The Sloppy Boys - 167. Bloody Mary

Episode Date: December 29, 2023

The guys honor the king of the brunch drinks! Invented as early as 1921, this spicy-tomato-and-vodka concoction has become a favorite hangover cure worldwide.1.5oz/45ml VODKA 3oz/90ml TOMATO JUIC...E.5oz/15ml LEMON JUICE2 dashes WORCESTERSHIREto taste TABASCO, PEPPER, CELERY SALTStir ingredients gently in a mixing glass with ice and pour into rocks glass. If requested served with ice, pour into highball glass.Recipe via the International Bartenders Association I Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey folks, welcome to the Sloppy Boys, where we take a deep dive into the drinks that you love. I'm Jeff Dutton, along with Mike Hanford. Ooh, goodbye 2023, almost. Bye bye. And Tim Kalpakis. What is up but in a way hello 2024 in a way oh tim you bring up a good point stylies stylies in a way yes yes this is awesome kick fucking ass dude awesome old year sucks new year's cool oh. Oh yeah. Isn't it like,
Starting point is 00:00:45 uh, it's become now in these, uh, what I like to call dumpster fire times. Thank you. Um, that, uh,
Starting point is 00:00:54 like every year it's like, Ooh, finally that year's a 2021 is over 2022. Yeah. And it's like, everyone's got that meme of, uh, like me 2023 and it's all busted up. 2024 is like brand new.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I know. And it's funny. Cause we had a couple of years where that was like justified for something to be universal. But I remember lots of people memes about good riddance, 2019. And we were all like, yeah, that did kind of, kind of suck a little bit yeah yeah but then then we had two years of like objectively bad and then yeah i've been seeing him again where it's like me like 2023 fucking sucked and i'm like possibly but that's not really there's no like there's no uh no one to pin it on anymore oh yeah what about hunter Biden? That's very true. That's true. That's my president's son.
Starting point is 00:01:46 That guy ruined my whole year with his whole laptop fiasco. I know. Well, you're such a news, you know, liberals only news junkie. And when you see the libs being taken down, you say, oh, no, this is bad. This is fake content. The Hunter Biden thing got me so upset that I took my MacBook down to the Apple store and I said, I don't want this anymore. Get it away from me. Because it's a laptop?
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's a laptop. I don't want to have one of these. Oh, that thing Hunter Biden has? I thought you were saying like, because this is where like Hunter Biden news comes in, but it's just cause. No, no, no. I still have my phone to read about Hunter all day,
Starting point is 00:02:29 but I just don't want to be associated with the guy. I don't want to use his tools of mischief. Now this is very Loki, the Asgardian trickster himself. Sure. Um, I feel like this, what'd I say? The year was a dumpster fire.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yes. I know I had such a terrible first half of 2023 because I, we were all talking about Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden. I'm thinking, here I'm thinking his name's Hunter Bunter. And I'm like, oh God, I can't believe what they found on Hunter Bunter's emails and lock her up and lock him up and Hunter Bunter this. And I said. You're saying Hunter Bununter all up and down
Starting point is 00:03:05 Manhattan Island yeah up until the first of January six months in first of I'm sorry first of June
Starting point is 00:03:12 so I think you had a good first half of the year just saying that with blissful ignorance and then the shame after the fact yeah
Starting point is 00:03:19 and I just I hope it doesn't carry into 2024 yeah Joe Biden's son Hunter Bunter and that's all I would add to conversations I would read up up on it tons I just, I hope it doesn't carry into 2024. Joe Biden's son, Hunter Bunter. And that's all I would add to conversations.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I would read up on it tons, but still. It's an easy mistake to make, even though there's no one named Bunter. I think a lot of times you assume that someone's last name is going to rhyme with their first name. Hey, if anyone out there listening is, because I know we have a lot of new listeners because this is an exciting new episode with an exciting drink and it's festive uh if someone out there's last name is bunter hashtag us with uh i'm a bunter bud or first name if your first name
Starting point is 00:03:56 is bunter yeah i guess so yeah i'll take any bunter at this point you're thinking bunter biden yeah at this point we just need any bunter Biden? Yeah, at this point, we just need any bunter. You sound like my fucking baseball team. Oh, you had bunting problems? What's the matter? Bunting problems? I had all these sluggers in the lineup. Nobody bunting.
Starting point is 00:04:17 We have no short game. I guess you don't really want a short game in baseball. Too many sluggers. Nobody can bunt. Good morning, you sluggers. Please try bunting. I remember bunting felt like the secret weapon in Little League. Like, oh, he's nobody can bunt. Good morning, you sluggers. Please try bunting. I remember bunting felt like the secret weapon in Little League. Like, oh, he's going to bunt.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And I think you couldn't even do it in Little League. But now it's very anticlimactic, the bunt. You don't want to bunt. You've got to be strategic. You need your bunts. There's certain times when I think a bunt is, well, here's the thing about me. Sometimes I'll bunt that ball right over the fucking fence. Grand slam, four bagger,ger baby you hit a home run you say hey bring some more people out here let's do a home runner i have four bagger damn that's so funny if we ever did a sports movie you try to
Starting point is 00:04:56 bunt it just goes flying out of the park and then you're sad even though you win the game i wanted to bunt i wanted to do a squeeze play, man. Another unsuccessful bunt. That's not what the coach called for. Yeah, the coach wanted a sack bunt. Yeah. Sacrifice. I have a for real update about my 2023 to put a button on the year.
Starting point is 00:05:22 This is, you know, good storytelling. Sometimes there's like one problem gets resolved and then a new one is presented. Yes. Oh, yeah. So maybe this whole year is like one big act two for me. I started the year with odd, strange snoring problems. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. I've been tracking this. tracking this not just oh tim snores midway
Starting point is 00:05:48 through the year and conspicuously right after i had had covid for the second time i started to have this snore that was like it wasn't even like normal snores oh we know we know anyone who's uh been on tour with tim. Anyone listening who's been on tour as well. So then I talked about it on the pod. I had a lot of people reach out. I went to see some doctors. One guy was like, okay, buddy, I'm going to undeviate your septum. I'm going to lose your uvula.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I'm going to lose your tonsils. He's going to make a big, huge tunnel leading from nose to stomach. He's going to scrape you out like a jack-o'-lantern and see what happens see what's left this is going to be one big sock puppet uh and then a lot of people my parents didn't want me to do that they were you know but i think parents are afraid of their son having any elective surgery, but they were also like, well, Tim, your voice, you beautiful singing voice. And I was like, I did have some slopheads DM me say they had that either I should
Starting point is 00:06:54 do it or I shouldn't do it. One guy said he did it and he was happy with it. And I was like, is your voice different? And he was like, yeah. And I was like, how so? And he's like, I don't know how to explain it. It's just different. Yeah, I don't like that. Oh yeah, you told us about that. Did you get my email? I said, I don't know how to explain it. It's just different. Yeah, I don't like that. Oh yeah, you told us about that. Did you get my email? I said, I don't care either way.
Starting point is 00:07:10 You're like, this topic bores me and please don't bring it up in the Bloody Mary episode. No, it doesn't bore me, but I just don't, you do one way or the other. No, I do care one way or the other, but I'll never tell you. My sleep lab proved that I had apnea, but weirdly not the kind where you choke yourself awake and then my oxygen levels were fine.
Starting point is 00:07:30 So I was just having many events of my throat relaxing too much. Anyway, I got a sleep apnea being a normal guy who snores normally. Okay. It just, it just happened. So I use the snore lab app and I was hitting a 200 out of 200 epic loud. It's called. And now,
Starting point is 00:07:59 now I'm back to like modern. I'm like a 60 out of 200 and I'm just like a normal guy who sometimes snores. But guys, here's the new problem that got presented. Oh, unintended consequences. Oh, shit. Sets up for a sequel. This will worry any fans of my vocalism. I'm having trouble.
Starting point is 00:08:19 In my vocal range, there's a note that I can no longer sing. Oh. What song? It comes up a lot in Sloppy Boy. in my vocal range, there's a note that I can no longer sing. Oh, what song or what's up? It comes up a lot in, in sloppy voice. I don't know what it, I should do go on the piano and figure out what it is, but I find when I try to sing, it was fine in shows this year because I was drunk,
Starting point is 00:08:37 I guess. I just want to just blared it out, but it's not middle C is it? No, no, it's up high, but I might turn into one of these guys like Robert plant or, morrison's or something where they had one voice until they were 40 and then they had a second different lower voice for the rest of their life they evolved like a pokemon yeah i it's wait
Starting point is 00:08:54 let's see it's like do re mi fa so la ti do perfect do re mi fa so that one so perfect do re mi fa so that one so i can go up higher wait a minute wait a minute so you're you're just your throat your cords in there just can't handle it they're shaking weird just on that one note and here's my question to any throat doctors uh throat goats they call them oh that's what throat goat refers to the greatest of all time at examining and diagnosing that's what i'm to understand yeah yeah i it could be apnea related or maybe just time caught up with me and i've been honking this throat too loud but do you remember i i went through kind of a pothead phase earlier in the year? I'm not so much in it right now, but I, uh, I was in Arizona with our friend Ben and one night I, I poked too hard on a tiny little pipe and I was, I'm such a noob.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I was lighting it with, I was lighting it with the whole fucking lighter. And it was, I think he's been a little bit too much tonight. I'm not, I'm, I'm used to like a, a, a bowl or a joint, but this was a pipe, a short piece. And I pulled too hard and I lit through, I pulled flames into my throat. Whoa. Timmy, this happened to me in college and I got a yeast infection. Whoa. In my throat.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I had one of those in my pussy. What? Oh, am I? Are we just going to, we're podcasters and we're going to let somebody say yeast infection. And I'm looking at you guys. No one's going to say a joke about a vagina. We're trying to draw in new listeners. People say, oh, I know this drink.
Starting point is 00:10:49 At least let's hear what they got to say. Oh, Bloody Mary is a buzzy episode. So they probably don't even want to update some of my throat anyway. Yeah, wait a minute. Hold on a second. This sucks. No, Tim, this is good news. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:10:59 You blew out that note, huh? Yeah. Maybe you sang it too much. It's got nothing to do with weed, nothing to do with sleep. It is kind of like, I said to Venmo to Bevmo. It's like my favorite note. Yikes. That's it.
Starting point is 00:11:14 That's the big, like, it's the Tom Collins note. That's why, because you use it too much. You lean on it too hard. You got to be like me, who's, I treat every note very much the same. And I use them all the same appreciate every note wow i never i have never used some of the notes down here or up here by the way you know when uh my dad told me when i was a kid i was playing with the uh the button that makes the window go up and down in the car.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And my dad was like, stop clicking that. It's going to break. And I was like, why would it break? He's like, you only have so many clicks on a window, but it's only meant to be used so many times before it'll break. And I remember being like, well, what's the number of times? And still now decades later in my T-Bird, I'm like still pretty easy about putting the windows up and down. Because I'm like, might run run out of not many more left who would know i sang all my ease my high yeah tim i thought that you only had so many swears before you go to hell oh wow yeah i'm going there my uh my uh my dad once joking around when i was a kid was was like, he's like, hey, pick that up.
Starting point is 00:12:25 He's like, I'd do it, but I've got only so many bends in the knees. And I was like, oh, shit. Dad's on borrowed time. Dad's knees are going out. Like spawn. Hey, can I do one quick thing? Yeah. Fine.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Maybe I'll save it for Booze News. You want to talk about Booze thing? Yeah. Fine. Maybe I'll save it for Booze News. You want to talk about Booze News? Yeah. Great. Sure. So you're not a Sloppy Boys Patreon subscriber? Are you dumb? You don't know what the fuck you're missing.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Hold on. Bleep that. You get it. The Big Head Boppers. Jeff Purple P. Dutton. Julian Chalazzo. And Wolfman Tim.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Whoa. All right, get out of here, Julian. Quip-pishoo. Julian Chalazzo And Wolfman Tim I know these names Better than I know my own Grandmothers What's your excuse dude My damn dick don't work Ease up Woah baby let's get it on
Starting point is 00:13:21 Random It's only about 10 bucks a month You shithead. So go down to slash the sloppy boys and join now. All right. That was sent to us by. Oops. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:40 That booze news thing was sent to us by Steve Jerkle. And if you have a booze news theme, email it to thesloppyboyspodcast at Love that he's plugging our Patreon because it's a great show and everyone should subscribe. But I'm a little confused why Tim Robinson got to be in the mix so much. Yeah, that's who that was. Yes, I recognize that voice. Three different quotes from him. My own grandmothers. I mean, I come on this podcast. I come like, what is it? Three different quotes from him. My own grandmothers.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I mean, I come on this podcast. I come here to unwind. Yeah. Not to be hearing from my coworker at my day job, the voice of Swooper on Digman, Tim Robinson. Check it out on Paramount Plus. Oh, you know what? When Neil came to town once, he gave me, he's like, hey, pick a Digman pin.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And I picked the Swooper pin. Yeah. That's a good one. He had a bunch of different, uh, characters. Characters. Does this, does Swooper remind you of, uh, anyone, this character design? You? No, no.
Starting point is 00:14:37 He was, he was lightly sort of, uh, modeled after, uh, David Crosby. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All right. I get that big time now yeah that's good um hey you want to do the actual booze news before my stupid thing wait a minute i need to say steve jerkel i feel like i've heard that name on uh the internet the discord no you can connect with slopheads maybe on x ah steve jerkel good job that was good good job steve good job steven and yeah now go home steve
Starting point is 00:15:06 subscribe to the patreon listen to the sloppy boys blow out and then also join the discord and befriend steve jerkel here's the booze news it's end of the year i wanted to hit a couple stories that a lot of slop heads have alerted me to that i didn't get to hit yet oh this is nice these are quick bips and i well i just have three of them oh i love quick bips because i'm on the go tim one looking forward optimism about 2024 here uh uh uh drink masters has season two coming on netflix that's interesting if you like cocktails that features julie reiner as one of the, and she's the owner of the Clover Club. And, you know, Dale DeGroff pops up on there.
Starting point is 00:15:51 So, I mean, I can't actually say I like the show. In fact, I think it was pretty stupid how a lot of the cocktails they make are like you had to design a whole plate of food with your cocktail. And they're a little too enamored with smoke and steam and presentation. But it's cool to have a cocktail show to watch. It's good for TV though, Tim. Yeah, it's good to have the medium alive. Me, I'm a Digman writer. I want the medium to continue. Survive and thrive, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Next up, Mike, this will be of interest to you. Michael Imperioli. Oh, yes. Opened a bar in New York. I've heard about this. Very chic cocktail bar. Opened it with his wife. She did the decor.
Starting point is 00:16:28 He's, you know, the cocktail kind of restaurateur guy. It looks cool. I want to check it out. What's it called again? It's Scarlet. Scarlet. Ah, right. Because Scarlet, like all the blood they poured on that show.
Starting point is 00:16:41 On the Soprano show. Scarlet Bar. I'm looking it up to see where it is. What? What the fuck? Huh? Scarlet Lounge.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Keep going. I'm just doing my own. Are you just scrolling through the map of Manhattan? Like, no, no. And I found it pretty quickly i want to say that it's on the upper west side it's flat iron oh it is yes it is upper west side they're all they oh i think they have a a different bar in the flat iron area and then this one is upper west side all right and then one other thing i'm tracking we'll see if this hits a fever pitch and we have to do it on the pod but just i've been monitoring a tiktok trend where there's
Starting point is 00:17:33 a rumor started from a tiktok comment sent to some beverage reviewer somebody said that the sangria at hooters is made out of red wine and mountain dew and people have been making it home and trying it and saying it's actually pretty good so it's kind of a thing that's been bopping around tiktok well you know we don't jump on every internet trend around here tim just because we do johnny's dream and the borg and countless others no we wait until it has timeless integrity. Yes. Yeah, the Borg really shot us in the foot. That didn't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Are you nuts? I went to Princeton. I was walking around campus and I heard some dudes say to some girls, yo, Borg. No, I know. But I thought it was going to turn into, oh, these guys know what's on, got their finger on the pulse. Let's listen to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Viral for us. Yeah, that's 2024 24 we're going nuts with the virality guys if you recall at the end of last year or at the right around the years we had our our astrology charts read oh yeah and stevie goldstein from uh what's your sign pod yeah she she told us 2023 is gonna be big for us as far as doing a lot of work but she said 2024 is really the fruits of our labor it pays off so if you're telling me that uh we came out with an album and uh we made a movie and now you're telling me we're entering our year where the fruits of our labor will be enjoyed my basket is ready for the fruits to fall guys clear out your bank accounts get them ready for the fruits to fall. Guys, clear out your bank accounts. Get them ready for the payload.
Starting point is 00:19:09 That's all old, disgusting money. You don't want that mixing together. That Patreon money, yuck. Well, yeah, Jeff, you had something to say about Booze News, right? Well, here's the funny thing. Yeah, we're still on Booze News. But it's not, no, but yours is in Booze News, but you want to say it. You took it out of shit chat and you want to say it and you're kind of almost renting out a little portion of booze
Starting point is 00:19:29 news for a little yeah it's a lease event i sort of annexed a little a little section of real estate from booze news to bring to you normally i don't like when we talk about shirts or haircuts because it doesn't work well on pod look at this shirt out. Check this shirt out. Wow, a shirt of a haircut. Oh, my God. What does that say on the bottom there, Jeff? Let me see what you got there. That's a cocktail shirt. Tim, I thought the same thing.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It's not a cocktail shirt, but it's an arrangement of ingredients, is it not? Yeah, for a cocktail. I'm seeing an orange juice, what looks like Campbell's soup, a little nip, I think, and then like a prepared drink. To be used for cocktails. What does it say underneath it, though? That's what I couldn't see.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Morir soñando. What's that? This is a Dominican cold drink made by mixing condensed milk and orange juice, sometimes with vanilla extract. Wait, is that like an orange Julius? That's going to taste pretty Julius-y. Yes. And Maria Sonando means to die dreaming. Oh, baby. Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:36 The recipe's on the back. Check it out. But I wore it and I wanted to discuss it because we got dry January coming up and I thought it was a cocktail. It kind of is, but it's N.A. I say we make it into a cocktail. Yeah, I know. It's like we should have done this on the pot and had some rum.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Wait a minute, we're not doing dry January for the whole January, are we? No, but we did water last year as a nod. And then, you know, this is, hey, this is more exciting than water, is it not? That was a cute episode. How about I've got a dry january pitch for you yeah arnold palmer classic that's a good one arnold palmer and that is a sort of drink if i'm not i mean it's rare that i'm not drinking but uh if i if i am not drinking and i want to fit in arnold palmer makes you feel like you ordered something it's just not a diet coke
Starting point is 00:21:23 you made them work for a little bit yeah you're mixing something it's in a fun glass you're like i'm not drinking alcohol they're like oh good this will be easy but oh shit what arnold palmer two things you have to mix ah you fuck fuck you oh did i say i want ice and straw is that it for booze news wrap it up okay wow this is huge guys we are how many episodes in the pod 168 or something like that seven yeah and have we not gotten to this it's because we patience my boy that's what you have i'm i'm commending you for yes i'm not i'm not wagging my finger That's what you have. I'm commending you for it. Yes. I'm not wagging my finger. I'm saying you have had patience, my boy.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Because of your virtuous patience. We said, when we started this podcast, I think we were like, let's not blow all of our favorites right in a row. We all love martinis. We all love Mai Tais. We've done those. I feel like this is the other favorite of ours that we wanted to wait till we had a reason. And one might say that next week we are going to be having a, is there not New Year's Day, which is sort of a brunchy hair of the doggy type of day drinking type of day. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yes. Thank you. I might grab a little brunch that day. I usually don't do brunch. Yeah, you're anti-brunch, but on that day, it's one day it's called for, and it's really that hair of the dog that necessitates it, you know? Well, if you did New Year's Eve right, yeah, you're going to need a little hair of the dog. Yep, if you were parked on that couch watching Dick Clark count it down, man.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Count it down, Dickie boy! Man, how many times have we had brunch drinks and we've said i don't know if i do this over a bloody mary right right right right this is sort of the sort of the yardstick i was pretty shocked how many articles are in in researching this this week the number of people that opted for the the mimosa as number one shocking to me no way because we're not really fans i i like it i drink it but i only put a teeny splash of oj but i do think bottomless mimosa culture is what took over brunch but yes yes we all know that orangey champagne drink but there's a certain other cocktail that there is that exists okay it's funny to do this coy boy uh thing because they know what the ad the thing's silent i know and we just talked about i think
Starting point is 00:23:52 we already said no no leap that this is good mystique this is good podcasting let them cook i'm painting a picture because this is sort of a whole experience. Close your eyes. I'm dazzled, Tim. You're at brunch. You look around and there's a certain red liquid donning every table. Not blood. Well, that word is used in one of the words. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:24:22 As patrons would take part in Hair of the dog next what are the words how about this one how about this actually has his eyes closed by the way he's a dork thanks jeff i'm buying in i want the full experience he's going for the ride my boy you see next this this is another one i bet you didn't think about you're on a plane and there's a certain first class. I can picture that. Not of your me. Uh,
Starting point is 00:24:48 there's a certain crimson beverage upon several of the tray tables. And there's, that's the, it's, this drink is very much associated with air travel and is more popular in the sky for a reason. Cause science says that when you're up at a high elevation your taste buds are impeded in a way that blocks out some of the earthy taste that
Starting point is 00:25:12 people some people on land don't like and they're just getting a salty treat that they do like up in the air isn't that interesting that is interesting that is interesting and they get that from the crimson yeah this crimson badson liquid. Yes, the crimson beverage that I mentioned. Okay, next. What is this crimson liquid? You're watching Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and Cliff Booth chomps down on a big celery stalk. Ow!
Starting point is 00:25:38 From a certain scarlet libation. You're watching Mad Men, and in the middle of the conference room table, there's a certain tomato-y pitcher. Oh. You're listening to Adam Sandler's classic comedy album, They're All Gonna Laugh At You, and you hear a sketch where David Spade says,
Starting point is 00:25:57 it's a bloody buddy. You're listening to the latest Whitmer Thomas album, and he says that a certain drink is a Buffalo wing in a glass. Yes, folks. Finally, after three years of the pod, we've gotten to the big boy that is on the international,
Starting point is 00:26:14 our tenders association cocktail list. And we have been patient and it's time to have the bloody Mary. You've had many, many many a bloody many mary it's a tough drink uh is that tough drink to make but sometimes you go to here's what i'll say it's the type it's the most fucked up drink i think what it's screwed up a lot it's a drink where anytime i order it or at least it's been for me anytime i order blay mary i kind of you know say all right let's see what is going to come out because there's a whole spectrum i think it's the most customizable drink like yeah martinis are very people are particular but there's not so many moves i feel like uh with bloody mary's yeah
Starting point is 00:27:02 they give you enough rope to hang yourself. Exactly. And this recipe we're going to do has no horseradish in it. And I would say I happen to, in life, I like horseradish. But a lot of times, Mike, when you say you order when you get a bad Bloody Mary, I feel like a lot of times somebody put way too much horseradish in it and just made it taste like cocktail sauce. Yeah, yeah. Mookie doesn't like buddies, and I think it's because of the
Starting point is 00:27:28 horseradish. I feel like if you put it in there, it should just be barely perceptible, and the heat shouldn't come from that. The heat should come from hot sauce, you know? That's true. But I do love, hey, in another scenario entirely, we all love the sweet sting
Starting point is 00:27:44 of wasabi, do we not yeah that's what got me into sushi which we all know you're famously into yeah i like sushi but that's that's horseradish basically right at least american wasabi it's a root it's a shaved root i think the thing is like wasabi in the u.s is not at all different wasabi i've heard this so many times but i wonder i must have at some point eaten real wasabi i've gone to sushi bars and paid a lot of money oh yeah right that should be real no they're not giving you the real stuff dude they see a sucker when you walk in there i'm thinking the real stuff probably isn't that
Starting point is 00:28:21 bright green well yeah maybe that's died but for you guys i feel like aside from from the the airlines or or the the brunch culture this drink to you specifically there's this association when you two live together here in los feliz you you had some bloody merry parties and you guys would make a big vat of the stuff that was great those were fun all that super fun big old vatat. We had like a table of fixins too you can put. Oh, I have olives. I'm going to put olives in. Pickles. Olives. Cocktail onions.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yep. Bacon. It's so fun to have the fixins. Also, when we were in St. Paul, Minnesota for Dave Ferguson's wedding, the day after, there was a Bloody Mary bar with all the fixins and it's so fun to go. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. In the hotel lobby. I remember getting a big one of those. This will be the first time that i'll have made a bloody mary uh single serving yeah yeah right right we did the bloody mary party like three maybe even four years in a
Starting point is 00:29:14 row in a giant jug from smart and final like yeah buying like full-on restaurant gear to make giant giant batches of this stuff but they were were really good. Yeah, those were fun parties. I make them singles for myself all the time, but I use either Zing Zang Mix or Tabasco brand mix. Tabasco, son. Bob Odenkirk, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Okay, very quick history on the drink. Obviously, a big famous drink like this that's 100 years old,
Starting point is 00:29:44 there's going to be some uh myths and stuff but oh yeah the very common the bar it's most associated with is a bar that comes up all the time on this pod because it's one of the harry's harry mccalone's uh bar harry's new york bar in paris one of these uh 1920s immovable not immovable movable feast uh uh bars um is it has been credited with inventing the bloody mary that we know and i've been there and i've had it and it was delicious um but then also laying claim there's like um the 21 club in manhattan which is, I've always wanted to go there until actually, I think Trump went there the night that he was elected. He went there to celebrate and then, uh, I kind of killed the vibe time, which time he was elected. Jefferson Jeff. Okay. Okay. The second time when, when,
Starting point is 00:30:40 when we couldn't stop the steel, but it But it's like, you may have seen it. It's like, it's this down, you step downstairs into the restaurant. So up on the street, you just see these, like, there's a bunch of jockeys, like garden gnome size horse jockeys for the steakhouse. They, anyway, they claim, have a claim to it a hundred years ago. And then also a place where was that again too i i the uh the 21 club oh okay and then here's a place that i've been to and i think you have mike uh the the the king cole bar at the saint regis in midtown manhattan that's a cool place king cole famed because they have the big king cole painting old king cole featured in uh uh this
Starting point is 00:31:26 side of paradise by f scott fitzgerald i good martini bar and then i think i talked about on the podcast once because i was there and i saw like a classic scene out of mad men where two big fat midwestern businessmen were in town and they were talking to what was very clearly like two, like Eastern European sex workers that they were like on dates with. And I was like, look at that. They look at these big Chicago boys having a New York night. Anyway. So there's a, there's a bartender at Harry's in Paris called Fernand Petoit.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And the, who, who made them. But then there's also, there's this comedian, American comedian named George Jessel, who sometimes is created it. But here, here's my take. I just, I read 20 articles about this. And I think that in Palm Beach, Florida, a hundred years ago, this rich comedian guy,orge jessel went on a bender and then the next morning he was trying to like wake himself up with hair of the dog drink and he vodka was sort of a recent import from russia that people were excited about and canned tomato juice was sort of a new 20th century thing so he made a drink that was just half vodka half tomato juice oh wow um then he went up to new york and started ordering it jessup jessup so i think the 21 club maybe started making it for him but it was just half and half
Starting point is 00:32:52 dan fernand over in paris took that inspiration but he added the tabasco the salt and the lemon and started making the the the kicked up bloody the kicked up Bloody Mary that we know. And it caught on in Paris and the Hemingways and stuff like that. We're drinking it. Then Fernand moves back and moves to New York and he's working at the King Cole at the St. Regis. And he has his spicy kicked up version of it. But the bartender there wants, doesn't like the name Bloody Mary, which is either named after a waitress or an ex-girlfriend of one of these guys and he thought uh the owner of uh the saint regis thought it was maybe too intense so they started calling it the red snapper so either way
Starting point is 00:33:37 by the time we're getting in the 30s you could pretty much around new york order either a red snap or a bloody mary and it isn't just vodka and tomato juice it's got spicy stuff and the zing and the zap to it cool wow i was like watching forrest gump or something seeing seeing the whole arc of it yeah because i uh i i have his same level of intelligence um the iba recipe is a nice straightforward one i'm excited to try thank god too i this is uh i like this one they've butchered a few drinks folks oh i feel like i might go a wild out a bit on round two but for round one here's the iba recipe 45 milliliters ounce and a half vodka 90 milliliters three ounces tomato juice 15 milliliters half half an ounce, fresh juiced lemon juice.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Two dashes, Worcestershire sauce. That's going to be a big dash. Dish dash. And now, Tabasco, celery salt, and pepper, up to taste. Tabasco, celery salt, and pepper up to taste. I was excited to get celery salt for this one. I never had. I love celery salt.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I always have it. It's my secret weapon. Ooh. Ooh. Here's the method. Ooh. I was surprised by this. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Keep going, Tim. Tim, continue while we keep this bed going. I talk over that. Stir gently all the ingredients in a mixing glass with ice. Pour into rocks glass. No ice, dudes. But then there's a note here. If requested, served with ice.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Pour into a highball glass. Wow. Okay. That's, I'm doing it this way because I've never done it that way, but that's unique. You're doing, you're going up. I'm going to do up in a rocks glass. This is the International Bartenders Association after all. They don't do it how we do it in over here in the US. Hashtag America.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yeah. Sometimes they don't do it the way anyone ever makes it. Ice all day over here. Garnish. This is important. Morocco. Yeah. Sometimes they don't do it the way anyone ever makes it. Ice all day over here. Um, garnish. This is important. Garnish with celery or an optional lemon wedge. Uh,
Starting point is 00:35:53 guys, the celery was later added at, uh, in Chicago, maybe 10, 20 years after the people in New York and Paris were drinking this, somebody in Chicago at the pump room, instead of using a swizzle stick,
Starting point is 00:36:06 put in a celery stick and it stuck. And I think it's a big part of the experience because you want to feel like Cliff Booth. Damn, I didn't get the celery stick. Damn. I'll have to garnish with a lemon thing. Oh, that just sucks. They don't go ape shit
Starting point is 00:36:22 with all the add-ons either. It's very international, not American. I like these add-ons, though, because they're functional. Celery stick, you can swizzle with it and you can eat it. Lemon wedge, notice it's not just like a lemon wheel for looks. It's a wedge, so you can squeeze it in there if you want. You get all the juice. Squeeze.
Starting point is 00:36:39 And you brighten it up, folks. Yeah. That's nice. I'm going to put, even in my first one, I'm putting in an olive. But let's talk about different variations on these when we get back oh yeah oh yeah that's good you want to get into it i would love to all right folks we're gonna go make these bloody marys we'll meet you right back here after these messages and we're back bloody mary's in hand not a big yield yeah not a big yield off this recipe iba but this is also this is what their picture looks like it doesn't really fill
Starting point is 00:37:24 their glass it's the little guy look at this so i kind of i kind of went i usually don't do a garnish cornichon cornichon of olive and olive in a lemon wow beautiful um i'm looking at the recipe they didn't say strain oh stir gently all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice pour into rocks glass but you're right wait what does the picture on the iba look like no it's but you're right. Wait, what does the picture on the IBA look like? No, it's yeah, you're right. The picture is it's neat. It looks neat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Odd. And then they said, if requested, serve with ice, pour into a highball glass. So I think we've come, we've come across this before. It's also interesting to that.
Starting point is 00:37:59 They're gently stir. You don't see that too often. Maybe they don't want it watered down too much. I was, I was wondering about that too because it's like there's nothing this is kind of just like a rugged drink. Yeah. If you had to say that. But yeah, I don't know what would be so bruising here.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Man, mine was this cocktails making session was a mess for me. My Dasher on my Worcestershire sauce was like Dasher? Tim, that was last week. Come on. It just went gathunk, and it was a huge dash. And then my pepper, the top fell off.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Pepper goes all over the thing. Oh, no. Everything crazy. But I think I salvaged it. I'll say I didn't have celery salt. I thought I did. I did a little dash of Lowry's. Oh. Ooh, that's about right.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Interesting. That's spicy, savory salt. Spicy salt. Okay, sips? Yeah. We squeezing that lemon or are we letting it ride for now? I'm going to let it ride for the first one. Let it ride for now.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Happy New Year. Hair of the dog. But seriously. Oh. Oh, yes. Zingy. Hair of the dog. But seriously. Oh. Oh, yes. Zingy. Ping, ping, pingy. Damn, I spiced that thing right up.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Me too. I kind of went a little ham with the Tabasco. Yeah. John Ham. And look, folks, you might go into that cabinet and see oh my worcestershire i got it i got a big old bottle it's expired oh my tabasco is expired too who cares you'll be all right go ahead go ahead who cares who cares it's just a bloody as long as your tomato juice has been like in a can like the one thing to do wrong is to have all this like mixed up and sitting around i think
Starting point is 00:39:45 all the spicy weirdies are just like salt water and vinegar water and stuff they're made they're preservatives do you guys remember we had really good bloody mary's in portland oregon we walked nearby we were staying at the ace hotel and then we walked to some old-timey bar that we really loved and we were served at the bar by like a guy in a white coat that was really old timey they did like oysters and stuff right yes it was like an old one of those old bars where everything like is thick like the uh the the wood is all thick and the uh bar top is thick yeah one of the waitresses was thick yeah and our bodies at the time were thick yeah now we're felt as well we love the bloody marys and i asked the bartender i was like you making this mix in-house or or is this a mix you bought and he was like well check this out
Starting point is 00:40:30 and he had it was like just the stuff no tomato there was a little bottle of of like store-bought brand that i i probably have a picture on my phone of the brand but everything but the mater yes it was just like a it was like a peppery briny stew that you squirt and then you add the vodka and you add the tomato oh keep your tomato fresh to order that sounds great now when i was at the grocery store getting this worcestershire sauce by the way i don't even know what worcestershire sauce is it's vinegar it is unwrap the flavor. I like that.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Other stuff, too. It's got tons of stuff. I know it has anchovy in there. It's all these different. You're looking. Do you have the papery, the Lee and Perkins papery bottle? Is that what you got? Yeah, that's what I got, too.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I got distilled white vinegar, molasses, sugar, water, salt, onions, anchovies, garlic, cloves, tamarind extract. Wow. Molasses. Love that, tamarind extract. Wow. Molasses. Love that. Tamarind is really good. And if you have other tamarindy ingredients are good for bloodies and micheladas and stuff. But note that if you're vegan, careful with the Worcestershire because it's got anchovies. Yeah, vegetarian too.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Man, I am flying through this thing. This thing says, it says for a zesty or Bloody Mary, add two teaspoons of Leah and Perrin's Worcestershire sauce. That's interesting. For a zesty or Bloody Mary, we already got it in there, dude. We did dashes. for a zestier Bloody Mary. We already got it in there, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:04 We did dashes. Jeff, you have strong rules about biting and chewing on microphone. Yeah. Can I request that I'm allowed to bite my celery stalk? Just this once. Because that's a pretty classic bite sound, Jeff. That's a classic bite. Last one of the year.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Here we go. That was pretty good. You put a little reverb on that. Mike, I'm going to indulge. Do you want to do it? I don't have a celery. Bite your lemon. Well, yeah, while you bite my ass, I'll bite on this.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah, why don't you bite his ass? I'll bite on this cornichon pickle. Here we go. I didn't hear anything. Must not be a Vlasic. It's not as good or it's not as base as a Vlasic, but it's also not and I like Vlasic, but it's not as
Starting point is 00:42:53 expensive as those ones where you kind of pull the elevator up and they kind of get out of the water. They pull the elevator. I've never had those. I think I gotta save up and get some of those elevator gherkins. They're like seven bucks. Elevator coming up.
Starting point is 00:43:12 First, top floor. My fucking mouth. Mike. You're about to go to the bottom floor real quick. Michael. Hey, speaking of top floor, Ace Hotel downtown. Going out of business. la yeah oh really the whole company sold it still exists and they're gonna have hotels elsewhere but the la one
Starting point is 00:43:32 gone which sucks because they had a cool theater i went with my friends from out of town uh we went to the rooftop pool one day fantastic time smallest pool on earth smallest pool on earth yes very good cocktails very good cocktails and if you just want like a little bitest pool on earth. Smallest pool on earth, yes. Very good cocktails. Very good cocktails. And if you just want like a little bit of pool on the top of a skyscraper, come on. It's great. I like rooftop stuff. Anytime I go to a rooftop bar around here, I love it.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I try to get as close to the window as I can and just look out. You got to go to the rooftop pool at the Bonaventure Hotel in Montreal. Hot pool in the winter snow falls. I love that. Damn, I got to get up. I got to do a ski trip in Montreal. Go to the rooftop. And we're supposed to do a residency in Aspen all winter, I think. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Shit, right. Who's going to? Yeah, where are we on that? Somebody, one of the Discord guys booked that. Yeah, I think it's i think it's happening you know what i like with a bloody mary oh when i was starting to say Worcestershire sauce i went to get uh that and then i was looking for horseradish because i wanted to do that for my second round and they didn't have horseradish at the grocery store i
Starting point is 00:44:39 couldn't believe it but um that's what i really like that taste when it's done right and you get kind of a little bit of thickness and chew into it yeah what are the uh dimensions what are the proportions if you were to put in some uh horseradish because i might have some i bet that's the taste as well here's what i like to do jay you can tell me anything What's the measurement for good taste? I'd like to take that horseradish jar. I put a fork or a spoon into it. I press down, unlocking a lot of that liquid. You just want the juice.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I pour that juice onto my vodka rocks sometimes. That nice chalky, grippy horseradishy. Yes, that thick. It's like using the pasta water in your fucking sauce are people doing that pasta water in the sauce yeah you always save a little bit of the water and put it in the sauce hey i don't know about this because you're fucking because you don't know how to make gravy for 50 guys. Guilty as charged. Isn't that from God?
Starting point is 00:45:50 Probably just like, hey, Michael, come over here. I got it. In case you need to make gravy for 20 guys. Yeah. Take the gun, leave the gun, only for 50 guys. Yeah. Take the gun, leave the gun, only for 50 guys. You cut the garlic with a razor blade.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Is that Goodfellas or Bronx Tale? Goodfellas. I'm picturing Paul Sorvino, though. Yeah, I think it's Goodfellas. I think you're right. Ah. Because I know it ain't heat. I'm surprised how much I like this.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Yes. Oh, why? Did you just watch Heat? No. I've seen it before. Haven't I? It's very good. Ooh, I was big into Heat when I was 13. Yeah, Heat's good.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I put it on the other night. I saw it was on one of the streamers. I was like, oh, Heat, great. I love that opening heist. And I turned it on. It's not opening. It doesn't open with that. So I was like, oh, I don't remember. You're thinking Dark Knight, which heavily references it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I was like, oh, I don't remember. You're thinking Dark Knight, which heavily references it. Yeah. You know what? I had something I wanted to tell you guys, kind of a cool story that in a way sort of relates back to this drink a little bit in a way. Nice. Oh, nice. Well, 2023, we've been reflective talking about how about the years coming to an end. I think for me, it was really a year of, I did a lot of kind of searching, soul searching and asking the big questions in life.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah. Right. And which is good. Dutz, you did a little bit of that when you went solo. Yeah. Careful with that stuff, Tim. You never know where it's going to take you. Well, it took me on a kind of an interesting, here did a little bit of that when you went solo. Yeah, and careful with that stuff, Tim. You never know where it's going to take you. Well, it took me on kind of an interesting...
Starting point is 00:47:27 Here's a weird path. I was asking the big questions, searching, soul searching. Doing the work, yeah. Having a curiosity about things. Careful curiosity killed the cat man. That's very true, but I like to save the cat. I'm a screen reader, you see. the cat man that's very true but i like to save the cat i'm a screenwriter you see anyway what i uh what happened to me i actually started to get into a little bit of christian rock uh
Starting point is 00:47:51 which i had i'd been pretty ignorant of uh lately and especially the band creed you know they're back they're on tour oh you guys know creed creed's back i know scott stapp the creed we know and love scott stapp, lead singer of Creed. The Creed We Know and Love. They're back. They were sort of heavily memed ironically for a while, but now they're back and they're on tour and they're putting out a new album and stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:14 But I got really into them and I actually had an opportunity to go see them on tour and I hung out with them after the show. I got a backstage pass because they're fans of the pod actually. So really I got to go. Yeah. They love, they said they,
Starting point is 00:48:31 they feel like I'm pretty much their boy at this point. And they said they love me and they love my two co-hosts. Awesome. And they said, he said the show has timeless integrity. Nice. They're, they really are listeners.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Yeah. What is up anyway? So there I am in this year where i'm like searching and asking big questions in life yeah i'm i'm backstage with scott stapp and the boys and we start fucking chopping it up we're shooting this shit you know and we did sort of hit it off we were bonding about this like you know like about how we're both have this sort of curiosity and asking the big questions and like searching and that type of thing um but you don't really have a specific question doesn't sound like no because i didn't well it's i guess it's different for each person what each person wants to know about and like he's searching for the questions too. Right. Well, sometimes you don't know what question to ask,
Starting point is 00:49:26 but that's a big part of it. I had different questions than they had, but they were talking and then they had to go back out on stage. Cause they're, the crowd was going nuts. They do an encore. This is in the middle of the show. We thought the show was over.
Starting point is 00:49:38 They finished their final song, but turns out sometimes the crowd will clap and you go home. That's anytime I go to a concert now and there's an encore, I'll be like, Hey, stop talking to podcasters back there and get out here and let us go home. Get back out here. So they go back out on stage and I'm left in the green room backstage by myself. To your own devices. You know me.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I hacked Scott Stapp's laptop. You what? You hacked Scott Stapp's laptop? I hacked Scott Stapp's laptop. You what? You hacked Scott Stapp's laptop? I hacked Scott Stapp's laptop. Laptop. I stopped. I stocked. What was this?
Starting point is 00:50:13 I hacked Stapp's laptop. That's a tough one to say. And I couldn't help myself. You know how I like to get my little groin. I found an early version of one of their songs. I put it on a flash drive. I tucked that flash drive in down into my BBDs. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Kind of. With all the others. Under my dick on top of my scrotum. The others clanging around from, you know, from Billy Joel's compound and all the other places. Just when you put those at your, leave those at home in a little, little box or something.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I know, I know. I shouldn't, when I change, when I change my underwear each day, I shouldn't bring the flash drives along. You know, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:56 that's smart. But what's cool is I listen, I, I was listening to this early version of kind of big of the biggest hit song, totally different lyrics than we know. But interesting. They're always, always you know asking the big questions it was really interesting to hear yeah and it was interesting to hear what this early version of the song is because it's sort of in a way relates to some of the conversation from today uh jeff i brought the mp3 i gave you
Starting point is 00:51:21 the flash drive oh that's the flash drive okay yeah actually okay yeah you might want to rinse it off a little bit oh when drinking i'm guided to a certain word time and time again. A certain word? Yes. At brunch time, I'll never make a peep cause I don't want my pronunciation
Starting point is 00:51:55 to be a disgrace. Cause there's tomato and pepper to taste Then of course the lemon but wait It's in my bloody I must denunciate carefully and Perkins But how do I say Is it
Starting point is 00:52:28 Worcestershire Or do you say it differently Is it Worcestershire With the paste of anchovy Is it Warchester Shire? With the paste of anchovies.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Whoa, Scott Staff is missing the same note that I am. Yeah, he has the same issue with his throat. Weird. He must have smoked a pipe or had a CPAP machine or something. That was excellent. They should have done that for the real release instead of take me higher. me i know can you take me higher is what they changed it to but also that can you take me higher i believe is sort of asking the big questions searching and that type of thing so oh oh i see i see uh but this was your or yes okay his big question right well it's worcestershire worcestershire and but when you read it it looks like worcestershire Worcestershire but when you read it it looks like
Starting point is 00:53:25 Worcestershire is what it looks like you know my mom I think I mentioned this before my mom used to make me laugh by saying Worcestershire
Starting point is 00:53:32 yep you know Tim as I was listening to that because sometimes when we bring in songs it's like why would they bring in this song
Starting point is 00:53:41 oh it actually does have something to do with the drink great and I was waiting as he was singing the song. And then it just clicked for me. Because I recognized the song. And it just clicked at one point.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Oh, this is going to be. I see what word is going to become. Because you were picking off or he was picking off all the ingredients. And when it hit, I really laughed at it. Right. Yeah. It hits different though, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Certain things hit different than other things. I can tell you that much. Yeah, they do. Hey, speaking of hitting different, what would you change about the drink? I love this mix. It was bright. It was peppy. I tend to like a darker, more umami Bloody Mary.
Starting point is 00:54:23 And I thought that this would not be to my liking, but this was fantastic. But maybe on this round, I will try kicking up my Worcestershire until it's like a dark drink. Yikes. Yikes. I would do it with, this mix was really good, like this amounts and stuff. But I would do it probably with ice and then add the horseradish. I'm going to look for horseradish. I know I have some pickles on there.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I'm throwing in. Oh, pickle juice. That's really good. You know what else is? Yeah. The olive brine. That's very popular. Tell you what, if you don't have Worcestershire and you want to have a kind of an umami taste, the
Starting point is 00:55:06 teeniest splash of soy sauce will get that done for you. Nice. Oh, you know what I have? Fish sauce? Yes. Eel sauce. Maybe the eel sauce works its way into here. Finally, at long last.
Starting point is 00:55:19 I think this is a good candidate. At long last. Oh, I think I have to do it. Folks, if you haven't heard, I had a hit a good candidate. Long last. Ooh, I think I have to do it. Folks, if you haven't heard, I had a hit drink this summer. You probably saw it. It's called the Black Lagoon. Sorry. This autumn time, spooky season.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Yes. The Black Lagoon. And it's made with eel sauce, the molasses of the sea. So I got a big old batch of that stuff, and I think it'll work just right in the old bloody marriage. Jeff, you should have gone backstage at a... What? At a what? Jimmy Resnick?
Starting point is 00:55:56 What's his name? Johnny Resnick? Johnny Resnick. A Goo Goo Dolls show? Goo Goo Dolls show. Baby's Black Lagoon makes me cry. You know, back here. I should have gone there.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah. Too bad, Jeff, you didn't on that episode. You hadn't run into those guys. You should have gone there, but you didn't go there. Maybe Black Lagoon, too. I if we do a second round of this, I'm going to do gin instead of vodka. Whoa, Michael. All right, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Which is called something. It's a bloody bulldog or something. All right, let's do it. Which is called something. It's a bloody bulldog or something. All right, folks, you sit tight. We'll be back here with our second round after this. And we're back with round two. I did a pint glass. Oh, big boy. Brunch style.
Starting point is 00:56:51 He's pickles. Add pickles. I made mine a little smaller to put ice. Oh, petite. I also took my little, my first round glass. I took some of the new Bloody Mary, right? And I put in a nice little dollop of eel sauce. of the new Bloody Mary, right?
Starting point is 00:57:04 And I put in a nice little dollop of eel sauce. And it sat in there like a little black bead of goo that I had to break up with my celery stick. Not looking forward to it. Here comes the sip. Not looking forward to it. Ooh. It's fine. It's great.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Hey, all right. Fishy. Jeffy's Black lagoon makes him cry this uh with the gin is good i made this in with good proportions it's it's uh pretty much masked by all the other stuff like gin and vodka the slight is the the taste is so slight that it probably wouldn't be able to i like the sound of it that's nice i mean gin's coming for the crown where it comes to vodka drinks huh i think. I mean, gin's coming for the crown when it comes to vodka drinks, huh? I think you might be right.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Gin is going for the crown? Yeah. He's coming for vodka's thunder. Yeah, I think vodka's boring these days. Get gin. Gin is in. Gin is probably going to be the spirit of 2024. Yep.
Starting point is 00:58:00 I mean, it was in a lavender haze lemonade. I went ham on the Worcestershire, and it still wasn't dark enough, and I wanted it to look dark like Kohl's downtown LA. So I put a little splash of soy sauce in there like I was mentioning. Mmm. Pow! That's a deep, dark. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Deep, deep umami. Umami. that's good. Umami. I'm going to need a glass of water after this because I feel so dehydrated. That was the lesson learned after the Bloody Mary party. I really did think you can just kind of have infinity of any drink as long as you don't drink too much. No, the salt. But the salt knocked me out.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Three big Bloody Marys, I was down for the count. It's weird drinking these at night. It's a daytime, it's a morning drink. But what I tend to do when I order these out, I order a Bloody, I drink it halfway down, and then I order a shot of vodka, splash it in there, and I keep drinking. Because if you have two Bloody Marys, you're kind of putting a lot of zing in your system. Yeah, better to have two Bloody Marys, you're kind of putting a lot of zing in your system. Yeah, better to have two alcohols.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Any doctor would tell you that. Order again. Stone Cold Classic. Yeah. I mean, we don't need to say this. This is Stone Cold. Yeah, it's great. This is part of my holy trinity. Martini, Mai Tai, Bloody Mary, the three best cocktails on earth. Man, and hey, congrats I, for not fucking this one up.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Sometimes it happens. Yeah. I was going to say, even this version of it is great. Yeah. This is an order again and again. My last one that I had was in Vegas last month. And it was in this place called Hash House A Go-Go. And I walked in and was like, oh, this will be a fun, like, crazy biscuits and gravy type place.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And it was basically just trumped up Denny's. But they made a really good Bloody Mary. And the food was good. So order again. Stone Cold Classic. Nice. Well, as the year is coming to a close. Yeah, that's sad.
Starting point is 01:00:08 You do start to look back at things, you know, ask the big questions. Yeah. Ask the big questions, searching. I got some big questions for you guys, actually. Oh. If you can believe it. Nothing too personal, I hope. No, no.
Starting point is 01:00:20 It only takes the form of the 2023 drink quiz. No. Oh, Jefferson. This could be tough to do. We've done this before. I like this. We have, but it's been a while. There's a whole crop of new drinks.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's going to go something like this. So no oldies, right? No oldies. I will read episode descriptions from this past year, 2023. Yeah. And you will name the drink we covered. Damn.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Okay. Now, you know, I go to great pains not to mention the name of the drink in the description. Yeah. To do so would be poor writing. Yeah, I agree. I will say this. Three drinks not included on this quiz. The Grimace Piss.
Starting point is 01:01:05 The Black Lagoon, and the Fall Highball. Those are test kitchen drinks that are not in the running. Those do not qualify for the quiz, I see. Wait, wait, wait. I was just, I remembered something that I had to do
Starting point is 01:01:21 and then I was thinking about that thing that I had to do and I didn't listen to what this quiz is. It's's a cocktail 2023 cocktail quiz, but you're not going to mention the grimace piss, the fall high ball or what else? Black Lagoon. So that our test kitchen drinks. So I pulled those out of my brain, set them aside. Yeah. They will not be in the running. Are you ready? Yep. Question number one. Ooh. The guys stir up a 70s staple named after the Gene Hackman film. French Connection.
Starting point is 01:01:51 That. Correct. French Connection, episode 117. I love film, and I also love cognac with scotch. Ooh. Very good. That was good. Yeah, that was a good drink. Or was that the Godfather?
Starting point is 01:02:06 Oh, no, no. Godfather is... Cognac and scotch. No, it's Di Serrano and... Oh. Rye. Oh, yeah. So I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:02:17 I think you're right. So then what's the French connection? Well, now we got to look it up. Now we don't have to. No, we don't have to. The whole idea here was to move quickly through this quiz. Yeah, you're right. The whole idea is to get Hanford to bed.
Starting point is 01:02:27 That's not the idea. The idea is to savor it, Mike. The whole idea. I don't like the savory taste of this drink. Yeah. Number two, to celebrate the release of their new album, Sonic Ranch, the guys look back at their time spent in Texas with a whiskey crafted and distilled from 100% Abasolo.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Abasolo. 100% Mexican Cacao Zintel Corn. Abasolo. That was good. Ancient corn whiskey. Delicious. So that was Tim, yeah? They're all going to be Tim. Just mark them now. They might be. Number three. The guys make a garden fresh guzzler
Starting point is 01:03:01 from across the pond. Bramble. Pim's Cup. Bramble. Pim's Cup. Yes, Tim Pim's Cup. They ought to call this Bloody Mary like a gardener's delight or something. Mike, be the change you want to see in the world. All the gardener's delight. What's that? It's Bloody Mary.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Number four. Yeah. The guys make the new viral drink from taylor swift's eras tour lemonade lemonade lemonade that was maybe my fave of the year that was a good one that was very good that came around bramble season didn't it it sure did those were all good number five the guys make a popular twist on the piña colada created in the 70s at the soggy dollar bar in the British Virgin Islands. Oh, motherfucker, painkiller. Timmy!
Starting point is 01:03:54 Mike, how do you feel, buddy? I want side points. I want redos. Well, Mike, you're lucky because this next one. Oh. Grimace piss? No matter who. The fall highball.
Starting point is 01:04:09 The person who answers this next question correctly, their opponent gets three points. Their opponent? Whoa. Yes. Okay. The opponent gets the three points. Number six. The guys revisit an 80s smash that is neither French nor martini.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Okay, I know, but I don't want to say it. So I'm going to say pina colada. The French martini? Yes! Yes! Thank you. Okay. So Mike is still at zero points.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Tim now has eight points. I'm glad I didn't go down less points. Yeah. You know, yeah. And hey, a lot of things can happen in the 2023 drink quiz. Oh, a lot of things can happen. There's a lot of side points and interesting sort of like little departures that
Starting point is 01:05:09 could happen. Number seven. The guys encounter a titan of tiki culture invented by Victor J. Bergeron in 1944. Mai Tai. Yes. The Mai Tai. Trader Vic's Mai Tai. At his Oakland, California restaurant, Trader Vic's.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Now, this question, number eight, is worth eight points. Whoa. Yes. Yes. Crazy eights. Ready? Mike, this would put you back in the fighting range real quick. Fighting range, but not tied.
Starting point is 01:05:45 You'd be almost tied. But also remember, the whole point of this quiz was to keep it moving, wasn't it? Maybe for some. For some of the East Coast. I'll tell you what, we're going to keep the blowout moving real quick. Folks, we apologize for the 15-minute blowout if you listened on Wednesday. Here we go. Number eight, the guys make a cocktail
Starting point is 01:06:06 they can't refuse. The Godfather. I heard Tim on that one. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. You gotta be kidding me. That is the home field advantage. The Los Feliz advantage.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah, the Los Feliz connection. Direct connect. Unbelievable. Number nine. The guys finally get past the weird name and weird ingredients and tackle the newest drink on the IBA list. Bento. Bento. Number 10.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Number 10. Anyone's game. I have nothing to say. All I have to say is I didn't think of it as quick. Oh, oh. All I can do is is I didn't think of it as quick. Oh, oh. All I can do is go. The guys make a fruity fizzy refresher from Jalisco, Mexico, traditionally served in a little clay.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Cantorito. Here's the thing. I remember that little click. I should have said this. The thing with question 10 oh shit is that you actually should you should have said this what i should have said this it would have affected how you play the game to be honest oh no i'm so sad you didn't say it this if you answer number 10 correctly you actually lose 10 points. Fuck! Oh, I wish I would have known
Starting point is 01:07:26 that. So am I in the lead now with one? Let me see. Let me do the math here. What one did you get? Uh, Godfather. I got that. No, you didn't get that. Tim got that. Oh, that's right, but it's the one I knew at least. Okay, so Tim loses 10 points.
Starting point is 01:07:43 So it's 0-0. Tim loses 10 points, but he's still in the lead. 8-0. Wait, oh, because of my, yeah, okay. Oh, he gained 8 points. Wow. No, no. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:57 He had 8. I got it. I had 8? Yeah, yeah. Wait, what is that? It ate? It ate? Apparently, kid. Wait, what is that? It ate? It ate? Apparently, kid.
Starting point is 01:08:07 It was great. It was great? It was great, yeah, yeah. I was thinking, it could have had a center, right? Grandpa watched the Powerball. Number 11. The guys take a break from the booze to celebrate one of the building blocks of life. Water.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Water. Ooh, that's Timmy. Damn, I really thought that was both even if even though we tied it tim got one got them all i don't know if i'm got them all compensating for the lag coming from brooklyn yeah that's okay number 12 the guys make an iconic two- two tiki adjacent yeah what was this one because it was like it was layered top and bottom i think mine just mixed right together well they could be two side to side tim yeah mine i mine mixed right together too and we did it recently and it was don't sneaky peeky i can look at my own booze bottles uh i thought you're looking at the
Starting point is 01:09:14 internet okay two-tone tiki adjacent is what's fucking me up uh was port in it no no it's really only two ingredients if you really actually stop and think about it. I'm not going to stop and think about that. I got to just keep going, keep moving, you know? Normally, I would not let this hang time ride, but it's so deliciously devilish. Yeah. Okay. Was that a hit?
Starting point is 01:09:40 No. It is the... It's two-tone, two ingredients. Yeah. And it's a blank and blank. I want to say we did it kind of recently, but sometimes I say that. I was like, oh yeah, we did that last year. Two-tone.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Two ingredients named the blank and blank. Blood and sand. No. Black and tan? No. Oh, that's two. Black and Tan? No. Oh, that's two tones. Give it to him. Dark and Stormy.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Michael. Tiki adjacent to Tone. That's right. I always mix up a Black and Tan and a Dark and Stormy. Hey, look at me. Here's the great thing about number 12. I won. It's worth 12 points, Mike.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Was that number 12? That was number 12. It's worth 12 points, Mike. Was that number 12? That was number 12. Fuck! Damn! Did I win? No, but you are now in the lead. That's exciting. Congrats, Mike.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Mike leads Tim 12 to 9 as we head into number 13. Here on the 2023 Drink Quiz. Is 2023 the amount of questions that we have to answer? No. Koi boy. Number 13. The guys take on a mysterious drink from a viral tweet. Borg.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Johnny's Dream. Johnny's Dream. Don't worry, Mike. You're still comfortably two points ahead. Number 14. The guys investigate whispers of a new summer drink craze. But can those vinegary cukes make the leap from your
Starting point is 01:11:14 sandwich to your cocktail glass? Pickle martini? Yes, Michael. Vinegary cukes. Wow. Three-point lead for the Hey Man. Thank you. Number 15. The guys add citric acid powder to orange juice in order to free Joe Saunders from the
Starting point is 01:11:32 clutches of the trickster. Acid adjusted orange juice old fashioned. Eh eh. Old fashioned? Eh eh. Acid adjusted orange juice whiskey sour. Yes Tim. This is funny because I never, me and Mike never read these. You write them and then they just go out to the listeners, but I never read these.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah, I know. They're funny. Number 16. The guys break out the blackberry for an 80s drink from very good Timothy. Break out the blackberry. That's good. Bramble ramble. And folks, if you're just checking out the show, this spring we did a lot of blackberry
Starting point is 01:12:07 drinks, but Tim knew. Yes, and bramble ramble was one of the main features of the whole run of this pod. That was a whole era. Springtime bramble rambles. Number 17. The guys make the super hydrating drink that's taking college campuses by storm. Morton. I fucked up.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Damn. I fucked up. You are now tied. How many questions are on this quiz seriously 30 fucking questions this is supposed to move quickly guys please um pay attention to the questions oh yeah okay we know we should number 18 the guys cover the coldest drink they can fathom at the behest of the mysterious Freezter. Oh yeah. Okay, Glada? No.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Strawberry Daiquiri. Yes. Daiquiri. It was Daiquiri. The coldest drink they can imagine. It's such a friendly drink. Yeah, this was the year of meeting bad guys and villains. Super villains. We lived through all of it. It's great. Number 19. The guys shake up a pineapple-y Prohibition-era cocktail named for a star of the silver screen.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Mary Pickford. Yes, Timothy. We're in the homestretch now. Number 20. This is a real Java Lanch of questions. I think we're doing 23 questions yes exactly right actually mike for knowing that i don't care we're just i don't care what the point thing is guessing the number of questions great just you get 23 points
Starting point is 01:13:40 that's exciting. Congrats, Mike. Well played. Thank you. It's just going to take me a minute to write all these little hash things. Take you a minute. Oh, boy. This next one is worth triple points.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Triple of one. We heard you. Well, it could be like triple of one. Weird. Well, it could be like triple of 20 or something. Number 20. The guys sample a classic from Jerry Thomas or a saloon in Martinez, California. That might be Martinez, but probably yes. That might be, but probably isn't the precursor to the martini martinez yes tim you get it and that's worth triple points right ho 21 the guys sample a new drink combining the monarch's favorite
Starting point is 01:14:33 liquors but at the end of the day king charles king charles oh mike gets it fuck mike you you faked me out you looked it's kind of you had sunk down in your chair. You were dazed out, and I thought that I could beat you. No, you were sharp as a tack. It's called the rope-a-dope, Tim. It worked for the Muhammad Ali. It works for me. Similar vibe, the two of you. Float like a butterfly, answer questions like a bee.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Stink like a beet. Number 22. The guys batch up a Dionysian crowd pleaser in celebration of their new single Gardens of Gomorrah. Oh. Sangria. Yes, Tim. Correct. I don't practice sangria. You know, on TikTok, they say that
Starting point is 01:15:18 a Hooters sangria recipe is just red wine and Mountain Dew. Tim, if you went to Hooters, you wouldn't know what to do yourself. Wouldn't know to Dooters. We went to one on tour. Wouldn't know to Dooters shelf. Okay. The next question
Starting point is 01:15:32 is worth 23 points. Wow. Number 23. The guys try that thing where you cut a hole. Watermelon. Spotted a watermelon. Spiked watermelon.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yes, Timothy. That was an interesting one. Go back and listen to that one, folks. You might learn a thing or two. Yeah? About cocktails. And while I tally the points, you guys vamp. Well, I was going to say, Mike, you did a great job for someone who's not super interested in cocktails.
Starting point is 01:16:04 One time you said if you had one wish of knowledge that could be implanted into your brain, you said you wish you could have the knowledge of how to play piano. And I yelled at you and said, what about cocktail knowledge? You always have a cocktail pot. And you said, I'm not interested in that. I'm not interested. I'm more interested in goofing around with you two than the subject matter. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:24 But then if you knew how to play piano, then you'd probably go solo on your own podcast, Ebeneez and Ivories with Mike Hanford. Yeah, that wouldn't be so bad either. Damn, what a close one. No. Even with all those point switches. I think I answered 21 out of 23 questions right,
Starting point is 01:16:42 but let's see how the points check out. Coming in with 37 points. An impressive display by Mike Hanford. Thank you. But topping him, besting him at every turn, it might seem. With 42 points, Tim Kalpakis. It's so funny that you totaled up all of that nonsense. Okay, just to still have me win nonsense
Starting point is 01:17:06 all of that up and down and all those voiceable shit still i just want it didn't matter tim what are you gonna do with all that scratch off money i i'm gonna go uh and i'm gonna go to 7-eleven i'm gonna buy scratch offs and play them and then with my winnings i'm gonna go to Morongo and play some slot machines. Here's a little homework assignment. Win-win. For the people out there. Tally up who's won all these quizzes and stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:40 And who's won the most quizzes so far? I'm curious. I feel like there is a tally of that. Somebody's got that going. They are? Yeah, on the Discord. Well, make it public. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:17:50 I asked for a Wikipedia just to legitimize us as a podcast. And they were like, we'll make a Wikipedia. And then they went crazy going down this rabbit hole of who won all the quizzes and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:17:59 All I wanted is something on Wikipedia that you could click on and says that you exist and you're legitimate. Clickopedia. That's our show. Follow us on social media at The Sloppy Boys where we release these recipes ahead of time. And if you can't get enough boys, go to slash the sloppy boys.
Starting point is 01:18:16 For only $5, you get two podcasts a week. That's right. You get the bonus. The Sloppy Boys blowout. The better show that we actually care about, work hard on, put our whole hearts into it. Thanks for a great year, and on a serious note, thank you for a really good
Starting point is 01:18:34 year. We'll see you in 2024 where we've got tons planned. Thanks, folks. Tons more in 24. Thanks, folks, and thanks to my co-hosts yeah and thanks to you Jeff
Starting point is 01:18:48 you do a lot of hard work on this show oh thank you and you too Tim you do a lot of work on this show too well thank you Mike I just show up and say
Starting point is 01:18:54 are we done yet yeah but if not for you the show would never end every week so yeah hey you're welcome folks bye folks
Starting point is 01:19:03 bye Hey, you're welcome, folks. Bye, folks. Bye. Give it up for your boys. Give it up for your boys. Give it up for your boys. Give it up for your boys.

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