The Sevan Podcast - Travis Mayer & Devyn Kim | Only Getting Better #1034

Episode Date: October 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you bam we're live that's close oh was it did i miss it oh i hear a hum what the fuck is that oh there we go oh that's interesting. What's up, dude? Morning.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I was running some tests in here yesterday. I did a podcast with Avi. Oh. Yeah. Just like a not a live one. Trying to get this thing ready. Dave's coming in tonight. I think it's our first. I mean, Suze has been in here for a test run, but I don't think I've done a live show with a guest in here.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I actually thought. I actually thought Don Fall was going to be my first guest, but it looks like it's going to be Dave. I'm going to send you the notes for Travis and. Did I send the wrong now I'm paranoid I sent them the wrong link maybe I'll resend it it's Travis Mayer first right
Starting point is 00:01:57 I think so yeah and Devin Kim right yesterday and Devin Kim. Right. Because yesterday, didn't I send the wrong link to someone and they came like 12 minutes late? Yeah. Which was my fault.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Alexis Raptus. Yeah. Yeah. Alexis Raptus. Yeah. Her. Okay. And then I'm sending you the uh show notes here we go Caleb
Starting point is 00:02:27 oh there he is I see him I see him cruising in Matt's who's uh Travis and Devin show Travis and Devin September mid-stroke you got a mid-stroke that's right baby how we doing man dude uh 658 i was buck naked that's the that usually if i look at the clock and it's like in the 50s and i'm naked i'm like fuck i better hurry up but 658 i'm so glad you were a little tardy yourself i was just finished up yeah nice very nice how you doing dude nice and great as you really where oh this oh this oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is that new for you uh no i just don't usually let it grow out this long so i feel like it's exposed more man it really is wow
Starting point is 00:03:20 i really like your um your i, I'm digging your look. Thanks man. Yeah. You're looking good. You almost, you almost look rebranded. It's been so long since I've seen you like you rebranded yourself. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:03:32 I saw you at the games. Oh yeah, that's true. That's true. You were just too busy, too busy at the games. What did you think about the games being there? Like not about the games,
Starting point is 00:03:43 like the games in general, but what did Travis Mayer think about being at the games and like not participating, games being there like not about the games like the games in general but what did Travis Mayer think about being at the games and like not participating but being there yeah definitely not much of a fan of a spectator uh have you ever done that before is that the first time you've ever been there as a spectator through spectator yeah that was the first time I've ever got sucks to be you watched yeah it was it I mean I think it was good in hindsight of like getting a different perspective of how you kind of view the pressure and expectation of different things where like as the outsiders looking in i don't feel like i felt that as much just from like sitting there
Starting point is 00:04:15 but like watching the athletes you can see what's happening and unfolding and i think from that standpoint it kind of like gave me a different perspective. But other than that, yeah, the, it was cool to interact with a lot of people, but I'd much rather be on the competition floor. Yeah. Being there without a job is it is a skill in itself that I think if you're there with a job, it's hard to make the shift. I'm not saying it's bad to go there without a job, but like,, but it would be weird for me to be there without a camera. Just like I'm sure it was weird for you to be there and not have to perform. Have you been without a camera?
Starting point is 00:04:53 Yeah, but I didn't go. The years that they told me I could. Well, I mean, I was in Madison, but I just pouted at the Airbnb. Was that the year that Glassman was there and you were the Coke stuff or whatever? It was just basically when they fired the media team. I actually went there in 2018 or 19,
Starting point is 00:05:15 whatever was my last year, thinking I was going to film the behind the scenes. And I got there and him and the current CEO were like, no, you're not doing it. Yeah. Yeah, that broke my heart that dude that's like going to the prom and you're in your dates with another dude it was like that yeah when uh because you did it this year yeah killed it dude when do you get to publish that
Starting point is 00:05:38 when does that come out i um the first three episodes are done and we were reviewing them and basically we decided that the first three episodes really need to be six episodes because they're like over an hour each, but they're so awesome. But I feel like that's what – I mean back in the day, that's what they used to be. They will. They will. They'll still be long, but they're just too long. Yeah. They're just too long.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah. And if I charge a quarter each to watch them, like $0.25 each, and I have like 30 episodes, I could be a millionaire. You're expected to get a lot of views. I see it already. I see it already. When you say you've got a different perspective, what do you think? What do you think that perspective? you think what do you think that perspective um uh i feel like pressure and things you put on yourself as an athlete like right i think you have to do that to in order to perform and show up and be ready but i also think sometimes it's too much at least for me personally um and you kind of think like on the moment in the floor people are like almost just like watching you but
Starting point is 00:06:44 then as you're like up there and like spectating, that's not the case. Like everybody's watching everything. Like no one's thinking of like that one person that like failed the muscle up or whatever. Like, it's just like, okay. And then you just keep like scanning the whole floor of watching. Like, yeah, you have the people you want to watch and who they're showcasing. But I think if you're like, not that one or two place person person like that's on the screen and like who they're actually probably like kind of watching like the pressure is just more like hey you need to just execute to the best of your ability and like show up on that and like regardless if you start to mess up or something it's not like you're less of a person or not as
Starting point is 00:07:21 good as like what you're capable of because like people are all seeing that. But in reality, no one's really watching us. But it's just this logic that you're thinking about internally and adding more stress to yourself. And you got that, you got a new perspective since you weren't competing. Yeah. That perspective came. Yeah. I, I'm trying to remember which athlete I was just talking about that with like, yeah, yeah the fans the fans are happy for you if you finish or you don't finish or you take first or you take six they're they're pumped but i do see yeah it's a totally different
Starting point is 00:07:55 perspective than the pressure the athletes are putting on themselves for sure and i think it's bad if you lose that what if you maybe it's better to just be like, oh my God, everyone's staring at me. I fucked up or I did great. I mean, I think in certain cases it can be right. Like if it pays off and you do well, then I feel like great. It's building confidence. But at the other side of that, I feel like it could be detrimental and like, then you think you're worthless and not doing well on the other side of that. So it kind of go both ways.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Do you enjoy the games when you compete oh some years yeah some years i've been there and i'm like i'm just i'm burned out i'm tired i don't want to be here um that's happened but then other years i feel like there's the highs and lows throughout any competition that on the lows you're like this is not enjoyable right now and I'm not having fun and then on the other side of things when you have a good workout or things are kind of going in your favor like it's much easier of course to be present and excited about competing and pushing for a better place and work to climb the leaderboard or whatever it may be um Um, but yeah, I feel like every year has been different, like different feelings,
Starting point is 00:09:07 different experiences, emotions, kind of all those things. You know, when you, when you get married and it's like the best night of your life or as you're building up to the marriage, you're not like, Ooh, there's going to be a couple in three years, there's going to be a tough year coming. Oh, there's going to be this one year when we want to get divorced. holy you're not even thinking that right just like fuck this is great i can't wait to get a house and a car and some kids and fuck love of my life and holy shit like going on the honeymoon and wow get to sleep naked in bed with this girl every night for the rest of my
Starting point is 00:09:37 life you're not even like but but the games is it guaranteed is it like a is it like a relationship is it guaranteed there's there's to be this moment during the games? I felt like this year or last year, I felt mentally, physically prepared the most. And then the first event had this week. You're not just saying that? You felt the most prepared this year? Last year. Well, I got hurt this year.
Starting point is 00:10:01 It was out. But the year before that. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah. So then hand or what was it? I like double hamstring cramped on the first event, ripped my hands on the chest bar in the first event. And like, I haven't ripped in years.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And I was like, what just took place? Then we go to the next event, climbing the pegboard, my hand slips. So I grab onto the peg and it literally just tears my whole hand apart and like i was like you gotta be kidding me and this was the second event right and i feel like that just kind of sets the tone where like the first two events right you have these expectations of like showing up really trying to like execute you've worked really hard on these things and then like boom here let's punch you in the face on one event up next event let's just rip your hand to shred and now you're like competing with that and i feel like you just kind of set the tone for me
Starting point is 00:10:48 and i i personally had a hard time snapping out of that um and you prepare for that ahead of time to snap out of it are you like okay if this happens i think yeah jolly ranchers and slap yourself in the face yeah i feel like sometimes you do but I also feel like you have to have those experiences to learn and grow from that um where I think I just probably mentally wasn't as prepared as I thought I was to handle the more adverse situation of that of like okay what really could potentially go wrong and then go wrong again and then go wrong again and i think after like the third thing i like max even tried to like snap me out of it and i was like not having it i was just kind of like over it and just pissed off about it and then you're ultimately ruining the whole experience in general from that and i mean looking back at it you wish you could have
Starting point is 00:11:40 done it a different way but that's just not the way it works um i want you to know um take this for what it's worth but uh patricia says that um uh she she's seen many men tear while pegging so you shouldn't feel yeah it can it can it can happen to the best of them yeah it can oh it did they got me they got me good i was so pissed off about that someone someone tore this year really bad that was surprised was it velner what that someone someone tore this year really bad that was surprised was it velner what what event was that this year that just whole hands were coming off something happened this year early legless rope climbs and semi-finals oh yeah yeah oh semi-finals were the ropes wet is that why they had to control the descent down so i think hands from that
Starting point is 00:12:25 uh caleb chimes in well thank you mr uh mr beaver yeah those tears those tears were nasty hey is the hand tear really that bad is it does it change things definitely like depth right like if you get like a little callus and it kind of rips i feel like those are kind of okay no i mean the really deep ones where it's just a fucking bloody mess those hurt i think it just makes everything you do after that super sensitive to grab onto so like any barbell work any like i remember then we had like the squat clean traverse whatever and when i would clean i would just hold the bar at my fingertips because it was just like it's painful holding weight so So it takes the edge off. It does take the edge off. You lose this, you lose a millisecond here. You lose a few pounds there because you're tentative.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Oh, for sure. Maybe that's just your soft, who knows. But for me, I felt like it definitely, it definitely changes the feeling and kind of like go get it mentality of like you're just going to be semi tentative when you're going to grab onto the bar or jump up and do toes to bar but you're holding on more with your fingertip versus like your whole hand and i feel like that's just going to of course affect the overall performance uh velner toward the games yeah they got infected i didn't know they got infected but something did happen to him at the games That was so nasty, really early on Like, so nasty
Starting point is 00:13:49 What was it? Well, I feel like that's all That's Vellner, right? He falls from the top of the cargo net that one year He needs challenge Yeah He needs adversity Hey, Travis
Starting point is 00:14:00 There's a video of you training with a 250-pound sandbag. Correct. When I think of the sandbag and when I think of going back— Like a little ball? A little ball. That's you. I just grab a little ball and throw you up. Yeah, that's two of me. That's two of me. That's me and my wife. You're not five pounds?
Starting point is 00:14:19 No, but close. That's you grabbing me and my wife and saving us from a burning building. That's you grabbing your whole family, dude saving us from a burning uh build that's you grabbing your whole family dude and running out of the burning that's probably grab i don't know that might be grabbing more than my kids um so i know you're a professional athlete but there's a danger component to the bag i feel like that's not there for all the other implements meaning when i saw them doing this at the games everyone was like doing this shit with their neck and people's backs were tweaked and is that a dangerous thing to practice uh i don't think so i think when it's
Starting point is 00:14:57 fine that doesn't i think when you started once they started adding like hey you got to go to your shoulder now and you're getting up to like 340 pounds and stuff. I think from the inexperience of doing that, you potentially can. But I think for most of us, like we've all carried a 300 or done shuttles with it, whatever you want to say. I think it's just becoming more normal now that you're implementing going to the shoulder with it. But I think I do it pretty just becoming more normal now that you're implementing going to the shoulder with it. But I think I do it pretty frequently. So I don't feel like it's a dangerous movement if you're doing it wrong, but, or if you're doing it right. But if you of course don't, aren't sure what you're doing, then yeah, it's going to get a little out of hand.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Dotcom did a video back in the day where a guy Was a gym had programmed a running With kettlebells and it Was run and then turn around Throwdown one time pardon me At OC throwdown it was like a You get 253 kettlebells Run I think it was a mile Take one kettlebell off run another mile
Starting point is 00:16:00 With one kettlebell then run a mile Without This was at a gym that was uh in lompoc california this was just at a crossfit gym and the guy paralyzed himself and had to like from the neck down just from some tweak he did you know what i mean from carrying that i just feel like that that bag man i i know you guys are professionals but there's just no symmetry in it and it's just crazy weight on the spine i don't mean to jinx you anyway okay you're fine with it you're like fuck you quit being a pussy savant you don't understand yeah i mean well what am i gonna do right it's like you're programming
Starting point is 00:16:31 it you got to figure out how to do it so i feel like you train it and get comfortable using it and the more exposure i feel like you can create and learn to create tension and brace and be kind of like an odd position catching it i feel like it'll make you set up for success rather than just being like no i'm not gonna do it because it could potentially lead to something where i think i mean growing up racing motocross i feel like you can't really have the fear of what could happen like i i got run over a bunch i had pegs go through my leg i had plenty of things that happened and took place but you just like you can't think about that as you're like second second pegging experience
Starting point is 00:17:05 um second pegging injury that's come up on this show uh in 17 minutes i would have never thought yeah that bag's crazy heavy right i mean uh if you leave it in the middle of the gym there's not very many people who are it's gonna stay there uh kind of yeah I did just buy a 400 pound one though, but I haven't filled it up. What's going to, what do you fill it with? Sand. You have sand in where, where, where do you live in Georgia? Yeah. But I mean, you can just go to like Home Depot or Lowe's or something and get a bunch of bags and just load them up. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Uh, what is a 400 pound sandbag for? It's as tall as you. Um. I believe it. I believe it. What is a 400 pound sandbag for? It's as tall as you. I believe it. I believe it. I don't know. I saw it on Rogue's website when I was looking to get a new replacement bag. And I was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I feel like this would be kind of cool to figure out how to. Yeah, look at the size of that thing. God, I love you, Caleb. The whole time I was like, let me see this fucking thing. Look at the difference of that. So, I don't know. How much is the 400 pound bag? Does your wife know you bought that?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah. Oh my God, you bought a $165 bag. I did. Hey, I... Does that mean you're trying to sell? Pardon me? Yeah, Caleb's getting one. I'm so curious how many of those 400-pound bags they've sold. I would assume probably 10.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah. I don't know. I feel like it'd be cool. I mean, and if anything, we'll, of course, take weight out and use it. But, I mean, what? That year at the Games, what was the heaviest? It ended at, like, what, 340, 350 for the lift? Well, that is the thing, too, right? If you want a 350-pound bag, you have to get the 400-pound bag.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Yeah, so to ultimately get it to that. So I said we'll originally take it at 350, play with it, and then go for the 400, because I feel like it'd be cool to just be able to pick it up and carry it. Absolutely nuts. I feel like it's one of those things, right? Like if you squat 500, that's kind of cool. I feel like if you can carry a 400 pound bag on your chest,
Starting point is 00:19:14 I feel like that'd be pretty cool. How tall are you? 5'11". Oh, you're tall. And how much do you weigh? 205. And how old are you? 32. And are you Caucasian or black?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Would you like to keep going with any more questions? Can you put your hands behind your back, please? Would you like my social as well? And you have four kids? Yep. Come on, you should know that. You should know that. Come on.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Any issues with... Well Well you could throw in Yeah and a fifth one on the way Nope Nope Nope No more How's recovery Beautiful family by the way
Starting point is 00:20:00 I don't just say that either you're stoked Thanks man I think from a recovery standpoint i i spent a lot of time doing it and then i feel like right so i feel like i take more care of myself and it's probably on a tighter time frame but like finishing workouts hopping on a bike or something cooling down ice bathing every night and then i'm usually in bed at nine o'clock and probably asleep by 905 um so you're having issues with recovery as you get older that's what i'm hearing you say uh no i feel like i that's why i do recover well is that i go to bed early i take care of myself
Starting point is 00:20:38 specifically i mean between multiple workouts in a day i'm not worried about like your soreness of your glutes or your hamstring recovery or your shoulders. What about, what about, I think what goes in athletes as they get older is their recovery between their 8am workout and their 11am workout. No, I feel like I've done the same for the last, probably a few years of, I feel like you just kind of get into a routine of what works. And I kind of have figured
Starting point is 00:21:05 out for my body, what works best. So immediately when I'm done taking a shake, then I eat. And then or before that, then I'm cooling down on a bike, then doing some sort of static stretching or getting PT work done a few times a week. And then from there, then eat lunch and then go right in the next session. like right i just finished before this had a shake i'll go out and do another workout probably in an hour or so so i'll eat when we're done and then go to another one uh spiegel let's talk about wackadoo uh marjorie taylor green no i love miss green fuck you by the way if you talk to her tell her i'd like to have her on the show i admire her immensely her her presence her speaking skills her fitness her hair um all right so you're gonna go to the games you're gonna be 32 what uh that's the plan this year to
Starting point is 00:22:00 go hard yeah i mean i wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't trying to, to go hard and go after it. I mean, I'll go rogue first. Rogue will be what's next. Then a lot of Palooza. And then the whole season will kind of start over. You said you wouldn't be doing this if you didn't plan to go hard.
Starting point is 00:22:17 What do you think about Noah going to the game? Going, going to the games. No, going to the games this year Without the intention of winning What was my personal thought on that Yeah yeah let's just say no one's listening That really bummed me out
Starting point is 00:22:35 That really bummed me out when he's like He's already announcing he's going teams the next year and shit I'm like come on Noah Not bummed me out like I was mad at him But I was kind of I felt almost bad for him like that That's not the way you should do it I mean, I feel like I was mad at him, but I was kind of I felt almost bad for him like that. That's not the way you should do it. I mean, I would agree to that of like if I knew it was my last year.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Right. I feel like you'd want to. Really dive more into that, just knowing like, hey, this is my last year as an individual. I want to finish this as strong as possible and see where I can really take it on like the last kind of year but I know for him just because personally knowing him and it was more just like he wanted to enjoy the experience of like enjoying training and getting ready for the games and like training with people doing more class stuff just different type of training than what i believe is setting you up for contending at the games and
Starting point is 00:23:32 right like he's been able to do that for the last x amount of years so i feel like to then go there on your final year as an individual and like not be near that i i would assume that that would be pretty frustrating right like you're going there to compete right and i think internally he's a competitor so no matter what you get there and if it's not going the way according to plan like you're going to be frustrated like even if your intent was like hey i'm just here to enjoy the experience like deep down like that has to hurt at least for me it would because it's like i'm there and i want to contend and try to like fight for a spot and do the best of my abilities and i think when you get in that moment and realize maybe i should have trained a little harder or
Starting point is 00:24:14 whatever but i think he accepted that that was what he agreed to do going into this season and then just kind of accepted that that's where he ended up um rambler uh noah's such a good dude positivity positive energy all day for sure yes he does 100 i i had this um friend whose girlfriend broke up with him in college and he asked her if he could have sex with her one last time and she did and i'm like i just from the back I was like this is so weird That is weird What does that have to do with Knowing the case
Starting point is 00:24:51 I feel like there's a bridge there Like either go Like your time is done or it's not done I understand The desire of wanting To have sex with her one last time You know what I mean? I understand.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Like, you think you're going to win her over with something magical. But, like, um. Uh. Oh. I was looking back at what you were comparing that to, but now I get it. There's just a, um. Uh. And my friend, and they did.
Starting point is 00:25:21 They had sex one more time. It didn't help. It didn't help him. I think it made things worse. Probably did. They had sex one more time. It didn't help. It didn't help him. I think it made things worse. Probably did. I need to get Noah on here and ask him if he wishes he would have changed that. Do you remember that one year
Starting point is 00:25:36 he showed up at the games? Will he still not film with you? No, I don't know. He hasn't answered my last two or three texts. But he's so nice to me. You know what I mean? Because he's such a nice guy when he finally does return my text he'll be he'll be like like there's something happened you know i mean like his dog ate his phone or something he's not a ghoster like he'll be like not now savon like you know what i mean like he's he's sincere to me someone said he's someone said he's cringe he's not cringe uh jason you just don't
Starting point is 00:26:06 he's not cringe he's fun he's easy i enjoy being around him so much yes i feel like it social media sometimes portrays differently you think he's just that's not real and it's like a front but that's just how he is all the time like he's nice bubbly he's always excited he's always like eager to do something he's always just like a nice person yeah he's like if he was a dog he'd be what his tail is fucking on just wagging like a mofo he would be his dog that's what he would be he's such a wagger um so so So you don't go last year. Why didn't you go? So I had a severe bone bruise of the hook of the handmaid inside my hand.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And I couldn't. So it's the bone pretty much inside your hand here. Okay. How did that happen? Well, that's a great question. There was never like a moment. So at Wadapalooza, during the team event, me, myself, and Chandler, we finish, wake up the next morning, and I like go to press to like sit up out of the bed and can't physically press. And I was like, well, that's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Then I was like, whatever, like post-competition. Do you have COVID? Do you have COVID right now? No, I have sinusitis. Okay. We'll get to that in a second. Okay. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah. It's definitely eating me up right now. It is not fun. Um, but couldn't put any pressure on it. Went to grab my luggage and it was like, it was pretty painful, but I was like, I'll give it a few days and it'll probably be fine. I guess like a week goes by. Max is like, all right, you ready to jump back in?
Starting point is 00:27:45 I'm like, yeah. So then he wrote some like easy overhead squat and support holds and I went to like hop up onto the ring and couldn't even get my body weight onto the ring at all and I was like well that's strange I was like all right we'll give it another week so we just did some other stuff did some lower body more machine work and then we started to try something else. And I was like, I still can't put any weight on my hands, like zero. It was like life or death. If you told me to try to hold a support hold, like I was done. Like there was not, I couldn't do it. Because of pain?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Because of discomfort? It literally felt like the bone was shooting through my hand. Like plantar fasciitis, but on your hand? I have no clue. I've never had that. So I don't, I don't know the feeling of that, but you want that one.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah. So then ended up, I have an orthopedic here. Went and got an MRI, CT, x-ray all done. And then they were just like, it's a severe bone bruise.
Starting point is 00:28:38 What the fuck is a bone bruise? It just about as close to a break as it could have been without being broken. He's like, you would rather. I thought that was like a stress fracture. Yeah, he was like, you would rather have been broken because I could have taken it out. He's like, so now you have the chance of being a month to six months before it can be recovered. So then it was around five months before it was fully recovered. So I just played a bunch of golf
Starting point is 00:29:09 is what I did. What do you mean he could have taken it out? Well, if it was broken, they go in and they surgically can take that out. You don't need that bone? No. And then he said at like 16 weeks, you could go in and break it if we wanted to.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And I was like, dude, no. You don't need that bone. You don't need it, Sivan. Yeah, there's a whole generation of people who don't think they need another bone that they're having removed too. I wonder how that's playing out for them. Don't have any bones removed. Keep, don't have any bones removed. Keep, keep, don't have any bones. But no, I was like, I'm already sick. I already knew I was sitting the season out. So I was like, I'm already going to have to rest and take time off. So I was just
Starting point is 00:29:55 going to take that time fully off. So I did. Do you have any stories where like, and then after he told me that I went back to the house and I opened up my Bible and Psalms 13, four spoke to me and my wife put her arms around me. And I knew at that point that, do you have one of those? No, come on, dude. I came home. I was angry and pissed off that my season was over and then was furious on the wall. Yeah. Through one of your kids out the front door. Yeah, I was pretty pissed off, to be honest. And then I think I came back to the gym and was like, maybe I'll try to train or do something. And then Max was like, you need to just stop.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And then we kind of realized that that was the end of the season. And so I took up one of my enjoyable hobbies of playing golf and pretty much played golf every single day. And I didn't want to- Really? Every day? Yeah, I played roughly five days a week did you get better yeah i was getting pretty good there your hand didn't hurt when you swung when you swung no with where the club was hitting it wouldn't wow that's crazy yeah i mean i think if it wasn't to have like another hobby outside of crossfit to like entertain myself it would have been a pretty rough time.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It would have been child five, child five, child five. Yeah, no. Still no. Had the fifth child get here, I broke my hand. Yeah. I'm smart. Nope. Look, I think four is great.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I love four. Four is great. Well, hey, why don't you go for four?. Look, I think four is great. I love four. Five. Well, Hey, why don't you go for four? My wife, I would, my wife's like,
Starting point is 00:31:30 uh, she just says she's claimed. She doesn't have any more eggs, but we still have to use protection. Doesn't even fucking make any sense. Cause she knows what could happen. She's like, she's like threatening me. She's like, if you get me pregnant, I'm giving you triplets. I'm like, perfect.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Can they be girls this time? I'll take three. You're the fucking Brady Bunch. I would love more. Hey, what's your, what's your ages? Would you really? Yeah, I would. Like how you would really realistically take triplets?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah. Wow. I'm really enjoying it. But I guess if you, I guess if you're. And I'm not. Wow. I'm really enjoying it. But I guess if you... And I'm not doing anything. I'm not 32, dude. I'm 51. Like, I'm not doing shit.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah, you're just videoing behind the scenes. I guess that's all they got you doing these days. Going to skate parks and behind the scenes. That's what Savant's out here doing. Yeah. Are you skating with it? No. No.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Hey, this is... If I... If you're older... What? Oh, okay. Yeah Are you skating with it? No No Hey This is If I What? Oh okay If I stand on a skateboard Literally my kids will start crying Like they know
Starting point is 00:32:35 They know You don't ever try to get on the half pipe That you have at your house? The fuck no dude Have you at all? No Not one Not one
Starting point is 00:32:44 Dude I climb up there i brush it off almost every other day and then i and i air it off and i and i'm scared that i'm gonna slip and fall yeah i'm like i'm old dude i'm old like fragile oh that's why you strength train like just in case just in case in case you fall they literally cry if I stand on a skateboard. They'll start crying. They'll run over, please don't. Please don't. I'm like, I look that old.
Starting point is 00:33:08 They're like, they got the old dad. How old are you? 51. I'm 20 years older than your kid's dad. That's accurate. Yeah, that's fucked up. It's impressive. My kids say shit to me like,
Starting point is 00:33:27 don't worry, we won't beat you up. Even if you're mean to us now, we won't beat you up in a few years when you're really old. I feel like the way you're training them, they're going to be able to beat you up in about a year. CTP cam. Oh, get out of here. tape oh let's talk about the oh let's talk about ctp and let's talk about your kidneys um how do you uh you have a pretty great new tattoos
Starting point is 00:33:54 two two cats why um why did you do that and what do you tell your kids what what do i tell my kids i I tell them why I got them. So each tattoo, of course, has a meaning. There's all meanings behind every single tattoo that I've gotten. Most of the ones that I've had recently, of course, are based off of all of them. So each of them have essentially a half sleeve. So my first one was on my left shoulder, then right shoulder, then left forearm, right forearm. So they've all had meaning.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And then this one was what I wanted. So the pretty much the Black Panther and the Jaguar, of course, are coming from the same family. And then the way the perspective of how people view them are completely different and what the world I sometimes feel like I view and external viewpoints of how I view certain things versus other people and how you can have two different complete perspectives of looking at something when ideally it can come from the same thing. So I feel like a more personal, internal, external reasons of why I got it. And when you say perspectives, you mean like some, some people think one of those cats, basically it's the same cat, but one of them thinks one of them's dangerous and one of them's friendly or something like that. Yeah. Essentially. I guess that's it.
Starting point is 00:35:07 That's an easy way to put it. Yes. And was there an actual thing that you were like, that inspired it and actual, like, Hey, some people think monster trucks are dumb. Something monster trucks are cool. That was exactly it. It was based on monster drugs. Was there, was there anything that like specific? I mean, I think it's just life experiences and things I've learned over the years and thought about. And as I've gotten older, learned to understand and express differently. What are you talking about? Tell me specifically. Is there something specific? We can go on this.
Starting point is 00:35:43 I want to know, did you get in a fight with your wife? no or at least tell me like hey i'm not going to tell you specifically we can talk about this when you're not recording if we have an actual conversation wow wow he's suggesting that this conversation is fake 100 is this fake all right uh yeah uh i love uh what is uh um there was a someone said something about the nipple there. The nipple was tripping me out too. Dude, well – Because my dog has a bump like that on his jowls that looks like your nipple. Yeah, fine.
Starting point is 00:36:14 But that was some of the most pain I feel like I've ever been in. The nipple was excruciating. I didn't – I guess I didn't even think about it with like usually like the middle of the sternum like when it's just on the bone and they're like just shading back and forth like it gets aggressive but man when he got like close to the nipple and i was like what was that and he was like measure nipple and i was like oh oh, and then like, then he kept going and I could feel it like radiating across to the other side. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It was bizarre. And so like we did the black Panther on day one and then day two went back and took the other side. So I was like, you make some weird noises when he does that. Like some, Ooh, no, actually there's no noises. I'm just like, I'm actually just like sitting there and like closing my eyes, just bracing. Do you have something in your mouth, like a mouthpiece or a wooden dowel or anything? No, like this isn't torture.
Starting point is 00:37:11 All right. But no, I always have sex with a wooden dowel in my mouth. What are you talking about? You don't do that. What did you say? I said I always have sex with a wooden dowel in my mouth. You don't do that uh no that might just be a personal thing for you hey i i would if anyone can take uh
Starting point is 00:37:33 a shirtless picture of travis mayer and photoshop in not a shitty photoshop but photoshop my face on his chest and sporty beth i will post the fuck out of that. Please do that. That would be amazing. But why? Because I just like it. It's weird. Okay. Sacrilege. If it bothers you, it's even better. I don't think it bothers me. I think it'd be kind of comical. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:37:57 The picture of you on my chest. I feel like it'd be or just do something like Steve-O did, but put you on my back. Kind of like this. I'll like it'd be Or just do like something like Steve-O did But like put you on my back Like Kind of like this On my back I'll take it
Starting point is 00:38:09 Yeah I'll take it You could have a whole blank canvas back there It could be just your face What do you think happened to Medeiros this year? That's a good question Any thoughts on it? Are you surprised? Are you surprised?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Are you surprised he took seven? I mean, I feel like at the beginning, it seemed like there was something going on. He just looked more fatigued than usual, whether that's he got sick. I mean, like, right, like from the outside of looking in, you don't really know what someone's experiencing or dealing with.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And I feel like, at least for me personally, I don't ever say a bunch of stuff of like, if I got sick or whatever happened, like that just is what it is. There's nothing you could do about it. Um, so I feel like talking about it more doesn't help. So I don't know, maybe. Okay. Let me put you in two camps. Do you think his reign is over or do you think he just had a bad year? I don't know. A bad year would be like injury herpy flare-up whatever rain is over is like the the field got better or he's lost his edge or something I mean I'm like what you think he'll be podium again you think he'll ever podium again Justin Med think he'll ever podium again, Justin Medeiros? Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:31 But, I mean, I feel like whatever happened, he has to get whatever that was, whether it's a life situation or sickness or whatever. Like, he's got to get that stuff figured out. But then, like, the fact that— So you do think something happened. So we do agree there. Something happened. He wasn't himself. I would agree with that to some degree.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Okay. To some degree. I like what you're like okay i love how you always go after you just want it you want me still so do you like me or do you not like me come on i always like you come on man back we were the only ones back in the day that i gave you stuff with it on the behind the scenes come on god you're the man what a shame that might be the i might not be invited back to do the behind the scenes i could anything could accidentally come out of my mouth between now and then and maybe put uh turned into an outside dog again yeah that would suck if i couldn't do the behind the scenes next year and you were there yeah it would are you going to rogue no why okay i mean i'll be covering it but just from like here i send my people there yeah but why don't you why don't you venture out so i get old i got
Starting point is 00:40:33 a skate i gotta clean the skate ramp well apparently you don't do a good job of that i do a great job it's so slippery and dangerous you have a step stool you use to get up or do you like no no i can it's like a two foot step i can do it i i'm just making sure i mean you seem pretty scared when you're blown off the leaves that i don't want you to fall and get hurt hey dude i've gone into i've gone into big like i take a leaf blower to skate park sometimes with my kids and i've gone into big bowls. Battery one, or you got like a full gas one,
Starting point is 00:41:07 the battery one. Of course you do. And, uh, and, um, I've gone down into bowls. Does it have a sticker of CrossFit on the side of it?
Starting point is 00:41:15 No, it should. Has, has the step on podcast. Um, I've gone down into these big bowls, skate bowls, and like not been able to get out for a second
Starting point is 00:41:26 Dude one time I took my kids to a Gymnastics One time I took my kids to a Gymnastic camp and there was a foam pit There and I was struggling to get out Like I went in And a lady came over A mom
Starting point is 00:41:41 Like clearly a cross at mom and gave me her hand And pulled me out No oh god that's great like you were stuck i was struggling for a bit i was in there too long i should have been out so kids could start jumping in like i took my obligatory parent parental jump oh god man i wish i could have seen that yeah that was that was tough i did murph yesterday did you start panicking no no no i'm i'm i enjoy the um he i i i i'm like an alchemist i can take humility uh not humility humiliation and turn it into just positive energy okay you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:42:22 yeah like look some people are paying regardless I still would have loved to see you just sitting there like, hey, can someone help me? I figured those low strict ring muscle-ups you've been doing would help, but I guess not. I know, you'd think, but... Can't get you out of a foam pit.
Starting point is 00:42:37 No. No. What'd you say? You did Murph yesterday? I did do Murph yesterday. No vest. I almost died. Like, strict pull-up? Or did youph yesterday? I did do Murph yesterday. No vest. I almost died. Strict pull-up or did you kip?
Starting point is 00:42:48 I'll only do strict. Oh, savage. I don't ever kip. The pull-ups were easy. Everything was easy. It was just hot. How hot is it in California? I don't know. 85. I was just shutting down. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:03 I probably don't know what I mean, but I was just shutting down. I thought that happened.'m probably don't know what i mean but i was just like shutting down i thought that happened seventh round i did 5 10 15s i was in 5 10 15s or 15 10 5s whatever i was doing and in the seventh round i'm like oh fuck i'm i'm like i wasn't okay the rest of the day i had a headache oh yeah let me ask you that when you work out at the games do you ever work out so hard you get a headache and it stays with you the rest of the day yeah yeah yeah what the fuck is? I had a headache all day yesterday after Murph. It was fucked up. I never get headaches.
Starting point is 00:43:31 The one in Madrid, the row thruster burpee, like in the two-minute window or whatever, you had to accumulate 75 bar-facing burpees. At the end of that, I was pretty messed up. Like your head was throbbing. yeah my head was pounding and i feel like my eyes don't kind of lose their way a little bit too
Starting point is 00:43:53 like like they need to be realigned like i had a curb or something not in a good state like mentally it's just kind of like everything's all over the place not seeing clearly if you're talking i'm like ah let's just keep that to a's all over the place not seeing clearly if you're talking i'm like ah let's just keep that to a minimum please i actually thought i thought if someone came i actually thought when i was done with murphy if someone came up to me with the camera right now i would just be like i dude i can't well welcome to what happens with the games when we finish and you have a camera it to the games this year no it's it's hard what's hard making it there you got to go through the open the quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:44:35 yeah i mean but that's part of it right i think it's always going to be challenging and hard but i feel like over time you create belief in yourself of knowing what you're capable of and knowing what you have to do. And I think I've done that for so many years that I'm confident in fighting for that spot and going. Did you get the flu shot this year? No. Maybe that's why you have sinusitis. Maybe if you could pronounce it right, it might be right. What is sinusitis? Sinusitis. Yeah if you could pronounce it right, it might be right. What is sinusitis?
Starting point is 00:45:06 Sinusitis. Yeah, that's what I said. It's pretty much one of your sinuses. It's what? Infection? Yeah. So from here and here, I'll wake up and I can just feel the pressure on my face and teeth. I love the Googling. Yeah, hey dude, you better not go up in a plane.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I've had that before and then gotten on a plane It's fucked up Yeah it's a real thing Hey you're not taking antibiotics are you No I already did Oh you dumbass It went from one side to the other Oh fuck
Starting point is 00:45:36 So I had it two weeks ago And then got put on antibiotics for it And then it What Tuesday of this week it's now on this side. What about a neti pot? I don't like antibiotics. Yeah, I've used a neti pot multiple times a day. Are you using it religiously?
Starting point is 00:45:51 Are you using it religiously now? Yeah. It works, right? It helps. It helps, but then sometimes I feel like I get almost like more congested after I use it. Right. You use salt water? The saline tablets or packets um what about what about um what about
Starting point is 00:46:09 just getting you're gonna think i'm crazy for this but what about just getting on the assault bike or something or the c2 bike and just just spending enough time on it like like 40 minutes on it and just trying to blow crazy snot rockets i've done that too i do that but i'll do that like in the sauna or a hot shower because i feel like the steam loosens it all up. Yeah. And then it's just, I've, I've had that where my teeth hurt and it's been like a week of pain and then I go on a crazy bike ride, hill ride and I blow some snot rockets and it's gone forever. The, the teeth one for me is what drives me insane. Yeah. Like I wake up and I'm like Do I have like a cavity?
Starting point is 00:46:47 Like what is going on? But it's like nothing to do with your teeth It's the pressure of the sinus which is bizarre Yeah Don't go on a plane dude You will weep like a baby I'm not going on a plane until October 24th No elevation
Starting point is 00:47:00 Not till Rogue baby Hey well thanks for coming on Good to see you. I need to have you on more often That was too long I think that was already 45 minutes You're a good dude Did you talk with Alexis? I spoke to her yesterday
Starting point is 00:47:15 How'd she do? How'd it go? She was good. I was pissed because She did, hey, oh, is that the CPT dude? Hey, what's up, girl? Chris, come say hello Hey, Chris, what's going on with the rebranding Over there CPT dude? Oh, hey, what's up girl? Hey Chris, what's going on with the rebranding over there with the videos Chris come in here Chris He's got a question What?
Starting point is 00:47:36 He doesn't want to be on camera Chris, what's up, dude? Hey, the the videos are looking good, dude Whose idea was it the whole new style with like the? are looking good, dude. Whose idea was it the whole new style with like the 1970s look like where it's like the cutouts of the people talking in front of like images
Starting point is 00:47:49 and it feels like it's old skate style videos. I just watched a lot of Jersey Shore. Fuck, dude. You're a boss. Hey, it was great meeting you at the games, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:59 You're a cool dude. Everyone likes you too. You're one of those few people no one's talking shit about. Kind of crazy. No, you can rest. Yeah. You're one of those few people no one's talking shit about. Kind of crazy. No, you can rest. Yeah. You told Alexa she could rest?
Starting point is 00:48:10 No, no, that was somebody else. No, don't rest. Yeah. Hey, is anusitis contagious? Well, that's the wrong thing, so... Sinusitis contagious? I don't think so. Yeah contagious i don't think so yeah i don't think so either because i feel like it's just like a and i don't know maybe i don't know have you ever had it before yeah i had it like i don't know probably three years ago
Starting point is 00:48:37 they're talking about doing surgery on you no yeah don't i know they do they go out and clean everything out i don't want that you ever had your ears cleaned professionally no but i've seen videos it looks crazy i had them cleaned professionally once i had a little ringing in my ear my sister my sister my wife took me to an ear nose and throat doctor you think it's weird i get my wife and my sister confused, like, daily? Yeah, kind of. And they took out these chunks of wax out of my ear, Travis, and I had, like, supersonic hearing for, like, two days. What'd they clean it with? Just, it was like a needle, like these metal tools.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Oh, and they, like, scrape it out? Yeah, something. And they pulled out, like, rocks out of there that look like hashish hash you probably never smoked hash but it looked like hash you know what hash is something that people have headphones on and then it's like filled with water and i don't know if it's like kind of like pressure washing the inside of the ear and then like the stuff comes out and i'm like whoa yeah but i bet you it's better when you're done dude i couldn't believe how well i could hear it was crazy candle wax in the air yeah that's what it was like i've never done that one all right all right uh no more antibiotics yeah no more heavy no more heavy bag no look it's rogue you know they're gonna bring
Starting point is 00:50:08 out a heavy bag we have every year they like the heavy bag hey is rogue kind of a test for you at all or is it no like oh i was broken and now i'm back in the game or like a little you might have a little ring rust i guess my mini games right like for me this is like prepping for like a games style scenario of it's the next highest paid out event like go there and try to make and capitalize as much as possible right like i sat out the open semifinals quarterfinals there's opportunities of making money financially in that time period are gone so now it's like okay well let's prepare for what's next okay well we know rogue can be the next event so let's go prepare for that so this is kind of like the one i've been preparing for
Starting point is 00:50:54 since i got back into training if you win rogue um do you have to have another kid is your wife like look if you bring home 250 000000... Five kids is not happening. Alright. That means you have to have another kid. I win, you have another kid. Tell your wife that you're having another kid. If Travis wins, you're taking a dollar.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Alright. Thank you for coming on. You're a great dude. Tell CPT I said hi Tell Alexis I said hi You got it man Don't ever do two podcasts in one day Like if I have one scheduled with you And then Brian Spin reaches out to you
Starting point is 00:51:37 And is like hey can we do one the day before If someone has one scheduled with you You'd be like no Yeah I wouldn't I only got room Travis Mayer talk to you soon brother Thank you be watching your road No. Yeah, I wouldn't. I only got Ruben. Don't worry. Okay. Travis Mayer, talk to you soon, brother.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Thank you. Be watching your road. All right. Bye. See you then. Yeah. Oh. Mm. I wonder what's going on with Devin Kim I don't know where she at
Starting point is 00:52:18 did I tell you we have Dave Castro coming on tonight yeah he's live with some chick right now he is yeah wait show me that where's that it's on instagram oh oh let's pull that up let's watch that interesting hey um oh maybe not anymore we're supposed to have a crossfit games update show Oh
Starting point is 00:52:50 There we go. Oh, that's cool. Look there's devon kim. I see her I don't know where my arrow is though Can you bring her on I lost my arrow Hey What's up, girl Was I on the wrong one? Yeah. I lost my arrow. Hey. Hello. What's up, girl? Was I on the wrong one?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Oh, did I send you? I keep sending people the wrong one. I don't know why that is. It said, like, ended, like, three hours ago or, like, three hours. And I was like, well, I don't know what to do here. I'm not technologically savvy, so I'm just going to wait until I hear from Siobhan. Yeah, that's 100% my fault. I wonder if I did that to Travisvis too i forgot yesterday i did that to alexis i wonder what's going on well i don't know that that would be twice in two days that's a record for me
Starting point is 00:53:34 what's up where you at are you at home yeah i literally woke up like 20 minutes ago oh perfect i'll only wake up early for you oh you're so good are you in san diego that's home home for you you're not going anywhere basically yeah i mean like i grew up you know an hour and a half up north so my family's still super close my hometown's still super close but i live exclusively in san diego right now like the last few years and still training at Invictus I go to school down here too so kind of home base for a while um what school um I go to Mesa College for kinesiology is my major I want to be a PT so hopefully one day down the road that'll happen crazy that you're uh did you do that last year also wow yeah i've been going to school for a while hey is that a good thing does that like keep you on schedule and keep you on point or is it is it a burden um a little bit of both i mean
Starting point is 00:54:36 i do like when i have a crazy schedule load where i'm going from like point a b c within like you know hours of each other like i feel like I thrive really well on a busy, busy schedule because it kind of like keeps me to a good timeline. But I mean, it does obviously get stressful, especially with, you know, games training and like during season, it's like more of a problem. But right now, like I'm still basically training the same amount, doing school the same amount, but it definitely keeps me on like a strict schedule. So I like being chaotic. My life's chaotic. Yeah. I'm thinking like, um, you are at the gym, but you know, the next day you have a test and you're trying to be focused on your training, but knowing that you should maybe be at home studying or vice versa, you're studying when you know you should be like,
Starting point is 00:55:22 you're kind of like torn. Yeah. It's hard. I feel like when, whenever, if I'm like studying or if I'm like training, like I have to really compartmentalize everything. Like if I'm training, I can't really be thinking about the exam that I have either later that day or me having to go home and go study. Cause then it's just like, it messes up my training. And if I'm not there fully focused on training, then you know, it backfires into everything else. So I think when I'm doing what I'm doing at that moment, like I just really have to compartmentalize it and like put my all into training for that time period. And then I can think about, okay, I have to go home because I'm still like, I'm going to be doing it no matter what, but as long as my mind isn't on the next thing, because I'm constantly
Starting point is 00:56:01 running around, whether it's work, whether it's school, it's like, as long as my head is fully in what I'm doing at that moment, it's relatively well. And sometimes obviously doesn't happen. Like I'm stressed thinking about other things, but yeah, as long as I pour. You have work, you have school, you have boyfriend and you have CrossFit. Yes. Are those the four? Is there, is there anything else big like that? Oh, and you have family yeah family but you know my family obviously knows that i'm super busy and like we'll always work around in time you take them for granted i don't take them for granted only on occasion right but yeah nope just those four main things hey why do why do you school in CrossFit? Like, why not just be like, why do you work?
Starting point is 00:56:50 Why do you school in CrossFit? I understand work. You need money. I ask myself that every day. No, but like, in all honesty, I love CrossFit. I've been doing CrossFit for 12 years now. It's always been a part of me. And I honestly think having grown up with CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:57:05 like I was, you know, in middle school, high school, and now in college, like it's just always been a thing. Like, first off, obviously I've never not been in school while I've been competing, but it's also too, like, I know that my CrossFit career is not going to be forever. I know that I'm going to hit a point where it's just like, either my body's going to break down or just, I don't want to do it anymore because I've been doing it for so long that I still want like a big career after this. Like I still have goals and things that I want to do as an adult. And obviously if I don't achieve that now and go through the schooling now,
Starting point is 00:57:37 I just, you know, you never know. So I just don't see myself not doing it because it's like, I don't know. I like doing hard things. I like pushing myself, seeing like, okay, well can i go to the crossfit games this year and also still do school you know i'm gonna come back to that in one second there's someone said something here that caught me off guard though um her dad is asian her mom is white i've seen your dad's not technically he is but no one knows it's only in my eyes you can only tell from my eyes and my last name that man i met that i think is your dad's not your dad who i've seen your dad your dad's not asian at all yeah you know my dad i know he doesn't look asian like at all like at all
Starting point is 00:58:19 no one in my family does but he is what is he is he? Yeah, his dad is, like, Korean. No shit. Yeah. I'm, like, I think he's a quarter. I think he's only, like, a quarter Korean. And, yeah. No one knows. It's so funny because everyone, like, looks at your last name and, like, they don't put two and two together.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And then they're, like, oh, Kim. Dude, he looks like he's out of a Western. He looks more John Wayne than Jackie Chan. Holy shit. That's what I said. That's crazy It's so funny every time someone finds out They're just like flabbergasted
Starting point is 00:58:49 And I'm like yep And that's the last name I can't wait to get married Okay No it's a great last name Okay so So going back to the school thing So it's all you've ever known Hey that kind of reminds me of when you're in high school
Starting point is 00:59:07 and you're taking seven classes and then you go to college and they're like, okay, you're only going to take three classes this semester. You're like, what? Three. Yeah. Too, too easy. Too easy. Okay. So it's all, you know, you have your life scheduled. You're disciplined enough. It, it works in your life. It's not like you're trying to force school and you're trying to force CrossFit and it's how you operate. Yeah. And I mean, like, it's definitely hard. Don't get me wrong. And especially when like, I want to prioritize training, like during the summer, I usually like a couple of times I've taken summer classes, but this past year I didn't. And like, I'll tell you, it is so nice to just, I was still working a little bit, but like just
Starting point is 00:59:44 training during the week, it was amazing. So I definitely don't take it for granted because I do realize how stressful and hard it can be. But when I'm in it, it's just like, you know, just boom, boom, boom, go, go, go. You don't really have time to think. How fast does your fitness wane when you stop training? How fast does it go away? I want to say, I feel like immediately, like my strength is still there. I think I like hit a PR like three weeks after the game's not working out.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So my strength is obviously there, but like my cardio goes pretty fast. I'd like to say, or at least I feel like it does. Like I'll go into the gym and I'll be working out and I'm just like, man, I feel so unfit right now, but you know, I'm'm still training so it's still relatively there but I feel like it goes fast what was the PR you said after the games uh 240 power clean wow good on you oh yeah that's one thing did you know you were gonna do a PR when you went in that day we were just like I think think I was getting back. I actually think from NorCal Classic or right before NorCal Classic.
Starting point is 01:00:50 I was just like in the gym messing around. I was like, man, I kind of want power clean. So we just like power cleaned, built up to a heavy. And normally power cleans aren't good for me. And so it just felt really good and ended up hitting a PR. Wayne Kim, her dad isorean when i catch that guy it's my dad y'all my dad i knew he'd be awake this early too dude he's i i when i think of your dad i just think of him as a workhorse
Starting point is 01:01:17 like he's just he doesn't sleep i always say that i get like my athletic ability from my dad and like my like motivation and determination from my mom my dad's just a little workhorse yeah i'll just do anything and everything yeah i've never seen him when he's not when he's not crushing it you won the games this year we did surreal or or yeah like yeah we're supposed to this is this is as i feel like when it was it was obviously like planned our team we talked about it like our goal was to come back and win the games um and i feel like it wasn't it didn't feel real until it was until it was like actually happening like not day one not day two like the end of day three, going into day four, I was like, okay, this is actually a thing. Like we could, we could do this. And I think one sit at like, once we podiumed and all
Starting point is 01:02:11 that, like it was surreal, but it was kind of just like kind of big relief. Like, all right, we did it. We made it through. And now kind of like, what's next? Like, I want to sit, sit here and say, it was like the best moment. And it was a really great moment. Don't get me wrong. But I think like even my whole team can attest to just like, once it happened, it was kind of just like, oh shit,
Starting point is 01:02:31 we did it. Like, all right, what's next kind of thing. And I don't know if that's common with like a lot of other people who win or like Tia and all them. Like, I don't know if they feel the same way,
Starting point is 01:02:40 but for me, I feel like it was kind of just like, all right, we did it. We met our goal. What's next. But for me, I feel like it was kind of just like, all right, we did it. We met our goal. What's next? Yeah. I think I think super common. I think people have an expectation about some sort of destination and there are no destinations. And I think a lot of people have some pretty gnarly comedowns from success because they think there's going to be something there and there's not like not like the change whatever the changes that we expect um uh it's not there i remember winning a film festival competition one time and as soon as i got the award i went home and just
Starting point is 01:03:20 was like that was dumb like that that brought me zero happiness i would rather be out making movies winning awards yeah it's a trip exactly the journey the journey is always better yeah and boy you guys took a crazy journey is that the second year the team's been together yeah two years back to back um tell me at the the first year you guys were together how did you guys place uh we got third our first year of the were together, how did you guys play? We got third our first year at the games. So that was – so 2021, Jorge and Britt were still on a team. Me and Josh weren't on that team. And then 2022 came around.
Starting point is 01:03:56 We all four on a team. 2023, ran it back another year. So we've kind of all been like a team for kind of two to three years now, all training in the same gym. Is this – was this – what was the first year you ever competed at the CrossFit games? Ooh, 2016. And that was as a, and that was as a teen. That was as a teenager. Yeah. And then did you, and then tell me as we go forward, 2017, did you compete? Yeah. 2017. So 2016, 2017, 2018, 2018 and 2019 I competed at the games all four years for the teenage years um when I hit when I hit 17 or when I hit 18 because I was right after
Starting point is 01:04:33 that um I think that was when yeah because the end of 2019 started 2020 and that's when COVID happened so there like weren't any teams so I wasn't on like a team. I was kind of a little burnt out from all four years of teenage years. So I was like, it was kind of blessing and a curse. I didn't really want to compete. I didn't know what I wanted to do. And then COVID happened. So it was kind of like, all right, we can figure out what we want to do from here. And then 2021 happened. And then like, it was a couple of weeks before the open, my coach CJ texted me and was like, Hey, do you want to be on the team?
Starting point is 01:05:05 And then that was the year I first started team and then 2022. So one second. So when CJ texts you that, are you like, is it something you've been hoping to get that text? Like, are you like, got it? It was like. Like, how's it work? Yeah, it was like a little bit of both. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:21 So there's like a few ways our gym kind of goes about it. Obviously, like with this team this year, we knew we wanted to run it back. So we already had that post games. Like we didn't have to really think about it or do anything, but usually at the beginning of the season. So I want to say towards the end of the year, maybe water Palooza time, the coaches will kind of do like a big combine, I would say. And it's like, you want to go individual.
Starting point is 01:05:44 If you want to go team, you kind of like voice your opinion, what you want to do. And then either like the coaches will pick the team or, you know, some athletes can like have some input on who they want to be on their team or stuff like that. So that was how that text happened. He was just like, Hey, we have an extra team. Cause I wasn't living in San Diego at this point. I was still living back home and I was still training. Where did you live? Is that Temecula? Temecula, Marietta. Same thing.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Okay, Marietta. Okay, okay. Yeah. And so I got that text like a couple weeks before and he was just like, hey, we have a spot on team. I didn't think it was going to go far. We ended up qualifying for the games.
Starting point is 01:06:18 So that was really cool. But yeah, it was just like right before he was like, hey, do you want to come down on the, do the open with us? You'll have a spot on the team or maybe have a spot on team. I was like, hey, do you want to come down on the – do the Open with us? You'll have a spot on the team or maybe have a spot on the team. I was like, sure. And then, you know, took off from there. And that was 2021?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Mm-hmm. And how did your team do? Did you make it to the Games? We qualified for the Games. And then? One of our team members got popped on a drug test at semifinals. No shit. What's that like when a team member pops?
Starting point is 01:06:52 Are you nice to the team member? Do you hate them? How do you manage that? I mean, I obviously was very nice. I mean, I was disappointed, but none of us saw it coming. I don't even know if he necessarily knew. I don't know. Like when your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to
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Starting point is 01:08:04 To get started, just open the app. suggest some on sale to get started just open the app it's as easy as that see the pc optimum app for details good no you know you go ahead so you're not sure if he knew you but you're still nice to him but you're disappointed yeah i mean when we all found out like he obviously was just like i'm so sorry and pouring out his apologies and like all this stuff to me I guess I I don't know I just I didn't have any really big goals for that season so I feel like for me I didn't really it didn't really affect me as much as it probably should have just because like I went into the season not expecting anything like I'd never been on a team before I didn't know like anything about it we We ended up doing really good. We were like slotted to do really good at the games as well. We just had like a really good, the other
Starting point is 01:08:49 girl was really good. The two boys were powerhouses. So we were slotted to do good. And then that happened. And I was kind of just like, oh, well, it's okay. Cause right after that time, I like had just moved down to San Diego. So I was kind of just like, well, it's okay. Like I don't, I'll still be training in the gym with everybody. I out here living on my own now so I don't think I really was that big of a letdown for me does the gym kick him out he yeah I mean the gym didn't kick him out he and his wife ended up they were already planning on moving so it was like they didn't really kick him out he just kind of left on his own was planning on leaving. It's such a trip because from the outside, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:09:28 who cares if he was on drugs? Like, but then, but, but then from the inside, like, let's say you were a 31 year old athlete and the next year you wanted to have kids. And this was your last like push for it. And we had all these goals. And then this guy who you're relying on, it's not that he fails it's he went out of his way to fail it's weird yeah it's weird yeah it's definitely like go ahead no you go ahead i was just saying like it's definitely for me i you know i didn't have
Starting point is 01:10:00 much on the line this wasn't my last year competing this was my first year competing so it was kind of just like somewhere in the middle i didn't know what was the line. This wasn't my last year competing. This was my first year competing. So it was kind of just like somewhere in the middle. I didn't know what was happening and like playing devil's advocate. He was a Navy seal. So I'm like, you know, I don't know what those Navy seal people do, but they're bad asses. So you can't really, you never know what's going on. Did anyone, when you're on a team with someone who pops, does everyone just assume that you're on too?
Starting point is 01:10:24 No. Well, I mean, technically, I didn't get drug tested, but I don't think so. Does your dad pull you by your ear and say, Devin, you better not be on anything? That's just never even been a thing. I don't know. I just feel like performance-enhancing drugs
Starting point is 01:10:40 have just never... I don't know. I feel like if anything would make you worse. I don't know. You haven't spent hours on google researching them no no smart not at all okay i wish it probably helped me run faster so so 2021 uh the team uh has a testing issue and then 2022 um you take a third and then 2023 you win pretty good three years before and then as a teen how did who who's who what names were in the teens during those years with you was that the mal o'brien years or was she in there with you so mal so it was mostly like hayley mal was in the
Starting point is 01:11:21 beginning it was like hayley alexis, I'm so blind. There's like a bunch of other girls that are like still in CrossFit now, but like for the main names, you'll have like Brittany or not Brittany. Um, Allie was competing as well. Haley and Alexis. Allie who? Um, Allie Weiss. Oh, okay. But anyways, yeah. Yeah. So, um, they were all competing with me. Mal O'Brien was like a couple years. She was like a year younger than me to use. Like when I was in the older division, she was in the younger. So like we met each other, but we never competed against each other.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Okay. Emma Lawson as well. She was around there. I think. And, and, and what, um, how did you do those years? 16, 17, 18, 19. Pretty good. When my very first year, I was like the youngest one there.
Starting point is 01:12:07 And they only had 10 girls at the time. I think I got like six. Okay. So that was good. The next year I got second. The year after that, 2018 and 2019, I got fourth. Oh, so even as a young, older girl, you still did well. You got fourth.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Yeah. Wow. That's great. Almost podiumed wow good job and thank you so when you get on so when you uh in 2022 when you form this team how does that team form and and that is the team right that's um uh uh chama weiss uh Jorge and you yeah um so we kind of had I don't honestly I don't know where Josh kind of showed up at the gym like he's been following Big Just for so long and then Tino called him was like hey we want you on a team come on move down here so like Josh shows up and he's
Starting point is 01:12:57 like hey this is going to be one of the guys for the team and then you had like the two guys Jorge and Josh that never wavered um and then it was like me britney and jen all kind of like fighting for a spot on the team because jen was on the team in 2021 um so like it was like us three girls is that is that asian girl who's jen no jen ryan master's athlete oh uh okay maybe kayla will pull her up and I'll see her Okay go on So there's three girls lying for two spots Yeah That's Jen Ryan She's a badass
Starting point is 01:13:31 Oh yes I recognize her Okay okay So us three were fighting for a spot Kind of like they just took it off of Like the open Your open scores Then we did quarter final or or not quarterfinal scores because you had to have the team established by then um the open scores they kind of took it off
Starting point is 01:13:50 their open scores and the coaches obviously see us train every single day so they kind of knew who was going to be a best fit for the team um and then right after the open they kind of like was like hey this is like officially the team um and then went on from there so so you so then you make the team is she upset when you make the team jen jen no not at all not at all i mean she hit it well i was like yeah i mean obviously you're disappointed at first if that's what you want but you know it was good for her she went out and did masters and crushed it in the masters division again this year it's crushing it so you know i think she it was just a change for her just different she's been doing team for so long and so you guys do the
Starting point is 01:14:34 team and how is that first year 2022 as a team together that's good that was great we had a lot of fun um it was like you seem like you're a lot of fun like if i would i would rank you if i picked like the funnest crossfit games athletes you'd be like like at the top of my list thank you i have a blast i try to i feel like i'm very like energetic i'm always well i'm not always in a good mood don't get me wrong but i feel like i'm always like you know having a good time and that's just kind of who i am so i bring the fun likes to say. I bring the crazy and I bring the wild. You have a boyfriend who wears overalls and a cowboy hat. I do.
Starting point is 01:15:10 I made him wear overalls. The cowboy hat's him. He's full grown from the south, but I made him wear some overalls. Yeah. Does that bother your other teammates that you're having so much fun? Like they're almost like, hey, you're not serious enough? you're having so much fun? Like, like they're almost like, Hey, you're not serious enough. You're having too much fun. You know, honestly, I feel like at times,
Starting point is 01:15:30 like I know that I go in and like I get the work done and you know, but I like to think, no, like I feel like sometimes it comes out and it's just like, well, Devin, like you're out doing all these things and all this stuff, but you know, I always make sure I tell them like, well, Devin, like you're out doing all these things and all this stuff. But, you know, I always make sure I tell them like stagecoach, for example, like they knew weeks and weeks in advance that I was going to that. I rearranged my training around it. So yeah, maybe I had to miss like one session.
Starting point is 01:15:54 But for me, I feel like I am very much a person who lives off of like the work, like work balance kind of life. And if I don't have that outlet, I just like I won't enjoy it. And for me, it's like I need to, you know, go out and have a little fun. And it doesn't necessarily need to be like, detrimental to my training. It's not like I'm going out and drinking and doing all this stuff and staying out super late, like not on purpose, obviously, if I'm working. But I still need to like at least have that some sort of outlet to you know keep me going through the whole season because it's a long season
Starting point is 01:16:30 yeah i don't think i don't think your cohort um understands balance i mean and i'm that's not a dig at them i just don't think i don't think balance is a a strong suit or a very valuable um prioritized thing for crossfit games athletes yeah it's just different you know like you want to pour like you're all into it and i'm the same way like i want to pour every single ounce of it into training um but you know with everything else going on sometimes it's just not realistic but just everyone's in a different time in their life like i understand that i'm still young and i'm 21 and I'm in school and I don't really want to not be in school. So it's hard to pour everything into it.
Starting point is 01:17:10 But I definitely believe in the balance. And other times it's hard for other people to do that, which, like, no shame to them. Everyone is their own person. But, you know, for me, it definitely is what I need. Please do not take this as a compliment. This is just strictly an observation. Marissa Hanosa, amazing legs. Yeah, your legs look crazy in that picture.
Starting point is 01:17:33 That is not a compliment. We're not talking about you. It's just an observation. Never, never. Please do not. Yeah, just an observation. Do not take a... Don't push it, you go.
Starting point is 01:17:40 I don't want you in 20 years to look at that picture and be like, oh my God, I used to have such a nice life. Everyone gets old at school. You think you're going to have fun getting old? No. No? Honestly, I kind of want to. Why not?
Starting point is 01:17:54 I want to get old. Well, okay, I want to get old as if I'm, like, I don't want to get past, like, 60. No. Like, I want to, like, hit, like, 55, 60, and then, like, that's it. I'm having so much fun getting old i'm having so much fun really yeah it's so good like what do you think's gonna happen tell me some of the things what are some of your concerns i just want to make one well i just want to make a lot like i want to be rich when i'm older yeah yeah i want to be able to not have to work yeah
Starting point is 01:18:20 yeah yeah yeah yeah that's healthy um uh you know how you can do you save your money yeah i'm actually pretty like i'm very good at obviously i spend my money but i'm very good at saving it i've always been you'll be so happy if you're old and you have money yeah that's the goal maybe that maybe that's why i'm enjoying it because i have a little bit of money like i'm not i'm not i'm not like i don't have to i'm not scared scared. Like I'm going to be, yeah, no, exactly. I get to do a podcast. I'm not working at a, I mean, there's old people working at the gas station. That would suck to be 65 and be putting in 50 hours a week at, at, uh, at seven 11.
Starting point is 01:18:56 That would suck. Yeah. I'm like, no offense. Like, obviously I work at a restaurant. Um, so yeah, let it out, let it out, let it out. No offense. Let it out. Let it out.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Oh no. So it's just like crazy. Like, it's so wild. Like, I've obviously been involved in CrossFit, like my CrossFit is my whole life. And I've grown up around adults who've only done CrossFit and all this stuff. So now having worked at like a service industry, I've worked other places, but really the service industry is where it gets me. Like these crazy people, they're insane. Just like they're like fifties and thirties and just like drug addicts, like disowning their kids. Like, it's crazy. I'm like, this is, and it's like, I feel, I don't want to say I feel bad, but like,
Starting point is 01:19:37 it's just like, it's just crazy. It's just, there's a whole world out there. And I feel like it's really cool for me to like, kind of get that side of it through Texas Roadhouse. yeah yeah you don't want to you don't want to be you don't want to be 47 years old and it's a challenge to get in and out of the booth yeah i'm yeah like i didn't want to say that no it's fine i'll say it yeah exactly and it's like you know working at a service industry just like working in the service industry when i'm still 50 like i just don't want to do that yeah or if you do if you are doing it you want to be doing it on your own terms exactly yeah not because i need to and i'm yeah right right you'll be there but but
Starting point is 01:20:18 saving so underrated um um susan explained to me one time how alcohol affects the brain. He said that if you're the kind of hypothetically, if you're the kind of person who usually like thinks of consequences, when you drink, you don't think about consequences more than five minutes away. Right. Yeah. That's why,
Starting point is 01:20:37 like in the most, um, uh, simple sense, that's why people have unprotected sex when they're drunk. Right. Cause like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Like you're not even thinking more than five you're not thinking about right yeah you're not thinking 20 years down the road when you have a little baby yeah but but when you're young also you probably don't think you can't imagine being 60 but if you're 60 and you don't have to work versus 16 you do have to work your life's totally fucking different and fuck yeah so it's great yeah so different so different and and if you do crossfit and if you cross it you'll be able-bodied i'm gonna i'm gonna be disabled by the time i'm 60 i'm not gonna be able to walk would you ever think about pivoting to other sports like like by other sports i mean like these other sports like um um you know like marathon biking swimming I don't mean like like like professional volleyball yeah I so I dabbled
Starting point is 01:21:34 a little bit in weightlifting when I was like in my younger years um but I've always I was actually just talking to my roommate the other day I was like I want to go try an Ironman like for no reason I just want to do one um so oh that would definitely have to be something that i would train for i'm not like a endurance athlete by any means so that i've definitely have to train for that so it would it be while i'm still competing in crossfit but i would love to try one one day could you do that devin could you incorporate could you like okay let's say let's say you let's say you do let's say you train this whole year and you make it to the games in some individual or team. And then right after the games, could you take three months off and train for a triathlon and then pivot as soon as you're done, pivot back to games training? yeah especially i feel like that would actually i could easily do that especially for me like endurance is not my thing so training that in the off season like for a marathon i feel like that
Starting point is 01:22:31 would be really good and then especially if i want to like go back to crossfit that would translate over like i would have no problem going straight from the games to training for something like that it's a good idea maybe next season it's kind of interesting too because then you really don't get an off season but but but we don't really get an off season to begin with no not really no are you um did you did you uh try to qualify for rogue uh yeah i did it like i signed up and did the qualifiers um i wasn't really training for it. So I had no expectations. I was like, um, everyone at the gym was doing it. So I was like, you know, I'll just hop in and do it. I didn't do it last year due to an ankle injury. Like I started and
Starting point is 01:23:16 then hurt my ankle. So I was just like, nah, I don't really care this year. I wanted to try, um, had no expectations, but I did them. So, uh, But you would have liked to have gone. Yeah, that was the goal, obviously. I think that I should have started training post-games for it and if this was really something I wanted to do. Because for me, it's like if I'm going to do something, I want to make sure that I'm training to be able to do the best that I can do. And I just don't think that translated over for Rogue
Starting point is 01:23:44 because I took my off season after the season. It was a long season, as you know. So I needed time to like decompress and just not do anything. And so it was really nice. And then coming back to the gym, like the week later, they were like, Oh, Hey, we have rogue. And I was like, Oh, okay. I'm doing them. So it was fine. I obviously would have loved to make it but maybe next year i i have this theory just a really loose theory that you want to do individual
Starting point is 01:24:14 and you want to commit to do individual but it's fucking scary as shit it is scary as shit like like like you're driving in the middle lane doing 60 and you're seeing these cars go by you at 100 and you're like i'm about to put my left signal on and get in that lane yeah i definitely like have been itching to go individual it's really like as i again like i said earlier i'm like if i do something i want to put my whole heart into it and like i can do that with team with the schedule that i have and like like, no shame to team, but it is very different. You ask any individual athlete compared to a team, like it's, it's a different world out there. And I just, I don't think my timeline in my life right now can really add up to that. And if it does great, if it doesn't,
Starting point is 01:25:00 I'm still trying to like work out those details and see if that's something that I can do with pouring all of it into it. Cause no offense, I don't want to half-ass it. Like I don't want to train individual, go to semifinals and half-ass it. So if I can really commit and like show myself that I can do this and put all my eggs kind of in that basket, then that'd be great. But we're still figuring out the details. How about, how dubai a possibility yeah i am doing dubai as an individual so that'll be a great kind of like tester to see where i am and i don't have to make any decisions before that so i can kind of use dubai as a baseline for when is that i want to do and how i first or second week of december december 8th or something like that when you look like a professor doesn't see this because i told him that it was like three weeks long in December because I'm not going to be there for the final. Oh, I'm missing my final.
Starting point is 01:25:53 When you will you take it ahead of time or online or how will you do it? I'm going to I think I'm going to have to take it before I leave for Dubai. Dubai. When, when, um, when you think of Dubai, is it far away or is it, is it, it's like right around the corner? Oh, it is far. Good on you. Holy shit. That's when you told me you're doing Dubai, I got stressed out. No, no, no. I don't mean the distance. I mean the timeline. Oh, the time. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes. I was like, Dubai is very far. Yeah, no, we still got a couple of months and I've been training back in it. Like, this is kind of the first, second week. Really, really back into it, like, training hard.
Starting point is 01:26:29 So we still got a couple months to kick it into gear. And when you say we. I have a couple months. It's really, yeah, it's really weird. I was just saying we because I was just saying that, how it's, like, always team. But now it's like, oh, it's just me. I will be ready in a few months. So you don't feel like it's right around the corner. You not in panic like oh shit i don't have enough time to do everything
Starting point is 01:26:48 i am but i know that i do have time okay yeah so so 2022 you do the team the team's good is the team in good is the team is the camaraderie good in the team um the the first year like epic like like just fantastic yeah like we all love each other i think we're we all push for each other no matter what we're kind of like i would say brothers and sisters like i feel like they're like i have a brother but i feel like britney was like you know the sibling that i never had and the boys were kind of just like my brothers i would say that shirt you're wearing there's that shirt you're wearing there is crazy hey how many times does it take you to put that shirt on to get it right
Starting point is 01:27:29 if my wife had it she would come in the room and be like hey can you help me put this on it's bad there's like straps flying everywhere it's difficult but once it's on it's cute I want to see the back of that it's literally basically the same.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Yeah. On the back. Like the first time you put it on, you put it on backwards. Yeah, exactly. Luckily, there's like the logo on the back. But other than that, same thing. Could you flip that strap? See on one side, there's two straps.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Could you flip that strap to the other side so that your head's going through the other opening? Not unless I want to give the people a show. Okay. going through the other opening not unless i want to give the people a show okay um there was on this team there were just rumors flying everywhere the the one that the one that is not a rumor anymore that's been spoken about by uh mr chama on the um on on pedro's podcast and and i I asked Jorge about it when he was on this podcast was the fact that you were getting roughed up a little bit that there was like people coming to Devin Kim and in
Starting point is 01:28:33 the way I heard the story was is that Jorge asked you told you you're not right you're not right for the team that's the way I heard it like third person then when I heard the story on coffee pods and wads and I asked Jorge about it they said that Ch chama was the one that asked you not to be on the team and also when i asked jorge about it afterwards i don't know if you saw that podcast but he basically i'm paraphrasing but he regretted that it it even turned out he took his responsibility
Starting point is 01:28:59 for even chama saying it to you and he said hey it shouldn't have been said we fucked up everyone was underneath a lot a lot of pressure um it was not handled appropriately um and uh she's her own creature and she's perfect as who she is and we shouldn't we shouldn't have done it we fucked up and then i also asked them uh has there been closure with the team since you guys won are you guys healed and he said no but i wish there was i do want closure and i do i do want to heal and he said and he was i think he basically also said i don't know if we ever will be healed but i'd like to at least make the attempt yeah um could could so could i could you walk me through some of that you're on this team that took third place at the 2022 games you guys look all these pictures of you guys i mean it's these four stunning human beings every picture you guys look all these pictures of you guys. I mean, it's these four stunning human beings.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Every picture you guys look like you're having a blast. I saw you guys at the games. I hung out with you guys a bunch. I saw no chinks in your armor. Racist. And I just I'm I'm perplexed. How does that happen? How does like and is it crazy? Yeah. So I want to 2022, like we're all feeling great. We all had the same goal. We wanted to run it back another year. Season starts, you know, we kind of all had this sense of comfort, I would say, with knowing
Starting point is 01:30:21 that like, we didn't have to fight for a spot, which is kind of how the year before it's like, okay, you don't know the team, you don't know anything about. So there's definitely a little bit of comfort there going into the season. I don't think it was necessarily a bad thing. Towards the end, like, as Jorge said, I think everyone, I think everyone put a lot of pressure on everybody. I think my goals and, like, the way I achieve my goals look very different than how other people achieve it.
Starting point is 01:30:45 You know, like, like we said earlier, they aren't in school, they're, you know, they're adults, they have families, they like have other things going on in their life. And I, on the other hand, do as well. But it's just in a different sense, like, if I have to school, like, sometimes I have to, you know, switch around training, so I'm not training with the team. And in the beginning of the season, I was still working through a shoulder injury. So I was like primarily doing like baseline cardio, which is good for me. But it's like, it's still hard when you're not training with your team every single day, they don't see what you're doing. And like, I very much understand their concern and where it's coming from. Because it's like, I am the girl who wants to go out and hang
Starting point is 01:31:22 out with friends and do all like I have all these other responsibilities, but that doesn't mean that I'm not training. So I think everyone kind of just wasn't really on the same page. Like we all had the same goal and we all knew what we wanted to do, but I think it was like that. Let me stop you there. What does that look like? Is that you not showing, is that you showing up to training late or is that them seeing you on social media with friends? Like what gives them the idea that you're showing, is that you showing up to training late or is that them seeing you on social media with friends?
Starting point is 01:31:45 Like what gives them the idea that you're not prioritizing? I would like, I think it was like the training, like during the, towards the end of the season, um, I was kind of going through some things personally and I was just like, not myself. And I just wasn't myself in the gym. And I was, you know, I would, I take my responsibility in what I did and I just wasn't who I am. And I didn't really see that in the moment. So I think that they were kind of like, well, what's going on with her? Why is she rebelling and stuff like that? And they sent something from you. They sent something from you. Yeah. Everybody did. Like even our coaches did, like I wasn't, I wasn't who I normally i normally am and like i didn't really realize that um and so i think by the way i do want to say this too jorge also did say he's like dude she
Starting point is 01:32:31 like at the game she was the rock star she was the one she fully stepped up and was hitting fucking grand slams okay sorry go on yeah no you're good um yeah so i think that everyone kind of just put a lot of pressure on each other. And then towards the end, CJ asked me. He basically left it in my hands and said, there is an option if you don't feel like you can compete on this team. If you don't want to do this anymore, there is an option. No one was really – well – What's the date on that?
Starting point is 01:33:02 What month is that? Is that before the Open? Like, no, like two weeks, a week and a half before the games so is there a build-up to that conversation is it's like hey i know you just totaled your car and your dog got run over and your boyfriend uh is is going away to the army um there's a way out or is it like do you guys even talk about what possibly the issues are or is it just dropped on you like hey something's up yeah do you want i feel like i feel like for me like i and not in a bad way but like i never heard any of those side conversations like right i guess like the planning or the wanting like i you know me and
Starting point is 01:33:42 my team are great like we are fine but um i didn't hear any of those conversations so i didn't really know that was a thing that they were even like contemplating okay there wasn't a build-up the month before they weren't like hey there wasn't a build-up no we know you're going through some shit and you had you missed your car payment the last six months yeah we found a crack pipe in your purse are you okay yeah wow holy shit it yeah they did reach out to me and like, we were having conversations, they were reaching out for me and they were like worried.
Starting point is 01:34:09 But I feel like the whole Danny thing, if that's what you're asking about, it was kind of like the week before the games. And they were like, this is an option. Danny is on the roster. Now, Daniel was telling me, she was like, I would never do this unless you don't want to be on this team and you don't want to compete. Like, I will step in for you if that's what you need. But the option was kind of or the like option was always in my hand if I wanted to step away. So this is interesting.
Starting point is 01:34:33 The way I heard the story through the grapevine is Jorge said it to you. The way I heard it from Coffee Pods and Waz is that El Chama said it to you. And the way you're telling it is that CJ told you. It doesn't matter, but it's just CJ told you it doesn't matter but it just doesn't matter to the what I give a fuck about the story but it is interesting to note that that just shows you how stories
Starting point is 01:34:53 have different details and the boys did have conversations with me about it but like it was obviously up to me and CJ and like we had that conversation it was like obviously the like emotions are flowing through the team. It's hard to really like want to, I don't want to say want to trust what they say,
Starting point is 01:35:12 but like it was, it was me and CJ's decision. Like we were in the office, we were talking about it. Yes. I was hearing stuff from the team, but I was kind of just like shutting that out. I need to focus on like,
Starting point is 01:35:20 what's best for me and what I want to do and what I'm going to do, like moving forward. So how about the white girl? How about the white girl the white girl was she what was she saying to you was she like don't leave don't leave I need you don't leave she like it wasn't really saying anything okay so she you okay Switzerland okay okay okay yeah so I like that Switzerland you're a good dude for giving us the details. So when C did you ever, was there ever any yelling matches between you and Chama or you and Jorge or you and CJ? Like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:35:49 fuck you. No, no, no. I don't think I would do that. It was pressure. Nice. Pressure cooker.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Yeah. I mean, like in the moment, I feel like if anything ever gets said, it's like in a workout in the middle of like heated moments, you know, everyone's like emotions are high and then you get into do a really hard workout and just like everyone's just emotional and, you know, nerves are high. So I think that if it ever did happen, it would just be like in the workout after that you kind of get over it. Isn't it interesting? I wonder how this interview
Starting point is 01:36:25 would have gone like a few days after the games is it's so interesting that you're taking responsibility and that jorge also took responsibility and that chama took responsibility like yeah jorge was like we fucked up it was handled completely fucking wrong and what you're saying is like yeah i had some shit going on i wasn't like i had some shit it's interesting i feel like everyone i feel like after the fact and like towards the end of the season like everyone everyone has their part to play in the team like there was no doubt about it there's no one person to blame there's nobody who's not a fault like everybody had their part and that's how any great teams are going to be you know there's always going to be problems whether it's you know about it or whether you don't like people just you're trying to have four personalities and trying to mesh them all into one and all think the same way like that's
Starting point is 01:37:12 just hard and you have a lot of especially on our team you have like a lot of I don't want to say like alpha but like a lot of stubborn like me myself included I'm very stubborn and like hard headed and so you just have a lot of those personalities and it's just hard to mesh sometimes as any team would be. Yeah. And like, it's interesting. I, I, I don't see your stubbornness, but I could imagine you're very stubborn because, because life is working for you. Well, life's working for you. It's I'm like that too. Life's working for me. I'm gonna be stubborn as fuck.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm happy. That's what's going to be interesting about you going individual. that too life's working for me i'm gonna be stubborn as fuck yeah i'm i'm i can't be sometimes um that's what's going to be interesting about you going individual because you're going to have to get out of your own way because it's really working for you driving in the lane you're in you're fucking killing life you're young and you're fucking i definitely love on a team yeah um you you love your life huh life's good yeah that's good i love my life like i love the chaos i don't think i would want it any other way like i'm living my dream competing as a crossfit athlete as well i'm still in school as much as i you know stressful as it is like i'm still in school so that i still feel like i'm can be a kid you know like i still have that
Starting point is 01:38:22 aspect i go to school and like other than other than the few people in my class that know me other than that no one knows about CrossFit so it's great they just think of me as like the buff girl um so that's really cool and then my work obviously knows more about CrossFit but it's just like nice to have that outlet of just like being you know a normal 21 year old and as much as like but it's like good just for that time. Like I never want to deal with that outside of the six, seven hours I work at roadhouse, but it's like just enough for me to like come back into training and like
Starting point is 01:38:52 have that level head. And you're in love. You've got a boyfriend. That's fun too. Yeah. My little Southern boy. And you have good family. Yeah. My family is great. Have supported me through everything. Did your boyfriend go to the army? Is your boyfriend in the,
Starting point is 01:39:09 in the military? He's in the Navy. Yeah. He's in the Navy. Okay. Oh, that's good. So you don't have to deal with him like all the time.
Starting point is 01:39:15 He's doing his shit. He's like busy. No, he's gone. No, it actually works out really well. Like as much as we've been doing long distance for, I think almost two years now.
Starting point is 01:39:23 And as much as it sucks, like I'm very busy and he's very busy as well. So it's kind of nice. It's like we have been able to work on ourselves outside of our being together every single day. So I feel like it's been really good. And obviously just with how busy I am and he supports me no matter what. Hey, that's really cool you guys are going to get to um you guys are going to get to see each other go through like turn into men and women you know what i mean like it's uh i
Starting point is 01:39:53 met my wife when i was probably 23 and she was 20 and we got to watch each other like develop into humans that must be so cool is it cool when he comes back every time do you notice him a little different yeah he's growing he's got more fruit on this tree he really does there were um times where i would go like months without seeing him then he'd come back and be like oh wow but i do now see him like probably once a month which is like a blessing um to be even in the same state as him again it's been really nice so yeah he comes down like once a month how fucking awesome so so you guys are at so how does that heal when cj says that to you do you have to have closure to that like when when you're in the office with them and he says that is it like okay i'll think about it it's like no i'm going what are you talking about yeah i mean i think it was a lot
Starting point is 01:40:44 of different motions at once so like you obviously could sit there and be like all right let's take the easy way out like I don't want to do this I put in the work all season like I just I'm gonna walk away was that an option how so that wasn't a wow that so you could have fallen through that door you saw that door okay I can get out now yeah yeah it's hard it's like there's definitely the thing where it's like there's an out and if you want to take the easy way out like it's in my hand I can get out now yeah yeah it's hard it's like there's definitely the thing where it's like there's an out and if you want to take the easy way out like it's in my hand I can just and leave fine fuck these guys I don't want to do it anyway I'll work I'm going to get drunk tonight
Starting point is 01:41:14 I'm going to get drunk yeah so there's that option or there's the option to like I've come this far I've worked this hard. I'm not going to let, like, I'm not going to give up, you know, like I put in the work. I want to see this through. I have a goal that I want to achieve. And ultimately, as we can all tell that demon kind of fought harder. So it was definitely like a lot of emotions, you know, walking away from that conversation, I was thinking a million different things like whether just and every single emotion you could imagine was going through my head um so i obviously took some time like everything from i'm worthless to fuck those guys they betrayed me the whole gambit basically the whole the whole thing everything yeah um and so i took the afternoon off from training um cj was like take the take the afternoon take the weekend
Starting point is 01:42:04 like figure out what you want to do. Like, this isn't a decision I want you to make lightly, like talk to your family, talk through it with friends, like figure out what you want to do. Because like, he was worried that training the week before the games, I don't like that. Well, it was just, it was just the day. It wasn't the weekend, but like take the weekend and think about it. Yeah. I just took the day off of it. And so then I forgot where I was at do you think he was trying to talk you
Starting point is 01:42:27 into getting off the team or do you think so yes or do you think he was really open to the idea of you choosing or do you think he was like trying to show you the door yeah CJ has been like I would say kind of like a father figure in my life since like 2014, 2015. So I have definitely, I, when he pulled me aside, I feel like it was more like a concern for like me and my mental health and just like how this would affect me in the coming years. Cause he's like,
Starting point is 01:42:57 I don't want this to be your last year. Like this isn't the last year you're competing. And then you're done after that. He's like, I don't want you to do this and hypothetically have it ruined the rest of your season or the rest of like your future in this career so I think it was more just like out of concern for like my own being versus like anything to do with the team I mean he quite frankly CJ at that point he doesn't care if the team wins he doesn't care if the team gets last like he's very much cares about his athletes and how they're
Starting point is 01:43:24 feeling how they're doing mentally and how this is going to affect them in the long run so i think that's where his concern was coming from um so so do you when you come back do you go into his office and you're like hey i'm staying like what's that yeah it was kind of i think i think i actually texted him i think i like or i think i called him over the weekend, and I was working on a weekend, and I was just talking to my family, and I think I had dinner with them and kind of just talked it through, and I was like, send him a text, and I was like, don't count me out yet. And then we had a serious talk and kind of was just like,
Starting point is 01:43:56 all right, if you're in, you're in. And I was in the same way. I was like, we have two weeks, or however long it was, till games. You push through, you put your head down, you work. We get this job done, and it ended up it worked out hey um do you do does the team talk about it openly or is there always kind of like this weird is is it the elephant in the room i mean like i'm gonna be like we talked about it um a little bit like while it was all going down but i all four of you like in the same
Starting point is 01:44:25 room like were you like dude you guys that was fucked up you guys should have come to me weeks ago and they're like sorry but you were fucking up and you're like yeah i know it's okay okay okay um hard to honestly it's really hard for all of us to try to like meet up during like other than training just because our schedules are crazy right um and so yeah yeah so so is it the it by the time you so you guys get to the games and is it still the elephant in the room or is it you think everyone by then has it squashed yeah i feel like right after it happened and like i'm very much a person it's like whatever like whatever happened happened like it is what it is there's no point dwelling about it because it's just gonna make things more
Starting point is 01:45:09 awkward like let's just figure out a way to like get through this and just be like the team that we know we can be because regardless of the drama or the whatever happened like we mesh very very well as a team obviously you saw it at games. You were like, there's no way you guys are going through things or there's no way that like all this stuff. And mind you, we are a great team. Like we love each other. We know like when we get out on the competition floor and even in training, like we will push for each other. I will push for them. I'm that's why I'm, I feel like I'm a really good team athlete. Like I will push for my team. Um, and so I feel like once that all went down, we kind of, we were just like, all right, move on,
Starting point is 01:45:47 like, it is what it is, I don't want to talk about it anymore, like, I don't really care what y'all think, like, or anything like that, like, let's just get the job done, and we kind of just put our head down and work, and we, like, meshed really well, like, things were, I think, great after that, I think everyone, like, realized it was coming towards the end of the season, like, we don't want to end this way, like, we want fun why spend all this time all this money all this stress to just have it be not enjoyable and like we don't and we wouldn't do well if we weren't enjoying it i especially wouldn't do well if i wasn't enjoying it um yeah you guys did look like you're enjoying it you did look like you were all all on the page. And when we saw you on stage and you got your trophies
Starting point is 01:46:28 and the champagne spraying all around, is that the last time the team's ever been together? No, after that, we all came back to San Diego. Josh went back up to LA. His wife was having a baby. And so we all saw each other again at the Padres game. We threw the first pitch for the Padres game. Right, right, right. Yeah. That was,
Starting point is 01:46:51 I think that was the last time after games that we all were like, other than, other than I think the gym, Josh wasn't at the gym. Cause he was, you know, having a baby. Was that nice seeing them again at the Padres game? Was that nice? Yeah. It was like, it was kind of weird because you go from seeing these four people all day, every day, all you're doing is hanging out with them, and then you go right after games.
Starting point is 01:47:13 And you know you all still live in the same city, but it's just funny you don't see them every day, so it's kind of weird seeing them at the game again. But it was good. Yeah, we had a lot of fun. Did you throw a pitch from the pitcher's mound to the catcher? Yeah, but we don't want to talk about my pitch. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:47:31 We all threw it once. So we were standing right in front of the mound, and then all four of us threw it once. Oh. I definitely. Did Jorge look like he played baseball? Yeah. Sadly, he showed all of us up.
Starting point is 01:47:44 I was like, you can't put a D one pitcher next to us. Like that's just not fair. Oh, um, any chance the team would go again next year together? Uh, no, I think that like Brittany and Jorge have aspirations of going individual.
Starting point is 01:48:00 I'm still kind of figuring out what I want to do. Same with Josh. Um, I don't really know his plans. Obviously he just had a baby. So kind of, I don't really know. Me and Josh are kind of in the same boat, like figuring out if we want to go individual, if we want to go team, but Jorge and Britt are going individual.
Starting point is 01:48:16 So the team won't be a thing anymore. If you did go team, you would go team through Invictus again? Probably. I mean, I haven't really, like, no other options have really kind of arisen themselves. Like, for example, like if a different team reached out to me or anything like that. But I would love to do, I would do a team one with Invictus again. And in your head, are there people who you would that is there a team that like you're thinking of like oh i could do a team with this person this person this person this person yeah there's a few people who yeah i'm hoping we'll see i don't know how everything's panning out with them and if
Starting point is 01:48:58 they've come to a conclusion yet but um definitely still feeling out a few things because I kind of want like it'll just all depends for. Oh, thank you. What does that mean for the L.O.M.L.? What's L.O.M.L.? Love of my life. Oh, oh, wow. For the love of my life and loving all the shows in general, keep smashing gang. Awesome. Thanks, John.
Starting point is 01:49:29 I don't know if I've seen john before in the chat look you're bringing out you're bringing out new people in the comments hey oh is it would you go is danny a possibility to go on a team with is that one of the people you're thinking of i would love to go team with danny but i don't know if she would want to go team i think you know after last season um because i know that she wanted to go team in a couple years and eventually go team but i think after last season i think she probably will want to go individual again um but i would love to go team with danny that would be a powerhouse team and and what about i heard cj move north does that change the dynamics of the training at all i heard cj is in oregon or something not really like cj obviously is like you know the foundation of that gym but um the day-to-day coaches like our coach holden he's there day in and day out with us he knows us
Starting point is 01:50:16 better than he knows me more than i know myself i'll tell you that it's holding his i'm very grateful for him but um i don't think it'll change much. I mean, he's still traveling back for like any time we need him, like any qualifiers or opens or anything like that, like he will be there. And his mom who runs the gym, Karen, she's still there every single day at the gym. So kind of like he's right there next to him. Hey, it doesn't really change much. It doesn't really change much. If, just saying if, if you and the Weiss girl and the Fernandez boy and the Chama boy were to get back together,
Starting point is 01:50:51 could you guys win the games again? Yeah, I think we could. Yeah. I would like to think so. I think that... What about sending them a text, you fucking idiots? Just like that, you fucking idiots.
Starting point is 01:51:07 It would probably just be like crickets, like think it's fair i mean just be like they're like what like i just have an outburst thinking how stupid we are for not doing it again yeah yeah god we're fucking stupid not doing it again yeah jack we definitely could bring home the trophy again next year if we were on a team again i'm i would put yeah i just feel like it's like you guys are bad dudes you guys are good yeah yeah and we have like this chemistry that it's just like and we've like that's one thing i will stand by with our team is like we have this chemistry that will just make you want to die for each other out on that field so i don't think that there's anything that you could, regardless, like I could literally be like bitching Brittany out right before the event. We get onto the thing and we're like interlocked besties.
Starting point is 01:51:52 It's just like, I feel like that's how it has to be. And when we compete like that, I just don't think that anything could get in our way. I just feel like we have this such a strong bond that it's like, I would literally die for those people. Hey, thanks for coming on the show. You're awesome, man. You're, your parents must be so proud of you. You're a class act. You're, you're a wonderful. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. People who have you in their life are lucky. You're a ray of ray of light. Oh, thank you welcome all right talk to you soon thanks for coming on thanks for getting up early yeah of course thanks for having me i'll talk to you all right don't go
Starting point is 01:52:32 back to sleep just drink no drink more coffee don't go back to sleep i'm gonna have another cup right now all right bye all right bye sav. Thanks for having me. Mr. Beaver. Yeah, part of me is sad. I was projecting onto her. I want them to stay together. Oh, your mic's muted. Oh, your mic's muted. Yeah, it would be cool.
Starting point is 01:53:01 Just reading some of the comments in the chat. I could see them probably never getting back together. With the, yeah, with the, oh, Jorge's off to mayhem. Yeah. Oh, he is. Oh, that's right. Sleeky, you're my favorite CrossFit Games athlete, Devin, and have been for 15 years.
Starting point is 01:53:20 Fair enough. Oh, Big Beaver. Everyone loves the Big Beaver Bernie Gannon Danny Spiegel doesn't strike me as a Team player Who gives you that impression? So, I got this problem.
Starting point is 01:53:54 We have a show scheduled at 6 o'clock today, the CrossFit Games Update Show. But we also have a show scheduled with Dave Castro. So, do I just call? Do I wave off the people from the CrossFit Games update show and tell them, and then just the CrossFit Games update show with Dave Castro,
Starting point is 01:54:14 or do I try to do both shows? I think I'm stupid to try to do both shows I think I wave off the group And just do the CrossFit Games update show with Dave Yeah that'd be cool Run them together What do you mean run them together
Starting point is 01:54:37 Oh I don't think I can do that That's a lot of people Well I think he means back to back The reason why I mean i'm for sure gonna do dave but the reason why is because dave will be in studio i guess i could just be like we're done and then the dudes come on yeah you can do that don't be a vagina don't wave off John and Taylor
Starting point is 01:55:09 no it's not about waving them off like they don't it's not an option for them to be on the show with him I don't think I didn't even think of that yeah I didn't even think of that yeah I didn't even think of that just put him up on the big TV up there
Starting point is 01:55:27 so Dave can see them too sure I feel like Dave deserves his own own show though without those dudes just hanging out I mean those dudes could just hang out yeah that's true it's usually what happens when athletes come on anyway.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Look at this. Let me see if I can... And I'm just trying to beat you. Is that weird? Did you think you were going to win? I didn't recognize you. Oh, you didn't? Oh.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Maybe I'm wrong. You think I'm wrong. Maybe you didn't. That's fine. He looked way younger when was my was that the can you hear the audio on that yeah um you have a better memory than me if you you don't remember because the mom remembered you too he had long hair i remember the ball and it feels so good yeah i had a lot of those but but then it's a letdown if you make a crazy shot and it's good but you don't win the point you're like dude i can't hit it any that was an amazing shot i can't hit it any better
Starting point is 01:56:37 you can always hit it better you can yeah that what Adam said. Like the world's best tennis player, Djokovic, he can always hit it way better than he can. So there's always room for improvement. Yeah. That's a good mindset. And how about in jiu-jitsu? What are the gratis? It's like numbers.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Like numbers go on forever right the progress goes on forever so what the fuck this motherfucker talks in metaphors too i was like what the fuck is going What? What? I'm dying. I'm dying. This fucking kid talks in metaphors. Who the fuck's kid is this? He's nine. He came in here last night because I was cleaning up the podcast studio and I was setting up a new camera for Dave coming and it was late. It was like nine or ten. He's like, hey, dude, I got to do a podcast.
Starting point is 01:57:42 I'm like, I'm not letting you do a podcast. He goes, why? I'm like, you'll say crazy shit, dude. You got to do a podcast. I'm like, no, I'm not letting you do a podcast. He goes, why? I'm like, you'll say crazy shit, dude. You'll you say crazy shit. That's like, I think it's funny, but the world's going to fucking trip when they find out me and you talk like this. No, no, I promise I'll dial that shit back. I'm like, OK, don't fuck around. And so we did it.
Starting point is 01:57:59 And he fucking smashed it. What he don't want. So then afterwards, he goes, are are you gonna put that on the internet and i said do you think i should he goes well i said the word pussy he called someone a pussy that was it i'm like that's okay it was slight it was chill you were pretty you were pretty good besides that oh my god progress is like numbers they just go on forever. I was like, what the fuck? He's killing me. I've never heard an adult say that. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:58:30 Yeah, that's not even a metaphor I've ever used. God, it was crazy. I want to do a live show with him, but I am scared. He's capable of anything. He could be like, I don't want him to be like, this one time my dad got so drunk on the couch he shat himself i'm like uh no he's joking
Starting point is 01:58:48 kids can't lie yeah one time he locked my mom was beating him up and he and he ran he got jumped in the car and drove away fucking scare me Say some crazy shit. Damn. Dad, can we get Burger King again? Yeah. Hey, I did such a great job. Can we go to Burger King like you took me yesterday? What? No, but no, you must be confused.
Starting point is 01:59:21 Oh, my goodness. All right. So Dave, Dave on for sure. I think Susan is going to come here and run the studio. Yeah. All your, I would love to have you to Caleb,
Starting point is 01:59:35 of course. So. Bernie Gannon, he could say anything anything i wonder where he gets that from yeah totally yeah completely guilty of that somebody said he interrupts seven like seven better than oh yeah he did he interrupted me like 20 times i was like all right roll with it he i i heard him yesterday uh in in in i think he was in my room I heard someone rapping and I went in there and he was singing all the words from Colors and dancing
Starting point is 02:00:12 he dances like this like he's throwing gang signs you watched a couple 90's music videos oh my goodness I know I would never take my kid to Burger King Burger King is gross I agree 90s music videos. Oh my goodness. I know. I would never take my kid to Burger King. Burger King is gross. I agree.
Starting point is 02:00:31 Completely absurd. Disgusting. Alright. I'll see you tonight. Oh. What is it? Oh. tonight oh oh oh man it's getting close to crash crucible I'm reading a text message from J.R. Howell it's coming up
Starting point is 02:01:04 next week yeah crazy did you listen did you listen to that podcast that um uh the lone ranger podcast with the lone ranger and tonto and rory mccernan no was it any good it's it's bizarre It's really weird. I think it's interesting that Rory went on their show. Well, I think he's homies with them. I mean, he used to work really closely with them. They worked in the same office forever.
Starting point is 02:01:36 It is a bizarre, it's bizarro world. It's an hour and like 10 minutes. Lauren Khalil says maybe like, I don't know, eight seconds of talking. But also... like i don't know eight seconds of talking but um also i i i don't know what the takeaway it's a trip it's a trip it's a trip uh where is crossfit headed with rory mccernan uh um the lone ranger podcast number 283 okay i see it and um i can't really tell what what they're trying to get at i could not tell what they're trying to get the premise was interesting they invited rory on the premise was i should save this for the crossfit games update show but the premise of the podcast was like hey how did that how did that email go out from uh mayhem that says crossfit is over what
Starting point is 02:02:23 were you guys trying to do and rory's response was hey it was a fuck up we wish we wouldn't have sent it like that was a fuck up and but um but then they go in and sort of start trying to talk about what's wrong with crossfit and it's just at one point rory says hey i'm just rambling uh rambling. I'll give the mic back to you, Lone Ranger and Tonto, to get me back on track. But then it just continued to ramble for another 60 minutes. It was a trip. I can't tell if they are down on CrossFit because they are really down on CrossFit or if they're down on CrossFit because the media spaces change so much and they're not enjoying their role in it.
Starting point is 02:03:15 And so therefore they're projecting their discomfort onto CrossFit Inc. There's something weird going on, though. I would love to get a handful of people on here and analyze the podcast. Figure out what exactly is going on, what they were trying to say. Oh, my goodness. Hiller's video yesterday was crazy. Wow, dude. Wow.
Starting point is 02:03:38 Absolutely. Dude, he's a genius. He is a genius dude You want to see somebody like Project something in the future Say it again say it again You want to see somebody like project Something in the future like have the foresight
Starting point is 02:03:58 Like months in advance Hiller just pulled that off What do you mean like he's got some nostradamus like capabilities no he i think i feel like he planned this out from the time from the games basically because you know how he met with her at the games and they like became friends or like they became acquaintances yeah yeah yeah okay, yeah. Okay, yeah, yeah. I had heard that. Yeah, I had heard that. Yeah. I think he leveraged that.
Starting point is 02:04:31 That was, that's fucking, it's genius. It's genius. This is absolutely an amazing video outside. Unfortunately, I wish it wasn't about Sporty Beth. The big picture is just the clarity and thought that he's having and the connecting the the just all the logic it's just one it's 38 minutes of just logic and it this thing is crazy i can't believe it has 16 000 views in 21 hours that's wow wow hey you will anyone will enjoy this.
Starting point is 02:05:07 It's not, it's not mean. I didn't think there was any, if the Bryce, the Bryce one, I felt like got a little mean. Me personally, just made me feel uncomfortable. I'm not saying Andrew was mean. I just felt uncomfortable. This one I didn't think got mean at all.
Starting point is 02:05:22 But boy, he really, this Sporty Beth character should send him like a thousand bucks for just it's a one crazy therapy session for her he explains all her unhappiness he if she fall if she listens to this she could she could set herself free you think she will like hey dude i'm kind of like no i don't know i no i don't think so i'm envious i'm envious of her it's so cool that she's like so comfortable being obese right it's like yeah cool awesome i'm stoked for you yeah it like i wish i could be that you were more comfortable in your body than i am in my body. I get it.
Starting point is 02:06:11 You're taking Valium and I'm drinking Sierra Nevadas, but actually I don't drink beer. But you know what I mean. I'm drinking vodka and soda to get comfortable in mine and you're drinking, you're taking Valiums. But either way, you seem way more comfortable in your body than mine. Awesome. I'm stoked for you. But this thing where you're trying to tell people that it's healthy I mean Hiller just Wow
Starting point is 02:06:27 It's dangerous what she's doing Dangerous yeah it's dangerous It's irresponsible yeah irresponsible Good yeah It has it has that Um Minor attracted person vibe. Oh, we're switching pedophile to minor attracted person.
Starting point is 02:06:48 It's okay. I'm just a minor attracted person. It's got like that. Whoa, you're whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Come back to reality. I hate to say it. People aren't going to like this, but it got that abortion vibe too. Like, oh, it's women's.
Starting point is 02:07:07 What do they call it? what do they call baby killing um the pro us pro-choice people we call baby killing um women's medical rights or something yeah something like that yeah we got it it's like uh whoa whoa whoa hold on a second your medical rights involve a baby yeah of, of course. You know, my choice. Dude, fucking crazy. Yeah, she got some of that going on. Yeah, it's bad. Yeah, at one point she said 30 pounds isn't a lot. Let me tell you, 30 pounds is a shit ton.
Starting point is 02:07:41 Oh, yeah. For any person. At one point I weighed like 220 something like 220 ish and since then i've lost about 15 20 of those pounds and it's been it's just made a world of difference like my joints don't hurt my as much like how about your gymnastics your pull-ups get crazy right and your push oh yeah crazy yeah i lost five pounds and i was able to do three more pull-ups i normally do yeah you know like it's it's simple yeah um should should i sit down and watch hillar's sporty beth video dude i'm telling you you will enjoy it so much i wouldn't even play it at 1.25 time i would play it at one time and just sit down with like a bowl of cereal and watch it.
Starting point is 02:08:26 A box of cereal and a gallon of milk. It's so good. You might have to go through two bowls of cereal after doing it. Sometimes I watch Hiller's stuff or I watch my stuff or I watch someone's stuff. I'm watching stuff just to make sure I'm up to speed on things. I kind of have to grind through it. I'm watching the Lone Ranger podcast and I'm like, kind of have to grind through it. Right. Okay. I'm watching that. I'm watching the lone ranger podcast and I don't really want to watch it,
Starting point is 02:08:48 but I want to be up to speed on what's going on. Like I'm doing research. Dave's a weekend review. Like I'm like, okay, okay. And I'm watching a 1.25 time. This this Hiller one is not like that. You're going to be completely fully engaged and entertained. Like you're watching black Hawk down down or something Yeah, that's good Yeah, I could eat a whole yeah get a box of grape nuts a gallon of a whole milk and a uh, 27 packets of sugar and watch this I used to do that as a kid too. Oh god
Starting point is 02:09:19 sugar so good I have no idea why. I walked down the cereal aisle yesterday. I rarely go to, I went to Safeway because my son's birthday is coming up. So I had to get a bunch of cheap sparkling water. So I went to Safeway. I almost never go there. I always just go to the local mom and pop stores.
Starting point is 02:09:40 But I went there and I went there with Avi and I walked us down the cereal aisle. And I swear, like, we don't have sugar in our house but if we did i would have bought the grape nuts in a gallon of milk because i'm like oh i want to get this and just do this i haven't done this in 15 years but then i'm like how where am i going to get the sugar at i don't think i own sugar yeah yeah yeah i know i agree grape nuts what the fuck is wrong with you i have no pushback i know hey you have to let them get mushy you pour the bowl and then you come back and then you cover it with sugar on top. I mean, a huge bowl. Oh, yeah. And then you come back and it's just soft. And they use the big spoon for the sugar.
Starting point is 02:10:15 Yes. It's stupid. It's amazing. Oh, yeah. Let him get so soggy. Yeah, the Hiller video is out of control. I like it when he has to take the weight vest off because it gets too heavy. It's uncomfortable. They also played all day. And if I couldn't keep up, they're like, dude, come on, let's go. Keep up with us.
Starting point is 02:10:39 It was motivational for me. I wanted to do more. And me as a 12 to 4. By the way, Hiller, you are lighter skin, but you look great there. You're not pale by any means. I like your skin color there. Your skin tone. 14 year old do that. Beth, you are older than 12 to 14. You can make these sorts of same decisions that I made as a 14 year old. You can change your life. All you gotta do is change the way that you think about it. People that are fat like me and have the to exist on the internet, get constantly body shamed.
Starting point is 02:11:05 There we go. This is important. What is shame? I looked it up. The word shame, because I hear it a lot. A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. Now you look at that and you go, oh, shame is a bad thing.
Starting point is 02:11:16 But then you want to look at the word feeling, because shame is a feeling. It says a painful feeling. All right, let's go look up what the word feeling means. Feeling is an emotional state or reaction. And it is also a belief, especially a vague or irrational one. And we're already working our way into the spot where we can look at shame being a feeling as something that is vague and irrational. And it is also a belief. I want to go one step further. We're going to go look at the word belief. A belief is an acceptance that a statement is true
Starting point is 02:11:41 and that something exists. So we have body shaming. Shaming is a feeling. A feeling is a belief, and a belief is the acceptance that something you are saying is actually true. So, Beth, you are in control of determining whether or not you think that any of this stuff is actually true. And just like I can take off the... Dude, someone needs to fucking clip that. That's so good.
Starting point is 02:12:06 That's fucking Jordan Peterson shit. They're fucking just. Holy shit. Hey, that's why it makes no sense to be a Democrat. They give they give away everything. There's no there's it's just all it stops at feelings. They don't take any responsibility. They don't take any responsibility.
Starting point is 02:12:26 They don't go to the fact that, hey, you can change it between your ears. Bye-bye, Mr. Wayne. Good to see you, brother. Thumbnail for Dave Castro? Thumbnail for Dave Castro? Well, Bruce is leaving. I'm leaving
Starting point is 02:12:45 me too alright good I'll see you guys at 6pm I feel like I'm forgetting something but buh-bye

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