The Sevan Podcast - The Ultimate Behind the Scenes Podcast #1 | Monday

Episode Date: August 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:51 And hear me? Yep. Ooh, sorry we're late, guys. I couldn't start the show from my hotel room. Welcome to the first remote show from Madison, Wisconsin. From a hotel room on the 11th floor. Yeah. How's my audio?
Starting point is 00:01:13 It's good. Check one, two. Yeah. Everyone can hear me good? Is it this one? Do I actually have this one working? It is. If you guys like this, maybe I should endorse this even. These are the R are the road ones r-o-d-e i bought
Starting point is 00:01:26 them like a month ago and i've never used them sounds really good it does yeah uh sebi having california withdrawals no it it was oh you can't hear me you can't hear me did someone say can't hear you sebon is he messing with me? I think so. Sound is crisp. Chris Carter. Okay. Let me go back up to the top here.
Starting point is 00:01:52 The upcoming shows are going to be amazing. I hope so, Domineo. Rambler. Hey, Clock. What's up on Sporty Beth? Hi, JK Lamar. Sabir and Kelly, hi. Eaton Beaver, Chugs.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I don't even know what these shows are about. Omar Canejo, Eric Weiss, Diana Arnelia. Isn't it awesome that we're going to be getting behind-the-scenes coverage about the behind-the-scenes? Yeah, that's kind of cool. Rambler again, Eric Weiss. Fergie Show, Jessica T. Kenneth DeLapp.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Uh-oh, here comes some Australian money. Camera Straps guy. God, he's good. I haven't seen the straps you made for Seve yet. Toe spacers. Always got to love on the toe spacers. Good evening, Ken O'Connor. I'll take the odds.
Starting point is 00:02:31 This is delayed, Greg C. No, delayed. What are you talking about? Oh, is it stuttering? I see Caleb great. I feel like this is good. Okay. You're looking over there.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Maybe you can see. No. Over there. You see that? 36. Maybe you can see. No. Over there. You see that? 36 terabyte Ray drive. Another 30 terabytes. I usually have a sack of weed that I don't smoke. Well, here I have 30 terabytes of hard drives that I hope that I will be using.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Using a lot of. Rick Wagner, what what's up dude mason mitchell hey lydia hi caleb hi sarah cooper yeah just seeing if you're listening sarah cooper hi what's up with the avatar barry mccockner okay if you and says blade what's up brother blade blade blade uh heidi groom heidi heidi heidi tomorrow this sounds like we have a um our first media meeting or the first one at least i got here today i spent hours uh setting up my camera rig today hiller actually came to my hotel room and um i set up two rigs so i'll show you this is this is a7r4 it's kind of a dinosaur nd filter on here hillar talked me into getting this thing which was smart and this microphone just a handle to hold on to yeah okay and i got a sennheiser shotgun mic here
Starting point is 00:03:59 and then i got another sennheiser mic here so that you guys um that will record to separate channels so you guys can hear my questions for the first time ever and a 20 millimeter lens and then i got this one over here for uh slow-mos and i'll be shot in 4k hiller has a very similar setup and then uh mariah moore will be shooting with i think a red uh patrick rios will be shooting with uh 4k it's a new camera he got something fancy sony came out with i want to say fx6 or fx3 something fancy uh it's going to be incredible uh got here today left my house california 3 a.m uh got to chicago at 12 39 um between the drive and the time change hillar picked me up from the airport.
Starting point is 00:04:47 We drove straight to Madison. We stopped twice, once at Popeye's and then once 15 minutes away from Madison because I had to poop. He's great to travel with. I go, how far is it to the hotel? He goes, pretty close. I'm like, okay. He goes, why?
Starting point is 00:05:00 I'm like, I got to go to the bathroom. He goes, I'll just pull over. And he went to a Starbucks. That was, I liked that. I was going to ask gonna ask where'd you poop at was it a good bathroom it was nice very nice it was a clean one of the cleanest it was like starbucks from the old days we don't even have starbucks that are clean like that in california anymore um uh let's see monster chaplain uh did seven drop. Drop what? Am I cutting in and out? Let me know if I'm cutting in and out.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Tell me, because this is the first time I've used this. I'm in a hotel room. I'm trying to get to the bottom so I can get up to speed on the comments, and then we'll get into the meat of the show. Wow. Soccer Mom. Dixie Normus. Good to see you.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Frank Dubac. can't hear you Savon that's not true right no I'm finally uh uh fucking chat is lit tonight yeah wow 522 people my goodness okay I'm catching up I'm catching up I see Heidi again here we go
Starting point is 00:06:00 finally lucky camera straps Ethan Forbes what's up dude good to see you brother it's been a minute you know who that is caleb no who is that uh part from the forbes empire that guy's worth about 600 mil wow yeah ethan's a good dude uh lucky he probably didn't want me to share that lucky camera straps still can't believe you guys are doing remote podcasts doing the games beasts hey you know what i can't believe I just, I napped there in that bed for like 20 minutes and then I did a hundred burpees and I took a shower. That's what I look like. I just got out of prison. And, uh, before I did the show and I was kind of, I was in bed
Starting point is 00:06:35 there giggling. Oh, Caleb froze. Is that me? Did I freeze Caleb? No, it's me oh good yes and so i was giggling because i just can't even believe i'm here hey there's no way i can screw this up i'm like i'm not trying to uh float my own boat i'm like one of the nicest people you could ever meet i'm like if you met me i would have to do everything in my power not to invite you over to my house for dinner. Like I'm, I'm truly, uh, I'm just a nice guy. Even, even when I was media director, if there was some like just scrub next to me who wanted a shot, I would move out of the way. I would never put myself ahead of anyone. Just not who I am.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I can't, I can't, I'm just a nice guy. So, uh, that's good. Trish. Good to see you. How was your flight? Easy. Easy your flight easy i uh sat up there i looked around at everyone on the flight i was kind of tripping because like no one even i don't even look like anyone else on the plane like not even everyone looks like just giant versions of me giant everyone's a foot taller than me everyone's 100 pounds bigger than me they're like 80 year old women on there who could like i could i could they could eat me they could just
Starting point is 00:07:50 bite me was your neighbor huge he i mean he wasn't he's you know 5 10 230 you know average american size he said yeah um i sat indian style in my seat for four hours there was no wi-fi on the phone i didn't watch a movie i just sat there you didn't have wi-fi no what the hell but i had a huge seat so i just said it's pretty wild i just sat indian style and um and was just chilling it was good i landed i can't believe how easy it was, to tell you the truth. Barry McOchner, I'm hard for the hard drives. I know. They're nice.
Starting point is 00:08:32 They're all clean and crisp and wrapped tightly in individual little plastics. They're nice. Franco Dubac, please take a picture with Sporty Beth. I will. I will. So I'll tell you something interesting so I guess her and Hiller are kind of I don't know I think they're
Starting point is 00:08:51 I think they're I think that they are in the early stages of a friendship like I don't even know if they have a beef but bearing the hatchet or kindling is that a word? Kindling?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Sure. Yeah. Rekindling? Kindling? Rekindling would mean that they had something prior. But I think kindling a friendship would be good. Okay. Reworking. He showed me some exchanges between them, and it looked like that they're in a good place to be friends. And he said she went to Popeye's.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And right when he was telling me she went to Popeye's, we drove by, like we see a sign Popeye's in like three miles. So me and him went to Popeye's. I don't, I can't ever remember going to Popeye's. I drank 64 ounces of diet Coke. That's probably why I had to pee.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Like, and I, that's what I ate coming off a 36 hour fast. I hadn't eaten anything. Came off a 36 hour fast with,'t eaten anything came off a 36 hour fast with he ordered me two huge spicy sandwiches mass yeah those are those are good yeah and he didn't eat the hot i ordered extra hot sauce and just dipped it in hot sauce and drank 64 ounces of diet coke it was true uh it's power food you've got frank water now so i will try to get a picture
Starting point is 00:10:03 with her if she's civil i you know what i'm really, though, concerned is I told you that I am extremely kind and polite. As a matter of fact, when I was getting off the plane, I was helping. As I got off, there were a row of, like, ladies who were, because of their lifestyle choices, in somewhat decrepitude. And they were waiting to get off the plane because they were struggling getting their bags. three ladies in a row as i went down the aisle i said ma'am can i help you with your bag and i take the bag down and when i got off when i got off the plane i was in the carousel area and an old like 80 year old man comes up to me he goes i noticed you helped a lot of women as you got off the plane i said yes sir and he said whoa that was very nice to you i said well my mom taught me to do that so you have a well, you have a good mom. And then I said, what's our value to other human beings
Starting point is 00:10:46 if we can't help them? Greg taught me that. Did he give you $20 too? No, I wish. I wish. Thank you. That only happens here. Although, you know the story of someone gave me $5,
Starting point is 00:11:03 thought I was homeless. How is hillers driving i don't want to talk about it unless he's here to defend himself but he did ask he asked for some feedback on his driving and i gave it to him and and he said oh that's what my uh that's what my chick says and i was like all right well there you go i would not have given him the feedback if he if he didn't um he didn't say anything uh seve did you bring your bicep peptides i did not um i did not oh yeah there it is god was i so happy to see him i was exhausted
Starting point is 00:11:49 i was so happy to see him thanks sorry i was yeah there he is what that front window is tinted so black do you know that story someone stole his car and then when when he got it back the front windshield is tinted so black. Do you know that story? Someone stole his car, and then when he got it back, the front windshield was tinted. Seriously? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:14 All the windows were. Yeah. Weird, right? Is that some, like, gangland shit? Lydia, Sebon is in the zone, got the game face on. So, I told you I was on a diet Lydia Seban is in the zone got the game face on so I told you I was on a diet protocol
Starting point is 00:12:30 prior to the games and I ate one day and didn't eat for one day for 18 days so I fasted 9 waking 9 days of waking hours of 18 days building up to this so that i could fit into
Starting point is 00:12:47 my clothes that i used to wear when i did the behind the scenes crazy right and it worked yeah and it worked so basically i ate and then i would wake up in the morning and not eat all the way till bedtime and then and then eat again the next day so so it was more than 24 hour fast i think i don't know how that works but basically get two sleeps and i did nine of those and while i was in the middle of doing that i heard a games athlete who i can't say their name because if i say that that's the thing i'm worried about i'm worried about if like i say hi to sporty breath someone will be like hey he pointed a gun at her some shit so i gotta be careful but uh um i heard a games athlete saying that they know that they have an eating disorder because they would go a whole day
Starting point is 00:13:31 whenever they felt like they wanted to lose weight they'd go a day without eating i was like well shit i got nine eating disorders then uh do i have the media shirts I think that they're at the hotel. I think they're delivered to the hotel. I just got out of the bed. I literally... I got here. I was in my room setting up my camera for like three hours. And then I took a nap. I did 100 burpees and took a shower. That's all I've done.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Man, I can't keep up with the chat. Karina Rain, Sevan and team, you guys are going to brighten up my days. Thank you. I need this right now. Good. Awesome. You got my text. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I think you have my phone number personally. I hope all is good and gets better. Thank you. You've always been so good to me, Karina. Were you able to get your nose hair trimmed? No. It's funny you say that, but in the back of the car ride to the airport today, it was an hour. I was trying to grab chunks of them and yank them out, but thank you. That's a good reminder. Thank you. I'm pumped. I'm really, really, really pumped. I'm excited. I have a lot of people here that I really love and enjoy. And I have a lot of people here that I, uh, that I hope to, um,
Starting point is 00:14:53 bring a lot of attention to this week. Do you tweeze them? No, I have this, I have this thing that you put a blade in here and then you turn this metal thing and then it turns another metal thing inside of it and it rips all the hairs out. I, to be honest with you, I only do it like once a year.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah. When they get super gnarly, this headset does sound well. If I start seeing them. Oh, okay. You know what I mean? Like if my kids are trying to do a rope climb on my nose,
Starting point is 00:15:19 I'm like, okay, these things, I'm glad you like these. They're the, they're the road ones they're the first time i've used them i'm pretty excited about them i'm really excited about them audio is fine spectacular good yeah those yep and this mic comes out you don't have to keep that mic there extremely uh comfortable mic is pretty good still even uh savon i remember you telling the story of a behind the scenes interview that you were really liking and afterwards realized the mic was turned off or not connected please don't do that again i
Starting point is 00:15:55 thank you diana um that was with um carrie pierce was it with the one i really remember is i had filmed all day and a lot of the filming i did was with neil maddox when he got bit by a jellyfish i'm doing a test swim one night at the games and it was so good the footage and then i didn't have any audio. I brought several sets of headsets. Are those the same ones you used to film that running movie? Maybe. I've had these forever. They're like falling apart and fraying.
Starting point is 00:16:36 They look like it. So, why stop at Starbucks? Why not just wear adult diapers like our current president? I opened up a new pair of Nano 2s for this trip. I went with straight black. Perfect treading. So clean.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I just got some too, and I think they're different. The new ones? Yeah. Are you going to bring them with you? We can compare. Yeah, I will. I just got some too and I think they're different the new ones? yeah are you going to bring them with you? we can compare yeah I will ladies and gentlemen I present to you what you've been waiting for Mr. Jason
Starting point is 00:17:16 you look lonely hey were you just doing the dishes or something? look at you, you look so vulnerable like you were just doing some domestic shit. Dishes, taking out the trash. Laundry, dishes, children. Cutting nose hairs. Where are you, buddy?
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'm in my house. In Texas? Yeah, Dallas. My wife is downstairs. She what? My wife is downstairs probably rolling her eyes right now. Does she know? Were you just like, I'm going to go upstairs and check on the kids, and then she sees you pop on the podcast? No, we were on the couch. you just like, I'm going to go upstairs and check on the kids,
Starting point is 00:17:45 and then she sees you pop on the podcast? No, we were on the couch. I'm like, I'm going to go upstairs and get on the show. You're a good dude. God, I love you. You're a good dude. He looks lonely up there. I'm just going to pop in and say hi.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Oh, you're a good dude. Matthias Machado. Wow, that's a nice name. Let's go, Seve. Sending good energy from Brazil. Thank you. How do you say thank you in Brazilian Portuguese? Ooh.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Tchau, Bela. No. I know how to say good morning. Thank you. Dang it. Hey, this chat is... Obrigado. What is it?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Obrigado. Obrigado. Good job. Jethro Cardona, first for the coffee. Thank you. I can't keep up with the chat, dude. It's nuts. Dude, they broke the chat on our last podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Oh, wow. Show off. No, the one that you came on. Oh, good. Yeah. What was your time for the burpee sub five? Dude, I did 10 on the minute for 10 minutes and i'm gonna tell you with this new uh this new body of mine it was kind of too easy
Starting point is 00:18:51 that was the first time it was too easy usually it's hard i only ate nine out of the last 18 days chase i have a i have a oh yeah i saw what that 24 on 24 off yeah for nine days nice and then broke it with popeyes i think that's the way you're supposed to do it my wife said Yeah, I saw what that 24 on 24 off. Yeah, for nine days. Nice. And then broke it with Popeyes. I think that's the way you're supposed to do it. My wife said I should take my glasses off. Oh, you look fine. You look you just look domesticated.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Ash V. So freaking stoked for this. You go above and beyond for us. Thank you. Hey, I this weekend I'm going to go till the wheels fall off. How we do it? Sporty Beth is on the phone with the police. Stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:19:32 You're going to get me in trouble. Stop, stop, stop. It's going to be good. It's going to be good. All nothing but love. This is going to... I'm going to bury the hatchet with anyone who wants to bury the hatchet. Beck Leach, Australia. So pumped for behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Have you listened to Dave's latest week in review? I did. So much attention for just little old me. Do you know what's funny? No one's even going to see me. You have to understand. No one, I'm going to be hidden. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Are you worried that you'll be able to do your job the right way with everybody probably trying to find you? I'll be in the media pit with that big old hat on that. Hopefully Katie and Bill, I can get one from. I'll be in the media pit wearing this exact thing. No one will know who it is. I won't, I won't have this on.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I won't have this on and, and I'll have my head down and I'll have my headphones on and I'll be just, uh, this is my plan and whatever the plan is works or doesn't work. I'm going to follow all the bubble athletes that want to be followed. So if I'm following you in the first few days, you know that I love some of these people. Like I can't wait to put my camera up in Aunt Haynes' face and Shelby Neal and Paige Semenza and just like some – just warriors. You know what I mean? And some of those people might win some events even. So they could have some outlier skills.
Starting point is 00:20:57 So I'm going to get on there. I'm going to break the ice with some other people and hopefully milk some of the coaches, the Kotlers, the Torreses, the El-Hajes, try to cuddle up with O'Keefe and Fraser. And then I'm just going to work. I'm going to grind. Athlete, village, warm-up area, field of play,
Starting point is 00:21:19 as much stuff as I can get in the war room with Dave. No one's going to see me. No one's going to see me. That would be interesting. Exciting for this whole CF event. Thank you, seven on a crew for the hard work. No one sees you,
Starting point is 00:21:33 right? Chase. No. Although I'm easy to find in the Coliseum. Like we're just out there in the middle. And there's, there's like a, a social etiquette that everyone knows hey the
Starting point is 00:21:45 dude's live on some sort of yeah i think they know that what if you got pied uh i would probably take it well you would and then you're a good dude and then poorly in private oh my god someone someone bring the sign i love you chase no don't do that yes i love you chase and sean uh stefan can you say hi to super van sam hayman yeah of course sam's my boy sam hayman you demand i'll be coming out to australia to see you in a few weeks flying back with aunt haynes any chance great glassman will make the final cut for the behind the scenes if i see him that's another thing he was he actually asked me he said hey are we gonna hang i'm like dude i like he's gonna be swamped yes he's gonna get buried underneath
Starting point is 00:22:38 the mound of people okay i would like to talk about the sport a little bit uh matthew murphy thanks steve i can't wait for the behind the scenes rooting for velner to get this done velner another one i'll be all up i'll be all up in velner shit loving on the velner staring deeply into his translucent skin uh jacqulyn robinson thank you jackie dude that mic sounds good thank you cool right yeah i'm glad you're saying that this is the first time i've taken this out i told you well thank you good stuff uh those headphones sound pretty great oh i i don't i don't this doesn't sound like a compliment sound pretty great. Oh, I don't.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I don't. This doesn't sound like a compliment. I mean, at least he says it's better than so. Duh. John Young says I can come on for 20 minutes if you want me. Duh. I prefer you only for five. Phil Axio.
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's like pandas. Good in really small batches. Yes. Look at this profile pic. That's so good. Oh, man. Yes, John. Yes, the link is in the group chat.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Son of a... Janelle Winston, rewatch birthday episode. So good. Buy some gum for the seven nieces who get to hang with us this weekend. Please do not anyone go back and watch the birthday episode ever. Do it. Do not do that. The birthday episode. Dude, you want to see someone just break down?
Starting point is 00:24:21 Just an emotional wreck. Nice nice it's so good oh a lot of love a lot of love for that little man uh seve will be hidden behind me as i vet all of you remember no hugs just reach around thank you jeremy world facts facts mark fuentes uh what were some of the rules Dave gave you? In all honesty, my point of contact is not Dave. My point of contact is Heather Lawrence, Director of Operations, very senior person at the Games, been there for many years. I think she was even there when I was there.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Very low key, not a... There's a lot of big players actually who are low key wouldn't you say that people don't know who are big players yes and um she has become my point of contact and she gave me the rules and then i the ones that i didn't understand i think she's going to explain to me tomorrow i go to the venue in the morning tomorrow and they'll be like hey don't stand there don't stand there i think those are the only rules and then the rest is just common sense and um and and dignity and integrity and and politeness you know what i mean they said this thing they sent this thing it says hey be nice to the athletes and then they sent this thing to the athletes be nice to the media
Starting point is 00:25:40 no no athlete needs to be nice to me no no one needs to be nice to me i don't i don't i i am a i don't care i i will be nice to everyone no matter what there's no there will be no seven there i will vanish that's why um i'm not gonna have a problem doing my job she liked our uh shot caller idea by the way who Who? Heather. Oh, she did? She's like, I got a couple hot collars for my dog. Oh, oh, oh, oh. So I think the only rules are basically, hey, don't, don't, in all the years I did behind the scenes, no one ever complained. And there's certain places that you can't be standing,
Starting point is 00:26:23 like in front of a clock. If that happens, someone will just come over and slap you around, tell you not to do that shit. But obviously I'm not going to be like in the – someone asked Justin Medeiros, what if Sevan approaches you during this time? And Justin said, well, I would have to punch him in the face. I've never – any athlete that i would approach during some really
Starting point is 00:26:47 intense time i would have to have some crazy deep connection with already and uh yeah it's not even a um i feel like i'm so sensitive to that so anyway i'm pumped you're an empath empath yes okay uh let's let's talk about rule number one don't be a jerk yet at all at all someone's like hey asshole get out of my face yes sir i'm just there to get footage i'm not there to like i'm not there to do anything else let's talk about um let's talk about some of these workouts what can we just talk about what we know can we just lay about what we know? Can we just lay out? That's all I want to know.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Someone educate me. I don't even know. Shit's being released all over the place, right? Yes. Oh, I can't wait to talk about alpaca. Give me a second, guys. I can't hear y'all. I got to fix it. I can't wait to talk about alpaca.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Alpaca? Alpaca. Alpaca. Okay. Is there a page where all the workouts – you know how they have a calendar? I think the inside. Under workouts. Hey, have you had any thoughts, Chase, yet?
Starting point is 00:28:00 I'm in a chat and people are like, oh, shit, if Ricky was here, he'd be cleaning up. I I'm in a chat and people are like, Oh shit. If Ricky was here, he'd be cleaning up. Have you had any thoughts like, Oh my God, this is a great thing for people who have great runners. Anything just jump out at you yet so far? Yeah. I think I texted you and I was like, man, I bet Ricky would really like these. That was you said that. Okay. I knew someone said that. Yeah. It's I mean, you, you look back at what, you know, Ricky did in 2017 when he won Cycle
Starting point is 00:28:27 Cross, which is kind of what this ride is starting to look like a little bit. And then his skill set in good classic grindy CrossFit style events. And that's the pig chipper. That's the alpaca. I mean, Justin Kotler last year was furious that they didn't get a full alpaca because of the legless rope climbs that were in there like oh ricky would have won the crossfit games if they did it like this oh that alpaca is the one where it rained yes and they took the rope climbs out wow nice work adrian
Starting point is 00:28:57 not brilliant right bringing that back then brilliant oh and rick so ricky does win day one you're saying for sure wins what i mean he would be a a top three favorite to win event one uh who else in the boys uh yunna coast for which one john coming in hot yeah uh number one i said i i was telling Chase, so Ricky wins day one easy. And he's like, well, top three probably. Yeah. Yonah comes, Lazar Jukic. I mean. For day one or just the bike ride? You mean because Lazar would just come in a lap early?
Starting point is 00:29:36 Because he's got like. Well, see, now he can't do that because it's just 40 minutes. So they just count them for him. Oh, nice. He doesn't have to count. He just rides. Oh, that's going to be interesting. So they're going to need someone who's counting every athlete i think they'll be chipped i mean they were chipped oh right in event one last year they were chipped they knew who did and didn't do it they just had
Starting point is 00:29:56 to like get it all squared away at the end so yonikoski lazar and uh and um ricky would be so so you think lazar yonikosikowski are going to win the bike ride? Yeah. Let's talk about the guys that will be here. So that's Janikowski. I think he got third at CycleCross in 2017, technically second, I guess, if you take Ricky out. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:30:19 BKG was a top five. Oddly enough, Jason Smith was top five. Oh, no kidding. Jeff Adler is around there too yeah hey i thought dave handled jason smith that was the best part of the video i did i thought he handled jason smith with dignity and it reminded me again that we're a family like it's all a family it's all a family like it's even if it's one of our own it's still in the family it's still in the family we can tell he liked jason a lot yeah and that sucks um so another thing i want to ask you guys august 3rd that's thursday that's when the games start thursday yes so there were some predictions i saw in talking
Starting point is 00:30:59 like fitness that there wasn't going to be a swim so does that mean that if there is going to be there's only one work we're and we're speculating three workouts on august 3rd so do we know if the ride is the very first thing they do are they in that order or we don't know that either it's a we one yeah it's a we know the pig chippers event two and the bike is event one and then alpaca is event four so and it's still nothing on sunday yet too there's one more event in between those four uh what about someone wrote in the in the comments here um there was a wetsuit in that uh oh wait uh i saw a wetsuit nanny's noble locker at check-in today does that mean they're swimming in the lake god i can't tell if that's a psyop right there is that is that is that
Starting point is 00:31:58 disinformation misinformation or malinformation the three levels now oh someone give me a confirmation on that hotel wi-fi new headphones halfway across the states and still sounds a thousand times better than john i'm gonna buy john these exact headphones that's my fault that's my fault that's my fault you know for the quality that they are they're fairly cheap for headphones yeah that's totally my fault okay so back back to the back to the thing let's just pick some winners here just for shits and giggles event one we're all going to go with yonakoski safe yeah first event of the crossfit games that's yonakoski's bag and and how about for the ladies the super the super women laura horvath
Starting point is 00:32:38 annie i'll bet money good i'll bet money laura horvath i mean i'm not taking that bet but really annie and katrin got bike skills yeah in the bike events they have done well i catch it a little bit better than annie but annie was always around sixth or seventh uh anything that they have to do or just it's just a straight circle straight anything crazy it was the cyclocross course is it they got to jump over logs there's a video on youtube of them doing the lap and there was like 100 200 meters where they had to run the bike on the lap oh i assume that's where sand will be um okay i I thought it was the cyclocourse laps. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Very close. Okay. Have you seen it? Chase? You are, you know, you haven't. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And then, um, but, but is, is John right that there'll be some times they have to get off the bike? Uh, I don't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:42 If you look at, so on YouTube, yeah. Yeah. On CrossFit games, YouTube, on the game, CrossFit Games. Yeah. Yeah, on CrossFit Games YouTube, it shows a video of a lap. It's seven minutes long. Caleb can probably find it. And there's a part in the lap where they get off the bike and they run with the bike. And it's actually like a minute long.
Starting point is 00:34:01 They run for a long time. So I just assumed that would be a sand trap or something. Morichiko Bueno. Jelly Hosta will win the event. See, they're jumping something right there. And then if you go
Starting point is 00:34:20 near the end, Caleb, they're like maybe two minutes. Yeah, right there. See, They get off after this and then they run the rest of the way. They run for a minute. They had the map in the bottom right corner too.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Where they're at. Laura's winning day one. Woo! Someone said, get JR on the show. We are trying are trying we are trying there's so many people in transit yeah is that what he is he's in there yeah i think he's in the air yeah um uh renato novantana uh yeah chase was suggesting that catchin and annie will be uh very competitive in this okay and then uh on this pig chipper uh another fantastic workout for uh miss laura horvat right
Starting point is 00:35:08 yes yeah i don't think she's going to win this event but i think she'll be very very close to winning who will win it that's a tough call i haven't really put a ton of thought into it i just don't think i think laura's gonna win event one i can't see her going two for two i think somebody will just have better gymnastics prowess on the toes the bar and then be able to hold her off on the pig let me ask you about some superstars then let's walk let's walk uh annie thor's daughter through this pig chipper 10 pig flips give her any issues no she'll be great 25 chest to bar for miss the the icelandic queen nope that's it's fine 50 toes to bar has
Starting point is 00:35:53 those for lunch no problem there will be girls that get ahead of her in that but not by much yeah she might have a slower cycle rate than some of the other girls but she unaffected physically a hundred uh a hundred wall ball shots. I think she gets what she lost in the toes of our back. Depends on who. I think Laura Horvath is still ahead of her. I'm assuming Laura's ahead at this point. Okay, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:17 But I'm saying she's not going to make up ground on Laura, is what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm talking about the girls that pass her in the toes of our chest. She may catch in the wall balls. Got it. Hey, so do you think that we're at we might actually see like uh five women uh on the pig flips all at the same time like daniel brandon laura horvath annie thor's daughter emma lawson and emma carrie all flipping the pig like as a race a pig flip race
Starting point is 00:36:42 i hope so i i feel like the winner will be i mean i don't know i think some girl is going to get there before everybody else and be two pig flips ahead of everybody and then it depends who gets there for like if laura gets there before dan like of all the girls who can flip the pig very easily like ellie turner can flip the pig really really easy i think ellie turn Turner can blitzkrieg the last 10 pig flips and pass up five people, but I don't think she'll be ahead of girls like Laura and Annie
Starting point is 00:37:11 and Daniel Brandon. I think whoever gets there first out of those three probably wins. I'm probably forgetting somebody, though. What about Ellie Turner? Does she have the fastest squat cycle? Cycling just squats in general out of the group? Last year on those high wall ball shots.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Yeah, but you got to wait for that ball to come down. And Paige Powers. Paige Powers, that looks like some stuff that CrossFit Mayhem eats for breakfast. Actually, that's a good call. That's a very good call. Paige Powers will be good at this event but it's not she's not going to beat any of the top three women that we already said
Starting point is 00:37:49 J.R. Howell chimes in from 34,322 feet flying on America's finest airline I don't think doing a workout for reps or laps where a lap could be minutes is as clean as doing laps for time with caps.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I don't, God, I wish you were here, JR, to explain why. I mean, it's going to be hard. Like what he's saying is it's going to be hard to know where everybody's at at the 40-minute mark. Like are you just going to blow a whistle and everybody's supposed to stop? You know, if two people are right next to each other and they're sprinting, cause they know it's 20 seconds left. How do you grade that?
Starting point is 00:38:30 You have, um, you have six places on the course where there's, uh, chips, Cali, you know, like Mark,
Starting point is 00:38:35 where you're at. So it's really 40, 30 then. And you go to the nearest chip. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you round up or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You go, or the last chip that you crossed over. And after 40 minutes, there's going to be some distance between people. People are going to get lapped. So, I mean, I'm making that up. I don't know that. I just made that up. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:38:56 No, I think so. And as a fan, I'm assuming they're going to have a score counter on the screen so you can see them click, right? Hey, and maybe they'll even say 1.1 1.2 maybe you'll even know where they're at you know what i mean or maybe each chip each point they pass it won't even count laps maybe each point they pass they get a point so we're not even as the as the viewer counting laps necessarily we're counting just checkpoints that's the way it is in video games there's's a lot of details, I'm sure, that have still not gotten released.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Because all of these, there's no standards written. There's no extra details. It's just this information. And we know that these all come with two or three pages worth of details and explanations of what it's going to end up being. This guy makes a very good point and i think probably he's explaining to me what jr was saying ends after last lap completed by leaders so everyone does the same volume maybe that's what j maybe that's what j was saying it is and you know jr has mentioned this before and i'm i'm with him when it comes to something like this is that you know the reason why they didn't have a time cap on the capital last year is the physical
Starting point is 00:40:09 demand that that entire event puts on an athlete. If you decide that you don't want this to be the event that you want to ruin the rest of your games on, then why push myself to do nine laps when I can do eight? Because a lap's going to take four to five minutes. The effort you need to put out to lap someone in a four to five minute lap course, like it just depends on how long. Yeah. And it's like, you know, why kill myself here and where the winners or the top five are going to be
Starting point is 00:40:43 pushing themselves into a very tough hole to win this event where others may just kind of coast along. And I think that goes along with some of the things that JR is talking about is a AMRAP-style test where the winners are getting punished for doing more work, like actual more work than the others. Like a death by but not as bad well that being said and that works kind of nicely with the cuts because you can't completely
Starting point is 00:41:13 sandbag it unless you're just okay with going home after the first round of cuts right uh jr i dare you to try to go live from the plane i know it won't work but i'd love to see you try dude i would love to see you try and i mean it the more i think about it go ahead go ahead john go ahead the more i think about it chase i think i think laura's gonna go two for two in the first two events i listen if i'm putting money on it i'm putting money on laura for both i i don't think i'm going rolling through to see okay well, well, who's, you know, really good at gymnastics is going to flip that pig. I don't, I don't think anybody's beaten her unless Emma Lawson got way better at the pig than she did from last year. Then maybe Emma Lawson, but
Starting point is 00:42:00 Emma Lawson did very well on the bike to work last year. Yes. Three and you know, 75 toes to bar, 75 chest to bar, 10 laps around the dog park over at North Park. I mean, not that you're doing toes to bar and chest to bar in the bike-only event, but clearly she has the bike capacity, and then she has the gymnastic capacity on the tail end, basically in the same day with these two events that are back-to- yeah she wasn't great at the pig though at the capital right she was like like behind not even in middle of the pack so i mean she'd have to get significantly better
Starting point is 00:42:35 there but if she did i do think she could give laura a run for her money because she should be you know right there with her as far as the gymnastics go, if not better. Katie Gannon, last year, first done with the pig flips in the capital, were Roman and Hopper and Barnhart. Yeah. Go ahead. I almost think the 48 muscle-up workout applies more to pay attention to who's good at the pig
Starting point is 00:43:06 because the 10 pig flips at the end are what makes the pig part of the workout. Everybody can blitz the first 10 pig flips, but then when your biceps are just crushed, then who can flip the pig with efficiency? Hopper can blitz the pig better than almost anybody, but if you go back and watch him after that 48 muscle up workout and the last five pig flips on the way back, he was behind people and his time on those last five was not very good. You know,
Starting point is 00:43:37 his time was like the fastest out of everybody on those last five pig flips, Patrick Vellner. And I, so I mean, that makes me think. Well, Vellner. And so, I mean, that makes me think. Well, and Vellner owns North Park. Say what? Vellner owns North Park.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yeah. But like those last 10 pig flips are under fatigue. They're so much different than the first 20 at the beginning of the capital. Two tough workouts for Colton Mertens. Yep. 100 wall balls, pig flips. To to bar, or up his alley. Yeah, he'll be great in the gymnastics. I think he'll be fine in that workout.
Starting point is 00:44:15 It's just not going to be... Yeah, the wall balls aren't going to be a problem. He'll be like 20. The weight on the pig might be the only drawback for him. It's just his ability to flip it quicker, not necessarily his ability to flip it, period. How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night,
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Starting point is 00:44:52 Non-investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman NSC, streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water.
Starting point is 00:45:08 From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. I hope you're right.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Let's go to, let's go back to that slide, Mr. Beaver. Someone was saying something in here. I'm trying to find the comment. I can't find it but what do you think about there being only 12 workouts that's not known yet is it it has 12 written on the leaderboard there's almost always a two for one though at the games at some point almost always uh what do you mean uh sorry caleb can you go over the leaderboard i want to see what that looks like hey the leaderboard is something that's
Starting point is 00:46:05 always in kind of being worked on until the last minute too right i'm trying to think what what there was something last year at the games or at the semi semifinals this year that wasn't working until the very last minute okay uh ride pig chipper workout workout 8, Olympic total workout 10, workout 11, workout 12. Oh, interesting. Wow. Well, what's the fewest number of workouts we've ever had at the Games? Anyone know? Three.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Oh. Besides 2006. Nine, I think. Oh. What are you counting modern era? Well, when they started doing more than four. 2009. That's what you're counting? Well, it's one.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Is 2009 the one that had nine workouts? Yeah. And then it's only gone. Have we ever gone backwards? Have we ever lost a workout? How many were last year? The most we've ever had, I think, is 15. Yeah, so it went backwards.
Starting point is 00:47:03 I think we had 13 last year. Most we've ever had, I think, is 15. Yeah, so it's went backwards. I think we had 13 last year. But I would say 12 to 15 every single year as far as 2015 and up. And 12 is fine, right? We just want 15 because we just want more. Yeah, 12 is, I mean, on average, three a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:23 That's a double regionals, basically. Okay. More than that, because you'll get six events in three days at regionals. Omar Caneo, $2 for 1,000 viewers. That's awesome. That's two cents a viewer. Thank you. So there's nothing there.
Starting point is 00:47:41 There's nothing for us to be like, hey, it's not enough. I mean, no one – It's hard to say until all the events are tested. Like you don't know if it's a balanced test and all that stuff. But you might say that, hey, looking at the totality of the test at the end, you might say, hey, this wasn't balanced. But 12 is enough to get a balanced test. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Okay. to get a balance test. Yeah, I think so. And just because the swim's not on the first day doesn't mean there's not a swim. They could stick it in anywhere. Correct. 2019, it was on Saturday. Was it the last day?
Starting point is 00:48:20 No, it wasn't. Was it on Sunday? I think it was on Sunday because it was the morning because then they had the two-parter and then they had the standard. Yeah. Yeah, it was on the last day, Sunday. Wakefest 4, Colton has flipped more pigs than anyone. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Swimming first thing Friday. Katie Gann and individual heats aren't released yet this is just random for now okay so so they haven't will they see them though based off of semifinals for the first day they should I mean first event I would assume
Starting point is 00:49:00 it's a mass start or two heats per oh assume it's a mass start or two heats per oh god i hope it's a mass start that would be awesome yeah that'd be pretty sweet potential for rex tank reeves oh uh that's not released yet tank but yes are they going to allow marky mark to join on this f45 event? Oh, dang, that's not nice. That's not nice. Okay, let's go back to and look at the third workout we know. How many workouts do we know?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Wait, do you want to pick a winner for event two? Yeah, let's do it. Yes, pig chipper. Okay, I think Roman is going to run away with this. Ooh. I know you thought I was going to say Vellner. You did. But I think Vellner, Roman and Vellner will be one and two.
Starting point is 00:49:54 I'll take Vellner then. Okay, I think those will be the top two, and I kind of think it won't be close for anybody else. And Jason Hopper, three? No. Samuel Cornwall, three. won't be close for anybody else and jason hopper three no uh samuel cornway three adler three cornway and adler are very great picks i i would say hopper but i think his gymnastics cycle rate it just won't be what the other guys are and those other two just app i mean they're great
Starting point is 00:50:22 i think adler and cornway are great picks and justin justin will always be there to be more americans or canadians finishing the top five chipper canadians yeah does roman count as a american any any chance we'll see someone hit the wall here like yeah like like will we see a hayley adams incident or uh or uh jason hopper incident when he was carrying the husafil bag and he just anything like that like someone gets like two two pig flips away from the end and they're just done i could see a more of a matt fraser incident of like 2015 soccer chipper where the pig blew him up for the legless climbs
Starting point is 00:51:04 in the soccer stadium i could see that happening on the front half for some people that just aren't efficient or haven't used the pig efficiently because the pig is actually going to blow up people's arms in a pulling fashion maybe more than they've they realize and that that's what happened to fraser back in 2015 it's that was kind of the beginning of the end for him against Ben Smith so that had nothing to do with rope climbs really no it was just the pig yeah fascinating his grip and his biceps were just shot before he even got to the ropes so I could see that happening more on maybe the second half of chest to bar toes to
Starting point is 00:51:42 bar because your adrenaline is going to get you to the wall balls. Everyone's going to get there pretty okay, 25, whatever, 50, whatever, by the time you get the wall balls. Your shoulders and your biceps and forearms are still getting taxed when you do wall ball shots. And so that second half of toes-to-bar, I think, is going to show a lot of people's pacing, positive pacing and negative pacing. Why not Jay Bateman?
Starting point is 00:52:08 Jay Bateman? Jay Bateman? Is that a trick name? Mm-hmm. Why not Jay Bateman? Why not Brent Fikowski, as Jay Bateman says? It's too much gymnastics. His cycle rate on gymnastics are just too slow to keep up with the other guys.
Starting point is 00:52:22 He'll be fine aerobically. He'll be fine pacing. He's just Roman and Belner are going to go up with the other guys. He'll be fine aerobically. He'll be fine pacing. He's just... Roman and Belner are going to go faster. They just are. So what happened to him on the Triple G Chipper in 2017, 2018? 2017.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It started with 100 chin-over-bar pull-ups and he was last by a minute coming off of the pull-ups. And it wasn't because he's not good at pull-ups. It's just too much rum and volume for someone like Vukowski. It's also her topper. Hey, why can you only be on for 20 minutes, John? I don't know. We're past that already.
Starting point is 00:52:55 I was going to go run, but I'll just wait until I'm done. You're a good dude. You're a good dude, you son of a... Guess what the hottest day is for the CrossFit Games. Is it Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? Saturday. good dude you son of a guess what the hottest day is for the crossfit games is it thursday friday saturday or sunday saturday thursday 90 degrees oh you pussies it was 104 it was 104 today hey dude it's gonna be 100 degrees out on that field. It's going to be hot. That turf's going to be toasty. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Hey, so the ride's outside, the pig chipper's outside, and then there'll be a break, and then they go inside in the Coliseum for the nighttime Thursday show, and we don't know what it is. We also don't know if they're going to the Coliseum. Right, right. But I'm just saying, speculation-wise, that would be a nice way to do it. Tradition? Yeah. I'd say yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So we're picking who do we have for the... You picked Roman and Brent, and then who do you pick for the women for the Big Chipper? I pick Vellner. I pick Vellner. Oh, yeah. Sorry, sorry. They're all the same. I'm going to pick Horvath for the Big Chipper as well. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah. I'm going with Horvath as the pig chipper as well. Okay. Yeah. I'm going with Horvath as well. Wow. Okay, give me a second place. Give me a second place. Emma Lawson. I'm just going to say she's improved her pig flips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:18 That's my second place overall, so I'm just going to roll with that. Second overall. I'm going to say... Gabby McGowan is a good pick. You guys forgetting Alexis Raptus? God, I'd love to see her do well. Did you guys see her training think tank video? She is so cool.
Starting point is 00:54:38 If anyone needs something to watch, 56 minutes of just sheer joy is Alexis Raptus. God, she's cool. She is cool. And Travis Mayer makes a guest appearance in there. That's a great video. Like the seventh fittest woman in the world. I agree.
Starting point is 00:54:54 The John's like, but she's seven. Her kindness is not going to get her into the post. I'll flip a coin between Daniel Brandon and Nanny Thor's daughter. Oh. Okay. Both great picks. daughter. Oh, Ooh. Okay. Both great picks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I like it. I like it. Okay. Uh, they, the, we don't know what the third workout is on August 3rd. We don't even know if there is one.
Starting point is 00:55:15 We're going to guess that there is. And then we move to the alpaca. let quick recap, uh, Mr. Chase, what happened last year in the alpaca and who won it and what happened? So this was a start off Sunday morning at the games,
Starting point is 00:55:28 and this was the original event. It rained the night before and a bit the morning of, and the ropes were inconsistently wet. And that was the main problem. It wasn't like they were a little damp, so they weren't going to use it, but each rope was just wet in a different spot along the traverse so they decided to scrap the legless and then just had sled pushes and clean and jerks and i think it went sled push all the way down drop two kettlebells every section as you did it
Starting point is 00:55:56 and then it was i think was it 15 12 9 20 20 15 10 20 15 10 thanks john on the way back so basically they scrapped the entire legless portion. So six of these. They say legless rope climbs, but they're a seated legless rope climbs like we saw in semifinals. These are? These will be. Oh, how do you know that?
Starting point is 00:56:16 It's what their original intent was. So the legless rope climbs we saw in semifinals were a callback from the alpaca event that we didn't get to see. Okay. Oh, nice. Nice nice look at you why would they not say seated they didn't last year either was it in the description though or no no it's not no who who who won this who won this last year laura horvath and Roman beat everybody by a lot, and it wasn't close. Sorry, Chase. Did you just say that?
Starting point is 00:56:49 Sorry. No, no, no, no. I was laughing at John's explanation. How are Laura's rope climbs? She'll be fine. She's a climbing machine, right? Yes. This year at the Alpaca the new version though it was supposed
Starting point is 00:57:07 to be laura horvath and roman krennikoff will destroy everybody and it won't be close again just like last year yep wow and chase is kind of like uh-huh so when you when you take out the legless rope climbs it gave a massive advantage to the stronger athlete that had just like big grunt work stamina. When you throw these in, the little people that would have done well at the legless aren't getting a physical advantage because of it when you get back to the kettlebell and you get back to the sled push. In fact, probably less so when you get back to the rope, because these athletes like Laura Horvath and Roma Karenikoff are going to handle the kettlebells better than they did last year because it's less reps and when you get these two legless rope climbs though yeah they may be bigger and it might be a tougher pull than say a smaller athlete but they won't be as hindered as much going back to the kettlebells as other were others would be because of the rope like they're only going to
Starting point is 00:58:03 get better it's only six legless rope climbs too. If you can handle six legless rope climbs going full speed, I bet Roman Kronikov goes unbroken the whole time. I don't think he'll break one time. On the kettlebells? On the kettlebells, yeah. Or like touch and go on the rope climbs. Hey, where does Medeiros finish in that pig chipper?
Starting point is 00:58:26 I think he's a top five to seven. I think he will finish. You said five. I think he'll finish eighth. Hey, what did he finish in the alpaca last year? Third? Probably fifth. No.
Starting point is 00:58:40 No, I think he will. Adler beat him. Quant beat him. Roman beat him. Oh, he was just edging out Ricky the whole time. Yeah, Adler beat him. Quant beat him. Roman beat him. Oh, he was just edging out Ricky the whole time. Yeah, Adler beat him. Hey, dude, I don't mean to jump ahead, but this looks like the Laura Horvath games.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Until the strict deficit handstand push-ups come out. But listen, isn't she amazing at the 5K run and Olympic lifting? Yes. Not so much the 5K. Really? She's not going to win the 5K. I think she'll be like 8th to 10th place.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It won't hurt her. It won't hurt her. And she'll win the Olympic total. I think she'll crush everybody. I don't think it'll be close. Hey, so if you don't want Laura to run away with this, you've got to make sure that you're staying in 2nd and 3rd place every event. And you've got to hopefully win the 3rd event on Thursday night. this, you've got to make sure that you're staying in second and third place every event and you've got to hopefully win the third event
Starting point is 00:59:26 on Thursday night and then you've got to take first place in the 5K. I mean, she's going to be kicking ass. Wow. She's not going to be bad at whatever Helen is either. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Alpaca, so we're going with Roman and Laura. Yes. Who, who, who else? Who, give me some other, you got, you got Daniel Brandon doing well in the Alpaca. How'd she do last year? She didn't do, she was. Yeah. That was the event that took her out of podium contention. Actually.
Starting point is 01:00:02 The hand clean and jerks were really difficult for her i mean i think i don't think it'll be a good event for her i don't think she'll be bad but i don't think it'll be a good event for her middle of the decent velner event too yeah well i mean he was third last year yeah so he's one of those athletes that are going to benefit from the rope climbs because he's good at them and it's not going to take away from his skill level on the kettlebells i think i think it also helps justin though too i do i think because justin's probably the best legless rope climber in the all in the whole entire field he is yeah he's freaky man he's so fast i mean you event six you saw how fast he was in event six in the semifinals, he destroyed everybody. Yeah. Ash V again for John Young.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Thank you, Ash. From John Young Barbell. John being the most underrated. I don't think so. I take personal insult to that. I throw your money back at you. Not underrated. John, wild card, car and fray. On alpaca.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Yes. Hold on. Hold on. She's really good at rope climbs. That doesn't necessarily translate to legless rope climbs. Well, yes. When you're that tall.
Starting point is 01:01:19 You know what I mean? Yeah. Like Fikowski, Fikowski and Hopper. They're both not, I wouldn't put them at the level of a Vellner or Medeiros and Legolas road climbs. I think they'll get beat every single time.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Similar for Karn Frey. Thank you, Ashley Money. To win. John Young knows his stuff. I agree. I agree. Okay. What about Alex Gazan?
Starting point is 01:01:43 How did she do last time? Greg. Great, legless. Yes, in the legless. I think the kettlebells are going to hurt her. She's not a power athlete. You don't think so? No. Just because you're focused on her snatch.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You're saying she's got issues with her snatch. I think she's not a powerful athlete. God, I just can't. I can't accept that. I take that, Ash, you're right. He is underrated. I take that you were right. I was.
Starting point is 01:02:14 But she will be the fastest one on the legless rope climbs. I do 100% agree with that. Adam Hawkins, Adam Hawkins, For a burger at the place Coach likes, hopefully see the crew in Madison. Can't wait to talk on the 11th. What up, Chase? Oh, what's on the 11th? Can't.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Can't. Can't to talk. Can't. Cannot to talk. Can't wait to talk. Would like to talk. Can't wait to talk on the 11th. Is this guy scheduled to be on our show?
Starting point is 01:02:44 I think I invited this guy to come on the podcastth. Is this guy scheduled to be on our show? I think I invited this guy to come on the podcast. I think that's the schedule right now. Not bad. All right. Uh, car and Freya of a 14th at semifinals and test six. And that wasn't because of the overhead squats.
Starting point is 01:02:59 No, no. Uh, wow. Okay. Let me just throw this in there. If want uh again page powers all these workouts look like everything mayhem does on their training videos i see all the mayhem athletes doing really good yep who are they against in those videos themselves damn Oh, no, you didn't. What about Lazar Jukic? It's a power.
Starting point is 01:03:28 The alpaca is a power event. It's a power event for people who can do the legless rope climbs. And Lazar is not a power athlete. He's going to be fine. He's not going to do bad. But as far as to win or a top five, I don i don't see it on this event ken walters don't worry ash v seve would never give the money back go ahead chase uh page powers that's a decent pick i mean she has very similar attributes and abilities as laura horvath i think just lesser
Starting point is 01:04:01 younger i said i tried to say in a nicer way hey but but she could also have more potential well yes the ceiling technically is higher because you're standing lower yeah any difference because alpaca is on day two what day was it last year great question mr the last day it was it was the last day last time yeah and any difference does that give anyone else an advantage people are more fresh there's something more on the line on the second day they're gonna cut i i think whoever did well will do well in this one um i would say this is probably more for your middle 20 just for what matters the most yeah yeah 10 to 15 uh okay let's pick let's pick winners uh for so for alpaca we're going with roman and laura all right no no change there
Starting point is 01:04:58 staying sticking with them okay uh cross country uh 5k here we go this is fun i like this what's funny is i'm most excited for this event out of all the ones that have been announced so far no we don't know do we know the course i think it's the same course as the bike because on that video that caleb had earlier it says bike course and then bike slash run course. And it was a different color on the bike slash run course is what it was labeled. So I think it's the exact same thing. I would like there to be a hill. Well, if it's out there on the bike course, there's some soft hills. Steady inclines, right, Chase?
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yeah, yeah. It's not that egregious. Is Katie still with the Morning Chalk Up? I think so. Katie, are you? Katie Gannon with the Morning Chalk Up. Fikowski, Rolf, Daniel, Brandon. Oh, good picks. Ken Walters, Hunter McIntyre.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Yes, Fikowski, not as much. Oh, this is going to be good. Wow, dude. Listen, my picks for the 5k and chase i want to know how you feel about the 5k but uh our lazar and um for the women i'm gonna i'm probably probably emily rolf um but don't be surprised if emma lawson's up there too she can run? Yeah. Yeah. Rolf is a great pick. Is it long enough? Is it long enough for Rolf?
Starting point is 01:06:31 Yeah. Well, she won the run toes-to-bar event in 2021. So it was like a mile-and-a-half run, or like 30 toes-to-bar, mile-and-a-half run, 30 toes-to-bar, mile-and-a-half run, or something like that, and 30 toes-to-bar a half run 30 toes of our mile and a half run or something like that and 30 toes of our yep and uh she beat everybody uh what about uh oh scott switzer oh my goodness look at this sorry wait wait wait uh before we go to uh jelly uh brandon gagliardi how does sebon not pick uh Quant for alpaca?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Man, I would love to see it. I would love to see it. Wouldn't that be special if he won that? He got second, I think, in the event. Last year? Last year, yeah. If he's somebody, though, I don't think the legless helps. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Now back to the other workout. This is good, too. Why don't you guys throw Sidney Wells? That girl could run like a deer, right? An 800-meter is not the same as a 5K. Okay. Totally different. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I have a decent 800-meter time, so that should tell you everything you need to know about the differences between a 5K and an 800. Why do so many people pick James Sprague for the run? Is he a good runner? Yeah, he runs like a deer. Yeah. Long. james sprague for um the run i is he a good runner oh yeah he runs aerobic yeah long and yellow hosta might be a great pick i just don't know enough about him to say oh he's gonna win this like he has to do this in a competition against people like lazar for me to pick him i'm
Starting point is 01:08:00 not just gonna pick him because people think he's a good runner lazar has shown other than ricky i think he's the best runner at the at the games and ricky's not there hey how about that pig chipper could yellow host to surprise us on that he's a man child dude he's a big dude yes actually i think he can have one of those sneaky top 10s in that. A top 10, sure. A top 10, yeah. RB, I like this. We have not seen Alex Gazan since Hinshaw worked with her. Stand by for a new athlete. I like it.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Yeah, I think Gazan will do better on the 5K than she will the alpaca. Did someone throw Koski out there? Koski got wheels, right? Not like Lazar. All right. Yeah. What about Spencer? Can Spencer make it?
Starting point is 01:08:53 Has he got any 5K in him? I know for a fact he can run a 505 mile, which is insane, right? But anytime a long run has came up up he is not with the top guys he i might be with the tier behind the top guys but like there's a tier of like the top five and then there's a couple guys who are a little bit better than that tier and spencer's never been in that top five guys and as far as the long runs go but but I know he can run a five Oh five mile for a fact. So I it's take that with what you will. Hey, is the cross country.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Uh, do we know that the cut is the night of the fourth or is that still 90? It's like speculation. Yeah. They cut to 30 after the fourth and they cut to 20 after the fifth. It's so, so the crosscountry won't be the full pack? No, it'll just be 30. Oh, that's kind of a shame.
Starting point is 01:09:51 It would be kind of fun to see some people really just go balls out on that thing. Spencer might be one of those people. Well, he won't need to if he makes it past the cut line. Well, to make it past the 20. Oh, right, just knowing. Okay. Okay. makes it past the cut line well to make it past 20 oh right just knowing okay uh okay uh daniel brandon's excellent she'll make um uh top five uh john is sleeping on the mayhem crew let's let's look at the mayhem crew who we're talking about
Starting point is 01:10:18 page powers bailey rail uh uh luke parker uh samuel cornway Luke Parker, Samuel Cornwallet, Guido Trinidad. Just so everyone can say someone doesn't know shit. If you want to count Roman, he works out there. Roman. Oh, shit. Wow, John. He works out there. Wow. Hey.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I don't think that's fair. I think you're slighting mayhem with that. I've been always pro-Roman. I've said Roman's going to be great at the games. No, I know you're saying that, but you don't consider him a mayhem athlete? No. I think he just works out there. Oh, you're out of your mind.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I think they pay him to work out there. I'll go further. What does that matter? You can't pay someone to work out at your gym? I guess. If you want to call him a mayhem athlete, we'll just call him a mayhem athlete. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I think the second somebody pays him more money, he'll work out someplace else. He's on the graphic. Oh, yeah, Lazar, yeah. Hey, I don't know. I don't know if that's a deciding criteria. So is Joe Montana still play football? Is Joe Montana on the 49ers still?
Starting point is 01:11:35 Is Joe Montana a 49er because they pay him to play there? Joe Montana. Yeah. I don't know. We need another criteria. I saw Rich coaching. I don't know. We need another criteria. I saw Rich coaching him at the semifinals. Oh, did you?
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah. Rich is heavily invested in Roman. Yes. John's trying to poach Roman. J.Y. Barbell. J.Y. Barbell. I think J.Y. Barbell barbell like that is a different roman would win that olympic lifting event if he was with me is all i'm saying it just uh jd matherne 5k is after the cuts uh right the first cut yes yes yeah that's what i was wondering too yeah i think that
Starting point is 01:12:21 we do we know that for a factor that's just like 99 speculation or we know that for a fact no okay okay um okay thomas owens i don't even know what this means but i like it uh don't forget who got second place on the trial race in 2020 what's the trial five people are you talking about justin out of five people Yeah Top five finish 2020 CrossFit Games Hey Brooke Wells I don't think she's going to be bad In that run I think she
Starting point is 01:12:56 Her sister's going to do well Because she was top five In that run Yeah That's a 10k Oh I apologize Who Thomas
Starting point is 01:13:04 Or whoever made that I apologize for chasing john having a uh eaton beaver oh that picture is copyrighted everyone should change their profile pic to seven image for the no no no no who do you have on the 5k? I'm taking Lazar and Emily. I'll take Hopper and Magawa. Hopper's a great pick too. Just to go off the... Wait, who did he say? Who did he say?
Starting point is 01:13:35 Jason Hopper and... I get that, but Magawa, really? Magawa's a great runner. She is? She's the capital. Alright, fair. There's no sandbags and pig but it's grit and listen and daniel brandon beat her in the rogue run um which was like four miles
Starting point is 01:13:52 at the rogue invitational and that shocked me but daniel brandon's a great runner too but gabby has always done good in running events she's never not been top five. I don't think any running events. You can look like Sevan with dollar store glass noses and mustache disguises. Good one. Take your own picture. Thank you for all the games coverage. Ara. Ara. Ara Bob.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Ara Bob. Is that a joke name? Seems like it. Okay. I like that. Okay, Gavin. Anyone else? How about the Icelandic women? What about Annie and Katrin? Katrin's a good runner. Katrin will be top seven.
Starting point is 01:14:39 You know who got first in the 2020 trail run? Oh, who was it? Tia. Better runner than Tia. Yeah. Tia Toomey. And Haley.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Did she take first in it? Really? Yeah, actually. Wow. Wow. I think she knew about the flip and twist, but it's whatever. Daniel Brandon for the run for sure. Hey, did Daniel Brandon destroy the run at rogue so john said that like five minutes
Starting point is 01:15:07 ago sorry i was probably reading a comment okay sorry i apologize i apologize okay uh so uh once again you're going with gabby magawa and hopper hopper and you're going with uh lazar jukic and emily rolf you know hey adler's gonna be pretty good in the run too i would love to see how And you're going with Lazar Jukic and? Emily Rolfe. Emily Rolfe. Hey, Adler's going to be pretty good in the run too. I would love to see how he does on the run. Dude, if Adler could win the run and the Olympic total, like both of those events.
Starting point is 01:15:36 In the same day? That would be amazing. That would be so great. It would be amazing. The same day? That would be Fraser-esque. You know, we don't see when fraser won the long distance run and the sprint it was like gosh like you know what this is you know what saturday is
Starting point is 01:15:52 this is boz's version of the the run lift combo just separated on a day in the same but what do you mean version as opposed to who oz likes the can you go long and go heavy like adam clink is his favorite athlete right who is adam clink oh he's my favorite one of my favorites too he's dope okay i respect that last year in the the sprint what shuttle to overhead combo and then we saw it this year in the open with the burpee walks and the heavy thruster hey dude could we see something like that do we know where the olympic total is could we see something crazy like that where it's you come right off the run into the olympic no well okay we don't know the spacing i'm just saying this is boz's version of still keeping in the theme of the things that
Starting point is 01:16:45 he likes right can you do this can you do that in the same truncated time frame um uh so there was a comment in here that really pissed me off uh here it is i died when i saw that douchebag douchebag if you're listening to this you don't get to even hear it it's such a dumb comment douchebag hey you know what's crazy I wonder if that person
Starting point is 01:17:15 does that person mean that I hope you mean that as an insult because if you mean it didn't somebody say that to you a long time ago if you mean it as a compliment you're even may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits. Another 2000,
Starting point is 01:17:29 your pubes, Tommy Rodriguez. Are there any games, veterans or fan favorites that may have trouble making the cut? That's a good question. We're talking about the total, the Olympic total, because that's probably going to be the downfall of some of the favorites.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Do you think any favorites don't make the first round of cuts? I think Jake Douglas is going to have a hard time. Oh. And he's who everybody wants to see lift. I think Bronislaw is going to have a hard time. Oh. And I hope just one of them makes it. If both of them make it, great.
Starting point is 01:18:03 But I want at least one of them to make it just to see the Olympic total. They both know they probably aren't going to make the top 20. But if they were 28th and they know there's no way they're going to make the top 20, let's just throw on 400 pounds and see what happens. If one of them just went for it and just tried to do something amazing because they know they're not going to make it might as well might as well have your moment that's what I'm hoping for
Starting point is 01:18:29 for the clean and jerk and the snatch you know what I mean those two guys can do things that nobody else can do in the field and if they know they're not going to make the top 20 no matter what they do but they make that first cut,
Starting point is 01:18:46 I could see both of them just freaking, let's just try to do something amazing. And that would be awesome to see. That's what I'm hoping for. Should I order a hamburger to my room or just have a Quest bar? Shit. Burger, for sure.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I know, but it's late. I got to go to bed in three three minutes i'm going to bed when john gets off the show uh we're okay hold on we're gonna get to this olympic lift here uh daniel brandon fukowski for the run the great ghost uh thank you for the money and great great questions you guys um let's make it down here a little further okay oh burger uh kate someone agrees with john god people, people love John. John, you've really turned the corner. They either hate me or not.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Oh, here we go. Let's do it. Farlow. Does Farlow make it? Let's actually talk about that. Does Farlow make it past day one cuts? Yeah, I think so. Day two cuts.
Starting point is 01:19:39 I don't know. I don't know. Sorry, by day two cuts, I mean the first cuts. Does Farlow make it past the first cuts? He makes it past the first cut, I think, for sure. And then we see him win the Olympic total? Then we see him win the Olympic total? He's up there.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Chase is thinking. Yeah. I think people in general, the two you guys already said bronislaw douglas mertens mertens yeah as far as winning the total no no in jeopardy of not getting there oh the second cut or the first cut the first cut like we won't guys you want to see lift. I think Mertens is the first cut. Those two guys. I think Mertens is top 20 games fit in a
Starting point is 01:20:32 not top 20 games body. I think he makes the first cut. That's a good explanation. What about Kirkstetter? I think she makes the first cut easy. The second cut, I have no idea. I hope she does.
Starting point is 01:20:50 But she's somebody who could go for it to make the second cut, right? Hey, can she ride a bike? What if she gets 40th in the bike ride, Olivia Kirkstetter? Then she gets 40th in the bike. She's toast. Hey, whoever gets 40th in the bike she's toast hey if you whoever gets 40th in that bike rider they toast no not for the first cut they're not second cut no no no because olivia could do good in the pig chipper she could do good in the alpaca she's probably gonna get last place in the 5k that's what hurts her so she can't get last place in both of them uh okay uh seven aren't you practicing bulimia during the games
Starting point is 01:21:33 no that was two weeks prior to the games i'm i'm cured aaron oh god this guy uh last show this guy uh screwed up my whole show. This guy's good. Name a person and we'll say their nickname for them. Why do athletes not obtain nicknames anymore, like the Engine or the Sled Dog or the Queen of Iceland, et cetera? I think I was trying to give Sprague Pat Barber 2.0, Manimal 2.0. Give him something new. All right. This is a good question.0. Give him something new. All right.
Starting point is 01:22:06 This is a good question. Good. I thought whenever Aaron posts something. That is a good question, though. I thought Aaron was going to say something I said wrong again. Jenny Vaccaro, $20 for a hamburger. Dang. It might cover it.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Oh, no. Colton is fucked. Bend over. He changed his profile picture. Yolana Sevan, please say hi to Nikita. She watches every episode over there. She can't deal with your non-CrossFit opinions. Nikita, hi.
Starting point is 01:22:41 I don't have non-CrossFit opinions. I just state the facts. Reality is a weird, weird, scary place. But it's free. Okay. Olympic total. Who do we got? Let's look at Mayhem.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Anyone from Mayhem? Luke Parker. Corn YA is going to be very good at this event. Luke Parker will be really good at the snatch, and the clean and jerk will be middle of the pack. Look at this. This guy said they used to call Chase Superman. No, Captain America, but nice try.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Oh, damn. That's what Dave said to me the first time he saw me after the games. Hey, aren't you Superman? Yeah, what are you, Superman? I was like, no, come on. Damn it. Samuel Cornway, top five in the Olympic list? I think that would be – he can.
Starting point is 01:23:35 I think that would be hard for him. Luke Parker? Top 20. Paige Powers? Top 10. Bailey Rayl has to just – Bailey Rayl? No. She's screwed.
Starting point is 01:23:52 She's screwed. All right. Who do we got for the wins here? I guess it's hard to say. I'm going to tell you that – can you just basically say that Bronislaw and Jake Douglas – let's not pick them out of those two. Let's not pick either of them. Jeff Adler.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Okay. Adler's a good one. Hopper's a good one. Hopper. Hopper's a great one. I don't think Hopper. I think Hopper will out-snatch Jeff, but I think Jeff will just clean and jerk more than whatever he needs to.
Starting point is 01:24:23 You know what I mean? Because he'll know what he needs to do to win. Farlow's a good one. I'd like to see what he can do. Girls. I mean, if Farlow is probably stronger than both of those guys. Oh,
Starting point is 01:24:44 what about, what about Annie Thor's daughter? Laura Horvath is going to win for the women. Christine Colin Brander will be with her. And then Olivia Kerstetter will be up there too. Other than everybody else. Yeah. Annie top five?
Starting point is 01:25:00 Annie can get top five. She can. I don't know if she will, but she can. What about Danielle Brandon? I don't know about her. It won't be a home run event for her, but she won't get hurt.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Right. She has decent weight. I don't know about her clean. It's like, she can fake with the back. But it's like Katrin. Katrin's fine. Yeah, Katrin's a lot of lifting events, and she's not fake with the back, but it's like catching like catchings. Fine. Yeah. Catching the Olympic lifting events.
Starting point is 01:25:27 And she's not the strongest. You think catch her? She's a 200. She has two attempts. I don't think so. The two is hard thing about this whole fricking guessing game is the two attempts. We don't know who's going to be there.
Starting point is 01:25:43 And the two attempts. Well, I think it plays to the strong athletes' favor even more. Let me ask you this. Are they going to be safe in the first one? They could just be a little safe? I'm going to hit 90%. It's going to be more
Starting point is 01:25:55 than 50% of the fields max, and then I'll just watch. Let me ask you guys this. Is it just a coincidence that the two strongest men might not be there but we know that the strongest woman will be there is that is that something about the difference in performance between the sexes i'm just here was there this oh oh i see what you're saying like like like why isn't the strongest man like yeah that's another one if matt
Starting point is 01:26:23 was there then we'd be saying something different he's not the strongest man like – yeah, that's another one. Well, if Matt was there, then we'd be saying something different. He's not the strongest though. Matt never won until they cut everybody. It's interesting. I'm not saying win, but Matt's total would be very good. He's not beating Guy. I guess the closest thing we have to that is – He's not beating Griffin.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Is Adler the closest guy we have to that kind of Laura Horvat or – Yeah, I mean Matt would be the closest. But, yeah, probably Adler after that. In this field, Adler, Hopper, and that's about it. Oh, yeah, Hopper. Okay. I mean if you – Cornway, I mean I know he's not like in the top five, but –
Starting point is 01:27:03 I just want to see that guy compete. Who? Cornway. Yeah, me too. I know he's not in the top five. I just want to see that guy compete. Who? Yeah, me too. I hope he has a great team. Oh, I forgot about Barnhart. Barnhart would be great. Yeah, I bet. Barnhart's biggest limiter in strength numbers was purely technique.
Starting point is 01:27:19 That was her biggest problem. As soon as it tipped towards 95 her technique just totally unraveled and she would just like miss a power clean or a shouldered overhead push split jerk thing and working with matt and uh is it caitlin amy amy amy everett yep uh it's gonna be the best thing for her top end strength numbers because she's always had it. She just didn't have the technique to back it up. Karin Frejova is a sneaky pick too. She's very strong.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Not to beat Laura, but up there in the top five. Five bucks for Culver's Butter Burger. You'll thank me tomorrow. Isn't it Chase's job to come up with nicknames for athletes? No, I got cancelled the last time I tried that. Wad Zombie, I'm waiting to see Dave casually walk across. What happened with that? Can you tell me that?
Starting point is 01:28:14 No, no, no. No? Monday after the games, Chase and I will have a debrief. Wad Zombie, $4.99. I'm waiting to see Dave casually walk across behind sevan and nothing but a towel fresh out of the shower wad zombie i got the bubbles in the bath going and he's been i don't think he's getting out it's pruning yeah
Starting point is 01:28:35 tank reeves uh for your non-CrossFit opinions, I appreciate them. Thank you. Nikita, come on, man. Come on. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool, Nikita. Dennis O'Leary, Olivia, for the total. Top five. I mean, she could win it.
Starting point is 01:28:58 She has the potential. No. She's not going to outlift but if people don't hit their lifts no right
Starting point is 01:29:10 no no the best snatch we saw in a competition in a year that doesn't yeah wasn't there
Starting point is 01:29:19 when she did 202 you're talking like in 2017 it was not 2017. It was, she was in the team division. It's two years ago. Well, she's not as strong as these women.
Starting point is 01:29:33 What is the big fucking difference? Hey, what about this? She's 17 on a huge stage. No way. You know, I was kind of, I'm torn on that Thomas.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Cause another part of me is, is like her coach is going to be like, Hey, just go for it. You got nothing to lose. a stay oh she should she yeah yeah yeah just like and i i hope i'm wrong it'd be awesome yeah when the lifting event it would be so awesome potential too if the star of the line she's in a position to do that she needs to have like a feast of goffy moment where she just puts on the extra five pounds and rips it. Every girl we named would have to have a missed lift,
Starting point is 01:30:09 every single one of them, and she would have to be perfect. I mean, that's what I'm saying. Trish, I'm so proud of you. I'm not sure who Trish is talking about, but I'll take it. Do you guys mind if I take that? Yes. All yours. No, it's all yours.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Thank you. Thank you, Trish.? Yes. All yours. No, it's all yours. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Trish. Thank you. All right. Who's the winner for the Olympic lifts again? Who do we got? I feel like we keep saying the same people, and it's starting to make me nervous. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:30:36 It would be great. What if Laura was the next Tia? Matt LeBron will come back. Laura Horvat for the women. Who for the men? Jason Hopper. Jason Hopper is going to have amazing games. So, hey, if Braun and Douglas both make it,
Starting point is 01:30:58 who would you take out of those two? Mm. I'll take Braun. Dude, Braun is cold as ice. He's a shark. He's pretty great. He's reliable. I mean, I like Jake Douglas too,
Starting point is 01:31:11 but Braun was just like, he's like James Bond. I know, he's like a James Bond villain. Dude, he's amazing. Just going there and just like opening steel doors with his hands. Proud is too small a word uh for how i feel about you dick butter dick what happened to your profile pic i hope that's not
Starting point is 01:31:34 your real face uh okay who do we got come on come on give them to me we said we're back and how about for the boys for For the guys, you said Hopper. Yeah. I'll say Jack Farlow. I'd love to see that too. I'd love to see that. I want to see Adler do it with nothing on
Starting point is 01:32:02 but shorts and a t-shirt. With Carolyn Landry just no belt he's no weight belt no wrist no grip show his thumbs go over this way this is far though for 400 and he has cleaned i'm pretty sure it's recorded. He's cleaned 400 as well. Hey, is he a power athlete? Yes. I'm learning. I'm learning.
Starting point is 01:32:31 I'm learning the terms. What male and female has the best lifts for each lift? Oh, Aaron, always going with the facts. So, is this a little... I have not seen them. But Jake Douglas said he has snatched 330. I have not seen them, but Jake Douglas said he has snatched 330. Kotler has said Bronislaw can snatch 330, but I've never seen him do it,
Starting point is 01:32:53 and I've watched everything about Bronislaw. So maybe he did in training one day. I don't know. Clean and jerk, we've never seen 400. You think that's 400? No, no, no, I don't, but we've never seen 400. You think that we've heard? No, no, no, I don't, but we've never seen it. So when somebody does that, that'll be the most, um, probably I, Jake Douglas has done three 88 before, but that was when he was like lifting all day, every day. Um, and you know, he hasn't been right so um and i
Starting point is 01:33:28 bruno sloth has done 385 there you go it's crazy um all right uh thanks guys are those all the workouts we know oh was there something there's one more Helen or something, but what else do we know? Helen? Yeah. We don't know what day it's on though. Or what it is. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Uh, guys, everyone. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Uh,
Starting point is 01:34:00 I'm not sure what time the show is tomorrow. We have it scheduled for 8 a.m. Uh, I just got my wake up call. I start filming scheduled for 8 a.m. I just got my wake-up call. I start filming tomorrow at 6 a.m. And so I'm not sure where I'll be at 8. Oh, at 8, I do believe there is a press media. What am I?
Starting point is 01:34:19 Media. There's a media check-in at 8. I'm not sure what's going to happen with that 8 a.m. show that we're doing. It might get moved. Maybe it'll get moved earlier. Maybe it'll get moved later. Caleb, do you work tomorrow? I do.
Starting point is 01:34:30 So you won't be in the morning show? I will not. Okay, so I guess we have to figure out what's going on with Sousa. Anyway, Chase, thanks for coming on. John Young, thanks for coming on. Caleb, thanks for manning the ship. You guys are awesome. All you guys who listened in, we are going to tear it up this week.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Thanks for hanging out with us. Love you guys. Thanks for all the loot. Oh, I think you have to end the show. I can't even end the show. It just told me I can't end it, Caleb. Got it. Bye-bye.

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