The Sevan Podcast - TYR Wodaplooza Gameday // Sunday // Shut Up & Scribble LIVE From MIAMI

Episode Date: January 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:29 You literally said Pat Bellner. What? Do we need to watch the receipts back? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding? Dude, you're an idiot. Can you not hear yourself talking right now, dude? Oh my.
Starting point is 00:01:39 These commentators are idiots too. Gosh, I know more about CrossFit than all these people. I've been not even paid a scare for the last five years. You don't want to lose, you little crybaby. God. Is this you or someone you love? Download the Heat 1 app on the App Store, Google Play Store, or by scanning the QR code on the screen.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Heat 1 is going to the big leagues for 2024 tier Wadapalooza. Pick your top 10 men, women, women and teams and play in a shot caller league where you can pick the winners for each event create a league with your friends your gym and also play in the worldwide league where you have a chance to win 14 000 in prizes play now for free by scanning the code on the screen. Guys, I am signing up for the Open this year. I am so excited. I am so scared.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Not scared, not excited. An, anxious, titillated, up for the challenge. We'll do the open together. I'm up for the challenge. I want you to be up for the challenge. I want to be a part of something that brings us all closer together. I want to do something that supports CrossFit, the CrossFit Games, the group of us that's out there that believes in personal accountability and personal responsibility. So's why i'm doing it three weeks are over i'm going to be titillated proud of myself i'm going to think i'm the shit because i completed it the affiliates that have the most participation hit me up in the dms hit zuza up and i'd love to have you guys on the show and do my part in helping support you guys and reward you guys for what you're doing for your clients see you on the
Starting point is 00:03:24 leaderboard. I started this training program because I love CrossFit and I want to share that with other people. At Sentinel, we give athletes both everyday and competitive the most effective, unique, and fun training available. At Sentinel Training, we provide the most attentive coaching and descriptive workout notes available on any online training platform for the lowest price. Our mission at Sentinel Training is to preserve the methodology that Coach Glassman founded while continuing to innovate and create devastating fitness. Leading from the front, this is what it means to transcend that. I don't think he is. Good? Better?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yeah, it's better. Good, good. Check, check, check. Check, check, check, check. Oh, we're live. I wasn't even paying attention. Wow. And we're off.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And your video is glitching for some reason. I was like, just watching JR. I mean, you can get caught in JR's eyes so easily. It's insane. And I got caught in his eyes there. That's better. Yeah, your video looks weird to me, but that's okay. I got some blue sparkles and red sparkles.
Starting point is 00:05:07 You might have to restart your camera, unplug the cord, replug it in. Good morning, everybody. It's day number four, day number quattro of Tier Wadapalooza 2024. We have the second day of team competition coming up. We had a big day yesterday and excited to get the show rolling. Of course, as always, joined by Taylor Self and J.R. Howell. What's up? With two dots.
Starting point is 00:05:36 With two dots. J.R. Dot. That's right. You always got to know. Great workout this morning at CrossFit Wynwood by Train Sentinel. Taylor put it on. had a nice group, QR code on the screen, scan it, get a month free. What else, man? Workout was awesome. Five rounds for time, 400 meter run, 21 toes to bar, 12 overhead squat. 15. Sorry. Did you do 12 all five rounds? I did. Oh, and JR swings and a miss.
Starting point is 00:06:09 JR scaled the workout, actually. No wonder I went so fast. I had Helen Repschium in my head the whole time. All good, dude. Great workout. A bit of a mashup between Nancy and some of that pulling from the rig, hanging from the rig with the toaster bar. Me and Bryson did it about a month ago in the 29-degree weather in Charlotte.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Today, quite a bit hotter, but still a mild day. Overcast, awesome workout. Had about 12 people there. Yeah, it was cool. So yesterday, team competition, 300 points as well as today. Three events done, three to go. I know we're going to get Brian in here for some top storylines, but I'm really excited to have a full half of the competition still left. So I think the leaderboard
Starting point is 00:06:50 is up for grabs. What was your favorite part of yesterday, JR? I really liked how the workouts were longer yesterday. So we had a lot of grindy type workouts. You know, we had the swim, burpee, worm workout. We had the run in the morning that was like 20 plus minutes for everybody. And then we had the workout last night that was a little bit of chaos, which is also kind of cool in a competition that ended with a barbell kind of just suck fest. So that was pretty cool. Interested to see some faster, higher power output workouts today. Shorter, a little bit more individually based so that'll be cool just to see the juxtaposition between
Starting point is 00:07:28 the two days and the style of events nice okay we're moving some cameras around but we're gonna go ahead and bring in Brian from barbell spin give us the top storylines of the day and Peter Pedro is doing our camera work professional cameraman. You can adjust it with the crank on the front to change the tilt. Yeah, that's the focus mapping. And you can also zoom it out a little bit. Anyways, Brian, thanks for joining us.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Let me get you a microphone. And thanks to everyone in the comments joining us online. We have a really smart guy figuring out the camera right now, so we should be good. Brian, what do you got for us? How was your day yesterday? Did you like watching the team competition, or were you missing individuals? It was a cluster out there, especially
Starting point is 00:08:19 when they got on the Flagler. I mean, when you have, what what 60 athletes all doing deadlifts and hang cleans and front squats like you could see who got there first but following it from the side where I was on the media side I mean it was it was rather difficult to see sure yeah so I mean you're just waiting on teams to progress to the next barbell movement, but when they're in that barbell movement, it doesn't matter if they're doing sets of five, sets of eight. When they're rotating also, you're trying to figure out, okay, if they rotate every set of five, that means 15 each time someone starts backward, and you're just trying to figure out who's in the lead, and there's really no way to do it until you see a hand in the air.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah, like the Kelsey Keel team got to the barbell first, but then Team Ice Barrel passed them, but it was really tough to find until the very, very end when they started doing the last few front squats. Other than that, you're just kind of like, what's going on? It was wild. Yeah, I was a bit confused on the synchro standard. It seemed like Team Ice Bucket
Starting point is 00:09:19 was just doing different squats at each part of the workout. It's like one person does a squat, another person does a squat, the third person does a squat, they all stand up at the top at the same time. Good rep. I was just doing different squats at each part of the workout. It's like one person does a squat, another person does a squat, the third person does a squat, they all stand up at the top at the same time. Good rep. I was just confused. It did not look synchro to me. It didn't look like something that I would have counted. But, hey, we didn't know the standards.
Starting point is 00:09:35 That wasn't really communicated. I think the synchro standard on the squat was just at the top at the same time. So if they squatted it slightly different cadences, it didn't have to be at the bottom together. Do you like that? I think it makes it a lot easier, but it definitely looks cleaner, especially if you're doing something like a synchro wall ball, also a squat. You're not going to be able to do that
Starting point is 00:09:52 because there's no point to really stop and breathe. Yeah, and I think that synchro double unders was probably the biggest miss. Definitely saw a lot of inconsistency between the judges. There was one judge that I've seen all weekend long he was calling it right like they were not at sync but you'd see others where they were out of sync and still getting the good reps so that's a very tough standard to do is yeah like so we need to find that judge he needs a promotion yeah Hiller send him somebody elevate send him some trt send him some
Starting point is 00:10:25 needles that's gonna be the first sponsored judge by hillar fit lane 17 lane 17 get on that hillar send a package of peptides all right brian spin what we got for us what's our top first top storyline of the day yeah an update from yesterday so if you saw saw on my stories, I caught up with Justin Medeiros. After the swim event, he had his ankle taped up. He's doing fine as far as I know. But in talking to other athletes, there are 10 athletes who made it to medical after the event for twisted ankles. After the swim workout? No, after the 5K.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Ah, wow. Five twisted ankles. Ten twisted ankles. And a partridge in a pear tree. Yeah, so like, and talking to Nick Matthew, like, it was so tight, you know, it was hard to pass. And so you had to just kind of follow somebody along a narrow part until it opened up. And he'd be so close. If you didn't keep a really close eye, you could easily trip on a branch or, you know, like a rock or something like that.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And that's what took him down and had him withdraw. A branch got him. A branch. No, a rock. A rock. But there are so many roots and stuff. The rock got Nick Matthew, first celebrity of the weekend. Of those ten twisted ankles, how many resulted in withdrawals?
Starting point is 00:11:40 As far as I know, only Nick Matthew is the only one who has withdrawn at this point. Wow. Do we know if his was any worse than anybody else's or he's just, you know, having Nick Matthew is the only one who has withdrawn at this point. Wow. Do we know if his was any worse than anybody else's, or he's just having a case of the old Sundays? When I spoke with him, he said that adrenaline got through it, so he twisted it within the first mile, about the same spot where Medeiros did. But because he competed as an individual, he was like, look, I don't... He probably could push through it,
Starting point is 00:12:07 but it wasn't worth it in that just let's step away. He's not putting the team on his back, Greg Jennings style, allegedly. He left Scott and Spencer out there to do all that work by themselves. That was crazy. Do you know if the trail
Starting point is 00:12:23 looked like on the map, it was like gravel was crazy do you know the trail do you know if the trail wasn't mainly it was looked like on the map it was like gravel and then you go off on a trail gravel go off on the trail is that the case yeah i mean it's it's a it's truly a mountain biking course and it's very hilly lots of steep uh you know short steep inclines and down so uh from what i've heard it took about two three more minutes than they would normally expect on a regular 5K, you know, just rolling hills or on a street. So, you know, you didn't know where you were going, and so you'd kind of be running, then you'd have a sharp turn, and then we'd go uphill. So you didn't know what to expect, and they just kind of played a little bit more cautious, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Gotcha. What's your next storyline for the day? So the women's side, Team Ice Barrel is not doing so hot. Ice Bucket? Ice Bucket. So they're in seventh. What I find interesting about the women's side is the top three teams are all team-focused. So RX Performance, they have two women who were from the
Starting point is 00:13:26 games on a team top 10. Antonia Falt-Kotulinski and Maria Langfors were both on the team at the games and so like in-game were the two women from AB CrossFit Mayhem if you remember them from the finals. Yeah, for sure. And then third place is stronger than a 90s trend. And so Kelsey Keel, Emily Lungford, and then Kelly Baker. So they all have that kind of cohesion. And I see the women are definitely, it's a team aspect, which is what we talked about yesterday was,
Starting point is 00:13:58 is it better to have team athletes or maybe stronger individuals? Yeah, and to that point, you know, I think it might just be a product of the programming. We talked yesterday about outside the run, those two workouts had a ton of teamwork involved. Yeah, everyone was on their own and had to swim, but otherwise it was synchro work. It was synchro worm and synchro burpee. And even just strategizing the order of the swim seemed to really, really matter, especially at the end of the workout. Likewise, the next workout, a lot of us
Starting point is 00:14:26 thought maybe it was going to come down to the barbell cycling. Weather aside it seemed like it was all about when you rotated who did what on the handstand work and I think just the strategy that was involved yesterday that might be the reason why the leaderboard looks like it does. It'll be interesting to see today with more individually focused workouts, are those teams that have fitter individuals, do they actually end up climbing into the top three? Have you guys ever seen an Uber driver take an inhaler? Take an inhaler? No, but we did see an Uber driver from the back seat yesterday tell us we couldn't have the air conditioning on. Wow. That was going to get too cold and also drive on the shoulder and pass 30 cars and break the
Starting point is 00:15:05 law. So I reported that and didn't get a refund, but I got $5 in Uber cash. Congrats. This morning driving to the venue, we were just driving. She pulls out her inhaler and I'm like, what's going on? I've never seen someone need to have an inhaler while you're driving. She was having an anxiety attack. She was probably taking her Xanax as well. Whoa. I think she just looked in her rear view mirror and saw who her passenger was. She was shocked. Yeah, JR got her excited.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah, JR. He wasn't in the car, but I held up a picture. She started sweating. The man sweats. I actually wanted to start the show with that, but I was startled whenever we went live. I guess I was looking at JR. My Uber driver was looking at JR.
Starting point is 00:15:53 We were all just captured in that. What do you have for us, Brian? What's next? We'll just move over to the men's side. That is different, though, than the women. It is more individually focused. Not sure what to make of that other than they've just really fit guys. I don't think the men have as many teams that have come back and done this,
Starting point is 00:16:18 and so you're seeing the likes of Medeiros and Crouch, Roman, Saxon doing well. Same thoughts, JR, on why the men are maybe not as much team-driven on the first day? A little. I mean, a lot of these guys in even the top five have done team competition at Guadalupalooza several years. So they kind of know what to expect. They've been on a worm with two other guys. They kind of know what's best practice when that goes. They were taking the warm-up pretty seriously. I mean, these guys want to win. So you saw a lot of different styles, a lot of
Starting point is 00:16:53 different techniques, a lot of different banter back and forth with the teams that obviously hadn't practiced on it. But what was really impressive to me is even those teams that that was the first time touching a worm when they got out onto the barge it looked like they've been doing it for weeks which is just kind of a testament to how fit they are except for hopper he got smashed in the head a few times he did he did yeah it turns out being at the front of the worm is a little tougher and they put ricky up there for the first 50 cleaning jerks and so he had done 50 cleaning jerks at the front of the worm, 100 of the burpees before his swim, and still caught a ton of people in the swim.
Starting point is 00:17:27 So I was asking Pedro and Will last night, if you're Dallin and Jason and you just saw what happened today, what percentage drop are you that you think you can win the CrossFit Games? At least 30%, If that illusion ever existed to begin with. Trace Leches, they're down in seventh place. They're kind of like Team Ice Barrel. I mean, they're down
Starting point is 00:17:53 72 points from first. I don't think they're going to make the podium. Guys, I've got a quick question for those of us in the audience, both live and online live. When you're listening to the broadcast and Sean Woodland says, tres leches, would you rather he says tres leches or would you rather he says tres leches?
Starting point is 00:18:18 Or would you rather he say three milks? Three milks. I vote three milks. Three milkies. I vote three milkies. Let us know in the comments. That's it. Anything else, Brian?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Unfortunately, we've only seen one withdraw, so hopefully they're all staying healthy and get out today and get ready for the season. How's Matilda Garns holding up? Her team is in fourth place. Wow. So she's doing great. So really,
Starting point is 00:18:48 are you sussing on that or are you busting on that? So if you want to go check out my behind the scenes I published this morning, I talked to her. She did not want to let her team down. So she's had the flu for the last week. Annika Greer and I can't remember the other team. The Scandinadians. Yeah, Scandinadians.
Starting point is 00:19:03 So that's that freaking Greg Jennings stuff right there is what I'm talking about, putting the team on her back, coming through for the teammates. We need to see more of that. Yeah, I don't think she's feeling great, but I think she wanted to not go hard on Friday and then have to bail out on the weekend and support her team rather than herself. Good for her. I respect that.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Humble beast. Yeah, humble manipulation of her approach. And she's she's moved to Miami so she'll be in Miami next year Wow Miami my deal that in Miami so if you want to read into why you can yeah try to start figuring something out so guessing she well I was gonna say maybe she got an exemption now that's another really really fit person North America East I'm gonna say that she's going team with Noah.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Oh, and who else is that? Doesn't Annika live in Miami now? Yeah. Wow. I'm not saying that's Annika, but. Miami. Who? Lena Richter.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You heard it here first. Lena Richter, Matilda Garnes, Bill Olsen. Let's go. And Annika Greer is the fourth male. Sorry, just kidding. No idea who the other guy is. Don't look at me like that. Well, there's only two males on the team, so...
Starting point is 00:20:11 Oh. Who is it, Chandler Smith? Tola. Tola. All right. That's a nice team. Tola, Noah. Tola, Noah, Matilda, and Lena Richter.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Wow, they all said Lena, Tola, Matilda. Those are all good names. Noah. They are humbly, humble opinion. They're going to humbly manipulate the competition at the games with that team, and they're going to take home the win. They're humble and hungry. They are.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Anyways, Brian Spann, thank you. Anything else you'd like to say? I'm out. Oh, he's out.. They are. Anyways, Brian Spann, thank you. Anything else you'd like to say? I'm out. Oh, he's out. Alright, thank you, Brian Spann. Thanks for everything this weekend, Brian. Thank you, Brian. Thank you for everything. Great segment. Alright. Want to go through cap or no cap? Cap and no cap.
Starting point is 00:20:59 We're going to move into that. This segment of the weekend. The refresher. Where's your hat? I don't know. Where's your hat, buddy, the one that you took with you yesterday? This is it. This is yours.
Starting point is 00:21:12 These two came out of my bag, so this is yours. Oh, then that's it. Crazy guy. Peter White. Peter White from Coffee Pods and Wides. Joining us for Cap in No Cap, you can follow Peter at Coffee Pods in Wads on Instagram. And we're going to play Cap or No Cap
Starting point is 00:21:32 just like we have the other weekends. Going to read a statement. They're going to say Cap in or No Cap in. Cap in means they think it's false. No Cap in, it's true. That's an easy way to explain it. And so, first statement. Peter, welcome. Thank, it's true. That's an easy way to explain it. And so,
Starting point is 00:21:47 first statement, Peter, welcome. Thank you. All the way from Ireland. How to remember to say that for the fourth day in a row. It's a long commute. Alright, capping or no capping, at least one athlete eats it. Eats what?
Starting point is 00:22:04 Okay, at least one athlete eats it doing the carry on the sandbag send. Wow. On the sandbag send. So on the first workout of the day, they're going to be doing sandbag carries over on Tina Hills, right? I believe so. I think it is on Tina Hills. Which I'm like, I don't understand how they're doing that. So at least one athlete eats it doing the carry on sandbag send.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Capping or no capping? Three, two, one. Everyone's no capping. Definitely a no cap. I don't know what they're going to be eating out there, but somebody's going to be eating something. It seems like every time we have sandbag carries, especially in a sprint-style workout,
Starting point is 00:22:43 someone just gets moving too fast. They can't slow themselves down, whether it's on a turn, whether it's finishing the workout, and they end up just basically letting the sandbag carry them onto the floor. It's going to be explosive. I cannot picture how that's going to happen on Tina Hills. I don't know either. Up the hill? Up the hill. Just like four meter back and forth. Side shuffle, actually. Yeah. No, someone's going to fall. Shuttle.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Sandbag shuttles. Wow. I'm going to take over under. I'm going to take the over on five athletes. Bite it on Tina Hills. I'm going to take the over on two athletes falling off the stage. And I'm going to take. Yeah, that's all I'm gonna predict I don't
Starting point is 00:23:28 know I really wanted there to be one but I couldn't come up with what it would be all right awesome second cap or no cap team ice bucket will make a charge on day two and end up on the podium. That's Bailey Rail, Paige Powers, and Brooke Wells. They're actually called Team Ice Barrel. What's the gap? Yeah, and currently they have 213 points. They are only 33 points out of third. What's happened? What happened? Do we know? To Team Ice Bucket? Yeah, are we surprised that they're not first? Yeah, so the run, you know, the run was a little bit uncharacteristic. They started out with a 14th. Yeah, it is one workout, but you would think with those kind of names, with those kind of what we think are solid runners, that they wouldn't have had that kind of a finish. Not sure if something happened, someone maybe got something tweaked,
Starting point is 00:24:17 if they were one of the 10 twisted ankles and someone just had a really slow time. It doesn't give the breakdown, just the total team time. They were all 10 of the twisted ankles. That's the only explanation. They followed up with a 10-place finish. Six of them at least. On the swim workout. But then they ended the night with a win. I could see them keeping that momentum going into the sandbag workout
Starting point is 00:24:38 and then into the final two events of the day. So cap or no cap, team Ice Barrel finishes on the podium. Three, two, one. Someone put on your cap. Thank you. All right, Taylor. Definitely not finishing on the podium. This is too much ice for one bucket. I just don't think they're going to be able to perform, and we're not going to see them make the climb. They're going to spill all over the floor. JR, no cap. No cap, yeah. I mean, I think about the day starting with a sandbag heavy workout,
Starting point is 00:25:10 cleans, squats, and carries. They've got two mayhem athletes on the team. We know they've got sandbags in their hands all the time. Later workout of the day has some bar work as far as a complex goes on the rig. I see that team having really, really strong gymnastics hanging capacity. So I think they take two out of the next three events and end up on the podium. Peter? Yeah, I think the first two events are kind of different than everything else. I don't think there is such a thing as too much ice, Taylor. I think we're going to see
Starting point is 00:25:39 frosted tips and visible nips for the rest of the weekend. and visible nips for the rest of the weekend. Frosted tips and visible nips. Wow. All right, Peter, moving on. Hey, Brooke. All right. I'm a believer in Team Ice Bucket.
Starting point is 00:26:03 They just had a day, as Roman had as well. Just an off day the third statement the current male podium will hold on for the remainder of the competition who is the current male podium I think the current male podium is team go out and first pixel and second and hombre hombres in third you've're slightly out. You've got team tier. They are 24 points back. And then the strapping young in 228. So a pretty big gap there. Do you mean
Starting point is 00:26:34 whole as in first, second, third? Would it be first, second, third? Yeah, like what the podium is now is going to remain for the remainder of the day. Shield of Doctor Online says y'all are some goofy mofos. Thank you, Shield. Thank you. All right, cap or no cap,
Starting point is 00:26:47 current male podium is going to hold in place. Three, two, one. What's it like to trade crypto on Kraken? Let's say I'm in a state-of-the-art gym surrounded by powerful
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Starting point is 00:27:15 Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada?
Starting point is 00:27:33 Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Air Mile. Everyone's capping. Full cap. Taylor, why? Fully capped. I just think Team GoWad's going to make some mistakes. You know, there's a language barrier. Willy Georges is the Francois.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And then you got Justin Medeiros. Looks like he's going to break a controller out there if something doesn't go his way. So I just think they're going to take a spill off the podium. And I'm rooting for Team Tear. My heart's in it. I don't really know if it's the logical choice, but I've never been one to
Starting point is 00:28:17 go that route for my entire life, and that's what got me here. So I'm going to work with my emotions. Wow. Maybe it's time to change your approach. Great statement by Taylor Sell. Peter, all the way from Ireland if you didn't know. Yeah, no, I just think there's
Starting point is 00:28:34 too much to go. We're only halfway. Too much gold? Too much to go. You're covering something. 20 odd points. I don't see that being a big mountain to overcome. I would say only one of the current teams on the podium will be on the podium at the end of the weekend.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, I think specifically team tier and fourth, you've got two workouts starting the day that are individually focused and super high power output, heavy sandbag work, where they're basically doing a relay style workout. And then after that, they're doing a waterfall workout starting with Echo Bike. As far as I'm concerned, Dallin Pepper is still the king of the Echo Bike right now. He's three and oh in his last three Echo Bike workouts. They've also got Jason, who we know is great on machines,
Starting point is 00:29:18 and then Ricky, who's just super fit. So I could see them starting the day out with two like top three finishes and climbing into the top three. I agree. After seeing them try to warm up on the worm, I think they should be very excited that they don't have to work together today. Yes, they got some worm thrusters to finish the day, but a lot easier than 65 cleaning jerks for sure.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Alright, that's capping or no capping, and that retires the segment until next time, which we don't know when that will be. All right. We're going to talk about the workouts now. Stay with us, Peter. Stay with us.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Engaged. Peter, stay with us. And all of you watching online, stay with us now. We're going to commercial. And we're back from commercial. Workout one of the day. Athletes are going to start with sandbag send. Allegedly on Tina Hill stage, commercial workout one of the day athletes are going to start with sandbag send allegedly on tina hill stage they're going to be doing a buy-in of a 360 foot sandbag carry 120 foot each
Starting point is 00:30:13 broken into a shuttle i'm not sure what the distance on that is going to be after the buy-in of a 360 foot sandbag carry 120 foot each teammate they're going to go relay style one athlete at a time 975 reps of sandbag cleans and sandbag squats at 150 for the guys 100 for the ladies so you'll do nine cleans then nine squats seven cleans seven squats five then five when all three athletes are finished with the 975 relay style they're gonna buy out with that 360 foot sandbag carry again at 120 foot each so that's workout one for the day that how was that on tina hills shuttles baby sandbag shuttles could be shuttles could be 20 foot increments but even so there's only going to be what like 30 foot we got the audience is telling
Starting point is 00:30:55 us 30 foot increments listen i don't know anything about programming but this weekend i've seen a lot of back and forth and no progressions on the floor it's a little hard to follow that's all i'll say wow well you're trying to get us booted off the stage over here we'll disagree everything we've done is amazing this weekend i love it yes it's been perfect yeah so a couple details just from talking to one of the judges that they're going to be uh really focusing on that workout number one no touch and go allowed on the sandbag wow slow is going to slow it down. But also I think it's a really good conscious decision from the programmers taking into account yesterday 65 worm cleaning jerks from the floor, 100 hinging reps with the deadlifts and the hang clean.
Starting point is 00:31:39 So they've already done a lot of pulling from the floor. I think breaking it up into singles probably also makes it a little easier to judge. You'll have a little bit of a pause and release at the top with a drop of the sandbag. Also with the squats, really, really, really hard focus on opening the hip at the top. So that might be something to watch. We know the athletes are going to be trying to sprint through those squats. How many teams get the fewest amount of no reps may decide who wins. If you want to follow along on the workouts, you can go to the website or open up your Heat One app and pull up the workouts on your phone. I'm not a big
Starting point is 00:32:11 fan of them foregoing the ability to let the athletes touch and go. I think they should let them loose and sprint it. 975 is... There's mostly going to be loads of heats, though. There's not much room. Loads of what? Heats. Wasn't sure where you were going with that, but all right, next workout. Cool, thanks. That's a great point, Peter. Loads of
Starting point is 00:32:33 heats. All right, next workout of the day, we've got waterfall on the bay. This is gonna be... Don't read that. Go ahead. This workout's going to be on Bayside. They're going to be out on the barge for this workout. It's going to be waterfall style again, each athlete completing three rounds of a 24-18 calorie eco bike, eight kettlebell box stepovers, and then 12 double kettlebell hang snatches. JR, could you give us a little insight on what they mean as to waterfall,
Starting point is 00:33:05 meaning one athlete starts on the bike when they finish, the next guy gets on, et cetera? Yeah, so not really knowing the workout flow details when I see this workout, I imagine they're going to do it this way. Athlete one starts on the bike as soon as they finish their calories and progress to the kettlebell. Athlete two starts on the bike and they start their calories. Then athlete three starts on the bike when athlete two dismounts the bike. The question will be, after that happens, can athlete one immediately start round two?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Or do they have to wait for athlete three to complete their final hang snatch before round two starts on the bike? So that's kind of a detail we're not really sure of. Shaking their head no in the back, so it seems like it'll be a little more simple. Once the waterfall begins, you keep going. And if you catch the person in front of you, that's the only time you have to go. Here's what I want to know is how does everyone in the audience know more about these workouts than we do?
Starting point is 00:33:54 Oh, let's go. Thank you, guys. Watch the other divisions do them. You guys are awesome. Second question, one pair of kettlebells on the floor and the athlete does 8th and 12th, the next person does 8th and 12th? Correct.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Awesome. Cool. Love that. Love it. J.R., love it. Pedro, that's Spanish for Peter. Do you love it? Sí. Awesome. Wow. Gracias. Fluent. Alright. Then final workout of the day. This is the finale for the teams. We've got Worm Fran. Four time, athletes are going to do 21 worm thrusters. Then each athlete is going to perform a complex of eight pull-ups, followed by seven chest-to-bar pull-ups,
Starting point is 00:34:31 and then six bar muscle-ups for 21 total hanging reps from the pull-up bar. Round two is going to be 15 worm thrusters, then six pull-up, five chest-to-bar, four bar muscle-up, then nine worm thrusters, four, three, two. And then finally, an additional round added on to the typical frant then nine worm thrusters, four, three, two, and then finally an additional round added on to the typical Fran of six worm thrusters, then three, two, one. Yes, no, yes. I really, really like it when you take kind of a spin on a classic workout like Fran, whether it's for reps, whether it's for load, but you have hanging with thrusters. I always think it's a party. I think it's gonna be great. What'll be interesting for me to see is
Starting point is 00:35:08 will the thruster affect the hanging reps enough to where some athletes aren't able to hang on and go unbroken for their complexes. While one athlete works, the other two will be holding the worm in that static position. Them making it a three-person worm, I think that's gonna be a lot better than in the past when they've used a four-person worm for two people to hold it, and you've just got it hanging all over the place. So it'll be interesting to see when they switch back, if they switch positions on the worm, if you leave the same person in the front the whole time. We know that's probably the hardest position out there. So yeah, I mean, I think there'll be a lot of back and forth to Will's point though is there going to be some kind of progression I imagine they'll advance the worm after every round
Starting point is 00:35:49 of hanging complex reps so it'll be a little easier to follow yeah I don't think most of these athletes are used to anything hanging all over the place uh but I am I do think on this workout that the athletes who are best on the pull-up bar should be going first after the world clusters so set of 21 athletes that are best at the gymnastics go right into the complex while the other two recover a bit. Then they go and they go, etc. as the workout flows. Do you agree there? Absolutely. C. Gracias. Alright. Those are the workouts. And then for your favorite
Starting point is 00:36:23 segment of the day. These have not been reviewed by anybody, and we might get a little crazy today. If you get mad, get mad at Taylor. All right. Looks like, Peter, you ready? You got some energy? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:34 We're going to kill it here. And we're going to start with Caleb Beaver. Looks like he spends his Friday nights calling seven-year-olds beaches on Call of Duty Jason Hopper looks like he walked out of the Paleolithic exhibit at the Smithsonian Don fall looks like your middle school administrator who tells you, it's not cool, man, to poop in the urinal. Ricky Garrard looks like a made-in-China Victor Crumb. That was a great one. That fell on deaf ears.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Hey, you got to have some. Not enough Harry Potter fans in the crowd. There's a new one coming That fell on deaf ears. You got to have some... Not enough Harry Potter fans. There's a new one coming out, you nerds. I just saw the Guy one. Justin Medeiros looks like he breaks the PlayStation controller when he strikes out playing... Flip, I don't know what that is. MLB2K.
Starting point is 00:37:44 MLB2K. MLB 2K. Didn't you already say that joke earlier? How can you ruin your jokes before they even come out in the segment? Shut up, Will, and do your job. Anyways, next. Tater's always premature. Nick Matthew looks like he buys his T-shirts at Kids Gap. Facts.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Guy Mayeros looks like the guy playing beach volleyball with his twin in the Double Mint Gum commercial. Is there another? there's another above key Sydney Wells looks like the girl that racked two BMWs before graduating high school tough Dallin pepper looks like the Shepherd from last year's Christmas Tough. Dallin Pepper looks like the shepherd from last year's Christmas nativity scene who swears if he's given the chance, he'll be Joseph next year. Oh, my God. That's it. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:36 That looks like over for the weekend. You're right, Eric. The paella line is thinning out this evening. There is no line for half-pound burgers. Sirloin tips also haven't been selling, but they will be, I promise. I'm surprised there's not more people buying chicken on a stick. Have you had the seafood mac and cheese? All right.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Peter White enjoyed his first chicken wing last night at an American bar Peter can you describe that experience for us it's interesting that he used the word enjoyed and I thought it was from the chickens that I've seen it was a quite a large wing I would have said. More of a hen than a chicken. Yeah, no, it was nice. Fine. Not sure it's something I'd be bringing home to my own culture, but... How do they eat chicken in Ireland? We blend it and then drink it.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Chicken puree. Chicken juice. What was your estimation of how old the chicken you ate was? How old the chicken was? About 14 years or... 38. Is that classic dry-aged chicken? Was it from the streets or the farm?
Starting point is 00:39:56 It wasn't too tough. I'd say, yeah, yeah. Not an easy upbringing. Cushy. So cushy. Taylor's mustache looks like if it could talk it would tell us about how it scored three touchdowns in one game and had a full-time job at 10 years old you know what that means I don't well you will looks like the most
Starting point is 00:40:17 vibrant summer camp director who's just a little too old to be there I'm not even reading these before I say them Congrats well Wow what else should we do should we get Colton to come up here Colton come tell us about the individual competition Pedro get out of here see ya Colton come say something crazy Thank You you, Peter White. He'll be here all next weekend. But no swearing unless it's the B word. Is this a noble hat? And guys, introducing 2024
Starting point is 00:40:53 Sentinel Training athlete, Colton. I take credit for everything he's done this weekend. Colton, I heard you're a freelancer and any training camp can just claim you and put you on. Is that true? I've been with the same fucking camp
Starting point is 00:41:10 for eight years and now I have maybe one switch and you guys are like, oh, fucking me. We're putting you on a graphic. How's the weekend been so far? Shitty? No, it's been good.
Starting point is 00:41:24 It's been cool hanging out just with sponsors and meeting everybody and just having kind of a relaxing last few days, getting recovered up and game planning for when we get home. Flying home Monday? 5.30 Monday morning. Wow, nice, nice. And how did you feel about the individual workouts, changes that happened, your performance overall,
Starting point is 00:41:43 anything breaking down there, anything to break down there? Yeah, I didn't like seeing the changes, but I understand why they did it. They didn't really have much of a choice, and I think they, at the end of the day, they made the right choice. Nobody really wants to see the workouts get changed. I think there's a lot of challenges with programming for this particular event, just with having, they want people to do individuals and teams. So they don't want to, you know, do like a high volume, bring muscle up for individuals and again for teams. So that can make things difficult. We didn't really see a long event.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I wish we had something a little bit longer. You know, our longest event was middle of the pack was probably like 15 minutes. So nothing super long. But I mean, that's kind of where it is for a competition like this. You know that coming in, you just have to try and be as prepared as you can and do the best you can with the workouts and learn from it and go from there. Nice. Any thoughts?
Starting point is 00:42:36 Did you have any thoughts about doing the team portion? No, I don't play well with others. If you had to choose someone, is there one person you would play with and you just couldn't find a third? Scott Tetlow would be cool to be with. Scott Tetlow, good dude. Would you go on a team with Taylor?
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah. I'd go on a team with Colton if I weren't broken in half right now. I asked him, but yeah. His something was hurt. Not quite ready. Not quite ready, but we'll be there, uh, he's, uh, something was hurt. Not, not quite ready, not quite ready, but we'll be there soon. Maybe for the, uh, California waterpalooza. Wow. That's happening. So I know you were mic'd up, you know, for a lot of the weekend, you had the crew following you around, kind of doing like a mini documentary series type thing.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Do you think that would be something that CrossFit would allow at the games where you just basically have people mic'd up just like they're on the NFL field whether it's a coach whether it's an athlete so they could hear you know everything from heavy breathing during a competition but also on an event like maybe that's a little bit contact oriented like a run or something like that it could hear a little bit of back and forth a little bit of trash talk stuff like that do you think it would be good for the sport do you think CrossFit would ever allow it? I think most of these guys, if you mic'd them up,
Starting point is 00:43:47 you just hear them crying at their judges a lot. Not much else, but I think if you mic up enough people or get the right people mic'd up, it could be really interesting and give people a lot of insights. But, yeah, there's a lot of nice people in this sport, but there's also a lot of fake nice guys. And if you mic them up, they're going to act accordingly. You're not going to really get much insights into them anyway.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Pick the right people. I agree. I think you need to mic the right people up. I think it was really cool having you mic'd up. I'm looking forward to hearing from Jason now that he's come out of his cocoon as a nice, vibrant butterfly. Dallin as well. I don't know if Ricky even talks other than, uh, uh. So we'll see what his mic'd up is like. But excited to watch that. Were you ever scared the mic was gonna fall off? I did. It fell off during the interval event.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Really? I don't know at what point but I, after the event I realized it was gone. I just went back and picked it up. It was over by my box somewhere. Gotcha. It was Sivan's mic they said. So if it fell off, they said, just step on it. So did the people do the, like, were they cool with you wearing the mic? Did they even know, or you just did it? Yeah, I don't think anybody knew. I just did it, and, yeah, fuck them.
Starting point is 00:44:58 When you're doing Corte de Toe, and it's like, I mean, you know going into that workout, everyone else is going for second, right? But when you're in it and you're racing, especially when you get to the front squats and the burpees, do you remember that it's on? And if you would have, would you have said something like, okay, it's over? Like, could you have given us something like that in the moment where you're like, yeah, it's over? You know, something like, or when you get done, you call us the finish line. Oh, yeah, I got this mic on.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I need to actually use it now. Yeah, I said some out-of-pocket things afterwards. But during the event, I didn't really remember that it was on, and it was just such a fast-paced event, I didn't really have time to say anything. I was just focusing on keeping my transitions quick, not getting no-repped and things like that. But afterwards, I had a few things to say that, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:45:43 not everybody's going to like. Oh, we're going to love it. The people who matter will love it any other questions for Colton what's the plan as far as competing again just see you in the open see you at quarters yeah pretty much do local comp in Iowa but just be for fun staying out with the affiliates the members and things like that but other than that yeah just training for the season now. Have you signed up for the Open yet? No. Been busy kicking ass here.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yeah, you have. Will signed up. I signed up. Over, under on 60,000th this year. I'm going to go the over. Wow. I'm just kidding. I'm going to be.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Are you going to beat Siobhan? What? Am I going to beat Siobhan? Yeah, hopefully. That guy's. Sucks. That guy's 75. We're not even in the same division.
Starting point is 00:46:32 How are your fingers? You had some accidents building your rig, right, leading up? Yeah, my finger exploded. How's that? You feel good? Yeah, it's good now. There's a little bit of a scar, but, yeah, I was building the rig, and I dropped it on my hand and got a big blister on one hand,
Starting point is 00:46:47 and the other one just got squished and some chunks flew out. And I just had to adjust training for a while, but, yeah, it's all good now. Nice. Yeah, so your most recent YouTube video, I really enjoyed it. You kind of got into the programming stuff. For those that don't know, you are really, really cerebral. You do like kind of diving into programming and competition, training. Is coaching something that interests you when you're done competing? Do you think you'll coach athletes? I don't know. I think
Starting point is 00:47:16 I'm really good at coaching myself, but I'm not sure how good I would be at communicating and just getting kind of my points across to others. It had to be something that I tried. I did coach wrestling for a while in college, and that was a lot of fun. But, yeah, I think it would be really challenging just trying to deal with people with different mindsets than me and trying to figure out how to convey the things that, I don't know, just make sense in my mind but might not make sense in theirs. I don't envy Taylor's job very much. I think he's got a hard one, but I think he's good at it.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Thank you. I think I agree. The hardest part for sure is being someone with a lot of expectations for yourself, having super high standards, maybe even at times unrealistic ones, is not projecting that on other people or understanding that they might not expect the same thing and being okay with that. And that 100% is the hardest part because I just want people to want things as much as I do. So that's hard.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Jared, you know, a few months ago I was thinking about asking you to coach me. Oh, dude. But I think you would have said no, so I didn't do it. You're breaking this hard, dude. It's me talking about this for the rest of the day. Man. It just comes down to the plans for the next couple years, but I am looking to get into it a little more,
Starting point is 00:48:27 so we'll see. I've been doing a lot of the workouts that you post on, like, Instagram and stuff. Thank you, dude. I'll send you some good ones. Eaton Beaver says he can't get over the bald spot on my head. I didn't even know I had a bald spot.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah, Will doesn't have a bald spot. That's just the left-aligned widow's peak that happens with some men from the Midwest. Yeah. I'm a Midwestern man. Come on. Cool. Do you have Cushing's, or are you just trying to read the comments?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Cushing's? Oh, yeah, no. I'm not Jason. Okay. Well, I think that's all we have for today. Thanks, everyone, for joining us all weekend. Ton of fun. Hopefully we can do this again in the future.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And thanks, Colton, for hopping on the stage. Thank you, dude. And Pronto, you're the man. And from Miami. See you next time. See you next time.

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