The Sevan Podcast - The Ultimate Behind the Scenes Podcast #4 | Wednesday PM

Episode Date: August 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. How's my hair?
Starting point is 00:01:02 That's all I care about is my hair. I just took my hat off. Oh, shit, we're live. How is my hair anyway's all i care about is my hair i just took my hat off oh shit we're live how is my hair anyway it's okay it looks what frazzled just on the side but it's not bad i don't look like old dude like albert einstein or some shit like some old okay no you're good damn we're live why are we doing a podcast guys holy cow welcome crazy crazy crazy such a good day just don't turn your head oh really
Starting point is 00:01:34 oh my goodness oh my goodness oh myullet. Oh, my goodness. Straight rat. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, no. What has happened? What do you want to hear? It was crazy. Crazy day.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Susan's in my room. We just went out to dinner. Me and Susan. Oh, Caleb, you're not going to want to hear this. You're going to get FOMO. I've already got FOMO. Me and Hiller and Dylan,
Starting point is 00:02:10 Ariel Lowen's husband, who's a boss, a cool dude, joined us for dinner. And J.R. Howell, and he brought some dude named Taylor. And then Taylor Self was also there. And Will Branstetter was there. And it was great. Fat steak dinners. just really unwinding very i'm
Starting point is 00:02:30 very brain dead just from talking to so many people had a great day uh shook hands with uh laura horvat after some some difficulty uh i saw her brother i got to hang with fraser a little bit i hung with facundo and when i mean hung i mean i film with these people a little bit actually yeah i did not film with laura yet and matt i was kind of feeling them out um incredible got incredible interview with don fall he was fantastic uh spent some time with colton Mertens today. It was crazy. How was it like meeting JR and Taylor? Hey, you know, it's weird. So, yeah, JR is Julian Ifrit.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I heard JR is beautiful. He is beautiful. He's, like, statuesque almost. Like, he looks like he's cut from bronze. Even, like, in just his, I mean, I didn't see him, like, naked or anything. But he's just almost in his, his like features and his hair and shit. But what happened was, is we were at a brief athlete briefing today for the bike ride and all the athletes there, it was overwhelming. And then all the coaches there,
Starting point is 00:03:35 it's like a, it's the craziest who's who of CrossFit. And so I saw JR and I went over to him and we had a quick interaction and he kind of like manhandled me a little bit. I didn't realize how little I am. Like in my day-to-day life, I'm a fucking man child. But here I'm tiny. Like
Starting point is 00:03:55 old ladies manhandle me here. Like put their arm around me and shit and like just pull me into their bosoms and shit and like kiss me and be like, I love your show. I'm like, holy fuck. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, bosoms and shit like kiss me be like ah i love your show i'm like holy fuck yeah yeah so uh yeah it was cool i saw jr and then i and then i got to hang out with him for dinner but uh i didn't i've never done any shit where i see people on the internet and then meet them in real life this is the first time i've ever done that and it's crazy because from Branstetter to Scott Schweitzer, everyone's cooler than I imagined.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I thought it was just going to be downhill, but it's not. I can't think of – it's 99% better in real life. 99% of the people I meet, I'm like, wow, you're cooler than I even imagined. I mean, I like those people. I like Branstad and I like Schweitzer,
Starting point is 00:04:49 but I didn't expect to. Do you guys have that same experience? Have you guys met people? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All of them. There's the super cool to meet in person.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah. Oh, I guess you guys have done this already. You guys are a year ahead of me. You too, Caleb, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Oh, I met Heidi today. This is awesome. awesome oh my god she's the coolest god i felt like i was with my sister uh i i met um uh sema that's who i gave that was my best hug by the way i'd be curious what she thought i met fucking bryce dude that dude that I fucking make fun of for being a fucking AI from the Invictus podcast? Wow. Hey, that's an amazing human being, actually. Did you see me meet him? I did. I captured it on film. You did? Oh, that's crazy. I got the behind the scenes of the behind the scenes, so we're good.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Hey, I'm going to crown him as the most beautiful person I saw today. I did not meet 12 daily doses. Good. Good question, though. That guy, Bryce, though, from the Invictus podcast was like it was crazy. Yeah, it was crazy. Yeah, that dude. Oh, that's not even what he looks like in person.
Starting point is 00:06:00 That's that's him from the. He's huge. He looks tall as fuck. Yeah... He's huge. He looks tall as fuck. Yeah, he's huge. He's awesome. Yeah. He has such a crazy vibe about him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Lucky Camera Straps, love you guys. Thank you. Something kind of crazy happened. I don't know if you guys will think it's crazy. Uh, Tom, 2.5 hours from Madison doing 80. Take me home boys.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah, boy. Yeah, boy. Drive safely, Tom. Hey, are we,
Starting point is 00:06:32 are we doing the link to the, everybody in the group? Do we send that out? sure. And I would love to have, uh, Oh my God. You know,
Starting point is 00:06:40 who's the coolest to hang out with is Tyler Watkins. Oh my God. Pedro. God, if you guys are here, meet, from Coffee Pods and Wads. Holy shit. He's hilarious. He's way more, like, way funnier than you think he'd be.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Like, you just get around him, and you're just, like, laughing the whole time. He's a great dude. He's pretty funny. You haven't met him, right, Caleb? No, but we have, like, similar people. I got some. We're going to be great friends. Oh, I met this dude!
Starting point is 00:07:07 I met this dude today! Hey, this guy is the young version of me. This is the hippie barefoot version of me. I mean, he wasn't rocking the hippie style, but he's so me. And then I even met today.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Although I met him before. What's up, dude? Hey, sorry. I got to get the AirPods. Hey, are you loving this, Brian? I love it every year. Dude, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I know. You described it perfectly. it's a who's who crossfit it's everyone that you want to see or that you know you might see here and there all together in one place and i was actually talking because i hadn't seen you for two days and then i saw you like three times in an hour and it's just yeah kind of random you look um i i don't you look younger than than like i picked that i imagined you to look although i guess last time i saw you were really young well i just spontaneously shaved like a week ago and then i you know i think it probably does change like five years appearance wise
Starting point is 00:08:17 um what was aaron what was it like finally meeting colton in person also who was the one um you enjoyed maybe most as far as catching up with the sense of the last behind the scenes? Tyler, what's up, dude? Hey, guys. You're still there. I'm still here. I have no Wi-Fi anywhere else. I asked him if he could kick me out.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Look at that shirt. He's got a shirt. How many of those exist? Two. Get one, baby. Last day to sign up. Get in there. Go sign up right now.
Starting point is 00:08:49 How do they do that? Where do they go? They go to the Apple store? Yeah, go to the Apple store. Go to the link in our bio on the Heat One app on Instagram. There's links there for Apple and Android. Caleb will probably throw something down in the chat. Please. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Let me ask this question to Brian. Brian, who have you – any people that just jump out at you that you're like, God, that dude's cool as shit. I really enjoyed hanging out with him. Not that one person's better than the other. Andre Houdet. I got to talk to him right after his team checked in. He's coaching.
Starting point is 00:09:25 You know, he's obviously competing, but he also coaches Yellow Host, Emmanuel Nangonese, and Rebecca Vintesen, all of whom will be competing individually this year, all rookies this year. And, I mean, this guy is phenomenal. If you haven't spent some time with him yet, you should try to track him down at some point. As a coach, athlete, father, person, he is a top-notch human being. I did see Vittesen standing in front of the hotel, and she's like an avatar.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Have you stood next to her yet? I did in Berlin. I haven't seen her here, but as you were talking about that, another one crossed my mind. I ran into Susan Clark in the parking lot tonight. You know Susan, five-time games champion, Masters athlete? Yes, 66? I'm not sure her age this year, but, yeah, she's in that division.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And she's amazing. I mean, I don't know if you've ever spent some time talking to her, but she's a hell of a human being as well. I got to hang with Cheryl Brost. I got a great interview with Cheryl Brost. Yeah. I believe that. She always has energy. Yeah, incredible. Tyler, have you had a chance
Starting point is 00:10:32 to mingle with any people and been like, wow, holy shit. Amazing. A lot of the fans come to mind. Susan and I hung out with Heidi and Zima today. I met Aud. Audrey. Oh met Audrey. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Audrey's on fire, huh? Yeah. It's Extra Slop. Extra Slop. I haven't met Extra Slop. Who is that? He's hunting you down, man. Don't tell him.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Don't tell him. Okay. I didn't even know if it's a dude. I thought it was a chick. I have no idea if it's a dude or a girl. No, it's a dude and Mrs. Slop. Mr. and Mrs. Slop, we met both of them. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Awesome people. Also, they're so funny, both of them. The best part is that they just talk to you like someone else. Like, hey, Brian, love your stuff, blah, blah, whatever. And then like three, four minutes later, they're like, by the way. Yeah. Yes, yes. Sousza said that like what's different about your fans is that they're normal like you meet them and they're just like you would
Starting point is 00:11:32 hang out with them yeah like i i feel like in other in other spheres it'd be like you i'm not hanging out with these fans that are a little too crazy with with yours it's like they're, they're so chill. All of them. Hey, we did a standoff back. I was at the Paper Street Coffee booth today, and Colton was there. It was just people hanging out. Someone goes, hey, who's taller? You were Colton, and Colton wasn't paying attention. I walked over to him to get back- back with the guy and dude I am not
Starting point is 00:12:06 taller than Colton and we also got that on film so if you aren't following us on Instagram do so now is that on Instagram? not yet I got a bunch of stuff oh my goodness Brian we should have what's crazy is he doesn't even look on instagram
Starting point is 00:12:25 what's crazy is he doesn't look short to me like when i would when when i would hang out with like spieler and shit or people like that or even josh or even fraser i would just see them as like smaller i didn't see i didn't picture i picture colton like when i saw him like i would be like kind of like looking down on it so it wasn't like that at all yeah it was not like that at all it was crazy i was kind of disappointed how tall he is it kind of makes me not like that at all. It was crazy. I'm kind of disappointed at how tall he is. It kind of makes me not appreciate him as much. If you go by there tomorrow, grab a shirt.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I got a Be Friendly Fitness shirt for you back there. Thank you. The tie-dye ones are dope. The colors are so vivid. They're good. Brian, are you selling those tie-dye ones? There are some for sale, but there's also some that I've reserved there
Starting point is 00:13:09 for certain people, certain friends. Better be on that fucking list. Top of the list, man. Top of the list. The entire crowd is incredibly pleasant. I'm wondering what's going to happen. Oh, and it's very full for Tuesday and Wednesday. Dude, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:32 It's crazy. Yeah, I'm kind of tripping on what's going to happen tomorrow and Friday. Does it seem more full to you? I wasn't here, obviously, in a few years. But, Brian, does it seem more full to you? It's going to get crazy. It'll continue to amplify through Saturday. And then Sunday we'll kind of level off.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Wow. Um, there was a guy who was doing the, um, I don't know if you guys know this story yet. We're going to bring up a photo here that I don't know. Oh, thank you,
Starting point is 00:13:58 Aaron, for the loop, by the way. Um, there's a guy we're going to bring up a photo here. I don't know if Caleb's seen this yet Oh no, you're going to show that? But the story I heard is
Starting point is 00:14:09 So they've announced a handstand walk And a guy Was that guy on a team or an individual? Well we talked about this a little bit on the earlier show Oh, okay There might be a little context, but keep going, keep going Brian, do you want to set the stage for it? But basically what happened?
Starting point is 00:14:31 I don't think it was it was particularly because of the i think they were just practicing yeah they were practicing and and there was a instead of a a cushion handstand um obstacle course like like this would never happen at the crossfit games but this guy was at a local gym and he was doing the obstacle course the hand handstand walk obstacle course, and he slipped. And he wrote in his Instagram, hey, I basically slipped doing the handstand obstacle course at a local gym on a wooden version of the padded one, and I tore my face off. Like, that's what I saw. Like, six hours later, I was just at dinner, and Taylor's like, hey, did you see the guy who crashed on the handstand walk? And I'm like, no. And he goes, whoa. He said he tore his face off. Is he crazy? He's like, nope, he tore his face off is he crazy he's like nope he tore his face off and basically it was made out of wood right
Starting point is 00:15:08 and uh he slipped and and and ripped his face that guy's a team athlete josh mattis crossfit believe you want to see it yeah yeah it's probably so there was the did you already talk about the metal if you don't like seeing If you don't like seeing a lot of squeamish and blood stuff, close your eyes right now. Viewer discretion advised. Yeah. This guy is... Wow. I don't even know what I'm looking at.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Basically, his lip all the way up to his nostril is just straight cartilage. I imagine what happened is when he smashed his face in the ground, it just sheared it in half. So here's what happened. We found out. So he walked up the ramp and there was,
Starting point is 00:15:49 you can pull it down, Caleb. Yeah. Just a little briefer. There is two metal bars like that. We're going to be the parallel bars that you walk across. And his hand was sweaty. So when he went to go,
Starting point is 00:15:58 go across it, his hands slipped off and he came straight down onto his face on the side of the wood. So just scraped it off almost. Just sheared it. Hey, I'm going to say something kind of weird here, but why can't he keep going? It's just too much?
Starting point is 00:16:13 He had reconstructive surgery today. Yeah. He had to see a plastic surgeon for it. Okay. He looks better. He'll be fine. He's all fixed up. He looks better. Put a lot of gasoline on it and he'll be fine. He's all fixed up. Good to go.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Richard Crinkle Vagine. That can't be related. Crinkle Vagine. Thank you. Keep spreading the joy and light. Oh, thank you. Oh, wow. The shiz. Wowiz wow wow the boss in the graphic space some support
Starting point is 00:16:50 for upcoming epic weekend keep up the great work hey thanks thanks shiz and hey thanks shiz every time you send me something it's awesome it's awesome helping me out too thank you shiz yeah and if i could just real quick defend the gentleman because people are like why didn't he keep going? Dude, when that happens, you haven't even seen the onset of the trauma yet. And Caleb can probably speak to this way more than I can, but he's going to be so bruised. And if his heart rate skyrockets and one of those stitches bust or
Starting point is 00:17:14 something happens, like it's just going to be a nightmare. So I don't think with the way that that looks, he can't compete. There's blood everywhere. He's going to bleed continuously. Yeah. If he just gets his heart rate up, that's going to bust a clot. Sammy, when and where is the meet and greet
Starting point is 00:17:29 for all the Savonistas in Madison this weekend? I know where it is. It's Thursday night. Great day. Big day. Great day. Big day. Is it a CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 00:17:43 Is it a bar? I think it's both. It was that place. I was telling you to go there earlier, Simone. It's got to be close to my hotel. The days here are long. Buttery Bubbles, since coverage is on ESPN, does that mean if I don't catch it live, I won't be able to
Starting point is 00:18:00 see it later on, or will it be on YouTube? Anyone know? Love you guys. Mr. Friend. Yes. Oh, I'm sorry. I am. Oh, wait, wait one second. Ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:18:16 It is. We are all burnt. When Brian said yes. Oh, yeah. We are all like our brains are not operating. They're like skipping. They're like a CD skipping. You said my name, but it didn't register as your voice for some reason.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Oh, yeah. My name doesn't even register as my name. So go ahead. My understanding is that absent the windows that are on ESPN, everything will be on YouTube as planned. During the time that it's on ESPN, you will only be able to watch it on ESPN. But after the fact, it will then repopulate. I don't know what the time frame is for that onto YouTube in the future so we can watch it and have the historical documentation of it.
Starting point is 00:18:59 We will send out alerts on Heat 1 when to make the switch just to make sure that everybody knows when to switch from YouTube to ESPN. Ladies and gentlemen, download the Heat 1 app. That's solid. That's good. So, by the way, anyone who's going to complain about that, like I used to complain when CrossFit would do that, you should know now I'm used to it because the UFC does that. So the UFC will start on ESPN3 or something, then switch to ESPN2, and then finally go live ESPN,
Starting point is 00:19:29 or it'll switch to ABC, or they'll switch. So you just have to chase the coverage, and it's cool. Once you get used to it and get into the flow of it, it's totally worth doing. I want to congratulate Dave and the team this year. I don't know who's in charge of the broadcast deal, but what this will do to get it on ESPN for the affiliates and the notoriety is huge. And here's the reason why.
Starting point is 00:19:56 This is the kind of shit that's played on left on TV and bars all across the country. Airports, bars. When we first got the ESPN deal deal i don't know what year it was 2011 or whatever 10 12 whatever that was i remember i was in kenya and we were building a crossfit gym there and i was in the hotel room uh i was in the hotel gym there in kenya in mombasa and i and i looked up i was doing crossfit in the gym and i looked up and the crossfit games were playing on espn in a hotel gym in Mombasa. And right then, from Kenya Airlines, like eight stewards and stewardesses and a pilot came in to work out in the gym.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And they looked at the TV, and they looked at me, and they go, oh, you're doing the same thing they're doing. And I go, yeah. And they go, what's that? And I go, CrossFit. And I talked to them about it. The power of that network to spread the the word of these movements and and crossfit is huge huge so kudos to dave uh first year back and um hitting out of the park oh speaking of crossfit i also saw charlie duby today uh uh owner of uh hamilton. He's in charge of the broadcast. Looking like a stud.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Have you seen that, Craig? Woo! He's a boss. It's great that the guy who's in charge of making sure the broadcast is filmed properly, he is a crossfitter through and through and looking like a beast. Go ahead, Sousa. I was just going to say, also
Starting point is 00:21:22 there was something else to know about the press conference, and I think Caleb has the clip if we want to show it here. Oh, you do have it? Do you know about this, Brian? Maybe. This is crazy. Is this the part that I got all excited about? Yeah, this is it.
Starting point is 00:21:38 If you guys want to cue this up and pay attention to this little clip, Caleb's going to show as much of it as we can. We might have to pause it a couple of times. Just to preface it, this is when, I think Scott Schweitzer was asking questions about how they're going to use media to spread
Starting point is 00:21:54 the word of CrossFit. They were just asking what is going to be done in the future and what's happened in the past. One more thing. We're in the beer garden. There's anywhere I'd estimate 300 to 500 people. There's about 50 of us from the press there.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And Dave and Don are fielding questions. And Scott Schweitzer from Clydesdale Media said, hey, you had an amazing affiliate gathering in Portland. It's generated a lot of buzz. What are you going to do to continue the momentum? I think that was the general thing. And I'm in the front row just like so happy to be sitting. I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Yeah, I'm so happy to be sitting. Thanks, Scott. You can play this. I think everyone did a pretty good job of covering it. Oh, they didn't have the audio on it because it's just his mic. What they should expect from us moving forward. Thanks, Scott. Savant does a pretty good job of covering it. So you could barely hear one scream, but I will tell you guys that the whole entire place
Starting point is 00:22:59 erupted. People started screaming, shouting, clapping. And I will tell you that that was huge for us. And anybody who is in the beer garden that was there and everybody's support like this far, it just absolutely means the world of us. And Stefan, I mean, you could speak to it. You were talking about just feeling tired and kind of burnt out through the day. And then that happened, right? Yeah. The place erupted. I mean, it was a complete shock to me. The place was started cheering and hooting and hollering. And I was I was like embarrassed, but also like very proud. I wouldn't take it back. It was it was it was it was crazy. Greg. Oh, I met Greg goes today. Keep killing it.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Thank you. Greg goes today. So much hugging going on today. My goodness. Cy Young for my coffee tomorrow. keep killing it thank you gray ghost today so much hugging going on today my goodness uh cy young uh for my coffee tomorrow sebi how's dave been this year compared to previous years uh have you had any interaction with dave brian any thoughts i think i've seen him every day actually and it's been awesome he has uh just my and from talking to other people i'd say he just brings a a calming but serious talking to other people, I'd say he just brings a, a calming, but serious presence to everything that's happening here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:09 He's working. I would, I would say that exact same thing. He's exactly the same for anyone who's wondering what his role is. It's identical. What it is before he's basically overseen everything. He, uh,
Starting point is 00:24:20 when we were walking in the stairwell, he's like, Hey, have the stairwell sweeped out. I don't want the athletes walking through anywhere where it's dirty or dusty. And then on the other hand, I heard him. And I have a lot of this in the behind the scenes. He was with Todd Widman, Jason McDonald, Chuck Carswell, and Adrian Bosman.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And he was getting a round circle of advice from them on where to have certain placards during a team event. I mean, it's just vintage Dave. Um, I, I can't really explain it, but when he's there, there's just a sense of everything's in control. I spoke with a lot of the, like the judges and the other support staff. And I asked like some that have been there for a few years. I was like, what feels different about, is there anything that feels different this year compared to like the previous couple of years?
Starting point is 00:25:08 And they were like, they felt more free. And I think like, you know how if you give kids structure, like they actually feel a little better. And so it's like, oh, we know everything's taken care of. So we feel better. Like they all were super stoked to be there and in a different way this year, it felt like. Did we send Matt Torres a link?
Starting point is 00:25:30 We did, and he's actually on the phone with the AC guy at his Airbnb trying to get that fixed, and then he's going to jump on afterwards. No worries, no worries, no rush. Okay, go ahead, Pedro. Sorry, sorry, Pedro. I was just going to say, I saw the back of Dave's head at one point, and he looked great. Wow. Careful.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Careful. I need my cell phone. Pedro, careful. That's close, Pedro. That's close. You mean like he was off in the distance when he saw the back of his head? You can interpret that whatever way you want. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:01 All right. Sorry, Tyler, are you sit at the venue. Jeez, man. He's actually staying there. Don't dox them because he's going to sleep under that table, and they might kick him out soon. Brian, I'm staying all week. I'm actually just sleeping here.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Hey, guys. I haven't been here all night. Brian, at the athlete briefing for the biking event and the gymnastics event i walked up on the huge statue that is uh christoph uh horvat and i um and uh adam clink who i didn't recognize uh gabriella magawa jamie simmons Laura Horvat, and Ben Smith. And they're in a circle. And I walked up and I shook all their hands. And then I reached out to shake Laura's hand.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Oh, nice. And she wouldn't shake my hand. God, I should have been filming this. I'm such a pussy. I'm such a pussy. And she wouldn't shake my hand. And they're all looking at me. And it's like crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:04 And I start stammering. Seriously. Stammering like a fucking six-year-old who's looking at a 12-year-old girl in awe. And finally I'm like, come on, shake my hand. And so she finally reluctantly, and she got a big, huge, shitting grin on her face. She shakes my hand. As I walk away, I don't remember if it was Ben Smith or Adam Clank. Someone's like, hey, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I'm wrecked. They could probably see I went into a fucking, I started circling the bowl. I went from the most confident man in the universe to just like, yeah. Like the prettiest girl in school just told me i was wearing floods hey why are you wearing floods i mean i was just a mess i was wrecked and someone came over and tried to console me what was have you interacted with her and how did it go please tell me it went just as bad uh do you want me to lie to you no wow by the way she looks, her and Gabby McGaw will look unstoppable. They both look great.
Starting point is 00:28:09 I saw them at Athlete Check, and I haven't seen them since. Both of them said hi, smile. They offered to shake my hand. It was great. They approached the guy like this. Oh, my goodness. Hey, that team is impressive. Oh my goodness. Hey, that team is impressive. Uh, that, that's that CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:28:33 CrossFit Krypton crew. Uh, they're running deep. It's like, yeah. Yeah. They had, I mean, that was a huge training camp that they hosted out there. There were, you know, many, many competitive athletes, a lot of them from Europe and obviously their team as well. And I talked to Ben, uh Ben during one of the check-in days and he was like, man, it was just so much fun. Like there was always someone to kind of compete with or kind of like joke around with and the environment just kind of, you know, amplified and built upon itself over the couple of weeks. And, you know, he felt like,
Starting point is 00:28:58 it feels like everyone who was there is really well prepared. Wow. Is that Jamie Simmons? Who is that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She she looked she looked incredible too uh bruce wayne uh someone uh happy to see you make it out of your cave wish i could have made it this year love you thanks dude love you too thanks for all your help with the instagram account hey uh pedro i want you to be honest have you been close to daniel brandon yet like have you been in the same room with her uh yeah the same genuinely at the same time i saw the back of day's head she was it was when she was talking to him oh yeah okay and uh is that the first time you've ever put laid eyes on her in person yeah and what was your first impression i had a similar reaction to earlier on in the day when i
Starting point is 00:29:47 met jr in person for the first time yeah ariel lowen and jr howell when i jr was talking to me and i could just hear like angels and see a glow like he's stupidly handsome like it's yeah yeah yeah when i was in the same place danielle it was the same feeling of like, she's just crazy. She just has a crazy, I don't know, aura or I don't know what it is. Dude, Tyler, were you in the same room with her? No, I've not even seen her yet. Oh, it's a lot. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Bring a walker or something to hold on to, dude. Bring something to hold, be close to a wall. It's nuts. Hey, and you know who else is like that Torres is like that to Torres got like Saucers you look into Torres his eyes you fall into him. He's crazy charismatic as well. Yeah, he doesn't even he looks like a cartoon character What is he? What ethnicity is that? Handsome. I don't know. Daniel Brandon did not disappoint. She is out of this world. And while I was filming with her today and I got some great content, she was gracious, intimate, vulnerable, and probably, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:31:04 nonstop people were walking up and taking pictures with her, and she is cool as shit. Yeah, she was super generous at the time. I asked her at that point, I was like, hey, how many photos have you taken? She was like, at least 60. And I was like, does it get tiring? She's like, no, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I love being able to meet everybody and see everybody. Okay, now here for a more athletic perspective. Brian, how did Danielle look? Do you think she's prepared for the competition? I saw her at one of the CrossFit gyms a couple days ago, and she told me I looked good with or without a beard, and then I forgot everything else. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:38 So she can even cast spells on Brian. Oh, my God. That spells on Brian. Oh, my God. Athlete briefing for the handstand inverted shit was done by the charismatic and easy to understand Chuck Carswell. A lot of questions from the athletes. Afterwards, three different athletes told me that they were extremely frustrated with the athlete briefing.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I said, oh, what? Do you think Chuck fucked up? And they said, no, we're frustrated with the athletes asking stupid fucking questions. And it was kind of, and here's the thing. Here's the athletes I think fall into two camps. There's athletes who just want to do the briefing and get out of there. And then there's athletes who are actually there like, like kind of like freaking out and processing some of their shit there.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Right. And, and, and what do you think, and processing some of their shit there, right? And what do you think about that analysis, Brian? Yeah, I mean, there's a huge mix of athletes here in terms of just their capability to understand the language, first of all, and then secondarily, their experience of being in that environment. So, you know, there are athletes, like Susan just kind of said, veterans. There are athletes, I think that, you know, Bellman and Fikowski being great examples of athletes that fall into this camp
Starting point is 00:32:52 that have been here for a long time, they're listening very closely. And if they think there's something that's, you know, critical and missing from the explanation, they'll be sure to ask it. They're not worried about how much time it takes. They want to make sure that it's clear. But they won't ask something that will give them a competitive advantage. They'll be clever in that regard and try to get that information in a different way. A lot of times the younger athletes, just the first thing that pops into their mind,
Starting point is 00:33:19 they'll just ask it. And in many instances, it's already been said or it's been said in a different way or it's something that you maybe if you thought a little bit more about it you might not have wanted to ask in front of the entire group anyway right that's the same at every level competition though isn't it like you always have like those athlete briefings at local competitions someone asks a question and you can feel the energy in the room everyone just wants to look at them and be like, shut the fuck up. Like, come on.
Starting point is 00:33:47 I just love that. This was a main bullet point in the PFAA, like agreement with CrossFit was quote clear and specific briefings, but they never stopped to think like their own athletes are going to screw that part up. And so you have to imagine Brent and Pat were there like, and I'll say this about that, that event in particular, And so you have to imagine Brent and Pat were there like. And I'll say this about that event in particular. Reading through the event description, it does look cumbersome, confusing,
Starting point is 00:34:15 and I can understand where there'd be questions. But when you see it play out, it's very straightforward. There's a section of space that you must complete all the work on broken. And if you do that, you can come down. If you don't do that, you have to go back to the start. And it's basically just repeating that, do the pullovers and repeat that on the way back. So while it's cumbersome, it's pretty simple. There's 80 athletes listening. There's about a hundred other people listening on the outskirts. I would say Brian, feel free to, or anyone who's there to jump in. And then on top of that, maybe more, maybe 200 people listening on the outskirts coaches and other athletes and stuff and there were on we're on kind of outside a fenced area so imagine 80
Starting point is 00:34:49 athletes and bleachers and then uh and then uh chuck giving the presentation with the demo team in front and then adrian's in the back of the room and actually sitting in the crowd was 80 athletes plus dave castro so dave sat in the audience during the athlete briefing. Once or twice, Adrian came from the back of the room when people were firing too many questions at Chuck to basically tell them, and I'm paraphrasing, shut up. You guys are thinking too deeply into this.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Then they released the group and everyone came funneling out. Accurate kind of. Yeah, and I can say from watching Adrian do this last year and then watching him do it so far this year, I think that he has taken very seriously what he liked and tried to make more of that for this year and adjusted some things that he didn't like.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And I'm talking about in his build-up to the games and his preparation and delivery of didn't like in his, and I'm talking about in his buildup to the games and his delivery and preparation, like preparation and delivery of the materials to the judges, to the broadcast, to the athletes, to whoever he needs to disseminate it to. I think he's, I mean, I've noticed some positive steps in that direction. And I think that the main one is
Starting point is 00:36:02 to meet that point that Tyler talked about is that he wants things to be as simple and clear as they can be while still getting information to them. And I think he's worked hard to make that happen. So when these, you know, there's a lot of questions like that, that he thinks is detracting from something that already has been achieved. That's probably when he does that. when he does that. Justin Zizumbo from Salty Hive CrossFit in Utah
Starting point is 00:36:27 met this dude today. Crazy impressed with how fit this dude looked. What a beast. Yeah, he is a savage. I've seen him compete. Super cool to meet you today, Sevan and Susan. Y'all rock. Huge fan. When I look at this picture, I thought he was
Starting point is 00:36:42 just like... I thought he was just some old dude. Kind of like a beer guy. This guy looks more like a fucking flying squirrel with cannonball shoulders. And I think he's rolling around with, like, three hot chicks. So, cool dude. Yeah, laid back. Got a little bit of hippie vibe to him.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah, for sure. Got a little bit of dirt twirler to him. Yeah, cool dude. Beastcakes23, you all are killing it. Thank you. Thank you. Let's see. Let's check in on Poolboy. Poolboy, it's also helped distracting the young kids at 2 a.m.
Starting point is 00:37:19 who'd usually watch Girls Gone Wild commercials, but instead will watch the games on ESPN. You think those are still on? You think those still run at 3 a.m.? watch Girls Gone Wild commercials, but instead we'll watch the games on ESPN. You think those are still on? Do you think those still run at 3am on VH1 or something? They do still run in Ireland. I heard, allegedly. Loads of comments
Starting point is 00:37:37 when you guys are talking about that, loads of comments are asking about Canada, Europe. YouTube is just outside of the States, YouTube is just running continuously. So say Ireland is just continued on YouTube on youtube doesn't break like it does inside the states because there's about 50 questions about that what do you mean what do you mean oh oh for you guys it'll stop for on youtube when it's on espn but at home like my wife would be able to continue watching it it's uninterrupted coverage outside of the states okay Okay, okay. I thought you were talking about girls going wild. Yeah, that's about it. I'll start at 3.35 and finish.
Starting point is 00:38:09 That's a Tuesday. On a Tuesday, it starts a bit later. Unanimously, there are most of us who are on this game's thread that I just feel such an honor and privilege to be on. There's not one person that i've been disappointed in meeting but every single person i've talked to agrees that the absolute rock star on the thread is just one person and he's head and shoulders above the rest of us and he is in the square below brian friend and next to matt sus next to Caleb and he is Pedro that's so kind he is
Starting point is 00:38:46 a he is a truly everyone's cool but he is a funny great dude to me in person yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what if I just reach into my hand someone can just clip this together for the
Starting point is 00:39:02 as Savannah gone rogue or whatever and then send it to me that'd be great this is a cool dude if you see pedro there bug him he is so fun he's just got a good funny vibe about him can i can i just say uh just to like make things more awkward um yeah i was actually thinking i was actually thinking earlier on i was in this is actually uh uh kind of funny but i was in chick-fil-a area, right, because we never had it because it doesn't exist outside of the States or anything. And I looked at the window.
Starting point is 00:39:30 There's one in heaven, just so you know. There's one in heaven. I looked at the window and Shane and Tia were outside the window and they were holding, like, Willow and I waved out and Shane, like, did that kind of, you know, like, wave and then he was like, oh, and he mouthed my name and waved and I was like, no, and he mouthed my name and waved. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:45 no, shut the fuck up. He didn't know. I was like, that was really nice. Like thing to happen. And then that got me thinking, I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:52 man, this is such a privilege. Like it's so fucked up that this, I'm sure you guys feel the same. It's so fucked up that this stuff happens. Like, and where all of us started from separately. And then that group,
Starting point is 00:40:03 like I fucking adore being in that group chat. Like I adore it. Yeah. And then meeting everyone, putting faces, names, like I'm looking forward to Caleb coming down as well, but like meeting everyone.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And like, I don't really give a shit about me and Bill, but everyone else is like, honestly, it's like outside of like family stuff, like my kids and all that. It's genuinely one of the best experiences of my life is meeting all you guys and talking to you guys
Starting point is 00:40:28 on the regular. I love it. I want to hear Brian follow up on that. Brian, you're a very emotional man. Go ahead. You want me to suck Peter off more? Cecilia Joy Palermo.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Thank you, Sevan, and your team for saving CrossFit from going completely woke, getting Dave Castro his job back at CrossFit. You truly care for humans and best podcasters in the business. Thank you. We are having fun. And if it wasn't – You know what's kind of cool? Yeah, tell me.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Sometimes you misread comments and they're of a certain ilk. In this case, you misread this comment by making podcaster plural. And Peter appreciates it. Good. I played your eye off of Peter like a mofo. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I was talking to Zach Talender actually today and he was like, what do you do? Do you do vlogs or what? I was like, podcasts. Then he was like, and it was just after we took that photo of you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about.
Starting point is 00:41:40 He was like, oh, is it good? I was like, yeah, it's kind of like Savan light in every way imaginable. I was like, oh, is it good? I was like, yeah, it's kind of like Savan light in every way imaginable. I was like, it's light on topic. I let my guest talk. I let my guest talk. It's light on topic. It's light on quality. It's light
Starting point is 00:41:56 on engagement. It's light on views and listen. It's light on overall experience. It's just light. It's just light. Shit. Tank Reeves, when will overall experience. It's just life. It's just life. Tank Reeves, when will it be on YouTube? We don't even have
Starting point is 00:42:12 ESPN. I think Pedro kind of answered that. That was for international. In Canada, I'm not sure. Do you know about that, Peter? I think it is just literally like the united states of america is the espn breaks and everywhere else is just continue
Starting point is 00:42:30 as normal yeah so if you don't have espn but pedro is suspecting is that it's just going to be just continuous on youtube you don't have to chase it around on different platforms like we do um dan if you do if you do live in the States, it will eventually be all of it in its entire house on ESPN, just not while it's live. And Brian, you said you're going to live stream it from the media pit, isn't that right? It's been two years.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Oh, Brian. Brian, how about this? This is sensitive, but let's tiptoe around this delicately so we don't get kicked out. Okay, Brian? Last year, Brian was at the CrossFit Games, and I was interviewing him, and the Masters was going on behind him. Two years ago. Two years ago.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And he showed the Masters event behind him while I was interviewing him, and there was a dot running across the screen. I mean a dot, and you couldn't even see who it was. It's the same as you've been watching the last two days oh careful careful be careful i wasn't gonna go that hard and and brian goes look it's james hobart and adrian conway or some shit and i go no shit and they go let's cheer james on as he runs by anyway this year or two it's like when marijuana became legal like dudes did 30 years in jail and now it's just like legal it just smells like weed everywhere in the United States
Starting point is 00:43:48 this year people are streaming out of the fucking pits non-stop, have you noticed that? the Masters is just like they're not streaming out of the pits they're streaming from beyond the railing behind the pits and they're not here working for CrossFit you know
Starting point is 00:44:03 they don't have credentials I don't think that's a problem spectators And they're not here working for CrossFit. Okay. They don't have credentials. I don't think that's a problem. Spectators. It's the same vantage point, but it's a totally different thing. Am I right? I misrepresented that. Brian's right. I misrepresented that.
Starting point is 00:44:18 The Master Adaptive is going to be streamed properly tomorrow. That's right, isn't it? Thursday's a good... If you want to watch it, you'll get a good... If you've given up on it, try it again tomorrow, basically. The final heats, they said, will be streamed exactly like all the individual events and everything else. The coverage is going to be much, much better
Starting point is 00:44:35 for those last couple of heats. It'll be a big day tomorrow. All the individual events, the first team event, and the final heats for all of the age group and adaptive divisions. It'll be, I think, maybe 12 hours of coverage.
Starting point is 00:44:54 8.30 to 8.30 or something like that. The guy that's supposed to be on that camera is actually turning up tomorrow. He's going to turn it to include the whole field of play and then zoom in and shit. He's going to do all the fancy stuff tomorrow. Hey, it's going to turn it to include the whole field of play and then zoom in and shit. He's going to do all the fancy stuff tomorrow. Hey, it's going to be worth watching too. Are they going to do that with the
Starting point is 00:45:09 teen stuff too? I'm crazy impressed by the teens. I never thought I'd be impressed by the teens. Yeah, it's nuts. Yeah, teenagers, masters, adaptive. Yeah, that'll be good. I haven't had a chance to watch any adaptive yet. I watched some masters and I watched some teens. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get to watch Adaptive.
Starting point is 00:45:26 It was amazing. I've watched a couple events that Noel's competing in standing next to JR. Noel Henderson. How did you watch any of the events standing next to JR? I'd just be looking at him. Trying to find a fault somewhere.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It is incredible. And I actually have spoken with multiple Masters athletes who have talked about drawing inspiration from the adaptive divisions, which is pretty cool. Yeah, everyone is pretty damn remarkable here. Dan Garagas. Oh, 20 bucks. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:46:07 From the American flag. Great early games coverage. Never seen excitement this high for the games in past years. Yeah, the vendors are saying that it's nuts too. Carrie Hudson, $10. Love you guys. Thank you. Love you too.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Josh Lehrman. What's up, baby? Hey, my farmer friend in California. Having major FOMO here in California. Love you too. Josh Lehrman. What's up, baby? My farmer friend in California. Have a major FOMO here in California. Keep bringing the heat, Seban. Thank you. We tried to do a live podcast from the venue today.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Just my connection was horrible. I was with Audrey and rumors started that I kissed her. Those were just rumors. It was just a shaky, shaky. It was just glitchy. She was watching by. Yeah, yeah. Weird, yeah. Eric Weiss, so fun watching all the meetups.
Starting point is 00:46:51 You can see how pumped Seve is to see everyone keep grinding, boys. Brian, has any of the individual athletes pulled out? Are we good to go? I mean, there's obviously Jason Smith's situation so there's 39 men 40 women okay still good okay Aaron Brian I just wanted to point out that your coffee with Patrick Clark
Starting point is 00:47:16 and Khan is a great show and awesome to watch I'm very happy for you and what you're doing wait he's here tomorrow oh no what happened thank you Aaron and what you're doing. Hold on, Aaron. Wait till you see tomorrow. Oh, no. What happened? Thank you, Aaron. We had to have a stand-in for tomorrow, so it might be even better.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Oh, wow. Wow. That's good, Brian. Already letting loose to control the reins. Wow. Incredible. I will never do that. Maybe with Pazuzu once in a while. Wow, that's good Brian already letting loose to control the reins and wow I will never do that Maybe with Sousa once in a while the Burby did Burby dude Although you I guess you did it today, huh Sousa? I did the Burby dude $5 When are you doing going to have Adam clink on the pod dude? I'm kicking myself
Starting point is 00:48:03 For not having Adam Klink on already. He's so good. No one has ever suggested that to you? Dude, I thought I was going to have a mom like 20 times. I've been talking about having a mom ever since he ran that one-mile, 500-pound back squat thing. We've talked about it a half dozen times. Oh, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:48:21 He gave me a t-shirt yesterday. Oh, great. Rub it in. Thanks, Pedro. What capacity is Klink in? What's he doing? It took me a while to accept the t-shirt because I was too busy shaking hands with Laura. Sorry, go on,
Starting point is 00:48:32 Tyler. Oh, shit! No, you didn't. Hold on, Tyler. I didn't mean it. I haven't met her. Hey, Tyler, you will never guess Adam Klink, what he's doing here. You will never guess. Is it a secret? No. He's a coach. He's a coach for one of the individual athletes. But I don't know
Starting point is 00:48:49 who. Is it Gabby? It's a good guess. Kristoff is Gabby. Keep going. I mean, it's not Laura, is it? Yeah. I think he got Horvat's coach's pass. Is that true, Mike? Can you confirm that?
Starting point is 00:49:04 But is he coaching or has he just got her pass? That's pass. Is that true, Ryan? Can you confirm that? Is he coaching or has he just got her pass? That's a good point. Same, same. Same, same. He got a huge beard. He's a really cool guy. He's a rad athlete now.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Oh, he is? Yeah. He's a good, unbelievable track record of building communities. He's a really good guy. Yelana, Australian. Killing it, guys. Pumped for all that is to come. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Oh, I met Mabel and her dad today. I met Mabel, too. Oh, my God. That was awesome. And I think Travis brought some shirts today. Yeah. Natalie, $9.99 for another some shirts today. Yeah. Natalie, $9.99 for another Laura encounter attempt. Okay, I'm going to do that. Try to vote this time.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Just approach her like this from far away. Why running? Here's the thing, dude. Here's the thing. I would do that, and I could do it so it would be funny and non-threatening because I'm like the size of fucking one of Laura's legs but it's so delicate
Starting point is 00:50:10 like I can't have someone be like I can't I can't I can't risk anyone saying I crossed the boundary but for 10 bucks I will at least approach her again tomorrow she fucked me up today I'm telling you she KO'd your boy she sent me into I was I don't you. She KO'd your boy. She sent me into...
Starting point is 00:50:25 I don't have KO'd, but I was... She stunned you. Yeah. I emailed her about coming on my show about, I don't know, two months ago or something. Mainly because I thought it would be funny if she came to my mind and hadn't come on yours. But she...
Starting point is 00:50:39 I sent her an email at like five to six. I got an email at three minutes to six, like a reply. Oh. And she goes, hey, Peter, comma, next line. So great to hear from you. Hope you're well. Next line.
Starting point is 00:50:57 No, thank you. That is the most Laura reply I could ever hope to get. I would love to get that. We got a who dis? Yeah. Do you think she typed in, like, no, thank you first, and then it went back and was like, I can't be this rude, and, like, added in all the other stuff later?
Starting point is 00:51:16 She reverses it. Yeah, it was just no, and she added in the fluff around it afterwards. Brian, I know superficiality is not your forte, but please, for the sake of the Sevan podcast, who have you put eyes on and seen their rig and been like, oh, shit. Maybe I underestimated this. Maybe this person – like I saw Hopper and I was like, oh, shit. This is what people are talking about. Is there anyone you've seen? I mean, you've seen him before, but that was my first time seeing him.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Who did you see here this week so far, and you're like, oh, shit. This is no joke. Well, I mean, 90-plus percent of athletes here i have seen compete in live competition previously so it's a small scope of athletes to choose from but i think that you know uh emily de roy from australia just stood out to have a pretty solid frame like impressive you were like wow you have presence like you're you're you're amazing yeah and probably also uh kaylee and suza the second qualifier down there from oh so one male one female that just upon physical presence i'm like okay i'm i'm excited to see
Starting point is 00:52:31 what can happen here like you get you seem to have the physique that might be able to hold up uh suza kind of looks like uh uh dionysus you know like the greek god kind of he got like that hair going. Killian, yeah. He's got the cowboy hat and he's got a great personality. He actually speaks English quite well. I'm hopeful that he does something cool and that people get to know him a little bit.
Starting point is 00:52:56 I need a picture with him. You got a picture with him? No, I'm going to get one with him though. I'm going to try to get his jersey. Oh, because it says Susan. Same name. Wow. Eaton Beaver, $1.99.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You insist. Oh, there's Audrey. I saw Audrey today. Where is she in the comments? I lost her. Okay. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman, and it's streaming on Disney Plus this Friday.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea
Starting point is 00:53:46 streaming on Disney Plus this Friday Jenny Sock loving the brotherhood that's happening here have fun tomorrow, thank you appreciate it Brian, what are you doing for caffeine? do you do caffeine?
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yeah, paper street coffee first thing in the morning. It's hard. I think that it'd be hard to get back over there during the days, but I usually only have one cup of coffee, maybe two. Tyler, what are you doing for coffee? Are you drinking the stuff in the media lounge, or are you drinking fancy stuff? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:54:21 I don't drink coffee. I've been hitting the energy drinks super hard. Awesome. Good on you. Pedro, what are you doing? Jock drink coffee um i've been hitting the energy drinks super hard awesome good on you uh pedro jaco jaco stuff's good oh i had a few i've had a bunch of those those are everywhere yeah uh i everyone keeps asking that i don't even pay attention when i drink it so i don't know if i like it i need to throw it down like i'm doing a line of coke just like cool i don't need this i need this for sustenance. Pedro, where are you doing caffeine? Paper Street. And then I go to... On the way in, I go to Crescendo.
Starting point is 00:54:54 They have a place on site, but I go to their shop off their store or whatever cafe off site on the way. And then, yeah, Paper Street. No-go. I had Jocko. um fuck it was abhorrent oh really you didn't like it oh okay no um did you drink the paper treat uh cold coffee by any chance in the can oh so good so delicious hey he's selling good dudes too something's going on
Starting point is 00:55:21 over there i think it's just because he's a good dude, to be honest. He also, where I don't drink coffee, he makes a tea. And so he had an hibiscus tea that was really good. So if you don't drink coffee, go over there. What is going on here? I was like, no, this is perfect because I was looking up the code to plug this. So if you guys go to the Mayhem Empire deal – yeah, Tyler got one too. And if you guys go to the Mayhem Madison 23 and use Games23 code,
Starting point is 00:55:57 you can sign up for free and you get free food. You get to work out with them. You get to hang out with Rich, give him a hug, give him a kiss. And yeah, do the whole may or may not be guaranteed please do not approach please not talk to rich please not kiss rich just don't tell my century if you're going for the kiss just say you heard it on the internet and then also too on friday at uh yeah yeah go there follow them you can use the code sign up for it the if you guys go out to the rv park, they have a full – it's like a full affiliate out there.
Starting point is 00:56:27 And you could go – you could only work out if you have one of the wristbands and you sign up. But it's free to sign up. You also get a free month of Mayhem Athlete. So they got the whole deal there. But go check it out. It's an awesome setup. We'll be down there again tomorrow. I'll be – yeah, there's a brisket.
Starting point is 00:56:42 So meaty. And then on Friday, last plug. Sorry, someone's got to do it. Friday, if you go down to- No, plug away. Who cares? Plug away. The Toastpacer.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Well, everybody gives me shit for it. But you know what? Hey, we got to pay the bills. So if you go down to Toastpacer is having a tailgate for 10 to 2 on Friday. There'll be a bunch of other people there. Paper Street Coffee will be there. Vindicate will be there. You can get your CEO shirt.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And also the Sarah Sigmund daughter will be there at 1230. So she'll do a little meet and greet. I will try to get a second interview, and she will run away, and that will conclude her meet and greet. So you better get there before I do. Otherwise, it ain't going to be looking pretty. Yeah, this little thing that – I don't know who made this maybe mary made this but this is amazing phasers they feel great look mary
Starting point is 00:57:31 wow these little wedges here spread your toes apart i like the toe spacers look down at my toes with the toe spacers in and they're all pushed apart. I'm like, yeah, my toes feel totally different Toe space or my toast be Space those toes if you have plantar fasciitis and you don't have toe spacers. Fuck you That was the first time I thought that was that wait was that did you just say that or was that in the car? That's part of the clip. That was part. I was texting. that. Wait, did you just say that? That was part of the clip. I was texting. I was like, wow, that's crazy. I would never say that.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Sarah Cox just texted me and asked me if I need anything sent to the hotel. I'm telling you, the people supporting the band. You guys are going to be blown away with behind the scenes. There's so much stuff I haven't shared with you because it's just overwhelming. I've done some crazy interviews. Today, Brian said, I passed Brian.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Was today the first time I saw you, Brian? Yep. I saw Brian today, and he goes, hey, what's up? And I go, oh, shit. I didn't recognize him at first. And I was running by him. He goes, hey, if you're going that way, get Ty Jenkins. And that was it.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And I ended up spending an hour throughout the day with this kid, Ty Jenkins. Holy cow. Oh, my. Jessica Griffiths, his – oh, go ahead. Go ahead, Kassouza. I was just going to say this. Chris asked, I want some toe spaces. Is there a code?
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yes. Just use code SEVON. If it doesn't work, just buy them anyways. Listen, people. There is no code SEVON. Wow. Okay. Brian sent me off on this kid, Ty Jenkins.
Starting point is 00:59:06 He'd won four workouts in a row at the time. Jessica Griffiths is coaching him. She has one kid pregnant with another kid. What a great hour throughout the day that I spent either filming B-roll
Starting point is 00:59:24 with him or doing interviews. You guys are going to be blown away. He is the future of the sport, and you're going to be stunned. And I got some other stuff with a young lady who's also in the 16 to 17 division, and both her grandmothers were there. I interviewed them. I mean, it's going to be nuts. With the Medeiros' parents today
Starting point is 00:59:45 and a conversation with Dave. Just so much crazy behind-the-scenes stuff. Yolana, might be the last live I catch while I spend the WE playing catch-up, avoiding spoilers. Who gave me that?
Starting point is 01:00:03 You're a fucking foreigner. How would you know that ahead of me? Because I'm under 40. Oh, alright. That's fair. I spend the weekend playing... Did you know that was weekend, Tyler? Yeah. What?
Starting point is 01:00:18 Fuck you guys. I didn't know, Sevan. I didn't know. I didn't know, Daddy. I didn't know. That's why you're the executive producer of the Sevan podcast. All the way to the top, baby. In the hope one of the Bayon were live might come direct from the scenes of Sevan and Hiller sharing a bath at the end of the day. I ain't opposed to it. Lucky Camera Straps, how are you guys feeling about the test leading up to the first cut?
Starting point is 01:00:42 Are the five of the six balanced enough? Mr. Friend. Yeah, I talked with Con a lot about that this morning so if you want a more detailed breakdown he gives a good insight from the athlete side as well i mean i think um there is a good balance you have a clear clear amount of structural tests you don't have a clear weight lifting test but you have three heavy implements between the kettlebell sandbag and the pig you have the high skill gymnastics tests. And there's a, there is a lot of grip and pulling it through the first two days.
Starting point is 01:01:10 It seems like, but overall I think it's, it's going to be just fine. Oh, what do you think about the pirouette on the high box? As soon as I saw that, I'm like, Oh my God,
Starting point is 01:01:18 that's where all of our cameras for the seven podcast need to be focused in 4k and slow-mo because there's going to be some Epic falls. And then guy has his face torn off oh i i'm are you pretty excited about that them being three feet off the ground and having to do a 360 on their hands i think it's i think you're going to see two and two incredible things that fall on different ends of the spectrum where you'll see some athletes that that do it with incredible grace ease and efficiency which will be you know awesome to see and obviously an elevated surface it's it's like a show very easy way to showcase the athletes uh for anyone who's watching and then i think you'll see as we've often seen with not necessarily this style of movement but maybe heavy barbells or something like that you'll see someone kind
Starting point is 01:02:05 of figure it out as they go and you and you'll see them kind of achieve something and maybe even the crowd get someone past that part of the of the workout that they may not have done if it was just in their gym uh let me ask you a really tough question it's going to be the hardest question you've had in a long time Does Michelle Bassnett Taylor Self Clydesdale His pony His horse
Starting point is 01:02:34 Does she Make it past the first round of cuts I'm so tempted to just log off In the middle of your question I don't blame you I don't blame you I'm so tempted to just log off in the middle of your question. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Susie.
Starting point is 01:02:52 I'll answer your question. Okay. Okay. Just so you know, the reason why is we are all very close. We are in very close proximity. You guys have to know it's like this group. And I'll try to keep you guys in. We are all very close. Everyone actually at the event is very close. Every person you see walk by you is one degree of separation from you
Starting point is 01:03:09 even if you think you don't know someone if you were to talk to them for a second you would realize that they know someone you know they worked out at a gym you know daniel brandon's dad someone walked us goes daniel brand's dad works out of my gym i mean it is crazy we are but especially in this group like you have to understand like Brian and Taylor close, like Brian probably seen Michelle Bassett 20 times in the last month. I mean, so these are really intense questions I'm asking for anyone who doesn't get it.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Okay. Go ahead, Brian. He probably has to sit next to her on the flight home. No, I think I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:03:43 I do know Michelle quite well now having, having you know trained with her a few times and talked to them a lot uh and i think that the series of workouts that are coming in the first two days are quite favorable for her i don't i mean it's it's difficult i think she'll be within two spots either way okay good uh and i am going to cover the shit out of them just so you know we're going to get a ton of taylor i just realized it tonight at dinner. I'm like, what am I doing? I need to spend more time with Taylor. Susie Tell. So Susie holds the record today for
Starting point is 01:04:12 the most hugs I ever gave any person. I mean, I probably hugged her like 200 times today. I saw her fucking everywhere. Also, Susie, thank you for the cookie. Oh, see? Yeah, she's cool as shit. Susie Tell, $ suza just paying my way to be in your lives befriend uh get cookie shout out to my nieces uh audrey sema and heidi yeah
Starting point is 01:04:32 it's it's such a great group i met heidi today and i didn't realize it was heidi and i felt awful afterwards because i would have made more of a fuss of her i knew yeah she's impressive heidi straight stiff-armed me to get to Susie to hug him first. Damn! I can see it. Pecking order. That's how I spent half the day, by the way,
Starting point is 01:04:54 today with my arm around Susie. Chaz Tabone. Chaz, is that a trick name or is that a real name? Okay. Sevan and crew, thank you for the solid games content. Sevan, you helped give me courage to quit my job and pursue
Starting point is 01:05:14 my passion two years ago. He's now homeless. I now do fentanyl every day. I owe you. Here's my new nickname for an athlete. Big Dick Upanix. Yeah. I like it. Hey, I got to for an athlete. Big Dick Upanix. Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Hey, I got to hang out with Uldis a little bit today. I interviewed him a little bit today. Let me ask you this, Brian. What about Uldis in the gymnastics workout? I asked him if he was going to win it, and he wasn't like – he didn't jump all over and be like, fuck, yeah, I'm crushing it. But he's got that gymnastics background, kind of like that street, kind of like bar star gymnastics shit. Nick Matys had told me he's going to gymnastics background, kind of like that street, kind of like, like bar star,
Starting point is 01:05:45 gymnastic shit. Nick Matisse had told me he's going to win it. Oh, I believe it. I think that because they're, uh, the way that the, um,
Starting point is 01:05:55 the heats will be distributed throughout the day tomorrow, which is based on their semifinal, uh, rankings or placements across semifinal. There's going to be some really competitive times in that workout in every heat. I think it wouldn't be unlikely to have a top-five score come out of each of the heats for the men. I think Will Dis can be top half on that workout.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I'm not sure about top ten. And Nick Matthew. Tyler, do you have any thoughts on that? He says he's going to win it. I mean, that's – Nick's the pick. I kind of believe him. Nick's the pick.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Oddly enough – If you don't – I think there are a few other picks. I would throw Spencer Panchuk, Justin Medeiros, and I just threw a blank on the other one. But there's – oh, Sam Cornway. I think those are all guys that could potentially win this. This is event three, correct? Event number three.
Starting point is 01:06:41 So top picks right now, Patrick Villeneuve, Nick Matthew, and Justin Medeiros 30% going to Pat Villeneuve Oh on the app? On the app from the fans? He currently has 800 votes Those are people that don't want to do very well though Hey wait who are they again?
Starting point is 01:06:56 Tell me who they are I need to see that on paper Say that again Pat Villeneuve He's the lead Nick Matthews is the second For some reason he keeps making it in there Pat Vellner. Yeah. He's the lead. Nick Matthews is second. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:06 For some reason, he keeps making it in there. And Justin Medeiros. Those are the top three for the men. I saw – Frazier looks great. Yeah. Everyone looks great, but he looked – I saw him today. He looked great. Did he have a mustache?
Starting point is 01:07:21 Yeah, yeah. He's crazy. He looks like Groucho Marx or some shit. He didn't even look like himself or Charlie Chaplin or some shit. Yeah, he looked great. Please ask Mike Poolboy. Please ask athletes to say get to the chopper. No.
Starting point is 01:07:37 In the behind the scenes. No. Yeah, yeah. It's a trip. He looks like an artist more than an athlete. Also, it's my father's birthday today. Happy birthday, dad. His name is Ron.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Ron! Didn't Ron just retire as well? That's a big month for Ron. Ron Olivas. Did he? Yeah, didn't he retire two weeks ago, three weeks ago or something? I remember seeing a video of he sent in a comment and you congratulated him on retiring
Starting point is 01:08:04 and now it's his birthday. That's a big month't please don't pay attention to my podcast that closely thank you sebi is is gonna love the carnage i am uh kate can colton even reach the top of the box with his hands he gets a riser does he He gets a riser. Does he? For fuck's sake. There's no way. You guys understand this workout?
Starting point is 01:08:29 God, I'm dumb. Sorry. Sorry. He's not even that short. What are you talking about? Sorry, not sorry. Oh, shit. Any disadvantage to him, Brian, for being so short and having to put his hands on the box and kick his legs up?
Starting point is 01:08:47 Colton is one of the most incredible athletes here. And the last thing he would want is us talking about him being at a disadvantage in any workout. Fair enough. But let's pretend like he's not listening. That is true what you said though. I agree. I don't think that I, I don't think the height will be a,
Starting point is 01:09:05 a detriment to him, but I, you know, I think he'll figure it out. I mean, he's just fine, but I do think that, yeah,
Starting point is 01:09:11 having a little bit more leverage or purchase to get on top of the box is an advantage or makes it just inherently easier. Oh, what about, we haven't talked about this guy very much. What do you think about Lazar Jukic seeing him around? He's also, uh,
Starting point is 01:09:24 bigger than I thought he'd be. He's a big dude. Yeah. He's, you know, Lazar Jukic, seeing him around? He's also bigger than I thought he'd be. He's a big dude. Yeah, he's a solid 6'1", and I think he's going to have a great start to the week. First two events are very, very, I think, very, very strong, likely top 10 finishes at the worst for him. And that handstand walking event, well, we can say that we expect this from certain athletes. What we're basically saying is that they're extremely cool under pressure when the skill demand is high. All of these athletes can do this.
Starting point is 01:09:53 I know I should say, you know, a majority of them can do this and can do it well. But when you're in that racing mindset and you have to do something that demands so much accuracy and execution, you take a risk and you might kick up a little bit too early. And if you do that twice and the whole thing is derailed and how you respond to that, if you happen to make an execution error is where you can suddenly have this wildly variable finish and it'll happen. We'll definitely see it happen for both men and women tomorrow where they're athletes that can do it very well and they just miscalculate and end up taking a finish it's a lot worse than that so i think
Starting point is 01:10:28 anyway lazaro will do fine tomorrow he will he's good upside down okay he falls into that camp like i know he can do that but i also know he has the capacity to make uh you know a tactical error that could drop him down the leaderboard a few spaces. For what his goals and ambitions are, which is to move up within the top 10, which is very difficult to do, he needs to have a clean run on that. And I think he can afford to because he's going to do very well in the morning two events. How about Quant? Quant is – I mean, no one should really be underestimating him,
Starting point is 01:11:06 but he's an extremely well-rounded athlete. And he will not – I don't think he'll have a problem with anything tomorrow either. This isn't on our list, but Sam Quant looks like a traffic cop. I want to tell you who Sam Quant looks like too. Go ahead, Tyler. Out of 25,000 people who have already picked, only 12 have picked Sam Quant for that event. I have 2,500 or 25,000?
Starting point is 01:11:29 2,500, sorry. Hey, I want to say this to you guys. If you guys want to know who Sam Quant is, Superman. If you stand face-to-face to him, you will see Clark Kent with blonde hair. He is – yeah, I was kind of blown away by standing in front of him. He is a V-back. That is a big boy with a small waist. That's a truck.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Hey, he told me he's here to win it. I believe it. He is legit. he is very good i've done uh quite a bit of research on him because i just i was like trying to figure out how he has you know how he did so well last year and it just it basically turns out that he's he's in that vein that bkg was in for several years of just not there's nothing really that can come out that is i'm like, Oh wow. I'm worried about Sam. And every year that goes by his composure on the,
Starting point is 01:12:30 on the field of play is improving. And as a result of that, we're getting to see more and more of the well-rounded athlete that he is. Like I said, I think tomorrow will be great for him. He has a history of doing pretty well on biking events. I think he'll be in the lead pack for a majority of that. Pig, Flip, Scoopy. I hope that we get a good chance to see him. He makes it look really easy.
Starting point is 01:12:49 It's not gymnastics and capable upside down. Brian, down and dirty, rough, not too much thought. Is Sam Quant top 50 best all-time CrossFitters who ever lived male? Yeah. Crazy. Dennis O'Leary, Tyler Watkins, how are they scoring? Oh, good luck. How are they scoring?
Starting point is 01:13:14 Okay. Tyler, do you mind? No, go ahead. I'm actually – people have explained it, but I don't think they've explained it very well. So go ahead. Judge Brian. Judge the fuck out of Brian when he explains it by the way if Saban and Caleb
Starting point is 01:13:30 and myself do 8 laps and the other 3 on here do 7 laps then we beat them we all beat them but amongst the 3 of us whoever finishes the last lap first is going to place ahead of the one who finishes second and the one who finishes third so you want the lowest the second number should be low and the first
Starting point is 01:13:50 number should be high correct okay well said i'd say yeah that's not complicated at all i don't know why everybody's made it worse than it needs to be well here's the thing the laps the laps take a while it's it's on it's actually much more likely that everyone's on the same lap, and it's almost impossible that there be a spread of two, unless someone has a total malfunction of their bike. So having a... Veldor, unless Veldor has a total malfunction of his bike. 95% of the field at the least should all be on the same lap,
Starting point is 01:14:25 which means that that last lap is basically a race cool one bet that i would like to put on the app is how many dumps we will see on like how many spills we will see on the bike how many people are going to fall is that gravel is that on a turn where it turns to gravel lots Lots of turns to travel, dude. I did the course. It's crazy, dude. And I'm comfortable as fuck on a bike. I've ridden thousands of miles on a bike. Hey, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:14:56 It's totally fine until you're racing. It's a disaster if you're racing. Okay, this one's going to get a little uncomfortable. Brian might lose his job for this. The rest of us are safe. Any reach-arounds yet, Sebi? Excited to see you guys tomorrow. Listen,
Starting point is 01:15:11 I'm very comfortable touching all sorts of people. Lots. I've been so much hugging. I saw this grown-ass man wearing a CEO shirt, and I just went over and just full frontal hugged him. Hip to hip. Frontal. But there was this one incident today
Starting point is 01:15:28 where I was taking a picture with these three ladies. Actually, I was taking a picture with like two ladies and I had my arms around them and a third lady came in and I could have swore that the back of my hand was on her breast and I fucking panicked and pulled it out. You know what I mean? I was like this.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Yeah. When in doubt, pull it out. You know what I mean? I was like this. Yeah. When in doubt, pull it out. Yeah. So no handy, but I was like, I'm not going down. I'm not going down like this. It's going to be no... Someone puts their breast on the back of my hand and I'm fucking done.
Starting point is 01:16:00 But other than that... When you met Ulyss, did you drop the hand just to see? Oh, sorry. Hey, remember from the level two, the back of the hand is the back, not the front, the back. Rick Wagner, see you guys tomorrow. Thanks, brother. For sure.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Aaron C., thank you from Australia. I thought you were in the States now. Aren't you in Austin or something? That's Austin money. They seceded from the union. This one's highlighted by Caleb to make sure I pick. Yes, my dad retired last week.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Look at, oh boy, it's got clout around here. Caleb's made, you didn't pay money. Caleb's like, read this one, Seve. Want to do a dress? Jeez Louise. Couple starred. Okay. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:16:51 Anyone want to... Any highlights for anyone? I got to hang out with Zach Talander. He showed up in the media room as I was trying to leave. I spoke to him for a half hour. Very, very, very pleasant, mellow talk. Anything else anyone want to throw out there?
Starting point is 01:17:08 Could everyone that's watching this please go and watch my vlog? Oh, yeah. Where is it? Bring it up. Bring it up, Caleb. Where is that thing? Hey, when Caleb's fighting that, Tyler walking and just out of the crowd, I don't even know who it was. Someone just yells,
Starting point is 01:17:23 get to the choppa it's like the most awesome thing so that was a highlight for me Mr. Friend anything you want to I mean I'm just excited for I'm excited for tomorrow I think from
Starting point is 01:17:41 start to finish starting the elite divisions finishing all the adaptive divisions, masters divisions, teenagers, that tomorrow is going to be a really, really good day this week. Awesome. Ladies and gentlemen, sorry, I think Torres had some sort of, I don't know what happened. It was an AC issue, and so I think he's working on that,
Starting point is 01:18:01 so that way it doesn't affect the athletes for tomorrow, the first day of competition. So he gets a pass. i do want to say this um i want to thank everybody that signed up for heat one you got me my first season assist letter today so i don't think we would have gotten that had that had all the fans not been in there and causing um causing some ruckus so appreciate that it's. It's amazing. It was the nicest cease and desist letter I've ever seen. Sorry, Caleb, you were just
Starting point is 01:18:32 about to do something there. It seemed important. Oh, yes, of course. Pages highlight. You can catch all of Pages highlight. What's this class going to be? It's going to be full of excitement it's an email what's the email 20 minutes good i like it why is there a basketball hoop in that gym pedro
Starting point is 01:18:57 that's it that's the entirety of what you're going to show. Do you know about basketball? Do you know that that's a basketball hoop down back there? That's an American sport. Uh, some guy commented on a video a while ago saying that he doesn't think CrossFitters can dunk a ball on one of my videos. So Hopper, Sprague, Pepper,
Starting point is 01:19:17 and Yellow Hostet are all going to try after on Monday to dunk in that. Oh, that's cool. Hey, what was that girl doing in the background of that video? She was like... To charity of my choice, and I'm going to write it myself as a charity. Wow.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Such a giver. This is the day in CrossFit that was like the who's who of CrossFit? Yeah, this is when it was like busy. If you skip on a bit it actually it's good oh right we believe you he's so handsome
Starting point is 01:19:50 who is holding your camera me I don't have a team man oh the other time sorry Mikey was holding my camera when I was talking to it sorry is that Travis Mayer who's that Royce although I met Travis Mayer? Who's that? Royce. Although I met Travis Mayer, he is
Starting point is 01:20:06 there. I met him today. Royce is an imposing human. Royce is the Australian Travis Mayer who just keeps popping out kids. Yeah. Royce should have played football. He's so massive. Yeah, he's a really nice guy.
Starting point is 01:20:25 I'm so confused. Ethan Dade, crushing the coverage. Great to see you crushing it today, Seve. Thank you. Oh, here's one more. Oh, look at Blades getting some preferential treatment too. Jeez, Caleb just... Caleb's just controlling the show.
Starting point is 01:20:41 If anyone wants to know who the puppet master is, it's Caleb. Tell them they can cease this. And it's an eggplant. What does that mean? Is that like WV, the weekend? They can cease the weekend? Unsure, yeah. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Nailed it. Cease the opportunity. Cease the day. What time do we start tomorrow? What's the first workout? Anyone know? What time do we start tomorrow? What's the first workout?
Starting point is 01:21:04 Anyone know? Women ride at 8.30 a.m. Central. Men at 9.30 a.m. Central. We ride at dawn. Nice. All right. And people can watch that where, Brian?
Starting point is 01:21:18 On YouTube? CrossFit Games? YouTube? All right. Yep. Thank you, everyone. Caleb, thanks for coming on late Pedro thanks for doing this I know it's for you and Tyler and Brian
Starting point is 01:21:28 It's weird Because the days are long Best part of the week Tomorrow we will try to also do a podcast In the middle of the day I'll try to come back on again The links will go out to all the people you see here And others
Starting point is 01:21:43 We'll try to come on Probably right after the bike ride i'm guessing so you can probably plan that it's pretty tight turnaround between bike ride and the start of the pig chipper because it's a full hour that the women have off over an hour while the men are going there's a bigger gap after the pig chipper before going inside for the medley. Okay. That's Patrick Rios. You want to let him in? Oh, yeah. Alright, everyone.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Thank you, everyone. Oh, wow. No, hold on. We'll hang out for a little bit. Oh. We've got to do another hour. $49.99 behind-the-scenes fund Oh, 49, 99 behind the scenes, funded TCO and my fellow Irish men. Pater, you were close. That's my name in Irish.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Oh, all right. Really? I asked some guy today. I'm like, Hey, are you from the same country that, uh,
Starting point is 01:22:44 that Peter's from? Do you know who Peter is? He goes, no, I'm Scottish. And I guess I know who Peter is'm like, hey, are you from the same country that Peter's from? Do you know who Peter is? He goes, no, I'm Scottish. And I guess I know who Peter is. I'm like, oh, sorry. Stefan, you're such a hooker. I think that's the first time you've ever called me by my actual name. I won't let it happen again.
Starting point is 01:22:57 The police officer, Jessica Valenzuela, calls me a hooker. All right. Love you guys. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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