The Sevan Podcast - Winners Circle | Tyson Bagent | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 18, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's Summer Road Trip game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. I hear something I don't like. What is that? What is that? Oh, it's that mic. What is on that mic? That's a microphone over there. Can you guys hear me?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Hey, hey, bam. We're live. Hello. Hello. Testing. Oh, shit. Just lost my screen. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Damn, I hit the, I hit the, uh, I hit the end show, end show button. That would have been fun. That would have been a good way. Don't have my sponsors up. What is going on here, Seve? Good morning, everybody. Why can't I get my sponsors up?
Starting point is 00:01:49 See that on the bottom? Why is that missing? Okay, good. Audio is good. Good morning. You don't hear any crackling or popping? Something doesn't sound right this morning. I was in here fooling around last night.
Starting point is 00:02:06 You guys hear that? What is that? Sounds fine. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it. Anna. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Good morning, guys. Hope you like the new behind the scenes Each one's getting better. I'm pretty excited about them. I've been seeing some pretty funny clips come out of uh Out of miami I saw one, uh, because we had the boys mic'd up and there was a good one that I saw yesterday With jason Hopper and Jeffrey Adler talking about pleasuring themselves that is not what I expected I did not expect that kind of content hmm this usually when I click this button my name comes up a little higher and you can see the... Sponsors.
Starting point is 00:03:09 This morning, Tyson Bajan's coming on. He just had his first season as a Chicago Bear. I don't know what happens after... I don't know what happens after a season. What do you do? Are you guaranteed to come back every season. What do you do? Are you guaranteed to come back every season? What do you do in the offseason?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Do they make sure you stay in shape? All these things that I just took for granted, just that I guess I never even thought about or cared about. I just assumed the dudes, I don't know what I thought they do, but I guess you can't just go away and get fat. I guess you can't just do a bunch of ayahuasca in the offseason and come back all fucking crazy. Big Gulp. I did
Starting point is 00:03:52 see that. Big Gulp says, looks like Noble is having a big sale. Seems like they are going out of business. I don't know what's going on, but 70% off seems like a lot. I would be bummed if I bought that shit at full price. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Greg C. What's up, dude? Seven. Would Reebok invest in this space with personalities that aren't getting views? Is it PC crew? Is it past relationships i don't know how those sponsorships works that i see floating around everywhere and i am completely tripped out by so many of them um um yeah yeah i i don't know uh
Starting point is 00:04:46 yeah i don't know i i trip out on a lot of sponsorships i don't know why people give people money if they're not selling them shit so i guess there's two maybe they are selling a lot of shit hillary sent me to a reddit thread last night and people were saying some i saw some crazy shit being said god that's a place where idiots hang out Hey dude What's happening? Look at you, you got a clock on the wall Yeah I do
Starting point is 00:05:12 It's a present from my grandmother Recently? I guess Nah, it's been in the family for a while But we just moved houses So this was The only place to put it was in the basement. That thing's huge.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It is. It still works, too. Yeah, how old is it? Is it like crazy family heirloom kind of shit? I don't know. This is the most I've ever talked about it in my whole life. You feel obligated to put it up, or you like it? I think my mom did.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Oh. My mom might have felt obligated. Oh, are you at your mom's house? Uh, yeah, we, uh, we all bought,
Starting point is 00:05:48 we all rented a house, uh, together. So I've got like my section in the basement and there's four bedrooms upstairs. And where, and where's that? Uh, Martinsburg.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Oh, okay. So in the off season, you go back home and live with the family. Uh, yeah, for this off season at least yeah so i guess i get a lady one day and she doesn't allow that wow maybe she'll demand it
Starting point is 00:06:11 maybe she'll be like hey the only reason why i'm with you is to live with your parents i'm cool with that god you're such a family guy through it's consistent it's consistent you're a family guy dude i'm on this is the first time I'm using an iPad for the show, and I'm having trouble knowing where to put it. Is this better? I feel like you can see the CEO a little bit better. Dude, I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I probably just sold five shirts. Good deal. Last year, Tyson, it is. Hi, Caleb. Last year. Caleb, you want to come on? Yeah, come on with us, Caleb. Come say hi unless it's going to block out tyson's ceo shirt we're good how about how about but oh yeah i like it yeah yeah yeah oh even better hey
Starting point is 00:06:57 i'm looking at the um calendar it says january 16th so this time last year were you when did you play your last college game my last college game was December 17th last year so you are about
Starting point is 00:07:21 so a month ago was your anniversary of your last college game. Damn, yeah. Man, the year's been a crazy year for you. What a whirlwind. Yeah, that's pretty much, I think that's the only way to put it, whirlwind. And this time this year, I just moved to Florida and was training in Florida from January to the middle of March. So that seems like three years ago, honestly.
Starting point is 00:07:51 But it's barely a year, if a year. Yeah. And then so that's so much excitement and stimulation and like you never had a reason not to get up in the morning for a whole year. Like every day for the last year, you've been like, yeah, this is good ass life. I'm getting up. Yeah. Yeah. It's been a trip.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I've had to, yeah, I've had to set my alarm every single day for that, for that whole year. Because to get up early. And now it's just, yeah. The only reason I'm saying that is because now since I've been home, I still get up early, but I don't. It's like going to sleep without having to set an alarm is just a trip after doing it for so long. When was your last game? This year? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:37 The 7th. So 10 days. And has it been 10 days of just like decompression and like, um, decompression and like, kind of like your neurological system is like coming back intact or is it like, nope, now I got to, in the off season, I got to start signing cards. I got to, I got to start working on the, these kinds of skills that I wasn't able to work on and these kinds of strengths that I'm not able to work on in the season. What, what happens?
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah. So the last 10 days I had to pack up my apartment in Chicago and then pack everything into my car, drive back home. And then I got here on the 10th. So, yeah, after the game, you have exit meetings with the coaches and, you know, they tell you everything was good, bad, what to work on, all that kind of stuff. And then pack the car up, come come home got here on the 10th and in the past six seven days um i've just been hanging out with my friends and family um i have been signing cards and i've just been crossfitting just doing a lot of just trying to see how long it takes to get back into that kind of shape and what do you do with your friends when you're at home? What do you do with them?
Starting point is 00:09:46 We go get in the stream. We go to the sauna. We hang out, watch football. What else have I done with my friends? Do you still go out on the street and throw a football like a kid? Yeah, sometimes. Most of the time I go out on the street and play basketball. But just because that's not something I get to do very often.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So usually it's that over, especially right now. I'm trying to let my arm rest a little bit for about a month, month and a half before I start throwing again. And when you say rest, what's that look like? Like no throwing? Just not throwing. Just not throwing. Yeah, I'm just not throwing. Oh, wow. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yeah. RB, only NFL player living in a basement. Shit, this ain't no regular basement this this is it decked out yeah you got grandma's clock in there fuck you hey listen there's a lot of only there's a lot of only nfl players tyson tyson's only taking the route that that not uh he's the only nfl player taken the entire way okay tell me um tell me about this exit interview do you um like you know you have a job how does that work in the nfl like even if you even if you signed the 20-year contract if you show up fat or something i'm assuming you're toast yeah yeah i would uh like they could fire at will yeah that it's like a day-to-day it's just day-to-day job honestly yeah so every day that they don't cut you you still have a job so that's
Starting point is 00:11:11 how that's kind of how somebody put it once that i that i remembered um and especially for me this undrafted guy um it's a on paper it's a three-year deal but there's no guarantee so it could you know for a lot of people that three-year deal was a one-month deal or a six-month deal. Right. So, I mean, right now it looks pretty good that, you know, I definitely will be going back to Chicago. Knock on wood. They were pretty pleased with everything that happened this year with me. So, yeah, as of right now, I do have a job.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But I did have buddies as soon as – I did have a buddy that when I got home, they the rookies, all the rookies are in a group chat with our PR head PR lady. And she just kind of distributes information to us throughout the season and what to look forward to, what to worry about, all that stuff. And, you know, when you get that, when you get the boot, she'll remove you from the conversation. So I got the notification that my buddy had been removed from the conversation so oh i got the notification that my buddy had been removed from the conversation which only means one thing so that was that was about the craziest thing that's happened since the season maybe he got traded maybe he got traded yeah nah there's no trades happening right now damn yeah it's rough hey in the exit interview do they is it is it like um uh cheesed it corporate or or do they give you like to tyson bagent it was nice having you on the team uh have an excellent
Starting point is 00:12:35 off season and you'll be getting a letter from us shortly letting you know or is it like hey you just did 17 games with these guys um and they're like dude great year so pumped for you great to get to know you i'm going to give you the as soon as i know anything i'll tell you like how is it somewhere in the middle it's it's it's um it's more like the um the second option that it is and it's and it's also it's collaborative like they're you know a lot of the times it's hey you know you did good at this we were pleased with this let's work on this and then also what can i work on what did you maybe not like throughout the season that i might have been doing or they'll ask you that that they want feedback from you yeah they want feedback from the players too yeah so i mean shit i was coming from shepherd
Starting point is 00:13:20 there wasn't really much going on yeah i'd keep my mouth shut i love you guys perfect you guys i was like are you shitting me right now i mean i couldn't tell you something that sandwich meat was a little little dry in the fridge buddy yeah you know the only thing i could come up with is that uh the sauna that they have the the nail the the screw heads um on the benches in there are exposed and and they get hot. And if you sit on them, they will burn your ass. So that was about the only complaint. Did you give him that feedback? No, but that was the only thing I could think of.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Oh, but you still kept it to yourself. Like seven days later, seven days later, I've been just thinking about it. And that was the only thing I could think of. You got exposed screws. Seven days later, I've been just thinking about it. And that was the only thing I could really talk with. You got exposed screws. Can you tell me what they said to you? Because I'm guessing if I'm you, I'm hanging on every word trying to figure out whether I get to come back. Yeah, it was a lot of positive.
Starting point is 00:14:28 It was a lot of, hey, you kind of came at you came in here, exceeded everybody's expectation. You know, you took you took the job. You didn't. And you weren't arrogant about it. You kind of let your opportunities come to you. Very pleased with how you operated whenever you were playing over the course of those four weeks. And then all it is for quarterbacks and myself specifically, just because I haven't had a lot of, like, throwing training by specialists out there. So it was a lot of just, you know, get involved with one of those guys that's here and just try to be around as many NFL quarterbacks as you can because, you know, whether it's learning something mentally or physically, it's just good to be around as many NFL quarterbacks as you can, because, you know, whether it's learning something mentally or physically, it's just good to be around guys that are also throwing
Starting point is 00:15:10 the ball at a high level. So that's the greatest compliment you could have. You exceeded our expectations. Yeah. Yeah. Because I think I think maybe I exceeded everybody's expectations except for maybe me. Like my family and I's expectations are probably the only ones that weren't necessarily like exceeded just because we had a better idea of who I was than maybe they did. Did you have anything all year?
Starting point is 00:15:41 Did you get any spankings all year? Like you came to the hotel room late or they caught you doing low bathroom or anything i was you were a good boy all year yeah i was on time everything i didn't get fined one time everything was everything was smooth everything was smooth i was thinking about that too like especially the last week i was just like man all right i just got to get to all these meetings everything on time know what's going on, you know, over the course of 20 weeks, just pretty cool to that I didn't show up late to anything or forget about anything or my, just the fact that my alarm went off every morning. It was just, it was just, I was happy about that.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Cause people did get fined and it's, it's, it's, it's a lot. Yeah. It's a lot. Yeah. It's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot. Do you know what you'll find? Yeah, if you show up late to a lift or a meeting or to the building, I think it's $3,500 fine. If you miss a lift, miss a meeting entirely, $15,000 fine. If you lose your iPad, thirteen thousand dollar fine for every pound overweight that you are eight hundred dollar fine wait wait a second wait a second oh this is wild so yeah i i the reason why i like this one is because you know there's all this talk about uh i had this uh gymnast on here 1986 national champion went on to be the president of Levi Strauss. And she was saying shit that like when they were working out as kids in the gym,
Starting point is 00:17:09 the coach would come on and be like, Sandy, you're two pounds overweight. Do you want to end up looking like your mom and dad? And the mom and dad are sitting in the bleachers and they're fucking just obese as fuck. And she said it was brutal. She said that shit just gave all the girls eating disorders so you're telling me even these you're saying these big boys get called out on being if their
Starting point is 00:17:32 weights if they don't fall within their weight parameter yes what's your and honestly you have a weight parameter too just tyson bajan like everybody everybody. Damn, the NFL is a bunch of ballerinas. I love this. I didn't know this. This is great. Mine was 217 to 223. Every pound over 223, I find. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But I walk around like 210. So for me, it was easy. I just had to make sure I ate enough to stay around 217. Did you get fined if you were underweight too? You got fined for underweight? No, they'll just look at you and just be like, hey, man. Off the meth, buddy. Yeah, we got to pick it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I think a couple times I'd just go in there, forget that we had weigh-ins, and end up being like 212, and they'd just be like, all right, let's get that back up. But overweight. And honestly, you got to be over. You have to be over your fat percentage that they give you and overweight. If you're over both of those for every pound, it's $800. If you're under your fat percentage and overweight, you don't get fined. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:46 So if you're overweight, then they, and they do some sort of fat test like lean or lean body maps yeah yeah you're good god i i just love this so you and i don't i'm not i'm not hating on them at all they got to protect their investment they can't let that shit get sloppy you're out there to perform like high speed shit exactly and they don't give you your weight parameter until you know they see you on the field they see you in the weight room they see you moving around for about you know a month and then it's usually at the end of the springtime before you go home for the summer they'll give you that sheet which is which is a when you come back to start the season this is where we think you operate at the best what weight do you think you operate best on the leaner side? I thought, uh, I would definitely say the leaner side,
Starting point is 00:19:29 but the leaner side probably of the sheet they gave me like two 17 is heavy for me. But so I guess I'm a bigger, I'm bigger when I'm two 17 than when I just walk around day to day. And I think I'm probably better, a little bit more capable athlete whenever I'm around 217, like speed and strength wise than I am at like 210 when I'm just when my conditioning is just really good. Will you will you try to put on do let's say you do 10 years in NFL? Will you try? Do you have some like long goals like, OK, I want to put on a pound of muscle every single year.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And so that would be 10 pounds of lean muscle and five pounds of fat when i leave the nfl i'll probably be 225 guy uh i don't know i just think about it i just try to um i just try to get as yoked as possible and try to get my body fat percentage is like it's in between somewhere in between like seven to 10%. Um, do you, so do you do a lot of strength training? Will you do a lot of strength training? Like, and what is that? That's what I'm doing right now. What is that? I mean, nah, I mean, it's kind of just whatever the guy I'm,
Starting point is 00:20:38 I'm working with. I mean, cause I don't, I don't, I CrossFit just with my friends and on my own. And then when I – the days of the week that I'm training, like, more football-oriented, I do – I am doing a lot of strength stuff right now just because I'm not throwing. So I don't need to have, like, a fluid upper body right now that's nice and loose and able to throw the ball. I can kind of stack some weight on my shoulders and my chest just so I can build the strength and then take that strength and then start throwing with that strength and lessen up a
Starting point is 00:21:13 little bit on the strength training once I start throwing. And I guess during the season, you can't be doing any workouts, I'm guessing, that have like a hundred pull-ups in it. You know, you would definitely, you don't want to be out there. It's for sure so it is tough so you might would you do something like that in the um uh off season would you be like okay i'm gonna try to do 10 pull-ups on the minute for as many and hang on for as many minutes as i can yeah i did a um i mean i did one yesterday that was pretty that was nasty it was just uh and it had a lot of it had pull-ups in it it was just uh 10 to 1 um pull-ups thrusters and uh box jumps with a run in between each one oh and uh just because i after immediately after the season i'll try to i won't do um the first couple days i won't necessarily uh cross it but i uh, all the places that I know I get the worst soreness
Starting point is 00:22:06 from, I'll just try to blow that body part out. Like I'll just do a lot of squats or I'll do a lot of pull-ups and pushups. Cause it's usually my chest lats and legs that usually get it the worst. Like my back and my core don't ever really get that sore. So I'll just try to blow up my legs, my chest and my lats so that when I do start to dive into the CrossFit, the first week, I'm not just walking around rhabdo everywhere, jacked up, can barely move. But I don't know. My right lat is pretty locked up today from all those pull-ups. Hey, explain this to me. I understand 10 to 1.
Starting point is 00:22:42 That's like you start 10 pull-ups, you start one thruster, and you go the opposite direction. No, so this was 10 pull-ups, 10 thrusters, 10 box jumps, run, 9, 9, 9, run. Oh, okay, okay, okay. How far did you run? It was about 100 meters, but it was uphill, uphill, downhill. Oh, nice. By yourself or you do with Ezra um I did it with um my buddy uh my buddy Derek and with my buddy uh Michael McCoy three two one go I don't know if I ever talked
Starting point is 00:23:15 to you about Derek he lives by the field he's like he's my teacher in high school and we became good friends and he just he crossfits and I just work out with him just cool dude and then mike is my head football coach and college son who i lived with in college so we just that's the west virginia shit have i talked about daryl who lives by the fields it was cool too we worked out outside it was snowing and shit it was it's pretty cool that is cool um you're you're in the exit interview before your exit interview are the guys talking does anyone give you any any like heads up like hey dude if they say this you know you're fucked or uh no it was more or less i would talk to a couple of the vets and just uh get a better understanding of exactly what was going on because i had had a feeling at this level, it's not just like high and by,
Starting point is 00:24:06 it would probably be a little bit more in depth. So I was just, and they kind of, they, they did a good job preparing me just for what, just for how it goes with everybody. Like to tell you what they thought they liked. Um, and then they'll also ask, you know, for what you didn't like with whatever they might've been doing, which was pretty spot on after I got, after it was all said and done. How long is the exit interview?
Starting point is 00:24:30 Well, I had one with the offensive coordinator, the quarterback coach. They were probably about five minutes each. And then the one with, I had a one with the head coach and the GM at the same time. And that was probably closer to 10. The, the, the, the, the big dog, the Eberflus dude. Flus and Ryan Poles, yeah, at the same time. And that's just you in there?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. Wow. And good vibes, good feelings, good fun? Yeah, it was good. It was good. It was really good. Does he give you your phone number? Hey, if you need anything, call me in the offseason.
Starting point is 00:25:05 You want to go fishing? They have it. We all have each other's phone number already. Wow. Yeah. And when is the next communication with the team? When do they – do you have – I go back up late April.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So you already know that? Yeah. So that means it's good to go. and is that a job interview all over again um i man i mean i i i think it is just every day probably but i think i think that unless you're just hanging on by a thread they probably not going to get rid of you in that springtime section um but i mean shit this is my first time so i don't i have no clue um what about so that team i i don't i haven't i don't know much but i i people keep saying that the team you're on has a first round draft pick and the first pick and we have the first pick in the draft yeah and that that they're going to probably pick a quarterback i just you know just
Starting point is 00:26:05 like tom dick and harry's next to me are saying that right um regardless could you be could they trade you to another team could that already be your could that happen to you i don't know maybe i think so i think they could i really have no clue the only and i don't really know i don't know what we're going to do with that first pick i mean i see i kind of see what people say just like you do but i have no clue because really i don't think it it just doesn't even i don't think it matters honestly whatever we do like they're going to make the best move that they think is best for the team's success so other than that all i can really do is just be super freaking ready when I go back, regardless if they take a receiver, if they trade it, or if they take a quarterback. Two first-round draft picks.
Starting point is 00:26:53 So how does the draft work? There's 32 teams, and then each team gets to pick once in the first round. So that's 32 picks, and then it starts over at the top again. Is that how a draft works? Just like high school PE? Like, okay, your turn, your turn, your turn? And you can also, like, because usually the worst team in the league gets the first pick, but we weren't the worst team in the league.
Starting point is 00:27:13 But we had, I don't exactly know the details, but we had done a trade with Carolina, the Carolina Panthers, last year, which is why we have the number one pick so we took the we took the carolina panthers first round pick for this year in a trade that we did last year and they ended up being the worst team in the league oh that's awesome yeah so hooked us up yeah so if they had been the best team that they that pick would have gone to shit Well, not as good but it's the best possible outcome possible for the Bears. Oh god. The owner must be tickled Yeah, so I think we have the first pick and the tenth pick but I'm not I'm not exactly not certain I wonder if he calls the owner of the Jaguars and is like thank you for sucking so bad
Starting point is 00:28:00 Hmm. There's an extra 50k And and then so big the can you give me kind of a synopsis of Hmm. There's an extra 50 K. And then, so can you give me kind of a synopsis of, of the season was 17 games, right? And how, and how many games did you play? I played in five,
Starting point is 00:28:17 but I played, I started four. And that was five more than really you thought you would play. Uh, yeah. Right. I mean, there's a lot of, I mean, there's a lot of long-term backups, um, And that was five more than really you thought you would play. Yeah. Right? I mean, there's a lot of long-term backups in the NFL's history that were around for a while that maybe got six or seven starts in their whole career. So it's pretty freaking crazy that that happened this year.
Starting point is 00:28:42 But it happened a lot. There was a lot of quarterbacks that went down this year like a lot of quarterbacks went down this year a lot of quarterbacks got opportunities it was a weird year in that sense in your relationship with all those guys did it keep growing um throughout the year did you build relationships with those guys i did i did you know by the end of the season i think the whole team was a little bit more in tune with each other had was having a good time being around each other um and i think that was probably one of the reasons we were playing so well towards the end
Starting point is 00:29:15 of the season um i'm curious i'm curious as the years go on if like you build closer and closer relationships with those people like like three years in, you're like doing family vacations with those guys. Yeah. I mean, there was probably a couple of dudes maybe on the team that I could see myself continuing to talk to, like even when football probably ends or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:37 But I got to imagine other than that, it's probably just somebody that was from, you know, just a part of your past that you don't necessarily talk to that much anymore. Emma, I had the best report ever from a dentist yesterday. I cut out three things in August, sugar, alcohol, and fluoride. Thanks to Tyson for bringing up the fluoride topic. Yeah, dude, I'm glad he brought it up too.
Starting point is 00:30:00 That changed me. It's going to change my life. I'm about to get rich. Oh, yeah. You said you made a toothpaste dude wait till you see my little toothpaste mctoothians they're amazing you're gonna love them i can't wait well i hope really oh my god i uh my mom got me this uh for christmas she got me this charcoal toothpaste uh that it's powder so you just get your tooth just get your toothbrush wet
Starting point is 00:30:26 and you dip it in there yes it's a nasty it's the nastiest shit i've ever done in my life but i feel like my teeth look whiter oh dude my teeth are so much whiter i can't even believe it wait till i you're gonna love this mine's a powder doesn't taste like shit you really just sit right here yeah there's no there's no black shit nothing you're gonna fucking love it it's so good it's so good oh yeah send that to me i'll send you my send you the address after i got your dress i got it did i send it to you yeah the martinburg's one oh yeah i did yeah i did yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go out today i'm going to the doctor today to have a mole looked at. You ever had a mole looked at?
Starting point is 00:31:05 You're too young. I haven't. I probably should, but I haven't. I haven't. Yeah, I'm having a mole looked at. I'm scared. I'm scared to death. I don't want them to look at it, but I keep feeling it.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah. And I don't want to feel it anymore. It doesn't hurt. It's not pussy. Those are good things. Good. Not discolored? No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:24 It's on my back. Don't start asking me questions. Just be like, nod and tell me it's going to be fine. Yeah, it's going to be alright. I have a charcoal paste. You recommended Seve Messia shit. Can't wait to get yours. You have the Van Man one? I like the Van Man one too. The Van Man one's good.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'll send you one too, Vindicate. It's so good. Man up, pussy. No, going to the doctor is not cool i'm not um yeah i'll put tyson's dress up for all of you to see one time i was doing one what a name one time i was looking at uh the rogue website and like i like auto populated something and my address just popped up on the screen. All my shit. Everything but my credit card number. Not like it matters. No one's coming out here.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Anything in the off-season that needs to get done? Like a trip to Hawaii or visit someone? Yeah, I'm going to do something. I'm going to do something. I'm going to do something. I mean, I know that February 3rd, my best friend plays basketball at Florida Tech. It's a D2 school in Florida. So me and a couple of my buddies are going to get a little Airbnb
Starting point is 00:32:40 and go watch him play and probably stay for a couple of days. So I know that's planned. But then, yeah, I'll probably end up doing something just because I'll still have about two and a half months of just training and hanging out. So as soon as I get sick of hanging out here with my family, I'll probably take a trip somewhere. I don't know where to yet, though. The sponsor sponsor I have
Starting point is 00:33:05 They got a bunch of houses on the beach In Newport Beach Yeah and then a couple weeks ago I was like hey in the off season I think Tyson could come to LA And she goes yep give me the dates So then of course I gotta talk to your dad First I'm like hey you cool with me inviting Tyson
Starting point is 00:33:21 Out to Newport Beach to hang out Yeah make him take Ezra Make him? Yeah, make him take Ezra. Make him take Ezra. Make him take Ezra. That was like one of the conversations that me and my dad had as I was coming home was just the fact of whatever I do, Ezra's got to come with. Are you like, fuck you, I ain't taking my little brother? Or are you like, duh, dad, of course I'm taking Ezra. Yeah, Ezra's cool.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Ezra's cool. Okay. taking my little brother or are you like duh dad of course he's cool yeah yeah as is cool as is cool okay hey if you i don't know if you know where newport beach is but it's a cool it's a cool spot is that southern is that southern cali yeah i hate to put it like this but it's maga country it's a weird little spot in california and it's like where just all fill absolutely filthy rich overachievers go to die the beach is clean and the fucking houses are cool and the weather's good and yeah it's it's dope and uh it's like sounds like naples yes yes yeah it's not as nice as naples naples is like naples naples was ridiculous naples was ridiculous this has probably more money than naples but they keep naples clean and and these people aren't there's a lot of young people there so like when you're there you'll see people and
Starting point is 00:34:29 you'll be looking around you'll be like yep that's a professional athlete that's a profession it's a lot of yada uh retired professional athletes go there um but uh it's cool wow yeah so if you end we'll talk afterwards but she uh sar Sarah's like has a bunch of places there and she'd be, Oh yeah, that's the spot. Wow. That looked like shit in that picture. Look at a storm coming in. That's the exact spot on the beach there.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Where the houses are. Yeah. It's just a row of houses on the beach. Like that spot right there. I, when I go there, I go to that spot right there and drink a coffee every morning, but usually it's sunny as shit. I never seen it like that. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah, it looks like a good time. So if you end up wanting to come out to California, let me know. She'll hook you up. Certainly. That'd be perfect. I appreciate that. Friend of Sevan's is a friend of Tyson's is a friend of Ezra's. Let's go. Yeah. I'd love to go down there too and take advantage of hanging out with you and let my boys
Starting point is 00:35:23 meet you. There's a little self-interest there. Yeah, I got to meet the other two. Yeah, I still can't believe I left the house to go watch you play football. That was crazy. That was pretty crazy. It was cool. I mean, it's such a cool stadium too.
Starting point is 00:35:41 It was super cool. such a cool stadium too like so it was super cool when when you go back in april do you or do you have goals set already like things that um to improve on for next year or things uh things you want to change yeah i think uh just i'm excited just for how much you know how much more comfortable i'll be when I head back. So I'm excited about that. And then really just my goal every offseason is just get a little bit better at everything. But this offseason, I probably focus more on just being as, you know, as dynamic a thrower as I possibly can, because I feel like that carries a lot of weight, obviously, at the quarterback position in the offseason. What does that mean, dynamic throws?
Starting point is 00:36:29 I mean, the throws that you have to just be able to consistently make in the NFL, they're difficult throws. So just being able to just be as automatic as I possibly can, just have my footwork married to each concept that we have being ran and just really get better at everything. I think they like the athleticism part of my game.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Be able to continue to get more athletic and just really trying to give them no reason to think about getting rid of me, honestly. When you're there during the season um and you're in the locker room with the guys are there any politic talks in there people ever talk um you know payday they want trump back oh right just like that it's like that yeah like you just hear people saying damn we Trump. And people holding up their checks and shit.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. God, that tickles my – that tickles. And people ever bring their kids in there? Family, mom, anyone, any of that stuff? Like the vets? Like can just bring anyone you want? They have days during training camp that you can bring your kids to the field, but never really in the facility.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Now on Tuesday evenings, Tuesdays are off day, Tuesday evenings the coaches, they have this family day where they can bring their kids and their wives in and eat food, hang out, let the kids play all over the facility and little stuff like that. But player-wise, it's just they're invited to a couple practices throughout the year. The families are?
Starting point is 00:38:09 Yeah. And did your family? They didn't come onto the field after practice. No. No, they just came to all the games. They didn't come to any of the practices. Because I think during that time of training camp, that's when we had four quarterbacks, and I was number four,
Starting point is 00:38:21 getting like two sniffs every practice. So it wasn't really something that would have been exciting necessarily for my family. Your dad came to every game? Not every game he came to most of them though he did come to most of them. Like how many games you think he came to 10? Uh yeah. Did you expect him to do that?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Uh I figured I figured he would definitely be at uh at some of them but then i think once i was playing and once i was the backup um it was really just the fact that i was either playing or one play away from playing that he would just be like i can't i can't take the chance of staying home and then all of a sudden he's in the game so i think that that drove him to come to a lot of games and was he at every single game where you stepped on the field yes damn that's crazy he must be so stoked that shit ain't cheap to fucking go to 10 games oh no no no he's got but i think travel he's so uh he's such a he's just traveled so much in his life, I think that he doesn't even. He gets hooked up everywhere he goes.
Starting point is 00:39:29 He knows a place to stay. He's got it all figured out. So I think it was probably a little bit more easier for him than the average person. Right. He knows people everywhere and people who want to host him. Yes, exactly. How'd your mom take the first season did you get any feedback from her after her first season how does she you know does she ever talk to you about getting sacked and shit like that and bumped and slammed
Starting point is 00:39:54 she doesn't like when i run but other than that it was just she's just proud of me but she doesn't really get into a bunch of the football stuff she uh that's just kind of my dad's thing honestly she just uh likes when i'm around and just likes talking about other stuff but she was definitely proud of me and she definitely liked the games that she did come to your programming like this workout you did this 10 to 1 are you writing that programming tyson are you getting it from somewhere um no my uh the one, uh, the one, my buddy, whose house we were working out with, uh, we were working out at, he programs, uh, every week, he programs his workouts every week. So a lot of times I'll just jump in with him. So I just, I don't have to think as much. So you don't want to do programming. I mean, I do. And
Starting point is 00:40:40 I do sometimes like every year I go to the beach, I've, I programmed the workouts for the beach I mean, I do. And I do sometimes like every year I go to the beach, I program the workouts for the beach for the whole week. And then whenever I don't feel like going up to his house, I'll think about what I'm what I haven't been doing a whole lot of and put something together. And I mean, at least here at the house, I've got a heavy kettlebell, a jump rope and a lot of room to run. So and I have Matt. So, I mean, right there, I pretty much do almost anything. So I usually put something together when i don't feel like going out there this um have you seen this tool i think i've asked you about this before have you seen this tool where they're they're lights and they're reflex lights and you're supposed to touch them yeah do you guys do you use those regularly? I've never used those. Never, ever?
Starting point is 00:41:25 Never. They don't use them at the facility at all? No. You ever done the one where they, like those, you never use those? I've never used those. How about the ones even on the wall? You've never done the ones on the wall? Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I know what you're talking about, though, but I've never used it. Yeah, it's interesting. I wonder if they're just not considered, if they're just not respected. This guy, you know who used them and who told me that they were awesome is Devin Lorette. Did he say his last name? Lorette? I don't know. How do you say it?
Starting point is 00:41:57 Lerat? I thought it was Lerat. Oh, Lerat. Okay, fine. Devin Lerat. I don't know. Devin Lerat. You think that that would help you
Starting point is 00:42:07 at all tapping those on a wall like a big wall of those things and you could like help your reaction time or no just a gimmick i don't know i do i do some i do reaction i do some reaction based stuff um that doesn't include those lights like i'll there'll be a guy behind me. And as soon as he claps, I got to throw the ball as quick as I can. Okay. Little stuff like that. Or I'll be doing maybe like maybe training for speed or something like that. And he'll throw a ball in there and it's behind me. And when it hits the ground, then I got to turn and go catch it before it hits the ground again. like little stuff like that do you ever you you know that ball it's like a um it's got little bumps on it and someone
Starting point is 00:42:50 throws it do you do you do you do that now i had one of those as a kid but i haven't i haven't like trained seriously with one of those yeah those things fucking annoy the shit out of me yeah i i don't know i i i feel like maybe i feel like uh nine out of ten of the tosses are just impossible to catch they're just like no one could catch yeah it just hits an odd spot and goes yeah a million miles an hour the other direction yeah i guess maybe that's the point of it my kid's tennis coach used to use it with him he doesn't anymore i wonder if he's over it um and any other sports besides basketball you're going to play in the offseason? Volleyball.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I like volleyball. You will? Beach volleyball? Yeah, I like playing volleyball. And will you go? There's a sand volleyball court at Shepard where I went to school. I like to play every time I go to the beach.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Yeah, probably those are only three sports i play honestly and will you tell yourself hey hey dude 80 80 no i feel like i feel like when you start thinking like that you higher chance of getting hurt whenever you're not trying to go hard trying to step gingerly everywhere that you're going so i like that i like to sell out i like to sell out. I like to sell out. So just so I don't play basketball as much as I don't play basketball as much because I do, I do go hard and I do play hard more or less because I'm competitive, but also I like playing, like I like playing basketball.
Starting point is 00:44:17 So I get into it and I can see where you could get hurt playing basketball just with an ankle, something stupid like that. So now I don't play as much. I don't play really five on five. I'll just play maybe two on two. A lot of space, space between the people playing. So which does suck because there is like a good group of dudes I like to play every night here where I'm from.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And I just, I think I got kicked out in the summertime just because nobody wanted me to get hurt. And so I just haven't been able to go back. Oh, well, they, seriously, they're like, hey, Tyson, we don't really want to play with you. No one wants to be responsible for, like, accidentally stepping on your foot or something. Yeah, I think, yeah, something like that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Or they don't like you, you get with someone's girlfriend? No, no, it's all, no, it's all, we're all tight. Okay. But they're just kind of like, man, you're really going to play. Oh, wow. Those are good dudes. I like those guys. What if you hurt yourself?
Starting point is 00:45:16 I think it's whack. I think it's whack. I think it's whack. Hey, there's this game, you probably know it. It's called Knockout. do you know that game yeah yeah and they play that dave plays that game with his staff a lot or he used to but like four years in a row dude someone uh um what's the one on by your ankle the Achilles thing? Four years in a row. Oh, now I'm playing a knockout? Yeah, dude. Damn.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Crazy, right? And last year, do you know who Chuck Carswell is? No. Okay, he's on the same big, awesome dude. Everyone loves him. Black dude on the seminar staff. I think he may have even played, had a little stint with the Dolphins. Last year, crazy infamous and famous in in the in in our
Starting point is 00:46:07 scene like inside the the crossfit training scene everyone wants him to go to his seminars he's the coolest dude most knowledgeable dude he's awesome he's a gem of a human being but and he's also the head judge for the crossfit games now and he they were playing knockout and uh the game basically was over he had like the last shot and then he he heard the gunshot right and he's like hey who kicked me you know that you know how every time someone oh yeah that's literally yeah i've seen that happen before and somebody felt the same thing who kicked me or who threw a baseball at me or someone's like hey what'd you do to me who did that and then you they walk off and their fucking ankles flopping around. Knockout.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah, that's crazy. I've played knockout a million times. I've never seen somebody get hurt playing knockout. Would you just beat Dave easy at knockout? Yeah. Not even a... Because he thinks he's kind of like the knockout kid. Not even. He's just too old and not athletic enough exactly
Starting point is 00:47:06 yeah all right maybe I'll set that game up that sounds like that would be a good video what's the minimum people you need for knockout like five two two you really just two I mean every game gets down to two people so I mean I guess I mean it would suck to
Starting point is 00:47:22 play with just two but I'd say tens a good number tens a would suck to play with just two, but I'd say 10 is a good number. 10 is a good number to play with. That's like an epic game of knockout. Yeah, I like 10. You can have a good game with five. You can have a good game with five. Co-ed, it's a good co-ed game too.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah, I guess. Oh, you didn't like that at all. Yeah. I mean, i've never i've never let a lady beat me in knockout so i don't know if it's a good co-ed game volleyball volleyball i have gotten spanked in volleyball by by some chicks before that's a great co-ed game yeah um speaking of girls how is your uh focus uh, focus, um, during the season? What, what do you, do you have any distractions? Have you done anything dumb?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Like get a dog yet or anything? No, no, I don't. My, my dog, uh, actually passed away like a year ago. So I have, after that, he was my first dog, only dog. Everybody hated it at first. So I had basically had to do everything, had to potty train and everything. So I really ended up liking him, but it was just, just once he passed away i just thought about how much of a freaking hassle it was to have a dog and it's just for the dog to absolutely destroy your heart
Starting point is 00:48:35 whenever it passes away was that your dog right there that's him right there wow smooth smooth Wow. Smooth dog. He looks like a boxer pit bull? He is a Dalmatian in a pit bull. Oh, wow. He looks like a boxer. That's crazy. Yeah, my nanny's friend had a pit bull in a Dalmatian that accidentally hooked up, so he was just giving the puppies away for free. So we ended up getting him, and he was awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:07 And your dad hated it? No, he hated it for, like, maybe, but he liked King. He liked him a lot. I can't believe, I remember your dad telling me when you guys got a dog, I was tripping. Your dad was so adamant about never having a pet. Yeah, I know, I know. And he got it.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I think that was the first day we got him right there. He's like four weeks old. So tiny. But Ezra wanted it. And then all of a sudden, the first night, the dog was sleeping in Ezra's room in a cage and it wouldn't stop crying. And then all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:49:39 the dog's sleeping in my room for the rest of his life. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. How sad he didn't get to stick around and see your first year in the NFL. I know it was as soon as I, uh, it was as soon as I, um,
Starting point is 00:49:56 as soon as I moved to Florida, he actually passed away. He stopped eating his food. And then my mom took him to the vet, uh, gave him this medicine, but it didn't work, took him back. And then they did a scan. He had just cancer all this medicine, but it didn't work, took him back.
Starting point is 00:50:05 And then they did a scan. He had just cancer all over himself. So he ended up having to be put down. Hey, that's interesting. My very first dog that I had in college, I actually went to Poland with your dad to film with your dad. And it was a Great Dane, and he was kind of on his last leg. He only had three legs. He had cancer.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I had a leg removed. And my mom said, Hey man, I go, what? She goes, you left the house and the fucking dog won't get up. He won't get up to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:50:31 He just pisses and shits himself here. He won't get up to eat with you gone. He's fucking done. Yeah. Kind of like your dog. You left and he's just like, fuck it. Well,
Starting point is 00:50:39 I got no reason. Wow. Yeah. And he just signed off. We killed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah. Yeah. Fuck that. Fuck that. I'm never getting another dog I'm never ever getting another dog Hey dude did your mom put your dog down when you were gone Yeah I FaceTimed Yeah it was miserable Hey dude my mom put my dog down
Starting point is 00:50:59 And I didn't know until I got back Yeah well here's the thing The dog's getting put down I get done my day in florida just call my mom to say what's up she's sobbing yeah and i'm like yeah i'm thinking i'm thinking great somebody passed away i'm gonna have to come home yeah what is going on and then she just explains it to me and i just it was like 10 minutes later dog was getting put down it was miserable it was terrible yeah i'm, dog was getting put down. Miserable.
Starting point is 00:51:25 It was terrible. Yeah. I'm never going to know a dog ever again. I got home and my mom was like, I'm like, where's Caesar? And she's like, I had to put him down. I'm like, my fucking dog of 13 years. I went to pull him. It's crazy as I was with your dad.
Starting point is 00:51:42 That's crazy. I forgot about that. Yeah. That is nuts. Yeah. She's like, yeah yeah man. As soon as you left that was it. He just signed off. He was done I'm, like well, how'd you put him down? She's like I just called the vet over the house that fucking drugged his ass up and he went to sleep and my mom was Crying like a little girl Yeah, yeah all the all the all the ladies in the house they didn't have a good time dealing with that. It was rough.
Starting point is 00:52:07 So no pets. Did you pick up any other habits like whittling wood or like video games? Or are you just keeping it? No. Do you keep it just pure? I started getting on YouTube and just watching a lot of comedy skits, just whatever funny shit I could get my hands on, just right before I went to bed, just try to laugh a little bit.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And then I found myself doing that like every single night. Would you do stand-up comedy? No, I wouldn't be that good at it. But the dudes I was watching were really good at it, so I was getting a kick out of that. And I actually went to a comedy show in Chicago. So I'm like, that's probably something I'd probably like to do with my buddies at home. Probably just go to D.C. or something, see if there's some comedian.
Starting point is 00:52:53 We went in Chicago to see Andrew Santino and Bobby Lee, which are two pretty famous comedians. Bobby Lee's the short, fat Asian dude. He's got a podcast, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, no filter. Yeah, they have a podcast together absolutely no filter and it's like you know yeah yes and uh yeah it was like you could totally i mean i would never have a problem with anything that anybody ever says but they go so hard with some of the things
Starting point is 00:53:25 that they say that i could easily see how somebody would get mad at at what they say which i thought i thought was amazing but it was uh actually had a really good time doing that so that's probably something that i picked up just the whole comedy world um getting a kick out of getting a kick out of stuff like that they have a um they have a interesting podcast they getting a kick out of stuff like that. They have a, um, they have a interesting podcast. They got like a lot of like drama and like stories and interpersonal relationships that go weird and shit. Right. Cause I don't watch them.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I don't watch them, but I watch a lot of UFC stuff. And because of Rogan's proximity to comedy, that's sometimes, you know what I mean? Just kind of filters. I almost feel like that's exactly how I got involved too. Just cause like you listen to what Joe rogan says and then figure out that
Starting point is 00:54:08 he's a comedian and then he's hanging like the one dude um what's the one dude's the funniest dude in the world right now theovon nah he's he's definitely he's funny the uh the chubbier dude uh oh shane gillis yes wow funny he is yeah he's got a stand-up on netflix yeah that i've watched three times and left equally as hard each time um you know who i like i like tosh i know that name i probably know his face but i can't i don't know maybe i don't know his name i'm gonna send to send you... I'm going to send you one of... I fucking love Tosh. What's weird is he had this show called Tosh.0
Starting point is 00:54:50 where he would watch YouTube videos and then comment on them. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I watched Tosh.0. Yeah, this guy, fucking... I just love this guy. But his stand-up...
Starting point is 00:54:59 If you want to see some crazy stand-up, watch his stand-up. Yeah. Oh, he's so fucking awkward, and his timing's crazy. Did you see the new Chappelle? I haven't seen it yet. I feel like I did, but then I ended up having to do something, like, as soon as I turned it on. But I did.
Starting point is 00:55:16 It's on Netflix, right? I think so. I don't know. I just keep hearing about it. I can't believe I haven't seen it yet. Yeah, I do. Yeah. Good thing you remind me of that.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Probably something I do later. Yeah, it's kind of fun, right? Knowing it's out there that i kind of like that too i'm kind of worried that if i see it then i won't have something to watch because i don't really find a watch yeah hey what about um tyson what about uh did you see chris rock's last one it was like six months ago uh it's pretty cool he says some cool shit at the end he does the at the end he talks about um will smith smacking him how about that that is that was weird will smith poor will yeah i know i really like will smith uh yeah exactly he's playing so many good movies that i really like like i like i feel like growing up i was watching like tom and jerry spongebob and the fresh prince of bel-air like wow and that must have been in reruns because that's the fresh
Starting point is 00:56:14 prince of bel-air yeah i don't know i mean i feel like i watched it until i was maybe like 10 it was like it was on like every day on on whatever cable we had yeah it was it was i don't know i don't i don't look into it a lot but i mean it's his the lady seems just like the devil right like jada pinkett seems just super whack super whack you ever you ever um uh do you ever have a friend and you're like and you're like blaming his girl i had this friend basically and i was blaming his girlfriend for everything right his girlfriend his girlfriend finally my dad set me down one time and he's like hey dude it's not his fucking girlfriend it's your friend and that and and and now if i was like oh yeah you're right because basically he never wanted to hang out he's like i can't my girlfriend won't let me it's too late oh she doesn't want me to do this or she doesn't
Starting point is 00:57:02 want me to do this she doesn't want us going do this. Oh, she doesn't want me to do this. She doesn't want us going to this place. And I'm just like, man, your girlfriend's a bitch. And then finally, when my dad told me that, like, oh, my friend's a bitch. Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. So I kind of like. That's certainly happening to me right now. And I'm still on the train of hating the girl.
Starting point is 00:57:18 So maybe I just need. Oh, really? You have a friend. You have a situation like that with one of your friends. Yeah. Yeah. And so. Yeah. So finally, like with the will smith thing i'm just like you know yeah and then there was something
Starting point is 00:57:31 like he he did he put on this i forget what it was or why i was even watching it but it was about him losing weight and getting in good shape it was recent yeah yeah yeah it was like he's not even the same dude like he's on the weird stuff about talking about his feelings and and having like weekly sit-downs with his like family talking about like just you could just tell he's he's like i i imagine they live in la or whatever yes yes and it's just like you could see how strange the whole family dynamic is of like people just not want to step on each other's toes and not want to let each other know that, you know, just his two kids are super strange. His son, his son almost turned into a girl. I don't remember that. Almost. Yeah. And then I think came back. Yes. So I when I watched that, I was like, oh, okay. I can easily see why he's allowing all this to happen. He's going down a weird rabbit hole of touchy-feely-ness instead of just, I guess, maybe standing up to himself. I feel like he doesn't even stand up to himself to his kids anymore after watching that.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah, I got that impression too um right after he slapped will smith i heard an excerpt from his book being read and this really resonated with me i didn't have anything this intense happen but i had something like a distant relative of this basically he was at home and i think it was his dad or his stepdad was beating the shit out of his mom repeatedly and he never intervened he never stepped in my mom was never getting hit had nothing to do with my mom but there was there's i've had some situations in my life where i should have stepped up and did something and i didn't and i and it stuck with me
Starting point is 00:59:19 you know yeah and nothing like his shit but yeah but because of that um uh that i think that's really fucked him up and so when i read that i was like oh that's why he felt like he had to stand up for his wife and slap will smith because that's been eaten away at him since he's been a little kid you know what i mean and how about the fact that she was uh pissed off that he did it oh she was pissed yeah she hated that she hated that he did that and the slap was so weird the slap was so weird too right so weird i mean i don't know i don't know that was i can't even wrap my mind around that like what what what event was that what was it the what was it it was the osc it was like the oscars the academy awards it was like the most watched thing on tv that was like
Starting point is 01:00:09 the super bowl for actors yeah whatever it was yeah i mean i don't care how mad i am he would just have to see me after the event right like it didn't yeah and then by then he probably wouldn't even have wanted to smack him anymore yeah what did i say who did i say he smith smacked uh you said uh you said when he smacked will smith oh yeah when will smith smacked chris rock yeah oh sorry i got my dude yeah yeah like what hey let's see that again let's see that one more time they're on look at the stage they're on that is crazy Stop right here, hold on What a genius So there's a director right there
Starting point is 01:00:49 Who has to call, switch cameras So someone there is watching all the cameras And they see Will Smith walking up And they're like, wide shot, camera six And so then they call, you know what I mean Like someone sees this shit going on Now, see if you can pause it right So don't react, keep going
Starting point is 01:01:04 Good Caleb, this is great Camera six Someone sees this shit going on. Now, see if you can pause it right so it doesn't react. Keep going. Good, Caleb. This is great. Camera six. What kind of... I don't even understand that smack. It's pretty pimp, but it's just weird. And it does connect, right? It does connect, yeah, wow
Starting point is 01:01:26 Yeah Yeah, poor Will Smith, dude And Will Smith's got his hands in his pockets No, they're behind his back Oh my god, his hands And he leans forward Like, what's up? Yeah, poor Will Smith
Starting point is 01:01:41 Hey, try to find What Jada Hey he should've What if he would've just told this totally different Reality he would've just picked Chris up And carried him Wow that is That's a crazy
Starting point is 01:02:00 Yeah That's a crazy thing that happened Yeah free Will Smith Look up see if you can find Yeah, that's a crazy thing that happened. Yeah, free Will Smith. See if you can find what Jada Pinkett Smith thought about it. Hey, I wonder if that shit happened like 50 years ago, 60 years. Has that shit always been happening? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Look at this. Chris Beesterfield fake. I don't think it's fake. Oh, no, that might have been when I started watching the new Chappelle. When I started it, he talked about the fact that he called Chris Rock, but he thought it was fake. He obviously thought it was fake, but called Chris Rock. And just he was like, yeah, that shit was real. Can you believe, can you believe that? Like, Hey, if it would have been fake, that'd been awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:53 I just realized you cut your hair. When did you do that? Uh, like four or five days ago. Uh, I don't know. A week ago, two weeks ago. You care about that or do you hate that you cut it off or you don't care no i'm i'm i'm ecstatic about it i'm so happy there's one thing i i sat i sat down so i i sat down at uh jujitsu the other day one of the dads goes to me oh you're going corporate that fucking hurt that stung that was
Starting point is 01:03:17 a fucking direct hit like fuck you oh yeah yeah i was like what that's. Oh, wow, that's great. Yeah, I was like, what? That's great. Yeah, I didn't like that. That's great. That was great. Hey, you know what? You know what? Seriously, what it was?
Starting point is 01:03:33 It was pretty, it's pretty funny. I looked in the mirror. I walk out of this mirror when you walk into my house, and I looked in the mirror, and I was like, damn. Seriously, this is a true story. I was like, damn, you look like you're fucking, you look like a hairy tranny. My hair all fucking.
Starting point is 01:03:49 And then someone in the comments goes, he looks like an Italian bag lady. I was like, yeah, I ain't going for that look. That's two dudes. One dude inside my head. Now one dude in the comments. I'm like, I'm done. I'm out. I ain't going.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I'm just not going for that look. I was going for more like the hunk. I was going for more like the hunk. I was going for more like the cool old guy with the bun like Buddha look. And I was getting a bag lady Italian tranny look. And it's like I ain't going for that. Sorry. Start over. Start over one more time.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Start over. That's hilarious. Did your family care about what your hair situation is? Do they have their opinions? I mean, they're ecstatic I cut my hair. You know, my mom and my dad. Like, my mom would have it so, like, my hair was short and combed to the side. And I was clean-shaven every morning if she could have it.
Starting point is 01:04:38 And I never said one swear word. And I wore shoes everywhere. I'm a complete letdown for her, dude. I mean, she let me wrong. I'm a complete letdown for her, dude. I mean, she let me wrong, but a complete fucking letdown. How much longer until your parents tell you to start cutting your hair? No, I'm past that.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I'm past that. So now it doesn't, I mean, there's that stage. I mean, what am I pushing like nine months of not cutting it? So it's like, it's past the stage of like looking absolutely atrocious so but i already told him i was just gonna grow it super long so i guess some of them care some of them some of
Starting point is 01:05:11 them like my hair long some of them are just like like i think both of my grandmothers would appreciate if i cut it off you got a fucking whole arm tattoo what do they say about that um man what do they say about that i think your grandmother must have fucking want she probably tried to wash it off with like a yeah i think it was i think it was like i got one and uh that was after after i got one it was like that was the biggest shock for them and then everything after that um they didn't they didn't really mind but all all of them have something to do with my family too so they it's not like i'm they're not like oh my gosh you're uh yeah like that i'll probably yeah i want it i definitely want it probably long
Starting point is 01:05:58 maybe a little bit longer than that who is that what quarterback is that uh trevor lawrence you guys hearing, but then they can grab you by your hair. They can. Yeah, we talked about that. Oh, that's a giant. Dude, their quarterback's a giant. He's like 6'6". He doesn't even
Starting point is 01:06:18 look real. Is that guy a foreigner? That guy's American? Yeah, he's from Georgia. Wow, he looks like... Wow, he looks like Wow, he looks foreign as shit Swedish Yeah, something He looks like he's in a very small gene pool That's been breeding a lot
Starting point is 01:06:33 He's got a strong face Yeah, totally His fucking head is a cannonball Well, it's a watermelon, my god That dude plays in the NFL already? Yeah, I think he's the same age as me did he just come in this year too no he's been uh he's been there for maybe i think this is his third year how could someone possibly get in before you i know you played five years in college but that was during one of the COVID years. He left college early?
Starting point is 01:07:05 Some of them didn't even take their COVID year and left school early. Then that's two years. How old are you? I took my COVID year. 23. That's fucking crazy to think that someone would come into the NFL at 20.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Wow, he is the same age as you. 24. He came in at 21. Hey, what year were you born? 2000. Oh, what a trip. Hey, could you be too tall to be a quarterback? Is 6'6 too tall?
Starting point is 01:07:36 6'6 is probably the tallest as it gets. Yeah, then some shit starts getting weird, right? Like your reaction times and like... Probably. It's over your alignment and stuff say it again you can't like can you see over your alignment yeah and most of the time it's not necessarily even seeing uh over them it's seeing through them like um but yeah it'd be impossible to look over them they're all taller than me or most of them are most of them are. But aren't they mostly hunched over?
Starting point is 01:08:07 Oh, I guess they got helmets on, though, too. Yeah, yeah. And I'm not standing straight up, either. I'm usually an athletic, bend-in-the-knee stance. Phillip Kelly, I graduated in 2000. Griffin Steffi, there was a 20- old quarterback this year richardson yeah uh saying a quarterback is too big is like saying someone's hog is too big all right yeah like you'd have to be very i mean i guess i've never i think i've seen one six seven quarterback but that was it
Starting point is 01:08:41 hey when when you um uh when you play like when i'm sitting here during the show the first thing i do when i stand up um is put my hands in my pants like the show's over put my hands on my pants and like pull my balls off my thighs and shit and then walk out of the room is there something you do with your do you adjust your penis like 500 times during a game like like you ever notice froning fri's like that to the beginning of every fucking shot on ESPN. He's fixing his dick He's like giving it like that scrub like to pull it off the side or something. I got yeah with the I Probably have to do it Maybe like once or twice
Starting point is 01:09:18 I don't know because the the leggings and the pants are so tight that like as soon as you can get it situated It usually stays Right it usually stays put. Right there. Just stays put. Damn. That's nice. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Think of every... That ball has a little bit of... At the end of every game, that ball has a little bit of every dude's penis on it. How many balls in a game you would you ever start with one ball and that's the ball the whole time no no there's usually a rotation of 14 on each side and now whether they get to whether they get to all 14 you know i don't know but um there usually is um about 12 to 14 footballs i think and in college it was like a type and pick out the six footballs that you like the most and it was six but i think they take it up a notch at the nfo do you pick the 14 balls is there like 100
Starting point is 01:10:19 balls oh yeah when i was playing yeah when i was playing yeah no shit yeah walk i want to go back and you walk me through that process of what it's like you walk in a room there's a thousand balls you'll take that one but you know right now there's probably like 20 there's probably 20 game balls and they're like hey pick the best pick your favorite 12 just put them over here in this pile and then you just touch each ball and pick the 12 that you that you that feel the best. Do you talk to the balls? No, it's usually some of them are some of them are tacky. Some of them are smooth.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Some of them have little like bumps on them. Just whatever whatever feels best grip wise is what I usually go with with which i'm not even really that picky honestly i mean i know they're all nfl football so it's really i'm not even really conscious of that when i touch the ball in the game not when i like the ball or not every time i walk into an airplane i touch the side of the door and i say i love you just like that i love you yeah and i and i and i like touch it like how i would touch like like, my wife's ass or my kid's back or something. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Give it just all my, like, I just feel the plane. I love you. Yeah. You know? Yeah. You don't, you never talk to the balls? No, I don't. No.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Hey, buddy. What's up? It's me and you. I don't do that. All right. What's the difference between your college balls and NFL balls? The NFL football Is wider and it doesn't have a white stripe
Starting point is 01:11:48 Are you fucking kidding me? The balls in college and pro are different? Yeah the balls in NFL Are fatter They're the same length but College ball, NFL ball Is the weight the same? I don't know
Starting point is 01:12:03 I have no clue That's fucking insane why would they change the same? I don't know. I have no clue. That's fucking insane. Why would they change the ball? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, that's why I think that's why they with quarterbacks. They'll put a lot of like one of the quarterbacks, not not last year's draft class, but the year before had really tiny hands. And a lot of people are giving them shit for it just because they know that the NFL ball is a little bit bigger.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Hold on. This probably needs clarification. giving them shit for it just because they know that the NFL ball is a little bit bigger. Uh, hold on. This probably needs clarification. Uh, Heidi crew, you touch your kids back the same way you touch your kids ass. I totally fair question. Totally.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Totally. I mean, I didn't mean like in the bedroom, touch your ass. I mean like she's cooking and like, I just put a hand on it or like I'm hugging it and I hugging her and I slip it my cold hand onto her warm ass in the back of her Lululemons and just rest it there. That's what I meant.
Starting point is 01:12:47 But fair question. Fair question. Fair question. That's a bullet there. So when you say that they're different, it's got to be so nuanced. It's also like they spin. The NFL ball spins very well. I like throwing the NFL ball probably a little bit more than I like throwing the college ball.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Do you even fuck with the college ball anymore? Like if you come home and your friends are like, let's play with this one. You're like, nah, I ain't fucking with that ball. Yeah, I try not to do that. I try not to do that. I don't think I throw a college ball seriously. If I start messing with a college ball, I'll throw it left-handed. Just because I don't want to mess up anything.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah, yeah. I don't want to mess anything up. Is that really true? You can do that? Yeah. That's fucking smart, dude. Yeah, because I can throw pretty well with my left, just because I hurt my shoulder in college when I was like 19.
Starting point is 01:13:43 And for like two weeks, I was just practicing throwing left hand so I got pretty I got pretty good at it you ever play a game left-handed no but I threw a pass in college left-handed just because I was getting tackled uh-huh kind of like and it was a completion yeah it was like a just a very tiny completion it wasn't like a an impressive pass any means, but it was still cool. But you got one. Yeah. Probably not a lot of quarterbacks can say that. Yeah, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Can I get a real NFL ball on Amazon? I can send you one. No, you don't need to do that. I have a bunch. Yeah, I have a bunch. I have a bunch. Just send me the address. Did you, when they send you home, so you're in with Ibraflues,
Starting point is 01:14:33 and he's like, okay, so here's a bag of balls, and he hands you just like one of those mesh sacks like you see in Little League, and it's got 20 balls in it. Here you go. This one's not the mesh sack. This one's like a compartment with one ball per. It's like a ball in each slot. And they gave you that for the offseason? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I have my own footballs. I already have my own footballs. I mean, yeah. They're not giving away equipment for the offseason. No shit. I would do that. You got to figure that shit out on your own. No shit.
Starting point is 01:15:10 God, that's a real – holy fuck, that's expensive. Yeah, they are expensive. So how do I know that's really one? Is that one? I guess I don't know how you would tell that. I mean, it looks like one, but I mean – Yeah, that that's a because you see it's got the commissioner signature on it uh roger goodell the duke is what they're called so i mean that looks like every nfl ball i've thrown how long has roger goodell been the the i don't know commissioner god i feel like i've heard that
Starting point is 01:15:41 name for a thousand years yeah it's it's a tough job. Tough job. It is a tough job? Are you joking? Not a tough job. Yeah, he gets a lot of hate, but I don't, you know, just a lot of people. I mean, it probably just comes with the territory. I love him. Besides him, he's my second favorite thing about football.
Starting point is 01:15:59 You're my first favorite thing. Oh, yeah, since 2006. Wow, he's been in there a long time welcome to bimo etfs where do you get your insights volatility has continued to be a hot topic i think the fed does have other cards to. Are these mega cap tech companies here to stay? Never before has there been a better time to be an ETF investor. BMO ETFs presents Views from the Desk, a show all about markets and investing with ETFs. New episodes every Thursday morning.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Listen closely. listen closely as a master painter carefully brushes benjamin moore regal select down the seam of the wall it's like poetry in motion benjamin moore see the love yeah yeah i didn't even think it was that long good for him yeah yeah I didn't even think it was that long good for him I wonder how you become the commissioner of the NFL
Starting point is 01:17:10 I was wondering that too do you think he played football what's your resume no I mean I don't know maybe like high school you think he's just a businessman yeah
Starting point is 01:17:23 yes wow a clock man that's sensitive I've never heard of him. You think he's just a businessman? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Wow, a clock. Man, that's sensitive. He deserves the hate for letting NFL players crap all over the national anthem. Damn. Why do you love him, Seven? I like all overachievers.
Starting point is 01:17:40 I like everyone at the top. I love my president of the United States, Joe Biden, and my vice president, Kamala. Whoever's at the top, I just love them. Oh, my goodness. The comments are really fired up. Yeah, Roger. Okay. All right. I'm going to have to do some research on Roger.
Starting point is 01:17:58 He only played high school football. Aaron Rodgers' ego. ball uh uh aaron rogers ego ask tyson if his college stats are better than this draft class of qbs oh the the the new guys coming in you had you had an insane my college stats are better than everybody yeah yeah your college stats are but i also played I also played Division II and played for five years in a row without taking... Whatever. Whatever. I'd like to see them do that. I'd like to see them play five years and why don't they go down to Division II.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Hey, at some point, at some point, it becomes... Your route is harder. Do you know what I mean by that? At some point, let's say you're in the NFL for five years. Then at that point, you've done something that they haven't done. You had to make a leap that they didn't have to make, and you're better than them. Now people can still play that dumb game,
Starting point is 01:18:58 oh, he was just D2. But at some point, it's like, holy fuck, he came from D2. I mean, it's already like that for me. I think it's like that holy fuck, he came from D2. I mean, it's already like that for me. But at some point – I think it's like that for a lot of people. I mean, yeah, D2 kid came in, won two games in the National Football League. Like, I'm already – I think – for me, you know, for me, I don't know about everybody else.
Starting point is 01:19:17 I'm past the whole thing. Like, I probably won't answer another question that talks about the difference in competition between where I came from to the NFL, just because I've already got to experience. I know firsthand what it's like now. Clown question, bro. What'd you say? Now, now it is. Now it is.
Starting point is 01:19:35 Now it is. Clown question. Well, you know, what's interesting too is, is because, um, 10 years just happened to you in one year. Do you know what I mean Like this year was just Like when we started the podcast So much is fucking happening this year Maybe you'll answer that question again when you retire
Starting point is 01:19:51 Like to some kid who's in D2 Hey you think I can make it Let's go out to lunch I'll tell you all about it Alright Thanks for coming on Yeah appreciate you uh i'm excited that you're uh i'm doing the into comedy i want to get i want to do stand up i don't think i ever will but it's like kind of like a dream yeah i mean in the comedy what else am i i'm starting to have been taking creatine for a month oh so and that's the first time in your life you've ever taken that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Shit's about to get real different. Do you have a sponsor for that? No. It was one of the nutritionist ladies for the Bears. I was kind of going back and forth. I was like, oh, man, should I do creatine? But there's so much research on it, and really none of it's negative unless you don't drink enough water. I drink enough water. It's just good for a lot of things. So I just started.
Starting point is 01:20:48 So you stole it from the, you stole it from the camp. Like you went over to their creatine thing and just dumped some into a plastic bag. I just, I got, I got one, I got one, uh, I got one little, um, jar of creatine. So I'm going to, it gives me some time to, um, see if I like it and see if I like that brand or not if i switch whenever hey do they drug test you will they drug test you in the off season uh yes and does that make you nervous that you take creatine and like that you don't know where it came from um well i mean it came from the bears facility so if this oh if that gets if that gets if i'll just probably just keep buying that brand uh right it's called clean with a k clean creatine or whatever but um yeah i mean if i get if i get hit for that that that'd be that'd be a story it's um
Starting point is 01:21:38 yeah anyway i don't mean this as a any disrespect but you look natural as fuck like you look like just like a You look like I don't know Like you could be on Baywatch and shit. I mean your body just yeah Yeah, I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to take it like cuz I the lowest I've ever been is is Nine it was like nine point two percent body fat. I mean, I don't have anything to do for like three months except for what I want to do. I like working out, so I'm just trying to get as ridiculous as possible. Andrew thinks that was pretty mean what I said to you. What?
Starting point is 01:22:17 You look natural as fuck. Ah, God. Come on the 7-Month Podcast and just get hated on. Hey, you're going to get how low? How low do you think you'll get? I'll try to get to like 7, but then I don't want to get in there. I probably shouldn't do that. And how will you do that?
Starting point is 01:22:36 Will you just do the straight carnivore, just eat a shitload of ribeyes? Yeah. That's what I'm going to do. Hey. That's what I've been doing for like the last week so i said i was gonna do that for two months and i made it two weeks and i did have a crazy spike in libido like and i'm 51 a crazy spike really yeah it was not i didn't change anything else i just only ate ribeye for two
Starting point is 01:23:06 weeks and just how'd you break that did you just eat that for breakfast lunch and dinner just whenever i wanted my wife would just always had the fridge stacked of them and then she'd always have one like on the pan so i could just come in and eat it off the pan and then some days i wouldn't eat till night some days i'd eat one in the morning one at night some days I wouldn't eat till night. Some days I'd eat one in the morning, one at night. Some days I'd eat, you know, but same thing, Sebi. Oh, same for you. Did that happen to you too, Heidi? It was crazy, dude. All of a sudden, like I just couldn't keep my hands and my eyes off my wife.
Starting point is 01:23:34 It was bizarre. Yeah. It was like noticeable. Yeah. But you probably, I mean, you're. That's a plus. Yeah. How old are you?
Starting point is 01:23:43 I'm 23. That's right. You're just in that no 23 that's right you're just in that mode all the time you're still in that like yeah i don't have any problems with that yeah you're still in your body's like hey procreate are you are you do you have to um yeah you don't want kids now right or do you oh no no i don't know right now I don't know when We'll see Maybe, could accidents happen I guess, yeah Knock on wood
Starting point is 01:24:14 It's okay, it's easy Kids are easy I feel like I've got I've got enough cool people Cool dads I can hit up And be like, hey, how do I do hit up I bet you if you do have a kid Your dad's going to try to make that kid a quarterback too Nah
Starting point is 01:24:32 Nah Keep some space between Travis Bajan and little Tyson Hey I don't think you'll be able to Nah I don't think so either I think it would be cool. Yeah, he's going to be a wild granddad.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Yeah. Yeah, that's nuts. All right. Well, thank you. Talk to you soon. You're always welcome on. And I'll be in touch about Newport Beach. Sweet, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:03 That's awesome. Appreciate you. Yeah, thank you. Appreciate, yeah. That's awesome. Appreciate you. Yeah, thank you. Appreciate you too. Have a good day. Yep. Send me an address. Okay, I will. All right, see you guys.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Bye. Tyson Bajan. Chicago Bear, right? Still a Chicago Bear. Chicago Bear? I just touched my mole. And I rubbed it with my middle finger, bear right still a chicago bear chicago bear i just touched my mole and i felt like a p and i rubbed it with my middle finger and i felt like a chunk like break off off to the side maybe it
Starting point is 01:25:30 just fell off no no no oh man um seven how can we document and see Tyson's offseason killing the fat man style? Oh, even just eliminating processed food crazy spike. Oh, interesting. Weird how that works. I am getting it. I am. Brandon, I'm going today. I'm going today. No, I'm not ripping it off.
Starting point is 01:26:07 I'm going today. No, I'm not ripping it off. I'm going to the doctor at 1130 today. You know what sucks too is I know what's going to happen. I sent him an amazing picture with my iPhone. And Caleb and I were just like looking around on the internet yesterday during the show. And he showed like a picture of a person with like a little shitty Canon camera taking a picture of it. And I know that's what they're going to do. And I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 01:26:32 we'll call you in two weeks. I'm going to be like, you fucking idiots. You know what? I'm going to tell the lady I'm going to be super nice to her, but I'm be like, Hey, can you take a picture of it with my iPhone and macro mode too?
Starting point is 01:26:42 And I'm like, Hey, do you want to compare these pictures? take a picture of it with my iPhone in macro mode too and I'm like hey do you want to compare these pictures and you know they don't put that on a computer so that they can look at it bigger they just look at it on the screen on the back of the digital camera that they have
Starting point is 01:26:56 oh now you're really pissing me off it's fine it'll be fine wow It's fine. It'll be fine. Wow. Wow. I just got a text from J.R. Oh.
Starting point is 01:27:18 He's pregnant. No. Wow. God, I love getting texts from Jr he's fired up rabbit hole you're gonna go down when you talk to jr yeah he's really smart and and the other thing too is is he doesn't get i he doesn't really usually get fired up but he sent me this text and he's really fired up that show that him and will and taylor did was insane dude it was awesome i loved it yeah they could take over they could i wouldn't say this about very many things like i think crossfit's like bigger and better than this podcast i think crossfit's bigger and better than this espn stream i think crossfit's
Starting point is 01:28:04 like bigger and better like i just like it like when i say crossfit i mean the crossfit games of sport but that that that thing that they did might be better than the actual event i mean that thing was the way they have the show segmented out and just how fucking weird will is and then i liked having taylor and jr on one side and will in the middle and then and then like someone like locker you really got to see how smart jr and taylor were also when you have lockert there you're like wow not not that lockert looks dumb i respect lockert i didn't mean like that like yeah yeah they are but like i i take jr and taylor kind of for granted but when i saw them with Lockard, I'm like, oh, these fucking motherfuckers are smart.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Oh, okay. I see what you're saying. I respect Lockard. He's very smart. And I think he brings a shitload to the table, and he's very focused. And for lack of a better word, very professional. But then when I saw J.R. and Taylor, I was like... Because I guess when they're on my show, I see them as kind of collaborators in my comedy skits.
Starting point is 01:29:07 And I take their smarts about CrossFit for granted. But man. Yeah, Heidi Krum, you get to see how Gen Z Will is. Yeah, it's crazy. And he doesn't take himself seriously, which is the fucking best part. But yet you can tell he's serious as a heart attack. Like he's not, he's not doing anything.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Uh, that's the thing, right? Don't take yourself seriously, but fucking do your fucking put your best foot forward. So that's a, there's kind of a little bit of a paradox there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:42 He did a really good job. I'm doing a doing a big baka behind the scenes for Tyson doing CrossFit I think will be bigger than CrossFit games behind the scenes meaning CrossFit would get more publicity maybe I'm telling you the behind the scenes are absolutely crushing
Starting point is 01:30:03 right now Hiller sent me to a Reddit thread that's just like hating on me and Hiller. And it's not even hating like, hey, his take on Israel is horrible. Everyone knows that in 1957, there's no detail. It's just like someone's dumb Someone's dumb, huh? Hey, they're dumb. Those two are dumb. Those two are toxic. They're dumb. It's just fucking In what's funny is Hiller's gone through and every time they say something they're like why he just says why like they'll be like That show with them was dumb and he'll be like why?
Starting point is 01:30:44 like Because i said so um i forget my point because i'm dumb but there was something on that thread specifically that i was like wow i can't believe people say this shit oh someone said on there i'm a filmmaker and i've been watching and i basically can't believe how poor in all of seven's work is doing really poorly and i'm like wow i wonder what they're watching i i know you guys know this already get ready david here you go uh the behind the scenes are absolutely murdering the memberships are absolutely I know you guys know this already. Get ready, David. Here you go.
Starting point is 01:31:27 The behind the scenes are absolutely murdering. The memberships are absolutely murdering. The support you guys have given us is crazy. And we just had our three biggest days in the history of the podcast. So, oh, I know. Jedediah, I know. I know. Remember, Sevan, stupidity is not a handicap.
Starting point is 01:31:42 I understand. I'm fine. Oh, you know the neuromuscular people fucking are so pissed at you right now. Jedediah. Damn. So me and Jedediah both pulled up to a handicap spot in our cars. Jedediah, listen, I don't take the handicap. I only take the handicap spots that are on the street with the parallel parking. I know you like the ones because you need room to get your wheelchair out and park your van and
Starting point is 01:32:09 shit i don't take those ones that's not true i take those two never mind scratch that you're right i'm a dick i did produce that i didn't heber and mars get all the credit but i did produce that everything everything i get i getber and Mars get all the credit. But I did produce that. Everything. Everything I get. I get some credit for everything that was ever on that site. Pretty much. After 2008 or 9 or whatever.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Whatever you have to tell yourself. One day Jedediah and I are both going to pull up to the same handicap spot. We're going to make eye contact with each other. Listen, we knew you were lying. Listen, Judy, listen, listen. The main two handicap spots that I regularly, regularly park in are at the beach. And they're on the street. And I parallel park there. It's not one of those ones where it matters.
Starting point is 01:33:21 They're basically fat people handicap spots. Because it doesn't matter where Jedediah... Jedediah doesn't matter where Jedidiah Doesn't need the spot closest to the fucking door He ain't a bitch He needs one where there's access for his chair to get in and out of Do you guys understand the distinction? I'm not doing anything wrong
Starting point is 01:33:35 And I refuse to put my card away Okay And I refuse to put my card away. the highways are open now but one still says that the lanes in both directions on highway 84 is closed major road construction high i-84 both directions what's the best way to stay awake when you're tired driving i i know what the best way is but it just sucks i know i do know what the best way is does everyone know what the best way is nicotine damn you're good how did you know that i don't know. Usually I didn't want to say that. That's crazy. You just knew that. Does everyone agree with that? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. There's that too. Oh, shit. Yeah, so I resorted to like holding my breath. I'll just be like, just hold my breath for as long as i can and then i'll or i'll like do like leg lifts like if i'm on cruise control i'll just lift my legs and hold them up for as long as i can and then i don't know i just feel more awake that way vibrating butt plug roadhead ice bath what's a box breathing oh yeah yeah breathing slap yourself in the face
Starting point is 01:35:30 road mouth hugs what's that roadhead wow that is roadhead i don't know that's what i'm guessing singing sometimes i'm if i'm feeling really ballsy i'll fall asleep yeah yeah yeah i do i hate to say it i do that i'll rest my eyes i'll rest my eyes somehow i can justify if i'm on a straightaway yeah you can just like close my eyes for a little bit i've never heard anyone say that out loud wow wow. Wow. I do that too. Damn. Close your eyes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:07 You ever play that game? You're so tired. You close your eyes and you open. You're like, I feel a little better. And you close a little more. And then all of a sudden they close. And then you're like, fuck, how long were they closed? I'm on like a rumble strip.
Starting point is 01:36:17 The best way is getting a rumble strip after you've closed your eyes. Close your eyes. Hit a rumble strip. Now you're awake. Let Jesus take the wheel every day when when
Starting point is 01:36:30 when Tyson said that those guys the redheaded guy and the Asian dude were like just saying some crazy shit I got a little jealous
Starting point is 01:36:38 envious because you say crazy shit no because I have my because I have my editor on so strong i need to like take i need to like turn my editor down and just let more shit just fly when he's around yeah no no when he's around when he's around i turn my editor up full blast oh gotcha okay i don't want to get him like even that thing when people were saying Roger Goodall let them drop the knee for the national anthem.
Starting point is 01:37:08 I was testing the waters. You know what I mean? I don't want anyone clipping that and sending that to Eber Fluser. You know what I mean? Yeah, Greg's coming out tomorrow. I won't be here. Greg will be here tomorrow. That's going to be a trip. That's going to be a trip.
Starting point is 01:37:27 That's going to be a trip. Somebody on IG Live just said, my dad's trucker friend would sway his head back and forth when they try to stay awake. If I did that, I'm falling asleep for sure. I don't know. Maybe I'd be dizzy. That could do it.
Starting point is 01:37:50 There's this effects button on the Rodecaster. Yeah. I don't really understand how it works. Like there's an echo button here. So like I can do echoes. I like that. And I can really delay them too. Or you can shorten them up, you know, shorten them up like this.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Oh, like you're in a comedy studio. Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb. But what I really want to find is the one that allowed me to talk in a deep voice and that's the one I can't find anymore oh there's a reverb one I don't know what that is oh oh hey I'm in the bathroom right now can uh can I call you back in a few minutes yeah I'm at the beach in the beach bathroom. Yeah, it smells horrible in here. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:39:08 I think there's a guy jacking off in the stall next to me. Hold on. Oh, my God. There's a guy in there jacking off. Okay. I'll call you later. I'm going to get a video of this and send it to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:25 So there's that. But didn't there used to be one where I could make my... I could... You can't hear me? Wait, can you hear me? I can hear you. Oh. Now can you hear me?
Starting point is 01:39:44 Now? I can hear you. There's all these different mics you can choose to do i have a road mic no i have a broad how about now now now now oh i can't hear you now now no very low very low very low oh how about now? Better? No. That's better. Oh. How about now? Better? Yeah, that's better. Can you guys hear me good? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:15 Those are some short strokes. Those were some short strokes. Single-handy. I got to figure out where the I got oh more effects on smart pad I gotta figure out where the the voice deepener thing is the voice effects I just don't know where that is I'm losing my voice
Starting point is 01:40:41 well I just changed what kind of mic I was using so I'm losing my voice. Well, I just changed what kind of mic I was using. So. All right. Tomorrow, Suze is coming on with. Greg Glassman. And I'll be driving all day. You going to call in?
Starting point is 01:41:08 Probably not. And then Thursday is Denise Moore. Oh, God, that's going to be... I wonder if I'm going to be able to pull that off. Long drive? Yeah. I mean, in the road, Haley keeps sending me road closures between here and Idaho. So, yeah, I think it Haley keeps sending me road closures between here and Idaho.
Starting point is 01:41:27 So yeah, I think it's Avalanche, somewhere along the road. So now it just becomes, will I be able to make it? You should have Dallin and Jason on together one night. You know, I hear you. I just feel a little bad because when Jason's on, he's not letting anyone else talk. I would like to talk to Dallin. I'm not saying that even in a bad way, but Jason, he's
Starting point is 01:41:52 pumped. Dallin plays second fiddle to him. Dallin's cool. He just chills. But I probably should have Dallin on and just hang with Dallin a little. You're in Boise? Do I drive through Bo boise i don't think i go through boise do i i don't i sound terrible now really is it bad should i go back to the way it was
Starting point is 01:42:20 does it sound terrible do you guys let me see where was I I don't really know how to do oh this you like this you sound good how about this you sound quieter how about this is better louder but not necessarily better i think
Starting point is 01:42:47 it sounds good all right well when i talk oh it's not going into the red well that's fine all right yeah susan greg will be interesting i think it's going to be good i think to be honest with you you guys might like it more because Because probably Sousa will ask him more questions. And probably ask him more about the history of CrossFit is what I'm guessing. That would be my guess. You sound like a libtard now. Change
Starting point is 01:43:18 it back. I can't help that. That's just that's just it's a remnants of my old self it's so deep it's so deep oh my god I'm panicking you can't even tell it's so deep you can see how deep it is
Starting point is 01:43:43 oh my gosh thank you Daniel thank you It's so deep. You can see how deep it is. Oh my gosh. Thank you, Daniel. Thank you. Um, there is, do you guys want to see some,
Starting point is 01:43:55 I haven't watched episode five yet. You guys want to see some of that? Where is that? Um, I've been sending it around to people, like early screeners. I sent Heidi an early screener. Don't anyone like bug her for it either? I just like her, so I sent it to her.
Starting point is 01:44:20 And if you want to feel bad, like if you feel bad that I sent it to her and not you, well, I understand you should. Okay, here we go. Cooler. What? I said be cooler. Be cooler, yeah.'s oh shit here here's dallin in the behind the scenes here we go i didn't i have not watched this yet here we go all right good luck that's it showtime first night in the coliseum baby say that again first night in the coliseum baby but. Say that again? First night in the Coliseum, baby. But not your first night.
Starting point is 01:44:47 No. I'm hoping this one goes a little better than my first time. Could you over warm up for this? Yeah, you do like 30 pullovers. Oh, shit. Look at this. Look at this. Where you can just do the walkthrough, come over, here, shake it out, and then kick up.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Oh my god, this is going to be so good. I think this one has a lot of good content from... They want to interview me. If if my time stands we'll see hopefully it stands there's a third oh this one's gonna be good there's a lot of heavyweights in this one it's not it's not a wheelhouse you know that's all right wheelhouse in the morning manganese fulianoiano, Catrin's daughter, Fraser daughter. Oh,
Starting point is 01:45:47 and there's Ricky Mac, right in the background. Is that? No, no. Is it? I didn't remember seeing Rick. Ricky didn't show.
Starting point is 01:45:54 Okay. I thought that was just a big spectator. Ricky. Look, that's the back guys. God, the back is crazy. You guys are going to love this.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Oh, shit. I didn't know I did one interview with Justin. Maybe I didn't. Maybe this is someone else. Let me see this. Look, Justin's in this one. The champ. I think he's...
Starting point is 01:46:18 Dude, he just wants to compete. Yeah. Yeah. I've made a lot of ground from event two to event three just with my body and how I'm feeling. So just kind of... We got some time now, Look at those marks on his body from crashing on the bike Yeah, that really fucked him up Heidi sends Seve feet pics So what?
Starting point is 01:46:40 So what? We're friends So what? It's fine Oh good, you did like it I haven't seen it yet I can't wait I know episode four was the best one and then I sent it to Jason at CF Media too
Starting point is 01:46:55 sent it to all my poor European friends and he's like hey dude best one ever I was like yeah thank you I'm fucking pumped hey so this next one's an hour is 25 minutes and then i think i saw episode six is over an hour long oh raptus has the the the white jersey yeah this is gonna be good this one's good colton i see colton in at the end oh shit i interviewed the asian
Starting point is 01:47:27 chick with the trick camera or someone did i think rios did oh he did yeah wow all right i saw her around a lot it was cool it was like it's supposed to be an old camera but it was a modern version of a really old camera. Black John Young, I'll send you a dick pic for the link. Whatever. Listen, I can't guarantee it that I'll send you it, but... I mean, do what you gotta do. Someone who gave...
Starting point is 01:48:01 Before we even released it, Matt Sauer, I think, donated 49 bucks. I sent him a couple a copy i think at least one uh sean lenderman i need to know how much time to set aside once they all release for poor people i would say at least seven hours because if there's 15 episodes and they're 30 minutes each that's that's I think fair isn't that crazy seven hours 10 hours
Starting point is 01:48:31 you're gonna need a whole day oh send it to us we can't be members even tried in the US and with VPN send me a DM, Sabre and Kelly. I think I follow you. Send me a DM so you'll pop up in my DMs and I'll send you my phone number. And then we can connect on, I don't know, WhatsApp or something.
Starting point is 01:48:58 And I'll start sending you guys links. Black John Young. I was thinking about a little more You said I'll send you a dick pic for a link And I was just thinking about a little more It also depends on whether it's flaccid or erect So There's criteria I'm not cheap
Starting point is 01:49:19 Dusty Willard Caleb great meeting you at the L1 this weekend your dad's freaking awesome great to meet you too Dusty this guy told me he did Annie with GHD sit-ups 50-40-30-20-10
Starting point is 01:49:39 GHD sit-ups and double unders I think I'd get rabbed after that how old was he? Is he young? oh man yeah he looked young GHC setups and double unders. I think I'd get Rabdo after that. How old was he? Is he young? Oh man. Yeah he looked young. He probably early 30s late 20s. Yeah I'd be able to do that in my 30s. But I was short.
Starting point is 01:49:56 GHDs were kind of easy for me. That'd fuck me up. So good. Listen if there's this project I gotta have Athena on here and Hiller on here. There's this project that Athena and Hiller are doing where Andrew Hiller is going to work with Athena for a year. And I don't know all the details about it, but it's basically a movement and diet program. And I think the plan is for Athena, I think her goal is 100 pounds, to lose 100 pounds in 12 months. And if I'm someone who also wants to lose 100 pounds, I'm reaching out to Athena and Hiller and asking if I can get on that program.
Starting point is 01:50:51 Because the accountability you will have, these are two accountability juggernauts. Two people who I know who have some of those Navy SEAL guys talk about extreme accountability and personal responsibility. These two are fucking masters of that these these are if i if there's criteria that i choose my friends on like i don't care about trust and honesty and loyalty and fuck all that i love fucking focused motherfuckers people who are like really accountable to themselves. And these are heavyweights, tip of the spear. So if you want to, I don't know if they're taking other people to join that group of two. But I'm telling you, if you know someone who wants to lose 100 pounds, I would reach out to Athena and be like, can I join? Or I'd reach out to Hiller. I don't know who's exactly running the show.
Starting point is 01:51:43 But somewhat like it's time to like get get on like this is it you've been 100 pounds overweight your whole fucking life like you're ready to fucking lose it find out what these two ding dongs are up to they're up to something and uh you you you want to get on this train these two people will uh will be incredible to work with absolutely incredible you'll love it uh they're they're um yeah you you want to do this so uh yeah you want to do this even if you know someone let's say you know someone who's not who's not even a crossfitter uh and they've and you they're a friend of yours and they just want
Starting point is 01:52:31 to lose 100 pounds you know it put them fucking in touch with hillary and athena find out the worst they're going to say is no sorry you can't join us but dude i all right All right. Have you seen this fight that Taylor Self and Hunter McIntyre are having on the internet? Yes. Dude, do you know where that's at, where that's going down? No. Let's go look.
Starting point is 01:53:07 Maybe it's on Hunter's page. It's so good, though. Liam Elwee. By the way, I like your face, Evie. Thank you. I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:53:23 I'll take it. I like your face too. I don't know what your, I don't know what your hand is doing, but whatever it's doing, I like that too. Okay. So probably you have to,
Starting point is 01:53:38 you have to go back and Taylor just fucking went off on an amazing soliloquy just fucking eviscerating hunter the other day on the show it was it was a it was a comedy roast of sorts and uh he it was so good and so um so then hunter has responded uh taylor looks like a dude who works and lives out at an auto body shop it's easy to throw stones when you live amongst them in the dirt taylor responds hunter you've never made a logical argument in your life it's all good i wouldn't expect patrick swayze inbred offspring to be able to put more than a handful of brain cells together you have the dainty shoulder structure of a teenage female equestrian go smoke a pole you knock need piece of poop holy shit dude taylor is fucking wild dude
Starting point is 01:54:36 he's a wordsmith how many drafts is that just one draft is that just one run at it that's one shot i guarantee it is that maybe it's i wonder if I wonder if he types that or talks into his phone. Hunter responds, Taylor, remember that time I argued my way into the CrossFit Games and your friends all cried? Taylor responds, no one cried about you getting cut on the first day after getting beat by Iran's fittest woman. Iran's. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:55:15 Hunter responds, you have to admit she was a beast. Hey, dude, just two red headed dudes. Just fucking just yeah, just two redheaded dudes. Just fucking... Just... Yeah, just two redheads. Man. Hey, I don't give a fuck what these guys say.
Starting point is 01:55:34 That dude ain't dainty. Hunter is massive. Iran's fittest woman. I know, that's crazy. Right, Judy? Damn. Iran's fittest woman I know That's crazy right Judy Damn Damn damn damn Sean Lenderman Hunter's having a good time And Taylor's about 8 out of 10 on the trigger Nah I
Starting point is 01:55:58 I think they're both Just like they're just Feeling each other that's courtship. That's like, that's big boy courtship. Like they're working on a friendship. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:12 That's how I see it. A hundred percent. They're just working on a friendship. Like the next thing they're going to do a camp together. You know what I mean? They're one year away from doing a camp together. I'm not even joking. Sentinel high rocks camp.
Starting point is 01:56:24 A hundred percent. I'm there. they are literally they they are so close to doing a camp together they're kind of similar in the way that they trash talk and approach i don't know competition i guess you're not a dig at taylor at all but just hunter is so fucking accomplished like in his sport yeah he's done a lot to dig at Taylor at all, but just Hunter is so fucking accomplished. Like, in his sport. Yeah, he's done a lot. And Taylor's really just come into his own. I'm telling you, this show, the Shut Up and Scribble show, that morning show, I asked them, I said,
Starting point is 01:56:59 Hey, will you guys make that a weekly show? Like, Sunday mornings. I want them to do a two-hour live show where they're all in the same room every Sunday morning. That was fucking so good. Will is so funny. It's so awkward, but you know sometimes when people are awkward on camera it makes you feel uncomfortable. You're like, oh, I can't believe I'm watching this.
Starting point is 01:57:17 Yeah, it's like a train wreck. Yeah, I'm not uncomfortable watching Will go through the uncomfortable shit for some reason. I just enjoy it. It makes it easy for sure all right i'm sniffly but um if i use nicotine on the drive i'm afraid then i'll want it the next day when I'm done driving. So you don't want to start it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:00 This time tomorrow, I'll be like five hours into my drive. I'm going to get up at three. How often do you stop? I gonna try and uh i don't i never know last normally i have to stop every 30 minutes to pee but last time i drove up from la i just did just straight shot wow just stop once to get gas uh stop being a bitch like what do you mean like don't just take the nicotine or just don't use the nicotine? I don't understand. I'm so clueless on what being a bitch is that I need help. No.
Starting point is 01:58:33 No. No. I need more. I need more. Are you, do you think Street Horner's putting it to Danielle Brandon? Street Horner? more are you you think street corners putting it to danielle brandon street corner wasn't i supposed to have street corner on this show
Starting point is 01:58:51 probably i have a friend who is a street corner expert friend who is a street Horner expert he's a connoisseur of the Horner Wow Wow Wow. Wow. Cave Dastard Street Horner is more likely to date Alex Smith than Danielle Brandon. Hello?
Starting point is 01:59:35 Hey. Hold on. I'm trying to get you on speakerphone. Hello? Hello? Hold on. Sorry. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Sorry. Hold on. Hold on. Say that again.
Starting point is 01:59:59 That's okay. I'm a low ball show. My balls are low in their mom's mouth. My balls are low in their mom's mouth. Hey, um, is street Horner putting it to Daniel Brandon? You just put up a picture with her Instagram. You didn't put it. No. I mean, if there's a picture,
Starting point is 02:00:18 it's like his most recent picture, I think. Right. Uh, Oh shit. Yeah. I think you're right. Daniel Brandon should have to sign up for who to date and
Starting point is 02:00:27 it'd be a battle to the death because i would die for her but i would win all the battles oh just like pick two dudes comment in the comments yeah so big baka thinks that like you should she should pick two dudes and they should have to fight and whoever walks out alive gets to gets to is that the case for all women hey dude you said something with me the other day that's really stuck how do you know if a guy's the guy in the room on steroids is the guy with the hottest girl in the uh hottest girl in the room uh steven blacksmith thank you buddy thank you i appreciate you inferring that street is using because he is currently in a room with Daniel Brandon? No, no, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not saying that. No. OK, well, what made you think about it?
Starting point is 02:01:10 I've just I've just been thinking about it like everywhere I go. Like I know I now know who's on the juice. I'm not in denial anymore. I don't know what the answer is, but just like with like like just the guys on the Internet, you know what I mean? Like all the guys who kind of look like they're a little, not you because you have your diet in check, but you can just tell they're all the guys who are a little red. You know what I mean? The Joe Rogan lookers like look like Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Yeah. When I don't eat any processed food, I'm not really red. It's kind of nuts. Hey, do you, do you think Jocko's on Jocko Willick's juiced up? Like I would say,
Starting point is 02:01:43 I would, yeah, I would say a hundred percent too. He says he's not, but I would say 100% he is. There's certain things I try not to hesitate when I say because I want it to be that certain. Yeah. But yes.
Starting point is 02:01:56 And like all those dudes kind of in that whole jiu-jitsu scene looks like they're all TRT'd up. As in Rogan? You think Kalipa's on TRT? No. I don't. Yeah, I don't think he is either. No, but just, I mean, that whole
Starting point is 02:02:11 scene, there's this whole group of guys who jack each other off, you know, kind of like that scene. And I just think that they're all... Do you think one of them's on it and it's just kind of residual testosterone from all the jacking off? No, but I just think rogan made it okay to be juiced up and now everyone's just like juiced up and admitting it isn't that isn't
Starting point is 02:02:31 that interesting if you're right it's kind of a weak thing for everyone else that isn't him he's that daddy rogan yeah he is he i i and hats off to him it's fucking amazing that he did it he made it cool for him right yeah him And then you know who did it next? I think who did it next? Maybe I have the order wrong, but is the guy in Sacramento. You know what happened is I shaved my head and then you cut your hair. Asshole. Daddy Hiller.
Starting point is 02:03:01 That's what I'm going to start calling you. Daddy Hiller. Who's the guy? Don't do that. Who's the guy in Sacramento who also just openly admits he's juice to the gills? I had him on my podcast.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Give me more. He's famous. He has the bench press thing where it adds weight to your bench press. Mark Bell. Oh, Mark Bell was way before Rogan that round. Yes, he was. It's been a lot.
Starting point is 02:03:24 It's kind of old. Yeah, that movie. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Okay. So it's been a lot. Well, so good documentary on Netflix. It's kind of old. Yeah, that movie was great. Yeah. Kudos to are you going to pull up the picture of fucking Horner and Danielle, please? Sorry. I hope that didn't come across rude, Caleb. That's cool. I was excited.
Starting point is 02:03:39 I was excited. Yeah. Oh my God, dude. Look how close they are. Dude, listen. Hand-holding. How did this all start, the conversation? Because someone in the comments said that they're banging. Listen, I'm 51% sure that something is going on. That they've looked.
Starting point is 02:03:58 For sure, they've looked into each other's eyes to the point where it's uncomfortable. Because she's taking the picture. If he was taking it, it would be one thing. But she's taking it. She took the picture, but she didn't post it. He posted it. She can't post it. She can't post
Starting point is 02:04:18 that. She ain't got the balls to post that. That would start off a fucking firestorm. He said hashtag stranded, so maybe they were just on the same flight and they got stuck in a hotel together. Hey, dude, he looks big, Hiller. Street horror's tiny.
Starting point is 02:04:38 His shoulders look big. Yeah, I see that, because she's tiny, but he looks big. Oh, he's wide, but he's tiny. His shoulders look fucking... He looks like he got the human growth hormone shoulders now. His head's a fucking... No. Dude, his head's a fucking box, too.
Starting point is 02:04:54 He's looking supermodel. You should have seen him when he was 16 years old. That's all. Damn. I met his parents, and they don't seem to be the type to throw him on any growth hormone. Chris Besterfield, he has shoulders like me. Yeah, like me too. I feel like as soon as I get off the podcast, I have to start going towards Kaiser.
Starting point is 02:05:24 Kaiser, what's that? It's the doctors. Hey, so you think they're boning? I think they're boning. Is it Street? Does he work with Brute or does he work with Proven? I think he works with Brute. He's a Brute guy. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 02:05:38 If you were a girl, would you want to bone Street? Yes. And if you were a guy, would you want to bone Street? Yes. And if you were a guy, would you want to bone Danielle? I don't understand how. They definitely have each other's phone numbers now. Let's go with that. Boning's a little hard, Seve. They definitely have each other's phone numbers, right?
Starting point is 02:06:02 Well, they're in the same room and somehow he got a hold of that picture So I'm gonna have to say yeah But no but they have each other's phone number Wasn't he supposed to come on the show What happened to that I don't know we gotta get that going though I was texting with him
Starting point is 02:06:16 Hey Just send him a link He needs a show he needs a whole show right Yeah does he ask a show he needs a whole show right Yeah does does he ask Danielle can I post that Yeah That's kind of standard operating procedure I bet I bet yeah just yeah hey can I post this with you
Starting point is 02:06:38 Yeah Damn I wonder what Torres thinks Yeah. Damn. I wonder what Torres thinks. Wow, Sean Lenderman. Jesus Christ. Street uses straps to deadlift 355. He ain't fucking DBE. Damn.
Starting point is 02:07:01 Damn. Damn. Hey, Street's kind of this hybrid Hunter McIntyre CrossFit guy, if you think about it. Because he's missing his top-end strength, but I bet that he's fitter than just about anybody out there. The same way where if Hunter McIntyre could lift weights, he'd win the CrossFit Games every year.
Starting point is 02:07:23 You think he's like Sam Briggs? Yes. Wow. Great, great comparison. Thank you. Thank you, buddy.
Starting point is 02:07:31 Some people just think I'm a pervert, but I'm actually a student of the game. It can be both. Okay, fine. But, but yeah, that's a great comparison.
Starting point is 02:07:49 It's what, what is the trauma? lenderman who said that yeah and sean and sean lenderman let me see sean lenderman's picture not in this picture but another profile brought up earlier in the show uh the guy at the at his level one who did ghd hanny this time last year about street did this workout with 350 GHD sit-ups in it, along with like 60 strict ring muscle-ups and 400 wall balls. Damn. He did it in like 30 minutes or something crazy like that.
Starting point is 02:08:17 Oh my God. Yeah. And it wasn't like it took him an hour. It was something wicked. I think I broke in half and did it and I was dying. It's just the type of thing I can't see many games athletes being able to survive
Starting point is 02:08:35 let alone finish. Johnny, wasn't Street Horner putting it to Katrin too? Yeah, I think he was. That one's confirmed, yeah. Street Horn is the best looking dude in the fitness space, so I don't blame any of the chicks.
Starting point is 02:08:54 I remember the picture I've seen of Sean Lenderman too. He looks like he goes to the gym in the same like a gray sweatshirt and gray pants and like washes him once every three weeks you know what i mean like he doesn't respect anyone who doesn't probably deadlift over 500 pounds you know what i mean he's that dude he don't give a fuck is the vibe i get
Starting point is 02:09:16 from him they had grizzly dude who just lifts weights. Yeah, yeah. Hey, the craziest thing about behind the scenes so far. He leaves his squat rack outside. Sean Leonard, you don't give a shit. It's all rusty and shit. Yeah, go ahead. Did you see that part? I think I texted you. And I go, episode two at this timestamp,
Starting point is 02:09:37 one of my old coaches was in it from the affiliate. He was working the, I don't know. He was a volunteer of some sort, walking around. And the reason I bring him up is because he was that dude in the sweatpants. Oh, really? Same sort of dude. But there was just a scene where he's in the background moving some weights around as a volunteer. I go, that's my freaking old coach.
Starting point is 02:10:01 Hey, I bet you if I got on TRT or i got juiced up i would turn into that guy it's it's kind of like it's like a super yeah i would totally turn to that guy you'd be 180 and just lifting heavy all the time and just wear just gray sweats and like a a sweatshirt with like a ripped neck this is my same shit like that just all gray i'd be curious what would happen to your back like if it would get better or worse yes correct i mean i would only assume it would get better hey i just bought a cheap squat rack from amazon just like a really cheap one i wouldn't even call it a squat rack and and so but but but and i put 135 on it and i was going to do a set of 20 the other day
Starting point is 02:10:45 and i got to a set of seven and then i stopped and i was like oh something's not right and and for the next like two days i had weird electricity flowing through my body like through my hips and my ankles and it was fucked up i'm a mess next time my mother i'll fix your shit okay good i want to be able to just do it i I want to be able to do a set of 20 I want to do a set of 20 with 135 like just chill you're setting the bar too low
Starting point is 02:11:13 you should say 225 I don't know I'm happy if I can do 20 air squats I'm broken I'm going to start calling you Josh El Chamba Horner has no riz he's just sexy as fuck. What's riz? He's got no game.
Starting point is 02:11:29 Oh. It's like Mojo from the 90s. You know what Mojo is? Yeah, yeah. Vittorio, stop being a bitch, Sebi. Do it. Hey, listen. You are 100% percent right but here's the thing i can't be injured because of my kids i just don't want to be so i but but you're right
Starting point is 02:11:53 i am being a bitch but like i just really need to err on the side i could yeah i could strict press 135 for one not for one, not 20. I get a 20 and 20 days. What's your, what's the most you've back squatted recently that you can remember? One 35, one 35. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:14 Uh, Riz, another word for spitting game. How good you are with pulling and sustaining bitches. I don't know. There's a big difference between spitting game and how good you are at pulling and sustaining bitches that's two totally different if you can't spit game you have no riz
Starting point is 02:12:30 you can spit game you have riz well I had no game but I could definitely sustain bitches I was a fucking I was a fucking and you did have riz oh but I had no game
Starting point is 02:12:45 fuck my game was bad it's interesting though because I've seen that lumped into you can also be awkward and have a lot of Riz yeah like did you think Will do you think Will gets pussy yeah Branstetter yeah
Starting point is 02:13:01 definitely yeah he probably he gets like some Dorky chicks with just Insane bodies huh No cap The thing about it Is just a confidence thing Like you just have to
Starting point is 02:13:13 Like who you are I believe and Oh yeah he probably Like and he definitely Likes who he is He's no shortage of Confidence that's for sure That's how I always
Starting point is 02:13:22 Hear Riz Oh Saber wants to know What spitting game is wow that's the only black dude in the entire history of the world that's ever asked that question uh spitting game is uh uh uh look at even jeremy's like no cap yeah um uh spitting game is, look at, even Jeremy's like, no cap. Yeah. Spitting game is just hitting on girls. But you got to like walk up to them in the mall and shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:13:53 Hey, girl. I would say something stupid. I don't know. I have no game. Let's see. Like, hey, can I have your phone number? Sometimes that's a good thing, though. I guess Oh Kelly asked
Starting point is 02:14:10 Look at Saber's Look Saber's like that wasn't me That's funny Oh my god Spitting games how Saber got you Kelly That's how Saber got you Spitting games how saber got you kelly That's how saber got you spitting game All right okay well so so you On a one to ten do you do you think that there's some romantic
Starting point is 02:14:40 Minglings between street horner and daniel brandon My minglings between Street Horner and Daniel Brandon? My initial thought is that it's a brute thing. Oh, okay. You think they were flirting? What about flirting? You think they were flirting? I think that there's a bit of
Starting point is 02:15:00 everybody that flirts with everybody. Alright. Yes or no? Your Honor, the witness is avoiding the question. Andrew Hiller is avoiding the question. I've been told I've been a lawyer's worst nightmare. He's being obtuse, Your Honor.
Starting point is 02:15:17 Hey, girl, you want to see my Altoids can full of crabs? Yeah, I could see. See, that's Riz. That's Riz. That's no Riz. I like Tyler. Shut up and scribble. Tyler Watkins
Starting point is 02:15:33 really is ghetto as fuck. God, I love him. Hey, Shoddy, what that thing do? Is he in the comments? Yeah. It's supposed to have an A. Ghetto ad shit. It's supposed to be thang, not thing. What that thang comments? Yeah. That is ghetto ass shit. It's supposed to be thang, not thang. What that thang do? Oh.
Starting point is 02:15:53 Wow. Let's put it this way. They'd be a cool couple. And I wouldn't be surprised if they were flirting. And they're together. You think he could handle her? Yeah. He's cool with just the chaos that is Danielle Brandon,
Starting point is 02:16:09 the intensity, the he's just chill. He just didn't go with it. I think that they're, see, I'm a big don't believe in coincidences guy, but I think she might be more chill than you think. And it might just be everything else around her. Oh, that's cool. Okay. That's it. Yeah, maybe's cool. Okay. As it,
Starting point is 02:16:25 yeah, maybe I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. Hey, you know, there's this point where a woman can become such a prima Donna that she forgets. She needs an out, like she forgets that to be complete,
Starting point is 02:16:36 she needs an alpha male in her life. Are you feeling me on that? Like, like, yeah, yeah. I don't think Danielle's fallen into that space yet. You know what I mean? Like I like, yeah, yeah. I don't think Danielle's fallen into that space yet. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:16:45 Like, I still I think Danielle Brandon is 100 percent just like woman still. And I think like she hasn't fallen into like the full prima donna, like fuck man, like I'm my I'm everything state. And so like there's still time for a really powerful, strong man to get into her life still, I think. Well, streets of this shit. So that would work. Yeah, that's cool,
Starting point is 02:17:10 but it's going to take, but, but man, the, the window's closing. Like she's fucking one, one or two, six or seven figure fucking deals away from fucking thinking.
Starting point is 02:17:22 She doesn't need a man like getting, getting some sort of uh i don't know disease meant the mental disease that can get to some women you think it just has something to do with the pool of men that can potentially be well she got to be careful because she is those types of women yeah she's the alpha but she needs a super alpha man and like we were talking about with danny like danny just is a magnet for beta males and so her fucking radar for what a man is is completely fucked that's not i mean that's just you know but uh yeah yeah shit like that cave duster like getting an ivf baby yeah it's like fuck like you need a man like daniel brandon still like probably needs a man to just like knock on her door, open the, when she answers,
Starting point is 02:18:05 pick her up and fucking carry her to the bedroom and put it to her. She's still in that. She's still in that phase of her life, but she could become so big that it's like, no man can do that to her in her own head. See, all of this gets a little bit of that. We don't think that Torres was that guy.
Starting point is 02:18:22 I think Torres is that guy. I think Torres is that guy. I do. You don't think so. I do. I do that. No, no, guy. I think Torres is that guy. I think Torres is that guy. I do. You don't think so? I do. I do not. No, no,
Starting point is 02:18:28 no. You think he is Caleb? He is not. Oh man. I think he is. Definitely not. No. Torres is not the,
Starting point is 02:18:36 the alpha male pick her up and throw her down sort of guy. Dude, he, dude, I'm telling you, he's, he's the teacher. So. All right. I think there's a, I'm telling you, he's the teacher So I think there's a
Starting point is 02:18:48 Can you picture Max Elhaj and Daniel Brandon together? Like as a couple I don't think Max Elhaj is as an alpha male No He's transcended sexuality Max Elhaj Has transcended sexuality. That's so
Starting point is 02:19:06 wow. Wow. I love Max. Me too. And he's alpha. I like Matt Torres by the way too. Just to get that doesn't sound like it. Sounds like you think he's a bitch. There's a couple scenes in behind the scenes that I make it seem like he's not that
Starting point is 02:19:21 he's not that. I don't know. I think. Oh, I haven't even seen those yet. I think it's either in this episode or the next one. I don't... I need to see... In order for me to change my perspective, I got to see Torres build a house with his bare hands or some shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:40 Yeah, I agree. He's got to post a video of him building a house from the ground up, and I'll change my mind. Do you agree with me, though, that Danielle Brandon is still woman stage? She hasn't gotten all fucked up. She's still a woman. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:55 Yeah, I agree. Alright. I hope Reddit gets a hold of this conversation anyone on reddit needs some dick let me know did you say that or is that a comment hey this is so true jeff those days are over someone's back won't let him pick them up and throw them down i I would need a fucking 75-pound Thai boy. I'm fucked. Those days are over.
Starting point is 02:20:29 It's sad, but true. You mentioned that. I have to trip Haley and push her down. I have to punch her in the stomach to give her a kidney shot. When she's writhing on the ground, I have to punch her in the stomach to give her a kidney shot. And when she's like writhing on the ground, I have to sneak a piece.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Yeah. Somebody just commented on the IG live rigging hooks. She said, true story. I woke up at 3am to seven on his voice, blasting through my apartment because my dog accidentally hit my Apple TV remote and he turned his podcast on. It's really terrifying.
Starting point is 02:21:03 Wow. That's a good dog. And when she speaks dog, she It's a really terrifying experience. Wow, that's a good dog. And when she means dog, she means D-A-Y-G, dog. She don't mean like canine, her dog. Dog. Will Branstetter. Only 20 times, Will. Did Sevan call me awkward just tuning in?
Starting point is 02:21:22 I also want to know if it rains pussy on you. I'm out of control. Jesus Christ. I thought the show if it rains pussy on you. I'm out of control. Jesus Christ. I thought the show was over an hour ago. I'm getting out of control. Yeah, listen to that. Marissa Hinojosa. Haley picks you up.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Haley's really strong. Yeah, she is really strong. Hey, but when you brought up that tripping thing, it made me kind of think that there's an intelligence factor there too like all of a sudden you can out alpha somebody with how smart you are well in juju jujutsu fucking love a fucking smart hard-working dude like that could that for them that's getting picked up and thrown on the ground and just getting just blasted everyone's got their type of person yeah yeah do you remember
Starting point is 02:22:07 in the cartoons when you were a kid you might in the in the cave guy would have like the he'd be dragging the girl into the cave but he'd be like holding a stick like that's how you got chicks yep that's that shit that shit doesn't fly no more. Seve, when is the barn construction starting? Are you going to look at a plot of land in Idaho? Boy, buddy. Boy, buddy. I don't know. This dude's buying freaking Amazon squat racks. The barn's not being built anytime soon.
Starting point is 02:22:34 Yeah. I'm just trying to pay my I was pissed when I heard you say that. Son of a bitch oh hey dude it's the worst it's the worst rack ever you know what sucks too is like you can't i can't even walk up to it and like just um and just put the the weight in do you know what i mean like i have to make sure i get it on the hooks it's it's like the worst thing for someone with the bad back it's not like a real hell did you buy that for?
Starting point is 02:23:05 What is wrong with you? Because I'm just an idiot. Dear Bill and Katie, I know. So please send me like a $5,000 squat rack, please. Dear Bill and Katie. How much was that one? Probably $200, $300? Katie's never going to send anything.
Starting point is 02:23:17 Oh, okay. I thought the C wasn't capitalized. I got scared. No, it was $100 on Amazon. It was $129. I had a kids rack I had been using before. And the kids rack is so narrow that when you put a 45 on one side, the whole fucking bar will fucking come off the rack.
Starting point is 02:23:38 As soon as I was benching on it, I thought I was going to kill myself. Yeah. And the J cups are held on there by zip ties it's so scary yeah yeah it's a squat stand not a rack yeah you're right andrew i'm not even using the right words it's a mess rogue s4 yeah i need a big squat for500, you get an awesome one off of Rogue. You just look? I'll send you half of it.
Starting point is 02:24:11 Oh, no, I just know. I've memorized the Rogue website. And you're not even joking. I thought everyone did that. Yeah, that's what I had. I had some stands. Mine are like stands, but they're connected in the middle but what sucks is you can't just walk up to them and just and rack it you got to make sure
Starting point is 02:24:31 that you get you get it in the whatever the spot adrian's got a squat stand in his studio i know that's wild i think That thing he's got I don't know 300-400 bucks And shipping probably costs as much as the Amazon one That you got Let me see Coffee pods
Starting point is 02:24:54 And wads Let me see what his looks like Yeah that one right there 515 oh yeah now i'm on the show oh yeah page oh yeah oh you are oh you did that no oh yeah that one's my browser yeah that one's dope yeah mine's not like that mine i have to set on top of the squat rack it's's so stupid. Oh, you got one of those Olympic weightlifting ones. So fucking dumb. Whoever designs it's a moron. Whoever bought it's a moron.
Starting point is 02:25:31 I'm a moron for buying it. Yeah, that one you can walk right into the rack. Yeah, that's cool. I'm honestly somewhat pissed off that you didn't consult with me before you bought the Amazon bullshit. Well, impulse 1130 at night buy.
Starting point is 02:25:49 Amazon's just so easy. Bill and Katie make it easier. 133 you can get a rogue squat rack. That's true. Yes. Tell your old A7R that you're not going to use ever again because it kept overheating on you
Starting point is 02:26:07 i think i did sell it you did i think i did a couple weeks ago oh okay i could sell these four bags of weed maybe i should offer weed to bill and katie wait a minute do they have that in ohio is that where they live ohio yeah i think i assume that's where that is all right i'm going to get my mole looked at what are you doing tomorrow wednesday yeah i got someone in the evening, someone in the morning. I'm currently exporting all of my old workouts.
Starting point is 02:26:54 I'm creating a giant template for I'm going to give it to affiliates. Oh, wow. So I've been working on that. It just takes so much time to get it all off the internet. Why do you ask? Because I'm going to be driving for 16 hours tomorrow. I feel sorry for you. I'll be bugging you so much. That's fine. Hey, a squat rack is only 25 members.
Starting point is 02:27:11 The thing is, with the memberships, I'm trying to see if with the memberships, that's the money I want to use to do the behind-the-scenes with next year. Yeah, but you won't be able to walk if you can't work on your squat properly. I'm going to do Cindy today. 15 rounds?
Starting point is 02:27:31 Yeah, but you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to reduce. I'm going to do one less air squat, one less push-up, and one less pull-up, and I'm going to try to do 20 rounds in 20 minutes. What do you think of that? I think it's fine. I would just rather you do it the way you're supposed to and see what you get.
Starting point is 02:27:47 Oh. You know what's so dumb is I would do that. I would do that because I want to get a 20-minute workout in. That's the reason why. Well, I mean, you can do 20 minutes either way. Oh. 5, 10, 15, dude. And at the end of the day,
Starting point is 02:28:08 you're doing the same amount of volume. All right. Fuck it. I'll try to do 20. You're just putting a big onus on getting 20 rounds, which is. Yeah. I really want to get 20 rounds.
Starting point is 02:28:18 I really want to get 20 rounds in 20 minutes. You're going to be driving 16 hours thinking, I wonder if I could have gotten 20 rounds if I had done the whole thing. I haven't done it in a long time, but I did do 100 pull-ups the other day, and it was in probably like 15 minutes just cruising.
Starting point is 02:28:36 And so I was like, oh, I should try Cindy. When's the last time you did it? Fuck, it feels like a long time, but I used to do it all the time have you started the cjc yet i did how far into that are you you've been noticing anything yet or no no i i never noticed any it's weird that's a lie you've talked about how you notice stuff but i mean it just takes a while for me to notice it you know what i mean it? It's always like in hindsight, I'm like, oh shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:05 Wow. All of a sudden I started doing things again. I got some Milano 10. I told you that, right? Yeah. I hate the thought of that, but go on. How's it working? It just makes you 10. Are you dark?
Starting point is 02:29:15 And you know, the reason I'm telling you, I haven't used it yet. I don't think I've gotten it yet. I got to check my mailbox. I've done three shots. The reason for it. CJC, three shots in like four days. Like people like you say shit don't work. So if I get darker, it's clearly working.
Starting point is 02:29:31 Right. It's not that it doesn't work. I'm just not, I'm not receptive to it. You know what I mean? It's like, I'm not, I'm not, for some reason I can't, I can't. I mean, it made it. So I started doing cleaning jerks again. I mean, I did 10 cleaning jerks with 135 after not doing cleaning jerks forever.
Starting point is 02:29:47 So I don't know. Or not jerks, just cleans. Cleans, 10 cleans. Oh, look at this, Braxton. I got very dark. Did you talk about that comment about you promoting peptides? No, no. Are you going to do that or no?
Starting point is 02:30:07 I don't know. I don't know. Did the person respond to me? I don't know. I just know I saw that yesterday. Okay, I'll save that. Stupid person. Yeah, maybe we'll just save that for another show.
Starting point is 02:30:20 I have to pee. Okay. I have to go. I have to go to the doctor. Are you worried about me? No. Okay. I have to go. I have to go to the doctor. Are you worried about me? No. Okay. Dude, it's just a mole.
Starting point is 02:30:31 If anything, they rip that shit out. Sevan's toilet. I hope Sevan takes a shit in me today. What the fuck? What the fuck? Jess, Jess T. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a Sevan's hog. Sevan's hog.
Starting point is 02:30:53 Listen to this. Jess T. And she's a redhead at the beach. And she says, Sevy, Sevan, don't worry about the mole. I've had many checked out and four removed. Oh, that's awesome. I'm coming from a redhead at the beach. That feels good.
Starting point is 02:31:12 Hiller, thank you. Talk to you soon, buddy. Talk to you. Bye, Caleb. Later, dude. It's nice how people always remember to say bye to you. That's crazy. That speaks volumes of our guests.
Starting point is 02:31:32 Tomorrow morning, Greg Glassman and Matt Souza. And then either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, we will release episode five. If you're wondering how good it is, ask Heidi Kroom talk to you guys later Caleb thank you buh-bye

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