The Sevan Podcast - TSP NEWS - Froning & Castro at War 2/28/24

Episode Date: February 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. Greetings from the most reliable news show in the world. How is the CrossFit Open doing?
Starting point is 00:00:42 How is it doing? How are the signups? Over 230,000 human beings signed up. Minus, well, 229,995 because of the fake names that Andrew Hiller signed up under. But you get the deal. It's a lot of people. But here's the part that really excites me. lot of people but here's the part that really excites me 70 000 of those people who are signed who have signed up for the crossfit open the 2024 crossfit open
Starting point is 00:01:11 are part of the service open those are firefighters police teachers doctors huge huge huge numbers those are just the ones that check the box. Talk to the base people. Talk to the base. I love it. More on those numbers, uh, to come. Uh, it's not just me. It's not just Athena. It's not just Alexis. It's not just Haley Adams. Everyone wants to get in on blowing Andrew Hiller. Everyone's starting to get in line to give Andrew a standee. Here we go. The great Vicky, Vicky, the guy who makes media for the rest of the world, the gentleman, the HWPO whisperer, the Matt Fraser whisperer, the guy that can do no wrong. Even he is going to tell us that taking the vaccine was a mistake. No, sorry, that hating Andrew Hiller was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Here we go. here we go when i first stumbled across andrew hiller when he came on my youtube feed one day and i watched a bit of his video i thought this guy is an absolute muppet you know great line right absolute muppet i love it and uh i'm gonna be honest i did and i remember thinking good on you for trying but it's not gonna last last. And here we are a few years later, and Hiller has just put out one of the more amazing videos I've seen in the CrossFit space. God, this guy is good. You can't take your eyes off this guy. The media page is Vykie Etzdebeth, W-Y-K-I-E, engaging voice, look, personality always has good videos. Uh, you feel better.
Starting point is 00:03:08 It's like listening to Eckhart Tolle. It's a, he, this guy's like a, a, a walking, uh, um, uh, self-help book just in just, just listening to his voice. Anyway. Um, even he's getting in line to blow Andrew, get behind me, buddy, but good. It's always nice when your peers, um, from around the world are, uh, recognizing, Get behind me, buddy. But good. It's always nice when your peers from around the world are recognizing your great work. Speaking about recognizing your great work, all of us get validation from something. Well, not all of us. Sorry. Let me take two. Those of us who are really
Starting point is 00:03:39 insecure need external validation. And what better than was the moment on yesterday's show when the co-founder and owner of rogue fitness came on the show katie henniger that have you watched the behind the scenes yes i have watched behind the scenes oh good job she has watched the behind the scenes right there like my whole self-worth my whole self where i have a cold it probably got shortened by two days just by that confirmation. I can't believe you have free time for that. Do you just watch that when you're sitting on the toilet on your phone? Mix it
Starting point is 00:04:12 in when I'm doing some work. Have it in the background. You did a good job on that. The richest person in CrossFit still has time to watch the behind the scenes. Thank you. I'm validated. There's nothing you can say to hurt my feelings.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Unless, unless you see something like this. How are we supposed to compete with this? This coffee pods and wads, Pedro White coming to you from the island of Ireland. Gets the interview of 2024 with Tia Claire Toomey. gets the interview of 2024 with Tia Claire Toomey-Ur. Mother, best CrossFitter who ever lived, making a comeback, which I've said is impossible, but she's going to do it tomorrow, 12 noon.
Starting point is 00:04:59 That's February 29th at 12 noon. I was going to do a show at noon. No way am I competing with this. Tomorrow's going to be a crazy day, people. Crazy day. Crazy day. We'll talk more about why tomorrow's crazy too. Make sure you check this out. Pedro White. Go over to the Coffee Pods and Wads YouTube station. Click notifications. Subscribe. Get all that shit. Pedro is really, really good. The people going on to a show always leave their love in Pedro. He's patient. He doesn't interrupt his guests. He's provocative without being a crass douche. It's exciting that Tia's coming on there and that invalidates the fact that I was validated earlier, that I didn't get Tia.
Starting point is 00:05:43 That invalidates the fact that I was validated earlier, that I didn't get to you. Put me on, put me on suicide watch. How am I supposed to compete? Now here, I mentioned to you about tomorrow being a crazy day, Thursday being a crazy day. And here's why we're not really sure what the fuck is going on, but there's an open workout that CrossFit is going to announce tomorrow. So that's what we need to get from CrossFit Inc. What time that's going to happen, we don't know. Originally, we thought it was going to happen at 11 a.m. Now here it says 1115 a.m. And now we're hearing rumblings that it might not be till 12 noon. There are, I think, three different workouts. There's a workout actually happening today as you're watching this. And then there's a workout, which is Wednesday. And then there's actually a workout that's happening
Starting point is 00:06:24 Thursday. And that might, we might get to see that at 11 15 but we're not sure and then finally after that then there's the open workout so they kind of got us on a leash they got me on a leash i'm like swinging from it the 2024 crossfit open kicks off this thursday with a throwdown between four crossfit games competitors for top scores and a rogue fitness golden bar. And, and, you know, you see, you see,
Starting point is 00:06:46 you see who the people are. Adler, Gazan, Fikowski, and Raptus. Uh, and then, um,
Starting point is 00:06:55 before this show, before the show, the most important part here, uh, around 10 50 AM Pacific standard time tomorrow, I will go live. The seven podcast will go live as a pre-show to this their pre-show and it will have jr howell andrew hiller and john young
Starting point is 00:07:14 and we'll be making up all sorts of shit to talk about so make sure you check that out and then after that here's going to be the weird part as they do the announce if the announcement's really at one in the work or at noon and the announcement's really at noon, then Pedro will be going with Tia and then get what the programming has a show at 145. But then I also have a test show face-off show between, um, Taylor self and Dallin pepper for the war for the born primitive CrossFit open, which is Taylor self versus the world, which will be in Charlotte on Friday. And then Thursdays are appreciate.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Oh, it's a mess, but you got to stay close to your YouTube to Don't to take to I mean I think that I'm in charge and I can't even figure understand the riddle the riddle That is the schedule Not the first time no, sorry not the last time that the CrossFit open No, sorry take three not the last time you the, um, CrossFit open, uh, no, sorry. Take three. Uh, not the last time you'll be seeing mayhem talked about in this show. Uh, but the first time, uh, CrossFit mayhem has put out a second documentary. Um, in the, the heart of mayhem series, the heart of mayhem to summer story, a CrossFit documentary already 8,000 views.
Starting point is 00:08:20 This is a wonderful, wonderful piece. knees i watched the uh first uh 15 minutes twice and then i watched the whole thing through once a great great ending that uh climaxes and this young lady doing the open but a great story for everybody if you are a crossfitter you want to be a crossfitter you have someone you want to get into crossfit you really want to check this piece out. To me, fitness is being able to like lift your kids. It's being able to do your laundry, bring in your groceries. And doing a pushup is like a functional movement of like upper body strength, being able to hold. I mean, you're going to hear from a lady who's lost family members to obesity, to heart attacks, to chronic disease, to bad lifestyle choices.
Starting point is 00:09:20 And her determination and her conviction in not wanting to go down that same path and to want to spend time with her children and to want to be there for her husband. And it's her looking back at her two-year journey with CrossFit to get her from where she started to where she is now. I love the story. Thank you, Mayhem, for continuing to be the gold standard in CrossFit media. Tyson Bajent, a regular on the 7-1 podcast, quarterback of the Chicago Bears. Yeah, I'm bragging. His dad, one of the greatest arm wrestlers who ever lived, gave a speech today, yesterday, last week
Starting point is 00:09:48 after winning a Travis Bajent, Tyson's dad, won an arm wrestling tournament. And here, if you listen carefully, you can see where Tyson gets his amazing confidence from. Travis Bajent, last week after winning an arm wrestling tournament. I'm the strongest man in the world.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I apologize to everyone. I'm the strongest man in the world. I apologize to everyone. I was nervous today. I could beat these fucking guys if I was asleep. I cannot believe that I am as talented as I am. Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise for the
Starting point is 00:10:19 champ of the world! Or at least Martinsburg! God, I would love it if Jeffrey Adler gave that speech when he won the CrossFit Games. What a fantastic acceptance speech after winning an arm wrestling tournament in some town in the middle of nowhere. Excuse me, America. It's wartime again. It happens every once in a while. It's war time again. It happens every once in a while. You fuck with the bull, you get the horns.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Let's take a look at Dave Castro's Instagram from yesterday. This is his story. We're getting to it. Now, I don't know the exact backstory, but something happened. And Rich's dad, Rich Froning Sr. posted something somewhere that Dave is reacting to. And Dave writes in his story with a video that we're about to watch from the Froning podcast. Dave writes, but Mr. Froning, we should watch this trash to understand what their intent is and when he when dave says this trash he's referring to the froning podcast
Starting point is 00:11:34 so here we go so so that is the that is the head of the crossfit mayhem uh media team scott vandersloot a fantastic guy a a great filmmaker, and he's frustrated and expressing his frustration on the Froning podcast. And he has some harsh words for Dave and CrossFit. now here's the thing whether you agree with them or not they fired shots then they took a made a reel of it now they Dave seen that reel. They've, they've amplified this message to the world,
Starting point is 00:12:48 not only through the podcast, but then, uh, but then through the, uh, through a reel. And now Dave has responded. And,
Starting point is 00:12:57 um, uh, thing, thing, things are getting, things are getting heated. We have seen this year from Don fall and Dave Castro many times in the last few months that CrossFit's just about had it and they're going to start biting back. And what I find interesting is there were some videos that I think from the Rich's podcast in the past where Rory and Rich and the others were pontificating about we're glad Dave's back.
Starting point is 00:13:23 where Rory and Rich and the others were pontificating about, we're glad Dave's back, but we hope it's a gentler, softer Dave or a Dave that's not going to slap people down for expressing their opinions. Well, they expressed their opinion, and now Dave's slapping them down a bit. But what do you expect? You know, you had the CF affiliate guy, Frankie, got slapped around. You had the other guy, another affiliate got de-affiliated for being rude to one of its country managers.
Starting point is 00:13:48 There's a, there's, there's things happening. There's things happening. And, and when, and when you're going to have strong leadership, there is going to be friction with the herd.
Starting point is 00:13:57 The herd needs to know its boundaries and, and, and, and Dave's letting it be known and I'm really enjoying it. And that's the news.

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