The Sevan Podcast - The Ultimate Behind the Scenes Podcast #3 | Wednesday AM

Episode Date: August 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Introducing TD Insurance for Business, with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. Bam, I'm alive. All right, guys. Welcome. This is a test. I'm not sure if you guys could hear me okay. If it's coming in all right, please let me know in the comments. We sent out a link. We're going to see whoever is available is available. Otherwise, you guys might just be stuck with me for a few minutes and we'll jump off.
Starting point is 00:01:09 So hopefully this will work out. Can you guys hear me? Let me know if you can. You guys should see Sevan and his element. He's crazy. He's all over the place. It's awesome. It's all over the place. It's awesome. It's awesome to see.
Starting point is 00:01:28 We just had one of the teen events finish up now. Dunder. Yes. You got me? You can hear me? Almost too well? Should I back the mic up a little bit here? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 All right. Awesome. Here we go. Helping. Dude, where are you at? In the car on the way back from Big Dane. Nice. What's going down?
Starting point is 00:01:57 What have you seen? Anything exciting to tell to the people? Oh, wow. HWPL was there getting warmed up. That crew is looking real good. Wait, who was all there? Who did you see?
Starting point is 00:02:15 I think it was everybody. It was Hopper, Katrin, oh, jeez, Christine, Jake Douglas, Sam. Sam Kwan. How'd the mood look?
Starting point is 00:02:27 Did they look good? Did they look in good spirits? Or were they, like, freaking out a little bit? What was going down? Yeah, it looked good. They were trying the pirouette. That got announced, that gymnastics workout. It looked pretty good.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Nice. Okay, here we go. Sevan's in the building. Hopefully he'll load up. He's out on the outside on the campus cruising around. Maybe he won't. I don't think it'll work.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Tyler was going to help me out, but then he's he left me hanging There he is. Stefan, can you hear me? Oh, you're in a chop, dude Nothing Hey, how are you? I hear you Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah Yeah What's up? oh now we got you can you hear me yeah yeah all right i'll open in the car yeah he just came back from the uh watching the hw hey yeah his internet's pretty much chopped so i have this set up so you guys know where i'm at i'm in the media room here in the expedition hall oh you are yeah yeah we'll be over there i found the where the router was at and i brought the whole entire setup i mean we even have the freaking like uh i got the soundboard so we're gonna get the phone like uh coming in too um yeah i watched a bit of last night those phone calls were something else dude Dude, that was one of the biggest phone call shows we've had in a little bit. People were getting pissed because they couldn't keep up.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I was rolling. The call, yeah, the call we've been in. All right, so I sent out the link to a bunch of people. We'll see. They'll probably just leave me hanging on the air like an asshole, but we'll get something rolling here. Okay, that's better. I don't know if you'll be able to continuously move,
Starting point is 00:04:26 step on and catch it. It's pretty choppy. Did you turn the Wi-Fi off on your phone too? Hmm. Yeah, nothing. He's going to answer in like 30 seconds. Yeah. I see you.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Okay. I see you. Can you hear me now here and see so yeah so i'm actually surprised that there's this many people here already i mean it's wednesday and usually it's wild like last year this place was pretty low key on wednesday and even on thursday a little bit and this year it already seems like it's freaking crazy packed like even the parking was already rough. So I imagine this place on Saturday or Friday, Saturday,
Starting point is 00:05:08 it's just going to be incredible. It is going to be packed. Yeah, the media room was packed too. We got sort of pushed out into the outside area. Is that where you were? Or you're in the... No, no, no. I'm upstairs inside the Expedition Hall in that space.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh, okay. Hey, are you following the teen events so far? They were out there doing the sled pull workout and that shit looked hard. A couple of them got carried off the field by medical. Oh, the teen workout. I thought you said teams.
Starting point is 00:05:37 No, I was out there yesterday. I know they had to move the schedule because of the heat today because they were originally supposed to do the 5K like in the middle of the day, and they moved it to like 6 or 7 o'clock tonight. Oh, really? Yeah. I think there's a lot of concern on the heat and how athletes are,
Starting point is 00:05:54 especially older, younger athletes, are dealing with it. For people watching some of the teen stuff, do you know any highlight standout people? There was one guy that was on 4 for 4. I was one every single event. I forget his name, so I do apologize. I don't think it's RJ. Do you know the team athlete that's
Starting point is 00:06:15 really like 4 years old? 2-7-12. Oh, Ty Jenkins. Hi, Ty Jenkins. I bet you're coming all out from the cat. What's up, man? Good to meet you. Good to meet you.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You're back. Back me up, my man. I did a good job. Is it Cabrera or what? No, this is the My Nose. Where's My Nose going? It blocks out the haters too. Oh, are these the haters?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yes, yes. That's awesome. Let's go, bro. We're going to watch some old fit men. Just fit things. We're going to watch Kevin Kester. Nano 2s. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:06:44 That's awesome. Your feet are even watch Kevin Fester. Nano 2s. That's nice. Your feet are even adorable. Thank you. You guys get to see live interaction. Hey, I'm going to go over and watch. Have you seen this kid, Tatai? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Four for four so far. Yeah, 16 to 17. Apparently he's just cleaning up house. Have you happened? Do you follow any of them? Do you pay attention to that a little bit? Especially that potentially coming into an individual in the following year? Yeah, Lucy McGonigal that's on comp train.
Starting point is 00:07:20 And then Trissa Smith on. She works with Justin's coach. He was looking pretty good. They were both in semifinals, so obviously following them a little bit. And then who else? RJ Meester, I think it's – yeah. Are you serious? He's in the men's teams.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And then I think Brute has a couple athletes that have been following their crew around. So I was watching them a little bit yesterday in that lift. Of course, they're already fostering up the next crew coming in, huh? I know. Like six athletes. Rob Forte, good to see you. Hey.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I thought I saw someone sneaking up from behind I was in the reflection Oh, what's up, brother? What's up, David? Congratulations, what a stud you got What a stud Hey, Savon Andreas, nice to meet you
Starting point is 00:08:18 This is just a meet and greet with Savon We're trying to do the podcast Look what I got here I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm dedicated. Let's see. Somebody said that angle makes it look longer.
Starting point is 00:08:32 That's great. Game, tough, young, sharp. Alvin, what event are you most excited about that's been announced so far? Well, I just saw this teams one where they're going to have to do an hour of biking, I think is what JR sent us. I haven't read about it yet, but it's going to be two-on-two biking.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I was out at the bike field yesterday and it's the cyclocross field, so they have to get off the bike for, I think, 200 meters and jump some fences and stuff. It's the cycle cross field. They have to get off the bike for 200 meters and jump some fences and stuff. That looks pretty good. That's going to be the first individual event.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I think the first or second team event tomorrow. When you were looking at some of those obstacles, did you see anything that's going to cause any issue? Are we going to see anybody go over the top of the bars or anything crazy like that? I think there's a real problem. It might be a real problem with chain breaks because the individual event
Starting point is 00:09:27 is 40 minutes. The team event is an hour of back and forth. I'm going to go over there. I'm just trying to get on the bike. I'm going to go do this workout. How's the bar? Are you inside there? Patty, tell me where you are.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's not happy. Oh my gosh. Are you here? Not yet. Okay. Soon. Soon. Let's have on. Hi, guys.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I'm kind of Audrey. Oh, what's up, Vaughn? It's really me. It's the Flash. It's us. I'll see you later. Bye. It's a little bit better, but it's still pretty choppy, but you come in a lot clearer now.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Oh, and as I speak, of course. I wish I got a bunch of questions for seven, but I don't know what's going to pan out from this one. I want to know how's it going, how many people he's met, like does he even walk through Vendor Village? Can he walk through Vendor Village? Does he get stopped every five seconds? It looks like that one's true.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Every five or ten seconds. Tyler Watkins did say he was going to come on the show with me, and he's sitting right across the media thing, and he's like, yeah, don't worry, I won't leave you hanging. And now he's not on the fucking show. So, me and you holding it down, Alvin. I'm walking to get something to eat, so.
Starting point is 00:10:40 So you're going to jump off. See how long it lasts. I won't leave you hanging. Alright, well, this was basically just a test to see what it would be like um i think the plan is is basically we're gonna try to go live twice today as you guys know already in the evening and then we'll go live uh from where i'm at here um i would love to say that i mean i sent the link out to a ton of people so i'd like to say that we'll get eventually a bunch of participants that'll come in and i'll give us uh what's going on where they're at what's happening'd like to say that we'll get eventually a bunch of participants that'll come in and all give us what's going on,
Starting point is 00:11:05 where they're at, what's happening. And then we'll, hopefully we'll have more to chat about as these events roll out and everything else. Yeah, I think they're mostly getting announced today and then we get going soon tomorrow. Are you going to do the press conference? Are you going to stream that?
Starting point is 00:11:26 I don't know if we could stream the press conference. I haven't heard. But I definitely know if Sevan will be there. What time is that? Do you know right offhand? It was supposed to be this evening, right? 5, 530, 540, something like that. Yeah, so I'm sure we'll cruise over there.
Starting point is 00:11:40 If they allow us to stream it, we'll stream it. And then if not, I'm sure we'll have some stuff from it. We also have a bunch of people out here that are helping out with still photos. Shout out to Jonathan Ortega and Emom Photo and stuff like that, as well as videos. So the idea is that we'll be able to publish a ton of that stuff to Instagram and to YouTube Shorts. So that way, we have a bunch of stuff coming out as well that you guys can check out. But other than that, we'll be doing these two shows
Starting point is 00:12:09 and giving some updates. Oh, it looks like Tyler's setting up across the room from me now. Fucking slack. What do you guys think? People in the comments, what are you excited to see? What's the favorite event that you have at least so far? Allegra R? I'm'm gonna screw these names up i always just make fun of seven for uh getting the names wrong and now that i'm in the hot seats good luck uh allegra r 499 killing it per usual pumper behind the scene um i know for a fact
Starting point is 00:12:41 that we have already got some incredible stuff. Like some of the interviews and interactions that Savannah's already got, it's already ready to rock. It's only going to get better and better. So I'm super pumped for him. All the stuff that he's capturing and the interactions and stuff like that. And the cuts, the cuts are going to be insane. Because that's where the drama will unfold.
Starting point is 00:13:05 It'll be nuts. Ran into Brian Friend. He's doing his thing down there. Yeah, we're, Barkley and I are here to support Brian since he's doing his production thing. So we're going to be down on the field writing stuff and watching the individuals. And then Peter's handling all the team stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:24 So Be Friendly Fitness is definitely doing our thing thing i think they're doing pre-recorded videos that are coming out each day to talk about the events so yeah that's awesome and where would they find that at uh be friendly to youtube yep there you go so you guys can keep up to date with that as well but uh but yes we'll be we'll just be checking in. Thanks for bearing with us. I hope you kind of feel our way through the dark here. I'm pumped because people were saying that I'm not coming in glitchy and they can hear me really well, which is great.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And literally the router is like plugged in right behind me. You're not pissing off all the people in the media room, it sounds like? No, I probably am. But the thing is, I have the guy with the headphones on. So I have my headphones and I can barely hear myself. But I'm sure I'm screaming across this whole entire room right now. I wish I had a mini webcam. I would point it the opposite direction so you guys could see what I see.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh, here we go. To save the day. There we go. Yeah, you came in great, too. Dude, Halpin's connection is awesome. Except on his ass. It didn't work at all. Yeah, anything on the field sucks.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Yeah, that's interesting. Last year, I was able to cruise around, and even when the venue was super crowded, I still had a decent connection. Where are you going oh he's going to get across i thought he left his little uh spot so yeah so um is there anything you guys want to see i'm gonna try to capture uh a bunch of stuff out there on my phone and post it up
Starting point is 00:15:02 as well okay he's putting a box underneath his laptop there. Oh, that's a sweet spot. Oh boy. Now he just, this is a, this is awesome. They're bringing the big guns for the morning show.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah. Yeah. You guys can tell me really up that production value now that I'm running the man of the time. I'm trying to do slapstick shit. here you guys aren't gonna believe it tyler and i met extra slop oh yeah we met mr mr and mrs slop yes yeah super good people uh it's it's crazy to meet people when they say what their uh name is in the um what did we tell we had moco even you did not slop slop susan tyler why didn't you guys tell me i had moco over my mustache you did not you were good unless it's in the
Starting point is 00:15:53 photo that we took and then you saw it afterwards in which case i didn't see it so tyler we were just talking about some of the teen stuff are you following that at all no okay cool yeah where are we so we were just faking it until we make it here um that one guy's killing it though i already forgot his name sorry hi jenkins hi jay oh the team stuff i thought you meant team yeah um my pronunciation is no it's okay i i have been watching the the 16 to 17 males but i'll be honest it's solely because i want to watch Caden Hogan, um, TTT athlete. He's looking really good. Um, he has a tendency to come out really hot and, and close it. Like, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:36 he's, he struggled with closing right at the end, but he's doing really well. Uh, he's an undersized. So we were talking about it on the field, Brian and I, he's a little bit of an undersized athlete, but he's a heavy fighter like Josh. And so he's really interesting to watch. I think he pushes himself. Like every workout I've seen him, like his lips do that white thing where you're like – you go into that sympathetic response system. And so it's like he's really good at doing that.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I love an underdog, and he's definitely an underdog. So it's like, he's really good at doing that. Um, I, I love an underdog and he's definitely an underdog. So it's been fun. Yeah. I saw him in the athlete area. He's got a, he's got a whole family here with him, like cheering him on. So it was really cool. I met his mom yesterday. She's a, she's Indian and she's a doctor. So she's super intense, but she's also super sweet. She's like, she's like four foot. Um, and he was, he had, uh, messed up a little bit on the clean and jerk workout. And she like, he came out and she was like giving him a pep talk and like, you're, you're doing great. Like all this stuff. And it was funny. Cause it's like, you forget how bashful you are at 16, 17 and your parents
Starting point is 00:17:41 start giving you that pep talk. And was like mom go away yeah it was it was great content it was hey were you surprised like we just took a walk through uh north park were you surprised at the amount of people like already there watching the uh and wad zombie help me out here i'll be calling it the teenage the teenager were you surprised that there's not many people out there watching the teenagers? A little. Like, there was a real good crowd there. There was more than that was at semifinals in 2022.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Wait, say that one more time. The whole thing dropped off and came back. Sorry. I said there was more people there than were at semifinals in 2022. You probably saw the broadcast. They're like, hey, I got to go down there, I guess. Yeah, it was good. We're not supposed to talk bad about the broadcast. So, yeah, I missed that whole thing yesterday.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Was it just – was it terrible? Are we allowed to talk bad? If you stuck your head out the window where you are right now and looked over at North Park, that was the view on the broadcast. Broadcast is great. They only have so many options. There's room
Starting point is 00:18:54 for improvement. Always. I have heard that the final day will be broadcast from what I've heard for them. They will get time to shine and there will be an from what from what i've heard for them so they will get time to shine and there will be like an award ceremony yeah oh okay no it seems what day is that thursday thursday is gonna be a big day it's everything at once yeah what are we gonna say sorry oh it's it's super
Starting point is 00:19:21 interesting because there was a lot of negative talk about teens. Like, should we cancel, uh, teens doing CrossFit? Cause all the, like the controversy with like Mal and, and, um, and all that about, you know, the girls quitting. And it's like, there's a lot of support out there. And honestly, like I had never really experienced the teen stuff, but in the past I've seen like super small crowds and stuff like that basically you think only family are being out there but i susie you noted this earlier today of how many people are here and there's not much else going on so they're like yeah i'm gonna go watch these teens like there's a super like it's way more full this year than it was last year at this time way more like literally it's good to see because oh good go ahead go ahead i was gonna say it's good to see because um i put it on an article like a month ago or so dave before he was fired started talking about how there was the possibility of splitting the age groups and adaptive off from the game and so they need some momentum and need some people to like say like hey
Starting point is 00:20:25 we're gonna we're gonna get behind doing this separately if that's if that's still something that he's looking to do obviously that was two years ago almost at this point but um that could be a big thing of uh creating an event to really showcase the the age group athletes and the adaptive athletes uh and this could be a bit of that to just say like, Hey, people will watch it if it's the only thing to watch, but if they're all going at once, then yeah, everybody's going to be at the Coliseum while, while everybody's at North Park and vice versa.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I don't know. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say, but you're right. Because like, I think more and more people are coming out here earlier than they had in the past. Like normally you wouldn't see it really fill up till like Friday. You might see as many people that are here now on the Thursday, but it seems like each year getting earlier.
Starting point is 00:21:11 And so I imagine with how many people are here today, like come Thursday, it's going to be packed already. And so by giving them their own days, like the teenage group and the masters and stuff like that, like you said, as people come in, they're checking out Vendor Village, they're seeing some of the stuff, at the same time now you're giving them something to watch so that crowd's filling up and i would just like to also note that when they are doing from what i just saw at north park when they had the teenage groups going all the
Starting point is 00:21:36 the volunteer and all like the event and um and all the medical staff i mean top notch quality like they're still treating it just as they would with that final heat of individuals. So as far as logistics are concerned and making sure everybody's being treated, like, really well, it's definitely happening down there, which is awesome to see. Maybe it's just that we're a little bit early in the week. But the vibe that I'm getting from the support staff, the judges, the medical people, it's a lot more, like, giddy than it was last year. Yeah. It's just, that's like an anecdotal thing I've noticed,
Starting point is 00:22:10 but like they all seem really geared up this year and it's like, they seemed happy that they were out there with the teams and like going through the bike, the bike, you were on the course yesterday, right? Helping during the bike test, like all the judges, everybody was on those tests. They were all stoked. And they were excited to see the media there. Like we weren't ever like feeling in their way. And like Taylor was out there.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Simone was out there. And like they were excited to see everybody there. I talked to one of the more senior judges. And I've known her for a few years and I was like, how does this feel in comparison to a few of the other years or like the last couple years? And she was like, we're just really excited that Dave's back because there's a structure that is here that hasn't been here. Like, it's like when your parents, like they've set these guidelines and then you feel more free because you know what the guidelines are. Whereas if you don't have the guidelines, you always feel like you might be messing up that. I think you feel more free because you know what the guidelines are whereas if you don't have the guidelines you always feel like you might be messing up that i think they
Starting point is 00:23:09 feel more free because they have more guidelines this year yeah that's a great point i mean you definitely from the movie it does seem like everybody has more giddy about it energy is a lot higher and and yeah you can feel it everywhere all the way from the um from the event staff to the athletes to the fans like all the way across the event staff to the athletes to the fans, like all the way across the board. Yeah. We'll see how we all feel on Friday when we're sunburnt and tired. Hey, I'm going to hop off, go into this breakfast place. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Play the Heat 1 app, everybody. Good to see you guys. Thanks. Bye. BNH asked, where's Seban? Where's Hiller? Are they out filming? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:48 The answer to that is yes, they are. We tried to get Seban in earlier. I sent a link out to everybody, but it didn't really look as if the connection was going to work out there. So he was stuck with us for a little bit longer. How are you right next to the router and you have terrible is it terrible so bad maybe it's just on my end it looks oh man everybody said that it was good from before maybe it got shitty again i don't know but yours was good you're getting 5g like cancer over there right next to it and you still don't have good soon it's the sacrifices i
Starting point is 00:24:23 make for the show oh here you go the fans will enjoy this so it's like it looks like we're we're super legit and and uh our setups are good but then it's like you look over here and suze is back there in the corner oh yeah some of the people said it's getting choppy you still sound good you still sound good yeah the broadcast excuses they're throttling us down um what did slop slop say uh they could come down to the campsites for better service more bandwidth available is that true is that real maybe i don't know if we have wi-fi in the campsite i know know Craig does.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah, calm down. Right now you sound great. It's fine. Yeah, you're good now. Heidi, I have your mouse pad. Here. Heidi, that's exactly how we all feel. He'll tell us where he is and then we can't find him. Yeah, good luck.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Even if you find him, it's going to be a very fast like passing because he is on like mission like nailing down jello it just keeps slipping out of the fingers i don't know but um but yeah so this is basically the plan and i'll get better at this we'll get more um we'll get some more people that'll jump on as things unfold we'll have some pretty cool exciting news so we'll we'll kind of like catch it we'll have some talking points we'll come on here we'll discuss some with you guys i'm gonna hook up the phone i don't know if that drove you nuts last night or what guys but um the uh amount of people that called in was crazy people were getting pissed about the call waiting and um i literally was trying to hit the button off every single time but like a new call would come through it was nuts but i think that'll be cool because we can have people call in give
Starting point is 00:26:07 their opinions on the event they saw at home stuff like that which would be awesome that's a good problem to have yeah exactly and now my shit's choppy again i'm like trying to what up jeff jeff are you here i want to know if Jeffrey's here. I'm going to take a minute and do a commercial. So for anybody who hasn't done it yet, go to the Heat One app and sign up. We're almost to 4,000, so help me get over that 4,000 line. So if you have buddies that haven't signed up yet, go ahead. So if you noticed yesterday, I don't know if you saw this, Sousa,
Starting point is 00:26:41 because you were traveling, caffeine and kilos. I'm sorry, I'm using a different coffee people there he is um caffeine and kilos is going to get the winner of the top 10 game a year of free coffee so go sign up um pick your top 10 you can set it and forget it watch the points as the weekend goes by and then definitely play the shot caller game there's um free shoes by strike movement and then some um c4 so please go support us it's absolutely free so yep holy shit do you say a year free of coffee if they get a year free supply of coffee maybe i can get gabe to up it two years from paper mr spin what's going on brother where are you now? Are you in the office on a lunch break?
Starting point is 00:27:25 I'm at work. One more day until I take four days and just watch the games. I was watching the live stream, but that seemed worthless. Oh, boy. We're not supposed to talk about that. Well, you said that they got room for improvement. Oh, yeah. You guys can see the expedition hall from Tylerler seat now that he moved out of the way to give you a little bit more context as to where we are um and he's coming over here with me now what's this oh thank you not a sponsor i
Starting point is 00:28:00 don't even know how to pronounce it so uh brian go ahead go ahead what were you gonna say have you guys talked about the uh crossfit believe withdrawing no no not withdrawing not being able to compete no what happened i just just shared a story on it um one of their athletes they'd all checked in yesterday one of their athletes was doing a handstand walk on a ramp that was unpadded, and he fell and busted his face badly and rushed to the hospital. Emergency plastic surgery last night. He's going through scans today and possibly further
Starting point is 00:28:47 surgery on his nose or something like that. Holy shit. So it was bad, bad then. It was bad. I don't know if he caught the corner of it or exactly what happened. But the big... I mean, obviously that's terrible.
Starting point is 00:29:04 But now his team cannot compete even though they had an alternate. Really? Why do you think they can't compete even with the alternate? CrossFit's saying because they had already checked in, their roster is locked. Even under those circumstances? That's what they're being told. what they're being told yeah they're kind of they're frustrated like they don't care if they got zeros on everything just they'd love
Starting point is 00:29:31 to be out there on the competition floor i don't think any of them have been before i could be wrong but i don't think so what would be a justification for why that would be a good call like can you create a scenario where it's like hey like you can't change athletes after check-in or is that just the rule that they made and now they have to hold to it i bet that's what it is uh my guess the reasoning probably is like they release a workout right and it's in there i don't like it oh yeah that yeah. That's probably why. Now, in this situation, obviously, the dude didn't bust his face to get out of some type of workout. I'm sure that's why, but it's kind of a shitty scenario for him. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman, NSC.
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Starting point is 00:30:56 Then cycling past Parliament Hill. Ah. Before unwinding on an outdoor patio. Oh. Then spending an evening on a cruise along the historic Rideau Canal. Exploration awaits in Ottawa. From O to Ah. Plan your Ottawa itinerary at
Starting point is 00:31:16 I'm breaking up there. Pullboy says once you check in, that's it. Yeah, and I think just to clarify what you guys were saying, it's just because if you have somebody else like on standby a workout gets released or something at the check and you go oh someone just hurt his ankle you guys didn't see it outside and now we're going to sub in for for this person because we know that that's in their wheelhouse after these events got released and so it's unfortunate but i could see the justification for once you check in that
Starting point is 00:31:43 they have to at some point call the line, right? So like if something happens on the way there, someone ends up being ill or something like that, you could switch it out before you check in. But once it's there, it's locked in. But you have to draw the line, right? Do you guys agree with that rule, or do you think it should not – there should be certain circumstances?
Starting point is 00:32:00 I don't want them to break the rule, but in future iterations, I don't think this is okay. I think we should definitely have... I think the rule would be fine if it was like the roster that you have in the first event has to stay. Change it all you want. I still like... I agree with that. I think personally, I'd with that. I think personally,
Starting point is 00:32:25 I'd like to see it change where you actually can use the alternates at some point. I agree. Almost like soccer, like one time change out. That would be cool. If you take your starter out and you put your alternate in, the alternate has to finish. You can't bring your starter back.
Starting point is 00:32:42 They can't switch them back and forth, but you could do a sub at one point anytime one time right and so like that wouldn't prevent you from using them in a perfect scenario but then you still have to use that person in subsequent events that probably isn't as strong as your other athlete but you can use it for injuries like remember when randa oldroyd But you can use it for injuries. Like remember when Randall Oldroyd tore ACL or whatever? Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:11 NorCal was a very good chance of beating Mayhem that year, and they were done. Yeah. And they wouldn't let him even do it with one person down either. Right. And that was when they had, what, teams of six? Yep. It was one person was less likely to have an impact.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah, I like that rule. Because in situations like this, or if you remember what happened with... Did I just pull the curtain back? Yeah. With Lauren Fisher, that could have also been another circumstance where she came in, there was that lat issue early on,
Starting point is 00:33:45 they thought they weren't going to be able to compete, they could have made the substitute then and maybe had a better outcome for the team, right? So, yeah, I do like that one sub rule at any point during the competition and then at some point maybe you cut that off, but at least through the first portion of it, that would make sense. Yeah, I feel like we were talking about Lauren Fisher not competing all the way up until the day of the competition.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I think they were talking about it too. It seems odd. They were going to have to withdraw, right? Wouldn't that have been the case? Yeah, but we were just talking, Pedro. A dude fell and hurt his face and had to have surgery.
Starting point is 00:34:25 They're not letting them put their alternate in just because they checked in hours before. Do you not like that they're holding people? Pedro, give us your best American accent. Pedro, give us your best... Oh, can I do a Tyler one? He's an American accent, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:34:42 Southern accent, yeah. Yes, please. Yeah. What do you got for us you got anything oh susan's behind is he are you behind us susan um no i'm in front of you but the thing got lag a little bit okay yeah um best southern did you hear my accent susan can you hear a spin it didn't work i could hear you yeah yeah and Did you hear my accent, Cesar? Can you hear us, Ben? I could hear you.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Did you hear my perfect Southern drawl? It was something. I didn't hear you. I thought you were just going to say something like on my credit card. That would have been an American accent for you. I think it should be that if you like an hour before the first event,
Starting point is 00:35:27 that's your put off. Because they haven't done anything. What fucking difference does it make? Yeah, I mean, the idea, I think, is what they have is they can start releasing workouts, and so you can switch people out. Okay, yeah. Like, oh, sorry, I'm not really good on the skier, so I'm going to step aside and let this
Starting point is 00:35:44 other person in in as opposed to as opposed to like oh I fell and smashed my like my face is now in the back of my head I can't compete they're two very different things yeah yeah 100% yeah they should have different for that
Starting point is 00:36:00 real quick so I have a pink bracelet and it gets me nowhere peter has a blue bracelet you need to get out of that seat at the coliseum peter if i'm sitting in one of the seats, Peter can tell me to leave. He can take my seat. Actually, my plan is I'm going to go straight to security and say, see that guy, Tyler? I asked him to leave and he said no.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I told him I was going to go and get you and he said, you go get that pussy and tell him he can make me move. I'll move. Pedro killing the vlogs everyone go watch you have fun doing that yeah it's actually really fun like recording this stuff is really fun and then everything after that is a fucking nightmare because my laptop is shit i want to include everything first one the one with hillary was
Starting point is 00:37:02 four minutes long because i was just looking at the timeline on my thing and i was like man all these clips are so long like people aren't going to watch this and then i exported it put it up and i was like oh shit it's only four minutes he watched it gave me feedback he was like oh like maybe give some context of you know like oh i'm here at hillary's house we're doing this out in the other and then he was like i'm like you know like a touch long like aim for 10 to 15 minutes and i was like yeah that was actually a mistake um but yes this one is good it's just hard to it's hard to cut out stuff it's hard to do it i spent like six hours yesterday doing it i've like you know leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back yeah it takes a lot of time but it's fun
Starting point is 00:37:39 oh it like it makes look hillary look like a machine yeah like he's either out there filming or he was over here editing. Dude, it's crazy. Like, I don't know how I was like on the plane right over and like I was getting alerts like a new video posted by HelloFim. How did you do that? And like you expect it to be shit as a result, but it isn't. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah. But it's not. I mean, yeah. Dude's working, working hard. Oh, thank you, Angelo. You are not that one. There we go. So he's keeping up the phone call intro it brings something to the show god you don't know how much i needed that angelo thank you so much wait what is it is it a button no it's not a button but when they called in i would just
Starting point is 00:38:18 like i would introduce them in so they call her what's your name what like call her where you calling from the radio thing i try to just move it along and i'm hoping and maybe uh you guys could uh out there in the internet of things confirm this i'm hoping that if it gives people direction like they know they're going to call in they're going to their names they're going to say the name they're going to say where they're from and then it's like comment question or concern like do you just want to make a comment do you have a question for somebody on the guest or do you just you just want to voice like a concern about something it's going to allow them to call in more because maybe they're not they're going to feel a little more comfortable knowing
Starting point is 00:38:50 what to expect as opposed to like sometimes just being on on the phone for a while hello caller truth or dare yeah late night going you know oh man so uh brian is there anything in particular that you're super pumped about for for tomorrow or anything like that uh i think the pig chipper is one that i'm really looking forward to watching that one um i think that one seems to be the the most interesting of the three events that are programmed for individuals um you know it'll be interesting to see how the bike plays out um 40 minutes is a long time to watch them go around and around but um yeah i think it'll depend on how the camera works at least for those like myself watching on the live stream.
Starting point is 00:39:45 So, yeah, I mean, I think that that's really, I think the coolest of the three workouts tomorrow. Awesome. Hold on. Which one did you say? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I'm not telling you what to do once you call. I'm just providing a little structure, right brother. You could either use it or not. You could still go off on a tangent, but a little, a little structure helps. All right. But I will cut you off, but I will just hang the fuck up if I don't feel like it. Okay. Sorry, Tyler. Go ahead. No, I was just wondering which, which one
Starting point is 00:40:16 spin said, so the pig chipper is the one I like the best. I do. I do think it's interesting that the first five workouts have zero barbells i uh i was with i was with jr last time we were training when the gymnastics event came out and oddly enough um what's the italian girl's name fuliano melissa fuliano, she was there. And so like when it came out, I kind of like looked over at her and she was like, she was super stoked. Cause like that, that bodes really well for her. Like she's one, I think she's really good and she has a lot of potential, but like depending on the workouts that come out, like she's going to get hurt in the beginning. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:00 She might not make the cut. Um, but that one for her, I was like, Oh, that's pretty good. And then like, I don't think she'll do terrible on the bike. Um, so like, it looks good for the pig, the pig will hurt her a little bit. Yeah. But Hey, do you think you'll see anybody just implode in those last 10 pig flips? Like just kick ass, but go a little too, too fast out there and just just yeah and they're staring at the big i think you know like we talked about a little bit on savans on friday night or i don't know whenever we saturday saturday um i don't the 10 flips is not much right like that's gonna be a minute minute and a half for most you know and if if the ones that are slower than that they probably weren't going to be
Starting point is 00:41:42 competitive anyway i do think after all that other work that's what that, they probably weren't going to be competitive anyway. I do think after all that other work, that last set of 10 is going to be grueling. Yeah. I mean, unless you can move that pig easily, I think it's going to be a little bit of a pretty good race to see that kind of move slowly. And,
Starting point is 00:42:01 and some people that could have a head start on others could easily lose it on those last few pig flips. I think it'll definitely make an exciting finish. It looks like the Cave Dastro new event just posted. We're going to bring that up. Geez Louise, I'll try to call tonight.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Love it. Do it. Where? Redux? That one? Redux? We have that. Maybe they can't afford barbells. No, they Love it. Do it. Redux, that one? Redux? We had that. Maybe they can't afford barbells. Nah, they got it. Two minutes ago, yes. The ski erg. Have we ever seen this many events without a barbell this early in the start?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Would you say there's four events already released so far? First five. First five, no barbell. Is that unusual? Do you have any feelings or thoughts on that? Do you guys need that picture? Yeah, she's throwing her leg.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Unbelievably good. Wow. Giving a new definition of getting a leg over. Just the team's event posted. Okay. Alright. It is odd. It feels a like um was it 2018 regionals yep when it was no barbell no barbell just a dumbbell yeah i mean i can't remember the last
Starting point is 00:43:16 time there wasn't a barbell even on just day one of the games, at least in one aspect. I mean – Do you think it will mix some stuff up? Do you feel like this is going to give an advantage to some people or a disadvantage to anybody out on the field? A disadvantage to some, surely, won't it? Like fireball specialists. It shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Like, to me, you shouldn't be so dependent on there being a barbell present that you don't make it but yeah i think it will disadvantage some so i but i don't like to me i don't care who it disadvantages that's on you did they release the sled workout for individuals but you know the way we were trying to work out what the weird step things were? Like the teenagers, age groups just did the step. I'm almost positive that's true. They didn't touch the rake. They weren't near the rake once. So I don't know what that stuff is for.
Starting point is 00:44:13 What are you going to say, Brian? I'm almost positive that is for teams. And it's some type of block to put your feet on to pull a rope. Yeah, that makes sense. Because they've always had issue with that like the sandbags from the past like 2014 if you remember that they slid forward then it's hard to have the exact ending point when you have that exciting race that we saw between bridges and froning that year too it's like that really matters so if the bags start pushing forward
Starting point is 00:44:37 or you lose your footing and then you lose that race that isn't necessarily a test of the fitness that's just a test of the equipment working um for you or the lane you've got or something so i like when they put things in like that that uh limit that being a factor as much as possible yeah yeah i definitely and because they're staggered and there's some behind each other it just leads me to believe that it's for the teams and it's one of those that we've not seen yet probably on sunday morning based on what we see hey so looking at these first uh five events that we have out here does the test look balanced so far i mean i know we have a lot more of them going down but um just looking at everything
Starting point is 00:45:15 right now how do you guys feel about it is it balanced is it good is there something missing right off the bat if you look at the first day so it's the ride so endurance and then your competency on a bike um and the pig chipper so you know explosive power and your ability to sort of you know withstand that but then also grip with the chest of our toes bar and the wall balls so i like that one explosive power mixed with endurance in the first one. And then the inverted melody, which is just gymnastics. I like the first day so far. Brian. Yeah. I mean, I think from a balance perspective, I think we're okay. The,
Starting point is 00:45:59 the only concern I have is just the monostructural. We now have two events that are single modality, monostructural. So other than Helen, we don't really have, I don't think we're going to have any type of running with any other elements in there, which is kind of odd. elements in there, which is kind of odd. So we know the alpaca and then the ski bag is day two. There should be one more, right? There's one more event, the last event, event six before the cuts. We do not know. I assume that's going to be at the last minute.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Are we speculating that that's helen or no and it's in the coliseum so unless you do something in place of the run you can't really do that i like i like the ski bag for a strength test so like you're saying there's two monostructural i do like the ski bag, like those 200 pounds. We were talking about it, Taylor, Michelle and I were talking about it last night. And I think the 200 for the guys is heavy and it's not the same as 125 for the women. Like the guys, like it's going to take them a minute to get through those squats. And it's like that's a brute strength workout as well as can you, can you breathe hard on the skier?
Starting point is 00:47:26 This is not going to like, you shouldn't screw the workout up on the ski, but it's made on the squats. Like, can you hold on to the bag? Yeah. On to it. We were just thinking that a little bit last night. Do you guys think there would be a bunch of people going unbroken on that? Is that an unbroken event or will we see that bag hit the ground a couple of times? We don't know what the weight is.
Starting point is 00:47:51 So I thought it didn't under, isn't it doesn't 200 125 i put it on what i heard last night but that might not be official yeah that's what i heard i don't i didn't remember there's nothing listed on the weights oh okay okay and then do we know too are they allowed to where this was a discussion we last night we thought that we had confirmed they have to bear hug it as opposed to throw it up on the shoulder any intel on that is that true i i don't know how big is a 200 pound bike it's pretty big i mean it's taller huh would you get on your shoulder you could get it on your shoulder yeah um gee got 340 or four of them i mean like a whole bunch of them. Yeah, dude, swats. It's going to be awkward. It's just like fall over. Yeah, Sprague Insinuated, 200 pounds, Riley S.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Robbie Myers, that's not official speculation. I think 200 pounds, 50, 200-pound sandbags would not be finished in six minutes. That's brutal. Like, there's no way. Yeah, so I can see 150. I don't like the idea of them holding it on their chest though i like because you can buy like a short athlete like me i'll just bottom it out on my legs and not really do a squat at the bottom like i'm going through the
Starting point is 00:48:56 range of motion but the bag's just sitting on my legs so i like it putting it on the shoulder but i mean that's just me so i posted a a, on Instagram, the event and, uh, Gray Beal asked if, you know, do we think it's gonna be more ski based or squat based? And I think it's going to be more on the squat. Like Roman will definitely gain an advantage on the ski, but you know, I said that, you know, I thought that the squat would be the one that pulls it out. And Colton jumped in the comments and said he'll bet one of his pigs on it
Starting point is 00:49:29 that he does very, very well on the ski bag. So if you're playing Heat 1, it sounds like Colton called his shot on, what was it, event six at semifinals? And yeah, he's calling it again on this one. at event six at semi-finals. He's calling it again on this one. Husafel would be good. There's a 200-pound Husafel bag, which Tyler, that kind of goes to what you were talking about.
Starting point is 00:49:59 If they have that bag, and as you guys remember, it kind of tapers in a little bit, you could still do the... Keep it clean over there yeah yeah yeah it's uh i'm doing hands you know but if you have the bag angled that way it would in fact make it to where they could hold it and they wouldn't have the issue of the bag bottoming out which we were speculating last night that if we're holding the bag in that bear hug position that that's going to blow the arms up a little bit so the skier then would affect the holding of the bag which would then affect that second skier yeah lower back yeah that yeah lower back yeah a lot of hands that's a good that's a good point too because then like your lats from
Starting point is 00:50:36 squeezing the bag are gonna get tired and then you have to go to the ski which is like all lats and so but then like it's so it's a redundant it's a redundancy workout so it's lats and squat on the ski or hinging on the ski and then it's lats and hinging again on the squat so yeah it's not i feel good you gotta imagine with a six minute time cap the top time probably is gonna be around what four minutes it's kind of what they would probably try to get so you know uh what's the crossfit thor um griffin griffin ollie he you know he tested this and he could he would set a really good score on this workout so i hope, I hope they padded it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Well, I think this will make for some exciting finishes. Like we will, we could possibly see some people fumble the bag on that last 20 and we might get some good sprints to the end. There is like a lot of people are going to be really tight. I mean, this is going to be probably one of those events where like 10 seconds puts
Starting point is 00:51:40 you down at the lower part of the field or, uh, at the top of the event. Right. So those always make some really exciting finishes. So that should be cool to watch. Speaking of that, if you look at the lower part of the field or at the top of the event. Right. So those always make some really exciting finishes. So that should be cool to watch. Speaking of that, if you look at the leaderboard of Helen for the 16 to 17 year old boys,
Starting point is 00:51:53 30 seconds separated first to 10th last place yesterday. Wow. So yeah, I saw somebody finished seventh and they were only 15 seconds or 20 seconds behind first. It got me curious. There were some pretty good races that we didn't get to see. Peter and I are definitely the two jackasses
Starting point is 00:52:13 in the back of the classroom that are not paying attention. Do you want to share with the class? I'm going to sit in there so you guys can see them real quick. We'll see. Us being total goobers. You guys can see him real quick. That's being total goobers. So you guys can get a little lay of the land.
Starting point is 00:52:31 You know the lady to your right, Sousa? Yeah. Halpin asked me yesterday, he was like, who's that grey-haired woman that was upstairs? And I fully convinced him that it was Sivan's mom, that it was Stefan's mom that it was Rolls-Royce. It definitely passed.
Starting point is 00:52:51 That's for sure. Is that gain too high? I turned it up a little bit. No, you still sound all right. It's weird that the internet's been really nice up here so I'm really hoping that we could continue to have this even as the event fills up and more people get on. The problem is that people aren't in here. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:53:08 By trying to get as soon as you leave out. And when there's more people, it'd be worse. You know, more like, and pop. Did you have wifi out on Northbrook? I did.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I didn't know where I was tapping into, but I bet it won't last now. Where's the tailgate on Friday? Oh, the OG. So if you go to the RV park, if you go straight to the back, you'll see a rig there, and it has CrossFit Crave or something on it. That's where the OG party is on Friday. Friday or Saturday.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Hold on. Let me confirm that. I think it... So yeah, there's actually a PostBaser tailgate on Friday from 10 to 2. Vindicate will be there. Paper Street Coffee will be there. I'm interviewing Sarah at that.
Starting point is 00:53:59 You're meeting Sarah there? Interviewing her. Oh, you're interviewing Sarah there. Hey, did you hear about the time I interviewed Sarah? No. It went really well. Okay, I'm excited then. She definitely didn't run away. Okay, I'm really excited about that.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Let me ask you this, Pierre. Have you interviewed anybody that's ran away from you yet? Will they be running away in their own house? Like, usually it's online. No, but I mean here at the event I turned the camera I turned the camera on JR as like I gave him a t-shirt and he gave me a hoodie which was not a fair
Starting point is 00:54:35 exchange but I said he was walking up to me I said oh I'm recording by the way and he almost ran away it didn't and can I also just say JR on this show looks good like he looks fine in person holy shit he is the most i have never seen anyone as handsome as him like close up he was talking and i could not hear anything he was saying i was just like how is this physically possible that you're this handsome
Starting point is 00:55:03 everything just kind of faded away and you like connected. Did you guys hear the angels singing out on North Park? JR walks up and it gets really bright all of a sudden. Yeah, Cave Dash show. That was Waza 2021. And that was a record for me. I had two female competitors run away as I tried to interview them. You know what the funny thing is now?
Starting point is 00:55:27 No one will run away now. That shows the growth of the brand. I don't know, dude. No, I don't think so. We'll see. Now they would talk to me. I do put it on the side of your brain. So that always freaks them out.
Starting point is 00:55:39 It's a phone action. Okay, well, cool. We made it through 54 minutes here. Is there anything else you guys want to add before we close out our first show? Friday, 6pm is the OG tailgate at
Starting point is 00:55:52 RVSpot42. Go in to Heat One, download, tell your friends, do everything. Pay them. I don't care what you have to do. Get them in the app. Go and watch my YouTube and tell me if you think it's good and if you don't think it's good to do get them in the app and go go and watch um my youtube and tell me if you think it's good and if you don't think it's good just don't say just keep it to yourself
Starting point is 00:56:09 tell anyone lie to other people who ask you about it say oh really good i want to make a thing so do do go and watch it because i do want to try and make it into a thing and it's fun to do so do go watch it and that's on your youtube channel right yeah yeah yeah and and Matt Torres is alive but Matt Torres is up there as well and I asked him if he's dating Danielle so go and enjoy that go find the answer out on that show go see you gotta find
Starting point is 00:56:34 it was pretty crazy it was pretty crazy they fucked right in front of me I don't think that's called a vlog I was like prove it call the OnlyFans we were hanging out at Taylor's place
Starting point is 00:56:50 last night or two nights ago and so Taylor started calling Peter, Peter? Peter? what did he say? he asked me a question but he said you guys eat loads of Indian food in the UK don't you? and I said like yeah like
Starting point is 00:57:08 they do in the UK yeah I was like I mean I'm from Ireland it just went downhill oh what's YouTube it's Coffee Wads and Pods what so 125 each that one yeah that name seems ludicrous And pods. What? Frogs. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:26 So 125 each, that one. Yeah. That name seems ludicrous. That's basically worthless. Euros? Yeah. More than dollars. That's what it says. Amazing, amazing service to the sport.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Can't wait for more. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'm going to tell for Taylor to go watch the smtp stuff because like the behind the scenes of the smtp is going to be really funny just like the shit we've been saying at that house yeah for those guys i don't know these guys are all basically staying at the same airbnb so i imagine some of the stuff that's going to be happening there i drove out to the other day and like i haven't been to that type of america you know, like where it's like, oh, out in country, cornfields everywhere.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Like my, I lost data service. And I was like, right. So I'm, this is how I die. And this is how it ends. All right, Mr. Spin, anything before we sign off here? Nope, just gonna be watching here and we'll have live shows starting tomorrow. Actually, technically tonight.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Tonight. Yeah. I'll be covering teams on BeFriendly as well. Don't watch any of Brian's shit on that. Just yours. We're going to have a ton of content. Thanks, Peter. We're going to have a ton of content coming out. Stay posted. All right, guys. Thank you for bearing with me.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Like I said, as this goes along, it'll be better and better with each show, hopefully. So thanks. Peace out. And bye-bye. See you, Spin. See you.

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