The Sevan Podcast - Tommy G, Mr. Relevant | YouTube's Best Documentaries #948

Episode Date: June 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Good morning, guys. Bailey, good morning guys bailey good morning steven good morning logan there you are holy shit hello from the rich froning podcast how about you eat a big fat dick uh eric weiss omar canejo eaton beaver speaking about eating dick oh i bet you that already got me a ding for saying that too. Eating dick. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Crazy, crazy, crazy. How you doing? I'm having internet problems this morning, but I'm still doing my best to be here with you. Likewise. How do I look? Is this good or do I need to turn my camera off? You look like the rock star you've turned yourself into. Woo!
Starting point is 00:01:43 Hey, could you turn your phone the other way? Let's see. Jason Hoopa. Good morning. I don't know, dude. I'm like a grandpa with technology. What if you turn it sideways? Does it just give you landscape mode?
Starting point is 00:02:03 Does that do anything? Fuck your phone. My phone is not good. Chase Bryant, Tommy G is such a badass. Thank you, Chase. That's kind words from you. Let's start with a big picture review.
Starting point is 00:02:19 If you guys don't know who Tommy G is, he is a... He's transcended being a YouTuber. He is a full-blown fucking journalist. He... I don't know what you're doing, but I want to tell you I got a tinge of jealousy.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I'm not even a jealous man, but I felt a little jealousy. Tommy's everywhere. His YouTube channel is exploding, but he uh i don't know how to explain it you're you're a humanitarian too you're a good dude like kids at the school jumping over the fence to come get your autograph and take pictures with you and you're like hey you want to do push-ups and you're hanging with the bros and the hoes but you're bringing uh you're not glamorizing it you're not feeling sorry for them but but there is a for them, but I do feel my tear ducts turn on once in a while watching your stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Well, that's good. I think if I can make stuff that impacts people and shares stories and also allows me to explore and travel the world, it's like I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing. I can't remember. Are you I'd rather be doing. I can't remember. Are you Christian? I grew up Christian. I know the Bible pretty well.
Starting point is 00:03:29 But the more I read it, especially the Old Testament, dude, the less I feel any connection to that stuff. Really? Because you act like a Christian do-gooder. You're like such a good dude. Well, I appreciate that. And I don't know yeah when i read the old testament dude i'm like god wrote this like god divinely inspired this like i've read hundreds of books and i love reading if you would just put me on an island with just the old testament it'd be like
Starting point is 00:03:59 come on like this book kind of sucks no why tell Tell me, tell me, tell me. Oh, look at someone. The old clock, the Old Testament is bizarre. It is. This is my problem with the Bible and the Old Testament is when we go to church, we hear the same 15 stories or so that like Joseph getting, you know, becoming the leader of Egypt with the food and managing it and forgiving his brothers for selling him into slavery. Like there are some beautiful, wonderful stories in the Bible, but there's a lot of stories that are like, what the hell was that? And that they don't read aloud in church and that are kind of like, probably I would say X-rated stories.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And I just feel like. Can you give me just a hint of one, a slight example? I think there's one about a father that realized he got a prostitute and realized it was his daughter. So he spilled his seed on the ground so he wouldn't get her pregnant. Like that's a story of the Bible. Or let me think of another. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Wow. Wow. That's like some Pornhub shit. Yeah. It's that would be trending number one on Pornhub. I think even I'm going to hell. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm going to hell I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm going to hell I mean even just seeing the old testament God like he wiped out whole towns or the whole world even with the flood and we're just like oh yeah he loves you and it's like really like if God if the old testament God was your next door neighbor I feel like you'd be a little concerned yeah okay okay I'm gonna have to give it a uh a spin I can't I can't I't even, I want to say I listened to it on audio, but that if I did, it was like 30 years ago. I will say just for the Christians out there that the redeeming part of the Bible is of course, Jesus Christ and his story, which another thing I have issue with that is like, this is the most important guy who's ever lived. Yet we have four tiny books about him that are
Starting point is 00:05:43 relatively repetitive and only cover a small segment of his life. Like we have four tiny books about him that are relatively repetitive and only cover a small segment of his life like we have no idea what jesus going through puberty was like we have no idea jesus like did he was he interested in females males like what did he think like he never encountered sexuality there's just a lot of stuff that i'd be curious to know more about jesus i had this dude on. Oh, shit. Tommy. Oh, my God. I know you get a million. I feel like I'm having a deja vu because I did this to you last time on the show.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I know you have a million fucking requests for shows and people making suggestions. I just thought of one. There's this show I did with a guy named Chris Bledsoe. Bledsoe. Bledsoe. He wrote a book called UFO of God. Whoa, that's interesting. He can summon UFOs at any time. This guy can?
Starting point is 00:06:40 He's the most contacted UFO expert by the US fucking government. He sounds nuts, to be honest with you, just hearing about it it but i would be open to talk and do a mess for sure and bro that's what's crazy like the the cia and nasa and all those people are all over this fucking guy and but here's and he thinks that his thing is that it's god he he's he's managed to weave the ufo and the god story into one like these are basically these ufos are angels and shit i mean who knows what's going on where does this guy live you know in the carolinas somewhere well if he would like to speak with me i would be happy to make a road trip and see some ufos that would actually be probably very frightening now that i'm thinking about it yeah dude i'm so excited i'm so excited that i thought of this and i'm kind of getting chubbing up a little bit knowing that you actually like it
Starting point is 00:07:28 hey hey hey david jesus is not fake as fuck the tooth fairy's fake as fuck easy buddy um and uh so the book is called the ufo of god i him on, and there's something really weird about the podcast I did with him, dude, because Tommy, he – it keeps growing. It's one of those obscure podcasts that I should have only gotten like 2,000 views on and then maybe like another 10,000 on Spotify. But it's every day that there's comments. And when he was on here and he talked about the UFOs and shit coming into his house and the aliens coming into his house, I asked him questions hey what if you're now that you know that they're everywhere what about like if you're having sex with your life or your life you're having sex with your wife um and people in the comments got upset or i'm like hey like when you masturbate like if you're watching some porn hub and you're masturbating are you tripping that they're they're watching he's like i've never watched porn and
Starting point is 00:08:22 people in the comments are like pissed which brings me to what you said about jesus are you telling me jesus didn't do funny shit like do you ever climb up to like the top of a 20-story building with your friends like to the roof and then you but you pee off and see whose pee hits the bottom first or just fun shit like that it's kind of like it's not harmful but like did jesus do stuff like that or like throw paper airplanes like like you know what i mean like it's all there's no adolescent account of what jesus was up to basically we hear a story of when he was 12 he goes missing they find him uh preaching at a local church and then from like 12 to like 31 there's no record of what jesus was up to and all of a sudden he appears and he's kind of in messiah mode and he's doing all the
Starting point is 00:09:02 speaking and miracles and cool stuff but like the whole in between is like what was this guy up to before that messiah mode i'm gonna um uh ufo of god and um i'm sending you just his um amazon page he's super easy to get a hold of sounds like the aliens have figured how to figure out how to get a hold of him easily yeah to get a hold of sounds like the aliens have figured how to figure out how to get a hold of him easily yeah they get a hold of you right they get a hold of him he gets a hold of them i'm looking for our um now a guy that claims he's being visited by ufos that are sent by god does that not strike you as this guy's potentially off his rocker um it it's it's an it's an it's an option right um it's an option um if someone told i mean the guy who the guy who invented the atomic bomb or who dropped the
Starting point is 00:09:58 atomic bomb are probably off their rocker too like really you dropped a bomb on a city of japanese people and vaporized half a million of them? I suppose there's a lot of innovation connected to kind of crazy people, but there's good crazy and bad crazy. But I mean, if you're Thomas Edison and you're in a laboratory for weeks at a time, not talking to your family, tinkering around with wires and chemicals, I think madness probably does lead to a lot of creation. Okay, here's a question for you. We need to get a baseline for crazy. What's crazier, to say you see UFOs or to say that men can get pregnant?
Starting point is 00:10:36 I would say men can get pregnant because one is actually somewhat possible. What, the UFO part? It's actually plausible. Then we're yeah okay good all right good then we're on the same page i think we're on the same page then that's where i'm at yeah okay that's where i'm at that's you said someone said a trans man could get pregnant sure yeah but not a mad man right okay um i yeah okay me and you are in the same place yeah I think I'm with you
Starting point is 00:11:05 it's a possibility this guy's really mellow benign he doesn't except for this alien shit he seems very sheltered so he's a hardcore Christian guy that also happens to have moonlight on ufo side yeah but basically
Starting point is 00:11:26 the ufos to him are like aliens and shit or the the ufos to him and the aliens are god they're like the angels and god that that's the part he they're not he's changed the name of them right suppose it's up to interpretation at this point. No one can really say definitively anything about the UFO subject. In this book that he writes, and when he was on the podcast, it seems like every single person that goes and visits him ends up seeing the aliens. And you should be scared because when I read his book, at the end of the book, it says, if you want to see the aliens yourself, just do this. And it says, like, go outside and look up at the night sky and ask to see them and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And I was like, no, I'm good. I didn't do it. It was like a Ouija board. I'm like, I'm good. Prayer is another thing that's interesting for me to, like, sift through because it's like, what? If someone's dying from cancer,99 people pray like god's like nope can't do it but if a thousand people is yeah okay i think i can pull some tricks i just feel like that's the wrong interpretation of prayers like i think if anything it's like trying to build
Starting point is 00:12:38 a personal connection to god and and it's almost like a christian form of therapy like you don't go to your therapist you you lay it on God. So you talk to God about it. But I think the idea that God's up there like, oh, I need the Chicago Bears to win tonight. And God's like, well, I think I can make that happen. I just think it's a little silly to think about. I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I agree. He's not like a deli meat worker where he like you punch your card and it's like, oh, I'm 91. I get to order what I want now. And he's just like, OK, what do you want? You know, I think people are going to hate this, but I think it's more along the lines of you. You pray to God, hey, I want to catch the every pass tonight. And because you prayed, then you believe that you're going to catch every pass tonight because you believe God's on your side. And therefore, it leads to you making your best effort to catch every pass to hold your end of the bargain. And then you catch every pass, and then you thank God because you think that that was an important mechanism to it.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Like there's almost a – what's that called? Like when you're afraid of black cats? And then you attract black cats or superstition. Superstition. There's like a superstition piece to it. Yeah. There are a lot of interesting mechanisms like that psychologically. Right. That's like the one I always freak out about abortion. They don't tell you that the problem is they don't tell you that when you get an abortion, you pick something up. And that's the thought that you had an abortion. You have to deal with that your whole life.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And picking up thoughts sucks like if you hit an old lady with your car and then sped away you have to you're going to carry that for your whole life yeah and that's a big burden to carry have you ever spoken with women that have gotten abortions and like have thoughts about it man they wish they didn't do it because i only know two or three women that have gone through that and all of them wish they hadn't gone through it. Yeah, because you – yeah. I've only spoken with a handful of them also, but I can only imagine. Same with the men. I can only imagine because then you have to think, even if you're all for it, you have to carry that your whole life. Drugs are the same way. Nicotine is the same way. I tried nicotine in my whole life. Even this morning, I thought about nicotine. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:49 Yeah. I fucking love nicotine. I mean, I haven't had it in a long time, but like, yeah. It would be nice to put a pouch in right now. Yeah, it is. It's a little fuzzy. Did you ever fuck with nicotine? I do zins.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Are you familiar with the z yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah little white ones yeah they're supposed to be the less dangerous or uh cancerous version of nicotine but i like it dude i i it's a road trip thing or if i'm cruising around in the car it just it's kind of like a a thing that i've been programmed now like okay i'm like a little monkey when i get in the car i like to throw one in um uh uh here we go again men talking for women because they've talked with three women listen we can use a different example we don't uh we don't even have to use women uh i've talked to men who've had uh whose wives have had abortions and now that they're thinking they think about it their whole life when do we say anything speaking for women we're just saying with the small sample size of women we've
Starting point is 00:15:46 encountered that have told us this because they trusted us to tell us because it's a very personal thing to say. That was their feedback. And the idea, like we're getting to this weird place like, oh, if you're not a woman, you can't talk about this. If you're not an Asian person, you can't talk about an issue that goes with an Asian person.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Everyone is free to talk about anything. And I'm sure... Look it. Godcast. Cast them down. You lost your video. How dare you speak to Allison NYC like that. Yeah, sorry, Allison. Oh, am I off? Your video's off.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Sorry, someone was trying to call me, so it went off. I like that. Allison just said, get out of here. She's from New York. I like that. Aren't you from New York? Oh, no, you're from Milwaukee. But that's like something she's given us some New York slang. Now, get out of get out of here. Get out of here. So I don't Yeah, anyways, we can we can move past it. A, it's even like I can't wait till I come out of the closet. So I'm just so tired of not telling everyone I'm gay. It's this exact same thing, right?
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's just the burden of keeping a secret. You just want to be like, oh, yes, I love sucking dick. Well, I think I'll go to a more pure comparison. Thank you. I would say the abortion thing is similar to being a police officer and having to carry around. Even though there's things that you make the right call it maybe it was the right call to have an abortion in that moment for that person it's just like a police officer might be the right call the guys charging someone with a knife and you have to take them out you have to live with these types of things for the rest of your life and
Starting point is 00:17:16 there's just some some lines when you cross them in life you don't know I'm getting blown up people are calling you you. Is that people calling you? No. Yeah, this one number keeps calling me on repeat. If they call me again, I have to answer and tell them to stop calling me. Listen to this, Trish. I know five women who found their abortion necessary and don't regret it. I wouldn't even say it's regret. I'm not even talking about regret. I'm just talking about it's regret i'm not even talking about regret i'm just talking about um uh you you it's your part of your story you pick up you pick a part of your story and like do you want that to
Starting point is 00:17:50 be part of your story well i also think certain like in is what situation you are in life and so they may have been in a place in life where it was probably the best option for them and it may so yeah that and that's i think more power to them. They get to make that choice. I'm not saying anything pro or against it. I'm just – Oh, that's another guest you could have on. You could do. Fuck with – he's coming on here tomorrow, Seth Gruber.
Starting point is 00:18:16 It's his second time on. He's made it his life mission to make abortion illegal. Yeah, I probably won't have them on. Oh, too controversial? I'm not that interested in it. I'm also like... Oh, all right. Also, it's just...
Starting point is 00:18:35 Why is it so... I guess you could answer why it's so important, but... I just think it's... I'm pro-choice. Don't get me wrong. I'm pro-choice. but i just think it's fascinating that you want to save babies what yeah i just when people get that obsessed about one thing it's like ah okay i don't know it's like the pastor that hates gay people but then you find out he's secretly gay too and it's like i don't know when you fixate that much on one thing, it's just interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yesterday – no, I'll go back. About a month ago, I put on a 16-pound vest. And I did 100 jump ropes, single unders, not double unders, 100 jump rope with a 16-pound vest on, barefoot. And then I did that every two minutes for 20 minutes. So I ended up doing 1,000 jump rope barefoot with a 16-pound vest. What did you think? I was a little concerned that I would be super sore. I wasn't sore at all. But yesterday, Tommy, I ran stairs with my kids,
Starting point is 00:19:41 my two six-year-olds and my eight-year-old, and we ran stairs for 20 minutes. My calves are so fucking sore I could barely walk this morning. It's amazing. When you have youth on your side, it feels like you can do anything to your body. But once you start even getting a little bit older, it's like you do that and you feel it for a while. Why didn't the jump rope make me sore? Maybe your calves.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Maybe you have really strong metatarsal in your feet they can handle it but your calves are a little under power compared to your feet yeah it was crazy are you are you training you have time to train yeah jujitsu and uh coaching wrestling probably four or five times a week holy shit are are you are you doing your own editing? So we have three different editors but Miguel is the main editor and then Jack is another guy on my team But I do some of the I'll cut things down, but they make it look good Like I don't do I can't do the fancy editing but so it's a team of three and but Miguel is definitely the chief editing
Starting point is 00:20:43 officer of the squad. I highly recommend three of these videos. Highly. Inside the Secret World of Miami's Millionaires. Visiting Trapland. Wow, these guys are cool. By the way, I could tell how giddy you were. You love rappers.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah, definitely. You were so giddy. And you'd been up all night when you did that piece, right? Yeah, because we'd been hog hunting the night before and got home at like 9 a.m. And so I was, it's amazing how much you can be off. Like, I felt like I was drunk. That's how tired, we had to pull over on the road because we were driving and I just couldn't, I couldn't keep up and none of the guys in my crew were either.
Starting point is 00:21:23 We were so exhausted that just getting a 20 minute, 30minute sleep on the side of the road was the safest choice. I reached out to both those guys after watching this and invited them on my podcast. Kosher and Trapland Pat? Yeah. What did they say? Did I even get back to you? I don't know. I sent them last night.
Starting point is 00:21:40 But, man, those are two really fucking cool young men. Oh, I'm a big fan of both of them. How do you find those guys? The rap world is kind of a small place. And so I've done a video with this rapper named Babytron, who also collaborated with BLP Kosher. And my friend Certified Trapper did a song with BLP Kosher. So then we hit them up and did the Florida experience. And they're just two young men that are making music. And I think I would say being very positive
Starting point is 00:22:12 rap is an easy world to get pulled into a negative direction because a lot of rap that's popular right now is like the most vicious and heartless. And, you know, I have no feelings. I treat women like shit and I am a menace to society and so like to hear guys that are coming up with a a different spin on it is interesting i like it say that again you just reached out to them yeah yeah so when they saw it's a lot of rappers are interested in working with me because when a lot – those are some of my most successful videos. And you were walking with these rappers by a junior high, and these kids come running over and jump over the fence, and they want to take pictures with you. Is that your demographic? Is that junior high kids?
Starting point is 00:23:02 My demographic is like 70%, 18 to 35 to 35 oh so that's a little older okay that's interesting but all those kids knew who you were and they were taking pictures with you did that shock you did that surprise you you're in the middle of fucking nowhere not really i mean it's it's well one we were also with blp kosher and trapland pat so between the three of us there's you know each kid knew at least one of us or both of us or all of us you know and so um it's just weird how the internet works is like you don't anticipate this when you're on your journey like you're just thinking oh I'm gonna make interesting documentaries about cool stories or cool people and then all of
Starting point is 00:23:40 a sudden people see you in the bathroom at quick trip or that people see you in the grocery store at a restaurant. And it just it's a different it's just a new hurdle to encounter. In one of your videos, Tommy, there's just a quick segment. With you. Yeah. with you yeah wrestling with sugar uh sugar sean um sugar sean sugar sean o'malley's coach who what's his name tim welch yeah and he's an incredible i think i saw him compete at um abu dhabi combat uh challenge i think he's i love that guy he's a very positive he he had he runs a really cool gym like the the vibes in there are great he's a great leader and he's tough and um you saw towards the end of that uh segment you saw him tap me he would have choked me to sleep if i didn't tap so um yeah he's a he's a tough
Starting point is 00:24:36 son of a gun well why didn't why don't why doesn't that deserve a whole video we if we would have gotten deeper into it with sugar sean it would have been but sugar sean was he was rehabilitating his back at that point he couldn't train and also he's at that level of stardom where i think he has to meet you once or twice to figure out who you are before he invites you to his life so a lot of it was just getting to know him going out to lunch with him and his coach and next time we're in arizona the door's open to hang out and do more. But we just didn't get enough of a story to make a whole video about it. Do you smoke weed? Yeah, I smoke probably twice, two, three times a week, like one or two puffs at a time.
Starting point is 00:25:15 That's it? Yeah, I don't like putting my astronaut boots on and going way out to the moon, but just enough that I can take a little bit and I go into the woods or I edit or I work out. That's where I like to be. So this dude, tell me his name again, Chris Welch. Tim Welch. Tim Welch. You just, you just contacted him and he's like, oh yeah, swing on by Tommy.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yeah. Yeah. And that was a, that was a fun trip. Cause we also got to talk with a mafia hit man, Sammy the Bull, who had done 19 hits in his day. And then we got to go to The Zone, which is a tent city in Phoenix where it's the second biggest homeless camp in the country at that time. They actually just bulldoze it, and I don't know where those people are being – No, July 10th. In the video, it says July 10th is when it gets bulldozed. Oh, maybe they – because I know they keep issuing warnings and they keep the court keeps pushing it back.
Starting point is 00:26:09 But that was one of the most intense places I've ever visited. I mean, it's just like it's almost those people are humans, but they're almost living at a subhuman level. Like people are like laying in muck and like shouting at the sky and doing fentanyl right in front of you it was definitely alarming and uh definitely like we had to leave at one point because someone's schizophrenic uh mind was taking the places where it was like okay i think we need to get out of here so um it's interesting that you still call them homeless because your video is uh preaches exactly what i've been preaching since day one he walks up to one of the guys here in the place and he
Starting point is 00:26:51 says hey now listen carefully everyone he walks up to one of the guys in the place and he says how many people here uh are drug addicts and the guy says all of them all of them there's a thousand tents in this tent city it's in it's in fucking phoenix it's such a comprehensive piece dude then you go into that business there's a business a deli that's been there 33 years and tommy walks in there and he's like how the fuck are you guys staying in business yeah and the sad thing about this deli owner this guy joe is he's had a thriving business for many years and then the city let homeless people basically camp outside of his place like there's naked guys with axes peeing in front of his door and he just has to like accept it and now like that's going to be his retirement and he's an independent business owner it's a hard thing to do
Starting point is 00:27:41 and his his plan was to he's almost at retirement age and his plan was to sell his business retire go off into the sunset but who in their right mind is going to buy that business when they have to compete with people throwing feces like at each other two feet away you know yeah it's absolutely crazy and you're not even exaggerating it literally is people taking shits just right in front of his restaurant. Yeah, the New York Times did a wonderful piece on him. And so there's a lot of people that support him. But like, how are you going to convince your family? This is the place that we want to stop and eat.
Starting point is 00:28:14 You know, like most people are going to be scared of it. I also want to point out another piece of the element that I preach quite frequently is Tommy interviews this guy. And he says to him, hey, what's's up how did you end up in the camp and he says I was addicted to drugs and now I'm trying to get off and the reason I was able to try to get off was because I was arrested he was arrested and taken to jail for two months which changed his his cadence his in his life and it allowed him to get off of drugs. So on the left, you have people saying, hey, do needle exchanges. And basically, it's the whole codependent route. And then on the right, you have, hey, let's take him to jail. And I personally, if I was addicted to fentanyl, I'd want to be arrested and taken to jail.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Someone very close to me in my life was doing a lot of different drugs for many years, went to jail for 10 months and now is seven years sober. And that was definitely, if he didn't, hadn't gone to jail, we were definitely like, okay, when is this guy going to overdose? When is his door going to get kicked in by the police? And it was very scary. So I think the thing is in this country, we can overdo it. Like, 10 months is one thing, 10 or 15 years is another. The same guy that is now sober, working for Amazon, doing fantastic, they wanted him to plead to 15 years,
Starting point is 00:29:35 and then they reweighed all the evidence, and like, oh, it's all misdemeanors, you can go. And by that time, he was sober and able to reenter life. You don't like the three strikes, you're out. You get caught with cocaine three times and we lock you up for life you're not down with that cocaine why some why should someone be in a prison for the rest of their life i agree one month at a time would be more than enough yeah i think a lot of it because a lot of these um we've we've done a
Starting point is 00:30:01 lot of different stories on homeless camps we just did one in dc and they a lot of different stories on homeless camps. We just did one in DC and a lot of these people have resources that there is housing for them if they want to stop using, but the pull of the drug is so severe that they would rather live in garbage on the street than have a government paid apartment, which is just staggering. Cause I've never, I mean, I've done a handful of drugs in my life, but I just can't imagine something being that intoxicating that it's just like I would rather live like with open sores and with – Uh-oh. He froze. All I heard was open sores. He froze. All I heard was open sores. Darn it. Dylan, I saw that also. There's a video of California state representative telling people if they love their kids to leave California.
Starting point is 00:31:04 You froze, Tommy. You were saying that there's people who would rather fucking do drugs than with open sores all over their body than fucking get a little shelter and get a little reprieve. Well, I think we should have a little bit of sympathy of how difficult it is to, to get off. Like even the process of withdrawal is a horrific process and that some people feel like they're going to die and it's weeks long of agony. And so I'm not saying let's throw the state budget at them and give them everything, you know, give them a Rolls Royce and all that but I think like man knowing that it could be your brother or your friend that ends up in that situation it's just we should have some sympathy yeah it could happen to anyone and and and I and
Starting point is 00:31:35 it takes people maybe a thousand times to try to get off of drugs you know you might have to try a thousand times and I totally agree that the street three strikes thing is fucking stupid I also want to remind people that that was uh clinton bill clinton and uh our current president joe biden once again it's fucking crazy um he froze again tommy tommy i thought you would have amazing internet what's going on yeah i don't know man oh i think my internet just may have popped back on let me connect to my Wi-Fi and we should be good to go. You were on the phone this morning with an internet
Starting point is 00:32:09 provider? That sounds like a nightmare. I don't know if there was an outage or what the heck happened. Let's see. Let me do this. It took me 12 years to get clean. Yeah, Dylan Dykes. Yeah, I believe it. You get to fucking try, try, try. And congratulations. Dylan Dykes yeah I believe it you get to fucking try and congratulations good point
Starting point is 00:32:33 we still lost you we lost you Tommy there is another I want to show you guys something there is another Tommy G channel there's another Tommymmy g channel there's another tommy g channel you scroll down here and it's called the tommy g show yeah it's my podcast channel i know and i started freaking out a little bit look at this one right here is so good ron johnson hey dude you sent in you sent emails repeated emails to all 100 U.S. senators,
Starting point is 00:33:08 and this is the only dude that would let you interview him? Yeah, because we had an inside contact from Wisconsin that lined it up for us. But everyone, me and my guy Keegan, I'll give him the credit. He was the chief, the researcher on this. But we sent emails to every single senator, and none of them were able to take our requests and most and a lot of representatives too so um you you have a a crazy jumping youtube channel you're approaching 700 000 subscribers active subscribers
Starting point is 00:33:39 and and i can't fucking believe you can't get an interview with the, with the Senator. I think a lot of them are like, a lot of them talk to their side of the aisle. Like if you're a Fox Senator, you talk to the guy that's going to give you the softball questions about immigration and Trump and whatever it is. And then if you're on the left, you go to the CNN contact and they're going to give you softball questions
Starting point is 00:34:02 about, you know what I mean? I just think, and I think it's too much of a risk like to allow me into their office they don't have control about how i'm going to edit things or this or that they don't know if i'm a good guy a bad guy so i think to them it's probably just not worth it but if they want to connect to the younger voters they got to because my my generation and the younger generation is not tuning into Fox or CNN for our information. They're tuning into independent platforms.
Starting point is 00:34:28 So if they want to reach the next demographic, they got to do business with me at some point or someone like me. This dude was cool as shit, right? I was very surprised. I thought I was meeting a U.S. senator. I'm like, oh, this guy's going to be kind of evil, greedy piece of shit. But Ron Johnson was surprisingly, he just is, he's genuine. He is, and I don't know,
Starting point is 00:34:49 I didn't research his politics. Like, like people, like I had someone at my gym say, oh, you just spoke with a Nazi. And I'm like, I don't know about that. But, but he talked about, he was open about, he didn't, he didn't politician answer any question, really.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I was blown away by him. I was blown away by him. I was crazy impressed by him. Yeah, me too. And I didn't expect that. I thought this guy's going to be not a good guy. He's probably on the take from somebody. And he might be. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:35:16 I mean, I asked him about lobbying donations because he's number seven on the list from NRA. And he really that was the one question where he sidestepped it too easily, where he was just like, oh, I don't even notice those payments coming in. I'm like, that's $700,000, man. Like who, what do you mean you don't notice it coming in? I'm blown away.
Starting point is 00:35:38 So he's a Republican, that guy? Yeah, he bills himself as a small government conservative and kind of an outlier uh of the republican party great dude you're killing it that your podcast game is killing what's the plan there how often are you gonna be doing those i'm trying to do twice a week but it's interesting like look at that episode a u.s senator is getting like 2,000 hits and the episode after is a White House chef and I have an episode with a future billionaire, an episode with another YouTuber with a million subscribers. And for whatever reason, those haven't caught as much traffic as I would have guessed or hoped for.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Well, shit, you just started. How long have you been doing it? A couple months. Oh, dude, it it's gonna take fucking forever don't you think i also think there's just a saturation of so many podcasts out there and the other thing is like you're competing with like there's a lot of podcasts that have a lot like the big names make a make a uh like it's like a tour, like, you know, Theo Vanzio about to release a special. So he's going to go on the other 15 biggest podcasts in the nation that you're competing against. And I would rather click on that than some small guy interviewing a U S Senator, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It's just, um, Hey, that interview is like one of the best, uh, uh, interviews I've ever seen. I'm right now in my mind, I can't think of a better interview I've ever seen with a politician. Well, I appreciate that. I hope to continue to deliver. Anyone knows AOC or Trump or any of those people, I'll be happy to talk to them. I'll talk to AOC one day.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I'll interview Trump the next. I think that's hopefully what will distinguish me. I don't have a horse in the race, so I'm not trying to smear one person and uplift the other. just want to ask him questions i'd love to see you interview aoc uh ryan long you got ryan long very funny man very funny uh sammy the bull 80 000 views that's crazy sitting in front of him was very surreal. And also, like, even though he's an old guy, like, I still felt like a slight air of like, holy shit, this guy could take me out if he was thinking about it. Like, he easily could put a hit on me. Why isn't he in jail if he's killed 19 people?
Starting point is 00:37:58 Because he collaborated with the FBI. So John Gotti was his boss. And John Gotti was going to try and get him to take all of the hit, all of the years in prison. And once he realized that John Gotti was turning on him, he collaborated with the FBI and he only did five years for that. But then he had a, I think he helped fund an ecstasy ring in Arizona. And then he did an additional 17 and a half years in arizona where there's cartel guys in that prison there's arian brotherhood guys in that prison and somehow
Starting point is 00:38:31 he survived with people knowing that he's a rat like that i mean in the he might have his justification for it but in the prison world they don't really care i feel like so somehow he made it and survived and now he's he runs a YouTube channel with 500,000-plus subscribers. No shit? The Bull has a YouTube channel? Yeah, he does. Oh, my God. How's your monetization going? I heard you mentioned something about it on one of your shows.
Starting point is 00:39:01 It's a lot smoother right now. So I currently have zero strikes on my channel which was congratulations that's just sigh of relief dude when i got home i landed for my honeymoon and as i was on the plane i got my message of my second strike and i'm like holy shit there's no way i'm surviving another 90 days because i was getting one strike a month at this pace there's no way i'm surviving another 90 days without getting kicked off the platform. And so that was just like a hold my breath period of time. But, um,
Starting point is 00:39:28 I, I've been working with YouTube and we have a new system set up for, uh, making sure the videos are clear. And so I've been, it's been going really well. Um, what did you get your strikes for?
Starting point is 00:39:41 And can you tell me about this system? I can't tell you about this system. More or less, they can review it and let me know that I'm good to go. No shit? Before you publish it, you have someone who will review it for you before you publish at YouTube? I actually can't really say many details. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:06 But the first strike was instructional theft because I had a clip from my Kia boy documentary that was, it's been on dozens of news channels and dozens of Tik TOK channels. They got to use it. But when I use my own short clip, they said I was telling people how to steal. Oh shit. And then, and then I had another clip where I was sipping drink that lean with a Texas rapper.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah. Yeah. That was promoting drug use, even though I didn't like it was like a seven, seven, seven second segment. Like it wasn't like we even focused on it. And there's dozens of things on YouTube where people are explicitly talking about lean and that didn't, you know, get in trouble. But mine did. So it felt like, what the hell? Like, why is it arbitrary on who gets the stick and who doesn't?
Starting point is 00:40:48 My first strike was I posted – it was something from Instagram that I showed, and it was an old man defending himself in a fight. And it was like three seconds long. You couldn't even see what was really going on because it was like a shaky camera and it was behind a telephone pole and it was from far away and they said that i was um encouraging violence yeah i was like holy shit this is like are you wow i know a big one right now is a lot of youtube channels are afraid to talk to anyone that are anti-vax. And here's the thing. I have no idea. I haven't studied the science. From what I can tell, vaccines can seem really, really wonderful for humanity. Some people say it's not. I don't know. But I feel like it should at least be allowed to be talked about. I know Theo Vaughn got a strike for having Robert F.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Kennedy. There's Joe Rogan controversy right now about about that but the idea that we're not even allowed to discuss it is just really strange to me well i got um my second strike i got was because i suggested um exercise and nutrition as a uh cure for um uh sickness how do you and you're not allowed to do that because it doesn't, it goes against the WHO guidelines. So basically YouTube was following, I think they actually just uplifted it about a month ago. They were following the WHO guidelines. So if you said anything about the COVID vaccine that didn't comport with the WHO guidelines, you would get a strike. And I was pulled off.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Did you ever get pulled? I got pulled off for seven days. Yeah. That's first strike is seven days second strike is 14 days third strike is permanently banned as well as every other channel that is under your same name and you're never allowed to even start a new youtube channel after you get permanently banned for life for life doesn't that seem a bit draconian hey and my shit was like so how dude it's brutal what about um how long how old was your video when you got the strike yeah some of them were around for months
Starting point is 00:42:52 before i ever got the strike so it was yeah mine too yeah okay so is that assholes going back and reporting you i'm guessing it's robo i'm thinking it's some sort of AI because there's no, that's the thing. I understand YouTube's difficulties because they have billions of hours being uploaded every single week. So how do you possibly screen that? And you, there are certain things you don't want on YouTube. Like you don't want a cartel beheading on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:43:18 You don't want to, you know, so I get their, their concerns and their issues, but like to just out of nowhere, three months after the fact, get hit with a huge thing that if this is your primary income, if this is the way you put food on the table, it's like, well, what the hell? This is kind of crazy. So this show that we're doing right now, I'm looking at the live stream, and it says you have been limited with your ad revenue due to content identified as not suitable I'm guessing it's because I said the word
Starting point is 00:43:48 abortion and COVID or vaccine that's a big trigger word so it says it remains fully payable and is eligible to earn subscription revenue from YouTube premium so basically I'm going to go to ad I do this for every show this happens I'm going to go to ad suitability and request review
Starting point is 00:44:04 and I'm going to request the review even before the show's over. And do you think they're going to agree? Yeah. I always 99, nine out of 10. They're like, Oh yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Nine out of 10. They apologize. But, but, but, but I lose all the ad revenue for the first 5,000 views, which is like a couple hundred bucks per show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:21 It's absurd. Yeah. So, so basically, yeah yeah it's weird i know you like your chat i guess i don't know how you could do this like go live and then release the youtube version later so that you can get ahead of the curve but you you mean like uh have have it vetted if that's the that's probably the only way that you would get clear on their first few thousand views oh oh i see what you're saying yeah just yeah the the more i love the more i i the i love the morning show um having my regulars in here the regular uh crew commenting yeah it's part of
Starting point is 00:45:00 the show that i would oh man i would hate it if I couldn't do the show. Like we switched to rumble for a week and it was, I just, it doesn't have the audience there. I don't, for me, it was the, um, the interface,
Starting point is 00:45:14 what I'm able to control. Hmm. Do you do anything live? I'm going to start. I've been told I should be going live on YouTube. So I'm going to experiment with it. I just, I haven't done it. I've been told I should be going live on YouTube, so I'm going to experiment with it. I haven't done it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I just like to do my work and keep my head down. Yeah, I hear you. Yeah, don't go live. You're too good. Don't go live. I don't want to need you in my space. So the monetization, it's chill. It's chilled out.
Starting point is 00:45:43 You're in a good spot. It's back on track. You have no strikes. Yeah, all I have is a warning, which I think that'll expire at some point too. My – how long does a warning take to go away? I have one strike. It goes away in July. They're all 90-day periods, I believe.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Okay, so you lose – once you lose your last strike, then you have another 90 days before your warning goes away. I think so. I'll have to check to see if the warnings ever do go away but for sure the strikes go away after 90 days the diamond market guy you brought a humanity to tracks i also invited him on the podcast uh um you brought a humanity to him that was awesome what was he like did you hear the question check check one two yes
Starting point is 00:46:32 what was Trax like you brought a humanity to him the whole thing where he's like his whole thing was like yeah I need to start speaking up and supporting Trump more he just seemed down in the dumps about the world like he was kind of a little bit of a pessimistic tracks as the jeweler from New York that he served some of the biggest rappers in the world, like Kodak black and Busta rhymes and Cardi B with their bling,
Starting point is 00:46:56 Mr. B slogan, Paul. And so I get to see the behind the scenes of the diamond world, like where the emeralds are made and cut and how the pieces are put together and negotiation on the floor and great video great video great filming great camera work great editing all of it dope thank you it was fun and my favorite part is the humanity you brought to him like like you like we got we we got to feel him yeah he definitely could like when he needs to some help cheering up he's definitely exhausted by the world that appears how do i uh it's weird i lost that i lost that station i'm only on the podcast station i
Starting point is 00:47:41 want to i want to show that guy he's so young already is that so you think that guy's rich i think he's doing well for himself yeah yeah and um and and another thing you pointed out is that the beers owned all the diamonds basically they they've cornered the diamond market yeah one thing i wish i pushed a little bit harder on was like because there's significant amount of exploitation in the diamond world. But he's just the end. Like he's the end of the chain. He's not the beginning of the chain. So it's not like he's directly hiring people in mines.
Starting point is 00:48:17 But yeah, that De Beers company, I think, has brought a lot of human misery, particularly to parts of Africa that are nearly unspeakable and they're not being held accountable. And in 90, damn, where is that video? It's a little bit up from where you are this way. Go up a couple more rows.
Starting point is 00:48:39 What is this? The end of my channel. That was when I had two strikes. And then this was my, this was my pitch to start putting people onto my second second channel the podcast channel it's a skit that i made oh okay i don't see the diamond oh there it is there it is yeah this is a great video too were you happy with this one really happy yeah all right are there any of them that you're not happy with this one really happy yeah are there any of them that you're not happy with
Starting point is 00:49:05 tommy g froze damn damn hello check check one two so this scene right here this guy has a tooth oh you froze are there any you're not happy with tommy yeah there's a couple videos i filmed that i've just never released like um oh the poorest county in america or uh exploring gary indiana but we're gonna redo those videos because now we have a better camera our editing's better our ideas are better and I try to avoid talking head videos we're just me sitting in a chair or somebody and you're still I like there to be action as well so and also I rather than people talking about things I want to experience it so if someone
Starting point is 00:50:00 says life here is tough show me me. Hey, what is your house, your trailer, your apartment look like? What is your refrigerator having it right now? What do your kids say? Like what do your neighbors think? Like I want to I want to go into their life rather than just like, yeah, things are tough. Like speaking that I, you know, if I'm interviewing them, you know what I mean? Good. Totally. Totally. Don't take my word for it. Let me show you. them do you know what i mean good totally totally don't take my word for it let me show you uh this is there's there's things like that like when you're in the tent city like it's like hey where the fuck do these people go to the bathroom oh my god they sleep there like you show all that shit yes you show their neighbors it's crazy hey do you have a before i go back to the subway do you have
Starting point is 00:50:38 a um do you have any peers yeah i would I would say there's a few. Peter Santello, he's kind of the more mature, like I'm sure his audience trend is a little bit older than mine, but Peter Santello travels the world going to interesting places. Brandon Buckingham does a lot of interesting journalism. There's this guy, Tyler Oliveira, who if you look at his recent videos he's done in India, holy shit, like this guy tyler aloe vera who if you look at his recent videos he's done in india holy shit like this guy is making really really interesting pieces and bringing you into places
Starting point is 00:51:12 you're just like wow i can't believe like the most crowded slum in the world or the dirtiest slum in the world like he does stuff like that it's just like wow like i can't imagine he's gone to Epstein's Island. Oh, shit. Oh, I think maybe I saw that video. I think maybe that's the only video I've seen of his. Him and a buddy went on a boat there and they're walking around on the island. On jet skis.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Yeah. Would you do that? I would love to. That's one thing that... I did a video in Washington, dc where i would you break into epstein's house to get content take a glass cutter you know like one of those ones they have in the movie and you spin the circle around and cut a big hole and you and the homies go in and be like what could happen to you have a lawyer ready on on your quick dial yeah i mean i saw an
Starting point is 00:52:01 article that a billionaire bought that property that that island, at a bargain and is now going to renovate it and make it into a tourism area and wipe the Epstein smear away from it. This is the thing. Anything that's important there has already been confiscated, burned, erased, placed in the safekeeping in a high-intelligence area. I don't think if I go there i think there would be minor risk i think it's usually right now it appears just a grounds crew is there maintaining it but it's not like the files or the pictures from okay exploits are still there somewhere what's going on how can we don't know more about that how can we do you know no it's been totally taken care of there's nothing more to look into All the guys that are on the list aren't being investigated. It's no big deal. I mean, nothing to see here.
Starting point is 00:52:50 What did what did Ron say when you brought it up to him? He said that he finds the death suspicious. Here's what I did find interesting, because I spoke with liberal think tanks, nonpartisan think tanks, Republican Senator Ron and uh citizens in milwaukee and in washington dc oh wait a second wait a second you're not allowed to talk about um uh um um jeffrey epstein because you're not a pedophile and you're not a billionaire and you have no idea what it's like to be him so you're not allowed to talk about that sorry exactly which is the a good logical fallacy and not be able to comment on other stuff that doesn't. Yeah. Yeah. So you're not allowed to talk.
Starting point is 00:53:26 That's great. That was good. Okay. Go on. Yes. But everyone unanimously thought the death was suspicious at the very least, except for the liberal think tanks. Like when I asked them that they're like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:37 whoa, whoa, whoa. Like this organization does not comment on that type of stuff. But like two seconds ago, they were talking about, uh, corruption in the Trump family, which I'm happy to hear.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Or the corruption with the Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Please tell me more. But like it's just interesting how depending on the side you are, you can only talk about corruption on one side or the other. Which I don't even think Epstein is a bipartisan, both sides of the aisle, corruptor. Like I don't even think you could say he's a Republican or Democrat. I just, he's a republican or democrat just he's ah he froze again during the during the epstein piece he froze let the conspiracy theory start uh wow look at david that's very feminine of you david i'm sorry you're not sorry you're not sorry everyone that's on that flight log should be investigated thoroughly i don't care who they are
Starting point is 00:54:33 oh my goodness hey what about what about the map flag uh someone said that the miners attracted person flag it's it's like two colors off from the trans flag i haven't i haven't heard about that yet are you gonna do any map stuff are you gonna um if there's a there's a trailer park in in florida where it's all it's inhabited entirely by former sex offenders and it's called pervert park i do would like to go there and talk to those folks okay so here's another thing that um um tommy g uncovered in his uh zone video visiting phoenix and i talk about it on the show all the time this is the course people's lives take okay ready everyone you're born your parents don't watch closely on you uncle buck fucking diddles you and next thing
Starting point is 00:55:28 you know you're addicted to drugs and you live in a tent city like that is the fucking theme that's why we have to fucking protect kids yeah like i don't that's the no so yeah that's it guys that's that's the fucking thing that's the way it all happens. You have kids. Your kids get diddled. Don't be like, well, it's not always Uncle Buck. I don't care. It's the spirit of the story I'm trying to share with you. That's why kids have to be protected.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Something fucked up happens to the kid sexually and sends him off on some fucking sideways thing. And then he gets addicted to something. Hopefully it's fucking track and field or CrossFit. But a lot of times it's drugs. And then next thing you know, he's fucking living in a tent city and robbing banks it's it's fucking he he uncovers that and it's not even a you don't push that in your videos but it's a common theme that i see everywhere like whether you're doing la prostitutes anyone everyone that's doing something that you're like, fuck, that looks like a really hard life. They got diddled.
Starting point is 00:56:27 A very high percentage of them have that in their story. Yeah. It's crazy how you always end up there. It's crazy. I'm like, yeah, motherfuckers. Yeah, that's a great name. Pervert Park. I thought Pervert Park was California.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I believe looking up, I, I just researched it yesterday. It's near Tampa, Florida. Allison NYC, you can share your opinion on the topic all you want, but you truly can't understand it. Good. I don't want to truly understand. I don't want to truly understand diddling kids. I don't have a desire to truly understand. No, but her point is until like you've lived the experience,
Starting point is 00:57:06 it's hard to truly speak on it. That's, that's fair. I mean, um, there's theory and then there's lived experience. That's of course, but I still don't think no one should have a muzzle on them because they,
Starting point is 00:57:16 Hey, Alison, if you're not black, you can't comment on a black issue. Well, no, I think you should like it. You should be able to comment on any issue you want.
Starting point is 00:57:23 If you're, is your opinion that good? If you don't have the experience, like that's not, that might be your point is because we're not women. We might have the best opinion. And that's. Yeah, we might have. We might have the best opinion, though, also. It's possible. But I mean, look at look how brilliant it was. We stopped racism by taking Aunt Jemima off the syrup bottle. I mean, that was fucking brilliant. That was one fallen swoop. The corn syrup stays in the syrup but but the lady has to go but i think that's like when you're asking for opinions
Starting point is 00:57:51 you want to talk to experts and usually experts have a field of study or long-lived time in that field and those probably the people you want to talk to about each issue um i think i think uh even even if you weren't um diddled i'm not saying you were you weren't tommy i think that the sheer number of people you've interviewed in um bad situations does actually make you an expert on the outcome of getting diddled sure or at least uh like i have a pretty good pretty good idea of the formula of homelessness at this point. Thank you. And we started the show with the greatest homeless man who ever lived, a way outlier, Jesus Christos.
Starting point is 00:58:33 He was more of a nomad than a homeless guy, I would say. Alright, fine. This guy tracks, takes ounces of gold with Tommy G out onto the streets of New York. And they you're not going to report me if I use more than seven seconds of your video. Do your thing.
Starting point is 00:58:54 All right. Thank you. What do you say to the people that are struggling out there? Where do you get your music from? You have so much good music and all. Oh, he's gone again. What the fuck? I'm here.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Epidemic Sound. So there's a there's a subscription there's a subscription-based website called epidemic sounds that has a lot of really good music you can copyright free use and then as we form relationships with a lot of rappers out there we can use their music if their manager is called whitelisting the music that we can use it wow oh it's so good here we go any words of inspiration uh if you're struggling out there there's a very very high chance that there's a road to a place where you're going to be extremely happy but it's up to you to find that road uh tracks hit 1 million followers on instagram so he gave out pieces of gold worth two thousand dollars each here's how it went and this to me is such a huge comment on um society what you're about to see here i'm gonna load up this tracks pack each one of these ounces dude a fucking coin hit the ground
Starting point is 01:00:00 you don't know how much that bothered me when i saw him do that right there he pours all those ounces of gold into the bag and did you see one falls out did you remember who picked it up oh shit tommy froze again it should be called the frozen tommy show it's two grand let's see if somebody wants it for free sir you are smart sir i'm thinking we maybe do this at a time where my internet's back on because I don't want to ruin the flow of the show with my frequent pausings. Tommy, we're an hour in. Oh, I guess we are.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Okay. Yon Clark, this conversation is exhausting. Let's enjoy Tommy. He's a fun dude. No, it's not exhausting. It's all light. Trust me. It's all light.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Compared to what Tommy has seen, it's all light. Hey, when he was dropping those pieces of gold into that bag, one hit the ground. Do you remember who picked it up? Mm-mm. Do you remember it falling to the ground? Did I pick it up? I don't remember. No, it up? I don't remember. No, tell me.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I don't know. I didn't see who picked it up too, but when I saw him do that, it drove me crazy. I saw one hit the ground. I was like, hee! The editing is fantastic. The presentation is fantastic. The humanity piece is fantastic. I want to draw one more example. You can come on a thousand times to my show, Tommy. It's okay that you're freezing this time. I'm not butthurt, by the way. Good old – this would be an ad for Spectrum Internet.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Right. There's a piece right here, this dice one. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to guess of all the shows that you've done that this one wasn't one of your favorites. I don't like gambling and watching people throw away so much money and waste so much of their day playing a game that has no skill and is all luck. It's just like interesting to observe. We will say. Yeah. The ending on this really shows the humanity of it all.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Was that an awkward interview here at the end with this dude? No. He was pretty smooth to talk to. You don't think he was devastated by all that money he lost? I don't think it's his first time. If he's been playing dice for 15 years, this isn't his first day where he's walked around from the table losing. It's just maybe his first day that's been widely filmed and circulated.
Starting point is 01:02:39 When you make a piece like this, if it's not one of your favorite pieces, do you think, hey, maybe I shouldn't put this one out? Or are you like, no, fuck that. I did all the work. It's still a good piece. I think if I can accomplish seeing a scoop of life or slice of life that is not easy to encounter that might interest other people, then I think it's a good piece in the portfolio. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Where do you think that they get their fresh money every day how do those leave that to the viewer's imagination did you ask them i wasn't trying to incriminate anybody savannah i understood understood there's sometimes you do incriminate people but i guess it does like like if you're like like when we're looking at the fentanyl in the zone but at that point it doesn't matter since fentanyl is so ubiquitous you're not sure it doesn't matter they're not going to come you're talking to one person all of a sudden you look over there's a lady smoking it in front of you so it's like oh she knows the camera's out too so and then she's like like she wanted us to show show more about it um there was a he he tommy walks up to a lady in the video and says hey how long would it take to get some fentanyl and then
Starting point is 01:03:53 one lady's like no one would show it to you they were afraid to get caught and then in that second someone puts their hand in front of the camera with fentanyl yeah and then she goes like she goes to get more fentanyl she comes back with a handful of fentanyl pills and crystal meth in her hand. The police drive by, and I'm like, dude, put it in your pocket. She just has it right there, and I'm just – I guess there's not much of a penalty there because she was – I was more scared about it than she was. The black lady in the pink with the giant tits she almost seemed normal like she didn't belong do you know who i'm referencing i know you make so many videos the lady in the pink outfit yes i i know who you're talking about she she how did she i was surprised to
Starting point is 01:04:39 see someone as coherent as her in the tent city yeah she she was definitely one of the more interesting um coherent characters we met in that episode and i really enjoyed meeting her and hearing her story i'm trying to figure out where she is and then and then and then this lady you basically bleep out her whole story youtube would have banned and would have really gotten mad Her story was horrific So in the beginning of the show It basically says that she was Kidnapped by eight guys and raped all day Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:15 And then let go And that's not the first bad thing that's happened to her Her life has been The one thing is that It is sometimes hard with some homeless people to tell like what's reality and what is oh yeah yeah he froze again damn it uh there was there was one person in here that was fascinating tommy check check check check oh so say that again there was one person that there's people that you can't tell what's real and what's not some people that their entire life is fabricated there's a interview earlier in it where she's like i joined the navy and i was eight years old
Starting point is 01:05:59 and i graduated college and i was nine years old and i like she's just saying nonsense but it's hers is more obvious to tell. Right, this chick was like she graduated from college at five, she told you. I'm here on SSY social security income. Yeah, and she's on social security, but she's also independent, she said.
Starting point is 01:06:17 That was some crazy shit. Yeah. She, right off the bat, because of how off the wall she was, this is going to be about a very short conversation because it's just going to be wild ramblings if we keep going so on youtube you can't tell a um but it was good it gave you a good perspective on the crazies there on youtube you can't tell stories of like vicious rape no i had no idea i or it would have been in bright probably rightfully so age restricted
Starting point is 01:06:45 I mean I don't think that's something that if you're oh damn he froze again maybe I should have listened to Tommy he's kind of the YouTube expert not me oh son of a bitch oh man we froze again. Do you know when you freeze? Yeah, I can tell.
Starting point is 01:07:08 I feel like I'm on, like, two strikes, and I keep freezing. I feel like we call it, throw in the towel, and do this another time. Okay, fine. We'll do it again. Hey, thanks for coming on. Thanks for giving us an hour of your time. You da man. Appreciate you, brother.
Starting point is 01:07:19 We'll talk again very soon, okay? I'll bug you. Yep. Okay. Bye. Mommy G. Well, shit. What the fuck is going on in here?
Starting point is 01:07:34 I don't even know what the fuck is going on in here. I don't see anything mean. Everything's chill. Hey, dude. hey dude fuck abortion's a charged topic fuck drug addiction's a charged topic I ain't mad at Allison for getting that shit's charged addiction's brutal killing babies is fucked up
Starting point is 01:07:59 wait till tomorrow's show I think we have Seth Gruber on see how that goes I know the topic's crazy charge but i still like to talk about it let me see is it tomorrow yeah tomorrow's gonna be wild i like him as a human being hey what if tommy goes and sees um uh yeah fair enough okay uh you can talk about it all you want you can't have you can have an option but you can't know what it feels like okay fine i can't you're right i can't i can't know what it feels like to have an abortion i agree i can't know what it's like to do fentanyl either but i know that if you do it
Starting point is 01:08:40 anyway i'm fine i i for me the part is i i enjoy the intellectual part of it and the fact that like ideally in my life i don't want to pick things up that's why i like the that whole catholicism thing where you get to go um uh into that pew is that what it's called so it's called the pew and you get to admit and tell the priest your sins because basically you're setting yourself free, right? You're setting yourself free. And so the problem is in life, you want to pick up as few things as you can. That's the thing I want my boys to know.
Starting point is 01:09:24 You want to pick up as few things as you can. By pick up, I mean thoughts that you get stuck with. Confession. Thank you, Christine. Confession. Yeah. Confession. Yeah. Confessional. Yeah. That thing. And so you want to, you really don't want to pick things up and be stuck with them your whole life. And no one tells you that as a kid, that's why you don't want to start smoking cigarettes. That's it. That's why you don't want to have an abortion. That's why you don't want to kill anyone. That's why you don't want to rape a kid that's why you don't want to start smoking cigarettes that's it that's why you don't want to have an abortion that's why you
Starting point is 01:09:46 don't want to kill anyone that's why you don't want to rape anyone that's why you don't want to slap a girl anything you wouldn't want posted on the cover of the new york times you kind of don't want to do in life you don't want to be guarding anything guard things will stop you from being happy fun and enlightened for those of you who are aware of that uh possibility uh look up proboscis monkey i don't know who you're talking to, but when I was into insects, I learned about the proboscis. There's this one beetle that has an insane
Starting point is 01:10:13 proboscis. It pokes it into the other insect and puts something inside of the insect that scrambles its insides, turns them into goo, some acid, and then sucks it back up. The proboscis.
Starting point is 01:10:43 You're not a fan of what guy? Seth Gru gruber or uh tommy tommy's cool as shit dude tommy we didn't even scratch the surface with tommy tommy does some really cool shit just big picture what he's pursuing with his life is fascinating he's making a run at it man he's a fucking he's a motherfucking hustler that dude's gonna be big time i telling you. And he got some shit going on. That's like, he's overcome adversity. And you know, you know what?
Starting point is 01:11:10 I really think that like a pivotal, a pivotal piece in his success is the fact that he did those videos where he goes out on the street and like, if you can knock him out, you get a hundred bucks or he'll wrestle anyone. If you can pin him, he'll give you a hundred bucks. There he'll wrestle anyone. If you can pin him, he'll give you $100. There's something about that that's so vulnerable, putting it on the line.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Dick Butter with some early morning contemplative thoughts. I'm wondering if I should jump in this baby murder discussion. We could do tomorrow's going to be baby murder. Yeah, wrestling videos are cool as shit. God. All right. What do we do for the next 20 minutes? Just end the show.
Starting point is 01:12:02 It's kind of boring. I have all these notes. Well, definitely the takeaway is fucking, I don't know, regardless is make sure you protect your kids, dude. I'm telling you, that theme of kids getting diddled and bad shit happening to them and people's lives spinning out of control, getting into drugs, there's a fucking definite there's a definite
Starting point is 01:12:30 trend there someone wrote this to me in my DM's I'll read to you guys today it says after my level one this weekend I realized two things CrossFit is amazing and I've always loved Greg Glassman, but this course made both ten times better, meaning they took the level one and it made them love Greg ten times more
Starting point is 01:12:55 and made them love CrossFit ten times more. Number two, the seminar staff didn't comment on my CEO shirt I wore both on Saturday and Sunday. They know. They know. They know who the real CEO is. I'm so excited about this show that I'm starting on Friday. You don't even know.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I haven't been excited about really doing any CrossFit game shows. The only reason I like talking about the CrossFit games is because I get to hang out with my friends on the show and you guys, right? So it's like, John Young comes on and I get to just hang out with him and fuck with him or whatever. And that's fun. I really enjoy that. And I like meeting the athletes. I liked having Justin on or Alex Kazan or whatever. But just the actual talking about the sport, I don't know. It's not my favorite.
Starting point is 01:13:45 It's like a seven. But we're going to do a show that's going to be called the CrossFit Games Update Show every Friday. And it's going to be fucking rad. I need people to call in. That's going to be a huge part of that show
Starting point is 01:14:01 to get people who want to call in. It's going to be fucking, we're going to get crazy. It's going to be just, part of that show to get people who want to call in. It's going to be fucking, we're going to get crazy. It's going to be just, there'll be nothing stiff about it. Nothing stiff. Call in. It's a time to call in and fight with Tyler or John or whoever's on the show, Grundler, whoever's on the show.
Starting point is 01:14:20 It's going to be so good. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, It's going to be so good. let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion we are your local dignity memorial provider find us at uh judy reed uh your bergeron show was so good yeah that was ben gets all the credit for that he he came on and uh all the credit for that he he came on and uh he came on and let it hang out right ben let it hang out i appreciated that that was cool oh let's see if the phone works i didn't even reset it today caller hi hey hi yes i'm calling for the uh crossfit games live calling show oh yes welcome what are your thoughts about the crossfit games you a little early, but we'll take a call now anyway.
Starting point is 01:15:26 No, I can't wait for the CrossFit Games to happen. Yeah, me neither. What a fantastic... Do you think there'll be a streaker at the Games this year? If it's named Servan Matosian, I'd love that. Who wouldn't? What are you doing? Cooking breakfast?
Starting point is 01:15:43 What are you doing over there? Cleaning pots and pans? You in the kitchen? Yeah, I'm actually, I have a dog walker coming over, so I have to introduce her to the dogs. Holy shit. How rich are you that you have a dog walker? We're going on vacation.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I can't wait to go see some of the sevenistas in Orlando. Hey. How rich are you that you get to go on vacation listen to this guy just subtly strutting his shit no it's for my son's dance competition it's jethro yeah i know who i ain't rich and your son's bougie and he dances you have a dancing son yes that's right he's fantastic hey do any of your kids make – go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no. Go ahead. I'll remember. Do any of your kids make friendship bracelets?
Starting point is 01:16:29 The kind where – not the rubber band ones, but the kind where there's like five strings. Oh, speaking of friendship bracelets, sorry. Allison, we have presents for your kids in my kitchen. Actually, I think my wife put them in a bag, and we took them to Greg's house thinking we were gonna see you there remind me to get those to you or come or if you come over and work out with my wife don't forget to get those your son's gonna love the one i picked for him um anyway uh your kids know how to make friendship bracelets the ones with strings like you have like six strings and then you got to like fold them over each other yeah they actually used to buy the kit over at michael's it's like a uh yeah i know
Starting point is 01:17:06 yeah they used to rock those things they'd be all over my house oh awesome allison okay cool i used i used to wear them too when they made them was great i tried to i sat down with my three sons to try to teach them how to do that with the instructions and a youtube video the other night and i could not for the life of me figure it out and they were fucking they were they were destroying me basically telling me I was a dumb old guy yeah those are hours and hours of just fantastic uh family time yeah I just want them to do it so that they'll leave me alone sometimes hey how about a friendship bracelet you know what shook me the other day? And I hate to say I got triggered.
Starting point is 01:17:47 What? Tell me. That reel you posted about the, you guys were at a jujitsu tournament. Oh yeah. Tell me. And the other, the other family that you know were going to a wedding, I think. Yeah. And they had to get tested to go to the 49ers game.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Yeah. Let me be very clear. That family also I love that family and they did not want to go. But they had to go to the wedding because it was a I shouldn't say had they went, but they went. They went. But I love that family and it's not a dig at that family. That family did not, by the way, get their kids injections or anything like that. But I just thought it was a great story to tell. tell right it's like we live in two different worlds we're not even my kids are literally laying on the ground with other kids spitting in their mouths in a in a in a venue that has way too many black haired people in it right it's just fucking mexicans and filipinos and it just it's all the fighting community in San Jose. And we're in a fucking gym, not in a school gymnasium where it's so fucking hot. And, and yet no one's,
Starting point is 01:18:50 everyone's having the time of their life and no one's thinking for a second about COVID. Meanwhile, somewhere else, 20 miles down the road, there's people going to a wedding or terrified of fucking COVID. It's crazy. Just the position that you brought up between your kids being on top of it. Well, not your kids, but your kid with other kids on top of each other, sweating and fighting. And just the thought of someone having to get tested to go somewhere to a venue is just shocking to me. Yeah, it's I will never forget when I first went to my first jujitsu trial. We had the black, the brown paper all over the windows because we were
Starting point is 01:19:27 locked down here in new york and there was no way that that owner was going to stop his training oh and i was just like wow yeah it was like it was like an underground uh jiu-jitsu studio but yeah no it's it's the people there they They didn't care. There are Democrats, Republicans, Black, White, Spanish, Asian. It didn't matter at that point. We just all wanted to be together. And it was like it brought us even more together that we were able to do that in that setting. Do you think it's weird that there's a disproportionate, there's like a crazy disproportionate of black haired people at jiu-jitsu tournaments?
Starting point is 01:20:04 Is it like that for you too? Like if you see a blonde person at a jujitsu tournament, it's weird. Yeah. It's a little weird. It's, it's, it's funny. It's like, you're like, how'd you get in here? When blonde people are in the gym, it's just like, Whoa, like where'd you come from? Yeah. Oh, even your CrossFit gym. No, no. My jujitsu gym.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Yeah. They're blonde haired. People just don't do much of the fighting. Like Chuck Norris was like an outlier. No, it's, it's, you know, the,
Starting point is 01:20:30 the Portuguese, the Brazilian, you know, the Brazilians, the, uh, and the Asians do it in San Jose. The Asians are just taking over.
Starting point is 01:20:38 It's like tenant. They already own tennis. It's not enough. Now they're coming over to Jiu Jitsu. I think there's actually a Japanese Jiu Jitsu compared to like the Brazilian Jian jiu-jitsu right that's the that's the original one i think is it yeah well that brazilian jiu-jitsu is no joke i love it is your is your are you so you're going to see your son dance when this weekend uh no no uh uh july 8th to the 15th in Orlando. Hopefully I'll see a couple of 70s that's down there.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Maybe Fergie, maybe Gavesh Maharaj, the hammer. Oh, shit. Hey, send me a video of your son dancing. I want to see that. I want to show my kids. Is it a competition or what is it? Performance? I mean, they have nationals all over the place but this is like their finals in
Starting point is 01:21:25 orlando so he's looking to take home a bunch of first place medals oh that's dope dude they're really good they're really good and he's pretty blessed to have the ability he has so we're really proud of him what kind of dancing contemporary and hip-hop oh awesome, awesome, dude. So awesome. Yeah, I'll shoot them to you. I can't text you them because, you know, I'm on the Android. Oh. I'm on the Android. The Android, so I'll shoot you a
Starting point is 01:21:55 DM. Alright, I appreciate it. Thanks for calling in. Keep being a great dad. Alright, bro. Thanks, man. Jethro saving the show, doing his part, his contribution for the show. Yeah. That friend of mine that I was telling that story about too, I've told all sorts of stories about.
Starting point is 01:22:20 That friend handles it so well. Like I said before, some of my friends don't handle it so well when I talk about them on the show. Even though I don't mention them by name, they don't like it so much. Okay. Speaking of white people that fight, let's listen to Tyson Fury
Starting point is 01:22:38 from the Gospel Speakers Instagram account. For my Jesus- Jesus loving constituents. Tyson Fury proclaims Jesus lives on, sorry, Tyson Fury proclaims Jesus live on national news. It's cool shit. Here we go. I liked it. All this.
Starting point is 01:23:01 I love, I love the Jesus talk. The Jesus, the His will talk. Here we go. Is there anything you can tell us about... I have. I've got lots to tell you. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Is that your reaction to what people who want you off the spotty shortly? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll be saved.
Starting point is 01:23:16 And what about you being stripped of your belt? I mean, you must be very unhappy with that. What's your reaction to that? Jesus loves me. He loves you too. And he loves you too. He loves these people in here. And he loves everybody in the world.
Starting point is 01:23:29 All you've got to do is repent of your sin. What I'm about to say could be blasphemy. But listen, people. This probably is the greatest heavyweight that ever lived. This Tyson Fury is probably the greatest heavyweight boxer who ever lived. And if you've not seen him box, you need to. Even if you're not into the sport.
Starting point is 01:23:50 He's a massive man and he's agile like a cat. And you will be forgiven. And do you think you can win, Spotty? Do you want to win, Spotty? John 3.16, for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son whoever believes in him shall have eternal life and shall not perish god that one that one
Starting point is 01:24:12 hits home jeez louise okay okay that shit won't be tolerated here just like bajan is the greatest greatest college quarterback ever shut it just shut it oh come on okay oh if he beats usic he's gonna kill usic do you think usic's gonna step in the ring with him usic's tiny all right what do you mean i paused it i paused it what are you talking about i paused it every eight six seconds you shut it too, David. Assholes. Okay, here we go. Okay, Tyson. Any final message to those people who have criticized you in recent years?
Starting point is 01:24:55 There's been a lot of criticism from people signing petitions to the Scottish national people, to all sorts of people. Just give us your take on it. Do you stand by your comment? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. The only way is through Jesus into heaven. That's all I can say. The A to Z.
Starting point is 01:25:14 The Alpha, the Omega. Jesus is the way, the key, and the only way into heaven. Peace out. Thanks for stopping. Peace out. Tyson Thanks for stopping. Peace out. Tyson is bigger than Mike and better boxer than people think. Dude, he's huge compared to Mike Tyson.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Unfortunately, I think he would fuck Tyson up. I love Mike Tyson, but I think, I think he could fight Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson, dude. He fucked the bomber up like three times now. It's crazy. No, I wouldn't fucking take a trip to the Titanic. Titanic. Those guys are fucking knuckleheads for doing that. That is pure. That is, I don't want to say anything bad cause I feel sorry for those people.
Starting point is 01:26:04 For those of you don't know, a boat went down to go see the Titanic. It cost anywhere between $100,000 and $200,000 to get on the boat, depending on where you read the story. There were five people on this fucking submersible. They called it a submersible, and it's fucking gone. Those people are toast. They didn't find him, right? Yeah. Yeah. him right yeah um yeah i don't know why whenever i i whenever i hear that part about god gives his only um begotten son i get all i think it's because i have sons it's just that that part
Starting point is 01:26:36 fucking hits home did you ever see the superman i wonder if i can play this uh superman um where they actually do that they may that wasn't one of my favorite fucking movies ever because of they they show him up in outer space and he has his arms like this like he's on the cross and it talks about how what was Superman's dad's name about how he gave up his only son to come to save earth it's a fucking crazy trailer for that movie i think i wonder what year that superman came out probably 2008 2010 the movie ended up being stupid unfortunately the ending was like all these icebergs started coming out of the ocean and it was i don't i didn't like it but no it's not god talking to me no that eaten beaver that's not no it's the fact that i have a son and i can relate i think they saw the um that dracula movie where the guy had to turn into
Starting point is 01:27:42 fucking dracula in order to save his son. I fucking wet like a baby. It's called empathy or something, or I don't know what it's called. Oh, on a lighter note. Here we go. For those of you who have a screen to look at leaning close, you do not want to miss this.
Starting point is 01:28:04 You do not want to miss this you do not want to miss this oh superman returns is that what it was man that was intense right did you like that adam it was great until the uh it was great until the uh till the end god that was such a good movie it didn't do well at the box office i loved that superman too he was beautiful was that uh henry cassaville or what was his name man okay here we go uh this is this is called glizzy gobbler this guy has this is real i think what you're about to see and what he does with his mouth. Oh, Henry Cavill. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Yeah. Yeah, you know what glizzies are? This guy's about to gobble some glizzies. I don't even know what glizzies are. I couldn't even – I had to watch this like five times, but I'm pretty sure this is real, what you're about to see. It is so fast. I hope it's not glitchy when you guys watch it. It is so fast what you're about to see.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Okay, here we go. From the side, no sleight of hand. What's up, guys? It's your boy, Blizzy Gobbler. I'm back at it again, squirting hot dogs to my parents' driveway. Up to no good on a Sunday. Ain't no sleight of hand.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Tell them haters, get out of here. That should not be done around little boys. Look at those little boys. Sleeves boys sleeves no shirt no problem three blizzards where they go tell me tell me i'm hiding them they're in your lungs right that's what everyone thinks oh no no i swallowed them boys no hot dog is known victory over me go ahead crazy boys. No hot dog is known victory over me. Go ahead. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:29:50 Crazy, crazy, crazy. I would not want to have that skill. It's so fun eating hot dogs. From the side, no slight of hand. It's all the fun out of it. I'm back at it again, swiping hot dogs in my parents' driveway. Has anyone else seen this technique before?
Starting point is 01:30:08 Oh boy. Just sucks it down. Gone. Ain't no sleight of hand. Anyway. Thoroughly impressed. Thoroughly impressed. I'm going to show you this movie. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Where is it? Dracula. I'm going to show you I'm going to show you this movie hold on where is it Dracula I'm stoked Dracula Untold is the movie Dracula Untold you want to cry you have sons see that movie Dracula Untold Dracula Untold 2014
Starting point is 01:30:41 great movie, great movie. Dylan Dykes, my ex knew that technique. Oh. John Young eats hot dogs like that. Not nice at all. He's not even here to defend himself. You don't think okay fine let's go see superman returns uh let me see uh superman returns you're saying someone in there saying that i'm not choosing the right um superman superman returns uh brandon ruth is that superman videos oh yeah it's 2006 oh here it is oh it's a uh let me see if i can find the preview for it official trailer let me see
Starting point is 01:31:38 oh my god this is so good how much trouble am i going to get for playing this if i play this oh my god how good is superman listen listen listen to what this girl says in the beginning you've been gone a long time even the music's good right i want to see the part if they show him let's see even though you've been raised as a human being you are not one of them it's not easy oh you're right it's not henry you're right that's is that what someone was saying in the comments it's a she's still in love with you know who oh you're right it wasn't henry cavill let's see is this it
Starting point is 01:32:31 you wrote that the world doesn't need a savior but every day i hear people crying for one god i'm a sucker. Good drama. All right. Back when superhero movies weren't for kids and just comedy. Yeah, I would say nine out of ten superhero movies i regret watching i like that one uh i like that one x-men one where they talk about the history of wolverine that one was cool i like the first iron man i like the origin story the batman origin story that one was cool like all the origin story ones i guess
Starting point is 01:33:20 there was avengers i watched i fucking hated myself for watching it the whole entire movie was just fighting it's like and it's it's it's basically a cartoon or I'm like I'm watching someone play a video game that horrible you guys want to see what Mark Zuckerberg is up to that tournament I went to this weekend was the same tournament that i went to a couple months ago that jiu-jitsu tournament where mark zuckerberg showed up i don't know if he showed up yesterday we leave as soon as the kids are done here's uh here's mr uh zuckerberg uh talking here we go some of the stuff around covet earlier on in the pandemic where there were real health implications but there hadn't been time to fully vet a bunch of the scientific
Starting point is 01:34:10 assumptions and oh really there wasn't time to bet all the scientific assumptions i actually didn't know that well dummy me because i was just going along with everything the censors on Facebook were telling me. But boy, here's what's crazy. You ready? It would make more sense if the goal was to save people's lives, to tell people the opposite of what was said instead of telling people they have to take it to tell people that they can't go to the 49ers games get your head wrapped around that some people think that's like flat earther talk
Starting point is 01:34:56 it makes more sense to say you absolutely cannot go to the 49ers game than to tell people to go. And yet we told people to go. If you had to choose one, which one made more sense? If you just had to choose one, we forced you to be on one side or the other. Like if you were in charge and be like, okay, are we going to allow people to do this, go to the 49ers game, or are we not going to allow? It makes more sense if your goal is to save the most amount of lives. You can't go to the 49ers game. And yet we did the opposite.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Oh, fucking wow. What a world we live in. That was pretty cool. That was pretty fucking cool when Max was on here the other day. That was pretty cool. That was pretty fucking cool when Max was on here the other day. And I guess my takeaway from it is he was freaking out. He had bought what the media said hook, line, and sinker, and he was freaking out.
Starting point is 01:35:53 And that somehow talking to me or texting with me or something he saw on the show kind of saved him. That made me feel really good. I wanted to ask him more questions, but I thought it would be too self-serving. God knows I don't want to be self-serving here's these fake tits i was talking about this one's this one i don't know what's more controversial the abortion talk or this but hey can i have strong opinions or no facts about fake tits i can't i because even though I don't have them,
Starting point is 01:36:26 actually I haven't really felt that either. Transgender activism gets banned from White House after going topless at Pride event. But here's the thing. So many guys love these titties. So many guys who are, quote, I don't know if anti-trans is the word but like that's a hot dude right there
Starting point is 01:36:52 I think 9 out of 10 men who claim that they would never be with a trans would be duped and go with that I know it's tough but there it is. Oh, shit. That's a... Wait a second. Let me see that again
Starting point is 01:37:14 so I can pause it. That is a man with fake boobs that so many of you adore. And that is a woman who had her boobs removed that's incredible fuck
Starting point is 01:37:36 crazy that's the thing with plastic surgery and all that stuff. I think that shit all just kind of, for me, it just all fits in the same genre. It doesn't matter if you're a dude who gets fake boobs or a woman who gets fake boobs. You're just... Like, dudes who are into fake boobs,
Starting point is 01:38:01 that's my evidence that you're gay. Andrew Hiller in the chat, not all fake boobs are created equal i mean you can tell yourself that you can tell yourself that or you can just accept the fact you're a little gay set yourself free just a little you know shmiji you know you're a sucker you're a sucker for just it's just you're a sucker it's okay how was it
Starting point is 01:38:36 he didn't want to talk to that did that did confuse me a little bit that Tommy G didn't want to talk to Seth Gruber who is the abortion pro-life guy but he wants to go to Pervert Park. That was...
Starting point is 01:38:52 I don't want anything to do with Pervert Park. There's some shit I just don't want to understand. God, I have so much fun stuff You guys want to see what it's like in San Francisco Oh shit the flagship AT&T store Closed down Guess what city that's in San Francisco
Starting point is 01:39:16 Dude San Francisco is a train wreck I gotta have Blade on here And ask him what the fuck he thinks going on. Look at this shit. This is San Francisco. Thieves target luxury retail in San Francisco. Thousands in luxury handbags were taken from two different retailers yesterday. Look at them. It's just fat kids.
Starting point is 01:39:37 It's a group of fat kids all wearing basically the same clothes. They run in and they steal bags. Dude, that's crazy. This shit's just happening all over San Francisco. What a mess. Is there anyone who wants to argue with me and say that this isn't a... That's a partisan issue, right?
Starting point is 01:40:07 That's because of Democrat policy. Savannah is about 40% gay. I am also – Andrew Hiller, I am also a little gay. Dude, dude 40 is more than a little uh ken walters escaped san francisco animals lazy pieces of garbage dude it's crazy blade another great film yeah i was talking about the uh cop blade uh who's in the comments i've done a couple of shows with him i gotta have him on he he's a he's a bay area police officer he's in, but not in San Francisco. But I need to get his opinion on what the fuck is going on. Oh, no. Yeah, she's doing that.
Starting point is 01:40:51 40% is like three days a week. Hmm. Yeah. All right. Well, I don't know. I didn't hate today's show. I feel bad because I think he didn't have fun a little bit. Oh, here's one more thing.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Dude, the cursive thing. Who was I talking to? Kelly Baker. I should have pushed back harder on her with cursive. I don't know if I agree with this, right? I don't agree with this, but you should hear this anyway. I do not agree with this,
Starting point is 01:41:30 but I really like this. That better not fucking be true, Manny. That better not be true. That better not be true. He's saying, and Gavin Newsom will be our next president. That better not be true. He's saying, and Gavin Newsom will be our next president. That better not be true. Okay, here we go. Action.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Interesting thought for the day. So I've been noticing that schools don't teach cursive anymore, and you may think that's an outdated thing, but I want you to really question why it is that cursive would even matter in the first place. Well, if we go back and look at all the founding documents we have, such as, I don't know, Constitution, Bill of Rights. Declaration of Independence. So on and so forth. They've all been written in, guess what?
Starting point is 01:42:21 Cursive. So if today's youth is not taught that in school they no longer know how to read those items which means they now have to rely on someone else to tell them what it says so i'll leave you with this do you trust the government or anyone else for that matter to tell your kids what that important set of documents actually says think about it i like it I like it. I like it. I don't think that.
Starting point is 01:42:46 I think you can still read cursive if you don't know how to write cursive. So I don't know if I agree with his argument, but I think you're fucking crazy if you don't teach your kids cursive. Oh, shit. I teach 17 to 22-year-old kids how to sign their name on a weekly basis. Oh, my God. Oh, but, Sevan, you'll never need it. It's all on computers. Dude, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:43:14 It's not a skill that you want to erode. It's not a skill you want to. It's just like crawling. We don't use that. You do not want that to erode. You do not want to not be able to crawl. I interviewed this lady on the CrossFit games – on the CrossFit podcast when I worked over at CrossFit. And she said she was in a grocery store, and she was like fidgeting with like the peaches, a big pile of peaches or grapefruits or something, and one of them fell onto the floor.
Starting point is 01:43:46 And she was so fucking compromised because of her body size that she didn't know if she could bend down and pick it up. So she looked around to see if she would be judged, you know, like did anyone see it? And someone did see it fall. So now she felt this social obligation to pick up the fucking grapefruit. Yeah, sorry. I think you're nuts
Starting point is 01:44:13 if you don't teach your kids how to hold a pencil in their hand and manipulate it to do the alphabet and print and cursive proficiently. Don't worry. You don't need to pick that piece of fruit up. We have a robot here. It just cruises around and picks up pieces of fruit off the ground. Don't worry about that. No thanks. I'm
Starting point is 01:44:34 cool with that. I'll I'm fine. I'll bend down and pick up my own fruit. I'll keep the skill. No, you don't need to. The robots will do it. You don't need to. Oh, you're such an idiot. You're so old. You're so old school. and pick up my own fruit I'll keep the skill No you don't need to The robots will do it You don't need to Oh you're such an idiot You're so old You're so old school
Starting point is 01:44:49 You pick up things off the ground that you drop We have robots that do it Pass I'm telling you this show on Fridays Is going to be off the hook Friday nights. Some of you are going to become addicted to it. You're going to be like me.
Starting point is 01:45:12 You don't give a shit about the games. You're going to be addicted to it. You're going to love it. June 23rd. I already got the two people lined up. John Young and Mr. Spin, Brian Spin. I don't see it on my calendar. I don't see anything on this
Starting point is 01:45:29 calendar. I think it's at 630 at night. Dude, it's going to be a great build up to the games. It's going to be the show. Maybe I should invite Pat Vellner on the inaugural show for like 15 minutes i haven't talked to him in a while oh that's interesting yash uh that wow that's interesting what did he where was that have you
Starting point is 01:46:01 oh uh that's in someone have you done in a video on essential skills to teach your kids before they turn 18 or something like that? Yeah, that's interesting. You know where I shit the bed? I should have had them in the water sooner. I wish they were better swimmers. Brian's always welcome on the show why not have friend on too he's always always welcome on the show
Starting point is 01:46:30 he can come on right now if he wants he's always tomorrow please everyone tune in for Heidi's birthday episode oh shit we're doing the abortion show on your birthday. Damn. Wish I could have done something a little different on your birthday. I'll postpone your birthday.
Starting point is 01:47:03 Maybe I can make your birthday the Friday show. Okay. I don't know how many I've been to. Let's say I've been to a dozen Pride events. Two dozen. Three dozen. I don't know. Every event in Sanisco seems like a pride
Starting point is 01:47:25 event i just want you to know this is how they all roll this is what they all look like every single one every single one i've been to looks like this i haven't been to one in 10 years so maybe they changed but this is what they all have looked like dudes on leashes, dudes with assless chaps. That's a little kid petting him. I don't ever remember seeing a little kid petting a grown-ass man acting like a sex slave. But that's all what that is. All the events I've ever been to, it's all sex stuff. And it's all dudes.
Starting point is 01:48:01 It's all dudes. Except for there's chicks in the audience. And that's where you go you're hoping like to you're hoping there's a disproportionate gay dudes there so you can dudes like me might meet a girl who's desperate but that's what i just want to show you guys that's what they all um uh that's what they all like oh look look, money today, my first money why is Yash such a bigot who blocks everyone I haven't seen anything
Starting point is 01:48:30 from him that what is a bigot I haven't seen anything from him that makes him a bigot speaking of bigots person who is ostentatiously obstant obstantly a person who's obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief or opinion oh i'm i'm like my i have opinions that i'm unreasoned oh wow so like all those people who think that you should um uh be able to mutilate uh genitalia
Starting point is 01:49:02 of kids um allow kids to mutilate their genitalia they're all bigots because they're a person who is unreasonably attached to a belief god this is such a subjective word opinion or faction especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group oh i don't i shouldn't use that word i don't even know what the fuck that word means I shouldn't use that word. I don't even know what the fuck that word means. Is Yash a foreigner?
Starting point is 01:49:29 Maybe you just don't understand his English. Yash blocks everyone. Seven, you're one of the only few who can see his comments because he blocks everyone. Oh, no shit. I didn't even know you can do that. I don't like, I don't, my immediate thought, you know when you're on Instagram and you respond to someone and it says this person doesn't allow people to reply to them? My instant response to those people is you're a bitch.
Starting point is 01:49:59 Like I feel like punching that person in the stomach, not because I'm mad at them, but they deserve to have the wind knocked out of them. You're just a scumbag. It's like it's like entering a mosh pit, but you're wearing a fucking like football pads. You're just a cunt. It's really it's really stupid. the morning chalk up did a the morning chalk up is so fucking bad god they're fucking they really are bad you guys should just fold why haven't they folded someone someone sent me this
Starting point is 01:50:38 this fucking piece i don't i and i can't tell whether i should give it attention or not these people attention or not i can't tell if it's give it attention or not these people attention or not I can't tell if it's better just not to say anything about them and they go away I was discussing that with a friend this morning in the summer when Greg Glassman showed his true colors that's what this fucking this article says. Like, hey, dude, you fucking idiots.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Why don't you say what he said instead of just fucking expressing your fucking opinion? Like, what do you mean he showed his true colors? How the fuck would you know? That's a quote from some fucking moron named. I think this fucking idiot owns a fucking affiliate. And you are an idiot in the clinical sense. You're an imbecile. What's this guy's name? Prince.
Starting point is 01:51:33 I guess I'm going to talk about it. And what the fuck is is Tola Morkino doing with this fucking idiot? I guess there's a lot of fucking idiots out there. Here, I'll fucking pull up the article. This chick article this chick k wise man you're a fucking douche you are a complete fucking hit you're a hideous douchebag i mean that from the bottom of my heart no senioritis for the invictus bostis invitational invictus bot like that title doesn't even mean anything to me Invictus bought like that title doesn't even mean anything to me the only the only thing I know about Invictus is that they have a Devin Kim and um Jorge Fernandez other than that and then CJ Martin other than that who gives a fuck look at this fucking guy
Starting point is 01:52:19 wearing a freedom shirt I went to this guy's fucking instagram and there's people like chanting freedom and wearing freedom shirts but they're wearing masks a fucking ding dong burn prince four years ago burn prince had a mission to bring inclusivity diversity to the sport of fitness fuck off what do you mean it's always been diverse and inclusive way more than it's been now did you see the crossfit games posted that thing that was celebrating elizabeth ockham wally is like the most successful black crossfit athlete ever some shit it's like who black is going to the games this year or last year or the year before compared to when greg glassman ran it and do you greg glassman showed
Starting point is 01:53:04 his true colors do you know that the morning chocolate wouldn't even exist. If it wasn't for Greg Glassman. The fucking irony. You want to make it more inclusive. It wouldn't even fucking be here. For you to say that shit you moron. Burn Prince. If it wasn't for the fact that he created it, do you even know him?
Starting point is 01:53:27 No. You're projecting all your fucking small dick insecurities on him. Let me show you how retarded this fucking guy is, Burn Prince. I don't even know if I should. What the author's name is, K-Wise. It's the fucking whitest Instagram account you've ever been to. Let me find this guy, Burn Prince's fucking Instagram. It's fucking late card.
Starting point is 01:53:54 CrossFit inclusive. Oh, no, you dipshit. You're going to make it fucking exclusive because you're a closed-minded fucking douchebag. Because you formed opinions around your own insecurities instead of investigating shit yourself. Look at this. Look at this fucking ding-dong. Let me show you this picture I scrolled down here and saw. Oh, look at this.
Starting point is 01:54:21 Huh, where have I seen that shirt before? You have a fucking mask on a kid sunday november 8th from noon to 2 p.m freedom family will have its first ever pop-up shop love child how about you fucking hate your kids Go down here. He's got the black fucking box. Guy is such a tool. Tell me you hate black people without telling me you hate black people.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Oh, no, you overtly hate black people. Dude, you are such a tool of the man. You need to fucking go through and dig through your shit. Celebrity trainer. How about sellout trainer? How about bitch ass trainer? How about racist scumbag? How about that? Burn. And this k wise chick you want to see her fucking instagram account you want to see what a fucking talk about someone who has zero fucking life experience she calls greg's comments insidious or he showed his true colors in the summer when Greg Glassman showed his true colors there's another fucking comment down here
Starting point is 01:55:50 you mean Floyd 19 which was to save people and burn Prince's tribe why don't you mention that oh did he have a hotmail account yeah he's just a fucking douche she's a douche too this fucking
Starting point is 01:56:12 this whole thing is just a shit show KY's oh how to host a perfect summer throwdown like you fucking know oh look at another article a games athlete blaming social media pressures KY's no shit
Starting point is 01:56:31 who would have thought you were focused on the victim mentality oh she's a fucking Invictus specialist shithole rag pointless Oh, she's a fucking Invictus specialist. Shithole rag. Pointless. Yeah, KY Jelly, yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:53 Thank you. Oh, that's a little mean. I bet he's on a droid. That's mean. That's too. That's mean. You don't think there's people on the other end of your comments? Kay and Bern, you wouldn't have,
Starting point is 01:57:09 what the fuck would you guys be doing if Greg didn't create CrossFit? Have either of you written an email to him? How come the article, how come you don't specify what he did? You just like smearing him? I pointed exactly what you did, Bern. You celebrate masks on kids. You have black people wearing fucking freedom shirts with their fucking faces covered because the white man told you to.
Starting point is 01:57:30 You're a fucking double agent. David Weed is old. Good. Justin hasn't written an article since November. God, that picture is gross. David Weed, ladies, find yourself a man that loves you as much as Sevan loves Greg. Fine. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:58:03 I was going to defend myself, but fine. Fine. Yeah, that's good advice uh part of your tribe too savon all right thank you i forget sometimes i forget i'm a black man and denial fucking ky's boston-based photographer ky's writer number cruncher trader joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cup enthusiast competitive exerciser mediocre cyclist passionate about jhd sit-ups and long intervals on the biker and doing absolutely zero reporting and only make doing propaganda pieces have you look how lazy look how lazy fucking morning chalkups layout is too look how lazy look how lazy fucking morning chalkups layout is too
Starting point is 01:58:45 look how fucking lazy these fucktards are look at this everything it's like in bullet points who's this written for all their shit's like this now how about you just write a fucking article oh shit oh shit
Starting point is 01:59:12 I think there's I think something's brewing by the way I love when people reveal themselves. It saves a lot of time. Yeah, that's true. Sevan gave many HJs back at HQ. HJs, HJs. No, BJs are.
Starting point is 01:59:40 HJs. Help a brother out what's an hj dick butter seven always driving traffic to the morning chalk up something is brewing uh the author's name is katie uh k k wise
Starting point is 01:59:59 ky jelly oh shit i might have to go I need I think I have a big Intel update I'll trust me I'll tell you guys soon as I know all right I forgive you guys, Bernie and Kay. I forgive you. You guys are just ding-dongs. Just say what you mean. Do you guys understand what I'm saying, Bernie and Kay? Just say what you mean. Don't slander him. Hey, I'm a black guy, and for some reason Floyd 19 bothered me because a bunch of people told me that it was offensive towards George Floyd. And even though George Floyd is a complete scumbag, when I see a black man with a knee on his neck, I start to empathize with it the same way someone empathizes with someone having to do something to save their son's life. So I start empathizing with it, and I make some fucking irrational emotional opinions. So I get really defensive. Even though George put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach, was using counterfeit coins and driving around fucking high on fentanyl and could have killed children
Starting point is 02:01:07 and was a horrible fucking role model example for black kids everywhere and all kids everywhere but I still when I saw that cop with his knee on his neck it blurred my thinking and so I really got upset at Greg and I'm still upset at Greg for it and I don't know why and I'm working through it and so in the meantime I'm just going to say that i want to make crossfit more inclusive like okay i get it cool i get it it's like a you mama joke you didn't
Starting point is 02:01:36 handle it well i get it but just say what you mean i actually actually don't even know what Floyd 19 means. I'm just angry. I'm just looking for somewhere to vent. Okay. Okay. I feel you, brother. And my venting may actually be hurting black people more than helping them. Actually, I know it is, but I just can't stop. Okay? Come here. Let me give you a hug come on I love you okay Eric Weiss can give props to our boy Jim for finishing a year of Hero Wads that guy is an absolute beast again Jim
Starting point is 02:02:22 the guy who did the it's already been a year he did a year of murph and then a year of hero wads are you fucking kidding me yeah i should have him on again i want to hear about that what's wrong with him uh oh uh what's this was hillary's programming cheaper before uh he announced it on youtube anyone know just wondering just wondering you want to judge the fuck out of them matt suzami here just to support the current thing yeah it's like dude it's not even current. That's a good point, Matt.
Starting point is 02:03:16 Therapeutic help from Sevan, not helpful. What are you talking about? That was fucking, I just fucking, what are you talking about? How would you know? You haven't experienced it. I haven't given you any of my therapy. How would you know if it's helpful or not? I'm excited to see that video Hiller made. I can't believe more people don't do his programming. He doesn't ever fucking talk about the fact that he does programming, although he has a pretty nice size clientele. Do you guys hear that?
Starting point is 02:03:52 Oh. Why didn't you guys tell me you hear that? Did you hear that time bomb ticking? That's like the phone's fucked up again. I just turned it off. That was weird. Oh. It went from $10 to $40 in a 24-hour time frame.
Starting point is 02:04:13 Inflation. Inflation. Hey, he may be doing it on purpose because he doesn't want more clients. Mason Mitchell, $39.99 is fair pricing if i do hillar programming will i look like him you will also need to do california hormones oh speaking of which uh uh the whole peptides thing i got my needles in my bottles here somewhere um i'm gonna have a dude on with Andrew here very soon who's going to talk to us about peptides.
Starting point is 02:04:47 We can ask him anything. And then if you want to partake, I'm going to try peptides for my arm. Although it is, I think it's like 60% better taking off my toe spacers. Yeah, California peptides.
Starting point is 02:05:03 I'm going to, there's going to, a guy's going to come on and answer any any question about it and those you don't even need a doctor's notice for you can just um nope i must not be wearing these enough they don't have that yeasty smell um yeah so you're gonna so then you can just go to the California Peptides website and order what you want. So I'll... Fuck. I don't even know what peptides are. I need to ask him all those questions.
Starting point is 02:05:33 Sevan, you should do Hiller's programming, take a before and after pic. It's not a bad idea. Cody, Lovelace uh it's a good picture uh the problem is that's a great picture if it's good raising your prices won't dissuade people people pay for what they find valuable excuse me oh oh wow oh wow oh wow I gotta go
Starting point is 02:06:16 I gotta figure some shit out I'm trying to think if there's okay you want me to finish on okay you want me to finish on this you want to finish on this okay for anyone who questions whether or not I would be the best at the job at any fucking job at CrossFit Inc
Starting point is 02:06:38 replacing anyone there let me let me just say this to you when I ran the media department there were the ESPN shows. There was the feature-length documentary. There was the behind-the-scenes. And there was the road to the games. Think about that.
Starting point is 02:06:58 All four. Think about that. Think about that think about that behind the scenes most minutes watched ever of any content road to the games YouTube reached out to us and was like holy shit this is some of the best if not the best pre-hype
Starting point is 02:07:21 videos we've ever seen for any event anywhere ESPN shows crushing it and Netflix. Yeah, yeah, David. Yeah. It's hard. It's hard to imagine just some ding dong like me that smells his toe spacers is fucking the man. I know. Trust me, I'm having trouble accepting it. I'm having trouble accepting it.
Starting point is 02:07:56 Ben Bergeron pointed out to me the other day and I was like, oh shit, you're right. All they need is me back. He's like, no, no, you can't do it. Now go fuck yourself. Ding dong. No, no, you can't do it. Now go fuck yourself. Ding dong. Andrew, talk to you soon.
Starting point is 02:08:11 Love you guys. I'll see all you guys soon. Thanks for hanging in there. Thanks to Tommy G for the show today. Love you guys. That was fun. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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