The Sevan Podcast - We're Back | Live Call In #879

Episode Date: April 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I was thinking about calling Hiller this morning. Did he say yesterday he was going to start doing the rogue challenges? Did Andrew Hiller say that? Like we were wondering if they tested for the juice. And he was wondering if he was going to start doing the Rogue Challenges. We were asking if he could do the Rogue Challenges. Anyway, it looks like they got another one. It's called the Ski Lift Challenge, April 14th.
Starting point is 00:00:40 From April 14th to April 24th. Two-week window to do it. 2,000-meter skier. One set of max unbroken deadlifts. I wonder what the weight is on those deadlifts. Challenge details. Oh, let's see. How come they don't just tell you front and center what the weight of the deadlift is?
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'll show you. I saw the email this morning. Oh, they even have a little video. I don't know if I can play that. I don't know how Rogue handles that shit. Once the athlete completes the 2,000 meters, the athlete will need to call out the time showing on the monitor. At this time, the two minute rest period starts as the gym timer continues to count up. The athlete may not perform any warmup deadlift reps during this period.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Athletes should remain in clear view of the camera for the entire duration. Where the hell is the weight on this deadlift? Anyone know? Anyone going to write, write it in the... Oh, here we go. Oh, there's weight classes too. Wow. Looks like there's some weight classes over here
Starting point is 00:02:00 for boys 14 and older. Three weight classes. Crazy. Oh, here we go. This might be the weight over here nope nope is anyone saying in the comments what it is oh 200 of body weight is that what it is are you fucking with me it's double body weight that's why it doesn't say the way it's double body weight that's why it doesn't say the weight it's just double what your body weight is i'm looking for a number oh okay i see i see you're right okay uh the female division is the deadlift load is 150 percent of your body weight rounded to the nearest five pound increment rounded up or rounded down rounded to the nearest a scaled uh is uh 100 percent of body weight okay and the dudes is 200 so hillar would take his body weight times about so he'd have to do max reps at 400 pounds if he's a 200er
Starting point is 00:03:00 geez wow wow wow wow that's crazy jay hartle bam youtube feels like home anyway i wonder if uh i wonder if hillary's gonna do that i mean i think he should well 2 000 meters on the skier sounds absolutely uh atrocious uh holding his cock. Here I am. Good to see you, Jeffrey Birchfield. Good to see you. Clock, good to see you. Patrick Anderson.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Mr. Anderson. Good to see you. Jeez Louise. Good to see you. Michelle Shanks. You know, I knew a guy named Michael Shanks. He was this... It's kind of an interesting story.
Starting point is 00:03:50 There's this model named Taylor Hill. I wonder if I can find her on the internet. Taylor Hill. Let's see. Holy shit. Holy shit. uh let's see holy shit holy shit this chick has 23 million followers holy shit wow that's crazy so greg had this friend named jim jordan he's been on this show he's a photographer he lives he lives like in the same neighborhood as... Pretty successful photographer.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Very successful. Lives in the same neighborhood as Justin Bieber and the Kardashians' mom. Anyway, Greg hadn't... This was Greg's friend growing up, this photographer. And Greg hadn't seen him. I'm just going to make this up 20 years and then we met they were reuniting and we went to dinner in los angeles
Starting point is 00:04:50 and it was the first time that they had seen each other let's say in 20 years and he showed up with this little girl with him like little girl no fucking way was she 18 i'm gonna guess she was i don't know she was fucking she just seemed like a little kid to me i'm gonna say 14 and uh maybe 15 fuck i don't know maybe 12 i don't know but she was young and she was tiny this tiny little kid and it was one of his models and she showed up and we all had dinner and she was she was we were out it was late it was like 10 30 and she started getting tired and like basically falling asleep and my wife was there and Greg told Jim he said hey if if you want to hang out and stay with us, I'll get a hotel room for that, your model, and Haley can take her up to her room. My wife was there, Haley was there. So Greg
Starting point is 00:05:51 rented this chick a room, and then Haley took her to her room. And then I saw this girl at the CrossFit game a few times. It was kind of a trip watching her, watching her change at every year. I saw her anyway, she was dating this guy, uh, Michael Shank for like, I don't know, 10 years or something that, that I also became friends.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I became friends with him. I didn't become friends with her, but fuck man, I didn't realize she became so fucking popular. She looks like, like, like she's like a rich model like she's like makes a real living dressing in nice clothes
Starting point is 00:06:30 man so much for you know i like giant heads so much for giant heads her head's tiny look at you she even looks hot in this blurry photo i guess maybe i'd look hot in a blurry photo too god this is a great picture anyway small world what's her name again taylor hill Hill. Alright. Now she's an adult. I wish I made a living dressing up like a girl.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And she actually is a girl. So it's kind of cool. Thank you. I always look hot. Thank you. Wait till I shit. I'm about to get a fucking crazy haircut. I don't know if it's crazy, but I i'm gonna take off a year's worth of hair uh the uh dick sucker uh over under youtube band seven again i don't know what over under means but
Starting point is 00:07:39 you do not want to know my opinion on it the fact that someone went back and watched an episode from a month ago they got me banned means that it's almost it's almost like certain it's almost certain unless i were to just go back and erase the entire library of content it's the only way i can think um it's the only way i can think hey Hey, Hiller didn't like the fact that I'm pushed into a corner here. I think he's right. I think maybe it makes the vibe too intense for the show. I think maybe I liked it better when there was more space behind me, like visually.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Better Feng Shui. Better Feng Shui. I know it's a betting line. I just don't know what it means. Erase it, pussy. Yeah, really? I know. I thought about it, right?
Starting point is 00:08:31 It's kind of like... It's some kind of weird attachment that I should go back and erase the last 790 episodes. And the thing is, I would only erase them from YouTube. So, Greg wants to know what specifically got you banned talking about the 49ers,
Starting point is 00:08:54 trannies, or just being crazy? I think it was talking about how that I said that if you want to buy 49er tickets, you should go stand in line with adequate payment method in your pocket and when it's your turn address the person at the ticket counter and say hi how are you and tell them how many tickets you want pay for them they didn't
Starting point is 00:09:15 like that because that's not up to who guidelines which i fully support now. Not for me, for you guys. I'm crazy. I just think you should CrossFit, and 49er tickets will fall right in your lap. You'll meet a 49er. Go to your local CrossFit gym, you'll meet a 49er cheerleader, and you'll get a ticket.
Starting point is 00:09:43 That's what I think. here okay here we go uh after that stunt you pulled on uh the uh san diego chargers are they still in san diego why do i think they're in las vegas now wherever the fuck they are after that stunt you pulled on uh the san diego chargers she'll be digging through your videos you think that really i don't think that was a stunt, dude. I think I was pretty fucking cool. I think I was pretty, I think I was pretty fucking cool. Seriously. You can't like if someone, if I, if I was telling you like, Hey, for some reason I can't lose weight.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And then I told you late, but I eat healthy. And then later on I told you I ate half a cheesecake and you don't call me on it. You're a douche. You're kind of a pussy. So I don't know. So I think actually she'll like me for it. So that's that. Do you think she gets a lot of men hitting on her from her Instagram?
Starting point is 00:10:43 A lot of dudes hitting on her from her Instagram? A lot of dudes hitting on her. I bet you she does. I don't really like this. Ambiguity is not my... I don't like ambiguity. Just say what you want to say. Just say it. I don't want to have to speculate. This guy, Benny Johnson, gives a lot of good information, and he's a hard worker, but there's always so much ambiguous stuff or hyperbole in his shit.
Starting point is 00:11:24 But this is interesting, but like I want I want to know what what did this guy say? Whistleblower Biden knew about Burisma. Just tell me. And then and then this guy, Steve Lodge, is more obvious than OJ is guilty. I don't know. Here we go. To the FBI and filled out their witness tip line there's a website you fill out all these tips uh these web web directions i submitted it if you lie to the fbi when you're submitting a tip like that you can go to jail i'm not lying i'm telling the truth joe biden is lying
Starting point is 00:12:01 joe biden is a criminal that's the bottom line i don't care if he goes to timbuktu or island or anywhere he's a criminal and i've got the evidence what is the evidence stop saying that stop the name calling just tell us what it is you sound like a fucking libtard if they put me in front of the grand jury that's right now seated in wilmington with special prosecutor david weiss my testimony becomes the evidence that will put him in jail or fantastic of the that's fantastic we suspect something weird did happen in the ukraine and now people are dying there and dear sir uh mr whistleblower uh mike mccick, former House stenographer. Please, what is the evidence?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Well, lead to his impeachment. Probably lead to his impeachment first. OK, that's fantastic. So you're saying that Joe Biden wasn't going to Ukraine to fight corruption. Joe Biden was going to Ukraine to help the natural gas industry. At the time, he knew that his son was on the board of the biggest natural gas business conglomerate in Ukraine. So what? So what? You sound like the Young Turks. Just say it. By the way, I like that guy. What's that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:13:23 On Fox, that guy's good. like that guy what's that guy's name on fox that guy's good jeff something what's that guy's name the host of that show that's exactly right i went to the fbi and filled out their witness tip line there's a website you fill out all these tips uh these web web directions i submitted it if you lie to the fbi when you're submitting a tip like that you can go to jail i'm not lying i'm telling the truth joe biden is lying joe biden is a criminal that's the bottom line i don't care if he goes to timbuktu or island or anywhere he's a criminal and i've got the evidence because you've got the evidence okay can you tell us what it is please i'm asking you nicely i'm sorry for calling you a libtard i apologize if they put me in front
Starting point is 00:14:09 of the grand jury that's right now seated in wilmington with special prosecutor david weiss my testimony becomes the evidence that will put him in jail or will uh lead to his impeachment probably lead to his impeachment first you're so you're saying that joe biden wasn't going to ukraine jesus criminy that thing just plays in a loop and we're never going to hear anything new i just say what it is quit acting like that just say it in all that hot air uh plan uh he's lost someone someone help planj out uh is the is the is the chat room gone now no the chat room's out of control this morning show's going off it's insane you're on twitch still which is cool um but you can come back here to YouTube. It's 12 daily doses. Do your shit.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Did you get booted again? I don't think so. You couldn't get booted. Unless you got booted last night. I don't think so. Yeah, YouTube is back. My God. Someone help him out, please. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Thank you. Plans needs one of those people. You know when you go to see a play, they got an old person with a flashlight please. Okay. Thank you. Plange needs one of those people, you know, like at the when you go to see a play, they got like an old person with a flashlight who has no business fucking directing anything. He needs one of those people to help him back to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Those old people volunteer so they can see the play for free. Even those people get power hungry. those little guys those guys with the flashlights i thought this was interesting there's something here that i i don't know what it is but i wanted to point out that i wanted to point out that you could put a really cool guy in front of a bike. Like, so this girl, sorry, let me show you what I'm talking about. This is at some, obviously some motorcycle show in Europe.
Starting point is 00:16:13 They're talking some foreign language, like Italian or something. And there's this girl who's absolutely gorgeous and young, and she got her shirt unzipped and she's bent over and she's sitting on this motorcycle, this crazy motorcycle, right? And she's sitting there and I don't know what they're saying, but what I'm guessing they're saying is,
Starting point is 00:16:39 is that, uh, they're making jokes that these boys are staring at the motorcycle when there's this gorgeous chick, uh, sitting on the bike and they boys are staring at the motorcycle when there's this gorgeous chick sitting on the bike and they should be staring at her. And look at these boys are like staring at the parts, right? But what's interesting is that girl may get people to come to the bike, right? But if you put a really cool guy there who says he owns that bike and rides that bike i
Starting point is 00:17:09 think you sell more i don't think she sells bikes i don't think she sells bikes i think she draws people to the bike which is cool i mean you're crazy if you don't love beautiful women. But I think if you have a cool ass guy there, like I'm trying to think who, like Rich. Put Rich just there and he's just standing there answering questions about the bike and he's like, yeah, I own that bike. I don't know if sex sells, does it? I mean, I guess Rich is sexy too, but I mean, like you could put like, I'm going over there to look at that bike because maybe that chick is hot. Well, that's true too, Trish.ish That's true little boys ain't buying that bike That's true But dudes are just like girls
Starting point is 00:17:52 They want to be cool If another cool dude has that bike They're more likely to get that bike Anyway What do I know about selling anything what the fuck do i know i don't know shit uh sex sells on the strip all day long sex sells on the strip what strip like the strip in um amsterdam where the ladies stand around in the windows i know i don't like i had never heard that term booth babes but i think it's stupid i avoid those booths
Starting point is 00:18:34 like if i go to like some show and there's like like if i went to the crossfit games and that monster energy had a booth there with a bunch of skanks in it, sorry, I'm just going to say what it is, beaver meat, I would avoid it like the plague. I have no interest in going over there. Zero. I'd rather just sit in the stands and have a competition with my friends who can find the hottest chick. friends who can find the hottest chick. Jeez Louise, the move is to stand behind your lady to look
Starting point is 00:19:09 at other ladies. You're going to get us all in trouble. Okay, Don here. Don? Don? Oh, shit. Holy shit. ladies and gentlemen uh we have a winner for the craziest trolling profile picture ever in the history of the seven podcast 800 shows in there it is ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:19:38 someone take a screenshot of that bruce are you in here we need that on the uh instagram account this is fucking crazy dawn fall wearing a tube top we're gonna get to tube tops is that a tube top or a sports bra uh with long hair that's tranny dawn that's crazy i'm gonna send that to him that is fucking crazy tranny dawn in the house uh nah you need a regular guy standing by the bike and this girl hanging off him saying guys who own this bike are sexy holy shit holy shit dawn fall my god that is insane. My goodness. It's like whenever the waitress at Twin Peaks or Hooters sits down at the booth with you to take your order. I'm always so fucking embarrassed for them.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It works on older men, though. Older men, fuck you. But true. Good morning, sir. Have a phenomenal weekend. Ol dudes thanks man thanks i'm excited you know what i'm doing today uh mr olsen i'm headed to a couple days ago my kid had his worst skateboarding accident ever uh it was last week it stopped him from doing jujitsu all week he dropped in on this huge it's the biggest overt wall in in santa cruz county and proud to say and uh thank god he didn't crash when he's dropping in but
Starting point is 00:21:10 when he was at the bottom he thinks he hit a rock and he spun off and he's got all sorts of road rash and all sorts of parents and people have been texting me and being like hey is he done skating i'm like what anyway he skated like a savage yesterday in Sunnyvale, California. But today I'm going to take him back to the scene of the crime. I'm going to see, I mean, I'm not going to push him to do it, but I'm curious how he's going to react. Yeah. That's DEI Don. Nice. Anyway, I know you could relate to that. You know, I was thinking, um, uh, I don't know if this is true, but for any of you who wonder how good my kids are at other shit, like I show a lot of skateboarding shit, but my kids do equally as much tennis and jujitsu
Starting point is 00:21:53 as they do skateboarding. So if you're ever curious how good they are at that shit, it's interesting when I post jujitsu stuff or tennis stuff, no one gets all excited. But fuck, my kids are so great at that shit it's crazy it's crazy crazy and when you're around other when you're when i take them anywhere where people know jujitsu like people just know right away it's like holy shit or if i take them to the part to the to the local uh tennis courts people see my kids and they're like holy fuck so it's kind of cool i'm so proud of it anyway thanks for the money mr wilson it's awesome i love it 12 daily doses
Starting point is 00:22:31 99.99 great to be back on youtube savvy baby thank you i want you to know that i signed up i'm going to sign up for a gun course With that money, gun safety course In your honor And I'm going to vote for A Democrat Seven, I'm not a Democrat Okay, fine Seven, when you buy morning chocolate
Starting point is 00:23:00 We need a few spin-off podcast shows CrossFit programming, one with JR And others, and nerdy stats, one with Halpin and Tyler Watkins. Yeah, you're probably right. I wanted to do all that stuff on my channel. I just don't want to do it. I don't want to be on every show.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I don't want to be on every show. But I wanted to do that. And I don't know to be on every show, but I wanted to do that. And I was, I don't know if you guys know, I am serious, like I would help them resuscitate life into that fucking shithole woke rag. I like Katie Gannon.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I don't know. That guy Joe who works over there, I spoke with him once on the phone for like 30 minutes. It's like and i and they got rid of that other fucking i think they got rid of that woke douche from outside magazine that canadian dude sorry canada uh mr watkins i don't want to do that i hate stats oh stop you're great with stats stop wait i by the way yesterday i didn't mention um mr spin and tyler and john young did a live show over on spins i yesterday i did a state of the union on all the media outlets in the crossfit
Starting point is 00:24:18 space and i missed at least 20 of them and one of them was spin and i woke up this morning kind of in a sweat about it because i really like that dude and he's awesome look at dante castro kind of got the will brandstetter look seven why aren't you going to crash crescendo uh because it's 3 000 miles from my house and i have a 20 mile travel limit so it's 2 980 miles past my travel limit the vesh maharaj the hammer sebi is definitely a little more than a little crazy my travel limit. Devesh Maharaj, the Hammer Sevi is definitely a little more than a little crazy. I'm so fucking normal. I'm boring as fuck.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Also, Kalipa Gabe Starretts did a phenomenal podcast last week about kids moving. Oh, where's that at? Where's that at? Who's Gabe? I'd like to see that. Thank you. That spin show is good yeah I should look at it
Starting point is 00:25:10 John Young's so underrated it's crazy he's so good uh Jonathan Ortega said when I sent Jason CF media DM he said he's alive and well and we'll be doing videos soon okay that's good to hear thank you damn look at you okay uh this is this is a topic that's been near and dear to me for a long time uh well i'll play this uh you know first um this is going to be hard my take on this is going to be hard for some of you to process. It's one of those things. It's like black. No, it's not like black licorice, like black licorice. I really don't like the taste of it, but I, but I really enjoy eating it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 It's probably more like fat girls, like they're fat. And some people might think that that's offensive to call them fat, but like, I actually don't find fat girls unattractive. So I, I, I don't see the negativity in it other than for health reasons. So I, I, I will play this and then, and then we'll talk,
Starting point is 00:26:31 but this is, this is, this has been a subject that I have a lot of opinions. I have strong opinions about that. I just don't ever, I've never had the opportunity. And I'm so glad this girl kind of brings it up to the forefront. Let's listen to what she has to say.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Here we go. Look at this. I can't wear a tube top because it looks stupid. It's just like, it's like sliding down. These are my pecs up here. I got my boobs down here and it just like. Okay, are we ready? Look at that, it's stupid.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It looks stupid. Stay up. Even so. Even so. Even so. I just want to look cute, guys. Look at this. First of all, take that. First of all, you are cute.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Don't worry about anything. Second of all, take that fucking stupid ass fucking nose ring out of your face. Nobody thinks that's cute. At most, someone thinks it means you suck dick on the first date at best that's like the best thing mentally ill and you you're into oral just any any the more holes you have in your face the more you think the more guys think that you suck dick on the first date that think of that as just a general a general a pattern of male thought it might not even be true but i'm just telling you a general pattern of male thought. It might not even be true, but I'm just telling you,
Starting point is 00:27:47 it's a general male pattern of thought. The more holes you have in your face, the more men think, oh, I can put my penis in your mouth. But what the fuck did Matt Burns just write? What did I see up here? That's hot? Dude, tube top is the worst shirt ever thank you i appreciate fair assumption yeah it's just the it's it's just uh i know i know i i it's it's not um i i you know
Starting point is 00:28:17 it's so judgmental i'm just saying it's like um if i see a car if i see a small car that's red with like crazy angles and shit and i don't recognize it I think it's a sports car and it's fast, even though it's not, it might not be like a Miata might not be fast. But yeah, for every nose ring, belly ring for every ring, like, and there's a certain number of rings where like my penis just lives in your mouth all the time. And you just got your cum goes to be just completely disgusting and crass. But that's – I'm not telling you – that's the general thought. Like more than 51% of the guys have that instinct. Got a hole in your tongue, all that shit. Just so – and no one finds it attractive, but it sends a signal that something's a little wrong with you.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Look at – look at – nose ring is hot, and he agrees with me. You see that? We're not even saying the same thing, and yet I know exactly what he means. Yes, I know. Yeah, we all know. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not. But anyway, this chick is so fucking cute. Perfect skin.
Starting point is 00:29:21 But I agree, tube tops. Never, ever wear a tube top. Almost never. It's not that we hate them. Never, ever wear a tube top. Almost never. It's not that we hate them. They just don't flatter your body. They're just not flattering. I know it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's absolutely ridiculous. I'm not disagreeing there either. Sebon had a tongue ring. Fuck you. Yeah, yeah yeah thank you tube sema beaver a tube top should only be used for tanning there's why would you do that to your boobs that's not even a nose ring trish, um, that's, that's a... Unless you're Indian and you're gonna have one little stone
Starting point is 00:30:09 because, like, the Maharaji told you to get it, no. Never punch her. Don't put a hole in your nose. Never. I did not explore the Prince Albert. Yeah, septum, yeah. It's a septum piercing i don't give a fuck nose rings are gross thank you completely christine young uncomfortable yeah
Starting point is 00:30:34 anyway back to the tube top never wear a tube top ever ever ever now are there exceptions sure i don't know what they are if you if you a girl, don't ever – unless you have – and once again, it's just not flattering. Guys don't really care, but it's just not flattering. It pulls everyone's boobs down. So I'm mentally ill because I had my nose pierced? That's one of – no, no, no. You're not mentally ill because you had your nose pierced. That's one of, no, no, no, you're not mentally ill because you had your nose pierced. It's just a correlate,
Starting point is 00:31:09 a correlate. It's a correlate. You were mentally ill and then you had your nose pierced. It's not, you see what I'm saying? Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness oh my goodness no i never had a belly ring i've never even has do do do dudes do that can i google that man with belly ring let's stay focused on the thing here and it does not mean you're mentally ill if you wear a tube top it just means no one likes you it means whoever you live with fucking hates you if you had some unless top it just means no one likes you it means whoever you live with
Starting point is 00:31:45 fucking hates you if you had some unless you got unless you're basically like like this chick with crazy fake tits and that's your thing and you're just you're basically going to stripper mode you're one level away from a prostitute um just never wear a tube top they just don't work oh no you want me to google men with belly rings i don't know man cisco has a belly ring holy shit yeah uh that dylan the dylan mulvaney wears two you know what and dylan's probably one of the only dylan can pull it off. Because Dylan's a dude. And his tits stay up here. Our tits just stay up here.
Starting point is 00:32:33 If you're a girl, you don't want to wear something that pulls your tits down. Anyway, there you know. It's free, free guidance. I'm not saying if you dyed your hair blue that you're mentally ill. I'm not saying that if you have a nose ring that you're mentally ill i'm just saying you probably are strong correlate and the more holes you have in your face especially one of those septum ones i don't make this shit up this is just the way it is like i i just it's just a pattern that forms. I didn't decide this. It's observational.
Starting point is 00:33:15 You're into ultra marathon running. You're covered with tattoos. There's a very good chance that you used to be into fucking drugs and meth. And now you fucking do tattoos and fucking run 100 miles every day. It's not a... I'm not judging anyone. It's just a statistic. No, it's not, no. It's not my opinion. My opinion would be something different.
Starting point is 00:33:39 My opinion would be, let me think of my opinion. Blue hair is not attractive. That's my opinion. Blue hair is not attractive. That's my opinion. Raspberries are better than strawberries. That's my opinion. No shirt. I don't, anything. Just not a tube top.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Even though that's a really nice, I mean, she pulls this off. Let's play this again. This girl pulls. I can't wear a tube top even though that's a really nice i mean she pulls this off let's play this again this girl pulls i can't wear a tube top because it looks stupid she's fucking young and her body down off there's these are my pecs up here i got my boobs down here and it just like like she's 100 pulling it off but the tube top is just a dumb ass shirt yeah danielle brandon has blue hair. That's correct. That is correct. Kazavion, I've never touched meth.
Starting point is 00:34:35 It's not culturally accepted by the blacks. Fair enough. I'm trying to think if I've ever done meth with a black dude. One. I did meth with a black dude. One. I did meth with one black dude. Little guy. Shorter than me. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Okay. Please. Okay. Yeah, here we go. Melissa. She knows she looks fucking great, but has nothing else to say. Move on. Fine.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Okay. All right. Don't. Anyway, no tube tops. That's just free advice. No tube tops. No nose rings. right don't anyway no tube tops that's just free advice no tube tops no nose rings um just don't do it it's you're basically just acting out it's not um it's uh they're just Here we go. What is this? 518.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Oh, this is crazy. This is crazy. Hey, have you ever had a girlfriend? Sorry, this alienates some of the women in the show. Have you ever had a girlfriend who you feel like, you know, like when you're out with some guys and you're like, shit, if shit goes down, I feel sorry for the dudes that fuck with us. Like you just have certain friends that like, okay,'m at the bar i can drink a little too much
Starting point is 00:35:48 and i don't have to pay attention because you're with a couple dudes who are just like gnarly right like like allison's husband like if i'm at the skate park with allison's husband uh you don't need to uh be worrying about too much shit big dude strong dude no santa cruz fuck someone up if they if some parent gets squirrely or some fucking meth head comes into the park man we'll fuck them up so i could be a little more relaxed i'm just chilling enjoying the kids watching them more you know what i'm talking about it's subtle men know what i'm talking about right you're with other fucking capable men men there's this dude Donovan that I hang with sometimes I can
Starting point is 00:36:28 totally let my guard down 10% someone comes in there they're fucked if they fuck with anyone in that room it was the same with this guy Jimmy Letchford I used to work with who now works at GoRug go out to breakfast with him in Portland
Starting point is 00:36:44 I sit with my back to the door i don't give a fuck someone comes in there they're they're destroyed if jimmy fucking turns his attention on them well i've actually had girlfriends where it's like well this girl could fucking hold her own too and as i saw this and it made me think of that look at this shit look at this girl this is crazy power that is nuts look how that girl even walks look at this look at this fuck are you fucking kidding me this is nuts right here look at even like her stance how right before she punches you she pops that that's what tennis players do
Starting point is 00:37:27 right before they hit they teach you to do a little jump I don't know what those numbers mean this this this right here okay because oh my god in a skirt and I like how they I think they both kind of like because Oh my god. In a skirt. And I like how they, I think they both kind of like pull down their skirt before they go.
Starting point is 00:37:53 This chick, look how she pulls her skirt down a little bit. Okay, here we go. Oh my god. Anyway. Crazy. Notice no tube tops thank you yeah well those girls can wear whatever the fuck they want that's what i'm saying there's there's there's nothing's absolute except uh that you can get kicked off of youtube if you don't like the 49ers um uh my damn heavy-handed wife it's cute till she actually punches you yeah what's crazy is my wife could be like that but she's just not she doesn't even know
Starting point is 00:38:32 she doesn't even know dude are you fucking kidding me robbie stevie did you have a lip or eyebrow ring oh my god you guys are fucking nuts do you not know me i'm like peanut butter and jelly and fucking no anal sex and uh like um like i ride a bmx bike but not very good at it i'm poser like that like that's who I was as a kid. There's nothing. No. There's nothing. I did nothing. I'm just normal. Just fucking boring.
Starting point is 00:39:13 No one ever fucking molested me. Didn't lose my virginity until I was 18. I thought it was cool to play my radio really loud and put 15 inch woofers in my in my trunk i was i'm just just a poser i'm just i still am just a regular just dude just trying to find my way in the world little squirrel trying to get my nut oh funny funny then there's this when i was a lot of you know this i made a video about this one time basically telling about my journey but when i was uh 16 years old i did get uh kicked out of my mom's house and i moved into
Starting point is 00:39:55 my dad owned an apartment building in a neighborhood where there was no white people no white people it was only black people and this one as Asian guy who lived right across from me. His door was like 15 feet across from my apartment door. And I lived in this apartment building where the rent was on the Oakland-Berkeley border in California. And where the rent there was $25 a month to live in those apartments. And there were people there who hadn't paid their rent in years. a month to live in those apartments and there were people there who hadn't paid their rent in years and there was an asian guy who lived across from me and there were every morning when i got up to go to school there were shitloads of uh hookers outside waiting to get drugs he was the heroin
Starting point is 00:40:36 dealer it was crazy and i lived in that neighborhood for fucking two years. And I went out and walked around at night all the time. I was the only white dude. Cops were tripped on me. And there were a couple black dudes who took me under their wing. One of them's name was John Johnson. He'd done a bunch of time in San Quentin for robbing a bank. He was older. Carried a crack pipe with him.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I would always walk down to the store and buy us a couple 40s and stay up all night just drinking 40s and hearing stories with them. And then I was also homeless for five years, two years specifically homeless, and then another five years living in a car. When I was in college, I let more than 100 homeless people live in my backyard throughout my time in college. I think I actually wrote down all their names.
Starting point is 00:41:24 It was like 149. No, John never touched me. But it's funny you say that. John never molested me. I never been molested. One dude tried to kiss me at the erotic exotic ball once. And I'm not really telling that story truthfully because I'm not comfortable telling it.
Starting point is 00:41:40 But that was my only gay experience. it but that was my only uh my only gay experience um but all a lot of the black dudes in that neighborhood a lot of them the first assumption is is that i was fucking john or blowing him and so he protected me like it was just like no one cared right it was just a common thought and i didn't give a fuck either as long as no one fucked with me. But I let shitloads, in college I let shitloads of homeless dudes stay at my house. Shitloads. I made a list of all of them. They had dogs, they had hair, all of them drug addicts. Crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:42:18 So I got that life experience. I seen a lot of shit. A lot of shit. And I put myself in a lot of situations. Not to mention, I got just crazy life experience. Film movies in a hundred countries. I tell you that every other show. Been to all the continents.
Starting point is 00:42:38 You know what the weirdest thing about me is? Like I told you, I've been going to the skate park every day for four years. I've never seen anyone but me pick up trash there that's what's weird about me I hold doors open for fucking people behind me women and shit that's what's weird about me that's it but no no rings
Starting point is 00:43:04 do you know how stingy I am with my time even if i wanted a nose ring do you know i would never fucking do that i would never take the time out of my day to go do that i want a haircut so fucking bad and i just i'm just so selfish with my time caller hi hey while you're talking about what's weird about you, I've got a couple of questions. No, no, no, no, no. What's not weird about me? Okay, go on. All right. Wife and I are doing a home birth in July.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Congratulations. Thank you so much. We had the doula over last night and she's going over everything, different positions, what to expect, all that. But, you know, that's everything for my wife, who's actually going to expect, all that. Um, but you know, that's everything for my wife. Who's obviously going to be doing all the work there, but you've been through, uh, two home births. What should I expect as the loving husband? Um, was it the, just to clarify, was it the doula or the midwife that came over? Yeah. So the midwife will be coming over in june like a month out um last was just the
Starting point is 00:44:08 doula who came over um midwife we've been going to regular appointments and all that but she just hasn't come to the house yet um and are you doing god you're giving me all sorts of crazy flashbacks are you doing all the stuff like the food prep or like you're gonna go like to whole foods and get all the fruit and like make sure she has water and like are you doing all that stuff where you're in charge of that yeah that's uh that's the game plan i'll i'm kind of going to be the whatever she needs uh doula will you know do this and that i'll do this and that uh midwife will just protect her protect the baby when it's coming now i'm gonna ask you this question it's gonna seem like it might be inappropriate or out of place but it's not i think it's a. Now I'm going to ask you this question. It's going to seem like it might be inappropriate or out of place,
Starting point is 00:44:45 but it's not. I think it's a litmus test. Are you absolutely just a trip? How many, how far along is your wife's pregnancy? So she, this Sunday entered her third trimester. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Are you absolutely just cannot get enough of looking at her body right now as she goes through this transformation? Like, like if she's in the bathroom brushing her teeth naked, do you just stand there and be like whoa yeah no 100 yep then you're good to go then you're good to go yeah i'm good to go if you're just if you're like more in love with her and more protective of her and all that crazy shit's going on and you just are just finding her more and more attractive and you're just like what the fuck is going on like you just want to like eat her that's uh that's pretty much i think you're good to go you know what i did do
Starting point is 00:45:31 this is out of this might be too much but the one thing that i was really conscientious of is when the baby comes out i forget i really do forget what it is but there's this skin that can tear and they taught me in the birthing class that you're supposed to take your hands and pull that skin grab like skin from their ass and the side and pull it together to protect that skin from tearing do you remember that yeah do you remember what i'm talking about uh yeah so i haven't uh haven't been told about that but i i've heard of tearing yeah look into that there's this move you can do, and I did it all the times when she was perineum. Yeah, eat her up.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Yeah, exactly. I just could not get – when my wife was pregnant, I just wanted to eat her. I just would – I couldn't get close enough to her. I just felt – it was like it was a trip. But the perineum, I guess someone is saying. But basically, there's this part of them that when they have the baby this skin can tear and as the husband as the babies you can look on the internet and find like um uh or go to i might be too late to go to a birthing class but you can do this thing
Starting point is 00:46:38 where you you you pull skin from the like their hips or their butt or something i forget but i did a lot of that because i really didn't want my wife to tear and is that uh that's all pre-labor stuff right no that's as the baby that's as the baby's coming out i think i was doing that oh oh okay yeah because as it's pushing there's only so much skin you're um do you or do you get queasy easy uh no no then you're gonna absolutely love it it's the what the vagina does is it's actually the only time the vagina looks beautiful that thing gets as smooth as fucking marble you're gonna fucking absolutely love it it's it's crazy i i thoroughly enjoyed it and now, did your wife – Oh, no. Allison's saying it's before also. Okay, maybe before also.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I can't remember. It was so long ago. But that was probably the best thing I did for my wife, that I made sure that she didn't tear. I used my hands and pulled that skin, like extra ass skin or something, so that the vagina had – so it wouldn't tear. I forget how it works. I forget the – but I'm sure you can watch a video on youtube about it yeah that's what in third trimester so my wife has been prepping me of like hey here's what we need to do here's what we need to do and that was one of them for the third trimester was just basically like uh stretch things out you know prepare it so to speak yeah Yeah, you're stoked, dude. It's so amazing. You're going to really like it.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yeah, you're going to love it. Are you pretty good at being really chill and just turning off and just becoming present? Oh, yeah. Then you're going to love it. Yeah. That's your job. Just be as crazy loving and as accepting as possible. Our job is nothing but to accept it all.
Starting point is 00:48:28 And were all three of your boys delivered in like a tub in water or on a bed, a carpet or whatever? We had the tub. That thing stressed me the fuck out. We got one of those pools and I had to fill it and do all that shit. But she didn't really use that. I mean, very little. and I had to fill it and do all that shit, but she didn't really use that. I mean, very little.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I think the first baby she had on her knees, the second one I wanted to say she was squatting, and the third one, basically, she went to the bathroom just to move, and then she went in there with the midwives, and then while she was, I think, moving, basically, the baby just fell out. God, I wish I could remember. But that baby was actually born fucking not breathing that was some scary shit yeah and they resuscitated the baby i remember listening to your wife and do you pronounce her name hayley hayley yeah yeah i remember her she was on the podcast um describing that how when
Starting point is 00:49:23 your youngest came out the midwives just put him on her back and were basically yeah bringing them back to life yeah exactly they put like that old it was like an old school turkey baster with a like a shitty plastic mask on his face and pumped pumped it it was crazy oh god it looked like it was 1500 1550 fucking medical equipment but yeah but they jump started his shit and within 90 seconds he was breastfeeding wow wow yeah the the duel last night it's just like your baby will know what to do your body will know what to do if you just don't get pumped full of all the drugs at the hospital every single hormone within you will do exactly what needs to happen yeah that's so we wanted a hospital birth and we went to a birthing
Starting point is 00:50:12 class and that the instructor who was who didn't even encourage home birth she said something like that that blew my mind she said that it on there is documented um proof that women who are unconscious or who are actually even like quote-unquote dead have given birth because the body will just put out chemicals that that will push the body baby out basically will cause the body to do the the the procedure in whatever order it's supposed to happen that will just push the baby out. And when I heard that, I was like, oh, fuck. Like that rocked me. I was like, okay, we don't need people fucking around.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah, as I'm learning more here, you know, for movies and just being a man, I guess, I always just thought it's the woman's job to push that thing out somehow. I didn't understand the process, but the doula was explaining last night that your uterus is literally getting smaller and smaller, just literally pushing out the baby. Like the baby doesn't have a choice. It's coming out. Um, Samantha H you should also learn drug-free pain management practices. Don't go into an unmedicated birth without pain management plan. My wife did go somewhere every time that I don't know where she wentmedicated birth without pain management plan um my wife did go somewhere every time that i don't know where she went like my wife was gone i can't explain
Starting point is 00:51:31 it but it was like you know like she was just gone she was on a different planet like i didn't even it's like it's not even my wife when the baby's coming out it was weird it looks fuck it looks it looks really um i don't want to say hard it looks really challenging to have a baby so you you uh there's been let's just call it two separate births with with three kids um what do you remember or look back on stevon and just say like man i wish i focused more here i wish i did this like what not that you look it's regret but this is the only thing i think that i wish i would have taken video of all like with my phone of all the kids being born so that my wife could have it because i think my wife i think i only have one but i think it's the kind of thing like it truly is
Starting point is 00:52:24 remarkable what these women do it you're gonna see it and it's gonna but I think it's the kind of thing like it truly is remarkable what these women do. You're going to see it and it's going to just it's going to it's like life changing. It's seriously it's like how you it's like seeing God. It's you cannot and you will feel some weird shit in the room if you're a very sensitive person. I mean, you're feeling a human being enter the world. It is some fucking weird shit, dude. And I wish I had a little more video of that to give to my wife like and it's kind of like a wide shot doesn't need to be like zoomed in on their pussy but
Starting point is 00:52:54 just so she can see the ambience where the doulas are where the midwives were where you were what people were saying maybe maybe um her face you know what i mean just as a i wish i had a little more of that yeah no that's good because they always say you should be present you shouldn't be filming stuff but in hindsight it's like i was present but i wish i would have filmed a little bit okay yeah for her for her with with your background right uh yeah i mean he just he just said it 100 different countries filming uh video so uh did you not think to set something up i did i did i had my iphone there and a camera there but but but i just i just didn't do enough i i i started really focusing on because there's a lot of shit that you...
Starting point is 00:53:45 You want to be really attentive to them too, right? Yeah. So I just didn't do enough. I think one of the kids I didn't film. But you mean like lock off a camera? Like have a GoPro set up in the corner on a tripod from far away? Yeah, like that.
Starting point is 00:54:00 But then too, it was so much more intense where you had all these plans but you just got in there and it was like man this is crazy and you just got so dialed in yeah i mean i really enjoyed it yeah and time is really weird in the birthing process it's really you remember that alien guy says you don't know where the time goes it's like that yeah like they're they're like your wife's been pushing for seven hours you're like what feels like five fucking minutes you can't even believe it yeah that's what like again last night the doula was like all right five minutes between contractions and you're going to help like push this in this uh um you know direction whatever i'm like five minutes
Starting point is 00:54:40 in between like what am i but again i'm sure once we're in there it's gonna be wild yeah hey will you call back and tell me what happened afterwards oh of course yeah i absolutely would uh yeah if you'll have me on a 10 yeah yeah please call back please call back i want to hear all about it in the in the last couple days when you weren't on youtube i was just like oh frick i i i lost my chance. Like, I had this resource to call, and I didn't pull the trigger because I was being weak about it, and yeah, so when you were on YouTube, man, the world kind of shut down a bit for me there. Well, good luck. Thank you for sharing, and good luck. It's going to be, it sounds like you guys are doing everything great. No, I appreciate it. Can I ask one more question about one of your favorite subjects?
Starting point is 00:55:26 Please. All right. So the process we're in right now is picking out a pediatrician and deciding child vaccines. Which ones did you and Haley feel comfortable with? And you don't have to go into the ones you're like, frick, no, that's poison. Don't put it in your kid. but what ones do you guys remember doing
Starting point is 00:55:49 that a boy all right uh you can dm me i'll talk to you all about it. Uh, um, the books that you want to read, you want to read this book called dissolving illusions. And then you just want to, you just want to Google, don't take anyone's word for it. Just Google it. Just start Googling numbers. So if, if Tylenol was invented in, um, if Tylenol came out in 1950, look when headaches actually stopped happening. And if headaches stopped happening in 1948 and they're giving all the credit for tylenol in 1950 then just be like wait a second what happened in 1948 just just start doing some of the really you don't you don't have to even dig that deep just start doing some of the simple math on all of them any of them and you'll start seeing some stuff that's like that it should be it should be difficult to
Starting point is 00:56:45 connect to make the leap i got it okay and and feel free to dm me and you can talk to me on the phone or your wife can talk to my wife we're not even like i don't really care what anyone does we're not nazis about it we're not like anti anything but if you just want to hear our like we have some pretty good perspective and the thing is is once you have one that's not loaded up, you start seeing some differences between yours and the others very quickly. Wow. OK. Yeah, no, that's good. Really good. No. All right, brother. So thank you so much. Thanks for what you do. And thanks for taking the call. Yep. Ciao. do and uh thanks for taking the call yep ciao all right bye jeremy world savvy let the caller know i have a group of a group uh if he needs people to talk to oh fantastic a group of fathers yeah
Starting point is 00:57:32 awesome father group what's the name of the father group jeremy what's the name uh uh miss i there was something miss redow said in here that definitely has to be addressed what did she say she took some shot at me where is she yon clark uh just stopping by as i can't watch live today glad to have you back on youtube love y'all thank you you are not going to get hit by a car wearing that orange uh jacket um where i know miss redow said something at least car redow where is it whereow. Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:58:10 I did. We did a hypnobirthing class, by the way. I don't know if it's the best, but I really enjoyed the birthing class, which I thought for sure I was going to hate. Oh, she got one in here. You might see them poop what's there's another one geez trish i must have been too out of it to remember all that happening i don't see it uh baby making podcast with hayley is good a birth it's coming on as a, as a sponsor, I think, which kind of crazy. It's kind of a dream sponsor. Oh, I said I'm super chill. And then miss Redow standing behind her three beautiful kids for protection and her cool
Starting point is 00:58:58 sunglasses. You're pretty chill. Unless it comes to tube tops and nose rings. Listen, just saying if Haley wore a tube top, I'd be like, babe, you got an amazing body and that's not attractive. That doesn't work on you. And, um,
Starting point is 00:59:14 and if she had a nose ring, I, I, I demand a oral daily. I'm just saying, okay, here we go. Uh,
Starting point is 00:59:24 this is, this is, this is, this is it. This is is this is the world we live in you know it's kind of like it's easy to be like well duh but uh here we go this is the world we live in i don't know what this is this is i think this is some sort of protest in the uk to let in more refugees into the uk but here we go this i mean this is the us too. This is a libtard world. Refugees welcome here. I was just wondering if you'd like to go down on a list saying you're willing to
Starting point is 00:59:51 take the refugees into your home. Only problem is I rent. Just because you've got that refugees welcome here, I'm just wondering if you'd like to go on a list of people that's willing to actually adopt a refugee and take them into your home. If you had any space. Rental. You can't do it. It's someone else's job.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Yeah. Alright, thank you. Can you adopt a refugee and take them into your home? No I'm sorry I can't. You can't take one? I don't have... I don't have... You don't have the space? Do you have a refugee stay at your house?
Starting point is 01:00:21 Yeah I don't mind. You'll go on the list? I don't mind yeah I can't stay at your house. Oh wait I don't mind. You'll go on the list? I don't mind, yeah. I'm just saying, give me the thing. Oh, wait, I can't, because my house is only a little small. Amazing. That's what I was waiting for. Thank you, darling. Excuse me, my love.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Will you go on my list of people that's willing to adopt a refugee? No, thank you. No, thank you. Excuse me. Would you be willing to adopt a refugee into your home? Uh, no. No. Would you adopt a refugee into your home?
Starting point is 01:00:45 No, thank you. No? So where should we put them, then home no so where should we put him then sorry sorry don't worry about it now this is not going to be popular but when I'm this old I shouldn't be allowed to have too much of an opinion anymore
Starting point is 01:01:02 like at that point I'm just, I should be just a wise old man. Like, what the fuck is that guy contributing and why does he get to have an opinion on fucking, he can have an opinion, why does he get to have a say on fucking refugees? That dude's gonna be dead in a week. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Excuse me, sir. Would you be willing to adopt a refugee? I would be willing, yeah, if I had the space. If you had the space. So where should we put them then? Where should we put them? Hey, this is the same thing. This is the same thing. Let's do the needle exchange in the black neighborhood, but not my neighborhood. This is Steph Curry.
Starting point is 01:01:42 This is Steph Curry. This is fucking Steph Curry. This is Steph Curry. This is fucking Steph Curry. It's all good until it's my neighborhood. You guys haven't done shit. Sevan, that's literally you in five years. I know. And I'm cool with it. I told my wife already.
Starting point is 01:02:01 I already fucking, I'm 51. I'm almost like a regular driver now. I mean, I'm so much better than the rest of the other people who drive out there. It's fucking nuts. But I'm 51. I'm almost a regular driver. And I totally know that there's going to be a time when I shouldn't be driving. My dad should not be driving.
Starting point is 01:02:22 But I don't think my dad could handle me telling him that. Isn't that crazy? We live with fucking morons. Hypocrites. This is just crazy hypocritical. Massive protest in the UK, which I'm making the assumption is to allow more refugees in. And then this guy is walking around saying, will anyone allow refugees in? There you go. That's fair enough, Allison.
Starting point is 01:02:56 18-year-olds with no life experience should have a say, but experienced 7-year-olds should stay out of it. A good point. absolutely brilliant point what i'm saying is this if you're 70 year old and you're healthy you think you're going to be around another 10 years uh good on you uh i'd like to take some advice from you and allow you to steer help steer the way and fuck yeah the 18 year olds are just making absolutely idiotic decisions but but they're going to have to live with their decisions for the next fucking 60 years. This dude who's fucking, this guy that they're interviewing looks like he's going to be dead in a week.
Starting point is 01:03:32 That was more my point, but very valid Allison. I agree with you. I agree with you 100%. Yeah, let's get some wisdom from some older people. It's not as cut and dry as I was making it i apologize thank you for adding some nuance to it steven floors anything over 80 is living on borrowed time i don't know if that's
Starting point is 01:03:53 true but sounds feels feels right uh the first uh the fire station i worked at is in the most diverse square mile in america and is known for bringing in political refugees god i bet you crimes high there just a guess they're not exactly supported by the upper class folks around them that's for sure there's so much shit i only have myself as an example and i and I apologize but I'm trying to think of anyone besides I know I know I've seen Greg do it a shitload of times it's like I want to say less than one percent of the people I've ever been with have ever acknowledged a homeless person so homeless person's on the street and they're like can I have money can I money and everyone I know
Starting point is 01:04:44 just turns their back to them. Or when they pull up on the highway. They roll down their window. And they put out a dollar. No one ever says hi to them. No one ever talks to them. You used to see Greg do that shit all the time. Because no one really cares.
Starting point is 01:05:03 No one wants to give their time. It's just bullshit. It's just virtue signaling bullshit. But it wasn't for me. And I guess I'm pretty fucking proud of that. And I'm proud of the people around me who it wasn't virtue signaling for them either I'm not saying you gotta like give anyone a fucking hug
Starting point is 01:05:27 I'm not saying you gotta stop and fucking help with their psychiatric issues just eye contact hey what's up man have a good day that's it just like treat them like a fucking normal person don't look away in fucking fear like it doesn't exist don't walk by trash on the ground and step over trash on the Don't look away in fucking fear like it doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Don't walk by trash on the ground. Step over trash on the ground somewhere where your kids are playing. Really? That's your world? There's trash on the ground? Your kids are playing at the park? Like, I go to a park where there's a sandbox. And there's, like, someone's clearly eating McDonald's and their shit's gone everywhere.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I always picture it just being some drunk 18 year olds. And there's 15 kids playing there and 15 parents around. And the kids are like playing in the wrappers and shit. No one goes over there and picks it up. If you give money to a homeless person, you literally want them to continue to be homeless. Give them a job application. I have up after two events. I have a blind guy on the train. I gave a blind guy on the train some money. Later, I saw him without the stick and glasses walking normally.
Starting point is 01:06:46 That's an awesome story. Hey, but that's a character actor. At least he's acting. You're paying for some quality acting. Most of our homeless people are mean here. Yeah, totally. I agree. They're drug addicts.
Starting point is 01:07:06 I... I'm just suggesting... Listen, if you want to completely ignore the drug addicts on the street, I'm not saying that you... Let me be clear. It's these people in this video that I'm talking about specifically.
Starting point is 01:07:28 They're not going to do any – like if you really care – like if you don't care, I'm not judging you. Like if you just don't care that there's homeless people and you got to go about your day and you're doing your own shit and you're trying to raise your kids and you're trying to get your acting career off the ground and you're trying to pay your bills and you're trying to have a relationship, like I get it. bills and you're trying to have a relationship like i get it but then then don't go to a fucking protest in your spare time and and and want more refugees in you're not taking care or homeless people or or a needle exchange program like you're like just stay out of the whole problem altogether i guess is what i'm saying i don't have a problem it's it's not uh what's the word binary i'm just looking i'm just looking for. If it's like fuck drug addicts, fuck homeless people, I'm doing my own shit. Cool. I love that. That's the best. You can protest or you don't protest, but you're burning down Ferguson and you're throwing bricks at cops, but you've never written a letter to your congressman. There's just some inconsistency there that makes you a fucking piece of shit. Your go-to is to burn down a city and throw a brick instead of write a letter to your congressman or run for mayor. I mean, come on. That's kind of what I'm saying here. Yeah, panhandling is a job. Gandhi said that. Begging is a job. It's the worst profession. We have panhandlers in Texas that do that for a job. Yeah, all of them. They even have a route much like the hobos who rode the freight trains. They're professional beggars. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 01:09:01 and professional thieves. You have to remember, all of those people, someone, it can't be all of them, 99% of those people that you see, they are also crooks. No judgment. I'm just telling you, that's their other job. They're also crooks.
Starting point is 01:09:24 It's a great word, isn't it? Crooks. They steal. They recycle. You could say they recycle. They recycle your shit that you don't really want recycled. I do want to make one amendment to something I said. I said that I've never seen anyone at the skate park pick up trash besides me.
Starting point is 01:09:47 But I did see – there is a guy there who skates there who's an older guy, probably my age. And he does come periodically with some chemicals, and he cleans the graffiti out of the skate park, which is pretty hardcore. Really hardcore. Here we go. Here's our friend. I, um... So, so... This dude, Dylan, was on the um today show
Starting point is 01:10:28 i don't i think i remember that show being around like i don't know 50 years ago i feel like when i was born this show was around be a mom one day that's gonna be a passion for me i think seeing a trans woman as a mom is gonna be very important that's just absurd you are a biological male. You can't get pregnant. I want to be a mom one day. That's going to be a passion for me. I think seeing a trans woman as a mom
Starting point is 01:11:00 is going to be very important. That's just absurd. You are a biological male. You can't get pregnant. I went and listened to this whole interview on the Today Show. And I
Starting point is 01:11:14 thought that Dylan dude seemed cool. Crazy, but cool there's nothing in this person that triggers me the thing that's going on here the thing that's going on with the trannies is that there's something conflated here we just don't want them around our kids
Starting point is 01:11:41 this person does not bother me at all. Zero. I have no – I'm not triggered by her. I don't even find – I don't find him – I don't find him – let me see if I can find the YouTube – if there's a YouTube link. the YouTube, the YouTube, if there's a YouTube link, I can play a little more of the, no, I did nothing. I don't, I don't find this person even unattractive. I don't, there's nothing about this that bothers me. It's the, it's the, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's the group. It's the grooming part. Right. And this is, I'm trying to think how to explain this. I think I have a clip that explains it better than i can let me see um let me see if i can find this
Starting point is 01:12:32 maybe i'll find in a second how come there's no women stick with me here, people ready? How come there's no women dressing as men dancing in front of kids? I'm going to repeat that again. How come there's no women dressed as men dancing in front of kids? Why is it men Men dancing in front of kids. Why is it men who are dressing as women? Why is it men who are dressing as women dancing in front of kids? Do you see what's going on there? Do you know who the murderers are and the pedophiles and the molesters?
Starting point is 01:13:21 I'm so sorry to say this. They're men. Women don't do that shit in general. Call her. Hi. Hi. I'm curious to know how your wife feels about Dylan Mulvaney. Like, does your wife find it?
Starting point is 01:13:41 I don't know if offensive is the right word. No. I guess I'm looking for. I'll ask her. I'll ask her. My wife is the right word. No. I guess I'm looking for. I'll ask her. I'll ask her. My wife is so fucking cool. She's, she's so,
Starting point is 01:13:53 I don't know how to explain it. She's like, it's like living with a fucking angel sucks. I do not easily get offended. I think people that easily get offended are very weak minded people. Yeah. However, when this Dylan Mulvaney comes at us and is trying to say, I want to become a mother one day.
Starting point is 01:14:20 I find that very, I don't know what the word is, but being a mom is my most proud. It is the greatest job I've ever had. And it is something that I am the most proud of. And so when there is a biological male trying to come into this space and take over such a sacred job, the most sacred job in the world, I find it very disturbing. And when they use terms like chest feeding and birthing people, I find it very, very disturbing. I'm going to ask my wife that as soon as we get off the air. I can guess that she's very, my wife is so even tempered.
Starting point is 01:15:15 If she did have those thoughts, she would probably sit with them. My wife does a lot of like sitting, like regular sitting and watching thoughts, like just really like, like in the chaos of it all. Right. She's you just walk into the room and she's sitting like this guy in the seven on podcast sign. And then there's boys just bouncing off the walls, like pulling her hair, kissing her, tickling her. And she's saying bad words and she will just sit there through it. And so I don't really know how my wife feels about being a mom, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Because you should ask her because the news media is trying to normalize this. Right. Right. So if we don't stop it now, if we don't try and interject now it's going to become further normalized not just for us but for our children and that's the part i really i'm tripping on by the way like that's the part that i i'm tripping on the the the men and women will get through this the adults will get through it so i'm offended i'm not offended i i get all that i'm triggered i'm annoyed but but the shitty part is
Starting point is 01:16:32 right like we are gonna like no no child should oh this is gonna be brutal to say this a child deserves an on an honest non-delusional um uh upbringing so whether you have two moms or two dads or a mom and a dad they shouldn't be lied to about the parent's sex and they shouldn't be confused about biology and in at that point you're really fucking scrambling a human's brain and it's it's it's just fucking abusive so i have a question for you so i am a firm believer in having discussions with my children very important discussions like sex and where babies come from having those conversations with my kids at my kitchen table before they hear it from somewhere else right um i don't want my kid learning about sex on the bus, right? I want my kid to learn about sex from our family.
Starting point is 01:17:31 I think it's important to set those boundaries and just those, here's what it is, here's how it works. I don't want them learning about those things elsewhere. Not saying that it's not going to come up elsewhere, but I think it's important to have those really important life discussions in our home, right? So that they're not, I guess, taken by surprise. I don't want them educated by, you know, Tommy Joe on the bus coming home from school. but what about when someone talked let me ask let me put the question back at you so the other day um i heard my boys they i don't remember what it was but they saw something and one of my boys said that's gay i go and i go what and they go that's gay and i go what are you guys talking about and they go well that that boy said he likes that boy or something and i go and then i said why do you guys say that's gay and they go well so and. And then they told me the kids that told them what the word gay meant.
Starting point is 01:18:25 And so they knew what it meant. And I just sat there for a second. And I was like, oh, cool. Thanks for sharing that with me. I did not dig in. You know what I mean? But I'm not saying what I did was right or wrong. I just want to be careful I don't indoctrinate them any other way.
Starting point is 01:18:44 I want to make sure they can come talk to me right and so a very similar situation happened with my daughter and i'm sure this is going to piss a lot of people off but these are just my beliefs and my husband's my husband's beliefs but um they were talking about oh a girl had married a girl and now they're lesbians or something yeah that's the kind of shit i kind of shit I heard too. I've heard shit like that from my boys too. They're trying to, they're using words and trying to figure shit out. I said, Evelyn, that is, you know, yes, women can marry women and boys can marry boys.
Starting point is 01:19:16 I said, but that is the law of this world. That is not the law of our God. And our God believes that men marry women and women marry men. And that's how a family is created. And then that was that. And it hasn't been brought up. Do they ask you who God is? Do they ask you who that is? Well, my, we talk about God all of the time. We pray together as a family all of the time.
Starting point is 01:19:39 My daughter goes to a Catholic school. My son goes to a Catholic preschool. My daughter goes to a Catholic school. My son goes to a Catholic preschool. And it was actually the pandemic that brought us really closer to our faith than we've ever been. My daughter was all lined up to go to a public school for her kindergarten year. But then the pandemic hit and the Catholic school in town, which is actually up the street from me, was the only school in town that was offering a full-time in-person program with no masks and no stupid requirements. So I pulled my kid out of the public school registration process, and I enrolled her in the Catholic school. And I feel like that was really the start of our faith, and just becoming closer to God. So yes,
Starting point is 01:20:26 we do talk about God a lot. And I've heard you say this before. Sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, you're going, you're going, you're on fire. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'll interrupt you in a second. Go ahead. Okay. I've heard you say this before. Humans are designed to worship something, right? And if they don't worship God, they're going to find something else to worship. This is a truth. You've just said a truth.
Starting point is 01:20:53 You said it better than me. You've said it. That is a truth. If anyone's saying that there's nothing true on the planet, that she just said something that was true. So Siobhan, so why not introduce your children to God? Oh, that's such a good point. Why not? Why let them go off and find something else to worship?
Starting point is 01:21:10 Because at some point you're not going to be able to keep them in their bubble, right? They're going to have to go out into the world and you need to better prepare them to, to, uh, a biblical worldview. Why let them worship something else? God. Let me read something to you really quick here, okay?
Starting point is 01:21:31 Let me read something to you that 12 Daily Doses wrote that I think is probably true. I'd bet $1,000 that it's true. He says, The majority of child grooming in the U.S. is in the church. It's not even arguable. The amount of grooming coming from trannies and gays is literally negligible compared to what happens in religion. Now, I do want to say this.
Starting point is 01:21:54 The only reason why I think that that's true, what he said, is because there's so many more churches. Right? But there is a lot of weird shit that happens in the church right of course of course and it comes it comes down to watching kids but i think if there were as many trannies as there were priests in this country um i don't have a problem with dylan mulvaney by the way i really don't like that that seems like a whatever that is i don't know what's going on but um the trannies that we're seeing on the news that are men dressing as women and then dancing sexually like men are i don't care whether a man's a tranny i don't care whether a man's a tranny
Starting point is 01:22:42 or a straight guy or a gay guy or a fucking furry men should not be dancing for kids and almost this is going to be hard men should almost not be left alone with kids like unless they're there unless they're their kids unless they're their kids we not we have a major sleepover rule in my house. My kids don't go to sleepovers at other kids' houses, and I don't allow other kids to sleep at my house. I won't be allowing that either, I don't think. All it takes is one crazy 13-year-old girl to come up with some crazy story about, oh, I'm on dad, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:23:22 All it takes is one time for one psychopath to come into your house you don't know anything about them you don't know how they've been raised you don't know what they're you know like okay yeah you might exchange niceties with the parents but you don't know them why would you invite someone into your house to that personal level and open yourself up to that so we have a very strict no sleepover rule um and i do not budge on it i've been asked tons and tons and tons of times and my kids are now coming into that um stage where it's a popular thing but i want to circle back to the catholic what you were saying about grooming happening you know in in catholic in just in religious places and churches and whatnot anywhere where there's
Starting point is 01:23:59 shit loads of dudes anywhere where there's shit loads of dudes it's it's gonna happen the military anywhere where there's shit loadss of dudes, it's going to happen. The military, anywhere where there's shitloads of dudes, that shit's prison, all those places, dudes are fucking creeps. And so it is your job as a parent to educate your child on what is right and what is wrong. And I had called in last week about not keeping know, other adults should not ask their children, you know, children to keep secrets from their parents. It comes down to educating your child on what is right and what is wrong and being very open as a family, right? And having difficult conversations about things. And, but that comes down to the parent and how are you going to raise your child? When I was growing up in my household with my parents we didn't talk about sex I didn't really know what a period was until you know I had
Starting point is 01:24:51 heard about all of these things out in the world and I do not want my child not my children having to figure that stuff out on their own because it was really confusing plus like you're crazy hormonal at the time, right? Like you're starting to get your period, things are happening. It's so, I just think it is so important to have those conversations plenty of in time in advance, but here's, and this is a dilemma that I have in my head. And I don't know how to handle this as with the full transgender thing.
Starting point is 01:25:21 And how do I educate my kids on this? Right? Like, how do I, how do I have that conversation at my kitchen table with my kids before they hear about it somewhere else? I'm terrified. Be careful, be careful, be careful about that because that, that sometimes that's part of the plan. They want you to educate your kid first. Like be careful, be careful what you tell, be careful how you indoctrinate your kid exactly like i'm terrified to ask my eight-year-old you know what a transvestite is or you know what a tranny is and i'm terrified to know what the answer is because i don't want her to know what that is yet i want her to have an innocent childhood i um i appreciate i appreciate
Starting point is 01:26:01 you calling i want to answer some of these questions in here, and thank you for the thoughtful topics. Okay, thank you. You were great. Okay, bye. Bye. Allison and 12 Daily Doses, there are literally 100 videos circulating with trannies dancing for kids. There are videos of kids who are 13 years old who are dancing for transgender adults and these kids are transgender you can walk into any bookstore any bookstore in santa cruz and smack dead when you walk in our biggest bookstore on pacific avenue smack dead when you walk in there's this bunch of books on the table indoctrinating your kid into sex.
Starting point is 01:26:46 The gay ABCs, how to talk to your kids about transvestites. They got all those picture books for kids. They're right there in the open. Don't act like this is middle America. Don't act like it's not happening. I grew up in the Bay Area. I saw shitloads of kids. This was 30 years ago.
Starting point is 01:27:01 I saw shitloads of kids in those districts being with those fucking sexed up people. Don't do that. Don't say that it's not happening or that it's middle America and that they're scared. This isn't the footloose era. We're not in 1982 anymore. This fucking thing is everywhere now. You drive by the fucking high school, SoCal High, and there's 10 boys out front who you can't tell if they're a girl or a boy because it's the trendy thing to do. Don't act like this shit ain't happening.
Starting point is 01:27:31 This shit is fucking happening everywhere. Go into any fucking bookstore now, and that shit's fucking front and center indoctrinating your kids. aiding your kids and hey dude saying that the church is a fucking um uh um a bastion of pedophilia doesn't stop anything that doesn't stop any of the other truths from being correct and let me say this the commonality here the commonality here is it's dudes that that was my point the commonality is it's dudes it's not i i don't understand the fear either Well the fear comes from the fact that people aren't probably doing their job People aren't spending enough time with their kids
Starting point is 01:28:13 Hey dude Have you read the bible The most available violent book in the world Dude I'm not worried about kids reading about – I'm worried about you at the age of two teaching your kid that it's really important that before you die that you figure out whether the Sasquatch has fur or hair. the Sasquatch has fur or hair. These books are just making up bullshit, imaginary ideas and concepts and thoughts around someone's sexuality, and they're introducing it to kids at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. You act like it's not happening, Daily Doses. It's fucking everywhere. They got the fucking gay flag in front of the elementary schools in my town, all of them. of the elementary schools in my town, all of them. They got the sex flag. Like, dude,
Starting point is 01:29:11 I don't understand what you're, fine, you don't see the gay flag as the sex flag, that's fine, but you didn't grow up where I did. I grew up with gays. That's what that flag means to them. That's what that flag means in California. In California, the gay flag means those people there are open to genitalia in their face that's the same as that they have. That's what it means. I don't know where you live. I'm telling you, that's what it means in the Bay Area. If you can't make that connection, that it's not something you'd want your kids to know about, I'm not even upset at you for it. You do you.
Starting point is 01:29:36 They got an elementary school down the street from you. But I'm protecting my kids from that. I'm going to let that grow up. I'm going to let them grow up and find out things at what i think is a more a better pace call it what it is it's the genitalia flag you call it the gay flag it's the genitalia flag okay i do it's it's all it's always it's always fucking men dressing as women that should any any man who doesn't trip out on that is not a real fucking man I'm going to tell you this a wise friend of mine told you this anything a man does sexually if it surprises you then you don't know men nothing should surprise you nothing nothing nothing. And gay men, especially, especially gay men. And they know
Starting point is 01:30:30 this. And I know this, this isn't to dig at them because at least with women around, they, they put the brakes on us. I know you're not going to do that. No, I'm sorry. You're not going to put that, uh, those pepperoncinis in my asshole. Dudes are fucking nuts. not going to put that, uh, those pepperoncinis in my asshole. Dudes are fucking nuts. Are fucking nuts. Yeah. No one's suggesting that that's you. That's you suggesting that no one ever said that gays are not pedos, dude. They're gay. You're suggesting that gays are pedophiles by saying that you went there, not me. I'm telling you the truth about what men and sexuality. That's what I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Okay, here we go. Listen to this. Listen to this goofball. This joke doesn't even work. I like jokes, but this joke doesn't even work. For being born a straight white male. When LeBron James apologizes for being six foot nine. Didn't choose this life.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Just happened to be born that way, right? And they both have their own set of perks, don't they? Like, sure, he can do a fucking windmill 360 dunk. And I can raise my voice to the police. So it's a give and a take. You know what I mean? The reason why that joke doesn't work is because black people can raise their voice to the police. And it's actually white people who can't. That's why that joke doesn't work is because black people can raise their voice to the police, and it's actually white people who can't.
Starting point is 01:31:48 That's why that joke doesn't work. Ooh, a little fired up there. The irony of that. I'm not sending my kid to fucking church to be around fucking 35 fucking dudes and robes either mr doses you should stop you should stop referring to all the it's not it's not cool that you keep thinking that gay people are pedophiles it's not like that yeah this is good i like this uh allison i grew i grew up seeing people who had transitioned three in my close circle when I was a child. I wasn't traumatized at freaking all.
Starting point is 01:32:29 I just knew to treat them the same as I would anyone else. Sounded like it was handled very professionally, maturely, healthy. Dude, it's fucking a sex flag Do you not understand Do you not understand It has nothing to do with who you have sex with Stop fixating on that What do you think
Starting point is 01:33:04 Is more likely? What do you think is more likely? If you're a black man. No, that doesn't work. Let me rephrase that. What do you think is more likely? A melanated man unarmed to get shot by a police officer or to be struck by lightning in the United States?
Starting point is 01:33:34 Do you see how crazy? We live in crazy town banana pants. Do you see that? Just simple thinking. Just simple.. Just simple. This is third. Once again, third grade math. Just simple third grade math.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I will argue back against this in a second. Just simple third grade math. Look at this. There was this video of her that was going viral at a college campus talking to students about black on black crime and she said something that really pissed me off she said that you're more likely to be struck by lightning as an unarmed black man than get shot by the cop i look up the data for myself and she was right there is more people who get struck by lightning than black unarmed men get shot by the police y'all so i'm sitting here editing this video and i figured i'd go in and get the most
Starting point is 01:34:21 recent numbers for the year 2022 there have been 12 unarmed black people. By the way, the most racist, he's looking this up in the most racist, really the most racist newspaper in the country. This newspaper is crazy. The Washington Post, owned by Jeffrey Bezos. What a fucking hellacious shit rag. Do not believe anything you read in there. People shot and killed by the police 12
Starting point is 01:34:46 national weather service there have been 19 people struck by lightning and died in 2022 there is oh shit it's not even how many people have been struck it's 19 have been struck and died now, now, the one weird thing is, about this study, this presentation is, we don't know how many of those 19 are black guys, or black girls, melanated, they're melanated,
Starting point is 01:35:16 but, I think it still drives the point home pretty clearly, but it would be funny to find out, it would be funny to, if it was more, if of those 19, 12 were melanated, that would be funny to find out. It would be funny if it was more. If of those 1912 were melanated, that would be fucking crazy. Legitimately, more people getting struck by lightning and dying than black people are being shot and killed by the police.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Spare me. It blows. Dude. Whole. Well, there's that, too. Then that's an interesting. That is a very interesting point. Lightning is racist.
Starting point is 01:35:51 That is. We'll do a whole show on that. But. It's crazy. Absolutely fucking nuts that things like that can happen. That means... Think of the implications of what that means. That means you should be more... If you are a melanated person and you're afraid of cops,
Starting point is 01:36:30 That means you should be more – if you are a melanated person and you're afraid of cops, that you should be terrified of thunderstorms. It's just – and I know once again, I know it has to do with skin color versus the fact that the lightning doesn't just strike black people. But the numbers are so minuscule, it still drives the point. I know there's a little crossover between comparing plums and apricots, and we got a pluot here. Those of you who like fruit metaphors, I have a pluot tree. Excuse me. Nuts. 5.12. Oh, my goodness. Hour and 37 minutes. Holy cow. What a great show. nuts 512 oh my goodness hour and 37 minutes
Starting point is 01:37:07 holy cow what a great show I appreciate everyone's contribution today Miss Allison Bishop 12 daily doses Trish of course I've always been wary of thunderstorms fair should be of course I've always been weary of thunderstorms fair
Starting point is 01:37:25 should be this is fucked up Jake Chapman with a crazy contribution more Japanese people have been killed by nuclear bombs than any other race okay okay here we go I actually have I actually I have some Japanese Japanese friend half Japanese in my there's this There's this family that we hang out with who's half Japanese. Go figure. The kids are crazy talented and smart. Okay. Here we go. Let's lighten the mood up.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Let's try to lighten the mood up a little bit. You're the type of person to revel in someone getting canceled for something they said 10 years ago. You're the type of person to revel in someone getting cancelled for something they said 10 years ago. You're just ensuring that one day you'll be cancelled for something you said today. You can't predict what will be offensive in the future. You don't know who the dominant mob will be.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Right? You know, like, the worst thing you can say today, get you cancelled on Twitter, death threats, the worst thing you can say today, get you cancelled on Twitter, death threats, the worst thing you can say today is, women don't have penises. Right? Now, no one saw that coming. There are no 10-year-old tweets that people say.
Starting point is 01:39:03 You won't find a 10-year-old tweet of someone saying, women don't have penises. Do you know why? We didn't think we fucking had to. Why is he so good? Man. He did? What?
Starting point is 01:39:23 No. Come on. Stop.? What? No. Come on. Stop. Trish, stop. Dude, he went so hard at the Academy Awards. I don't care if he's sponsored by Pfizer now. Oops. Careful, Sebi.
Starting point is 01:39:44 He went so hard at the Academy Awards. You grew up 10 minutes from Reading. Did you mean Reading? You're in California? Wow. Why do you keep saying that? Why? Why?
Starting point is 01:40:02 Why? Why? Yeah, no 49er talk. Thank you. Why are you guys hating on him? Oh, here it is. Here it is. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:40:16 Okay, here it is. Here it is. How am I not friends with this guy? I mean, this guy should be friends. I do think this guy's probably chubbier than me, though. It'd be kind of cool to... I'll take my shirt off when he takes his shirt off. I don't want to be transgender.
Starting point is 01:40:34 I don't even fucking have a problem with that. And nobody else does. Nobody cares. Here's what they care about. You shoving it in everybody's fucking face. Everywhere they fucking look. Saying that you're the most protected class of society. And you're saying you're the most villainized.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Well, the reason you're getting beat now is because now motherfuckers are getting to the point where they're running into schools and killing people because of the perceived hate that they're getting. When in reality, you wouldn't even get the hate if you just leave the kids alone. This is a hard to understand. And and because we know you're crazy. Don't forget that. No one be like, hey, they're not to understand. And and because we know you're crazy. Don't forget that. No one be like, hey, they're not crazy. Allison, you got to know they're crazy. No one chops their penis off.
Starting point is 01:41:11 No, who's not crazy. You know that, right? OK, let's agree to let's agree to agree on that. But the reason they won't leave the kids, why won't they leave the kids alone? Why would a grown man dress like a woman? Because you don't ever see it the other way around. You don't ever see women dressed as men doing the fucking dances and shit.
Starting point is 01:41:31 It's always fucking men dressed as women doing the fucking dances in front of kids. And the real shit is we have a whole infiltration of pedophiles doing this shit and y'all motherfuckers are celebrating and enabling it and it's bad and people hate it. And guess what? They're not are celebrating and enabling it. And it's bad. And people hate it. And guess what? They're not going to fucking take it forever.
Starting point is 01:41:49 All right. I probably stirred the nest a little bit. Uh-oh. Here we go. Here we go. March him in. Here we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Yeah. Take that. How's that? That's the guy who owns Form form fit or something right true form who's he talking to that's a good question uh uh should i send this reel to my portland friend sebon yeah um you know what's good about having uh doses here, just having a variety of opinions in here like doses in Allison is you should be prepared for those types of responses. 12 daily doses, there's literally close to zero evidence of them being a P-dose, fake news, savvy, and you know it.
Starting point is 01:42:42 pedos fake news seve and you know it oh is that what he was saying is that what i think he's saying is is that men who dress up as women in what would be considered the clothing that strippers come out in before they take their clothes off and dancing in front of kids is inappropriate and then your response was well it doesn't happen very often and mine is well there's 100 videos on the internet that says contrary to it and there's videos also of kids who are 13 there's that 13 year old boy girl i don't know what it is using transition who's dancing for adults and i think that there's just a shitload of evidence. By the way, someone did send me a video of a transvestite walking into a gas station
Starting point is 01:43:31 and hitting two people with an ax. I decided not to show it to you guys. I felt like it was just, it was fucking crazy. I decided not to show it. I censored, I censored it. No one's hating on the trannies. Well, I'm not. I shouldn't say no one.
Starting point is 01:43:55 I'm not. I don't care either. Dude, there's videos, doses of kids putting money into those people's pants they shouldn't be putting money into like i my boys would i would not let my boys put money into a good strippers uh pants like a like a hot girl stripper or ugly girl or any stripper with a vagina my kids would not be around strippers they're behaving like strippers you know that daily doses doing the math for us. 100 videos.
Starting point is 01:44:25 There are 350 million people in this country. It's a low percentage, but people are fucked up. Trannies are regular people. All creeds will be fucked. True. Ain't lying. True.
Starting point is 01:44:34 I hear you. I agree. What do you guys think about this? This is the kind of stuff that I kind of want to maybe have this guy on the show. I'll play it a couple times for you. But basically, these people are doing drugs. I think that's a glass pipe and this chick's smoking crack. Look, she got rubber gloves on even.
Starting point is 01:44:58 That's weird. And her boyfriend gets pissed because someone's filming his girlfriend smoking crack. Action. And her boyfriend gets pissed because someone's filming his girlfriend smoking crack action I'm telling y'all I live right here in this building. There's little children up in this building Y'all need to take that somewhere else using this dope right here Y'all need to use the dope somewhere else. I'm telling you right now, you got to use the dope somewhere else. Go use the dope somewhere else, bro. Go use the dope somewhere else. I know you ain't taking no picture of my bitch.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Wow. I wonder what that rubber glove is for He's in his socks on the street I wonder what that bottle is Now here's the thing These people don't want to be living like this, right? Scoop him up, put him in jail Let them get sober for a week and let them out and keep giving them as many chances as they can if those were my kids if this was my daughter and this was my son i'd want them to go to jail if that was me right here and this was hayley i'd want us to go to jail i just need a reprieve from the streets for a second i don't need someone to come by and give If that was me right here and this was Haley, I'd want us to go to jail.
Starting point is 01:46:27 I just need a reprieve from the streets for a second. I don't need someone to come by and give me fucking clean rolling papers, clean needles, and a substitute for fentanyl. That's not helping. I don't think that's helping anyone. I think that's making the problem worse. Fake benevolence. What would you want? We talked about this yesterday.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. This shit is fucking crazy what I'm about to show you. Those of you who like to think that I'm crazy well you're gonna fucking love this now i've noticed over the years that something is happening to my skin it's like just not the same i don't know what it's just not as taught i mean it's still like it's still taught but it's not the same it's not the same it's just like it's just it's not see that it's just like it's not the same. It's not the same. It's just like, it's just, it's not. See that? It's just like, it's not.
Starting point is 01:47:29 But this shit. So I don't really think, I really do believe this is Joe Biden, just so you know. I don't want you to get all fucking crazy. I really do believe that this is Joe Biden. But you're going to see something on his neck here that's fucking crazy. But remember, he is old as shit. But let me see if I can make this bigger. There's a bunch of weird shit you're about to see here.
Starting point is 01:47:59 This is – do you know when people get so fucking old that before you talk to them, you're like – you've got to get ready. like they're gonna ask you five times what you said they're gonna misunderstand what you said you're gonna have to explain it and just you want to give them attention but you have to really slow things down this is the president of the united states of america by the way this guy right here, this is his son. This is an acknowledged sex addict, prostitution addict, crack addict. A friend of mine, true story, went to the White House in the last year to a party. Joe is the old guy that just no one it's just just like the old grandpa that just sits there no one talks to like he's just he's like one of those Chuck E. Cheese characters that's just turned off until you activate on him he's basically just he's he's he's gorked is a little strong but he's close okay here we go oh there – look at this. Air Force One right here.
Starting point is 01:49:07 That's pretty cool, man. Hey, Dad. He's got a question. Okay, so Hunter Biden just said, hey, Dad, he's got a question for you. What's your question? And the kid says, what's the top secrets to success? What are the top steps to success? What are the top steps to success?
Starting point is 01:49:31 Some little boy asks the question to the president of the United States. He's like 13 years old. And then he repeats it. Joe Biden repeats it. What's the top steps to success? And guess what Joe Biden says? Making sure that we don't all have 49ers. This isn't Ireland. Like this is in the last week.
Starting point is 01:50:08 And then he says, what are we talking about and so then his son has to come up and say oh what's the keys to success dude it's that husband and wife and the dad so fucking old the man so old that the wife always has to be like translating everything for him we've all seen that right we've all seen that right you guys have all seen that you have someone in your family like that there's always someone who has to translate their shit for him
Starting point is 01:50:33 and then he goes off about jesse hel being a racist. This is in Ireland. And he just goes off about Jesse Helms being a racist. North Carolina. And he was a very conservative guy who was not very crazy about African Americans. He was a very conservative guy who was not very crazy about African Americans. Don't worry about any of that weird shit. Now watch his hand on his neck here. This is the part that a lot of people are tripping on.
Starting point is 01:51:10 Watch his hand on his neck when he scratches his neck. Watch this. I wish I could zoom in on it. Watch his finger. Here we go. Look at the way his fucking skin moves on his neck. See that? What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:51:33 He scratched his neck and look how his skin stayed. And people are tripping on that. And they kind of cemented that. Well, the key to success for. Now, I do think that that is Joe Biden, Bob Jerome, Sevan. It's dementia, Sevan, not age. I'm Biden's age and I'm not even close to this. OK, well, thank you. Fair. OK. Gotcha. OK. All right. I understand. I misspoke. I'm trying to regroup. That was inappropriate.
Starting point is 01:52:12 It's not because he's white, and it's not because he's old. Can we agree he's old, that that's old, that you're old? That's fair, right? Old. That's relative. You're not young. that that's old that you're old that's fair right old that's relative you're not young but it is somehow uh a dementia which is probably caused by uh lifestyle choices holy shit do you guys want him to um there you go. Now we're talking. Our reptilian overlords are here. My mom asked me the other day. She's like, how was your show?
Starting point is 01:52:52 I said, great. She said, should I listen? I said, no. Man. Man. When I see him going up the stairs to get an Air Force One and he trips and people show that, I'm like, I don't give a fuck. When he crashes on his bike, so what? When he goes the wrong way, no problem.
Starting point is 01:53:30 I don't care about any of that. But when you can't have a conversation, and he's doing that thing. I mean, I know those other things are correlates. They're like the eyeliner to the being gorked. But when I see this, I can't find any way to let him off the hook. No, that's the thing. Moon, is there a possibility that this is not the Joe Biden? Who the fuck knows anymore?
Starting point is 01:54:12 Extra sloppy. Biden is a pretty good test enemy to the fact that it doesn't matter who the president is. Oh, pretty good test dummy. I see what you're doing. The status quo will operate perfectly in alignment with whatever is against the public. No, I disagree with you. I disagree with you 100%. I think it's exactly a testament to why the president is so important. I disagree with you. I think that we're so – bear with me here, Extra Sloppy.
Starting point is 01:54:38 I'm not trying to fight with you. I think when you – even if you don't like the president or who's in power when you have a really really strong president it gives everyone in the country confidence I think that there is I think we're so easily influenced we're such an emotional
Starting point is 01:54:58 our consciousness in this country is so easily swayed in one direction or another. We're such an emotional herd. And I think that having someone strong at the helm regardless and who's coherent and who – I think it does matter. I think that there's a morale that comes from a strong leader that – I think it's so important. I think everyone's – I think it's so important I think everyone's
Starting point is 01:55:26 I disagree I'll work on my presentation But I disagree I think it does matter I don't think we're doing the status quo I think basically it's kind of like He's bringing out the worst in all of us Because he's so weak And I think that there's a power vacuum Which causes a lot of He's bringing out the worst in all of us because he's so weak.
Starting point is 01:55:52 And I think that there's a power vacuum, which causes a lot of corruptness. Heidi Krum, it's clear just from that clip that he doesn't have the mental capacity to make decisions about this country. Corey Leonard, Robin Williams did a bit on rambling Joe Biden back during Obama's White House. Dude has always been insane. It isn't new behavior. He had a brain tumor or something. He almost died. 12 daily doses. Joe Biden's a disaster. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:56:15 I actually agree. I apologize for agreeing with you. Rich Froning for president. God. I could not agree with you more. From the bottom of my fucking little heart, I could not agree with you more. I don't know if you're serious, but I am.
Starting point is 01:56:39 100% serious. That would be absolutely cool. Probably couldn't come on the show anymore. You know who doesn't come on the show anymore? Jack Dela Magdalena. Remember that guy? He still texts with me a little bit, but he doesn't seem to want to come on the show. That bums me out.
Starting point is 01:56:58 I really liked him. Really liked him. No. Would you go gay for frowning? No. Not unless... Would you go gay for Froney? No. Unless we were in prison. No.
Starting point is 01:57:15 There's nothing there. I like... I'm really... I really... I like... I'm pretty... I've always been a little girl crazy. Justine Bateman, I find this just bizarre right here.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Justine Bateman, this is how off kilter we are. Justine Bateman is embracing getting older. The 57 year old filmmaker and Family Ties alum said she has briefly considered cosmetic procedures. She ultimately realized she loves her face exactly the way it is as she ages. Why? So the, the,
Starting point is 01:57:54 the, the non norm is to now let yourself age. This is what we've done to women. The norm it's, it's now like some sort of like bizarre thing. If you don't do something to alter your appearance it's somehow like that's it tattoos are like that right when when when jerome and i were kids when jerome and i were kids uh if you had a tattoo was like oh shit we knew we knew
Starting point is 01:58:28 like you were in prison you fought someone your dad beat you like violence tattoos meant violence Jerome and I were kids can I say that if you had a tattoo there was violence somewhere in your life now it's like fucking everyone has one and it's like
Starting point is 01:58:43 you're a weirdo if you do like you're unique if you don't wow you didn't get a tattoo wow holy shit look how clear her eyes are as an old lady i guess she's only 57 that's not that old i don't think she posted this why did i don't think she posted this. I don't think she posted this. But she – L.A. is such a trip, man. Southern California is such a trip. Every – like it's hard to find anyone who – it's hard to find anyone who doesn't have plastic surgery there or something's been changed on them. Jeffrey Birchfield, wow, she's not aged well. I think it's just the lighting, to be honest. I think she's really skinny, right?
Starting point is 01:59:38 I think maybe if she put on five pounds and it was a little different lighting, she'd look much prettier. Jacqueline Sulcus. I love Botox. Great for tension headaches. Filler freaks me out, but Botox I'm good with. Man, I would hate to fucking be strapped to any of that. Sebi, how do you feel about Wild Health? Julie F foucher's medical insurance company know anything about it i don't like anything about her i don't know anything about i i know i know about the
Starting point is 02:00:15 relationship that her and her uh and i know about her fucking duplicitous fucking uh husband or boyfriend who she supposedly claims that she didn't cheat on when she was married to that other dude, Danny. And I know she tries to... I could do a whole show on her. I'm not a fan of hers. I think she's
Starting point is 02:00:39 a quackadoodle. I think she's an unhealthily, probably extremely selfish human being. All my experiences with her have been great. My one-on-one experiences. She's one of those people that I did not enjoy seeing her in high tension during the breakup.
Starting point is 02:01:09 So I'm not a fan at all. Zero. And I think she's pretty woke, and I think she hates the 49ers, and that really sucks. That's a deal breaker for me when someone hates the 49ers. Yeah, don't fuck with your face. I. Yeah, don't fuck with your face. I know, just don't fuck with your face. Why can't you do something else for your headaches, Jacqueline? Why do you have to do Botox?
Starting point is 02:01:33 Why can't you do something else? Have your boyfriend go down on you or something. Yeah, Helen. I'm fitty and struggle to find... I'm fitty. Oh, Helen. I'm Fitty and struggle to find any... I'm Fitty. Oh, God, I love you. Oh, I know who this is. I really do love you. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:01:55 I wonder what time it is over there. God, great to see you. Helen, I'm Fitty and I struggle to find any... I would have never guessed you're Fitty. I'm Fitty and I struggle to find any women my age never guessed you're fitting I'm fitting and I struggle to find anyone my age who haven't had something done it's all Star Trek yeah it's crazy everyone's had something done I know
Starting point is 02:02:11 it's nuts it just seems like a lot of work to me I don't think it should be like weird I don't think it should be like some crazy thing that Justine Bateman hasn't had any work done so the fuck what I don't think she posted this but this is where this is where we're at with women and uh yeah um my my i i used to trip i remember 20 years ago when all when i would see i would be like try to
Starting point is 02:02:41 i would do this game where i would um look around there were these two games i played does anyone drive a worse car than me? And are there any women who don't have their hair dyed? And it was just crazy. So many people. Hair dyed. Now it's like surgeries. I think it's cool.
Starting point is 02:03:05 I think it's fun just to grow old. I'm enjoying it. Maybe because I was never good at anything when I was young. Oh, here we go again. Here we go. You ready? Here we go. Get ready.
Starting point is 02:03:23 Here we go. Back into the fire. Lego land. we go you ready here we go get ready here we go back into the fire lego land this is at lego land and the guy's wearing the fucking uh gay flag the flag that symbolizes uh people's sexuality right is that's what that does the gay flag that's what gay means do you want me to look up gay daily doses remember i had meredith root on here and um alice alice parker alex that was i really enjoyed hanging out with them actually that was a cool podcast and i asked them gay means uh you're someone who likes the same genitalia you have right that's what it means and that's the gay flag so it's a flag for people who it's about genitalia i don't
Starting point is 02:04:06 i don't understand why that's so hard for anyone to accept don't go you don't need to go anywhere else with it that's it that's all i'm saying the lego group supports what for the question is why are you all in here with those pins on do you think children care about what man sucks at home do you do you he asked do you think that the kids who come into your store care that a man sucks a dick when he's at home dude that is a i don't understand how that's not a fair question to someone who's wearing that pin i don't it's a toy it's not even hostile it's just a feel like i guess the only presupposition there is is that legos are for kids well they do have on their box like three and up and seven and
Starting point is 02:05:01 up but they do have some boxes that are like 18 and up and what girl eats vaginas well that was cool they said talk about which girls eat vaginas at home do you think they care about that and then this guy says it's time to leave man why is it time to leave i mean do you think you're wearing a pin and now someone can't ask you about it. That's all. That's it's just crazy. It's fucking crazy that you can't have the conversation. Why can't he just explain it? Hey, dude, it actually doesn't mean that the gay pride flag is actually just acceptance to make people who feel better to feel more comfortable in our store. Why do you need to make people feel comfortable in your to feel more comfortable in our store. Why do you need to
Starting point is 02:05:45 make people feel comfortable in your store based on whose dick they want in their mouth or whose vagina they want in their mouth? Well, it seems like to us that that community has been persecuted and that they do have a lot of money. They are the wealthiest demographic. And so we want to encourage them to feel welcome to come spend money in our store like why and then then that guy can be like well it's a but it's a kid's store why would you do in a kid's store well um gay people also have kids too and they like why can't the conversation just be had why does it have to be like you're leaving you have to leave now i don't think they think about that personally right he's saying i don't think they think about Why does it have to be like you're leaving? You have to leave now. He's saying, I don't think they think about that personally.
Starting point is 02:06:30 He admits that. The fuck they don't. They're little kids. They see that gay flag and they're like, that guy likes dick in his mouth. Of course they do. They're boys. They think your haircut's funny too. It's disgusting. That's called grooming.
Starting point is 02:07:00 Yeah. Yeah, this isn't fair though. Sevan, I said no plastic surgery, 58 years old, last Tuesday. Yeah, but you're part of the privilege class. You're about as fucking, your genes are about as, your genes are nuts, Cobra. Anyway, fuck Legos. It's too bad.
Starting point is 02:07:19 You can buy knockoff Legos. I'm not supporting that shit. Sorry. That's just what I choose to do with my money the beautiful cobra roads yeah i mean basically it's a it's isn't isn't botox like botulism it basically numbs a nerve and i wonder if that shit can go sideways I wonder what the side effects of that is TMJ
Starting point is 02:07:47 that's when your mouth gets like stuck all fucked up the United States of America has the highest rate of avoidable diseases in the world. What does that mean? And guess what? I bet you. Imagine this.
Starting point is 02:08:20 We have the highest rate of avoidable diseases in the world. That's why CrossFit is so cool because we hang out with people. That's why the whole thing. We hang out with people, and our topic of conversation is food and exercise. I'm not worried about people who feel ashamed or pressured or don't like that those people always, why does Tia always seem so positive on social media? Well, that's your fault if it's bugging you or you want to be fake.
Starting point is 02:08:47 Just take the good shit. We have the highest rate of avoidable diseases. And we're in a community where our lifestyle should steer us away from that. From those avoidable diseases. And yet, there's people, like we saw yesterday in the Sporty Beth, who want to argue their limitations. Do not hang out with people who want to argue your limitations. Do not hang out with those people. I can't help it.
Starting point is 02:09:15 It's my genes or whatever, whatever reason. That person was mean to me. They're racist. They're not nice. They're white. Whatever. They're racist. They're not nice. They're white. Whatever. Do not let them put any hedge against you getting healthier and getting away from these avoidable diseases. Do not eat a half a cheesecake and then tell people you eat healthy. I'm reading this book of this author that I want to have on the show.
Starting point is 02:09:52 And then I heard some shit that he said in the book that I just don't agree with, like wholeheartedly don't agree with. He called the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd gut-wrenching. He said when the 49ers came to town that it wreaked havoc on the planet. No, that's not true. It was our response to the 49ers being in town that wreaked havoc. It was our response. It's because when the 49ers came to town that wreaked havoc. It was our response. It's because when the 49ers came to town, we got scared and we locked ourselves in our house for two years.
Starting point is 02:10:33 No, it's not Goggins. No. I would love to have David Goggins on. Is that his name, David Goggins? Breonna Taylor is different. George Floyd no how much you looked into Breonna Taylor you know they found a dead body
Starting point is 02:10:53 in a rental car two weeks before that happened no knock raids or shit hey ma'am No knock raids or shit. Hey, ma'am. Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay, I'm not going to do that one this morning.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Okay. Let's see. Really want to talk about Breonna Taylor? Just end the show. Your Breonna comment reeks of how uninformed you are. Dude, instead of taking the time to say that, just say, hey, dude, she was completely innocent. When the cops raided her home, she had no record.
Starting point is 02:12:16 And she was with her mom in the house. And then I can come back and I can say, actually, that's not what I read. Two weeks before they raided her house, they found a dead body in her rental car, which 12-daily doses you might care about if that was your brother or your sister or your children in that rental car, right? You might have been – maybe – I wonder if you'd be different at 12-daily doses if the dead body they found in a rental car two weeks before they raided her home if you would have felt differently about them raiding her house with a no-knock warrant. I wonder. Or that she had been visiting a guy in jail on a regular basis. Or that the guy in the house that she was living with was shot at the police before. But no, you have to attack me with,
Starting point is 02:13:04 it shows how uninformed you are without saying anything and do you know why you do that i don't tell me why do you do that tell me wow you wow brianna taylor sleeping gun dead, somehow not gut-wrenching. Once again, there you go. Dude, just stop. You know nothing. Instead of sharing information, just name-calling character assassination. You probably think Eric Garner deserved to die too.
Starting point is 02:14:00 Now shifting the subject, emotional appeal. Send me a link. Sebi, there's a young lad from England called Ren. He's an incredible musician. You need to get him on. Send me his link in Instagram, please. I hope James Townsend comes on the show. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:23 I'll do that too. I'm looking to get a bunch of people on. I will definitely invite James on. I've been saying that for a year now. Ellie Turner wrote 250 calories in 1033. Pretty nuts. I don't really, it's crazy. You know what? I don't really know calories for time.
Starting point is 02:14:43 I'm a meters guy. I wish I knew both. Dude, I don't have enough character to be as cool as you. I understand. I fully understand. Okay, we'll leave on this. I've played this before in another show.
Starting point is 02:15:03 This is kind of one of the most startling things I've seen. I don't – it's just – this – if you want to say something about this, Tori, 12 Daily Doses, this shows how fucking ignorant I am and how naive I am because I cannot even fucking believe this. I cannot believe this. This – I shared this with one of the most naive people I know and they're like complete liberal
Starting point is 02:15:32 just chugger of the liberal Kool-Aid and they're like oh yeah there's all sorts of shit like this going on I'm like what Epstein was hiding in plain sight we all knew about him we all knew what he was doing. But we had no one that was no legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him for whatever reason. They were afraid of him. It hides in plain sight. Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew. wife in a combating a combating human uh trafficking uh symposium i guess and she's saying we all knew it was hiding in plain sight we all knew about him we all knew what he was doing
Starting point is 02:16:13 but we had no one that was no um uh legal aspect that would go after him they were afraid of him for whatever reason they were afraid of him on what hey we we watch people take their kids to the 49er games so i guess anything's possible i i'm surrounded by people who took their kids to the 49er games so i guess anything's possible i i'm surrounded by people who took their kids to the 49er games why would i expect anyone to stand up against jeffrey epstein uh if they know that he's fucking raping kids anyway i wish i was leaving the show on a more positive note today absolutely fucking nuts have a great day sunny california love you guys i'm gonna go out and play in the garden smell some flowers then off to the skate park. Allison, I hope I run into you today. I think I'm headed over to Scotts Valley soon. Love you guys. And oh, wait a minute.
Starting point is 02:17:13 James Newberry, 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The great James Newberry. I've never, I can't ever remember meeting James Newberry, but I am truly pumped to meet him. All right, guys. Bye, Judy. See you tonight. Love you guys. It was fun. Bye-bye.

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