The Sevan Podcast - West Coast Classic Day 2 Post-Show | SATURDAY LIVE FROM CARSON

Episode Date: May 26, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Shop deals on electronics, home, and more this Prime Day. Ergonomics of us. Bam, we're live. I don't give a fuck about your ergonomics. Why are you guys... The show started and you guys are on fucking... I'm pulling up the app. You're on Tyler's bedding from last night. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:00:59 There's a stiff part right here. Yeah. Biggest story of day two semi-finals is bryson has the most insane indian accent impersonation i've ever heard and we're off can you can you turn the exposure up on uh the all the boys sitting on top of each other cam god that shot is crazy no no no this one This shot is crazy, dude. Oh, my God. Okay, on behalf of...
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yesterday, the show was a little wild, and Taylor has some words he'd like to say to all the viewers for his cantankerous behavior yesterday. Go ahead, Taylor. Yeah, if you don't like it, fuck you. That's not a bad thing. So you weren't at a different level? That's not even close to how we rehearsed it.
Starting point is 00:01:47 You weren't at a little different level? You don't feel like you should apologize at all? No, there are people who are watching that are innocent bystanders that, yes, I'm a little sorry about it, but every last motherfucker in the comments who is talking shit, listen, the more you open your mouth,
Starting point is 00:02:03 the more I open my mouth. But we need them to chat. That helps the algo. Well, I'm not looking at the chat anymore. So fuck you guys. Talk all your shit. I can't see you.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I'm blocking the haters out. I think we're going to adopt. It's not even haters. You just respond to everyone and derail the show a little bit. All right, I'll chill. No, no derailment today,
Starting point is 00:02:21 brother. Oh, please. Do you want to get spicy? Oh, just talk directly to the camera? Oh, yeah. That's awesome, Taylor. If you want to say fuck you to the people watching.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Fuck you. That's so good, dude. Poor Taylor. We egg him on and reel him in. Taylor's a Colby Covington of CrossFit. I like Colby. Okay, Taylor Self, Sentinel Training. Tyler Watkins, Heat One Up. Can you turn my headphones up?
Starting point is 00:03:01 And John. Oh, John, what's up, dude? I didn't even see you down there. What's up? Yeah. Just put you up top john young uh from jy barbell senior analyst in the crossfit space dude this dude uh wait till you see the behind the scenes what uh tutor magnus coach had some strong words for you today on camera for me for me no for john young oh yeah john oh we can't even hear John. Can you not hear me? I can't hear John.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I can't hear him either. He's not muted. John, are you mute? No, I'm not muted. Can the chat hear me? I can't hear you, John. I don't think that's true for John yet. This show is brought to you by Paper Street Coffee.
Starting point is 00:03:50 If you buy $100 or more now and use code word SEVON, you'll be entered into a contest. I have talked very badly about doing two free tickets to the CrossFit Games. They're the best seats in the house. Over $1,000 each. Make five orders of $100 or more. Use code word SEVON. You'll be seats in the house. Over $1,000 each. Make five orders of $100 or more. Use code word SEVON. You'll be entered in five times. paper tree coffee thank you
Starting point is 00:04:32 you you only eat real food you're just mad that i can have granola and so I was six pack John are you hey John what's up dude good to see you check check one two three oh shit Bieber you see him yeah oh shat again in the house okay fuck it I don't have to do shit. This is dope. Two biggest stories. Biggest story of the day really truly is Kelsey Keely Kelsey Keely Kelsey Keely
Starting point is 00:05:12 destroying the... What's her name? Kelsey Keel. Kelly Kells. Kelly Kells. Yeah, Kelly Kells. Who disagrees with me anyone disagree with me i wouldn't say that's the biggest story today are you at it kanye will be in first place
Starting point is 00:05:30 yeah that is not the biggest story but that's big that's big or chrissy barra remaining in the top 10 oh we thought i would do that okay hold on i want to i want to write that i want to write you thought we'll start a poll caleb can we have uh we're can we have four stories? Or five things to vote on? Yeah, thing one. Bill Leahy, CrossFit Games 2025 champ, withdrawn due to injury. Bill Leahy with 1,000
Starting point is 00:05:57 Instagram followers pulls out. Bill Leahy, injured. I'm going to do Kels Keeley destroying the rope. Kel's Keel. Kel's Keel destroying the rope. Kelsey Keel. The chick who's on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:13 The hot pick who's on the podcast. I think I can help with the pan pan situation. El's disciple. Okay. What's your big story today? I'm going to go with Chrissy Barra. Chrissy Barra being such a Barra. Ibarra. Such a... Ibarra, sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I don't even know her name. Itty bitty story. Sorry, I didn't get drilled on it the other day. Chrissy Barra, top 10. Ibarra. JR. Bernardin, still in third. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's Bernardin. Itty bitty. I haven't met that girl yet. I haven't met that girl yet either. Hey, can you pull up her picture? I have to talk to her tomorrow. I have to see what this chick looks like. I still don't know what she looks like.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Caitlyn Bernard. I do. Yeah, that's a big story to me. Top three going into the final day. John, do you have a top story? I think Hattie Conyo being in first is the most surprising thing so far. We're only halfway through. There are three intra-games rookies in the female field right now.
Starting point is 00:07:08 But if anybody said Hattie Konya will be first place after three events and going to the last day, everybody would say you're on crack. Myself included. Her name's Kelsey Keel. Okay. So can we do a five-way? Shit, I have Caleb on all. There you are, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Five votes. I'm only at four. Four. Okay. Let's go, and we'll take someone out. Whose is the worst? Bill, the Bill Leahy, the Kelsey Kiel. Bill's the worst.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Bill's only big news because he's Bill. What's even the big? What's the worst Bill's only big news because What's even the big What's the story You stupid queer You and these guys He didn't say fag though That's not stop That has nothing to do with being homosexual
Starting point is 00:07:59 You're literally the last letter On the whole thing dude That's got nothing to do with stay focused on your attack go back to attack dude you literally are like i think bill's gonna make the games i think bill's gonna podium i think bill's gonna be top three this weekend now he's withdrawn and that's not a big story oh fuck me i think it's Like, this must be how Colton feels when people make short jokes. You only have the accent joke. That's the only one you do.
Starting point is 00:08:29 You're right. That is the only joke I've ever made. That's the only thing I have. So, JR, what do you think is the least exciting out of those? Bill Leahy, or the least big story of the day. Bill Leahy getting wounded. Kelsey Keel. Kelsey Keel with the rope climbs. Chrissy barra uh top still in the top 10 caitlin
Starting point is 00:08:49 bernard in the top three and hattie canyo fucking just putting it to the girls i would say the least interesting a lot of people had kelsey keel qualifying john told us she was going to do well in this workout last night oh okay and so i mean, I would say that's the least big story. Okay, what do you think is the least? I mean, to me, it's Bill. It's like he got hurt. Yeah, it sucks, but it's just not interesting. Okay, one vote each.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Who do you think is the least interesting? Chris Ibarra. It's the dumbest fucking story I've ever heard. Are you kidding me? No one knew him going in besides John. John, what do you think is the least interesting story? I mean, I think J.R. knew about Chris better than I did. John, what do you think is the least interesting story?
Starting point is 00:09:24 I mean, I think JR knew about Christmas better than I did. Yeah, I would probably agree with JR that Kelsey Kill killing the rope climb workout. She got eighth place, right? Like she did better than we thought she would, than everybody thought she would do. Yeah, I see that. It's not like an amazing big story. It's one workout and she said. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I got something. Hey, I got something. It's way too long I got something. Wait too long for the poll. Wait too long for the poll. I told you... Okay, fine. Kelsey Keel noted she capped when she tried the workout out. Then the second time she tried it, she finished it. Then when she did it in front of
Starting point is 00:10:00 the audience, she beat her PR by four minutes. That's the story, but I lose. Go ahead, J.R. If I told you that through three events of this semifinal that there are going to be two people, three people with top ten finishes
Starting point is 00:10:17 on all three, and I told you none of them were Ariel Lowen, Emily Rolfe, or Alex Kazan, you would tell me I was insane. And that's exactly what's happened. There's three people with top tens on all three, and none of them are those three.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah, programming sucks. Well, we have a... Oh, shit, Lindsay Martin's in ninth. Yeah, dude. God, it would be amazing if she made it. She's been doing CrossFit for a long time. She's a special human. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Lindsey Martin. She's an OPT athlete. What's his name? Michael Fitzgerald is here. Is he here? Yeah, I interviewed him. Who's Michael Fitzgerald? James' brother.
Starting point is 00:10:59 OPT's brother. Little brother. OPT Canada. OPT Canada. He was like third place in 2009 CrossFit Games. I had third place. Oh, it's OPEX? Oh, she's OPEX?
Starting point is 00:11:08 No, that's Caitlin Bernadine. Oh, yeah, but I... Caitlin Bernadine is OPEX? No. Can I see another picture of her? I need more data points. Lindsay is. Lindsay Martin.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Dude, she can't qualify. She's OPEX. She's going to struggle on snatch. I think... Thank you. You're doing great. Oh, I looked at this chick yesterday. Is chick who took off was wearing yellow in the run she's the one who took off is she freckly how have i not talked to this chick oh let me see her let me see her boyfriend maybe i'll
Starting point is 00:11:39 recognize him see it she's also the one that pool boy said would murder everything okay i haven't seen that dude See it? She's also the one that Poolboy said would murder everything. Okay, I haven't seen that dude. Dude, apparently everything you eat eight weeks prior to your child's conception has an effect on its genetics. And, like all the other little things. I wonder if drinking caffeine and wine matters when you're pregnant. Why the fuck do you think you're asking? Because you know it does. Yeah, so don't be drinking that, Tyler,
Starting point is 00:12:10 if you're going to go home and get a little hanky-panky. I get pregnant? I can't wait to get pregnant. Savon, she's out of Bakersfield. Wow. Wild. She's OPEX. We don't care. I care. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I do think she's going to take a drastic drop. Yeah, that's what I was talking about with JR earlier today. Like, tomorrow is a very different day. But you pushed back a little bit. I said, typically for the females, if there's a weakness, it's going to rear its head on one of three workouts. The last workout today, which she got through, she managed. Who's she? Kaitlin Bernadine. Bernadine.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Bernadine, sorry. Heavy snatch, being able to finish the 175 or the 15 ring muscle-ups. So, she's a third of the way through. Fusile sitting in 11th. That's a good spot for her. She's itty-bitty. Okay,
Starting point is 00:13:04 we're going to go through the scores. What do we normally start with? We go through the scores, and then we go through the workouts? I think we go through the workouts for tomorrow. We go through the scores, and then we go through tomorrow's workouts. That's the – okay. Who's going to drop? Hattie Canio, tons of shit with her from behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Super easy to interview. Great girl. Third year in the semifinals, a third, a seventh and a fourth. Steady Eddie sitting in first place, 267 points, three points behind her.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Alex Guzzan, 11th, the third and a first. I got great. I got great interview with her after she did that 1027. And I guess I can say it since I had the camera rolling, but she said I wanted to give Tia something to chase. Tia's not going to beat that.
Starting point is 00:13:54 You said that was 1027. Tia's not going to beat that? No. The year Luke Parker made it to the games. Last year? He was at crash leading up to that. And I remember I asked him after a workout, I was like, what were you thinking about during that workout?
Starting point is 00:14:10 He was like, I knew Rich would be faster. So the fact that she's thinking about Tia when she's not even here. Way different. What are you even talking about? Thinking about athletes that aren't even present at the event six times champ that's scary to me all right why is that scary t is scary scary to alex or tia alex that she's that aggressive oh then alex is that aggressive yes i think that's scary i think very aggressive she was she was like she looked like a wild animal that reminds me of when the
Starting point is 00:14:44 footage is great that reminds me of when uh reminds me of when Kalipa's like oh what's Rich doing we all know Kalipa sucks cause he was saying what's Rich doing cause I need to catch up to him she's trying to set the pace have you ever heard of Josh Bridges tell that story with Tiger Woods
Starting point is 00:15:01 and Phil Mickelson and Ernie Els yeah but I think that's different for people. You agree with me, John? Yeah. Yeah. Shut up, Tyler. I like what Tyler said. And on top of that, he is not going to beat that.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Go ahead, Jer. Yeah, I think that'll be that'll be interesting to see if she can, like if she has that goal and she still can't beat it. But I was going to say the females did 10 cows on the bike, just like the guys. The females did the same amount of rope climbs to the same height. They only used a box that was six inches shorter. Guess how many males Alex Kazan beat on that workout? 10, 15. More, more.
Starting point is 00:15:39 20. 20. Wow, they suck. I'm not kidding. Alex is amazing but she's like the height and size of some of the dudes 20 guys took longer than 27 no she's not what guy is five foot six and 150 pounds no she's just the best legless world as the as the female her and imital are separated nobody else uh caitlin uh bernardin uh 264 points tied with alex kazan for second a first a fourth and a tenth abigail domit looking like a savage just looks super well
Starting point is 00:16:12 rounded i'm really interested to see how the snatch goes uh final workout there i was wondering who won uh look at how close it was 11 23 uh had he uh can you at 11 23 and abigail doman had 11 23 there was another one around there too somewhere it went down to the tenths of a second they both dove across the finish line it was pretty cool yeah i also got that on footage bethany flores was the other one in that race yep uh emily rolf with 258 points in fifth place a second and 13th and a second that's strong uh ariel ariel lowen 240 points eighth, a first and a 14th. Fittest woman in the world. Looking calm and collected.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Bethany Flores. Third fittest woman in the world. Sorry, fittest woman in America. Thank you, John. Bethany Flores, 216 points, 14th, 11th, and a sixth. Kyra Milligan, 18th, 8th, and 7th, sitting in eighth place. Lindsey Martin, 198 points. A 32nd.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So that's like the first bad score we've seen in the top 10. I would argue Ariel's score is pretty poor, considering her fitness ability. Her 14th? Yeah. It's crazy, too, because she didn't look like she was moving slow uh yeah it was interesting watching her on that workout she goes to use a footwork technique on the box jump over that looked a little bit more labored and just was a little bit slower than most of the other females so it looked like that was the part of the workout that
Starting point is 00:17:43 she went a lot slower on and it didn't look like the box was super relevant for the females as a whole is hattie can you're going to struggle on the snatch event i talked to her coach yesterday and he said i'm not going to say her time but she hit both at 175 without an issue not anywhere close to the cap i was i was just looking her up and i that was one question i had just based on her build yeah that based on her build. Yeah, that was the one workout I asked him about because I just kind of thought doing that well on the run. I was like, hey, is she so aerobic that strength is a limiter? But he didn't seem to think so. Yeah, there she is.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, she's a beast. Good attitude. yeah she's she's a beast good attitude uh janie chevry uh sitting in 10th place on the bubble with 195 then rebecca fusile 23rd a second and a 16th does she have any home runs coming up i think she'll be good at the handstand walking one but i don't I don't think she wins it. Yeah, but she's got to be top 10. You think she will be? She's got no home runs coming up. And hey, I mean, a lot of people going in were just curious about whatever the strength event would be for her. That's still going to be the snatch, even though there's a lot of this involved.
Starting point is 00:19:01 She squatted that load really well. That workout showed me that the toes to bar were way more relevant for the females than it was for the males. But, I mean, just judging on how she's moved to barbell so far, it looks like she's going to be able to at least finish the snatch. John, in this division, like comparatively to Europe, is just finishing the snatch ladder gonna be enough for someone like her no no i think she'll have to have like eight to nine minutes okay so that'll
Starting point is 00:19:37 be something good watch is like but i also work out five right yeah i also think though there are a lot of girls ahead of her that I do that. I think we'll have trouble finishing it that are just weaker in general. Who can you name one? Lindsay Martin is for sure. Like I, um, and then like, I think Caitlin Bernadine, it wouldn't surprise me if, if all the girls that we don't know a lot about name that are up there will struggle in the snatch workout or the handstand walking workout, like a hole will be revealed as Jr has said, like major where the 30th place. Now they're not in it anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And Rebecca has say if she gets eight something in the snatch workout, that's good enough for like an 18th place and 18, 24 third place. And um if one of those other girls ahead of her gets a 30 something place then she's ahead of them but that's that's and i i think that's going to happen whether that's enough or not because somebody like kelsey keels who could get first could jump all of them all together in that one event. Gabrielle Spence, 12th place, 13th, 20th, 11th. Look at still, who had that 32nd?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Rebecca? No, who had the 32nd place finish? Lindsey Martin. Lindsey Martin. And that tells me that the squats were heavy for her, which means all the next events are not going to go very well Yeah, I I suspect she drops out look at this in 13th place. Uh, carissa stapp you're still in 13th with a 39th Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah uh kelsey keel
Starting point is 00:21:20 14th 15th place stacy laram 16th place. Uh, mariana mezza. She's been fighting fighting 17th place Stacy Larum 16th place Mariana Meza she's been fighting fighting 17th place Danny Spiegel a 28th a 10th and a 13th fake news is she gonna make it no no she'll push up tomorrow
Starting point is 00:21:37 I mean I think there's only room enough for one big girl and Kelsey kill is that girl. Emily White, Trista Smith, Sydney McElishan, 20th, Julia Holm, Brittany Chestnut, Olivia Kerstetter, 23rd, 20th, 18th, and 27th. So, John, even if Olivia has, let's just say she has two top fives and something that's in the mid-teens.
Starting point is 00:22:06 She can't make up enough points. I don't think it'll be enough. You just think she's too far out right now? Yeah, I mean, let's look at her to eighth place. 118 points. Go ahead and go upside down. And here's the thing. Say she does that, if Kelsey Keel does the same thing, she's ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:22 If Danny Spiegel does the same thing. She's ahead. If Danny Spiegel does the same thing, she's ahead. She has two women who are typically capable of the same thing you're saying that can also do that. Then you have all of these women ahead of her. Only a couple of them need to have a good day or snatches a wheelhouse or handstand walking is a wheelhouse. Then it's over. Right. What's the point gap? It's 118 to what's eighth place caleb i'm sorry i didn't i didn't see it when you scrolled originally 210 so i mean that's almost a 90 point gap
Starting point is 00:22:57 what do you mean who's gonna say what that she's not going to make it. Who, who, who Olivia Kerstetter? Yeah. Melissa Croucher. Do you think because the workouts were released early, lots of these unknown athletes are coming out strong because they could practice for weeks. Whereas the usual unknown, a usual known athletes may have not pushed. No, no, I don't think so. great question uh was a good question something else
Starting point is 00:23:28 to just point out too because a lot of people look at depth of field they look at it based on strength of strength of field metrics or world wide ranking or whatever but just look at the leaderboard through three events look at places 31 through 40 right now and some of these women i mean this is just making semifinal you're an incredible athlete places 31 through 40 right now. Some of these women, I mean, this is just making semifinal. You're an incredible athlete. Places 31 through 40 all have at least two finishes 30th or higher in the first three.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Meaning, they are probably not going to middle anybody that needs their help. At this point, they're kind of just the bottom quarter of athletes. And we would know about them if they were right so like it's uh i mean there may be an outlier here and there but but you you can't you're almost looking at the top 30 as their own competition because those bottom 10 have
Starting point is 00:24:18 already shown that they're probably going to take one of those bottom 10 spots on every workout yeah great i see exactly what you see everyone 30th and below has the highest finish is 19. right and like and if there was a specialist say it's crazy you noticed that uh a hannah black or somebody was in the bottom 30. we would we would have talked about them last week well we would know that they would middle they could middle and we don't know any of these people's names. All right. So that's a quick overview of the females.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Let's go over to the boys. Jamie Hygie is not going to middle anybody? No. She's just going to middle the age group division. The boys, Patrick Vellner sitting in first place for the fourth, a second, and a second. 285 points. Then Justin Medeiros looking good, seventh, third, and third. James Sprague, a first, a thirteenth, and a first.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Two event wins for James. I think James winning two wins out of the first three events is pretty big news. It's not impossible, but it's still pretty crazy that he pulled it off it is i mean tyler you have a prop bet of multiple event winners like yeah did anyone have a lot of money on james comparatively to like pat and brent let me
Starting point is 00:25:37 check that one because that's i mean in james said in the post interview too like he's gonna he's gonna completely go forward on the finale guys so like he's he's someone that could he's someone that could go forward and just win that last one especially if he's fighting for a podium spot going into event six like he could he could definitely win three we didn't even put sprague on the list but you said you had none so like if you yeah of the people that you know it's funny most people are thinking it's pat which is hilarious because he's not got one right what's funny jr not yet is you remember we talked about sprague and brent and then i was like it's just everything i think sprague is going to be good at i think brent's going to be better and it's been the exact opposite sprague's been a little bit
Starting point is 00:26:20 better out of the events that they were going to be good at. Yeah, I mean, after the first two rounds, it was kind of clear that it was Pat, James, and then everybody else. Like, that was going to be the one, too, after the first couple rounds. I wonder how you – I can't remember what coach I was talking to about this today, but, like, Brent's very measured, right? He's very cadenced. I guess you could say paced. And somebody was saying, like, to be a little reckless is paying off
Starting point is 00:26:44 if you can hold it in these tests. Do you agree or disagree? If you have all the movements, all that stuff, you need to be a little ballsy. Whereas Brent kind of just can't do that. Or he doesn't do it. I don't know if I really agree with that. I would agree in event six, I would agree with that. I don't know. I would agree in event six. I would agree with that.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, for sure on that event. I felt like watching the rope climb event, the guys were going out and doing stuff, and some of them were just crashing and burning. You could tell they were going out fast and just trying to see what they could hold. I felt like James did that and held on to it the whole time. I think Brent was shocked at Sprague's output for event three.
Starting point is 00:27:26 James sped up as he went. He didn't go out hot and hang on. He sped up. It seemed – yeah, I thought Pat – because Pat sped up like round five, and I thought he was just going to jump him. Yeah, James is laughing. Yeah, I could see that with Pat. And James turned it on.
Starting point is 00:27:43 He sure did. It felt like Justin went for it. Yeah, the final bike, he created a lot of separation. Alex Peters, Colton had the best interview today after event two. Absolutely savage. Colton lost to a girl on event three, dude. I love you, Colton, but dude.
Starting point is 00:27:58 He lost to a couple girls. Yeah, bro. Come on, dude. Somebody text Colton. Tell him to pick up the pace, bro. Fifth place, Chris Ibarra, 255 points. Cole Sager in sixth place. Is Cole going? Yeah, Cole's going.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah, dude. And I mean, shame on us for thinking that he was just kind of like one foot out the door. Rode hard and put up with. A lot of us were just like, yeah, he's semi-retired, whatever. After the second workout, I was like, no, this dude's still a pro. I think we're all just tired of seeing him. I know that sounds bad. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:28:37 You're tired of seeing him. He goes to the games, doesn't do shit. I think it's just because I'm old that I can really appreciate for the past five or six years people saying, the torch is getting ready to be passed. The torch is getting ready to be passed. But Brent and Pat are still two of the best five in the world, and they're both approaching mid-30s.
Starting point is 00:28:57 If the young guys – We're talking about Cole. Yeah, but he's right there with that age group is what I'm saying. He's still making the games. Yeah, he's's right there with that age group, is what I'm saying. He's still making the games. Yeah, he's all this fuck. It's just like he doesn't have this new group of guys, Dallin Sprague, Colton. They all really push people to invest in them.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And Cole wins, and he does well, and he's just like, thanks, guys. So it's hard to get invested in him. 33 years old. Seventh place, Samuel Quant. Eighth place, Colton Mertens. A fifth, a first, and a 24th. Who was the athlete who had the 32nd place finish out of the females? 37th.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Stapp. No, she was in the top 10. Oh, Lindsey Martin. He's got a Lindsey Martin thing going on. Colton does. No, she was in the top 10. Oh, Lindsey Martin. He's got a Lindsey Martin thing going on. Colton does. No, we got beat by a girl. We knew that event was going to be bad, and also for him to be within the top 30, I think, on that event is good.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Ninth place, Brandon Luckett. By the way, Colton came out pacing. Basically, it looked like he was pacing himself, and the guys who beat him did not pace. I think those box jumps, the step downs. He needed to pace. It was interesting watching him do that step back box jump. Yeah, I saw him do the step back.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Because you told me, like, hey, when you – because I tried this workout. And JR was like, do a step back and then jump into it to keep your heart rate down. And I noticed that for him. Which sucked because the other guys were not doing that at all for him not unfair but like he it's just he's never going to be great at this workout yeah yeah uh bryson del monte tyler's going to taylor's going to do to event three what george floyd did to the girl in the video we just watched oh my, my God. Oh, my God. We were doing some research earlier today, guys.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Well, you know, there's that new documentary coming out. There was a comment. Greethieber. Brandon Luckett, 207. A 16th, a 6th, and a 12th. Cole Greyshaber. He's in it, man. No, he's not.
Starting point is 00:31:04 He's in 10th place. He's in 10th. Take nine. He's not getting in. The man child fucking match. Yeah, he's a big boy, though. Like, we've seen through the first week that the bigger, stronger, more powerful athletes tend to continue to move up the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:31:18 So who's he taking out? So who's he taking out? See if he can hold on to the first day. He's not taking out Pat. He's not taking out Justin. He's not taking out Sprague. He's not taking out Pat. He's not taking out Justin. He's not taking out Sprague. He's not taking out Brent. Is he taking out Chris Ibarra?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Ibarra. If the East athletes had been competing in Carson, would the crowd have been any bigger? Probably not. Crowds blow. Pat, Justin, and Brent, that's just as much star power.
Starting point is 00:31:45 That's three of the top six guys in the world. Hey, Kazan, Fusile, and Ariel Loewen. We're going to draw a huge fucking crowd next week. I mean, you can make an argument that people will come just to watch Tia, but... No, no, no. It's just to watch Taylor. Word. Brandon Luckett, Cole Greyshaber.
Starting point is 00:32:02 You think Greyshaber's going to the games? No, so we're trying to get out Is he going to take Ibarra out? He doesn't have to take anyone out, he just has to stay in tent What do we know about Ibarra's snatching? Guys, so he's not taking Ibarra out I'm trying to assist that
Starting point is 00:32:17 Ibarra's a working process on snatching But he's got a freaking 60 point gap That's going to be the workout He does have a big cushion, John. And just from talking to his coach, I think I said this last night, they spent like the whole year really, really focused on absolute strength. So we're going to see. Like the way I look at it, even if event four is an okay finish,
Starting point is 00:32:38 he's still going to have a huge cushion. It's going to all be about those last two reps. So yes or no. Is he, is he edging Ibarra out of the top nine? No, no, I don't think you can compare guys that are taking Cole out of the top
Starting point is 00:32:53 nine. Possibly. No, the answer is no. Is he taking any of them are going to drop. It's going to be Cole Sager. That's how I feel. Out of the top nine.
Starting point is 00:33:07 But, John, but, John, but, John, didn't you say – Yeah, but I think you guys talked about Brandon Luckett not being able to finish the ladder. He's a knight. Point being – No, not – I said he was going to be bad at the ladder. Not that he wouldn't be able to finish it. I got you.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Look, Cole Gray-Saber ain't going to the games. I'll eat crow if he does. I tell you what, if Luckett doesn't finish the ladder, then Cole Gray-Saber's going to the games. I'll eat crow if he does. I tell you what, if Luckett doesn't finish the ladder, then Cole Gray Shaver's going to the games. You're right. But Luckett better finish that fucking ladder. Because now you've taken a hard stand. You better finish that fucking ladder, buddy.
Starting point is 00:33:39 You fucked it right in the ass. Wow. That ladder. Not anybody else or anything. Nah. It's a little late. Good morning. Maximilian Krieg.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Krieg looking good. William Leahy, the fourth, the third, something. William, Bill. I don't think he's going to take any spots. Torn lady of Medora. Yeah. Full prediction there, John. There's a lot of rumors flying around that he's toast.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Yeah, I heard from Brian Friend that he injured his Achilles. Is that where you heard it? Yes. Is that a trustworthy source? Well, I think... Patrick Clark, are you in the comments? He's always looking to correct us. Well, we do know this.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Leahy's out. He withdrew. He had a boot on his foot. Boot. And I heard that it's an Ach to correct us. Well, we do know this. Leahy's out. He withdrew. He had a boot on his foot. Boot. And I heard that it's an Achilles. Wow. Allegedly. If that is the case, that's really sad.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I don't. What do you think happened there? Because they take the bound out of the box jump to protect against that, but you will still allow athletes to drop from 14 feet in the air straight. Do they not have the line to drop below? I didn't notice that. They have to go to that certain point. There's no requirement on the descent.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Wow. Actually, the truth is if they're six feet tall. How are you going to simultaneously have that and the box jump standard? That's what Taylor's saying. Belner was free-falling hey, I don't think you have to. Belner was free-falling too. Belner was free-falling from the top.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I don't think you have to. Not every single rep the way Bill was recklessly free-falling. Dude, Kayla put together. Kayla might have the. All I'm saying is this. You play with fire. You're going to get burned? I mean, me out of anyone.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I've gotten hurt in competition anyone I've gotten hurt in competition I've gotten hurt training It sucks it blows You gotta take care of yourself You have to look out for yourself So it's already blown out there Is what we assume Really?
Starting point is 00:35:37 He doesn't look great right there Oh shit That's not where he does it though He's slow You can see it on though. Like, he's slow. Like, you could see it on the fourth rep where he stops. The first no rep. Like, before this. That was the first no rep.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Ten more seconds. Ten more seconds. Here you go, right here. He got fifth on that workout. Okay, so he's good there. Good there. Okay, the next one. The next.
Starting point is 00:35:59 This one right here is where he does it. Yep. And see, like, it's gone. He has no idea what's going on right now. Something's happening, and he has no idea. Was it on top of the box? Was it on top of the box? No way you blow your Achilles out like that.
Starting point is 00:36:14 He's leading with the right foot every time, so the left foot is coming down second, and I think when the left foot touches and he goes to explode is when he feels it. Push off the right foot. Oh, there. And which foot is it that it blows? That one that he's got all the weight on the left.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I think, I think it's the left, but I'm not sure. Yeah. That fucking sucks. Let's see his next jump. Let's see his next jump. Well,
Starting point is 00:36:39 he takes 10 seconds to do it. This is the other thing about workouts getting leaked early and being in one of the later weeks is, is the great thing about CrossFit is you don't get a lot of repetitive overuse injury because of the intent, uh, or sorry, the purposeful variants, right? You're always doing something a little bit different. So you don't get these overuse injuries. And when these workouts come out a month fucking early because somebody drops the ball over at HQ And somebody leaks the workouts Then you have all these athletes running their dick into the dirt for weeks on the same movements lunge box jump over legless
Starting point is 00:37:16 muscle-up snatch Repeat and that's why you watch the show people for editorial shit like that. That was brilliant I mean, it's true. You just start feeling beat up when you do the show, people, for editorial shit like that. That was brilliant. I mean, it's true. You just start feeling beat up when you do the same shit over and over. It's fucking miserable. I wonder if that played a part. I do think him dropping from the top doesn't help things that many times, recklessly.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And also, what I noticed in his workout, he was flying, by the way. Incredibly fit dude. You don't need to drop from the top like that. It's not adding any speed to your workout. He was flying by the way, incredibly fit, dude. You don't need to drop from the top like that. It's not adding any speed to your workout. And in fact, your body absorbing all of that shock, like when you come down from a row climb that fast, that fatigues you. You don't just land. Oh, that did nothing to me. Like you, you absorb all that energy into your body. That's like shock. It's like receiving a heavy jerk or whatever. And then you just walk back to your bike a handful of seconds slower.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And I'm not saying use your feet, but pinch with the thigh, slide, grip, drop safely, then trot to the bike. And you've just eliminated all the speed you gained from doing that. It's the same thing that happens. It's a bad habit. It's just a bad habit. Falling from the top. Who? Rebecca Fitteson. She was just like taking a couple of pins and falling from the top. It's a bad habit. Who? Rebecca Fitteson.
Starting point is 00:38:25 She was just like taking a couple of pins and falling from the top. It's just a bad habit. It's not worth it. It's a bad habit. We blame Rich Froning for that. But he learned how to use his feet after he fucked his ankle up.
Starting point is 00:38:37 But he would do that thing where he was one of the first guys to be dropping. But he would still hold the rope. Bill's just dropping from the top not holding the rope right oh yeah like jumping like they literally basically just letting go and let go oh jesus it was yeah question i think a lot of the fans or the people in chat don't know this but but to both of you you know how many times athletes are doing workouts or variations of these workouts that's all they're doing a lot of them maybe not all of them how many times athletes are doing workouts or variations of these workouts. That's all they're doing. That's all they're doing.
Starting point is 00:39:05 A lot of them. Maybe not all of them. How many times are you practicing that rope climb event or some variation? You know, example, uh, Kelsey Keel, I told me she did that workout three times or two,
Starting point is 00:39:19 at least two times. That's not enough. And that's not, and that's not variations to train it. That's just testing the actual event. The repetitive nature of getting the workouts early is destructive to athletes.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I hate it. I fucking hate it. Joel Taylor lures us in with his great takes then goes off the rails. And then you heard Ariel say that she doesn't and hasn't practiced any of it. She's leading like a freaking boss, dude. I mean, she didn't do very well. I think if you have the confidence that you're making the games,
Starting point is 00:39:50 you don't need to do that. If you're one of these people like Bill or Kelsey, where you are fucking fighting tooth and nail for a spot, you are beating the shit out of these workouts. Yeah, because you need every second. You need every bit of information to go in there knowing that you did everything you could. Kill Taylor's very own Tristan Harris in 13th.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Crazy. I know. He's fucking murking. Let's go, Tristan. Drake Lewis. Another Kill Taylor contestant. Kill Taylor contestant sitting in 14th place. Scott Tetlow.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Maybe if he would have come on the show at any point, he'd be a little higher. He wishes he was a Kill Taylor contestant. Jacob Schmidt, 16th place. Just put it on my head, dude. I do want to say if he was still in it, I mean, he
Starting point is 00:40:36 set himself up to make it. I've got to say this. Okay, keep going. Sorry. Trayvon Benton, Tudor Mag Benton Tudor Magda Tudor Magda sitting in 18th place with 144 points half as many points as the first place guy Patrick Wilner
Starting point is 00:40:53 if you're a coach and you have to scream at analysts or camera guys about your athlete being better than we think he is you're wasting your fucking energy, brother. Let me just tell you this. No one gives a fuck what Stephen A. Smith thinks, and he's good for the sport. Listen, us analysts being up here, it's not about you. It's not about your precious little athletes, feelings and emotions. We're giving these takes so that
Starting point is 00:41:22 people want to watch your athlete either succeed or crash and fucking burn. It's got nothing to do with you guys. So keep your emotions out of it. Wow, you're very mature today. Go ahead. He went after Tyler. No, John Young. He went after John Young.
Starting point is 00:41:39 He did go after John Young. What did he say to me? I didn't hear it. If someone fucking comes after my boy, I get fucking buck, Ed. So you might be tall and heavy, but I've been to fucking prison. And you've never been to prison, bro. We need more exposure. He looks like he's...
Starting point is 00:41:55 He doesn't even look white. It's so dark. Well, he wasn't. He wasn't for that moment. Yeah, I was red. Turn the overhead light on. That 27th place in event one didn't prove to me anything. Can we see the poll?
Starting point is 00:42:10 It didn't prove to anyone anything, bro. Can we see how the poll is doing? All right, so, John, we got Tudor in 18th. This is a serious question. Yep. We'll come back to the poll. Is he as low as you will go to say that – I mean, we know how fast he is on his hands.
Starting point is 00:42:27 We know he did great on 24.2, so he obviously does have good rowing capacity in long workouts. Oh, he cheated on that workout. Is he as low as you will go to say if he crushes the snatch, if he crushes the handstand walk, he could still get in? Yeah, but somebody else would have to have a dress somebody else would have something go wrong for him to get in somebody would have to crash and burn somewhere if everybody's like where do you get 190 points next to you next to events he'll get 190 points so do you think he finishes like between 10 and 12 the weekend? He needs 64 points right now.
Starting point is 00:43:07 He's got a 64-point gap between him and 9th. You know who he's also got to leap? You know who he's also got to take out of competition? He's got to count on Cole Grayshaber fucking up, Brandon Luckett fucking up, Colton fucking up, Sam Quant fucking up, Cole Sager fucking up, Chris Ibarra fucking up, Brent Fikowski, James Sprague, Justin Medeiros, Pat Fowler. Those guys, to me, don't sound like guys. None of those 10 sound like guys that Tudor Magda is going to make up 65 points on. Tell me I'm wrong. I think he'll be within 20 points of those guys going into event six.
Starting point is 00:43:42 of those guys going into Event 6. But Event 6, Event 6, I do not believe Tudor can have some Heinrich Hapelainen like event. Tudor doesn't have that. What's the time domain on Event 6? If it's under 4 minutes, he's... It's 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
Starting point is 00:43:57 It is. It's 2 to 4. I'll tell you what, though. That kid can shoot himself out of a fucking cannon. So can Praxis Ballner. So can Justin Madera. So can all of the guys ahead of him. what though that kid can shoot himself out of a fucking cannon so can these other guys so can just so can all of the guys ahead of the problem is and hey i think tutor can hold on to the dumbbells the whole way there are a lot of these guys can't do this is the problem seven it's not that he's not good enough to make up 65 points it's that the 10 people that he needs to do bad yeah it's not like the women's it's not like the women's field where there's not control of his own
Starting point is 00:44:25 destiny. No, fuck no. Okay. You need somebody. I do think he can make the games Jr, but somebody would have to have to fuck up somebody's a bottom, a bottom 20 event coming up.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Other than some buddies, uh, maybe more than a bottom 20 event. No, he would need literally. He would need either Colton or Luckett to have a, maybe, or quant.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Those are the only three people he has a chance of catching. And he would need one of those three people to have one. They're both like, the reason why I don't think it is the case with Colton is because I know he's going to have a top five of it in the snatch. It's not like it's going to be a 10th, right? He might win the snatch. Yes, but my point,
Starting point is 00:45:09 he's going to have a top five, Colton. Yeah. Even though he does bad in event four, it doesn't mean as much. You see what I'm saying? Where Luckett could be like 10th and then a bottom 20 and then a 10th. I think Tudor jumps that.
Starting point is 00:45:27 If that happens to Luck it number 19th and this is the other thing people i know i'm not even looking at the comments but i know people in the comments are gonna be like oh i can't wait to see you suck cock next week taylor listen i can't wait to see you suck cock tonight i'm i'm not fucking on this show as an athlete fuckers all right he identifies as a jake felton uh has a comment for you uh taylor crushing the couch poses this weekend do i look hot uh i want to refer uh was that was that weird see mccannons by the way nice flip of the picture that is amazing picture i want to refer taylor straight to the Better Health app that he's spitting straight facts about tonight. What's Better Health? Oh, is that a therapy?
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yeah. Yeah, my mom sent me to a psych ward when I was younger, dude, and it made me want to kill myself. Let me just tell you, that's not the place you want to go to get help. Tyler J.R., do y'all think you can make it without that? I sit with you on this one.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Anthony TPA, Taylor's feet can give you pink eye. I'm doomed after this weekend sleeping on his couch. Dude, Savon has shit. Savon's fecal matter is floating around the house. I don't think he can be counted out yet, John. That's kind of why I asked you. You don't? You don't? I don't think he can be counted out yet, John. That's kind of why I asked you. You don't? You don't? I don't think he can be
Starting point is 00:46:46 counted out yet because we know what he's capable of on four and five. So I'm just saying you can't just say for sure he's not making it yet. Right, right. He's going to win the handstand walk row. Oh, and he could do really good. I think Tudor will win the handstand
Starting point is 00:47:02 walk row. I do too. Tomorrow could be an amazing day for Tudor Magda. And he needs it to be. He could have three top fives. But to Taylor's point, the guys in front of him are so good and established or just have enough points in between them that it's going to take like a 25-plus finish. Is Sprague going to finish the snatch ladder?
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yes. Sprague's going to finish the snatch ladder. He's going to be slow, though. Him and Lockett will be a battle. Ooh, that'll be a good watch, John. Okay. I got to meet Adam McAdams. Adam McAdams, Mac.
Starting point is 00:47:37 It's Adam Adam McAdams. He told me his full name today. He's Adam twice. Adam Adam McAdams. Cool dude. Coached by Adam Neifer. Trains over there across from Port Vancouver. today he's adam twice adam adam mcadams uh cool dude uh coached by uh adam knifer trains over there uh across port port vancouver john wood nick roberts did you guys see this guy nick roberts dude adam mcadams mac is the dumbest fucking name i've ever heard no it's a cool name
Starting point is 00:47:56 no stupid adam adam adam mcadams listen stupid name did you guys see a guy out on the floor who looks like he just took off his three-piece suit and was working out out there? I don't know what that means. He has like perfect hair. Oh, Nick Roberts, yeah. Yeah, this dude looks like he's fucking like an executive over at fucking – Facebook? No, not something like that, no.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Like a hedge fund? Either a hedge fund or like an executive like at Caterpillar. You know what I mean? Like the company that makes tractors and shit. Oh, did he fuck his way to the top? I't know he could fuck his way to the top the dude looks like he fell out of gq it's crazy but he does not look like he fits with the group and i was tripping on him today i was just tripping on him because he doesn't look like any of the other guys tall super tall lean it looks like a model but older for, for sure older, and very relaxed.
Starting point is 00:48:47 So then one of the security guys came up to me today and goes, hey, you know who Nick? Yeah, that's him, I think. Let me see close-up of this fucking guy. What is our Mexican neighbor taping to his bench press set? I was at it late. What the fuck, Will? Yeah, look at it. Those are the glasses he pulled up in his fucking Cayenne.
Starting point is 00:49:03 That guy drives a Cayenne. Yeah, for sure. For sure drives a Cayenne. Is he a team athlete at the games? He's been to the games on a team? 35 and over. I swear to God, he just looks so... 35 and up?
Starting point is 00:49:13 35 and up. Oh, nice. Hey, Magnus Holmgren just DMed me on Instagram. I'm going to send him a picture of my balls. This is really interesting, all of these Masters athletes just playing ball. Yeah, so the security guy comes up to me and goes, you know who nick roberts is and i'm like nope and he goes well nick roberts is uh in between events he's going and coaching his kids little league baseball games are you kidding me i'm just like what the fuck i swear to god this dude looks like
Starting point is 00:49:42 he just rolled in off the street like like he just got out of fucking corporate meeting like he works at carthart or something you need to reroute rios and will to just go follow that guy anyway i can't wait to talk to him tomorrow i didn't figure that out until afterwards oh oh really he's an executive at la fitness wow well anyway he he does not Sarah what the hell you could have told us about this guy Yeah he's a trip I can't wait to talk to him
Starting point is 00:50:10 Is he a position coach? Third base coach? I think he's that coach Lydia Lozano I love seeing Taylor stick up for his boys And spit facts today What did he say about me? She Oh I'm sure Ed Mal just called you a spit facts today. What did he say about me? Who?
Starting point is 00:50:28 I'm sure Ed Mow just called you a fucking idiot, and this is the thing, dude. Only I can call you a fucking idiot or Tyler or Hiller. I would never, John. Anybody else calls you a fucking idiot, I'm going to kill them. Facundo kind of tried to get
Starting point is 00:50:44 at me at Rogue. Fuck Facundo. Facundo kind of tried to get at me at Rogue. Fuck Facundo. Facundo doesn't even speak English. Hey, zip it, dumbass. John, finish your thought. What did he say? He tried to shout me down, and I didn't see him. And then somebody else caught me and said, hey, this guy wants to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And then I turned around, and it was Facundo. And I'm like, hey, what's up, man? And he goes, why do you hate Mayhem? You're such a hater. And fair comment. Fair comment. Fair comment. Now, fuck him.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Hey, listen, Ed. Ed Mao is doing the same thing, though, that you're doing. He's protecting his boy. No, dude, he's not. Would you not do the same thing if people did that about Spiderman? You're right. I'm a hater. Or Emily White
Starting point is 00:51:25 I would clip it and send it to him I beg listen this is what they're saying about you what are you gonna do about it no if people did that with more if people did that with Morgan you would go Jason he's gotten fucking ass raped on in the comments here
Starting point is 00:51:41 dude yeah but I don't Jason I said it to him and i say look dude they're talking about your butthole it is kind of gaping look i'm just saying fair enough yeah it's not it's not no no no i respect i respect there's a difference between a crowd of equals the homies yeah and now comes after one of the homies yeah and we all fucking we link up dude i put the brass knucks on i open that guy's mouth over a curb and i go stomping but listen if somebody if somebody goes after an athlete of yours yeah it's their dude tutor's a fucking stud he's in north america west let the fucking kid
Starting point is 00:52:18 speak for himself the more ed mao defends tutor the gayer Tudor looks. There it is. Jeez, Luis, don't clench your jaw, JR. Somebody in the comments, is there a gay counter? If I was worried about that, dude, we would have stopped being gay for a long time. I was ready to be liberated. It's like you get into a fight at school and your dad comes in and punches the other kid for you. And all the kids are like, what the fuck? Shout out Ed Mao.
Starting point is 00:52:49 He told me today he was going to reach out to RX Smart Gear for me. Peace and love, Ed. Yeah, it's good, dude. We love Ed Mao. Hey, RX Smart Gear left me on Reddit in an email. I usually ask RF jump ropes. What does that mean when people say that left you on red your shit and they don't respond so guess what rx mark you i got a new fucking jump rope it's
Starting point is 00:53:13 not yours i won't be using yours next weekend oh damn i love rx mark your ropes i don't i fucking hate him is that i think i if is it um uh dave yes oh yeah yeah i love that guy he's a great guy but man they're media girls. She should have fucking responded to me. Well, maybe. Listen, people get – I wonder if I – so I shouldn't open anything because people get upset if I open it and then don't respond. I don't know how you track that. Maybe it was an Instagram DM.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Hey, would you have done – would you ever do an enema, a coffee enema? Yeah. No. Why? Because I had a dude stick his finger in my ass twice and it felt good two different dudes it's horrible try it i think when that dude stuck his finger and stuff on his butt he got a little rise in the front no it feels like immediately like you have to would you you you start asking questions you need to answer them i've had gummy bears in my asshole
Starting point is 00:53:58 so that's the same thing what oh shit they don't hand out they don't hand. They don't hand out Haribo. Can Nick Roberts go to the game sitting with 122 points? No. I wish I knew more about him. Dylan Gibbs, Sam Dancer sitting in 23rd place with the 19th, 27th, and 21st. Good night, Sam. Or you got a couple big home runs waiting for him too. No, he should have stayed in the Masters.
Starting point is 00:54:24 What J.R. said about Tudor, Tudor's as low as you can go. That has a shot. Yeah, because here's the thing. Tudor can hit home runs. He could potentially win two events tomorrow and do really well in the sixth. The other guys have no shot at that. Tudor's shit events are out of the way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:41 So Tudor – Go ahead, Savon. No, go ahead ahead i'll text you what pictures of seven seven will text me and i'll respond and i'll be like are we sure are we doing this and then he'll he'll leave me on scene and text me five hours later after he initially oh yeah you can't take it personally because that's operating wait a second you can see even that with text? He doesn't even know. You can see if I saw your text and didn't respond. Yeah, and you'll text me. I'll text back within the minute, and then I'll see that you saw it,
Starting point is 00:55:15 and then you just don't text me back for five more hours. I don't think he has the red on. He has – no, that's incorrect. Hey, what's John Young's name on your phone? Maybe it's on Instagram. I think it's just on instagram because you cannot turn that off on instagram which is interesting what you have to do is seven if you want to talk to him is you have to speak his language you have to text him and say hey hey and then when he says what's up then you engage if you just text him a thought or two or three or four if you're like me and you text him like
Starting point is 00:55:42 a paragraph if i see with indentation no he's not doing i'm out you have to say hey or like listen this ain't reading class she had to know the password uh trayvon uh so so these are the guys i need to follow them i need to talk to you tomorrow i need to be up tutor's ass trayvon's ass jacob schmidt scott tetlow drake lewis tristan harrison nick maximilian krieg, Cole. Nick, I'm just going to meet you. You really just need to be in Tudor's ass. The rest of them don't matter. Tudor and Cole. You don't think Tristan Harrison and Maximilian Krieg have a chance? No?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Maybe. Maybe. How about Luckett? They got to do something we don't know about. Yeah, I would be in Luckett's pocket. He'll get butthurt over it. Nick Roberts doesn't have a chance, but I just need to meet him. Oh, it is Michelle.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Oh, here we go. Nick Roberts coaches Michelle. Easy, easy. Let's move on here. He's a hard work pays off athlete. By the way, I just want to give some nods to people. I met Brandon Fabry today. Killer kid.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Sweet. Yeah, next game James Sprague. Is it bad that his name makes me think he's like 30? He's young, though. He's 22. No, I can see that. Arturo Torres, super cool. Is he?
Starting point is 00:56:54 I hung out with Daniel Kuss a little bit today. Cool. No. He's cool. Nettlecoff. He's consistent. Nettlecoff is cool. Nettlecoff looks like a tennis player. I'm like, hey, I got something mean to say to you.. Nettle cough looks like, Nettle cough looks like a tennis player.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I'm like, Hey, I got something mean to say to you. He goes, what? I'm like, you look like a tennis player. Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:10 with the headband, with the headband and the tucked in shirt. Wait, is that chasing Grimm? Is that, does that do look like chase? Okay. Hey,
Starting point is 00:57:19 there's another guy down there that looks like chase Smith, but 10 years, a chase, uh, Ingram, but 10 years older, he's a massage, Ingram, but 10 years older. He's a massage therapist for one of the guys. It's a trip.
Starting point is 00:57:29 It's a trip. Okay. Uh, so we did this. So we went through the men and the women. Yeah. Okay. So we're good.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Okay. Uh, great day today. Uh, Patrick Rios, once again, hitting out of the park. Uh,
Starting point is 00:57:43 we'll be back in a couple minutes to look at, we'll be back in one minute to look at the workouts for tomorrow. No, not the George Floyd video. We'll be back in one minute to look at the workouts for tomorrow. Can I call you Rose? Cause you're sweet
Starting point is 00:58:02 like a flower in blue. Can I call you Rose? Can I call you Rose? Can I call you Rose? Cause your fragrance takes over the room Can I call you Rose? That was perfect ending. How do I know Travis from Vindicate is gay? Because he said, look at those fans.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Fuck off. Look at all the women. Okay. Great video. Thank you, Patrick. That's Caleb's attempt to prove he's not gay. Fuck off, guys. I'm looking at the girls.
Starting point is 00:59:05 I like women, Patrick. That's Caleb's attempt to prove he's not gay. Fuck off, guys. I'm looking at the girls. I like women, Kay. Girl tags. Who's missing? Oh, John Young. Okay. Caleb, can we pull up workout number three tomorrow? Hey, hey, time out. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. We're in the middle of a show, but go ahead. I just want to give Rio some credit. My wife
Starting point is 00:59:21 said everything he films is freaking amazing. Amazing. She just texted me that. So. Guys, CA peptides dot com. You see the sticker on the wall. See a peptides dot com websites up and running. Use code word SEVON.
Starting point is 00:59:47 You'll either get a discount or free water or something. Free water? Like bariostatic water. Bariostatic, yeah. Oh, dude. That stuff is crazy. Bariostatic water? They make hair grow on your head.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Bacteriostatic. Bariostatic. Bacteriostatic water. Wow. BPC-ostatic. Bacteriostatic water. Wow. BPC 157. If you'd like a BPC 157 shirt or a Kill Taylor shirt, we're going to bring 1,000 of them to the venue tomorrow. You got to come watch out up in Scribble in the morning.
Starting point is 01:00:16 That's how you get one. Yes. What time is our show in the morning? Free shirt. Show starts. Only 500 are available tomorrow. They're taking 500 to Knoxville, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:26 What time is our show tomorrow? 8.30, I think. Starts at 9. Be there. Starts at 9. Okay, so we start at 8.30. I'm waking up at 7.30. It's a good time.
Starting point is 01:00:37 What's the biggest live audience you've had? I know you had over 1,000 people watching on the internet. Six people? 13. Leaves. Are you exaggerating by a hundred percent? We're counting Susan, my wife, and leaving nine. We had thirteen today, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I counted. Thirteen. If you're one of the lucky thirteen people who shows up at the stage at 8.30 in the a.m., you also get a t-shirt. Guys, this is the thing. Where else can you go in California and hear the word retard and all these other things said live and out loud with a Trump hat? Big score. Big score.
Starting point is 01:01:12 That's like an Annie Oakley freaking exhibit. I do want to say for those of you, I only saw Trump hats today at the venue and not a single Biden hat. How many Trump hats? One. Let's go. Let's go let's go i do look like i'm not wearing pants i'm wearing the vindicate rest day short is that what these are matt susan getting the cameras recalibrated you can see my penis do i hold my head like jason yeah dude me and uh travis got, got up to 260 viewers today.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Just talking live all day. Yeah, John Young is streaming on Twitch. No, we're on YouTube now. Oh, you just did. Did you get any, like, donations? We got a couple. They were only, like, $2, but they were both Canadian, so Travis gets both of them.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Nice. Making money for spin. Is that how that works? Yeah, routes directly. I just said that he could have it it's fine they don't let money out of their economy now yeah youtube takes like 80 of it anyway um but yeah if anybody wants to listen to the commentary on the um with me and travis instead of the hustle queen. You can watch it. Oh, you should definitely guys,
Starting point is 01:02:26 everyone listening. If you want to support good commentary and good media in the space, go listen to John Young and Travis brawl, commentate the workouts tomorrow over a Twitch stream. Lauren Khalil got more things wrong, dude. I, I,
Starting point is 01:02:42 she got so many things wrong today. She absolutely attacked my athlete. She called him an HWPO athlete. V wrong. Dude, she got so many things wrong today. She absolutely attacked my athlete. She called him an HWPO athlete. Vicious. That's like a gun to my head, dude. That's like a knife to the throat. Can we see what's worse, calling your athlete HWPO athlete
Starting point is 01:02:58 or John Young saying he's as fit as Brandon Luckett? Oh, Khalil calling Sam Sperling. I can't call him my athlete. Thanks, Sean, for the clarification. Sean Cagan never said that. Okay, let me see the poll. Every time it gets elevated to something else. Let me see the poll. Caleb, let's see.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Let's see the good work of Caleb Beaver doing science out there, research. The biggest story for the day, we're putting it to rest, is Bill Leahy pulling out of his girlfriend. Is that what WD is, withdrawal? Yeah, withdrawal. research the biggest story for the day we're putting it to rest is bill lahey wow with pulling out of his girlfriend so i am is that what wd is withdrawal yeah withdrawal uh haiti can you uh second place 27 percent uh story and then caitlin uh bernardin uh who is in third place bernadine i don't think she's in first but close enough uh. 26%. And then Chrissy Barra. Dude, I'm telling you. The Kelsey Keel story was huge. I feel stupid.
Starting point is 01:03:49 We put a new bet in the Heat 1 app for Chrissy Barra, and no one liked it. 9% of people like it. Thank you, the 9%. Heat 1 app, if you want to bet. Hey, Caleb, I'm going to text this video to you. That's what we're here for. Taylor would never go after someone attacking his athlete
Starting point is 01:04:08 No, she didn't attack him. She called him an HWPO athlete. That's like that's fucked. It's not him called It's not her say almost like calling somebody gay. She said Sperling was HWPO. Yeah, and he's Sentinel. Yeah Wow Yeah. Wow. Wow. Why would you do that? Sousa chiming in with the most controversial thing. He doesn't have a mic. Yeah, watch it. What did he say?
Starting point is 01:04:35 What the fuck is going on outside? Don't worry. Hey, how do you stay in Compton? And she said she woke up in the middle of the night to a woman screaming. Nuh-uh. I go, then what? She goes, I went back to sleep. No time for that.
Starting point is 01:04:52 She said she assessed the situation, and it sounded like the woman was just crazy, just having a fighting with herself. She couldn't hear another combatant. Have you ever woke up screaming? Yeah, I wake up screaming all the time i don't know why i have i have bad dreams i do too john i still sleepwalk i'm 32 and still sleepwalk when i don't i don't sleepwalk but like like my wife is afraid to wake me up like i'm what's the dream what's the dream you're having oh dude they're terrible i don't know why but what are they of describe one i don't want to it just makes me
Starting point is 01:05:30 one of the craziest dream i ever had it was so vivid i was a pig butcher and i was butchering live pigs and so in the dream i was just like cutting this pig's skin off as it was walking sounds like you got one of colton's dreams i can confidently say that my just work dreams really yeah that's the most vivid dream it wasn't that scary i just woke up and i felt like what the fuck was that hey do you hate going to bed because of that john no no i mean sometimes how do you think you know so much about crossfit he doesn't go to sleep no no no sometimes i have good dreams but uh oh thank you dear leslie young from mustard i get your colton merton's uh stuffy uh leslie young it's
Starting point is 01:06:18 not screaming that john does it's more like a muffled moaning after i put the pillow over his face but he does seem like he's screaming in his sleep. It wakes me up. There we go. Yeah. I don't know if I'm happy we went down this rabbit hole. Wait till you have a prostate exam. And I don't know why,
Starting point is 01:06:37 like I, I, it just, I don't know. Like just terrible things happen. Are you closed? I have, just tell me that and I'll leave you alone. Are you wearing clothes in those dreams?
Starting point is 01:06:49 Guys, CrossFit just released six new hero workouts. Yeah, we already know them. I'm already memorized. Did you really? Wait, guys, guys, guys. Yeah, the last one would be a really good games workout. The last one is a sick workout. Nothing screams dedication to someone by releasing six at once.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Right. And spelling their names wrong. The Burpee Bar Muscle. And doing dumb movements, dude. I heard they're going to move Easter and Christmas and all the holidays just into one day. Group them. Super holiday. Merry Christmas, Mahana Kwanzaa.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I think the Burpee Bar Muscle workout of the Hero workout, the one with the Burpee Bar Muscle, Mahana Kwanzaa. Jesus Christ. I think the Burma Karma Club workout of the Hero workout, the one with the Burma Karma Club, looks awesome. Yeah, that's the only one that looks good. No, let's not talk about that. Okay, let's work at workout number four tomorrow. Starts early in the morning. Three workouts tomorrow. It's going to be a long day.
Starting point is 01:07:39 We already know Tudor Magda is going to have a great day. Yep. Workout number four, 400-meter row, 96-foot handstand walk, 600-meter row, 120-foot handstand walk, 800-meter row, 72-foot handstand walk. Can we go over to the boys' list? What's her name going to do on this?
Starting point is 01:08:01 Leslie Martin? Is that her name? Lindsay Martin. She's OPEX, right? She'll do well at this Martin. She's OPEX, right? She'll do well at this one. She's OPEX? I don't think she's doing well. Let's look at the top 10.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Who's in 10th place? Grace Schaber. Let's figure out how Grace Schaber is going to get in. Is Grace Schaber going to beat Patrick Vellner? No. Justin Medeiros? No. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:08:25 No, dude. Justin's going to smoke Patrick Vellner? No. No. Justin Medeiros? No. Maybe. No, dude. Justin's going to smoke this worker. He's fast. Yeah, but if Gray Shaver has even a modicum of speed on his hands, his ability to row is way better than Justin's. He's fucking massive. Row or – He's fucking massive, Tyler.
Starting point is 01:08:40 James Sprague. No. No. Brent Fikowski. No. Chrissy Barra. Yes.ra yes to beat justin no no no a gray saber oh gray saber oh oh oh i'm saying gray saber beats no gray saber beats chris gray saber beat any of these guys can he be velner maderoue, Bukowski, or Ibarra? Oh, he beats Sprague. On the handstand walk workout. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:06 No way, dude. Sprague is the best rower in the field. I just don't think the handstand walk, while the speed of the handstand walk really does seem to balance with the difference in row paces. And I'll say, where's the camera? Programmers. For this workout, I was 100% incorrect by saying you should always row for calories.
Starting point is 01:09:31 In this workout. Oh, the camera's dead. That camera's dead. We're back here. We're back here. Keep looking at it. In this workout, rowing for meters is absolutely appropriate. Why?
Starting point is 01:09:44 Because it's a difference in seconds on your hands, and the difference between a 136 and a 139 is a difference in just a few seconds. So it makes the effort you're putting out on both relative, and I think that's the way to go if you want to make both movements better in this workout. If the handstand walk was like double the volume, then I think you need to both movements better in this workout. If the handstand walk was like double the volume, then I think you need to row for calories in this workout. So going back to
Starting point is 01:10:11 can Gray Shaver beat James Sprague? You guys are fucking so underestimating Gray Shaver. Okay. Brent Fikowski? No. Christy Barra? Yes. Cole Sager? Yes. uh christy barra yes yes cole sager yes yes samuel kwan yes he's not great hands and walking cold mertens yes yeah oh shit
Starting point is 01:10:35 gray shaver's in he's gonna be you're saying he's gonna outpound all these guys he has to follow through on five and six as well this will be a good event for him i think he can be you have you ever seen gray Shaver walk on his hands? Has anyone? He's a gymnast. He was a gymnast. He's got a fat butt too, dude. He can sit on that rower and make it clap. I don't know if he'll be lucky, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Luck, it's... Luck, it's not great on his hands. Maybe his. It's a straight line. Hey, Brandon, if you're listening, make that into another fucking T-shirt, bro. Scott's really fast. I'm not great on my hands, Dash Taylor self. That'll be a new clothing line from him, bro.
Starting point is 01:11:14 That's his M.O., bro. That's his fucking M.O. Hey, you got anything for a T-shirt for Brandon Luckett? No. Okay. Yeah. He's great. That's going to be on a T-shirt. J.R. Howt? No. Okay. Yeah. He's great. That's going to be on a t-shirt.
Starting point is 01:11:26 J.R. Howell. No. No. Dude, we just gave him a whole line. All right. This is a fall line. This is a fall apparel drop, you guys. Scott's got a really fast handstand walk,
Starting point is 01:11:41 but I think the rope pace is going to matter a lot for him. Is he the fastest handstand walker here besides Tudor? Tetlow? Yeah. I think Justin's the second fastest. Yeah, I think Justin's really fast. And I think Brent is really fast, actually, in a straight handstand walk.
Starting point is 01:11:59 All right. Didn't Brent win Strongman's Fear? He did. Let's go to workout four. Jesus. Sorry, workout five. Sorry, workout five. By the way, are we all in agreeance that Tudor's going to win event four?
Starting point is 01:12:16 I think he's the safe bet. Yeah. And it doesn't matter who. What? We watch so many small people small people oh that girl snatches butt ugly sorry uh so tutor will win that last workout and uh gray shaver will pull after that workout he'll be in the top nine something worth mentioning again a lot of people already know it but because there are three events
Starting point is 01:12:43 tomorrow they were reseed. So they'll reshuffle heats to reflect the current leaderboard after four, but not after five going into the finale, which is retarded. So they're only reseed once tomorrow. Correct. When we get there and we'll stick with those people. Why wouldn't you just,
Starting point is 01:12:59 after the first one, why wouldn't you just reseed after five? I think the turnaround between four, five and six is, and six is pretty quick, like an hour or less. And I think they just want to keep the recovery consistent. That's one of the things, you know, like the athletes got to say on the berm. I would pull the athletes. Do you want to be reseated or not? Oh, now it's a democracy?
Starting point is 01:13:23 Well, hell, they already got a thing on one thing. Why wouldn't they get that one? Do y'all think this girl has a dislocated elbow coming? Waiting to happen? Yes. In the pink? Yes. I'm just waiting for it to snap. Touch and go. Fuck me, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:38 That rotation just looks like it's fucking straining. The boys are watching Australia. Listen, back to the show. Workout number five. Ten squat snatches at one weight at 185. Eight squat snatches at 205. Six at
Starting point is 01:13:53 225. Four at 245. Two at 265. The women of weights are a little bit less. Who can Gray Shaver beat at this? Let's go back to the list. That was Julia Hannaford. Wow! You guys, I'm going to turn this? Let's go back to the list. That was Julia Hannaford. Wow. You guys, I'm going to turn this shit off.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I swear to fucking God. We'll go to bed, I swear. Patrick Vellner, can Gray Shaver beat Vellner at this? At the snatch ladder? Yeah. I don't think so. I don't think so. Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Fuck no. James Sprague. I don't think so. Yes. Gray Shaver? Yeah. Gray Shaver's beating Sprague at the snatch ladder. Is he beating Brent Fikowski? No. I'll tell think so. Yes. Gray Shaber? Yeah. Gray Shaber's beating Sprague at the snatch ladder. Is he beating Brent Fikowski?
Starting point is 01:14:27 No. So I'll tell you what. So James told me that I beat him at the snatch ladder in practice, which is 840. So that's really slow compared to these guys. Maybe he's just trying to make you feel good, John. No, James has been honest with me. He tells me when he kills me, too.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Not anymore after this. Chris Ibarra. Okay. Gray Shaber could do that. That's an unknown. I think it's going to be close. I think Gray Sheeper beats him. Cole Sager.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Yes. He beats Cole. Yeah. Samuel Quant. No. No. Colton Mertens. No.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Hey, and that's my pick to win the event. Colton might win the snatch. I'm going to pick him to win the event in the Heat 1 app. Yeah, me too. Wow. If it happens, it's going to be amazing. Brandon Luckett. Yes, Gray Shaber beats him.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Yes, he'll beat Brandon Luckett. Oh, dude, Gray Shaber. God. Gray Shaber's only fucking eight points out right now. That's what I'm saying. I think Gray Shaber's in, and that's why I don't think Tudor can get in. What about this Maximilian Craig dude? He looks strong as a fucking
Starting point is 01:15:29 ox. I don't know how good he is at snatch. I've never... Tetlo. No. Yes. You don't think Gray Shaver can beat Tetlo? I was sorry. I was saying, I didn't think Scott would be great.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Let me see if there's anyone, uh, Tudor Magda. No, Tudor will beat all of them. Tudor is going to beat everyone, but Colton, I think,
Starting point is 01:15:53 or Justin, do you really think Tudor's fit enough? Is that what you're asking? You think he's fit enough? Yes. Um, uh, he's shown time and time again that he's not i know if he can pace the 185 listen
Starting point is 01:16:10 ed or tutor if you're listening here's how you win the workout go out hot and be stupid yeah if you don't go out hot and you don't be a stupid big dumb idiot you have a really good chance of winning the workout and what that means is 185 and 205, yes, are 18 of the reps, but you don't have to do them as fast as everyone else, especially if you can move 225, 245, and 265 incredibly quick. So if you go nice and steady and smooth at 185 and 205, and you put your dick in the 225, 245, and 265 bars, you'll have a great outcome. If you do the opposite and you let your emotions get in the way, you're not going to have a good outcome. So please don't do that.
Starting point is 01:16:49 If you don't go as fast as possible, we're going to make fun of you. We want to see you succeed, bro. T-Bird, Canada, $5. You guys need to watch the final heat men's race from this event from Oceana. We will as soon as the show is over. Go ahead, John. I'm willing to bet that he does exactly that, Taylor.
Starting point is 01:17:07 That he goes out hot? Yeah. He's going to see it like this is my opportunity to make the games. He's going to come off of a win on the handstand walk workout. Emotions are going to be high. And I think he's going to just say, I'm the strongest guy here. I'm going to take off and show the world that I'm stupid. This is the other thing. This, this is the other thing. If that's the kind of athlete you are,
Starting point is 01:17:29 or the kind of athlete where you yell at a coach, one at your coach, you need a coach who can, uh, emotionally shepherd you and not be, uh, irrational and not get drawn into engagements with other people. You need a coach. You could say, hey, look, dude, all that other shit means fucking nothing. And if you go out there and you do well, that shit takes care of it. If you go out there and you act like a fucking retard, they're going to talk about you like that. That's pretty logical.
Starting point is 01:17:57 One plus one equals... So if you want to get talked about, go ahead and act like a retard. Yeah. If you want us... Well, if you want this conversation, if you want us well if you want to if you want this conversation if you want taylor's life advice and free uh counseling behavioral health therapy um what is this what is that instead of better help self-help is this cognitive is this
Starting point is 01:18:17 cognitive behavioral therapy dude self-help i love this motivational self-help tyler i would love to go to barnes and nobles in the self-help section self-help a picture love self-help. I would love to go to Barnes & Noble's in the self-help section. Self-help. A picture of me, page one, sunning your butthole. Picture of him stealing a ship from the airport. You should start like a weekly self-help blog. You know how Peter does fake news? You should start a self-help, like just a little reel once a week.
Starting point is 01:18:41 He doesn't have time. He doesn't have time. Just like 20 seconds. Yeah, run your ideas by me to 20 seconds especially good ones like that don't any no good ideas to taylor god stop stop stop looking at the TV uh where were we uh maximilian craig oh okay uh, okay. Uh, uh, oh, by the way, William Leahy, I highly recommend It's completely anonymous. And, uh, two or three bottles of VPC one five seven right into that Achilles heel.
Starting point is 01:19:15 That thing will reattach in a week. You know, it's crazy. Is that that's actually maybe tomorrow. That's actually, that's actually the study that they did on rats they cut uh rats achilles tendon yeah and they used bpc 157 in one group and they use a control placebo in the other yeah and the group with the bpc all the scar tissue group like this which is how tissues naturally grow yeah um when they're healthy and they're uninjured and when your body repairs scar tissue grows like cross friction wise. Yeah. And it's really fucked up.
Starting point is 01:19:47 And that's all the control group was grown like this. All the BBC 157 group was grown like that. And like way faster. That's true story. That's yeah. That's why I called you and asked about it for my peptides. That's why I called you. That's why I called you and asked about it for my knee. But then it's banned.
Starting point is 01:20:01 So I can't ban Shmuel. Nevermind. Yeah. John, John hung. Thank you. Thank you. See can't ban Schmand. Well, never mind. John Hung. Thank you, I'm getting my mom BPC 157. For what? Her labia majora? Taylor's bringing his mom to...
Starting point is 01:20:16 Hey, listen. Speaking of moms. We're getting a fucking house in Knoxville for all the guys. All this shit going on here. Taylor's bringing his mom. I swear to fucking God. That's not a lot. That's not a lot. I swear on a stack of Bibles.
Starting point is 01:20:33 You're not going to be there, dude. It's okay. I wish I was. I'm thinking about going now. It's all good. That was the last part I needed. I'm thinking about going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:52 I want to see this house holy fuck someone's mom in here i just i just can't she'd never leave it's just a tornado runs through and then we run back out she'd be like what just happened oh my well here's the thing bro uh i don't say things like whale labias when you're not here. Oh, okay. Okay. Whale labia. I think specifically it's blue whale. We need to get that right. It's blue whale. That's really offensive. Blue whale.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Bring me a piece of that labia. Hey, that's offensive to women that you think the labia is. Hey, Susan's going to get sick to his stomach if you don't stop saying that. Just show Susan a blue waffle. Oh my
Starting point is 01:21:35 God, John. I don't even know. No, no, no, no, no. Go to share screen. Remember that video earlier we were watching? This is in the same vein. No we were watching this is in the same vein no it's oh it's definitely not in the same vein blue waffle look it up no i did look it up in the urban dictionary it's a it's a fictional std it is fictional i think yeah i don't need
Starting point is 01:21:58 to see a picture of it dude i'm showing you a picture you don't get to escape that. No, thank you. Moving on. Do you know what a wizard's sleeve is? Oh my god. I just learned that the other day. What is a wizard's sleeve? You don't know what that is. Is it foreskin? It's just a big, giant labia. Like, if a labia is really long, it ain't like a wizard's sleeve. I was like,
Starting point is 01:22:19 that's a great... Yeah, it's cool. That's good. That's just accurate. Yeah, it's cool. That's good. That's just accurate. Yeah, cool. I like it. Yeah, Taylor. Oh, my God. Get out of here. No phone case. You throw up over here, I'll kill you.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Zeal just got a no rep on her first snatch. John, we're not supposed to watch the TV. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. So let's go back to the workout here. We're talking about workout number five. It's the handstand walk that's not five five's a snatch yep oh sorry sorry sorry we're sorry we're we're on the snatch yeah we're on the snatch thank you jr for keeping us on track thank you you want to go around yes yeah uh we already did for the men i think we got we got colton and uh tutor yeah i think everyone agrees there john well i mean i don't i mean taylor agree we're both picking colton and then tutor and then we
Starting point is 01:23:12 went through the people that and then we went through the people who we think uh gray shaver can beat and can't beat i think it's time to move on to the women okay let's move on to the women thank you though i appreciate you first oh sorry yes you. God, thank God you guys are here today. The show would be horrible with just me. Taylor? Yeah. Maybe I should let Taylor watch TV. We'd all just stare at his
Starting point is 01:23:37 tank while he does. Oh, God. Yeah, it was a bad idea not having a monitor for us. Is my wizard sleeve showing? Workout number six. Sorry, Caleb. Sorry, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Workout six. Sorry. Wizard sleeve. Jared's like killing me now. No, I was actually, this is, I hate to admit this, but I want to say that Borat said that on one of the movies. Where's Hiller when you need him? I wonder if Hiller's ever seen Borat.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Oh, a hundred times I bet. What is your fucking manager? 30 calorie echo bike, 15 muscle up,, 72-foot dumbbell walking lunge, 100 pounds for the boys, 70 for the women. Let's look at the boys list. This is one where your wizard sleep could really get in the way of a good finish. Hey, how's Gray Shaver on the muscle-ups? I don't think he's great.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Not horrible, but not great. I don't think we saw one male break the 15 in Europe. I don't think it's even worth talking about who's good at muscle-ups. It's biking and who can hold the dumbbells. The boys. Sorry, Caleb. The boys. Then we'll roll over to the ladies. The only way someone that's really poor at muscle-ups
Starting point is 01:24:58 is going to rear itself is it'll make them bike slow. That's what I'm saying, which matters. Stop it. I all do matter. Can Gray Shaver beat Vellner in this? No. Justin Medeiros? No. Too small. James Sprague? No. Can he beat Brent
Starting point is 01:25:14 Fikowski? Too small. Caleb, too small. Sorry, I was trying to find the wizard sleeve comment from Boris. Chrissy Barra? Can Gray Shaver beat Chrissy Barra can grayshiver be chrissy barra yeah no idea i don't know shit about him still i don't know anything about him i'm gonna call him fucking ibarra who's his coach i met his coach who's steven tackett coaches him
Starting point is 01:25:36 which is who yeah which is who uh the guy that's been at crash a bunch of times he's a coach he he was a member and then he moved, um, out to that area to coach Cole Sager from the bike to the muscle ups to the dumbbell carry. Can he be cold? Gray Shaver. Can Cole Saber be gray Shaver?
Starting point is 01:25:56 Yeah. Can gray. I think, I think Sager beats gray. Okay. I like, I like Sager on sprint events, especially for finales.
Starting point is 01:26:04 I think it depends where he's at. Samuel Kwan. He's always going to destroy this. Does Samuel Kwan, who I'm picking to win? Colton Mertens. The final event? Yeah, it's a good pick. Gray Shaver could potentially beat Mertens.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Potentially. Where is Samuel? Brandon Luckett. No. Brandon Luckett. He won't beat Luckett in that. You think Luckett's going to have to be desperate? He's going to be desperate.
Starting point is 01:26:27 He's going to have to send it. So is Gray Shaver. I think Luckett's more powerful than Gray Shaver. No way. Have you seen Gray Shaver? What are the implications of being as big as Gray Shaver in lunges? That doesn't create power. Look at Gray Shaver's rear fucking end.
Starting point is 01:26:44 You ever hear a fucking urban meyer talk about what a fat ass does on an athlete it means they're powerful he has the posterior chain of fucking aaron donald dude this guy looks like he's dude i disagree it's lunging that's all ass cheeks will's the most powerful man I know. Hey. I would say I would just push back on Taylor and say that generally, I think the limitation on the lunge is grip endurance and not glute strength.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Yeah, but Gray Shaper's a big guy. He's going to have big hands. Or does he have little Burger King hands? I forgot about that commercial. You cannot talk while I'm drinking. I forgot about that commercial. You cannot talk while I'm drinking. I don't know what that means, little bird. You never said that commercial. You got us a little tiny ass ass.
Starting point is 01:27:34 You do, John. You have big palms, but very short fingers. Yeah, I have little bird hands. Wow. No, they're real small, dude. I hate this. At the gym, there was like this toddler got in the chalk and was walking.
Starting point is 01:27:49 You know, he's putting his hands on the ground. And my sister-in-law comes in and says, Tyler, spend the instant walking. Oh. Oh. I don't get it. My hands are tiny. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:28:04 They're not that large either. Saving cash. Okay. Did we – so where do we fall on that? So who's going to win that workout, that last workout? Sam Kwan. Sam Kwan. I like Kwan.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Somebody that can – I don't know. Or – I like one. Somebody or or you guys are counting out the Uncle Diddler, Uncle Pat. The guy's got crazy grip strength. Yeah, he uses the fat grips to help him with something else
Starting point is 01:28:38 that's kind of fat. If you know what I mean. Oh, shit. We're approaching the hour and 30 mark. Here's the thing. I don't think Pat will send it if he doesn't have to. Be cool. Be cool.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Don't talk about that. Chill out. I think James Sprague is capable of winning this event. Sorry. I want an energy drink, too. James Sprague would be my second pick. Really? For that?
Starting point is 01:29:04 Sam Quant and James Sprague? Yeah, James has. Really? For that? Sam Quant and James Sprague? James has outwardly said he's going to send it. They're all going to send it. They're all going to send it. No, they're not. They're all not going to send it. If you watched Europe, there was two guys that did 30 cows in
Starting point is 01:29:19 30 to 35 seconds. Everybody else was 45 seconds. How's Tudor's muscle-ups? I don't think, I think the muscle-ups are irrelevant. Is he good at them, though? Yeah, I think he's good enough at them. I don't think it's gonna matter. Okay, I'm picking Tudor for that.
Starting point is 01:29:38 I'm gonna pick, I'm gonna pick Tudor for that. Yeah, I'm gonna pick Tudor for that. I'm gonna pick Tudor for that. Yeah, he's gonna be number one, Tudor. I got Tudor for that. I'm going to pick Tudor for that. Yeah, he's going to be number one. Tudor. I got Tudor. Where the fuck is my pen? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:51 I don't think. Who do you got? Who do you got? For the finale? Yeah. I'll go Quant. Who do you got? Fikowski.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I have Quant. Why do you have Fikowski? He's good at gymnastics. He might be a little slow but he's gonna be killing the bike he knows his self he knows how to pace he knows how to do it in the last minute and he's got the length on the lunges hey i wonder if uh get losing to james today twice they're taking two seconds to james kind of woke up something in him. And, and cause you know, no, no,
Starting point is 01:30:26 no. He knows right where he needs to be. I know. But at some point you got to just be like, fuck, like I'm getting beat by this frigging grasshopper. Yeah. We actually ran into him on the way in on Friday.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Um, and he said some really like to me, I guess profound things to Taylor, like some advice, which I won't share here, but it'd be really cool when you have him on the show i like talk to him about his um journey through crossfit and like early on where his mindset was before competitions and where it is now because some
Starting point is 01:30:55 of the things he said was like it's pretty cool he had some oh he had like competition advice yeah and he said he said when you get tired of using the right hand just use the left almost almost revolutionary what i was referring to the man the man's a genius i never thought of He said when you get tired of using the right hand, just use the left. Holy shit. Almost revolutionary. Almost pervading what I was referring to. The man's a genius. I never thought of that. Hey, did you – oh, so you weren't appreciative of the advice? No, I was super appreciative of it.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Oh, okay. It was a good conversation. He's respecting the conversation by not sharing. Oh, so does he see Taylor as a young Padawan? Probably not. I'm not young, and I'm not a Padawan. Excuse me. I'm talking to JR. Does he see Taylor as a young Padawan? Probably not. I'm not young and I'm not a Padawan. Excuse me, I'm talking to Jer.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Does he see Taylor as a young Padawan coming up the ranks and he wanted to leave him the golden chalice? Yeah, he didn't, but he didn't assert himself like, hey man, let me give you some advice. It was more just Taylor being vulnerable to him, talking about some things he struggles with
Starting point is 01:31:43 and Brent being like, well, hey dude, what I learned is to do this. Wow. That's really cool. You and Fikowski tight? Yeah, we're fucking homies. Where is he? Are you as close with Fikowski as you are with Colton? No, me and Colton are homies.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Same, same. A different. Okay, who do you got for the last workout? I want to say Quant. But my heart tells me... Pat Vellner. Wow. Vellner's a good pick.
Starting point is 01:32:24 I think Vellner wants to win, too. It's Vellner's a good pick. I think Vellner wants a win, too. It's Vellner's to lose, I think. He just uses the fat grips, dude. That's all he does. Okay. No one else is a threat, right? It's basically just Cole Grayshaber's the only threat. You guys don't give any credence to Maximilian Krieg,
Starting point is 01:32:44 Tristan Harrison, or Drake Lewis. Potentially, too. I mean, there's going to be a surprise. There's going to be someone who's in a qualifying position either going into the last workout or just out of a qualifying position going into the last workout, and they'll just do something crazy, kind of like Victor did in event six.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Not many people were expecting, and they'll crush it. Let me push back on that, JR. The only reason why there's a surprise in the top ten right now is because we don't know Chris Ibarra. I was going to say this. But other than that, there's no surprises. Patrick Vellner, superstar. Justin Medeiros, superstar. James Sprague, superstar.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Brent Bukowski, superstar. Cole Sager, superstar. Samuel Quant, superstar, superstar. Brent Bukowski, superstar. Cole Sager, superstar. Samuel Quant, superstar. I mean, they all have like crazy credentials. Colton Merton, superstar. Brandon Luckett. I mean, Brandon Luckett, there's some unknown, right? Going individual here.
Starting point is 01:33:37 He's a three-time games athlete. But he's been in the game for a while. Right, right. And then Cole Grayshaber, a little bit unknown. And then, you know, I mean, it's going to be hard to knock out those first eight that I mentioned. And Chrissy Barr is the only one we don't know, so that's why we're like, hey, you're fucked if anyone is. Could we see Chrissy Ibarra in the top five in the last event? No.
Starting point is 01:33:55 We know he has power in the legs because his front squats were so fast. Yeah, I would say that I would be surprised if he stays in fifth and doesn't at least drop a little. I think the one most endangered. Not in the event itself. You're saying there's no shot we see him in the top five. I definitely don't want to say there's no shot, but I think the likelihood that he drops a little is more likely than he just stays.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Hey, here's a couple things to know about him. There's no chub on him. He takes his nutrition seriously. He's got meat on him. I. Hey, here's a couple of things to know about him. There's no chub on him. He takes his nutrition. He's got meat on pretty sure he's a former college football player. Yeah. He's thick, but we also know he can run. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:33 And, uh, he's like when he's back there, you can tell like he's mature and he's, he's like, he's, he's well kept and he's like, he's got a good vibe about him.
Starting point is 01:34:40 He's not like overstressed or over relaxed. He's just fucking neutral. Guys, have you fucking seen Travis Williams? Oh, here we go. He's a big man. Yeah, I saw him at the event. I saw Dave talking to him. He's on a team.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Travis Williams? No, you're not thinking of the same guy. Misfit Williams. Yeah, that one. It's him, isn't it? He's fat as fuck right now. He's on a team? He is so fat. Yeah, he is. CrossFit Gamer. Just watch this video.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Oh yeah, I saw him. Watch him take his shirt off. Stop. Oh, I like it. I like it. I don't think he's that fat. Dude! What? He's just a big boy. He's just thick. No, brother. He had his shirt off up there.
Starting point is 01:35:30 Scroll up a little bit, Caleb. He had his shirt off up there. That's at the top. Yeah, he's there. He's at the event. That's amazing. He used to be like ridiculously overweight. Hey, yeah, he was obese. He came into CrossFit. Now he's just chilling. No, he got and he was overweight hey yeah he was obese he came
Starting point is 01:35:45 into crossfit now he's just chilling and now he got unobese and now he's back no that's pick the one with his wife god his wife's beautiful he looks pretty big he's eating worse than john young and that's saying a lot bro just nice juke move on that. Yeah, that was. Oh, wow. That's so cool. I don't think he's – He's like, God. I think he looks good.
Starting point is 01:36:11 He's just a big dude, and he's in fucking hibernation mode. He doesn't look good. He looks like – Stop. Stop downsliding the people, Sevan. I'm not. I'm just telling you. Everyone says the last day is a
Starting point is 01:36:25 big guy workout. Does Brent podium? Brent podium? Yeah, that's a good question. Hell, I picked him to win. Yeah, absolutely. He's in fourth, dude. No, he's absolutely podiuming. No, he's not. It's not absolute. I would put money up. I would put a lot of money up. I think he's going to get second. I think he'll be second place. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:43 I'll say this. When I hurt my knee, I got fucking thick. I got chubby as fuck. Let me say this. How good does Justin Medeiros look right now? Let me say this. Pretty good. Medeiros looks good. He looks great.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Justin beat Brent in two of the three workouts. Justin looks good. I got to say, dude, the way he's acting after workouts, it makes me begrudgingly like him. Yeah, his swag's back. Is that what you mean?
Starting point is 01:37:12 He got a little swagger? No, he's just being a cool dude. His sportsmanship. He's not being a dick anymore. It's making me like him. Yeah. Which, you know, it's really hard to not like someone and then to do a 180 and like them.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Not for you. Yeah, you flip-flop on people fast, bro. You love me in 10 minutes. I wouldn't use the word flip-flop. When Justin gets fifth this year, Taylor will be there clapping for him. At the games? Yeah. Dude, when I hurt my knee, I went to do a workout at JR's barn,
Starting point is 01:37:44 and I took my shirt off, and Jason pointed at me and laughed at me. That's factual. Jason, what's that? I thought I was doing ring dips, and my fucking stomach was hitting me in the chin. That's the story of my life, dude. Really? Yes. Fucker.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Yes. Welcome to my world. I was at the beach with the the the families three other couples and i took my and all the husbands were ripped and i took my shirt off and one of the wives says oh you have a dad bod oh jesus and that's when you take your cock out i've got a dad cock too lady wow good one yes He's got her. He's like, I've got three legs and a dad bod. Good one.
Starting point is 01:38:33 I love what Simon can't bat with it. He's like, oh no. It was a good one, Caleb. It was a fucking great one, okay? And what sucks is she's 50 and hot as fuck. Oh no. Yeah, it was horrible. She's 50 and looks as fuck so oh no yeah it was horrible she's 50 and looks like she's 25 it's like when they call you oh you're cute yeah oh okay uh okay um let's go
Starting point is 01:38:53 to the women uh talk about workout number four workout number four was what jr uh it is for time 400 meter the handstand row 96 foot handstand walk 600 120 872 so it's a 96 foot handstand walk, 600, 120, 800, 72. So it's a bunch of handstand walking, bunch of rowing. We're going to look at the girls. Let's go down to the bubble. I think Fusile is the one to talk about here. And as exciting as the lunge to finish is, and as much drama and like potential failure,
Starting point is 01:39:22 I might argue that the handstand walk is the most exciting to watch oceana had a really good race when there are people racing at the end like we saw with yellow and like it wasn't oceana it's like it i mean it's any kind of movement on the floor like that where there's an actual like race to watch is that mean when you hear that the handstand walks are the best workouts you know we've lost all perspective on what's good to the outside world, and you're just a full-blown CrossFitter. Explain what you mean. CrossFitter.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Like, no one thinks that, what JR just said, outside the CrossFit space. Like, to them, that's like speed walking. Oh, look at the CrossFitters racing on their hands. I don't know, dude. It's the handstand walk event from 2012 that got me into CrossFit. Oh, okay. You point, JR. Stacey know, dude. It's the handstand walk event from 2012 that got me into. Exactly. Oh, okay. You point, JR. Stacey Lamb, Kelsey. Okay, so who's in striking distance here? Is Stacey Lamb with 165 in striking distance?
Starting point is 01:40:15 No. Kelsey Keel, is she in striking distance? Yeah. Kelsey Keel is going to have a great day. One point more? Well, no, because I know Kelsey Keel is going to win the snatch workout and Stacey Lamb is going to do nothing tomorrow. That's why. How about Danny Spiegel?
Starting point is 01:40:29 Is she in striking distance at 17? Yeah, Danny Spiegel is in striking distance. No, she's not. Carissa Stapp. Gabriella Spence. What's she going to be batting tomorrow, Taylor? Danny Spiegel is not that fit, bro. You're talking about Tudor just not being fit?
Starting point is 01:40:43 There's two specialty events, and we just said Tudor had a shot. You said he could win two events. Danny Spiegel's not that fit, bro. You're talking about Tudor. There's two specialty events, and we just said Tudor had a shot. You said he could win two events. Danny Spiegel. Danny doesn't have a shot. How is she on her hands? Sucks. Is that true? No.
Starting point is 01:40:55 She's good in a straight line. Does anyone know how Hattie Cano is? I'm imagining she's not bad. I think she's just going to be solid from here on. And Gazan solid? Yeah, Gazan's going to rip tomorrow apart. How about Caitlyn?
Starting point is 01:41:15 She was... I think Birden's going to drop. I think it's going to be tragic. Yeah. Gentlemen? Oof, that's profound. I think she's going to be tragic. Yeah. Gentlemen? Ooh, that's profound. John, I'll let you make that claim. That's a lot. That's big.
Starting point is 01:41:32 She has to lose 100 points. She has to get... She has 100 points to play with. And if you don't finish the snatch ladder, you're going to drop that far. Abigail Domet? She's great. She's fine. She'll be second place by the end of the weekend only up wow uh emily roll on this workout handstand fine on the handstand yeah uh ariel lohan she's gonna win i don't know i i'm gonna i'm gonna go with a sleeper pick to win this workout,
Starting point is 01:42:05 but I'll wait until we pick them. Bethany Flores? She'll be great. She'll do well. Kyra Milligan? I don't know. She'll do well. How is she on her hands?
Starting point is 01:42:18 Good. She's skilled. Yeah. I'll trust Taylor. He was right about the rope climbs. Lindsey Martin. Hey, dude, I cannot see Michael Fitzgerald neglecting handstand walking. No, she's slender. She's good at handstand walking.
Starting point is 01:42:32 She's also got an engine. The thing I worry about with her is she's not heavy enough, and I don't know that she's powerful enough to pull. They don't do CrossFit, bro. They do OPEX. She's not going to the CrossFit games. She's at the OPEX games. You think she'll finish top 10 in that workout? I would veer towards no. JR? Probably not.
Starting point is 01:42:53 She has a fifth, a 32nd, and a third. See? Yeah. She got pulling power. Was that because of the front squats? Yeah. She was going. So really, the one we need to watch her more on is probably the snatch Yeah
Starting point is 01:43:07 But also she's not going to roll very fast She's a little girl Yeah she's not She does not look like a little girl in person I'll tell you that I don't think Emily looks like a little girl Compared to you Sevan Fair no I understand I don't think Emily looks like a little girl compared to you, Sevan. No offense.
Starting point is 01:43:25 Fair. No, I understand. Janie Cheveri. Even Fusile looks big next to me. Janie Cheveri. I think she'd do well in this. Upside down? Anyone know her?
Starting point is 01:43:35 I don't. I don't know her. If this is who I think it is, she's like a clone of Ariel Loewen, if it's who I think it is. There is a competitor. There is a competitor. That's not think it is she's like a clone of ariel lohan if it's who i think it is that looks exactly like ariel lohan their body does like from from a distance yes everything is the same yeah we need to figure out like they move similar yeah i don't i don't know who that it's not janie though it's not janie oh it not Janie. I approached her and I was like... She's one of the females from the earlier heats, like heat one or two. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:07 She kind of like... Are you... Yeah. Okay. Fusile. That's the question. I want Fusile to go to the games. I think she's going to do well here.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Top ten? Man, she surprised the hell out of me on the front squat workout. But what about the rows? You guys keep saying that they're putting a lot of weight on the rows. It is important, especially for the women as well. She's one, though, that I think because she's so fast, she will make up the time lost on the row splits. She can actually make that.
Starting point is 01:44:32 I think, like how JR said before, I think the rowing and the handstand walking are really – I actually think they did this workout really well, and it's 50-50. They did this workout really well. And they're fit. It's 50, 50. And so if she's, uh,
Starting point is 01:44:46 if she's 40 on the rower, she's more than 60 on handstand walking. As far as like the field goes, like Anthony walk speed, she's probably 95 percentile. And then rowing speed around half 50 percentile, which means she's going to be top 10 in this workout. Did something, did he, what, what, what happened? Something happened? No, he's going to be top 10 in this workout.
Starting point is 01:45:05 What happened? Did something happen? No, he's got to pee, but I do too. I've had to pee for like an hour. Oh, okay. Guys, quick break. Pee break. Remember for all your Achilles tears.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Duh. This is called Melanotan 2. It's supposed to accelerate tanning, and it's also supposed to increase sexual arousal. And I think that the second one is actually more of a side effect than it is the main goal. Everybody wants to know how to reconstitute these things. Remember, the first thing is that you need the bacteriostatic water. Second thing that you need to do is you are constantly using these alcohol swabs. Now, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:45:50 You got two separate needles. Never reuse the same needle. So what I'm gonna end up doing is I'm gonna put two milliliters of water into there. It's just sucking the water in there. Yeah, I'm not doing that. That's how you know that the peptides are good. Now, I'm insane, so I like to re-sterilize the top of it.
Starting point is 01:46:04 I just put the pad on there, and I just twist it. And I'm just going to go right here right next to my belly button. So I pull this out put the tip in yeah just a tip. Make sure there's no air bubbles in there so you give it a flick the bubbles rise at the top. Pull this out and I just stick it in my stomach right there. Very slight little pinch it's like the world's smallest bee. It doesn't even matter. little pinch. It's like the world's smallest bee. It doesn't even matter. I'm done. Just like that. I'll take any flavor. Welcome back to the show.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Gabrielle Aspenst. The rest of these girls, we just don't know enough about, do we, JR? Gabrielle Aspenst versus Stapp. I really don't know enough about, do we, JR? Gabriella Spence versus a staff. I don't, and I really don't like speaking to athletes that I know nothing about because it's just an easy way to sound ridiculous the next day. Kelsey Keel.
Starting point is 01:46:54 She's only moving up. Thank you. And by a lot. I don't think she'll make a move on this workout in particular, though. She needs 30 points, 29 points to get in there. I think she'll be around. Wait, nine girls go or 10? Eight.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Eight go. Oh, God. John, you think she takes top fives on both five and six? You think she's going to do really, really well on six also? I think she'll be first place in event five, and I would bet anything on it. And then event six is going to be top five. place an event in five and i would bet any anything on it and then um i really wish her uh can you go down and see where olivia is she in 20th if you had to give okay so we're gonna
Starting point is 01:47:34 get to see kelsey and olivia go head to head most they're gonna recede after four so hopefully hopefully those two can stay in the same heat for the snatch ladder. I think they will. I don't think Kelsey will be top 10. I think she'll get 10 to 15 in this next workout. Then Olivia, I think, will do well in this workout. That'll put them in the same heat. Spiegel also. I think Spiegel, Keel, and Olivia will all be in the same heat,
Starting point is 01:48:05 which is going to be pretty darn neat in event five. Olivia Keel and who? Danny on the snatch ladder. Danny Spiegel. I see a 10 to 15 here and then two top fives, like you said. How many people will be in that heat, you think? 10. That'll be the third heat.
Starting point is 01:48:22 Yeah. All right. Good stuff. Okay. Let's go to, so, so you have a keel when it, okay, let's pick winners for this.
Starting point is 01:48:31 The snatch, but wait, no, no, no, no. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Okay. Snatch. Yeah. No, no. Okay. Do we pick winner for the handstand walk? For the handstand walk,
Starting point is 01:48:41 actually, because of quarterfinals workout one, and just from talking to people who know how she did in testing, I think Olivia is going to smash the handstand walk because of her row pace. And I'm going to just pick her as a big sleeper in this workout. Kirsten, I don't hate it at all. So wait a second. If she takes two firsts, that would give her 318 points.
Starting point is 01:49:07 Well, John says that Kiel is not going to be denied on event five. So let's say that Olivia's going to be denied. On event five? Yeah, on event five. Has anyone gone sub five? No. Not in competition. Laura should have, but she freaking mailed it. Oh, John, let it go.
Starting point is 01:49:29 What happened to Laura? He just, he's, he's faulting her for not going for the jugular and going for the win and just like doing what you think I'm wrong to do. Yeah. That was the extent of her ability. What she did. She had to wait 15 seconds to do that next snatch. I think that if you would have been in the same situation as she, you wouldn't have just automatically been like, I'm going to go for it even if I miss this snatch
Starting point is 01:49:53 just because I want to beat her on this. If you're Laura Horvath. If I'm Laura Horvath, I'm not. Oh, you walked a mile in her shoes? You walked a mile in her labias? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha in her shoes. You walked a mile in her labias. Oh, fuck. I like how Taylor doesn't talk for five minutes
Starting point is 01:50:13 and then that's what comes out. I just peed and I'm going to pee myself again. Oh my goodness. You do need some pelvic floor therapy, huh? Now, hey, if Olivia has sub five, if Olivia or Danny has sub five, then they could beat her. I just know Kelsey's going to go sub five.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Okay. Speaking of Kegel exercises, birth fit. Thank you. For all your pe peeing needs thank you so do you think so olivia okay your top five's coming up i think so yeah yeah i want i want to i want to see her come back and get in so maybe i'm picking with my heart a little bit more than i should be if she had three top fives and round out the weekend and then made and then snuck in on that last than I should be. If she had three top fives to round out the weekend
Starting point is 01:51:05 and then snuck in on that last spot, it'd be amazing. But she's taking away a spot. I think Bernadine. And can we go back to the leaderboard? Who's the other no-name that we don't know? Not Hattie Konyo, but Bernadine. And then there was another one. Lindsey Martin and Yanni Chavri.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Yeah, Yanni Chavri, Bernadine, and Lindsey Martin, I think will all drop out. And so what does that mean? How will Fusile do on the snatch, John? It's going to be a challenge for her. I mean, that's the event. That's the event that I'll decide if she goes to the games or not. It's not the same equation as
Starting point is 01:51:45 Alyssa Fuliano. Alyssa Fuliano is very strong. It's not like Alyssa Fuliano at all. I want to wish for the same Juju, but it's not the same equation. Is there enough room for Olivia if that happens, if those three drop out? You have Gazan,
Starting point is 01:52:02 you got Gazan, Caño, Domet, Rolf, Ariel. I don't think we could say bethany i think i'm gonna drop out kyra that's six and then as taylor likes to say yeah who's she gonna kick out and then it'll be between it'll be between fusile bethany and kelsey keel and olivia two spots you think you think olivia can say those names again say those names again it's going to be between bethany flores rebecca fusile kelsey keel and olivia kerstetter and you think olivia can come back that much on those three girls she's not coming back that much in kelsey but kelsey's going to kill these two vince too yeah i don't know it
Starting point is 01:52:41 may actually come it may come down to the finale and I hope it does because that's what, that's how it should be. And if it does come down to the finale, my money is going to be on Kiel and, uh, uh, Olivia, just because I know they can dominate that event and Fusile and,
Starting point is 01:52:56 um, Bethany are not, you know what I mean? As far as the bike and the dumbbells, like the bike and the dumbbells go. Bethany stout, man, man, those dumbbells might not fuck with her. She looks good.
Starting point is 01:53:09 We were sitting close to where the athletes exit and walk up the steps. And, I mean, she looks like she's in phenomenal shape. Did the front squats look heavy for her? No. The last few did. Maybe the last few. Yeah, she did. She was grind shitty on the front squats.
Starting point is 01:53:23 Yeah. I don't know. You know what I think Bethany's doing on the front squats yeah i don't know you know what i think bethany's doing on the front squats i think she's very intentional i don't think she's like racing them i think like she's conscious for each one like you know what i mean like some people might forget what they're doing between reps seven and ten i don't think that happens to her no she's more conscious of her body i mean she's more fearful of hurting herself yeah you can kind of see it it's it's there's a lot of control Which is the thing you don't need on the last event. In event six, it's Send It City.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Yeah. Patrick Clark, Bethany crushed the bike today. Hey, got any word on Bill Leahy, Pat? I just knew that would wake Taylor up. Your multitasking is unreal, second to none. Wow. Final workout for the women uh they they get on the assault bike or the echo bike then they do uh 22 calories on the echo bike 15 muscle up 72 foot dumbbell walking lunge uh who wins it
Starting point is 01:54:21 who wins it? Alex Kazan. Females. Kazan. Kazan. Yeah, I got to go with her on that too. Kazan will do the 15 ring muscle-ups unbroken, and of the girls that can do that,
Starting point is 01:54:36 she'll bike the fastest. And I don't think she's letting go of the dumbbells. She has the best deadlift. Can I say helmet? No. Danny. No fucking shot. Sorry, dude. No. Danny. No fucking shot. No.
Starting point is 01:54:51 He's getting over the ring 15 times. You didn't tell me. I thought that was a no. No, it's a massive issue for her. She has horrible lockout on her ring muscle-ups. Yeah, that doesn't matter. She does the kickback thing. She does ring muscle-ups fast, does the kickback thing like she does ring muscle ups fast but they don't fucking count yeah if she if they're gonna being hard on standards
Starting point is 01:55:10 they're gonna this they're gonna hit her her execution is done properly she'll win this nope hey listen she closes her eyes and goes i was watching her today she can't she can't hurt anymore she can hurt she doesn't know how to hurt there's not enough time to hurt in that workout yes she does oh yeah there is hey afterwards uh hurt. There's not enough time to hurt in that workout. Yes, she does. Oh, yeah, there is. Afterwards. She's like Tudor, dude, in the sense that she can just. You've done it?
Starting point is 01:55:30 Yeah, three times. Okay, how long did it take you? 18 seconds. It's going to blow out your Achilles heel. So Tyler's lying. He hasn't done the workout. No, dude, prove it. I have done the workout, and it hurt a lot.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Thank you, John. 18 seconds. Okay. So who do you have? Who do you have? Someone pick Gazan. Yeah, I picked Gazan.
Starting point is 01:55:50 They both did. And who do you pick? Who are you? Domet. Domet. Wow. Who you got Taylor Jr. They picked her.
Starting point is 01:55:57 They say Gazan. I said, yeah. Have you done the workout, Taylor? Yeah. What'd you get? Can't talk about it.
Starting point is 01:56:10 I got collapsed. I suck at that workout. Did you meet me by a minute? More. Patrick Clark, William Leahy, the fourth's dad, said he tore his Achilles. Judge who no-ripped, said he heard it pop. No way.
Starting point is 01:56:31 Hey, so it happened on that box jump. It wasn't jumping. You think it tore on the jump downs? I think it tore on the jump up. No, but I'm saying, I'm saying like, like, do you think? No, no, no, no. I don't think that the, it ruptured it wasn't anywhere but on the box okay you don't
Starting point is 01:56:48 think like it got something happened on jumping down from the rope and then the box it might have pre fatigued but yeah I could have yeah it could be bad do we think about you know he was moving fast though until that moment there was a critical thing what why do they say ruptured Caleb why don't what what is this ruptured means fully
Starting point is 01:57:04 fucked yeah and it's like I don, Caleb? Why don't – Because ruptured means fully fucked. Yeah, and it's like I don't think – Dude, I don't think we would have seen it roll up. How would he have finished his jumps? Yeah, like how would he have finished his jumps? His right leg. You would have seen the thing suck up into his calf if he fully fucking sucked. So you watch a bicep chin and tear. The whole thing goes up here.
Starting point is 01:57:21 I've seen a girl – I was competing on a team in like 2019 as like this little local comp and the girl on my team popped her achilles on 30 inch box jump overs and i saw it fucking happen i saw the thing go shoot shoot up into her calf oh she was down and fucked but listen rupturing's burst does it burst awesome that may have just been a poor choice of they call it a ruptured Achilles tendon. What is that thing made of? Is that thing have blood flow in it?
Starting point is 01:57:49 Caleb, what is that? Yeah, that's. But when it if you watch his video and you see him jump up, his left leg doesn't press down anymore. He's all he's pressing out of his heel every time out of his left leg. And if you watch his right leg, his toes press down on the ground when he jumps off the ground for the rest of his. That's insane. If he finishes jumps,
Starting point is 01:58:10 the fucking torn Achilles. Y'all need to put some respect on his legend. Click on him. Click on him a punk. Cause dude. Yeah. Put some respect on this man's fucking name. John,
Starting point is 01:58:20 give this guy some respect. I've been saying it since the start. Oh, Lupe Lupe uh in mexico a rupture is is complete and a tear is only partial or impartial okay but he's way more man than andrew and aaron rogers a rupture achilles tendon no no he's not uh rupture achilles tendon is a sudden injury that occurs when the tendon at the back of the ankle breaks. Yeah, breaks.
Starting point is 01:58:47 God, can we stop talking about this? It's making me sick, and I don't want to think about injuries. It's the most common. Do you think the judge felt bad no-repping him after that, after he saw what happened? Because he no-repped him twice after that. He doesn't know. Do you think Liz felt bad no-repping Taylor after the fall backwards off the box? And then when he stepped off, and then when he jumped off the other side.
Starting point is 01:59:09 No judge has ever felt worse than that, I'm sure. She felt horrible. She said no-rep was such vigor. She went to the drinking fountain, got a sip of water and came back. You were still on the ground. Okay. James Stubb, why did Justin's judge make him do an additional rep? Must have been a no rep.
Starting point is 01:59:31 He jumped down. Practice. Oh, interesting. You weren't allowed to touch the top of the box. Yeah, he didn't jump down. Oh, yeah. Justin, he's talking about Bill. He could have touched
Starting point is 01:59:46 his own leg. Justin hopped off on one, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Kyra got no ripped on that as well. But Daniel Garrity's talking about... Kyra got a no rip for touching her knees. That's what I'm saying. Bill didn't get a no rip for touching his knees. He got a no rip for touching the box. No, I don't think it was a poorly
Starting point is 02:00:02 programmed event. What, Tyler? Barry McOchner? What? I missed it. Is Taylor pissing you off? Yeah, now he won't respond or look at me. That's what pussies do. Hey, the camera came back. So the camera came off
Starting point is 02:00:24 for JR's soliloquy that he wanted to say at the camera. Soliloquy! Okay, final thoughts. Let me ask this. Does Fusile make it to the games, JR? No. I say yes. If Olivia makes it, I don't think she does, JR.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Okay. Here's your choices. You only get two. Let's just do it here. You only get two of these. Or do you only get one? You only get one, John? A Fusilet, Bethany, Kelsey, Keel, or Olivia?
Starting point is 02:00:57 You get two of Olivia, Keel, Fusilet, and Bethany. You get two of them. Okay, you get two of those, JR. You get to pick Fusilet, Bethany, Kelsey, Keel, or Olivia Kerstetter. You get two of them. Okay, you get two of those, JR. You get to pick Fusile, Bethany, Kelsey, Kiel, or Livia Kerstetter. You get to pick two. I don't want to pick two. Tyler. Bethany.
Starting point is 02:01:16 Bethany. And Kelsey. Kelsey, thank you. Taylor, you get two. Fusile, Bethany, Kelsey, Kiel, Livia Kerstetter. Oh. Oh. I like. Fusile, Bethany, Kelsey Keel, Olivia Kerstetter Ooh Ooh I like Ooh
Starting point is 02:01:30 That's tough, man Ah Fusile is closest I really like Bethany and Fusile Actually, that's Yeah, yeah Okay, so Bethany and Fusile So that's two for Bethany.
Starting point is 02:01:46 John Young. Fusile, Bethany, Kelsey, Kiel, Olivia, Kerstetter. I say Bethany and Kiel, and then Olivia's just short. It's just too much of a point gap. She's really, really behind. Three. Three for Bethany. Bethany.
Starting point is 02:02:02 J.R. could seal Bethany's fate's fate here fusile bethany kelsey keel or olivia kerstetter you get two i think if those are my choices and i've got to look at the numbers and the cushions i have to say bethany stays in and then knowing like knowing already because of john um and his knowledge of testing I'll go with Kelsey wow one for Fusile four for Bethany three for Kelsey Keel zero for Livvy Kerstetter
Starting point is 02:02:34 and this is assuming Bernadine has a massive fall if she doesn't have a massive fall only one of those names is getting in and that's Bethany I don't necessarily think that she has four votes i would still pick kelsey hey bethany's polling well john
Starting point is 02:02:54 hey and you say that because you said because you trained with uh kelsey keel some camp you went to yeah yeah she was pretty she was pretty unfit whenever I went to that training camp. I know, but she tells you were charmed by her. 100% I'm biased. Yeah, I will admit that I'm biased with that pick, but I just think these events are going to be great for her. Event four will be the worst out of the three tomorrow. Even though I'm not biased, and I still side with you on this.
Starting point is 02:03:24 Barry McCocken are horribly programmed. 500 double unders, jumping down from the ropes, and box jump overs. Yeah, your Achilles is going to be screwed. Jer? Again, to Taylor's point, and it's something we discussed as soon as the workouts came out and showed up in Scribble. It's not running one day and jumping the next day. It's what they did for three weeks leading up to this.
Starting point is 02:03:55 That's the compounding. It's not at the competition. And Leahy trains hard. Yeah. I don't think he trains any harder than anybody else though. I'm not someone that thinks there are people that are really doing a whole lot different than everybody else. I think Leahy does way more volume than some people.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Okay. That might be true. I'm saying training hard is training harder and doing more volume is not the same, but the, okay. But more volume would put more stress on your joints and time yeah uh tyler what was the question i didn't have a question i know
Starting point is 02:04:32 junk volume i know i had a question what was it was it poorly poorly programmed oh was it poorly programmed no no i i agree with both of them we see this every every year when they leak the workouts early or release the workouts early people overwork themselves i think magnus holmgren really wants a dick pic for me because he's all in my dms uh don't do it chris giles talk about the week uh how weak the oceana field is maybe tomorrow thank you though for the suggestion uh you're not the boss am my my university of san francisco surgeon says i have a better chance of lifting that bar than bethany wow she posted on instagram
Starting point is 02:05:13 her completing the snatch ladder but there wasn't like a time attached to it or anything and it was it was cut like nothing was in a row but she did post herself doing the snatch ladder. That's hilarious. Look, guys, I can do it. She's not going to win. No one's picking her to win. She's going to be measured walking through that. Tomorrow, the show is at 8.30, live at the venue. If you want a shirt, show up.
Starting point is 02:05:38 It'll be on the stage. If you want to get entered into free tickets for the CrossFit Games, buy Paper Street Coffee now. $100 or more gets you entered. More $100 purchases you make buying coffee that you're going to drink anyway. Use code SEVON. The more entries you'll get, they're great, great tickets. Don't forget
Starting point is 02:05:58 If you got a busted something and you want to unbust it, help with the healing process, go check out Also, if you're around tomorrow, the venue is absolutely amazing. It's a perfect place to bring your kids. It's a perfect place to take someone on a date. It's a perfect place to go and be inspired. Everyone there is cool as shit except for Taylor. It's awesome. It's awesome.
Starting point is 02:06:31 We will leave you with a replay of the fantastic video that Patrick Rios made from today's event. Can I call you Rose? Can I call you Rose? Cause you're sweet like a flower in bloom. Can I call you rose? Can I call you rose? Can I call you rose? Cause your fragrance takes over the room Can I call you rose?
Starting point is 02:07:04 Darling the room when I call you darling I wanna play you in my heart oh so let me grow

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