The Sevan Podcast - Tyson Bagent | Greatness on the rise - Chicago Bears Quarterback - NFL #991

Episode Date: August 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Bam. Yeah, so hear you perfect. Can you hear me? Oh, bam. Yeah, so good. Sweet. Hey, were you like, this morning were you like, oh shit, why did I agree to the podcast? Nah, I'm a couple hours behind, so I still got this. Are you in your hotel room, Tyson? yeah we we flew back right after the game and um so we got back to we got back to chicago at around midnight wow wow and and that's that would be typical that's like just the way the whole season will work whenever the team is done you guys don't think i think so yeah i think
Starting point is 00:01:41 so i think so and and then and you don't go back to your house? You stay with the team? What do you mean? Like, so that's – so, like, the season – I guess that's how dumb that question is. So the season started. Like, you now – wherever you are right now, is this where you live? Are you in a hotel?
Starting point is 00:02:00 No, I'm still just living in a hotel. So all the cuts and stuff are made next week, so people don't usually get a place until after they figure out that they're not getting cut. Okay. You don't want to get too carried away. Yeah, exactly. Hey, good morning, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Tyson Bajent, this is off the ESPN website. Tyson Bajent, the NCAA's all-time passing touchdown leader from Division II Shepherd University, looked sharp against the Colts by orchestrating a 17-play, 92-yard touchdown drive, which he capped off with a two-yard run into the end zone. Dude, that was that's that was nuts yeah it was i mean yeah it was i found i was like in during the whole drive i'm like looking around like holy shit is this really happening like this
Starting point is 00:02:57 is insane like the stadium itself the stadium itself is pretty insane like it's a dome like and i've never played in a dome before and it was the same place that the combine was at but still just seeing all those people in there um and i knew i had a lot of family there too which was uh pretty cool but yeah that whole thing was pretty it's pretty amazing how high do you know how high the dome is above your head um i have no clue i know that you couldn't like you couldn't kick or throw a ball that high, not even close. Okay. Then they make sure of that. Yeah. I'm glad you said that. Cause that,
Starting point is 00:03:32 that's why I was flirting with asking that dumb question just to, yeah. Cause I was, I was looking up like, man, I wonder, but as soon as I looked, I was like, yeah, no, can't, can't make it up there. Crazy. Hey, there's no sign of that when I watch you play, of you being in disbelief. The whole time you look so comfortable out there. Even your gestures you're doing with your hands, the way your feet move, even when the plays are done and you're going back to the huddle.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Everything, you look like, I don't look at that and be like, oh's new there you know what i mean it totally looked like you've done i guess you have done it 10 million times yeah that's kind of what i was saying that somebody um had a similar question yesterday but i was just telling him that you know luckily luckily enough i was able to play a lot of football in college, more so than probably anybody ever. And also, just how crazy the play calling system is, and how just intricate the calls are. As soon as the play is over, I'm listening super closely, ready to get this long ass play so that we can keep, so we can keep making, we can keep sustaining the drive.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And also just so we don't get a delay a game. I don't think I was ever worried about a delay a game in college, like running out of time before, before you, before you run the play. But now I just find myself every play, just seeing where that clock is at and just making sure that i can snap the ball before it runs out and then so when you score there's not i guess the way you're describing is it is that not only is it a relief that you scored but that you're done for a second you get a second to go walk over to the sidelines and not be like oh shit there's a play coming in
Starting point is 00:05:23 yeah yeah exactly exactly, exactly. On the field, you're pretty, like, you're just pretty locked in. At least quarterback, I feel like, should be just because of the mental load of everything. But, yeah, after getting in the end zone, however you get it done, just coming to the sideline that handful of minutes of just, you know, getting loved on and not having to worry about the next play is pretty sweet. This is an interesting comment here from Turntable.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Man, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but no one could have predicted Tyson's success so far. If anyone did, they must be a genius. There was one person that you and I know who calls me and has told me it was going to play out, God, almost exactly like this. That guy knew the whole time. It's crazy. Yeah, it is pretty wild. I think about that.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I think about that a lot. And it's this other little weird little story I've been thinking about a lot. So during COVID, right, during COVID, we weren't doing anything. Only thing that was happening was me, my dad was working out, me and my siblings, and maybe a couple of my buddies, like just every day at 10am, we would just go to the CrossFit gym and just do something terrible. And one day after that, we had stopped to get gas at She and we were in there i guess looking around and stuff i don't know what exactly we were doing but this lady came in and i guess this was like some kind of like psychic lady in a sense just she could like sense things or whatever
Starting point is 00:06:56 and she had used to she had used to go to church and be friends with steph curry's parents okay um and my dad knew her somehow, some way. I don't remember the lady's name. Your dad knows everybody. Yeah. So she, she looked at me.
Starting point is 00:07:11 My dad said she looked at her and she was like, she had like glanced at me. She was like, Oh, who's that? Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And I'm not there, but she was like, I haven't seen someone radiate energy like that since I saw little baby Steph Curry. That's crazy. someone radiate energy like that since i saw little baby steph curry that's crazy so and that's stuck when she said that that's stuck it's just something that i think about whenever some crazy shit happens in my life i'm like damn maybe this lady actually you know does know some stuff and so that was that's just one one of the things i was thinking about last night just you know after the big drive and you know phone blowing up family
Starting point is 00:07:51 and friends hit me up i'm like man who would have ever really thought that this would be happening except for maybe my dad and that lady from sheets that's crazy hey i want to be really delicate i don't want to lead you down any questioning that um at any point just say stop but that but i got like questions oh yeah i got you yeah you just you just you just do the give me the heisman if it gets weird okay here's the question if they didn't want you on the team so they have four quarterbacks right and i was on what i'm learning about football as i immerse myself in it is the conventional wisdom is they take three at some point there will only be three i'm assuming that they if they didn't even want you that they wouldn't be playing you
Starting point is 00:08:38 i mean they're giving you all this play time right so they're either trying to set you up for success or set you up for failure but someone's obviously like watching you and then the question on top of that is how could you have done any better that's that's the main thing that i've been kind of focused on i mean there's a lot of people like man what do you think they're gonna do you know what's gonna happen are they gonna keep four are they gonna keep three what are they gonna do with you what and you know but other and you know what's gonna happen are they gonna keep four are they gonna keep three what are they gonna do with you what and you know but other and you know rather than kind of thinking like trying to come up with a response to that because i have absolutely no clue because you know you have no clue you haven't seen like you haven't been like oh there's extra shirts there they're gonna keep me or oh shit they've gotten rid of my shirts i'm gone i mean kind of like you said like just from a baseline standpoint i'm like you know what these guys really have to
Starting point is 00:09:29 trust the whoever they put in the game so if they're putting you in the game i mean if they thought that you were going to go out there and you know make their organization or their coaching look just absolutely insane and bad you know i'm pretty sure that they wouldn't they wouldn't put you in the game so i and i know that i've been you know working really hard on the mental aspect just to be able to call the plays run the plays and be effective in that sense but from like a like a logistic standpoint what they're gonna do like going into the season you know I really don't have any clue all I know is kind of like what you were saying. Like if, when I do get an opportunity to just absolutely make the most of it, um, to the point that, you know, if they, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:13 if it were to go South that I could just, you know, I could be comfortable in, in knowing that, you know, I kind of, you know, did everything I was supposed to and took advantage of all my opportunities. I didn't even, I didn't even think about that. So when you go out there, not, I always just think of it as the wide receiver and you must, or whoever catches the ball, what, um, you and him must have a special relationship because if he drops passes, you look bad. And if you throw bad passes, he looks bad. But I didn't even think about what you're introducing is just like the coaches
Starting point is 00:10:45 don't want to look bad either. They don't want to put them on. So you're representing all sorts of people. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, everybody's name and their brand is on the line. You know, every day, like especially in the NFL, you know, you really get – really all it is is a one day contract every day, one day, every day, they give you another opportunity, and they could also terminate
Starting point is 00:11:10 it any day as well. So you really just got to be you got to be locked in, not just players, either coaching, support staff, everybody, if you, you start messing up, I mean, there's a million people knocking at the door waiting for an opportunity to be in the NFL one way or another. So they'll just give that next person the opportunity. There's that F1 show on Netflix, and I've only watched episode one, season one. It was like from five years ago, and I watched it a couple weeks ago. And in that first episode, the team, I think it's the Ferrari team.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I can't remember, but one of the teams has two cars. In both times, a guy doesn't tighten the bolts down on one of the tires in the car, and it ends the race for them. It's like a $190 million race car team. One ding-dong doesn't tighten the bolts, and it's over for them. Twice. Something just so tiny is that and it's like at this like since i've been practicing you know with the bears and in the nfl like at
Starting point is 00:12:11 shepherd we didn't really have we didn't really have anything you know compared to what we have now like we literally had nothing you know here at here at in chicago like it's like in practice there's like support staff that are um strictly in charge of setting up the drills for the quarterbacks or the drills for the quarterbacks and receivers. Or even there's like a there's a trainer that specifically her job is to follow around just the quarterbacks and give them water throughout practice. So like little things like that, where each position group has got like a trainer that's that's giving them water and everybody's got a support staff that is helping them set up just that position groups um you know drill work for that day and you can see that sometimes when those support staff people mess up you know like people are not like very kind and understanding about that at all like um so just seeing how on them they are,
Starting point is 00:13:08 I could easily see where if they would consistently be messing that up, they'd be like, yo, we got to get so-and-so out of here. He is like, you know, we're missing 10 minutes of drill work just because he doesn't know what the, what the freak he's doing. Once we get out there, we can't have that. So every position, it's kind of like a high intensity stressful environment for everybody you know in the building and it sounds like it's a well-oiled machine
Starting point is 00:13:31 oh yeah they're on it yeah they're on it there's they're on it um can we bring up the uh when you went into the end zone and you and i just fire a bunch of naive questions at you okay so can you tell me what they was that the play now it was a pass play and really i should have thrown the ball to the running back um but i kind of i kind of bobbled the snap when i caught it um so i got off him a little bit too quickly but then everybody else was covered so then i just ran into the end zone and uh okay so so wow, wow, I don't see you ball past. Okay, so thank you for stopping it, Caleb. Okay, so that's called a shotgun snap? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And why do you do that? Because you're so cramped up in the end zone and there's just not a lot of room, so you make more room by taking a longer snap? What's the reasoning? Yeah, I mean, I think there's a little bit of merit in going in the gun um there's there's there's merit in going under center and in the gun um in the gun i mean if you're going to pass the ball i mean really i feel like that's why a lot of teams operate in the gun it's just because the quarterback can catch the ball and have space away from the defensive line so he can see a little bit better um but i mean also for the
Starting point is 00:14:45 run game if we were to hand the ball off in this um on this play like the runner back would have more time to see where the things are developing and be able to pick the hole and and run a little bit more effective as well um and that's the running back to your right right there yeah right on his knees yeah okay and and then so who are you supposed to throw it to? So he's my first read, and he goes out on the end to the flat, and he's my first read. So when I bobbled the snap, like I said, I just got off of him too quick. But he was open.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I should have thrown the ball to him. He was? Could you play a little bit more, Caleb? And then somewhere you decide you see something. And then, okay, so that guy's going that way, and you're supposed to throw to him. Mm-hmm. And how come there's no one already covering him?
Starting point is 00:15:35 Oh, yeah, he is covering him. Yeah, they messed up. Yeah, they messed up. So after I got off him, I'm starting to look towards the middle of the field. So then out of my peripheral, I can see this defensive lineman kind of looping around to my backside. So then I stepped up and once I stepped up, I just saw an alley.
Starting point is 00:15:53 So I know that this defender here on the bottom of the screen, right in the end zone. Yeah, I knew that our guy is running towards him. So he's either got to run to tackle me and I can throw it to him or he's going to stay on him and I can just run into the end zone. Okay. So until you cross that black line, you still have the option to throw. He knows that. You know that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Because I'm thinking that guy. So that guy's got a lot to think about. Because you're further. You're 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. You're nine yards away from the end zone. He's sitting on the line. You would think he could catch you. But he knows that you have the option still to throw. So he can't commit to you.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, he really, he really can't be right in this situation. And, and when do you know that you're not going to throw it? As soon as he, as soon as he makes contact with the receiver at all, like as soon as he's uh bothered with him in any way shape or form i know that i can at least even if i get hit get in the end zone your momentum is going to carry you in and as i ask you these questions and you answer them are you hearing the answers for the first time or do you guys do you actually like is this stuff you talk about do you know that like well like in high school or in college somewhere, it's like, hey, as soon as you see the guy touch the receiver, you know you have two steps or whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Literally, literally last football season, my senior year, I did this exact same play. Literally the exact same play where I wrote where we were on the goal line. I was looking right, stepped up, ran left and died and dove in the end zone. So just kind of repetition, being the mother of all learners and just understanding, um, just understanding the game and how, how things flow. It's, it's, it's crazy. Yeah. And when I hear you talk, um, uh, it sounds that there's also a ton of pattern recognition. You're a pattern guy. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. That's a lot of really what it is.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I feel like that's really how I have any successes, not any any success but a lot of my success comes from just pattern recognition just understanding um you know what somebody has to do if they're in a certain spot how many of those guys out there are like seriously vying for a job like you like are there any guys out there where they're pretty much they're they're gonna play next year for sure 100 percent um yeah a lot of those guys because i was um i went in second yesterday so those are like the second string guys so a lot of those guys are uh you know have played years in the league and are uh are pretty good the running back's a rookie um and he's doing really well he's a rookie like me though from the university of texas but yeah everybody else in there has um been in the league for at least a couple years
Starting point is 00:18:51 and so the other rookies want the ball so that they can showcase their talents too right they're like he's chomping at the bit to get his hands on it yeah i think everybody wants to i think everybody's looking to do do good especially yeah get the ball in the preseason um and then after you go into the end zone is it just are you just on autopilot is that just like you you throw the ball on the ground the team comes over everyone's like loving on you is that just surreal right here like this yeah the celebrating part yeah that let's find it like when the guys come up and they're dapping you up and everything that's kind of just unspoken rule like that's gonna happen so i always love that but then i was like man you know now you're in the nfl you don't get penalized for celebrating um i'm about to just spike the ball real quick so then i just you know
Starting point is 00:19:42 you do get in trouble in college if you do that let off a little college you're not allowed to really you're not allowed to um excessively celebrate like you're not allowed to have like a celebration like you can love on your teammates like that but you can't like dance or spike the ball or you know do anything crazy um if wow look at one guy did you see all that hair that one guy had coming out of his helmet that can't be good go back a little bit look at that guy on the right oh i know yeah i know that guy that guy i think that i think that looks cool yeah but yeah i can see but if he was playing offense that'd be that'd be scary just because you're allowed like if you have hair
Starting point is 00:20:23 like that you're allowed to grab it and use it to tackle him but he plays defense you are yeah it's not against the rules oh my god i like football even more now that's great yeah the dude's got good hair but um yeah he's playing defense so he doesn't really he doesn't really have to worry about that as much. Did the game go as planned, even meaning how much you got to play? Before the game started, were you like, okay, I want to play this much, and when I do play, I want to perform like this? Did it go as planned or as you would like?
Starting point is 00:21:06 I think for when I was in, it went how I would want it to go, yes. But I don't really ever – I know of the order that the quarterbacks are going to go in before the game, but I don't know how much I'm going to play. So I just – yeah, so I just try to handle when they do put me in. Kind of like I said before, to the best of my ability. Would they ever pull you out during a drive before to the best of my ability would they ever pull you out during a drive in the middle of a drive i don't think now they usually let you get there they'll usually be like hey this you know you got two more or this is your last drive or um something in that something in that realm and and did you finish the game? No, I didn't. I came. Nathan went in after me.
Starting point is 00:21:48 On your Instagram, the only mention you have of the game is you celebrating one of the other quarterback's touchdown passes. You haven't put anything up of your stuff, but you're celebrating the other guy in your story. Isn't this your competitor? I mean, I know he's on your team, but you guys are going for the same job, right? Yeah, yeah, technically, yes. So why put up his amazing pass and not, I mean, you had a ton of amazing things that happened yesterday.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yeah, I thought I was, everything I was seeing on my Instagram for the time I was on there was that. So I saw that video a lot of times. So – but really, I mean, that guy has helped me so much, like, with just helping me learn the offense and everything. And I really like him a lot. So I was hyped for him that he threw – I mean, he threw a great pass right there. So I thought it was a pretty sick little angle that they got of it.
Starting point is 00:22:46 So, you know, that's all it is. That's all it is. I really do like that guy though. He's you know, I went to the, I went to, he took me, he took me to the movies a couple of weeks ago. He answers any questions that I have about, you know, things that are going on, whether that be like, you know, I'm going to my first away game. Hey man, you know, what, what exactly are we about to do? What's this going to look like? And he's just been filling me in and helping me out. So,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but that's all the quarterbacks in the room really. So he's just been, he's been pretty sweet. Does your agent or your dad or anyone be like, Hey, what are you doing promoting that guy? Nah, even if they, even if they thought that nobody, I don't think anybody wants to be weird enough to say something like that only me
Starting point is 00:23:27 hey I think it speaks volumes to your character I mean just crazy yeah crazy Dusty Willard hey Tyson say hello to Darby in the video office for me oh I got you I will do you know the people in the video office
Starting point is 00:23:44 yeah I know Darby no kidding is for me. Oh, I got you. I will. Do you know the people in the video office? Yeah, I know who Darby is, yeah. No kidding. Yeah. Wow, small world. Look at Dusty trying to show off like he knows someone over there at the Bears. Yeah, what a guy. $4.99. Do you play next week?
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yeah, we play back at home against the B buffalo bills and will there be cuts before the game nah but the for the two days right after the game okay they're gonna cut it they're gonna cut it from uh 90 to 53 so way, it'll be emotional for you. They'll be friends of yours. Either you'll be cut or friends of yours will be cut. Either way, it's not fun. Yeah, and it's already like,
Starting point is 00:24:34 you know, I've already gotten a taste of like, you know, people getting cut. When I showed up, you know, my locker room neighbors, my locker neighbors were not who they are now so it's like little things like that where you just one day a guy from the staff is just in somebody's locker with a big cardboard box packing his stuff up and then the neck the
Starting point is 00:24:58 very next day or even that same day you'll see a completely new person in that same, in that same locker. So, you know, getting an idea of being able to see that it's been pretty, pretty surreal and pretty crazy, but I guess it's just, you know, it's not that it's unknown. Like I knew that things like that were going to happen. Ken Walter Seve. It's a team sport. All right. If you say so. Damn Tyson's the goodest dude out there. Truly someone to look up to
Starting point is 00:25:28 and strive to be similar to. Wow, thanks. A friend of mine went to a Post Malone concert the other night as a guest of Post Malone, and he's in the back with all the famous people. He said some people are just so
Starting point is 00:25:44 freaking cool, and then other people are just so freaking cool. And then other people are too cool for school. Yeah. And I'm guessing that. Oh, yeah, there he is. There's my buddy. Oh, Dave Wayne. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah. Right. That's awesome. Yeah. They're gun buddies. Nice. The coolest thing was, is he told me he got to hang with post Malone's dad really yeah that was like he said his dad's cool as shit he said his dad's so cool he said he just
Starting point is 00:26:14 basically hung with his dad most of the time he said his dad was so cool that's awesome um in in the locker room or on the team I'm guessing that that's not what you want to be. You don't want to be the guy who's too cool for school, right? Because I'm guessing that the coaches and stuff are like, speaking of team, want it to be a team. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's weird because they want it to be the same camaraderie and togetherness as like any other team. Like that's what the coaches are striving for. They're saying all the same motivational things that a lot of the other
Starting point is 00:26:50 coaches that I've grown up say. But now you're telling, you know, in a couple of particular situations, you're telling a dude who's already got enough money that he doesn't need to do anything for the rest of his life. And you're telling him to go like, just go out, sacrifice his body for the team and do this and do that. And I can, you can see that for some people, like, they're just like, man, come on, man. I ain't, I ain't trying, I'm not trying to do that. Like, you know, and you can see that. And really, I mean, you can look at it. I look at it in two ways. I look at it like, man, you know, I would hate, you know, to be that guy's wife or kid or something like that,
Starting point is 00:27:36 because you kind of just feel like that could just be a domino effect and they could just be, you know, losing that shit, you know, to their family, which is, which is never good. But then it's another thing. It's like, man, he does have a whole lot of money. He probably did have to do all those crazy hard things at one point. Um, but I just look at it also like, man, I just don't ever want that to be me. I don't care how much money I make. I just want to continue. I just want to work as hard as I can continue to shoulder the stone and just freaking just go as hard as I can all the time. Just because of what I know that that'll do for like, you know, my family and everything. Even if I get tired of it, at least just do it, you know, for my family.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Are you enjoying all this? Yeah, it's been super rewarding. So it's been great. It's been super rewarding. So it's been great. It looks like, I mean, from where I see from my little house in Santa Cruz, California, it looks like you're having a blast. Yeah, it's been great. I mean, I'm also one of those dudes, too.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Like a lot of the guys in rookies, like a lot of the rookies that are here also are coming from really big schools that are kind of, you can kind of, there's some similarities between the facilities here and the facilities where they came from for me this is like this is a whole new universe so i'm really every day no matter what it is walk through lifting you know pre-game game day practice i'm like looking around like wow this is. I cannot believe I'm experiencing this right now. So I think that is played into my, that's played in my favor. I think just what I came from and then now where I'm at. You, this is no, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this the the story that i've learned in the last year um talking to you and your dad this is no surprise to you this is a surprise to a lot of other people but you you've you have surrounded yourself with people who believe in you and you
Starting point is 00:29:40 believe in yourself like no other like it's not like to the outside this is might be like some cinderella story some d2 guy comes on and he's made it through the first two games uh really really well but for you you've been a dominant player and a shining star wherever you go for many many many many years and yet you have to prove yourself again here is a part of you like giddy that like like at first it must have been a little demoralizing like fuck they really don't know how good i am that they just think i'm just some fucking ding dong from fucking west virginia but as part of you also kind of excited that they don't that they didn't know that you're like yeah yeah i think it's cool seeing uh the difference
Starting point is 00:30:25 in the way that people talk and approach you like after a given amount of time um because you could i could see that during like training camp practices you know i would do something good and it's like people will come up to you like hey man dude good job like kind of how i would look at my like my little sister if somehow she was able to actually hit the softball in the game like holy shit you did it like good job yeah yeah and uh so in my head i'll be like yeah all right thanks thanks buddy like you know thanks thanks for holding my hand through this or feeling like you need to at least. But really, yeah, I kind of like it. I do kind of like it.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I don't know. I just feel like I've just been – I've just had a different mindset about this whole, like, football thing to where it's really kind of always been a big thing of what I do. And when I'm not doing it, I'm really thinking about it, like really in depth and in different ways and kind of in weird ways, just how I could do something different. And I think that's also helped me too, because I think when a lot of people leave like practice or a game that, you know, they kind of, they just shut it off and they worry about, you know, other things, you know, in their life, which I worry about those things too, but always in the back of my mind, I'm like, you know, thinking about maybe a certain play where I should have did something
Starting point is 00:31:46 different. And like the one wide view of the play, you just showed me on the touchdown. Yeah. Right. The touchdown, the touchdown was great, but all I can think about is the fact that I should have thrown it to the running back. Oh, so just a little, yeah, just a little thing. Like that's how I'm thinking about it. Obviously super grateful that I was able to get an end zone and score my first NFL touchdown. But in the same token, I'm thinking about it. Obviously super grateful that I was able to get in the end zone and score my first NFL touchdown.
Starting point is 00:32:06 But in the same token, I'm just like my coaching point, if I'm listening to coaching and I'm following my rules, the ball would be in Roshan's hand and he would be the one in the end zone. Do you get talked to at all about that, by the way? Yeah, we'll watch film. We're going to watch film together tomorrow, and then we'll go through the game and critique everything and then start getting ready for next Saturday. You know, your dad is really like that too.
Starting point is 00:32:38 You're describing your dad. He'll talk about when he was arm wrestling just on the regular basis, he was always thinking and trying to innovate and rethinking and angles and positions on the table and how to talk to the ref and he would just just to grind it over and over and just be thinking of like different ways like you said think trying to think of even different ways of how to think about his sport. Yeah. And I think also like, like even him and just in the car or in the living room, like always having a dumbbell in the living room or always having a towel in the car, just, he's just squeezing it, just little things like that, where you just like, you know, you've always,
Starting point is 00:33:22 you know, you set yourself up to where you know that you can always kind of hone in on your craft not in like a super taxing way even but just in a just the little wins where you can start to separate yourself from people over time uh turntable uh in in one of the post-game interviews tyson you said something like the offensive coordinator is uh offensive coordination is designed to favor not failing over big plays, and that made you feel comfortable. Can you elaborate? Yeah, so I mean basically every single play I get, there's a check to another play on it. So really you're getting two plays, and if they give you a certain look or a certain defense, then you would change it to the next play. So really the offense is set up to where you really
Starting point is 00:34:11 aren't, you really, it's designed to not have any failing plays. Like, cause in college, you know, you get a play, that's the play you're running. If they come up and they show the worst defense possible, unless you're a quarterback like like i was thankfully in my last couple years that's been in the offense for a million years and knows every all the ins and outs of it and you can just change the play um on your own on your own um you know you're really just going to run a really bad play into a bad look with no there's like no hope of having any success um so this in in this scheme and you know this is the only scheme i've ever been a part of so this might be it might be like this for all 32 nfl teams but just for um you know you get a certain look and now the original play
Starting point is 00:34:58 you have is not a good play against this look so now you would just check it to the other play and now you know nothing's going to happen perfectly. But now at least you're in a situation where you know that the angles are correct, that the defense is aligned correctly for this play to potentially have success. So that's what I think is pretty cool. Like if you just follow the rules and you follow the coaching and everything, you can avoid being in like a loser situation before you snap the ball. When the game's over and you want to talk to someone, who do you call?
Starting point is 00:35:36 Who do you talk to? Yeah, usually somebody. Nobody in particular. Obviously, my dad is super into the whole football thing, so it's usually him. But somebody, my mom or dad probably my mom dad or ezra really no one like um like if you like there's stuff you want to share funny stuff like dude right when i went out there i went to tie my shoes and my shoelace broke off oh my god and uh you should have seen the snot rocket that came out of my nose when i took the snap and landed on the ball and as i threw the ball the guy caught it i was all i could think
Starting point is 00:36:07 of was i had a snot rocket on like there's stuff i'm sure like stuff you want to share that's your dad and your little brother and your mom probably not no probably not that probably maybe my little my little brother but i got right um so i've got like five really good buddies and i was actually i talked to all five of them after the game. On a conference call, like on a group call or just one at a time? Nah, it was one at a time. Oh my God, you're a good friend. Holy shit. Yeah, that would have been cool.
Starting point is 00:36:34 The conference call would have been cool. But yeah, I kind of had one of those. My head coach from college, his son was my roommate in college and played fullback for us. And he became one of my really good friends and he actually helped me learn the play he helped me with the playbook while i was home on break so um he was one of the guys that um i was talked to because he just it was just one of those texts where uh we knew how crazy this whole situation was going to be and he has kind
Starting point is 00:37:01 of a better idea than most people just because he helped me kind of learn the playbook and stuff and he just texted me he was just like dude are you serious just because you did so good like you can't even believe yeah he was like dude dude are you serious right now and when i sent him uh what's it called is it aIF? You know what that is? Yeah, like the animation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I sent him the one, the are you not entertained one. Yeah. And then he replied back. He was like, what did he say? We played this terrible team in college.
Starting point is 00:37:38 They were like the worst team in our conference, Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania. And he was like, why did you drive down the field like the Indianapolis Colts were Lock Haven? Yeah, that one. That's the one I sent in. That's the one I sent in. And so I called him and we laughed about it.
Starting point is 00:37:53 But, yeah. So, yeah, my five buddies I talked to, we all talked about dumb stuff like that. So that was cool. Jeremy, as a cheesehead is that a that's the Green Bay team yeah what's the team yeah okay
Starting point is 00:38:10 as a cheesehead I struggle at first to cheer for Tyson but damn he's a good dude hope you make it my man
Starting point is 00:38:17 appreciate it thank you Carlos Mejia ask him if he's done any CrossFit WOD at the facilities or has he shared any of his crossfit training with his teammates good question carlos no not yet our schedule has
Starting point is 00:38:33 been like absolutely brutal since i've been here um but i do i have been counting down the days to when training camp does end and and i can kind of start getting back into my own little, uh, in my own groove, um, in a font from a functional movement standpoint. Uh, cause we do, we do work out, but really it's, it's just not the same as what I'm kind of used to. Um, so I am, I am ready to get back into it, but I have been on the slack box a lot. That's kind of one thing that I've kept consistent. They actually have Slack boxes in the facility.
Starting point is 00:39:13 The Chicago Bears have those. Yeah, I know, right? And that's funny. Look, so I see them. They're like hidden in the corner. One day I'm walking by and I see them. I'm like, because I brought mine from home and I've just been using it in my hotel room. But I saw them in the corner. So I go up and make sure it is what it is
Starting point is 00:39:29 and i see him and a bunch of different sizes and i go up to the strength pick edition because i'm like man how do y'all know about slack boxes like that's crazy yeah uh and he was like what is it i'm like yeah the slack box that you have in the car. He had no clue. They just kind of like just had him. I'm sorry. I'm saying like, yeah, you know, Jim caught me by. He's like, who? I'm like, oh, man.
Starting point is 00:39:52 All right. Never mind. Never mind. Hey, so give me an idea of what you do with that. You have like you do the same thing I do. Like when I'm researching for a podcast i just uh researching to do a podcast i'll go in my garage put something on the tv and then just basically take turns standing on one foot touching my toes doing different movements on it is that what you do yeah so i'll do yeah i
Starting point is 00:40:15 usually just do the three main uh the three main stances on it so like putting your whole foot on it then uh putting your foot perpendicular to it then putting it at a slight angle oh and i'll do that for uh three minutes three minutes each three minutes each of each movement on each leg and try not to touch the ground and then um if i've got you know more time than that i usually do it as a warmup. Um, and then if I have more time than that, then I'll get a ball involved and I'll start bouncing the ball off the wall and catching it and just little stuff like stuff like that. Wow. So you're a huge believer in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I mean, cause I, you know, I read his book and there was just kind of the way that he was describing it, like just like a balance being the sixth and most forgotten about sense and just how important it is and how detrimental everybody's balance has become due to just how safe and precautionary everything is with like buildings and floors and sidewalks and everything. And people, it's easy to just lose that and then all of a sudden you know you get old and you start falling down and stuff and you know screw that but but from a more athletic standpoint obviously i'll like to keep my balance as long as you know as long as i can um but from an athletic standpoint just like the more balanced you are i mean i could you know uh yeah sure i are, I mean, I could, you know, yeah, sure. I'll take all the balance in the world, you know, just another tool in the toolbox. I, um, I think I remember him saying something like your limit. I always think of what he said about baseball. You're limited how hard you could swing
Starting point is 00:41:59 the bat by how well you can balance while you're swinging it. And I was like, that's what it was. That's what it was. The one thing that, the one thing that stood out uh to me uh was in the book it said you're you're limited in the way that you in the speed in which you can body depending on how balanced you are and i was thinking and the first thing i clicked in my head is there was this freaking super stud athlete when i was in high school school that was like so quick and could change direction so fast to the point that you it didn't even really make sense and just like thinking of that I'm like oh he's able to do that strictly because his center of balance is off the chain like that's that's all that's the only other that'd be the only other difference between him and another
Starting point is 00:42:41 quick fast dude who cannot make these plays it's just his balance is so centered and good. So him saying that, and then just like the whole neurological system of like, when you get better balance, it's not the fact, it's not something you just get better at. It's like your neurological system is organizing itself within the different ways that your body is taking and balancing that eventually you're just able all of a sudden you're just able to stand on the slack box for for longer one day not even because you put a ridiculous amount of time into it but just because your
Starting point is 00:43:17 your neurons have organized themselves in a way that they now know how this feels and they know you know who needs to fire and what at time. And I thought that was pretty cool too. Do you, so, so this game, this game you're going to play next week could be your last game. It could be. Yeah. But, but either way you will know something. So you play next Saturday? Yes. So on Monday, you'll know something different
Starting point is 00:43:49 about the trajectory of your life? I think so, yeah. I think that should be Monday, yes. Like two days after? But no matter what, by the time September 1st rolls around, I'll know if I'm a bum or if I'm a Chicago Bear. Right. Now let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:44:07 This is another, I feel like, touchy question. Tell me if it is. Now all the other teams have seen you now. Mm-hmm. Right? So, like, I'm assuming that not only the teams are watching their players, they're watching all the other players in the league. So some other team out there of the 31 teams, they're also checking out quarterbacks, and they're watching all the other players in the league. So some other team out there of the 31 teams,
Starting point is 00:44:27 they're also checking out quarterbacks, and they're like, oh, fuck, what's that guy doing over there, that Tyson Bajan dude? If Chicago doesn't get you, can other teams get you? Yeah, if they don't have me make the team. I really don't. There's something also with the practice squad, like teams could take me from the practice squad or something if I made the practice squad. But yeah, yeah. I, I don't know a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I just leave that up to like, you know, my dad to talk with my agent about and just stuff like that. Cause he's the one who's really all into answering, you know, those questions and stuff. But yeah, I think, you know, if it were to happen where Chicago didn't want me, I would obviously have film that they could, that they could watch it, that if they, you know, liked what kind of player I was, they could also scoot me up.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Do you know if you're going to play next week for sure? Like have they told you? I, they haven't told me anything. I'd imagine that I would, but I also have absolutely no clue. Do you know if you're going to play next week for sure? Like, have they told you? They haven't told me anything. I'd imagine that I would, but I also have absolutely no clue. Okay. But the conventional wisdom would be that they would give you more time. Yeah. But also, too, I think a lot of teams take the – I think I'm going to play.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I don't know if it will be more time just because I think a lot of teams take that last preseason game as like, okay, now we need to get our starters ready for the season that's about to come. Like we need to make sure that they're firing on all cylinders and that it's not just like their first real action. Isn't the first game of the season. Your family was at the game. Yeah. My mom flew in yesterday morning. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah, it was awesome. It was awesome. And your dad was there, obviously. Yep, yep. Him and my grandma were at my first game, and they stayed the whole week and then went to the game yesterday, and then now they're going home.
Starting point is 00:46:24 and then went to the game yesterday and then now they're going home and and where does um when did you see your dad at all yesterday like after the game do you get a chance to see him or do you just go go away with the bus nice shirt by the way holy shit nice shirt yeah yeah so there's like a little family section and um i got to see him for like 15 minutes after the game your dad cry um he didn't cry in front of me i'd imagine i was thinking about that i was like man i know i know that he got choked up when i scored because it was like it was honestly the most crazy thing that i ever could have imagined just like the whole like the way it all happened the way the drive happened the way I was fishing in the drive and then the just the atmosphere was crazy and it was on NFL network and it was just all these things I was like man that is just like
Starting point is 00:47:17 crazy there's no way he didn't no way he didn't um so I called him a handful of times yesterday right trying to get in touch with them and then and then it's 10 30 at night and i'm just uh i think the ufc had just gotten over and my phone rings and two of my boys are still up we just watched the last fight and it's your dad and i answered i put it on speakerphone and he's like hey dude things have changed lose my number and he hangs up on me and me and my wife are dying laughing and uh and my sons are like devastated is that real does one of your friends not want to be your friend anymore they're like tripping that's funny dude how about how about the sugar show oh my goodness what a stud i'm not gonna lie i thought he was just gonna get mauled in there me too i thought he was gonna get wrestled to death me too yeah that was awesome and ian gary too is a stud ian gary did really well, right? Ian Gary is the man. The next Conor McGregor.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I didn't like... Did you watch any of the build-up to the fight, Ian and Neil Magny? I did watch a little bit of it. I felt like he was mean to Neil Magny. I mean, I know it's the fight game, but man, he was a little mean. Yeah, I was like, I don't think that that's cool get off yeah yeah it's almost like uh he's trying to just hone in that conor mcgregor energy thing maybe a little too much but i mean if he keeps handling dudes like he is i guess it
Starting point is 00:48:58 doesn't matter i don't know it's almost like you can say whatever you want if you can cash the checks your mouth writes, right? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Well, hey, I appreciate the time. I'm so excited for you. It's kind of crazy. The core group who watched this show in the morning, they've just blown up my DMs. Everyone's just like in a frenzy.
Starting point is 00:49:25 They can't even believe that they got to meet you after your last college game. And then they've gotten to know you and you've shared so much with the group so we really appreciate it thanks it's a it's a cool journey to be on with you yeah i appreciate you having me on my dad said um my dad was actually saying he was like uh he was like yeah man listen don't do any more don't do any more podcasts it's only a matter of time for you say something stupid and people start you know doing this so now this is the only this is the only podcast i do so oh good good good me on have me on whenever good yeah you come on whenever hey and i can't wait for for those of you for the last well i don't want to celebrate yet anyway congratulations buddy i love you to death i it's it truly is an honor to be uh in your in your sphere and get to uh and get to enjoy this with you it's it's it's really
Starting point is 00:50:11 it's it's fun i mean you're the ripple of your success i mean like i like my wife doesn't even know anything about football and i was putting together an instagram clip to post uh yesterday for some of your plays and she could just hear the ESPN commentator talking and she goes from the other room. She goes, what is this? It's giving me chills. And like, she's not even, you know what I mean? She's not from the other room. And my wife does not say stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:50:36 She's just like flatline. Yeah. And I was like, oh shit. Yeah, this is cool. Yeah, that's great. That's good stuff. All right, buddy. You look at, hey, oh yeah. I wanted, that's great. That's good stuff. All right, buddy.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Hey, I wanted to ask you this. Are you sore at all? I'm not today, but after the last game, I got sacked and my leg got kind of whacked. I was sore after the last game, but today I feel pretty good. Really not like your hamstrings or no DOMS? Nope, I feel pretty good. I got out of there unscathed yeah that's crazy good on you all right that makes me happy all right love you have a safe trip uh talk to you man i'll be bugging you i'll see you soon yep hey and don't ever feel i i know i know what it's like getting all those text messages to never ever feel obligated i'll just keep bugging you you
Starting point is 00:51:24 know what i mean don't ever think I'm never trip. Okay. Have a good day. Yep. Bye. Ladies and gentlemen, Tyson Bajan. Holy shit. Holy shit. That is so exciting. My buddy's
Starting point is 00:51:41 little son's gonna make me famous. Take my podcast to the next level. Of fucking nuts. Does he feel like a kid still or does he feel like he's made it? Hey, that dude's going to feel like a kid for a long time. That dude just has his head down. Big time. Yeah, that's a workhorse.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I wonder if somebody grabbed that ball for him. I saw somebody run off after he spiked oh good question guys like at the end of the video you can see a guy like literally with his hands out like running out to catch it after he spiked it yeah i'm hoping somebody grabbed that and gave it to him um is that what is the what is the um uh what is the conventional wisdom on that let me see if i can call him and ask him that that's a good question we need that answer right do you get to keep that ball usually like a first of something or like a milestone later down the road they'll find they'll get the ball for you or like maybe you don't want to be a dick and ask even though you really want it
Starting point is 00:52:39 yeah right it looked like one of the receivers was he was like, oh, this is a big this is a big moment. Let me go grab that for him. Oh, I called on the wrong phone. Yo. Hey, sorry. One quick question. Did you get to keep the ball? Yeah. So after I spiked it, you can see that there's a receiver that runs and gets it. And so, yeah, I think it'll be at the facility for me tomorrow when I walk in. Yeah, boy. Alright. Alright. Awesome. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Bye. Oh, that's cool. That's so dope. Yeah, I saw a guy running after it. Let me go see if I can find it real quick. Hey, that's just some dude, like, thinking quick on his feet. Who does that? Yeah, absolutely. Like, that's just conventional football wisdom. Like quick on his feet who does that yeah absolutely like like that's just conventional football wisdom like one of his homeboys is like oh
Starting point is 00:53:29 tyson's gonna want that yeah so it's the guy to the left here he spikes it and he just chases off off oh what a cool dude number 83 number 83 they call him the labrador look at him like the ball gets thrown and he's got to go yeah that's awesome yeah that's dope dang that's probably that's probably good advice from his dad don't go don't go on his podcast anymore probably some good advices. Crazy. Guys, for people who, for people who, I don't know if you're not, I think all the regular, regular, regular, regular, regular, before I pivot to Laura Horvath,
Starting point is 00:54:28 that dude's so smart tyson yeah he is and it's a big giant computer processor that's crunching and working and it's clean he doesn't have any dust bunnies in his brain you know what i mean it's not some kid who smoked weed or drank too much or like that's just when you're when you're engaging with them you just feel it's so it's so sharp it's so clear yeah it's so. You're staring into just like a blue pond. A perfectly, yeah. It's so, I can't really describe it, but you know it when you're around it. It's more than just nuanced.
Starting point is 00:55:16 He's a really healthy, high-functioning human being. For sure. Crazy, yeah. It's fun engaging with him.'s fully engaged like no extra baggage kind of thing like he's just like yeah this is it yeah and and um when someone is really like that too even the dumb questions or like the little kid questions he's more than willing to engage in you know what i mean like i don't know shit about football i didn't know which one was the running back he's fully like he loves every bit of it.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I don't mind. Yeah, that's the running. Like, yeah, we're in the shotgun format. And like, he just loves it. It's all. There were some things that he's like, he actually explained to. He's like, I'm sure nobody understands this. So let me elaborate on, on what the gun is, on what the, on the benefits, the nuances, whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yeah, it was really cool. On what the benefits, the nuances, whatever. Yeah, it was really cool. Stuff he's known since he's been eight that he still is like sharp on. Yeah. Like he's not annoyed by somebody asking like any of that question. That's cool. It's like they say with fighting or a lot of, you know, I guess a lot of sports, if you get back to the fundamentals, like it always comes back down to the fundamentals.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Like from like way out, like to the probably the really nuanced shit he thinks down to the fundamentals like from like way out like to the probably the really nuanced shit he thinks about to the fundamentals it's just so it's awesome uh crossfit final call he was cool as shit thanks for having him on seven i'm excited to watch and play the season same as i was super hyped for the games because of the interviews this year yeah thanks i know i'm pumped too too. There's no doubt that knowing him and getting to know him is what makes it interesting. I might have to get the NFL network. Turntable, he was dropping big words
Starting point is 00:56:57 in the post-game interview too, like thesaurus words and shit. You know what's funny too is, that's why when I wanted to talk about his intelligence it's not it's not the kind of intel i mean he has that he has both kinds of intelligence obviously he's he knows his craft but there's something else about him a level of um it's like, you know how you're supposed to clean a surface before you stick something to
Starting point is 00:57:29 it. Like before we put your registration on or before you put a sticker on something on your window or something like he, if he's that surface, he's so clean. It's he's everything is going to stick. Like when you say something to him, you just,
Starting point is 00:57:44 you're just fully engaged maybe some people would just call that presence yeah like you said no baggage is a good way to say it he's present as fuck yeah it's pretty wild I imagine when he's in film sessions like he's just
Starting point is 00:58:00 soaking everything up he could probably recall every play every comment, everything that was said within every film session. Yeah, he remembers what the lady said at the gas station. Yeah, at the Sheetz gas station. And I like this answer when I asked him, like, hey, are other teams looking at you, or would you go to other teams?
Starting point is 00:58:19 It's like, dude, like, I'm playing. Yeah. It's like when I found that YouTube money. People are like, how did you not know that was there? It's like, dude, I'm playing. Yeah. It's like when I found that YouTube money. People are like, how did you not know that was there? It's like, dude, I'm doing podcasts. Oh, that's cool. Hey, he's always known, by the way. He's known and his dad's known.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And his dad's always known. And I've heard his dad tell me for many years. And his dad's always known, and I've heard his dad tell me for many years, there's a whole other side that almost feels unfair to talk about unless I had Travis on here to talk about it. But, yeah, what a trip. It's like his dad is the psychic or wielded intoed into existence or some shit i don't know what it is i don't know how that works yeah it's a wild story he told so the thing with um with laura is like i i think all the regular listeners know this but i see some stuff in the comments about
Starting point is 00:59:19 people like commenting it's like hey to me part of this is just all a shtick. Like no one, no one needs to jump in and like decide whether you like her or don't like her. Like, I don't know how it's going to play out. I'm reading the book for the first time. Like, like you guys are, that's what's kind of fun and exciting about it. But there's no, um, there's no, there's no reason to weigh in on like her character or whether you like her or not or any of that. This is just fun.
Starting point is 00:59:49 It's like, this thing is this, this I'm, I'm glad I'm engaged. I'm so excited that I'm engaging with someone like this, that I have this kind of just weirdness in my life. You know what I mean? Just the whole,
Starting point is 01:00:01 yeah. Wait a couple of weeks, let it settle down and we'll call her again. See what happens. Just enjoy it. Yeah happens just enjoy it yeah just keep it just keep it weird why would you not yeah like yesterday i put my d i dehydrated tomatoes and you're supposed to cut them in half before you dehydrate them and i'm like no one's telling me what to do i don't have to cut them in half. So I put them in the dehydrator and I didn't cut them in half.
Starting point is 01:00:27 I can't wait to check them after the show. Like whole tomatoes or like cherry tomatoes? They're cherry tomatoes. Sebon, is Hurricane Hillary going to blow your house away like the Big Bad Wolf? Yeah. It's so funny. I mean, it's not to have 50 or 60 mile an hour winds around
Starting point is 01:00:46 here is like that happens every year at least once or twice a few times a year i find it hard to believe i don't know why they're calling this one in particular hurricane and there's always been hurricanes and whatever typhoons or whatever those things always smash Baja, California every year. I don't know what the, um, uh, Chad F does anyone know I can get more than 10% off at Wolverine to try them out? I don't,
Starting point is 01:01:14 what's do they have a code word? Sevan? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm like, I'm, I've become addicted to that stuff. What do you use? The pre-workout.
Starting point is 01:01:24 I use the pre-workout. I use the-workout i use the crittin crittin great and i use and i use the hydration formula do you like the hydration formula yeah it's actually my favorite it's like because even on my fasting day i'll put a little bit into a cup and fill it with hot water and just sip it over hours. I like that. Oh, kind of like how you do your coffee. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:55 There's a 20. Oh, there was a 25% off option on the main page on their banner. That's true. Maybe we can look at that. It was really small small it was too small can we go there caleb and look real quick yeah swolverine it was it was a little tiny um like sliver at the top oh free now it says free shipping on orders over 99 dollars orders over $99.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Yeah, so there used to be a think code up there for some percentage off. Excuse me. My goodness, that's not cool. What else did I want to tell you? I wanted to tell you guys about Laura. Enjoy that. There was something else. Oh.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I realized yesterday I was. I was. I realized yesterday that I was sexist. It sucked. It was a crazy rude awakening. Crazy rude awakening. Sexist might be too strong. But I was in the parking lot at Safeway in Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 01:03:23 And I just loaded my kids in the car and I was fooling around. I mean, did you see the video where I pushed the cart away? Yeah, I did. So I was pulling around filming that. Right. And while I'm doing that,
Starting point is 01:03:38 I look over to my, and my wife's just getting in the car. And while I'm doing that, I look over to my left and i see a cart with groceries in it rolling down the middle of the next aisle over okay so i start running to the cart because obviously it's like a runaway cart someone has left it it's a steep driveway yeah this is good did you like my music too what is you uh it's godfather oh yeah that's great okay anyway to the left over to the left over there there was a runaway cart and
Starting point is 01:04:22 and i see the cart it's full of groceries and it's going and that's it that's a pretty steep hill in that driveway and it's like oh shit this is gonna fucking smash into a car so i start running after it to get it and it was like out of a cartoon and as i'm running i see whose cart it is and i go ma'am your cart because she was closer to it than i was but i didn't get a good look at her. I just saw in the periphery. And I looked and it was a dude. But I made the assumption that only a woman would let that happen. Like I saw that in my head.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Not like that clear, like only a woman would let that happen. But I just assumed it was a woman. Okay. And I'm like, wow, you're sexist. Now, granted, it was a long-haired dude who was hip like a hippie right yeah yeah yeah yeah but it was like the time when i saw i saw someone dump a bunch of uh stuff out of their uh uh truck window when they were driving
Starting point is 01:05:22 and i pulled up next to him i followed him into a parking lot and i told him i said hey you cured me of my racism and they're like why am i because i i thought only black people littered like that i had no idea i grew up in the bay area i'd never seen a white person do that that's incredible thank you for curing me of my racism this kid this i don't know if i'm cured of my sexism, though. I was like, holy shit. I didn't correct myself either. I didn't be like, oh, sorry, sir. I just went with ma'am.
Starting point is 01:05:56 It was basically me 10 years older with long hair if I don't cut my man bun. And he was wearing some tie-dye shit. Oh, yeah, I could see that. Anyway, I assumed it was a girl. And I don't know. I'm working through it. I'm proud of you for that. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Just about self-reflection, right? Yeah, yeah. Manifesting self-reflection. No, he didn't correct me on the pronouns. I just said, ma'am. Ma'am, your fucking card or something. And then I was like, oh, no, that's a dude. How does a dude let that happen?
Starting point is 01:06:36 Susan Kaye, he was probably too high to notice. Possible. Maybe. He did put his cart, the carriage where you put the carts away, the corral. He did afterwards, as I was in my car, I was fooling around, like, trying to post my video. And I did see him come and put his cart away. So that was cool, right? Yeah. I took a video of myself putting a cart away one time.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And as I was doing it, this guy was driving by and, like, both hands off the steering wheel clapping at me and just like yelling congratulations or some shit like very sarcastically but just like literally probably five miles an hour down the parking lot just clapping away I was like I like it
Starting point is 01:07:19 um twice in the last um month and i've heard this a lot my whole life but it just hit me like pretty hard twice in the last month i've i've talked to people about like doing something like hey you want to come on this podcast and they they're like, no, I can't. It's my birthday. And I was thinking to myself, I think that's one of the qualities about me that makes me, I'm going to say this as gentle as I can,
Starting point is 01:07:59 different than other people. At 51 years old, I've never used that as an excuse for anything. Like, my life isn't like that. I'm not like, I'm not going to school today. It's my birthday. I'm not going to work today. It's my birthday.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I'm not going to go on a podcast today. I don't think I've ever used my birthday as an excuse not to do something. No, I've been like, it's my birthday. I'm going to eat cake today. Or it's my birthday. I'm going to get fucked up today. I usually use that as an excuse to do something no i've been like it's my birthday i'm gonna eat cake today or it's my birthday i'm gonna get fucked up today usually is that an excuse to do something i can't imagine i'm gonna just be frank it sounds so weak to me like i just think when i hear that i just think failure loser not like not like just in everything not like you're
Starting point is 01:08:47 I just yeah yeah I use excuses b-days I use other excuses birthdays a chick excuse yeah I think of it as like a 14 year old girl I said to someone hey you want to come on my podcast like oh I can't it's my birthday I was just like, wow. I would think that it would be the opposite. I would think like you should have called me and been like, Hey, it's my birthday. Can I come on the podcast? Maybe that's just because I'm just fooling myself. I can never vindicate December 6th. Don't call me. on don't call me hey i worked with another shirt company before i met travis and i called the dude on the weekend and he's like hey dude don't call me on weekends the guy said that to me and i was like wow i'll never um probably will never work with you again i don't i don't i don't have saturdays or sundays or my life's not even
Starting point is 01:09:45 my life's not compartmentalized at all a lot of stuff wouldn't get done I just can't I just can't imagine having birthday as an yeah I judge you for that anyway I kind of apologize. Yeah, always on. It's always my life. It's always my life.
Starting point is 01:10:25 your religion yeah how you treat other people how you interact with the whole world how you walk on planet earth it's all your religion your life your existence is your religion it better be it's all you got how we uh how we do it i'd love this i've been a proponent of this one too uh celebrate your mom on your birthday she did all the work word yeah uh ken walters i always took my birthday off from work it was paid holiday at one company i was at yeah that's cool hell yeah but i love my job i i i love them i never took that i never took christmas off or my birthday off when I worked at CrossFit. I would never take my birthday off or Christmas off to do the podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I want to come on here and hang with Caleb on Christmas morning. It's cool. Yeah. Why not? I definitely don't want to go to the hospital and work at the hospital on Christmas morning. I kind of get that. I get that. I get that. I get that. I get that.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I get that. Yeah, like somebody was telling me, oh, that was my supervisor. They're like, we can call you anytime. I'm like, no, you cannot. It's a completely different, unless somebody's dying, I'm not going to come in to work.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Those are different, like, unless somebody's dying, I'm not going to come in to work. Those are different kinds of, that's like, that you need, it's like working out. You can't just work out 24-7. You need rest time. Yeah, right. But I can't imagine having something like this in my life, like a podcast and needing an excuse. Like I always want to work out. Like there's times I want to work out that I just don't like I want. I'd love to do bench press twice a day, seven days a week. That'd be fun. You just can't. So I get having to take a break or like sometimes I want to do a podcast and I'm like, dude, I better just take a break. I better just take a break. But it's to make the podcast better. It's not because I'm avoiding it.
Starting point is 01:12:30 But I get what you're saying. That you need a break from that kind of work. The emergency room. Yeah. Oh. Can't have to laugh. I put my phone on airplane mode at night. Yeah. Need to sleep too
Starting point is 01:12:46 I'm not convinced Sevan gets Howie Doit's name I don't get it oh now I get it Howie Doit that one took a while wow no I didn't know
Starting point is 01:13:03 holy shit I think that's been a name for like over a month well yeah way long time yeah yeah you're right good job daniel no you nailed it wow impressive um uh number can you play oh did i send you the notes no i didn't send you the notes? No, I didn't send you the notes. I want you to... Unless it's from yesterday. Okay. I was having this talk with a friend the other day a guy I know posted a picture
Starting point is 01:13:48 of his son his four-year-old son with a tranny cool fucking dude fully dressed as a woman basically touching his son reading a book with him right your four-year-old kid with a tranny right next to him like like basically touching him so close that you know like how an adult might read a book with a kid sure and i'm looking at that and i'm thinking to myself why would you do that to your kid why because that's what you're doing why would you take your kid to someone, a man, my friend and I were talking about this, who has the unquenchable desire to be with little kids while he's dressed as a woman? Why are you providing your child for this person's desires?
Starting point is 01:14:49 It's a really interesting perspective, right? You have a four year old kid and you take them to men who have your boy, your pride and joy. You take him to a man who dresses as a woman who has an unquenchable desire to be around little kids. Now, if you know men. Everything we do, everything we do, there's there's a there's an undertone of like sex in it. And so when you know when men are dressing as women, there is some it's deeply rooted in some perversion around their sexuality also. some it's deeply rooted in some perversion around their sexuality also jake chapman says they do it because look how liberal i am i'm willing to do this to my child yeah what it is it is it well golf golf foxtrot yankee it's the it's the question i don't want it's a rhetorical question i'm asking the question because it puts a whole new spin on it.
Starting point is 01:15:48 At first, like the look is usually the perspective is like, hey, look at these trannies. Why are they trying to groom your kids? Dude, fuck that. Don't worry about that. There's all sorts of weirdos out there trying to rob banks, trying to molest kids, trying to get in your sister's pants, just whatever. Right. That's just the world. These are the kids' parents serving up their children to perverts
Starting point is 01:16:12 i know that's a little strong but i'm gonna go i'm 90 sure i just it's it's such a weird um why can't why can't you take your kid to a reading hour with an amish lady who's in a dress with the fucking like head thing on who's reading like how to get collect eggs from a chicken this is my favorite children's book how to collect eggs from a chicken the main character is and this is tommy and his chicken betsy like why does it have to be? Why can't we just go to a normal reading time? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I don't understand this desire to take your kid to men who dress as women who have an unquenchable desire to be with little kids. What are you doing? Do you know where I take my kids? I take my kids to a place where it's a bunch of fucking sweaty fucking Brazilian dudes. Who wear fucking robes with fucking cauliflower ear. And they rough my kids up and teach them how to rough other kids up.
Starting point is 01:17:24 And how to make eye contact and say please and thank you and to be completely confident with who they are, the way they smell, in their skin. No frill. Everyone's dressed the same. A massive humbling experience where they're all the same in drones and yet it's individual to defend yourself And the other way it's the exact opposite Of your part of the team
Starting point is 01:17:50 It's your own man That's where I take my fucking kids Those Those are Those are the men I immerse my kids to I want my kids to be around Sweaty fucking Brazilian men who practice the art of jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 01:18:12 What are you doing to your kids? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? I'm perfectly okay if your 22 year old son
Starting point is 01:18:25 wants to dress up as a woman and go to San Francisco and go to gay bars and visit glory hole places and all that stuff that's cool enjoy yourself it's fun get crazy do poppers and drugs
Starting point is 01:18:40 but your kid your 4 year old boy don't ruin my story Kenneth are they Brazilian don't ruin my story my kids are going to go train at AOJ what's that AOJ
Starting point is 01:18:57 my kids are going there I got it set up Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and then after and then they're also going to be skating with at Sheckler's Place, Ryan Sheckler's Place. That's exciting. Yeah. I don't know what's more exciting, that they're going to train at AOJ.
Starting point is 01:19:14 I'm kind of nervous for them. Why? Because, dude, I was looking at their kids' program. In their last tournament, all eight of their kids got gold medals. Damn. Damn. Yeah. The Mendez brothers. It's their gym.
Starting point is 01:19:30 I think the Rotola brothers came out of there. It's just a crazy hype. They got so many jiu-jitsu champions there. That's pretty cool. Is the show still going to Newport next month? Next month. It's going. Tomorrow month it's going um tomorrow
Starting point is 01:19:48 it's going tomorrow tomorrow I drive to Newport you guys will miss me Newport uh Dick Butter but how will he know he can dress up as a woman at 22 if he isn't told it at 4 years old by a dude in pantyhose
Starting point is 01:20:01 dude I'm so sure my sons can figure that out on there. Good question. Yeah, it's solid. When I was homeless, and when I was homeless, I was in the city of Isla Vista, California, Beachtown. I would just cruise around when I had a backpack and I got my clothes out of the free box and I ate a dumpster dove and people would make me food. And I would walk around a lot and I would walk around barefoot.
Starting point is 01:20:40 I'd never wore shoes. And there was this home for disabled adults that I would walk by every single day home for mentally disabled adults. It was actually, uh, it was a long driveway with four units along the right-hand side. The back unit had three people in it. The two middle units were single people. And then the front unit was three people. So three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight, eight mentally disabled adults. And I would walk by there all the time. And eventually one day I walked in there and I applied for a job there and I started working there and I applied for my job. I did my interview barefoot and all that. And I used to go to all my meetings my first year barefoot and I would work there barefoot.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And after being there for five years, I ran the house and I think I had 20 people working for me, 17, 17 people working for me. I was the lead of the house. And while I was there, I made a movie called our house. You can see it on YouTube. Uh, it won a 30, uh, film festival award. There is great doc on YouTube. Our house made me feel some things. Yeah. And I filmed it just, you know, the technology was so different back then. And it was it was right around the time when it was the first time that any people could edit. The layman could edit before then. There was no YouTube then, obviously. But before then there was. You needed a million dollars worth of equipment to edit. you needed a million dollars worth of equipment to edit.
Starting point is 01:22:09 It's just, it's a documentary about this house. It's a documentary about the house. Because I worked there for five years, and so I just started bringing my camera to school. To school, to work. Anyway, and I lived in the driveway in a motorhome. Anyway, so, one of the things that happened was the movie got so much notoriety and so much attention that the state came down and they told me they tried to shut the house down, saying that it wasn't a good representation and we weren't treating the mentally disabled adults properly or it wasn't a good representation of them. the mentally disabled adults properly or it wasn't a good representation of them and the parents of these adults every single one of them came to my defense and and fought the state and pushed back
Starting point is 01:22:51 saying hey it's a perfect representation of how it is this is how it is anyway um and and in in that house there was a whole there was a whole spectrum of a range of disabilities man it was crazy but i realized there's no real science there the drugs that they're given the diagnosis it's all just made up shit it's just made up like you think it's going to be all it's just made up you know i mean there's there's obviously some characteristics like all the people with down syndrome sort of look the same and similar behaviors. And then there's the autism thing. And then there's the parents who drank alcohol when they were pregnant.
Starting point is 01:23:31 And, but there's a whole wide range, but, um, but they all, but they all fall, fall under this category of being retarded slow. They were all slow. They were all slow. There was a component like missing the butterfly everywhere there's a little piece of that to all those people just the way it is the facts nothing to be offended about it sucks you don't want to be that person you do not want to have brain damage it's a horrible thing they know it's horrible they're able to reflect they know and you know for for all of them all eight of them the boys and the girls the worst part about it about the special needs about the retarded people they know that they're retarded and what they want more than anything is to have an intimate relationship with someone who's not
Starting point is 01:24:37 retarded and and they know that they're not that's not going to happen that was the most after five years that's what i learned the girls want a fucking boyfriend that's not going to happen that was the most after five years that's what i learned the girls want a fucking boyfriend that's not retarded and the boys want a girlfriend that's not retarded it's got to be tough to find well at that point it's also abusive if you're not retarded and you date someone who's retarded you're you're something's wrong with you like it's frowned upon it's unethical right yeah you can't be banging some chick with down syndrome so are you i don't know you can say this i wonder if you could say the same thing about those people that uh date like morbidly obese people yeah well well well they're
Starting point is 01:25:21 just like feeding them feeding them feeding them feeding them, feeding them. And they're like, there's no repercussions for that. Like, you're obviously you're not in it for the for the sex. That's for sure. Well, Jake Chapman, why is that? I'm down if she is my God. Oh, yeah. One of the girls ended up the the one of the girls ended up getting raped by one of her caretakers and died i just i just found that out uh okay um but but but i wanted you to i want to play number
Starting point is 01:25:53 hey it's just funny because people say there's this there's this concern about you know when people say you don't know me. You don't know me. You don't know me. Yeah. Yeah. Carry the boats. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:12 So I like just to so many people out there, not you guys, by the way. I know you guys have heard my same stories over and over. But people out there like you don't know me. You don't fucking know me. You don't know me you don't fucking know me you don't you know you don't tell me what words i can and can't say that i can't talk about retarded people i lived in a fucking driveway with retarded people for five fucking years i'll say whatever the fuck i want i've contributed i spent fucking hundreds of days walking with people with mental disabilities two miles to a fucking swimming pool so they could swim and walk them back while everyone else told me it was impossible to take them to that swimming pool. I did tons of...
Starting point is 01:26:56 Don't tell me about homelessness and drug addicts and any of that. I did all that. Fuck you. Don't tell me shit. You don't fucking know me. You worry about your own shit. You haven't done shit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Number 34. Okay, let me see. What's David Goggins? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now, you guys know me. You guys know me.
Starting point is 01:27:29 I'm not saying it to you. I'm just saying that there's... You said 38. Oh, sorry. 34. Same, same, but different. you yeah okay here we go uh when people ask me about my my work colleagues here we go i work with retards isn't that a little politically um incorrect oh that's all of that no one's going to tell me
Starting point is 01:28:05 who I can and can't work with, right? No, I mean... Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was working with retards for five fucking years while you were doing what? While you were doing what? Just worry about your shit. what just worry about your shit I filmed documentaries
Starting point is 01:28:30 in a hundred countries never making more than two thousand fucking dollars a month that was at my peak most of it I did for free I filmed famine on fucking three continents while you were doing what I'd love to take you out into the middle of a fucking famine and see how you fucking last looking to your left and right and there's kids who are fucking starving to death covered in flies.
Starting point is 01:28:49 You fucking ding-dongs. Fuck you. Can you play this again? It's really funny, right? It's a play on words, right? Like he's basically saying... Play it one more time. I really like it.
Starting point is 01:29:00 I had to watch it like 10 times to understand this because I'm semi-retarded. Because this is how we do it. I work with retards. Isn't that a little politically incorrect? Oh. All of that, no one's going to tell me who I can and can't work with, right? No.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Yeah, yeah. We got... Yeah, yeah. You're not going to tell me who I can and can't work with right yeah yeah you're not gonna tell me who i can and can't work with and now all of a sudden who's the idiot dude am i okay no i'm fucking tripping balls dude tomorrow i'm not gonna get to the podcast i got and i'm to fucking miss a day I'm fucking tripping just anyone it's basically the the woke-a-ratzy
Starting point is 01:29:52 I'm not speaking to anyone in particular the woke-a-ratzy sorry I know I need to contextualize a little bit I just went through that whole thing at the CrossFit Games with these fucking knuckleheads trying to stop me from fucking going to go there and it's like in the in the kind of shit that they're concerned about that i say or do it's like shut up
Starting point is 01:30:16 god you know what you are david you know what you are you're like you're like that person who like makes things you you're probably a you don't have a wife do you you're fucking you're that person who like when i'm irritated i do this to my wife so so my wife's irritated and i pretend like i'm trying to say something nice but really i'm just fucking with her i can see she's irritated and i'm like oh is everything okay like feigning like i give a shit but really i'm just fucking with her. I can see she's irritated and I'm like, oh, is everything okay? Like feigning like I give a shit, but really I'm just like trying to see if I can push her over the deep end.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Makes you a douche. Are you okay? Really what you're saying there is like, hey, you're acting like a fucking weirdo. You think, but you're too much of a pussy to say it. You probably used to not be a pussy, but you live in Europe now.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Did I just alienate all our European listeners? No, it's fine. Everything's fine. No, it's not about David. I love David. He's a good foil for me um uh wait uh wait who doesn't think I should be at Diablo now you're gonna try to start no no no no are you kidding me the no the Diablo thing's amazing I'm so excited about that my whole thing I my whole thing dude I I'm so excited about that I mean if she didn't want me
Starting point is 01:31:53 there she would tell me I'm friends with her dude she gives me constructive feedback all the time Athena Perez I fucking love her I have a such a fucking straight up relationship with her she's dope where is um wait was there was there a build-up to this is there someone say something about her diablo i don't know if i read into that or not sounds like seven should be nominated for the nobel peace prize fuck yeah damn, what did I miss? Somebody commented this, I think. She's trolling Athena because of her class.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Who's trolling Athena? Oh, where is that? Oh, she is? She is trolling Athena? I don't know. When the world gets you down, just go outside and walk around your garden. No one...
Starting point is 01:32:47 I'm not down. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm just having fun. Oh, here it is. Dude, I rehearsed these.
Starting point is 01:32:57 I rehearsed this last night. What are you talking about, get me down? I haven't had the little fucking Matt Dillon. That's Matt Dillon, right? And what's the girl's name? Huh? about get me down i haven't had the little fucking matt dylan that's matt dylan right and what's the girl's name huh sorry i was trying to look up this sporty beth thing that's okay in the clip in the clip the the blonde haired girl oh cameron diaz and matt dylan i rehearsed this i'm not down you guys i'm not down not i do want to pivot to the word imbecile no no no no sporty beth is not criticizing athena i don't think so i haven't heard anything like that let's not get carried
Starting point is 01:33:36 trying to find it i'm trying to oh you think it exists yeah somebody said look at their stories. Wow. I can't see it, though, because she's got us all blocked. Oh, she doesn't have me blocked. Okay, if you look on your Instagram, maybe you can see it. I can't see it. How does she know I'm going to fucking Athena's... Probably because she watches the show uh oh maybe she did block me
Starting point is 01:34:10 shit well that's weird when she said she had blocked me she hadn't blocked me that's crazy I don't know why would she block me I didn't do anything to her I called her I didn't know. Why would she block me? I didn't do anything to her. I called her. I didn't call her fat.
Starting point is 01:34:32 There's a difference between calling someone fat and observing that they're fat. I didn't I don't I don't I don't go. You're a blue butterfly. Hey, I'm just like, that's a blue butterfly. And I and and she was she was saying something about her her body and i wasn't i wasn't saying it like not that i wouldn't but i didn't i don't really do that i don't really name call like too much oh wow is that really true sporty beth is is mad that Athena's... Somebody had to take screenshots. Anyway, the cool thing is this. I should bring this up. On September 30th, Scaled Nation is doing a seminar at Diablo CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:35:19 And I called Athena the other day and asked her, hey, I've always been a huge supporter of it, of her Scaled Nation. It was always at the bottom of our newsletter as a link to go to. I'm really impressed. I do think that that – well, you know, I've had so many people who've lost 100 pounds on the show. I've had Athena on the show. And my favorite thing about CrossFit is the fact that it's the cure for the world's most vexing problem and I love
Starting point is 01:35:48 the fact that I really truly do love the fact that there's an incredible business opportunity for people to help all these obese people who are now on the planet this this 29 pounds of extra weight that was put on on average in the United States by people during the pandemic.
Starting point is 01:36:06 I mean, like, dude, like, let's. I love this thing. I love a seminar that shows you how to work with a client, special clientele. Not that the L1 doesn't show you how to do it anyway, but there's a kid seminar. There's a seminar probably for non-ambulatory. There's just different things, right? So if you're carrying around an extra 100 pounds, there's going to be a different set of rules for you. Different, not rules, different guidelines for engaging with you. Same with different guidelines for engaging with kids.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Maybe even different guidelines for engaging with men versus women. It's perfectly okay but i fully support this because i think this is huge i want the world to be a better place for my kids to live in i'm not interested in making fun of people well i i do like making fun of people but just for comedy sake not for hindering them imagine that imagine imagine whoever if she i don't know if she really did but imagine someone complaining that i'm going somewhere to film something and then give all of this footage i'm going to take three amazing cameras there and film it in fucking 4k i'm going to interview the people i'm going to get
Starting point is 01:37:23 capture every little bit i can of the weekend i'm going there on my own dime the only thing that i get out of this is that i get to go visit athena it's a good excuse to go up there and visit her i haven't seen her in a while a couple years wow really i can't remember the last time i saw her that's cool yeah probably at the the games two or three years ago. I get to go up there, and then afterwards, hopefully me and her and Craig Howard and Sousa can go to the most expensive steakhouse in the area
Starting point is 01:37:57 and party a little, eat a big fat steak, get a spicy margarita. Yeah. But why would you hate, even if you hate me, like who cares? Just let me go there, film it and give it to you.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Let me, how about making amends? Okay, I'm sorry. I observed that you were fat sporty. I'm sorry. You've made up tons of fucking lies about me. At least I wasn't lying that's crazy I'm a controversial figure
Starting point is 01:38:36 someone who gets 800 views on their YouTube channel is after me. Ooh. You can say whatever word you want. Anyone can say whatever word they want. It's okay. No, I need to. Thank you, though. I need to thank you though I need to call Gary I'm going to call Gary today you also said she should not eat cheesecake
Starting point is 01:39:11 oh no one should eat cheesecake no one should eat cheesecake I think that's a universal truth what okay my friend has lost 70 pounds and it's entirely different human she radiates self-confidence and beauty and badassery she just hates that she can't move the same way that she used to
Starting point is 01:39:34 i made this series killing the fat man do you think that that's helped more people lose weight or what sporty beth has helped more people lose weight do you think do you think a single episode of killing the fat man has more views and has touched more people and been more relevant because it shows gary robert an obese man taking control of his life and getting fit has helped more people a single episode of that or sporty beth's entire youtube channel i would argue that more than half the people who follow her follow her for the train wreck phenomenon you know what that is you know what that is right
Starting point is 01:40:20 oh yes and uh and i don't think that that's why people watch killing the famine people watch killing the famine because they're looking for motivation to change their lives people who've been through divorce or hardship you know it's like dude at bare at bare at bare minimum can't you just be like god i fucking hate his process but i know it speaks to people and helps people way more people than I've ever touched or helped if you just want to be honest Olivia
Starting point is 01:40:56 Sporty Beth isn't helping anyone lose weight makes them okay just being fat she isn't helping anyone she's an enabler that's true I don't know if she's not helping anyone. She's an enabler. That's true. I don't know if she's not helping anyone, but she is an enabler. That's true. Oh, Eric Weiss. A sporty Beth has helped more people because Gary
Starting point is 01:41:12 is a man. Number 37. This is pretty good. i remember yesterday i was talking about what it's like in games briefs like how just like there's two there's athletes asking questions and there's athletes who think they're dumb questions is what the way i feel like there's two camps because there's athletes who just want to get the fuck out of there but this is a great i wonder if i'm gonna get in trouble for playing this probably like dinged or something but go ahead and play the whole thing we'll just cut it out of the post show so okay all right i got one would you rather be a hobo with a five percent chance of getting
Starting point is 01:41:54 inherited by a rich guy or be hitler two years before the end of world war ii because you know you're gonna have to shoot yourself but you still got two more years as hitler if you're the hobo do you uh have a place to sleep, like an underpass, or... Different every night. As Hitler, can I change certain policies so that maybe I'm looked on more favorably at the end of the war? No. You already screwed up big time. Lot of dead Jews.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Am I a blue state or a red state hobo? Blue, but Midwestern blue. Oh, boy. It's cold out there. Am I allowed to alter the mustache? Dude, why do you keep trying to make Hitler work? Am I allowed to kill other hobos to increase my odds? Kill anyone you like.
Starting point is 01:42:32 You're a hobo. Am I a walking hobo? No. Quagmire and Cleveland are, but you're not. So what? I would also be a paralyzed Hitler? Yeah. Would I be a black Hitler?
Starting point is 01:42:42 Yes. No. Oh, well, wait a minute. Now, how come I gotta be crippled Hitler and he's still white Hitler? If you got such a problem with it, Joe, just be the hobo. Okay, all right, I got one. What a crazy show. What a fucking crazy show.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Holy fuck. Why are you trying to make Hitler work? Well, good. why are you trying to make Hitler work well good Jeffrey Birchfield I don't see anything about her IG on Athena well then I apologize that was all for nothing I didn't mean to drag you through the mud or through the cotton candy or anything I didn't mean to drag you anywhere
Starting point is 01:43:20 awesome I was being a victim i apologize geez louise what number was that uh 37 oh okay here's this one's good too this one's crazy don't take your eye off this one this one um this you know what probably the truth the thing is is as far as human beings go like i don't is there such thing as what do you call a a you know there's gentlemen and is there an equivalent for ladies like oh caleb's such gentleman. And then people would assume like you stand up when women enter the room or you hold doors open or their equivalent for ladies. I think there is, but I can't remember exactly what the word is for it.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Well, either way, that's what Athena is. She's very classy and she's upright. So if someone did say something bad about her on the Internet or someone like she wouldn't, she wouldn't like. She's not like me and throw a temper tantrum she would contact the person and be like excuse me miss beth um could i talk to you on the phone and then they would talk it out a lady yeah i mean she's like she's a high caliber human being i valued she's a good person she's an adult kind of she's a good person she's an adult kinda she's not she's not stupid like me okay um she doesn't have she's not like an I'm still part orangutan
Starting point is 01:44:51 36 don't take your eyes off this one this one's cool oh shit Bernie Gannon that's good you had a series called Killing the Fat Man Sporty Beth is doing a series Killing the Little Armenian Man Okay, watch closely This is so good Thank you for blowing this up
Starting point is 01:45:17 Oh, look at that pinky nail on that person Is that a man? Respect Booyah Okay Is that a man? Respect. Booyah. Okay. Right now? Yep. All right. I'm confident spin who say sorry and I'm spinning again you said what? Right now yeah If it's empty I lose
Starting point is 01:46:05 This one this two and that three and I they saw that ball? This one, this two, and that three. And I'm going to spin it all the way. Which one you said it is? A thousand? Oh! Which one you said it is, T? Which one you said it is? That point to it. All I want you to do is point to it. You said one, you said two. Let me bet twice.
Starting point is 01:46:16 I'm going to spin it, and I'm going to spin it again. Listen to me, bro. Why you bet twice? Why you listen to me, bro? You want to see my titties? Two. You want to see my titties? What the hell? Where were her nipples? All the way out there.
Starting point is 01:46:40 I'm cool with that. It's fine. Damn. Thank you, David. Thank you you I love it when you laugh I love an lol from David fuck that's funny Caleb loved those everyone loved those those were great he doesn't care about the nipple
Starting point is 01:46:57 no one cares where the nipple is you don't even need a nipple that one was titled gambling is fun all right so here's the deal um i have so much work to do i have to pack up all my stuff i have to get my house ready for my nephew who's going to come live here it's my fasting day. What'd you say? Taking care of the house while you're gone. Yeah, he lives here. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Him and the big ol' attack dog. I gotta bring my... I gotta pack up my studio phone. I don't even want to leave my studio. My studio's so nice. Hog talk. I don't really have anything to say about the hogs today. I hope that lady with the Italian boyfriend becomes a regular caller.
Starting point is 01:47:56 How about that? That was awesome. She's good. I hope the Italian boyfriend calls too. Oh, we could ask him about her. Exactly, yeah. Find out where her nipples are. Okay.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Okay. Let me see if there's anything. Hey, Tyson Bajan on. Oh, shit. Okay. Okay. You guys ready? You guys ready? You guys ready?
Starting point is 01:48:29 I don't know. My favorite game. First of all, I told you about bull rings yesterday, right? I mean, there's all these things that are correlates for mental illness, right? Okay. And I know I speak in a little bit of hyperbole like a tattoo isn't a mental illness but but the thing is is this there's this continuum of like behaviors you would exhibit that correlate with mental illness but and it's like how many of those do you have but it's also the
Starting point is 01:48:59 fact that like hey um it shows how reactionary you are the more reactionary you are the more fucking mentally ill you are so people who can create space and watch their thoughts and be reflective they're that that's well i'm helping you define and understand what mental illness is right right and so and it's like addiction like every time you want to do a bump of meth you do a bump of meth you're fucking you're one you're going to be crazy you have a mental illness and you have an addiction i'd say addiction is a form of mental illness is a bump of meth you're fucking you're one you're going to be crazy you have a mental illness and you have an addiction i'd say addiction is a form of mental illness is a component of it anyway and i would also argue that there's far more democrats who are mentally ill than republicans but uh um let me uh but a bullring anyone who's like hey thinks it's a
Starting point is 01:49:43 good idea to get a bullring like there, there's, it's a strong correlate. Okay, look at number nine. This is just fucking nuts. Bullring and colored hair. Same with the colored hair. I mean, just imagine going to CVS, just that whole process of going there to get something to make yourself look ugly, and then coming home and spending your Sunday afternoon to fuck your hair up. Oh, no, not this one.
Starting point is 01:50:05 Sorry, I'm not ready for this. Sorry, not this. Sorry, that one's too tough. That one's too tough. I'm not ready for that. Where is it? That was number nine. Sorry, 35.
Starting point is 01:50:14 Sorry, 35. That number nine is so hard to watch. I can't put you guys through that right now. I'm in such a good mood. Man buns are not really mental illness either. Look at, I grabbed it. Now, I cannot believe this is real. This is a lady with green hair who's duct taped in a plane.
Starting point is 01:50:38 American Airlines passenger was duct taped to her seat after she tried to open the plane door mid-flight after having a mental breakdown. Hey, if I'm on that flight with my three kids and someone tries to open the door and I bludgeon them to death, am I... Is that murder? Self-defense. You tried to open the plane door?
Starting point is 01:51:04 Are you out of your fucking mind? Hey, hey dude i had to put some duct tape i'd have duct taped her way more than that i'd have done some funny shit to her titties hey do you think she's a democrat or a republican honestly honestly honestly what who do you think she voted for whoever that one guy is that's homeless that always runs for president Honestly, who do you think she voted for? Whoever that one guy is that's homeless that always runs for president. Your commander-in-chief, motherfucker. That's who she voted for.
Starting point is 01:51:35 She tried to open the door of the flight mid-flight, then bit an attendant. The person narrating the TikTok video said that the uproar began halfway into the flight when the attendants were running up and down the aisles frantically, kind of like whispering to each other. She continued, it was just kind of like chaos and no one knows what's going on. When the pilot finally acknowledged the incident over the intercom, he told the passengers to remain in their seats due to bad situations on the plane, though he didn't describe what was happening. on the plane, though he didn't describe what was happening. The woman allegedly started to bite, spit, and attack the flight attendants, which led to her getting duct taped.
Starting point is 01:52:13 American Airlines told New York Post that a woman attempted to open the forward boarding door mid-flight and was ultimately restrained for the safety and security of the other customers. That does not look like enough duct tape. Okay, scroll through them. Look at this shit. This shit is crazy. duct tape okay scroll through them look at this shit this shit is crazy
Starting point is 01:52:24 yeah I put a piece right oh yeah yeah look at oh it did have sound yesterday that's interesting yeah it did I don't know what happened that's fucking hilarious what a lunatic oh she got the upgrade
Starting point is 01:52:46 you think that's first class where she's at no yeah that is yeah I think so either that or like whatever that business class is yeah damn like we all know what a lunatic did you see the video of that one lady that was like screaming about aliens on her plane
Starting point is 01:53:04 yeah he's become like famous right yeah she's Did you see the video of that one lady that was like screaming about aliens on her plane? Yeah. She's become like famous, right? Yeah. She's like, she's leaned into it pretty good. And now she's made a bunch of money off of it, I think. Oh, she has leaned into it? She does interviews and shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:17 She like made a whole series about, or some video about how she's like, I'm really sorry that this happened. It's just really embarrassing that what happened she got she ate some moldy cheese or something just lost her mind no i think she also had a mental breakdown but also the person that was sitting next to her had supposedly had like those contacts that had that look like snake eyes yeah so like she was freaking out and then saw that person and then also freaked out more because, Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:53:46 Those snake eyes contacts. Yeah. Tripped her out anymore. Oh, I don't know this show should be over oh Mike Sauer are we able to boost everyone's audio evenly
Starting point is 01:54:13 I have to watch the show on full volume to hear Sevan if everyone is boosted a tiny bit high it lets the audience control how loud they want to hear without being limited is the audio bad someone said that on yesterday's show and then I went back and watched it and the audio control how loud they want to hear without being limited. Is the audio bad? Someone said that on yesterday's show, and then I went back and watched it, and the audio was fine on my computer.
Starting point is 01:54:31 I have to turn you up pretty good. You do? Like when I'm listening here. Like I'm probably over three-quarters of the volume. Let me see. Okay. I just looked at it. Reduce mic background.
Starting point is 01:54:46 Does that automatically adjust the mic volume? How's that? Is that better? That's good. Say something else. How's that? I turned the volume up. I turned off automatic volume adjustment and just turned it really loud.
Starting point is 01:55:00 That's good. Yeah, I have to have my volume at 100 to hear Sebon. Oh, that sucks. It's my new mic. My new mic. Did that just start happening? Yeah, I think that started with the new mic. Wow.
Starting point is 01:55:14 I haven't seen anything about it. Chris, it's true. Sevan's audio is low and mumbly. When the fuck were you guys going to tell me? Sevan, your mic sounds muffled. No shit. Everyone else is saying how crisp it sounded. I think it sounds crisp.
Starting point is 01:55:31 I think it's just the volume. How about now? Is that better? Is that different? I switched to this mic again. How about this? The volume's the same. The quality sounds.
Starting point is 01:55:41 John Young needs to be turned down all the way, though. How about this? Did you guys catch the difference there? You need more top end. What do you mean top end? You sound fine on my end, Jeffrey Burchfield. I find that the audio varies depending on your location on the stationary earth. Yes, of course.
Starting point is 01:56:05 Well, does anyone know the difference? Look, this is the Rode mic. I have it, I have it, I'm talking on it, and everything's good, but I have my mouth right up to it. Mic, no mic, and now this mic. This is like the best mic money can buy, I think. This is like brand new. This is like the Shure.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Vindicate, my audio is totally fine on phone and computer. Yeah, you know what it is? It's some people have... Try to stick the mic in your mouth. Thanks. Sometimes guests blow my ears out because I have you high no shit Seve
Starting point is 01:56:51 please can you put it in your mouth second mic is better oh no really so this mic is the expensive mic and then You like this mic better this is the roadcaster that's that would be a trip if you did Hey, you know what? I think it is. I think some of you have your shit set on stereo and some of you have it set
Starting point is 01:57:19 on mono And I think that's I think that's the um I think that's five to one is stereo, I think that's I think that's the I think that's what's going on 5 to 1 is stereo I think it says 5 to 1 what do you think of that audio huh I was pushed the mic up against my throat and swallow it. Here, let me see if I can.
Starting point is 01:57:57 Oh, new mic is better by far. Okay. Here. Old mic. New mic. Yeah, new mic. I'm. Yeah, new mic. I'm bummed out, though. Having shitty audio will be a fucking deal breaker for a good podcast.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Wow. I just turned you up, like, all the way. I, um, I really like swallowing alright oh I could hear Tyson gulping it bothered me a little nothing he does bothers me damn I'm sorry Mike
Starting point is 01:58:38 I don't know what to do so my mic this I turned the audio way up if you guys hear will someone who's gonna take charge of that in the show? If my audio sounds like shit, they're going to write it in the comments.
Starting point is 01:58:47 And I'm fucking. You always sound good to me. So it's going to have to be somebody from the chat. Okay. I hated Ricky Garrard, but I'm the biggest Ricky Mac fan. Dude. You know what's crazy? Someone said, so for those of you who have seen Ricky on before,
Starting point is 01:59:06 everyone's like, oh my God, that was the best podcast Ricky's done. Oh my God, Ricky was so lively. And then someone wrote, Ricky looks bored. It's so amazing the wide variety of observations and discernments and understandings of what's going on in the show. Yeah, like if you've never seen Rickyicky before i could see where you think that but if you watch his other five interviews it's like he was on fire oh oh jethro cardona that's all that matters loud and clear oh did you see tyson was wearing a ceo shirt god i love that that was dope
Starting point is 01:59:42 i saw him like shift a little bit and I saw the top of the letters and I was like, nice. Yeah, boy. That's sick. Alright. I'll see you guys. I don't think I'll see you guys tomorrow. Tuesday morning, Greg Glassman will be on. Yay.
Starting point is 02:00:00 Yay, yay. As Ice Cube says oh well remember that unquenchable thing I said told you that wasn't my line I borrowed that line from a friend
Starting point is 02:00:21 and a friend of mine said hey feel free to quote me on that nice it was my friend Greg Glassman cause I sent him that line from a friend and a friend of mine said hey feel free to quote me on that nice there's my friend greg glassman because i sent him i sent him the picture of our of our mutual friend taking his four-year-old son to a tranny for reading hour and he's like and he said that it doesn't sound like something he'd say the unquenchable desire you're bringing you're providing your child he spun it to the whole thing that's all his like that's all plagiarized by me just the whole perspective on that instead of blaming them being like what are the parents thinking you're bringing you're bringing like
Starting point is 02:01:00 where would you bring your child to oh i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna find a guy who's mentally ill and perverted and dresses like a woman who wants to be around kids and can't get satisfied no matter how many kids he's around. What? Huh. Never thought of that. Starting show with a five minute audio buffer. Hmm. All right. See you guys Tuesday. Caleb, thank you. start each show with a 5 minute audio buffer alright see you guys Tuesday
Starting point is 02:01:28 Caleb thank you Tyson Bajan thank you Athena I'm pumped to film your seminar September 30th sign up now go to scaled nation it's at Diablo CrossFit I'm sure Craig Howard will be there I'll be there
Starting point is 02:01:44 if you've always wanted to be interviewed by me that's your chance take the seminar I'm sure I'll interview you by the way if you go there and you don't want to be interviewed by me you don't have to either or you don't want to be filmed it's not mandatory
Starting point is 02:01:59 and by any means I can avoid filming people so so there and I'm not even going to keep the footage And by any means, I can avoid filming people. So there. And I'm not even going to keep the footage. I'm going to generously gift it to this amazing project that Athena Perez is a part of. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine through the hurricane. don't worry about me.
Starting point is 02:02:22 I'll be fine through the hurricane. Uh, seven, you need to let your balls drop for the audio to be more clear. Move by.

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