The Sevan Podcast - Tommy G | 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!

Episode Date: December 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:02 You got a little Western look in you. I like that. Howdy, partner. Yeah. You look a little western look in you. I like that. Howdy, partner. Yeah. You look a little timeless right now. You come from you could be from any era. 1850, 1950,
Starting point is 00:01:14 2050. Yeah, I'm going for the pioneer look with the little scummy mustache and I'm really enjoying it. Dude, great seeing you. Good seeing you too, man. How are you? Are you... enjoying it dude you great seeing you good seeing you too man how are you are you are you have you just take completely taken over that genre are you a one-man vice are you a three billion dollar company just one dude doing it is that what i would say i'm closer to i have
Starting point is 00:01:38 two billion in the bank account right now definitely uh taking over that but um i would say it's me and about four other guys that are really in this niche that are really grinding and getting after it and we're hitting the road man and we're trying to dive into the stories that show people what's really going on in this world it is on a whole i think the first time i had you on maybe you had 400 000 then you had 800 000 then you had uh now you're up over a million but here's the thing the content is on a practice makes perfect you're like i watched uh so the first time i watched your stuff i probably watched like eight of your videos
Starting point is 00:02:21 in one night in the garage and i liked four of them then the second time i like six then this time i was like fucking addicted dude i couldn't even stop watching them it is nuts you feel like you're getting better i feel like we're definitely getting better the team we've been working with each other now for a year and a half so we're not totally new to this but i think there's still places to grow and and we still have a vision of where we want to be. But overall, I'm very happy with the growth and it feels like we're getting just a little bit better every time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Who's doing the thumbnails? Are you just ecstatic about the thumbnails? Yeah. This random Russian kid emailed me one day asking if he could try and do some thumbnails. He did them and it's like, whoa. Like he's a game changer for sure. Dude, these are popping. I know.
Starting point is 00:03:10 That's what I've been thinking about is the minimalist view. Like there's a guy named Andrew Callahan. It's just a screen grab, a very basic title, and it goes. And then I'm more on the superlative side where I'm trying to find the most extreme stuff. And then I always think I deliver, so I don't feel bad about doing a thumbnail like this. But I wonder, is it overkill? Is it good? What do you think as a guy that looks at the channel, Savant?
Starting point is 00:03:34 No, they're not clickbaity at all. Basically, to be honest with you, for me, it's something about the texture and the way you pop in them. It's almost like three-dimensional. Look at this one down here with the Muslim. Investigating the most Muslim places in America, it's you, and then the guy in the black shirt's a little behind him, and then the guy in the white robe's a little behind. There's just depth to him.
Starting point is 00:03:57 It's without using bokeh, without using shallow depth of field, there's depth to him. I don't know what it is. It's killer, though. Yeah, this guy does a great job. It is so good. Hey, do you know what he's doing? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:13 He sent me a picture of his setup. He's just an 18-year-old Russian kid that has a computer. I remember he sent me a picture of his bedroom setup, of how he has his stuff in order, and he just turns out fire every single time does he speak english dude choppy english but definitely like you can tell he speaks english but it's not like there's definitely like some of the grammar is a little bit off you know um and but he watches your stuff on on the internet i don't think he can completely understand the videos. He's like, oh, from what I can tell, this video, cool.
Starting point is 00:04:51 But I don't think he's really picking up what's going on. Dude, I have this guest on the show pretty frequently. His name is Josh Bridges. He's a really good dude. He's an incredible athlete. But someone's saying you're Tom Cruise playing Josh Bridges. You you have to see this guy to get it, but it's good. It's a good, it's a good comment. It's a complimentary to both of you.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It's compliment. And that the chat's not usually complimentary to anyone. So that's, that's it. That's good. I feel a little bit better. Hey, Tommy. When I feel like the first time you were on that, there was some cats that you used to roll with.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And I may be confusing you with another interview god knows but bear with me here if i'm dipping into something that makes sense to you used to roll with some other cats who were on youtube who had big channels but they were in a completely different genre than you but young what was it yeah i mean if you're you might be talking about balin levine and his the prank world the um the kind of the practical joke space i used to be i used to do more ridiculous uh public content where i would pull jokes on people and there were some big accounts this one kid i think he was like a 17 year old kid and like seventh and eighth graders were like in love with him yeah that's balin he's got like four and a half million subscribers he just did a tour that was sold out i i went to his tour in milwaukee to meet him and talk to him about it he's just the kids love him
Starting point is 00:06:13 man he i mean he's got really positive energy so he's a he's a cool guy doing what he's doing what do these guys are they tripping on on what genre you've gone into? They love it. I think what I've discovered is I'd be jealous if I was them. Here's why. Yeah. You have purpose. I don't mean that as a dig to them. You're really like...
Starting point is 00:06:44 They are... They have a place their amusement their entertainment but dude your shit is like um entertaining but but has so much purpose like everyone walks away anytime i watch one of your pieces i'm like okay i have a new perspective on life i'm you're changing me whereas you know like someone dropping 12 I have a new perspective on life. You're changing me. Whereas, you know, like someone dropping 12,000 pieces of bubble gum on someone and giving them a brand new car, it's like. No, I see what you mean. I see what you mean. I think one thing that I'm learning is I think just I want to experience as many interesting stories as I possibly can. Like I want to like every time we're driving home from a video shoot with my,
Starting point is 00:07:25 with my crew, I want to be like, holy shit. Like, like for instance, I just got back from Phoenix last, uh, yesterday. And the two of the videos that were, I would say really notable that we were covering is we spent one day talking to different fentanyl dealers on the border and then in different Arizona cities and interviewing them. And it's just a wild world because that drug is taking over the country right now. And then the next day we were in a motel room with two prostitutes and a pimp as a prostitutes in the mirror, getting ready, doing her, doing her eyebrows or her eyelashes. And we're talking to her as she's getting ready to go out into the street. And so getting into those situations, to me, is just a really meaningful part of the journey.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And then you also realize the line between good and evil is a lot more different than I would have expected. You talk to people, you're like, man, this fentanyl dealer is a piece of shit, man. And they are doing bad things. But I spent three days in Phoenix with a fentanyl dealer. And this kid, when he was 13, his mom kicked him out and chose a boyfriend that beat her. He's out in the street surviving. And he's doing something that's really bad,
Starting point is 00:08:34 but he's not a bad guy in a way. It's hard to say. But you get what I'm trying to say? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not Satan out there peddling shit, eating babies. It's on one hand you're seeing people like i'm selling fentanyl and then using the money to pay for their fucking uh um uh uh what's that called that you feed babies um formula formula right yeah i mean he helped his mom buy a car he's his girlfriend staying
Starting point is 00:09:04 in their rent like he's paying the bills he's and these guys are hustlers and i think a lot of times if they could sell hot wheels on the street and that people would buy them off them they would sell it would be anything pokemon cards if they could deal pokemon cards and make a lot of money they would do it i don't think they even really care whether it's fentanyl or heroin or pokemon cards whatever is going to be the quickest way to spring a buck and survive out there. Because a lot of these kids have just been from a young age, have just been surviving in really tough environments. And that doesn't give them an excuse, like a pass on what they're doing, but it gives a perspective on what they're doing that
Starting point is 00:09:37 makes it feel more human. Normally when I do podcasts, I just free flow the conversation. I have notes and then I free flow the conversation. I have notes and then we, I free flow the conversation. And I told myself today, I was not going to do that with you. Cause there's some shit that I really want to talk about. Let's dive into it, man.
Starting point is 00:09:54 So bear with me. I'm going to go down a list. There's some shit like I really want to know. And then I want to wait. I would say the kind of mullet you got going on. I would, I would aspire to have that on my own one day. You look beautiful,
Starting point is 00:10:03 very handsome. And dude, this is not a fucking mullet, dude. What? Give me a side profile real quick. This is a man bun, dude, that I wore down for you. Well, it looks good. It's all I'm saying. You're totally backfiring on me.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Oh, I would say keep it going, dude. You got, yes, that's art right there. Look, look, look, look. I have this lesbian friend and she told me it's the viking diet cut she actually talked me into do it garrett uh garrett uh glinton she has a podcast too she's like hey do the viking diet cut shave the sides and then i pull it up into a man bun i think it should be the new trend if i had the hair for it i would do it but just god never blessed me in the way he blessed you what do you mean what do you mean you got a good hair don't you that looks like
Starting point is 00:10:44 a lot of hair. Speaking of lesbians, if I try and grow my hair any longer, I look like a lesbian. And that's not a look I'm going for at the moment. Well, you know, it's weird sometimes when my hair is long and especially as I get older and my probably my testosterone is dropping, I walk by the mirror and I think like, am I a tranny? Like, I'm like, am I transitioning like with this long hair? I definitely can't shave the beard. I think you got a fantastic look on.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Okay. All right. Good. We'll roll with that. I'll leave it there. Mullet. I don't want any. No, it's not a mullet.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Fuck off, everyone. No more. No mullet talk. Okay, here we go. When you when you go out now Since people see your YouTube channel I'm guessing and people know you It's gotten safer I'm guessing
Starting point is 00:11:33 By that I mean I can tell a lot of people Are sessing you out I've been in a lot of situations that you've been in And there's a sessing out period, right? There's like a, but I'm guessing now that people are like, okay, he's not D he's not a drug enforcement. He's not, um, ATF. He's not, you know what I mean? He's not an undercover basically. In some ways it's a lot easier to get contacts. Like I was looking, I was in San Francisco two
Starting point is 00:11:59 weeks ago and I was talking to you and, um, I was looking for bippers and boosters and bippers are the guys that smash the car windows and boosters are the guy that goes into a store and takes a bunch of stuff. And I'd probably 30 leads of people I could hit up. So my access to the underworld has definitely gotten bigger, but I also have more people like it's a status thing too. So like I was with this pimp in Phoenix and his buddies come up and they start videotaping us and posting they start uh you know putting us on instagram and one of my rules especially when we're doing hood stuff is don't post anything until after we're out of the area because the guys will say oh i got all this beef and then they'll post a video of you with them in an area
Starting point is 00:12:38 that everyone knows and you have no idea who's watching his story so that's gotten a little bit more dangerous is like it's as it becomes more of like a status symbol. Like guys will be like, oh, yeah, I'm bringing Tommy G to the hood. And like they get credibility for that. And then you get all these people that are trying to dive in and take a piece. Like I'm looking for, let's say I'm looking for a fentanyl dealer in Tucson. Well, I'll have rappers that will pretend to be a dealer, but really just want to talk to me about music. So I have to like find a way to vet people before I show up. So I don't have to, um, just leave the situation. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's interesting. Cause you're going through
Starting point is 00:13:14 a fine balance, right? You're going from unknown to earning their acceptance to, to the opposite. And I guess it's like what you just described people trying to use you to build their shit up when like hey you're just out you you're you're you're actually are a raw journalist um you're you're an anthropologist you're you're an anthropologist it's become that too like it feels like i've gotten to dive into so many different types of subcultures in america that um it's it's been a road well traveled. And it feels like it just funded that the job has turned into every little niche culture there possibly is. I want to try and find a way in there.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Tom Guerin. Hey, what's up, dude? Merry Christmas, Tommy G. Paychecks. My paychecks, brother. Thank you. Keep it rolling. what got me comfortable in hoods is my day job and now you know if i hadn't had that experience i probably wouldn't be doing what i am now so if there's anyone out there that thinks they're in a dead-end job or stuck like take what you can out of it because you never know what you're going to
Starting point is 00:14:34 take to the next chapter it um that also but i think also your uh your wrestling background, your BJJ background also has given you a stillness and a – when you're there, you're in your skin. You know what I mean? You're not like freaking out or acting weird or you're not like a white dude who's trying to act like a black dude. You're just you, i think and i think that settles everyone around you down yeah i think just be myself even if it comes off as nerdy or corny or nerdy you are a fool but you're dangerous nerd like everyone knows not to fuck with you the thing is though savannah's like elephants are nerdy but no one's fucking with elephants you know what i mean like yeah no one's fighting no one's fucking with elephants. You know what I mean? Like, no one's fight.
Starting point is 00:15:25 No one's going to punch me. It's going to be some guy with a switch is just going to just swing by. And it's all my jujitsu goes out the window. You know, I don't mean like in actual violence. I mean, you have a vibe that you take care of yourself. You're not leaning on anything.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You don't want their money. You don't want their bitches. You don't want their money. You don't want them to fight for you. got you and you got that vibe you're like a dude that other dudes want to hang out with you're cool well thank you yeah yeah you have integrity you but you're also you're eminent you're capable i think i think uh the martial arts world gives people the ability to walk anywhere else you walk through in life, you feel pretty comfortable in that room because you've learned a lot about yourself. All the days getting the shit kicked out of you or kicking the shit out of other people kind of builds you into, I think, a well-balanced person.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Balzac, is this a convo or a fluff piece? I can speak with two dicks in my mouth. is this a convo or a fluff piece i can speak with two dicks in my mouth don't don't don't uh don't um don't limit me to what i can do multitasking um hey uh how is the training going how's the uh jujitsu going and in in any training are you doing any training you look good you haven't gotten fat yet i keep thinking i'm gonna turn it on you're gonna get soft you got like a wife now and money and i train is going good i need to get my cardio back up i like there's nothing like the college wrestling cardio where you feel like you could just do anything you could run through a brick wall and and go for miles and miles and i need to uh get back into just running
Starting point is 00:16:59 outside more but as far as the wrestling juj, I'm at the gym frequently feeling good. I want to get that like, like unlimited cardio back, but maybe as you turn, I just turned 30. So maybe it's, that's just a, a bygone era of a young man, you know? And when you say you're in the gym, how often? When I'm in town, four or five, six days a week. Okay. Okay. So it is routine for you. Oh yeah. That keeps me balanced. If I go a day or two without going to the gym, I think my wife would make me go. Cause I'd probably start to annoy her
Starting point is 00:17:31 too much. I was going to ask you that your wife supports that. Oh yeah. And she's cool with you. I'm spending, is she cool with everything so far? Just how does she realize how much you work? Yeah. I have to balance it. Cause like there was a day I really messed up last week where I said, Hey, I'm gonna stay home from jujitsu. I'm gonna hang out with you before I go out to the trip. And I ended up just taking so many different phone calls that by the time the night was almost gone. I was like, fuck, like I didn't even spend time like I was supposed to. I just was on the phone all the time. So I think guarding my time and knowing when to be present and when to take care of business, because this is something that could occupy seven days a week if I wanted it to.
Starting point is 00:18:14 So I just have my my my boundaries up well. The goal, more than the goal, is the is it is it one a week that's the that is the reality it's one documentary a week one documentary a week and it's a pretty it's a fast treadmill to stay on what about um tommy taking on um someone else now i know it's really hard to find what if you found someone who was like hey i just spent three days in blah, blah, blah. Here's my footage. You know, because then that turns me into a network and my goal is not to become the biggest. I think like I look at it like you look in the military, if you want to specialize operation, you send four guys that are well trained into an area, four to eight guys, you know, and they take care of business. I don't ever want to be the infantry where I have 3,000 guys marching forward because then it just turns into I'm a manager then.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I'd rather be hands-on and keep it small, have my hands on the craft, make sure it turns out really well every time. I don't want to – my goal is not to just grow to the point of maximum expansion. Okay. So listen, people out there. I'm going to tell you how you can get fucking crazy successful on the fast track. Listen very carefully. Very carefully.
Starting point is 00:19:34 You're going to make pieces and they're going to be good and they're going to be short and they're tight and you're going to make one every single week and you're going to send them to Tommy and tell them you'll have them for free and you want nothing from him. And you're going to plan to do that for one to three years. And then I will in turn say, I'm not going to take it, but post on your own channel. And for one to three years, you'll become, you'll grow. And finally, one day Tommy will bite and he'll be like, he'll, he'll be like, okay, I'm ready to grow. I'm only going to do one every other week. And, uh, because he needs to raise his kids and, and you'll be in there. Don't ask for money. Don't ask for anything else. Show them how hard you work. Be consistent. Don't take no for an answer. I know there's no one out there like that. The only two people out
Starting point is 00:20:21 there like that in the entire world are me and Tommy. Well, I don't know if I would give that advice. I'd say build your own platform. Why would they want to dedicate themselves to building what I got going on when they can build what they got going on? I would say owning your own platform is always the most powerful thing you can do because then you're your own boss.
Starting point is 00:20:38 You make your own moves. You decide where you want to go. More quality advice from Tommy G. Bal balzac no one asked balzac is a pretty good username don't you think i love his mom god she sucks a mean one god she's so good uh do you uh do you have a um do you have a baby yes baby is uh we're almost eight months pregnant now. Yeah, so we're having the baby in January sometime, and we're really excited. Are your parents nearby?
Starting point is 00:21:15 Hour and a half away. Are her parents nearby? Five hours away. So definitely building the tribe locally is important. Damn, shit's about to get real damn shit's about to get real it's about to get real real but i'm very excited i was just coming home the other day on a flight and seeing a mom carry a baby around on the plane the baby's wearing a onesie and the baby's very cute and i'm excited for that i i uh i'm gonna i'm very excited to show the baby the world it's
Starting point is 00:21:41 gonna be a baby boy so like taking them into the woods and falling down in mud and jumping into creeks and chucking rocks. And I really want to make sure my kid is connected to the earth. And that's going to be a big part of my role, my responsibility to do that. Dude, Tommy, I wonder if you're gonna get any um weird uh pathologies like you don't want to fly anymore because you're afraid you're gonna die and not be able to come back to your kid or if you're gonna pick some shit up like now that i have kids like like i stopped i stopped i used to ride uh bikes on the road all the time once a week i'd go on a 20 mile bike ride i don't do that shit anymore i don't want to get hit by a car and not be with my kids. I wonder if you're going to pick up any of that
Starting point is 00:22:26 shit. I feel like it could happen, but I feel like our job is to become the best, the fullest versions of ourselves for our kids. And so I think I'm going to keep doing that. Everything that's within reason, I'll keep doing. Yeah. Yon Clark, is Tommy wearing
Starting point is 00:22:42 a mustache disguise? It looks like it, doesn't it? You can go to and you too can buy that disguise. They're on Black Friday sale right now. Three small payments of $19.99 and you can get this exact mustache. Has anyone compared you to Vice? That you're like the non-fascist, non-racist... The older Vice. The older Vice, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah, and to me that's a great comment. I love vice. Yeah. They have some really amazing journalists. There's this lady named Isabel young who did a piece on the Taliban about a year ago. And she was so brave and like the questions she asked were all the questions I would have been terrified to ask. And, um, like she, to me, is like a AA level journalist. And so, uh, yeah, vice vices, one man vice. I'm actually more of like a five man vice. I got some really great people on the team, but, um, but yeah, so vice is a great compliment to me. You always have the same camera guy always. Yeah. I got Miguel. He's the main cam Keegan sometimes is the backup cam.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And, uh, it's the three of us always roll out when we're doing these videos. Oh, it's three of you? Yeah. Wow. Any of those guys ever freak out? You know, we all come from pretty suburban, safe backgrounds. So we're throwing ourselves into really weird situations. Like we were at this
Starting point is 00:24:05 very very sketchy motel infested with fentanyl and we're interviewing a guy that has killed two or three people in self-defense just got out of prison has the teardrop tattoos has a glock with a switch in his uh pocket he's sipping on scissor and it just like, holy shit, dude. Like what are we doing here? But they do a really good job and we kind of acclimate it as well. Like things that used to be a big deal are not so much anymore. And I think we're getting better at vetting the contacts and making sure we're walking into a relatively safe environment. Hey, do those dudes train? Are those dudes healthy guys?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Very few gangsters I ever meet are healthy guys. Oh, no, sorry. I mean your camera guys. Yeah, actually, as part of the employee benefit package, we're getting Miguel set up at the fight gym today, and he's going to start doing jiu-jitsu and kickboxing, and then Keegan joined j uh jujitsu a few months ago so hopefully everyone on the squad will eventually will be even more confident get some
Starting point is 00:25:11 blue belts yeah um yeah that is interesting i i in in the i watched probably i don't know eight pieces in the last two weeks and you never asked like like the boot girl do those chicks train or stay in shape at all they don't look like they do do you ever ask here's the thing yeah i noticed with a lot of like a lot of women that i meet in like in the kind of more trenchy areas if they worked out and ate right yeah they'd all be tens dude they're so beautiful but like they're beautiful without like eating doritos and not working out like imagine what they would look like if they did. Yeah. No one,
Starting point is 00:25:48 no one. Do you ever ask him that? Is that ever like a topic of like fitness or health or. Yeah. We talked a little bit about it. They're like, Oh yeah, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I want to get back into it, but it's just not a priority for him. Yeah. Um, marriage is, marriage is strong. It's good good it's awesome man it makes everything in my life feel very stable and so i always have a nice place to come home to and we have a lot of fun and we we have a nice routine and i think marriage is i think it's becoming more valued again but i think
Starting point is 00:26:23 my generation saw a lot of the boomer generation our parents a lot of them get divorced and so we probably lost faith in the institution of it but i think marrying a good partner is probably the most important like it's up there with the top three most important life decisions you can make um uh did you ever think you would talk for a living? I thought I would entertain in some way. I didn't know if it was going to be rapping or stand-up comedy or this, but I think I've always wanted to entertain. I was always like the class clown trying to raise my hand and doing ridiculous shit to try and make the rest of the class amused.
Starting point is 00:27:06 When I first met you, i thought you were a foreigner because you have something going on with your talk with the way you talk you sound different or i thought a weird little dialect going on yeah you thought you thought did you ever have a speech impediment or anything like that i had trouble saying my r's when i was a kid and how did you know that did someone tell you that when you can't pronounce your r's in front of other kids it becomes pretty noticeable quickly you know they did you know that did someone tell you that when you can't pronounce your r's in front of other kids it becomes pretty noticeable quickly you know they let you know because um now i i just i see your work and i'm like wow this guy you don't um you're not following any of the – you're like one of the most serious journalists I know.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I put you up there with Jorge Ventura. I just spoke to him on the phone recently. Okay, great. Yeah, you immerse yourself in the situation, and you bring back the facts, and you ask a wide swath of questions so that we can get the full picture so like just if you're if you're you know what i mean like if you're doing a fentanyl thing you still would ask i know you would ask the guy hey do you work out like like it's it's there's that there's a vignette you try to paint of your characters it's it's just kind of incredible and i want did you ever you you knew that somehow you'd be doing something like this?
Starting point is 00:28:27 I was always the guy that if I was taking a train somewhere or sitting next to somebody, I would always just ask them about themselves and have a long conversation. So it's always been easy for me to go up to a stranger and ask them questions about their life. I've just always been inquisitive and curious and somehow, some way this this path collided and now um i think like one of the things i pride myself on the channel is as far as getting deep into the underworld we have got to be at the top of the list for for doing that
Starting point is 00:28:57 um when you were uh doing the atlanta boot girls that piece was a trip because at first i thought that they were taking boots off can you explain to me what was going on there because at first i didn't understand that piece and i was kind of like hating those girls and then when i realized what they were doing i was like oh shit i kind of like these girls yeah Yeah. So the city of Atlanta has a practice called booting in which if your car is in the wrong spot or you're in the wrong lot, a private company will put a boot on your car, which is basically a clamp on your tire that doesn't allow it to move. And the only way to get out of it is to pay a fine that is escalating every single day that you let it sit there. And so these boot girls, they got booted when they were first starting out. And they decided we're going to do something about this.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And now they have the keys and they just drive around and take orders. And so they're right next to where you are. They're going to drive up to your car. Within 30 seconds, they get the boot off. They take their money and they bounce. And the city loves them. The police love them. The politicians love them.
Starting point is 00:30:03 The citizens love them. The boot companies, however, do not. So basically it's privatized booting. So if I own an apartment complex, I can call this company and they'll just start booting cars. Yes. So how is that? How is that legal? I couldn't get my head wrapped around that.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I think it's legal gray area because they the way that they get out of it is if they don't ruin the boot that they are technically doing it legally but their lawyer said if the boot if they don't mess with the way the boot is functioning that they're it's legal but they are messing with the way the boot is functioning so somehow they're there's a little loophole or gray area, or maybe there's just a lack of will to enforce it because everyone hates the boot. And the fact that it's privatized is disgusting. I definitely did not. I don't think it makes anyone happy when they walk outside and see a car booted. And I know that, um, in the city of Atlanta alone in the last year, over a hundred thousand people had been booted, but you would rather be booted than towed. That's the alternative. So I think in some ways, maybe it is the lesser of two evils.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And then these girls know a guy who can make the keys to the boots? Yeah, their manager, Christian, is a key part of their operation. So he does the 3D printing and he's worked with ex-employees of the boot company to figure out the formula for the key because now it's like a technology battle where the boot company's adapting their they're making their locks more complicated and then the boot girls and christian have to catch up and come up with their technology on their end to defeat it it It's an arms race of booting. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:31:47 How often did you ever go anywhere where someone didn't want to pay them? No, everyone paid. And did you ever go anywhere where they didn't have the right key? They got every single boot that they tried. And very quickly too. I was amazed at how quick all this happened. Yeah, that whole thing is fascinating. there is something she said at the very end
Starting point is 00:32:09 and she said uh she looked at the camera and she goes i hate the boot companies i just want to say i hate you guys and at that point it took me on pretty wild journey i didn't like the girls then i did like the girls and then when she said that line i didn't like the girls then i did like the girls and then when she said that line i didn't like the girls yet actually i don't know if i didn't like them is right word but i thought oh shit these chicks don't know what the fuck's going on well they don't need the boot companies to be the right yeah hey dude i used to sell i used to go visit um uh grow houses marijuana grow houses and then I would film them and I would burn the DVD, burn DVDs and sell them on eBay and on Craigslist.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So like, and I would put a sticker on them and sell them. They were called Seymour buds and I had all these different volumes. So if you wanted to see grow houses, well, the second fucking DVDs went out of style, I was out of business. I was,
Starting point is 00:33:01 I was just like overnight. I was done. The, the second they get rid of boots Those girls are done Like their whole business They're very niche Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:12 You can't have Batman Without the Joker sometimes And they need to realize that they need the Joker But they don't seem to realize that right I mean they're like really in bed with these guys, like really in bed. They are so – it would be like if they took out all the roads, all our cars would be fucked. It's like they have a jihad and they're on their mission and without the – that's why the world is always balanced out because you need the yin and the yang. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Yeah. What a crazy – and then yin and the yang. Yeah. What a crazy niche. And then that guy sells the keys. He'll mail them to you. You want your key? I think it's like $50. He'll send you one in the mail. Aren't those girls concerned that it would take them out of business if there were competitors, boot competitors?
Starting point is 00:34:04 it would take them out of business if like there were like competitors boot competitors um i feel like there's enough meat on the table that a lot of people can eat and they're kind of firmly established as the boot girls i don't think anyone's gonna really take their shine anytime soon hey if if it's 50 bucks a pop and there's a hundred thousand boots, it's a, it's a, it's a 5 million. I mean, theoretically it's a $5 million a year business.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Not a bad business to get into it. No dang. Are there any other cities like that? I think Atlanta is one of the worst, but I, I don't know. I'm not a, I don't know if what's's what happens in the bay area where
Starting point is 00:34:47 you are how how did you i don't i haven't seen boots in 20 years i used to see boots and now i don't see them anymore and the boots that i used to see were massive they weren't like those ones that those ladies are messing with um how do you find someone like that, them specifically? So let's say I'm, so let's take Atlanta. If I know I have two or three stories I'm covering there, me and my guy Keegan will research all the other stuff that's going on in that area and we'll stumble upon different things. So I had my eyes on the boot girls for a long time and they would not answer my DMs for months. And then finally, right before we were about to leave for Atlanta, they were down to do it. So we connected the dots.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah, and then they have a show coming out on Hulu. Yeah, they have Hulu. Vice, actually, I'm glad we beat Vice to the punch, but Vice was there filming about a week after we were. beat vice to the punch but vice was there filming about a week after we were wow they didn't seem um like tired of media or like overexposed like when you were working with them they still had some of their innocentness and naiveness they they were they were charming characters yeah they were very just sweet fun girls like they were in the car so much of the time they're just like giggling and they're driving around. Very cool characters. But I think they know that they don't want to spend the rest of their life driving around, taking off boots.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I think they're going to come out with a mixtape. They're going to rap. I think they want to open up for Cardi B or Megan Thee Stallion. I think they see going more into the entertainment sector is what they want to do. They're going to be rappers? I think so. I want to show you this clip.
Starting point is 00:36:33 This one. The Slaughter Gang Atlanta is so good. The boot one was so good too. Incredible. Oh, two things. 1445. Let me play this first. i didn't know what no cap was and my audience was making fun of me saying i was old but how how happy do you think i was when i saw that uh harold didn't know what no cap was either yeah he i feel like he should know
Starting point is 00:37:03 no i don't know dude i think no cap might be dorky white white boy shit Yeah, he... I feel like he should know. Nah, I don't know, dude. I think No Cap might be dorky white boy shit. It's become dorky white boy shit, but it started off in the streets. Okay, okay. Here we go. I love this part. Here we go. We got your f***ed up, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:18 5-0, we got him. Bustin' respectfully. Huh? Bustin' respectfully. B? It's bustin' respectfully. You know, like, bustin' like, it's like, this shit good as hell. It's bustin' no cap, some people might say. Right. What the hell bustin' no cap mean?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah, there it is. There it is. What is no, what does no cap mean? Your kids don't say that? Maybe they're a little younger than. My kids don't go to school. They don't know anything. My kids still watch the A-Team on DVD in the minivan.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Damn. I was just talking about this the other day, where the era, like late 90s, early 2000s, like if your parents made it, you had a DVD set up in the back of the car, and now that's gone back out of style as the iPads have taken over. Yeah, we got a DVD player in the A-team and the $6 million man playing on DVD.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Old, old shit. What does no cap mean? It means for real, like seriously. They're not lying. They're not capping. Oh, they're not lying. When I was a kid, we would do the cap and meant like you're putting someone down. Like, hey, dude, you guys want to grab some 40s and just cap on each other?
Starting point is 00:38:22 And then like five of us would or 10 of us would go to someone's house and drink 40s and then just rip on each other. Just talk funny shit to each other. Great. Yeah. Crazy, nasty shit. Just make fun of me. Just make fun of each other. OK, now here's this part. This part's great. This is this has kind of become a theme in a lot of your videos. And I and I'm tripping on it.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I want to get your take on it. Okay, here we go. This is from Slaughter Gang, Atlanta's most notorious rap crew, Tommy G. This is published – this is new. I don't know, a couple weeks ago. Seven days ago. Seven days ago. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Wait, let's go back. How'd you get that shot? Someone got a drone? Yeah, we got a drone. What's some Atlanta lingo? Tweet. Tweet. Tweet.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Like, I'm telling you. Like, I'm telling you what's going on. Like, I'm telling you. This is Boston. No cap, though. Do you feel like America's going in a good direction right now? Our values in office? No.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Do you want Trump back in office? Yeah. When was the last office? No. Do you want Trump back in office? Yeah. When was the last time? What is going? Black people just don't like Biden. Every person you ask is like, fuck Biden. But the mainstream media is like,
Starting point is 00:39:37 tries to paint it the other way. Well, here's where I think it is. I think when you talk, anyone that's in the streets, whether it's the Latin Kings, whatever color, every single one of them is like Trump. But I think it's the college educated people that come from those neighborhoods that like Biden. So but everyone that just a gangster in the streets, not one of them has been pro Biden because they think Trump is a gangster, too. They're like, man, that dude didn't pay
Starting point is 00:40:05 his taxes. He does whatever he wants. He gets with supermodels. They almost view him as a gangster rapper type character. That's not the answer I wanted. Here's what I take from it. I think they like him because he's straight up. Well, that too.
Starting point is 00:40:23 He shoots it straight. He doesn't speak like a politician. He speaks in a way that the common man can understand, and he doesn't run circles around you with his answer like most politicians do. And those guys, what do you think about the hypothesis that those guys are on the streets and they're seeing the ill effects of the Biden administration? I don't know if it's that deep for them. I really don't think it is. I mean, I think they view a strong leader.
Starting point is 00:40:51 They want him and they view Biden as a weak ass honky and they're like, get somebody else in there. So I don't think it's like, I don't think they're like sitting in their house, smoking a blunt, being like, you know what policy has really affected our life? There's when Biden instituted, I don't think it goes that deep um when you say that do you know that they're gonna say trump when you ask them it's surprising to me because i've been programmed as well to think that none of these guys are probably going
Starting point is 00:41:20 to be fans of trump but over and over and over Trump is the guy. When we talk about politics in the streets, it's Trump. Yeah, it's wild. Do you, do you, do you have, do you have a political slant? Well, I've always voted independent. I've never voted right or left my entire life. Right now I'm really, really intrigued by RFK. I'm intrigued by Vivek. And if it came down between Trump or Biden, I had a gun to my head, I would choose Trump. But I think he has some, I don't know. He has some interviews where I really like what he says, but I also think he has some character flaws that I don't know. We need a uniter.
Starting point is 00:42:03 The thing that Trump does really well is we need pride back in America. We need a little bit of nationalism. We need to think that we have a place here in the world and that being an American is okay because the very progressive stance is, oh, the West is terrible. America is the source of everything bad. And we just want to erase the history of everything that we've done well, which we've done a lot of remarkable things in this country. And Trump wants to bring it back, like American made, American pride. And I think that's important. But where I think Trump fails
Starting point is 00:42:34 is he does not unite. He punches down. If something comes out where he had the opportunity to kind of go across the gap and shake hands with the Democrats. He'd rather just make a mean tweet about them. And we don't need that right now. We need a guy who's going to unite everybody because there's liberals bring things to the table, too, that are important. Like, again, it's a balancing act. It's a yin and yang. And has someone gotten out of control on the woke side? Of course. But we can't alienate whether you're right or left. You can't alienate whether you're right or left you can't alienate half the country and expect things to go well yeah well said i like that well said um uh i like vivek too you do you trust him a ramaswami a lot of people are like they don't trust him but i feel like all the things that people have questioned that he's answered to he's smooth and he's very like he's so sharp on his feet he's brilliant he's articulate i like
Starting point is 00:43:27 the the determination and the like just the american pride he brings but he also is a strikes me as a little bit of a maniac like he said some like war quotes were like there's gonna be blood shed in the streets or stuff i don't know a guy that never has fought a war like you could tell you can just look at him like he may play played tennis, but he hasn't punched anybody. He hasn't fought anybody. I think you should be careful talking about young men going to war for you. So he strikes me as a little bit of a megalomaniac too, where he gets a little bit too high on his own supply.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I don't know. I don't know what his humility level is, and I think you need a little bit too high on his own supply and that, I don't know. I don't know what his humility level is. And I think you need a little bit of that too. There was this thing that he said where men go through service phases and then they go for self-serving phases. Yeah. And I really liked that explanation. And he said,
Starting point is 00:44:18 and so you can't blame a politician like Biden who's once, when someone's in office for 40 years, we're going to experience some of their self-serving phases. And that's where the corruption comes in. And so that's why he likes term limits, because we can't have people in the self-serving phase while they're in office. I think that's the thing that goes under noticed about Trump is that he's old and he's probably in the serving phase, even though we see him as this arrogant megalomaniac. I think it feels like he's in a serving phase. Well, he's an amazing marketer and with marketing comes self-promotion and it's hard not to
Starting point is 00:44:51 cross your line sometimes. But I mean, it does seem like he left a life of comfort and inherited a life of attack and ridicule and he's going through a lot of uncomfortable things right now. i could i could definitely see that and as far as this american experiment goes where we are right now i could cast my my die with um by vac like i think i want someone that is actually happy and proud to be an american that's probably and i was raised not to be a proud American. I was raised to hate this country. Why? Deeply.
Starting point is 00:45:29 It's the way you're raised as a Democrat in California. You're raised to not like the American flag. You're raised to think that anyone who's in the South is racist. You're raised – just all – when really, when reality, it's the entire West Coast is the most racist place you could ever be. All the people that call themselves anti-racist are the biggest racists i know it's crazy but so so so it's interesting you say that i know i want to live even though i think um i i want to live somewhere where people are proud too where they're like hey man this is a great experiment i want to be a part of it i want people to be proud of this country too i totally do do. Here's where it is. Cause I think a lot of people, like there are hard things that
Starting point is 00:46:08 are proud of. There are things that are hard to be proud of right now. Like we, how is it, how can we be proud of a, a government that seems like all they do is insider trade and get us into wars and lie to us. And so I think when we bring transparency into our government, which might be impossible, when you look at people with power across any country of any time in history, like still our government is doing pretty well. Like it's not Soviet Russia where it's, there's a lot of examples of much worse government, but could we do a lot better? Yes. And I think we do need that. Well, one thing that the progressives are trying to do that's really cancerous is they're trying to convince us that it's wrong to be
Starting point is 00:46:48 proud to be american and it's wrong to to think that we've done anything right in history and uh i just disagree i think that's a bad way to go about it so do i uh um yon clark were the card scammer guys legit which episode was the card scammers? I don't know if I saw you. Punch Made Dev. What is it? This is what I would say about Punch Made Dev. Because Medium, I'm not that good with computers.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So the stuff he's doing, I don't know what's legit and what's smoke and mirrors, like how much of an actor he is. But what I would say about Punch Made Dev is I would look at him the same way I look at Little Mabu, if you guys are familiar with him as a rappers, I think it's a character rapper. I think he's been around the scamming world enough to know what he's talking about. And I'm sure he's done some of it,
Starting point is 00:47:34 but I also think he's not dumb enough to send himself to prison on camera. So that's what I would say about punch my dad. What, which one is it? Where I don't see it. That was a wild episode. If you type in the most famous scammer on the internet,
Starting point is 00:47:50 he'll pop up. That was a wild, wild episode. For about 24 hours, it was the most reacted to video on YouTube. This kid is something else. Tell me what's it... Punch Made Dev Tommy G, if you type that in on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Punch me... What's the word you're saying punch made dev he's doing credit card scams wire fraud uh like all these different things and it's just like holy shit this guy is a maniac and and do you see him on the uh do you oh he's his face is covered. Oh, shit. And this one has 6 million views. Yeah. Okay, and this one's from four months ago. I didn't see this one. Oh, I can't wait to see this one.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Dude, 145,000 likes. 12,000 comments. This kid is controversial. Hey, so you can't even read all your comments anymore. No, I mean, I try to have a pause on how things are going. I do try and look at it, but yeah, you can't keep track of everything. At 12,000, you'd still be reading them. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Have you ever done a follow-up piece on someone, Tommy? We just did actually, not on purpose, but we went back to the zone in Phoenix, which was one of the largest homeless camps in the country. And we were interviewing people because I was interviewing the fentanyl dealers. And then I wanted to interview the people on the street affected by fentanyl or addicted to fentanyl. And I bumped into people that he had invited me into his tent and he had walked me around the area. He's still out there. And so Rick is his name. So I interviewed him again and caught up with him. And it's nice to do repeat pieces, but also I want to make sure that I give people a unique video every single time. I don't want to make it a,
Starting point is 00:49:44 like rappers will be like, come back. Like I'll do a video on them. They'll be like, come back and we'll do it again. It's like, well, what are we going to cover new this time?
Starting point is 00:49:50 That's going to make it worthwhile. Are you going to rob a bank or what? Yeah. I mean, that's the thing is now I'm starting like the level of criminal I'm starting to meet dude is absurd. I've met kids that have robbed, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:03 where, uh, weed grow houses. They've done $500,000 heists. They have the videos to prove it. I just met a kid that robbed a scammer, took his car, zip-tied the guy's hands behind his back, put him in the passenger seat of his own car, and had a Snapchat video of him talking to this guy like, you better sit still or I'm going to blam your ass as he's driving this guy's car around and so like when you meet a guy and he
Starting point is 00:50:29 tells you he did that it's like it's a little unsettling it's like holy shit this guy is insane you could go away for a long time for kidnapping I think he is going to go away because he robbed a postman and got caught for it so he's he has an ankle monitor on and he's doing federal time he wrote he robbed a postal worker but he on and he's doing federal time.
Starting point is 00:50:49 He robbed a postal worker, but he's not in jail. California, man. And he also robbed a guy and caused great bodily harm. So he has two strikes pending right now, but he's currently out and about doing this thing see like my kid's jujitsu teacher uh right at the beginning of this the so-called pandemic was held at knife point at an atm and he uh the dude decided not to rob the jujitsu instructor and then halfway through the robbery left jujitsu instructor would have killed him. But the cops found him, arrested him, and he was out on bail 24 hours later. A knife at an ATM.
Starting point is 00:51:33 It's unbelievable, dude. He admitted to it. Well, also, it seemed like the guys protecting themselves from the criminals are getting more in trouble. You see that guy in California. Two guys are trying to rob his house. He quick draws his pistol yeah yeah and the cops take his gun license away for defending his house from armed robbers man hey the fentanyl issue is real too huh it's
Starting point is 00:52:02 like real real everywhere it seems like every show you could ask, I bet you every single person you ever hang out with in the 52 weeks knows someone who died of fentanyl. It's taking over the game. Heroin is not being asked for anymore in the streets. Fentanyl is, I wouldn't say becoming a monopoly, but it is the most dominant drug in the market right now. The,
Starting point is 00:52:28 the one you did with the guys in, in Tennessee, they were just riddling off people that they knew were either addicted or died of fentanyl. Every city that is it's fentanyl is hit. It's it's impacts undeniable because it just, it just completely changes people. It makes people want to go from a normal person to comfortable with living on a box on the
Starting point is 00:52:52 side of the road with poop all around them just so they can chase the fentanyl hit. Are you and all your guys sober? Largely. I smoke probably twice a week. I take a couple puffs and I either edit or go to jujitsu. But my, my, my crew is over.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yeah. Why, why do you guys, that jujitsu scene has a, we, you know, the guys walk in and they smell like we, why,
Starting point is 00:53:14 why jujitsu and we, I think it started off as kind of like the warrior hippie sport. And then, so it's just part of the culture. Does it mean, do you think it makes you roll better to me the i don't know i i think to me it's like a cup of coffee if i'm tired and it's like 5 p.m i'm not going to drink more coffee i'll just take a puff and i'll feel a little bit of a second wind
Starting point is 00:53:37 do you know that jujitsu team um uh the b team in austin yeah nicky rodriguez and uh craig jones yeah would you ever do a piece on them like if they if they were like yeah tommy come hang with us i mean craig's wild yeah i'm in contact with nicky and i would love to do a piece on them one day yeah i would like it's exciting enough you think there's enough meat on the bone there yeah i'm trying to think of how I would structure it. I don't know if I would call them. Maybe if I could also talk to them and John Donahue, that side, and talk to the two best jiu-jitsu teams.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I don't know if I want to stoke the flames of jiu-jitsu beef, but I think there's definitely something there. Yeah, and Craig's amazing. Their Instagram, Craig's Instagram is wild. He's living life on his own drumbeat, that's for sure. Yeah, it's good. I's their, their Instagram. Craig's Instagram is wild. It is living life on his own drumbeat. That's for sure. Yeah. It's good.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I can't get enough of it. What about James O'Keefe? I like him. I think, well, one, he's just doing some really cool journalistic work and he's encouraging people to not back down. And he's,
Starting point is 00:54:43 he's very brave. I would say sometimes he's a little bit, um, like he'll get a low level employee from a company and just grill them and act like they're in on the conspiracy. Like he'll get a low level black rock guy and then try and cook them as if he's the CEO calling all the shots. And there's a little bit of a reach to me.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Right. Right. Right. But I think overall what he's doing is he's a great guy to have out there. What about, um, uh, what do what do you think about what happened in Hawaii the burn down yeah do you dabble in I don't want to call them
Starting point is 00:55:15 conspiracy theories do you dabble in theories of like laser testing and shit like that you know the thought is is that there's a lot of shit on Instagram where there were lasers and they were used to burn that so that the real estate could be taken over like do you dabble in any of that or i don't know so i've heard some of those i've gone down the rabbit hole a little bit i wouldn't be surprised either way if it was just a simple explanation of an accidental fire i wouldn't be surprised and if it was a concerted effort to
Starting point is 00:55:43 move people out of their land so the rich can buy it up i wouldn't be surprised. And if it was a concerted effort to move people out of their land so the rich can buy it up, I wouldn't be surprised either. I don't know, dude. I think we're in an era of smoke and mirrors and misinformation where it's really hard to know what's going on. Hey, could I propose a piece to you? I'm sure you get pieces proposed all the time. You're getting your pencil ready? I'll reach over for something. all the time you're getting your pencil ready so you reach over for something um what about since the election's coming up find out some people who are doing election fraud and get embedded with them wouldn't that be fucking amazing if they will do it on camera i'll i'll go there is that that is the requisite that you have to there has to be some filming yeah i mean my big thing is this i know how to edit and how to protect people and like i
Starting point is 00:56:26 saw one of the comments earlier i think it was from renee was asking me if i'll ever have to go to trial uh like on some i have journalistic privilege i have a lawyer that has informed me that of this and so i can really do whatever i want and uh and not have to be called to the stand about it which is a great relief. But the other thing is people might get mad, like, why are you disguising this guy's voice? Why are you masking him up? He's a fentanyl dealer.
Starting point is 00:56:53 He's a robber. Why are you doing that? Well, if they're going to give us the inside scoop into how they think and how they act and show us what they do on camera, it's my duty to protect them. The alternative is either i protect them and i get to see what they're doing or they're never going to show it it's just going to continue to be the underworld so um i take it seriously making sure these guys are safe if they're
Starting point is 00:57:14 going to get in prison it's not going to be because of me it's going to because of their own what they do yeah that would be that's cool. That would be crazy to see someone, um, to see one of those moles actually working, who goes around to all the different mailboxes and this stuff. And you know what I mean? They collect all the ballots. That would be fascinating to see that on election night.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Is there a piece of yours that's been picked up by mainstream uh media largely the kia boys is the is the right maybe that's the piece that actually introduced me to you that's the most that's the most common piece that if someone sees me on the street oh you're the guy from the kia boys interesting it and more and more people are noticing you i'm seeing it in your videos like people are like uh you're the um i know you especially in like the tougher parts of america dude like that's that's my audience i don't know if i maybe i just don't spend enough times in like ritzy circles but um like every in America, dude, the brand is strong. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:58:28 That must feel good. And you got that tagline now on building the biggest gang in America. Yeah. I want to go back to something that I said to you in the beginning of the show about being able to carry your own and handle your own. about being able to carry your own and handle your own and we're going to go to the 11 minute mark of uh when you're hanging with these guys in nashville and you're just you're hanging out these guys seem cool this is shaka the hustle man yeah he's kind of a country redneck gangster mix yeah these guys were cool here i'm guessing you're totally relaxed except
Starting point is 00:59:06 for the fact that everyone's drunk right these guys are chill they're drinking yeah yeah okay and and i want to show uh people at home this this scene here here we go what's that tattoo on your knuckles right this r-h-e-c raise hell and eat cornbread dude i got the state of tennessee i got this shit done in a kitchen bro yeah. Fuck yeah. This was done in a kitchen. This shit was done in a fucking trailer run by a generator. The stereotypes from outside of this state ain't right. People take up for each other no matter what skin color, no matter where you're from. What do you think the stereotypes are?
Starting point is 00:59:36 People act like a lot of mountaintop hick people and stuff in our area are incest, drug addicted, racist. Yeah, racist. I got a kid with a black girl. He said, i got a kid with a white girl he said i got a kid with a black girl yeah my mom's black dude that kid said my mom is black i don't know if i believe that but look at him i mean there ain't nothing to it skin color ain't nothing different in your hair color bro genetics is genetics we're all human beings. We're shitty human beings and good human beings in every race, hair color, state, no matter what it
Starting point is 01:00:10 is, bro. Trying to split this nation up. When the people come together and unify, that's when the government gets scared of us, dude. Look at 1776. Those were the best quotes from the entire episode. When he went on that little speech, I was just like, hell yeah, brother.
Starting point is 01:00:25 That's it right there. These were cool dudes. Yeah, this was a cool episode. Some of the episodes I'm kind of like a little white-knuckled when I'm watching. This one I wasn't. I was chill. I was – it was more like just meeting a lot of interesting characters. Hold on. I'm trying to find – that's not the spot that I was looking for
Starting point is 01:00:49 let me fill up the water jug real quick okay where was the spot fuck maybe I don't have it time coded but there's a spot here it's time to go to sleep we'll see you in a minute Tommy there was a spot here. It's time to go to sleep. We'll see you in a minute.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Tommy, there was a spot here where some guy is shooting you with some sort of like Nerf gun. You remember that part? Maybe he doesn't remember that part. So podcast first. Someone goes and gets a drink of water. Oh, here it is. Okay was missing some new flavor oh i can that's i didn't hear the gun yesterday hey so so this is the spot i was trying to play there's a guy when people think a rapper in their head there's a guy here doing something to you i can't tell exactly
Starting point is 01:01:39 do you think you can change that do you think the game is missing? So right there, that automatic fire, those are just bouncing off your back right now? A couple of them are hitting me. New flavor. Rap is so broad. Anybody you can talk can rap. There's a stereotype around that. I got you on the next one.
Starting point is 01:01:59 One more. There's a stereotype. Now, are you really irritated with them? I'm just not going to let myself keep getting shot by airsoft guns. Hey, you got me once, cool, but if you keep getting me, I'll get you. We're a bunch of dumb hillbillies,
Starting point is 01:02:13 but anybody can come up here tonight and have fun. There we go. We got him. You let him go and you let him know, hey, I got you, And then you let him go. And he's like, And then he kept going. I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:02:28 hip talk. He was pissed. I think he was pissed. He was pissed. Well, you see it like the next little segment that you play, like he's in the background and his friend puts his arm around him. Sometimes people have guns in their house. There's a gun above every door in my house.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Is that the most confrontation you've ever had in all the years of doing this? There was one guy that was beating his dog that I confronted and got really mad at. And that was probably the biggest confrontation. Did you put your hands on that dude? No, I don't want to go to someone's neighborhood and punch somebody. No, of course not. I can't even believe you did that to the guy, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:03:20 I felt like I was left with little options. Like he just, how long was I going to let a guy keep shooting the airsoft gun at me? You know? Right. And at some point you're like, Hey dude, do you want attention or what?
Starting point is 01:03:31 We'll get you some film time. I'll toss you. Yeah. Hold on. I want to see him in the back. I want to see him in the background here. Pissed off. I didn't even,
Starting point is 01:03:41 I didn't notice that. But when I saw that, I was like, Oh, that doesn't look like it be easier talking about the person On the shoulder and then his arm around them. Oh shit So he's butthurt. Oh You got him in a rear naked choke and then let him go right away. I
Starting point is 01:03:59 Feel like okay If someone's in town that you don't know and there's some YouTube kid and they're filming them, like you're on camera getting like choked or something, like no one likes. No one's going to enjoy that. Yeah. Yeah. That part was wild for me. I wonder if it's more wild for me because I know you and I'm like Oh god I hope nothing weird happens This is getting squirrely
Starting point is 01:04:28 Yeah I always try and stay away from Conflict like that but I think When you mix alcohol and situations Sometimes you just have to Was Shaka cool with it? Did he say anything to you about it? No he just laughed about it And was like ah yeah he's a little drunk. Let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear!
Starting point is 01:05:39 Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. What was your trip like to San Francisco? And is there a video coming out about that trip? Yeah, we got to go into the black market there and see all the stolen goods. So we're doing a whole piece on all the theft in San Francisco, and then we're doing a whole piece on the open-air drug market there. That is a wild place dude and we went there during APEC which is when Xi Jinping came to town and it
Starting point is 01:06:10 got cleaned up and it was so I I got to see San Francisco in probably the more light form than it actually is and they spent a lot of time scrubbing the scrubbing the streets and cleaning up so I didn't even get the full picture of what it is. But even then walking around, Oh, we, in like a 15 minute segment, I remember bumping into eight pieces of human shit. Like just,
Starting point is 01:06:32 Oh, that's another human shit. That's another human shit. And people are just openly on the street doing fentanyl. And the thing about it is the nonprofits there, you walk in, you get a kit, you get the tinfoil,
Starting point is 01:06:43 you get a fentanyl pipe. You, I think you even get a lighter, um, everything but the fentanyl from the government from taxpayer non-profit money people are getting people are getting uh fentanyl and yes uh channel five did an excellent piece there's a guy andrew callahan that did did San Francisco streets. That covers a lot of those themes. He put it out seven days ago. It's like at four million views. The guy is just crushing it.
Starting point is 01:07:11 And San Francisco is one of those places you walk into and you're like, I can't even believe this is real. It feels like a video game. It feels like a dystopian movie that I'm watching. a dystopian movie that I'm watching and there's just a high level of mental illness and human despair and bad policies that have come to life and have kind of wrapped the city in a chokehold. When, when did you hear about Elon saying that the reason why he bought Twitter was because they were projecting the mind virus from Twitter headquarters?
Starting point is 01:07:44 Did you hear all that? Like all the infiltrating FBI and CIA and telling them what we should and shouldn't publish or what? No, not that. But basically it was projecting the victim mentality. The way I interpret it is he's saying they're projecting the victim mentality. So let me give you an example. Leave the borders open. If you don't, you hate Mexicans. Like that's the – like like that's in a nutshell, that's what the left was saying, right? Leave the borders open. If you don't, that means you hate Mexicans. It's like, what the fuck? Like, it's just, it's not even, but a chunk of the population believes that kind of talk or, and so they leave the borders open. And then, so the fentanyl comes into the cities. I'm oversimplifying. I know. And what Elon believes is that basically if I interpret what he said, he said that Twitter was yelling the woke agenda.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Like they're basically saying that any time a white guy crosses the street, he's avoiding a black guy. Like those are the things they want you to believe. Right. And and that San Francisco is the manifestation of the woke agenda. The mind virus is there. It's basically being codependence towards weak people instead of helping weak people. So your baby falls down instead of being like waiting for your baby to stand up. You walk over and you pick it up. And it's happened so many times. Here's the question, though, because what do we do with 1,000 people on the street? Because the one thing I'll say about the red cities and red states is because the policies are so good in the blue areas that the homeless people will leave. Or I know that there's a conspiracy that red governors will put a homeless person on a one-way ticket to Hawaii and let them live there.
Starting point is 01:09:22 And so there's a huge homeless population in Hawaii right now. And what do you do with a thousand people on the street? I don't think that's a conspiracy. I think that's a fact, yeah. So what do you do with a thousand people on the street? What would you, if I was a drug addict, if I was a fentanyl, I don't think that there's any drug addict, anything I've ever been addicted to, I wish I wasn't addicted to.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Anything. But I haven't had any crazy addictions uh weed um uh nicotine caffeine not even alcohol um but yeah stuff right here but if i if mike if i was addicted to heroin and i was on the streets i would want to be arrested if my so that i and every time i was, I'd want to spend another month in jail, another month in jail to give me an opportunity to break the cycle. And I would also want my kids to be arrested. And I would also want my mom to be arrested because I want, would want them taken off the streets so they get a chance to break the cycle. Yeah. I think a lot of people have options for resources and they like there's housing available for you.
Starting point is 01:10:28 They're willing to give homeless people Section 8. But I think the power of the drug is so strong that they'd rather stay on the street. And I don't know what you do with these people. They prioritize stealing. So the job of addicts is stealing. Right. And the only reason why they're homeless is a misnomer they call them homeless but really it's people who've uh decided to put drugs ahead of shelter that's all it is
Starting point is 01:10:52 yeah homelessness is just a fucking that's another thing it's a mischaracterization of what's going on i just wonder what what homelessness has looked like throughout human history like because i think there's always going to be an element of the population that's addicted to something. There's always going to be people that are down on their luck or down and out. And what is the best way to work with it? And the more, I guess, left-leaning countries like Portugal, they've had some solutions where you come into a clinic, you get your heroin administered by a nurse. You're on a program program you go to a therapist i would be interested to see the statistics on like what place in the world
Starting point is 01:11:30 has handled it the best in the meantime since i have kids and i pay crazy taxes like you do i'd like i'd like to see a big bulldozer come and scoop them up and put them in the back of a truck and take them into to nevada fence in the borders of nevada and keep them there until we have a so that there's no chance of my kids stepping on a needle yeah i guess it's interesting is there is there a right to poop and do drugs on the street trump you're right to feel safe and comfortable i don't know i don't think so i don't think so the other thing about it it's easy it's easy to talk in theory and make these policies when it doesn't when they don't live where you are but if you walk out of your apartment complex and every single day you just
Starting point is 01:12:16 see that uh i think all of our lawmakers should live next to it And then maybe we'll have a better read on the situation. Um, uh, I, I did a stint when I was homeless. I did a stint homeless many years. And the vast majority of the homeless people were just basically alcoholics. That was like the, the, in, in pills, Valium and shit like that. This is, you know, 20 or 30 years ago. And then basically what ended up happening is I started working and I had kids and I started giving a shit. I didn't want to be eating at a Starbucks in Berkeley and look out the window or drinking my latte at Starbucks and look out the window. And a guy has his pants down and taking diarrhea on the sidewalk that I
Starting point is 01:12:55 paid for. Yeah. My perspective changed. I agree, dude. I agree. You did. I can't wait to see you walking down the street with your kid.
Starting point is 01:13:05 You're a good dude, Tommy. Is there any piece that you're just really excited to get out to do in the next year and get your boots on the ground? I'm excited from the fentanyl and the prostitution and the black market. I'm excited to get those pieces out that we just filmed, but I think every trip there's something that I'm really excited about. And I want to move into more character pieces. I want to start covering people too, that have a very positive life. Cause a lot of what I cover is a little on the darker side. So I want to, you know, I want to talk to Dolly Parton and follow her around for a day. Someone that's a philanthropist and a pillar of their community and Mattress Mac out in
Starting point is 01:13:50 Houston, who is helping the help people during the hurricane. So I do want to do more profile pieces on people that are really doing things the right way. But as well, I want to continue to dive deeper into the underworld. Okay. Let me ask you this, that uh there was a piece you did i can't remember i watched it about a month ago and i think it was a gambling piece but i can't remember but anyway you end up in this community garden the home of gary indiana yes
Starting point is 01:14:17 and you dedicate a significant portion of the show to that garden yeah was that hard to do were you and the editors like oh god this is really cool but i liked it i'm glad we ended up there because it you did it put a nice bow on the story and it put a nice like it left the viewer with a positive feeling you spent a lot of time there with no guns and no crazy talk and no cleavage. I thought it was really important because I think, I think there's a lot of guys in tough areas that they're so survival is so on their mind that it's very hard to see more than day to day. It's hard to see a month out a year out, five years out. And when you see a really positive example of people doing the right thing, I think it starts to awaken the mind to what else is out there.
Starting point is 01:15:08 What about would you do if Vivek or Trump were to reach out to you? A hundred percent. I'm connecting the dots with RFK. We'll see when we can line that up. Trump, a hundred percent. Vivek, a hundred percent. That's the thing. My policy is I will go to talk to, if AOC wants me to talk to her, cool.
Starting point is 01:15:28 I'll go talk to her. I don't care. I just want to – I want to be somewhat neutral. Like even though I might in my heart feel a certain way, I want to be the guy that can talk to anybody. And I don't want to box myself in because I think everyone has a point at the end of the day. Like I might not agree with their point, but they think they think what they're thinking for a reason. And I don't,
Starting point is 01:15:48 I think that's important to acknowledge. Would you ever do a two part series on someone like that? Like episode one does really well. Do an episode two. No, I'm just thinking like, what if you had to hang out with Trump for like, what have you got to hang out with him for like two weeks?
Starting point is 01:16:05 Give me 24 hours with Trump. I'm going to put out a piece that I'm very thinking like, what if you had to hang out with Trump for like, what if you got to hang out with him for like two weeks? Give me 24 hours with Trump. I'm going to put out a piece that I'm very happy with. Yeah. Do you always feel that way? Like you're like, wow, that was enough time. Yeah. Part of it is with the treadmill that we're on of putting content out. I can't take two weeks on a piece.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I can take a day. I can take three weeks on a piece. I can take a day. I can take three hours on a piece and maybe there'll come a time where I'll put out less pieces, but I'll spend more time on each piece. But to me, I think the other thing I'm thinking about is making the content longer. I think starting to get between the 20 and 30 minute range every time, I think is something I want to start doing because sometimes it just feels like it minute range every time i think it's something i want to start doing because sometimes it just feels like it's over before you start when it's a 17 minute episode 18 minute episode it's crazy how captivating they are for how uh little time you spend with them it's it's truly nuts the i watched the last six you did in a row last night
Starting point is 01:17:01 it's nuts uh jeremy eat, does Tommy like Wendy's? Uh-oh. Back in the day when I was wrestling in high school, Wendy's was our favorite spot to go after a tournament. We would go and eat Frosties and Baconators, but now that I'm an older man,
Starting point is 01:17:17 Wendy's is not a place I frequent. Tommy, he meant Wendy's nuts slap across your chin. Yeah, once a month i like that we're very we're a very juvenile crowd does he like wendy's good stuff uh jeremy i think the day is coming where someone's gonna want to use you and i don't say that in a negative way at all. I say that in a positive way to, um,
Starting point is 01:17:45 you know, like hang out with a quarterback in the NFL or hang out with a politician or, I mean, your reach is there now you're the guy. And there's an authenticity piece. That's just nuts, which comes with it. And let me use a better word and fuck authenticity,
Starting point is 01:18:01 uh, integrity. You have integrity. I think that's key to the brand and i think that's what that's that's why i get all these contacts because they know that i'm gonna do the right thing and do good business with them and um i think being used will come along too like record labels i already see that but there's i'm gonna go off on a tangent here but it's amazing that they get anything done like i i was with a manager the other day of a big rapper and they're like oh yeah we got 20 guys
Starting point is 01:18:29 working on the rollout of his album and it's just like oh so that means he's footing the bill for 20 people to do almost nothing maybe one guy's doing something but record labels take forever they're uh they they were gonna they flew me out to an area and, um, like even a book, the plane tickets. I was in an email thread with seven people and it took six weeks to, to book the plane ticket.
Starting point is 01:18:53 I just like, how are you guys? I don't like working with record labels that much. Dude, you're so nimble. You're so good. Hey, you know who else would be a good matchup with you is,
Starting point is 01:19:02 um, who's the rapper with the white rapper with all the tattoos on his face? Thomas, Tom McDonald. Yeah. Do you know who else would be a good matchup with you? Who's the white rapper with all the tattoos on his face? Tom McDonald. Yeah, do you know him? I don't know. I would be interested to hear a story on him. I don't... Because he's a one-man band, I think.
Starting point is 01:19:15 I think he's probably crazy efficient. I think that's like a... Yeah, just like him and his girlfriend, for the most part, do all of it. Yeah, I suspect his work ethic is out of control. Yeah. the most part do all of it yeah i suspect his work ethic is out of control yeah i would love to do a piece on uh the more independent political rappers that'd be an interesting one uh yon clark uh tommy g the next uh lewis thoreau you know who that is i appreciate that i i he's a bbc documentary guy that's he's gone into some sketchy situations himself.
Starting point is 01:19:45 And I think I'm the younger American kind of flavor of that. I saw that. I just saw one of his shows one time where he went into a jail in the South. It was fucked up. The thing is, when he had the BBC connections, he can get into all these places. And back then, there wasn't so many HR departments with yellow tape. It's really hard to get into a prison right now. It's really hard to get into anything that's buttoned up.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Like, for example, I was chasing a story on schizophrenia in Milwaukee. And I was talking to a doctor that runs the programming for it in the area. Talked on the phone with him for 40 minutes. He was super excited. Anything I can do to help, we're going to make this happen. I just need to run it by the city. Text me the next day. Wish you the best.
Starting point is 01:20:31 I can't help you. Like, I don't know. The city is just a bunch of pussies. And now you can't. You're just scared of things being filmed. And I don't know, man. They don't want to be sued or exposed. They want control over the footage.
Starting point is 01:20:44 I kind of can't blame them in this era of just... Yeah, I get it. They don't know who I am or if I'm trying to do a hit piece on them because there are a lot of hit piece journalists. And I think that's another thing that allows me to get access is I'm not a gotcha guy.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I'm not trying to put people in the hot seat and cook them. I'm just trying to figure out who they are. So I'm just trying to figure out who they are. Any long-term – we talked about in the beginning about how you're not interested in becoming a network. Is just the goal to continue one piece a week? Oh, go ahead and answer that, and then I have a question about your draft kings commercial yeah i think so i think the goal is to keep i just want to keep diving in their pockets that you're like i can't believe he's in their room talking to these people like how did he get access in there and and then there's going to be like as this grows there's
Starting point is 01:21:40 local projects i want to focus on i guess we'll get into this another time, but I want to build a world-class wrestling culture in the hood of Milwaukee. I want to build a compound that has a kitchen and wrestling mats and classrooms and just be like a pillar of the community where kids can come and work hard and learn. But that's going to be down the road. That'll be a project. Like the Daisy guys? What are those guys' names? Daisy?
Starting point is 01:22:02 Daisy Duke? No. Daisy Fresh? Like Daisy those guys' names? Daisy... Daisy Duke? No, Daisy Fresh. Like Daisy Fresh, kind of? Yeah, but like a non-profit wrestling school that kids can come to. We have shuttle buses that...
Starting point is 01:22:15 Actually, I'm raising money right now for Milwaukee Youth Wrestling. I put up $10K and I got two other people that put up $5K each and I'm going to eventually release it to the public where people can donate anywhere from a dollar to a million. And I want to get a shuttle bus for coaches in Milwaukee that they can take kids to tournaments and practices and camps. And I want to get any team that has trouble. Hey, we need wrestling shoes.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Good. I got you. Hey, we want to pay for these kids to go to a camp. Cool. I got you. That's where I really want to go with it kids to go to a camp cool i got you that's that's where i really want to go with it god you're a good dude fuck wrestling changed my life and i think the the biggest thing you can sometimes do is i had so many coaches that invested their time and energy into me while they had families and they spent so much time investing into me and the least i can do is give a little little bit of that back you have a draft kings commercial
Starting point is 01:23:10 with these two girls yeah what's the deal with that so did draft kings or reach out to do you have an agent we so i'm with night media that's basically mr beast's uh media company and they are in charge of the sponsorships and so um they they contact you and they're like hey draft kings wants to sponsor your show and you're like okay and then and then i'm guessing you pitched that idea to them yeah to me where i try and go with my commercials and i don't think i'll do that one was a little uh let's say slutty um I want to keep the audience entertained if they're gonna have to sit down for a minute and watch my content watch the commercial I want to make it worth their time so I try and think of ideas that catch their
Starting point is 01:23:54 attention and I think uh some of the feedback I got from the last time I did that was um we don't need to see only fans models jumping around like cheerleaders. Some people liked it, some people didn't. It was so obvious. It was so obvious. Satire's not the right word. It's like Red Bull saying it gives you wings and someone being like, that's a lie. It doesn't't give you wings and all of us being like yeah you didn't get it buddy yeah
Starting point is 01:24:30 that's the fucking point dude it's it's fucking just crack we know how i look at it like sports betting i don't personally bet myself i don't gamble at all yes it's pretty obvious by the video you don't gamble yeah if someone's already into it and they want to use my promo code code to like there's a ton of people i know that do sports gambling every single week of the football season or so if they want to already get into it and use my promo code to get some extra money cool but um i don't know like how many podcasts or youtube videos have you watched where they pitch a product? I haven't bought one product ever that Theo Vaughn or Joe Rogan, or maybe one in my entire life,
Starting point is 01:25:10 but you know, I just expect that people are either going to fast forward through it or they're going to be entertained by it. And if they're into it, they'll do it. But I don't think I'm, I hope no one's being encouraged to just all of a sudden throw their life savings into a sports betting app.
Starting point is 01:25:25 All your, I loved that commercial. I thought it was cool. I liked seeing your creativity. I thought it was funny seeing you act. I fucking loved the girls. They were fucking so silly and over the top. Who doesn't love boobs and a redhead? And listen.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Gracie is awesome. She's a fun character. If you thought that those were OnlyFans girls, at some point you have to be like, hey, do I hate women? Do I hate the female form? What the fuck is wrong with me? It was so benign. There are just young girls that are trying to – It was over the top.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah, I thought it was fun. Those girls, that kind of girl, and if you are, something's wrong with you. And by the way, I do got about a five minute window here. Me and my wife, we're getting a little investment property. We're closing at 11 o'clock. What number is this for you? Is that something that I should say? I think it's number five or six. God, you're such a good dude. You can go away at any time, but I don't want to be stuck going back to a cubicle.
Starting point is 01:26:27 So I'm building a real estate portfolio that no matter where I go in life, if I want to dedicate my life to coaching, wrestling for kids, that I don't need a salary. I can just go do it because I have money coming in from other places. Tommy G,
Starting point is 01:26:50 so is it a multi-family home it's just i'm going into single families now and the what i'm tired of is getting duplexes or four plexes because if one neighbor is dirty then the other neighbor is going to have mice or roaches or hey so-and-so is bumping their music at 3 a.m i'm just done with the. And also there's less turnover with single families. So we're buying a single family for $31,000. We're putting about $25,000 into it. It's going to be so nice. They're not like where it is and how it's going to look. People don't believe it. Um, I actually want to show you a picture of a house that we remodeled that outside of this house, there's still a memorial wrapped around a tree of someone that got shot in front of the house this summer but the inside of the house people walk in they're like i thought this was fake it's so nice it's so um beautiful let me show you this house we want to deliver
Starting point is 01:27:38 high quality homes to the hood because it's severely lacking there's so many landlord that fucking suck dude in milwaukee here look how beautiful this house is um i don't know if you can see it but that's can't see it craftsman style outside of it two people were killed earlier this year um inside of it there's a family a family of four or five that is loving their life and so that's what we're gonna do with this next one jeremy world this is a good dude by the way this is a this is a really good human being right here he's got he does so much good stuff for people in a father of kids he runs a men's group jeremy world and he's a black guy he's right i know you only hang out with black people oh yeah brother i used to do strength and conditioning for a wrestling team at bayview high school, Milwaukee basically had them doing CrossFit. I'd love to help anyway.
Starting point is 01:28:27 I can't Tommy. Yeah. Can I, I'm trying to comment, but I have to connect my YouTube, but I want to leave my email for anyone that wants to contact me. Want me to write it in the comments here? Yep. Yep. Tommy G McGee, Tommy G M C G E E one, two, three at And before I hit send, Tommy, T-O-M-M-Y-G-M-C-G-E-E-1-2-3 at Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Okay, one more thing. You said in the show that your time is valuable. You clearly don't need to do this podcast at all. Why, why do this podcast? I like talking to you, man. I like having conversations that think about the world. It's almost like the podcast has become the excuse to sit down and have a conversation with someone. Otherwise your life is too busy to actually do it. A podcast is a place you just dedicate time to sitting down.
Starting point is 01:29:30 These are the conversations that I really value and that I miss. When you were a kid on a camping trip, just talking in the bunks late into the night or at a sleepover, talking about the world, podcasts have become that for adults in a way. I think it's important to make time and do that and i like you i like having i have a good time when i'm on your show love you dude okay sorry i lied to you one more thing how great was it when the slaughterhouse guys had the rules um uh leave the doors open share the girls but use condoms i was like are you kidding me this is amazing i don't know if they followed their own rules, to be honest. Really? You don't think those are – they were adamant about it?
Starting point is 01:30:10 Well, they each have a few different kids, so I don't know. I mean, maybe they did it. Maybe they didn't. All right. I was a big condom guy. I'm a big condom guy. I wasn't. Oh.
Starting point is 01:30:18 All right. Brother, you're welcome here anytime. I'll continue to bug you. Thank you for always – you're so quick to respond. brother you're welcome here anytime i'll continue to bug you thank you for always you're so quick to respond thanks for uh letting uh us at the sebon podcast uh get close intimate view as you skyrocket um behind all the crazy hard work you do you're an amazing talent thanks for contributing to planet earth ma'am i appreciate you and i know i'll be on in the months to come so i'll see you guys soon take care peace peace love you brother tommy g let's get at it
Starting point is 01:30:56 i was over prepared that's what i look like when i'm over prepared i had so many things i wanted to talk to him about i watched too many of his videos i was fucking losing my shit um let's um let's let's just do some of this right now we just gotta do uh oh oh uh okay yeah let's do this. You guys ready? You don't think he likes my hair? I think he liked my hair. You think that he was just busting my balls? Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:31:41 I should probably start a live call-in show with this. This is truly an incredible talk he gives here and i want to see if you guys how many of you guys want to try to get your head wrapped around this one here we go this is uh ito portal is that the guy's name ito portal i remember him being kind of like big uh five or six years ago and then i kind of haven't heard from him in a while but this is this is an incredible talk he gives right here. This could rattle some of your cages. Here we go. The tools of teaching are parables, tall tales, riddles, lies, encryptions, secrets, difficulties, etc.
Starting point is 01:32:21 He said those are the tools of teaching. difficulties, et cetera. He said those are the tools of teaching. Parables, encryption, lies. These are the tools of teaching, he says, riddles. And now he's going to say why these are the tools of teaching. Listen carefully. Why?
Starting point is 01:32:43 Because this immediately places the listening side, the other side in a place of openness to examine the relationships. Instead of just absorbing the story, you are now at work examining your relationship to the parable. We don't like these things anymore. Allegories, parables, we're still kind of okay with. Definitely, we don't like the word lies. Even though we're living our lives through lies, it's the cement that holds everything together. Also, of course, we are living our life through lies, but it is the cement that holds it together.
Starting point is 01:33:17 That is not a negative comment. that guy just dropped one of the biggest bombs on what's actually going on in reality that i've ever heard that's why it's so stupid in a way to judge people for lying it's like wait a second all they did is not tell the lie all they did was tell a lie. That you're not comfortable with. But your entire fucking life is a lie. You're not even really Jeremy. You're not even really Sevan. You're not even really Heidi. Your entire fucking thing is a lie.
Starting point is 01:33:56 If you believe that. There's some of us who already know. And what's crazy is. This is tied to that broken science piece too this is the part that people have so much trouble understanding i'm going to say it again this is going to freak someone like dan out there's no such thing as gravity gravity is an explanation for a phenomenon but it's a lie that we kind of are that we accept but some people blur that line and they start to think it's a lie that we kind of are that we accept but some people blur that line and they start to think it's a reality for some reason they really do understand that red doesn't
Starting point is 01:34:31 mean stop and it's an agreed upon lie that we use so that we don't have car accidents oh sorry that red means stop but ito portal is explaining it to you the same way you could use broken science to understand it. There isn't truth. There's just what has the greatest predictive value. This guy is saying exactly what fucking Greg is trying to share in BSI. Part of me wonders if even Greg knows how deep it goes. You don't have to accept the phenomenon.
Starting point is 01:35:05 You don't even have to accept the phenomenon of gravity. You don't have to accept the phenomenon. You don't even have to accept the phenomenon of gravity. You don't have to accept anything. Stand underneath the piano. See what happens. A falling piano. Riddles. People hate riddles because it makes them feel stupid, incapable. Yet all of these are missing for us in our way of teaching, transmitting stories, etc. The old stories don't make sense to us
Starting point is 01:35:28 because we want them to make sense immediately without any conscious effort. And those were not the old stories. They are powerful encrypted crystals with information inside of them. And you have to decipher it. And lies are the essence of any transmission. Lies are the essence of any transmission. Lies are the essence of any transmission.
Starting point is 01:35:55 It's not negative at all. Don't take that as negative. It's just the best we can do with words. That's why it's so powerful to speak in metaphors and parables. Nothing in transmission can be truth. Because again, like it's an extrapolation. So if you assume that everything is a lie, now you are at work.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Now you are at practice. Yeah, if you can accept everything as a lie, now you are at work. Now you are at practice. Yeah, if you can accept everything as a lie, now you are at work. Now you are at practice. Now you are on your way to understand. The real tools of teaching... God, this is so good, man. This is
Starting point is 01:36:39 so good. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you in another way. You could hold up one orange, right? And you can be like, well, seven, you're not lying, but it depends on what you want to see. You have to make the presupposition that the orange is separate from the whole. You have to accept that perspective.
Starting point is 01:37:04 You have to accept that perspective before You have to accept that perspective. Before you can say. That that's true. But people don't even. They're not even conscious. That they're accepting that perspective. That it's separate from the whole. And it takes us back to the line.
Starting point is 01:37:18 From the Tao Te Ching. Naming is the origin of all particular things. Well, Bernie Gannon, I'm not sure lie is exactly the right word. I understand. I understand. I understand. But let that go. Let the – well, here's the thing. You're saying because it deals with deception and manipulation, but that is what it is. But just don't see it charged with negativity. Just don't see it charged as lying and as manipulation and deception as negativity. Here's the thing. Here's the crazy part. It is deception and manipulation, but people are doing it to themselves. themselves. People are doing it to themselves.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Don't worry about other people doing it to you. People are doing it to themselves. What's up with your crutches what's up with your crutches oh damn this is a crazy sentence young clark stefan you You should have Jake Chapman on I agree He's an ex-affiliate owner Doesn't he own like 5 affiliates
Starting point is 01:39:10 What do you mean ex-affiliate owner History buff I like history buffs History's cool Old man's game Lives life at 70% It's crazy I thought you were uplifting him And then all of a sudden you just dropped him on his head Thank you Heidi Thank you
Starting point is 01:39:56 Thank you you guys want to see something crazy cool look at this this is there's this guy I'm going to have on the podcast. I can't even fucking remember his name. He's the affiliate owner of CrossFit 845. He posted this yesterday. I invited him to come on. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Someone told me a few days ago. They're like, hey, dude, you got to have the owner of CrossFit 845 on some someone in my dms and i'm like okay fine and he goes and i kind of just ignored it and then he wrote me again he's like hey dude this guy's fucking he does things different this motherfucker i'm like all right so i invited him on the show and i've been texting with them and i uh i think Susan's going to get them scheduled here soon. Anyway, and this is – so then he posted this yesterday. This is wild. This is CrossFit 845.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Maybe the guy's name is David. I should look on my phone. I want to say his name is David Netanyahu, but isn't netanyahu that's the guy who runs israel it's this guy's name not rich froning uh not dawnfall what the fuck oh dave dave i can't pronounce his last name Oh, Dave. Dave. I can't even pronounce his last name. Anyway, look at this video. This is from his gym. I think this guy,
Starting point is 01:41:31 the owner, makes this shit. This is like... I don't know. This is the stuff that CrossFit should be putting out every single day. It's nuts. Okay, here we go. I don't know. I don't know how to explain this as well as I want to, but I woke up. I think that when you're a person who experienced the kind of things that I experienced in my life, and you've had people that have told you you're not good enough you're not worth
Starting point is 01:42:05 it you wrestle back and forth and you kind of you kind of hide yourself you hide who you are as a person and I was on the verge of turning to 43 and I said I need I need to really just let go of these things and I need to just move forward and I did the work you know just move forward. And I did the work, you know, I did the mental work. I did the healing. Still a long way to go, but I woke up and I said, this, this is, this is my rebirth. This is me giving myself a gift of life that no one has ever given to me and it's a really it's like a gift of love i doubted myself so much and that that's how i spent the last 10 years of my life is just living in just self-doubt so much so that you know it really took me to a very dark place
Starting point is 01:43:03 You know, it really took me to a very dark place. And I just, I just, I didn't believe in myself. I didn't know that I was capable of doing any of this. And so I walked away from it again because I just, I was like, I'm not good enough for this. Like, I'm never going to be the person who gets bar muscle-ups. I'm never going to be the person who gets handstand walks or whatever. bar muscle-ups. I'm never going to be the person who gets handstand walks or whatever. I just kept looking at what other people's abilities were rather than actually looking within myself and realizing that I had my own abilities, my own unique things that made me. And that just took such a long time to figure out. This is the road that I have always wanted in myself I knew
Starting point is 01:43:49 she was here and even though it took me so long to find her I'm so glad that I did I wake up every day and I'm like wow this is is me. This is who I've always wanted to be. And I gave this to myself, you know? And I think that's the biggest transformation is my mentality. Even on the really hard days, I'm still amazed at what I'm able to do. I never want to know the ceiling of my potential.
Starting point is 01:44:30 And I look back on my life and I think to myself, like I was a fighter, I've always been a fighter. Like even the things that stomped me down, I still got up. I still found my way back to fighting for it somehow. But this time it's different where I don't see a, I don't see a limit. Crazy. So good. So crazy.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Good. God, she, she stopped feeling sorry for herself. You're saying it looks like my Instagram is working again too. I didn't get one of those things saying that I was like abusing my privileges or whatever. You're saying that that's on the CrossFit Instagram is that would be amazing
Starting point is 01:45:10 if they found that. Did he tag CrossFit? That was just published yesterday. I don't see it on their Instagram. They should put it on there. They should put it on there. They should put it on there. It's so good. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Normally, I don't like shit like that because it's so abstract. It's so abstract. It's just pure emotion. Towards the end, it kind of gets uh rooted in like she finally is who she wants to be so if you want to be who you want to be do crossfit um there's obviously with the images there's the implication there that she's overweight and she doesn't want But yeah, it's fucking good. Okay. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:46:11 You want to party? Let's do it. God, this guy is such a fucking tool from the fucking New York Times. I wonder what... It would suck to be a tool like this guy. I'm so glad I'm not a tool. I guess I should just be thankful I'm not a tool. Here we go. New York Times interviewing Elon Musk.
Starting point is 01:46:31 I don't even know this guy. Andrew Ross Sorkin. Man. I just want to tear him up. Here we go. The approach to some of the stuff you're doing with AI has been very specific right
Starting point is 01:46:49 let the chips I don't care I don't have any of those judgments someone sent me a DM saying hey look at this L4 trainer how can she be L4 and still be fat I don't care
Starting point is 01:47:04 fucking life is hard man everyone's trying to quit smoking i had to try fucking like 50 times dude and i never lied to myself like all the other people who were like quit smoking they're like it's fucking gross it's dumb it's blah blah blah no it's fucking great but i need to stop or else i'm gonna die i don't want to die with fucking emphysema life's hard i don't mean that in like a in a bad way it's fun and hard i have no problem with someone being 400 pounds and being an l4 trainer i wake up hard too crazy hard
Starting point is 01:47:47 god I woke up this morning fucking losing my mind fucking my kids were in my bed my wife so fucking I was gonna yeah I have no issues oh you can't be an L4 trainer
Starting point is 01:48:03 cause you're fat no sorry I ain't doing that no issues. Oh, you can't be an L4 trainer because you're fat. No, sorry, I ain't doing that. You can't be a cardiologist because you smoke. Nope, I'm not doing that either. You can't be racist because you're black. Nope, not doing that either.
Starting point is 01:48:22 It can be all those fucking things. either. It can be all those fucking things. I don't give a fuck about that kind of stuff. I don't, you don't need to, you don't need to, um, uh, you, you need, I'm inspired by people who try. I'm inspired by effort. I fucking believe in people. I don't care. I admire the person who smokes five packs of cigarettes a day that tells me to quit than the person who doesn't smoke cigarettes and tells me to quit. Yeah, great question, Heidi.
Starting point is 01:49:04 If you're a fat cardiologist your fucking opening line better be like hey dude me and you are both fat we should lose weight together because we're gonna die call her hi oh hold on hold on hold on hold on color hold on hold on my phone never works by the way i made a special guest appearance on Garrett Glinton's podcast called like the Glinton Effect or something the other day. She fucking cold called me and I answered and I was live on the air. Hold on. Hold on, caller. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Okay. Action. Not action. Action. No, no, no, no. Hold on. So anybody. But first of all, I can't dm'd that to you about the
Starting point is 01:49:46 L4 and her size What I want to remind People will be like this people will be like How are fat people judges at the crossfit games I'm like what the fuck What are you talking about But I will say this there are people Who are way too fat to be
Starting point is 01:50:02 On the work crew at the crossfit games You are fucking endangering other people There are way too fat to be on the work crew at the crossfit games you are fucking endangering other people there are some really obese motherfuckers that are on fucking crossfit's crew and rogues crew that are endangering other people but the judges judge the fuck away i love you get on the journey but be honest man you can't be rolling a 500 pound deadlift bar when you can barely bend over and touch the bar you can't be you can't pound deadlift bar when you can barely bend over and touch the bar. You can't be you can't. I saw them carrying platforms in this one. It was so fat as they lowered a fucking platform.
Starting point is 01:50:30 She had to fucking let go of it. And all the weight all of a sudden shifted to the other five people. That's bullshit. Yeah. The thing is, is. But the other shit like an asshole, if you don't think a fat person can be a judge, you're a scumbag. Well, and and to use not to use words from from Athena but I am going to use some words from Athena and you never know what part of someone's journey they're on
Starting point is 01:50:54 yeah yeah and so when you see that person judging at the games you don't know where they're at in their in their journey and everybody that claims that we're this wonderful community and we're so accepting and welcoming should be careful with the words that they choose when you decide to say things about these larger body athletes yeah when they say these things be careful with your words and don't shit on that l4 just because she's larger than than what you expect to see apparently people have forgotten with the way that athena was treated or maybe they don't know but from from even seminar staff she was not treated well so then to see this other person
Starting point is 01:51:32 possibly groomed to be an l4 um it's like as much as i would like to make comments about that i don't want to make negative comments about her size and that's where people even in this chat need to choose their words carefully and stop casting Stones You sound Like is this the dude who called yesterday You're 5'1 and you have a fucking Huge dong
Starting point is 01:51:56 It's Philip Kelly you prick Oh sorry damn Yeah yeah Hey I'm I'm not Good to talk. Hey, I'm not... Good to talk to you, Philip. I'm not... I'm the...
Starting point is 01:52:11 Oh, he hung up. Anyway, thank you for calling, Philip. I guess that conversation's over. All right. Anyway, yeah, I agree with all the shit Philip just said. Yeah, I was flossing. Did did you see I got some nasty shit Out of my teeth I had some crazy meat last night
Starting point is 01:52:33 I had some thick fucking dark meat in my mouth last night I wonder I wonder if I wonder if when I'm have a million followers on um youtube if i'll go on little shit podcast probably not too cool for that okay uh here we go fall where they may approach to those businesses i don't think no we focus on making the best products and and tesla's gotten to where it's gotten with no advertising at all i understand that tesla currently sells two twice as much uh in terms of electric vehicles as the rest of electric car makers in the united states combined tesla has done more to help the environment than all other companies combined we're fair to say that therefore as a leader of the company i've done more for the environment than any single human on Earth. How do you feel about that?
Starting point is 01:53:51 How do I feel about that? Yeah. No, I'm asking you personally how you feel about that because we're talking about power and influence. I'm saying what I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it. And what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. Fuck them. Okay?
Starting point is 01:54:13 Let me ask you this, because I think part of this... Fuck them. That is the entire fucking left's propaganda towards marginalized people. Feel sorry for them. Give them free fentanyl. Put them on the government's dole because you feel sorry for them because they're dumb. That's the entire left's thing.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Every fucking Democrat is doing fucking bad shit to fucking marginalized people. Under the guise of being nice. They're fucking scumbags of the highest order. I'm so glad to hear fucking Elon come out. Airy Bros. Bro, you have 24,000 followers and we can't get you on the airy bros oh oh that's a great uh logo oh is this jim what's your name i text with you
Starting point is 01:55:17 i need to call you today i'm going to the skate park today for two hours let's talk today skate park today for two hours. Let's talk today. Where have you fallen down into my text threads? I'm going to type your name in here. Jim. Jim. What's your name? You're Raw's friend.
Starting point is 01:55:40 I like you. I like Raw. Shit. Oh. Oh. That's not true. What Andrew Hiller just text us. Andrew Hiller said. His topcaster sporty Beth Ryan Fisher Sam Sulik and Mark Bell there's no way his top YouTube channels
Starting point is 01:56:15 probably not supposed to read private text messages Sean Lenderman I can't understand why Elon said blackmail me with your money I don't think ads really constitute as blackmail No So Sean It was a little out of context What he's saying is that He's not saying that
Starting point is 01:56:43 It would be like if I took an ad from California Peptides. Perfect example. I was saying with the Paper Street Coffee, my relationships with them. I was drinking good dude's coffee and he wanted to give me money. And I said, hey, I'm not going to say I did drink your coffee. And he's like, you don't have to. You can even tell people my coffee sucks. I'm like, all right, cool.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Take your money. He didn't. That's what he meant by blackmail. He didn't really use maybe the word blackmail, but to to participate in something that's disingenuous. Same with California peptides. But when they were CA hormones, I was like, hey, I'm not going to do a TRT. And she said like a thousand times, I should try it.
Starting point is 01:57:20 I should try it. And I said, no, no, no. But she kept giving me money. Now she does peptides. And she didn't care that I was was honest try it. I should try it. And I said, no, no, no. But she kept giving me money. Now she does peptides and she didn't care that I was honest about it. She wasn't asking me to be disingenuous. I did start taking the CJC-1295 and the BP-157 again last week. Maybe that's why I woke up this morning just with a ravenous cock ravenous
Starting point is 01:57:50 damn cheese louise it was ridiculous so that's what he meant by blackmail he didn't mean he's just basically saying like hey he's not going to censorship on um uh so so basically before you have to remember when farm when pharma is giving all of this money to twitter they can also be like or to youtube or to facebook or to whatever they can also manipulate what what what's being said hey we gave you a billion dollars therefore blah blah blah wrap it up savvy i'm leaving okay fine i got more elon stuff we can do it later all right guys uh shut up and scribbles coming on uh thank you yon for the hint
Starting point is 01:58:33 and i love you guys talk to you later bye

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