The Sloppy Boys - 132. Kir

Episode Date: April 28, 2023

The guys keep the cassis train rollin' with a traditional French wine cocktail that rose to prominence in the wake of World War II.KIR RECIPE3oz/90 ml Dry White Wine.33oz/10 ml Crème de CassisPour C...rème de Cassis into glass, top up with white wine. (For a Kir Royal, use Champagne instead of white wine.)Recipe via the International Bartenders Association ( Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey folks, welcome to the Sloppy Boys where we take a deep dive into the drinks that you love. I'm Jeff Dutton along with Mike Hanford. Hey, hey. And Tim Kalpakis. What is up? Spring has sprung, Stylies. Still. Nice. Still. When does summer start?
Starting point is 00:00:28 Nobody really knows. Is it June 21st? Summer starts once the beers have been cracked. Yeah. Once. Yeah. Yes. I couldn't think of it. I was trying to think of a baseball thing. But baseball's already started.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Now, are you guys going to many baseball games out there jeff i know you are trying to hit up as many as you can sure yeah yeah you know i don't feel uh at home unless i'm sitting baseline baseline that's what they call it right yeah sure uh yeah yeah along the baseline yeah yeah sitting baseline you kind of said it like the way you're sitting courtside Sitting baseline Oh yeah yeah You Jeff you Do like baseball games alright You've been to a few
Starting point is 00:01:11 I like drinking with my friends in the sun Yeah in the sun If there happens to be a ball game going on fine I'm not going to stop them When the Olympics come around we go to the Olympics And drink some beers out in the set of a track and field event. Yeah, sure. Don't get hit by any javelins.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Well, sure. We watch a few relays. You have some beers. You're happy. Yes. Oh, yes. Speaking of athletics, which in a way used the body. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Jeff, how's Jacked by June coming along? Hanford gets healthy. Dutton edition. Jacked by June. Jacked by June. Here's the thing. Oh, yeah. Jeff, how's Jacked by June coming along? Hanford gets healthy, Dutton edition, Jacked by June. Jacked by June. Here's the thing. I went today. Chest and triceps. Triceps. That's the back of the arm.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Word around the gym. I hear whispers around the gym. Oh, no. They're starting to say, Jacked by May. What? No. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I shut it down. I said, guys, guys, come on. Give me a break. June is fine. Also, the branding is better. Hanford gets healthy. Dutton edition. Jacked by June.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Not jacked by May. You need the alliteration. It's catchy. Yeah, jacked by May. Yes, exactly. Muscly by May. Oh, that's not bad. Muscles in May.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Tim, you want to do muscly by May? Muscles appearing by May. Oh, that's not bad. Muscles in May. Tim, you want to do Muscly by May? Muscles appearing by May. No, my thing was that I, you know, hand forgets healthy. Jeff is jacked by June. I've just been sticking with the M drive, but M drive in May. May drive. May drive. You know what they say?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Muscles in May leads to jacked by June. April showers bring May flowers. An update on the M Drive front. They got back to me and they sent me more free M Drive. Really? Yeah. So a big thank you to M Drive, which is my protein drink that keeps me my high performance rise and grind grind set lifestyle. Sure.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Body and brain i'm gonna be carrying that through yeah free of charge charge free of charge over here um did they give you the two huge ones they i specifically asked for um m drive lean ah but did they give you the big bags is it a barrel or a big? The big boys, yes. That's so great that they probably just were like, who is this DMing us? And they looked at your stuff like, oh, he mentions us enough. Give him some powder that doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I tagged them in all my posts for months now. And no, I said I'd plug them on the pod. Here I am plugging them on the pod. I'm a man of my word, you see yeah you don't want to sponsor us they could have ads during the show like they used to and that no longer happens but at least i'm getting getting m may drive lifestyle tim this is a host read that's top dollar yeah we should be getting you know some good hookups for that oh really do people not talk about a product all the time on their podcast only to get one free bag of the product?
Starting point is 00:04:09 A bag of powder. Well, you know what I'd like to mention? I'd like to mention Schweppes Ginger Ale. I'm drinking this stuff by the liter. 33.8 fluid ounces. Anything in your field of vision, you just sort of want to give it a shout out. No, this is, I've been drinking this.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's good. It was in your hand and you wanted to give it a shout out. No, this is, I've been drinking this. It's good. It was in your hand and you wanted to point it at the camera. I started a couple weeks... You couldn't keep this to yourself. This is too good. I gotta go public with this. You wanted to point it at the camera. Alright, alright. You got me. Did you hear that Sierra Mist is now called
Starting point is 00:04:40 Starry? I've seen ads for Starry. Yeah. And I like the little characters it's like it's like a lemon wearing a lime outfit and a lime wearing a lemon costume what yes that's fun i didn't know that sierra mist that's interesting is it the same taste the same great taste uh i think so i hope they made it more like sprite somebody posted on instagram that like a convenience store had printed out a piece of paper and put it on their fridge saying, just a heads up, Sierra Mist is now starry, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, that's great. They probably had so many people going, hey, where's the Sierra Mist? Now, Jeff, I cut you off when I wanted to do my Schweppes dry, cool, premium ginger ale. Yeah, you sure did. Sponsored read. Go ahead. dry, cool, premium ginger ale. Yeah, you sure did. Sponsored read. Go ahead. I was going to ask Tim,
Starting point is 00:05:30 regarding the body and health and such, how goes the snore adventure? Oh, Jefferson, you just opened a can of worms. How much time do we have? Do we want to do this cure drink or should we just simply skip it? No, we got time. Milk it, baby. Okay, so to catch up the listeners i have not
Starting point is 00:05:47 a normal snore but an insane weird snore that started in december i went to uh the doctors a whole team of people looked at me and they recommended gadouge surgery to fix my deviated septum because my nose points to one side and one of my nostrils is tiny and the other nostrils huge. Gadoosh. Tonsils removed. I don't need my tonsils out, but they're big tonsils and I got a small throat and not a lot of air passing through
Starting point is 00:06:13 due to my deviated septum. And then the surgeon also said that while he's in there doing my deviated septum and my tonsils that he would lose the uvula free of charge. This is the one this is the one that i thought was i don't know if that's uh mike they are gonna scrape him out like a jack-o'-lantern i know they're gonna grab that little shovel and just sort of scrape it all out
Starting point is 00:06:34 melon baller just put a little led on his tongue and walk him around in october um so a lot of slopheads dm'd me and were like tim don't do it uh you know i got my uvula out it hurt so bad and now my voice is different like a lot of people saying um and a lot of people my parents were kind of scared they're in general parents don't like their sons to get all hacked up for no reason so they were like could you just do the deviated septum but then not do the other stuff and i was like no because my doctor is like saying it's a health insurance thing my doctor's a madman you gotta you can't say no to this guy well if you tell an insurance company you say the word snore they stop listening that's not
Starting point is 00:07:17 a health problem to them right that's a my p not a not a therapy you know yeah um but the doctor was sort of like well deviated septum is a legit problem i could you know and tonsils is another anyway a lot of people have been trying to talk me out of the knife and in the meantime i had already gone to this other snore doctor that deals with sleep apnea and these guys must know they must go when they do their poker night they're like yeah i uc calpac is i could not tell him it's the the beverly hills sleep doctor is playing poker with the ucla ucla uh neck surgeon um well uh basically i talked to the apnea doctor she wanted me to come in for a sleep in a lab uh with sensors on me to find out if i have apnea for those people for those who don't know sleep apnea
Starting point is 00:08:12 i thought it just means like you wake up gasping for air it's not necessarily that you wake up gasping for air it's that your muscles get so relaxed that it's kind of closing down your throat and you're just not getting enough oxygen. So even if you're not having choking events, you're just living with not enough oxygen. You're going to age faster as I am, and you're going to get high blood pressure. I mean, I've noticed in the last year, my hair turned white and I look old. And I do think that the oxygen could be the problem. You made the good point where you're just like, you know, you think it doesn't matter, but you spend a third of your life sleeping.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And if you're not getting oxygen during that time, like it's going to take its toll over a long enough timeline. And then I got you guys flaunting the oxygen. Breathe my friend. But Tim, you, you recently got a, a,
Starting point is 00:09:03 yes. So, Oh yeah. I didn't sleep in the lab i did a home sleep study where they mailed me some sensors that i put on my head actually there wasn't it was on my chest and my finger um i got and it zapped the why did you say head the finger is breathing fine well because head will be coming up uh soon my boy. It zapped the data. All this stuff is really fancy now. It's like apps and Bluetooth. And it zapped the data to my doctor who said, Tim, you tested positive for sleep apnea. So this is different than the surgeon.
Starting point is 00:09:33 This is just the apnea lady. And they sent me a sleep apnea machine. And I can't believe that this is the long-term solution for sleep apnea they're they're trying to tell me no surgery but this is what i do is every night of my life from now until i pass away i have this little machine like the size of a vcr on my nightstand and then a hose that goes over to my bed and then it comes down to the top of my head and it plugs into a mask that shoots air into my nose. Um, and I am only three nights into using this fucking thing. And I was hoping maybe I would wake up with extra pep in my step cause I was finally getting enough oxygen.
Starting point is 00:10:22 But as of now i'm having bad sleep because all i do all night is think about the air hose on my face you know like yeah yeah yeah and it's like it's a nice tight seal and the hose is not it's not getting in the way like i sleep on my side and i can switch from one side to the other totally fine but it's just the the it is doing a darth vader effect because it's it's blowing air so when i suck it in that air shoots in and then when i when i exhale there's a little bit of resistance i'm like pushing it out of my nose and it's just here's the thing it's not super cool yeah is the machine loud the machine is like this. Oh. But here's the weird thing.
Starting point is 00:11:08 That's a nice white noise, maybe. Maybe. I've talked about, I got into this whole thing. I didn't care about oxygen. I didn't care about high blood pressure or aging my body too fast. I cared about the snore, right? Because I was using the Snore Lab app. And on a regular night, I take part in what is called epic epic snoring and my snore score is typically out of 200 i i'll typically regularly score like a 120 sometimes 180 190
Starting point is 00:11:34 crazy loud snoring and then on a great night for me it's like 60 or 80 is 60 is probably the lowest i would ever snore 190 is a bad night for me i turned the snore lab app on while i had the cpap machine hooked up to my face my snore score was a five wow so the air the the the the pure pressure of the air is opening my nose so the deviated septum doesn't matter anymore it's opening my throat so the deviated septum doesn't matter anymore. It's opening my throat so the uvula and tonsils don't matter and it's launching air into my big open head. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Damn. Well, Tim, this is exciting stuff because there are solutions to it. You've identified the problem. Huge. Yeah. You are gathering solutions, gathering the information i love it i'm kind of like you love when things are working you know what i mean yes but i just don't know it's only day three tim
Starting point is 00:12:33 you're gonna have a pep in your step i just know it yeah three days is not that's crazy that's not long let's say i start to get a lot of oxygen i feel fantastic i can watch a movie without falling asleep unlike pumping iron which i snored through um but which you can hear folks we talk about on the blowout this week patreon loving it but i nodded off twice just because this is what i do if i watch a movie after 10 p.m um but i guess if i acclimate to this machine i start having wonderful deep sleep full of oxygen and i am uh happy and peppy i still don't know that i'll stick with the machine that's kind of maybe a sign that oxygen is good but maybe i'll get the surgery to let more oxygen into my nose yeah you know
Starting point is 00:13:18 before you were saying like uh uh you know people uh your parents don't want you to get surgery the thing i've always heard is like doctors usually don't want you to get surgery the thing i've always heard is like doctors usually don't want to like do surgery like that's always kind of the like if you don't have to cut someone up you shouldn't but uh that's just uh the advice last resort yeah yeah because you do go under and people die you know like like donda died during a like cosmetic surgery you know right sure uh it's it's that voice tim i don't want you to the the voice is a big part of your personality yeah i'm not thrilled with the personality but it's what you know well i'm kind of a gravelly guy i don't want to right i mean i don't love my voice voice i would
Starting point is 00:14:02 i would do a crap shoot and see what other voice I get. Wow. Maybe I'll win the voice lottery. You can't go back. There's no edit undo. But see, I think your voice is a big part of- Maybe I sound like Celine Dion. I think your voice is a big part of your humor, though.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I think you'll go from Cookie Monster to Big Bird. That's my guess. It has to be a Sesame Street character. Hi, Sloppy. Well, a Slophead DM'd me and said that they had had this kind of exact surgery. And I was like, did your voice change? And he was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And I was like, well, how? And he was like, I don't know. And I was like, well, how? Like, higher, lower? Use your words. Smoother, gravelier? And he's like, it's just different. I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:41 He's like, send me two recordings. And you know which ones to send. One before and one after. How did it change, man? Yep. Damn. Well, Tim, keep us updated, man. That sounds exciting.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, that is exciting. Yeah, it's really fun and it's really good. You want to get into some booze news? I would love that. Should I hit it? Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Booze Should I hit it? Booze News hit it Ew Ew Ew Ew i'm taking booze news was sent to us by dan padley and if you have a booze news email it
Starting point is 00:15:42 to the sloppy boys podcast at That was based on our song, I'm Taken, off of Dancing on the Wind. Oh, was he doing the same melody? I couldn't really tell. Same chords. Okay, same chords. Chords.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I like that sound in the background, too, that was like... Yeah. That was kind of... It kind of scratches your brain a little bit. Yeah. It's A-M-S-R. A-S-S-R. A-S-M-R.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Padley's doing A-M-S-S-A-R. Oh, boy. You know, to those out there who accuse the Sloppy Boys of not supporting the Slopheads in return for the for the support we receive from the slop heads listen to this dan padley is sort of a prominent slop head he's on the discord which you can gain access to if you subscribe to our patreon um and uh we've gotten to know we met him at a show in chicago very nice dude very Very supportive Slophead. We know the guy. We love the guy. He played a gig in LA.
Starting point is 00:16:48 He's a guitar player. Wonderful jazzy, reverb-y guitar player. And me and Mookie went to his show at Hotel Cafe. Had a blast. Oh, Hotel Cafe. That's a nice, legit venue. That's cool. So any Slopheads thinking, oh, I go see Sloppy Boy's shows
Starting point is 00:17:03 but they don't come see my shows? You're wrong. Tim just takes, takes, takes, they probably think. Not so, listeners. Well, I was going to go to one of his shows in New York, and I had COVID. And then the next time... Oh, I had COVID when I went to his show, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And the next time, I forget why I couldn't go. I think I had to show myself. I had to show myself some TV shows on TV. So wanted to i wanted to do that to uh show yourself out uh what's the actual booze news there does anybody have any i have some um now this is this is uh interesting we've been tracking the the chartreuse shortage you guys recall this situation that's been going on that was big chartreuse news that was huge chartreuse news can't believe it sometimes um i think mike maybe you first brought it in you were talking about how it was like there was like a bottling issue and just in general bartenders couldn't get uh chartreuse and liquor stores couldn't get a chartreuse it's a very hip
Starting point is 00:17:58 beverage yeah but nobody can get their little mitts on it in 2023. Now, lots of Slabheads had sent us articles and stuff about this, and it was more on the demand end, talking about, hey, you can't get chartreuse anymore. Well, here's the thing. You know that chartreuse is made by Carthusian monks in France, and it's a secret recipe that only two of you know, that chartreuse is made by, by Carthusian monks in France. And it's a secret recipe that only two of them know. And they make it on a monastery and it's this whole to do. And there's a,
Starting point is 00:18:32 there's a documentary, a silent documentary that we have to watch for our Patreon someday. There's like three hours long. It's just the monks that make chartreuse liqueur, which is a secret liqueur made from like 140 herbs. Anyway, this has been the situation and I wasn't really, I didn't know what the deal was with it.
Starting point is 00:18:52 They run out of monks, Seinfeld? Something just happened today. An article was sent to me by an anonymous source who did not want to be named that shared this article with me. This source asked to be referred to as Neil throat. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:09 deep, deep throat. Yeah. So this is, this is Neil throat. We don't know who that could be. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I don't know. But Neil throat must've done some real digging. Cause this was a article in the New York times that that i had not read yet but listen to this uh leave it to the gray lady to finally get the real scoop what's been going on uh why is chartreuse hard to find right now ask the monks who make it just as the herbal liqueur is becoming more popular the french order that has produced it for more than two centuries is pulling back to focus on faith. Wow. It's their choice. It's not that they don't have the ingredients.
Starting point is 00:19:52 It's not, they don't have the bottles. They are functional monks who worship God and they pray all day and they do monk stuff. And then they also make this functional monks. They're funky monks. Uh, but, but it's just in, in the earth the it's been around for like you know centuries but in the early 2000s with the cocktail revival boom uh cocktails like the last word use it so it got really popular and they were trying
Starting point is 00:20:19 to keep up with the demand and then they just made the decide the decision we're we're pray guys we love prayer. Okay. We like God and Jesus and all that type of thing. And that's why we're not getting it. I'm floored. They're sticking to it. That's great.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Here's the thing. Somebody needs to infiltrate the order and get the recipe and pick up the slack. Three guys ought to do it. Three guys. Do you realize what a good movie pitch that is? This would be... Honestly, that's a good Sloppy Boys movie.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Somebody was trying to pitch us on doing a Sloppy Boys movie. Yeah. Going into... Somebody was trying to pitch us with like a studio. We got to take those meetings. Oh, no. This is just... Somebody had some...
Starting point is 00:21:03 It was a Sony or something. Geffen or Kassemberg. I don't know. It sounded like we didn't know. We kind of did have that recently. We heard that someone, a development exec at a movie studio was like,
Starting point is 00:21:12 what are the birthday boys up to? Do they want to write a movie? And then we were all like, yeah. And we all said, yeah, on the text chain. And then nobody moved. Nobody budged. It was like, okay, so now we got 20 guys
Starting point is 00:21:21 who are mildly interested. What are the first steps here? What do we do? Yeah. Well, I mean, I think that that's, I respect the monks for honoring their faith and I respect us for dressing up in cloaks and going to France and-
Starting point is 00:21:38 To steal from them. Stealing the recipe. So Tim, they are still going to make it, but they're just dialing it down? It still exists, but they are still going to make it but they're just dialing it down um it still it still exists but they've just decided to like they said they emphasize business growth for growth's sake doesn't matter to them and and in the business world you always have to have growth so they said they're not trying to meet any demand and they're going to chill and they're going to make chartreuse at their own little monkey pace. Not monkey, but monk-like.
Starting point is 00:22:11 These apes are working in a monkey space. I'm talking, oh. Oh, yes, yes. That's the distinction. Tim, when we, Hanford and I watched the Planet of the Apes movies, and we thought it was very funny when we started them that a production card would come up and say, Ape Films.
Starting point is 00:22:33 With a little, And then you guys, You maniacs, you made a movie. And then one last little thing I just wanted to mention in the Booze News segment is, remember we brought up recently on the podcast Pittsburgh toilets? Yeah. It's a toilet. If you live in Pittsburgh, you go down to your basement, you got a toilet in the middle of the room.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Quite a response online to the Pittsburgh toilet. A lot of people joining in. Lots of people from Pittsburgh have DM'd us and said that they have Pittsburgh toilets and they love them. And I got some people sent us pictures. Somebody in Ohio had one. And Ohio is Pittsburgh adjacent, so maybe it spreads out. But very legitimate thing amongst the slobheads is shitting in the middle of your basement with no walls or doors around you. No middle of, That's so funny.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It was described... Did you bring that in, Tim or Jeff? Whoever brought it... Timmy. Tim described it as like dad's bathroom spot. Well, you know, a man's throne is his... A man's toilet is his throne, you know? And his crown is his hat that he wears when he shits.
Starting point is 00:23:46 His crown is his turds that he puts on his head and shapes into a king hat. No, no, the turds go in the Pittsburgh toilet, Tim. But they don't flush down, they flush up and out. Up? Up and out? Up and out, yeah. Right back up the
Starting point is 00:24:02 butt. Oh, I was trying to get rid of that stuff. I hate that stuff. That's why I put it in there. I hate that. Flush it. I hate that stuff. All right, all right.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Booze News is getting a little nasty. He looks down in the toilet after shitting. Oh, I hate that stuff. Yeah, sorry, we're nasty men. Yeah, okay. Is that it for Booze News? I hope so. That's it for Booze News.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Wow. Now. Wow. Now, with Booze News behind us, finally, are we ready to hear about the drink of the day? I know I am. Yes. The Curr. Curr? You know what?
Starting point is 00:24:41 Ever had? Last week, or when this came up, i kept saying ker ker oh i think it's called ker and um then i um fucking listened to some youtube videos and it's indeed called kier kier because it's french like kier kier and i but then also i wanted to i was poking around on the pronunciation guides and i think it um i didn't know remember we were like is it creme de cassis or creme de cassis yeah i don't know yet but our good friend on youtube uh julian miguel does have a video how to pronounce creme de cassis creme de cassis um maybe i'll listen during the break and report well what does he say um he probably says what is it? This is a liqueur and it is not just any liqueur but it is a
Starting point is 00:25:28 black courage liqueur. I'm saying should I listen? Yeah, go ahead and listen to it. Okay, I'm listening. Can you listen so that we can hear it? We are looking at how to pronounce this name as well as how to say more interesting
Starting point is 00:25:44 and often confusing names from French cuisine. This is French for blackcurrant cream or blackcurrant. It's confusing for him. Oh, Jesus. That's French. That's the guy we know. Sweet ass. For reference in French, it is said as crème de cassis.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Cassis. There you go. That sounds very French to me. Yep. Crème de cassis. I love it. All right. So the Kier.
Starting point is 00:26:13 It's an old French cocktail. French. And we were just talking French monks. This is perfect. Perfect. This is perfect. It's an old French cocktail. It's a wine cocktail.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And it's an aperitif. It used to be called the Blanc Cacis, which means white and blackcurrant. Blanc Cacis. This is an old cocktail. It existed as soon as Cacis was commercially available, so like 1841. Very, very old.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Although now, it's named for Felix Kier, kier mayor of dijon and burgundy who sort of revived it post-world war ii a hundred years later in like 1945 this fellow's a diplomat he's a pioneer of the twinning movement you ever heard of this twinning not dressing similarly but um like sister cities. You ever heard of that? Like Toledo, Ohio and Toledo, Spain are like sister cities. I know the concept. It doesn't always have to be the same name, right?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Okay. A lot of them are cute and it's like the similar name or same name or similar demographic or size or a shared history or similar industries. A lot of times it's to kind of promote business or culture. Oh, interesting. Okay. So pioneer of the twinning movement, and he's offering cures to visiting delegations. He's a good host, you see.
Starting point is 00:27:33 So people are kind of coming around after the war, and he's giving them cures. He's giving cures. He's giving cure. And what he's doing is basically getting people introduced to two of their big economic exports. Here's our white wine. Here's our blackcurrant liqueur.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Don't you like us? You know, that's that sort of thing. We mix well with others, he might say. Yes, yes, we mix well, do we not? There were two reasons offered for why white wine is used in cures. They were saying that traditionally it might have been red, but that the German armies confiscated the local red burgundy
Starting point is 00:28:08 during World War II, leaving them with just the white. The other explanation is that there was a year where the white wine of the region was kind of bad, and so Kyr added cassis to kind of punch it up, which is a familiar story. I feel like we had something... Was it a Calimocho or something, where
Starting point is 00:28:24 they were covering up shitty wine by adding Coke to it? Yes. Oh, it was. I don't know if that was Cali Mocho, but it was something like that. I think in Cali Mocho we were encouraged to use cheap wine, which is nice. What's the one where we dropped the kamikaze shot? Yeah. That was one where it was like using... They found like bad wine in...
Starting point is 00:28:49 The troops found like bad wine in Japan during World War II to like make it better. Oh, right. They put something else, a beer in it. So yeah, you know, there's a lot of like taking lemons and making lemonade in cocktails. So here's what the IBA says. Oh, hold on. I'm reading the Wikipedia and they take issue with the IBA says. Oh, hold on. I'm reading the Wikipedia, and they take issue
Starting point is 00:29:07 with the IBA recipe. What? Really? Somebody else taking issue with the IBA? Yeah, I know. IBA says one-tenth, or like one to ten, creme de cassis. A tenth of the drink is creme de cassis. In the French 19th century, recipes typically
Starting point is 00:29:23 specify more, up to a third cassis. Oh french 19th century recipes typically specify more up to a third cassis oh that's a lot um and they go on to say modern tastes find that too cloying so generally these days it's one fifth but here's what the iba says 90 milliliters three ounces dry white wine 10 milliliters creme de cassis, a third of an ounce. Here's the method. You pour the creme de cassis into a glass, top up with a white wine, no garnish.
Starting point is 00:29:52 That's it. That's it. That's all. Wild. Now, I'm excited for this one because I, A, love getting rid of all the creme de cassis we have because it's spring has sprung season and we've been doing all these berry liqueurs and I'm up to my ass in creme de more and chambord and all that. its uh other variation the cure royale um yes because the champagne the fancy buffet in pasadena
Starting point is 00:30:27 at the langham hotel uh one of the popular cocktails you could get a mimosa or you can get a cure royale and that's creme de cassis in champagne and uh i've had it and it's delicious now here's what's kind of funny about today i wanted wanted a dry white wine. So I was like, I'll get a Cabernet Sauvignon. And then I picked out the funniest bottle that I could. Cab Sauv is red. Oh, yeah, yeah. You think it's Sauvignon Blanc? Sauvignon Blanc.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah, that's what I did. But I picked out the funniest one that I could find at Albertsons, which was, of course, Snoop Dogg's 19 Crimes. Yeah, I know. I almost got snoops i'm glad you got it what's the what's the data or the number on it uh the number you just said snoop dogs what did you say oh the brand is called 19 crimes oh 19 crimes i thought and the wine is called cali blanc um i took a little sip of it and it is not dry it's a i was trying to avoid Chardonnay and poor Snoop, his, his Sauvignon Blanc tastes kind of like Chardonnay.
Starting point is 00:31:29 So mine's going to be on the cloying side, no matter what I do. Damn. If you look at the Wikipedia, there are a shitload of variations, all these different subs with vermouths and ciders and raspberry liqueurs, such as Chambord. The only one I want to point out is what they call a pink Russian,
Starting point is 00:31:47 where instead of using wine, you use milk. Huh. Creme de cassis and milk? Mm-hmm. What the fuck? You know what I'm going to say? Wait a second. Berry and milk?
Starting point is 00:32:00 I mean, it doesn't sound terrible. It sounds like maybe sort of a milkshake-y type of thing. Yeah, not so bad. It sounds like something. Nothing wrong with that. Milkshake. Nothing wrong with that. Well, do we want to prep our gears while these suckers listen to the ads?
Starting point is 00:32:17 I would love that. Sure. Folks, tune in and turn up. The ads are coming for that ass. And we're back. Here's in hand. Possibly the easiest drink we've made yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah, for sure. Looks good. Looks nice. A big pour for me over here that looks great yeah i did a double as well just to kind of like fill the glass a bit yeah i did a baby but the drink was so easy to make i had a little time left over and now i'm All right. Sips. Sips. Okay. First impression, definitely better than the Snoop wine on its own. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I think I need to put more creme de cassis in this thing. Yeah. Because I did a little bit and then I just topped up. I't even i didn't measure out the 90 i just topped it up okay yeah i did let me i did it um because i'm like tasting none of them okay cool go for it i did it according to plan but uh tim how do you feel about white wine in general you know i never ever ever ever order it the only time i would have white wine is daytime outside fancy event you know it's kind of nice i i like it real dry i really dislike chardonnay when it's buttery so i pretty much don't ever order chardonnay just to avoid that butteriness so i'm kind of a pinot grigio guy and uh is that much drier is pinot grigio dry dry
Starting point is 00:34:12 to me none of them really taste dry if i want to if i would ask like can i have a really dry what i've learned to say when i'm ordering white wine is uh minerally that's a good adjective if you go to a good wine shop I'm like I want a white wine but I really don't like anything sweet got anything sort of dry and minerally and um but truly I order that less than once a year yeah I went to a fancy event at like a friend of ours barbecue or something like that and there were a bunch of wines left over it was like yeah take stuff home and i took home a white wine that stayed in my fridge for two years yeah so like
Starting point is 00:34:50 even having it around the house i do not reach for this stuff yeah i i never order wine it's always funny uh i never like think of it even even about red wine even at a restaurant too i just don't even think of ordering wine i like a red red wine. Oh, baby, I love, like, if I'm having a French meal, I want to have a bottle of dry red wine, and I love it. Yeah, well, Mike Hanford doesn't go to many nice, fancy French restaurants. He's eating McDonald's, he's eating Arby's.
Starting point is 00:35:17 He's drinking a milk with a sub. Put a little creme de cassis in your milk. That's nasty. Yeah, make yourself a little what is it called a pink lady a pink Russian pink Russian wine at a bar is always funny to me
Starting point is 00:35:32 too I mean depending on the bar of course but what about a wine bar that is when I'm like okay this makes sense gotcha gotcha yeah I'm a Cabernet Sauvignon guy or just any sort of red. When we get to the whites, I tried to go dry, and this isn't as dry as I'd like.
Starting point is 00:35:50 It's wet. Yeah, I've got Chardonnay. This is a 2020 Oyster Bay. It's New Zealand, so you know that's going to be good. That's interesting, because there's an Oyster Bay on Long Island. That's what I asked the sommelier at the liquor store about that. And he said, I really have no idea. Could you please leave?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Maybe sister cities. Oh, I bet they are. Can you imagine? Well, New Zealand is a country, but yes. Yeah, but the bay, the bay. Wait, it says Marlborough up here, too. Huh. What is going on over there?
Starting point is 00:36:23 Maybe that's a city in New Zealand. Oh, I wish we had a New Zealand expert with us. Huh. Maybe that's a city in New Zealand. I wish we had a New Zealand expert with us. Damn. I brought you Peter Jackson. Well, are you feeling is your stomach rumbling and ready to eat? Oh, I'm aperitivo'd up.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I'm having a drive for dinner, so I'm kind of doing both at once over here. Oh, perfect. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, sure. I already had my salad and I think I may have stayed keto today. Now that I once over here. Oh, perfect. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, sure. I already had my salad. And I think I may have stayed keto today. Now that I think of it. No shit. Hold on. Let me think back.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Did you have croutons on your salad? Nope. I had... Any meatball subs get in the mix? No subs. Did you have a bagel for breakfast? I did have a fucking bagel for breakfast only in New York huh and only in New York
Starting point is 00:37:14 you wake up and one's in your hand out here damn we went to a great bagel place out there we went to a bagel pub damn Tim have you been it heard somewhat of a chain i think it's like it's in there's seven oh is this the one with all the different cream cheese yes wild exotic like cold stone-esque uh cream cheeses with a whole bunch of like fillings
Starting point is 00:37:37 whacked in there yeah it was it's uh it's good it's a little pricey people are ordering all those flavors or is like is everyone getting chive you know i think people are going yeah that's a funny thing like you don't see too many people digging into like the uh strawberry bacon or whatever the weird things are yeah and they are weird it's kind of it got that jenny's ice cream thing where look i like a i like a little taste adventure but i'm never gonna go for like lavender basil flavored look when they get a little taste adventure, but I'm never going to go for like lavender basil flavored. Like when they get a little too frou-frou, I can't do it. I don't like lavender flavored stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:11 At an ice cream place, I love to do the, sure, I'll sample those. Oh, you have rose water or you have olive oil or I love sampling them. And then what do you want to actually, scoops or I'll have the fucking vanilla. And then what do you want to actually Scoops or I'll have the fuck of vanilla
Starting point is 00:38:24 Uh huh Um The fuck of vanilla Uh fuck I was just going to say oh yes What types of bagels do you guys like Everything Everything he likes every flavor of bagel
Starting point is 00:38:41 Okay Tim No Mike don't misconstrue me I like I know I know you like it all He likes every flavor of bagel. Okay, Tim. No, Mike, don't misconstrue me. I like... I know, I know. You like it all. You like it toasted. I also am an everything guy.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Everything. Me... What was that, T? Everything. Oh, yeah. And I am sesame. Toasted sesame bagel. I love that sesame taste.
Starting point is 00:39:02 That's nice. But this morning, I had a raisin cinnamon. Those are great. That was good. I hadn't sesame taste. That's nice. But this morning I had a raisin cinnamon. Those are great. That was good. I hadn't had one in a long time. I put butter on it and I was like, wow, I haven't done this since I was a boy. Dynamite. That was my move as a kid. A buttered bagel. That's fun. You think you gotta have the cream cheese? Always butter on a cinnamon raisin. We didn't do cream
Starting point is 00:39:18 cheese at my house growing up and I thought it was gross till I had it. I don't like just only cream. If it's plain cream cheese then i gotta put some salmon on top or a tomato or some capers or something it's a little boring but but butter butter on the bagel i'll tell you what i'll tell you what but the bagel itself if the bagel's a little warm and toasty i don't even have to cut it or anything you know you ever just take a whole bagel you kind of nuke it up or you go to a good bagel place like in montreal you go to saint vietor bagels they're they're pulling them out of the oven and you reach down you know you link them
Starting point is 00:39:54 up hot i just eat them like a pretzel yeah sure i thought they boiled uh bagels is that wrong they boil them first and then they finish them in an oven. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah. Have you had a salt bagel? I feel like a salt bagel is dynamite as long as they don't turn it into a pretzel. Like, a little bit of salt on the outside is great, but what you don't want is just like a big old
Starting point is 00:40:19 rock salt bagel. Yeah, sometimes it's really cake. A lot of places know not to do that. Yeah. They know not to do that. They know not to do that. They know not to do it. This is good. This cur is alright. It's growing on me. It's a little room temp-y. Both of my bottles were in the fridge because
Starting point is 00:40:38 you said that they got room temp already? Well, yeah. I got my hot little hand on this thing. Oh, because it's a stemless glass. That's why Jeff, you need to use a stemmed glass. Oh. I dislike the stemless glass for that very reason. It's also less elegant.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Look at Mike. Look how elegant he is. Sipping that. I look like a fucking animal over here. Mike, you really got a boat of wine in that. I know. So hot. Liddle, liddle, lee.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Hey, I was at a Spanish restaurant this weekend, and I had sangria. We haven't done that on the pod. It's a popular drink. No, we haven't. And what is it? It's like the fruit floating in the pitcher of something, right? Yeah, red wine and fruit. That's it?
Starting point is 00:41:19 No other mixer? I mean, there's a lot of different ways to make it, but it's essentially red wine and fruit. It's a bit of a catch-all. And it's like you put ice cubes in it? Or is it not? What am I thinking of? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. You know, the closest we got was probably that Calamoccio.
Starting point is 00:41:39 That was quite sangria- Yeah, that was like the poor man's sangria. We got dangerously close. The lazy man sangria. Dangerously close. Pim's was kind of poor man sangria. We got dangerously close. The lazy man sangria. Pimms was kind of a vegetable sangria. True. All that veg. Pimms.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Jim Pim. Bane? Why is Bane asking about Jim Pim? No, that's Connery. Oh. Very similar. Very similar. Very samey.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Would you change anything? How do we feel about it? I'll do a little more creme. Yeah, me too. I put another dollop in there, but I don't know. Now, this was, I made IBA specs, but Jeff, you said, if I want to go heavy creme, it's what? One part, one to three?
Starting point is 00:42:25 One fifth. You'd want to be one fifth cassis. Cassis? Not one to five, but one fifth. This was one tenth. Yes. I can picture myself out in France drinking this during the day. Hey, sacre bleu to you.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Hey, sacre bleu. Oh, sir, sacre bleu. And to you. Oh. And to you. Hey, Sacré-Bleu. Oh, sir, Sacré-Bleu. And to you. Oh. And to you, ooh-la-la. Hey, look out. How do you feel about the cassis versus the creme de mer and then also Chambord?
Starting point is 00:42:58 I feel like we have a really great cross-section. We did a really nice shootout between these three berry. I don't know if I got Chambord. I think I just used creme de cassis for everything. Well, you don't get to take part in this discussion, Mike. I've got all three, but I haven't done a side-by-side taste test,
Starting point is 00:43:13 and I simply don't know. But you kind of did over a month. But you need to do... Over a month. Creme de boire is delicious, but it's a deep, dark, dark flavor. Chambord is delicious, but it's a little Robitussin-y. So I think I'm a creme de cassis man. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:43:29 That's the worst one to me. Wow. Well, I didn't do a tasting. I can't. You forced me, and I wasn't ready. Okay, now he's having a bad time to calm down. Folks, it's Chambord all the way.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Jeff, you want to have these conversations. You won't allow me into it because I don't fit the bill. Now you're yelling at Tim, the only guy who you can talk to about this. You're shooting yourself in the foot. This is why you have no friends. You both answered wrong. Don't you see?
Starting point is 00:43:57 This is why you're a loser and no one wants to talk to you. You go to parties. You try to strike up a conversation with no one wants to talk with it. You exclude people, you're combative. Combative. Everyone wants to be as far away from you as possible, and I don't blame them. I'm left sitting there picking up the pieces. Not to mention the smell.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yes. Okay, I'm going to just add more. Casis, I guess. Any other adjustments on your guys' parts? I'm sticking to mine because I poured a lot, so I'm going to just hang on to this guy. That's a big goblet.
Starting point is 00:44:33 You've got a big old tumbler full of wires. This will be a good blowout. Due to being tipsy. Alright, folks. Why don't you gander at these ads and we'll come back with round two and some final thoughts. Ed Gander! And we're back with round two.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I just eyeballed this like you would a godfather. The movie? No, the drink, my boy. Would you not point your eyeballs at the screen if you were watching? Okay, yes. Fantastic, fantastic pair of films. Pair. Oh, the third one's not as good though third one
Starting point is 00:45:25 I don't even fuck with the third one but I've heard this before hey listen during the break I had a little time I did the taste test Jeff I had all three liqueurs and I agree with your assessment Chambord is the best then creme de mort then
Starting point is 00:45:42 creme de cassis damn nice dude I agree you agree i thought you were all we're going to be ready to go with sham board that's why i brought it up i wasn't trying to be divisive combative because we're so divided right now yeah yeah sham board is the only one i can imagine sipping straight the other ones are pretty deep and dark can i i'm a little deep and dark can i tell you guys something i mixed mine up i put a little deep and dark. Can I tell you guys something? I mixed mine up. I put a little chopstick in there and mixed my drink up a little more. I can taste the cassis better.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I think it's just kind of like I just added it last time. You just gotta like excite the glass. Mm-hmm. This is a fantastic drink. Whoa, Michael! He likes it. I'm glad glad I'm just glad you like it I would have a big steak with this guy
Starting point is 00:46:32 thank fucking god we didn't do the Kier Royale because if we did Royale it would have been champagne and you would have hated it that's not for me I gotta agree with you I added more cassis to this one and, uh, it's delicious. Now, Tim, you have a big, your Holzer wine glass.
Starting point is 00:46:50 You've got a, one of those big wine glasses. What this is like, you can kind of see how big it is here. It's smaller. It's like a thicker stem. Yours is correct. Correct. Yours is for, yeah, I think that mine is for red wine and yours is for white wine,
Starting point is 00:47:06 so I think you're right and I'm wrong. That's the other... I mean, I don't know anything about wine anyway, but that's a whole other thing, the glassware. Stemware, I guess. Sure. Or stemlessware in your case, Jay.
Starting point is 00:47:18 That's the stuff I don't have is stems. I actually think there should be more women in stem. Oh, God. Stemware? What? Oh, I. STEM where? What? Oh, I can't be completely funny? No, no, no. See, that's the thing, Tim.
Starting point is 00:47:32 If you lose your uvula, you say something like that, I'm not laughing. Yeah, because it's all the delivery. Yeah. It's all the delivery. There should be more women in STEM. I don't think you'd be able to do that. That's one of your funniest things, talking like you're all the delivery. There should be more women in STEM. I don't think you'd be able to do that. That's one of your funniest things, talking like you're under one. Jeff, you did this a couple episodes ago, but you did like the Homer Simpson or Austin Powers.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I can't do it. Is that it? Wow, yeah. powers. I can't do it. Is that it? Wow, yeah. What about a little Chewbacca? Now, audience, chime in. Do you like this, what we're doing now, better, or chewing on Mike?
Starting point is 00:48:23 Do you like anything? If you like anything, let us know online. Do you like anything out there like anything let us know online do you like anything out there Jesus all right let's get into our final thoughts THOT for me this is an OA this is good yeah Tim what say
Starting point is 00:48:40 you for me it's an OA this is good this is daytime out on the veranda before dinner and tell you what for the slop heads in a practical sense keep a bottle of creme de cassis in your fridge that way when you get stuck with the random bottle of white wine like jefferson yeah you've got something you can do with it. Turn your white wine red with creme. Turn your white wine into a white claw. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Much like Mayor Keir himself, with the second justification of why we do this. Mayor Keir! Hey, Mayor Keir! And for the slopheads, go on a bramble ramble with a Pimms cup, stop at a bar and get a Clover Club, and then before dinner, And for the slopheads, go on a bramble ramble with a Pim's Cup. Stop at a bar and get a Clover Club.
Starting point is 00:49:30 And then before dinner, have yourself a nice cold cure. Wash it down with a cure. That's a good one. That's a spring ramble bamble. Hold on. I haven't submitted my thoughts. Oh, yes, yes. Good, good. Folks, I don't care about this drink.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Would I have it again? Fair. Sure. Yeah. But I don't like white wine, and Cassis is my least fave of the springy berry bullshit. So this is a skipper. Skipper Bill?
Starting point is 00:49:55 Skipper Bill on this one. Skipper Bill. I am, of the wines, I'm more of a white wine guy. No. I think so. Because I don't like... I drink red wine too if it's presented.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But I never drink... I always just drink whatever is like brought out at a party. Sure. You're very amenable. Yeah. Just dump this down
Starting point is 00:50:15 Hanford's throat. He doesn't care. Treat me with some respect. That's what I usually say when I'm leaving a wine party. I don't just drink whatever. I'm a discerning man. You did all night and that's why you're leaving because you peed your pants.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Oh! I peed my pants because I was nervous. No, I peed my pants because I was nervous. And I stand by that. I have anxiety. I have anxiety about drinking red wine. Too much.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Alright, alright. You guys have heard of the cure sure yeah and you've heard of the bramble and the clover club and you know all the liqueurs and all the spring has sprung line of cocktails tend to have a lot of berry liqueurs in them. So you've heard of all these things. Yes, yes, yes. But have you heard of the berry quiz? No. Do you administer such a quiz, Tim?
Starting point is 00:51:20 Today is the day that you do the quiz. Not had not heard of the Barry quiz oh man I thought you were just referring to a thing that is out there in the world just a conversation it's not just a conversation piece you're gonna have to do it okay here's how it works it's a Barry quiz I ask you the questions
Starting point is 00:51:38 you guys blurt out the answers it's a blur um okay you ready for the quiz yes sure yikes this is the name of a scary cereal boo berry fuck hanford is on the board jeff you're trailing how do you feel i feel like dog shit well you're in a hole but maybe you can dig yourself out of the hole get your rally i was hey don't don't drag me i was a millisecond behind that motherfucker okay well if you know
Starting point is 00:52:11 in the berry quiz it doesn't matter milliseconds don't matter you lose you've lost you're out okay yeah question number two great scott this guy made a bloody handed phone call from the enchantment under the sea dance did he not marvin barry damn yes jefferson a bloody handed phone call he's the cousin the cousin of chuck barry standing in the wings in back to the Future Part 1. And Part 2. Your cousin, Marvin Barry. I love that. That's such a great, yeah. Stepping on it so hard. Mike, you were out to an early lead, but now things are tied up.
Starting point is 00:52:56 How do you feel? I'm sort of evened off here. I hope this isn't the beginning of a downfall. Question number three. Put a bird on this. The dream of the 90s is alive what type of pancakes did fred marion oh marion berry oh man now and for you were in that episode i was in the the fake documentary making of that episode. I just couldn't think of it. I was trying to say Langenberry. Langenberry?
Starting point is 00:53:31 That's the Ikea. I mean, it's more than Ikea, but there's a lot of Langenberry at Ikea because it's Swedish. I had never heard of Merianberry. I think it's just local to the Northwest. Well, I kind of thought when I watched that episode, I thought it was like a fake berry. And then I thought it was real. And I'll tell you, I shit you not.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I had a slice of Marion Berry pie today at work. Really? Somebody's birthday. Get out of here. I always thought it was, I thought it was a joke because of that mayor, Marion Berry. Of like, was it DC? DC, I think, yeah. Well, I don't want to stew in this defeat of mine. Of like, was it D.C.? D.C., I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Well, I don't want to stew in this defeat of mine. I'd like to move on. Yes, yes. Sure, every question is a new opportunity, Mike. I love that. Yeah. For us. Next question.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Aw, this sweet old lady was a judge on the Great British Bake Off. Oh, I don't know this shit. Her name was... Ethel Berry. Ms. Berry, I'll say. No. Ms. B. No. A hint. It's pretty kind of similar to that
Starting point is 00:54:38 Las Berry and that Mayor we talked about. Miriam Berry. No. Mary Berry. Yes! Michael ties it up. Mary Berry. Yes! Amy Berry. Michael ties it up. Toot toot. Mary Berry. Tim, you don't want to watch that calming shit?
Starting point is 00:54:52 You know, I love that show. I never keep up on it. And when I watch it, I'm like, this is the type of thing I should watch. But I don't watch. I was, during the pandemic, I watched that show. And it like, I was like, whoa, this show is great. One season gone, two seasons gone, three, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Like it just, all of a sudden I just like hit some type of wall. Not that the show changed or anything. I was just like, nope, I've seen enough. Yeah. Specific appetites in the panty. Yes. Pandemic. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I miss it. Like Tiger King. We were loving it. Right, right, right. And miss it. Like Tiger King. We were loving it. Right, right, right. Would I watch that now if it was on? I'd probably miss it. That's a big old skip. Okay, next question.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Come on, Harry. We want to say hello to you. Watermelon sugar tastes like what, Barry? Strawberry chapstick. Yes, Jefferson Dutton booze strawberry. Woohoo! Is there something about chapstick?
Starting point is 00:55:56 Um, it tastes like strawberry on a summer evening. Okay, no chapstick. I haven't said the word chapstick yet so maybe jeff gets like a half a point oh no do i get docked for saying chapstick probably oh here's the weird thing and in in the the berry quiz it's perfectly legal to say chapstick at any time you want okay cool you can say it as part part of an answer before after it's so cool you can basically do what you want nice okay cool regarding so far no weird rules in this quiz that's interesting
Starting point is 00:56:33 yeah that's kind of weird rule you're allowed to say chapstick whenever you want um no you can do that on jeopardy i think you can do that on family feud. Okay. We're in this home stretch here, folks. Only a couple of questions left. Here we go. This type of fields forever.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Strawberry chapstick. You didn't think I would have strawberry twice in a row. Did you? I did not. I did not. I did not. Okay. Well, this is the last question. You guys are tied.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And it's the final question of the Berry Quiz. How do you feel? We're tied? I thought it was crushing. Crushing. You're tied 3-3. and here's the final question fat's domino found his thrill on what hill mulberry hanford wins the very quiz jeff you gotta listen to those oldies mixes I send you. No. Folks, he just did a slow, deliberate
Starting point is 00:57:47 snapping sound at the camera. Jeff, here's another oldies mix for your weekend, and Jeff never listens to them, does he? Nope. Like a beat. He wants to listen to the latest trap mix or whatever techno
Starting point is 00:58:03 drone guy is coming up next. Is that called like the beat generation? Or like, yeah, that would be referred to as a beat guy. Yeah, I wasn't doing anything specific. Yeah, like, hey daddy-o. Yeah, hey daddy-o and such.
Starting point is 00:58:20 You know when people do like the snapping instead of clapping like at a poetry reading or something? Is that real, you think? Yeah. Word. Hmm. Word.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Real as it gets, my man. Damn. Well, that's great. I won the quiz. I'm going to use my scratch-off money, if that is, in fact, the prize, to win a bunch of money and see if I can donate some. Really? Well, that's kind.
Starting point is 00:58:45 To causes far and wide. He's a good man. I would have done that too. Good. What was that? Did you hear that? Yeah, what the fuck was that? I think that was on your end. Boys, boys, boys.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I don't like being lied to. There's been so much talk of citric acid and acid-adjusted orange juice and so little action. I've tried so hard to be patient. Maybe what you need is a little push. It would be a shame if something terrible happened to someone near and dear to you. Guys, guys, it's Joe. Joe Saunders. dear to you. Guys.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Guys, it's Joe. Joe Saunders. You gotta help me. I'm in some sort of chemical plant. Enough! Enough. The game is simple, sloppy boys. Either you make an acid-adjusted cocktail, or I do a little
Starting point is 01:00:03 acid-adjusting of my own. Oh my god! Oh no. The trickster! Joe, the trickster has kidnapped comedy writer Joe Saunders of breadcast fame? Comedy writer and devoted family man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:24 How did he get mixed up with the trickster i don't know but this has gotten way out of hand it's way out of hand i'm scared i didn't know the trickster was being so patient with us well i think the audience a lot of people on the discord say where's this acid adjusted cocktail y'all keep talking about it seems like trickster's one of them maybe. Whoa, wait a minute. Do we think maybe that the Trickster is a amalgamation of... Is a patron?
Starting point is 01:00:51 A group of patrons? He pays. He pays five or ten dollars a month? Or a hundred. Or is multiple people? Boy, it really sends a chill down your spine when you hear that Trickster catchphrase. Boys, boys, boys.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Scary stuff. That is scary stuff. And he sounded very, he did sound impatient and like a little more snarly than last time we heard him. He's intimidating. He was nice last time. I don't know about nice. Well, he left us with a positive, like he was happy that we enjoyed his gift. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 01:01:29 He was happy. He was complacent, I guess. Yeah. So the idea is that we have to make a cocktail of our choosing with asset adjustment. Oh. Great. choosing okay with acid adjustment oh or great joe is going to be um pushed into chemicals is that what i'm gonna be dipped in a vat of acid like kind of like the tunes in in roger rabbit right oh that's a good point yes yes that's a good point i Yes, yes. That's a good point. I think that the trickster's going to dunk him. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:02:07 In the dip. Getting dunked in the dip. Wow. Joe has written for at least one that I know of, an animated series. Maybe that's why he picked him for this. Solar Opposites? He's like a toon. Yeah, he's like a toon.
Starting point is 01:02:20 He's the closest to toons than any of us. Yeah, that's true. Well, what would be a good i mean i say we call his bluff we also don't have to do it next week we could do it in like two weeks jeff he's already grown impatient with us he could be listening right now okay yeah sorry he most likely for any new listeners who don't know about the acid adjustment, I mean, we barely know shit about it, but basically celebrity bartender Jack Schramm, I think, taught us about this. You know, when you got lemon juice, ooh, it's real tart, isn't it? And it's good for making cocktails. And when you got some lime juice, ooh, it's tart, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:03:00 It's really good for making cocktails. You actually say that out loud in both cases. But then when you got some orange juice, oh, it's flabby making cocktails and you actually say that out loud both but then when you got some orange juice oh it's flabby isn't it you try to make a cocktail it's juicy it's watery it's flabby it's not tart that's the word that jack shram used and a lot of people i see use it flabby interesting uh talking about orange juice and i think it's because and i'm reading into things here there's a lot of water weight in relation to flavor you got a orange juice that's a great taste we all agree yeah sure but one of my favorite drinks compared to lime lime juice lemon juice a lot of water weight
Starting point is 01:03:35 so when you drink that you'd say the flavor's there but there's a lot of dislike it's a lot of flab so i would say for me personally i think it would be if we were going to acid adjust some oj and have tangy sour oj that's the strength of lime or lemon juice i think the best use of it would be something like sidecar just like a simple sour like a like a like a whiskey sour or even a gin sour because sours, you know, are just like simple syrup, a citric juice, citrus juice, and a liquor. So I feel like it would be one of those ones. Yeah, a sidecar also or like anything in the sour family that's a simple three ingredient. Tequila sunrise? Even a daisy or a margarita
Starting point is 01:04:27 michael no tequila sunrise is gonna be way too sour we're not doing it oh yeah because that's like that's like a lot a lot of oj right oops yeah that's a big i love this tequila sunrise that was a really good one but delicious okay i'm leaning sidecar because that has orange juice natively, right? Sidecar has – it has triple sec natively. So we're looking for a drink that has – I would say it's – Has orange juice in it. I think it's cognac and triple sec.
Starting point is 01:04:59 It's, yeah, cognac, lemon juice, triple sec. That's true, Jay. So if you did the acid-adjusted OJ instead of the lemon juice, it would really lean into that orange theme that the triple sec has kicked off. Okay. We don't have to pick it here on air, but I do think that... Let's put our heads together and think all day, every day for a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:18 And we'll find the quintessential. So it'd be something that uses a lot of lemon juice. So basically, we're just taking something that takes lemon juice and replacing it with orange juice that's been acid adjusted pretty much okay i think it should be like a simple three ingredients something that's just like where you'd be able to taste i'm very used to having like a gimlet right is gin simple syrup and lime juice and if you were to just swap that lime juice for acid adjusted orange you'd be having this orange gimlet it would be interesting hell why don't we go with the tom collins you know what would be really good would be a fucking oh tom collins is a good idea that's like a gin sour
Starting point is 01:05:58 that's topped with soda i was just going to say like we know that the margarita, like the Sir Paul McCartney margarita is orangey and margaritas have triple sec. Tom Collins is kind of a good idea. Yeah. Tom Collins. That would be bringing it back to like episode one. That was our episode one. Tom Collins. An orange Tom Collins.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Hold on. Collins, an orange Tom Collins. Let's not pick right now, but folks, we're going to line up probably the best acid-adjusted cocktail out there because we want to save our friend Joe. This isn't just for like, oh, let's see if we like it. This is like, let's see if we like it and
Starting point is 01:06:36 let's save Joe's life. Right. I was kind of getting caught up in the cocktails, but I want my friend Joe to not be submerged in acid. He's a family man. He's got a kid. I love that dude. And also, you know, it's going to be a week between now and then.
Starting point is 01:06:52 So I'm concerned. You think he's going to be tied up all week? Damn. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think we should get hashtag don't dunk Joe trending. Yes. Yeah. Don't dunk Joe. And Yes. Yeah, don't dunk Joe. Don't dunk Joe.
Starting point is 01:07:05 And, of course, tag at Joe Saunders. Yes. Yeah, tag him and us and 100 Geeks, too, while you're at it. Yeah, love the 100 Geeks. Speaking of Joe Saunders, here's a funny fake out. You guys know every week I go into the Sloppy Boys podcast at to find a booze news theme that's submitted by Slopheads. Sure. Yeah, deal with somebody.
Starting point is 01:07:30 I peruse the inbox over there, and I have been faked out many times. There's a Slophead named Joe Saunders. Really? All the time. I go in there, and I go, hey, our buddy, comedy writer writer family man of breadcast fame writer for solar opposites joe saunders sent in this email and i click and no it's a different joe saunders damn two joe saunders's i can't believe it yeah and then there's george saunders the writer and there's george costanza the uh character on the TV show. Don't forget also
Starting point is 01:08:05 Colonel Sanders. Right. Also don't forget the trickster. That's on the tips of our brains right now. We gotta get this guy. That's the main thing that we're worried about now is the trickster. Yeah. Boys, boys, boys, boys, boys.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Boys, boys, boys. That's boys. Boys, boys, boys. That's our show. Follow us on social media at The Sloppy Boys where we release these recipes ahead of time. And hey, if you can't get enough of The Boys, check out slash thesloppyboys for the good show. The motherfucking blowout.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I love that. It's five bucks, folks. Go ahead. See you guys next week. Check out the website. I love that. It's five bucks, folks. Go ahead. See you guys next week. Check out the website. Get on board. Spring has sprung. Get on board with a sham board.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Oh, that's good. It's got to be something. Great job, guys, and great job, folks listening at home. That's right. Thank you. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.

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