The Sevan Podcast - Tyson Bagent | Watching GREATNESS

Episode Date: December 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Barry Bruckheimer and director Yoakam Ronan comes the must see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. Bam, bam, bam, bam. We're live. i hear you yeah no no i can't awesome no no headphones i'm going to i'm going to fix this uh here first
Starting point is 00:01:18 good morning mr souza good morninga. Good morning. Oh, man. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I was looking at an article this morning. There's some lady, I guess, who ran for the governor of Georgia twice. I want to say her name is maybe Stacey Abrams. I wonder if that's her name is maybe stacy abrams i wonder if that's her name uh stacy abrams former georgia oh yeah yeah what was her job um sharing this chick yeah this chick oh she's an american politician lawyer activist oh activist
Starting point is 00:02:06 my favorite anyway she got in trouble i or her her brother-in-law just got arrested for sex trafficking but then i was looking even further into it and her son no no her the her her Her brother-in-law's wife is a judge. What a mess. What a mess. Oh, my God. How was that Bears game last week? That Bears game last week was amazing. I know, especially going into the bye week, getting the dub.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Nothing like it. Oh, good. I thought maybe there was a bye last week, getting the dub. Nothing like it. Oh, good. I was trying. I thought maybe there was a bye last week and I was trying to pretend like I was dumb. Oh, OK. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Dude, where'd you get that? This hat? Yeah. He sent me this and a sweatshirt to my apartment, actually. I came in here one day and just saw that there was a package for me, opened it up. Sweet as can be. Dude, I'm outclassed by my... I know.
Starting point is 00:03:17 How did we know we had beaters? Oh, my God. Yeah, this and a sweatshirt. They're in the wash right now i think i wore it i think i wore them like five days in a row after after i got it's a good sweatshirt oh that's awesome hey dude that um you were on that uh you were on some you were being interviewed i think it was at chicago bears headquarter by some young lady and she was just asking you like the
Starting point is 00:03:45 traditional you know football it was like the kind of a real traditional interview and um it was just a few days ago and you're wearing this orange what i would call a mock turtleneck like it's not like the full turtleneck but it comes up kind of high on your neck yeah yeah you look huge in that that's a great look for you did you notice that video you a great look for you. Did you notice that video you look? Yeah, I don't think I've seen that video, but I know it sure I know what sure you're talking about I do know what sure you're talking. Yeah, you look all like your shoulders are so big. They won't even go back there You just yeah, I've been uh, I've been on the crib in on the creatine for Last two last two months. So I'm like I'm expanding. Are you really taking creatine?
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, oh two months so i'm like i'm expanding are you really taking cretin uh yeah oh hold on oh oh i am hey who who makes that who makes that um i don't know clean clean with a k and did they send that to you for free uh no this is just what we have at the facility oh i mean i guess i guess yeah it is free well yeah okay i see what you mean um that logo i think looks like the first form logo and it looks like this wolverine logo you want to see it again sure yeah it's like that white and blue line. Yeah. Interesting. And what's the deal with people liking to use the K? You know? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I don't know. Is that supposed to be cute? Killing. Killing. I mean, K, I mean, it sounds the same, right? Whether there's a C or a K. Oh, this, I mean, yeah, it does, it does but i can't tell oh maybe because there's some truth to it like it's cre-alkalin that's how you spell that's like the chemical that's in creatine
Starting point is 00:05:31 are you are you smarting us up oh look at see this guy's like uh kyle landis thinks they're just trying to be very cute yeah yeah they're just trying to get people to have these conversations just like we're having. About their product. Marketing strategy. Tyson, do you have any sponsors yet? No, I'm trying to get Paper Street Coffee on board. Did they send you coffee? They did.
Starting point is 00:05:59 No, I've actually been drinking it every morning. It's been wonderful. But you have a a real agent right like who dresses in nice clothes and has like super white teeth and all that yeah does he when do you start like when are you when do you do like a deodorant commercial or do you start with like a local dealership in martinsburg or like what when does that happen uh yeah you know i'm not sure i think right now it's been, you know, especially during the season, run around with your head cut off.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It's just been autograph signing deals, which is, I mean, I don't know. You wouldn't believe what all that looks like. So that's been pretty huge for me, especially since I got to play. That's kind of went through the roof. And then we'll went through the roof. We'll see after the season, but no deodorant commercials right now. What does that look like? Someone rolls up with a briefcase, opens it up, there's 50 cards in there,
Starting point is 00:06:59 you sign them all, and then you get money for it? Yeah, no, it's more like you... Rub them on your... Yeah, they'll it's more like you rub them on. Yeah, they'll hit. Yeah, they'll hit. They'll talk to my agent. They'll come up with like they'll say X thousand amount of signatures for X amount of dollar each. will be like ah you know what let's do this for that and then they usually come to some agreement and then um then they send the signatures to my uh apartment um but it's it's way more than 50 it's enough that i haven't even thought about even touching it uh in the sea in season because it's so many oh really it's gonna be like hundreds of them nah so you're just gonna sit there for hours signing and yeah but but the number is i mean right now in my in my life that the number it's annoying but it's completely worth it yeah for sure i mean they always i mean even coming into the nfl they said that the um the
Starting point is 00:07:59 most amount of money you'll make outside of football is uh doing uh autograph signings so um but my dad also has gotten has gotten has seen what that process looks with that many signatures and has um started to do some under the under the table shady um uh autograph signings that aren't nearly as many uh signs oh i like that like some home cooking yeah not me too because it doesn't it only takes like 30 minutes it doesn't take so so i have this card and then someone i'm kind of making up but not yeah yeah so i have this card and then someone's like hey that card's like worth and they said some number it was something crazy like 500 bucks or something so then i went i asked someone else and they're like no dude it's this card and it's the same
Starting point is 00:08:48 fucking card but it's like your name's in red yeah you know yeah so okay yeah yeah so that cards were 3 000 and it's your card but this t's in red but it has a signature down here and then someone else like dude if he signs it it makes it less because it damages the card i'm like what the hell is crazy i remember when you said that about the signing. The signing, it always makes it worth more. That's another thing too. We'll check this out here. We got you something.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Boom. I'm in. Paulina, you're fired. Oh, shit. You're fired for not getting your coffee in time. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Poor Paulina.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Here, let me see which one I've been. I've only opened one. I'm almost done one. It's, yeah. The eraser is what I've been drinking for the last month. Hey, and that's the dude who ended up paying for your iPad that you still haven't gotten yet. Oh, wow. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah. Thank you very much. That's awesome. I don't know. Did you hear that story? I went inside, and I pulled the trigger, and then right as I pulled the trigger to buy you the iPad, the phone called, and it was the owner of Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:09:58 He goes, hey, I'm going to cover that. Oh, what a guy. What a good guy. And he didn't know I threw a pair of the Beats headphones in there for you, too, which you still haven't gotten yet either. I love it. I love it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, Gabe's a good dude. Yeah, you got that address I sent you, right? Yeah, I do. Isn't that still good? Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, that's just the facility, and then they just deliver it all to our locker, so it'll be there. I'm still bugging. Apple sent the thing that the refund is on the way.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Okay. So it's been chill. You're 100% now again. The whole team's 100%. Everyone's been just chilling for two weeks? Yeah. So we got done playing Minnesota, and then right after that, we didn't have to meet or come to the facility until yesterday morning. So Monday to Monday, so a nice little week.
Starting point is 00:10:56 People went, hung out with their families. Some went on vacation, but I got to go back home and hang out with everybody for more than just a couple days, which was nice. And does the team contact you at all during that time? Like hey, what's up, dude? Or nothing aside from like the quarterback coach just you know, making sure we're having a good time You know recharging us make sure we stay out of trouble all the normal all the normal team stuff But not but nothing like we have a zoom meeting or anything like that like everybody gets their space they so when they okay so just like some text messages hey this is happening this is happening yeah just like hey i hope you guys are having a good time
Starting point is 00:11:34 i think he was out hunting he sent a picture of a of a a deer that he had killed and then he's just like uh see you guys in x amount of days hope you're having a good time and are you training do you throw the football around do you lift weights uh i threw i threw twice but i got i crossfitted all week which was kind of like ripping the band-aid off because you know you know that when you get when you not that i'm out of shape but I'm definitely not in CrossFit shape. So I got after it a little bit. And so I'm a little bit sore from that. But that was just fun for me. I just get to do that with my buddies and Ezra.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So that was a pretty sweet week. I'm assuming you've heard this amazing idea your dad has about are you fitter than Tyson? No. You don't know that, that idea. That's one of, that's one of his, uh,
Starting point is 00:12:28 55 ideas. This idea is so good. I already bought tickets for it. What do you mean? It's just, it's so good. It would, it got,
Starting point is 00:12:40 it's so good. What is it? What is it? Shoot it to me. It's, it's basically like you get a sponsor, like the ideal sponsor would be someone like Rogue, right, who's in the space. And basically once a month you do a workout and there's some – and if you're fitter than Tyson, you're in some sort of club. And the thing is there would be a lot of people who are, quote, fitter than you because you're a professional quarterback.
Starting point is 00:13:02 You're not a professional crossfitter. But it would show this – it would show how fit you are you know what i mean like you're doing a five minute fran and these guys are doing three oh you know they won't be fitter than you anyway all right but but my my you're right but my my friend is not five minutes all right all right you are right you are right you are right you are right but it would be this cool thing because it would be. It would show how rooted and how how great you are in your own sport. Well, at the same time, in showing the the just how cool it is that you CrossFit. And yet it would also make all these other people feel good because they beat you in something when you're already in this, you know, the, in this one in a billion group anyway. And then it would show this kind of humility on your part that like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:13:49 you know, we could, we can all get some, um, it's just the synergy between all that shit would be nuts. That is a really, that is a good idea. I do actually, I like that. And it could be kind of like the, it could be the, you know, part of your brand, um, I'm fitter than Tyson Bajan. You know you know what i mean and it shows like this humility but then like it comes sunday everyone's like yeah that's our boy out there i just like it well i gave myself a little chills i don't know i like that too when did he tell you when did he tell you that he uh every day for the last month we were talking about it again yesterday i called him yesterday i said hey guess who i'm having on
Starting point is 00:14:27 the show tomorrow he goes who i said the quarterback for the chicago bears he was got all excited that's awesome and then uh and then we were he was telling me the story i don't do it nearly the justification he said obviously he pitches it a thousand times better than me yeah but it's um i i i love the idea i love what it does for humanity society for your brand for it's just cool it's a cool it's a cool thing and then of course there can be all sorts of fun shit around it prizes shirts fan club the whole um but but for people who want to you've reached a status where, you know, in the second grade, it's like my dad can beat up your dad.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Well, now it doesn't matter what. Anyone's better than you at. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, I can throw a paper airplane in front of you. Cool, congratulations. I can do Fran fashion. Cool, congratulations. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Well, I'm a quarterback. Oh. You know what I mean? Like you already got your – Yeah. Secured. Yeah, you're secure. Yeah, you got your nutsack.
Starting point is 00:15:27 What's Tyson's favorite hero wad? Augustus Linky. Murph is a hero wad, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's like once a year gig. I enjoy that one. I got a lot of good memories with that, but with a lot of good buddies,
Starting point is 00:15:48 you do it with a vest. Uh, I ha I have, um, but it's always, we've only had one vest. And so we just kind of rotate throughout the workout. Who's wearing the vest. Oh, damn. That's ghetto. I've never heard that. That's awesome. Rotating one. Have you ever heard that, Susan? No, that's the first for me. Yeah. Five dudes in a vest. Damn. Oh, yeah. But that's always been absolutely perfectly fine for me, though. Any any chance I can get the best the fuck off me i'm like yeah yeah it's great it's wonderful hey what do you think about um best training so this is gonna be a little crazy but um
Starting point is 00:16:33 i when i play avi in tennis now we play this game called short court and we just don't play with the back with the back of the court so it's just a game of finesse and he started beating me so i can't beat him we pay uh to 11 with the back of the court. So it's just a game of finesse. And he started beating me, so I can't beat him. We pay to 11 points best out of 11 games. It takes like an hour. I'm usually beat the fuck. So I started putting a four-pound vest on him to slow him down. Did you ever do any of that in your training?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Do you ever do any of that in your training? Take snaps and vest on? Yeah, maybe not exactly that but i mean any resistance is good like resistance is good um and i didn't know this till older age but assistance is also good so like training for the combine there was a lot of we were doing a lot of resistance training but we're also doing assistant assistance training as well with like having a band not pulling you back but but springing you forward or when we're jumping having bands that are pulling us down when we're jumping and also helping pulling us up you know in another set
Starting point is 00:17:38 you know that are helping us jump higher explain that to me I'm not sure your brain wrapped around it yeah I mean it was like we would do super sets of it would be like four rounds You would do two really heavy deadlifts without with a hex bar. Not at not a straight bar and then you would do Resisted jumps you would do two vertical jumps resisted so the bands holding put holding you down to the ground and Then you would go do two assisted jumps where these bands are really high up. You wrap your arms in them and you jump in it, you know, you spring probably 70 inches in the air, but it's also just a quick, it helps with your quick twitch, uh, you know, muscles. Um, and it, I mean, I, I don't know the science behind it.
Starting point is 00:18:21 All I know is my vertical jump was insane at the combine and i've never been known for my hops you know a day in my life so um that was that was a cool because when you're doing i you know i think about it like this when you're doing resistance training and you take it off you feel a lot faster but also it's like conditioning your body to move at a slower pace. You know what I'm saying? Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, that's what I interpreted from it all. But it definitely did work.
Starting point is 00:18:54 It's funny. We have bands hanging from a pull-up bar in my garage, and my kids hang from them and do explosive jumping, and I always yell them to stop to knock that shit off. But they're on to something you're saying. Yeah, it's a good thing. One of my kids already banged his head on the pull-up bar. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:19:14 From doing that? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, probably. Yeah, probably. Don't do that anymore. Get a higher pull-up bar. It's not that important. It's not that important.
Starting point is 00:19:21 How high do they need to jump? Well, I told you what your dad said, right? Your dad asked one of your trainers. He showed him a video of my kids. And he said, hey, what do you think these kids need to do to be professional athletes? And the trainer looked at your dad and he goes, human growth hormone. Yeah, that was Jim Klotman. Jim Klotman said that.
Starting point is 00:19:44 That's great. And his whole thing behind it. Is he serious? Is he out of it? Like it'll be 5'9 instead of 5'4 if I do that? Yeah. So he said a lot of the really good tennis players from other countries. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Because he was into tennis at one point. I don't know why or with who or how. But he he was involved in tennis in some way shape or form and he said that a lot of the good tennis players from overseas uh their parents give them growth hormone at a young age because he'll look and he'll see this this tall slender lanky tennis player and he'll look and he'll look and see that as both of his parents are five five which is just a crazy and i mean supposedly it's i mean it's a little bit more drastic than creatine but you know creatine has kind of has a bad rap like a little bit like if you don't if you don't study creatine you think that and you hear that somebody's giving their teenager creatine you're like oh you're giving you steroids what's wrong with you yeah really creatine, you think that, and you hear that somebody's giving their teenager creatine, you're like, oh, you're giving your kid steroids. What's wrong with you? Really,
Starting point is 00:20:48 creatine's a good supplement. I think it's kind of the same thing where HGH isn't going to harm your kid, but it's also like you're altering what your kid is just naturally going to be built like. So that's a bit much. Yeah, it's a bit much yeah it's a bit it's a bit much i'll take a triple dose of creatine yeah sleep more than i still would not give it to my kids though you take a 10x dose a 10x dose of creatine before you what you're preaching was that in high school you took two months ago two months ago i started that was the first time ever yeah i've never taken any supplement ever in my life until um i was just i just kept like thinking about it i was like looking it up because they don't like i said my dad was one of those dudes that uh you remember
Starting point is 00:21:30 jd fritz you remember jd fritz at all bear i know the name i know the name yes all right so that's yes it's like my dad's good buddy from way back so they go way back and ezra and jd's son are best friends same age same grade everything and he was giving his son creatine in Ezra and JD son, our best friends, same age, same grade, everything. And he was giving his son creatine in high school. And I just remember my dad like, oh man, that's, that's, that's messed up. Like, you know, you doing that to your kid. That's crazy. But, but really had no reasoning behind why he was saying that just the, just, um, the
Starting point is 00:22:02 bad rap behind it. So, um, yeah, I don't even know where i was going where was i going with that just talking about whether you should oh yeah yeah so then that that was just that like turned me off from it just hearing my dad talk about it like that i was just like oh whatever i'm not i'm not gonna do it but then i just started to yeah yeah and then i just started to do my own research into it realize it's the most researched uh supplement in the world and that it's got um you know get making your muscles look better is like the least cool thing that it does so um i just started taking it every day i feel i feel like every single person i know takes creatine
Starting point is 00:22:39 yeah yeah exactly yeah exactly take it suza no i have in the past. Sorry, everyone but one, and my mom. He's the weakest, so don't worry about me. He's not the weakest. That is not true. I'll bench press myself. I had Josh Bridges on, and he's 5'5". He's a CrossFitter. and we were talking and he's five five he's a crossfitter and he was telling me that that he for him he made sure that his kids get a good night's sleep so because he thinks that'll make
Starting point is 00:23:13 them taller because that's when your body produces human growth i'm like come on dude i mean i i appreciate the sentiment but come on dude how about you all? He's got him going to sleep at six. Six to six. Six p.m. Six a.m. They're done. Some false dream shit. He's great. He's great.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I love watching him on Instagram. He's a good person to follow on Instagram. Absolutely. He's got some good stuff. All you got to do is do it every day. I love it when he says shit like that. Yep. I love it. You've got some good stuff. All you got to do is do it every day. I love it when you say shit like that. Yep. I love it.
Starting point is 00:23:48 You're so clean. It really is remarkable. No creatine, no fluoride. Yeah, I just started juicing two months ago with the creatine. It's funny. No, because I talked to it a lot with our nutritionist lady um at the facility and she was just like yeah i take creatine everybody should take creatine it's actually wonderful and i was just like all right well i'm gonna start doing this so you just
Starting point is 00:24:16 help me out the first couple days and you know get the ball rolling i'm gonna fuck with you a little bit here because i know this is gonna take take you down a rabbit hole, but there's something called there's the precursor to creatine. Citrulline? Citrulline. Someone will tell me in the comments. But I read that you're really supposed to take, is this supplement called
Starting point is 00:24:42 fuck, is it called citrulline? Let me look it up. Citrulline. Citrulline let me look it up uh sit uh citrulline is that you take it with the creatine oh yeah yeah citrulline powder i heard you're supposed to take citrulline and then your body will decide whether you need glutamine or or uh citrulline or sorry glutamine or creatine so this stuff stuff, citrulline, you take it, and then from there, your body will determine whether you need creatine or glutamine, and it will turn the citrulline into that. So you may want to look into that. I take – well, this is the generic shit that I buy. I'll show you. And it's the highest-rated shit, and it's just a fucking bad – I mean, it's the shit that gets you busted at the airport but it's just is it from now sports it's just that generic bag they just sell that generic
Starting point is 00:25:31 shit and then i think what well like what is your what would your body have to do for you to know which one you need to take i don't know but but your body supposedly just knows right so if you take creatine and you don't need it or you have enough you know whatever you just it just passes through your body you know what i mean if you're if you're i think the creatine affects your mitochondria your mitochondria is ability to produce energy and so if this your body gets to choose whether it needs glutamine or um uh creatine i don't know check it out maybe maybe maybe fall down that uh rabbit hole yeah i definitely will now figure out i've been taking the wrong shit for the past two months or just ask the lady a crea crea chalene is nuts it's on swolverine site i've had it for three months i can tell a
Starting point is 00:26:17 huge difference in my endurance i take that shit too nice i can't tell my back still hurts no matter what I do. Low back, upper back, what we got? Yeah, low back. Yeah, nothing fun about that. No. You know, it's funny. Every year for the past four or five years of my life, at one point or another, I've strained the muscles in my back around my rib cage so when i when i breathe and expand and expand those muscles it is like it's pretty much the worst thing ever for three days and it just it subsides
Starting point is 00:26:55 on its own yeah and then it just kind of slowly goes away it's one of those things where you're you're hurt not injured but when you're not warmed up you can't really like you have no uh rotation ability you have to like stay still and turn anytime you need to look to your left or right and breathing breathing you just it makes you breathe a little it makes you it makes you belly breathe because if you just regular chest breathe and it expands like that. No fun. And you can't do anything when your back is messed up. That's what also like the back is the back is the main puzzle piece. I was just, I was,
Starting point is 00:27:32 my kids were showering yesterday. They called me in there to help him shower. I was just in there helping him shower. And all of a sudden I just felt electricity firing all over my back. I'm like, fuck me. But that's a, yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:41 you can't ever, you don't ever, it's always the most random thing that, that sets it on fire too. It's like, it's crazy. Do you take any of any, uh, yeah, you can't ever, you don't ever, it's always the most random thing that, that sets it on fire too. It's like, it's crazy. Do you take any of any, uh, anti-inflammatory when you have that? You take Advil or ibuprofen or you don't mess with any of that? Um, no, I think I just, no, I don't, I just let it kind of go away on its own and just
Starting point is 00:28:03 stretching stuff. I just let it kind of go away on its own and just stretch and stuff. The only time I take a ibuprofen is when my, like my forearm and it like flares up into my elbow from when I throw a little bit too much. Like I'll do that because there's, I've never been able to do anything stretching or massage wise to get that to go down and at the speed that I needed to. So I could be ready for like the next day. So that's the only time that I'll do the ibuprofen.
Starting point is 00:28:35 You after you asked me about fluoride, I've fallen down this crazy rabbit hole now. Yeah. I've started actually developing my own tooth powder. I can't wait for you to try. right is that is that what you sent me did i send you that stuff you sent me uh you sent me some toothpaste or powder that was fluoride free i didn't i was have you seen it yet did i actually send it to you i think you sent it i think you seen it yet? Did I actually send it to you? I think you sent it. You sent me a picture of it on text message. Oh, okay. Well, basically, I should send you a jar of that.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I told Suze I'd send him a jar last week. I still haven't. Oh, I just can't wait for you to see it. We started making it. It's basically just like brushing your teeth with mud. Yeah. But it's killer. You've done it. It's basically just brushing your teeth with mud. Yeah. But it's killer. You've done it.
Starting point is 00:29:29 It's all good. Dude, it's so great. My kids love it. Everyone loves it. First, I started seeing my mom and my sister, and I'm like, God damn, their teeth are nice. And they're not like that fake fucking, like, I work out. I'm like Fox News white. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Yeah. It's like blue. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. mean yeah it's like blue um yeah it's crazy it's basically ground up eggshells salt um baking soda and uh charcoal like carbon and you just dip your tooth your brush into it and you brush your teeth and your teeth feel fucking incredible and they look incredible yeah yeah i've heard about the charcoal thing uh before but that's pretty cool i've never heard the eggshell thing what's up with that i guess it just scrapes your teeth i don't know but but it's nice i can't wait i can't wait
Starting point is 00:30:10 i'm gonna be rich you're gonna be like i inspired that guy to sell yeah i'm down send me send me some of that i'm i'm game i'm game for that ceo toothpaste coming soon yeah you like that yeah what is it what is it ceo toothpaste it's gonna be a jar and i'll say so yeah yeah i'm so i love that brush your teeth like a boss ceo toothpaste tyson um the you played three games three games and then and then like and then part of that other game that you entered uh four games in part of that other game okay and then now you haven't played for two games yeah what do you what do you do on the sideline are you are you since your jaw getting tight do you feel yourself doing shit like this and yeah no i just try to be super helpful
Starting point is 00:30:56 try to be super uh just um just try to look for any little thing that i can uh relay uh to justin uh to help him out. And then I also am still just playing the game, but just on the sideline. Like I'm calling the play. I'm calling the play to myself, looking at, you know, whatever we're supposed to look at given the play that's called and just still staying about as ready as I possibly can without actually getting those game reps.
Starting point is 00:31:24 But then, yeah, just the same thing. But instead of playing, I'm just trying to be as helpful as possible. So literally on the sideline, you'll have the helmet on and you'll hear the play get called. And then you'll kind of pretend like you're out there as Justin takes it. You'll be like a 37-54 dog whistle. Yeah, I'll like it. Yeah, he'll call me.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And then you look on the field every play and decide who you would have passed it to or how you would have handed it off uh yeah it's more so when we have a run play usually when we have a run play it's two run plays and we're looking for something specific for the defense to do that would get us out of the first one to the second one so i'll just call the play and then i'll go up and i'll be like okay yeah we're good to run the first one or hey yeah we need to get we need to run to the second one and just try to play the game like play and then I'll go up and I'll be like, okay, yeah, we're good to run the first one or hey, yeah, we need to run to the second one and just try to play the game like that and then if we've got a pass play, then I usually just kind of try to pay attention to what the defense is doing, what coverage they're doing,
Starting point is 00:32:15 if they're signaling anything and then just kind of then looking at the iPads after the drive and kind of getting a feel for what I might, I may have done or, um, if that would have been different from him or, or the same,
Starting point is 00:32:32 which usually it ends up being pretty similar. Do, Oh, it does. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yeah. Um, do they tell you to do that or you've just come up with doing that on your own? No, it just makes me feel better. It just makes me feel more prepared, more ready to go in if I'm needed. I wonder what other quarterbacks do. I wonder if Justin or the other guys do the same thing when you were out there.
Starting point is 00:33:03 I mean, it seems like the smartest thing to do to keep you sharp. It's like kind of you're playing virtually, right? Exactly. Yeah, exactly. That's crazy. Do they know you're doing that? Do you talk to your coaches and you're like, hey, this is what – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Maybe they see. I think they might see or hear me doing it. I don't know if they know. So you actually call the place out loud. actually say them out loud yeah because if we're in a noisy place i'll just like practicing saying i'll just practice the volume in which i'm saying it as well like i won't i won't maybe be as loud when we're at home because i don't need to be as loud like on the um on the sideline i might say it a little bit softer but like you know the game the past two games that
Starting point is 00:33:45 we've played at Detroit and Minnesota it's been pretty loud indoor stadium so I've just been barking the play so that I don't I'm not like surprised with the volume that I need to speak at if I need to go in and are you are you warmed up pretty much the whole time for three hours on the sideline yeah I just try I just try to stay as loose as possible. I do a pretty good job getting a workout in pregame, which usually lasts me at least till about halftime. And then just make sure I stay in between drives. I'm stretching and throwing just so I'm not super cold if I need to need to go in Hey when you go in your locker room at halftime are there things in there for people to stay warm like are there just like Rows of assault bikes or just shit like that where dudes would sit on and just slow pedal or anything like that
Starting point is 00:34:34 There's they have all of that on the sideline and but halftime is so short that You know you really just go in there and talk about corrections talk about what you're doing good what you need to do better And then it's only like you're only in there for about three minutes so oh you kind of do that real quick and then you come back out you have another three minutes to get loose before it starts again so whatever whatever your routine is i usually just do a couple sprints and then throw like 20 25 passes um and Um, and then I'm, you know, you're already kind of warm just cause you've been moving around running all day. So, uh, it's not, it's not too extensive, but there are bikes like on the sideline there. If you need stretch or anything, there's a million people on
Starting point is 00:35:17 the sideline that can do that for you. Um, just things like that. Do you use that, that service, the stretching service? No, no no i don't i mean i now the new orleans game i for the first time ever like i was running around a lot that game and i'm screaming the play and i'm sweating and i'm yelling and all that so i almost caught a cramp in the game for the first time like i ran out of bounds and i felt like my right cat almost cramp up and And I was like, oh, like, you know, I never felt that before. The only time I've ever caught a cramp is like when I'm sleeping in bed and I maybe trained hard that day. Yeah. I just wake myself up because I caught
Starting point is 00:35:55 a cramp in my hamstring or my quad or something like that. So I had to use the nutrition people like on the sideline. I just told them I was cramping and they brought me like 17 things to choose from that will help me with cramps. Just pickle juice, mustard, you know, this drink, that drink. So I just kind of that's the only time I've had to use. And for cramping. Yeah, it was crazy. They had like 10 different things. They were like like all right well
Starting point is 00:36:25 you could do this this then i just what'd you do i did the pickle juice and then it was like this cherry cherry lime it was pretty bad it actually tasted really bad uh but it was like this cherry lime salt drink that that like a like a squeezable thing that you just take like a like a shot i guess i guess both of them were and then um just a little bit of gatorade and water and then they said that i should be fine and i didn't catch a cramp hey did you eat it all during the game um no chew gum i chew gum with i chew gum uh they actually have this energy gum in the locker room so pre-game i'll usually uh crush a stick of that and it gets me it's kind of like just drinking a cup of coffee gets me fired up there's caffeine in it yeah yeah it's pretty it's pretty cool geez louise
Starting point is 00:37:22 there's some crazy questions in the comments. I don't think he does that count for the game. Definitely not on the sideline. Are you 21? 23. Oh, okay. Then you could probably see some of these comments. Hey, does anyone chew tobacco out there?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Do dudes chew nicotine out there? No. Not that I've noticed. I't i don't think yeah no is there a policy against it yeah i don't i think i don't think you might i don't think you're allowed to but also not not too sure i just know i've never seen anybody spinning on the sideline or anything like that well now they have it so you don't even need to now they just got these little white bags where you just put it in there and you could just i know yeah those in i i don't i know i don't know if i've ever seen anybody do that like during the game either or anything but i know what you're talking about because that is like a that was a popular thing back home uh my senior year those little zen pouches yeah don't ever
Starting point is 00:38:22 fuck with nicotine dude yeah yeah too hard to quit too hard to quit yeah yeah i'm good i'm good too hard to quit there there's a whole planet full of women anything that's all as a man that's the only and cretin cretin and women those are the only supplements yeah yeah tyson um you know like if i took you if we went and played darts, like before you, or we went and threw axes or something or some sort of throwing game, you'd probably like aim. Yeah. But now when you throw a football, you don't aim, right? You trust how, how, how, how do you aim? I learned this thing. I don't know who taught it to me, but at some age that whatever I look,
Starting point is 00:39:06 I don't have to worry about telling my body to do anything. If I'm throwing something, I just look at it. Yeah. Yeah. That's a part of it. And I think it's just all like, I mean, you can't, there is no aiming. I guess you're subconsciously aiming without thinking about it, but more than anything, you're just reacting and
Starting point is 00:39:25 flowing like you i mean i filmed the ball like so many times just this year alone like let alone my whole life like millions of passes so it's like at at some point at a certain point you're just instead of aiming you're just you know and it's happening too fast so it's all just reactive and that is a i haven't thought about that in a while yeah actually i don't i don't know if i i don't i'm not conscious about my aiming i'm just kind of reacting to to the plays and what what's given to me are you can you throw a grape up and catch it in your mouth yeah you can't and you're good at it yeah i could probably yeah yes yeah and and then so that that's where you start when you come out of your comfort zone, like throwing a football or for me throwing a Frisbee. That's when you start really noticing. Right. Because you throw a grape up in and like I have no idea how to do that.
Starting point is 00:40:15 But for some reason, if I keep my eyes on it, it's going in my mouth. You know what I mean? That's the only trick. I just watch it with my eyes. Yeah. I don't try to catch it with my mouth. I don't do nothing like that. I just open my mouth and stare at it. And then my body automatically moves. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I've never told anybody this. And it's probably because it's a little strange. But everything I do, I try to have a good aim with everything I'm doing. Everything I do, I try to have a good aim with everything I'm doing. No matter what I'm throwing, if I'm like – and okay, the example I'm going to give. I'm a big spitter. When I'm outside, I'm working out, I'm spitting, I'm on a walk, I'll spit. It's a habit.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I think I just watch my dad spit just without even having anything in his mouth. Just spit outside you know always at football practice i have a crazy story about your dad and spitting someone spit on our pizza one time in front of you that was almost like for that person i'll tell you afterwards though okay go ahead but so i'm so when i'm walking around just by myself i'll see something on the ground and i'll see if i and and it would be like five feet away. And I'll just be like, I wonder how close I can get to that leaf right there. And sometimes like I've gotten so good now, now, you know, 23 years of spitting, I can usually be pretty accurate with where I spit.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And that, so that's like a little aim thing of just like not even just i think everything that i do i'm just like trying to be accurate and then i think that just because of i've always been a quarterback so that basically the premise of my job is to be accurate so every little thing i do i try to be accurate i got a thing of socks that are dirty in the dirty laundry basket 10 yards away i'll just see how accurate i could be or if somebody's throwing knees down in the dirty laundry basket 10 yards away i'll just see how accurate i could be or if somebody's throwing these down in the trash i'll just see how accurate i can be just you know a little shit like that yeah the um spitting thing's interesting too because spitting's um there's like different different techniques for spitting and then like different depending also on what
Starting point is 00:42:19 kind of spit you have in your mouth like six spit is more fun to spit than just regular saliva spit because you got some got some density to it yeah yeah your mom anyone your mom ever yell at you for spitting um no my my mom's not usually around when i'm in when i'm able to spit because it's usually like i'm outside working out or at football practice or something like that. Can you gleek? Do you know what gleeking is? You can do that?
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yeah, I became a professional at that shit in middle school. Wow, I could never get that down. I couldn't do that either. I did it in middle school for like a year straight and then i did not do it at all in high school and i remember in college i was like damn i forgot all about that i wonder if i could still do it but i couldn't do it how i did it in middle school it was like i don't know something the in my face structure had changed or something like that it
Starting point is 00:43:23 was i had to it was like it became like a new way of doing it like i had to do it differently but i was still able to do it yeah it was like a different technique by the time i relearned uh to do it what what is going on with gleeking i've never that's just your saliva gang that's the same shit like if you put food in your mouth and you produce saliva it's just those glands but you're just using it like a squirt gun yeah exactly like the squirt gun that's how i think about it but i don't i couldn't describe it to you i don't know it's like some certain pressure that you got to put with the back of your tongue on your teeth or something like that yeah yeah the tip people with my friends have tried to spend
Starting point is 00:43:58 fucking hours trying to teach me yeah you're just sitting there you're just sitting there looking like an idiot like yeah yeah wow all the chicks like gleeking look at this uh no girls don't like i've never seen a girl i've never seen a girl gleek i've never seen a chick gleek yeah i don't know oh my goodness. Heidi, can you glee? Heidi does it all. If any girl can glee, she can glee. Heidi does it all. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 00:44:35 He's never even heard the word glee in his life. Yeah, glee is like a weird word, like moist. Glee. Yeah. Glee, moist. Hey. Yeah. I wonder if my kids will never know, Since they're not going to go to school
Starting point is 00:44:48 If they'll never know What that is You gotta shoulder that stone yourself You gotta teach them Alright boys That's the only downfall Of homeschooling Is that now you gotta teach them
Starting point is 00:45:04 All the dumb shit. Yeah. Not the just dumb, but the dumb, I guess, funny shit for kids. You've got to do it yourself. Hey, dude, I'm podcasting. Can I call you back? Yeah, call me back. I'm doing nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I've got a meeting at 10 or so. Okay, I'll bug you. That's awesome. Okay, bye. Yeah, do the back. I'm doing nothing. I got a meeting at 10 or so. Okay, I'll bug you. That's awesome. Okay, bye. Yeah, do the same for you. If you ever called me, let you just interrupt the show. Just show off. Just show off.
Starting point is 00:45:32 What a guy to interrupt, too. Just flex on the ground. Yeah. That was a recording, a previous recording. Yeah, it was. Hey, what's your coach's name? Eberflus? Coach Flus. Yeah, Eberflus. he if he called right now would you answer i gotta get yeah i have to leave the podcast i'll be back on tuesday i'll be back
Starting point is 00:45:55 on tuesday so you wouldn't even let us listen this for a hello i mean well i mean i don't i don't have you know i don't have the ipad so the whole it would go out and I'd answer the whole podcast. Hey, what phone do you have? Do you have an iPhone 15 yet? I don't know what kind of phone this is. I've had it for a while. Oh, Jesus. Like a XR, maybe.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Is there an XRR I have no idea I think that's what it is hey when I got this when I was your age maybe a couple years older I got this job I was living in my car at the time but I got
Starting point is 00:46:42 this job and and I was making like $7.25 an hour, but I was working like 60 hours a week. And I had like all this money, like thousands of dollars in my account, like $6,000 in my account. Before that, I didn't even have a bank account. You know what I mean? I always had like money, like 50 bucks in my pocket. then i didn't even have a bank account you know what i mean i always had like money like 50 bucks in my pocket it just became crazy because i could like just buy sandwiches if i wanted or
Starting point is 00:47:08 i could i didn't care about the price of gas or when i went to the coffee shop i'd be like yeah oat milk motherfucker double shot i'm kidding two dollars extra i don't give a fuck is it like that for you now like all of a sudden like you like you go to the store and you get to order a hamburger and you're like extra avocado and the guy's like two bucks. You're like, yeah, whatever. Don't it's. Um, yeah, no, I, I mean, like, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. Like, like you can just, I definitely don't have to worry about anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Um, but I don't, I don't, that's the thing with me. I don't even think I've ever, I may, I just don't spend a whole lot of money. So I don't think I've ever had to worry about anything. Like, even with like the little money that I was getting back from Shepard, like kind of like what you were saying, like cause if you had $6,000 in your bank account now, you'd probably be stressed out, but just like, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying. So like,
Starting point is 00:47:58 but back then it was crazy, dude. Yeah. That's not, yeah. It was so crazy. Like, and it would, it would always just be a thing where the more than anything, I just like to look at it. I thought that was super cool. I was like, damn, if shit goes with going home. I'm so high up when I'm here in Chicago. I'm staying at all these amazing team hotels. We're staying at the Marriott, the Four Seasons. We're flying everywhere. We're going to LA, New Orleans. I'm in these stadiums that you wouldn't even be able to believe. that you wouldn't even be able to believe um and i get i'm getting compensated weekly um like a ridiculous amount so it's just crazy when i go home and like going from that and then you see like like you're in martinsburg west virginia you see a bomb on the street on the side of the road and you're just like all right like it just brings you back to reality of like it's not always here you know but it's not it's always it's also like not always down there too with like you know the bum on the street in marsburg it's always like somewhere in between
Starting point is 00:49:09 that and then even just hearing my friends talk about money it's just uh it's a pretty crazy thing uh my life right now and just what what what's been able to happen so that's kind of the only thing and then also like the only thing i've done is i've given family members um a couple dollars and like seeing uh like their reaction just like that's been one of the cooler things uh for me is just which which has been one of the things that's motivated me i guess like you left a few you like you left a ten dollar bill on ezra's dresser. And he's like, damn. Or even just like talking about, yeah. Like talking about like Christmas with my parents and saying, just asking them how much they spend on each kid.
Starting point is 00:49:54 And then them telling me and I just like, just being able to tell them like, Hey, don't, don't, you know, don't tell anybody, but I'll, you know, I'll, I'll cover two of the kids. Like I'll just give you that and you can go crazy or whatever. And just seeing that reaction of just like, really, are you sure? When really, it's like 1% of what I've got going on, if that. And so that's been a pretty cool experience for me so far. But yeah, yeah, I'm not, I don't, I don't necessarily think about it when I go to the coffee shop and I, and I get my drink. I'm
Starting point is 00:50:29 not like, I'm kind of like balling like you were back in the day. Like, yeah, I'll take, I'll take that. And the person behind me will take it too. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's my favorite thing. When you go somewhere and someone doesn't like, it's a cash only place or someone's like a few bucks short behind you around you. You're like, I got you. And they're like, flip it out. And you're like, yeah, God, it's so fun. Yeah, it is. It's definitely a big, a huge blessing. And seeing the way my dad was with his money, even though I know that it wasn't always a time that he had a whole lot of money, like just his understanding of what it is like to struggle. So then seeing him like give people money who needed it
Starting point is 00:51:09 or asked for it, just like a freaking gangster. Like I always, so that I always like, I always, I always enjoy, I always understood and enjoyed watching that more than I understood people who maybe saw somebody struggling and were like, no, you gotta get it yourself like you got to figure it out like i always appreciated you know the person that uh just watching my dad give a bum 20 more than i appreciated somebody denying somebody and telling them they need to go out and
Starting point is 00:51:38 get it their self um how does it work um getting um uh paid in the nfl do you you guys get paid weekly or is it like bi-weekly or do you get paid all 52 weeks or only during the season do they spread it out how does all that shit work they take it out is it like just a regular job yeah so they take taxes out and then you it's you get paid over 36 weeks um you get paid for – so you have 18 games. Each game you get X amount of dollars. So they take that, what you would get in 18 weeks, they split it in half. You get half of it during the check. You get half of it during the season, and then you get the next half for the 18 weeks after the season.
Starting point is 00:52:19 So I'll get the second half of my week one paycheck week 18 because that's the first week out of the season. Oh, so you could – theoretically, you could – and are all your paychecks exactly the same or does it matter? Like if you throw – do you get more money if you throw a touchdown or if you play or don't play or there's like – Well, you get – it depends because, I mean, taxes – your 401K and everything is taken out until you get to the dollar amount that you. The max? Yeah, exactly. Until you get what I think it's like $20,500 per year. So once you reach that, then it'll start to be more.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And there's also a FICA tax that's taken out during the season that that is not taking out after the season is over so the second 18 weeks will be more than the first the first 18 weeks and then and then so you do so then there's 18 weeks right how many weeks does that leave us uh 14 weeks that you don't get paid yeah so 36 So 36, so 16 weeks, I guess, right? 52 minus 36. Yeah. Something like that. Okay. Yeah. 16 weeks that you, I guess that you're not getting paid, but even then there's out of those weeks, there's also 10 weeks where you're not, you're not getting paid like a crazy amount, but for OTAs during the spring, it's like a 10 week timeframe. But for OTAs during the spring, it's like a 10-week time frame.
Starting point is 00:53:46 What's OTA stand for? Organized Team Activity. So that's like an 8- to 10-week time frame during the spring that you also get paid, you know, not as much, but you're still – I mean, it's enough to – it's definitely enough to – That's when you sign cards during those weeks. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and really you sign cards right after the season when you have three and a half months to just go home and do your thing.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Do they have somebody there at the team that's like, you know, hey guys, you're about to get a bunch of money from this for the first time. Like here's what we suggest you do or here's who we suggest you talk to in terms of just understanding financial literacy and what you should do with your money. Yeah, there's a diamond dealer. And they bring in a bunch of diamond dealers and tell everyone to get grilled. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I think every team has has a rookie program and you have to meet every week from the time you become on the time you get on the team up until the your first season is over. So every Monday you meet and they touch on a different subject. And, you know, one week it'll be taxes. You know, one week it'll just be how to say no to family members. One week it'll be about girls. One week it'll be be how to say no to family members one week it'll be about girls one week it'll be about the girls one cool the girls one is just they tell crazy ass stories of people who weren't just that made a mistake i don't necessarily i don't think that these i don't think that they're necessarily saving people from making the same mistakes but they're just providing a backstory of what terrible things could happen if you're not careful.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Just that kind of stuff. But yeah, so they talk about financial advisors. They'll give their – who they think are pretty good people to go with. But I got – my dad and my agents were on top of all that, so I got linked i got linked up with a pretty solid dude nice god i would love to hear the girls one the girls one must be crazy they just tell crazy stories and it's more or less like there's i mean they'll tell a story about a dude who a girl tricked him about her age and then he got in a bunch of trouble and just little stuff like that would just like don't just go out here blindly just picking up whoever you know you think looks looks okay make sure you you know talk to them for a little bit first make sure they're not like a complete
Starting point is 00:56:11 sleazeball before uh you meet up with them or whatever i don't know crazy um how how many how much time do you spend every day studying plays? Yeah, so the plays studying, really, it happens from Wednesday to Sunday, and it's probably about two to three hours a day. Is there anything that competes with your ability to study? What do you mean? Like social media. Oh, like distracting or whatever?
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I don't have to. I've decided to just delete my social media throughout the week, and then I'll just get on social media from Sunday night till Tuesday around lunchtime, and I'll just delete it off my phone and then redownload it again later you came up with that yeah because once once uh stuff started getting crazy I was actually kind of looking at it for about 20 minutes more than I probably should have and then I was just like oh man if I mess up if I start messing up plays I'm gonna blame it on this so and then I'm gonna be pissed at myself so I just didn't want to give myself that fucking opportunity so smart dude yeah i mean uh that app is like um when you go to the supermarket and like and you buy that shit that you shouldn't have bought you know whatever it is and then now
Starting point is 00:57:40 it's in your home and now and now you're kind of fucked right but if you if you don't buy it at the supermarket you you get home and it's not even an option you dodge exactly yeah and it's like the only time i the only time my life isn't like just super normal is when i'm looking at the phone and i see how popular everything has gotten and how big everything is now and it's like i mean i like i used to like back in the day used to like you go somebody's page and see that they have as many followers as I do now I was kind of just like oh that person like might not even be a real person like they're like you know what I mean like that's I don't even know how that even happens how do you get that many followers but now it's like
Starting point is 00:58:19 I'm in that boat and it's just like so that's the only time I'm like I think about how crazy it all is So if I just keep it in reality for the most part everything everything's been pretty pretty normal Yeah, you know, it's crazy about your followers. They're real Yeah, exactly it's it's it's pretty gnarly I Had um, I don't, the account that I had erased, I had like, I don't know, close to 100,000 followers. And whenever I would look up like where they're at, like 80% of them were in India. What the fuck is going on here? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Or I would never get engagement. Like my followers just were not real followers. These are people who've all jumped on board in the last year right yeah i mean at least half of them yeah exactly they're all up in your shit they're they're they're vocal and are your dms a complete shit show uh uh yeah just a fucking mess yeah yeah it's just like it's just like uh either like fans, people reaching out to promote something, or just chicks. Really? Already chicks? Yeah, probably like 60, 40.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Holy shit. Wow. No, I've never had a chick in my DMs. Ever. Not one, dude. Not one. Not one. Yeah. And that's also the thing i get 400 dms a day not one chick dude well i get the asian girls that says hi can i ask you a question i mean a hundred of those yeah yeah that was also the thing too i was like maybe spending that extra 15 minutes like not because i
Starting point is 01:00:08 know i can't i'm not i can't hit any of these girls up like i'm not i can't like text them back because what i mean what's i'm not going to give them you know i already know that i can't give them any address or anything i don't have any time to go meet with them so i know i'm not like like i'm not going to hit them back. I just kind of like to look at the dumb shit they would say. So that was kind of where my 15 minutes was, was going like that. And then just like weird fans,
Starting point is 01:00:33 like seeing whatever they have. I would be looking at every pic. If one chick DM me, I wouldn't care what the fuck she looked like. I'd scroll through her whole account. I'd fall down. Never, never land.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. It's been some good there's some funny stuff yeah that's that's awesome and they and do they i guess that's part of the whole i guess that's the whole thing that no one guys um 20 years ago professional athletes didn't have to deal with they just they would get the hotel or not at the hotel yeah exactly it's pretty wild it is pretty wild when i was at that hotel where the team was staying there wasn't special secure i didn't see special security i just but i saw tons of guys who are obviously football players walking around big giant dude but also like it wasn't like the hotel was swarming i didn't see any fans there either, like, waiting to get autographs or anything.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Are the hotels usually pretty mellow? Yeah. I mean, it's only weird whenever we stay at the team hotel when we play home games because we're in Chicago. So you got to be kind of on the down low whenever you're messing around in Chicago. But, I mean, also, for the most part, even that it's like, all five people want to take a picture and autograph. It's rarely like a swarm of 60 people like bombarding you and asking you for stuff. At least from my experience now,
Starting point is 01:01:58 Justin might have a completely different experience with that. But as far as like, I've been concerned, different experience with that but as far as like i've been concerned um it's about as crazy as it gets it's like oh six people want to take a picture and then i usually just take the picture and then go about go about my business but um there we do have security but really the security is used most mostly for getting to and from the stadium. Like getting into the stadium, there'll be security. Getting on the buses, there'll be security. And then leaving the game, there'll be security. Wayne, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:02:34 Thank you. Going back to the homeless guy, to the bum guy, like Martinsburg versus like the Four Seasons. Yeah. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it
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Starting point is 01:04:06 it's just normal life. Like, are you like, fuck, I worked hard or is it just, yeah, I'm like, I I'm,
Starting point is 01:04:12 it's like a mixture of like, damn, I worked really hard and then holy shit. Like how lucky am I? It's like kind of both hard already. How do you know you've worked hard? Um, I,
Starting point is 01:04:27 I mean, I just, because it should hurt should hurt like i was it should hurt everything like it just hurt every day not in a bad way like in a good like sore cardiovascularly tired mentally drained like that kind of it was just consistent it just did it consistently that's from the seventh grade you mean on or whatever like it's just been yeah yeah and then from then it's like now it's almost now like my relaxing time really just consists of just the hard shit that i that i've now gotten used to and really like like the bi-week i mean all i did was work out with my brother and my buddies and getting the sauna in the stream and hang out with family like that and it was like a that was like my brother and my buddies and getting the sauna in the stream and hang out with family like that. And it was like a, that was like my, that was my chill time. So I just feel like it's just, my life is completely just adapted to just, I guess, working hard.
Starting point is 01:05:18 And, and, and then, and then what about senior year homecoming after the game, would you do the stuff where you'd go out with everyone else and party, or was it straight to home and to bed with you? In high school, it was straight to home. I went to my first party in college, my freshman year of college. That was the first time I went to a party. And then I did party.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Did you party in high school? I didn't. No, I didn't. How did you how did you and how how did you not um I I don't know I don't know I think like I went to homecomings and I went to proms and I did all that and then I mean I just thought I don't know I never found myself in that in that setting and then it wasn't until me and like me and my best friend um you think your dad protected you from that in high school? Would he take you home after the games? No, I was driving up until I got my license.
Starting point is 01:06:11 And then I don't know. It was almost like I was I was like, yeah, I was just like blindly. Blindly fighting to like be really good at football. So it was like when the football game happened and i played good which you know most of the time in high school that was the case it was just kind of like oh now i can just go now i'm about to just go home relax watch the game just super happy with how everything turned out and then um i don't know i just never partied i remember i went to my first party in college and I was like, holy shit, this is crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:49 This is the most fun I've ever had in my whole life. Was it a frat house or something? It was a football house and it was after my very first game I ever played in college. And I threw for free like 500 yards in the first game I ever played in college and I threw for free like 500 yards in the first game I ever played in college so I was like the talk of kind of everything going on and it was the first time like girls that were significantly older than me were like approaching me and talking to me and I've got like dudes that I watched at Shepherd previous years when I was in high school all of a sudden I'm hanging out with them and it was kind of just like pretty much the coolest thing in the whole world so then it just
Starting point is 01:07:28 turned into like in college i just i uh i me and my buddies would go to uh parties um that were happening in you know at our college after after games and then i would maybe go out a couple of times during the off season. But it was more like just a celebrating a win was kind of what it turned into in college. But yeah, I just and that was good, though, because I feel like a lot of people maybe went to their first party when they were like 15, 16. And then, you know, since I was 18, almost 19, it was like it was still fun for me. You know, it still is fun for me it still is a crazy um experience for me whenever i go out and there's a lot of people out and you know everybody's having fun which maybe other 23 year olds are like man i'm tired of doing that shit like i've been doing it for x amount of years at this point no 15 16 17 years old no going to parties and beer
Starting point is 01:08:23 bonging and drinking so much you throw up and none of that. No, I took my first shot at that party I went to, which I mean, I was, I guess I was, you know, underage telling myself. But yeah, that was my first experience with alcohol. How important do you think that is? How important do you think that is that you didn't get twisted up in any of that stuff? Were your friends doing it uh a lot of people i knew were yeah a lot of people i knew were why weren't the boys swinging by your house with their that's what i'm saying i think i just got super lucky i think i just got super lucky because i think i definitely would have probably even if i didn't want to i probably would have just fell into the you know peer pressure and
Starting point is 01:09:03 excitement of it all and probably just done it. But it just I just was never around it. Luckily, I was hanging out with a bunch of crazy ass people. Just I was never I never found myself in that setting with those people. But, yeah, I mean, kind of just like I said, I think it's it created a different like. Like a different baseline for me with just like being sober and just being in regular life. Like I was looking for, like, it was like my Saturday night was like looking forward to going to my parents' best friend's house and getting in the hot tub.
Starting point is 01:09:35 And then maybe other people's, you know what I mean? Like little shit like that with, or maybe like my, my Saturday night was waking up early after playing a high school game on Friday, waking up early and going to watch Shepard play because I thought that was so fun. So it was like looking forward to things like that. And now, like I said before, I think now I'm still able to enjoy those things because I didn't. I haven't necessarily done it as much as other people might have. Are you pretty simple, dude, you think? Yeah, I'm probably as simple as they come honestly which i which i'm like which i'm also thankful for because now it's like
Starting point is 01:10:11 you don't have to spend you know i have to go extravagant crazy places and have a good time which i'm grateful for yeah god you're a good dude so here here's where I'm going with all this. There's this – you see these people who are at the top of their game. Let's say LeBron, for instance, right? Mm-hmm. And yet I feel like instead of encouraging people to work hard and do what they did, you know, like, like probably nothing came easy for him.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Right. He probably has the craziest work ethic ever. Right. Yeah. And nothing was given to him and he had to earn it all. And he had to manage that giant body and he has to manage all the fame. And he had to learn all those skills that make him the greatest who ever did it.
Starting point is 01:11:04 And yet the rhetoric that comes out of their mouth is almost like feeling sorry for people instead of like believing in people. Yeah. Yeah. And I think what society needs is people that believe in people like the tough talk, like more like David Goggins talk, like quit being a bitch. Not sorry for like. a bitch not i got it i'm sorry for you like yeah do you and that's why i asked you does it seem like you work hard yourself or is it just normal like do you have no context of it is it like fuck it's the only thing i know how would i know that's what yeah i think it's a little bit of that uh where it's just like if i see if maybe like there's been a couple kids that are like hey man you got any advice and i'm just like fuck like damn i don't even know what i would say besides like damn you have to work really freaking hard like non-stop all the time and then you're gonna
Starting point is 01:11:57 have to somehow start to enjoy that because that's just got to be what it is like there's no like i don't have any cookie cutter like yeah you just need to do this and you need to do this you need to do this it's more or less like you just gotta be oddly obsessed with something and just freaking not be afraid to work super hard because a lot of people are embarrassed to work really hard like a lot of people are like too cool like they want to look too cool to work hard like it's almost like working hard is like it's not going to be attractive to the people that they want to attract like healing over and throwing up and and snot coming out of your nose because you just
Starting point is 01:12:38 worked out so hard is not a cool comfortable thing to do like a lot of people just want to get on the the footwork ladder and make a cool video maybe of them doing like some speed work but then it's like when you get matched up with the person that's been doing that and the person that was you know really freaking getting after it really getting real nitty-gritty not trying to be cool but just trying to work on their craft like it's it's gonna show so it's always it's almost like i know a kid has no chance based on like you know the first inter interaction that you have them have with them because it's either it was instilled with them you know by by their peers growing up by family members growing up or maybe they found it their own way or they just don't have it they just don don't have that bone in them to really go after it.
Starting point is 01:13:29 So I'm always preaching, like you said, about the work. Kind of like David Goggin-esque a little bit. Like, dude, what are you talking about? All you have to do is work fucking super freaking hard and everything will be fine. Even if you work really hard and you don't make it,'re gonna end up being where you're supposed to be regardless right right um that's like uh i had uh miranda from uh street parking on here and she had some posts like i'd be like fuck i don't understand these glory into people she's like hey don't worry about it be passionate um be disciplined and uh have good habits passion discipline and good habits
Starting point is 01:14:07 just do those three things and you'll end up going where you're supposed to go you don't even yeah exactly yeah good habits yeah because it offered me like it offered me so much disciplined and you had good habits and you yeah yeah and he was like super focused that's what i got from it all like a lot of people don't have something that they're really like focused on and striving towards. So the parties and all that shit is just a distraction because now, now I got girls all focused on. Right. But you were just like dialed in the whole time and you saw your goal and you knew where you were going. And that's huge. I just hadn't even thought of the party. I was just wrapped up in what I was doing. Exactly. To an extent.
Starting point is 01:14:50 And it just wasn't even that. Which is cool looking back on it that that's how it was. That does fall back into the... I so don't want to take your answer that it was luck. But when I hear you say that, I start to get my head wrapped around a little more of the luck because. Yeah, if I if I didn't go out to party on a Friday night, I would be at home just wondering what I'm missing. Yeah, that was. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, it was just, I guess, lucky that one of my buddies didn't like nudge me on the shoulder and like, yo, I'll be at your house at eight o'clock to pick you up. We're about to go do this this and that
Starting point is 01:15:25 because i i don't know if i would have said yes or no but i don't know why i would have said no i probably just would have said yeah like oh yeah i'll hang out with you yeah that sounds fun cool yeah we can do that um so it was just kind of like that that was a lucky part you know i guess like working hard that that wasn't a lucky part but the whole whole social settings and what I was introduced to growing up was that was lucky. Um, I, when, if I, when I, whenever I'm out and I see a homeless person or something like that, or someone who like asking me for money, I always make eye contact with them. Cause I see the other 99% of the people don't even look at them. And I say, I look at them and they'll be like, Hey, can I have a dollar? I'll be like, Hey, what's up? And I just look at them
Starting point is 01:16:04 right now and I'll say something like hey dude you should get off the drugs or you should get off the alcohol like i say something to them that's like um hey man what are you doing you think your mom would be proud of you doing this shit don't do that yeah because it's a hard thing to say to someone like that yeah he needs to talk to him like that because that's how i'd want to be talked to if I was in that situation. Like, first, recognize me as a human being. And second, don't feel sorry for me. Yeah. Like, what the fuck are you doing, dude?
Starting point is 01:16:31 Come on, man. You're a human being. Get your shit together, bro. Yeah. You're not doing good on us. Yeah. And I just wish more people. I think people think that they're being nice, but really they're just uncomfortable with like people who are struggling.
Starting point is 01:16:45 And so, so they, so they're trying to mitigate their own discomfort instead of like actually try to help the person. That's a hundred percent. Yeah. I mean, that's what happens. That's what happens to me. That's what you're a hundred percent right. Like, I'm just like, like you get uncomfortable, but you're not getting uncomfortable from the person. You get uncomfortable because of how it makes you feel. And like kind of like what you just said, like I'm not I'm not like feel not that I'm feeling sorry for them, but I'm just like, damn, like it just suck. I think about just them as a little baby. And I'm like, I'm just like, damn, it went from that. And then somehow you're here like that just that that stinks that sucks like i'm sorry that has happened for you um the it's interesting
Starting point is 01:17:32 so the recipe is um it's it's like duh it's um you worked hard you didn't get into drugs and alcohol and um you found a way to enjoy working hard yeah it's like uh okay that's everyone's story well there you go then you know yeah it's yeah it's almost like how greg talks about it with like the solution um is easy but hard workout don't eat bad food that's it's only two-step it's only a two-step gig but though it's like it's not that simple you still have cravings you still have uh you still have laziness you still have um all these things lack of discipline that you need to work through in order to achieve those two things so it's like put together a plan work really hard that's the only two that's only two steps but it's also it's hard to do that and stay consistent and like something enough to want to
Starting point is 01:18:25 do those things um when you um when you went home did you go to church um i did not no i did not uh i went um um that's actually funny i went out i went out with my buddies saturday night to uh until a really late hour so i did not end up going to church uh on sunday were you planning on it um no because my mom was going to um a different church because valen had to do some play practice or something like that so it was already kind of like that's something i like to do with my mom whenever i'm in town um so she wasn't doing it so it wasn't like like it wasn't like i said yeah mom we'll go to church and i didn't go and they do a good job of putting it online anyway so i always stay i'm always at church um every sunday even when i'm in chicago
Starting point is 01:19:22 church every Sunday, even when I'm in Chicago. Oh, so really you watch it online? Yeah, they do it on YouTube. That's interesting that you say, so you like to go to church because it's time with your mom as much as anything. Yeah, I mean, yeah, obviously I put it on myself to have the discipline to go to church every Sunday when I'm home because I feel cause I, I, I feel, I feel it's something I'm, um, I'm supposed to do. It makes me feel good. But then also I know that my mom gets a lot of enjoyment out of going to church with me. So I like doing that as well.
Starting point is 01:19:58 You talk in, in every time anyone ever talks to you in any interview, it feels like you mentioned your family. So what are you doing? I'm going to go with my family oh my family oh my pops oh my mom oh ezra oh damn you like like there's always a family piece are you um are you this is gonna sound bad are you faking that i'm projecting onto you i'm projecting onto you because that's what I do. Like I, even if I don't want to call my mom, I call my mom. And then every time I call her, once I call her, I'm glad I called her. You know what I mean? And then I'm like, and then like, I'll be like, it's not like the boys. Like when I want to hang out with my friends, I call them and like, I want to go hang out
Starting point is 01:20:40 with them so we could like throw rocks at a train coming by. But with my mom, I don't even know what I'm gonna do with her. But I'm like, Hey mom, you want me to go out with me like i ask her every day you want to go with me and the boys and like i'll swing by and grab you she'll be like yeah or no but like i don't i'm doing it because i'm supposed to do it yeah yeah i still love her to death don't get me wrong and i'm glad she comes and i always have fun with her but i think but but you know what i mean i know i know i know what you mean i mean like we're not gonna do bad shit we're not going to like rage like yeah i i thoroughly enjoy spending time with my family i
Starting point is 01:21:11 do also know that um i'm there's x y and z that i know i'm supposed to do with my family whenever i'm home that i that even if i'm against it or not feeling like it, I know that I, that needs like those, those things need to happen. I don't, I don't, I don't need to spend time. Yeah. I don't need to spend times with all my buddies whenever I'm home, but I really want to do that. So I, so I do that. I have, I know I have to spend time with my family when I'm home. Most of the 90% of the time I really want to, there is like the 10% where I'm like, Hey, yeah, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:46 screw it. I know I have to do this. Like I know I have to go get lunch with my grandma. Like I have to do that. You know, do I want to do that more than I want to go freaking, uh, jump in the water with my buddies or something like,
Starting point is 01:21:57 maybe not, but I know that there's like a hierarchy of events that need to take place whenever I'm home. And you never regret it. You're always glad it always, it's always like, you know, you're just doing the right thing. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And I mean, my siblings too, I'm just like, I'm getting old and I know eventually like, you know, it's just like, just people grow up and then it's not like, you know, it's always like,
Starting point is 01:22:22 it's always the same, but then it just, there's a new, there becomes a new normal, you know, once people start to get older. And so I just want to make sure, especially there when they're young, that they have a good idea of who I am in their life and kind of how much I care about them. Hey, you're also building a foundation of peace for the future. Not everybody's going to be around the whole time and when that day does come you will feel it like my grandpa like a lot of times people like oh yeah take him i would push him in the wheelchair up the hill i'd bring him into the bathroom stall i'd help him go to the bath you know all those little things and most of the other cousins avoided a lot inevitably when
Starting point is 01:23:00 he passed at 97 like they were really upset but i had spent a lot of time like went to the house helped him with the yard little chores so all that so like it would it meant a lot in that moment and i know a lot of them regretted not doing it you know a lot of them i guess i should have pushed him in the wheelchair up that hill at the wedding or i guess i should have stayed back behind when everybody else wanted to get on the bus and drink or do whatever. But I stayed there with them. I helped them go to the bathroom, like do all those little things. And when that moment comes, like it's you're going to look back and there's there's just no fucking regret of it. No, no, no regret of it.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Yeah, that was like when my granddad when he was in hospice. I just remember like it was like me and my granddad were always like super real and had always a really great relationship. But it wasn't like, you know, it wasn't like we were talking about what we were thinking about in our heads or what, how we felt in our heart. Like it was always like, you know, I love you. Hey granddad, give him a hug. But it wasn't like really having deep conversations. I remember he was in hospice and it was just i was so uncomfortable doing it but kind of like what you said like i would just kind of sit there and you know he's about to pass away you know for i think he was in there for
Starting point is 01:24:15 about two months and just like every other day going there and having like a super uncomfortable deep conversation with him about how he's feeling about it all and just him talking to me really about like his death and just what has meant the world to him in his life and what he regretted didn't regret you know what he liked what he didn't like how he felt about me it was so like uncomfortable in the moment um but also like kind of like what you said like i think about that shit all the time i'm just like thank god i did that like that was that, kind of like what you said, like, I think about that shit all the time. I'm just like, thank God I did that. Like, that was, that was kind of like a real, that was one of those like real life moments for me that it's just like, kind of puts everything in perspective of kind of what's important
Starting point is 01:24:56 and what's not important. Cause I mean, he was a president. He was like the president of the RV industry, was a very successful lawyer was a pilot was all these amazing things had 10 kids and took care of all 10 of them and still had money to ball out on vacation like just a little like he had so much he had accomplished so much but just to see what what actually meant the things that actually were meaningful to him didn't really have a whole lot to do with with with those things um just was uh just really had uh had an effect on me so um i know he gave you a little talking to oh no he didn't no he didn't but i know he didn't i know he didn't i know he didn't
Starting point is 01:25:40 maybe he told your dad somehow yeah no i know i know what you're talking about i know that he didn't appreciate the fact that i cussed a couple times but you said the s-h-i-t were yes yeah yeah he wasn't a fan of water he was straight he was straight laced he was straight laced he only got drunk twice in his life and both were on that vote for on accident yeah that's awesome i uh i remember uh i went to his house a couple times and i remember in the garage he had these crazy huge model planes that flew yeah he just had a whole he had a whole he just had a lot of hobbies and he would he would go all in on them like they weren't just like oh i like this it was like oh i like this i'm gonna like i'm gonna bring this in this whole thing into my life like he made no money with those model airplanes but he just would just go he just had a couple places he would go fly him
Starting point is 01:26:37 and then that was like his saturday that was like what he did instead of partying he was like oh saturday morning sunday morning whatever i'm going to fly my model airplane so i was just like i just thought that was that's just he's just a cool dude really cool dude look at this finally one of you i wasn't gonna say anything i'm like you got no you're never you're no one's ever gonna get a chance to fucking speak to a fucking NFL quarterback. I got the phone over here I'm like not one pussy's gonna call What's up, Justin? Yeah, Justin owns um
Starting point is 01:27:16 Salty cave CrossFit in Utah. Oh nice. What's up Justin? Hi salty hive. it's a hive cave salty salty salt something salty i wanted to call in and say what's up to tyson and meet him whatever but uh i wanted to piggyback on the conversation about what uh what when things get put into perspective of what really matters and uh and kind of bring it all home with CrossFit and the NFL. But it's been about five weeks, and my dad had a stroke. He was actually at my gym when it happened, and thank God, because we got him to the hospital really fast. But during the rehab, he's a Bears fan.
Starting point is 01:28:02 I'm not really a Bears fan. He's a Bears fan, but that makes me a bear fan. He's a bear fan, but that makes me a bear fan. Want me to hang up on him? Go ahead, Justin. So yeah, we, throughout the rehab, we got to watch Tyson's game on Thursday night football on Sunday night football. And, and really the last few years I thought that sports are kind of stupid and people pay way too much attention but it was such a break
Starting point is 01:28:32 from like all the real shit like of him not being able to talk and like being in ICU and we could just like turn on the game and he knew your situation coming from crossfit and the dad who owned an affiliate and he's really proud of me um as an affiliate owner and so it like i'd never been a bigger bears fan those few weeks when you were starting and i don't know i just want to let you know that i'm getting emotional a little emotional, a little emotional, but a lot of emotional. Yeah. Super proud of, uh, of what you've done for the CrossFit community. Um, and I just, thanks for giving me and my dad some memories of watching. Justin, you're the man. I appreciate that a lot. I'm glad that, uh,
Starting point is 01:29:23 I'm glad I could offer a little bit of light in that stressful situation. Please tell your dad I said, what's up. Yeah, for sure. Well, how is your dad, Justin? What's up with him? How is he recovering? Yeah, it's slow, dude. Strokes are crazy. Like the brain is so crazy. Um, it's, uh, he, he, work, he had the stroke was in the language center of his brain so speaking and understanding and writing and those are all i mean the dude's still deadlifting 315 pounds in his garage damn even after the stroke oh yeah he's 65 years old and he's done 315 for reps. So we're really blessed that he was in such good shape. And he has like almost all the things physically back.
Starting point is 01:30:15 It's just a struggle. I mean, I'll FaceTime him and we kind of just stare at each other and laugh. He's able to say words here and there. And it's slow. They say it takes usually up to a year to see how much of the language is going to come back. But it's like my dad went from being 65 going on 45, like the healthiest 65-year-old dude you'd ever see. Everyone looked up to him at the gym. To overnight, he's like 65 going on 85. So, I mean, it is what it is and i'm trying to make the best of it kind of like tyson was talking about the hospice situation with his
Starting point is 01:30:52 grandpa it's like uncomfortable and it's hard but you know what like i still spend time with him and um and and love him and watch some bears games with them, you know? Hey dude, great story. Jake Chapman says, Oh, Justin,
Starting point is 01:31:10 he can't talk very well. And he's 65. Does he want a job on this podcast? Asshole. Hey dude, great story. You're the man for calling in Justin. I love you,
Starting point is 01:31:23 dude. Yeah, that was good. It's a, I mean you, dude. Yeah, that was great. Dude, it's a bracket. It's a, I mean, NFL quarterback. Yeah, fuck yeah. I love the show. I love everything that you're doing for CrossFit. And I love your perspective, Tyson and so on.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Matt, I appreciate everything. So I won't take any more of your time. I know everyone wants to hear Tyson talk, not just me from Salt Lake. You the man, dude. Love you. Call anytime. Thanks, Justin. See you, Justin. Peace. Damn. Wow.
Starting point is 01:31:57 Wow. It's crazy because you're just out there doing your thing, but how much of an impact that can make in people's lives like you probably would have never thought of like that particular situation but now it's like boom it's like right there fuck man crazy yeah it's also really cool that what you're doing and perfecting your craft and all that hard work could like shine light into people's lives in ways that you wouldn't even ever imagine yeah and that's the thing yeah that like little stuff like that is like try not to try not to it's good to have
Starting point is 01:32:31 those moments because you can get lost in just how hard it is and just like gosh this shit is like you know it's so hard and maybe it's annoying and then it's kind of like the thing of like you know giving my family a couple dollars and i was was just seeing their reaction like, oh, man, all right. This is why. This is why. And hearing a story like that, like, oh, this is why. That's cool stuff. Yeah, that is cool.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Because there's TV sets and because of all the modern inventions we have, some dude can be sitting in a hospital with his fucking dad recovering from a stroke, can be sitting in a hospital with his fucking dad recovering from a stroke watching you completely fucking oblivious to what he's doing and um get some enjoyment from watching you uh perfect a craft that you started when you were six it's fucking what an amazing dude it's fucking wow yeah it's killer and then all of a sudden to just come on some random fucking podunk podcast your dad's old friend has and then hearing the story i mean it's killer and then all of a sudden to just come on some random fucking podunk podcast your dad's old friend has and then hearing the story i mean it's like yeah i'm crazy um uh i'm getting ready to do a jet set off to scottsdale um big private jet because i live i ball i'm not a man like you um listen um when do we get to see you play next um whenever they put me in a game
Starting point is 01:33:49 is there any conventional wisdom is there anything like um like okay uh would you guys have to be down by 50 or up by 50 or one of those yeah that could happen that could happen that definitely could happen but the n could happen. But the NFL, the crazy game, any given Sunday, every game this whole year, it seems like it's coming down to the last two minutes of the game. So, I mean, we will see. But, you know, I'm just I'm staying ready. So I've got to get ready. So I'm you know, I don't know when it'll happen, but if it does, it'll be it'll be cool. But basically, quarterbacks in your position, every team has a starting quarterback.
Starting point is 01:34:28 And the backup quarterback only goes in if the starting quarterback, probably most obvious is if he gets injured. And then other than that, it's if there's some weird anomaly in the game, right? Yeah. Okay. All right. Hey, I can't tell you how excited I am to have you uh pop in on the show dude you demand yeah i appreciate you thanks for rocking the hat it tickles me love you so much dude yeah love you too see you matt later brother all right tyson bajan later dude thanks brother
Starting point is 01:35:00 talk to you soon. Wow, Justin. Great story. Fuck. That's amazing. God, this show was fucking good. God. That's cool. I got all these notes.
Starting point is 01:35:18 We didn't even need them. Hey, we're getting good, too. He's getting he's good. I mean, he's always been good. But now we're like, yeah, we talk about shit. I wanted to talk more about the throwing stuff. He's good. I mean, he's always been good, but now we're like, yeah, we talk about shit. I wanted to talk more about the throwing stuff. Where I wanted to take that was, I'll bring it up again.
Starting point is 01:35:40 It is weird when you're so good, probably it's something that's like Zen for him, where it's just automatic. You just look and then you only have to be conscious about controlling the machine, but not what the machine does, you know. But then all of a sudden, sometimes you do have to make some adjustments to that shit, right? Like, hey, I'm going to have to throw a little further. I'm going to have to throw a little harder. And in tapping, it's probably intimidating. Well, for me, I know it's intimidating tapping into my subconscious. It's like sometimes when I first started using fake voices on the show, when I'm like, oh, savvy, like that's hard for me to do.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Because I have to tap in, like I'm going to pull from some well that makes me like uncomfortable. So I figure it's like that in football too. Like, you know what I mean? Like you throw three passes and you're like, oh, these don't have enough zing on them. I throw them a little bit harder. You're like, ooh, I'm fucking with something that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fucking, I don't know. What if this leads to an interception what if it like does that make sense what i'm saying do you feel that yeah yeah i mean but i i also think like for him too like how he was saying all the time like he's been doing it for so long that it's just a natural piece so like having to make some adjustment to change would would probably be pretty nerve-wracking right? Like nerve wracking. Yeah. Yeah. Because now he goes and he's on practice squad and one of the,
Starting point is 01:36:49 you know, QB coaches says, Hey, you know, I noticed when you did X, Y, Z, I need you to do this.
Starting point is 01:36:53 And you're like, Oh wait, hold on. This is going to cause me to have to think about my throw a lot more. And that could end up screwing a ton of it up. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for reiterating. you understand exactly what i said i feel confident what i said you crossfitters out there you go from your regular uh kip and you start to learn that butterfly and then all of a sudden you lose that kip or something that's kind
Starting point is 01:37:16 of similar right like you're used to just going through the flow of it now you're trying to train that or level up or make some adjustment and then it feels like you lose both now i can't butterfly yet how about this when you're snatching and you go to mike bergner and he's like hey you're doing it wrong but you have a fucking 225 pound snatch but he's claiming he can get you 275 and you but you gotta fucking change your fucking motor recruitment pattern all of a sudden you're like oh i don't know about that yeah i think there was a saying that once you once you think you've learned everything it's time to go back to the uh fundamentals and pay more close attention this time yeah which is hard if you're at the top of
Starting point is 01:37:49 your game yeah i'm gonna wait to tell the spitting story to one day when um tyson's on uh but i was in a pizza place with greg and travis and some dude asked well someone spit on our pizza who went it was crazy they travis almost killed them and he's crazy he's crazy calm he has a crazy high threshold yeah that would be the wrong dude's pizza to spit on he told me that he had no tolerance for like spitting was just like one thing he just didn't have tolerance for not like the kind of spitting that um no but like add somebody or on yeah yeah yeah no that's yeah that's fucked i don't spit on something that's like you might as well slap somebody or punch somebody at that point right i wanted to ask him a couple things more
Starting point is 01:38:38 about uh crossfit and dig into that a little bit um but I'm still waiting for my check to clear because we do so fucking much for you guys. We've sent people, we've opened affiliates, we've sent people to L1s, we've helped you control the narrative. Like, we fucking crush it. So we're not going to get the NFL quarterback talking on that too much
Starting point is 01:38:57 until we see some of that money. All right? Let them know. Fuckers Who else? Who else sells more L1s? Who? They have no idea
Starting point is 01:39:11 They have no idea Too many Zoom calls And the ones that do know aren't humble enough to admit it No, it's alright I know, I know, it is alright Sevan, are you going to wear that fancy Gaines... Oh, Jeffrey Birchfield, are you going to wear that fancy Gaines box Christmas sweater from last year? You know what's crazy, Jeff, is how much I like that sweater.
Starting point is 01:39:33 It's bizarre. It is bizarre. Is he right? Is he? Oh, yeah, yeah. That's it. Oh, good call I know you're getting ready So yeah Should I call the pilot
Starting point is 01:39:57 Yeah hey Pired up Hey Good morning Hi babe We have to be at the airport at 1030 Hired up. Hey. Good morning. Hi, babe. Hi. We'll be at the airport at 1030.
Starting point is 01:40:10 The pilot just texted me. Oh, that's awesome. Okay. All right. Thanks for the update. Okay. I'm going to hang out with Sousa for like 10 more minutes, and then I'll come in. Okay, have fun. You got a ribeye for me?
Starting point is 01:40:30 I got a ribeye. All all right thank you yeah okay bye you're welcome okay all right bye bye bye oh say hi to matt hi matt hi hi tell that dog to be quiet is that our dog stop that's your dog yeah is jackson here not yet okay you can tell him he can come a little late tell me come at 10 now at 10 yeah okay okay bye i'll do that okay bye uh i just got a text from Rich Froning. Interesting. Oh. Oh, shit. The Bear video is coming out tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:41:13 They've adjusted their schedule. Okay, so you'll have two days to watch it before Rich comes on. Oh, no. It's coming out today. Okay, so today, then Wednesday. Yeah, two days still. But we'll still get them. I'm fine with that. Yeah, two days still. But we'll still get them. I'm fine with that.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Yeah. Let's see. Mayhem. I spelled mayhem wrong. Mayhem. Oh, it's out. Oh, it's premiering right now. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Oh. Oh, shit. It starts in two minutes. Oh, it's got the countdown going? Yeah. Oh, unless I'm... Oh, no, It starts in two minutes. Oh, it's got the countdown going? Yeah. Oh, unless I'm... Oh, no, it's already going. Oh, you were behind? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Struck him down the hill. Probably... I don't even know. I don't know how long it took. I don't know how many feet we went Phil came up first. He looks tuckered. Mm-hmm I don't see anything negative Oh unfollow Yeah Unfa um Yeah Bye Felicia
Starting point is 01:42:28 You bring that one back I need to say something about your spelling About the person's spelling Hey that's just like angry typing, right? Yeah. That motherfucker. Look at this chick just with her thong bent over. It makes me want to watch you again and again.
Starting point is 01:42:57 That's a lot, right? Give it a fucking thumbs up. That's a lot of thumbs up. Give myself a thumbs up. That's a body of thumbs up. Give myself a thumbs up. On the Illuminati text thread, sometimes people
Starting point is 01:43:18 think it's funny when I laugh at my own post because I'll type something out and then I'll put ha ha ha on top of it, but I do laugh at my own shit sometimes. I'll text something and I'll I'll put ha ha ha on top of it. I do laugh at my own shit sometimes. I'll text something and I'll start laughing. Yeah, it's good. That's how you know it's a good post. Yeah. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Hey, is Tyson still on? No, no. Fuck, you missed it. Damn. Did you have someone who had a stroke in your family or anything good like that? Oh, no. No no that was a pretty cool story though that Tyson man
Starting point is 01:43:47 just touching people's lives and he not know it yeah that is but no I was just gonna say hi man talk to an NFL quarterback yeah
Starting point is 01:43:56 pretty cool yeah smart alright well he'll be on again I'll put the phone number up again yeah but no yeah
Starting point is 01:44:03 I was just savvy I didn't realize this I've been watching your podcast for a couple months now yeah I'll put the phone number up again. Yeah. But now, yeah, I was just savvy. I didn't realize this. I've been watching your podcast for a couple of months now. Yeah. But I've become a big fan, dude. Oh, good. It would be awesome if we could put on just one new listener every single day.
Starting point is 01:44:18 How did you get turned on to it? Through CrossFit. Oh, through all the yeah crossfit does for me yeah right no like of course at work man i i watch youtube all the time so it's it's podcasts all day every day um but i've seen you've had josh on and rich and all them just just listen to that man just pretty cool all right awesome hey i appreciate it uh spread spread the word make me rich oh yes all right yeah no yeah i wish i could find ninety thousand dollars youtube just had out for me you know god crazy crazy yeah that's wild but no biggest thing man i just want
Starting point is 01:45:02 to give tyson a thumbs up for being a real You know, being the level he's at and just staying real to who he is. Yeah, pretty cool. Yeah, crazy conviction. I'm stealing that word. He said that about himself one time. I said something, he goes, I just have conviction. And I was like, ooh, I'm going to start using that word. I like that word.
Starting point is 01:45:21 He has conviction. Like, I kind of have some conviction around my ribeye right now. Yeah. Day three. Yeah. No, that's my son just finished up his, uh,
Starting point is 01:45:34 freshman year of football. Um, he was a starting quarterback for the varsity team. You know, I got on Tyson. Yeah. I got on Tyson a few weeks ago when you had him on. And I was like, dude, my son's name's Jackson.
Starting point is 01:45:48 I was like, dude, let's let's check out Tyson. He does CrossFit, all that. And, you know, we're into that. And so, you know, we've been keeping up with him. So, you know, definitely wish him the best. Hey, it's so funny, right? I mean, I'm an old man now, but, but it still sounds so funny. Like, Hey, what's your secret to success? Well, I just work hard and I didn't do drugs.
Starting point is 01:46:11 I didn't drink after school. You're like, fuck recipe hasn't changed. And you know, I call a little bit of Tyson while ago when he asked that, or once, I guess somebody asked, you know, what's key to success, man. A lot of these kids don't I called a little bit of Tyson while ago when he asked that. I guess somebody asked, you know, what's the key to success? Man, a lot of these kids don't want to work hard. Like you said, they want this one-hit wonder, and I'm there. They don't see all the hard work that goes behind that success that these NFL guys have done. Hey, that was a – I had forgotten that phenomenon that you just mentioned about hard work.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Isn't cool. And, um, yeah, it's so crazy. My kids, my kids are still young, but they don't know that yet.
Starting point is 01:46:55 You know what I mean? They're not embarrassed to work hard. They're they like, they love, um, they love all that shit. They, they still like working hard,
Starting point is 01:47:03 but, but that is a true phenomenon. Like somehow it's embarrassing if you have to work hard for something you know it's crazy too that's one of those things that no one ever actually thinks um you could wear you could wear an ugly dress and you could think it's ugly and other people could think it's ugly right or some people could think it's cool but you're not sure people have different opinions but nobody besides the person who's embarrassed that they're working hard thinks it's hard like no one on the outside like that guy's a tool for working hard no one ever thinks that everyone's like oh that dude can dance and he's
Starting point is 01:47:32 out there showing his shit yeah yeah it's crazy yeah we're such that's what insecurity such a weird phenomenon of being a human being isn't it oh big time dude that's what i've told my son you know at 14 starting varsity i was like dude you're gonna have so many haters for you and like he did he has worked so hard to be at that position and uh i was like man just go out there and do your thing don't don't listen to the crowd so do you go out there and show them what you can do and at the end of the day you know you be you and be true and you know it's it paid off and he erases and he erases his social media app from his phone it's like yeah dude no duh that i
Starting point is 01:48:13 mean it's all just simple shit but he cracked the code on it that's it man this especially at tyson's level man you can't listen to the outside. Right. No way. All right. But, man, yeah. I want to call in. Love the show, dude. I'll try to catch Tyson next week. Okay. Congrats on the sun, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:37 All right, man. I just said he set two freshman state records. Damn. What state? Arkansas. Damn. Yep. Pass state? Arkansas. Damn. Yep. Passing yards and passing touchdowns in a season.
Starting point is 01:48:50 Crazy. What's his name? Jackson Benton. Jackson Benton. Awesome. All right. Denton. D-E-N-T-O-N.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Denton. Yep. Sounds like a gunslinger. He was, man. He was. Check him out on Twitter out on twitter all right dude thank you hey thanks tyson you're welcome uh yeah i've been embarrassed to work on the jujitsu dummy before and after class I have to get over it yeah how you work on the dummy
Starting point is 01:49:28 how you working on that dummy Heidi um alright anything else nope that's it I'm gonna go pack I have to pack all this bunch of my podcast shit
Starting point is 01:49:45 the mobile podcast set um i got nothing do you have all your stuff packed ready no you scramble scramble a little bit i gotta remember to bring this phone too yeah i'm just looking around seeing what else i need to bring you should get like a checklist when you travel with the stuff okay jay oh that wasn't nice evie that wasn't nice hey i didn't even really i didn't even really unpack from last time packing ribeyes i'm not packing ribeyes i'm a little concerned on what's gonna happen here i'm gonna i'm gonna eat one now and then i don't know what's gonna happen uh
Starting point is 01:50:37 oh that's gonna be the hard part no no i'm speaking to that diet i'm pretty crazy about packing i would actually pack for her i pack for the boys about packing. I would actually pack for her. I pack for the boys. I pack for myself. I would pack for her if she let me. I have some issues like that. No, I don't put my underwear. Jake Chapman, do you put your underwear in your shoes now?
Starting point is 01:51:05 Hold on. I have this one more comment. Jake Chapman, do you put your underwear in your shoes now? Hold on. I have this one more comment. Oh, this one right here. It was about the L3. Sousa, have you done the L3 test, level three CrossFit test, or know anyone who skipped the L1 and L2 and went straight to the L3? I don't. Oh, because I think you can actually do that if you have other certifications, um,
Starting point is 01:51:26 that you've kept up on and that you've worked on, but no, I don't know anybody who's done that. And I have not done the L3 test. I have not. I kept telling myself I was going to also, I think you have to go to like a testing center for that and put an application and then you have to get somebody that signs off on all your stuff that you met all the prerequisites but no i haven't taken that actually so remember i told you i have to go get my l2 you have to go this weekend well i mean if you don't your insurance won't come up and the worst thing that's going to happen to you you'll get a letter saying hey can you do it yeah yeah but all of them i don't want to i don't, your insurance won't come up. And the worst thing that's going to happen to you is you'll get a letter saying, hey, can you do it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Yeah. But all of them, I don't want to travel for. So there's one this weekend in Sacramento. And then there's not one. Are you doing it? So you're going to go do it? I think I have to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:20 I so would fucking love. What weekend are you doing it? I wonder if you went if i could go and film it well you'll be in scottsdale i know but i wonder if you didn't do that one i should ask dave hey if suza does this l2 can i tag along and film it well that would be awesome and then that would be crazy awesome ask him if i could get a little leeway on the exploration a little bit but yeah i um yeah i just figured I'd get this one because all the other ones that are – I just don't have anything near me within the next couple of months. You know what's crazy too?
Starting point is 01:52:54 It kind of sucks. I didn't think – but now they don't even have to do as much marketing for the – I mean I don't know what marketing they did anyway. They don't have to do any advertising or showcasing of the level two because now everyone has to take it. Yeah, but they still should. Yeah, I agree. Do you believe that 50% – Well, they say 50% of affiliate owners have their L2,
Starting point is 01:53:17 but I bet you less than 5% of the people who've taken the L1 take the L2. You're probably right. Yeah. I mean, they should be selling all the L1 take the L2. You're probably right. Yeah. I mean, they should be selling all the L1 and L2 like crazy. Should be advertising that like crazy, whether you're into CrossFit or not. I remember when I first got my L1, they were like,
Starting point is 01:53:35 how many people in here have done CrossFit before? And like, you know, like 40% or so of the room, or excuse me, how many people have never done CrossFit before? And about 30-40% of the room raised their hand. They're like, no, I'm in room, um, or excuse me, how many people have never done CrossFit before? And about 30, 40% of the room raised their hand. They're like, no, I I'm in personal training space or I do this and I really want to get the certification. I've heard a lot about it and everything else. I wonder now what that is. Wait, is this your
Starting point is 01:54:05 yeah your account yeah I just while you were talking about it I was going to go to the CrossFit training page seven we've we've suspended your account you have 180 days left to appeal or will permanently disable your account fuck
Starting point is 01:54:22 we what your account activity on it doesn't follow our community guidelines or account integrity and authentic identity what how we made this decision dude
Starting point is 01:54:38 our technology found your account or activity on it doesn't follow our rules as a result a member of our team took action We use the same rules around the world and for everyone on Instagram, well, that's a lie that's a Shit and the fact checkers determined that's a lie Wow That was the only thing I had more than
Starting point is 01:55:06 of Hiller that's crazy that is great oh yeah shit so all my DMs are toast that sucks wow you know it's crazy? Okay. Appeal.
Starting point is 01:55:32 P-Q-X-Y-Q-N. I have to... Email. S-E-V-A-N-M-A-a-t no jeffrey that's not the original account that's his current account account number two yeah my other account's toast they sent it it's crazy just to appeal I have to jump through all these damn that's crazy
Starting point is 01:56:11 right yeah I wonder what I wonder what what the straw was that broke the camel's back damn you got to enter in a lot of shit before you even get to the appeals process. Oh, the 163-562-163-562-163-562. I've had to – they had to send a special code to my email, to my phone number.
Starting point is 01:56:45 I had to punch in the numbers that I saw on the screen that were written all squiggly. Oh, we're reviewing your info. Oh, okay. Wow. I guess I should take a picture of all this shit. crazy dude damn damn damn damn damn
Starting point is 01:57:21 oh did you... So are we going to find a time to have Fern on? Yeah. We'll do them next weekend. Crazy. Because I won't be doing the other one at that date, at the 16th. It was in another spot down south,
Starting point is 01:57:39 close to Santa Barbara. And then when I went back to go register for that one, I guess it was sold out because it was gone. That's another thing. Here's another deal. When you guys have those shirts on there and they're sold out, they should stay on there and they should stay sold out. Why do they not? No, like at least this one, I don't know. Maybe it wasn't sold out. Maybe they had to take it off for other reasons I don't know about. But if, if I didn't see any that said sold out, I don't know, maybe it wasn't sold out. Maybe they had to take it off for other reasons I don't know about. But I didn't see any that said sold out.
Starting point is 01:58:07 I remember going back in the day, and you would scroll through, and it would be like sold out, sold out, or registration closed, or whatever it was. And that always created that tension of like, oh, these are selling out fast, or a bunch of people are attending these. I need to sign up. You should definitely keep that. Yeah, they don't have that anymore.
Starting point is 01:58:24 I just think that they're just not selling out fast anymore that could be the issue at least i didn't see it i could be wrong maybe it's still on there and they just don't sell out as quickly but it didn't look like it i think the one i was going to go to is in like i forget the name do i care that my account, you know what sucks about my account getting fucked is just all the shit I had with my kids up there. Yeah. Damn. It does suck.
Starting point is 01:58:57 Well, I have another. For those of you who give a shit, I just launched another account. Yeah, CaveDash. That's it. Exactly. I have another account. It's a log out.
Starting point is 01:59:17 I don't want to log out. So on Insta. Yeah, I guess I can't even get on Instagram at all now. I don't know what's going on. All right. I was't know what's going on. All right. I was going to show this. I wonder if I can still pull stuff up from Instagram.
Starting point is 01:59:35 So I can't even get on Instagram now. Wow. Because I have like five other accounts. Don't share them all on here if you don't want to. No, everyone knows them already, I think. Okay. Let me see. Indicate says their technology was offended.
Starting point is 01:59:56 Yeah, it's crazy that it says their technology. Something went wrong. Oh, we're reviewing your info. If we can't, your account will be permanently disabled. If we can confirm your info, you'll be able to use Instagram again. So now it says, we're reviewing your info. It usually takes us
Starting point is 02:00:21 around a day. I didn't even get to appeal anything. I didn't get to type anything out like what my appeal was. It just says, we're reviewing usually takes us around a day. I didn't even get to appeal. Like I didn't get to type anything out. Like what my appeal was. It just says we're reviewing your info. It usually takes us around a day. We'll notify you when the review is finished. If we can confirm your info,
Starting point is 02:00:36 you'll be able to use this Instagram again. If we can't, your account will be permanently disabled. What do you mean confirm my info? It made it sound like you weren't a real person or something like that. Yeah. it made it sound like you weren't a real person or something like that yeah hey just that comment that i brought up when tyson on the show uh davis mills i wonder if that was actually davis mills who's davis mills he's a a quarter the quarterback for the uh houston texans oh what did he say did i read it no i i like threw it up there for a second but
Starting point is 02:01:06 it just said he was just commenting on his hair oh how did you know how did you know it was a quarterback well i just saw the helmet oh i saw that too i was like i wonder if that's legit or something else so i just like threw the name in there and it popped up and he's 25 years old houston texas quarterback but he had a 49er helmet on in that thing. So maybe it just was a coincidence of the name. But damn it. It looked like that might have been him. If I was more confident that it was,
Starting point is 02:01:37 I would have like made a big deal of it, but I don't want to do that. Jake Chapman, this show is like an orgy where no women have shown up so it's just a load of lads sitting around talking and waiting disgusting sounds like the high school parties
Starting point is 02:01:52 who called the girls they're coming they're not coming alright another account down oh he isn't playing on either of those teams? Okay. Maybe I had that all wrong. Christian said he isn't playing on either of those teams. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Okay. Um... I'm looking at the Illati thread someone wrote god this is everyone pour one out for seven rins the gone again did you see that one right above that yeah but the someone's already from crossfit is reposted um see and dan said they weren't listening man he really is like he really is a hardcore crossfitter is he hey it's kind of good i was gonna rip on that um i was gonna i was gonna pull up the post there's there's some country manager out there who's like um i'm here for everyone to make appointments with come make an appointment with me and now he has a post up saying my calendar's
Starting point is 02:03:09 full so now he's like a group zoom call come on douche uh all right cool what's up good morning good morning buddy good morning buddy yeah i thought about going to the Scottsdale one, but I just don't want to spend money on having to fly out somewhere. Sacramento's close enough that I would just drive and get a hotel room for one night. Catch a flight with me? Oh, yeah. So my account is gone.
Starting point is 02:03:35 It says no post yet. Someone sent me a screenshot of it. Yeah, I saw that too. I got douched. Crazy. All right. Looshed. Crazy. Alright. It doesn't matter. Alright guys.
Starting point is 02:03:53 I'll see you tomorrow. Greg Glassman on tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's going to be a little weird. I'm switching time zones. I'm switching locations. And then Rich Froning the next day. Make sure. Oh.
Starting point is 02:04:04 There was one more thing I was thinking about. Maybe I shouldn't say this yet. I don't know who I should promote anymore and who I shouldn't. I'm kind of, I kind of reached my wits end. Putting energy into D bags. Oh, I don't even see it. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Oh, yeah, I don't see it. Okay. Hmm. All right, guys. No, I can't say it because I don't see it yet. I thought there was something online that I had heard about, but I don't see it. All right. heard about but I don't see it alright talk to you guys soon I get it someone I'm a DB
Starting point is 02:05:19 I've made peace with it what's a DB anyone can tell me what a DB is a DB douchebag douchebag double barreled double barrel douche
Starting point is 02:05:37 oh no no I don't think you're a douchebag weird as fuck but not a douchebag alright see you there Cave I don't think you're a douchebag. Weird as fuck, but not a douchebag. All right. See you there, Cave. I don't know how anyone's going to get in touch with me.
Starting point is 02:05:52 If you don't have my phone number, you're kind of fucked. Defensive back? Dumbbell? No, good guy would be GG. He's a GG helping. No, he's a DB. Bye, Jeffrey. Bye-bye.

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