The Sevan Podcast - Truth Talk | Live Call In

Episode Date: August 13, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam we're live! Exerciser 20% off. What's up? What is up? Time to hook the phone back up. I took the phone with me this weekend. I didn't use it on site at all. I got home my son's like, why does your voice sound different? I wonder why it does sound
Starting point is 00:00:27 different. I think it was the um I think he thinks it's because I'm getting old. He's like oh you were away for a week and your voice changed and I think it's because you got old. But uh I think it was the air I was breathing and just, just moving around so much. I don't think I got old. Like, I don't think my, I don't think I got like, you know, old people, their voices change. I don't think he could tell in a week. I mean, I did get older.
Starting point is 00:01:03 A topic that I used to bring up all the time on the show, and I still see it all the time, I don't bring it up much anymore, is that there's a whole cohort of people out there, and I guess I've gotten more political in my talk and I call them NPCs now, non-playable characters. But there's a whole cohort of people out there who don't know the difference between their thoughts and reality. It's the vast majority of people and even those of us who do know the difference, we get sucked up into forgetting that too and we actually think we are our thoughts. And it's an important idea to remember. I'll give you guys an
Starting point is 00:01:46 example. The truth is, probably most of you listening don't know the difference either. And just even the idea of it doesn't even resonate with you guys. But I'll give you an example. And then maybe this will resonate with you. You're sitting on the couch, it's 83030 at night, and prior to that, let's say you have a strict diet, you know? You're like, hey, I'm only going to eat between 12 and 6 every single day. Let's say the diet was that simple. And it's 8.30 at night, and you're sitting on the couch, and you want to get something
Starting point is 00:02:23 to eat. And you feel that thought, you see that thought, you hear that thought, you get some awareness of that thought that you want to get up to the go to the kitchen and eat. And at that moment, you know that there's this other part of you that's like thought or rule that you've set for yourself that you're not going to eat past six o'clock at night so you don't react to that thought and you let it go and that brings you up to the uh the concept of who would you be without that thought so you have these thoughts and you don't have to be you don't have to be your thoughts you don't have to be any of your thoughts and when you're not any of your thoughts. And when you're not
Starting point is 00:03:05 any of your thoughts, that's like, that's the, that's like a super, let's call it a super high level of awareness. And I don't know if freedom is the word, but it sure as fuck close to becomes to freedom. And so that's a lot of the show probably won't make sense to you guys who don't have that ability just to even understand that one concept, that one idea. You don't have to be, you don't have to be your thoughts and you don't have to react to your thoughts. What I noticed in the shower this morning, I was thinking about today's show, and I was thinking yesterday I wanted to come on the air so bad, and I wanted to come on the air because that's what I do I come on the air and I didn't I spent so I just spent time with my kids shooting hoops
Starting point is 00:04:14 my dad was here my dad's leaving Armenia for six months and so I wanted to hang with him and my three nephews are here and I fucking love them to death and they're older they're like 14 I don't know 17 and 20 and then my three sons were here and of course my wife was here she was having an awesome hair day and my mom was here and so all the family was here and I hung out with them. And then I called some people I loved. You know, I called Dave probably five times, talked to him for like two minutes each. I called Andrew. It was nice hearing Andrew's voice. I usually talk to Andrew every day, so it was nice hearing Andrew's voice. I talked to Taylor, he was on a long drive home.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I talked to some other friends, and I just kind of got settled in. And then this morning in the shower, I was thinking about the Mayhem boys, and I was thinking about the mayhem boys and I was thinking about all the the Christians who were there at the At the at the games this year, I'm assuming all of you know that a Lazar died at the games on Thursday morning Meaning he was there in the morning as a human being. And then the race started and he wasn't there. Boy, that wasn't supposed to happen. So, I was thinking about, and then we have pretty hardcore we in my group of close
Starting point is 00:06:25 friends I have there's some really hardcore Christian guys hardcore practitioners of Christianity and they share those I don't want to call them beliefs or thoughts I would call them those tools that they used to navigate life they practice them well you know and when they don't practice them, they'll they'll they're even open to taking reflection on that, you know, so if they have some rule based on the Bible and how they're supposed to live their life and they break the rule, like you they'll talk about it or you could ask them about it. And when.
Starting point is 00:07:10 When you're a if two carpenters went to work and one of them brought all their tools and one of them didn't, you would know when you got there who would be the most productive, right? would be the guy who had all his tools. And those dudes, those dudes, the guys who travel around with those Christian tools, and I say, if you can, as I'm saying this, try not to get triggered and you should know wholeheartedly that I am not a Christian by any means, not even close. I'm not a believer in the slightest. But from my assessment, because they have those tools and those practitioners, that group was best able to handle and be prepared and process Lazar's death. It was very interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Because in their daily practice, they have a component of it is what happens to you when you die And so Excuse me. They were crazy adequate adequately prepared to handle the situation relative to other people and The NPCs, the non-playable characters, and there are other, I'm not suggesting that there aren't other religions or other methods. If you have the tool, who would I be without this thought?
Starting point is 00:08:54 And if you can see your thought, you're also equipped with some really crazy tools to process death. Really, really deep, powerful tools. And the NPCs, they have like some go-to tools, right? They have go-to, what I would call unconscious tools. And like one of their favorite ones is to blame. And it's and it's and I'm not saying it's it's hard not to do that. And I'm not saying that none of the Christians that all of us kind of at our at our base at our defaults to go unconscious and just
Starting point is 00:09:38 start using the tools that are I don't know, maybe that maybe they're I don't know, maybe they're, I don't wanna say in a derogatory way, but maybe they're like animalistic. But, but those tools were, those tools were, I mean, they're almost like not even tools, but blaming, anger, attacking. They were having, they were having thoughts that they were reacting to. And it was just fascinating in hindsight now that I'm out of that situation and I come back here to think about what tools excuse me everyone was using to to handle it and. And I'm guilty of all the, I'm guilty.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And, of, or guilty or honored, or I enjoyed, I enjoyed, I enjoyed watching everyone's tools, the NPC's tools, the Christian's tools, those were who were trying to get some stillness. But amongst all of those people, the one phenomenon that was very clear is that people were having very strong thoughts and glomming onto them.
Starting point is 00:11:19 And so, you know, the Christians have reprogrammed themselves to have, they've added tools to the arsenal that are more than I guess what we're born with, which I think are the ones to like blame and attack. So it was just, it was fascinating to, it was fascinating to see that. It was very fascinating to see that. That's it. Show's over. Show's over.
Starting point is 00:12:01 My wife, my wife this morning sent me, my wife plays a very, very powerful part in reminding me in my life, very, besides taking care of the kids and loving me, she plays a very powerful and poignant role in directing me to watch my thoughts and not react to them. shitload of clips that reminded me of that and she's already given me all the tools over the last 25 years and helped me put into practice ways of watching my thoughts and then this morning she sent me a bunch of clips that were reminders on why it's important but it but it is how we are all the same there's no there's no there's no it's kind of like how we're all that we're all robots coming off the same manufacturing line we all have the same operating system and we have all have the same ability to watch thoughts and we all have the same ability to not react to them and the more you cultivate
Starting point is 00:13:28 that ability the better your life will be and the less you'll be an NPC. If that's what you don't want to be, I mean you're welcome to be one also. I brought the phone in today also. I was also thinking about a listener of the show this morning named Brandon Waddell. And he's a listener of the show and he's been dealing with some cancer. He called in once and was telling us about it And I was thinking about I wonder what the relevance of all of this to him is as he fights for his life and his existence so that he could be there with uh, With his family.
Starting point is 00:14:32 That being said, I absolutely, and maybe this is the unhealthy thing, before I get to that, so how, by the way, how I coped with it is when the event was over Sunday, I drank myself into oblivion. I got on a plane, I flew home, and I ate myself into oblivion. I just came inside and ate cheese and crackers and watched my kids and I ate a shitload of fruit and I walked around my yard. I ate so much fruit I almost made myself sick.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I ate fucking probably a pound of green beans off my plants. I Wish I wouldn't have drank all that on Sunday night. I felt like absolute shit. I still feel it Did Seve just gaslight anyone who is not a Christian? I'm not even sure what that means. I don't even know what that means. I'm just telling you my observations. I'm just sharing you with my observations on how I saw people processing stuff. And we're seeing it. I was actually thinking about doing an entire show
Starting point is 00:15:54 where I just went to different people's social media accounts and tried to watch them without being judgmental and watch them process. And all these people who are posting stuff, and this is where the drama comes in and this is the stuff unfortunately that I just fucking love, is we're seeing people post all of this stuff on social media and then what they're doing is then they're making themselves vulnerable to judgment. At its premise, that's the only
Starting point is 00:16:25 reason why. That is the foundation of all posting. All you're doing is asking people to judge you. And so you make a post and then all you're doing is telling the world, judge me, judge me, judge me, judge me, judge me. And then they read it and then it's kind of like imagine a pyramid at its base every post is strictly To judge And then I was thinking I wonder if I could read through these and not judge people I don't know if I can do it. The thing is is that what happens is is two things happen. We see how they're processing it and then we judge them because it's not how we would process it I guess. But then the other thing which is just the the the is we see the inconsistencies right?
Starting point is 00:17:23 So someone would say something like, maybe some athlete would say, money should play no part. And then we find out that behind the scenes, before they made that post, they were making sure that their decision, whatever it was to stay at the games or leave the games wouldn't affect their wallet. And so, if you're gonna post something, I mean, I don't know if I'm assuming this is true because I heard it from so many people, but I'll give you an example.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Rebecca Fousselet, after it happened, her gym is nearby the event and she opened up her gym for free for people to come hang out if they needed a place to Be with people or a place to work out or anything right a place to talk and she was judged for that and You would think What kind of fucking maniac would judge her for that? But but people did people people did. People did. They did a memorial the next day and people were judging the memorial, like angry.
Starting point is 00:18:40 The CrossFit did a memorial for Luca and people were judging the memorial. I'm out, I'm out, Sevan. Maybe you should not judge people either. Maybe, maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. I don't know if I'd have a show if I didn't judge people. I don't know who judged her. I didn't actually go to the post,
Starting point is 00:19:15 but you could probably go to the post and look yourself. I heard there's just all sorts of people in her comments, like just ripping her. Like five people came up to me and like, holy shit, you can't even open up your gym for free Well, I one person told me friends were friends were telling me like hey the memorial is Was only 19 seconds of silence and I was thinking oh what should it have been 21? I mean, it was just it was fascinating to me
Starting point is 00:19:47 But those are just thoughts right so you're sitting there and then you have a thought, hey, this memorial sucked. So there you go. And I don't even know if they know why it sucked, but then you would say to them, why did it suck? And then they'd give you an answer. And then they'd give you an answer and then they'd give you an answer I Don't even know if they're like making the answer up or it's true. Hey, what's up, dude? Hello. Hey Hey, so I know it's going man. Good good. I'm fucking pumped for today. I can't tell you how happy I'm to be home
Starting point is 00:20:19 Yeah, dude. Yes. Hey, Mary. Are we getting last night? Where did you where did you go back to? Charles, South Carolina, so we went back to all the flooding. Well, hey, I appreciate you calling even, even I don't want to be alone. Yeah, I feel that man. No. So it wasn't necessarily the fact that a lot of people, even around me in the crowd were upset about the memorial. It wasn't necessarily the fact of that there was memorial. It was more so of, I felt the community felt let down and how little it felt CrossFit HQ did. It felt that the athletes made sure that it didn't go unknown throughout the rest of the
Starting point is 00:20:58 event versus, sorry man. That's okay. Sorry, man. Versus the HQ. I felt they should have done more, especially knowing Dave and having talked with Dave and worked with Dave. I felt there should have been more, but also at the same time, I don't know if that was his call. So I think the community is like, why wasn't there more? What do you, but what do you, what do you mean by more like a video? It should have been three minutes long. Um, they should have rolled out a casket. Like, what do you mean more? I mean, as in like, it, it wasn't until what this till the men took the floor during the individual event is when they finally like kind of like even
Starting point is 00:21:41 acknowledged it like, like even the athletes seemed confused that it was so short. They were like, wait, this is the tribute. Like in other sports, like you're talking like, hey, like they hang a Jersey when somebody like pass the layer with tires or something like that. Everybody around made sure that it did not go. I'm like, we didn't just pass this by versus, hey, we're having this competition and dedicating it to him But the athletes were the one who made sure that he stayed there Okay, I
Starting point is 00:22:12 Mean I get I get it wasn't that for me the whole event to me the entire four days Felt like a wake and I looked up the definition of wake and it says a social gathering before funeral where family and friends watch over the deceased body usually at their wake and it says a social gathering before a funeral where family and friends watch over the deceased body usually at their home and sometimes at a funeral wakes can also involve drinking and talking about the deceased life and it felt like a for me it felt like a four-day wake oh no I totally agree and so I especially being in the arena, like the energy in the arena was just so different. It was very different. You know what I would have liked to have seen?
Starting point is 00:22:52 For me, the memorial was absolutely fine. I would say it was perfect. What I would have liked to have seen, and I'm not upset at HQ for this because they would have been there obviously everyone was trying to walk a fine look rope right and so there was yes don't make it too sad people will judge you don't make it too happy people will judge you like I heard someone judge Ricky for pounding his chest when he crossed the finish line I'm not able to comprehend where that judgment exactly I'm right I could
Starting point is 00:23:22 completely agree but what I if what I would have liked to have seen is them go on the side of turning it into a celebration. And obviously, I understand the risks of that. But I think it was Daisy McDonald was the first athlete to take the floor when the event finally got kicked off on Friday morning. And I would have liked the commentator, since the fans didn't do it on their own,
Starting point is 00:23:44 to tell everyone to get to stand to their feet Mm-hmm and cherish every fucking athlete that walked out on that floor Mm-hmm. So but they needed permission to do that Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean like the audience was hesitant and You know what I mean? Like the audience was hesitant and I'm completely making this up. I'm completely making this up, but I felt like everyone I felt like there were people who I felt like the vast majority of people were kind of like guarded looking around to see How if it was okay to smile or not. I was told that even some of the staff members, CrossFit HQ staff members, were told when they were on the floor not to smile.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I don't have understanding of, I mean, I've kind of, I've, I've, my only understanding of that is that some sort of like social, um, uh, what's not social construction. I'm not sure what, I'm not sure what the term is, but those are things that I get. You're saying you're saying like, Hey, like, cause like the CrossFit HQ at that point is unfortunately they're in PR mode in the fact of like, people are going to see you smiling and what are they going to think? Right. Right. Right. Yeah. And so I just, I, I, I don't, um, that's not, that's not, that's not where I sit. That's not that's not that's not where I sit Yeah, so like let people like like the athletes are saying I'm like let people Mourn or feel the way if they feel right and right and hey
Starting point is 00:25:47 So so you so let's say someone has that thought hey that't enough. Once again, that's just their thought, right? Yeah. And then from there, they have a choice. They can let that thought go. They can just breathe and then let the next thought come in. Oh, my foot itches. Oh, should I get a Bud Light or a Coca-Cola at the vendor? Or they can react to that thought.
Starting point is 00:26:05 And so a lot of that noise everywhere in that stadium and with the athletes and on the podcast was people reacting to those thoughts, right? And they're doing that to kind of... And when we react to those thoughts, we're kind of bolstering up our own value, I guess. Our own existence. I see that that man like I totally get it yeah no I was just calling in like to be like a like it wasn't just everyone felt it that was there and just like you like you said like people have I think we both agree necessarily on the fact that people have different ways of how they process and see things and feel
Starting point is 00:26:44 things and if people focused more on how they were processing it then worried about how other people process it I don't know. I don't know what the conclusion is. I was gonna say maybe we could get through this faster but there's a presupposition there that the point is for some reason to get through it faster. And I don't think that's fair either. No, like, yeah, like people get through it when they get through it, man. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Thank you. I was gonna say, man, yeah, I appreciate you. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for all
Starting point is 00:27:22 you do for the community, man. It was good to see you Sunday night. My pleasure. Thank you. Bye you for coming on. Thank you for all you do for the community, man It was good to see you sunday night my pleasure. Thank you Okay, bye. Bye I had I had a great talk with andrew. I really wanted to understand how he was processing it I really really wanted to understand how he was processing it And and I felt so much better not worrying about how I was processing it and just taking the time to understand how he was processing it. I felt so much better. I felt so much better.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Caller, hi. Hello. Hello. Good morning. Can you hear me? I can. Okay. I'm outside playing basketball with my kids. Oh yeah. Hey, I just ordered,
Starting point is 00:28:18 my sons are so into basketball right now. I went on Amazon and ordered last night. And ordered 12 rubber basketballs for 49 bucks I was so excited yeah I basically had it air them all up so I got a three-year-old son and a that's what I want a half-year-old girl and then they want to come over and air them and they're bending the needle and the ball and I'm just sitting there being like, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, so, but no I was at the games, and I was actually four rows up from where you were. So you know you had a media pit, and then y'all had the little alleyway. You had a walk where only one person basically fit.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yes, sir. Yeah. So I had a I said hi to you. I had a Hiller shirt on a no rip shirt on. Okay. Very popular shirt. Very popular shirt at the venue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:20 So that's my first time at the games. I live in Texas. So when it was at Madison and I've been doing CrossFit since 2013. And so since it came to us was in Texas, so it was a four hour drive for me. So me and my wife we met, but we didn't go up there until Friday. And so we had to get you know, wait for baby, super fast kids and everything. So we came up there on Friday. We missed the Memorial. Then we got there on the second workout on Friday.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Uh, I was kind of surprised how. When the workouts were going on. I mean, you had cheers and seemed like the community was into the workout. And then when it was over with, of course they would say something about Lazar. And you're like, oh yeah, okay, that happened. And it's like me and my wife is like, man, we can, we kind of need to do over because, you know, we didn't get to experience a non drama field games, you know, and it was, it had this sense of almost guilt to cheer and have fun. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And yeah, but you know, I was really surprised. Wait, let me ask you about that. Did that guilt come from your, do you think that that guilt came from you or you got it from other people? Because like, I did not personally, I really Appreciated maybe enjoyed isn't that word? I really appreciated the experience and I'm so fucking
Starting point is 00:31:00 Glad I was there for all of it. It's going to go down as a really rich part of my life and make me a fucking better person and Yeah, and yeah exactly, but I don't feel like I had to feign Sadness and I felt like there were people around me who are sad and often I would have the thought are they feigning this or is this real Well, so the people that I was around Didn't really talk about the internet. They were talking about the competition field, they're talking about workouts, they were talking about all this. And then when I got the kind of sadness is when the athletes would say something
Starting point is 00:31:34 after a workout. So when the workout was going on, I was completely into the workout and thinking about this and who's winning and who's in front. And then I thought it was, you don't really see this when you watch it on TV, but being there live. So like they're all on the pull up bar, uh, the workout where they, it was the three, uh, where they did a two meter run, toes to bar, and then the, uh, dumbbell snatch. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:02 So, so when there were, everybody's on a pull up bar, you're watching and then when like one person would jump up to the snatch, like, okay, this person is in the lead, you would hear a big war from the crowd. Yeah. Yeah. And that was that was really interesting. I was like, man, this is exciting. This is really good. The workouts were great. You get more. The competition was amazing. And the thing I didn't really realize that I did was, we stayed for the teams. We watched all the teams. Wow, good on you.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And to me that was, and so during the telecast, that's why I'm not really, I turn the TV off. When the individuals start, I'll watch it. But being there live, and I think because we want to watch Kara Sanders workout No, it wasn't work out and Chandler Smith workout so that's kind of I guess helped with us with the teams, you know, because they were on the teams right right and Yeah, but you know it I think that Knowing what happened on Thursday that when everybody's working out, then all of a sudden they get memorial you're like, oh, yeah something really bad happened. And I don't know, we did have a good time.
Starting point is 00:33:11 You know, I'm not ashamed to say that. We did have a good experience. Like if they had, you know, next year, they have the games, it's at Texas, we're going. Yeah, yeah. And so, but it was a good experience for us. I had an experience with drowning and so I've been to all the motions like I had a
Starting point is 00:33:32 Text wrote to you about it once. I had a five-year-old son that drowned. Oh man, and That's my guy was that 2010 okay 2010 and yes, and Yeah. 2010. 2010. And yes. And so and then about 2013 is when I started CrossFit. And that's really what helped me get back to living. Doing CrossFit. It put me around people. It, I had an hour that I was focused on the workout that I wasn't thinking about all my troubles so I walk in I could count on that hour to know that I wouldn't be depressed about you know things are happening in my life and the thing that is in my crossfit is is you don't have to think about a workout you just go in here it is this is what you do it could a workout. You just go in, here it is, this is what you do. Boom, it could be mindless. You just go in there and do the movements.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And so I had an hour that I didn't think about anything but the workout. And also it put me around people. Smiling people, people excited, you know. And so that really helped me. And I think that with the athletes, I can imagine how you know in the back I'm sure they're worried about it But then when they get on field and they're working out that was an hour that they had to think about it You know what I'm when you say this the thought I had was I wonder if they felt guilty for that I wonder if they couldn't even enjoy it like for you
Starting point is 00:35:01 You knew it was important to you and moving forward and so it wasn't guilt. It was reprieve, right? Yeah, I understand the difference Because they were working out in front of other people that they almost felt guilty for it Which absolutely they should not I mean because think of also what they gave no fans and the fans, right? The grieving fans also even while even though they weren't working out, they got a moment of reprieve and stillness. When you're watching them work out, your mind kind of goes still.
Starting point is 00:35:31 It's a meditative state, right? And you're breathing, and you're just sort of, you're just reacting to their kind of placement and their trials and tribulations. Yeah, what a great testimony that you just gave gave. I mean, that's really oh, yeah That's something else and you have two other kids now Yeah, so I had I was so me and my ex-mother
Starting point is 00:35:57 Mother of the child that we lost we actually had two boys at the time and we lost the oldest one And we eventually got divorced and I think I was divorced for about 8 years and 8 to 9 years and then I did CrossFit. I was heavily in the CrossFit. Like I was 2 times working out, you know, just all the time and then I found the love I didn't know I had. And so with that, I mean, I was doing weightlifting competitions. I got certified. I got my L1.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I got certified coaching in USA weightlifting. So I was heavily, that was my life and I got remarried. So I think I was 43, 44 when I got remarried. And then so me and my current wife, we had two other children. Hey, did the death of your child cause cause your divorce was that like part of it? Yeah, yeah, yeah definitely definitely we just couldn't just just just you know things come up thanks for said yeah the nature of it like they were they were with her parents when the accident happened and the nature of it. Like they were with her parents when the accident happened. And you're not in the right frame of mind. The amount of thought you have when your child passes, is you can't explain it unless you experience it. So anyways, so I got remarried and she's
Starting point is 00:37:21 in the CrossFit as much as I am. And so we had two other children. And the thing is, it's been... He was five when he died and he'll be 20 this year. But I wouldn't have these two kids if that accident wouldn't happen. And I'm not saying that... Yeah, I would take it back, of course. But now here I have these other two kids that are just precious and, and I love and Tom helps, believe it or not, Tom helps. Yeah, Tom hills. And but you know,
Starting point is 00:38:02 so you you understand, you understand then when your son passed the gravity that the thoughts that came were so strong that It starts to become impossible to distinguish between what's real and and what you're thinking because the odds are so fucking intense and loud Yeah, so yeah, so with the athletes across CrossFit and I thought a lot on this. Yeah, I thought every angle on this. CrossFit games was too big to cancel. Okay, I'm not sure what you mean by that. Now, so so you know, people are like, should we cancel the games or should we continue the games? Well, I mean, you got contracts and sponsors and vendors and people, you know, you got, uh, people that came from overseas, thousands and thousands of people. Let me put that in perspective.
Starting point is 00:38:54 So just like, let me use an extreme example. When you say contract and vendors, we all know if you know the vendors, and I know a lot of vendors, you know, that like they went out on a line and put their business in jeopardy by spending all that money. It was their moonshot. Okay, I'm going to spend $20,000 to get a booth. I'm going to get another $50,000 worth of inventory. And fuck, I hope this works. Yes. And not only that, though, I had people cheering, there were
Starting point is 00:39:23 support people from Overseas like somebody came from something. I mean Miami get it wrong, but I think Spain or something like that I mean people there came Was it was it $10,000 probably I would think trouble And I'm not saying that put money on the life that's not what I'm saying at at all. Right. And that's what people are going to take what you're saying, by the way. That's what people are going to take. Yeah. Well, no. So that's why I said cross this too big. Because I mean, just think they cancel the game. They would have probably lawsuits on their hands from all kinds of different. They have refund all the tickets. They would have to They would have to fight lawsuits for lost money. All these things.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And so here you have, they got to deal with the Lazarus death. Then they got to deal with canceling all their stuff. So if they had enough people to have a competition, the best path forward was crossfit, was to have the competition. But see, so if I do the algebra there, and I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I just want to be very clear. What you're saying then at that point though is you're saying it is about the money and the lawsuits and what's to do for convenience.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Uh oh, whatever that music is back there is too loud. Sorry. Okay, I'll walk away. I have a, I'll work out my garage and I have a TV plan so I got kids stuff planned. Yeah, thank you. So anyways, yeah, so anyways, yeah, so I'm just talking about the business side and CrossFit's perspective. Right. You would, what's practical is another way to say it but it but you are saying money and Not just CrossFit's money, but the whole thousands of other people's money
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yes, yes, so the games has gotten she I didn't realize the big the games were when I went to Binder village the amount of people that this place they had and all the inventory there and you know And there were thousands of people that were still there. And so when it happened on Thursday, I told my wife, I said, she goes, are we going? And I said, well, if they have the competition, we are, because I spent $1,600 on tickets. So I said, if they have the competition, they're not gonna refund my money.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I said, so we're gonna go. And so all Thursday, I kept listening to you, to Barbell spend, trying to find out if we were going to go or not. We have babysitters, you know, that were going to come to our house, work with your kids. And so it went like late Thursday. He was like, okay, we're going, they're having the games. And then we got there.
Starting point is 00:42:03 We saw people like dropping out. I'm like, oh great.. Is everybody gonna drop out? So they had enough, I think, to have the games. And actually, we did have an enjoyable experience as far as watching the competition and the crowds. Like Dave said, like Dave was like... He said when the demo team was working out and the crowds were cheering them on, he knew that the energy was going to be there.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And the energy was there for me. That's the first time I've been. Now it could have been way more other games that I haven't experienced, but what I've experienced so far, as far as the game's perspective was positive. Good. Glad to hear that. Yeah. And the crowd, I mean, people were cheering.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Now there wasn't as full as I thought. There were some missing seats, but I think a lot of people were in the, they're probably hanging out in Vinter Village. The missing seats. Yeah. But it was probably nine step full. Yeah, I thought it was, every time where I looked up from the media pit,
Starting point is 00:43:09 it looks sold out at all times. But I mean, it just looks crazy from down there. All right, thank you so much. And so, go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, thanks for the conversation. All right, thank you brother. Oh, I was gonna say one thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Thank you for the Lazar Jukits interview. Oh, you're very welcome That is a treasure right there. I didn't know the guy and so I went back and I almost listened to 90% of your stuff Mm-hmm, but I didn't listen to Lazar because I really know him much of the athlete Yep, and so the fact that you have a two-hour interview with him like three months ago I think you are to repost that on your page and where it's highlighted because that was that's a treasure that you have a conversation with him. Awesome. Thank you. Yep. Okay. I have several interviews with um Lazar. Well, I shouldn't say several. I have at least two interviews with Lazar prior to him taking that first event I also was interviewing him as they did the lineup for the event
Starting point is 00:44:09 And I don't know what to do with it. I don't know whether to post I don't know what to do with it I don't think I'm just gonna pass it off to will and Rios and see if they're gonna put it in the behind the scenes I don't know what to do with it. Call her. Hi So fine. How's it going? It's George from Tampa George. What's up, dude? Not much brother. So I was listening in and I guess wanted to just Acknowledge what the last caller said about you know seeing loss and things like that. But uh, I did want to bring up something About what Dave Castro said?
Starting point is 00:44:43 after when they proceeded right after the tribute and he had brought up that, the process that they went through in determining if the games were gonna continue. And basically, one of the first things he said was, they got Luca's blessing, like Luca said, he gave his
Starting point is 00:45:05 blessing for them to continue. And then that was before the meeting with all the different athletes and representatives or coaches. And then based off of that, though, he said people were apprehensive to speak honest. But I mean, he went into so much detail of how they broke up in the groups, etc. And then they ended up sending out the surveys and more athletes were desiring to compete, you know, versus what they were leading on in that in-person space. So, but then thereafter, you know, a lot of the things that got stirred up on Instagram, like with where Luca had put a post out and I could imagine how he felt but
Starting point is 00:45:45 where he said you know you loved the sport that didn't love you back it just seemed kind of like a polarity you know like a you know like a conflict between what was said and not so I just wanted to ask you if you know you sensed any kind of you know that there was maybe information that was left out I don't know if there's information that was left out but but you have people's reactions were flip-flopping left right and center right so one minute someone will be patting Dave on the back you're so strong then two minutes later you hear them stabbing Dave in the back you know in the back or athletes who wanted
Starting point is 00:46:21 to proceed then didn't want to proceed and I'm certain that athletes who pulled out will as time goes forward will and because what will weighing will be the pain. Yeah and they and I'm very strong in my belief that they will regret pulling out. Now, you know, that's just a thought of mine. But I know that every time I've had to face adversity, and I didn't face it, I regretted it every single time. And it leaves me, and when I'm being regretted, it leaves me emotionally hurt. Like, I didn't leave emotionally intact, because I didn't face the adversity. It's like Tony Blower said to me one time, if you get into a fight, the most important thing is to leave emotionally intact, not to win or lose. And basically, we were all put up to a fight. And then, and I can also tell by their posts, they, when people go out, I can tell that they won't say anything objective.
Starting point is 00:47:27 It's all subjective. Like they'll say, I, I, I listen to my heart or I listen to my values or I listen to my morals. Those don't mean anything. Those are just place words for something that they're not addressing. Because they would say, you would say, Hey, I'm a Jew and I can't compete on Sundays and I follow that Bible or My values are that when someone dies you have to take seven days of no electronics and sitting in a room You know what? I mean like when when they don't tell us what it is I mean, this is all so reminiscent of Floyd 19 George Floyd It is all thinking that social pressures and the vocal minority.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I mean, I've seen, I feel like now that 52, I've seen this shit play out. Like I see all the patterns and, and because, and once again, the NPCs only have, we know their playbook, right? And so we, and we're, because we're all NPCs and then we have a choice to wake up out of it. But, um, but those, and I'm not saying that you wake out and you stay out, but you vacillate back and forth, right? Between doing what you're automated to do versus what you consciously can do. Yeah, and bro, and to add to that and not to be in conflict with what anyone else like that was actually there said,
Starting point is 00:48:46 but you know, and again, I think Lazar's passing is the biggest tragedy that the CrossFit community could experience just based off the circumstance. But I do think that, you know, just knowing how Dave is from how he talks, he does his week in review every week he put himself out there consistently that if the consensus was to cancel the games all together that that's what would have been done that's my opinion yeah well listen if the athletes wouldn't have taken the floor it's just like the masks thing on the airplane right if no one would have wore masks on the airplane, the airlines couldn't have enforced wearing masks on the airplane.
Starting point is 00:49:29 They would have had to move forward or else all flights would have stopped, right? But everyone wore the masks and everything moved forward and the super minority that didn't wear masks who stood for what what they believed they got kicked off the planes But if the athletes if the athletes were like fuck, let's say let and once again No one said exactly why like I didn't I haven't heard one person say holy fuck Ever since Lazar died So when you were there and they told you that Lazar was missing this wave of nausea swept over the crowd So I would say to someone how do I feel and? And they say, I feel sick to my stomach.
Starting point is 00:50:05 And that's how everyone felt. Like you were dropped out of a fight. Like you were like almost like you, you know, like those rides where you drop really fast. Yeah, everyone a lot of I shouldn't say everyone a lot of people were having that feeling like oh shit, like all of a sudden you felt viscerally sick to your stomach. And yeah, and so if the athletes were like, Hey, I can't I can't, I don't want
Starting point is 00:50:27 to go on because I don't feel like myself. And I'm feel like I'm going to throw up and I feel sick to my stomach. And I don't want to go out there and perform at 80%. And they didn't go out there. And let's say all the athletes said that what at 321 go, we would just all be standing there And so No one was forced by gunpoint. I mean that's for sure at the end of the day in the utmost reality Everyone had a choice. I mean the like the judges could have walked out anyone could have walked out not for any reason, right? I mean if you're a judge in five minutes before this starts and you chop your hand off a forklift back there runs over your Hand you're not going out Yeah minutes before the starts and you chop your hand off a forklift back that runs over your hand, you're not going out.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yeah. So. No, for sure, man. Yeah. So. Yeah, I just thought I'd bring that up. Okay, thank you. I know it's such a, yeah, heavy situation
Starting point is 00:51:16 and, you know, unfortunately it just seems that, you know, it's just another opportunity for all the other haters of CrossFit attack. I just think that, you know, I think it's just, you know, no matter what, like I said, it's a tragedy and I don't think anybody would wish that to ever happen to Lazer or any other athlete. It's just, you know, I do feel there was, you know, the have flip-flopped and it's kind of the morning and that's general a lot of times It's like and I'm okay if they flip-flop by the way, you know what like that like
Starting point is 00:51:54 thoughts aren't Thoughts aren't Thoughts don't stay straight. It's it's okay to one minute want to be out there next minute not to next minute to Don't stay straight. It's okay to one minute want to be out there next minute not to next minute to it's just whether you have the tools to let those thoughts go or decide which thoughts that you want to make relevant to you as opposed to just reacting to thoughts and And you won't get that opportunity back That weekend is yeah that weekend has come and gone and then if you post up on law and then if you post up online
Starting point is 00:52:27 You you sure as hell better be Understanding that you're gonna be judged to fucking back because that is the premise of going public with stuff That's true. That's the that is absolutely true. Yeah. Yeah, and I and I mean I could see that's possibly why you know Maybe CrossFit is not or Dave or, you know, like how they would represent something in that manner, why they maybe are waiting to really disclose more information and not in a sense to hurt the community or, you know, damage the athletes. I think it was more, you know, getting more information and finding the best way to say something, you know, but brother, I appreciate it, man.
Starting point is 00:53:06 I appreciate what y'all have done. I mean, I did hear you when you were there, when things had happened, you were like, man, I just want to be with my family. And, you know, just watching from home, you know, and this is like the highlight of our year, you know, and I coach at a CrossFit affiliate and, you know, it was something that was palpable across
Starting point is 00:53:26 the board. So just the fact that you said that I felt the same way, man. And yeah, brother, I just hope this there's a way forward and that it can be constructive, you know, not destructive, not like burn the house down just, you know, because, you know, something happened something happened you know the NPCs do want to burn the house down that is the yeah that is the that is our that is our D our default is to riot yeah exactly it's and I think that's what they'll yeah it's what the definitely I don't know what the word is lower consciousness will do it will it will burn the house down yeah brother well brother have a good day, man, and keep on doing your thing. Okay, thank you. Yes, sir. Later. Bye. And to be honest,
Starting point is 00:54:14 I don't think fighting back against those people, first of all understand ourselves, then those things will take their evolution. Those things will, those thoughts will, those thoughts will take their evolution. It's frustrating when people say someone died because it's part of God's will. Why is that frustrating? It's insensitive and lacks understanding of God and His purpose. I don't understand. I understand why someone could react to that, right? You're like, you know, your wife dies and someone's like, it's okay it's God's will maybe it's insensitive because then all of a sudden you feel like there was something out there that
Starting point is 00:55:15 was bigger and better than you that took your wife from you it's like being having her stolen from a richer stronger healthier nicer more handsome guy. I don't know. I I mean I understand the mechanism of it, but Um, I don't know I wouldn't walk up to someone whose wife just died and be like hey don't worry it's god's will but uh Uh, caller, hi Seve Suzy tell suzy. What's up girl Good seeing you this weekend. I really enjoyed seeing you. You know what? I, um, yeah. I enjoyed seeing you too, man. It was, uh, I'm here to be judged this morning, so I'm just calling in and putting it all out there.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Alright, let's judge you. Put it out there. Let me get my, let me get my, I got my pencil and paper ready. I'm ready to attack. Yeah, well you, um, I'm glad this and paper ready. I'm ready to attack. Yeah. Well, you I'm glad this is being recorded. So everyone can tell me what an asshole I am later. Anyways, again, it was good seeing you too. And just wanted to call in and thank you for being there and Susa and Taylor.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And it was felt good to just hug all you guys and high five each other. As you all know, you know, I was there sitting at a crazy seat, finally made it to the finish line front row. You had a bad seat. Congratulations. Your seat was awesome. And thanks for sharing it with me. I know. You had a bad ass seat. Congratulations. Your seat was awesome. And thanks for sharing it with me.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I know. I was so glad you came over to get some good coverage. But yeah, and I was ready to leave on Thursday. Like I was ready. Just I was ready. I was just waiting for people to tell me what to do, you know, because I'm kind of like I'm Suzy Sunshine. Like I'm there to like raise everybody up if that's what they want. Or if they're like, no, you should just like leave your Airbnb and get on a flight and go back home. I was looking at flights and like, I guess, by the way, me too. I was ready. I was ready. I was ready to go home, too. I totally know that feeling. I remember being in my hotel room, looking at my shit and being like fuck if they call this I'm having my wife get me on a plane out of here like ASAP
Starting point is 00:57:30 I'm right. I'm ready to go home Yeah, I called my husband and I was like, you know, hey, I think I'm coming home. This is horrible You know, it was all over national news. So he you know, everybody knew like everyone's calling you like what are you doing? so And it was horrific. It was absolutely horrific in that moment, you know Uh god damn anyways, um So that was it
Starting point is 00:57:56 Did I smell it all this weekend when I was near you because I bought a stick of deodorant and never used it because I don't Normally use deodorant. Yeah Just a little bit. I was ripe. Okay. You're the first person I've asked that to. If anyone else, if any of my friends can tell me. So when I got close to you, you could, I had BO. Just a little bit. But enough that you remembered.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Enough that you remembered. Okay, that's good. That's interesting. I can't believe our conversation has gone to this. I'm very selfish. Sorry. I'm very, I was just curious. I had you on and I was like, oh, who could I ask that to? Okay, conversation has gone to this. I'm very selfish. Sorry. I'm very, I was just curious. I had you on and I was like, oh, who could I ask that to?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Okay. That's good to know. I did buy a stick of like antiperspirant, but I just, I just forgot to use it. Yeah. And I stopped wearing perfume a while ago because you had said that you didn't like that. So anyways, it's okay. We're good.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Um, but I don't know even know why I called in, I guess to be judged. Um, but also just to say like, that was my experience because we all know what's best, right? Like we're all putting ourselves out there like, Oh, I know what should be done or what shouldn't be done or whatever. I don't really know. And I really don't, I have an opinion. I just was Hey, i'll get on a plane and go home or i'll stay and so they stayed they they they said we're gonna go and they said that luca Was there for the meeting? Um cross I I was I was uh Hearing from an athlete that was in the meeting saying that luca walked out there and said
Starting point is 00:59:24 athlete that was in the meeting saying that Luca walked out there and said, um, gave not gave his blessing. I didn't hear that. I heard, yes, you can go on, but as you all know, I guess later that wasn't okay. But I, for the athletes that came through the finish line and wanted a high five, they got a high five, you know, of course, of course, I mean the athletes that put it all out there, that that's what I was there for. And so I stayed and and that was my fourth games. I had gone to 21, 22, 23 in Madison. So this was a different experience all together and I wish it didn't, it wasn't that way.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And I honestly, I think it hit me when the plane, when the wheels hit the ground yesterday in Reno, you know, for me, it hit me that like, someone did not make it home. That's when it hit me. Cause I kind of just went on Suzy's Sunshine mode for the last four days. That was it. Well, you brought a lot of happiness to me and every time I looked over at the seat and I saw your giant boobs, I felt warm inside. I was like, wow, those things are amazing.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Well, I'm glad that I could bring that to the forefront in the finish line. Thank you, yeah, it was great. I hope all the athletes. And of course, my booth said CEO all the time, too. Yeah, I loved seeing there. You're very positive, you're sweet, and you're fun to look at, so thank you.
Starting point is 01:01:03 You're welcome. Okay. And so, you guys have, I hope I got judged really well on this call. I love you dude. I'll talk to you soon. Bye. Ciao. Big Jess, thank you for your coverage and thanks for using Becca. Yeah, Fusilet was cool. I didn't get to hang out with Becca much because she's such a hard worker and she was doing her own thing, but the little bit I did get to hang with her, really enjoyed her she's a class act and I felt I felt I don't know safe around her I feel like I could be myself around her call her hi hey seve how's it going good awesome I was uh I think I called back like last year this is Harry Perrot of testings. But, uh, I, Mr.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Testes, um, but I was a therapist for a number of years and the whole CrossFit games experience this year, I wasn't there. Um, but it, I was talking to my wife throughout the whole thing as we were watching, uh, I think I'm going to put some throughout the whole thing as we were watching. I think I'm gonna put some words to what I think you're describing and what others have described. But it seems like a lot of folks had survivor guilt and still do to some extent
Starting point is 01:02:21 in the sense that you know you experience this tragic loss, you know, in whatever the circumstances of somebody's death it's terrible, but people have been wrestle hard with this notion that they they themselves can continue to live and feel good about that. And I think, you know, in the clinics that I worked at, often we would get folks in either, you know, former vets, you know, family members that have lost somebody to suicide, different things like that. And it's kind of this recurring conversation that I had with them, which is like, at some point, you can give yourself permission to be glad to be alive,
Starting point is 01:03:10 despite your family member, your friends, whoever having passed. I think for most, I would have to imagine for most of these athletes, it's a similar thought process in terms of the competition. You know, we experienced this death. How is it okay that I continue with this, you know, in comparison, silly fitness competition? And the whole weekend, I kept telling my wife, you know, it's like, it's okay to,
Starting point is 01:03:44 in the light of tragedy, it's okay to sit there and think, holy hell, I'm glad to be alive. And hey, that was, that was like, those were 90% of my thoughts. Sure. Holy shit. That's holy shit. I'm so glad I'm alive. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Holy shit. I'm so glad I'm alive. Right. And it's, and I'm sure that it's not because you had this thought of like, man, I'm alive. Holy shit. Holy shit. I'm so glad I'm alive Right, and it's and I'm sure that it's not because you had this thought of like man I'm glad it was him and not me, but you know It was it was like holy shit. The next superficial thought above that was is like why would And maybe this is just I I this games be rough to say but I thought I was handling it the best Because I thought if I died I would want other people to seize the day. I Thought that would be the greatest value someone could get from my death would be to seize the day
Starting point is 01:04:37 Right, you know what I mean like that's what I would want other people to think if I died not I Would just want them to be like like oh fuck that could have been me I better fucking do something great today right yeah 100% that's what I just think Seve do something great today do something great today you know and I think that's uh I mean speaking from my perspective you know having been in clinics and whatnot I think that's That's one of the only perspectives you can have Going forward that will actually produce some sort of healing And it makes sense completely logically too, right like dude 100%
Starting point is 01:05:20 You don't even have to fake it Let me write this about the survivors guilt cuz, let me tell you some of the, the thoughts I had, and I'm not suggesting that any of these are, I realize that they're, they're just thoughts. Let me, Mr. Therapist, let me tell you this. Ask you, ask you this. So those of us who have, um, uh, kids, we, right away, the reason why it was so powerful for us is because we indulge in that for a second What if that was my kid? Mm-hmm. We don't even do what if that was us, right? The first thing is fuck what if that was my kid and
Starting point is 01:05:55 That's that that elicits a real powerful fucking emotion And so and I watch and I watch that come and go And so I and I and I watched and I watched that come and go But what I was thinking what a lot of other people and maybe younger people who haven't like seen, you know Murder mayhem in front of their own eyes or just just you know death or shit taken away from you'd gone forever I was thinking that they maybe felt a bit of their own mortality that they were rocked the first time I saw some I saw some five people get killed right in front of me. And I remember for a few days, like
Starting point is 01:06:29 I didn't even know what was real anymore. I felt like my, like maybe I had been killed. Like my own mortality was just facing me. Do you think that that was a huge element too? Especially for the athletes, like, like they felt like the grim Reaper run through their soul. You know what I mean? Like they were taken by it, like they're like, oh shit, I had my... And that's why the people who have the Bible as a tool had the tools to deal with it the way they did. Because they have tools, you know what I mean? That's part of their practice is how to deal with death. Whereas most people's practices don't do that.
Starting point is 01:07:01 You know, their daily practices is like work out, eat, you know what I mean masturbate post online but these Bible these Bible people they got some tools like how to deal with death that like are and their forefront yeah I certainly think that that that is a relevant fact you know I was telling my wife I think I think was Sunday. I said, you know, obviously you get into a car wreck and people die and it's tragic. You know, my dad was in the military. He saw a bunch of his friends die, tragic. One of the conditions though that I, you know, again,
Starting point is 01:07:41 just speaking from my clinical experience, one of the things that can make situations like this far worse is the context in which the tragedy occurs. So you know, if I go to war, it's easy to make sense of death, easier to make sense of death, because that's what war is. It's people dying. But in this situation, We're all incredibly healthy. We're the tip of the spear of fitness We're at the celebration of fitness and somebody dies in the context doesn't fit the tragedy. So Rationalizing that experience
Starting point is 01:08:19 in the position of being at the celebration of life and human movement and everything You know only makes it that much more difficult. And to your point, you know, it's, it's kind of a pearl clutching moment where you go, holy shit, like this could have happened to me. And it's not because, you know, I'm diabetic. It's not because I'm obese. It's because it's a freak thing that just occurred. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:08:46 Yeah, you know, this is going to be, you know, obvious to everyone. Everyone's had this thought, but then I'll say it out loud anyway. You're exactly right. And in this circumstance, a really close example was if he was running, and he would have collapsed, and people were there to perform CPR on him, and an ambulance took him away in 30 seconds and he died, it would have been fine. But this issue has gotten complicated and messy is because he died in the water and there was a lifeguard next to him and they didn't get his body and he went to the bottom. made it very, um, now, now we have a rich narrative around also emotionally processing, which allows the blame game to just skyrocket, right? Which is kind of our default blame game attack.
Starting point is 01:09:36 That's that that's the whole NPC thing. That's like just the, you know, psychology, what the one on one reactions all over the place we're seeing. For sure. And I did want to touch just lastly, I wanted to touch on your point about- Please, please, take as much time as you want. I love having you on. I already, I already feel better. I'm ready to end the show.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Before someone says something to fuck it up. Well, please don't, because I want to listen to more. But, you know, you had mentioned the point about Christians in their toolbox and, you know, outing myself. I am a Christian. I certainly don't force that on anybody but I think one of the I don't mean it even as a positive thing by the way or a negative thing it's just the objective reality it's just part of their tools you know what I mean it's just like and I know right it's just part of their tools it's like people who
Starting point is 01:10:20 practice self-awareness I'm so glad that I have a strong practice so I can see thoughts come up and don't have to react to them. It brings me such peace. I totally get what you're saying. Yeah, okay, good. Okay. I think, you know, thinking about that toolbox in my own experience of being a Christian and, you know, you know, at times struggling to use those tools and trying to be diligent at using those tools, I think something that is easy to criticize, and I certainly get a raised eyebrow every once in a while, is the whole, I think, my experience and my thoughts on Christianity and a lot of, just using mayhem, we'll use them as an example, a lot of the discourse and the things that you talk about, you're wrestling with
Starting point is 01:11:05 paradox constantly. So you're wrestling with, you know, hey, in my purview, there's this creator that's created everything with a purpose. I don't know what that purpose is in absolute terms, but I know that there is this purpose. And so on that footing, I have confidence that things are justified to occur. But on the other side of things, tragedy exists in the world. So despite there being this purpose, I have to also wrestle with the fact that tragedy happens and I can't justify why. and I don't have those answers readily available to myself or to
Starting point is 01:11:48 other people that have experienced that tragedy. I think in some cases with this toolbox can provide at least the human brain is this framework to wrestle with that paradox or at least make as much peace with it as you possibly can. Because I think our lives, we're never gonna fully be at peace with that paradox of there being a purpose to suffering
Starting point is 01:12:16 and also the realities of suffering being so terrible. But when I heard mayhem and spray talking and whatnot, I took myself out of the Christian camp for a little bit and I thought, despite the origins of these thoughts that they're having, they're applying a broader thought process that's healthy, which is kind of what we're getting at where it's like we can all experience this terrible thing and still move on and still continue to live and also just admit to ourselves that it's tragic, but we don't know why it occurred and that's okay. I think that's what I got out of the, you know, the more Christiany rhetoric that was getting you know shared at the games but
Starting point is 01:13:07 In general whether or not you're christian or not. I think going back to your thoughts. It's like, you know in therapy all the time We're we're telling patients like hey your thoughts pass through you They're not a part of you You know your thoughts change You're responsible for them, but they are not you Right, you know my foot's a part of me, right? My thoughts just go through me. So in these moments of tragedy and whatnot, it's like, yeah, I can, I can have these like crazy reactionary thoughts and these feelings and
Starting point is 01:13:38 everything. And that's good in the sense that like, yeah, get it out, like let it out, but understand that as that's occurring, you can also accept it and not accept it gladly, but just recognize like, hey, this is just reality. We have to accept these things as a part of life. Once you do that, slowly over time, like that one caller said, time's a great healer
Starting point is 01:14:05 but you'll make peace with it as much as you possibly could I wanted to just put put that in context once again to what I said in the very beginning of the show the really unfortunate part or not fortunate or the reality is most people when you say thoughts don't you have no idea what you're talking about because they truly cannot differentiate between their thoughts and reality and What happens at the split event blink of an eye is like when I was a kid I would always hear people say focus focus focus and it wasn't till I was 25 years old and on a hit of fucking ecstasy MDMA and sitting at the beach by myself and I was watching the seagull fly around that I realized what focus was and
Starting point is 01:14:43 I was like the seagull fly around that I realized what focus was and I was like, holy shit, I'm 25 years old. But and I just understood what the idea what the definition of focus is, like I'm having a focused experience in life. And at that moment, I realized that all the other times I heard focus, I would it just it just would further put me to sleep, right? I would just maybe pretend like I understood it or I wouldn't be have the consciousness to stop and be like, Hey, what does that mean? You know what I mean or I wouldn't be have the consciousness to stop and be like hey What does that mean? You know what I mean? I wouldn't ask for a definition or try to understand it
Starting point is 01:15:09 You just fill it in and so what's happening here is you're sharing these ideas But and when people are NPCs, they don't know they're NPCs They don't know they don't people don't know they're on autopilot the the consciousness is seamless as they vacillate back and forth between being unconscious and conscious. And so, you only know that you were unconscious when you wake up for a split second, look back. But when you fall asleep, there's no like ding, ding, ding, you fell asleep. That's the fucking mechanism of falling asleep. It's like when you lose your car keys, you only know you lost them after you lost them. When you set them down, you're like, oh, I'm going to lose them.
Starting point is 01:15:42 you're like, oh, I'm gonna lose them and right That's the fucking that's the part that those of us who are having moments of consciousness or ability to see our thoughts need to take space and Like cherish that and try to help the other people work through their shit Even if we disagree with it ask them the right questions to help them get through their shit and it's hard Well, I'm not saying I'm great at it either them get through their shit. And it's hard. I'm not saying I'm great at it either. My wife is. Well, I don't think anybody is 100% perfect at it. I remember a few sessions with some different clients and whatnot, and we would talk a lot about the art of self-forgetfulness. And it's not being
Starting point is 01:16:28 And it's not being like flippant and just being like, hey, I had this thing occur. I want to forget it. So I'm going to go like get, you know, toasted off of whatever drug of choice and, you know, go into mindlessness. But the art of self forgetfulness is like, when you experience something, whether good or bad or what, you know, and it usually isn't the context of something adverse or tragic, but it's okay to move beyond your own experience. So forgetting how you're feeling in the instance,
Starting point is 01:16:59 like a great example is you experience something and you go, holy shit, I'm so grateful to be alive. And even though that's about yourself, you're forgetting the tragedy and you're celebrating life. Right. So you're forgetting the thing that's neurotic. And sometimes it's appropriate, right? Like it's not always neurotic,
Starting point is 01:17:21 but you've released yourself from this like self-centeredness. Like this is my experience with this tragedy that may or may not have affected me personally, but instead this has given me awareness to life. This has given me an awareness to the appreciation I have to exist, how finite that is, how imperfect existence is. And yet it's also, That is how imperfect existence is you're right. Yeah, it's also sick It's at the same time perfect I'm not going home. I'm not going I'm not worried about how to get Lazarus body home I don't have to fucking go home and fucking unpack his pack up his bedroom I don't have to for the next 50 years of my life be like, hey, my brother passed away. That's not me
Starting point is 01:18:03 Right. Yeah, and, and that's, I think what a lot of the athletes and staff and fans and whatnot, um, will have to wrestle with. You know, my wife was really kind of surprisingly hit hard, uh, by the passing and you know, I reminded her, I'm like, this is absolutely tragic, but this is truly a tragedy for his family. Oh my goodness. This is not. This is not.
Starting point is 01:18:28 This isn't our brother. This isn't our relative. So we need to respect the fact and not make it a woe is me reflection for ourselves, but instead, you know, honor honor the family honor the tragedy by appropriately taking on what we need to take off let me let me redo this listen to this this guy wrote this and this is interesting Mike Sandone I can't stand this shit people attaching themselves to someone else's death I hear I hear him right so it's like hey you know know, there's people posting out there,
Starting point is 01:19:07 I'm sorry, Lazar's gone and it's a picture of themselves. You know what I mean? Right. As if their grief is equal to or more important than Lazar's family. I get that, Mike, I totally do, but like this gentleman who's calling, it wasn't, She's not related to Lazar. She's probably never met Lazar, but she's still for something. She's unexpectedly feeling grief She doesn't even know where it's coming from. She's probably like what the fuck? Where's this coming from? Why am I crying? If you didn't know him personally, you're not grieving maybe grieving is not the right word, but but this is It's rocking people whether touching their more. Yeah, it's it's it's it's thrown a pebble into people's ponds and people are feeling people. Whether it's touching their more, yeah,
Starting point is 01:19:45 it's thrown a pebble into people's pawns and people are feeling ripples. Whether it's affected their own view on their own mortality, it's made them think about their value of life, it's made them think about, it still is affecting them. So, and I think a lot of us are really surprised how much it's affecting us. I trip on moment to moment how sometimes it's like nothing to me and sometimes it's
Starting point is 01:20:08 like I got to take a knee. And when it means that in the moments it means nothing to me, I look back at the guy who has to take a knee and I'm like, wow, who's like those two guys don't even really know each other. But they're both inside of me. You know, even I whenever I was watching the live stream, whenever, you know, people saw him go down and, you know, I caught Hiller's story and others,
Starting point is 01:20:31 you know, I definitely shed a couple of tears. And not because I thought like, oh my gosh, this is a huge loss to me personally, but because all of the thoughts that I had, like you said, it's like, what if my wife had experienced that? What if... Or if you start thinking about his family. Like, if I start thinking about his parents, I fucking will start bawling.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Yeah, I can't do it. Right. You know, and I just think at the end of the day, I think for myself, it's always been healthy to share this with patients and then, you know, even preach to myself throughout my life. I will face enough loss for myself. share this with patients and then, you know, even preach to myself throughout my life, I will face enough loss for myself. I don't need to add anybody else's grief or loss or supplant myself into tragedy unless I am immediately affected by it. I don't mean, don't feel compassion, don't feel sympathy or empathy for it.
Starting point is 01:21:27 But I don't need to make it like you said, I don't need to be like, you know, RIP Lazar and post a picture of myself taking a meat. You know, I think over time, I think things will shake out and, you know, people will heal to a much better degree than there I mean it's only been a couple days so right but you know at the end of the day I just think I feel like at the end of the day at some point we have to give ourselves permission to say yes this happened at this event in CrossFit still is a celebration of life and human movement and community and
Starting point is 01:22:06 And it can grow gratitude rather than resentment towards the context of the company That put on this event where this tragedy occurred. Yeah All right, thank you, sir Have a good one, Savvy. Okay. Bye calling any time. Uh Michael Wright, uh Have a good one, Seve. Okay, bye. Call in any time. Michael Wright, this whole thing is incredibly difficult to navigate and the number of people looking for things to lash out about is lazy.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Like if they were there, they would have done it perfectly. Yeah. It's difficult to navigate, but I still, it's still so easy to recognize the patterns of how people are navigating. One more one more thing. Sorry, caller hold on one second. Why did you turn off camera during search? Aren't you supposed to always keep camera on as a cameraman? Uh, because I started searching for him. I started searching for him. I was next to Dave when when Anya came down and
Starting point is 01:23:07 Luca and I took off and started searching for him. So there's that. I guess that's why I guess I could have run around with the camera. Maybe I'm a shitty cameraman. The thrill competition was immediately replaced by sorrow over and over all weekend. It was honorable. Yeah, that's I for me the entire thing was awake. I don't think there was a second where I think I spent more time being aware of Lazar than being aware of the games or the phenomenon that was happening because of his death. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Hey, Seve, this is Brad. Hey, dude. I was there. We were driving in, actually driving, watching the live stream on our way up. Had a friend, was on the event team and everything. We were kind of getting a little bit of updates. Don't really want to go into all that. I just want to kind of make it quick. I've been in CrossFit for about three years. I actually talked to you a little bit. You encouraged me to get an L1 and everything just like really early on and stuff. I've been coaching and the thing that I was like kind of talking to my friends and some people in the box that were texting asking about, you know, what's the mood like? What's the thing going on? I said, man, it's really somber.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Um, you know, it's, it's, it's tough. Like we don't know what's going on, but whenever I heard that it was going to continue, my thing was, I was like, one of my favorite things is when we do hero wads, when we do, um, when we do like a Chad, like a veteran's day or, you know, you know, these things, like when we come together and we're just like that shared suffering of celebrating a life of somebody. And that's how I viewed the weekend is this is CrossFit. This is a community of people coming together celebrating this, working out, shared. It's that I love that shared suffering. It's like we're all going through this together and just that that mental toughness that you have to do to get through a workout that's tough and doing this stuff and
Starting point is 01:25:10 being together. And so I got to talk to a couple of the athletes that had dropped out. Like I met with Jeff Adler and didn't really want to talk to him about that. It was cool just to talk to him and just get some, he talked to me about breathing and stuff. And I know he was having a hard time. And I talked to some of the mayhem guys that worked out with Lazar a lot and just kind of dealing with it. But it was, to me, it was,
Starting point is 01:25:40 I loved, whenever the athletes on the memorial, whenever they were walking out and it was still kind of quiet and we didn't know what to do. Man, I stood up and started just cheering for them. Good on you. Because I felt for them. Good on you. Like I just was like, this is, it's for them.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Like we're here. Like if they canceled it, I'm out a couple hundred bucks and I get to go home. You know, but like for them, like this is their livelihood. Like, I mean, I was there for them, you know, every athlete I got to see, you know, thank them and, you know, and even the ones that, that dropped out, you know, I was like, you know, just got to talk to a couple and it's like, Hey, you know, respect you. You know, it was, it was awesome. But I mean, to me, like people are deaffiliating because of what's happening and all this stuff. Like we don't know all the the details like just it's a community. Let's love each other Let's work hard. Let's get fitter. Um, that's the that's what we need to do
Starting point is 01:26:34 And so didn't want to take a whole lot of time But just wanted to kind of let me tell you something though that you just brought up which and I fall in this camp There were there were people and I respect the fact the athletes felt this and I'm gonna speak on behalf of the athletes. I think a lot of the athletes were like fuck one of our homeboys are fucking brethren and whether they knew Lazer or not those people there have a very interesting bond. It's the same bond you have with the kid you went from kindergarten to 12th grade with that you never talked to, but when you hear he died, he committed suicide two years after high school, you're
Starting point is 01:27:09 tripping. You know what I mean? Right. It's like that. These fucking people have a bond that only they know and they all have it with each other. And whether you're one of Lazar's close friends or just someone who was in a lane next to them there they They shared bodily fluids. You know what I mean? There's something there and I think a lot of them felt like holy shit I'm moving forward with this fucking silly workout thing in this competition and this guy died. Maybe it's survivors go I don't know what it is But what you touched on is is really what CrossFit means to most of us it's our fucking daily coping mechanism. And so in the time of the most grief and most hardship, we're gonna throw that thing away.
Starting point is 01:27:53 That seems like insanity to me. And that's one of the reasons why the show had to go on. This wasn't the fucking NF- these weren't people going to an NFL game to sit down, maybe getting a fight in the parking lot, drink beers and bond with their kid. This is a fucking coping mechanism. This is a lifestyle. This is like something we've embodied. And so right. And so yeah, to just throw it out the door and call it silly silliness working out is is Complete mischaracterization on the other hand I do understand how the athletes fall on that side because they're the show ponies of this of them of the lifestyle methodology But right but for the rest of us, it's like whoa. Whoa. Whoa that we're gonna go home and work out twice as hard
Starting point is 01:28:39 To help process what happened to Lazar Right, and we're gonna clean up our up our eating and cherish life more. Yeah, it's a really interesting point you bring up. I mean, and I mean, in our gym, for example, I mean, there was, I can't remember her names and stuff, but you know, we would see, you know, a CrossFit box in Texas, I'm in Arkansas. And so a CrossFit box in Texas, you know, they lose a member tragically, you know, whatever. And there's And there's a wad for her. Man, we would do that as our box things. Hey, this CrossFit box across two states away or next state lost somebody.
Starting point is 01:29:14 We're going to do this wad to celebrate her. And we don't know this person and we're doing it. I had a friend that lost a child that did a fundraiser hero WOD and I said, hey guys, we're going to do this. This is going to be cool. Like 20, 30 people showed up on a Saturday to do this WOD, donated to it. It was like, they have no idea who these people are. And I think that's what's cool about CrossFit is the community coming together. And that's what I took from this. And for me, again, I don't, you know, you know, there's some of those guys like, you know, I know, um, like he, and some of those guys, like Victoria, like
Starting point is 01:29:50 they worked right alongside him, like they were training partners and I know other people took it really, I'm a mayhem. I may have was my people. Um, so I saw a lot of them, like I get it. And the, those are your, your friends, you work with them and it's tough to, to get into mind state, like I get it. And those are your friends, you work with them and it's tough to get in the mindset to go through it. And I don't, you know, I think it's awesome that some of them stayed. I think it's great that some of them backed out, like, you know, you know, whatever. But my thing is, is I just wanted to
Starting point is 01:30:18 just say, like, you know, pulling together and doing this, like, I don't know what's going to happen going forward, but, uh, I enjoyed being there. I mean, I, I cried. I went through emotional, it's just like a lot of people, um, emotions and, uh, you know, but it was also fun to see people. I didn't get to see you. I saw you from a distance, but I didn't get to check, but, you know, I don't know if you weren't close enough to smell you.
Starting point is 01:30:41 I got to smell Taylor though. Um, uh, that was, and, and Taylor though. Okay, that was and in Bryson Oh, right. That was my boy And so I got to I got to meet Taylor and told him I'm a I'm a I'm a youth pastor I'm a pastor and I told Taylor that I go I even though you know, his language sometimes is rough I love watching him don't change Be real and he I think he enjoyed that so him don't change be real and he I think he enjoyed that so kids love Taylor would make a great fucking youth camp counselor you guys your kids love him yeah he might have to clean
Starting point is 01:31:12 up he might have to clean up the language a little bit he can do it around kids kids love he was it he was a cool dude but uh anyway just uh just wanted to throw that out there um appreciate all you do and and all you do and following you guys. Every time I talk to somebody, and this is changing, I got to talk to Taylor, talk to Spin, talk to Tyler and John and some of those guys. Just thanking them for what they do for CrossFit Media and getting stories out and getting content out. And, um, you know, you guys, and I still say, I tell everybody that kill Taylor is the best show on the internet. Um, my wife, every set every Saturday, she's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:31:53 I was like, I'm watching people try to, uh, Taylor in this workout. Um, and so I wish I was in shape enough to call in, uh, one time and, uh, and even give them a go, but, um, it would be awesome. But thank you anyway. I'll wrap up and be done. So thank you. Thanks man. Okay bye. Jody Lynn, hugs to all my sevenistas. Dang Jody. Please know that 7-1 and Scribble podcast plus Big Becca insta post provided peace and comfort for me. Thank you for the entire crew for the weekend I will say this having Pedro there and spin and John Young and Taylor and Bryson and like I
Starting point is 01:32:35 These are all guys I talked to every single day. There's 13 of us and I talked to them every single day I was ashamed Bill Gremler wasn't there but having them there was so awesome because every time I saw them I could just hug them or look into their eyes and get like Comfort and grounded so I had a ton of support caller. Hi Good morning, savan. It's Olson dude. Mr. Matt Olson. How you doing? What's up, dude? Great hearing from you, dude Yeah, yeah rough we can understand. Yep. Your connection's really bad.
Starting point is 01:33:11 Are you in a good bad spot? No, let me go here. Hold on one sec. Okay. I'd really like to hear what you have to say. I know you have a lot of wisdom on this. Yes. Here's my observation.
Starting point is 01:33:22 I'm gonna take in a time machine when we met. Please. 2013. It's about this time in August is when it happened, but the hot shots. Oh, yeah. And for people that are new to CrossFit, I've been around since 2011. What this community does in tragic times. Will you tell people what happened in hot shots and how brutal it was really?
Starting point is 01:33:46 So I live in I live in Southern, California and I've been a part of the same box since 2011 she across it and when hot shots happen and Greg's Original Jim captain CrossFit they put out a message that they were going to have a special ceremony for the hot shots that passed away in Yarnell, Arizona in a fire. And I got to tell you, I've been, my dad's been a pastor for 45 years. Hold on one second.
Starting point is 01:34:14 We have people have to know. So what happened there was 19 CrossFitters burned alive. Yes, they were, they were, they went, were they went go ahead good In a small in a small town like when you go to Prescott, Arizona it's a small town and 19 Crossfitters died in one day together and The most tragic thing I could tell people because maybe and there were a lot of people there that day we drove out from California to go there to spend time with the community because it felt like Somebody in your gym was going through something and I got to tell you that's one of the most touching things every workout I've ever done the most touching thing that I saw was that our community
Starting point is 01:34:57 Came together and when we lost 19 people the most memorable part of that day is And you may remember this, when they let the butterflies go. I do remember. They had the kids come out and everybody was crying. It was a tragic day. There were a lot of people there. There were probably a thousand people showed up to that gym. It was insane. Yeah, it was, and what people got to realize is the fire station is directly across the street from captain CrossFit. And I don't like to compare situations.
Starting point is 01:35:35 I don't like to say, Hey, this is that, this is that. But what I want to say, what's special about our community is it's almost like religion. I say that CrossFit and church are very similar in the sense of when tragedy comes we pull together and nobody has the right answer but we have empathy for one another to love on one another to give each other some compassion every once in a while to say how are we going to get through this? It's tragic what happened but we need how do we not move on, but how do we keep memories alive? How do we uplift those that are still here? We're not going to be able to fix them. Not a lot. A lot of people may know laws are, but not everybody did. So we all have to get through it in our way. And I watched it from Southern California on a phone. And I would say that I gotta commend you
Starting point is 01:36:25 and the CrossFit community and everybody for pulling together and everybody's gonna deal with it in their own way. Many prayers out to the family, many prayers out to everybody going through a hard time, but just so this, this community is special and nobody has answers, but I just wanted to call and say, a memory like that is reminding me why every
Starting point is 01:36:47 I haven't changed from crossFit to this. This is this is a special place. So I got much love for the brother and like always love seeing what you're doing and Depression it awesome. Thank you fantastic hearing from you call anytime Bye, Laura spooner. I don't think you smelled. That's nice. That's good. Mike Jones, I love boobs. Always worth a comment.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Dick Butter, boobs. I want to show you guys something. You didn't expect this today, that's for sure. Let me show you this. Oh my goodness. I want to show you this oh my goodness I want to show you this Craig Richie video he did such a good job he did such a good job maybe this will be a three-hour show today I thought I seriously thought it only be on for 30 minutes a caller hi hi I'm a client Clyde what's up? I've been reading some of your posts. I've been reading some of your posts. You are a brave man
Starting point is 01:37:51 Trying to talk logic to the emotional herd You are I was reading some of your stuff I was like wow and you and I don't see I mean I really like you and you and I don't see I had a lot Of things, but I really admired you trying to insert logic in some posts. Man, you're a fucking beast. I did wonder. I was really pleased to hear the start of your show to be reassured that you did actually see things similar to how I saw things because it's lonely out there in the comments with
Starting point is 01:38:23 that sort of opinion. You are the majority of conscious people. You are the majority. I mean, you're just logical, but the internet can be a very emotional place. I think people's emotions are attached right to their fingertips. Yeah, I do wonder if people's reaction to this, namely the athletes and some of the commentators in the space, I wonder if they're anger driving them to want people to feel guilt? Or are they casting this big blame because they feel somebody should be feeling bad? Because one of the things they pointed out is there are people
Starting point is 01:39:07 Who you are no doubt going through? serious agony with their own guilt about what happened that day and It feels like a long day athletes and a lot of the people recklessly commenting without giving any specifics are really just kind of... That's 90% of the post. That's 95% of the post are people saying just vague stuff. And that's why it reminds me so much of Floyd 19, George Floyd, COVID. Like it's just like, hey, if you don't wear a mask, you're killing grandmas.
Starting point is 01:39:40 I mean, it's just like, it's just, it's wild. It's wild the stuff that people are putting out there, just to incite, just to incite. It's wild with no specifics. With so much of things in life, I just, I wanna get down to the detail. I don't know what it is, but my personality, I just feel you gotta get down to the detail, otherwise shut up. And really, I don't feel like we need to add to any potential guilt, for example,
Starting point is 01:40:12 of the paddle boarders on the water. But I mean, when I hear people talk about CrossFit, you can't even say, oh, CrossFit didn't have anyone on the water. they did. Unfortunately, the people right there, and I don't want people to have any feelings of guilt, but they're the first people who are potentially going to feel severe guilt when they read the comments or hear the comments of these great athletes who have this soapbox or the audience to speak without, I think, thinking. But a lot of them want to then just blame, very broadly, CrossFit. And yet I wonder what their thought process is, if it isn't those lifeguards or paddleboarders who suggest that CrossFit didn't reach those people properly or train those people properly or
Starting point is 01:41:06 is it something to do with the temperature of the water or the event itself? Nobody is saying anything and yet they're so sure the blame lies in that direction. But I don't understand how you can be so sure without having any specifics. Right. Well, it's definitely the emotion, right? I mean, people are taking what little data they have and then mixing it with the emotional part and then reacting to that, right? And then so they're kind of emotional and they just keep throwing in more pieces of data to build their narrative and having emotions.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Let me say this to you. So this is something I was having to really, and I'm probably gonna, I hope I have the opportunity to talk to Andrew for another five hours today. I love talking with him. But here's what I was thinking specifically around that with Andrew, Hiller. I think that, I think that the community is hobbled, right? And I think the leadership is hobbled and HQ is hobbled
Starting point is 01:42:09 and the patrons of CrossFit are hobbled, just the whole community is hobbled. And his influence on the healing, moving forward, getting what he wants, getting what other people wants, I don't know exactly how to word it, I have to work it out with him and talk with him today, is stronger than ever, right? And so at what point do you... If this were a funeral, and I'm not saying anyone has to buy this metaphor,
Starting point is 01:42:50 but if we're in a funeral, where are you gonna drive to next? And at some point, it's gonna be, I hate to say that people have responsibilities, but at some point, because he's garnered so much attention As we move through this we have to figure out also where we're gonna drive next. You know what I mean and You said something that made me think that that was relevant, but now I'm struggling to attach it to that
Starting point is 01:43:19 But but I do think how we move forward is is is important You know as opposed to just utilizing this moment to drive people's own agendas. It feels like with so many things that people are feeling pain and their reaction is they want other people to feel pain because they feel pain. I get that. Misery loves company. I loved it when I saw the other cameraman couldn't do what I couldn't do Yeah, yeah, I thought that's you know, that's a total common yeah, I get that it's not healthy that's for sure Yeah People are maybe walking a lot before they even know exactly what happened in Lazar in a medical sense.
Starting point is 01:44:11 I didn't catch the event live, so I only got to see the clips that were circulating around on Twitter and X. In my mind, I thought when we could see the breaststroke, I thought that was signs of him struggling. But then later on, I heard that they asked him for a whole range of different strokes at different points. And so when I rewatched that clip, I honestly don't know if anyone could look at that and say he was definitely struggling versus making different stroke choices. Even the suggestion that the paddleboard should have seen something was wrong. I don't even know if that's true. He may have been absolutely fine until he
Starting point is 01:44:58 wasn't. And it may have just been a split second. If the heart issue, if it's passing out and the paddleboarders have multiple people look at it, they look the wrong direction for two seconds, he's under and they miss it. I just feel that a lot of people are just so desperate to get angry at someone and make somebody feel bad about it. When sadly, I do think just happened in this world and everyone, there's no one in this live chat is going to avoid misery for long in this life. The more people you know and love and you will face eventually at some point. And you just had to deal with that. And probably getting angry and finding people to blame does not help that in any way, I don't think.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Thank you. Don't let the haters hate. You're making complete sense out there. If you continue to post, just remember you make complete sense. I hope the live chat hasn't been too cross with my run things I'm so far behind in the comments I can't okay thank you bye from the United Kingdom Sean in every event in life there's a versions or ascensions avoiding or moving above it big picture
Starting point is 01:46:26 Ascension by continuing the games CrossFit chose Ascension to honor Lazar and let the community be together That's the way I took it rather than cancel it and give no guidance through that's the way I took it Now Andrea has a very different opinion on that and last night we talked a lot about that and his He's not saying crazy shit, you know, like he's making sense to me but but that's that's how I feel too Sean Call her hi Hey, so on. This is Robert. I'm from Oklahoma I called a couple months back or whatever and just telling you I was coming to the games and Hi Hey, so on This is Robert. I'm from
Starting point is 01:47:09 Oklahoma I caught a couple months back or whatever and just telling you I was coming to the games and we were able to make it and I was just listening to you like you kind of started speaking my language when you're talking about the tools and Carpenter and stuff like that. And so like that's I mean, that's what I I do I do like a lot of remodel work and stuff. And so, and also too, I am a Christian. And when you're talking about the tools, like if I show up to a job and there's a worker there, like sometimes like, if they're missing something, like, of course you're going to help them out, but sometimes you're just like, watch and wait until like, they're like, Hey man, do you have a hammer or something?
Starting point is 01:47:42 And so like, uh, just being there and just seeing everything, like we were there like on the boat ramp and we didn't have like good spots, but we saw Rebecca and all that stuff and we went to go get breakfast. And while we were driving to go get breakfast, cause we were just there for the individual event. Like that's when we got all the news and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:48:03 And it was, I mean, obviously super heartbreaking, but my point is like that whole weekend is just like having those tools. I like wondering like, when is the best time to like say, hey man, I have the tools to help. Like, I care is my insight. And like, I mean, cause at the same time too, like you don't want to push that stuff on.
Starting point is 01:48:28 But at the same time, too, you see the help is needed. So it's just a real struggle. But I think I got a lot of the tools, is what I'm trying to say. It's because, too, it's so crazy how things worked out. That same day after breakfast, we're hearing all these things, but at the time, like, you're just like in denial or like, is it just room or like, hopefully they found them. Like, you just don't know what's going on exactly. And so we were going back to the vendors village and the thing that like was really surprising to see it now in hindsight is
Starting point is 01:49:00 like the stranger walked up to us and she's like, I don't know where I'm going. I'm going to follow you. And they're they're like okay so we started talking to her and she was telling us that she had a gym and she used to be a judge and she was a judge and we can see her on YouTube against uh uh what's her name I forgot um but anyway she was just telling us all her story and she's telling us about her husband and I was like where's he at and she's like us about her husband as like, where's he at? And she's like, he's just not here And so anyway to shorten the story I get her inside because we have a one-year-old son and he's in a stroller and so like we bypass this huge long line to get into
Starting point is 01:49:36 The vendor's village and she's like wait wait you get to bypass vendor village if you have a fucking kid in a stroller Yeah, because it's so hot outside right was yeah. God damn. I love hearing that story. That's amazing Has vendor village if you have a fucking kid in a stroller? Yeah, god damn I love hearing that story that's amazing I love that of course if you're with the baby in a stroller you Get in first, of course too hot to be outside with that. I love that. Thank you for that great detail Okay, go on. So she was like She was thinking that she was gonna stay I was like no you're with us. Come on And she's like, but I don't have a ticket. I was like, I got you. Come here. Yeah You're the nanny. You're the nanny girl. You're the nanny. Yeah But listen to this one. Yeah, it's sarah wilkinson. Oh shit
Starting point is 01:50:16 And like we had no idea we thought it was just like a stranger And like for those of you don't know sarah Wilkinson, Sarah Wilkinson's husband was the one who her husband Chad is named after. So obviously she's had crazy chat chat tragedy, right? Chad killed himself, right? Workout Chad, the whole thing. This was one of the big themes of this weekend. And so you you hooked up with her.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Wow, that's awesome. Yeah. So she and she tells us she's like, can I take a picture with you guys? And we're like, sure, like, yeah, and I thought it's just because like, you know, we helped her get through line on stuff. But she's like, and we're like, what's your name? Like, we told her our names. And she's like, what's your name? And she's like, my name's Sarah. And I'm like, okay, cool. And I like, it wasn't until we're at the hotel later. Like, I mean, you just lose faces and all that stuff and just in the rush of everything, you just think it's just a random stranger. But like the way that it played out in my life, and especially with everything that went on with the weekend, you're just like, man, like, you just never know who you can
Starting point is 01:51:16 help or who's actually helping you in those situations. And just to know, like, Sarah's been through all that stuff. And just, again, she seems super strong to even be at the CrossFit Games and all that stuff. And I'm sure, I mean, the time heals and all that stuff. And I'm just saying, it was more of a help for me to be there and to see all these different things. And just the way, again, it's easy for me to say it this way because I'm a Christian, just the way that the Lord was working in my own
Starting point is 01:51:48 life and helping me in those situations. And so, I mean, that's just, I saw you at the track, I yelled at you, I was like, I love you, Sammy, and you turned around and you looked at me and I could smell you from the track, by the way. I saw you and I was like, come on. And you kept walking. I think you were with that Laura lady. And then I was like, I love you, Seve. And that's when he turned around and you're like, I don't know that guy. But anyway, did I smile?
Starting point is 01:52:16 You just looked at me for a split second. He just kept walking. You're pretty busy, but like even still, like I yelled at Dave too. Like we were, he was on the track on that side And I was like good job Dave And he looked at me and he kind of like smiled and I was telling my wife to like on the way back home I was like man like I should have said something more to him like in that moment like Like we still believe in you were like hey it means a lot more than people know It means a lot when people yell like as humans we're down there
Starting point is 01:52:50 I'm down there registering all of that. You know what I mean? Just sometimes you get a little overwhelmed But you're but i'm registering it. Um, and I try to smile and I usually try to wave And even when i'm running like i'll try like to like put my hand up because I want to give the feedback back but but it is um We are processing it so when you say good job to Dave like you know it's a pet you you you gave him like like you feel that like there's no matter how small or how big someone takes that they take it and so don't think it goes to waste. Yeah and so like I mean those are the things that I feel like I kind of took away with it. I mean, it definitely is super hard. And, and again, like I was
Starting point is 01:53:31 telling my wife, I was like, I mean, it's not like we're super close to Lazar or anything at all, but like, just that processing of just like the value of a human life of a soul. Like that's what I feel like mainly hurt like the most. I'm just like, I mean you just, you just never know what's going to happen from day to day. And so it was crazy too. Like I was preaching at my mom's church Sunday morning. And so just having that like in my mind too, and just, I don't know, just the way the whole weekend played out for us as a family. It was just it was I guess needed in some senses, but at the same time that very eye-opening and so I just wanted to share that and just I
Starting point is 01:54:14 Mean like nobody Nobody probably cares what I have to say But I mean those are some of the things that I kind of walked away with from the weekend I care. Those are two great stories the Sarah Wilkinson the fact that babies get in Don't have to stay in the heat. That shit's awesome. I fucking love that Hey, and by the way, though Those are also things like if you're in line and there's someone with a baby Like you let him go in front of you if it's fucking a hundred degrees outside like don't be a dipshit, right?
Starting point is 01:54:41 Yeah, you just like to put get up in front of me All right, dude. Love you. Thanks, Colin. Thanks, heavy. Bye. Bye. All right. I feel I feel a shift in my mood. I think you guys served your purpose. I can go with the rest of my day. Uh, Carla. Thank you. Smart, smart membership purchase. Uh, has anyone checked in on Dave? Um, yeah, I think a lot of people. I mean, I'm I I'll call Dave five times today. He might just say what do you want? And i'll say nothing but uh
Starting point is 01:55:12 Can my kids come over and shoot another squirrel? Um, i'm expecting a podcast from hillar and young two hours after your death That would be awesome I expect a lot of donations to my kids go fund me too Uh, hey, what's up, man? Hey, Seve. Big fan, by the way. And also, I really appreciate, I guess, your efforts in kind of pushing through that whole event and through the CrossFit Games Weekend. I was just like, super glad you were, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:45 definitely trying to keep it, keep it going. So it must have been, I don't know, must have been hard. I don't know if that's true or not. But anyway, once you get on, it's hard doing it. Like I don't like it for the like the main pod, the big podcast we did that raised $200,000 for probably at least $200,000. Um, we, cause we saw it go from 16,000 to just 178,000 when we were on the air. That one I did not want to do. And I was just laying on the couch. I went over to Taylor's house and Suzy's house and I was just laying on the couch and Taylor's like, Hey dude, we got to go on.
Starting point is 01:56:21 And so, so once I got on, I was happy, but, but it was hard. It's, it's hard taking the first step it was hard taking the first step even this morning I was like it was the first time I was like oh I don't know I don't know if I'm ready well was it hard to like even like pursue what you're you know like you're out feeling and in my mind I was just like thinking like dang like Sevan's probably out there just feeling like he just has to push through. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Were you almost hoping that we came this over throughout that whole time? Only when it first happened. You know what I mean? I went to this mode where, okay, I'm ready to run away from this. I'm ready to run away from this. You know what I mean? It's like, I get that feeling when I have to do public speaking. Like, right before I go on, I picture myself in the, like running out to my car in the parking lot. Like, it's always the same. I can
Starting point is 01:57:14 always picture the same thing. I run to the car in the parking lot and I run away. So like, part of me was like, oh, I just want to go home and be with my kids. But let me tell you, I'm so... A thousand times this weekend, I was like, wow. anytime someone say, how are you doing? I'd be like, great. And I was like, man, I'm so, um, I'm so not going to let this experience go to waste. I'm so going to indulge in this experience. That's awesome. That's awesome. Well, thanks. Thanks for voicing that. Um, but I guess, uh, you can shut me down if you've already spoken on this, but, uh,
Starting point is 01:57:44 I mean, you, you've been in the CrossFit space for many, many years now and I've been a CrossFiter since 2012. So I've kind of, I feel like I've seen some of the evolution throughout the games and I guess a lot of the narratives, especially from outside sources right now, you know, are speaking on the unsafety or the safety of what the CrossFit Games has had in the past, which of course they highlight Murph and maybe other events and, you know, why, what, why, what happened? What happened at Murph? Oh, they have the heat exhaustion. Oh, okay. Okay. But, uh, you know, you've been in the background in the games for many years and you've probably seen the evolution of safety, right? And so I'm thinking, you
Starting point is 01:58:33 know, even after the, even after the, was it the Murph situation, you started seeing cooling fans out on the field, probably as a response to that event. And so everyone's kind of having this idea that CrossFit has been unsafe and there's just been negligence throughout the years. But I would almost like to say that we've just been trying to adapt as things come and that we've not shied away or that CrossFit hasn't shied away from safety. And I feel like they've even tried to acknowledge the fact that heat exhaustion was going to be a big actor in this games. And I mean, I don't feel like anyone's really, everyone's wanting to say that the swim event was negligible in the format that it was done in, but everyone's saying that after the fact, the only thing that
Starting point is 01:59:30 negligible or negligent. Or I guess negligent. Okay, I just want to make sure because two opposite things because I think it was negligible, but other people do think it's negligent. But go on. Right, right. So people are saying that it's negligent. But that they're saying that after the fact, the only thing that people ever voiced of
Starting point is 01:59:50 any event for the crossframing prior to them, prior the game starting was that there was just going to be hot. And so Dave even acknowledged that fact. He's even thinking about, you know, Dave's thinking safety ahead of time and saying, well, I might even push back the event one hour earlier To kind of keep it in the cooler times But every I feel like people are ignoring that that we've been wanting to keep it safe But no one I don't know. No one said that it was unsafe to have the swim after
Starting point is 02:00:21 Right I Right? I have such strong opinions on this that I don't want to put out because I don't think this show is the right one for it. Maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight. But I will say this, I can just give you facts. The event started with the sundown and it finished just as the sun came up. I can tell you that 99% of the people that I talk to who say that the games is very unsafe
Starting point is 02:00:51 when I start asking for examples, they have none. When I ask people like, hey, do you think that there is some risk at competing to be the fittest human being in the world, they try to pivot away. I would like to stay in as much as question answer mode, question mode for this podcast as I can, or just stick with the facts. Right. But, but I will let you know that, you know that I know that Lazar Jukic and Luca did that workout three days earlier and that I spoke to Luca about it those things but I Yeah, I'm 99% sure that not one person complained about that workout when it was announced and it was announced three weeks ago I mean I could go on and on and talk it's just
Starting point is 02:02:02 Of course if of course Of course, do I think it's bad that there's heat stroke when athletes are doing Murph in Carson? I do not. I do not, when you're going to be the fittest man in the world. Do I think that we did something negligent by doing quarterfinals and Taylor Self passed passed out I do not And I do not see it that way right, so So I'll tell you that but but at one point I will do a whole show and fucking and fucking completely obliterate give my give my opinions on that I mean, it's just
Starting point is 02:02:42 It's more of just people doing the black square in my opinion from what I've seen because I can't get them to give me illustrations or objectives things. Your wife's a whore. What did you see her do? You know what she does. Well, when did she do it? You know what she does. Okay. But what did you say she was? She's a whore. Can we define whore? Yeah, it's your wife. And I get that. But anything else? Yeah, it's what your wife does Uh-huh, but how about can you just tell me like what's whore mean? It's the word that starts with the W and I'm just like, holy fuck, man
Starting point is 02:03:13 Holy like so I kind of like maybe I'll do a show like that and just go to war dip into the trenches But I don't I can't do it now or I could I don't want to this show is going so good Thank you Later, but thanks. Thanks for words. Yeah. Okay. Thanks brother. Love you right, uh Augustus none of them virtue signaled. I'm not sure who I'm guessing you mean the athletes I don't believe any of them handled it wrong. Fair enough to each their own cool Okay, said he's being himself here saying he's right and everyone else is stupid. Oh, man. Oh man
Starting point is 02:03:59 Oh, man, dude, really fuck Pat Oh man dude, really? Fuck Pat Hey, dude Hey, what's up, Simone? Hey, will you hold on one second? Course. Okay. Thank you I Need to do I hope you don't mind we're gonna do a three-way with my wife Not really prepared for that I hope you don't mind, we're gonna do a three-way with my wife. Oof!
Starting point is 02:04:26 I'm not really prepared for that. Have you been using the exerciser? Damn, that's weird, I almost forgot her phone number, my brain is so fucking cooked. Phone ringing Oh, I can't merge you in. Damn. Phone ringing Sorry, I had to merge you in for the three-way. Phone ringing Sorry, I'd emerge you in for the three-way
Starting point is 02:04:57 Hello, you really leave a message. Thanks fuck maybe she'll call back I Need to ask her a quick. Hey, what's up? Hey, dude, oh shit, I'm you you hey, dude Hey, hello. Oh, no. Hold on. Hold on. Hey Hello Yes, sir. Sorry. She didn't answer so no three way for you But if she calls I'm gonna take it and you can stay on but go ahead Yeah, it's not it's very intimate sounds like Yeah, it's not very intimate sounds like. So I'm calling because we've met before a couple times here and there through like Northern
Starting point is 02:05:33 California stuff. I've no way I don't think you can keep up with all the media that's going on. So I would you know, if I'm hitting on something that's been talked about. But I've heard you say like the base of CrossFit is the first responders and military law enforcement personnel and I'm from that community. I started in 06 online because I wanted to get on a swath. So you know that and you live that. Dude, I'll tell you I lived every part of it. I started cross.
Starting point is 02:06:06 It's not that I say it is the base. It is the base. You know that and you live. Well, I got, but I gotta say, like, I'm afraid that that's changed. And that's what we're seeing. Like, my brother was a seal going through buds and Dave was his instructor. And I was, I was living in New York City and I was getting fat eating pizza. And I told my brother, York City, and I was getting fat eating pizza. And I told my brother, like, dude, I'm getting fat.
Starting point is 02:06:28 And he said, you should try CrossFit. And I said, what is that? And he said, it's a website. Go there. And I did the workouts. Started, did one in a gym in Brooklyn, New York. And then said, OK, that was good. The next day, the workout was Cindy.
Starting point is 02:06:41 I did that. And I haven't missed a really good day for 18 years moved to California for CrossFit and to work gangs and drugs got on a SWAT team decided I didn't really care about SWAT as much as I cared about CrossFit coach CrossFit opened a gym I've had a gym for like 11 years now wow I've done every hero workout with my community. I was in the army before I've had friends that have died in combat I've had friends that have committed suicide after being in combat And I said to my gym after this happened Look my the brand I understand of CrossFit is that when people die trying to do great things Is that when people die trying to do great things
Starting point is 02:07:30 we honor their sacrifice by doing workouts for them like that is our brand and Well, I don't really understand what happened this weekend where you have you know, I can't even call well Here's the thing. It's that complexity of people wanting to blame. Yes, yes. So someone took a shit in the graveyard, right? Where we honor people in the graveyard, someone took a shit in there. And the shit is the blaming of his... Go ahead, if you were going to say it, I don't mean to steal your thunder. Go ahead.
Starting point is 02:08:00 I didn't realize it until you just said it. You just explained. This is the best part of the show Wow complicated because I'm not even complicated though simple. You just nailed it. We aren't sorry I'm just gonna do it We honor people by work who died or people we love or people have done great things By working out with them and coming together because we know it's a transcendent experience and we can focus on and we didn't do that This week because someone dropped a casket and killed another guy and so now we're like maybe we shouldn't be carrying caskets
Starting point is 02:08:29 In an actual workout that's supposed to be our celebration of life someone died Wow holy shit Well, and then there's not only that but then after someone goes I mean I remember when the hot shots thing happened yeah That was and that was very great by way, those of you who think that, those of you think this is gnarly, that's a great reminder. When 19 Crossfitters died, that was fucking crazy. It went fire, that was nuts.
Starting point is 02:08:52 We were, and then Greg was living in Prescott, right? And we were beating each other up to be like, what's the workout gonna be? Like the next day, we're like, dude, 19 guys died. And I remember chopping up a bit going like, what's it gonna be to be? Like the next day we're like, dude, 19 guys died. And I remember chopping up a bit going like, what's it going to be like? We want to do this just to sort of like understand or feel something that was powerful.
Starting point is 02:09:16 And that, I mean, that's where I come to CrossFit from. Like I don't, I know one guy that has a year of workout named after him, or I don't even really know him but my brother was close to him and pulled his body out of Afghanistan and same thing like we were dying to do the workout for Kevin because We had some kind of connection to him and for me looking at the base seeing the athletes Not want to work out made me sad because
Starting point is 02:09:49 I would have wanted to do I would just call hey this is Lazar one this is Lazar two or something to that effect and that's because that's pretty wild name every workout at the games after him Lazar one Lazar two yeah that'd be maybe I'm not yes no I know I like it I, I'm just, I'm just, I like it, I'm good. But I just, I just, but then you look at the media around this thing and just the people, and again, I'm almost 50 now, I've worked in law enforcement for,
Starting point is 02:10:15 in the military for 25 years. And I've seen generational shifts that I don't wanna be like an old man yelling at clouds, but the way that the community has responded to this is not in a line with where I was in the beginning when I came to this. And I don't know that they care about the sort of the military side of it or the what you would consider the base and I consider the base well the reason why it's the base is because in that job the weak die first
Starting point is 02:10:50 hundred percent and so that's why it's the base of that job it's not tied to it for some ideological reason like you're into death or the you're into killing or you like guns those are just a correlates the reason is is because holy shit if you want to be the best physically fit You can be for a job that has a lot of fucking demands physically You better do CrossFit just so people know some people think like culturally it's aligned with that first Like a lot of these brands start and they don't even have a fucking product. That's not the way CrossFit happened It wasn't designed for military guys
Starting point is 02:11:20 It's an amazing product that the military had adopted because of its fucking absolute potency in it. And like all these, I hate to say it, but a lot of these other big fucking brands out there, they're not like that. They're fucking... I remember watching a video of a cop, very early CrossFit video. I don't even think you probably did it. It was somebody else. But it was an older cop who said, I had been in a fight for my life. And then later on, I did the workout Fran. And I realized in that two to three minute fight that I had with this guy where I couldn't use my arms, he was bigger, he was doped up, whatever was going on. And then I did the workout Fran. I realized, Oh, this is the same feeling as being completely empty.
Starting point is 02:12:09 So he found from his professional experience, a workout that simulated. A life or death fight. And he said, I need to use this and bring this to train. And I think it was one of the first guys that he might've been one of like the Jacksonville guys that hooked up with Greg in the beginning. Um, I wasn't there that early. I was, and I was just watching from the internet, but that's the people. Was it TJ Murphy?
Starting point is 02:12:35 Was it a black cop? No, I know who you're talking about. He's a white guy and he has a southern accent, but I, I remember TJ Murphy and like the Jacksonville dudes. Um, and he was like the Jacksonville dudes. And he was like an older patrol guy, like dude just comes up on a stop. Next thing you know, he's on the ground fighting for his life. And he's that's kind of the story, you know, he tells and it's like, that's, and then come into closet later, and kind of connecting those experiences he beat, that's where he became like a true believer. Um, so yeah, I, there's a, a serious disconnect from that mindset to where there is now, um, and I just don't, I don't know how we reconnect it because
Starting point is 02:13:18 there's so many people that are out and that's where Dave comes from. Um, there's so many people that are just in a different headspace that I don't, I wouldn't even know how to. Hey, I've even, I've already seen content where people are attacking the game saying it's too closely tied to that. I don't, I don't know if I want to go to, and I'm just like, wow, man, people are really grasping at straws now, but Yeah, every every people yeah, I saw one I saw one guy I sent this post to a chat Have you seen the guy who said that Dave's part of like an Illuminati and that his hat is a skull and bones? Club and no he's trying to bring down the consciousness of the earth and oh god. I mean the shit that's coming out around this is wild
Starting point is 02:14:10 Yeah, I mean it just shows like a gross first like it shows a misunderstanding of the legal system when they're talking about like about they're just they're going with their opinions like or they want to read They want a real response and we don't live in a world where people can give real responses because of the legal system There's no wins that everything is kind of like levels of losing and we're just gonna do it again I've lived in it for two decades. Yeah, it's gonna be tough. He's these guys are gonna have a legal fight That's probably gonna be in the civil world, but it's just the core of this thing feels to me like it's slipping away and I can't understand. I have my community and I have the people that I'm going to go through this with and I think we're strong, our 150 people. But again, when you see the cuckoo banana pants stuff that's getting posted on
Starting point is 02:15:05 the internet, I just I don't know how you kind of like wrangle that in and recreate that understanding because many of these folks come to this from, I just want to be really good at working out, which is cool. It's cool as shit. But coming to the understanding of like this, not only does the training need to be austere because the job is austere and the mindset behind that is, I mean, I hate to say this too, like I was in the 82nd Airborne and we had a sign as you entered the 82nd Airborne that said it's been seven days since our last training death or 21 days. And if you made it to 82 days, you got a four day weekend. That was about three years. I was there for three years and we never got a four day weekend. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:15:56 And those are just from training deaths. I mean, people getting run over like sleeping on the ground and a Jeep runs over them. Wow. Falling out of an airplane doesn't open. They fall off a truck. They you know, things that happen in training that to train an army to win a war. It not to say that like, it's not that you can't break an omelet without making some eggs and I'm not like, but it's just a reality of it. And then what do you do? Something bad happens. And I'm not like, but it's, it's just a reality of it. And then what do you do? Something bad happens. And then next thing you know, everybody, every time you set up a base and night at Fort Bragg, you put up chem lights,
Starting point is 02:16:34 because anybody driving a car or a Humvee at night is going to see chem lights. They're going to be like, okay, there's people there. They should see it. And then what happens sometimes Sometimes they miss it. So then you got to take another step and it becomes this evolution of contingencies and protections that you put into place. So those accidents don't happen again. But if I went to Fort Bragg today, I bet you that sign is still up there. And I bet you it says like 21 because or you know
Starting point is 02:17:06 whatever the number is because It sucks that this had to happen and I'm not saying anything You know what else is crazy think this is this is and I know people are gonna say well This isn't war this isn't being a police officer but just think of all the occupations out there was thinking yesterday if you were a police officer and Someone and you know one of your guys gets killed or even even worse one of your guys gets killed or you you know your job is to help other people like that poor lady who fucking she was 26 years on the police force and she pulled her taser out and her gun out
Starting point is 02:17:38 instead of her taser and shot that guy which I don't even think was wrong because he's he wasn't showing his hands whatever. That's a whole nother story. But, um, how does the rest of the police force, they don't even get to take one shift off. They don't get to take a day off. They don't have any options. It's just move forward right now. You have got, and that's... There's not even a choice. Oh, let's take a vote. Who wants to shut down the police station? No. You're back out. You're out that day doing what is that you got to do. And at best, people are unwinding what happened while you're out there patrolling the streets of Jacksonville or the hills of Afghanistan.
Starting point is 02:18:19 But Seve, they chose that job. But they chose that job. Oh, right. So that doesn't make them human. I forgot. Thank you for pointing that out to me. Right. Right. Yeah. It's really hard. And I don't know if it's fair to keep those expectations on the athletes.
Starting point is 02:18:33 No, but listen, it might not be fair to keep those expectations on athletes. But when you're born, that is, that's their fucking reality, dude. Yeah. Someone and death around every fucking corner. I'm just saying that's the reality. If you want to live in reality, I like to try to live in it. I, and even though I might not live in it when I have opportunities to the point signs at it, I like to take heed to them.
Starting point is 02:19:00 Okay. Shit. Right. Right. Yeah. I mean, this is, yeah, and I go back to I've read everything Greg ever wrote multiple times. He said men will die for points. They said in the New York Times that hey, these workouts, they can kill you. And I'm not, it's, this
Starting point is 02:19:16 has all been out there. Like, we know that this is dangerous. And even, you know, but people want to talk about safety. It's, it's, it, but there's the process of humanity is not to stop, it's to evolve and, you know, after action review what happened, go back, you know, maybe we never see a swim event at the games again. I think that might happen, I don't know. I hope not. Hey, but there's people who want to kill it,
Starting point is 02:19:43 and I don't think that that's No stupid that ain't good. Yeah pat as you said, I think that's I think that's stupid. All right. Thank you caller All right. Bye. Bye. Uh sebi is being himself here saying he's right. No one else stupid god, man. I I um I don't I don't I don't I thank you I guess thank you for the perspective All right Someone just sent me a nasty text. I said stop answering your phone I really would like to ask my wife a question a big Jess to help you pay this Therapist fee. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:20:25 Oh shit, I'm so far behind in the comments. I'm so sorry guys. Listen, the only reason why I just answered the pay ones isn't because you need to pay to get your questions answered is because there's so many fucking comments that I have to have some, they stand out when someone pays and so I have to have some method of choosing them.
Starting point is 02:20:50 On shows that aren't this big, I can go through other ones too. In 2018, Tia lost her 17-year-old cousin. Oh, wow, this is gonna be interesting perspective. Tia's, both of Tia's speeches were amazing. I spoke to Tia for the first time in five years, by the way, very brief. I thought, I told her that I ran into her,
Starting point is 02:21:11 I congratulated her, I told her that I thought both her speeches were absolutely great representations of the community. And I, to be honest with you, I thought she would just ignore me, but she smiled and said, thank you. How was it? In 2018, Tia lost her 17 year old cousin in a tragic accident days before the Commonwealth Games. She won gold. Tia held off grieving and said afterwards that she competed for Jade. She's been through this.
Starting point is 02:21:41 Wow, that's a powerful story. Call her hi Hey Hey, dude, what's up? Hey, what's up? I can't do another 15-minute call. I'm sorry. It has nothing to do with you I just can't do it. I Know you'd love to stay within the phone with me for 20 minutes. So I love my dinner. What's up, dude? Hey, you did what you did your level to this again as my level 2 this weekend. Jethro, what's up dude? Hey, you did what? You did your level 2 this weekend? As a mellow 2 this weekend, I started watching the games. I couldn't even stand to watch it anymore because of what happened. It was like just so crazy. And between the affiliate, having people
Starting point is 02:22:16 cover, it shows you like how much the affiliate and the community in that sense, the everyday people are so much more important than the games. Yeah, we have games fans and we love everyone competing, but that's not what it's about because when I was at the certification, no one talked about it. Everyone was worried about impressing the coaches and showing their knowledge and getting everything done.
Starting point is 02:22:43 And my members at my gym, if I have around about 100 members, I think maybe eight people knew what happened at the games. Everyone else just goes about their daily lives. They want to get that one hour and that's it. So at what point does HQ say we're investing all this money, we're losing money into the games. How do we turn around and put it back into what's really most important is the affiliates. Word. Well said. I don't know. Tell me.
Starting point is 02:23:14 I don't know, but, but, but, but that's the thing. Hopefully the leadership at CrossFit doesn't get distracted by all the noise and stays the course and continues to recognize that. It's hard to do when there's a lot of noise. I hate to sound like a douche nozzle, but I mean, like the last guy said with the law enforcement and the military, I've done many funerals. I hate to sound like a dick, but you got gotta keep going. Jethro, today someone will walk into an affiliate somewhere on planet earth and start doing CrossFit and if they wouldn't have started CrossFit, they would have fucking committed
Starting point is 02:23:54 suicide. They would have died. They would have gone down some sort of path that leads to their death. I'm willing to bet my fucking house on it. And so, yeah, what happens at the affiliates is a a miracle lives being saved every day. I love you, buddy Right. Bye Pat Lang Savvy god, you're lucky. I love you. Savvy. You said Thursday that you are very lucky man
Starting point is 02:24:19 very lucky I Would check could you change your Lucky. I would change, could you change your name to 36DD? Seve, you said Thursday you would tell us Monday how you felt about what happened. We're still waiting, bro. Whose fault? Where was the fail?
Starting point is 02:24:35 That was clickbait, I guess. I ain't doing that today. I'm flip-flopping. Okay. I should read some shit from David Weed. I wonder how he's processing this. Hindsight is always 20-20. It's easy to point fingers after the fact
Starting point is 02:25:00 and play the victim. Tragic situation, but I don't know if it was truly avoidable. Just my opinion, Matt, $10. I think we talked about that a little bit right the water adds a piece of fucking wildness to it as opposed to if he just fucking went down on the ground and died or if he would have gotten saved either way Loris Spooner getting to hang out with Susan lots of the athletes Sunday night was a highlight of our weekend.
Starting point is 02:25:25 Thanks for showing up for the community. All right. Chupa Mi Verga, the podcast is unwatchable right now. Okay. Pat Lang, avoiding accountability here because Seve likes Dave is ridiculous. Dave probably not even liable. Let's discuss it at least All right Drake Webster, we watch an athlete die doing CrossFit because CrossFit didn't protect Lazar doing CrossFit because CrossFit didn't protect Lazar. It's not the same as dying
Starting point is 02:26:09 for your country or fighting fires to protect. That is where people are Personal channel issue is Lazar died unexpectedly at CrossFit Games, like the Super Bowl. He died unnecessarily. You were on a roll. He died unnecessarily because of CrossFit's failure. CrossFit is nothing without athletes. CrossFit didn't look out for athletes here. Athletes should walk out. I don't really understand, but I'm gonna make up some shit. So, CrossFit is not- I'm not gonna address the top part yet.
Starting point is 02:27:19 CrossFit is nothing without athletes. I don't know what you mean by that. If you mean games athletes, that couldn't be further from the truth. We just had a guy call in and we know that people are having their lives changed every day. But it is interesting because the premise is, if I'm following you right, is that you're drawing a distinction, pretty heavy distinction between the sport and the community.
Starting point is 02:27:40 Let me also tell you this. There wouldn't be athletes if there weren't the fans in the audience Because none of those athletes all those all those athletes anyone could do the games at home No, no one no one's being forced no one's being forced to do the games no No, like you you do game you were do workouts in public like none of these people all these people are chasing something Right. They're doing it. They're doing the workouts publicly. You don't have to do that You don't have to you don't have to you can qualify to the games and then just go home and do them there if you want so I mean this This is the stuff like this is where like I'm reading these because this is the stuff where?
Starting point is 02:28:23 All of these things have so many pre-sep positions and they're painting pictures just from one fucking perspective. And I just not, I just don't want to do that yet. I just don't want to do that yet. Like start digging in and unpackaging all of these half truths. And that's what a lot of you guys are saying. These are half truths. Call her high.
Starting point is 02:28:50 Or half lies. This is who? Chaz. Hey, what's up, dude? Chaz and Mandy. Oh, yeah. My guardian angel. What's up, baby?
Starting point is 02:28:58 Hey, dude, dude, look it. Look it. Look what I got. Size 13. What's up, baby? Hey, dude, look it look it look what I got Size 13 oh Oh Awesome. Yeah, text me your address. I thought those were gonna sit in my fucking office forever, dude And then when I saw how big you were I was like, hey, dude, what's I shoot you were so glad
Starting point is 02:29:23 Yeah, Mandy said she's sent it over to you already. Okay, cool. How are you? How are you doing? Hey, great. Hanging out with you. Great. Hanging out with you Sunday.
Starting point is 02:29:31 Great. I fucking had so much fun. It was great. I, you know, I texted you a second ago. I said I wasn't going to call him, but you know, the unfortunate part with, with what happened is you, you have, you know, people who they grieve by not wanting to perform, not wanting to do the CrossFit Games, not wanting to be a part of the community, putting blame on people.
Starting point is 02:29:54 But there's the other side of it as well where people like myself, my wife, and everybody else that stayed, who their grieving process involves being around the community and being there to support and rally around the athletes that did want to stay there and You know try to or how about the ones like how about the ones who didn't want to stay there? But still performed. I think there were a lot of those two. It's important for us. Yeah. Okay. I mean anybody I mean if you were there, right and you're You shouldn't be crapped on for wanting to do the job as a professional that you do. Um, that's, that's what, that's what you do, right?
Starting point is 02:30:32 If you didn't want to be there, then please leave. That's great. I support you in that matter, right? But then don't come out and, you know, put blame on somebody that we don't truly know what happened yet, right? Whether it could be avoided or not. Right? I do think, you know, there's going to need to be, in my opinion, is that people that fall on their swords, you know what happened yet, right? Whether it could be avoided or not, right? I do think, you know, there's gonna need to be, in my opinion, is the people that fall on their swords. Well, you know, either way, right? The people that are blaming, you know, CrossFit or CrossFit, you know, if there is something
Starting point is 02:30:54 that could have been avoided, right? There won't need to be at some point some sword falling. You know, do I think the people who are blaming CrossFit will actually fall on their sword? Probably not, because that's not what the left does. But I do think that it is something that, you know, we have to figure out, let everything come out and let everybody kind of grieve in their own way. Let this time roll, you know, roll through and kind of let the emotions process.
Starting point is 02:31:18 I think everybody just needs to kind of get through this and then, you know, then come together and try to figure it out. Cause right now everybody's divided like the rest of the country and the rest of the world word well said but yeah I thank you again it was great in time with you guys you know I look forward to anything else in the future chat love you guys all right buddy I'll probably call you later today okay sounds good okay Joe bye ciao. Bye, bye. Damn, do I have a story for you guys about Sunday night?
Starting point is 02:31:53 Holy shit, different show. You guys are gonna love it. Fucking nuts. Absolutely nuts. I did something so negligent. Not CrossFit related at all. I just did something so negligent not CrossFit related at all. I just did something so negligent If you were mayor of a town and didn't give the police officers Kevlar and one gets killed, the mayor is going down one way or another. Not true at all. In many towns, Pat, they would be promoted nowadays to governor or president.
Starting point is 02:32:38 You know that's not true, by the way. I don't even know what the context of that is, but you know that's not true. Look at Ferguson. Look at Ferguson. Look at Ferguson. Look at the police chief of Ferguson refused to carry a gun and he was in a bank when there was a bank robbery and he ran away and he wasn't the police chief at the time he was an officer and then eventually he's promoted to police chief. Makes me feel better about you thinking that I was calling people stupid too.
Starting point is 02:33:07 Oh, and let me really read this. Oh, I don't know. I'm going to start attacking you, Pat. I better not. GFY, go fuck your... Oh, good. I don't have to attack you. Go fuck yourself, Pat.
Starting point is 02:33:26 Sevon, thank you for being yourself. All right, you're welcome. I'm trying. Are you doing a laser workout for Kil Taylor? You So many great jokes now is not the time I Trish love you. All right. Thank you So many fucking there's so many, awesome. I gotta pee. I'm probably gonna stay on, I'm gonna just go out in the yard and pee. A.E. 223, was at the games, I was the person in the bad mental headspace.
Starting point is 02:34:21 This weekend was life changing for me, signing up for my first CrossFit class. No shit Hey, dude, you should DM me I would like to like follow your journey I'd like to know you I'd like to I'm curious how that plays out and kudos for you for fucking taking action how that plays out and kudos for you for fucking taking action. All right, I'll be back in just a minute. P break. Maybe refresh on the coffee. Let me see what's going on inside the house. Pedro has started turning in his videos for the video contest. Wouldn't that be great if I could give the $5,000 to one of my friends? And he's made his really short 30 second. I love a 30 second commercial.
Starting point is 02:35:19 Excuse me. I don't know if paper street coffee is 30% off anymore. Alright, I'll see you guys in a minute. My name is Steven Ribeiro, I'm 26 years old, I'm from Ecuador and I go to Salty Hive CrossFit. My first day was so nice, all the people were like, oh let's go because it was wall walks. Love wall walks. I did this and everyone was like, oh yeah, you're crazy. And I just felt good, not because they were saying that to me, just because the intention of them,
Starting point is 02:35:56 which was feeling me, make me feel comfortable here. And I loved that. I loved that I felt the warm of the place. And that was really good. I was going home and I loved that. I felt the warm of the place and that was really good. I was going home and I remember driving and I was like, I like that a lot. And then here I am. I think I have more than two years here. I'm like, I'm not quitting this place. I moved pretty far from here. Besil, I always try to make it. I'm like, I don't mind to drive a lot. Because for me, that's the place where I love to be. I get all my problems out.
Starting point is 02:36:32 And I just come here, have fun, suffer, of course, of all the bunch of workouts that we have, very hard. But that's the point. Nobody obligates you to do it. It's just how I like it here and I how it makes me feel always every single day this is my peace space and happy and joy enjoy everything here. I will say this around the virtue signaling thing. Maybe I should look at what that means.
Starting point is 02:37:07 I truly do not comprehend virtue signaling. I think maybe I understand the idea behind it. It says, the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character, social conscience, or moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. Okay, so I get that but for oh and it's derogatory according to this Virtue signaling but you guys want to hear her say it's kind of funny I virtue signaling Virtue signaling when I think of it to the piece that's missing in that definition
Starting point is 02:37:47 I guess that's why it's derogatory is because people do it because They think that's what they're supposed to do So yesterday I made a post to my son throwing a basketball In the driveway in the driveway And making it in the hoop and the reason why I put my dad made the video and then I thought it was a Cool shot and I thought oh, this is cool. This is fun. People will like this It's my way of telling people that I'm at home and that I live a really cool happy life and that I'm okay That my shit's good. Thank you
Starting point is 02:38:24 And so that's why I posted it I don't know if that's Virtue signaling But the reason I guess every post is virtue signaling. I don't know I just don't like the word but I will tell you this I did hear something this weekend from an athlete that fucking like That I still don't understand. So you know how like you know there's all these girls out there and they post these pictures and like their tits look perfect and like it might even not not to me about their tits but they're just talking or something and then they have the camera up here so you can kind of see
Starting point is 02:39:04 the cleavage or the highlighted shirts always have the cleavage and I get that because those are the ones that the algorithm likes and they Get the most attention they get the most likes and they're getting feedback from it fine. Everyone likes tits But and here's the weird part I heard this I Don't ever make a post because I think that's what people want. And someone told me that they made a post about Lazar and the reason why they made it was because that's what they thought other people wanted. So in my mind, I always think, oh, I should take, like when I was with Rich, I'm like, I should take a picture with Rich and post it
Starting point is 02:39:48 because people, that's what people want. They wanna see what's going on down here. And I should take a picture with every athlete and post it and that's what people want. But those posts, I never make those. Cause I don't know why. Cause I guess I don't, like the only reason, I posted a picture of Pedro and Colton.
Starting point is 02:40:06 I forgot to tag them too. That was stupid. But I liked it because it was just it made me feel warm and I thought it was funny and you guys would think it was funny to see Colton and Pedro together. I can't imagine. And it made me when the person said that out loud to me, I was like, wow. You posted something because you... I don't know, that's wild. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with it. Sometimes you have to like, I have to talk about the exerciser because they make money.
Starting point is 02:40:50 That's how I make money. But I also, I still talk about it in a way that's like fun for me. But to post something about someone's death because you feel like that's what people want from you with the implication that it's not truly how you feel or that you maybe you're not saying anything boy that's oh boy that sounds that sounds well uh Hugh Janus if the tragedy never happened, the program in order of a so so and that goes back to something that Hiller told me He told me that people I think he said I want I need to get him on and do a whole show with him You guys need to hear us talk it out. It's so
Starting point is 02:41:36 It's so therapeutic for me to talk to him And just listen to how he processes it instead of having to deal with how I'm processing it But um, that's why it's so nice dealing with the Bible beaters because you can just hear how they're processing it It gives you reprieve from your own processing And and it's it's nice. You know what I mean? I lost my train of thought. Hugh Janus, even if the tragedy never happened, the program and order events were a bore for spectators. Can't help but think Bosman was in charge, not Dave.
Starting point is 02:42:18 Oh, I, man, were you there? That's another thing, like being there, it was, it was, everything was amazing. The volunteers were amazing. I loved watching them roll the weights in and out. The judges were amazing. The actual like games, like on hands, like people that we had that corralled the media were awesome. Laura. hands like people that we had that corralled the media were awesome. Laura at one point I was
Starting point is 02:42:47 during the final the closing ceremonies I never stayed for but they just moved right into it this year really quickly and I had a bad seat and Jonathan Haynes grabbed me and like moved me to a vantage point and by the end of the event they would take the media and give us shortcuts into the play. I loved all that and then the workout the final, they would take the media and give us shortcuts into the play. I, I loved all that. And then the workout, the final workout was, I thought the final workout was the grass best final race in the history of the CrossFit games, watching them down and, um, James Sprague make their move. I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 02:43:17 I loved it. I, I was ecstatic. I thought it was fucking amazing. Uh, call her. And my wife said, watching the final event from home. She was going nuts And she said chase and Adrian absolutely murdered it. So I'm not sure what your perspective is. I mean appreciate it. Call her. Hi Hey, this is John out of here. I just wanted to say man. I Really appreciated
Starting point is 02:43:44 How you guys how you covered the show especially Thursday after that occurred. You guys talked about it and really I would say Bill Grundler's. Oh Bill was this. My DMs are full of people loving Bill Grunler. Holy shit. He murdered, huh? He killed it. He did, man. It was great insight. Insight, I thought, man. I shared that with a ton of people.
Starting point is 02:44:17 But... You got the emotional response from Taylor, the self-righteous response from me, and the fucking facts from Bill Grunler. It epic yeah it was completely agree and I also would like to say that killers he posted yeah he's a beast right my wife said she said it made him and it tore her heart out and put it back in like Three times she said it was crazy. I'm scared. I'm scared to like watch the whole thing. I watched little bits of it I was like damn Yeah, I actually watched most of the games this weekend
Starting point is 02:44:57 My wife and my grandson we watched most of it this weekend man. You have a grant you have a grandson Yeah, man, I have two grandchildren. Damn lucky you, congrats dude. Yes sir thank you. But yeah we watched it, watched it with my oldest grandson and they, my wife watched it before so it's not a first time for her but uh really I think they kind of dug into the taking more interest in it be fortunately because of the uh Liza's unfortunate incident and they wanted to know more about what was going on more about the games and all that stuff so they really watched it the whole weekend so that was kind of cool interesting family time also well cool, cool, thank you. Great insight.
Starting point is 02:45:45 You're probably not alone in that. I love hearing that. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks man for everything you guys do. All right, thanks for calling in dude. All right. Bye. All right. That was cool.
Starting point is 02:46:02 Very cool. Hi guys. Hi. I have to do this show alone. I'm sorry. Yeah. You need help with your Lego? Okay. Is mom here? Okay. Is meds mighty here? Oh. Okay, is meds mighty here? Oh What?
Starting point is 02:46:27 Yeah, one more question. Go ahead. Oh, you can't kind of the vindicate made you the crossfit shirt with your name on the back. I know did Cameron make you those? I can't remember if Cameron made you those. Oh, you can't kind of the vindicate made you the crossfit shirt with your name on the back. I know did Cameron make you those? I can't remember if Cameron made you those Okay, I'll be inside in a little bit if you guys need anything come in here and get me okay, I love you guys what
Starting point is 02:46:59 No, oh Do I want one I'll um I'll take a fit aid. Thank you. It's really sweet of you. Thank you. Oh, Avi came in here and said you want a fit aid. Even in the tragedy, even if the tragedy never happened. Okay, I read that one. Let me get through some of these guys. Divo, it's so sad and suddenness of it all as well. No such thing as half lies. You are correct. Audrey, we had the best time. Oh, I had so much fun with you guys.
Starting point is 02:47:35 Thank you so much Audrey and Mandy and Chaz for taking such good care of me Sunday night. Man, the wheels fell off the fucking bus. I, I've just lost my father from something in my opinion could have been prevented. What I know is that anything can happen to anyone at any time. We can't stop it. TM dollar 99. Thank you. I love you guys uh hey I'm gonna take you guys to the skate park very soon so just be okay okay I'll hang out with you maybe we'll do RC cars while they skate will you you go, will you put underwear on and pants? Have Joseph get dressed too, please. Oh, okay. He's not here. Okay.
Starting point is 02:48:32 Okay, thank you. Thank you, boys. Pat Velner said, it's not war, it's sport. That's right. You have the option of not showing up unlike a soldier and yet you kept showing up. You must not have thought the risk was all that great. There is a clip out there that's pretty wild of me interviewing Tony Budding in 2008. I cannot find it. But Tony says something very poignant. It's interesting going back and looking at all the interviews. I think you guys will really enjoy the last interview I did with Lazer too.
Starting point is 02:49:15 I guess maybe the reason, I don't know why I didn't post it, make up a bunch of shit. Jonathan Ortega, it was so nice to drink tasty shit coffee with you Yeah, isn't it funny I Don't know I Hate to say this. I hope Gabe's not listening, but the shit coffee was like it was like Dunkin Donuts
Starting point is 02:49:39 I really enjoyed the shit coffee It wasn't Gabe's coffee, but like obviously they had done some chemical treatment to it to take the taste of the coffee out So it was just like it was it's pretty crazy. I never poured a full cup of that. I only did little shots So there's that Holy shit, I made it through all the comments Holy shit, I made it through all the comments. Okay. Wow. Matt Burns, can we watch the last interview with Laz Live?
Starting point is 02:50:19 Yeah, I guess we could do that. I was thinking about maybe going through and pulling all the clips I had out with him. Um, and playing them. Uh, vindicate. I didn't touch this shit. Coffee. Uh, Sebi, did you uh, PR your Jocko intake like me? I did last year. I PR'd last year. I had like 20. This year I think I only had two. I appreciated that stuff being free and just everywhere. I drank it just like how, I drank it like how like someone I assume snorts cocaine, you know what I mean? Like you're not like hmm this is this is this brand of, I just chugged it,
Starting point is 02:51:02 you know what I mean? And got the caffeine and then moved on. Hmm, this is this is this brand of I just chugged it. You know what I mean? And got the caffeine and I moved on Yes, Greg Glassman's non-compete is now fulfilled. Yeah Yeah, Greg's giving some input on Wednesday show I'm sure I'm I'm not gonna lie to you I am Anxious and nervous about that. Pat Lang, Seve, any chance? Sev's. Sev's. Hi, Patty. Hi, Pat. Hi, Patty. Any chance tomorrow we can delve into the actual incident or we will do feelings all day.
Starting point is 02:51:46 Is that what this is? This is feelings. Is this feelings? Is this feelings? I don't want to say this Sevan. Hi Travis. It was a pleasure meeting you in person. It was the highlight of my CrossFit media career. You are an absolute gentleman, kind, warm, attentive. Stop, oh Pat. I mean, oh Travis, stop please. Please. Now is not the time to tell me how much you love me. No, please. Allow me to go not the time to tell me how much of me. No, please Allow me to go on you are a
Starting point is 02:52:27 Man amongst boys. Oh stop stop stop. That's enough. That's that's enough. Okay, that's enough Cassandra Adler posted him talking to Lazar right before the start of the run. Might be why he withdrew after it happened. Oh, fair enough. Seve, how hard did you hug the boys? I know I hugged my seven-year-old one. I picked him up from the camp Thursday. So I have these as I come into the three plane brothers palatial estates, I have a, I have three big, huge electronic gates on different sides of the property.
Starting point is 02:53:16 And as these opened up, as my driver dropped me off, the gate, I punched in the code and the gates opened up and my boys were there. And their underwear sun beaming down on a middle of the day. Fruit trees everywhere, grass, dog and I just dropped to one knee felt my skin against their skin. I Took my shirt off so I could hug them and bring them close They ran up one at a time My wife stood in the background with her fucking amazing thick red hair crazy fucking body Powerful dog horrible standing there Yeah, it was good.
Starting point is 02:54:10 It was good shit. It was fucking pretty good. Heard the gates close behind me. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Home I was home. Oh I'll play this I should play this Craig Richie video. I Only saw Craig Richie on the first day I never saw him again, I don't know what happened When I was standing next to me He did talk to me and tell me his stance. And his stance wasn't like, you know, he wasn't in the blame stance at all. I'm just paraphrasing, oh, I can hear my boys playing the piano.
Starting point is 02:54:56 That's awesome. It wasn't the blame stance at all. He was just really expressing to me his at all. He was just really expressing to me his personal concern for saying anything that would hurt anyone's feelings or discredit anyone's views. He was very, very soft spoken. Okay, Craig Ritchie and his beautiful wife, Jazz on the subject. Here we go. All right. This isn't a video that Jazz and I ever thought we'd be making or wanted to make. This CrossFit Games are any time ever. As you've probably seen. So he just started crying and made a cut,
Starting point is 02:55:41 so he couldn't make it. So he's starting again. And I get that. crying and made a cut so he couldn't make it so he started he's starting again and uh i get that like he does not want to do this social media uh yesterday during event one we lost someone take three so here's his third attempt now he's like fuck what am i like i know the feeling what am i doing? What am I gonna say here? Why am I doing this? Incredibly special to us, the community in Lazardukic. Fierce competitor and always a smile. You know, this CrossFit community is incredible.
Starting point is 02:56:16 Over the years, the bond and the love that you guys out there radiate is incredible. And when you spend so much time on the road at these competitions, you get to know the athletes and they become friends. So yesterday we lost a friend. So just to put this in perspective, everyone, this dude is really close with a shit load of fucking CrossFit athletes Just to put this in perspective,
Starting point is 02:56:51 Everyone, this dude is really close with a shitload of fucking CrossFit athletes and a shitload of people in the community. Like, he's immersed. And so, and he, and for a lot of people, he's a beacon of light, right? As much as we fuck with him. And so, all of his friends are hurt. And so all of his friends are hurt. So not only did he lose Lazar, who I'm sure he knew, who I'm sure he's filmed with and had some intimate moments with, now all of his friends are hurt. So like, he doesn't have, like, where's he gonna go?
Starting point is 02:57:16 Like everywhere this guy turns, there's hurt, right? I mean, he's really immersed. Like you heard me, in two seconds, I'm gonna go run off with my kids and do RC cars and skateboarding. I Don't know if this guy has that so everyone around him is fucking like Is hurt and so and and I think he prides himself on being a beacon of light and positivity and love And so he's like probably processing his own shit positivity and love and so he's like probably processing his own shit
Starting point is 02:57:51 But he but but he also wants to fulfill his role there really aren't any words that we can Say to change the situation do anything. I don't know how the rest of the weekend is gonna look for jazz and I But that really doesn't doesn't matter what doesn't matter is there is a link down below to support his brother, his partner, his family in this time. It just could not have happened to a nicer family. The guy was a light in the European CrossFit community and the worldwide CrossFit community and he'll be remembered for that. Craig doing Craig things. And when I saw that, I was like, well, that, I don't know, part of me was like, not part of me,
Starting point is 02:58:38 I was like, well, I see the value in his role. Like, I think that's... I see the value in his role. Like, I think that's... And Jonathan Ortega and Lazar was actually his friend. Yeah. I don't know their relationship, but I wouldn't be surprised if they text all the time and he filmed with them all the time and all that shit.
Starting point is 02:59:10 By the way, these guys, FidAid gave Lazar the GoFundMe when we started the GoFundMe had sixteen thousand dollars in it and fifteen thousand of it was from FidAid. They didn't wait a show today. I don't know if he's doing it. I appreciate you guys coming on here and me pretending like I was doing a show for you, but you guys did on here and me pretending like I was doing a show for you, but you guys did a show for me That was cool I'll talk to you guys soon. Love you guys. Susie will be on a little bit and I'll try to try to, I'm trying to get,
Starting point is 03:00:06 I'm trying to really want to do a show with uh, James Bragg, uh, down pepper. I'd love to do a show. I'd love to do a show with Tia if she'd do it. Um, so, uh, let's see, let's see how this plays out. If any athletes do want to come on, I'd love to talk to you. Okay. Call her. Hi. Hi Vinny. Hey man. Just how's it going, bud? Just um Listen into the show watch all weekend, you know been fought across this is 2013 You know nothing I don't think you can do anything right or wrong at this situation at this point, right? Everybody's gonna have an opinion
Starting point is 03:00:45 Just my thought I looked at it like, um, you know, Greg created CrossFit that changed the lives and health of the people, right? To show them how to be healthy, what to eat, family, live long so you can move with your kids. And then we got the games out of it, which is a blessing because it drew more people into the sport and to cross it to be healthy. Right. And then it's also, I think, a privilege that some of these athletes can make a small fortune doing it to work out for a living and then, and have no part of the community, right? They don't own CrossFit gyms, they don't coach, teach, they're doing it
Starting point is 03:01:20 to make money. And then there's some athletes that change the world, right, for being a part of the community, right? They have other purposes. But then you look at the event and you just look at Rogue, right? And she always talks about the athlete's safety in all her events. And then CrossFit, I love these. Who's she? You mean Katie Henninger? Yeah, right, right. Whenever you interview her, she's always talking about the athletes or what they need. And then like I said, I'm not pointing fingers, but the CrossFit Games was a show on, honestly, every year felt like how bad can you beat the athletes up compared to like how bad can you push the limits, right? And you do hear people voice their concerns and they kind of really never get listened to but
Starting point is 03:02:05 We all sign up to watch the show right to watch everybody see how how far these athletes can get pushed But you never ever ever hear talk across it talk about the athlete safety in any of these events until after but then you hear like Brent Fikowski, you know, they start that organization, which is really, I felt just for show cause nothing ever gets done for the athletes. But, um, you know, watching it live, watching what happened, uh, you know, all these athletes swam over his body. Little did they know he was underneath there, but people did, um, three hours go by so forth. A lot of, a lot of pointing fingers is not trying to do that. But to continue the games I think it's different is like you said if he collapsed out there, right?
Starting point is 03:02:51 But you know this this has a lot to do with not a lot of life cards in the water the temperature of the water that having somebody Run do a workout and then swim across the lake, you know, like a lot of it has to do could do to negligence Regardless of which way you look at it may not be done on purpose Just so you know every single one of your points. I couldn't disagree with you more David my David David Don David Don met with PFA just a couple months ago the cross the guy has been has not been has not been littered with shitloads of mishaps a safety house now not at all
Starting point is 03:03:30 But I thought but I thought that's what you're saying. I thought that's what you're saying. Well, it is a little bit, right? There's a little bit of mishaps, right? I think you're looking in more they look into put a show more than then what the human body can do And it's a test for and it's a test for the fittest so it needs to be hard listen there's a baseball there's guys standing out there will a guy throws a ball a hundred miles an hour within 12 inches of their body right and people have been hit with the baseball in the head and have had their careers ended so my thing is how many people make money doing the sport out of the athletes the top 1% 2 3 4 5
Starting point is 03:04:06 Yeah, the rest of them are just begging to make a living right right so they're gonna do anything They're told to make it because they're trying to make money out of doing just like just like most sports 100% Okay, but now now a tragedy happened. It did tragedy. I mean tragedy live I don't think it get worse than that in any sport. Right. Name a sport that something that bad happened that could have, I would say prevented right to lifeguards, volunteers. I understand. Everybody's trying to not point, but you have to at some point. And now for everybody to continue what you're not in that situation, if there was no money involved no nobody's gonna win money none of these podcasters or sponsors are gonna make money through the event through the
Starting point is 03:04:51 weekend spent all this money and I get that right yeah but now if there was no money involved how fast would it should have been canceled it would have well hey if there was no money if there was no money if there was no money involved in there no or no TVs cameras out there Lazer would have swam out there and he still would have died You can you can say that too, right? Right But he the matter the fact is if you start parsley if you start part and parceling this thing You have to part and parcel it everywhere. These athletes could just work out your garage and not do it. I agree Yeah, well, like you said, right Somebody has to approve the safety plan, right?
Starting point is 03:05:25 Texas, whoever approved the venue. They're not just pointing one finger, 100%. But the fact that it did happen and you can learn from it, but the fact that it went on. My thing is nobody had time to grieve. This is somebody's kid, loved one, his fiance was there, family was there, brother was there. there and if this is a community say that was your son, right? Yeah, he's in a tennis tennis tournament. He goes against the kid. That's 300 pounds Line drives a tennis ball at his head knocked him out of conscious in a coma Yeah Now would you let that guy the next day play against another kid while your son's in the hospital?
Starting point is 03:06:01 No, you're gonna think different. You just are like Like, hey, how did we allow this to happen? You're going to think different. It's really easy to say when people got money and stuff on, I'm just saying this is a community or is it? Or is it? And I think a lot of Greg Glassman never wanted nothing to do with the games athletes is because it is a selfish sport. Right. I think a lot of 90% of athletes are selfish because they're doing it for money. And this I do think it tarnishes crossfit. Hey, I don't think I don't think Daisy McDonald was out there for money. I'll have her on and ask her I don't think not even 1% not even a tiny bit. You know, Jeff. I looked at him gee. I know these people live with this guy and Did I look at it? Like if I lost a brother that I worked at like these guys you? You're closer with some of these athletes because they train all day together, right?
Starting point is 03:06:57 You know they're with each other more than their own family, right? And and I get it to move on and I I see that but the way he died in front of people drowned Everybody it's just if you look at this situation It is just different. Okay, and nobody came together I truly don't believe that and then looking people post pictures Nobody kind of few people were mentioned Lizar throughout the weekend people are cheering taking pictures with their sponsors Like nothing like the guy didn't just die Thursday morning I don't know I didn't get that impression being there people laughing cheering
Starting point is 03:07:31 talking about this for me the whole thing you think your job no no no it's not no I don't agree with you I think the whole thing felt like awake to me I disagree with you but thank you I yeah Yeah. But I appreciate your perspective. Well, you know, you were there, you were there and I wasn't. And just my take from listening to podcasts, it just from my personal view, I listen to every pie, enjoy it. And it was hard for me to listen to any podcast that were going on. Because I feel like nobody even mentioned Lazar anymore. And it was just move on this. And that's how I took it. Like, wow, these guys, it's just like, Hey, let's drop the subject.
Starting point is 03:08:09 Like somebody didn't just die Thursday morning in an event. And it, that's what it felt like. And then you look at some of these people's posts or then people attacking each other for who, who decided to work out and then dropped out the next day. Oh, it's cause she's in last place. Like I said, your mind is definitely a mental fuck. It's like when people posted the black square, should I post it? Should I did it? I'm not racist. And this is just a worse situation of that. And I think people can change their minds and shouldn't have been attacked. And
Starting point is 03:08:39 then people already talking about lawsuits and this. And I mean, like the guy died Thursday, like his family's still grieving. And it's supposed to be a community this and I mean like the guy died Thursday like his family's still grieving and it's supposed to be a community and it's and I feel like they just got pushed out of the community because their son died tragically okay and it's like oh well we gotta go fund me they said to me I don't know I appreciate it Vince thank you alright man have a good one man Uh, um, is Sevan compromised by CF? Uh, hashtag compromised. I say this with no humility. There's no one in the space anywhere who has a greater perspective or more knowledge
Starting point is 03:09:33 in CrossFit on planet earth than myself. And if you want to call that uncompromised, I understand. Love you guys. See you soon. Soon as 11 a.m. Bye-bye.

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