The Sevan Podcast - We’re Back Again | Live Call In w/ Souza & Beaver

Episode Date: January 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to Yeah, we're live. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Oh, how. Good morning. I love the little like a surprise live like someone always does it too. We'll be in here talking and all of a sudden I'll just see a pop up on the screen. I'm like, okay, here we go. Okay, so you're doing you're inflicting everything that Stefan inflicts on you and me this morning. It's just it's how I grew up. You know what I'm saying? I'm just I'm just a product of my environment. That's all. That's all. You really are. You really are. Don't blame me. So how are you doing? I'm good. I mean, we just wrapped this phenomenal event, you and me in Austin, Texas at the same venue that we're going to have the CrossFit for Health Summit with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. And I mean, that event literally blew my mind. How about you?
Starting point is 00:01:45 It was great. I thought it went really well. That was the first time I've ever like, been closely involved with like a high level thing like that. And it was awesome. I was I was excited. It went really smooth. We actually there was no like major hiccups. Touch wood. There were no major hiccups whatsoever and it actually took me by surprise because normally like we have to kind of like just move like in the moment like figure things out like there's not enough food or the av goes out or something happens but this was like pretty seamless yeah well i think that speaks volumes to your organization and planning and everything else, because it was so ran through that, like every
Starting point is 00:02:30 minute, I knew exactly where we're supposed to be and what was going down. And it was extremely helpful, because you knew whether we were on time, we were off time, like, do we need to speed up? Do I have to smack somebody around? You know, what's going down? It's funny, though, because when I was creating those random shows in the spreadsheets i was like how would dave run this event like how would like dave being as anal and navy seal like as he is running events and i always like picture you know when the volunteers run out on the games fields to like change equipment and stuff okay okay this is phenomenal like just watching that production. I'm always like, okay, okay, this is phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Like just watching that production take place, like always blew my mind. So it's Dave, Dave's inspiration. See, you're just a product of your environment too. Whatever, Matt. I don't like to call myself that. Good morning, everybody who's joining the show. Denise was originally scheduled to be on today.
Starting point is 00:03:26 For some of you guys that don't know, Savon basically was stuck on a highway in Oregon for several hours. As he was driving to Idaho, there was an accident that had happened several hours before he got there, and they were stuck. So he called it halfway through, and he is continuing the journey this morning. So you guys are stuck with me again. And Denise,
Starting point is 00:03:46 we'll get you rescheduled. Lucky them. I guess this as soon as I know what ran through means. Did I use that right? Okay. Well, all right. Off to a great start. I don't know what it means. What does it mean? It's like
Starting point is 00:04:04 Is it mean? It's like... Is it bad? Let me put it in a sentence, and I think you can deduct what it means. You're at a nightclub, and you go, oh, there's that one trick, and then your friend goes, damn, bro, careful, she's been ran through. I'm way too old for that language. So that's what that means. I mean, Sousan was ran through a lot
Starting point is 00:04:26 this weekend for sure ran over so so i i have a question though because i was thinking about it afterwards like how'd you meet dr gabrielle line oh here's caleb oh basically through crossfit actually so um hey caleb morning how are you great how are you really way more excited obviously than you are that is excited he's 10 out of 10 i've never had a man be less excited to see me in my life i feel pretty pumped oh we all express emotion differently i suppose yeah yeah so how'd you meet dr gabrielle line so uh when julie fache was working with us at crossfit health when eric rosa took over she started doing these like crossfit health webinars with experts um and she knew gabrielle uh from you know just like doing similar work and maybe having her on her podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And so Gabrielle came on and did a webinar for us. And we had like a pre-webinar meeting. And I remember like Julie was late. So it was just me and Gabrielle. And like as we met, we immediately like, we just like fell in love with each other. Well, I actually can't speak for her, but I fell in love with her. She has this phenomenal energy and she's just like fell in love with each other. Well, I actually can't speak for her, but I fell in love with her. She has this phenomenal energy and she's just like so real and cool. And she walks her talk and I'm very drawn to authentic people.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I met some people this weekend that I feel the same way about. And yeah, so that's, and then we, we just became friends. Oh, cool. Okay. And did you know some of those speakers that were there prior or were you meeting a lot of new friends as well too kristin holmes i knew from before and she's just phenomenal like she was she actually did a talk at the games one year for us like one of the panels when when we were still in when costume was still involved with the group um jason no the others i just heard of i
Starting point is 00:06:21 mean evie pomperis the xcia agent i'd read her book. Bedros, I had met through, you know, just through Gabrielle. Don Saladino, I had interviewed Don for RevitaFest. And he, I love that man. Like he is just so, so, so special. Ben Newman, what a nice guy as well. Cody Sanchez, I've been a huge fan of. So meeting her was insane. Yeah, she was cool. And all of them were phenomenal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Phenomenal. But I don't think it was odd. Who was your favorite? Oh, see, you beat me to the punch. You knew I was going to ask you who your favorite was. You know, I liked them all. Obviously, I got to spend a lot more time with Don. He was like super personal.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So I was like hanging with him. I felt like him and I were like bros afterwards. But if I had to pick like who I would like double down and get to have a lunch with, it would either be Cody Sanchez or be Bedros. And obviously, just because they're super business forward and focused on like money and growing businesses. And that's just very what I'm interested in. So I would just love to be able to like talk to them,
Starting point is 00:07:26 especially Cody seemed like she was like really quick and she got like super tactile towards the end when she was like, she just straight up in this. And that was not planned. She was like, all right, we're doing 10 minutes of Q&A. Right. And she's like, who's got a question? And just started like riffing with the audience.
Starting point is 00:07:43 But it seemed like she really, well, first off, she had 110 110 slides i thought it was just insane because she had what 40 dude it came up it was 45 minutes was the talk and she had and she had 110 slides and so i'm like doing you're doing the math on it you're like okay you're gonna do like 2.1 slides every every minute here but um I thought she brought a ton to the, to the audience. And it was like, there was a lot of like value there in terms of like, if you're into business, what you would take away from it and stuff like that. So those would be my two that I would pick to, to hang out with a little bit more. For sure. I mean, I think for me, I unfortunately didn't get to listen to all the talks in full. I was going to go through the live stream video that we have and hear it.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I did sit through both Cody and Pedro's talks. Cody was exceptional. I mean, that woman is just powerful and incredible. And I was kind of like, you know, when you meet some people and they have a big online presence, especially in this age of like social media influencer and stuff, she's so much more than that. Or they have a big podcast and they're just like, they can be a real dick. And she was not like that once or so ever. No, and I met her the night before the cocktail party. She really had no reason to be nice to me or anything.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And the next day, when we were at the summit, she was like, hey, Karin, I want to be nice to me or anything and the next day she when we were at the summit she was like hey car and i want to introduce you to my friend nick gray um so she was like connecting us like she she didn't have to do that and that small gesture of just remembering and acknowledging meant the world and so i will always have so much respect for people like that as opposed to somebody else who was there. I'm not going to name any names who wasn't one of our speakers, but has a huge podcast. And I was like, Oh my God,
Starting point is 00:09:29 he's so amazing. He's, he's great. And he was just like little kind of awkward in person. That's a nice way of putting it. Not, not necessarily very humble or I don't know, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:42 maybe he was scared. Maybe I, my like six foot two tight red dress was like I don't know well I've got two and I didn't have a tight red dress on and I got the same feeling so I don't know about that okay got it okay well that's good to know then because I'm always like I don't know if I'm making someone uncomfortable or if they're just a dick now uh and I'll wait till you take off to slander the person so you don't have to get caught in my mudslinging. But I agree with you. I had the same
Starting point is 00:10:12 experience and I have a few thoughts on that as well. But let's chat a little bit about the CrossFit for Health Summit. It is right around the corner. Are you stoked? Are you excited? it is right around the corner are you stoked are you excited um i'm so excited oh my god i'm like beyond excited i still am kind of sleep deprived from the from gabriel's event but i mean just the caliber of speaker that we have at the crossfit for health summit the um just coming off this event and and it's at exactly the same venue follows a very similar. So we know that the venue is going to come to the party. Like everything was phenomenal. Like the drinks, the welcome, the temperature, the food, like everything was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Like knowing that structure's in place has me so excited. And then having this focus just on the CrossFit community, essentially, and highlighting the benefits of CrossFit is super, super cool. We are adding some more events that I haven't announced. So me and Matt are hosting an after party around the corner at the place called The Parlor. So that's going to be happening on Saturday, February 3rd,
Starting point is 00:11:20 from I think like 7 until 9, and then beyond. And we'll have a DJ and it will just be like a ton of fun but I am super super stoked for the event I think you know the Gabrielle's event was about health obviously like her message was so powerful but then there was like a lot of business and mindset and entrepreneurial stuff involved as well which gave the audience a huge range to take home from this is going to be very much more focused on pure fitness health exercise longevity um you know and so i think anyone in the fitness and health space who is wondering if they should join or if this should if this will be beneficial it absolutely will and i think just from this past
Starting point is 00:12:05 weekend as well the power of networking and meeting people in person like it's second to none like literally second to none the other event that we haven't really announced and that i will announce is we are gonna have a huge rock so we're partnered with go rock we're going to have a math of rock from the hotel uh very early the saturday morning you do have to sign up for it so i will be sending out an invite if the invite will go out to the vip ticket holders first and then we'll open it to the rest of the people but it's capped at 50 people carrie hair um who used to be with crossfit as well, is going to be there. And I think just having GORUCK's presence as presenting sponsors for the CrossFit for Health Summit is very special, right? Because the way they show up and the way that they just bring together community in a way that's very powerful is very exciting.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And we just had, we had Jimmy with us, Jimmy Letchford, who's the president of Go Rock this past weekend. And, you know, spending time with him was just awesome. So having them all there is going to be really fun. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it because the last event was a lot of fun. And this one feels like I'm at home. You know, we're going to know everybody there. It's all my people. It's all my CrossFit people.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Everyone will be rucking. Yes, not a taxidermy. Yeah, are you coming? Eric Wise, massive ruck. Yeah, I get ruck hard just thinking about it. Oh, my God. You did not just say that. I did.
Starting point is 00:13:52 You're on a date does car need a jonathan ortega does car need a date for the after party well only if you're going are you going jonathan well yeah everyone needs to come everyone can be my date i'm like oprah that's that means you got friend zoned right there, Jonathan. That's just what happened. Oh my gosh, stop. Listen, Matt. No. Sorry, sorry, sorry. That's cool. Jonathan, I love you. We actually chat. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Okay. So then there you go, Jonathan. The real Kevin, she's 16. No, she's not. But when she's rocking those heels and that red dress, she is. She's a powerful woman. That was the thing I was going to say about cody sanchez like when she was like off stage she was like super sweet she was like warm a little bit compared to like
Starting point is 00:14:30 some of the speakers almost and that could be their like i gave them the benefit of the doubt like i was thinking to myself like okay if i had to jump on stage and speak in front of all these people and it's being live streamed and stuff like that like how would i be acting in the green room and i'd probably be a little like you know a little nervous and stuff like that. Like, how would I be acting in the green room? And I'd probably be a little like, you know, a little nervous and stuff like that. So I wouldn't be too like open to conversations, but she was really warm and she was really open. But then when she got on that stage, she was like, her presence was incredible and she was like super powerful. So I thought that was like really cool how she could just kind of like turn that on, like own the room. And then like, right when she gets off, she's like, hi, I'm Cody, you know, super sweet and like nice. And yeah, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Okay, so we have the so everything's flipping wrong with the CrossFit for Health Summit. If you live in the Austin area, you should definitely be going. Cave Dasher had a question. He said, do we have to attend the summit to go to the after party? Is it blocked off just for that? Do we have? No, you just have to buy a ticket. And I haven't released the ticket sales yet,
Starting point is 00:15:25 but I will probably today. And it's just minimal. And actually, we're kind of starting to work with this one nonprofit that I love. And I'm not going to say anything right now because it's not like ultimately, although it sounds like everything's up to me, it's really not.
Starting point is 00:15:40 This is CrossMits event. So hoping to kind of give some of the proceeds from that for proceeds from that for profit from that event to this non-profit who's doing phenomenal work with affiliates um and a specific community okay awesome so we uh but if you're not in the austin area and you're not able to travel we have something for you. There is, obviously, you could attend the event virtually. There'll be a live stream going down. And we have a little giveaway. Caleb already participated in it. We've already edited it. He might not remember, but he
Starting point is 00:16:19 did. And so did Sevan. And so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be giving away, completely for free, a virtual live ticket. But what we're going to be doing is we're going to be giving away completely for free a virtual live ticket, but there is a barrier to entry. You need to create a short video and we do have a landing page with all the rules and where you need to submit it. Okay. So we'll make sure that we get that and throw that in the comments for you guys that want to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:38 But basically you just need to talk about how CrossFit has changed your life and how it's affected you and the people around you. Um, but please go to the landing page, make sure you hit all the points first, and then you submit it to us. And once you do it, and your video gets approved, you will get a free live stream ticket. That's correct, right? I didn't screw that up. That is correct. But you also do have to share it on social media. Right. Yes. Excuse me. Sorry. Yeah. You got to share it on your page and then link. You send the link that you shared on your page into the landing page so we could see it. And that would also put you in the bucket of knowing that you get a free virtual ticket.
Starting point is 00:17:10 So if you guys aren't able to join the event, you could still check it live and you could do it just by talking about what CrossFit has done for you, share it, and we'll get you hooked up. Now, do you remember it, Kev? I remember now. Okay, cool. Yeah, I got it all. I ended up on it's just
Starting point is 00:17:25 shit my pants yeah yeah that's right you know it's funny because when i was pulling that clip you like tried to get out of it then like savannah tried to save you and karen was like nope caleb your turn it just like doubled down she's like the fuck if you're getting out of this bro we're in this let's do it and you know caleb you were magnificent and so just like a lot of respect to me for pushing you outside your comfort zone hello respect to karen for that yep yep thank you for that i appreciate it i always give credit where credit's due huh there we go yeah and um actually you talked about it kayla because you were like i'm gonna go get my l1 uh with my dad with my wife and that was just this past weekend and so um now we've seen
Starting point is 00:18:11 it done it was great my dad has been doing crossfit for like five or so years now and uh just from listening to the show all the time he said he's like fine i'll take my l1 he's just he needs stuff to do basically because he's kind of on the verge of retirement and he's just trying to find things to do and uh since he's been doing cross for so long and the l1 the seminar ended up being at his affiliate also my affiliate and uh so he's like signed up and uh i think he liked it he really appreciated it he got some good information out of it. I think at some point he was bored during the, what's it called?
Starting point is 00:18:49 The programming talk. He doesn't really care about programming at all, which is nice. The last day, he's like, I'm not over this. But I think he enjoyed it. It was cool. My wife took it too, so I think she enjoyed it as well. That's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Nearly the whole family started doing CrossFit now just kind of nice that's so special are you coming to the summit i don't know i think it's the same weekend that i have to uh work for the for the government so well listen caleb what's more important i know i. I know. I told him. I think I'll get like a desertion something. They'll probably call me AWOL. Wouldn't it be worth it? Yeah, you're probably right. It would be worth it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Working for the government is not that fun. Oh, my goodness. I don't know. I'm here on a green card. She's got a point. She's got a point. Oh, man. So do we have that url sorry card i thought i had the url for them to submit but i don't over here can you shoot that to me in a text and we'll get that put into the um comments for everybody i can't
Starting point is 00:19:56 text you while i'm on here my phone's dead but if you go to cross for health and you go to like in the top where the menu bar is, you go to challenge, click on there and then all the details are there. Perfect. So we'll drop that into the comments for you guys to be able to enter that and you'll be able to get a free ticket to the virtual event. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Awesome. Okay. Can you actually share one of the videos or is this, am I pushing the envelope too much this morning? Um, let me see. I think I can. I don't have it pulled off of,
Starting point is 00:20:32 um, yeah. Give me one sec. I think I could see that. I'll put the link in the, in the chat here and then I'll put it in the description of the video as well. It gives you all the instructions here.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You can just kind of peruse through them it's pretty easy um and then at the bottom put your name email and then the url for the video that you've created put it up on any social media you'd like instagram youtube make it a short or not make a real video do a a vertical, do a horizontal. Wow. Put some filters on, emojis. Yeah, dude. There is a mistake. There's a mistake in the line. It says giveaway ends
Starting point is 00:21:13 January 5th. That's obviously incorrect. Yeah, just ignore that. It ends when we fucking say stuff. Okay, who do we want to see? Do we want to see Caleb's reel or do we want to see Sevan's reel? Oh God, you actually made it? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Whatever you think. Okay, perfect. Caleb it is. It's all about you today, Caleb. Look, it's twinning. Which one is he? Dude, you know what's funny? Side note real quick. Grace will look through old photos because she has this time hop so it'll pop up like a year from now or whatever and there was one that popped
Starting point is 00:21:48 up from like four years now and she looked at it and then she spun the phone she's like you're in the same exact outfit like literally i was wearing the same shit i was wearing from four years ago oh my goodness that is hey it still works there's no holes in it you know it's still comfortable it doesn't smell yeah i keep it clean i keep it clean oh wait can you guys hear that crossfit there it is when i was in college i got my dad to start going to crossfit he's actually ended up battling cancer and i think because of his ability to do crossfit and his continuation through crossfit he's been able to stay a lot healthy he's in remission no more occurrence of cancer or anything like that it's got my mom to start moving too.
Starting point is 00:22:25 She started doing some workouts. That's really good. And I got my wife to start doing CrossFit as well. I got my level one a long time ago and I found it really valuable. I learned a lot of stuff about nutrition and I'm able to teach a lot of my family members about it, a lot of my wife's family members about it. And I found it super valuable in every facet of my life. So give me three tickets.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Simple. Simple. I. Simple. I was like that. Hey, did you notice that that guy that did the push-up kissed the wall? No, I knew through CrossFit he's been able to stay healthy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Oh my god. Inspired by Caleb. So there you go. Simple. You guys can do it. What about your video, Matt? Mine's a little bit different. Mine's a push to get people to go and do it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You want to see mine? I'm going to see yours. Okay. All right. Caleb, just by the way, you were spectacular. If you're ever doubting yourself, just go back to that video. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:22 That's a good confidence boost. I like it. Use it to supercharge your confidence. Caleb's video. Yeah, right. Seven out of ten people in the United States die every single year due to chronic disease.
Starting point is 00:23:36 We have the solution. If you are a coach, if you are an affiliate owner, or if you are just somebody who is curious, this summit is for you. It is our job, not only as coaches, to continue to expand our knowledge in coaching and movement and nutrition, but also the science behind what we do and why it's so effective.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So register below February 3rd for the CrossFit for Health Summit in Austin, Texas. We'll see you there. Matt, you've like missed your calling in life. I mean... Missed it or I'm just walking the path finally? You're actually finally walking the path. I mean, we discussed I'm just I'm just walking the path finally we're actually finally walking the path I mean we discussed this three years ago you already knew what all these top speakers at
Starting point is 00:24:11 Gabrielle's event was saying and you're implementing it huh I'm slowly but surely just take some time do you guys want to see some this is I'm going a little bit off here you want to see the first commercial I shot Caleb have i showed you this before the grill tastic oh no i haven't seen this i can't wait okay all right okay so i uh it wasn't the first time i started selling stuff this video is from seven years ago we're definitely not watching the whole thing we'll watch like three seconds of it unfortunately it's forever on youtube but um of it. Unfortunately, it's forever on YouTube. But here we go.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I'm out here with the grill-tastic by Sienna. Here's the funniest part. It's a prototype. So right when I go to work, the front of it breaks off. We had to cut right there. Any side anyhow I won't make you guys suffer through that any longer that's a super heavy duty brush dude that made my day
Starting point is 00:25:12 what happened to it I need one now Susan with the hard sell crossfit or die yeah that's it oh my gosh incredible do you know what I loved about the live stream videos though is that no one really mentioned and i'm sure there are people about like a pr or any physical feat right like none of us who spoke about it like
Starting point is 00:25:38 susan did a huge sales pitch which you know yeah you can go get his company at if you want more of his brilliance and then caleb spoke about health and his dad's like cancer journey and stuff and seven as well spoke about his mom like how it changed her life and then i think i just mentioned my divorce and the power of community so a salesman and then people who just actually improving in life. But we do want to see everyone's videos. It'd be so interesting to see a wide range of people and what, you know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:26:17 and how it's changed their lives. Yeah. I mean, and that's the point we want to hear from what it's done for you guys and what makes CrossFit special. And then you get to share that. And on top of that, you get a cool free ticket. What more can you ask for?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Okay. So, Karin, before we let you go, is there anything else we want to talk about? No. Why is it not showing on YouTube? Oh, we are. What's not showing on YouTube? We are. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I thought. Oh, Caleb and I are professionals. I knew. There's 160 people watching us. So we had to come. What? That's incredible. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:26:54 It's good. It's not the 1100 Caleb and I had hoped for, but. Oh, you guys can still build it up. That's right. That's right. You can raffle dates with me if you want. What's that's right you can raffle dates with me if you want what's that you can just raffle a date with me if you want oh hell yeah now we're talking now we're talking we'll get we may have to pay the person i'm gonna go on the date with but
Starting point is 00:27:16 whatever we'll just pay him and drink no no no no no yeah that's what i yeah sneaky i thought her phone was dead that's what i thought it is Seiki. I thought her phone was dead. That's what I thought. It is. Look, wait, look. Look at us on a smaller screen. God, charge your phone. I don't know where my charger is. I think my son took it last night. You're that kind of person, huh? You just let it die.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I hate my phone. I'm like trying to create a life where I don't have to check emails. No one ever phones me. Like I'm, I'm like done. That's what I have. I have like an iPhone 10. You have an iPhone 10?
Starting point is 00:27:54 I think. Awesome. Well, there hasn't been much information. So, um, all right, Karen,
Starting point is 00:27:59 thank you very much. We'll, I'm sure check in with you another time or two prior to the event, but everybody go over to the crossfit for go get your tickets do the entry get the free virtual giveaway i mean we're just giving away guys all you gotta do is put a little elbow grease into it make a video have some fun with it yeah you get to be able to attend the virtual event and it'll make us feel so special so if you don't want to do it for yourself do do it for me and Matt and Caleb. Do it for Karin.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Okay. Mostly for Karin though. Yeah. She's the best. No one's doing shit for us. They already know. Okay. I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I'm going to get my kids to school. Thank you so much. See you later. Bye. Adios. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. You see the notes? I actually prepped.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I did something here. This is more prep than I've ever seen any of us do in the past two years so we also have the live call-in number going i hope it should the call forwarding should be on if anybody wants to do our usual call-in and test it so you get a freebie without having to feel scared about calling in please do so now so we could see if it's working. I got a couple of things I want to talk about. Today is going to be a little bit of a shorter episode. I got to jam out of here a little bit after eight. But I put together some topics. And the first one I want to talk about is something we kind of ended on with the last show, which was the definition of liberty. And I just think it's important that we know. And so if you give me the microphone,
Starting point is 00:29:29 we are going to give the definition again. So I always, like, anytime you hear somebody saying, well, democracy, democracy, remember, that's just a group of people voting for what's right. And that brought us to Salem witch trials, too too the majority agreed that we should burn people at the stake because they are witches and so that's not exactly the best form of governance but if we do it with liberty then um yeah we're all operating on the same sheet of music so the state of being free within a society from the press restrictions imposed by an authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. That's it. Wait, taxidermy.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Can we stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance at the top of every show? Yes. Yes, you can. Okay, so we got a couple topics today. We could talk about why policies affect small business and what that means to rather. We could talk about an alien species that was discovered at the bottom of the ocean. We could just scan over at Hiller's page. Just check his Instagram and see what pops up. I don't know. There's always something exciting to talk about. We could also talk about old people in crossfit we could talk about luxury
Starting point is 00:31:05 or what about our what the fuck moment with the heat one app caleb you want to you want to choose where we start uh let's see taxidermy saying what's up what's hillar up to all right let's go see hillar should we start with that sure We'll start it with a bang. I want to talk about aliens, too, at some point. Okay, we'll do the alien bit next. Here we go. Okay. So, regarding one of Hiller's most recent posts, and it states on there,
Starting point is 00:31:45 be friendly because I can't tag Brian, hid my post on his recap from Waza. So here it is. I took an exact quote from where he sucks himself off and again belittles the Sebon podcast for five to ten minutes and then gave my opinions based on the two-hour episode I had just listened to. Welcome to the echo chamber. minutes and then gave my opinions based on the two-hour episode i had just listened to welcome to the echo chamber what's what's happening over there i hope you listen to that at like one and a half speed or like two times speed why why is that just to speed it up a little bit
Starting point is 00:32:19 yeah it's two hours of just stats dude i don't care to listen to stats for two hours. I also don't care to listen to the cadence of conversation that they have. It just takes forever. Anyway. Yeah, I mean, it's pretty dense. Like, if you definitely want your, like, straight-up statistics and, like, a lot of dense information about the athletes, about the events and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:32:43 his is the channel to, uh, go to. Um, and it looks like a couple of people are also agreeing, agreeing with you. We need Hiller to call in. We,
Starting point is 00:32:52 if he's listening, he could definitely call in and we could chat a little bit about it. Um, but yeah, I'm not going to read this whole entire thing, but the gist of it was, is I think that Hiller felt that, um,
Starting point is 00:33:03 there was this, uh, undertone of him oh he is in the comment andrew what's up dude you want to comment on this hello i mean just just come in and we could talk about it too come on in dude um but yeah it just sounds like that um that something that was said on there kind of rubbed hill the wrong way and he was posting about it then it looked or commented about it on the youtube channel and they either hit it or removed it or it disappeared,
Starting point is 00:33:25 something of the sort. And we will find out now. Hiller, welcome to the show. Yo. I just clicked on the show and I saw this was on there and I was like, oh boy, oh man. We had a plethora of topics and not a taxidermy said, let's start with what was going on over here. Do you care to elaborate? Let's start with the truth, on over here. Do you care to elaborate? Let's start with the truth, right? Okay. Isn't that the same? Let's do it, bro.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah. Come on. Oh, hey, Athena. Athena. Hey, coach. She's down nine pounds already. Before we get into that, how is that going? Are you two hitting it off?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yeah, I'd say so. And, like, do you meet daily? Do you meet weekly? So far, we're doing a weekly call. And our first call was probably about two hours. And then we talked on the phone the other day for something about an hour. Yeah. And we were just catching up and setting up workouts and kind of refining a couple of things.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And it's going to be a process where, at a certain point, point it's gonna be super dialed in just piece by piece but it's how is she adjusting to certain things and so far it's awesome i think yeah well she's a wonderful person i've got to hang with her a few times and she's very warm and has great energy which is awesome um so yeah i'm i'm really curious that's how that's gonna go with you guys i'm excited to see it every day we talk almost every day via text i told her she's in my five remember the t-mobile five yes yeah you're my space seven i don't get the very many but now she's in the five and i make sure that i i pay close attention to what's going on there that's awesome i'm pretty sure savannah spoke that once you guys get a few months into it
Starting point is 00:35:05 we want to have both of you on the show and chat about it how it's going and everything else and he would be a much better person to facilitate that conversation than i so yeah sean sean letterman myspace top five that's right uh jessica um hair is coming in nicely hillar yeah it's wicked it's crazy yeah it's good microneedling via alexis and ghkcu via ca peptides yeah crazy i don't understand but yeah it does look good can it fix like my gray hairs coming in no you can't see him all the time but then when you when i do see him i'm like yep that's cool um the worst part of it was like right here and you can't see it it was there's like a bald spot comment it's completely gone at the rich froning bald spot
Starting point is 00:35:52 it was completely gone so i don't know what he did when remember he buzzed his head at one point and everyone yes bald yeah all he had to do was some microneedling and some ghkcu fixes everything huh have you reached out to him All he had to do was some microneedling and some GHKCU. Fixes everything. Have you reached out to him? Yeah. That works for anybody, you'd say. There's no point in no return from what I know. So the Brian thing, what was going on? You were watching his show and you felt that he kind of,
Starting point is 00:36:20 did he smack the podcast around or something? What prompted this? It builds off of the thing that he had done the other day where he was telling everybody who he is not, right? Okay. There's a nuance to it. There's a tone to it where it's, because I'm where I am, you guys should be,
Starting point is 00:36:41 you don't really understand what it's like to be there. It's like, yeah, it's like yeah no shit like we're just covering everything from the outside looking in right and if it came from just about anybody else it wouldn't mean all that much but because it's coming from brian he it's it's him taking a straight up dump on everything that we did during water polo is a weekend i i see all the shows that he doesn't watch them of course so i made a point to let him know that i watched all two hours of it and right around the 14 15 minute mark he starts talking about how the rain delays and when you're in the room and i had some
Starting point is 00:37:19 say and i think that it really had a good positive effect on the event. That's the gist of the quote. It's a direct quote, so you can even see the ums. Yeah, I know. Did you just transcribe it or what? Or did you just listen to it? I did. I read that piece and I was like, okay, I see where you were going with that. Yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 00:37:41 It's a direct quote and that's the gist of it. I was in the room. You don't know what it's like. I had an effect. So he's sucking himself off, as I said in the comment there. And also, because you weren't there and I was, you should listen to me. And you guys don't know what you're talking about. Do you think there's some truth to that, though?
Starting point is 00:38:02 I mean, maybe he did have some more information than everybody else had had. I wish you would have said it then. Fair enough. Fair enough. That's like basically saying like, oh, well, I know a bunch of stuff. And you're like, well, you know, and I said things that helped everybody. You what? I'm sorry. It's much safer now. And it's because of him or what he said or what he did or what those contingency plans were. So you mean like strict pull-ups was a good idea? No, we don't agree with that, but maybe that was his idea. Did you see Angela DiCicco's post on Waterpalooza?
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah. I think he said that last year too. That was interesting. Did he say that last year? And what do you think? Do you think it's just because they're trying it's a mayhem wadapalooza aura that they have they don't like me they don't like wadapalooza okay yeah so if we go to the caption uh this is angelito chico's instagram it says worst ran comp of the year check uh we still had fun uh with some good dudes check so i mean obviously he i mean i don't know i i'm i try to put myself in the shoes of like the event you know people running the event and it's hard i mean there's a lot of freaking divisions that are
Starting point is 00:39:18 happening there there's a lot of people to manage a lot of logistics to manage you have the contingency of the weather that always every year plays a role into it. So you're not only having to create all these events, but I imagine they have to create backup events for every single event that could still be done in the rain or can be shifted. And I would imagine that that's pretty tough. And there's always other stuff going on in the background of these events that we might not be perfect to, right? going on in the background of these events that we might not be perfect to, right. Could be some stuff with budget. It could be some stuff with like logistics and,
Starting point is 00:39:48 um, and other things that they're always having to work around. So I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt and, uh, Dylan over at the tier water Palooza, the benefit of the doubt a little bit. I've never ran an event like this. So,
Starting point is 00:40:00 um, I'm not, you know, nor have I competed at one. You competed out there two, three years ago. I was competing there. What, like 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:11 How was it from your side from as a competitor during those years? Chaos. Chaos. So when he says that, I don't disagree, but that said, it's so, I think it was Jeffrey Birchfield just rather than why go right yeah there's never been one year where it's been anything other than like something going awry and yet every year it's the biggest competition outside the games and everyone keeps going so which rate you can't complain about the madness you think it's like a level of fomo that people have they're like oh my god everybody's having so much fun in water palooza on instagram let's just let's we need to go every time
Starting point is 00:40:49 i think it's a lot of FOMO yeah well it is the biggest event that that comes halfway through the season right i mean in terms of like from july end of july august we have the games and then we got another six months or so so people are kind of itching to get back in with everybody of their community and the miami festival offers that at tier water Palooza. So we'll give them the benefit. We'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I will. Cause I'm going to give it to their statement from Angelo because it's not
Starting point is 00:41:15 wrong, but it's also, I wish, I wish she said what, because the biggest thing that I saw this year was that final event. There was just like, Hey, we're going now we're going later.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Oh, we're going now again We're going later. Oh, we're going now again. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a direct hit. Then he's got a big point. That's annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:34 They did it. So the last year I competed as an individual that was in the RX division. So it was Nick Matthew and he just completely missed the event because they did the same thing. And then he just, he, I, I called him and I was like, Hey dude, we're going on in 10 minutes he goes well i'm at a coffee
Starting point is 00:41:48 booth i won't be there he was just somewhere else he's like i'm not even on the premise so why why are you here hillary you're gonna hang with us for a little bit we're gonna hijack i got 20 19 minutes perfect same with me Okay. So let's stick with this theme. I'm interested to hear your take on this, Hiller. Caleb, it's titled The Old People in CrossFit. And this was posted on Sean Patuch's Instagram. Patuch. Patuch.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Excuse me. My pronunciation sucks. If you guys ever notice, I never even laugh when Savon screws any of it up because I am so much worse. And I knew at some point I was going to have to start pronouncing people's first and last names. And I wanted to have the good karma. Okay. So before we play the clip, I got to hang with Sean this weekend. He was at the event that I was at. And I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with him a a lot have any of you guys spent time with Sean in person before? not time
Starting point is 00:42:48 but I've talked to him yeah I got to spend a little bit of time with him on there and I enjoyed hanging with him okay so let's play this clip and then we'll get your take on it I'm gonna be 93 in January.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Can we be honest for a second? If you're a CrossFit gym owner, you know what you have could be great. And you don't want a hundred 93 year old, any homes in your gym, regardless of how inspiring she is, because you can't run friend with 93 year olds. It's not going to work. They're not ready to come into your gym. They're not looking for your gym. It's not the market you want to go for. And I don't know why CrossFit keeps telling you to do it. CrossFit is amazing for the right person walking through the door. You want to look for people who played sports before,
Starting point is 00:43:47 who are generally healthy from a joint integrity level. I'm not talking about physically fit. They can be overweight. They can be 100 pounds overweight. They just have to be ready to walk in, work hard, be in an environment with a bunch of alphas. That's what CrossFit is, turning sixes into tens, forging elite fitness with the military, the firefighters, the special forces use. Fight gone bad.
Starting point is 00:44:07 When did it become Annie Holmes, the 93-year-old who you don't want 100 of in your gym, who don't live in your town, are going to make your business a living nightmare to run, even if you want to help Annie Holmes. Go do some charity work at the YMCA. Go do some charity work at the Senior Center. That's where she is.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You don't have to run a business on her. My God, please. Okay. I think I commented on this. I wonder if it'll pop up if you scroll, Caleb. I wonder. I know I shared it. Maybe not.
Starting point is 00:44:40 There it is. Hiller, if you try to talk to to everyone you end up talking to no one i agree seven even commented on it too he said what did you say did you see seven comment yeah i think he said wow there's a lot of i get what you're saying um okay so what do you what do you what's your take on that i don't know what stefan means by that which part because there's a lot going on there i i i would imagine that he's just talking about you don't want a hundred of these the older people in your gym like annie do you want a hundred of anything no but that may don't focus on the number two focus on what
Starting point is 00:45:19 what do you think do you agree with you agree with with what Sean's saying here? At Best Western, when you stay three nights this summer, you earn 10,000 bonus points. And while you're reliving your summer childhood road trip memories, they're creating new ones. So check into any one of our more than 2,300 hotels and make more
Starting point is 00:45:41 memories to look back on. Here, we'll set the scene life's a trip make the most of it at best western visit for terms and conditions when your celebration of life is prepaid in advance it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion we are your local dignity memorial provider find us at dignity not necessarily okay i i agree with the idea that it's going to be an unsustainable business model
Starting point is 00:46:39 to a degree i i think that maybe with people like annie so now annie's if you look exactly at her from what i understand of her she's been doing crossfit for some time so she's rather self-sufficient now if you have 100 brand new 93 year olds pop in in one day you're fucked right yep imagine they just jump into your affiliate one day like something goes viral and they all show up to crossfit livermore like are you going to have the manpower are you going to have the time the coaching staff to deal with all of this a lot of work right yeah and i wouldn't even possess the skill set to probably give them what they needed immediately because i haven't i haven't worked with that population specifically well that's interesting because athena and i've actually talked about
Starting point is 00:47:23 that when it comes to larger bodies that's something that's cool that her and i have talked about but it applies here yeah um any from what i get has been doing a long time and the thing that i don't agree with is this is what crossfit's pumping because then all of a sudden this this is this is your genre they're not doing the turn the sixes into nines anymore which is what i hear maybe that's what savon's saying i know what you're saying and he gets it because that's what it was for a long time and now this is it and i think that potentially he's going as aggressively the other way to get his message across as it seems crossfit's going aggressively towards the this message
Starting point is 00:48:05 and somewhere in the middle is the answer you want every i mean you want everybody by look here's the deal with this i i agree with what he's saying in the sense that i think crossfit should constantly be speaking to its base i don't think crossfit should ever be watered down i think the base is going to be your first responders your base is going to be people training for the military your base is going to be the tip of the spear crossfit has been forging elite fitness and here's the best part about it what i've witnessed in my affiliate and hillar you could you could say if you if you've seen the same over the years which is if i focus on those tip of the spear people we come in we give them what them what they need. They're able to continue to grow in their fitness.
Starting point is 00:48:48 They're not being stifled by anything. And then those people go out and grab their parents. Those people go out and grab other people who are on the fence. They know they need to make the change. They see what's happening with the people that are already doing CrossFit within their family. They can't shut up about the freaking thing.
Starting point is 00:49:04 You got to come to my gym. No, they're going to meet you to where you're at. No, trust me, you could scale everything. No, you don't need to be fit to go into CrossFit, right? And so once they start to do that, those people bring the different demographics into your gym that would be the older population that will be somebody that needs to lose 100 plus pounds. But the thing is, is that they're already coming in with a friend. And and then on top of that you're not trying to sell them something because most of those people probably don't want to be sold the friend is actually helping influence them to bring them in and we have a caller caller hi hey buddy it's fergie hey what's going on that guy can go fuck himself oh why is that dude first off as an affiliate owner you want people
Starting point is 00:49:49 who are going to stay right yep who aren't going to just do three months in bolt you know and that's usually what happens with the young crowd i've worked out at gyms in uh college towns the freaking turnover is ridiculous older people we tend to just be more pattern-based. We'll come in, may not RX, you know, but we're also doing it for longevity. We're not doing it to, you know, comp. Sure. What do you mean by older people? What age are you referring to in your mind when you said that? Well, I'm 61. Okay. And, um, you know, most of the people that I work out with are probably 45 plus, you know, so like, we don't give a shit. We're not, we're not there to get PRs and stuff like that. We're on the
Starting point is 00:50:28 downhill of our, uh, you know, like sarcopenia is a real fucking thing, but the bottom line is, you know, we're valuable part of the gym. Like don't discount us. Like we come and we renew, we don't, you don't have to chase us down for our monthly membership. We buy shit from the gym if they offer it. We'll do the PT, all the other stuff that you guys do for incremental revenue. We're good customers. That guy can go suck a dick. Yeah, but he's referring to somebody who's 30 years older than you.
Starting point is 00:51:04 And he's saying that if we go out and sell to that population, that that that's going to be a failed model. How did you start CrossFit? With any luck, I will be in the gym at 93. How'd you start CrossFit? Oh, dude, it's a great story. I was 60 pounds overweight, arthritic, diabetic, pre-diabetic, had stage three kidney disease. And I started running and doing a little bit of yoga and stuff. And I just noticed that I didn't have the muscle tone I had back in my powerlifting days. So, you know, I bit the bullet. I went in. I used to hate classes, but my perception of classes was like spin and shit from the YMCA. I got into this and I became, I drank the Kool-Aid day one. Cause I'm, I kind of think like, you know, more logically when it comes to exercise,
Starting point is 00:51:51 I've been around a long time, I've been through all the trends and it's like, oh, all this stuff connects it, you know, the mobility, the nutrition, the way it's constantly varied, that all connects logically. And it was like, I became like i became like you know your your typical crossfit guy that won't shut up about crossfit and when you started did you just go in on your own or did you have a friend or somebody that influenced you to get in no dude i was in i was in this college town uh near savannah georgia and i just walked into the local affiliate and they have they ran an amazing affiliate there i mean we used to call it the Wyndham of CrossFit. It's the old CrossFit borough.
Starting point is 00:52:29 I think he changed the name a couple of years back, but anyway, it's a, it's an amazing run, Kim and, you know, great community. And that's the other thing,
Starting point is 00:52:39 like it really does mean a lot to older people to have that community, that sense of belonging with the, with the class. You know, we typically cut up a lot. We make a lot of jokes and you just, you know, your mental health is so much better when you're going to CrossFit three, four times a week. Well said. Thank you, Fergie. We appreciate your input. Yeah, brother. Talk to you soon. All right, buddy. Bye.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Wait, don't leave Fergie. Oh, my bad. Sorry. There's other people out here. He's gone. He gone. I wanted to say something. What were you going to say? I brought up the loneliness page. Yep. Because when you sell to the lonely people, it's not...
Starting point is 00:53:17 And then you try to conflate it with the community thing that everyone loves. Everyone loves community, just like Fergie loves CrossFit, and everything he said is true. true yeah but you asked him why he started right not one person starts because they're lonely and not one 93 year old is going to start oh i shouldn't say not one because there's always exceptions and maybe there are all lonely there's all old people get lonely man all their friends are dead when you dead. When you're 93 years old, she's been there. I told you she's been there, what, 8, 10 years doing CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yep. And by all means, she's an outlier. Yeah, for sure. That's what you said. It's like, why did you start? Yeah. You start forging your lead fitness, go to the base. Yeah, and I agree with a lot.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Your family brings you in i agree a lot with what fergie had said about as far as the ideal customer right because when you have people that are in that age group of like you know 45 to 65 he's absolutely right i mean they're super low drama most of them have a lot of stuff coming on they come going on in their lives they want to come in get some awesome fitness in a class uh within their hour and then they move on and they most likely participate in all the community events like fergie was also saying they most likely buy all the t-shirts and everything else they have stable income um very very very rarely do they decide that oh now i'm going to be mr competitor and i need my own programming and i need to go off into the corner of my gym and make
Starting point is 00:54:43 a bunch of loud noises while the coach is trying to coach too. They usually tend to follow along with the program and enjoy that piece of it. Oh, is somebody calling? Yeah, go ahead, Gabe. Go. Hold on one second. To Susan's point about speaking to the base, I started CrossFit because I was training for the military. Me and a couple of friends in high school, we were training to go into the military me and a couple friends in high school we
Starting point is 00:55:05 were training to go into the military and that's how we start we one of my friends his name's keegan he went to the naval academy and when we were in high school we did crossfit that's what we did from like junior year on until we went we simply left for college so i had been doing crossfit since i was a junior in high school and that's all i talked about with my family i was like i'm doing crossfit this is how i'm training for the military i'm training to go to selection this is all this other shit yeah when i did that my parents all everybody around me was curious my friends were curious everybody that i played soccer with is curious about what i was doing people that like my family that's how i got my dad to start doing crossfit because i was training for the military
Starting point is 00:55:40 that's speaking to the base when i because of that i have i got my dad i got my brother-in-law i have my i'm working on my father-in-law i'm working on my mom same thing my brother's he comes across it whenever he comes to town all that shit that's how you get that's how you get members that's how you get those people to get into the gym that's more often than i are getting people into the gym not because they're lonely i completely agree with you caleb and i have this uh similar story i wasn't in the military but the guy i learned it from was in the military and he i was working out with him as he was training and stuff like that and then when he went away and got deployed i was like dude what's going on i've told the story yesterday right and
Starting point is 00:56:18 he's like it's dude and then after that same deal you know i dove head first obviously got a gym and got my mom and my dad and, like, everybody involved as well, too. And I do think that that's the right recipe. Caller, thanks for holding. What's your name? Hey, this is Ken Walters, finally calling in. Ken Walters. How are you doing, brother?
Starting point is 00:56:37 I'm doing good. I am calling in because of the last gentleman. I'm the same age, 61. And, I mean, Cross would change my life when i started at 54 you know i don't know about having a whole room of 90 year olds at one time but one of the things i'm working with with my affiliate owners recently is trying to get a class during the day to show that when you're 60 or older you can do this um i, it changed my life. I, I, uh, my son played professional hockey and so I was always working out with him
Starting point is 00:57:08 before he left home at 16 to work out with 20 year olds. And the minute he left home and I got in a restaurant industry, I went from 185 and athletic up to 251 pounds. And I went, and I went in for a, yeah, I went in for a physical. And my doctor said ken i don't know i was gonna say something last year but you're starting to look like shit what's going on and they did my tests and my triglycerides are through the roof she said i'm type 2 borderline diabetic coming on type b or whatever and uh so i my aggressive you know personality i just went and started walking i changed my diet
Starting point is 00:57:47 right away i started running a little bit i couldn't even run a quarter mile and uh i just started doing all these things day after day and then my daughter had uh she was with a trainer and she wanted to stop training and i went into the anytime fitness and i said hey my daughter's got two trainings left i'd like to try this one-on-one training you guys have. He said, no, can't do it. And I said, hey, you already got my money. Let me try. So I did.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And the guy does CrossFit. And he did one training. Does he come back tomorrow? I said, sure. So I came back. He ran me through some tests. And then all of a sudden he goes, hey, you ever think about CrossFit? I go, oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:58:23 They want more money. Well, I came back and I started doing one-on-one training with him for a year and a half. And the guy said, you know what you need to do? You need to go into a box. You need to come into a box with me. You'll like the community. You'll like what it is. I go, Luke, I can't do it, man.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I'm just comfortable achieving what I'm doing now. I went into it and now I'll come up this September. It'll be eight years in a box. And the only thing I disagree with the last callers, I am still setting PRs at 61. I just deadlifted 401 pounds. Yeah, I just dropped down. I did 300 a month ago.
Starting point is 00:59:00 And then I just did a 401 deadlift and 210 press over my head, and we're doing PRs for back squats today. I'm at 237. I think I'm going to hit 355. Three years ago, I ran a 712 mile. I couldn't even do a quarter mile, like I said, when I first got into this. Now, I'm nowhere near 712 now. I'm still, you know, I can get under 9 or 830 sometimes.
Starting point is 00:59:26 It's changed my life and the other thing i agree with is uh you know people are saying uh old people can't shouldn't do this and joints and all that yep i think like the last caller you got to work in your yoga mobility your nutrition and i i've drank the kool-aid too as you can tell i'm all jacked up right now talking about it i can't wait to tell everybody about it. My family's tired of me telling about it. They get it. They see it. They get tired of it.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah. Hey, Ken, let me ask you. Do you think it would be more effective to get people in that are your age that maybe aren't as athletic or driven as you if they had their own class? Or do you think that it's important to be in the population with the normal group? Well, you know, I had some athletic background before. So for me, I was just terrified at first. But I knew enough.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I lifted enough. I ran cross country and high school, different things that I could get back. Yeah. But that's what I was saying. I'm working with my box now. In fact, we talked about it three days ago about, hey, we're trying to fill, how can we get more revenue in during morning hours and some of our off hours besides just open gyms? And I was like, man, I'd be willing to be an advocate to talk about older people training and how everything's scalable. scalable and we're looking at possibly doing like something like a midday for 60 and older and you know we just started talking about it and i think that would be better and then filter into a class
Starting point is 01:00:51 here there's something like even i did going one-on-one and then finally getting the guts to go into a box yeah yeah awesome ken you're amazing we had some of your stuff up here with your deadlift and your bench press dude it's savage uh i have to tell you oh shoot i'm not looking at it because i didn't want to get slaughtered in the comments that's all right don't you worry about them ken ken thank you so much brother we appreciate your input thanks for calling bro have a good one love what you guys are doing thank you sir bye good year for me ken what's really funny is my dad was just joking the other like a couple weeks ago about, he's like, when you're my age, you can't run a seven-minute mile.
Starting point is 01:01:30 My dad's 50-something years old. My dad does crossfit and all that shit, but he's just old. But I set a reminder in my phone, so when I'm 50 years old, I'm going to run a seven-minute mile. You can set out reminders for decades. and so i sent one out for 20 something years from now and i was like okay i'm gonna run a seven minute mile when i'm set when i'm 50 years old you guys had some reminders as well because one day you're gonna wake up like fuck yeah right like damn i got 10 years since i ran i know i gotta do this somehow that's right oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:02:03 said he did it at 60 years old so if ken can do it at 60 i think i gotta do this somehow that's right oh my goodness said he did it at 60 years old so if ken can do it at 60 i think i can do it at 50 i was thinking about seven during that call and i'm thinking like stephan's always talking about his back and how he doesn't lift heavy stuff and here we got ken who's 10 years older crushing doing great yeah olivia ken benches more than matt damn right he does yeah comment got me right significantly more than me um walked into my old affiliate yesterday and we're talking about all this stuff and there was a member who walked up to me uh it's actually a coach's wife and she has a couple grandkids now and she's 70, if not 70 at the moment. And it's cool to hear her say,
Starting point is 01:02:49 because the thing she straight up said is she goes, daughter's gotten more grandkids, and everything that we did here allowed me to hang out with my grandkids and keep up with them. It's that, but she's there because the coach is there because the coach is from the base. Yeah, that's right. That's right. All roads lead. It happened legit yesterday. All roads lead to the base. Okay, right that's right you know all roads lead it happened
Starting point is 01:03:05 legit yesterday all roads lead to the base okay do you have to jam and say if not i want to get one more take on something good okay uh caleb could we bring up time caps i just added that one at the very bottom i just want to get uh hiller's take on this real quick before he's got a jam thanks for hanging on that's not my post about my gym closing that uh it's wicked oh it's oh okay so um this is from best hour of their day oh man this is jeffrey if if uh you rely on time caps you have a deficiency in your coaching and let's swipe over so we can hear it here. Get on our high horse about it. Well, we have good coaching centers.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And I'm like, I disagree if you have to put time caps on there. And if you're not saying these things at the whiteboard. If I'm having to use them regularly, it is a signal of a deficiency in some way, shape, or form of my coaching skill. If my coaching is high caliber, rarely, if ever, should I be utilizing a time cap? That starts at whiteboard brief what do i emphasize do i emphasize the load on the bar do i emphasize the stimulus do i emphasize how the rounds should look and feel do i emphasize how many of a given set should be unbroken or how long the set should take if i emphasize those things people start to make their own calculation about what weight fits inside of the box that i just traced and they're like oh 95 doesn't fit in the box because i know what 95 feels like for me 75 fits in the box and all of a sudden now they're thinking
Starting point is 01:04:36 about 75 versus like hey guys 95 65 now i've highlighted the load on there versus like what the outcome should be a lot of people like to get on our high horse about it. He lost my attention after about five seconds. And then I came back and I realized that he's just a jackass. Okay, so that's the take on that? That's my take on it. Oh shit, they can't hear it. Could you guys not hear that?
Starting point is 01:05:01 Sorry about that. It's quiet, yeah, but the words were there. Yeah, the sum of it is he's saying that if you have to use a time cap there is a deficiency in your coaching or deficiency in the way that you're communicating the stimulus of the workout i um completely disagree with this so you agree with me disagreeing okay yeah because i yes because i use time caps in every four time workout. And the reason why I use the time cap is very simply, we have a rule at the gym. It's one that I've forced very strongly, which is nobody cleans up any of their equipment until the time cap is over. What is he trying to say here?
Starting point is 01:05:38 Like, I don't, I don't know. I don't know because when I also have the time cap, it communicates what he said. So if i have a work for example we had a workout yesterday at the gym it was four rounds 54 double unders 18 total bar than nine snatches and the night and the snatches started at 95 and each round they went up and they ended at 155 so for me i'm like okay if you're looking at that and you see the loads the time cap communicates the parameter wish you should be in yes christopher christopher rat ray time cap reflects the stimulus took something that makes it incredibly potent and stretched it into a 10 minute video that pissed me off yeah yeah and i
Starting point is 01:06:16 know you had a thought going there no no but that that was it it's like i communicate that time cap and you know how it is how you get some guys that come in there that are like i think i could do the 135 and i'm like bro you set that pr on your snatch last week you're probably not going to hit it for multiple reps this week right and on top of that if you say hey if you want a chance at completing this under the time cap as you should be focused on that immediately communicates the loads and how it should be properly scaled but for me the most important part of that is the fact that it keeps us together in a group in a four-time workout because when i program my program for the best like five people in my affiliate,
Starting point is 01:06:48 then everybody else scales down, right? So I think about them in terms of the time cap. And then what happens is, is when they finish and they blow that time cap out of the water, and they're done three or four minutes, and I don't allow them to clean up their equipment, they have two options, they could take a cool down walk, they could stretch, or they could cheer on the people around them. What ends up happening is that everybody that starts to finish up and a couple of people that are taking a little bit longer and utilizing the whole length of that time cap, everybody's focused on them. Everybody's cheering. Everybody's waiting. And what I've seen and what happened in the past is when you don't have that time cap that's on, what is this, Spock? Oh my God. He's missing the sunglasses on his head if this dude spiked his hair up it'll
Starting point is 01:07:28 be exactly the same and when you don't enforce a rule of like hey we're not cleaning up together as a time cap you get all your people who are really quick in the class and they start breaking down their barbells and put it away and guess what happens everybody else in the clashes follows their lead so even when you're middle of the pack people are finishing or some of the people that are taking a little longer and finish, they start breaking down their equipment immediately and they start putting their stuff away. And what ends up happening is the newer people at your gym that are probably going to take the majority of that time cap, even though they're properly scaled, they end up looking around and going, shit, everybody's done except for me. Everybody is cleaning up,
Starting point is 01:08:02 they're packing up and they're no longer engaged with the class at all. So for me. Everybody is cleaning up, they're packing up and they're no longer engaged with the class at all. So for me, the most important piece of the time cap is that allows us to say, hey, nobody cleans up until this piece is over. And then we all break down together. We all break our equipment down together and people are focused on the last people finishing on the floor or potting or like hanging out or just making sure that they're present while they're finishing. So that's my take. Caleb. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:33 It was a step on the toes of the best hour of the day. No, I don't. I think, I think it's, I think what Will is saying is true. I think you probably need to improve your, he says,
Starting point is 01:08:43 I think he's saying that, uh, is that you have tons of people hitting time caps every day. You're not coaching properly and scaling for people to do the workout and the intended time and stimulus. Yeah. And I think that's kind of what...
Starting point is 01:08:56 No, he didn't. Fern didn't say any of that. I think it's all... Everything that was in that video was implied. I don't know. He chopped up a really shitty portion of his speech. I think it's all everything that he, that was in that video was like implied. Like he was, I don't know. He chopped up a really shitty portion of this was speech, but I agree.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I think this quote, what was that? What was the point of this? Right. Yeah. Well, his whole thing was saying that if you have to use a time cap, there's a deficiency in your coaching. Like that was the theme of what he was saying.
Starting point is 01:09:20 And I, I don't agree with that whatsoever. I don't think the two are, are related. Right. Okay. Right. what he was saying and i i don't agree with that whatsoever i don't think the two are are related right okay right you're doing friend and you want people to finish friend in four to six minutes right ish unless you're elite and you're smashing it but that's kind of where you're going for yeah you don't want people to take 15 you give it an eight minute time cap yep and that's why because you want them to finish under eight fucking minutes it's it's a chicken before the egg and yeah no we're not even chickens we're cows we're better
Starting point is 01:09:54 than everybody we have to be cows it's like yourself well and they already eat chicken and the thing is too is if you have somebody who's improperly um scaling the workout for themselves because they just want to use the rx RX weight and they end up just hitting the time cap all the time, it's self-governing. Because then you go, see, imagine if you went a little faster and finished the workout, how it's supposed to be. You would have a time. Yeah. The worst thing is that that post has almost 500 likes on it. So I don't know, 500 people don't even watch it and click and click the
Starting point is 01:10:25 light button, but everyone should disagree with that. Not all those 500 people have never owned an affiliate or coached one or they have, and they didn't watch it because it's unwatchable. It seems like the best people have known an affiliate either. Oh, Caleb,
Starting point is 01:10:39 you get to pick the last topic on there. Fire away. Yeah. Pretty soon here. Yeah. I got, I got notes, bro. We got topics got notes bro we got topics
Starting point is 01:10:45 and notes i'm trying to get to a great episode this morning it was good oh thank you yeah yeah it was different than the the like sevens are they're they're different you know right because they're they're conversation based and it seemed like you had pitched a bunch of stuff it was it was good to have a little different. Yeah, and when I- It's all good. I love them all. No, for sure. But when I originally kind of talked to Sevan about like,
Starting point is 01:11:11 hey, here's what I'm thinking about doing. What do you think about this? He literally said, he goes, that's fantastic because that's something that him and I wouldn't necessarily talk about, right? Due to the proximity of the relationship, how long they've known each other and stuff. So for me coming in blindly
Starting point is 01:11:23 and asking all those questions, not having lived through it, just gave a different different perspective and caleb i don't know if you held your breath and read all the comments from our show yesterday but people seem to really like it oh really i was a little afraid to get in there that was a fire and forget for me okay so the last uh topic we're rocking here is four new species of deep sea octopus discovered near Costa Rica. Caleb, do you want to bring something up? Yeah. Let me bring up this octopus, man.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Hey, in his defense, that was part of my show. So I don't want you to bash on him. But I do. Caleb was excited for the alien things. OK, so for those of you guys that can't see it, if you're just listening to this, they have this picture of these little octopuses that look like they're hatching. And the one in the photo that you could see looks exactly like a little alien head
Starting point is 01:12:09 that you would see from like an ET or something like that. Dude, that's a trip. Yeah. I hope that we start doing more deep sea exploration of things and find like some weird shit. I want to know like what's down there. I don't want to go explore myself because the ocean's terrifying but right it's pretty cool i think octopuses are something that
Starting point is 01:12:31 are very interesting as well just because of how smart they are and because they have that like little camouflage effect to them i think it'd be cool to learn about them more dude it's one of those things that like i feel we always are trying to explore upward and outward rather than inward like and i mean that metaphorically in like actually right because there's so much stuff that is in our oceans in here that we haven't necessarily broken down like have you seen that the thing that they did with the um fungus uh in the japanese subway trains no no so There is a fungus that grows its branches out. I know I'm fucking this up.
Starting point is 01:13:09 People are like, they don't have branches. I know they're not branches. I'm just trying to describe it in a way that people can understand. What they did is... Oh, shit. It's in the ocean. Wow. That thing's tiny.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yeah, dude. It's incredible's incredible cephalopods so they took a schematic of like the schematic they took like a map of like the city of like tokyo which the streets are all crazy and everything's nuts and they put this like uh fungus in it that continues to grow and what it did is it spread itself all the way out and then it started to refine it to the most efficient way it could deliver nutrients to it and then base to its like outer edges and then basically what they did is they took that as the map to build the most efficient subway train in tokyo oh yeah yeah you could see it oh that's cool that's like i said like the there was something that they did did at some university where they just allowed the students to dictate what was going to be built, like where the sidewalks would be, what kind of buildings they needed, all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:14 And so you just have the students or the people occupying the space build everything they need. So say you needed a sidewalk, but you didn't know where to put the best sidewalk. You just let people walk around, and then you see the most worn areas of the grass or most worn areas of like the ground and then you're like okay well this place this actually needs a diagonal sidewalk here instead of a straight one or like a crossed one anything like that it's really cool i like that yeah yeah and that's and i know i might have butchered that um you know fungus thing but you guys it was good no no yeah and um uh who's chris carter there's something like 95 percent of the ocean that has that's still unexplored yeah absolutely man well
Starting point is 01:14:53 when you have people who create submarines that are not technically sound and then they just go try to explore the titanic and kill themselves it's pretty hard to you know yeah people get a little gun shy after that huh yeah i don't think anybody wants to you know yeah people get a little gun shy after that huh yeah i don't think anybody wants to do that anymore people get a little gun shy did you ever heard this thing about the titanic like you know what kind of movie that is right titanic the james cameron one yeah yeah what's that what if you think about titanic what kind of movie is it oh 100 like a romantic yeah it. You're wrong. Action thriller. Because it's some old chick, right?
Starting point is 01:15:32 And she's giving a recant of her time spent there. Yeah, CrossFit space. This chick has had a family and kids, and she's on her deathbed. And she's telling a story on her deathbed about some dude that she banged on a boat 70 years ago. And she died. Everyone's like, oh oh this love story yeah but in the meanwhile she's just like some ho giving a story about some dude that she can't get over so i'll never let go jack never let go right That's what we think about on our deathbed. Okay. So let's make one more real quick.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I don't believe this. There's no way. I mean, the Titanic reference. Earlier, nothing. Sorry. It's way harder for me to pay attention to these comments when also hosting the show. It's a little tough. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:24 So let's finish on maybe one more. Let's make it spicy. Let's talk about the World Economic Forum and what the president of Argentina said. And I had some stuff about the importance of small business and ownership that was going to layer in front of this, but I think we're good here.
Starting point is 01:16:45 So the newly elected president of Argentina delivered a speech before a large crowd in the World Economic Forum conference in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday. Jesus. Excoriating. Thank you. Collectivism and champion individual liberty.
Starting point is 01:17:06 There's that word again, people. And that's why I wanted to give the definition one more time so we're all on the same page at the beginning of the show. So when we play this clip, you have that in your mind when you're thinking about it. Okay, let's roll the footage. Good afternoon. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Good afternoon. Thank you very much. Today I'm here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexricably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty. Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-meaning individuals willing to help others and others motivated by the wish to belong to a privileged caste, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism.
Starting point is 01:18:12 We're here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause. Do believe me. No one better place than us, Argentines,
Starting point is 01:18:29 to testify to these two points. We're here to tell you... Okay, you can leave that piece. Yeah, we don't need to listen to that portion of it. Why doesn't he just say what he wants to say? Well, he's at the World Economic Forum, so I think he's trying to get around it somewhat, but still make the point
Starting point is 01:18:45 there and um yeah that shit's kind of crazy right in terms of like a globalist uh government i can't see how that would end well in the long term and let me let me put it this way hillary when, when you own the CrossFit gym, right, and you moved from – because you originally were coaching there, and then you became an owner, right? Right. And bear with me because it may not 100% apply. But did your mindset change from I'm just coaching to now I own this place in terms of the responsibility and the care
Starting point is 01:19:27 and the time and effort you put into it? I mean, yeah, yes. Right. So if you, Caleb, you purchased the Shattuck in and you're putting in fucking hours. And if you guys aren't following it on YouTube, go follow it on YouTube, the Shattuck in he's putting in hours, fixing it up. Would you do that if I owned it and, go follow it on YouTube, the Shattuckin. He's putting in hours fixing it up. Would you do that if I owned it and was just renting it to you? No. Okay. So the point I'm making here is that ownership is going to automatically make people care way more. And if I own a home and a community, how much of my personal responsibility for my home and then the
Starting point is 01:20:05 surrounding community goes up a lot because now I own this house. This is my house. And then now this little piece of it, I want it to be good in my community because the house I own is in this community. So it has this effect where it starts to, it starts to, um, relay on to other things, right? You're not only to own your house, but then you want the surrounding area to look good. You don't want your neighbor's lawn to look like shit either. You're like, Hey, come on, let's take a little like care of our stuff here. Right. And when you have something that is a collective, like he's talking about, or we have an entity that is owning a bunch of stuff that's happening, like with all of our
Starting point is 01:20:43 companies and with a lot of the properties in the U as well too. And you take away the ability for people to own stuff or the cops aren't taking care of the businesses. And so over here in the Bay Area, people could just trample through and break your stuff. Therefore, you feel like you don't have any ownership or any protection of that property. People fucking care a lot, lot less. And the more people that care less and the more people that don't feel like they could have ownership, it gets replaced by dependency. And then once you have dependency on these entities that are owning the stuff that you have, you essentially don't have any control or freedom over what you're doing anymore. And for me, that's a super slippery slope any thoughts there it's like keeping up with the joneses if you if i'm if i'm mowing my
Starting point is 01:21:33 we'll get to tank reads after your comments if i if i'm if i don't mow my lawn like okay what's funny is that this this house and this and the property that it sits on is an absolute shithole but the rest of the property within this neighborhood is very well kept very well like done up everything this guy never left his house so the guy who like lived here didn't care i mean he owned it but he was just so decrepit and incapable of doing anything. As soon as we moved in, completely different. We're mowing our lawn. I'm cleaning out the yard.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I'm cutting up the bushes. I'm repainting. It doesn't smell like shit anymore. I'm getting rid of the old junk that's been sitting on the front yard for years on end. I've removed everything. I've gutted this whole place. It's because I own it and i that i care about this that's right i want the rest i don't want this this this is like the cornerstone of the entire neighborhood and when people drive by this neighborhood they like see this and they just see it as like this shithole but because i own it
Starting point is 01:22:40 now i'm not gonna let the rest of the neighborhood look like shit because of this, because of the property that I own looks like shit. Yep. Exactly. Take pride in it looking like shit. Yeah. Yeah. Like the last guy, he took pride in this place looking like shit.
Starting point is 01:22:54 So that's the way that it looks. My neighbor's house looks like shit. It's wicked. He loves it. Fuck that guy. We're going to end on this, uh, tank Reeves,
Starting point is 01:23:03 our local contrarian here that believes nothing from anybody. Ha ha, Sousa still thinks ownership is a thing. Here's the deal. We all believe lies. Savant talks about the red means stop, the green means go. It actually doesn't mean any of that. That's just a social contract that we all agree upon. And I'm choosing to believe that ownership and giving the people the power to own something in the sense of how it exists now today, because I realize what he's saying, that the government could come in and take your stuff regardless or whatever that point is.
Starting point is 01:23:32 I get that. But even that facade of ownership in a temporary time is still going to lead to better people making better decisions and taking care of themselves and their property better than they would if they don't own it at all. So this is what I choose to believe, Tank reads. Now, whether or not that fits within your model of how you believe stuff, it doesn't matter. It's the fucking world we live in. And so if ownership is the only thing that I could rely on in terms of making things better and continuing to contribute to my community because I care about the place where I live, I own it, and I'm here, then that's what I'm going to choose to believe to operate within the conf care about the place where I live, I own it, and I'm here, then that's what I'm going to choose to believe to operate within the confines of the society that exists today.
Starting point is 01:24:10 So unless you got a fucking plan, dog, I suggest you start putting some solutions in this motherfucker, not just random little sticking points, all right? Okay, I definitely have to run now, guys. I did spray paint my bushes. From hell. They were all brown and then they were all green. Okay, I definitely have to run now, guys. I did spray paint my bushes.
Starting point is 01:24:27 They're all brown and then they're all green. No one fucking knew anything. Faithless. Oh my gosh. The Shattuck and spray painted bushes. Oh my gosh. Dude, people don't take care of themselves. Why would they take care of the lawns or houses? Again, I don't like that pessimistic view.
Starting point is 01:24:43 There are a lot of people that take personal responsibility and those are the ones that we need to focus on. And those are the ones that we need to keep uplifting. If we don't, it's just a fucking race to the bottom, my friend, and I'm not running that race. All right. I'll see you guys later. Hiller, thanks for hanging out. Don't forget to do the virtual giveaway, guys. You'll be seeing them posted on the podcast IG as well as mine. You could go to the landing page and you could enter in the contest for your free virtual tickets. Thank you, everybody. Have a great day and buh-bye.

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