she's only fucking you because you have a good body so take that whoo oh that's not the worst that's not the worst thing to have your girlfriend. Oh, no. Yeah, darn. Your girlfriend's using you for your body, pussy. Body's so good. Women are using you for it. How about that? Yeah, take that.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Ouch. Look, that one hurt. That one's coming off. Okay. Back to Dave. Talking about or doing that deliberately as a company or as HQ. And you know what? I'll say this. I'm looking back at old journal articles that was encouraged.
Starting point is 00:44:38 What? Like when? A very long time ago. Even in the last – I mean this same criticism right he said of last several years last decade last 15 years of process i don't know how many you know there was a phase where we this is at 1.25 prior to the sale for several months maybe in years we're just promoting uh deadlifting with milk jugs and then before that oh that hurts that hurts not dude i would i would never want to get taylor and dave in an argument together they would just never stop like they both have that thing where they're like i'm gonna i'm just
Starting point is 00:45:14 gonna keep hammering this until i think i think i've made the point look at him taking shots at the milk jug dud lift we're putting a lot of focus on training and the seminars that we do and then always there's been a lot on the games imagine working at HQ we have this fucking amazing gym this beautiful studio
Starting point is 00:45:37 like for live shows and we have this crazy control room and then all of a sudden one day you come to work and all of it's gone and the new studios couch from the 60s what is it ed god living room married with children yeah god that was a tough shift oh my god and then and then in the next phase rosa takes pukey down off the wall unfortunately fitness that was then it was just like oh my which one was worse they were both tough man they were tough who designed that that set that was greg oh to the t every last thing the pattern on the couch everything oh my god
Starting point is 00:46:17 in hindsight i wish i would have fucking taken my wife in there and pulled out on her on that couch. I feel like that's the couch that's in your podcast studio that Dave sits on. Did you steal the couch from? No, that's from my mom's office when she was a lawyer. Same thing. That's the same couch. My mom probably paid six grand for that. I bet.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I know it's a nice couch. Yeah. That couch is in every one of your grandparents' living room. Jesus. I'm looking at it now. Wooden arms. I'm turning into my mom. Heavy as shit.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Just a real deep spring-like bottom that's... The hottest fabric that's ever existed in mankind that you can never take naps on because it's going to roast you. You're going to sweat to death. Now we know why Seve got fired. Not because I did that, but because I have thoughts like that that come out of my mouth. That's why I was fired. Oh, Trish. Ron pulled out on me many times on that couch.
Starting point is 00:47:15 He made me his little toaster strudel. Oh, my gosh. Trish. Trish died and got this. Jesus. A demon Hey you know how you like You put something on a fence so it lasts forever
Starting point is 00:47:30 I wonder if semen does that to couches Like put like a seal on it Or when it dries on there Does it make it crusty so it erodes faster It's gotta do one or the other I'm gonna guess the latter It accelerates the aging of the couch Chase is like I could be in bed with my wife I'm going to guess the latter. It accelerates the aging of the couch.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Chase is like, I could be in bed with my wife. You imagine like, what's wrong? I'm like, nothing. I don't want to talk about it. Harry Cox, uh, Seve dabbed his helmet on the couch. Oh my goodness. Not my helmet, my foreskin. My man man labias as someone referred to them okay back to dave here we go
Starting point is 00:48:15 looking back at all journal articles i was encouraged sure even then probably we kind of left that and again it's not like it was trying to not or to discourage people from training their garage oh my god that's an important way to process at 7-7 do rock when are we what do you think about garage super teams the um what do you say super teams the majority the overwhelming majority of teams at the games this past year and that will be at the games this year will be affiliate teams. They are people who train at an affiliate together and affiliate teams. Now, are there a handful of teams that have athletes who have relocated
Starting point is 00:49:00 or are meeting the bare minimum of our role to be considered on a team and creating what's called a super team? Yes. And not always do they win or perform at the highest level. Sometimes they're mid-pack in the leaderboard. Not mid-pack, but mid-top 10. So I don't think it's as big of a problem currently
Starting point is 00:49:18 as people are saying, but we will continue to look at the rules around it and how it stays a true. Why would that be a problem? I don't think anybody gives a shit anymore. I don't give a shit. And there's their affiliate, like the affiliate cup of what it was when it originally started is dead. They're not like just because you went to a gym and went there for six months, that's not what the affiliate cup used to be.
Starting point is 00:49:45 It's like, this is the first gym. I never left. We've been here. We've all been here for five years. That's what affiliate cups used to be. It's not like that anymore, which it's fine. But they got to stop. It's like hanging on to the old open.
Starting point is 00:49:59 It's done. Well, I'm still holding on to the open, so I'm struggling there. But if the teams are going to be interesting, we need Rich and Tia and Annie to move up to Vermont. And Matt and Rich and Tia and Annie be on a team, and then I'll be interested. Other than that, no. Which one gets hurt first?
Starting point is 00:50:21 Yeah, I was going to say, Rich, don't move to Vermont. I need you to stay healthy. Fine, they can move to say, Rich, don't move to Vermont. I need you to stay healthy. Fine, they can move to Cookville. I don't care. There you go. But whatever they do, I mean, that's the only way it gets hurt. I mean, that's what the teams need. Don't worry about anything else.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Or they need someone like Taylor. The only team we're watching is Noah's team. Name one other team. Who's on Noah's team? Chandler? No, he's on a different team. Name one other team. Who's on Noah's team? Chandler? No, he's on a different team. Travis Mayer? No.
Starting point is 00:50:50 No, Ola. Moroccan you. Yeah. Lena Richter and Matilda Garnas. There we go. Zero fucks. Who's watching that team? You're watching that team, Tyler?
Starting point is 00:50:57 I'll help you. I'll stop watching that. Then there's the Alshama team and the Chandler team. Mm-hmm. And that's... Those are the only teams I know. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:51:06 It's because they're super teams. My two favorite people on the Invictus team are gone. Jorge and Devin. Not that I have any issues with the Weiss girl and Alshama, but. You just like those two. Yeah. Yeah. Does Noah's team have a chance to win yes yeah they do oh yeah who is the girl matilda garns matilda garnets and lena richter but didn't she compete matilda garns i saw her in the quarter
Starting point is 00:51:37 finals they both did individual but they're still i think they just did it for fun noah did it too i don't know if he entered his scores officially. Actually, I know he didn't. Hey, and those two girls, Nistler and the other girl, the Proven girl now? Taylor? Who's banging the president of Proven?
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yeah, just when they were starting to get interesting, they broke up. I don't know, man. They've been around a long time. Yeah, I know. I know. And there was cool drama around them, but as soon as they left... As soon as you found out about them. Yeah, as soon as... And then it was gone.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I honestly wish they never went to Mayhem. Why? Because they were so good. They could have carried a team that could have beat them. That would have been cool. OC3 had a shot. They just could never get the dudes on the team. So they got sick of it, and they just went to Mayhem to start winning. They just could never get the dudes on the team, so they got sick of it,
Starting point is 00:52:25 and they just went to Mayhem to start winning. They're like Kevin Durant. Those two are the greatest. They transcend Mayhem. The greatest female pair of all time. Of all time. It's not even close. She may be the strongest pregnant woman who ever lived.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Yeah. Dude. I'm not even joking. I can't even make sense of what nissar did uh this is a really good point i mean it's it's over my head but but i it's probably a good point uh justin's a zoom boat teams get affiliates interested though the whole affiliate rallies around that team that's that's okay true all right it is true true they can both be true right uh linda jiri uhola's the hottest guy in CrossFit
Starting point is 00:53:06 and Evicta and Kara's team. Oh, Kara's team. Yep. Oh, oh. Another super team. That's a good squad. Oh, and Walleye with Christoph and Elliot Simmons with Mia Hesketh and
Starting point is 00:53:21 Jamie Simmons. That's going to be a good... Wait, who are the boys on that? Isn't Jamie Simmons in a totally different class than those other three people? Yes. Jamie Simmons is the best person on that team. Well, yes. But on a team setting, I think Mia Hesketh is way more important.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Wow, okay. Yeah. All right. It seems a little out of balance uh like like uh khan james newberry car saunders and emily deroy yeah like cars like on a whole nother planet than these other people whole other planet early like in the next car has been car has been like at the level yeah there's not a lot of athletes period that are on car's level i mean she's rich she's on rich level right right also early well as far as legacy that's what i'm saying like i just mean in terms of no i would say
Starting point is 00:54:19 not in legacy i would just like like if she was in the individuals, should people be talking about her being a threat to Tia as much as, um, anyone this year? I probably wouldn't, but no, she'd be a threat for the top 10. Yes, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Okay. Different, but early, early John, I need John here to back me up. He would not back you up. No, you probably wouldn't even say top 20.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Oh, he's out of his fucking mind. I'm just channeling in my inner John. Hey, didn't she have an incredible open how'd she do in the open i think she did really well yeah she did well that's the open but but we already know she's strong yes all right i'm not gonna fight with you guys here maybe after this show you'd lose 1756 as someone who's been a spectator at semifinal two games, it is tough to fit in watching events, getting decent food between events. Agree with Dave's point.
Starting point is 00:55:10 While we tried watching age groups, it was a real rush, particularly as the on-site food had massive energy cues and there was minimal food for vegetarians. So no complaints about having less competitors, and hopefully those age groups can have the experience. Listen, listen, listen. Listen, listen. those age groups can have the experience.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Listen, listen, listen. Listen, listen. Tia Toomey, Laura Horvat, Kara Saunders, Annie Thor's daughter, Katrin David's daughter, all in their prime. You don't know what the workout is.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Rank them. Ooh. Name the athletes again. Tia, Laura, Cara, Annie, Katrin. You don't know the workout. Rank them. I'll put them in that order you just said them. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Tia who? Tia, Laura, Cara. You're out of your fucking mind. You're out of your mind. You think Laura's better in her prime than Cara Saunders? Yeah. Ooh. In their prime. You think Laura's better in her prime than Kara Saunders? Yeah. Ooh. Ooh. In their prime.
Starting point is 00:56:09 See, that's a different thing. Listen, you really want me to fuck it up? I'll throw Sarah Sigmund's daughter there in her prime. Now, boy, she was a fucking problem. She's going at the bottom. Really? Yep. In her prime?
Starting point is 00:56:20 Just one workout? Yeah. Oh, I don't know, dude. She was a problem. Freaking. Although, that's a good that's a good wild card yeah that's yeah very depending on the athlete the the workout she could have screwed it up it's not that sam briggs has no love i think that would be okay dave dave dave
Starting point is 00:56:36 it's not it's not like sam sam briggs is uh no no's era. Yeah, it's her, Camille, Jolie Gentry. Jolie Gentry. I mean, come on. Good call. I think Tonya Wagner and Katie Henniger were more impressive to me in their settings than Camille or...
Starting point is 00:57:00 Sam. Not Sam. Tonya Wagner and Katie Henniger were savages. was a monster yeah tanya her era who these are bitches who were like be out there crying and shit boring yeah i guess camille cried a little i haven't seen anybody cry a lot i remember seeing people cry workouts yeah and i don't see that anymore during workouts yeah i was good how was it at crash jr made me cry in a workout he didn't but it got close i was just the one you just did the it had slits in it it was yeah a couple days ago i wanted to die and then well you know and i both about shit ourselves you know those adidarod races where like they
Starting point is 00:58:00 push the dog so hard like a dog dies the other day i was in the gym and my kid weighs 51 pounds and i had him doing this workout and at the very end the last like six minutes of it he had to wear a six pound vest he had to have three pound wrist things on wrist wrist weights and carry a six pound d ball so he has 18 pounds of weight on him he's like a 52 pound kid and dude a few times there were like tears coming down his face and i was like fuck am i gonna am i gonna be in the paper am i gonna i did her on this kid like like he's like stumbling around the garage and shit i'm like hey hey no some of the moments i remember from football are of moments when i got pushed so hard that that i. Wow. So he'll remember that. And to me, I looked back on that fondly. Like I wish I could get in situations that I would experience that now.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Like I want to experience something so scary. Like as far as a workout that I cry. The last time I, the first and only time I cried after a workout, it was a 1K time trial. Wow. On a rower. Wow. And I, my legs hurt so bad that I just sat there and just tears were just coming down my face. We should have asked him. I didn't know. And I asked Taylor if he cried, you did, you did. I did. Oh, he said he
Starting point is 00:59:19 got close. Yeah. Well, you know, what's funny is after my kid did that workout, he was like, so excited for his brothers to do it he's like bring them in here and i brought them beat it yeah and one of the other kids uh my oldest cried and my youngest cried the one in the middle didn't cry i think if you did it every day to him that would maybe then we write a news article about you but if you just do it one every now and again it's like oh it's wednesday what i've changed the name of tennis with my kid the game is called who's gonna cry first hey who's gonna cry first because someone always cries they're like yeah let's go play who's getting they love it they love that that's what it's called
Starting point is 00:59:58 who's good whether you'll be encouraging brent in his role as head of players union as they have concerns with how much hot water... Oh, shit. I think that will be the case. This is going to be good. My query is whether you'll be encouraging Brent in his role as head of Players Union as they have concerns with how much hot water... Is there really a Players Union?
Starting point is 01:00:19 The PFAA. PFAA. That's called a Players Union? Well, in real sports. Colloquially. Coll colloquially how do you say that word don't ask me i can't even say like half this shit on my podcast the right way this is this is going to be really good this question i i want to savor this it's got brent fikowski players union and david and i'm so curious how dave answers this regardless of the question hey hold on whether training players need to do in advance of the games,
Starting point is 01:00:48 given the uncertainty of how many long, intensive outdoor events will be at the games, I know the point about the event is apparently unknown, but I don't think anyone wants to see athletes suffering from heat stroke. What the fuck? I'm rewinding that. I'm rewinding that. Hold on. It's funny. And hopefully those age groups can have the experience
Starting point is 01:01:04 of competing in front of fuller crowds. I think that will be the case. My query is whether you'll be encouraging. Oh, shit. What was that? Sorry, I'm going back even more. I'm going back even more. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:01:13 I'm slowing this down to one point. Just 1.0 speed. There's not going to be more people at the Masters. Now there's going to be less. Here we go. Ambient mode? I agree with Dave's point. While we tried watching age groups is a real real
Starting point is 01:01:26 rush particularly as the on-site food had massive energy cues and there was minimal food for vegetarians so no complaints about having less competitors and hopefully those age groups can have the experience of competing in front of fuller crowds i think that will be guys the person asking question is a vegetarian. No, this isn't the PFA. This is a previous question. Same person. Same person. Same person.
Starting point is 01:01:51 No. Okay, got it. It's the same person. Look, I'm going back 10 seconds again. Watch. The two questions go into each other. We're never going to get to the passes. There was minimal food for vegetarians.
Starting point is 01:02:01 So no complaints about having less competitors. And hopefully those age groups can- You fucker! You're complaining that the food lines are fucking too long at the games and you're a fucking vegetarian? You fucknut. ...holds around it and how
Starting point is 01:02:15 it stays a true affiliate cup. At Davey 1756, as someone who's been a spectator at semifinal two games, it is tough to fit in watching events, getting decent food between events. Agree with Dave's point. While we tried watching age groups, it was a real rush, particularly as the on-site food had massive energy queues and there was minimal food for vegetarians. So no complaints about having less competitors.
Starting point is 01:02:41 And hopefully those age groups can have the experience of competing in front of fuller crowds i think that will be the case my query is whether you'll be encouraging brent in his role as head of players union as they have concerns with uh how much hot water hold on hot weather training players need to do in advance of the games given the uncertainty of how many long intensive outdoor events will be at the games i know the point about the event is preparing for the unknown but i don't think anyone wants to see athletes suffering from heat stroke people not listen like did they people just vagina that dude who asked
Starting point is 01:03:26 that question has a vagina right in between his uh his ball sack and his anus he also has a vagina
Starting point is 01:03:32 ma'am man yeah that's a true they wow what it's just hilarious to me
Starting point is 01:03:42 that we're literally going inside and we, we have the threat of maybe one workout being outside. So it's half of the workouts were outside last year, the year before that. And like, you're worried about heat stroke now. Right. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:04:02 I mean, this is, yeah, it should be the other way. Hey, thanks Dave for bringing it inside. Are you guys going to to turn the heat up so these pussies don't get to work out in the air conditioning room shia dance uh dang dave is struggling he's struggling reading someone who has a kindergarten writing capacity oh my god you live in texas do you have anything you want to say before he answers this chase it's no different than anything we've been saying is like maybe two events will be outside of the 13 to 15 that will be programmed everything else is inside and as tyler said it's the least number they've ever had outside and if they do happen they'll probably be in the morning
Starting point is 01:04:37 it's gonna be fine i can't believe how much hate mail we've gotten uh regarding jr having the gym at 68 degrees instead of 64 degrees. And that's why Taylor, fuck you. Oh, my God. People are saying that it's totally J.R.'s fault that Taylor went down. I made that up. I made that up. I made that up.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Okay. I was about to. Listen, every year. Listen, here's my stance. If an athlete does not go down at the games, but we just had four ding-dongs in JR's air-conditioned gym, then the games wasn't fucking hard enough. It's like if you don't fail one rep during the workout, you didn't pace it right.
Starting point is 01:05:11 If we don't get one athlete to collapse, we didn't. Yeah, yeah. I don't like football because of that contact part. Can't they play with flags? And by the way, can they have non-alcoholic beer? No. Fuck off. flags and by the way can they have non-alcoholic beer no fuck off i can't wait to see what dave says this is fucking nuts dude i hope i hope it's 150 outside and someone someone cooks to death
Starting point is 01:05:37 well do you think we want oh do we oh here we go he's sorry let me rewind this here we go jesus christ events will be at the games i know the point about the event is preparing for the unknown but i don't think anyone wants to see athletes suffering can you remember a games where someone hasn't gone down tell me no was there one this year dude in 2000 carried off the field after the oh yeah dude in 2009 no sorry in 2008 they they they did a run no no sorry sorry sorry in 2000 in 2009 they did a run and they had built these bleachers uh up on the dirt hill at dave's house that were probably like i don't know 25 feet high 20 feet high 15 feet high down the hill and runs under the
Starting point is 01:06:50 fucking bleacher she missed the fucking opening and ko's herself bitch get like dude like yeah sports man yeah valerie voboril did a somersault across the finish line and died had to be resuscitated Jason Kalipa on the same run fucking died and had to be resuscitated he literally almost died I mean dude we're testing for the fittest
Starting point is 01:07:19 do you want to test for the fittest Mr. Vegetarian they didn't have a meatless I was looking for i was looking for a bill gates burger i couldn't find one i only eat grasshoppers we don't talk about that enough though it's like we're testing to see what the human body is capable of yeah and you don't want them to get hot look at a marathon that they run hundreds of annually you think anybody comes out of there and scathed just fucking kenyan just kenyans dehydrated what what i think about too is like is is the heat a scapegoat for them just like going hard they're like oh i was overheated
Starting point is 01:08:03 there's no way i was that unconditioned or whatever versus like alexis raptus she said after the bike event after everybody said they had they were feeling heat fatigue and all that stuff she's like no i feel fine yeah just slow down dude like if you can't stand that that's part of the thing like no one's blaming the programming for what happened to Taylor. That's his fault. You made the workout, so I went too fast. I mean, how about the Isle of Man? Do you know that motorcycle race?
Starting point is 01:08:34 Yeah. Do you think we want to see athletes suffering from heat stroke? No, I mean, seriously, like some of these things, when people talk about safety and these heat concerns, you say it as if like we're over here being event organized. Brent was fucking in charge of safety at Wadapalooza, and he was hitting his head on the fucking bleachers when he was rowing because the bleacher was so close to the, the row was so close to the bleacher. Think Brent has any advice for fucking heat stroke stroke he didn't even know where to put the
Starting point is 01:09:08 rower hey savon the average deaths per year for marathons is 1.1 per per marathon per year oh just oh really every year every year someone dies oh on average. Yeah, I bet you it's per marathon, dude. In the last three years, it's been three. Dude, I think so. No, no, no, no. Chase, I think someone dies every year at the New York City Marathon. Every year. God.
Starting point is 01:09:37 I mean, even if it's not. It's been three the past couple of years? Three. That's weird. The average has tripled in the last three years get your booster i knew that was coming hi hi hi hi uh michi michi michiwa konochiwa michiwa hi uh your taylor self versus the world rock thank you
Starting point is 01:10:01 Taylor Self versus the World Rock. Thank you. All right. Bend over. That's a while. Hold on. Let me see. Can you take... How often does Marathon die at New York City Marathon?
Starting point is 01:10:22 I would love... One study estimates 1 in 149,000 participants Um Die during a marathon Okay According to the study male deaths Is 1 in 102,000
Starting point is 01:10:35 While female deaths is 1 in 243,000 That's because we push harder than you hosts On Wikipedia they have a list of deaths yeah whoa it's it's one it's one a year that's it yeah but it's like annually y'all ain't going hard enough you marathoners and the age range is wild a lot of them are young like 20 to 25 to 45 so dave says that they're not going for heat stroke well that's nice good to hear feel better the keepers of this uh sport the the people who created the sport and run the sport who like totally don't give a fuck about safety. Like, it's a ridiculous, it's a ridiculous notion at times and almost insulting to long before there was call it as you said we were doing the CrossFit games in this fucking shed. And we were talking about and having arguments about safety and what we would do to keep the
Starting point is 01:11:51 athletes safe. And if something happened and how we would run the event, safety is a primary fucking concern for us. The last thing we want to do is hurt our athletes on the floor for their sake or for the sake of the perception of crossfit etc etc etc do injuries happen do things happen at the games absolutely you have people pushing at the extreme limits of physical capabilities on events you know you have he's looking up at his monitor he sees his dog somewhere he doesn't like and he grabbed the shot caller do you see that oh okay i was like what the hell is this he's setting off like a proximity mine that we don't yeah yeah yeah they're in the train line so doug's coming back any second we're breaking their arms you have people having heat it's uh
Starting point is 01:12:42 heat accidents at the games uh through some of the events we've done in the past through like Murph. And even in those cases, we've had a couple out of like 80 and even because we had teams do it. Nico had his eardrum blown out in a fucking swim event. A wave slapped him in the ear.
Starting point is 01:13:00 And he didn't swim back and say, fuck you, Dave. you didn't make the beach safe enough he's like damn i was neil maddox got a fucking uh swam into a fucking uh uh i don't know what you call it a herd a gaggle of fucking jellyfish and got fucking crushed in a school well yes that yeah school jellyfish did rob orlando try to swim and then just yeah rob sunk yeah he's like now yeah that went about like i thought right to the bottom deborah deborah corden carson um uh went out there and was crying she's just a scared she's scared but i think it was like two years later she came back and finished the swim which i thought was pretty cool dave went out there and talked
Starting point is 01:13:44 to her you can do it you can do it i yelled at dave i'm like dude what the fuck you're supposed to be a partial judge out of hundreds um elijah muhammad was stranded in the ocean nobody cares so good it's on the paddle board i don't remember that what year was that i want to say 2015 i think that's right paddle and he just gave up out there just four arms like arms legs in the water just splashing like waiting for the time gap wow geez um did we want that to be the case no does it happen yes so my point about texas and the heat oh shit we didn't think about that no of course we fucking thought about that we're going to do everything we possibly can to make sure the athletes they're also worried about
Starting point is 01:14:42 a pro hamas rally happening out there. Why didn't you all think about that? Not in Texas, dude. Are we going to give them prescriptive at this point or you are going to have five events outdoors and here's the length and here's what you're dealing with? No, because we shouldn't... That players union you're talking about,
Starting point is 01:15:04 they are in constant communication with us. We talk to to them a lot i heard they took some of our communications and put it forward i don't i'm not sure they might have told our team they're going to do that or not uh i'm not a huge fan of operating that way but whatever maybe they did tell us and we approved it um my point is um do you know the backstory on that chase, which one basically he's saying that there was a communication between the PFAA and HQ and PFAA, uh, a published the, the comms. He's not, do you know anything about that? I don't.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Oh, if they did that without approval from HQ, they should fucking, that's lame. I've communicated with them. I don't think they liked the answer. That's fine. Um, but we're not going to tell them how many workouts that are going to be outside. And here's the deal. Even in Madison and in a state.
Starting point is 01:15:51 So they've requested to know how many workouts are going to be outside the PFAA. And CrossFit said, eat a dick. They should say, eat a dick. Hey, it's a secret. They're not going to run an event at noon. Can you believe they even asked? Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I can't. I would. I guess I just have too much respect for the process to ask. Well, they're trying to prove their worth too, right? They're trying to do their like. Yeah, maybe not fuck it up the first time you ask for something. Yeah, good point. Same will happen here.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Athletes showed up a week. Some showed up the month before and acclimated to the environment they were competing in. Should you probably show up early to the games if you qualify for the games to acclimate? Yes. I would say this, though. if you qualify for the games to acclimate. Yes. I would say this, though.
Starting point is 01:16:47 If it wasn't Dave running this. Oh, easy. I don't believe that's true because Boz. I don't even mean Boz. I'm just saying. Okay, okay, okay. Different show. Get to the back. Competing 50 minutes or an hour at 110 degree temperature at 3 p.m.,
Starting point is 01:17:11 which probably we will not put you in that scenario. And what I mean by that is you're going to be in and out all day long in an environment that's really fucking hot, and getting there on a Wednesday or a Tuesday before the games, and then having to deal with competing and then going outside and going to your hotel or going to get food in this really hot environment that you're not used to, that's not going to help your performance or your mind state or your mental state. So actually, and I'm not going to tell anybody how to acclimate or when they should get there, but yeah, you should probably get to the games early. Just like other sports, if it's at elevation go to elevation yeah like if you're fighting in in in mile high like you got to go there a month before if you're a boxer yep and acclimate to just the surrounding environment
Starting point is 01:17:56 for you as an individual even if you are going to do um a majority of your competition inside and we've said that over and over we've said a majority of the competition inside. And we've said that over and over. We've said a majority of the competition will be indoors because we have a single indoor venue. And so even if you were to take a look at, like, you could go here with the games and someone could do this exercise. How many events were on the soccer stadium? Or I'm sorry, not the soccer stadium,
Starting point is 01:18:31 the outdoor field, the North Park field and in the Coliseum, because those are the two arenas we bounce back and forth from. And then how many were outside of that? And the desert in the summer, people, the entire CrossFit Games for years was run in the desert in the summer in California. Los Angeles is a desert. Why I say that is because what we are saying very publicly, there is one arena now. There is one main venue. You could probably assume that the amount we did on North Park and the Coliseum are the amount we're going to do in this new venue. So I don't so your last sentence.
Starting point is 01:19:07 I know the point is about preparing for the unknowable, but I don't think anyone wants to see athletes suffering from heat stroke. I don't care. They're going to be fine. Yeah, I don't care. They're going to be fine. It was Hodder and Carson. Dear CrossFit Games athletes, if you start to feel heat stroke, slow down.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Rich made this point. I can't remember. It was a podcast recently. He said, I'm so tired of hearing this. He said, it's hot everywhere. Yeah. Get over it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Dude, Madison got hot sometimes. It's hot everywhere. Here's the thing. Texas is going to be hot, but it's going to get indoors. It's dry heat. I hope they move it to Phoenix. indoors it's dry heat i hope they move it to phoenix i hope they move it to phoenix we'll show you fucking hot steven first time in quarterfinals and my only goal is to beat dave well you probably definitely beat me i got my ass handed to me um this was a really good reminder of how many gaps i have in my personal training. I CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I CrossFit year-round. I only do CrossFit. I do not CrossFit to tackle my weaknesses or I don't. I program things that I'm going to. I don't even want to say I program for my strengths. I don't have a lot of strengths. But I program to stay moving and to stay healthy and to stay fit. And I have, like, a long-term.
Starting point is 01:20:23 I do a lot of outdoor stuff. healthy and to stay fit and i have like a long term um i do a lot of outdoor stuff so skewing towards endurance and skewing towards um um that type of training and just staying strong enough is how i've trained for the last few years i really don't train for strength i don't prioritize strength much or again my weaknesses so what that led to is the first two workouts i did okay i was happy with my performance not okay on the leaderboard but just okay relatively who i am and then the second two they they just crushed me. I really am poor at handstand push-ups and that workout did not
Starting point is 01:20:50 go well for me at all. The strength, the clean and jerk element, the clean and jerk event, I was happy just to get a few reps at 185 because even that was really heavy for me. But I will say this about... Also, you guys, Dave's older than he looks.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Like a lot older than he looks yeah he's he's closer to 50 than 40 yeah and all of this i uh am really motivated to train and prepare for next year's open and quarterfinals or however it looks in the future to uh to really give this a go because i didn't train hard or really take this seriously leading up even into the open until once i started the open and saw oh i can't qualify for quarterfinals then i got really motivated this time i'm gonna get really motivated in in late november early december and start training for the open and hey knowing the workouts doesn't fucking matter that's not going to change my uh capacity or ability and this notion that um you know that i make the workouts to cater to me and no one's really saying that but i'll i will say that the last few are clear indications that i don't do that all right coming up i suck so bad
Starting point is 01:21:58 you think i programmed this look at my scores but i'm not going to tell you what they are. Did you catch that little sneaky hint? What? He said open quarterfinals or however it's programmed in the future. Oh, that's second week in a row. Why say that when you don't have to? Second week in a row. Oh, last week he talked about making the open more important, significantly more important.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Hmm. Chase? i don't know so make sure you get tickets if you're north america to the two events we got one in west coast and one on the east coast and then overseas there's a handful events so definitely check out semi-finals um and thanks for listening and those other ones all right we can review oh look i didn't even switch this to this i wonder if um oh there you go chase no well i wonder i wonder um um i wonder if uh ca peptides is really going to sponsor uh taylor for the semi-final i think they will that'd be good yeah that'll be really cool that'd be cool all right thanks guys any topics any stones you'd like to
Starting point is 01:23:22 i'm just so happy he acknowledged the winner at max being inappropriate in the Open and Quarterfinals, finally. You've thought that for a long time. Yeah. I was going to die on that hill. Alright. Thanks, guys. Everyone, thanks
Starting point is 01:23:40 for watching. Long show. Let's see if there's anything in here. I'm stoked to attend the West Coast Classic. Same. Sounds like you program quarterfinals. Can we talk about the $90 semifinal t-shirt? Tyler sounds like he's on a first date with your mom
Starting point is 01:23:59 and brought a football or something as a gift. Just your accent. Zachary Kadets uh daily training you're welcome talk to you guys uh see you tomorrow morning uh i haven't got a confirmation from greg yet but he is in bora bora oh the complete guide to fasting and it's chapter 12 of the audiobook the don't dm me and be like, what was that book? You said like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:24:26 You go back and look at the podcast. The whole show. The complete guide to fasting. Jason Fung, the complete guide to fashion. Jason Fung audio book, uh, chapter 12.
Starting point is 01:24:40 That was what Dave told me. Like, Hey dude, you really got to listen to that. All right, Chase. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Thank you. Mr. Watkins. He won't have. Thank you. Bye. Bye.

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