The Sevan Podcast - We Must Continue | Live Call In

Episode Date: August 29, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Damn, I'm getting sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Sloppy toe, sloppy toe, sloppy toe. I was sitting on the couch drinking coffee. I'm like, holy shit, the show starts in 10 minutes? So I jumped in the shower and here I am. Rumbler, good morning. Michelle, good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Brady, good morning. Christine Young, good morning. Man, it's nice having my office right here at the house. Steven, what's up, dude? Blacksmith. Whitesmith. Good morning, Ms. Davis. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Look at you. Ms. Davis, you know what I did yesterday. I Should probably show you guys the I should probably show you guys the equipment As you guys know I don't talk about as much as I used to actually I don't even really talk about it at all anymore How much training I do with my kids. Let me see if I can find the Tumble Track five in one this
Starting point is 00:01:12 This god, I didn't realize this was so expensive. I've had this in my garage right here this piece of equipment Since Avi was, how am I? I don't know, three, two. This is like the go-to piece of equipment in my garage. And I can't tell how thick this mat is, but I have two four inch mats. And then these bars, by the way, I'm not sponsored by them. Just if anyone's wondering, I'm just showing you this equipment. These bars you can adjust the height of them and you can move them closer together or further apart.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And I would say, I don't know, at least three days a week, sometimes seven days a week, not uncommon seven days a week. My kids are somehow on these bars, whether it's fooling around when I'm, whether it's fooling around when I'm in there working out or I'm in there working out with them. But I do all the, we spend so much time on there. Avi has spent so much time on there. And if you want to see all of this stuff, I have a YouTube channel. I don't ever talk about this YouTube channel either. The YouTube channel is called Three Plane Brothers. I haven't put anything on there in a long time, I don't think. Here, I'll just pull up. Let me see if I can... Oh look, here we go. I'll show you this video. If you're going to spend a lot of time with your kids, if you're going to raise your kids,
Starting point is 00:02:49 I don't know how long... This is four years ago. So obvious five here And I don't know what he's gonna do here. Oh, he's trying to bar muscle up. There we go. And he spends so, we spend so much time on this equipment. So much time on this equipment. Let me see if I have a, God, I didn't realize I made so many videos. Oh, okay, here, here. Okay. Here's Ari
Starting point is 00:03:30 And he's just he's just doing jumping bar muscle ups here, okay one Just jumping bar muscle ups down. I Think it said he's two. Yeah, so he's two years old again To Yeah, so he's two years older. Two. Jump up. If you'll just go in there, I don't know, 30 minutes or an hour every day, play with your kids.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Keep going. And you can just make up tons and tons of stuff on there. But what reminded me, what brings all of this to the forefront is yesterday I took them in there. I hadn't done this with them in a long time because they've been doing so much sports specific stuff. But I took them in the gym yesterday. By the way, those bars that they have
Starting point is 00:04:19 that you see the kids jumping up and down on, I have ones that just sit on the ground. I should probably show you that too. But it's basically just a wooden bar that's on two pieces of metal that sits like four inches off the ground. And I have the boys walk on those a lot, right? So they walk on them, they balance on them.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It's basically just doing, it's just like walking on a wooden dowel. So I have them balance on those. And lately been I'm putting them on the ground and having them balance on them and bounce basketballs with their right and left hands oh it's a beam thank you a beam is it a beam I think a beam might be something different I have a I have a balance beam also also. But anyway, so yesterday, where did I put this video? I can't remember which account I put it on. I'm torn because I want to show off my kids on my main account, but I was like I should probably just keep this all on their
Starting point is 00:05:17 account. But yesterday, I warmed them up for like 30 minutes with the bars and then I had them do this and they hadn't done this stuff in a long time. But this is basically just, first I put that beam as low as it can go right there and I have them jump back and forth over it. Then I have them jump onto it like parkour style and just get their feet on it and then eventually I have them do this I don't know what this is called. This is like some sort of gymnastics move And it was cool that they could but that they could both still do it I mean, I really warmed them up like really really warmed them up and then I'll be decided he'd get cute and do a 180 And then Avi decided he'd get cute and do a 180. But this piece of equipment is the equipment that keeps giving.
Starting point is 00:06:11 If my garage was high, I'm a little nervous too because they're getting a little taller. And I'm concerned they're going to hit their, excuse me, head on the ceiling or the garage door soon. That would really suck. Where did you learn to teach your kids this? You know what it is if you, I just make it up. If you spend a lot of time in there with your kids,
Starting point is 00:06:40 you'll just start making stuff up. I just make it up. I don't know, I mean it starts off It starts off so simple like first. I'm like hey just balance on the beam You know a low one and then they balance on it And then I and then we all count to ten while they balance on it then I'm like stand on it and dribble a basketball I just make shit up stand on it with your dribble with your right hand dribble with your left hand I just make it all up
Starting point is 00:07:05 You can go to that YouTube station This three playing brothers one. I think I have just like hundreds of videos on here of me just doing stuff with them here, let me hear And great owie hey so. Nine. Here's one. Ten. And we still do this. We still do this workout. Twelve.
Starting point is 00:07:29 These are just D-ball slams with one hand. I'm not interested in him really getting strong. I'm just interested in coordination. And all he does is one-hand D-ball slams. I don't know how old he is. Okay. I pushed it. So just one-arm D-ball slams.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Okay. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I'm going to try to get him to do it. I don't know how old he is. Okay, I pushed it.
Starting point is 00:07:50 So just one arm D ball slams. Crazy. And hang. I just make this shit up just as I go along. Beeps, okay. That's it. There's just, I think that there's, That's it. There's just tons, there's just, I think that there's, I don't, I think that there's just gazillions of videos like this.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Right? Here, I'm teaching an obvi and negative muscle up. Um, a hundred air squats for time. Uh, rope hang. Let's, uh, yeah, so this is even before they could, this is even before they could this is even before they could this is even before they could climb the rope I think they grab the rope so the boys are this is for the one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen
Starting point is 00:08:41 nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty thirty one thirty two 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 66, 69, 80, 81, 82, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, Hold it 80 81 82 88 89 90 91 94 95 96 97 98 99 Yeah, so just they love that shit you just counting to a hundred They had long hair then I hadn't cut their hair I didn't cut their hair for the first four years of their life I Mean look at this this is look at this one this one all they had to do was um four years of their life. I mean look at this, look at this one.
Starting point is 00:09:28 This one all they had to do was hold their hands out. Arms up Brooklyn, arms up Abito. All the arms up like this, straight. That's it. Ow. Arms up Brooklyn. Just hold your arms up, that's it. So workout like that, I might have them hold their hands up for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds,
Starting point is 00:09:53 hold their hands up for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds, and just, and that's it. You know what I mean? And keep going until they hold their hands up for a minute. I just make it up as I go along. I'm just in there. Here you go, so easy. Yeah, he's killing it. Yeah, really killing it. One, two, three, four, five.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And then you just pay attention to the details. Some kids will only wanna jump with one foot, right? So they'll want to leap but like take a step in the jump so you're like no both feet have to come off the ground at the same time and I just do this with them like just I mean, this is just the stuff we just do and they love it and and they've always been doing it and It's just their life. That's just what they do that. We just go in there and do stuff It's just their life. That's just what they do that we just go in there and do stuff Yeah, look it I mean here's all the
Starting point is 00:10:56 Taking a striking class when he's three years ago, so he was six. Oh look at here This isn't this this one really pissed my wife off. This is all be at two years I'm the smartest thing I've ever done, but This is obvious two and a half years old Jay and Why do I feel confident with him doing this? because He had been hanging from rings Hanging is not the right word. He had been holding on to rings Since he was 10 months old and hanging from rings probably since he was 13 or 14 months old. And I had
Starting point is 00:11:26 every time I pick him up, I would let him grab my fingers. I wouldn't grab his hand, he would grab my fingers and I would lift him up. So I had supreme confidence in his grip strength. I did put a mat on the ground that Jason Kalipa had given me and yes this was nerve-racking but it's also a great accomplishment and a testament to what you can do if you have great grip strength you can trust your kids movement. Yeah so I was always letting the kids work on their grip strength. Border Patrol, yeah good one. So anyway yesterday we were in the garage and I thought oh I should show people I should remind people just I mean, I mean it was a good reminder for me because I always forget how capable the kids are because I forget how
Starting point is 00:12:16 How much I used to make them do? Right here here's um, uh three this is this is how skateboarding started. On a rubber floor. That's how you ride a skateboard, Jeremy? Rubber floor. So easy to ride a skateboard. Ah! Ah! Ah! How do you walk? How do you walk? Anyway, check out the YouTube
Starting point is 00:12:54 station. If you have kids, there's just endless shit on here. Endless, endless, endless. And then I did a on Sugarwad, I did a I did a 50, I made 50 workouts for 50 days. I tried to I think I tried to make them all without equipment So I
Starting point is 00:13:18 Do tie did shit loads of oh look at here they are look on the tumble track here shitloads of, oh look it, here they are, look on the tumble track here. Oh yeah, so here's Obby, here's Obby doing this workout. Here's Obby doing it. So he took a step when he jumped. Did you see that? How he took a step? I think this next one, I tell him don't take a step, just jump. This time he just jumps with both feet.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Almost. Yeah, these bars are awesome. And your kid will just start making up shit. All you have to do is just create space for them to do the stuff. So that was... he was six there. God, it feels like yesterday part of me can barely remember and then another part of me feels like I can totally remember tons of L sits we did tons of D ball holds I used to take them to the park and just make them run up the slide in reverse here's I'll be doing rope climbs
Starting point is 00:14:22 Here's Abbie doing rope climbs. Yeah, the skate. Here's more skating at six years old. You know, this is just totally basic stuff. Look at it. I would just be like, hey, jump on the skateboard. That's it. Jump in there and turn around and lie down. Lots of nighttime sessions. No, I can't. Okay. I'm manual.
Starting point is 00:14:47 So, look, he couldn't jump up and turn around on the skateboard. So, now I have him do it on a little soft balance. One, two, three, four, five. Good. Yeah, just progression. Okay. No, leave progression. Okay. No, leave it.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Leave it. Leave it. He did it. So he couldn't do it and I put him on a balance beam. So easy. What's up? Or You guys get it anyway check out the YouTube station Maybe I'll do a whole maybe I'll bring Avi in here and show him these videos. He can walk you through what he remembers That would be cool
Starting point is 00:15:43 But everything happened slowly like that. It all happened slowly. Here, here's one with the sand dune stepper. This one's cool. It's that simple. That's it. See, I just told him to switch his feet so he can be back and forth. Over to the sand dune stepper.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Completely made up bullshit. So he jumps to the different objects and has to catch the ball over there. That's Joey. I dropped it. All right. That's your, that's your morning how to raise your kids talk. Good morning Mrs. Redau. I want to see Seve do this. I was doing some pretty fancy dribbling yesterday with the kids. We did a lot of, we've been, I ordered six basketballs from Amazon
Starting point is 00:16:57 for like 40 bucks or something a month ago. So we've been doing a lot of, we used to do a lot of basketball stuff. Now we're getting back to it Bobby Moore love this my five-year-old daughter has been climbing our 15 foot rope since she was two and a half She's never been scared because we've never told her that she should be yeah and The cues the cues when your kids climbing is squeeze tight not don't fall It's squeeze tight always tell them what you want them to do don't tell them what you don't want them to do that part's super important
Starting point is 00:17:36 man so many people are sending me this I guess there's this picture of Danny miss Spiegel floating around on the internet, where she's sitting at a dinner table in a see-through top. It's a fucking amazing photo. I didn't realize her boobs were so big. I thought she didn't have boobs. Anyway, if you're lucky enough to get it, um, it's a great photo.
Starting point is 00:18:10 She has a little, uh, there's a little graphic over her nipple, little like a heart, so you can't see her nipple. But she looks, she looks fucking like a 10. I, I, um, I was, I, someone, someone just sent it to me and said, I'm guessing this is from her subscriber only section, but then I asked someone else where they got it and they said they got it from one of her friends. One of her friends' Instagrams. Anyway, that's a, that's a pleasant surprise. Who doesn't like to see a beautiful woman? Topless. So there's that. You can do that today. Start asking around.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Hey, hey, could I call you back? I'm doing a podcast. Yeah, I accidentally called you actually, so yeah, call me back. Okay, oh, accidentally called me, huh? Asshole. All right. He accidentally called me. Oh, it was in her reel too. Oh. In her reel. Oh, you mean like her stories? Hmm. In her reel. Oh, you mean like her stories? Hmm I um
Starting point is 00:19:31 I try not to look at people's stories. I don't want them to know that I don't want them to think that I'm like um There was this story one time that daniel brandon told where she was like Um, she she could see that Dave and Matt Fraser were looking at her stories. And ever since I heard that, I'm like, I'm not looking at people's stories.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I want people to think that I'm like, trying to look at them. I'm not humble enough for that. When my boy was 18 months old, he would climb on things and run straight off and fall onto concrete. Holy shit. Now he's three and he won't do anything. Won't kick a ball, won't climb, rarely will go down a slide. Wow. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Put a cookie at the top of the slide, make him run up. And then when he gets up there, take the cookie down and put it at the bottom. Why don't you want to be stalker-ish? I don't know, I just don't. I'm too, I think I'm too cool. I'm like, I'm too cool to for you to think that I give a fuck. Maybe that's what it is. So, why worry about what other people think? Isn't that the mantra I don't know not my mom I get I so give a fuck what people think I think it's the part after you're not supposed to give a fuck I think you're supposed to care what people think I think it's the part after whatever comes after that that people just assume is caring what people think I think
Starting point is 00:20:59 that's the part you should care what I think you should care what people think it's the part after. Is that called the reaction? Is that the reaction? And also like if someone sends in this thread that I'm in where I hang out with all the homies with the media team, if someone sends in this thread that i'm in where I hang out with all the homies with the media team If someone sends a link to a story in there, I especially don't like to clink that click that linked and watch that story Because then they know that everyone who's in that chat somehow got the signal and is over there looking at it for some reason Uh Nah, fuck that be yourself. You're a natural born stalker. I mean, I can still stalk them without looking at their story. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:53 Danny posts a picture of her Badoosie every- oh man, I said the word. Danny posts pictures of her stuff and everyone zooms in when you're when you worry not about people's approval what the fuck is that English talk when you don't worry let me help you with that sentence when you don't worry about people's approval or disapproval you shall be set free yeah that maybe that's the part that comes after not caring what people think. But caring what people think doesn't mean that you're searching for their approval or disapproval.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Important distinction. A British, British talk. She is criminy. What a mess. You guys talk like a mess. Now, Sevan's mom mom is gonna be upset for using that word now I think she my mom has stopped listening to the show she doesn't listen anymore she's over it this show is not my mom my mom has
Starting point is 00:22:57 decided this show is not for her She has a... Yeah, she... She is a... Alright. They, uh... Did I freeze? Oh shit, my computer froze? I can't take that comment down? Oh shit, my computer froze? I can't take that comment down? Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Something's not right. Oh my god, I lost control of StreamYard. Suza, if you're there, I need you to come on. I lost control of StreamYard. Oh, this is crazy. I can't take that comment down. My mouse isn't working. I can't share my screen. Is this for real? Oh my god, what is going on? Stop sharing, window? Holy fuck. you you I'm just gonna take control of the show now. I don't know if it's even working.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I don't even know if anybody can hear me I pull this thing out over here How's it going guys, I'm just gonna take control of the show. Oh, I know it's working Now the question is will seven come back ah there he is Damn, you're good Hiller what's up my I think my internet went down oh is that what it is yeah I'm on my phone now can you see me yeah I'm gonna do what you tell everybody else to do and can you turn that thing sideways for me you got a little power and you're all power hungry. I know. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:47 What's up? I was just going to pull up a good comedy clip. There was a song, the black guy. What am I even talking to the mic for anymore? Cause you're on your cell phone. Yeah. Is it, is it working? Cause I only have one bar. Am I all choppy and shit? You're all choppy. Yeah. But it's fine. It's good. I can not sure. Yeah. Is it is it working because I only have one bar. Am I all choppy and **** You're all choppy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:10 but it's fine. It's good. I can hear you. There's a song the black eyed black eyed peas do that that's called uh um it's getting retarded in here and I want it to play the song. I don't know if that's the name of the song. It is they
Starting point is 00:26:24 changed. Let's get it started, Isn't it? Yeah, but I think they changed it to let's get it started. So I kind of think you're right, but I don't know. I thought it was getting started. I think in the song, there's a lyric. I'll look. I think that used to be Let's Get Retarded in here 2003 and then they changed it to let's get it started. There's a redstone on it. Stephen Blacksmith says that they changed it for the radio edit.
Starting point is 00:26:58 You want the song on? No, probably not. Oh, did you hear that? No, I mean, I don't care at this point. This shows a fucking wash Why cuz you went dead for four seconds. Are you kidding? No, I'm not coming back I'm not coming back. What do you mean? Like my I don't think my internet's toast. Oh, you're just done I mean, I'm not done. I'm going to hang out with you now that you're here. But um, oh, you had a you had a path and now you don't want to
Starting point is 00:27:31 take it. Yeah, I don't have any access to my tools. Like, you know what I mean? Like I don't I'm like, I'm neutral. Oh, yeah, let me hear if she says retarded she does Yeah, yeah, so so that's the nicest the word retarded has ever been said Yeah, it's get retarded oh My sister just text me Andrew is on Yeah Hey Oh, my sister just texted me. Andrew is on. Yeah. Hey, did you, did you have your shirt off already or did you take it off? Cause you were coming on. You had to get in a costume. No I had it off in the costume. I kind of don't really wear a shirt. Ever? Hmm. It depends. I did like fall into the, the big shirt thing. Big shirts are pretty
Starting point is 00:28:26 nice. What day is your trash day? Monday morning. I bring them out Sunday night. So on Sunday night, in Sunday night, if you were naked, or you were just in your underwear, and you remembered, oh, shit, I forgot to take my trash out. Would you just go out in your underwear? Yeah. You wouldn't put on sweats or a shirt, not just underwear. Once it was cold, if it was cold, I probably would.
Starting point is 00:28:55 But if it's warm, I don't care. Yeah, that's fair. I wouldn't go out there naked because I think that's illegal. I'm not trying to be a pedophile or something. Right. There's kids everywhere. Right. I'm not trying to like be a pedophile or something. It's like right everywhere Right But if I was just wearing boxers, yeah, it's fine, right?
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah. Oh this camera angle has aged seven like ten years. You should see me in person Jesus Would you shit in the yard Andrew No, cuz then I gotta clean it up Yeah, you do. I don't want to do anything that's gonna make life harder on me or anybody else But I mean, let's say your water wasn't wasn't working. Would you shit in the yard or would you drive down to Starbucks? If I had to crap, why would I just go inside? No, but if you're if your water wasn't working like like my water stopped working a couple times this year, you could still crap in the toilet. You don't flush it. And then it'll
Starting point is 00:29:48 work eventually. Yeah, yeah, that's true. I did a couple of those and then I stopped. I got four toilets though. So like how many times you really get a crap in a day until the toilets are all used up? Oh, you froze. I'm frozen? I, um, when my water went off, I bought like 20 gallons of water at like $3 a gallon, like in plastic jugs, so that I could, I could shit in the house.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Just like put it in the top tank and so it drives it down? Yeah, yeah. That's kind of smart. But then a shit costs, then a shit costs three bucks. You started thinking about your shitting different. Oh my God. You ever seen the doomsday? Like, like if all the, if the grid goes out, you're supposed to fill your bathtub up with water.
Starting point is 00:30:37 So you've got 50, 60, a hundred gallons of water to drink and it's just bathtub water. Oh no, I haven't seen that. That's a fucking brilliant idea. Well I think they sell them on Amazon like these giant bags that you put into your bathtub so you can fill that bag with water in your bathtub. Do you have any prepper supplies? No I don't. I have weapons. Weapons count right? Oh yeah weapons count. I have 50 weapons count right? Oh, yeah weapons count. I Have a I have 50 pounds of rice So do I Doesn't I I have two trips to Costco is worth of rice. That's not prepper supply
Starting point is 00:31:19 Oh, I thought that was have you seen the pellets they sell with all the dried food like astronaut food No for preppers at at at at Costco. I'm gonna pull it up Speed I'm looking to see if I can do a speed test. Oh, yeah, my internet is just straight out There we go, I'm pulling it up this is safe you can buy them by the palette Of this There we go. I'm pulling it up. This is sick. You can buy them by the palette. Look at this. So this thing right here for $2,500, you can get 4,500 servings of food. Wow. Yeah, I wanted to get this once just because it would be awesome to have it.
Starting point is 00:32:02 It's supposed to last for 25 years. Wow. And then the question is, how do they know that like, have they tested it? Oh, we lost seven. Look at it. Isn't this interesting? Oh, goodness, my husband stocked up on all that. Yeah, I think boys do that stuff. Here's the nutrition facts. One quarter pouch is 260 calories. It's got seven grams of protein and the number one ingredient is elbow pasta. Lots of salt. These all have a lot of salt.
Starting point is 00:32:37 There's a period in my life where I thought I could live on dog food. But I thought about I thought about that too my no Judy you probably don't need to use the entire gallon no you do if you saw the size of my shits you do need to use the entire gallon it don't you just need enough water to push it down yeah but a gallons what need. I feel like a gallon's not even enough. All right. You think you could eat dog food for a year? God, I really hate dog food. For a million bucks, dog food for a year. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You could do it? I mean, I would try. Did I oversell you? Would it be like a seven thousand seven hundred fifty thousand like you do it for that too? Yes. Yeah. What's the lowest you would do dog food for a year? And you can keep doing everything else. So it's just money on top and actually your food is free then so that's nice God, I don't know maybe Maybe two hundred thousand two fifty You think we can get someone to sponsor you doing that god damn Dog dog food and fitted
Starting point is 00:34:05 for a year. Hey I had friends I had I bet you I would get really skinny. Because you wouldn't eat all the disgusting dude. I've never even tasted dog food but I always imagine it to be really salty. Have you tasted dog food Hey Jesus Louise
Starting point is 00:34:21 wants to know your favorite color is. I know this is like the stupid question game right. What is this talking to fitness probably red or black. I like both mine as well. Yeah, I like those colors. I didn't like him. I didn't like him on the leader jersey though. I thought I thought the noble leader jersey was better than go rucks. You didn't like the I like the one this year when Vickowski and spray were wearing it. I was I was fond of it. Well, I were not it, but that can be a positive thing I say about CrossFit in the
Starting point is 00:34:49 past five months. Hey dude, did you watch that video I sent you? The first two minutes I watched the dude sitting there, that dude sitting in his chair. Yeah, the team guy. Yeah. I got through the part where they were like standing outside of the venue Were you watching it this morning? Uh, yeah
Starting point is 00:35:12 It's a complete description of what happened to the athletes during Lazar's death, during that first day It's a complete description and the way he talks about it is is really it's fascinating He basically said at one time. He basically talks about it a lot from what he thinks Dave's perspective would be and He said at one point the all like all the athletes just surrounded Dave He said if it he said it must have been just crazy for Dave surrounded Dave. He said it must have been just crazy for Dave. He said like 200 athletes just surrounded him and were crazy aggressive and people were losing their shit. And like he's trying to like moderate this conversation. He said it was nuts. You'll really like it. So dude, remember when you were talking about how uncomfortable you got standing next to just
Starting point is 00:36:00 Chandler Smith? Yeah. Imagine 200 Chandler Smiths just like weighing down on you. You'd explode. Yeah. We lost Sevan. Hey, guys, this is like what it's like talking to Sevan on the phone. His phone goes out every four seconds. I wasn't so uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It was more like it was surreal. Like he didn't, it was so surreal. It was like, it was like I was in a dream state. Listening to this chat talk. No, when I was talking to Chandler Smith. Oh, okay. Yeah, it was just, it was just surreal. Cause it was just me and him.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I'd never talked to him like that before. We were standing super close. He doesn't even look like he's human. It was a trip. Anyway, you'll love the video. By the way, if anyone wants to see the video, the guy's name is Marco. You want me to pull it up? Sure. Is it isn't that video on listed? Is it? Yes. That's interesting because I went to his YouTube account and I couldn't find it. Should I just put the link in the description? Yeah. The link and whatever. Yeah. It's if if
Starting point is 00:37:16 you're if you're like super into what happened and uh in Madison uh in Texas, you have to watch this this is like the best description of what it was like I'm pretty sure if I put the link in the chat, it won't do anything I'll put it there, but you can't click it. So it's there We'll see I thought I thought if you saw this you might be inspired to make a video Oh Watch it. I will. I watched the madero's one. Did you watch the madero's one? No, how is that? Um, from what? Does he give it up? Or is he does he give it up? Or is he being protective? Like does he really is he vulnerable in it? I would say for every thing he gives, he protects something else.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Okay. Uh, it just drives me nuts when people aren't explicit with what they're talking about. So for him, well, he, he, he talks about how people are judging the athletes for continuing competition. But to be freaking honest, I don't really think I heard many people judging the athletes for continuing competition. But to be freaking honest, I don't really think I heard many people judging the athletes for continuing competition.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Me neither, me neither, just other athletes. I'm wondering, I'm not saying this, maybe I'm wrong. Cause I even brought that up with Alexis and she goes, oh, I saw some stuff on the internet. And I go, I wonder if people are saying crap. Like, is that, I don't know. I've said it a thousand times to you,
Starting point is 00:38:44 like if I was an athlete I would compete but if you were the director you would have stopped it correct hey did you watch the Froning I can't believe we're gonna talk about this did you watch the Froning podcast yeah did were you surprised did you hear I heard when I was there, I heard that Kara Saunders husband called Angelo a fucking loser. Awesome. And he didn't mention that in the podcast. Angelo didn't. No, I'm dying to know if it's true. I basically I heard that she he at one point, Maddie at one point saw Angelo and Maddie was like on the other side of the fence in the waiting area like he couldn't get into the actual area where the athletes were. But from that fence while he was holding his baby, which sounds crazy to me to call another like, first of all, people don't ever fucking call another man a fucking loser. If your children are around
Starting point is 00:39:50 Why what's the difference what if Angela would have fucking punched him ah What are you gonna do Yeah, like if you're gonna call someone a fucking loser you better be ready I mean, I mean, I think you should be ready to throw down Mason Mitchell is he not? you to throw down. Mason Mitchell is he not? No, Angelo is not. No, Angelo is cool as shit. Angelo is one of the coolest guys. Yeah, HGR, CB. He'll be back guys, don't worry. And then we just have to say we haven't heard anything since HGR. Ang Angela is cool as shit. He's got a day job saving people's lives.
Starting point is 00:40:29 So this is when that first event was going down or some other time? The way I understood it and someone will... But the way I heard the story was that I think cars team took like a minute took a knee for a minute or something or wanted to and Angela's team didn't do it and for what and for whatever reason Maddie called him a fucking loser. Emotionally unregulated at that point like you're unhinged Calling you're the husband You're the spouse of one of the fucking athletes and you're calling another athlete a fucking loser when they didn't even do anything to your wife That's fucking on to me. That's fucking unhinged. I Would say it's dual pronged I mean, it's kind of what everyone's wanted for the longest time in CrossFit was a little bit of
Starting point is 00:41:24 angst amongst competitors, whomever really. However, in this situation, I don't think that it would apply at all. And with this in particular, has anyone asked why it would be that the mayhem team wouldn't be the team to sit there like everybody else. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:47 I mean, Lazer was a mayhem athlete. Probably had closer ties to them than anybody else. So when I saw them going, my first thought was they know something or feel something that the other teams don't get, and it's very weird that they're the only ones not stopped. And it's also weird that then he would be called out on it. Right. By an Australian team. Right? God, I wanted to know what he had to say to that.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I really wanted to know. The world will never know. You're in and out. Oh, oh, he's back. He's back. I haven't heard anything you've said. Damn, my shit is fucked up. What is the issue?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Why is your internet so bad? How's that? I mean, for the moment it's fine. I heard that. I'm just sitting on pins and needles waiting to say that he heard something. I'm not going to lie. I really like that red tile sitting up above his head. It's kind of like when you're driving you're driving around you see the car with the high-performance tires of the brake calipers that are red Sorry, I'm continuing the show on my own as you just go away
Starting point is 00:43:33 Good good. What did you hear? Did you did you see Tia's interview on um buttery bros If it's not the first first 30 minutes, then no. At one point she says, hey, if it was her processing which she gave, which is the same exact thing that Rich said, if I was Lazar, I would want the competition to go on. Correct. And I thought that that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:44:00 She said that on the stream. I guess you didn't hear that you were there. So and maybe that is where I heard it was a clip from their stream but my thought I mean that's making yourself pretty vulnerable. That's just saying the that's saying that's just saying it like hey if I was him I think that's a pretty solid way of processing it quickly to get through what you have to get through. What would I want? To get through that you have to get through is I think as close to it as you could be. Right and then to say that out loud you're just allowing people to judge you and it's just it is what it is. But I was surprised I was really surprised Angelo didn't tell that part. I wonder why he didn't. I wonder if for some reason he thought
Starting point is 00:44:40 it was inappropriate or it would be divisive or I wonder why he didn't share it. Didn't they open that podcast with Rich saying something like they didn't want to do anything until the third party review is over but they felt their hand was forced? I wonder how reserved they were as a result of that because there was some reservation you know that right you feel it? Yeah. At least for the first 20, 30 minutes. You know, another thing someone brought up to me the other day that I didn't even, I never even thought of for a second. What if his toxicology report comes back and there's EPO or some sort of drugs in the system? It'd be wicked.
Starting point is 00:45:17 That would be crazy. Hey, that will really fuck everything up if that happens. That will really, that, that's like,'s like you're trying to clean the room. That's like you just vacuum the room and the vacuum bag breaks open. And now you don't have a vacuum bag and there's shit everywhere. That's a great analogy. Thank you. Because you're just like waiting to get the whole room clean.
Starting point is 00:45:43 You're taking the steps you need to do so and then all of a sudden, boom, what do we do now? And the vacuum's broken. How come no one's thought of that? Have you heard it even one person mention that? I really don't know if they would. I don't know much about it, but I'd like them to do it. It's like somehow.
Starting point is 00:46:03 They'd have to be looking for it. They're not there. Are they really looking for that? It's like if I were taking every steroid under the sun And I went to get a job as like a pilot They wouldn't find trend Or endurable or any of these gw five one zero one five one sixes, right? They would find a marijuana because they're not looking for those other things. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Or heroin. Like, oh, you can't be a pilot. You've got weed in your system. GHC. Jimmy L. It's not what he died of. It's the total fucking failure of a safety staff and the cuts in safety. I don't even know if you can, I don't't know if you can the first part's true. He died It's a total fucking failure of the safety staff. I get that but I don't think you can I don't even think if you want
Starting point is 00:46:55 To be just really truthful Jimmy saying it's the cuts in the safety is like saying he was on EPO Or he he was on he got the vaccine. I mean We don't know for sure if the cuts affected the safety. We don't even know anything. So I listened to the show with Greg. Yeah. And I really don't agree with the matter that he said. It matters more of what he died of than how he died. Right?
Starting point is 00:47:27 I think he was just weighing them and he put more of an onus on, like, did he have a heart attack? Like, how did he die, not was he saved? I think it's pretty level. They both matter. And maybe I'm putting words in his mouth and I'm not hearing it correctly. No, no, I think you're right. I think you're right. That's how I heard it. And I don't really know about that. There's a perfect world,
Starting point is 00:47:56 right? And everyone has like this idea what would have gone perfectly. He's a perfect human being. He finishes the race, he swims. All right, then one step removed from that is something goes wrong in the water and he gets saved. Next step removed from that is something goes wrong in the water, they pull him out right away and he doesn't make it. And then the next step removed from that is kind of what happened is something went wrong
Starting point is 00:48:21 and they didn't even see him. That's like the worst case scenario and that's where even see him. That's like the worst case scenario and that's where we're sitting. How about how about this ready? Ready. Here he goes again. How about this disappears off the face of the planet. Hillary. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:48 You said, how about this? And then you, I lost you. How about this? My wife was crossing the street. Right. And, and, um, the, or no, let's not even use my wife. Let's say you're driving down the street and a drunk driver hits you and kills you. At that point, it doesn't matter that they were drunk or not.
Starting point is 00:49:05 To you, you're fucking dead. Sure. Right? I'd rather not be dead. Yeah. Yeah. You would just rather not be dead. It doesn't matter whether you're right or wrong anymore.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And so for the athletes, for the athletes, there's two parts there. I understand that if the game's fucked up and didn't pull the guy out, we saw that. But if you can learn something about how he died that was in his control, every athlete should be dying to know what that is. Like really, really wanting to know what that is. So my wife crossed the street and got hit by a car,
Starting point is 00:49:44 but she had the right of way. Well, the thing is, is she should have looked both ways. really wanting to know what that is. So my wife crossed the street and got hit by a car, but she had the right away. Well, the thing is, is she should have looked both ways. And you got, and once you know that you have to, you just have to know that. So that's, that's the, that's for me, that's the important part of knowing why. Are we saying that the potential lead car situation would be the drunk driver and like he he the fact that he got into the car is the issue. I mean that that I mean that's 50% that's 50% of it. I mean in our reality the reality we live in we're looking for blame. I fully get that I'm not in denial of that.
Starting point is 00:50:17 I'm not like I get that that's a that's a fair perspective, but it's not the whole perspective at all. It's not the truth. I'm not trying to put blame on anybody with that either. It's just a statement of There's a perfect world and it wasn't matched and that's why everyone's all upset about it. Right. Right. And everyone's got a different image of what perfect looks like. Right. But I think we all agree it would have been really nice
Starting point is 00:50:46 in an ideal and it's a fair expectation to hope that he would have been saved. That being said, I've been watching a lot of drowning videos. Holy shit, dude. There'll be a funky finding those just on YouTube, you just look up drowning stories. And there's hundreds of stories where someone's just right next to in a pool with 50 people and someone goes under and that's it No one sees them. They're right next to them. It's just it just happens like that So many
Starting point is 00:51:14 And that you figure that'd be easy to fix Yeah, but for some reason it just keeps I mean, it's the leading cause of death for kids under the age of five Which is why you gotta swim right away. This is the meanest thing anyone's ever said to me. He doesn't sound like that on a regular cell phone. So it must be his internet. I so don't want to list. I'm going to start talking like this. No, don't do that. Just some testosterone okay it'll fix you right up I'm going to take testosterone that'd be cool I'm going to get juice to the gil I'm going to look
Starting point is 00:51:57 like Noah damn I don't think I could take enough steroids to look like Noah. Everybody reacts to him differently, so it would be interesting to see. Right? Some people don't look at it at all. Some people turn into a brick shithouse. I keep trying to refresh my page. To see if it's working. Does it just come back on? Why does it go out? Because I live in the country. Cause I live in California. Cause I live in California. The hell is the country to you compared to what I think it is that they don't have a single horse in sight by you.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Oh, come on. There's a, there's a couple of donkeys. That's a bad horse. My, my neighbor, my neighbor bought, um, one of my neighbors has 50 acres like right up behind my house where they bought it to retire their horse. That's how rich they are. Their favorite horse, instead of, I guess they were done with it, so they bought 50 acres for it. Just one horse.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Jimmy L, lifeguards are trained to observe drowning signs. I hope so. YouTube user Hiller, as an ex-swimmer, do you think landlines strung across the lake would have been helpful? I mean, yes, but I think it causes an issue of itself. Everyone trying to swim next to the lane line. They don't have the they're clearly pulling money from the game. So they're not going to pay for a 800 meter lane line to throw into a lake.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Oh, listen to this. Wow. My friend had my friend got a diabetic attack and he didn't know he was diabetic in a pool on a vacation and nobody knew until someone stepped on him at the bottom of the pool and took him out. Wow. What kind of pool is that that you can't see that deep? Bladewalker being trained doesn't mean 100% success rate. That's true too. And that's on the spectrum of everybody coming for Dave's head or like asking for paid judges. Just because you're professional or being trained, it does not make you better than someone that is untrained. Like some people just suck. Like your internet connection.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Sometimes it just sucks. Hey, I think it was you. I think it was you who put that into the consciousness. What's that? The fact that there were budget cuts. Yeah, I think so too. I think everyone, and another thing though is, we know that CrossFit had non-merit based hiring practices. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Which I also think is important. Well, no versus can see via something that someone who put in place to hire people is different, right? We don't know someone who is somewhere for that exact reason, but we know that there's someone who hires people who does that. Right. Who's in charge of the culture of the company? They're called the people person.
Starting point is 00:55:20 They control that. They're supposed to set the tone and the culture for the company. And we all know when you have people that don't hire based on merit and DEI the social pressures enormous And we and we know that there were people in the company who were actively searching out and reporting people to HR Who didn't follow the non merit based hiring practices? We knew that there's several of them non merit based hiring practices. We knew that there's several of them.
Starting point is 00:55:50 How much do you think a person like that costs over there? Someone 300,000 a year, 350. It that by itself makes me very just there are people out there like JR Howell who we know I mean I don't know but I'm pretty sure that people like that aren't making that amount of money right? Right. And I don't want to put words in JR's mouth and but most affiliate owners and I come I'm speaking mostly from personal experience here,
Starting point is 00:56:26 I mean, my best year as an affiliate owner, I pulled on 60K. So let's just use myself as an example. That's five years of work, maybe six, maybe seven, or it's one year of work for five or six or seven affiliate owners. And that one person over there is destroying the thing that everybody loves. And it's costing them the cost of five or six affiliate owners yearly salaries that they could be doing something where they love it and can help it rather than destroy it. That's probably the biggest thing that... That's why I make a video like the one on a NetRevis. Like people are getting paid to... you're getting paid and you're
Starting point is 00:57:05 destroying the company. I mean, I mean, fuck's the thing like I even put up yesterday, they put up the wrong workout of the day on Instagram, like how fucking hard is it? I bet that I bet that the person that posted that didn't even look twice at it. They put the right caption and the wrong workout. Did you see that? Or no? No, that's fucking painful. And like, and in the same company that does shit like that, it makes it so much easier to like connect the dots to the point that like they're more at fault than maybe they lit on. And you tie together the Don fall, we're making budget cuts
Starting point is 00:57:41 at the games on top of the fact that they hired based on skin color. And it's like, how can you not connect those dots? The way you do one thing is the way you do everything. You can't even post up. That's the easiest shit. It's not like a typo, like a letters in the wrong place either. They, the whole world is seeing this shit. What were the ones that, yeah, they pulled it down or reposted the other one, like
Starting point is 00:58:03 hours later after I had put up my thing, right? I I am running their fucking media Like hey you fucked this up Um Vittorio because Hiller has never made a mistake the thing I sure have but you're missing The thing is Vittorio. Yeah, it's it's it's on a regular basis. This is like the second one in like two months he spotted. I mean, this is just a regular typos, workouts wrong, inconsistencies between like the workout on the game site and the site that's on the Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Do you know what the craziest thing I've ever seen over there is the year that poor, it was poor hip and steel. Remember when they said like, you could do a step up. Like it was an option. The way it was written. Do you remember that workout? You may. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:55 It was a semi-finals workout. Yeah. You could choose what movement you were going to do. And I was like, what the f I couldn't even believe I was reading that. You may. Hey, this dude, I don't really often get pissed off. But you fucking suck, Vittorio. Get out of here. I feel like Taylor now.
Starting point is 00:59:17 You should care, Vittorio. You should care. Everything- yeah, you should care. You should- the workout and the pictures should match the writing You're either doing things in the right direction or in the wrong direction It's like if you have a cheeseburger on a Sunday, that's fine. It's like, okay, it's fine You had a week of good like great training great diet all that stuff and then you want to go and have a cheeseburger and a milkshake It's like great but the second you do that every single day you you're going to turn into a fat piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And like, if you can't connect the way that like training and diet works and the way that this entire ecosystem works, it's like, get out of here. So you post one wrong workout. Fine. You post two wrong workouts. It's, it's a trend. You post three bad workouts. Like who's doing this?
Starting point is 01:00:03 Here's the thing. If you're going to work out, it's the wrong workout. If Vittorio went to Starbucks and every five times he ordered, they gave him the wrong drink, would he say, Who cares? No, he'd stop going to Starbucks. Yeah, exactly. That's the thing. That makes sense to you, right, Vittorio?
Starting point is 01:00:22 You go to a restaurant and you, and you, and they give you the the wrong fucking drink you order a margarita and they bring you a Bloody Mary and then they tell you you have to drink it because they have a small team and they can't make a new one it's like ah you know our hands are tied you go to the market the Bloody Mary it's like no I'm allergic to tomatoes like ah small team too bad. I wonder what that protocol is for posting. Like you you literally would think like, you would look at the you would have it like a double check, right or a triple check, you would look at the picture. See what it is, look at the writing
Starting point is 01:00:59 and be like, okay, we're good to go. Hey, this same Vittorio guy, I've ran my online program for five years, four years, three years, nine months. And one day I had a workout up too late. And then I think like three or four times, I've had a typo to the extent that it would have like really altered the way the workout supposed to feel. And it wrecks me when I mess that up. So yeah, I'll make mistakes, but they're not within
Starting point is 01:01:37 the same two weeks. And I'm not running a company that's sold for hundreds of millions of dollars. I've got hundreds of people on an online program and that's how I feel about it. Sevan can't even move, he's so dumbstruck with that. It's like having one red tile on your ceiling. My phone just told me I have an unstable internet connection. You don't say. Vittorio, if a restaurant brings me a wrong order, I give them a chance to fix it.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yeah, totally. But I mean, how many times before you stop going to the restaurant? And how about the people who did the workout? Or didn't do it because they didn't understand. Yeah, what if you saw it posted and you did the one on the bottom but it was supposed to be the one on the top or vice versa? I do not sound like I have a lisp. Oh, you have more than one red tile on the ceiling There they're like in her spurt they're like around There's no rhyme or reason to that is there no there was at first
Starting point is 01:02:58 But some of the foams I got first. I just put them around the lights that were built in foams I got. First, I just put them around the lights that were built in. But and um, a lot of the foams I got started falling off the ceiling. So I just use whatever was the stickiest after that. And the red ones seem to stick better. You think this is the real hunter? Mom? Oh, I hope so. God, I'd love to have hunter back on the show. What happened to hunter? Vittorio. It's all right. You do one today and one tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Yeah, we got to get Hunter back on. This is definitely the right Hunter. It is? Who is your daddy and what does he do? Oh, yeah. That's a that's a hunter thing and I think he's the only one who would come up with that sentence. I should send hunter an exerciser. Yeah I heard hunter's got a small penis. Hunter said you offended him. You offended hunter? No
Starting point is 01:04:00 there's no way. I'm gonna ask chat GPT to create a sentence written by hunter McIntyre. Oh Does um, oh, that's cool. Uh Nick burns coming after hunter in Dallas Nick bar. Oh What why is Hiller's forehead bigger I've always had a huge forehead. I used to not be fond of it when I was in like kindergarten. You already knew you already knew
Starting point is 01:04:43 you had a big forehead in kindergarten. Yeah. When did you know you had a big nose? It doesn't grow until you're like 16. You have to go through puberty to get the nose. 17. I was just at school one day. I was in my sophomore year in high school, and kids started making fun of me.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And I remember thinking that doesn't even make any sense. I remember thinking that doesn't even make sense. My nose isn't big. And I went home and looked in the mirror. I was like, holy shit, when did you you show up here's the sentence by Hunter listen up folks if you want to crush your limits and dominate the competition you've got to push harder run faster and never ever quit that's how champions are made that's chat GPT doing hunter McIntyre yeah, is Nick Barr on
Starting point is 01:05:45 I agree. I just said it's. No squatting below, it doesn't look like he squats below parallel? It doesn't look like he squats. Right. But I know he does. It just doesn't look like he does. Right. Hey, the difference between the physiques of different competitors is pretty cool. It's always been cool. Give me an example. Crossfit versus a bodybuilder versus our lifter versus a marathon runner versus a whoever right? I mean, like an Olympic gymnast, everyone's got a certain body type.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I saw these two gay dudes yesterday. They were both like probably like six three. They were wearing tight, cut off jean shorts. And, and was uh, I was with my kids I was on this like walking trail like and they were riding their one wheels and the dudes had no asses like Like and they were each like probably 50 pounds overweight It was it was like the bizarre thing like their butt was so skinny and so flat I wanted to tell them so bad you guys should do crossfit.
Starting point is 01:07:08 But I didn't. What am I supposed to say? You have no ass, you should do crossfit. I mean, were you talking to them? No, I just saw them walking and I was like, fuck. There's always that choice to say nothing. Yeah, but I just wanted to be like, I just wanted to be like, hey guys, you guys should really squat, slow, not do so much walking and start squatting. They're fat, they're big. They weren't, they were, they were big. They held the 50 pounds well because they were big.
Starting point is 01:07:39 They were like, maybe one guy was six, two and one guy was six, four. You know what I mean? And they, and they, you know, and they were just, they were six four you know what I mean? And they and they you know and they were just they were flaming you know what I mean like I could just tell like they were a power couple but like they would look so much better if they squatted like so much better. The thing about butts is I think you're kind of born with it or there's some sort of a correlation between your ability to embrace your stomach and also move through a full range of motion because there's some sort of a correlation between your ability to embrace your stomach and also move through a full range of motion. Because there's people, especially in the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:08:09 space who move through full ranges of motion. I mean, they do, but they've got this lordosis in their back. So when they move, they're always extended like this. And then they also don't really have the ass you would expect of somebody who works out the way they do with a range of motion they use. Who do you think has the worst ass in CrossFit? Like a competitor, like a high end competitor. Yeah. Like at the games. Like no one sticks out to me as not as having a shitty ass.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Can I look at the leaderboard? Sure. Yeah, please do. I think I need a second. Off the top of my head, no one comes to mind, but this will help. Hunter McIntyre, can you pull Sevan's nose? Katrin doesn't really have an ass on her. She's won the CrossFit Games and she's one of the fittest on Earth. You would expect, I mean, it's just not quite...
Starting point is 01:09:01 I've never thought of hers having a flat ass. Do you think Emily Rolfe has the like the flattest butt and crossfit? It's really not fair to call it flat, but. Yeah, like that as well, right? It's just not. I also don't know the people you were looking at as you were walking around, but they've done thousands of squats and they're the fittest people on earth. You would think that they have a more well-built physique.
Starting point is 01:09:23 These guys had no ass. It wasn't like it was flat. You know how that they have a more there's also physique these guys had no ass it wasn't like it was flat you know some people have a flat ass this these dude these guys had no ass i mean uh hunter runs a lot he's got a fucking dump truck like col seger has a really big ass for a dude it's like and that's the opposite end it's like the other end of the spectrum and i would actually say it's called gray shaver So does Cole gray shaver has a fucking just a but donka donk and on the other end of that Like I think but Dero says a kind of tiny ass. He's got big quads right
Starting point is 01:09:59 Interesting, I mean There's in a crowd of people all with like just bodies. Yeah, you'd look at his butt and it's like, this is a normal one. This butt is normal. His quads are abnormal. The rest of his body is abnormal. The butt is normal. And you expect everything to be abnormal. His butt's wide. He has wide hips. That's fair. But that's okay. But you would think it would kind of fill out with the muscle, right? But that's okay. But you would think it would kind of fill out with the muscle, right?
Starting point is 01:10:24 Yeah. Someone said Hunter has a, or no, someone said Jason Hopper's got a huge dumper. Jason Hopper's got a butt on him. He does. So does Hatfield. Roman's got a pretty small butt. Krennikov? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Yeah. So it's just not quite what you would expect. Hiller, who wins in your social scoring? Nick Barr or Hunter? What's social scoring? Hunter. And I don't know what it means, but Hunter wins. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Hunter's got one of those personalities where we put social next to him, he just wins. I don't care what you're asking. Good point. Socially inappropriate, socially advanced, socially kind, socially aggressive. Yeah, he wins all of them. Pinero no ass.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Oh, Frank. Frank says private equity has no ass. Oh, Frank, that's your best comment ever. That's really you. Does JR have an ass on him? I don't know. I don't know. Everyone gets distracted by like the ads and stuff. They don't let it look any lower.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Yeah. If he does, he doesn't strut it. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yeah, I might be back. Damn, we're live. Holy shit. Oh. I'm just over here looking at and remember what their butts look like. Noah's got a giant butt. I'm just over here looking at and remember what their butts look like.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Noah's got a giant butt. Dumber? Yeah. How's my audio better? Dude. How's my lisp? Still there. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Still there. I think I'm back. Oh my goodness. Here's the good news. Even when your internet goes out, the show is 700 people watching it. Fucking A. That's kind of- Okay. David's trunk is a big butt. I should go check out the chicks.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Let's listen to this really quick and then we'll continue talking. This will give us a minute and a half. I think this is pretty long here. I wonder if you're going to do like comedy, Hiller? No. Oh, okay. Tell you guys the exact year cancel culture didn't exist. 2003. You're thinking, how can you possibly know this Frenchie?
Starting point is 01:13:04 I'll tell you how. Because in 2003, Black Eyed Peas dropped a song called Let's Get Retarded. And nobody batted an island. Not one person, even the most woke, the most inclusive at the time were like, I'm keen to get a little retarded tonight. Let's get retarded in here. Let's get disabled in here. There was a few confused faces in the room, especially the
Starting point is 01:13:38 young generation. They always look up at me like, they don't have a song called that, Frenchie, they've got a similar one. Called Let's Get It Started. Do you mean that song? No, I fucking don't. You've all got some good one to do. Eventually, I did drop this version called Let's Get It Started, as many of us here know, but I didn't do this because they got canceled because they had to. They thought they'd get even more radio play with this version out.
Starting point is 01:14:08 They kept both of them out together for years and years and years. In fact my mate's mum told me this story in high school and I've never forgotten it. So she's a really good athlete, really good athlete, but she's got a fucked up leg. Not the joke. Do they call her Eileen? No, no, no. Really good athlete, she's got a bad leg. And in 2004, she got to represent Australia at the Paralympics.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Awesome achievement for her. She's over there at the athletics track with all the other competitors warming up. There's a DJ there playing psych up music. The DJ puts on a song by the Black Eyed Peas at the Paralympics. Song called, you guessed it, Let's Get Retarded. You can't do that. Like sure I guess it's relevant, but still no. That's like going to a 9-11 memorial and playing the song Big Jet Plane. That's like being on the Titanic as it's sinking and the band starts playing Row Row Row You
Starting point is 01:15:23 Boat. No, that's like being on a submarine going down to see the Titanic. And someone pops on that song called Under Pressure. I can tell you guys the exact year... That was where the show was when Andrew Hiller came and saved it. Oh. That was where the show was. When Andrew Hiller came and saved it. Oh. That was long. Yeah, very long. Is it Steve Irwin's brother?
Starting point is 01:15:51 I don't know. No, I think that guy's more in Pedro's gene pool. Irish? I think. Sounded Australian. Oh, maybe. Fuck, I don't know. What does this mean? What is this mean right here? I can't believe this is what the PFAA makes Royce done do now Are they making him do something?
Starting point is 01:16:21 I Am surprised that he is I am a little surprised he's his name's on the list Royce yeah, it's like Royce and Annie Dina Swift Velner how many people shared that? Fikovsky Or or like put it on their profile or I stand by the PFAA, any of that, you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yeah, I didn't see anyone share it. You think that's kind of tripping Fikowski out? You think that? No, they've justified it. They're going to say that athletes are afraid to speak up. Dude, the athletes only care about two things. One of them is not being afraid of Dave. They only care about two things. Their sponsors and their Instagram followers. I'm not even saying that in a bad
Starting point is 01:17:15 way and they're kind of intertwined. That's the only thing they care about. They're trying to figure out what they can post that would make their sponsors and their Instagram followers happy. They're not doing what they want to do, most of them. And it's not just the athletes, it's people in general. They're trying to figure out what would make people like happy. You know what I mean? They're trying to, it's, they have no, they don't care. They're responding to, people are responding to Lazar and what they think that they're supposed to say the Lazar situation I'm like sold on that Why do you have to say anything
Starting point is 01:18:03 Well, that's another thing too So you and I have a friend and he told us that his family was putting pressure on him to post something and when he asked his family why do I have to post something they said because if you don't people are going to think you don't care. And like that's I think it's important to know what people think but but you don't need to react to it. It's like takes us back to the beginning of the show. You still don't it's just like Kovac, dude And I put this up on my profile the other day. This is what drove me out of the affiliate Like during the whole Greg tweet thing. I remember I had members coming up to me It's like when you gonna say something and it's like I didn't tweet that
Starting point is 01:18:46 And it's like, when are you going to say something? And it's like, I didn't tweet that. Right, right. And it's like, as and then my dumbass business partner ended up putting something up. Because he just does what he does. And he doesn't think twice about it. It's like, what did you do that for? Well, we kept getting asked, we were gonna say something. It's like, well, we didn't do anything. And now you and now you have to react to people's reactions. It's never ending.
Starting point is 01:19:10 It just opens the door to all sorts of shit, right? Oh my God. It was the biggest nightmare because it was first that and then it was the entire Floyd 19 and then the pandemic. Oh my God. It was a nightmare. And it's the parallels are crazy to right now. I know.
Starting point is 01:19:29 So this is pretty bad. This is worse than I thought. Dude. I mean, cause the workout down below, like you don't even, you just have to like casually glance that and be like, oh, oh wait, what's wrong here? The thing that I think that I may have been unfair with the tutorial is how he doesn't realize how?
Starting point is 01:19:47 How how much I try to make things as obvious as possible about what I'm saying I Don't want to leave any room to the imagination unless I'm doing it on purpose And and it's for the sheer fact that I want people to get it I want people to take something away from it And it's for the sheer fact that I want people to get it. I want people to take something away from it, whether it be the joke or whether it be something to the point. And when you do something like this
Starting point is 01:20:10 and they have 1.1 million people following that account and they see this, it's like they don't know what to think. And it's not a joke. They're looking at this and they're like, okay, we're gonna do this work that way in a minute, back squat. Is this first, is it second? It's like, no, it's different and it's confusing confusing and you're trying to like always better a group of people and they fucked it up
Starting point is 01:20:31 hey you know those lines that go down the middle of the road that separate the two lanes yes the double yellow just any line yeah the double yellow or the ones that separate the lanes going the same direction or just any lines on the road. Sure. Those are pretty important. Yeah. And what's the point? There's millions of them. There'll be yellow lines on the road?
Starting point is 01:20:54 Billions of the, billions of lines on the road, but they're really important. Yeah. And like, you can't fuck that up. Of Victoria's back. And we've all been on a freeway where it's fucked up. You ever been on a freeway where it's like, You ever been on a freeway where it's like they've added a new lane But it's still the you can see where it's telling you to merge and it's like the only reason why you know that is because You drive that road every day, but it's always a little weird staying in your own lane
Starting point is 01:21:15 Sure, you know I'm talking about yeah, so what some people some people are saying to you is is like Hiller It's only like ten feet of the line. That's bad Why are you pointing that out and in your response is like, Hitler, it's only like 10 feet of the line that's bad. Why are you pointing that out? And in your response is, hey, dude, first of all, that's my expertise. I'm fucking quality control on fucking lines. And like, this isn't the place where you want to fuck shit up. And it's like, you're a fucking workout company. You post fucking workouts.
Starting point is 01:21:40 That's the fucking cornerstone of your fucking business. On your on your most forward facing platform. I mean, every, in every way it's inexcusable in like in every, however, so you have just one line off. It doesn't matter. And then you kill everyone who drives by that thing on that day. Yeah. I don't know what to do with it.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Yeah. And it's like, Hey, that's what you do. It's the same thing with the buttery bros. Anyone getting upset at them for making that piece like they did on their on their Instagram Which is great that their YouTube's not behaving like that, but it's like hey, dude That's what they fucking do like they're not ambulance chasers horrible analogy oh Vittorio how do we put him on time out? How do we put him on time out? Someone wrenched that man.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Wrenching. What's your analogy, Vittorio? You're lucky you have a cool name. It does have a cool name. I like the analogy. But then again, the analogy helped me out. Back in the day, Vittorio, people would literally, I don't know if you would do this.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Three hours, who knows how long it would have been up if I had not posted something. Back in the day, oh, someone just, Wadzombie just texted me and told me to lay off of Emily Rolfe. She's good Oh shit. Wow. He just sent me a picture of her dumper. Okay. Yeah, she got a huge dumper. Okay scratch that Wow Yeah, massive dumper Yeah, massive dumper. Wild Zombie's kind of the expert on the female bodies. I thought I would be the expert, but really I'm not next to him. What?
Starting point is 01:23:12 They're gonna say, dumper. Have you ever seen that FBI shirt? And then on the back it says, female body inspector. No, but I like it. Yeah. Female body inspector. I'm going to go with the one that says MBI and be the male body inspector. What's MBI?
Starting point is 01:23:34 Are you following any politics? There's this- It's the biggest waste of time. There's this guy Robert F. Kennedy. The waste of time. There's this guy Robert F. Kennedy. Do you know the guy with the crazy voice? Yeah, I saw a video of him doing push-ups. He stared into my world for a minute. Is he on T?
Starting point is 01:23:52 Is he on steroids? Yeah for sure. Yeah. Okay and so his his dad and his uncle were killed and most people have accepted that the CIA killed both of them like him his his dad and his uncle were killed and most people have accepted that the CIA killed both of them. Like him, his dad and his uncle, his uncle was the president of the United States and his dad was running for president of the United States when they were killed and it was like in that same time that Martin Luther King was killed and Malcolm X was killed and just people were just getting capped, right? And it's pretty, I think it's pretty well accepted. I mean, it's in mainstream now that the CIA killed them
Starting point is 01:24:27 Now this guy is now endorsed Trump and I think that if Trump gets elected this dude's gonna be given access maybe even made director of the CIA That's kind of wild, right? That's interesting. So then he can dig into all that shit It would be like if someone made you the CEO of CrossFit and you could just start digging into all their shit. That'd be cool. Like wouldn't it be cool if you could just call someone right now and be like, Hey, how'd this happen?
Starting point is 01:24:54 And just yell at someone for it? Yeah. How did you post the wrong shit? Greg would have come unhinged by the way. If that had happened? Dude, someone would get fucking their fucking asshole split open. He wouldn't fire them, but they would get fucked. They would never do it again.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Hiller, did you think of doing a squat video at the DNC? Oh yeah, you were close to the Democratic National Convention. Did you think about going down there? Not even for a second. National Convention. Did you think about going down there? Not even for a second. Jonathan Ortega, 100% CIA captives ass. I know people who do politics. They couldn't care less about what they do. But they care a lot, right? But they don't care. And it's like... What do you mean, explain that to me?
Starting point is 01:25:44 I think I'd rather not. Okay. But I think I've told you before no it sounds familiar I'll tell you off okay I don't want to say it online let me show you this let me show you this this this one it kind of ties into the whole... Because Greg said it online a couple of times that somebody purchased CrossFit to dismantle it. Yeah. And it's like they're actually trying to destroy it. And they're doing it like very slightly, like post by post or event by event.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Right. And it's like, it's almost obvious at this point that it's not trying to be helped. Tell me what the point of doing cross, if you're someone who's going to join CrossFit right now as an affiliate or as just like a prospective person, what are you doing it for? Well, I don't think they hired something that you know it to be, but from something from the past four years that has been given to the world, like what do you do CrossFit for?
Starting point is 01:26:43 That's a crazy perspective. What if I just came came to the to the community four years ago? Wow within the past four years let's say you took the other one or something like that, or maybe you just follow the socials and That was like people in the comments were why would Matt and Sevan do it a podcast with this old guy I remember seeing that and I had just not been on the show for I just not been forward-facing for like two years And I was already fucking just some old dude imagine like you think about starting CrossFit last week and within a week's time they fuck up the workout of the day twice it's like what I'm gonna go to the orange theory yeah and and you don't know about, you don't know really about kind of the culture of the
Starting point is 01:27:26 company. Wow, that's fascinating. I don't know why I never thought of that. That's kind of all I ever think about. What if you just started a couple of years ago? It's like why there are brands so that you can tie your name to something. So people like can put a shirt on and everyone knows what that means. That's why it's so important that the worldwide message about
Starting point is 01:27:51 CrossFit now is that they drowned in lakes. That's the message of a CrossFit shirt into the public eye right now. Right. Hillary can't pay attention to politics because he lives in one of the most corrupt counties in the country. Crook County, he actually paid attention to politics because he lives in one of the most corrupt counties in the country. Crook County, he actually paid attention or had children. He would move ASAP. Yeah, probably. If you had children, you'd definitely move.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Yeah. Um, I want to show, I want to, what do you think about, um, most fair thing? Yeah. I'd probably pay more attention if I had kids. What do you think about fucking your sister or your cousins? I'm not sure even the thought of the words of that coming out of your mouth. Yeah, dude, wait. I fell down this rabbit hole today. Wait till you hear this.
Starting point is 01:28:35 This is fucking a trip. Ready? Are you a deep state spy? Yeah, I am. Who told you that? Hunter. I don't even have signal or telegram or nothing. Did you know that I had heard, did you see that that lady testified that the FBI tried
Starting point is 01:28:55 to put fucking kiddie porn on her husband's computer that the FBI admitted that to her? And I heard Tucker Carlson doesn't use a laptop because he's fucking terrified of them doing that. Anyway, that's a different subject. Listen to this. This is broken to someone's Wi Fi password and download a whole bunch of porn, kitty porn and on IP address was chased back to their house. And it took years of litigation to find out that it was the neighbor.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Oh, fuck. But like it caused the family to get like all messed up and the husband and wife divorced over it and they took all their computers and shit. God, that sounds horrible. Imagine like all of a sudden the cops come in and they take all your fucking podcast and video gear and it was your neighbor who was just surfing kiddie porn on the internet on your wi-fi. Oh my god. on the internet on your Wi-Fi. Oh my god. Reddit would love that. I'm so paranoid there's things I won't even google. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like I would never google like how to kill someone. Or I would never even google like kiddie porn statistics. I would never even put those words in my, you know what I mean? Like I was like, if I wanted
Starting point is 01:30:03 to know how prevalent like kiddie porn is, like I would, I don't words in my computer. You know what I mean? I was like, but once you know, I wanted to know like how prevalent like kiddie porn is like I would I don't know how I get that information Because I wouldn't even want to like search it on my computer just ask us someone that goo made a video on recently I'm sure they know Yeah, that's true Okay, listen to this. This is this is this is this is This is just fucking so wild. Part of it was inbreeding.
Starting point is 01:30:31 This is your own theory. No, no, no. Look at someone else's theory. I've never heard this before. Especially with immigrants in Britain like the Pakistanis in London, they'll have all kinds of serious inbreeding problems because that's an even smaller sample size you're dealing with. Strap yourself in for this. 70% of all Pakistanis are inbred and in Turkey, the amount is between 25 to 30%.
Starting point is 01:31:03 More stillbirths among immigrants, a rough estimate reveals that close to half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred. What the fuck? Yeah, I don't like that at all. Dude, that's kissing, that's taking kissing cousins to a whole nother level. A large percentage of the parents that this is blow my mind So listen to the BBC investigation in Britain several years ago revealed that at least 55% of the Pakistani community in Britain was married to a first cousin. Holy shit
Starting point is 01:31:37 BBC's research also discovered that while British Pakistanis account for just 3.4 percent of all births in Britain British Pakistanis account for just 3.4% of all births in Britain. They accounted for 30% of all British children with recessive disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality. I always wondered if that's true, if it fucks you up like fucking your sister, like people fucking in the family. I wasn't sure if that was just some made up shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:32:04 Just like it would fuck up your gene shit, you know what I mean? Which is just like it would fuck up your gene pool. You know what I mean? Like if you bang your sister, like you end up retarded, like you end up, you guys have a retarded kid. Like I always just thought there's genetic classes at like the high school level that tell you it messes everything up. Yeah, I know, but I find it so hard to believe. There weren't, aren't we all just like brothers and sisters at some level?
Starting point is 01:32:23 I don't know. Is that like a biblical statement? Like we all came from Adam and Eve sort of thing. Yeah, I guess? I don't know is that like a biblical statement like we all came from Adam and Eve sort of thing? Yeah I guess I don't know. Caller did you fuck your sister? Hello? Caller? Hello? Caller? Hello Mr. Saban how are you? Hi I'm having fun talking about inbreeding with Andrew I like it when when Andrew says stuff like I don't like that at all As soon as I heard inbreeding I thought I'd call all right How are you? It's Jake from the yard of man. Oh Jake. What's up, dude? How are you? Oh speaking of inbreeding God that island must have some crazy shit imagine Iceland, dude No, okay
Starting point is 01:33:03 Yeah, so I grew up in the outer skirts of London Where I was privy to a lot of that inbreeding situation, not in my family, of course They're far too ugly the The when I had my first born about seven years ago, we had to go through a process where we had to answer questions with midwives and all sorts. And half of the time we spent in there was asking questions about, are you related?
Starting point is 01:33:35 Can you prove that you're not related? Have you got any family history of this down the other? Um, yeah. Hey, you know what's crazy, Jake? Hey, you know what's crazy Jake? Nugget. My, my wife's an Ashkenazi and I'm Armenian. We come from very small gene pools. Like somewhere, I don't think you have to go too far back in my gene pool probably to
Starting point is 01:33:57 find some sort of inbreeding or my wife's. We're really, really tiny. More of a con. We're tiny, tiny gene pools and my wife's 100% Ashkenazi and there's like so few of them um so so i mean i could see how it happens but i don't really see how it happens in a country like the uk you guys got a lot of people to choose from so i'm thinking about making my boys marry black girls i'm gonna make them marry black girls that's smart yeah make them marry black girls. That's smart. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, fun.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Yeah. There's a town called Slough, just outside London, where a lot of the immigration immigrants came over the South Asians, and they formed pockets and communities in those areas. And because of that, they tend to sort of mix with only themselves. So because of that, I think the pool to choose from is relatively kind of close knit. Anyway, I made a comment yesterday to you and we kind of skipped over it,
Starting point is 01:34:56 about a video that Jason Kaleep about a few years ago about the affiliates and competitors. I kind of looked it up again today and I found it online on YouTube and it's so relevant to what's going on at the moment. It was one of his original business the box, I think that's what it's called. He did a series of videos and it's nine years ago and he's in like a meeting room and he's got like, must be 200 people there, he's doing a conference. And he's got a whiteboard and he draws these two circles.
Starting point is 01:35:31 And one is with community at the middle, one is competitors in the middle. And he goes through this five minute discussion on why long term, having the community at the center of affiliates will last and will prosper and will mean that you have a successful box and why having competition at the centre will not last and why that isn't going to be a successful box model. And it's so relevant to today and somebody with CrossFit especially. And I was thinking about how this kind of marries up with what you said about recently with going back to the affiliates as central over the games.
Starting point is 01:36:12 I think HQ have kind of been a bit guilty of that since the marketing team were let go. We've kind of gone through the outward marketing, like Andrew says, about the lack of videos, the lack of marketing online. It's very, very rare that we see anything about the affiliates anymore. It's all games. When they do post something, it's all about games. If you reference that and you use Khalifa's video, you can kind of see a correlation there because since there's been no real affiliate marketing as such on behalf of the affiliates by CrossFit, I had a video made in 2018.
Starting point is 01:36:49 CrossFit came and did a little 10-minute documentary at my old affiliate, which was incredible, and we actually got five or six members as a result of that video. Who came out there? Who came out there? Who came out there? There was a Welsh guy. I can't remember his name. He was working on behalf of you.
Starting point is 01:37:07 I initiated by emailing in. He's a big guy, right? He's a big guy, looks like Shrek. Yeah, yeah. That dude's cool as shit. I'm pissed I can't remember I, I've bloody framed it as well. I got an email from Greg to him saying, blah, blah, blah, blah. Can you go please go and make a video at Jake's box and it was done within a month. It come out video, the whole thing edited it and it's on YouTube done within two months. Yes, Ross.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Someone just put Ross. It is Ross. Ross. Yeah. months. Yeah, it's Ross. Someone just put Ross. It is Ross. So within a month, it was online on YouTube, 10 minute documentary about my member that had lost £60 and had completely come off diabetic medication, completely. Over three years, it comes to the affiliate. Since stories like that have stopped coming out of the affiliate and are online, all we get as outward promotion is about the sports of CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Now I know that we should be responsible for some of that as affiliates, but I think CrossFit have kind of missed the point of what you used to do as the marketing team. It used to be predominantly about the affiliates and we were celebrated and it was talked about that. And that's how you get people in the gym. And that's how you broaden the base of memberships at the gyms to then grow the sport. You're not going to grow the sport from the top down. The only people that it attracted over the last sort of four or five years are the people that are obsessed with the sport. And going back to Khalifa's model that he uses, those people don't stick around for too long.
Starting point is 01:38:45 They either age or they go the magpie effect, new shiny box down the road, and they fleece to that one. So having the community and affiliates at the center of CrossFit is what CrossFit's all about and what it should be done. Jake, I want to tell you a couple of things historically. So in 2017 and 18, we were spending $10,000 a week
Starting point is 01:39:04 to make those videos. So I'm- How much? How much? 10,000. So you'd have to ask Ross exactly, but I'm guessing we spent, I'm guessing we sent Ross,
Starting point is 01:39:13 we'll play this in one second. Thanks, Hilar. I'm guessing that we paid for Ross's travel, food, and hotel, and then gave him $10,000. And then he probably had some, we told him, hey, we need one 10 minute video, one five minute video, and three videos for Instagram, right? And they can be all just like versions of each other.
Starting point is 01:39:28 And so when I was running the media team, we did one of those, the goal was to do one of those every single week and we did and release them. And that way we'd have tons of content for YouTube, Instagram, whatever, all that shit. And then what happened in 2018, 19, when Greg dropped the media team, I wanna tell you the next thing that I just
Starting point is 01:39:45 remembered and I can't remember. I can't believe I forgot this. And I'll ask Greg when he comes on tomorrow, but in 2019, Greg's way of mitigating that was to make national champions and invite someone from every single country that had an affiliate to the games, which in hindsight was brilliant, brilliant, because that really drug in those communities, right? It really added that value. But anyway, when all the dumb fucks out there said that it was a terrible idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:10 But now that now that I'm hearing you, you motherfuckers that current things going on today are good or bad. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. They, they should have, that was a huge mistake. Once Greg implemented that, they should have always left that they should have let ever they Should have just had massive cuts who cares got cut And they should have just fucking done it we go We're too focused on the sport and that would have made it a much better community
Starting point is 01:40:32 But it was in 2019 how about that for yeah, and the games were fucking amazing that year It's a shame. I wasn't allowed to do the behind-the-scenes anyway, so one more thing that's pile on what you're saying Jake I went the very first time and the second time that I've hung out with Don and had coffee with him, I told him exactly what you told me. I said, hey, and I told Greg that too. I told Greg in 2019, the CEO was making $750,000 a year. And I told Greg, Greg, fire the CEO and just give me $500,000 of that and I'll change, I'll redirect the
Starting point is 01:41:05 ship again." And it fell on deaf ears. But then I also said it to Don. I said, hey, Don, all you have to do is put out a video every single week. It costs $10,000. You need 520 of them or 52 of them a year. You can break them down and it'll fill up all your other needs, social media needs and everything because you can keep making smaller and smaller versions.
Starting point is 01:41:26 I said, and it'll take two years, but you can write the ship. His response was, yeah, that's a good idea, but we need to know what the return on investment is. He started using all these acronyms. Both times he said that, and both times I knew he had no idea what I was talking about and he was just giving me lip service, which is fine. That's his prerogative. No, that's not fine.
Starting point is 01:41:44 It's his way of saying nothing. But you're right, that will write the ship. The thing is, it's gonna take a couple years of that consistency. What is lip service? The service is when you just tell someone, it's like what he did to the PFAA. That meeting that he had with the PFAA,
Starting point is 01:42:00 that really revealed to me, I used to have that kind of leadership style too, where you're just trying to make everyone happy by giving them lip service. And so it's not that you don't mean what you're saying, it's instead of being a leader, you're just trying to be nice to people. Go ahead, Hillard. Is that like the Craig Howard had a steak with him and now he can't get off his butt?
Starting point is 01:42:17 Yeah, exactly. I love you so much. Yeah, I had one dinner with you and now you're the greatest thing ever, lip service. Yeah, I love being on the end receiving receiving lip service now go ahead jake so the thing is obviously as we know the methodology methodology hasn't changed at all so the message hasn't changed at all either now the old videos the hundreds of videos that are still out there and available surely just rehashing them and reposting them isn't too
Starting point is 01:42:45 much to ask. They didn't have to spend 10 grand a week doing that. They just need to reformat, get all the old videos that they've got on, just repost them, put them out again on the YouTube channel. Surely that's just really straightforward way of doing it. That's how paralyzed the company is. A decision like that would require 200 emails. When before, Jake, if you would have called me when I was
Starting point is 01:43:06 The media director and told me that I would have just fucking walked over to leafs office and be like leaf Let's do this only to be like, okay, how many weeks and I'd be like, let's try let's try 15 weeks of just rehashing shit Yeah that that what you're asking. That's how paralyzed the company is and by the way, once again that goes back to the DEI thing It's just paralyzed. What did you say? Hey when that post was made wrong that Hiller spotted yesterday, I bet you that took fucking ten emails before. I bet you they had to have a meeting before they pulled that down.
Starting point is 01:43:36 I'm not joking. They probably, I'm not joking. They probably had to have a meeting. What do you want to do? And then like and you had to go back and forth back and forth. Yeah. What do we do? And then like, and you had to go back and forth, back and forth. Yeah. Yeah. What do we do?
Starting point is 01:43:47 But you're, I can't remember his name. I spoke to Hila, I think it was around Christmas time when your mate got fired, the one that was on, at HQ that used to do the workout the day email and send it out. Yeah, Leif Edmondson. He was puking. He was, he programmed CrossFit workouts for 10 years. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:04 So within a week of him going and getting fired, they fucked it up twice. There was two workouts that had gone wrong. They posted the wrong rest day, and then there was a workout that was incorrect on the email. Hila posted it at the time as well. That was within a week of him going.
Starting point is 01:44:19 So it's not like a new problem, it's just consistent shittery. Hey, and just so you know, we had, Really quick. Let me just say this when I worked there There was a chick who worked there and she was a clone of leaf So leaf was so valuable that we had hired someone else to just be a clone of him and she worked just side by side With him and she could do everything he could do and that's all she could that's all she did So she wasn't even needed But it was a just in case that's how fucking valuable and he was in charge And he was the kind of the spell checker
Starting point is 01:44:50 That's not really saying it right of everything forward-facing whether it's the ESPN shows YouTube videos the post sorry go ahead Yeah, she owns an affiliate now by the way my kids are gonna start taking classes at our affiliate next week Nice that's what I was gonna ask you about your kids earlier. Is there any reason you don't do gymnastics with them? Because they look like they could be very good gymnasts. The gymnastics program in town is horrible. The parents there, it's cuckery. The place smells like fucking carpet cleaner.
Starting point is 01:45:21 If you take a two-hour class there, an hour and 30 minutes of it's eating goldfish and doing arts and crafts. It's a joke. It's a fucking joke. And I first left there because they closed it during COVID. Then when they came back, they required masks. Like no one there gives a shit. Like you can just tell. No one there. Santa Cruz Gymnastics. It's a complete fucking joke. So that's it. That's the reason why. Like right now, Jake, I want to be in a competition. Go ahead, Hilar. Look at this shit. What is it?
Starting point is 01:45:52 The phosphate misogynist gives his opinion on strong women. Oh shit. Oh my god. Wow, Mitchell Hooper is a cunt. Mitchell Hooper is a cunt. Ohhhhhhhhhh Mitchell Hooper is a cunt. What a fucking cuck. Look at this thumbnail. It's John Young. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:46:17 Hey, do you think it's misogynistic to say you're not attracted to women who have 4 inch clits and have a fucking uh uh receding hairline and um the answer is absolutely no that's a loaded question god does hooper get pegged michael do you get pegged uh strongman admits he gets pegged without saying he gets pegged i'm gonna make a video what a fucking douche i would like to see a porn I'd pay money to see him in Sporty Beth fuck How much I don't know three dollars What a fucking cunt you are God damn
Starting point is 01:46:56 World's stupidest man is your new title. We should watch this thing live. Yeah, we should That is clickbait I guarantee you it's like 1% as bad as it should be. I hope so. I hope he defends John. I hope I'm gonna have to eat those words. Cause what a fucking douche. Let me see this dude's chick. Let me see this dude's fucking chick. Jake, you have a beautiful voice by the way. How am I supposed to find that?
Starting point is 01:47:22 I don't know. Go to his fucking Instagram. I wanna see what he fucks. Alright. I'll go there. Does want to see what he fucks. All right. I'll go there. Does anyone know what Hooper fucks? It's like Sidney Sweeney or something. Hey, I bet you Mitchell Hooper's like those fucking black chicks that hate fucking white people, but they're fucking a white dude. Let me see who you're fucking.
Starting point is 01:47:40 I'm working on it. Let me see who you're fucking Mitchell. He just said he doesn't find them attractive. Oh, wow. Look at this Hooper. Your first video I see with the fucking chick is some- Look at that chick right there. What? This chick here? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Hey Mitchell, that chick's not on ROIDS dude. Just so you know. She has a normal-sized man in the fucking canoe. How do we know which one's his chick? I don't know. God, what a... What a douche. Hey it's perfectly okay to say you don't find someone attractive.
Starting point is 01:48:19 A woman who's fucking on drugs. It's perfectly okay. Fuck you, dude. Let me see that other skinny girl right there who looks like she can do 10 pull-ups. Yeah, look at all the girls he has. Look it. Oh. Let me see that other girl.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Go to the other girl. Yeah, Hooper, where's all the girls who look like dudes on your fucking channel? Misogynist. Look at him objectifying women. You're such a misogynist. I would say he is sure objectifying women here. Yeah. Look at this. He's pouring water. He's waterboarding her. Yeah. He's also murdering women.
Starting point is 01:49:00 That is an allegory of semen he's unloading on her. Oh, there's his wife. There's his wife in this kid Let me see that's weird That's really weird Mitchell Hey Mitchell, you know if you were fucking some bitch that was juice to the gills. She couldn't give you a baby So biologically if you're a fucking dude if you're a real man You wouldn't be attracted to a chick that's juice to the gills because she couldn't do what your whole fucking purpose of being on planet Earth is. You fucknut. Private.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Yeah. By the way, your wife's hot. You made a good choice at least. Fucking hypocrite. Alright. I hope I never run- I hope I never run into him. Yeah, he'll fucking- He'll swat you. You thought Chandler Smith was bad. Woo! Oh my god. All right, I hope I never run. I hope I never run into him You thought Chandler Smith was bad, oh my god, he might eat you seven. Well Jake would you want to talk about inbreeding anymore?
Starting point is 01:49:57 No, I think we've covered that I reckon Last thing I'm starting homeschooling this week with my kids. Oh congratulations And yeah And yeah, well, I've got to say it's down to you really and Greg, your influence. So I would have never have thought I would want to or I could. And then over the last sort of year or so, my wife has sat down and made plans and put it all together. And we've made it so that we could.
Starting point is 01:50:20 We're going to see how it goes. But yeah, we're starting out next week. How old are your kids? All our courses lined up and five and seven. Hey dude, your seven year old could start helping you run your gym as a huge part of your homeschooling. You know what I mean? Yeah, she already is.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Oh, that's awesome. So she's helping me kind of in the morning. So she gets up at five with me, goes in a couple of times a week, helps sort of say hello to the people as they're coming in the doors and that kind of thing. And just helps out around the gym and just being present. I mean, they were born and raised in gyms, so they're more, you know, more acquainted to them as the normal kids. But yeah, just being active and, you know, things like climbing walls, gymnastics, jiu-jitsu, just general sports and just getting
Starting point is 01:51:03 out and doing all our kind of learning at home before midday is the plan and then we just sort of play it by ear about how we're feeling. So yeah, I've got to thank you for that. So thank you very much. Congratulations. Keep me posted. Thanks. Well done.
Starting point is 01:51:16 Someone said listen to this posh wanker. Are you posh? Do you have a posh? Is posh means like uppity? Definitely not posh. Oh, okay. I mean to us Americansh means uppity? Definitely not posh. Oh, okay. I mean to us Americans you sound uppity.
Starting point is 01:51:28 If I was posh, I would... There's different types of posh. There's royal posh, where they kind of talk like this and they pronounce everything. And then there's people just pronounce their words properly. And if you're from the north of England, you think posh is wearing a jacket when it's cold So it's just different you'd be amazed that the differences between like yon for example north of the border where they were kilts and Where shorts are we around this is yon ghetto is fucked is yon have a ghetto accent Yon is Scottish oh
Starting point is 01:52:03 So it's just garbly gook. It's not even ghetto or not ghetto. It's just like marbles in his mouth. It's slurring most of the time. But yeah, yeah, all good. Hey, listen to this. Listen to this. Me and him are hanging out at Rogue.
Starting point is 01:52:18 Listen to this. Iceland has an app that everyone uses in the dating scene that tells them if you're related or not. Come on. Wow. Wow. That's awesome. Hey, safety first. No one's going to drown there.
Starting point is 01:52:30 It's like 23 and me. Wow. All right. I'll leave you to it anyway. I'll get back to the chat. I can be a dickhead. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:52:38 Love you. Hey, any man who uses the word misogynist is a fucking woke cuck anyway. It's like use a different word. Just say it. That dude hates women. Just say it. Spell that shit out. We have some controversy on our hands today thanks to a man named John Young. Now I'm going to tell you all about him. Oh, look at this shirt. Look at this shirt! To agree to put our thick skin on for today because we're going to be talking about a sensitive topic. And that is the strong women. He had some thoughts around them. And I would like to share my counter thoughts. John, I hope you watch it.
Starting point is 01:53:18 First of all, before we... You think John watches? I don't know. He's going to watch it. Can you just skip to his... Oh, wait, okay. I just want to hear his counter thoughts. I do too. I don't know. He's gonna watch it. Can you just skip to his... oh wait, okay. I just want to hear his counter thoughts I do too. I don't know where they are though. I just won the Strongest Man on Earth competition and We we raised a lot of money from my friend named Hudson. He has inoperable brain tumor. He is a young child, unfortunately So I'm gonna be auctioning off
Starting point is 01:53:41 signed Strongest Man on Earth And I thought... That's cool. He's leveraging John's misogynistic comment to talk about this friend of his. Oh, yeah, that is cool. Okay, good point. Mitchell. Similar stuff. Okay, I'm going to keep track. That's nothing but respect for the strong woman, what they do, etc.
Starting point is 01:53:57 So I was thinking maybe maybe this is just being taken the wrong way. I'll give you a hint. It is not being taken the wrong way. Oh, point against Mitchell. Point against Mitchell Hooper. Quotes here. First he says, first one guy talks about Hoku there. You know, he enjoys watching them. That spin. Because there's a variety of characters. I'm gonna go into that as well. And then he goes, I don't know, they just, when they throw what they throw and they go, oh, because we've never seen a CrossFit woman celebrate before. Is that whatever?
Starting point is 01:54:29 Wash? No, he's just being stupid. He knows what John's doing. It's the fact that their voice has been altered because their fucking throat box has been fucking altered by all the steroids. It's because their vocal cords are all jacked up. Listen, audio is like the fucking,
Starting point is 01:54:44 one of the most important under-fucking, spoke about things are all jacked up. Listen, um audio is like the fucking one of the most important under fucking Spoke about things in all of fucking humanity We're all listening to the way people's voices sound how they talk their inflection If you're a fucking chick and you sound like a fucking guy because you're a fucking drug addict and your drug is testosterone And you think that other men who are biologically sound are gonna be attracted to you or if they find you unattractive And you're criticizing someone like that. You're a fucking idiot You're a fucking idiot. You're not like It's just fucking common sense anyway point against Mitchell right there dipshit
Starting point is 01:55:22 Okay, that's okay, like if you don't like that, that's fine. And a lot of this is actually fine. Just keep it to yourself. Read the room. Canada! Canada! Another point against you. Keep it to yourself. Read the room. Yeah. Don't stand up for men who can speak for themselves. That's called
Starting point is 01:55:40 misandry. That's called misandry. You fucking man hater. Go on. Take a step back. Now most of this is fine. Most of this is not. Then he goes on to say-
Starting point is 01:55:50 Now most of it's fine? Now most of it's fine? Oh man, this is a mess. This guy's a douche. And he says you're just not very entertaining to me. Let me guess, this guy's a noble athlete. Let me guess, I know who this guy's friends are. I bet you I know who this guy's friends are.
Starting point is 01:56:03 Hey, I will give this guy credit. At least he's not a pussy and he fucking jumps in the deep end unlike most of our athletes. I'll give him that. Regarding the strong woman. That's fine. That's totally fine. That's fair. If an NBA fan tells me that they don't like strongman, it doesn't bother me in the least. No problem. Here is a major problem. Quote, I don't hate what you do. I just hate what you look like. Now, John, the barbell spin and Tyler, a guy who does this with him, and I don't know what you do. I just hate what you look like. Now, John, the barbell spin and Tyler, a guy who does this with him. And I don't know any of these guys. And I'm happy to not know any of these guys.
Starting point is 01:56:29 Um, his friends thought it was quite funny. More Canadian bullshit, passive aggressive, just douchebaggery. God, you're such a pussy Mitchell. Want to look at them you're not allowed to say that I don't want to look at them. How about if Why can't you say that? They're asking him. It's a topic Okay, go on. I'm happy to not know any of these guys
Starting point is 01:57:05 His friends thought it was quite funny and they've all kept it up on their social media despite some backlash. So, you know, first of all, if I was across... Oh, there you go, Canadian again Despite backlash there it is guys. This is the fucking bitchery I'm talking about He only cares about his sponsors and he only cares about his Instagram followers That's it The guy is a fucking slave That's it. That's all he cares about. His Instagram. Oh, Christian Kettler. His gym is like an hour from me. I go there to get pegged. Oh yeah. Probably. That doesn't surprise me. Okay, go on. I was looking at this podcast. I certainly wouldn't be thinking anything positive about
Starting point is 01:57:45 them. Now, let's- Oh, because honesty is a son of a bitch, ain't it? Because he doesn't find women who fucking juice up with men's hormones attractive. God damn. CrossFit woman. He says, I like the women I do, but okay, let's talk about why they're so popular. And again, let's just put it on our thick skin.
Starting point is 01:58:03 First of all, first and foremost, they're great athletes doing incredible things. I think that's the underpinning of why they're so popular and again, let's just put on our thick skin first of all first and foremost They're great athletes doing incredible things I think that's the underpinning of why they have the platform that they do but I did an interview with Danny Spiegel a friend of mine and she Okay You pivot You pivot from these dudes from these girls who look like men who take male hormones From these girls who look like men who take male hormones to fucking one of the most sultry, hottest, attractive women who uses her fucking women, her woman-ness to fucking, I bet you 90% of fucking Danny's followers are fucking Reddit cucks who just jerk off to her all the time.
Starting point is 01:58:41 You're pivoting between one of our fucking hottest chicks who uses her fucking tits and ass to get fucking followers. And now you're pivoting to that? Why don't you interview one of your fucking ones that had, oh, hello, Mitchell, I don't understand why men don't think I'm attractive. Mitchell, I wanna tell you something. There's two kinds of people in this world. There's people who fucking don't find women
Starting point is 01:59:04 who take testosterone attractive, and then there's fucking liars. Let me rephrase that. Not that don't take testosterone, that don't abuse testosterone. That's it. There's only two kinds of people. You're fucking a liar, dude. We just saw your wife. We saw all the girls you post in your fucking on your Instagram feed. Fucking liar. Go on. It is very much like sex sells and I think it's this combination in CrossFit where for both men and women it's good looking people in really good shape who are able to do some incredible things and I think incredible things and the fact that they're aesthetically
Starting point is 01:59:35 pleasing to watch of course it all helps of course and I think basically men like this dude just look at them as objects and want to sleep with them whatever it is I don't know if that's true that's a leap he's making right that they just want to sleep with them most most guys just want to eat a bowl cereal out of Danny's ass I'm pretty sure no he's accusing John of like wanting to sleep with the CrossFit chicks oh is that the connection he's making I'll play it over again but that's how I heard it it's good-looking people in really good shape who are able to do some incredible things. And I think incredible things and the fact that they're aesthetically pleasing to watch,
Starting point is 02:00:10 of course, it all helps. Of course. And I think basically men like this dude just look at them as objects and want to sleep with them or whatever it is. Oh my God. Oh my God. And this is the part where it's unfortunate how well I know John. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 02:00:25 And I just don't know if it's true. Mitchell, you cannot like the way someone looks and not fucking throw them into a category of who you fuck and who you don't want to fuck. Mitchell, is that what you do? Is that why you projected that onto John? Is that your take, Mitchell? There's only two kinds of women, ones'd fucking ones you wouldn't fuck. I Don't know how you made that fucking leap, dude
Starting point is 02:00:51 That one wasn't cool that yeah, what a fucking douche canoe, but this is fucking Canadian Sorry, I don't want to mash the whole fucking country, but this is it. This is the fucking mind virus Hey, would you defend pedophiles? Mitchell how far do you go? What if he said he didn't like pedophiles would you defend them? How far do you go Coop? Well they're people too that's not fair that's not fair you can't find pedophiles unattractive. How far would you go Mitchell? You seem to be making some big leaps how about we make some big leaps how far would you go? How far are you gonna defend someone? You seem to be making some big leaps. How about we make some big leaps? How far would you go? How far are you going to defend someone?
Starting point is 02:01:28 Yeah, Spiegel's got great tits. There's a picture going around on the internet right now. Great. Yeah, they're awesome. Okay, go on. See, local level, I think strong women might be growing faster than strong men. And one of the things is the variety of personalities. I think with the men, I was 16 competitors, I was the only one without a beard over the weekend. That's how congruous we are
Starting point is 02:01:47 We're all white men after Rob Kearney left. I think we're all straight white men Nothing wrong with that. I despise the argument that there is something wrong with that, but This guy gets into the weeds of all this stuff. It's his thing, dude. This is this is this is this is him Is this social justice warrior fucking cuck Canadian number? Hey, you come to CrossFit We got a whole bunch of you. We all react mostly the same with loud cheers Whatever maybe but I think about a strong woman is they have a variety of characters a variety of personalities a variety of different people Dude the other day on the Glinton show they were talking about the fact like just the difference between wanting to bang a dude And being a chick and it's like sometimes you just don't want to do it
Starting point is 02:02:22 if you're gonna make a whole video on Colleen about the fact that she prefers chicks over dudes and like, I mean, she said it publicly, right? A hundred percent. Hey, listen, if you don't, if you don't, Mitchell, if you don't, if you don't have a response, if you, if you're, if you think it's weird that John Young has a response to a man to a woman who sounds and looks like a man and he doesn't have some sort of biological response to that like hey that's not attractive it's like smelling a flower and like and having a response to it I don't know
Starting point is 02:02:57 what's all the planet I don't know what kind of planet you live on he said nothing about their fucking personalities or anything like that you know this is all the same as like you talk about the chicks or the dudes with like nose gauges, ear gauges, pink hair, blue hair. Yeah. They do this stuff to their bodies and then they they like go out in the public and you clearly look different than other people but all of a sudden the people who look at you in a certain way it's their fault. It's like the Joey Sw spool thing on Instagram. Maybe you ever seen any of that? There'll be, there'll be something provocative or they kind of out, they
Starting point is 02:03:32 try to out a guy for looking at them, but the clothes that they're wearing, like leave nothing to the imagination. But the dudes, the asshole for doing this, he just like working over over the court and then, Oh my God god this is what he's doing and like John just made a statement because he's using his eyeballs and his brain. What I want to hear you say is dude John you're missing out these fucking chicks are amazing. That'd be cool. Dude I fucking love me a chick who's fucking juice to the gills when I fucking lap or clit with my tongue It's so easy to find I fucking love it. That's what I want to hear you say Mitchell I don't think you say that
Starting point is 02:04:11 Yeah, but but he should if he's got an issue with it. I love I love fucking having to wrestle them to the ground I love having a fucking uh, eight-handed forehead. I love it Friends from high school dude one time told me he wasn't attracted attracted to Alexis. And I'm like, your loss. It was the only thought I had. I'm like, I'm like your loss, dude. Gay. Like you've never seen her but or maybe you have and like,
Starting point is 02:04:38 yeah, you do it for you. That's that's your loss. Yeah, Mitchell. So you you like it when you lick a clit it licks you back. I get it. But don't hate on John because he doesn't find that attractive. I've known that dude my entire life, but when he said that I'm like, what? He's lying. He's lying. I don't think he was.
Starting point is 02:04:54 I'm pretty good at like, I don't know. He's also married and I'm like, okay. Dude, he's lying. He's out of his fucking mind. It was crazy. I don't think this show's appropriate for you. Boom. I love you.
Starting point is 02:05:07 Oh. We'll do one later, Ari. We'll do a show later. All right. No clip licking show. A variety of heights and body shapes and sizes, et cetera. A variety of looks. Now for this guy, John, to be talking about the looks of Strong Woman.
Starting point is 02:05:21 No, that's not what he's talking about. I would love to fucking have a seven foot tall woman who's fucking got a 300 pound bench press carry me around. He's not talking about their, he's not talking about their looks, dude. Get over it. It's the fact that they're turning themselves into dudes. No, he did say he doesn't like the way that they look. Well, but, but you know what John's saying. He doesn't like the way they look. He's the fact he doesn't like the way they look because they're fucking Jews to the gills.
Starting point is 02:05:43 Sure. And their voice. He already already we established that when he said Oh, hello. Oh John bring me the dildo and pound your asshole with it First of all, I would assume someone who has a critique with the looks of strong woman would be a bit better looking themselves Not looking like your favorite character for big mouth now Now, oh, he looks like the dude from Big Mouth. John's a low rent Dan Bailey, Mitchell.
Starting point is 02:06:09 We already fucking run dead. Or you should have used the dude from Goonies. Mitchell, we fucking ass pound John all the time for the way he looks. So all, oh my God. This makes two of us, John, who aren't gonna win a beauty contest.
Starting point is 02:06:24 I know my place in the world. I'm not entering a beauty contest. And by the way, neither are the strong women, but here are a couple of examples of those strong women. Oh shit, oh shit. Oh shit, he just called the strong women ugly. Oh shit. Assume the person who is the critiquing
Starting point is 02:06:37 with the looks of strong women would be a bit better looking themselves, not looking like your favorite character from Big Mouth. Now, this makes two of us, John, who aren't gonna win a beauty contest. I know my place in the world. I'm not entering a beauty contest, and by the way, neither are the strong women,
Starting point is 02:06:49 but here are a couple of... Holy shit, dude! You fucking bitch! There it is. Mitchell Hooper finds the strong woman, ugly, fugly, just like John. That's why he married some fucking hot bitch who wears no fucking makeup who gave him a fucking beautiful kid Because he likes that shit on that Churow and why Well, cuz he's just a fucking normal dude, you know
Starting point is 02:07:18 I just realized this is kind of like the Dave Castro weekend review By the way, I would fuck one of those if I wasn't married I would fuck one of those, if I wasn't married, I would fuck one of those strong women. I don't have a problem with it. I'd record it. If one would fuck me, like I would... I would love... Can you imagine me... What a cancellation of his whole argument, yep. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's... God. They're not... beauty. That's all he said, dude. That's all he said. He said he doesn't like the way they look and he doesn't like the way they sound because their voices have changed. Yeah. So he's not as cool as... Examples of their strong women.
Starting point is 02:07:53 He's not able to distinguish between their feats and their looks. Oh, he pulled up some of the hottest strong chicks. Yeah. Let me see. I'm not entering a beauty contest. And by the way, neither are the strong women. But here are a couple of examples of their strong women. And maybe you're just not paying attention because they do look very different. I'm not entering a beauty contest and by the way, neither are the strong women. But here are a couple of examples of those strong women. And maybe you're just not paying attention because they do look very different. All of them. There's a variety of body shapes and sizes and et cetera, et cetera. But you can not be a fan of someone cause you don't like watching
Starting point is 02:08:14 them, but it's hard to not be a fan of a whole group of people, whole sport, and just say the whole sport is something that I can't look at. Now this is absolutely. Once again, John said he didn't like the ones that talk like this. And the ones that talk like this, they look different too. He didn't want the big gaps in the teeth, the big jaw line, a little foot peach, the hair on the back. That's the part he didn't like.
Starting point is 02:08:37 Hey dude, and I know this is also... I think John actually hates dudes. That's why he doesn't like strong women, they're more like dudes than than women. Go ahead If I said I didn't want to bang a dude and someone made a reaction video Yeah, I was being like against homophobic dudes. It's like no No, no, no, no, no. I Know like this is it's just ridiculous God, how do we get into this?
Starting point is 02:09:03 I'm just happy it popped up as we were on the show for the barbell spin for John if it's Tyler It's doubly not a bad look that air. Sorry double the easy bad look But they're keeping this podcast up to put out there to show people I want to bring a little bit of light to this I want people to know about this podcast nobody these guys talk. I know that I have a reasonable this guy Wants them to pull it down. Yeah, he's trying to cancel them But he what the fuck? Wow.
Starting point is 02:09:32 This is fucking what's wrong in the world, dude. Why would they pull it down? Because you don't find someone attractive? Once again Mitchell, what if someone said they didn't like pitos? Would you be defending that? Like where do you stop defending dude? Where's your line dude? I find pedophiles disgusting.
Starting point is 02:09:56 Well that was really rude of Sevan to say that. I have a line there. All pedophiles are ugly. Oh that's not cool. Hey dude, let's imagine someone made a video about a CrossFit chick and god damn, you know that every comment on the internet that isn't in the CrossFit space about CrossFit chicks says that they're too muscular and they're too male. Everyone, everyone. Every single comment. All of our immediate family members, everyone, even, let me tell you something, everyone in fucking those CrossFit girls families also finds them disgusting and too buff. Sorry, they haven't told you your face.
Starting point is 02:10:28 They do. Yeah. I don't feel the need to defend them for it because I bang one of them. I'm really, I'm really yours. Doesn't really look like it. Do I don't think most of them do. I don't think so either, but I'm in the scene. But I'm using the same shit, the strong shakes. But listen, dude, when I first came in the space, I thought the girls were like, I had to re I recalibrated. Dude, all the chicks are hot. Yeah, but I, but I used to think I was too hot.
Starting point is 02:10:57 That's the thing. But I had to recalibrate when I like when I first saw how muscly they all were. I had to recalibrate and I recalibrated. You know what I mean? Like I realized, oh shit, it's not something's wrong with them. Something's wrong with my with me You know what I mean? But but listen John's not gonna recalibrate because those chicks aren't normal Meaning they're not natural. They're drug addicts now. Maybe not those two fucking super hot ones. He pulled up
Starting point is 02:11:23 But I'm talking about the tip of the spear. The tip of the spear Tia Tumi has a fucking perfect fucking body. Emma Lawson has a fucking perfect fucking body. Daniel Brandon has a perfect fucking body. They're not they're so it's like the these good these women he's talking about that John's talking about are fucking way out on the fucking super high T level. I think he's about to dig into something here. Okay. Is this how you want representing your sport? Is this the sort of diatribe that you would like to be pushed forward for you to be proud
Starting point is 02:11:55 of your sport the way you do? Because frankly, I would be embarrassed. I would be embarrassed if this is the podcast reviewing the Rogue Invitational that is then going to be seen by tons of people. And if those guys are at the Rogue Invitational or at at the road other events and he is trying to cancel them dear bill and katie dear bill and katie mitchell hooper is upset that he finds strong women incredibly ugly but that john beat him to the punch line so now he's going to come to their defense you know what's nuts is that people aren't going to see that the same way you just said it.
Starting point is 02:12:27 But, but, but it's the truth. Wow. Wow. Wow. Hey, dude, you should move to Seattle, dude, or San Francisco. I think he's good in Canada, no? How does your fucking wife tolerate you? Your reputation is certainly surely going to take a hit. So John, let's just care it is again all he cares about
Starting point is 02:12:50 Listen, there's no moral argument. It's all about Instagram followers and sponsors. There's no fucking moral argument. Oh My god, this guy is a fucking it's crazy. I've only heard about how, this guy is a fucking, it's crazy. I've only heard about how nice this guy is, but that's, that's always the nice guys. Right? All right. There, there's a path here, right? Right. Cause Alexis used to be 120 pounds soaking wet.
Starting point is 02:13:19 Right. She started CrossFit. She's like in the, she's in the fifties now. She's like a buck 50 something. She's got a giant ass, bigger shoulders, abs, the whole fucking quads and all that shit. Now if there was someone on the planet Earth that said something about her, I know she isn't taking it personally because she's proud of that 30 pounds that she put on and she wanted to do it.
Starting point is 02:13:41 Now what in the fuck is this all about where there's something that you're doing to your body? And in the case of the strong woman, let's disregard the fact that they're probably using drugs, but they're now reaching for something and their body is adapting to that reach. Wouldn't they just be like, yup, and you shouldn't want to fuck me anyway? How do you get to that last part? you shouldn't want to fuck me anyway. Well, how do you get to that last part? You shouldn't want to fuck me anyway, because like, because they're an out you've become such an outlier. I see what you mean. Uh, they would only want to be with someone that appreciated what they've done for
Starting point is 02:14:20 themselves. Oh, right, right. Because it, because in their head, you would think that they're like super fucking proud. Right. Of where they are. Right. You would think that Hooper would would have this sort of headspace about it where it's like you just don't get what it's like to be one of us. Yeah. Yeah. We've worked so fucking hard to look like this and we're proud of like what our bodies can do that like yeah John you just don't get it. What do you, let me ask you this. If I were him, I'd feel bad for John, but he doesn't. What do you think the psychological profile is of a guy who wants to get as big as fucking humanly possible
Starting point is 02:14:52 and as strong as humanly possible by any fucking means necessary? And what do you think the attention he gets for that is? It's massive. Yeah, and do you think that- He can go anywhere anywhere and so if you were a woman okay so he gets tons of attention he's super strong he's at the fucking pinnacle of what it means to be a man that's him it's like a fucking
Starting point is 02:15:17 O'Neill like you can't be yeah you know what does he think if you're a woman and you want it to be they're not even doing the sport for the same fucking reason. They're psychological pro- he doesn't understand the women fucking at all. Their psychological profiles are fucking nothing alike. I mean apart the fact that people find them attractive or not it's the fact that he's been there being commented on and you should yes that's the whole purpose of being you. It's like a clown at the fucking Whatever amusement park. Yeah, exactly Hair the makeup and it's like you're supposed to be a clown. That's another thing. So Mitchell Hooper Mitchell Hooper
Starting point is 02:15:53 I want to tell you something if you stood on stage and you were psychic dude and the strongest woman in the world got up There and dead lifted and bloods coming out of her nose and a vein pops up from her fucking forehead down to her fucking back butt crack. And you could read people's minds and you saw and you had to kick everyone out in there who thought it was unattractive. You would kick out 95% of the people. Doesn't mean they don't appreciate it. Doesn't mean anything else. But you'd have to kick out 95% of the people, dude. And what you're doing is you're trying to put social pressure on people to fucking fit to your norm while those people stand on stage begging to be judged
Starting point is 02:16:26 Begging please judge me. Please judge me. I'm juice to the gills I trained so hard, please judge me if they didn't Mitchell they would do it in their own fucking garage and not on stage That's the whole basis of like a podium Yeah, you're you're you're on a um Pedestal based upon your performance this guy's the IQ of a fucking fly. This guy's as well thought out as fucking dog shit. For the John Young defamation lawsuit. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:54 Out of our mouths. I think that's going to be a reasonable path forward. I gave it up when I realized that I wasn't a model myself. I'm here to tell you. Sorry, dude. It's not happening for you either. Dude, your looks don't matter, you fucking dipshit.'s not happening for you either. So maybe take it easy and- Dude, your looks don't matter you fucking dipshit. Everyone knows that when you get juiced to the gills,
Starting point is 02:17:09 fucking it rains fucking pussy on you if you have a fucking any personality. Every guy I know who's gotten fucking on testosterone has said, yeah, women react to me fucking different. And I fucking witnessed it. I seen one ugly motherfucker who was juiced to the gills who had a fucking good personality and it rained pussy on him
Starting point is 02:17:26 Don't act like your fucking looks matter at all, dude He's also about John Young who isn't Juiced up and does a podcast and now John makes one comment about it and this dude goes to fucking a war Yeah, I'm gonna leverage all of my fucking followers and strong people listen, dude Most your strong people aren't even gonna agree with you. Let me tell you, most of them fucking, like you, dude. You're banging a normal chick. If you have a podcast, you're responsible
Starting point is 02:17:51 for what you say on that podcast and this is the conclusion of it. And I would challenge anyone out there, especially those people who are here from across your space, take a look at the Rogue Invitational, take a look at the Strongmen, take a look at the Strongwomen, make your conclusions. You might not like watching us because it's,
Starting point is 02:18:04 you know, we're bigger people and we're not as cardiovascularly fit. Totally fine. You might not like watching us because it's, you know, we're bigger people and we're not as cardiovascular fit. It's totally fine. You might not like watching us because the event moves a bit slower. That's fine. There's a million reasons why you might not like it, why you might not like watching us. I loved it until now. Watching Strongman because they're ugly.
Starting point is 02:18:16 We wouldn't have a whole lot of fans. I don't think. Now, that being said, the Strongman are also not the voice of people many times. There he goes again. He just admitted you guys are fucking ugly That's all John was saying that the bitches in your sport are fugly and don't compare the women It's amazing. He just did I know second time you've just admitted You think it's okay that you say it if people came here to watch us based on how we look like there wouldn't be many People watching at all and dude stop comparing the men to the women everyone fucking is like you're the pinnacle of what fucking men should be
Starting point is 02:18:50 You're like you're every fucking 13 year old boys wet fucking dream Like women love big strong men stop fucking comparing the two no one cares What you look like because you can move a fucking house and lay on a woman and keep her fucking warm in the fucking Arctic fucking cold. Like stop trying to fucking compare it. Thomas when I in fact we have a guy who is literally called handsome. One second, a man wants a woman. Generally speaking, who's a fucking can take semen in and make fucking offspring. And a woman wants a really strong man. These are the sweeping generalizations of what a healthy biological human wants.
Starting point is 02:19:30 You're providing that one, you're women in your sport or not. Even if you don't want kids, you're still attracted to bitches that fucking could make good kids. It's just the way it fucking is. Okay, sorry, go ahead. I want to see- Alexis would make great kids. That's all I see in her. She would. She would make fucking great kids. They'd have big ass foreheads, they'd hunt her.
Starting point is 02:19:51 We don't suffer because of how we look. We don't suffer because of how we react to lifting things. And the biggest thing about this that upsets me actually is that when I see a woman walk into a strength gym for the first time, she has her tail between her legs. She doesn't want to look around. She doesn't want to socialize all that much. And I'm generalizing, but this is traditionally how it goes. She's probably brought there by a friend who dragged her there. She probably doesn't want to be there in the first place.
Starting point is 02:20:12 Just like you generalize twice that your chicks are ugly too, by the way. You did generalize that too, just so you know. And then over time, she sort of realizes that her body can do things that she never thought that it could before. And they change as people in the course of six months. And in six months, they then walk into the gym like they own the place.
Starting point is 02:20:28 The amount that that can bleed over into other areas of their life. And for someone on a podcast to do something that might undermine the people that they look up to is you should be ashamed. You should be. You should be ashamed. He's not talking about those girls. He trains those women. He has a fucking successful fucking business training and making women strong.
Starting point is 02:20:45 That's his whole thing is about making people strong. It's this woman with the veins and the blood coming out of their nose and that he just said he didn't think they were attractive. The same way you've said twice on your podcast that you don't find them attractive, Mitchell. And Mitchell, let me tell you something what's different about what you say.
Starting point is 02:21:02 Hey guys, you should go comment on this. It's got a hundred and seven comments. I wonder how many of them are level headed enough or not. They're not just like jumping on the bandwagon. Hey, big fan Mitch, you spelled misogynist wrong. He fucking can't, of course he can't spell. This guy realizes he's completely irrelevant in five years. It's crazy how awesome this turned out.
Starting point is 02:21:34 That's a bot. Yeah, look at its name. $69 for a take-off. Come on, 69. Oh, come on, bro. Oh my God. It's called misogynist wrong in the title. Dear Bill and Katie, please don't let John Young cover rogue.
Starting point is 02:22:01 I don't know how you're going to stop him, but he's bad. Seven just called you on his podcast. Rogue I don't know how you're gonna stop him, but he's bad I said I just called you on his podcast. He referenced this video and called you a douche Man the big mouth comment was pretty funny. Oh my god Listen though. He's this guy is just a fucking archetype. You know what I mean? He's just the fucking, all I care about is money and Instagram followers, and I'm gonna follow the populist. We know a few other people like that too.
Starting point is 02:22:32 It's fucking lame. It's so lame, yeah. He's got the total white woke mind virus. Be ashamed of yourself, because the amount that these women are doing for other women is massive, in a way that I personally can't. A woman is not going to watch- You should be ashamed of the amount the amount that these women are doing for other women is massive in a way that I personally can't. A woman is not going to watch.
Starting point is 02:22:47 You should be ashamed of the amount John does for fucking women and attacking him. His whole fucking clientele is mostly fucking women and he's into making them strong. This guy's either retarded, stupid, or he's fucking lying to himself because he knows what John's talking about. He's not talking about strong women. Push me and think, okay, I should do strong men too. But you might watch a strong woman and think that. And forget the growth of the sport.
Starting point is 02:23:17 Forget strong men becoming popular. Just talking about being a good human being, somebody who wants to contribute something to the world. The women are making that impact in droves and the rogue invitational is giving them prize money that is absolutely head and shoulders above everything else. They're getting paid the same as the men here and for this to be the first sort of thing that's gone off viral about the rotation with men. Just like why did he bring that up? Just dragging rogue in again. Because he's trying to get them fired.
Starting point is 02:23:42 Women being paid the same, the women being involved, etc. It's too bad. It's not what Rogue wants, it's not what any representative from Rogue wants, it's not what any representative from CrossFit wants. And hopefully, you are just like CrossFit HQ, which is not a representation of the community, but a representation of your small piece looking to get your little soundbite for your own game. I would suggest- Oh, Mitchell, you're talking about yourself again, buddy. You're just talking about yourself again. Let me pick up some of the conversation. Hey, listen, Mitchell. John makes zero fucking money from doing that podcast. Does all those podcasts for free.
Starting point is 02:24:12 Everyone in our fucking community loves the fuck out of him for his honesty and his candor. He's not a fucking sellout to his fucking Instagram followers and his sponsors or his fucking YouTube station. And he's done fucking a shitload for women and men all around the fucking world with what he's done. He's beyond generous with his time. This is just a giant insecurity response.
Starting point is 02:24:35 Yeah, you're a douche. Hey, you defended your girls because they're ugly. Your words, not mine. You defended your girls because you said twice in this show that they're unattractive. I mean, that's all it is. I want to do an ass-eating contest with this chick. Let's get all the strong women lined up and see who would eat their ass, me or you, Mitchell. Bet you I eat more ass than you. Never even eaten an ass.
Starting point is 02:24:58 I don't know if you wanted that. But maybe it's just- I mean, I just- this guy's just such a... It's just such a... We just scrolled through his Instagram and it's all just... It's not even CrossFit Beaver in there. It's Model Beaver. I'm gonna send him a link. I had his number. Should I send him a link?
Starting point is 02:25:16 No, I don't wanna fucking call him my show. Not that dude. You have him on your show. For anyone who wants to do that. And maybe you can exhibit some of that behavior yourself. Because in the end, it's not about how much you can lift. It's not about how fit you are. It's about the people that you made a lot of people feel like shit. And you made a lot of people. Oh, well, how you make them feel. And you made a lot of people feel like shit. So there it is. So that's his moral argument. If you make someone feel bad, you
Starting point is 02:25:46 shouldn't say it. That's why it's people like this that will defend pedophiles. This is exactly it. I know it's fucking uncomfortable, but that's the premise of his whole argument. There's no fucking argument there. You shouldn't say something that makes people feel bad. Well, dude, you just made John feel bad. How does your fucking, how does it hold, how does your argument hold any water? Where do you draw the fucking line? You have no fucking moral argument. If you didn't want anyone to feel bad, you don't make this video.
Starting point is 02:26:16 Yeah, he said the same fucking thing as John. He said it twice. And here's the thing. I don't even know if I believe John, but I believe you, Mitchell. I believe that you find them unattractive I'm not sure if John was just trying to be funny or not, but I believe you dude wolf The Bible spin I would love to see some sort of remorse apology instead of keeping the post up
Starting point is 02:26:44 I need to say sorry! Say sorry! And hey, you want to keep going down that rabbit hole that is Alexis and how I know she's like just super happy about herself? Right. If I made a video where I was like, no, everyone needs to say sorry for saying that she's too muscular and that she needs to not lift weights because of whatever the fuck they think is right. the and they're all like supporting something they shouldn't even be thinking about. It's their own shit. Their own, yes, exactly. It's nuts. But anyway, if you're going to get this type of cloud, then hopefully it works against you. Anyway, but in the future, Lift Heavy Be Kind, you guys know that, programs and-
Starting point is 02:27:36 Wait, wait, he just said, if you're going to do this kind of whatever publicity, I hope it works against you. And then his next line out of his mouth is lift and be kind. Lift heavy, be kind. It's a slogan, I suppose. It's not a shirt. How many comments are on here now? It's unreal.
Starting point is 02:27:56 This is unreal, dude. 130 comments. This is on a fucking believable. Hey, this is, this guy doesn't watch his shit back. Why do you say that? Because, I mean, like if you watch this back, you'd be like, oh, I'm fucking sound stupid. Oh, hey, indicate. Like.
Starting point is 02:28:19 Alexis is smoking hot. Yeah, tell me something I don't know. Yeah, she's crazy. Fragile masculinity. Yeah, maybe that's what that is. Hey, I will say this I understand if he was like if he'd that guy were like fuck you, dude, I fucking love strong strong chicks They're fucking hot or John if he had been like hey Big John Young, I'm gonna mess this guy up If there was like just something like remotely sincere about what he's saying
Starting point is 02:28:47 but it's just defensiveness. He had his fucking feelings hurt because one of his strong women girl like he feels like he has to do this for some reason to stand up for someone. It's so weird. Sevon his butt hurt. I have no you know what I am I have to pee nah this is the strong women from up that's a dude by the way that guy was fucking insanely attractive there's that chick the one he showed those girls are better looking than I imagined them. That's what I was thinking. I'm like, huh? I just paused.
Starting point is 02:29:33 I was like, huh? Yeah, I was like, no, those girls are better. How much is this? I just want to know how much they lift because all the comments are like, they're just mad that they lift more than John Young. That's pretty good 531 That's real good. I don't think John is mad
Starting point is 02:29:53 No, but John can double it that much Right, but that's just that's like a heist like what are we 10? Yes Look at this, that's heavy 546. Hey, that's Sean Woodland. And hey, dude, I don't know if that shapes on steroids, but many of them are. 546. And that's like, it's fine. They don't drug test as far as I don't believe they drug test 601 this is wicked Come on, that's just 41
Starting point is 02:30:33 Dude that bar came up so easy. See I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah. Yeah, that's crazy. Damn I wouldn't be surprised if that blast chick at the 601 is natural That is crazy. Oh no! Hey, do natural people bleed? Usually the answer to that is maybe, but you're more likely... I was here. You're more likely to have that when you have the high blood pressure that'll happen when you take a bunch of antibiotics. What's the most you've seen a woman deadlift who's natural?
Starting point is 02:31:11 Not that I care that they're doing steroids, by the way. Are you talking like in person and that I'm sure they're natural? Yeah, like 100% sure. 350. Okay. There was this girl who was on teams girl, um, who was on teams that I'm back in the day that I'm pretty sure, I think she worked out across it in Fort Vancouver. I can't remember her name, but I'm pretty sure I want to say
Starting point is 02:31:34 she dead lifted like 440 or something. And I'm pretty sure she was natural. She was huge. She was over six feet tall. And Jack 40 best in dead, like 400 pounds. I don't think she's using gear. Yeah. Yeah. So like, I mean, I haven't seen her do it in person and that was the question, but.
Starting point is 02:31:52 Oh here, Amanda Wasney. Oh yeah. This chick's a freak though. Right. Do you know her? That's one of your friends, isn't it? Oh no. Is this the girl who trains at training think tank?
Starting point is 02:32:02 No, it's another Wasney. I'm a hundred percent natural 39 years old and I can pull four 55. God. Oh, no. Is this the girl who trains at Training Think Tank? No, it's another Wasme. I'm 100% natural 39 years old, and I can pull 455. God. That's crazy. Do you have kids? There's a kids thing in there. Like you think she's like, sure.
Starting point is 02:32:14 They're all not natural. I would say that that's more likely. But won't anyone get it confused? I do not care if they're not natural or not. The whole point of John's premise was that they're on so much Testosterone that they're there that biologically is not attracted to him because they're more men than women I mean that was the whole thing that's a door when he made money says the voice thing That's all he's saying right you agree with me. He'll her yeah
Starting point is 02:32:38 Oh, yeah No, it's it if you're not attracted to dudes like and I don't care if someone is attracted to chicks that look like dudes But to try to tear John up for that because his whole premise is it hurts someone's feelings is crazy It's crazy or if you think it's a bad representation for the spin you're fucking out of your mind Leave him alone You're fucking bully Mitchell You're a bully There you are you're still tagged right up front did she has that pinned up there it says it's for me oh I guess I'm literally on
Starting point is 02:33:16 your show right now so it makes sense that why is there why is there 10x next to my name because it's ten times more popular than any of her other videos. Jesus Christ, take me down, Sporty. What are you doing? I say all sorts of cool things about your titties. There you go. Perfect. Mass moves mass.
Starting point is 02:33:35 That would be like me saying, lightweight moves lightweight to a thin person doing pull. Whoa, whoa, whoa. See, this is retarded. This is why I love Sporty Beth so much. She says the dumbest crap. Mass moves mass, and that is Albert Einstein into the world. Oh my god. That's pretty good form on those squats too.
Starting point is 02:33:59 Yeah, she moves well because mass moves mass. She moves well because mass moves mass. I just look at her fucking her ass get eating up the, um, the suit. Damn. She's getting some. She, she is as leading in as hard as possible into the negative comments, wherever she puts them up. And I kind of love it. Being in a relationship with a plus size woman is gay now apparently.
Starting point is 02:34:33 I actually really like that she leans into her comment sections. If she really works out this hard, she's fucking impressive, dude. If these aren't just clips, this is crazy. They're clips. Oh, there's people in the area that, dude. If these aren't just clips, this is crazy. They're clips. Oh. There's people in the area that have let me know that these are just clips. There's also a reason she isn't sweating.
Starting point is 02:34:52 Oh. You thought about that? Like, why isn't she sweating? And listen, you know she sweats when she just turns over in bed. Yeah. Like I do that. So. She probably sweats like in two seconds. How much is this? Oh, she's cleaning it. Yeah, that's heavy.
Starting point is 02:35:09 What is that deadlift? That's right. Damn. This is, see, this is what I came, this is what a fit healthy plus size post-partum body looks like. And I know that's not true. Oh my goodness. on there is a day where i was just on the t v and i was pulling up that was a no rep as pulling up some of her reels on the big screen alexis walks in she goes
Starting point is 02:35:37 what are you watching did you have your dick in your hand and i'm like i'm just so mad that she's helping everyone this is what a healthy body looks like'm just so mad that she's helping everyone. This is what a healthy body looks like. I'm so mad Yeah, Cooper. Why don't you go to her? What? It's what? Hooper what I say Cooper. Yeah Mitchell why don't you go over to her and talk and like criticize her for like
Starting point is 02:36:03 Misrepresenting what health is or something. He fucking John alone for fuck's sake. He didn't say anything weird. I get it. Most people don't say that. Most people are like quiet. No, I'm not going to say that the girl who looks like a man is unattractive. Ken, bingo.
Starting point is 02:36:17 She is strong. So here Tanner Shuck would think that she's in better shape than anybody weaker than her. Tanner Shuck and Sporty Best should do a collab. And Mitchell Hooper. Oh, that would be awesome. Have you seen those Jubilee things where they have a bunch of different figures in fitness kind of just talk about topics. They kind of bicker with one another.
Starting point is 02:36:44 Who are they? There's this channel called Jubilee and they've had these fitness people on just talking about random Jubilee YouTube. Hey, you know what I'm going through is I'm looking through Mitchell's entire Instagram right now. It's all just smoking hot beaver there's not one fucking strong woman because those guys those those here you go you know why well here here's the not one dude I was saying is like I was so far back now and
Starting point is 02:37:18 I have not seen one dude go ahead well we talked not too long ago about someone dude. Go ahead. Well, we talked not too long ago about someone that we know who said they had to say something, right? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all he's doing here. He feels as if he has to say something. Oh, what are people going to think if Mitchell Cooper doesn't weigh in and attack John? What are they going to think about me? Mitchell Cooper, who in and attack John, what are they going to think about me? Mitchell Cooper Hooper Hooper, what are they gonna think about me Mitchell Hooper Wow Mr. Reed Hooper equates honesty Yeah, this is what it's like growing up in the Bay Area. You nailed it Hooper equates honesty with not not being kind. In fact, honesty is kindness. Yeah, that's what we're, that's the way you're raised as a fucking liar.
Starting point is 02:38:09 The greatest example of that actually comes, again, I'll bring Alexis up. Hey, nice Hinshaw. That's a nice Hinshaw you got right there. You see that? There's a Hinshaw on his profile picture. I did, I did. It's an angel debate, but I've always said. Go ahead. Show, you've got something in your teeth, right? And there are people who like want to know that. And there's people who get offended when you tell them something like that. Like you smell bad.
Starting point is 02:38:33 If you smell bad, like you either tell somebody or you don't. My mom told me I stunk last week. And that's a good thing. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck yeah. I have to know that. I mean, I already knew.
Starting point is 02:38:43 And there are people out there who are going to like stand right next to you and not say anything because they don't want to hurt your feelings But then what's happening since making you a dipshit because everyone is like wow, Sennland smells like crap Yeah, and here's how you do a one handed handstand push-up Dude he's even got he's even got Bella Martin on his I'm telling you It's just it's all just fucking world-class beaver on his um instagram oh yeah there's no um there's no there's no that's hey hey ready for this ready for this yeah let's put the winner of the road competition next to Bella Martin And we would ask Cooper which one's more attractive
Starting point is 02:39:28 Yeah, well, he's already admitted that he finds strong women unattractive twice in that video. Well, no, it's just You have to answer Hooper. Yeah, you have to answer this question And he said no, I can't I'm gonna hurt her feelings. It's like, oh, whose feelings are you going to hurt? Him and Noah hooked up? Well, it depends on what you mean by that. Because that could mean got together, sat in a cold plunge together, because the answer to that would be yes. But hooked up could also mean something else.
Starting point is 02:40:03 And I don't have an answer to that one. It says sorry ladies meaning that they're taken and they got the rainbow flag. I had no idea. Oh. I mean I'm not surprised but I but I didn't know. Oh look Daniel Brandon, Superbeef, Sydney Wells or Brooke Wells, whatever, SuperBeef. Is that Annika Greer, more SuperBeef. Jason Hopper, SuperBeef. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:32 Will Tennyson. Oh my goodness. Hey, so I'm like years back. Let's see how far back I am. I don't know how far back I am. Let's see. I'm over a year back and there hasn't been one strong woman. Boy, you're really supportive of your community, Mitchell.
Starting point is 02:40:53 Mitchell Cooper. You're really supportive. You waited till fucking John said one of them was fucking, that he wouldn't fuck them. And then you popped in here. It's great. And then you tried to make it sound like, god, damn. It's very similar to all the days I've been talking about this. Yeah, go ahead. Very similar to always posting something about your sponsors
Starting point is 02:41:15 or yourself, and then all of a sudden you post something out of context, and you expect it to mean something. 15,000 posts of you selling fucking some sort of protein powder, and now you've got a picture of Lazarus out of context and you expect it to mean something. 15,000 posts of you selling fucking, some sort of protein powder. Now you got a picture of Lazar Jukic and you want us not to think that, hey, you're just doing that to make money too,
Starting point is 02:41:35 for your image. Like we already know the first 15,000 pictures are all about your image and now you're concerned. Sorry, should have had some pictures of Lazar. We need change. We need change. Yeah, hey, that's another thing in of Lazer. We need change. We need change. Yeah. Hey, that's another thing in defense of the buttery bros.
Starting point is 02:41:49 All those people are here. I think Fikowski's not going for him. Sorry. I think Fikowski's not going for him is that he's been on that for 10 years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I give that to Fikowski. Yeah. It's actually four or five years I looked it up.
Starting point is 02:42:00 He didn't say we need change before that it was even a word made up in the dictionary. Right. Soon as you heard Obama say it, he was on it. Right. He's going to say, we need change before that. It was even a word made up in the dictionary. Right. Soon as you heard Obama say it, he was on it. Right. He's like, yeah, I'm in. So and the difference between that and a handful of these other people is they just threw it onto their profile like a black square.
Starting point is 02:42:16 AsymmetricEars7 on the chat had an above average IQ until the video analysis. Oh, wow. Hooper's culturally appropriating gay. Wow. Wow. Thanks, pool boy. That is interesting. Him and Noah were both culturally appropriating gay.
Starting point is 02:42:41 Yeah, that is kind of offensive. I find that offensive. I Don't like being touched by dudes not not really and I wrestled so that's that's interesting you touched me with a butter knife Well, it just depends right like I wouldn't sit in a bathtub with a dude like that ever. Yeah, no me I don't think I would either I don't think I can because I got they have private they have tennis at one yeah okay and what do you think ask the boys what they want to do I would have to leave early yeah I'll go I'll go at half hour early I If they don't mind going straight from there to like I could get him like a smoothie or something and then take him straight to tennis that'd be cool. Ask them. But tell them I would want to leave like in 15 minutes because I want to get there half hour early if
Starting point is 02:43:35 we're gonna go if they're gonna train. I want to warm them up. Okay. Isabel's coming at 10 to work out. Do you think you would find me more attractive if I took steroids? Do you think if I took steroids you'd find me more attractive? I don't think so, no. But maybe. Sorry, Sarah. But what if I exuded, like some stuff came off of me? Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:44:00 Like I would lose that gut and I would just give off more of'd lose that like gut and I would like and I would just like give off more of that vibe That made you just I mean used to be able to not keep your hands off me for like 10 years when I was in my prime And I'm guessing it's cuz my tea I'm better looking now so my tea count was probably higher I love you and don't change. Oh, Jesus Christ. Alright, fine. Alright. Bye.
Starting point is 02:44:33 Bye. She loves me for my brain. That sucks. I remember... Hey, dude, there was like a 10-year period I just wanted some girl just to like me just like for the shallowest reasons That's not cool. That is cool. No, no, no, it's not Like can't there just be one girl who's just like they're the worst chicks dude. Oh they are
Starting point is 02:44:55 Well, I never got one so It was hey, that's funny when I was uh when I turned 30 My one of my friends was dating this chick who was 22 and she was super hot and And he's like, hey dude, it's not what it's cracked up to be. Seriously, it's horrible. I'm like, why? He's like, it's just horrible. He's like, they're just dumb. Amongst other things, that's one of them.
Starting point is 02:45:17 I don't know. I loved Haley when she was 22, but I guess I was pretty dumb. It's cool until it's not, right? Yeah. Just imagine, dude, this show isn't gonna go. Go what, to a thousand viewers? No, no, no. No, I mean, it wasn't gonna happen.
Starting point is 02:45:41 Your show is about to go offline. And instead fucking poor fucking Cooper got fucking It's hooper We had to unpack his fucking four IQ points and lay them out on a fucking over a fucking I Just how old is that dude? I mean, I'm not crazy old. I'm not crazy. Why is it's just I don't know 40 45 45 45 45 How do you think he is I think he's younger than I am no shut the fuck up 28 oh
Starting point is 02:46:17 Shit yeah Born June 2nd 1995 Mitchell, Mitchell Cooper in Australia. Is he Australian? Canadian. We've established that. What are you talking about? I'm looking at his wiki. Look at this before and after. Oh, was he a triathlete?
Starting point is 02:46:41 Dude, he was jacked. He was natural, that's for sure. Born June 2nd, 1995, an Australian athlete specializing in discus throw. He represented his country the 2017 World Championships without qualifying for the final. He's 6'5", 300 pounds? Says he's 29. 500 pounds says he's 29 dude he is skinny that that's a different Cooper? Hooper!
Starting point is 02:47:26 Oh, fuck me. So, dude, you're on... Who are you looking at? Oh, this dude's close, though. This dude's close. He is close. Same age-ish. Same height-ish. Same weight. Wow, that's crazy. Alright, straight to that last part.
Starting point is 02:47:40 This dude is Cooper. Okay, so this dude's... this dude just wants to cancel uh oh so he went from fat to skinny to gigantic? Do you think he'll make an entire video on me being a massaginist whatever the misandrist because I wouldn't bang him and I think he was better looking when he wasn't on steroids? Andrew Hiller won't fuck me. Also, if there was some woman out there in John Young's position saying that she didn't like the way the strong men looked,
Starting point is 02:48:11 do you think he would make a video on that? I don't think he would. Wow. Wow. So yeah, I'm more into the Fraser Froning Madero's type of guy. I don't really like the, I don't like it when the strong men get all nosebleed-y and whatnot.
Starting point is 02:48:28 There's not a chance in fuck he touches that. Because he's a pussy ass bitch. And a really nice guy who loves the CrossFit community. Get the fuck out of here. Hey, would you throw him in the camp who just came over to the Lazar thing just to fucking get views? Yes, yeah, that's what I mean. Yes. He has done crossfit content in the past but Ambulance chaser. Hey, I guarantee you he's fucking in the noble crowd. I fucking guarantee it I guarantee these butt buddies with all that fucking shit over there that fake-ass shit. We're a brand first and then a product
Starting point is 02:49:04 Shit over there that fake-ass shit. We're a brand first and then a product He literally did what he did he shit on some chick because if he did I'll eat my words If he shot on some chick, I'm like, oh, sorry Hooper Hooper loves hopper loves true dough Hooper He voted for true dose of on if I would love for you to someone send me a link to that. I'd love to see that. Oh, he's a rain athlete. Of course he is. Blind hitting the blind. Yes. What are the parallel bars you got for the three playing brothers. It is It's a five and one by tumble track
Starting point is 02:49:50 five and one Another apology. Oh wait another apology being posted by Seve So the other day Someone sent me a screenshot of something that 100% looked like Meredith Root posted. And to this day, people keep telling me she really did post it and that you got duped. I don't care. But either way, Meredith and her sister both reached out to me and they're like, hey dude, I didn't post that. I'm like, well, it's got your name on it.
Starting point is 02:50:18 They're like, we don't know where you got it from, but I didn't post it. Who was the other chick? Oh, her sister. No, the other chick? Her sister? No, the other chick. Or the Alex Parker. I think it was Alex Parker who did it. Oh, Alex Parker posted it. I want to say so.
Starting point is 02:50:34 Oh, that would be fucking crazy if they know. I asked them who posted it then, and they said they didn't know. Well, that's that's wrong. Hold on. I'll find it. Well, that's wrong. Hold on. I'll find it. Either way. I really like Alex Parker and Meredith Rube, but they're just fucking batshit crazy on
Starting point is 02:50:57 some of the things they've said and I fought with them on the internet about it. And when they attacked Chase, I didn't fucking like that. And they're just, they're fucking total, their their bias and they're putting every filter through their hatred of men Or they're fucking like leaning so much on them being gay their their identity I just fucking get exhausted by it. So when they attack people with these fucking false premise premises I just fucking feel like I have to slap them around a little bit But I didn't but if but I'm not gonna post anything that's not I don't want to post anything knowingly That's not, I don't want to post anything knowingly. Um, that's not true.
Starting point is 02:51:26 Damn. I was wishing I would have had the name in this cause I know I put this up, but it was on June 4th, 2022 that that's around the time. That's when they tried to ask pound chase. Yeah. And they were you and they give you 39 signatures and they were doing all that stuff for, um, uh, about the patriarchy. And there and there's just this this there was just this theme of men hating that was coming from them that I'm just like I don't like but when I had but I've hung out with them. I really like them What's up with all the petitions what is this petition to keep him
Starting point is 02:52:01 Someone in here. Oh, here we go. So it looks like this whole thing started when someone called Alex Parker, starting a petition. There it is. Oh, she started. Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah. So what, like, so what do you expect? You're going to start a petition, getting rid of Chase. And you think we're just going to sit around here and fucking take it. Yeah. You got to get, you're going to get asked, you're asking for a fight. You just walk down to the street and been like, Hey, let's Parker. It wasn't rude. So either way they lied to you. If they say they didn't know where it came from, is it was Parker. Oh, I think that's Hillary that broke up.
Starting point is 02:52:32 Say that again. Either way they lied to you. The what it was Parker. You think Alex, Alex, Alex Parker who started it. But did she really lie to you? I think she did. She did. She did.
Starting point is 02:52:43 She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. She did. I think that's Hiller that broke up. Say that again, either way they lied to you that what? It was Parker. You think Alex? Alex Parker who started it. This is- But did she write that thing in white on the bottom that said there was something in white
Starting point is 02:52:56 that was the harsh thing. Oh, there was basically ripping on Dave and- Oh, that part's probably not relevant. That was the part that got me, that's why I lit into them because of what they wrote, whoever wrote that in white and yellow. That's not relevant. Seve, who sent you the screenshot?
Starting point is 02:53:12 None of you are a fucking business. Yeah, that was Dave. Hey, Sam, I need you to mess these people up. No, it was not. Dave doesn't do that. Meredith never claimed to go against Chase. She kept throwing Alex under the bus. Wow, if that's No, it was not. Dave doesn't do that. David Meredith never claimed to go against Chase. She kept throwing Alex under the bus. Wow.
Starting point is 02:53:28 That's true. That's crazy. Yeah, that was Alex. Oh, they were ripping on Dave and Froning. Yeah. Thank you. Oh, God, I got a pee so bad. All right. Three hour show. Mitchell, thank you for saving the
Starting point is 02:53:41 show. Andrew, thank you for saving the show. Tomorrow, we ass-pound someone else. Or maybe we make sweet love to someone's ass. You never know. Peace. Did I derail your morning?

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