The Sevan Podcast - Uldis Upenieks | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 29, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 Open next. Yes. Next. Oldest open next. Yes. yes yes sounds good yeah good alright shit from Latvia yes awesome wow
Starting point is 00:01:19 crazy I've never been there yeah few people know where it is I looked on a map so i could act cool by the baltic sea yes and it looks beautiful hey is that good water all the pictures you show it looks like it's the best water in the world uh the beach is really nice uh the coastline the beach is like sandy yeah and uh yeah beautiful beach and is the water cold or warm or cold in summer you can swim like three months four months but then it's like cold and uh in winter it's really cold icy or even frozen oh no well in some of these pictures it looks like i mean look how clean this
Starting point is 00:02:07 water is what is this um what this looks unreal oh no this is in uh this is in malta oh that's not in latvia oh where's malta is that ukraine where's malta? Malta is like small island below Italy. Oh, is that its own country? Yes, that's super small country. All right. Am I getting torn up in the comments for asking that? Let me see what's going on here. Already, let's just get this out of the way.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Do you know Arnold Schwarzenegger, Uldis? I know, yes. Yeah, and he had this movie called predator yeah and there's a scene where he says get to the choppa yeah do you think you could say that for me the the the the listeners are clamoring in the chat they're saying hey can we get them to say uh get to the choppa get to the choppa get to the that's good that's good i'll take it uh golf fox trot yankee latvia is bordered by estonia to the north lithuania to the south russia to the east belarus to the southeast and shares a maritime border with sweden to the west yes wikipedia he copied and pasted he's a good dude for all of us it sounds like
Starting point is 00:03:36 uh how many people call you oldest instead of all this Like In CrossFit games or like in crossfit games just like strangers like knuckleheads like me There's like a lot of different variations like they spell who like you Then it's a you this well Then it's Yuldis. Oh. Yuldis.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Like Yuldis. Yuldis. And some other like, or Oldis, like O. Oh, Oldis. Yuldis, Yuldis. It's a great name. What's it mean? It means nothing.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's a Latin name. What's it mean? It means nothing. It's a Latin name. Just like Tom? Basically. And then you have the same first letter. The first letter of your first name is the first letter of your last name. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, that is nice. Do you have siblings and your parents did that with all of them?
Starting point is 00:04:40 You all start with you? No. No. No, no. You know how parents do that do you have siblings yes i have older brother and younger sister what are their names amanda and klaus what you got oldest and they got amanda and klaus those aren't latvian names are they no? No, Klaus is Latvian. Oh, it is? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:05:07 It's K, L, like A, but like Latvian, long A. Okay. V, S. Okay, okay, okay. Because I have a buddy who's German, from Germany, and his name is Klaus. Maybe Klops, like a little bit different, maybe. Oh, here we go. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Wow. You are good, Caleb. Conjugate to German, Klaus. Klaus. Klaus. Yes. Klaus. How old are you?
Starting point is 00:05:40 25. Oh, you're young. Kind of young. Are you in the States now? Are you in Cookville? Yes, in Cookville. Is that a hotel room? Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And how long have you been there? When did you get there? Since 14 or 15, July. Oh, okay. So two weeks. Yes. Tell me about that. Why the, tell me about the decision to come to,
Starting point is 00:06:14 obviously you're a Mayhem athlete, but tell me about the decision to come two weeks early to Cookville to train. And did you, had you been training previously in Latvia? Yes, I was training in Latvia. But last year, first, when I decided I came to the States, and last year was perfect for me, like preparation here in Cookville. So I decided I will do the same this year.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Because in 19 and 20 games, I went to games only like three days before and of course I was like messed up all the days with like jet lag because we have eight hour like difference this is your fourth games yes wow congratulations yeah would be five but uh i didn't qualify i guess for the top 20 in covid year okay what what did what did you qualify were you in the top 40 i don't i don't know what was that year i needed to be top 20 or top 40 i don't remember actually but they anyways took only five people to the games. Yeah, that's weird So I wonder I think I was asked Emily Rolfe I said do you count it if you're in the top 20 and she said I count it
Starting point is 00:07:33 Or else only five people get to say they went to the games that year Yeah, or five five men and five women How are you doing you feel good you all fired up yeah i feel healthy everything is good training going good and uh yes i'm already in like this time zone feeling yeah feeling feeling good no injuries everything is fine and now just tapering less less volume still a lot of training but less volume just who's your direct coach over there um like closest to me is uh jake uh lockhart yeah i had him on the show that's the the guy. That's the programmer guy. Yes. But, like, overall, like, this season, I don't have, like, one-to-one coach.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Basically, I follow, like, Mayhem Compete program, and then I do for myself, like, extra, like, what is my weakness, like, off-season weightlifting training like separate from mayhem but yeah usually the base is mayhem and and you you had an instagram post in 2015 that's nine years ago yes and you strict pull-ups yeah and um how much do you weigh here um around 70 to 75 kg so basically around 150 okay and if you put on three pounds of muscle every year for nine years that would be 27 pounds how much do you weigh now 180 185 to 190 okay so that's about what that is is that what you did you put on it have you just been just is it just been training like mad for nine years um it was before that even, like I was doing, as you can see, pull-up bar. I did like how it's called like street workout or calisthenics, you know. It's not like professional gymnastics or anything like that. I did before like street workout, just going out, doing strict pull-ups, dips, strict muscle-ups, like push-ups, doing tricks on the pull-up bar.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I was even like in our hometown, we were even performing and doing like performances, you know, holding like front lever, if you know what is back lever. Yeah, yeah. like all that stuff and that's in those times my PR was I think 35 strict pull-ups and Yeah, basically I did everything what I wanted to do in that sport There was also competitions, local competitions,
Starting point is 00:10:45 like Latvian championships in street workout, you know. We needed to do, like, similar to basically, like, one is, like, crossfit workout, then it's, like, freestyle competition and something like that. But then it got, like, boring. got like boring yeah this is like press to hand stand and uh i think there will be also like straddle planche i will at least try to hold yeah this is like straddle planche that's way back And you're 21 here?
Starting point is 00:11:27 I think around 18, 19. 18, 19. Hey, sorry, hold on one second. Extra slop, behind the scenes fund. Well, thank you. That's very kind of you. Thank you. About that weight, yeah. I did like, you know, I saw what is CrossFit and I was like, I need to decide to keep like doing that street workout or to get like all in into CrossFit because all in into CrossFit for me means I need to start lifting weights.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I need to actually do like weightlifting and gain some weight because I couldn't lift like Nothing pretty much because I was only like 150 pounds. So first year when I decided To go all in and cross it. I just my goal was to gain weight So I gained like 10 kg. So basically it's almost 20 pounds in one year and Then next two years again it's like five kilos more and that's it oh okay and now i know the last three years it's like similar two to three kg up and down and it's interesting you say that so in when you were 18, also that sport, like the stuff on the bars and the gymnastics, you're actually trying to be as strong as you can and as light as you can at the same time. Right. You're trying to get your strength to body weight ratio like insane. Right. You don't want like a bunch of weight in your ass because you're going to be doing pull ups and planches and things like that. Right. There's no no yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right. All right Look back this yeah in that time only few cross sitters who were gymnasts could do that, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:13:18 You still got that move right there. I think I can couple tries I can get Because no no cross sitters for games are still trying L-sit to handstand, like in parallel bars. So it's pretty similar. Hey, you have a lot of different looks. Did you know that? I watched an interview of you in the morning chalk up from last year, and you have the hat on and you have the little glasses.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Oh, yeah. And you remind me all you needed was those little – those long hair here, and you reminded me of one of the Orthodox Jews in New York City. Have you ever been to New York City? They'll be in the jewelry district or the – Never been there. Oh, yeah. You have so – and it's crazy how long young you look in that video with her you look like you were like like a 50 year old man you look like me and now you look like a kid again yeah i was wearing glasses till till this year i didASIK this this winter. So
Starting point is 00:14:26 I'm good. Are you glad you did that? Oh, yes, because on the competitions in the games I was wearing lenses And like contacts. Yeah, and some sometimes they messes up, you know when you jump into the water or you're Hit your face with the wall ball or something, they can fall out. Hey, you weren't scared they would mess it up? Oh, yeah. I was in some events and, you know, if they fall out because I had like minus 3 or minus 3.2,
Starting point is 00:14:59 so that's basically, that's bad, you know. You can't play like sports like comfortable without without glasses but when they did the Lasix you weren't afraid they were gonna mess up cut something shoot the laser wrong of course there's like some pressure and also when you when you know and ask some people who has done it how it looks and when when doctor like explains you and it was also just mentally the hardest to do it you know but actually there's no pain at all but to imagine when they cut your eyes like one layer they take it like uh to sideways and then they burn the eye and that smells like you know burning like pig or something oh you you could smell it yeah that's that's actually the worst feeling for everybody who like like does it you know wow and then and then 24 hours later
Starting point is 00:16:03 you can see perfect and you're like wow i can see yeah basically i stood up and she was uh the girl was asking can i see the clock and it was kind of blurry but i could see it perfectly already uh in in latvia do you guys have shopping carts yes yeah you guys use shopping carts and um. Yeah, you guys use shopping carts? And when you're done with your shopping cart, what do you do with it? Like if you go to the grocery store and you get stuff and you put it in? We can do the same. We can leave it in those parking, where there's parking and there's special places for carts.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah, yeah. But we often also use the just um the basket the basket yeah i always use i always use a cart because i have a lot of money so i buy lots of stuff i just buy lots and just so much stuff so all sorts of stuff cart is easier than carrying all the stuff and i'm not as strong as you um do you ever if you use your cart and you go to your car do you ever just like take your cart and just put it up on the curb so it's out of the way instead of taking it back to the uh proper location no no i i take it back i hate those i hate those people who leave them just or goes home with them. Okay. Well, I want to tell you something.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I think that you're going to learn to like me, and sometimes I will put it up on the curb. I think you can leave it on the curb. Oh, no. I already know. You said you hate those people. I'm one of those people. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:17:41 There's a difference. Okay. All right. Let's hear it. If it's in states, you know, yeah sometimes you use money and A lot of people are like, I don't know Broke people are trying to collect those carts and and hold them back to collect money So then you can give the car to them. Oh
Starting point is 00:18:02 For employment. I like that. Yeah. Okay. There we go. There we go. Look at Frenchie. All of these Europeans are becoming my favorites. I know. Aren't they great?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Savant, it's okay to be wrong as long as you can admit it. Yeah. You guys. You guys. it you guys you guys it reminds me of um it reminds me of uh uh shakers you know what shakers are yeah you put the powder in there and uh people feel obligated to use a shaker but i think only people who should be using shakers are professional athletes like if you're just like some sort of ding dong at home just put your powder into the cup use a spoon circle it around and drink it you're not a professional athlete you don't need a shaker quit trying to act like one you're not oldest upenex but still it depends what are you
Starting point is 00:19:02 mixing some some powders mix well, some doesn't. I agree. I agree. I agree. You're right. You're right. If it's practical, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:19:11 There's this protein powder I had one time that even with a shaker, you couldn't. Yeah. There is some. Okay. Very well said. Do you use supplements? Do you use creatine or pre-workout or that stuff? What do you use?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Yes, I don't drink coffee at all. That's why I drink at least pre-workout. No coffee? Not at all. Oh, your teeth must be white. Because my goal is to not even drink coffee or even try it i have tried it but i know if i will try like one week i will start to like it anyways and i will get addicted like everyone so i just i just keep myself away from that because i see everyone is just craving for
Starting point is 00:20:01 coffee each morning i just drink per workout and go to gym not coffee shop and do you see that as a weakness in those people I see it as a weakness mmm I don't know it's for some for some it's ritual you know for some it's I don't know it's just not my thing for me it feels like it would be like I don't know too much like in the morning I'm I'm just like to wake up and go to gym yeah what do you have a supplement sponsor yes it's a local supplement store in Latvia through fit my friend TrueFit. My friend owns the company, so they're supporting me like that. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Do you have a day job, Uldis? No. Sometimes I help for them in supplement company, in storage, like with orders or just incoming supplements. So you're a full-time CrossFitter Basically, yeah Wow, congratulations The argue I do some private clients, but only a few Um do in in the States or back home also back home In States, I'm only here before games.
Starting point is 00:21:26 No, like second year. And then if there is like those big competitions, Rogue or Miami, then I'm in States. Otherwise, I'm just in Latvia. I saw this video of you on Instagram. On Instagram, you did 347-pound. No, sorry. 374-pound deadlift for 22 reps. Yes, that's from Rogue Ski Deadlift Challenge, I think it was called.
Starting point is 00:22:01 This is crazy. I was like, you know, it's my jam. And the skier wasn't affecting the result so much. The deadlift basically was the main score. I like this guy's reaction, Dimitri. Fuck, what? Yes. That's what I thought. I thought the opposite, Uldis.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I thought, what, fuck? Mine was the opposite of that. Because I was also thinking I will get like 15 for sure, but I wasn't thinking I will get more than 20. And then looking back or looking who won the event, I just needed to go more aggressive from beginning because I could deadlift, but I could not hold the bar in the end I couldn't just hold my one arm my grip was like toasted because you couldn't use like any like uh
Starting point is 00:22:53 gymnastic grips or straps just simple uh little chalk and that's it oh yeah you look down at your right hand there. Hey, how many how many reps did the guy get who won I? Think 29 or I think 29 But there was weight category So he was 5 kilos lighter than me and he needed to lift 10 kg less than me because it's two times your body weight Okay. Wow, that's two times your body weight okay wow that's two times your body weight so with uh 160 i would for sure go over 30 reps wow wow and and also what you're saying is if i hear you right uh uh well this is that if you would have done them a little bit faster you think you could have got up to 29
Starting point is 00:23:43 that you because you did them slow your grip blew out or I don't know 29 maybe 25. Okay. Okay. Yeah because Or I could maybe cut wait, you know But that that was not the point that was just for fun one go and let's see How I stack up, you know, and I got the third place in that challenge Were you sorry you're after this or your hamstring sore the next day yeah, actually we were wondering about that and We did like three guys and everyone was fine. Just after the when you put down the barbell it feels like
Starting point is 00:24:28 when you put down the barbell it feels like uh your back is full and will be sore but now from one one set it was fine and what did you do to warm up for that what do you do to warm up just a few deadlifts like build up to that weight and then go we did some weightlifting before that so we were warm and I think I did 140 kg few reps 160 and then with this weight I did three or five reps Rested and then I needed to do 2k ski before that and then only only one attempt This I was hoping to win it because the rogue was giving 1k Yeah, one skier gone one barbell, but still I got a good barbell for third place. Oh you did. Oh nice It's still fine. And they mailed it to Latvia Yes, they actually they wanted to send like power lifter bar when the middle is you know
Starting point is 00:25:26 like rough so I asked it I need like cross it barbell so they change it like the cross it barbell without the middle and they sent it and Sent it pretty fast because they sent it from Rogue has like two storages. I think one belgium and one in finland so the shipping is like three days oh that is nice yeah they're shipping from europe storages and then do you send a uh direct message to bill and katie and thank them dear bill and katie i don't know i'm oldest open do you know who bill and kat are? No. Oh, they own Rogue.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah. I just emailed them back. Thank you. Oh, that's nice. Okay. Changing, you know, the barbell. Because that barbell they sent, it will be useful. And I will use it for sure.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Let me show you. I want to show you Bill Henninger's Instagram account. Because if you're a games athlete, you've got to follow him and search for clues. Maybe I have seen him. Maybe, yeah. Can you pull him up? Oh, there you go, Mr. Beaver. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:26:38 This one. Do you follow this guy? No. I have seen the last post somewhere. I don't know maybe someone share it Yeah, people you gotta follow this guy so you can watch and see if you can get any clues of what's going on Look, I think that was a truck first truck in route to the CrossFit Games 15 years on the job. Wow I saw I saw this one. Yes Usually the clues are when they post like new items in rogue store. Oh, there you go that too
Starting point is 00:27:11 Hey, um, who this are you pretty happy with Adrian being the programmer you seem like you are very capable of adapting to new things adapting to new things? Kind of, yes. I'm better when I don't know the task, you know, just go out and do it. Because I'm my own coach also on the field. I don't need to go to ask somebody.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And the last year's games, there was like some, you know, events I was like not happy about the programming. Like to do 50 unbroken single-unders, that's just pure luck. And I couldn't do like from 10 attempts, I did only one attempt unbroken in warm-up. I went out and I did unbroken and Whatever I I qualified for next round but in next round I think I stepped on the line for Hanson walk and didn't make the final so It was just unlucky event for me lucky and unlucky
Starting point is 00:28:21 So you're saying that the precision on? the execution interferes with the ability to choose the fittest that there was too much bias on precision and execution to choose yes in that even there okay too much luck factor you know yes as you can see like to me also didn't qualify after first round, right? So she got I think the same place as me 21 in that workout But the next one was my stuff like race to handstand strict pegboard And I could not show myself in that you know, and you would have killed that
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yes Yeah, interesting interesting interesting. I wonder if go ahead in games just sometimes that happens you know when you also get cut i know how it feels because in those first games i wasn't so fit and i got cut at 2019 games just i got 30 first place and i got cut before top 30 and at 20 i think i got cut but before top 20 so this year i want to just finish it last last year it wasn't cut so i finished it till the end yeah you can see 21st so this year i have task to do to get into top 20 and finish till the end. Uldis, when you got cut in 2019, you said you were one place out? Yes, 31st.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Did you get angry or do you cry? Are you sad? Like when you go back to the locker room, when you go back to the athlete village? I remember I was just like, it's done. And it is how it is. And of course, there was like, you know, so many events. After that, I was like, oh, damn, this is good for me. This is good for me, you know.
Starting point is 00:30:21 But it was like first games. I think I only did four or five events before that cut and that's it do you have a girlfriend yes is she here with you no she's home will she come watch no uh she she's home with kid and uh oh you have one of those too? I'm like stepdad. Yeah. How old is the kid? Eight years old. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And it's really like expensive also to come to games just to watch, you know. And sometimes it's easier even to watch at the screen. Yeah. So you're all alone. Basically, yeah. This. I am completely alone. Not no one is coming even to watch from Latvia. So Everyone is watching home. Yeah, and only like seven people in the audience will even know Latvia is a country Mmm, I don't know. I Know that all the Europe you're, you're right. They'll know.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Europe people know, sir, it's Latvia. Because Americans doesn't know, like, where is, like... They think Latvia is, like, just right by Florida. No, they will say it's, like, state of Russia. Right, right. Hey, how is Latvia? Is it safe with all the shit going on between russia and ukraine are you guys cool in a safe spot we are pretty safe we are like
Starting point is 00:31:50 in europe in nato so basically we are as safe as every country in europe okay uh eric h says uh don't worry all this us europeans got you thank you eric good um is is it is there a loneliness or do you or do you enjoy this time like you come over here you go to cookville you're all alone you're training is there a loneliness piece last last year i was also alone like a whole month and just i think month is the like perfect amount of time to not be lonely and right you know that's but if I would like come to cook will to train alone like for half year then I guess I would be but I'm used I'm used to be like alone in competitions and for me it's like easy I don't think too much and when I came to cook willville, I'm just really happy to be here,
Starting point is 00:32:46 to be in the States, to drive around Cookville, to see something different, to train, because there are always people to train with. People are changing. There are full of games athletes. You can train in CrossFit Mayhem, CrossFit Mayhem athlete gym, or Rich's barn. There is swimming pools, running track, everything games athletes need. And you come there for business.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You have stuff to do. Yeah, I know. I will come for two weeks, just eat, sleep, train, and nothing else, you know. Have you made any friends there? Have you made friends, like people you consider your friends, like people you'd hang out with? Yes, I start to, like, communicate more and more because I was here last year, but it felt so fast.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I know it's, like, New New Year and I'm again here and you know you start to feel like you know this place you know more and more people you just talk with more and more people still two weeks goes so fast because sometimes you just get to train with some people two times, three times, and that's all. You go to games, you know. And they bust people's chops at Mayhem a lot. They joke around. They have a lot of fun there.
Starting point is 00:34:15 And so do they do that with you? Are you in that circle where they joke around, people mess with you, they treat you like one of the boys your second year there? Anyone? I don't know. Maybe games. Everyone is more serious horse Okay, and it depends on the on the people, you know, some are joking so not Beth Sebi BAM
Starting point is 00:34:39 Look at that $100 Good for you. Oh, it's great for me. Thank God. Thank you. It's very rare that someone gives a hundred dollars. We should savor this. Yeah, take a long sip. And you need to read it also.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Yeah, for you. Thank you. Do you want to read it? Can you see it? I can see it, yeah. Do you want to read it? Do you read? I have all this long time listener, first time caller.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Super, super tough to catch you live on the East Coast and then couldn't think of a clever enough name. So happy for you, well deserved. These athlete profiles are everything. Hope to see you in Madison. Thank you. God. Thank you. thank you thank you thank you beth and thank you all this wow i need to have you on more often you're good luck i still need to work on my english and how to pronounce some words because when i can't come here usually
Starting point is 00:35:40 first names i'm first days i'm just awful and then like after two weeks. I start to talk better I know English really well, but you know the speaking part to To say what you really think and that's the hardest part for me, but I'm getting there, you know Know your English is sexy as fuck Yeah No, your English is sexy as fuck. Thank you. Your reading is crazy. Your reading is so good. Your reading is crazy good.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Because my main language is Latvian. It's completely different. You think that was she's saying Sarah Cooper is judging me because I asked you if you could read. Do you read? Good grief. Listen, listen, it's clearly that I meant, does he read English?
Starting point is 00:36:40 I wonder, hey, what is the how much of the how much of the world population is literate? What do you think it is, Aldous? What do you think it is? Do you think 80% of the planet can read? We need to see how many people are till age of five. Then count those down and then just take. Wow, you're a smart man. Good thinking.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Listen to this. Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate. So 21% of the U.S. adult population can't read. Is that what that means? Is literate? Am I literate and understanding literate? Maybe they can read a little bit or something like that i don't believe that they can't can't read at all 21 of adults in the u.s
Starting point is 00:37:34 are illiterate in 2022 54 of adults have literacy below sixth grade level 21 of americans 18 and older are illiterate oh my goodness how about the world that's crazy well that's you just come from a privileged country oldest with too many smart people that's what i don't know if it's privileged country but it's small and smart for sure hey um latvians do you look latvvian? Are you a typical looking Latvian? Maybe, but my beard is more like, I don't know, Russian type. Yeah. Because, I don't know. Global literacy rate, 86%. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:21 That's impossible that the global literacy rate is higher than the literacy rate in the u.s if that's true that's not a good sign no i i wanted actually to tell it will be higher that you thought the world literacy rate would be higher for sure you think the americans are a bunch of dumbasses no just education system is different and yeah you should watch like you should check what's europe's like percentage we are pulling pulling it up yeah is europe how about europe is europe that sucks they know that yeah we know your education system's suffering a little it's different ours is different we read oh my god you guys don't like learn different languages i think it's not obligatory the average 2021 based on 11 countries of 98.76 the highest value was in latvia whoa
Starting point is 00:39:16 whoa that's the literacy rate in latvia oh my god what a What a bunch of snobs. You have no dummies over there. Holy cow. That's nuts. Basically, yeah. If you can't read, then you have some kind of different illness, you know. Right. Like you're not human.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Basically. Wow. That's incredible. All right. That's fair enough. Hey, that was a really gentle way of saying it. What'd I say? We were a bunch of dumb asses and you said, no, you guys teach, learn differently.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Oh my gosh. Okay. Uh, and he's in Cookville. Just man holding it down. Um, uh, what's, what's the plan? Uh, are you getting better every year four years into the crossfit games are you getting better every year yes i feel like i'm getting better because like all the conditioning stuff running i'm natural natural good at running and like all the grind work grind workouts are good for me i just need to work on explosive stuff some skill stuff there's usually like coming in new skills you know like also handstand walk skills and all that and the main factor for me is strength pure weight lifting like they
Starting point is 00:40:40 announced the olympic lift that will be shitty even for me definitely with two lifts only maybe it's even better for me with two lifts because I can go all in and I know what I can lift but those guys who really can lift they will not show their full potential with two lifts
Starting point is 00:41:00 give me an example of where you've grown in your olympic lifts like what was your snatch four years ago versus today do you know four years ago it maybe was pretty okay and i i don't remember like but is it going up are you getting better i mean you're four years in and you're saying that the olympic lifts aren't going to be good for you so that means that you I'm guessing that you've worked on them. I'm working on them, but it's hard. Like after one, like how much is this? After 270 pounds snatch, it's hard to get to 90 or 300 with my body weight, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:39 And if I don't have like explosive power naturally. Yeah, hard and coming slow. I was looking at some of the guys you train with. There's this one guy, he's in so many pictures with you. He is a giant. Yeah, this animal. That's Martis, yeah. What is that? That's a human? At my RCCM. What is that? That's a human?
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah, we were training like, I don't know, four years at least together. Last two years, we haven't done like much training together. He's huge. Before that, we were training all the time in the mornings together. And in the evenings, we did like separate. He did maybe more cardio i did lifting and that was like in those 2018 till 2021 22 but yeah he's like he's also he can do everything you know lift heavy he have skills this is the picture from functional fitness world championships.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I think I won that year or no, I don't remember. He was close to podium. Has that, has that guy, did that guy compete this year or no? He's done. He did.
Starting point is 00:42:59 He did open, but he wasn't good enough to qualify for semis. Okay. And he's not pushing anymore to be as good as he can. He's more training for fun, and now he trains for the High Rocks race, if you know that. Yeah, yeah. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:43:20 So there will be in Europe, in Poland, Warsaw, High Rocks game soon in August. So he goes there. Because, you know, CrossFitters can actually be good at that race because we can do those moments so easy. We just need to step up our game in running. That's it.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Have you done a High Rocks? I haven't done, but I think I will try. Because also Ricky Gerrard posted, he do I think Australian one so yeah hope he does it because I like also running but I don't know for me the machines will not favor me because like longer or bigger athletes will do better on like there is one ski row one ski um one kilometer ski and one row i wish there would be more like sled you know there's only 50 meters sled but i don't know how heavy it is i wish they'd get rid of the skier you do you like the skier at all do you have any see any point of the skier being in competitions i think it's pointless in competitions i like them in training but when it comes to competition it's trash yeah i think it's trash because i hate it in every competition
Starting point is 00:44:34 workout you need to go so hard i don't see i don't see the point of it i don't see like it's not fun to watch i don't think anyone's cool for doing it i don't think there's any point of like you're like i don't know what the I Don't know what metric or what they're trying to prove by having you just pull down on something like this over and over and over I don't know. It's basically the same as a row. You can put it in Like grip workout where you test grip or pulling like if you put ski together like we drink muscle ups and G G you are done see that was good that could be a line arnold schwarzenegger could say you would be done i
Starting point is 00:45:13 must break you it would be done hey oldest seriously why don't they just put um uh a stack of 200 pound, 200 five pound balls. Yeah. Just a big barrel. And you have to throw each one of them right and left handed 20 feet over a fence. I'd rather see that as a test of fitness than two guys pulling ropes on two plastic knobs, standing there on some machine that no,
Starting point is 00:45:40 I just hate it. I cannot like that machine. It's ridiculous. I would rather see some throwing, kicking, have them kick, have them kick a, I just hate it. I do not like that machine. It's ridiculous. I would rather see some throwing, kicking. Have them kick. Have them kick a med ball with their right and left foot 200 times across the field. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Anything. I don't know. For short distance, it's good. But if it's long distance, of course, it's boring for viewers. Yeah. Well, of of course you like it you put your shopping cart away you're a good dude i did that to antagonize the the audience the audience loves you because you put away your shopping cart um what uh what makes you think that um it like i would look at the crossfit games and i could be so fit and i would still be like hey there's just no way i'm not gonna get good at all that stuff it's it's kind of ridiculous how hard it is what made you think that you could did you just stumble
Starting point is 00:46:38 upon it or did you actually think like i'm gonna do this or did you just accidentally go further and further one year and you're like i just when i did the street workout i met the guys who did cross it it was like 2014 there was on the wall uh rich froning picture i was looking at him you know and i was like damn those guys I want to be like them you know or even compete but I wasn't thinking I will be there any like in my life but then I just tried the cross it and for me I was like really good at those workouts and cardio workouts I just went without any experience and started to beat crossfitters who has done crossfit for one or two years and then i just took like you know level up i beat that guy that guy and i just was climbing up in like latvia leaderboard you know
Starting point is 00:47:39 because i tried my first open as a teenager, 17 years old, and I got, I think, second place in Europe. I don't remember. Wow. I was, I think, in 50th place in the world, but only one workout messed me up, one rep max clean and jerk. In that time, I didn't lift at all so I lifted what I what I could but if I would start like weight lifting
Starting point is 00:48:11 one or two years before that I would make the games at 17 years old because because at 18 years old in individuals Latvians still could beat me. I Was second in Latvia second fittest and from 19. There is just no chance So that's crazy. I hope being yeah, like I know fixed Five or six times fittest in Latvia. What is your what's your how did you get such a big engine big lungs? What's your background? Were you a runner? I don't know in sweet workout I even did like some running workouts, you know, just a mo a lot of emails and Running in school, I don't know it was natural for me i went also like running competitions where we
Starting point is 00:49:07 need to run like 1k or 3k trail trail run and i didn't like actually train for them i i was just sent from school to run you know and you would win them no i got i i remember I got one time third place when I got older because a lot of people were naturally good at running, I remember, in school. They read good there and they run good. What were your sports as a kid? What did you play as a kid? Nothing, just I tried what's in school. And then from 13 or 12 years old, I like you know you guys how in the states the
Starting point is 00:49:49 show like got talent or something like that yeah we had similar one and there was those street workout guys they were showing like they can do like muscle-ups like uh some tricks on parallel bars they can hands and walk and one guy was walking down the stairs on their hands. And I was like, damn, that's impressive. And I was thinking, I will also not learn that, you know, because I was afraid to just stand on my hands. But you did. But if you saw that video you played where I hold the planche,
Starting point is 00:50:23 I learned that before I could even learn, uh, Hansen walk. Wow. Because I was just afraid. And then one day I was like, okay, I will learn Hansen walk.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And I was learning in the grass for like four hours and each day. And then after like three sessions, I think I did four or eight meters And then there is one of the first Instagram posts Like in 2015. I'm already doing my PR 44 meters constant. Well, yeah, it was just the Like I was afraid, you know Yeah This is with with weight West even I think oh, is that what that is? Okay. Wow crazy
Starting point is 00:51:09 I think we still haven't seen in games wait with Hansen walk. So I did this in 2015 oh That would be great. Hey and that weight vest is kind of you need one like that, right? That's that's actually kind of soft one with the sand, like little sand bags. But yeah, it's hard actually to walk when you have like plus 20 pounds. Patrick Clark, I think I remember hearing this story. My favorite Uldis story is when he almost missed his heat at a competition and had to rent a bike to get there on time.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah. Was that last year at the Games? No, at the semifinals in Amsterdam. What happened? We did, I think, the first event with the rope climbs, and then there was like three hours I was like okay I will go back to hotel you know because it's pretty close with Uber like seven minutes and then like I needed to go to venue and I was calling like Bolt Uber and they were counseling
Starting point is 00:52:20 for me you know you and one Uber takes like you and it spends like for you 10 minutes and then they cancel and i had like three of these i spent like half hour trying to get the uber and then at the hotel there was you can rent a bike and there was a line at the hotel i was like patiently waiting like for 10 minutes and i was like no i just went to guy and gave him money i told i need keys like really important you know because i needed to get the bike and then it started to rain heavy and i was holding my phone like Google Maps, you know, because I didn't know where to bike. I was holding the phone.
Starting point is 00:53:10 It was so wet and it started to glitch, you know. And I went like wrong direction for five minutes. And then, of course, I found a venue. But when I came to venue, basically I needed to be done almost with warmup. So I came there completely wet, like all my clothes were wet. At least I had like a new t-shirt and shorts, but still my socks were completely wet. I just took my running shoes.
Starting point is 00:53:47 I think it was running, deadlift, and handstand walk workout. I went in warm-up to do deadlift with 120 kg. I think I managed to do like two sets, handstand walk there and back, and we went out basically, and I won that Semifinal event you won that event I think my other adrenaline was just through the roof and I was sick my lungs I was coughing out my lungs I was cleaning my nose in the middle of run, but still I wanted because my deadlift is just Super good and Hansen walk was fine and running is super good hey when you're when you're ordering those ubers and they won't come how did you know to go
Starting point is 00:54:30 back inside to get a bike I was just I just knew Dave they will not come because there was big problem in Amsterdam that year no Uber was or they picked up you they saw they will not get much money or something they were canceling all the time so everyone was doing just going with bikes and how did you how did you know that the hotel had bikes you just remembered seeing it because my friends went went to venue with the bikes yeah but i was like okay i will save myself or just it's safer just to go with car you know did you start playing scenarios in your head that you were going to miss the event yes uh it was like you know it was really stressful all the time because it was raining
Starting point is 00:55:19 yeah i felt sick i am missing my warm-up time. Yeah, and Yeah, but when I found the venue it was kind of okay, but still I was stressed out, you know Aaron Congrats on Your trip to the games will this you did it again? Do you mayhem have a lifting coach implemented like uh hwpo has at hq we have burgener strength if you know like he's doing i think like make him make him strength program yeah his daughter she's been on the podcast yes I think she now does like most of the job
Starting point is 00:56:06 and filming and showing lifts yeah have you ever worked with her say sage sage Bergener no I haven't haven't met her yet there is like separate also make him weightlifting program but I know what works for me and I have tried a lot of weightlifting programs. So I sometimes just go back, take the old one and just complete it. Because in kind of season, you know, we still have small competitions between. I do like morning session. Usually it's like cardio skill or whatever workout is in Mayhem program.
Starting point is 00:56:44 And then in evening I do like full weightlifting program. cardio skill or whatever workout is in mayhem program and then In evening I do like full weightlifting program because if you do full weightlifting program, it takes a lot of time and energy Have you done any biking with Rich? No. He's biking like crazy. I have met him only like three times I think when I'm here because he was in competition
Starting point is 00:57:10 in Michigan I think and then he came back and now he's preparing for his own race. Yeah. The week after the games I think, right? It could be. I don't know exactly. I think it's 100 miles, right?
Starting point is 00:57:32 And then you, so the games will go down and you'll compete and they'll finish on Sunday. And then when will you go home? And then when will you go home? I will go to Chicago. I like Chicago. I will be there like for, I think, two days. And then I fly back to Europe. And what do you do there?
Starting point is 00:57:55 Just kick it in a hotel? Do you have friends there? Chicago? Yeah. No, I will just go around, see city, rest. That's it, basically. chicago is nice in summer is it at least i like it stay safe hold your purse tight in center it's okay in those like i guess more far from center it's like worse you know who's there you know who's in chicago do you know who andrew hiller is I guess more far from center, it's like worse. You know who's there?
Starting point is 00:58:26 You know who's in Chicago? Do you know who Andrew Hiller is? Yes. He's in Chicago. Yeah. Yeah. At least he was supporting. There was one podcast when they told,
Starting point is 00:58:42 was comparing who will make the games. And Brian, a friend, actually was putting only one who was putting me in qualifying spots and Hitler told why why will this isn't in those qualifying spots, you know Brian did choose you to make it. Yeah, Brian did The other guy didn't Oh who who was the other guy was it me no oh good i don't know don't remember the name good yeah it's probably not worth remembering i'm looking at the uh you took sixth you're in a good group hey are you are you this are you the smallest guy in that in that region not really no janikoski smaller than you oh yeah it looks like i don't know if it even means even smaller you know
Starting point is 00:59:37 you can be short and you can be bulky or you can be you know you you um do you like do you like uh crossfit you are you just obsessed are you loving it it's four years in it's just it's just everything to you yes it's lifestyle you know i love it i'm not like stressing out about it or you know mentally keeping myself strong enjoying it yeah good on you because i see a lot of athletes just are too much like in the gym and they can't mentally hold it you can see this year it comes out because athletes needs to have some other things to do because you can see like most of the athletes who are working or doing something else out of the gym are actually doing the best oh and what do you do out of the gym i try to not be in gym or not work in gym that's how helps me or just find like different things to do, you know, or is to go like somewhere outside or it's,
Starting point is 01:00:48 I like cars. I think after CrossFit, I could flip cars. Like buy them and sell them. Yes. It's like to try them, find in actions or somewhere, or just find them cheap and sell them for more.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Oh, wow. I like that. You know how it works. Yeah, yeah. Flip cards. Hey, I'm excited to meet you. I'll see you in like seven or ten days. Yeah, in Madison.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Yeah. Thanks for doing this. They announced more workouts. Yeah. What do you think about that? What is this Grace thing I heard they announced? You like that thing? Did they announce? Did they announce Grace? I thought I saw something.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Oh, no, they didn't. No. Caleb's shaking his head. No, they didn't. Look at me. I don't know. They announced the cheaper with the pig. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 What do you think about that? That's real? That one's real? Is that one real, Caleb? The pig? Yeah. The pig's huge. That's what i mean by big all this that's what i mean by big the pig is big for for me it was hard yeah the capital workout the pig messed up my all my
Starting point is 01:01:55 running workout you know because i would i was thinking i will survive the pig but i didn't survive the peak but I didn't. It took just too much time for me to complete 20. But I think 10 and the middle part is more for like cardio based and smaller guys and it will be fun to watch really because at those last 10 pig flips the big guys can easily catch up like at least one or two minutes even because everyone will be sweaty out of grip and could and will not lift so easy the pigs you know how about those toes to bar for you I like those I like I like all of the middle part you know just for me depends how much energy I will spend on those first ten big big flips and We'll see how the last ten will go. So
Starting point is 01:02:54 Do they tell you what workout this is what number it is? It's test. Oh, yeah, it's written. Oh up top. Okay So basically it's second. Yeah, I think the first one will be some outside workout with paddle boards or something like that. And then is the third workout the Olympic lifting one? Have they kind of... No, I think the lifting, the 5K is in Saturday. Gymnastics is also Saturday, and lifting is Saturday evening. Okay, so it's the sixth, not the third.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Yeah. Oh, okay. Here we go. Nice. Okay. So it's coming together. That's great. Hey, a great question by Ken Walters. Does Mayhem have a pig to practice on? They have different, like the metal one where you can actually hold it. I was practicing it also last year, but it's different. Some say it's even harder, but for me it's easy to take a grip. But in the Gamespeak, it's harder. You just need to lift by fingers. And the middle part is harder.
Starting point is 01:04:01 You need to be more explosive because the pig is longer and for shorter athletes the weight on the shoulders feels like heavier how much is the pig do they tell you Caleb 510 510 Wow crazy I think 5 5 5 or 5 5 10 it's crazy they bring all those from fromio and trucks and then to pull them out with forklifts that's the deal yeah but sometimes they i think last year we got them to warm up but uh always there's only a few minutes to warm up the peaks in the background that's the hard part uh uh johan lopez i bet uldis has gorilla hands he's got gorilla biceps let me see your hands go let me see your
Starting point is 01:04:51 oh yeah you have big hands too wow yes i have long fingers that's good for cross it yeah because yeah you have long fingers it's better for grip and also hook grip. Yeah. Like Fraser did. Remember, he was even growing his nail longer to have better hook grip. Is that true? You can ask him because I think it's true. All right, brother. I will see you in seven to ten days. Okay, see you.
Starting point is 01:05:22 All right, ciao. Thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Bye. Bye. 7 to 10 days alright ciao thanks for coming on I really appreciate it thank you bye bye cool dear Rich please order a pig from Bill.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'm trying to be so good. Trying to be so good. Trying to be so good. Those are my inside thoughts. Are those coming out? I can't tell if those are they're so loud trying to be so good I'm trying it's unreal
Starting point is 01:06:15 tomorrow I'm really excited we have Noelle Henderson she is the number one qualifier at the Crossfit games in the um i i think they used to what do they call her division now um it's in the adaptive class a multi-extremity multi-extremity women uh noel henderson she's the number one contender. And for anyone who thinks that I am biased, you should know I am 100% biased.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I'm so... When J.R. Howell told me that he trains this chick, I was like, oh, can I get her on? I love loving on the people's athletes who are on the team. Heck, yeah. I want to have her on. I can't wait to meet her. She's coming on
Starting point is 01:07:03 at 10 a.m. tomorrow. There's no stopping me. I'm telling you that's going to be a good podcast. That one is going to rock the house. Where was the – is the blind lady, Kim, that I interviewed, does she have a class? No. There's only three adaptive classes? Correct.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Okay. I'm not sure adaptive classes? Correct. Okay. I'm not sure which one she would fit into. Well, I'm going to say something stupid here, but she's blind, so there must be like a can't see class. I think there was. Okay, and it's probably somewhere else. Like probably – what's the crown jewel of the adaptive competitions, Wheelwad? Is that the one?
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yeah. I'm guessing she goes over there. I wonder if Wheelwad gets complaints that their name isn't inclusive. Is this just for people with wheels? Sloth Young. Sebi, can't wait to see you in Madison. I'll bring the Rocky Road. Thank you, buddy. I can't wait to see you in madison i'll bring the rocky road thank
Starting point is 01:08:05 you buddy i can't wait to see all you guys to be honest it's gonna be fun it's gonna be really fun uh will hwpo athletes talk to seven at the games finally they haven't had a chance to talk to me oh oh because they haven't come on the podcast i will be very sensitive to everyone's needs. Sebi, are you taking security with you to the games? Thousands of them. Thousands of people. Security.
Starting point is 01:08:39 What for? No. Beth Sebi, by the way way thank you for the um donation you you kind of don't know how awesome that is i mean you do know probably but it's it's it's twice that awesome uh we've been to the games twice now and i've never been so excited these profiles really are everything sebi on fire thanks yeah i i for me i mean i'm obviously the one talking to them. But for me, they change the landscape of the games. They make everything way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way more interesting. Is Sevan at war? Is Sevan HWP at war?
Starting point is 01:09:16 Not even close. I've had a very pleasant exchange with Matt, Katrin and O'Keefe. And I tried to reach out to Amanda Barnhart and Jason. I just wasn't able to get in touch with them. But there's nothing but congeniality. I don't know what the word is. I'm totally good with them. Molly, these interviews are amazing.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Keep up the hard work. Seven, your passion is infectious. Thank you. I'm having a blast. I didn't quite crack all this that was my fault i'm i think i'm he was getting there towards the end yeah he was and you know what he he put effort in absolutely yeah yeah he he put effort in he totally put effort in kudos to him um okay so i don't even know what it's getting close i i have it took me three days or four days but i finally have one camera bag packed i know i'm how many how many you're gonna take i'm gonna take um uh ones on rollers and then one a backpack and then a big suitcase full of clothes and like some other stuff like bars and fanny packs and extra backpack.
Starting point is 01:10:29 And tomorrow of Aunt Haynes on Jamie Simmons in the morning. And then and then we get a small break and then we get Noel Henderson. Then we get a small break, and then we get Noel Henderson. And then a long break, and then the CrossFit Games Update Show. I will be using, for interviews, Carlos. Carlos? Carlos Nesto. I will be using the a7S III with a really small, lightweight G lens on it that's 20 millimeter or 1.8, maybe 1.4. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:20 And then for backup for that lens, I'll bring the 24mm also. And then for the slow-mo, no, sorry, sorry, sorry. I'll be using the a7R IV for interviews with the 20mm. And then two mics, shotgun mic facing that way, and then DJI wireless mic facing towards me where I could take it off and hook it on someone if I need to. And then on the other, the other camera that I'll be shooting slow-mos with at 4k 120 will be the a seven S three with the 70 to 200 at F four.
Starting point is 01:11:54 And I will use a leather straps to with a camera on each side. And I'll be using CFexpress cards for the 4K footage at 120. And regular SD cards for the other stuff. Sennheiser shotgun for the interviews. And then just that Sony, like that $400 Sony proprietary microphone on the A7S III just in case to pick up some ambient audio um nd filters on all the lenses so i can keep the f stops wide open right yes sir there you go just on q and d filter so you don't oe and maria doesn't kill you i don't know what oe is and i don't know who maria is but
Starting point is 01:12:41 definitely nd filters overexposed and mariah oh yes yes oh she's gonna hate me any she's gonna hate my shooting anyway she's so good i'm screwed the thing is is i'll get some good audio bits but my my i'm gonna i'm screwed the other places um but i will bring nd filters and i will have that sucker wide open i actually said to her i'm like hey should i get a 2.8 and she's like dude because she knows like i can't even hold the camera still with a i can't i'm i only can't it's like i hold the camera like this i watch the action and then afterwards i'm like oh shit am i filming if you go back and watch the original behind the scenes you can notice that yeah i'm all over the place.
Starting point is 01:13:25 And every year I had new equipment, and it was like, what a mess I am. Okay. I guess that's it. Oh, I wanted to show it. Oh. I wanted to show you guys this. I had Colton Mertens on this morning. He's sponsored by Swolverine.
Starting point is 01:13:52 I do not know. I need to talk to the owners over there. I want you guys to see this. I want to take you over to the Swolverine website, and I want you to see this come look yeah i i can only use prime lenses i cannot use any i well that's not true i'm using the 7200 zoom not with a variable f-stop but but i i do not like uh i prefer i it's funny. When I started my career, I thought prime lenses were stupid. Now I can only use prime, especially since you can shoot in 4K.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Look at this line up top here. Look at this line. Nope, nope. Go back the other way. See, it already went away. Yes, right there. Get 25%. Like who put that up there?
Starting point is 01:14:44 Do you want us to see that? Alex, is that the guy's name? Alex! Alex! Are you trying to hide the discount? That needs to be... Put that in the banner where that pill is. Get 25% off all – one more time.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Get 25% off all Supps storewide using the code LFG25. Tell them Seve sent you. I cannot believe. I saw that today, and I'm like what Alex it's got to be bigger right someone has to be slapped around for that kicked in the nuts oh hi Abigail how are you nice to see you miss Doman how are you oh Alex, Alex is a she. Alex! Look at it. I take my glasses off.
Starting point is 01:15:48 I can't even see that. Oh, there it is. Get 25% off all supplements. Use code LFG25. Dude, that's a crazy discount. Maybe they don't want people to see that. It's like too much. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Maybe. it's like too much yeah maybe I'd buy I'd go over there and get some shit before that's a crazy discount maybe they forgot they put that up there buy all their stuff my goodness
Starting point is 01:16:17 Bernie I went I got a bunch of Wolverine, I got a bunch of, uh, Wolverine stuff. I'm, I made a crazy concoction. I got the pre-workout. I got everything. I even got their,
Starting point is 01:16:35 their sleep thing. Their sleep thing is pills though. I kind of wish it was powder. Cause I just like it as an excuse to drink something before I go to bed. Yeah. BPN has a powder and I like it. Yeah. Just an excuse to drink something before i go to bed yeah bpn has the powder and i like it yeah just an excuse to drink something but i got the pills yeah uh kenneth uh giordano oh is he a cop what's that star on there a little late but your emily rolfe interview was awesome
Starting point is 01:17:01 and sub on she's my new fame favorite for females, I'm telling you, she's going – if people talk to her, she's going over a million. She's dope. She could be huge. And her husband's funny as shit or boyfriend or whatever that dude is, coach, the Kyle dude. He's awesome. And she wears toe spacers okay so uh uh they should make the concoction and call it the ceo yeah that's a good idea
Starting point is 01:17:36 dear dear alex i have an idea for a concoction for you everyone just comes up with random concoctions and every brand is just going to start selling it. 50-50 blend, creatine, pre-workout, carbs. I have a spelling for you. The Savon concoction. There's something I want to tell you that I'm just really tripping on
Starting point is 01:17:59 that I know I should not do on this show. Do you know what it is? It's something that happened in the show already that needs revisiting. I can think of a couple things. I'm going to show restraint. I'm going to make a note, though. I'm going to make a note, and when the games are over, I'm going to show it to you.
Starting point is 01:18:28 It's not even a big deal. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's from the oldest... ...interview. Upanikis. Nikis. Netkis. Interview. Interview. I want to make a really sincere request.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Really sincere. If you don't, if for some reason you don't like me or you don't think you find my humor funny, could you not watch my podcast, please? I mean that from the bottom of my heart. For some reason, like, this is like feeding some, something inside of you that makes you,
Starting point is 01:19:22 like, you're doing it just to, like, nurture some hateful part inside of you that makes you, like, you're doing it just to, like, nurture some hateful part inside of you. Like, you know, like, you watch the show, like, just to, like, get angry or because you hate me or something. Like, just don't do it. Or just take a couple weeks off at least. That's about as sincere as you can get. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I mean it, yeah. Just take like two weeks off. Just two weeks. Come back after the games. You can feed that dark hole in your soul and hate on me all you want everybody else keep watching now yeah
Starting point is 01:20:08 everyone take a break it could be cool if everyone maybe everyone should just take a break just be cool I'm going to go I'm going to do the behind the scenes it's going to be awesome I'm going to get so much fun
Starting point is 01:20:23 cool footage the athletes who the athletes who It's going to be awesome. I'm going to get so much fun, cool footage. The athletes who want to talk to me will talk to me. I'll come back. We'll assemble the footage. You guys will laugh your asses off because it'll be so intimate. The athletes will be so happy that this moment that was a blur for them has been captured. so intimate. The athletes will be so happy that this moment that was a blur for them has been captured. Mariah will be pissed
Starting point is 01:20:49 because all my shit's out of focus. Overexposed. Ken Walters. We can't seve on. We drank the Kool-Aid for two years and now we can't get enough. Who's running the podcast? I'm thinking honestly, I'm thinking it's best that before, the goal some this was the goal
Starting point is 01:21:26 originally is like every day at four o'clock um kayla would open up a computer somewhere in the venue maybe even the media department and send links out to everyone who's in the stadium working and then or in the venue the campus and we would all chime in with our phones and everyone would like laugh and talk and then we would show you where we're at and then that would be it the podcast just be like 30 minutes like that and then um and then at night we would all come on when everyone's in their hotel rooms in their underwear eating hamburgers getting ready for the next day and uh and then that would be it we would just do just two kind of just check-ins where you guys just get to see how beat up we are.
Starting point is 01:22:07 But now I'm thinking like it's better like I go black for a week, just dark for a week. And there's stuff I'm not explaining to you guys, but there's like nuances to the reason for that it's to kind of just keep the haters at bay don't give them any more fodder oh that is
Starting point is 01:22:37 awesome is that like a CEO on sticks how is that what is that birthday cake that's cool that is awesome Is that like a CEO on sticks? How is that? What is that? It's like on a birthday cake. That's cool. That is awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Yolana799, I can't wait for you to show all the new CrossFit. What are plebs? New people, please. How great the behind the scenes is, something they never knew they needed in their lives. Thank you. Yeah, it's going to be cool. Yeah, Will Branstetter.etter yeah let's black out uh
Starting point is 01:23:06 let's black out for a week oh we will i'll wake up and it'll be monday and i'll be on a flight out of there yes i mean spin yeah spin will be i'm sure spin will be going hard okay thanks guys uh thanks for letting me do some therapy on you um uh you talking to bosman at night was uh gold last year i would do uh if if adrian or dave will come on with me at night i'll definitely do that that that seems pretty safe excuse me all right um 25 off at swolverine Excuse me. All right. 25% off at Swolverine. Just put your glasses on so you can see the code at the top. And I'll see you guys tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Bye-bye.

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