The Three Questions with Andy Richter - Caitlin Reilly: Ghost Stories (The Andy Richter Call-In Show)

Episode Date: August 16, 2024

Comedian and actress Caitlin Reilly joins The Andy Richter Call-In Show this week to talk GHOST STORIES! In this episode of Andy’s new weekly SiriusXM radio show, we hear spooky stories from callers... about the supernatural capital of the United States, a chilling visit to the Lizzie Borden House, a high school haunted by orphans, a visit from the “Hand Man,” and much more.Want to call in? Fill out our Google Form at BIT.LY/CALLANDYRICHTER or dial 855-266-2604.This episode previously aired on SiriusXM’s Conan O’Brien Radio (ch. 104). If you’d like to hear these episodes in advance, new episodes premiere exclusively for SiriusXM subscribers on Conan O’Brien Radio and the SiriusXM app every Wednesday at 4pm ET/1pm PT. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh wait, there's the music. Music Music Music Music Music Hello. You're listening to the Andy Richter Call & Show on Cunin O'Brien Radio. I'm your host, Andy Richter.
Starting point is 00:00:18 And I'm here today with Caitlin Reilly. Talking ghost stories! Nah! Um... So yeah, hi Caitlin! with Caitlin Riley. Talking ghost stories! Naaah! Uuuuhm... So yeah, hi Caitlin! Hi! Thank you so much for coming! Thank you so much for coming! This is good! Thank you for being here!
Starting point is 00:00:36 You beat me here, which I don't like. I don't like when that happens, and I'm sorry that that happened. I'm professional, punctual, and I'm happy to, I'm a joy to be around. Look, it's obvious that you're trying to take this show from me. You're trying to make this the Caitlin Riley, all-in show.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I love it when you come here. You're just so funny and full of vigor. I am, and late. I wasn't that late. Four minutes, that's okay. I was actually here quite early, because I live comically close to where we are. Oh, really?. Four minutes, that's okay. I was actually here quite early, because I live comically close to where I live. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah. Oh that's funny. Yeah. Yeah, uh, Amy Silverberg walked here too. Did you walk here? I did not walk. Okay. No, I don't walk.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah. I'm carried on a litter. I'm carried by my team. Yeah. Can you imagine if you could get publicists to carry you on a litter? I would love that. Oh, that'd be so good. I love being carried.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Something that my boyfriend does that makes me really happy is if I'm lying down and really tired, he'll stand up and pick up my feet and then just kind of hold them in the air. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. You gotta nail that shit down. I know. No, he has to nail me down. Oh, right's nice. Yeah. You gotta nail that shit down. I know. No, he has to nail me down. Oh, right. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Right. You're the wild stallion. I'm the prize. Yeah. So ghosts. Ghosts. Do you have any ghost experiences? I have many ghost experiences. You do? Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:59 How come? Um, I'm an empath. How much of that is serious and how much is joke? You know, I used to, so in my twenties, I would say things like that and mean it. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, how come people don't like me? And then I realized why, because I would say stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Right. Um, when people say they're an empath, I think basically just means that they're sensitive and don't know how to handle their own emotions. Right. Personally. Yes. Yes, right. Personally speaking. Yes, yes. But-
Starting point is 00:02:27 Well, it also just means, like it's giving yourself credit for basic human perception. Whatever you're feeling, I'm also feeling, and maybe stronger. It's like, okay, got it. That's like a, oh, you like that band? I like them first.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Right. I've actually been listening to them since I was nine. Yeah, yeah. No, but I've always been super interested in ghosts and the after world and whatever that is. I've been fascinated by it my whole life and I've had some experiences, yeah, Andy. In the house you grew up in or anything?
Starting point is 00:03:00 In the house I grew up in, I had a couple. Which are? Come on, rattle them off. I'll tell you the, do you want me to get into story time right now? Yes, right now. Okay, so I was six years old, and my best friend at the time, whom I'm still friends with, she came over for a sleepover. And it was a Saturday morning, we slept in my room, woke up early.
Starting point is 00:03:21 My dad wasn't awake yet, so we were sitting at the top of the stairs, kind of just staring at my parents' bedroom, waiting for my dad to wake up early, my dad wasn't awake yet, so we were sitting at the top of the stairs, kinda just staring at my parents' bedroom, waiting for my dad to wake up and make us pancakes. We wake the fuck up, hello. So we're sitting there and we're tired, and we're waiting for the pancakes, we're waiting for my dad to wake up, and I'm staring off in the distance,
Starting point is 00:03:40 which is essentially the hallway that leads to my bedroom. So I'm staring into this hallway and all of the sudden, I swear to God, I see a translucent, this is gonna sound fake, but it's not, I see a translucent whitish outline of a cat, our dead cat, who died a year prior. And I see this cat and I'm thinking, literally six year old brain, I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:04:07 oh my eyes must be playing tricks on me. Like you know when you stare at the sun too much and then you kind of get those like splotchies that follow you around, those floaters. Yes. Six year old brain, I was like, this has gotta be a floater, gotta be that, you know, one of those things.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And then my friend grabbed my arm and looked at me and said, can you see that cat? And I freaked out. I started crying because it totally scared me. I was like, she can see it and I can see it, you know? And kids are more sensitive to that kind of stuff. Of course. So that was my very first tangible experience.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And- Was there one that was scary? There was one that was scary. I was home alone. I was in college, but I was still living at home. And my parents were out of town for a week. And so I was home alone. And the way that my house was set up,
Starting point is 00:05:02 we didn't really have an attic. And there was no way that someone could get on the roof. Right. But I'm in my bedroom and I'm lying in bed and I'm hearing like ruckus outside in the backyard. I'm thinking maybe it's a raccoon. I don't know. And all of a sudden I hear this insane loud banging on the roof. Like a 300 pound man had just decided to walk around.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Stomping. Stomping around. Really, it's shaking the walls, it's shaking the lamp on my bedside table. My heart's pounding. I start freaking out thinking like, there's a person on the roof right now. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:42 On the roof, went over here, went over to the front of the house, is in the front of the house. I start freaking out. I call a guy friend of mine at the time. I'm like, you need to come over here right now. He comes over. I'm afraid to leave my bedroom.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I walk out, go downstairs. I open the front door. And in the foyer of the house I grew up in, we had this very long golden chandelier. It was like 800 pounds, right? The thing is swinging violently back and forth. So for something to make that chandelier swing, like it wasn't a raccoon.
Starting point is 00:06:13 There's no earthquake. No earthquake. Yeah. It was like a person went on the roof. I mean, I don't know if that's paranormal, but. Well, I mean, yeah, I guess. I guess. You know, footsteps in the night
Starting point is 00:06:29 of someone that's not there. A ghost roofer, an angry ghost roofer who needed to lose a few pounds. You say roofer like my mom does. Where's she from? Sweden. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm Swedish extraction, but...
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah, it's a Swedish thing, I think. Roofer, I guess. Roofer. Yeah thing, I think. Ruffer, I guess. Ruffer. Yeah. Ruffer. Ruffer. Yeah. A ruffer. Ruffer. Ruffer. Ruffer. Yeah, yeah. A ruffer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, a ruffer. Yeah. I don't know. God, I love it when you come here, Andy. I do. Well, those are two very weak stories, but I feel like. No, they're not. They're not. I have more, but they'll come to me later. Yes, that's what I was gonna say.
Starting point is 00:07:04 We'll dip back into your story bag as we go on because I'm gonna tell my only one because I'm dying to see a ghost Have you never seen a ghost? I never really have and I I'm sort of skeptical about It why is every man skeptical of this? Well, how come no man believes in magic? We're afraid. We just want to be nuzzled. Every man I talk to is like, yeah, I don't know. Every what is that about? I don't know why does every woman believe more in astrology? Because it's science. No on its face it's ludicrous. What's your sign, what's your sign? Let's talk about it. A Scorpio. Okay. Yeah, see? Right. Fuck that shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, and everyone born on my birthday is exactly the same as me. Your birthday is when? October 28th. Oh, so you're an earlier Scorpio. Yeah, yeah. I see. What's your rising sign?
Starting point is 00:07:59 I don't fucking know. Do you know what time you were born? I think it was like nine-ish in the morning. I need direct times, text your mother. Okay. So the only one that I have, and it is, I was at my grandmother's house after my grandpa died.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I was nine, because my grandpa died, my brother and sister were, it doesn't matter, I was nine. And I was watching TV and my grandmother had gone to the grocery store. I was just staying at her house. I think I was there kind of like in a, you know, grandpa died and grandma,
Starting point is 00:08:34 it's good for you to go stay with grandma kind of thing, which is the sort of adultish responsibility that was put on me from a very early age. Please handle your grandmother's aged grief. Your grandmother's in grief. Go babysit her. While we go to work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:49 So I was watching TV, it was the middle of the day, and my grandfather, he was older than, like 18 years older than my grandmother. Wow. Yeah. It's a very, it's an interesting, complicated story. But his bedroom was downstairs, because as he'd gotten older,
Starting point is 00:09:07 just to not go up and down the old stairs in this old farmhouse. And I heard him from, and he called my grandma Mommy. That was his nickname for her. Okay. And I was laying watching TV and I heard him go, Mommy, Mommy! As clear as day? As clear as day. That's wild. And I was laying watching TV and I heard him go, mommy, mommy. And I-
Starting point is 00:09:27 As clear as day. As clear as day. That's wild. And I said, she's at the store. Like you forgot. Yeah, and then was like, oh fuck. That's, and you're home alone and you're not.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I'm home alone. No. But thank God it was the middle of the day. So, and I just got up and got out of the house and went to the neighbors. Oh. I was just like, I didn't tell her why, it's this nice old lady, I was just like, oh, my grandma's at the store,
Starting point is 00:09:49 and is it okay if I just hang out here until? That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, it was just, it was weird to me, I wish that I'd had the presence of mind to realize, it's grandpa, like, you don't need to run out of the house, you know, like. Yeah, but it's still so scary you don't need to run out of the house, you know? Yeah, but it's still so scary.
Starting point is 00:10:06 It's so freaky, yeah. Like I've had certain little things happen here and there where I've gotten really freaked out, but then I'm like, no way, but it's kind of cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, because I always just feel like they can't hurt you. They can only just scare you.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Well, you can get possessed or cursed or, you know. No, but I know I can't. There's no soul in here. So what's the, you know. Andy, you do have a soul. There's nothing to let go of me. Come on. All right, well, we need to get to the phones.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Let's get to the phones. To hear from all these people who have been spooked and been ghouled. First up, Olivia from New York. Hello, Olivia. Hello. Hi, you're talking to Andy and Caitlin. Thank you for calling us with your trauma,
Starting point is 00:10:55 your supernatural trauma. Yeah, it was terrifying, not really, but. Well, let us have it. It's still a cool experience. All right, so in in 2019 I was on vacation with my mom and my brother and I had begged them to go to the Lizzie Borden house Yeah, you gotta it was I'd been wanting to do it for such a long time and
Starting point is 00:11:23 It was a really hot day in like late July, early August, I want to say. And this house has no air conditioning whatsoever. It's super stuffy. And we kept feeling like cold air being casted on us. We all felt it. And my brother, who was a man and also doesn't believe in ghosts even admitted to it And there's no air conditioning. This is this is an old house No air conditioning.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Well, they say that when a spirit is present the air gets colder. Right. I know that. I know well ghost adventures. Do you watch that show? I just You need to I have See I grew up watching ghost adventures and that's why I wanted to go there Yeah, Olivia and I know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Right. So cold spots. Yeah, we know. You're hitting the cold spots. Cold spots, yes. And then we were up in the attic in the maid's quarters, maid's room, and it's slanted, so I'm standing in front of my mom
Starting point is 00:12:21 and my brother and they're sitting on the ground. And my phone is turned off like manually off in my back pocket and I'm paying attention to the tour guide. My butt is right in my mom's face And she gets a phone call she gets a phone call and it's from me. Oh She taps me on the back and she goes, did you call me? And I go, no, you know, I didn't, I didn't call you. And we brought it up to the tour guide later. And she said that a lot of the ghosts mess with the electronics and that's not the first time it's happened. And things go haywire all the time.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Wow. Yoinks. See, I was hoping you would have seen a ghostly figure walking around with a bloody ax. Nude, so that she would burn her clothes. You know what I found out recently about Lizzie Borden? What's that? Is that it's highly likely that she did not kill her parents.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Oh really? Yeah. Well who did? Yeah. I don't know. A drifter, it's always a drifter. I mean, you gotta think about it though. Back then, it was so easy to kill people.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Like getting away with murder was like stealing milk from the corner store. Right, especially when you're a woman, a young woman. They're the fairer sex, the weaker sex. Yeah, exactly. They don't hack people up. Yeah. Yeah. No, but I actually, I think I was listening to
Starting point is 00:13:57 one of my favorite podcasts is My Favorite Murder. Don't talk about other podcasts. Whoopsie, whoopsie daisy, sorry about that. But yeah, I think, yeah, I read somewhere and they'll say, whoopsie, whoopsie daisy. Sorry about that. But yeah, I think, yeah, I read somewhere that Lizzie Borden most likely did not kill her parents. But I do think, I'm sure the house is haunted as hell. Maybe it was the uncle. It's usually a man.
Starting point is 00:14:19 It's usually a man. Oh yeah. Well, you gotta do what you're good at. It's usually a man from out of town. Right. A drifter. A from out of town. Right. A drifter. A drifter. A drifter.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Yep. Yeah. He's a doctor or something. They're always a fucking doctor. They're always a fucking doctor. Good with an X. Unbelievable. No, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:14:37 All right, well, Olivia, thank you so much. Thank you so much, Olivia. Yeah, of course. For contributing and, well wait, when you checked outgoing calls, had your phone made one when you turned it back on? No. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:51 That's crazy, man. Not at all. That's wild. All right. Yeah. Well, thank you, Olivia. Yeah, of course. Have a good one. Have a good one. All right, bye-bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Bye. Bye. Okay, this next caller is a blast from my past. This is Susie Santamorro who used to do script on The Conan Show for years and years and years. Susie, hello! Hi, how are you? I'm good, I'm good. Susie and I have known each other since 1993.
Starting point is 00:15:25 We basically saw each other. She's one of the people, and she, me too. We saw each other grow up. From being young party and people, not too long out of college, to grownups with kids and boring old people. Wow. So, how's your boring-
Starting point is 00:15:41 And gray hair, and yeah. Yeah, how's your boring old life, Suzy? It's pretty boring and all. I like to stay home and watch TV. Yeah. And just, you know, I'm into gardening now and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah. Well, tell us, I- It changed a lot. Under your, I'm happy that you called, the producer told me that you had called and I was like, yeah, let's talk to Suzy. And you have a haunted home? We do.
Starting point is 00:16:13 So, my house, my house was in Buffalo, New York. And back when my kids were little and we were doing late night I would go there in the summers when we had time off and it was in the suburbs but it was set way back off the road and it was really big and old and you know drafty and dark and my dad he kind of let it go for a while so you, you know, things were overgrown and all that. And so I was there with my kids and Zach was four
Starting point is 00:16:52 and Chelsea was two. And I had Zach, he was in the side room and he was watching TV and Chelsea had fallen asleep. So I went to put her upstairs for her nap, and I checked on Zach, he was watching TV, he was fine, and the door was locked and everything. So, put Chelsea up for her nap, and came back down and went to see Zach,
Starting point is 00:17:16 and the TV wasn't on, and I said, Zach, you know, you didn't wanna watch TV anymore? He said, no, He said, I did. He said, the man turned it off. And I said, the man? I said, what man? It's just us here. And he said, the man turned it off.
Starting point is 00:17:33 He said, not right now and turned it off. And I said, who turned it off? And he said, the hand turned it off. And I was like, oh my gosh. This is when the scary music would start. No, I have goose pimples. Yeah, I was. Did you rush around the house looking
Starting point is 00:17:54 if there was somebody had snuck? Did you at first think not ghost, but like weirdo coming into the house? No, because the door was locked and it's so set back in its own little, it's on was locked and it was it's so set back. Yeah. Own little, um, it's on eight acres and there's really nobody around. And I, it's just, you know, that Blair Witch project was out at the time.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Oh, no, that was all my head. And um, yeah, so, um, the people that owned the house prior to us, it was built in 1910, they used to make caskets. Okay, Suzy, Suzy, I would have, I would have thrown up and I would have packed up the house that evening. And rushed Zach to an exorcist. I was so scared and my sister moved in it later on and the sewing machine would just start randomly. Suzie! And there was a sink in my brother's old room that would just start to turn on by itself.
Starting point is 00:19:02 No! just turn on by itself. No, no. Yeah, you gotta make those tufted linings and then wash your hands after doing an embalming. It is so crazy to me. I lived in an apartment in Glendale that I believed was haunted. And I remember thinking, this is literally the worst thing that could possibly happen to me.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Because when you watch movies or you watch TV shows about ghosts or hauntings or what have you, if like the first, if that, I swear to God, Susie, if that happens to me, I'm like, cool, we're not living here anymore. Yeah. There is not going to be some old man ghost who's telling my- The hand man.
Starting point is 00:19:41 The hand? No, thank you. Get out of here. No, I would say, as I was staying there, because we used to go there all the time and I would just say, okay, we're just here for a week. Just bear with us. Because I knew they were maybe not so mean,
Starting point is 00:20:01 just annoyed by us, so I would talk out loud to them. You would talk out loud to the ghosts. Do you, wow. Did you ever ask Zach if he had any recollection of it or if he ever saw that? Yeah. Yeah. I just asked him this morning,
Starting point is 00:20:18 cause you know, I knew I was doing this and he didn't really quite remember, but he remembers, I mean, there was one time he was sitting, it was the day after my sister passed, and him and Chelsea, my daughter, and his cousin Renee, they were sitting in the room and Chelsea was at the piano and there was like, he couldn't explain it, but like an orb that was physical, but yet spiritual behind Chelsea. And it moved out past through the window outside and he had asked my sister for a sign. And he and his cousin, Rene, looked at each other at the same time they both saw it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So there's a lot of stuff like that going on. Wow. Yeah. Do you live in the house full time now? No. Well, we had, it was, my dad gave it to us. It was a family home. You know, it was the six of us and my dad, he didn't want to sell it and we wanted to
Starting point is 00:21:24 keep it so my sister Mary moved in there with her family and We sold it in 2021 and they knocked it down Yeah, they knocked it down boy Well, I hope that I hope that ghosts go in there and critique their open floor plan Yeah, the hand man is not gonna like Great talking to you Yeah, I hope to see you soon Me too. Okay. Bye. Bye
Starting point is 00:21:58 All right. Oh man, that is so that is so especially when it's your kid and the kids don't like question it, you know? Yeah. Yeesh. God. All right, we're going, oh, I should say that you're listening to the Andy Richter Call-In Show on Conan O'Brien Radio. I'm Andy Richter, the namesake of the show.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And Caitlin Riley is so glad I came in today. Hello, thank you for coming. You're welcome. Thank you for coming. Hey, midpoint here, you want to plug anything? No. Okay, so let's go to the phones. Shannon from Georgia. Shannon, how are you? And Shannon is a fella according to my notes. Hi Shannon. Hi Andy, Caitlin, great to be here. How you doing? You're calling us from Georgia, right? Savannah, the Garden of Good News.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Oh my God, Savannah is like Go Central, I bet. Yeah, it is Go Central. Yeah, some called America's most haunted city. Yeah. In some like fun way. That's a good thing to put on the town sign. I know. As you come in.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I know. Absolutely, It's, yeah. It's a subtext. Yeah. Well, tell us about your story. Sure, sure, sure. I've lived in Savannah about 30 years and there's a well-known cemetery here, Bonaventure Cemetery, 18th century plantation, repurposed Victorian-age cemetery. And some years ago, it was downtown Savannah, and it was an evening, and kind of set the
Starting point is 00:23:32 mood. It was a dark and low barometric pressure night. But there were five women that I ran into that were just visiting. And we started talking about the cemetery and, um, they were, of course, very intrigued by the idea that was haunted. And so I told them that was, you know, illicit to sneak into the cemetery after five, but you know, every man has his price and, you know, they named my price. And so, so you're like, I'll take you into the cemetery, but 40 bucks or something like that?
Starting point is 00:24:07 You know, I think it was a little more than that. Wow. Do you do random tasks for strangers for hire? Is that a regular thing with you? Wait, so you charged somebody and took them into a cemetery after hours? You know, I cannot confirm or deny, but yes, no, I will confirm. Okay, well, all right. So you're the kind of person that walks up to strangers and does stuff for money. So continue. Yeah, this is a fully closed situation.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I just want to preface. Sometimes they are, if that's your thing. Yeah, right is a fully closed situation. I just want to preface, but- Sometimes they are, if that's your thing. Yeah, right, right. And I mean, it was hot, but we were all clothed, but nonetheless- I would like to think you were all clothed. Shannon, has your name always been Shannon? Or have you maybe changed your name
Starting point is 00:25:01 a couple of times over your lifetime? Oh, I see what you're saying. Well, there are some in the public sector that would like that, yes. But no, it's on the birth certificate. Okay. All right, so you're in the cemetery with five clients. We hopped the fence now.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah. Oh, you all hopped the fence, nice. Yeah, and it's one of those 1840 cemeteries with all the you know wonderful sculpture and the marble and the granite and so but it's about a mile to the river and we walk through the cemetery down to the river and it's low tide great moon over the water and the the women made notice that there was a woman near the water's edge, which was about maybe 100 feet out or something from the river bluff. And I looked and saw this woman in kind of a white nightgown.
Starting point is 00:25:54 She was kneeling at the river. And I just made the comment that she'd better have her galoshes on because of all the oyster beds and that she would get her feet cut up, something to that effect. And it was almost as if the woman heard us talking and she turned to look at us, which, you know, kind of was an emotional sweep of understanding that we were now being recognized by this woman. And as she stood up and started coming to the bluff, it was as if she were cascading over the river mud itself. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I hate this. I hate this Shannon. I hate this. Okay, go on. Well, no, and, and really our reaction was pretty instantaneous and primal. We just, we literally turned around and ran as a group. And I think I don't know them. I mean, I'm perfectly happy to leave them in the dust, but we all ran that mile back to the front gate. No way. As we, well, as we climbed over, the police were rolling up at the exact same time.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Because you were trespassing. Correct, correct. And they checked on the cemetery at a certain hour or so. But as we came down over the gates, the police kind of, you know, they looked at our driver's licenses and that type of thing. And they just said, oh, we find anything missing. We'll call you well We we got back to town and we all really had the same
Starting point is 00:27:32 Understanding that we were not necessarily afraid of this woman as much that had come in our direction As much as we thought she was warning us about something. Well some days later I mentioned this to a member of the Historical Society of the Cemetery and she said, oh that's the Lady in White. What do you mean? What? This is an insane story. Sorry, go on. More like hysterical society. Oh, thank you, thank you. I was terrible. I'm sorry. That was really bad. So anyway, the lady in white. Perfectly consistent. Lady in white.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah, and I thought, you know, this was just some crazy situation that was isolated, but, and I've since found that cemetery workers are really superstitious people generally, and even they had spoken of it, you know, for some years, and there's a long
Starting point is 00:28:27 kind of associated story with a woman that was found floating in that river, kind of unrequited love story style, you know, in the Victorian age. But apparently she's the source, but there's also a statue in the cemetery of a seated woman that is often attached to that phenomenon. And so, you know, that was my first real introduction to that haunted part of Savannah. Is there much backstory to the lady in white? I mean, there is, you know, she was left at the altar and threw herself off a bridge or something like that?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Well, I'll say this. Yeah, there's, there are varying takes on it, but she was an artist that had parents in the Victorian age that had a certain view of who she should marry. And she ended up fleeing to Italy and sort of hiding among gypsies in a Bohemian kind of caravan in the mountains.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And a painter there proposed to her. She accepted, word gets back to Savannah, not really well accepted. She returns home to kind of have a conversation and some say she basically in defiance drowned herself. But this is part of the myth of her. She was really having a brat summer. Yeah That's really it's worse than both of them. Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:54 No, I'm obsessed with her that is there's nothing I love more Oh than a Victorian ghost in a white dress floating Floating in a white dress. That would go- By a river? Absolutely chilling. Are you kidding me? Nothing I love more. Now you mentioned that it was warning. That yeah, and classic too.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Like you mentioned that it was a warning. Did you ever sort of figure that out? Oh yeah. What was the warning? Yeah, what I figured out is that at Bonaventure Cemetery, there's something called Lover's Leap. Some call it suicide bluff, but it's really the same thing.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And it's about a 50 foot drop into the water type of thing. But there have been 43 suicides at Lover's Leap in Bonaventure since it was founded. And those are the ones I just know about. And you think you were standing near that and she was saying... Correct. Oh, it's in the old section. Yeah, the absolute oldest part of the cemetery. I'm going to go home and I'm going to hyperfixate on this cemetery for the next three days. Thank you, Shannon.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Well, and sure, you guys will be interested to know it's now for the first time in really probably history being featured in a musical In Chicago called Midnight in the Garden Good and Evil the musical They're turning and the sets are beautiful the Bonaventure sets are stunning on the stage unbelievable there they turn that into a musical Apparently yeah 30 years later to the publishing of the book title and I saw it on July 3rd at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago and it's stunning. It's really heading for Broadway, would be my guess. Wow, Shannon, you are a man about town. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Well, you know, I'm into this stuff, so. Yeah. It goes without saying. Theater goer, ghost viewer. Well, Shannon, that was a great call. That was a thank you so much. That was an amazing story. Andy, Caitlin, thank you for the honor.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I love your show. It's appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. And I love my show, too. Thank you, Shannon. All right. This is Andy Andy Richter Collins show. Conan O'Brien radio.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Talking to Caitlin Riley here. I mean, she's talking to you. Thank you for coming. Thank me for coming. Eric from Philly. Are you there? Uh oh. Eric.
Starting point is 00:32:24 They got him. He's the ghost. He is the ghost. The caller is the ghost. Have you ever stayed at Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego? Yes. It's the most haunted hotel in all of California. Yes, I never saw a goddamn thing.
Starting point is 00:32:37 I've been there. Oh really? I stayed there a couple times when my kids were little. My parents took me when I was like 10 years old and they were like, you know this hotel's haunted. When I was a kid, I thought that ghosts were like literally gonna kill me. So I was in hysterics, and the first hotel room that we got was right next to the haunted hotel room,
Starting point is 00:32:52 and to the bellhop, I was screaming and crying, please take us somewhere else, please, I can't stay here. And my parents thought it was hilarious, but they moved us to the other side of the hotel. And then I was like obsessed with the female ghosts at this hotel and they're like, we thought that you were scared. And I was like, well, anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Now that we're staying on the other side of the hotel, I just didn't want to be that close. Eric, are you there? I'm here, thank you for coming. Hi, thank you so much for having me. Thanks for having us, Eric. I coming. Hi, thank you so much for having me. Thanks for having us. I love Philly, how are ya? It's such a huge honor to talk to both of you.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Caitlin, I was essentially peer pressured by the algorithm to follow you because your videos pop up everywhere all the time and it's fantastic. So it wasn't, it wasn't. Oh, okay, well I guess we're done with me. He was busy complimenting me now. I'm assuming go ahead I was gonna tell you you are my my hands down favorite part of the anchorman unrated commentary
Starting point is 00:33:53 Thank you so much the finest one of the finest unknown bits of improv I think out there right now Yeah that was me and Kyle gas came in and and When I left Lou Rawls was sitting in the in the waiting room to come In and be a part of it for some reason which was Which part which part did you play an anchorman? none Nor Luraw yeah, yeah, and I think they had. They had me and Kyle Gass come in for Anchorman.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And I actually, you know, you never know for sure, but it seemed like it was between me and Steve Carell for the weatherman part. Sure. And Steve Carell got it. Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I, so it's like-
Starting point is 00:34:40 I'm an Anchorman. I had sour grapes. Sorry. And I just thought, you know, so it's like, I had, I had, I had sour grapes. So, and I, and I just thought, you know, and it was fun cause I love everybody involved. So I just was like, yeah, I'll just, so I, and I think I made fun of Paul Rudd or something, you know. He needs to be made fun of.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You say you have Paul Rudd in your movie, who's about as fucking funny as all my children. And then a voice on the speakerphone goes, ahem, hey, who's that? I go, who's that? He goes, this is Paul. He's like, oh, hey, you've been listening, Paul? That is so funny.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Incredible. Yeah, we're fine, though. We've seen each other plenty of times. No, Paul's really funny. We've seen each other plenty of times. Oh yeah. No, Paul's really funny. I was just, but I still, I don't like it when like really beautiful people are that funny. It's not, it's not fair. It's not fair. It's been so handsome for so long. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:35:37 It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Yeah, that's handsome. Anyway, Eric, tell us about ghosts. Enough about showbiz. And your adoration of us. And the fact that you were forced to follow me wasn't even organic. Whatever, Eric.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Hey, the algorithm knows what I like and it sends it to me. Yeah, well. So listen, my story starts out when I was in high school but begins back in 1920 outside of Philadelphia. They built this orphanage called St. Vincent's Orphanage, which was run by nuns and took in orphaned little girls. So right off the bat, you got nuns, you got orphans, and you got 1920s, which are excellent fodder for a horror story.
Starting point is 00:36:22 When I was in high school, the stories were a nun haunted the bell tower, that one orphan killed another orphan and it was covered up. But whatever the story were- Orphan on orphan crime? You know, you don't hear about it much, but it happened. You don't hear about orphan on orphan crime enough. It's not, it's hard.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And, well, yeah, and especially when that kind of heartbreak causes the school to be haunted. So in the 1950s, the orphanage closed and it was transformed into a high school called Archbishop Prendergast High School, which is now unfortunately gone. But that's where I went to school. And when I was in high school in the early 2000s, most of the orphanage was removed and converted to classrooms. But the rumor forever was that there was one hidden section of the school that was never converted. You know, it's like a rumor anybody would tell.
Starting point is 00:37:10 But it ended up being true because in 2003, during a late night rehearsal for Les Mis or Rob, me and a couple of other show kids found the hidden entrance in the chorus room, hidden behind this black painted piece of wood. Shut the fuck up, Eric. It was nuts. We were, so you could leave school and then go home for a little bit and come back for play practice.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I know how Tech Week works, buddy. I know how Tech Week works. Don't gotta tell me twice. He's telling me. Not all the listeners were, you know, outcasts. For the high school theater kids, that's called Tech Week, or, right Eric, itcasts. For the high school theater kids, that's called tech week, or, right, Eric, it's called hell week.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Hell week. Hell week. Well, this is me telling Caitlin how to play the game. I know. So, yes, we found this entrance. It was a real thing, room or forever, and we get in there, and it's this really old, splintery staircase
Starting point is 00:38:01 that we took up one at a time because- Going down or going up? Like, up. Going down or going up? Going up. This whole section of the school, which apparently the windows were 1920s windows in 2003, so they had to get in there and take the old windows out in the place in which ended up being used for our barricade in Les Miserables. Shut up! You had a haunted musical. I was a student and I died through one of those windows during the last battle. Okay, so you're forever touched by the spirits. So you guys went up there and were you guys the first people you think that went up there and then later, like was it your discovery that where they were like, hey, we could put in some new windows. People were, I think they were scouting up there to be like, where's this chill coming from? Oh, it's this old part of the school we gotta get. So I think the reason we were able to find that entrance was because somebody in the administration had already moved it.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Oh, wow. Where the chill's coming from, you do know that ghosts create chill. That's the rules. Oh yes. Yeah and it's a really old building. You mean a relaxed atmosphere. They just, they're relaxed. Okay, Eric, so hold on. I'm here with you minute by minute, Andy's not. So you're going up the stairs. Oh well. So you're walking up the stairs. Once you get to the top of the stairs, then what? You got old green carpet running down a hallway that leads into a bigger area stacked with old desks
Starting point is 00:39:31 and then rooms going off either side, maybe like two or three rooms on either side. All these boxes filled with like 1980s test papers and stuff like that. And so we're kind of looking around in these rooms and the girl in our group is digging through some of these boxes and my buddy Mike pushes us out of the room and into a room across the hall quietly and we want to just mess with her and make her think that
Starting point is 00:39:56 we left. So we're hiding in this bathroom across the hall and we're siphoning after we have our hands over our mouth and a few seconds later our friend Michelle realizes nobody's there with her. She flips out. She comes screaming and running up and down the halls looking for us. It's not funny. It's not funny. And we're holding our hands because we want to, you know, keep the bit going as long as you can. Uh, and then somebody finally breaks and I hear laughter, but it's not laughter from either of my guy friends.
Starting point is 00:40:20 It sounded like a little girl's laughter. Oh my God. Fuck was that? So I turned to my buddies, and not only are their hands both still over their mouths, but they heard it too, because their eyes went wide as dinner plates. And so- This little girl laughter is the worst! In the room right next door to where we are.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Oh, so it was, you could hear it coming from another room that you were not in? We were like, is she laughing? Is she hysterical now? But then she started screaming right after at another end of the room. And that's when I think we all realized like somebody up here is somebody's up here and laughing at this. And it's not any of us. Did she hear the laughter? She did not. She was down at the other end of the hallway looking back down where the staircase was.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I'm gonna throw up Eric. That's awesome. So we had this big thug type guy who had just joined the musicals. Turns out he had a gorgeous singing voice. That's always the case. That's always the case. Yes. You ever see stir crazy? He's pushing thugs out of the room? Yeah, right. I think I think he so he pushes out of the room and he's screaming. He is screaming a high pitched scream I've never heard before. And we're running we're pushing Michelle like get we got to get out of here. We're going to get
Starting point is 00:41:35 out here as we're running. I don't know if it's our footsteps or what but desks down at other end of the hallway come crashing down. No, no! And the four of us are screaming. That old staircase, splinters are flying everywhere. We can hear them raining down on the floor. And we get to the bottom of the stairs and then run up to where the actual theater was and wait it out there. Oh my God. And we told everybody, so that whole month, everybody was sneaking up there and doing stuff. There were pictures taken, orbs in every one of the pictures. And then we tried to get them back again.
Starting point is 00:42:08 They were destroyed in a puddle of water. What was destroyed in a puddle of water? I'm sorry. So it was 2003, everybody carried a portable camera that you would then get the pictures developed. And we were passing them out one night at play practice showing, look, orbs cover in the hallway, orbs cover in all the desks and everything. And then the one night at play practice showing, look, orbs coverin' the hallway, orbs coverin' all the desks and everything,
Starting point is 00:42:26 and then the next night when somebody's like, hey, do you still have those pictures? We found them in a puddle of water, completely destroyed. No backups. Wow. You didn't have the negatives? Dispose, Vulcan? We do, they're gone, they're long gone.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Well, I mean, they were just orbs. That is out of control. That'sbs. That is out of control. That is out of control, Eric. That's crazy. There is nothing I hate more than orphaned dead children. Right. From the 1920s. There's nothing worse.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Dead children are bad enough, but you throw an orphan in there and it's... It's always the Catholics, too. Always. Always. It's always the Catholics. Catholics and Always. Always. It's always the Catholics. Catholics and their ghosts. Yep. Holy or otherwise.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Yep, that and the possessions. They really are good at the possession stuff, though. The one thing that scared me, and I was baptized Catholic, so my parents say, but there was no pictures and put me as like, I feel like you lied and just told my grandma that I was baptized. Right, right. He just kind of all went with it.
Starting point is 00:43:24 My biggest fear, and I'm not a religious person at all, my biggest fear is still getting possessed. That and mummies. Mummies? Mummies you could just run away from. No. Get in a car, buy a mummy, see you later. Egyptian curses and mummies.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I'm sorry, Eric, what'd you say? What about getting possessed by a mummy? Yeah, see I wouldn't like that. Like I want to go to Egypt one day and I want to go inside the pyramids but part of me is like, I cannot have the ancient spirits attached to me. I'm such an attractive house for spirits, is your thinking. Because I'm an empath. Right. Yeah, they're like, oh, look right there, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:07 fuck all these other million tourists, here she comes. What's going on with that white girl? The chosen one. Los Angeles, yeah. What's more, you have influence, and so if you're possessed, I mean, your reach goes far beyond what the Fires of Old could do. Yeah, imagine me doing a TikTok series, being possessed.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I'd rather not. Oh my God, the brand deals I would get. Can you imagine? It would only get 100 million views. Yeah, sure. For maybe diaphanous gauze. Yeah, it's not gonna be hoctua numbers. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:38 Well, Eric, thank you so much. I think they just puffed us out. They can't. I don't, you know what? I don't have any beef with Hawk Tua. I love that that's her name. I don't have any beef with her. God bless her.
Starting point is 00:44:54 God bless her. You know, she's a spirited fun gal and people made a big deal out of her being spirited and fun and what the heck. Hawk Tua. Yeah, yeah. God forbid. God forbid a girl's trying to have and fun and what the heck. Haktu. Yeah, yeah. God forbid. God forbid a girl's trying to have some fun
Starting point is 00:45:08 on a Friday night. And also, like, just in terms of, since we're all theater folk, just in terms of line reading, it's a world class. Like you could- It's an incredible delivery. You give a hundred people that exact line. Spit on that thing.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah. You know, like, all of it is genius it's really the diction leading up to the catchphrase is it's a master class I yeah I don't I mean I don't think you know that you know she should be hosting Wheel of Fortune I do I do okay I do yeah I sorry Ryan Seacrest yeah I want her I want her hosting Inside Edition. Yeah, yeah. Hi, Vanna. Hi, Hawk Tua. All right, Eric, thank you for calling in
Starting point is 00:45:51 with your excellent story. That was great. Have a good one. It's a genuine pleasure. Thank you. Thank you both so much. Bye, Eric. Chelsea from New Hampshire,
Starting point is 00:46:01 you're on the Andy Richter Collins show with Andy Richter and Caitlin Riley. Hi Chelsea. Hi Andy, hi Caitlin, how are you guys doing? We are, we're, we got the creeps over here. We got the creeps. That one did like when he said the little girl laughing the previous caller. You, could you hear that Chelsea? The previous caller? I did, I got to hear that. Well, this one is also probably gonna creep you guys out a little bit. Oh, perfect. Because this one involves a baby. Nice, no.
Starting point is 00:46:30 So this one's probably also gonna creep you out a little bit, or hopefully it does. So you guys can get the heebie-deebies when you go to bed tonight. All right. So, yeah, so I'll start this off with, I am the oldest of seven children. Wow. That's too many children.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Catholic. Yeah, so no, not Catholic. My mom has just started kind of early and kept going a little bit too late. Oh, wow. So there's a really big age gap here. So I, it's not really sad, but I had a little brother die when,
Starting point is 00:47:03 back in January of 2000, and he had a little brother die when back in January of 2000. Um, and, uh, he had leukemia, but, uh, we never really felt like his spirit kind of left the house. Like we had, um, we tried to sell the house in like 2000 and like seven. And we had a medium come through the house was one of the people who tried to buy it And they said that like the the spirit hadn't really left the house and didn't want them there and Said that you know it no we we can't buy this house. Nobody wants us here. We got a we're out He was two he was four he's a got sick when He was two. No, he was four. He got sick when he was two, he died when he was four.
Starting point is 00:47:49 And I was eight. So at that point we were like, we're not going to sell the house. We'll stay here. If it's haunted, it's haunted. It's fine. We at least know who it's haunted by. So we're like, it's fine. We're cool as ghosts.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It'll be okay. So, we had all, my mom kept having kids. She kept popping them out every two years. Oh my god. So she had, she had four more kids after that. Yeah. Every two years she had another baby and all of the babies always would, we would put them on the floor and they were always trying to lay on the floor and they would
Starting point is 00:48:37 always be like trying to grab at something and laughing and playing when there was nothing above their heads. There wasn't a ceiling fan, there wasn't anything in the sky, there was nothing there. And they always looked like they were trying to play with something. So there was this one time when my youngest sister, she was in 2015, my newest baby sister was five months old and she was just starting to crawl. And I went to my mom's house and my younger siblings were telling me about
Starting point is 00:49:13 how in the last 24 hours before that, all of the fire alarms had been going off randomly through like the day and night, like for no reason at all. They had checked and cleaned every single one of them. They checked the batteries, they cleaned around them, and it just, it didn't make a difference. There was no like, and it was random intervals. So, and they would just go,
Starting point is 00:49:37 they were hardwired through the house. So one would go off and the whole house would light up. And it didn't make the baby cry it made her laugh she thought it was hilarious okay so yeah it's like a game for her okay yeah yeah so it makes it worse and so I my mom left and I was babysitting I put my baby sister on the floor. And again, just like every other time, she was playing and giggling
Starting point is 00:50:11 like something was above her head and she was trying to grab at it. She was happy and having a good time. And this went on for about 20 minutes and then she flipped over and started to crawl at it and was chasing. Oh. And then naturally the fire alarm went off again.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Okay. So I picked her up and I was like, you know what? I'm just going to try something. And so I screamed, stop it. And it stopped and never went on again. Stop. Wow. That was the end of it never went on again. Stop. Wow. That was the end of it.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Never happened again. Wow. Fire Lime never went on again. So that was the end of it. Yeah. Wow, that is wild. It's wild, but it's also like, it's not, it's kind of sweet in a way.
Starting point is 00:51:01 It's like, you know, it's like the baby, you know, your brother was entertaining his siblings. It's kind of sweet in a way. It's like, you know, it's like the baby, you know, your brother was entertaining his siblings. It's kind of sweet. Yeah, and you're all being watched over, you know? And it is- So it's a ghost story, but it's like a spirit happy ghost story. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:18 So it is like the sheeby jeebies, but like in a sweet way. Yes, and that is like a baby sense of humor. Like set off a really loud noise and do it a thousand times too much. And it's weird that they were laughing too because that would make a baby cry and like really agitated.
Starting point is 00:51:34 That's so crazy. Babies are so sensitive to spirits. It's like every single story we've had has been child involved. Yeah, I guess it has been. Oh yeah. That is so crazy. We're not really the lady in white down by the river. Oh, I guess it has been. Yeah. Oh yeah. That is so crazy. We're not really the lady in white down by the river.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Oh, well yeah, that's true. Oh yeah, that was uncomfortable. We love the lady in white. Yeah, yeah. It's always a sad lady or a baby. And they gotta be wearing flowing clothes, I guess. Mm-hmm. You know?
Starting point is 00:52:00 Mm-hmm. Yeah. So, well Chelsea, thank you, that was great. Thanks for calling in. Yeah, well Chelsea, thank you, that was great. Thanks for calling in. Yeah, absolutely. All right, we got time for one more. I'm looking to the booth there. Yeah, we got time for one more.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And again, another Conan. Get him out of here. No, another Conan employee. Team Cocoa Engineer Joanna. Hi! Hi! How are you? You're not counting this as being on the clock, are you?
Starting point is 00:52:36 I am. Alright, well good. Charge him for it. $200. Yeah, this is, yeah. Invoice written up now. Yeah, this is yeah invoice written up now. All right, Joanna, it just says next to your name possession. Yeah, with an exclamation point. I can't wait. This is my least favorite thing in the world. Okay, so when I was I was raised pretty Christian. My mom is like one of those evangelical Christians. That's just some background. And when I was growing up, I grew up in India. I had these two friends,
Starting point is 00:53:10 these two girls that lived opposite to our house. And I would play with them every day. I'd go over to their house, their grandma had like, really bad arthritis, like she couldn't move. They had to like pick her up to take her to the bathroom so she could pee and stuff. Yeah, and her family was just like really poor and my mom was like, hey, you should invite them to prayer meeting. And I said no. So then she just invited them for me. And they came over, they really enjoyed it. And then they invited, my mom invited their parents to come and they all really liked it. They converted to Christianity. They started going to my church. And my church is like super evangelical, like speaking in tongues, like, you know, exorcisms and stuff
Starting point is 00:53:57 after. This was in India? Whoa. Yeah, this was in India. Wow. I didn't think that stuff went on over there. I don't know why I wouldn't think that. Yeah, wow. Yeah, so the whole family was really receptive to all of it, except the grandma.
Starting point is 00:54:18 She hated the whole thing. She was like, Bibles are banned at the home. Like, don't talk about that stuff in here. But she's also bedridden, so couldn't do much. What you gonna do? Take your Bible? One day. I'd like to see you try. One- Kidding. Yeah, you can't even move.
Starting point is 00:54:39 One day after prayer meeting, the pastor of my church was like, hey, we should just pop over there and pray for them, pray for the grandma, like surprise visit. So we all showed up. I was like 11 at this time, or 12, and like, there's like six or seven, seven or eight of us. And they showed up, like created like a little prayer circle around her and started praying for her. And like, just as they started
Starting point is 00:55:09 praying, like, she popped out of her chair. And like, like jumped out and started doing these like, make like motions like bribing on the floor, like screaming things. What? The woman that couldn't even get to the toilet. Yeah, she looks like, like, she was made out of rubber or What? The woman that couldn't even get to the toilet. Yeah. She looked like, like she was made out of rubber or something. And yeah, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:32 So like that happened. And my mom was like, okay, you need to go home. So I left. And then this woman needed, the grandma needed like another exorcism after that one. Wait a second. The way you're telling this story is so casual.
Starting point is 00:55:48 So yeah, she's on the floor, kind of like a snake. And so my mom turns to me and is like, you need to go home. So then there was like a second exorcism. Like were people screaming? What? No, everyone was totally chill. Actually the pastor turned to me and said, don't be afraid of it,
Starting point is 00:56:05 because if you are afraid of it, then it'll go inside you. You're giving it. That's how they that's how they get you. I think that's I know. That's when I got that's when I started getting scared because I wasn't scared up until then. And then and then the grandma was totally healed. Like she started coming to church as well. Our church was on the fifth floor of this school building and she would climb
Starting point is 00:56:34 up those stairs. Like I see her walking around. Yeah. And the family's entire luck changed. Like they started making a bunch of money. Like their life just turned around for the better. And I'm not a Christian anymore, but I think about this a lot. That is, huh. That is, it's a ghost story, but it's also like an evangelical story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah. Yeah. Where. Yeah. Where do you, that is, so as I've said prior, one of my biggest fears is being possessed and how they get you is if you're going to be possessed, it's because you're afraid of being possessed. You know, it's like the chicken or the ant. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:57:21 It's like a cat. When you go to, if you hate cats, when you go to somebody's house, they know to sit on your lap. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that happens's like a cat. If you hate cats, when you go to somebody's house, they know to sit on your lap. Yeah, yeah, that happens to me a lot. I think, yeah. Demons are like cats. Cats are like demons.
Starting point is 00:57:33 What I try to do is I try to be neutral, where I'm like, hey, listen, if you're bad, chill out, it's cool. I'm not gonna tell, it's fine. I'm not super self-righteous, I'm not super religious. It's all, you do you, I'm kind of, I can go either way. I get it, it's all good. And then I'll wake up at 3.15 two nights in a row. And I, you know.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I always make it, I think I would have more of a, like you don't wanna be in here, buddy. Yeah. Just trust me. As a friend, I like you don't wanna be in here, buddy. Yeah. Just trust me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:07 As a friend, I'm saying don't inhabit this one. Yeah. Move on. All right. That's wild. Something going on in here. Yeah. Well, thanks, Joe.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Thanks for calling. Yeah, of course. And I'll see you around the studio. Yes, see you on Monday. Okay, great. Bye. All right, Caitlin. That's it.
Starting point is 00:58:31 That's it. That's our hour. I wish we had more time, because this is real. I love this shit. I just need to tell more ghost stories and hear more ghost stories. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Oh, and I like this too, because it's like the ghost, I don't ever trust any of those ghost hunters shows. Oh, well, so there's a couple different ones. There's Zach Baggins. Yeah, the guy with the glasses. No, no to that. What is it called?
Starting point is 00:58:59 Ghost, ghost hunters. Ghost adventures. No, ghost adventures is the good one. Ghost adventures is like, ghost adventures is the good one. Okay. Ghost adventures is like a team of plumbers who came together. Yeah, so Zach Baggins, what is it? He has, Zach Baggins is not ghost adventures.
Starting point is 00:59:14 He's just ghost something. Avengers? Ghost, ghost Avengers. Adventures. Ghost adventures. Wait, so then what's the other one that I'm thinking of? With like- Ghost busters? No, no.
Starting point is 00:59:28 I'm thinking of ghosts. Ghosts. Ghosts. Ghost renovation. No, it's like a team of plumbers. Literal plumbers. No, but they're like a team. They're like a- They're very working class. Like a ghost hunting team.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Plumbers by day, ghost hunters by night. Yes, that guy, Jason Hawes. Okay. Yes, love him. So amazing show. They come together, they're very matter of fact, you would love it Andy, very matter of fact. And they're like, yeah, so we're gonna, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:58 we're going into this house. Sci-fi's Ghost Hunters. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a great show. We're gonna go to the house and we're gonna just, you know, set up our different machines that we have to see if there is paranormal activity. Our horse shit detectors. No.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Am I right, folks? And then they go to the person who kind of hired them, so this is the evidence that we found and it's pretty crazy stuff. And that's kind of the episode, right? And it'll cost you 10 grand to get rid of them. Every single time I stay in a hotel by myself, I will flip the channels.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And if Ghost Adventures is on, You stay. I watch it. Yeah, yeah. It's my happy place. I love it. I'm that way with the movie Devil's Advocate. What movie is that?
Starting point is 01:00:38 The movie Devil's Advocate. No. Al Pacino, Keanu Reeves. I've never seen it. It's a deal with the devil kind of movie and Al Pacino plays the devil. I see, interesting. It's one of the, it's like,
Starting point is 01:00:55 he's only slightly less big in Scent of a Woman, but he's gigantic throughout the whole movie. And Keanu Reeves' accent changes a thousand times. I love that. A thousand times. That movie for me, if it's on, I stop, drop, and roll and watch it. For me, it's the movie The Perfect Storm.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Oh, I've never seen that. I love that movie so much. And every single time I'm not, there's like a cable situation, I have nothing to watch. The Perfect Storm is always on. It's always on TV. The Perfect Storm channel. That movie is, literally, it's always on.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Mark Wahlberg's in that, right? Mark Wahlberg. He's a fisherman. A fisherman, of course. George Clooney. George Clooney is a weathered swordfish fisherman. You know what, Caitlin? We gotta wrap it up.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I don't mean to be rude. But we do, we decided, and by we, I mean me and the ghost of Queen Victoria, decided that we pick a winner from each, we don't have any sort of prize incentive yet. It's just the fact that we like their story the most. Yeah, that we like their story the most. What do you think, which one? I don't have any sort of prize incentive yet. It's just the fact that we like their story the most. Yeah, that we like their story the most. Great.
Starting point is 01:02:06 What do you think? Which one? I don't know, you know, the lady by the, the lady in white was really going for me, but then we talked to Eric. The child's, the little girl's laughter, that is spine tingling gold. The discovery of a walled-off orphanage within a school.
Starting point is 01:02:29 I'm there a thousand times. The theater kid aspect of that I'm connecting to. He's taking us up the stairs, right? I was on the edge of my seat. It is. I was on the edge of my seat. It's a good elevator pitch. Yeah. That's gonna have to be the it's- I was on the edge of my seat. It's a good, it's a good elevator pitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:45 You know? That's gonna have to be the winner for me. Okay. And the fact- I agree. The fact that they were also putting on Les Miserables. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yeah. I need to know who Eric was playing. We didn't ask. He's had a soldier, I think he was, and he died through one of the old windows that they pulled. He's probably just ensemble. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Chorus, whatever.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I didn't, I didn't mess with ensemble. Wow. He gave us the best story and you're shitting on him. No, I'm saying when I was in school, I was always given a part. Oh boy. So I was never in- She's not talking about her hair.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I was never in ensemble. I had, my part had a name. Right, right. So. Yeah, you've always been, and there's no number. There's no like school girl number three. Right, no, it was Mitzi. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Yeah. Yeah. Or maybe I just demanded a name. Anyway, the winner for me is The Orphanage. Yes, good job. That's mine too. Once we got to little girls laughter, I was swept away.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yep, clenched. Well that's another episode of the Andy Richter call-in show. Caitlin Riley, you sure you don't wanna plug anything? Hi Caitlin Riley on Instagram. Just my Instagram, yeah, yeah. Love to see you there. Yeah, but you're doing, you're getting all kinds of work too. Yeah, you know. Look her up folks. You can go to Netflix, watch Dead Boy Detectives.
Starting point is 01:04:08 There you go, see that's what I'm talking about. You could go to- you could go stream Peacock, watch In the Know. Yeah? In the Know. There you go. I'm in that. Awesome! Yeah!
Starting point is 01:04:19 Well, the world is your oyster. Thanks! Especially after the fucking effects you're gonna get from this show. Oh, God. From being on this calling show. I need to thank you. Yeah, that's it. For doing this for me.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Of course, yeah, thank you. And also thank you for being here. Took you an hour and 11 minutes, but whatever. Hey. Folks, I'll be back next week. I love you. Hahaha!

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