The Sevan Podcast - Who is going to win the CrossFit Games? We KNOW!

Episode Date: July 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Barry Bruckheimer and director Yoakam Ronan comes the must see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Streaming on Disney Plus this Friday. Right, right, right. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Me, Skinny, Sousa and Caleb. Far back. right right right bam we're live me skinny suza and caleb god hillary you look skinny as shit what's up with you dude what do you mean all right maybe just a shirt or something maybe it's your haircut that's a double xl tank are you flexing no my my bicep hurts from doing so many curls from trying to look good for the games my left bicep is killing me don't roll your eyes at me fool my left bicep
Starting point is 00:01:35 the unworked six month bicep has been overworked this month yes straight from good to overuse injury you have arrived at what feels like the final show of the year.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I don't know. Not the calendar year, but some year. Right, Caleb? Some year. Some year. Yeah, some. We're getting close to the final. This just feels like the final show until we start the new season of the Sebon podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Not even the CrossFit Games season season just the seven podcast season season two yeah yeah is it season two or three or four season uh season three the season three finale i do feel like somehow that we're crossing like we've entered puberty. Yeah. Adolescence for sure. Yeah, adolescence. That's fair. That's fair. We can walk.
Starting point is 00:02:30 We can tie our shoes. We can get some simple. What? Talk shit to our parents. Yeah, get some simple shit out of the fridge. Peel a banana. Make eggs. The 7-On podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Can you boil an egg? Can you hard boil an egg? No, that comes five years from now. We can't do that yet? We don't know how to do that? Alright. Maybe. We'd probably get slapped for it. Season two, Sporty Beth comes on the pod. That'd be awesome. I would love that.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Really? That long? I thought we were on season two. I think I'm going to see her at the games and we're going to hug and it's going to be good. I seriously think that. I thought you weren't going to see anybody. I mean, I'll hug her through the fence or something. Like one of these moments?
Starting point is 00:03:16 Maybe on the other side of a glass or something? Yeah, just like, what's up? Give her a high five, look at her. Elongated gaze. And then someone five minutes later will report me for attacking someone look there he is
Starting point is 00:03:31 I'm gonna wave at someone and someone's gonna report me for intimidating them excuse me you're 12 inches taller than him yeah I know but you should see that man on the ice oh I'm so pissed at the I'm so pissed that the, I'm so pissed and so proud of the mayhem boys season two uncancellable.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Yeah, that's cool. I saw that. Angelo's a beast. Yeah. That was from him, right? Uncancellable. I think so. He's something special with the stash. How hard did they really push that concept though? i don't think they pushed that concept hard enough they haven't really they're working though they're going i they're walking that way uh um angelo's walking fast and and uh rich and rich is walking medium and rory's kind of got put his arms on their shoulders and like easy buddy there buddy. There's no hurry. We've got sponsors. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Is Rich and Angela want to walk into the deep end? This show is brought to you by Manscaped. If you are going to the CrossFit Games this year, first of all, congratulations. You are going to have an absolute blast. Some of the nicest people ever congregating in one place. The weather is going to be fun. Just accept the heat and sweat it out.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Bring water. Bring a good attitude. It's a safe place for kids and family. And it's cool. It feels like almost like a homecoming it's definitely not uh just a sporting event it's got a little bit of a grateful dead uh vibe thing going to it um country fair and uh as a spectator there you will if it's your first time uh welcome congratulations and if you've been there lots of times you already know i'm preaching to the choir uh it's a great place to
Starting point is 00:05:28 bring kids of all ages from your i don't know three or four year old actually any age to your 16 year old i mean it's just really cool healthy wholesome uh and on top of that crossfit's going to be providing provides a bunch of cool stuff. There's the vendor villages. There's all the eateries. There's the different venues. There's the vendor village. There's the affiliate lounge.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And then, of course, there's all the different events going on, the adaptive, the age group, the individual, the teenagers, the whole shebang. When I say age group, I always feel like I mean the upper people. Teenagers should get their own. And they got specific stuff for kids. They do. Specifically for kids, yeah. Tell me, tell me. Well, here, let me put this up real quick. So we got some graphics for us.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And the QR code that you guys are going to see big on your screen for a moment is to the CrossFit Games on-site app. And at first I know what you're thinking oh shit i gotta download another app but trust me i did it i went through it it's it organizes everything for you it displays all the stuff from the classes they're gonna have that you could take as if you're at a normal affiliate to the coaching stuff to the affiliate walkthrough to the main kind of events here which we'll talk about which is the 5k run and then the benchmark so here's your i'm ready i'm ready here it is okay so you could go on there find that thing download it
Starting point is 00:06:50 and what is this app called again the crossfit games event guide yeah it's the on-site one there's two you're going to see the crossfit games and you're going to see the crossfit games event says on site and it's blue rather than the black and white so it's black and blue and i guess i just accept all of these fan experience weather alerts oh look at wow weather alerts affiliate owners entertainment schedule changes announcements you can click enable all i'm gonna accept all of these yeah and so you could also once you guys get in there you'll see the different categories whether you want like an affiliate um experience where you could go in like you're going to take a class
Starting point is 00:07:22 with a bunch of your friends uh you could do some of the they have like gymnastics courses going on they'll have the olympic weightlifting stuff going on um tons and tons of stuff and they have all the list of the vendors in there so if you click the vendor it'll bring up everybody who they have so i know if you guys like me you want to try that i don't see vendor i don't see vendor i see featured places featured news individual competition team competition So ready for this? Click the hamburger. Oh, I see the hamburger. Upper left-hand corner. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Get the hamburger. And then when you click it, you'll see what Caleb has on screen here. You got schedule. The affiliate schedule is actually like just straight up taking classes. So I imagine like all the sevenistas, you guys should rock the CEO shirt. I'll go take like the 8 a.m. together. They have one specifically for coaches too. So if you're an L1 through an L4, you could go and kind of go get like the 8 a.m together um they have one specifically for coaches too so if you're an l1 through an l4 you could go and kind of go get like the coaching experience where i'm sure they're
Starting point is 00:08:10 going to be teaching a little bit more about the nuances of coaching the class and there's a breakfast for you at the end um i'm kind of jealous to be honest because when i went to the games just as a spectator without a job this would have been dope hey let me let me ask you this. Will you bring that back up, Caleb? And then click on, I know this is falling into the weeds here, but click on affiliate schedule. Oh, I can't click it. He just has the preview. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Because it says affiliate schedule, and then it says CrossFit class, 8.30 a.m., and then it says 19. I wonder if that means 19 people are already signed up. Yeah, I'm sure they have to cut off at some point. Take a group class with one of our four certified CrossFit level four coaches. Wow, 8.30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 1st. You can take a class with four certified level fours. And then you can even click this button and it gives you a little reminder.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yep, and so you could add it to your schedule so you guys could go in there and build your schedule of what you want to do and when you want to do it. And it'll give you all little reminder. Yep. And so you could add it to your schedule so you guys could go in there and build your schedule of what you want to do and when you want to do it and it'll give you all the alerts as well. Oh, and this is cool too. It'll tell you, if you don't want to look up by event, you can also look up by area.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So if you want to know what's going on in the beer garden, like I do, click the beer garden. And it'll break it down. But the big thing is they got the global uh 5k uh run it'll be happening on august 4th on friday between uh 1 30 and 2 30 central time um august 4th what is that thursday that's friday friday yeah so you go in there and you're gonna run the race and that would definitely be cool that you got a whole hour to do it so even
Starting point is 00:09:44 if you just want to like just get a small sweat and not like seriously try to run it still a great opportunity to get sweaty shake a leg or as they say in this thing here apparently don fall is gonna run it because they said you could compare your time versus his i want to go back to one more thing about this this uh app i want to tell you guys about one more thing on here i just realized that schedule right there i know um suza just said it but i didn't really understand what he was saying until i clicked on it you can go through here and pick all the stuff you want to do and organize it by time and as you do that and click all the different things you want to do
Starting point is 00:10:18 it makes a calendar for you and that's your schedule so you could fill your whole day up with stuff you choose from the app of stuff to do, and it'll build a calendar for you and give you 15-minute alerts right before their start. So if you want to see event number three, and then you want to work out, and then you want to go see a presentation somewhere else,
Starting point is 00:10:36 you can pick all those things, and then it'll just make a schedule for you. This is pretty sick. Has it been like this every year? I've never used the app. I can't speak to that. I don't think so. I mean, it looks like they really got it together this year.
Starting point is 00:10:48 The other cool thing, too, is they got this thing, Affiliate Walk. So if you guys want to kind of check out what a well-run affiliate is with a collective of data from everybody who's going to be walking you through there, meaning like a bunch of the L4 coaches, I'm sure Austin Maliola will be there, stuff like that, they'll walk you through what that experience of onboarding a new member should look like. I think it's open to everybody. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:11:12 You may have to have an L1 for that. If you don't, you should just go check it out. We have people all the time that want to talk about, I want to open a gym or whatever. Learn more about it. There you go. What do they have for the kids? Is that the 5K? If you go, I think, to the workouts or something, whatever. Learn more about it. There you go. What do they have for the kids? Is that the 5K? Yeah, if you go, I think, to, like, the workouts or something,
Starting point is 00:11:29 no, they have, like, specific stuff for kids. Hold on. So they got the food and the drink one. Madison Traction. I always thought it was chicken, but kids better run a 5K because it's basically twice as far because they're so short. I mean, I'm sure you could take the kids to run a 5K. You got basically twice as far because they're so short i mean i'm sure you could take
Starting point is 00:11:45 the kids around a 5k you got a full hour to do it um hillary's gonna be there apparently you're bear crawling it which is dope wow hillary you're bear crawling 5k versus john young i did hear that craig richie and the buttery bros are running the 5k which is cool yeah sponsors for this are haven sugar wad zen planner hwpo proven mayhem athlete go ruck magpul rp renaissance periodization u.s border patrol yeti bear complex perfect hydration o2 hydration erosti ice barrel two pood wild health u.s army Dusty, Ice Barrel, 2Pood, Wild Health, US Army, Surface Coat, Trifecta, G-Shock, and Jocko? Joko? Jocko Mulk. Mulk.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Jocko. Joko Mulk. Nailed it. Thanks. Joko Willick. And GoWad. A momentist. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It looks like they'll have classes in specific other languages. Italian Hour. Portuguese hour. They got a Q&A with Dawn in here, CrossFit weightlifting. Cave Dastro, was this part of the contract, Seve? No. What happened was that we were trying to get someone on from CrossFit to do that, and I wanted to do it.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I want to fully be immersed and support the event. I want to give you guys information. You guys want the fucking behind the scenes or not, people? Yeah. You want a young board here or what? Young board here or what? And while you guys are doing all that fun stuff, I'll be in the athlete warm-up area filming someone crying.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But either way. Someone is sacrificing his training schedule to get behind the scenes. So that's that. It is cool. It is cool. So take advantage of it. He's sacrificing an obvious future jiu-jitsu championship for the behind-the-scenes for everybody.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah, they're going to be a week behind. What is this? Craig Ritchie cut a tendon in his hand. That's not true. Is it? It's true. It is. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah. It's gnarly. I think you just put up a video on it. You're all. Dude. I'm so sorry. Can you hold a camera? You can't hold.
Starting point is 00:14:00 How bad is it? Did he do it? Did he do it? Well, I'm so sorry. Well, we know what you were watching. Oh, spin. What's up?
Starting point is 00:14:11 I can't get enough of us. That's right. Hey, was he in this country when it happened? I don't believe so, no. Oh, well, that sucks. Probably got all the details in the video, maybe. All right. He said he had like 10,000 people tell him to make the details in the video maybe all right thousand people tell them to make the matt fraser comparison video
Starting point is 00:14:28 because if you know how fraser fraser mentioned in a couple of different places that he wouldn't cut vegetables leading up to the games just in case because he didn't want to cut his hand and then not be able to compete yeah yeah craig craig should have had uh as a jazz cut all his vegetables for him. Yes. You ever had a pinched nerve? And then your fingers
Starting point is 00:14:53 going numb? Yeah, you were pretty sincere when you said that that sucked. It felt heartfelt from you. Me? No, Hiller. In his video with the one about Matt. that's uh that's craig richie's hand god he's got some thick hands is he i think they're swollen oh he has a megan fox thumb go back
Starting point is 00:15:14 a megan fox thumb what does that mean no he look at the next picture he does not have a megan fox what what is that what's a megan oh man oh man up on google hold on i don't know to the rescue poor craig that sucks that sounds horrible yeah at least he's got the hustle made socks so he's still getting that product placement in there what's wrong with it the thumbnail it's a midget it looks like a normal thumb, but... Oh, I see. Come on, find a better one, Caleb. Come on.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Oh, are you kidding me? That one's enough. I get it. I get it. I understand. She got a toe on her hand. Exactly. Oh, it does look like a toe.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It's fine. Be nice. It's all good. Imagine staring down at that thing, huh? Yeah, imagine. Imagine that touching your dick. Imagine that. There it is.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Somebody was saying. I used to have fun on this show. Have we talked a lot of CrossFit yet? So much. Actually, a decent amount. I'd say so. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the CrossFit Games Prediction Show.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I think we should get right into it, like into the meat of it. Like, no dilly-dallying. I would like to say a couple truths before we start. And then there's something else I'd like to do.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I'd like to take the men and the women and put them into three tiers on something we could agree upon. Okay. I tiered my rankings sheet whenever they bring it up. I've already tiered them. Into how many tiers? It's about five. Okay. So we can do that into three, but they're already color coded. So like once, uh, once we start, Caleb can bring that up and then we can talk about it. Okay. So there's a couple of truths I want to, I want to let you guys know about before we start
Starting point is 00:17:23 everyone who's listening. Now listen carefully. If you're a woman in the CrossFit Games this year and you don't do better than you did last year, you should quit. Okay. I agree. Mal is gone. Haley's gone. Tia's gone. If you can't improve from last year, just get the fuck out. Go join the WNBA.
Starting point is 00:17:42 So when Danielle Brandon gets sixth place, you shut it. There's an exemption gets sixth place, she should win. There's an exemption for everyone. There's an exemption. Number two, Laura Horvat is the absolute frontrunner of all the women. If you did not pick Laura Horvat to win the CrossFit Games for the women this year, then you are lying to yourself, and it's an emotional pick. I picked Annie to win it and you're just
Starting point is 00:18:07 lying to yourself. Laura is the frontrunner. She's more likely to win the women than Justin Medeiros is to win the men. She is guaranteed the win. If she doesn't win, it's because the programming is shitty or something.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I disagree with that. I'm just sharing you guys' truths. That's your truth. Listen, I'm just telling you guys' truths. I'm just telling you the truth. This year, there's something bigger going on than crowning the fittest woman on earth. What will happen after, at the end of this year is we will know who the greatest
Starting point is 00:18:48 Icelandic athlete who ever lived is. Whoever finishes higher, Katrin David's daughter, Annie Thor's daughter will be the greatest Icelandic athlete who's ever walked the planet, man or woman. And I personally find that huge, especially in our sport. They each have two victories at the CrossFit Games, and this is a battle for legacy for them, for each of them. And if one of them wins the game this year, they put themselves into a class that no one else is in. You'll have Matt and Tia and Rich in their own class, and then you and tia and um and rich in their own class and then
Starting point is 00:19:26 you'll have either catcher or annie in their own class and then you'll have justin madras etc unless justin were to win too go ahead mr taylor i'm just telling you guys the truth it's half door bjornson uh icelandic he is yeah come on come on come on hey magnus for magnuson is way better than half norm bjornson if we're going to talk strong, man, I've never heard of Norm Wilson. Both those women are 10 times athletes that those fucking one-trick ponies are. No shot, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:54 He's like 6'8". Here we go. Are you with me, Hiller? I'm with you, and I'm also against Jon Young. Jon Young's high. There are strong men that were better than... Hafthor's won one world's strongest man. At least pick the best Icelandic strongman competitor there's been.
Starting point is 00:20:12 He looks like fucking Odin reincarnate, dude. He's like 6'8". His six-pack goes down to his falls. Guys, CrossFit. Bring it back. Bring it back. All right. 500 kilo deadlift. That was Eddie Hall. Half door was 501. Exactly. If there is no swim this year in the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:20:39 I keep hearing this. I was listening to the Talking Elite Fitness podcast and the men's and women's reviews, and there keeps being this thing like there's not going to be a swim. If that's true, we have to rethink everything. talking elite fitness podcast and the men's and women's reviews. And there keeps being this thing. Like there's not going to be a swim. If that's true, we have to rethink everything. Oh, we,
Starting point is 00:20:51 I don't know. It's especially in the men's competition. It's going to get really weird. It's going to get, shit's going to get really weird in the men's competition. There's no swim. Yeah. If Valner wins,
Starting point is 00:21:01 there's a bike. If Valner wins and there's no swim, I bet people will say it's because there was no swim they'd be right 100 this is true dude very true i don't think he's underserving if that happens though okay i okay and we'll get to all that shit in a second i'm just dropping some bombs uh ricardo garcia uh mars 50 dollars uh sup fellas amazing sequence of podcasts seven Ricardo Garcia, Mars, $50. Sup, fellas? Amazing sequence of podcasts. Sevan Horvath always seems like she could lose some weight.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Is it just a body type thing or what? Any thoughts? I have no idea. I think her body is – I'm not allowed to talk about her body. I've left that phase of my life. You're done talking about CrossFit girls' bodies? Give it a week and a half. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Give me two weeks. I know for 50 hours I should be saying something. I find her body perfect. Is that South African? Is that Rand? I don't know. No, it's Rupees. Rupees.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Ruples. Ruples. Hey, but I will tell you this. Laura Horvath is the most likely to win out of the men and women period. She's the shit. But the weird thing the men and women period like she's the shit but the the weird thing is and i think john young get on board and this is there's really the athlete who has the least amount of holes is also justin madaris on the men's side i would agree out of the men and women he has the least amount of holes i would agree there are probably
Starting point is 00:22:22 seven or eight athletes who have a way better ability to hit. Way more strengths. Okay. What does Emma Carey bat at? What does Emma Carey bat at? Staying healthy. Well, like, Belner with the overhead. Her overhead's not great.
Starting point is 00:22:41 No shot. She has a great snatch and clean and jerk. At school, Belner snatches 295, but we've seen him fail over and over again on overhead stability and endurance. I don't think she carries similar. It's not bad. It's not bad. I don't think her stability is – she might not have as beautiful a position as some other athletes,
Starting point is 00:22:59 but I don't think she really – I don't know of a weakness that she has. And that was a joke, her staying healthy thing, obviously. So I just want to clarify. Big joke, guys. You chill. You go back in Rogue. She was third to last in the handstand push-up event after Laura Horvath.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Then it was her. Just there's some overhead stuff. It's not bad. It's just not great. I bet she can hurt better than any of the women in the field. Maybe. I mean, Laura seems like quite the savage, but let me see. Emma seems like she can go to dark places.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Let me also say two more things to keep in mind when you think about this year's CrossFit Games. Think about which athletes this is their last year. Which one? Which athletes is this? Noah. This could be – Noah.
Starting point is 00:23:47 But ones we don't even is this annie's last year well if she does worse than she did last year according to you dude we're good then bro michelle didn't make it last year so we're square and this is this one's really going to trip you out how about this let me throw this out there to add more provocative uh elements truth elements the dark horses are a trip this year emma lawson is the ultimate dark horse because what if she got five percent better dude to what to a dark horse to win is she a dark horse a lot of people i feel like a dark horse is people that not a lot of people talk about yeah can you define six women that are and she's one of them, that are all favorites. What I mean is if Emma Lawson could,
Starting point is 00:24:28 after the first day, we could all be like, oh shit, I knew she was going to win. I mean, you know what I mean? I would say like, I would not call Emma Lawson a dark horse. I would. I would. I'd call her Canadian.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I know, that's why it's weird. Why wouldn't you call her a dark horse? I want to argue this with you. To win or to podium? No, to win. Because she's talked about so much. A lot of people pick her to win. Therefore, how is she a dark horse?
Starting point is 00:24:57 Let me tell you why she's a dark horse. Because there's so much unknown. Same with Kazan. Someone said Kazan. We know that something has happened. We know that there's a potential for something to have happened in the offseason this year with Emma Lawson that's greater than any other athlete in the field. Fair?
Starting point is 00:25:18 Fair. And then you could throw Kazan and Emma Carey in that too, right? I mean, we have three massive dark horses lurking in the top 10 i think emma is less of a dark horse emma lawson than the other two that you named like no one's gonna fall no one no one would bet their life that there's no way emma lawson wins this i'd say catrin's more of a dark horse catrin's dark horse too we have no idea i agree there's so many dark horses this year i think emma's emma's the third best returning from last year's games. I don't think you'd call her a dark horse.
Starting point is 00:25:48 We just may not be talking about her as much. Wait, wait, wait. What place? No, she's not. Oh, returning from last year. Right, right. But also 100 points away from Laura Horvat. Sure. But that's still podium. Good point. And Spence piggybacking also off the fact that, yeah, if you don't improve this year, quit. That's the theme, I guess.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Is it? It's not the truth for the men, though. It's not the Andrew Hiller shirt, 1999. Oh, shit. I hate this question. What's the over under on Hiller kissing hip and steel next week kissing no fighting
Starting point is 00:26:29 no no kissing with your hand taking bets locally in Madison I'll refer it 1 million views dude that would be sick no no yes
Starting point is 00:26:43 a backyard UFC Hiller versus Hip and Steel? No. Well, first of all, that would be – Did you kick him? Someone booted him? Someone booted him? Who got booted? Me.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Oh, whoops. I just told you this is the nicest event. This is like the Grateful Dead show. Hiller's going to be wearing tie-dye with a joint behind his ear. A what? It's going to be Woodstock? A joint. Woodstock 99. Alright.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Does anyone else want to drop any truths out there? Does anyone want to lay out the landscape? I think we're going to miss some big names on saturday no shit really i think so who let's get into it you'll see it on let's go through the predictions and then we'll go by we'll get into it then is yours color-coded how can you say that spin when we don't even know what the first three workouts are do we we don't know what the first six are what i mean by that is people that were going to do well
Starting point is 00:27:46 on Saturday, that will not make it. Ah. I did the pig chipper today. How was it? With what? Flip slide? Uh-oh. How'd it go? Did you go 15 instead of 10, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:28:01 No, I loaded it heavier. Okay. I don't understand what you're saying, Spence. Aren't there workouts Thursday and Friday and then Friday night there's cuts? Yes. I'm saying what we're going to see is some athletes that we really want to see on Saturday
Starting point is 00:28:16 doing the lift, doing the run, doing the gymnastics, we won't see. Those are on Friday? Is that what you're saying can someone pull up the schedule i'll say the cuts will eliminate people that we want to see from the top two like they're going to be the first people to get cut yes right right i understand that but what we're do we know workouts that are the one any of the workouts that are one through six? Yes, we know workout number two, and we know Helen, and we know – We don't know where that is, though. It's first couple days. It's definitely Thursday, Friday.
Starting point is 00:28:54 It's not a fact, but you look at the schedule, and that would point to it. Okay, we'll get the schedule up in just a second. Oh, here we go. Okay, so Thursday, the pig chipper and then friday we don't know anything i assume helen will be on friday then oh sick only three workouts this year yeah they're getting ptsd from that pig or no no none at all okay i slipped in the sand in aromas it wasn't it wasn't the pig the pigs so the ptsd is the beach you can't go to the beach anymore it's not the pig it's right right right exactly ptsd from california because
Starting point is 00:29:32 of all the yeah someone knows he got folded over he got smushed so his face was in his crotch how was it uh it was it was a lot of arms for me it wasn't super metabolic like it was yeah i i mean i wasn't raising anyone it's a great it's a great workout yeah i felt it mostly in the biceps and then it took me 14 51 and i the flip sled's definitely a little easier but i did wall balls a little harder i did lunging what's harder on the wall ball i did lunging like alternating lunge wall balls what you didn't do the pig chipper then that's the pig chipper
Starting point is 00:30:16 all right guys taylor didn't do the pig chipper you did that workout in 1451, Taylor? Yeah, it's awesome, by the way. And lunges. Wow. And lunging wall balls. Lunging wall balls. It's way more upper body.
Starting point is 00:30:33 I think lunging wall balls are easier because you can breathe a little more. And it's – I don't know. I feel like a squatting wall ball gets your heart rate up more. I've never even seen a lunging wall ball. Can you believe that? How long did it take you to do the first 10 flips? A minute five. It's definitely easier than the pig.
Starting point is 00:30:52 That's, that's just probably about the same time. You'll see the, no, I don't, I don't think so. I think the fastest you'll see somebody do it is like a minute 30. It's so much longer.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Think about the difference between Colton and Jason doing a thruster. Just the range of motion. Like the pig is like a minute 30 it's so much longer think about the difference between colton and jason doing a thruster just the range of motion like the pig is like two feet longer so you flip it up and then you have to take five seconds to push it it's it's just it's a longer range of motion it's way harder to get started too i think hopper and hopper and fikowski finished in like two and a half on the 20 really pull that up because i was talking i talked to jason about it today extensively well yeah you have to go back and watch the video you mean hopper and roman hopper and roman yeah i think fukowski was up there too and maybe a different heat but um yeah they got off pretty fast it was they were the fastest two i know what jason's 10 for time is and so that's what i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:31:47 I know what Jason's 10 for time is, and so that's what I'm basing my prediction on. 10 pig flips for time, sprint. I'm not going to give that away online. How been Amanda did 10 flips in 57 seconds for the capital. Who's Amanda? Barnhart? Barnhart. I think it's a little easier for the females. It's different for the women.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah. It's shorter, and it's 350 pounds versus 5' the guys it's just so much taller oh the pig's actually bigger longer yeah it's longer and wider um and the i think it's easier go ahead taylor i was gonna say i think the flip sled's a similar size to the female pig whereas the male the male pig is like a foot and a half longer i love the flip sled i love that workout too yeah why i'm so happy by the way the workout looks it last year the workouts and i've had a big issue with the workout just looking confusing this year it's simple it's a down and back chipper so you see that that flip sled it looks like it's like two feet taller than that guy,
Starting point is 00:32:45 or the pig looks like it's two feet taller than that guy. The flip sled would be like at eye level. Yeah, but Adrian Munweiler is really short. He's a midge. Yeah, that's why he didn't make it. Is that Chandler Smith next to him? I mean, he's 5'8". Yeah, it's tall.
Starting point is 00:33:02 It's just, you know, it's a longer range of motion. It takes longer to flip. Yeah, if you go. It's just, you know, it's a longer range of motion. It takes longer to flip. Yeah, if you go to the capital last year, Ellie Turner finished in like 215. Fikowski finished in 230. Halpin's got the splits. So maybe it'll be similar. I was thinking it would take, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:21 I was thinking it took me like a minute on the first set and then a little less on the back half and i did i did 25 chest to bar to start and then i did 10 10 8 8 7 7 and then i did 10s on the wall balls till 70 and i did 15 15 then i did 5 then i did 10 10 8 8 7 7 again on the toast bar and then 15-10. Hey, hold on. In the comments, this is bothering me. Patrick Clark, you've said this three times. Vellner won that event. Cornwall got second.
Starting point is 00:33:52 He won his heat. Stop saying he won that event. Oh, we're getting started, baby. I mean, if you're going to say it three times, like freaking don't say it wrong. What? say it three times like freaking killer don't say it wrong we know john has filler facts right back i think i think jason destroys that workout a lot of wall balls i think it's i think you can eat up a lot of time on the wall balls and i don't think the gymnastic are as important as they appear to be for the men. Aaron, I'm confused.
Starting point is 00:34:25 No, you're not. You're trying just to punk me, but I appreciate it. You're using the word I'm confused. Sevan's wrong. I'll edit this for you. Sevan's wrong about determining the best Icelandic woman. Annie has six podium finishes. Kat has four.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Two are questionable. Fine. Call it what you want. I'm telling you. Katrin, if Katrin podiums this year. True. And Annie doesn't. Which one's hotter to you, Savon?
Starting point is 00:34:55 That's probably pretty important in this. They're both equally perfect women in my eyes. All right. Perfect women. That sounds like a Californian answer. Thank you. Jeez. Perfect women. That sounds like a Californian answer. Thank you. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Fair enough. I stand corrected, Aaron, but don't ruin my propaganda. Thank you. I think it's a big year. And I also think that I think their placement is going to determine what both of them do next year also. I think this is a huge year for both of them also if Katrin were to somehow win the games this year it would be
Starting point is 00:35:30 nuts dude I don't know why I feel like she has a chance to I think she has a chance yeah people were making fun of Sean Woodland on Talking Elite Fitness saying he's out of his mind and I'm like yeah he is out of his mind for thinking that but I'm out of my mind too I think that she has a huge chance.
Starting point is 00:35:46 But dark horse, we're dark horse chance. Like we just don't know. But man, she looks amazing. I don't think she has a chance to win it. I think she has a chance to podium. Koski is in town. He looks good. I think he can pull a top five.
Starting point is 00:35:59 No. I really like this profile. Does anyone think Tchaikovsky can take a top 5 anyone want to get that homeboys back top 5 event finish or the games top 5 hottest dudes
Starting point is 00:36:14 yeah top 5 fucking finish he's definitely not top 5 hottest dudes bro this is the prediction show after first event top 5 he'll get top 5 This is the prediction show. After first event, top five. The paddleboard event, he'll get top five. He'll have a top five event finish,
Starting point is 00:36:30 but he's not taking top five at the games. No shot. Ooh. Koski. Not Pakowski. Koski. Dale Von Wagner. Seven. uh dale von wagner seven let's go dude douche seven on your very first live call-in show with james hobart level four
Starting point is 00:37:00 crossfit for trainer i was your first live caller. Thank you, Dale. My question was, if Dave was to return to CrossFit HQ and ask you to come back, would you? You paused, but no answer. Glad to know now. Godspeed. I haven't been asked to come back.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I haven't been asked to come back, just so you know. There's no endorsement from HQ of me. They're not asking me to come back. I haven't been asked to come back, just so you know. There's no endorsement from HQ of me. They're not asking me to come back. They're not paying me any money. I am no way a contractor, an employee, anything of HQ. They're keeping me completely at arm's distance
Starting point is 00:37:35 like this. I've just asked if I can come there with my camera as being the biggest voice, excuse me, for the rest of you, the biggest dick in the room in the CrossFit media space. So I've asked to come back, and they're like, okay, bring your big giant dick here, and that's it. Oldest has something to say about that.
Starting point is 00:37:54 That was so funny. I've done, in the last two months, I've invited every single CrossFit Games athlete on this show. I've had over 2 million views. i've had 36 million minutes watched i've had 11 international athletes most of them be never getting this much uh face time and watch time i've i've befriended and sucked up to the guy who's making a video every single day against my better judgment, Andrew Hiller. And, uh, and yeah, and so I, and I'm, I'm playing nice and I glorify and I support CrossFit Inc's message and I'm, uh, inclusive and diverse in my thoughts and opinions. So, but Dale, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:38 I appreciate you. Um, but, but I, but I have not, I just don't want anyone to think like I'm not, I'm not in bed with HQ. Like I'm just in bed with HQ. I'm just another media dork going there. You know what I mean? That's it. And I've collected so much fucking sponsorship money and support from you guys and outside people. All the biggest people in the space, all of them have called me.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Like the guy, president of SMTP training's like, dude, congratulations. I love you. I got your back. Slop, slop. Oh, something for John Young. John Young,
Starting point is 00:39:16 next time you're wrong, stay out of the chat. Don't say one. Don't say no one warned you. He was right. He was right. Halpin tested positive for nootropics. That's funny. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Halpin's just on mushrooms? How do people understand Halpin? What? Like I said, he's taking sex dust supplements. Like horny goat weed from 7-Eleven or rhino cock. What's that supplement? I thought we were the only ones who knew Halpin was weird. You're telling me other people know too?
Starting point is 00:39:50 Like people just know? Dude, a metropic is just something that helps your brain work better. Hiller's eye for a snack was insane when I said rhino cock. Rhino. Dude, rhino is my fourth favorite animal. All right? Are we going to – Okay. I missed the news with Hobart and Kate Goodtimes. Rino is my fourth favorite animal. All right. Are we going to?
Starting point is 00:40:05 Okay. I missed the news with Hobart and Kate. Good times. For Hiller. Mary, fuck, kill. Oh, man. Is it still? Hiller doesn't dislike me.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I don't. Well, you could be sporty, Beth, David Hippenstiel, John Young. Could you not do that until after the games? I'm telling you, I just want to get through this. I really want to answer, but I won't out of respect for you, Seth. Thank you. Jan, I'll send you your money back and give you a handy. Please, everyone play nice.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Text me, Jan. I'll answer it. Two more weeks. I'll answer it in the private chat under my arm. Yolana, Australia1499. While it does feel like it's during this pod, I have cemented a lot of knowledge regarding CrossFit and methodology from this space. Thanks, Seve, Coach Glassman, Hiller, Sousa, Mr. Spin,
Starting point is 00:41:04 John Young, and The Thumb. You're welcome. But, Greg, you were amazing this morning on the show, by the way. That show was awesome. That show was crazy. Greg Glassman. Aaron, with the earplugs and the sunflower. Is it win three for Justin or does a Canadian win?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Okay, hold on. Okay, we'll get to that. We'll get to that. Okay, let's just bring up the list. Can we just bring up John's list and then... Can we bring up his and spins next to each other?
Starting point is 00:41:37 Why didn't you ask me to make a list? I don't know. I'm glad I didn't. It's better this way, Hiller, because then we can just shit on Brian. Wow, this is really tiered. This is good. Hey, let's just start at the top.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Fuck the guys at the bottom. Let's just start at the top. I like how you just say pop. You don't even say who it was. Not even getting on the time of day anymore. Is this John Young? Yeah, this is mine. Hey, John, let me just ask you a real question.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Isn't Laura Horvat in a tier all by herself yeah i mean i i thought about it i thought about just making her green but the green tier is anybody that can be on the podium anybody that's in a green tier i think has the chance to podium and um the winner will just talk about who we think will win but i i think laura horvat's gonna win i think she's the favorite um as soon as there's a strict deficit handstand push-up event i will say emma lawson has a chance to win the crossfit dude on one event because laura's gonna take last place in that event on a strict handstand push-up event a strict deficit handstand push-up as soon as as soon as an event like that comes up it doesn't matter what it's paired with no no no doesn't matter yeah these are incredible picks john can you can we see a few more this is god this is so honest let's talk let's go
Starting point is 00:42:56 tier by tier because i'm sure uh taylor and hiller have different different opinions 100% do i just i just wanted to ask one question before you go go down a little bit talking about katrin david's daughter and alex gazan and ariel lohan like why can't those guys be up higher or no i don't think those the girls in the blue tier i do not think have a chance to podium oh if you want to say katrin is a dark horse to podium i won't fight it that's what a dark horse is somebody we expect won't fight it. That's what a dark horse is. Somebody we expect won't do something, did something. Why do you think Katrin is a dark horse? For the same reason I do?
Starting point is 00:43:31 Why do you think Katrin's a dark horse? I'm saying if you want to call her a dark horse to podium. Do you call her a dark horse? You personally? I don't think she'll podium. I don't think, but if you want to, I'm not going to fight you on it. No, but do you think she's a dark horse? By that, I mean, like, if she wins the CrossFit games,
Starting point is 00:43:45 are you going to be like, what the fuck? Who programmed this mess? Or are you like, yep, she did it again. I will be. Catherine Davis will be the best Icelandic woman in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:43:55 If she wins the CrossFit games and I won't hesitate. Like anybody who says anything different is just wrong. Okay. Go ahead, Taylor. What were you going to say? No, I,
Starting point is 00:44:04 I mean, I, I like what he said about the Dark Horse. I do think Catrin and Gazan, especially Gazan, look a lot better than 9-10 to me. And what about Ariel Lowen? Don't know enough about her. Standby. Jacqueline Robinson, for Hiller at the Games from my dad, Rob. Knows nothing about the games or competition,
Starting point is 00:44:30 but he's going to watch to see Hiller's there. I remember this guy. I met him at street parking. Oh, you did? He showed me a video of this bear in his backyard. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Look at Deere CrossFit. Hiller just got you one extra viewer.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Andrew Hillerer shirt again. Hiller, I'm local. I'm going to start doing your programming. I think, I think. Is that what you think? I actually think having Catherine top 10 is a bit of a, like she didn't make the games last year, guys i i mean i know what happened the year after she didn't make the games okay brian spin that's the most irrelevant
Starting point is 00:45:13 thing i've ever just curious no that's no 2015 she won the games after because she can't freaking legless rope climb in 2014 that It's a whole different era. How much of this ranking system do you take into account an athlete's mental capacity, their state, their drive? Zero. For what? Let me finish this guy's 1999. Hold on. Keep up the content, y'all.
Starting point is 00:45:41 In all seriousness, the Thumb Spin Hiller, John Young, Caleb and Sousa. Keep me engaged. And if Koski is top five, I better get another CEO shirt. Yeah, fine. I'll do that. Yeah. You can get Koski.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Dude. Koski might not make it to the end of the event. People got to pull out. You think Koski's top five Hiller? You're out of your mind. No, no. I do think that,
Starting point is 00:46:10 uh, Sam Quant and Brent Fikowski could be green. How did you have? Okay, hold on. Stay on the girls. Stay on the girls. Don't get crazy. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:17 All right. My question for John and I suppose spin, we haven't seen spins list. Have we? Could you have stretched to the green area further? For me, no. I don't think any, if anybody's not in green. Did you have a limit of green people?
Starting point is 00:46:35 No, this is just who I think can podium. If you're not in the green, I do not think you're going to podium. I don't think, I feel confident in that. Anybody who I thought would have a shot, I put in green. I think Kazan's more likely to podium than Daniel Brandon. So she was 21st last year. That's a terrible mistake. 21st, 22nd, whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Like it's just – for her, I get all the potential in the world. Didn't Kazan finish 21st last year? Who? Kazan. Yeah, that's what he said she's a lot newer to the sport i think and a lot how old is she younger i believe yeah i'm not trying to less experience i just think she has a higher ceiling i can't just say she's going i see it i don't think he moved her up 11 spaces he moved her up 11 spaces i don't think daniel brandon is bad i just think that there's one big thing holding her back and it's a whole lot harder
Starting point is 00:47:30 to fix than any physical deficiencies seven 100 agree with that what is that and that's why i have her sixth her her her head it's the games it's not it's not your local comp it's not even a semi-final it's four days of ups and downs and can you manage those emotions and she has not shown an ability to do that are you kidding me show me she's perfectly emotionally stable like in every way she's she's a firecracker every event she took place in at the rogue invitational she can't even handle emma carrie saying a bible verse without rolling her eyes like yeah she gets uh she gets the stuff we need in this sport she gets a no rep she freaking you know it's just no and when we see spins here this is perfect time to bring up spins list while we're talking about danielle brandon let's go go ahead and pull that one pull that out yeah let's look at spins let's do it hold
Starting point is 00:48:20 the clip of her rolling her eyes i don't't think Jeff Adler has a chance to podium. Oh, God. Let's talk about that. Wow. Wow. Spin as Daniel Brandon winning the games. So do I. Amen, Spin.
Starting point is 00:48:33 There you go. Let me ask you this. What about her back? You're confident in that thing? I'd eat my own dick if she wins the game. All right, guys. At the one hour mark uh proclaimed eating his own penis when uh it's been correct hey spin explain this to me um what about her honestly what about her back her back is suspect isn't it i mean i think she's
Starting point is 00:49:02 even said like hey there's certain places she hasn she hasn't pushed to the red line in over a year. I mean, yeah, I mean, there's slight concern there, but I've not seen it this season yet. Like we saw it last year at Rogue. We saw it at the games. I think she's worked to get it better. You've seen how Matt's worked with Emma Carey, and now she's looking strong.
Starting point is 00:49:27 If Daniel had a lesser back injury i think he can get her doing well as you know also so uh daniel's the second one coming back behind laura and if you want to improve she's first like if she had a back injury last year she struggled on back nine she didn't do great back and she still finished fourth overall and she's now the second best returning athlete to the games who won the north america east semi-final on the women's side mk carry crazy uh why um spin why magawa ahead of Annie Thor's daughter I think
Starting point is 00:50:09 Gabby is on the way up and she beat her at in Europe at the semifinal so I mean I think they're right there but I think Gabby can outlast Annie what I'm seeing here is the theme is that you guys don't really respect the level of competition that happened in Pasadena at the semifinals in the West.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I thought the West was a much deeper field. Not as top-heavy, but quite a bit deeper. You got the winner in ninth, and John Young has the winner in eleventh. That's why I don't agree with it. 11th. That's why I don't agree with it. Do you guys take into account semifinals finishes and regionals finishes from years past? Or do you weigh those similarly to their games finishes or event finishes?
Starting point is 00:50:50 Do you like, like this is a genuine question and one that I feel like I didn't get a huge answer on from John, but how much do you take into account the mental aspect of a, of a four or five day games and who are coaches and what they've shown in previous appearances? I mean, to some degree. degree yeah i think to some degree um but i would say i'm looking at more the last 12 months performance more than anything um and looking at how they did last year at a game style you know at the games
Starting point is 00:51:21 and then by seeing them do better or worse over the last 12 months i would say should they um you know do they have the capability to do better than they did last year and i see that from danielle i see it from emma lawson i see it from gabby to some degree um Um, so I think I, I have one like powers. I, yeah, I, I, I would agree there. I, I feel like in sports rankings and I hate making lists like this and I couldn't do it. So I'm just going to sit here and talk shit about it. But I feel like the different, I don't know, when I look at how good a player can be, I think, or an athlete can be, especially in this sport, but in all sport, like I think of rankings. And then I think of someone
Starting point is 00:52:10 like Tom Brady getting picked in the sixth round. And you would look at him and say, oh, you would never think he's a physically gifted athlete or someone who's going to be as good as he was. And I feel like I look to the mental aspect and how driven a particular athlete is and how good of a head they have on their shoulders. Not just, Oh, how bad did they want it? But you can say you want it and act like you want it.
Starting point is 00:52:33 But what are your actions show? I feel like that fits. I think that fits in with Emma Carey, right? If you saw her on the street, she would not look like you would not say that she's a games athlete. Yes, I would.
Starting point is 00:52:43 And yell leverages that chip on her shoulder. Sorry, Hillary. Go ahead. It's not the chip. I'm going to poke it. It Yes, I would. I think Danielle leverages that chip on her shoulder. Sorry, Hiller. Go ahead. It's not the chip. I'm just poking at spin. Leverage away. It's not the chip. I think a chip is great.
Starting point is 00:52:51 But what does the chip drive you to do? What does the chip bring about in your actions? Does it bring about emotional outbursts, or does it bring about a harder work ethic? And you're going back to the lab. Both. Hey, I want to tell you guys something crazy here. I want to tell you about the top nine athletes at the CrossFit Games last year in the women's division.
Starting point is 00:53:10 First place, Tia Toomey gone. Second place, Mal O'Brien gone. Fifth place, Brooke Wells gone. Seventh place, Kara Saunders gone. Ninth place, Haley Adams gone. Five of the top nine athletes are not even here what do you get that i don't know all right five of the top 10 will be different this year taylor i to answer the previous question no i look at like previous games experiences like above all as far as what was it's not previous times you've
Starting point is 00:53:49 seen them do a big competition i put a lot of stock in the road i put a lot of stock into the games i put a lot of stock into waterpalooza not not necessarily their rankings but who they go against in that as well and then semifinals i just take events for instance adler usually doesn't do great in the gymnastics event or not add to the level of the elite people in gymnastics events in the past so when he was great on the ring muscle-up event um in semifinals it like it sent me over the moon on adler does that make make sense? Like I'll go event by event. Right. And I hear you on Adler.
Starting point is 00:54:28 My problem with Adler is I, there are several instances of him being introduced to an implement and competition that he hasn't seen before and getting blasted by it. He's not. To me, my perception of him is an athlete that doesn't adapt to new implements like the fittest on earth, or even a podium athlete should. Elizabeth elevated is a great example.
Starting point is 00:54:48 My, my point to Emma Carey, or at least that, you know, going back to that mental aspect of it, but even just her previous performances is didn't she beat Mal O'Brien and her rookie year at the games got hurt last year. She finished.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Mal was like sixth and Emma was seventh or something. Okay. Or 16th. Emma Carey was 16th in her rookie year and Mal was seventh. Was she? Yeah, I think. What year was that? I'll pull it up real quick.
Starting point is 00:55:13 It was 2021. Yeah. She beat her in the semifinal. Maybe that's what you're thinking of. She was like second and Mal was third. Or was close to beating her and failed because she almost won the semifinal on the overhead lunch in the Granite Games. Emma Carey was 16th.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Okay. All right, everyone tell me why you guys hate Alexis Raptus. Go back to my ranking page, Caleb. And tell me why John Young hates Alexis Raptus. Hates. Because technically she'd be fifth with what sevan just said where you were so emma carriess knew wasn't there last year yeah right yeah and no she was there last year no she wasn't she was on the team bro that's right well then then nanny annie i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:55:59 the year previous because she podium annie and emma carrier the ones above alexis raptus i think i just don't see alexis beating any of those top six she's better than everybody else dude john young's list is good john's list is good wow the men are so much harder i think it's crazy about the men because real real quick you brian spin who's just emotionally a fucking rock just fucking you got john young who's a fucking emotional fucking rocket ship and yet spins pics are emotional and john young's are fucking strapped down his are only emotional danielle brandon how is that emotional that's the most emotional i've ever seen. Mr. Spin. Go back,
Starting point is 00:56:46 go back, go back to the spins list. Let's let's say, and Daniel's going to drop all those spots is more emotional than saying that she's not in the top. She's in the top two. I don't, she's not as fit as those girls. She's gotten less fit.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yep. Dude, do you think you really think she can win the games with, with how she's reacted in competition? If things go well, there's no reason to act. I don't see what you're talking about, Taylor. I think that's good. Things are going to go well across 12 events over four days.
Starting point is 00:57:15 If you're going to win. Dude, no shot. No shot. Show me anyone who's won the games in the past since its inception that's had a weekend that's gone well the whole weekend uh fraser's probably pretty close no maybe maybe one or two of his years maybe one or two look at look at tia last year yeah no 100 i mean having danielle brandon win and you're right man your list is pretty damn good too i guess the the two the two that i'm having
Starting point is 00:57:45 issue with are danielle and annie other than that it's a fucking epic list in my mind too i have danielle staying about where she was last year and annie just coming back and kind of finishing where she finished in europe right behind gabby hey do you think any any of the women are just going to shit the bed this year who were great last year? That would be Laura, Danielle, Emma, Magawa, Raptus, Lowen. I think Danielle is the only one that could. This is a good comment. Somebody commented Camille, queen of the breakdown, won in 2009.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Didn't she win? Or was it 2011? 2014 she won. 2014. But she had the breakdown. Exactly. On't she win? Or was it 2011? 2014, she won. 2014. But she didn't win the year. She had the breakdown. Exactly. On the rower?
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yes. Cole Gray, Shaver, Dark Horse, maybe not top five, but up. Yeah, we'll get to that. Thank you, DJ Yarmitch. Lucky Camera Straps, what did Daniel Brandon place last year? Fourth.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Remove T and Mao, she would have been second second place yeah so basically what spin is saying is that danielle's gotten better more mo better than laura horvath well what about our training camp situation didn't wasn't there a lot of turmoil around this year training for her yeah not at brute this year last year? Last year. Yeah, Brute last year. This year's been her good year, her stable year. Okay, she was at Brute last year already. She moved like a month before or a month and a half before.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I think last year's games was about as good as Daniel Brandon can ask. I hope I give her more gas. Somebody in the comments said I'm giving her more gas. I hope I do. Daniel Brandon is in love. She won't be thinking clearly. Who's she dating somebody who said torres soft launch soft launch soft launch i don't know shit about fuck dude that was a genuine question uh you didn't see that post the soft launch post what was the
Starting point is 00:59:41 no what was it dude she's amazing she posted it was her who posted right she posted a picture of like two hands touching like with the like two cappuccinos or something like and it was like her hand and some other dude's hand and then if you zoomed in it said soft launch like basically i'm soft launch telling the world that zoomed in on what what's that a hand two hands the text was the text was small, so you had to zoom in to see it. You got to see it to understand the nuances. I think she took it down. She did?
Starting point is 01:00:10 Oh. Annie was second at Rogue and was sick the whole weekend. Daniel Burnett said at semi she was trying to catch Emma. That's what I like to see. That's like, I don't know, like things like that. When I, when you see an athlete who has all the cards stacked against them and they find a way to pull something out, that's incredible. That to me, those are the people you look at for the podium.
Starting point is 01:00:35 It was a story. Patrick Clark, Patrick Clark's right. It was a story and it was sprinkled. Sorry, John Young. Go ahead. I just, with the mental side, as far as winning goes, and I even think like being podium material, and I do think Daniel Brandon's podium material, but that's mostly because Tia and Mal's gone. I think at that level, your mentality is so huge, so huge. Just the way you look at everything.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And I would argue that's Danielle Brandon's weakest attribute. That's what Taylor's saying. I agree completely. And that's why I have her being less than she is. I think last year was the best Danielle Brandon will ever do. Unless that changes. Go ahead, Taylor. I just give a disclaimer.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I've never fucking met her. So everything I've seen about her could be completely wrong. Is this how you spell Danielle? Daniel? I didn't think so. That's fine, though. I don't care how you spell on the show. Hey, I want to point this out, too, real
Starting point is 01:01:37 quick. I'm really high on Annie Thor's daughter. In 2021, Annie Thor's daughter took third place, and she was behind Tia Toomey and Laura Horvath. We know Tia Toomey's not here. Behind Annie Thor's daughter was Kristen Holta, not here. Hayley Adams, not here. Then Gabby Magawa.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in?
Starting point is 01:02:15 Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. She was more than 100 points ahead of Gabby Magawa. Do you think Annie is better now
Starting point is 01:02:31 than she was in 2021? You know, you say all that stuff, and I totally think that between her and Katrin, Annie's got a better shot to win. I think that they're both kind of missing that top end power of a Laura Horvath or even some of the other athletes
Starting point is 01:02:50 in consideration for winning, in my opinion. But I agree. It's a win. Superficially speaking, Katrin looks... Agreed. She looks powerful. She looks powerful. Dude, it's crazy what she's what she's
Starting point is 01:03:06 showing the reason i feel like she's a strong dark horse for me is it seemed to me like a lot of the things that held her back were like these weird movement efficiency faults like these little things that you would think as a seasoned competitor you clean up over time but somehow never got cleaned up and to me matt fraser seems like the perfect fit to clean little things like that up his attention to detail especially on the little things and about being efficient i mean he's i haven't heard a coach oh my god holy fuck oh my god yo bro that's crazy what did you do oh my god look at that hey she's not even working out she's just looking at uh she's watching my uh one of my stories on my instagram account right there she's responding to a text from you yeah when are you coming on the show sweating profusely who took that do they give photographers credit for that who took that
Starting point is 01:04:10 oh my god hey click through some other ones good pull-up caleb oh it said hopper it did say hopper gave hopper credit oh he's in the back because he's in the Hey, that would be a great shot if Hopper was facing the other way. Oh, jeez. Pancake, baby. All right, take back what I said about Andy. I take Katrin again. Oh, my God. I think she's going to smash.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Dude, she is. You guys want to change your list real quick no hey those are great lists dude those are both you have great lists out of out of all the girls captain's the only one that i think could like excessively beat where i have ranked her does that make sense like by more than five spots question is how is she going to mitigate damage on that olympic lifting total dude she's been again coaching i think she's been with come on she's been around for 10 years and she's never hit a snatch over 200 she's never hit a clean and jerk over what 230 yeah but it's shocking dude it's the same with her muscle ups like it's shocking how little they progressed over the course of 10 years.
Starting point is 01:05:27 And Emma Carey is going to come out here. Are you agreeing with Hiller? No, I'm saying coaching matters. Oh. Dude, coaching isn't going to throw lifts on that's going to beat someone like Emma Carey. What's most important in the Olympic lift? Strength is important, but if you don't have technique, you're not doing shit. For the exception of Chandler Smith.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Then how come Terry Helgedotter never won? She was an Olympic lifter. Best technique. She was the best technique. Emma McQuaid set a national record in weightlifting for Ireland. It's because Ireland's trash at weightlifting.
Starting point is 01:06:00 She's going to get smacked by Horvat. It doesn't mean that she's gonna be great in the crossfit space and uh ellie turner and probably 15 to 20 other competitors there are a lot of events destroyed by how is katrin gonna mitigate damage on the total how's how's what what how bad do you think she's gonna do yeah i don't think she's gonna do so 24. 24. Out of 30? No. I bet she's more like 15th. That's what I would say. Top 20. It's still terrible.
Starting point is 01:06:29 How does Laura mitigate damage in the handstand push-up event? She won't. Exactly. So I'm just saying it goes – you can make that argument against any of the athletes. But coaching matters, and her getting better and technically more sound – How would she have done on back nine? You think she would have done all right on back nine last year, Katrin? No.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Would she have done all right on the sandbag? Maybe. I don't put it against her on that. Jacqueline Dahlstrom freaking got second, so it's hard for me to say anybody would do bad on that. I want to say three things. Cave Dastro, Katrin did snatch 200 at one point, so the potential is there.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Nate Williams, Emma beat all six women That Olympic lift in Ireland I also want to say for those There's a couple people in here Who are accusing Katrin of being on the sauce I don't think so Her diet is probably so dialed You could tell her diet at Rogue was off
Starting point is 01:07:18 And I guarantee you her diet is crazy right now I am not going to I have no We'll wait to what to hiller says after the games but i after he peeps her in person but i don't think i don't think there's a chance in hell she's on the sauce uh hiller's point though about the 200 thing she snatched 200 in 2017 and she's never gotten stronger and then ben bergeron just went and messed her stuff up. Look at Clock. Look at you guys.
Starting point is 01:07:50 That's her giant big head. She finished 11th in the semifinal on workout four. Hit 190. Do you want to talk about Cotline Girls? Okay, yeah. Let's talk about Cotline Girls. yeah let's talk about the next section yeah yeah and then we'll move to move to the uh boys good stuff yeah uh spin good good uh first look john good first look good stuff dudes so go up a little bit so you get the tannish one okay
Starting point is 01:08:17 so the 13 through 18 i think all of these women are relatively safe through the cuts. They will make it and they can be in any order. It's hard to place them in any order. It wouldn't shock me if Emma McQuaid was 13th and Paige Powers was 18th. But these women, I all think they're going to make the last cut, but
Starting point is 01:08:39 it'll be jumbled up out of these names. Where do you have Matilda Garns? In the next tier. No, there she is. And in the red tier, all of these women could make the cut. It would just have to be the right events would have to get dealt to them. You know, like a home run hit somewhere down the line.
Starting point is 01:09:00 This is a disrespectful list, dude. Dude, you think James is doing worse than Colt? Okay, we're on the women. Sorry. Women. Women. Oh, yeah, shit. I was looking at the boys, too.
Starting point is 01:09:10 I was getting all fired up. You're talking about the Olympic Hall. How is James going to mitigate damage? But we'll get there later. We'll get there later. Let's go a little more. Okay. I'm just...
Starting point is 01:09:19 Don't go to the dark red. Let's talk about the other ones. Okay, go. Tan and then light red pink please don't demand caleb around like that sorry what thoughts i got nothing i i like it i mean there's some weird ones in there man there's some epic athletes in there page powers bethany flores emily rolf emily mcquade uh emma mcquade ellie turner it's crazy to see them so low on the list
Starting point is 01:09:50 but i don't know what to say it's like you have them beating the thing is is some there's some uh event winners in there i think jamie simmons is probably quite a bit higher than 15th yeah jamie simmons she's kind of an unknown. I don't know what to expect from her. Yeah, who knows? Yeah, I got Paige, Jamie, and Emily a tier higher. And Emily Rolfe's going to win an event. Scroll back up to the light blue. Who are you taking out with them a tier higher? I'm taking out...
Starting point is 01:10:21 Ellie Turner. Yeah, I would take her out. And then who else? I'm taking out Ellie Turner. Yeah. I'm taking out Ariel Lohan. Hey dude, but you could move Ariel Lohan up to number six. If you, I mean, there's a chance you couldn't John could, I could, you're emotional. That's true. So am I don't worry. Ariel Lohan doesn't have very many holes either. She, uh, she's just – but she doesn't have any home run hits.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Ariel Lowen's like a little less than Scott Panchick, but same type of athlete. Like she's – I almost will guarantee she ends up being 10th through 12th every single year she makes the games. Who do you think of these athletes right here, not including Karen Frejova, has the biggest hole in their game, 7th through 15th? Bethany Flores is back. Or Ellie Turner's running.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I think it's Ellie Turner. Yeah, but Bethany, it is legitimately a 50-50 shot. She makes it through the whole competition. Dude, I'd be worried about the second fucking workout. The 10-20 big3-foot clips.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Yeah. It's rough. And, like, she's so fit. She's so good. And she just – her health is her biggest weakness. Wow, look at this. Going hard at John Young. Adam Blakeslee.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Wow, he calls you a turd. Listen to this. Young wouldn't commit to Bethany making it in the games, but now she can make top 15. You turd. That's how fit she is. I just don't think she'll make it through the competition. And we didn't know in semifinals if she would make it through semifinals.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah, I'll defend John on that one. I mean, we had no idea that she was going to be able to make it through. She had to baby her back in open and quarterfinals. And even when she jumped on our show like she told us like she wasn't sure she was even going to be able to make it through the weekend and she did very well because her back held up but we didn't put her in there because we were worried that she just you know she could withdraw at any time there There's no way Yonakoski beats Nick Matthews. Sorry. Okay, back to the women. I agree. Back to the women.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I feel like the men, we have a lot of disagreements. Bailey Rayl, Kerstetter, Fisa Goffey, Elise Fuliano, Mano Anganese, Sydney Wells, Shelby Neal. Really? Shelby Neal? Down that low?
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah. You do. And Taylor, it hurt. 31 hurt me. Dude, I can't talk about that on the show. I just couldn't. Quiet, John. Quiet. It's all good, man. It doesn't offend me.
Starting point is 01:13:02 38? Michelle Bassnett, Aaron Stanley, Rebecca Vittesen, Sahar Kai, Emily DeRoy, Abigail Domet. Popped. We're not on the midfield.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Last place, man. We're not on the midfield. Oh, shit. Victoria Campos, Alexa Williams, Sahad Budebs did we try to interview what happened with Shahad were we trying to get her on the show
Starting point is 01:13:30 oh I DM'd her she never responded so with Abigail Doman if you can talk about her real quick so she has no chance Doman if she barely made it through the semifinal first off she did make it but she's one of the bottom girls barely made it through the semifinal, first off. She did make it, but she's one of the bottom girls that made it.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Second, she has not been doing CrossFit very long. She, like, very short amount of CrossFit time. You used it as a plus for Gazette. I didn't use it. I used it as a plus because it seems like if you're a newer athlete and you have a lot of potential, you gain a lot in a short period of time. Sean just closed his eyes to rank these people. I just feel like there's going to be a lot of holes
Starting point is 01:14:13 that we didn't see in semifinals revealed in the games, and she has potential to get bottom five in multiple events. You think she makes it to the games next year? Abigail Dillman? It will highly depend on how she does in this year's games. What do you mean? It's simply the different season. I don't know how good she is, Hiller.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I have seen her in one competition. Adam, you mean your decision will be based on what you see, not that's what you're saying. Adam Blakeslee, $1.99 uh uh wow look at that he called you a turd spin came in to save you and he threw in two dollars because he liked to see the swift move by spin i thought that i antagonized john but you guys are fucking
Starting point is 01:14:57 ruthless i'm i feel like i'm i love you john i'm a good guy i'm not really i'm not really picking on you that much these guys are just well john's list is amazing there's nothing really to pick on he's killing it let's look at spins bottom um yeah i think our i think our the round the top the top 20 cut line are pretty similar um maybe a movement here and there but you got jamie simmons outside better dome it placing much better and you got got Sidney Wells higher. Agreed. That's a good spot. You don't think Jamie's going to do well at all, Brian, do you? 21st?
Starting point is 01:15:34 I mean, they think Jamie Simmons is going to be top 10. Who? Taylor and Hiller. I do not. She'll be 12th. I don't rank Jamie as High as Ellie Turner Right Ellie
Starting point is 01:15:56 Right Ellie Better at she made it Ellie's beaten her at semifinals last year She's beaten her at semifinals this year. I don't know how you can say that Jamie will... The games is so different. Ellie has that home run capability. I don't think Jamie does.
Starting point is 01:16:14 She's also got the big hole capability. These names are... The big hole disability. I can't believe Sydney Wells is even in the games, to be honest with you. It's amazing. It is truly amazing how quickly she did that. Hey, John, your colors really messed with me. I'm looking at this, and they're very similar, but I'm nowhere near as upset or happy when they're in a different bracket.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I'm like a baby looking at the red. I'm like, no. Do you want me to explain the bottom to your colors? Yeah. Go back to the colors. We didn't even see Brian's whole list. All right. Go down.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Go down. Keep going. I agree. Thank you. I know it's better. Wow. Shelby Neal. Shelby Neal at 38.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Wow. That's a hot take. Wow. Yeah. I mean a hot take. Wow. Yeah. I mean, it's a rookie. It's hard to say. We'll see how she does. So it's Domet.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Yeah, Simmons is going to be fun to watch. If you need someone to... She's cool. Yeah, she is cool to go up and down with throughout the week. Watch her. Lucky Camera Straps. DeRoy was great at Torian. She'll be top 25. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:30 She's young, man. Yeah. Yeah. I think coming in at a young age and being a rookie year, it's hit or miss. And a lot of times you see them struggle that first year. The problem is we don't know fucking shit about half these athletes hey it's a lot of new names on the show he knows everything thank you no but you get what i'm saying yeah i totally get you no data and dude
Starting point is 01:17:58 even catcher's david david's daughter we have so much knowledge about her we have no clue that's that's the problem with emma lawson. She came on the scene so powerful last year, but it's been a year, and it's like, whoa, how much did she improve? A lot. All we have are some single modality workouts and the pig. That's about it. We don't know when. We don't know how they're going to be implemented.
Starting point is 01:18:23 A lot of it's based off a feel, how we think they're going to perform when they have a workout that we really don't even know what's going to be uh olsen dudes uh cheers fellas madaris and horvat take it all real original there olsen dudes hot take hey i'm okay with it i'm okay with it i'm also okay with it but i'm okay with it look at the red what's the dark red okay well here go back up well let me explain like the tan the people in the first place or what say what like you don't even think they should be there what is what is that darkest red down take their place and do better i think uh i think they'll make the second cut
Starting point is 01:19:13 uh no problem okay go scroll down wait let's go you know i think all of these girls have a chance to make the second cut. Okay. If the right events come out, I think they have a chance to. And then scroll down. I think the next tier will have a chance to make the first cut, but not the second cut. And then dark red, you're getting cut.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Did John pick all the different shades of red to represent his sunburn and then brown um it's wait wait what is patrick clark talking about look at freya's post to games rookies uh i think we're good with the women uh should we move on to the men while we while we are we yeah i mean dude we're we with the women uh should we move on to the men while we while we are we yeah i mean dude we're we're hour and 20 in we better talk about the boys a great list though great list there's there's nothing i don't think anything both of you are saying and um you should get your driver's license renewed automatically for those picks everything's fine i i'm ready to do the men all right right. For the men? I'm always ready to do the men. All right. Everybody knows I'm on the Vellner train. Jeff, I had Justin Medeiros for the longest time second,
Starting point is 01:20:31 but after semifinals, the way Adler looked, I don't know. Taylor didn't think so. But Adler has improved year after year after year. We've seen that. If you go back and look, he's one of the few guys that has continued to improve. And I think this is going to be his, like, allow me to reintroduce myself type of year.
Starting point is 01:20:52 And people are going to take notice. So he's going to be second. Medeiros is – Justin's always going to be Justin. I don't think – I think it would be hard for him not to vote him, quite honestly, because he's always going to be the fifth best at everything. And then a Hopper and Roman, they kind of go hand in hand for me. The unique thing about the men, all five of these guys I think could win. I think all five of them could win.
Starting point is 01:21:21 And then their names are just going to be jumbled up as far as who the top five are. could win and then their names are just going to be jumbled up as far as who the top five are it would be Jason Hopper's on the level with Patrick Vellner Jeffrey Adler Justin Medeiros and Roman Krennikoff I yeah I think he's in that tier yes the way he looked at semifinals and the way he's looked like with Fraser like Taylor talked about Fraser cleaning up the small things Jason has a lot of just small things, and gymnastics, I guess, is a big thing. You just have a lot of small things. What about, Hiller, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:21:56 Do you think that those guys are all in the same level? As the rap song goes, there's levels to this shit. You think that those guys are all in that? Yeah, but I would throw in Fikowski and Quant as well. Wow, quant as well wow okay field is deep i think they any of them could win and the programming is very important i think out of the men that we can see in that list right there i think dallin and jason show them i think shock people the most with how much they improve i don't think velner has a chance to win out of those in highlighted green. He gets shown new implements of the games, which is a staple at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:22:32 You're going to do something you've never seen before. And he whiffs on it. And I think you're fucking all on the crack rock if you're thinking the two-time champ is not winning the games this year. Hey, hey, hey, Vellner, what about that? Remember that obstacle course year? Vellner killed that shit.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Yeah, I'm talking about Adler. Adler. Oh, Adler. I thought you were talking about Vellner. Yeah, I think you said Vellner. Hold on. Mr. Spin, do you think that Jason belongs on that list in that tier? I do.
Starting point is 01:23:03 I do. I think he's – Would you add the other guys like Taylor said or someone said? Brian hates Fikowski. He's Fikowski's number one hated fan. He doesn't think Fikowski might be the top 10. You hate Fikowski?
Starting point is 01:23:18 He's probably my favorite athlete. He hated Fikowski to make it to the games. He said he wasn't going to make the games. I remember that. I did. I did. How did he do last year to the games. He said he wasn't going to make the games. I remember that. I did. I did. And how did he do last year at the games? 16th?
Starting point is 01:23:34 There's this kind of giraffe component of Fikowski. Yeah, right? He had 16th. I hope Brent, Brent, I hope you're listening. Brent, you're my favorite athlete. There's this moment of Brent where he could step in a gopher hole and break his leg and he could just be out. I kind of sense what Spin's talking about. He's like a Formula One car. He's just so delicate.
Starting point is 01:23:48 He's too perfect. 16th is terrible. Terrible. Didn't Zellner get cut in 2019? 2019 was terrible. So, Spin, who else is in that tier? Do you like this tier? This boys tier?
Starting point is 01:24:03 I agree with Hiller that Quant should be up, not to win it, but to have a chance at a podium. You talk about people who are unknown. Who? Quant. Quant. He's had some huge things that have been like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:24:17 Yeah, Bergeron. Okay, dude. Stop. Then you just made my argument for Katrin. She's fixed. Yeah. Yeah're yeah yeah sure now listen my winner my winner is 100 a heart pick of what i want to happen every statistic shows that justin probably should be the picked winner i just don't want justin to
Starting point is 01:24:40 win so that is completely like i'm watching you say you're sorry that's completely heart-based i think i think lazar jukic is underrated what i think lazar jukic is underrated of those hold on time out why do you think i just agree no no i i think he's he's a game day player. I think he's going to show up and give it his all. He's going to come with his A game. I got a question for John, Brian, and Hiller. Out of those top six, the highlighted six, those men, there's five. Can you scroll up a little bit so we can see the highlighted green please please who has the most killer instinct out of that group of men hopper uh madaris i would say between i would say madaris and then jason i'd say madaris
Starting point is 01:25:39 thank kranikoff what do you what do you so ricky has more killer instinct than all of them. No, no. Look at Alpaca. Look at the Alpaca. No, no. He does not. He 100% does not. Look at up and over last year.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Who would hurt the most? Are we talking who would hurt the most? He said Ricky, Sevan. Oh, yeah. Ricky. He doesn't. I'm backing you up, Shan. Dude, I'm putting a fucking team on my back.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Look at – I just watched the documentary, and it showed two points in last year's competition where Ricky dropped the axle bar and up and over the lunge. He's like, oh, can't hang on to it. I'm broken. Justin smells blood in the water. He's like, fuck you, bitch. Takes the win. Then again in Alpaca. Did Justin smell blood on the Capitol?
Starting point is 01:26:18 I've never heard Justin say those words. I did see he finished. What workout was he finished? And Ricky came in behind him and he just walked by him and i gave him the shoulder i was like nice he's a set oh yeah yeah i saw that too and what's the what was alpaca where um justin again passed ricky because ricky slowed down on the final sled push and you're telling me he has more of a killer instinct i don't disagree with you i don't disagree with you i think just Justin has great killer instinct. He seizes the moment every chance he can.
Starting point is 01:26:47 He's really, really good at it. But he's also the best pacer. This is the thing about Justin. Because Justin won't go on Instagram and call Matt Fraser a cunt. People think he's really nice. But when he's in competition, I don't know, dude. I think he's a savage. I don't think any of these guys are bringing a savage like he does.
Starting point is 01:27:04 We're not disagreeing that he's a savage. It's just that there's people who are more savage. No. Justin is. I'm telling you, I saw that too. In that documentary recently, there's some times where he beats Ricky, and he could give two shits about fucking anyone as Justin walks off. He's the king dick. That was one of my biggest takeaways from that documentary.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Yeah. Was his mindset just fucking killer? Yeah. Passing Roman on the yoke, another example. Yeah. Yeah, I don't disagree with you. I think he's up there in killer instinct. I think Ricky can hurt more than everybody else.
Starting point is 01:27:40 He's like a great white shark. And Justin's just like fucking eat a license plate and like doesn't change his demeanor. Like I think Justin's fitter than Ricky. Ricky can hurt on Ricky can hurt on his home run workouts better than anyone else, just like anyone can on their home run workouts. And it just seems apparent because his home run workouts seem to be like, OK, running or the Madison Triplets. What was that? Run, burpee, sandbag, get over from 2017. All right, that's a hurting workout, but that's also his wheelhouse.
Starting point is 01:28:11 If you call alpaca without the legless rope climb, that is a pure hurt workout. Double kettlebell, hand cleaning, jerks, and a sled push. So then Roman's the answer. But Justin also beat Ricky. I'm saying, is Roman the answer then? Because nobody was close to Roman. Roman's 220 pounds.
Starting point is 01:28:28 I want to ask you guys a question. Roman's 1K row is 248. He held 124 the whole freaking row. Roman has killer instinct. It just doesn't come across as killer. No, I think he does too, but I'm saying Roman won alpaca because he's 220 pounds. I don't disagree. I don't disagree.
Starting point is 01:28:43 He would have won with the rope climbs too, though. let me ask you let me ask you this question off topic here real quick you know our games thread that we're all on no which one yeah thank you is there anyone in there who's built a their own icon like this like is this see this sar Cooper? Do you guys know anyone who does, like, who? I've got one. I've got one. She's a minion. What is that? You built one of those, Hiller? Like, you know, like, when Apple, like,
Starting point is 01:29:11 is like, do you want to build a character? There I am. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Can I look at the whole thing? Oh, yeah, there's the whole thing. Oh, my God. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:29:24 I knew. Oh, my goodness. Can I turn. I knew. Oh, my goodness. Can I turn him around? He's wearing a SpongeBob sweater. God, that's the look over the shoulder. Justin is a killer definitely, says Aaron. And Jeff this year is not messing around. But, yeah, Sarah, I think has way more of a savage face instinct.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Sarah. What? Now, what did you have to say about those icons? I just think it's a trip. I just can't imagine taking the time to build one of those. I was wondering, like, if anyone were to build one of those, I think it would be like Halpin. Pretty sure I did it while I was on RuneScape.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Yeah, it's the IG avatar, yeah. Oh. Hiller is a nerd fool nerd fool nerd this guy we he's into cameras now when we talk it's like 30 minutes of like we get on amazon and just share camera notes and gear waste money fooled camera dork uh i don't think uh what about this what about this comment uh holes were shown in justin's semi-game i don't know about i can't say that what holes tell me tell me what are the holes this is the same thing that happened in 21 when he took third or second
Starting point is 01:30:37 jesus christ see the t-shirt i had to turn around. He's wearing a Spongebob t-shirt. Hey, someone build one of those for Jon Young. Nice, right? Looks just like me. Dude, that's you. The eyes. I feel like the Avatar's eyes, though, make you look really, like, maybe gay. Not in a bad way, but just like you could probably... Is there a way for you to have, like, one Asian eye? That way it can do the eye thing that you have.
Starting point is 01:31:02 I don't think it does that for me. I don't know. I don't want someone to make fun of me for uh taking time to build them out any more than i already have too late to build them out build them out okay back to the list let's look at spins list let's look at spins list real quick my goodness i'm sweating in here taylor hates where jeffrey adler is right now. No, I don't hate it. I just don't think he's – I think seconds.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Justin Medeiros first, Jeffrey Adler second, Jason Hopper third, Patrick Vellner fourth, Roman Krennikoff fifth, sixth, Samuel Quant, seventh down, Pepper eighth, Lazar Jukic ninth, Björg van Karl Gudmundsson tenth, Lazar Jukic. 9th, Bjorg van Carl Gudmundsen. 10th, Samuel Cornwall. 11th, Brent Fikowski. 12th, Cole Grayshaber. 13th, Nick Matthew.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Let's talk about Nick Matthew. Can we do that for a second? What about him? I think Cole Grayshaber is the biggest name that he has high. Is Nick Matthew a top 10 games finisher? What did he finish last year no he was grace haber nick was 14th last year okay and saxon and gee are gone those are the two guys above him and ricky yeah lezzer's high yeah lezzer's high. Lazar's high?
Starting point is 01:32:28 He finished eighth last year. I think that's a good spot for Lazar. I think – I'm curious why Sam Cornier is 10th. I don't know. I think he's a little better. I think he's potentially a little better than 10th. I was going to say his last year finishing. What's that? We already finished last year.
Starting point is 01:32:48 You want it? You want it last year. He did not win the games last year. Yeah, he did on the team team. Oh, shit. There you go.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Yeah. I was 19th. Down. Pepper was 19th last year. Now I'm pepper is going to be really good this year. He's another athlete that's young, and I feel like he's a perfect example of someone being able to take really big leaps in a short
Starting point is 01:33:11 amount of time. Will Morad was 22nd last year. Yeah, he's 34 this year. Uldis Upenex was 21st last year. And he's 12 this year. I was talking about his ranking 11 and a half yeah 11 and a half cole gray shaver was 33rd last year okay out of all of out of the top 10 men who has the most
Starting point is 01:33:36 last year who had the most raw potential as an athlete raw ability to like win the games and who had the most area to clean up like who had the most like who needed the most hopper hopper yeah probably hopper yeah probably of last year yeah hopper yes the most talent the most to clean up the most room roman might have the most talent but i feel like roman has a lot of talent, but is he getting coached at Mayhem? No. Roman and Hopper, I would pair them together. And Roman was better last year.
Starting point is 01:34:14 I think they'll be very – I'd be willing to bet Jason made quite a bit more improvement this year than Roman just based off the camp. I like Jeff Adler for the podium. I just don't think he has a chance to win. But I feel like Jason edges Adler. Man, I don't know. It's hard. All five of them are in the same.
Starting point is 01:34:33 It could be any mix of those five. I really do. I really think it's just up for all of the positions, all the podium positions. You've got to be a fucking killer, dude. I'm looking at the semifinalsals which uh was hopper was in the west east east uh let's see uh north america east what's wrong with bkg why is he always right there so jason hopper so so in the semi-finals it was jeffrey adler jason hopper dallin pepper roman krennikoff
Starting point is 01:35:05 who who is the uh longer uh the 15 workouts going to benefit more uh dallin pepper roman krennikoff jason hopper jeffrey adler who's he going to benefit more to those guys and roman was roman an option because i say roman yeah roman was jason and roman i think together i think more roman than jason i disagree i think the things. I think more Roman than Jason. I disagree. I think you think the things that Jason is bad at, he's gotten a lot better at. And we'll see. I just can't say it until it's there, right?
Starting point is 01:35:36 Jason did beat Roman in event number one. That was the machines and the sled pool. And then let's go to workout seven. Why does that event mean nothing to you? Because the sled was such a... Okay, let's go to event seven. He also beat Roman in event seven, which was the echo bike.
Starting point is 01:35:54 We had a machine. That event means a lot to me. But only by four seconds. But Dallin beat both of them by... That's crazy. Six seconds? That's crazy. So much respect for Dallin.
Starting point is 01:36:05 But I think Dallin has better discipline than both of them. Yeah, as shown by that event with Roman going crazy on the first bike. 15 cows in 15 seconds. Can we go back to John's list of the men? Let's see where Colton Mertens is before we run out of time here.
Starting point is 01:36:20 What the fuck's going on with my soul? I think Colton Mertens is the male Danielle Brandon, by the way. No. I can't wait to hear this. Shut it, Taylor. Taylor, shut it. Let him talk, Taylor. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:36:32 That wasn't a compliment, Sevan. No, it was. Who is the male Daniel Brandon? They're all so nice and clean-cut. Who brings some fuck-you attitude to the games? Hey, you want to know who it is? If you're going to say that that i don't disagree with hillar uh merth is the biggest fuck you attitude he does have a good fuck you out but he's the quietest
Starting point is 01:36:51 person you'll ever meet too on the on the floor yeah danielle's the loudest she'll either flip you off or cry you don't know what's coming i mean maybe maybe maybe justin, how do – Jelly Hosta won three events at the semifinal. That is truly outrageous. Yeah, home run hitter. Is he better than Guy? Is he better cross-fitter than Guy? Oh, dude, way better than Guy. He is? Hosta is?
Starting point is 01:37:21 I don't even know him, and I think he is. I think he's way fitter than Guy, but, I mean, I don't know if he ever gets seventh place at the Games. I think Guy got so lucky in 2021. We're in lockstep on that. I think he's fitter than Guy, yeah, 100%. John, talk to me about Colton. So he's not making it to Sunday?
Starting point is 01:37:39 I don't think so. What happens? 5K in total. The 5K. Yeah, the bike event, the paddle event um the 5k yeah the bike event the paddle event the 5k event he just has and it's like this every year he has you know three events where he's going to be bottom 10 and it's just i hope he has three home run hits in the games to counteract that and he will like he typically does in semifinals but in the games the last two years anyway he has not gotten those home run hits like elizabeth elevated was a great one for him but he
Starting point is 01:38:12 needs two or three of those and he's injured when he's on my podcast there is something wrong with him if he gets five really great workouts for him on th, Friday, and I say five because I don't think the pig chipper is a great workout for him, then I think he has a chance to be top 20. Do you think the pig chipper might cap him? Do you think that he actually might stop him?
Starting point is 01:38:39 No. How did he finish on the capital, Brian? Not good. It's a three and a half mile run, though. What was his time getting off the pig, though? on the capital brian not good it's just a three and a half mile run though that is why he wasn't what was his time getting off the pig though uh everybody else the camera the camera spent the first three minutes on the field and then it followed travis mayor the rest of the time idiots you could you didn't see anybody except for the very top i enjoyed it five athletes off the field in 2021 when they had the pig flip and then
Starting point is 01:39:06 the 48 ring muscle ups you know the event i'm talking about yep it was hard for him but he was not the worst one he got through it it's something he had to get through but there were weren't there only 10 pig flips in that workout it was five and then you did your 48 muscle ups and then it was so you double the pig flips now, and you take away how dense, the 48 muscle-ups in a row is way more dense, and not to mention the 100 wall balls. And what's the problem with the pig?
Starting point is 01:39:33 I'm not worried about the wall balls, man. He's probably done more wall balls than everybody here at the games. So what's the problem with the pig? It's so long, and because he's short, and his arms are shorter. It's a good form, man. Mass moves mass. Right. Yeah, it's not that he's not strong. It pig? It's so long, and because he's short and his arms are shorter. It's a good one, man. Mass moves mass.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Right. Yeah, it's not that he's not strong. It's just he's short. And no matter how you slice it, he's going to fucking kill people in thrusters. But then he's going to have something like the pig that's not easy. There's kind of a parallel to the rope climb there, right, in terms of you have to do some extra movements that not everyone else has to do. Man, I hope he makes top 20. To walk it up. too i do too i'm just saying it's not gonna stop him in his tracks is what i'm saying okay uh tank reeves uh cats washed up flops with
Starting point is 01:40:18 flops with flop dude madaris will choke roman and la Laura win. Ukraine is losing. There won't be 2024 elections. 2030 is already completed. I gotta bring up one. Can I bring up a comment? Please. As long as it's not going to get me in trouble. Remember, I'm trying not to get in trouble. This is not fucking true in any way. 48 muscle-ups in a row?
Starting point is 01:40:42 Hold on. 48 muscle-ups in a row is nothing like 25 chest to bar into 50 toes to bar then 100 wall ball break and then you do it again it's a way different stimulus sorry
Starting point is 01:40:56 James Sprague is at least in the top 15 you idiots dude I like that too I love James let's go to Sprague let's go to Sprague go to the list
Starting point is 01:41:03 the same way Guy can finish what 6th James Sprague can finish Well, let's go to Sprague. Let's go to Sprague. Go to the list. The same way Guy can finish, what, sixth? James Sprague can finish at the top. I think Sprague will be bottom five in the Olympic lifting event. I'm pumping James up. I don't have a problem with this analysis. Yeah, and so will Katrin. I'm pumping James up in the warm-up area all weekend. You are?
Starting point is 01:41:19 Let's fucking go. Yeah, look, he should be top five in the 5K event, so it should balance each other out. We're going to win the 5K. Who is? Sprague's going to run like a rabbit? I don't know. I think Lazar Djukic has a better –
Starting point is 01:41:32 Yeah, I think Lazar Djukic is going to win. Dude, Jelly Host can run like a mofo. Oh, Jelly Host. Why are you guys saying Jelly? What do you call him? Yellow. Yellow. Oh, Yellow Wolf.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Yellow Host. You guys are fucking savage. You think Sprague's getting beaten out of the 5K? I beat him to water palooza in the run yeah when was that last year 1835 that was two years ago no it wasn't oh it wasn't it was two water paloozas ago probably a year ago yeah you think he's that much better at running? I think he's a running god. He doesn't need a horse. Isn't Ulbich a good runner? He'll be top five. I don't know how he carries it around. He's got like a 10-pound weight holding him back. This is taking last, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:15 He's going to have a bruise on his upper thigh, dude, after this event. What about Jay Crouch up there in 19th? I mean, his dick's going to hit his upper leg so much, he's going to have a bruise on it. Jake Crouch at 20th, riding the bubble. 19th. What about him? 19th?
Starting point is 01:42:32 No, I got – oh, okay, 19th. Is he higher or too low? Way too high. I'm picking Colton for the five. He finished 23rd at the Games last year, Mr. Spinn. No, he's finished 28th. Oh, he did? Yeah, Jay Crouch is very, very consistent.
Starting point is 01:42:50 He's just not as fit as the top 20 guys. I know that. But I think that – go ahead. Did you watch the Proven video when Matty was in with Proven this last week? Sturt? Yeah. in with proven this last week sir yeah so like it felt like tia was having to teach her the double under crossovers like they were doing a yoke overhead yoke walk and maddie was struggling i know they're different athletes but if maddie's not doing those things with jay like what is jay
Starting point is 01:43:23 training like are they training completely different? They're training together every day. How does that relate to Jay at all that Matty can't? They're dating. They're training partners. What is Jay doing to improve from 28th last year? They're different people. Are we drawing that comparison to Ellie and Justin then? Is that why he took
Starting point is 01:43:40 sixth at semifinals? Nah, this is different. I'm seeing what's been saying. I'm seeing what he's saying. Hey dude, if me and you were training together example of that does that mean justin's in trouble because ellie can't do something oh yeah hey listen listen if if if you're my training partner and you can do double under crossovers i can do double under crossovers so because i can bench 365 so different different different you're all right yes okay sorry different different if you can do handstand walk i can do handstand walk it's like at mayhem everyone's good at uh ghd's they do them okay right rich is a decent runner now and gee still hasn't gotten better at running. A lot of guys at Mayhem can hurt
Starting point is 01:44:25 and Guy cannot hurt. Guy's too busy dancing on Instagram. Yes. Not that I can see because I'm blocked. Are you still blocked? I'm assuming that's what he's doing. Jay Crouch does look better than last year.
Starting point is 01:44:41 He got a new coat of paint on that Ferrari. Dude, you can bench 365? Yes. That's insane. That upsets me. I maxed out two weeks ago, and I got 357. That's really upsetting that you're at that number. He got you on one lift.
Starting point is 01:45:01 No, 370 tank reefs. I bet you have him on deadlift too what's your dad left yeah yeah yeah he's got 15 we won't talk we won't talk about that we won't talk about that not true matt kept winning cat declined oh matt kept cat he must be talking about something about fraser and catrin's the trajectory Bergeron? When he was at Bergeron? For one season. Not true. What's not true?
Starting point is 01:45:30 Can we bring up the male leaderboard again? No, the list, Mr. Spin's list, and go to the bottom and see what he did with Colton. Where did he have Colton? Oh, 26th. God damn. Yeah. James Sprague in 25th. Yeah, I do. God damn. James Sprigg in 25th.
Starting point is 01:45:48 I do not like that. I do not like that at all. I think out of all the athletes in the field, their semifinals performance is most irrelevant in James' case because of how many home runs he can hit at the games. But what if those events don't come up? They will. Then there's not even one of them. Pig Chipper's one of them.
Starting point is 01:46:09 5K is one of them. Helen's in one of them. I don't think a Pig Chipper's a home run hit. Oh, I 100% do. I think the Toast Bar and the pull-ups is just going to be slower than everybody. He can't move the pig the way Fikowski can. He's so good at Toast Bar. He won the Wadapalooza online qualifier workout from the year that we went.
Starting point is 01:46:25 And it was Toast Bar and Devil's Brothel. Takowski and Roman and Jahapper aren't doing the online qualifier. It's a bunch of people who don't make the games doing the qualifier. Yeah, those guys are all privileged. It's like the Conor McGregor thing. What do you pick on James Sprague in that event? In the pig chipper? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Ten. Oh, shut the hell up all right he's i got him i got him six in that workout that's four spots six and tenth it's not that much different no it's not why why why do you say that because he's gonna flip the pig and crush the wall balls because he's tall he's he's awesome at toes to bar great at toes to bar and the toes to our cycle speed is irrelevant in this workout he's great at wall balls which i think is more relevant and he's going to destroy the pig let's go jamesy he's got that similar capacity thing that kazan's got going on no one knows about it he's a but he can hurt james can hurt adam blakesley taylor's proximity bias to hopper ruins all his arguments he lives in fucking vermont you said you spoke to him for three hours last night
Starting point is 01:47:30 yeah you cuddled with his cell phone just hi jason he sent me i don't know can't talk about that uh um so when i see jay crouch's 30th there, that means that basically he barely makes the first round of cuts. Yes. Okay. Wow. Oh, poor Jake Douglas. Or falls back on Saturday. Where in the hell do you have Luke Parker?
Starting point is 01:48:02 He's up there. Dude, I haven't seen his name anywhere. That's right. Okay, that's fine. I thought he was going to be like way down there i didn't see him where's john have him i got him lower than that where i think um 28th well the bubble athletes will get um all the love during the behind the scenes those are the guys i'm gonna to focus on. The ninth. I'm going to try to. We got Bronislaw making it. We're going to get to see him lift at the 30th place. And Jake Douglas is not going to make it, which is really upsetting.
Starting point is 01:48:32 You know what the worst part of the new documentary was? What? Justin getting out of the pool with his wet mullet. I love his haircut, dude. But that thing's got to stay dry, bro. That thing's got to stay dry, bro. That thing's got to stay dry, dude. This is a pool haircut. Come on.
Starting point is 01:48:51 Imagine this. Medeiros finishes sixth this year. Shaves his head like Razor, comes back, and just runs train for the next decade. Who? Medeiros. Is this him? He doesn't have the talent that Matt has.
Starting point is 01:49:04 I don't see that happening. That's awfully rude of you to say. This is demo team. That's CrossFit. That's not Thor. I'm sorry. That's Victor Hoffer. That is a bizarre picture.
Starting point is 01:49:15 It's an odd body, too. Look at his. He has odd pecs. Dude, you're right. I had nothing to say. You're just right. I know I'm right. He has a very strange upper body.
Starting point is 01:49:26 He's got a narrower shoulder. I want to call them thin, like chicken breast cutlets. I don't know. He looks pretty perfect to me. He looks like an athlete. Maybe it's the man bun. So when is this? This is at 2.30 today.
Starting point is 01:49:43 This is two and a half hours ago. Testing continues in a secluded warehouse at the edge of the Alliant. Okay, I won't read it. But he did some type of crazy gymnastics, whether it's the skills test or... Why do you say that? Because it says it in there?
Starting point is 01:49:58 No, that's just what he's really good at. So if they're bragging about him... For reasons that will become clear next week, Mike Hustle follows his progress with the camera when 20-year-old Victor, a former national-level French gymnast, finishes. The other five members of the demo team have to pick up their jaws off the floor before breaking into a chorus of the kind of odd noises people make when flaming meteor plunges out of the sky and plows into a field. What the hell? Wow, that was too much imagery in one post. So let me explain to you what happened.
Starting point is 01:50:24 Victor must have done something with – oh, look at it. What the hell? Wow, that was too much imagery in one post. So let me explain to you what happened. Victor must have done something with, oh, look at, okay. So Victor did some workout that Boz programmed that's a gymnastics workout. This guy's a fucking former national gymnast freakazoid. And look at Adrian's beside himself. He's like, holy shit. He just tested skills. Hey, and if you think this guy has a weird body, Taylor,
Starting point is 01:50:49 don't be upset when you get to your hotel room and's in there with your your uh fiance or wife or whatever i would fucking kill him dude he'd have a broken neck is his chicken cutlets versus self he's doing that he's doing a handstand on your king-size bed yeah he'd be doing a handstand with no head i kind of like his body but it is different looking he's got a good body i just thought it was odd his you know he's just dude i have a weird body i look like you do but it's also good looking you do not have a weird body you look like you fell out of a magazine i can't wait to hug you in two days bro you look like uh what's the what's the bar? You look like you're a bouncer at a gay bar in San Francisco. You're a great guy. You do.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Wow. Tight. Okay. Anything else you want to talk about? I feel really good with your guys' – Wait a minute. We didn't go to the bottom of the men. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:51:39 You had Kaiki down there. He thinks he's going to win the games. I saw the bottom. I saw the bottom. I got Kaiki all the way down there. saw i saw the bottom i saw the bottom yeah i got kaike all the way down there i'm too emotional to look at the time did you see the post the other day where he's running like uh that short agility course exactly stallion hey can we talk about aunt haynes and that picture he posted because i was confused i'm confused he ran the 5k they told him not to run he said don't worry I won't get here anyway
Starting point is 01:52:07 oh oh oh oh on Saturday got it that's funny that's hilarious now I get it did you interview Sousa? no Matt's Brazilian brother
Starting point is 01:52:21 correct yes I'm assuming I DM'd the dude Matt's Brazilian brother? Correct, yes. I'm assuming I DM'd the dude. I'm assuming. I contacted everyone. Wasn't everyone really high on Shuronke? Shuronke? I'm saying like Donke and Shrek. Shuronke.
Starting point is 01:52:38 He looks like a model. I think he's David Shuronke, yeah. He has brute strength. I just don't see so far, but we have seen program. There's nothing that really fits his wheelhouse. I put Kai and Arthur seven off higher. Not,
Starting point is 01:52:53 not, not a bunch, but they'll make the first cut in my opinion. I have Arthur making the first cut. Someone in the comments said show Roman's comment, but I can't see on the Victor Hoffer page. Oh, what was it but I can't see it. On the Victor Hoffer page. Oh. Post.
Starting point is 01:53:06 What was it? I don't know. Pull up the post and his comment is down there. Hey, Taylor, can you grow hair? I can, but just in a couple places. Where? Jesus, Roman. What did he say?
Starting point is 01:53:20 Oh. Hey, he doesn't know that's a dig. He's foreigner he doesn't know that's amazing he doesn't know being serious or you think you think he's like man it's too bad he didn't qualify yeah yeah yeah i mean victor commented back to him what did he say he just said of course yeah he doesn't know he didn't he fucking knows no now dude i'm taking roman to win listen jay wick he fucking knows no he does not know killer instinct the dude was like russian adler responded to it too adler said cry face that's hilarious dude the other day enrico zanoni posted something and i commented best physique at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:54:06 And then he goes, not this year with a frowning face. Oh, that's funny. Hey, what is that? Oh, copy and paste it, dude. Copy and paste it into your search bar. I think it empties your bank account. That dude just shot out with fentanyl and fell on his keyboard.
Starting point is 01:54:26 Oh my god. Dude, that's savage. Roman's a beast. I don't think he knew what he was saying. I do. I 100% think he knew. Let me just ask you guys a couple quick questions. Andrew Hiller, which man is going to win
Starting point is 01:54:42 the CrossFit Games this year? Adler. John Young. Patrick Mounder. Spin. The reigning champ. Taylor. Justin.
Starting point is 01:54:54 You guys are so fucking boring. I hate this shit with people who feel like they have to choose someone. I don't feel like I have to. Wait, wait, wait. I picked Danielle. He has to choose someone. I don't feel like I have to. Wait, wait, wait. I know. I picked Danielle. You guys get all that. He has to pick someone that's like –
Starting point is 01:55:09 Hillary Trump wants to pick someone who's not even on the list. He's like froning. I thought Justin was too nice. How are we going to get Frazier to coach me? I bet Frazier would beat all of them right now. 100%. No. Oh, I don't know about right now.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Not right now. He's really unfit when he decides to be unfit Andy just tore his ACL Wow this is a good line Andy Schneider If Ben Bergeron could walk on water Hiller would say it's because he can't swim Isn't that like a Maya Angelou quote
Starting point is 01:55:38 Dude get that out of here That's awesome That fucked my brain up a little bit Okay of the women Who's going to win the CrossFit Games? Andrew Hiller. Of the women, Daniel Brandon. Mr. John Young.
Starting point is 01:55:54 What? Laura Horvath. Mr. Spin. Danielle. All righty. And Taylor, who? No, we don't ask Taylor. Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 01:56:03 We don't ask Taylor that. Are you serious? that are you serious what are you laughing for then you said the same thing i did no he's not taylor's not making a serious pick he can't pick he's not allowed to don't give a fuck what taylor thinks about women um okay uh i think that's a wrap on the show tomorrow morning if you guys want to meet all the people who will be on the team helping with the um uh behind the scenes this year not all of them um but but some some of them um check us out at 7 a.m it'll be me mariah moore uh andrew hiller uh caleb and matt souza uh patrick rios is like running a a half marathon half marathon or triathlon or something.
Starting point is 01:56:46 So he won't be here. And then, of course, to all of you out there who are in the media, who have media access, who've been reaching out to me saying that we can use your footage for behind the scenes. Dude, amazing. There's so many of you. I really, really appreciate it. It's really cool. Excuse me. any of you i really really appreciate it it's really cool excuse me um and i just want to
Starting point is 01:57:07 finish with a post from uh michelle uh bassinet bassinet's uh instagram that i saw today that will brandstetter made so i don't think he made it will didn't make it well whatever i think will made it he didn't fucking make it wait a minute i think he made it too no he didn't fucking make it. Wait a minute. I think he made it too. No, he didn't. A different guy. I think he did. All photography made it. Hey, John, Brian, what do you guys think? It's collaborated with the guy who made it.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Well, I just thought that this is really cool, and I think Will's really come a long way in his film work. I don't know why you had to be a dickhead. Well, everybody's doing something. This is, by the way, if you do CrossFit, this is what your body will look like. So you have to do this self-made training program. But I like a woman who just knows the value of work.
Starting point is 01:57:57 Turn off for me? Can't swim. If you can't swim, honey, I mean, the earth is 80% water. If there's a tsunami and you're trying to get on my back, bye, bitch. I'm doing me. I'm doing me. A tsunami. Hey, Brant, that are great work.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Incredible, incredible work, buddy. Will did really good there. Yeah, Will's a beast. You guys are fun. Also, did you see James Townsend? James Townsend's brother Will did really good there. Yeah, Will's a beast. Did you see James Townsend? James Townsend's brother was in the comments there. I didn't know he was on Instagram. Where did you see him?
Starting point is 01:58:34 It was Johnny Townsend. Oh, no, that's not... No, that's another Townsend. No, dude. It was verified and everything. What did he say? A tsunami. A tsunami. A tsunami. Get off my back, bitch. Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:52 Thanks again. Thank you, Taylor, for poaching Will. Because I know he's having problems with the Sevan podcast not being wholesome enough and he went over there and now he's making safety swim videos. He didn't make that video. The importance of learning how to swim.
Starting point is 01:59:09 Well, I love you. Case. There's a tsunami. We'll see you guys tomorrow morning at 7. AM. Thank you everyone. Mr.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Spin young. Thanks for putting it out on the line and letting us beat you guys up. Great picks a Hiller fit. I can't wait to see you in a few days. Taylor. Same. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:59:26 Whew.

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