The Sevan Podcast - Tyson Bagent LIVE - Chicago loves QB2

Episode Date: August 25, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Where are you at? Oh Shit we lost your audio what happened where you at Tyson You got me now you got me now you got me now got you now look at you with your rogue. Yeah. Yeah, you hear us Yes I'm in the I'm in the team hotel. Oh Cuz it's still there, huh? Still it's still here. Hey, shouldn't you be like taking the day off?
Starting point is 00:00:28 Like, did you sleep in? Like have you been out of your hotel room yet this morning? Uh, yeah, I had a, I had a massage earlier and then just took a walk in. Now I'm chilling. Hi, I'm Tyson Bajan. I wake up in the morning and get massages. Damn. I was thinking about how unbelievable my life is when I woke up at 7 30 and realized I had a massage in 20 minutes. Oh, what a life. That's crazy because just a few years ago, you woke up in the morning stumbled into the kitchen and you were yelling at your brother for
Starting point is 00:01:07 eating the last bowl of cereal probably. That's exactly right. Or for Jim's absolutely mangling the kitchen the night before and then it's just a disaster for everybody else. Your life used to be you were pissed because you poured a half a box of cereal and you didn't even get a full bowl and then you go to the refrigerator to get milk and there's none in there it's just an empty carton. How are you getting massaged? Yeah or my father just screaming on the phone at 630 in the morning. And that's his normal talking voice? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Damn that's different than your little sister running into your bedroom waking you up, huh jumping up and down on your bed How cool was that How your dad I like your dad sends me clips and it's just him filming the TV with all that fancy NFL music And then it's you with your diving in slow-mo three different angles Like 11 o'clock my time so that means at 2 in the morning he's still like damn my son's cool Yeah, the one clip I saw him talking he was like, you know, yeah, I'm actually cooler than Tyson But it's just hard to tell that right now. I love when there's like a video of you guys that he's sitting there and he's like, he looks over at you.
Starting point is 00:02:40 He's like, no matter what happens in your career, you will never be cooler than I was at that moment right there you will never be you will never be better at your craft than I was I said how old are you again uh 24 did you see the video some stranger took of your dad as you scored the touchdown have you seen that one oh the one that you posted on Instagram? Yeah. Yeah, that was that was cool Oh my god, all the dads out there when they see that like that just I'm so fucking happy fuck you I'm so happy for your dad Excited like all his Christmas is wrapped into one Yeah, that's funny. That's a good Funny take too because a lot of times when I think about it
Starting point is 00:03:27 Because I'm in it, you know it's usually just a lot of work and stress and labor involved and I always think about how fucking cool it must be for my family and friends to be able to just hang out and and Watch this crazy shit unfold Dude, every time you're on TV, there's a thousand people who say, I remember that time Tyson came in a 7-11 and you know what I mean about sunflower seeds for me. I mean, so yesterday we're watching, yesterday I couldn't find the game.
Starting point is 00:03:55 So Hiller had to, we were on this huge group chat and he FaceTimed us all. And then he pointed his phone at the TV and then we all watched the game, right? And my son's like, Hey, that, that's the guy that came and talked to me. And I just love it. I just, it's crazy. The impact it has, right? I mean, you're out there fighting for your fucking life,
Starting point is 00:04:23 hoping someone doesn't take your head off and people around the world. I remember seeing him walking down the street. Yeah, I know. Let's go back to the beginning. So you're 4-0 in the preseason. Yeah, we spanked everybody, it was great. Spoken like a true competitor. Let's go back to the beginning of the season.
Starting point is 00:04:45 When do you know you're coming back to the Chicago Bears? So you finish your first season. When do you know, like, is there, was there a date that you're like, okay, I'm definitively coming back or do you even think about that stuff? Well, I'm still under my rookie contract and, you know, mine, I'm undrafted. So it's a day to day but since I had a good year last year in my exit meeting um you know I just through my exit meeting I knew that I was coming back now whether I do they want to do they're like well they're just like
Starting point is 00:05:15 you know they just say things like hey we can't wait to see the jump from year one to year two we can't see the strides you make so uh obviously know, your job is not 100% because I could have came back for a year or two and been terrible. I got my spot taken and whatnot, but always knew that I was at least going to have the opportunity to fight for my job again this year. Okay. So you know, so you, so you know that part you felt comfortable about, okay, I'm in control of my own destiny. I'm going to get show up there and go yeah And then and then how much training do you do before your first preseason game with the team? Is it months?
Starting point is 00:05:51 So from January to April I was on my own free so I just did I was just cross fitting and Just getting as strong physically as I could before I got into like the more football specific as strong physically as I could before I got into like the more football specific stuff, try and build a good platform before I started just football training. So I did that from January to around late March and then late March I started getting into more football specific stuff and then obviously coming back here in the spring from April to early June back in football mode back home from early June to middle of July and that kind of was just consisted of more football specific stuff and just kind of learning the mental side of the offense since it was new and then so that's kind of the the blueprint the off-season blueprint for me this past off-season.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And when you're in that training camp those months after April with the team, that's basically where the reassessment starts, right? Exactly. And so they see you come in. Were you ready when you came in? Were you like, oh, thank God I trained in the off-season? And is it kind of easy to look good because some guys slouch? Well, yeah, and it's a lot of, it's more like,
Starting point is 00:07:10 it's split into like two halves. So the first half is kind of you're working out with the team, just physical workouts and stuff. And then the next half is putting in the offense, practicing in more football oriented activities. So of course, when I got there, I'm in the best shape on the whole team. So that was easy to just, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:30 be in there and do the workouts and go through that day to day. And then, you know, as I was working out, I was just studying the playbook. So then by the time the more football oriented stuff came along, I was, I felt pretty good. And I had a good spring and you know, I think everybody was, I hope, pleasantly surprised with how I performed in the spring and just carried that into training camp.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And what is that? What is that milestone? So you had your exit interview, then you then I'm assuming you get an email saying training camp starts this day. So like your expectations are validated. You show up, you do all that training, the physical training and learning the playbook, which is crazy. We got to talk about that too. I didn't know you guys had, so you guys have a new playbook and a new offense. I don't even know what that means. You're going to have to explain to me what that means, a new offense.
Starting point is 00:08:17 But when do you get, when do you get find out that like you're going to make it to the first, pre-season game? Do they send you another email or do they call you in and they're like, if you're there, if you're there in the spring from that, those months from April to June, you take them, you get a month break, but then you know, all those people are coming back. They are. So it's not like you're there where like you come to a meeting and there's dudes missing. Exactly. Yeah. No, that, that is all about to happen now oh new class
Starting point is 00:08:46 so you got the new oh we just we just played the last preseason game so now in a couple days they're gonna cut 40 dudes off the team and you're not gonna be one of those dudes you don't think um I I would I hope not. Have they given you any... There's no definite. I mean I did really well in the preseason so it would be the most surprising thing in my whole life if I didn't make the team. More surprising than when the milk carton was empty a couple years ago. Yeah exactly. Far more surprising than when the milk carton was empty a couple years ago. Yeah, exactly. Far more surprising than that. But yeah, you also, I mean, yeah, it's crazy because you're looking around, you're seeing all these dudes and a lot of them are playing well.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And you know that however they slice and dice it, somebody's gonna not make the team. That feels like they should make the team. So we're kind of in that process right now. We just played the last preseason game, the, all the staff and the, uh, the staff has a great idea of what the team looks like. Um, so they're just kind of going through all that now of who they want to put on the practice squad, who they don't want to put on the practice squad, who they're going to cut, not cut all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Do other dudes know, like, so if I'm on the team and I just had a Shitty run do I kind of know in the back of my head like alright? This is this is gonna be it. Yeah Yeah, there's a very small percentage of the team that doesn't know like for my for my situation last year I was one of the small percent that I was like, oh shit. I don't know Yeah, cuz I did so well. The dude ahead of me didn't do so well, but he had experience. So you'd ever know if they're gonna go with the guy that has experience or the guy that you know.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And you weren't supposed to make it. And you weren't supposed to make it. Yeah, you know, undrafted the whole nine. So it was like, but I did so well. So I'm like in the back of my head and I've never gone through it before. So I'm like, man, I don't, you know, no clue. And there's really no communication of that the only the only difference with this year is kind of like
Starting point is 00:10:50 through conversations I can kind of put two and two together which is like like if someone says like coach like I want you to bring these shoes and like next week huh yeah yeah yeah it'd be like hey Sivan hey Sivan when we get into the regular season, this is how we're going to do things and this is what I want to do with you. So it's kind of through conversations like that, but there's no direct communication at all. Do you block everything else after they say that out? Like, they're like, hey, by the way, next week.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And you're like, I don't even care what you say after that. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. And one question I had before we go too far into the season, the CrossFit training, how did you, did you follow a specific program? Do you alter it at all? Knowing that you're going to go back into sports specific stuff. Like, what does that look like through that January time until spring?
Starting point is 00:11:37 Um, I mean, a lot of the times I'll just, I'll be on my buddy's programming. The guy that Hiller came and worked out with, he visited me. Sandal boy? Sandal boy? No, that's Sandal boy. Oh no. That's crazy. It was Sandal, right? He was wearing Sandals. He should take this as a compliment. He's not even Sandals.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Sandal boy. He got him directly from Jesus. They were like a string. It's right up your alley. That's right up your alley. Right up your alley. Yeah. And then other than that, just kind of, I know what areas of my body I'm trying to hit on a, on a given day. So I'll just go on CrossFit Wada the day a lot of times and scroll through that and find
Starting point is 00:12:18 something I like. And yeah, that's kind of the extent of it. And just doing that as much as I, as much as I can through that and find something I like. And yeah, that's kind of the extent of it. And just doing that as much as I as much as I can through that time where I don't have to worry about you know, my arms or chest being sore, I can write, I can kind of go through that soreness and build up the muscle so that I can start football specific stuff and you know, not be a sore. Like your hardcore GPP general physical preparedness, like like you're like I'm down with the methodology
Starting point is 00:12:47 fuck it like I'm as long. Yeah okay. And then maybe some cherry picking just around what you need or want or what you. Yeah exactly like if I go on the website you know I'm not going to do a bunch of ring muscle ups I'm not going to you know there's a couple things I'm not going to like I'm not going to heavy I'm not going to do a bunch of ring muscle ups. I'm not going to, you know, that there's a couple things I'm not going to, like, I'm not going to heavy. I'm not going to do super heavy snatches. Just, there's a, there's a couple of things that, that I, you know, refrain from.
Starting point is 00:13:12 But I mean, other than that, it is my most favorite thing. It is my most favorite thing to do is that two month timeframe where I don't have to worry about anything except just working out all the time. That is usually when I'm happiest throughout my days. Is your body composition, at 24, your body composition must still be changing quite dramatically? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I started doing creatine like six months ago, which had a pretty dramatic
Starting point is 00:13:41 effect on my body fat percentage that was already pretty low So that was pretty cool. It went lower Yeah, it went from nine percent seven point nine When I got back For camp this year, which they everybody seemed pretty excited about that nice I wonder if it's also the fact that you're putting on more muscle and as you put on more muscle, you're just burning more calories Oh, yeah, I'd agree with that. I'd agree with that. Yeah, it's crazy. Your physical preparedness is crazy I'm so excited to see it. Sometimes it scares the shit out of me when I told Greg you did the thousand What you did the mile broad jump?
Starting point is 00:14:21 He was like, let me talk to him. He can't be doing that shit. I think I'm like, Oh, I'm glad Greg freaked out because I freaked out too. Yeah. Yeah. No, that was, uh, and it was, it was even worse because you know, it sucked so bad. I was trying to gain so much ground in my jumps that I was, I was landing in like an ass to grass squat every time and it's about 570 burpee broad jumps. Holy shit. So my legs were so fucking sore for like Just a week straight. It was unbelievable. Who's I do with that? Was that you right? Did you guys just kind of like That was that was sandal boy's birthday
Starting point is 00:15:06 You know, it's funny. Did you beat him? Yeah, I've won the whole fucking thing. I'm a professional athlete. All right. The workout for next year. He wrote me. He wrote me a letter. He wrote me a letter and he said after he said PS June 19th 2025 b-day workout partner carry to the river which is 800 meters swim across the Potomac river
Starting point is 00:15:32 uh with a light vest 250 burpees 250 kettlebell swings 250 air squats as a team run to the top of this hill in Chephurstown, 195-pound power clean and jerks, 200 sit-ups, 324-inch box jumps, 650 single unders as a team, and then a partner carry back home, which is 1,200 meters. Damn. A little journeyman workout next year. Yeah. Wow. And hey, did he, the life vest is a nice touch. 1200 meters damn little journeyman workout next year
Starting point is 00:16:08 And hey, did he uh, the life vest is a nice touch Current state of yeah, because well, oh, yeah exactly. Yeah, seriously. Yeah that What a what an unbelievable? Series of events at the game shout out to Lazarus family. Yeah, that was that was sad Very sad crazy, but yeah, the Potomac is pretty scary anyway So when I was glad he put that in Seal fit workouts from back in the day. Yeah, that'll be a fun one Let me ask you this a good god, there's so many windows open up is that burpee broad jump workout retired
Starting point is 00:16:41 You think you'll never do that again? Cuz I remember Miko said he's for time once and he's like never again so that one's off the list yeah off the list and that was kind of just going into it just like when we were talking about it be like yeah you know this will just be something that it'll be cool to be able to say you did yeah definitely not a repeatable gig just because you don't you don't really you know you don't really want to do repetition like that like just you know constantly the same repetition over that many repetitions so um yeah it was something cool to say you did and a lot of like about halfway through just when
Starting point is 00:17:17 you're laying i was just laying on the ground and in my burpee just couldn't fucking believe what in my burpee just couldn't fucking believe what I was doing. You got it too. Yeah, it was just honestly. How long did it take you? An hour and seven minutes. And it was about 15 of us, 15 of us at the start line. Everybody just said go. And I had been listening to like David Goggins for like two straight days knowing that this
Starting point is 00:17:39 shit was coming up. So I was just like, fuck it, I got to create some space off the jump so that everybody else just gives up. And that's what I did, which just made it even worse. Damn. Anthony, Tyson, how's it been showing Caleb the ropes of the locker room as a leader and also helping him prepare for the upcoming season? It's been great, yeah, he's a good dude. And he's a grown man, so
Starting point is 00:18:02 I don't have to show him nearly as much as you would think. Just because it's a little bit different just in NFL than it would be if it was like high school or college and he just showed up on campus. He's a pretty big deal around the facility. So not really a big job of mine to kind of show him the ropes. And he probably has people like that too, right? He probably has someone who's there by his side, who's like, the bathroom's over there. Shall I get you to fill your water bottle?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah, everybody's on his side. He's the number one pick in the whole NFL draft. Like that's, you know, he's Chicago, the Chicago Bears baby. Like they, he is well taken care of. That was a great scene. Um In the clip I saw from hard knocks Is that normal is that tradition for people to go up there and talk about their bonus? Yeah, so every rookie every rookie you got to go up there and say what school you came from
Starting point is 00:19:02 Um, and your your name school signing bonus So yeah, everybody's got to do that and and Did you do that? Yeah, and and did you can you tell us what your signing bonus was? 25,000 so And if I remember right his was 25 million 25.5 Fucking disgusting million 25.5 fucking disgusting that's like you got a pair of shoes and he got a Bentley you got a pair of used shoes yeah I got a fucking Rolls Royce. Hey, um, knowing you, um, I suspect you kind of love it. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like you're like, especially hindsight. Like when you think about it, hindsight, there's really nothing better than being an undrafted guy, especially when you're around other undrafted guys that have made it. Yeah, you all kind of just like, man, you know, in the moment you want to get drafted.
Starting point is 00:20:07 But I mean, hindsight, this is about as cool as it is. Right, right. Because there's never, you know, there's never really any real like in your face pressure to show up for these people immediately. You kind of just get to hang loose and just play as hard as you can because really they you know You know, it doesn't if you don't make it. It's not like all the number one pick Sucked it's like oh, yeah, the undrafted guy. Yeah, that's what we thought anyway So just being able to people being able to prove those people wrong is great
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's gotta feel so good bizarre world you live in Tyson fourth and one, oh yeah. That was so let me ask before he, before I read this question, how exciting, how many fourth downs have you done? Two this preseason. Already? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Well, yeah, cause preseason, yeah. Cause preseason you're a little bit more, cause you know, the coaches don't care if you win or lose that game. So if you're in any type of good field position, it's usually, you'll use all four downs. Do you chub up a little bit when it's fourth down and they say go for it?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Or are you like, I mean, that seems like it's a quarterback's dream. That's it, it's almost like you're, it's almost like there's two seconds left in the game and you have one play left to win it, but it's not at the end of the game. It seems like it's like the pinnacle of the sport getting to go on for down when I saw that we were all on FaceTime and we were like, oh fuck
Starting point is 00:21:33 What's Tyson thinking this must be so exciting Yeah, there's not really a big difference in the thought process But it is a it is a huge momentum shift one way or the other. If you're able to get that fourth down, it's usually crushes the defense because they got to stay out there for a new set of downs. And if you don't get it, it's usually a big boost for the defense. You know, they're pretty excited and got a little bit momentum. So there's a lot of, so yeah, so it's the mood. It's kind of like in a fight if you in the UFC with like the guy in between right before a round ends,
Starting point is 00:22:06 if you get the last good punch in, it's like, yeah, fuck you at last. Yeah, just carrying that into the next round, yeah. Tyson, fourth and one pass. I hated to see a misconnection. Was hopefully to have you lead more drives. Best of luck rooting for you. Hope to get to October 6th game.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Do you know who you play on October 6th? I don't, but sure I can. I got a schedule right here. Hey, when you, as I recall, you hit the guy in the face. I hit him in the face, yeah. October 6th at home against the Panthers. Right there where it should be a picture of your mom or your girlfriend. You got the schedule. So you hit that guy in the face with the pass Do you guys talk after that? Like what happens do you like do you have to go over there and console him or do you Yell at him or what do you do? Do you guys talk? You know, it's you know, everybody's grown men operating as best they possibly can Kind of you know, and they're all in the same boat as me. They're fighting for their job every single day
Starting point is 00:23:10 So it's not something like, you know, I know that He would want to catch that pass. I knew I would probably want to throw it even more perfect pass So it's kind of just what's understood doesn't need to be explained play the next play everything. Everything's good Is that part you said right there at the end, is that your motto, like once again, personal accountability and personal responsibility? I don't know how you could throw a more perfect pass. He had his hands up like this
Starting point is 00:23:34 and it fucking hit him in the face. And yet you're taking responsibility for like, hey, I could have thrown it better to him. Like I could have made it land in his pants. Yeah, I think that's probably just the quarterback answer always is just to put a little bit of blame on yourself. Usually allows for things to smooth over a little bit better. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Then if I was to be like fucking bum dropped the Paul, like what the fuck do you want me to do about it? Like run over. Yeah. Like run over there and start yelling at him. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Crazy. Well, I blamed him just for the record. Oh, wad zombie. What did Tyson do for the team talent show as a rookie? I? Sang a song I sang a Drake song. Oh really? Oh This is before hard knocks no cameras everybody went fucking Everyone did go nuts. Yeah, everybody went crazy. I killed it Music too Yeah, oh, went crazy, I killed it Music too Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. Oh shit
Starting point is 00:24:29 I'd pay the CD rap what when you go up there? What's the lowest rookie bonus? You've heard someone say up there A lot of dudes go up there and they didn't get any they just had it got an opportunity So they just ain't zero bonus. Yeah, they just say opportunity Um when you say 25,000 do people laugh? So they just say zero bonus? Yeah, they just say opportunity. When you say 25,000, do people laugh? No, they all, no matter what, everybody is like, oh! Oh, cool. Everybody has a pretty cool reaction.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's still 25 grand. Don't shoot on 25 grand. I mean, to peasants, it's a lot, but to... When you hear 25 million, you're like, wait a minute Made up to me that doesn't even exist you have to write that down. It's so many zeros I know that's it. Yeah, it's unbelievable. The discrepancy is what gets me is like it's not like 25,000 150,000 it's like just Believe thousand percent more 25 million. I mean, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:28 The thing I think about is, you know, I'm not like this, but I'm sure there's people that get 25 mil and don't feel like doing anything ever again. Oh, really? I mean, you know what I mean? Like, I didn't think about some people, you that if you gave me 25 million there, they probably wouldn't be Hell bent on their just process and right, you know, they probably just like shit. I'm gonna go hang out at the beach Chillin yeah, so that part that part's crazy, too But you know luckily I haven't ran in anybody like that
Starting point is 00:26:02 But you can easily see where that's had to have happened before Right well I mean it happens with your kids all the time if you tell them like hey You'll get a milkshake after you do this they kill it if you give them the milk I like give it to me before and shit goes sideways. You know five minutes into the task. They're complaining. Yeah, exactly Scott's whites or Clydesdale medium on hard knocks ever fluce came to you on the sideline and asked what do we do and you recite the play or what do we do and you recite the play and then he says what do you see and you analyze the defense.
Starting point is 00:26:36 How often does this happen? Uh, sporadically throughout practices and probably maybe twice, three times a week where he just kind of he'll just walk up to you make sure you're paying attention and hey what we got going on hey what's the play right here explain it to me so so he doesn't really want to know it's a test yeah he's a yeah I mean yeah he's all knowing he's been a defensive coordinator and a defensive coach in the league for 20 plus years so it's like there's there's nothing I could tell him that he hasn't
Starting point is 00:27:04 heard before. So he just wants to make sure that people are just locked in and know what's going on. There's, I want to go back. So now you're in the locker room now where you were a year ago where dudes are getting cut. And you're saying that there's 40 dudes in that, I don't know if it's the locker room,
Starting point is 00:27:24 but whatever the room, the gathering room that you guys gather in for your debriefs when the whole team comes together. And you're saying that there's 40 dudes, how many dudes total are in there? I think there's around 90. And you're saying that you're in that room that you were last year with like, oh shit, I might get cut. But this year, you have a little more stability because you've had a good great preseason, epic preseason, the best preseason as Trump would say. The greatest. He's taking all the jobs. And, and you're looking around those dudes, do they do any, do you have to
Starting point is 00:28:04 coddle any of those dudes or do any of Those dudes like as you're walking out to your car like they need like You know like talk or like they come to you and they're kind of unraveling You know, I think if your buddy gets cut, you know, you got a lot of give him some love and you're sad that he's leaving but as far as like consoling people I think that Everybody hides that until they're by themselves. I would imagine, cause that's what I would do. I would just step everybody up and you know,
Starting point is 00:28:32 start crying once I got away from everybody. So I think driving home back to your parents' house. Yeah. I think that's pretty, that's pretty consistent. I don't think anybody starts, nobody openly just starts tripping about their getting cut. I'm going to show you this clip. This is from, did you do a press conference after this game yesterday last night? I did one on the field. Okay, because I couldn't, I couldn't find it.
Starting point is 00:28:59 But I saw this. This is your coach, ever Fluse. Is that my pronounce that right? Eber Fluse. Eber Fluse, Eber Fluss, is that my pronounce that right? Eber Fluss. Eber Fluss, Eber Fluss. The guy in the media, I believe is asking him, the guy in the press conference is asking him about the quarterback situation at Chicago. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Diving there, you know, for the limited time he's played, you know, today and then before and in practice he's looked good. So we have some options there, but we're definitely gonna look at that. How would you assess the two-foot? What do you think of Bajan's day and just his previous game? Yeah, Bajan's been good. You know, Bajan's been good. I think the training of all those quarterbacks, you know, you think about,
Starting point is 00:29:44 you know, Kerry Joseph, you know. Okay, so we got that one. Hold on. There's one more. Let me see Bayes has been good. I think I think the training of all those quarterbacks, you know, you think about, you know, Kerry Joseph, you know, Okay, so we got that one. Hold on. There's one more. Let me see if I can find it. Okay. And then so he says that and then the quarterback question comes up again. Have you watched this? No, I don't ever watch any of this stuff. Okay, Here we go. Keep seven if I could, but yeah. Is there a world where you can keep four guys and one or two and end up on the practice squad? The guy asked is there a world where you can keep four guys and one or two on the practice squad?
Starting point is 00:30:18 And I'm assuming he's talking about quarterbacks. It was kind of hard to understand, but then his answer is, this is his answer. Yeah, I'd keep six or seven if I could. But yeah, we'll decide that as we go. We got a few days before we get to make the decision, but it's a good problem to have. How many quarterbacks are there on the team right now? Like in the room?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Four, four. There's four. And how many does the team usually keep? Three. Shit, is that just known? Yeah, I think that- And how many does a team usually keep? Three. Oh, shit. Is that just known? Yeah, I think that one of you guys is going home. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I've only had experience with keeping three quarterbacks. So this is only the, maybe it could change. But I'm Quite positive that teams only keep three and we know they're keeping to you to me What are you talking about? They're keeping Caleb like You know what I mean? It's like the motorcycle you buy
Starting point is 00:31:22 Like like if you spend that much money on something like you're keeping it at least For a second, you know what I mean? Like you regret buying a Volkswagen $100,000 remodeled 1965 Volkswagen, but either way like you're keeping it for a second Yes, you put too much money into it. Yeah, so really so really there's only two spots Yes Yeah, that's wild and art and do you guys talk about that you guys? No, no Yes. Yeah, that's wild. And do you guys talk about that? You guys? No. No.
Starting point is 00:31:47 It seems like that'd be bad. You guys don't get together like, Caleb, beat it. No. Nah, it's crazy. It's kind of just something that when it happens, it happens, and then you just react to it then. Damn. And, and did you the the amount you played in preseason? Was that expected that you played that much? Or were you expecting to play more? Or were you not expecting to
Starting point is 00:32:12 play that much? Like how did you what were you? I don't know. I didn't have any real I didn't have any expectations. But I thought they I thought they were like very protective over me more than I thought they'd be like kind of just like hey go in Do some good stuff and we'll get you out real quick. Like kind of just like in that sense Which it which is it's fine. I'd like to play the whole game, but I can I can understand where they're coming from So do when you know that you're gonna go in like do they tell like do you know? Yeah, like after after drives will be like alright Tyson Europe. You're up next so they don't tell you before the game
Starting point is 00:32:53 Hey, just so you know you were for sure going Yeah, they give you they give you an idea of when when you'll be playing but it never goes Exactly according to plan so then you just kind of you get close to that time frame that they say and then eventually they Just tell you that you're up In one of the games I watched that Caleb played in the game was still going and he got undressed Like he took off his like stuff his his warrior gear the pads and the goodies the helmet. Is that normal? Yeah, I think a lot of a lot of dudes. Yeah, there's there's some a lot of people I do that. Do you do that? No, but I'm also not in that position to do that. Oh
Starting point is 00:33:33 Really is it kind is it a status? I mean, I mean I'd say kind of but you know There's like once I go in the game and I come out There's not a whole lot of guys left. So I should probably keep my stuff on in case people get hurt. But for him, he's got three guys that could go in. So he really doesn't have to worry about that. Is there a protocol? Would you get told to put your shit back on if you took it off? I don't think so. Probably not. So it's not a protocol. It's like as...
Starting point is 00:34:03 But it would be weird if like a guy came off the defense and started taking his shit off knowing he might have to go back in if there's an interception. Yeah. Okay. So the quarterback is a unique position in that regard. Yes. Okay. So when's the final day that we'll know whether you're on the team or not?
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, well I'm 99.9% sure I'm on the team but I think it's what is today Friday Friday 23rd I think Thank you, I think Tuesday Monday or Tuesday is the final cut day Yeah, by the way, I wasn't suggesting that you wouldn't but it's just nice to get past that day probably for everybody Oh, a hundred percent a hundred percent So so they'll have a like by the 28th, which is Wednesday Don't everyone in the world will know the roster of the Chicago Bears Yes and and what about
Starting point is 00:35:04 You going to them trading you or them trading someone? Do they have a deadline for that too? I don't I'm not sure how that works. So you're just you're just like basically like show up to work work your ass off. You don't worry about any of that stuff. You like the UFC fighters like who do you want to fight next? They're like I don't care. Fuck like something like Sean Strickland. Just put it, bring them out here. I'll beat his ass. Yeah. Yeah. Cause yeah, like I said, it's weird. It's not really, there's no really direct communication about it. It's just like I said, you either one day you just show up and they might be
Starting point is 00:35:37 like, Hey, uh, Tyce come with me. We're going to go meet with the GM. And then you already know, you already know what that means. meet with the GM and that you already know you already know what that means. You know how they do it. You know how they, at least how they did it last year, we're warming up for workouts. So we're, we're about to do a weightlifting session and we are out on the field doing just warmups, high knees, you know, whatever with the staff. And they just start coming outside and grabbing dudes. Oh, hey, come with me.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Hey, come with me. Hey, come with me. So eventually you're warming up and then you look around and you're like, oh shit, where is everybody at? Man, does anyone say anything? Like when people get plucked? Like are there any? You act like you don't even see it. You act like you don't even see it.
Starting point is 00:36:26 You act like you don't even see it. I feel like it would be almost jinxing to acknowledge it too much is the feeling I'm getting. It's like everybody just focuses on doing the best. Nobody's nobody's looking up because nobody wants to lock eyes with one of those. That's right. Everybody's got their head straight down until the dude is two inches away from them tapping them on the shoulder. And even then you just glance and you probably keep your head down as you walk up.
Starting point is 00:36:51 You're like, nah, nah, not me, right? You don't want to make eye contact with the dude like somehow. Yeah, I'm warming up way on the edge, way on the right side. Too far to walk over there to kick Tyson off the team. He's too far away He's a yeah Tyson my buddy got a ticket for running a red light in Oakland and he goes to court right and he's this six foot four really skinny really dorky fucking white dude, right got like just a dork and
Starting point is 00:37:23 He's in this courtroom and the judge is there and the courtroom is packed. You know what I mean? There's like 200 people in there trying to fight tickets and shit. And he goes, hey, how do you know it was me driving this car to the judge? Because I got the ticket through a camera. You know what I mean? The ticket came to my house and the judge has this big monitor on his desk and he flips it around so the whole fucking courtroom can see and this is Oakland right? And he plays the video and you can see it's him and the judge goes is that you and he said it was like being on the Arsenio Hall show he said the fucking whole courtroom started like oh you got fucked up It was crazy Right fucking red so I was just wondering if it's like that when someone gets booted off the team they just like
Starting point is 00:38:12 Thank God. Thank God, but no, it's not It's not it's it's not that ruthless now There's this um, oh, oh, I want to show you there. There's this by the way There's these guys out there bearskin films. do you know those guys? I don't. They put together a compilation reel of you, I think every game of all your plays. It's awesome. Oh nice, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And the quality is so good. I'm trying to think, I'll pull it up in one second, but I wanna play this clip. This reminds me so much of your dad. This clip of you. I don't I don't even know how old this is. But when I saw this, I go fuck this is why this is why people love Tyson so much. You're never afraid to give to give it up. This, I don't I guess you were on some podcast and you're talking
Starting point is 00:39:00 about DJ more. He's he wide receiver or tight end or he catches the ball, right? Yeah. What position is he? Wide receiver. Okay, wide receiver. Okay, here we go. That's receiver in the in the in the world. So I mean, I've never seen anybody like it. Awesome, funny dude, full of full of energy, full of life, great, you know, good, good little family's got two little kids. And, you know know there, you know, whenever you see them around they obviously love the shit out of them. So Seeing him get extended. I mean, it's kind of a no-brainer dudes a amazing wide receiver and turns it to a running back when he gets the ball so What more could you ask? He's the best receiver. Oh, is that recently you said that? Oh, yeah It's a couple weeks ago. Um, I mean you touched on every point that a grown man would want to hear He's funny. He's nice. He's a good family man. You fucking acknowledges kids you acknowledges skills you express your fucking Appreciation for him. It's like all in in in 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:40:00 You do tribute that skill of being able to teach your dad at all? Your dad is so, he's never been afraid to like give compliments to people. You know what I mean? Like a lot of great people don't want to give compliments for some reason. Yeah, yeah, I think, yeah, it's probably, yeah, it's probably got a lot to do with my dad, probably just knowing. Um, I kind of, I love to compliment the things that I find value in. So, uh, DJ, great football player. Like I said, he turns into a running back
Starting point is 00:40:26 once he gets the ball. I value that. I think that's awesome. He's a great dad. That's awesome. Cause I don't want to really show any love to a dude that's not a great dad. Cause that's whack to me.
Starting point is 00:40:38 So I like to highlight all the things that I kind of find and have respect for. Well, it's cool. Um, those people are lucky to have you that you do that because so many people would not do that. They, for some, I don't really understand the mechanism, but they would be afraid to shine the light on people. It's like, I don't know if you watching the CrossFit games this year, but Jason Hopper won and they were doing the televised, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:02 post interview after you win an event and he goes hey Bring my boy down and up here too And you know in the sideline and they brought down up there and he shined the light on down too when he could have just Kept the spotlight totally for himself Yeah, it was it was it was freaking awesome. It was so cool It was for me was the highlight of the games watching Jason do that. So that was cool Your I was talking to your dad the other day Totally unfair that I have all this inside information
Starting point is 00:41:37 Totally making fun of you about your apparel He's like this guy fucking has a do rag on and his hat all fucking cock-eyed and the shirts doesn't match his shorts He was just going crazy and we were just dying laughing But you went But but I'm like Travis. How do you can't say anything to him? He fucking pulls it off. He goes. I know he just fucking kills it I don't know how he does it Is there a method to your madness in your presentation or is it just truly you're just like, hey man, I'm just focused just on quarterbacking how the hat sits on my head or my shirt matching my shorts or what I'm wearing. None of that matters.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah. I mean, I think it's a little bit of both. I think that it literally does not matter to me what I have on or how I'm wearing it or anything But then there's another side that loves to just be the most non chaotic Dude in the world, but got the most chaotic shit going on on the outside You know, like I got all these dumbass crazy tattoos on me long hair Dressed like an idiot hats off to the side. But then, but then really, it's just, you know, I'm just a chill cat. So I think it just throws people for a loop sometimes. And I think something internal is something internally in me kind of thinks it's funny and, and likes it.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Oh, it is funny. It's I love it. I live for your press conferences. They're so freaking chill. And a lot of time, a lot of time, the good stuff comes when they asked me just a ridiculous question that I couldn't Possibly give an honest answer to so then I just go really really Weird and strange on them like the grinding my faith grinding my face off That's because they asked me they were like hey Tyson were you fucking scared that they were gonna bring in another quarterback to take your job? So then right there, I'm like, okay. So I can't say yes, I was terrified
Starting point is 00:43:32 that they were gonna bring in a quarterback to take my job. So then I'm just like, no, actually, I wasn't thinking about it at all. I was just fucking grinding my face off the whole time. So didn't think about it at all. So easily. Were you scared that the sports team at your media outlet was going to hire someone who
Starting point is 00:43:49 asked questions? Yeah, were you scared? Were you scared? Were you scared for four months straight that you weren't going to have a job when you get back? No, I wasn't. Hey Tyson, have you ever heard of an author called Robert Green? I had maybe, I don't know. What's he, has he wrote, what's he done? There's been a bunch of really great books,
Starting point is 00:44:09 but I think one of the ones that, and even if you didn't read the book, but just searched on YouTube to listen to summaries, it's called 48 Laws of Power. Okay, yeah, I've heard that book. Yeah, a lot of what you say and stuff like that. I just think, I think you would really dig listening to even like the summary of that,
Starting point is 00:44:23 and I think it would, I think you would have fun with some of the stuff in the book in the position that you're in. Yeah. Check it out. It's banned in prison. Sweet. Oh, I heard it. Yeah. I heard about that. Yeah. Yeah. People are telling I saw something it was like if your man is reading or has read this book break up with him immediately. He's a crazy. He's crazy. But yeah, I got to get into that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:49 What are the laws of power? Check it out. You might not want to listen to it. It's like a frickin the book. I think if you listen to it in totality, it's like 28 hours long or something crazy, but there's a lot of great summaries on it. And if you just YouTube it, you can listen. Robert Green speaks a lot.
Starting point is 00:45:02 He's on a lot of really popular podcasts podcasts so you could even check it out through there But I think you would dig a lot of the information and and utilize it to your advantage Bear skin films hey, dude. Thank you so much for the Video you sent we're definitely gonna show it on the show here We'll watch it here with Tyson a little bit a deadline for trades is like six week six of the regular season Yeah, this dude's so cool. You know what I like about this dude is this dude is Excited that his work is being used Yeah, Paul. Yeah, so meaning he makes this and then we showed it on our channel and instead of being like hey assholes
Starting point is 00:45:37 Why are you why are you stealing my shit? He's like, hey, thanks for using my shit I put it out there to be used. It's it's fucking it it's so cool Sarah Cox a most respectful young man I've ever met Tyson Bajan. Shout out to Sarah. Tyson when you say that there is a new offense what does that mean like dumb it down like crazy for me yeah that just means that we had an offensive coordinator last year who had his own shit that he installed and made us run and he got fired. He got fired. Then we got a new guy who comes with his own shit and is making happen.
Starting point is 00:46:17 And like, give me an example of what that would be like. Um, uh, the old guy always liked two guys in the backfield. The new guy always likes, doesn't like two guys in the backfield I'm trying to show it's very and it's much more there's a lot there's a lot of similarities in today because everybody is taking advantage of everything that they that they see just because we have film and we Have replays and then go back and look at it and make corrections So everybody is in the in a in a sense kind of doing the same things, but just getting to it in different ways. So that's
Starting point is 00:46:50 what the experience has been so far is just, you know, we're doing a lot of the same things, but it's just called different things. We're getting to it differently. And that's basically summarized how it's been for me so far. That's basically summarized how it's been for me so far. As the guy who gets the ball, when you say something and then the play starts when the guy moves the ball and hands it to you, and then that's your job to move the ball forward down the field. that you like prefer like as a quarterback like are there like are there Like like are there I guess I don't have a full grasp on what different offenses are
Starting point is 00:47:35 But are there different offenses you prefer like do you prefer? I'm just making this shit up like that There's always five guys on the line or are there things that you prefer like there's always two wide receivers or lined up on the same side or, or maybe it's like, Hey, you like an offense. It's always changing. Like, do you have a preference? Yeah, I like having a variety and kind of like, I think more what you're talking about. Like I said,
Starting point is 00:47:56 all the structures of offense are pretty similar, but then you've got different plays that are ran out of those structures. So there is a preference in play calls and we give that to the coach before the game each time. Like we have a call sheet of all the players are going to run and we rank our third downs. Like we rank them one to five and then we turn them into him and then he calls the game based on what we like or what we don't like. Wow. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Was it like that last year also with the offensive coordinator? Yeah. Is that a standard practice in the NFL? I think it just makes sense just because you don't want your guys running things that they're not comfortable with. Right. So now I'm just making up his thought processes. So his thought process is it's third and four and the ideal play is this. And the second ideal play is this from his opinion. Oh, it's third Oh, it's the first third and four. All right. This is what he said. This is what his number one was Bam. We got it. Bam the next third or four. All right, we did that one. All right next he's got All right. Now we're gonna go with that one
Starting point is 00:48:57 But he has to put it in his own calculation too I know this one's tyson's favorite but we've run it twice already and they know the look or something And so he'll switch to something else Exactly. Yeah, and once again about 65% of it is whatever he wants to call But then there's like us there's like a specific third down that we have ranked what we're the most comfortable with How many plays are there? Are you allowed to say? Probably a hundred in each game
Starting point is 00:49:25 And would you start do you learn new plays as the year goes on? Yeah Oh So so even you have to you have to memorize all hundred of those plays and like the call sign that goes with them Yeah, and it's like you get the foundation of it You got the the meat and potatoes of what you're gonna be doing and then throughout the season he'll add he'll be like All right We're gonna run this same formation that we've been running but we're gonna do this against them because they do this and it'll work.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Oh lord, that guy here is an asshole who always comes in we're moving everything over here. Exactly, yeah. Crazy. Hey, what about that guy that they brought in last year on the defense who is an absolute monster did he come back they brought him in like in the middle of the year that doesn't even look human that guy that they brought in last year on the defense who is an absolute monster did he come back they brought him in like in the Middle of the year that yeah, I think look human that guy's there. Yeah, he's still he's still here Yeah, is it is it Montel sweat? Montez sweat yep Montez sweat and is he starting?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Yeah, and is he is he does he look like a freak when he shows up to practice just like he does on the screen like You're like well. there's that giant dude. Yeah. Just abnormal abnormal looking person. Just like, like, like, Hey dude, you're part Titan. This is the human league. Yeah. Exactly. That's exactly it. He's like, uh, yeah, I don't know who what's the, um, the super ripped black dude on the end that's in the games. Oh yeah. Chandler Yeah, Chandler Smith Chandler Smith. He's like the Chandler Smith of football players. Like he's just like the ripped
Starting point is 00:50:53 weird-looking dude of around he's the He's the abnormal of the abnormal Yeah, he's like super like everyone knows Superman could beat all the other dudes up exactly. Yeah, exactly How many of those guys are there in the NFL? Probably about 50. So does every team have one? Yeah, every you got to have at least one of those dudes. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, that's all right. And if you don't you really want one bad Yeah, right you don't you're on the lookout for one that's right. And if you don't, you really want one bad. Yeah, right. If you don't, you're on the lookout for one. That's for sure. Yeah. I mean, we paid $80 million for him.
Starting point is 00:51:31 That guy. Wow. Wow. Wow. I will say this. What, cause I hadn't been watching football and last year was the first year I got back into football and like, he, he, I mean, he's, he's unreal. And I just started, I don't usually watch the defense. That's the time to take a piss or something. But I started watching the defense when he was on it. I was like, wow, this is unbelievable. Our defense is going to be really good this year.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah, that must be fun. Um, when you, when, um, or do you watch the entire game? Uh, I just watched the offense. I mean, when I'm out there on the field, I watch the entire game? I just watched the offense. I mean when I'm out there on the field I Watch the game like I'm present on what's going on. But then like watching film. I don't I don't watch her defense Yeah, that's what I mean So when there's an interception you and you're you're like you're watching the defense because there's an interception It's time to put your helmet on and go. Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yeah, that's cool. It must be great. It must that must be another great feeling when there's an interception. Oh yeah, so yeah you get good field position, the momentum switches, it's wonderful. I want to show this, I want to show this film. Are you on a phone or are you on a bigger screen? I'm on a phone but I can see everything perfect. Okay. Let me see I thought I had the link but for some reason I don't have it in my notes a bearskin Tyson I think it's Tyson. Oh, no, I do have it. I Think I do have it You got it, yeah, there it is So these are these are the guys that put the the highlight together.
Starting point is 00:53:23 the the the the the the the the the Oh
Starting point is 00:53:47 My god What could you've done better? What could you've done better? Tell me Oh humble one. What the fuck could you've done better? They're throwing a little bit less less temper on the ball Hey, I got a question Four-year-old trying to catch a butterfly. I know you don't want me to talk bad about your teammates, but Jesus crime any oh come on man. That's a bad That's a bad motherfucker right there. All right. All right. Well, don't bring him to my house I don't need to get fucking my nose is perfect eyes Punched hey, how much have you worked on?
Starting point is 00:54:21 Your footwork if you watch every play, you're like fucking, you're glued to the ground, feet planted. Yeah. Is that intentional? Yeah, it's just important to play within the timing of your feet and then you can play on time and then also as soon as your feet get weird, you know the play's gotten weird.
Starting point is 00:54:39 So you know when to either run or just get down and protect the ball. And when you're watching this play in particular here, right, you have your way that you're scanning the field. So you got your one, two, three, and now as he comes back around, technically it'd be the fourth slot in there. As you're reading that, like how does that move in your mind?
Starting point is 00:54:58 Because when I watched the play, it happened so fast. I don't even know how you watch people move across the field. And when I watched these breakdowns of your plays plays and then I'm told what to look for, I could see it. But like how quickly is that happening in real time for you? Like, does it slow down to where you really understand where everybody's at or like? Yeah, I mean, you know where everybody's at, but it doesn't slow down. And you can kind of just cancel things out pretty quickly. So if you cancel it out, then it's like, all right, I'm not even looking at that. Oh, that anymore. And you can kind of just pencil in on who the ball could possibly
Starting point is 00:55:31 go to. Okay. It's like just narrowing down the scope of options. Exactly. Oh, man, that Hey, is that the same guy? It is. Well, fuck, I take back everything I said. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, What's the most valuable thing in the world? Well obviously never missing a coaching or training session while in the gym. And the second most valuable thing? Time. Managing and worrying about body odor used to take up a lot of my time. Massive headspace thinking about do I smell? Do I not?
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Starting point is 00:59:41 Does that happen? You're like, there's no way he's gonna catch that and he catches it? Sometimes, but a lot of times you kind of, it's just the expectation just because you know everybody's such a bad dude that you kind of expect them to make some place. I don't even know how that I don't even know how that's possible. What just happened there Are you just tickled by that? Does that ever get old? No, it shit was crazy. That shit was crazy. The place was going nuts.
Starting point is 01:00:28 God, that must never get old. Hey, do you remember doing that in the 8th grade, Tyson? Do you remember your best pass, like some of your best passes as a kid? Do you remember some of your Pop Warner games? Yeah. And it's just awesome, right? Yeah, it's just all the same feeling. It's just a good feeling.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Damn. Yeah. And it's just awesome, right? Yeah, it's just all the same feeling. It's just good feeling. Damn. ["Dreams of a New World"] You know you're gonna run there? No, I had to read the defensive end and then if he played the running back then I would pull it. If he didn't I would just hand it off.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Oh shit. Hey, when you're running with the ball I think that something that I don't hear a lot of people talk about people are like trying to take the ball from you. They're not just trying to tackle you. They're trying to take your shit Yeah, everybody's fanatical about getting the you know takeaways because that helps your chances of winning right? Humble right like just just grab the ball. Yeah And why do you die? Why do you dive there? Like there's a part I'm assuming if they tell you you have to dive to preserve your body
Starting point is 01:01:44 But is the party you just want to be like fuck you I'm gonna juke and hit you and go around you no not not really not at this level they're all bad dudes I don't want any parts of that I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here. watch it? Yeah, 100%. It's your art. Bearskin Films. Hey, thanks guys for pointing us to that a couple days ago or yesterday. That's really cool. Oh, pre-season's over your 4-0. And now what happens? Now we are, they're gonna make all the cuts and we are going to get into the regular season. And when is your first game?
Starting point is 01:02:45 September 8th. And who do you guys play? The Tennessee Titans. And do you play at home? Yes. And did you play them in the preseason? No. Does preseason matter?
Starting point is 01:02:58 Like I'll hear people say, oh, it doesn't matter, it's the third strings. But for some reason, I have a hard time believing that. No, it doesn't matter, not even a little bit. No, it doesn't matter. It's the third strings. But I have, for some reason, I have a hard time believing that. No, it doesn't matter. Not even a little bit. No, it doesn't. Huh? At all. Even to you guys, though, it must matter. It matters to the team itself because you're figuring out who's going to be there for the regular season. But as far as like caring about if you win or lose, there is no, uh, nobody cares. I know one guy who I'll show you one guy who's pretty pumped up to pumped up about it. Let me see if I can. I'll show you this.
Starting point is 01:03:39 This guy's pretty stoked that you guys are went for no in the preseason. Let me show you this guy there's any audio here No, that's for Frank. That guy's stoked. Look at that hair. Looks incredible. Hey, do you know who the social media person is? Like at the Bears?
Starting point is 01:04:14 Like when there's someone there pointing a phone at you, you're like, oh yeah, that's the girl or the guy that does the stories. Yeah. Does everyone know who they are? Everybody's got a pretty good idea. Is it just one person or is it a bunch of people? Now there's a it's like a team social media team. Yeah, and are they cool? Yeah, they're very nice and They got the dream job Yeah, they should
Starting point is 01:04:35 Find cool shit to post. I guess is whatever they really want seems pretty cool. Yeah, right They I mean, they're just they're just hoping for people to say stuff like that what you said them Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. They need those clips. Did you see what the US government released last week about fluoride? I did not. Oh, you're going to love this.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Oh, here we go. You're going to love this. We're at the hour mark, so you can say anything you want. Nobody watches this far anyway. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good.
Starting point is 01:05:09 You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good.
Starting point is 01:05:17 You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. the recommended limit is linked with lower IQ in children. Like, like soon as you put me on this path, I all the studies say it lowers the IQ of children and it's not recoverable.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Like it's just unbelievable. Yeah. And you only need a couple doses of it. Like if you, if you have over the recommended limit, the study showed just like two or three times, uh, it, it, it fucks you up. Um, the report based on an analysis of previous published research, which has been around forever marks the first time a federal agency has determined with moderate confidence that there's a link between higher levels of fluoride exposure and lower IQ in kids. Wild right? I mean, yeah, even if there's nothing else, that's enough to never at least try to never put it in your body again. But some of the studies reviewed in this report suggested IQ is two to five points lower in children who had higher exposures. Like how about just not put that shit in your kids mouth?
Starting point is 01:06:16 Yeah. Federal health officials have recommended fluoridation levels of 0.7 milligrams per liter of water and for five decades before the recommended upper range was 1.2. Oh Nellie. The World Health Organization has set a safe limit for fluoride in drinking water 1.5. Come on man. So the World Health Organization thinks that you can have twice as much as the US government. Sounds about paid for. Listen to this, the report said that six tenths of one percent of the US population, about one point nine
Starting point is 01:06:53 million people on a water system with naturally occurring fluoride levels, I don't believe that naturally occurring of one point five milligrams. So two million of us are just stupid. I can tell you that. I think it's higher. Yeah, I think so too. That's crazy though, that's so scary. So scary.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Protect your kids. Tyson, do you have a kind of a dream scenario for you in terms of like outside of football just what your life looks like like are you are you? Are you talked about having it? You know you showing the respect for your homie DJ Moore for being a good dad I know you have a good relationship with your dad Or let me just say a relationship strong relationship Do you have a do you have a plan like you want to get land and have a water well and have five kids And six dogs like do you see?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Um, yeah, I don't know about the dogs, but I mean I would like to Buy buy a house and have just an insane garage gym and have kids and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. At 24, that sounds about right. Yeah. At 26, that sounds cool too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:18 And what kind of communication has your mom said? Has your mom said anything funny to you this preseason? What are you guys talking about? You're talking about football with her. I saw your dad Hug, yeah, I said how's Casey react she goes. She just acts cool. She thinks she has her own special unique relationship with Tyson She certainly does and it's never really it's maybe football is What we're talking about, but it's never has to do anything with like actual football, just kind of how I'm how I'm doing and how it's going for me. And usually just how I miss everybody and all that all that good stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Um, is it starting to get do you think I think that the media has taken an enormous liking to you? Yeah. Yeah. Are you? How do you process that? Do you like that? Do you do? Did you prefer being more under the radar? How are you processing the attention? I don't like or dislike it. I think I've just that just thankfully they've they've liked me and I haven't really been doing anything out of the ordinary. So Yeah, I definitely appreciate it. But Try not to think about it too much just because it could flip tomorrow Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right. You're one interception away from everyone. Very very very very transactional
Starting point is 01:09:42 All right, all right and and what about I'm just going what about just like waking up in the morning and Going down and getting a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. Is it started getting weird at all yet? No, no, there's there's instances where people will recognize me and ask for a picture and stuff but for the most part unless it's like an announcement that I'm gonna be somewhere It's usually pretty chill Even even in Chicago because I that I'm gonna be somewhere It's usually pretty chill Even even in Chicago because you can't you stand out with you know with your hair and just the way you look and
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah, I think I you'd be surprised P a lot of people are just caught up in their own shit So it's usually like a lot of times if I'm out maybe once or twice somebody will say oh hey, what's up, man? Good job Let's take a picture sign this something about awesome All right, dude. Well, hey, thanks for coming on. It's such it's so I'm feel so I don't know what the word is I'm so stoked that you were able to come on after your game yesterday. It's it's a it's a boon to this podcast
Starting point is 01:10:44 Love knowing you. Thanks for being so cool. Thanks for chopping it up. Thanks for being a real one. Thanks for wearing your hat crooked. Thanks for the honesty and you sharing the details of your life because it makes it all so much more fun to watch knowing all these things. Yeah. Yeah, thank you guys. I appreciate you guys and everything that you do. And yeah, it's been awesome being able to be on the show all the time. Yeah, any time. All right, dude. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Talk to you soon. Yes, sir. Appreciate you guys. Bye. Man, we're so lucky. I always want to ask him about what's going on with the Beaver in his life, but I just don't that's good. Yeah Okay, I mean we all want to know yeah, right we could just wait till he's gone and speculate now What is it just raining beaver on him dude? Look at him?
Starting point is 01:11:40 Chiseled long hair. What is he like six three? I don't he takes his nose that I get the impression He doesn't take his nose out of the flavor. He's focused. Yeah, he's focused you feel it. He is focused Yeah, and like the funny thing is is like of course that the money and shit would have been incredible for him And we I think you and I both know that eventually his day is going to come right? Oh, it's gonna be crazy both know that eventually his day is going to come. Right. Oh, it's going to be crazy. In all honesty, he's one of those competitors. Like I, it doesn't fuck.
Starting point is 01:12:09 I don't think it changes anything for him in his mindset, you know, 25,000 or 25 million, I think he's going to show up. I think he's going to grind just as hard. I mean, obviously the money is going to give him the security and then he could maybe even double down on his focus because all that other shit is completely gone and take care of his family and all that but he just seems like the type of dude that's like he's just so focused on Chasing his excellence and becoming the best football player quarterback
Starting point is 01:12:34 He could possibly be that it's um, it's unique and it's really cool that we get to be like a part of it in this intimate with the story Ask him those questions. Mm-hmm. I Study I had like five more playbook questions for him. I was going to be like, Hey, like when the play read changes or how quickly are you making adjustments on this film? I watched immediately after the ball released, you were disappointed. Like how quickly did you know that that was the wrong call in the play?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Like, what do you guys do to adapt that? Like as you're reading plays and the different options that come based off the players on the field move, how often are you practicing those scenarios? Do they tell often does it change team to team? Why have them on again? Don't throw the questions away. I won't I won't know if I could get an opportunity to be back on with him with him and you all definitely study up again. Is his family going to break him having to buy $8,000 in tickets per game? No way he would probably he would put all his money
Starting point is 01:13:27 into having the whole squad there. I guarantee it. I just wish we could go out and film with them. I'm super jealous of the... Hiller's spending a lot of time with them. I was just gonna say, like, I... Hiller's been putting out, well, he's putting out really awesome stuff with athletes and things like that. And that was cool. I enjoyed, I watched all them. I enjoyed watching them and seeing that side of Hill's filmmaking. But I was jealous when I saw him with, with his relationship with Tyson. Like I was like, fuck, I wish I could go and hang with those guys. Yeah. Like they're friends. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Like, yeah, they're like, It's really cool. I wonder how much they're allowed to have their own personal media and camera and stuff, because it would be awesome to just do a little day in life with him or behind the scenes thing in this preseason, you know, before they get obviously they're focused all the time, but before they really dive into the season, right? I know there's probably regulations and stuff on that by the team and the franchise and, you know, those things, but it would be really cool, especially off season. I'd love to spend some time with him and just film some him training and
Starting point is 01:14:28 Oh god, it would be a whole life. You know, I i'm pretty sure he's open to that stuff too Yeah Uh, hey, uh, what's your time? What's your time like? Um at 10 30 i'm gonna do an affiliate call on the affiliate forum at And uh before that i'm hanging out. Okay. I'm going to do an affiliate call on the affiliate forum at And before that I'm hanging out. Okay. I'm going to run a quick, uh, commercial that Brett made quick little, like, I
Starting point is 01:14:52 don't even know if I'd call it a commercial, but just a little inspirational. Um, what's going on in affiliates use the bathroom. I'll be right back. Cool. There's, there's no magic here to getting you out of that mindset of focusing on how you look, but an affiliate is, in my opinion, by far the best place to help you with that shift. Before starting at the gym, I was somebody who just always wanted to be smaller and I always wanted to look a certain way and I was never, never satisfied with my body.
Starting point is 01:15:31 All my goals were focused around, all of my exercise was like, how do I get as small as possible? And so I was like super unhealthy. Like I wasn't eating and all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately, when I had gotten really bad, Megan had me join here. So it was very quickly that I was like, okay, well if I want to like lift with all of these other
Starting point is 01:15:53 girls and if I want to like keep up with them and if I want to be strong and all those things like that this has to switch. It was like within six months, I like realized that switch where it was like all of a sudden on my Instagram feed instead of like tiny little people, I had like these strong, beautiful, capable women that could lift hundreds of pounds. So this for me has been a whole mindset shift of like I now appreciate my body for what it can do, not what it can do,
Starting point is 01:16:28 not what it looks like in here. We don't care what you look like as long as you're hitting what you want to achieve. We got the affiliate video contest going down. The final day is September 9th, is that? The final day is September 9th. Is that. Yeah. September 7th, I think is that a Friday. So we're hoping to get them all in by then.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Submit your videos. First place, five grand. Thank you to two brain, which is really cool. That's how easy it is to work with Chris Cooper, by the way. I just, um, I just called him and I said, Hey, uh, can we do a, I want to do an affiliate video contest. And he said, sure. And he actually came up with those numbers, 5,000 for first place, 3,000 for
Starting point is 01:17:13 second, and I can't remember if it was 2000 or 1000 for third, but he just, just like, Hey, there you go. That's it done. No contracts. I didn't even have to shake his hand. Nope. Then not to do anything. I mean, he's just so willing to invest in anything that he believes is going to help affiliates.
Starting point is 01:17:33 It's really cool that we have somebody like Chris in the ecosystem that's willing to do that. Yeah, that's a good point too. It's not because of us. It's because you nailed it. And he even said that you're right. Like, you'll do whatever to help You know, it's funny listening to like in real time with the conversation with you
Starting point is 01:17:52 and uh him just this last hour ago or so I was thinking about What what does have the best? Um impact in serving and helping affiliates? um as far as like you know pushing the mission and everything forward and like almost in real time, I was sitting here and I was like, I think it's just building a media company here with what we're doing. Oh, you mean like, Hey, instead of like waiting for HQ to do it, we just keep doing it. Like the hero, like the hero workout you made,
Starting point is 01:18:21 the hero workout video we made that we just published. Yeah. Like I think if I run the numbers, I the hero workout you made the hero workout video, uh, we made that we just published. Yeah. Like I think if I run the numbers, I could just come up and this is something that I've talked about with you for years, which is like, what's the number that I could come up with that would give a little breathing room to have some money for the gym in case I need more coaches or this or that, um, but would also just cover a little bit more of my personal expense. So I could bridge the gap between, um, a full time working in the affiliate versus like full time working on the media.
Starting point is 01:18:52 I won't in the early days, you know, pre kids and all that. I made a video every day. I mean, I, I have made a video and just put, just published it every day. I, there's been multiple times when I thought about just like, Hey, what, like wherever my focus goes, if I could put my attention to a hundred percent to anything and this is going to sound super arrogant, like I know that I can make it work and work really, really well. And not because I have some magical touch.
Starting point is 01:19:17 It's just because like I'm willing to do the work, eat the shit, the longest put in the hours that need to be put in, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, never lose sight of the main mission and just outlast, you know? Kelly star Ed did that. Uh, I remember him telling me, this is, I dunno, I'm making this 2008 or nine or 10. He's like, Hey, I'm just going to make a video every single day. I don't care where I am. Um, uh, around, uh, think, the supple leopard premise.
Starting point is 01:19:45 And I remember there were days that like he would just be with his iPhone at the airport and he would set it up and he'd be like, okay guys, I'm at the airport today. Let me tell you what I'm going to do at the airport. And that was the video. And I think that Kelly would credit that to the launch of everything. One year of consistency. I mean, Hillary did it. What?
Starting point is 01:20:03 Say it again. Look at what it did for Hiller. Right. Right. Yeah. Great. I mean, modern day. Yeah. Hillers. Another example of that. Brett, Brett Bauer, Brett is, I have 10 videos, some of the same member. Do you want all of them? I just have five counted toward the contest. Put your five best. Yeah. But we want them all. And Brett, they could win just by turning in 10. Maybe that's one of the criteria you over, you over submit it. And so you went, yeah, turn them all in. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Yeah. And thank you Brett for the shirt. It arrived yesterday. I appreciate that a lot, Dean. The, is this, this is a different Brett than the guy who made them at salty hive correct. Yeah Oh crazy two breaths. Yep. Yep had a great conversation with him and his wife at the At the at Dale's gauntlet they competed in the gauntlet. Oh, that's cool. Yeah great people Tyson a top 15 QB right now. He'll be a multiple Super Bowl winning QB before he's done Wow
Starting point is 01:21:02 Right now he'll be a multiple Super Bowl winning QB before he's done. Wow Tyson on a three-year two point seven million dollar deal He's probably one of the highest value players in the NFL right now. No one that good is that cheap Sabre Sabir and Kelly I missed having seven sues together. I know it's crazy how little we get to do together Fucking speaking of missing people. I miss Caleb to death. I can't wait to this Fucking he needs to get fired or something We don't wish he gets fired, but we do wish he has some more time for the show Boy, dude, what when he was deployed? Oh, that was money. I mean
Starting point is 01:21:41 He too killed it. I wish that um, I, I uh, yeah, that was good. I really, I wanted him to be on this show today too because I wanted it because I know he likes Tyson a lot and that would have been awesome. Yeah and he's, he watches football. He's got like a lot like you and I are just like we studied yesterday. Laurie builds up on the penal gland and limits Enlightenment the digital signals that come through your eyes and ears hit the penal gland and vibrates to create hallucinations Hallucinations which we perceive as reality
Starting point is 01:22:18 Well, that's a perfect name for you gypsy Mike for you, Gypsy Mike. Yeah, Rosie, a photography. I'd love to photograph him. Yeah. Who wouldn't? Oh, nice shirt. You extra like that one. You got the armpit lat combo in there and it's not like, yeah, a little CEO, but
Starting point is 01:22:41 it's also like halfway short in the sports bra. True. Oh yeah. It's got the boob hanging out in the sports bra. True. Oh yeah. It's got the boob hanging out on the right. Yeah, that's good. A lot more shirts with that, with that photo in our store. I've indicated, get that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:54 We need some Cooper, some shirts. I put a little note here for him to get out. So do we have a sponsor tomorrow for kill Taylor? We do. We do have a sponsor tomorrow. So do we have a sponsor tomorrow for kill Taylor? We do. We do have a sponsor tomorrow. It is. It is Patrick with, uh, with, uh, the state farm insurance.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Oh, awesome. The guy who's a sponsor shut up and scribble. Yeah. Sponsor shut up and scribble. Um, we'll also be sponsoring kill Taylor this week. By the way. So if you don't want to dive from fluoride, I don't know why I don't plug my shit more. Our own product. Right? Banners. Right down there. Right? Right? Right?
Starting point is 01:23:38 Hold on. There. Yes. Hit that QR code and order matute and just start trying it You're gonna be stoked. It's at Doc Spartan calm There you go, I Hear that I watched a couple podcasts yesterday. I watched the talking elite Talking elite fitness podcast with Tommy and Sean. I was very disappointed
Starting point is 01:24:11 and the things they were saying a Couple of things that stood out was they were suggesting that people were taking sides whether without having an open mind and What I think it is, is I just think that most of the outlets just aren't presenting the facts. You know what I mean? They're just not willing to say how they truly feel.
Starting point is 01:24:31 So you have to read through the lines. And I think that they fall in that camp. And I think Brian falls in that camp. Like there's some sort of feeling, like there's some sort of professionality if you don't talk about the facts, or if you don't, like, you know about the the the facts or if you don't like You know as long as you're saying allowing the fact that you're speculating
Starting point is 01:24:48 But it but I didn't I didn't appreciate that at all and then the presupposition that you know The PFA they refer to the PFA if it as if it's it actually is something more than just a fucking drawer in Fikowski's Bedroom, you know what? I mean? Yeah, it's just a fucking drawer in Fikowski's bedroom. You know what I mean? PFA, it's just a fucking drawer, stack of papers. I mean, it's not, it's just nothing. You know what I mean? It's just a Manila envelope where he keeps his ideas about something.
Starting point is 01:25:16 And he has a friend who built a website for him. And, you know, those two, those two elements, the podcasts keep, I'm not contextualizing or putting the relativity behind what that organization is. And there was a, at one point, Sean said that you have to, you have to look at the, you have to read Fikowski's demands, you know, that he gave that included Dave stepping down, but to know more of what he was saying, you have to go to the Men's Health article. And then Sean read two paragraphs from the Men's health article and that didn't say anything and it's like For me to for me to say we've been complaining about something for ten years or at one point He even said if CrossFit doesn't make a change. It just shows that they're arrogant like you you can't make that
Starting point is 01:25:58 You I don't know where the fuck you make that leap of I don't know where you make that leap That's that's like insane There's people who say that I should never do another CrossFit show. They prefer my guests who aren't They prefer the guests who aren't CrossFit guests. It's like so if I don't listen to them, I'm arrogant and not making change I mean, it's just it's just nuts the leaps people are making and But they say it from like this Place of fact and it's like hey if you're you're going to talk about fact, at least say what your presuppositions are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:29 You know what I mean? Like I think, um, uh, they've asked for transparency for a long time and haven't gotten it. Well, you can't, and then they say it like it's a bad thing. Well, you can't say it's a bad thing unless you in depth talk about the obligation or the value of CrossFit being more transparent. And like if you like you're just expecting people to believe that that's important.
Starting point is 01:26:52 It's that sounds just bad shit crazy to me. It's it's you know what it sounds like some entitlement. And I don't know if you like what transparency what exactly does that mean? Oh yeah. I mean, yeah, exactly. You know, I'm just always confused by that because if people are like, hey, we want, like if you were to say that as a member of my gym,
Starting point is 01:27:11 like, hey, Matt, I want transparency. My next question would say, would be, okay, on what? Like what do you want me to be transparent about the decisions I'm making, the financials, like how I'm deciding the decisions I'm making? Like what portion of it do you feel decisions I'm making, the financials, like how I'm deciding the decisions I'm making. Like what portion of it do you feel that would be more beneficial to you and the athletes if I told you more information?
Starting point is 01:27:34 Like I'm just confused, right? Like I'm going to go yellow and that's not a color that makes me happy. And I'm mad at you because you didn't ask the clients what color they painted the walls before you painted them. Yeah, exactly. Like, and now they want to know your thought process for painting. Oh, yeah. It's like you don't owe that to anyone.
Starting point is 01:27:52 But like, how about just saying, Hey, Matt, by the way, I noticed you painted the walls. The next time you paint the walls, I'm actually a paint mood expert who recognizes the color of moods and paints. These are in hand you a sheet and show you like what what colors reflect what moods what the best paint is that's easiest to wipe down i we worked at kelly more paints for 13 years it's none of that shit right it yeah it's it's kind of weird athletes have been afraid of workouts for years that doesn't mean anything to me either i'm afraid to go on the podcast every morning. Like, like once again, it's just people are afraid to speak up. That, that's like not, they use that as, Talking Leak Fitness used that yesterday as some sort of element of
Starting point is 01:28:36 reality also that people would be ostracized or kicked out. Like once again, the most contentious relationship Dave has ever had with anyone in the space is Matt Frazier, who's arguably the most successful and wealthiest guy in the history of CrossFit athletes. How did that work? How is that? Look at OPT, OPEX, massive, crazy contentious relationship, contentious relationship with NC-FIT. Like, hey, and just so you know, these relationships don't start that way. I could present to an argument that shows you that every single athlete who's been successful at CrossFit and gotten a certain amount of fame has gone through the same cycle of like,
Starting point is 01:29:14 I don't get enough attention. I blame HQ. I start hating the games. I come back and talk about how it's more important to heal people. Then I have a resurgence as a legend games athlete and I start focusing on the games again. I mean, I see that pattern too. Like I, like I'm not seeing anything new in the pattern from the athletes as they have success.
Starting point is 01:29:32 It's the exact same shit over and over and over. Holy shit. I made it to the games to fuck you. I hate you. Like that's the path. You know what I mean? It's yeah. And I don't understand the, um, people are afraid to speak out. Like, so if I, if
Starting point is 01:29:45 I come to Dave or the safety or the athlete control or one of the many people that I could access to say something to, and I'm like, Hey, I think that that box that's sitting on side that beam is, is sketchy because the box tilts quite a bit and somebody could easily fall off of there. So like to me, that means, so what happens after that scenario? like Dave slaps you in the face and is like, don't fucking talk ever again. And then you're like, Oh, well, I don't want to be subject to that abuse. Right. Or like, what is it exactly? That is like, is it it's being ignored? Or then what happens? They put a little bug on your chip timer. So it doesn't work because you're concerned. And then on top of that, too,, like what exactly does that mean? Like
Starting point is 01:30:25 if you were to do it publicly, like I've had, I've had conflicts with Dave, right? With, with different issues. You are aware of them. Yes. And I have conflicts. You've had some, a very bumpy road with Dave. Yes. And as being also part of this podcast. Right. And I'm very close to you and Dave. Yeah. Right. I mean, I've got my hand slapped a few times and I've, and I've pushed back a little bit. And the thing is too, is I never once felt that a, that that was not okay to do that. B, that I was just thrown aside to the corner. Like there would, and I could have been because my shit relevant to what was going on is the least important, important thing. And on top of that too, like I'd never felt that I was punished for future stuff ever.
Starting point is 01:31:05 No, your affiliate, I mean, you talked hellacious shit and your affiliate rep still fucking loves you and came to your, uh, 10 year reunion and has been nothing but wonderful to you and stayed professional, but also like sincere. No, not what Katie Hogan, not an IOTA, not an IOTA of like, like, Hey, she's a professional, but not an IOTA of cheese, dickness or punishment or yeah. Yeah. None of that. So I just, I mean, this is my personal experience. Of course everybody has like different ones, but coming an iota of cheese, dickness or punishment or. Yeah. Yeah. None of that. So I just, I mean, this is my personal experience.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Of course everybody has like different ones, but coming from where I've been coming from, I just don't, I don't see it in the same way they're acting like it's like North Korea and, and, you know, somebody speaks up and next thing you know, their first born's missing and they're like, Oh shit. Like don't guys don't say anything. My kid was missing after I mentioned the fact that we should cut the ropes. When, when Brent, when the the ropes definitely should come when Brent used to complain about the height of the pull up bars I was fully on it. I was critical. I called Dave personally. I was critical
Starting point is 01:31:54 on the podcast. I agree it's fucking insane to have a pull up bar that a tall athlete would kip on. I remember I was really concerned about DeLugos like hitting his feet maybe breaking his back doing a violent kip and fucking his backup. Right. So it's not, it's not about, um, uh, and for the people who think that it's just outside of my own friendship for Dave, it's crazy to think that like, Hey, outside of where I tell you my biases are to think that I'm sucking CrossFit's dick for something, you're fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:32:21 No one's been more critical of CrossFit than this podcast. Nobody. And Hey, and just remember, and just remember that it fucking crazy. No one's been more critical of CrossFit than this podcast. Nobody. And hey, and just remember that. It was crazy. A few years ago, don't forget, it was all the people now who think that like they're going to attack Dave again. Those were the people who sucked CrossFit's dick in the beginning three years ago. And don't forget what happened to them. They got cannibalized by their own because they were trying to swim with the populist vote. Mm-hmm. And it's like, Hey dude, like, when are you going to learn? I would have more respect. Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:32:51 No, no, that's it. I, yeah, I would just have more respect for the PFF. Hey, if they were like, Hey guys, we need to make this in a sustainable business because the only way that we could actually have future, like, you know, grow this sport and continue to bring athletes in the future is if it's actually self sustainable, right? Um, not just the fact of like, we need more demands or we should have more of a voice and maybe the path to sustainability is, is often offering more than the ecosystem than selling buckets of fucking powder with a sticker on it.
Starting point is 01:33:21 I mean, a hundred percent. You know what I mean? Half the people who buy frog grips don't need fucking grips. No, sorry. 90% of the people who buy grips don't need grips. They're buying them because they had an athlete. Well, I'm wearing that's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:33 So it's like, sorry. Did I say 90 99%? Yeah. Yeah. And so you're not, you're not adding, you're not there. You're, you think you're adding a value. Think about what you're doing with schools, right?, type in SUSE or type in media.
Starting point is 01:33:50 Launch, yep. Launch. Think about all that shit's for free on there. You're just adding value, adding value, adding value, adding value. Think of what if the PFAA would have done that? Then if they had been doing that for the last four years, then when they spoke up now, everyone would have had their back Then when, if they had been doing that for the last four years, then when they spoke
Starting point is 01:34:05 up now, everyone would have had their back, but they weren't adding value. They were trying to leverage authority over events and studying, adding value to the athletes. And that's why right now, yeah, it's like, what are you, what are you doing? Leveraging value. What are you doing leveraging events? What are you doing? Trying to leverage water, Palooza or the games, or trying to partner up with these
Starting point is 01:34:23 events, like you add value. Like, what do you add? It would have been awesome if they put out a ton of free stuff and free guides for affiliates on, Hey, if you're going to run a local competition, here's some things that you guys want to look out for that you may not think about until after your first competition is over, we're going to shortcut those mistakes, pull up our heights, make sure you have two judges don't over program. Watch your volume. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Because then at least you're there contributing. What insurance did you have two judges, don't over program, watch your volume, right? Because then at least you're, they're contributing. What you have all that stuff. And maybe they do. I just haven't seen any of it presented when I went to their website. I didn't see shit for resources for the athletes. Like just the silliest shit. I feel like when, when they want to be heard, they're heard, you know what I mean? And it's in situations like this. It's not heard through contribution. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:07 It's heard through demands and, you know, complaints after the fact of something else has happened. Oh, I thought this was, nevermind. I thought this, geez Louise was in regards to something you were saying. Kevin Doyle, they did a great job when they collaborated with Wadaplooza. Yeah, amazing. Amazing. I haven't, I, my feeling is, is, and I have no, I have zero proof of this, but I suspect now as I'm seeing the whole sort of veil be pulled up, that the athletes, that Dylan really values the athletes being there
Starting point is 01:35:53 and he feels like they're an important component, the specific athletes of his event. And so therefore he feels obligated to let PFAA put their sticker on his event when really that they don't add any value. They just add chaos. Maybe they even added injury because maybe he leaned on them too much to do something that they actually didn't provide.
Starting point is 01:36:12 But when I look at that, that really sours my taste even more for this drawer in Fikowski's desk that he calls the PFAA that like, hey, I see what you're doing.'re leveraging your six hundred thousand Instagram followers saying basically all come to your event We'll promote your event if you let us put your PFAA sticker on there. I don't like that at all Yeah, hey, do you think that's also the same constraints that talking elite fitness and be friendly are finding themselves in? Many oh and the fact that they think they need the athletes to become on their show.
Starting point is 01:36:46 So they have to tow the line. I mean, they kind of do right. Talking elite fitness. If there's no elite athletes in fitness to talk about the show changes, be friendly is focused on, you know, flying to the boat of competition in Dubai and Europe and everything else. So if they don't like it, Brian doesn't have this relationship with the athletes,
Starting point is 01:37:05 like how much more information is he going to get? Therefore, what is the value proposition of his show? Right. Instead of just telling the truth or just being transparent or, or, or even being transparent about not being transparent. Exactly. Like, yeah, just like, if you can't be honest, just say, Hey, I'm not being honest here, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:37:20 People will respect the fuck out of that. Or, Hey, I expect before everything, you know, just so you you know is based on the premise that I think PFA is a legitimate organization Please he kind of said something there, right? You know, at least we least we know in the comments wrote that they're a union The comments the comments are fucking ridiculous. Yeah, the comments are crazy So crazy I do wonder what I did receive an email from someone over at PFAA I Can't remember his last name. I want to say Keith Keith I Keith Keith
Starting point is 01:38:05 I Don't know I forget his last name, but basically the email said that everything that we've seen That they posted on their Instagram that they also posted they they they brought up to dawn And I was just trying to picture imagine Fikowski saying that stuff to dawn And I was just then pictured him saying that to Greg and if he said that shit to Greg Greg would have told him the fuck off And I wonder I wonder what um Don and I was just then pictured him saying that to Greg and if he said that shit to Greg Greg would have told him the fuck off And I and I wonder I wonder what um And one thing one thing that Tommy did bring up that I really did like on talking the finish yesterday was he talked about the decorum And it's like man that they're sloppy caller. Hi. Yeah, a quick question. Yes, mark ripto
Starting point is 01:38:42 Yes crossfit. What, what was the separation? I kind of have a point I want to get to but maybe not too much of the depth. 2007 in the, my take on it, in 2007 at the CrossFit Games, the very first CrossFit Games, there was the CrossFit Total. And Mark Ripto gave the rules around the total and his presentation to the athletes before they did the total was like exceeded an hour. And I'm just, you know, I'm just, you know, paraphrasing or sharing a story that's so fucking old that it's all fuzzy. But basically, him and Dave was like, basically like, hey, shut the fuck up. You've been talking to athletes for over an hour
Starting point is 01:39:25 we have a fucking event to run and and they they I think that Mark wanted to run the event one way and Dave wanted to run another way and I think that was like the That was that lit the fuse, you know and and and working with Dave you have to be able to Working with Dave, you have to be able to, the reason why it's so awesome is if you get, things move at the speed of trust you have for him to steal a line that I learned from Ben Bergeron. And so things move very, very effectively and a lot can get done under his leadership.
Starting point is 01:40:01 And if you, and some people just struggle with that. Some people struggle with the fact of What they think should be done versus what he thinks he should be done. That's a nice way of saying it Mark was a great guy though mark not was he is a great guy Like he's the kind of dude like if I were to go to a fucking bears game. I'd want to go with mark He's a cool dude You know I remember seeing some of his philosophies and how they didn't necessarily align with
Starting point is 01:40:25 progressions when it comes to strength and things like that with CrossFit. One of the things I've been putting in the comments a lot, and I'm not trying to cancel anybody or any of that, but when we get on Danny Spiegel for posting a shopping cart full of gummy worms and those kinds of things, I didn't really hear that kind of stuff till Chris Hinshaw came into the play with the longer modality type events and how important those kind of things play in there. And I was listening to Greg talk the other day about how carbs snuck back into our methodology. And again, I'm not trying to cancel him, but because he's so likable, because he knows how to switch it up depending on who he's talking to I Feel like that those are the little things as a community as a culture is a fitness
Starting point is 01:41:14 Methodology that we've kind of lost a little bit of focus on when it when it comes to those kind of things Word couldn't agree more couldn't be more Thank you You're welcome. It's eatingon Beaver, by the way. You guys have a good one. Oh, thank you. Hey, Eaton. What's up, man? Talk to you guys later. Bye. Oh, I was always pronouncing his name wrong. I was saying Eaton Beaver. It's Eaton Beaver. Okay. Eaton. Hey, one quick thing with the Mark R, um, that I always go to that wasn't mentioned in the debate between Tanner and Taylor is, um, progressive overload and strain training can only happen with a committed individual.
Starting point is 01:41:52 And so what I mean by that, and I found this out the way through programming through my affiliate in a perfect world, I would give you your strain training. It's called back squat and you would do your five by five on Monday. We would do a three by five recovery front squat on Wednesday. And then I would do a heavy five rep max every Wednesday, every Friday for our intensity day. And then what we do is we do that first week and then I would say, okay, we're going to move up by these percentage points and on this week and by week four,
Starting point is 01:42:19 we're going to be at 101% of our max of our five rep max. And this shouldn't bring us to our PR. I have nobody who understands programming with disagree with anything that I said. The only problem is, is that when we're talking about just the general population, they're going to fucking miss days a lot. And so when I come to you on week three and I go, Hey, seven, what are we out for our five, our five rep max is Friday. Are we going to try to add that five more pounds in last Friday?
Starting point is 01:42:44 And you go, I haven't done my squats in, in 10 days. Now what do I do? Right. Do I discourage you as the gym owner or as the gym goer and say, Hey dude, all this is for nothing, you miss the progressions. This whole entire squat cycle is completely for nil. Now we have to start back over at our base and then we have to go back. Like, no, you don't because like the committed individual will go through that program.
Starting point is 01:43:10 Guess what? There's fucking hardly any of them here and they're definitely not people who you're selling your membership to. But when I have my heavy day at the gym and we're going to do a nice 10 minute workout out ahead of time and we're going to build up a nice good sweat and then we're going to focus on our five by five back squat for that day and everybody's going to go as heavy as they can. That is going to be way more beneficial for the inconsistent gym goer that's just looking to get general strength and conditioning than necessarily somebody who I'm trying to provide like some
Starting point is 01:43:40 progressive overload to. And frankly, the general gym goer doesn't recover properly is probably not feeling their body properly and is not going to have the recovery or the commitment to a stain of five to six week to eight week progressive overload strain training it's just not going to happen and you know what anybody who says fucking different has never coached the general population ever because that's not how that works. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was something like this. I was interviewing Josh Everett back in the day and he hadn't tested his deadlift since his max of 400 pounds.
Starting point is 01:44:19 And he said he never deadlifted like in three years. It was something like, Hey, I haven't deadlifted in three years. I'm all I've been doing is snatches and cleans. And so he tested his deadlift and his max went up 100 pounds. He went from 400 to 500. And those are also the things that like, like when Tanner said that like, Hey, just doing air squats won't make you stronger. Like he's he's like completely out of his fucking mind. You know, it's like completely out of his fucking mind. You know, it's like completely missing the aspect of intensity, of variance, of doing sets of 10 as fast as you can,
Starting point is 01:44:51 sets of 15 as fast as you can, changing the way you do Cindy, the speed that you do them. It's just, it's just the quantity. It's just crazy. And at some point, it's almost like they didn't do CrossFit. I think that maybe like they didn't do CrossFit or something. Yeah. I mean, you move away from, like when people ask me about like strain training, I go, Hey, within a 10 day longer, we're changing the way you eat and not lifting any weights.
Starting point is 01:45:20 Sorry. Go ahead. No, you're absolutely right. And when I, when I tell people, they go, you know, Hey, I want to get stronger. I want to do this or that. It's like, for me, I say, Hey, within a 10 day period, if you're coming to my gym within a 10 day period, let's assume you work out six times. Okay.
Starting point is 01:45:36 So during that time, you're most likely going to hit some sort of heavy compound lift, whether it be pressed deadlift or squat at some time during those 10 days, you're going to snatch or you're going to clean and jerk at some time during those 10 days, you're going to do some specific interval training that is probably absent of any weightlifting. And at some time during those 10 days, you're going to do some sort of mixed modality training, gymnastics, weightlifting, and monostructure. And that's all you really need to think that the individual who is really after lifestyle, meaning I just want to be fit and healthy so I could, I'd have no physical obstacles in my way.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Like there's going to be no limitation to the physicality of what I could do. Then you're basically just need to follow some sort of generalized program that's well balanced. That's going to, uh, produce enough stress on your body so that you have adaptation towards that stress. Therefore you're getting fitter. And the thing that was frustrating during that debate is like, nobody wants brought up energy systems. Nobody wants brought up a heart rate variability in the sense of that I should be doing an interval and seeing how quickly I could recover and then doing that interval again. Nobody talked about that the
Starting point is 01:46:41 variance of reps games and especially in 2159, which is a question that I should ask Greg. But if you talk about the restoration of ATP, the minimum amount of time you could take, which is about 30 seconds of how long it takes for juice to come back in your muscles to work again. If you actually have a reduction in your top peak amount of sets, you could do by 20% that basically equals out the 2159. You're teaching your body how to recover quicker, whether that be strength or
Starting point is 01:47:07 whether that be cardio through the different interval trainings, right? Like there was just so much stuff that was left out of that conversation. Do you increase your mitochondria account, uh, through faster through CrossFit training or through weightlifting? That would be another interesting one. It, I could already tell you the answer to that, right? It's going to be through CrossFit training because the variance and the intensities and the mixed modalities is going to be the way to do it.
Starting point is 01:47:35 And not only are you doing that, but like, and I've had people that have said, Oh, well, why would you teach grandma to, to snatch? You know, that seems silly. And I'm like, if you mean to tell me that if I, if I could take somebody and put a PVC pipe in their hands and have them bring it from their hip and be able to jump from one position, land with that PVC pipe over their head and pass through a full range of motion squat and have them stand back up, you're going to tell me that that's not valuable for them to do even with a PVC pipe.
Starting point is 01:48:03 You're out of your mind. Crazy valuable. It's it's modern day physical therapy and the neurological connections from the brain to the feet to be able to produce energy one way, change the direction of your body, pass through that range of motion and accurately hold the PVC pipe up above your head to balance it is the goal. Not to say, oh, well, we did it at this and now we need to increase their percentage to this and hopefully we can increase their max to that
Starting point is 01:48:26 it's like No, you don't need to even worry about that and Coincidentally the professional athlete who's the fittest on the Chicago Bears is the guy who does CrossFit in the offseason? That's right And here's the thing that I have which is like something else that just came to me right now speaking about Doing the media stuff like full time, is the fact of like, we could sit here
Starting point is 01:48:48 and talk about CrossFit as it's at its core. And majority of the people wouldn't even know we were talking about CrossFit. I gave a whole entire lecture at the Hayward Fire Department two weeks ago with their new recruits and spelled out CrossFit without ever using the word CrossFit and then raised my hand and said, okay, how many of you guys know what I'm talking about here?
Starting point is 01:49:07 None of them did. Two of them belonged to CrossFit affiliates. Oh, that's awesome. They had no idea. Um, when I was at the games, I didn't work out the whole time. Uh, the day I got back, I did a hundred squats, uh, with, uh, sorry, a hundred thrusters with a 45 pound bar Fucking broke me right yesterday did it? Rode the assault bike 127 calories in 10 minutes on the 11th minute started 100 thrusters
Starting point is 01:49:34 Nothing today nothing and one you know what I mean like didn't not even like even remotely sore. I'm not like tight I'm like just in one week just got that shit back Mm-hmm Crazy. Yeah, it's it's nuts what the body in it also too because of that foundation you built underneath, right? Like you've been consistently working out with mixed modality high intensity training with functional movement for multiple multiple years So you could take some time off of that and you could come back and be sore shit But when there's sort amount of time your body will adapt to that quickly. It'll acclimate to that stress you're putting on it and it'll start to get
Starting point is 01:50:08 better. I was going to tell you a story about the games. It deserves its own. It's own piece. Yeah, I did something so fucking irresponsible, something I'm so angry at myself, but it was good. It turned out good All right, um, I sent the behind the scenes footage to Will
Starting point is 01:50:36 Awesome. Will's gonna put what he has on a hard drive and send it to rios Rios is then going to make two extra copies of it And send it to uh me and Will so we'll have backups and we'll get working on the behind the scenes. I had the last interview with Lazar before he drowned and I sent that clip to, it's like 90 seconds or maybe two minutes. I have a bunch of interviews with them at the games that registration went on. I sent that over to the buttery bros. I think they're going to squeeze that into their piece.
Starting point is 01:51:14 So I'm excited to see that. Let's go. That video will also be in our behind the scenes too, but I just figured like, like, you know, we, whenever we release it by then people will forgotten. Be good to see it again. I think it'll be good. I it's funny as those things typically go. When I got over to the other side to get to the athletes at that first event.
Starting point is 01:51:42 Oh, do we have your, do we have your, does we'll have your footage? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He, he took everything that I had and meshed into that.
Starting point is 01:51:52 What were you saying? So as you went around to the other side. Yeah. As we got around to the other side, to where the athletes were warming up and we could finally like access them was always the first person that came up to me. Oh, that's the first athlete. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:05 He walked right over Pedro and I were standing right there and he kind of gave the head and I gave the head and I'll back, I turned the camera on. He walks over. He gives me a fist bump. He gives Pedro a fist bump. We asked him how he's doing. He says he's good. He's excited.
Starting point is 01:52:17 And then he goes, Oh, by the way, I really like you guys. And then he laughs and he goes, but not John Young. And he starts like laughing, you know, because of John Young's predictions and stuff like that, but it was, it just, it's always, um. How much cooler is the fittest guy in Europe than the fittest woman in Europe? I mean, they're, they're not even, they're not even on the same fucking level in terms of coolness. No.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Uh, I'm seeing if I can, can wonder why I can't load this. I have the hard I have a copy of the footage I shot here. Oh, you do. Just Yeah, it's just plugged into this computer here. It's weird. It just says loading. I wonder if I need to unplug the hard drive and then replug it in And that call in five minutes just that for him, all right All right. Thank you. Everyone today is Friday. I'll be trying to do a Cross the Games Update show. I got to reach out to John Young. I haven't even scheduled that yet. And oh, I just got a text from James. Fittest man on earth James or yeah, but it's man on earth. Um, oh This is cool. Oh, this is awesome. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:53:54 This is so cool. I was bugging him about coming on the show, but I kind of wanted to leave everyone alone. Yeah, I Do I would like to get Gracie Walton on though oh Pedro made a video with Ricky Garrard that's out hold on let me see this real quick oh you gotta go you want to go sorry yeah I gotta I'm gonna run over there okay okay maybe it'll actually be some people sometimes I just talked to myself Oh, you gotta go you want to go sorry. Yeah, I got a I'm gonna run over there. Okay Okay, maybe it'll actually be some people sometimes. I just talked to myself on that call. Oh, what is it? Where do people go? It's for affiliates. Yeah, it's at the affiliate forum school comm they go in there and sign up I do a call every Friday typically a couple Fridays ago. I actually gave out my whole entire firefighter program for free
Starting point is 01:54:43 Oh shit I'll explain the whole entire thing from start to finish. And then if people wanted, they just had to comment down there and I would send them directly the proposal, which is probably stupid on my part because it's probably worth a lot of fucking money. But what are you gonna do? Yeah, hey, um, when you give it to people, you should just request that they also give you feedback on it when, if they implement it.
Starting point is 01:55:06 That is it. That is what I do. I asked them, cause there's a certain amount of data that goes with it. So I asked them, you know, Harry, if you could, if you do do this, it'd be great to have the data, you know, Sprager has been on a lot of pods. Does that hurt? No.
Starting point is 01:55:19 It doesn't hurt me. Probably hurts. No Doesn't hurt me probably hurt probably listen you can go on other people's podcasts and diminish your brand value all you want I Don't give a fuck you come back over here. I'll polish you up Bob you knob a little bit polish you right up All right, I'll see you later all right Bye everyone. I'll see you tonight with John Young. I'll try to get JR Howell on here. I'll see you later. All right. Bye everyone. I'll see you tonight with John Young. I'll try to get JR Howell on here. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:55:49 Don't forget, kill Taylor tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning it's going to be at six. I got to go to Jiu Jitsu tournament in the morning. So it's a 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time tomorrow. Also 9 a.m. Eastern Time. I think Taylor wrote the workout yesterday. Is the prize money a thousand bucks? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:02 A thousand bucks this week. Yeah. A thousand bucks? Yeah. Thousand bucks this week. Yeah. A thousand bucks. Crazy. Uh, thank you to uplift, uh, WOD last week for, uh, their help. And, um, we'll talk to you guys soon. Bye bye.

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