The Sevan Podcast - We Need Change | Live Call In

Episode Date: August 16, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:30 This is an ad by BetterHelp. What are your self-care non-negotiables? It's hard to make time for the things that keep you healthy, but being consistent with self-care is like working a muscle. And when life gets crazy, that muscle keeps you strong. Therapy is the ultimate self-care, and BetterHelp makes it easy to get started with affordable online sessions you can do from anywhere. Never skip therapy day with BetterHelp. Visit to learn more. That's
Starting point is 00:00:59 -♪ Sabon Pocasso, everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Sabon Pocasso. Bam, we're live. I was hoping that would cheer me up. Good morning. Good morning. Yesterday, Matt, Susan and I met with our YouTube Ambassador. Susan I met with our YouTube ambassador I don't know if that's the right word. I don't even know what I'm saying But basically YouTube reached out to us and they're like hey You have an I don't know what if it's an ambassador But we have someone at YouTube now that I guess like I guess
Starting point is 00:02:06 our station I guess our channel reached a certain status where I guess our station reached a certain status to where like we have someone there we can just talk to directly so if we have a question. And she said, what are some of your goals? Oh, thank you, account manager. And she said, what are some of your goals? Do you want more subscribers? Susan and I are like, no, we don't want more subscribers. She's like, you don't? Like, no, we don't want more subscribers. She's like, you don't?
Starting point is 00:03:06 Like, no, we don't. Why would we want more subscribers? And there was no answer. I forget what she said. Something that, something, whatever she said, it didn't resonate with me. And I said, what we want is, um, people who want to see this show or people who are interested in the show or people who want to engage with the show We would like it'd be easier for them to find And then and then it and then I just remembered the world I lived in it like came racing back to me like I
Starting point is 00:03:44 Guess people want subscribers or followers. I guess that's how they think. Like they're not like, hey I want to put out really great content and people who like that content will come. But I guess, I guess some people would just be happy if it just said a hundred thousand subscribers and I live in a I live in a world with people who think differently I guess why would you want subscribers if they weren't your subscribers if they weren't there for you if you weren't actually providing something for them? Why would I just want subscribers?
Starting point is 00:04:34 It's weird if someone has a million subscribers, right? And all their videos only have like 800 views. Then you know those aren't even views, or even 5,000 views. Then you know those aren't even views or even 5,000 views. Then you know those aren't even views. Those are people that just clicked over it because there's some percentage, right? That's just that. Just clicking over it. Andrew Hiller put on a 20 I don't know 25,000
Starting point is 00:05:06 Instagram followers during the CrossFit Games this year it's probably more followers than probably anyone in the space put on including the Including probably most of the athletes and what you have to know about those 25,000 followers he put on, those are real people right now. Those people came to him wanting something from him that he provides. And so those 25,000 Instagram followers are probably more powerful than most of the peoples
Starting point is 00:05:43 in the space, million Instagram followers are probably more powerful than most of the people's in the space. Million Instagram followers. Meaning, powerful meaning they're more active, they're more influential in that ecosystem. Those are people who are like, really want to engage with Andrew, especially right now. Chris Besterfield, the vibe is really low today. I really don't, I don't want to be here today. I can't ever remember not wanting to be here. I don't want to be here today. I can't ever remember not wanting to be here. I Don't want to be here today. I'm going through something right now Let me tell you what I'm going through
Starting point is 00:06:32 Everywhere I look I'm seeing something that like I really want to like people That's my like my homeostasis is I really want to like people and I don't mind not liking people But I really want to like people and even people I don not liking people but I really want to like people and even people I don't like you know, I know somewhere inside of me. I really like them But everywhere I look people are saying shit like everywhere. I look that's just completely fucking blowing my mind and Making it And making it Like yesterday I got on the assault bike and I clicked on one podcast and they started saying just stuff that was just I couldn't I just can't believe the shit people are saying right now, and I'm gonna give you some examples
Starting point is 00:07:18 And then I clicked to another podcast and someone says the same thing and I clicked to another podcast and someone says the same Thing and I clicked to another podcast and someone says the same thing and I click to another podcast and someone says the same thing and I click to another podcast and someone says the same thing and I see all these people fucking going live and I know it's just people and I know it's those same people that that my account manager at YouTube was referencing It's people who want subscribers like they don't get there When the account manager asked me yesterday she said how do you engage with people? I'm like, what do you said, how do you engage with people? I'm like, what do you mean, how do I engage with people? She's like, well, what are you doing to engage with them?
Starting point is 00:07:53 And she gave some explanation that didn't even make sense to me. I didn't even know what she meant. But once again, it was to just get people to just follow you. Like, are you juggling balls to engage with them? to just follow you. Like are you juggling balls to engage with them? I go, hey, I just go on every morning at 7 a.m. That's all I do. That's my whole shtick.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Just go on every morning at 7 a.m. Delete Instagram. Are you kidding me? I love Instagram. Why would I do that? But it's the stuff my friends are saying. It's the stuff my friends are saying. It's the stuff my peers are saying. Let me tell you my favorite one.
Starting point is 00:08:31 We need to get rid of volunteers at these events if they're volunteers and get paid people. And I'm like, are you listening to yourself? Do you remember the argument between Paleo and Zone? Do you remember that argument between Paleo and Zone? And I would listen to people having it and I would be like, man, I had no idea my friends were so... You just see this massive flaw in their thinking. Just crazy, crazy flaw in their thinking.
Starting point is 00:09:14 For those of you who don't know, zone is a way of eating in regards to quantity and macros. And paleo is an eating philosophy in terms of the quality of the food you eat. And so they're not at odds with each other at all. You can eat zone and paleo at the same time. The zone can determine the quantity and the macro content and the paleo determines the quality of the food and so I would see them fighting and I was like what this is a what is
Starting point is 00:09:53 going on here and so when I like who cares if the person is don't you just want the best people out there? You're telling me when you're arguing about volunteers versus paid people as your argument, you're telling me that you would rather have someone who's a lifeguard for five years at a local pool who has never saved someone's life, but they're paid over someone who's a 25 years firefighter, ran the lifeguard service for 10 years, and has saved 32 people in ocean rescues and resuscitated them because they're not paid and I'm it's just it's endless noise out there I
Starting point is 00:10:48 saw a post this morning and it started with I'm a mom I'm a mom and then it went into all of her feelings well and then just just defending the athletes and attacking everyone outside who's not an athlete. I'm thinking, but that girl on the paddleboard might be a mom and she has a mom. And how are you using the premise that you're a mom and you feel for a mom, but it only goes this way. But not for these people who have moms. And everywhere I look I see that I just keep seeing the same thing we want change we want change we want change and I'm like man my my cohort is so damaged they're saying the most wild things.
Starting point is 00:11:47 So I don't want to look up anymore, you know what I mean? I just want to live in my, it makes me want to just live in my world. It makes me just want to live in my world. I, um, I, I, because I don't want to, I don't want to dislike those people. You know what I mean? I want to like those people. I guess I'm in denial. Or I'm having trouble just, I'm having trouble watching them process, I guess. You know, I've said some pretty venomous things here. I made that post about going after those people. And then this morning I just didn't have the stomach for it.
Starting point is 00:12:23 made that post about going after those people and then this morning I just didn't have the stomach for it. I'm like hey should I pull up like I'm reading this post and I'm like should I just go through it line for line and break this person down about just how ridiculous it is what they're saying. And I just don't have the stomach for it. I don't. Sorry if I'm letting some of you guys down I just don't have the stomach for it. Turn off my social media. I love my social media. Not turn off my social media. It's so fucking cool. It's so funny. It brings me so much happiness. It's so cool. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Why would I do that? Look at this. This is so good. Why would I turn this off? I went to the cafe yesterday, sitting there, and then I overheard a couple having an argument. You know when you hear that sweet nectar of life? You know when you like pause your own music? And they're going at it. And then I look who the couple is. It's two gay guys going at it. Shit was crazy. They like both made sense.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Everybody stayed on one topic. Nobody was bringing up old shit. shit just two logical superior brains trying to find a solution thank you very much thank you he's a beast An absolute Estonian monster. The cold-blooded Estonian assassin. Thank you, Tony. Oh, God, that was beautiful. What a fucking work of art that joke is. Yeah, you should have held onto that. That was like a special joke. I went to...
Starting point is 00:14:39 Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Fuck I love men. But God you should see my wife in the morning. It's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:10 She has the craziest fucking body and in the morning she never has any blankets or sheets on her. And she sleeps in her underwear in this little tiny fucking spaghetti strap thing and she has this fucking my wife has this crazy V back and the nicest skin on her back. Oh my god She has this crazy ass. She does so much fucking squatting my god That's why I was so defensive in the Tanner shuck Video about air squats. My wife does so many air squats and lunges. It's fucking nuts It's fucking crazy. you guys wouldn't believe what
Starting point is 00:15:45 she looks like and she has nutty nutty nutty she has alex gazan hair my wife's like an old alex gazan that's probably why i like gazan so much oh my and it's all mine It's all mine. I've made some changes since Lazarus passing, since coming home. I put her boobs in my mouth at least once a day since I've been home. I'm not like wasting time now. So, I used to bone a lot in the morning,
Starting point is 00:16:33 but now I have three boys. And my wife has beautiful arms too, it's crazy. Her whole body's crazy. I haven't used the exercises yet. The exercise is just sitting in my garage. It's still in its cardboard box. I've been just neglecting all my sponsors and everything. I need to stop doing that. I've been just neglecting all my sponsors and everything. I need to stop doing that. We need change.
Starting point is 00:17:12 We need change. We need change. We need change. We need change. We need change. We need change. We need change. We need change.
Starting point is 00:17:26 We need change. We need change. We need change. We need change. We need change. Oh, I saw Jessica. That was awesome. God, that was nice seeing you and hugging you. You're cool. Thank you for Stopping me when I didn't want to see anybody Hearing you talk about your wife like that is kind of nice to hear I hear complaints from guys at work They get no validation from their spouses at home. I don't know if I get validation, but I I Mean, I think I'm pretty fucking cool that I have her that in my in my bed
Starting point is 00:18:17 Positively fit adventures morning my favorite Mornings my favorite of my wife's favorite is at night I'll compromise with both yeah whatever yeah yeah so I'm just I don't want to but before you know it I'm gonna dislike everyone around me if I keep if I keep reading their stuff I'm, it's just, it's just a straight, it's just a straight, I saw a post yesterday, someone sent it to me. And it was, we need change, we need change! And... Don Fall and Dave, they need to go down! And... And then it spun off into all this negativity.
Starting point is 00:19:13 It was like five slides... Of just vitriol. And there were one or two slides that just said something nice, like, Rest in peace, Lazarus, or something like that, or... I hope we can all heal from this, or something slides that just said something nice like rest in rest in peace Lazarus or something like that or I hope we can all heal from this or something like that and the person who sent it to me sent it to me because they're like hey look in the comments and I looked in the comments and there it was one of my favorite people in the whole world wrote and I like a hundred or a thousand favorite people in the whole world. It's like the hottest girl in the world. There's like a million of them, right? Anyway, and this
Starting point is 00:19:52 person wrote, we need more of this. And I'm like, wow, we need more of this? Or it said something like I wish more people would see this. So I copied the post and I sent it to that person and I said did you go through all the slides of this? I'm like auditing someone's comment to them personally and they said oh shit no I didn't oh. I didn't see it said all that And then I knew I was like man I'm in a that's not good That's not good Tomorrow I'm gonna have Jared Ellis on and he wrote a book called prayer warrior when I when I was I don't know 20 through 25 when I was making my serious
Starting point is 00:20:56 pursuit to find God and I mean serious fucking pursuit I mean serious fucking pursuit. I mean like... I mean serious. I mean like going days without talking to people, not saying a word, fasting, reading every fucking book I could get, listening to the Bible on audio, reading the Kor fucking studying as much buddhist scripture as I could just just digging I would uh living the ascetic life a barefoot having no belongings no home just fucking just uh tons tons and tons of fucking alone time days Year like just years of that pursuit. There were these
Starting point is 00:21:50 books I would come across and they would be these books about people who've been through just insane tragedies, like women who were held in prisons and who were like just held there just for sex from guys. For guys. Or Holocaust, the people who lived in Auschwitz who were there for like four or five years. Just books like that. There's books like that. Just people who have survived these incredible ordeals
Starting point is 00:22:28 and how they made it through. I'm going to tie this to having Jared Ellis on tomorrow, the prayer warrior. And all of those people get through it the same way. At some point they reach this level of acceptance. And it's like all the vitriol and anger and hatred, it all goes away. to where they're just they're accepting they're they're accepting their life It's like it's like the way out is so fucking tiny of massive pain It's like it's the same for everyone, you know, everyone's like we need change we need you know, not that you know how everyone's like, and it's the same for everyone. You know, everyone's like, we need change, we need change. No, not that. You know how everyone's like, going through all their pains and struggles and, and I'll give you an example. Like what I see in the comments, like, so what I saw in the comments yesterday from the show with Greg, that any time you switch the conversation from blaming people, the people who really want to stick to just blaming get really fucking angry and they start attacking you.
Starting point is 00:23:52 They struggle with the fucking conversation. All they want to talk about is blame. They're so focused on it. And because they're so focused on blame that they can't even see other arguments and so if you say something like what was the temperature of the water they'll be like it doesn't matter the lifeguard should have got him okay I accept that and then you're like but what was the temperature of the water they're like it doesn't matter I mean even if you accept their entire premise
Starting point is 00:24:21 right which which most of them I do their entire premise right which which most of them I do I accept it like I've said it I said it on the show I've said on the show many times I accept it I understand it I'm I don't just accept it I'm with you on it could have been prevented the drowning the heart attack he could have could, he could, all of it could have been prevented. I agree. But the second you start looking at, they don't want, they don't want to switch. But that route, if you want to, that route, whether it be for Luca and his family or all of the athletes or anyone, that route, 100% will... Going down that route doesn't bring you peace. Like the drunk driver that killed your kids, him going to jail or him getting the electric chair or you beating him with a steel pipe, that route doesn't give you peace.
Starting point is 00:25:25 That's not the way out. That's not the way all these people who've been through fucking horrible shit get out. That's not how you eventually come back to reality and can start living again. No, you guys can send me whatever you want. Don't worry about that. It's not like that. It's not like that.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I'm a big boy. Judy said, can we all agree not to send Seve stuff like this? No, don't, don't, don't worry. It's not like that. Positively Fit Adventures. I've had that happen a lot lately too. Most of these posts are virtue signaling and hear me out as much as I love Hilar. I'm getting tired of his posts about this.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Thank you for the $10. Sevvie, what do you think about what Hinshaw is saying right now? You'll need to unlock your iPhone first. What? Where I'm at this morning. So that's the thing. I like, I love Hinshaw. And so over here I have this sigh to me like, yep.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I don't even want to do it. I don't even want to do it. I love Hinshaw. Can I send my nudes please? Thank God, please. God, I love nudes. Like Hinshaw's my friend. So I just reached this point. But I'm so... I've reached a limit with my capacity for some of the stuff that I'm seeing out there. It's just like, I just cannot fucking believe what I'm seeing out there. And it's just so much illogical thinking. How can you start the premise of your entire post that I'm a mother, but then not be a mother to everybody? And then I start judging the person who wrote the post and I'm like, wow.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah I didn't see, did see the liver King King at the games I was texting with them and he was sending me a bunch of videos and we were going back and forth But I didn't get over I didn't get over to him. I didn't really see anyone at the games I stayed filming and I stayed in the Kind of the underground area as much as I could to collect all the interviews I only came out once in a while and when I did I came out to the media pit. I didn't have the the games were weird and already even before Lazar died they were weird I just didn't have the access that I wanted and so I was really anxious about making sure I got
Starting point is 00:29:19 as much stuff as I could in the areas that were in so I never went over to where he was sitting. I don't have I don't have any time for that. It's not Sarah Cooper so much noise until the facts are released it's not just the noise it's the lack of clarity and thinking I want change I want change I want change like So is the change you want for the games to happen every four years and it be taken down to four events like you You're pushing something You're pushing something that you're pushing for something and you you're you're you're you're like a little kid that's poking a hornet's nest I had a friend I had a
Starting point is 00:30:19 friend who told me a story about a compound they had to take. And this compound was surrounded by a 12-foot wall with like five buildings inside. And him and his buddies approached the compound and his job was to get on the roof of one of the buildings in the compound and throw a grenade into one of the rooms through the window. And he threw the grenade in through the window and he missed, it bounced out. So he threw another grenade in through the window and the roof and they blow out the side and they've taken all they've taken all the rooms and all the buildings in the compound except for this one room. And instead of going in through the door, I guess the protocol is to blow out the side of one of the walls. And breach the room like that. Enter the room like that.
Starting point is 00:31:30 So they do that, and when they enter the room, it's four women and 20 children. And he says to me, holy shit dude, if I had thrown that grenade in there, I'd have fucking killed all those people. Daniel Nguyen, new member, thank you. I appreciate it dude. And he says to me, holy shit dude, if I had of thrown that grenade in there, I'd have fucking killed all those people. Uh, Daniel Nguyen, new member, thank you. I appreciate it dude. I use that money to pay for my kids' jujitsu lessons, I support all the small businesses in my area. So, that's what I do with my money. Tennis instructors, Jiu Jitsu instructors, the kid who works at the skateboards, that's what I do with the money you guys give me. I use it to buy new computers, microphones, cameras for all the guys on the team, shit like that. And so, here we are. I want change, I want change, I want change. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:32:40 boy, you better be careful what you're chanting. You better be careful for what you're chanting. I heard someone bring up the lake water at Madison. I don't remember if it was morning chalk up or who wrote the article, but it was quickly proven to be fabricated. They had lied in the article. And then we find out they tested the water at the ramp either that morning or the day before and the water was fine. And then we find out that they do events, swim events and triathlons at that lake all
Starting point is 00:33:16 the fucking time. And then you find out that at every event where they're swimming in ocean water, at least one or two people get diarrhea. And then if you're down there and you're one of the film people, you realize that every year at least a handful of athletes has explosive diarrhea. But now just because they swam in a lake, they're blaming it on the lake. And that's one of the things that's now in the change thing that is being used as like, hey, remember that time that we swam in the lake and they weren't thinking about it's like dude the team that's on the ground there has forgotten more stuff than the best
Starting point is 00:33:58 people in the world who run events know on how to on how to do them correctly and yet you want change? Who are you gonna get? I saw one athlete say I'm so sick of the games prioritizing schedule and commitments to vendors. All those bottles of water waiting for you at the finish line, who do you think is paying for those? How do you think the show gets on ESPN? How do you think they get through all the athletes in three or four days? Who do you think pays for the venue? And then stuff like this, look at Patrick Lang. It's so sad. You're harping on dummy complaints.
Starting point is 00:34:50 The only legit issue I see is the fact that nobody responded to a man who clearly went under for an hour. We've accepted that dude. We're there. Yes, you were right. You don't ever need to post again. You're right. You win.
Starting point is 00:35:04 No one's arguing that. And like Pat, I accept because that's his role, right? That's his role. I get it. That I accept. And I like him for that role. Not one post, not one person's brave enough to be like, hey, the truth is that for Luca and his family to get through this to the other side, they're going to have to find some peace. And that peace is not going to get through this to the other side, they're gonna have to find some peace. And that peace is not gonna be through blaming. Not one person saying that.
Starting point is 00:35:55 You know what they're doing instead? They're throwing their own temper tantrum and exacerbating the path down the wrong way. Hey, hey, um, Why demand change? They should just leave it as is, except that occasionally someone will die. Changing would be dumb. I'm assuming that's facetious. I'm not suggesting that there doesn't need to be Some sort of change but let me give you an example So I worked at CrossFit for a year for free just making videos and then I eventually got the job So why doesn't the PFAA just every every event every, just submit a list of things that they would like to see? Guys, if there's a swim event, we would like to see this ratio.
Starting point is 00:36:52 If there's a rope event, we would like to see the rope cut off the ground. If there's an event, and just keep submitting it. Why do you need some sort of validation or acceptance? I didn't get validation or acceptance for the year that I made videos. Why not just do your part? Why not just do what you want to do? Why not just do what you want to do? Why not if you're so if you're so into that have that list We want water at the end of every blow at the end of every event
Starting point is 00:37:16 We want to make sure that there's fans. These are things and then if it goes wrong, they like hey we asked for that They were like, hey, we asked for that. For every event, we want a five-minute window for athletes to go to the bathroom. Just make your fucking list and submit it every single fucking time. Have the rules that you want. Get in where you fit in. Add value. Just add value. We want change. We want change. We want change. We want change. PFA tried to know the events in advance from CrossFit but CrossFit never replied. They don't give... let me also say this, also the athletes are always
Starting point is 00:38:08 saying we don't want to know the events in advance. Okay, Savon, well then just give them to the PFAA and they'll give them as a secret. They don't need to know the events in advance. Why not just have a list of criteria that you've been just building over the years of things that you want, you want to have and slowly start covering all of your own bases. Get in where you fit in. They weren't asking me to make videos, CrossFit. I just started making videos and they started using them until I became an invaluable resource and they hired me. No, yeah exactly. This is it. This is the nonsense. It's their complaint that requests
Starting point is 00:38:47 for changes and answers to questions were falling on deaf ears. Yeah, that means nothing to me. That's not even true. That's not true or not true. They have no proof of that. If If they submitted something fucking CrossFit Reddit Stop saying we stop saying we want change make the fucking list of how you'd like to see events run Have all the athletes sign it or whatever athletes you want to sign it and then submit it before every event. That's it. Now you know. Now you know about swim events. Okay, good. Analyze that and have a fucking page on what you'd like to see if the athletes go in the water. Will Brancelot, the request outlined by PFA about heat outdoor events was clearly listed too. Two outdoor events 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. to avoid the Sun.
Starting point is 00:40:02 The athletes in the morning event were in the Sun for like I don't know 15 minutes at max Yeah, I looked at Fikowski's post it's a conflation of truths and untruths and emotional garbly gook and I fucking love Brent, but i i it's um just pursue just pursue just pursue Just pursue. Add the value that you want added. I really like Ricky's post. I really like Ricky Gerard's post.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Maybe I should pull it up. Maybe I should change the subject. What's his name? Ricky? Ricky G. I really like Ricky's post. You'll forever be in my heart, Lazar. I'm still struggling to accept what has happened. You were the first athlete to come up to me during my first competition back after my ban making me feel welcomed again when I was full of doubt. That simple gesture showed the type of person you were, kind, genuine, and always looking out for others. I wish I had told you how much that meant to me from the day I always
Starting point is 00:42:19 respected you and we became good friends sharing scores throughout the open and quarterfinals and reminiscing about the fun times we had competing against each other. Damn. I always look forward to seeing you at competitions talking shit having some fun and going head-to-head. Even when one of us beat the other it was always with respect. And we could laugh about it afterwards. You were a great sport, Lazar, an all-around great dude. This is unfair.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I'm going to miss you, Lazer. I just can't believe it. I continue to hurt for Anya, Luca, and your family. Rest in peace, brother. I don't want to pull up Bailey Martin's post. I don't want to pull up anyone's post where I'm going to just be just... What does Kara mean with her comment why she was pushed out? Who knows? Vincent, I still love you, Seve. We can agree to disagree. Something my dad would say to me. Sure, you can call in. I need, it would be nice if someone called in. Daniel Vivian, mob mentality is always to tear it down. The value adders and changemakers that you are calling for are rare. It takes courage and hard work to be
Starting point is 00:44:39 the one that stands up. You're doing that, Sevan. I don't know. You're doing that, Sevan. I don't know. Oh, shit. Matt Schindeldecker. Awesome. Love it. A man who has seen a tremendous tragedy in life. Crazy, crazy tragedy. How about some positive CrossFit news, Sebi? We received this note from one of our first juvenile long-term correctional facilities. This man has been one of our programs since its inception a year and a half ago. Let me see if I can get this caller on. Caller, hi. Yo. Hey, what's going on? What's up, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Hey, just me. I, when I know like it's hot out and there's a heat, I actually lean in and it kind of makes it like me a hike on more exciting. So is it like when I heard that it was going to be so hot and that they were more of a challenge, isn't that kind of bring excitement to an event? Hold on one second. Kind of reckless with that thinking. Hold on one second. Hello.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Maybe it's reckless, but I'm with you. I'm a huge proponent of like, fuck it, let them go. Make the athletes do whatever, wherever we're testing the fittest. That was always my stance, you know, and maybe I have to recalibrate it. With just my opinion, I don't think he played a factor at all in and this CrossFit Games, other than the scheduling. But yeah, I've always been like a hey, fuck it, let him go. I wasn't sure if I was going to get any backlash for that.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Sure, sure. We will for sure get backlash for that. But I'm not we're not asking him here like point fingers at anybody or start blaming nobody. Like, you know, there's, there's a sad scenario. Hey, there's, there's races like that, right? There's a hundred mile race in Death Valley. And the reason why they do it is because it's the fucking most horrible place in the world. And I, and I covered a race. I made a movie called Desert Runners, where these runners would run in the four fucking gnarliest deserts
Starting point is 00:47:05 in the world. The Otakama, the Gobi, Antarctica, and the Sahara. And it was a gnarly race. It's a five day race and you have to carry everything that you need on your back. And I got it. It's called the name of the movie is called Desert Runners. Desert Runners. Okay. Yeah. I think it was on HBO or something. But you can still find it out there. But basically that's in that series. If you run those deserts, it's called the Four Deserts. And it's a brutal, brutal.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I mean, it was brutal to film it because I had to do that too. I had to carry everything I needed on my back to to film it. And it was a... You ride a camel? It was brutal. I did not. But I filmed a lot of the movie barefoot. It was wild. And you know what was fascinating?
Starting point is 00:47:53 The Sahara, the sand where I was filming, the entire desert, the sand is shells. We were in Egypt. The entire, it's little tiny shells. And there was this one spot where they ran across and I forget what it's called but there's just millions of sand dollars there you know what a sand dollar is. Feel like I should. They're they're round and they're flat it's a round flat piece of sand and it has an imprint of like a clover leaf on it some sort of creature I think I don't even really understand what. Oh it's like a clover leaf on it. It's some sort of creature. I think I don't even really understand
Starting point is 00:48:29 It's like a fossil, right? Yeah, and when kids find yeah exactly and when kids find them on the beach They can't believe it but they ran through a fucking desert that had millions of those things everywhere It was fucking crazy, but I filmed all that that whole thing barefoot. It was the nicest sand I ever walked on it was just fucking millions of tiny little shells that had been ruled, I guess for millions of years Unless you believe the Bible and the earth's only three thousand years old and God created them But I'm going with the millions of years of rolling in the sand in the water when the oceans were there and it was crazy And there were and there were like whale bones sticking up. It was nuts. It was a fucking crazy experience Can we can we actually that's a topic that I love the, uh, cause I'm a, I'm a Bible thumper and, um, that topic right there that you just brought out, I think
Starting point is 00:49:13 it's so interesting that people believe as like a Bible believer think that the earth is only like 6,000 years old. If you look at the original word for day in the Bible, there's no direct translation from the Hebrew language. When I say back in the day or in the day when Sevi was doing behind the scenes, that covers a period of time. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:37 So when the Bible- I say people all the time the other day and it could have meant three years ago. Correct. So the word day has many different meanings just like a name. Sevi is your name but also you have a good name. So when they say like the creational periods or the creational days, those are creational periods. So but a lot of people when they're like when they read that word, they're reading it too literally. You got to look at the original Hebrew word, which is yom y-o-h-m, which is undisclosed period of time.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Okay. I like it. All right. Thank you. Yeah. Um, but yeah, man, thank you for doing this. Appreciate it. Thanks for getting Greg on.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Tough subject. Hopefully we can all move forward and I look forward to the next kill Taylor. I think that would be huge. And I want, yeah, Saturday, uh, we're changing the time. I think it's at 9 a.m. Or something and With in recognition of your culture. God bless you Yeah, you too man, I see it see I know my audience Daniel when not everyone who stood to lose money if the games were canceled could afford it and it would not have benefited Lazarus family. So I had this pretty, I had a good back and forth with Hiller when it went down and he
Starting point is 00:50:54 said the game should be, I'll try to get them on the show. But I think he said basically he thought the game should have been canceled and I disagreed with them vehemently because I thought it would be a healing process to keep it going and now in hindsight I was talking to him yesterday and I was like, you know what? I wish I could go back to another reality where we did cancel the games We just left open vendor village and they let people just do workouts in the stadium you know do three workouts a day there every day because and maybe this is just me being a pussy but the reason why is because then all these other ancillary drama stories that are coming out, you know, like people asking for their minute back or just all the stories. We wouldn't have those and I wouldn't have to I wouldn't have to process those caller hi.
Starting point is 00:51:41 says those caller high. That's actually a cool idea. Not going to lie to you. That's a, that's a pretty novel, novel idea. Yeah. Um, so, so I had to be like killer, you know what? Are you right? Yeah, for sure. What's up, Jeremy?
Starting point is 00:51:54 How you doing, buddy? So yeah. What's up brother? Uh, sorry. I missed you yesterday. Um, here, here's my perspective on the whole thing. First of all, I think you know me well enough. I'm not an outrage culture person
Starting point is 00:52:07 I'm not a mob like let's go get them and you know burn it down I I when I talk to you on the phone I get centered you are a uh, you're a rock for me. I appreciate you I appreciate that. That means a lot. Um so my perspective here's a question with the progression of fitness how fit people are getting with every year, there's an assumption that safety is top priority, right? You would assume like that's, for example, when they was a nine months ago, 10 months ago, they announced there's a rumors of Alabama.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Then they announced Texas. Yeah. Very first thought in my head was, boy, it's going to be hot. I live in Wisconsin and I drove 45 minutes to get to Madison and you know, the, the six, seven years it was here, it got hot out. Right. So I'm imagining, man, Texas is even hotter and in certain parts, especially Dallas, for Worth, it's even more humid.
Starting point is 00:53:09 So I'm like, all right, whatever they do outside, inside, whatever it is, safety measures are going to be at an all time high. That's just my assumption. So my perspective, they announced three and a half mile run into a swim. Cool. I don't really care what you ask these guys. I mean, the argument for like Atlanta workouts like that, you know, I hear what Taylor's saying that was a bit ridiculous, but Hey, we're testing
Starting point is 00:53:38 for the fittest on earth. It's going to get gnarly and it should. So asking them to do whatever you want, but for whatever you're asking them to do, you need to equally, if not more have safety measures in place. Now we're not going to see everything as fans watching, you know, you're not going to see everything. A lot of the they do have safety measures in place.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Shitloads of no, I know. I know. And that's what I'm saying That's what I'm saying I don't the thing that people don't realize is the cohort of people that they have on their medical staff are the most Experienced in the fucking world. These aren't sure no, these are from your volunteer fire station These are fucking Coast Guard fucking military
Starting point is 00:54:19 Fucking fire captains the people in our community who are volunteering for these jobs are fucking world-class like the best best in their lane Okay, go on right right and that's so and you don't always see it You know as you're watching you don't know who is who and who's doing what you know when you're there you get you know In your role you get a much better look at that so my thing I'm watching all right three and a half mile run 800 meters Let me tell you let me tell you one more thing. Like I've heard fucking a half dozen podcasters say they need to outsource this. I'm like, why? Yeah, like you mean push it to someone
Starting point is 00:54:55 else to fuck up who's never done an event like this? Right. I mean, that wouldn't make any sense. It's mind boggling to me, the stuff that's coming out of these people's mouths. OK, go on. Well, you know with grief and tragic loss Not many people are gonna be thinking in their right mind. Everyone is reacting Well, no, they're not every one lots of people react They're trying to make content to get on the air to get fucking subscribers. They're trying to stay fucking relevant in the space
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yeah, that's true, too. There's there's so there's a combination of a lot of reacting and a lot of hey look at me look at me I need attention. Yeah. And here's an opportunity to capitalize on it. I mean what is the Democrat way of looking at things like let no tragedy go to waste kind of a thing. Yeah and let me tell you what real motherfuckers do. Hitler's been Hitler's been crippled by this. He wants to go the opposite way. He wants to stop making content. No.
Starting point is 00:55:50 You know what I mean? Yeah, of course he does. Yes. Geez. This isn't, this isn't fun. No, not at all. Absolutely not. This isn't the time to fucking capitalize.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Okay, go on. Sorry. I keep interrupting you. No, you at all. Absolutely not. This isn't the time to fucking capitalize. Okay, go on. Sorry. I keep interrupting you. No, you're good. Uh, so going into the, the event, I'm assuming safety is at all time high. And what I mean by that and a visual would be there. I mean, I deployed and there's missions that you need all time safety. And then there's missions where we can bring it down a little bit it's not quote-unquote that big of a deal well
Starting point is 00:56:28 I'm assuming watching the water as they're getting in that we're gonna see something along the lines of a specific lane you know maybe maybe 20 to 30 meters wide maybe every 10 to 20 meters is a lifeguard or a paddleboat or a jet ski or just like this almost overwhelming amount of safety to the point where especially with outsiders they would oh that's ridiculous if they have that much safety. Let the PFA write that up and submit that. Hey dude, in there's two ends of the spectrum. Every swimmer swims in a shark cage with a boat next to them. Do you know what a shark cage is? Yeah. Swimmer swims in it so sharks can't get them. So every swimmer's in a shark cage, right? That's the utmost. And if someone goes down,
Starting point is 00:57:19 you just pull the cage up and there they are sitting at the bottom like a fucking dead crab. Or you have no safety and somewhere in between there you pick something but those are the details like that's not for this show and um and when all you do is ask for change that's not what you're gonna get when you when you say i want change the that the people at hq are hearing you want someone fired. Sure. You know what I mean? And let me tell you, there's no one on the PFA, there's no combination of any
Starting point is 00:57:52 thousand people that knows more how to run these events safely than the people at CrossFit HQ, not anywhere in the world. That's my stance. I agree because over the years, how many people could have been injured in all these different situations. And if these people that are posting do cite an example, it's like the young lady from 10 years ago that they had someone paddleboard with her the whole time. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Miko Saylo, I think Sean Willen brought up Miko Saylo's ear drum. Why even bring up Miko Saylo? Why bring up Mico Saylo? Because they're trying, they're all banding together to try to force change that they really can't even define or they're just saying, Oh, this happened. Oh, this happened. Okay. There's another side to that spectrum. All these things have happened. Well, and by all I mean a handful of things have happened think about D you broke up you're breaking up so bad Sorry, I lost you Jeremy Edgar we do need change means nothing to me. Sorry Edgar, you're not gonna like this. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:59:07 But the change we need is union. Nothing. So more idiots can clamor? Okay, but it means nothing to me. The CF community has been divided for too long. Divided. In between those idiots that wore masks and wanted gym shut down and didn't let people in their gyms unless they took drugs. Is that what you mean by divided? Didn't understand Greg's message of the five buckets of death and the cure for the world's most vexing problem. It's time to bring everyone together for HQ to be more open with how they handle certain
Starting point is 00:59:38 things. I don't even know what you mean by that. The people who want to be involved in safety, just insert yourself. Oh, I missed call. Amazing chat with Greg yesterday. Thank you, Seve, for the amazing coverage and access. Your request for truth, truth answers and a way forward is both healing and cathartic thanks so many people were triggered by it because if you don't if you don't do that if you don't do that if you don't do the blame game that they they can't get off the subject of blaming hey good morning Savan how are you good how are you I doing well. I just wanted to call in and say,
Starting point is 01:00:27 probably a little off topic, but this is gonna be focusing more on the games aspect. Okay. The live ESPN feed had one of the, like that final men's event was absolutely amazing. Insane, dude. Wild. That final race,
Starting point is 01:00:41 I'm literally standing in my living room with my eight-year-old daughter and we're so fired up watching it. And before the second portion, That final race, I'm literally standing in my living room with my eight-year-old daughter, and we're so fired up watching it. And before the second portion, before the 1815, you know, bar muscle up portion, they zoom in on James Sprague's face and the intensity that he had looking down that lane. It was incredible. What an incredible moment.
Starting point is 01:01:02 You know, hearing him talk on the barbell spin podcast yesterday when he was. Kind of monitoring that are the remaining athletes on the still with him and wait a second. Wait a second. James Sprague was on barbell spin yesterday. Yes, sir. Fucking a yeah. But let me tell you, fuck those guys. Fuck James Sprague. Yeah. John, John Young was on there. You want to know what a pussy I am? I'm not inviting any athletes on here right now, because I don't want them, because I feel like it would just be fire for them.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Yeah, but you know, again, you touched on it. That's what a pussy I am. You're not, you're not. You touched on it the day before when you said, you know, the Christian athletes brought a tool set into that event to handle what happened that weekend in a way that other people couldn't. And I think Sprague is still carrying those same tools on even after decompressing from what a wild, wild four days that must have been for him. Yeah, I love James. He's so awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:07 He's so awesome. I mean, I love him too. He's like, he might be the four inch taller version of Rich Frowney reincarnate. We don't know, we'll see. Hey dude, but I'm telling you, down pepper's a problem. I love pepper, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Pepper is a problem. So when those two finished, when a problem. When those two finished one two I was so fired up. The other thing that I love is like the majority of your athletes and I'll call them your athletes because we got you know the quarterfinals. They are my athletes. They are my athletes. I accept. I fucking accept. Yep. 100%. Thank you. Thank you. I've been wanting to say it forever but like 100% Thank you, thank you. I've been wanting to say it forever, but like But I was using a modicum of humbleness, but thank you. It's all my athletes. Thank you And then Taylor self just keeps getting better He's like a fine wine even though he doesn't drink anymore. He's like a fine wine just really getting better with time
Starting point is 01:02:59 I think he'll be the voice Along with you and some of your other crew for a long, long time. And you guys are awesome. Keep doing what you're doing. I also called in for two other reasons. I'm taking ownership of Colton too, while we're at it. Yeah, he's involved.
Starting point is 01:03:15 He's in there and I love the iron hog. I was one of the first buyers of the, of the knitted iron hogs. But you know, you, you mentioned a couple of weeks ago that you needed a private security detail that's after the assassination attempt. I want to throw my name in the ring. If you need an alternate, I'll, I'll be there for you. Um, I can give you my stats offline once we, once we come to some terms, I'll do it for free.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Shit. I'll pay you. No, I refuse to accept volunteers. Volunteers have no idea what they're doing. I refuse. And you're off and you're also handing out. God bless you. I'll take that. I'm also a Christian also Brother, thank you. I love you man. Tomorrow's show is gonna be amazing Jared Ellis is a Man of God, it's gonna be fun I'm gonna fucking straight up ask him like you need to have a talk with Jesus if he's real and
Starting point is 01:04:05 Tell him to knock on my door. I'm fucking fucking straight up ask him like you need to have a talk with jesus if he's real And uh tell him to fucking knock on my door. I'm fucking tired of waiting All all your shows are amazing. Guess what? Oh, you have to knock the door is going to be open for you You're there. You're right there. Okay, I feel like your hand your hand is on the door knob You just got to turn it my friend this morning. They were on my wife's titties. It was crazy. It was crazy And that one what a blessing that is crazy blessing. Thank you All right, man, take it easy. Thank you Love you, bye I love that guy's energy
Starting point is 01:04:37 A volunteer best in the business someone needs to tell bill grundler that I I um, I called Bill yesterday. I want to have a... I want to send Bill and John Young out to Crash Crucible to commentate that this year. I fucking love Bill Grundler. He's the shit. He's like one of my favorite people to do a show with. He's the most relaxing person you could ever have on the podcast. Call or hi. Hey, so long.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Good morning. How are you? What's up? Good, dude. How are you? I'm better now. I was struggling this morning a little. I was so down on my homies.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I'm so I was so down on my homie just because like a home. I just feel like my homies are doing like not cool shit. You know what I mean? It's like, you know, when you're down on your kids a little bit, do you have kids? My homie just cuz like a home. I just feel like my homies are doing like not cool shit You know what I mean? It's like you know when you're down on your kids a little bit. Do you have kids I? Got two dogs that count yeah, yeah, I don't know dogs are dogs are cool cooler kids will just like you love your kids, but they're just fucking acting like fucking dingbats and And it just it just it's so fucking challenging and that's how I feel right now about about my friends and I'm so I'm being so challenged by their I don't want to lose my friends I love my friends I don't
Starting point is 01:05:54 want to have ill thoughts about my friends it's like some people want me to comment on Hinshaw and it's like anyway go. Go ahead, but I'm better now. I'm good now. I've got I found my groove Well, I'm just to start it's not my question why I called him but now that you said it might as well Just bring it up. Look I actually before I called in I was listening to that talking elite fitness podcast where they had Henshaw on Yeah, and Henshaw was almost like blaming himself Where you know like he's like I have so much regret that I didn't get in the water Because he said that he walked the boat ramp He said that the boat ramp was covered in rocks and there were only two girls that were parked by the yeah
Starting point is 01:06:35 So let me say that too like so he says it with the ramp was covered with rocks and there were only two girls there That's the kind of shit that fucking drives me crazy What do I care if it's covered in ramps? Like now you give me that information, but don't tell me why being covered in rocks is bad and I have to make up my own story. Or what's wrong with just two girls at the ramp? And so that's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:06:57 That's the shit my friends are saying that I'm like, dude, all you're doing is inciting fucking violence because what people do unconsciously is then they start spinning a story story about that like two girls at the ramps isn't enough because Hinshaw said it Or rocks on the ramp aren't good. Like of course I expect there to be rocks on the ramp Of course, I expect there to be two girls. What are you saying? Why do I have to pass judgment on that because you said it at with the implication that it's bad But you don't give any reason I like that's the stuff I'm talking about. We want change. We want change. Like how what like what?
Starting point is 01:07:30 What what the fuck dude? You're just fucking adding fucking gasoline to the fucking fire with no like hey I'm just that's the stuff I'm talking about. I'm not like that. I'm not read. I'm not the person I'm trying not to read into shit. That's my whole stick with life. That's how I stay present That's how I stay one with God. I don't want to read into shit I'm here for the fucking experience and if you have an issue with it, tell me what it fucking is. I Agree and listening to it like It aggravated me just like you because I feel like everybody's reaching
Starting point is 01:08:08 Really far for something right now or trying to find something to be angry about or try to find something to We need a union like what the fuck does that do for me? I don't what the fuck is that we need more transparency from what from HQ what you want everyone there to wear see-through fucking pants And underwear we need more transparency? It's just I Agree completely how can we help you get more subscribers? Why would I want more subscribers like what what what what like you know when she says that to me? I have to fill in the blank like somehow. That's a good thing I want more subscribers
Starting point is 01:08:45 I want more people to engage with. Well while you're feeling the way that you are is valid because it's just hearing all the podcast stuff lately and listening to everybody it's just people are reaching for things that just are outside like not outside just that not the realm of possibility but it's just it it's becoming too much and it's it's turning into this thing that just is becoming a little bit asinine at times so I completely understand your frustration nobody nobody wants a blowjob everyone wants once you've had a girl that can't keep your dick out of her mouth you you never want to blow job again. You
Starting point is 01:09:27 realize what you want is you want a girl who can't keep your dick out of your mouth. And there's a huge fucking distinction between the two. 100% And it's like, it's just fucking nuts. And I'm just not where those people are and so I'm I'm I'm I don't know. Maybe I'm just old. Maybe I've lived too much life. Maybe I'm just too cool for everyone No, it's just it's a frustrating time because I know for you. You're very involved in the space you've been in it for a long time and you see a lot of people that you care about and have intimate relationships with and It's kind of like what you were talking about in some previous episodes where you know
Starting point is 01:10:09 You have some people that agreed with the games continuing and some people don't and it's just it's becoming one of these things of like You have your stance they have theirs and it's it's hard to find a middle ground and that's it's not just for you and your friend It's for everybody in the community right now. I'm so I'm so open to what they would say if they would say it. 100%. Hey, I don't think there should be swimming events anymore. Cool. I disagree with you. Let's talk about it.
Starting point is 01:10:35 I agree. You know what I mean? Like, I'm so with that. It's like the two candidates. I'm gonna change the economy and make it better and lower the price of food. Means nothing to me. I'm gonna allow for there to be more drilling so that there's more oil, so the cost of oil comes down,
Starting point is 01:10:59 so that the transportation of food to your store comes down, so then the price of food comes down. Okay, Got it. You know what I mean? I like the second guy with the second guy says better. Cause I get it. I don't believe the first guy. Unfortunately, I think it's just going to be like this for a while.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Right. Right. But I mean, what can we do? Uh, my question for you, what can we do? Well, you know what? I, what can I, I guess I just have to take more, more deep... Well, you know what? What can we do? You know what? I guess I just have to take more deep breaths and you know, some people say hey, just don't look at it.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I guess. I don't know. I don't want to be in denial. There needs to be more like what you were saying. Whatever your stance is, cool. But let's talk about it. I don't feel like there's a lot of engagement with others. I think a lot of it's now just like,
Starting point is 01:11:48 hey, I'm gonna put on this person's podcast, or hey, I didn't know this person was doing a podcast today. This person said that, this person said this, and it's not a lot of cohesiveness. It's everybody kind of off doing their own thing because I think that everybody has their own frustrations and not everybody's coming together at this moment in time. Everybody's everybody has their own frustrations and Not everybody's coming together at this moment of time everybody's off doing their own thing right and giving their own story and
Starting point is 01:12:16 So someone in the comments wrote you should donate all the money that people are donating in the chat to Lazar Listen, you fuck not we already raised fucking easily $200,000 for him and then someone else is like hey hey someone else is like hey How come he only chooses the people that pay like hey how many times have you been on the show? I don't just choose people who fucking pay It's just that those get highlighted so they're fucking easier to see and I feel an obligation if someone has to pay Fuck no, it's gonna be those shitty people and hey and what's wrong with people if they want to give me money and be like Hey, thank what's wrong with people if they want to give me money and be like, hey Thank you for your service
Starting point is 01:12:47 How about you fucking how about you sell your fucking car and you donate your money Tell me what I agree. Sorry now I'm off on a tangent You're good. I'm sorry to get you on one my question for you. So I wasn't at the games, but do you know from like a safety perspective, I know that they, like you were talking about, they have world-class personnel that are there overseeing the event. And I truly believe just having competed and been in the space since 2012 understand like they, they do take safety very seriously, especially when Dave's at the helm, but do you know if there was a fire or EMS group
Starting point is 01:13:30 that was on site for the swim event? Or was it just the- I do not have the answer to that, I do not know. Okay, because the only reason I ask is because I was a fireman and paramedic in Texas for almost seven and a half years. Okay. And I was born, I was born and raised in Texas too. And even as a kid, like playing youth sports at like a middle school game that or a high school
Starting point is 01:13:57 game or whatever it was growing up as a kid, there was always a fire or EMS unit at the event. There was always a fire or EMS unit at the event. There was always a, you know, ambulance. Yeah. I remember that. I remember that even in high school, they're always being that there. They were everywhere. It's every event there was is usually how it works in Texas is if you're,
Starting point is 01:14:21 if you work at the fire department, you have to be, you have to be a fireman and in a minimum you have to be an emt And now that I now that I think about it, I can remember a lot of other crossfit games Like I would even think this is weird like there would always be like a fire truck around Exactly some kind of some sort of some sort of like You know, uh, you know, even even I remember going back to the ranch I think I remember seeing that shit like just one parked in the parking lot Exactly or in college. I remember events that being like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:14:53 Uh-huh. Yeah, I know that's like I didn't know if they Because so for bigger cities like a problem was this dude The problem was this and everyone knows this and this is what this is what's so frustrating because people will be like, well, why don't you talk about this? Why don't you accept this? Because we already know it. The dude, someone saw the dude go down, the race continued to, maybe more than one dude, but we know for sure one dude did a hundred percent because he swam out to get him. So the dude goes down and then he's under there and the race keeps going and then finally when they start looking for him They're looking for him on land and they're trying to look for him like out
Starting point is 01:15:28 They're still swimming and I don't know how many minutes past 10 20 30 and then finally It's it's Determined that he's in the water still and by the time that's determined fucking who knows how much time has passed But it's hopeless right and then that's when you start that's then that's when you start seeing all the fire trucks come, boats come. I didn't see the divers, but I guess divers showed up. And so whatever happened, the failure was in the response to get them out of the water. The perfect scenario obviously would have been that either someone from the shore swam and got them, or that girl on the paddleboard or the boy on
Starting point is 01:16:05 The paddleboard would have got him right but but from there just fucking turned into like Hours what felt like hours. I don't know what the time is And so that becomes a point where you're just like you just know wherever he is if he's under the water he's dead, right? I don't know. I mean and all and like people like that probably know that oops seven minutes past He's toast, you know what I mean, or whatever. Yeah, I mean, the brand asphyxiation starts around like three to four minutes. That's why, yeah, you know, when somebody's having a cardiac arrest, you got to get there really fucking fast. Yeah, then he had, then he had no, then he had, then he had no chance. Once the lifeguard missed
Starting point is 01:16:41 him, he had no chance. Yeah, at that point he and I used the word lifeguard loosely I don't know let me rephrase that once no one got him going under he was toast then because of all the cascade of event because the event still continued and the guy who swam out there was whatever turned back or didn't follow through or whatever. Yep so that was that was my or whatever. Yep. So that was my just kind of general question. Not to antagonize any thoughts. I just was curious if they had any personnel out there
Starting point is 01:17:12 because I know for, I worked in a city called Plano. So Plano is just about 15, 20 minutes north of Dallas. And Plano had their own fire in EMS, just like a lot of like bigger cities do around the state. And then to be a fireman in the state of Texas, you have to be a fireman and you have to be at a baseline in EMT. But most departments nowadays won't touch you or take a look at you, especially like your higher paying departments in Texas, unless you're a paramedic too. So a lot of these departments, they have their own ambulances and everything else,
Starting point is 01:17:43 but bigger cities like Dallas, even though they do have paramedics, it's just, it's such a big city and limited resources. And same with Fort Worth, that they have to contract in private EMS companies like Acadian MedStar. You know, there's, there's a vast majority of companies that are contracted out to assist them with EMS just because of the volume and the size of the city. So I'd be curious if it was like, if there was any communication with the fire department about safety in that regard, or if there was conversation with- I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:18:16 I could speculate. I've heard things, but I have no idea. Gotcha. You know what I mean? I've heard. And not that it's the same as having the trucks out there and the guys who are on the clock, but the place is littered with those people also, right? So like, if you went down the list of, if you looked at like all the volunteers standing there and you went down there and asked them what their vocation is, every other one is some sort of medical professional, right? So the fucking ding-dong rolling out the deadlift plates, every other one is either an army medic or a fucking nurse or a fucking, you know, a fucking cardiologist That's what's kind of cool about the community every other fucking thing I mean there were like there were I easily heard 20 people in the audience say hey, I was a lifeguard for 10 years
Starting point is 01:18:58 I can jump in the water. You know what I mean? That that's what's kind of cool about the community because it's just littered with those fucking people But but I know that's what's kind of cool about the community because it's just littered with those fucking people. But I know that's different than what you're referencing. I mean, it's very similar to because I mean, even though that they're not technically licensed within that state, or they might not have reciprocity or licensure, they still have the capacity to be able to assist. Yeah, because there's a good Samaritan law still applies regardless is you know
Starting point is 01:19:25 If you kind of have a duty to act at some point if you're credentialed in your license and it's active to Step in and do something All right, thank you dude You bet okay, true Be about it send the link and ask the hard questions bring in woodland Lauren Tommy Be about it. Send the link and ask the hard questions. Bring in Woodland, Lauren, Tommy. That's completely over my head. Why, why would I do that? What's that being about and why would I ask them the hard questions?
Starting point is 01:20:03 I have no idea what you're talking about. Uh, caller high. Why, why are these shows get so many calls? Hey, Seve, it's Clumber. Willie, what's up, dude? Dude, I'm calling to just get a little therapy session from you. All right. Off of this whole everything that's happened since. It's nothing the exerciser, it's nothing the exerciser can't fix. 20% off, CrossFit 20 is the code.
Starting point is 01:20:29 That's fair. I think a lot of what's happening right now is athletes and coaches. And I mean, just people in the space that are like demanding and yelling change is they're taking one issue, right? The issue that right? Lazar was missed, right? And like you said, once the lifeguard didn't see him or whoever didn't see him, he was toast, right?
Starting point is 01:20:58 They're taking the one issue and then they're just conflating in their thoughts that there are other problems I remember 2010 I got a splinter and they ignored me And they're demanding for change But they don't they don't understand what change looks like right if we eliminate all of the risk Out of the sport and out of life or left with nothing right right like they they sign up for the crossfit games Not the f-45 games. Yeah, or or the burn boot camp games, right? And it's a shame and it's obviously there is a gross lack of right like something went wrong
Starting point is 01:21:37 We're not denying that no one's gonna hear what you just said right there. No one's gonna hear that All they're gonna hear is the first part All they're gonna be is like hey You're a dick for saying that are you saying that people need to die for in order to get validation for the games? Like no, they can't they can't even hear the second part you said where you acknowledge that yeah, that was a fuck-up There's a fuck-up, right? But no one no one no one can know but no one's gonna hear that because everyone's clamoring with their they're attaching their own agenda to this death Yes, and if you try to say anything else
Starting point is 01:22:11 All they're saying is their default is we need change you think Lazar should have died you we need change It's like fucking nuts, you know, you know that's more if if they said right? Hey I want Dave to be fucking fired right that that's because that's what they're saying Yes, yeah When they say we need when they say we need change That's where I go we need dawn or we need Dave fired or something and yeah, so because they're being obtuse and
Starting point is 01:22:47 So I'm like, okay Just say that yeah, well, I respect it more Yeah, I'd respect it more and I know who to fucking who who my targets are Yeah, and it's it's just it's sad because then you have these idiots that are like, oh I'm ashamed to show up to my hey and think about how stupid that is. What would fight? What would firing Dave do? Just think about how fucking stupid that is. Do you know what you get if you fire Dave a Cascade of whole fucktard events full in will ensue. Yeah. Yeah, go ahead Go go ahead
Starting point is 01:23:25 Keep fucking barking up that tree and see what you get You're gonna be left with you're gonna get Eric Rose on fucking steroids like you fuck nuts what's and what's concerning too is like I Don't know we're just we're eating air or eating. You're probably not even going to have to fire him at one point. He's going to be like, fuck you. We're eating the the community's eating itself right now. Right. And. Right, like it's it's just nonsense and it's just sad, like obviously
Starting point is 01:24:01 the only people right that like the athletes have a say in their experiences with Lazar, right? And on that day, right? Everything else outside of it, right? Doesn't validate that just because they competed in it, they're the ones that are the decision-makers, right? Like if you don't want to compete in an event, don't compete in an event. That's where they hold the most power, right? Like if you wanted to sit 60 seconds from an event, right? That was your decision. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Stick with it. Right. Don't ask for it back. Right. That doesn't make sense. Right. Hey, only do other events then. Only do Rogue.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Only do Crash. Only do Wadapalooza. Well, and then, and then you only do Wadapalooza. Well, and then you look at Wadapalooza- But I do want to say this in defense of Fikowski. Brent Fikowski has been wanting to be involved in the safety of the CrossFit Games for a long fucking time. Mm-hmm. time. It's not like he's not jumping on the bandwagon. No. Yeah, okay. He's one who's been preaching it, right?
Starting point is 01:25:16 Right, right, right. That's important to note. Fikowski's been leading the way. I don't know if the way he's doing it is the way I would have done it I don't have intimacy and how the PFAA is working. I saw what they did at water Palooza and that fucking was not good That was atrocious I've never seen it. I've never I've never yeah, but but but at least he's doing something And so when he says stuff like in times like this, I'm not like I'm not like like this. I'm not like I'm not like I'll use this. I'll use the same thing for like for all the people now who are going live on podcasts, right? Like, some of them I'm viewing as sort of like ambulance chasers, right? opportunistic, right? Yeah. I don't
Starting point is 01:26:00 view myself like that. I come on every morning at 7 a.m. For fucking almost four years Yeah He's he's in the arena. He's actually been doing stuff right? Yeah. Thank you. He's in the arena. Yeah It's just I I don't see anything as a Fikowski is doing is like Self-serving I'm not looking at Fikowski. It's not out of care. I don't think like he's virtue signaling or anything like that. Yeah, exactly Went when I'll tell you a story will So every morning for three years, I woke up in the morning
Starting point is 01:26:36 I lived in I lived in a motorhome parked on a driveway and every morning for three years. I'd wake up I'd unplug my fucking video camera from the charger and I would carry it around this town and I would just film Things in this town and I made this show and it was called IV TV And it was the most popular show in the fucking history of Santa Barbara County had a higher ratings than fucking the Super Bowl the Grammys anything in that town and In three years I made 20 shows and all I did was walk around in film film film film film and then put the shows Together and put one out like every six weeks, right? And it was a wild and crazy show and this was before there was the internet There was no YouTube or anything
Starting point is 01:27:10 So then I had to lug the fucking tape down to the local television station public access station I'd play it the whole fucking county would go silent and watch the show and it was a wild show and one day when I was out I And one day when I was out I Was standing in this park and a guy comes dry in the town is packed full of people the bike has more the town had more bikes per capita anywhere outside of China and it was the most densely populated town west of the Mississippi 20,000 students smashed into a half square mile sitting on the Pacific Ocean and one day this fucking car comes down the street and there's all these people in the street and it starts hitting people And it kills five people bodies flying everywhere and the guy jumps out of the car and says I'm the angel of death
Starting point is 01:27:51 and I filmed the whole fucking thing and My buddy who is a partner with me in the TV show We got a lot of so and it was during sweeps week sweeps, sweeps week is where television stations get their ratings taken from Nielsen. And they, that's how much they can charge for ads for the remainder of the year, based on their ratings for that week. So all the stations wanted that footage. Every station in the area wanted that footage.
Starting point is 01:28:18 And so I started selling them the footage, right? I'm this fucking dude who just lives in this car that carries his camera around. And my partner, and a lot of the people in the community fucking hated me for it because they thought I was profiting off of death. Mm hmm. And so it put a put a put a chism schism ism fission, visit, whatever the word is, it put it put a divide between me and my partner and it ended up being the end of us Yeah But that's what I did. I carried that fucking camera filmmaker. I carried that camera around for fucking three years like everywhere
Starting point is 01:28:58 Yeah, and your film making you're gonna film so Yeah, so filmmaking you're gonna film so yeah so uh anyway i forget the point of that story oh just people just people just uh the difference between people yeah someone like fakowski like i'm okay with him leveraging this incident for him to push his agenda forward because that has always been his agenda yeah but the rest of these ding-dongs it's like, I'm like, what are you doing? That are hopping on saying, oh, I'm not proud to be associated with CrossFit. Oh yeah, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Yeah, go fuck yourself. Well, but like, and it's, and then it's bozos. How about this? I'm not gonna do CrossFit anymore. Like what? Yeah, what? Oh, okay, so you're gonna still do thrusters and burpees, but you're gonna call it something else.
Starting point is 01:29:44 I know, it's bizarro world or and The initial reaction when you don't know stuff from it. It looks what it's like Oh, wow, someone died at the CrossFit Games goodness, like that's dangerous, but then you look at it oh, he was running and swimming and then you look at triathlon deaths and People die all the time. Right? Like it's terrible. Not that you're saying he should have died.
Starting point is 01:30:11 It's terrible. Not that you're suggesting that. It could have been prevented. There should have been a lifeguard there that scooped him out. No one jump on Will Plummer for saying that. We've already accepted that. We've already accepted that. We're just bringing context to it people.
Starting point is 01:30:23 No one get all crazy. Well, and like- get off your keyboards. Get off your keyboards. You're cool. You're right. We know you're right. And we'll agree with you. The week, the weekend of I'm sitting there, like as I watched the event, you know, you
Starting point is 01:30:37 wake up too early to watch this shit and watch the whole event and you're watching and waiting and then you're waiting for the team event and then it cuts off, the live streams cut and they're like, we're looking for Lazar. And then you're like, oh my God, like you got to go about your day and you're doing other stuff. And then, right, it comes out.
Starting point is 01:30:58 And then the first reaction is people start saying, oh, well that was stupid to do a swim after a run or this or that. And they're not even, like, they're not was stupid to do a swim after a run or this or that. And they're not even worth like they're not talking about they don't know Lazar, right? Like it's the New York Times is picking it up and just taking it as a shot to rip that CrossFit or right to make article that people will click on. It's just I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:20 All right. Thanks, buddy. Thank you for calling. Always good to hear your voice. Yeah, good to see you, Sadi. Bye. GoFundMe is now up to $474,000. That's awesome. Courtney, he pulled up my comments and I don't pay. Thanks. I pull up so many comments that don't pay. It's just, I didn't mean it to like, It's just I didn't mean it to like.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I didn't I didn't mean it like I'm not begging for like sympathy or anything. I just meant it as an example of retardation. David Gora. What's up, David? If anything, CrossFit needs to work more with organizations for games events. Iron Man runs some events every year. Surely there are insights that can be pulled from how these run run these events who knows if they don't who knows if they don't who knows if it's not there's not ten fucking iron men on the fucking staff who knows if like the premier fucking iron man coordinator for fucking ten years isn't running it hey maybe iron man should
Starting point is 01:32:23 work more with CrossFit people. Like like whatever. Caller hi. Hey, is this me? Am I on? I don't know if it's you but you are on alright. Alright, cool You were talking about the the Christian tools. I know you've had a lot of Christians. Oh, yeah Christian you're ready for another one. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, let's talk Christian tools So here let me say this for people who don't understand really quick. Let me get people up to speed
Starting point is 01:33:02 So I was there and I was watching different people process it. And I'm going to say this kind of like dickishly. But there's people who their only tools in life are what they eat out of a plastic box that's fucking mailed to them in their refrigerator, I'm scrolling through TikTok and working out. And so when anything happens in life, whether they get an electric bill sent to their house, or their fucking girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with them, they have no fucking tools to process that shit. Whereas these fucking Christian ding-dongs sit around fucking with each other, loving on each other, fucking building up support for each other about where they were before they were born and where they go in the fucking afterlife and how everything happens for a reason and God's looking out for them. And they've built this fucking mindset around fucking kumbaya. Fucking life is great. And you have to take the tragedy with the good. And when you die, fucking if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, which I have twice, but he hasn't fucking let me
Starting point is 01:33:56 he hasn't let me I haven't got my response back yet. And that's where they're at. So they have different tools, right? They program them. They're not watching fucking TikTok. They're not fucking, you know, and the hobby of these athletes is looking over their shoulder and taking pictures of their ass, right? Well, I don't know what they're looking at. Maybe there's a Bible up on the wall
Starting point is 01:34:18 and they're reading that and it just happens to be over their shoulder. But I don't mean to pass judgment. But so those are the tools. And so when I saw, when I was at the games, I saw all these fuckers that read this fucking Bible book, they fucking were able to handle and process this stuff in a way that was far superior. And I thought if, if, if based on the presupposition that you want to fucking
Starting point is 01:34:40 be whole and, and, and not have a fucking mental breakdown, they, they process this shit in a way that allowed them to, I won't even say it's superior, I'll say to fucking cope. Okay, go ahead, yes. And now we have a Bible thumper calling who's going to tell us. Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah, let's, time to thump away.
Starting point is 01:35:01 My name's Nick Frege, by the way, I'm in the comments a lot. Nick, what's up? I appreciate you calling. I, yeah, wanted to see you at the games. Didn't end up bothering you. But one of the tools, and you know, this is not just exclusive to Christianity. Like, because I believe Christianity is true and the God of Christianity is true, there are some truths in our book that happen to be kind of just like universal worldwide.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Like other religions we use them because they're real and because they realized that they were good tools and so it's good to see you using them and a lot of people at the games I use the fuck out of them I steal all your stuff. Yeah you do I love it and listen listen that's why we think we're so close. One of my favorite ones that I remember reading as a you know when I was searching for God was, and Jake Foster sent it to me. I'm not going to read it, say it right.
Starting point is 01:35:49 But basically people who pray in church, get their glory in church and people who pray behind closed doors, get the abundance of the glory of God. And ever since I read that, I always fucking pray behind closed doors. What I do, and I try to always be fucking praying. If I'm awake, I'm fucking basically trying to pray. But sometimes I forget, but that's my gig in life. It's a great life just praying. But I don't fuck, but that's what I see. I'm not sure what the word virtue signal means, but when I see, I've translated it as those are people who are praying openly, right? Do you know what I mean? They're standing up and they're screaming
Starting point is 01:36:31 really loud about their praying. And that's worked really well for me. Sorry, go on. Sorry, I'm gonna try not to cut you off. Yeah, no, it's good. Yeah, you're saying good stuff. So, I mean, I wish they had that verse pulled up, but there is a verse about, you know, if you pray you pray in front of people or you show your I said it better than it's in the Bible, dude I said it better Just say that the savant version is an upgraded version But it's true So they'll say like if you do your good works in front of people way to go you got your reward From those people blowing you in the comments and being like, oh my gosh, what a great job
Starting point is 01:37:02 You're so great way to be supportive way to be mad But if you do it in private, then God will reward you and he'll honor you in heaven. So yeah, your way of doing things in private is better. But another tool I wanna mention, and something that I've experienced in my own life, is like it is inherent in our theology. It's at the very core of it to know that we are not perfect,
Starting point is 01:37:23 that we all fall short and that we all need grace. So it's not like Christians are on this mission to be perfect because of their own actions or we're better than everybody else. Our entire religion, our entire theology, our entire belief is that God is good and that we are not. And so if you don't believe that, if you think that it's all about,
Starting point is 01:37:43 man, like how can I be as good or as impressive to everybody else it's gonna be this constant journey of trying to push yourself up and pull others down and then it becomes way easier it becomes way more natural to when you see somebody mess up to like do you know that there's so much pulling down and that's why I woke up and I woke up this morning I'm like I don'm like, I caught myself just doing that to all my friends and I'm like, that's going to ruin me. Yeah. And so, like me as a Christian, I know that I am dirt. Like I know that I came from
Starting point is 01:38:18 the ground and I'm so capable of doing really, really bad things. Like I hope I don't do bad things, but there's like, I'm capable of doing terrible things and we have this notion that we well I would never do that or I would have seen him in the water or I would have set up these protocols or I would never cheat on my wife or I would never kill somebody you don't know like things yeah you don't know you don't know like let me throw you in a fucking jail cell with some world-class pussy. You tell me. Then I'll ask you to cheat on someone with your wife. There was a... I'll share it. Maybe I shouldn't share this because I said my name, but whatever.
Starting point is 01:38:53 Everybody already knows. But there was a girl at our gym who ended up having an affair with a bunch of people. And it was terrible. It was brutal. So messy. Cost me probably 30 members and a hundred thousand dollars, but whatever. And, uh, all of these people after were just attacking her saying, like, I would never do that. I'm never, I just keep thinking about how hot she must be. God, she must be hot. She had a lot. She had a lot going for her.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Yeah. She had a lot going for it. So the, uh, I was like, careful guys guys. I was like careful saying you would never do it There was this one guy that said he she switched gyms and he wouldn't even go work out at that gym He said I don't even want to be around her He I just think it's so disgusting one year later that dude cheated on his wife So it's just like I would maybe move to that gym. I would maybe move you that I'm attracted to it. I'm attracted Fuck I am a man of the flesh. So that dude yesterday on the comment and Greg called it out, you called it out that said, how dare like give grace to the lifeguard.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Like, what do you think you give grace to the lifeguard? You guys both called it out as a Christian would as well. It's like, of course, we should be thinking about the lifeguard. Of course we should be giving grace to Dave, praying for Dave. Like those are the people that, uh, that my mind goes to that my heart goes to. And I love to see that you guys, uh, are doing that as well, but man, we just, a coach said to me at the games, Hey, why aren't you calling these people out by name on your podcast? I'm like, I don't want to fuck with them on while they're working out. He's like, well, they're fucking with other people, but just by what they're doing and I go yeah, but I'm not them
Starting point is 01:40:34 I'm not doing stuff to other people just just because they did it to me Yeah, but man I just I so I'm getting into so many long conversations people at the gym and I feel like I'm like a defense attorney for Dave or for CrossFit. One, because I think I think they're trying and I think they're doing a good job and I think they are just so much better than what people give them credit for and as a as a leader, as an affiliate owner, like I know constantly that all these people that don't know what the heck they're talking about question my decisions that I put so much work into. All the preparation I put into our events, into our our program to our space, like they'll look at a workout and be like, this is dumb. You know, so like I as a leader experienced this. And so now I just, I don't know, I just feel like I want to err on the side of defending people, just like all of us would hope that
Starting point is 01:41:20 somebody would defend us if we were being attacked or if we made a mistake or if Somebody you know was hurt on our watch or on our property And so man, it just seems like when that guy when that guy When that guy hit those five people and killed him in front of me and he jumped out of the car and said i'm the angel of death There was like 20 dudes who ran over to him and started like fucking beating them And then there were like three dudes who were trying to protect them. It was a fucking crazy scene. And they weren't protecting him because they knew him.
Starting point is 01:41:51 They just didn't want to be witnessed to a fucking a mob that killed someone. It was, well, I don't know what the reason was. That's my assessment, but it was fucking crazy. But it's kind of like what you're saying, right? Like the mobbs out there. Yeah, it's an interesting it's an interesting mindset. Somebody, a coach in my gym asked me yesterday, like Nick, you've been through a lot the last few
Starting point is 01:42:13 weeks, like, how are you doing? What are you feeling? And I think kind of like what you said this morning, as in terms of not really wanting to even, you kind of want to pull back or disengage a little bit or just not even want to look at stuff. I'm kind of hitting a moment of like some tiredness or just sadness over this mindset. It's just so sad to see it's like, you know what I'm saying? Like just like the mob, I want everybody fired, I'm better than everybody else, everybody sucks. Like it's just, it's starting to just grieve me. And one of the things I things I said like thursday Thursday I was like crying off and on all day, you know and thinking about my brother He's my best friend and just imagining like imagining his family like I was just crying and sad And then freaking since then on
Starting point is 01:42:57 It's just been now i'm more so trying to like defend crossfit and talk about this and have philosophical and logical and ethical Defend CrossFit and talk about this and have philosophical and logical and ethical arguments so actually like all this attacking of CrossFit and attacking of Dave and blaming I think actually is Decreasing the amount of mourning and grieving that actually could have happened You know what I'm saying like it's kind of shifted the I mean, of course and and and that's the problem I'm very close with I really love the athletes and they're they're spearheading it so many of them are spearheading that and and it's um Yeah, the good thing is for me. I don't go to a CrossFit fucking gym right now And so like the second I turn off this show like I get hours and hours of reprieve. Thank God
Starting point is 01:43:40 But then I woke up this morning I start going through my text and my fucking Instagram and people are sending me all this fucking hateful shit Like not to me people are great to me. God. You guys are so fucking nice to me in my DMs My DMs are so full of nice shit but but man the stuff out there and in the rally cries of Insanity and so much of the stuff is vague and so people just fill in the blanks, you know what I mean? Right. Yeah, and so like because they're vague rope what it gets so nasty. Go ahead
Starting point is 01:44:13 Yeah, it's like oh the rope was too long So I'll be like give me a specific across but not caring about safety They'll say oh the rope was too long at regionals a couple years ago I'm like, okay So since the rope was too long a couple years ago That means that they did not have the safety protocols in place and that they killed Lazar this year. Like is that how that works? And since then they've cut the rope. You want to...
Starting point is 01:44:35 They cut the ropes, exactly. So what you should be saying is, is what are you talking about? CrossFit's always been receptive to change. Look at this fantastic example. And it'll be like, okay, they didn't listen to athletes. Athletes gave suggestions on Thursday when they asked them. It's like, well, Cool, give me one. Let me hear one. Let me hear one.
Starting point is 01:44:54 But it's like making an exhibition. Five people said they wanted it to be an exhibition. Well, what if 35 said they didn't want it to be an exhibition? So are they still not listening to athletes by not listening to those five? Like that's the kind of crap that we do. And then people are like, look, Nick, they don't listen to athletes. Hey, they didn't listen to the crowd either. We wanted the tickets to be half price. And everyone, and everyone get a hand, and everyone get a hand job from the crossfit
Starting point is 01:45:20 games champion. We didn't get what we wanted either. I didn't get what I wanted. Oh man. So what do you think? So if, how do we as people that are, gosh it sounds so self-righteous and uppity, so just give me some grace here, people that think better or maybe a little bit more conscious or maybe you see things at a bigger perspective, what do we then do? Like do I go to war in the comments like I was on Dave's YouTube video or is that pointless? Do I? I don't know. Like, here's the irony. Here's the irony too, right?
Starting point is 01:45:54 So on one, and I know you know this, I'm not preaching this to you, but so we're here like, hey, fuck you guys. You have to fucking accept what's going on. And then we're not accepting the people who aren't accepting what's going on And so yeah, so it's like hey, we all it's like well Listen, dude, you like Sevan you're not practicing what you're preaching because you're not accepting them for what for for You're saying the path to healing is to accept and you're not giving them the space to fucking process what they're doing to accept them Yeah, it's no. I don't think I don't think that I can process what they're doing to accept them. Yeah, it's no I don't think I don't think that
Starting point is 01:46:30 I Don't know. I don't think going to war I'm torn because on one hand I Can't stand the fact that someone says something like Jeffrey Adler was treading water for six minutes and 41 seconds and then everyone's repeating that over over Yeah, it's 100 not true because then that means that he would when he swam in he was the fastest swimmer in the group Because if you subtract that six minutes and 41 seconds from his time He beat he would have been yellow hosted by one minute And then and then no one googled do garmin's can garmin's uh, do garmin's work underwater and the first thing google says is no
Starting point is 01:47:03 They do not. And so it's like, which I appreciate that Andrew posted that I was like, see Andrew is posting new on. So, so should you say, so should you be in the comments telling on fucking people? I mean, what if I guess one way that I rationalize is like, if my comments are in defense of somebody is that better than the comments that are attacking right so it's like what if my way of going to war is bringing truth and defense then maybe that's more acceptable than people's war of attack and blame you know right i don't know but the uh well thank you thank you for calling yeah I appreciate you taking my call. You're the man. Keep it up. Love everybody.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Okay, thanks. Bye. Damn, that was a long call. Uh, Pat Lang, thank you for this. Not one person said you think Lazar should die. Cool. Thank you. I don't think I said that someone thought that he should die. I think maybe you got that a little out of context. But and nobody here other than we just said Dave needs to be fired. You guys are speculating with pure BS.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Okay, good. Well, thank you. Cool. All right. I think I admitted that it was speculation too, just so you know. And I don't know if all speculation is BS, but I think I admitted all that everything you said, but thank you. Caller, hi. Hey, man. Can you hear me now?
Starting point is 01:48:27 It's Jeremy again. Yep. I just wanted to finish my point, although at this point, it seems like the conversation has turned to very spiritual stuff. I was just trying to- No, no, no, it hasn't turned anywhere. It hasn't turned anywhere.
Starting point is 01:48:40 Go ahead, make it snappy, Pappy. I'm gonna make it snappy for you so we don't have another three hour show. Okay, so where was I? All the things that have not happened over the years, safety is clearly a top priority because what these athletes are being asked to do every year, year in and year out, there should be more injuries, right? There should be more catastrophes, but there aren't. Okay, anyways, going back to the swim. We're watching these athletes run a three and a half mile
Starting point is 01:49:17 run in 20 minutes and then hit the water. Okay, that's cool, that's fine. Then I started watching them swim and we can see Adler, you know, struggling. We can see Lazar struggling. And that's pretty much all they were showing was like the lead pack, a little bit of the back pack, you know, I'm sure there's a lot of athletes struggling,
Starting point is 01:49:40 but the one glaring thing that I saw, and am I saying that this would have prevented this tragedy? Not necessarily, but optics in our world perception is reality a lot of the times. Okay. People are going off what they saw and what you see is what appears to be a shortage of safety people, professionals or otherwise. Right Jeremy, you said this.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Right, so you're saying just throw a shitload of people out there. I don't want to cure the problem for that event right here right now. Sorry dude. Okay, that's fair enough. You know what I mean? But basically what you're saying is like, hey why not have 20 lifeguards out there? Cool, then the PFAA should make a list and be like, hey we want, for every person that's in the water we want love one lifeguard I
Starting point is 01:50:27 don't think that's fucking crazy you know what I mean and then CrossFit can be like okay thank you we hear you and they can have one lifeguard out there for every two people yeah what you're saying you know Hiller said this to me if there's two lifeguards and three people are drowning you have to know one of them is dying and so yeah it's a good point so what you're saying is you're saying if I'm hearing you right you you're saying, hey, just have more people out there next time. Yeah, great advice. shitloads of more people have 30 because and you do that and 90% 99% of the arguments go away because then people can't say, Oh, there wasn't enough
Starting point is 01:51:01 right, safety, there weren't enough people. Yeah, there were enough people and Unfortunately, it still happened, you know, or there were enough people and it didn't happen That's like to me. It's just like the optics of it If you if you dot your eyes and cross your t's we just have a shit ton of safety a whole bunch of people out there Okay, you know, maybe it doesn't happen, but maybe it still does but it definitely takes away from people's art We just have a shit ton of safety whole bunch of people out there. Okay You know, maybe it doesn't happen, but maybe it still does but it definitely takes away from people's arguments of hey Well said there weren't enough people and that lifeguard didn't do this and that one didn't do that Thank you. I guess that's my perspective on hoping but yeah, love you man. Love you too. Bye
Starting point is 01:51:43 Will T sevenistas need to learn about friend enemy distinction. Dave is a friend. If people want Dave gone, they are the enemy. Interesting. Caller. Hi, what's up? It's George from Tampa.
Starting point is 01:52:00 I'm a coach in Tampa. What's up? What's up? What's up player? You know, just living the dream here. I called in actually when you did Monday's call in or I think it might have been Tuesdays. And I just want to say some people were fucking with me in the comments. I got the RFK voice. So that's me. Yeah, I just had lost my voice coaching. But yeah, brother. So I think I wanted to share with you first. I heard your story about, That's me. Yeah, I just had lost my voice coaching but uh, yeah brother
Starting point is 01:52:25 So I think I wanted to share with you first. I heard your story about uh, you know when you saw that guy The angel of death killing people reminded me. I don't know if you ever seen the movie Nightcrawler with Jake Gyllenhaal, uh Yeah, that was a trippy movie. I vaguely remember that they were like journalists or something My guys they went to like accident scenes or something yeah yeah exactly yeah just sounded like that so just reminded me of that story but um I wanted to share with you though why I think you know first off I feel like people were calling because you know you're shooting straight you're not you're not really
Starting point is 01:53:02 playing any side of this argument. You're acknowledging the facts of the matter, which is what we should all be doing. Like, hey, man, it is probably the most devastating thing that I've seen that happen. And then the possibility that it could have been prevented. But, you know, I feel like because people are so into being outraged about stuff, I look at what Andrew Hiller has done for the CrossFit community in the last couple years, how using the algorithm or how people get angry about stuff or using some kind of controversy to really draw a
Starting point is 01:53:42 light on the fact that some you know, some people's reps weren't so good. Some of the video judging submissions weren't good. And I think he brought a lot of value to the community with that. And so people were seeing that how the new leadership of CrossFit hasn't really been, it didn't seem as if they had the same level of focus or same level of attention to detail that it was with Greg and Dave pretty much managing everything related to the games. So why I'm saying all this is because for me, I started CrossFit in 2012. And I feel like man, that was like the big boom or the golden era of CrossFit, especially knowing what it was then.
Starting point is 01:54:26 And then after, you know, when Greg left, you know, a lot of us to me, and based off of Hiller's stuff, it's like, we're kind of hoping that Greg would get back involved. But after your conversation with Greg yesterday, I could see where, why would he want to be involved? They're like what you're saying, like, you know, how can the community that loves what he created and did now turn around and it's showing the same thing that they did back
Starting point is 01:54:55 in 2020, you know, it's like, they're going to turn around and now hate on everybody do the same thing they did. And why would Greg or Dave even wanna continue to be involved? And I think at that point, CrossFit will no longer be what we all love. So I'm saying this to ask you, do you think that there's any chance Greg would be involved in CrossFit or be it fitness again?
Starting point is 01:55:23 If they gave it, I don't know, if they gave it I don't know if they gave it back to him he'd take it probably but but yeah something the games athletes would not like that those games athletes that want change would not like that change sir they would that is not the change they're asking for they're asking for the other kind of change sir yeah you know you know change I'm talking about right not the change change change you know you know change i'm talking about right not the change change but change change change change change change change change change yeah take care please don't get your changes confused yeah bro i think that would be the worst thing and and you know what's
Starting point is 01:55:57 funny god it would be fucking amazing it would be fucking amazing it would be so great if fucking greg took over again we'd fucking i'd see we'd see 2500 fucking affiliates leave and fucking the weight of their fucking nonsense alleviate off the other 70 7500 and it would in the pressure of all the fucking nonsense and the fucking thing would expand the 7500 could be bigger than the 10,000 if the fucking ding-dongs were fucking split. I And I agree with you because you, Greg made a really great point yesterday on the call with him. He said, he's like, you know, I'm doing something that it's never been done
Starting point is 01:56:35 before yet they're telling me that I'm doing it wrong. And the thing that I loved about CrossFit when I first became a coach was the fact that Greg was going after, you know, all these national fitness associations wanted CrossFit to have to go undergo some type of like accreditation. And Greg didn't want to do that. He wanted it to be like, hey, look, I'm equipping you with more information than you're going to get as far as what fitness is from the college and all these fitness journals. And guess what? Like, you're going to get all that information and I'm not going to try and keep my hand inside your pocket of how to run
Starting point is 01:57:18 your business or anything like that. And so I just think it's funny now, the types of things that we're arguing about, it's still that CrossFit has been doing it better than anyone else. And this is just by us showing a lack of support for the thing that we love. What we're doing is we're opening those doors for all those people who've been hating on CrossFit all along. And so I just think that a lot of the CrossFitters are not, especially the athletes are not learning their lesson from 2020, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:48 So yeah, man, I, and, uh, you know, I have an athlete that goes to my gym. He is actually, he judged at the games, like a couple different, not this year, but a couple different games. And, you know, we were talking and some of the members are kind of showing that outrage and change that we need change and things like that. And he said himself, he's like, look, man, the athletes have been crying about things all the time and the athletes will make something out of nothing. And that's just the way it is
Starting point is 01:58:25 So yeah, like what you said right there means nothing to me I couldn't process any of that like they've been crying a long time and they want change and like what like You you triggered. Well, alright. Thank you. I gotta go. I gotta go. I gotta go Love you. Bye. Well. Fucking change. Oh my God. Hold on. Call or hi.
Starting point is 01:58:48 I can't do 10 minute calls anymore. I can do three minute calls. Hi. Can you do a three minute call? Hello? Yeah, absolutely. Okay, go. I just want to call in because I think this is,
Starting point is 01:59:04 I've heard a lot of people talking and going back and forth about the incident of CrossFit Games and I think this can be reduced down to with respect to Lazar and what happened, this can be reduced down to a simple process issue with the risk profiles of the CrossFit Games and the events that they are conducting. So, you know, the loss of a life is clearly unacceptable in this event, and they need to approach this process from assessing the risk associated to, let's just say if you have a dumbbell snatch, you know, what's the worst case scenario that can happen when an athlete is doing a dumbbell snatch? Well, we're going to put these athletes in the water after a 5K water temperatures and everything else considered, what's the worst thing that could happen? Well, the risk mitigation of that event
Starting point is 02:00:09 should be reduced down to no more than a medium risk, meaning that they put all of these risk mitigation efforts into place. And in doing so, they reduce the risk of this event from being high risk or extremely high, where we consider the loss of life as a possibility down to a medium risk, meaning the worst thing that should have ever happened if somebody even in a special... Shark cages for everyone. Shark cages for all swimmers shark cages shark cages 80 boats 80 boats out there with shark cages
Starting point is 02:00:52 they all swim in a cage one by one or if you don't have 80 boats just one boat that goes back and forth and we time them and if you die we just we just lift the basket up and you're sitting there i like that Yeah, anything but whatever gets somebody out of the water in a medical emergency, you know, right right brother Is there sorry to rush you? I just been on the phone too much. I appreciate that. Yeah evaluate the risk and handle it Was there more? That's it. I just think it's a process thing and you know Dave everybody's saying this and that about Dave But Dave knows about this more than anybody. He's been some of the most high-risk
Starting point is 02:01:30 Events and in training and otherwise and you know I just can't I can't believe that that Dave would be the the point of failure in the risk mitigation Implementation in this event Regardless of that. Well, that, let me say this, regardless of that, he is at the top, right? And so the top guys should, according to the rules of the world, the top guy is responsible. So there's that too.
Starting point is 02:01:58 But remember, just remember, like he may be responsible, but just because he's responsible, if you fire him, you better figure out what you're going to do next. And you better make sure it's better. Because I think that's what me and you are saying. He's responsible, he's the fucking captain. Don's responsible, he's the fucking captain. But if you get rid of him, you better be prepared for what's fucking coming next,
Starting point is 02:02:28 as opposed to he's responsible. He took responsibility. We have faith in him that he's going to correct it because motherfuckers, you get rid of him and I suspect it hasn't been working out so well for us over the last five years, every time we get rid of something, shit ain't been working so good. All right. Love you dude. Bye. Let's get that at the bottom of every show, please. Okay, I got to get through some of these.
Starting point is 02:02:57 Eric Weiss, please don't Google exercise or work. Those are my favorite videos. Sad thing is, what everyone really wants is not going to happen. We want lawsus back safe and sound. Holy shit. The sad thing is what everyone really wants is not going to happen. We really want Lazarus back safe and sound. Ortega Seve is putting thoughts in people's heads that he thinks are true and they are not. Ortega Seve is putting thoughts in people's head that he thinks are true and they are not. Ortega, oh. Okay, what thoughts? Tell me. I will take them back out of your head.
Starting point is 02:03:36 I will take them back out of your head. Dave Weider, you was CrossFit's biggest enemy. Now you just a meat rider. All right. What else? Sebi, what will you do with your show footage of the swim event? I'll put it in the behind the scenes, I'm sure. I'm sure. Chasm. Is that what it is? Chasm. Thank you. Chism.
Starting point is 02:04:27 I like Chism. Chism. Our media room at the, our media room at the, at Dickies was called like the Chism Hall. And I was telling people that I would pay someone a thousand bucks if they took a black Sharpie and changed it to Chism Hall. Jodi, hi. How are you? Hey, what's up, girl? uh pay someone a thousand bucks if they took a black sharpie and changed it to jism jism hall jodie hi How are you hey, what's up girl Just wanted to say I love you. Oh, thank you. Love you, too
Starting point is 02:04:53 Thank you. Thank you for all your support always always always always no problem And that's my short call you carry on and hello to all my seven nieces. All right, dear. Thank you Okay, you take care. All right dear, thank you. Okay, you take care, bye bye. Love you, bye. Bo Keating with the big money, please let this be a lot of money and something I like reading. Please, please, please, please, please, please.
Starting point is 02:05:20 Okay Bo, here we go. Bo Keating, If everyone would just tend to the part of the garden they can touch, the world would be a much better place. You get two readings for a hundred bucks. If everyone would just tend to the part of the garden they can touch, the world would be a much better place. So good. It's fucking amazing, isn't it? What does Bo mean by that? What does Bo mean by that? That means when you fucking walk into Jamba Juice and you look behind you and hold the
Starting point is 02:06:06 door open for someone. When the lady at fucking Jamba Juice asks to take your fucking order, you're like, hi ma'am, how are you? God, I love this place. You get your drink, you stand to the side, you're not blocking the counter where other people pick up their drinks. You smile at people, you're cool. You get the drink and you lean over the counter and you people pick up their drinks Smile at people you're cool You get the drink and you lean over the counter and you got all those kids back there busting your ass you say thank guys
Starting point is 02:06:30 I love you guys. I love your drinks. Thank you for being here for me. You fucking do your part That's the part of the garden you can touch And touch your wife's garden to color hi Spit on it and touch it. Yeah, go ahead. It's Dat Boi. Hey, what's good, Seth? What's up, buddy? Did you, did you, you sent me something yesterday that hit me kind of hard. What did you send me?
Starting point is 02:07:00 It was the sign off yesterday. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah. I was pretty fired up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah You find that that's the I was sitting I was sitting in my fucking $2,300 Japanese recliner that's just a fucking piece of cloth and some metal hold being held up. It's like probably worth like $8 Right, and I had my feet up on an Amazon wicker stool that my wife probably bought for 23 bucks I was okay. I was in my boxers In front of my 90 inch tv, but it was turned off And I fucking read that and I was like, okay i'm going to bed that one rocked me
Starting point is 02:07:42 Well, I mean you didn't say anything bad you didn didn't say anything bad. It just rocked me. You're like, whoa, I've never seen you like that. And that was like, okay. It's true, dude. It's like, what did you say to me again? Just so the callers don't feel left out. What did you say to me? So I'll paraphrase, obviously not to put words in your mouth, but yesterday's sign-off, it was literally the last 10 seconds of the show, you were like, you keep posting your bullshit, every, you know, you guys keep, you know, coming with this mob mentality and everybody's gonna get it. Even my closest friends.
Starting point is 02:08:19 Oh yeah, savage. Yeah, savage. Then you went black. Yeah, not cool. And it's just a little side that we, personally, I've never seen before. Savage. Yeah, Savage. Then you went black. Yeah, not cool. And it's just a little side that we first I personally I've never seen before I was like, you know, this guy's like He could he's got that side You know what I'm having I'm having fucking resurfacing issues from Floyd 19, you know what I mean? Like I'm like
Starting point is 02:08:43 I'm like and I'm like, and I burnt a lot of fucking shit down there. I don't know if you remember the show back then, but I used to have a dread, the dragon, the Khaleesi dragon, and I would always play that scene. Yes. Anything with Khaleesi. I remember. Yeah. And I, and I just, I, you know, a little piece of me just wants to go there and just fucking every day, fucking pull up someone's post and just fucking eviscerate them, fucking pull up someone's post and just fucking eviscerate them
Starting point is 02:09:05 fucking pull their guts out all over the fucking show but i don't but i don't think i don't think that's i don't think that's um um you know probably it was chandler talked i did that during the week with one of chandler's posts and then he talked to me at the games which fucking takes crazy balls And then he talked to me at the games which fucking takes crazy balls And it humbled it humbled the fuck out of me And I and you'll never you I don't think I've ever said that phrase. I don't get humbled I am humble, but he fucking took me even to another spot It must have been a hell of a conversation dude. It was trippy It was like talking to a statue
Starting point is 02:09:43 Like only he stands perfectly still and he's yoked out of his mind and only his lips move. Oh my God. Yeah. And he's black as night with these fucking beautiful fucking eyes. He's fucking beautiful. You know, when you look at your best friend on mushrooms, you're like, fuck, I never knew my best friend was so beautiful. He looks like he's glowing motherfucker. That's what it's like. You're not even on mushrooms and you stand next to Chandler's like that.. I was going to say you don't need mushrooms to figure out he's a beautiful dude. Yeah. But just kind of glowing. You know what I mean? Just like fucking powerful human. Yeah. Yeah. He's he looks like something Michelangelo carved himself. Yeah. It's like one
Starting point is 02:10:18 of those movies like claymation movies like Sinbad and the Sailor and one of the statues is there and then it's lips start moving and talking. I was like, wow, I didn't even think you were real Right, right. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. So I said that and then did that bother you like wow, Seve's kind of a cunt No, no, not at all. It was just said he's really angry Yeah, we all have the ability to be angry but I was like, you know, he just told his fucking best friend, because I know you bring up Santa Cruz and like your neighbors and your close friends and there's some, you know, your liberal friends and you know, whether they're part
Starting point is 02:10:55 of the model or not, you let go. Anybody can get it. I was like, holy shit, he's dead. Yeah, I was, I was feeling pretty scorched earth yesterday. I woke up this morning. I probably made myself sick saying that that's probably why this morning I was like, fuck, I don't want to do that. But who knows maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and just fucking start.
Starting point is 02:11:16 Just, I don't know. That's partially the reason why I called because after those last couple of calls and I was like, yo, he needs a break. We got to talk about the board bowl or surf camp or something. He needs a break. I was like, yo. But you brought up Chandler. That's like whenever,
Starting point is 02:11:37 that's why I always tell my audience, like, hey, have you seen me have a stroke on air? Like someone call my wife. You know what I mean? Don't be stupid. Like if you see something weird, say it. All right. It was coming to that.
Starting point is 02:11:50 Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate it. No sweat, dude. No sweat. But on a, on a, I, I do a late tail. I don't know if this came up earlier in the show, but have we talked about, uh, when the athletes start to come around and have you thought about who you
Starting point is 02:12:05 want to invite on first and that's going to be a whole different animal? I mean, you know, I, so yesterday I think I was talking to Susan, I'm like, Hey, I want to have spray gone, should I invite him on? Or do you think it's just like put, put bringing the dude into a fire pit? So I don't, I don't know. I'm definitely, I'm definitely, there's this guy, Victor, one-armed dude, who's going to be an adaptive games. I'm going to get him scheduled today. I'm going to get Tim Murray on. I'm going to start. I want to pump up the adaptive games. My homeboy, Bill Grundler is commentating it. I think maybe Chase is commentating it.
Starting point is 02:12:37 So I want to, I don't know, like maybe like focus on the adaptive athletes for a few weeks. Oh, and the Masters hasn how's it even happening yet? So you could kind of maybe bury the ice with that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would love to have the creators of the, is it Joe and Ben? I'd love to have those dudes on. I'd like to get back to supporting those guys.
Starting point is 02:12:56 The cool thing, the really cool thing about this show and the listeners to this show is like, I don't need any, I don't need like, I don't need any, like it doesn't matter who I have on do you know what I mean like these fucking dudes don't care this audience like I don't I don't have to have fucking big names on you know what I mean like other people probably are like really excited to have the big names on the champs on and like we somehow we crested that you know what I mean well and so so like I just want to have I, I'd rather maybe stay away from the individual athletes right now. Let them process and just go to adaptive.
Starting point is 02:13:28 Those shows will all still be big. I'll have fun. We'll hear funny stories about how the dude lost his arm. You know what I mean? How he pees, shit like that. Can he hold his dick with one hand? What if he's on the cell phone and peeing at the same time? How does he do it?
Starting point is 02:13:41 Those guys that clean with one arm are amazing. Yeah. So that's probably, I think that's where I'm headed next week I'm having the Jesus dude on tomorrow. I really like that dude Jared Ellis the guy who wrote the prayer warrior So I think I think that's where I'm headed I'm gonna leave the athletes alone pretty much I think I They're gonna say someone's gonna come on the show and say something stupid and I'm gonna fucking like just hate them. I just do not want to dislike anyone right now. That's what I meant. Not that you need big names. That's not what I meant. You get big names. I mean you don't need that for the show.
Starting point is 02:14:21 If somebody comes on and says something stupid like who are we gonna ease into Here yeah, I mean eventually I want to have all my dudes on you know what I mean like there's people that I just fucking love I want to have Shelby Neal on I want to have Colton on I want to have Dallin I want to have Jason. I want to have James Sprague. I want to have Daisy McDonald Like there's these people like that I've been bonding with you know what I mean I'd love to I'd like to have Ariel Loewen on and Alex Gazan on and just like just my homies you know what I mean I'd like to have Ricky on but but but I but I can wait I can fucking wait like I'm not in any um yeah I'm good and I think
Starting point is 02:14:55 let all the other shows parade those guys around for a while and I'll and I'll chill you know and dare I say do we want to uh celebrate guys that handful athletes you get me like yeah Yeah, man I was I was Screaming for Jay hop that a door in the but but but see that if I have James Sprague on and I'm just fucking Sucking his cock to fucking no end on the show that'll put fucking the heat on James, right? And so like I don't want to like I don't want to ask him So so like either it's a it it's a lose lose for him.
Starting point is 02:15:25 I feel like to come on. I mean, but on this show, because that's what people expect the show to get intimate. But like on other shows, I think it's fine if he goes on. He was on spin last night. I think. Yeah. He probably killed it. James is a beast and they handled him so good.
Starting point is 02:15:40 Tyler and John and spin are dope. You know, the champ has to make their media rounds regardless of the circumstances. So it's, and he's such a, you know, it's a good word, but full of faith dude and just a nice kid and like, I don't think anybody called him to win. So, you know, got a lot to talk about in that capacity. You ever had a chick, Trish says, let's get back to the chick who slept with the whole gym. You ever had a chick at your gym just start banging a shitload of dudes there?
Starting point is 02:16:11 Hello? Hello, Dustin, is this mic on? You ever had a dude there who just banged a bunch of chicks? Can you imagine having like pool boy at your gym? Oh my goodness. Just hammering all the moms. Not really, not really. Everybody's very focused on the training.
Starting point is 02:16:37 Alright, thank you for calling. Keep checking in on me, I appreciate it. If I have a stroke, call my wife. Okay, bye. No, you appreciate you go? I saw but Holy fuck two hours and 15 minutes Magnus Holmgren. How are you? Sevan? I'm great. I'm great What is today Thursday, I wonder what's happening today in my in my life My wife fucking texting me up a fucking storm right now.
Starting point is 02:17:09 What is she doing? Oh my goodness. There he is. Oh, this guy looks better in person than he does in his profile pic. Jeffrey Birchfield. What's up, dude? Hello. Hello. Hello. This guy looks better in person than he does in his profile pic. Jeffrey Birchfield, what's up, dude? Hello?
Starting point is 02:17:27 Hello? Hello. Can you hear me? I can, through both ears. How are you doing? I'm great, I'm great. I'm just looking at, my wife's texting me up a storm right now.
Starting point is 02:17:42 So, must be big things going on in the house. No, actually, usually it is. Usually it's like, hey, I'm leaving in 20 minutes to go to Pilates or I'm teaching a CrossFit class in the garage. Let me know if the music's too loud or hey, there's extra eggs on the stove. But now she's sending me stuff like James was superior because he was an example of grace and strength and power. And like she she I've never seen her like this shit She's writing to me is like I'm like, wow
Starting point is 02:18:09 Okay I've never seen this side of my wife. It's crazy The reason why I'll read this to you I'm probably gonna get in trouble The reason why Tia and James were so superior is because they were an example of grace and strength and power without trying to be for attention. Wow. All right. I'll leave it at that. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 02:18:37 Thank you, Haley. That's good. All right. All right. Fine. So be it. There you go. There you have it. All right fine There you go there you have it I have these crazy close-up shots of James at the starting line of some of the events and You can see his jaw gets so tight and the fucking striations in his cheek show up. It's it's awesome
Starting point is 02:19:03 He was intense. That's for sure Did I tell you I had nice wonder did Did I tell you go ahead? Go ahead? Oh, I was just going to tell you that I just wanted to call in and say man is great getting to shake your hand I know you were busy, you know with ricky and everything over at fairington field. So It sucks. We didn't get to talk some more but My son was just over the moon. Oh, that's right. I did, I did meet him too. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:19:29 That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I love you. You look great in person. You know, I need to update your profile pic. It was fun looking at you. You're a fucking pirate.
Starting point is 02:19:40 My grandson is a member of the lollipop guild is what I say because of his curly hair Oh awesome awesome My nephew was at the house the other day and his hair was like a little curly and and he's 14 or no Is he 16? I don't know, but he's a tough kid You know what I mean? Like catch a rattlesnake with his hands fucking world-class motocross racer fucking just a stud, right? And I'm like, right, but he's still young and I'm like, hey you get a perm He's like no. I'm like, yeah, you did. He's like no I didn't like yeah, you did. I can tell you got a perm
Starting point is 02:20:19 This the one that lives out in West Texas, yeah. Yeah all my nephews Well, which one of my nephews moved out here close to me in Santa Cruz. But he figured me out so he knew I was fucking with his little brother. That's awesome, man. All right. Hey, I just want to call in for a minute and let you get on about your business. But anyways, it's good hearing your brother. All right. You're doing you brother. All right.
Starting point is 02:20:45 Hope you're doing all right. All right, thank you dude. Yep, bye. Bye. You are a tiny boy. I'm probably accurate. I'm tiny, I don't know if I'm tiny. I don't know if I'm tiny.
Starting point is 02:21:08 There's times I feel tiny. When Jason Hopper puts his arms around me, I feel tiny. I'm gonna admit something to you. I kinda like feeling tiny. Not kind of. There's sometimes I really, I like feeling tiny. I like Brad Pitt's body and Troy. Call her high.
Starting point is 02:21:32 And a lot of people will be like, oh, it's too tiny. And I'm like, I don't think it's too tiny. But I am tiny. What? In the 1800s, it could be considered standard height. Oh, thank you. Well, thank you. I feel like I What's up what you need So I just joining in now so I apologize if I repeat something, but course you're gonna repeat something you're correct. I've kind of So I apologize if I repeat something. But I think you're correct.
Starting point is 02:22:03 I've kind of, yeah. But I've rewatched kind of what you were talking about with Greg last night or yesterday. And that's, you know, I dug deep and went down the rabbit hole with watching all the podcasts, everything. You guys did an amazing job and your crew did an amazing job.
Starting point is 02:22:20 Well, what do you mean? What do you mean? We burped on the show and we smile. I smiled 14 times and burped 37 times. It's a horrible show. It was so disrespectful of Lazar and his family. Oh my God, I burped. I smiled. It was so disrespectful. We want change. We want change. We want change. But you brought an actual unpolished humanity to the situation, which is what all of us normally would do in that sense. And if you talk to anybody that say like Dave's crew
Starting point is 02:22:50 of operators in that type of situation to get through it, they've kind of felt they needed to find some version of humor and they, I'm not saying you guys made fun of anything. I'm just saying that you guys didn't shy away from those awkward situations through that weekend. And it was great to see because I think that's helped everybody get through the weekend in that sense. Like I know when I was watching it and I was watching
Starting point is 02:23:13 it live and it was really weird when Chase was talking about Lazar's chip timer and then he didn't before everything finished and it was really awkward that way. And then all of a sudden all this stuff started unravel. but it was really good to hear play by play like Rebecca did an amazing job of controlling the situation in live time and being professional about it I thought anyways I thought so too I thought but but I didn't like her post yesterday so I didn't see but but I thought she did an amazing job and I love her and she did it she I really enjoyed working with her someone told me something she wrote and I fucking that that that actually was now that you mentioned
Starting point is 02:23:55 Now that I think about it. That was the one that pushed me over the edge That's what made it so like this morning. I'm like fuck this. I'm not going on like I'm not gonna go on and spew. I'm gonna go in my yard and do rope climbs instead and fucking eat green beans I have so many green beans right now So i've i've been in crossfit since 2011 Um been emceeing a lot of our local events. I've actually got invited to come in and emcee the community and gotlet part of socal coming down in September. So I'm looking forward to that. And what I think that the athletes are kind of doing right now is, and
Starting point is 02:24:34 I think I agree with you and Greg, what you guys kind of said was, I believe you guys are poking, they're poking the bear. Meaning, okay, you think we're to blame, you think this and you're going to, you know, lawsuits are going to cool. We're done. No more games or we're going to do, like you said, every four years. Good luck making money. Right. And I think that people that think that they were going to cancel the
Starting point is 02:24:56 games that weekend, yes, Greg might've been able to do that, but not Brookshire. Oh yeah. Yeah. You nailed it. Yes. Yes. Right. They're not going Right, they're not gonna cancel something where they have written contracts for advertising dollars with ESPN slash Disney.
Starting point is 02:25:14 And why do we have, and why do we have Berkshire? And I'm not blaming Berkshire for that too. That's their modus operandus. We knew that when they bought it. It's totally fine. They shouldn't do anything wrong by keeping the events going by what you're Saying it's perfect. You know it you put your finger into an alligator cage. You're gonna get bit. You're not like oh shit What happened? That's why you put it in there to kind of test fate and get a little excitement
Starting point is 02:25:36 So the last time you asked for change this is what you fucking got Thank you, thank you. Yes. Right. You want your point. I still, it was, it was like, I stole your orgasm. Sorry. No, no, it's, it's exactly fine. And I mean, they're, they're kind of poking the bear. I mean, when you had, you had Josh Bridges on a little while ago and I made that comment about, I feel that if the, if,
Starting point is 02:26:03 if the PFAA or whoever it is and these athletes want to professionalize their sport, then and you don't like what Greg or sorry Dave and HQ is doing, then go to Dubai, talk to the prince of blah, blah, blah, and build your own thing just like live tour did with golf. Or how about just how about just get in where you fit in and just start writing everything you down for every fucking event? And just do it and do it and do it and do it until until you become make yourself invaluable That's how every fucking great person gets into where they are. They fucking make themselves invaluable
Starting point is 02:26:41 Right off something that makes yourself invaluable Right. Offer something that makes yourself good value. One thing I like, the one thing I have to say, what I like what Brent said in his interview, I can't remember which one it was, but when he is before the end of the games, he's like, with what everything went on, he goes, this is my job. I had to do it and get through the weekend. And I thought that's how you should be as a professional athlete. Now everything else all said and done, whatever. But that's how I feel. I have a wife and
Starting point is 02:27:12 kid. I have a mortgage payment. So does Brent. So does Pia Tumi and everybody else. The people that didn't stand and hold back for the one minute or whatever, they were the ones that were going to win, that didn't stand back. One of that just kind of like you said, virtue signal or whatever, they're the ones that are sitting back. I didn't know anybody that stood back. But I know when it was three, two, one, go, the people that had a chance at winning, they actually went, they put their game face on, got through the weekend.
Starting point is 02:27:44 And yeah, right now they're probably grieving and looking back and, you know, post game shock or whatever. But I think you guys raised a great couple of points. I saw Hiller's video last night. It's a shame that Chris Hinshaw is going back and forth on what he said. But I don't think of how much Chris Hinshaw's contribute to this community. Like, hey, don't get me wrong. Like I think the post is fucking amazing, right? I just wish like Chris Hinshaw, like, because it's a great example of just all the shit that's out
Starting point is 02:28:17 there. But I just like, I don't want to see my friend Chris get drug through that. Like, can we blur out his face and use a voice changer? I don't either. Do you know what I mean? But on the other hand, I'm like, fuck, great post. But like, I don't think any less of Chris. I don't think any less of Chris for that. I just think like, oh shit. Okay. Like, I just, I go big picture with it. I'm like, hey, remember everything that you're hearing is like this right now. Yeah. And it's a shame because these people are like Chris and I love Chris because I've been to one of his seminars they're amazing. Yeah. But and I and he is he is a biggest advocate for CrossFit from someone that came from outside of
Starting point is 02:28:54 CrossFit into this space. Right. But nobody should be saying shit until an autopsy comes out. Or even afterwards like I don don't mind, I don't mind people saying shit. It's just the vague shit. Like if you want to do a podcast and be like, okay, so here's the thing. Here's all the pictures I have. Here's what it looks like. Two lifeguards here. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm making a lot of presuppositions. It was 18 feet away from where Lazar drowned. You can only be underwater for seven minutes before you're dead. We have a guy who jumped in here. These are the stories I'm hearing man. This is a tragic event I really wish there would have been 18 lifeguards in there man. This didn't need to happen. Like I'm okay with that
Starting point is 02:29:32 I really am like if you want to like you know what I mean, like they did around Trump shooting. I love all that But it's the but it's the fucking it's fucking going after fucking people in a way that's um, that's just like so fucking big. Like look at the Floyd 19 posts. There were 300 Floyd 19 posts from the athletes and not one of them said a fucking thing. All they said is I don't stand by what Greg said. And I would love to look at any one of them in the fucking eyes and be like, Hey, what do you think he said? And then not a fucking one of them can fucking tell you there.
Starting point is 02:30:07 And it makes them, God, it just like, you were willing to chop someone's head off for something that you haven't thought through and like, man, that makes it so hard for me to like you like, like, and it's not enough to call him racist. I want to know, I want to know then what your definition of racist is And I want to know what he said what about fl o y d 19 makes you think someone's racist because because i'm tripping Because if it's because I don't see it at all I see it as the opposite. He was trying to save black people. So it's just
Starting point is 02:30:40 that I don't mind people talking before the autopsy comes out. I don't mind people talking before the autopsy comes out. I don't mind people saying, man, if I would have run that event, that wouldn't have happened. Like, I have a tolerance for stuff. It's just the people who want to throw the baby out with the bath water. The people, you know what I mean? Like, the people who are just, they see everyone else throwing glass bottles at the building and so they can't, have you ever walked by a fence
Starting point is 02:31:07 and there's like five dogs behind it and they all wanna fucking kill you, chain link fence, and then all of a sudden the dogs start fighting each other? Yeah. It's like that. That's exactly, and we see it with every culture. Yeah, I'm like, holy fuck.
Starting point is 02:31:19 Like I remember walking to school all the time and there were these dogs and they would always start fighting each other after they wanted to kill me. I'm like, Jesus, criminy. That's wild. That's just straight savagery. Well, we just saw it with the Palestine protests going after the gays for Palestine. Yeah. And so if I start, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:31:39 Right. When the two protests fought, the two, yeah. Yeah, that was crazy. It's like, wait, we're gay for you yeah we don't like games like I feel like I'm one of those dogs behind the I'm feel like I'm one of those dogs behind the fence when I start like going after the athletes yeah you know what I mean I don't want to be well I live in I live in Canada so I live in Canada So I'm the one watching the dogs fight on the other side of the fence. Oh, good. Yeah. But hey, I got a, I got one quick question for you that, uh, as soon as all that stuff
Starting point is 02:32:12 was going down on Thursday, I was just curious and you can say yes or no over. You don't care, but it rich phoning show up on site after that. Dude, beacon of light, dude. when he showed up. It was fucking amazing It was wow fuck I figured he did Redible no, he did I looked into Rich's eyes. I was like I told him like thank God you're here Thank God daddy's home. Yeah, fuck dude. I figured he would have dropped everything to get there, dude Showed up in all his glory all his positivity Fucking it was it was so good
Starting point is 02:32:54 And you could see like like fucking 40 people down in the bellows of the beast just surrounded him and hanging on his every word His smile his hugs his like his fucking open heart It was crazy, dude. It was so fucking healing. I got that I got to talk to him for like five minutes and I was like, okay, I'm good Yeah, I'm a man Yeah, I'm not a religious person by any means but I loved what you said about the tools. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I'm not religious either, but it was it was it was I loved what you said about the tools. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not religious either But it was it was obvious they showed up with the tools. Yeah, they showed up with the tools
Starting point is 02:33:29 You can you don't even have to yeah, that's a thing You don't have to be a fucking Christian to use those tools just fucking steal their shit. They got some tools You go see no Yeah, next time you next time you have them on I definitely have to give them I just definitely want to get on because I want to talk to him about adoption. Oh, cool. Okay. Yeah. Thanks, Debbie. I appreciate it. Great topics. Keep up the good work and speak the truth. Thank you. Hey, are you a minority?
Starting point is 02:33:59 I would say, well, so I was adopted. Okay, that's enough for me. Okay, I just wanna make sure, cause you were on for 12 minutes and I wanna feel like I did something good. Okay, thank you, bye. All right, he's adopted. That's good enough, Seve, you're being too equitable. Yeah, but he's a minority.
Starting point is 02:34:14 Come on Seve, speed up, I'm trying. I should probably get off. We will be calling back and crying racism. Yeah, I hung up on you cause you're black. Sevan, send me an excel excel. Oh yeah, will you? I will. Will you text me? I'll send you one. Kevin, also there's no way to require safety. Crazy to say that any death is unacceptable. Listen to this. Let me read that again.
Starting point is 02:34:47 Crazy to say that any death is unacceptable. You're right. But that is not that... You're talking about truth now. Now you're talking about truth. There is so little room for truth. It's just about how preventable the death was and we won't know that until the investigation is done. There. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Saying that no death is acceptable is like,
Starting point is 02:35:18 you have to accept that the second you're born. Hello? Hey, Eden Beaver. How you doing, bud? Oh, hey, what's up? Ring around the rosies, pocketful posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down. That little nursery rhyme kind of popped in my head yesterday, when I was trying to figure out why I was so angry. And I think one of the things that's really bothering me is society lives in this false sense of security. And where we used to teach our kids that death was part of life, now we walk around in this, like I said, a false sense of security. And it's really hard to kind of sit back and watch society live like that. And yesterday, you know, when I was the keyboard warrior and I was
Starting point is 02:36:06 texting you as a venting strategy, you know, I like to, I love the way that you and Gray kind of put things in a perspective and kind of make things just a little bit easier to understand. You know, 12 daily doses posted something about drunk driving, right? And death penalty or not, at least there's consequences to pay or something like that. I'm ad-libbing because I don't remember it exactly word for word. But if you have two glasses of wine and you're driving home with your family
Starting point is 02:36:36 and somebody else's kid is speeding and not wearing their seatbelt and they hit you, but you blow a 2.0 should you be going to the death penalty when it wasn't your fault, right Right. So there's always layers to everything and every thought and I think teaching people how to think is like probably one of the biggest things that I take away whenever you and Greg have a discussion so I really appreciate that. Thank you yeah he's very clear on his thinking. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:37:06 It's amazing. And it's sort of, it's always weird when people get offended by it, because I trip, because you know, that they have some sort of glitch somewhere that he hit, right? He hit a glitch, because he used to do that to me. He used to hit a lot of glitches.
Starting point is 02:37:24 You know, that tsunami that hit, the tsunami that hit Japan, you know, I don't remember 10 years ago, but that big one that took the nuclear plan out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thousands of people. Yeah. We were doing an active, active shooter training and the presenter used that as
Starting point is 02:37:39 an example about the amount of deaths. I guess there's a little Island just off of Japan. There's multiple little islands off of Japan that has like 3000 residents there. And you know how many people died on that island? How many? None. Because they keep their message simple.
Starting point is 02:37:56 When you're young, you know how we do here in California, earthquakes, you know, under the desk or fire drop, drop, stop and roll. Yeah when the earth shakes get the high ground They keep it simple. Wow And and I and I think about that a lot, you know Because if you were to ask is the world a safer place today than it was before Everybody's answer would be absolutely not but the fact is that it is. Oh Oh, right. I mean, I mean if if you believe in math, the world's a crazy
Starting point is 02:38:25 safer place. Yeah. And the richest person in the world didn't live a good as life as the poorest person. The richest person in the United States 50 years ago didn't leave as good a life as the poorest person in the United States today, too. I know it's fucking brilliant. It is just amazing. Yeah. And if, you know, as a parent, you teach your kids to watch out for strangers, if they separate from you at Disneyland Who are they looking for because now they're afraid of strangers No, you teach them to look for the mom with another kid in a stroller You go to yes or the dad with kids like and anyone who doesn't have blue hair
Starting point is 02:39:01 Right exactly, right and I think that that's what's going on with society now, is we have this tribal thought process of us versus them. Yeah, and we're missing the point. And I would, it would be absolutely terrible for the games to go away in my mind. I enjoy it. It's part of what every day, whether I know I'm going to get there or not, I mean, I took it really serious and almost broke my body and I was only top 500 in the world But I need to have a goal to work for even if I know it's out of reach, right? And I think that that's what it plays but you know I don't I don't want to go into things thoughts on you know, how they can improve those processes
Starting point is 02:39:38 I think you've touched on that enough but Just wanted to kind of share those couple thoughts. Hopefully, you know helps me process a little bit again Just wanted to say appreciate what you do. Thanks, brother. Thank you All right. Have a good one. Joe I want change no more phone calls. How's Dave doing? Have you talked to him much? I have he he's He's he's working through this It's a lot.
Starting point is 02:40:05 I don't process a lot with him. I just check in on him. Is Excel the biggest exercise they make asking for a friend? That's a great question. Haktu. Fair enough. Where there was... Let me get through down here.
Starting point is 02:40:24 I think I saw something else come in Hey it even got to this I was what like I put on another podcast yesterday for I think it was wooly and Sean Woodland and I put it on for three minutes and I started seeing the These people who you guys who were here every morning commenting in that chat and I started fucking like hating you guys and then I was like All right, that's what I knew. I was like, I'm fucking done I'm like I'm I'm just fucking it. We'll just ready to hammer someone
Starting point is 02:40:58 Fuck me. Fuck. Fuck that. Send me one. I did text you. Yeah. Yeah, I will I will I will it just keep bugging me Send me one, I did text you. Yeah, yeah, I will, I will, I will. It just keep bugging me. The most important, I have so much stuff I need to mail out. Maybe I'll do that today. I hate going, the guy who owns the UPS store is such a douche near me. He's such a douche.
Starting point is 02:41:19 And so I just can't stand going in there. The unknown. The unknown never donates less than 100 hundred. It's really trippy. Big ball or shot caller. Few of those calling for heads would know who Lazar was. For someone needs to help me. Someone needs to help me. For those calling for heads would know Lazar was there if not for the fact he lived his life taking risk.
Starting point is 02:42:01 Oh, can I not read or was there a typo here? For those calling for heads would know who Lazar was. Oh, oh. If- For those calling for heads, you would never even know who Lazar is. You would have never heard of Lazar. In your entire fucking life. If it wasn't for the fact that he took the risks he
Starting point is 02:42:27 did with CrossFit. I think that's what this person is saying. For the people calling for heads they wouldn't know who Lazar was if it were not for the fact he lived his life taking risks. Woo! I'm a beast! Maybe you wrote it right but for some reason I can't get the cadence down so it makes sense in my fucking little peanut Hold on. Hold on. Let me read this hundred bucks gets you a lot of my focus The world moves forward on the backs of the outliers That's why socialism is such a fucking Shit methodology shit way ideology shit way of living life.
Starting point is 02:43:06 Listen to this. The world moves forward on the backs of the outliers. The men who stared into the abyss and had the courage to jump, they live boldly so you may live safely. I wish every time someone wants fucking censorship or socialism or you want to pull something down from someone who's rich or someone who's an outlier you're just fucking all of us you're fucking our kids god K if I wish you would go away I wish you I wish you would go away you're
Starting point is 02:43:40 pointless just go somewhere else dude I don't even just go somewhere else go go to talking elite fitness or this is I don't think this is I don't think you've this isn't um This isn't a healthy place for you Call her hi Yes, sir, can you hear me I can Yeah, this is this is our B. Savana met yet the west coast semis and I've called a couple other times Oh cool. I just had a mic my two cents as far as The lazar thing and first of all it wasn't for you and all the other platforms We wouldn't even really know who he was
Starting point is 02:44:17 So I really feel fortunate that you guys all shared him with us. Yeah, he was cool as shit And then the first time he was on I think he came on with his brother And I was like so I got so excited. I couldn't believe how cool they are. I was kind of dreading it He kind of brings a light in the room. It seems like anywhere he is. I haven't met him firsthand, but just he's a brother to everyone He's the older brother. No, you never had he's so fucking cool. Yeah So so that so that being said about him obviously rest in peace and his family sending all the best to them. But as far as I've done some pretty big events with like a couple hundred people, including swimming. And then I also have been on the evaluating side when someone applies for a
Starting point is 02:44:59 permit. So I'm pretty sure that CrossFit had to apply for a permit with Fort Worth. And I'm pretty sure that probably went through all public safety's deaths, like being in fire, police, city government, anyone that they thought may want to add their two cents, including the folks. And for everyone to be as hard on Dave and the crew as they are, I'm sure the ops plan for this was huge. Yes, the delay, Yes, they're doing a review. But the bottom line, the reviews are not going to really share much. And audit, all it does
Starting point is 02:45:32 is it's going to find the wrong doing. We all know what it is. They should have got to them faster. Right. But I was speaking with a triathlete just a little while ago, a buddy, it's done 100 plus races. And I shared it right when this happened. He lives on the East Coast. And we're watching it kind of live talking about it. And the funny thing is, is Lazaro was such an elite swimmer. Usually when you go to that type of event, the lifeguards or the coordinator will say, who are troubled swimmers? Is there anyone that we should really pay attention to? So they identify them to keep an eye on them
Starting point is 02:46:05 I don't know if that was done moving forward. I've seen that done. I've seen that done at events I've seen that done in events one by one. They go through I've seen that like an ocean swims They'll go through and talk to right and then and then Lizard and his brother did the pre swim along with a lot of other people We all know that and then a day of I mean, he's a collegiate swimmer so hey dude he was gonna win the event dude he was gonna beat host a dude he was gonna fuck right so my point on that is and he in his mind knows he's a collegiate swimmer and he probably thinks I'm just under stress and I'm not putting my mind in his but he's not waiting to be rescued.
Starting point is 02:46:45 He's trying to push through it to get to shore and win. You know what I mean? And that's a difference between like, if I'm on a paddle board and I'm in like a rescue position, I'm gonna be looking for the people that are looking for help. And I watched the video quite a bit. I wasn't there again.
Starting point is 02:47:01 I could net, no one could ever be in his mind because he's gone. But I think it's not fair to say, Oh, lifeguards, you know, they're, they're taught distress signal, watch people in distress and yank people out. And I don't think they, it was necessarily like that the way it all developed because he was near shore. Obviously, people that were focused on him, like Maderas's crew who jumped in, obviously, they were quite focusing on him specifically, and not 510 who jumped in, obviously they were quite focused in on him specifically and not five, 10 people.
Starting point is 02:47:28 So they probably had a little bit of an upper hand on their observations, but I think it's unfair. Yes, they should have got to him faster, but you know what the findings are gonna find out in my opinion, and I'm not some subject matter expert, he probably had a cardiac event, they should have had more people in the water and that's it. So, I mean, do we really need three or four weeks or a couple of months to do a
Starting point is 02:47:50 review and hammer everybody about it? That's it. We already all know that we all your callers, all the people in the chat have been echoing the same thing. I mean, it's easy to say you got, you got in a car crash. You should have, you should have avoided that car. I mean, well, yeah, it's easy to say now that the crash already happened, right? Yeah Right
Starting point is 02:48:09 So anyway, I just uh, I just wanted to get my two cents as far as uh the briefing And then i'm sure there's a pretty comprehensive ops plan that was done And if I was ever in a position to have any influence putting bill grunder in some kind of a leadership capacity, uh Running the search and rescue and the medical side for the swim aspect of some of that influence, putting Bill Grunder in some kind of a leadership capacity, running the search and rescue and the medical side for the swim aspect of some of that, I think would be huge because he brings a lot. Plus he's a former competitor. So anyway, that's it. Okay, that's very good. Thank you. Very concise. Show's over.
Starting point is 02:48:39 Thank you. Right on. Okay. Bye. Bye. Matt, Matt girl, to be fair, Eat eating beaver wanted change and went and got on the school board. Oh fair enough Are we gonna get a break before I get with the programming? Hi Audrey Hi Audrey. Seve, I'll give you a video and photo reviews of the exercise or I'll make a commercial for you to air of me using it. Oh, that's amazing. Sevan forgot how to read. Was it that bad?
Starting point is 02:49:31 Fuck, someone call in and read it for me. Few of those calling for heads would know who Lazar was were it not for the fact he lived life taking risks. Oh, okay. Alright, I should have just fucking went for it. Never mind Don't call him few of those calling for heads the unknown few of those calling for heads would know Few of those calling for heads would know who Lazar was were it not for the fact he lived life taking risks. Yes. Thank you. I Did it
Starting point is 02:50:02 That's amazing Oh I did it! That's amazing! Oh my god, what a mess I am! A few of those calling for heads would know who Lazar was were it not for the fact he lived life taking risks, risks, risks. The world moved forward on the backs of the outliers. The men who stared into the abyss and had the courage to jump, they live boldly so you may live freely. Few of those calling for heads would know who Lazar was were it not for the fact he lived life taking risks. Okay fuck it you win I lose. Don't fuck. I usually don't have too much self-negative talk. All right. You can borrow Christian's tools, but blah blah blah. Sebi, it's okay. I do it every day. 20 to 50 packages of sports trading cards.
Starting point is 02:50:59 My FedEx office complete jack wagons, so I dropped them off at office Depot Jack wagons What a show what a journey Uh... Hahahaha! Uh... Crazy! Damn, Dale, I wish you wouldn't have seen that. Hahahaha! Oh, thanks, Pat! I nailed it, thank you!
Starting point is 02:51:40 Is KillTaylor happening this week? Yes, KillTaylor is happening this week. KillTaylor is happening this week. Damn! Dale, you shouldn't be watching the show. Is kill Taylor happening this week? Yes kill Taylor is happening this week Kill Taylor is having this week damn Dale. You shouldn't be watching the show. What are you doing? It's horrible wish you wouldn't have seen that I worked with Seve for many years. He's always struggled with reading Man Oh man. Um. Trying, trying to write. Yeah. Okay. Jeff Gassick, it was worth rereading for the $100 post. Thanks for the chuckle. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:20 Um, tomorrow Jared Ellis is on the show. I'm going to be on the show. Thanks for the chuckle. Yeah. Yeah. Um, tomorrow Jared Ellis is on. And, um... One more thing. Oh, Kill Taylor this week. Uh, it's gonna be a fucking hell of a workout. Uh... I think Tyson's doing great. I-I-I- I'll actually invite him.
Starting point is 02:52:45 Maybe I'll invite Tyson on the show next week. That's what I need to do. That would be good. And. Sheverage phoning on, we could talk about. His what's it called? Ledbetter, Leadville. Pullboy, I'm going to pump my dick so hard with the exercise or my penis will look like Arnold in total Recall when he lands outside on Mars.
Starting point is 02:53:08 Oh, that's cool. 40% off from FIDAID, 20% off for dick pump, Matutein, just if you're fucking not an idiot you'll get that. Paper Street Coffee, you better get your subscriptions now before the prices come up. CA peptides,, use code SEVON. I don't know if you get the free water still.
Starting point is 02:53:35 Birthfit, birthmama. If you want a CEO shirt. I will do a CrossFit Games Update show on Friday night. Let me see what my wife's texting me. show. And if I put any thoughts in your head that weren't true, get them out. Love you. Bye bye.

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