The Sevan Podcast - The Ultimate Behind the Scenes Podcast #8 | The Finale

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply good uh i that i don't know if that's the answer it was good i don't know if that's the answer. It was good. I don't know if dinner was good. The food was good. It was fucking weird. Service just sucks.
Starting point is 00:01:15 At a restaurant? Yeah, a lady was trying to explain to me that it's a fine dining restaurant and that we can't pull up chairs, more chairs to the table than, um, the table can hold. And I told her, no, ma'am,
Starting point is 00:01:28 I've been to a lot of fine dining restaurants. It's the only place I dine and actually fine dining restaurants, uh, accommodate their guests no matter what. It's like, Oh, fucking nut job. But whatever, you know, it's like I have a fucking nut job but whatever you know it's just like
Starting point is 00:01:48 at one point she told us that we ordered spicy margaritas and she told us the bar was slammed and so they couldn't salt our glasses what uh it's great
Starting point is 00:02:03 what makes a margarita spicy jalapenos jalapenos okay uh maybe annie sakamoto will get uh moved into uh live commentary someone wrote what's why what's going on maybe why did you watch any of the live feed um they're talking about tovar was it that bad are we allowed to talk talk normal or are we still we can we're at the 50 yard line let's get out of madison before we fucking okay completely go uncensored tovar was probably the greatest analyst or not the greatest uh commentator i've ever heard a wonderful insight uh it was just great to hear her every single time she came on okay that's the politically correct answer um if we're doing what i think we're doing, that is the best answer. Are we allowed to talk normal, Barry McCock?
Starting point is 00:03:11 No, not sarcasm. A political maneuvering. Big difference. What John and I are doing is political maneuvering. Sarcasm would be like somehow you could read into it as like she was actually bad. She wasn't bad. He just said she's the greatest
Starting point is 00:03:26 that's political maneuvering hold on let me see if someone's giving money i gotta deal with this shit hey are you tired at all like uh um intellectually no intellectually i i mean i can do this for another week um okay i'm i'm physically tired it's like like i only eat like once a day on these during this this whole weekend it's which which meal are you eating are you just doing dinner yeah essentially i mean like i uh have something small for breakfast really small um like a cup of coffee i've just been having coffee like some hot cakes or something from mcdonald's or something like that like just something where are you from what state are you from texas yeah hot cakes from mcdonald's like i like from where i'm from you can't even admit that like if i ate that i couldn't tell you yeah uh or like one time i had a uh a gatorade and a
Starting point is 00:04:21 reese's sticks could never. I could never admit that. That would be my breakfast. I haven't eaten anything until 5 o'clock. It doesn't matter what I'm eating at this point. Hey, Andrew, where the fuck... Are you on the moon?
Starting point is 00:04:41 Why? Because you're like a tarry Ch atari chunky chunky like like pixelated chunky i told you the wi-fi here is garbage oh you're at that place yeah that's cool well you're it's good enough great to be here oh awesome okay cool can you hear me? Colin Lawrence, Airport Starbucks. Thanks, Colin. Good job. Thanks, buddy. Crystal Baca, more coffee. I'm happy for Adler. Well-deserved. A devastated for Roman.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Those sandbags should have been moved for the athletes. It would have been better to see Roman and Adler fight to the finish. Why? What happened? Did he step on a sandbag? No, he didn't step on a sandbag. He just stepped on the ground. Broke his foot. Joe P., you're the man for taking the time out of your morning for me and my family yesterday morning.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Thankful for all you do, all you and your crew. Joe P., your morning. What did I do? I mow your fucking lawn? I don't remember. What did I do? Lucky camera straps, but thanks, Joe. I don't know what I did. I think maybe you have me mistaken for someone else lucky camera straps Damn, this dude's a giver. Holy cow. What a last day. Can't wait to see all the drama and the behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:05:55 Uh, someone said hey, I hope the behind the scenes don't let us down stevon. You've been talking about big uh I had I had a uh A filmmaker friend one time the lady I made pulling john with if you haven't seen that movie you should see it pulling john it's on netflix documentary and she said hey you should never talk like about how great something is because then it's probably not gonna live up to the expectations dude the behind the scenes is a hundred gonna be a hundred times better than anyone can imagine this year you have no
Starting point is 00:06:27 fucking idea very emotional games it felt like oh it's crazy the athletes were so fucking generous I walked up to Laura Horvat today you're gonna see this on film and I said Laura
Starting point is 00:06:43 tomorrow a podcast and she said i'm never coming on your fucking podcast again no that's the yeah it was great i filmed it i got on film and then we high five worth the word i mean close 80 80 i mean i don't want to I'm going to say 100% but I don't want to like go to Court over it and have her sue me 80% Hey Today I asked her yesterday Asked Laura Horvath yesterday Who's the best
Starting point is 00:07:15 Interviewer that you've ever been interviewed By and she said certainly Not you I talked to Daniel Brandon today at length about her meltdown on the field during the Olympic lifts and man she articulated it
Starting point is 00:07:34 so well on you're just going to hear what a competitor she is it was amazing. Fantastic. I got so much great shit. You're going to meet Shelby Neal for the first time.
Starting point is 00:07:52 The red-headed black girl. What a beast. That's the girl yesterday who Hiller took a picture with her boyfriend and thought it was Jack Farlow and came bragging at the dinner table that he got a picture with Jack Farlow. came bragging at the dinner table that he got a picture with Jack Farlow. I got a random dude.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Jack Farlow was walking around today. Alexis turns and goes, all right, I get it now. Oh, because he looks so much like Frank? Yeah, the guy's name is Frank. Sloppy Slop, money well spent. I'm so happy for you guys. Hey, where were you today, Hiller? I didn't see you
Starting point is 00:08:23 once today. Not once. I was at happy for you guys. Hey, where were you today, Hiller? I didn't see you once today. Not once. I was at the OG place in the morning with Graciano. We did Grace. Where's the OG place? Is that in the RV park? Yeah. Craig Howard's RV set up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:39 It's cool over there. I hadn't made it over there in two years, so I finally got over there. You did Grace against Graciano? Uh-huh. How is that? Who do you think won? Him? Him?
Starting point is 00:08:49 I'm going to say Hiller won. It's regular Grace. You won? Hey, the lighter the barbell, the fitter the person wins, man. And then he went and – He did 95-pound Grace. Oh. What did you say, John?
Starting point is 00:09:04 What did you say, Hiller? I don't know. He clean and jerk 385. Graciano, you're correct. I'm a little bit upset you didn't invite me to a max out party. I heard you did that the day before and the day before and the day before. What? A max out party?
Starting point is 00:09:27 That's all you do. Oh, it's max out. Hey, why didn't you invite John? He was busy. Oh. Lucky camera straps. Dude, they're awesome. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:09:42 How did your straps go? What does that mean? Oh, the camera He made those for me Sent them over from Australia two weeks ago They were awesome They had these little clips so you can take the cameras in and out really quick And they were good?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Incredible I like how they smell Smells like a new car That's not what I think they smell like But I know what you mean What do you think they smell. Smells like a new car. That's not what I think they smell like, but I know what you mean. What do you think they smell like? You know. Hey, thank you for taking the time
Starting point is 00:10:10 to meet us during a very busy day. Can't wait for the behind the scenes. LDY2742. Really? You too? I met you too? How come you didn't tell me? That's my dad. Oh, that's your dad? Yeah. That's your dad? That makes sense now. That is not your dad. that's your dad that makes sense now that is not your dad
Starting point is 00:10:28 look at that shoulder no but that's not his dad I met his dad I mean that was in a more ripped time that picture but wait that's really wait John that's really your dad yeah that looks like I've seen the profile picture
Starting point is 00:10:42 yeah he was with your mom. Yeah, what's he doing there? Is that a Tinder profile? Your dad's not on Tinder. Your dad doesn't even know what Tinder is. I met him. He's like from the Stone Ages. He's as old as me.
Starting point is 00:10:53 How old is your dad? He looks great. He's 51? Yeah. Wow. Exact same age as me. Crazy. Does he look anywhere like that anymore?
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he looks great still. He's significantly more mature that anymore? Yeah, yeah. He looks great still. He's significantly more mature than me. Significantly. He doesn't swear in front of his kids and shit. Well, that's a lot of money. Thank you. Shit.
Starting point is 00:11:22 John, there goes part of your there goes part of your inheritance inheritance Buttery bubbles you think Jeff can really enjoy his win knowing what happened with Roman love you guys what happened to Roman Broke his foot dude Roman got the Spirit of the Games Award. I bet Noah's pissed No, we gotta laugh. He was really trying for it. Hey Noah deserved it a thousand times more than he did Spirit of the Games award. I bet Noah's pissed. Noah got a last year. He was really trying for it. Hey, Noah deserved it a thousand times more than he did.
Starting point is 00:11:50 10,000 times. What about Colton? No, Colton did not deserve it. Why do you say that? Why did he deserve it more? Noah's a thousand times nicer than fucking Roman. I'm not saying Roman's not nice, but he's a fucking hermit. He lives in his own fucking hole. Feast of Goffy. He didn't talk to anybody
Starting point is 00:12:05 He's not that ain't my problem I don't think you don't get to win the spirit of the games where he broke your foot because you didn't single double-unders So that you could win an extra $200,000. That's not there's no spirit there Hey, oh because the stadium the stadium got all excited because he pushed when he was hurt Roman Roman So what? That's not Spirit of the Games. I'm agreeing with you. Thank you. It's not Spirit of the Games.
Starting point is 00:12:32 It's cool. It's fun. It's dramatic. It's feel good. Who's your Spirit of the Games? Fisa Goffey. Why? CJ Martin, been to all 17 games. That's a lifetime achievement award. Hey, so no one else there? No one at the games has been there longer than CJ Martin from CrossFit Invictus.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Can Spirit of the Games go to a team? God, your mic sounds good. Does mine sound that good? So good. Yeah, Spirit of the Games can go to anyone. Out of the people that did the whole weekend on individual, who would you give Spirit of the Games to? Feece Agafi, probably. She didn't go did the whole weekend on individual, who would you give Spirit of the Games to? Feece Agafi, probably.
Starting point is 00:13:06 She didn't go through the whole weekend. Ariel Owen. I'm not going to argue against that. Ariel Owen is pretty great. I could go with Ariel Owen. Yeah, I mean, just, I don't know. Noah Olsen. Why?
Starting point is 00:13:24 He's nice to everyone back there. The way you feel about Roman, people cheering for him and his one-footed double-unders, that's how I feel about Noah. I don't care that you cheer on last place. I don't want you to cheer on last place. If I'm that guy who's in last place in the heat, I'm telling you, go away, Noah.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Well, that's fine, too, but I'm just saying. Don't come over here. Here's what I'm saying. If you're in the back and you, go away, Noah. Well, that's fine, too. But I'm just saying. Don't come over here. Here's what I'm saying. If you're in the back and you're warming up and all the platforms are taken and you walk by Noah's, Noah will be like, hey, you want to warm up with me? If you forgot your shorts, Noah will take off his shorts and be like, hey, I'll do it just in my compression shorts. If you need your chalk, Noah will throw you chalk. When Noah runs out onto the thing, he waves to the fans. When Noah
Starting point is 00:14:08 leaves the stadium, he signs autographs. I mean, he just does the fucking he's cool as shit. He is so fucking nice. Fisa Goffey is so nice. Fisa Goffey can talk to any of the girls. I don't disagree
Starting point is 00:14:23 with you, but Noah won it last year. Fine, that's fine. I'm just saying, what Roman did isn't Spirit of the girls. I don't disagree with you, but no one at last year. Fine. That's fine. I'm just saying what Roman did isn't spirit of the game. Shit. I don't want to, if someone wants to argue with me, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:14:31 You win. I quit, but I'm just saying it's not, it's not, it's, it's feel good. Shit. It's not,
Starting point is 00:14:35 it's not, it's not intellectually appropriate. It's not, it's not a, um, well thought out thing. It's just your week. It's like your kid.
Starting point is 00:14:41 It's like your kid asked for ice cream and he cries and you give it to him. That's the same thing of spirit of the games for Roman. Who decides spirit of the games? I might say not me. Is it, is it one person or collaborative? Dude. God,
Starting point is 00:14:58 Dave Castro is amazing. He gets input from everyone for everything. You should have seen the debates I saw going on, how many medical doctors and medical professionals and staff were involved in the meeting on whether to let Roman proceed. This is about Noah. So Jim, which just makes me so happy. It's awesome. Noah will just makes me so happy. Yeah, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I'm in a corner. Noah will cheer as loudly for you in the middle of your gym as everyone cheers for him. And that is when nobody's looking. That's who he is. And that's what's just incredible. Constantly.
Starting point is 00:15:41 He'll come in and yell for me, my mom. He tells his dog, go say hi to grandma. just incredible. Constantly. He'll come in and yell for me, my mom. You know? He tells his dog, go say hi to grandma. That's who he is. Oh, that's Bronislaw. That's awesome. If I'm Bronislaw, I hate him.
Starting point is 00:16:04 But I get it. I get it. I would 100% get it. I get their point of view and I understand why Noah would be spirit of the games. Do you understand why Roman is too? Do you understand why Roman won it? It's pushing
Starting point is 00:16:20 through adversity, man. Isn't that what CrossFit is? I think it's trying to keep his 200K. But sure. Yeah, it could be both. He didn't. No, yeah, he did. Didn't he take third? What'd he get? He didn't get 200,000. There's a steep drop-off.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Hey, who won last year? The Games? CrossFit Games? Medeiros? No, no, no. The Spirit of the Games. Because the previous Spirit of the Games I think passes it off to the current or something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Noah just didn't want to hand it off to anybody. Just to hold it. They had to bring it with and then give theirs to someone else. God, I can't wait to talk to you
Starting point is 00:17:03 about the interviews after the games with Laura Horvath. Jesus Christ. I really wish you could just pull those off your camera and have a couple of them ready. No, not stuff that I interviewed. I'm talking about the ESPN interview. It's just so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:17:17 But another day. Oh, damn. It's so fresh. You're ready to roll with it. It's such fresh. You're ready to roll with it. I'm just, it's just so, it's so, it's such a step back. We're so, we're so evolved as a community. And like, then when I see those types of interviews with her, it's just, it's such a step back. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Mickey Brazier interview or something. All that. Yeah. So bad. Sarah Cox. Love you. Thank you. Oh yes. Yes. Listen guys. Today's the last night. Sarah Cox love you thank you oh yes yes listen guys
Starting point is 00:17:46 today's the last night peptides free shipping free bacterial water what's the water called bacteriostatic water bacteriostatic water
Starting point is 00:18:03 use code word or Bacteriostatic water. Bacteriostatic water? Right. Use code words. Sevan or Hiller. CA peptides. There's the... See that right there? QR code. QR code.
Starting point is 00:18:16 What did I just say? Uncle Sevan over here doesn't know what a QR code is. QR. Yeah. We were at a fine dining restaurant today and the sun went down and it was dark on the patio yeah that's what I take the BBC TV 500
Starting point is 00:18:31 also Toastbacers use code SEVON get 15% off nobody else gets that that's how excited they are Toastbacers yeah it is cool right that's very cool Josh Lehrman what a great weekend of coverage team. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Look at there, Sousa. Oh, shit. What? Where's Sousa? Can y'all hear me okay? Yo. Hey, Sousa. John, we gave you new headphones.
Starting point is 00:19:01 What happened? Hi, Hillary. What was he going to say about the Fine Diet restaurant and the lights going down? Oh, he'll tell you. Oh, finest of the finest. Isn't it the same server as yesterday? Same server. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's not. What's even better is they swapped out. We were supposed to have another server, and then she saw us, and she goes, I'm your server now. Oh, I'm excited for this okay what happened what happened oh boy i'm on oh just now it was um i ordered some caffeine and and so i ordered caffeine i ordered uh caffeine and that's all i ordered and what came to my was 12 dinners no and two carts and they said sorry we're late and it smells like hamburgers and french fries I ordered. And what came to my was 12 dinners. No.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And two carts. And they said, sorry, we're late. And it smells like hamburgers and french fries. I'm like, no, that's not what I ordered. I just ordered caffeine. It is 10 o'clock. What are you doing with caffeine? It's going to take me three hours to pack. Sarah Cox! We still love you. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:20:02 We still love you. What do you mean? Of course you still love me. You hit the plug, right? come in your house in a couple weeks we hit it we hit that plug yeah like my kids are gonna train at um her kids train at uh aoj it's like the best jiu-jitsu academy in the united states maybe the world and my and you're only allowed to train there with white keys so i got my kids white keys. No one say anything stupid like it's not because you know what it is. The Mendez brothers. I think the Rotola twins trained out of there.
Starting point is 00:20:34 And my kids are going to train there for like seven or eight days straight. And they're going to skate with – who's the guy? Every day they're going to go with AOJ in the morning or at night, and then the other part of the day they're going to skate at Shrek. What's the guy every day? They're gonna go with AOJ in the morning or at night and then the other part of the day they're gonna skate it a Shrek. What's the guy's name? Ryan Sheckler. Yeah, she Hears skating at Ryan Sheckler's Private gym and not Costa Mesa. What the fuck? It's a good life Yolanda Seve Hiller John
Starting point is 00:21:09 coffee pods and wads Pedro And Caleb. Thank you. Some of you I made up they didn't thank you, but I In the rest at the end of the song Lizard thank you for the coverage fellas sad I couldn't meet you in person but I will gladly settle for a meeting your boy Travis may or not understand your love for him oh yeah I got to hang with Travis a little bit too holy shit I cannot believe you
Starting point is 00:21:36 I will never I'm going to cut this ponytail off as soon as I get home my hair is horrible it looks great it's embarrassing I look like non-binary or something My hair is horrible. It looks great. It's embarrassing. Why? I look like non-binary or something. I just don't look like a man when I look in the mirror to me.
Starting point is 00:21:54 I bet you guys miss that soundboard. Unless my pants are down. Jeremy World, a pleasure throwing down with you John Animal. Oh, you threw down with Jeremy? He did the clean and jerk workout with Taylor and Tyler and I. Did I meet Jeremy Sousa? Is that the guy we met? No. Jeremy's strong, man.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Were you with him? On the way, that's what's up. That time. Hey, he had a liberal girlfriend and they only had standing sex. Wow. Wow. Well, if they laid down, he'd be oppressed.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Just tell me. Oh, man. Ross is on censorship now. Oh, man. Oh, man. You just came up with that, Sousa? It's on the fly. Hey, do you think you're getting funnier and sharper from the podcast?
Starting point is 00:22:51 Oh, for sure. I was crazy. That shit was good. I wish I wouldn't have laughed so hard. I could have just been cool with that. That made me feel good you laughed so hard. Bruce Wayne, thank you for all the extra post-day coverage. You guys are the best.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Dude, thank you, Bruce, for everything. Time to start. Fuck, dude, we got to start doing a shitload of non-CrossFit podcasts. We got to get out of this space. Sarah Palovic, we were at the table next to you at dinner tonight, but didn't want to interrupt dinner with the team. Round of drinks on us. Oh, dude, are you kidding
Starting point is 00:23:26 me? You should have come over. Oh, shit. That's awesome. Was she at the table right next to us? I think so. I think she was. I recognize that face. She was pretty, right? I saw some hot chick on a table next to us
Starting point is 00:23:39 with glasses like that. Bother us, please. $100. Thank you so much that just bought one margarita from the fine dining establishment yeah sarah how sarah how was your sarah right more i want to hear about your tell us how your experience was what's crazy is it yeah it's crazy uh john versus hillar fit wars undercard oh i like it John versus Hiller, Fit Wars, undercard. Oh. I like it.
Starting point is 00:24:11 The soundboard is back all of a sudden? Why was it absent? Because I wasn't here. What the fuck do you mean? Who do you think presses the button? Hey, how do you know which button to press? Do you have them memorized or did you write on them? I just go by feel. you know what I'm saying? Hey, Pedro, why don't you have a soundboard?
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah, Pedro. The same reason I don't have a Mac. Oh, my God. Guys, we're in the media room today. And, you know, like we're this posse, right? There's like 20 of us on the media team who are all kind of friends. And there were like, I don't know, seven of us gathered around each we each have our own table we kind of take over the media room and i look at pedro and i'm like wait who was it john john
Starting point is 00:24:56 john who oh john young pedro and tyler watkins all have fucking pcs I'm like, of course you guys do. What's wrong with a PC? Can I ask that? It's like people who have droids. It's not bad or good. It's just you know who they are. The thing about it is as well I can't even be insulted by any of it
Starting point is 00:25:29 because it's entirely accurate like it's perfectly accurate There's like an anti-social component to you not because you want to be anti-social but because you just have a blind spot I don't agree that I have a blind spot I think I just have like fucking cobwebs
Starting point is 00:25:50 in my wallet I don't have a problem with Laura Horvath winning the games I don't have a problem with Jeffrey Horvat winning the games. I don't have a problem with Jeffrey Adler winning the games. Someone in our thread, I don't want to say who, I hope he comes on the show, said, hey, do you think that Pekowski threw the last event
Starting point is 00:26:14 so Roman could win? He's on the screen. Oh, where is he? The guy who said that? Oh, no, he's not. Never mind. Sorry, Hiller. I thought it was you. That's crazy, right? There's no fucking way, right?
Starting point is 00:26:29 No. No, I watched his arms flutter, and then him fail to hold them up during the lunge. He just broke down and blew up. He also looked like his quads were under a lot of pressure when he was sitting down at the end He was like standing up sitting down and rubbing them loads and style up sitting down Rub them loads loads Fergie show lots of load on his quads Lots of loving the chat free this weekend seven. I hope you felt it I didn't see any of the broadcast zero not even like one second of it but i will
Starting point is 00:27:06 say this the people at the crossfit games the staff the volunteers the patrons it was crazy how much i was embraced it was i i didn't get one negative, not, uh, it was a hundred percent positive. Not even like someone saying, Hey, what are you doing? Nothing, nothing. And,
Starting point is 00:27:30 and like in a few months, I'll tell you some other crazy shit too. Like, yeah, it was nuts. It was nuts. Like there's an embargo on information. Well,
Starting point is 00:27:42 I just don't want to, like, I don't want to like, I still got to fly home and wait until I get outside. It was crazy. Even people who hated me were nice to me.
Starting point is 00:27:56 It was crazy. And I was nice to everyone. Who's watching this back? I can hear Savan telling the same story twice there. Or is that just me? There's an echo somewhere. It's the background of Caleb's thing.
Starting point is 00:28:14 That's why he's muted. Roman mentioning he wanted to be a hero to his son. Spirit of the Games. Oh, please. Spirit of the Games. I just want to. Oh, please. Spirit of the Games. I just want to beat my son in tennis. He's eight. One of the weirdest things I saw this weekend,
Starting point is 00:28:31 and I saw a lot of weird shit, was when... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, go. When, maybe it's just a phrasing that caught me off guard, but when Invictus won, I know none of you give a fuck about teams, but when Invictus won, Lauren, who I like, asked Joshua Oshama Invictus won. I know none of you give a fuck about teams, but when Invictus won, Lauren, who I like,
Starting point is 00:28:47 asked Joshua Oshama, now, you know, this is your last year on a team, and you've just won gold, and you're expecting your first child, and there's a big round of calls, lovely moment. And then she was like, she goes, have you a message for your unborn son? And I was like, why does that sound like such a weird way to ask that question?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Oh, Jesus Christ. I thought it was weird, too. I was watching that i was watching the phrasing of where did you see that where did you see that she was on the like on the big screen like on the big screen no lauren smith who's that she was doing the um you know the nicky's job for the teams basically like i don't know what's here what do you call that I don't know. What do you call that? I don't know. Field, whatever. Courtside reporter, basically. Field reporter? Yeah, that's the one. Thanks, John. Yeah, when you're born, don't tear
Starting point is 00:29:34 your mom's... Jesus. What kind of question is that? It's a weird one. Oh, yeah, I recognize her. The phrasing was just weird. I think it was like, you know, there's just different ways you could phrase it. Just unborn son just sounded like a weird
Starting point is 00:29:50 like, I don't know, it just was weird. Hey, can I please say off of that, that team finale was the best workout of the entire weekend. Why do you say that? The programming of it, you mean? The programming of the team competition was incredible.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Everything I saw. And then that finale was the best workout, hands down. It was carnage with that earthworm. Like, it caused so much carnage. You liked it, like, when CrossFit East Nashville dropped it and that thing just slammed Andrew in the ground. And then flying back into the rest of the team. The handstand walking
Starting point is 00:30:28 component of it was very cool you had to do 96 feet unbroken and all four athletes were going at once and there were athletes that were catching up to their teammates they had no idea because when you handstand walk you don't know who's in front of you and there'd be athletes that would get 92 feet and they'd have to go all
Starting point is 00:30:44 the way back to the beginning. Hey, how many teams were out there at a time, Hiller? 10? Oh, there were 40 people handstand walking simultaneously, and it was wicked. I thought I was looking at a fucking moving Salvador Dali painting, like I was on acid or something, watching 40 people.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah, it was just like crotches and legs pointing at you everywhere. But it was just like crotches and legs pointing at you everywhere but it was so cool like the like pressure on the teams like say invictus where there's a few times where um jorge caught up with i think it was britney weiss in front of him and he was like having to walk backwards to you know he's backtracking away from her without finding out because he fell down he was screwed and so was the person behind him, probably. That team did that about three times. And then, it was a bit shit as well.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Kelsey Keel couldn't make it back. She tried five times and got about 80 feet five times. She was so close. Yeah. You know what's crazy about that team? That Invictus team? I don't know if this is true. We're going to have to have Devin Kim on to find out. But I heard they tried to kick Devin Kim on to find out. But I heard they tried to kick Devin Kim off the team
Starting point is 00:31:48 to replace her with someone who has 1.8 million Instagram followers. Oh. I don't know. And Devin Kim stayed on the team and they fucking won. I don't know if that's true, by the way. That's complete fucking rumor.
Starting point is 00:32:04 But there's 20 people watching this right now who are like, oh shit, he said it. You know what I mean? I heard it too, so does that mean it's kind of... Yeah, well, there you go. Hey, you heard that same rumor? That's crazy. If I'm Devin Kim, I'm like walking around for a month like this.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, for sure. Does it rhyme with Manny Kekle? No. It's gone. Oh, my goodness. There was a couple of workouts this weekend where Devin came. I was a fucking boss on that team. They're all bosses, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Every one of those people on that team got their own kind of je ne sais quoi. There was a couple of workouts where joshua shama took the lead and was like like seriously strong leadership qualities and then there was a couple afterwards talking to them where joshua was like well sometimes jorge takes the lead where we knew last night he he jorge recognized that joshua was a bit like too hyped night, so he told Joshua to do the counting because he knew it would keep him level and calm him down. And I was like, that's fucking cool. That's impressive that he noticed it
Starting point is 00:33:13 and knew to make that change to calm him down. I thought that was cool. Jorge Fernandez is the magnet. Yeah, he's cool. He is the magnet. You know how the carnage of the earthworm and teams were getting just wrecked by it and falling over there was a male athlete that picked up his female athlete by the back of the sports bra grabbed middle and just ripped her off the floor like get up
Starting point is 00:33:37 it was in the first heat i don't know the team but it was awesome wait clothesline or something and like fell to the ground well the thing was on rope so it kind of was just suffocating the athletes and when they went down and i'd never seen that happen oh that thing was just tossing people around you know if you've got the worm it all falls to one side it might the front might whip a little bit but it just kind of doubles back a small bit. But this thing would go in half. It would all fly back. Tim Paulson was sent flying twice into the rest of his team.
Starting point is 00:34:09 As soon as one bit falls, if you don't all drop at the same time, it just bounces straight back. It's cool. Tim Paulson's cool as shit. Yeah, he is. That are you not entertained he did, that will go down in history as one of the clips, I think.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Hey, Matt, think of all the coaches out there that are just having a field day right now with what just like just like like think of how excited this is kind of gross to say this this should probably wait a week but fuck it uh like just think like ben bergeron all the people that left him who did worse or or or like uh looking at Daniel Brandon, but he got Gazan. I mean, just think of like all like that. You know what I mean? There's like there's some shit like not that they want. Like I'm not suggesting that Kotler wanted like something bad to happen to anyone or Ben Bergeron did. But it's like, hey, when you move around and like you don't do as good, it's like, you know.
Starting point is 00:35:04 There's 20 of those there that should be a whole episode you moved and it didn't work out so good hillary's pose is killing it right now yeah i know do you have underwear on he's got a hundred all over it bro oh my god where's your crack pipe nice work laptop the five inch inseam dude if I keep going yeah there's the pants there they are no no less
Starting point is 00:35:28 careful careful keep pulling it up there you go oh my god I had a full love fest with fucking Jason Hopper
Starting point is 00:35:36 today in the parking lot my god we needed to get he might be pregnant excuse me oh from you
Starting point is 00:35:43 okay do you think international men will be taking first for the next couple of years? Yeah, in the women's division. Do you consider Canada international? Yeah, we own them. God, Velner
Starting point is 00:35:56 was so cool this week. He yelled at me once, but he's pretty cool. For what? He was fucking in a rush to go to the... We were filming Roman fucking with all the doctors around him and all the drama around him, and Vellner was rushing to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:36:10 to try to go to the bathroom before he went out on the floor. Me and the guy Vandersloot from Mayhem, who's cool as shit, the film guy, we were standing near the bathroom door, and Vellner ran by us and goes, you're standing in the wrong spot. Velner ran by us and goes,
Starting point is 00:36:26 you're standing in the wrong spot. He was pissy, but it was fine. I mean, I love him. It was right. It was whatever. Laura Reroast here, Visor winner. Savon, my husband Joe and I met you in the hallway Thursday night at the Statehouse. You're such a cock. Oh, thank you. No, I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It was a pleasure meeting you and we owe you a steak and a beer when we eventually make it out to Santa Cruz. Nice. Look at that picture. My God. My God. All the dudes lean in.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Let's go to the beach instead. Thank you. Trevor Gentry. Well, it's a good thing Sevan doesn't decide who the Spirit of the Games award goes to. It doesn't matter what you think. Okay, fine. All hail Rome.
Starting point is 00:37:11 All hail the guy who broke his fucking foot. Who's... Yes! Hitler just ejaculated. Why does anything Pedro say funny? It's the accent, man. He's got this accent entirely. Scott, wait your way off on this one.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Seven is a man breaks his foot and goes out there and jump ropes. Deserves the spirit of the games. Everyone knows that you more on your midget Armenian. All right. It wouldn't, it wouldn't. It's only the spirit of the games, so it's not like he's getting paid or anything. Most improved was Gazan,
Starting point is 00:37:52 which I think is good. Yeah, I think he was deserving. That's what's up. That's what's up. Yeah, if Sam Briggs was at the games, Seve previously said if Sam Briggs is at the games, she should win the spirit of the games. Yeah, Sam Briggs stood there the games. Seve previously said if Sam Briggs is at the game, she should win spirit of the games.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah. Sam Briggs stood there that year that Murph happened. And when every single person crossed the finish line, man and woman, she went over to every single one and help them take their vest off because they were fucking dying. Yeah. That's a bad call though. Broke his fucking foot and went out there and did double unders on one foot. Yay!
Starting point is 00:38:26 You get the spirit of the game. You're doing what you're supposed to be doing. I feel like next week Savant's going to do some one-footed double unders and put it on Instagram and be like, see? I have spirit. I feel like Savant is going to finish
Starting point is 00:38:42 this call, realize what he's been saying, and move his flight up. Going straight to Moscow. Great job this week. Thank you, Eric Van Dusen. Hey, I like Roman. I like what he did. None of this is a dig at Roman. I think his fucking tiny little calves and his big old head
Starting point is 00:39:03 and his smile and his intensity and the love of the Russian people is great. I'm just saying it's not Spirit of the Game shit. Hey, you saw nothing with everybody back there. Who would you give it to? Peace to God. We've asked him this. Turn up John's mic. No, we're not letting John talk.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I turned it off. They should have made all the athletes do them one-legged to be fair hey I actually thought of that I actually thought of that that would have been actually kind of interesting that'd been equitable hey it's funny too because I asked some athletes I'm like hey you know it sucks that he's gone but fucking it changes the game and you got to be excited and athletes are no no no no one wants it to be this way i'm like well then maybe you should give him 15 of your winnings and only jump on one foot oh no i didn't i didn't mean that don't get carried away jenny vacaro you just said about sam briggs though what do you mean taking everyone's stuff like let them fucking suffer stop helping out your freaking competition.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I get that, but the spirit of the games is like you sort of transcend the in my mind, the spirit of the games is you sort of transcend the competition and it's this, and it's like, this like, you're you are who you are.
Starting point is 00:40:22 You're the same person on the field as you are off the field. You don't change. You're just this one being. A lot of people are like, I flipped a switch. Five minutes before, I flipped a switch. I think the spirit of the games is like, wow, you just are who you are. It's like James Sprague.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah, like Sprague. Yeah, Sprague would be a great spirit of the games. Jenny and Gazan could be a great one too. Jenny Vaccaro, 1999. God, I got great footage with... I got some cool footage today with Alex Smith, Ben Smith. Tons of footage with... How was Ben Smith?
Starting point is 00:41:01 Invictus, he's great. He's such a gentleman. He was like pale, like gray, walking off the field yesterday. That's because he's like 50. Ben Smith should take a shower every time he's done talking to me. What? Just to get my smut off of him. Joe Ellen Belcher.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Took me 20 minutes to get a drink at the bar. They had 10 total people at it. Then we saw you guys outside. Yeah. Oh, it was crazy. Oh, you're the one that left? We've ordered literally, I'm not joking, 20 drinks from there, and not one of them came as we ordered the last two nights. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:41:42 20 drinks. Not one of them. True, Caleb? I can vouch for that for sure. i've had about 15 of them and it's all been not right wrong hey we keep asking for a spicy margarita and they bring us a blood orange something or another it's not spicy at all yeah it's fucking tarted i can't tell if it's just the barge is a complete disaster and they did like, we only make blood. No, you don't. There's margarita mix
Starting point is 00:42:08 and there's jalapenos. Fucking make the drink. Come together. Make the drink. Crazy. She's like the bar slammed. The bar slammed. I'm not sure we're going to be able to bring you any more drinks. Are you guys going to order more? We're at a fucking restaurant and they're like you're limited. Like what?
Starting point is 00:42:24 This is a McDonald's. Crazy. Hey, we walked by the bar on the way out to go down the patio to the stairs. There's no one in there. Yonakoski was in there. That's it. Was he? On God. Yeah, he was in there. On God.
Starting point is 00:42:38 On God. For real, for real. That's some Southern shit. that's some southern shit That's some Irish shit on God Hey, I met another Irish dude. The first thing I said is do you know Pedro? He's like no Like the Irish dude. Oh good night, Sarah. Oh Good fight. Oh who won who won? Oh, yeah, who did win? Jake Paul did.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Oh, what? No, 10 rounds straight. No fucking, no fighting. Not a punchline. Yeah, Nate Diaz put him in a headlock at one point, and then they broke it up. He gave him a noogie. Yeah, literally what happened. And then Jake Paul just kept punching Nate Diaz in the head until he got stupid.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Wow. Jethro Cardona, 999. John Young absolutely came through this weekend, enjoyed all his analysis over here and on SpinsPod. Sevan, milk this boy while you can, or surely lose him to broadcast team eventually. Okay, hey, hold on,fish, Boy While You Can, we're surely losing to Broadcast Team eventually. Okay. Hey, hold on.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Hold on. So somebody today, I swear to God, completely unprompted, I'm walking down. On God. On God. Shit busting for real, for real. Walking down the street, this guy stops me over by the globe with the CrossFit sign and he just,, um, by the tents stops me.
Starting point is 00:44:05 He's like, Caleb, I got to tell you this. I love John Young. He goes, I had, I had to tell somebody in person because if I put it in the chat, everybody would light me up for it.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I swear to God, I love John Young. He's so good. He's a great commentator. He's so good. I went to John Young's house and he had a swastika flag in his bedroom. He's a great commentator. He's so good. I went to John Young's house and he had a swastika flag in his bedroom. He's a bad man.
Starting point is 00:44:31 What the fuck is wrong with people? I swear, completely unprompted, the dude told me that he loved John Young. I said, you know what? I appreciate that opinion. John's got the craziest story ever you're about to hear. This one, I don't even know if this one you can tell this one. This Washington flag one?
Starting point is 00:44:49 You want me to say it? No, no, no. First of all, I met John Young's parents today. I felt very bad for them. I felt very bad for them. They were meeting me too. I felt horrible that they were, like, thanking me for being your friend i'm like are you kidding me your son's like a 10 i'm like a two i'm like a fucking so my my parents have
Starting point is 00:45:12 have they have pretty good seats and they had great seats where where were the 50 front row 50 yard line right bam beautiful my mom goes we met seven today and i was like oh that's awesome you know like i hope y'all didn't embarrass me or you know whatever uh not at all and um cool shit and then they go we made we did meet some other people and it wasn't as good and i go what he's talking about what he's talking about and they go we, we met Justin Medeiros' sister and their family, and his family's sitting right next to my family. And they don't know
Starting point is 00:45:51 that... Anyway, my mom's wearing a CEO shirt. And they go, oh, you like the Sevan podcast? We love the Sevan podcast, except one guy. We hate this one guy. This is Medeiros' mom saying it to John's mom. It's his sister.
Starting point is 00:46:10 She's hot, too. Have you guys seen Justin's sister? My mom goes, that's probably my son. I wasn't there for this, but just to imagine the awkwardness of this conversation, I genuinely felt bad. Darius's sister tore John up to John's mom. They're good Southern folk, though.
Starting point is 00:46:39 They handled it like it. I think maybe the worst part of that for John is that I've talked to about 12, 15 people that come on this show regularly that she instantly assumed it was her own son. He's got to head it on. I'm going to stop you. I'm going to stop you right there. I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:47:01 That story's unreal, dude. That story is crazy. Hey, everyone knows everyone. It's one degree That story's unreal, dude. That story is crazy. Hey, everyone knows everyone. It's one degree of separation. Like, Sporty Beth and I probably have the same godfather. I mean, you know what I mean? It's like, this shit is incestuous.
Starting point is 00:47:22 You guys want to hear a crazy story about Sporty Beth? Does that really help? Yeah, I do. Are you telling this now? Are you going to wait? No. I don't know. You're telling me. I'm going to leave you guys as soon as it's time.
Starting point is 00:47:34 This story is crazy. So there's this saying. There's this saying. I don't know if Mother Teresa was the first one to say it, but basically, be kind to people not because they're kind to you but because you're a kind person and and i i'm i'm a big pretty big proponent of that and it's the same thing be an asshole to someone not because they're an asshole to you but because you want to be an asshole to them just to do what you want to do
Starting point is 00:47:58 and so i i haven't i like sporty beth made that video seven on the most toxic man in CrossFit. It's just crazy. By the way, you should ask you again. You should pull that shit down. But so Hiller rolls up on me and he says this. He picks me up from the airport. He said, hey, Sporty Beth is in town. She stopped at Popeye's and ate at Popeye's.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And I was like, oh, that's cool. And then he and then we drove by. He said, oh, there's a Popeye's. You want to eat there? I'm like, fuck, yeah, I want to eat there. And so we stopped at Popeye's. And I was like, oh, that's cool. And then we drove by and he said, oh, there's a Popeye's. You want to eat there? I'm like, fuck yeah, I want to eat there. And so we stopped at Popeye's. Or maybe I said we should go to Chick-fil-A. We went to Chick-fil-A and I said, no way, we should go to Popeye's.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And we looked up and there was just one there. So we went to Chick-fil-A. Pulled off the freeway and ate at Popeye's. And while we're sitting there, he shows me the clip of her eating at Popeye's. And he goes, oh, dude, she don't got a media pass. And I say, oh, okay. Let me see. She was traveling this far without a media pass.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Yeah. Crazy, right? Insane. So I say, oh, I'll ask Dave to get her a media pass. Right? I mean, she's media. I met up with her. No way.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Oh. right i mean i met up with no way oh i think the story goes we did the popeyes thing because of the the thing that i saw on instagram and then i met up with i kind of bumped into her and i talked to her for like 10 15 minutes and in that oh okay okay okay tell me okay right okay so sorry right right so i'm like oh you're just gonna hang it out then with your camera You saw her after Popeyes you saw her at the event and she told you she didn't have a media pass Okay, and so then you told me and then I let you know and then you go Okay, so so he'll either way Hiller somehow finds out she doesn't have a media pass He tells me I said, oh should I ask Dave her asked Dave if he can get one Hiller's like yeah
Starting point is 00:49:42 That'd be nice thing to do for her. She came this far. I was like, okay, cool. So I hit Dave up and I was like, hey dude, could you get this chick a media pass? Now you have to understand, building up to this, there's been some crazy shit going down too. Her and a couple other ding-dongs were trying to get it so I could get kicked
Starting point is 00:49:59 out of the games. Like there were these few fucking knuckleheads who were actually trying to make it so i couldn't film behind the scenes which is nuts which is just their own personal hatred towards me at the expense of promote you want to know who at the expense of promoting the athletes because that at the end of the day every single athlete that's in my behind the scenes is going to their shit there's their value is going to skyrocket We're going to love on them so hard. Anyway, so
Starting point is 00:50:28 she makes the most toxic man video. She's trying to make it so I can't get in the games with some other people. But I, like, whatever. I don't, like, what do I fucking care? At the end of the day, I have three coolest kids in the world and my fucking wife loves me to death.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And my mom and my sister sister my dad and Sousa Caleb John Pedro's probably falling in love with me too and Hila so Dave sends her I think Dave sends her basically a DM or a text or somehow he gets in touch with her and says
Starting point is 00:50:59 hey you want a media pass everyone says you need one and he gets her a media pass? Someone says you need one. And he gets her a media pass. And this chick posts. She so she knows that I'm throwing the olive branch out there. Like, hey. Like, like Dave told her, hey, someone's trying to hook it with a media pass. And yeah, you came this far.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Let's get you one. And when she posts on Instagram, she doesn't be like, hey, you fucking wank wanker i still think you're a douche but thanks for the media pass that would have been cool that would have been cool i could have felt that i've been like all right i hear you i feel you like you you're gonna you're taking one step closer to me i'm taking one step closer to you you know we'll get to know each other a little bit and see what happens nope just a straight fuck you dave got me the media pass. No love for Sevan. No trying to reconcile. I just think it's a douche move.
Starting point is 00:51:51 I think it showed her true colors. Which led to me going off on Unsporty Beth thinking that it was Sporty Beth. Oh, is that what happened? Oh, shit. Classic mix-up. Oh, what do you know? There she is.
Starting point is 00:52:09 You're welcome. Okay, fine. Caron licking his chops at these new minimum work requirements. Oh, yeah. What if there would have been a minimum work requirement for Caleb Pedro Souza? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Steve Flores, can't wait for the behind the scenes. By the way, Spin did a fantastic job this weekend. Well, that sucks. I mean, that's great. Spencer Davis, $50. Holy shit. Long time fan of the podcast. Looking forward to getting back to the regular shows.
Starting point is 00:52:37 That being said, you all crushed it this weekend, and I loved every minute. I might actually think about doing CrossFit now. Love them. Don't worry about that. Now? Now. Now. Buddy.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Do you want to send Hopper a link? Yeah. Does he ask him for one? He's in the comments. It's very possible he's in the comments right now. Is he asking for one, or is it just a bunch of comments? There's no way that's really Jason Hopper in the comments. He approved it.
Starting point is 00:53:01 He approved this page. I just looked at it. Yeah. That's for real. Yeah. Yeah. I just looked it. Yeah, that's for real. Yeah. Yes. Send him a link if he wants to come in. Listening to all the athlete interviews leading up to the games made me so
Starting point is 00:53:15 much more invested. Can't wait for the behind the scenes and getting the athlete back on the pod. Thank you, by the way. Natalie. He put me in a headlock Today from the back Who did Hopper
Starting point is 00:53:32 I heard his back reaching down Yeah exactly Oh yeah John you do need to turn up your mic And I put my hands on top of his Forearm and I gave it a little Like And and I put my hands on top of his forearm and I gave it a little like... Wasn't budging.
Starting point is 00:53:51 No, I wasn't getting out of that. So did Roman stay on the bike because he was told to? I don't even know. I wasn't in there for that final event. Was that the final event? Yeah. If the 21 kms was the minimum work requirement, don't get off the bike.
Starting point is 00:54:10 That's what I think it was because even they blew the little Jason McDonough air horn, and then the judges came over and stood there until he had finished up a sermon. He even picked it up a little bit. Yeah, he picked it up. I feel like the 21 cows was probably the minimum work requirement for him to be done with the workout. Makes sense. Thank you all so much. Oh, thank you all so much for the coverage this weekend.
Starting point is 00:54:32 And can we hear the dinner story? Everyone was so good this weekend. It made the weekend so cool. There were so many ridiculous dinner stories. Basically, the waitress thought she... You had one from tonight. What? You had one from tonight you'd ever told. It's a continuation of yesterday and
Starting point is 00:54:47 the day before and the day before that it's just first class service that's all it is fine dining is what it was finest of dining it's not an applebee's it's not an apple oh yeah she lectured us on how it's not an applebee's this isn't an applebee's we don't have a restaurant is that not like a nice hotel? It's supposed to be. It's supposed to be a nice hotel in town. The first waitress doesn't even look up at us. Starts setting down menus and immediately starts explaining about how we can't split the bill.
Starting point is 00:55:17 And how all this other shit. You ever see somebody so stressed that they just start moving their lips in random movements? I'm going to be writing a stern email to them when I get home tomorrow. That's what she looked like. Hedder, did you tell everyone how you met Jack Farlow yesterday? Yeah, we talked about that right before you came
Starting point is 00:55:37 on, but it wasn't. It was Frank. We saw him again. Saw him again today. Jack Farlow. Oh, wait. Which one? The non-Jack Farlow. Jack Farlow. Oh, wait, which one? Not Jack Farlow. They look similar, don't they? Yeah. They're like the same old brown hair
Starting point is 00:55:52 and a receding hairline. I was confused with that story last night. Imagine how confused that Frank guy must have been when he walked away. I could only imagine. I thought he was dreaming. That is so bizarre that it couldn't have possibly happened.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Why in the hell did he just make me take a picture of my logo? Why did he go along with it as well? Why is that? Oh yeah, sure. Not be like, sorry, who are you? Hey, so an hour and a half ago, I ordered
Starting point is 00:56:23 three Diet Cokes to my room. I admit it. hour and a half? And I just called the front desk And they're like, that department I'm like, hey, can I get me room service? They're like, it's closed Like, I ordered three Diet Cokes from here an hour and a half ago He's like, I want to be honest with you
Starting point is 00:56:39 They're not coming I want to be honest with you Your restaurant is a B-word Nice people, but the most retarded people are completely incompetent. Wow, restaurant is so bad. Oh, I said the R word.
Starting point is 00:56:54 This is the picture of last year. I took it with Farlow, right? I think my quads are bigger than yours. I said, I think you're wrong. So this is last year. And this year I saw. Yeah. Same dude.
Starting point is 00:57:12 And, but. That's a dinner. Come on. I would argue that Shelby, that Shelby Neal's, that Shelby Neal's boyfriend, Frank,
Starting point is 00:57:21 by the way, this guy, I saw Shelby Neal's Frank boyfriend today. I'm like, you didn't tell Hiller that you weren't Jack Farlow. He's boyfriend, Frank, by the way. And this guy, I saw Shelby Neal's Frank boyfriend today. I'm like, you didn't tell Hiller that you weren't Jack Farlow? He's like, nope. Shelby Neal's boyfriend, Frank, looks more like Jack Farlow than Jack Farlow looks like Jack Farlow. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Wow, Pedro got your back. Yeah, less this season. Jack Farlow, and she goes, oh, I get it. It looks like Frank. That's amazing. Is there a Get to the Chopper compilation coming? I should have asked Dawn to say Get to the Chopper.
Starting point is 00:57:55 There was actually a helicopter that landed at the games, which is the craziest part about this. You're welcome. I called in my friends at the Army and I said, hey, can you guys land a chopper? Is that true? Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. There was a chopper that came and landed at the camp. Where? Where? Yeah, yeah. I don't know. In the field over by North Park.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Like where the 5K running track was, or 4.5K running track. Called in a favor. That's weird. Was someone injured, or what? It was just part of the show? It's called government propaganda. Yeah, just for funsies. Hiller from Sloppy Slop.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Jason is there again. Really? Dude, I'm telling you, it's legit. Oh, shit. Someone send him a link. I sent him a link. I arrived at the party, sent him a link a few days, and we'll do I sent him a link. I arrived at the party. Send the link a few days and we'll do the whole show.
Starting point is 00:58:47 See you. Get on the party. Jason Hopper, what are you doing at the party? You don't know how to party. What the fuck are you doing at the party? I bet you what he does party. Parties. No, I'm telling you, he does not know how to party.
Starting point is 00:59:00 There's no way he doesn't. He's a scoundrel. Bro, he does not party. No. Hey, he has a PC, dude. He's as dorky as you guys. there's no way he doesn't bro he does not party I know hey he has a PC dude he's as dorky as you guys I'm telling you that dude is a dork he's cool
Starting point is 00:59:14 you can fucking I can't get out of his headlock like if my life depended on it yeah I was getting a little nervous I was like do I step in cause he's just gonna kill me too I don't know hey his arm felt huge around yeah i'm fucking uh hiller uh mary fucker kill that pose you're in right now lucky camera strap seven if we are the same seve gets another what the fuck someone translate that for me i can't make sense mary fuck kill camera straps, or Sevan. If they have the same answer
Starting point is 00:59:46 as Sevy, it's five bucks. Are we doing these now? I don't even know. Lucky camera straps, marry Sevan, and kill the pose. It's like one of the easiest ones ever. Thank you. It's the same. Give me five bucks. Nice. Glenn, the Aussie vet,
Starting point is 01:00:01 Australia. Wow. Thanks for making the games build up spectacular. No, sorry. Thanks for making the games build up spectator interest coverage and the behind the scenes to come the best yet. Odds on the games to be at Brisbane next year, zero. Congrats to all and Colton. Colton Mertens, man, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:00:23 John Young, what do you think Colton Mertens, man. What do you think? John Young, what do you think of Colton Mertens? You know, what's funny is when it's all said and done, he didn't improve a ton. I mean, he did. He did. It was his best year of the games by far. Watch that tone, John Young. Yeah, like, you know, in the 30s last year?
Starting point is 01:00:42 Yeah, he was 31st last year. And he moved up to 18th. Yeah, he was 31st last year, and he moved up to 18th. Yeah, no, no, no. He did best give of his year, but he was playing with the top 10. Say what? That's way better. Yeah, I know, but he
Starting point is 01:00:57 got, like, Sunday wasn't his best day is all I'm saying. He was, like, absolutely, I mean, most improved. He was in the running for most improved, and then he kind of, he just didn't have a best Sunday is all,'m saying he was like absolutely i mean most improved he was in the running for most improved and then he kind of he just didn't have a best sunday is all but no he did fantastic this weekend there were a lot of events hey i when i i've asked a lot of athletes like why they do the games why they put themselves through this stress what the point is blah blah blah you get all these wide variety of answers but but but they're the same answers because I'm a competitor because I want to be the best I can be because just all this stuff, right?
Starting point is 01:01:32 He gave me an answer that I fucking never heard before. Not even close. How you'll see in the behind the scenes. That would have been awesome to see you. No, it's a pretty gnarly answer. To pay for my barn? You guys got a Wolverine back home. You can find out who's got to eat.
Starting point is 01:01:55 But he had the event win, his first event win at the games. That's pretty awesome. What workout? He killed it. The ski bag. Ski bag. Oh, right. That's pretty awesome. What workout? He killed it. Ski bag. Ski bag. I was taking 15 grams of
Starting point is 01:02:15 swolverine creatine every single day for 20 days building up to the games. Why? 15 grams for 20 days building up to the games. Why? 20 grams. No, 15 grams for 20 days. To the neck.
Starting point is 01:02:30 But I was only eating 8 food 10 of those days, basically. The normal dose is 5 grams. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Yeah. Triple that shake. Thank you. Tell him.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Oh, really? Okay. Well, anyway, I was peeing out. My pee was like cloudy. But I only lost five pounds in that time, and I was fucking – it felt like a balloon. It was cool. But since I – at the games, I fit into a medium shirt for the first time in like five years because I stopped taking the creatine in like in seven days.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I shrunk down to nothing. Do you fit into the same clothes you were wearing when you did behind the scenes in 2018? No. 20, oh 1997. I was wearing the same size shirt Mariah was by the end of the weekend.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I'm not even joking, Savage. That's a lot of money, by the way. Thank you for that. I didn't go to the Paper Street Coffee booth today. That sucks. Bickle, Coach of the Year. Oh. What about Adam Clink?
Starting point is 01:03:37 He only started coaching four months ago, and he has a game as a champion. Definitely Adam Clink. Adam Clink is so cool. God, he is cool. He walked up to me because I talk about him so much on the show and he walks up to me and he goes, I'm Adam Klink. I was like, yeah. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Who won coach of the year? Was there a coach of the year? I don't think there was. I think DB said Matt Torres. Oh, yeah. Most games athletes. He's a dynamic coach. Incredibly.
Starting point is 01:04:09 God, there was this funny line that I said. It's in the behind the scenes. I can't wait for you. He said something like... Something. I said something perverted about Danielle, and he laughed. I go, not too much? And he goes, nah, that's good.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Nice. You're on the line. It was on the line. It wasn't really perverted, but it was like a joke. Double entendre, I think, is the... Wait, is that a picture of me? That's you. I've made it, guys. I've made it. Hot damn.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Eaton Beaver, super late, but I'm here and I can't wait for the behind the scenes. What did you make today? Hey, look it. Hiller's been hanging out with so many Canadians. I was hanging out with Dick Butter. We met Dick Butter.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Isn't he awesome? He's awesome. We met Dick Butter. Isn't he awesome? Yeah, he's awesome. He's so cool. Look at this picture. It's kind of like me. I just got a leg. Oh, shit. Yeah, do it, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I got a butt by a hand. Somehow it doesn't have the same effect, Hiller. I don't know. I think Audrey, the most intimacy I had with a girl in the last week was with Audrey. Oh, kiss kissing time. Everyone loves John. I love John Young.
Starting point is 01:05:34 I love John Young, John for the win. Where's Jr. Fuck you. John Young, 100. Oh, I love John Young. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'm telling you. John is the bomb. I love John Young. That thing might even have a vagina. Lee and Gabriel. That's a baby. Not the picture. I mean the person.
Starting point is 01:06:04 You know what's really hard to uh to get across over text sarcasm okay you do it pretty well all of those messages what wait what did he say i missed it i was reading the comment let me hear it again i insinuated that all the comments are sarcastic, but I love John, so I'm only joking. Ashley McMain's, I think if you think about... I think if you think...
Starting point is 01:06:34 Okay, fine. I think if you think about Roman and you think about perseverance... There's five things in this comment. How hard he has worked to get to the games in the first place, and he never gives up. I think it's well-deserved. I fuck.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Ashley, fuck it. You're right. Roman Krennikoff, spirit of the games. Beat him down enough. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, it's good. I love him. He has nice skin.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Grey Goat is $5. Can we talk about Rookie of the Year? How about Shelby Neal for Rookie instead of Olivia, Grey goes $5. Can we talk about rookie of the year? How about Shelby Neal for rookie instead of Olivia, someone who has already dominated a different division? Shelby Neal is definitely. God, that's tough. Did they give it to you?
Starting point is 01:07:20 Yellow host is most deserving of rookie of the year. If you want to give it to Olivia, that's fine. She had an event when it was the last one. It's pretty darn cool. She is going to be one of the new faces of the Year. If you want to give it to Olivia, that's fine. She had an event win. It was the last one. It was pretty darn cool. She is going to be one of the new faces of CrossFit. She's going to be here forever. But Yellow Host had an event win as well, and he ranked higher than Olivia did.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I think the most deserving person – I don't mind that you give it to Olivia, but I think Yellow Host is the – Is that not just like a cut and dry, whoever finishes higher gets? I didn't know there was an opinion on that. Is there an opinion on that? Typically, it is just who finishes the highest. And did they give out two this year or just one? It's usually just one, right?
Starting point is 01:07:56 They gave out two last year, though. Emma Lawson and Nick Matthew got it last year, didn't they? I thought just Emma Lawson got it. No, I think they both got it. If it's two, then... I didn't hear anything about Yellow Hosted getting it.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Nick Matthew's pretty cool. I don't think Yellow got any awards. Hey, Shelby Neal. Hey, Shelby Neal's gold. I hope we can figure out a way to get her on the podcast a lot. I really like her. Because she's black?
Starting point is 01:08:28 Well, I do like black girls. And she's freckly. I just love her. She's cool. She's like, I don't really like she was like saying that she's shy or something. She didn't like to talk to people. But when I'm around and she's around, we just start grooving. I dig her. She's cool.
Starting point is 01:08:44 And I like the fact that I like her boyfriend that you think her boyfriend's a fucking Jack Farlow stunt double. He is. That's a good way to put him. John Young isn't gay. That's fair. It's good. Okay. I still like him. No one's perfect.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Send Dave and Boz a link. Someone said in the comments there, Nick Matthew got it last year, and in the female final event, they introduced Emma Lawson as the 2022 Rookie of the Year. So they both got it. Christine Forster, can you discuss safety at the games?
Starting point is 01:09:21 There were so many injuries this year. Like who? Because the athletes are pussies this year. I wonder if in hindsight they would do the bike and sandbag differently. I don't think the sandbag caused any injuries. Roman didn't fall on a sandbag. He just jumped onto the ground.
Starting point is 01:09:37 That was kind of a joke, but for serious, the lack of barbell and the increased odd objects is probably why everyone's all fucked up. I don't think they need to bike it. Here's the thing. I don't think they need to bike it. You get hurt doing stuff that you don't do often. No one does it.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Anytime you go 100% and you compete, there's always an opportunity for that. If they're going to do bike, I don't think they should do bike at the games. If they are going to do it, they should do a fucking time trial and it should be straight away
Starting point is 01:10:07 up a steep hill. That's it. I'm 100% on board with that. That's it. I just cracked the code. 800 meters, super steep incline. Much longer than that, but yes. No,
Starting point is 01:10:23 8.5 miles, Just straight up a hill. With a bike? Yeah, with a bike. You could just sprint that. There's no. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It needs to be longer than that. Okay, put a ruck on him.
Starting point is 01:10:38 But listen, it's just it should only be uphill. John and I agree. It's a speed trial. It's just one person at a time. Just this thing where they have to go against each other. There's too many ding-dongs. There's people who aren't real athletes out there.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Yeah, they break bikes because of it. Oh, shit. Hiller. God. Do you think people would be more likely to wreck on a road bike, though? Hey, it doesn't matter. If you're 1,000 pounds likely to wreck on a road bike though? Hey, it doesn't matter if you're a thousand pounds, a pedal should never break off a bike.
Starting point is 01:11:09 No, no, no. I disagree with Taylor. Sorry. Sorry. I mean, the side story,
Starting point is 01:11:14 go ahead. Young. What were you saying? I think we agree. I'm asking you guys, do you think people would be more likely to wreck on a road bike or how are the bikes they currently have? Oh,
Starting point is 01:11:24 road bike. No one out there can ride a road bike, like a legit road bike. Only like Ricky Garrard and Jay Crouch and Yana Koski could ride that. Well, to your point, high speeds, you're saying time trials.
Starting point is 01:11:35 So they go one at a time too, because they can ride a mountain bike up a steep hill. I don't care. I just ride a regular mountain bike on a, on a road as fast as you can up a steep hill. I don't care what the length is. Given how bad they are on grass. Maybe it's best to keep them away from roads and traffic and just keep them,
Starting point is 01:11:54 keep them where they are. You clear the road. Are you guys feel whether it be no swim? I'm shocked. Sevan, what's your opinion on Justin now? Hype train or not? Here's the thing. Don't do, what's your opinion on Justin now? Hype train or not? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Here's the thing. Don't make me say this again because I don't want to fucking take anything away from Adler or Laura Horvath. This may be the weakest competitive field in the last five years. And so when you say Justin Medeiros is hype train, you're out of your fucking mind. Because he I disagree for the men. There you go. I just stated the truth that John's going to say something for the women. I agree.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Okay, fine. Okay. But Justin never had it easy. Never. No, no, no, no, no. I expect Justin to be back next year better than ever. There's no hype train about Justin Medeiros. Something's up, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:12:51 It's the programming. Someone will get to the bottom of it. The guy's got better. But the last two years. Okay, how about this, John? The last two years, the competitors have been equally as hard as this year. For sure. With Ricky Garrett.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Yeah, I would agree with that. I mean, there's no way – this is all speculation, but I went through all the events and I placed Justin where I thought he would place normal – like normal Justin. And obviously this is hard speculation because he didn't do it. But like what a Justin we would expect him – a place where we would expect him to get. And it was plus 120 points from what he had,
Starting point is 01:13:26 what he had now. And that would have put him fourth. It would have put him nine points ahead of Fikowski. And I think that's pretty realistic. You're just adding a hundred points for no reason. No, 120 points. No,
Starting point is 01:13:41 I went through every event and I put the place that I thought he would get, like a normal Justin would get. Why is he not normal? Maybe this is normal. Well, if this is normal, then he's never going to win the games ever again. And it might be the case. You might be right.
Starting point is 01:13:57 But, like, the Justin of 2022. Like, for instance, Helena, he should have murdered Helena. Right? That's it. You know know I like it's like events like that I don't think he's the same Justin um the pig he doesn't get 37th in in the pig chipper I'm not saying he wins but he doesn't get 37th you know what I mean um so like events like that and uh and he still would only get he would get fourth place um it's not like he would win but and obviously that's high speculation but um hey i got some bad news
Starting point is 01:14:34 for you guys how heavily involved was dave in the programming did you hear him in the did you hear him in the press conference yeah he said he was very involved he said as soon as he stepped back into his position, he started touching just about everything that goes on within the games. From the programming to the layout to how it's run, he said he touched just about everything. But we don't know what Dave's role
Starting point is 01:14:58 is now that he's back. We knew what Justin's role was, but we don't know what Dave's role is. You don't know shit. You never. No, you don't know shit. You never knew shit. You don't know shit. He even corrected the question. Someone said, like...
Starting point is 01:15:10 Listen to Caleb. Caleb just told you more. Sorry, Pedro. One second. Caleb just told you more than fucking all the other 50 other podcasts or news shows out there about CrossFit have fucking told you. He just fucking just told you. Just told all of you. Take notes, all of you.
Starting point is 01:15:24 I'm so upset that my internet connection dropped off because I missed it. So what I said... Awesome. What did he say? My Diet Coke's not coming. That's what he said. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:39 That's more. When he was in the press conference, I think it was Clydesdale asked him a question about what his involvement was with the CrossFit Games once he came back. Before you say, Caleb, he actually, he corrected the question that they asked. Well, they said something like,
Starting point is 01:15:55 did you tinker with a few things? And he immediately was like, more than tinkered with more than a few things. Yeah, exactly. So he came in and he said, I touched just about everything that goes on with the CrossFit Games. I touched the programming. I touched how it's run. I touched the layout. I touched
Starting point is 01:16:11 anything that is associated with the CrossFit Games. I touched, we tinkered with it. He's not saying, but he also wanted to make clear that he didn't come in and tell everybody, hey, this is exactly how it's going to be. This is what I know it should be. He came in and gave direction. He he said uh let's collaborate let's discuss how this thing goes just i mean it's funny the way that he was discussing this was similar he must have taken
Starting point is 01:16:34 a few cues from the jaco books that he read i don't think he did but nice nice comeback i was about to be like, damn, Dave hates you now. Good cover for that. I know for certain he knew all that shit well in advance. But all of the things are very leadership-based. Like, hey, why do you think that this is the way that you programmed it? I've been doing this for 15 years. I know exactly how this should play out. So any program, any event, any test,
Starting point is 01:17:07 whatever the fuck you want to call it, he knows exactly how it should play out. And he touched it. He tinkered with it. He added some things. He took away some things. All of that. He said some things were perfect.
Starting point is 01:17:17 He was like, I didn't think it was perfect. We left it alone. But he was like, a lot of it wasn't. I wanted to take notes from the Todd Medley School of Leadership where he sat down in a meeting and said, I asked people,
Starting point is 01:17:32 why did you do it that way? And then pause. Yeah, I imagine that's exactly what he did. What the fuck did Pedro say? Something that Todd Medley, is that some Irish hymn or something? The guy that used to be a noble on the threads. Oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Threads. He probably learned that from Dave. Todd Threads. Oh, sorry. If you're going to rip on that, dude, go ahead. Let me hear it. That was it. I wanted Dave to read his book as well.
Starting point is 01:18:01 He's been picking up on people's jokes. Please tell me that you're just joking. That dude doesn't have a book, right? That joke that joke went over no but i'm assuming all those bullshit threads that say nothing eventually made their way into a coffee book or something the compilation of and a pair of shoes god what a fucking mess hey did that did they really hire that guy over at HWPO? Does that guy work over there? I saw him in a group photo or something. I didn't hear that from anyone apart from you, so I don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Did anyone see that guy at the games? Is that guy even still around? What was his name again? Manly? Melody? It's just industry time. We killed ourselves to get the NFL contract. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:46 I know. We know you did. You killed the company, too. We know you did. You don't got to sell us. Holy shit. Good old Todd. What's up, boy?
Starting point is 01:19:00 Oh, is that the games? Look at him. Look at Majestic. Oh, wait a second. Is that the games this year? Yeah. Is he in a box? Yeah. Same view with a whole different perspective. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:19:13 So he's moved his way into just fucking... You know what the crazy thing is? Everybody's sucking his cock in the comments? No, that too. But you know what's crazy? 90% of management and executives just don't
Starting point is 01:19:30 do shit and are incapable of just doing anything productive. They just suck. They just suck. Bureaucrats. That's the unique thing about good leadership. When you have good leaders, those are the people...
Starting point is 01:19:45 Man, thank God. What did you say? What was the word you used, Pedro? I wanted to hear you say that word again. Starts with a T, ends in an R. Tinker. Yeah. Tinker.
Starting point is 01:20:00 He tinker. He tinker with the workouts. He tinker with the pot of gold. Hey, this is some Here I am in India. Oh, that was an Indian guy? I only do one accent.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Listen to this. John, brace yourself. John, go to the bathroom or something. Money for John's mom to buy a better son. My God. Here we go. Tides are turning. Dan Guerrero. Yeah, I hate him too. John Young's mom. I actually
Starting point is 01:20:27 have a funny story. Funnier than the one of Madaris' sister. Probably not funnier than that one. That story's legendary. Brian Friend come up to me and he said, did you say something to upset people before the games?
Starting point is 01:20:47 I don't think so. I don't think so. Why? And he goes, you said the CrossFit for morons. He said, right when Sevan said that the tide tide is turning people are starting to love you it was one of these love fest things which I'm very appreciative guys I'm not but uh
Starting point is 01:21:11 right after that uh like the day after Brian 12 people randomly came up to him uh coaches athletes and random people did he say which ones he wouldn't tell me bullshit athletes, and random people. Did he say which ones? He wouldn't tell me.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Something bullshit to me. Like 12 people were like, we don't know who. That John Young guy is very offensive. I don't like him at all. Coaches and athletes. And I'm like, well, who? Like, why? And then I'm like,
Starting point is 01:21:43 you know, it's either, if it's from Justin, I understand 100%. And I'm sorry for it. Why did you dog Madaris? I'm probably the biggest Justin hater there is. What? I don't really, but he's the champ. He's supposed to have haters.
Starting point is 01:22:02 That's fine. I don't want to even call yourself a hater, dude. Did you say a dozen people? There's no way a dozen people would call anybody about you. The first day of the games. When you first got there. A dozen people don't even know your name, John, is what they're saying.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Oh, I gotcha. A dozen is so many. Why don't they just come talk to you? It sounds like a fable. Made up. Washi. Luba. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:31 I had someone say to me. I'm jealous. I don't know. One of the first days. I would trust him. Sorry, go on. No, you're good. I had someone say to me, like, oh, you're funny with that.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Savant's crew now, right? And I said, oh, oh, you're friendly with that Savan's crew now, are you? And I said, oh, yeah, we're buddies. We get along. And they said, what about John Young? Do you like John Young? And I was like, yeah. I was like, you've never done that to me anyway. And they said, what do you think about the way he talks about athletes?
Starting point is 01:22:59 And I was like, why? What's wrong with the way he talks about athletes? And they said, oh, he's just so disrespectful and all this. And I was like, did he say that one of the athletes that you work with isn't good or something is that why you're saying this to me and then i said i think the thing with john young is he talks about athletes the way most people talk about football teams or you know like brands or whatever it's like uh i literally cannot think of one single fucking american football team give me a name of a team it's called baseball it talks about baseball so he's talking
Starting point is 01:23:30 about the cubs are shit this year their management their coach isn't good they're not performing they're under this they're they obviously didn't do their strength they obviously didn't do whatever but just replace that with an athlete's name and he's not thinking about the person and i'm not saying that's a bad thing i just think that's the way he analyzes it. He takes the human element out of it, as in like the personality of whether he likes or doesn't like the person, and talks about, oh, that athlete needs to work on this
Starting point is 01:23:53 or needs to work on that, or should be doing better in this, or should be doing worse at that or whatever. And I think that rubs some people up the wrong way because they are emotionally invested in the person. Do you know what i mean no i'd agree with that i would argue hillar does the same thing yeah i think i feel like hillar has said more offensive things than i have
Starting point is 01:24:15 and i totally have where are the dozen everybody loves him oh hey hey shane and tia shane and tia came up to me in the athlete warm-up area. They both came up to me, and they gave me a gift, like some proven stationary paper and shit. Like, yeah, some cool shit. And they said, hey, thank you for defending us against Hiller being a douchebag about accusing Tia of being on steroids. I said, yeah, no problem.
Starting point is 01:24:43 It was just the right thing to do. Thanks for the stationary. Yeah. You yeah, no problem. It's just the right thing to do. Thanks for the stationery. You didn't say it. It was cool. Just made a video. It doesn't need to be called a douchebag. No, no. I was like, yeah. I said I didn't like it at all. I didn't think it was cool at all. No problem.
Starting point is 01:25:00 I'll defend you anytime. You know, there's no problem. Poor hitter's camera big because his face is pr that's true. He's frozen. He's frozen By the way, I made that story completely up except for the part where I did defend Tia and Shane to Hiller but On the show a dozen times, but T and Shane couldn't even be bothered. I saw it in one of the shots you were showing me earlier. They're tripping on me. They're tripping on me hard.
Starting point is 01:25:33 I think it's funny it took 10 seconds to realize he was frozen. No, he's not frozen. Don't jump to conclusions. And he's gone. That's really good. That was a really good freeze. It felt real.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Here's the thing. People say that they want the professionalization of the sport. And it's like, well, the professionalization of the sport comes with, like, a lot of people who have the most outlandish opinions. And, like, John will seem like the most stable, honest, real dude if if you go to the professionalization and by the way every time john has made a um like a comment or prediction on something like that and it turned out to be there he said they've been like i was wrong you're right they showed up they did great
Starting point is 01:26:36 i wasn't expecting that like it's it's analyzed it doesn't happen often but i will admit it when it happens what the fuck did I just miss? I heard. No, I, I'm just, I made up that whole story with it. It's funny. I'm just saying like, I've been, I've been huge. I've been huge proponents of theirs, except for the fact when Tia held a 40 pound or whatever held weights over her baby's head, which is like, like, you should thank me for that too. Like, Oh, I'm looking out.
Starting point is 01:27:06 He's looking out for our baby. I mean, it's... They're just tripping on me, I can tell. Daniel Garrity, Seve campaigning for Spirit of the Games by telling us about his support for Sporty Beth. That's fair. I'll take that. Hey, just so you guys know, one of the rules in the show is
Starting point is 01:27:22 if Peter starts to talk, let him talk because we probably won't be on this show for another eight months that's so terrible the truth i know my place yeah it's gonna be too you're gonna be asleep all the time we're awake and coming very soon soon. Tales from an average gay crossfitter. Send Jason Hopper the link, damn it. I think we did. He says he's partying, which means he's changing the fan
Starting point is 01:27:53 in his PC or something. He's reading Harry Potter in his hotel room. He's drinking a Red Bull standing at the corner. Yeah. You guys are the best. Can't wait for the behind the scenes. Mary Hollis. Damn. What a crazy weight loss.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Good transformation photo. Yeah. Caleb, that lip movement on the waitress is meth. Oh. Lauren Torizola. Our waitress was definitely not on meth. The first one was. The second one was not.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Caleb told the story and used that facial expression. I'm super pumped. How does it feel being ninth hopper? Ninth hopper? Ninth last? I don't know what that means. Be nice to hopper. Sebi, tell us where the games
Starting point is 01:28:42 are moving to next year. We know you know. Hey, listen, I block all that shit out if I do hear it. The only stuff I've been hearing, I keep hearing stuff about Tennessee. They're going back to Carson. They're bringing it back. I don't think they're doing that. I heard Knoxville and Nashville, but I also heard another state too. But I honestly have no idea.
Starting point is 01:29:03 It's not Alabama. I kind of avoid all of the – I don't want to. It's not Alabama. I kind of avoid all of the – I don't want to know any of that stuff. Like some guy comes up to me and goes, something about – what did he say to me? Something – he was asking about Masters and Adapted Divisions for next year. And he said, what's your opinion? And I'm like, I don't even have one. Brett Grell, new drinking game every time Sevan says behind the scenes, take a shot.
Starting point is 01:29:28 The behind the scenes are going to be insane. Yeah, behind the scenes are going to be nuts. Drink. Two shots. Hey, the thing about where the games are going to is when Dave had described it, I feel like there were so many parts that have to come into play that they might have multiple options and not even, they really have it narrowed down until quite a ways down the road because there's so many variables.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Remember when Dave talked about how he, they, after the games, they immediately took a trip to like four different places. Yeah. I imagine that's pretty similar to what's going to happen now. Yeah. And someone else read this.
Starting point is 01:30:03 I don't want to read this. This makes me stupider. I read this once and it made i felt like three brain cells died taylor i i just he will probably ld you will probably never admit it but fukowski sandbagged the overhead walking lunge to finish 13th instead of third or fourth to make sure roman would finish on the podium no fucking shot dude no those guys are all disagreeing. Wholeheartedly. He wants that money, baby.
Starting point is 01:30:29 That's accurate. I think that's accurate. Listen, this guy's on the other side of the globe and he stands upside down. Pedro, how much money is third place? Does anyone know? $85. I think he loses $15,000 once he goes past from third into fourth. He's down by $15,000 each time think he loses $15,000 once he goes past from third
Starting point is 01:30:45 into fourth. He's down by $15,000 each time he goes down or something. Let me look it up. There's just no way. Because I know Alex Kazan moved from fourth to fifth and lost $15,000 as a result. Beach break with the basket and
Starting point is 01:31:03 bell for time. Yeah, that's fine. Awesome. Uphill. so it goes 85 000 and then 60 000 for fourth so it's 25 000 third to fourth i don't think fukowski lost 25 000 just so roman could feel good i don't know, man. Brent's a pretty good guy. Oh, please. Sorry. Imagine him going home and like, sorry, honey. I just saw his little face. He's got the courage of ten men.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Just give it to him. Oh, wow. Jebney just texted me. That's been a minute. Oh, interesting. Are you reading this comment? No, I'm not going to read it. I mean, he's just saying.
Starting point is 01:31:57 No, no, I meant the comment on the screen. Oh, it was stupid to broadcast. No, no, no. I'm not reading that. It's not your personal text. John, tell us how great the ESPN coverage was. Tell us how great Stacey Tovar was. Are we? I mean, I feel like we're being normal now, right?
Starting point is 01:32:18 That was rough. Did I tell you what my wife texted me like unprompted? She sent me a picture. She sent me a picture of the broadcast live broadcast team I said this woman on the life broadcast is the fucking bell end Which is basically that's the end of your cock like the where the piece Bellend What country is this person from? Who uses rubbish?
Starting point is 01:32:48 Oh. Ooh, yeah, England. My grandpa did. He's from Kauai. I don't think we're being normal yet. Rubbish. The one commentating the live. You say one.
Starting point is 01:32:59 If it's a girl, you say one. And nobody wants to be bad. So maybe you should just need some more reps. That's all. Dude, I've never seen a chick in a collared shirt before. You've never seen what? A chick with, like, big
Starting point is 01:33:11 shoulders and traps in a collared shirt. That's a sweet polo, huh? Suze, you said that maybe she just needs more reps. Sometimes, though, it's time to scale the workout. Maybe, or go to a different gym or something, it's time to scale the workout. Maybe go to a different gym or something or try a different form
Starting point is 01:33:28 of training. Start with the open announcement. Sousa's bomb pop curtains. Yeah, those are amazing. Oh, my God. Vote for Pedro's shirt. Hey, Caleb, Caleb, can you pull up Oh, I got some good news. I just got a text. Can I read this text? Yeah, can you pull up... Oh, I got some good news.
Starting point is 01:33:45 I just got a text. Can I read this text? Yeah, can you pull up what an utter bell bend is or whatever Pedro was saying? I want to see it. Yeah, I want to see it. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:33:55 So... Don't take images. There's going to be a video dropping tomorrow on Colton Mertens on the Swolverin YouTube channel. Oh, nice. Oh, cool. You guys should definitely go over there and check that out. I won't be home until tomorrow. Bellend, the glands of the penis.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Annoying or contemptible man? The penis has glands? What are glands? It's where situations come out, isn't it? Is that like when a rattlesnake shoots venom? Is it out of its glands?
Starting point is 01:34:29 Yes. Out of its glands. Is it? Well, out of its mouth. Look up glands. I want to know what a gland is. Let me see that really quick. A gland.
Starting point is 01:34:40 How many margaritas did you have? You would add more, but the bar was slammed at a fine dining restaurant. I'll tell you, I cut myself. I had a Coors. Hey, you want to know what I did? I did something illegal in the car, and then I had two margaritas. We did. We did.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Oh, yeah, yeah. Me and Caleb both did. A gland, an organ in the human or animal body which secretes particular chemical substances for the use in the body or for discharge into the surroundings. So a bellend is the penis gland.
Starting point is 01:35:15 So it's the part of the penis that secretes a particular chemical. Part of the penis secretes a chemical. I guess the tip of it. The whole penis secretes a chemical. I guess the tip of it. The whole penis secretes a chemical. It's the best. All sorts of chemicals. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:35:32 That is your anatomy lesson for the evening. Eric Wise, I'm really enjoying the ride this week. The late night recaps, Hiller's videos, John Young on spin, Caleb and Sousa dropping gold on IG. That's also Patrick Rios. And Patrick Rios, for sure. Pedro being Pedro and the Heat One app really brought us all to Madison. Thank you all.
Starting point is 01:35:51 I fucking hate the Heat One app. Well, I hate myself because I forgot how many events was there? Fucking 12. I think I played like three of them because I kept forgetting it and then I was too late. Same. Hard to work and play at the same time.
Starting point is 01:36:05 I am dark side. Welcome to the light. He even tinkered with the mic and took it away from Boz. Yeah, that was a big dick move. Oh, yeah. Hey, what happened? Tell me what happened.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Boz announced Invictus as the winners. He was like, ladies and gentlemen, and then gave the mic back. And the women final was on and Boz announced,ictus as the winners. He was like, ladies and gentlemen, and then gave the mic back. And the women final was on, and Boz announced, ladies and gentlemen, like Laura Horvath, whatever. Then the men came out, and Castro was like, ladies and...
Starting point is 01:36:34 He just took over for the men. It was funny. It looked like... I thought they had that set up that way. Dave was like, you announced teams and women. Oh, I assume it was, but I feel like the men is maybe seen as the showpiece. And I also thought it was funny that the MC, so the women came out and did the final and went off,
Starting point is 01:36:53 and then the men were coming out and the male MC goes, and now what you've all been waiting for? And I was like, oh, wow. The main event. Yeah, the main event. He did a Bruce Buffer. Hey, dude, the follow-up questions for laura make it that way treat the women and men the same and it's not a big deal start asking the women
Starting point is 01:37:13 stupid questions and making them women like like like something like if in your question you're insinuating that men are less than that women are less than men then that's the it's just it's just woke bullshit but there's no there's no reason to to bring that into the event it's just like holy fuck laura horvat you are so fucking powerful what a statement you've made to the world about what humans are possible, what humans are capable of. You are the most powerful, fittest, all-around,
Starting point is 01:37:51 most incredible woman on planet Earth for your physical attributes and capabilities that you've expressed over broad time and modal domains. Until next year. I can't believe how far we've come for women. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Hey, if they want to do that... This isn't 1854 anymore. Stop talking down to women. Hey, if they really wanted to lean into that, they should have done it with Ariel Owen because she has a baby. Yeah, yeah. Well, they did introduce her as a father.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Yeah, that's cool. cool yeah i'm cool with that because that's what makes women special exactly that's that's what makes them kind of better than men i think what laura what laura said yeah what laura said in her interview was like in response to the question that was asked i think is in line with what you were talking about she was talking about how women are incredible and that their bodies can do amazing things and that like they're meant to do those things and it was i thought that was pretty cool yeah when she goes when she goes i think the question itself barbie right she did although i would say there's nothing wrong with barbie either that's my point like yeah just let let women be women women. Stop making them like that.
Starting point is 01:39:05 I take it as like I'm supposed to read into something that one woman's better than the other woman. It's just like, dude. I'm glad you guys are seeing it that way. Maybe I'm just sensitive to it. I think the way the question was phrased wasn't ideal, but the way that all of them responded.
Starting point is 01:39:20 She didn't go to what she was given. The ball that was thrown to her, she knocked it out of the park. Definitely. I like more how something like Cardi B would say, I'm a bad bitch. Dennis O'Leary. Nikki didn't ask her, what are you going to eat tonight to recover after this?
Starting point is 01:39:38 How do you feel? I saw Nikki back there. I was a little starstruck by her. Did she talk to you? A few times I said, hey, sorry, or I'm trying to stay out of your way or something like that. She's going to go back to John now and be like, Savannah apologized to me. He said, sorry. To be honest with you, I wanted to say
Starting point is 01:40:03 something. I know that she's under a tremendous amount of stress. Like, we all are there because we're all trying to capture some shit that we can only see once, right? So, like, you want to make sure your batteries are charged. You want to make sure, like, you're holding the camera steady. Like, you want to capture the shit because Laura's not going to do what she's going to do twice. But on top of that, Nikki has to do it in front of all the people watching on espn so a part of me like no she knows that we're all there and that there's people there that she might have contentious relationships with like me and i wanted to at one point say something to her like to like love on her and give her like some sort of support so she wasn't
Starting point is 01:40:37 tripping but but i never got around to it but i don't know i still i still don't like her questions uh justin hasn't looked any different from the semis. John, I think this guy is... No, I never called him fat. We went back and watched the tape. I never even called him chunky. I think you called him chunky, didn't you?
Starting point is 01:40:58 No, no, no. We went back and watched the tape. I was accused of that and I admitted to it and then someone played the tape and I never said it. What did you say? I said he looks thicker or his body composition changed.
Starting point is 01:41:12 He just said he was fat. You know what the issue with him is? What? Say it. Ellie Turner. Fuck! I'm not giving you $10. Explain it. dear ellie turner fuck oh i'm not giving you ten dollars um i only mean that from the lens of which he's the fittest on earth
Starting point is 01:41:32 and all he's got to do is beat his training partner unlike for kowski who trains by himself and beats his ass against the wall every day or laura so the every year justin did not have a girlfriend he was the fittest man in the world he had a girlfriend last year and he was the fittest man in the world yeah we don't know when they their relationships hey uh madaris is if you want john young's parents phone number to call shoot me a text i don't i don't know if ellie turner's the problem yeah i don't i don't i don't think she's actually the problem i don't know if Ellie Turner is the problem. I don't think she's actually the problem. What if the problem is like that?
Starting point is 01:42:09 You know the way sometimes you get these... It's got nothing to do with Ellie as a person. I get what you're saying. I get what you're saying, but you just separate their training. Did they, though? They're both really good at crossover single unders I mean I mean like that's on knifer more than
Starting point is 01:42:30 more than Medeiros and Ellie just separate their training you know what I mean I agree they shouldn't be doing the same workouts against each other and racing each other because then as soon as he's ahead of her he's coasting Pedro we caught him off. You know sometimes like how
Starting point is 01:42:47 like an actor gets famous or a sports star gets famous or whatever and they make it and then they're not as good as they were for a little while. Like their movies aren't as good or they don't play the sport as well or whatever because there's so many more opportunities available to them and so many more distractions and so
Starting point is 01:43:03 many more obligations and places they have to be or places they get to go or things they have to do or things they get to do. Do you think maybe he's just in that kind of a lull, like that he might strip things back now next year and not go to as many things, like not go abroad as much or not go to as many different
Starting point is 01:43:20 noble shit or whatever and just focus on himself? Noble shit, noble shit. I agree with that. You think that would be a bad idea? no bullshit or whatever and just focus on himself. No bullshit. No bullshit. I agree with that. You think that'd be a bad idea? Well, he's supposed to be going to Down Under Championships and, I mean, if I was him, I'd be rethinking that now.
Starting point is 01:43:37 So y'all are saying he was like Rocky 3. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Come back and fight Krennicoth. I don't think anyone knows. I don't think anyone knows.
Starting point is 01:43:52 Hey, listen, what about all the other people who, what about all the other weird things that happened during the weekend? What? What's weirder than Madera's finishing 13th? Hopper finishing 13th? Jason Hopper? Oh, I just think we focused on him because he was last year's champ.
Starting point is 01:44:08 I'm just saying that something was up this year I think a little bit. It was weird. I can agree with that. I had a concussion. I just thought he yawned and continued to speak.
Starting point is 01:44:24 He shoved the mic in his mouth as he did it. What does this mean? Zevi, can you show the shirt? The shirt. The one that he gave you. You gave me a shirt? Jeremy. Oh, was it that shirt that I hated?
Starting point is 01:44:41 Which one? Someone gave me a shirt and I'm like, I wouldn't fucking wear this in my life depended on it. And I tried to give it to Caleb. And Caleb said, I already got one. Is it a whole bunch of names? Is it a shirt? Why would you even ask me?
Starting point is 01:45:01 Oh, Jeremy. Dude, is it a whole bunch of names? It is. I got one too. You don't like that shirt? No. You like it? I don't like the placement of the ends. The ends seem like they're
Starting point is 01:45:15 off-center. Oh, no. I'm in big trouble. I don't have it. You do like it? I have Taylor. Why don't you wear it? What? Do you think it's possible he was concussed, Taylor? What?
Starting point is 01:45:28 Do you think it's possible Justin had a concussion after the first event? That's a possibility that I hadn't considered. Because event two, that would explain event two. I think he'll say it if he did because he said
Starting point is 01:45:44 like after semifinals he said after semi-finals I was actually judged so I think he will give some kind of explanation is there footage of the crash? is there footage of him and Lazar Djukic crashing? anywhere? I haven't seen it
Starting point is 01:46:00 Justin was just a trip all weekend he was acting all weird. He was just weird. Well, he was intense. He was just really intense. Like, a few times I saw he wasn't intense, but a lot of the weekend he's so fucking intense. I mean, Daniel Brandon's like that, too.
Starting point is 01:46:16 So fucking intense sometimes. You're just like, man. Yeah, she didn't do so hot either. I caught that, though. I didn't think she would. Katie Petrick, former athletes are not automatically meant to broadcast. It happens in all sports, and it's definitely painful to watch. Bernie Gannon, Stacey Tovar was great.
Starting point is 01:46:34 I'll hear that raspy voice in my nightmares for months to follow. That first part of that is sarcasm. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for tinkering with the messaging. Jet City Fit, she spoke like a preschool teacher addressing three-year-olds.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Oh, our waitress did that today, too. Our waitress was a fucking human train wreck. When she was gone for more than five minutes, I was worried about her safety. I'm like, did she fall down? How long before somebody in the comments... She was lecturing us on life.
Starting point is 01:47:08 It was crazy. How long before someone in the comments has Savan's waitress as their username? Stand by. Hold on, let me set the record straight on this. I did give him the shirt. I took it all the way from fucking Florida, put it in my car,
Starting point is 01:47:22 drove 70 fucking miles to Santa Cruz, and gave it to him. Know what he said? Who the fuck would staple something to a shirt? Oh, it was that shirt? Okay. You don't know how hard it is to get something for somebody who has everything? That too.
Starting point is 01:47:38 Hey, listen, if you're Saber and Kelly, I mean this with peace and love. You gave me a fucking shirt with a staple in it? Are you crazy? What if he put it on and poked himself? No, it's not even that. I took the staple out and there's a fucking hole in the shirt.
Starting point is 01:47:56 I'm like, you gave me a fucking used shirt. It's been the same. That's like some shit Russians do. You go to the fucking store in the ukraine and you're like and they got the price tag stapled on the shirt you're like what country for free like a slug with it i wish i would have brought um i got this uh hey swolverine i got your sleep stuff and i wish i would have brought, because it says to take like six of those pills.
Starting point is 01:48:25 I'd have taken 20 tonight, and I hope I didn't wake up until Hiller drug me out of the hotel room tomorrow. When are we leaving? After I've excreted my glands. Oh. Jim Priest, $3. Josiah Rice, two to three athletes.
Starting point is 01:48:55 This is like 12 people didn't like John. Yeah. Two to three athletes said it was Justin acting super aggressive on the bike, which caused the situations that made him crash. What does two to three mean? Two and a half. So two athletes and Colton Murphys. Oh, Burton said it too? No.
Starting point is 01:49:13 He was saying, does two to three mean two and a half? So then two athletes plus Colton Murphys. That's so terrible. A dozen people. That's what he told me, man. It's not me saying it. Yeah, I wanted to give you
Starting point is 01:49:34 every name before it says one. Maybe one person said it. Yeah, name names. I feel you. Someone named a name there in the last comment. Or the most recent comment. Taking it out of context. Hey, what time do I... Oh, Edward hates John.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Yeah, I feel you. It's going to be some weird shit. Oh, shit. Pedro, did you see the picture Pedro sent of... Spirit of the Games. Krennikoff holding John Young. Jeez Louise. That's got gotta be our thumbnail
Starting point is 01:50:05 Wait can I show that Can I share it That picture is We've used that before That's great I got it on the cover of one of your reels That's good I can't even be mad at it
Starting point is 01:50:23 That's how good it is Sometimes you just gotta appreciate it It's so perfect good. I can't even be mad at it. That's how good it is. I can't. Sometimes you just gotta appreciate it. It's so perfect. I can't tell if it's that funny or I'm just that tired. Yes. Hey, Hiller,
Starting point is 01:50:41 if I want to be at the airport at 2, what time do we have to leave here? Noon? 6 a.m. Either at 2 or your flight leaves at 2. My flight leaves at 3.30. I'd like to be there at 2. You'd probably leave at like 11.30 to be safe. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:56 I like that. Hiller, did you get in trouble for your... Hey, Hiller, let's have a huge breakfast here tomorrow. Like just piles of bacon and shit. Done. When you want me there? Nine? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Will Satterall, Sporty Beth has your three Diet Cokes at the door. Three empty cans of Diet Coke. Why wouldn't she just say, hey, why wouldn't she just post, oh, my she just post oh my god someone got me this good pretty good for a wanker great use of my questions for your henshaw fit henshaw yeah where he's saying it they measured it three times and it's five five k no dude how would i get in trouble it three times and it's 5K. No, dude.
Starting point is 01:51:47 How would I get in trouble for that one? It's his own fault. I don't know. You said you got dinged like two times. Yeah, that was earlier in the week. Hey, Hiller, I heard your mood was kind of like I heard you were somber the last two days because you had your wings clipped. Is that true? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:02 Yes, I'm sorry. It's okay. Well, I thought your hand shot video was ingenious i i lld thank you i thought that was rather uh mild so i'm like this is safe i heard someone say in a conversation today instead of saying to be honest they said tbh in the middle of a sentence i I'm like, I'm going to stop thinking about it. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:52:29 This world. It's like Caleb saying, on God. On God. I like that, though, on God. At least he didn't say OG. Yeah, OG is worse. I like that a lot, Caleb. TBH.
Starting point is 01:52:42 I don't like that. What about ETA on the bts good luck actually just fucked everybody it's never coming out now because of that i have no idea someone said that to me i'm like you know what i don't even care if it comes out maybe maybe maybe maybe since i'm gonna say i'm just getting nasty now. We'll just continue to be like, man, I just saw the behind the scenes. It's so crazy. Maybe because I wasn't paid and it's not endorsed by anything. And because I'm toxic, I'll just watch it at home on my 90-inch with my friends.
Starting point is 01:53:18 I'll just have six of my friends over and be like, oh, my God, look how cool. Oh, my goodness. No, it'll happen. What happened to Hiller? He just got slapped. It's probably I was like, dude, be cool. Be cool. And he's like, fuck, dude. I just want to be a dog. If one goes down, I'll go down.
Starting point is 01:53:35 And I can't bring the team down. So I chilled. I went and hung out in the OG park. Hiller's the kind of guy who likes to go up to the top floor of a building and pee and count how long it takes for his piss to hit the ground. It's fun. I get it. I like doing that too. I'm sorry, man.
Starting point is 01:53:52 I wish that didn't happen. Don't be sorry. It was cool. It's bad you're only on the 11th floor and not the 12th floor. He wants to know why you can't pedal on a bike as hard as you can without breaking the pedal off. He has some legitimate questions. I asked a fucking question.
Starting point is 01:54:11 Here we go. I'm up. Get him. Literally a fucking three-year-old could have walked up to that motherfucker and said, hey. You haven't talked to him for that? It's one of them. That's ridiculous. It's one of them. The Dave Eub of them. That's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:54:26 The Dave Eubanks thing? That is ridiculous. But because I have my little blue wristband and because I'm affiliated with this podcast, I get in trouble. But if I was... Why do they stay in Wisconsin? How could they...
Starting point is 01:54:40 Here's the thing. Here's the thing. It's a private event's the thing in the it's it's a private event the crossfit games they it's not like they can decide who goes and who doesn't go right and they have a guy there who's in a senior position who's working to make sure that the judging is correct now you have this guy andrew hiller who's a one of the biggest youtubers in the space and definitely got one of the most uh animated aggressive and involved following in crossfit and he makes a video about their guy who runs judging that's critical of him right and so when we go to the games and then then andrew asked for some special media privileges when they go to the games and he gets them so they expect a certain kind of
Starting point is 01:55:21 behavior from them and they and so when hillar approaches this guy to say hi even though it's not threatening at all it could be seen as threatening right and so hillar walks up to him and goes hey what's up are you concerned about any of the bikes breaking and uh um eubanks basically says uh bikes don't break people bake brake bikes which is like just an absurd answer and i guess he just answered that way because he was nervous and instead of hillar just realized you know i don't know what happened but hillar said really uh you you don't you think that pedaling a bike i'm paraphrasing but you think pedaling a bike could cause the break he says yeah if you pedal it wrong
Starting point is 01:55:59 at which point yeah at which point the 12 billion people on planet Earth or 7 billion are like, really? There's a way you can pedal? Like all of us have ridden bikes thousands of hours and none of us have ever broken a pedal off. And so he ends up – probably because he was nervous and he was talking to Hiller, he just answered the question wrong and it got weird. And it made him look bad. And so CrossFit was just like, hey, let's make sure Hiller's not causing stress to these people by interacting with them over the weekend. I think that's a good explanation for it. So a turf party told you not to approach you guys, basically.
Starting point is 01:56:36 No, not like that, but just, hey, Hiller, you're flirting the line. Hiller knows that Hiller enjoys—I don't know. Let me ask you this. He had no ill intent on that, though. There was no tricking him. It felt like genuine questions. I told you I was asking decent
Starting point is 01:56:55 questions. I am pussy if I don't talk to somebody that I've done that sort of stuff to. I go, hey, you, Banks. I'm going to talk to him because if I was right okay I see oh hey you banks I'm gonna talk to him because if I don't then I'm a giant bitch well that's interesting wow so you wanted to show you want to show that you can see videos on Beth I'm gonna go introduce myself right now yeah that's how I walked up to Beth what were you you going to say, Savan? You said something.
Starting point is 01:57:25 You know what? I don't know what to say. You think I like what? The thing is, you're just so not an asshole or a rude person that it's like, it's hard for me to... I want to defend the
Starting point is 01:57:41 event and the stress that it put on Eubanks because he's busy like trying to run the games but on the other hand anyone who like there's no aggression coming off of hiller i'm telling you he's like glass he's a nerd speaking not a nerd that's that's the that's pedro and john and tyler watkins he's pillars a nerd. Replace nerd with poor, and you have it, Jay. Go on. A nerd. He's just nothing.
Starting point is 01:58:08 He's just like there's no aggression. So I can't like – I don't know what to say. I think the issue is that similar to why people don't like the way – some people don't like the way John talks about athletes. Some people don't like the way Hiller is because he just holds up a mirror to you where he just keeps keeps saying why why and then you really have to like what's wrong and also but even when you meet him in person there's nothing coming off of hiller no there's no like why why do you think that or why why do you think
Starting point is 01:58:39 that happened whatever and then if you're if you know that you're the one that's lacking in what's happened it just makes you feel like a shithead so you're like oh fuck that hillar guy i i asked alexis the other day i go do you get pissed i just keep on asking you why you say and she goes yeah well so hill so hillar feels an obligation that's an interesting uh um uh admonishment i don't know what the word is. But basically he's saying if he sees someone, he feels obligated, in my words, not Hiller's, to overcompensate if he's made a video about you to have interaction with you so you don't think that he's afraid
Starting point is 01:59:17 to say it to your face. Or squash the B for whatever. I zoned out like the steroid chick. I told you about that story, right? Yeah, that wasn't cool. I didn't like her doing that to you. That made me hate her. Well, no, I thought that was cool.
Starting point is 01:59:34 It's kind of what I do. But I didn't like it that she touched you. Yeah, it was weird. I was doing my job. I was shooting the event. And three people come up to me, one of them being a hero who was the 40 to 44-year-old chick that I said no way in hell she's natural. The Brazilian roided up juice person. She taps on my shoulder, and I look.
Starting point is 01:59:56 I go, oh, hey. And she goes, you know who I am? She goes, you know who I am? And I look, and I go, oh, yeah. That was scary. I said, you were on steroids, right? And she goes, you know who I am. And I look and I go, oh, yeah. That was scary. I said, you were on steroids, right? And she goes, yeah. And I just got drug tested.
Starting point is 02:00:10 And I'm like, oh, cool. How'd you do? She goes, I got drug tested. I go, oh, that's not answering the question. And then the guy to her right goes, you know what else you say? And I go, what? She goes, you chop off your own dick if she proved you wrong oh shit yeah yeah that was crazy and i was like all right is she gonna do that for like five years ago as well and this
Starting point is 02:00:33 whole time there's a guy over their two shoulders in a yellow t-shirt with a camera recording the whole thing oh oh this is cool. This is going to be good. Hey, Jeremy didn't make the shirt with the names on it. No, he didn't. No. You know what that's like? You know what that's like, Taylor? Mate CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:00:56 Yeah, that shirt's cool. Yeah. A Karen thinks she's in the right, so she starts filming. She starts filming the situation because she thinks she's in the right when she's clearly in the wrong. Yeah. Whatever Karen situation there might be out there. That's what that feels like.
Starting point is 02:01:14 It was just like the last dude at the end of the games last year that came up and was like, I'm not on roids. I'm not on roids. He was like, apologize. And he just looked like a douche. And everybody thought he was on roids. That was a great impersonation of him. If you're not on steroids, you think it's a compliment
Starting point is 02:01:32 when people think you are. Yes. He's about to drop some sick lyrics. Damn. Oh, God. You guys check this out. Oh, God. You got to check this out. Oh, Suze's beatboxing. That wasn't even me.
Starting point is 02:01:51 That just happened. Did you put him on the big team? Is that Henry? Is that industry Henry? No, this is me doing my job. Industry Henry. I was over there just shooting the event, my little hat, and there's three of them
Starting point is 02:02:05 up there. That dude... Look at him plotting on you. Look at him plotting. Okay. Hey, she dwarfs you, Hila. How many bones in your hand did she break, Shaker? 14. Hila, you don't tell me I'm on steroids.
Starting point is 02:02:29 That was it. Pretty right now wow jesus listen to this listen to this seems like seven is msnbc and hillary's fox news everyone has a right to report how they want its audience and prerogative to watch what they want. You jackass. That picture makes you look like you've done meth a lot in the past. My God. I don't understand the cultural references there. MSNBC is just woke as fuck and Fox is not woke as fuck. It's basically like MSNBC does not report the truth
Starting point is 02:02:58 at all. It's just speculation and analysis. It's just speculation and analysis. You know, it's just garbage. Fox is Pierce Morgan and MSNBC is the opposite of Pierce Morgan. Here's the thing. You have it completely backwards. It's their – what's that girl's name? It's their fucking event, crystal meth.
Starting point is 02:03:19 It's their event. That's the thing. It's their fucking event. You get what i'm saying like they don't have to allow hillary if he'll if hillary makes something that upsets them even if it's true or false it's their fucking event and hillary knew that that's why he fucking behaved well and because because he didn't he knew that the rest of his homies were there trying to get something out of the event. So he didn't want to get kicked out. He personally didn't care.
Starting point is 02:03:49 I don't think if he got kicked out. I was trying to take the team down. Yeah. And so we're painting an honest picture here. How dare you call me MSNBC. MSNBC doesn't admit that they suck dick for money. I'm admitting that I'm sucking dick for money. And you're going to watch everything we put out.
Starting point is 02:04:08 Yeah, yeah. And you know what? You're not allowed to watch the behind the scenes. Blocker. Ding dong. You're a time out. Crystal meth. Crystal meth.
Starting point is 02:04:16 Yeah, thank you. Crystal meth. God damn it. Call me MSNBC. Even if it's true, don't call me that. I've never seen you so triggered, Jesus. It's late. Jesus Christ. I know. I'm actually falling asleep. It's crazy. Yeah. Are we that. I've never seen you so triggered, Jesus. It's late.
Starting point is 02:04:27 I'm actually falling asleep. It's crazy. We didn't land on the plane in a way. Landed. Great job. Thank you, scumbag. So what you're saying is someone's the Jen Pisacki of CrossFit. God, she's hot. My great idea to jump onto the podcast for 20 minutes is really dragging out Kipisaki of CrossFit. God, she's hot.
Starting point is 02:04:49 My great idea to jump onto the podcast for 20 minutes is really dragging out. John Young, anything? All in all, I've got to say this. Thank you to CrossFit. Thank you for everything. Thanks for not kicking Hiller out. Thanks for not kicking me out. Thanks for putting on an amazing show.
Starting point is 02:05:00 I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the access. The people there were cool as shit cool shit hey we were at dinner tonight and someone goes holy shit did you see that person get arrested at the crossfit games today and everyone at the table's like no no shit and they're like yeah cops came and had the dude bent over fucking the the hood of a car and we're putting handcuffs on we're like oh shit who was it and they're like one of the security guards works at the park hey dude speak crystal meth speak crystal crystal speaking of security guards you you have to uh
Starting point is 02:05:28 oh yesterday you said i was beautiful yeah like you do blow what are you talking about yes yesterday you were cool yeah yeah yeah listen crystal yeah i love a good let's party but listen so so the person who was bent over the car was one of the crackheads that was running security at the games who like just lives in madison the cops came and was one of the crackheads that was running security at the games, who just lives in Madison. The cops came and arrested one of the security for the venue. Of course it wasn't a CrossFitter. Everyone there was nice. Hey, you're like
Starting point is 02:05:55 CNN. You can't hold two thoughts in your head at the same time. You can't be a ding-dong who does crystal meth and be beautiful. You have a shallow view of the world. Eric Utley, best CF games media coverage today. Great work by the entire team this week. Thank you. Oh, shit. Golf, Foxtrot, Hammer.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Damn. Those photos are so quick. All right. I still love you, Seth. Okay, good. I love you, too. Let's party. We still love you, too. Someone also said Sporty Beth is beautiful there you go everybody's beautiful beautiful people i really wanted to get a picture of between her and hopper i would you know it'd be cool what i could do for a charity event is have sporty beth run from one side of the like field and hopper from the other side and I'm just in the middle and I just
Starting point is 02:06:45 brace myself for impact. Hopper will get there first, I think. Alright, see you guys tomorrow. Are we doing a show tomorrow night when I get home? I want to. That's going to be the name of the event. Oppenheimer 2? Explosion.
Starting point is 02:07:08 Oh, no. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Pedro, thank you. Come on anytime. John Young, sorry we didn't talk about CrossFit games. We did hype you up pretty good. I'm going to tear you down again.
Starting point is 02:07:26 J.Y. Barbell. Two Brain Business. Peptides. CA Peptides. Toast Spacer. God, Toast Spacer is great to us too. BirthFit. If you need to have a baby, you want to do it and be around cool people. Mr. Sousa.
Starting point is 02:07:44 Bye-bye.

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