The Sevan Podcast - We Always Knew | Roberts and Hiller #993

Episode Date: August 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions Bam. Hey, you think – hi, Gary. Hi. You think it would be inappropriate to – let's say you die and you go to heaven and you're standing there with God and he's like, hi, how are you? And he's just drinking a LaCroix and you're like, hey, um, uh, I got two questions. Go ahead. Uh, Savon, go ahead. Um, is that, is that true that Joseph did not ejaculate and Mary? Is that, that, that you, can you tell me how that happened?
Starting point is 00:01:38 How would that be inappropriate? How would that be inappropriate to ask God that? Inappropriate. Would that be inappropriate to ask God that? No, I don't think so. Am I in on this question? Yeah, I just don't get it. I'm looking at the comments. I interviewed this guy who is in direct communication with God. His name is Chris Bledsoe. Do UFOs and God coexist? And he sees the angels and shit in his house and, and all of this stuff. Right. And I was like, so if you're like watching porn, is it kind of weird knowing that they're in
Starting point is 00:02:10 your house watching you? And he's like, I don't watch porn. I go, okay. How about when you and your wife are having sex? He's like, yeah, I'm just kidding. I'm not. And people are like acting like acting like those are bad questions to ask or like they're immature. And I'm like, dude, you know that your mom dropped the, your dad dropped a load of goo in your mom and made you. And now for some reason it's taboo to talk about. God made me with a dick and you with a vagina. And we can't ask like how Jesus, like, like, did he or did he not? Is that, please tell me.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Can I say something? Yeah, please. I swear to God, this is the truth. I was going to come on here and ask if you believe in God, completely unrelated, because I wanted to make a segue to Bajan, and I can't believe you're talking about God. That's so weird, man. Oh, I brought Hiller on, but I don't have to.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Hiller can bring himself on. Sorry, Andrew. You want me out? Well, see that does that mean there is a god um is that a sign from god i wanted to know if you believed in like divine intervention or like some myths like it's crazy that you started this show off with god because i was gonna kind of ask about that because that's – I feel like in a religious experience it's happening for me. But this whole – it's weird. It's just weird. I just can't believe – you think it would be uncool to be like – if I saw Jesus, I'd be like this dorm and the, the rooftop was 17 floors. And I really enjoyed peeing from the rooftop and seeing how long it took the pee to hit the ground.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I just thought that was so cool. Or like throwing paper airplanes when I was a little kid. And my dad, my dad had a friend who lived like on the 50th story of penthouse in New York. And I love, I would go there and I would take a stack of paper and just throw paper airplanes off. I mean, what is that? Not, you don't think Jesus did that stuff? Maybe in his teen years. Yeah. You think Jesus is like, I don't litter. I don't waste paper.
Starting point is 00:04:15 That's why there's a gap in the Bible. I just – it's crazy. You're so open to this omniscientcient being and yet there's limits to what you can and can't talk about let me tell you something if you're one of those people you you have absolutely no idea what god is if any limits if you're offended if you're triggered by any word then you you are you are uh you you are in a you you're completely tarted it doesn't work like that You are completely tarted. It doesn't work like that.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Savan, do you wake up in the morning? I can't catch all your shows because I have babies. But do you wake up in the morning saying, how can I offend some portion of humanity? No, no. But you know what I do do? You know what I do do to make myself feel manly? I take this part of my palm right here, and I kind of push on my penis like down and away from me kind of like at an angle like like like like just like to show the test
Starting point is 00:05:12 the rigidity of it like i don't disrespect it like i i act like it's like you know i mean like it's a piece of rebar just like just put it just sits here like this i think if you're a boy you've been there done that yeah i just kind of been there done that just to make myself feel massive sometimes I just grab my dick with two hands just cause just like, yeah I usually grab it at the same time just like, hey, you're
Starting point is 00:05:36 don't disrespect me no, not like that that is, no or like this, you mean like this like a crab oh welcome everyone rambler hi how are you trish hello uh phil philip kelly see you tomorrow probably two hands in your mouth thank you uh trish stevan uh has had a spicy marg not yet i am not yet but close i um where are we there was someone oh barry mccawkner uh my dick is a rebar i got agitated because i was reading youtube comments so i whenever i read youtube comments i seem drunk you were just doing it yeah i was reading like
Starting point is 00:06:20 the the chris bloods our alien show is like. Every day it puts on like 50 more views. And now it's up to 16,000 views or something from four months ago. But the people are like disgusted. How dare you ask this godly man about porn? What? You think it would be inappropriate if I asked the Pope if he masturbates? I think it's a totally fair question. Why?
Starting point is 00:06:44 I think the answer would totally fair question. Why? You think that there's anything wrong with that? Like even tiny bit? I think you would have to, if you've sworn off women, you have to take care of it. I mean, you, I mean, there's no way. Let me say this. So Hiller made a comment to Hunter McIntyre or something about on Instagram or something. He said something like there was a picture from 2011 of Hunter and Hiller made a joke that said something like I saw it said, like, are you juiced or something?
Starting point is 00:07:15 Natty or not? And it looked like Hunter McIntyre, like I got to get Hunter on and ask him, like Hunter got offended. It's like, dude, you are the most outspoken person about steroids when you're the most outspoken person about steroids you should be able to handle any steroid talk at all accusations anything like you should understand them because you've accused so many people of being on them and it's the same thing with like really you don't think a godly man should be able to handle any fucking question? Yeah, look, there it is. Omnipotent. Thank you, Jeffrey.
Starting point is 00:07:51 The academic has spoken. Omnipotent. Having unlimited power, able to do anything and field any questions. That's the Pope? No. I don't think that describes him. Is your audience Sevanistas? That's what you call them? I blocked that out. I don't want to go into my head.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Strike that comment from the record. No? I just saw it down there. Sevanistas. Careful, don't say it three times. Sevanistas! Oh, shit. Now you did it.
Starting point is 00:08:23 It's kind of catchy. Is that? That is the flock, yes. Yeah, nice. Can I be a part of it? I don't think so. I've heard it's pretty hard. It's not hard, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:08:41 I thought you were saying classify as one, like every other thing you can classify as. No, I think there's some sort of hazing process. I've heard that it's a... Definitely. Yes, we are here. I cannot be a 7-Easter because I missed your Tyson Bajent broadcast, and I'm so angry. I can't believe I missed it live. Like, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Are you still on TRT? You really want to talk about that? Well, you should see Hiller's body if you would have done trt for as long as hillar's only been doing it like have you been doing it six months hillar it's california hormone a year is california yeah yeah what happened what's going on you don't want to talk about it no i've been off since like december and really the biggest recall back was a huge sex drive like i almost broke up my marriage yeah yeah mine's over here bedridden because of my sex drive
Starting point is 00:09:38 he's fucked her into oblivion like i mean really mean, really, it really causes, I was thinking, I mean, I was like, damn, I feel like a teenager again. So if you need, long story short, it's all excuses. I had suffered some injuries coinciding the fact that my two babies were, they got to the age I took them to the gym and they were just fighting over everything. they got to the age I took them to the gym and they were just fighting over everything. Coaches look at me like, dude, you can't, you can't bring those babies to the gym until they're coming. They're killing us. Uh, then I go to the doctor, Sevan. This happened right after I called you. Right after I called you, I go to the doctor to do a 50 year checkup and they're like, oh, you have high blood pressure. I was like, and they're like, Oh, you have high blood pressure. I was like, what? How in the world could I have high blood pressure? And so I had just told
Starting point is 00:10:32 you I was going to start the TRT. And then the doctor was like, I really would like to figure out what's going on with your blood pressure before we go to that next level. And then the summer is a hundred degrees outside. My baby's drama with the wife. I mentioned, I might go back on TRT. She says, I'm going to text up on, I hate that guy. A lot of drama. Anyways, my, my.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I like it. It's good for the show Thank you for sharing I've been to the gym Very sporadically They're not happy with me over there Anyways My knee is fine
Starting point is 00:11:19 Good news is my knee Are they not happy with you because you were on TRT Can you blame that on TRT too Were you like bending bars and shit? No. No, no. What are they mad about? Just like, you know, you just get in the side.
Starting point is 00:11:33 My coach, Travis Meade, he is one of those guys that does not accept any excuses. He doesn't care what is happening. He's the guy who late all those hero workouts yeah yeah if my leg is torn off and blood was spewing out and i'd be going to the hospital he really would say like why aren't you hitting the gym first he's it's good it's good but uh i don't know. I, the days I wanted,
Starting point is 00:12:07 like, I haven't been to the gym in two weeks and I went, and then the very next, I went two days in a row. And then the next two days were heat waves. And, uh, I was like, I can't go into that gym and 110 degrees.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It's crazy. Gary, one second. I apologize. Um, uh, Hiller is Rambler, are you from 1986? Petroleum jelly? No one uses petroleum jelly for anything anymore. Alexis Kowalski, my farmer's tan is peeling. Should I use petroleum jelly? Go ahead, Hiller.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Hey, petroleum jelly on a peeling farmer's tan. Yes or no? What would you use? Aloe? He says aloe. Use that petroleum jelly on your anus. And what's it? What kind of moisturizer?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Yeah. Vanicream moisturizer. Ask her what you should use petroleum jelly for. What should you use petroleum jelly for? Nothing. Thank you. In the comments, they're saying my excuses are excuses. you should use petroleum jelly for what should you use petroleum jelly for nothing thank you they're in the comments they're saying my excuses are excuse yes it's true i it's been i don't agree with those people i don't think you're being a pussy i don't agree with those people six weeks
Starting point is 00:13:15 ago i i they prescribed some blood pressure medication i haven't taken one one pill it is it is mind-boggling to me that i have so here's the thing i even got footage i asked her i can i record this and i even said to my doctor and i love her to death but i even said well if i if i lock up my nutrition and get back consistently at the gym will that have a positive impact and she said like basically no if you have high blood pressure you you're gonna have to take medication regardless and i was like you got her saying that on camera and she agreed to it i think so yeah yeah yeah she's sure she's straight up said said it won't make a difference. And I was like, that can't be true. That can't be true. Hey, it's a whole variety of things, too.
Starting point is 00:14:13 You should check your blood pressure again, too. People's blood pressure varies a ton, dude. A ton. I was sitting in the waiting room for 30 minutes, and I stood up, and I went right, and within 15 seconds, they had the blood pressure thing on me testing my blood pressure. And I'm like, and then they took it, and I can't remember what they said. They said it was good, and I said, hey, can you take it again? And it was like significantly lower. They're like, oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I'm like, dude, I was just sitting for 30 minutes. You had me stand up, come in here, and then sit me down again. I felt my whole shit like change. Do you remember what it was, Gary? Your blood pressure? Yeah, I put it on text. Where's my... White coat syndrome.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Someone in the text said, did you ever take Hunter up on his invite to man camp? No, I haven't been able to travel with these babies. Man, that's hard work with a one and a half year old and a three year old they are just crazy right now uh one okay seven can i talk about tyson bajan yeah of course yeah let me know you want to play you want to talk a little bit and then we'll play a little clip yeah yeah and then talk a little bit more and then we'll play a little clip? Yeah, yeah. And then talk a little bit more, and then we'll play another little clip? So –
Starting point is 00:15:27 Let me set the stage real quick. Tyson Bajent was on the show a couple days ago. He is the fourth-string quarterback for the Chicago Bears, but he's also the NCAA's all-time touchdown pass record holder of any football player who ever existed. But they still didn't think he was going to make it to the pros because he's a division two quarterback, but his dad has always believed in him and Tyson has always believed in
Starting point is 00:15:52 himself. And Gary Roberts has known Tyson since before he was born when he was just a sperm in Travis's sack. And Gary Roberts is a filmmaker, videographer, documentarian, uh, and,
Starting point is 00:16:04 uh, arm wrestling expert of which travis was one of the greatest to ever to arm wrestle ever be in the game and so gary has a ton of footage of travis of his family throughout the years and today uh gary called me a couple days ago and was like holy shit dude this is crazy what's happening to tyson or what or what what Tyson's done for himself would be the more appropriate, uh, verbiage wordage. My, my blood pressure one time, one 57 over one 13 and one 47 over 94, one 66 over one 10, one 66 over one 25, one 59 over 99.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Do you have any 69s? Do you have any 69s? Do you have any 69s? No. They have a fourth string? No, they don't. That's my point. They don't have a fourth string. Hey, Gary, were you on TRT at that time?
Starting point is 00:16:54 No. Any of those? No. No, they- Sometimes they'll tell you to donate blood. Yeah, yeah. I did donate blood. When I was on TRT, they said it was-
Starting point is 00:17:03 They said I was close to high blood pressure, but they didn't say hi until I went two months. I'd been off for two months when they told me that it was something I need to do. Can I do a shout out to Athena Perez? She was in your comments. Weirdly, I have a missed call from her yesterday and i haven't
Starting point is 00:17:26 fall back so athena if you were trying to call me uh hit me again i'm sorry i missed you always always loved she wants to get your leftover trt that you didn't use so i seven i feel like this tyson thing it's like I'm having like a religious experience. Tell me, tell me. Like, so going through the footage, knowing the- Oh shit, did you take the vaccine, Gary? If I wanted to stay married, I did. Oh shit, that's why you have high blood pressure.
Starting point is 00:18:04 You got a clot somewhere. I'm just making that up. Don't listen to me. Are you backpedaling, Sevan? Yeah. So, yo, Athena Perez. Yo!
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, I... You go along to get along. I took the – I understand. So, Sevan, you, Travis, and myself, this historical triangle of us knowing each other and being involved, intertwining each other's lives. And it's really weird. You know the clip that you were gonna play yes the camera that i was using the sony pd 150 uh-huh it's whoa you're the reason
Starting point is 00:18:57 i have that camera because the day i told you to buy it or i gave it to you no no when you went to visit dave devoto for your early days of investigating polling John, he saw what camera you had. And it just happened to coincide with the timing that I met Dave DeVoto. And he literally bought that camera for me so I could start at that time Wow. Pre-arm TV. Wow. wow pre-armed tv wow that was like the first real documentarian camera that any company had ever made the sony pd150 or the vx1000 yeah this is a great camera so you meeting
Starting point is 00:19:34 travis travis meeting me and me meeting you all happens within the same window. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's really weird. And I was, you know, I, here's what I've been telling everyone just to set the stage, Travis Bajan, very braggadocio. He's the best at everything. And because he's the best at everything you learn, sometimes you tune them out, you know, all I've known him now, 20 years, I've known him now 20 years i've known you 20 years you've known travis 20 years uh when he tells you my if you think i'm the best at everything wait till you see my children my children are gonna be even better than me yes and you you i mean you take what travis says with a grain of salt, because obviously you can't be the best at everything. Right. So like when he used to tell us my children are beasts,
Starting point is 00:20:31 it's like, okay. You know, and every couple of years, like this video you showed, he told me he broke Peewee, Peewee league, better record than Peyton Manning, Dan Marino.
Starting point is 00:20:48 It's like he was hyping his children up at seven years old. Okay, hold that thought. Hold that thought, Gary. Caleb, will you play like 60 to 90 seconds of this? Let's check this out. How long ago is this, Gary? 10 years ago? Well, he was 7. He's 20-something now.
Starting point is 00:21:09 So, 15 years ago. Okay, 15 years ago, I think this is at a gold gym in West Virginia. Here we go. Hey, 9,000 tips. What's the matter with you?
Starting point is 00:21:24 Two years and we just repeat this a couple hundred times, you know, once a week. So he usually goes to about 220 sets of 10. He's the best seven-year-old in North America. If you got a seven-year-old, I'm willing to go to eight-year-old. If you have an eight-year-old that can beat this guy right here, bring him to Charlestown. He'll take you on, I promise. this guy right here, bring him to Charlestown. He'll take you on, I promise.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Touchdown pass. This year in the history of the league, I've coached for four years. In the history of the league, there have been one touchdown thrown, and that's because he threw it last year as a six-year-old with very limited action. This year as a seven-year-old Pee Wee star, along with two amazing receivers and a good tight end we threw 16 touchdown passes in the peewee football it'll never be broke it's better than dan marino's and peyton manning's and tom brady's record times 100 because you can't throw in the
Starting point is 00:22:16 league we just got very lucky with the the uh the with the depth of the league so at seven years old at six years old he threw his first touchdown So at seven years old, at six years old, he threw his first touchdown pass. At seven years old, he threw 16. Travis is already like he's better than Dan Marino or Tom Brady. I mean, it's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And the thing is, I went back when Tyson was in high school and he's like, yeah, he's starting quarterback. He's awesome. Still killing it. And I'm just, you know, I don't, I don't, I didn't invest too much energy in the thinking this was real. And then when he told me, Gary, when he told me that Tyson was the best high school football quarterback in the country, high school quarterback in the country,
Starting point is 00:23:01 I looked it up on the internet and he was right. He was the best high school quarterback in the United i looked it up on the internet and he was right he was the best high school quarterback in the united states but there were it was like a a tie between 200 guys you know what i mean like they had a list of the top 200 best quarterbacks and it was basically just there's so many fucking high schools that you really couldn't say who was the best it was just a a smattering of dudes at the top so i have have a story. I asked Travis today, cause Casey wasn't answering the phone. I, uh, meaning you called his wife first and then called him. Yeah. Because I have a personal story and I really, I just want to share it because you were the guy again, I was talking about the triangle of like our three of our relationships
Starting point is 00:23:45 so you know do you call travis's wife often no i had never today was the first time just because i i kind of wanted permission to talk about this story okay so i would say you probably beat me out with phone calls to travis through the wrestling years. You probably talked to Travis for hours about arm wrestling. I would like to think I was number two on the list of guys who spent hours talking about how to dream up blowing up arm wrestling. And then of course, we know you went off into the CrossFit world. And what did you do? You opened up and brought Travis in then you opened up and you brought me on board with CrossFit I know similarly that we thought oh we didn't hit it big with CrossFit or arm wrestling but CrossFit is gonna blow up which of course we knew it did blow up but like personally employee wise you know Travis and I both thought we were on the board too.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Anyways, you know, Travis got let go from CrossFit, right? Well, it wasn't very long after I went to an arm wrestling tournament on the East Coast. And when I go to an arm wrestling tournament on the East Coast, who do I call? Travis Bajan. He always opens up a door, go hang out with his family, break bread and all that. Well, I can't, it was after the tournament and I think Casey and I,
Starting point is 00:25:15 we went to a gas station and I was just like, hey, how are you? And she kind of, she kind of broke down crying and she was like, Gary, I wish I could, I'm paraphrasing because it's been many years, but she's like, I wish I could describe to you what it's like to be a wife of an arm wrestler of, of almost always thinking you've hit it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Like, oh, we've met. This one's going to work. This plan's going to work out. This plan's going to work out. And then always someone pulls the rug out. You were almost there. And then we spoke about CrossFit, how we thought CrossFit was
Starting point is 00:26:02 we always thought it was arm wrestling but then we're like oh it's crossfit's is gonna bring you know glory yeah yeah yeah anyways to make a long story short like when too late too late i went back i went back i think it was the beginning of uh tyson's junior year and i i caught a game and hung out with the family and, and like, Travis is like, dude, he's, he's right there. I'm like, he gotta be kidding me. Serious. Like I always think about what does it take to achieve like back when rich
Starting point is 00:26:39 frowning and then Matt Frazier was doing what they were doing. I was asked like, And then Matt Frazier was doing what they were doing. I was asked, like, what does it take to reach a level of that success and then maintain? And then, like, when all this Tyson stuff, I'm like, what did it take from the time you were a kid to always be the best or always be number one and make it to the next level? So now here he is. I'm watching the preseason, the first touchdown. All I can think about is Casey. Like, it makes me want to cry.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I did tear up, in fact, when I was watching the presser. But thinking about, you know, the first we thought was arm wrestling and then CrossFit. Now here, your son has quietly just been the best quarterback, peewee, whatever the next level. And dude, what's crazy is it could have been over. What do you mean? It could still be over. Meaning he achieved so much in college, and yet that game still could have been his last game ever.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Why? Because he's Division II and because he still has to go to – he had to go to the Combine and he had to do the Senior Bowl and he had to – he has to – there's all – like – I got one question. There's still like – how much more does this fucking kid have to prove? If he's the best ever, how come – In Division II. He wouldn't be Division II in the first place if he was the best in high school. How come he wouldn't be in Division II in the first place if he was the best in high school?
Starting point is 00:28:14 I'm going to paraphrase, but because he wanted to be close to home and because the college was free and he wasn't getting the offers that were – I think maybe he did get some offers for some big schools, but it was like to sit on the bench and shit. And so he made the decision. Family is really important to him. Yeah, I don't remember the details. I just know at home, start, you're good. Package, not as awesome, and no guarantees to start. It's like, yeah, I see. Let me say a couple more things too, Hiller, about this,
Starting point is 00:28:33 and I don't know a lot about football, but usually if you do get an amazing player like that, regardless of what division they're in, and people don't believe that they're that good, there's usually some sort of physical characteristics that are short. They're too small in stature. They don't weigh enough.'re that good there's usually some sort of physical characteristics they're short like they're too small in stature they don't weigh enough they're too slow their hands too small they can only see out of one eye they got something that they're fucking muslim or jews and they can't play football on sundays or whatever fucking religion that is like there's usually something that's like don't ruin my story i never considered that there's something there
Starting point is 00:29:04 was this movie gallipoli where this guy a jew couldn't fight war on one of the days it was kind of cool um that sounds awesome i actually think it's saturday so but anyway there there's usually something of these elite guys that there's a reason they can't and this one there was no reason on paper he can't it's just this thing that says division two but there's no actual. Like you look at him and you see the way he plays and you see his numbers and his size and his ability to read the field and all of these attributes that makes he's got them all. And so like every week we're still watching this fucking thing unfold like in slow motion. And he's going to it's not going to be a train wreck. It's going to be like an ascension. We're going to see like like Gary says, it's like, wow. Well, I'm not sure of this conspiracy theory, but is there something you think he's an alien? You think he's an alien? Do the scouts, the scouts in the schools like paid by the NFL to to keep the feeder system with the elite schools? Like, I almost feel like they don't want that window to open.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Like, oh, once we start opening the window, then we have to deal with thousands of more schools. I don't know. I think they just want the best dudes. I'll tell you what, the coach, whoever the coach, I think it was the offensive coordinator. Thank you, Caleb, who was the coach for the senior bowl Did Caleb actually say that or was that my brain
Starting point is 00:30:27 Inside my brain my inside voice sounds like Caleb Caleb did you actually talk I heard it said that Oh I thought maybe my thoughts sound like Caleb Um and Uh that the senior bowl The head coach of the senior bowl where he played
Starting point is 00:30:42 Was the offensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears. And you know he's like, oh my God, we're going to get this guy. We're not even going to have to use a draft pick. I'm going to fuck all the other teams. You know how excited he is, and it's paying off. There were probably 10 guys there in Chicago who were like, are you crazy? He's D2. And now he's like, yeah, told you, motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, he does CrossFit. That's why. Who does? Oh, Tyson. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah he does crossfit that's why who does oh uh tyson yeah oh yeah of course that's why yeah i was in 2013 or something like that sean payton was a crossfit dude and the saints were dominating let me ask you this gary let me ask you this he said he's going to come on this podcast regularly for his football career that's so cool i don't fucking believe it there's no way and no hard feelings against him if he doesn't but i think he's like one year away from saying i know there's no i can't do it anymore sorry buddy yeah once every once every three years the window where you're new and excited and you'll do yeah you know like he talked about
Starting point is 00:31:41 on your podcast he said there's guys next to me who have been paid millions of dollars. And so they got the money. And now it's like, do I want to throw my body into that bunch of people? Oh, yeah. I bet, you know, you can't help. But once you're finally paid, do you want to work as hard? But that's the thing. Tyson said, I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I was talking to Travis and I was like, dude, did you have to tell him to? But that's the thing. Tyson said, I don't want to do that. He, I was talking to Travis and I was like, dude, did you have to tell him to like get up early and study shit? And this is what it takes. And he said, no, he did it.
Starting point is 00:32:13 All that extra shit that he did to be at his level, he said was not parent driven. He said, all I did was say, you got to do some CrossFit. Hiller, Natty or not Tyson Bajan? Oh, he's natty.
Starting point is 00:32:26 He is natty. Unless he's taking some sort of a nootropic, but usually those are – What's that, like mushrooms, LSD? Brain. Oh. God, I hope so. Is that legal? Can you take nootropics?
Starting point is 00:32:38 Some of them are legal. Some of them are illegal. Like modafinil. Is it illegal? Modafinil. It's illegal? Modafinil. It's like a soft core Adderall. Caleb, can you play the video starting at three minutes?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Hold that thought, Gary. Here we go. Sorry, 3.30. You're right. Here we go, guys. 3.30. Be very quiet. The prophet is about to speak. Here we go. Caleb doesn't trust me. Be very quiet. The prophet is about to speak. Here we go. Look at Caleb doesn't trust me. 3.27.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Look at him. Charlestown and tell me that he can do the things I can do. Whoa. Make it. If I'm not the man, I want to meet him. If I'm not the man, I want to meet him. If I'm not the man, I want to meet him. Keep going. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:33:33 That person I'm molding him into, he's going to be so good at so many things that he, but he might be a humble guy like John. You know what I mean? There you go. Hey, he already knows. He already knows he's brainwashing his kid to be great. It's amazing how cool he is because he had the potential to be the biggest douchebag. If I'm not the main, I don't know who is.
Starting point is 00:34:00 He's cool, though. Awesome. The thing that excites me the most after that preseason game, He's cool though. Awesome. The thing that excites me the most after that preseason game, I swear I'm admitting right now that I've done nothing with my off time late at night but scrolling these videos, reading comments, and to see the football Chicago Bears fan base be introduced and be like, this guy, I like him.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I like him, and he's better than the third guy. He's better than the two guy. And to see the actual conversation where people are like, holy shit. In fact, I would recommend you to look up. There's this guy. I can't remember his name. You know how you were having Tyson break down the touchdown? I watched it, the play-by-play of that 17-play drive.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I watched that. The guy did the whole breakdown and when he breaks down the beyond rookie type of moves and you know the audibles that tyson was doing it really educated me on like oh shit this guy does know he does know the playbook he knows the playbook crazy he was calling audible after audible after audible. People are saying he knows the playbook better than number one guy. How about this? And here it is. Ben Hurst.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Say that again, Hillary. Justin Fields, the starting quarterback, he's god awful. Oh, okay. Terrible quarterback. He's going to get hurt, and Tyson's going to be in by week three. Wow. Ben Hurst. And these are the kind of things people are saying they are just
Starting point is 00:35:26 throwing screen passes for him that's what they meant when they're trying not to let him fail lighting it up it's crazy how pissed oh my god dad is making it about himself. Dude. I mean, he was seven years old. Dude, this guy dedicated his life to coaching all his kids' sports. He went to all of his kids' college football practices. He's obsessed with this kid all about himself. That's Travis's legacy. Think of Travis as Picasso and Tyson as his greatest piece of work. All about himself.
Starting point is 00:36:08 The fuck, you're right, it's all about himself. And it's all about that kid. Oh, my goodness. This was great. I used to watch a lot of football. Oh, my goodness. Hey, no offense to Tom Brady, but I've seen him do six interviews And anyone If that's his capability
Starting point is 00:36:27 He couldn't articulate his way out of a fucking paper bag So he can throw A football fine but let me tell you Because he doesn't eat tomatoes dude Did you Did you catch Tyson's presser No What
Starting point is 00:36:43 No He had the best line ever. What did he say? He said, this is all about my dad. No, no. They basically tried to goad him into talking about the quarterback controversy. And he says, from my understanding, my job, to the best of my ability,
Starting point is 00:37:03 when I get into the operation, is to run it as fast, as seamlessly efficient as possible or something like that. That's my understanding. He basically is like, I'm all about the operation and how to run that shit smooth. And it was like, oh my God, he talks like he's been in the league for, I mean, he talks like he's thrown 2000 passes, which he has. It's crazy. I'm so proud. So proud. It's the best thing to ever not happen to me.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I love it. Mad Marv. Here you go, Mr. Hirsch. And by the way, I love you, Mr. Hirsch. I lost my father at seven. I wish I had a father pushing me through adolescence like Tyson's dad.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Just being in my corner day after day. Booyah. I mean, that's, dude, that's so beautiful. Barry, my cockner, is Gary allowed to be on the pod tonight? Did he get permission from his wife? My God, Barry, you've been hammering him. Cut him some slack, buddy. I mean...
Starting point is 00:38:06 This is what Tyson needs. He needs a Giselle. Giselle, whatever the fuck her name is. Giselle. My wife said... Giselle. I said to my wife, hey, I'm going on Sevan's podcast tonight.
Starting point is 00:38:19 She said, okay. Just like that. Tell her that I support you in your endeavors to be a good husband and have a happy home and that your pursuit to have a stable family is extremely noble. And that if she spent 15 minutes researching vaccines, she would hate herself for vaccinating her kids. Just so you know, only 15 minutes. That's all you need. That's all you need, 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:38:46 My wife has a default trust for the medical community and doctors. I know. I know. Everyone does. They haven't. I would say 99% of doctors haven't done one hour of vaccine research on the risks of taking vaccines, of any of them. Hey, how are you supposed to get herd immunity for
Starting point is 00:39:05 tetanus stepping on a bunch of nails well there is no herd immunity for something that and yet it's mandated it's a fucking crazy all of them every single one's a failure it's like almost 99 of them are a failure oh or it's all it's all a lie. I know that sounds completely crazy, but it's 15 minutes of research. Just just let you know. And then the whole house of cards starts to get wobbly. The name of the book's unvaccinated or you can just Google yourself. You could do the work yourself and just be like. When was the measles vaccine created? That's the one to look up or polio.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And when did polio go away? And when did measles go away? Look it up anywhere. CDC, FDA, anywhere. I'm just saying. But other than that, I do think it's cool what you're doing. You should. The only reason I bring this up to you is because it's your kids and you want to protect your kids.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And when you give a shot to a kid, you've changed their immune system for the rest of their life. So like all of us, but we we were old so it was different then but if you give us if you keep kids on the schedule that's out there now or give them any of this plethora of of drugs um you have altered their immune system for the rest of their life and you just don't want to do that so that's why i'm only saying it because i care not because i want to be right like i don't really care your sons didn't get those all those shots when you go to the six month visit the nine dude nothing dude nothing there there's no as soon as you look at the risks the risks of vaccine injury far far outweigh far outweigh the risks of getting polio like no one gets polio unless you drink um um you have to drink DDT or arsenic or lead.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Will they not let your kids into school? They don't go to school. No, they don't go to school. My kids don't go to school. You're homeschool? Homeschool. Jesus. That's so much work. I can't imagine. No, no. No, no.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I'll school your kids, Gary. Hey, Gary, let me just say this one thing real quick, and then we'll go back to Tyson. Here's the thing. Think about this. If they took kids away before they could walk from their parents, let's say we all sent our kids to school at six months old. We would be less than one generation away from the world believing that kids couldn't learn how to walk unless they went to school. Do you get what I'm saying? And so we have this complete delusion that our kids are actually learning something in school, but they're really not.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Excuse me. What are they supposed to be learning? Everything? Math, reading, arithmetic. They're supposed to be learning stuff. Instead, I'm telling you, they're just being indoctrinated. Okay, I get you. I get you. Is Haley a superhero? No, kind of.
Starting point is 00:41:53 She can do all that and homeschool? I just can't. No, no, no. She basically has them in the morning while I do the podcast, while I jerk off with you guys. She teaches them how to read and how to write and math, and then I take over. Then it's just basically you take them out into the world you don't give them any screen time and they just learn we're just humans we just learn
Starting point is 00:42:13 they just start recognizing patterns just take them out to the world reading writing and arithmetic is that just three things you're supposed to learn in school that i've never heard i've heard a lot recently those three things i mean those are learn in school that I've never heard. I've heard it a lot recently. Those three things. I mean, those are important. I mean, they're young. Maybe there's other shit they got to learn eventually too,
Starting point is 00:42:29 but they're young. The oldest kid's eight. You know what I mean? Like you just need to, like they do multiplication, long division, that kind of shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Reading, spelling. Greg Glassman's in the chat. Is that a fake Greg? Yeah. Well, I would, I don't want to say he's a fake Greg, but he's not the Greg that we know.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Hey, Greg Glassman, if you drink four Pepsis, it kills COVID. Hey, Saturday's game, do you think Tyson will be Q2 by next week? I think it's either that or he's cut, right? Didn't he say that? They do cuts on that Tuesday? Monday. It's the following Monday after the game on Saturday. He's not getting cut.
Starting point is 00:43:15 He's not getting cut. I think I did say long multiplication, by the way. I think I did say it. You can quote me on it. Long multiplication. Dude, you said you've been looking through those comments, Gary? Yeah. Imagine what happens if they cut him. My dad's as big of a Bears fan as you could imagine,
Starting point is 00:43:36 and he called me and he goes, dude, that show at 7 was so good, that dude's going to be a fucking superstar. He's freaking out. I'm assuming that's how the entire fan base is they can't cut him as soon as that game was over everybody was losing their shit yeah the two the two things i love from your podcast with with tyson the two reveals is to hear the little personal moment where he says he walked into the locker room and like dudes
Starting point is 00:44:01 were missing like fuck dude oh shit that guy's gone that's like crazy and then i've been reading about this quarterback controversy and he comes on your show it's like oh we just went to the movies so like i know crazy right so like it just brings it like human like this is crazy shit up here but it's still at the end of the day it's like dudes his only post his only post about that game was the quarterback he's competing against. And it was in his story, showing Peterman throwing a touchdown pass. Why didn't you ask what movie he went to? Was it Barbie?
Starting point is 00:44:39 Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer, yeah. I got this whole list of questions not to ask him. You did? No but I should No do you really get a list? No no no no I'm saying I have a whole list that I've written But in my head
Starting point is 00:44:55 I'm filtering questions with him more than I would ever Filter them with anyone I don't want to do anything to Tarnish I don't want to do anything to tarnish his, like, I don't want to do anything to tarnish, um, uh, his,
Starting point is 00:45:08 his brand. Like you wouldn't ask him if he's vaccinated. Fuck no. I won't. I won't. I won't. I beg you. Do not get Tyson canceled.
Starting point is 00:45:21 No. And if someone's like, and let me tell you, anyone who's like, you're up, sell out you pussy. Sure. I own it. Fine. Cool. not get tyson canceled no and if someone's like and let me tell you anyone who's like europe sell out you pussy sure i i own it fine cool great now what yeah i totally have boundaries and limits and rules and i do care about what other people think and blah blah blah blah fine oh when it comes to your buddy a 20 years kid yeah yeah i ain't fucking i ain't fucking with this shit i and i want to
Starting point is 00:45:44 know there's stuff i want to know i want to know like hey do you have like do you use baby powder in your socks who's your um do you have a do you have special underwear you wear what do you eat like i want to know everything like what did your mom say to you i want to know what it's i want to the nitty gritty of what it's like to be great on the tip of the spear. I want to know. Yeah, all that. I heard him say in another interview that he plays fasted. He fucking said that. Yeah, in college he did that. And I'm like, where'd you learn that stupid shit?
Starting point is 00:46:14 And he's all from your podcast. Like, dude, you're not supposed to do that. That's for old dudes. Yeah. Dude, I'm so excited. I was not a football fan. I quit because the Chargers killed me. But I might come back to being a fan.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I might not even talk as much shit about the NFL. Did you see this? I know you saw this, right? Chicago Bears quarterback Tyson Bajan told Seval Matosian that he doesn't know if the Bears will keep him on the roster this season. Tyson said that he would love to stay with the Bears and is taking it day by day. God.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Uh-oh. See, you got to be careful, dude. This is a Chicago reporter. They're paying attention to you now. Yeah, don't get my man in trouble. Do they follow the Sevan podcast now? I don't know. Do they follow this up on podcast now?
Starting point is 00:47:03 I don't know. I mean, what level of success do you have to be before they tell you, hey, you can't do just any media. Like they're protecting the brand that thoroughly? Yeah, like they begin to care about what you say and only say PC answers. He was wearing a CEO shirt on the podcast. Yeah. Congrats. I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:47:29 it's like this weird circle of us all knowing each other and to see the success. I feel like even though I'm not their family, I feel like this is happening to a family member and I'm just going to... That's what I told him. I said, thank you for just letting us, like some of your shit like fall out
Starting point is 00:47:45 onto us yeah like thank you you know what's crazy is Travis told me to buy one of his son's playing cards like six months ago I'm like oh yeah of course and I didn't and it's like I heard they're 822 bucks a card now you stupid motherfucker I bought 10 you want one oh Oh, yeah. Did you? I got eight. Do you really? No. Oh, that would be awesome. Oh, you should have kept going. I know. Savon, I got to go 10 to the minors.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Okay. I haven't given up on the dream. I don't know. The wife, for some reason. Stay in touch. People always ask about you. Stay in touch. I'm sorry I've been a stranger. Stay in touch people always ask about you stay in touch uh i'm sorry i was just i'm sorry i've been a stranger stay in touch come on whenever you want yeah thank you
Starting point is 00:48:31 love to people love you and and and you you're wild and you bring great energy i appreciate it uh someone asked me you know they were talking about the wife and the permission it's like hey man is that what you're talking about? Trying to raise children, man. It's hard work, bro. I'm impressed you do it so seamlessly. Or at least you appear to. What? No way.
Starting point is 00:48:56 No way, bro. eBay. Oh, my God. That's crazy. Dude. I'm telling you, that kid's going to do the work, bro. I need a screenshot of that to post on my Instagram. That's crazy. Dude. I'm telling you, that kid's going to do the work, bro. I need a screenshot of that to post on my Instagram. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Oh, look, look, look, look. Zachary Kadatz. I love Gary. Let's get back into the gym. Excuse me. Is that someone from your gym? The daily training tip? It's a guy from Australia.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I wonder what Ben Hirsch has to say about this price. Yeah, Benny. That's great. from australia i wonder what ben hirsch has to say about this price yeah benny that's benjamin here's the thing that i've been talking to uh travis about his kid is gonna do the work he's gonna study he's gonna study film and study the playbook more than any of those other guys on his team and they're they're gonna have to elevate their game because he's gonna embarrass people with the work ethic so he's a guy you want on your team no matter what no matter where he's travis though too he's also a thinking machine like when i talk to him i'm like oh this is just a really clean thinking machine he's just clean he's pristine in there in between
Starting point is 00:50:02 his ears it It's awesome. Hey, guys, I got to go. All right. All right. Bye. Thank you. See you, Gary. TJ, $822 for an undrafted quarterback who hasn't done anything yet,
Starting point is 00:50:14 except that he set the NCAA record in all-time touchdown passes. Football fans are weird. I'm so glad I'm not a football fan anymore. They're douchebags. Why are they weird? It's weird about them. It's like it's not enough that he's been playing. Dude, think about this.
Starting point is 00:50:32 What if people were hyping up John Young to win the CrossFit Games like that? Hey, listen. If John Young had won every single MetCon workout and every single competition he had done over the last – yes, yes, exactly. If since he's been seven, he's won every single fucking Metcon at every single CrossFit event, it's like, oh, shit. You know what I mean? Like, hey, if I told you Adam – if i told you adam if i told you adam how far before i tell you that adam clink's gonna win the crossfit games okay so so just pretend like you don't know who he is and what if i'm like here we go you ready ready hey i know this dude he's gonna win
Starting point is 00:51:15 the crossfit games well what do you know about adam clink oh who's that well he has a 500 pound back squat and then he ran a sub uh what it a five-minute or a six-minute? What did he run? Jesus Christ. And he rode a sub-five-minute mile. I wasn't supposed to know anything about him. But go back. Pretend.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Go back and pretend. Be dumb again. Don't be smart again, please. What would you say to that? Would you say that's really not enough information, or would you say – I'd say something similar to what I said about people who thought James Townsend was going to win the games or Dmitry Khokhlov. What else has he got?
Starting point is 00:51:52 Okay, now bear with me here. Hey, dude, he has a 550-pound back squat and a 450-mile. I'd start thinking that he looks something like Hunter McIntyre, the faster he runs. Oh, my God. Stop sucking Hunter off. He's not mad at you. I didn't think so.
Starting point is 00:52:09 My point is that there's a point where the numbers get so good where you're just like, dude. How many ring muscles he can do? How many ring muscles? He can do a 20 unbroken, strict from the L position. All right. What's his MRF? He refuses to do MRF. He's anti-war. He's a transgender anti-war guy. I would ask him, all right, now, how does that apply to the Tyson conversation?
Starting point is 00:52:40 What does he refuse to do? He refuses to go to Division I for some reason. We don't know. What does he refuse to do? He refuses to go to Division I for some reason. We don't know. Yeah, I'm just saying it's like, hey, this isn't like just a regular – the crown jewel – what would you say the crown jewel is in football as a quarterback? Like if there was one stat. It's not yards rushing.
Starting point is 00:52:59 It's not most first downs. It's not – like how many touchdowns has he thrown The most What do you mean the most of anyone You mean for 2022 No ever What do you mean for like Yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:53:17 It's like dude homie That's a crazy fucking stat That's the stat Alright so Adam Klink Went and won every local competition But he's never been to Waterpalooza That's a crazy fucking stat. That's the stat. All right, so Adam Klink went and won every local competition, but he's never been to Wadapalooza. Right. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:53:38 No, he won Wadapalooza. He won Rogue. He won Dubai. He won Madrid, and he won the Crash Crucible. See what I did there? He just hasn't gone to the games yet. I told JR. It's like fucking Daniel Brandon. She was in college, and she was a pole vaulter, and she had a scholarship,
Starting point is 00:53:56 and so she could never go to either the semifinals, or she could never go to the semifinals because it conflicted with her ability to fulfill her scholarship obligations god i feel like a real journalist for a second i need to stop doing this what was i saying about my penis you said you had two hands like this wrestling wrestling oh jack mosley okay boxer with a-old record fighting nobodies. You're right, but we would still be like, hey, we want to see this guy fight.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Yeah, that's fair. Seema Globes. Oh, that's an interesting photo. Okay, Harry Paratestes. uh okay uh harry uh parrot harry paratestes the new road challenge that's good that's good what did you say hillary hillary look at this name real quick work with me on this name real quick and then you and then you can have the floor work with me on this name harry paratitis yes i know what you i heard you say it yeah i was trying to
Starting point is 00:55:07 mess with it okay go ahead that's good someone in the comments said that there's a new road challenge uh i invited travis uh mayor meyer mayor on the show friday night and he says he has to go to sleep because he's got rogue to do in the morning. So the Rogue qualifier is starting, right? They are. I think Spindridge did a show on that. He did. I think. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:35 I don't tuck up, Kenneth. I don't tuck nothing. Tuck. Triggered. There is no bench press challenge at Rogue. What am I missing? Hey, what's going on in your life?
Starting point is 00:55:54 Has all the drama gone away? Talking to me? Or Caleb? Definitely not me. Yeah, what's up with your life? All the drama gone away? You good? I don't really feel it. It doesn't feel like drama to me so you're all good you moved on to the next the video you make so much content it's like it's like you're like the trump of like when he would
Starting point is 00:56:15 tweet like and it would stir up controversy like if he was like hey i'd rather have a jew accountant than a black one and like it's oh my god he's racist and the next day it's like he's saying something else i'm building a wall to keep the mexicans out and it it's oh my god he's racist and the next day it's like he's saying something else i'm building a wall to keep the mexicans out and it's like oh my god he's racist and it's like that like your shit just is just constantly unfolding that they can't even get stuck and hate you in one place i do like to keep up with what the comments say about the things i've posted just to kind of keep a finger on the pulse and i don't know they just don't stick not because i just think people are so stupid when they say stupid stuff that it doesn't matter. Someone in there goes, you have no
Starting point is 00:56:47 proof about this guy who stole these weights from this gym. I go, dude, he's confessed. You don't know what you're talking about. Someone threw in the whole white knighting thing and I always think that's funny. Hey, you're white knighting for this dude who stole these weights. Hey, does that guy want to come
Starting point is 00:57:03 on my podcast? I'd love to hear about weight stealing. won't respond to my dms anymore tell him ask him if he wants to come on i'll be totally nice to him i'll treat him like i treated nicholas joy i want like i want to know like how he stole them why he stole them where he uses them did he put him in his pants how did he know when he get caught was it scary is he going to return them does he want to steal can i have them i got some questions uh oh he deleted his account no no he changed it he had he added an underscore i found it already he that's how you do it so it was it's his name with an additional underscore at the end of it. It's the same thing. I don't think Hiller says crazy shit. Mason Mitchell, Hiller says so much crazy shit that nobody really gives it much thought.
Starting point is 00:57:54 What are you talking about? He doesn't say anything crazy. Well, I did say that Justin Fields is going to be injured by week three this year, so that's kind of crazy. I don't know. A lot of people that I talk to who know football are like, hey, that's a running QB. And I go, what's that mean?
Starting point is 00:58:08 And they go, that means that he's going to get drilled and Tyson's going to be in. I think Caleb may have told me that. Many people did. I agree. Hey, you found him. That's the dude? He follows you. He follows the show podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Oh, dude, Rayota. Hey, dude, come on the show, dude. Let's talk. I messaged him, and I was like, dude, I'm going to probably make a video on this. If you want anything to say to make yourself look better, here's your shot. And he never responded. Hey, is he really a Toastbacer ambassador? No. In the comments, Toastbacers made a comment saying that he hasn't been for the past two years.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I'll find a sponsor for you, like Safe Crackers or something. For him? Or Burglar Alarms, yeah. Or like Cowbells. That guy just wears a cowbell, so whenever you know he's around, you hold on to your shit. Everyone's watching. Listen, guys, I'm a criminal, and I'm going to wear a cowbell so whenever you know he's around you hold on to your shit everyone's watching guys i'm a criminal and i'm gonna wear a cowbell so that everyone knows to keep their shit in check
Starting point is 00:59:10 when i'm around i get a cowbell sponsor i don't is he a douche is he a douche i i want to know what was going on in his head when he stole $50 worth of change plates what are you doing dude I need to hear more before I know if he's a I agree it's dumb but like I can't dumb it sounds so dumb
Starting point is 00:59:37 it's $50 does he have a sickness drop in feedback and change plates like $20 I'm going to get my money's worth and take these with me. Maybe he thought it was like the exchange thing. You buy a t-shirt, steal a t-shirt. Oh, my God. Well, you know what's crazy?
Starting point is 00:59:55 Here's the thing. It is a douche move. But to be blasted on the internet, that's hard. God, life is hard. Sorry, what were you saying? I just pointed it out would you call that uh no no i'm not saying that you did anything wrong either i'm just saying like we live in this made a follow-up post talking about forgiveness
Starting point is 01:00:17 because i think they felt bad about the whole thing say that again the affiliate oh alexis the affiliate made a follow-up post about forgiveness because i think they felt bad because this guy got smashed yeah and that's cool and i was thinking like what do you think's gonna happen when you put up a post about this dude like i'm gonna find it and then i'm gonna make a post about it and then people are gonna do what people do like did you not think that through? I'm not saying, I don't know. I think it was kind of cool of the affiliate to do that.
Starting point is 01:00:50 I don't know if I agree with it. I think that they should have thought it through before they did that. If I do something, you think about, if I make another Danny Spiegel video, I know 100% where that's going. What if he went back to the affiliate and he was like, hey, I'm going to clean your bathroom every day for a month month i think he should let me know so that i can tell some people that's what he's doing i know no right right that too i agree it's like like what is he after oh yeah let me read this i like forgiveness shit oh man is that how you spell it forgiveness yes all right oh is that a different word than forgiveness hold on
Starting point is 01:01:28 does that look right yeah hillar just fucked me up by saying it like that oh if you google forgiveness it's the they use the picture that's the first one that pops up on google oh that's good oh that is yeah here? Yeah, there. Lazy fucks at that affiliate. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Easy. I mean, oh, how sweet of you. Okay, let me go back.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Let me read this thing. Oh, the affiliate owner at this gym is a Christian. Well, that's why. We want to thank everyone in the CrossFit community who helped locate the missing equipment. The person responsible has taken responsibility for their actions, apologized, and is making amends. People make mistakes. We believe that everyone deserves forgiveness, and this doesn't need to ruin someone's life or reputation, etc. We didn't even realize how quickly this would become a huge deal, and we were simply hoping to get our equipment returned and paid for. It's no surprise it was a dirty Asian male that did the stealing.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Wow! I can't believe they have that in there. It's no surprise it was a dirty Asian male that did the stealing. Wow. I can't believe they have that in there. I can't believe it. For years, we have only thought it was young Armenian men that stole, but this is truly a despicable move by an Asian man. This is fucking crazy. Listen to this show on Apple. For years, we have opened our gym up to members of the CrossFit community,
Starting point is 01:02:44 including Asians. During the games, we greatly miss our gym up to members of the CrossFit community, including Asians. During the games, we greatly miss hosting you in our facility. We had athletes, coaches, and fans from all over the world enjoy this place, and we loved it. It cost us a lot to run a gym, buy and replace equipment, and to staff and clean, especially during the games. So naturally, we were upset that someone in our own community would take advantage, especially a handsome young Asian man. God, it's always the race car. So much race. But please, we are asking that this not go any further.
Starting point is 01:03:10 We want to move on and accept the apology. We ask that you guys forgive as well. Mistakes happen. Every one of us had a lapse in judgment in our lives, but we all do better if we forgive. Fuck, this gym's dope. What gym is this? Modelayo. Yeah yeah they're doing
Starting point is 01:03:26 another while you're there caleb can you click out of this scroll down a little bit someone said leave judy out of this our token asian listener fuck down down down down down down down a little more a little more this is worth it i'm telling you it's worth it right almost oh i like that i like that that child's pose circle thing that's a cool photo where where is the fucking thing come on there it is oh wow oh shit hey that's that's the gym that tore the guy's face off. No way. Hey, that thing's on eBay for $3 million.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Is that Madero's? Yeah. Is it really? Yeah, it's for this man on Earth. Use your brand on the handstand ramp. That was a year ago, though. It's not really Madero's, is it? It's not really Justin, is it? It's not really Justin is it?
Starting point is 01:04:25 I think it is They didn't even tag him? Yeah I guess not Hey let me see that Jim real quick Can I see the owners? Can you go to their website? I want to see I want to see what ethnicity
Starting point is 01:04:40 This person is I would like to go to their Instagram I wonder if they have something like Christ first or some shit. Oh, thank you, Sarah, for having my back. Sorry, Judy. There's one in every group. Yeah, man, they're cool. I was talking to them.
Starting point is 01:04:54 The owners are real cool. Mateo. I'm down with it. I'd love the forgiveness. Beyond forgiveness, like give them a free year membership too. I mean, what? I don't know. I took it too far.
Starting point is 01:05:12 I took it too far. That's a lot. Let him date your sister. Let him date your sister. That's even worse. Mad Marv, if everyone deserves forgiveness, then we can't have accountability. Yeah, I don't know if I agree with the forgiveness thing,
Starting point is 01:05:28 but I do agree with the... Leave him alone now. He's gotten fucked up enough. Greg Glassman, what about Jason Hopper not being in any of HWPO's behind-the-scenes game stuff? It's all Catherine. Maybe they're waiting to release it.
Starting point is 01:05:52 No, they're embarrassed. Oh. Matt Fraser would never put the video on his channel. That's not true. That is not true. I think he said that, actually. No. If he said he's embarrassed,
Starting point is 01:06:15 you need to make that into just three minutes of him saying, I'm embarrassed, I'm embarrassed, I'm embarrassed. There's no way you would say that about one of your athletes. There's no way. No, he didn't say that. Okay. Rambler, Jason was in a three-second scene. Oh, I saw a movie one time where Jason was in it for three seconds.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Done. Could you imagine a scenario where that would be cool of him to say? I think that there's definitely situations where you could be embarrassed about the way your athlete handled themselves. Like if they did steroids? Or they threw a temper tantrum? I don't know. No, just like what if they were acting up? Like a – I think it would put you in like a Bill Belichick sort of situation.
Starting point is 01:06:59 You mean like if you pushed a judge? In baseball, if you don't run to first base and you get thrown out on a play where you probably could have made it, you get sad for a couple of games because it's embarrassing when you don't put effort in. And nobody second guesses the managers in those situations. I think I saw a few of those at the games. See?
Starting point is 01:07:22 I would hope I wouldn't do that. I would hope that I would show loyalty to my athlete no matter what or you might for real like I wouldn't do the wrong thing we'll say that again I don't know don't you want a coach that's going to hold you accountable they're not going to say oh it's okay that you uh yeah not public non-public like if one of my athletes got caught for steroids i would not kick them out but i would scream at them in private i would fucking scream at them dude i think that has to do a lot with the personal conversations you bring an athlete on every single conversation
Starting point is 01:07:58 they haven't been transparent with you and then they tarnish your brand with a steroid bit yeah see i never knew anything and you dump them okay you're right you're right you're right you're right you're right that's totally fair yeah and i'm not saying it ends on anything actually i think i made a video on the contrary saying that i think she's natural but imagine she popped in your collar and you're well i don't know i don't know what their conversations are but okay how about this your girlfriend her last 10 boyfriends
Starting point is 01:08:29 before you she's cheated on and then you marry her and you find out she cheats on you and you divorce her I think you're a fucking idiot that's why one of the guys
Starting point is 01:08:38 got sent home on a bachelorette this season because why you fucker you knew you know that because why what happened so he like in the beginning of the season he admitted to the the bachelorette the woman that he had cheated uh in the past like four relationships that he had and she was like well i'm glad you told me that but fuck you see you later you're done yeah Well, you just know you're getting a cheat.
Starting point is 01:09:05 You just know you're getting a cheater. And so at that point, it doesn't mean they're going to. Oh, with him and Dylan Danis. Have you seen that? I saw him throw a cake. It's kind of what you're talking about. Logan Paul proposed to that chick. Oh, and then the Danis guy, he was on posting pictures on his Twitter of dudes that she's been with
Starting point is 01:09:26 and apparently they're breaking up after they've been engaged for a month because he's been fucking them up legitimately what you just brought up is what happened with Logan Paul wait that worked it fucked Logan Paul's relationship up?
Starting point is 01:09:42 yeah you can fucking find it somewhere I'm sure I bet Caleb could pull up an article. Is that Adam Sandler? Yeah. That's why I thought it was so funny. Wait a second. Are you kidding me? Yeah, Logan Paul with this chick.
Starting point is 01:09:58 He ditched his chick because some other... It's what you just said, yeah. That's what I... Caleb, can you confirm that real quick is that wow logan paul's a fucking bitch for doing that can you there's no really uh i bet it pops up on one of the news articles caleb's on it he wow he vetted logan paul's girlfriend from logan paul allegedly broke off his engagement with fiance nina agdal due to some alleged recent controversy surrounding her past there you go it's exactly what you said 10 chicks or 10 dudes she cheated on all of them or did some shit there's a there's a woman but he's supposed but here's the thing he's supposed to fight i know
Starting point is 01:10:43 this is now we're totally off subject but he's dylan dan He's supposed to fight. I know now we're totally off subject, but Dylan Danis is supposed to fight him, right? And so that means he got so much in Logan Paul's head that he fucked his relationship up with his chick. Unless you think he's doing that just to make sure that he's focused for the fight. You think he maybe could do that? Or it's the 3D chess thing, and this is all part of building up the hype for the fight.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Wow, true, true. And she's in on it too. No, she's not. No way. They're all in on it. Hey, can you go to that – can you go to Dylan Danis' Instagram account? Who else did she – Oh, it's good.
Starting point is 01:11:22 It's good. I think it's just on his Twitter. It's his Twitter, yeah. So basically he's just, so she's basically fucked like 20 famous dudes and he's like pointing it out? 20 might be generous. Like low?
Starting point is 01:11:41 Low. Generously low. Yeah, it might be like 50. Holy shit. Or 100. Wow. There you go. Generously low. Yeah. It might be like 50. Holy shit. Or 100. Wow. There you go. There you go.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Hey, Richard. Richard Fitzwell. Wait. No. Damn. Where's Richard's comment? Oh, sorry. For fuck's sake, Gary's retarded.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Why do you have him on the show? I am offended. Are you saying that I shouldn't have retarded people on the show? That is so fucked up dude i want to speak out on behalf of everyone at the seven podcast can i speak for you caleb sure and you can't speak no oh sorry on behalf of uh two of us not hillar um we do not discriminate based on uh anyone's iq on who our guests can be in the past, present, and the future. And any other time dimensions that exist – I'm trying to be inclusive to people like Roth. To all the dimensions, you can have any IQ and still be welcome on the show.
Starting point is 01:12:38 You can be an imbecile, retarded, or an idiot, and there's no judgment other than you're stupid. Thank you. Hey, Magnus, if I – I don't know. Why would he bring off her engagement? What's the minimum IQ you'd allow on the show? You know that one? I don't actually really even know how IQ tests work. Neither do I.
Starting point is 01:13:09 We could take one live on the show. If you... I would have pretty much anyone on once. Like you could be just completely... Like I'd have a dog. I'd try to interview a dog. If you were like, hey, dude, you want to interview my dog i'd be like yeah let's do it my dog's dope there you go both of them but they wouldn't be they wouldn't be good on the show i bet there are probably 50
Starting point is 01:13:36 people who have messaged you 50 times and you haven't seen them and they're like what the fuck man i want to hate you hey you, you have anyone on a rambler? The guy who wants to use petroleum jelly for dry skin says big brain. High IQ. David Lucas coming back on. No, actually, I thought about maybe having him back on, but it would be just to do a bit. Here's the woman. Greg Glassman says Stefan would try anything anything once that's a typo he means anyone once
Starting point is 01:14:10 what did you say hillary was david lucas the one who was high and sleepy he was like taking calls from his mom and shit oh do you mind holding on a second i'm like hey i fucked up then that shows what a pussy i am like that that's the libtard in me darn it i can't believe i said that word that's the liberal in me oh yeah you're gonna cut that out right right that's i think the first time i've said it in 50 shows i've been good right caleb yeah absolutely you also apologized you're good thank you what caleb you just get oh damn i didn't know we were still doing this apparently i, I had to log in to Twitter to actually... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:49 It doesn't give a name. Brad Pitt. That's cool. Solid lay. Are those photoshopped? No. How is Dylan Danis... I can't believe Dylan Danis is still in the fight games.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Oh, no. Is that her? Yeah, that's her. He called her a whore? Wow. So God called her a whore. Yeah, right. What is this?
Starting point is 01:15:23 He threw a cake at Dylan dallas and the place went crazy just fucking crazy anyway sorry where else who that's it just three dudes just three there's a lot no there's no no no no i'm arabian dude racist on behalf of on behalf of the crossfit, he did not mean Arabian dude. He meant a man of Arabic descent. Oh, my bad. Apologies. No problem.
Starting point is 01:15:54 People out there get twisted. I don't get that. That's not photoshopped. What is that? A chicken with a hole in it? It's a turkey that's where you put the stuffing in dude oh geez oh geez who's that no idea looks like javier baez damn when's their fight i don't, but I'll probably watch it. And I haven't watched a fight since Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Hey, did Dylan Danis bang her too? I don't think so. I think those ones are photoshopped. This one? Yeah, those ones are photoshopped. this one yeah wow he's unleashed holy hell on logan paul yeah yeah he really went after him the video he put out is pretty wild can we see the video what video you're gonna have to i don't
Starting point is 01:16:58 know a video there's like a million of them that i just scrolled past oh hold on a second uh oh Sevan can call people retarded, retard only. At least Gary didn't mention Levin for five minutes. I listened to his no, not. No, no, anyone can call anyone retarded. You can call. Richard's pretty jacked, huh? Oh, he's so young.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Richard, what you were saying is that you can call him retarded. You missed the point. Don't be retarded. The point was this. The point was is that you were saying that you implied with the way you worded that that I wouldn't have someone on who's retarded. And what I'm saying is I do have retarded people on because you're calling Gary retarded. I'm not arguing whether Gary's retarded or not or whether you can call him retarded or not. I'm saying that I'm willing to have retarded people on.
Starting point is 01:17:41 You understand? Dude, you just ruined the whole joke, Richard. I do explain it. What the fuck? Are you retarded? on you understand dude you just ruined the whole joke richard i do explain it what the fuck are you retarded all right where were we he needs to leave his wife no don't say it hillar hillar what is it like saying freaking beetle juice or i don't know what if she's listening that'll hurt her feelings i don't want to hurt her feelings i want to keep having gary on it's like don't ask tyson if he's taking the you know and'll hurt her feelings. I don't want to hurt her feelings. I want to keep having Gary on. Don't ask Tyson if he's taking the... Got it. Don't make fun of Gary's wife.
Starting point is 01:18:11 You're not Dylan Dennis. I wasn't making fun of... I can't help myself. I just read things when I see them. Richard, is this your first episode? Question mark. I'll make a list. No, Richard's been here forever he's he's a he's a dude
Starting point is 01:18:27 jesus you guys richard's one of us go easy on him my goodness you know who this is milos uh uh no sorry this one uh milos uh uh popovic i think that was the guy that would go around doing speaking engagements. Richard Fitzwell. I am. Did you read my typos? I'm trying to order a wall ball target at the same time. Fair enough. Hey, that's the best excuse
Starting point is 01:18:59 ever. What? Why'd you fuck up? I'm trying to order something from rogue at the same time uh get your game splits they're on sale in the used section at rogue are they they're 45 and 55s left if you want the the final year of the noble sponsorship on your plates what do you mean is that yeah what do you know i don't know shit hold on one second richard bursfield retarded is offensive dated less advanced and oh it's offensive it's less advanced in mental physical or social development than is usual for one's age i don't think it's offensive
Starting point is 01:19:38 i mean i don't think it's offensive unless you're not retarded how is it offensive I don't think it's offensive unless you're not retarded. How is it offensive? Someone tried to tell me the other day that Tranny was offensive. It's like, dude, where are you from? That's Bay Area vernacular. That's totally fine. Hey, I remember when you couldn't say like you couldn't call like a black dude a brother You can just say whatever you want
Starting point is 01:20:07 Dear Bill and Katie What a transition What if they were your brothers? By marriage Nice move, Caleb Yeah, right Well, then you spell it different It's brothers Brother Yeah, right. Well, then you spell it different.
Starting point is 01:20:27 It's brothers. Brother. Don't let Gary get divorced. I already have to weed through too many dudes. Let him stay married and out of the dating pool. Wow, I like that. How come he didn't want to talk about his testosterone use or lack thereof? Whichever one, we don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:42 He wouldn't talk about it. I mean, basically, he summed it up in one sentence. He's got high blood pressure. No. He wants to bang too much. Yeah. Can you be more specific than that?
Starting point is 01:20:59 He's too horny because he has the testosterone of a 16-year-old boy well i i can i throw out more it doesn't want any more let me throw out what i think is a more accurate um uh explanation the person he wants to bone doesn't want to bone him as much as he wants to bone. Interesting. Maybe she needs to get a doctor on too.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Right. As opposed to he wants to bone too much, maybe she doesn't want to bone enough. I wonder what that is. Twice a week? Five times a week? Fourteen times a week? It's a lot. It's like morning, It's a lot.
Starting point is 01:21:46 It's like morning, noon, and night. It's it. It's it. When you say it like that, it's a lot. I, I kind of feel like he's probably in the wrong.
Starting point is 01:21:55 I, it's, it's, it's like two. I think it was one. I think he was, he wanted two times a day and he was willing to go down to like every other day,
Starting point is 01:22:02 but it still was like too much. Oh yeah. willing to go down to like every other day but it still was like too much oh yeah i think you talked about it before i would love to make that a goal of mine i would love to see if i could do that to my wife make her say stop yes please give us the feedback on that i've never done that before I've never like reached No I've never had her be like no I've never had her say no I've never She's like dude really Again I just I would
Starting point is 01:22:32 I don't know I would I would love to like put that up for a challenge For myself like just do a bunch of Meth and What does meth have to do with this Arginine just so I could stay up for like A week and just take arginine the Just so I could stay up for like a week and just take arginine the whole time. I'm old school.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Math is old school. I want to do readings on this show like Saturday Night Live. Like the new show. Where I tell jokes. And I just rip on people. I rip on people in the CrossFit community. I had two.
Starting point is 01:23:08 What do you want to rip on? It doesn't matter. It could be anyone. Here, I have a writer. You have a writer? Yeah, let me see if I can. I can't tell you who it is. Ghost writer.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Ghost writer. Okay, okay. Let's rip on Dave. I'm not going to start there. You can take it. We'll build there. Okay. Can I pick someone else?
Starting point is 01:23:35 Or are you going to say no to everybody? No, no. Go ahead. How about that guy, Mikey Swoosh Who was trying to come at you in the comments No dude that dude sucks Okay Are you going to say no to everyone
Starting point is 01:23:54 Are you going to say no to everyone Dude I kind of got right into the Mikey Swoosh thing For anyone who doesn't know He commented on my danny spiegel post and he goes you're a piece of shit pussy you wouldn't do this to a guy so i made a follow-up post where i tagged like 30 dudes all of which i made videos on most of them multiple times and then i thought about it and i go all, you saying that actually proves that you're the one who's thinking in the first place. You think that because I won't talk about dudes, which I do, and I just prove that I do both and I don't think about it before I do it, I just do things.
Starting point is 01:24:38 That by nature, men are more badass than women. You contradicted yourself with the statement do you follow keelan yes yes yes yes did he respond to that how does he respond to that that just fucked with the woke brain um i didn't get into it because i decided to stop talking to him and i actually ended it with an andrew killer out i ended my how does he accuse you of attacking women more than men and then when you show that you attack men twice as much? Well, that's not even used the word attack when you've critiqued men twice
Starting point is 01:25:09 as much as women. How does he how do you respond? How does someone respond to that? With the Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a sexist piece of shit. Just looking for reasons to be sexist. I'm sorry. I'm a woke fucking victim. What a douchebag he is. There's no there's no depth. You can keep on throwing things at him from different corners like this is how nobag he is there's no depth you can keep on
Starting point is 01:25:26 throwing things at him from different corners like this is how no this is no no no look at it this way look at it this way and they'll keep on saying no dude you're sexist my dude shut the fuck up what does that even mean no you're sexist by thinking that he makes a decision on whether it's
Starting point is 01:25:42 men or women it's the same thing when you try to boil down to somebody who is racist. He's saying that I won't approach men because he thinks men are scarier. I didn't say that. You said that. Yeah, you think men are superior. Go ahead, Caleb. What were you going to say? It's the same thing when you try to boil down if racism actually exists with somebody. Well, it just happens.
Starting point is 01:26:02 My husband experiences it all the time. Okay, give me specific examples. They're like i just i just know it just i can see it every day okay tell me thank you thank you a wise one uh crossfit superstar ricky gurnard sorry crossfit superstar ricky garrard announced last week that he's changed his name to Ricky Mack. Nice try, Ricky, but we still know you're the guy that popped for PEDs. You made that up? No, one of my writers did. Ghost writer.
Starting point is 01:26:38 And I love Ricky, and I love Ricky Mack, and I don't care that he did steroids, so I can say that. No, no, no. You think that's a good joke or just my delivery is really poor. Whoever wrote that missed a very good opportunity to bring in the special sauce of a Big Mac. Ricky Mac, is that the Thousand Island dressing or is it some other sort of special sauce? You're feeling the show. You're feeling the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Okay, here's another one uh law enforcement in dane county wisconsin have a warrant out for a suspect who is seen assaulting talking elite fitness lauren's talking elite fitness is lauren khalil today police have identified the subject the subject is believed to be a plastic lens cap i should have probably vetted these first that's a joke because uh she um she made it can you pull up that post on her yeah christ okay sorry i shouldn't be testing out my my ghostwriter jokes on live on the air your ghostwriter did you guys basically lauren took some we've a couple pictures look at there's lauren khalil
Starting point is 01:27:46 right there like with her camera look at she's gonna hate that oh she's a good sport look at her uh miss khalil um uh your lens cap is on miss khalil oh yes you posing for that photo your lens cap is on please take that off wait there's another one though yeah where was it just down a little bit this one that one oh shit i commented on this one oh shit uh miss khalil uh you're really good in front of the camera. Yeah. You're fired. She was just trying to get audio. She was getting B roll or C roll.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Let me, let me, let me see the replies. Uh, is the lens cap on? Like, can I see the replies for that? Caleb,
Starting point is 01:28:38 my pictures, you have too much time on your hands. Oh, I like that. Good. That's what they said. You don't have to zoom in on the other picture that has a lens cap on though. So, I like that. Good. That's what they said. You don't have to zoom in on the other picture that has the lens cap on, though. It's pretty obvious.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Kenneth DeLapp, do you remember when you were recording the Khaleesi? Yeah. I remember. He didn't ask you. He didn't ask you. Oh, wait, hold on.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Oh, sorry. Uh, remember when you were recording the Khaleesi Hiller? Oh yeah. He was asking you. Wait a minute. No,
Starting point is 01:29:12 I don't remember anymore. I only remember. I don't think I was doing that. I think you were. Oh, I read the question wrong. I didn't see the comma. That's important,
Starting point is 01:29:25 dude. Pun punctuation matters you're a good dude Rambler A7S3 yeah Stefan's went to shit at the games he had to get a new camera mid games it's true that's cause yours is 3 years old and has miles on it i'm gonna ask you a question hillary i'm gonna give you a chance to be smart did the republican convention
Starting point is 01:29:52 happen tonight or the democrat uh democrat uh convention uh happened tonight republicans or democrats who had their uh debates tonight sorry not their convention who had their debates tonight? Sorry, not their convention. Who had their debates tonight? Did the Republicans have a debate tonight or did the Democrats have a debate tonight? I watched this movie yesterday called Don't Look Up. It's got Leonardo DiCaprio in it and it shows how stupid politics are. Oh.
Starting point is 01:30:22 And I don't know. I don't know the answer to your question, but I answered it with that. Is that the one where they're concerned that a meteor is going to hit the... Yeah, it's pretty funny. It's a little long, but it's pretty funny. What's the answer?
Starting point is 01:30:39 Hiller will answer the Republicans. The Republicans had a debate tonight. What's the idea? Why is that important? Because there's a guy in the debate that I really like listening to talk, Vivek Ramaswamy. Did Seven already go off on Reddit comments in CrossFit? I thought that you're not allowed to talk about me in the CrossFit. Last time I went there, there was a media that said you're –
Starting point is 01:31:04 There's a massive post in there. Please do not pull it up. I saw you getting all twitchy and shit. Give me... Give me... Give me... It's just people hating on me?
Starting point is 01:31:25 Misunderstanding. it's just people hating on me um misunderstanding that means hating me that means hating me why do people watch this show hey can someone call oh I was gonna say if you hate me could you call into the show and ask me why you tell me why you watch there you go
Starting point is 01:31:43 here we go just let me know I just want to know I'm just curious like i i don't do anything i'm trying to think if i watch anything of like the show that's a good point i don't watch anything i don't like or don't want to watch i mean who's your favorite person? I hear people say stuff that they just so misunderstand. It's crazy. If Greg was on CNN, would you watch it? Yes. If he was on Fox, would you watch it? Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:17 I watch Vivek Ramaswamy on CNN. No, I'd watch him wherever he went. That might be how some people are with athletes like daniel brandon so they watch you come on okay okay all right that's fair mason mitchell i hate this show oh he's here a lot that's good barry my cock in her i defended you thank you what's your name on reddit barry because mine's andrew hiller and i don't hey it's i'm not gonna say that like i've never done anything like mean to anyone or attacked anyone but i'll drag hill into this it's like the danny spiegel thing it's like he showed a video of a video she made.
Starting point is 01:33:05 And every time she made a point, he just told you whether he agreed with her or not. And then some guy named Mikey swoosh thinks that he's attacking her. It's like, no, no, you got to do a little more than that. That doesn't quite sum up what I did.
Starting point is 01:33:21 What did you do? I just saw you like being like, I agree. I disagree. That was the, that was the woolly video and i made a youtube video on that yeah and then the next day or the day after next she puts up that post on saving maui oh yeah and then i made a video on that with alexis and then she blocked me
Starting point is 01:33:41 and then i made an instagram post about her blocking me. Are you saying anything about her, like that she sleeps around or she's addicted to fentanyl? No, I just said she blocked me. She drinks blood from little kids' blood? That's the thing I don't understand. I never see anyone doing anything like the shit she said about CrossFit was worse than anything I've heard anyone ever say about her and CrossFit's not attacking her. I just don't understand how these people are upset. Like, dude, he's taking the stuff that you did
Starting point is 01:34:13 and just saying whether he agrees with you or not. He's not like, hey, you're stupid for thinking this. I just said I don't understand usually. That's about as hard as I go. And then sometimes I go harder, but I don't understand usually that's about as hard as i go and then sometimes i go harder but i don't go harder on people i've gone harder on crossfit for being stupid and some people for being idiots right you called the guy who stole the plates a turd yeah it's pretty hard it's not even that he's being on it's not even that he's being on he's not even he's just voting like i
Starting point is 01:34:43 agree don't you i would think that she would send him 50 bucks and be like, hey, thanks for pumping me up. Yolanda, monthly subscription. You're late. And a dollar short. I mean, thank you. It's not even payday. I got blocked by Mel and Danny and Guimaraes and Will Morehead. And who's that Canadian dude or French dude who worked out of Train Think Tank?
Starting point is 01:35:13 Uh-uh. In 2018 or 19, he had an issue with a workout, and he got some reps back. I don't remember his name. Cedric the Entertainer. Cedric. Yeah, I'm blocked by him because I called out some muscle ups and he didn't like it. I'm actually blocked by more
Starting point is 01:35:29 dudes than chicks at this point. Didn't think about that. Then I know. Oh, and the weight stealer. I'm blocked by him. That's four. Four to two. Oh, oh. Hey, who are some people? I'm going to tell you who I invited on the show
Starting point is 01:35:44 Friday. I invited Travis the show Friday I invited Travis Mayer he said he can't Too late I invited Jessica Griffith Oh Because she trains that She was the fittest nurse in the world at one point She trains that kid I want to hear about what it's like
Starting point is 01:36:01 Training that kid What's his name Tudor Who that kid. I want to hear about what it's like training that kid. What's his name? Tudor Madigan. Who? Ty, Ty, Ty Every. Ty Every. Ty, Ty Warner. I bet his parents at the games.
Starting point is 01:36:14 They're at the paper. Hey, you're a mansaginist. You hate men. You really hate men. That's what fucking Hunter said to me today stop hating on dudes while you're having a needle in one hand and a finger in the other
Starting point is 01:36:31 wait a minute I was saying you look good dude who else did I invite I know I invited someone else I invited Brian Spin oh look I don't know who this is I blocked you for calling me out on the Waza qualifier last year
Starting point is 01:36:47 for the 1K row. For winning? Because you won? Did you win and then just completely dog the next part of that workout? You're that guy who won the workout? I don't know. So that's five? Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:04 You're jacked though. I should, he is. Let's see. Yeah. He's not looking very natural. Oh, no wonder we block you.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Uh, we can go to the bad thing or you can take it as a compliment. Ty Jenkins. Uh, so I invited Jessica Griffith, a Travis mayor. I did. I invite anyone else.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Who else to I invite? What about Emily Rolfe? I really like her. She's super cool. Yeah, she's dope. I feel like I invited someone else. Wait, you got Ty on or just Jessica? The coach.
Starting point is 01:37:40 I'm not doing any more little kids for a while. Someone's going to take that clip, put it on Reddit. He doesn't even get it. He's not listening. Caleb got it. Oh, but hold on. Hold on. I'm texting with Premier Jiu-Jitsu
Starting point is 01:38:00 Studio. Yes, Big Baka took it as a compliment. I knew he would. The World and Shecklers. to the studio in the world and Sheckler's state card. No. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Who? Who else should I invite? I'm trying to see who I'm doing. Now I start to switch to work because it's getting late. What, 8 o'clock by you is late? It's 10.04 over here. Oh, Devin Kim. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Didn't you have her on? Yeah, she's great. Did you see they threw out the first pitch at the Padres game? I thought that was cool. No shit. That was really cool. I invited CJ on. I never heard from him. CJ Martin. did you see they threw out the first pitch at the Padres game I thought that was cool no shit I invited CJ on I never heard from him CJ Martin only dude to go to the game
Starting point is 01:38:52 yeah only dude to go to the game 17 times I think how much do you think it would cost to get Laura Horvath on the show wow wow what that's a fucking great question. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:39:10 CJ, please respond to my, I can't, I can't, I can't. Yeah. Wow. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Right? Yeah. God, look at Jorge's calves. Ooh. I like this one. You have Craig Ritchie on. Madness. I'm not ready for that.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Thank you, though. Or Sporty Bell. Have her on. Oh, she blocked me, too. Definitely not ready for that. I don't think I've ever done anything to her or said anything about her. She blocked you?
Starting point is 01:39:53 Yeah. Who? Damn, I know there's someone else. I have my wife look at her stories and pay attention to what's going on. I get you. I hear you on that one. Nice to check in.
Starting point is 01:40:15 I did go through. No, I'm not going to bring any of that up. Tell me. No, it involves Reddit. Oh. And guests. And people who don't want to come on the show or haven't been on the show. Hey, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Hey, that's also crazy, by the way. Listen, anyone who doesn't come on the show... There's like three people I've asked to come on the show who you want me to name them for you no i only know one i can think of two no i don't i just want but i just want to say three just in case there's one i forgot but does it count if they just don't respond but they've seen it? Everyone – someone in one of the comments said, hey, you should call the – I was on Sporty Beth's YouTube page, said you should call the cops on him.
Starting point is 01:41:21 He's harassing you. And I'm thinking to myself, how many times have you told him to leave you alone? I'm like, I've he's harassing you and i'm thinking to myself how many times have you told him to leave you alone i'm like i've never fucking harassed you you've never told me to leave you alone you're the one who's fucking harassing me you're the one making videos about me not me making videos about you how the fuck am i harassing you so then i clicked on this girl's uh youtube page and she makes videos about how she hates men i was like oh she solves her problems by calling the cops yeah it's a whole fucking um judy reed noah has been on before yeah no no it's a great dude
Starting point is 01:41:57 uh no brookhans did not say no i wonder i should i could should invite brookhans she had to slap me around. She slapped me around a little bit last year, though. It was good. I respected it. Brookhands? Yeah, it was cool. I remember that.
Starting point is 01:42:18 Athena slapped me around a few times. I'm okay with people slapping me around a little bit. You slapped around a little bit. Okay. I'm ready for bed. Adam Clink tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Oh, about time. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Years in the making. And then Shut Up and Scribble with J.R. Howell and The Thumb. I miss J.R. Howell and The Thumb? I missed J.R. And then... Say that again? I stayed with him at the games.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Did you end up liking them? I always liked them. I liked them more. J.R. left early. He's got kids. I think it was one of his daughter's birthdays. He's ejaculated in a woman without prophylactic.
Starting point is 01:43:08 I don't know what a prophylactic is. Oh, good answer. Then on Friday, Pamela Gagnon, the gymnastics yeah, like a condom, a barrier that stops the sperm from reaching the egg. Looking at Caleb.
Starting point is 01:43:23 I'm waiting for Caleb to like nod like give me like the medical yes yes nice it's nice 25 what why isn't it called a contraception it is actually I think a prophylactic could be to stop anything it doesn't have to be sperm and I think contraception
Starting point is 01:43:40 is more specific to prohibiting sperm and egg prophylactic is a great way to put it. Thank you. Intended to prevent disease. Oh. So you... So if you don't...
Starting point is 01:43:55 Really? Wow. So I'm over here and I'm right, thinking I was freaking stupid. Wow. Yeah. No, you were right. I was stupid. You're right. Okay. Pamela, been around forever. I've been told there's children to be diseases, and then you were right i was stupid you're right okay all right okay uh pamela uh been around forever children to be diseases and then you were technically it's like a medical condition to be pregnant so yeah you could consider it to be a disease oh god i hate that birthed i apologize i do not i dear uh birthed i do not condone or agree with the beliefs of
Starting point is 01:44:24 caleb beaver although he's integral in the show he's sometimes on behalf of all of us I do not condone or agree with the beliefs of Caleb Beaver, although he's integral in the show. Can I speak on behalf of all of us? No. The 26th, Josh Purtle, Fluffy Duck. I don't know why he's coming on again. It's just because I like him and I asked him. I kind of like that show where he was on.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Yeah. You can come on that show where he was on. Yeah. You can come on that show with us if you want. When is it? Saturday morning, 7 a.m. He's cool. I met him at the airport on the way back. He's super chill. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:56 I'm kind of courting him, I would say. Ooh. Like as a right, just like someone like a, you know what I mean? Like lazy night shows called Josh P purtle andrew's like too busy massaging alexis alexis's hip yeah uh then on saturday's live calling show thank god fuck yes monday josh bridges oh jeffrey bursfield just busted a nut it's a nice hotel hotel room, buddy. She's knocked out. She's got her AirPods on and they're on silence
Starting point is 01:45:27 canceling. She can't hear. When I make videos, she puts those AirPods on. She can't hear anything. That's awesome. Look at all those crutches, wheelchair, and old person. Are there tennis balls on that
Starting point is 01:45:43 walker? No, should there be? I don't know. I always think of them like that. Might be helpful. Dude. Tuesday, Greg Glassman's... It's nuts. Tuesday, Greg Glassman's... Has she peed on you at all when you take her to the bathroom?
Starting point is 01:45:59 Have you had to wipe when you wipe her butt? Not a lot. You're awesome, dude. You're so good. Not a lot. Just a little bit. You should be a nurse. Tuesday, Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 01:46:14 I became who I am today in a guidance counselor meeting in college because my dad wanted me to be a nurse. He hit me like meet with a guidance counselor. And I'm sitting there and i go this fucking sucks my dad's sitting there i just started swearing he goes what's wrong with you and i go this isn't who i want to be i'm gonna go do the crossfit thing it happened right there the guidance counselor's like what the hell did you just say to me i go i was just using all of these terrible words obscene just so that they never wanted to talk to me ever again. I felt great.
Starting point is 01:46:49 My dad was so pissed. Wow, you have balls. It's not fun, dude. And then every time we do something, I go, I'll do this for you, but only you, Alexis. I respect people who have it in them to do it with everybody all the time. I've bathed some grown men. Me too. You've beaten some grown men?
Starting point is 01:47:13 I've bathed grown men. I've washed dingleberries out of someone's butt. The CEO of Born Primitive is coming on Wednesday morning. Tuesday morning is Greg Glassman. And then on
Starting point is 01:47:29 the 31st is... Oh, 31st I'm going on the BirthFit podcast. Hey, that's the first podcast I've really ever wanted to do in my life. Really? Why? I just don't want to go on other people's podcasts. I don't want other people
Starting point is 01:47:43 controlling the conversation. That's what the chick did this morning. She did. I cannot deny that. Is that a wall behind you? Someone brought up that you need to write down the shows behind you or have just like a running board. You should just write on Sarah's walls
Starting point is 01:48:06 and blame it on Javi. All right. Good night. Thank you, everyone. Pedro just shed a tear Oh no Is he here? Oh
Starting point is 01:48:28 But I would go on Pedro's now too actually Don't tell him that I don't want him to invite me He is great I agree But I want to go on his podcast You know you didn't end the show right But I would Oh shit
Starting point is 01:48:44 Alright good night everyone bye

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