Episode Date: February 12, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Introducing TD Insurance for Business, with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. Insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD insurance advisor to learn more. Before we start the news, let me tell you the news. The news is that episodes 1A and 1B from the CrossFit Games Behind the Scenes have been released.
Starting point is 00:01:01 They are for free on the Sebon Podcast YouTube station. Start the journey now. It is an uh epic epic tale of 14 episodes you want to check it out and now let's dig into the news uh first off uh scott switzer of clydesdale media a place where i get a ton of my information uh before i do podcast uh i always search his station to see if he or any of his colleagues have interviewed any of the people I'm going to have on, for instance, like I had Denise Moore on this morning. It appears Scott, who is a staple in the CrossFit media space, he says the last few days have been wild. I couldn't breathe. I lost strength and energy, went to family and doctors and was treated for a lung infection. Symptoms started getting better, then fell off a cliff.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's scary. So I went to the ER on, then fell off a cliff. That's scary. So I went to the ER on Saturday, diagnosed with a fib. I guess that I'm guessing that means his heart was doing something. His ticker wasn't beaten right. And early onset pneumonia. Transfer to local hospital where I currently sit in ICU intensive care unit, waiting on cardiologists to visit Sunday morning. So maybe it is his heart. Thank you, everyone, for the well wishes and prayers.
Starting point is 00:02:05 If you want to drop some love on Mr. Schweitzer, go over to the Clydesdale Media, C-L-Y-D-E-S-D-A-L-E underscore media on Instagram. I'm sure he'd appreciate the love. The next bit in the news is just sort of an update. Uh, what do you guys think? Do you think, uh, Mal O'Brien, um, is going to do the CrossFit games this year? I suspect she'll do the open. I suspect she'll do it maybe because she wants to, or maybe because she has contractual obligations.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Her last chunk of posts have been from what appears to be Kauai, Hawaii. Her last chunk of posts have been from what appears to be Kauai, Hawaii, and it looks like it's just a peddling of her wares. GoWOD Mobility First is checking my daily GoWOD. So I'm guessing – I think the way some of these sponsorships work, these collaborations as people call them, is you have to make a certain amount of posts. She's filling her duties, getting paid, and she's had a bunch of posts in Hawaii. I suspect Mal is not going to make a run for the games this year. Wow. Guess who has a boyfriend? Happy birthday to my favorite person.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Thank you for always taking care of me, especially carrying my bags and cleaning up when I spill, being my first supporter and believer, teaching me patience, having the biggest heart and always being so thoughtful, being the best travel and adventure buddy. I promise one day it will be less stressful to travel with me. Sarah Sigmund's daughter says about this man, this hunk of a man she's standing next to who's taking the picture. She says, I promise one day it will be less stressful to travel with me, loving food as much as I do.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Never thought that would be even possible, being so creative, inspiring me with what you create, especially your homemade office for the drone on the beach. And last but not least, introducing me to my kryptonite, Percy Pigs and Crunchy Biscoff. May this next trip around the sun be the best one yet. And it is this, I am Luke Braun. Now, it's her boyfriend maybe it's not maybe it's just her her her I don't know her film dude I I don't know maybe we got to get her on the podcast we got to find out uh but this dude does
Starting point is 00:04:21 seem to have a fondness for uh similar as our beloved Sarah Sigmund's daughter. He lifts weights. He drinks some, like, trendy stuff that CrossFitters drinks. He does handstand walks and crashes. So he appears to be legit. If it is her boyfriend, I definitely approve. Um, uh, no pictures of her in his, in his, a catalog of hunks. And so, um, it's almost like maybe something that they were keeping on the DL. yell i did i i was interviewing sarah i don't know a couple months ago and there was clearly someone in the room we were i was joking around with uh with her about it in the private chat we didn't talk about it publicly but i could tell by the way she was behaving or moving her eyes
Starting point is 00:05:16 that someone was in there uh wow so this is going to be a fun one. A little off the direct CrossFit topic, but thin air sparks debate by asking passengers to voluntarily weigh themselves before being boarded. Finland's national air carrier, where our beloved Miko Salo is from, Finnair announced this week that they would be asking passengers to voluntarily weigh themselves along with their luggage at the country's main airport in Helsinki. The information collected will remain anonymous and will be used to assist with the airline's total cargo calculations. Now you see there's already a problem there, right? If you need it to assist with the airline's total cargo calculations, then it probably shouldn't be voluntary. Finnair currently uses these estimates of people's average weight to determine aircraft balance calculations. Definitely should not be voluntary.
Starting point is 00:06:09 This information is essential to determine that the aircraft remains below the set maximum weight required for a safe takeoff. Government authorities require Finnair to update these estimates every five years. How the fuck is this voluntary? update these estimates every five years how the fuck is this voluntary in an appearance on uk television show good morning britain model hayley hasselhoff obese commented on finnair's new system raising concerns that although it's voluntary now it might become compulsory compulsory further down the line. She noted that being weighed at the airport could be triggering. Who gives a fuck if it means we don't die?
Starting point is 00:06:56 For some passengers, this might be triggering, especially for anyone with an eating disorder or in recovery from one. We don't give a shit. You can't have an eating disorder if the plane crashes. I've had friends go to, she goes on to say, I've had friends go to airlines and not know that there was a disclaimer that they were going to be weighed. No one gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:07:19 How is this even part of the conversation? You say, Seve, show us this Miss Hasselhoff, David Hasselhoff's whiny daughter. And she's exactly what you would imagine. Thirst trap fatty. What makes me feel connected to my being? Making sure I have the right undergarments throughout the day. I know, no matter what. Excuse me. By the way, that's the absolute best she can look. I chose that because I thought she actually did look pretty good there. But if you go through her images, you'll see that she reeks of a giant trigger warning and a poster child for fucking mental health. How anyone's concerns about triggering someone else would determine the safety of an aircraft is uh
Starting point is 00:08:25 beyond me uh sage bergner of the mayhem lifting squad uh writes uh start telling every damn it start calling every woman in your life sis and your relationship with yourself and others drastically improves you know so i started doing that today a little bit sis and i was reading stuff on instagram and i was like that bitch that bitch then i switched it to that sis that sis and i was like oh my sis and it's right that actually that actually does work you want to be a nicer person just start calling every woman in your life sis and your relationship with yourself and others drastically improves. Dig it. So solid advice, not only one of the best, uh, uh, uh, lifting coaches in the space, but now, uh, dropping bombs of wisdom, wisdom, uh, uh, more wisdom.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Uh, um, if I was woke, this would be, uh, uh, women's week, right? I'd have to be like, oh my God, look at all these smart women in the space. Oh my God. But I'm not woke and it's just a smart people. As of 1994, supplements became regulated like a food, not a drug, says E.C. Sienkowski, the beloved CrossFit nutrition guru. So supplements don't have to demonstrate purity or efficacy before going to market. They're able to make claims that have not been validated in scientific literature or by a government agency. And that's an important little note from E.C. Sienkowski. That's as of 1994, supplements became regulated like a food, not a drug. Worth noting. Be smart smart do your research
Starting point is 00:10:05 finally finally finally finally uh the one of the greatest uh athletes of our time uh regular on the show what an absolute beast uh hunter mcintyre love the guy uh true influencer a needle mover he now holds the world record in high rocks for both individual and team uh he is not a uh spring chicken i want to say hunter's 34 and continues to just destroy look at his movement is just beautiful uh can't wait to have him on the show again Congratulations Hunter for holding both world records And I asked him about it today And he said of course I hold both Because I am not a pussy
Starting point is 00:10:50 And that is verbatim I didn't ask him if I could quote him but I have And finally Finally The wait is over Brooke Wells' book is out And you can be sure That there was a pro doing it uh it's uh christine bald i believe i'm pronouncing her name right christine bald is the co-writer
Starting point is 00:11:15 on the book uh she wrote a couple of ben bergeron's books including chasing excellence she was a co-writer in that and i believe she's working on a book currently with Annie Thor's daughter, and she either did write a book with Katrin David's daughter or she is. And so she's definitely the go-to choice. All the best people in the space are think, is when she does the writing and she takes over the Dave Castro Instagram account. And I think it's her husband, maybe, who's her personal photographer. No. No, no. I think I met her husband at the games this year. He's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:11:59 They're a great couple. Anyway, hard worker. First and foremost, I admire the fuck out of her she's a hard worker anyway christine bald and uh that is uh the news um the station's blowing up so many great things on there uh look around everywhere and i will see you guys uh tomorrow with more news bye

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